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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Minesweeper, later Hunt or Aberdare-class

Twin-screw minesweeper, Pendant Nos. N.3A (6.19), N.4A (11.19). Launched 15.4.19 Fleming & Ferguson. 800 tons, 231(oa), 220(pp)x28x7ft. TE 2200ihp, 16kts. Armament: 1-4in, 1-12pdr AA. Crew: 74. Sold 3.33 at Hong Kong. (British Warships 1914-1919)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

Each day’s entry is a précis of the record in the log.
Routine events are usually omitted for brevity, but on the first day of each month there is a full record of the day to give a flavour of life aboard.
Readers who wish to know more can of course view the original page by clicking on the link above the date.
The second line of each day’s entry is the position at noon, either the co-ordinates of the port when in harbour or the position entered in the log when at sea.
This may be marked DR to indicate Dead Reckoning and it may be marked [approx] when, as often happens, the position has not been recorded and the editor has estimated the position from other information in the log, with the help of the Journey Plotter program.

This edit would not of course be possible without the Internet and the following sites have all been invaluable for hyperlinks. for everything. for places and maps. for ships built on the Clyde. for Royal Fleet Auxiliaries. for ships and officers. for world warships. for shipping lines. for naval officers. for lighthouses. more lighthouses. for ships that died at sea.
And a number of sites that supplied a single piece of the jigsaw,,,,,,,, and

All these sites are run by volunteers, in their own time and often at their own expense and history is greatly indebted to them.
We who follow the ships that no longer leave a wake and the seafarers who have downed their last tot salute you. Thank you all.

Some useful abbreviations.

AB: Able Seaman.
A/c: Altered course.
AR: Aiming Rifle.
bg: bearing.
C: Cape, Cap, Cabo.
C-in-C: Commander in Chief.
C of E: Church of England.
Cdr: Commander.
CERA: Chief ERA.
CO: Commanding Officer.
CPO: Chief Petty Officer.
DR: Dead Reckoning.
ERA: Engine Room Artificer.
HK: Hong Kong.
HMS: His Majesty’s Ship.
i/c: in company.
Lat.: Latitude.
LCS: Light Cruiser Squadron.
Ldg: Leading Seaman, Stoker etc.
Long.: Longitude.
Ldg Sn: Leading Seaman.
Lt: Lieutenant, also Lighthouse.
Lt/Cdr: Lieutenant Commander.
LV: Light Vessel.
NC (or N-C): Non conformist for church services.
NSO: Naval Stores Office(r).
OOG: Officer of the Guard.
Ord: Ordinary Seaman.
P & O: Peninsular and Orient (shipping line).
PO: Petty Officer.
Pos.: Position.
QD: Quarterdeck.
RC: Roman Catholic.
RFA: Royal Fleet Auxiliary.
RN: Royal Navy.
RNH: RN Hospital.
RNSQ: RN Sick Quarters.
(S): Submarines.
Sig.: Signalman.
S/Lt: Sub Lieutenant.
S/m: Submarine.
SNO: Senior Naval Officer (on station or in company).
SPO: Stoker Petty Officer.
SS: Screw Steamer.
SQ: Sick Quarters.
TB(D): Torpedo Boat (Destroyer).
Tel.: Telegraphist.
USS: United States Ship.
WP: Working Party.
W/T: Water Tight (doors).


JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


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Blue front cover of logbook for 1st April to 31st May 1921.

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Aneroid barometer: T Wheeler, No 6071.

Air thermometers: located on the wheelhouse, in screen.

Dry: Negretti and Zambra, No 25238.

Wet: Negretti & Zambra, No 25239.

Sea thermometer: AC Cossor and Son.

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Fuel consumption data. Signed by Cdr (S) RR Turner, 1st June 1921.


[Hong Kong and Shanghai]

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1 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.00am: Hands scrub decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  9.00am: Hands paint ship and as requisite.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.30pm: Hands received quarterly payment. Work as in forenoon.

  4.00pm: Tea. Leave to the watch until 7.00am.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Calm or light airs, overcast in the afternoon, 66º to 72º F.

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2 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


     In am: Clean ship.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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3 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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4 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.30pm: Hands employed securing tugs alongside. Shifted billet.

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5 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: HMS Hawkins left harbour

Page signed by Lt/Cdr FJH Dawson, in command. The CO is referred to as Captain whatever his substantive rank; by tradition the crew refer to him as The Owner.

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6 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.30am: USS Wilmington under weigh.

  2.30pm: Tug secured alongside and shifted ship to No 9 buoy.

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7 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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8 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Hands prepare ship for coaling.

  7.30am: HMS Cicala under weigh.

10.00am: HMS Cairo left harbour.

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9 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Saturday. Clean ship, make and mend.

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10 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. Landed C of E, RC, Wesleyan and Presbyterian church parties.

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11 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed on ship’s side.

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12 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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13 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.30pm: HMS Colombo under weigh.

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14 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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15 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed about stores from lighter alongside.

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16 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Lt GP Claridge RN joined from HMS Titania.

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17 April 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Church of England party to HMS Titania. Landed RC party.

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18 April 1921

Hong Kong and at sea for Shanghai.

Lat 22.28, Long 114.7 [approx]

  8.00am: Received mail aboard for SNO Shanghai.

  8.15am: Special duty men* to stations. Hands to stations for leaving harbour.

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded at 160 revs, courses for leaving harbour.

11.03am: Single I. abeam, N71E.

  2.45pm: Pedro Blanco abeam, 3 miles, a/c N70E.

* The skilled team who handle mooring and anchoring tasks.

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19 April 1921

At sea

Lat 23.95, Long 118.26 DR

  5.34am: High Lamock I. Lt abeam, 3 miles, a/c N34E.

  7.55am: Brothers Is abeam, 3 miles.

12.40pm: Chapel I. [now Tungting Tao] abeam.

  5.04pm: Sighted HM S/ms L3, L9 and L15.

  8.15pm: Ocksen I. [now Wuqiu Yu] abeam, 0.5 miles.

11.35pm: Turnabout I. [Kiushan Tao] abeam, 5 miles.

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20 April 1921

At sea

Lat 27.47, Long 121.27 DR

  5.11am: Tung Yung Lt [on Dongyin I.] abeam, 2 miles.

  4.05pm: Slipped life buoy and sent away sea boat.

  4.15pm: Hoisted boat and proceeded.

  8.57pm: Heishan I. [Heishan chuntao] Lt abeam, 4.5 miles.

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21 April 1921

At sea to Shanghai

Lat 31.42, Long 121.60 [approx]

  1.58am: Tongting Lt abeam.

  7.38am: Gutzlaff I. abeam, 4 miles.

  8.33am: Fairway buoy abeam.

11.35am: Anchored off Wusung Spit [probably to wait for the tide].

  1.13pm: Weighed and proceeded up Whangpoo River.

  2.50pm: Secured to P & O buoys, Shanghai.

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22 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.00am: NSO’s stores cleared by shore working party.

  1.00pm: Landed coal tallying party.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

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23 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  6.40am: Commenced coaling from lighters alongside.

     Noon: Payment muster. Leave to port watch until 8.00am on the 26th.

12.40pm: Coaling complete, received 190 tons.

  4.45pm: Landed small patrol.

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24 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Hands employed as requisite.

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25 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Hands washing the side etc.

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26 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.00am: Port watch returned from leave.

10.00am: One Chief Stoker joined from HMS Carlisle.

     Noon: Leave to starboard watch until 8.00am on the 29th.

  4.30pm: Leave to red watch until 7.00am. [With half the ship’s company away on three days leave, the remaining watch is sub-divided into three watches.]

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27 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Hands employed as requisite.

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28 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Hands painting etc.

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29 April 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.00am: Starboard watch returned off leave.

  4.30pm: HMS Woodlark arrived.

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30 April 1921

Shanghai and at sea for Wei-hai-wei

Lat 31.39, Long 122.22

  7.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

  8.40am: Woosung Spit buoy abeam.

12.06pm: Shaweishan I. abeam, 2 miles.

12.50pm: Flooded after ballast tanks.



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1 May 1921

At sea to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 35.85, Long 122.68

  8.00am: Hands to breakfast.

  8.30am: Clean ship.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.00pm: A/c 359º.

  4.00pm: Tea. SE Shantung Promontory bg N55W (m).

  4.12pm: Increased speed to 210 revs.

  6.50pm: A/c 320º. NE Promontory bg 300º, 8.5 miles.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  7.55pm: A/c 270º.

  9.55pm: Secured to buoy No 4 280 yds South of Clarks pier in Wei-hai-wei harbour. [This is the summer base for ships on this station.]

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2 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.30am: Clear lower deck for physical drill.

10.15am: Five ratings discharged to hospital.

  6.40pm: Discharged Stoker Thwaites to hospital.

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3 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.45am: Eased out cable.

  9.30am: Clear lower deck for physical drill.

  3.35pm: HMS Hawkins arrived.

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4 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: Sloped quarterdeck awning [rain].

  9.30am: Read Warrant No 7. Sent one prisoner to HMS Hawkins for cells [men for cells are usually sent to another ship, to ensure impartial treatment].

  3.00pm: HMS Ambrose and HM S/ms L9, L15, L3 and L2 arrived.

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5 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: One rating rejoined ship from HMS Ambrose.

11.00am: HM Tug St Breock entered harbour.

  2.00pm: Stoker 1c GA Linnet [?] rejoined ship from Ambrose.

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6 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.45am: HM S/m L2 left harbour.

  8.00am: Dressed ship [Accession Day].

  9.00am: HMS Ambrose’s galley and skiff made fast to boom.

  9.15am: HMS Hawkins left harbour, followed by HM S/ms L15 and L9.

11.00am: L2 returned.

  4.00pm: Hawkins returned.

  4.15pm: Landed football party.

  6.35pm: Undress ship.

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7 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: Two ratings discharged sick to HMS Ambrose.

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8 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.35am: HM S/ms L2, L3, L9 and L15 proceeded to anchorage.

  9.15am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian and RC church parties.

10.15am: C of E church party to HMS Colombo.

11.15am: Submarines proceeded alongside HMS Ambrose.

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9 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.10am: HMS Colombo left harbour.

  8.00am: Landed range party.

  8.50am: HMS Hawkins sailed.

10.00am: Stoker 1c G Thwaites rejoined ship from hospital.

  3.50pm: HMS Colombo returned to harbour.

  4.10pm: Range party returned.

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10 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.00am: Landed range party.

  4.30pm: Range party returned.

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11 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.00am: HM Tug St Breock entered harbour.

  5.45am: Submarines proceeded to anchorage.

  8.30am: HMS Hawkins entered harbour.

  4.30pm: Clear lower deck, hoisted gig and skiff [these are heavy sailing boats; a navy gig is 30’ long and the skiff is 16’, so some manpower needed to lift them in].

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12 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.00am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded to coaling jetty. Made fast alongside pier and commenced coaling.

  8.30am: HMS Hawkins sailed.

  9.30am: HM S/ms L3 and L9 sailed.

10.30am: HM S/ms L2 and L15 secured alongside HMS Ambrose.

11.00am: Completed with coal, received 120 tons. Cast of from jetty and returned to buoy.

11.30am: L3 and L9 returned.

  3.00pm: Hawkins returned to harbour.

  6.00pm: Submarines cast off from Ambrose and proceeded to anchorage. Veered cable to ¾ shackle*.

  7.00pm: Raised steam at ½ hour’s notice.

10.00pm: Placed anchor watch [SW f4].

* A shackle of cable at this time was 12.5 fathoms, 75 feet or 22.86 metres.

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13 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  2.00am: Ceased anchor watches.

  8.30am: HM S/ms L3 and L9 left harbour.

  1.30pm: Discharged one SPO to HMS Ambrose. One SPO and one AB rejoined ship from same.

  5.30pm: L3 and L9 returned to harbour.

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14 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.30am: HMS Colombo sailed.

  7.15am: HMS Carlisle arrived.

  7.50am: HMS Hawkins sailed.

  8.00am: Carlisle sailed.

  8.25am: Carlisle returned to harbour.

11.35am: Hawkins and Colombo returned to harbour.

  4.30pm: HM Submarines proceeded to anchorage.

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15 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.50am: HMS Cairo entered harbour.

  9.15am: Church parties landed.

10.15am: C of E party to HMS Colombo.

12.45pm: HMS Alacrity entered harbour.

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16 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.00am: HMS Curlew entered harbour.

  8.20am: HMS Colombo proceeded to sea.

  8.45am: HMS Hawkins sailed.

  4.25pm: Colombo returned.

  4.55pm: Hawkins returned.

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17 May 1921


Lat 37.6, Long 122.25 [approx]

  1.00am: Placed anchor watch. Raised steam for slow speed at one hour’s notice. [wind SE f4; the anchorage here is vulnerable to winds from this quarter.

  7.00am: Ceased anchor watch.

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for exercises with HM S/ms L2, L3 and L9.

12.30pm: Picked up torpedoes from L2 and L3.

  3.57pm: Secured to buoy. Sent torpedoes to HMS Ambrose.

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18 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.15am: HMS Hawkins sailed.

11.20am: Hawkins returned.

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19 May 1921


Lat 37.6, Long 122.25 [approx]

  8.10am: HM S/ms L3 and L9 left harbour.

  8.45am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for submarine exercises..

10.10am: Stopped engines, away 2nd gig to pick up four torpedoes.

  3.55pm: Secured to buoy.

  4.00pm: L9 returned.

  4.30pm: L3 returned.

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20 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.00am: HMS Hawkins with HM S/ms L2 and L15 sailed.

12.35pm: L2 and L15 returned.

  1.30pm: Hawkins returned.

  1.40pm: Ord. J Monker joined from HMS Ambrose.

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21 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

11.00am: HMS Foxglove arrived.

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22 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

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23 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: HMS Carlisle sailed.

  9.05am: HMS Curlew, Colombo and Hawkins sailed.

  9.20am: HMS Cairo sailed.

  3.45pm: Hawkins, Curlew and Cairo returned.

  4.30pm: One SPO joined from HMS Ambrose.

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24 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  4.30pm: Sig. Keenan joined from HMS Ambrose and Sig. Wheeldon discharged to same.

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25 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.00am: HMS Carlisle arrived.

  9.30am: HM S/ms L2, L3, L9 and L15 entered harbour.

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26 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.00am: Dressed ship [for Queen Mary’s birthday].

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27 May 1921


Lat 37.6, Long 122.25 [approx]

  8.00am: Slipped and proceeded for exercises with submarines.

  8.40am: Streamed target.

11.00am: In target.

12.15pm: Picked up three torpedoes.

  2.45pm: Secured to buoy and returned torpedoes to HMS Ambrose.

  4.50pm: Ldg Stoker Cardy returned from Ambrose.

  6.30pm: HMS Magnolia arrived.

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28 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Clean ship.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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29 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Ambrose, RCs and N-Cs landed.

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30 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.45am: HMS Magnolia went alongside coaling jetty.

  9.00am: HMS Hawkins and the 5th LCS [Light Cruiser Squadron, the vessels named as returning in the afternoon] proceeded to sea.

11.40am: Magnolia returned to anchorage.

12.45pm: Hawkins returned.

  2.00pm: HMS’ Curlew, Carlisle and Colombo returned.

  4.30pm: HMS Cairo returned.

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31 May 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: HM S/ms L15 and L2 (L20 in log] left.

  9.00am: Cleared lower deck. Read warrant No 8. Sent AB E Standfield [possibly Stanfield, see 5th June] to HMS Ambrose for cell punishment.

  9.25am: HM S/ms L3 and L9 left.

  9.35am: L15 and L2 returned.

11.30am: L3 and L9 returned.

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Above six pages blanks and covers.


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Blue front cover of log for June and July, 1921.

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Above two pages blank.

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Page with fuel consumption figures.


[Wei-hai-wei, Chefoo, Wei-hai-wei]

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1 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Scrub decks. Spread quarterdeck awning.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  9.00am: Hands employed as requisite.

  9.30am: HM S/ms L9 and L15 left harbour.

  9.45am: HM S/m L2 left harbour.

10.00am: Returned 16 rifles with bayonets and webbing equipment to HMS Hawkins.

11.00am: HM S/m L3 left harbour.

12.30pm: L2, L9 and L15 returned.

  1.30pm: Hands spreading foc’sle awnings and scrubbing awning curtains.

  2.00pm: L3 returned.

  2.10pm: Water boat alongside, received 10 tons.

  2.45pm: Water boat left.

  3.45pm: Muster for payment.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch until 9.30pm, Chiefs and POs to 10.00pm.

  5.00pm: Hands to bathe.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Calm or light airs, cloudy in the forenoon, clear skies in the afternoon, 64º to 67º F.

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2 June 1921


Lat 37.52, Long 122.17 [approx]

  5.50am: HMS Magnolia left harbour.

  9.55am: HMS Hawkins and 5th LCS left harbour.

10.30am: HM S/ms L2, L3, L9 and L15 left harbour.

11.30am: Slipped and proceeded with HMS Foxglove.

11.45am: Let go port anchor. Away sea boat, same returned.

  1.00pm: Away sea boat.

  1.15pm: Hoisted sea boat and hoisted No 9 target buoy. Weighed and proceeded to search for torpedoes.

  3.15pm: Returned to harbour.

  3.45pm: Took HMS Carlisle’s cutter with torpedo in tow.

  3.55pm: Slipped cutter.

  4.10pm: Secured to buoy.

  4.30pm: Hawkins and 5th LCS in.

  4.50pm: Foxglove and Magnolia in.

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3 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.00am: Dress ship [for the King’s Birthday].

11.30am: Hands clean into No 2s [best uniform, but without arms].

11.50am: Clear lower deck. Manned ship [lined the railings and yards for the 21 gun salute fired at Noon by HMS Hawkins].

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4 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.15am: HMS Magnolia left.

  9.30am: Lt Tingley proceeded to HMS Foxglove.

  9.50am: Foxglove sailed.

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5 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.05am: C of E party to HMS Cairo. Other church parties landed.

10.40am: E Stanfield and H Drury rejoined ship.

4f5a7fa1a2fc8e09230012d0: (

6 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fa1a2fc8e09230012d1: (

7 June 1921


Lat 37.56, Long 122.23 [approx]

  8.25am: Discharged AB Drury to HMS Ambrose (sick).

  8.35am: Slipped and proceeded, courses and speeds as requisite for exercising with submarines.

  8.55am: Streamed target.

10.15am: Hauled target onboard. Commenced exercise II.

11.10am: Picked up torpedoes from HM S/ms L9 and L3.

  1.15pm: HM S/m L2 fired 4 torpedoes, one hitting ship aft.

  1.20pm: Away gig, picked up 4 torpedoes.

  2.10pm: Secured to buoy. Returned torpedoes to Ambrose.

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8 June 1921

Wei-hai-wei to Chefoo (now Yantai)

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.20am: HM S/m L19 entered harbour.

  4.03pm: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.12pm: Proceeded to anchor, Chefoo.

  7.22pm: HM S/ms L3 and L15 entered harbour.

  9.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to new berth.

  9.42pm: Anchored.

4f5a7fa2a2fc8e09230012d3: (

9 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 121.46

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fa2a2fc8e09230012d4: (

10 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 121.46

  Hands employed as requisite. Sent bread and potatoes to submarines.

4f5a7fa3a2fc8e09230012d5: (

11 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 121.46

  4.00pm: Shifted ship to new billet.

4f5a7fa3a2fc8e09230012d6: (

12 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 121.46

  Sunday routine.

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13 June 1921

Chefoo to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.20am: Sighted HMS Magnolia.

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.30am: Went alongside coaling pier, Wei-hai-wei. Commenced coaling.

  5.50pm: Finished coaling. Washed down.

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14 June 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.17 [approx]

11.10am: Slipped and proceeded to sea to pick up torpedoes.

  4.12pm: Made fast to buoy and discharged torpedoes.

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15 June 1921


Lat 37.53, Long 122.17 [approx]

  9.45am: Slipped and proceeded to pick up torpedoes.

12.35pm: Secured to buoy in harbour. Out torpedoes.

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16 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  7.30am: Anchored and dropped Dan buoy.

  8.20am: Shifted billet.

  9.25am: Anchored.

10.36am: Weighed and picked up cask buoy.

10.43am: Proceeded to dan buoy.

11.25am: Picked up dan buoy and proceeded into harbour.

12.27pm: Secured to buoy.

4f5a7fa4a2fc8e09230012db: (

17 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Away target party.

  8.15am: Cruisers left harbour.

11.10am: Cruisers entered harbour.

  2.30pm: Target party returned.

4f5a7fa5a2fc8e09230012dc: (

18 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend.

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19 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

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20 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.30am: One Stoker joined from Chatham.

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21 June 1921


Lat 37.57, Long 122.17 [approx]

  8.05am: HMS Foxglove, Magnolia and L19 left harbour.

  8.15am: Sailed for 1” aiming rifle practice.

11.00am: Pick up torpedoes.

  1.30pm: Ship secured to buoy. Out torpedoes.

4f5a7fa6a2fc8e09230012e0: (

22 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.00am: Dress ship [Coronation Day].

  8.15am: Away landing party.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7fa6a2fc8e09230012e1: (

23 June 1921


Lat 37.56, Long 122.18 [approx]

  8.20am: Slipped and proceeded for 1” AR practice* with HM S/ms L9, L15 and L19.

10.20am: In target as requisite for submarine exercises.

  3.25pm: Secured to No 4 buoy.

* To save wear and tear on gun barrels and expenditure on full calibre shells, an aiming rifle was inserted into the barrel of the gun to fire a smaller round when practising.

4f5a7fa7a2fc8e09230012e2: (

24 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Cleaning and painting.

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25 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend. Hands to bathe.

4f5a7fa7a2fc8e09230012e4: (

26 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Hawkins.

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27 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Accommodation ladder to dockyard for repairs.

  Fleet Engineer Officer carried out monthly inspection of machinery.

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28 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Divers from HMS Ambrose inspected propellers, rudder etc.

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29 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Received lower boom from dockyard.

4f5a7fa8a2fc8e09230012e8: (

30 June 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.10am: HMS Hawkins and 5th LCS sailed.

  8.45am: Slipped and proceeded for fleet torpedo exercises.

11.55am: Secured to No 4 buoy.


[Wei-hai-wei and Tientsin]

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1 July 1921


Lat 37.52, Long 122.17 [approx]

  6.00am: Scrub decks and prepare for sea.

  7.30am: Chief of Staff and Commander (S) on board.

  7.55am: Slipped and proceeded with HM S/ms L2, L3, L9, L15 and L19.

  8.30am: Courses and speeds to act as marking ship during Captain (S)’s submarine firing.

12.25pm: Secured to No 4 buoy.

  1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning and as requisite.

  3.00pm: Discharged Sig. Kurar [?] to HMS Ambrose, Sig. Wheldon joined from same. One SPO and one Stoker returned from medical treatment.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Monthly payment.

  5.00pm: Hands to bathe.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Calm or light airs, 69º to 73º F.

4f5a7fa9a2fc8e09230012ea: (

2 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship, make and mend.

4f5a7faaa2fc8e09230012eb: (

3 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.00am: HM S/m L1 arrived.

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Titania.

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4 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.05am: Slipped and proceeded to coaling pier, secured and commenced coaling.

10.45am: Completed with coal, received 145 tons.

11.15pm: Slipped and returned to buoy.

4f5a7faaa2fc8e09230012ed: (

5 July 1921


Lat 37.52, Long 122.17 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded for exercises with HM S/ms L2, L3 and L19.

11.50am: Returned to harbour.

12.35pm: Secured to No 4 buoy. Sent torpedoes to HMS Ambrose.

4f5a7faaa2fc8e09230012ee: (

6 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7faba2fc8e09230012ef: (

7 July 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.15 [approx]

8.30am: HMS Hawkins and 5th LCS left, with HM S/ms L2, L3 and L19.

10.10am: Slipped and proceeded with Captain (S) to exercise with submarines.

3.35pm: Returned to harbour.

4.15pm: Secured to No 4 buoy.

4f5a7faba2fc8e09230012f0: (

8 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Spread QD awning, clean ship.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7faba2fc8e09230012f1: (

9 July 1921


Lat 37.52, Long 122.17 [approx]

  8.30am: HMS’ Hawkins, Cairo and Curlew left harbour.

  8.50am: Slipped and proceeded for fleet torpedo exercises.

11.00am: Picked up two buoys and returned to harbour.

12.30pm: Secured to No 2 buoy.

