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With thanks to Old Weather, a Zooniverse Logo Project

Light Cruiser, ex-2nd-class Cruiser, Chatham-class

Pendant Nos. 68 (1914), 57 (1.18), 42 (4.18). Launched 30.4.12 Beardmore. 5,400 tons, 458(oa), 430(pp)x49x16ft. Turbine 25000shp, 25.5kts. Armament: 8-6in, 1-3in AA, 2-21in tt. Armour: 3in sides, 2in deck. Crew: 380. Mediterranean 1914-15, 2nd LCS Grand Fleet 1916-18. Battle Honours (and links to despatches, casualties, awards) Dardanelles 1915, Jutland 31 May 1916. Sold 7.26 King, Troon. (British Warships 1914-1919)

Built by Beardmore, laid down 3/1/11, launched 9/11/11 (note difference in launch date), completed 3/13. Attached to 1st BS on commissioning, then 1st LCS, Mediterranean from July 1913, and 2nd LCS September 1913 until end of 1914. Sent to Dardanelles in February 1915, and Brindisi in May. Damaged by torpedo hit from Austrian U-boat, 9 June 1915. Served with 2nd LCS, Grand Fleet 1916-18, including action at Jutland, where she was hit several times suffering 3 dead during night action. Commissioned for 6th LCS, African station in January 1920, then 3rd LCS, Mediterranean Fleet briefly in April, and returned to 6th LCS until 1924, when she returned home to pay off into Nore Reserve. Sold in 1926 and ran aground on her way to breakers, but was refloated in July 1927. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21)

British Isles Bases - Selected Charts

British Naval Bases Worldwide - Selected Charts

Shipbuilding British Isles

Chatham, Cromarty Firth, Devonport, Dover, Harwich, Haulbowline, Invergordon, Pembroke, Plymouth, Portland, Portsmouth, Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Sheerness

Shipbuilding Map World

Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

Editor’s notes:

My notes appear in square brackets, [thus].
Most days contain routine entries such as rounds correct, usual routine completed, lit fires in steam cutter, hands training, cleaning or painting and details of daily leave etc.
I have omitted most of these, but occasionally transcribed every entry of a page to show the normal routine missed from the edited text.
I have not transcribed anchor bearings, or most of the sightings and bearings to landmarks, except where they help to provide details of routes and positions not provided by the noon locations.
For some days, HMS DUBLIN’s log keeper gives no position.
In those cases I have estimated the position, using the description, courses & speeds in the log, where possible. Where this is the case I have added [Est] after the position.
With acknowledgement to Google Earth.
Thanks to the moderators and crew of Naval-History.Net and for help in deciphering and understanding the logs, for presenting the edited document and especially to Maikel for Journey Plotter.


AB: Able Seaman
A/c: Altered Course
C: Cape
CPO: Chief Petty Officer
ER: Engine Room
fms: Fathoms
HMSAS: His Majesty’s South African Ship
no: Number
LS: Leading Seaman
LV: Light Vessel
OOD: Officer of the day
OOG: Officer of Guard
PO: Petty Officer
PV: Paravane (device for clearing moored mines)
QF: Quick Firing
RC: Roman Catholic
RIM: Royal Indian Marine
RMLI: Royal Marine Light Infantry
RMS: Royal Mail Steamer
RNR: Royal Naval Reserve
RNVR: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
SBC: Signal Books Correct
SB: Steam Boat
SL: Steam Launch
SNO: Senior Naval Officer
SS: Steam ship or Screw steamer
TBD: Torpedo Boat Destroyer
WO: Warrant Officer
WT: Wireless Telegraph

(More detailed plots follow in the text)

JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)


4caf8652cadfd341970152b4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0001_0.jpg)

Left half of front cover. Closed until 1972

4caf8652cadfd341970152b5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0001_1.jpg)

Right half of front cover. Log of HMS DUBLIN from 16th January 1921 to 19th December 1921

4caf8652cadfd341970152b6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0002_0.jpg)

Inside plain blue cover

4caf8652cadfd341970152b7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0002_1.jpg)

Inside plain blue cover

4caf8652cadfd341970152b8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0003_0.jpg)

Blank page

4caf8652cadfd341970152b9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0003_1.jpg)

Blank page

4caf8652cadfd341970152ba: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0004_0.jpg)

Blank page

4caf8652cadfd341970152bb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0004_1.jpg)

Front page


Commanded by Captain EH Rymer till 31st August 1921, and by Captain WL Elder, CMG from 1st September 1921 to 19th December 1921

Log period commencing: Sunday 16th January 1921

Ending: Monday 19th December 1921

Tonnage (displacement): 5400 tons

Extreme length: 457 feet

Extreme breadth: 49 feet 10¼ ins


Manufacturer: W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Constructors HP: 25000 Authorised Natural Forced Draught 2200

Description: 2 sets Parson’s Turbines, working 4 shafts

When fixed on board: 1912


Manufacturer: W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Description: Yarrow, small tube, 10 large, 2 small

When made: 1912

When put in vessel: May 1912

Screw Propellers.

Manufacturer: W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Description: 4 three-bladed solid bronze, outward turning

Page signed W L Elder, Captain

4caf8652cadfd341970152bc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0005_0.jpg)


4caf8652cadfd341970152bd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0005_1.jpg)

Establishment of ship’s company: [not completed]



Name of maker & number: A 724 No name inscribed

Height of cistern above sea: 11 feet 8 ins

Error of Mercurial Barometer: -.005 ins

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship: Forebridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker & Number:

N&Z 25830

N&Z 9508

Thermometer for sea temperature

Maker & Number: N&Z 10140

Position of standard compass. On for bridge, (upper) as in sketch.

Deviation of standard compass. Date obtained 15 September: Lat 34o 11’S, Long 18o 26’E


On upper deck: eight 6” BL Mk XI, two on centre line

On centre line abaft funnels: one QF HA 3” Mk 1

On well deck: [not completed]

As requisite: two Maxims, .303, eight Lewis guns

Torpedo armaments:

Two 21” submerged tubes, one each side.

Seven 21” torpedoes


1 steam cutter 35 feet

1 cutter 34 feet

2 cutters 30 feet

3 whalers 27 feet

2 gigs 30 feet

2 skiffs 16 feet


JP map Dublin 1921

4caf8652cadfd341970152be: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0006_0.jpg)

16 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: Divisions

9.45am: C of E party left ship

10.0am: RC party left ship

11.0am: Church parties returned

1.0pm: Leave to first part of starboard watch from 1.30pm till 10.0pm. Leave to blue watch of boys from 1.30pm till 7.0pm

4.0pm: Furled quarter deck awning

Number on sick list = 4

Log signed EH Rymer, Captain [Captain Edward Hilary Rymer, born 6/10/1873, was Captain of HMS DUBLIN from 13/2/1919 to August 1921]

4caf8652cadfd341970152bf: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0006_1.jpg)

17 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.30am: Lieutenant Commander Bishop & Lieutenant Colymore discharged to hospital, one rating discharged to hospital [possibly Lieutenant Commander, later Commander Frank Hallam Bishop]

3.45pm: Six rating rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8652cadfd341970152c0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0007_0.jpg)

18 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed hoisting boats & as requisite

7.50am: Hands employed casting off ship from wall

8.0am: Left wall & proceeded into dry dock

9.0am: Arrived in dock

9.55am: Hands employed scraping & scrubbing ship's bottom

11.30am: One rating discharged to hospital

5.15pm: Read warrants nos 33, 34, 35

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8652cadfd341970152c1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0007_1.jpg)

19 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed spreading awnings & painting ship's side

9.0am: Hands employed painting ship's side & refitting ship

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152c2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0008_0.jpg)

20 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed painting ship's side & cleaning ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship, bosun's party working with bosun & side party on ship's side

11.10am: Vice Admiral Sir W Goodenough visited ship [Vice Admiral (later Admiral) Sir William Edmund Goodenough GCB, MVO, FRGS, RN, was at the time Commander in Chief, Africa Station]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152c3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0008_1.jpg)

21 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed cleaning up decks, side party detached

8.45am: Hands employed scaping and refitting ship

9.30am: One rating discharged from ship

3.0pm: HMS BIRMINGHAM entered harbour [HMS BIRMINGHAM was a Birmingham class light cruiser launched in 1913, 9 x 6" guns]

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8652cadfd341970152c4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0009_0.jpg)

22 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am Hands employed cleaning ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

1.0pm: Hands make & mend

4.25pm: Read warrant no 36

4.30pm: Tested fire arrangements

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152c5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0009_1.jpg)

23 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.15am: Divisions

9.30am: Read warrant no 37

9.45am: Church parties left ship

3.48pm: Blue watch cleaned up decks

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152c6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0010_0.jpg)

24 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Five ratings discharged to hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152c7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0010_1.jpg)

25 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.10am: Sail loft party left ship

4.25pm: Sail loft party returned

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152c8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0011_0.jpg)

26 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Sail loft party left slip

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152c9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0011_1.jpg)

27 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

9.30am: Marines fell in for inspection by [sentence not completed]

10.45am: Marines dismissed after inspection

1.15pm: Five ratings discharged to hospital

2.20pm: Two ratings rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152ca: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0012_0.jpg)

28 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

1.15pm: Hands employed respreading fxle awning

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152cb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0012_1.jpg)

29 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.40am: GOC came on board

Noon: GOC left ship

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152cc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0013_0.jpg)

30 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions

9.45am: Church parties landed

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152cd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0013_1.jpg)

31 January 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed surveying cable & as requisite for refitting ship

1.15pm: Hands employed dismantling guns & refitting

4.40pm: One marine discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT [HMS LOWESTOFT was a Birmingham Class light cruiser launched in 1913, 9 x 6” guns]

5.30pm: One marine joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 3


4caf8652cadfd341970152ce: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0014_0.jpg)

1 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8652cadfd341970152cf: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0014_1.jpg)

2 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

12.45pm: Hands mustered for monthly payment

1.40pm: Hands employed dismounting guns, scraping & refitting, twelve midshipmen left ship for sanatorium

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152d0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0015_0.jpg)

3 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8652cadfd341970152d1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0015_1.jpg)

4 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: One rating discharged for passage to Portsmouth

2.45pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital

5.0pm: Read warrant no 38

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152d2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0016_0.jpg)

5 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed painting mess, decks & re-fitting ship

10.45am: Two ratings discharged to hospital

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8652cadfd341970152d3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0016_1.jpg)

6 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions

9.45am: Church parties landed

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8652cadfd341970152d4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0017_0.jpg)

7 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.52am: HMS BIRMINGHAM left harbour

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hand employed refitting ship

2.30pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8653cadfd341970152d5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0017_1.jpg)

8 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed scraping & refitting

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd341970152d6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0018_0.jpg)

9 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: One rating discharged to hospital

3.0pm: One rating returned to ship from hospital

4.55pm: One AB joined ship from AFRIKANDER [AFRIKANDER, at this time, was the German whaler BISMARK, launched in 1883, seized in Cape Town in 1914, used as a base ship at Simonstown. She was replaced by the Ant Class gunboat HMS TICKLER which was also given the name AFRIKANDER]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd341970152d7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0018_1.jpg)

10 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.15pm: Hands employed refitting ship

1.20pm: Read warrant no 39

3.0pm: HMS LOWESTFT moored alongside

3.55pm: Read warrant no 40

5.0pm: One rating discharged to detention barracks, Simonstown

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd341970152d8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0019_0.jpg)

11 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd341970152d9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0019_1.jpg)

12 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

11.30am: Sail loft party returned

3.30pm: One rating discharged to HMS BIRMINGHAM

4.0pm: One rating joined ship

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd341970152da: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0020_0.jpg)

13 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.50am: Church parties landed

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd341970152db: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0020_1.jpg)

14 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.30pm: One rating joined ship, one rating returned from hospital

5.0pm: Paymaster, Sub-lieutenant E Crisp joined ship [probably Sub-Lieutenant Ellis C Crisp, promoted to Paymaster Commander Jan 1938 after a period as Secretary to Chief of Staff, North America & Caribbean Station]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd341970152dc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0021_0.jpg)

15 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd341970152dd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0021_1.jpg)

16 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

9.45am; One rating discharged to hospital

1.50pm: Two ratings rejoined ship from duty ashore

2.40pm: Two ratings rejoined ship from RN Hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd341970152de: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0022_0.jpg)

17 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.35am: HMS BIRMINGHAM left harbour

6.45am: One absentee reported on board for HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd341970152df: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0022_1.jpg)

18 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

11.30am: Twelve midshipman rejoined ship from sanatorium

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd341970152e0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0023_0.jpg)

19 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Hands employed refitting & holystoning deck

9.45am: Commenced flooding dock

10.20am: One rating rejoined ship from hospital

10.45am: Stopped flooding dock to 8 feet

10.45am: Nine ratings rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd341970152e1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0023_1.jpg)

20 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Church parties landed

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd341970152e2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0024_0.jpg)

21 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

10.0am: One rating discharged to hospital

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8653cadfd341970152e3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0024_1.jpg)

22 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.30pm: Three ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital

3.45pm: Read warrant no 41

4.15pm: One rating discharged to detention barracks

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd341970152e4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0025_0.jpg)

23 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd341970152e5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0025_1.jpg)

24 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

9.15am: Royal marines landed for drill

1.30pm: Seven ratings discharged to hospital

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd341970152e6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0026_0.jpg)

25 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd341970152e7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0026_1.jpg)

26 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Hands employed cleaning ship & refitting

1.0pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd341970152e8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0027_0.jpg)

27 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Hands employed clearing up decks

9.30am: Divisions

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd341970152e9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0027_1.jpg)

28 February 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.15am: Taking in paymaster's stores

Number on sick list = 3


4caf8653cadfd341970152ea: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0028_0.jpg)

1 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

10.0am: Taking in paymaster's stores

12.45pm: Hands muster for monthly payment

1.25pm: Hands employed refitting and painting ship

4caf8653cadfd341970152eb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0028_1.jpg)

2 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

2.15pm: Four ratings discharged to RN hospital

3.46pm: One rating rejoined from RN hospital

4caf8653cadfd341970152ec: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0029_0.jpg)

3 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.5am: Sail loft party left ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

4caf8653cadfd341970152ed: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0029_1.jpg)

4 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8653cadfd341970152ee: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0030_0.jpg)

5 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Leave to starboard watch, 1.30pm till 9.45am Sunday, leave to second part port watch, 1.30pm till 10.0pm, leave to blue watch of boys, 1.30pm till 7,0pm

4caf8653cadfd341970152ef: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0030_1.jpg)

6 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions

10.0am: Church parties landed

4caf8653cadfd341970152f0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0031_0.jpg)

7 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands employed preparing ship for coaling

8.26am: Came out of dry dock

9.5am: Secured alongside A wall

10.20am: Coal ship

1.25pm: Royal Marine guard of honour landed

7.55pm: Cease coaling

4caf8653cadfd341970152f1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0031_1.jpg)

8 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Hands employed coaling ship

2.30pm: Finished coaling

3.30pm: Two ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital

5.30pm: One rating returned from detention barracks

4caf8653cadfd341970152f2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0032_0.jpg)

9 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.40pm: Three ratings discharged to RN hospital

4caf8653cadfd341970152f3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0032_1.jpg)

10 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed preparing for taking in provisions

8.10am: Sail loft party left ship

8.15am: Hands employed provisioning ship

11.10am: Thirteen RNVR ratings joined ship for training

5.0pm: Midshipman V F Boyle left ship [Midshipman V F Boyle was later Commander Boyle, acting Captain of HMS DUNLUCE CASTLE, mail & depot ship at Scapa Flow in WW2]

4caf8653cadfd341970152f4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0033_0.jpg)

11 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing to ammunition ship

8.15am: Commenced ammunitioning

9.0am: One rating discharged for passage to England

3.5pm: Four ratings rejoined ship from RN hospital

4caf8653cadfd341970152f5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0033_1.jpg)

12 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Station athletics sports held

4caf8653cadfd341970152f6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0034_0.jpg)

13 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions

9.45am: Church parties landed

4caf8653cadfd341970152f7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0034_1.jpg)

14 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.15am: Hands employed taking in ammunition

10.30am: Tried main engines

4caf8653cadfd341970152f8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0035_0.jpg)

15 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Hands employed preparing ship to leave jetty

2.10pm: Slipped from wall

2.50pm: Picked up moorings

4caf8653cadfd341970152f9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0035_1.jpg)

16 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Hands employed cleaning & painting ship

1.50pm: Two ratings discharged to RN hospital

4caf8653cadfd341970152fa: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0036_0.jpg)

17 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Royal marines landed for drill

4caf8653cadfd341970152fb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0036_1.jpg)

18 March 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.15pm: On life belt & one boathook lost overboard by accident

4.45pm: Two ratings discharged

5.30pm: Two ratings joined

4caf8653cadfd341970152fc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0037_0.jpg)

19 March 1921


Lat -34.2, Long 18.3 [Est]

9.05am: Slipped & proceeded

10.45am: Cape of Good Hope abeam

2.20pm: Embarked pilot

2.23pm: Courses as requisite for entering Cape Town docks

3.1pm: Secured alongside no 2 berth

4caf8653cadfd341970152fd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0037_1.jpg)

20 March 1921

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

9.30am: Divisions

10.30am: Divine service

4caf8653cadfd341970152fe: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0038_0.jpg)

21 March 1921

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

9.0am: Commenced taking in oil fuel

11.0am: Five bags of mail received on board

1.0pm: Finished oiling

1.15pm: Hands employed preparing ship for sea

2.20pm: Embarked pilot

2.33pm: Slipped & proceeded into Table Bay

2.50pm: Dropped the pilot

3.19pm: Carried out director test

4.10pm: Finished director test & proceeded

8.57pm: Stop both, heavy fog

9.36pm: Anchored

11:10pm: Fog lifted

4caf8653cadfd341970152ff: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0038_1.jpg)

22 March 1921

Exercises in False Bay

Lat -34.2, Long 18.6 [Est]

6.10am: Weighed & proceeded into Simon's Bay

6.55pm: Anchored in Simon's Bay

8.31am: Weighed & proceeded into False Bay to carry out gunnery exercises at 10 knots

8.40am: Roman Rock abeam

9:52am: Opened fire and carried out five runs of sub-calibre firing at towed target

11.32am: Finished last run of sub-calibre firing

12.11pm: Fired torpedo from port tube

12.45pm: Picked up torpedo

1.0pm: Proceeded for Simon's Bay

2.18pm: Stopped & anchored in Simon's bay

5.30pm: Recording party returned

8.0pm: Exercised night defence & night action stations

10.0pm: Anchor watch set [wind force 8 recorded at 8.0pm & 12.0M]

4caf8653cadfd34197015300: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0039_0.jpg)

23 March 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Exercised gun control parties & loader drill

1.30pm: Hands employed cleaning ship, thirteen RNVR ratings left ship

2.05pm: Three ratings discharged to RN hospital

4.30pm: Loader competition

8.0pm: Exercised night action stations

4caf8653cadfd34197015301: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0039_1.jpg)

24 March 1921


Lat -34.20, Long 18.50 [Est]

6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship & preparing ship for sea

7.25am: Weighed & proceeded into False Bay

9:04am: Stopped both on account of dense fog

10.08am: Proceeded

10.35am: Opened fire with port battery of 6" guns at towed target

10.42am: Ceased fire

10.48am: Fired a torpedo

11.15am: Stopped & picked up torpedo

11.30am: Proceeded into Simon's Bay

1.22pm: Picked up flagship's moorings in Simon's Bay

4caf8653cadfd34197015302: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0040_0.jpg)

25 March 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.5am: Roman Catholic & non-conformist church parties landed [25th of March 1921 was Good Friday]

4caf8653cadfd34197015303: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0040_1.jpg)

26 March 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.45am: Read warrant no 42

4caf8653cadfd34197015304: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0041_0.jpg)

27 March 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed church parties

4caf8653cadfd34197015305: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0041_1.jpg)

28 March 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.45am: Graham's Town landing party landed for drill, remainder of hands employed cleaning ship [Other references in the log are to Grahamstown. This party is sent to Grahamstown on the 9th April 1921 while the ship is in Port Elizabeth]

1.0pm: Make & mend clothes

1.50pm: One rating joined ship

4caf8653cadfd34197015306: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0042_0.jpg)

29 March 1921


Lat -34.20, Long 18.60 [Est]

7.20am: Weighed & proceeded into False Bay

8.0am: Slow both

9.17am: Opened fire with sub-calibre 6" guns at towed target & carried out three runs, starboard side

Noon: Courses as requisite for return to anchorage

1.19pm: Anchored in Simon's Bay

6.20pm: Weighed & proceeded into False Bay to carry out night firing with sub- calibre

7.52pm: Streamed target, carried out firing at drifting target

8.42pm: Picked up target & returned to Simon's Bay

10.04pm: Anchored

4caf8653cadfd34197015307: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0042_1.jpg)

30 March 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.30am: Hands employed refitting ship

10.30am: Carried out director test

4.0pm: One rating rejoined from hospital

5.30pm: Recording party left ship

6.42pm: Weighed & proceeded into False Bay

8.10am: Opened fire with 6" guns & carried out run at towed target

8.55pm: Fired a torpedo

9.15am: Picked up torpedo

9.50am: Proceeded into Kogel Bay

10.13pm: Anchored in Kogel Bay

4caf8653cadfd34197015308: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0043_0.jpg)

31 March 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.50am: Weighed & proceeded into False Bay

8.18am: Fired torpedo at HMS BIRMINGHAM

9.10am: Picked up torpedo & proceeded

9.56am: Opened first run, HMS DUBLIN as target for HMS BIRMINGHAM

11.0am: Carried out 6" full-calibre firing throw off at HMS BIRMINGHAM

11.33pm: Returned to anchorage in Simon's Bay

12.10pm: Anchored in Simon's Bay

2.15pm: Weighed & proceeded into the basin

3.25pm: Secured alongside A coaling wharf


4caf8653cadfd34197015309: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0043_1.jpg)

1 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Coal Ship

4.40pm: Finished coaling

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd3419701530a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0044_0.jpg)

2 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

11.30am: Hands payed monthly payment

1.0pm: Make & mend clothes

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd3419701530b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0044_1.jpg)

3 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions

9.45am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd3419701530c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0045_0.jpg)

4 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship

8.45am: Hands employed refitting ship

2.0pm: Slipped from A wall & proceeded into Simon's Bay

2.30pm: Anchored in Simon's Bay

4.10pm: Mr Fox, Gunner, joined ship

7.0pm: One rating joined ship

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd3419701530d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0045_1.jpg)

5 April 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.45am: Hands employed cleaning and painting ship

10.15am: One rating discharged to RN Hospital

3.45pm: Let go starboard anchor [Wind force 8 at 4pm]

4.5pm: One rating discharged to HMS AFRIKANDER

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd3419701530e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0046_0.jpg)

6 April 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.30am: Weighed starboard anchor

8.45am: Hands employed preparing ship for sea & painting ship

11.0am: Nine paint brushes lost overboard by accident

2.0pm: Vice Admiral Sir William Goodenough & staff embarked

2.08pm: Weighed & proceeded into False Bay

8.34pm: Danger point abeam

10.0pm: Exercised sea boats crew

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd3419701530f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0046_1.jpg)

7 April 1921

Simon's Bay to Port Elizabeth

Lat -34.72, Long 22.32

12.05am: Exercised sea boats crew

12.20am: Cape Agulhas light abeam, 15 miles

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

10.0am: Exercised general quarters

4.30pm: Exercised fire stations

4.40pm: Read warrant no 43

5.30pm: Cape Seal abeam

10.0pm: Sighted glare of Seal Point light

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd34197015310: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0047_0.jpg)

8 April 1921

Simon's Bay to Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

1.23am: Seal Point light abeam, 6.5 miles

8.42am: Anchored in Algoa Bay

9.30am: Admiral [sic] hands employed cleaning ship

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd34197015311: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0047_1.jpg)

9 April 1921

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

8.45am: Hands employed cleaning ship

9.0am: Grahamstown party left ship [Grahamstown, now Makhanda, is a small town North East of Port Elizabeth. There is no indication of why a party was despatched there]

1.0pm: Hands make & mend clothes

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd34197015312: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0048_0.jpg)

10 April 1921

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

9.30am: Divisions

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd34197015313: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0048_1.jpg)

4caf8653cadfd34197015314: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0049_0.jpg)

11 April 1921

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

[Day entered twice; contents similar]

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship & rigging illuminating circuit

10.0am: Ship open to the public from 10.0am to 6.0pm

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8653cadfd34197015315: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0049_1.jpg)

12 April 1921

Port Elizabeth to East London

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

9.30am: Grahamstown party returned on board

4.33pm: Weighed & proceeded

10.15pm: Exercised sea boats crew

10.55pm: Sighted Great Fish Point light

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8653cadfd34197015316: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0050_0.jpg)

13 April 1921

Port Elizabeth to East London

Lat -33.024, Long 27.904

2.50am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.0pm: Exercised close watertight doors

8.36am: Stopped to embark pilot

8.47am: Proceeded in tow of tug as requisite for proceeding up Buffalo River

9.50am: Secured alongside no 2 wharf, East London

1.0pm: Ship open to the public 1.0pm to 6.0pm

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8653cadfd34197015317: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0050_1.jpg)

14 April 1921

East London

Lat -33.024, Long 27.904

9.30am: Training classes to instruction, hands employed cleaning & refitting ship

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes, ship open to public until 6pm

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8653cadfd34197015318: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0051_0.jpg)

15 April 1921

East London

Lat -33.024, Long 27.904

8.0am: Dressed ship

9.0am: Guard of honour landed, hands employed cleaning ship

2.30pm: Ship open to the public

5.0pm: Undressed ship

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd34197015319: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0051_1.jpg)

16 April 1921

East London

Lat -33.024, Long 27.904

1.30pm: Hands make & mend clothes, ship open to the public

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd3419701531a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0052_0.jpg)

17 April 1921

East London to Simonstown

Lat -33.42, Long 27.58

8.52am: Cast off from the wharf & proceeded in charge of pilot

9.08am: Let go tug

9.10am: Stopped both & disembarked pilot, proceeded

11.30pm: Exercised watch close WT doors

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8653cadfd3419701531b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0052_1.jpg)

18 April 1921

East London to Simonstown

Lat -34.82, Long 22.35

1.30am: Seal Point abeam

5.15am: Passed SS BLOOMFONTEIN [sic: It is not clear which ship this was. Either the Ellerman & Bucknell Line steamer launched in 1906 or the Holland Africa line steamer launched in 1899 is possible. Subsequent meetings with an SS BLOEMFONTEIN could refer to different steamers]

8.30am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill

10.0am: Full speed ahead both

10.10am: Dropped depth charge

4.0pm: Read warrants nos 44, 45, 46

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd3419701531c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0053_0.jpg)

19 April 1921

East London to Simonstown

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.47am: Danger Point light abeam

5.49am: Cape Point light abeam, 4¼ miles

6.53am: Stopped both & anchored in Simon's Bay, Admiral & staff left ship

8.0am: Flag of C in C hauled down

8.20am: Weighed & proceeded for entering basin

9.30am: Secured alongside A wall

10.0am: Coal ship, 650 tons

6.0pm: Finished coaling

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd3419701531d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0053_1.jpg)

20 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Coal ship

10.0am: Finished coaling

4.0pm: Read warrant no 47, one offender discharged to detention barracks

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd3419701531e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0054_0.jpg)

21 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.30pm: One rating rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd3419701531f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0054_1.jpg)

22 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning & painting ship

9.0am: Range parties landed

4.30pm: Read warrant no 48, offender discharged to detention

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd34197015320: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0055_0.jpg)

23 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.15pm: Port watch employed painting ship

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd34197015321: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0055_1.jpg)

24 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, landed church parties

1.30pm: Libertymen landed

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8653cadfd34197015322: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0056_0.jpg)

25 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Range parties landed, remainder of hands employed as requisite

9.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT came out of dock & made fast alongside west wall

5.0pm: Four ratings joined ship from HMS BIRMINGHAM & four ratings discharged to HMS BIRMINGHAM

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8653cadfd34197015323: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0056_1.jpg)

26 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.50am: HMS BIRMINGHAM went into dock

10.50am: Secured alongside C wall

1.50pm: Watchkeepers liberty men landed

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8653cadfd34197015324: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0057_0.jpg)

27 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.45pm: Three ratings joined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8653cadfd34197015325: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0057_1.jpg)

28 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.30pm: Watchkeepers libertymen landed

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8653cadfd34197015326: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0058_0.jpg)

29 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: One hammock lost over side by accident

1.30pm: Sub-Lieutenant Walkey left ship to join HMS BIRMINGHAM, Sub-Lieutenant Albrecht joined ship from HMS BIRMINGHAM [Sub Lieutenant, later Commander August William Albrecht spent most of his career in Simonstown including captaincy of HMS AFRIKANDER]

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8653cadfd34197015327: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0058_1.jpg)

30 April 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands employed cleaning ship

7.40am: HMS LOWESTOFT shifted berth to A wall

8.0am: HMS BIRMINGHAM struck flag. HMS LOWESTOFT broke flag of C in C South Africa station

12.45pm: Paid hands

1.30pm: Landed libertymen

Number on sick list = 6


4caf8653cadfd34197015328: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0059_0.jpg)

1 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Landed church parties

4caf8653cadfd34197015329: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0059_1.jpg)

2 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.15am: Six RNVR ratings joined ship

Noon: Hands make & mend clothes

2.15pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital

4.0pm: Read warrant no 49

4caf8653cadfd3419701532a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0060_0.jpg)

3 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Hands employed cleaning down aloft, RNVR ratings to instruction

10.0am: One rating left ship for range

1.40pm: HMS BIRMINGHAM undocked & proceeded

2.30pm: Hands employed blacking down and as requisite

3.30pm: Five midshipmen rejoined ship from the range

4.30pm: Read warrant no 50, one rating discharged to detention barracks

4caf8653cadfd3419701532b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0060_1.jpg)

4 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Hands employed as requisite, RNVR ratings to instruction

10.30am: Range party returned

1.15pm: Read warrant no 51

1.30pm: Hands employed blacking down aloft & as requisite, RNVR ratings & boys to instructions

4caf8653cadfd3419701532c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0061_0.jpg)

5 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT started coaling

8.30am: Range parties landed, remainder of hands employed as requisite

9.0am: Marines landed for drill, RNVR ratings under instruction

1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite, boys & RNVR ratings to instructions

6.0pm: Fire broke out in HMS LOWESTOFT, hands sent over to attend fire

6.15pm: Hands returned

4caf8653cadfd3419701532d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0061_1.jpg)

6 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship overall

9.30am: Hands employed blacking & painting down aloft, training classes & RNVRs to instruction

2.30pm: Midshipman Wood returned to ship from RN hospital

4caf8653cadfd3419701532e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0062_0.jpg)

7 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.20pm: Read warrant no 52

4caf8653cadfd3419701532f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0062_1.jpg)

