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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2006

HMS AMEER (D 01) - Ruler-class Escort Aircraft Carrier

Edited by Gordon Smith, Naval-History.Net

HMS Shah, sister ship (Navy Photos, click to enlarge) return to Contents List 

 RULER-Class Escort Aircraft Carrier obtained under US/UK Lend Lease Agreement. A mercantile which was under construction by Seattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding Corporation at Seattle and Requisitioned by the U S Navy for completion as an auxiliary aircraft carrier (CVE35) to be named USS BAFFINS. She was laid down on 18th July 1942 and launched on 18th October that year. The build was completed by Puget Sound Navy Yard on 28th June 1943 and commissioned for US Navy service. The ship was decommissioned on 19th July that year and transferred to the RN the next day when commissioned  as HMS AMEER. This name had been previously used by a trawler hired during WW1. US Navy radar outfits were fitted as part of build. One source records that ship was to be have been named UPRAIDER whilst in British service. This is not confirmed in any other reliable reference.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s


BURMA  1945 - EAST INDIES 1945


H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge: On a field, Red. in front of two swords in saltire White,

the Ameer's head-dress Proper with braid and plume Gold.

(Note:  Not included in Official Crest Record)



D e t a i l s   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


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June                        Contractors trials and commissioning at Puget Sound Navy Yard as HMS AMEER.

                18th        Build completion and commenced Acceptance Trials.

                                On completion took passage to Esquimalt.


July                         Taken in hand for repairs and trials in HM Canadian Dockyard, Esquimalt to suit RN use.

to                            commenced.



December              Passage to New York

                                (Note:  Embarkation of aircraft for transport to UK to be confirmed.)


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                2nd         Took passage to UK

                                On arrival in Clyde taken in hand by commercial shipyard for changes to suit deployment as an

                                Assault Carrier by alterations to Operations Room.)

                                (Note:  Work undertaken included modification to petrol supply system carried out in all US built

                                CVE following loss of HM Escort Carrier DASHER.)

                                This reduced volume of aviation fuel carried by some 50%.)


February                Under conversion.

to                            Nominated for service with Escort Aircraft Carrier Squadron, Eastern Fleet.

April                       Carried out trials on completion of modifications, worked-up for operational use in Clyde.

                                (Note:  One source records damage sustained after boiler explosion in March delayed completion

                                of work due to additional repair work require.).


May                        Carried out trials and work-up in Clyde

                                (Note:  Embarked aircraft for transport to Ceylon to be confirmed.).

                6th          Took passage to join Eastern Fleet in Ceylon.

                                (Note:  Pennant Number R302 was allocated for visual signalling purposes to

                                conform with US Navy identity for warships of this type.)


 June                       Passage in Indian Ocean

                27th        Arrived at Trincomalee

                                (Note:  Disembarkation of aircraft at Cochin to be confirmed.).

                                Joined Escort Carrier Squadron, Eastern Fleet at Trincomalee.


July                         Deployed for Ferry Carrier duties in Eastern Fleet.

                26th        Embarked 845 Squadron AVENGER aircraft and personnel for convoy defence deployment in

                                Indian Ocean.


August                  Deployment for convoy defence in continuation.

to                            (Note:  Did not take part in Fleet operations against Japanese airfields.

November              See WAR WITH JAPAN (HMSO) and OPERATION PACIFIC by E Gray.)


December              Nominated for support of landings by 26th Indian Division on Ramree Island.

                                (Operation MATADOR. See THE FORGOTTEN FLEET by J Winton and

                                WAR WITH JAPAN (HMSO)

                                845 Squadron and personnel disembarked.

                                (Note: : Refit at Trincomalee to be confirmed.).


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January                  Resumed Fleet duties. 804 Squadron HELLCAT aircraft embarked.

                18th        Sailed from Trincomalee escorted by HM Destroyer RAIDER for MATADOR support.

                21st         Embarked aircraft provided gunfire spotting during bombardment by HM Battleship QUEEN


                                (Note:  Force 64 also included HM Cruiser PHOEBE for Fighter Direction duties, HM Destroyers

                                PATHFINDER, RAIDER and RAPID, HM Sloops FLAMINGO, REDPOLE and

                                KISTNA (RIN).)

                25th        Joined HM Cruisers KENYA, NEWCASTLE and NIGERIA escorted by HM Destroyer PALADIN

                                with HM Cruiser PHOEBE, HM Destroyers NORMAN and RAIDER, HM Frigates SPEY and

                                TEVIOT to provide air cover during landings on Cheduba Island south of Ramree by Royal

                                Marines (Operation SANKEY).

                26th        Embarked aircraft provided air cover during assault.


February                Nominated for deployment in Force 64 for Photo-reconnaissance flights prior to the planned

                                landings in Malaya (Operation STAGEY).

                22nd       Sailed from Trincomalee with Force 64.

                                (Note:  Others ships included HM Escort Carrier EMPRESS, HM Cruiser KENYA, HM

                                Destroyers VOLAGE, VIRAGO and VIGILANT, HM Frigates PLY, SPEY and SWALE.

                24th        Provided fuel for destroyers and frigates during passage.

