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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2003

HMS MALAYA  - Queen Elizabeth-class 15in gun Battleship including Convoy Escort Movements

Editing & Additional Material by Mike Simmonds

HMS Malaya (Maritime Quest, click to enlarge)

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QUEEN ELIZABETH-Class battleship ordered from Armstrongs in 1913 and laid down on 20th October that year. The cost of this ship, quoted as  £2,945,709, was met by the Federated Malay States. The ship was launched on 18th March 1915 as the first RN ship to bear the name and her build was completed on 1st February 1916. During WW1 she took part in the Battle of Jutland on 31st May 1916.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s


 JUTLAND  1916 - ATLANTIC 1940-41 - CALABRIA  1940 - MEDITERRANEAN 1940-41 - MALTA  CONVOYS  1941-42 - ENGLISH CHANNEL  1944.


H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge: On a Field Red, a Tiger passant Gold holding a Malay Kris proper.


M o t t o

Malem Fero Malis: 'I bring evil to the evil.'



D e t a i l s   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


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Deployed with Mediterranean Fleet at Alexandria as part of the 1st Battle Squadron with battleships WARSPITE and BARHAM.

11th - Sailed from Alexandria to carry out gunnery exercises in company with battleships WARSPITE and BARHAM, cruisers DEVONSHIRE, SUSSEX, ARETHUSA and PENELOPE and destroyers AFRIDI, GURKHA, MOHAWK and SIKH. In the evening MALAYA and PENELOPE returned to Alexandria.


Nominated for transfer to the Indian Ocean with aircraft carrier GLORIOUS for convoy defence and the interception of raiders.

9th - Sailed from Alexandria to carry out exercises in company with battleships WARSPITE and BARHAM, aircraft carrier GLORIOUS, cruiser PENELOPE and destroyers BULLDOG, DAINTY, DARING, DUNCAN, GALLANT, GIPSY and GRAFTON. At the end of the exercises MALAYA, GLORIOUS, BULLDOG and DARING detached for Aden.

16th - Arrived at Aden.

Carried out anti-raider sweeps from Aden.


Continued anti-raider patrols, particularly for the German Panzerschiff ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE off Socotra Island.

10th - Sailed from Aden with GLORIOUS and BULLDOG to carry out anti-raider patrol in the Gulf of Aden.

16th - Joined at sea by battleship RAMILLIES and destroyer DELIGHT.

18th - At Aden with RAMILLIES, GLORIOUS, BULLDOG, DARING and DELIGHT, where they were designated Force J.
(Note: On 15/11/39 the ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE had sunk the British merchant SS AFRICA SHELL off Lorenco Marques and on 16/11/39 west of Durban she stopped the Dutch merchant MV MAPIA. When the CinC East Indies received this news he immediately formed hunting groups to search for the raider in the Indian Ocean, Force J being one. However following the interception of the MAPIA, GRAF SPEE moved back into the Atlantic)

Force J continued anti raider patrols in the Gulf of Aden.


Nominated for service in the Atlantic.

8th - Sailed from Aden escorted by destroyers AS VENDETTA and WATERHEN.

11th - Arrived at Suez.

14th - Arrived at Malta.

21st - Sailed from Malta escorted by destroyers DELIGHT, DIANA and WATCHMAN.

24th - Arrived at Gibraltar, where she refuelled. Sailed later the same day for Halifax escorted by WATCHMAN.

26th - WATCHMAN detached and returned to Gibraltar.


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Deployed for Atlantic convoy defence.

2nd - Arrived at Halifax.

14th - Sailed from Halifax and joined destroyers HMCS's OTTAWA and SAGUENAY escorting convoy HX 16.

15th - HMCS-s OTTAWA and SAGUENAY detached from convoy HX 16 and MALAYA remained as ocean escort.

23rd - Detached from convoy HX 16

30th - Sailed from Halifax in company with battleship VALIANT, cruiser ENTERPRISE, destroyers HUNTER, and HMCS's FRASER, OTTAWA, RESTIGOUCHE and ST LAURENT escorting Canadian troop convoy TC3 bringing Canadian troops to the UK.


1st - HUNTER, HMCS's FRASER, OTTAWA, RESTIGOUCHE and ST LAURENT detached from convoy TC3.

4th - ENTERPRISE detached from convoy TC3.

5th - At 0825 hours, 650 miles west of Malin Head destroyers DARING, DIANA, FAME, FAULKNOR, FEARLESS, FIREDRAKE, FORESIGHT, FORTUNE, FOXHOUND, FURY, KELVIN, KINGSTON joined convoy TC3.

7th - Arrived in Clyde with TC3 and detached

27th - Sailed from the Clyde with embarked gold bullion for transfer to Canada in company with armed merchant cruiser ASCANIA escorted by destroyers FAME, FAULKNOR, FORESTER, FURY and MOHAWK.


Passage to Halifax.

4th - Arrived at Halifax. On arrival deployed with Halifax Escort Force for Atlantic convoy defence.

10th - Sailed from Halifax and joined destroyers HMCS's SAGUENAY and SKEENA escorting convoy HX 26.

11th - SAGUENAY and SKEENA detached from convoy HX 26 and MALAYA remained as ocean escort.

22nd - Detached from HX 26 and returned to Halifax.

Nominated for transfer to Mediterranean


3rd - Sailed from Halifax escorted by destroyer HMCS ST LAURENT.
At 1800 hours took over escort of convoy HX 32 from destroyers HMCS's RESTIGOUCHE and SAGUENAY. RESTIGOUCHE, SAGUENAY and ST LAURENT then detached from HX 32.

14th - Detached from HX 32 for Gibraltar.

19th - Arrived at Gibraltar.

28th - At 1600 hours, sailed from Gibraltar for Alexandria in company with battleship ROYAL SOVEREIGN escorted by destroyers VELOX, WATCHMAN and HMAS's VENDETTA and WATERHEN.

29th - Off Algiers they were joined by a French battle group of 3 battleships, 4 cruisers and 3 destroyers.

30th - Off Bizerte, destroyers HMAS STUART and VAMPIRE joined. Later in the Sicilian Channel cruiser ORION and destroyers DECOY and DEFENDER joined.


1st - Off Malta VELOX and WATCHMAN detached.

3rd - At 1820 hours arrived at Alexandria.

Deployed with battleship ROYAL SOVEREIGN to provide cover for passage of convoys in eastern Mediterranean.


