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 World War 1


UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES 1917-1921 by Name - GABEL to MYERS, also listed by Date

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Aisne-Marne Cemetery ( (click to enlarge)

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- Royal Navy Log Books of the World War 1-era, includes references to USN ships escorting North Atlantic convoys, river gunboat operations in China etc


- From 6 April 1917 to 10 September 1919, 131 officers and 3,489 enlisted men died, a total of 3,620 Marine Corps deaths from all causes. These lists only include some 1715 names from 17 January 1917 to 23 September 1921.

Sources - Most of the deaths are those recorded by the American Battle Monuments Commission in War Cemeteries and Memorials located in France. Other sources for this incomplete list include Arlington Cemetery, State's lists from California, Kansas, Ohio and Wisconsin, and one Marine from West Virginia. Click for USMC Casualties Missing from these Lists

Information - in order (where known):  Date of Death, Unit, Cemetery, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME(s), Rank, How died (for French cemeteries - plot. row, grave). Click here list of Marines by date.

US World War 1 Cemeteries and Monuments in Europe



The original Belleau Wood Cemetery, in 1919



GABEL, PHILIP GARFIELD, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GALL, PAUL W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 15 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GALLUP, HARLEY B, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 23, 11

GANDY, TONY LEWIS, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, St Mihiel, died of wounds, 15 September 1918

GANN, BIRT D, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 26, 15

GARDNER, JOHN MARTIN, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 30 April 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, A, 43, 15

GARDNER, VERNE W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 9, 82

GARRETT, CLAUDE C, (from Garnett, Kansas), Private, Quantico, Virginia, died, 2 December 1918

GARRISON (GARISSON), ED THERON, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GARRISON, JOHN N, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 1 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 19, 31

GARVEY, EDWARD J, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GARY, MARION, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 70

GEHLERT, EDWARD CLARENCE, Private, France, killed in action, 20 April 1918

GEHRKE, EMIL H, Private, France, killed in action, 26 April 1918

GIBBS, RUFUS M, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, 10 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 13, 1

GIBSON, ABNER L, (from Ottawa, Kansas), Private, Norfolk, Virginia, (cause not known), 17 January 1917

GIBSON, JOHN WESLEY, (rank not known), France, killed in action, (date not known)

GILDEMEISTER, ALFRED WILLIAM, (rank not known), USMC, influenza, (date not known)

GILES, CHARLES W, Private, France, missing, 23 August 1918

GILES, WILLIAM E, Private, France, killed in action, 26 April 1918

GILES, WILLIAM NOEL, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 5 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, C, 41, 38

GILLIN, ARTHUR ANDREW, Private, USMC, respiratory disease, 28 November 1919

GILMAN, FREDERICK STINSON, (rank not known), USMC, illness, (date not known)

GILMORE, JAMES R, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 2 November 1918

GIVENS, ARCH ZIBOUTH, Private, 13th Regiment, illness/disease, 3 October 1918

GLEASON, JOHN WILLIAM, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 18 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 23, 9

GLICK, FRANK L, 1st Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 11, 51

GOAD, LEONARD C, (from Cottonwood Falls, Kansas), Private, France, died of wounds, 19 July 1918

GOLDBERG, DAVID, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 4, 83

GOLDSMITH, ARTHUR RAY, Private, Quantico, Virginia, died, 28 October 1918

GOODEVE, FREDERICK W, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 8 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 30, 32

GOOLSBY, EULIE T, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 5 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 32, 9

GORDON, CHARLES R, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 1, 66

GORDON, DONALD SMITH, 2nd Lieutenant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 24 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 10, 51

GORDON, JAMES MONROE, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 1, 56

GORMAN, EDWIN M, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 18 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, A, 15, 35

GORNEY, FRANK, Private, France, missing, 2 July 1918

GORTH, HARRY JACOB, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds/listed as missing in action, 17 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GOTTLIEB, WILLIAM, (rank not known), USMC, respiratory disease, (date not known)

GOUDY, GEORGE RAY, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, St Mihiel, 15 September 1918

GOULD, HAROLD A, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 6 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

GOURLEY, ROBERT CLARK, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 8 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 3, 46

GRADY, JAMES W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 16, 36

GRAGARD, THOMAS A, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 8, 20

GRAHAM, CHARLES D, Private, USMC, accident, 26 April 1918

GRAHAM, CHARLES DUANE, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 5 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, C, 25, 2

GRAHAM, DAVID S, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 69

GRAHAM, ROY B, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 16, 2

GRANT, THEODORE C, Private, France, killed in action, 4 July 1918

GRAVENER, JOHN N, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 63

GREEN, CHARLES N, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 5, 30

GREEN, HERBERT E, Sergeant, Belleau Woods, France, died of wounds, 16 June 1918

GREEN, LLOYD CHANDLER, Private, On Transport Merritt, illness/disease, 7 November 1918

GREEN, OVAL HARLAN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, Soissons, 18 July 1918

GREENE, ARCH, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 24 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 6, 42

GREENE, EDGAR CARL, Private, USMC, respiratory disease, 16 July 1918

GREENLEE, GEORGE A, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 20 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 5, 24