8 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Church

4caf8653cadfd34197015330: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0063_0.jpg)

9 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.15pm: Hands employed painting aloft & on rigging, training classes, boys & RNVR ratings to instruction

2.30pm: Two ratings returned from hospital

3.0pm: Five ratings joined ship from England

4.0pm: Warrant Engineer Chanter joined ship from England

5.10pm: Warrant Schoolmaster Dicker joined ship from England [presumably Warrant Schoolmaster Arthur Dicker]

4caf8653cadfd34197015331: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0063_1.jpg)

10 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: One rating discharged to hospital

1.0pm: Four ratings discharged to power station

1.15pm: Hands employed painting cabins etc, boys & RNVR training classes to instruction

4.30pm: One rating rejoined ship from detention

4caf8653cadfd34197015332: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0064_0.jpg)

11 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8,30am: Hands employed painting, working on boats etc, training classes & RNVR ratings to instruction

1.0pm: Six RNVR ratings left ship

4caf8653cadfd34197015333: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0064_1.jpg)

12 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8653cadfd34197015334: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0065_0.jpg)

13 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Royal Marines landed for drill, training classes to instruction

4caf8653cadfd34197015335: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0065_1.jpg)

14 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8653cadfd34197015336: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0066_0.jpg)

15 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed church parties

4caf8653cadfd34197015337: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0066_1.jpg)

16 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.15pm: HMS LOWESTOFT secured alongside A wall

4caf8653cadfd34197015338: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0067_0.jpg)

17 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.0pm: One shipwright rating rejoined ship from detention quarters

9.25pm: One stoker rating discharged to hospital

4caf8653cadfd34197015339: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0067_1.jpg)

18 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.0pm: One midshipman rejoined ship from hospital

5.0pm: 13 boys from Naval Brigade joined ship

4caf8653cadfd3419701533a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0068_0.jpg)

19 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Hands employed as requisite, training classes to instruction, marines landed for drill

1.15pm: Boys Brigade & gunnery training class to instruction, remainder of hands employed as requisite

4caf8653cadfd3419701533b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0068_1.jpg)

20 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Boys & training classes to instruction, painting party painting port passage, remainder of hands as requisite

4caf8653cadfd3419701533c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0069_0.jpg)

21 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8654cadfd3419701533d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0069_1.jpg)

22 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.10am: Church parties landed

7.25pm: HMS SOUTHAMPTON anchored [HMS SOUTHAMPTON was a Chatham Class cruiser launched in 1912, 8 x 6" guns]

[Note. Log keeper changed from this day. New log keeper uses the 24-hour clock; however, times have been converted to 12-hour for consistency]

4caf8654cadfd3419701533e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0070_0.jpg)

23 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: HMS SOUTHAMPTON berthed alongside west wall

8.30am: Range party left ship

12.50pm: One deserter rejoined ship

3.10pm: One PO returned from hospital

4caf8654cadfd3419701533f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0070_1.jpg)

24 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Hands employed taking in clothing stores

11.10am: Received four bags of English mail

4caf8654cadfd34197015340: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0071_0.jpg)

25 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded to flagship's moorings

8.0am: Boys Brigade left for instructional tour

8.15am: Hands employed as requisite for shifting ships, HMS SOUTHAMPTON proceeded into dock

10.32am: Left C wall & proceeded alongside west wall

3.30pm: One bag of English parcel mail arrived on board

4.30pm: Read warrant no 53, one prisoner discharged to detention

4caf8654cadfd34197015341: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0071_1.jpg)

26 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship in honour of HM the Queen's birthday, hands employed provisioning. Lieutenant HL Kirkpatrick joined ship [Lieutenant, later Captain Henry Leonard Ivers Kirkpatrick received the OBE in 1939]

5.40pm: Undressed ship

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8654cadfd34197015342: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0072_0.jpg)

27 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Lieutenant Commander Bishop left ship

2.0pm: HMS LOWESTOFT slipped & proceeded with C in C aboard

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd34197015343: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0072_1.jpg)

28 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.0pm: One seaman returned from detention

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd34197015344: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0073_0.jpg)

29 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Landed Wes & Pres church parties [Wesleyan & Presbyterian]

10.0am: Landed church of England & RC church parties

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd34197015345: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0073_1.jpg)

30 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Hands employed as requisite, OS & boys to instruction

7.0pm: One warrant shipwright rejoined from hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd34197015346: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0074_0.jpg)

31 May 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands sponging out guns & as requisite

Number on sick list = 3


4caf8654cadfd34197015347: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0074_1.jpg)

1 June 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands working about PV wires & as requisite, boys at instruction. OS training class to gunnery instruction

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd34197015348: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0075_0.jpg)

2 June 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands working about paravanes, divers examining underwater fittings

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd34197015349: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0075_1.jpg)

3 June 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship overall on occasion of HM King's birthday, divers examining underwater fittings

2.30pm: Divers clearing propeller of harbour launch

5.42pm: Undressed ship

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd3419701534a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0076_0.jpg)

4 June 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Divers examining underwater fittings

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701534b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0076_1.jpg)

5 June 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd3419701534c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0077_0.jpg)

6 June 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.50am: Ship was shifted to coaling berth

9.0am: Secured alongside A wall

3.15pm: Discharged two ratings to hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd3419701534d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0077_1.jpg)

7 June 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.40am: Coal ship, received 330 tons, 6 hrs 20 mins

3.0pm: Three ratings rejoined from hospital

5.0pm: Sub-Lieutenant Forbes RNVR joined ship for 14 days training

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701534e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0078_0.jpg)

8 June 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.45am: Slipped from A wall, proceeded as requisite into Simon's Bay

8.01m: Anchored

2.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, one quarter of beef, weight 193 lbs

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701534f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0078_1.jpg)

9 June 1921

Simon's Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.15am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for adjusting compasses for deviation

Noon: Finished swinging

12.5pm: Anchored

2.0pm: Guns crews to loader drill

8.7pm: Weighed & proceeded for leaving harbour

8.23pm: Roman Rocks light abeam, 2 cables

9.50pm: Cape Point light abeam, 3 miles

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd34197015350: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0079_0.jpg)

10 June 1921

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

1.39am: Hang Kop abeam, 3 miles

3.52am: Robben Island light abeam

10.10am: Course & speed as requisite for entering Saldanha Bay

10.34am: Anchored in Houtjes Bay

1.15pm: Boys & training classes to instruction

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd34197015351: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0079_1.jpg)

11 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd34197015352: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0080_0.jpg)

12 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

9.30am: Hands mustered by open list

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd34197015353: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0080_1.jpg)

13 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

8.30am: Steam cutter away surveying, exercised control parties & tubes crews

10.0am: Exercised away sheet anchor

10.37am: Laid out anchor & weighed same

1.0pm: All boats crews away, pulling & boats sailing, remainder of hands employed as requisite

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd34197015354: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0080a_0.jpg)

14 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

8.30am: Steam cutter away surveying, exercised control parties

10.0am: Exercised out all wire hawsers, out kedge anchor & away all boats crews. Lost overboard by accident, two, two pound hammers & one brass crutch

1.0pm: All boats away sailing

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd34197015355: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0080a_1.jpg)

15 June 1921

Houtjes Bay & at sea for firing

Lat -33.07, Long 18.00

7.35am: Weighted & proceeded as requisite

8.51am: Stopped both, dropped target

9.15am: Course & speed as requisite for carrying out sub-calibre firing, four runs

10.56am: Stopped & picked up target

10.55am: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage south of Jutten Island

12.14pm: Anchored off Salamander Point

1.28pm: Weighted & proceeded as requisite for carrying out torpedo running, fired two torpedoes at range 4000 yards

2.22pm: Stopped & anchored off Salamander Point, hoisted in torpedoes

3.08pm: Weighed & proceeded for Houtjes Bay

3.35pm: Anchored

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd34197015356: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0081_0.jpg)

16 June 1921

Houtjes Bay & at sea for firing

Lat -33.06, Long 17.95 [Est]

8.30am: Weighed, proceeded out of harbour

9.26am: Stopped both, dropped target

10.0am: Carried out sub-calibre practice, one run, and ditto with training classes

11.10am: Stopped & picked up target

11.15am: Proceeded as requisite into harbour

Noon: Commenced half yearly survey of cables

12.30pm: Stopped to observe swell

1.13pm: Anchored in Houtjes Bay

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8654cadfd34197015357: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0081_1.jpg)

17 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

10.30am: All boats crews away boat sailing

1.15pm: All boats crews away sailing, lost overboard by accident one boathook, iron

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8654cadfd34197015358: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0082_0.jpg)

18 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

11.0am: Completed half yearly survey of cables

1.0pm: Leave to the watch 1.30pm to 6.0pm, make & mend clothes

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8654cadfd34197015359: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0082_1.jpg)

19 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.15am: Divine service

2.0pm: Ship open to European visitors

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8654cadfd3419701535a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0083_0.jpg)

20 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

8.45am: Landed all available officers & men

1.30pm: Landing parties returned, cleaned arms

2.30pm: Piped down

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8654cadfd3419701535b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0083_1.jpg)

21 June 1921

Houtjes Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

8.0am: Steamboat away surveying

9.20am: Divisions & prayers

9.30am: Boys TC & acting SG class to instruction, remainder cleaning out magazines & shell runs & as requisite. [TC is probably training class; SG is Seaman Gunner]

1.30pm: Guns crews to loading drill, training classes to instruction

5.30pm: Sub-Lieutenant Forbes RNVR left ship

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd3419701535c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0084_0.jpg)

22 June 1921

Houtjes Bay to sea for exercises

Lat -33.06, Long 17.95 [Est]

8.0am: Dressed ship overall, coronation day

9.10am: Weighed, undressed ship, proceeded as requisite out of harbour

10.02am: Stopped & dropped target, proceeded as requisite, carried out one run full calibre & one run sub-calibre firing

11.35am: Picked up target & proceeded as requisite into harbour

12.32pm: Anchored, dressed ship overall

1.55pm: Undressed ship, weighed & proceeded as requisite for firing torpedoes

2.31pm: Fired first torpedo

2.35pm: Fired second torpedo

2.50pm: Recovered both torpedoes, hands preparing for mooring & as requisite

3.0pm: Stop both, anchored

8.30pm: Burnt searchlights

4caf8654cadfd3419701535d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0084_1.jpg)

23 June 1921

Houtjes Bay & at sea for gunnery

Lat -33.10, Long 17.80 [Est]

8.45am: Commenced unmooring, weighed starboard anchor

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, hands employed as requisite

10.30am: Weighed port anchor, proceeded as requisite out of harbour

111.0am: Carried out sub-calibre firing at drifting target, hands at action stations

Noon: Stopped near target

12.35pm: Target capsized, as requisite for picking up target & dropping it again

2.0pm: Carried out two runs sub-calibre firing

2.45pm: Stopped & picked up target, proceeded into harbour via SE of Jutten Island

4.05pm: Anchored off Salamander Point

8.15pm: Exercised night defence stations, burnt searchlights

4caf8654cadfd3419701535e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0085_0.jpg)

24 June 1921

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.08, Long 18.02

9.15am: Exercised control parties

10.0am: Exercised "prepare to tow for'ard" & "prepare to tow aft"

1.30pm: Hands oiling & reeling up wire hawsers & cleaning ship, boys to instruction

4caf8654cadfd3419701535f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0085_1.jpg)

25 June 1921

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.04, Long 17.94

9.40am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

10.05am: Anchored 9½ cables from Marcus house, observed swell & roll

10.57am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite to North Bay

11.21am: Anchored, observed swell & roll

1.08pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

2.03pm: Anchored in position 355o, 6 cables from Marcus house

3.9pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite to Houtjes Bay then to position of Marcus Island

3.49pm: Anchored, observed swell & roll

4caf8654cadfd34197015360: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0086_0.jpg)

26 June 1921

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.38, Long 18.42

4.15am: Weighed & proceeded out of harbour

9.05am: Robben Island Light abeam, 6½ miles

1.50pm: Anchored

5.0pm: Discharged one rating to HMS SOUTHAMPTON, three ratings joined from RN hospital

4caf8654cadfd34197015361: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0086_1.jpg)

27 June 1921

Simonstown to Mossel Bay

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.30am: One leading stoker, one stoker discharged to hospital

9.0am: Exercised control parties

9.45am: Hands employed as requisite & preparing paravanes for streaming

11.51am: Weighed, turned & proceeded as requisite

12.03pm: Dropped PVs for exercise

1.17pm: Speed as requisite for getting in paravanes

4.45pm: Gyro defective

9.5pm: Agulhas Light abeam, 5 miles

10.0pm: Exercised boats crew

4caf8654cadfd34197015362: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0087_0.jpg)

28 June 1921

Simonstown to Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

8.18am: Blaize light abeam, 3.6 miles

8.58am: Anchored

9.24am: Weighed & shifted berth as requisite

9.34am: Anchored

1.0pm: Hands employed as requisite, boys to instruction

4caf8654cadfd34197015363: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0087_1.jpg)

29 June 1921

Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

8.30am: Exercised control parties

10.0am: Acting SG class & boys to instruction, remainder cleaning out boats & as requisite

4.30pm: Read warrant no 54

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd34197015364: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0088_0.jpg)

30 June 1921

Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

9.45am: Boys, OS & gunnery training classes to instruction

1.0pm: Paid monthly money

Number on sick list = 2


4caf8654cadfd34197015365: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0088_1.jpg)

1 July 1921

Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

9.0am: Gunnery training class & boys to instruction

1.0pm: Make & mend clothes

4caf8654cadfd34197015366: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0089_0.jpg)

2 July 1921

Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

1.0pm: Make & mend clothes

4caf8654cadfd34197015367: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0089_1.jpg)

3 July 1921

Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.30am: Divine service

1.0pm: Leave to the watch 2.0pm to 7.30am & to both watches of boys till 6pm

2.0pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8654cadfd34197015368: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0090_0.jpg)

4 July 1921

Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

9.0am: Boys & ordinary seamen training classes to instruction. ELP [Electric Lighting Party?] rigging illuminating circuit

3.0pm: "At home" given by Captain & officers

7.30pm: Illuminated ship

4caf8654cadfd34197015369: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0090_1.jpg)

5 July 1921

Mossel Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.27, Long 22.12

11.0am: Weighed & proceeded

9.35pm: A/c to avoid steam vessel

9.50pm Resumed original course

4caf8654cadfd3419701536a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0091_0.jpg)

6 July 1921

Mossel Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

2.20am: Agulhas light abeam 4½ miles

11.55am: Anchored in Simon's Bay

1.55pm: Weighed & proceeded into the basin

2.30pm: Anchored & secured alongside C wall

4caf8654cadfd3419701536b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0091_1.jpg)

7 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.52am: Coal ship

5.0pm: Ceased coaling, received 665 tons

4caf8654cadfd3419701536c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0092_0.jpg)

8 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.40am: Coal ship

11.35am: Finished coaling, received 973 tons

4caf8654cadfd3419701536d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0092_1.jpg)

9 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT arrived & anchored in the bay

9.10am: Slipped from C wall, & shifted berth

9.40am: Secured at west wall

10.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT entered harbour & secured at A wall

11.0am: Rejoined from RN Hospital, one leading stoker, lost overboard by accident, one paint brush

5.0pm: Read warrant no 55

4caf8654cadfd3419701536e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0093_0.jpg)

10 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8654cadfd3419701536f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0093_1.jpg)

11 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Hands painting down aloft & superstructure

4caf8654cadfd34197015370: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0094_0.jpg)

12 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Leave to the watch till 7.0am and to the part till 11.0pm

4caf8654cadfd34197015371: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0094_1.jpg)

13 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & landing defective shackle & cable

4caf8654cadfd34197015372: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0095_0.jpg)

14 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Guns crews to loader drill

9.0am: Royal marines landed for drill, training classes to gunnery instruction

1.0am: Lost overboard by accident, one seaboat's hammer

4caf8654cadfd34197015373: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0095_1.jpg)

15 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Exercised control parties, guns crews to loader drill

10.30am: Tested submersible pump

11.0am: Discharged to England, one writer 3rd class

4caf8654cadfd34197015374: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0096_0.jpg)

16 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10:15M: One seedie returned from hospital

4.30pm: Read warrant no 56, one stoker discharged to detention quarters

4caf8654cadfd34197015375: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0096_1.jpg)

17 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8654cadfd34197015376: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0097_0.jpg)

18 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Gunnery training class & boys to instruction, divers examining underwater fittings, guns crews to loader, torpedo tubes crews to drill, remainder as requisite

4.45pm: Read warrant no 57, discharged one AB to detention quarters

4caf8654cadfd34197015377: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0097_1.jpg)

19 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Divers examining underwater fittings

9.30pm: Divisions & prayers, torpedo tubes crews to drill, training classes & boys to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

4caf8654cadfd34197015378: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0098_0.jpg)

20 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Divers examining underwater fittings

9.30pm: Divisions & prayers, hands employed as requisite, boys & training classes to instruction, torpedo tubes crews to drill

4caf8654cadfd34197015379: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0098_1.jpg)

21 July 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Torpedo tubes crews to drill, royal marines landed for drill, guns crews to loader, carried out director test, training classes to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

4.30am: Transferred first cutter on loan to HMS LOWESTOFT

4caf8654cadfd3419701537a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0099_0.jpg)

22 July 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.40am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded out of basin to buoy

9.0am: Slipped from west wall & proceeded as requisite out of basin, secured to no 4 buoy

10.0am: Hands cleaning ship & as requisite, training classes to instruction, tubes crews to drill, tested gun sights

1.0pm: Carried out director test, forward guns

4caf8654cadfd3419701537b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0099_1.jpg)

23 July 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

4caf8654cadfd3419701537c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0100_0.jpg)

24 July 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.30am: Divine service on mess deck

11.15am: 14 RNVR seamen joined for training

4caf8654cadfd3419701537d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0100_1.jpg)

25 July 1921

Simonstown & at sea for practices

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

8.30am: Furled awnings, prepared for sea

9.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded for gunnery practice

9.36am: Slipped & proceeded

10.02am: Stop both

10.25pm: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for carrying out three runs, sub-calibre practice, hands at action stations

11.0am: RNVR ratings carried out firing practice

12.18pm: Stop both for dinner

1.48pm: Anchored in Simon's Bay

4.20pm: Exercised collision stations

5.10pm: Hands mustered by open list

8.0pm: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded

8.30am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for gunnery exercise

9.45am: Carried out two runs sub-calibre practice

10.0pm: Finished the practice, returned to Simon's Bay

10.31pm: Anchored

4caf8654cadfd3419701537e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0101_0.jpg)

26 July 1921

Simonstown & at sea for exercises

Lat -34.24, Long 18.70 [Est]

7.50am: Weighed & proceeded in company with HMS LOWESTOFT

8.40am: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out torpedo firing

8.48am: Full speed to follow HMS LOWESTOFT's first torpedo

9.13am: Stopped & recovered same

9.43am: Proceeded as requisite for torpedo firing

10.48am: Fired first torpedo

10.55am: Fired second torpedo, full speed to follow up

11.15am: Stop both to recover torpedoes

11.40am: Proceeded, 20 kts, to carry out full calibre firing

12.27pm: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out firing

1.16pm: Carried out full calibre firing, starboard guns

1.25pm: Finished the practice, proceeded as requisite for Simon's Bay

2.25pm: Anchored, hands employed as requisite & rigging battle practice target

5.45pm: Sent rake party to ST DOGMAEL [probably the Fleet Rescue Tug HMS ST DOGMAEL, launched in 1918]

6.40pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for night firing in False Bay

8.02pm: Carried out full calibre night firing, one run

8.15pm: Proceeded as requisite for Simon's Bay

9.15pm: Anchored

4caf8654cadfd3419701537f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0101_1.jpg)

27 July 1921

Simonstown & at sea for exercises

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

8.40am: Took battle practice target in tow

8.55am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

10.45am: Commenced towing onto the run

11.02am: HMS LOWESTOFT commenced full calibre firing

11.10am: Tow parted, waited HMS LOWESTOFT's firing, hauled in wire

12.40am: Proceeded as requisite for recovering target

2.15pm: A/c as requisite for returning to harbour with target in tow

4.46pm: Anchored

4caf8654cadfd34197015380: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0102_0.jpg)

28 July 1921

Simonstown & at sea for exercises

Lat -34.16, Long 18.65 [Est]

7.7am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite with battle practice target in tow for C in C's firing

8.50am: Commenced towing up for the run

8.55am: HMS LOWESTOFT started the run

9.05am: A/c as requisite for Simon's Bay to transfer target

10.30am: Stopped to hand up target

10.55am: Proceeded

11.25am: Anchored abreast HMS LOWESTOFT & transferred target to her

Noon: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded, C in C came aboard, flag transferred to HMS DUBLIN

12.38pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite to starting position, worked up to 20 kts

1.35pm: Commenced the run, full calibre firing

1.40pm: Finished the run, returned to harbour, easing speed gradually

2.25pm: Secured to flagship moorings, C in C left ship

4caf8654cadfd34197015381: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0102_1.jpg)

29 July 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.10am: CITY OF BATAVIA arrived & proceeded into basin [SS CITY OF BATAVIA was the German GANELON, launched in 1907, received in 1920 as war reparations]

10.30am: RNVR ordinary seamen to boat pulling instruction

11.30am: One stoker discharged for passage to England

2.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, one bucket patt no 9

4caf8654cadfd34197015382: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0103_0.jpg)

30 July 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.20am: One chief stoker, one leading stoker & one stoker discharged to hospital

6.30pm: SS CITY OF BATAVIA sailed

4caf8654cadfd34197015383: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0103_1.jpg)

31 July 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RCs & Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.30am: Divine service


4caf8654cadfd34197015384: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0104_0.jpg)

1 August 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.30am: HMS SOUTHAMPTON came out of basin & adjusted compasses

9.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded alongside A wall

10.0am: HMS SOUTHAMPTON anchored, RNVR training classes & boys to instruction

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

1.30pm: Hands cleaning ship & as requisite

5.0pm: One sick bay steward discharged to & one joined from HMS LOWESTOFT

9.50pm: HMS SOUTHAMPTON sailed for Cape Town

4caf8654cadfd34197015385: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0104_1.jpg)

2 August 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.30am: Boys, ordinary seamen, & RNVR ratings to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

2.0pm: Discharged to shore 14 RNVR ratings

4caf8654cadfd34197015386: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0105_0.jpg)

3 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT shifted to west wall

9.0am: Royal Marines landed for drill

9.30am: Slipped & proceeded

10.0am: Secured alongside A wall

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8654cadfd34197015387: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0105_1.jpg)

4 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Royal Marines landed for drill

2.0pm: Read warrant no 59

2.30pm: Discharged to hospital one SPO, two leading stokers, one stoker & one leading cook [many references in the logs to Ck have been taken to mean Cook; Clerk is another possibility]

Number on sick list =5

4caf8654cadfd34197015388: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0106_0.jpg)

5 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.30am: Wind SE, force 9

8.45am: Exercised control parties

9.45am: Discharged to England, one private RMLI

3.30pm: One SPO rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8654cadfd34197015389: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0106_1.jpg)

6 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Three ratings rejoined from hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701538a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0107_0.jpg)

7 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.15am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701538b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0107_1.jpg)

8 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Training classes & boys to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

9.35am: Royal Marines landed for drill

11.0am: 13 RNVR ratings joined ship for training

1.30pm: Discharged to HMS AFRIKANDER one private RMLI

3.30pm: One stoker rejoined from hospital. Leave to the watch 4.30pm to 7.0am, and to the part 6.0pm to 7.0am

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701538c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0108_0.jpg)

9 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Acting SG class, boys & RNVR ratings to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

2.0pm: Discharged to hospital one stoker

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd3419701538d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0108_1.jpg)

10 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands employed as requisite, cleaning out S Rooms & magazines, training classes & RNVRs to instruction

4.45pm: One stoker rejoined from detention quarter

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd3419701538e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0109_0.jpg)

11 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Training classes to instruction remainder of hands provisioning ship

1.0pm: Two ratings discharged to hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd3419701538f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0109_1.jpg)

12 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd34197015390: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0110_0.jpg)

13 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Shifted berth from A to C wall

9.30am: Berthed at C wall

10.0am: One stoker, one leading stoker, one signaller & one leading cook returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd34197015391: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0110_1.jpg)

14 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.20am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8654cadfd34197015392: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0111_0.jpg)

[The above is a second log page entry for the same date, 14th August 1921. It carries identical information to the other so has not been separately transcribed]

4caf8654cadfd34197015393: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0111_1.jpg)

15 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & drilling for funeral party [Naval Casualties website lists the death of ANDERSON, Toby, Krooman, W 7, of HMSAS AFRIKANDER in Simonstown, cause of death: illness]

8.0am: Funeral party left ship

9.0am Half masted colours, Royal marines landed for drill

10.0am: Rehoisted colours

11.0am: Funeral party returned

1.30pm: Boys, OS training class & RNVRs to instruction

2.0pm: Discharged one seedie to hospital

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8654cadfd34197015394: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0112_0.jpg)

16 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: All training classes & RNVRs to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

11.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT saluted American consul with 11 guns

2.0pm: Discharged to hospital one stoker

Number on sic list = 5

4caf8654cadfd34197015395: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0112_1.jpg)

17 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Royal marines landed for drill

1.15pm: 13 RNVR ratings discharged to shore

2.0pm: Torpedo training class to instruction

Number on sick list = 8

4caf8654cadfd34197015396: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0113_0.jpg)

18 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Marines landed for drill, training classes to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

1.0pm: New ship's company of HMS LOWESTOFT joined flagship

2.0pm: Mr Bassett, (boatswain) joined ship

4.30pm: Leave to the watch till 7.0am

6.30am: Leave to the part till 11.0pm

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8654cadfd34197015397: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0113_1.jpg)

19 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Boys & training classes to instruction, remainder painting & as requisite

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8654cadfd34197015398: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0114_0.jpg)

20 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: Returned from hospital one SPO, one stoker & one leading cook

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8654cadfd34197015399: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0114_1.jpg)

21 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds, landed Wesleyans, Presbyterians & RCs

10.15am: Divine service

1.0pm: Leave to the part till 11.0pm & to the blue watch of boys till 7.0pm

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8654cadfd3419701539a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0115_0.jpg)

22 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Torpedo & boys training classes to instruction, remainder painting & as requisite

10.0am: Half mast colours, Serbian ensign at the main, half mast [presumably for the death of King Peter I of Serbia, who died on the 16th of August 1921]

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd3419701539b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0115_1.jpg)

23 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Divisions & prayers, training classes & boys to instruction, trainers & sightsetters to gunnery lecture

11.0am: Discharged to hospital one SPO

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701539c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0116_0.jpg)

24 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT left west wall & anchored in the bay

11.30am: SS STANLEY HALL berthed at west wall [SS STANLEY HALL was a Hall line cargo steamer launched in 1894]

2.0pm: Discharged to hospital. one leading stoker

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd3419701539d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0116_1.jpg)

25 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Training classes to instruction, Fxle guns crew to drill

10.45am: HMS LOWESTOFT berthed at A wall

11.0am: Captain E H Rymer left the ship

11.45am: SS STANLEY HALL preceded out of harbour

3.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, crutch G M [gunmetal] patt 73E, one in no

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd3419701539e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0117_0.jpg)

26 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Torpedo tubes crews to drill

9.0am: Mr Dawes, boatswain, left ship, discharged for passage to England, five ratings, Captain’s staff

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd3419701539f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0117_1.jpg)

27 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8654cadfd341970153a0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0118_0.jpg)

28 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians, also Church of England party

Number on sick list = 5

Log signed RR Rosoman Captain [Commander Robert Reynolds Rosoman; no record has been found of RR Rosoman taking command of HMS Dublin]

4caf8654cadfd341970153a1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0118_1.jpg)

29 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Boys & training classes to instruction, remainder employed as requisite, Royal marines landed for drill

11.0am: Embarked ammunition

1.0pm: Lost overboard by neglect, one boat’s crutch

1.30pm: Hands embarking ammunition & as requisite

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8654cadfd341970153a2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0119_0.jpg)

30 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, S1 guns crew to drill

7.0pm: Joined ship (Captain's staff) one valet & one first class cook

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8654cadfd341970153a3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0119_1.jpg)

31 August 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Joined ship Captain WL Elder, CMG [William Leslie Elder CMG, born 26/6/1874, was Captain of HMS DUBLIN from 5th August 1921]

9.15am: Royal marines landed for drill

9.30am: Boys & training classes to instruction, remainder painting out boats & as requisite, tested submersible pump

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

2.0pm: Rejoined from hospital, Mr Wallis, Gunner (T) & two chief stokers

Number on sick list = 4


4caf8654cadfd341970153a4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0120_0.jpg)

1 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Royal marines landed for drill, boys & training classes to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

2.30pm: Discharged to hospital, one SPO, one leading cook & two stokers

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd341970153a5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0120_1.jpg)

2 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Exercised control parties, seedies provisioning ship

9.30am: Hands mustered by open list

1.0pm: Hands employed stowing provisions & as requisite

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153a6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0121_0.jpg)

3 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153a7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0121_1.jpg)

4 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions

10.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans, Presbyterians & Church of England party

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153a8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0122_0.jpg)

5 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Royal Marines landed for drill

9.30am: Divisions, boys & training classes to instruction, 17 musicians joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT

11.0am: 12 RNVR ratings joined ship, exercised guns crews & rangetakers

2.0pm: HMS LOWESTOFT left A wall & anchored in the bay

4.0pm: Flag of C in C transferred from HMS LOWESTOFT to HMS DUBLIN

5.50pm: HMS LOWESTOFT weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153a9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0122_1.jpg)

6 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Boys, RNVRs & training classes to instruction, remainder cleaning magazines & store rooms & as requisite

3.0pm: One stoker rejoined from hospital

5.0pm: Surgeon Commander Laffan joined ship [Surgeon Commander, later Surgeon Captain Michael Joseph Laffan retired in 1926 & died in 1927]

6.30pm: One officer's steward, one officer's cook, one PO, one stokers mate & twelve boys joined ship

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153aa: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0123_0.jpg)

7 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.45am: Slipped from C wall

8.05am: Entered dry dock, hands employed docking ship & cleaning down ship's bottom

1.0pm: RNVRs to instruction, boys mustering bedding, remainder employed as requisite, cleaning ship's bottom

5.0pm: One private RMLI rejoined from HMS AFRIKANDER

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd341970153ab: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0123_1.jpg)

8 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8654cadfd341970153ac: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0124_0.jpg)

9 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning & painting ship's bottom, RNVRs to instruction

1.0pm: Read warrants no 60, 61, & 62

10.40pm: Training ship GENERAL BOTHA arrived & anchored in the bay [South African Training Ship GENERAL BOTHA was the Mersey Class Cruiser HMS THAMES, launched in 1885, sold in 1920 to a South African businessman, who sponsored her for use as a training ship for naval cadets]