Joined 1st Battle Squadron and deployed with Fleet for convoy defence and offensive operations against enemy shipping in eastern Mediterranean.
(Note: During this period extensive exercises were carried out by Mediterranean Fleet units in anticipation of the outbreak of hostilities with Italy. Italy declared war at 0001hours on 11/6/40)

12th - At 0230 hours sailed from Alexandria in company with battleship WARSPITE, aircraft carrier EAGLE screened by destroyers DAINTY, HASTY, ILEX, JANUS, JUNO, NUBIAN and HMAS's STUART, VAMPIRE and VOYAGER to carry out a sweep west along the African coast.
At 0840 hours, cruiser CALEDON joined the fleet at sea.
At 1325 hours, cruiser CALYPSO joined the fleet at sea and destroyer MOHAWK joined later.
At 1840 hours, destroyers HAVOCK, HEREWARD, HERO, HOSTILE, HYPERION and IMPERIAL joined the fleet.
At 1953 hours, HMAS's STUART, VAMPIRE and VOYAGER detached from the fleet. Later destroyer DIAMOND joined the fleet.

14th - Returned to Alexandria.


4th - Took part in negotiations with French Fleet after capitulation of France. (Operation CATAPULT - See RELUCTANT ENEMIES by W Tute).

7th - At 2330 hours sailed from Alexandria in company with battleship ROYAL SOVEREIGN, aircraft carrier EAGLE screened by destroyers DAINTY, DEFENDER, HASTY, HYPERION, ILEX, JANUS, JUNO and HMAS's VAMPIRE and VOYAGER as Force C to provide cover for transit of two convoys (MF1/fast 13 knot and MS1/slow 9 knot) from Malta (Operation MA5)
(Note: This was a repeat of Operation MA3 that was cancelled on 28th June due to engagement with Italian destroyers. See following references.)

8th - During the day, the fleet was under air attacks from a total of 126 high level bombers. In one attack fire control cables were damaged by near misses and repaired.
At 1515 hours, a Sunderland reported an Italian Fleet of 2 battleships, 6 cruisers and 7 destroyers, 100 miles north west of Benghazi, sailing north. On receipt of the report the Mediterranean Fleet altered course in an attempt to cut off the Italians from their base at Taranto.
At 1600 hours, cruiser GLOUCESTER received a direct hit on her bridge.

9th - At 1515 hours off Punta Stilo the two fleets sighted each other. EAGLE, covered by GLOUCESTER, was detached and the Battleships with their destroyer screens worked up to full speed to engage the Italian Fleet. At 1552 hours 30 miles west of Punta Stilo WARSPITE and the Italian Battleship GIULIO CESARE opened fire on each other and so the Battle of Calabria commenced. Twice during the action, WARSPITE changed course to allow the slower MALAYA to catch up. At 1554 hours MALAYA opened fire, but her shots were 2700 yards short and she ceased fire at 1558 hours. The enemy ships withdrew at speed after the brief exchange of fire.
(Note: Enemy ships could not be closed owing lack of speed.)
(For details of operations during 1940-43 see ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by C. Barnett, THE BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN by D. MacIntyre, THE NAVAL WAR IN THE MEDITERRANEAN by J Greene and A Massignani and the Naval Staff History (O-2001)
(In his after-battle report the CinC Mediterranean Fleet Admiral Cunningham; wrote that having seen the deficiencies of MALAYA and ROYAL SOVEREIGN both in terms of speed and main armament range he did not believe that he could accomplish his strategic objective of dealing decisively with  the Italian Fleet without reinforcement by modernised battleships)

10th - At 0830 hours, EAGLE flew off a strike force against shipping in Augusta Roads.
At 2030 hours off Malta, ROYAL SOVEREIGN and attendant destroyers detached to refuel at Malta. MALAYA, EAGLE and attendant destroyers proceeded to the south of Malta to await ROYAL SOVEREIGN.

11th - At 1000 hours, ROYAL SOVEREIGN and attendant destroyers rejoined, following which the combined Force consisting of MALAYA, ROYAL SOVEREIGN, EAGLE, GLOUCESTER, DAINTY, DEFENDER, HASTY, HEREWARD, HERO, HOSTILE, HYPERION and ILEX set course for Alexandria covering convoy MS1 (MS1 had sailed from Malta early on 10/7/40)

15th - At 0900 hours, arrived at Alexandria.

19th - At 1230 hours, sailed from Alexandria in company with battleship RAMILLIES with EAGLE and escorting destroyers. Their mission was to sweep westward along the coast searching for the damaged Italian cruiser GIOVANNI DELLE BANDE NERE (Damaged earlier in the day in an engagement with HMAS SYDNEY off Cape Spada) and believed to be making for Tobruk.

20th - Off Tobruk, EAGLE launched an air strike which failed to locate the cruiser but which sank two Italian destroyers.

21st - Arrived back at Alexandria.

27th - 0300 hours sailed from Alexandria in company with battleships WARSPITE and RAMILLIES, aircraft carrier EAGLE escorted by destroyers DECOY, HEREWARD, HERO, HYPERION, ILEX, IMPERIAL, JERVIS, JUNO, NUBIAN and MOHAWK to cover the passage of convoy AS2/1. South of Crete the fleet was joined by cruisers NEPTUNE and HMAS SYDNEY.

28th - The fleet divided. South of the Kithera Strait convoy AS2/1 escorted by cruisers CAPETOWN and LIVERPOOL and destroyers DAINTY, DEFENDER, DIAMOND and HMAS STUART were met by the covering Force of MALAYA, RAMILLIES, EAGLE, HEREWARD, HERO, JERVIS, JUNO, MOHAWK and NUBIAN

30th - Arrived back at Alexandria.

31st - 1420 hours sailed from Alexandria in company with battleship RAMILLIES, aircraft carrier EAGLE escorted by destroyers HASTY, HEREWARD, HERO, HOSTILE, ILEX, IMPERIAL, JERVIS and HMAS VENDETTA to carry out gunnery practice. Following this, they were designated Force B for Operation HURRY and were to sail west towards Gavdo Island. However when MALAYA developed problems with salt water in her condensers the whole of Force B returned to Alexandria.


2nd - Arrived back at Alexandria.

