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London Gazette editions 29888-30159 (January-June 1917)

Sopwith Pup slung from a main gun of battleship HMS Malaya (NavyPhotos/Graham R Lewis, click to enlarge)

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29888 – 2 JANUARY 1917


Admiralty, 30th December, 1916.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' Decoration upon the undermentioned Officer: 

Eng. Lieut. Robert McWhannell, R.N.R.





29893 - 5 JANUARY 1917


War Office, 6th January, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned Lady, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men:

(included in Army lists)

Z.T.4712 Able Seaman R. Smith, R.N. Div.





29898 – 10 JANUARY 1917


War Office, 10th January, 1917.


(included in Army lists)


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentioned Officers and Warrant Officers in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


Temp. Sub-Lt. William Arblaster, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He carried out three most valuable reconnaissances under heavy fire, and obtained information of vital importance.


Temp. Sub-Lt. William Carnall, D.S.M., R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led out a battle patrol into the presence of the enemy, chose a position within a few yards of them, and thus made secure the right flank. He set a splendid example of coolness and courage throughout the operations.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Albert Edward Dossett, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. Although severely wounded, he continued to lead and encourage his men, displaying great courage and determination.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Geoffrey Dunn, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He displayed great courage and initiative in extinguishing a fire in an ammunition dump, thereby undoubtedly saving many lives.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Ernest Victor George Gardner, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He showed great courage and initiative in keeping his men together and continuing the attack at a critical time. He personally carried out several valuable reconnaissances under heavy fire.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Frederick Charles Hill, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He collected ammunition from casualties under heavy fire, which was of the utmost importance. Later, he chose positions for eighteen guns and guided the teams, thus making a thinly-held line secure.


Temp. Surg. Frank Pearce Pocock, R.N., attd. R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He  displayed great courage and determination in dressing the wounded and leading stretcher parties. He worked continuously for three days under heavy fire.





29904 – 16 JANUARY 1917


Whitehall, January 1, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to grant the Imperial Service Medal to the following retired members of His Majesty's Civil Service as a recognition of long, and meritorious service:




Barlow, James, Shipwright, Chatham Dockyard.

Brightman, Walter William, Leading Man of Labourers, Sheerness Dockyard.

Bugeja, Carmelo, Skilled Labourer, Chief Constructor's Department, Malta Dockyard.

Clarke, George, Rigger, Chatham Dockyard.

Cole, Thomas Mason, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Cuer, Stephen George Durdson, Second Class Draftsman (Assistant Overseer), Portsmouth Dockyard.

Fox, Robert Henry, First Class Draftsman, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Gill, Robert George, Painter, Devonport Dockyard.

Grant, James Alexander, Shipwright (Chargeman), Portsmouth Dockyard.

Hillary, George, Joiner, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Joce, Henry, Shipwright, Devonport Dockyard.

Lakeman, George Henry, Skilled Labourer, Devonport Dockyard.

Mattocks, William Robert, Skilled Labourer, Chatham Dockyard.

Merren, William James, Skilled Labourer, Devonport Dockyard.

Peard, William James Childs, Skilled Labourer, Devonport Dockyard.

Rabey, Albert, Shipwright, Devonport Dockyard.

Rean, John R., Smith, Devonport Dockyard.

Richards, John Henry, Shipwright, Devonport Dockyard.

Roberton, John, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Snook, William George, Rigger (Chargeman), Portsmouth Dockyard.

Stitson, Robert, Skilled Labourer, Devonport Dockyard.

Stock, Henry, Single Station Labourer, Sheerness Dockyard.

Tozer, John Thomas, Smith, Devonport Dockyard.

Wickham, Walter William, Master of Yardcraft, Chatham Dockyard.

Williams, John, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.





29912 - 19 JANUARY 1917


War Office, 22nd January, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned Ladies, Non-Commissioned Officers and men:

(included in Army lists)

10557 Temp. Cpl. N. F. Brown, R.M.A.





29913 – 23 JANUARY 1917


Admiralty, 19th January, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the award of a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order of the undermentioned officer, in recognition of his continued gallantry and distinguished services as a Flying Officer:  

Commander Charles Rumney Samson, D.S.O., R.N. (Wing Commander, R.N.A.S.).  (The appointment to the Distinguished Service Order was announced in London Gazette, dated 23rd October, 1914.)





29919 – 23 JANUARY 1917


War Office, 25th January, 1917.


The names of the undermentioned have been brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for War for distinguished services rendered in connection with the War:

(included in Army lists)

Aplin, Capt. H. F., Royal Navy.

Bayley, Vice-Admiral Sir L., K.C.B., Royal Navy.

Currey, Comdr. E. H., Royal Navy.

Munsie, Sub-Lt. W. G.C., R.N.V.R. and A.A.C.

Nathan, Lt.-Comdr. G. E., R.N.V.R.

Stockwell, Lt.-Comdr. H., R.D., R.N.R.

Walker, Comdr. T. B., R.N.R.





29920 – 26 JANUARY 1917


Admiralty, 23rd January, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' Decoration upon the following Officer:   

Lieut.-Cdr. Franz K. Thimm, R.N.R.


Admiralty, 25th January, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' Decoration upon the following Officers:

Lieut. Robert B. Irving, R.N.R.

Lieut. Rupert W. Stagg, R.N.R.

Lieut. Robert C. Warden, R.N.R.

Eng. Lieut. James M. Smith, R.N.R.





29921 – 26 JANUARY 1917


War Office, 26th January, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the appointments of the undermentioned Officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


(included in Army lists)

Temp. Lt.-Comdr. Bernard Henry Ellis, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. When the attack was held up by heavy machine-gun fire, he pushed forward with some men and made a reconnaissance of the final position under very heavy fire. Later, he assumed command of and handled his battalion with marked courage and ability.


Temp. Lt. Walter Sterndale-Bennett, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He assumed command of and handled his battalion with marked courage and ability. He personally collected a party and bombed the enemy out of part of their second line, where they might have held up the attack.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentioned Officers and Warrant Officers, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


(included in Army lists)

Temp. Sub-Lt. Daniel Marcus William Beak, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led his men in the attack with great courage and initiative and materially assisted in the capture of the enemy line. He set a fine example throughout.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Boyden Frank Bowerman, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He rallied considerable numbers of men and led them forward under heavy fire. He set a splendid example of courage and coolness throughout.


Temp. Lt.-Bernard Dangerfield, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He established and maintained communication under, very heavy fire. Later, he carried out a dangerous reconnaissance and led a considerable number of men forward who were held up.


Temp. Lt. Edward Vezian Ellis, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led a counter bombing attack down the enemy second line trench, which had been only partially occupied by our troops, and was instrumental in capturing a number of prisoners.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Frank Oliver Forrester, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led a party of twenty men into an enemy trench with great gallantry and captured 129 prisoners. He set a fine example of courage and coolness.


Rev. Percy Hallding, R.N., A. Chaplns. Dept. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He displayed great courage and determination in attending to the wounded under heavy fire. On one occasion he carried a wounded officer from the open into safety.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Walter Kilroy Harris, R.N.V.R For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led a raid against an enemy machine gun with great gallantry, capturing the gun and turning it on the enemy. Later, he led a small bombing party and was instrumental in capturing 102 prisoners.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Albert Paul Mecklenburg, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. Although twice wounded, he rallied his men close in front of a strongly held enemy position, and, charging right through, broke up all opposition and reached his correct objective.


Temp. Lt. John Frederick Alexander Pitcairn, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led a bombing attack with great courage and determination. Later, he held a blocking point against repeated enemy attacks.


Temp. Surg. George Lee Ritchie, M.B., R.N., attd. R.N.D. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He displayed great courage and determination in collecting and attending to the wounded under very heavy fire.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Percy Reginald Wait, R.N.V.R., attd. M.G. Coy. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led carrying parties to the front line under intense fire, thereby keeping up a continual supply of ammunition and stores. Later, he rendered valuable assistance by attending to the wounded.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men, for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


Ply.4594 Colr. Sjt. (A./S./M.) A. J. Banks, R.M.L.I. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led a bombing party with great courage and determination. He was severely wounded.


C.Z.424 Petty Officer W. L. Burnett, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He rallied his men and led them forward with great gallantry, although he had been previously wounded. Later, he remained out all night with a covering party under heavy fire.





29924 – 30 JANUARY 1917


Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, 30th January, 1917.


The KING has bee a graciously pleased to confer the Decoration of the Albert Medal of the Second Class upon Mr. Joseph Conolly, Third Engineer of the steamship "Vanellus," of Cork.


The following is an account of the services in respect of which the Decoration has been.conferred:  


On the 1st October, 1916,. the steamship "Vanellus," of Cork, struck a mine in Havre Roads, and the vessel, which was laden with petrol, immediately burst into flames. Owing to the rapidity with.which .the. flames spread it was impossible to clear away the boats, and most of the crew jumped overboard. Three lives were lost by the casualty. Although the engine-room telegraph was broken by the explosion Mr. Conolly remained at his post in the engine-room until everyone else had left the ship. He kept the engines working astern, and thus made it possible for a lifeboat to be lowered on the port side, and by this means a number of lives were saved. Before finally leaving the ship he again went below and stopped the engines. Mr. Conolly was badly burnt in rendering the services.





29927 – 30 JANUARY 1917


War Office, 1st February, 1917.


Additional Mentions in Despatches.


East Africa.


The following names are added to the list of officers mentioned in the Despatch from Lieutenant-General the Hon. J. C. Smuts, Commander-in-Chief, East African Force, dated 8th May, 1916 (published in the London Gazette No. 29648, dated 30th June, 1916):


Comdr. E. J. Headlam, D.S.O., R.I.M.

Capt. F. O'B. Wilson, D.S.O. (late R.N.) E.A. Mtd. Rif.





29928 – 2 FEBRUARY 1917


Admiralty, 31st January, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the posthumous grant of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned officers in recognition of their conspicuous gallantry in an attempt to re-provision the force besieged in Kut-el-Amara.:


Lieutenant Humphry Osbaldeeton Brooke Firman, R.N.

Lieutenant-Commander Charles Henry Cowley, R.N.V.R.


The General Officer Commanding, Indian Expeditionary Force "D," reported on this attempt in the following words:


"At 8 p.m. on April 24th, 1916, with a crew from the Royal Navy under Lieutenant Firman, R.N., assisted by Lieutenant-Commander Cowley, R.N.V.R., the 'Julnar,' carrying 270 tons of supplies, left Falahiyah in an attempt to reach Kut.


Her departure was covered by all Artillery and machine gun fire that could be brought to bear, in the hope of distracting the enemy's attention. She was, however, discovered and shelled on her passage up the river. At 1 a.m. on the 25th General Townshend reported that she had not arrived, and that at midnight a burst of heavy firing had been heard at Magasis, some 8 1/2 miles from Kut by river, which had suddenly ceased. There could be but little doubt that the enterprise had failed, and the next day the Air Service reported the ' Julnar ' in the hands of the Turks at Magasis.


“The leaders of this brave attempt, Lieutenant H. O. B. Firman, R.N., and his assistant - Lieutenant-Commander C. H. Cowley, R.N.V.R. - the latter of whom throughout the campaign in Mesopotamia performed magnificent service in command of the 'Mejidieh' - have been reported by the Turks to have been killed; the remainder of the gallant crew, including five wounded, are prisoners of war.


"Knowing well the chances against them, all the gallant officers and men who manned the 'Julnar' for the occasion were volunteers. I trust that the services in this connection of Lieutenant H. O. B. Firman, R.N., and Lieutenant- Commander C. H. Cowley, R.N.V.R., his assistant, both of whom were unfortunately killed, may be recognised by the posthumous grant of some suitable honour."





29938 – 9 FEBRUARY 1917


Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following promotion in, and appointments to, the Most Honourable Order of the Bath in recognition of the services of the undermentioned gentlemen during the war. The promotion and appointments to date from the 1st January, 1917:


To be Additional Members of the Civil Division of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders, of the said Most Honourable Order:


Eustace Henry Tennyson d'Eyncourt, Esq., C.B., Director of Naval Construction, Admiralty.



Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George,


The KING (is) pleased to give directions for the following promotions in and appointments to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; to date from 1st January, 1917:


To be Ordinary Members of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Distinguished Order:


Captain Edward Harrington Martin, R.C.N., Captain-Superintendent of the Halifax Dockyard, Nova Scotia.





29940 – 13 FEBRUARY 1917


War Office, 13th February, 1917.


(included in Army lists)


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the appointments of the undermentioned Officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) Francis John Winsor Cartwright, R.M.L.I. For conspicuous gallantry in action. When the attack was held up by heavy machine gun and rifle fire he went forward to the front line, where he reorganised and supervised mixed parties of men of different, units and pushed forward to the objective.


Lt.-Col. Alexander Richard Hamilton Hutchison, C.M.G., R.M.L.I. For conspicuous gallantry in action. When the attack was temporarily held upby heavy machine gun fire, he rallied and reorganised the front line of the attack, and: ably supervised the consolidation of the final objective reached by his battalion.


Comdr. William George Astel Ramsay-Fairfax, Emergency List, R.N. For conspicuous gallantry in action. When the attack was temporarily held up, he reorganised the men and led a bombing attack, which cleared the enemy from a trench which threatened his flank. He afterwards organised an attack which was instrumental in capturing over 100 prisoners.


Rev. Stephen Augustin Lawrence Thornton, Naval Chapl. Dept., attd. R. Dub. Fus. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He displayed great courage and determination in administering to the wounded under very heavy fire.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Gordon William Whittaker, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He dashed forward in broad daylight, and, single-handed, put a machine gun and its crew out of action, thereby greatly assisting in the success of the operations. He was severely wounded.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award a Bar to the Military Cross to the undermentioned Officers:


Temp. Lt. Alan Urquhart Campbell, M.C., R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He brought his guns into action with good effect. Later, he guided two Tanks to the enemy first line system, and materially assisted in taking over 400 prisoners. (The award of the M.C. was published in the London Gazette dated 1st Jan., 1917.)



With reference to the announcement of the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medals in the Honours Supplement to the London Gazette, dated 1st January, 1917, the following are the acts of gallantry for which the decorations have been awarded:


Clyde Z/3319 P.O. J. Kent, R.N. Div. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He has on many occasions led successful patrols under heavy fire. He has rendered invaluable service, and has been with the battalion since its formation.


R.M.A.6490 R.F.R./B. 516 Gnr. (Temp. Bombr.) W. Pike, R.M.A. For conspicuous gallantry. He showed marked courage and determination, as part of the gun's crew, under arduous and trying circumstances throughout the operations.


K. P. 942 Leading Seaman (H.G.) S. Turner, R..N. Div. For conspicuous gallantry in action. With the help of an officer he rescued a wounded man in the open, under very heavy fire.





29944 – 13 FEBRUARY 1917


Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Downing Street,


The KING (is) pleased to give directions for the following appointments to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George for services rendered in connection with military operations in the field:


To be Additional Members of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Distinguished Order.


Commander Neville Frederick Jarvis Wilson, Royal Ind. Marine.





29947 – 16 FEBRUARY 1917


Admiralty, 16th February, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order:


Capt. Harry Hesketh Smyth, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Malcolm Raphael Joseph Maxwell-Scott, R.N.

Lieut. Matthew Armstrong, R.N.R.


Flight Lieut. Stanley James Goble, D.S.C., R.N.A.S. For conspicuous bravery and skill in attacking hostile aircraft on numerous occasions. On 7th November, 1916, he attacked an enemy scout and chased it down to 1,500 feet, when it was seen to land, crash into a fence, and turn over in a field. On 27th November, 1916, he attacked four hostile scouts, one of which he brought down in flames. On 4th December, 1916, on six different occasions during the same flight he attacked and drove off hostile aircraft, which threatened the bombing machines, which he was escorting, one of the hostile'machines going down completely out of control.



The KING has also been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the following Officers:


Lieut. John Lawrie, R.N.R.

Lieut. Cedric Naylor, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Philip James Hogg, R.N.R.

Ch. Gnr. (T.) Richard Hawkes, R.N.


Flight Cdr. William Geoffrey Moore, R.N.A.S. In recognition of the excellent work which he has done in East Africa, and especially on the 10th January, 1917, when he flew a distance of 300 miles from Ubena to Mahenje. He obtained important resultsin bombing flights.


Flight Lieut. Lionel Conrad Shoppee, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry and enterprise during a bomb attack by aircraft on an important enemy railway bridge. A subsequent reconnaissance showed that the whole of the centre section of the bridge had collapsed into the river, thereby interrupting important enemy railway communications.


Flight Lieut. Edward Rochfort Grange, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry and skill on several occasions in successfully attacking and bringing down hostile machines, particularly on the 4th January, 1917, when during one flight he had three separate engagements with hostile machines, all of which were driven down out of control. On the 5th January, 1917, he attacked three hostile machines, one of which wasdriven down in a nose-dive. On the 7th January, 1917, after having driven down one hostile machine, he observed two other enemy aircraft attacking one of our scouts. He was on the way to its assistance when he was attacked by a  third hostile scout. He was hit in the shoulder by a bullet from this machine, but landed his aeroplane safely in an aerodrome on our side of the lines.


Flight Sub-Lieut. Robert Alexander Little, R.N.A.S.  For conspicuous bravery in successfully attacking and bringing down hostile machines on several occasions. On 11th November, 1916, he attacked and brought  down a hostile machine in flames. On 12th .December, 1916, he attacked a German:machine at a range of 50 yards; this machine was brought down in a nose-dive. On 20th December, 1916, he dived at a hostile machine, and opened fire at 25 yards range; the observer was seen to fall down inside the machine, which went down in a spinning nose-dive. On 1st January, 1917, he attacked an enemy scout, which turned over on its back and came down completely out of control.



The KING has further been graciously pleased to approve of the award to the undermentioned officer of a Bar to his Distinguished Service Cross:


Flight Lieut. Daniel Murray Boyne Galbraith, D.S.C., R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry. On 23rd November, 1916, he attacked single-handed a formation of six hostile aircraft, no other allied machines being in the vicinity. One hostile machine was shot down, a second was driven down under control, and the remaining four machines then gave up the fight and landed. In several other combats in the air Flight Lieutenant Galbraith has displayed exceptional gallantry, particularly on 10th and 16th November, 1916, on each of which days he successfully engaged and shot down an enemy machine. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the Gazette of the 25th October, 1916.)



The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal:

P.O. Thomas John Burrell, O.N. 217004 (Ch.).

P.O. James Mather, O.N. 213655 (Ch.).

Ch. Shipwt. William Samuel Gurney, O.N. 342916 (Po,).

A.B. James Mathers, O.N. 176735 (Ch.).

Elec. Art., 3rd Class, Squire Lilley, O.N. M.2894 (Ch.).

Air Mech. Ernest Wright Nelson, O.N. F.25205.

2nd Hnd. Archie McKechnie, R.N.R., O.N. 8199 D.A. .

2nd Hnd. George Manley, R.N.R., O.N. 4621 B.

A.B. Frederic Edward Pym, O.N. 197183 (R.F.R. Dev./B.3258).

A.B. Arthur Thomas Pursey, O.N. 187227 (R.F.R. Ch./B.6833).

P.O. Teleg. Archibald Williams, O.N. 214512 (Dev).



The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Capt. Walter Reginald Glynn Petre, R.N.

Capt. Lockhart Leith, R.N.

Gnr. (T.) Leonard Parsons, R.N.

A.B. Leslie Todd, O.N. J.10211 (Ch.).

Elec. Art., 3rd Cl., Herbert Stephenson, O.N. M.1487 (Ch.).

P.O. Timothy Dineen, O.N. 194221 (Po.).

P.O. Major Sowter, O.N. 183090 (Dev.).





29953 – 19 FEBRUARY 1917


War Office, l9th February, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned Non-Commissioned Officers and Men:

(included in Army lists)

Tyneside Z/3641 Actg. Leading Seaman J. Alder, R.N.V.R.

Clyde Z/2732 Petty Officer J. Allan, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3252(S.) Cpl. J. Barran, Medical Unit, attd. R.N.V.R.

Tyneside Z/1558 Able Seaman J. Bell, R.N.V.R.

Clyde Z/4561 Able Seaman R. Bell, R.N.V.R.

M.Z. 148 Leading Seaman C. V. Bettridge, R.N.V.R.

T.Z. 1917 Petty Officer H. Blair, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3403 (S) Pte. (L./C.) J. L. Carlyle, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

Clyde 2/147 Petty Officer J. Carrigan, R.N.V.R.

Mersey 5/156 Petty Officer S. E. Carter, R.N.V.R.

K.W.493 Able Seaman W. Chapman, R.N.V.R.

P.O./K.W.487 Petty Officer J. H. Cheetham, R.N.V.R.

London/Z1410 Leading Seaman F. J. Conington, R.N.V.R.

K.P.664 Able Seaman G. Cook, R.N.V.R.

Z.L./1319 Leading Seaman E. R. Crumner, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3477 (S) Pte. J. Davies, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

Clyde Z/2434 Petty Officer C. Duthie, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.635 Able Seaman G. W. Elliott, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3304 (s.) S./Sjt. N. Elliott; R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

Tyneside/Z.208 Petty Officer T. Elliott, attd. M.G. Coy., R.N.V.R.

K.X.69 Able Seaman R. W. Foster, R.N.V.R.

Clyde Z/4699 Actg. Able Seaman J. Fox, R.N.V.R.

London Z/176- Petty Officer J. W. Fry, R.N.V.R.

Ch.18137 Pte. (actg. Cpl.) G. W. Gannon, R.M.L.I.

T.Z.4826 Leading Seaman T. M. Gardner, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3146(S) Sjt. S. T. Gething, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

CH17669 Pte. E. Gill, R.M.L.I.

PO/17487 Pte. H. Godfrey, R.M.L.I.

Deal/3431(S) Pte. (L./C.) J. C. Green, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

Deal/3232(S) Pte. E. H. Greenwood, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

London Z/878 Able Seaman J. Harrison, R.N.V.R.

Wales Z/166 Able Seaman R. F. Harvey, R.N.V.R.

Ch./8332 Pte. (Actg. Cpl.) A. W. Heselton, R.M.L.I.

Clyde Z/1014 Petty Officer D. A. Inglis, R.N.V.R.

Bristol Z/571 Able Seaman E. James, R.N.V.R.

K.P.310 Leading Seaman A. E. Jeffrey, R.N.V.R.

JZ.C.1292 Actg. Leading Seaman J. Kerr, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.4369 Able Seaman J. Kirkwood, R.N.V.R.

Tyneside/Z.1337 Petty Officer E. Laidlaw, R.N.V.R.

London Z/1749 Able Seaman W. Mant, R.N.V.R.

M.Z.158 Leading Seaman J. J. Mathews, R.N.V.R.

Tyneside Z/368 Actg. Leading Seaman T. Matthew, R.N.V.R.

Clyde Z5296 Able Seaman W. McCartney, R.N.V.R.

Tyneside Z/162 Able Seaman J. McGee, R.N.V.R.

ZX/8 Leading Seaman E. McLaren, R.N.V.R.

Clyde Z/257 Able Seaman J: McLeod, R.N.V.R.

Ply. 13034 Sjt. W. H. Meatyard, R. Marines.

Tyneside 6/214 Able Seaman A. Moffat, R.N.V.R.

Tyne Z/5784 Able Seaman W. Monarch, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3346 (S.) Sjt. R. Murray, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

T.Z.5213 Able Seaman D. Nixon, R.N.V.R.

K.P./917 Leading Seaman G. E. Pickard, R.N.V.R.

Ch/15964 Pte. (actg. Cpl.) G. Pidduck, R.M.L.I.

Wales Z/1564 Actg. Petty Officer G. Price, R.N.V.R. .

Clyde Z/3404 Able Seaman A. M. Pryde, R.N.V.R.

Mersey Z/33 Actg. Ldg. Seaman T. Ramage, R.N.V.R.

B.Z.1229 Able Seaman J. H. Rex, R.N.V.R.

CH13241 Pte. (Actg. Sjt.) C. S. Riman, R.M.L.I.

Ply/14813 Cpl. (actg. Sjt.) J. M. Sanders, R.M.L.I.

Tyne Z/2336 Petty Officer G. Sanderson, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3249(,S) Pte. A. A. Senior, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

M.Z.375 Ldg. Seaman J. Silverwood, R.N.V.R.

Ply./1046 (S.) Pte. J. Smith, R.M.L.I.

Ply/15227 Pte. (actg. Cpl.) A. G. South, R.M.L.I.

K.P. 442 Leading Seaman G. Spencer, R.N.D.

Mersey 3/249 Chief Petty Officer A. A. Taylor, R.N.V.R.

Ch/16583 L./Sjt. H. D. Thompson, R.M.L.I.

Deal/3694(S) Pte. A. W. Thorp, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

Deal/3025(S) Pte. J. Vernon, Medical Unit, R.N. Div.