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd341970153ad: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0124_1.jpg)

10 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: SATS GENERAL BOTHA berthed in the basin at west wall

5.0pm: Two offenders of HMS LOWESTOFT joined ship from detention

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8654cadfd341970153ae: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0125_0.jpg)

11 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Landed Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.0am: Landed Church of England & RC church parties

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153af: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0125_1.jpg)

12 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: RNVRs & boys to instruction, remainder coating ship's bottom, Royal marines landed for drill

3.30pm: Dock flooded to 12 feet

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153b0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0126_0.jpg)

13 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Boys & RNVRs to instruction, remainder painting ship's bottom, drawing stores & as requisite

5.0pm: One offender of HMS SOUTHAMPTON joined ship from detention

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153b1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0126_1.jpg)

14 September 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Boys & RNVRs to instruction, remainder painting ships site & as requisite, Royal marines landed for drill

1.40pm: RNVR ratings left ship

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8654cadfd341970153b2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0127_0.jpg)

15 September 1921


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

[Part of the right-hand side of the page is not visible. However, the following scan of the record of compass deviations provides some of the missing text]

7.30am: Dock was flooded

9.0am: Ship was undocked

9.40am: Divisions & prayers, boys to instruction, remainder as requisite

10.0am: Proceeded into the bay, swung ship for adjustment of compasses

11.35pm: Secured to Flagship's moorings

1.0pm: Boys & range takers to instruction, remainder as requisite

2.0pm: Discharged to detention quarters, one PO

3.50pm: One PO joined from detention quarters

5.0pm: Joined from RN hospital, one leading steward, two stokers & one seedie, joined for passage to St Helena, two seedies

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8654cadfd341970153b3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0127_1.jpg)

[Right hand side of scan of page above & record of observations of deviations; not completed]

4caf8654cadfd341970153b4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0128_0.jpg)

[Left hand side of record of observations of deviations, completed; not transcribed]

4caf8654cadfd341970153b5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0128_1.jpg)

[Right hand side of record of observations of deviations, completed; not transcribed. Includes details of locations of magnets etc]

4caf8655cadfd341970153b6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0129_0.jpg)

[Description & position of correctors, continued; not transcribed]

4caf8655cadfd341970153b7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0129_1.jpg)

16 September 1921

Simonstown to Cape Town

Lat -34.13, Long 18.27

8.30am: Slipped & turned

8.37am: Proceeded as requisite

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, exercised general quarters, collision & fire stations

11.54am: Hang Kop light abeam

2.0pm: Course & speed as requisite for entering Table Bay & docks

2.07pm: Stopped, embarked pilot & proceeded into basin

3.0pm: Secured alongside no 4 jetty

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8655cadfd341970153b8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0130_0.jpg)

17 September 1921

Cape Town Docks

Lat -33.906, Long 18.424

3.0am: Discharged to shore one Engineer Artificer

4.30pm: Rejoined from hospital, one leading seaman, one musician & one seedie

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8655cadfd341970153b9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0130_1.jpg)

18 September 1921

Cape Town

Lat -33.906, Long 18.424

9.30am: Divisions, landed RC church party

10.30am: Divine service

11.45am: HMS LOWESTOFT berthed at no 4 jetty

4.30pm: Discharged HMS LOWESTOFT's band to their ship

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8655cadfd341970153ba: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0131_0.jpg)

19 September 1921

Cape Town Docks

Lat -33.906, Long 18.424

7.50am: Commenced coaling, native labour

9.20am: Landed all seamen in fatigue order for route march

3.0pm: Landing party returned

4.30pm: Leave to the watch till 7.0am & to engine room ratings till 11.0pm

11.20pm: Finished coaling, received 831 tons

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8655cadfd341970153bb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0131_1.jpg)

20 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -33.83, Long 18.07

8.30am: Transferred flag of C in C to HMS LOWESTOFT

8.50am: Lieutenant Commander Preen RNVR joined ship for training

10.10am: Slipped & proceeded out of harbour

10.20am: Stopped, discharged pilot

10.47am: Robben Island light abeam

4.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised abandon ship stations

10.04pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.0pm: Exercised close water tight doors

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8655cadfd341970153bc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0132_0.jpg)

21 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -30.85, Long 14.13

12.20pm: Sighted SS PORT AUGUSTA [probably the Tyne-built cargo steamer SS PORT AUGUSTA, launched in 1906]

12.55pm: Turned to 130o to escort this vessel

4.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised tow aft, courses & speeds as requisite for keeping station on SS PORT AUGUSTA

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8655cadfd341970153bd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0132_1.jpg)

22 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -32.73, Long 16.73

1.0am: Course & speeds as requisite for keeping station on SS PORT AUGUSTA

5.55pm: Turned & set course 310o, parted company with SS PORT AUGUSTA

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8655cadfd341970153be: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0133_0.jpg)

23 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -31.33, Long 14.80

9.30am: Boys & training classes to instruction, remainder employed as requisite, cleaning mess decks & refitting ammunition whips

1.30pm: Port watch refitting awnings & cleaning ship, starboard watch make & mend clothes

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8655cadfd341970153bf: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0133_1.jpg)

24 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -28.55, Long 11.05

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8655cadfd341970153c0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0134_0.jpg)

25 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -25.86, Long 7.41

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8655cadfd341970153c1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0134_1.jpg)

26 September 1921

Cape Town

Lat -23.08, Long 3.77

9.15am: Divisions & prayers

9.30am: Action stations, changed over to lower conning tower steering position

10.10am: Secure, connected to the bridge

10.35am: Connected up hand wheel

11.0am: Connected to the bridge

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8655cadfd341970153c2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0135_0.jpg)

27 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -20.28, Long 0.38

5.20am: Early dawn, visibility 10 miles

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, hands fitting windsails & as requisite, guns crews to loader drill

1.30pm: Boys to instruction, remainder refitting & cleaning ship

4.08pm: Evening quarters, let go both lifebuoys, stop both & as requisite for lowering seaboats & recovering same

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8655cadfd341970153c3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0135_1.jpg)

28 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -17.69, Long -3.07

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

10.0am: Searchlights crews to control drill, gunnery training class to instructions, remainder preparing for coaling

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8655cadfd341970153c4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0136_0.jpg)

29 September 1921

Cape Town to St Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

4.44am: Sighted St Helena Island, bearing about 270o

7.50am: Anchored in James Bay

9.05am: First coal lighter alongside, commenced coaling

10.0pm: Ceased coaling for the night, received 439 tons

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8655cadfd341970153c5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0136_1.jpg)

30 September 1921

James Bay St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

6.25am: Recommenced coaling

3.20pm: Finished coaling, received 720 tons

Number on sick list = 6


4caf8655cadfd341970153c6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0137_0.jpg)

1 October 1921

James Bay, St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

1.0pm: Paid quarterly settlement

4caf8655cadfd341970153c7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0137_1.jpg)

2 October 1921

James Bay, St. Helena

Lat -15.92, Long -5.72

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.30am: Divine service

1.10pm: HE the Governor came aboard

2.30pm: HE the Governor left ship, fired salute of 17 guns

4caf8655cadfd341970153c8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0138_0.jpg)

3 October 1921

St Helena to Ascension

Lat -15.53, Long -6.16

7.0am: Hands cleaning ship & securing for sea, joined ship for passage to Ascension, 43 St Helena natives

8.20am: Weighed, turned as requisite

11.0am: Hands scrubbing hammocks & as requisite

4.0pm: Spread fxle & port boat deck awnings

4caf8655cadfd341970153c9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0138_1.jpg)

4 October 1921

St Helena to Ascension

Lat -12.79, Long -9.27

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, training classes to instruction, remainder spreading boat deck awnings & as requisite

2.0pm: Torpedo training class to instruction & boys

4.0pm: Evening quarters, exercised collision stations, read warrant no 63

11.10pm: Exercised seaboats crew & watch close water tight doors

4caf8655cadfd341970153ca: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0139_0.jpg)

5 October 1921

St Helena to Ascension

Lat -10.02, Long -12.25

9.45am: Divisions & prayers, mustered & aired all bedding, exercised searchlight control

4caf8655cadfd341970153cb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0139_1.jpg)

6 October 1921

St Helena to Ascension

Lat -7.92, Long -14.41

4.55am: Commenced working up to 200 revs

5.05am: Sighted Ascension Island ahead

7.20am: Course & speed as requisite for entering Clarence Bay

7.38am: Anchored in Clarence Bay

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, boys & gunnery & torpedo training classes to instruction, remainder disembarking stores for the Island

1.15pm: Discharged to shore 43 St Helena natives

4caf8655cadfd341970153cc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0140_0.jpg)

7 October 1921

Ascension Island

Lat -7.92, Long -14.41

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, boys & training classes to instruction

5.0pm: 52 Kroomen joined ship for passage to Sierra Leone, hands securing for sea [Kroomen were African sailors of the Kroo tribe employed as sailors in the British Navy & merchant fleet]

11.56pm: Weighed & turned as requisite

4caf8655cadfd341970153cd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0140_1.jpg)

8 October 1921

Ascension Island to Bathurst

Lat -5.88, Long -14.82

[Bathurst is now known as Banjul, Gambia]

3.0am: Exercised sea boats' crew

8.0pm: A/c 354o Gyro 1o low

4caf8655cadfd341970153ce: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0141_0.jpg)

9 October 1921

Ascension Island to Bathurst

Lat -1.77, Long -15.60

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.30am: Divine service

4caf8655cadfd341970153cf: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0141_1.jpg)

10 October 1921

Ascension Island to Bathurst

Lat 2.07, Long -16.25

11.0am: Tested both sounding devices, correct

10.0pm: A/C 348°, no error

4caf8655cadfd341970153d0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0142_0.jpg)

11 October 1921

Ascension Island to Bathurst

Lat 5.72, Long -16.68

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew & watch close watertight doors

4caf8655cadfd341970153d1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0142_1.jpg)

12 October 1921

Ascension Island to Bathurst

Lat 9.60, Long -17.37

5.55am: Slow both & as requisite for swinging ship

6.23am: Proceeded

4.12pm: Let go both lifebuoys, stop both & as requisite for recovering same

4.27pm: Proceeded

10.0pm: Passed SS CLAN ALPINE, southward bound [SS CLAN ALPINE was a Greenock-built cargo steamer launched in 1918, subsequently sunk by torpedo in WW2]

4caf8655cadfd341970153d2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0143_0.jpg)

13 October 1921

Ascension Island to Bathurst

Lat 13.54, Long -16.67 [Est]

9.30am: Sighted land

11.0am: Sounding every ¼ hour

1.25pm: Hauled in patent log, courses as requisite for going up Gambia river

2.45pm: Anchored off Bathurst

4caf8655cadfd341970153d3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0143_1.jpg)

14 October 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.57

4caf8655cadfd341970153d4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0144_0.jpg)

15 October 1921


Lat 13.44, Long -16.57

12.30pm: HE the Governor came aboard

2.15pm: HE the Governor left ship, fired salute of 17 guns

7.0pm: Prepared for sea

4caf8655cadfd341970153d5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0144_1.jpg)

16 October 1921

Bathurst to Sierra Leone

Lat 13.40, Long -16.96

8.30am: Weighed & proceeded

10.10pm: Exercised sea boats crew

11.0pm: Exercised watch close watertight doors

4caf8655cadfd341970153d6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0145_0.jpg)

17 October 1921

Bathurst to Sierra Leone

Lat 9.83, Long -16.12

3.0am: A/c 133o true, gyro 2o low

4.10pm: Let go both lifebuoys, stop both & as requisite for recovering both

4.20pm: Proceeded

4caf8655cadfd341970153d7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0145_1.jpg)

18 October 1921

Bathurst to Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.21

5.0am: Sighted land ahead

7.23pm: Anchored off Sierra Leone, (Freetown)

9.10am: Lieutenant HA Packer & six stokers joined ship from UK [Lieutenant, later Vice Admiral Herbert Annesley Packer was later Commander in Chief of the South Atlantic]

2.0pm: 52 Kroomen on passage from Ascension discharged to shore

4caf8655cadfd341970153d8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0146_0.jpg)

19 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.21

1.30pm: HE the Governor boarded

2.15pm: HE the Governor left ship, fired a salute of 17 guns

4caf8655cadfd341970153d9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0146_1.jpg)

20 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.21

1.0pm: Leave to the watch & one watch of boys 2.0pm to 6.0pm

1.30pm: Lieutenant A J Foley left ship [possibly Lieutenant Albert John Foley, previously commander of HMS USK, destroyer]

4caf8655cadfd341970153da: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0147_0.jpg)

21 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.21

4.30pm: Prepared for coaling, lowered & moored up boats

5.40am: Coal ship

9.0am: Native labour coaling ship

11.0am: Lost overboard by accident, anchor of first cutter, 40lbs

1.0pm: Leave to the watch 2.0pm till 6pm, hands provisioning ship, continued coaling

4.45pm: Finished coaling, received 1050 tons

4caf8655cadfd341970153db: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0147_1.jpg)

22 October 1921

Sierra Leone

Lat 8.50, Long -13.21

4.0pm: Secured for sea

4caf8655cadfd341970153dc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0148_0.jpg)

23 October 1921

Sierra Leone to Monrovia

Lat 7.86, Long -13.73

6.25am: Weighed & turned, course as requisite for leaving harbour

11.0pm: Exercised sea boat's crew & watch close watertight doors

4caf8655cadfd341970153dd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0148_1.jpg)

24 October 1921

Sierra Leone to Monrovia

Lat 6.33, Long -10.81

3.0am: Sighted Cape Mount, bearing 97o

5.15am: Daylight, visibility 10 miles

9.48am: Anchored, fired a salute of 21 guns

3.0pm: Leave to football team till 6.0pm

4caf8655cadfd341970153de: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0149_0.jpg)

25 October 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat 6.20, Long -10.74

[Mossamedes is also known as Mocamedes, a port in Angola; also known as Namibe]

9.15am: British and foreign consular authorities came aboard with representative of Liberian president

10.35am: Saluted American minister, 17 guns

10.51am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

8.0pm: Furled all awnings

4caf8655cadfd341970153df: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0149_1.jpg)

26 October 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat 3.33, Long -7.77

7.0am: Hands spreading awnings & cleaning ship

4caf8655cadfd341970153e0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0150_0.jpg)

27 October 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat 0.57, Long -4.73

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, training classes to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

4.30pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 64

4caf8655cadfd341970153e1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0150_1.jpg)

28 October 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat -1.97, Long -2.25

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

9.40am: Action stations

10.45am: Secure

4.30pm: Evening quarters, exercised collision stations, read warrant no 65

4caf8655cadfd341970153e2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0151_0.jpg)

29 October 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat -4.42, Long 0.48

1.0am: Advance clocks 15 minutes

2.05am: Exercised sea boats crew

3.0am: Exercised watch close watertight doors

5.0am: Exercised sea boats crew

4.30pm: Evening quarters, physical drill

11.15pm: Exercised seaboats crew

4caf8655cadfd341970153e3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0151_1.jpg)

30 October 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat -6.88, Long 3.30

10.30am: Divine service

11.0pm: Exercised watch close watertight doors

4caf8655cadfd341970153e4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0152_0.jpg)

31 October 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat -9.35, Long 6.13

9.30am: Divisions, hands employed as requisite, training classes to instruction


4caf8655cadfd341970153e5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0152_1.jpg)

1 November 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat -11.97, Long 8.98

9.30am: Divisions, prayers, exercised small arms companies

4.30pm: Evening quarters, physical drill

4caf8655cadfd341970153e6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0153_0.jpg)

2 November 1921

Monrovia to Mossamedes

Lat -14.75, Long 11.75

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, exercised night defence & night action stations

11.0am: Secure, hands employed as requisite

1.10pm: Sighted land on port bow

4.0pm: Course & speed as requisite for Mossamedes anchorage

4.14pm: Anchored

4.20pm: Port captain came aboard

4caf8655cadfd341970153e7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0153_1.jpg)

3 November 1921


Lat -15.19, Long 12.14

9.30am: Training classes to instruction, remainder scrubbing awnings & as requisite

3.50pm: Governor of Mossamedes came aboard

4.05pm: Governor left ship, fired salute of 17 guns

4caf8655cadfd341970153e8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0154_0.jpg)

4 November 1921


Lat -15.19, Long 12.14

8.45am: Tested communications

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, training classes to instruction, remainder employed as requisite

10.0am: Tested sights of all guns

1.30pm: Hands cleaning down aloft & as requisite

4caf8655cadfd341970153e9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0154_1.jpg)

5 November 1921


Lat -15.19, Long 12.14

4caf8655cadfd341970153ea: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0155_0.jpg)

6 November 1921


Lat -15.19, Long 12.14

10.30am: Divine service

11.55am: Governor came aboard

2.15pm: Governor left ship

4caf8655cadfd341970153eb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0155_1.jpg)

7 November 1921

Mossamedes to Walfisch Bay

Lat -16.02, Long 11.60

[Walfisch Bay, now known as Walvis Bay, is a port on the coast of Namibia. The latter name is used on subsequent visits to the same place]

5.52am: Weighed & turned

3.30pm: Tiger Point Beacon abeam, 7 miles

4caf8655cadfd341970153ec: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0156_0.jpg)

8 November 1921

Mossamedes to Walfisch Bay

Lat -19.43, Long 12.30

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 87

4caf8655cadfd341970153ed: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0156_1.jpg)

9 November 1921

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.47, Long 14.32

10.0am: Lost overboard, one boat's bag containing; one boat's signal book, one 9" marlin spike, one chisel

3.15pm: Anchored

4caf8655cadfd341970153ee: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0157_0.jpg)

10 November 1921

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

5.0am: Hands preparing for coaling & painting down aloft

6.34am: Coal ship

9.0am: Finished coaling, received 100 tons

11.55am: HMS WALLFLOWER anchored [HMS WALLFLOWER was a Flower class sweeping sloop, launched in 1915, 2 x 4.7" guns]

4caf8655cadfd341970153ef: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0157_1.jpg)

11 November 1921

Walfisch Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

10.0am: Hands painting ship, carried out detector test

11.0am: Observed two minutes’ silence

4caf8655cadfd341970153f0: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0158_0.jpg)

12 November 1921

Walfisch Bay to Cape Town

Lat -23.86, Long 14.22

4.0am: Weighed & proceeded

11.30pm: Exercised sea boats crew

4caf8655cadfd341970153f1: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0158_1.jpg)

13 November 1921

Walfisch Bay to Cape Town

Lat -27.07, Long 14.87

4caf8655cadfd341970153f2: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0159_0.jpg)

14 November 1921

Walfisch Bay to Cape Town

Lat -30.60, Long 16.44

10.0am: Hands employed as requisite, training classes to instruction

11.0pm: Exercised seaboats crew & watch close watertight doors

4caf8655cadfd341970153f3: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0159_1.jpg)

15 November 1921

Walfish Bay to Cape Town docks

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

10.0am: Embarked pilot, proceeded into Cape Town Docks

10.35 am: Berthed alongside no 2 jetty

Noon: Lieutenant Commander Green [?] RNVR left ship

1.05pm: Coal ship, native labour

5.0pm: Finished coaling for the night, broomed down

4caf8655cadfd341970153f4: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0160_0.jpg)

16 November 1921

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

7.15am: Recommenced coaling

9.30am: Divers employed examining underwater fittings & reeving paravane gear

3.20pm: Finished coaling, received 1002 tons

4caf8655cadfd341970153f5: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0160_1.jpg)

17 November 1921

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

1.0pm: Hands cleaning ship & as requisite, leave to engine room ratings 1.30 to 7.0am

4caf8655cadfd341970153f6: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0161_0.jpg)

18 November 1921

Cape Town to Simonstown

Lat -34.12, Long 18.27

9.0am: Hands securing for sea & as requisite, rigging paravane gear

10.0am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite out of docks

10.17am: Disembarked pilot, proceeded

10.52am: Dropped PVs

11.50am: Hauled in PVs

2.48pm: Dropped depth charge, stopped & lowered boats

3.25pm: Proceeded as requisite for Simon's Bay

3.55pm: Stop both, embarked K H M

4.10pm: Proceeded as requisite into basin

4.25pm: Anchored & secured at C wall

7.30pm: One engineer artificer, one leading stoker, one AB & one private RMLI joined ship

4caf8655cadfd341970153f7: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0161_1.jpg)

19 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Acting Sub-Lieutenant Hunter rejoined from HMS WALLFLOWER

10.0am: Hands cleaning ship & unreeving PV chains

11.0am: Two stokers & one AB rejoined from hospital

4.30pm: Read warrants 68, 69 & 70, three prisoners discharged to detention

4caf8655cadfd341970153f8: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0162_0.jpg)

20 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, landed church parties

10.30am: Divine service

4caf8655cadfd341970153f9: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0162_1.jpg)

21 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands employed disembarking & embarking provisions & stores

1.30pm: Discharged one boy to hospital

4caf8655cadfd341970153fa: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0163_0.jpg)

22 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.25am: Fired salute of eleven guns on occasion of visit of Dutch Consul General to C in C

1.0pm: Hands painting & provisioning ship

4caf8655cadfd341970153fb: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0163_1.jpg)

23 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8655cadfd341970153fc: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0164_0.jpg)

24 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8655cadfd341970153fd: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0164_1.jpg)

25 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8655cadfd341970153fe: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0165_0.jpg)

26 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8655cadfd341970153ff: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0165_1.jpg)

27 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.10am: Divine service

4caf8655cadfd34197015400: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0166_0.jpg)

28 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, all hands mustered bags

11.0am: Divers exercised diving

4caf8655cadfd34197015401: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0166_1.jpg)

29 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Hands cleaning down aloft, scrubbing awnings & as requisite

4caf8655cadfd34197015402: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0167_0.jpg)

30 November 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30pm: Divisions, training classes to instruction, remainder painting guns, mess decks & as requisite

12.30pm: Discharged to hospital, one PO


4caf8655cadfd34197015403: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0167_1.jpg)

1 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Dressed ship overall, Queen Alexandra's birthday

12.45pm: Paid monthly money

7.39pm: Undressed ship

4caf8655cadfd34197015404: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0168_0.jpg)

2 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

9.45am: Exercised action stations

5.20pm: Read warrant no 71, discharged one stoker to detention quarters

7.0pm: Rejoined from detention, one AB

4caf8655cadfd34197015405: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0168_1.jpg)

3 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8655cadfd34197015406: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0169_0.jpg)

4 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

10.0am: Landed Wesleyans, Presbyterians & Roman Catholic church parties

10.15am: Divine service

4caf8655cadfd34197015407: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0169_1.jpg)

5 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Exercised control parties

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, mustered all bedding

10.45am: Training classes to instruction, remainder of hands cleaning mess decks & as requisite

4caf8655cadfd34197015408: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0170_0.jpg)

6 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8655cadfd34197015409: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0170_1.jpg)

7 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Landed dockyard working party

10.0am: Training classes to instruction, remainder cleaning & painting ship & as requisite

2.20pm: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

4caf8655cadfd3419701540a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0171_0.jpg)

8 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, hands employed painting & as requisite, training classes to instruction

4.0pm: Read Warrant no 72, discharged one stoker to detention

4caf8655cadfd3419701540b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0171_1.jpg)

9 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship, mess decks, store rooms etc.

4caf8655cadfd3419701540c: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0172_0.jpg)

10 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Discharged to hospital one armourers crew

4caf8655cadfd3419701540d: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0172_1.jpg)

11 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.30am: Divine service

4caf8655cadfd3419701540e: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0173_0.jpg)

12 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions

9.30 Commander in Chief came aboard and inspected ship

11.30am: C in C left ship

4caf8655cadfd3419701540f: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0173_1.jpg)

13 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4.0pm: Read warrant no 73, Two stokers rejoined from detention

4caf8655cadfd34197015410: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0174_0.jpg)

14 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Boys & training classes to instruction, remainder of hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: Acting Sub-Lieutenants Jones, Hunter, Dale, Wood, & Colegrave left ship

4.30pm: Read warrant no 74, discharged one shipwright to detention quarters

4caf8655cadfd34197015411: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0174_1.jpg)

15 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Royal Marine detachment to Inspection by Fleet Marine Officer

10.0am: Discharged one leading hand to hospital

2.0pm: Rigging party to work in dockyard

4caf8655cadfd34197015412: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0175_0.jpg)

16 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8655cadfd34197015413: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0175_1.jpg)

17 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Rigging party working in dockyard

4caf8655cadfd34197015414: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0176_0.jpg)

18 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Hands mustered for paying off money

11.0am: Left ship one chief cook & two cook’s mates

4caf8655cadfd34197015415: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0176_1.jpg)

19 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands disembarking kit & hammocks

9.30am: Old commission crew left ship with Commander Rosoman, Lieutenant Commander Hyde-Smith & Lieutenant Acheson, leave to men detained from old commission

4caf8655cadfd34197015416: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0177_0.jpg)

[This page is dated 19 December 1921 as above. It contains the same information as above, crossed through. Like the page above there are no entries after 12.0N. Not transcribed in full]

4caf8655cadfd34197015417: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0177_1.jpg)

Blank log page

4caf8655cadfd34197015418: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0178_0.jpg)

Blue inside cover

4caf8655cadfd34197015419: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0178_1.jpg)

Blue inside cover

4caf8655cadfd3419701541a: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0179_0.jpg)

Half of blue outer cover

4caf8655cadfd3419701541b: ( 53-76203/ADM 53-76203-0179_1.jpg)

Half of blue outer cover

4caf8655cadfd3419701541c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0001_0.jpg)

Left half of front cover – Closed until 1973

4caf8655cadfd3419701541d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0001_1.jpg)

Right half of front cover – Includes HMS DUBLIN from 19th December 1921 to 9th December 1922

4caf8655cadfd3419701541e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0002_0.jpg)

Blue inside front cover

4caf8655cadfd3419701541f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0002_1.jpg)

Blue inside front cover

4caf8655cadfd34197015420: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0003_0.jpg)

Plain white page

4caf8655cadfd34197015421: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0003_1.jpg)

Plain white page

4caf8655cadfd34197015422: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0004_0.jpg)

Plain white page

4caf8655cadfd34197015423: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0004_1.jpg)

Front page.

Log of HMS DUBLIN, commanded by Captain WL Elder CMG & Captain HS Shipway. Dates as above

Tonnage (Displacement): 5400 tons

Extreme length: 457 feet

Extreme width: 49 feet 10¼ ins


Manufacturer: Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Contractors HP: 25000 Authorised Natural Forced Draught 2200

Description: 2 sets Parson's Turbines, working 4 shafts

When fixed on board: 1912


Manufacturer: W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Description: Yarrow small tube, 10 large, 2 small

When made: 1912

When put in vessel: May 1912

Screw Propeller.

Manufacturer: W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Description: 4, three-bladed solid bronze, outward turning

Page signed: Hugh Shipway. Captain

Ship completed 28 Feb 1913

First commissioned 11 March 1913

4caf8655cadfd34197015424: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0005_0.jpg)

Instructions for completion of ship’s log

4caf8655cadfd34197015425: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0005_1.jpg)

Establishment of ship's company.

