Later HUNT-Class coal burning minesweeper ordered
from Ailsa Shipbuilders at Troon in 1917 and laid down on 30 November that year. The ship was launched on 11th June 1918 and was the first Royal Navy ship
to carry this name. Her build was completed 0n 6th November 1918. Deployed for in the Mediterranean and Black
Sea for post-war war minesweeping she was then reduced to Reserve status and laid-up in Malta. she was transferred to the China Station and commissioned for
passage to Singapore where she again Paid-off and was
laid-up again in Singapore during April 1937. She recommissioned in 1939 at Singapore and later served with distinction in the Mediterranean as outlined below.
Following a successful WARSHIP WEEK National Savings
campaign February 1942 this ship was adopted by the civil
community of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.
B a t t l
e H o n o u r
None is recorded
(Note: This seems incredible and is to be checked)
H e r a l d i c D a t a
No details of a Badge
are recorded in the Official Record but an unofficial Badge may have been
e t a i l s o f W a r
S e r v i c e
(for more ship information,
Naval History Homepage
and type name in Site Search
1 9 3 9
August Laid-up in Reserve at Singapore.
28th Commissioned for service at Singapore.
September Carried out trials and prepared
for war service at Singapore as Senior Officer
Minesweepers ship.
HUNTLEY and WIDNES, also laid-up at Singapore were also
prepared for war service and except WIDNES commissioned
October Deployed at Singapore.
to December
Nominated for transfer to Mediterranean Station.
1 9 4 0
January Deployed at Singapore
to April
May Passage to Alexandria. Pennant Number for visual signalling purposes changed
to J23.
to June (Note: As this ship was a Coal Burner this passage
would require careful planning
and may have involved coaling at sea in the Indian Ocean from a Collier.)
July Under repair at Alexandria.
(Note: This suggests an accumulation of defects during
August Passage to Malta to join HMS FERMOY for minesweeping duties
September (Note:
Italian minelaying commenced and need for minesweeping became vital to
ensure safe passage of traffic.)
with HMS FERMOY for minesweeping to clear minelay NE of Malta.
October Minesweeping south of Malta with HMS FERMOY to clear Italian field recently laid.
23rd Total of 10 mines dealt with.)
November Minesweeping in continuation
with HMS FERMOY during which eight mines were
(Note: This
Class of minesweeper was only capable of dealing with conventional
moored mines as were destroyers fitted for minesweeping
which were also
deployed off Malta.
December Minesweeping with HMS FERMOY
in continuation.
(Note: Several enemy mines which had broken their mooring
were washed ashore
and dealt with by Shore disposal units.)
1 9 4 1
January Minesweeping with HMS
FERMOY to ensure clear approach channels available in
and out of Grand Harbour.
February First lay of acoustic and
magnetic mines by German aircraft.
(Note: Other craft were requisitioned and fitted with
suitable equipment and
the two Fleet Minesweepers to continue dealing with contact
Minesweeping operations with HMS FERMOY in continuation off Malta.
March During continuation
operations under constant air attacks from which no damage
was sustained.
April Air attacks during
operations continued.
10th Acoustic mine detonated during
sweep and HMS
FERMOY sustained damage in
air attack.
11th Awaiting repair by HM Dockyard
Under repair.
May Under repair
(Note: HMS FERMOY also under repair after damage in air
attack on 30th April
sustained a direct hit whilst in dry dock in Malta and was damaged beyond
The only Fleet
Minesweeper available in Malta but under repair.
June Resumed minesweeping
(Note Three
trawlers were requisitioned in Malt and fitted with Oropesa type
minesweeping equipment to assist in clearance of moored
July Minesweeping
operations assisted by requisitioned craft.
to November
(Note: Acoustic and magnetic minesweeping was carried out by other
requisitioned craft including tugs and drifters as well as
HM Corvette
GLOXINIA which was fitted for minesweeping.)
21st During minesweeping operation
with three converted craft swept four mines.
30th Under attack by Ju88 aircraft
one of which was damaged by return fire off St. Elmo.
31st Under attack by Me109 aircraft
and sustained damage with some casualties.
1 9 4 2
January Deployed for Night
Minesweeping operations.
(Note: This decision by Flag Officer Malta had been made because of the
continual air attacks on minesweepers.)
28th Taken in hand for
repair and installation of 20mm Oerlikon guns to increase
defence against Close Range air attacks.
February Resumed minesweeping
operations off Malta on completion of dockyard work.
March Night operations in
continuation with other converted craft
April Air attacks on Malta dockyard area intensified.
1st Sustained damage in air attack.
2nd Awaiting dockyard repair in
dockyard area.
4th Sustained further damage whilst
in Kalkara Creek after two near misses
Ship’s back
broken and vessel beached in Bighi Bay pending survey.
Constructive Total Loss on Survey
P o s t W a r
N o t e
No Fleet Minesweepers were
available in Malta until June 1942 when HM Minesweepers HEBE, SPEEDY, HYTHE and RYE arrived in Malta with HARPOON relief convoy and replaced the two
vintage warships which had carried the burden with gallantry since
1940. The conduct of the two HUNT Class Minesweepers was recognised
by Flag Officer Malta in a signal of praise to CinC Mediterranean Fleet in
January 1942. After the end of WW2 the hulk was placed on the Disposal List and
was broken-up in situ during 1950.