Ply/14151 Cpl. (Actg. Sjt.) L. B. Wagner, R.M.L.I.

M.Z.194 Petty Officer T. B. Wall, R.N.V.R.

L.Z.1908 Able Seaman A. W. Webber, R.N.V.R.

Po/17291 Pte. P. J. Willett, R.M.L.I.

T.Z.331 Ldg. Seaman E. Wilson, R.N.V.R.

Deal/3112 (S) Pte. J. Woosey, R. Marines, attd. R.N.D.

Ch/438(S) Pte. A. W. Wyatt, R.M.L.I.





29954 – 20 FEBRUARY 1917


Admiralty, 19th February, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' Decoration upon the undermentioned Officer:  

Cdr. Charles E. Froggatt, R.N.R.





29972 – 6 MARCH 1917


Admiralty, 6th March, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the posthumous grant of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officer in recognition of his most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in the course of the Battle of Jutland.


The full facts have only now been ascertained. Commander Loftus William Jones, R.N. (killed in action). On the afternoon of the 31st May, 1916, during the action, Commander Jones in H.M.S. "Shark," Torpedo Boat Destroyer, led a division of Destroyers to attack the enemy Battle Cruiser Squadron. In the course of this attack a shell hit the "Shark's" bridge, putting the steering gear out of order, and very shortly afterwards another shell disabled the main engines, leaving the vessel helpless. The Commanding Officer of another Destroyer, seeing the "Shark's" plight, came between her and the enemy and offered assistance, but was warned by Commander Jones not to run the risk of being almost certainly sunk in trying to help him. Commander Jones, though wounded in the leg, went aft to help connect and man the after wheel. Meanwhile the forecastle gun with its crew had been blown away, and the same fate soon afterwards befell the after gun and crew. Commander Jones then went to the midship and only remaining gun, and personally assisted in keeping it in action. All this, time the "Shark" was subjected to very heavy fire from enemy light cruisers and destroyers at short range. The gun's crew of the midship gun was reduced to three, of whom an Able Seaman was soon badly wounded in the leg. A few minutes later Commander Jones was hit by a shell, which took off his leg above the knee, but he continued to give orders to his gun's crew, while a Chief Stoker improvised a tourniquet round his thigh. Noticing that the Ensign was not properly hoisted, he gave orders for another to be hoisted. Soon afterwards, seeing that the ship could not survive much longer, and as a German Destroyer was closing, he gave orders for the surviving members of the crew to put on lifebelts. Almost immediately after this order had been given, the "Shark" was struck by a torpedo and sank. Commander Jones was unfortunately not amongst the few survivors from the "Shark," who were picked up by a neutral vessel in the night.


The following awards have also been made to the survivors of H.M.S. "Shark" for their services during the action:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal:

Sto. P.O. Charles Filleul, O.N.292779 (Po.).

A.B. Charles Cleeberg Hope, O.N.238376 (Po.).

A.B. Charles Herbert Smith, O.N.J.13416 (Po.).

A.B. Joseph Owen Glendower Howell, O.N.230192 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Thomas Wilton Swan, O.N.K.26567 (Po.).

P.O. William Charles Richard Griffin, O.N. 201404 (Po.).

(The award to Petty Officer Griffin has already been gazetted.)





29982 - 13 MARCH 1917


Admiralty, 12th March, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the Decoration of the Albert Medal of the Second Class on:


Acting Lieutenant Frederick William Weeks, R.N.R.


The following is the account of the services in respect of which the Decoration has been conferred:


On the night of Thursday, the 18th January, 1917, a member of the crew of one of his Majesty's Ships, when returning from leave, fell into the sea between the ship and the quay. The matter was at once reported to Acting Lieutenant Frederick William Weeks, R.N.R., to whom it was obvious that any attempt at rescue must be attended by considerable danger. The ship, which was kept clear of the side of the quay by spar fenders of only nine inches in diameter, was working to and fro with the slight swell entering the harbour. Moreover the man was incapable of helping himself; he was of heavy build and was wearing a uniform greatcoat. In view of the risk to the rescuer of being crushed between the ship and the quay, Lieutenant Weeks decided that he could not order a man down. He thereupon took a line and went down himself. By this time the man was almost unconscious. Lieutenant Weeks managed to obtain a hold of his hair and by this means kept him sufficiently above water, whilst wedging himself with his back against the quay with his knees against the ship's side. During this time he was mostly under water, the temperature of which was thirty-nine degrees. He succeeded in securing a line round the man, who was hauled on deck. The man was unconscious and very nearly drowned when brought on deck, and there is no doubt that, but for Lieutenant Weeks' prompt measures, he would have lost his life.





29996 – 23 MARCH 1917


Admiralty, 21st March, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Offrs.' Decoration upon Cdr. Wallace E. Whittingham.





29997 - 23 MARCH 1917


Admiralty, 23rd March, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned Officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order:


Captain John Locke Marx, M.V.O., R.N.R.

Maj. Charles D'Oyly Harmar, R.M.L.I.

Lieut.-Cdr. Philip Wilfred Sidney King, R.N.

Act. Lieut.-Cdr. Wybrants Olphert, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. John Whittow Williams, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ernest Mortimer Hawkins, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edward Vaughan Davies, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ronald Neil Stuart, R.N.R.

Eng.-Lieut. Leonard Samuel Loveless, D.S.C., R.N.R.



The undermentioned Officers have been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order for subsequent acts of gallantry:


Cdr. Francis Henry Grenfell, D.S.O., R.N. (The appointment to the Distinguished Service Order was announced in London Gazette dated 1st January, 1917.)


Cdr. Edmund Laurence Braithwaite Lockyer, D.S.O., R.N. (The appointment to the Distinguished Service Order was announced in London Gazette dated 1st January, 1915.)


Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur Alured Mellin. D.S.O., R.N. (The appointment to the Distinguished Service Order was announced in London Gazette dated 1st January, 1917)



The KING has also been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:

Capt. John Maurice Palmer, R.M.L.I.

Lieut. Edward Overend Priestley, R.N.

Lieut. Arthur Francis Eric Palliser, R.N,

Lieut. Leon Stopford Acheson, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Arthur Hanna, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Francis Cecil Pretty, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. James Sinclair Campbell, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Edgar William Bowack, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Stephen Philip Robey White, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Magnus Leo Musson, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Francis Robert Hereford, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. William Richard Ashton, R.N.R,

Sub-Lieut. Leonard Clifton Warder, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Richard Percy Nisbet, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. Reginald Arthur Nunn, R.N.R.

Gnr. (T.) Harry Morgan, R.N.

Gnr. Morris Roseman Cole, R.N.

Skipper George Albert Novo, R.N.R., 1338 W.S.A.

Skipper David Wallace, R.N.R., 1443 W.S.A.

Skipper Philip William Page, R.N.R., 559 W.S.A.

Skipper Thomas Crisp, R.N.R., 10055 D.A.



The KING has further been graciously pleased to approve of the award to the undermentioned Officer of a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross for a subsequent act of gallantry:

Skipper Walter Samuel Wharton, D.S.C., R.N.R. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in London Gazette dated 31st May, 1916.)



The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

Dk. Hnd. John Inglis, R.N.R., O.N. 8610 D.A.

P.O. Henry Granville, O.N. 181132 (Dev.).

Engmn. George Henry Dodds, R.N.R., O.N. 1012 E.S.

Boy, 1st Cl., Robert Peter Stearne, O.N. J.48469 (Ch.).

C.P.O. William Henry Pysden, O.N. 182248 (Ch.).

A.B. Leonard Macer, O.N. S.S. 3992 (Ch.).

2nd Hnd. John Watterson, R.N.R., 1458 S.A.

C.P.O. Alfred Butler, O.N. 118754 (R.F.R., Po./A.1358).

A.B. Wilfred Shaw, O.N. S.S. 1355 (R.F.R., Po./B. 4234).

A.B. Arthur Leslie Proe, O.N. S.S. 1012 (R.F.R., Po./B3644).

Ldg. Sea. Robert Jolley, O.N. 192517 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Johnston Robertson, O.N. 225836 (Ch.).

C.P.O. James Charles Volney McBrierty, O.N. 176961 (Po.).

A.B. Samuel Proudlove, O.N. S.S. 369 (R.F.R., Dev./B2571).

P.O. Albert Edward Holding, O.N. 178492 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Alexander Wilson, O.N. 200036 (R.F.R., Dev. B/2324).

Sea. Robert Arnold Conway, R.N.R., O.N. 8679A.

Cr. Serjt. Percy John. Strachan, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./6452 (R.F.R., A./644).

Pte. James Cook, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./18384.

Pte. James Alfred Short, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./ 11379.

Corpl. Thomas Henry Wedge, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./14717.

P.O. Francis John Horwill, O.N. 215946 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Samuel James Pollard, O.N. 148758 (R.F.R., Dev./A.3221).

Ldg. Sea. Herbert Leonard Day, O.N. 238965 (Po.).

Sea. Benjamin Samms, R.N.R. (Newfoundland), O.N. X.790.

Sea. Alexander Salisbury Morrison, R.N.R., O.N. A.5848.

Ldg. Sto. Richard Edward Davison, R.N.R., O.N. S.3675.

Sto. Aaron Hopkins, R.N.R., O.N. S.8346.

W./T. Op., 1st Cl., Thomas Ernest Fletcher, R.N.R., O.N. 404 W.T.S.

Sea. William Williams, R.N.R., O.N. 6224A.

C.E.R.A. Ebenezer George Hodges, R.N.R., O.N. 1377E.A.

P.O. John Henry Philp, O.N. 228045 (Dev.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl., James Hutley Green, O.N. 270984 (Dev.).

P.O., 2nd Cl., Leo Charles Martin, O.N. J.5436.(Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Charles Wood, O.K. J.14005 (Ch.).

P.O. Harry McRae Duncan, O.N. 188644 (Ch.).

Act. E.R.A., 4th a., Edward Lancaster, O.N. M.2684 (Dev.).

A.B. Percy Stanley Fryer, O.N.J. 11258 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Percival Ross, O.N. 184463 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. George William Cracknell, R.N.R., O.N. 7420D.A.

C.P.O. Alfred Daw, O.N. 169897 (R.F.R. Ch. B.284).



The undermentioned Petty Officers and Men have been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal for subsequent acts of gallantry:


Ldg. Sea. George Robert Cracknell, O.N. J.1559. (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was announced in London Gazette dated 15th May, 1916.)


P.O., 1st Cl., William John Adams, O.N. 18908 (Dev.). (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was announced in London Gazette dated 1st January, 1917.)


Ldg. Sea. Daniel Joseph Donovan, O.K. 204180 (Dev.). (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was announced in London Gazette dated 1st January, 1917.)


C.P.O. George Henry Truscott, O.K. 140440 (R.F.R., Dev./A.3140). (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was announced in London Gazette dated 31st May, 1916.)



The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Surg. John Desmond Milligan, M.B., R.N.

Lt. Frank Lionel Tongue, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Frederick George Russell, R.N.R.

Ch. Art. Eng. Alfred Edward Thomas, R.N.

Act. Sub-Lieut. Dudley Thomas Gary Field, R.N.

Act. Sub-Lieut. Arthur Hubert Stanley, R.N.

Act. Sub-Lieut. Archibald Guthrie Elliot, R.N.

Act. Sub-Lieut. Thomas Norman Becket Cree, R.N.

Wt. Teleg. Allan Andrews, R.N.R.

P.O. Ernest Pitcher, O.N. 227029 (Po.).

Shipwt., 2nd Cl., William Samuel Smart, O.N. M.16854 (Po.).

A.B. Charles Edward Hodder, O.N. J.19434 (Po.).

A.B. Richard Walter Sheppard, O.K. J.25419 (Ch).

Sea. Alphonso Davies, R.N.R., O.N. 1514 C.

A.B. Ernest Alfred Veale, O.N. 181452 (R.F.R. Dev./B.2119).

Sea. Patrick Murphy, R.N.R., O.N. 8489 A.

Sea. Robert Jenkins, R.N.R., O.N. 6055 A.

Sea. John Stephen Martindale, R.N.R., O.N. 8556 A.

Sea. Martin Connors, R.N.R., O.N. 8484 A.

A.B. Bruce Ronald Claude Harris, O.N. J.6495 (Dev.).

Sea. Robert Dryden, R.N.R., O.N. 5114 A

A.B. Noble Britton, O.N. 219860 (E.F.R. Dev./B.3471).

Sea. John Gardner Orr, R.N.R., O.N. 2430 D.

A.B. Charles William Hurell, R.N.V.R., O.N. Z.2181 (London).

Sea. Frederick Dodd, R.N.R., O.N. 5955 A.

Sea. William Henry Bennison, R.N.R., O.N. 7495 A.

E.R.A. Albert William Morrison; R.N.R., O.N. 1831 E.A.

Ldg. Sto. John Thomas Davies, R.N.R., O.N. 8396 S.

Sto. William O'Leary, R.N.R., O.N. 8352 S.

Sto. George Rees, R.N.R., O.N. 1536 U.

Sto. James Tomlinson, R.N.R., O.N. 4177 S.

Arm's. Crew Stanley Woodison, O.N. M.15547 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. Samuel Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 607 D.A.

Engmn. Frederick Francis Feltham, R.N.R., O.N. 1214 E.S.

S.B.A. George Johnson Grieve, O.N. M.4417 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Thomas William Liddiard, 236282 (Ch.).

Pte. Frank Thomas Gorman, R.M.L.I. Ply./11760.

Pte. Arthur Whittle, R.M.L.I., Ply./10130 (I.R. 57).





30001 - 23 MARCH 1917


War Office, 26th March, 1917.


(included in Army lists)


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the appointment of the undermentioned Officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


Temp. Surg. Harold Boultbee Padwick, R.N. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He remained in the open, and continued to tend the wounded under very heavy fire. Later, he proceeded to Headquarters, and at great personal risk brought in many wounded men. He displayed great courage and determination throughout the operations.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentioned Officers and Warrant Officers, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


Temp. Sub-Lt. David Ablett, R.N.V.R., attd. Trench Mortar By. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He kilfully established his trench mortar positions and assisted in capturing 31 prisoners. Later, he rallied some infantry, put a trench in a state of defence, and drove off an enemy attack.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Reginald Francis Edsall Blackmore, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led a very gallant; attack against an enemy strong point. Later, although wounded, he maintained his position and rendered a clear report of the situation.


Temp. Sub-Lt. John Frederick Bunce, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He carried out a dangerous reconnaissance and obtained most valuable information. He has on many occasions carried out valuable reconnaissance work.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Joseph Clark, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He held a portion of a trench with only fourteen men for two nights and a day. He repelled a strong enemy counter-attack and captured a strong point with several prisoners.


Temp. Sub.-Lt. William Alexander Fernie, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He organised carrying parties, led them up to the dumps under heavy fire, thereby ensuring the supply of ammunition and bombs to the front line at a critical time.


Temp. Sub.-Lt. Hugh Merton Graham, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He carried out a daring reconnaissance of the enemy's front line, and obtained most valuable information. 


Temp. Lt. James Curzon Hilton, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He handled his company in the attack with marked ability, and maintained his position against several enemy counter-attacks. He set a splendid example of courage and determination throughout. 


Capt. Henry Basil Inman, R.M.L.I. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He handled his company with marked ability and maintained his position under the most trying conditions. He set a splendid example to his men. 


Temp. Sub.-Lt. Walter Paterson Lyally R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. During an enemy counter-attack he continually visited his men under very heavy fire. His men were hard pressed, and his gallant action undoubtedly saved the posts from being rushed.


Temp. Sub.-Lt. Harold Alfred Pound, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He assumed command of a company, and, under the most difficult conditions, succeeded in closing a gap in the front line. He set a fine example of courage and determination.


Temp. Sub.-Lt. Basil Bedsmore Rackham, .R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He showed marked ability in preparing gun positions, and continually moved from position to position under very heavy fire. On another occasion, he displayed great bravery in going round the whole line during an enemy counter-attack.  


Temp. Lt. William Lister Robotti, R.M.L.I. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He conducted two echelons of a pack-animal train to within 300 yards of the front line, under very heavy fire. He displayed great courage throughout, and set a fine example to his men.


Temp. Sub.-Lt. John Cecil Sterndale-Bennett, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He rushed up and endeavoured to save a post which was being strongly attacked by the enemy. In doing this he was severely wounded, but refused to leave his post until another officer could be found to replace him.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Men, for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field


M.Z. 148 L.S. (H.G.) C. V. Bettridge, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Although wounded in three places, he remained at duty until his company was relieved. He set a splendid example to his men.


T.Z. 1917 P.O. H. Blair, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led his platoon in the attack with great courage and determination. He personally captured twelve prisoners and bombed several enemy dug-outs.


P./Z. 1079 P.O. A Buckman, Mach. Gun Coy. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He fought his machine gun with great courage, and inflicted many casualties on the enemy. Later, although wounded in three places, he reported the situation before seeking medical aid.


T.Z. 3152 P.O. C. Callender, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He rallied the men nearest to him, and led a counter-attack against the enemy with great gallantry. He set a splendid example of courage and determination throughout.


K.X.490 Actg. P.O. .T. Egdell, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in .action. He got his machine guns into action under heavy fire, and greatly assisted in repelling a strong enemy counter-attack. He set a fine example of courage and initiative.


M/Z.79 Leading Sea. E. W. Jillings, Mach. Gun Coy. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He fought his machine gun with great gallantry, and drove off many enemy attacks. Moreover, he contrived, in spite of the constant fighting, to send back adequate reports, so that supplies of ammunition could be sent him.


T.Z. 1571 Leading Sea. W. Punton, R.N.V.R., attd. Trench Mortar By. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He rallied the infantry, and greatly assisted in saving the situation at a critical time. He displayed great courage and determination throughout the operations.


B./Z. 654 Actg. P.O. P. Rosewarne, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. Accompanied by another man, he rushed an enemy machine gun and shot two of the crew. Later, he twice assisted his Company Commander in rallying the men when posts were rushed. He set a splendid example throughout.


T./Z. 8380 Able Sea. N. Schofield, Mach. Gun Coy. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. While carrying a message he was wounded in the back some 150 yards from his objective, but managed to crawl the remainder of the way, and safely delivered his message.


T.Z. 853 P.O. T. B. Simpson, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led his platoon with great gallantry, and succeeded in driving off two strong enemy counter-attacks. On another occasion while leading a bombing party he was wounded, but refused to leave his post.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned Non-Commissioned Officers and Men:

L.Z. 1241 Able Seaman C. T. Baker, R.N.V.R.

K.W. 424 Able Seaman A. Baldwin, R.N.V.R.

T.Z. 7184 Leading Seaman J. D. Ball, R.N.V.R.

L.Z. 658 Able Seaman S. J. Bamford, R.N.V.R.

C.Z. 70 Petty Officer R. L. Barrie, R.N.V.R.

S.3779 Pte. W. Blanchflower, R.M.

T.Z.4594 Able Seaman J. Brady, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.5807 Able Seaman R. Brown, R.N.V.R.

T.&.618 Able Seaman W. Brown, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.849 Able Seaman G. W. Brutnell, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.1562 Able Seaman  J. Campbell. R.N.V.R.

L.Z.2930 Able Seaman H. Chapman, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.617 Leading Seaman A. E. Colvin, R.N.V.R.

K.W.302 Able Seaman J. T. P. Connor, R.N.V.R.

W.Z.710 Able Seaman C. E. Coombes, R.N.V.R.

S.3147 Pte. M. Crehan, R.M.

T.Z.9691 Able Seaman-A. Crofts, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.143 Able Seaman A. Davidson, R.N.V.R.

S.3594 Pte. C. Dean, R.M.

K.X.371 Able Seaman J. Dickson, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.2077 Leading Seaman A. Dixon, R.N.V.R.

K.W.35 Able Seaman E. Dixon, R.N.V.R., attd. T.M. By.

C.Z.2274 Able Seaman W. Duthie, R.N.V.R.

L.Z.2856 Able Seaman W. H. Fawcett, R.N.V.R.

S.3399 Pte. G. T. Felton, R.M.

S.3840 Pte. E. Fitton, R.M.

T.Z.569 Petty Officer N. Foster, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.2629 Able Seaman J. Gillespie, M.G. Coy., R.N.V.R.

T.Z.3375 Able Seaman A. Gregory, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.3208 Petty Officer G. T. Hall, R.N.V.R.

L.Z.2769 Petty Officer W. F. Hardy, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.6274 Able Seaman H. Jackson, R.N.V.R., attd. T/.M. By.

C.Z.723 Leading Seaman H. C. Kerr, R.N.V.R.

K.W.557 Able Seaman W. Leather, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.4686 Able Seaman W. Lindsay,. M.G. Coy., R.N.V.R.

S.4025 Pte. J. Makin, R.M.

S.3762 Pte. H. Mangham, R.M.

T.Z.1562 Leading Seaman J. McGuire, R.N.V.R., attd. T.M. By.

C.Z.1612 Actg. Leading Seaman C. McLuckie, R.N.V.R.

P.Z.1037 Able Seaman J. W. O'Kelly, R.N.V.R.

S.4009 L./C. J. Pullin, R.M.

C./2333 Able Seaman A. Robertson, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.346 Petty Officer J. Ross, R.N.V.R.

S.4075 Pte. H. Shepherd, R.M.

S.3337 Pte. T. Simm, R.M.

T.Z.3164 Able Seaman C. Small, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.593 Able Seaman A. B. Smith, R.N.V.R.

S.4027 Pte. P. Smith, R.M.

L.Z.5097 Able Seaman A. Steele, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.4188 Actg. Petty Officer E. Stirland, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.2921 Leading Seaman W. L. Stokoe, R.N.V.R.

S.3205 Cpl. R. J. Tilley, R.M.

W.Z.84 Able Seaman J. Trigg, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.769 Able Seaman C. R. Watt, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.831 Leading Seaman R. A. Waugh, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.7025 Able Seaman G. F. Webster, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.3863 Able Seaman T. S. Weir, R.N.V.R.

C.Z.2224 Actg. Leading Seaman C. B. Wheeler, R.N.V.R., attd. T.M. By.

S.3121 Pte. R. E. F. Wild, R.M.

S.3543 Pte. M. B. Wilkinson, R.M.

W.Z.2205 Able Seaman L. E. Williams, R.N.V.R. 

K.P.250 Able Seaman A. E. Woodhead, R.N.V.R.





30002 - 27 MARCH 1917


Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George,


The KING (is) pleased to give directions lor the following appointment to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George:


To be an Additional Member of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Distinguished Order:

Commander William Fortescue Sells, R.N., in recognition of his services during the war as Naval Attachι to His Majesty's Legation at Athens.



Admiralty, 19th March, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' decoration upon the following Officers:

Lieut.-Cdr. Thomas W. Hankinson, R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry Cook, R.N.R.

Lieut. Francis S. Murray, R.N.R.





30011 - 6 APRIL 1917


Admiralty, 4th April, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' decoration upon the undermentioned officers:

Eng. Lieut. William McR. Campbell, R.N.R.

Payr. Arthur J. Padfield, R.N.R.





30012 - 10 APRIL 1917


Whitehall, April 5, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to grant the Imperial Service Medal to the following retired members of His Majesty's Civil Service as a recognition of long and meritorious service:




Allwood, Joshua Henry, Chief Stoker (Yardcraft), Portsmouth Dockyard.

Beare, Thomas, Inspector of Shipwrights, Devonport Dockyard.

Bowes, Charles Parr, Smith, Devonport Dockyard.

Bryant, John George, Shipwright, Devonport Dockyard.

Charman, Levi Adams, Shipwright, Chargeman, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Clift, Frederick William, Boilermaker, Chatham Dockyard.

Climo, William Rendle, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Cundy, William James, Skilled Labourer (Hammerman), Devonport Dockyard.

Davies, George, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Evans, Davies, Shipwright (Chargeman), Portsmouth Dockyard.

Gillies, Walter, Hammerman, Pembroke Dockyard.

Hearn, William Henry, Skilled Labourer, Devonport Dockyard.

Hicks, Samuel John, Shipwright, Chatham Dockyard.

James, Edmund John, Furner (sic), Royal William Yard, Plymouth.

Jenking, Richard, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Leach, George, Boilermaker, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Luck, Henry Isaac, Chargeman of Fitters, Chatham Dockyard.

Lucks, Henry, Shipwright, Devonport Dockyard.

Mathias, Thomas, Smith, Pembroke Dockyard.

Mathieson, James, Shipwright, Chatham Dockyard

Rentoul, William James, Skilled Labourer, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Rogers, Harry George, Hammerman, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Skyrmes, William. Skilled Labourer, Pembroke Dockyard.

Suter, Edward Gibson, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Trench, Thomas John, Shipwright, Portsmouth Dockyard.

Wyatt, Lewis Truscott, Shipwright, Devonport Dockyard.