GREENSPAN, HARRY, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 2, 31

GREENUP, LEO C, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 8 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

GREENWOOD, HERSCHEL, (rank not known), USMC, cause not known, (date not known)

GREGG, THOMAS J, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds/listed as missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GREGORY, GEORGE, Gunnery Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, B, 4, 18

GRENNAN, JOHN F, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GRIEVE, WILLIAM E, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, commemorated

GRIFFIN, JOHN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 4 November 1918

GRIFFIN, WILLIAM L, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 34

GRIMES, CECIL, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, Meuse, gassed, died, 20 April 1918

GRISSOM, CURTIS FARRIS, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 19, 31

GROBER, EDWARD A, Private, France, killed in action, 26 April 1918

GROLLMAN, HERMAN, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 23 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GROOMS, ARVI MCGEE, Private, Cuba, accident, 11 March 1919

GROSSMAN, HOMER, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 8, 54

GROWE, HAROLD M, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 4, 59

GRUCZA, MICHAEL, Private, USMC, arsenic poisoning, 29 August 1919

GRUVER, FRED B, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 21 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GUERRY, THEODORE L, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 16 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 9, 88

GULBRANDSEN, E E, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 13 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

GUSTAFSON, G A, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, 5 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 10, 2



US Marine Monument, Belleau Wood,
adjacent to Aisne-Marne Cemetery


HAAS, EUGENE F, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 12, 83

HABERLAND, FRANKLIN, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, (cause not known), (date not known)

HACKENYOS, J F, Private, France, killed in action, 22 September 1918

HAGEMAN, WARREN ROBERT, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 3 October 1918

HALE, CHARLES CUNNINGHAM, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, killed in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 35

HALL, EDWARD MAURICE, Private, USMC, respiratory disease, 24 September 1918

HALL, MILTON F, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 17, 11

HALL, RAYMOND S, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 14, 1

HALL, WILLIAM, Private, USMC, illness, 2 July 1918

HAMBERRY, JOSEPH H, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 7, 37

HAMILTON, FRANK L, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 81

HAMLET, GEORGE O, Private, France, killed in action, 1 June 1918

HAMMETT, MARCUS C, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 8 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 17, 12

HAMMOND, AUBRY ALMER, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 7 October 1918

HANMER, JOHN A, Private, France, killed in action, 4 July 1918

HANSEN, REUBEN E, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, 1 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, B, 26, 20

HANSEN, WILLIAM, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HARDOS, MICHAEL, Private, France, missing, 28 July 1918

HARGAN, NORMAN, Private, France, died of wounds, 13 June 1918

HARGROVE, ALBERT M, Corporal, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

HARLOW, ALBERT LINCOLN, (rank not known), France, killed in action, (date not known)

HARPER, MILTON JAMES, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 20, 25

HARRIS, ETHAN E, Corporal, France, missing, 15 July 1918

HARRIS, LESLIE J, Trumpeter, France, missing, 2 July 1918

HARSCH, JOSEPH JOHN, Private, France, killed in action, 5 October 1918

HART, HERBERT L, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 15, 30

HARTENBOWER, M F, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HASH, KYLE COLUMBUS, 1st Lieutenant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 October 1918, Arlington Cemetery, S. EAS, 4431

HATFIELD, HARRY S, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 2 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 25, 11

HATHAWAY, HARRY F, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 26 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 1, 13

HAUGSTEN, NILS O, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 37, 11

HAWK, ELDON GEORGE, Private, Indian Head, Maryland, respiratory disease, 21 October 1918

HAWK, RUSSELL SIMON, (rank not known), France, killed in action, (date not known)

HAYBECK, CHARLES, Jr, Corporal, France, killed in action, 12 June 1918

HAYES, FRANK B, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 5 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, C, 41, 39

HEAD, HARRIS J, Private 1st Class, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 23 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 21, 7

HEDRICK, BURT NEWTON, Private, France, killed in action, 8 October 1918

HEDRICK, ORA LLOYD, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 32, 1

HEFRON, FREDERICK, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 30 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, A, 16, 23

HEGEWALD, EDWARD THOMAS, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, killed in action, 2 November 1918

HEIL, HOWARD A, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 29

HEIN, FRANK GEORGE, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 31, 2

HEINRICH, RICHARD H, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 26 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HEINZ, EDWARD L, Private, France, died of wounds, 23 August 1918

HEISEL, JAMES EVERETT, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 23 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 12, 28

HELLMAN, SIMON, Corporal, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

HEMMERLING, LOREN A, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 24, 29

HENDERSON, BENJAMIN E, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 12, 79

HENRY, CECIL E G, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 37, 34

HENRY, CURTIS L, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 18 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HENSLEY, WILLARD EDGAR, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, Bourcesches, killed in action, 6 June 1918

HESLOP, GUY DOUGLAS, Private, Quantico, Virginia, declared dead, 27 September 1918

HESS, RAYMOND J, Private, France, killed in action, 29 September 1918

HESS, ROBERT B, Corporal, France, died of wounds, 4 July 1918

HETZNER, GEORGE JOHN, Corporal, France, died of wounds, 3 June 1918

HEURICH, ELMER VALENTINE, Private, Army of Occupation, accidental shell explosion, 28 April 1919