16th - 1030 hours sailed from Alexandria in company with battleships WARSPITE and RAMILLIES,  cruiser KENT, escorted by destroyers DIAMOND, HEREWARD, HOSTILE, MOHAWK, NUBIAN and HMAS's STUART, VENDETTA and WATERHEN and proceeded westwards on Operation MB2.  After sailing the fleet was organised into two forces. Force B comprised MALAYA, RAMILLIES, HEREWARD, HERO, JUNO, STUART, VENDETTA and WATERHEN.

17th - Between 0658 and 0720 hours the fleet bombarded Bardia and Fort Capuzzo (Operation MB2).
(Note: 62 rounds of 15in and 104 rounds of 6in were fired.)

18th - Under ineffective air attacks by Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79’s, 12 of which the fleet shot down, during return passage to Alexandria.

30th - At 0445 hours, sailed from Alexandria in company with battleship WARSPITE, aircraft carrier EAGLE, cruisers ORION and HMAS SYDNEY escorted by destroyers DECOY, DEFENDER, HEREWARD, IMPERIAL, HMAS's STUART, VAMPIRE, VENDETTA and VOYAGER and Polish ORP GARLAND on Operation HATS/MB3. The Fleet sailed towards the Gulf of Taranto. (The objective of Operation HATS was to cover the passage of reinforcements for the Mediterranean Fleet and convoy MF2 for Malta. Convoy MF2 was weakly escorted by 4 destroyers to act as bait to invite an attack by the Italian Fleet).

31st - Early in the morning the Fleet was joined by cruisers KENT, GLOUCESTER, LIVERPOOL and destroyers HASTY, HYPERION and ILEX, returning from a sweep of the southern Aegean. On reaching a point approximately 100 miles west of Cape Matapan the Fleet turned south.
At 1554 hours KENT, GLOUCESTER and LIVERPOOL detached from the Fleet to join convoy MF2.
At 1700 hours when the Mediterranean Fleet was around 150 miles west of Crete, the Italian Fleet (4 battleships, 14 cruisers and 39 destroyers that had sailed from Taranto at 0600/31/8/40) was only 120 miles north west of their position making a Fleet action very likely. However at that point the Italian high command, who knew of the convoy but not the presence of the Mediterranean Fleet ordered the Italian Fleet to return to base.
At 1815 hours the Fleet turned west heading for towards Malta and DECOY was detached to join MF2.


1st - At 0900 hours west of Malta the Mediterranean Fleet R/Ved with Force F from Gibraltar, and turned with Force F towards Malta.
At 1657 hours east of Malta the Fleet divided for Operation MB3 (an operation to attack Italian installations in the southern Dodecanese). Force E comprised MALAYA, EAGLE, COVENTRY, DAINTY, DIAMOND, JANUS, JUNO, VAMPIRE and VENDETTA.

3rd - West of Crete the Fleet again divided and MALAYA, EAGLE, DAINTY, DIAMOND, VAMPIRE, VENDETTA and WRYNECK proceeded direct to Alexandria.

4th - At 2100 hours arrived at Alexandria.


8th - Sailed from Alexandria in company with ILLUSTRIOUS, EAGLE, RAMILLIES, VALIANT, WARSPITE, cruisers AJAX, GLOUCESTER, ORION, YORK, HMAS SYDNEY screened by destroyers HASTY, HAVOCK, HEREWARD, HERO, HYPERION, ILEX, IMPERIAL, JANUS, JERVIS, JUNO and NUBIAN to provide distant cover for passage of Malta convoy MF3 from Egypt and convoy ME4 from Malta, and convoy AS4 from Greece and an air attack on Leros (Operation MB6).

9th - At 0254 hours the fleet was joined at sea by cruiser LIVERPOOL and destroyer DIAMOND.

10th - At 1715 hours RAMILLIES, HASTY, HEREWARD, HERO, HYPERION, ILEX and NUBIAN detached from the Fleet to refuel at Malta. At intervals through the day and during the 11th, various units of the Fleet detached to refuel in Malta.

11th - At 1105 hours IMPERIAL was mined and badly damaged. She was towed into Malta by DECOY.
At 1600 hours convoy MF3 arrived at Malta in company with ORION, STUART and VENDETTA. At this time the main body of the Mediterranean Fleet was 100 miles south east of Malta, where it was sighted and reported by an Italian civil airliner.
At 2245 hours convoy ME4, which included River Gunboat APHIS, sailed from Malta escorted by cruisers CALCUTTA and COVENTRY and destroyers WRYNECK and HMAS WATERHEN.
Late in the evening following the return of all the refuelled units, the Fleet turned for Alexandria.
(North east of Malta, and positioned in anticipation that a convoy would be sailing from Malta were 4 Italian destroyers, 3 torpedo boats and 4 MAS boats)

12th - During return passage to Alexandria, at 0200 hours, the fleet was 125 miles west of Malta, and about 70 miles north of the convoy. The three Italian torpedo boats launched torpedoes against AJAX, the northern most unit of the Fleet, all of which missed. AJAX, after initial confusion, opened fire at 4000 yards, sinking ARIEL and ARIONE. In return AJAX received 3 hits from AIRONE. (AJAX was equipped with type 279 radar which was a long range air search set and of little use in a surface engagement). Immediately the 4 Italian destroyers came to the aid of the torpedo boats and at 0230 hours ARTIGLIERE launched a torpedo attack which AJAX avoided. AJAX managed to damage AVIERE and severely damage ARTIGLIERE. In return ARTIGLIERE hit AJAX 4 times, putting her radar out of action and damaging a twin 4in mount. At the time of the second engagement the moon had set and the lack of flashless powder caused problems for AJAX’s gunners.
At 0235 hours when the Italian destroyers withdrew behind a smoke screen AJAX broke off the action since Capt. McCarthy believed that he had been in action against 4 destroyers and 2 cruisers. (This action is known by the Italians as the Battle of Cape Passero). The gunfire drew other cruisers of the Mediterranean Fleet to the scene, but they arrived too late to see action.

13th - At dawn, the damaged ARTIGLIERE under tow by the destroyer CAMICIA NERE, was sighted 107 miles west of Malta by a Sunderland. The sighting report resulted in an air strike by Swordfish from ILLUSTRIOUS, without result. YORK, AJAX and 4 destroyers were despatched from the fleet and arrived at the position at 0900 hours. CAMICIA NERE slipped the tow and made off, and YORK finished off ARTIGLIERE.
At 1100 hours south east of Gavdos Island convoy ME4 was joined by convoy AS4 that had sailed from Piraeus.
In the evening the Fleet divided and ILLUSTRIOUS, GLOUCESTER, LIVERPOOL, HAVOCK, HEREWARD, HERO and NUBIAN headed into the Aegean.