Admiralty, 9th April, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the Royal Naval Reserve Officers' Decoration upon Lieutenant Commander Walter Michael Knowles, R.N.R.





30015 - 10 APRIL 1917


Admiralty, 11th April, 1917.


In addition to the honours notified in the Supplements to the London Gazette dated 14th March, 15th May (3rd Supplement), and 31st May, 1916 (3rd Supplement), The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointment to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned officers, in recognition of their services in the Eastern Mediterranean up to the 30th June, 1916:


To be Companion of the Distinguished Service Order –

Captain Alexander V. Campbell, M.V.O., R.N. Performed meritorious service whilst in command of H.M.S. "Prince George," which took part in the actions of 25th February and 18th March, 1915. "Prince George" supported the Army from inside the Straits between 25th April .and 10th May, 1915, and also at Suvla for several weeks continuously under fire. Captain Campbell also did good service during the evacuation.



To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.


Lieutenant Kenneth Edwards, R.N. Performed good service at the landing and at the evacuation of Helles. Set a fine example to his men whilst assisting at salvage operations on Monitor M.30 under fire from enemy's guns.


Lieutenant Charles Leonard Fawell, R.N.V.R. For consistent good service, often under heavy fire, whilst in command of motor gunboat in the Smyrna inner patrol.



The following awards have also been made:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

Chief Petty Officer Arthur James, O.N. 142389 (Po.).

Leading Seaman Harry T. Coleman, O.N. 231247 (Ch.).

Chief E.R.A. Samuel Fletcher, O.N. 269985 (Ch.).

Armourer's Mate Charles H. Hazel, O.N. M.4491 (Dev.).

First Writer Walter J. V. Keeble, O.N. 231499 (Dev.).

Ship's Steward William H. Bromidge, O.N. 345206 (Dev.).

Chief Motor Mechanic T. Thurburn, O.N., M.B.369.

Sergeant Albert V. Proctor, No. R.M.A. /5508.



The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Captain Michael H. Hodges, M.V.O., R.N.

Captain Francis Clifton Brown, R.N.

Captain Edmund C. Carver, R.N.

Commander Morton Smart, R.N.V.R.

Lieutenant-Commander (now Commander) Basil H. Piercy, R.N.

Lieutenant-Commander Claude P. Champion de Crespigny, R.N.

Lieutenant Commander Henry C. Summers, R.N.V.R.

Mr. Hugh F. Bevan, Gunner, R.N.

Mr. Charles E. A. W. Cox, Gunner (now Mate), R.N.

Mr. Leonard W. Brock, Gunner, R.N.

Mr. Philip J. Jones, Signal Boatswain.

Petty Officer Thomas Hoban, O.N. 192417 (Po.).

Petty Officer James Mather, O.N. 213655 (Ch.).

Petty Officer Lawrence V. Parsons, O.N. 191341 (Po.).

Leading Seaman Thomas G. Maylor, O.N. 238210 (Dev.).

Yeoman of Signals Samuel R. J. Hillier, O.N. 224951 (Ch.).

Chief E.R.A., 2nd Class, David Thompson, O.N. 272337 (Ch.).

Chief Stoker James W. French, O.N. 282587 (Ch.).

Chief Writer H. J. W. Gains, O.N. 343680 (Ch.).

Private John Gollop, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./ 12330.





30023 - 17 APRIL 1917


War Office, April 17th, 1917.


(included in Army lists)

His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the appointments of the undermentioned Officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


Temp. Lt.-Com. Arthur Melland Asquith, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He obtained leave to go up to the front when he heard a fight was imminent.. Later, although wounded, he returned to Brigade Headquarters and gave a clear account of the situation and of the fighting,, which had been going on during the night. He has previously done fine work.


Temp. Capt. The Hon. Lionel Samuel Montagu, R.M. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his company in the first attack and captured his objective. Later, under very heavy fire, he personally took out a covering party and kept his men consolidating the trenches for over 24 hours. On another occasion he single-handed captured 50 prisoners, and later, although wounded, remained at duty.


Maj. Harold Ozanne, R.M.L.I. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He directed the consolidation of the position with marked ability, and was largely responsible for holding the position against subsequent enemy counter-attacks. He displayed great courage and determination throughout the operations.


Temp. Lt.-Com. Robert Howard Shelton, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He was repeatedly counter-attacked by the enemy, and some of his posts were driven in, and it was only by his personal bravery in placing himself at the head of his men and charging the enemy that the position was held.


T/Lt.-Com. Charles Skeffington West, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He rendered invaluable service by most ably guiding and placing companies of the battalion in their battle positions within 400 yards of the enemy. He worked continuously under heavy hostile shell-fire, and was largely responsible for the success of the operations.  



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentioned Officers and Warrant Officers in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


Temp. Lt. William Edmund Brian Barclay,. R.N.V.R., attd. M.G. Coy. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He captured an enemy machine gun and brought it into action, thereby materially assisting in repelling an enemy counter-attack. He set a splendid example to his men.


Temp. Sub-Lt. Philip Henchman Bolus, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He collected men from different mnits, reorganised them, and led them forward to the attack. Later, although severely wounded, he still continued to give orders and encourage his men.


Temp. Surg. Frederick Hugh Lester Cunningham, R.N. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He displayed great courage and determination in searching for the wounded in exposed positions and tending them under very heavy fire. He has previously done fine work.


Temp. Surg. William James McCracken, M.B., R.N. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He continually attended to the wounded under very heavy fire. He has previously done fine work.


Temp. Lt. (temp. Capt.) John Pearson, R. Marines. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He carried out the consolidation of the battalion's left front and materially assisted in repulsing an enemy counterattack at a critical time.


Temp. Lt. Edmund Augustus Sprange, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his company most gallantly in the assault, subsequently consolidating the captured position and establishing a line of posts beyond the final objective. He has previously done fine work.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Warrant Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and Men for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:


C./Z. 5266 Able Sea. (H.G.) T. R Macaulay, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry in action. After killing three and wounding one of the enemy he captured a hostile machine gun, which he brought back to our front line. He set a fine example of courage and initiative throughout.


T.Z.4741 Petty Officer G. W. Mallett, Mach. Gun Coy., R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He established his machine gun under very heavy fire and maintained his position: for three days until relieved.


M.Z.529 Able Sea. F. Price, R.N.V.R. . For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Although wounded and partially buried, he managed to extricate himself. He then worked for an hour under heavy fire, and succeeded in digging out five men who had been buried.


C.Z. 2224 Petty Officer C. B. Wheeler, R.N.V.R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He handled three trench mortars with marked ability, and greatly assisted in clearing up a difficult situation. He set a fine example throughout.



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the Field to the under-mentioned Non-Commissioned Officers and Men:

K.P.511 Able Seaman F. Baker, R.N.V.R.

Ply./11912 Pte. (actg. Sjt.) W. N. Bennett, R.M.L.I.

Ply./433 (S.) Pte. E. Berry, R.M.L.I.

T.Z.2312 Able Seaman J. Best, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.6450 Actg. Petty Off. E. H. Brewer, R.N.V.R., attd. M.G. Coy.

Ply./17892 Pte. W. H. Bullen, R.M.L.I.

C.Z.4616 Able Seaman W. Clune, R.N.V.R.

Po./578(S.) Pte. J. Collinson, R.M.L.I., attd. RFC

C.Z.3182 Able Seaman G. Cook, R.N.V.R.

K.X.553 Petty Off. T. Coxon, R.N.V.R.

W Z.1809 Able Seaman W. H. Davies, R.N.V.R., attd. T.M. By.

L/Z./209 Petty Off. W. H. Donly, R.N.V.R., attd. M.G. Coy.

Ch./497 Pte. W. J. Duke, R.M.L.I.

Deal/3894 (S) Pte. D. Edmundson, R. Marines.

Ply./48(S) Pte. T. W. Elliott, R.M.L.I.

C.Z. 1702 Able Seaman R. Esson, R.N.V.R.

Ch./19877 Pte. C. F. Gilbert, R.M.L.I.

Ply./823 (S) Pte. R. Hancock, R.M.L.I.

Ch./I7911 Pte. J. E. Hubbard, R.M.L.I.

Po./862 (S.) Pte. (actg. Cpl.) J. A. Innes, R.M.L.I.

L.8/3278 Able Seaman P. Jackson, R.N.V.R., attd. M.G. Coy.

Ch./12385 Pte. A. E. Janes, R.M.L.I.

K.X.164 Actg. Petty Off. F. B. Kelly, R.N.V.R,

K.X.167 Able Seaman F. A. Lyons, R.N.V.R.

Ply./15092 Cpl. J. S. Marston, R.M.L.I.

Po./17259 Pte. J. H. Matthews, R.M.L.I.

T.Z.6578 Actg. Petty Off. R. B. Mills, R.N.V.R.

Po./10828 Sjt. (actg. Co. S./M.) R. Milne, R.M.L.I.

Z.C.1848 Able Seaman G. Monaghau, R.N.V.R.

K.W.284 Actg. Petty Officer J. W. North, R.N.V.R.

Ply./14477 Pte. (actg. Sjt.) F. A. Pearce, R.M.L.I.

Po./17449 Pte. J. Postin, R.M.L.I.

T.Z./3045 Able Seaman J. Ramsden, R.N.V.R.

Ch./1037(8) Pte. K. Robson, R.M.L.I.

Ply./1100(S) Pte. E. Scott, R.M.L.I.

K.X.564 Actg. Able Seaman J. D. Steel, R.N.V.R.

C.Z 6212 Able Seaman T. Thomson, R.N.V.R.

Z.C.4938 Able Seaman T. Walker, R.N.V.R.

Ch./18683 Pte. G. H. Warren, R.M.L.I.

K.P. 764 Able Seaman H. Wild, R.N.V.R.

B.Z.283 Able Seaman A. Williams, R.N.V.R.

T.Z.1277 Able Seaman H. Williamson, R.N.V.R., attd. Lt. T.M. By.





30029 - 20 APRIL 1917


Admiralty, S.W., 2lst April, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the grant of the Victoria Cross to Commander Gordon Campbell, D.S.O., R.N. In recognition of his conspicuous gallantry, consummate coolness, and skill in command of one of H.M. ships in action.



Honours for Service in the Patrol Cruisers.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers in recognition of their services in the Patrol Cruisers, under the command of Vice-Admiral Reginald G. O. Tupper, C.B., C.V.O., during the period 1st July-31st December, 1916:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. Humphrey Hugh Smith, R.N.

Eng. Cdr. Walter Jordan, R.N.R.


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.

Asst. Payr. (now Payr.) Frank Lankester Horsey, R.N.

Lieut. Howard Uncles, R.N.R.

Mid. Thomas Edwin Hunter Grove, R.N.R.


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

C.P.O. William John Curley Poole (alias William John Curley), O.N. 133945 (R.F.R., Dev./A2852).

P.O., 1st 01., Arthur Banfield James, O.N. 189089 (R.F.R., Dev./B1202).

P.O. William Henry Baker, O.N. 163292 (Po.).

P.O. Ernest Knight, O.N. 198006 (R.F.R., Po./B5341).

Ldg. Sea. Howard Edward Osgood, O.N. 236853 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. George Francis Reddings, R.N.R., O.N. 2702A.

Sea. Charles William Victor Potter, R.N.R., O.N. 4599A.

Ldg. Sig. William Thomas Isaac, O.N. 184506 (R.F.R., Dev./B636).

Ldg. Sig. Edgar Charles Saunders, O.N. 124595 (Dev.).

Ch. Arm. William Henry Harrington, O.N. 143238 (Ch.).

M.A.A. George Francis Cook, O.N. 121490 (R.F.R., Po./A1612).

Lce.-Corpl. Reginald Dennis Hale, R.M.L.I., No. Po./16833.

Pte. Richard Burns, R.M.L.I., No. Po./8167.

Ch. Carp. Alexander R. Fraser (Mercantile Rating).

Ldg. Fireman Robert Charles James (Mercantile Rating).

Donkeyman Archibald McDonald (Mercantile Rating).


The following Officers and men have been mentioned in despatches by Vice-Admiral Reginald G. O. Tupper, C.B., C.V.O., for good service in the Patrol Cruisers:

Eng. Cdr. George Thompson Greig, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. Jack Barton, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Charles John Leonard Hayward, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Arthur Mallorie Coleman, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. William Mill Ruxton, R.N.R.

C.P.O. Jeremiah Wafer, O.N. 140125 (R.F.R., Po./A3089).

P.O., 1st Cl., Thomas James Bailey, O.N. 140715 (R.F.R., Po./A3388).

P.O. William Oliver. O.N. 198505 (R.F.R., Po./B5763).

Ldg. Sea. James Savage, O.N 199651 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. John Mackenzie, R.N.R., O.N. 2303D.

Act. Ldg. Sea. Edward Henry Shute, R.N.V.R., O.N. 2636 (Clyde).

A.B. Ernest Bennett, O.N. 209614 (R.F.R., Ch./B4946).

A.B. John Frederick Gaisford, O.N. 192325 (R.F.R., Dev./B3059).

Sea. Arthur Evans, R.N.R., O.N. 5093A.

Sea. Enos Ryan, R.N.R. (Newfoundland), O.N. 711X.

Yeo. Sigs. William Sidney Austin, O.N. 204967 (R.F.R., Ch./B10156).

Elect. Art., 4th Cl., Edward Brooks, O.N. M. 10794 (Ch.).

Ch. Arm. Edwin Norris, O.N. 114281 (Po.).

Lce.-Corpl. Frederick Charles Louis Wye, R.M.L.I., No. Po./19906.

Ldg. Fireman William Purseglove (Mercantile Rating).

Ch. Carp. Alfred Martin (Mercantile Rating).



Honours for Royal Naval Air Service.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned Officer 


To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order:

Flt.-Lieut. (actg. Flt.-Cdr.) Bertram Charles Bell, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous bravery and skill in attacking hostile aircraft. Since February 1st, 1917, he has taken part in fourteen aerial combats, notably: On 17th March, 1917, on two different occasions during the same offensive patrol he attacked and drove down hostile machines, one completely out of control and the other in flames. On March 24th, 1917, he attacked a hostile machine which was diving on one of our machines. After he had fired about 30 rounds at a range of about 50 yards the hostile pilot fell back and his machine went down spinning and side-slipping completely out of control.


The KING has also been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:


Flt.-Lieut, (now act. Flt.-Cdr.) Charles Cyril Rogers Edwards, R.N.A.S.

Sub-Lieut. Charles Keith Chase, R.N.V.R.

In recognition of their services on the 1st March, 1917, when they were attacked by two hostile machines whilst on a reconnaissance flight and brought them both down out of control. Flt.-Lieut. Edwards was hit by a bullet which passed through the left shoulder, fracturing the collar-bone, and at the same time was slightly wounded in both feet. Although suffering considerably, he brought his machine home safely, in spite of being again attacked by two hostile aircraft. By his determination and pluck he probably saved his own life and that of his observer.


Flt.-Cdr. Alfred William Clemson, R.N.A.S.

Sub-Lieut. James Leslie Kerry, R.N.V.R.

In recognition of their conspicuous gallantry on the 28th February, 1917, when they carried out a reconnaissance of Rayak and Damascus in a seaplane. During this flight they crossed two mountain ranges whose lowest ridges are 4,000 feet high, and brought back valuable information.


Lieut, (now Lieut.-Cdr.) Erskine Childers, R.N.V.R. In recognition of his services with the R.N.A.S. for the period January-May, 1916. During this time he acted as observer in many important air reconnaissances, showing remarkable aptitude for observing and for collating the results of his observation.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Horace Ernest Philip Wigglesworth, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry and enterprise on the 23rd January, 1917, during a bomb attack by aircraft when considerable damage was done to enemy blast furnaces at Burbach. During this flight he fought five engagements with enemy aircraft in formations of three, four and five at a time.


Sub-Lieut, (now Lieut.) Eric Bourne Coulter Betts, R.N.V.R. In recognition of his services on the 1st February, 1917, when he carried out a long reconnaissance and returned with extremely important information, shooting down an enemy scout machine which attacked him on his way back.


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal:

Act. Air Mech., 1st Grade, Walter Bunce, O.N. F.7088.


The following Officer has been mentioned in Despatches:

Flt.-Lieut. Henry Guy Holden, R.N.A.S.



Honours for Miscellaneous Services.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned Officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order: Cdr. Francis William Hanan, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. James Sandbach Parker, R.N.

Lieut, (now Act. Lieut.-Cdr.) Frederick Augustus Frank, R.N.R.


The KING has also been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:

Act. Lieut. John Herman Ritchie Elfert, R.N.R.

Eng. Sub-Lieut. John Smith, R.N.R.

Gnr. William John Hubbard, R.N.

Art.-Eng. Ernest Thaxter, R.N.


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Ch. Yeo. Sigs. Albert Arthur Bishop, O.N. 201787 (Ch.). Showed great devotion to duty in action during the Dardanelles Operations. After his left leg had been shattered above the ankle, this man raised himself into a sitting position and continued performing his duties and passing reports to his Commanding Officer.


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

P.O. Percy Robert Lawes, O.N. 168394 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. Charles Henry Shepherd, O.N. 233947 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. George Bannister, O.N. 300989 (Po.).

P.O. Alfred Augustus Hill, O.N. 231440 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Albert Young, O.N. 239432 (Po.).

A.B. William Edward Dumaresq, O.N. 224405 (Po.).

Ldg. Sto. Robert Anthony Duncan, O.N.K.7164 (Po.).

P.O. Arthur Henry Craven, O.N. 150825 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 1 Cl., Duncan Alexander Sinclair, O.N. 268690 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. George Thomas Ludgate, O.N. 186981 (Ch.).

Pte. John Jones, R.M.L.I., No. Ch./19114.

Pte. Thomas Mitchell Symons, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./9603.


The following Officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Capt. Henry Faulconer Aplin, R.N.

Maj. And Bt. Lt.-Col. Joseph Arthur Myles Ariel Clark, R.M.L.I.

Cdr. (now Capt.) George Francis Hyde, R.A.N.

Lt.-Cdr. William Wybrow Hallwright, R.N.

Lt.-Cdr. John Henry Webb, R.N.R.

Lieut. Martin Arthur Frankland Hood, R.N.

Lieut. Humphrey Edward Archer, R.N.

Lieut. Philip John Mack, R.N.

Eng. Lieut. William Begg McDonald, R.N.R.

Lieut. Alfred Sand Holmes, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Henry Askew Bee, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Macpherson McRitchie, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Keith Morris, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. Leonard Warren, R.N.R.

Mate (E.) George Edward Harman. R.N.

Gunr. Henry Frank Edwards. R.N.

Carp. Francis Fernley Smith, R.N.

Skipper Samuel Reid, R.N.R., 2675S.A.

C.P.O. William Charles Barnaby, O.N. 167729 (Po.).

Serjt. Edward John Banks, R.M.L.I., No. Po./10598.

A.B. Ernest Hargraves. O.N. J.37842 (Po.).

A.B. Robert Arthur Frank Preston, O.N. J.23257 (Po.).

P.O. James Sillery, O.N. 193851 (Po.).

Arm's. Mate John Dudley, O.N. 34548 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. George Frederick Barnes, R.N.R., O.N. 992 D.A.





30036 - 24 APRIL 1917


War Office, April 26th, 1917.


(included in Army lists)

His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the Field to the undermentioned Non-Commissioned Officers and Men:

S.3743 Pte. M. Bennett, R. Marines.

S.4012 Pte. J. W. Hall, R. Marines.

S.4153 Pte. J. Hampson, R. Marines.

6/56 S. Leading Seaman A. J. Jupp, R.N.V.R.

S.3194 Pte. C. Maundrill, R. Marines.

S.3960 Pte. E. Parkinson, R. Marines.

Ch/424 (S) Pte. J. Sherman, R.M.L.I.

S/3016 Pte. J. S. Singleton, R. Marines.





30055 - 8 MAY 1917


Admiralty, 4th May, 1917.


The KING hag been graciously pleased to confer the Decoration of the Albert Medal of the Second Class on:


Michael Joyce, Engine Room Artificer, 3rd Class (now Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer, 2nd Class), O.N. M 1400.

Walter Kimber, Stoker Petty Officer (now Chief Stoker), O.N. 307820.


The following is the account of the services in respect of which the Decoration has been conferred:  


H.M.S. "Zulu" was mined on the 8th November, 1916. As a result of the explosion the bottom of the after part of the engine room was blown out, and the whole compartment reduced to a mass of debris and broken steam and water pipes. Immediately after the explosion Joyce and Kimber proceeded to the engine room, the former having just come off watch. The latter had just left the boiler room, after he had seen that the oil-burners were shut off and everything was in order, and had sent his hands on deck. Hearing the sound of moans coming from inside the engine room, they both attempted to enter it by the foremost hatch and ladder. As the heat in the engine room was intense and volumes of steam were coming up forward, they then lifted one of the square ventilating hatches further aft on the top of the engine room casing (port side) and climbed into the rapidly flooding compartment over the steam pipes, which were extremely hot. Scrambling over the debris, they discovered well over on the starboard side Stoker Petty Officer Smith, with his head just out of the water. A rope was lowered from the upper deck, and with great difficulty Smith, who was entangled in fractured pipes and other wreckage, was hauled up alive. At the same time Stoker Petty Officer Powell was found floating, in the water on the port side of the engine room. The rope was lowered again and passed around Powell, who, however, was found to be dead on reaching the deck. The water was so high that further efforts to discover the remaining Artificer left in the engine room would have been useless, and the attempt had to be abandoned.



Admiralty, 7th May, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' Decoration upon the following Officers:

Act. Cdr. Louis A. Brooke-Smith, R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. William Hayward, R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Samuel G. Reddie, R.N.R.





30061 - 8 MAY 1917



NAVAL DESPATCH dated 10 May 1917



Dover Straits (with later defences, click to enlarge)


Admiralty, S.W. 10th May, 1917.


Honours for Service in the Action Between H.M. Ships "Swift" and "Broke" and German Destroyers on the night of the 20th to 21st April, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned Officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order, in recognition of their services in command of H.M.S. "Swift" and H.M.S. "Broke" respectively, on the night of the 20th to 21st April, 1917, when they successfully engaged a flotilla of five or six German destroyers, of which two were sunk:

Cdr. (now Capt.) Ambrose Maynard Peck, R.N.

Cdr. (now Capt.) Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans, C.B., R.N.



The KING has further been graciously pleased to give orders for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers for their services during this action:


Lieut. Geoffrey Victor Hickman, R.N. Navigator and second in command of H.M.S. "Broke." He assisted with great coolness in handling the ship in action. His proper appreciation of the situation when one enemy destroyer was torpedoed, which his commanding officer had made ready to ram, enabled course to be altered in time to ram the next astern.


Lieut. Robert Douglas King-Harman, R.N. Navigating Officer of H.M.S. "Swift." He was of the utmost assistance to his commanding officer throughout.


Lieut. Maximilian Garden Despard, R.N. First and Gunnery Lieut of H.M.S. "Broke." He controlled gun fire and gave the orders which resulted in an enemy destroyer being torpedoed.


Lieut. Henry Antony Simpson, R.N. Executive Officer and Gunnery Lieut, of H.M.S. "Swift." He displayed great coolness and method in the control of fire which he had very ably organised and zealously drilled, and greatly assisted his commanding officer throughout the action.


Surg. Prob. Christopher Thomas Helsham, R.N.V.R. ("Broke").

Surg. Prob. John Sinclair Westwater, R.N.V.R. ("Swift").

Worked with great energy and ability in attending to the wounded.


Gnr. (T.) Henry Turner, R.N. ("Swift.") Obtained a hit with a torpedo on one of the enemy destroyers.


Gnr. (T.) Frederick Grinney, R.N. ("Broke.") Gave orders for the firing of the torpedo which struck one of the enemy destroyers.


Mid. Donald Allen Gyles, R.N.R. ("Broke.") He took charge on the forecastle, and, although wounded in the eye, organised a gun's crew from the survivors of the crews which had suffered heavy casualties and kept the guns on the forecastle going. He repelled the German sailors who swarmed on board from the destroyer which was rammed, and remained at his post until after the action was finished.



The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. A.B. William George Rawles, O.N., 20176V (Po.). Although he had four bad wounds in his legs, in addition to other injuries, he continued to steer H.M.S. "Broke" in action until the enemy destroyer had been rammed.


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

O.S. Herbert Thomas Huntley Fowle, O.N., S.S. 7516 (Po.).

Sto. Charles Williams, R.N.R. (New Zealand), O.N. 2/358.

Sto., 1st Cl., John Clasper, O.N., S.S. 103869 (R.F.R., Po./B. 4652).

Ch. Sto. William Shearn O.N., 279752 (Po.).

P.O. Tel. Harry Sedgley, O.N., 239909 (Dev.).

