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January Contractor's trials.
17th Build completion and commissioned as HMS RAJAH.
31st On completion of sea trials took passage to Esquimalt for modifications to suit RN use
for convoy defence.
February Under modification by HM Canadian Dockyard, Esquimalt.
5th During trials off Vancouver sustained damage to turbine gearing.
Taken in hand for repair.
April Under repair
May On completion of repair and trials took passage to New York via Panama.
26th Deployed at New York
(Note: Calls during passage to be confirmed.)
29th Embarked CORSAIR and AVENGER aircraft for passage to UK
(Note: these were intended for use by 1842 and 857 Squadrons.)
30th Took passage from New York for Liverpool.
12th Arrived at Liverpool.
13th Disembarked aircraft and sailed for Clyde
Nominated for service as a Deck Landing Training Carrier on completion of repair
in Clyde shipyard.
30th Embarked 768 Squadron with various types of aircraft for deck landing training.
11th Embarked aircraft and personnel of 769 Training Squadron.
12th Embarked aircraft and personnel of 767 Training Squadron.
14th Disembarked aircraft of Training Squadrons.
Nominated for transport of AVENGER and HELLCAT aircraft to Eastern Fleet
10th Embarked aircraft at Belfast for transport to ports in southern India
11th Took passage to Ceylon with calls at Alexandria and Aden.
October Passage in Indian Ocean
9th Disembarked aircraft at Cochin,
11th Disembarked aircraft at Coimbatore
19th Embarked personnel of 822 Squadron for passage to UK
(Note: Squadron aircraft were not embarked.)
Took passage to UK with calls at Port Said and Gibraltar..
November Disembarked passengers.
11th Arrived in Clyde for repair.
20th Transferred for detached service for ferry of US Navy aircraft
Took passage to San Diego
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January Passage to Panama
15th Arrived at San Diego
Commenced transport of US Navy aircraft to and from Pearl Harbour, Hawaii.
Pennant Number for visual signalling purposes was changed to R310 to conform
with US Navy identity for this type of warship.)
February Ferry deployment in continuation
July Released from detached service at San Diego
7th Passage to New York from San Diego.
28th Took return passage from New York to Clyde.
August Nominated for trooping duties
5th Commenced conversion on arrival in Clyde.