HEYMANN, HENRY PETER, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 23 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 80

HICKEY, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 October 1918

HIGGINBOTHAM, JOHN WESLEY, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 1 June 1918

HIGGINS, ANDREW J, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 3 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HIGGINS, HENRY E, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 25 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 12, 85

HIGGINS, RALPH SEYMOUR, Private, France, died of wounds, 1 November 1918

HILBERT, JAMES ROSWELL, Private, France, died of wounds, 19 July 1918

HILL, HERBERT L, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 7 June 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 11, 20

HILL, RALPH HARMON, Private, France, died of wounds, 1 November 1918

HILL, RALPH ORION, Private, France, died of wounds, 6 June 1918

HILL, THORNTON WINDERS, Private, USS Cyclops, collier, ship went missing after 4 March, declared lost 14 June 1918

HILLERY, DWIGHT RUSSELL, Private, Norfolk, Virginia, died of wounds, 2 December 1918

HILLIARD, HOWARD G, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 9 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, C, 9, 10

HILLIX, HARRY, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 23 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HINDEILY, JOHN SIMON, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 20 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 11, 53

HINDMAN, THOMAS J, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HINDS, FREDERICK C, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HINES, JOHN, Jr, Private, France, respiratory disease, 29 September 1918

HLCOUAL (most used, also HICOUCAL, possibly handwriting error), JOSEPH H, (from ELLSWORTH, Kansas), Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 1 November 1918

HIRES, FRED ELMER, Private, Parris Island, S C, declared dead, 13 September 1918

HOCKENBERRY, CECIL CLAUD, Private, France, killed in action, 4 October 1918

HOCKETT, HARLEY BECKETT, Quartermaster Clerk, 13th Regiment, Supply Co., Quantico, Va., respiratory disease, 24 September 1918

HODGES, JAMES S, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 72

HOFFMAN, CLARENCE N, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 23, 23

HOFFMAN, HARRY, Private, France, died of wounds, 8 June 1918

HOFFMAN, WILLIAM, Sergeant, France, died of wounds, 4 July 1918

HOFFMEISTER, WILLIAM McKinley, (rank not known), France, illness, (date not known)

HOHAN, Private, USMC, killed in action, 26 April 1918

HOLLIDAY, CHARLES P, Captain, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 5 August 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 1, 27

HOLTZ, JOHN W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

HOOVER, PHILLIP H, (from Chanute, Kansas), Private, France, died of wounds, 17 June 1918

HOPTA, JOSEPH LEE, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 18, 36

HORSTMANN, PAUL F, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 21 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HORTON, CARL HARVEY, Private, 15th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, died of wounds in Bordeaux, France, 30 June 1918

HOSACK, CLARENCE FRANKLIN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 10 May 1919, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, D, 21, 23

HOUCHINS, LYLE C, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 1 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 27, 27

HOUSE, JOHN O, (from Ness City, Kansas), Private, France, killed in action, 4 October 1918

HOUSE, LILSE S, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 16 October 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, A, 1, 30

HOWARD, JAMES MALONE, (rank not known), 23rd Recruiting Btn, Camp Pike, Ark, died, 1 October 1918

HOWE, ALLEN H, Private, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

HOYLE, WARREN Finley, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 88

HOYT, WESLEY A, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 36

HUBERT, JOHN WILLIAM, Private, EVANSville, Indiana, illness/disease, 3 April 1918

HUBNER, WILLIAM L, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

HUDSON, OTIS L, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, influenza, 25 February 1919, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 2, 34

HUEY, WELLMAN H, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 6, 40

HUGHES, AMBROSE, Corporal, France, killed in action, 4 July 1918

HUGHES, ELMER HERBERT, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 27, 40

HUMLER, JOE, Private, France, died of wounds, 6 September 1918

HUMPAL, JOSEPH JOHN, Sergeant, France, killed in action, 15 September 1918

HUMPHREY, GEORGE H, 1st Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, commemorated

HUMPHREY, JOHN T, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 1 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 33, 29

HUNGATE, SHELBY, (rank not known), USMC, illness, (date not known)

HUNKER, JACOB JOHN, Private, Norfolk, Virginia, died, 17 October 1918

HUNT, LEONARD WESLEY, Private, France, killed in action, 11 June 1918

HURLEY, JAMES PATRICK, Private, Quantico, Virginia, died, 1 April 1918

HUSTED, CHESTER SETH, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, killed in action, 5 October 1918

HYNNE, ELVIN J, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 2, 86




IMESON, THOMAS H, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

INDEN, CLARENCE EDWARD, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 1, 21

IRMINGER, JAMES P, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 25 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

IRWIN, WILLIAM, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 24 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

ISAACS, SOLOMON, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 12, 8

ISALY, EARL WILLIAM, Private, France, killed in action, 7 October 1918

ISH, REX WHITFIELD, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 23 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 7, 63



Meuse-Argonne Cemetery


JACKSON, ANDREW, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, illness/disease, 27 February 1919

JACKSON, JOSEPH, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 1, 48

JACKSON, NORMAN R, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 15 April 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 32, 8