P.O. William Edward Strevens, O.N., 232542 (Po.).

P.O. George Henry Proud, O.N., 218906 (Po.).

P.O. Albert Last, O.N., 208689 (Po.).

A.B. Sidney Clarke, O.N., J. 5244 (Po.).

A.B. Charles Reginald Norton, O.N., J. 18427 (Po.).

A.B. Ernest Ramsden Ingleson, O.N., J. 5723 (Po.).

A.B. Walter Frederick Mair, O.N., J. 55500 (Po.).

C.P.O. John Crother Ashton, O.N., 157639 (Po.).

P.O. Sidney Albert Simmonds, O.N., 180242 (Po.).

P.O. Charles Henry Daish, O.N., 182240 (Po.).

Ch. E.R.A. William Culverwell, O.N., 268992 (Ch.).

P.O. Frederick Percy Mursell, O.N., 162299 (Po.).

Ch. Sto. Henry Simmons, O.N., 276070 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. William Edward Heaseman, O.N., 361422 (Po.).

Yeo. Sig. Albert Ebenezer James, O.N., 210513 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. James Bryant, O.N., 310822 (Po.).

Sto. Edward Gilfillan, R.N.R., O.N., 9099, S.

Sto. Sidney Frederick Brooks, O.N., S.S. 111490 (Po.).


The following Officers and Men have been mentioned in despatches:

Engr. Lieut.-Cdr. (now Engr. Cdr.) James Hughes, R.N.

Engr. Lieut.-Cdr. (now Engr. Cdr.) Thomas George Coomber, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur Jermyn Landon, R.N.

Sub-Lieut. Whitworth Brady Nicholson, R.N.

Act. Sub.-Lieut. Lionel Hill Peppι, R.N.

Wt. Mech. James Coughlan, R.N.

Act. Art.-Engr. Charlie Rodgers Barter, R.N.

Mid. Maurice Theobald Maud, R.N.R.

P.O. Charles Christmas Brown, O.N., 155936 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. William Page, O.N., 227145 (Po.).

Ldg. Sto. Frank William King, O.N. 306009 (Po.).

Ldg. Sto. Eli Daniels, O.N., 294996 (Po.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Walter Blanchard Wellman, O.N., M. 1218 (Po.).

A.B. William George Cleeter, O.N., J. 21405 (Po.).

O.S. Sidney John Thomas Taylor, O.N., S.S. 7576 (Po.). Sto.,

2nd Cl., Frederick Arthur Hickman, O.N., K. 33575 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., George Henry Doe, O.N., K. 7694 (Po.).

A.B. John Henton, O.N., J. 17762 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Albert Edward Glover, O.N., 232320 (Po.).

A.B. Henry Alfred Hitchin, O.N., 228372 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. Charles Claude Higgins, O.N., J. 10417 (Po.).

S.B.A. James Gradwell, O.N.,M. 16759 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Ernest Muff, O.N., K. 32517 (Po.).

Sig. Sidney Charles Helps, R.N.V.R., O.N., Z/9587 (Tyneside).

Ch. E.R.A. Ralph Victor Nelson, O.N., 272497 (Po.).

E.R.A. Henry Albert Riley, O.N., M. 4676 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Matthew Lawson, O.N., 303088 (R.F.R., Ch/B.5783).

Ldg. Stoker Frederick Thomas Yapp, O.N., K. 1672 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., John Kempton Falconer, O.N., K. 32518 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Charles Herbert Harvey, O.N.. S.S. 115725 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Thomas Davies, O.N., 289400 (Po.).

Ldg. Sto. Charles Edward Walls, O.N., K. 969 (Po.).

Sto. Albert Boyland, R.N.R., O.N., S. 4945

Sto., 1st Cl., Charles Edward Miller, O.N., 280751 (R.F.R. Po./B. 2355).



The following promotions have been made for service in this action:


Commanders to be Captains.

Cdr. Ambrose Maynard Peck.

Cdr. Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans, C.B.


Engr. Lieut.-Commanders to be Commanders.

Engr. Lieut.-Cdr. James Hughes.

Engr. Lieut.-Cdr. Thomas George Coomber.


All to date April 21st, 1917.


The following officers have been noted for early promotion:

Sub-Lieut. Whitworth Brady Nicholson, R.N.

Act. Sub-Lieut. Lionel Hill Peppι, R.N.

Wt. Mech. James Coughlan, R.N.

Mid. Maurice Theobald Maud, R.N.R.





30064 - 11 MAY 1917


War Office, 11th May, 1917


(included in Army lists)


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award a 2nd Bar to the Distinguished Service Order to:

Major Frederick William Lumsden, D.S.O., R.M.A. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in charge of a strong reconnaissance party. He carried out the task allotted to him with conspicuous success, and skilfully withdrew his party at a critical time. His conduct, rapid decision and good judgment saved many casualties. (Distinguished Service Order gazetted 1st January, 1917. First Bar awarded in this Gazette.)



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order to:

Major Frederick William Lumsden, D.S.O., R.M.A. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He made a reconnaissance of the enemy's position, moving over open ground under very heavy fire and bringing back most valuable information. He rendered invaluable services throughout the operations. (Distinguished Service Order gazetted 1st January, 1917.)



His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the undermentioned Rewards for Distinguished Service in the Field

Awarded the Distinguished Service Order.

Temp. Sub-Lt. James Hardy Brown, R.N.V.R.





30066 - 11 MAY 1917


Admiralty, 12th May, 1917.


Honours for Royal Naval Air Service.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned Officers:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.


Capt. Charles Laverock Lambe, R.N. For his valuable services in command of the R.N.A.S. units on the Belgian Coast; he is very largely responsible for the good service in the varied duties carried out by them against the enemy.


Sqn.-Cdr. Geoffrey Rhodes Bromet, R.N. This officer commanded a squadron of the R.N.A.S., attached to the Flying Corps, with conspicuous ability and success. Under his command the squadron developed into a most efficient and formidable fighting force, which has brought great credit to the Royal Naval Air Service.


Sqn.-Cdr. Edward Thomas Newton-Clare, R.N.A.S. During the past year he has led his squadron with conspicuous success in numerous bomb attacks, and on many occasions has engaged and driven down hostile machines.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:


Flt.-Cdr. Bertram Lawrence Huskisson, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous skill and gallantry during the past eighteen months. This officer led his flight with great courage and determination during the three months he was attached to the Royal Flying Corps, and has destroyed or driven down several hostile machines.


Flt.-Lieut, (now Flt.-Cdr.) Arthur Dennis Wigram Allen, R.N.A.S. This officer has done a very large amount of flying during the past nine months on fast scouts on fighter patrol work. In addition, he has done a great deal of testing work at the aircraft depot. He is a brilliant pilot.


Flt.-Lieut, (now Flt.-Cdr.) Bertram Charles Bell, D.S.O., R.N.A.S. For conspicuous skill and gallantry during the last fifteen months. This officer has had charge of a flight during this period, and has continuously carried out most valuable work as a pilot both of reconnaissance and photographic and of fighter escort machines. His machine has been constantly under heavy anti-aircraft fire for long periods while carrying out his work.


Flt.-Lieut. (now actg. Flt.-Cdr.) Frank Fowler, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous skill and gallantry during the last nine months, in reconnaissance, photographic and spotting machines. On the majority of occasions he has acted as pilot to Lieut. Gow, R.N.V.R., his machine being constantly hit by anti-aircraft fire.


Flt.-Lieut. Frank Thomas Digby, R.N.A.S. For conspicuously good work as a pilot of bombing machines. He has taken part in numerous bomb raids with successful results.


Flt.-Lieut. Herbert George Brackley, R.N.A.S. For conspicuously good work as pilot of a bombing machine. Has carried out twelve raids since the 1st June, 1916, mostly by night. On one occasion he returned with forty holes in his machine.


Flt.-Lieut. Noel Keeble, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry on the 23rd October, 1916, when he attacked four German seaplanes and brought one of them down in a vertical nose-dive into the sea.


Flt.-Lieut. Thomas Frederick Le Mesurier, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous work as a pilot of a bombing machine. Has taken part in fourteen raids and numerous fighter patrols.


Flt. Lieut. Irwin Napier Colin Clarke, R.N.A.S. For conspicuously good work as a pilot of bombing machines. He has taken part in seventeen attacks with good results, in addition to carrying out numerous fighter patrols.


Flt. Lieut. Robert John Orton Compston, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous skill and gallantry during the past nine months, in particular when attached to the Royal Flying Corps, when he had numerous engagements with enemy aircraft, and certainly destroyed one.


Flt. Lieut. William Edward Gardner, R.N.A.S. For conspicuously good work as a pilot of a bombing machine. He has taken part in seventeen raids and numerous fighter patrols.


Lieut. Russell William Gow, R.N.V.R. For consistently good work when acting as observer, being responsible for many valuable photographs; also for his good work in connection with artillery spotting. His machine has been hit on many occasions by anti-aircraft fire.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Philip Sidney Fisher, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous skill as a seaplane pilot during the last nine months. Has carried out many valuable reconnaissance patrols and several bomb attacks with good results


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Douglas Alexander Hardy Nelles, R.N.A.S. For conspicuously good work as a pilot of a bombing machine. He has taken part in seventeen raids, and has also done a large amount of fighter patrol work.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Ernest John Cuckney, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry and ability when taking part in a raid on the seaplane station at Zeebrugge.


Flight Sub-Lieut. John Edward Sharman, R.N.A.S. For devotion to duty during long distance air raids. On one occasion, after leading a flight in the morning and returning safely he volunteered and flew a bombing machine with a second flight in the afternoon, again acting as leader.


Flight Sub-Lieut. Walter Ernest Flett, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry during an air raid. Shortly after leaving the objective he was engaged with three enemy machines -  two single-seater and one two-seater. His gunlayer, Air-Mechanic, 1st Grade, R. G. Kimberley, was slightly wounded in the wrist, which numbed his hand. Notwithstanding this he succeeded in bringing down two of the enemy machines, being again wounded by an explosive bullet in the ankle. The machine was riddled with bullets, and owing to the damage navigation was most difficult, and the return journey was very slow. Consequently he was again attacked, but although the gunlayer was twice wounded, the enemy machine was driven off.


The KING has further been graciously pleased to approve of the award to the undermentioned officer of a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross: Flt. Lieut. Ronald Grahame, D.S.C.. R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry during raids on the seaplane station at Zeebrugge. On one occasion he descended to 600 feet, and on another occasion to 300 feet, before releasing his bombs. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in London Gazette dated 25th October, 1916.)


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

P.O. Mech. Walter Laurence, O.N. 300142.

P.O. Mech. Frederick Henry Winstone, O.N. F570.

C.P.O. Mech., 3rd Gr., George Frederick Ridgeway Marden, O.N. F4718.

P.O. Mech. William Stephen Burville, O.N. F4117.

C.P.O. Mech., 1st Gr., Charles Harold Potts, O.N. M1008.

C.P.O. Mech., 3rd Gr., Herbert Ernest Philip, O.N. F6491.

Ldg. Mech. John McCredie, O.N. F148.

P.O. Mech. Edward William Dawson, O.N. F1748.

P.O. Mech. Alexander Bell, O.N. F2422.

Ldg. Mech. Charles Thomas, O.N. F2350.

C.P.O. Mech., 1st Gr., Henry Herbert Smith Scott, O.N. 345608.

C.P.O. Mech., 3rd Gr., John Archibald Rosling, O.N. F81.

P.O. Mech. Frederick Thomas McSorley, O.N. F1223.

C.P.O. Mech., 3rd Gr., Bert Arvoy, O.N. F672.

P.O. Mech. Ferdinand Fantini, O.N. F2489.

Ldg. Mech. William Frederick Cliffe, O.N. F6074.

P.O. Mech. Samuel Percy Finch, O.N. F599.

P.O. Mech. William Ernest Watson, O.N. F593.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Robert George Kimberley, O.N. F4766.


The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Wing-Cdr. Christopher Lloyd Courtney, R.N.

Fleet Payr. Frederick Richard Waymouth, R.N.

Actg. Wing-Cdr. Alec Ogilvie, R.N.A.S.

Sqn.-Cdr. Francis Esme Theodore Hewlett, R.N.

Flt.-Cdr. William Lawrie Welsh, R.N.A.S.

Actg. Flt.-Cdr. Robin Gordon Mack, R.N.A.S.

Act. Flt.-Cdr. Bryan Charles Clayton, R.N.A.S.

Flt.-Lieut. Grant Armstrong Gooderham, R.N.A.S.

Flt.-Lieut. Charles Dawson Booker, R.N.A.S.

Lieut. Lionel Edwin Innes-Baillie, R.M.A.

Lieut Oliver George Graham Villiers, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Ronald George St. John, R.N.V.R.

Flt.-Sub-Lieut. Jean de Francia, R.N.A.S.

Flt.-Sub-Lieut. Francis Domine Casey, R.N.A.S.

W.O., 2nd Grade, Thomas Martin, R.N.A.S.

Actg. W.O., 2nd Grade, Norman Littlejohn, R.N.A.S.

P.O. Mech. Roland Alfred Siburn, O.N. F2418.

P.O. Mech. Walter George Jones, O.N. J5596.

C.P.O. Mech., 3rd Gr., Alfred Ernest Le Sueur, O.N. F3413.

Ldg. Mech. Oliver Douglas Robson, O.N. F4735.

P.O. Mech. Reginald Arthur Clarke, O.N. F3896.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., John McKimmie Young, O.N. F3652.

P.O. Mech. Donald Brigham, O.N. F641.

P.O. Mech. Philip Hiram Dimmick, O.N. F1207.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Frederick John George, O.N. F1997.

P.O. Mech. Sidney John Petts, O.N. F1717.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Alfred Dunn, O.N. F9172.

Ldg. Mech. Edgar Harold Restall, O.N. F2468.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Francis George Parker, O.N. F2358.

P.O. Mech. William Arthur Hill. O.N. F4596.

P.O. Mech. Horace Dawson, O.N. F4755.

P.O. Mech. Alfred Herbert Doyle, O.N. F4214.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Frederick Metcalf, O.N. F8944.

C.P.O. Mech., 3rd Gr., William Wilson Pope, O.N. F1712.

P.O. Mech. William Griffiths, O.N. F8339.

Ldg. Mech. John Balfour Nesbitt, O.N. F2390.

Air Mech., 1st Gr., Robert John Hepworth, O.N. F2175.

Ldg. Mech. Thomas Henry Cross, O.N. F976.

Ldg. Mech. Septimus Newbury, O.N. F1209.



Honours for Miscellaneous Services.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned Officers


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Lieut.-Cdr. William Wybrow Hallwright, R.N. (since killed – 21 April 1917, HMS Q-ship Q.16).

Lieut.-Cdr. Charles George Matheson, R.N.R.

Lieut. George Fagan Bradshaw, R.N.

Actg. Lieut. Francis Charles Harrison, R.N.

Lieut. Gerald Norman Jones, R.N.R.

Lieut. Frank Watkin Charles, R.N.R.

Lieut. Archibald Dayrell Reed, R.N.R.


The KING has also been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:

Lieut. Walter Napier Thomason Beckett, R.N.

Engr. Lt. Alexander Hargreaves Boyle, R.N.

Lieut. Frank Tomkinson Brade, R.N.R.

Lieut. Alfred Swann, R.N.V.R.

Act. Lieut. James Alexander Pollard Blackburn, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. William Murdoch McLeod, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Arnold George Morgan, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Harold William Green, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. John Weston Sells, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Harold Drew, R.N.

Act. Sub-Lieut. (actg.) Edmund George Smithard, R.N.R.

Ch. Art. Engr. Edward Ethelbert Rose, R.N.

Gnr. Percy John Joseph Cullum, R.N.

Skipper Joseph Powley, R.N.R., 240 S.A.

Skipper William Wood, R.N.R., 648 S.A.

Skipper James Thompson.


The KING has further been graciously pleased to approve of the award to the undermentioned Officer of a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross for a subsequent act of gallantry:

Lieut. Walter Larmond Scott, D.S.C., R.N.R. (since drowned – 29 March 1917, HM Q-ship Bayard). (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the London Gazette dated 22nd June, 1916.)


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.

Sto., 1st Cl., James Davies, O.N. 301312 (Ch.). For very gallant rescue work performed when the ship in which he was serving struck a mine.


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

A.B. William Blackburn, O.N. 226897 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. Joseph Henry Kelly R.N.R., O.N. 2882 D.A.

Ldg. Sea. George Alfred Smedley, O.N. J6622 (Dev.).

A.B. James Hartley, O.N. J19222 (Dev.).

Ch. E.R.A., 2nd Cl., John Buchanan, O.N. M20565 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Lewis David Snell, O.N. 311582 (Dev.).

Off. Std., 2nd Class, Ernest Leonard Burn, O.N. L1287 (Po.).

C.P.O. Reginald Leonard Wilkins, O.N. 157444 (Po.).

P.O. Alfred John Reed, O.N. 185674 (Po.).

Sea. William Owen Evans, R.N.R., O.N. 3044 A.

Engmn. Francis James Cappleman, R.N.R., O.N. 1223 E.S.

2nd Hnd. George Henry Roper, R.N.R., O.N. 633 S.A.

P.O. Arthur Himan Albert West, O.N. 229719 (Ch.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl, Archibald Dunbar, O.N. M246 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. William McPherson, R.N.R., O.N. 2540 C.

A.B. William Francis Burrows Biss, O.N. 208203 (Dev.).

2nd Hnd. David Aitchison, R.N.R., O.N. 2725 S.A.

Motor Mech. William Wallace, O.N. M.B. 1482.

Motor Mech. David Wilfred Logan, O.N. M.B. 1478.

Motor Mech. Robert Edwin Sproule, O.N. M.B. 1489.

Motor Mech. Albert William Saunders, O.N. M.B. 1490.


The undermentioned Petty Officer has been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal for a subsequent act of gallantry:

P.O. Walter Alger, O.N. 162321 (Ch.). (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was announced in the London Gazette dated 15th May, 1916.)


The following Officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Lieut. Algernon Frederick Sellers, R.N.R.

Eng. Lieut. David Lyons, R.N.R.

Actg. Lieut. James Jickell, R.N.R.

Actg. Lieut. Charles Hugh Castellan Brown, R.N.R.

A.B. Hugh Betts, O.N. 236353 (Po.).

C.P.O. William Butland, O.N. 148467 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Charles John Osmond, O.N. 306650 (Dev.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Simon McCarthy, O.N. K15981 (Dev.).

Shipwt. Wilfred Abel Roberts, O.N. 345549 (Dev.).

A.B. Stanley Francis Wade Baker, O.N. 203658 (Po.).

P.O. Archie Button Blakey, O.N. 231658 (Po,).

A.B. Joseph Arthur Short, O.N. J9713 (Po.).

P.O. Arthur Callard, O.N. 224168 (Dev.).



Honours to the Mercantile Marine.


The KING (is) pleased to approve the award of Orders, Decorations and Medals to the following officers and men of the British Mercantile Marine, in recognition of zeal and devotion to duty shown in carrying on the trade of the country during the war:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. Albert Ernest Webster (Lieut., R.N.R.).

Capt. Frederick Maude Maling (Lieut., R.N.R.).

Capt. Edwin Ryder Large (Lieut., R.N.R.).


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.

Capt. Frederick John Lane.

Capt. John Harris Howard Scudamore.

Ch. Off. James Black Ruhe.

Ch. Eng. Thomas Dix Lowthian.

2nd Off. William Foster.

Ch. Eng. Alexander Graham Stewart.

Capt. Andrew McIntosh McKend.

Capt. Patterson Kirkaldy.

Ch. Off. Harry Rawcliffe.

Ch. Eng. Alexander Rose Arthur.


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

Act. Ldg. Sea. Robert Henry Stoops.

A.B. James Gorman.

Apprentice Harry Craggs Forrest.

Ldg. Sea. Alfred White.

Sea. James Moar.

Ldg. Sea. John Young Hutcheon.

Apprentice James Leitch.

Ch. Std. A. Haddacks.

Carp. George Richard Pidd.

Ldg. Sea. Albert Sidney Stokes.

Bos'n William Gallagher.

Sea. Malcolm Macleod.

A.B. Frank McArdle.


The KING has further been graciously pleased to give orders for the publication of the names of the undermentioned officers and men in the London Gazette as having received an expression of Commendation for their services:


To be Commended for Good Service.

Ch. Off. Griffith Jones.

Ch. Eng. Elijah Ryles.

O.S. William Stuart Bunton.

A.B. William Simpson.

2nd Off. David Charles Farrell.

3rd Off. Hubert James Selway.

Ch. Eng. John H. Steward.

Capt. Peter MacLachlan (killed).

Ch. Off. Edward Edwards Hughes.

A.B. Robert MacKay.

Ch. Off. Archibald Wilson.

Capt. Thomas Samuel Bowen.

Capt. William Kelso.

Apprentice William James Harvey.

Apprentice Donald Ross Urquhart.

4th Eng. Thomas Murdock.

Capt. Samuel Campbell Fry.

Ch. Off. Sidney Ferguson Stratford.

Ch. Eng. William Thomas Scott.

2nd Eng. James Farquharson.

Sea. Alexander Falconer.

Sea. Edgar James Melmoth.

2nd Off. William John Mitchell.

3rd Off. Arthur Ernest King.

W./T. Operator Francis Alfred Nixon.





30069 - 15 MAY 1917


Admiralty, 14th May, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officer's decoration upon Eng. Lieut.-Cdr. Frederick G Haynes.






30088 - 22 MAY 1917


Admiralty, S.W., 23rd May, 1917.


Honours for Service in Destroyer Patrol Flotillas, Armed Boarding Steamers, &c.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned officers in recognition of their services in the Destroyer Patrol Flotillas, Armed Boarding Steamers, &c., during the period which ended on the 30th September, 1916:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. Alan Cameron Bruce, R.N.

Capt. Edwin Harold Edwards, R.N.

Cdr. Alan Montagu Yeats-Brown, R.N.

Cdr,. (now actg. Capt.) Walter Burdge Compton, M.V.O., R.N.

Cdr. Arthur Kemmis Betty, R.N.

Cdr. Lionel John Garfit Anderson, R.N.

Cdr. Hubert Seeds Monroe, R.N.

Cdr. Francis Alexander Clutterbuck, R.N.

Cdr. Aubrey William Peebles, M.V.O., R.N.

Cdr. Wilfrid Ward Hunt, R.N.

Cdr. William Herbert Coates, R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr, John McInnes Borland, R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Francis George Crawshay Coates, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Ernest Cyril Brent, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Astley Dundas Cooper Cooper-Key, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. John Kelty McLeod, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Frederick Archibald Warner, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Hugh Joseph Woodward, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Herbert Gerald Briggs, R.N.


To be awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.

Lieut, (now Lieut.-Cdr.) Henry Radcliffe James, R.N.

Lieut. Cecil Rudolph Ernest Wilbraham Ferryman, R.N.

Lieut. Keith Richard Farquharson, R.N.

Lieut. Herbert Owen, R.N.

Lieut. Ernest Kirkbank Irving, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Murray, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Thomas Henry Coughtrey, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Albert Ernest Trivett Morris, R.N.R.

Asst. Payr. Hugh James Leleu, R.N.R.

Ch. Gnr. Reginald Cardwell Ide, R.N.

Ch. Art. Engr. Herbert Edward Pope, R.N.

Ch. Art. Engr. John William Farrow, R.N.

Gnr. Thomas Henry Keyes, R.N.

Art. Engr. William Thomas Hall, R.N.


To receive a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross

Lieut. Henry Antony Simpson, D.S.C., R.N.


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Joseph Herbert Deacon, O.N. 268609 (Dev.).

Mate William T. Waters (Mercantile rating).

Mate R. R. Quinn (Mercantile rating).

2nd Hand Richard Barren, R.N.R., O.N. 9156 D.A.

E.R.A., 3rd Cl., Hugh Jones Owen, O.N. M.4936 (Ch.).

Sto., 1st Cl., William Henwood, O.N. K.15552 (Ch.).

Yeo. Sigs. Alfred Augustus Stepto, O.N. 232221 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. James Kennedy, O.N. 286681 (Ch.).

Teleg. Harold Frederick Small, O.N. J.9056 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Teleg. John McKenna, O.N. 199722 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. George England, O.N. 287645 (Ch.).

C.P.O. John Robert Plummer, O.N. 173750 (Ch.).

Ch. Yeo. Sigs. Thomas Frederick Charvill, O.N. 168056 (Ch.).

P.O. Walter William Morgan, O.N. 191050 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. John Robert Purver, O.N. 287464 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Algernon Cyril Miller, O.N. J.6585 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., John Bryant, O.N. 270323 (Dev.).

P.O. Henry Robert Bezant, O.N. 185507 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Albert Victor Langridge, O.N. 176983 (Po.).