4f5a7faca2fc8e09230012f2: (

10 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Ambrose, RC party landed.

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11 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.45am: Working party for RNRC [possibly the recreation ground] landed.

  8.30am: Hands chipping and red-leading the side.

11.50am: WP returned.

  2.00pm: Ldg Stoker Clark discharged to HMS Hawkins…

  3.00pm: … and rejoined from same.

  6.30pm: HM S/m L33 entered harbour.

4f5a7fada2fc8e09230012f4: (

12 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting ship. One rating returned from HMS Ambrose.

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13 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.30am: HM S/m L1 left.

  3.30pm: L1 returned.

4f5a7fada2fc8e09230012f6: (

14 July 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.18 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded for submarine exercise.

10.45am: Picked up four torpedoes.

12.10pm: Picked up one torpedo.

  1.15pm: Completed exercise.

  2.00pm: Returned torpedoes to HMS Ambrose.

4f5a7faea2fc8e09230012f7: (

15 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7faea2fc8e09230012f8: (

16 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend. One AB joined from RNSQ for HMS Ambrose.

4f5a7faea2fc8e09230012f9: (

17 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7fafa2fc8e09230012fa: (

18 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fafa2fc8e09230012fb: (

19 July 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

  9.00am: Midshipman Wynne RN joined from HMS Magnolia.

10.20am: Slipped and proceeded for torpedo exercises with HM S/ms L1, L9 and L33.

  3.00pm: Exercises complete.

  3.40pm: Secured to No 2 buoy. Disembarked torpedoes.

4f5a7fafa2fc8e09230012fc: (

20 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded for submarine exercises.

  9.53am: Torpedo from HM S/m L1 sank. Marked position with buoy. Returned to harbour.

12.10pm: Stopped off HMS Ambrose.

12.40pm: Secured Ambrose’s diving boat astern and left harbour.

  2.10pm: Anchored. Diving boat anchored near mark buoy and commenced diving.

  5.50pm: Completed diving operations and secured diving boat astern.

  7.30pm: HM S/m L33 anchored near position.

  8.22pm: Weighed and proceeded for harbour with diving boat.

  9.30pm: Secured to No 2 buoy, diving boat proceeded to Ambrose.

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21 July 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.17 [approx]

  6.15am: Slipped and proceeded.

  6.55am: Stopped off HM S/m L33. Lowered gigs to sweep for lost torpedo. Returned to harbour.

  7.50am: Secured to No 2 buoy.

  8.30am: HM S/m L1 secured alongside. Discharged three torpedoes to same. Discharged one AB to HMS Hawkins for HMS Colombo.

  9.25am: L1 proceeded.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.25am: Went alongside HM Tug St Breock. Hoisted gigs. Passed sweeping wire to tug.

10.45am: Proceeded for sweeping with St Breock in vicinity of mark buoy.

  2.28pm: Sighted and secured lost torpedo. Weighed mark buoy and hauled in sweep. Returned to harbour.

  3.55pm: Secured to No 2 buoy. Discharged torpedo to HMS Ambrose.

  6.00pm: Hawkins left, flag transferred to HMS Alacrity.

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22 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.50am: Slipped and proceeded to coaling pier.

11.20am: Completed with coal and stores, received 150 tons.

11.30am: Slipped and proceeded to buoy.

4f5a7fb0a2fc8e09230012fe: (

23 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend.

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24 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

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25 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting the ship’s side.

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26 July 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.17 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded for torpedo exercises with HM S/ms L1 and L33.

  1.10pm: Returned to harbour.

  1.35pm: Secured to No 2 buoy. Disembarked torpedoes.

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27 July 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

12.30pm: HMS Ambrose returned from quarantine. Discharged two ratings to her and one returned from same.

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28 July 1921

Wei-hai-wei and at sea

Lat 37.58, Long 122.15 DR

  9.30am: Sent motor boat to dockyard for repairs.

11.30am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

11.45am: Outer I. abeam, streamed patent log, course N35W.

     Noon: A/c N63W.

  6.34pm: Howki I. [now Houjidao] abeam, a/c N59W.

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29 July 1921

At sea to Tientsin [now Tianjin]

Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  7.12am: Anchored 1 mile NE of Taku LV, embarked pilot.

  8.25am: Weighed and proceeded over Taku Bar and up Pei-ho [now Hai] river.

12.24pm: Secured alongside British Bund, Tientsin.

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30 July 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Leave to starboard watch until Noon August 4th.

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31 July 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Sunday routine.

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4f5a7fb5a2fc8e092300130c: (

4f5a7fb5a2fc8e092300130d: (

Above six pages blanks and back covers.


4f5a7fb5a2fc8e092300130e: (

4f5a7fb5a2fc8e092300130f: (

Blue front cover of logbook for August/September 1921, signed by Lt HGC Stevens.

4f5a7fb6a2fc8e0923001310: (


4f5a7fb6a2fc8e0923001311: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554, 12’ asl.

Air thermometers on fore bridge, in screen: Negretti & Zambra Nos 25238 and 25239.

Sea thermometer: AC Cossor.

4f5a7fb6a2fc8e0923001312: (

Fuel consumption figures.


[Tientsin and Wei-hai-wei]

4f5a7fb7a2fc8e0923001313: (

1 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  6.30am: Clean ship.

  7.00am: Clear lower deck to shift ship.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 10.00pm.

  4.00pm: Fire quarters correct.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Calm, dry weather, cloudy in the early afternoon, 78º to 84º F.

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2 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Painting Seamen’s mess deck.

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3 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fb8a2fc8e0923001316: (

4 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Starboard watch returned from leave. Leave to port watch until Noon, August 9th.

4f5a7fb8a2fc8e0923001317: (

5 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  4.30am: SS Fukuken Maru* damaged the QD awning stanchions while turning.

11.30am: Discharged one rating to Victoria hospital for treatment.

* Osaka Shosen KK, 1920, 2,568 grt.

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6 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Painting mess decks etc.

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7 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7fb9a2fc8e092300131a: (

8 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fb9a2fc8e092300131b: (

9 August 1921


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Port watch return from long leave.

  4.30pm: Landed football party.

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10 August 1921

Tientsin and at sea

Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

11.00am: One rating rejoined from hospital.

12.15pm: Slipped and proceeded down river.

  4.35pm: Dropped pilot, SE’ly courses for Wei-hai-wei.

4f5a7fbaa2fc8e092300131d: (

11 August 1921

At sea to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

11.05am: Secured to No 2 buoy, Wei-hai-wei. Discharged one rating to HMS Titania for medical treatment.

4f5a7fbaa2fc8e092300131e: (

12 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.50am: Slipped and proceeded to coaling pier.

  9.30am: Discharged three ratings to HMS Titania for treatment.

11.35am: Completed with coal and returned to No 2 buoy.

  2.00pm: Mid. Wynn RN discharged to HMS Carlisle.

4f5a7fbaa2fc8e092300131f: (

13 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

11.00am: One rating discharged to HMS Titiania for medical treatment.

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14 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.30am: Sunday Divisions and Rounds. Church party to HMS Curlew.

11.00am: One rating rejoined from hospital.

4f5a7fbba2fc8e0923001321: (

15 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Cleaning and painting. One rating returned from HMS Titania.

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16 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting the side.

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17 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a7fbca2fc8e0923001324: (

18 August 1921


Lat 37.54, Long 122.18 [approx]

  7.00am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for exercises with HM S/ms L1, L19, L20 and L33.

  1.50pm: Stopped port, hot bearing.

  1.55pm: Stopped starboard.

  2.08pm: Proceeded on starboard and recovered four torpedoes.

  3.45pm: Returned to harbour.

  5.55pm: Secured to No 2 buoy.

4f5a7fbca2fc8e0923001325: (

19 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Hands discharging torpedoes and cleaning ship.

11.50am: USS Huron entered harbour.

  5.00pm: Discharged AB Stanfield to HMS Titania and AB Smith [?] joined from same.

4f5a7fbca2fc8e0923001326: (

20 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: USS Huron sailed.

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21 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Landed church parties and C of E party to HMS Colombo.

  7.30pm: Stoker Maxted discharged to RNSQ.

4f5a7fbda2fc8e0923001328: (

22 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: HMS’ Curlew and Carlisle proceeded.

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23 August 1921


Lat 37.54, Long 122.17 [approx]

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded for exercises with HM S/ms L19 and L33.

  1.00pm: Streamed target for 1” aiming practice.

  2.15pm: Completed firing, in target and returned to harbour.

  2.55pm: Secured to No 2 buoy.

  5.30pm: HMS Ambrose entered harbour.

4f5a7fbea2fc8e092300132a: (

24 August 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.15 [approx]

10.10am: Slipped and proceeded for submarine exercises.

  2.30pm: Streamed target for 1” AR practice.

  3.00pm: In target and returned to harbour.

  4.03pm: Secured to No 2 buoy. Discharged torpedoes.

4f5a7fbea2fc8e092300132b: (

25 August 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.17 [approx]

  8.00am: HMS’ Carlisle, Curlew, Hawkins and Colombo out.

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded. Courses and speeds as requisite during Curlew’s and Carlisle’s efficiency tests.

10.53am: Picked up 3 torpedoes (Curlew’s).

  1.47pm: Picked up Carlisle’s torpedo.

  2.45pm: Returned to harbour.

  3.00pm: Secured to No 2 buoy. Hands discharging torpedoes.

4f5a7fbea2fc8e092300132c: (

26 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fbea2fc8e092300132d: (

27 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend.

4f5a7fbfa2fc8e092300132e: (

28 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. Church parties to shore and HMS Titania.

4f5a7fbfa2fc8e092300132f: (

29 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.45am: Slipped and proceeded to coaling jetty. Commenced coaling.

  8.00am: Transferred one box of 6 pdr ammunition to HMS Ambrose for NASO Hong Kong for test.

  2.30pm: Completed with coal.

  2.45pm: Returned to No 2 buoy.

4f5a7fbfa2fc8e0923001330: (

30 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Hands scrubbing decks and cleaning ship.

10.00am: Pipe down for squadron pulling regatta.

     In pm: Hands to make and mend clothes.

4f5a7fc0a2fc8e0923001331: (

31 August 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Hands scrubbing decks and cleaning ship.

10.00am: Pipe down for squadron pulling regatta.

     In pm: Hands to make and mend clothes.

  9.55pm: HMS Curlew proceeded.



4f5a7fc0a2fc8e0923001332: (

1 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Hands scrubbing decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  9.00am: Hands employed cleaning ship and as requisite.

  9.30am: Fleet Engineer Officer inspecting condensers.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.30pm: Hands muster for monthly payment.

  2.00pm: Hands employed as requisite.

  3.00pm: One rating AB rejoined from HMS Titania.

  4.15pm: Quarters. Tea.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch till 9.30pm.

  5.00pm: Hands to bathe.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Calm or light airs, dry, temperatures 73º to 80º F.

4f5a7fc0a2fc8e0923001333: (

2 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.00am: HMS Hollyhock entered harbour. Lt HGC Stevens RN joined from same.

4f5a7fc1a2fc8e0923001334: (

3 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend.

4f5a7fc1a2fc8e0923001335: (

4 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. Church party to HMS Titania.

4f5a7fc1a2fc8e0923001336: (

5 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands painting bottom line, cleaning the side, turning 1st gig’s falls end to end etc.

4f5a7fc2a2fc8e0923001337: (

6 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Hands clean and paint mine sweeping store.

11.00am: One AB discharged to HMS Titania for medical treatment.

4f5a7fc2a2fc8e0923001338: (

7 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Hands restowing mine sweeping store.

11.00am: SPO Payne discharged to HMS Titania for medical treatment.

4f5a7fc2a2fc8e0923001339: (

8 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands painting store rooms, oiling ridge ropes etc.

  1.30pm: Received two rifles on loan from HMS Titania and discharged two ERAs to same.

4f5a7fc3a2fc8e092300133a: (

9 September 1921


Lat 37.54, Long 122.18 [approx]

  8.35am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Courses and speeds as requisite for marking ship during Captain S's submarine firing. HM S/ms L1, L19, L20 and L33 taking part.

  1.00pm: Returned to harbour.

  2.15pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7fc3a2fc8e092300133b: (

10 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship, make and mend.

  7.30pm: HMS Bluebell entered harbour.

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11 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. Church party to HMS Titania.

4f5a7fc4a2fc8e092300133d: (

12 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands working on boats.

4f5a7fc4a2fc8e092300133e: (

13 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.20am: HMS’ Colombo and Hawkins sailed.

  1.10pm: HMS Hollyhock sailed.

  1.30pm: Watchkeepers liberty men landed.

  1.35pm: Colombo returned.

  4.25pm: Hawkins returned.

4f5a7fc5a2fc8e092300133f: (

14 September 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, 15 knots. Carried out zigzag for submarine attacks.

12.30pm: Picked up torpedoes and courses for dummy attack.

  2.15pm: Returned to harbour.

  3.00pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

  4.20pm: One Stoker returned from hospital.

4f5a7fc5a2fc8e0923001340: (

15 September 1921


Lat 37.56, Long 122.2 [approx]

  8.45am: Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

11.37am: HM S/m L 33 fired. Turned and recovered two torpedoes.

12.30pm: Courses and speeds as requisite for searching for lost torpedo.

  3.30pm: Returned to harbour, 14 knots.

  6.40pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7fc5a2fc8e0923001341: (

16 September 1921


Lat 37.56, Long 122.18 [approx]

  9.55am: Slipped and proceeded to search for torpedo.

12.10pm: Returned to harbour.

  2.20pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7fc6a2fc8e0923001342: (

17 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.30pm: Placed anchor watch. Steam for slow speed to ensure safety [East winds 3-4, veering SE and strengthening to force 6 by midnight].

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18 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  2.20am: Fall out anchor watch.

  4.40am: Steam at 2 hours notice.

  Furled all awnings [winds force 4-5, North or NE all day with rain squalls].

4f5a7fc6a2fc8e0923001344: (

19 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a7fc7a2fc8e0923001345: (

20 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.05am: Slipped and proceeded out of harbour to report weather.

  6.40am: Returned to harbour and went alongside iron pier for coaling.

11.40am: Finished coaling and returned to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7fc7a2fc8e0923001346: (

21 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.00am: Slipped buoy and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour

  7.42am: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a7fc7a2fc8e0923001347: (

22 September 1921


Lat 37.55, Long 122.15 [approx]

  5.00am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour and coming to anchorage in starting position.

  6.52am: Anchored in 13 fathoms.

11.15am: Weighed and proceeded for carrying out Run 1, C-in-C’s efficiency test.

12.20pm: Proceeded to pick up three torpedoes fired by HMS Colombo.

  1.45pm: Carried out Run 2.

  3.45pm: Picked up two torpedoes from HMS Hawkins.

  5.00pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

  5.50pm: Hawkins in.

  6.40pm: HMS’ Bluebell and Hollyhock arrived.

4f5a7fc8a2fc8e0923001348: (

23 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.15am: HMS Bluebell sailed.

4f5a7fc8a2fc8e0923001349: (

24 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fc8a2fc8e092300134a: (

25 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7fc9a2fc8e092300134b: (

26 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  4.30am: Veered cable to 1 shackle, placed anchor watch. Steam for slow speed at 2 hours’ notice [NW squalls, force 4-6].

4f5a7fc9a2fc8e092300134c: (

27 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.45am: Range party left ship. Remainder employed chipping and scraping.

4f5a7fc9a2fc8e092300134d: (

28 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Range party left ship. Remainder employed chipping and scraping.

4f5a7fcaa2fc8e092300134e: (

29 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Range party left ship. Remainder employed chipping and scraping.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7fcaa2fc8e092300134f: (

30 September 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed chipping etc.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7fcaa2fc8e0923001350: (

4f5a7fcba2fc8e0923001351: (

4f5a7fcba2fc8e0923001352: (

4f5a7fcba2fc8e0923001353: (

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4f5a7fcca2fc8e0923001355: (

Above six pages blank.


4f5a7fcda2fc8e0923001356: (

4f5a7fcda2fc8e0923001357: (

Blue front cover of logbook, October/November 1921.

4f5a7fcda2fc8e0923001358: (


4f5a7fcea2fc8e0923001359: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554, 26’ asl.

Air thermometers on fore bridge, in screen: Negretti & Zambra, Nos 25238 and 25239.

Sea thermometer: AC Cossor.

4f5a7fcea2fc8e092300135a: (



[Wei-hai-wei, Shanghai, Ningpo and Nimrod Sound]

4f5a7fcea2fc8e092300135b: (

1 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Hands fall in. Scrub decks.

  7.35am: HMS Bluebell arrived

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Hands fall in. Scrub and wash decks.

11.00am: Up spirits.

     Noon: Hands muster for quarterly settlement.

  1.30pm: Make and mend.

  3.45pm: Clear up decks.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.50pm: Hoist skiff.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Misty with very light Northerly breeze, temperatures in the mid sixties F.

4f5a7fcfa2fc8e092300135c: (

2 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

  1.50pm: One Ldg Cook rejoined ship.

  4.10pm: HMS’ Hawkins and Colombo sailed.

4f5a7fcfa2fc8e092300135d: (

3 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.00am: Submarines sailed [L1, L19, L20 and L33, vide Titania’s log].

10.50am: HMS Titania sailed.

4f5a7fcfa2fc8e092300135e: (

4 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands scraping and redleading paintwork.

4f5a7fd0a2fc8e092300135f: (

5 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.15pm: Funeral party landed* (10 rifles).

  4.50pm: Funeral party returned.

* For the funeral of Instructor Lt Colin S Stuart, late of HMS Hawkins.

4f5a7fd0a2fc8e0923001360: (

6 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands scraping, redleading and painting.

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7 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a7fd0a2fc8e0923001362: (

8 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Finish painting the boat deck. Make and mend.

4f5a7fd1a2fc8e0923001363: (

9 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7fd1a2fc8e0923001364: (

10 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.30am: SS Hesper* alongside with water.

* A Minx class water tanker, 1901, 390 tons.

4f5a7fd1a2fc8e0923001365: (

11 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.55am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coaling.

  2.30pm: Completed with coal and returned to buoy.

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12 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a7fd2a2fc8e0923001367: (

13 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.00pm: SS Hesper alongside with water.

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14 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a7fd3a2fc8e0923001369: (

15 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.30am: SS Hesper alongside with water.

4f5a7fd3a2fc8e092300136a: (

16 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

11.45am: Discharged one Ldg Stoker to HMS Hollyhock, sick.

4f5a7fd3a2fc8e092300136b: (

17 October 1921


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.05am: HMS Hollyhock sailed.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7fd4a2fc8e092300136c: (

18 October 1921

Wei-hai-wei and at sea for Shanghai

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.10pm: Five ratings joined from hospital.

11.02pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

4f5a7fd4a2fc8e092300136d: (

19 October 1921

At sea

Lat 36.3, Long 122.7 [approx]

  1.41pm: A/c S4W (m), speed 11 knots.

  2.05pm: NE Promontory Lt abeam, 4 miles.

  4.18am: SE Promontory Lt abeam.

10.12am: Commenced full power trial.

12.12pm: Commenced 3/5th trial.

4f5a7fd4a2fc8e092300136e: (

20 October 1921

At sea to Shanghai

Lat 31.41, Long 121.53 [approx]

  7.35am: Shaweishan Lt bg S25W.

10.54am: Drinkwater LV abeam.

     Noon: Crossing buoy abeam.

  2.10pm: Anchored and moored, Shanghai.

  4.35pm: Discharged eight ratings from hospital to HMS Titania.

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21 October 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  7.00am: Coaled ship from lighter.

  8.30am: Discharged one rating to HMS Titania.

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22 October 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Clean ship. Make and mend.

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23 October 1921


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Sunday routine.

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24 October 1921

Shanghai to Yangtse estuary

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded down river.

  1.51pm: Hit large sampan.

  4.20pm: Blockhouse buoy abeam.

  7.00pm: Tungsha LV abeam.

  7.10pm: Anchored.

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25 October 1921

At sea to Ningpo (now Ningbo)

Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

  2.15am: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.12am: Fairway Bell buoy abeam.

  4.12am: Gutzlaff I. abeam, 3 miles.

10.35am: Anchored.

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26 October 1921


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

     In am: Hands employed as requisite.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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27 October 1921


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

     In am: Hands employed as requisite.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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28 October 1921


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

  9.00am: Exercised collision, fire and abandon ship stations.

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29 October 1921


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

  Hands variously employed.

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30 October 1921


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

  9.00am: Clear lower deck. Muster by the open list.

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31 October 1921

Ningpo to Nimrod Sound

Lat 30.0, Long 122.5 [approx]

  8.50am: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.05pm: Anchored.


[Nimrod Sound, Amoy, Swatow and Hong Kong]

4f5a7fd8a2fc8e092300137a: (

1 November 1921

Nimrod Sound and at sea for Amoy

Lat 29.58, Long 122.14 [from log of HMS Titania]

  5.45am: HM S/ms L1 and L19 proceeded.

  6.00am: Hands prepare for sea and pick up two torpedoes.

  7.00am: HM S/ms L20 and L33 sailed.

  7.15am: Hoisted motor boat.

  7.30am: Breakfast.

  8.15am: Special dutymen and stations for leaving harbour.

  8.30am: Weighed and proceeded to take station two cables* astern of HMS Titania.

12.30pm: Course S56E,

  1.55pm: L1 fired, recovered torpedo.

  3.05pm: L19 fired, recovered torpedo.

* A cable as a unit of measurement is 200 yards.

4f5a7fd8a2fc8e092300137b: (

2 November 1921

At sea

Lat 26.33, Long 120.83 [from log of HMS Titania]

Various SW’ly courses all day, covering about 200 miles.

4f5a7fd8a2fc8e092300137c: (

3 November 1921

At sea to Amoy [now Xiamen]

Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

12.05am: Ocksen Lt abeam.

  3.45am: Dodd I. bg S70W (m).

  6.10am: A/c N77W.

  9.30am: Anchored.

11.00am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Titania.

11.30am: Weighed and proceeded into inner harbour. Secured to buoy.

4f5a7fd9a2fc8e092300137d: (

4 November 1921


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  Hands employed as requisite.

  1.00pm: Muster for monthly payment.

4f5a7fd9a2fc8e092300137e: (

5 November 1921


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  8.30am: HMS Carlisle arrived.

  9.35am: Captain S4 onboard to inspect ship. Mustered by the open list. Exercised fire drill and abandon ship stations.

12.15pm: One Stoker returned from HMS Titania.

4f5a7fdaa2fc8e092300137f: (

6 November 1921


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7fdaa2fc8e0923001380: (

7 November 1921


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  6.00am: Prepare to coal ship*. Tallying party left ship.

  8.35am: Coaling lighters secured alongside.

  3.20pm: Completed with coal. Wash down.

  3.45pm: Submarines sailed.

* On the China Station, coaling in port was done with native labour, often climbing bamboo ladders from the lighter with wicker baskets of coal. So cheap was native labour that even the ratings employed Chinese laundrymen and mess servants.

4f5a7fdaa2fc8e0923001381: (

8 November 1921

Amoy and at sea

Lat 23.81, Long 118.15 [approx, from the log of HMS Titania]

  6.30am: Slipped and proceeded. Course and speed two cables astern of HMS Titania.

  9.27am: Chapel I. abeam.

11.07am: Sighted HM S/m L1, S by SE 5 miles.

  5.30pm: Courses for coming to anchorage SE of Namoa I.

  6.50pm: Anchored.

4f5a7fdaa2fc8e0923001382: (

9 November 1921

At sea to Swatow [now Shantou]

Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

  6.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.00am: Anchored.

10.20am: HM S/ms L19, L20, and L33 arrived.

11.20am: HM S/m L1 arrived.

4f5a7fdba2fc8e0923001383: (

10 November 1921


Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

  Hands employed as requisite.

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11 November 1921


Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

  8.00am: Dress ship.

10.45am: Clear lower deck. Divisions.

11.00am: Fired one round blank. Two minutes’ silence.

4f5a7fdba2fc8e0923001385: (

12 November 1921

Swatow to Hong Kong

Lat 23.35, Long 116.7

  2.10pm: Lt Raw* RN joined for passage.

  4.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

11.10pm: Chilang Pt Lt [now Zhelang Yan] S84W (20 miles).

* Probably Lt Sydney Moffat Raw.

4f5a7fdca2fc8e0923001386: (

13 November 1921

At sea to Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.50am: Chilang Pt abeam, 3.5 miles.

  5.45am: Waglan Lt, bg S73W.