                26th        Commenced photo reconnaissance flying operations.


March                    Reconnaissance flights in continuation.

                1st           Under attack by Japanese aircraft during which embarked aircraft destroyed two of the enemy


                                HMS EMPRESS aircraft destroyed a third.

                7th          Returned to Trincomalee with Ships of Force 62. (Note:  See above references for details.)


April                       Deployment with Eastern Fleet in continuation.

 to                           (Note:  Did not take part in allied landings at Rangoon (Operation DRACULA) or in

May                        Fleet operations to intercept evacuation of Japanese from Burmese coast or Andamans.

                                See SINK THE HAGURO by J Winton).


June                        Deployed in Force 63 with HM Escort Aircraft Carrier KHEDIVE and STALKER escorted by

                                HM Cruisers SUFFOLK and ROYALIST, screened by HM Destroyers RACEHORSE,

                                REDOUBT, RELENTLESS, ROEBUCK and ROTHERHAM to carry out photographic

                                Reconnaissance missions

                                over southern Malaya and attacks on airfields in northern Sumatra. (Operation BALSAM).

                                888 Squadron HELLCAT aircraft were embarked.

                18th        Launched aircraft for reconnaissance from position in northern approaches to the Malacca


                19th        Photo reconnaissance flights in continuation.

                20th        Fighter aircraft carried out strikes on airfields without Japanese opposition.

                                Photo-reconnaissance flights completed. (For details see above references.)


July                         Nominated for support of operations in preparation for landings in Malaya with 21st Aircraft

                                Carrier Squadron.

                                (Note:  896 Squadron of HELLCATS were embarked.)

                2nd         Deployed with HM Escort Aircraft Carrier EMPEROR as part of Force 61 to provide

                                cover for a major minesweeping operation off Car Nicobar and to carry out attacks by

                                embarked aircraft on airfields in North Sumatra (Operation COLLIE).

                                (Note:  HM Cruiser NIGERIA was also part of Force 61 with HM Destroyers ROEBUCK,

                                ESKIMO and VIGILANT as screen.)

                5th          Carried out air strikes during bombardments by HMS NIGERIA and destroyers.

                to            Six aircraft were lost.


                11th        Launched further air strikes with HMS EMPEROR on airfields at Kota Raja and Lho Nga

                                in NW Sumatra.

                                Single Japanese aircraft which approached shot down.

                14th        Returned to Trincomalee with ships of Force 61. (See above references for details.)

                19th        Deployed with HM Battleship NELSON, BM Cruiser SUSSEX, HM Escort Aircraft Carrier

                                EMPRESS, screened by HM Destroyers PALADIN, ROTHERHAM, RACEHORSE and

                                RAIDER to cover minesweeping operation off Phuket Island (Operation LIVERY).

                24th        During minesweeping operations aircraft carried out attacks on Kra Isthmus.

                to            (Note:  HM Minesweeper SQUIRREL was lost during the clearance on 24th.)


                26th        Air strikes continued during final day of minesweeping.

                                Force 63 came under air attacks by suicide bombers. One VAL bomber destroyed by ship’s fire

                                and another by HMS SUSSEX. Later HM Minesweeper VESTAL was hit by another attack and

                                set on fire. HMS VESTAL was sunk by gunfire from HMS RACEHORSE after crew rescued.

                28th        Returned to Trincomalee with ships of Force 63.

                                (Note: Operation LIVERY was the last offensive operation carried out by the East Indies

                                Fleet in WW2.


August                  East Indies Fleet deployment in continuation.

                                Prepared for support of planned landings in Malaya (Operation ZIPPER).

                                (Note:  This operation was delayed by US insistence on execution of planned assault on

                                Malayan territory and use of atom bomb. In addition the implementation for the

                                PYTHON Scheme to return service personnel to UK after long service in the Far

                                East. See the above references and FINAL REPORT BY SUPREME COMMANDER

                                SEAC TO CHIEFS OF STAFF (HMSO).)


September             Embarked 808 Squadron HELLCAT aircraft and personnel with WALRUS aircraft of 1700


                4th          Sailed from Trincomalee to join assault convoy during passage to Malacca Strait.

                6th          Joined Convoy ME1F

                8th          On arrival at beach head provided air cover during unopposed landings (Operation ZIPPER)

                                See BRITISH INVASION FLEETS by J de Winser.


October                  On release from ZIPPER returned to Trincomalee.

                                Nominated for return to UK for Paying-off.

                30th        Took passage to UK


 November             On passage.

                18th        Arrived in Clyde.

                                De-stored and British Equipment removed.

                                (Note:  Majority of ship’s company left ship leaving only Steaming Party’ needed

                                for Atlantic passage.)


December              Prepared for passage.

                22nd       Sailed for Norfolk, Va


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January                  Arrived at Norfolk Navy Yard

                17th        Formally returned to US Navy.


P o s t   W a r   N o t e s


This ship was placed on the Sales List after return to US Navy and sold in September 1946 for use as a mercantile. She was renamed ss ROBIN KIRK she remained in use until 1969 when sold for demolition at Kaohsing, Taiwan.



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revised 15/10/10
further editing and formatting is required


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