P.O. Albert Henry Cook, O.N. 226249 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., John James Williams, O.N. 268990 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Samuel Barker Mitchell, O.N. 268874 (Dev.).

P.O. Thomas Patterson, O.N. 216505 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A. William John McCleery, R.N.R., O.N. 447 E.B.

2nd S.B.S. Frederick Arthur Allen, O.N. M.1679 (Po.).

C.P.O. James Walter Barratt, O.N. 112679 (Po.).

P.O. Henry Hearn, O.N. 231789 (Ch.).

P.O. Donald Morrison, R.N.V.R., O.N. 2/156 (Clyde).

Ldg. Sea. Leonard William Smart, O.N. J.2973 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. Arthur Herbert Burleigh, O.N. 225334 (Ch.).

Act. Ldg. Sto. Stanley Townsley, O.N. K.1614 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Walter Samuel Harrod, O.N. 270753 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Henry Shipp, O.N. 143939 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., James Leighton, O.N. 269432 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A. Neil Campbell, R.N.R., O N 1057F.A.

Ch. Sto. Charles Winchester, O.N. 169301 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. William Browns, O.N. 290220 (Ch )

C.P.O. William Crocker, O.N. 178844 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sig. Henry Walter Turner, O.N. 235310 (Po.)

Act. C.P.O. James Burrett, O.N. 178075 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Charles Milne, O.N. 211266 (Po.).

Act C.P.O. Clifford Joseph Campbell, O.N. 191144 (Ch.).

P.O. James Alfred Reynolds, O.N. 201470 (Ch.).

Act Arm. Charles Frederick Down, O.N. M.7351 (Dev.).

Ldg Sto. William Henry Carter, O.N. K.5831 (Dev.).

A.B. Charles Edward Hodder, O.N. J.19434 (Po.).

C.P.O. Alfred Lloyd Pond, O.N. 130926 (R.F.R. Dev./B.2584).

A.B. William Edward Jobson, O.N. 136847 (R.F.R. Dev./A2515).

P.O. William Jones, O.N. 214084 (Dev.).

P.O. James Balsdon, O.N. 236756 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., John Fish, O.N. 269233 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sto. Albert Davey, O.N. 312329 (Dev.).

Ldg. Teleg. James Treadgold, O.N. J.9552 (Po.).

P.O. Christopher Sloane, O.N. 179862 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Charles William Thomas, O.N. 269974 (Dev.).

P.O. Henry Charles Bealing, O.N. 191265 (Dev.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Reginald William Stewart, O.N. M12165 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. John Buckley, O.N. 212203 (Ch.).

Ord. Teleg. Allan John Ritchie Kelly, O.N. J.28842 (Ch.).

P.O. James Power, O.N. J.6201 (Ch.).

E.R.A., 1st Cl., Herbert Dobson, O.N. 270863 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. Frederick George Brockman, O.N. 280638 (Ch.).

P.O. Augustus Ness, O.N. 183594 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Albert Edward Jones, O.N. 268193 (Dev.).

Yeo. Sig. Charles Frederick Law, O.N. 231582 (Dev.).

E.R.A., 3rd Cl., William Overton Kennedy, O.N. 271897 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. George William Birch, O.N. 293879 (R.F.R. Chat./B8479).

C.P.O. William Samuel Thomas Bate, O.N 127128 (R.F.R. Dev./A.2034).

P.O. Edward Arthur, R.N.R., O.N. 2277C.

C.P O. Albert Victor Gilbert, O.N. 147316 (Ch.).


The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Capt. George Napier Tomlin, M.V.O., R.N.

Cdr. (now Capt.) Ambrose Maynard Peck, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Robert Arthur Hornell, R.N.

Cdr. Edward Bathurst Compton, R.N.

Act. Cdr. Ernest Kennaway Arbuthnot, R.N.

Cdr. Arthur Edward Dunn, R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr. Cecil Wills Burleigh, R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr. Selwyn Mitchell Day, R.D., R.N.R.

Engr. Cdr. William Burgoyue Lakeman, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Charles Wilbraham John Howard, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur Felton Crutchley, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Godfrey Herbert, D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Bertram Gregory Drake, R.N.R.

Lieut. Godfrey Ratcliffe Chambers, R.N.

Lieut. George Hector Creswell, R.N.

Lieut. Ernest Edward Lowe, D.S.C., R.N.

Lieut. Arthur Hugh Lloyd Terry, R.N.

Lieut. Robert Johnston Dailey, R.N.

Lieut. Ralph Clement Smith, R.N.

Lieut. Brian Cameron Gourley, R.N.

Lieut. Arthur Cocks, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Ibbotson Harrison, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. George Wishart Leith, R.N.R.

Eng. Lieut. John Brasano Hyde, R.N.

Eng. Lieut. John Thomas Barrett, R.N.

Asst.-Payr. Herbert Percy Hunter, R.N.

Asst.-Payr. Sidney Thomas Morris, R.N.R. (Tempy. Lieut., R.N.V.R.)

Sub.-Lieut. Alan David James Robertson-Macdonald, R.N.

Ch. Gnr. Norman Gee Parker, R.N.

Ch. Gnr. Charles Sanderson, R.N.

Ch. Art.-Engr. Frederick Smith, R.N.

Gnr. Daniel Patrick Joseph Enright, R.N.

Gnr. Harry Pegg, R.N.

Art.-Engr. Andrew Moules, R.N.

P.O., 1st C1., Henry Gutteridge, O.N. 95663 (Po.).

C.P.O. Henry Jefford Young, O.N. 138007 (R.F.R. Po./A3286).

Serjt. Alfred William Boxall, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./7565 (R.F.R./A.1072).

C.P.O. Frederick Richard Francis, 183065 (Ch.).

P.O. William Henry Ansley, O.N. 197321 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. Frederick Samuel Victor Heath, O.N. J.14430 (Ch.).

C.P.O. Samuel John Kingdom Hocking, O.N. 183288 (Dev.).

A.B. James William Sudder, O.N. 212429 (Ch.).

Ldg. Cook's Mate William George Philpot, O.N. M.2070 (Ch.).

Ldg. Teleg. Horace Gordon Cartwright, O.N. J.3238 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. Charles Denny, O.N. 284341 (Dev.).

P.O. James Henry Harris, O.N. 200571 (Dev.).

Yeo. Sigs. Charles Richard Robbins, O.N. 233480 (Dev.).

Yeo. Sigs. James Henry McArdle, O.N. 230980 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., George Frederick Readhead, O.N. 268403 (Ch.).

C.P.O. William J. Cunliffe, O.N. 186200 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Henry Bell, O.N. 269092 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 1st C1., William Poole, O.N. 269133 (Po.).

Act. C.E.R.A., 2nd C1., Frank Meachem, O.N. 271213 (Po.) (now Act. Art. Eng.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Frederick Baynham, O.N. 269538 (Po.).

Act. C.P.O. John McGraw, O.N. 196721 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., James Galloway, O.N. 268511 (Po.).

P.O. Charles Titcombe, O.N. 149116 (R.F.R. Po./A.3854).

Ldg. Sig. Robert Officer, R.N.V.R., O.N. 2/99 (Clyde).

A.B. George Alfred Everett, O.N. J.21596 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A. Philip Morrison, R.N.R., O.N. 456 E.B.

A.B. William Callaghan, O.N. 179138 (Ch.).

P.O. William Chesterton Scott, O.N. 180385 (Ch.).

Teleg. Arthur Goacher, O.N. 347579 (Po.).

E.R.A. James Edgar, R.N.R., O.N. 99 E.C.

Act. Ldg. Sea. John Allen Bickle, O.N. 198671 (R.F.R. Dev./B.4406).

P.O. Frederick John Maloney, O.N. 127052 (R.F.R. Po./A.2063).

C.P.O. William George Stockwell, O.N. 151833 (Ch.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Herbert McKay, O.N. M.442 (Ch.).

P.O. John Francis Hardy, O.N. 219919 (Po.).

Ldg. Teleg. Harry Btett, O.N. J.8597 (Dev.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Percy Edgar Parsons, O.N. K.20511 (Dev.).

P.O. Alfred Ernest Sedgwick Smith, O.N. 204740 (Dev.).

A.B. Edwin Horton, O.N. 232707 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A. George Christie Stalkers, R.N.R., O.N. 222 E.B.

Sto. P.O. John Edward Cattermole, O.N. 297779 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. Sidney Harold Hoskins, O.N. 306391 (Po.).

C.P.O. William Alfred Walker, O.N. 178478 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A. 2nd Cl., Henry Bradshaw, O.N. 270241 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. Frederick Frost, O.N. 305810 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. George Frederick Tarry, O.N. 309080 (Ch.).

C.P.O. George Robert Wannell, O.N. 152806 (Dev.).

C.P.O. Edward Shaughnessy, O.N. 156357 (Dev.).

P.O. William Henry Goldsmith, O.N. 186686 (Po.).

Ch. Sto. Michael Flynn, O.N. 282638 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. John Willis Robinson Smith, O.N. J.5817 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Daniel McKenna, O.N. 180322 (Dev.).

P.O. George Betts, O.N. 146635 (R.F.R. Dev./A.3805).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Nicholas Whitford, O.N. 269105 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Thomas James Speers, O.N. K.520 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Henry William Saunders, O.N. J.5445 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Wilmar Frederick Barrow, O.N. 268809 (Ch.).

A.B. Stephen George Rogers, O.N. 238155 (Ch.).

Sea. William Durhem, R.N.R., O.N. 6353A.

Sto., 1st Cl., Charles Wilson, O.N. 224610 (Ch.).

Ship's Std. Frederick Hornbrook, O.N. 342726 (Dev.).

P.O. Bartholomew Connolly, O.N. 221538 (Dev.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd C1., Henry John Northey, O.N. 270703 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Henry Allen, O.N. 299842 (Dev.).

Ldg. Teleg. Claude Bernard Perry, O.N. J.22441 (Dev.).

W./T. Op., 1st Cl., Ernest Frederick Stow Whitworth, R.N.R., O.N. 218 (W.T.S.).

Sig. Augustus George Dowsett, R.N.V.R., O.N. 2/79 (London).

Donkeyman Charles Fairweather (Mercantile Rating).



Honours for Service in the Dover Patrol.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned officers in recognition of their services in vessels of the Dover Patrol, under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald H. S. Bacon, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., D.S.O., during the period from 1st July-31st December, 1916:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. William Douglas Paton, M.V.O., R.N.

Cdr. George Ronald Beddard Blount, R.N.

Eng. Lt.-Cdr. John Blackler Pulliblank, R.N.


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.

Lieut. John Brooke, R.N.

Lieut. Sir John Meynell Alleyne, Bart., R.N.

Lieut. Wyndham Charles Johnson, R.N.

Lieut. Charles Herbert Lightoller, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. John Douglas Gibbon Chater, R.N.R.

Ch. Art.-Eng. Henry Taylor, R.N.

Gnr. George Gates, R.N.


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

C.P.O. John Slee, O.N. 177228 (Dev.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Francis John Lewis, O.N. SS.112515 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. Ernest Henry Hansford, O.N. 204762 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. George Victor Mackenzie, O.N. 233487 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. Frederick Charles Hawkins, O.N. 190739 (Po.).

Shipwt., 1st Cl., Harry Adams, O.N. 341559 (Po.).

P.O. William Thomas, O.N. 191542 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Albert Henry Taylor, O.N. 268288 (Ch.).

Ch. Arm. Arthur Hawkins, O.N. 341257 (Ch.).

Ldg. Teleg. Isaac Edward Hawes, O.N. 239238 (Ch.).

A.B. George Smith, O.N. J. 10537 (Ch.).

A.B. Fredk. George Crossingham, O.N. J.4573 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. John Charles Stoneage, O.N. 233486 (Po.).

P.O. Frederick John Hendley, O.N. 188065 (Po.).

P.O. Charles William Brine, O.N. 182606 (Po).

Teleg. Albert Edward Johnson, O.N. J.23510 (Po.).

Ch. Sto. Walter Cherrett, O.N. 174109 (Po.).

A.B. Daniel Joseph Lament, O.N. 212556 (Dev.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl., William Charles Kingswell, O.N. 271258 (Po.).

E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Henry Arthur Drury, O.N. 272150 (Ch.).

Sea. Michael Broderick, R.N.R.. O.N. 5116 B

Ch. Sto. Jabez Webb, O.N. 291408 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. George Amery, O.N. 302102 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Thomas William Adamson, O.N. 269850 (Ch.).

P.O. Charles Olford, O.N. 208908 (Po.).

A.B. James Frederick Trevett, O.N. J.23916 (Po.).


The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Cdr. Kerrison Kiddle, R.N.

Cdr. Harold Owen Reinold, R.N.

Cdr. Wion de Malpas Egerton, R.N.

Cdr. Maurice Baldwin Raymond Blackwood, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Percy Ralph Passawer Percival, R.N.

Lieut. Lionel Moore Bridge, R.N.

Lieut. Mark Peregrine Charles Kerr, R.N.

Lieut. Edmund Hugh Hopkinson, R.N.

Act. Lieut. Stanley Napier Blackburn, R.N.

Asst. Payr. Charles Bernard Jarrett, R.N.R.

C.P.O Frederick Luke Shone, O.N. 173678  (Po)

C.P.O. William Alfred Burtonshaw, O.N. 163277 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Alexander Robb, O.N. 270432 (Po.).

Shipwt., 1st Cl., John Pile, O.N. 174397 (Dev.).

P.O. Cyril Thornton Greaves, O.N. 194439 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Arthur George Hill, O.N. 284374 (Po.).

P.O. Samuel Robins Sandy, O.N. 185668 (Dev.).

A.B. George Ambler, O.N. SS. 5868 (Dev.).

Yeo. Sigs. Thomas Barnard, O.N. 230365 (Po.).

P.O., 1st Cl., Noah Payne, O.N. 138764 (Po.).

E.R.A., 3rd Cl., Robert Cochran, O.N. M.2229 (Po.).

Act. C.P.O. Francis John James Marston, O.N. 187997 (Ch.).

E.R.A., 4th Cl., Frederick George Martin, O.N. M.12896 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. Edward Luckett, O.N. 160521 (Ch.).

Act. C.P.O. Frederick George Lyons, O.N. 181788 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., James Moat Dent, O.N. 270028 (Po.) (since killed – 8 February 1917, HMS Ghurkha).

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Joseph Thompson, O.N. 268240 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. Thomas Allen, O.N. 282253 (Ch.).

Ch. Sto. Harry Shergold, O.N. 276637 (Po.).

Ch. Yeo. Sigs. Stanley John Johnston, O.N. 189703 (Po.).

Ldg. Teleg. Archibald Ernest Hart, O.N. J.8222 (Po.).

A.B. George Bean, O.N. 199990 (Po.).

P.O. Charles William Henry Brown, O.N. 235422 (Po.).

P.O. George Tarry, O.N. 188318 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., John Lightbound, O.N. 269676 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Alfred George Reed, O.N. 287948 (Po.).

Ldg. Sig. William Hallum, O.N. 232763 (Po.).



Honours for Miscellaneous Services.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the under-mentioned officers:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. Berwick Curtis, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Basil John Douglas Guy, V.C., R.N.

Lieut. Arthur Walter Forbes, R.N.


Lieut.-Cdr. Thomas Charles Carpenter Bolster, R.N. In recognition of conspicuously gallant conduct on the 15th of April, 1917, when he took his destroyer into a mined area to rescue survivors from a hospital ship, which had been sunk by a mine, and from a patrol boat, which had struck a mine in proceeding to the assistance of the hospital ship. His handling of his destroyer in heavy weather and taking her alongside the wreck of the patrol boat was a splendid piece of seamanship.


The KING has also been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned officers:

Lieut. Francis William Crowther, R.N.

Lieut. William Strickland Harrison, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Charles Bruce Long Filmer, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Charles O'Callaghan, R.N.

Sub-Lieut. Laurence James Meade, R.N.R.


The undermentioned officers have been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross for subsequent acts of gallantry:


Lieut. Cedric Naylor, D.S.C., R.N.R. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the London Gazette dated 16th February, 1917.)


Act. Lieut. Stephen Philip Robey White, D.S.C., R.N.R. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the London Gazette dated 23rd March, 1917.)


Asst. Payr. William Richard Ashton, D.S.C., R.N.R. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the London Gazette dated 23rd March, 1917.)


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

P.O. Albert Edward Cottrell, O.N. 223013 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Henry Hammond Trevan Atkins, O.N. 168393 (R.F.R. Dev./B4213).

A.B. Henry James Crone, O.N. J12562 (Dev.).

Sig. Charles Malin, O.N. 220125 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. Richard Tiller, O.N. 302712 (Dev.).

Sto. Edward Hughes, R.N.R., O.N. 5040S.

W./T. Op., 1st Cl.. Ernest Victor Chamberlain, R.N.R., O.N. 310 W.T.S.

C.E.R.A., 1st Cl., Peter John Beer, O.N 268763 (Ch.).

P.O William Ernest Wheele, O.N. 238091 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. Walter Frederick George Coward, O.N 291374 (Ch.).

A.B. Frederick Foreman. O.N. 194833 (Ch.).

Shpwt., 2nd Cl., John Foot, O.N. M12707 (Dev.).

Sto. P.O. William Henry Grills, O.N. 301970 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sto. William Tillison, R.N.R., O.N. 747V.

O.S. John Dodd Kay. O.N. J55321 (Po.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl.. Robert Gabriel Ribbons, O.N. 272086 (Ch.).


The undermentioned rating has been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal for a subsequent act of gallantry:

A.B. Frederic Edward Pym, O.N. 197183 (R.F.R., Dev./B3258). (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was announced in the London Gazette dated 16th February, 1917.)


The following Officers and men have been mentioned in Despatches:

Lieut.-Cdr. George Osborne Hewett. R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Graham Cunningham Glen, R.N.

Act. Lieut. Francis Allsopp Innes. R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Robert Roberts, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Percy Arthur Morgan, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Samuel Robinson, R.N.R.

Act. Sub-Lieut. Stephen Reginald Sunnucks, R.N.R.

Act. Sub-Lieut. William John Young, R.N.R.

Gnr. (T.) Alexander George Stock, R.N.

Wt. Teleg. Harold Waddington, R.N.R.

Yeo. Sigs. James Ernest Heasman, O.N. 214889 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Frederick Charles Rattray, O.N. 235687 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sto. Harold Wright, O.N. K5000 (Ch.).

A.B. Alfred Bret Topple, O.N. 158905 (Ch.).

O.S. Herbert Henry Redman, O.N. J55140 (Po.).

O.S. William Henry Fydell, O.N. J55763 (Po.).

Off. Std., 2nd Cl., John Chambers Bird, O.N. L2399 (Dev.).

E.R.A., 1st Cl., Dugald Leitch Walmsley, R.N.R., O.N. 1966 E.A.

P.O., 1st Cl., John Ransom, O.N. 196639 (Po.).



Honours for Royal Naval Air Service.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointment to the Distinguished Service Order: 

To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. Flt. Sub-Lieut. John Joseph Malone, R.N.A.S. For successfully attacking and bringing down hostile aircraft on numerous occasions. At about 6.30 a.m. on 23rd April, 1917, while on patrol, he attacked a hostile scout and drove it down under control. He then attacked a second scout, which, after the pilot had been hit, turned over on its back and went down through the clouds. A third scout, attacked by him from a distance of about twenty yards, descended completely out of control. While engaging a fourth machine he ran out of ammunition, so returned to the advanced landing ground, replenished his supply, and at once returned and attacked another hostile formation, one of which he forced down out of control. On the afternoon of 24th April, 1917, he engaged a hostile two-seater machine and, after badly wounding the observer, forced it to land on our side of the lines.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:


Flt.-Lieut. Lloyd Samuel Breadner, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous gallantry and skill in leading his patrol against hostile formations. He has himself brought down three hostile machines and forced several others to land. On the 6th April, 1917, he drove down a hostile machine which was wrecked while attempting to land in a ploughed field. On the morning of the 11th April, 1917, he destroyed a hostile machine, which fell in flames, brought down another in a spinning nose dive with one wing folded up, and forced a third to land.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Joseph Stewart Fall, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous bravery and skill in attacking hostile aircraft. On the morning of the 11th April, 1917, while escorting our bombing machines, he brought down three hostile aircraft. The first he attacked and brought down completely out of control. He was then attacked by three hostile scouts who forced him down to within about two hundred feet of the ground. By skilful piloting he manoeuvred his machine close behind one of them, which was driven down and wrecked. Shortly afterwards this Officer was again attacked by a hostile scout, which he eventually brought down a short time before recrossing the lines. He then landed at one of the aerodromes, his machine having been riddled with bullets from the hostile machines, and also by rifle fire from the ground.





30091 - 25 MAY 1917


Admiralty, 22nd May, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' decoration upon. Lieut.-Cdr. (acting Cdr.) Reginald M. Reynolds, R.N.R.



Admiralty, 23rd May, 1917.


The undermentioned Petty Officer has been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal for service in the action between H.M. Ships "Swift" and "Broke" and German Destroyers, on the night of the 20th to 21st Apr. 1917:

Yeo. Sigs. William Smith, O.N. 213714 (Po.). (The award of the Distinguished Service Medal was announced in the London Gazette dated 12th January, 1916.)





30111 - 1 JUNE 1917


Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood.


The KING (is) pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Honourable Order of the Bath:


To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Honourable Order:


William John Berry, Esq., Royal Corps of Naval Constructors.



Central Chancery Of The Orders Of Knighthood..


The KING (is) pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to give orders for the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, in recognition of the services of the undermentioned Officers during the War:


To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders, of the said Most Honourable Order:

Vice-Admiral Reginald Godfrey Otway Tupper, C.V.O., C.B.

Vice-Admiral Herbert Leopold Heath, C.B., M.V.O.

Vice-Admiral Montague Edward Browning, C.B., M.V.O.

Admiral James Startin, C.B. (retired), temporary Commodore, R.N.R.


To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Honourable Order:

Rear-Admiral Archibald Peile Stoddart.

Rear-Admiral Sidney Robert Fremantle, M.V.O.

Captain Wilmot Stuart Nicholson, R.N.

Captain Arthur Allan Morison Duff, R.N.

Captain Francis Gerald St. John, M.V.O., R.N.

Captain Walter Maurice Ellerton, R.N.

Captain Tufton Percy Hamilton Beamish, R.N.

Captain Hubert Henry Holland, R.N.

Admiral John Locke Marx, D.S.O., M.V.O. (retired), temporary Captain, R.N.R.

Vice-Admiral Charles Holcombe Dare, M.V.O. (retired).

Rear-Admiral Thomas Webster Kemp, C.I.E. (retired).

Engineer-Captain Charles Cape Sheen, R.N.

Engineer-Captain Howard Bone, R.N.

Surgeon-General George Welch, R.N.

Fleet Surgeon John Menary, M.D., R.N.

Fleet Paymaster Richard Ernest Stanley Sturgess, R.N.

Fleet Paymaster John Anthony Keys, R.N.

Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) Ernest Edward Chown, R.M.L.I.

Colonel Lewis Conway-Gordon, R.M.A.


To be Additional Members of the Civil Division of the Third Class, or Companions of the said Most Honourable Order:

Rear-Admiral Henry Harvey Bruce, M.V.O.

Captain Frederick Charles Learmonth, R.N.

Captain Henry William Grant, R.N.

Captain Herbert Willes Webley Hope, R.N.

Captain Hubert Stansbury, R.N. (retired).

Acting Captain Cyril Percy Ryan, R.N. (retired).

Engineer-Captain John William Ham, R.N.

Temporary Surgeon-General Sir William Macewen, M.D., R.N.

Temporary Surgeon-General George Robertson Turner, F.R.C.S., R.N.



Chancery of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George,


The KING (is) pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to give directions for the following appointments to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, in recognition of valuable services rendered in connection with the War:  


To be an Additional Member of the Second Class, or Knights Commanders, of the said Most Distinguished Order:

Vice-Admiral Charles Dundas of Dundas (retired).


To be Additional Members of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Distinguished Order:

Captain Edward Cecil Villiers, R.N.

Captain Arthur Gordon Smith, R.N.

Captain Hubert Lynes, R.N.

Captain Francis Clifton Brown, R.N.

Captain Percival Henry Hall Thompson, R.N.

Captain Roger Roland Charles Backhouse, R.N., C.B.

Captain Frederick Parland Loder-Symonds, R.N.

Captain Barry Edward Domvile, R.N.

Captain Horace Walker Longden, R.N.

Captain William Bourchier Sherard Wrey, R.N. (retired).

Captain Francis Eaton Travers, R.N. (retired).

Captain Reginald Francis Parker, R.N. (retired).

Captain John Pratt De Montmorency, R.N. (retired).

Captain Sir Malcolm MacGregor, Bart., R.N. (retired).