  9.15am: Secured to No 12 buoy, HK.

11.30am: Lt Raw left ship.

4f5a7fdca2fc8e0923001387: (

14 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.10am: Clear lower deck for medical inspection.

  1.30pm: Seamen and all baggage left ship.

  2.00pm: Read warrants Nos 8 and 9.

  4.00pm: All hands paying off fall in aft.

  Ship paid off.

4f5a7fdda2fc8e0923001388: (

15 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Ship recomissioned.

  9.30am: Working party from HMS Tamar onboard.

  3.30pm: Two Japanese destroyers arrived.

4f5a7fdda2fc8e0923001389: (

16 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.30am: Working party from HMS Tamar onboard.

  9.55am: Returned ammunition.

  3.30pm: Read Warrant No 1* in HMS Tamar.

* Probably the Captain’s warrant, to read himself in.

4f5a7fdda2fc8e092300138a: (

17 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.30pm: SS Bellerophon* arrived.

  3.30pm: Warrant Engineer Sheppard RN, joined ship.

  4.30pm: Ratings from England aboard Bellerophon joined ship.

* SS Bellerophon, the second of three Blue Funnel Line ships of this name, 1906, 8.954 tons.

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18 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: Coal lighters alongside.

  3.15pm: Completed coaling.

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19 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fdea2fc8e092300138d: (

20 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. Landed church parties etc.

4f5a7fdea2fc8e092300138e: (

21 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a7fdfa2fc8e092300138f: (

22 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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23 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.15am: HMS Robin arrived.

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24 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.15pm: One AB rejoined ship from HMS Titania.

  3.30pm: Funeral party left ship*.

* For the funeral of Ldg Stoker William Norman, 308772, late of HMS Titania.

4f5a7fdfa2fc8e0923001392: (

25 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.10am: HMS Foxglove arrived.

4f5a7fe0a2fc8e0923001393: (

26 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Scrub decks with sand.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7fe0a2fc8e0923001394: (

27 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7fe0a2fc8e0923001395: (

28 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fe1a2fc8e0923001396: (

29 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Two hands return ammunition, remainder redlead upper works.

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30 November 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Two hands to Kowloon for provisions, remainder working on upper deck.

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Above four pages blanks and covers.


4f5a7fe3a2fc8e092300139c: (

4f5a7fe3a2fc8e092300139d: (

Blue front cover of logbook for December 1921/January 1922.

4f5a7fe3a2fc8e092300139e: (


4f5a7fe4a2fc8e092300139f: (

Page signed by Lt/Cdr FJH Dawson and Commander RR Turner, Commander (S).

4f5a7fe4a2fc8e09230013a0: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554.

Air thermometers on fore bridge, in screen: AC Cossor, Nos 510 and 511.

Sea thermometer: AC Cossor.


[Hong Kong]

4f5a7fe5a2fc8e09230013a1: (

1 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.00am: Hands fall in, scrub decks.

  7.50am: Clear lower deck, stations to dress ship.

  8.00am: Dress overall [for the birthday of Queen Alexandra, the Queen Mother].

  8.05am: Breakfast.

  8.50am: Clear up decks.

  9.00am: Hands employed as requisite.

  9.25am: HMS Alacrity arrived.

11.00am: Up spirits.

11.40am: Clear up decks.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Hands employed on upper deck.

  3.00pm: Football party landed.

  4.00pm: Tea. Shift into night clothing*.

  4.15pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Light airs, mostly cloudy, temperatures in the mid 60ºs F.

* The old sweaters and trousers that men wear off duty.

4f5a7fe5a2fc8e09230013a2: (

2 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fe5a2fc8e09230013a3: (

3 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  3.30pm: Discharged three ratings to HMS Titania.

4f5a7fe5a2fc8e09230013a4: (

4 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. Church parties landed.

4f5a7fe6a2fc8e09230013a5: (

5 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.05pm: One absentee returned onboard.

12.25pm: Discharged to HMS Titania, one rating under arrest, drunk and disorderly.

  3.30pm: Joined ship temporarily, Lt Hargreaves, RN.

  4.15pm: HMS’ Cairo and Curlew sailed.

4f5a7fe6a2fc8e09230013a6: (

6 December 1921

Hong Kong harbour to Double Haven

Lat 22.31, Long 114.39 [vide log of HMS Titania]

  7.35am: HMS Cairo in.

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded. Took station 2 cables astern of HMS Titania.

  1.35pm: Recovered one torpedo. Courses to enter Double Haven.

  3.45pm: Anchored.

4f5a7fe7a2fc8e09230013a7: (

7 December 1921

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.52, Long 114.30

  9.30am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses as requisite for carrying out attack.

10.21am: Torpedoes crossed track. Recovered two torpedoes.

10.50am: Returned to harbour.

11.15am: Anchored.

4f5a7fe7a2fc8e09230013a8: (

8 December 1921

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.55, Long 114.35 [approx]

  8.35am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.00am: Stopped as requisite for recovering six torpedoes.

12.10pm: Courses to return to harbour.

12.45pm: Anchored.

  1.57pm: HM S/ms L19 and L1 secured alongside.

  4.05pm: Hoisted out all torpedoes, L19 and L1 shoved off.

4f5a7fe7a2fc8e09230013a9: (

9 December 1921

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.55, Long 114.35 [approx]

  9.00am: Weighed and proceeded. Various courses for submarine exercise.

10.05am: HM S/m L3 fired. Turned to recover torpedoes.

11.15am: HM S/m L2 missed attack.

11.40am: Turned to recover torpedoes and drop buoy on patch of mud ahead of L2. Recovered 2 torpedoes and came to in 12 fms close to buoy.

  1.30pm: Lowered both gigs for sweeping.

  3.00pm: Found bubbles rising and dropped buoy.

  4.30pm: Hoisted gigs and skiff.

4f5a7fe7a2fc8e09230013aa: (

10 December 1921

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.55, Long 114.35 [approx]

  1.15pm: Prepare for sweeping with 3” flexible wire.

  1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded for sweeping with HM S/m L2.

  4.30pm: Returned to harbour.

  5.35pm: Anchored.

4f5a7fe8a2fc8e09230013ab: (

11 December 1921

Plover Cove

Lat 22.45, Long 114.25

  9.35am: C of E party to HMS Titania.

4f5a7fe8a2fc8e09230013ac: (

12 December 1921

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.55, Long 114.35 [approx]

  9.55am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.15am: Lowered sea boat and passed grass line* and 3” wire to HM Tug St Monance [Monens in log].

11.30am: Commenced sweeping.

  5.00pm: St Monance slipped, hove in wire and grass line. Returned to harbour.

  6.00pm: Anchored.

* A light-weight line made from sisal that floats. This is passed to the tug and the heavier wire is then attached to the grass line and hauled across.

4f5a7fe9a2fc8e09230013ad: (

13 December 1921

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.55, Long 114.35 [approx]

  9.40am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.50am: Stopped to recover two torpedoes.

11.50am: Laid out mark buoy.

12.40pm: Passed wire to HM S/m L2 and commenced sweeping.

  3.20pm: Stopped, L2 slipped, in sweep, picked up mark buoy, courses for harbour.

  4.45pm: Anchored.

4f5a7fe9a2fc8e09230013ae: (

14 December 1921

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.55, Long 114.35 [approx]

10.30am: Weighed and proceeded, course NE.

11.40am: Recovered 4 torpedoes.

12.25pm: Proceeded to HM S/m L2. Recovered two torpedoes.

  2.00pm: Anchored. Passed double length of wire to Moonshine [Admiralty steel drifter No 3923].

  3.05pm: Weighed and proceeded to close HMS Titania.

  3.20pm: Anchored [in Plover Cove].

4f5a7fe9a2fc8e09230013af: (

15 December 1921

Plover Cove to Hong Kong harbour

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded with Moonshine in tow.

10.25am: Courses to enter HK harbour.

11.25am: Moonshine slipped. Proceeded to No 12 buoy.

4f5a7fe9a2fc8e09230013b0: (

16 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.30am: Commenced coaling from lighters.

  9.40am: HMS Bluebell arrived.

  3.30pm: Shifted to No 11 buoy.

4f5a7feaa2fc8e09230013b1: (

17 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Landed dockyard party.

  1.30pm: Make and mend.

  3.30pm: Discharged one Shipwright to HMS Titania.

4f5a7feaa2fc8e09230013b2: (

18 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7feba2fc8e09230013b3: (

19 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting, getting in stores etc.

  3.30pm: Landed football party.

4f5a7feba2fc8e09230013b4: (

20 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a7feba2fc8e09230013b5: (

21 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.00pm: Clear lower deck, sports meeting.

  2.00pm: SS Bellerophon sailed [for UK with homebound crews]. Cheered ship.

  5.30pm: HMS Bluebell sailed.

4f5a7feba2fc8e09230013b6: (

22 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.25am: HMS Bluebell in.

  9.00am: Discharged one AB to HMS Titania.

4f5a7feca2fc8e09230013b7: (

23 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.35am: HMS Hollyhock in.

4f5a7feca2fc8e09230013b8: (

24 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Painting.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7feda2fc8e09230013b9: (

25 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7feda2fc8e09230013ba: (

26 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Pipe down [for an extra day off because Christmas Day fell on a Sunday].

4f5a7feda2fc8e09230013bb: (

27 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: USS Long sailed.

4f5a7feda2fc8e09230013bc: (

28 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Painting.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a7feea2fc8e09230013bd: (

29 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.15pm: Discharged one CPO to HMS Titania.

4f5a7fefa2fc8e09230013be: (

30 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7fefa2fc8e09230013bf: (

31 December 1921

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Saturday routine in harbour.


[Hong Kong]

4f5a7fefa2fc8e09230013c0: (

1 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Hands fall in.

  7.45am: Breakfast.

  8.00am: C of E party fall in.

  9.15am: NC and RC parties fall in.

10.30am: C of E party returned.

11.00am: Up spirits.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  3.40pm: Clear up decks.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Various breezes force 1-2, some rain in the afternoon, 69º F.

4f5a7fefa2fc8e09230013c1: (

2 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  1.30pm: HMS Hollyhock sailed.

  3.00pm: Landed football party.

4f5a7ff0a2fc8e09230013c2: (

3 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7ff0a2fc8e09230013c3: (

4 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.45am: HMS Durban arrived.

  3.00pm: Football party left ship.

4f5a7ff0a2fc8e09230013c4: (

5 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  1.30pm: Landed football party.

4f5a7ff1a2fc8e09230013c5: (

6 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.3, Long 114.4 [approx]

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded with HM S/m L4.

10.05am: L4 fired two torpedoes.

10.15am: Recovered 2 torpedoes.

11.15am: L4 fired two torpedoes. Recovered same.

11.20am: Proceeded for dummy attack.

11.55am: L4 broke surface.

     Noon: Courses to return to harbour.

  1.45pm: Secured to buoy.

  2.15pm: HMS Hollyhock secured alongside.

  2.35pm: Hoisted out torpedoes.

4f5a7ff1a2fc8e09230013c6: (

7 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.15pm: Discharged one Ldg Sn to HMS Ambrose (sick).

4f5a7ff1a2fc8e09230013c7: (

8 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7ff2a2fc8e09230013c8: (

9 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Hands working on upper deck.

  1.45pm: Landed football party.

4f5a7ff2a2fc8e09230013c9: (

10 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands working in store.

  6.15pm: HMS’ Bluebell and Hollyhock in. Hollyhock secured alongside.

4f5a7ff2a2fc8e09230013ca: (

11 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

  9.30am: Dropped target. Courses for submarine sub-calibre firing.

11.30am: Hauled in target.

11.45am: Anchored.

12.15pm: AB Gibbs returned from HMS Titania.

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded to return to harbour.

  2.00pm: Secured alongside HMS Hollyhock.

4f5a7ff3a2fc8e09230013cb: (

12 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3 [approx]

  9.00am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.41am: HM S/ms L19 and L20 commenced full calibre firing.

12.40pm: Course N25E, 13 knots.

  1.50pm: Secured alongside HMS Hollyhock.

4f5a7ff3a2fc8e09230013cc: (

13 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7ff3a2fc8e09230013cd: (

14 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Saturday in harbour.

4f5a7ff3a2fc8e09230013ce: (

15 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7ff4a2fc8e09230013cf: (

16 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.15am: Landed tallying party.

10.35am: Slipped and proceeded to No 13 buoy.

  5.10pm: Tallying party returned.

4f5a7ff4a2fc8e09230013d0: (

17 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Coaled from lighters.

  1.15pm: Finished coaling, washed down.

4f5a7ff4a2fc8e09230013d1: (

18 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.15pm: One Ldg Cook joined ship.

4f5a7ff5a2fc8e09230013d2: (

19 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a7ff5a2fc8e09230013d3: (

20 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a7ff5a2fc8e09230013d4: (

21 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Scrub decks.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch.

4f5a7ff5a2fc8e09230013d5: (

22 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7ff6a2fc8e09230013d6: (

23 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.45am: HMS Moth sailed.

4f5a7ff6a2fc8e09230013d7: (

24 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a7ff6a2fc8e09230013d8: (

25 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: HMS Hawkins sailed.

  9.00am: Hands making fenders for ship’s boats.

  3.15pm: Landed football party.

4f5a7ff7a2fc8e09230013d9: (

26 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands working on fenders and stowing provisions.

4f5a7ff7a2fc8e09230013da: (

27 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Hands employed on rifles and cutlasses.

4f5a7ff7a2fc8e09230013db: (

28 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Scrub decks. Landed football party.

4f5a7ff8a2fc8e09230013dc: (

29 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7ff8a2fc8e09230013dd: (

30 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Landed range party.

  4.20pm: HMS Tarantula arrived.

4f5a7ff8a2fc8e09230013de: (

31 January 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.00am: Got up ammunition on deck.

  8.05am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Hoisted ammunition into lighter.

10.55am: HM Tug St Breock alongside and towed ship into dock.

  2.35pm: Hands cleaning below the waterline.

  6.00pm: Fire drill*.

* Rigorously carried out; in dry dock the risk is much greater because of the work and the shore workmen, who are liable to leave wood shavings and the like piled up in corners.

4f5a7ff9a2fc8e09230013df: (

4f5a7ff9a2fc8e09230013e0: (

4f5a7ff9a2fc8e09230013e1: (

4f5a7ff9a2fc8e09230013e2: (

4f5a7ffaa2fc8e09230013e3: (

4f5a7ffaa2fc8e09230013e4: (

4f5a7ffaa2fc8e09230013e5: (

Above seven pages blanks and covers, but including a note pointing out that the logbook has not been signed by the Captain.


4f5a7ffba2fc8e09230013e6: (

4f5a7ffba2fc8e09230013e7: (

Blue front cover of Logbook for February/March 1922. Lt HGC Stevens, RN named.

4f5a7ffba2fc8e09230013e8: (


4f5a7ffca2fc8e09230013e9: (

No data but page signed by Cdr RR Turner, Commander (S) and signed by Lt/Cdr VE Ward (Captain).

4f5a7ffca2fc8e09230013ea: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554.

Air thermometers: Negretti & Zambra, Nos 25238 and 25239.

Sea thermometer: AC Cossor & Sons.


[Hong Kong for dry dock and refit]

4f5a7ffca2fc8e09230013eb: (

1 February 1922

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: Breakfast.

  8.00am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.00am: Up spirits.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Hands employed ranging cable*.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.30pm: Clear lower deck. Muster for monthly payment. Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters. Exercise fire drill.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Calm, mostly cloudy, 61º to 66º F.

* Laying the anchor chains out on the floor of the dock for cleaning and inspection.

4f5a7ffca2fc8e09230013ec: (

2 February 1922

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Hands employed on anchors and cable, including landing cable for testing.

4f5a7ffda2fc8e09230013ed: (

3 February 1922

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a7ffda2fc8e09230013ee: (

4 February 1922

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands drawing provisions and employed as requisite.

4f5a7ffda2fc8e09230013ef: (

5 February 1922

Hong Kong dry dock

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a7ffea2fc8e09230013f0: (

6 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.40pm: Commenced to flood dock.

  3.25pm: HMS Alacrity undocked.

  4.00pm: Left dock and secured alongside HMS Ambrose.

4f5a7ffea2fc8e09230013f1: (

7 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed painting and refitting jiggers and blocks*.

* A jigger is a small tackle used anywhere a temporary purchase is needed; the blocks provide the mechanical advantage in the jiggers and in more permanent installations, such as the davits.

4f5a7fffa2fc8e09230013f2: (

8 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.00am: Landed escort.

  8.00am: Escort returned.

     In pm: Make and mend. Leave to football party of watch ashore until 7.00am.

4f5a7fffa2fc8e09230013f3: (

9 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed on refit.

4f5a7fffa2fc8e09230013f4: (

10 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed on refit of upper deck gear.

4f5a8000a2fc8e09230013f5: (

11 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Refit. Make and mend.

4f5a8000a2fc8e09230013f6: (

12 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

11.45am: HMS Hollyhock sailed.

4f5a8000a2fc8e09230013f7: (

13 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Refit continues. Landed range party and football party.

4f5a8001a2fc8e09230013f8: (

14 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting and refitting.

4f5a8001a2fc8e09230013f9: (

15 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting etc.

4f5a8001a2fc8e09230013fa: (

16 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands painting flats and as requisite.

4f5a8001a2fc8e09230013fb: (

17 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  3.00pm: Slipped buoy to secure alongside HMS Ambrose.

4f5a8002a2fc8e09230013fc: (

18 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Refitting.

     In pm: Make and mend.

  2.00pm: One Stoker returned from hospital.

4f5a8002a2fc8e09230013fd: (

19 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  9.10am: Muster by the open list.

4f5a8002a2fc8e09230013fe: (

20 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.25am: HMS Hawkins in.

10.30am: HMS Alacrity in.

4f5a8003a2fc8e09230013ff: (

21 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8003a2fc8e0923001400: (

22 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8003a2fc8e0923001401: (

23 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8004a2fc8e0923001402: (

24 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands refitting and as requisite.

4f5a8004a2fc8e0923001403: (

25 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands employed as requisite.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a8004a2fc8e0923001404: (

26 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. Church parties etc.

4f5a8004a2fc8e0923001405: (

27 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8005a2fc8e0923001406: (

28 February 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.45am: Shifted to No 7 buoy.

11.30am: Ship placed alongside N wall of Camber.


[Hong Kong]

4f5a8005a2fc8e0923001407: (

1 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.15am: Breakfast.

  8.00am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.00am: Up spirits.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite.

  3.45pm: Clear up decks.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters. Fire drill.

  5.15pm: Clear lower deck, paid monthly settlement.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Light Easterly winds, cloudy, 54º to 61º F.

4f5a8005a2fc8e0923001408: (

2 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  1.45pm: Clear lower deck, read warrant No 2.

  5.00pm: Discharged one prisoner under escort to HMS Hawkins.

4f5a8005a2fc8e0923001409: (

3 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.50am: HMS Carlisle sailed.

  8.00am: Hands getting in cable.

  9.00am: HMS St Breock secured alongside.

  9.15am: Lent one Cook rating to RN hospital for strike duties*.

* There is considerable industrial turmoil in HK at this time.

4f5a8006a2fc8e092300140a: (

4 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  3.00pm: Lent one Tel. rating to HMS Moth.

4f5a8006a2fc8e092300140b: (

5 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  5.15am: Landed strike party.

4f5a8006a2fc8e092300140c: (

6 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands to clean the side.

4f5a8007a2fc8e092300140d: (

7 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  3.35pm: Ship moved from wall to No 13 buoy.

4f5a8007a2fc8e092300140e: (

8 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Tug swung ship for compass deviation.

  5.30pm: One Cook rating returned from hospital duties.

4f5a8007a2fc8e092300140f: (

9 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Coal tallying party left for Kowloon.

  3.00pm: Ammunition lighter alongside. Hands getting ammunition in.

4f5a8007a2fc8e0923001410: (

10 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.10am: Coaled ship from lighters alongside.

4f5a8008a2fc8e0923001411: (

11 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting down aloft and red-leading side.

4f5a8008a2fc8e0923001412: (

12 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8008a2fc8e0923001413: (

13 March 1922

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded.

10.15am: Course East.

12.30pm: Carried out three runs with HMS Durban firing torpedoes.

  5.00pm: Anchored in Peng Chau Road.

4f5a8009a2fc8e0923001414: (

14 March 1922

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  7.30am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.00am: Carried out torpedo firing runs with HMS Durban.

12.45pm: Carried out searches for torpedoes i/c with HMS Durban.

  6.50pm: Anchored in Peng Chau Road.

4f5a8009a2fc8e0923001415: (

15 March 1922

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.34, Long 114.34

  7.55am: Weighed and proceeded, HMS Durban’s whaler in tow.

  9.00am: Anchored in Peng Bay. Whaler left to search bay.

10.20am: Whaler returned.

10.45am: Weighed and proceeded.

11.35am: Anchored in Rocky harbour.

  1.00pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  2.15pm: Anchored. Whaler returned.

  3.10pm: Weighed and proceeded, whaler in tow.

  3.55pm: Whaler left to search Port Shelter*.

  5.50pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Anchored in Rocky harbour.

* These searches are for a lost torpedo, in the hope that it has run aground somewhere. Durban also spends the afternoon searching.

4f5a8009a2fc8e0923001416: (

16 March 1922

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.37, Long 114.28

  8.15am: Weighed and proceeded towing whaler.

  9.16am: Anchored in Inner Port Shelter. Whaler left to continue search and inform junks and sampans of lost torpedo.

12.30pm: Whaler returned.

  1.40pm: Weighed and proceeded to rendezvous with HMS Durban at entrance to HK.

  3.00pm: Slipped whaler and proceeded to Mirs Bay.

  5.15pm: Anchored in Tolo Harbour.

4f5a8009a2fc8e0923001417: (

17 March 1922

Tolo harbour to HK harbour

Lat 22.44, Long 114.21

  1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  5.15pm: Secured to No 12 buoy.

4f5a800aa2fc8e0923001418: (

18 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Scrub and wash decks with sand.

4f5a800aa2fc8e0923001419: (

19 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: HMS Moth sailed.

4f5a800aa2fc8e092300141a: (

20 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a800ba2fc8e092300141b: (

21 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a800ba2fc8e092300141c: (

22 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a800ba2fc8e092300141d: (

23 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a800ca2fc8e092300141e: (

24 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a800ca2fc8e092300141f: (

25 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Scrub decks with sand.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

4f5a800da2fc8e0923001420: (

26 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a800da2fc8e0923001421: (

27 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a800da2fc8e0923001422: (

28 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a800ea2fc8e0923001423: (

29 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting and getting in provisions..

4f5a800ea2fc8e0923001424: (

30 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a800ea2fc8e0923001425: (

31 March 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Cleaning the side.

4f5a800fa2fc8e0923001426: (

4f5a800fa2fc8e0923001427: (

4f5a800fa2fc8e0923001428: (

4f5a800fa2fc8e0923001429: (

4f5a8010a2fc8e092300142a: (

4f5a8010a2fc8e092300142b: (

Above six pages blanks and covers.


4f5a8011a2fc8e092300142c: (

4f5a8011a2fc8e092300142d: (

Blue front cover of logbook for April/May 1922. Lt HGC Stevens is named on the cover.

4f5a8011a2fc8e092300142e: (


4f5a8012a2fc8e092300142f: (

Coal consumption figures, page signed by Cdr RR Turner, Commander (S) of HMS Ambrose and by Lt/Cdr VE Ward (Captain).

4f5a8012a2fc8e0923001430: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554, 20’ asl.

Air thermometers: Negretti & Zambra, Nos 25238 and 25239, on fore bridge, screened.

Sea thermometer: AC Cossor & Sons.


[Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tientsin]

4f5a8012a2fc8e0923001431: (

1 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

A Saturday in harbour.

  6.00am: Scrub and wash decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Scrub decks.

11.00am: Up spirits.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  3.00pm: Clear lower deck, paid quarterly settlement.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Light Northerly breezes, mostly cloudy, rain in the evening, 60º to 75º F.

4f5a8013a2fc8e0923001432: (

2 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8013a2fc8e0923001433: (

3 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Tug Poet Chaucer alongside. Shifted from No 12 buoy to No 25.

12.15pm: Discharged one Signalman to HMS Hawkins for 3 months and one Sig. lent from Hawkins for 3 months.

4f5a8014a2fc8e0923001434: (

4 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.15am: Exercised “man ship”*.