JACOBS, LESTER HENRY, Private, France, killed in action, 22 September 1918

JACOBY, WILLIAM J, Private, France, missing, 30 August 1918

JAMES, CHARLES H, Private, France, died of wounds, 21 November 1918

JAMES, JAMES T, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 8 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 3, 24

JAQUESS, JOHN R, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, B, 41, 37

JAROSIK, JACOB F, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 61

JARRETT, HOWARD, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 1 November 1918

JARVIS, WILLIAM GEORGE, Private, USS Utah, battleship, at Norfolk, Va, died, 31 July 1917

JEFFRIES, WILBUR HARLAND, Private, France, railroad accident, 2 September 1918

JENKINS, HOMER, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 17, 10

JENSEN, EARL EMIL, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 12 August 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, A, 17, 10

JENSEN, JENS JACOB, Private, 13th USMC Reg, Co. B, illness/disease, 20 September 1918

JENSEN, LAURENCE C, Private, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

JENTES, HUBERT WILLIAM, Private 1st Class, Parris Island, S C, drowned, 30 July 1919

JEPPERSON, HENRY, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 3 October 1918

JEWETT, ALLEN W, Private, France, killed in action, 26 April 1918

JIMERFIELD, HERBERT W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 15 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 8, 87

JOHNSON, ARTHUR E, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 32, 14

JOHNSON, CARL ALBERT, Private, France, killed in action, 12 June 1918, body returned on SS Wheaton 1921

JOHNSON, DAVID A, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 16 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 2, 12

JOHNSON, FLOYD LOUISE, Private, USS Mercy, hospital ship, declared dead, 3 October 1918

JOHNSON, GEORGE ALVIN, Private, Quantico, Va., respiratory disease, 9 October 1918

JOHNSON, GEORGE, Jr, Private, France, missing, 28 July 1918

JOHNSON, J D, Private, France, missing, 17 September 1918

JOHNSON, JAMES B, Corporal, France, killed in action, 6 September 1918

JOHNSON, JAMES D, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 25 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 9, 87

JOHNSON, JONAS, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

JOHNSON, LOUIS W, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 8, 2

JOHNSON, PAUL T, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 39, 13

JOHNSON, RALPH W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 11 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 20, 32

JOHNSON, RAYMOND C, Private, France, missing, 2 July 1918

JOHNSON, WILLIAM M, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 16 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, C, 14, 5

JOHNSTON, ARTHUR H, Gunnery Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 August 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 5, 29

JOHNSTON, SCOTT M, 2nd Lieutenant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 15 August 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 4, 21

JOINVILLE, VICTOR EDWARD, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 9 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 9, 83

JONES, CECIL JAMES, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, A, 34, 13

JONES, CLARENCE D, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 32, 2

JONES, DEWEY JAY, Private, France, killed in action, 4 October 1918

JONES, FELIX W, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 5 October 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 1, 51

JONES, HENRY, 1st Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 8 October 1918

JONES, LYLE BERNARD, Private, France, died of wounds, 21 November 1918

JONES, THERON OSCAR, Private, USMC, Training Battalion 1, Co. C, illness, 19 September 1918

JORDAN, DELBERT R, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 2 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 7, 38

JORDON, JOHN HENRY, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 15 September 1918

JOY, JOHN JOSEPH, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, C, 44, 20

JOYCE, THOMAS H, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 24 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

JOYNER, RAYMOND S, Private, France, missing, 15 July 1918

JULIAN, WILLIAM RUSHTON, Sergeant, 3rd Squadron FMAF, illness, 28 October 1918

JUSTICE, CHARLES JOHN, Private, France, respiratory disease, 22 September 1918





KAISER, JOHN H, Private, France, killed in action, 2 July 1918

KANOUSE, SIMON Wightman, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 June 1918

KANSERSKI, OTTO, Private, France, killed in action, 24 June 1918, body returned on SS Wheaton 1921

KAPALIS, JOHN RAPHAEL, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 16, 4

KARNATZ, HENRY JOSEPH, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 19, 1

KEARNS, JOHN, Captain, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 20 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 1, 32

KEELEY, JAMES, Captain, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, C, 41, 37

KEENAN, JOSEPH, 2nd Lieutenant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 9 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, A, 39, 21

KEENEY, CHARLES H, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 14 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

KEIRN, OTHA S, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 6, 61

KELLNER, JACOB JOHN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 36, 25

KELLY, EDWARD M, Sergeant, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, 6 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 10, 37

KEMBLE, FRANK WESLEY, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 26 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 11, 60

KEMP, CLAUDE, (from Cedar Vale, Kansas), Corporal, France, killed in action, 4 October 1918

KENNEDY, THOMAS B, Private, France, died of wounds, 2 July 1918

KENNEDY, WILLIAM H, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 10 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, A, 1, 7

KENNELL, RALPH SCOTT, Private, Quantico, Virginia, declared dead, 23 September 1918

KENNEY, THOMAS B, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 4 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 9, 53

KERR, HAROLD ROOT, Corporal, France, killed in action, 15 June 1918

KERRIGAN, FRANK A, Private, France, killed in action, 15 July 1918

KETNER, PALMER, Jr, 2nd Lieutenant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 2 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 32, 2

KIDDER, HUGH P, 2nd Lieutenant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 35, 28