Captain David Monteith Hamilton, R.N. (retired).

Acting Captain Edward Louis Dalrymple Boyle, R.N. (retired).

Acting Captain Alfred Edward Hay Marescaux, R.N. (retired).

Acting Commander Charles Denniston Burney, R.N.

Acting Captain Alfred Gilmore Alston, R.N. (retired).

Acting Commander Sir George Elliot Armstrong, Bart., R.N. (retired).

Fleet-Surgeon George Thompson Bishop, R.N.

Fleet-Paymaster William Ernest Russell Martin, R.N.

Paymaster-in-Chief Francis Cooke Alton, R.N. (retired), C.B.

Paymaster-in-Chief Charles Edgar Byron, R.N. (retired).

Fleet-Paymaster Francis Hamilton Gerty, R.N. (retired).

Temporary Paymaster Harold Nevil Smart, R.N.V.R.

Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Henry Hawkins, R.M.L.I.

Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Julian Thoroton, R.M.L.I.

Admiral Robert Stevenson Dalton Cuming (temp. Capt., R.N.R.). (Added on 29 June 1917)



India Office, 4th June, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's Birthday, to make the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire in recognition of the meritorious services of the undermentioned gentlemen in connection with the War:


To be additional Companions of the said Most Eminent Order.


Chief Engineer Thomas Henry Knight, Royal Indian Marine, Inspector of Machinery, Bombay Dockyard.



Admiralty, 4th June, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order, in recognition of their services in the prosecution of the war:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Adml. Alexander William Chisholm-Batten, M.V.O. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Adml. John Denison (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Adml. Sir Alfred Wyndham Paget, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Vice-Adml. Arthur Calvert Clarke, C.M.G. (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Vice-Adml. Frederick Owen Pike (tempy. Capt., R.N.R.).

Capt. William Francis Benwell, R.N.

Capt. Edmund Clifton Carver, R.N.

Cdr. Wion de Malpas Egerton, R.N.

Cdr. Francis Alexander Waddilove Buller, R.N.

Cdr. Malcolm Lennon Goldsmith, R.N.

Cdr. Fischer Surges Watson, R.N.

Cdr. Miles Brock Birkett, R.N.

Cdr. Morton Smart, R.N.V.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Bertram Chalmers Watson, R.N.

Act. Lieut.-Cdr. Maurice MacMahon, R.N.R.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned officer:

To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.

Asst. Payr. Lawrence William Williams, R.N.R.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the Decoration of the Royal Red Cross on the undermentioned Sister in Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service:

1st Class.

Superintending Sister Miss Flora Tindal Greig.



Whitehall, 31 May, 1917.




The KING has been pleased to make the following appointments:


To be Companions of the Imperial Service Order.




Henry Fathers, Esq., Deputy Superintendent of Ordnance Stores, Admiralty.



War Office, 4th June, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the undermentioned rewards for distinguished service in the field:

(included in Army lists)


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Temp. Lt.-Comdr. Harry Ernest Funnell, R.N.V.R.

Rev. Charles Wilfred Gwennap Moore, M.A., T./Chapl., R.N.

Temp. Maj. George Herbert Spittle, R.E. (late R.M.).

Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) Edward Fynmore Trew, R.M.

Capt. (temp. Maj.) William Henry Lainson Tripp, R.M.A.


Awarded the Military Cross.

Capt. Arthur Kelly Evans, R.M.L.I.

T./Sub-Lt. William Reginald Gibson, R.N.V.R.

T./Sub-Lt. Michael Isaacs, R.N.V.R.

T./Capt. John Scott Marshall, R.E., frmly. R. Mar.

T./Lt. Bertie Halcro Nicholson, R.N.V.R.

T./Lt. Godfrey Midgley Chassereau Taylor, R.E. (late R.M.L.I.).


Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal.

RMA/9996 A./Bty./S./M. W. Davis, R.M.A., attd. S. Afr. Hy. Arty, (formerly R.F.R./B./1324).

Ply./13760 Sjt. (A./Clr./Sjt.) W. G. Scott, R.M.L.I.

460 S./Sjt. (Formn. Mech.) H. Williams, R.M.A.


Awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for valuable services rendered with the Armies in the Field.

Ports./149629 C.P.O. F. R. Smith, R.N.V.R.

CH/10268 Sjt. (A./Clr./Sjt.) B. G. Tomkins, R.M.L.I.





30122 - 8 JUNE 1917


War Office, 8th June, 1917.


His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men:



Maj. Frederick William Lumsden, D.S.O., R.M.A.


For most conspicuous bravery, determination and devotion to duty. Six enemy field guns having been captured, it was necessary to leave them in dug-in positions, 300 yards in advance of the position held by our troops. The enemy kept the captured guns under heavy fire. Maj. Lumsden undertook the duty of bringing the guns into our lines. In order to effect this, he personally led four artillery teams and a party of infantry through the hostile barrage. As one of these teams sustained casualties, he left the remaining teams in a covered position, and, through very heavy rifle, machine gun and shrapnel fire, led the infantry to the guns. By force of example and inspiring energy he succeeded in sending back two teams with guns, going through the barrage with the teams of the third gun. He then returned to the guns to await further teams, and these he succeeded in attaching to two of the three remaining guns, despite rifle fire, which had become intense at short range, and removed the guns to safety. By this time the enemy, in considerable strength, had driven through the infantry covering points, and blown up the breach of the remaining gun. Maj. Lumsden then returned, drove off the enemy, attached the gun to a team and got it away.





30131 - 15 JUNE 1917


Admiralty, 14th June, 1017.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the Royal Naval Reserve Officers' Decoration upon Captain David Wilson-Barker, R.N.R.





30133 - 15 JUNE 1917



NAVAL DESPATCH dated 28 January 1917


Chancery of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.


The KING (is) pleased to give directions for the following appointments to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George in recognition of the services mentioned in the Commander-in-Chief's despatch (see East African Campaign, Naval Despatch dated 28 January 1917):


To be additional members of the Third Class, or Companions of the said Most Distinguished Order:


Captain Adolphus Huddlestone Williamson, M.V.O., R.N. Was in command of H.M.S. "Vengeance'' and in charge of organisation of landing parties in the coastal operations. The shooting of "Vengeance" was remarkably accurate, and contributed largely to the success of the operations.


Captain Alfred Charles Sykes, R.N. In command of H.M.S. "Challenger," and frequently carried out duties of Senior Naval Officer. The shooting of "Challenger" during the night bombardment of Dar-es-Salaam on 21st August assisted largely in bringing about the surrender.



Admiralty, 15 June, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers in recognition of their services in the operations described in the Commander-in-Chief's despatch:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order:


Commander Reginald James Newall Watson, R.N. Was in charge of landing party at Bagamoyo on 15th August, 1916, and displayed great dash and energy in the face of unexpectedly superior forces.


Engineer-Commander Francis John Roskruge, R.N. Kept the squadron and H.M.S. ''Hyacinth" in a state of continuous efficiency for over two years with the smallest possible allowance for necessary repairs.


Flight Lieutenant Edwin Rowland Moon, R.N.A.S. (now prisoner of war). Since April, 1916, has carried out constant flights over the enemy's coast, including reconnaissances, bomb-dropping and spotting for gun fire in all weathers. Has shown great coolness and resource on all occasions.


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.


Lieutenant Eldred Stuart Brooksmith., R.N. Was in sole command of the defences of the southern part of the defence lines at Bagamoyo, when he showed conspicuous ability; also contributed largely to the successful firing by the monitors.


Flight Lieutenant James Edward Baker Maclean, R.N.A.S. Since April, 1916, has carried out constant flights over the enemy's coast, including reconnaissances, bomb-dropping and spotting; was wounded when flying over Bagamoyo.


Mr. John Mackay, Chief Gunner, R.N. Was in command of whaler "Salamander," and did excellent work under fire; organised mine-sweeping with great efficiency.


The following awards have also been made:


To receive the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal:

Corporal, Plymouth/12447, Ernest Victor Dean, R.M.L.I. Showed great initiative at Bagamoyo. After Captain Thomas, R.M.L.I., had been killed he immediately informed the Commanding Officer of the situation, and then taking cover behind a tree shot one German and one Askari, and wounded a second Askari.


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal:

Chief Petty Officer (C.) James Noonan, R.N.A.S., O.N. M.2354 (Po.).

Chief Petty Officer Francis Ernest Strong, O.N. 166552 (Dev.).

Petty Officer William James Grills, O.N. 210006 (Dev.).

Petty Officer John James Mitchell Lawes, O.N. 185088 (Dev.).

Petty Officer William Young, O.N. 216745 (Dev.).

Leading Seaman George Brunker, O.N. 222576 (Dev.).

Able Seaman, R.F.R., Vincent Burrage, O.N. 160207 (Dev.), R.F.R., B.68.

Able Seaman, R.F.R., Samuel Charles Cubitt, O.N. 217294 (Dev.), R.F.R., B.5408.

Able Seaman Michael Fitzgerald, O.N. 196162, R.F.R. (Dev.), R.F.R., B.3743.

Private, Plymouth/9590, William Dennis, R.M.L.I.

Petty Officer Telegraphist Albert French, O.N. 227249 (Po.).

Ship's Steward Albert Edward Tull, O.N. 340905 (Po.).

Sick-Berth Steward Sampson Woodcock, O.N. 350687 (Dev.).

Co. Sergt.-Major Percy Evan Smith, R.M.L.I., No. Ply./10275.

Lance-Corporal, Plymouth/11073, William Bradley, R.M.L.I.

Petty Officer Telegraphist Percival Charles King, O.N. 235463 (Dev.).

Air Mechanic, 1st Grade, Frederick Wilmshurst, R.N.A.S., O.N. J.29563 (Po.).


The KING has further approved of the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers in recognition of their services with the East African Military Forces:


To be a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order.

Commander George Stanley Thornley, R.N., Senior Naval Officer, Lake Victoria Nyanza. Rendered most efficient assistance to the Military throughout the campaign.


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.


Squadron Commander Eric Roper Curzon Nanson, R.N.A.S. Organised his unit with great efficiency and zeal, and carried out reconnaissance work under great climatic difficulties.


Lieutenant Vincent Holland Pryor Molteno, R.N. Organised the naval gun detachment which he commanded during part of the Kibata operations.


Flight Sub-Lieutenant Leslie O. Brown. For bravery, zeal and ability shown in many long flights over enemy territory on reconnaissance work and bomb-dropping expeditions; was repeatedly under fire.


Flight Lieutenant Norman Gordon Stewart-Dawson. Carried out reconnaissance over difficult country on 30th May, 1916, when he was obliged to land in the bush.


Lieutenant William John King, R.N.V.R For continuous good service in the operations of the Umba Valley Field Force; also served as Assistant Transport Officer and as Port Captain, Tanga.


Captain Ernest William O'Connor, Master of Transport "Barjora." Showed exceptional ability in the coast operations, the success of the landings being largely due to his professional capacity and zeal.


The following Officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Flight Lieutenant John Robinson, R.N.A.S.

Lieutenant Ivor Mackenzie Bellairs, R.N.V.R.

C.P.O. Mechanic, 2nd Grade, Arthur Henry Simmonds, O.N. M.443 (Cha.).

C.P.O. Mechanic, 3rd Grade, Herbert Russel, O.N. 226512 (Cha.)

Leading Mechanic Savile Aubrey Brooke, O.N. F.7963.

C.P.O., 3rd Grade, William Alfred Chapple, O.N. P.7181.

C.P.O., 3rd Grade, Edward Mathais, O.N. M.6508 (Dev.).

Leading Mechanic Alfred Frederick Wardle, O.N. F.7334.

Air Mechanic, 2nd Grade, John Harry Seager, O.N. F.7818.

Actg. Air Mechanic, 1st Grade, Albert Edward Liles, O.N. F.7811.





30135 - 15 JUNE 1917


War Office, 18th June, 1917.


(included in Army lists)

His Majesty The KING (is) pleased to award the Military Medal for bravery in the field to the undermentioned Non-commissioned Officers and Men:

T/Z6026 Able Seaman G. W. McPherson, R.N.V.R.

T/Z2864 Able Seaman R. J. Smith, R.N.V.R.





30138 - 19 JUNE 1917


Admiralty, 15th June, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' Decoration upon the following officers:

Acting Commander Walter Stafford, R.N.R.

Lieut.-Commander Frank A. Worsley, R.N.R.

Lieut. Commander John G. Dainty, R.N.R,

Lieut. Charles E. Adams, R.N.R.





30145 - 22 JUNE 1917


Chancery of the Royal Victorian Order,


The KING (is) pleased to make the following promotion in and appointments to the Royal Victorian Order:


To be Commander.

Rear Admiral Laurence Eliot Power, C.B., M.V.O.



Admiralty, 18th June, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to confer the R.N.R. Officers' Decoration upon the undermentioned officers:

Lieut. Frederick W. Wilsden, R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. John H. H. Scudamore, D.S.C., R.N.R.





30147 - 22 JUNE 1917


Admiralty, S.W. June, 1917.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned:


Act. Lieut, (now Lieut.-Cdr.) William Edward Sanders, R.N.R.


In recognition of his conspicuous gallantry, consummate coolness, and skill in command of one of H.M. ships in action.



Lce.-Corpl. Walter Richard Parker R.M.L.I., No. Po./S. 229, Royal Naval Division.


In recognition of his most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in the course of the Dardanelles operations. On the night of 30th April/1st May, 1915, a message asking for ammunition, water and medical stores was received from an isolated fire trench at Gaba Tepe. A party of Non-commissioned Officers and men were detailed to carry water and ammunition, and, in response to a call for a volunteer from among the stretcher bearers, Parker at once came forward; he had during the previous three days displayed conspicuous bravery and energy under fire whilst in charge of the Battalion stretcher bearers. Several men had already been killed in a previous attempt to bring assistance to the men holding the fire trench. To reach this trench it was necessary to traverse an area at least four hundred yards wide, which was completely exposed and swept by rifle fire. It was already daylight when the party emerged from shelter and at once one of the men was wounded: Parker organised a stretcher party and then going on alone succeeded in reaching the fire trench, all the water and ammunition carriers being either killed or wounded. After his arrival he rendered assistance to the wounded in the trench, displaying extreme courage and remaining cool and collected in very trying circumstances. The trench had finally to be evacuated and Parker helped to remove and attend the wounded, although he himself was seriously wounded during, this operation.



Honours for Miscellaneous Services.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the appointment of the undermentioned Officers:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. Francis Martin Leake, R.N.

Cdr. (now Capt.) Selwyn Mitchell Day, R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. Charles Harold Jones, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Kenneth Faviell Sworder, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Geoffrey Warburton, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Geoffrey Robert Sladen Watkins, R.N.

Lieut. Thomas Edward Price, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Frederick Henry Peterson, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. William Donald Beaton, R.N.R


The undermentioned Officers have been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order for subsequent acts of gallantry:


Cdr. Victor Lindsay Arbuthnot Campbell, D.S.O., R.N. (The appointment to the Distinguished Service Order was announced in London Gazette dated 3rd June 1915.)


Lieut.-Cdr. Robert Henry Taunton Raikes, D.S.O., R.N. (The appointment to the Distinguished Service Order was announced in London Gazette dated 25th Oct. 1916.)


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:

Lieut. Hugh Evelyn Raymond, R.N.

Lieut. Reginald Nash, R.N.

Lieut. Edward Arthur Aylmer, R.N.

Lieut. Colin John Lawrence Bittleston, R.N.

Lieut. Leonard Ernest Pearson, R.N.

Act. Lieut. Edward Lyon Berthon, R.N.

Lieut. William Stanley Nelson, R.N.R.

Lieut. Hugh Ross Mackay, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Joseph Fulton, R.N.R.

Lieut. Nelson Cooper, R.N.R.

Lieut. Richard James Turnbull, R.N.R.

Eng.-Lieut. Alexander Kenny, R.N.R.

Lieut. Robert Alexander Paterson, R.N.V.R.

Sub-Lieut. James Henry Arnold, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Clarence Aubrey King, R.N.V.R.

Skipper Thomas Edward Cain. R.N.R., 2061 W.S.A.

Skipper William Henry Brewer, R.N.R., 2440 S.A.

Skipper William Arthur Mead, R.N.R., 1518 S.A.

Skipper Adam Forbes, R.N.R., 66 W.S.A.


The following Officer has been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross for a subsequent act of gallantry:

Lieut. Frederick Henry Peterson, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N.R. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in London Gazette dated 14th July, 1916.)


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

Ldg. Sea. John Whitley, R.N.R., O.N. 3642C

Engmn. Thomas Toms, R.N.R., O.N.1980E.S.

P.O. John Campbell, O.N. 190387 (Ch.).

P.O. Frederick George Marchant, O.N. 234457 (Ch.).

E.R.A., 2nd CL, Alfred Mark Langley, O.N. 270895 (Po.).

C.P.O. William Henry Isted, O.N. 160471 (Po.).

E.R.A., 3rd Cl., Harold Lang, O.N. M.544 (Po.).

Col. Serjt. Nelson Sears, R.M.L.I. No. Po./ 4362 (R.F.R., A.912).

Lce.-Corpl. Grovenor Short, No. Ply./16545.

Ldg. Sig. Albert Edward Martin, O.N. 205596 (Po.).

Ldg. Sea. John Lawrence Arthurson, R.N.R., O.N. 3673B.

P.O., 1st Cl., William Lee, O.N. 129854 (E.F.E. Po./A2962).

P.O. Joseph John Barleycorn Norris, O.N 201403 (Po.).

E.R.A., 3rd Cl., James Smith, O.N. M1308 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sea. Daniel Dorrian, O.N. 231828 (Dev.).

Ord. Sea. George Morrison Burns, O.N. J64222 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. George Edward Palmer, O.N. 123295 (Po.).

E.R.A., 4th Cl., George Chinchen, O.N. M17906.

A.B. William Biggs, O.N. 238350 (Po.).

E.R.A. George Neil Stewart Cromarty, R.N.R., O.N. 1559E.A.

A.B. George Edward Beresford, O.N. 202661 (Po.).

P.O. Frederick Hobbs, O.N. 222026 (Po.).

E.R.A., 1st Cl., James King Lawrie, O.N. 270036 (Ch).

P.O. Robert John Brown, O.N. 222552 (Ch.)

P.O. Ernest James Rodgers, O.N. 206276 (Ch.).

Engmn. Samuel Holman, R.N.R., O.N. 4951E.S.

P.O. Frederick Robinson, O.N. 189448 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., Ernest Pike, O.N. 270765 (Dev.).

E.R.A., 1st Cl., John George Reason, O.N. 271097 (Ch.).

Ldg. Sig. William Smith, O.N. 237896 (Ch.).

2nd Hnd. John Robert Evans, R.N.R., O.N. 659S.A

Engmn. Nicholas Denoon, R.N.R., O.N. 106 E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Robert Hay, R.N.R., O.N. 6654A.

Sea. Arthur Joseph Aldridge, R.N.R., O.N. 6259A.

Donkeyman James Richard Henry Page (Mercantile Rating).

Ldg. Sea. Robert White Oliver Dall, O.N. 217357 (E.F.E., Ch./B.7503).

Sea. Magnus Nicholson, R.N.R., O.N. 879L.

P.O. Eric Morrison, R.N.R., O.N. 8143A.

P.O. Frederick Charles Rockett, O.N. 183807 (Dev.).

P.O. George James Jarrett, O.N. 222803 (Dev.).

P.O. John Michael Wall, O.N. 214147 (Dev.).

A.B. Charles Holland. O.N. SS. 2391 (Dev.)

Sto. P.O. George Robert Norman, O.N. 165874 (Dev.).

Sto., 1st Cl., John Kennedy, O.N. K.21492 (Dev.).

Shpwt., 1st Cl.,, William George Thomas, O.N. M.1387 (Dev.).

Ck's Mate Alfred Matthews, O.N. M.13136 (Dev.).

O.S., 2nd CL, John Charles Chudley, O.N. L.1943 (Dev.).

Ord. Teleg. Thomas Caldwell, R.N.V.R., O.N. Z/2947 (Wales).

Ord. Teleg. John Thomas, R.N.V.R., O.N. Z/3417 (Wales).

Dck. Hnd. Harry Pakeman Knevitt, R.N.R., O.N. 10015D.A.

Dck. Hnd. Walter Vickers, R.N.R., O.N. 11869D.A.

Dck. Hnd. Robert Crossland, R.N.R., O.N. 29823.D. D

ck. Hnd. Wilfred Foley, R.N.R., O.N. 6009D.A.

Dck. Hnd. John McClalland, R.N.R., O.N. 9629D.A.

Dck. Hnd. Dugald Clark McKinnon, R.N.R., O.N. 839S.D.

Dck. Hnd. Robert Dougherty, R.N.R., O.N. 3201S.D.

Dck. Hud. James Henry Knowles, R.N.R., O.N. 2685D.A.

Dck. Hnd. Edward Bastian, R.N.R., O.N. 14615D.A.

Dck. Hnd. John McLean, R.N.R., O.N. 14610D.A.

Dck. Hnd. Leonard Leathley, R.N.R., O.N. 14613D.A.

Dck. Hnd. James Porteus, R.N.R., O.N. 13780D.A.

Sea. James Arthur Townsend, R.N.R., O.N. 2947A.

C.P.O. John Thomas Worn, O.N. 124747 (R.F.R. Ch./A1119).

Ldg. Sea. William Gilbert Johnson, R.N.R., O.N. 1970D.

Sea. Joseph McKillop, R.N.R., O.N. 3129C.

Air Mech., 2nd Cl., William Percival Caston, O.N. F.4177.

Air Mech., 1st Cl., Abraham Earle Shorter, O.N. F.7380.

P.O. George Harber Carlton, O.N. 238919 (Ch.).

Sto. P.O. Alfred Ernest Wilton, O.N. 161168 (Dev.).


The following Officers and men have been mentioned in Despatches:

Cdr. Wilfred Arthur Thompson, R.N.

Cdr. John Coombe Hodgson, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. George Louis Downall Gibbs, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. George William Taylor, R.N.

Cdr. Hubert Henry de Burgh, R.N.

Cdr. Alan Frederic William Howard, R.N.

Cdr. James Vandeleur Creagh, R.N.

Cdr. Henry Taprell Dorling, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. (act. Cdr.) James Hope Neild, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Albert John Robertson, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Ernest Hamlyn Bannister Williams, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Geoffrey Stewart Fleetwood Nash, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Eustace Ruffel Drake Long. R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Patrick Birmingham Crohan, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Arthur Avison Scott, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Raphael Michael Mack, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Edye Kington Boddam-Whetham, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Hugh Rose Troup, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. William Edward Blackwood Magee, R.N.

Act. Payr. Kenneth Edgar Badcock, R.N.

Act. Eng.-Lieut. Samuel Robert Baker, R.N.

Act. Lieut. Frederick Herman Lawson, R.N.R. (killed in action – 16 March 1917, HMS Dundee).

Sub-Lieut. John Wyndham Cookson, R.N.

Sub-Lieut. Keith Morris, R.N.R.

Gnr. Henry Cumes Webber, R.N.

Act. Gnr. Frederick Clements Dike, R.N.

Skipper Adam Forbes, D.S.C., R.N.R., 66 W.S.A.

C.P.O. Harold Poole Parfitt, O.N. 157857 (Po.).

Yeo. Sigs. Arthur Hamond Tompson, O.N. 218650 (Po.).

Ch. Arm. Herbert William Goble, O.N. 345424 (Po.).

Mech. Frederick Archer Neal, Q.N. 301050 (Po.).

Ch. Sto. Lewis Taylor, O.N. 279337 (Po.).

Sto. P.O. Roley Lambert, O.N. 221805 (Po.).

A.B. John McColm Cullen, R.N.V.R., O.N. 1/30 (Mersey).

A.B. William Hughes, R.N.V.R., O.N. 1/153 (Mersey).

A.B. William Robert Eames, R.N.V.R., O.N. 1/161 (Mersey).

A.B. Frederick Charles Craig, R.N.V.R., O.N. 7/40 (Mersey).

A.B. Herbert Browning Winrow, R.N.V.R., O.N. 1/219 (Mersey).

Sea. John George Anderson, R.N.R., O.N. 2485 C.

Act. Ldg. Sto. James Wilfred Frost, O.N. 311407 (Po.).

Sto., 1st Cl., Percy Lindsay, O.N. K. 10657 (Po.).

Ord. Teleg. Rance Spink, O.N. J/35216 (Po.).

Dkhnd. Charles Flane, R.N.R., O.N. 956 D.A.

Sea. William Munro, R.N.R., O.N. 2309 A.

Serjt. Henry John Jordan, R.M.A., No. R.M.A./9682.

Ldg. Sea. John Thomas Annis, O.N. 203675 (Dev.).