Officers 37

Seamen 135

Boys 14

Marines 29

Engine-room Establishment 216

Other non-executive ratings 48

Seedies 26

Barometer: Mercurial

Name of maker & number: A724. No name ascribed. 2 Caldana no 800

Height of cistern above sea: 11ft 8 ins

Error of Mercurial Barometer: -0.005 ins

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship: Forebridge

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker & No

N & Z 25830

N & Z 9508

Thermometers for sea temperature

Maker & No

N & Z 10140


On upper deck: Eight 6" BL Mk XI (two on centre line)

On centre line aft funnels: One QF HA 3" Mk 1

On well deck: Four 3 pounder

As requisite: Two Maxims .305, Eight Lewis guns

Torpedo Armaments: Two 21" submerged Tubes, one each side


One Steam Cutter 35 feet

One Cutter 34 feet

Two Cutters 30 feet

Three Whalers 27 feet

Two Gigs 30 feet

Two Skiffs 16 feet

Also records of checks of deviation of compass & miscellaneous information

4caf8655cadfd34197015426: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0006_0.jpg)

[This page is also dated 19 December 1921; entries start at 1.0pm in a different hand to the one used for the pages above from the same day]

1.0pm: New crew joined ship, together with following officers: Commander Sturdee, Lieutenant Commander Williams Freeman, Lieutenant. Smith RMLI, Paymaster Lieutenant Commander Johnston, Paymaster Lieutenant Courbier, Engineer Lieutenant Gardner, Mr Kennedy (1st Engineer), Paymaster Midshipman Axworthy & Midshipmen Palairet, Moir, Hayn, Anderton, Peers, Hampton, Croft, Clitherow, Hollscombe, Jonas, Lipscomb & Thorold

5.30pm: Evening quarters

4caf8655cadfd34197015427: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0006_1.jpg)

20 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: HMS WALLFLOWER left basin, exercised action stations

9.20am: Divisions & prayers, physical drill

9.45am: TS crew to drill

3.0pm: Discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT, one officer’s cook, first class, one officer’s steward first class & one officer’s cook, third class

4.45pm: Evening quarters, HMS WALLFLOWER returned to basin

6.30pm: Duty part exercised fire stations

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8655cadfd34197015428: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0007_0.jpg)

21 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill

10.0am: Returned from hospital, one PO, hands employed as requisite

[Written in red the following] Engineer Lieutenant Thomas Gardner is hereby cautioned for his excessive consumption of spirits. Signed T Gardner

2.0pm: Tested fire control

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8655cadfd34197015429: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0007_1.jpg)

22 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.10am: HMS LOWESTOFT undocked & proceeded into basin

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, hands cleaning ship

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrants nos 1 & 2

4caf8655cadfd3419701542a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0008_0.jpg)

23 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship, tested fire control

11.05am: Discharged one AB to hospital

1.0pm: Lost overboard by accident one branch pipe, hands scrub and wash clothes

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8655cadfd3419701542b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0008_1.jpg)

24 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: Lost overboard by accident one branch pipe [not clear whether this is a second loss or a repeat entry from the previous day]

4caf8655cadfd3419701542c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0009_0.jpg)

25 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

9.45am: Divine Service

4caf8655cadfd3419701542d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0009_1.jpg)

26 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions, prayers, physical exercises

9.20am: Exercised control parties

10.0am: Discharged one seedie boy to hospital

1.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes, leave to watch 12.30 till 7.0am

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrants 3 to 10, discharged two privates RMLI, one signaller & four stokers to detention

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8656cadfd3419701542e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0010_0.jpg)

27 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, hands employed as requisite, exercised control parties & submerged tubes crews

1.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, one double headed maul, funeral party to drill

5.0pm: Evening quarters, duty part exercised fire stations

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8656cadfd3419701542f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0010_1.jpg)

28 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.25am: Divisions, C in C came aboard & inspected ship’s company at divisions

10.25am: C in C left ship

1.10pm: Landed funeral party [Naval-History casualties lists the death of Harold J Jenner, AB J8626 of HMS AFRIKANDER in Simonstown due to an accident on the 27th of December]

2.30pm: Discharged to hospital one yeoman & one leading seaman

4.0pm: Read warrant no 11, discharged one stoker to detention

5.15pm: Duty part exercised fire stations, joined ship, Midshipmen Leanderville & Curry

4caf8656cadfd34197015430: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0011_0.jpg)

29 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded into the bay

9.30am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill

10.0am: Court of Enquiry assembled on board [presumably into the death of AB Harold Jenner]

11.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT sailed for Cape Town

3.10pm: Paymaster Lieutenant-Commnder Shove left ship

4.30pm: Read warrants no 12 & 13

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8656cadfd34197015431: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0011_1.jpg)

30 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill. Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant Crisp left ship and Mr Cox warrant shipwright with 14 ratings, on passage for UK

10.00am: Court of Enquiry reassembled

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8656cadfd34197015432: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0012_0.jpg)

31 December 1921


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.30am: Paid quarterly settlement

2.0pm: Make & mend clothes

Number on sick list = 1


JP map Dublin 1922


4caf8656cadfd34197015433: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0012_1.jpg)

1 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Divisions. Landed RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

10.15am: Divine service

1.0pm: Leave to the part till 11.0pm and to watch of boys till 7.0pm

5.0pm: Evening quarters

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8656cadfd34197015434: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0013_0.jpg)

2 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill, exercised control parties, guns crews to drill

3.10pm: Rejoined from hospital one leading seaman

5.50pm: Landed seedie fire party

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8656cadfd34197015435: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0013_1.jpg)

3 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Guard of honour to drill in musketry order, remainder employed as requisite

10.0am: Discharged one boy to hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8656cadfd34197015436: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0014_0.jpg)

4 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill, seedies drawing ammunition, field guns crew to drill, boys to instruction, marines to musketry drill, remainder stowing ammunition & as requisite

11.0am: One stoker discharged to hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8656cadfd34197015437: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0014_1.jpg)

5 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Guard of honour to drill

11.0am: Joined from HMS WALLFLOWER one signalman

1.0pm: QII guns crew to drill

1.30pm: Rejoined from hospital one boy

7.30pm: Discharged to hospital one stoker

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8656cadfd34197015438: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0015_0.jpg)

6 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Discharged one PO to HMS AFRIKANDER. Field guns crew to drill, torpedo tubes crews to drill, boys to instruction, spotting table crew to drill

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 14

6.30pm: HMS FOYLE & HMS EDEN arrived. [HMS FOYLE & HMS EDEN were Admiralty minesweeping trawlers, previously the JOHN EDMUND & the THOMAS JOHNS respectively, given to the South African navy & renamed HMSAS SONNEBLOM & HMSAS IMMORTELLE, respectively, 1 x 12 pounder guns]

4caf8656cadfd34197015439: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0015_1.jpg)

7 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Joined from HMS EDEN, one stoker

10.25am: Discharged to hospital two ratings

5.0pm: Three ratings rejoined from detention

6.20pm: Lieutenant Cooper joined ship

7.15pm: HMS FOYLE & HMS EDEN entered basin

4caf8656cadfd3419701543a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0016_0.jpg)

8 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Landed church parties

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.30am: Divine service

5.0pm: Evening quarters, six ratings joined ship

6.15am: SS KIOTA anchored in the bay [possibly SS KIOTO, British steamer launched in 1918]

4caf8656cadfd3419701543b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0016_1.jpg)

9 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing for provisioning

7.0am: HMS EDEN secured alongside

8.45am: SS KIOTA berthed at West wall

5.0pm: Read warrants numbers 15 & 16, discharged two stokers to detention

7.0pm: Watch provisioning ship

4caf8656cadfd3419701543c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0017_0.jpg)

10 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill, submerged tubes crews to drill, guns crews to loader & gun drill, remainder employed as requisite

10.30am: HMS FOYLE & HMS EDEN secured at west wall

5.0pm: Read warrant no 17, discharged one rating to detention

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8656cadfd3419701543d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0017_1.jpg)

11 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.0pm: Read warrant no 20

9.35pm: HMS CROZIER arrived & anchored in bay [HMS CROZIER was previously the minesweeper HMS VERWOOD, converted to a survey ship in 1919]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8656cadfd3419701543e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0018_0.jpg)

12 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: HMS CROZIER entered basin & secured at A wall

1.45pm: SS PORT NAPIER anchored in the basin [SS PORT NAPIER was a British cargo & passenger steamer launched in 1912 as the SS HAWKES BAY, used as a troop transport in WW1]

4.45pm: Discharged two seedie boys to detention, one stoker returned

5.30pm: Joined from HMS CROZIER, three AB's & one leading telegrapher

4caf8656cadfd3419701543f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0018_1.jpg)

[Record of observations for deviation; not transcribed]

4caf8656cadfd34197015440: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0019_0.jpg)

[Reverse of above, description & position of correctors; not transcribed]

4caf8656cadfd34197015441: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0019_1.jpg)

13 January 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.30am: KHM came aboard [King’s Harbour Master, in this case probably acting as a pilot]

7.50am: Slipped from C wall, proceeded as requisite out of basin

8.50am: Steamed to Flagships Buoy

9.15am: Commenced swinging ship with tug for adjustment of compasses

10.20am: Finished swinging

11.10am: SS PORT NAPIER, berthed at C wall

2.0pm: Carried out director test

4caf8656cadfd34197015442: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0020_0.jpg)

14 January 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Hands cleaning ship & assisting in docking SS PORT NAPIER

3.0pm: Joined from HMS CROZIER, one leading victualling assistant

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrants nos 21 & 22

4caf8656cadfd34197015443: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0020_1.jpg)

15 January 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.20am: Divine service

4caf8656cadfd34197015444: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0021_0.jpg)

16 January 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & surveying cable

9.30am: Carried out director test, discharged to hospital one stoker & one seaman

5.20pm: Read warrant no 23, two stokers returned from hospital

7.0pm: One seedie sent to HMS WALLFLOWER

4caf8656cadfd34197015445: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0021_1.jpg)

17 January 1922

Simonstown to Saldanha Bay

Lat -34.37, Long 18.42

9.06am: Slipped from buoy & proceeded as requisite for leaving Simon's Bay

9.40am: Lost overboard by accident, patt no 1 hooks, chain. set, one

10.05am: Exercised collision stations

10.30am: Exercised action stations

1.47pm: A/c N28E, gyro compass defective

4.40pm: Hauled in patent log, course & speed as requisite for anchorage off Cape Town docks

4.32pm: Anchored

4.55pm Weighed & proceeded

5.48am: Robben light abeam, 2 miles

9.18pm: Dassen Light abeam, 6 miles

4caf8656cadfd34197015446: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0022_0.jpg)

18 January 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

12.58am: Anchored in Saldanha Bay

10.15am: Exercised night defence stations

10.45am: Night action stations

1.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, tampion for 6" gun, one in no

4.0pm: Evening quarters, watch out kedge anchor

4caf8656cadfd34197015447: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0022_1.jpg)

19 January 1922

Saldanha Bay to Cape Town

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

5.05pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour

10.30pm: Robben Island abeam, 2 miles

11.15pm: Anchored off Cape Town docks, discharged one stoker to shore hospital

11.35pm: Weighed & proceeded

4caf8656cadfd34197015448: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0023_0.jpg)

20 January 1922

Cape Town to Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.07, Long 18.02

8.18am: Course & speed as requisite for entering Saldanha Bay

9.10am: Stop both, dropped target & picking up boats, proceeded as requisite for carrying out torpedo firing, fired two torpedoes

10.16am: Anchored & moored ship

4caf8656cadfd34197015449: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0023_1.jpg)

21 January 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.07, Long 18.02

5.10pm: Read warrant no 24

4caf8656cadfd3419701544a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0024_0.jpg)

22 January 1922

Saldanha Bay & at sea for exercises

Lat -33.07, Long 18.02

4caf8656cadfd3419701544b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0024_1.jpg)

23 January 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.04, Long 18.01 [Est[

7.0am: Weighed & proceeded out of harbour

7.35am: Sighted HMS WALLFLOWER ahead

8.10am: Course & speed as requisite for carrying out indication exercises, exercised action stations

9.35am: Fired one torpedo, course as requisite for recovering same

11.0am: Fired second torpedo & recovered same

11.30am: Course & speed as requisite for returning to harbour

12.25pm: Anchored, guns crews to drill & loader, joined ship from HMS WALLFLOWER, two officer’s stewards, one private RMLI, & three seedies

7.30pm: Laid out four span targets

8.45am: One ERA lent to HMS WALLFLOWER, rounds correct

4caf8656cadfd3419701544c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0025_0.jpg)

24 January 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.05, Long 17.99

6.30pm: Lost overboard one sea thermometer

8.30pm: Exercised night action stations

4caf8656cadfd3419701544d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0025_1.jpg)

25 January 1922

Saldanha Bay & at sea for exercises

Lat -33.04, Long 18.01 [Est]

8.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded

8.30am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & carrying out sub-calibre & torpedo firing in company with HMS WALLFLOWER, hands at action stations & as requisite

12.23pm: Fired a torpedo & recovered same

1.29pm: Fired a second torpedo & recovered same

3.0pm: Swung ship for adjustment of lower conning tower compass

4.03pm: Anchored

4caf8656cadfd3419701544e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0026_0.jpg)

26 January 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

8.0am: Marines & signalmen landed for exercises

9.30am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill, hands refitting boats falls & as requisite

8.30pm: Exercised searchlights

4caf8656cadfd3419701544f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0026_1.jpg)

27 January 1922

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

9.45am: Captain read articles of war

10.15am: Hands employed securing for sea & as requisite preparing for heavy guns firing

3.15pm: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded with target

4.0pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour & firing

4.50pm: Action stations, carried out reduced charge firing with 6" guns

6.0pm: Stopped to communicated with HMS WALLFLOWER

6.30pm: Proceeded, keeping stations with HMS WALLFLOWER

8.30pm: Night action stations, carried out sub-calibre night firing, two runs

9.43pm: Finished the practice

4caf8656cadfd34197015450: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0027_0.jpg)

28 January 1922

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Course & speeds as requisite for entering basin at Simonstown

8.07am: Anchored & berthed at C wall

4caf8656cadfd34197015451: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0027_1.jpg)

29 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Heavy rain

3.15pm: Joined ship, one leading stoker

4caf8656cadfd34197015452: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0028_0.jpg)

30 January 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Prepared for coaling

7.55am: First lighter alongside, starboard site

8.25am: Commenced coaling

4.30pm: Two stokers rejoined from detention. Joined ship, Reverend Kent and one officer's steward for passage to HMS WALLFLOWER

10.50pm: Finished coaling, received 750 tons

4caf8656cadfd34197015453: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0028_1.jpg)

31 January 1922

Simonstown to Saldanha Bay

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Returned from hospital one bugler RMLI & one leading seaman

4.0pm: Slipped from C wall. proceeded as requisite out of basin, swung ship for compass adjustment

5.12pm: Proceeded


4caf8656cadfd34197015454: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0029_0.jpg)

1 February 1922

Simonstown to Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.95

6.52am: Anchored in Saldanha Bay

9.0am: Hands employed as requisite, seedies painting ship's side

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

4caf8656cadfd34197015455: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0029_1.jpg)

2 February 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.95

9.30am: Divisions & prayers. Away all boats crews, exercised in pulling and sailing. Marine Lewis gun detachment landed

1.0pm: All boats crews away cleaning out their boats

5.20pm: Exercised tow aft

4caf8656cadfd34197015456: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0029a_0.jpg)

3 February 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship and preparing for sea

8.0am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite out of harbour, HMS WALLFLOWER in company

9.0am: Joined HMS LOWESTOFT at rendezvous & carried out manoeuvring exercises

10.30am: Course & speeds as requisite for returning to harbour

11.3pm: Anchored in Houtjes Bay

1.30pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for running torpedoes

1.50pm: Dropped target

2.26pm: Fired first torpedo

2.33pm: Fired second torpedo, recovered same

3.33pm: Anchored

5.0pm: Discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT, four stokers & one officer's steward & to HMS WALLFLOWER one signaller

4caf8656cadfd34197015457: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0029a_1.jpg)

4 February 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

8.30am: Shroud plate fastenings & fastenings of bands & hooks of main mast & topmast examined & found without defects

10.0am: Landed shooting team

4caf8656cadfd34197015458: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0030_0.jpg)

5 February 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.30am: Hands mustered by open list

10.45am: Divine service

4caf8656cadfd34197015459: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0030_1.jpg)

6 February 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.0am: Divisions & prayers. Exercised out sheet anchor & large kedge. Lost overboard by accident, one 9" marlinspike

1.0pm: All boats crews away sailing in officers’ race

5.15pm: Read warrant no 25

4caf8656cadfd3419701545a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0031_0.jpg)

7 February 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.0am: Lost overboard by accident, one metal boathook, patt.78N

10.15am: C in C inspected boats

1.0pm: All boats crews away sailing in coxswain's race

6.40pm: HMS THISTLE arrived & sailed [HMS THISTLE was a Bramble class gunboat launched in 1890, 2 x 4" guns]

4caf8656cadfd3419701545b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0031_1.jpg)

8 February 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

8.15am: Landing parties left the ship

Noon: Landing party returned, lost lost overboard, one flute

4caf8656cadfd3419701545c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0032_0.jpg)

9 February 1922

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -33.83, Long 18.08

5.30am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite out of harbour in company with HMS LOWESTOFT & HMS WALLFLOWER

8.17am: Parted company with HMS LOWESTOFT

8.45am: Exercised control parties.

10.32am: Stop both to hoist in target

5.30pm: Secured to no 4 moorings, Simon’s Bay

7.0pm: Divers employed clearing port propeller

7.30pm: One signaller rejoined from HMS WALLFLOWER

4caf8656cadfd3419701545d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0032_1.jpg)

10 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship, divers clearing port propeller

11.45am: Read warrant no 26

4.30pm: Evening quarters, joined from hospital, one seaman

4caf8656cadfd3419701545e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0033_0.jpg)

11 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.0am: Divers clearing port propeller

3.30pm: HMS LOWESTOFT arrived & secured to flagships moorings

5.0pm: One shipwright returned from detention

4caf8656cadfd3419701545f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0033_1.jpg)

12 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.10am: Divine service

4caf8656cadfd34197015460: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0034_0.jpg)

13 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

4.0pm: Evening quarters, furled awnings

6.30pm: Lost overboard Bayes towing thwart

4caf8656cadfd34197015461: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0034_1.jpg)

14 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Hands employed as requisite, guns crews to drill and loader, discharged to hospital one ordinary seaman

2.0pm: Guns crews to loader and drill, field guns crew landed for drill

4caf8656cadfd34197015462: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0035_0.jpg)

15 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: Divers examining underwater fittings, landed field guns crew

9.30am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill, carried out director test

1.0pm: Divers working as in forenoon. Field guns crew landed, director test continued

2.0pm: Joined from hospital, one AB

4.30pm: Read warrant no 27, discharged one stoker to detention quarters

4caf8656cadfd34197015463: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0035_1.jpg)

16 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.25am: Divisions

9.28am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite

9.40am: Action stations

10.0am: Carried out reduced charge shoot, port guns, at two patt VI targets towed by HMS WALLFLOWER

10.12am: Secured and proceeded as requisite to Simon's Bay

10.45am: Secured to no 4 buoy

12.45pm: Divers examining underwater fittings

3.0pm: HMS WALLFLOWER returned to basin

4caf8656cadfd34197015464: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0036_0.jpg)

17 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0pm: Landed field guns crew

11.30am: Leave to port watch till 8.0am, Monday 20th

7.0pm: One stoker returned from hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015465: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0036_1.jpg)

18 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: Landed field guns crew, hands cleaning ship

10.0am: Joined from hospital one SPO

11.0am: Three midshipmen discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT, one stoker discharged to hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015466: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0037_0.jpg)

19 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.30am: Landed Wesleyans, Presbyterians & RC parties

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.15am: Divine service

1.0pm: Engineer Lieutenant Gardner discharged to hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015467: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0037_1.jpg)

20 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: Landed field guns crew

9.40am: Divisions & prayers, physical drill, carried out director test. Boys to school, guns crews to drill

4caf8656cadfd34197015468: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0038_0.jpg)

21 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded for firing practice

1.30pm: HMS LOWESTOFT returned to anchorage

4caf8656cadfd34197015469: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0038_1.jpg)

22 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Hands drawing boatswains stores & as requisite

3.0pm: Discharged to hospital [not completed]

8.45pm: Joined from hospital, one OS

4caf8656cadfd3419701546a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0039_0.jpg)

23 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded for exercises

1.20pm: HMS LOWESTOFT returned

5.0pm: Secured for sea, battle practice target alongside

7.15pm: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded for firing

10.45pm: HMS LOWESTOFT returned

4caf8656cadfd3419701546b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0039_1.jpg)

24 February 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for gunnery

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

6.0am: Hands preparing target & tow & cleaning ship

9.0am: One shipwright, one boy & one leading stoker discharged for passage to UK. Slipped & proceeded as requisite with battle practice target in tow

9.12am: Veered target

10.40am: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out full charge firing

11.53am: Tow parted, as requisite for picking up target

Noon: Barometer unshipped

2.05pm: Anchored in Simon’s Bay, transferred target to HMS LOWESTOFT

3.20pm: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded with target

3.50pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for firing position

4.0pm: Commenced working up to full speed

5.18pm: Carried out full charge firing with starboard guns

5.30pm: Proceeded as requisite for anchorage

6.15pm: Secured to no 4 moorings

4caf8656cadfd3419701546c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0040_0.jpg)

25 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed field guns crew

11.30am: Two stokers returned from hospital

5.0pm: One stoker returned from detention

4caf8656cadfd3419701546d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0040_1.jpg)

26 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds, landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.15am: Divine service

4caf8656cadfd3419701546e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0041_0.jpg)

27 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.30am: Landed field guns crew

10.15am: Watch working about cables

1.0pm: Hands rigging illuminating circuits & as requisite

4.35pm: HMS DWARF arrived & berthed in the basin [HMS DWARF was a Bramble class gunboat launched in 1898, 2 x 4" guns]

4caf8656cadfd3419701546f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0041_1.jpg)

28 February 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & rigging illuminating circuits

8.30am: Dressed ship overall on occasion of wedding of HRH Princess Mary

8.30am: HMS WALLFLOWER came out of basin & anchored in bay

9.30am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill, HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded to flagship moorings

2.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, one boat's bag containing; one chisel, one hammer, one tack tackle, two lanyards, two thimbles, 1 spinnaker halyard

4.0pm: Evening quarters, Commander Sturdee discharged to hospital

5.0pm: One stoker returned from detention

7.30pm: Undressed ship

8.30pm: Illuminated ship


4caf8656cadfd34197015470: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0042_0.jpg)

1 March 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.17am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite into basin, berthed alongside C wall, hands preparing for coaling

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

4.30pm: Discharged two stokers to hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015471: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0042_1.jpg)

2 March 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.0am: Coal ship. SS CITY OF DURBAN arrived; berthed at west wall [SS CITY OF DURBAN was a steamer launched in 1920, subsequently used as a special service freighter during WW2, under the cover name RFA BRUTUS, armed with 8 x 4" guns]

5.35pm: Finished coaling, received 600 tons

1.35pm: HMS WALLFLOWER shifted berth

4caf8656cadfd34197015472: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0043_0.jpg)

3 March 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

3.15pm: Returned from hospital, two stokers

4caf8656cadfd34197015473: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0043_1.jpg)

4 March 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.45am: Gunners party drawing ammunition

10.30am: Spread quarter deck awnings

4caf8656cadfd34197015474: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0044_0.jpg)

5 March 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds, landed Wesleyans, Presbyterians & RCs

10.15am: Divine service

4caf8656cadfd34197015475: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0044_1.jpg)

6 March 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for gunnery

Lat -34.17, Long 18.70 [Est]

6.0am: Furled QD awnings

9.0am: Slipped from C wall & proceeded as requisite out of basin & into False Bay

10.0am: Carried out two runs sub-calibre firing at patt VI target, hands at action stations

10.55pm: Stopped awaiting torpedo exercises

12.10pm: Proceeded for exercises, joined HMS LOWESTOFT

12.50pm: Stopped to pick up HMS LOWESTOFT's torpedo

1.50pm: Carried out short range torpedo attack on HMS WALLFLOWER, fired two torpedoes

2.17pm: Recovered same

2.40pm: Carried out inclination exercise with HMS LOWESTOFT

4.15pm: Secured to no 4 buoy

10.35pm: HMS LOWESTOFT anchored

4caf8656cadfd34197015476: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0045_0.jpg)

7 March 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for firing

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.27am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite

9.40am: Action stations

10.0am: Carried out two runs sub-calibre firing at Patt VI target

10.52am: Practice completed, proceeded as requisite into harbour

12.19pm: Anchored in Simon’s Bay

12.30pm: Weighed & shifted berth

12.45pm: Anchored

4caf8656cadfd34197015477: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0045_1.jpg)

8 March 1922

Simonstown to False bay for exercises

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

12.10pm: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded with target

12.19pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite, worked up to full speed

1.2pm: Action stations

1.42pm: Carried out full charge shooting up practice at battle practice target towed by HMS LOWESTOFT

1.55pm: Secured, course & speeds as requisite for returning to harbour

2.45pm: Secured to no 4 moorings

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrants 28, 29 & 30

7.05pm: One AB & one seedie discharged to detention

4caf8656cadfd34197015478: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0046_0.jpg)

9 March 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for exercises

Lat -34.17, Long 18.70 [Est]

9.0am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite out of harbour. HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded also, action stations

9.38 Carried out two sub-calibre throw-off runs at HMS LOWESTOFT

10.49 Lowestoft carried out two similar runs

12.N: Commenced inclination exercise

12.20pm: Exercise completed, proceeded as requisite into harbour

1.20pm: Secured to no 4 moorings

4caf8656cadfd34197015479: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0046_1.jpg)

10 March 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.30am: Hands cleaning ship & painting funnels, Saturday routine [the day is Friday]

2.0pm: One leading stoker & one stoker returned from hospital

4caf8656cadfd3419701547a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0047_0.jpg)

11 March 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for gunnery

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

9.0am: 15 members of Union Parliament came aboard

9.12am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite, worked up to 20kts

9.22am: Action stations

9.52am: Carried out full charge 6" throw off firing at HMS LOWESTOFT

10.15am: Secure

10.40am: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out throw off firing at HMS DUBLIN

11.0am: Carried out HA firing

11.35pm: Carried out torpedo exercise with HMS LOWESTOFT

Noon: Lost overboard by accident, one small fire kettle patt no 9

12.02pm: Stop both, proceeded as requisite to torpedo firing position

12.20pm: Stop both, awaiting exercise

12.55pm: Proceeded as requisite, carried out torpedo firing at HMS LOWESTOFT, two torpedoes

1.15pm: Picked up both torpedoes

2.45pm: Secured to no 4 moorings

4caf8656cadfd3419701547b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0047_1.jpg)

12 March 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

4caf8656cadfd3419701547c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0048_0.jpg)

13 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.40am: Slipped & proceeded into basin

8.20am: Berthed at A wall

9.20am: Coal ship

1.0pm: Discharged one stoker to hospital

2.50pm: Finished coaling, received 350 tons

4caf8656cadfd3419701547d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0048_1.jpg)

14 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4.45pm: Two stokers returned from detention

4caf8656cadfd3419701547e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0049_0.jpg)

15 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.45am: One seedie discharged to hospital

4caf8656cadfd3419701547f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0049_1.jpg)

16 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Marines landed for drill

4caf8656cadfd34197015480: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0050_0.jpg)

17 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: One EA & seven stokers discharged for passage to UK

2.0pm: One leading stoker & three stokers returned from hospital

3.0pm: Embarked field gun & gear

4caf8656cadfd34197015481: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0050_1.jpg)

18 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Discharged to hospital one stoker

11.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded out of basin

2.0pm: One AB rejoined from hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015482: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0051_0.jpg)

19 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed church parties

10.15am: Divine service

11.10am: HMS WALLFLOWER sailed

6.30pm: Commander Sturdee returned from hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015483: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0051_1.jpg)

20 March 1922

Simonstown to Port Elizabeth

Lat -34.57, Long 18.93

7.45am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite out of basin

8.2pm: Anchored

8.55am: Weighed & proceeded in company with HMS LOWESTOFT

1.30pm: Danger Point light abeam, 8¼ miles

5.23pm: Agulhas light abeam

9.0pm: HMS LOWESTOFT reduced to 10Kts to effect repairs to condenser, proceeded independently

4caf8656cadfd34197015484: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0052_0.jpg)

21 March 1922

Simonstown to Port Elizabeth

Lat -34.28, Long 24.73

6.15am: Course & speed as requisite for taking station astern of HMS LOWESTOFT

9.15am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill. Hands employed as requisite, marines to Lewis gun & bayonet drill

12.19pm: Cape St Francis light abeam 5 miles

3.45pm: A/c as requisite for rounding Cape Recife & entering Port Elizabeth harbour

4.0pm: HMS WALLFLOWER joined flag

4.57pm: Anchored

4caf8656cadfd34197015485: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0052_1.jpg)

22 March 1922

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

8.0am: Landed field gun & crew

10.10am: Spread quarter deck awnings

4caf8656cadfd34197015486: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0053_0.jpg)

23 March 1922

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

9.0am: Lost overboard by accident 1 cushion from steamboat

3.0pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8656cadfd34197015487: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0053_1.jpg)

24 March 1922

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

9.30am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill

3.0pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8656cadfd34197015488: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0054_0.jpg)

25 March 1922

Port Elizabeth to Simonstown

Lat -34.21, Long 25.16

7.40am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded

8.25am: Embarked field gun, furled quarterdeck awning

9.35am: Weighed & proceeded out of harbour, with HMS LOWESTOFT, worked up to full power

10.0am: Proceeded independently

11.0am: Commenced full power trial

12.48pm: Seal Point light abeam, 5 miles

1.15pm: Passed HMS WALLFLOWER

7.0pm: Ceased full power trial, eased down to 12½ knots

4caf8656cadfd34197015489: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0054_1.jpg)

26 March 1922

Port Elizabeth to Simonstown

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

4.40am: Agulhas light abeam 12 miles

12.06pm: Secured to no 4 moorings, Simonstown

3.0pm: Joined from HMS DWARF one SPO & one AB

8.30pm: HMS WALLFLOWER arrived & anchored

4caf8656cadfd3419701548a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0055_0.jpg)

27 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.40am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded into basin

8.40am: Slipped & proceeded into basin

9.15am: Berthed at A wall

9.50am: HMS WALLFLOWER placed in dry dock

1.0pm: Joined ship from HMS DWARF one ERA & one shipwright

4caf8656cadfd3419701548b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0055_1.jpg)

28 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8656cadfd3419701548c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0056_0.jpg)

29 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.50am: Hands blacking down aloft & cleaning ship, training classes to instruction

4caf8656cadfd3419701548d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0056_1.jpg)

30 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Divisions on jetty, landed every available man for address by C in C

10.15am: Ship’s company returned on board

10.35am: Hands painting funnels & as requisite, training classes to instruction

1.25pm: Blacking down aloft & as requisite

4caf8656cadfd3419701548e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0057_0.jpg)

31 March 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Guard of Honour to drill

9.0am: Three privates RMLI discharged for passage to UK

11.0am: One SPO discharged for passage to UK

3.20pm: Discharged to shore two privates RMLI


4caf8656cadfd3419701548f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0057_1.jpg)

1 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Landed guard of honour for christening ceremony of GENERAL BOTHA

4.30pm: Furled quarterdeck & waist awnings

4caf8656cadfd34197015490: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0058_0.jpg)

2 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

4caf8656cadfd34197015491: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0058_1.jpg)

3 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill, training classes & boys to instruction, remainder blacking down aloft & as requisite

4caf8656cadfd34197015492: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0059_0.jpg)

4 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.50am: Ante [sic] gas class, boys & training classes to instruction

2.0pm: One AB returned from Hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015493: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0059_1.jpg)

5 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Ante gas class, boys & training classes to instruction

10.0am: Discharged to hospital, one AB

5.20pm: Landed fire party for duty at St James [St James is a suburb of Cape Town. No record of significant fire there]

4caf8656cadfd34197015494: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0060_0.jpg)

6 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8656cadfd34197015495: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0060_1.jpg)

7 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Two stokers returned from hospital

4caf8656cadfd34197015496: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0061_0.jpg)

8 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8656cadfd34197015497: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0061_1.jpg)

9 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds, landed church parties

10.0am: Divine service

2.40pm: Joined ship from UK, five privates & one stoker

4caf8656cadfd34197015498: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0062_0.jpg)

10 April 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.45am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite out of basin

9.30am: Secured to no 4 moorings

4caf8656cadfd34197015499: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0062_1.jpg)

11 April 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.15am: Carried out director test

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

1.30pm: Guns crews to loader competition

5.0pm: One AB & one seedie rejoined from detention

4caf8656cadfd3419701549a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0063_0.jpg)

12 April 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for gunnery practices

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.48am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite out of harbour & to firing position

9.30am: Practice postponed, course & speed as requisite for return to harbour

10.22am: Secured to no 4 moorings

2.25pm: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for gunnery practices


4.30pm HMS DUBLIN carried out sub-calibre throw off firing at HMS LOWESTOFT

5.0pm: Course & speed as requisite for return to harbour

6.0pm: Secured to no 4 moorings

4caf8656cadfd3419701549b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0063_1.jpg)

13 April 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for gunnery practice

Lat -34.17, Long 18.70 [Est[

8.58am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite in company with HMS LOWESTOFT for long range targets firing

10.15am: Carried out dummy run attack on HMS ST DOGMAEL

10.28am: Run completed, proceeded as requisite for acting as target ship for HMS LOWESTOFT

11.16am: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out full calibre throw off firing

Noon: Carried out full calibre throw off firing at HMS LOWESTOFT

12.26pm: Cease fire

1.10pm: Secured to no 4 moorings

4caf8656cadfd3419701549c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0064_0.jpg)

14 April 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.30am: Sunday routine, good Friday

9.50am: Divine service on mess deck

4caf8656cadfd3419701549d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0064_1.jpg)

15 April 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.20am: Discharged to hospital, one chief mechanician & one OS

4caf8656cadfd3419701549e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0065_0.jpg)

16 April 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed church parties

10.10am: Divine service

4caf8656cadfd3419701549f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0065_1.jpg)

17 April 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, read articles of war

1.0pm: Lent to HMS WALLFLOWER one ERA

4.0pm: Read warrants nos 31 & 32

4caf8656cadfd341970154a0: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0066_0.jpg)

18 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing for coaling & for shifting berth