14th - Early in the morning Swordfish from ILLUSTRIOUS carried out an air strike on the airfield on the Island of Leros.
At 0840 hours the ILLUSTRIOUS Force rejoined the main body of the Fleet and the combined Fleet set course for Alexandria.
In the evening the Fleet came under air attack and at 1845 hours 70 miles SE of Crete, LIVERPOOL sustained an aerial torpedo hit in the starboard bow, delivered by an Italian torpedo aircraft.
At 1920 hours the petrol storage compartment exploded, blowing the roof off A turret the port gun fell into the sea and a fire was started. DECOY and HEREWARD stood by.
At 2230 hours ORION took her in tow backwards at 9.5 knots towards Alexandria escorted by DAINTY, DECOY, DIAMOND and VAMPIRE.

15th - At 0100 hours the Mediterranean Fleet arrived back at Alexandria.

25th - Sailed from Alexandria in company with aircraft carrier EAGLE, cruiser COVENTRY, escorted by destroyers JANUS, MOHAWK, WRYNECK and HMAS's VAMPIRE and VOYAGER on Operation MAQ2 (covering a Port Said to Piraeus convoy AN5 and carry out an air attack on Rhodes in the Dodecanese)

26th - The Fleet sailed to the southern end of the Kasos Strait.

27th - Swordfish from EAGLE carried out an air strike on the airfield at Maritza on the Island of Rhodes.

28th - Arrived back at Alexandria.

29th - At 0130 hours sailed from Alexandria in company with battleships WARSPITE, VALIANT and RAMILLIES, aircraft carriers ILLUSTRIOUS and EAGLE escorted by destroyers DAINTY, DECOY, DEFENDER, DIAMOND, HASTY, HAVOCK, HEREWARD, HERO, HYPERION, ILEX, JANUS, JERVIS, JUNO, MOHAWK and NUBIAN. The Fleet sailed for the west of Crete on Operation CHURCH. (Following Italy’s attack on Greece on 28/10/40 the Greek Government invited Britain to set up a base at Suda Bay on the north coast of Crete. Operation CHURCH was the operation covering the military convoys carrying personnel and stores to Suda Bay). Late in the evening south of Crete cruisers YORK, GLOUCESTER, ORION and HMAS SYDNEY joined the Fleet.

30th - The Fleet continued to sail north west and at 2000 hours, was 126 miles west of Cape Matapan.

31st - At 1630 hours 75 miles west south west of Cape Matapan WARSPITE, ILLUSTRIOUS, YORK, GLOUCESTER, HASTY, HEREWARD, HERO, ILEX and JERVIS detached from the Fleet and proceeded towards Alexandria. The rest of the Fleet remained cruising to the west of Crete.


2nd - Arrived back at Alexandria.

6th - Sailed from Alexandria in company with battleships WARSPITE ,VALIANT and RAMILLIES, ILLUSTRIOUS, cruisers YORK and GLOUCESTER, destroyers DECOY, DEFENDER, HASTY, HAVOCK, HEREWARD, HERO, HYPERION, ILEX, JANUS, JERVIS, JUNO and MOHAWK on Operation MB8 and Operation COAT. Later joined by cruisers AJAX and HMAS SYDNEY from Suda Bay. (Operation MB8 was to provide cover for the passage of Convoy MW3 [sailed from Alexandria on 5/11/40] to Malta and Convoy AN6 [from Port Said on 4/11/40] to the Aegean. Operation Coat was the passage of reinforcements for the Mediterranean Fleet).

7th - Covered the passage of convoy AN6 and MW3. The two convoys proceeded together from off Alexandria towards west Crete. (Operation MB8).

9th - In the evening RAMILLIES, HAVOCK, HYPERION and ILEX detached for Malta to refuel.

10th - The Mediterranean Fleet cruised to the south east of Malta.
At 1015 hours Force F, comprising battleship BARHAM, cruisers BERWICK and GLASGOW and destroyers GALLANT, GREYHOUND and GRIFFIN, and preceeded by destroyers FAULKNOR, FORTUNE and FURY acting as minesweepers, R/Ved with the Mediterranean Fleet. Force F (The reinforcements for the Mediterranean Fleet, Operation COAT) entered Valletta harbour to disembark their troops and supplies and the 3 F-class destroyers to refuel.
At 1330 hours convoy ME3, which included Monitor TERROR, sailed from Malta, escorted by RAMILLIES, COVENTRY, DECOY, DEFENDER and AS VENDETTA.
After disembarking their troops and supplies BARHAM, BERWICK, GLASGOW, GALLANT, GREYHOUND and GRIFFIN sailed from Malta and joined the Mediterranean Fleet sailing east.

11th - Covered passage of convoy ME3 from Malta to Alexandria.
At 1310 hours AJAX, ORION, AS SYDNEY, MOHAWK and NUBIAN detached from the Fleet to carry out a raid on Italian military convoys in the southern Adriatic.
At 1800 hours ILLUSTRIOUS, YORK, BERWICK, GLASGOW, GLOUCESTER, HASTY, HAVOCK, HYPERION and ILEX detached from the Fleet to carry out Operation JUDGEMENT.
(Note: The successful air attack on Taranto (Operation JUDGEMENT) by aircraft from ILLUSTRIOUS during the night of 11/12th November was also covered as part of Operation COAT).


13th - The Fleet and convoy ME3 arrived at Alexandria.
(Following the success of Operation JUDGEMENT it was decided RAMILLIES and MALAYA could be released from the Mediterranean Fleet)

23rd - Sailed from Alexandria in company with battleship RAMILLIES, aircraft carrier EAGLE, cruisers AJAX, ORION and AS SYDNEY escorted by destroyers DAINTY, DIAMOND, HASTY, HAVOCK, HYPERION and ILEX, designated as Force C for Operation MB9 and Operation COLLAR.
(Operation MB9 was an operation to provide Fleet cover for Malta convoy MW4. Operation COLLAR covered the passage of RAMILLIES, BERWICK and NEWCASTLE through the Mediterranean to Gibraltar)

24th - At 0800 hours Force C arrived at Suda Bay to refuel. After refuelling, Force C sailed from Suda Bay. Off Suda Bay cruiser BERWICK joined Force C,  which then sailed westward towards Malta.