* The crew man the sides and yards, carefully graded for size, ready to salute another vessel, in this case HMS Renown which will soon arrive for a royal visit.

4f5a8014a2fc8e0923001435: (

5 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Cleaning and painting.

10.15am: Exercised “man ship”.

4f5a8014a2fc8e0923001436: (

6 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Dress ship.

  9.20am: HMS Renown arrived with HRH the Prince of Wales onboard. Clear lower deck, man and cheer ship.

11.00am: Clear lower deck, man ship [for HRH going ashore].

  8.00pm: Illuminated ship.

11.59pm: Switched off illuminating circuit.

4f5a8014a2fc8e0923001437: (

7 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Dress ship.

12.30pm: Four ratings to HMS Hawkins for Inspection

  6.40pm: Undress ship and rig illuminating circuit.

  8.00pm: Illuminate ship.

11.59pm: Switch off illuminating circuit.

4f5a8015a2fc8e0923001438: (

8 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.45am: Hands fall in to unrig illumination circuit and rig dressing lines.

  8.00am: Dress ship.

  8.50am: Clear lower deck and man ship.

  9.00am: HMS Renown sailed with HRH the Prince of Wales.

  9.33am: Cheered ship.

  9.35am: Undress ship.

4f5a8015a2fc8e0923001439: (

9 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.00pm: Discharged one Ldg Sn to HMS Alacrity and one Ldg Sn joined from same.

4f5a8016a2fc8e092300143a: (

10 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.45am: Tugs Poet Chaucer and St Monance secured alongside and shifted ship to No 13 buoy.

4f5a8016a2fc8e092300143b: (

11 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8016a2fc8e092300143c: (

12 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Coaled ship from lighters.

10.30am: Took in stores from lighter.

11.30am: HMS Alacrity sailed.

4f5a8016a2fc8e092300143d: (

13 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: Hands striking down and stowing stores.

4f5a8017a2fc8e092300143e: (

14 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine [for Good Friday].

4f5a8017a2fc8e092300143f: (

15 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8017a2fc8e0923001440: (

16 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Easter Sunday.

4f5a8018a2fc8e0923001441: (

17 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands getting up old awnings to put into lighter alongside for return.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a8018a2fc8e0923001442: (

18 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.10am: HMS Hawkins sailed.

4f5a8018a2fc8e0923001443: (

19 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8019a2fc8e0923001444: (

20 April 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8019a2fc8e0923001445: (

21 April 1922

Hong Kong and at sea for Shanghai

Lat 22.3, Long 114.5 [approx]

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  2.57pm: Pedro Blanco abeam, 6 miles.

  5.20pm: Chilang Pt [now Zhelang Yan] abeam, 7.5 miles.

  9.00pm: Spoke SS Shansi and SS Yangsing.

  9.30pm: Breaker Pt [now Shibeishan Jiao] abeam, 10 miles.

4f5a8019a2fc8e0923001446: (

22 April 1922

At sea

Lat 24.6, Long 119.22 DR

  1.50am: Spoke SS Haiching.

  2.45am: Lammock Lt abeam, 10.5 miles.

  7.36am: Chapel I. Lt abeam, 19 miles.

     In pm: Poor visibility throughout, sounding regularly from 3.10pm onwards.

4f5a801aa2fc8e0923001447: (

23 April 1922

At sea

Lat 28.0, Long 121.9 [approx]

  3.02pm: Finger Rock abeam, 5.6 miles.

  6.00pm: Heishan Lt abeam, 2 miles.

10.55pm: Tongting Lt [aka Dongtingshan] abeam, 2 miles.

4f5a801aa2fc8e0923001448: (

24 April 1922

At sea to Shanghai

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

12.40am: Steep I. Lt [Xiaogui Shan] abeam, 0.5 miles.

  3.30am: Bonham I. Lt abeam, 1 mile.

  6.10am: Sighted Fairway bell buoy.

  7.10am: Tungsha Lt vessel abeam.

  7.50am: Kintoan LV abeam.

10.15am: Berthing officer onboard.

11.00am: Anchored and moored, Shanghai.

4f5a801aa2fc8e0923001449: (

25 April 1922


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a801ba2fc8e092300144a: (

26 April 1922


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Coaled ship from lighters alongside.

4f5a801ba2fc8e092300144b: (

27 April 1922

Shanghai and at sea

Lat 31.63, Long 122.37 DR

  5.30am: Weighed port anchor and proceeded.

  7.02am: Passed Woosung entrance. Proceeding down the Yangtse, passed West Spit buoy, Crossing buoy, East Entrance buoy, Drinkwater Lt, Drinkwater Pt buoy and Shaweishan I. at 10.19am, increased to 15 knots.

10.40am: A/c N5E (m).

4f5a801ba2fc8e092300144c: (

28 April 1922

At sea to Wei-hai-wei and at sea

Lat 37.48, Long 122.67 DR

11.28am: NE Promontory Lt abeam, 4 miles.

  2.00pm: Secured alongside iron pier, Wei-hai-wei. Commenced coaling.

  6.00pm: Completed with coal.

  6.30pm: Cast off and proceeded. Course N66W.

11.28pm: Howki I. bg N61W (m), a/c N60W.

4f5a801ca2fc8e092300144d: (

29 April 1922

At sea to Taku

Lat 38.95, Long 118.0 [approx]

10.00am: Thick fog [f4]. Sounding as necessary.

12.58pm: Stopped and anchored.

  1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded at slow speeds.

  3.20pm: Anchored in 5.25 fathoms.

  5.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to close Taku LV.

  6.20pm: Took pilot onboard and proceeded as requisite for crossing Taku Bar.

  7.14pm: Anchored.

4f5a801ca2fc8e092300144e: (

30 April 1922

Taku to Tientsin

Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  5.25am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.15am: Arrived at Tientsin and secured to wharf in No 9 berth. [The armies of General Wu Peí-fu and General Chang Tsao-lin have been fighting in and around Pekin and Marazion and other vessels are in Tientsin to “support British interests”.]


[Tientsin and Wei-hai-wei]

4f5a801ca2fc8e092300144f: (

1 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  6.30am: Clean decks.

  7.30am: Breakfast.

  8.30am: Hands employed as requisite.

11.00am: Up spirits.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.00pm: Make and mend.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Easterly breezes force 1-3, some cloud and rain, 50º to 60º F.

4f5a801ca2fc8e0923001450: (

2 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  9.15am: VGRF Peiho arrived.

10.45am: Three Japanese destroyers arrived.

4f5a801da2fc8e0923001451: (

3 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a801da2fc8e0923001452: (

4 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a801da2fc8e0923001453: (

5 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

12.15pm: Received 20 rifles and equipment from GHQ and ammunition for same.

  2.45pm: Landing parties fall in on jetty for drill and as requisite.

  6.15pm: A Section to supper.

  7.00pm: A Section fall in and carry on patrol (10 rifles, 10 rds. per man).

10.50pm: B Section fall in and relieve A section.

4f5a801ea2fc8e0923001454: (

6 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

Throughout the forenoon A and B sections alternate on patrol.

  1.30pm: Leave to B section and 2nd part of C section until 7.00pm.1st part of C section place gangway sentries.

  7.00pm: B and C sections alternate patrol, 7 rifles, 10 rounds per man.

4f5a801ea2fc8e0923001455: (

7 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

Patrols continue as on the previous day.

  4.10pm: Cast off and proceed to assist Tug Cheng Ling.

  4.20pm: Up all rifles and ammunition.

  4.40pm: Sighted tug, turned and proceeded to follow same to Tientsin.

  5.40pm: Secured to No 9 berth. Resumed patrols.

10.40pm: Two Chinese gunboats arrived.

4f5a801fa2fc8e0923001456: (

8 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  6.00am: Patrol withdrawn.

  7.00pm: Patrols cancelled. Leave to watch until 11.59pm.

4f5a801fa2fc8e0923001457: (

9 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a801fa2fc8e0923001458: (

10 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a801fa2fc8e0923001459: (

11 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Painting etc.

4f5a8020a2fc8e092300145a: (

12 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Painting etc.

4f5a8020a2fc8e092300145b: (

13 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed getting up equipment.

4f5a8020a2fc8e092300145c: (

14 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

10.30am: Church Party landed.

4f5a8021a2fc8e092300145d: (

15 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8021a2fc8e092300145e: (

16 May 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  5.00pm: Five ratings returned from military hospital for passage.

4f5a8022a2fc8e092300145f: (

17 May 1922

Tientsin and at sea

Lat 39.00, Long 117.7 [approx]

  9.40am: Cast off and proceeded down Peiho River.

  1.20pm: Anchored off Taku Bar.

  3.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.23pm: Dropped pilot, set course S63E (m).

4f5a8022a2fc8e0923001460: (

18 May 1922

At sea to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.50am: Howki Lt bg S55E.

  3.14am: Same abeam, 0.75 miles to port.

10.00am: Secured alongside iron pier, Wei-hai-wei. Commenced coaling.

12.15pm: Discharged six ratings to HMS Ambrose on sick list.

  4.05pm: Cast off and secured to No 3 buoy. Washed down decks.

4f5a8022a2fc8e0923001461: (

19 May 1922


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for torpedo exercises with submarines.

12.30pm: Recovered a total of six torpedoes and returned to harbour.

  2.40pm: Secured to No 3 buoy and hoisted out torpedoes.

4f5a8023a2fc8e0923001462: (

20 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Replace all torpedo gear and scrub and wash decks with sand.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a8024a2fc8e0923001463: (

21 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8024a2fc8e0923001464: (

22 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting etc.

4f5a8024a2fc8e0923001465: (

23 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting etc.

4f5a8025a2fc8e0923001466: (

24 May 1922


Lat 37.54, Long 122.19 [approx]

  4.30am: HMS Curlew sailed.

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded for torpedo running exercises.

11.20am to 1.20pm: Recovered four torpedoes.

  2.06pm: Returned to harbour, course 250º, 12 knots.

  2.45pm: Secured to No 3 buoy. One Stoker returned from hospital. Hands hoisting out torpedoes.

4f5a8025a2fc8e0923001467: (

25 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8025a2fc8e0923001468: (

26 May 1922


Lat 37.56, Long 122.19 [approx]

  8.30am: Proceeded in company with HM S/ms L5, L19, and L33 for exercises.

  9.45am to 10.42am: Hoisted in four torpedoes. Course 050º.

12.32pm: Returned to harbour.

  2.25pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a8026a2fc8e0923001469: (

27 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Saturday. Scrub decks. Make and mend in pm.

4f5a8026a2fc8e092300146a: (

28 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8026a2fc8e092300146b: (

29 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting the side.

4f5a8027a2fc8e092300146c: (

30 May 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Painting.

  1.15pm: Furled awnings [NW f6 at 4.00pm].

4f5a8027a2fc8e092300146d: (

31 May 1922


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

  9.20am: Slipped and proceeded. Various courses as requisite for hoisting in torpedoes.

  2.00pm: Course as requisite for returning to harbour.

  3.45pm: Hoisting out torpedoes.

4f5a8027a2fc8e092300146e: (

4f5a8027a2fc8e092300146f: (

4f5a8028a2fc8e0923001470: (

4f5a8028a2fc8e0923001471: (

Above four pages blanks and back covers.


4f5a8028a2fc8e0923001472: (

4f5a8029a2fc8e0923001473: (

Cover of log book for 1st June 1922 to 31st July 1922.

4f5a8029a2fc8e0923001474: (


4f5a802aa2fc8e0923001475: (

Coal consumption figures. Signed by Lt/Cdr VE Ward (Captain) and one other.

4f5a802aa2fc8e0923001476: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554.

Air thermometers: Negretti & Zambra, Nos 25238 and 25239, on fore bridge, screened.

Sea thermometer: AC Cossor & Sons.



4f5a802aa2fc8e0923001477: (

1 June 1922


Lat 37.55, Long 122.22 [approx]

  6.30am: Hands fall in. Prepare for torpedo running exercises.

  7.15am: Breakfast.

  8.30am: Watch unshackled.

  9.00am: Special dutymen* to stations.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded, courses to leave harbour by Eastern entrance, 12 knots.

  9.25am: Course N85E.

10.15am: HM S/m L5 fired 4 torpedoes.

10.20am: Lowered seaboat and recovered four torpedoes.

11.16am: Course S62E, 13 knots.

11.45am: HM S/m L33 fired 4 torpedoes.

11.50am: Stopped and recovered torpedoes.

12.30pm to 3.24pm: Various courses and speeds.

  2.36pm: Course to return to harbour, 12 knots.

  3.10pm: Anchored.

  4.32pm: Weighed and proceeded to go alongside iron pier.

  5.00pm: Landed football party.

10.15pm: Watch secured ship with additional stern wire.

Weather: Light Southerly winds with occasional mist, until SW f6 at midnight, 70º to 82ºF.

* The skilled hands who carry out mooring and anchoring duties.

4f5a802ba2fc8e0923001478: (

2 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.00am: Completed with coal and returned to No 3 buoy.

12.15pm: One rating joined ship.

  1.00pm: Paid monthly payment.

4f5a802ba2fc8e0923001479: (

3 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.52am: Slipped and proceeded, closing HMS Hawkins.

  8.05am: Stopped and embarked landing party from Hawkins. Proceeded to anchor off Victory Pier.

  9.05am: Anchored and disembarked landing party*.

11.30am: Re-embarked landing party, weighed and proceeded to close Hawkins.

     Noon: Disembarked landing party.

12.30pm: Returned to No 3 buoy.

* This party is to take part in a march past for King George V’s birthday.

4f5a802ba2fc8e092300147a: (

4 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a802ca2fc8e092300147b: (

5 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting waterline, refitting boats’ falls etc.

4f5a802ca2fc8e092300147c: (

6 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.18 [approx]

  8.27am: Slipped and proceeded to sea via Eastern entrance, course N85E.

  8.54am: Veered target.

10.23am: Stopped in fog.

10.55am: Proceeded N85W, 8 knots.

11.45am: Hauled in target and returned to harbour.

12.20pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a802ca2fc8e092300147d: (

7 June 1922


Lat 37.53, Long 122.2 [approx]

  8.32am: Slipped and proceeded to sea.

  8.55am: Veered target, courses East for submarine sub-calibre firing.

10.30am: A/c 270º.

11.17am: Hauled in target.

12.05pm: Stopped, hoisted in torpedo from HM S/m L5.

12.29pm: Course S63W, zigzag 15º each side.

  1.20pm: Hoisted in torpedo from HM S/m L33.

  1.35pm: Returned to harbour.

  2.20pm: Closed HMS Ambrose and hoisted out torpedoes.

  2.50pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a802ca2fc8e092300147e: (

8 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a802da2fc8e092300147f: (

9 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a802da2fc8e0923001480: (

10 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Scrub decks.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a802da2fc8e0923001481: (

11 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a802ea2fc8e0923001482: (

12 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a802ea2fc8e0923001483: (

13 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a802ea2fc8e0923001484: (

14 June 1922


Lat 37.53, Long 122.20 [approx]

  8.20am: Slipped and closed HMS Ambrose to pick up Commander “S”. Left harbour.

  9.45am: Took target party onboard from HMS Durban. Various courses and speeds to keep station on quarter of HMS St Breock. Captain “S” firing by HM S/ms L5, L9, L15 and L33.

12.15pm: Shifted target [presumably to St Breock]

12.40pm: Proceeded 3 cables astern of target.

  1.25pm: Returned to harbour on completion of exercise.

  2.10pm: Closed HMS Ambrose and stopped [presumably to return their Captain, who is also Commander “S”].

  2.35pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

  4.20pm: HMS Durban arrived.

  4.30pm: Steam for slow speed at 2 hours' notice [SbyW f5 at 4.00pm].

  5.30pm: Target party left ship.

4f5a802fa2fc8e0923001485: (

15 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Scrubbing awnings and painting.

4f5a802fa2fc8e0923001486: (

16 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a802fa2fc8e0923001487: (

17 June 1922

[18 June in log]


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Scrub decks, make and mend in pm.

  9.20pm: Slope awnings.

4f5a8030a2fc8e0923001488: (

18 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8030a2fc8e0923001489: (

19 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Cleaning store rooms, painting aloft, landed range parties etc.

4f5a8030a2fc8e092300148a: (

20 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a8031a2fc8e092300148b: (

21 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed cleaning out and painting minesweeping store. Range parties landed as necessary.

4f5a8031a2fc8e092300148c: (

22 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.00am: Dress ship [for Coronation Day].

4f5a8031a2fc8e092300148d: (

23 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.45am: Slipped and proceeded alongside iron pier for coaling.

  8.10am: Hands employed getting out sweeping wire (Starboard) on pier for cleaning.

  9.00am: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Ambrose.

10.55am: Let go from iron pier and returned to No 3 buoy. Wash down.

4f5a8032a2fc8e092300148e: (

24 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Scrub decks, make and mend.

4f5a8032a2fc8e092300148f: (

25 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8032a2fc8e0923001490: (

26 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.20am: General drill. Exercised “out collision mat”, “abandon ship” and “hoist boats”.

  1.15pm: Cleaning rifles, renewing jiggers etc.

4f5a8032a2fc8e0923001491: (

27 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

  1.15pm: Cricket party left ship.

4f5a8033a2fc8e0923001492: (

28 June 1922


Lat 37.53, Long 122.22 [approx]

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance for exercises.

  9.30am: Various courses and speeds as requisite for attack, searching for mark buoys and recovering torpedo.

  1.55pm: Course 235º to return to harbour.

  2.55pm: Secured to No 3 buoy, replaced gear and hoisted out torpedo.

4f5a8033a2fc8e0923001493: (

29 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Air bedding.

  9.00am: Stand by hammocks. Lash up and stow.

  3.00pm: Running party landed.

4f5a8034a2fc8e0923001494: (

30 June 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.15pm: Hands reeving new boats’ falls and as requisite.

  3.00pm: Sports party landed. [The summer station at Wei-hai-wei was, apart from exercises, not very active, so there was an almost continual round of games, regattas and contests for various trophies. These were all keenly contested and the subject of much highly illegal wagering.]



4f5a8034a2fc8e0923001495: (

1 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

A quiet Saturday in harbour.

  6.00am: Scrub decks with sand.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Scrub and wash decks.

     Noon: Dinner.

    In pm: Make and mend.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  6.30pm: Slope awnings.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Various breezes force 1-2, mostly cloudy, showers in the afternoon, 68º to 76º F.

4f5a8034a2fc8e0923001496: (

2 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8035a2fc8e0923001497: (

3 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: General drill. Exercised “out collision mat” and “fire stations”.

  5.00pm: Optional hands to bathe.

4f5a8035a2fc8e0923001498: (

4 July 1922


Lat 37.55, Long 122.15 [approx]

  9.56am: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance.

10.12am: Various courses and speeds exercising with HMS’ Hawkins, Carlisle, Durban and HM S/m L33.

  5.18pm: Stopped in Mandarin Bay to hoist in torpedoes from cruisers.

  5.50pm: Returned to harbour via Western entrance.

  6.13pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a8036a2fc8e092300149a: (


4f5a8036a2fc8e092300149b: (

5 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hoisting out torpedoes and as requisite.

4f5a8035a2fc8e0923001499: (

6 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8037a2fc8e092300149c: (

7 July 1922


Lat 37.54, Long 122.22 [approx]

  9.22am: Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour.

  9.32am: Sun I. abeam to starboard.

  9.35am: Various courses exercising with HM S/m L9.

  2.27pm: Returned to harbour and secured to No 3 buoy. Hands employed hoisting out torpedoes and replacing gear.

4f5a8037a2fc8e092300149d: (

8 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.30pm: One Sig. rejoined ship from HMS Hawkins and one Sig. discharged to same.

4f5a8037a2fc8e092300149e: (

9 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8038a2fc8e092300149f: (

10 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Clear lower deck for general drill. Away kedge, turn ship 30º to port, physical drill, away all boats, weigh kedge, hoist boats, lower skiff, hands to bathe.

  7.45am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Replace gear.

     In pm: Chipping and red-leading.

4f5a8038a2fc8e09230014a0: (

11 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed painting etc.

  5.00pm: Instructional swimming party landed for practice.

4f5a8038a2fc8e09230014a1: (

12 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.30pm: HM S/ms L3 and L9 arrived.

  8.30pm: Port watch fall in, hoist skiff and prepare for sea.

11.45pm: Unshackle and close W/T doors.

4f5a8039a2fc8e09230014a2: (

13 July 1922

Wei-hai-wei, at sea and return

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

12.12am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, Easterly courses.

12.30am: Chao Pei Tsui Lt abeam, 1.5 miles.

  1.15am: NE Promontory Lt bg S64E.

  1.25am: Chiming I. [Jiming Dao] abeam, 2.0 miles.

  2.15am: NE Promontory Lt abeam 4.5 miles.

 Winds South or South by W f5 throughout the morning, with some fog between 7.00am and 9.00am. Marazion now patrols off the Shantung promontory, N36W and S36E until 7.00am, when she alters course to S69W. HMS Titania, en route from HK with a flotilla of submarines, is also stooging about in the area, so perhaps one or more of the subs is in difficulty.

  9.33am: Courses to enter harbour.

  9.50am: Secured to No 3 buoy.

  3.00pm: HMS Titania arrived.

4f5a8039a2fc8e09230014a3: (

14 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.00pm: Watch employed getting in rifles and lewis guns etc.

4f5a8039a2fc8e09230014a4: (

15 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Harbour Saturday, clean ship, make and mend.

4f5a803aa2fc8e09230014a5: (

16 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a803aa2fc8e09230014a6: (

17 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

    In am: To iron pier for 109 tons of coal.

12.50pm: Landed range party.

4f5a803aa2fc8e09230014a7: (

18 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Landed range party and store party.

10.00am: Lent from HMS Titania, one Shipwright.

4f5a803ba2fc8e09230014a8: (

19 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.45am: Landed range party.

4f5a803ba2fc8e09230014a9: (

20 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.45am: Landed range party.

4f5a803ca2fc8e09230014aa: (

21 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.45am: Landed range party.

4f5a803ca2fc8e09230014ab: (

22 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a803ca2fc8e09230014ac: (

23 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a803ca2fc8e09230014ad: (

24 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.15am: General drill, collision stations and away both gigs.

4f5a803da2fc8e09230014ae: (

25 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a803da2fc8e09230014af: (

26 July 1922


Lat 37.52, Long 122.2 [approx]

  9.08am: Slipped and proceeded East for exercises with HM S/m L4.

12.50pm: Entered harbour and secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a803da2fc8e09230014b0: (

27 July 1922


Lat 37.53, Long 122.17 [approx]

11.20am: Slipped and proceeded through Western entrance with fleet for manoeuvres.

  3.50pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a803ea2fc8e09230014b1: (

28 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a803ea2fc8e09230014b2: (

29 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Saturday in harbour.

4f5a803ea2fc8e09230014b3: (

30 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a803ea2fc8e09230014b4: (

31 July 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting etc.

4f5a803fa2fc8e09230014b5: (

4f5a803fa2fc8e09230014b6: (

4f5a8040a2fc8e09230014b7: (

4f5a8040a2fc8e09230014b8: (

4f5a8040a2fc8e09230014b9: (

Above five pages blanks and covers.


4f5a8041a2fc8e09230014ba: (

4f5a8041a2fc8e09230014bb: (

Blue front cover of logbook for August/September 1922, Lt HGC Stevens RN mentioned.

4f5a8042a2fc8e09230014bc: (


4f5a8042a2fc8e09230014bd: (

No data, but signature of Lt/Cdr VE Ward.

4f5a8042a2fc8e09230014be: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554.

Air thermometers: AC Cossor & Sons Nos 510 & 511, on fore bridge, screened.

Sea thermometer: Thompson.



4f5a8042a2fc8e09230014bf: (

1 August 1922


Lat 37.53, Long 122.22 [approx]

  6.00am: Hands fall in. Turn in gig and skiff, rig sea boat.

  7.30am: Breakfast.

  8.15am: Furl QD awning.

  9.55am: Special dutymen.

10.10am: Slipped and proceeded, courses to leave harbour by Eastern entrance, 12 knots.

10.15am: A/c N70E.

10.23am: A/c East.

10.31am: A/c S70E.

10.55am: A/c East.

11.03am: A/c N70E,

11.11am: A/c East.

11.13am: Sighted HM S/m L9.

11.15am: L9 fired. Turned to follow tracks and as requisite for recovery of torpedoes.

11.50am: Dropped mark buoy and commenced search.