7.34am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite into the basin

8.10am: Secured alongside A wall, prepare for coaling

9.15am: Coal ship

9.30pm: Finished coaling, received 933 tons

4caf8657cadfd341970154a1: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0066_1.jpg)

19 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4.30pm: Two leading stokers & one stoker discharged to hospital

4caf8657cadfd341970154a2: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0067_0.jpg)

20 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.10am: Marine detachment landed for drill

3.45pm: Divers clearing underwater fittings

4.30pm: One OS returned from hospital

6.0pm: Ceased diving

4caf8657cadfd341970154a3: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0067_1.jpg)

21 April 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Divers clearing underwater fittings

9.0am: Discharged two stokers for passage to UK

1.0pm: Engineer Lieutenant R W Stewart joined ship

3.0pm: Let two sailmakers mates to HMS LOWESTOFT

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 33. Discharged one stoker to detention

5.30pm: Returned from hospital one SPO, one stoker & one AB

4caf8657cadfd341970154a4: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0068_0.jpg)

22 April 1922

Simonstown to Elephant Bay

Lat -34.28, Long 18.32

1.0am: Lost overboard by accident one starboard PV chain

7.45am: Slipped & proceeded out of basin

8.0am: Swung ship for adjustment of compasses

10.53am: A/c 305o reduced to 150 revs for dropping PVs

3.59pm: Dassen light abeam, 10 miles

4caf8657cadfd341970154a5: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0068_1.jpg)

23 April 1922

Simonstown to Elephant Bay

Lat -30.07, Long 15.98

4.0am: Lost overboard by accident. one thermometer pattern no 58A

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

10.0pm: Exercised sea boats crew & sounding party

4caf8657cadfd341970154a6: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0069_0.jpg)

24 April 1922

Simonstown to Elephant Bay

Lat -26.37, Long 14.05

1.0am: Lost overboard by accident, one scrubber, patt no 459

2.0am: Exercised sea boats crew & sounding party

9.10am: Divisions & prayers

4caf8657cadfd341970154a7: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0069_1.jpg)

25 April 1922

Simonstown to Elephant Bay

Lat -22.80, Long 12.53

9.15am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill, training classes to instruction

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 34

4caf8657cadfd341970154a8: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0070_0.jpg)

26 April 1922

Simonstown to Elephant Bay

Lat -19.25, Long 11.42

4caf8657cadfd341970154a9: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0070_1.jpg)

27 April 1922

Simonstown to Elephant Bay

Lat -15.95, Long 11.33

2.0am: Commenced sounding every hour

9.30am: Training classes to instruction, POs & leading hands to pistol practice

4caf8657cadfd341970154aa: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0071_0.jpg)

28 April 1922

Simonstown to Elephant Bay

Lat -13.23, Long 12.72

10.33am: Anchored in Elephant Bay

4caf8657cadfd341970154ab: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0071_1.jpg)

29 April 1922

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -13.50, Long 12.41

1.0am: Lost overboard one thermometer patt no 58A

9.40am: Weighed & proceeded

4.18pm: Let go both lifebuoys, stop both & as requisite, away sea boats

4.28pm: Proceeded

4caf8657cadfd341970154ac: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0072_0.jpg)

30 April 1922

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -16.78, Long 11.25


4caf8657cadfd341970154ad: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0072_1.jpg)

1 May 1922

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -19.97, Long 12.47

1.0pm: Paid monthly money

4caf8657cadfd341970154ae: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0073_0.jpg)

2 May 1922

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -22.70, Long 14.47

5.20am: Exercised sea boats crew, hands cleaning ship, sounding as requisite

9.0am: Sounding every ¼ hour & as requisite

9.10am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill

Noon: Stop both & anchored in fog off Swakopmund

2.0pm: Fog clearing

2.20pm: Weighed & proceeded

3.34pm: Anchored in Walvis Bay

4caf8657cadfd341970154af: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0073_1.jpg)

3 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

9.30am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill, hands employed as requisite

2.0pm: Hands preparing for coaling & as requisite

4caf8657cadfd341970154b0: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0073a_0.jpg)

4 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

7.50am: Port watch commenced coaling ship

1.0pm: Fore topmasts & topgallant masts with securing bands inspected & found to be without defects. Mainmast, topmast & topgallant mast with securing bands & shroud plate inspected & found to be without defects. Signed JA Smith (Warrant Shipwright)

2.10pm: HMS DWARF arrived & anchored

11.0pm: Finished coaling, received 212 tons

4caf8657cadfd341970154b1: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0073a_1.jpg)

5 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

4caf8657cadfd341970154b2: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0074_0.jpg)

6 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

8.0am: Dressed ship overall, Ascension day

Noon: Fired salute, 21 guns

4caf8657cadfd341970154b3: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0074_1.jpg)

7 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

9.30am: Divisions

10.15am: Divine service

6.15pm: Two coal lighters placed alongside

4caf8657cadfd341970154b4: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0075_0.jpg)

8 May 1922

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

4.40am: Coal ship

10.10am: HMS DWARF proceeded to sea for gunnery practice

12.25pm: HMS DWARF returned & anchored

4.0pm: Lost overboard by accident whilst coaling ship, sacks, coal, tarred, patt 3A 15 in no, shovels steel, patt 640B 6 in no; shovels, steel, navigators, 646B 1in no

4caf8657cadfd341970154b5: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0075_1.jpg)

9 May 1922

Walvis Bay to Saldanha Bay

Lat -23.82, Long 14.05

1.30am: Finished coaling, received 451 tons

3.52am: Weighed & turned as requisite

3.58am: Proceeded

9.10am: Stopped port engine, (condenser trouble)

6.0pm: Proceeded with port engine

4caf8657cadfd341970154b6: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0076_0.jpg)

10 May 1922

Walvis Bay to Saldanha Bay

Lat -27.18, Long 14.58

4.08pm: Stop both, let go both lifebuoys, recovered same

4.27pm: Proceeded

4caf8657cadfd341970154b7: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0076_1.jpg)

11 May 1922

Walvis Bay to Saldanha Bay

Lat -30.45, Long 15.93

4.5pm: Dropped depth charge, circled as requisite

4.12pm: Dropped depth charge

4.29pm: Proceeded

4caf8657cadfd341970154b8: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0078_0.jpg)

12 May 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

10.47am: Anchored in Saldanha Bay

4caf8657cadfd341970154b9: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0078_1.jpg)

13 May 1922

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.0am: Seamanship training class to instruction

5.0pm: Unmoored

5.47pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

4caf8657cadfd341970154ba: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0079_0.jpg)

14 May 1922

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.22am: Anchored in Simon’s Bay

9.45am: Hands mustered by the ledger

10.40am: Divine service, discharged to hospital one PO & one AB

4.30pm: Rejoined from HMS LOWESTOFT, two leading stokers & one seedie & from HMS WALLFLOWER, one stoker

4caf8657cadfd341970154bb: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0079_1.jpg)

15 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Fxle men ranging cable for survey

8.15am: HMS LOWESTOFT came out of basin

9.15am: Weighed & proceeded into basin

10.0am: Berthed at C wall

4caf8657cadfd341970154bc: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0080_0.jpg)

16 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8657cadfd341970154bd: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0080_1.jpg)

17 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Seedies scraping cable locker

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship & disembarking ammunition

8.45am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded for gunnery exercise

2.0pm: Hands lowering main topmast & disembarking ammunition

3.30pm: Lent to HMS WALLFLOWER one signaller & one telegrapher, lent to HMS AFRIKANDER two signallers

4.40pm: HMS LOWESTOFT anchored, hands disembarking ammunition

4caf8657cadfd341970154be: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0081_0.jpg)

18 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Fxle men working about cable, remainder cleaning ship & striking down fore topgallant mast & yards

8.30am: Hands cleaning ship, disembarking ammunition & striking masts & yards

4.0pm: Duty part disembarking ammunition

4caf8657cadfd341970154bf: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0081_1.jpg)

19 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship & striking masts & yards, permanent range staff left ship

1.30pm: Furled quarterdeck awning

2.0pm: Hands striking masts & yards & disembarking fxle gun

4caf8657cadfd341970154c0: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0082_0.jpg)

20 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & painting out fore 6" magazine

9.30am: First range party left ship

4caf8657cadfd341970154c1: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0082_1.jpg)

21 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Landed church parties

10.0am: Divine service

4caf8657cadfd341970154c2: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0083_0.jpg)

22 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Hands cleaning ship & refitting as requisite

4caf8657cadfd341970154c3: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0083_1.jpg)

23 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8657cadfd341970154c4: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0084_0.jpg)

24 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Hands preparing for docking

8.40am: HMS WALLFLOWER undocked & berthed at B wall

2.30pm: Returned from hospital one chief stoker & one stoker

4caf8657cadfd341970154c5: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0084_1.jpg)

25 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.15am: Discharged two stokers to hospital

8.40am: Slipped from C wall & proceeded into dock

10.20am: Hands employed refitting & docking ship

4.15pm: Read warrant no 35

4caf8657cadfd341970154c6: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0085_0.jpg)

26 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags on occasion of HM Queen's birthday

11.0am: Hands scraping ship's bottom

12.30pm: Pumped out dry dock, hands scraping ship's bottom & as requisite

4caf8657cadfd341970154c7: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0085_1.jpg)

27 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Refitting parties employed as requisite

4caf8657cadfd341970154c8: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0086_0.jpg)

28 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Discharged to hospital, one midshipman & one AB

10.0am: Landed church of England, RC & Wes & Pres [Wesleyan & Presbyterian] church parties

4caf8657cadfd341970154c9: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0086_1.jpg)

29 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded into Simon’s Bay

1.0pm: Discharged to hospital, one paymaster midshipman, returned from hospital, one stoker

4caf8657cadfd341970154ca: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0087_0.jpg)

30 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.10am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded out of harbour

10.30am: HMS WALLFLOWER returned to B wall

4caf8657cadfd341970154cb: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0087_1.jpg)

31 May 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands refitting as requisite & scraping ship's bottom

2.30pm: One leading stoker returned from hospital


4caf8657cadfd341970154cc: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0088_0.jpg)

1 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands refitting & scraping ship's bottom

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8657cadfd341970154cd: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0088_1.jpg)

2 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.45am: HMS WALLFLOWER sailed

9.50am: First range party returned aboard

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8657cadfd341970154ce: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0089_0.jpg)

3 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship, masthead flags, King's birthday

10.15am: One OS discharged to hospital & one stoker returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8657cadfd341970154cf: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0089_1.jpg)

4 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Divisions

10.0am: Landed RC, Wesleyan, Presbyterian & C of E parties

4caf8657cadfd341970154d0: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0090_0.jpg)

5 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8657cadfd341970154d1: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0090_1.jpg)

6 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning up dock

4caf8657cadfd341970154d2: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0091_0.jpg)

7 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Refitting parties employed as requisite

2.0pm: One AB offender joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8657cadfd341970154d3: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0091_1.jpg)

8 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8657cadfd341970154d4: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0092_0.jpg)

9 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4.10pm: Read warrants nos 36, 37, 38, 39 & 40

8.30pm: Discharged to hospital, first tindal [A tindal is “The boatswain's mate or second most senior engine room petty officer in a lascar ship's crew”]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8657cadfd341970154d5: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0092_1.jpg)

10 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Refitting parties employed as requisite

2.0pm: Make & mend clothes

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8657cadfd341970154d6: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0093_0.jpg)

11 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8657cadfd341970154d7: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0093_1.jpg)

12 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 0

4caf8657cadfd341970154d8: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0094_0.jpg)

13 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Discharged to hospital one seedie

Number on sick list = 1

4caf8657cadfd341970154d9: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0094_1.jpg)

14 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands clearing up dock

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8657cadfd341970154da: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0095_0.jpg)

15 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8657cadfd341970154db: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0095_1.jpg)

16 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4.15pm: Read warrant no.41, discharged one seedie to detention quarters

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8657cadfd341970154dc: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0096_0.jpg)

17 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Second range party returned to ship

10.45am: Third range party left ship

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8657cadfd341970154dd: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0096_1.jpg)

18 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed all church parties

4caf8657cadfd341970154de: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0097_0.jpg)

19 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Joined from hospital, one OS & two stokers

4caf8657cadfd341970154df: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0097_1.jpg)

20 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Refitting parties employed as requisite, seedies coaling sanatorium, divers examining battle practice target

4caf8657cadfd341970154e0: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0098_0.jpg)

21 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Seedies coaling sanatorium

4caf8657cadfd341970154e1: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0098_1.jpg)

22 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Dressed ship with masthead flags, refitting parties employed as requisite, seedies coaling sanatorium

4.30pm: One signaller rejoined from detention

4caf8657cadfd341970154e2: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0099_0.jpg)

23 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Hands berthing SS HALOCRATES at west wall [SS HALOCRATES was a British cargo steamer launched in 1919]

3.30pm: Hands casting off SS HALOCRATES

4caf8657cadfd341970154e3: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0099_1.jpg)

24 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: One leading seaman discharged to hospital

10.30am: Hands cleaning ship, marine detachment to the range

3.30pm: Paymaster Mr Axworthy returned from hospital

4caf8657cadfd341970154e4: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0100_0.jpg)

25 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf8657cadfd341970154e5: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0100_1.jpg)

26 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Hands employed in refitting parties & painting ship's bottom

9.30am: Discharged to hospital, two seedies

11.0am: Halfmasted colours on occasion of funeral of FM Sir Henry Wilson [Field Marshall Sir Henry Wilson was assassinated by IRA gunmen in London, 22nd June 1922]

4.30pm: Discharged two stokers to hospital

4caf8657cadfd341970154e6: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0101_0.jpg)

27 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Refitting parties employed as requisite, remainder painting ship's bottom

10.35am: HMS LOWESTOFT arrived & anchored in the bay

2.0pm: HMS LOWESTOFT entered basin & berthed at A wall

4.30pm: Discharged one leading telegrapher to hospital

4caf8657cadfd341970154e7: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0101_1.jpg)

28 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.10pm: Returned from hospital, three ratings

4caf8657cadfd341970154e8: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0102_0.jpg)

29 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands employed refitting work & painting ship's bottom

2.0pm: HMS LOWESTOFT shifted berth to west wall

5.30pm: One seedie rejoined from detention

4caf8657cadfd341970154e9: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0102_1.jpg)

30 June 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands refitting & painting ship's bottom

11.15am: Third range party returned aboard

Number on sick list = 7


4caf8657cadfd341970154ea: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0103_0.jpg)

1 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & clearing up dock

12.30pm: Paid quarterly settlement

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8657cadfd341970154eb: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0103_1.jpg)

2 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & clearing up dock

9.30am: Divine service

4caf8657cadfd341970154ec: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0104_0.jpg)

3 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Refitting parties employed as requisite

2.0pm: One AB joined from hospital

4caf8657cadfd341970154ed: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0104_1.jpg)

4 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Refitting parties employed as requisite

4caf8657cadfd341970154ee: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0105_0.jpg)

5 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Flooded dock to 10 feet

10.0am: C in C visited ship

2.0pm: Hands painting ship's side & as requisite

3.50pm: One LS & one AB joined from hospital

4caf8657cadfd341970154ef: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0105_1.jpg)

6 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & dock

9.0am: Refitting parties painting ship's side & as requisite

4caf8657cadfd341970154f0: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0106_0.jpg)

7 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: One SPO discharged for passenger to UK

2.30pm: Flooded the dock

3.0pm: Carried out tilt test

4.30pm: Read warrant no 42

7.0pm: Duty part embarking shell

8.30pm: RYS QUEST berthed at C wall [RYS QUEST was a schooner-rigged steamship, launched in 1917 as the Norwegian FOCA. At this time she was returning from the failed Shackleton-Rowett Expedition to the Antarctic. This expedition was aborted following the death of Ernest Shackleton & QUEST was en route back to the UK. RYS is the designation for a ship of the Royal Yacht Squadron]

4caf8657cadfd341970154f1: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0106_1.jpg)

8 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands preparing for undocking

8.15am: Proceeded out of dock, ship bathed at A wall

9.30am: HMS FOYLE undocked, HMS EDEN proceeded into dock

11.30am: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

4.30pm: Read warrant no 43

4caf8657cadfd341970154f2: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0107_0.jpg)

9 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions

10.0am: Divine service

1.55pm: HMS THISTLE arrived & anchored

4caf8657cadfd341970154f3: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0107_1.jpg)

10 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.55am: Coal ship

4.25pm: Read warrant no 44, discharged one stoker to detention

11.0pm: Finished coaling, received 1020 tons, hands sweeping down upper deck

4caf8657cadfd341970154f4: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0108_0.jpg)

11 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.15pm: Spread quarterdeck awning

2.30pm: Swayed main topgallant mast

4caf8657cadfd341970154f5: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0108_1.jpg)

12 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Swayed the topgallant mast

11.05am: Carried out basin trial

4.30pm: Read warrants nos 45 & 46

4caf8657cadfd341970154f6: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0109_0.jpg)

13 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Hands painting & ammunitioning ship

1.45pm: HMS THISTLE entered basin & berthed at B wall

2.30pm: RYS QUEST sailed, cheered ship

4.0pm: Discharged to hospital, Midshipman Anderton

4.30pm: Read warrants nos 47 & 48

4caf8657cadfd341970154f7: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0109_1.jpg)

14 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0pm: Hands cleaning & ammunitioning ship

4caf8657cadfd341970154f8: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0110_0.jpg)

15 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Hands cleaning & painting ship

4caf8657cadfd341970154f9: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0110_1.jpg)

16 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Landed RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

2.0pm: Landed church party for Delville Wood memorial service [the Battle of Delville Wood took place in 1916 & included significant numbers of South African soldiers, including the First South African Brigade]

4caf8657cadfd341970154fa: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0111_0.jpg)

17 July 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing for painting down aloft

10.0am: Paid prize money

2.0pm: Joined ship from HMS AFRIKANDER, one seedie, discharged to HMS AFRIKANDER one seedie

4caf8657cadfd341970154fb: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0111_1.jpg)

18 July 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Left A wall, proceeded as requisite into the bay for trial of auxiliary machinery etc & dumping shell. Tested both sounding machines

11.50am: Secured to flagship moorings

1.30pm: Discharged one signaller to shore

4caf8657cadfd341970154fe: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0113_0.jpg)

19 July 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.50am: Carried out director test

9.40am: C in C came aboard

9.55am: C in C left ship

10.30am: Lieutenant Commander Williams Freeman left ship

2.0pm: Carried out director & sight tests

4.30pm: Discharged to HMS THISTLE, six ABs, joined from HMS LOWESTOFT one AB

5.30pm: Discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT one private RMLI & one stoker’s mate

6.30pm: Joined from hospital one stoker

4caf8657cadfd341970154ff: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0113_1.jpg)

20 July 1922

Simonstown to Durban

Lat -34.38, Long 18.75

6.30am: Joined from recreation rooms, one AB & one stoker

8.30am: Swung ship for adjustment of compasses

10.0am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite

10.40am: Dumped certain ammunition

11.40am: Eased to slow for six minutes, out PVs

2.56pm: Danger Point abeam, 5 miles

5.30pm: Tested both sounding machines

9.15pm: Lost overboard, one patent log line, governor & rotator

9.37pm: Replaced same

4caf8657cadfd34197015500: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0114_0.jpg)

21 July 1922

Simonstown to Durban

Lat -34.52, Long 23.95

8.04pm: Cape Recife light abeam, 6½ miles

10.39pm: Bird Island light abeam, 8 miles

4caf8657cadfd34197015501: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0114_1.jpg)

22 July 1922

Simonstown to Durban

Lat -32.82, Long 28.47

2.57am: Great Fish light abeam, 12.3 miles

10.10am: Cleared lower deck, read Articles of War & Returns of Courts Martial

9.03pm: Cape Hermes light abeam

4caf8657cadfd34197015502: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0115_0.jpg)

23 July 1922

Simonstown to Durban

Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

7.41pm: Aliwal light abeam, 13 miles

9.40am: Embarked pilot, hauled in patent log

9.50am: Proceeded into harbour & secured to no 1 buoy

5.0pm: Discharged to HMS WALLFLOWER one leading seaman & one leading stoker

4caf8657cadfd34197015503: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0115_1.jpg)

24 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

6.0am: Unrove PV chains, prepared for berthing alongside

9.30am: Slipped, proceeded alongside D shed

10.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER sailed, lost overboard by accident, one chain hook

11.05am: Coal ship, native labour

8.25pm: Finished coaling, received 469 tons

4caf8657cadfd34197015504: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0116_0.jpg)

25 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8657cadfd34197015505: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0116_1.jpg)

26 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8657cadfd34197015506: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0117_0.jpg)

27 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.30am: Hands cleaning & painting ship & as requisite about boats

5.15pm: Read warrant no 50

4caf8657cadfd34197015507: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0117_1.jpg)

28 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.0am: American Consul came on board, paraded sergeant’s guard

10.30am: American Consul left ship, fired 7 gun salute

4caf8657cadfd34197015508: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0118_0.jpg)

29 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

8.30am: Absentees returned on board by RMS ARMADALE CASTLE, 3 stokers, escort from HMS LOWESTOFT, one stoker PO & one stoker [RMS ARMADALE CASTLE was a steamship launched in 1903, used as an armed merchant cruiser in WW1]

4caf8657cadfd34197015509: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0118_1.jpg)

30 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

2.30pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8657cadfd3419701550a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0119_0.jpg)

31 July 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.20pm: Read warrant no 51


4caf8658cadfd3419701550b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0119_1.jpg)

1 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.0am: Rigged diving gear

10.20am: Commenced diving

12.30pm: Paid the hands

3.0pm: Finished diving

4.30pm: Evening quarters, paid mis-musters

4caf8658cadfd3419701550c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0120_0.jpg)

2 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd3419701550d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0120_1.jpg)

3 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd3419701550e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0121_0.jpg)

4 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.15am: Escort of one SPO & one stoker discharged to SS ARMADALE CASTLE for passage to HMS LOWESTOFT. 16 seedies discharged for passage to Simonstown

4caf8658cadfd3419701550f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0121_1.jpg)

5 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.0am: Joined from RMS SAXON, two seedies [RMS SAXON was a Union Castle line steamer launched in 1900]

2.30pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8658cadfd34197015510: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0122_0.jpg)

6 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

2.30pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8658cadfd34197015511: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0122_1.jpg)

7 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

7.30am: Four seedies discharged for Zanzibar per SS KARON

9.45am: Read warrant no 52

2.30pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8658cadfd34197015512: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0123_0.jpg)

8 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd34197015513: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0123_1.jpg)

9 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.0am: Instructor Lieutenant Winwood-Smith joined ship [Instructor Lieutenant, later Instructor Commander Christopher William Winwood-Smith was born 1893]

10.15am: Slipped from wall

10.35am: Secured to no 5 buoy, East

4caf8658cadfd34197015514: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0124_0.jpg)

10 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

11.30am: Discharged for duty at hospital, one leading stoker & two stokers

4caf8658cadfd34197015515: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0124_1.jpg)

11 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd34197015516: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0125_0.jpg)

12 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.45am: Leading Stoker James Anderson, official no K9274, found dead in sick bay, cause of death perforated gastric ulcer [Naval-History Casualties lists: Dublin, 2nd class cruiser, ANDERSON, James, Leading Stoker, K 9274, illness]

9.15am: Landed body of Leading Stoker James Anderson, deceased

4caf8658cadfd34197015517: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0125_1.jpg)

13 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

1.0pm: Landed funeral party for funeral of Leading Stoker Anderson

5.30pm: Funeral party returned to ship

4caf8658cadfd34197015518: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0126_0.jpg)

14 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd34197015519: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0126_1.jpg)

15 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd3419701551a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0127_0.jpg)

16 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

7.30pm: Prepared ship for going alongside jetty

4caf8658cadfd3419701551b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0127_1.jpg)

17 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.20am: Prepared for berthing ship

6.24am: Slipped from no 5 buoy East

7.0am: Secured to "I" wall

12.30pm: Ship open to visitors 12.30pm - 6.30pm

4caf8658cadfd3419701551c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0128_0.jpg)

18 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.30am: One leading stoker discharged to hospital per RMS KINFAUNS CASTLE with escort [RMS KINFAUNS CASTLE was a British steamer launched in 1898, used as an armed merchant cruiser in WW1]

10.0am: Exercised general quarters

11.0am: Secured from general quarters

4caf8658cadfd3419701551d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0128_1.jpg)

19 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

1.0pm: Ship open to visitors, 1.0pm - 5.0pm

4caf8658cadfd3419701551e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0129_0.jpg)

20 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

4caf8658cadfd3419701551f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0129_1.jpg)

21 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd34197015520: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0130_0.jpg)

22 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd34197015521: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0130_1.jpg)

23 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

1.0am: Lost overboard by accident, one gunmetal boat’s crutch, patt no 73E

4caf8658cadfd34197015522: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0131_0.jpg)

24 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4caf8658cadfd34197015523: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0131_1.jpg)

25 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

6.30am: Hands preparing ship for coaling

7.20am: Coal ship with native labour

3.35am: Finished coaling, received 359 tons, hands cleaning ship

4caf8658cadfd34197015524: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0132_0.jpg)

26 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.30pm: Ship open to visitors, 12.30pm to 5.0pm

4caf8658cadfd34197015525: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0132_1.jpg)

27 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

12.30pm: Ship open to visitors, 12.30pm to 5.0pm

4caf8658cadfd34197015526: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0133_0.jpg)

28 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

10.30am: Provisioning ship

4caf8658cadfd34197015527: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0133_1.jpg)

29 August 1922


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.30am: Divisions & prayers, hands cleaning ship & securing for sea

4caf8658cadfd34197015528: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0134_0.jpg)

30 August 1922

Durban to Simonstown

Lat -31.38, Long 30.22

5.40am: Hands preparing for sea

6.10am: Pilot came aboard

6.15am: Slipped from wall

7.06am: Proceeded as requisite out of harbour

6.57am: Stopped to disembark pilot

7.06am: Proceeded as requisite

7.15am: Commenced working up to full power

8.0am: Commenced 24 hours trial

9.0am: Commenced 8 hours full power trial

9.35am: Exercised night & day action stations

5.0pm: Completed full power trial. Eased to 3/5ths power

7.50pm: Lost overboard by accident one lifebuoy

11.20pm: Bird Island light, abeam, 13 miles

4caf8658cadfd34197015529: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0134_1.jpg)

31 August 1922

Durban to Simonstown

Lat -34.70, Long 22.80

1.03am: Recife light, abeam, 13 miles

3.50am: Seal light, abeam

7.0am: Completed trial, reduced to 232 revs

9.55am: 150 revs to secure gear


4caf8658cadfd3419701552a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0135_0.jpg)

1 September 1922

Durban to Simonstown

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.17am: Cape Agulhas, abeam,10'

5.21am: Danger Point light, abeam, 8½ miles

10.25am: Secured at A wall, Simonstown

3.0pm: Joined from hospital, one AB

5,0pm: Joined from HMS LOWESTOFT, three stokers, two ABs & one ordinary telegrapher

4caf8658cadfd3419701552b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0135_1.jpg)

2 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Coal ship

3.0pm: Finished coaling, received 464 tons

4.30pm: Read warrants nos 53, 53 & 55

4caf8658cadfd3419701552c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0136_0.jpg)

3 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Landed RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

10.30am: Divine service

4caf8658cadfd3419701552d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0136_1.jpg)

4 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: Hands cleaning ship, Saturday routine [this was a Monday]

4caf8658cadfd3419701552e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0137_0.jpg)

5 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Landed Heliograph party for exercise, rejoined from hospital, one seedie

9.40am: Exercised general drill, let go sheet anchor & weighed by hand, boat pulling

3.25pm: Watch exercised away starboard kedge anchor

5.30pm: Joined from hospital, one SPO & one stoker

4caf8658cadfd3419701552f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0137_1.jpg)

6 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.15am: Landed Emergency landing party under arms

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 56

4caf8658cadfd34197015530: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0138_0.jpg)

7 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Exercised tow for'ard

10.0am: Marine detachment landed

4caf8658cadfd34197015531: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0138_1.jpg)

8 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4.30pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 57

4caf8658cadfd34197015532: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0139_0.jpg)

9 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Aired night clothing

4caf8658cadfd34197015533: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0139_1.jpg)

10 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: C in C came onboard & inspected divisions

10.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.40am: Divine service

4caf8658cadfd34197015534: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0140_0.jpg)

11 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Prepared for general drill

10.05am: Landed emergency landing party for drill on Recreation Ground

8.30pm: Discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT, one private RMLI

4caf8658cadfd34197015535: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0140_1.jpg)

12 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Landed Heliograph party, guns crews to loader drill

3.20pm: Exercised tow aft

4caf8658cadfd34197015536: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0141_0.jpg)

13 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Discharged to hospital one OS

10.0am: Landed marines for drill

4.0pm: Discharged to hospital, two leading stokers, two stokers & one AB

4caf8658cadfd34197015537: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0141_1.jpg)

14 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Hands embarking ammunition & as requisite

4caf8658cadfd34197015538: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0142_0.jpg)

15 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: Discharged to shore two stokers

3.0pm: Rejoined from hospital, two leading stokers, two stokers & one AB

5.30pm: One seedie joined from HMS WALLFLOWER

4caf8658cadfd34197015539: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0142_1.jpg)

16 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Noon: Read warrant no 58

2.45pm: Mr Garner, warrant telegrapher, joined from HMS LOWESTOFT

5.30pm: Discharged to hospital one ERA

4caf8658cadfd3419701553a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0143_0.jpg)

17 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Divisions, rounds, landed church parties

10.30am: Divine service

11.0am: Joined from hospital, one AB & one stoker

4caf8658cadfd3419701553b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0143_1.jpg)

18 September 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.15am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded into the bay & later secured to flagship buoy

9.50am: Slipped from C wall & proceeded out of basin

10.30am: Secured to no 4 buoy

11.0pm: Joined from HMS LOWESTOFT, one PO & one signaller, joined from UK draft of 81 ratings, various

1.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, hooks, chain, two in no

1.15pm: Carried out director test, discharged to hospital, one AB

2.0pm: Hands rigging patt VI target & as requisite, joined from HMS LOWESTOFT temporarily, Mr Emitt, Gunner

3.0pm: Discharged to sanatorium for instruction 18 boys & two cooks

5.35pm: Discharged three ABs to HMS LOWESTOFT

10.05pm: One recovered deserter returned on board

4caf8658cadfd3419701553c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0144_0.jpg)

19 September 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for exercises

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

8.15am: SS CRAWFORD CASTLE proceeded into basin [SS CRAWFORD CASTLE was a Union Castle line steamer purchased in 1917, previously the SS HOVA launched in 1910]

9.15am: Divisions & prayers, slipped & proceeded as requisite into the bay

10.0am: Carried out sub-calibre firing at patt VI target towed by ST DOGMAEL, three runs, hands at action stations

12.20pm: Anchored

2.15pm: HMS LOWESTOFT sailed for Durban, carried out director test

7.35pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite into the basin

8.20pm: Carried out night sub-calibre firing at patt VI towed target, three runs, exercised night defence stations