KIDWELL, PAUL MCGRAPH, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 1

KILDOW, PERCY P, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 1 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 33, 5

KILDUFF, DAVID R, Captain, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 15, 26

KIMBALL, RICHARD, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 25 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 2, 27

KIMMEL, HARRY, Private, France, killed in action, 25 August 1918

KING, EUGENE J, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 35, 25

KING, HOMER D, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, Soissons, wounded, died "a few days later", 19 July 1918

KING, JOSEPH ELMER, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 19 June 1918

KINGSTON, FREDERICK J, Private, France, missing, 2 July 1918

KIRCHNER, HENRY, Private, France, killed in action, 11 June 1918

KIRK, ROBERT BRUCE, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds/listed as missing in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

KISHLER, EDWIN P, Private, France, killed in action, 23 August 1918

KITE, CLEMENT CRES, Gunnery Sergeant, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, 17 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 89

KLEBES, H G, Private, France, killed in action, 14 August 1918

KLEINMAN, MORONI, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 25 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 38

KLINGENSTEIN, HERBERT W, Drummer, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, killed in action, 22 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 78

KLINGER, HOFER BARNHARDT, Private, USMC, respiratory disease, 25 September 1918

KNEIL, LAWRENCE HENRY, Private, France, died of wounds, 12 November 1918

KNORR, GEORGE, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 81

KNOTT, GEORGE THOMAS, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 18 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 12, 28

KNOX, DOUGLAS HAMILTON, Jr, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 18 June 1918, Arlington Cemetery, WH EU, 3860

KNUTZEN, WERNER KICKHEFEL, (rank not known), France, died of wounds, (date not known)

KOCAK, MATEJ, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 41, 32

KOCEJA, MAURICE, Private, France, died of wounds, 27 April 1918

KOCHIS, JOHN, Private, France, killed in action, 19 July 1918

KOEHNE, EDWARD ANTHONY, Private, France, died of wounds, 7 October 1918

KOLSON, FRANCIS EARL, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 8 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 5, 2

KORSKEY, JOSEPH W, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 23 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

KOTALIK, GEORGE P, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 7 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 9, 73

KOWKER, A J, Corporal, France, killed in action, 28 June 1918

KRAKAU, EARL EUGENE, Private, Army of Occupation, declared dead, 3 April 1919

KRANKOWSKI, ANTON FRANK, Private, Newport, R.I., accidental gunshot, 15 September 1918

KRAUSE, MAX, Gunnery Sergeant, France, died of wounds, 4 June 1918

KRIPISCH, LOUIS AUGUSTT, Private, Pekin, China, respiratory disease, 19 February 1920

KROLL, FRED WILLIAM, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 14 September 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 22, 14

KROLL, WALTER FRANKLIN, Private, Gitmo, Cuba, struck by lightning, 11 July 1918

KRYSZEWSKI, CHARLES, Private, France, died of wounds, 4 June 1918

KUDELL, ERNEST C, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 4, 38

KUHN, JOHN L, Corporal, France, killed in action, 26 April 1918

KURTZ, HENRY HOBART, Private, illness in troopship en route to France, died in French hospital, 30 September 1918

KURZAWSKI, JOHN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 21 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, B, 30, 1



Sommepy Monument, Blanc Mont Ridge


LA BELLE, CLARENCE R, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 30, 38

LABARGE, PALMER J, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 24 November 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 9, 9

LABONTE, EDMOND JOSEPH, (rank not known), France, killed in action, (date not known)

LADD, FREDERICK C, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 30 April 1919, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 19, 20

LAIDLAW, ROLLIN W, Corporal, France, killed in action, 4 July 1918

LAKE, ARCHIE LEWIS, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 16, 9

LANCASTER, ELMER NELSON, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 15 September 1918

LANGLEY, CHARLES ERL, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 14 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 11, 18

LANNOM, ALTIE, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 11, 11

LARSEN, EDWIN JOHN, Corporal, France, killed in action, 6 June 1918

LARSON, CLARENCE A, Private, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

LASTER, JAMES L, Jr, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, B, 19, 5

LATSCHA, JULIUS JOSEPH, Private, USS Mercy, hospital ship, respiratory disease, 18 October 1918

LATSKO, MARTIN J, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

LAW, ROBERT, Private, France, missing, 2 July 1918

LAWRENCE, JOHN RICHARD, Private, France, killed in action, 11 June 1918

LAWRENTZ, HERBERT FRANCIS, Private, France, died of wounds, 24 July 1918

LAWS, DOUGLAS K, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 14 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 44

LAWSON, VALENTINE, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 6, 60

LAYTON, RUSH, Private, France, died of wounds, 23 June 1918

LEACH, EVERETT O, (from Hiawatha, Kansas), Private, Indian Head, Maryland, (cause not known), 10 October 1918

LEASE, FRANK V, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 17 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 12, 10

LEBLANC, NAPOLEON J, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 7, 33

LEENHOUTS, WILLIARD G, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 11, 42

LEGNARD, JOHN B, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 October 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, A, 14, 4