12.40pm: Dropped mark buoy. Dinner.

  2.20pm to 3.05pm: Various courses.

  3.06pm: HM S/m L4 fired. Proceeded to recover four torpedoes.

  4.25pm: Tea.

  4.30pm to 6.55pm: Various courses.

  6.55pm: Supper.

  7.20pm: Courses to enter harbour by Eastern entrance.

  7.25pm: Special dutymen.

  7.30pm: Secured to No 3 buoy and shackled on.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Light airs, rather misty and overcast with rain in the evening, temperatures 75º to 79º F.

4f5a8043a2fc8e09230014c0: (

2 August 1922


Lat 37.54, Long 122.2 [approx]

  9.45am: Slipped and proceeded. Course as requisite for leaving harbour by the Eastern Entrance at 12 knots.

10.42am: HM S/m L5 fired.

10.45am: Courses to recover torpedoes.

11.30am: A/c to investigate L5 apparently in difficulty.

12.30pm: Dropped mark buoy.

12.42pm: Veered target.

  2.10pm: L5 surfaced for attack and opened fire.

  2.05pm: Hauled in target and returned to harbour.

  2.25pm: Secured to buoy and hoisted out torpedoes..

  4.15pm: Paid monthly payment.

  7.00pm: Slipped and proceeded through Western Entrance, speed 10 kts. Various courses NE then SW.

11.30pm: Courses to return to harbour via Eastern Entrance.

11.58pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a8043a2fc8e09230014c1: (

3 August 1922


Lat 37.54, Long 122.19 [approx]

10.00am: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance for submarine exercises.

11.05am: HM S/m L33 fired.

11.10am: Courses to recover torpedoes.

  1.01pm: HM S/m L15 fired. Courses to recover torpedoes.

  2.25pm: Entered harbour by Western entrance and secured to buoy.

  6.30pm: Hoisted out torpedoes.

4f5a8043a2fc8e09230014c2: (

4 August 1922


Lat 37.49, Long 122.2 [approx]

  8.00am: Slipped and proceeded to close HMS Titania. Took barge and 2 whalers in tow. Proceeded via Eastern entrance.

10.15am: Slipped both whalers and anchored. Lowered sea boat.

  2.00pm: Whalers carried out sweep for lost torpedo and returned to ship.

  4.35pm: Weighed and proceeded to return to harbour.

  6.10pm: Sun I. [now Ridao I.] abeam.

  6.15pm: Slipped barge and whalers and secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a8044a2fc8e09230014c3: (

5 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend.

4f5a8044a2fc8e09230014c4: (

6 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8044a2fc8e09230014c5: (

7 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.45am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coaling.

11.50am: Cast off and returned to No 3 buoy.

  5.00pm: Hands to bathe.

4f5a8044a2fc8e09230014c6: (

8 August 1922


Lat 37.49, Long 122.22 [approx]

  8.45am: Slipped and proceeded to close HMS Titania.

  9.05am: Proceeded through Western entrance with HM S/ms L3, L4, L5, L15 and L33.

  9.19am: Outer I. abeam, a/c N25E.

 9.40am: A/c East, slowed to 8 knots and proceeded as necessary for examining target and repairing sail after each firing.

11.00am: A/c SE at 10 knots and proceeded as requisite for examining area of lost torpedo.

  1.00pm: Returned to harbour.

  1.25pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

  7.25pm: Slipped and proceeded East. Various courses [probably searching for a torpedo].

11.38pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a8045a2fc8e09230014c7: (

9 August 1922


Lat 37.55, Long 122.35 [approx]

  8.50am: Slipped and proceeded East, 10 knots.

  9.05am: Sun I. abeam, a/c 080º.

10.25am: Dropped mark buoy. Proceeded N60E.

10.55am: Stopped and passed sweep wire to HM S/m L9.

11.15am: Commenced sweeping, 500 fm wire, 8 knots. Courses and speeds as requisite for covering area 2 miles square.

  3.55pm: Stopped, L9 slipped sweep, proceeded N50W, hove in sweep.

  4.20pm: Weighed mark buoy. Course S81W, 11 knots.

  5.47pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a8045a2fc8e09230014c8: (

10 August 1922


Lat 37.6, Long 122.15 [approx]

  8.45am: Slipped and closed HMS Titania.

  9.00am: Proceeded via Western entrance.

  9.25am: Courses and speeds as requisite for examining and repairing target.

11.30am: Stopped [for dinner].

12.08pm: Proceeded, 20º zigzag. Mean course West.

12.15pm to 3.13 pm: Various courses.

  3.13pm: HM S/m L3 fired 3 torpedoes. Proceeded as requisite for recovering same.

  3.54pm: Returned to harbour.

  4.22pm: Secured to buoy.

4f5a8045a2fc8e09230014c9: (

11 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.45am: Hoist out torpedoes and replace gear.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a8046a2fc8e09230014ca: (

12 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

4f5a8046a2fc8e09230014cb: (

13 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8046a2fc8e09230014cc: (

14 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8047a2fc8e09230014cd: (

15 August 1922


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

  6.10am: Weighed and proceeded to close HMS Titania.

  6.35am: Proceeded with Captain “S” onboard through West entrance at 10 knots, i/c with HM S/ms L4, L5 and L33.

  7.00am: Course East, 6 knots, examining target and replacing or repairing sail after each run throughout the morning.

  1.30pm: Courses for harbour.

  1.58pm: Anchored.

4f5a8047a2fc8e09230014ce: (

16 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8047a2fc8e09230014cf: (

17 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands red-leading etc.

4f5a8047a2fc8e09230014d0: (

18 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

12.30pm: HMS Durban arrived and anchored.

  1.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to new berth East of No 3 buoy and anchored.

  3.00pm: HM S/ms L3, L4, L5, L9, L15 and L33 sailed.

4f5a8048a2fc8e09230014d1: (

19 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.30pm: HMS’ Hawkins and Carlisle arrived

  4.30pm: HM S/ms L3, L5, L9, L15 and L33 returned.

4f5a8048a2fc8e09230014d2: (

20 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  2.30am: HM S/m L4 arrived.

  9.15am: Divisions. RC and NC party fall in.

  4.05pm: Watch hoist out target.

4f5a8048a2fc8e09230014d3: (

21 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8049a2fc8e09230014d4: (

22 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a8049a2fc8e09230014d5: (

23 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a8049a2fc8e09230014d6: (

24 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting on foc’sle and aloft.

4f5a8049a2fc8e09230014d7: (

25 August 1922


Lat 37.54, Long 122.2 [approx]

  8.55am: Weighed and proceeded via Eastern entrance. Various courses and speeds locally.

  1.45pm: Courses to enter harbour.

  2.12pm: Anchored, then shifted berth to No 3 buoy.

4f5a804aa2fc8e09230014d8: (

26 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a804aa2fc8e09230014d9: (

27 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. Landed church parties etc. Hands to bathe.

4f5a804aa2fc8e09230014da: (

28 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a804ba2fc8e09230014db: (

29 August 1922


Lat 37.52, Long 122.23 [approx]

  8.52am: Slipped and proceeded Eastward. Various courses and speeds locally.

11.53am: Closed HM S/m L5.

12.48pm: Stopped as requisite for recovering 4 torpedoes.

  2.32pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a804ba2fc8e09230014dc: (

30 August 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.3 [approx]

  8.20am: Slipped and proceeded with pinnace and diving gear in tow.

  8.35am: Course N64E.

10.53am: Anchored in 14 fathoms. Lowered sea boat.

11.25am: Hoisted boat. Weighed and proceeded.

11.30am: HMS St Breock closed and passed wire for sweeping. Course SE, 8 knots. Continued with sweep for lost torpedo until 4.00pm.

  4.00pm: St Breock slipped sweep. Hove in sweep, took pinnace in tow and returned to harbour.

  6.39pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

4f5a804ba2fc8e09230014dd: (

31 August 1922


Lat 37.50, Long 122.30 [approx]

  8.52am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Various courses until noon, recovering torpedoes etc.

11.55am: Closed HM S/m L3 and hoisted in 5 torpedoes.

  1.10pm: Course S45W

 2.55pm: Secured to No 3. Hoisted out torpedoes.



4f5a804ba2fc8e09230014de: (

1 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.45am: Hands fall in to prepare for going alongside iron pier to coal.

  6.30am: Unshackle.

  6.50am: Slipped and proceeded.

  7.00am: Secured to pier, commenced coaling.

  7.40am: Breakfast.

  8.25am: Fall in. Hands reeving new topping lift and derrick guys.

11.40am: Left pier and secured to buoy.

12.05pm: Dinner.

  1.20pm: Wash down overall. Spread foc’sle and quarterdeck awnings.

  3.25pm: Clear lower deck. Paid monthly payment.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch until 9.30pm.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: SE’ly winds force 2-3, cloudy, 78º to 87º F.

4f5a804ca2fc8e09230014df: (

2 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

12.30pm: Raise steam for 10 knots. Hoist skiff and motor boat. Furl foc’sle and QD awnings and secure for sea. [NE rain squalls, strengthening to force 7 later.]

  2.00pm: Put on second bridle, 1½ shackles on each. Hoisted whaler on motor boat’s davits. Placed anchor watch.

  8.25pm: Lash awnings to ship. [While the winds stay in the NE, the anchorage is sheltered by the island, but if the winds veer into the SE, it will become untenable and they will either shelter in the lee of Sun I. or put to sea.]

4f5a804ca2fc8e09230014e0: (

3 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

Gale NE force 8 at 1.00am, remaining force 6 or 7 throughout the day before backing to NW and abating to force 4 by midnight.

4f5a804ca2fc8e09230014e1: (

4 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.30am: Revert to normal notice for steam. Off second bridle and shorten cable.

4f5a804da2fc8e09230014e2: (

5 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a804da2fc8e09230014e3: (

6 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Red-leading ship's side.

4f5a804da2fc8e09230014e4: (

7 September 1922


Lat 37.55, Long 122.22 [approx]

  8.36am: Slipped and proceeded through Western entrance for firing exercises with submarines, assisted by HMS St Breock.

12.45pm: Returned to harbour.

  2.45pm: Secured to buoy.

4f5a804da2fc8e09230014e5: (

8 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: SS Hesper secured and commenced swinging ship for deviation.

10.30am: Hesper shoved off.

4f5a804ea2fc8e09230014e6: (

9 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.15pm: Hoist skiff. Discharged one Tel. to hospital.

4f5a804ea2fc8e09230014e7: (

10 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a804ea2fc8e09230014e8: (

11 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.30am: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Titania.

4f5a804fa2fc8e09230014e9: (

12 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting etc.

4f5a804fa2fc8e09230014ea: (

13 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.20pm: Hoist and turn in motor boat. Furl awnings. Put on second bridle.

  5.45pm: Veer cable and furl bridge awning. Placed anchor watch.

  [Presumably there has been a typhoon warning.]

4f5a804fa2fc8e09230014eb: (

14 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.30pm: Revert to usual notice. Watch off second bridle and shorten cable.

4f5a8050a2fc8e09230014ec: (

15 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: One Tel. rating returned from hospital.

  2.00pm: One SPO returned from HMS Titania SQ.

4f5a8050a2fc8e09230014ed: (

16 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  5.30pm: Slope awnings. Hoist skiff.

4f5a8050a2fc8e09230014ee: (

17 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8051a2fc8e09230014ef: (

18 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Furl and scrub QD double awning and curtains.

4f5a8051a2fc8e09230014f0: (

19 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  4.30pm: One Stoker joined ship from HMS Titania.

4f5a8051a2fc8e09230014f1: (

20 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting etc.

4f5a8052a2fc8e09230014f2: (

21 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting mess decks.

4f5a8052a2fc8e09230014f3: (

22 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting mess decks.

4f5a8052a2fc8e09230014f4: (

23 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

4f5a8053a2fc8e09230014f5: (

24 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8053a2fc8e09230014f6: (

25 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting mess decks.

  3.45pm: Paid quarterly settlement.

4f5a8053a2fc8e09230014f7: (

26 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8053a2fc8e09230014f8: (

27 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.15pm: HMS Hawkins sailed.

4f5a8054a2fc8e09230014f9: (

28 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8054a2fc8e09230014fa: (

29 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8055a2fc8e09230014fb: (

30 September 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

4f5a8055a2fc8e09230014fc: (

4f5a8056a2fc8e09230014fd: (

4f5a8056a2fc8e09230014fe: (

4f5a8056a2fc8e09230014ff: (

4f5a8056a2fc8e0923001500: (

4f5a8057a2fc8e0923001501: (

Above six pages blanks and back cover.


4f5a8057a2fc8e0923001502: (

4f5a8057a2fc8e0923001503: (

Blue front cover of Logbook for 1st to 31st October 1922.

4f5a8058a2fc8e0923001504: (


4f5a8058a2fc8e0923001505: (

Coal consumption data, signature of Lt/Cdr VE Ward in command and one other officer.

4f5a8059a2fc8e0923001506: (

Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, No 6554.

Air thermometers: AC Cossor & Sons Nos 510 & 511, on fore bridge, screened.

Sea thermometer: TE Thompson.


[Wei-hai-wei, Tientsin, Wei-hai-wei and Shanghai]

4f5a8059a2fc8e0923001507: (

1 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

A quiet Sunday in harbour.

  6.30am: Hands fall in, employed as requisite. Lower 1st gig.

  7.30am: Cleaning quarters.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Clear up decks.

  9.00am: All church parties fall in.

  9.30am: Rounds.

10.15am: Pipe down.

11.00am: Church parties return.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch till 9.30pm.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.30pm: Hoist 1st gig.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Winds N or NW, force 5 at times, dry with some cloud, 64º to 73º F.

4f5a8059a2fc8e0923001508: (

2 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a805aa2fc8e0923001509: (

3 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  2.00pm: SS Hesper swung ship for correction of compasses.

4f5a805aa2fc8e092300150a: (

4 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: Landed QD awning for cleaning ashore.

  3.45pm: Landed four ABs for awning.

4f5a805aa2fc8e092300150b: (

Blank page struck through.

4f5a805ba2fc8e092300150c: (

5 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.45pm: Leave to football party till 9.30pm.

4f5a805ba2fc8e092300150d: (

6 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.45am: Slipped and proceeded alongside iron pier for coal.

12.10pm: Completed with coal and returned to buoy.

4f5a805ba2fc8e092300150e: (

7 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

4f5a805ba2fc8e092300150f: (

8 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a805ca2fc8e0923001510: (

9 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.30pm: Steam for slow speed at 4 hours notice [NW winds up to force 5 with rain squalls].

4f5a805ca2fc8e0923001511: (

10 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  2.45pm: HMS Titania in with submarines.

4f5a805ca2fc8e0923001512: (

11 October 1922


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a805da2fc8e0923001513: (

12 October 1922

Wei-hai-wei and at sea

Lat 37.9, Long 121.6 [approx]

  6.10am: HMS Despatch sailed.

  9.50am: Slipped and proceeded via Western entrance.

10.25am: Course N50W, 12 knots.

  3.35pm: Sighted Howki I., a/c N45W.

  5.11pm: Same abeam, 2 miles.

4f5a805da2fc8e0923001514: (

13 October 1922

At sea to Tientsin

Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  3.35am: In soundings, 11 fathoms.

  5.25am: Anchored.

  6.10am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.43am: Bar LV abeam. Proceeded up river.

10.45am: Secured alongside Bund No 9 berth, Tientsin.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch till midnight.

4f5a805ea2fc8e0923001515: (

14 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  8.00am: Leave to watch until midnight Tuesday 17th October.

4f5a805ea2fc8e0923001516: (

15 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Sunday routine.

4f5a805ea2fc8e0923001517: (

16 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a805fa2fc8e0923001518: (

17 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  1.00pm: Cleared lower deck to shift billet further astern

11.59pm: Watch returned from General Leave.

4f5a805fa2fc8e0923001519: (

18 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  8.00am: Leave to watch till midnight Saturday 21st October.

4f5a805fa2fc8e092300151a: (

19 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a805fa2fc8e092300151b: (

20 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Scrub decks etc.

4f5a8060a2fc8e092300151c: (

21 October 1922


Lat 39.09, Long 117.245

  Clean the side etc.

4f5a8060a2fc8e092300151d: (

22 October 1922

Tientsin and at sea

Lat 38.99, Long 117.73 [approx]

  7.40am: Cast off, turned and proceeded down river.

11.50am: Bar LV abeam.

12.50pm: Taku LV abeam.

4f5a8060a2fc8e092300151e: (

23 October 1922

At sea to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.15am: Howki Lt bg SE.

  2.06am: Same abeam, 0.75 miles.

10.00am: Anchored, Wei-hai-wei.

  1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded to No 1 buoy, to swing for compasses, assisted by SS Hesper.

4f5a8061a2fc8e092300151f: (

24 October 1922

Wei Hai

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.45am: Slipped and proceeded alongside pier for coal.

  8.50am: Landed foc’sle and QD awnings for scrubbing ashore.

  1.55pm: Furl and return awnings.

  3.20pm: Secured to buoy.

4f5a8061a2fc8e0923001520: (

25 October 1922

Wei-hai-wei and at sea for Shanghai

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance.

  4.10pm: Alceste I. abeam to starboard, 1.8 miles.

  7.55pm: SE Promontory Lt abeam.

4f5a8061a2fc8e0923001521: (

26 October 1922

At sea

Lat 35.2, Long 122.7 [approx]

  Courses 181º or 183º all day.

10.30pm: Passed and signalled SS Chip Shing, bound North.

4f5a8062a2fc8e0923001522: (

27 October 1922

At sea to Shanghai

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  1.40am: Shaweishan Lt bg S25W.

  5.25am: Same abeam, 5 cables.

  7.25am: Kintoan LV abeam. Proceeded up Yangtse.

  9.40am: Woosung entrance buoys abeam.

11.15am: Secured to British buoy, Shanghai.

11.45am: Secured fore and aft to French and British buoys.

  3.00pm: HMS Hawkins sailed.

4f5a8062a2fc8e0923001523: (

28 October 1922


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

4f5a8062a2fc8e0923001524: (

29 October 1922

Shanghai [Wei-hai-wei in log, bizarre error]

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Sunday routine.

4f5a8063a2fc8e0923001525: (

30 October 1922

Shanghai [Wei-hai-wei in log]

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  9.30am: Landed escort.

10.40am: Returned on board one PO and one Ldg Tel. under escort.

  5.20pm: Two coal lighters alongside.

4f5a8063a2fc8e0923001526: (

31 October 1922


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.00am: Dress ship with masthead ensigns [for the birthday of the Emperor of Japan].


[Shanghai, Ningpo, Amoy and Hong Kong]

All the pages for this month have been struck through, marked cancelled and initialled by Lt HGC Stevens.

The pages for 22nd to the 30th November are blank.

However, there is no reason to think that the pages up to the 22nd inc are invalid and from the 23rd onwards, Marazion was definitely at Hong Kong, as noted by other ships.

I have completed this month accordingly.

4f5a8063a2fc8e0923001527: (

1 November 1922


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  6.00am: Scrub decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Scrub decks.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.00pm: Water boat alongside.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

Weather: Light NW breezes, mostly clear skies, dry, 50º to 57º F.

4f5a8063a2fc8e0923001528: (

2 November 1922

Shanghai and at sea

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

10.30am: Hands employed taking in gear for return to Hong Kong.

  3.12pm: Slipped British buoy and proceeded down river.

  4.30pm: Entrance buoys abeam.

  9.00pm: Fairway Bell buoy abeam, a/c S3E.

10.27pm: Gutzlaff Lt abeam.

4f5a8064a2fc8e0923001529: (

3 November 1922

At sea to Ningpo

Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

  2.29am: Volcano Lt abeam.

  2.55am: Anchored.

  8.20am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.00am: Courses for entering and proceeding up Yung River.

12.20pm: Anchored.

12.25pm: Weighed and proceeded to mooring billet and anchored.

4f5a8064a2fc8e092300152a: (

4 November 1922


Lat 29.87, Long 121.56

     In am: Spread awnings.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a8064a2fc8e092300152b: (

5 November 1922

Ningpo and at sea for Amoy

Lat 29.6, Long 122.3 [approx]

  6.50am: Weighed, turned and proceeded down river.

  8.04am: Tiger I. abeam.

  8.14am: Various SE’ly courses.

11.25am: A/c S3E.

  1.05pm: Patchcock I. abeam.

  1.36pm: Heishan Lt bg S20W.

  2.45pm: A/c 210º.

  3.15pm: Heishan I. abeam 5 miles.

4f5a8065a2fc8e092300152c: (

6 November 1922

At sea to Amoy

Lat 24.9, Long 119.7 [approx]

  2.15am: Tung Yung Lt bg S50W.

  3.54am: Same abeam 13 miles.

  8.00am: Turnabout Lt bg West 7 miles.

10.53am: Ocksen abeam 1 mile.

  2.58pm: Dodd I. abeam 2 miles.

  4.45pm: Courses for entering Amoy harbour.

  5.10pm: Berthing officer onboard.

  5.25pm: Anchored.

4f5a8065a2fc8e092300152d: (

7 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  Hands variously employed. Make and mend in pm.

4f5a8065a2fc8e092300152e: (

8 November 1922

[9 November in log]


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  Painting the side.

4f5a8065a2fc8e092300152f: (

9 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

Identical to the transcription for yesterday, however they are at anchor in Amoy.

4f5a8066a2fc8e0923001530: (

10 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  Hands carry on painting the side.

4f5a8066a2fc8e0923001531: (

11 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  6.00am: Hands carry on painting the bottom line.

10.55am: Clear lower deck.

11.00am: Two minutes silence.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a8066a2fc8e0923001532: (

12 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  9.30am: Divisions and prayers.

4f5a8067a2fc8e0923001533: (

13 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a8067a2fc8e0923001534: (

14 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

     In am: Hands employed as requisite.

     In pm: Make and mend.

  5.00pm: POs and CPOs fall in aft. Read warrant.

4f5a8067a2fc8e0923001535: (

15 November 1922

From Amoy to Chimmo Bay

Lat 24.65, Long 118.7 [approx]

  6.15am: Weighed and proceeded to close HMS Titania.

  6.35am: Anchored. Surgeon Lt with two divers and pumps and gear came aboard.

  6.52am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.06am: Dodd I. abeam, 2.5 miles.

12.25pm: Courses for entering Chimmo Bay.

  1.12pm: Anchored.

4f5a8067a2fc8e0923001536: (

16 November 1922

Chimmo Bay to Huitau Bay

Lat 24.65, Long 118.67

  6.36am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.15am: Courses for returning to Chimmo Bay.

  8.15am: Anchored.

  1.25pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.54pm: Anchored in Huitau Bay.

4f5a8068a2fc8e0923001537: (

17 November 1922

Huitau Bay to Amoy

Lat 24.56, Long 118.51

12.45pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.35pm: Anchored in 9 fathoms.

4f5a8068a2fc8e0923001538: (

18 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  7.40am: Weighed and proceeded to Inner Harbour for coaling.

  8.07am: Secured to F buoy.

  4.20pm: Finished coaling. Washed down overall.

4f5a8068a2fc8e0923001539: (

19 November 1922


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  4.25pm: Slipped and proceeded to anchorage in Outer Harbour.

  4.54pm: Anchored.

4f5a8069a2fc8e092300153a: (

20 November 1922

Amoy and at sea for Hong Kong

Lat 23.5, Long 117.4 [approx]

  4.35am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  7.10am: Chapel I. abeam, 3.5 miles.

  2.30pm: Lammock Lt abeam, 3 miles.

  6.15pm: Breaker Point abeam, 7 miles.

10.45pm: Chilang Point Lt abeam.

4f5a8069a2fc8e092300153b: (

21 November 1922

At sea to Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.30am: Pedro Blanco abeam to port 3 miles.

  4.15am: Waglan Lt bg West.

  6.30am: Collinson Head Lt abeam.

  7.15am: Secured to No 13 buoy, HK harbour.

4f5a8069a2fc8e092300153c: (

22 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

23 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

No information available.

4caf8bb0cadfd3419703281d: ( 53-87624/ADM 53-87624-046_0.jpg) [HMS Titania]

24 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.35am: Sailed with HM S/ms L5 and L15 for exercises.

  1.20pm: Returned to harbour and secured to No 10 buoy.*

* Vide log of HMS Titania.

25 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

No information available.

26 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

No information available.

27 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

No information available.

4caf8bb0cadfd34197032821: ( 53-87624/ADM 53-87624-048_0.jpg) [HMS Titania]

28 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: Sailed with HM S/ms L3 and L9 for exercises.