26th - At 0813 hours convoy MW4 arrived at Malta accompanied by MALAYA and RAMILLIES to refuel.
At 1200 hours MALAYA sailed from Malta to rejoin Force C.

30th - Returned to Alexandria with WARSPITE and VALIANT covering passage of newly joined cruisers MANCHESTER, SOUTHAMPTON and corvettes PEONY, SALVIA, GLOXINIA and HYACINTH.


16th - Sailed from Alexandria in company with destroyers DEFENDER and DIAMOND escorting Malta supply convoy MW5A (Operation MC2).

20th - At 0400 hours arrived at Malta in company with destroyers DEFENDER, DIAMOND, NUBIAN and WRYNECK with mercantiles of MW5A.

21st - At 1250 hours sailed from Malta screened by destroyers HEREWARD, HYPERION and ILEX and escorting convoy MG1 formed of SS CLAN FORBES and SS CLAN FRASER. They were joined by HASTY and HERO. The force headed for the Sicilian Narrows, to R/V with Force H. The transfer of MALAYA to Force H formed part of Operation HIDE.

22nd - At 0156 hours 24 miles west of Cape Bon, HYPERION was torpedoed and seriously damaged by Italian submarine SERPENTE. ILEX was detached to assist HYPERION.
At 0940 hours joined ships of Force H (aircraft carrier ARK ROYAL, battlecruiser RENOWN,  cruiser SHEFFIELD) for passage to Gibraltar with mercantiles of convoy MG1.

24th - At 1000 hours arrived at Gibraltar for loan service in Force H.


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7th - At 0800 hours sailed from Gibraltar in company with battlecruiser RENOWN, aircraft carrier ARK ROYAL and cruiser SHEFFIELD screened by destroyers FAULKNOR, FIREDRAKE, FORESTER, FORTUNE, FOXHOUND, FURY and JAGUAR as Force H to cover the passage of  convoys to Malta and Piraeus, and transit of cruiser BONAVENTURE with four Fleet destroyers, DUNCAN, HASTY, HEREWARD and HERO, reinforcements for the Mediterranean Fleet at Alexandria (Operation EXCESS).

9th - At 0930 hours cruisers GLOUCESTER and SOUTHAMPTON and destroyer ILEX joined from the east to augment the convoy’s close escort through the Skerki Channel and on to Malta.
At 1320 hours the Force came under high level attack by 10 Italian SM 79 aircraft, 8 aircraft attacked MALAYA, all their bombs falling just ahead and causing no damage. Two of the attackers were shot down by FAA Fulmars from ARK ROYAL.
At 2200 hours Force H reversed course and set course for Gibraltar.

11th - At 1930 hours Force H arrived back at Gibraltar.

14th - Dry-docked in No. 1 dock.

31st - At 1300 hours Force H sailed from Gibraltar on Operations PICKET (air attack on Lake Omodeo Dam, central Sardinia) and RESULT (the bombardment of Genoa). The Force was divided into 4 groups:

Group 1: battleship MALAYA, battlecruiser RENOWN, aircraft carrier ARK ROYAL and cruiser SHEFFIELD.


Group 3: destroyers DUNCAN, ENCOUNTER, ISIS and JUPITER.

Group 4: RFA ORANGELEAF escorted by Trawlers ARCTIC RANGER and HAARLEM.


2nd - At 0530 hours, 8 torpedo armed Swordfish took off from ARK ROYAL to carry out an air strike against the Santa Chiara d’Ula dam on Lake Omodeo, central Sardinia (Operation PICKET). Due to the bad weather only 4 aircraft reached the dam where they met an intense barrage. One aircraft was lost for no result.
(Note: Intended bombardment of Genoa (Operation RESULT) was cancelled due to bad weather.)

4th - En route to Gibraltar all ships carried out a practice shoot. At 1800 hours Force H arrived back at Gibraltar.

6th - At 1615 hours Force H sailed from Gibraltar on Operation RESULT (The bombardment of Genoa). The Force was divided into three groups:

Group 1: battleship MALAYA, battlecruiser RENOWN, aircraft carrier ARK ROYAL and cruiser SHEFFIELD.


Group 3: destroyers DUNCAN, ENCOUNTER, ISIS and JUPITER.

9th - At 0400 hours Ark Royal and 4 destroyers detached to carry out an air strike against the Azienda oil refinery at Leghorn.
Between 0715 and 0745 hours, 10 miles off the Italian coast, carried out bombardment of Genoa with RENOWN and SHEFFIELD. The two Walrus aircraft from SHEFFIELD carried out fall of shot observations. The three ships fired 273 rounds of 15in, 782 rounds of 6in and 400 rounds of 4.5in. The result was 28 civil vessels sunk or damaged and harbour installations destroyed and damaged.
At 0845 hours the ARK ROYAL Force rejoined and Force H made at best speed, which at one point was only 17 knots, the best MALAYA could make, for Gibraltar.

11th - At 1430 hours Force H arrived back at Gibraltar.

On return to Gibraltar nominated for deployment in Atlantic to cover UK - Gibraltar convoys.

17th - Sailed from Gibraltar to R/V with convoy WS6A.

19th - Off the Azores joined military convoy WS6A as Ocean Escort, following which Force H detached and returned to Gibraltar.

28th - At 0800 hours convoy WS6A was joined by destroyers FAULKNOR and FORESTER.
At 1815 hours in company with FAULKNOR and FORESTER detached from WS6A, proceeded ahead of convoy to Freetown.


1st - At 1600 hours, in company with FAULKNOR and FORESTER, arrived at Freetown. They immediately refuelled.
At 1705 hours, in company with FAULKNOR and FORESTER, sailed from Freetown to catch up convoy SL67.

3rd - At 1500 hours, in company with FAULKNOR and FORESTER, joined AMC CILICIA, corvette ASPHODEL and trawlers KELT, SPANIARD and TURCOMAN escorting convoy SL67.

4th - KELT, SPANIARD and TURCOMAN detached from SL67.