LEHMAN, KERLIN, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 8, 7

LEITNER, ALOYSIUS, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 71

LEMMON, BERREL ANDREW, Private, France, died of wounds, 15 June 1918

LEMON, GILBERT W, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 5, 79

LEMON, HENRY G, (from White Cloud, Kansas), Corporal, Paris Island, South Carolina, died, 9 November 1918

LENT, VERNON JEFFERSON, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, illness, 14 October 1918

LEPERE, WALTER HENRY, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 9 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 3, 1

LESHER, DENVER A, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 20 August 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 7, 22

LEWIS, ALBERT MAY, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, Battle of Mont Blanc, 4 October 1918

LEWIS, GUY MELVIN, Private, 13th Regiment, Co. M, illness, 29 September 1918

LIBERTY, FRANK ALEXANDER, Sergeant, France, accidentally died, 22 October 1918

LIETZ, WILLIAM, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, C, 3, 3

LILLY, CLARENCE E, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 25 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 62

LIMBERT, RAYMOND W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 9, 65

LINBLAD, EDWARD J, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, C, 4, 23

LINDER, CLARENCE H, Private, France, missing, 30 August 1918

LINDER, EARL S, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 14 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

LINDER, EMERSON SHANNON, Private, France, killed in action, 19 July 1918

LINDSEY, RAYMOND EARL, Private, France, respiratory disease, 3 February 1919

LINDSEY, WILLIAM FORD, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 4 October 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 3, 64

LINNEMAN, LEO PETER, Private, France, died of wounds, 16 June 1918

LINTON, WILLIE, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 4 October 1918

LITTLE, GEORGE L, (rank not known), 11th Regiment, (date not known)

LIVEZEY, DONALD L, Private, Quantico, Virginia, respiratory disease, 30 October 1918

LLOYD, ROBERT Edmund, Sergeant, France, died of wounds, 7 June 1918

LOCKE, KARL WILSON, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 3 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 57

LOCKHART, DAN A, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 12, 14

LOCKHART, GEORGE W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds/listed as missing in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

LOCKHART, TONA LAMBERT, Private, France, died of wounds, 21 July 1918

LOCKWOOD, HARRY MUIR, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 23 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 4, 46

LOFTUS, MICHAEL, Private, France, killed in action, 14 June 1918

LONG, ALBERT W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 17 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, A, 19, 36

LONG, FRED, Private, Parris Island, S C, died, 14 April 1918

LOOGER, CHARLES D, Corporal, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

LOOMIS, GLENN S, Private, France, killed in action, 28 June 1918

LOPER, DAVID WILLIAM, Private, 13th Regiment, Co. A, illness, 26 September 1918

LOVE, JOHN D, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 22, 11

LOWERY, AUSTIN ROGERS, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 19 July 1918

LOWRY, WILLIAM W, Private, France, killed in action, 24 July 1918

LUCAS, DELOSS, Private, Port Royal, died, 11 December 1917

LUCAS, WALTER EARL, Corporal, France, killed in action, 6 June 1918

LUCE, GEORGE W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds/listed as missing in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

LUEKEN, BENJAMIN JACOB, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, Verdun, gassed, died, 22 April 1918

LUKINS, FRED T, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 1, 7

LUMAREE, LEROY WHITMORE, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 26 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 7, 59

LUMLEY, JOHN R, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 8 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

LUSADER, MAURICE SMITH, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 10 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 8, 27

LYMAN, GRANT H, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 17 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 3, 6

LYNCH, FRANK JAMES, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 June 1918

LYON, CEDRIC E, Private, France, missing, 2 July 1918

LYON, HARRY T, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 1, 4

LYON, RUSSELL G, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 11 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 38, 23



Not many of the Marines lost at sea
are included in these lists


MAAS, OTTO CARL HERMAN, Private, USS Pittsburgh, armoured cruiser, at Mare Island, Calif, respiratory disease, 30 October 1918

MABRY, LAWRENCE G, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, C, 16, 14

MACCAULEY, JOHN LEO, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 4 October 1918

MACCONNELL, CHARLES FRANKLIN, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 8, 89

MACDONALD, HUGH ALEXANDER, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 22, 34

MACDONALD, LLOYD Proctor, Private, 11th Regiment, Co. L, illness, 31 January 1919

MACGREGOR, LEWIS A, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 27 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 66

MACK, WILLIAM H, 2nd Lieutenant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MACLACHLIN (MCLACHLEN), HAROLD DOUGLAS, Major, 13th Regiment, Co. C, illness, 27 September 1918

MACSPARRAN, WILLIAM T, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 31 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 3, 28

MADDEN, ROBERT Jeremiah, Private, Philadelphia, Pa, illness/disease, 21 June 1919

MADER, ROBERT, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 2 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

MADSEN, CARL JOHN GEORGE, Private, Quantico, Virginia, respiratory disease, 5 October 1918

MADSEN, EDMUND T, 1st Sergeant, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

MAGILL, GERALD PERHA, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, B, 11, 16

MAHRER, WILLIAM JOHN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 20 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 6, 13

MAJOR, DORA EARL, Private, France, respiratory disease, 10 October 1918

MAJOR, HARLAN EUGENE, Captain, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, killed in action, 15 June 1918, Arlington Cemetery, S, 4305 W