9.15pm: Completed the practice, course & speed as requisite for returning to harbour

9.45pm: Anchored

4caf8658cadfd3419701553d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0144_1.jpg)

[Record of Observations for Deviation; not transcribed]

4caf8658cadfd3419701553e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0145_0.jpg)

[Reverse of above, Description & position of correctors etc; not transcribed

4caf8658cadfd3419701553f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0145_1.jpg)

20 September 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for exercises

Lat -34.17, Long 18.70 [Est]

9.20am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite into the bay, carried out sub-calibre firing at towed patt VI target, three runs

11.0am: Carried out torpedo attack, fired two torpedoes

Noon: Stop both to pick up torpedoes

1.30pm: Proceeded as requisite into Simon’s Bay

1.55pm: Secured to no 4 buoy

2.0pm: Discharged to hospital, Paymaster Midshipman Axworthy, spread quarterdeck awnings

5.0pm: Discharge to shore, two POs & one AB to AFRIKANDER

4caf8658cadfd34197015540: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0146_0.jpg)

21 September 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed rifle shooting party, seamen & stokers versus marines

2.0pm: Seamanship training class to instruction

4.20pm: Read warrant no 59

4caf8658cadfd34197015541: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0146_1.jpg)

22 September 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: Discharged 21 ratings, various for passage to UK

4caf8658cadfd34197015542: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0147_0.jpg)

23 September 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.0am: SS CITY OF BOMBAY arrived & proceeded into basin [SS CITY OF BOMBAY was a British cargo steamer launched in 1910]

8.30am: Aired night clothing

10.0am: Discharged one stoker to hospital

11.0am: Gunnery training class to examination

4caf8658cadfd34197015543: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0147_1.jpg)

24 September 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Divine service

4caf8658cadfd34197015544: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0148_0.jpg)

25 September 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & shifting SS CRAWFORD CASTLE

5.0pm: Evening quarters, SS CITY OF BOMBAY sailed

4caf8658cadfd34197015545: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0148_1.jpg)

26 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.23am: Slipped & proceeded into basin, berthed at west wall

10.50am: HMS WALLFLOWER left basin & secured to no 4 moorings

4caf8658cadfd34197015546: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0149_0.jpg)

27 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER sailed, discharged to hospital, one mechanician

3.15pm: Returned from hospital, one AB, two leading stokers & two stokers

5.20pm: Two ABs rejoined from detention

4caf8658cadfd34197015547: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0149_1.jpg)

28 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.45am: SS CRAWFORD CASTLE sailed

11.0am: Landed field guns crew

2.0pm: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

3.55pm: Two cooks rejoined from sanatorium

4caf8658cadfd34197015548: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0150_0.jpg)

29 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: 18 boys rejoined ship from sanatorium

9.45am: General quarters, discharged to UK, one ERA & two cooks, landed field guns crew

3.0pm: Joined from hospital, two stokers & one AB

4.15pm: SS CLAN CHISHOLM arrived [SS CLAN CHISHOLM was a Clan line steamer launched in 1896]

4caf8658cadfd34197015549: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0150_1.jpg)

30 September 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.35am: SS CLAN CHISHOLM berthed at C wall

8.30am: Aired night clothing


4caf8658cadfd3419701554a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0151_0.jpg)

1 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Divisions & rounds, landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.15pm: Landed Church of England party

4caf8658cadfd3419701554b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0151_1.jpg)

2 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Landed field guns crew

12.30pm: Paid quarterly settlement, make & mend clothes

3.0pm: Discharged four stokers & one AB to hospital

4.40pm: Evening quarters, joined ship for quarterdeck duties Mr Collins, Gunner, RN

4caf8658cadfd3419701554c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0152_0.jpg)

3 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: Training classes to instruction, landed field guns crew

4caf8658cadfd3419701554d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0152_1.jpg)

4 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Divisions, prayers, physical drill, landed field guns crew

11.0am: Hands painting boats & as requisite

2.30pm: Four stokers & one AB joined ship from hospital

4caf8658cadfd3419701554e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0153_0.jpg)

5 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.30am: SS CLAN CHISHOLM sailed

5.30pm: One stoker rejoined from hospital

4caf8658cadfd3419701554f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0153_1.jpg)

6 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: Exercised spotting table

1.0pm: Training classes to instruction, landed field guns crew, remainder employed as requisite

5.40pm: Two stokers rejoined from detention

4caf8658cadfd34197015550: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0154_0.jpg)

7 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship & shipping sub-calibre guns

10.30am: Landed field guns crew

4caf8658cadfd34197015551: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0154_1.jpg)

8 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, rounds

10.30am: Divine service

4caf8658cadfd34197015552: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0155_0.jpg)

9 October 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.0am: Mr Basset, Boatswain, left ship

9.15am: Slipped

9.30am. Proceeded out of harbour & into False Bay for sub-calibre firing. Hands at action stations, three runs 10.45am: Secure, proceeded as requisite into Simon’s Bay

11.30am: Anchored

3.30pm: Discharged to hospital, two leading stokers, two stokers & one AB

7.30pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite into False Bay for night, sub-calibre firing

8.30pm: Carried out night firing, three runs

9.30pm: Finished the practice

10.17pm: Anchored

4caf8658cadfd34197015553: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0155_1.jpg)

10 October 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.30am: Carried out director test & tested sights

11.0am: Discharged to hospital one SPO

2.30pm: Sale of effects of late Leading Stoker Anderson & Stoker Sangster, deserter

4caf8658cadfd34197015554: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0156_0.jpg)

11 October 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for gunnery practice

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions, prayers & physical drill

9.33am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite into False Bay for full calibre firing, reduced charge

9.45am: Action stations

11.52am: Anchored

2.0pm: Hands employed as requisite about boats, carley floats etc

4.40pm: Evening quarters, prepared for night action

6.20pm: Darkened ship

7.15pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for firing

8.0pm: Carried out full calibre night firing, three runs

9.0pm: Completed the practice

9.39pm: Anchored

4caf8658cadfd34197015555: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0156_1.jpg)

12 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite into the basin

9.30am: Berthed at C wall

2.0pm: Discharged one leading seaman, one leading cook, one AB, one SPO & two stokers to hospital

4.30pm: Read warrant no 60, discharged to detention, one stoker

4caf8658cadfd34197015556: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0157_0.jpg)

13 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Hands employed about boats & carley floats & as requisite cleaning ship

4caf8658cadfd34197015557: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0157_1.jpg)

14 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Make & mend clothes, seedies painting ship

4caf8658cadfd34197015558: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0158_0.jpg)

15 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.10am: Divine service

4caf8658cadfd34197015559: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0158_1.jpg)

16 October 1922

Simonstown to Cape Town

Lat -34.40, Long 18.54 [Est]

8.0am: Received 70 depth charges for dumping

8.25am: Discharged to AFRIKANDER, one PO & two ABs

9.0am: Slipped & proceeded out of basin

10.0am: Tested both sounding machines

10.20am: Dumped depth charges

11.0am: Stop both to hoist in accommodation ladders, changed over to lower conning tower steering position

12.15pm: Changed over to fore bridge steering position

3.08pm: Stop both to embark pilot

3.15pm: Proceeded into basin

4.0pm: Secured alongside no 4 coaling jetty

7.0pm: Joined ship from Admiral's office, two signalmen

11.0pm: Joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT, two ABs

4caf8658cadfd3419701555a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0159_0.jpg)

17 October 1922

Cape Town

Lat -33.906, Long 18.424

6.0am: Hands furling awnings & preparing for coaling

7.45am: Coal ship, native labour

8.45am: Seamen & marines landed for route march, discharged to HMS WALLFLOWER, one stoker

6.20pm: One private RMLI returned from escort duty to Zanzibar

8.35pm: Finished coaling, received 487 tons

10.0pm: Pipe down

4caf8658cadfd3419701555b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0159_1.jpg)

18 October 1922

Cape Town

Lat -33.905, Long 18.428

6.30am: Shifted berth across basin

7.0am: Secured at no 6 quay

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship, landed field guns crew, divers employed on underwater fittings

1.0pm: Ship open to visitors

3.45pm: Shifted berth back to no 4 coaling jetty

4caf8658cadfd3419701555c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0160_0.jpg)

19 October 1922

Cape Town

Lat -33.906, Long 18.424

8.15am: Landed field guns crew

9.20am: Divisions & prayers

10.0am: Divers examining underwater fittings

5.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, one brass boathook

4caf8658cadfd3419701555d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0160_1.jpg)

20 October 1922

Cape Town

Lat -33.906, Long 18.424

9.0am: Divers examining underwater fittings, landed field guns crew & signalmen for marching manoeuvres

1.0pm: Ship open to visitors

4caf8658cadfd3419701555e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0161_0.jpg)

21 October 1922

Cape Town

Lat -33.906, Long 18.424

9.0am: Landed signalmen for marching manoeuvres

11.0am: Broken by accident, one thermometer patt 58A

1.0pm: Landed field guns crew, ship open to visitors

4caf8658cadfd3419701555f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0161_1.jpg)

22 October 1922

Cape Town to Simonstown

Lat -34.25, Long 18.30

7.0am: Lost overboard by accident, one block, 13" patt 108B, 1 one oar, one boathook, (iron) & one iron tiller & one special shackle

9.0am: Slipped from no 4 jetty, proceeded out of basin, disembarked pilot

2.55pm: Secured to no 4 buoy Simon’s Bay

4caf8658cadfd34197015560: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0162_0.jpg)

23 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded

9.15am: Slipped from no 4 buoy, proceeded into basin

10.0am: Secured at C wall

1.0pm: Discharged to hospital one stoker, training classes to instruction, guns crews to drill, remainder working about boats & as requisite

4.0pm: Evening quarters, discharged one AB & four stokers to hospital & one AB to HMS LOWESTOFT

5.0pm: Two ABs joined from HMS LOWESTOFT

4caf8658cadfd34197015561: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0162_1.jpg)

24 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded into False Bay for exercises, Captain H. S. Shipway joined ship [Captain Hugh Skinner Shipway was previously captain of HMS ARIADNE, appointed captain of HMS DUBLIN on the first of October 1922]

1.15pm: Furled awnings

2.30pm: Captain WL Elder CMG left ship

4caf8658cadfd34197015562: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0163_0.jpg)

25 October 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for G & T practices

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

8.35am: Slipped & proceeded into False Bay

9.30am: Rendezvous with HMS LOWESTOFT, hands at action stations

10.0am: Carried out two dummy runs & two sub-calibre runs of concentration firing with HMS LOWESTOFT

12.42pm: Stop both

1.15pm: Control parties closed up, remainder as requisite

1.30pm: Proceeded, course & speeds as requisite for carrying out two inclination exercises, the second using smoke floats

2.55pm: Carried out torpedo practice with HMS LOWESTOFT, HMS DUBLIN acting as target ship

3.25pm: Stop both to recover torpedo

3.45pm: Proceeded as requisite into harbour in company with flagship

5.12pm: Anchored, prepared for night action

7.05pm: Weighed & proceeded

7.50pm: Action stations, carried out full calibre, full charge night firing at towed target

8.0pm: Lost overboard, one leadsman's canvas apron

8.15pm: Secure, proceeded into harbour, exercised searchlights

9.17pm: Anchored in B berth

10.30pm: HMS LOWESTOFT anchored

4caf8658cadfd34197015563: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0163_1.jpg)

26 October 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.05am: One stoker returned from detention

9.20am: Divisions & prayers, guns crews to drill & loader, carried out director test, hands working about BP target, cleaning out boats & as requisite

10.30am: Secured target astern

2.0pm: Hands rigging target sails & preparing target for towing, continued director test

4caf8658cadfd34197015564: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0164_0.jpg)

27 October 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for FC firing

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

8.06am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite with 100ft target in tow

8.20am: Veered target

8.55am: Proceeded & worked up to 200 revs

9.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out full calibre firing

9.48am: Hove in target

9.58am: Stop both, anchored, transferred target to HMS LOWESTOFT

11.02am: Proceeded as requisite

11.40am: Action stations

Noon: Lost overboard from BP target, one red burgee, patt 202, carried out full calibre full charge firing

12.14pm: Secure

1.15pm: Anchored, sponged out all guns

2.55pm: Weighed & proceeded into basin, secured at C wall

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd34197015565: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0164_1.jpg)

28 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Broken by accident, one stop watch patt 4 (no 253)

6.30pm: Tug ST AUBIN sailed for Basra [HMT ST AUBIN was a Saint class rescue tug, launched in 1918, 1 x 12 pounder gun]

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd34197015566: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0165_0.jpg)

29 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & rounds

10.20am: Divine service

4caf8658cadfd34197015567: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0165_1.jpg)

30 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Divisions & prayers

9.30am: Exercised away all boats crews & let go bower anchor & weigh by hand

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8658cadfd34197015568: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0166_0.jpg)

31 October 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.15am: Aired bedding

8.45am: Landed heliograph party

11.0am: Marines landed for drill

1.0pm: One OS returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 4


4caf8658cadfd34197015569: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0166_1.jpg)

1 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: E R ratings aired bedding

10.0am: Landed marines for drill

1.0pm: Mr Anderton & two stokers returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8658cadfd3419701556a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0167_0.jpg)

2 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Landed seamen for drill under arms, carried out concentration exercise

2.0pm: HMSAS PROTEA unbasined & proceeded to moorings in the bay [HMSAS PROTEA was a survey ship of the South African Navy, previously the minesweeper HMS VERWOOD (ex VENTNOR) launched in 1919, 1 x 4" gun]

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd3419701556b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0167_1.jpg)

3 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Carried out concentration exercise

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8658cadfd3419701556c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0168_0.jpg)

4 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: Captain's rounds

4.30pm: One leading cook returned from hospital

4caf8658cadfd3419701556d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0168_1.jpg)

5 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Divisions & rounds

10.0am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd3419701556e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0169_0.jpg)

6 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.45am: Exercised concentration parties

9.10am: Divisions & prayers

9.30am: Exercised collision stations & abandon ship

12.15pm: HMS VERBENA arrived & anchored in the bay [HMS VERBENA was a Flower class sloop launched in 1915, 2 x 4.7" guns]

2.40am: HMS WALLFLOWER arrived & anchored in the bay, joined ship, one first class shipwright

4.30pm. Evening quarters, read warrant no 61, discharged to hospital two stokers & to detention one telegrapher

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd3419701556f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0169_1.jpg)

7 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing for coaling, furled awnings

8.10am: Hands coal ship

1.30pm: Completed coaling, received 360 tons

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd34197015570: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0170_0.jpg)

8 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: HMS VERBENA entered basin & secured to B wall

8.0am: Marine detachment landed

9.30am: Discharged to UK, one officer’s steward, one cook, one leading seaman & two leading stokers

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd34197015571: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0170_1.jpg)

9 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.45am: HMS VERBENA shifted to West wall

9.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER entered basin & secured at B wall

12.28pm: HMS LOWESTOFT fired 15 gun salute in honour of Vice Admiral Tamiguchi [presumably Vice Admiral, later Admiral Taniguchi Naomi]

4.55pm: Japanese officers visited ship

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8658cadfd34197015572: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0171_0.jpg)

10 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.50am: Exercised concentration parties

9.10am: Divisions & prayers

9.45am: General quarters

4.30pm: Japanese officers visited ship

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8658cadfd34197015573: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0171_1.jpg)

11 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed Royal Marines and field guns crew for Armistice Day Ceremony

11.0am: Observed two minutes’ silence

11.30am: Discharged to hospital one CPO

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8659cadfd34197015574: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0172_0.jpg)

12 November 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions, landed church parties

10.20am: Divine service

12.20: HMSA ships SONNEBLOM & IMMORTELLE arrived and berthed in basin [previously HMS FOYLE & HMS EDEN, see 6 January above]

8.30pm: SS CITY OF KARACHI anchored in the bay [SS CITY OF KARACHI was a City line steamer, launched in 1905]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf8659cadfd34197015575: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0172_1.jpg)

13 November 1922


Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

7.30am: HMS WALLFLOWER went out of basin

8.15am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite into the bay

8.55am: Anchored in B berth

9.35am: Weighed & proceeded in company with HMS LOWESTOFT, carried out OOW manoeuvres, SS CITY OF KARACHI entered basin

10.50am: Action stations, carried out two runs of sub-calibre concentration firing

12.35pm: Anchored

1.28pm: HMS WALLFLOWER anchored

5.0pm: SS CITY OF KARACHI sailed

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd34197015576: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0173_0.jpg)

14 November 1922

Simonstown to False Bay for gunnery exercises

Lat -34.17, Long 18.70 [Est]

9.05am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded with targets

9.13am: Proceeded in company with HMS LOWESTOFT

9.27am: Action stations, carried out full calibre concentration firing. Barometer unshipped for firing

10.47am: Secure

11.0am: Course & speed as requisite for torpedo exercise

12.13pm: Stop both to recover torpedo

1.08pm: Secured to no 4 moorings

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8659cadfd34197015577: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0173_1.jpg)

15 November 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.10am: Divisions & prayers, landed funeral party [possibly for the funeral of Chief Engine Room Artificer Benjamin T Henwood (1c, s71162) of HMS LOWESTOFT, accidentally killed on Sunday 12th of November]

10.30am: Halfmasted colours

11.15pm: Rehoisted colours

1.30pm: Discharged to hospital, one chief shipwright

2.0pm: HMS VERBENA unbasined & anchored in the bay

4.30pm: Evening quarters, furled quarterdeck awning rejoined from hospital, three stokers

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd34197015578: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0174_0.jpg)

16 November 1922

Simonstown to sea for fleet exercises

Lat -34.25, Long 18.30

6.54am: Slipped, formed single line ahead, squadron proceeded as requisite

8.20am: HMS WALLFLOWER detached with condenser trouble

9.35am: Course & speed as requisite for tactical exercises

10.30am: Finished tactics

10.44am: Tested both sounding machines

3.05pm: 12kts to take station in look out screen

4.05pm: Prepared for night defence

5.30pm: Sighted smoke of enemy bearing N23E

6.06am: Action stations

6.23pm: Opened fire

7.0pm: A/c as requisite to rejoin flagship & for manoeuvring

7.55pm: A/c N28W at maximum speed to take up position for night patrol

8.35pm: Carried out tactical exercise

10.55pm: Negative tactical exercise

11.0pm: S/c south magnetic for Simonstown

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd34197015579: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0174_1.jpg)

17 November 1922

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

4.05am: Hang Kop abeam, 5 miles

7.42am: Anchored

9.30am: Landed funeral party for the funeral of the late SPO A Collyer (ON/311652) [Stoker Petty Officer Albert Collyer 311651 of HMS DUBLIN died of illness, Wednesday 15th November 1922]

11.52am: Weighed & proceeded


7.13pm: Anchored in Saldanha Bay

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8659cadfd3419701557a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0175_0.jpg)

18 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

4.30pm: Spread boat deck awnings

6.30pm: Lost overboard from gig, patt 56, slips, iron with screw for 2" wire, one in no patt 73E crutches, boat, gunmetal, two in no

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd3419701557b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0175_1.jpg)

19 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.45am: Divisions & rounds

10.40am: Divine service

2.0pm: Ship open to visitors

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd3419701557c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0176_0.jpg)

20 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

7.0am: Boats crews preparing for pulling regatta

7.0pm: Lost overboard by accident from first cutter, foremast stump including Robinson's disengaging gear [Robinsons disengaging gear is a device for safely disengaging the ship’s boat from the ship during launch]

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd3419701557d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0176_1.jpg)

21 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.0am: Piped down, held squadron pulling regatta

2.0pm: Finished racing for the day due to rising sea & wind

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd3419701557e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0177_0.jpg)

22 November 1922

Saldanha Bay to Simonstown

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.30am: Held squadron pulling regatta

3.0pm: Distribution of prizes on HMS LOWESTOFT, HMS DUBLIN won squadron trophy

5.30pm: Unmoored, weighed port anchor, Lieutenant Commander Sandford joined ship for passage to Simonstown

6.15pm: Joined ship, one leading stoker

7.22pm: Weighed & proceeded

7.32pm: Stop both to hoist in steamboats

Number on sick list = 8

4caf8659cadfd3419701557f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0177_1.jpg)

23 November 1922

Simonstown to Saldanha Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 18.21

3.10am: Hang Kop abeam 5¼ miles

6.58am: Anchored in Simon's Bay, discharged to hospital midshipman Croft and 3 stokers

9.17am: Weighed & proceeded

11.57am: Hang Kop abeam 5.7 miles

4.25pm: Anchored in Saldanha Bay, hands spreading awnings & as requisite

7.0pm: Lost overboard from patent log, by accident, one rotator

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd34197015580: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0178_0.jpg)

24 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.0am: Held midshipmen's sailing race

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd34197015581: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0178_1.jpg)

25 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

10.0am: Landed rifle team

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd34197015582: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0179_0.jpg)

26 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.40am: Mustered by open list

10.30am: Divine service

2.0pm: Ship open to visitors

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd34197015583: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0179_1.jpg)

27 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.30am: C in C came aboard, inspection of divisions and mess decks, mustered by open list. Inspection of storerooms & bags & bedding

Noon: C in C left ship

1.0pm: Hands furled awnings & cleared ship for action

2.20pm: Action stations

2.30pm: C in C came aboard

3.25pm: Let go sheet anchor & weighed by hand

3.50pm: Respread all awnings

4.0pm: Spare hands to physical drill

5.20pm: C in C left ship

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd34197015584: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0180_0.jpg)

28 November 1922

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.30am: Rove PV chains

9.45pm: Exercised all boats crews & young seamen away under sail

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd34197015585: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0180_1.jpg)

29 November 1922

Saldanha Bay to Cape Town

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.30am: Officers sailing race

1.30pm: Unmoored & weighed starboard anchor by hand.

5.33pm: Weighed & proceeded in company

5.45pm: HMS WALLFLOWER & HMS VERBENA hauled out of line with defects

6.20pm: 8kts, out PV's

6.30pm: 10kts, course as requisite for OOW manoeuvres

6.50pm: HMS WALLFLOWER & HMS VERBENA rejoined flag

7.30 pm: Sloops proceeded in patrol position

8.0pm: Watch to night defence stations, darkened ship

9.33pm: Course as requisite for engaging enemy vessels astern of flagship

9.46pm: Opened fire

10.0pm: Secure

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd34197015586: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0181_0.jpg)

30 November 1922

Saldanha Bay to Cape Town

Lat -34.54, Long 18.08

4.0am: A/c to spread on a line of bearing 270o from HMS VERBENA, ships 10 miles apart

6.20am: A/c to keep in visual touch with flag

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

12.50pm: Negative strategical exercise, parted company

2.0pm: Course as requisite for attacking periscope target with depth charge

4.25pm: Stopped to embark pilot

5.0pm: Secured to no 2 coaling jetty. Rejoined ship, Lieutenant Commander F Williams Freeman, DSO [Lieutenant Commander Frederick AP Williams Freeman also earned a Croix de Guerre in 1918]

Number on sick list = 7


4caf8659cadfd34197015587: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0181_1.jpg)

1 December 1922

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

7.0am: Lost overboard by accident, boxes, boat, signal patt 423, one in no

8.0am: Coal ship, native labour, dressed ship with masthead flags, Queen Alexandra's birthday, seamen landed for route march

10.0am: Oiled ship

4.0pm: Read warrant no 62

5.30pm: Finished coaling, received 830 tons of coal & 92 tons of oil

Number on sick list = 9

4caf8659cadfd34197015588: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0182_0.jpg)

2 December 1922

Cape Town to Simonstown

Lat -34.40, Long 18.45

7.40am: Slipped and proceeded as requisite out of basin, disembarked pilot

10.13am: Hang Kop abeam, 3¼ miles

2.0pm: Secured to flagship's moorings

4.30pm: One stoker & one AB lent to RNRR

6.25pm: One telegrapher rejoined from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 10

4caf8659cadfd34197015589: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0182_1.jpg)

3 December 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 10

4caf8659cadfd3419701558a: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0183_0.jpg)

4 December 1922


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

10.0am: Hands employed as requisite, preparing for docking etc

1.0pm: Slipped & proceeded as requisite into basin

1.45pm: Entered dry dock

2.40pm: One shipwright joined from HMS WALLFLOWER

Number on sick list = 10

4caf8659cadfd3419701558b: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0183_1.jpg)

5 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands scraping ship's side

9.0am: Dock being pumped out

1.0pm: Hands scraping ship's bottom

Number on sick list = 9

4caf8659cadfd3419701558c: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0184_0.jpg)

6 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Hands cleaning ship's side & dock bottom

9.30am: Marine detachment landed

11.0am: Lost by accident, one boatswains call

1.0pm: Discharged to hospital two stokers, returned from hospital, one shipwright & one stoker

4.45pm: One seedie joined from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 10

4caf8659cadfd3419701558d: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0184_1.jpg)

7 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Hands cleaning & coating ship's bottom

10.0am: Returned eight smoke floats to dockyard

3.50pm: Flooded dock 8 feet above blocks

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8659cadfd3419701558e: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0185_0.jpg)

8 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.0am: Flooded dock to 12 feet over sill

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd3419701558f: ( 53-76204/ADM 53-76204-0185_1.jpg)

9 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Side party painting water line

11.50am: Read warrant no 63

2.0pm: Leave to the watch till 7,0am Monday & part till 7.0am Sunday, leave to the watch of boys till 7.0pm

Number on sick list = 6

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Commanded by: Captain HS Shipway

From: Sunday 10th December 1922 to Friday 30th of November 1923

Displacement: 5400 tons

Length: 457 feet

Breadth: 49 feet 10¼ ins


Manufacturer: W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Contractors HP: 25000 authorised. Natural forced draught 22000 forced draught

Description: Two sets Parson's turbines, working four shafts

When fixed on board: 1912


W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Description: Yarrow small tube, ten large, two small

When made: 1912

When put in vessel: May 1912

Screw Propeller.

Manufacturer: W Beardmore & Co Ltd, Dalmuir

Description: Four three-bladed of solid bronze, outward turning

General state of repair: Good

Signed: Hugh Shipway, Captain

Ship completed: 28 Feb 1913

First Commissioned 11 March 1913

4caf8659cadfd3419701559e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0005_0.jpg)


4caf8659cadfd3419701559f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0005_1.jpg)

Establishment of ship's company

Officers: 37

Seamen: 135

Boys: 14

Marines: 29

Engine room establishment: 216

Other non executive ratings: 48

Seedies: 26

Total: 505

Barometer: Mercurial

Maker & Number: Calderara No 800

Height above sea: 11 feet 8 ins

Error of Mercurial Barometer -0.005 inch

Thermometers for air temperature

Position in ship: Break of quarter deck

Whether in screen: Yes

Maker & No: Negretti & Zambra: Wet MD/A 9505, Dry MD/A 10546. From 10/11/22 to 30/11/23

Thermometers for sea temperature

Maker & No: MD/A 10643, From 10/12/23 [sic] to 30/11/23

Position of standard compass: On upper bridge as shown below [Small diagram of location of compass]

Deviation of standard compass: [Details of locations of two swings of the ship]


On upper deck: Eight 6" BL Mk XI (two on centre line)

Centre line abaft funnels: One QF HA 3" Mk 1

On well deck: Four 3 pounder

As required: Two Maxims, eight Lewis guns

Torpedo Armaments

Two 21" submerged tubes, one each side

Seven 21" torpedoes


1 steam cutter 35 feet

1 cutter 34 feet

2 cutters 30 feet

3 whalers 27 feet

2 gigs 30 feet

2 skiffs 16 feet

Miscellaneous information

Draft of water with bunkers full & complete with provisions, stores & water

Forward 17 feet 6 ins, Aft 19 feet 0 ins

Load Draught: Forward 17 feet 6 ins, Aft 18 feet 6 ins

Number of tons necessary to increase draught 1 inch: 35.6

Number of tons of coal a) at load draught: 650

b) With bunkers full: 1200

c) In places other than bunkers: Nil

Number of tons of oil fuel carried: 267

Quantity of water carried

a) For boilers: 108.3 tons

b) For drinking: 42.9

Page signed: Hugh W Shipway, Captain & RSH Milligan Navigating Officer

4caf8659cadfd341970155a0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0006_0.jpg)

10 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & painting water line

9.40am: Divisions & rounds

10.0am: Landed RC's, Wesleyans & Presbyterians & C of E church party

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155a1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0006_1.jpg)

11 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Flooded dock

8.0am: Ship undocked, hands employed accordingly

9.0am: Secured alongside C wall

9.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded into dock

2.15pm: Hoisted steam cutter onto jetty

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155a2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0007_0.jpg)

12 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands ranging cable & cleaning ship

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155a3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0007_1.jpg)

13 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Aired bedding

9.0am: Hands provisioning ship

10.0am: Shroud plates, bands etc of fore & main topmasts examined & found correct, cable under survey

3.25pm: Joined from hospital, one shipwright, one SPO, one AB & one stoker

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155a4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0008_0.jpg)

14 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: SS HALIARTUS arrived [SS HALIARTUS was a British cargo steamer launched in 1919, previously SS WAR MOORHEN]

9.0am: Hands berthing SS HALIARTUS & cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands ammunitioning ship & rigging side screen gear, cable under survey

6.30pm: SS HALIARTUS sailed

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155a5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0008_1.jpg)

15 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155a6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0009_0.jpg)

16 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155a7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0009_1.jpg)

17 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RC's, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155a8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0010_0.jpg)

18 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Landed all seamen & watch of stokers for work on recreation grounds

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155a9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0010_1.jpg)

19 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155aa: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0011_0.jpg)

20 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Aired stokers bedding

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155ab: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0011_1.jpg)

21 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.10am: Divisions & prayers

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155ac: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0012_0.jpg)

22 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Divisions & prayers

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155ad: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0012_1.jpg)

23 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.40am: Divisions, aired night clothing

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155ae: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0013_0.jpg)

24 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RC's, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155af: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0013_1.jpg)

25 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Divisions, divine service

10.0am: Pipe down, Christmas day

11.0am: Mess deck rounds

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155b0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0014_0.jpg)

26 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Divisions & prayers

9.45am: Pipe down, Boxing day

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155b1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0014_1.jpg)

27 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.0pm: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155b2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0015_0.jpg)

28 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155b3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0015_1.jpg)

29 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing for coaling, furled awnings

8.35am: Coal ship

1.45pm: Finished coaling, received 223 tons

2.50pm: One AB returned from hospital

5.0pm: Commander MJ Laffan left ship for passage to UK

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155b4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0016_0.jpg)

30 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.30am: Spread all awnings

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155b5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0016_1.jpg)

31 December 1922


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Divisions & rounds

10.0am: Landed RC & Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 8


JP map Dublin 1923


4caf8659cadfd341970155b6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0017_0.jpg)

1 January 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship

7.0am: Prepared for general drill

9.30am: Divisions & prayers. Hands cleaning ship & as requisite, training classes to instruction

