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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2006

HMS HARDY (i) (H 87) -  H-class Flotilla Leader including Convoy Escort Movements

Edited by Gordon Smith, Naval-History.Net

HMS Hero, sister ship (David Sutherland,  click to enlarge)

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Flotilla Leader ordered from Cammell Laird, Birkenhead under 1934 Programme on 12th December 1934. The ship was laid down on 30th May 1935 and launched on 7th April 1936 as the 7th Royal Navy warship to carry this name introduced for a Gunboat in 1797, last used for a destroyer built in 1912 and sold in 1921. Build was completed on 11th December 1936 at a cost of £278,482 excluding equipment supplied by the Admiralty such as weapons and communications outfits.  The design of this ship was slightly larger than H-Class destroyers so as to accommodate Flotilla Staff. Service before the outbreak of war as Leader for 2nd Destroyer Flotilla in the Mediterranean Fleet.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s


CRIMEA 1855 - CHINA 1860 - JUTLAND 1916 - ATLANTIC 1940 - NORWAY 1940


H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge: On a Field "Peon" (Black with gold ermine tails)

a scallop shell Silver.


M o t t o


Amicitia et virtute:  ' With  friendship and valour ’.



D e t a i l s   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


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September                 Deployed with Flotilla in Mediterranean

                                    Carried out convoy escort and contraband control in eastern Mediterranean.

                                    Nominated for trade defence in Atlantic with ships of Flotilla.

                                    Passage to Gibraltar



                     5th          Took passage from Gibraltar to take-up duties based at Freetown.

                                    Deployed for trade defence and search for blockade runners and commerce raiders

                                    (Note: Hunting Groups were formed for these operations. See ENGAGE THE ENEMY

                                                 MORE CLOSELY and Naval Staff History)


November                    Atlantic deployment in continuation.




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January                        Nominated for transfer  to Home Fleet

                    13th          Took passage from Freetown to Plymouth

                    25th          On arrival taken in hand for modification by HM Dockyard, Devonport.

                                      (Note: Work undertaken included routing docking for inspection of underwater fittings

                                                 Protection against magnetic mines installed by fit of de-gaussing cable.


February                      Nominated for deployment based in Clyde for Atlantic convoy defence in NW



March                           Transferred with ships of Flotilla for service in Home Fleet

                     9th            Joined Fleet at Scapa Flow.

                                       Deployed for screening of major Home Fleet units and patrol.


April                               Nominated for escort of minelayers during lay of planned minefield of Norway to deny use

                                        of coastal waters by enemy shipping (Operation WILFRED/R4)

                     6th             Joined Home Fleet ships providing cover for minelay with HM Destroyers HAVOCK,

                                        HOSTILE and HUNTER,

                                        Remained with Home Fleet when Operation R4 cancelled.

                      8th            After German intended invasion of Norway had been confirmed detached with same ships

                                        to carry out patrol off the mouth of Vest Fjord.

                       9th            HM Destroyer HOSTILE joined and reconnaissance of Vest Fjord carried out with all

                                        four other ships after discussion with Norwegian Pilot Station at Tranoy about movements

                                         of German warships.

                      10th           Entered Ofot  Fjord and engaged German destroyers

                                         (First Battle of Narvik.)

                                         During attack on destroyers alongside wharf with HMS HUNTER and HMS HAVOCK

                                         sank destroyer HEIDKAMPF by torpedo.

                                         Carried out further attacks on mercantiles in harbour.

                                         During return passage out of Fjord  in action with five German destroyers and came

                                         under heavy return 5in gun fire.

                                         Sustained major damage and disabled.

                                         Ship beached on south shore of fjord.

                                         For full details of this engagement and the disastrous operations off Norway see

                                         NAVAL OPERATIONS OF THE CAMPAIGN IN NORWAY (HMSO-2001),

                                         ENGAGE THE ENEMY  MORE CLOSELY by C Barnett, , NARVIK by D Macintyre,

                                         CARRIER GLORIOUS by John Winton and THE DOOMED EXPEDITION by T Adams.






by Don Kindell


This convoy list has not been cross-checked with the text above






Date convoy sailed

Joined convoy as escort

Convoy No.

Left convoy

Date convoy arrived








BLUE 001










SL 016F








(Note on Convoys)


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revised 31/7/11
further editing and formatting is required


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