E.R.A., 4th Cl., Richard Honeywell, O.N. M. 11064 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sig. Charles Horace Colin Hodges, O.N. 238085 (Ch.).



Honours for the Royal Naval Alr Service.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order:


Flt. Lieut. Christopher John Galpin, R.N.A.S.


Flt. Lieut. Herbert George Brackley, D.S.C., R.N.A.S. In recognition of his services on the morning of 14th April, 1917, when he carried out a raid on Bruges Harbour with good results in spite of difficult conditions. Great credit is due to him for his persistence and determination. He also dropped bombs on Ostend seaplane base on the night of 3-4 May, 1917, making two trips.


The KING (is) pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned Officers:


Flt. Cdr. Philip Leslie Holmes, R.N.A.S.


Flt. Sub-Lieut, (now act. Flt. Cdr.) Herbert Gardner Travers, R.N.A.S. In recognition of his services with the Army in France. This Officer has himself brought down three hostile aeroplanes completely out of control, and has taken part in two other combats in which enemy machines were forced to land in our lines. He has always shown the greatest determination in leading his flight on offensive patrols, and has on many occasions driven down superior numbers of hostile machines.


Flt. Lieut. Edward J. Cooper, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Charles Reginald Morrish, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Henry George Boswell, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Charles Langston Scott, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Lieut. Walter Travers Swire Williams, R.N.A.S.


Flt. Lieut. Thomas Grey Culling, R.N.A.S. In recognition of his services on the 23rd April, 1917, when with two other machines he engaged a formation of nine hostile scouts and two-seater machines. Two two-seater machines were shot down, one of them by Flt. Lieut. Culling unassisted.


Flt. Lieut. Francis Dominic Casey, R.N.A.S. For conspicuous bravery and skill in attacking hostile aircraft on numerous occasions. On April 21st, 1917, he attacked a hostile two-seater machine at a range varying from 40 to 100 yards, and brought it down completely out of control. On April 23rd, 1917, on four different occasions during one flight, he attacked hostile machines, one of which was driven down in a spinning nose dive and another turning over on its side went down completely out of control. This Officer has driven down four machines completely out of control, and forced many others down.


Flt. Lieut. Charles Adrian Maitland-Heriot, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Sub-Lieut. John Roland Secretan Devlin, R.N.A.S.

Sub-Lieut. Rupert Forbes-Bentley, R.N.V.R.

In recognition of their services in a bombing attack on the Kuleli Burgas Bridge on 4th January, 1917, when several direct hits were scored and considerable damage done. The machines were exposed to anti-aircraft, rifle and machine gun fire during the attack, and also on the return journey.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Leo Philip Paine, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Robert Leckie, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Basil Deacon Hobbs, R.N.A.S.

Flt. Sub-Lieut. Charles McNicoll, R.N.A.S.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Valentine Edgar Sieveking, R.N.A.S. In recognition of his services on the night of 3rd to 4th May, 1917, when he dropped bombs on Ostend seaplane base with good results, making two trips.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Harold Thomas Mellings, R.N.A.S. In recognition of his services on the 19th March, 1917, when he attacked a hostile aeroplane with great gallantry at heights varying from 12,000 to 2,000 feet.


Flt. Sub-Lieut. Frederick Earle Fraser, R.N.A.S.


Flt. Lieut, (act. Flt. Cdr.) Charles Dawson Booker. For special gallantry in the field on numerous occasions, especially the following: On 26th April, 1917, he went to the assistance of some of our photographic machines, which were about to be attacked by twelve Albatross scouts. One of these he fired on at close range, and brought it down out of control. On 24th May, 1917, whilst on patrol, he went to the assistance of a formation of our machines, which was being attacked by nine hostile scouts. He attacked one of the latter, which was driven down in flames and crashed. Later in the same day he attacked and drove down out of control another hostile machine. On numerous other occasions he has attacked enemy machines and driven them down out of control.


Flt.-Lieut. George Goodman Simpson. For gallantry and able leadership in aerial fighting, notably on the following occasions: On 3rd May, 1917, he drove down a hostile aeroplane out of control. On 11th May, 1917, while on offensive patrol with five other machines, he attacked six hostile aircraft. One of these he brought down out of control, and a few minutes later he attacked another at close range and brought it down in flames. On 23rd May, 1917, he led a formation of five machines to attack at least twice that number of hostile aeroplanes. Both formations became split up, and a general fight ensued. Five times during the combat he drove off hostile aeroplanes from another of our machines, and one of those which he attacked was seen to go down in a spin.


The undermentioned Officers, have, been awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross for subsequent acts of gallantry:


Flt.-Cdr. Theodore Douglas Hallam, D.S.C., R.N.A.S. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the London Gazette of 15th December, 1915.)


Flt.-Cdr. Roderic Stanley Dallas, D.S.C., R.N.A.S. In recognition of his services on the 23rd April, 1917, when with two other machines he engaged a formation of nine hostile scouts and two-seater machines. Two two-seater machines were shot down, one of them by Flt.-Cdr. Dallas unassisted. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the London Gazette of 6th September, 1916.)


Flt.-Lieut. Charles Langston Scott, D.S.C., R.N.A.S.


Flt.-Lieut. Robert Alexander Little, D.S.C., R.N.A.S. For exceptional daring and skill in aerial fighting on many occasions, of which the following are examples: On the 28th April, 1917, he destroyed an Aviatik; on the 29th April he shot down a hostile scout, which crashed. On the 30th April, with three other machines he went up after hostile machines and saw a big fight going on between fighter escorts and hostile aircraft. Flt.-Lieut. Little attacked one at fifty yards range, and brought it down out of control. A few minutes later he attacked a red scout with a larger machine than the rest. This machine was handled with great skill, but by clever manoeuvring Flt.-Lieut. Little got into a good position and shot it down out of control. (The award of the Distinguished Service Cross was announced in the London Gazette of 16th February, 1917.)


The following awards have also been approved:


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

Act. Air Mech., 1st Cl., Frederick Bate, O N. F.13351.

Air Mech., 2nd Cl., Arthur Gilbert Flowers, O.N. F.19901.

P.O. Mech., 3rd Cl., John Willis Rose, O.N. J.2348 (Dev.).

Air Mech., 1st Cl., George Benedict Clement, O.N. F.9008.

Air Mech., 2nd Cl., John Robinson Laycock, O.N. F,9281.

C.P.O., 3rd Cl., Vernon Frank Whatling, O.N. 238581 (Ch.).

Air Mech., 1st Cl., Douglas Gream Rennett, O.N. F.9088.

Air Mech., 2nd Cl., Charles Stanley Laycock, O.N. F. 10364.


The following Officers and men have been mentioned in Despatches:

Sqdrn.-Cdr. Joseph Ruscombe Wadham Smyth-Pigott, D.S.O., R.N.

Flt.-Cdr. Theodore Douglas Hallam, D.S.C., R.N.A.S.

Flt.-Sub-Lieut. John Roderick Ross, R.N.A.S.

Mid. Edward Rupert Snow, R.N. (since killed – 3 March 1917, Ark Royal, aircraft accident).

Air Mech., 1st Cl., Walter Thomas Hollidge, O.N. F.8633 (since died of injuries - 5 January 1917, in Greece).



Honours to the Mercantile Marine.


The KING (is) pleased to approve the award of Decorations and Medals to the undermentioned Officers and man of the British Mercantile Marine, in recognition of zeal and devotion to duty shown in carrying on the trade of the country during the war:


To receive a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. Frederick Maude Maling, D.S.O. (Lieut., R.N.R.).


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.

Capt. William Frodsom. Capt. Stanley Cooper.


To receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

Ldg. Sea. Alexander McDonald.



Capt. Harold Smith.

Capt. Thomas Morgan Hill.






30153 - 26 JUNE 1917


Admiralty, S.W., 27th June, 1917.


Honours for Service in the Auxiliary Patrol.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned officers in recognition of their services in vessels of the Auxiliary Patrol between the 1st February and 31st December, 1916:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Cdr. Archibald Bertram Watson Higginson, R.N.

Cdr. Bertram William Lothian Nicholson, R.N.

Cdr. Harry Francis Cayley, R.N.

Cdr. Frederick Hume Musgrave Custance, R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr. John Roberts, R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. (Act. Cdr.) Henry Smith, R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. (Act. Cdr.) William Bradley, R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. (Act. Cdr.) Henry Stockwell, R.D., R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. William Henry Kelly, R.N.R.

Lieut. (Act. Lieut.-Cdr.) Leonard C. Cockrell, R.N.R.


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.

Lieut. Walter Stafford, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ronald James Mortimer, R.N.R.

Lieut. Norman Baker, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Henry Holman, R.N.R.

Lieut. David Jefferson, R.N.R.

Lieut. George Walker, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ernest Victor Hugo, R.N.R.

Lieut. Alfred Henry Barnes, R.N.R.

Lieut. Alfred Sand Holmes, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Henry Askew Bee, R.N.R.

Lieut. Geoffrey Messenger, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edward Lewis Owen, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edward Wilkinson, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Trewhella Rowe, R.N.R.

Lieut. Tom Turnbull Laurenson. R.N.R.

Lieut. Alfred George Dodman, R.N.R.

Lieut. Gordon William Hatchard Lyndon, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Williams le Boutillier, R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry Jones, R.N.R.

Lieut. Richard Stephens Durham, R.N.R.

Lieut. Gordon Murray Croal Thomson, R.N.R.

Lieut. James Hogg Reid, R.N.R.

Lieut. Henry Brodie Conby, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Noble Day, R.N.R.

Lieut. Lawrence Peel Massy, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edward Horrabin Clements, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Robert Henry Baunton, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Ben. Chaplin R.N.R.

Lieut. Norman Graham Croall, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. Lionel Sheard Chappell, R.N.V.R.

Ch. Skipper Frederick Ernest Willis, R.N.R., 1615W.S.A.

Ch. Skipper William Alfred Capps, R.N.R., 1796W.S.A.

Skipper Alexander Bruce Summers, R.N.R., 1048W.S.A.

Skipper John Bruce, R.N.R., 1331W.S.A.

Skipper James Cutter, R.N.R., 833D.A.

Skipper William Bramwell Jenner, R.N.R., 1848W.S.A.

Skipper John Samuel Macey, R.N.R., 497 W.S.A.

Skipper Thomas Turner, R.N.R., 664W.S.A.

Skipper William Henry Sweet, R.N.R., 2134 W.S.A.



The following awards have also been approved:


To Receive the Distinguished Service Medal.

Dkhnd. George Arthur Abbey, R.N.R., O.N. 9503D.A.

Dkhnd. Adam Adam, R.N.R., O.N. 7457 D.A.

Dkhnd. William Alger, R.N.R., O.N. 8321 D.A.

Dkhnd. Albert Ernest Anthony, R.N.R., O.N. 579D.A.

Ldg. Sea. John Robert Askham, O.N. 182602 (R.F.R., Ch./B.6288).

Ldg. Sea. James Allen Baldry, R.N.R., O.N. . 6381A.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) Charles Wilfred Barnes, R.N.R., O.N. 467S.A.

Dkhnd. Thomas David Bass, R.N.R., O.N. 8275D.A.

A.B. William John Bennett, O.N. 202708 (R.F.R., Dev./B.4354).

2nd Hnd. John Edward Bess, R.N.R., O.N. 411S.A.

2nd Hnd. Edwin Bird, R.N.R., O.N. 244S.A.

A.B. John Blakley, Mercantile Marine.

Act. C.P.O. William James Bond, O.N. 133936 (R.F.R., Ch./A.1279).

Engmn. Walter Willoughly Borman, R.N.R., O.N. 2742E.S.

2nd Hnd. Alexander Buchau, R.N.R., O.N. 672S.A.

Dknnd. Albert George Bunn, R.N.R., O.N. 4330D.A.

C.P.O. William Henry Busser, O.N. 129071 (R.F.R.,Ch./A.1134).

Engmn. Daniel George Callan, R.N.R., O.N. 427E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Francis Thomas Charles, O.N. 207751 (R.F.R., Po./B.2742).

Sea. Harry Dod Clinton, R.N.R., O.N. 6359A.

A.B. Godfrey Graystone Clowes, O.N. J.3079 (R.F.R., Ch./B.10893).

Engmn. Fred Cobb, R.N.R., O.N. 1678 E.S.

2nd Hnd. Joseph Richard Carkett, R.N.R., O.N. 780S.A.

Ldg. Sea. Ernest Frederick Cresswell, O.N. 200090 (R.F.R., Ch./B.8994).

A.B. William James Defew, O.N. 161892 (R.F.R., Ch./B.4022).

Dkhnd. William Purves Duthie, R.N.R., O.N. 8717D.A.

Ldg. Sea. Thomas Dwyer, O.N. J.8737 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Albert Ernest Ephgrave, O.N. 188552 (R.F.R., Po./B.3341).

Engmn. Ben Ethell, R.N.R., O.N. 322E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Kenneth Ferguson, R.N.R., O.N. 3357C.

A.B. William Charles Stanley Franks, O.N. SS.430 (R.F.R., Ch./B.5671).

C.P.O. Walter Freemantle, O.N. 118856 (R.F.R., Po./A.1273).

Dkhnd. George Fuller, R.N.R., O.N. 451D.A.

Trmr. Ernest Glew, R.N.R., O.N. 764T.S.

Engmn. William John Goodchild, R.N.R., O.N. 795 E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Walter Green, O.N. 190253 (R.F.R., Ch./B.6612).

Engmn. William Ernest Harris, R.N.R., O.N. 2227E.S.

P.O., 1st Cl., Alfred Edmond Hill, O.N. 126227 (R.F.R., Dev./A.1915).

2nd Hnd. Harry Hodgson, R.N.R., O.N. 602 S.A.

Sig. George Alfred Howse, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside Z/4531.

Engmn. John Schofield Hulme, R.N.R., O.N. 1156E.S.

Sig. William Jones, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside Z/4733.

2nd Hnd. Walter Keay, R.N.R., O.N. 1769 S.A.

Sea. John Latham Kelso, R.N.R., O.N. 7983A.

Serjt. Henry Ralph Kimber, No. R.M.A./ 10107.

C.P.O. Edward King, O.N. 146513 (Ch.).

2nd Hnd. John Richard King, R.N.R., O.N. 2072S.A.

Ldg. Sea. James Edward Knights, O.N. 213829 (R.F.R., Po./B.6679).

Ldg. Sea. Albert Lake, O.N. 175302 (R.F.R., Po./B.2683).

Dkhnd. Robert Lilburn, R.N.R., O.N. 6707 D.A.

Dkhnd. William Lobban, R.N.R., O.N. 4831 D.A.

Sig. Boy David Henry Lord, R.N.R., O.N. 112S.B.

2nd Hnd. David Lowrie, R.N.R., O.N. 1113 S.A.

Ch. Motor Mch. Robert Stanley Luen, O.N. 144M.B.

C.P.O. Murdo McAulay, O.N. 137942 (Po.).

P.O. John McConnell, R.N.R., O.N. 3932B.

Ldg. Sea. Thomas McGrath, R.N.R., O.N. 4157B.

Dkhand. Duncan McLeod, R.N.R., O.N. 1151S.D.

Sea. James McLeod, R.N.R., O.N. 2871B.

Ldg. Sea. Neil MacLeod, R.N.R., O.N. 2889 A.

Cook William McLeod, E.N.R., O.N. 287T.C.

Ldg. Sea. Michael Mahony, R.N.R., O.N. 4130B.

Dkhnd. Alexander Mair, R.N.R., O.N. 3995D A.

2nd Hand John Mair, R.N.R., O.N. 1284S.A.

Ldg. Sea. John Henry Mann, O.N. 187389 (R.F.R., Ch./B.1937).

P.O. George William Martell, O.N. 191351 (R.F.R., Po./B.4276).

C.P.O. Thomas Henry Merryfield, O.N. 109404 (Dev.).

Engmn. George Milne, R.N.R., O.N. 1433E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Alexander Bryant Nash, R.N.R., O.N. 5503A.

Sig. Boy John Richard Nickols, R.N.R., O.N. 326S.B.

Engmn. Eric Alexander Ollard, R.N.R., O.N. 4882E.S.

2nd Hnd. James Frederick Ostcliff, R.N.R., O.N. 613S.A.

Ldg. Sea. William Patience, R.N.R., O.N. 3420C.

Dkhnd. Charles William Payne, R.N.R., O.N. 6165D.A.

Engmn. Henry William Popay, R.N.R., O.N. 3582E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Thomas Purcell, Newfoundland R.N.R., O.N. 1231X.

Engmn. Thomas Foster Rawlinson, R.N.R., O.N. 2007E.S.

C.P.O. Arthur Read, O.N. 126122 (R.F.R., Po./A.3665).

W/T. Operator Philip Martin Read, R.N.R., O.N. 232W.T.S.

2nd Hnd. William Sampson, R.N.R., O.N. 2238S.A.

Dkhnd. Alexander Esme Skene, R.N.R., O.N. 1171D.A.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) Charles Slapp, R.N.R., O.N. 1071S.A.

Sea. George Edward Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 5197B.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) James Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 1265S.A.

Ldg. Sea. William Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 4755B.

P.O., 2nd C1., John Reen Solomon, O.N. 209743 (Ch.). (Coastguard).

Boy James Frederick Somner, R.N.R., O.N. 448S.B.C.

Engmn. Thomas Stark, R.N.R., O.N. 3740 E.S.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) John Robert Storr. R.N.R., O.N. 1206S.A.

Engmn. James Stubbs, R.N.R., O.N. 983E.S.

2nd Hnd. Alexander Taft, R.N.R., O.N. 1289 S.A.

Engmn. Matthew Hill Taylor, R.N.R., O.N. 1091E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Edward Richards Thomas, R.N.R., O.N. 2659C.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) Mortimer Thompson, R.N.R., O.N. 1218S.A.

Teleg. John Thriepland, R.N.V.R., O.N. Clyde Z/47.

Engmn. Edward Turner, R.N.R., O.N. 161 E.S.

Dkhnd. Henry Edward Utting, R.N.R., O.N. 8514D.A.

2nd Hnd. George Emmett Ward, R.N.R., O.N. 2191S.A.

Dkhnd. Richard Connor Warden, R.N.R., O.N. 4026D.A.

W/T Operator William John Scott Watson, R.N.R., O.N. 319W.T.S.

2nd Hnd. Alexander Forbes King West, R.N.R., O.N. 3104D.A.

2nd Hnd. William Isiah Williams, R.N.R., O.N. 1708S.A.

Dkhnd. Matthew Young, R.N.R., O.N. 1079 S.D.

Engmn. William Richard Youngman, R.N.R., O.N. 3758E.S.

Engmn. Leslie Youngson, R.N.R., O.N. 1841 E.S.


The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Cdr. Hubert George Alston, R.N.

Cdr. Francis William Hanan, D.S.O., R.N.

Cdr. Ernest Harvey Pentecost, R.D., R.N.R.

Cdr. James Turnbull, R.N.R.

Lt.-Cdr. Cecil Brooks, R.N.R.

Lt.-Cdr. Charles George Matheson, D.S.O., R.N.R.

Lieut. George Foote, R.N.R.

Lieut. John Thomas Randell, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Richard Cowell Coppock, R.N.R.

Lieut. Walter Jackson Bibby, R.N.R.

Lieut. Albert Frederick Masters, R.N.R.

Lieut. Richard Pexton Merrett, R.N.R.

Lieut. Harold Luke Fbrster, R.N.R.

Lieut. Helmar August Dillner, R.N.R.

Lieut. James Eldon Evans, R.N.R.

Lieut. Harry Hunter Bell, R.N.R.

Lieut. Reginald Charles Butler, R.N.R.

Lieut. Charles Thomas Nettleingham, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. John P. Allix, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ernest Moore, R.N.R.

Lieut. Thomas Philip Ryan, R.N.R.

Lieut. Frank Watkin Charles, D.S.O., R.N.R.

Lieut Charles Surtis Cranmer McClure, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ralph Wilkinson Davidson, R.N.R.

Lieut. George Irvine, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Ernest Allen, R.N.R.

Lieut. David Owen Evans, R.N.R.

Lieut. Frank Leslie Heppell, R.N.R.

Lieut. Louis George Duncan Parker, R.N.R.

Lieut. Ernest Lawson Mussenden, R.N.R.

Lieut. Robert Wilson Batty, R.N.R.

Lieut. Grahame Gordon Alexander Deucher, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Wordie Watson, R.N.V.R.

Lieut. John Percival Abernethy Richardson, R.N.V.R.

Gnr. (T.) Martin Nosworthy, R.N.

Warrt. Teleg. Cecil Guy Alderton, R.N.R.

Ch. Skipper George Rowson, R.N.R., 1724 W.S.A.

Skipper John Smith, R.N.R., 1569W.S.A.

Skipper James Kilby, R.N.R., 343W.S.A.

Skipper Robert Henry Bickford, R.N.R., 514W.S.A.

Skipper Andrew Taylor, R.N.R., 355W.S.A.

Skipper James Lawn, R.N.R., 1834W.S.A.

Skipper Frank Broad, R.N.R., 2216S.A.

Skipper John William Naylor, R.N.R., 1682 W.S.A.

Skipper George Stewart, R.N.R., 704W.S.A.

Skipper James Findlay, R.N.R., 1484W.S.A.

Skipper Robert Sinclair Harkes, R.N.R., 444S.A.

Skipper George William Green, R.N.R., 189W.S.A.

Skipper William Cowie, R.N.R., 2024S.A.

Dkhnd. George Andrews, R N.R., O.N. 1589 D.A.

Engmn. Frederick Barringham, R.N.R., O.N. 1549E.S.

Ch. Std. John P. Barrington, Mercantile Marine.

Dkhnd. John James Beasley, R.N.R., O.N. 87D.A.

Dkhnd. George Alfred Bentley, R.N.R., O.N. 4548D.A.

P.O. Charles Bess, O.N. 185459 (Dev.).

Trmr. Richard Melbourne Blurton, R.N.R., O.N. 3955T.S.

Engmn. William James Boast, R.N.R., O.N. 403E.S.

Dkhnd. William Charles Bowles, R.N.R., O.N. 2985D.A.

A.B. Albert Thomas Bradberry, O.N. 190188 (R.F.R., Ch./B. 6664).

2nd Hnd. Thomas Brown, R.N.R., O.N. 588 S.A.

2nd Hnd. Charles Browning, R.N.R., O.N. 627S.A.

C.P.O. Alfred Butler, O.N. 118754 (R.F.R., Po./A.1358).

Ldg. Sea. George Campbell, R.N.R., O.N. 3635B.

Sea. Robert Cargill, R.N.R., O.N. 2565B.

2nd Hnd. Charles Catling, R.N.R., O.N. 456 S.A.

C.P.O. George Walter Charles, O.N. 129795 (R.F.R., Po./A.2544).

Engmn. John Coull, R.N.R., O.N. 3226E.S.

2nd Hnd. William Coull, R.N.R., O.N. 1729 S.A.

A.B. Arthur James Cox, O.N. J.4208 (Ch.).

2nd Hnd. Sydney George Cox, R.N.R., O.N. 2916D.A.

Engmn. Frederick Crane, R.N.R., O.N. 2267 E.S.

P.O., 2nd Cl., William Duff, O.N. 197026 (Coastguard).

2nd Hnd. Thomas William Dyble, R.N.R., O.N. 269S.A.

Ldg. Trmr. Joseph Allan Ford, R.N.R., O.N. 4084T.S.

Sea. Thomas Foy, R.N.R., O.N. 6072A.

Trmr. George Frain, R.N.R., O.N. 3388T.S.

W./T. Operator John Bradley Gambling, R.N.R., O.N. 348W.T.S.

Teleg. Robert Fred Hunnam Gardner, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside Z/1807.

1st Engmn. William Isaac Gardner, R.N.R., O.N. 3233E.S.

Dkhnd. William Gibson, R.N.R., O.N. 12100 D.A.

2nd Hnd. Stephen Gravells, R.N.R., O.N. 296S.A.

Dkhnd. William Green, R.N.R., O.N. 4874 D.A.

Dkhnd. Sydney Harry Harris, R.N.R., O.N. 4246D.A.

Ldg. Sto. William John Hart, O.N. 281423 (Dev.).

2nd Hnd. Ernest Harwood, R.N.R., O.N. 99 D.A.

Sea. Rowland Hiscock, Newfoundland R.N.R., O.N. 860X.

Engmn. Harry Holbrook, R.N.R., O.N. 1998 E.S.

Engmn. Reginald, Howlett, R.N.R., O.N. 3873 E.S.

Engmn. William Henry Hurn, R.N.R., O.N. 463E.S.

2nd Hnd. George Henry Jackman, R.N.R., O.N. 1566S.A.

Dkhnd. John Kirk, R.N.R., O.N. 2534D.A.

Dkhnd. Percy William Knights, R.N.R., O.N. 3031D.A.