MALECKI, JOHN EDWARD, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 11, 48

MANNING, JAMES BEVERLY, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, (date not known)

MANNING, STEPHEN ARNOLD, (rank not known), France, died of wounds, (date not known)

MANNIS, JESSE RUFUS, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds/listed as missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MARCH, LESTER WILLIAM, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 8 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 3, 4

MARCO, JAMES J, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 2, 19

MARKHAM, BURT A, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 16 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 29, 28

MARKUSIC, FRED FRED, Private, France, died of wounds, 18 June 1918

MARQUARDT, CLARENCE WILLIAM, Private, France, died of wounds, 1 November 1918, body returned on SS Wheaton

MARSHALL, ALBERT RICHARD, Private, France, died of wounds, 14 June 1918

MARTER, TIMOTHY EARL, Private, France, respiratory disease, 15 June 1919

MARTIN, A D, Private, France, killed in action, 30 August 1918

MARTIN, JOHN R, Captain, 1st Brigade, Haiti, road accident, 15 December 1917

MARTIN, PAUL, Private, Brookline, Massachuetts, respiratory disease, 2 October 1918

MARTIN, WALKER W, Private, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

MARTIN (born WINKLER), CHARLES ANDREW, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, Chateau Thierry, France, 8 June 1918

MATHIAS, MINLO, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, C, 16, 17

MATTIMORE, EARL W M, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 29 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 3, 9

MATTINGLY, RANDEL A, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 50

MATTSON, JAMES, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, accidentally died, 17 August 1918

MATTZ, HERMAN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MAUK, JOSEPH WALTER, (rank not known), USMC, illness, (date not known)

MAXWELL, NORMAN, Private, Brest, France, illness/disease, 10 September 1919

MAY, WALTER ADOLPH, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 1, 60

MAYER, GORDEN CHARLES, Private 1st Class, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 34, 35

MCAMIS, JOHN J, Sergeant, France, died of wounds, 2 August 1918

MCANENY, ORLAY, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 7 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 17, 7

MCBRIDE, ARTHUR, Private, France, killed in action, 4 July 1918

MCCELLAND, JOHN M, Lieutenant, France, killed in action, 25 August 1918

MCCLAIN, DAVID W, (from Montana, Kansas), 2nd Lieutenant, Medical Corps Reserve, American Expeditionary Force, died of wounds, 5 October 1918

MCCOLM, WILLIAM J, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 5, 82

MCCOOK, MARTIN JOSEPH, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 4, 7

MCCORMICK, C T A, Jr, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 32, 25

MCCORMICK, JAMES A, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 14 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 89

MCCORMICK, JAMES J, Gunnery Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 16, 3

MCCORMICK, PAUL, Sergeant, Philadelphia, Pa, illness/disease, 9 March 1919

MCCOY, JAMES, Captain, France, killed in action, 11 June 1918

MCCREARY, DONALD K, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 23, 33

MCCUNE, LEROY W, (from Olivet, Kansas), Private 1st Class, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, died, 17 February 1918

MCCURRY, LEWIS MELTON, Private, 5th Regiment, died of wounds, 25 June 1918

MCDERMOTT, EDWARD JOHN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 10 August 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, C, 28, 10

MCDILL, HARDIN B, Private, France, missing, 30 August 1918

MCDONALD, JOHN BOONE, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 6, 85

MCDONALD, THOMAS P, Private, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, missing in action, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

MCDOWELL, IRVIN BRYAN, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 30, 4

MCELFRESH, EDWARD LINCOLN, Private, France, respiratory disease, 10 November 1918

MCELROY, GEORGE C, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 12, 75

MCENTEE, BERNARD CHARLES, (from Wisconsin), Sergeant, Chateau Thierry, France, died of wounds, 6 June 1918

MCGINNIS, CHARLES ROSCOE, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 13 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 11, 60

MCGOVERN, PHILIP N, Private, France, killed in action, 28 June 1918

MCGRATH, JAMES RAYMOND, Private, Aisne-Marne, France, killed in action, 19 July 1919

MCGRATH, JOHN JOSEPH, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 17 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 5, 31

MCGRATH, JOHN L, Jr, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 19 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MCGRATH, JOSEPH JAMES, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 3, 5

MCILLIHENNEY, GEORGE V, Corporal, 6th Machine Gun Btn, 2nd Div, 12 October 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, D, 12, 7

MCINTOSH, SIDNEY, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 10, 8

MCINTYRE, OLIVER C, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 2 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

MCKAY, LESLIE BOYD, Sergeant, 5th Regiment, killed in action, 10 June 1918

MCKEEHAN, GAY JOHN, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 9 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, D, 20, 27

MCKENNA, JAMES JOSEPH, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 7 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 83

MCKENNEY, ROBERT WILLIAM, Private, France, died of wounds, 26 July 1918

MCKINNEY, LEE ROY, Private, France, declared dead, 15 September 1918

MCKINNY, HARRY WILLIAM, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 18 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 11, 85

MCLEAN, JOHN, (rank not known), France, killed in action, (date not known)

MCNALLY, FRANK T, Private, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

MCNELLY, WILLIAM J, Private, France, died of wounds, 28 June 1918

MCROBERTS, PAUL STINE, Private, Quantico, Virginia, illness/disease, 18 July 1918