  2.25pm: Returned to harbour and secured to No 10 buoy*.

* Vide log of HMS Titania.

29 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

No information available.

30 November 1922

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

No information available.

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Note explaining that pages 56-63 of the logbook have not been copied, presumably because they were blank.

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Above four pages blanks and covers.

[No logs included for December 1922]


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Blue front cover of Logbook for 1st January to 22nd December 1923.

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HMS Marazion

4th Submarine Flotilla, China.

For the period 1st January to 22nd December 1923

Tonnage. 800.

Length 220 feet.

Breadth. 28’ 6”.

Engines by Fleming & Ferguson of Paisley. 2,200 IHP. Reciprocating type, installed in 1919

Boilers by Galloway & Co, Manchester, Yarrow small tube type, made and installed 1919.

Screws by J Storm & Co, London, two four-bladed in good repair.

Page signed by Lt/Cdr RW Blacklock, in command.

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Printed page of instructions for logkeepers.

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Specification page.

Ship’s company.

Officers 4.

Seamen 32.

Engine room 37.

Others 7.

Total 80.


Aneroid barometer: Pastorelli & Rapkin, 6554.

Thermometers for air, mounted on fore bridge and screened: AC Cossor, 510 and 511.

Sea thermometer: TE Thompson.

Armament. One 6 pdr Hotchkiss on the quarterdeck.


One 20’ Motorboat.

Two 20’ cutter gigs.

One 13’ 6” skiff.

Four Carley floats.


Draught fully loaded, for’d 9’ 0”, aft 9’ 6”.

Bunkers. 180 tons of coal.

Water. 19.6 tons for boilers, 13 tons for drinking.

Page signed by Lt HGC Stevens, Navigating Officer.


[Hong Kong harbour and Mirs Bay]

4f5a806ea2fc8e092300154c: (

1 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Scrub decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  9.40am: Clear lower deck for general drill.

10.30am: Stand easy.

10.40am: Clean out first gig.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.00pm: Make and mend.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.00pm: Hoist skiff and slope awnings.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 4.

Weather: Various breezes, force 1-3, mostly cloudy, 60º to 69º F.

4f5a806fa2fc8e092300154d: (

2 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Hands employed as requisite.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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3 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3 [approx]

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded for exercises with submarine.

10.10am: Turned and closed HM S/m L7 on surface.

11.30am: Recovered two torpedoes.

12.30pm: Recovered third and fourth torpedoes. Courses for harbour.

  1.45pm: Secured to No 13 buoy.

  2.00pm: L7 made fast alongside. Hands employed hoisting out torpedoes.

  3.20pm: L7 shoved off.

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4 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting etc.

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5 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.30am: Discharged one Ldg Stoker to sick quarters on HMS Titania.

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6 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting etc. Make and mend in pm.

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7 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.30am: Muster by the open list at Divisions.

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8 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.30am: General drill. Exercised landing parties and sea boats’ crews.

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9 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting etc.

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10 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting etc.

10.00pm: Pipe down. Ship prepare for sea at one hour's notice, steam not to be raised.

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11 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


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12 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a8072a2fc8e0923001558: (

13 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.00pm: One Stoker returned from HMS Titania’s SQ and one AB returned from detention.

4f5a8072a2fc8e0923001559: (

14 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Japanese squadron sailed [a cruiser squadron in HK for a goodwill visit, consisting of HIJMS’ Idzumo, Iwate, and Asama].

11.40am: HMS Carlisle sailed. Clear lower deck and cheer ship*.

* Carlisle is leaving the station to pay off in Bombay.

4f5a8073a2fc8e092300155a: (

15 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: HMS’ Hollyhock, Bluebell and Foxglove sailed.

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16 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands working on the ship’s side.

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17 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a8074a2fc8e092300155d: (

18 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting bottom line etc.

4f5a8074a2fc8e092300155e: (

19 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


4f5a8074a2fc8e092300155f: (

20 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Scrub decks, make and mend.

4f5a8075a2fc8e0923001560: (

21 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Titania.

4f5a8075a2fc8e0923001561: (

22 January 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.10am: Coal lighter alongside.

  7.45am: HMS Durban in.

11.45am: Finished coaling, 40 tons received.

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23 January 1923

Hong Kong and Long Harbour

Lat 22.31, Long 114.38 [approx]

  9.25am: Slipped and proceeded for Mirs Bay with HMS Ambrose.

10.37am: Cape Collinson [aka Collinson Head] abeam, 4 cables.

11.45am: Steep Cliff Hd abeam, ½ mile.

     In pm: NW’ly courses with Ambrose and HM S/m L7 for torpedo practice with same.

  2.22pm: Courses to enter Long Harbour.

  2.53pm: Anchored and hoisted out torpedoes into L7 alongside.

  5.06pm: Weighed and proceeded to close Ambrose and anchor.

4f5a8076a2fc8e0923001563: (

24 January 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  9.22am: Weighed and proceeded for exercises.

  Various courses and speeds throughout the day, recovering torpedoes from HM S/ms L1 and L7.

  3.00pm: Courses to enter Tolo Channel and Plover Cove.

  3.47pm: Anchored and L7 secured alongside.

  4.40pm: L7 cast off and proceeded.

  6.12pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.29pm: Returned to anchorage [in Plover Cove].

  6.52pm: Anchored.

4f5a8076a2fc8e0923001564: (

25 January 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  7.00am: Weighed and proceeded to Long Harbour.

  7.56am: Anchored in White Cove.

10.05am: Weighed and proceeded into Mirs Bay. Courses and speeds to exercise with HM S/ms L7 and L20.

12.40pm: Courses for Plover Cove.

  1.30pm: Anchored and hoisted out torpedoes.

  2.55pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.00pm: Anchored in Double Haven. L1 secured alongside. Hoisted out torpedo to same.

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26 January 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  7.50am: HM S/m L1 cast off.

  9.30am: Weighed and proceeded into Mirs Bay for exercises with submarines.

  1.12pm: Anchored in Long Harbour. HM S/m L7 secured alongside, Hoisted out torpedoes.

4f5a8077a2fc8e0923001566: (

27 January 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.45, Long 114.35

  6.30am: HM S/m L7 cast off.

  2.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.38pm: Anchored in Plover Cove.

  5.30pm: Cdr Ward left ship and Lt/Cdr Rushbrooke joined [in temporary command].

  7.30pm: HM S/m L1 sailed for Long Harbour.

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28 January 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.45, Long 114.35

  6.34am: Weighed and proceeded.

  7.00am: Anchored in Long Harbour.

  Sunday routine.

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29 January 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.45, Long 114.25

  8.32am: Weighed and proceeded to Tolo Channel.

10.05am: Anchored in Plover Cove.

  1.15pm: Refitting boats’ falls and torpedo picking-up gear.

  4.10pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  4.40pm: Anchored in Tolo Harbour.

  5.15pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.38pm: Anchored in Long Harbour.

4f5a8078a2fc8e0923001569: (

30 January 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  7.42am: Weighed and proceeded.

  8.55am: Anchored in Tolo Harbour.

  9.43am: Weighed and proceeded.

10.20am: Anchored in Plover Cove.

10.52am: Weighed and proceeded for exercises with HM S/ms L1, L7 and L20.

  2.40pm: Proceeded for Tolo Channel and Plover Cove.

  4.00pm: Secured alongside HMS Ambrose. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  4.10pm: L20 secured alongside.

  4.15pm: Discharged one Stoker to Ambrose SQ.

  5.15pm: L20 cast off.

  5.25pm: Cast off and proceeded in company with L20.

  6.37pm: Anchored in White Cove, L20 secured alongside.

4f5a8078a2fc8e092300156a: (

31 January 1923

White Cove

Lat 22.47, Long 114.33

  6.30am: HM S/m L20 cast off and proceeded.

     In pm: Make and mend.


[Hong Kong, Manila, Hong Kong]

4f5a8079a2fc8e092300156b: (

1 February 1923

White Cove

Lat 22.47, Long 114.33

  6.45am: Rig torpedo chocks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  9.00am: Lower second gig. Paint in bottom line.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Paint bottom line and refit boats’ gripes*.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters. Hoist boats.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 6.

Weather: Winds N by W, force 2-4, clear skies, 50º to 60º F.

* The fittings that hold the boat securely in place when at sea.

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2 February 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.44, Long 114.34 [approx]

  8.52am: Weighed and proceeded out of Long Harbour.

  9.15am: Port I. abeam ½ mile.

10.35am: Steep Cliff Hd abeam ½ mile. Took station 2 cables astern of HMS Ambrose.

  2.40pm: Anchored in Rocky Harbour.

  5.43pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.15pm: Anchored South of Shelter I. [Port Shelter]

4f5a8079a2fc8e092300156d: (

3 February 1923

Port Shelter to Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.55am: Weighed and proceeded, took up station 2 cables astern of HMS Ambrose.

10.25am: Cape Collinson abeam, 4 cables.

11.10am: Secured to No 13 buoy.

  1.25pm: Monthly payment to hands.

4f5a807aa2fc8e092300156e: (

4 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.45am: Discharged one Ldg Sn to HMS Titania (sick).

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5 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.45am: Coaling junk alongside.

  3.30pm: Finished coaling, 40 tons.

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6 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.30pm: One AB (absentee) rejoined.

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7 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a807ba2fc8e0923001572: (

8 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.45am: HMS Durban docked.

10.00am: Discharged one AB to HMS Titania (sick).

  2.40pm: French sloop Craonne arrived.

4f5a807ba2fc8e0923001573: (

9 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: HM S/ms L7 and L20 secured alongside.

11.15am: HM S/m L33 secured alongside L20.

  1.20pm: L20 cast off.

4f5a807ba2fc8e0923001574: (

10 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: HM S/ms L7 and L33 cast off and proceeded to HMS Titania.

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11 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.30pm: HMS Petersfield sailed.

4f5a807ca2fc8e0923001576: (

12 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Discharged one AB to HMS Titania (sick).

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13 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.00pm: HM S/ms L7, L20 and L33 sailed.

  4.15pm: HMS Titania sailed.

4f5a807ca2fc8e0923001578: (

14 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.05am: HMS’ Diomede and Tarantula and VGRF Colmar sailed.

11.30am: HMS Titania arrived with tugs*.

12.10pm: Commenced coaling from lighters.

  2.50pm: HM S/ms L7, L20 and L33 in.

  6.00pm: Finished coaling, 90 tons.

* Titania broke down on the previous day and the tugs mentioned are Poet Chaucer and St Monance, vide Titania’s log.

4f5a807da2fc8e0923001579: (

15 February 1923

Hong Kong and at sea

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.45am: Shifted from buoy to dockside with tugs.

10.30am: Captain CS Benning [Captain S and Captain of HMS Titania] came onboard and assumed command for the trip to Manila .

12.15pm: Joined for passage: Lt GG Slade RN, two Ldg Sn, one Ldg Stoker, three ABs, two Stokers and one EA.

  2.00pm: Discharged one Ldg Sn to HMS Titania sick quarters.

  2.30pm: Cast off and proceeded to sea, courses SSE.

4f5a807da2fc8e092300157a: (

16 February 1923

At sea

Lat 19.24, Long 117.42

SE’ly courses all day.

4f5a807da2fc8e092300157b: (

17 February 1923

At sea to Mariveles Harbour

Lat 15.28, Long 119.85

12.45am: Reduced to 11 knots, submarines took station astern.

  7.00am: A/c S33E (m).

  2.04pm: Capones I. Lt abeam, 0.9 miles.

  3.10pm: A/c S37E (m).

  6.10pm: Courses to enter Mariveles Harbour.

  6.23pm: Anchored.

  8.10pm: HM S/m L33 arrived.

4f5a807ea2fc8e092300157c: (

18 February 1923

Mariveles to Manila

Lat 14.6, Long 120.94

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  9.00am: Courses to enter Manila Harbour. American OOG boarded.

  9.12am: Secured to buoy.

  9.40am: HM S/ms L7, L20 and L33 secured alongside.

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19 February 1923


Lat 14.6, Long 120.94

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a807ea2fc8e092300157e: (

20 February 1923


Lat 14.6, Long 120.94

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a807ea2fc8e092300157f: (

21 February 1923


Lat 14.6, Long 120.94

  6.40am: HM S/m L33 cast off and anchored. Coaling lighter secured alongside.

11.30am: Finished coaling, 40 tons. L33 secured alongside.

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22 February 1923


Lat 14.6, Long 120.94

  8.00am: Dress ship overall [for George Washington’s birthday].

  6.04pm: Undress ship.

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23 February 1923


Lat 14.6, Long 120.94

  1.30pm: Leave to watch till 2.30 am.

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24 February 1923

Manila and at sea

Lat 14.41, Long 120.45

  7.50am: Watch unshackle. HM S/m L33 cast off.

  8.25am: Slipped and proceeded, HM S/ms L7, L20 and L33 in company.

12.30pm: Luzon Point abeam, 1.5 miles.

  4.05pm: Capones Lt abeam, 4 miles.

4f5a8080a2fc8e0923001583: (

25 February 1923

At sea

Lat 17.08, Long 118.08

Course 330º all day.

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26 February 1923

At sea

Lat 19.83, Long 115.5

NW’ly courses all day. NNE winds increasing during the day to gale force 8 by 8.00pm, with correspondingly high seas.

4f5a8080a2fc8e0923001585: (

27 February 1923

At sea to Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.00am: Waglan Lt bg N20W, 38 miles.

  6.20am: Cape Collinson abeam, 0.25 miles.

  7.20am: Secured to No 13 buoy, HK harbour.

  9.00am: Discharged ratings lent for passage to HMS Titania [see 15th February. Marazion has had 9 on the sick list for some time, out of a complement of 80].

10.00am: Lt/Cdr Rushbrooke resumed command.

  1.30pm: Two Ldg Sn and two Stokers rejoined from SQ on HMS Titania, also one AB (not sick).

  8.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to Titania SQ.

4f5a8081a2fc8e0923001586: (

28 February 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands variously employed.


[Hong Kong inc. dry dock]

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1 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Scrub decks.

  7.30am: Cleaning quarters.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Lower 2nd gig and paint bottom line.

11.45am: Monthly payment.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Carry on painting bottom line.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 6.

Weather: Light breezes, South or East, cloudy at first clearing in the afternoon, 56º to 61º F.

4f5a8081a2fc8e0923001588: (

2 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Coaled from lighter, 20 tons.

12.30pm: One Stoker rejoined from SQ, HMS Titania.

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3 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

4f5a8082a2fc8e092300158a: (

4 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. Church parties etc.

4f5a8082a2fc8e092300158b: (

5 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.25am: HMS Iroquois arrived.

10.00am: General drill. Exercised landing parties and fire stations.

12.30pm: One AB rejoined from SQ, HMS Titania.

4f5a8083a2fc8e092300158c: (

6 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8083a2fc8e092300158d: (

7 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8083a2fc8e092300158e: (

8 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.45am: Hands getting out ammunition into lighter alongside.

10.00am: Lighter to yard.

12.30pm: VGRF Craonne arrived.

4f5a8083a2fc8e092300158f: (

9 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Coaled ship, 10 tons. Overhauled sounding machine and gear.

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10 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  2.00pm: Landed football party.

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11 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Titania.

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12 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: All boats left ship to boat camber.

10.30am: Slipped and proceeded with tugs into dock [they are sharing the dock with HMS Iroquois.]

11.15am: Dinner.

12.30pm: Hands to clean bottom [always the first task in dry dock, before the marine growth on the hull can set hard].

4f5a8085a2fc8e0923001593: (

13 March 1923

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.15am: Hands fall in, employed ranging cable in bottom of dock.

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14 March 1923

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a8086a2fc8e0923001595: (

15 March 1923

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands refitting etc.

12.30pm: One Ldg Stoker joined ship from England.

  5.00pm: One AB rejoined from HMS Titania.

4f5a8086a2fc8e0923001596: (

16 March 1923

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.15am: Hands employed marking, red-leading and restowing cable.

  2.00pm: One AB rejoined from RNH.

4f5a8086a2fc8e0923001597: (

17 March 1923

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Saturday routine. One AB rejoined from HMS Titania’s SQ.

4f5a8087a2fc8e0923001598: (

18 March 1923

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. C of Es to HMS Titania.

4f5a8087a2fc8e0923001599: (

19 March 1923

[20 March in log]

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Landed range party with Lewis gun. Remainder refitting etc.

4f5a8087a2fc8e092300159a: (

20 March 1923

Hong Kong (dry dock)

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Range party left ship.

4f5a8088a2fc8e092300159b: (

21 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: Commenced flooding dock.

  9.30am: HMS Iroquois undocked.

10.45am: Proceeded in tow out of dock and secured alongside Iroquois.

4f5a8088a2fc8e092300159c: (

22 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Range party left ship.

  1.15pm: Returned Carley floats and both ladders for survey and repair.

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23 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Refit continues. Received 5 tons of coal for culinary purposes. Returned collision mat and drew new replacement.

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24 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite. Make and mend in the pm.

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25 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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26 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Rig mess on foc’sle.

  8.15am: Painting mess decks.

  9.30am: Proceeded with tugs to West arm of West wall.

12.30pm: One AB discharged to HMS Titania’s SQ. One Ldg Stoker retained in Titania.

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27 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Landed range party, remainder refitting and employed on anchor cable. One AB discharged to HMS Titania’s SQ.

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28 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting etc.

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29 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Landed range party. Remainder returning anchors, painting mess decks, striking down victualling stores etc. One AB discharged to HMS Titania’s SQ.

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30 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine [for Good Friday].

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31 March 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Saturday. Scrub decks, make and mend.


[Hong Kong]

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1 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

Easter Sunday.

  7.45am: Breakfast.

  8.30am: Clear up decks.

  9.30am: Divisions. RC and NC church parties fall in.

  9.40am: Pipe down.

  9.45am: Landed C of E party.

11.15am: Church parties returned.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.30pm: Leave to the watch till 7.00am.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 3.

Weather: Light airs, dry, 68º to 76º F.

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2 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Landed range party. Remainder painting, refitting etc.

     In pm: Make and mend. Paid monthly payment.

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3 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting mess decks etc.

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4 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.15pm: Discharged one PO to HMS Titania, sick.

  2.45pm: Proceeded with tug St Monance to North wall inside basin.

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5 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Refit continues.

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6 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.30am: HMS Tarantula sailed, flying flag of the Commodore [at this time, Captain HE Grace].

  6.30pm: Tarantula returned.

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7 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30pm: HMS Moorhen arrived and secured alongside.

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8 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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9 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: Coal tallying party left ship.

  8.15am: Hands returning old canvas and drawing new from yard.

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10 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.15am: Coal lighters alongside. Commenced coaling.

11.15am: HMS Tarantula sailed.

12.15pm: Discharged two ABs and one Stoker to HMS Titania’s sick quarters.

  2.45pm: Completed with coal, received 180 tons.

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11 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Clean the side and upper deck paintwork.

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12 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: HMS Moorhen sailed.

  1.30pm: HMS Tarantula arrived.

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13 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Joined ship in command, Lt/Cdr RW Blacklock, RN.

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14 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Vaisseaux de Guerre Victor Hugo and Jules Michelet arrived.

12.15pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Titania’s sick quarters and two ABs returned from same.

12.30pm: Discharged one Ldg Sn, one Ldg Stoker and three Stokers to HMS Tamar for passage to England. Three Stokers joined from Titania (lent).

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15 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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16 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Hands stowing canvas gear below, painting down aloft, red-leading.

  9.20am: Commenced basin trial.

10.35am: Completed trial.

12.15pm: One AB returned from SQ.

  2.10pm: Cast off and proceeded to No 13 buoy.

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17 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.50am: Tug secured and swung ship for compasses.

  9.20am: HMS Ambrose sailed with HM S/ms L7, L4 and L19 in company.

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18 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.55am: VGRFs Victor Hugo and Jules Michelet sailed.

10.30am: Ammunition lighter alongside. Embarked and struck down ammunition.

12.15pm: Discharged one AB to SQ.

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19 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting Captain’s lobby and scrubbing out magazine.

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20 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.15am: Tug secured and swung for compasses.

  2.20pm: French sloop Altair sailed.

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21 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

7.20am: USS Helena sailed.

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22 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  9.15am: Muster by the Open List.

  Page signed by Lt/Cdr RW Blacklock.

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23 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

10.00am: Landed party to draw Carley floats.

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24 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


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25 April 1923

HK harbour to Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  9.13am: Slipped and proceeded.

  9.52am: C Collinson abeam, 3 cables.

10.50am: Steep Cliff Hd abeam, 2 cables. Courses NE’ly.

11.57am: HM S/m L5 surface during attack.

  1.34pm: L5 fired 3 torpedoes.

  1.41pm: Hoisted in torpedoes.

  2.35pm: Courses entering Double Haven, HM S/ms L2 and L5 in company.

  2.53pm: Anchored. L5 secured alongside, hoisted out torpedoes. L2 secured alongside L5.

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26 April 1923

Mirs Bay

Lat 22.5, Long 114.4 [approx]

  8.00am: Dress ship, mast heads [for Prince Albert's wedding to Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon].

  9.15am: Weighed and proceeded courses for leaving Double Haven.

Various courses for exercises with HM S/ms L2, L5 and L8, dummy attacks and 1” target firing.

  2.40pm: Courses for entering Tolo Channel and Tolo Harbour.

  3.51pm: Anchored. L5 and L2 secured alongside starboard side.

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27 April 1923

Mirs Bay and HK harbour

Lat 22.2, Long 114.3 [approx]

  8.30am: Submarines proceeded.

  8.45am: Weighed and proceeded up Tolo Channel.

  9.58am: Various SE’ly courses for torpedo exercises with HM S/ms L2 and L5.

     Noon: Course S57W with submarines in company.

  1.00pm: A/c N30W for HK harbour.

  1.58pm: Secured alongside North arm outside basin. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  4.45pm: HMS Iroquois arrived.

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28 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Saturday. Scrub decks. Make and mend.

  Discharged one Ldg Stoker and one Stoker to SQ, HMS Titania.

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29 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

  Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

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30 April 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed painting etc.

  5.30pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Iroquois and one AB joined from same.


[Hong Kong, Amoy and Shanghai]

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1 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 [approx]

  6.15am: Fall in, prepare for sea, rig torpedo gear etc.

  7.40am: Special duty men close up.

  7.46am: Cast off from wall and proceeded [through West entrance].

  8.10am: Various SE’ly courses into Lama Channel [probably East Lamma Channel is intended] for exercises with HM S/ms L2 and L5.

11.50am: Stopped, hoisted in torpedoes.

12.02pm: Proceeded into Chik Chui Wan anchorage and anchored.

12.30pm: L5 secured alongside. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  1.16pm: Shortened in. L5 cast off.

  1.20pm: Weighed and proceeded to return to harbour, 14 knots.

  2.22pm: Secured to N arm, N wall outside basin.

  3.00pm: Clear up decks.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch until 7.00am.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 8.

Weather: Variable Easterly wind up to force 3, cloudy, rain at midnight, temperatures in the low 70ºs F.

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2 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.28, Long 114.11 [approx]

  9.15am: Cast off from wall and proceeded [through West entrance].

10.00am: Various courses exercising with HM S/m L5 in Lama Channel.

12.17pm: Green I. Lt abeam. Courses for entering harbour.

12.46pm: Secured to No 13 buoy.

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3 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.10am: Coal lighters alongside.

     Noon: Completed with coal, received 100 tons.

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4 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.55am: Slipped and proceeded with tugs into the basin and secured to North wall.

12.15pm: One SPO and one Stoker returned from HMS Titania’s SQ.

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5 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to SQ, HMS Titania.

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6 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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7 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.00am: Dressed ship overall [Accession Day*].

  1.55pm: Cast off with tugs and returned to No 13 buoy.

  6.45pm: Undressed ship.

* The anniversary of HM the King’s accession to the throne, always marked enthusiastically in the Navy because King George was a serving officer until 1892. He reached the rank of Commander and commanded HMS Melampus before the death of his brother placed him in direct line to the throne. Usually celebrated on the 6th of May, but the Royal Navy does not as a rule dress ship on a Sunday.

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8 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.24, Long 114.23 [approx]

  8.00am: Slipped and proceeded West for torpedo exercises with HM S/m L5.

  9.02am: Various courses and speeds in Lama Channel, acting as target for torpedo attacks and recovering torpedoes.