P.O., 1st Cl., Arthur Kyte, O.N. 112119 (Po.).

P.O. Arthur Alfred Rupert Lee, O.N. 190046 (R.F.R., Ch./B.1143).

2nd Hnd. Frank Lewis, R.N.R., O.N. 802D.A.

Ldg. Sea. Angus McEachran, R.N.R., O.N. 2494B.

Ldg. Sea. Norman McGregor, R.N.R., O.N. 3271B.

 Sea. Angus McKenzie, R.N.R., O.N. 4546B.

Trmr. George Mackie, R.N.R., O.N. 4609 T.S.

Ldg. Dkhnd. Archibald McLean, R.N.R., O.N. 906S.D.

Dkhnd. John Alexander Maclean, R.N.R., O.N. 511S.D.

Dkhnd. Charles William McMillan, R.N.R., O.N. 7126D.A.

2nd Hnd. William McPherson, R.N.R., O.N. 1897S.A.

2nd Hnd. Donald MacRitchie, R.N.R., O.N. 5820D.A.

A.B. Duncan McSporran, Mercantile Marine.

2nd Hnd. Gilbert Georgson McWhirter, R.N.R., O.N. 1453C.

Trmr. John Manson, R.N.R., O.N. 4205T.S.

P.O. William George Meadows, O.N. 232664 (Ch.).

W/T. Operator Athelstone Hill Millard, R.N.R., O.N. 155W.T.S.O

Act. P.O. Arthur Edward Morant, R.N.R., O.N. 3677A.

Dkhnd. Ernest Moxey, R.N.R., O.N. 3871 D.A.

2nd Hnd. William Murray, R.N.R., O.N. 3096D.A.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) James Noble, R.N.R., O.N. 1615 S.A.

Engmn. James Noble, R.N.R., O.N. 1831 E.S.

Ldg. Sea. Alexander Patience, R.N.R., O.N. 3121B.

P.O., 1st Cl., Thomas Russell Pells, O.N. 148446 (R.F.R., Ch./A.1958).

Ldg. Sea. William Petley, O.N. 195647(Ch.).

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) Thomas Henry Quirk, R.N.R., O.N. 809S.A.

Dkhnd. Joseph Ritchie, R.N.R., O.N. 2507 D.A.

Sea. Jacob Robison, R.N.R., O.N. 3653C.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) Walter Thomas Rust, R.N.R., O.N. 2167D.A.

2nd Hnd. William Whittaker Scarborough, R.N.R., O.N. 363S.A.

Dkknd. George Shackle, R.N.R., O.N. 802 S.D.

Engmn. John William Siddle, R.N.R., O.N. 1152E.S.

Sea. William Simpson, R.N.R., O.N. 1227D.

Dkhnd. Alfred George Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 8171 D.A.

Trmr. Ernest Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 1891T.S.

Sea. Gilbert Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 3338C.

Dkhnd. Malcolm Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 3230 S.D.

2nd Hnd. Richard William Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 685S.A.

Engmn. Thomas Charles Soars, R.N.R., O.N. 2765E.S.

Trmr. Frederick Richard Spurgeon, R.N.R., O.N. 3135T.S.

P.O. William Stevens, O.N. 113821 (R.F.R., Po./A.1007).

2nd Hnd. John Stewart, R.N.R., O.N. 1168 S.A. (since died – 9 July 1916, HMS Clavis).

C.P.O. Charles Sweetingham, O.N. 123198 (R.F.R., Po./A.1832).

Act. P.O. John William Taggart, R.N.R., O.N. 1992C.

Dkhnd. William Tait, R.N.R., O.N. 10619 D.A.

Ldg. Btmn. Silas Thomas, O.N. 222613.

Sig. Thomas Thomson, R.N.V.R., O.N. Clyde 4/2068.

2nd Hnd. Charles William Turner, R.N.R., O.N. 2408S.A.

C.P.O. William Henry Turner, O.N. 128877 (R.F.R., Po./A4092).

Dkhnd. John Watson, R.N.R., O.N. 5887 D.A.

2nd Hnd. Walter William Webster, R.N.R., O.N. 751S.A.

P.O. George Herbert White, O.N. 129186 (Po.).

Ch. Motor Mech. John Thomas Whiting, O.N. M.B.83.

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) George Wilson, R.N.R., O.N. 1142S.A.

Ldg. Dkhnd. Alfred George Samuel Youens, R.N.R., O.N. 3797S.D.





30156 - 29  JUNE 1917


Chancery of the Royal Victorian Order.


The KING (is) pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's recent visit to the Grand Fleet, to make the following promotions in and appointments to the Royal Victorian Order:


To be Knights Grand Cross.

Admiral Sir David Beatty, G.C.B., K.C.V.O., D.S.O.

Admiral Sir Frederick Tower Hamilton, K.C.B., C.V.O.


To be Knights Commander.

Rear-Admiral Sir William Christopher Pakenham, K.C.B., M.V.O.

Rear-Admiral Osmond De Beauvoir Brock, C.B., C.M.G.


To be Commanders.

Commodore the Honourable Hubert George Brand, M.V.O., Royal Navy.

Commodore James Rose Price Hawksley, C.B., Royal Navy.





30159 - 29 JUNE 1917


Admiralty, S.W., 2nd July, 1917.


Honours for Service in Mine-Sweeping Operations.


The KING (is) pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Distinguished Service Order and for the award of the Distinguished Service Cross to the undermentioned officers in recognition of their services in Mine-sweeping operations between the 1st July, 1916, and the 31st March, 1917:


To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order.

Capt. Francis Evelyn Massy Dawson, R.N.

Capt. William Rawdon Napier, R.N.

Cdr. Robert William Dalgety, R.N.

Cdr. Ronald Scott Jervoise Wigram, R.N.

Cdr. Eric Walter Harbord, R.N.

Cdr. Basil Richard Brooke, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Cyril Prescott Franklin, R.N.

Lieut.-Cdr. Graham Cunningham Glen, R.N.


To receive the Distinguished Service Cross.

Lieut. William Victor Rice. D.S.O., R.N.

Lieut. Claude Preston Hermon-Hodge, R.N.

Lieut. Arthur Perfect Meredith Lewes, R.N.

Lieut. William Dene Keith Dowding, R.N.

Lieut. Archibald Henry L. S. Ruddell, R.N.

Lieut. Ebenezer Gordon, R.N.R.

Lieut. Edward L. Dobson, R.N.R.

Lieut. John H. Pitts, R.N.R.

Lieut. Alfred Havercroft Chafer, R.N.R.

Lieut. Howard McGlashan, R.N.R.

Lieut. Percy Noble Taylor, R.N.R.

Lieut. George B. Musson, R.N.R.

Lieut. Eric Rees, R.N.R.

Lieut. Charles Sidney Mence, R.N.R.

Lieut. Arthur Sandison, R.N.R.

Lieut. Wilfrid Walter Storey, R.N.R.

Lieut. Benjamin Swinhoe Stothard, R.N.R.

Lieut. Fred Collins, R.N.R.

Lieut. Thomas Elliott Hodge, R.N.R.

Lieut. Francis Joseph Woods, R.N.R.

Lieut. Roxburghe Tulloch, R.N.R.

Lieut. Alexander Duff Thomson, R.N.R.

Lieut. lann Mackenzie Adie, R.N.R.

Eng. Lieut. Joseph Hall, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. John Williams Powell, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Alexander Finlayson, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Charles Frederick Le Patourel, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Bernard Lawson Parker, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Percy Ridley, R.N.R.

Skipper Alexander McLeod, R.N.R., 759S.A.

Skipper George Mair, R.N.R., 770S.A.

Skipper Francis Thompson. R.N.R., 54S.A.

Skipper John Yolland, R.N.R., 58W.S.A.

Skipper Horace Edward Nutten, R.N.R., 60 S.A.

Skipper Thomas Reid, R.N.R., 490W.S.A.

Skipper James Edward Calvert, R.N.R., 767 W.S.A.

Skipper Robert Barker, R.N.R., 843W.S.A.

Skipper Samuel Beach Ward, R.N.R., 1369 W.S.A.

Skipper George Gill. R.N.R., 1979W.S.A.


The following awards have also been approved:


To Receive the Distinguished Service Medal:

Engmn. David Hillock Aitken, R.N.R., O.N. 191E.S.

2nd Hnd. Thomas Eynon Bailey, R.N.R., O.N. 103S.A.

C.P.O. Alfred Baker, O.N. 167742 (Ch.).

C.E.R.A., 2nd Cl., William James Bartlett, O.N. 269711 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Thomas Henry Searby Bates, R.N.R., O.N. 25D.A.

Sig. William Frederick Batty, R.N.V.R., O.N. Bristol Z/4092.

Dkhnd. James Roland Brown, R.N.R., O.N. 94S.D.

Dkhnd. William George Bruce, R.N.R., O.N. 9055D.A.

Dkhnd. Albert Edward Bull, R.N.R., O.N. 2043S.D.

2nd Hnd. Arthur John Bull, R.N.R., O.N. 2057D.A.

Dkhnd. Benjamin Bunn, R.N.R., O.N. 10245D.A.

C.P.O. Frederick John Channon, O.N. 167847 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. John Clay, R.N.R., O.N. 8349D.A

P.O. Ernest William John Claydon, O.N. 177531 (Ch.).

C.P.O. John Thomas Collier, O.N. 139408 (R.F.R., Ch./A. 1226).

W.T. Op., 2nd Cl., Arthur John Collins, R.N.R., O.N. 411W.T.S.

Ldg. Sea. Reeves Conroy, O.N. 219102 (R.F.R., Dev./B. 3303).

Act. C.P.O. John Cope, O.N. 128750 (R.F.R., Ch./B. 102).

Engmn. Fred Cowen, R.N.R., O.N. 2129E.S.

2nd Hnd. Amos Craven, R.N.R., O.N. 1280S.A.

2nd Hnd. George Samuel Crinks, R.N.R., O.N 2615S.A.

Ldg. Sea. Charles Culmer, O.N. 193094 (Ch.).

2nd Hnd. John Davis, R.N.R., O.N. 6018D.A.

Dkhnd. Robert Dickson, R.N.R., O.N. 1758D.A.

Sig. George Dodds, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside 5/213.

2nd Hnd. John Draper, R.N.R., O.N. 478D.A

C.P.O. Walter William Easter, O.N. 158087 (Po.).

P.O. John Alfred Ellis, O.N. 117930 (R.F.R , Dev./A. 3977).

1st Engmn. Thomas Evans, R.N.R., O.N. 1379E.S.

Engmn. James Everett, R.N.R., O.N. 3293E.S.

Engmn. Mauning Faiers, R.N.R., O.N. 342E.S.

Ch. Writer Leonard Henry Harcourt Finlay, O.N. 342352 (Po.).

Dkhnd. Christopher Gaunt, R.N.R., O.N. 9868D.A.

Ldg. Sea. Charles Edward Gill, O.N. 230353 (R.F.R., Ch./B. 6837).

Sto. Edward Gillan, R.N.R., O.N. 1355S.

C.P.O. George David Glover, O.N. 144330 (R.F.R., Po./A. 4159).

Ch. Writer Jack Evans Hamilton, O.N. 246211 (Dev.).

Ldg. Trmr. Charles Bertram Hebdon, R.N.R., O.N. 4981T.S.

Yeo. Sigs. Robert Hooper, O.N. 183088 (Po.).

Dkhnd. Benjamin Jackson, R.N.R., O.N. 7U9D.A.

Dkhnd. Charles Richard Johnson, R.N.R., O.N. 189D.A.

Sto., 1st Cl., Herbert Jones, O.N. K 3083 (Dev.).

Engmn. Richard Jones, R.N.R., O.N. 1696 E.S.

C.P.O. Thomas Kearns, O.N. 171369 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. David James Kyle, O.N.J. 3910 (Dev.).

Engmn. Edward Lee, R.N.R., O.N. 532T.S.

Ord. Teleg. John James Letham Logan, R.N.V.R., O.N. Clyde Z/7684.

2nd Hnd. George McDonald, R.N.R., O.N. 202D.A.

2nd Hnd. William McIlroy, R.N.R., O.N. 2429D.A.

Ldg. Sea. Colin McKay, R.N.R., O.N. 4602B.

C.P.O. Lott MacKay, O.N. 131223 (R.F.R., Po/A. 2643).

2nd Hnd. Thomas Buchanan Mackenzie, R.N.R., O.N. 261D.A.

Ldg. Sea. William John Mail, R.N.R., O.N. 4343B.

2nd Hnd. John Robert Markham, R.N.R., O.N. 290S.A.

2nd Hnd. Robert Marr, R.N.R., O.N. 2650S.A.

C.P.O. Henry George Marshall, O.N. 151540 (R.F.R., Dev./A. 4126).

C.P.O. George Lacey Mottram, O.N. 127839 (R.F.R., Po./A. 1993).

Sig. Sidney Nobbs, R.N.V.R., O.N. London Z/667.

P.O. Frederick Ernest Nottage, O.N. 164314 (Ch.).

C.P.O. William Thomas Noyes, O.N. 162502 (Po.).

Ldg. Trmr. Patrick Joseph O'Toole, R.N.R., O.N. 2712S.T.

C.P.O. John William Phillips, O.N. 133179 (R.F.R. Dev./A. 2742).

Sto. P.O. Arthur Pavey, O.N. 309219 (Dev.).

P.O. James Porter, O.N. 151738 (R.F.R., Po./A. 3987).

Sto. P.O. James Potter, O.N.K. 9581 (Ch.).

P.O. William Power, O.N. 193923 (Dev.).

Sig. Archibald John Preece, R.N.V.R., O.N. Wales Z/1587.

P.O. Charles Henry Price, O.N. 238628 (Ch.).

C.P.O. John Henry Price, O.N. 160777 (Po.).

Trmr. Ernest Redding, R.N.R., O.N 5707 T.S.

Sig. Fred Reed, R.N.V.R., O.N. Tyneside Z/3025.

2nd Hnd. George Harry Reed. R.N.R., O N. 412D.A.

Ldg. Sea. Thomas Reynolds, R.N.R., O.N. 6880 A.

Ch. Sto. James Robertson, O.N. 276758 (Ch.).

C P.O. Charles John Rowsell, O.N. 128966 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. Frederick Charles Sayer, R.N.R., O.N. 8747D.A.

2nd Hnd. William Liddle Seaton, R.N.R., O.N. 254D.A.

C.P.O. William Shepherd, O.N. 160941 (R.F.R., Ch./B. 4027).

C.P.O. Cecil Taylor, O.N. 178701 (Ch.).

Trmr. Leonard Thomas, R.N.R., O.N. 1937 S.T.

2nd Hnd. Alfred Albert John Thompson, R.N.R., O.N. 2584S.A.

P.O. John Walter Turner, R.N.V.R., O.N. London 1/3099.

Engmn. Joseph Holman Walton, R.N.R., O.N. 199E.S.

P.O. Samuel Warren, R.N.R. (Newfoundland), O.N. 559X.

2nd Hnd. Joseph Watkinson, R.N.R., O.N. 146S.A.

Trmr. William Thomas Weedon, R.N.R , O.N. 340T.S.

C.P.O. Henry Albert Wilson, O.N. 166074 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. Richard Wilson, R.N.R., O.N. 328D.A.

2nd Engmn. Thomas Wouldhave, R.N.R., O.N. 1672E.S.


The following officers and men have been mentioned in despatches:

Cdr. Francis Hungerford Pollen, R.N.

Cdr. Frederick Richard Harrold, R.N.

Cdr. Harry Francis Cayley, D.S.O., R.N.

Act. Cdr. Gervase William Heaton Heaton, D.S.O., R.N.

Act. Cdr. Charles Edward Aglionby, R.N.

Act. Cdr. Ronald Clinton Mayne, R.N.

Act. Cdr. Ralph Tindal, R.N.

Cdr. Wilfrid Montague Bruce, R.N.R.

Lieut.-Cdr. John Edwards, R.N.

Lieut. Stafford Harry Dillon, R.N.

Lieut. Archibald Gordon Cranmer, R.N.R.

Lieut. Frederick William Gray, R.N.R.

Lieut. William Gibson Wood, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. John Joseph Fulton, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Robert Davies, R.N.R.

Lieut. Walter Sumner, R.N.R.

Lieut. Nelson Cooper, D.S.C., R.N.R.

Lieut. Leslie Oswald Hatherley, R.N.R.

Lieut. Charles Kemp Paris, R.N.R.

Lieut. Norman Minshull, R.N.R.

Lieut. Charles Alfred Todd, R.N.R.

Lieut. George Syms, R.N.R.

Lieut. William George Brown, R.N.R.

Lieut. Bertie Warwick, R.N.R.

Lieut. Thomas Rayne Kirby, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. William Wilson, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. Oswald Frank Pennington, R.N.R.

Act. Lieut. George Andrew Drummond, R.N.R.

Eng.-Lieut. James Jack Andrews, R.N.R.

Eng.-Lieut. Joseph Percy Watts, R.N.R.

Sub-Lieut. Frederick Wilson, R.N.V.R.

Ch. Gnr. William Henry Wilkie, R.N.

Ch. Bosn. Ernest Robert Parrott, R.N.

Ch. Warr. Eng. Stanley Peregrine Oxnard, R.N.R.

Skipper Alexander Youngson, R.N.R., 23 W.S.A.

Skipper Edward Warwick, R.N.R., 40W.S.A.

Skipper John William Eden, R.N.R., 93S.A.

Skipper John William Blyth, R.N.R., 112 W.S.A.

Skipper George John Bird, R.N.R., 682 W.S.A.

Skipper William James McLean, R.N.R., 744W.S.A.

Skipper Joseph Renton, R.N.R,, 1393 W.S.A.

Skipper William Joseph Smith, R.N.R., 1397 W.S.A.

Skipper James William Austin, R.N.R., 1413 W.S.A.

2nd Hnd. Noah Ayers, R.N.R., O. N. 2031 S.A.

C.P.O. Arthur Samuel Bailey, O.N. 17909 (Po.).

P.O. John Beaton, R.N.R., O.N. 3197C.

Dkhnd. William Walter Berryman, R.N.R., O.N. 208D.A.

P.O. Stanley James Bloss, O.N. 232342 (Ch.).

Trmr. John Bradley, R.N.R., O.N. 568S.T.

Cook Eli Braham (Mercantile Marine).

Ldg. Dkhnd. Frederick William Brown, O.N. 1724D.A.

Engmn. James William Bryan, R.N.R., O.N. 1948E.S.

A.B. Frank Ruffin Buckett, O.N. J12701 (Po.).

C.P.O. Benjamin Bussey, O.N. 130577 (R.F.R., Po./A.3000).

Trmr. William Butler, R.N.R., O.N. 744T.S.

Engmn. Robert Cameron, R.N.R., O.N. 544E.S.

Ldg. Sea. George William Cardno, R.N.R., O.N. 7600A.

C.P.O. James Carter, O.N. 158594 (Dev.).

A.B. George Sydney Chisman (Mercantile Marine).

Trmr. Allan Cook, R.N.R., O.N. 720T.S.

Trmr. George Cox, R.N.R., O.N. 974T.S.

Dkhnd. George Cutting, R.N.R., O.N. 2128 D.A.

Sig. William Arthur Dearman, R.N.V.R., O.N. London Z/3314.

Yeo. Sigs. Charles Harold Dedman, O.N. 225658 (Po.).

P.O. John Denby, O.N. 166746 (R.F.R., Ch./B.4227).

Dkhnd. Alexander Donnison, R.N.R., O.N. 507D.A.

Ldg. Sea. Michael Donovan, O.N. 159865 (Dev.).

Ldg. Sea. Percival George Downs, O.N. 178894 (R.F.R., Ch./B.5187).

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) Alfred Daniel Ellis, R.N.R., O.N. 392D.A.

Ldg. Tmr. Tobias Fitzpatrick, R.N.R., O.N. 2823S.T.

2nd Hnd. William Flett, R.N.R., O.N. 2557 S.A.

Sea. David Frederick, R.N.R., O.N. 1626D.

P.O. Charles Edward Frost, O.N. 202746 (R.F.R., Ch./B.10917).

Engmn. William James Reynolds Gastineau, R.N.R., O.N. 628E.S.

Dkhnd. Charles Francis Godel, R.N.R., O.N. 2225S.D.

Engmn. Edward Augustus Hackett, R.N R , O.N. 95E.S.

Sig. Percy Thomas Halfhead, R.N.V.R., O.N. Mersey Z/837.

Sto., 1st CL, Robert.Harris, O.N. K.2206 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. Daniel James Harrison, R.N.R , O.N. 286S.A.

Shipwt., 1st C1., Thomas Henrv Hill, O N 344412 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Robert Hislop, R.N.R.. O.N. 2190 S.D.

Ldg. Sea. Frederick Hosking, R.N.R., O.N. 5366B.

Trmr. William Hyndman, R.N.R., O.N. 360S.T.

Dkhnd. Clifford Andrew Jackson, R.N.R., O.N. 648D.A.

Dkhnd. James Jenkins, R.N.R., O.N. 471D.A.

Ldg. Dkhnd. Mark Hodson Knights, R.N.R., O.N. 1427D.A.

C.E.R.A. Henry Edward Korn, R.N.R., O.N. 305E.B.

P.O. James Croxford Liley, O.N. 116236 (R.F.R., Ch./A.660).

Ldg. Sea. Malcolm Mclntyre, R.N.R., O.N. 3676B.

Dkhnd. Thomas Magee, R.N.R., O.N. 531S.D.

P.O. William Marlow, O.N. 183023 (R.F.R., Ch./B.6379).

Sig. David Midwinter, R.N.V.R., O.N. London Z/1551.

Trmr. Albert Hindle Miller, R.N.R., O.N. 527T.S.

Engmn. Burton George Henry Moore, R.N.R., O.N. 445 T.S.

Dkhnd. William John Newman, R.N.R., O.N. 324 S.D.

2nd Hnd. Harold George Nicholson, R.N.R., O.N. 1421 D.A.

Engmn. Charles Niven, R.N.R., O.N. 59E.S.

Sto. P.O. Robert Henry Osgood, O.N. 291689 (Po,).

2nd Hnd. Thomas Ovenstone, R.N.R., O.N. 5981 D.A.

C.P.O. George Edward Over, O.N. 178015 (Dev.).

2nd Hnd. (now Skipper) Charles William Penrose, R.N.R., O.N., 11 D.A.

Ldg. Sig. George Popple, O.N. 214362 (Po.).

Engmn. William Rogergon Porter, O.N. 144 E.S.

Ldg. Sea. John William Presswell, O.N. 155960 (R.F.R., Ch./B.3248).

Sea. James Pugh, R.N.R., O.N. 3224B.

C.P.O. John Rafferty, O.N. 126715 (R.F.R., Po./A.3295).

Ldg. Sea. Frederick Reed, R.N.R., O.N. 3166B.

Ldg. Sea. William Reed, O.N. 235966 (Dev.).

Dkhnd. Joseph Anthony Reid, R.N.R., O.N. 70 D.A.

Dkhnd. James Ritchie, R.N.R., O.N. 5252 D.A.

2nd Hnd. Cecil Percy Rogers, R.N.R., O.N. 139 S.A.

Trmr. William Rollo, R.N.R., O.N. 782T.S.

2nd Hnd. Robert Rutter, R.N.R., O.N. 1849 D.A.

Engmn. Harry Smith, R.N.R., O.N. 611E.S.

Trmr. Leonard Sparkes, R.N.R., O.N. 202 T.S.

Engmn. James Stables, R.N.R., O.N. 262 E.S.

Engmn. James Stirton, R.N.R., O.N. 673 T.S.

C.P.O. William Henry Tapsell, O.N. 163385 (Ch.).

Dkhnd. William Walker, R.N.R., O.N. 1501 D.A.

P.O. Sidney Frederick Waller, O.N. 194414 (Ch.).

A.B. Frederick Joseph Welch, O.N. 185291 (R.F.R., Po./B.3567).

Ch. Sto. Albert Edward White, O.N. 281161 (Po.).

2nd Hnd. Morris Wisher, R.N.R., O.N. 192 S.A.

Sea. Alexander Wood, R.N.R., O.N. 4577A.

2nd Hnd. Robert Wright, R.N.R., O.N. 1104 S.A.


.... in recognition of his services in the prosecution of the war :

To be Companion of the Distinguished Service Order.

Admiral Robert Stevenson Dalton Cuming (temp. Capt., R.N.R.) - (The award of the DSO was for services in command of Armed Yachts of Auxiliary Patrol. He commanded yacht 'Aries' & then another 'Atalanta' up until Feb 1917. He was then appointed Commodore of Patrols working from the parent cruiser 'Thetis'. He was invested with the Insignia of the Distinguished Service Order at Buckingham Palace on 17 July 1918. With thanks to Peter Grainger-Allen, a family member, 25 Aug 2013)


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revised 08/08/14