11.30am: Paid quarterly settlement

1.0pm: Make & mend clothes. Leave to the watch 12.30 till 08.00. Leave to the part till 23.00 & to watch of boys till 7.0pm

4.0pm: Surgeon Lieutenant Commander HE Scargill joined ship

5.0pm: Evening quarters

9.0pm: Rounds correct

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155b7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0017_1.jpg)

2 January 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

Log signed Hugh Shipway, Captain

4caf8659cadfd341970155b8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0018_0.jpg)

3 January 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Party rigging boxing ring

1.0pm: Rigged boxing ring & concert stage

3.30pm: Commenced fleet boxing meeting

5.0pm: Discharged to hospital, two stokers & one AB

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155b9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0018_1.jpg)

4 January 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.30pm: Continued fleet boxing meeting

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155ba: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0019_0.jpg)

5 January 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & unrigging concert stage

10.0am: HMSAS PROTEA sailed for Cape Town

3.30pm: Joined from hospital, one stoker

Number on sick list =5

4caf8659cadfd341970155bb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0019_1.jpg)

6 January 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: HM Ships VERBENA & WALLFLOWER proceeded out of basin

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155bc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0020_0.jpg)

7 January 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Divisions & rounds

10.0am: Landed RCs, Wesleyans & Presbyterians

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155bd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0020_1.jpg)

8 January 1923

Simonstown to Durban

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & securing for sea

8.0am: HMS VERBENA proceeded for general practices

9.0am: Discharged to hospital, two stokers

9.10am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded for general practices

10.0am: Furled all awnings, discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT, one stoker

10.55am: HMS WALLFLOWER anchored

11.0am: Slipped & proceeded out of basin

11.23am: Anchored

1.0pm: Discharged to & joined from HMS LOWESTOFT, one stoker & one seedie

1.47pm: Weighed & swung ship for adjustment of compasses

2.50pm: Completed swinging, proceeded as requisite

3.0pm: S/c 142o, commenced working up to full power

3.30pm: Commenced 8 hrs full power trial

5.34pm: Danger Point light, abeam, 4.8 miles

8.35pm: Passed SS BENGUELA [SS BENGUELA was a Tyne-built cargo steamer launched in 1910]

9.30pm: RMS KILDONAN CASTLE passed [RMS KILDONAN CASTLE was a mail steamer, previously used as an Armed Merchant Cruiser during WW1]

11.30pm: Exercised seaboats crew

Midnight: Finished FP trial, commenced 3/5ths power trial

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155be: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0021_0.jpg)

9 January 1923

Simonstown to Durban

Lat -33.96, Long 26.33

7.55am: Seal Point light, abeam. 9.7m

10.22am: Cape Recife light. abeam, 6.2m

Noon: Bird Island, abeam, 7m

2.24pm: Great Fish light, abeam, 7¼ miles

3.0pm: Completed 3/5ths power trial, working down to 195 revs

6.30pm: Tested both sounding machines, correct, lost overboard by accident, broom, hair, patt 46, one in no

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8659cadfd341970155bf: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0021_1.jpg)

10 January 1923

Simonstown to Durban

Lat -31.80, Long 29.57

5.20am: A/c to avoid SS CHEPSTOW CASTLE [SS CHEPSTOW CASTLE was a British cargo steamer launched in 1913, previously the SS ANGLO-BRAZILIAN]

10.0am: Sounded, 250 fathoms of wire, no bottom

12.40pm: Sounding as necessary

11.40pm: Shepstone light, abeam, 12½ miles

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8659cadfd341970155c0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0022_0.jpg)

11 January 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.0am: Commenced sounding as necessary

5.30am Hands preparing for entering Durban Harbour

6.38am: Stopped to embark pilot

7.25am: Secured alongside E wharf

4.0pm: Read warrant no 64

Number on sick list = 10

4caf8659cadfd341970155c1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0022_1.jpg)

12 January 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

11.05am: Dutch Consul visited ship, fired seven gun salute

4.0pm: Read warrant no 65

Number on sick list = 9

4caf8659cadfd341970155c2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0023_0.jpg)

13 January 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8659cadfd341970155c3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0023_1.jpg)

14 January 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

8.15am: Landed RC church party

9.40am: Hands mustered by open list

2.0pm: Ship open to visitors

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155c4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0024_0.jpg)

15 January 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

7.25am: Coal ship, native labour

10.0am: Landed seamen under arms for musketry & company drill

1.0pm: Coxswains of all boats to signal instruction

3.0pm: Finished coaling, received 650.8 tons

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155c5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0024_1.jpg)

16 January 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

4.30pm: Furled quarter deck awnings

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155c6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0025_0.jpg)

17 January 1923

Durban to Mozambique

Lat -29.60, Long 31.42

7.20am: Read warrant no. 66, discharged one stoker to civil prison

9.0am: Slipped from E wharf & proceeded as requisite out of harbour

9.25am: Stopped to disembark pilot

9.30am: Proceeded

6.0pm: Tested both sounding machines, correct

9.32pm: St Lucia light, abeam, 11¾ miles

Number on sick list = 7

4caf8659cadfd341970155c7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0025_1.jpg)

18 January 1923

Durban to Mozambique

Lat -27.42, Long 33.77

4.30am: Seedies shifting down deck cargo of coal

6.45am: Spread quarterdeck awning

9.15am: Exercised red watch of searchlight crews

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155c8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0026_0.jpg)

19 January 1923

Durban to Mozambique

Lat -24.42, Long 35.67

9.25am: General quarters

9.32am: Changed over to lower conning tower steering position, courses as requisite for manoeuvring

9.55am: Secured, connected up fore bridge position

11.20am: Commenced sounding every 20 min

8.30pm: Exercised searchlight crews of red, white & blue watches. Burnt oil navigation lights, NUC lights, speed lights, fixed manoeuvring lights. Fired one rocket Very's lights, fired five rounds [?] gun. Exercised seaboats crew. Exercised placing fog look-outs

Number on sick list = 5

4caf8659cadfd341970155c9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0026_1.jpg)

20 January 1923

Durban to Mozambique

Lat -21.22, Long 38.03

11.0am: Captain’s mess deck rounds

5.39pm: Courses as requisite for observing sun for deviations of compass

6.13pm: Burnt oil navigation lights

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155ca: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0027_0.jpg)

21 January 1923

Durban to Mozambique

Lat -17.45, Long 40.13

5.30am: Spread after fxle awning

5.25pm: Furled fxle awning

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155cb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0027_1.jpg)

22 January 1923

Durban to Mozambique

Lat -15.50, Long 40.83

10.05am: Sounded, no bottom

4.27pm: Stop both to embark pilot

4.33pm: Proceeded as requisite into Mozambique harbour

6.0pm: British, French & Norwegian vice consuls & Portuguese officials came aboard

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155cc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0028_0.jpg)

23 January 1923


Lat -15.02, Long 40.73

11.0am: Spread fxle awning

12.45pm: Sold the effects of the late SPO Collyer

5.0pm: Leave to the watch, 3.0pm to 5.0pm & to watch of native ratings till 7.30am

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155cd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0028_1.jpg)

24 January 1923


Lat -15.02, Long 40.73

9.10am: HE the Governor came aboard

9.15am: HE the Governor left, fired a salute of 13 guns

4.30pm: Leave to native ratings 4.30pm to 7.0am

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155ce: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0029_0.jpg)

25 January 1923


Lat -15.02, Long 40.73

6.0am: Exercised watch drill, rigged diving boat, boys away boat pulling, remainder of hands cleaning ship

10.0am: SS BAROD arrived [possibly SS BARODA the British passenger/cargo steamer launched in 1911]

5.0pm: Leave to native ratings, 4.30pm to 7.0am

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155cf: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0029_1.jpg)

26 January 1923


Lat -15.02, Long 40.73

6.0am: Exercised watch drill, land fire engine, boys away boat pulling

9.50am: SS TAROBA arrived [SS TAROBA was a British steamer launched in 1902]

2.30pm: SS TAROBA sailed

5.0pm: Furled fxle awnings

Number on sick list = 8

4caf8659cadfd341970155d0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0030_0.jpg)

27 January 1923

Mozambique to Beira

Lat -15.31, Long 40.90

9.0am: Lost overboard by accident, one broom, bass, patt 457

9.55am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

1.0pm: Passed SS KAROA, N bound [SS KAROA was a British India Steam Navigation Co ship, used as a troopship in WW1]

2.25pm: Passed SS CORFE CASTLE, N bound

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155d1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0030_1.jpg)

28 January 1923

Mozambique to Beira

Lat -18.18, Long 38.28

Midnight: Commenced sounding every half hour

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155d2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0031_0.jpg)

29 January 1923

Mozambique to Beira

Lat -19.86, Long 34.83 [Estimated]

7.30am: Sounding every ¼ hour with, & every 5 minutes without tube

9.10am: Exercised tow forward. Lost overboard, while sounding, one 28 lb lead & one brass tube container

Noon: Stopped to embark pilot

12.10pm: Proceeded, courses as requisite approaching Beira via Portella & Rambler channels

3.53pm: Anchored & moored ship

2.10pm: British vice consul & port captain came aboard

Number on sick list = 3

4caf8659cadfd341970155d3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0031_1.jpg)

30 January 1923


Lat -19.83, Long 34.83

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155d4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0032_0.jpg)

31 January 1923


Lat -19.83, Long 34.83

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flap on Anniversary of Republican Revolt in Oporto 1891 [public holiday in Portugal & presumably in Portuguese colonies at this time]

10.0am: HE The Governor arrived on board, saluted on his leaving, 17 guns

2.0pm: Leave to the watch 3.0pm - 6.45pm & to native ratings till 7.0am

Number on sick list = 4


4caf8659cadfd341970155d5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0032_1.jpg)

1 February 1923


Lat -19.83, Long 34.83

12.30pm: Paid monthly money

Number on sick list = 8

4caf8659cadfd341970155d6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0033_0.jpg)

2 February 1923


Lat -19.83, Long 34.83

Number on sick list = 8

4caf8659cadfd341970155d7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0033_1.jpg)

3 February 1923

Beira to Lourenço Marques [now Maputo, capital of Mozambique]

Lat -19.83, Long 34.83

11.10am: Captain's rounds

1.45pm: Unmoored, weighed port anchor, hands preparing for sea

3.55pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite out of Beira, via Rambler & Portella channels

5.37pm: Stop both, full astern to avoid pilot vessel

5.39pm: Proceeded

8.30pm: Sounding every ½ hour

Midnight: Finished sounding

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155d8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0034_0.jpg)

4 February 1923

Beira to Lourenço Marques

Lat -23.30, Long 35.77

2.52am: Barzaruto light abeam, 16 miles

1.20pm: Passed SS ANCONA [probably the Deutsche Levante line steamer ANCONA, launched in 1898]

6.0pm: Sounding every ¼ hour

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155d9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0034_1.jpg)

5 February 1923

Beira to Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

7.05am: A/c as requisite for closing pilot vessel

7.31am: Stopped to embark pilot

7.42am: Proceeded as requisite for going up to Lourenco Marques via Cockburn channel & N passage

10.31am: Fired 21 gun salute for Portuguese nation

10.44am: Anchored

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155da: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0035_0.jpg)

6 February 1923

Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & painting down aloft

9.45am: HBM Consul General came aboard

10.15am: HE The High Commissioner came aboard

10.30am: HE The High Commissioner left ship, fired 19 gun salute

10.40am: Saluted HBM Consul General with 11 guns

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155db: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0035_1.jpg)

7 February 1923

Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

10.30am: American & French Consuls came aboard, saluted on their leaving, 7 guns each

2.0pm: Leave to the watch, 4.30pm -11.15pm & to native ratings till 9.0am

Number on sick list = 4

4caf8659cadfd341970155dc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0036_0.jpg)

8 February 1923

Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

4.30pm: Seedies painting ship's side

Number on sick list = 6

4caf8659cadfd341970155dd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0036_1.jpg)

9 February 1923

Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

11.0am: Lost overboard by accident, two brushes, dusters, ground, patt 4

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd341970155de: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0037_0.jpg)

10 February 1923

Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

11.10am: Captain's rounds

4.0pm: Ship open to visitors

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd341970155df: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0037_1.jpg)

11 February 1923

Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

9.30am: Landed Church of England party for parade service

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd341970155e0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0038_0.jpg)

12 February 1923

Lourenço Marques

Lat -25.99, Long 32.58

9.0am: Pilot came aboard, weighed & proceeded alongside Goyaos Quay, A shed

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd341970155e1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0038_1.jpg)

13 February 1923

Lourenço Marques to Durban

Lat -26.38, Long 33.03

6.15am: Slipped from wharf & proceed out of harbour via Polana channel, N Passage & Cockburn channel

8.39am: Stop both to disembark pilot

8.43am: Proceeded

Number on sick list = 8

4caf865acadfd341970155e2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0039_0.jpg)

14 February 1923

Lourenço Marques to Durban

Lat -29.73, Long 31.27

1.52am: St Lucia light abeam 8½ miles

2.50pm: Sighted Bluff ahead

3.15pm: Stop both to embark pilot

3.20pm: Proceeded as requisite into Durban Harbour, secured at H wall

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd341970155e3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0039_1.jpg)

15 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

7.35am: Coal ship with native labour

9.05am: Landed seamen for route march, musketry order & field gun

9.10am: 20 RNVR (SA) ratings joined ship for training

9.30am: Marine detachment landed for drill, discharged one OS & one stoker to civil hospital, one stoker rejoined from civil prison

2.45pm: Landing party returned

5.40pm: Completed coaling, received 1021.25 tons

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd341970155e4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0040_0.jpg)

16 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & spreading awnings

2.0pm: Hands to cleaning ship, RNVRs to instruction

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd341970155e5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0040_1.jpg)

17 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

2.0pm: Ship open to visitors

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd341970155e6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0041_0.jpg)

18 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

8.15am: Landed RC church party

10.45am: Lieutenant PV McLaughlin joined ship, also one mechanician, one leading signaller, one leading stoker & two stokers, rejoined from hospital, two stokers & one AB [Patrick Vivian McLaughlin was later captain of HMS CAIRO in 1940]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd341970155e7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0041_1.jpg)

19 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.0am: Divers employed reeving PV chains & examining underwater fittings

10.0am: Engineer Commander TJ Foulkes joined ship

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd341970155e8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0042_0.jpg)

20 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

5.30am: Aired bedding

8.30am: Divers examining underwater fittings

9.30am: Furled fxle awning, carried out director test

11.0am: Discharged midshipman Jonas to hospital

2.0pm: Duty part securing for tea

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd341970155e9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0042_1.jpg)

21 February 1923

Durban & to sea for exercises

Lat -29.88, Long 31.13

10.0am: Slipped from wall & proceeded as requisite out of harbour

11.05am: Dropped target, exercised general quarters, carried out two runs of sub-calibre firing

1.50pm: Carried out 1" aiming rifle practice by training classes & RNVRs

3.0pm: Completed practice. Exercised officers of watch in picking up target

3.30pm: Proceeded as requisite, worked up to 15kts

3.45pm: Dropped depth charge to exercise officers of watch in submarine attack

5.15pm: Secured at H wall

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd341970155ea: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0043_0.jpg)

22 February 1923

Durban & to sea for exercises

Lat -29.93, Long 31.11

10.0am: Slipped from H wall, proceeded as requisite out of harbour

11.0am: Stop both, dropped target, exercised general quarters

11.03am: Carried out two runs of sub-calibre firing

1.30pm: Exercised officers of watch in picking up target

2.30pm: Stopped to pick up target

3.35pm: Stop both, let go both lifebuoys & recovered same

3.50pm: Secured at H wall

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd341970155eb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0043_1.jpg)

23 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

8.45am: Engineering Commander LCW Harrington left ship

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd341970155ec: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0044_0.jpg)

24 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

8.0am: Divers employed about sunken yacht

11.45am: Spread fxle awning

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd341970155ed: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0044_1.jpg)

25 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

8.40am: Landed RC church party

10.20am: Divine service

2.0pm: Ship open to visitors

Number on sick list = 8

4caf865acadfd341970155ee: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0045_0.jpg)

26 February 1923


Lat -29.87, Long 31.02

9.50am: Furled fxle awning, RNVRs to examination

2.0pm: Held pulling regatta organised by Royal Natal Yacht club

5.0pm: 20 RNVR ratings left ship

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd341970155ef: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0045_1.jpg)

27 February 1923

Durban to Port Elizabeth

Lat -30.09, Long 31.01

7.0am: Discharged one AB to shore hospital

8.45am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite out of harbour

9.15am: Stop both, disembarked pilot

10.18am: Stop both & as requisite for getting out paravanes

10.46am: Stopped, in PVs, running defectively

1.49pm: Dropped PVs

8.0pm: Shipped new recorder on patent log & reset same to zero

8.30pm: Exercised night action, changed over to lower steering position

9.0pm: Changed back to upper steering position

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd341970155f0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0046_0.jpg)

28 February 1923

Durban to Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.28, Long 27.74

10.11am: Changed over to lower steering position

10.25pm: Changed back to upper position

10.30am: Hood Point light, abeam, 7½ miles, captain's store room rounds

2.53pm: Slow both, in paravanes

3.17pm: Great Fish light abeam, 7½ miles

11.58pm: Anchored at Port Elizabeth

Number on sick list = 4


4caf865acadfd341970155f1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0046_1.jpg)

1 March 1923

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

5.15am: Aired bedding

11.30am: Paid monthly money

5.15pm: Read warrant no 67

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd341970155f2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0047_0.jpg)

2 March 1923

Port Elizabeth

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

6.0am: Engine room department aired bedding

10.0am: Exercised out large kedge anchor

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd341970155f3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0047_1.jpg)

3 March 1923

Port Elizabeth to Mossel Bay

Lat -33.94, Long 25.65

6.30am: Lost overboard by accident, one broom, bass, patt 457

9.0am: Aired night clothing

11.10am: Captain’s rounds

4.45pm: Weighed & proceeded out of harbour

4.58pm: Stop both, let go both lifebuoys, recovered same

5.20pm: Proceeded

5.38pm: Streamed paravanes

6.20pm: Cape Recife abeam, 2¾ miles

11.38pm: Seal Point light abeam

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd341970155f4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0048_0.jpg)

4 March 1923

Port Elizabeth to Mossel Bay

Lat -34.26, Long 22.65

3.30pm: Anchored in Mossel Bay

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd341970155f5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0048_1.jpg)

5 March 1923

Mossel Bay

Lat -34.17, Long 22.15

6.30am: SS ARMADALE CASTLE arrived

9.0am: Divisions & prayers, read articles of war & return of courts martial

9.30am: Exercised out all wire hawsers

1.30pm: Training classes to instruction, remainder cleaning ship & as requisite. Unrove PV chains

3.15pm: SS ARMADALE CASTLE proceeded

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrants nos 68, 69, 70, 71 & 72

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd341970155f6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0049_0.jpg)

6 March 1923

Mossel Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.48, Long 21.69

8.40am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite

9.25am: Connected up lower conning tower position

9.35am: Connected hand wheel position

10.0am: Connected fore bridge position

7.20pm: Cape Agulhas abeam, distant 6 miles

9.0pm: Rounds correct, passed SS BALMORAL CASTLE eastward bound [SS BALMORAL CASTLE was a Union Castle liner launched in 1910]

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd341970155f7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0049_1.jpg)

7 March 1923

Mossel Bay to Simonstown

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.55am: Stop both, anchored in A berth, Simonstown

7.30am: Weighed & proceeded into the basin

8.15am: Secured alongside C wall

10.0am: Hands provisioning ship & as requisite, disembarking sugar for NSO

11.0am: Discharged to hospital, one AB

2.0pm: Joined ship (temporarily) Midshipman Metcalf of HMS LOWESTOFT

3.0pm: Lieutenant H A Barclay left ship

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd341970155f8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0050_0.jpg)

8 March 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.45am: Coal ship

10.0am: Discharged to hospital one PO, two stokers & one AB

12.45pm: One leading telegrapher discharged to shore

5.35pm: Finished coaling, received 624 tons

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd341970155f9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0050_1.jpg)

9 March 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Drew engineer’s & shipwright’s stores

11.0am: Spread quarterdeck & boat deck awnings

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd341970155fa: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0051_0.jpg)

10 March 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.15am: Discharged to hospital, two stokers

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd341970155fb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0051_1.jpg)

11 March 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.55am: Divisions

10.20am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd341970155fc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0052_0.jpg)

12 March 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: HMSAS PROTEA proceeded

9.30am: Discharged to hospital, one OS third class, training & swimming classes to instruction, remainder drawing bosun’s, carpenter’s & medical stores & as requisite, refitting boats falls

4.30pm: Read warrants nos 73 & 74

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd341970155fd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0052_1.jpg)

13 March 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Training & swimming classes to instruction, remainder drawing bosun’s, torpedo & gunner’s stores & as requisite

3.55pm: Rejoined from hospital, Midshipman Jonas, one CPO & one AB

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd341970155fe: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0053_0.jpg)

14 March 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Discharged to HMSAS AFRIKANDER, one AB

7.30am: HMS VERBENA proceeded out of basin

11.0am: Discharged to hospital, one mechanician & one stoker

11.30am: Joined from UK, one second class writer

5.30pm: Discharged to HMS VERBENA one leading telegrapher. One first tindal, two leading tindals & 23 seedies to HMSAS AFRIKANDER

6.30pm: One AB & one stoker rejoined from hospital

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd341970155ff: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0053_1.jpg)

[Record of Observations for Deviation; not transcribed]

4caf865acadfd34197015600: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0054_0.jpg)

[Comparisons of Standard with Compasses not recorded; not transcribed]

4caf865acadfd34197015601: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0054_1.jpg)

15 March 1923

Simonstown to Cape Town

Lat -34.35, Long 18.39

7.30am: Slipped from C wall & proceeded as requisite out of basin

7.58am: Anchored in A berth

8.10am: Commenced swinging ship for adjustment of compasses

9.55am: Weighed & proceeded

2.56am: Stop both to embark pilot

3.0pm: Proceeded into Cape Town docks

3.15pm: Secured to no 2 jetty, spread quarterdeck awnings

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015602: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0055_0.jpg)

16 March 1923

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

8.30am Commenced oiling ship

9.0am: Training classes to instruction, hands employed embarking stores for Tristan da Cunha

3.0pm: Finished oiling, received 242 tons

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015603: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0055_1.jpg)

17 March 1923

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

11.30am: Received 44 bags of mail for Tristan da Cunha

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015604: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0056_0.jpg)

18 March 1923

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd34197015605: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0056_1.jpg)

19 March 1923

Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

6.30am: Furled all awnings, prepared for coaling ship

7.35am: Coal ship

10.0am: Joined ship, Surgeon Commander Rickard & Engineer Lieutenant Walwyn RNVR, 15 RNVR ratings for training

1.0pm: Continued coaling, native labour

2.0pm: Completed coaling, received 225 tons, spread quarterdeck & waist awnings

2.15pm: Joined ship for passage to Tristan da Cunha, Bishop of St Helena and Messrs Green, Hagan, Keman & Sara

4.10pm: Discharged to shore, one leading seaman RNVR

4.30pm: Slipped from jetty, proceeded as requisite out of basin

4.40pm: Disembarked pilot

7.53pm: A/c to avoid sailing vessel

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd34197015606: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0056a_0.jpg)

20 March 1923

Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha

Lat -34.60, Long 14.85

3.05am: Exercised sea boats crew

6.45am: Furled quarterdeck awnings

11.0am: All guns crews to loader drill

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015607: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0056a_1.jpg)

21 March 1923

Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha

Lat -35.47, Long 10.48

10.15am: Hauled in & cleaned patent log

1.30pm: Training classes to instruction, watch employed refitting main derrick topping lift & as requisite

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015608: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0057_0.jpg)

22 March 1923

Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha

Lat -36.11, Long 6.23

4.0pm: Evening quarters, physical drill, read warrant no 75

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015609: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0057_1.jpg)

23 March 1923

Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha

Lat -36.45, Long 1.53

9.10am: Divisions & prayers

9.20am: Exercised general quarters, changed over to lower conning tower position

9.50am: Secure, connected up fore bridge position

8.30pm: Exercised night action, fired a rocket, burnt fixed manoeuvring lights & not under control lights, changed over to lower conning tower steering

8.55pm: Secure, connected up for bridge steering position

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd3419701560a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0058_0.jpg)

24 March 1923

Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha

Lat -36.83, Long -3.08

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd3419701560b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0058_1.jpg)

25 March 1923

Cape Town to Tristan da Cunha

Lat -37.01, Long -7.55

9.15am: Piped down

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd3419701560c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0059_0.jpg)

26 March 1923

Tristan da Cunha

Lat -36.97, Long -11.84

12.22pm: Sighted Nightingale Island

4.43pm: Anchored, rocky bottom, kept sea watch & steam on engines

3.0pm: Watch discharging stores. Landed Bishop of St Helena and Messrs Green, Hagan, Keman & Sara

5.30pm: Lost by accident, one boats anchor (barge) 40lbs and three ½ cwt sinkers

7.0pm: Hands discharging stores

8.0pm: Finished landing stores; 25 tons

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd3419701560d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0059_1.jpg)

27 March 1923

Tristan da Cunha

Lat -37.05, Long -12.31

8.50am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite to shift berth

9.10am: Anchored, kept sea watch & steam on engines

2.0pm: Ship open to visitors for purpose of bartering their goods

2.48pm: Fired a gun & hoisted Blue Peter

3.30pm: Returned aboard Bishop of St Helena and Messrs Green, Hagan, Keman & Sara

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd3419701560e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0060_0.jpg)

28 March 1923

Tristan da Cunha to Cape Town

Lat -37.08, Long -11.83

9.20am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for examining East side of Island

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd3419701560f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0060_1.jpg)

29 March 1923

Tristan da Cunha to Cape Town

Lat -37.00, Long -6.52

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015610: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0061_0.jpg)

30 March 1923

Tristan da Cunha to Cape Town

Lat -36.80, Long -0.78

10.0am: Piped down, Good Friday

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015611: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0061_1.jpg)

31 March 1923

Tristan da Cunha to Cape Town

Lat -36.24, Long 4.78

7.45am: Fog

10.45am: Fog cleared

11.10am: Captain's rounds, guns crews to loader competition

11.15am: Spread quarterdeck awning

5.0pm: Held sale of deserter's effects

9.25pm: Fog

Number on sick list = 5


4caf865acadfd34197015612: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0062_0.jpg)

1 April 1923

Tristan da Cunha to Cape Town

Lat -35.48, Long 10.07

8.25am: Hands cleaning ship & rigging church

10.0am: Divine service [Easter]

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865acadfd34197015613: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0062_1.jpg)

2 April 1923

Tristan da Cunha to Cape Town

Lat -34.64, Long 14.75

9.20am: Divisions & prayers, physical drill

11.0am: Paid quarterly settlement

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015614: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0063_0.jpg)

3 April 1923

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

3.15am: Fog

5.30am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing for entering harbour

5.44am: Fog cleared

9.0am: Stop both to embark pilot

9.05am: Proceeded as requisite into basin, secured at no 2 jetty. Messrs Green, Hagan, Keman & Sara left ship

10.0am: Bishop of St Helena & Surgeon Commander Rickard left ship

1.20pm: HMS WALLFLOWER sailed

2.30pm: Discharged to civil hospital, one SPO & one private

4.30pm: HMAS PROTEA sailed

5.45pm: Three stokers joined ship

6.0pm: Mr Nibblett, Gunner (T), one officer's cook first class, one CPO, one PO & one officer's steward second class joined ship

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd34197015615: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0063_1.jpg)

4 April 1923

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

7.30am: Commenced coaling, native labour

8.45am: Training classes & RNVRs to instruction

9.20am: Landed seamen & marines landing parties in musketry order

2.15pm: Commenced oiling ship

6.0pm: Completed oiling, received 142 tons

7.55pm: Finished coaling, received 804 tons

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015616: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0064_0.jpg)

5 April 1923

Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

8.40am: Spread quarterdeck & waist awnings

9.0am: Hands employed cleaning ship & embarking flour

3.0pm: 15 RNVR ratings left ship

5.50pm: Engineer Lieutenant Walwyn left ship

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015617: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0064_1.jpg)

6 April 1923

Cape Town

Lat -34.14, Long 18.31 [Est]

7.50am: Discharged one CERA for passage to UK

10.10am: Slipped from no 2 jetty & proceeded out of harbour

10.23am: Stop both to disembark pilot, proceeded

10.58am: Slow both

11.24am: Fog cleared, proceeded

4.53pm: Stop both to embark KHM

2.58pm: Proceeded into basin & secured at C wall, Simonstown

5.0pm: One first tindal, two second tindals & 23 seedies rejoined ship from HMSAS AFRIKANDER

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015618: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0065_0.jpg)

7 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.40am: One chief shipwright joined ship from HMSAS AFRIKANDER

11.10am: Captain's rounds

1.20pm: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd34197015619: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0065_1.jpg)

8 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Divisions, landed church parties

10.30am: Divine service

4caf865acadfd3419701561a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0066_0.jpg)

9 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning down aloft & as requisite preparing for painting

11.10am: Discharged to hospital one EA, one leading stoker & one stoker

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd3419701561b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0066_1.jpg)

10 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.25am: Hands provisioning ship & as requisite, divers reeving PV chains

11.0am: One leading stoker discharged to hospital

2.35pm: Joined from hospital one ERA & two stokers

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd3419701561c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0067_0.jpg)

11 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.25am: Hands cleaning & painting ship. Landed football ground working party

9.50am: Marine detachment landed for quarterly inspection in heavy marching order

10.15am: Marine detachment returned

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd3419701561d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0067_1.jpg)

12 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.25am: Landed football ground working party

11.0am: Discharged to hospital one SPO

3.15pm: Joined from hospital, one AB. Lost overboard by accident, from second skiff, three crutches, patt 73C

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd3419701561e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0068_0.jpg)

13 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.25am: Landed football ground working party

4.0pm: Mr Wallis (Gunner) left ship

4.10pm: Read warrant no 76

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd3419701561f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0068_1.jpg)

14 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015620: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0069_0.jpg)

15 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Divisions & rounds

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd34197015621: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0069_1.jpg)

16 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.50am: Landed football ground working party, torpedo tubes crews to drill, hands working about targets & as requisite

1.30pm: Landed hockey ground repair party & target party, discharged to hospital, one stoker

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd34197015622: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0070_0.jpg)

17 April 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.30am: Slipped from C wall & proceeded as requisite out of basin, anchored in A berth

8.10am: HMS ST DOGMAEL secured astern, carried out director & sight tests

9.0am: Landed hockey ground repair party

9.40am: Hands employed as requisite, torpedo tubes crews to drill

8.0pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for carrying out night firing, sub-calibre at targets towed by HMS ST DOGMAEL. Carried out one run each side, using star shell & searchlights

9.05pm: Finished the practice

9.45pm: Stop both

9.48pm: Anchored in A berth

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd34197015623: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0070_1.jpg)

18 April 1923

False Bay for G & T practices

Lat -34.17, Long 18.70 [Est]

8.25am: Prepared for sea

9.05am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for carrying out sub-calibre firing at targets towed by HMS ST DOGMAEL

9.48am: Carried out run 1 with port guns

10.58am: Carried out run 2 with port guns

11.14am: Run 3 with starboard guns. Speed during firings 12½kts

11.23pm: Secure

12.37pm: Course & speeds as requisite for torpedo practice with HMS ST DOGMAELS as target

2.0pm: Fired one torpedo from port tube

2.05pm: Stop both to recover same

2.51pm: Anchored in A berth, Simon’s Bay

3.40pm: Spread quarterdeck awnings

4.0pm: One AB joined from HMSAS AFRIKANDER

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015624: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0071_0.jpg)

19 April 1923

Simonstown to sea for torpedo firing

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.10am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for carrying out torpedo practice in False Bay.