11.34am: Anchored in Chik Chui Wan, L5 secured alongside. Hoisted out torpedoes.

12.45pm: L5 cast off.

12.50pm: Weighed and proceeded to return to HK harbour.

  2.01pm: Secured to No 13 buoy.

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9 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.23, Long 114.13 [approx]

  8.00am: Slipped and proceeded West for torpedo exercises with HM S/m L5.

  8.45am: Various courses and speeds in Lama Channel, acting as target for torpedo attacks and recovering torpedoes.

     Noon: Courses to return to HK harbour.

12.53pm: Secured to No 13 buoy.

  2.30pm: Hoisted out torpedoes into lighter.

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10 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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11 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting the side. One Ldg Stoker returned from SQ on HMS Titania.

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12 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.00am: HMS Ambrose in with HM S/ms L4, L7 and L19.

11.00am: Mr Elliot, Gunner RN, joined ship.

12.30pm: Discharged one SPO and one AB to SQ, HMS Titania.

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13 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.30am: HMS Hawkins arrived.

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14 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.30pm: Discharged one Ldg Tel. to SQ HMS Titania and one SPO rejoined from same.

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15 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

11.00am: HM S/ms L4 and L7 secured alongside.

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16 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.45, Long 113.9

  6.15am: HM S/ms L7 and L4 cast off.

  7.25am: Slipped and proceeded by Western entrance.

  7.42am: Courses as requisite for passing through Kap Sing Mun.

  9.03am: Courses as requisite for entering Deep Bay [now Shenzhen Wan].

  9.16am: Anchored. Landed officer and two ratings for observation purposes.

     In pm: Make and mend.

  8.00pm: Placed Foc’sle and QD armed sentries.

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17 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.37, Long 113.90 [approx]

  5.15am: Sentries taken off duty.

  5.35am: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.16am: Courses to enter Castle Peak Bay.

  6.34am: Anchored.

10.20am: Weighed and proceeded, various courses up the coast and back to Deep Bay.

  1.55pm: Anchored, Deep Bay.

  8.00pm: Placed forebridge sentry.

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18 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  5.00am: Sentry taken off duty.

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded.

  9.20am: Passing through Kap Sing Mun.

10.27am: Secured to No 13 buoy.

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19 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.30pm: One Ldg Sn joined from HMS Ambrose.

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20 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. Landed church parties etc.

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21 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Chipping and painting.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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22 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.30am: Coal lighters alongside.

  1.45pm: Completed with coal, received 95 tons.

  2.00pm: One AB returned to duty from HMS Titania.

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23 May 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.30pm: Three Stokers and one AB joined ship, lent by HMS Ambrose [Marazion has 8 on the sick list, 10% of the ship’s company].

  5.00pm: Discharged Mr OH White, Gunner RN, to HMS Tamar for passage to England.

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24 May 1923

Hong Kong and at sea

Lat 22.35, Long 114.93

  5.30am: HM S/ms L4, L5, L7 and L19 (and L2 for exercises) left harbour.

  7.30am: Slipped and proceeded and took station astern of HMS Ambrose.

  8.35am: Waglan Lt abeam to starboard, 2.5 miles.

  9.00am: Zigzagging through exercise area.

12.20pm: Exercise complete, course 072º.

  8.10pm: Breaker Pt Lt bg 040º.

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25 May 1923

At sea to Amoy

Lat 23.93, Long 118.13

  9.45am: Carried out manoeuvring exercises with submarines, (negative L5).

  1.56pm: Chapel I. abeam, 1.5 miles.

  3.58pm: Courses to enter Amoy outer harbour.

  5.03pm: Anchored.

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26 May 1923


Lat 24.48, Long 118.1

  3.15pm: Leave to POs and above until 6.45pm.

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27 May 1923

Amoy and at sea

Lat 24.73, Long 119.08

  1.30am: Submarines cast off from HMS Ambrose to anchor.

  5.30am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  7.15am: Course 073º.

  8.31am: Dodd I. [now Beiding Dao] abeam, 3.5 miles, a/c 053º.

  2.03pm: Ocksen Lt abeam to port, 4.3 miles.

  7.00pm: Stopped and discharged S/Lt Simpson* RN to HM S/m L15.

11.21pm: Tung Yung Lt abeam, 4 miles.

* GWG Simpson was probably an Acting Lieutenant at this point and is taking command of L15 at the age of 22.

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28 May 1923

At sea

Lat 28.17, Long 121.9

Course 033º.

  5.00pm: Stopped and took on fresh provisions from HMS Ambrose. Lt White of the King’s Regiment joined for passage to Shanghai.

11.50pm: Tongting Lt abeam, 9 miles.

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29 May 1923

At sea to Shanghai

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  2.22am: Steep I. abeam 2 cables, a/c 346.

  6.57am: Gutzlaff I. abeam, 3 miles.

  7.56am. Fairway Bell buoy abeam.

  8.45am: Passed Tungsha LV, Kintoan LV, Middle Ground, SE Knoll, Blockhouse buoy and Entrance buoy proceeding up the Yangtse estuary.

10.57am: Courses up Whangpoo River.

12.20pm: Anchored and moored, Shanghai.

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30 May 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

11.37am: Weighed and proceeded to British Naval buoys.

11.50am: Secured to same. Watch employed passing telephone cable.

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31 May 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Coaled ship from lighters, received 100 tons.


[Shanghai and Wei-hai-wei]

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1 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  6.15am: Clean the side.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Hands cleaning down aloft and the side.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Clear lower deck for monthly payment.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch till 7.00am.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters. Hoist gig.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 8.

Weather: Light NE’ly airs, dry, some cloud, 63º to 75º F.

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2 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.00am: Dress ship overall [tomorrow, a Sunday, is the King’s birthday].

  4.30pm: VGRF Colmar arrived.

  6.55pm: Undress ship.

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3 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Sunday routine.

  Discharged one AB to general hospital. One absentee (35¾ hours) returned onboard.

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4 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

11.30am: Paraded guard to receive Consul-General*.

12.30pm: Guard paraded, Consul-General landed.

  3.40pm: USS Ajax sailed.

* At this time Sir Sidney Barton.

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5 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5


  3.00pm: Leave to the cricket team.

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6 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  One Ldg Stoker discharged to general hospital.

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7 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  7.30am: Slipped and proceeded to moor to USN buoys.

  1.30pm: HMS Petersfield arrived, flying C-in-C’s flag*.

* At this time Admiral Sir Arthur Leveson.

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8 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Hands employed as requisite.

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9 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

     In am: Clean the side.

     In pm: Make and mend.

  5.30pm: HMS Hollyhock arrived.

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10 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Sunday routine.

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11 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.45am: Four Japanese destroyers arrived.

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12 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Painting bridge screens etc.

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13 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

10.00am: Three Japanese destroyers sailed.

  2.00pm: Slipped stern wires and swung to tide by cable.

  3.30pm: Secured to French Naval buoy.

  5.00pm: USS General Alava arrived.

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14 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  7.10am: HMS Petersfield, C-in-C flag, sailed.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded to British Naval Buoy.

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15 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  5.30am: USS General Alava sailed.

  6.15am: Commenced coaling from lighter.

  9.15am: Placed two ratings in safe custody, deserters from HMS Hawkins.

  9.40am: Completed with coal, received 50 tons.

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16 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

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17 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Sunday routine.

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18 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Painting the side.

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19 June 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  9.00am: Joined for disposal, one PO (GL3), one PO (Plumber) and one Stoker. Joined ship, three stokers.

  1.15pm: Landed funeral firing party.

  2.20pm: USS Villalobos arrived.

  2.30pm: Funeral party landed.

  5.30pm: Funeral party returned.

  6.00pm: Discharged to HMS Cricket for HMS Hollyhock, one PO (GL3).

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20 June 1923

Shanghai and at sea

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  9.45am: Discharged two deserters from HMS Hawkins, escorted to HMS Cricket.

10.00am: One rating joined for passage to HMS Ambrose.

11.50am: Ratings on sick list in general hospital returned onboard for passage North [there are 13 ratings on the sick list, a very high number for a small ship].

  1.10pm: HMS Petersfield arrived, C-in-C flag.

  2.00pm: Slipped and proceeded down river.

  3.41pm: Entrance buoy abeam. Course N15W, 12 knots.

  4.09pm: West Spit buoy abeam, a/c N50E.

  4.22pm: A/c S75E.

  4.40pm: Crossing buoy abeam, a/c N79E.

  5.08pm: Eastern entrance buoy abeam, a/c S59E.

[The Yangtse Estuary opposite the entrance to the Whangpoo River is split by an island and Marazion has gone North about it to leave by the Eastern channel.]

  6.00pm: Drinkwater LV abeam.

  6.47pm: Drinkwater buoy abeam.

  7.39pm: Shaweishan Lt abeam to port, 1.4 miles.

  7.45pm: A/c 004º. Streamed patent log.

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21 June 1923

At sea

Lat 34.53, Long 122.53 DR

Various courses, all East of North throughout the day. Strong easterly winds up to f7 and rain in the middle of the day with correspondingly high seas.

  8.00am: Pos. 33º 48’N, 122º 29’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35º 38’N, 122º 38’E.

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22 June 1923

At sea to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 37.5, Long 122.18 [approx]

In soundings throughout the early morning.

  5.00am: Sighted Shantung promontory.

  7.25am: NE Promontory abeam, 8 miles.

  8.00am: Dressed ship, masthead flags [Coronation Day].

10.00am: Closed HMS St Breock.

10.59am: HM S/m L19 fired four torpedoes, turned to recover same.

11.40am: Proceeded through eastern entrance, Wei-hai-wei.

12.34pm: Anchored. L19 secured alongside.

  2.10pm: Hoist out torpedoes.

  3.00pm: Discharged to HMS Ambrose SQ one Ldg Tel. and one Stoker and five ratings from Shanghai general hospital. Returned from Ambrose SQ, one PO and one Ldg Tel. Discharged one Stoker from HMS Cricket to Ambrose.

  4.30pm: L19 cast off. Weighed and proceeded to No 2 buoy and secured to same. Discharged one PO Plumber and one Stoker to HMS Durban.

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23 June 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend. One Stoker returned from HMS Ambrose SQ.

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24 June 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Ambrose for service. NC party landed.

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25 June 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

6.43am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coal. Collided with South end of iron pier.

12.45pm: Hands employed rigging jury* mast on pier.

* A temporary mast; perhaps they damaged a flagstaff when colliding with the pier earlier.

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26 June 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: HMS Despatch [Dispatch in log] sailed for exercises.

  2.00pm: Leave to cricket team*.

* From a crew of 80 and with 12 on the sick list, Marazion can still put out a cricket team!

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27 June 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.25 [approx]

  9.05am: Slipped and proceeded via Western entrance for submarine exercises with HM S/ms L4, L5, L7 and L19.

  2.00pm: Returned to harbour by Eastern entrance.

  2.56pm: Anchored.

  3.14pm: Shifted berth to anchor West of HMS Ambrose. L4 and L7 secured alongside. Hoisted out 2 torpedoes to each.

  4.46pm: Weighed and proceeded to return to No 2 buoy.

  5.00pm: One Stoker returned from Ambrose SQ.

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28 June 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

  9.03am: Slipped and proceeded East for flotilla firing practice, 7 cables astern of target [Marazion is probably tasked with observing fall of shot]. Flotilla carried out long range shoot.

11.33am: Returned to harbour via West entrance.

  1.28pm: Secured to No 3 buoy.

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29 June 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  5.00am: HMS Carlisle arrived.

  8.40am: HMS’ Hollyhock and Petersfield arrived.

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30 June 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Saturday in harbour. Scrub decks, spread awnings, make and mend. Discharged one Stoker to HMS Ambrose SQ.

  5.00pm: Optional hands to bathe.



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1 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  A typical harbour Sunday.

  6.30am: Fall in. Lower skiff. Brightwork stations.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.45am: Clear up decks.

  9.00am. Land church parties.

  9.30am: Divisions, rounds.

10.10am: Pipe down.

10.50am: Church parties returned.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.30pm: Leave to watch untl 9.30pm.

  4.00pm: Tea.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters. Optional hands to bathe.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 12.

Weather: Various light breezes, blue skies, 69º to 75º F.

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2 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.15am: Clear lower deck for general drill. Furl all awnings and away kedge anchor in 1st gig.

11.30am: Secure, replace all gear.

     In pm: Rig side screens, booms etc. Paid monthly money. Optional hands to bathe.

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3 July 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

  7.00am: Discharged one Sig to HMS Titania, sick. One Shipwright joined ship, lent from HMS Ambrose.

10.52am: Slipped and proceeded through Eastern entrance.

  1.10pm: Closed Titania, then proceeded 2.5 cables astern of same.

  2.33pm: Recovered torpedoes fired by HM S/ms L4, L19 and L7.

  5.05pm: Returned to harbour by Western entrance.

  5.45pm: Anchored. HM S/ms L19 and L7 alongside. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  7.40pm: Submarines cast off.

  8.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to No 3 buoy.

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4 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.30am: Discharged one Tel. to HMS Ambrose, sick.

  1.10pm: Landed one Ldg Sn and two ABs for work on iron pier.

  2.30pm: One Ldg Tel. and one Stoker returned from SQ.

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5 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.45am: Hands muster bags etc.

  2.00pm: One Stoker, one AB and one Sig. joined from HMS Titania. One Stoker discharged to HMS Ambrose.

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6 July 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.21 [approx]

  8.25am: Hoisted flag of C-in-C. Slipped and proceeded through Eastern entrance. Northerly courses on port quarter of HM S/m L19 to observe firing.

  9.15am: A/c to intercept HMS Carlisle entering harbour.

  9.51am: Assumed station astern of Carlisle.

10.08am: A/c to search for damaged torpedo. Dropped mark buoy. C-in-C transferred to HM S/m L4.

12.07pm: Lowered seaboat and brought Commander (G) from L19. Continued search.

  1.20pm: Transferred Commander (G) to HM S/m L7 and proceeded to close Carlisle.

  2.58pm: HM S/m L5 fired three torpedoes. Dropped mark buoy. Proceeded to pick up L19’s torpedoes.

  5.25pm: Passed sweep wire to HM S/m L3 and commenced sweeping.

  5.37pm: Torpedo surfaced, lowered seaboat, L5 slipped sweep and hoisted damaged torpedo.

  5.56pm: Proceeded to search for first mark buoy.

  6.47pm: Returned to harbour and secured to No 3 buoy [the mark buoy was recorded as lost].

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7 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Hoisted out torpedoes and spread awnings.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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8 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Church parties etc.

     In pm: Hoisted skiff, capsized.

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9 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.15am: General drill. Furl all awnings, away all boats, fire stations, collision stations.

11.20am: Respread awnings and replace gear.

  2.00pm: Discharged one AB and two Stokers to HMS Ambrose. Two ABs and one Stoker joined from HMS Titania.

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10 July 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.2 [approx]

  6.40am: HMS Hawkins in.

  8.15am: Slipped and proceeded to sea via Eastern entrance.

  8.36am: Closed HMS Carlisle and proceeded 3 cables astern of same.

  9.23am: Stopped and dropped mark buoy, proceeded N65E.

  9.55am: Slowed to examine HM S/m L4’s torpedoes.

10.22am: Recovered L4’s torpedoes.

11.35am: Passed sweep to HM S/m L7 and commenced sweeping.

12.10pm: L7 slipped sweep, lowered seaboat and hoisted damaged torpedo.

12.48pm: Hoisted seaboat and returned to harbour via Western entrance.

  1.20pm: Captain “S” left ship.

  1.55pm: Secured to No 3 buoy. Hoisted out torpedoes.

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11 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.45am: Spread foc’sle awning, rigged side screens.

12.15pm: One AB returned from HMS Titania SQ.

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12 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.24 [approx]

  8.55am: Slipped and proceeded to sea to recover torpedoes.

12.30pm: Sun I. abeam

12.40pm: Secured to No 3 buoy. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  1.45pm: Discharged three Stokers to HMS Titania.

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13 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.25am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coal.

10.50am: Returned to No 3 buoy.

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14 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed. Make and mend in pm.

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15 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Durban.

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16 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Exercised landing parties. Hands painting wardroom and cleaning out mine-sweeping store.

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17 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

   Painting etc.

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18 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed in wardroom flat and mine-sweeping store.

10.30am: Discharged to HMS Titania’s books; three Stokers sick in Titania and three Stokers lent and placed on ship’s books.

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19 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed in wardroom flat and mine-sweeping store.

  8.40am: Ship placed in charge of C & M* party from HMS Carlisle and ship’s company landed.

11.00am: Ship’s company returned.

11.30am: C & M party left ship.

* Care and Maintenance. I don’t know what this was for and Carlisle’s log doesn’t mention it.

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20 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Restowing gear in mine-sweeping store.

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21 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed. Make and mend in pm.

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22 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Church parties fall in. C of E party to HMS Carlisle, RC party landed.

  9.30am: Read the Articles of War* at divisions.

* The regulations governing the conduct of every member of the Royal Navy. They are required by Admiralty Instructions to be read to the ship’s company once a month.

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23 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed unrigging and scrubbing side screens, booms and gear.

  1.15pm: Clear lower deck and muster on fore mess deck for hygiene lecture.

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24 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

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25 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting the side etc.

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26 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting the side etc.

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27 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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28 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Painting etc.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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29 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

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30 July 1923


Lat 37.48, Long 122.23 [approx]

  8.20am: Slipped and proceeded through Eastern entrance for exercises with HM S/ms L7, L15 and L33. Various manoeuvres with submarines and HMS Despatch.

12.15pm: Transferred Commander “S” to L7.

12.58pm: Stopped in position 1.5 miles and 003º from Chao Pei Tsui.

  1.35pm: Followed up test torpedoes fired by HM S/ms L5 and L4.

  2.22pm: Returned to harbour.

  3.08pm: Secured to No 3 buoy and spread QD awning.

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31 July 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.


[Wei-hai-wei, Peihaito, Ching Wang Tao and Wei-hai-wei]

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1 August 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.23 [approx]

  6.00am: Hoist skiff, furl QD awning and rig torpedo gear.

  8.30am: Slipped and proceeded, HM S/ms L7, L15 and L33 formed astern and left harbour by Eastern entrance at 11 knots.

10.20am: Increased to 15 knots following HMS Hawkins.

10.58am: Various courses and speeds recovering torpedoes until…

  1.04pm: … Course S73W to return to harbour.

  1.38pm: Anchored. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  3.45pm: Clear lower deck for monthly payment.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch until 9.30pm.

  Sick list: 6.

Weather: Northerly breezes, cloudy, temperatures in the 70ºs F.

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2 August 1923


Lat 37.53, Long 122.22 [approx]

  8.25am: Weighed and proceeded. Stopped close to HMS Carlisle, Captain GC Dickens and Cdr Watson came on board. Proceeded via East entrance to position 033º and 5.5 miles from Chao Pei Tsui.

  9.20am: In position, courses and speeds to maintain position on Battle Practice target, 10,000 yds, 135º.

  9.30am: HMS Durban commenced her run, courses and speeds to follow same.

10.50am: Closed HM S/m L19 and followed Durban through submarine area.

     Noon: Courses to recover torpedoes from L5 and L19.

12.50pm: Returned to harbour, course S60W.

  1.58pm: Secured to No 3 buoy. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  6.10pm: HMS Despatch sailed.

  6.45pm: HMS Carlisle sailed.

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3 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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4 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

     In am: Painting on QD.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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5 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

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6 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.10am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coal.

12.55pm: Returned to No 3 buoy.

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7 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting aloft and on boat deck.

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8 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.45am: Hands to paint boat deck and rig towing slip and pendant.

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9 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.00am: S/Lt Wisden [Wiseden in log] joined ship, lent from HMS Ambrose.

  1.30pm: One SBA joined ship.

  5.00pm: Surgeon Lt Grant joined ship, lent from HMS Hollyhock.

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10 August 1923

Wei-hai-wei and at sea

Lat 37.6, Long 122.17 [approx]

  9.30am: Discharged one Ldg Stoker to HMS Titania, sick.

10.28am: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance.

10.48am: Course 335º.

11.11am: A/c 318º.

  4.00pm: Commenced zigzag through submarine area.

  8.00pm: Pos. 39º 00’N, 120º 38’ 30”E. Proceeded in company with HM S/ms L4 and L15.

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11 August 1923

At sea to Peitaiho

Lat 39.8, Long 119.45

  5.30am: Sighted Rocky Pt bg N56W.

  7.44am: Anchored in 3.5 fathoms, Pei tai ho.

  8.30am: HM S/ms L4 and L15 secured alongside.

  3.30pm: North wind f7 with rain squall. Clear lower deck, furl awnings and awning curtains, hoist skiff and clear up deck. Lost by accident, one accommodation ladder.

10.00pm: Sounded every half hour throughout the night.

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12 August 1923

Pei tai ho to Ching wang tao [now Qinghuangdao]

Lat 39.8, Long 119.45

  9.30am: Divisions on fore mess deck [rain].

  9.50am: Pipe down.

  1.35pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  3.34pm: Anchored.

  5.30pm: Weighed and proceeded to go alongside pier.

  6.05pm: Secured alongside.

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13 August 1923

Ching wang tao

Lat 39.9, Long 119.6

     In am: Clean paintwork, respread QD awning.

     In pm: Make and mend, leave to watch, optional bathing.

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14 August 1923

Ching wang tao to Shan hai kuan [now Shanhaikwan]

Lat 39.93, Long 119.75 [approx]

  9.16am: Cast off and proceeded for exercises with HM S/ms L4 and L15.

  3.00pm: Courses to return to harbour.

  4.35pm: Anchored.

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15 August 1923

Shan hai kuan

Lat 39.95, Long 119.8 [approx]

  7.50am: HM S/m L4 cast off and proceeded.

  8.07am: Away lifeboat, recovered one CPO from the water.

  8.15am: HM S/m L15 sailed.

  9.10am: Weighed and proceeded for exercises with submarines.

  1.33pm: Returned to harbour.

  1.53pm: Anchored.

  3.20pm: L15 alongside, hoisted out torpedoes and L15 cast off.

  4.30pm: Landed football party.

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16 August 1923

Shan hai kuan to Ching wang tao

Lat 39.9, Long 119.6

  7.00am: Submarines sailed.

  8.00am: Weighed and proceeded for exercises with submarines.

10.00am: Flew box kite.

11.00am: Courses and speeds for Ching Wang Tao.

11.32am: Anchored.

  8.45pm: Peking party landed [a recreational party who will travel by train].

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17 August 1923

Ching wang tao

Lat 39.9, Long 119.6

  Cleaning the side and repairing the foc’sle awning.

  Placed one CERA on sick list.

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18 August 1923

Ching wang tao

Lat 39.9, Long 119.6

  6.20am: Leave to watch until 11.15pm.

     In pm: Make and mend.

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19 August 1923

Ching wang tao

Lat 39.9, Long 119.6

  6.15am: Leave to watch until 11.15pm.

11.00pm: Libertymen returned.

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20 August 1923

Ching wang tao

Lat 39.9, Long 119.6

  8.10am: Peking libertymen returned.

  9.50pm: Watch on foc’sle, veered starboard anchor [wind SE f5].

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21 August 1923

Ching wang tao and at sea

Lat 39.9, Long 119.6

  5.30pm: HM S/ms L4 and L15 sailed.

  7.55pm: Weighed and proceeded, course 136º.

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22 August 1923

At sea to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 38.15, Long 121.32

  5.15am: Sho ryu shan I. bg S70E (m), 9.5 miles.

  7.35am: HM S/m L4 carried out dummy attack.

  8.00am: Pos. 38º 30’N, 121º 03’E.

  9.00am: HM S/m L15 surfaced, attack failed.

11.20am: Communicated with SS Paoting.

  6.30pm: Entered Wei-hai-wei harbour through Eastern entrance and secured to No 3 buoy.

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23 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  4.30pm: Clear lower deck, read warrant No 64.

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24 August 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.22 [approx]

  8.52am: Slipped and proceeded to sea through Western entrance, courses NE and keeping station on RFA Francol, 4,000 yds, 150º green.

  1.45pm: Course SW to return to harbour.

  2.47pm: Secured to buoy.

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25 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Saturday harbour routine.

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26 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

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27 August 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.20 [approx]

  7.57am: Slipped and proceeded through Western entrance. Submarine flotilla formed single line ahead. Course NE and keeping station on RFA Francol, 4,000 yds, 90º.

11.30am: Went alongside target and shifted 3 sails. Cast off and returned to station on Francol.