7th - German battlecruisers SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU sighted convoy SL67, but on finding MALAYA was part of the escort, they hauled off and made a R/V with U.124.
(Note: none of the escorts of SL67 observed the German ships)
At the meeting between the battlecruisers and U.124 a plan was drawn up for U.124 and U.105 to attack SL67 and try to sink or damage MALAYA.
During the afternoon MALAYA refuelled FAULKNOR, FORESTER and ASPHODEL.

8th - Between 0251 and 0256 hours, 5 merchants in the convoy were torpedoed and sunk by U.105 and U.124.
At 1330 hours 130 miles off Cape Blanco FORESTER, which was well to the west of the convoy, briefly sighted SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU steaming towards the convoy. The German ships were also sighted at the same time by MALAYA’S patrolling Swordfish. Following the sightings MALAYA and FAULKNOR hauled out of the convoy to join FORESTER, and to put themselves between the convoy and the enemy.
At 1645 hours MALAYA and SCHARNHORST sighted each other.
At 1648 hours SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU turned away and after a brief pursuit MALAYA (at least 10 knots slower than the German ships) and her consorts returned to the convoy.
At 1900 hours they rejoined the convoy

10th - At 1500 hours battlecruiser REPULSE, aircraft carrier FURIOUS and destroyers DUNCAN and FOXHOUND took over the escort of the SL67, and MALAYA, FAULKNOR and FORESTER detached for Gibraltar.

12th - Arrived at Gibraltar.

13th - Sailed from Gibraltar escorted by destroyer WISHART.

15th - In company with WISHART joined AMC CANTON and Corvettes CALENDULA, CROCUS and MARGUERITE escorting convoy SL68.

20th - At 2323 hours 250 miles NNW of Cape Verde Islands, SL68 came under submarine attack. MALAYA was hit by a torpedo from U.106. The hit the port side caused damage in the boiler room and the ship had a 7 degree list. There were no casualties. MALAYA detached from SL68, escorted by CROCUS, set course for Port of Spain, Trinidad.

23rd - CROCUS detached and returned to Freetown.

29th - Arrived at Port of Spain, Trinidad, where temporary repairs were carried out.
(For details see HITLER’S U-BOAT WAR by C Blair.)

On completion took passage to New York for repair.


6th - Arrived at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and taken in hand for repair. She was the first RN vessel to be repaired/refitted in the USA in World War 2,

Preparation for installation of fire-control and air warning radar carried out.

Some of ship's company transferred to Ex US Coastguard Cutters being lent to the Royal Navy.
(First 4 Coastguard Cutters, BANFF, CULVER, FISHGUARD and HARTLAND were handed over on 30/4/41 and Captain A.F.E. Pallister DSO RN the CO of MALAYA accepted the cutters on behalf of the RN)

May to July

Under repair and refit in New York.


Passage to UK.

A and A work completed including fit of air warning Radar Type 281, Fire control radars Types 282 for close range armament, Type 284 for Main armament and Type 285 for HA armament. Eleven single 20mm Oerlikon guns were fitted for close range AA defence.
(For details of development and use of radar by RN see RADAR AT SEA by D Howse.)
(Note: One source records fitting of Radar Type 291 to provide warning of the approach of surface ships, aircraft and land. This equipment was a Naval designed outfit intended to replace earlier RAF equipment modified for shipboard use, Type 286. This was never satisfactory and replaced in 1943 by centimetric radar, Type 273. See below.)


On completion prepared for operational service. Four additional 20mm Oerlikon guns fitted.


Nominated for transfer to Force H

20th - At 1030 hours sailed from Scapa Flow for the Clyde escorted by destroyers BEDOUIN and PUNJABI.
At 1530 hours off Tiumpan Head destroyers LAFOREY and LIGHTNING joined, and BEDOUIN and PUNJABI detached and returned to Scapa Flow.
Off Stornoway LAFOREY detached and landed a sick crew member at Stornoway.
At 1700 hours LAFOREY sailed and rejoined MALAYA.

21st - Arrived in the Clyde.

22nd - Sailed from the Clyde escorted by LIGHTNING. En route destroyers HAVELOCK and HARVESTER joined.

24th - 575 miles west of Ushant destroyers SIKH and ZULU joined and HAVELOCK and HARVESTER detached.

27th - Arrived at Gibraltar with LIGHTNING, SIKH and ZULU. On entering Harbour she was in collision with merchant ships MV HOEGH HOOD, 9356 tons and MV CLAN MACDONALD, 9656 tons, sustaining slight damage to her forecastle.


At Gibraltar, MALAYA became the Flagship of Force H.
(The CinC Force H, Admiral Sir James Somerville was most unhappy with MALAYA as his Flagship which he believed to be most unsuitable)

10th - At 0235 hours sailed from Gibraltar in company with cruiser HERMIONE to cover the delivery of  Hurricane aircraft by ARK ROYAL and ARGUS to Malta, screened by destroyers LAFOREY, LIGHTNING, SIKH, LEGION, ZULU, GURKHA and Dutch destroyer ISAAC SWEERS. (Operation PERPETUAL).

12th - By 1100 hours, 37 Hurricanes had been flown off from ARK ROYAL and ARGUS, following which the Force turned west and headed back to Gibraltar.

13th - At 1541 hours, 30 miles from Gibraltar during the return passage under attack by U.81 which fired four torpedoes. One hit ARK ROYAL which sank on 14th when under tow to Gibraltar. (See HITLER'S U-BOAT WAR by C Blair and Naval Staff History.)
Escorted to Gibraltar by destroyers SIKH, ZULU and ISAAC SWEERS, after ARK ROYAL was hit.
At 1622 hours ZULU was detached to return to assist ARK ROYAL.
At 1830 hours arrived back at Gibraltar.
(On arrival at Gibraltar the CinC immediately transferred to SIKH and returned at high speed to the scene of the attack)


Deployed with Force H at Gibraltar for Atlantic trade defence.
(Note: This ship was the only operational battleship in the Mediterranean as QUEEN ELIZABETH and VALIANT had been disabled at Alexandria on 19/12/41 by frogmen.


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Force H deployment in continuation.

14th - The new CinC Force H, Rear Admiral E.N. Syfret raised his flag in MALAYA.


Deployed in Atlantic for convoy defence.

8th - Sailed from Gibraltar for the Clyde in company with cruiser HERMIONE, destroyers ACTIVE, ANTHONY, BLANKNEY, CROOME, EXMOOR, LAFOREY and LIGHTNING. (Force H were ordered to the UK because the Admiralty were aware that the German Battlecruisers SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU, then at Brest, were preparing to sail and about to breakout into the Atlantic. With troop convoy WS16, with over 45000 troops embarked, about to sail, Force H was to provide escort in the North Atlantic)

13th - Arrived in the Clyde.