MCWHIRTER, W L, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MEAD, ARCHIE LEROY, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 23, 30

MEAD, LEROY Smith, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 13, 66

MEEKER, CECIL J, (from Chanute, Kansas), Private, USS Pocahontas, troop transport, died, 16 November 1918

MEIGHEN, THOMAS VIRGIL, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 October 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 7, 27

MELROSE, JACK M, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 14 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 25

MEMMEN, DEAN E, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, E, 31, 16

MENSCHEL, PAUL H, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 18 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MERCER, GORDON MCCLELLAN, Corporal, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 8 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 5, 15

MERRILL, GEORGE WARREN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 6 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 26, 16

MESPLAY, VICTOR E, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 15 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 11, 50

METZLER, GEORGE WOTHINGTON, Private, USMC, respiratory disease, 7 January 1919

METZNER, JOHN VIRGIL, Private, France, killed in action, 15 September 1918

MICHAEL, GEORGE E, Private, France, killed in action, 27 June 1918

MICHAEL, GUY GRIFFITH, Corporal, Quantico, Virginia, illness/disease, 10 April 1919

MICHALSKI, FRANK J, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 6, 3

MICHELS, ADRIAN JOSEPH, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds/listed as missing in action, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MIELKA, FRED LOUIS, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, C, 43, 24

MIGNACCO, ATTILIO JOHN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 8 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 7, 9

MILES, ELLIS MERLE, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, D, 15, 25

MILEWSKI, JOSEPH JOHN, Private, 6th Regiment, killed in action, 4 October 1918

MILL, FREDERICK HAROLD, Corporal, USMC, illness/disease, 16 January 1919

MILLER, ADAM JOHN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 June 1918, Suresnes Cemetery, B, 15, 6

MILLER, BLAIR CHARLES, Private, France, died of wounds, 24 July 1918

MILLER, BRAINARD WILLIAM, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, G, 36, 33

MILLER, BRYAN V, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 15 September 1918, St Mihiel Cemetery, commemorated

MILLER, CHARLIE OTTO, (from Norcatur, Kansas), Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 32, 24

MILLER, DENNIS OLIVER, Private, France, killed in action, 15 September 1918

MILLER, LAURENCE B, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 16 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 5, 47

MILLER, LOUIS F, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 18 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MILLER, NICHOLAS WILLIAM, Private, France, declared dead, 16 May 1918

MILLER, ROBERT HOWARD, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 7 October 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 67

MILLER, ROBERT WILLIAM, Gunnery Sergeant, Haiti, accidental pistol wound, 26 April 1919

MOLES, JACOB HAWTHORNE, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 4 October 1918

MOLOSKI, BROWNIE L, Private, France, missing, 30 August 1918

MOORE, ALBERT EDWARD, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 40, 31

MOORE, ORLIE EARNEST, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 23, 22

MORELAND, WILLIAM ALBIRTUS, Private, Quantico, Virginia, respiratory disease, 22 September 1918

MORGAN, ARTHUR RAY, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 10 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, A, 9, 8

MORGAN, ENOS CLIFFORD, Private, France, died of wounds, 19 July 1918

MORGAN, JAMES DOUGLAS, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, died of wounds, 12 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 15, 35

MORGAN, ROBERT D, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 2, 75

MORRIS, CHARLES D, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 32, 23

MORRISON, WALTER MATHIAS, Private, France, killed in action, 11 November 1918

MORSE, CLYDE WEBBER, Corporal, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 November 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 35, 15

MOSELEY, BENJAMIN F, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 12 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 4, 1

MOSS, DEWEY GRAYDON, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 7 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, F, 6, 1

MOSS, WILLIAM MERR, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, killed in action, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 12, 3

MOUNT, LESLIE LOUIS, Private, Parris Island, S C, appendectomy, died of complications, 14 February 1918

MUDECK, JOSEPH S, Private, France, killed in action, 28 June 1918

MULLEN, RUSSELL W, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 2, 71

MULLIN, S C, Private, France, missing, 14 August 1918

MULLINS, LESTER WANE, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 11 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 6, 34

MUNNS, JOE BRYAN, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 6 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, A, 10, 81

MURPHY, EMMET JAMES, Private, France, killed in action, 13 September 1918

MURPHY, EUGENE FRANCIS, Gunnery Sergeant, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, 4 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, H, 8, 24

MURPHY, GEORGE DALLAS, Private, France, killed in action, 3 June 1918

MURPHY, LELAND M, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

MURPHY, MICHAEL JAMES, Sergeant, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 19 July 1918, Oise-Aisne Cemetery, C, 11, 14

MURPHY, MOSES, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 3 October 1918, Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, commemorated

MURPHY, RICHARD WELLS, (rank not known), 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, (date not known)

MURRAY, EDWARD R, Private, France, died of wounds, 4 July 1918

MUSBACH, CARL F, Private, 5th Regiment, 2nd Div, missing in action, 18 July 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, commemorated

MYERS, HARRY CAMPBELL, Private, 6th Regiment, 2nd Div, 13 June 1918, Aisne-Marne Cemetery, B, 3, 2

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