  2.55pm: Course S48W, 10 knots.

  5.00pm: Entered harbour and secured to buoy.

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28 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.15am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coal.

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29 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.40am: Cast off from pier to anchor.

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30 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.35am: HMS Carlisle sailed with HM S/ms L5, L7, L19 and L33.

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31 August 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.09am: Weighed and proceeded to No 1 buoy.

10.45am: Lt NL Pisani joined ship.



4f5a80bca2fc8e092300163f: (

1 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a80bca2fc8e0923001640: (

2 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a80bca2fc8e0923001641: (

3 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Lt HGC Stevens RN left ship [to HMS Titania to wait for passage home, vide her log].

4f5a80bda2fc8e0923001642: (

4 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.40am: HM S/ms L4 and L15 left.

  9.15am: Slipped and proceeded, Western entrance for exercises with submarines.

11.42am: Anchored off HMS Titania.

12.21pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  2.03pm: Anchored in harbour.

  3.15pm: Weighed and proceeded to search for steam boat.

  3.30pm: Searching Malan Cove.

  3.40pm: Proceeded to search Westward.

  4.04pm: Anchored off Hira King Hiro [?].

  4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded.

  6.34pm: Secured to No 1 buoy.

4f5a80bda2fc8e0923001643: (

5 September 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.23 [approx]

  8.10am: HM S/ms L1 and L15 sailed.

  9.22am: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance for submarine exercises. Picked up torpedoes etc.

  4.17pm: Courses for harbour.

  4.35pm: Secured to No 2 buoy. Hoisted out torpedoes.

  4.45pm: One Telegraphist returned from SQ on HMS Titania. Discharged two ratings lent from Titania to same.

4f5a80bda2fc8e0923001644: (

6 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a80bea2fc8e0923001645: (

7 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a80bea2fc8e0923001646: (

8 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.30am: HMS’ Carlisle and Hollyhock arrived, with HM S/ms L19, L5, L33 and L7.

     In pm: Make and mend.

4f5a80bea2fc8e0923001647: (

9 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a80bfa2fc8e0923001648: (

10 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Cleaning and painting. One SPO rejoined from HMS Titania’s SQ.

4f5a80bfa2fc8e0923001649: (

11 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  1.00pm: Landed cricket team.

  4.30pm: Leave to watch till 9.30pm, concert party to 11.59pm.

4f5a80bfa2fc8e092300164a: (

12 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a80c0a2fc8e092300164b: (

13 September 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.22 [approx]

  8.30am: HM S/ms L19 and L15 sailed.

  9.10am: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance with HM S/ms L1 and L33.

  9.23am: Various courses and speeds for exercises with submarines [minutely detailed in the log in minute handwriting].

  1.40pm: Courses to return to harbour.

  2.15pm: Secured to No 2 buoy.

4f5a80c0a2fc8e092300164c: (

14 September 1923


Lat 37.55, Long 122.15 [approx]

  8.30am: HM S/ms L19, L4, L15, L33 and L7 sailed.

  8.43am: Slipped and proceeded via Western entrance for exercises.

12.02pm: Courses for harbour.

  1.34pm: Secured to No 2 buoy.

4f5a80c0a2fc8e092300164d: (

15 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Saturday in harbour. Clean ship, make and mend.

4f5a80c0a2fc8e092300164e: (

16 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Carlisle.

4f5a80c1a2fc8e092300164f: (

17 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.15am: Went alongside iron pier for coaling.

  1.20pm: Returned to No 2 buoy.

4f5a80c1a2fc8e0923001650: (

18 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a80c1a2fc8e0923001651: (

19 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Painting etc. Make and mend.

4f5a80c1a2fc8e0923001652: (

20 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed painting and as requisite.

4f5a80c2a2fc8e0923001653: (

21 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite in their parts of ship.

4f5a80c3a2fc8e0923001654: (

22 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed as requisite. Make and mend.

4f5a80c3a2fc8e0923001655: (

23 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine. RC and NC parties landed, C of E party to HMS Titania.

4f5a80c3a2fc8e0923001656: (

24 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  One AB retained in HMS Titania’s SQ.

4f5a80c3a2fc8e0923001657: (

25 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  One Stoker retained in HMS Titania’s SQ.

4f5a80c4a2fc8e0923001658: (

26 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  One AB retained in HMS Titania’s SQ.

12.30pm: HMS Petersfield arrived.

4f5a80c4a2fc8e0923001659: (

27 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.30pm: One AB joined from HMS Titania.

4f5a80c4a2fc8e092300165a: (

28 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  7.30am: HMS Hollyhock arrived.

  9.45am: HMS Petersfield sailed.

  1.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to HMS Hollyhock for passage.

  5.15pm: Two ABs returned from SQ on HMS Titania.

4f5a80c5a2fc8e092300165b: (

29 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Lt Pisani discharged to RNSQ.

4f5a80c6a2fc8e092300165c: (

30 September 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.


[Wei-hai-wei, Tinghai, Woosung, Shanghai and Wei-hai-wei]

4f5a80c6a2fc8e092300165d: (

1 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Scrub decks.

  8.00am: Breakfast.

  8.50am: Clear up decks.

  9.15am: Divisions.

  9.20am: Hands employed in parts of ship.

  9.30am: Discharged one AB to HMS Titania.

     Noon: Dinner.

  1.15pm: Hands employed as requisite.

  2.00pm: Furled QD awning.

  3.45pm: Leave to watch till 9.30pm and to part of watch till 7.00pm.

  4.00pm: Tea. One Ldg Tel. returned onboard from HMS Titania.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  7.00pm: Supper.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 4.

Weather: Light SW’ly breezes until midnight, increased to f5, NNW. Overcast, temperatures 63º to 70º F.

4f5a80c6a2fc8e092300165e: (

2 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.00am: Prepare torpedo gear and for sea. Furled foc’sle awning.

  8.30am: Lent one Ldg Tel. to HMS Titania.

  [Winds remained fresh from the North, so presumably an exercise was cancelled.]

4f5a80c6a2fc8e092300165f: (

3 October 1923


Lat 37.58, Long 122.25

  6.15am: Prepare torpedo gear and for sea.

  8.30am: Unshackled and rove slip rope.

  8.52am: Slipped and proceeded East. 12 knots. Various courses and speeds exercising with HM S/ms L5, L7, L15 and L19, dummy attacks, recovering torpedoes etc.

12.54pm: Returned to harbour, hands prepare for coaling.

  1.15pm: Secured alongside iron pier. Coaled ship and hoisted out torpedoes.

  5.25pm: Finished coaling, washed decks.

4f5a80c7a2fc8e0923001660: (

4 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.15am: Cast off to secure to No 1 buoy.

4f5a80c7a2fc8e0923001661: (

5 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands variously employed.

4f5a80c7a2fc8e0923001662: (

6 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

12.30pm: One Stoker returned off sick list from HMS Titania.

4f5a80c8a2fc8e0923001663: (

7 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

  9.00am: One Ldg Sn retained sick in HMS Titania [it seems likely that Marazion does not have an MO and ratings reporting sick do so to Titania, which does.]

  1.00pm: Landed cricket party.

  4.30pm: One Ldg Tel. returned from Titania.

  5.30pm: Lt Pisani rejoined from RNSQ.

4f5a80c8a2fc8e0923001664: (

8 October 1923

Wei-hai-wei and at sea

Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.25am: Prepare for sea. One Ldg Sn returned to duty.

11.30am: HM S/ms L19, L15, L33, L5, L7 and L4 sailed.

12.35pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea, course S84E

  4.30pm: NE Promontory Lt bg S52W, 1.75 miles.

  7.45pm: Spoke with merchant ship Toba Maru*.

  8.00pm: Pos. 36º 53’ 30”N, 122º 40’ 30”E

* SS Toba Maru, 1916, 7,296 tons, Nippon Yusen Kaisha KK.

4f5a80c9a2fc8e0923001665: (

9 October 1923

At sea to Tsing Tau [now Qingdao]

Lat 36.03, Long 120.46 DR.

  7.00am: HMS Titania proceeded ahead.

  8.00am: Pos. 36º 00’ 45”N, 121º 04’ 45”E

10.39am: A/c S89W.

11.52am: Submarines formed single line astern of Marazion.

12.30pm: Course N75W.

  1.30pm: Passed outer entrance and secured to jetty in Tsingtau harbour.

  2.15pm: HM S/ms L33, L5 and L7 secured alongside.

4f5a80c9a2fc8e0923001666: (

10 October 1923

Tsing Tau

Lat 36.08, Long 120.31

  1.00pm: Leave to watch and part till 7.00am.

4f5a80c9a2fc8e0923001667: (

11 October 1923

Tsing Tau and at sea

Lat 35.93, Long 120.58 DR

  9.30am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, in company with HM S/ms L4, L5, L7, L15, L19 and L33.

11.15am: Course S36E, speed 7.5 knots [a comfortable pace for the submarines].

  8.00pm: Pos. 35º 12’N, 121º 25’E.

4f5a80c9a2fc8e0923001668: (

12 October 1923

At sea

Lat 33.3, Long 122.72

  Southerly courses all day at 7.5 knots.

  8.00am: Pos. 33º 59’N, 122º 38’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32º 16’N, 122º 40’E.

11.17pm: Shaweishan Lt Bg S30W.

4f5a80caa2fc8e0923001669: (

13 October 1923

At sea to Tinghai anchorage

Lat 30.09, Long 122.59 DR

  4.36am: Shaweishan abeam 19.1 miles, N Saddle bg S20E.

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 45’N, 122º 34’E.

11.30am: Steep I. abeam to starboard, 1 mile.

12.05pm: Spoke French SS Chili, Cie de Messageries Maritime and SS Telemachus, Blue Funnel Line.

  2.00pm: HM S/ms L4, L5, L15 and L19 proceeded independently for Tinghai.

  5.07pm: Anchored, Tinghai.

4f5a80caa2fc8e092300166a: (

14 October 1923


Lat 26.29, Long 119.78

  Sunday routine.

4f5a80caa2fc8e092300166b: (

15 October 1923

Tinghai to Woosung

Lat 30.57, Long 122.18 DR

  6.00am: Weighed and proceeded to sea.

  8.00am: Pos. 30º 00’N, 121º 49’E

10.05am: W Volcano Lt abeam.

  1.04pm: Gutzlaff Lt bg N30W.

  2.57pm: Tungsha LV abeam.

  3.00pm: Courses up Yangtse estuary.

  5.14pm: Anchored, Woosung anchorage.

4f5a80cba2fc8e092300166c: (

16 October 1923

Woosung to Shanghai

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.37am: Weighed and proceeded up Whangpoo River.

10.37am: Secured to British Naval Buoy, Shanghai.

4f5a80cba2fc8e092300166d: (

17 October 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  1.15pm: One Stoker discharged to hospital.

4f5a80cba2fc8e092300166e: (

18 October 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Coaled ship. Discharged one Stoker to hospital.

  2.30pm: Landed football party.

4f5a80cca2fc8e092300166f: (

19 October 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

     Noon: General leave to starboard watch until 7.00am Tuesday 23rd Oct.

4f5a80cca2fc8e0923001670: (

20 October 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  2.30pm: Landed football party.

4f5a80cca2fc8e0923001671: (

21 October 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Sunday routine.

4f5a80cda2fc8e0923001672: (

22 October 1923


Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a80cda2fc8e0923001673: (

23 October 1923

Shanghai and at sea

Lat 31.245, Long 121.5

  8.00am: One AB discharged to HMS Ambrose and one joined from same. One AB discharged sick.

  9.40am: Slipped and proceeded alongside HMS Mantis.

  1.25pm: Cast off and proceeded.

  1.55pm: Stopped to disembark Commander “S”.

  2.53pm: Woosung buoy abeam.

  3.05pm: Passed entrance buoys, course N25W.

  3.35pm: Passed West Spit buoy, Crossing buoy, Drinkwater LV, Drinkwater buoy (5.34pm).

  6.56pm: A/c 004º.

  8.00pm: Pos. 31º 41’N, 122º 21’E.

4f5a80cda2fc8e0923001674: (

24 October 1923

At sea

Lat 33.12, Long 122.55 DR.

Courses mostly North all day.

  4.40am: Spoke SS Tungchow*.

  8.00am: Pos. 33º 24’N, 122º 27’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 34º 30’N, 122º 29’E.

* SS Tungchow, the second of two China Navigation Co. vessels of this name, 1914, 2,104 tons.

4f5a80cea2fc8e0923001675: (

25 October 1923

At sea to Wei-hai-wei

Lat 37.43, Long 122.43 DR

  8.00am: Pos. 36º 55’N, 122º 45’E.

10.27am: NE Promontory Lt abeam 2 miles, a/c N21W.

10.55am: A/c N80W.

12.55am: Courses for Wei-hai-wei harbour.

  1.15pm: Secured to No 1 buoy.

4f5a80cea2fc8e0923001676: (

26 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: Discharged one SPO to hospital.

4f5a80cea2fc8e0923001677: (

27 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Clean ship. Make and mend.

4f5a80cfa2fc8e0923001678: (

28 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

4f5a80cfa2fc8e0923001679: (

29 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.00am: Called starboard watch [Northerly rain squalls up to force 8].

  9.00am: Discharged one Ldg Stoker to hospital.

  3.10am: QD awning carried away, furled curtains.

  5.50pm: Landed QD awning.

4f5a80cfa2fc8e092300167a: (

30 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Hands employed in parts of ship.

  3.00pm: Landed football party.

4f5a80d0a2fc8e092300167b: (

31 October 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  8.45am: Landed party for rifle drills.

11.45am: Monthly payment.

  3.15pm: Landed football party.


[Wei-hai-wei and Hong Kong]

4f5a80d0a2fc8e092300167c: (

1 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  6.35am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coal.

  9.00am: Discharged one SPO to hospital.

  2.30pm: Finished coaling and returned to buoy.

  5.20pm: Stowed away awnings.

4f5a80d1a2fc8e092300167d: (

2 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: One AB discharged to shore, sick.

4f5a80d1a2fc8e092300167e: (

3 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: One Ldg Stoker returned from hospital.

     In pm: Make and mend. Landed football party.

4f5a80d1a2fc8e092300167f: (

4 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  Sunday routine.

  2.25pm: HMS Carlisle sailed.

4f5a80d2a2fc8e0923001680: (

5 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

10.00am: Lt Wisden* discharged sick.

* Probably JP Wisden, who died of wounds received during a bombing raid in 1940, while in command of HMS Bulldog.

4f5a80d2a2fc8e0923001681: (

6 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: One AB returned from hospital

4f5a80d2a2fc8e0923001682: (

7 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: One Cook discharged to hospital.

4f5a80d3a2fc8e0923001683: (

8 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17


4f5a80d3a2fc8e0923001684: (

9 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.00am: One Tel. discharged sick.

4f5a80d3a2fc8e0923001685: (

10 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.30pm: Lt Wisden returned from hospital.

4f5a80d3a2fc8e0923001686: (

11 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

11.00am: Two minutes’ silence.

4f5a80d4a2fc8e0923001687: (

12 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  3.00pm: Raised steam for slow speed [NW’ly winds force 5-7 throughout the pm].

  6.00pm: Set anchor watch.

10.00pm: ½ hour’s notice for steam, secured anchor watch.

4f5a80d4a2fc8e0923001688: (

13 November 1923


Lat 37.5, Long 122.17

  9.40am: Slipped and proceeded to iron pier for coal.

  2.10pm: Finished coaling and returned to buoy.

4f5a80d5a2fc8e0923001689: (

14 November 1923

Wei-hai-wei and at sea

Lat 37.48, Long 122.6 DR

  8.00am: Two Stokers, one Tel. and one Cook discharged from hospital.

  9.07am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, Easterly courses.

  1.00pm: A/c S70W.

  2.00pm: One Stoker discharged sick.

  8.00pm: Pos. 35º 20’N, 122º 41’E.

4f5a80d5a2fc8e092300168a: (

15 November 1923

At sea

Lat 33.95, Long 122.67

Southerly courses at 8-8.5 knots throughout the day.

  8.00am: Pos. 34º 32’N, 122º 38’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 32º 43’N, 122º 36’E.

4f5a80d5a2fc8e092300168b: (

16 November 1923

At sea

Lat 30.67, Long 122.65 DR

Southerly courses at 8-8.5 knots throughout the day.

  2.50am: Shaweishan Lt bg S30W.

  8.00am: Pos. 31º 07’N, 122º 36’E.

  8.00pm: Pos. 29º 35’N, 122º 30’E.

11.50pm: Heishan Lt bg S45W.

4f5a80d5a2fc8e092300168c: (

17 November 1923

At sea

Lat 27.45, Long 121.5 DR

Southerly courses throughout the day.

12.10am: A/c S31W.

  1.09am: Heishan Lt abeam, 5 miles.

  8.00am: Pos. 28º 03’N, 121º 48’E.

  5.31pm: Ting Yung Lt bg S45W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 26º 16’N, 120º 33’ 30”E.

11.50pm: Turnabout Lt bg S47W.

4f5a80d6a2fc8e092300168d: (

18 November 1923

At sea

Lat 24.17, Long 118.62 DR

  1.52am: Turnabout Lt abeam, 7 miles, a/c S46W.

  3.00am: Ocksen Lt bg S60W.

  8.00am: Pos. 24º 37’N, 119º 11’E.

12.24pm: Chapel I bg N75W.

  6.21pm: Lamock Lt bg S65W.

  8.00pm: Pos. 23º 15’N, 117º 25’E.

10.15pm: Spoke SS Braemar Castle.

11.21pm: Breaker Pt bg N88W.

4f5a80d6a2fc8e092300168e: (

19 November 1923

At sea to Hong Kong

Lat 22.22, Long 114.42 DR

12.47am: Breaker Pt abeam, 7 miles, a/c S70W.

  4.14am: Chilang Lt bg N74W.

  8.00am: Pos. 22º 20’N, 115º 11’E.

  8.17am: Pedro Blanco abeam, 3 miles.

12.30pm: Courses for HK harbour.

  1.29pm: Secured to No 12 buoy.

  2.30pm: One SBA discharged to HMS Titania. Two SPOs and one Stoker discharged sick.

4f5a80d6a2fc8e092300168f: (

20 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: One Stoker discharged sick.

  2.00pm: Two Stokers returned from sick list and one Stoker joined from HMS Titania.

4f5a80d6a2fc8e0923001690: (

21 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  8.20am: Coal lighters alongside.

  2.00pm: One Stoker returned from HMS Titania, one Sig. joined ship.

4f5a80d7a2fc8e0923001691: (

22 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

4f5a80d7a2fc8e0923001692: (

23 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.22, Long 114.14 [approx]

  8.00am: Slipped and proceeded to sea for torpedo exercises with HM S/m L15.

  8.13am: A/c to port to avoid police boat. Hit No 7 police boat.

  8.45am: L15 carried out attack. Searched for torpedo, dropped buoy, commenced sweeping for torpedo etc.

12.04pm: Slipped sweep. Continued searching.

  3.35pm: Proceeded for W Lamma Channel.

  4.00pm: Courses for harbour.

  4.54pm: Secured to No 12 buoy.

  5.10pm: L15 alongside to hoist in torpedo and cast off.

  6.00pm: One Stoker returned from HMS Titania.

4f5a80d8a2fc8e0923001693: (

24 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Diver down looking at starboard “A” bracket.

  1.50pm: Tea party for Japanese crews in foc’sle [a Japanese cruiser squadron is in HK for a goodwill visit and there is a lot of ship visiting].

4f5a80d8a2fc8e0923001694: (

25 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Titania, RC party landed.

4f5a80d8a2fc8e0923001695: (

26 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  1.15pm: Lt Wisden left ship and Lt Harris* joined.

* This may be AM Harris, who is listed as being on the China Station at this time.

4f5a80d8a2fc8e0923001696: (

27 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  9.00am: Vaccination party sent to HMS Titania.

  8.15pm: Sent cinema party to HMS Tamar.

4f5a80d9a2fc8e0923001697: (

28 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.00am: Vaccination party sent to HMS Titania.

4f5a80daa2fc8e0923001698: (

29 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.22, Long 114.14 [approx]

  6.00am: Rigged torpedo gear and prepared for sea.

  7.45am: Rove slip rope.

  7.54am: Slipped and proceeded West for exercises with HM S/ms L5 and L8.

12.42pm: Courses for Lamma Channel and return to harbour.

  1.45pm: Secured to buoy. L5 and L8 came alongside for torpedoes.

  3.00pm: Submarines cast off.

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30 November 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.10am: Sent vaccination party to HMS Titania.


[Hong Kong, Canton, Hong Kong]

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1 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  6.30am: Scrub upper deck.

  7.55am: Clear lower deck.

  8.00am: Dress ship overall [for Queen Alexandra’s birthday].

  8.50am: Divisions.

  9.00am: Two hands to Court of Enquiry, remainder employed as requisite.

11.45am: Monthly payment.

  1.00pm: Make and mend.

  1.30pm: Leave to port watch until 7.00am.

  3.05pm: Prepare for sea. Landed orderlies to recall officers and libertymen*.

  5.00pm: Evening quarters.

  5.30pm: Clear lower deck, undress ship.

  9.00pm: Rounds.

10.00pm: Pipe down.

  Sick list: 6.

Weather: NE’ly breezes force 1-3, mostly cloudy, 65º to 67º F.

* There is considerable unrest in Canton, with vessels of many navies being sent up river to represent their countries’ interests.

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2 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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3 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.05am: Engineer’s store party to Kowloon.

10.10am: Water boat alongside.

  1.15pm: Hands provisioning ship.

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4 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.25am: Engineer Captain inspected ER dept.

  6.50pm: Orderlies landed to recall all libertymen.

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5 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  9.10am: Sent vaccination party to HMS Titania.

  1.05pm: Sent vaccination party to Titania.

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6 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting etc, make and mend.

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7 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.55, Long 114.43 [approx]

  8.00am: C-in-C came onboard, hoisted flag.

  8.05am: Slipped and proceeded to Mirs Bay for exercises.

  9.55am: Transferred C-in-C and target party to HMS St Breock.

10.18am: Commenced exercises with HM S/ms L15 and L33.

  1.15pm: Anchored in Peng Chau Roads.

  2.37pm: Weighed and proceeded to close RFA Francol and contact target party.

  3.14pm: Embarked target party.

  3.42pm: Courses for harbour.

  5.46pm: Shackled to buoy. Sent target party to HMS Hawkins.

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8 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  8.15pm: Cinema leave to starboard watch and second part of port.

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9 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Sunday routine.

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10 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

  3.00pm: Landed burial party [for Ldg Stoker Edward V Lingard, K23637, late of this ship].

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11 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

     In am: Took on coal from lighter, fresh water and stores.

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12 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands variously employed. Make and mend in pm.

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13 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting the side.

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14 December 1923

Hong Kong and up river

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  7.40am: Hands painting the water line.

10.15am: Prepared for sea and furled awnings.

  3.15pm: Embarked party of Marines [from HMS Hawkins]

  3.58pm: Slipped and proceeded West.

  4.54pm: Kap Sing Lt abeam.

  5.30pm: Proceeded up Canton River.

  5.38pm: A/c to avoid American TBDs [these will be USS’ Peary, Pope, Noa and Sicard, which left HK shortly after Marazion, vide log of HMS Hawkins].

  6.04pm: Courses up Fan Si Ah channel.

  7.38pm: Anchored with Sampan Ch Lt bg 321º.

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15 December 1923

Canton River

Lat 22.8, Long 113.6 [approx]

11.35am: Weighed and proceeded up Fan Si Ah channel.

  1.07pm: Sampan Ch Lt abeam to port.

  1.40pm: Blake Pt abeam, bg N78W.

  4.23pm: Entered Canton harbour and secured alongside HMS Magnolia. Disembarked Officers, Marines and mails to same. French, American and Portuguese OOGs boarded.

  5.25pm: Slipped and proceeded down river.

  9.14pm: Sampan Ch Lt abeam, bg S57W.

11.03pm: Tongking Lt abeam to starboard.

11.37pm: Kap Sing Mun Lt abeam.

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16 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

12.46am: Secured to No 10 buoy.

  1.00pm: Discharged one AB to HMS Ambrose.

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17 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands variously employed.

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18 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Hands employed as requisite.

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19 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting. Make and mend.

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20 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Painting superstructure.

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21 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17


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22 December 1923

Hong Kong

Lat 22.29, Long 114.17

  Scrub decks. Make and mend.

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