17th - At 0030 hours sailed from the Clyde in company with aircraft carriers EAGLE and FORMIDABLE  (Flying the Flag of the new CinC Eastern Fleet, Admiral Sir James Somerville), cruiser HERMIONE, destroyers DUNCAN, LAFOREY and LIGHTNING. At 0900 hours north west of Inishtrahull the three sections, Bristol Channel, Liverpool and Clyde, of military convoy WS 16 formed up, escorted by destroyers ACTIVE, ANTHONY, BLANKNEY,  CROOME, FIREDRAKE, PANTHER, VERITY, WALKER AND WITHERINGTON. WS16 was then joined by the MALAYA ocean escort Force.

20th - During the morning ANTHONY detached with condenser problems.
At 1800 hours 480 miles north of Sao Miguel in the Azores, PANTHER detached to refuel at Ponta Delgada.

21st - During the morning CROOME detached for Gibraltar.
At 1330 hours the delayed SS STRATHAIRD escorted by cruiser NEWCASTLE and PALADIN joined WS16.
At 1430 hours, detached from WS16 for Gibraltar in company with ACTIVE, BLANKNEY, DUNCAN, LAFOREY and LIGHTNING.

23rd - Arrived back at Gibraltar and resumed duties with Force H.

27th - At 0320 hours sailed from Gibraltar as part of Force H with aircraft carrier EAGLE and five destroyers and sailed east towards Malta on Operation SPOTTER. At sea they were joined by cruiser HERMIONE, aircraft carrier ARGUS and their screen of 4 destroyers; this section of Force H had sailed from Gibraltar at 1830/26/2/42 and initially sailed west into the Atlantic. The destroyers screening the Force were ACTIVE, ANTHONY, BLANKNEY, CROOME, LAFOREY, LIGHTNING, WHITEHALL and WISHART. (Operation SPOTTER was the delivery of Spitfire aircraft to Malta)

28th - Operation cancelled due to problems with aircraft's long-range fuel tanks and returned to Gibraltar.


6th Covered for repeat Malta aircraft delivery by ARGUS and EAGLE with same ships (Operation SPOTTER II). This operation delivered 15 Spitfires to Malta; the first Spitfires to reach there.

21st - Covered aircraft delivery by ARGUS and EAGLE with HERMIONE and Fleet destroyers of Force H (Operation PICKET I). Operation cancelled due to problems with aircrafts long-range fuel tanks and returned to Gibraltar.

27th - Repeated aircraft delivery with same ships (Operation PICKET II). 16 Spitfires delivered.

30th - Returned to Gibraltar.

Nominated for detached service in support of planned landings in Madagascar

(Operation IRONCLAD).


1st - Sailed from Gibraltar with cruiser HERMIONE, screened by destroyers ACTIVE, ANTHONY, LAFOREY, LIGHTNING and DUNCAN.

6th - Arrived at Freetown a few hours behind convoy WS17.

9th - Sailed from Freetown in company with HERMIONE, and destroyers ACTIVE, ANTHONY, INCONSTANT, JAVELIN, LAFOREY, LOOKOUT, LIGHTNING, PACKENHAM as Ocean Escort for military Convoy WS17A during passage to Capetown. At Freetown, convoy WS 17 had split into two, WS17A and WS17B, which sailed on 11/4/42).

18th - Off Capetown detached from WS17A and put into Capetown. She was ordered to return to Freetown. Then took return passage to rejoin Force H at Gibraltar.


Passage to Gibraltar and rejoined Force H on arrival.


Deployed at Gibraltar with Force H

11th - Sailed from Gibraltar as part of Force W for escort of Malta relief convoy GM4 as far as Skerki Channel in company with EAGLE, ARGUS, cruisers KENYA, LIVERPOOL and CHARYBDIS, screened by destroyers ANTELOPE, ICARUS, ONSLOW, ESCAPADE, VIDETTE, WESTCOTT, WISHART and WRESTLER. (This was Operation HARPOON - For details see ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by Corelli Barnett, THE BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN by D. MacIntyre and Naval Staff History.)
Note: This convoy had been designated WS19Z during passage to Gibraltar from UK.)

12th - At 0800 hours to the east of Force W took up their covering position for the passage of convoy GM4. The close escort of the convoy was provided by Force X.

14th - At 1030 hours, south of Sardinia the convoy came under air attack from Italian CR42 fighter bombers, which concentrated on ARGUS, and later by a combination of SM79 torpedo bombers and Z1007 high level bombers. In this attack LIVERPOOL was torpedoed and taken under tow by ANTELOPE escorted by WESTCOTT.
At 1820 hours the convoy came under attack from JU88’s. In this attack ARGUS was near missed by a bomb exploding near her bow.
At 2000 hours, the convoy came under a combined attack from German and Italian aircraft.
At 2130 hours, Force W detached from GM4 at entrance to Sicilian Narrows and returned westwards to await return of the close escort, after the arrival of the convoy in Malta.

16th - Detached from Force W with ARGUS, destroyers ESCAPADE, VIDETTE, WISHART and WRESTLER.
(Note: This was due to late departure from Malta of the close escort).

17th - Arrived at Gibraltar with detached ships of Force W.

24th - Sailed from Gibraltar screened by destroyers ANTELOPE, VIDETTE and WISHART to R/V with military convoy WS20, and provide cover during Atlantic passage from Clyde to Freetown.

26th - At 0800 hours 120 miles east of Sao Miguel with ANTELOPE, VIDETTE and WISHART, joined destroyers BEAGLE, ST ALBANS , VIDETTE and WOLVERINE escorting convoy WS20, to provide Ocean Escort. Shortly after joining, ANTELOPE, BEAGLE, VIDETTE, WISHART and WOLVERINE detached, escorting troopship SS NARKUNDA for Gibraltar. Later ST ALBANS detached to join convoy SL 113. In the evening destroyers BLACKMORE and BRILLIANT from Freetown, joined convoy WS20.

27th - At 1215 hours 240 miles west of Madeira, a lookout on the Commodore’s ship, SS STRATHEDEN,  sighted two vessels at extreme visibility. MALAYA launched her two Walrus aircraft and BRILLIANT detached to investigate, but nothing was found.

28th - At 0600 hours 180 miles west of the Canaries, destroyer VIMY from Freetown joined convoy WS20.


1st - At 0800 hours south of the Cape Verde Islands, destroyers BOREAS, VELOX and WIVERN from Freetown joined convoy WS20.

2nd - At 1200 hours convoy WS20 and escort arrived at Freetown.

6th - At 1100 hours convoy WS20 commenced to depart from Freetown escorted by destroyers BLACKMORE, BOREAS, BRILLIANT, VELOX and WIVERN. MALAYA sailed as Ocean Escort.

7th - AT 1200 hours, BLACKMORE escorting the SS BATORY, detached from WS20 for Takoradi. Later BLACKMORE re-joined, and BOREAS and VELOX detached for Freetown.

17th - At 0800 hours 95 miles north west of Cape Columbine, cruiser SHROPSHIRE joined WS 20 from Simonstown and MALAYA escorted by BLACKMORE detached from WS20 with 11 mercantiles from the convoy destined for Capetown into harbour.

Took passage to Gibraltar to rejoin Force H


Deployed at Gibraltar with Force H.

Nominated for return to UK for refit.


Passage to UK escorted by destroyer LOOKOUT.

Prepared for refit.

October to December

Under refit at Dockyard Rosyth. Aircraft facilities removed and additional two 4in mountings fitted abreast the catapult position (P & S). Surface warning radar Type 273 fitted. (See above reference).
(Note: Close range AA armament increased by addition of two multiple pom pom guns on sponsons aft and two more 20mm Oerlikon guns.


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Worked up for service with Home Fleet. Two more 20mm Oerlikon guns fitted.

(At the end of January Admiral Donitz was appointed CinC of the German Navy. The change of CinC led the Admiralty to prepare against the possibility of a more active policy by German surface ships to back up the U-boat campaign. Therefore it was decided that MALAYA should be retained in the Atlantic instead of being deployed to join the Eastern Fleet.)


Deployed with Home Fleet for convoy defence in NW Approaches.

25th - At 0300 hours sailed from the Clyde escorted by destroyers QUEENBOROUGH and QUAIL to join joint military convoy WS27/KMF10A as ocean escort. (WS27 was destined for the Middle East and Convoy KMF10A for North Africa).
At 1000 hours the Clyde and Liverpool (escorted by destroyer RAIDER) sections of the convoy formed up 6 miles west of Orsay. There the convoy was joined by the ocean escort and the 44th EG of EGRET, ERNE, FISHGUARD, CLARE and WOLVERINE from Londonderry.


1st - At 1100 hours 70 miles SW of Cape St Vincent, QUEENBOROUGH and WOLVERINE detached for Casablanca to refuel.
At 1800 hours QUADRANT joined the escort.

2nd - At 1100 hours 200 miles SW of Cape St Vincent, the convoy split. KMF10A detached for passage into the Mediterranean. Remained with WS27 in company with QUADRANT, QUAIL and RAIDER.

3rd - At 0800 hours 80 miles west of Cape Ghir, QUEENBOROUGH and WOLVERINE rejoined.

5th - At 1800 hours off Dakar, QUAIL, escorting SS ALMANZORA, detached for Dakar.

6th - QUAIL, after escorting SS ALMANZORA rejoined WS27.

8th - At 0930 hours MALAYA, as ocean escort, led WS27 into Freetown.

Passage from Freetown to rejoin Home Fleet at Scapa Flow.


26th - Arrived at Scapa Flow and resumed Home Fleet service.

May to June

Deployment at Scapa Flow in continuation.


7th - Deployed with battleship ANSON, US Navy battleships USS ALABAMA and USS SOUTH DAKOTA, aircraft carrier FURIOUS and seven cruisers screened by eight RN and five USN destroyers for diversionary operation off Norwegian coast. (Operation CAMERA – Convoy of miscellaneous ships was deployed to represent a possible assault force on passage to Norway during the planned landings in Sicily.)

9th - On completion of simulated approaches to coast. took passage to return to Scapa Flow.

27th - Deployed with ANSON, aircraft carriers ILLUSTRIOUS and UNICORN during air operations as part of further diversionary operation off Norway. (Operation GOVERNOR).

29th - Return passage to Scapa Flow.
(Note: Neither diversionary operation met concentrated air attacks since German aircraft based in Norway had been used to reinforce defence against allied operations in the Mediterranean.)


Paid off into Reserve at Faslane because of machinery state which limited capability for Fleet operations.


Reducing to Reserve status

October to December

Under refit, with 6in armament removed and 20 additional 20mm Oerlikons fitted.

Held in Reserve at Faslane on completion.


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Remained in Reserve at Faslane.


Nominated for bombardment duty in support of operations in NW Europe.

Damaged whilst in use as target for 'bouncing bomb' trial in Loch Long. (Exercise HIGH BALL)

March to May

Under refit. Radar Type 281 replaced by single aerial variant Type 281B. Radar Type 273 replaced by modern Type 277, AA armament again increased by eight 20mm Oerlikon guns to a total of 45. Radio Jamming equipment fitted as protection from attack by glider bombs which had wireless guidance control.


22nd - Re-commissioned for bombardment duty.

Took passage to Portsmouth


Held in Reserve at Portsmouth for replacement of bombardment ship.


Remained at Portsmouth.


1st - Bombarded positions on Ile de Cezembre, off St. Malo.

Returned to Portsmouth on release from bombardment duties.


Paid off into Reserve at Faslane.

November to December

In Reserve at Faslane.


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January to April

Remained in Reserve at Faslane.


Nominated for duty as an accommodation and training ship.

15th - Commissioned as VERNON II at Portsmouth for Torpedo School duties.
(Note: Main armament and secondary armament with close range weapons had been removed prior to this duty.)

June to August



P o s t   W a r   N o t e s


HMS MALAYA was placed on the Disposal List in 1947 and sold to BISCO on 20th February 1948. The ship arrived at Faslane  in tow on 12th April that year to be broken up by Metal Industries. 






by Don Kindell


These convoy lists have not been cross-checked with the text above


Date convoy sailed

 Joined convoy as escort

 Convoy No.

Left convoy

Date convoy arrived








HX 016





TC 003





HX 026





HX 032





SL 067





SL 068





TC 012









(Note on Convoys)



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