8.50am: First run, fired two torpedoes from port tube

9.10am: Stop both to recover same

9.34am: Proceeded as requisite for second run, fired one torpedo from starboard tube

10.02am: Stop both to recover same

10.25am: Proceeded as requisite for inclination exercises

10.39am: Action stations

11.30am: Secure

Noon: Anchored in A berth in Simon's Bay

2.13pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite into basin

2.50pm: Secured at C wall

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 77

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865acadfd34197015625: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0071_1.jpg)

20 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.10am: Landed hockey ground & target repair parties

1.30pm: Discharged to hospital one AB

2.40pm: HMS VERBENA arrived

3.30pm: Rejoined from hospital, one PO & one AB

5.15pm: Read warrant no 78

Number on sick list = 8

4caf865acadfd34197015626: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0072_0.jpg)

21 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Fore & main topmasts & topgallant masts examined & found to be without defects

11.10am: Captain's rounds

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015627: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0072_1.jpg)

22 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed church parties

10.30am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd34197015628: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0073_0.jpg)

23 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing for General Drill

9.35am: Exercised prepare to tow aft & out starboard kedge anchor

10.45am: Watch to fire stations

10.55am: Secure

11.15am: Joined ship, one chief yeoman, one RPO, one SPO, one leading signaller & one boy, discharged to hospital one signaller & one stoker

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd34197015629: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0073_1.jpg)

24 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.30am: Aired bedding

8.25am: Landed hockey ground repair party

10.0am: One leading telegrapher rejoined from HMS VERBENA

14.15pm: HMS WALLFLOWER arrived & secured at A wall

3.30pm: Exercised watch drill, out collision mat

5.05pm: Discharged to HMS WALLFLOWER, one OS

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd3419701562a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0074_0.jpg)

25 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Marine detachment landed for drill

11.0am: Discharged to hospital, one RPO

1.20pm: HMS LOWESTOFT arrived & secured at west wall

2.30pm: One AB left ship

4.0pm: Midshipman Metcalfe & one stoker discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865acadfd3419701562b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0074_1.jpg)

26 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Dressed ship overall on occasion of Duke of York's wedding, hands painting ship & as requisite, party docking HMS LOWESTOFT, discharged to hospital one leading stoker

10.45am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded into dock

Noon: Fired salute, 21 guns

1.0pm: Training classes to instruction, remainder rigging illuminating circuits & as requisite

6.15pm: Undressed ship

7.0pm: Illuminating ship

10.0pm: Switched off illuminating circuits

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd3419701562c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0075_0.jpg)

27 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship & unrigging circuits

10.0am: Gunnery lecture to all hands

10.20am: Secure

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd3419701562d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0075_1.jpg)

28 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.10am: Captain's rounds

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd3419701562e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0076_0.jpg)

29 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Divisions & rounds

10.0am: Landed church parties

10.20am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd3419701562f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0076_1.jpg)

30 April 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Divisions & prayers

9.35am: Exercised general drill, let go sheet anchor, weigh by hand & out sheet anchor, weigh by watch, out collision mat

11.0am: Secure

1.30pm: Hands painting & as requisite, part undocking & berthing HMS LOWESTOFT

2.10pm: HMS LOWESTOFT undocked & secured at west wall

Number on sick list = 4


4caf865acadfd34197015630: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0077_0.jpg)

1 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Aired bedding

11.15am: Paid monthly money

2.20pm: One signaller & one stoker returned from hospital

5.0pm: One SPO & one private RMLI returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015631: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0077_1.jpg)

2 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.0am: Engine room department aired bedding

9.0am: Divisions & prayers & physical drill

9.45am: Landed marine guard for drill, guns crews to loader, training classes to instruction

3.30pm: Exercised, watch out fire engine

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd34197015632: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0078_0.jpg)

3 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Guns crews to loader, HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded out of basin & secured to no 4 buoy

3.0pm: One leading seaman returned from hospital

5.15pm: Read warrant no 78

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015633: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0078_1.jpg)

4 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4caf865acadfd34197015634: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0079_0.jpg)

5 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: One officers cook, one PO & one AB left ship for passage to UK

9.40am: Guns crews to loader

4.0pm: Hands spreading boat deck awnings

5.0pm: One seedie discharged to & one joined from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015635: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0079_1.jpg)

6 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship overall on the occasion of Accession day

9.40am: Divisions & rounds, landed church parties

10.20am: Divine service

4.30pm: Discharged one signaller to HMSAS AFRIKANDER

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd34197015636: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0080_0.jpg)

7 May 1923


Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

7.25am: HMS WALLFLOWER left basin

7.45am: HMS VERBENA left basin

8.05am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite out of basin

8.31am: Proceeded as requisite for taking up firing position

9.55am: Carried out three runs of sub-calibre firing at patt VI targets towed by HMS LOWESTOFT

10.50am: Stopped both to transfer targets

11.30am: Proceeded as requisite for towing targets during HMS LOWESTOFT's firing

12.05pm: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out two runs of sub-calibre firing

12.52pm: Stop both to transfer target to HM tug ST DOGMAEL

1.0pm: Took station astern of HMS LOWESTOFT for carrying out manoeuvres on return to harbour

3.48pm: Anchored in Simon’s Bay

5.40pm: Discharged to hospital one AB

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015637: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0080_1.jpg)

8 May 1923


Lat -34.17, Long 18.70 [Est]

7.0am: Weighed & proceeded as requisite in company with flagship & sloops

7.30am: Carried out manoeuvres

8.53am: Proceeded as requisite for carrying out long range torpedo firing

9.26am: Fired first torpedo

9.28am: Fired second torpedo, followed up same

9.51am: Stop both & as requisite for recovering torpedoes

11.20am: Proceeded as requisite in company, carried out fleet tactics

12.40pm: Tactics finished, sloops parted company & proceeded into harbour

1.25pm: Control parties closed up, streamed PVs, took up position for throw off firing

1.44pm: Carried out sub-calibre throw off firing at HMS LOWESTOFT

3.0pm: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out sub-calibre firing at HMS DUBLIN

3.30pm: Took in PVs, proceeded into harbour independently

4.30pm: Secured to no 4 buoy

5.05pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 80

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015638: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0081_0.jpg)

9 May 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship, engine room department aired bedding

2.0pm: Sent two torpedoes to HMS LOWESTOFT & received one torpedo from her

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865acadfd34197015639: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0081_1.jpg)

10 May 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.45am: One chief yeoman, one chief stoker, one leading signaller & three ABs left ship for passage to UK. Also Stoker Ryan under escort

9.15am: Hands cleaning ship & as requisite, boys to instruction, coxswains of boats to signal instruction

11.15am: Carried out director test

3.30pm: Tested flooding arrangements of after magazine

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865acadfd3419701563a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0082_0.jpg)

11 May 1923

Simonstown to False Bay for Full Charge Firing

Lat -34.24, Long 18.60 [Est]

6.0am: Furled awnings, prepared for sea

9.0am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite for firing position

10.0am: Carried out 6" full charge throw off firing at HMS LOWESTOFT

10.35am: Ceased fire, proceeded as requisite for HMS LOWESTOFT's shoot

11.40am: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out a similar shoot

Noon: Proceeded as requisite for Simon's Bay independently

1.32pm: Secured to no 4 buoy

2.0pm: Hands spreading awnings & as requisite

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865acadfd3419701563b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0082_1.jpg)

12 May 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

11.10am: Captain's rounds

Noon: Landed marine guard of honour for unveiling ceremony in Cape Town

9.0pm: Rounds correct, guard of honour returned aboard

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd3419701563c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0083_0.jpg)

13 May 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

9.50am: Landed church parties

10.15am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd3419701563d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0083_1.jpg)

14 May 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.10am: HMS WALLFLOWER unbasined & proceeded

8.30am: HMS VERBENA unbasined & proceeded

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship & as requisite, rove mast ropes & preventers

10.40am: Carried out director test

11.45am: HMS WALLFLOWER anchored

12.25pm: HMS VERBENA anchored

2.20pm: HMT ST DOGMAEL brought 100ft target alongside, prepared for towing same

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd3419701563e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0084_0.jpg)

15 May 1923

Simonstown to False Bay for 6" full calibre firing

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

7.02am: Slipped & proceeded as requisite with 100ft target in tow

7.30am: Veered target

7.55am: Worked up to 12 knots

9.15am: HMS LOWESTOFT carried out 6" full charge firing

9.21am: Proceeded as requisite towards Simon's Bay for transfer of target

10.14am: Slow both, hauled in target

10.53am: Anchored, transferred target to HMS LOWESTOFT

12.20pm: C in C & umpires came aboard, hoisted the flag of C in C

12.45pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for firing, hands to action stations

2.21pm: Carried out full charge firing at target towed by HMS LOWESTOFT

2.26pm: Ceased fire. Courses and speeds as requisite for returning to harbour

4.20pm: Secured alongside C wall

6.0pm: Unshipped wireless aerials

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd3419701563f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0084_1.jpg)

16 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0pm: Hands employed ranging cable, disembarking ammunition & sending down yards

1.0pm: Hands ranging cable, disembarking ammunition & preparing for striking topgallant mast & topmasts

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015640: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0085_0.jpg)

17 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Hands striking main topgallant mast & disembarking ammunition

9.10am: Landed funeral party [Naval-History reports "Lowestoft, 2nd class cruiser. BEAMS, Percy T, Private,

RMLI, 15826 (Ch), died”. Presumably this is the death for which the funeral party was landed. HMS LOWESTOFT

was stationed in Simonstown at this time]

10.0am Half masted colours

11.0am: Struck main topgallant mast

11.15pm: Rehoisted colours

1.0pm: Hands employed striking fore topmast & disembarking ammunition

4.45pm: Part of watch & seedies disembarking ammunition

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865acadfd34197015641: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0085_1.jpg)

18 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Hands refitting & disembarking ammunition

1.20pm: Prepared for entering dock, discharged to RNRR, one private RMLI. HMS LOWESTOFT entered basin & secured at west wall

3.0pm: Ship proceeded into dry dock

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865acadfd34197015642: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0086_0.jpg)

19 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.40am: Divisions, aired night clothing

10.15am: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

2.0pm: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015643: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0086_1.jpg)

20 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship, discharged to hospital, one stoker

9.40am: Divisions & rounds, landed church parties

10.20am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865acadfd34197015644: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0087_0.jpg)

21 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing for scraping ship's bottom

8.15am: Started pumping out dry dock

8.45am: Hands scraping ship's bottom

9.55am: Acting Sub Lieutenants Palairet, Hampton, Peers & Horn left ship for UK, also one SPO & one signaller

5.0pm: One leading telegrapher & one stoker joined ship

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd34197015645: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0087_1.jpg)

22 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning up dock & upper deck

8.45am: Hands scraping ship's bottom. Landed all available signalmen & WT ratings

5.15pm: Read warrant no 81

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865acadfd34197015646: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0088_0.jpg)

23 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Refitting parties employed as requisite, remainder cleaning ship's bottom

9.30am: Landed advance range party

4.50pm: Exercised fire stations

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015647: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0088_1.jpg)

24 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hand cleaning up the dock, first range party preparing for the range

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags on the occasion of Empire day

8.30am: First range party left ship, refitting parties employed as requisite about cables & boats

10.30am: Discharged to hospital one OS

7.0pm: Undressed ship

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015648: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0089_0.jpg)

25 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands rigging hand capstan & as requisite

9.30am: Piped down for running heats of Africa squadron sports

10.15am: Discharged to hospital one AB

2.0pm: Ran off heats of squadron sports

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015649: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0089_1.jpg)

26 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags on occasion of HM Queen's Birthday

8.30am: Hands preparing for athletic sports

Noon: Flagship fired Royal Salute of 21 guns

2.0pm: Held African Squadron Athletic Sports

6.0pm: HMS DUBLIN won Squadron sports trophy by 33 points to 19

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701564a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0090_0.jpg)

27 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Divisions & rounds

10.0am: Landed church parties

10.15am: Divine service

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701564b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0090_1.jpg)

28 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands unrigging football ground & working about cables

9.0am: Refitting parties employed as requisite & working about cables

1.0pm: One LS & one boy discharged to sanatorium

1.30pm: Refitting parties employed as requisite & ranging cables on dock bottom

2.45pm: One stoker returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701564c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0091_0.jpg)

29 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & dock bottom

9.0am: Refitting parties employed as requisite & ranging cable on dock bottom

9.45am: Discharged to hospital, one stoker

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701564d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0091_1.jpg)

30 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & dock bottom

10.30am: Discharged to hospital one stoker

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701564e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0092_0.jpg)

31 May 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am: Hands cleaning ship & dock bottom

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags for the occasion of Union Day [Union Day celebrates the forming of the Union of South Africa in 1910]

4.0pm: Evening quarters

4.40pm: Lieutenant RGH Milligan joined ship

5.0pm: One private & one stoker returned from hospital

5.45pm: Undressed ship

Number on sick list = 2


4caf865bcadfd3419701564f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0092_1.jpg)

1 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands furled quarterdeck awnings & cleaning ship

9.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT shifted berth to C wall

11.15am: Hands mustered for monthly payments

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015650: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0093_0.jpg)

2 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & respreading quarterdeck awnings

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flags on the occasion of HM King George V’s birthday

Noon: HM Ships LOWESTOFT, WALLFLOWER & VERBENA fired 21 gun salute

5.45pm: Undressed ship

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015651: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0093_1.jpg)

3 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Hands to divisions & prayer, landed RC, Wesleyans & Presbyterian church parties

Number on sick list: 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015652: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0094_0.jpg)

4 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.38am: HM Ships WALLFLOWER & VERBENA proceeded out of basin & anchored in Simon's Bay

10.20am: Discharged one stoker & one marine to hospital, Lieutenant Commander Kirkpatrick left ship for UK

4.50pm: Exercised part of watch at fire stations

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015653: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0094_1.jpg)

5 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am: Respread quarterdeck awnings, cleaning ship

9.10am: HM Ships WALLFLOWER & VERBENA proceeded to sea

11.0am: Read warrant no 82

3.30pm: One stoker returned from hospital

5.0pm: Read warrant no 83

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015654: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0095_0.jpg)

6 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Dockyard working party & provision party left ship

9.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT shifted berth from C wall to west wall

4.50pm: Exercised watch at fire stations

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015655: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0095_1.jpg)

7 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015656: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0096_0.jpg)

8 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am: Hands employed cleaning ship & dock bottom

8.0am: Hands refitting, mess deck painting party & the remainder on ship's bottom

9.0am: Discharged one AB to hospital

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015657: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0096_1.jpg)

9 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.20am: Second range party left ship for range

9.0am: One private discharged to AFRIKANDER

9.15am: First range party returned to ship

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015658: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0097_0.jpg)

10 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed RC church party

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015659: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0097_1.jpg)

11 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and dock bottom

8.30am: Respread quarterdeck awning. Hands refitting & mess deck painting party

2.10pm: One stoker returned from hospital

4.50pm: Exercised fire quarters

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701565a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0098_0.jpg)

12 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am Hands cleaning ships & dock bottom.

8.30am: Divisions & prayers

8.40am Hands refitting and painting mess deck

10.0am: Discharged one boy from range party to hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701565b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0098_1.jpg)

13 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship and dock bottom

8.0am: Hands employed refitting and painting mess deck

4.50pm: Exercised fire stations

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701565c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0099_0.jpg)

14 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am: Hands sweeping upper deck & dock bottom

8.40am: Hands refitting & painting mess deck

3.0pm: Read warrant no 84. Discharged one stoker to detention

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd3419701565d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0099_1.jpg)

15 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & dock bottom

8.0am: Halfmasted colours [possibly for the death of Princess Helena, daughter of Queen Victoria on the 9th of June 1923]

3.30pm: One stoker returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd3419701565e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0100_0.jpg)

16 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Discharged one leading telegrapher hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701565f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0100_1.jpg)

17 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Divisions, landed Presbyterian, Wesleyan & RC church parties

10.05am: Landed Church of England party for service at dockyard church

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015660: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0101_0.jpg)

18 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.30pm: One private, one stoker & one officer's steward rejoined ship from hospital

8.30pm: Two boys, one telegrapher & one stoker joined ship from UK

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015661: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0101_1.jpg)

19 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Midshipmen Smith, Metcalfe, & Pemberton joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT

2.45pm: One stoker & one AB rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015662: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0102_0.jpg)

20 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015663: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0102_1.jpg)

21 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015664: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0103_0.jpg)

22 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Dressed ship with masthead flag on the occasion of the anniversary of His Majesty's Coronation

10.05am: Discharged one officer to hospital

12.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT fired a salute of 21 guns

5.0pm: Read warrant no 85. Discharged one seedie to detention, one stoker to FLORA for Kloof [Magazine] guard and one stoker to HMS FLORA for RNRR. [HMS FLORA was previously the Ant Class gunboat HMS GRIPER recently renamed & used as a base ship in Simonstown. Sister ship to HMS AFRIKANDER]

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015665: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0103_1.jpg)

23 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.20am: Hands refitting & painting

8.55am: Second range party returned from sanatorium

9.25am: Third range party left ship for sanatorium

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015666: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0104_0.jpg)

24 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.45am: Hands cleaning ship & dock bottom

9.40am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.0am: Landed C of E church party

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd34197015667: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0104_1.jpg)

25 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.30am: One stoker absentee returned and placed under arrest

5.0pm: One officer's steward first class joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT. Ten ratings joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT to await passage to UK

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd34197015668: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0105_0.jpg)

26 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am: Hands cleaning ship & dock bottom

8.0am: Hoisted flag of Commander in Chief

9.10am: HMS LOWESTOFT left harbour for East Coast

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015669: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0105_1.jpg)

27 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & deck bottom

11.10am: Discharged one Engineer artificer to hospital

2.10pm: Discharged one AB to hospital

4.50pm: Exercised fire stations

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd3419701566a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0106_0.jpg)

28 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am: Hands cleaning ship & shifting boats on jetty

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd3419701566b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0106_1.jpg)

29 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands shifting boats on jetty & turning out boats davits

9.20am: Dock half flooded. HMSAS PROTEA berthed at A wall. Officer of Guard visited HMSAS PROTEA

10.0am: Hauled down flag of Commander in Chief

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd3419701566c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0107_0.jpg)

30 June 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Fourteen ratings left ship for UK

11.30am: One RPO & one SPO joined ship from UK

1.25pm: Discharged one leading seaman to hospital

5.0pm: One stoker released from detention

Number on sick list = 3


4caf865bcadfd3419701566d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0107_1.jpg)

1 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed C of E, RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701566e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0108_0.jpg)

2 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.20am: Hands rigging fore capstan

8.30am: Hands refitting, painting & working aloft

11.20am: Mr Fox, Gunner returned from hospital

1.25pm: Hands employed refitting & hoisting topgallant mast

3.30pm: Dock flooded

4.0pm: Undocked

5.15pm: Secured alongside C wall, HMS PROTEA proceeded into dry dock

Number on sick list 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701566f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0108_1.jpg)

3 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship

9.30am: Hands embarking shell & refitting

2.0pm: One stoker returned to ship from sanatorium

4.0pm: Evening quarters, one private of Marines, (LOWESTOFT) returned to ship

4.30pm: Port watch embarking shell

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd34197015670: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0109_0.jpg)

4 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.55am: Berthing party left ship

8.10am: SS CREWE HALL berthed alongside D wall [SS CREWE HALL was a cargo steamer launched in 1898]

2.30pm: One sergeant & two privates of Marines returned from sanatorium

4.30pm: Starboard watch embarking shell

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015671: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0109_1.jpg)

5 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.35am: SS CREWE HALL left basin

2.15pm: Third range party returned to ship

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 86

5.50pm: Boys returned from sanatorium

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015672: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0110_0.jpg)

6 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands preparing for coaling

7.30am: Coal ship

7.45am: One RPO & one OSI left ship for UK

10.0am: Discharged two ratings to civil custody

11.25pm: Finished coaling, received 926 tons

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015673: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0110_1.jpg)

7 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.25am: One rating returned from hospital

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 87

4caf865bcadfd34197015674: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0111_0.jpg)

8 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed C of E, RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015675: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0111_1.jpg)

9 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands embarking ammunition

10.0am: Discharged one AB to hospital

11.30am: One CERA and one OA 4th class joined ship from UK

3.0pm: One boy joined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd34197015676: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0112_0.jpg)

10 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Hands embarking ammunition

1.30pm: Hands embarking ammunition, cleaning ship's side & boats

2.0pm: Returned one skiff to dockyard

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015677: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0112_1.jpg)

11 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Hands provisioning ship

3.30pm: One leading telegrapher returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015678: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0113_0.jpg)

12 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.20am: Divisions & prayers, diving party diving for coalbags, remainder as requisite

1.25pm: Diving party recovering coalbags, remainder as requisite

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015679: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0113_1.jpg)

13 July 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.25am: Hands securing boats for sea, drawing steam boat from dockyard & as requisite

10.0am: Hands preparing ship for sea

1.30pm: Hands drawing new canvas gear, working in boats & as requisite

2.30pm: One leading seaman & one private RMLI joined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701567a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0114_0.jpg)

14 July 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

4.0am: Lit fires in two boilers & as necessary for proceeding at 7.30am

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship, submerged tubes crews preparing for firing torpedo

7.30am: Embarked K H M, slipped from C wall

8.04am: Disembarked K H M, proceeded

8.30am: Course as requisite for firing torpedo

8.54am: Fired torpedo, course & speed as requisite for picking up torpedo

9.25am: Stopped, picked up torpedo

9.40am: Proceeded

10.04am: Anchored in A berth

10.30am: Swung ship for adjustment of compasses

2.0pm: Lost overboard by accident, blocks safety for air lever, St. No. T. 47, one in number

4.30pm: Discharged three leading seamen, one leading cook & two stokers to sanatorium to await passage to England

11.15pm: Three leading seamen, one leading cook, one leading stoker, four stokers & three St Helena ratings joined ship

11.52pm: Weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701567b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0114_1.jpg)

15 July 1923

Simonstown to Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

3.55am: Slang Kop Light abeam, 3 miles

11.09am: Anchored in Houtjes Bay

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd3419701567c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0115_0.jpg)

16 July 1923

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

9.0am: Divisions & prayers, first & second cutters sailed inshore & scrubbed out

10.0am: Landed shooting teams & heliograph party, remainder of hands employed as requisite

2.30pm: First & second cutters returned

7.55pm: Closed up, night action stations. SL crews exercised on steam cutter

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865bcadfd3419701567d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0115_1.jpg)

17 July 1923

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

5.30am: aired bedding

9.0am: Divisions & prayers, heliograph party left ship

11.45am: Shooting team left ship

4.0pm: Heliograph party returned

5.30pm: Shooting team returned having won Saldanha Bay Shooting Challenge Cup

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd3419701567e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0116_0.jpg)

18 July 1923

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

6.15am: ER department aired bedding

9.0am: Divisions & prayers, landed RM detachment for drill

10.0am: Hands employed, director test, preparing paravanes & scraping decks

11.40am: Royal Marine detachment returned

Number on sick list = 7

4caf865bcadfd3419701567f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0116_1.jpg)

19 July 1923

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.01, Long 17.97

10.0am: Hands employed preparing for sea, director test & as requisite, leading seamen under instruction in management of steam boats

11.20am: Furled quarterdeck awning

2.15pm: Lit fires in two boilers & as necessary for proceeding at 4.0pm

4.28pm: Weighed & proceeded

4.40pm: Dropped both lifebuoys, stopped both, lowered both seaboats

4.50pm: Recovered lifebuoys, hoisted seaboats

5.12pm: Dropped both paravanes

7.0pm: Commenced working up to full power

7.50pm: Patent log carried away

8.0pm: Commenced full power trial

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015680: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0117_0.jpg)

20 July 1923

Saldanha Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -27.45, Long 14.92

3.25am: Exercised sea boat's crew

4.0pm: Finished full power trial, commenced 3/5 power trial

9.20am: Exercised action stations

7.0pm: Completed 3/5 power trial, reduced to 200 revs

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015681: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0117_1.jpg)

21 July 1923

Saldanha Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -22.87, Long 14.46

6.40am: Hands spreading quarterdeck awnings & preparing for entering harbour

8.40am: Reduced to 154 revs, got in paravanes

12.37pm: Anchored in Walvis Bay

1.50pm: Seedies getting up coal bags

8.20pm: SS RONDFONTEIN sailed [SS RANDFONTEIN was the Greenock-built STAUR, launched in 1920, purchased & renamed in 1921 by the Holland Africa Line]

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd34197015682: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0118_0.jpg)

22 July 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

10.30am: Held divine service

11.45pm: SS ADOLPH WOERMANN arrived [SS ADOLPH WOERMANN was a German liner, launched in 1922 for the Woermann Linie]

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd34197015683: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0118_1.jpg)

23 July 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

7.30am: Coal ship

10.0pm: Piped down

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015684: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0119_0.jpg)

24 July 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

10.50am: SS ADOLPH WOERMANN sailed

11.40am: Finished coaling, received 620 tons

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd34197015685: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0119_1.jpg)

25 July 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

2.0pm: Hands preparing for landing party, cleaning ship & as requisite

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015686: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0120_0.jpg)

26 July 1923

Walvis Bay to Great Fish Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

6.0am: Landing party preparing for landing, unmoored ship

8.0am: Landed "deliberate landing party"

10.25am: Weighed & proceeded

10.45am: Hands on board to action stations

11.05am: Anchored

11.30am: Landing party returned

1.10pm: Hands hoisting & securing boars for sea

1.56pm: Weighed & proceeded

2.12pm: Started sounding with port machine

4.0pm: Evening quarters, fog lifted

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015687: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0120_1.jpg)

27 July 1923

Walvis Bay to Great Fish Bay

Lat -19.56, Long 12.16

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd34197015688: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0121_0.jpg)

28 July 1923

Walvis Bay to Great Fish Bay

Lat -16.60, Long 11.80

10.01am: Anchored in Great Fish Bay

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015689: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0121_1.jpg)

29 July 1923

Great Fish Bay to Port Alexander

Lat -16.08, Long 11.65

8.56am: Weighed & proceeded

9.05am: Commenced sounding

10.0am: Hands muster by open list

3.45pm: Anchored at Port Alexander

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701568a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0122_0.jpg)

30 July 1923

Port Alexander

Lat -15.79, Long 11.84

6.0am: Hands preparing for painting

7.20am: SS PEDRO GOMES arrived [SS PEDRO GOMES was launched in the Netherlands as the SS SINDORO in 1900, sold to the Portuguese Companhia Nacional de Navegacao in 1922 and renamed]

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd3419701568b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0122_1.jpg)

31 July 1923

Port Alexander

Lat -15.79, Long 11.84

12.40am: SS PEDRO GOMES left

Number on sick list = 0


4caf865bcadfd3419701568c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0123_0.jpg)

1 August 1923

Port Alexander to Sao Paulo de Louanda [now Luanda, Capital of Angola]

Lat -15.79, Long 11.84

10.0am: Hands preparing ship & boats for sea, painting ship, rigging paravane gear & as requisite

11.15am: Paid monthly advance to ship's company

15.45pm: Weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd3419701568d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0123_1.jpg)

2 August 1923

Port Alexander to Sao Paulo de Louanda

Lat -12.58, Long 12.25

6.50am: Sighted HMS THISTLE

9.10am: Divisions & prayers, read Articles of War & quarterly return of courts martial

9.23am: Reduced to 154 revs

9.25am: Hoisted in paravanes

9.30am: Marine detachment to drill, A class boys to school, maxim guns crews to drill, remainder painting guns, replacing paravane gear & as requisite

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd3419701568e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0124_0.jpg)

3 August 1923

Port Alexander to Sao Paulo de Loanda

Lat -8.73, Long 13.26

8.0am: Commenced sounding

12.44pm: Anchored at Sao Paulo de Loanda, saluted Portuguese flag, 21 guns

12.46pm: Fort San Miguel returned salute

3.20pm: British Consul General visited ship

4.15pm: British Consul General left ship, saluted with 11 guns

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd3419701568f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0124_1.jpg)

4 August 1923

Sao Paulo de Loanda

Lat -8.79, Long 13.24

8.40am: Divisions with night clothing, aired night clothing

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015690: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0125_0.jpg)

5 August 1923

Sao Paulo de Loanda

Lat -8.79, Long 13.24

9.30am: Divisions & Captain's rounds

10.0am: Held divine service

10.30am: Representative of HE the High Commissioner visited ship

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015691: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0125_1.jpg)

6 August 1923

Sao Paulo de Loanda to Lobito

Lat -8.88, Long 13.12

9.10am: Hands preparing ship for sea

9.36am: Weighed & proceeded

9.45am: Commenced sounding

4.0pm: Evening quarters, dropped both lifebuoys, exercised both seaboats crews

6.06pm: Exercised placing oil navigation lights

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015692: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0126_0.jpg)

7 August 1923

Sao Paulo de Loanda to Lobito

Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

6.35am: Sighted land, port side

8.0am: Commenced sounding

10.16am: Anchored at Lobito

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015693: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0126_1.jpg)

8 August 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

1.15am: SS PEDRO GOMES left harbour

9.30am: Exercised abandon ship, tested carley floats

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd34197015694: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0127_0.jpg)

9 August 1923


Lat -12.34, Long 13.56

6.45am: SS LOURENCO MARQUES arrived [SS LOURENCO MARQUES was a German-built passenger & cargo steamer launched in 1905. She was seized by Portuguese authorities in Lourenco Marques in 1916 & renamed]


Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015695: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0127_1.jpg)

10 August 1923

Lobito to Elephant Bay

Lat -12.89, Long 12.80

7.0am: Weighed & pointed ship

7.40am: Connected hand steering gear

2.02pm: Anchored in Elephant Bay

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015696: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0128_0.jpg)

11 August 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.23, Long 12.72

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015697: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0128_1.jpg)

12 August 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.23, Long 12.72

6.0pm: Seamen won inter part of ship cutter race

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd34197015698: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0129_0.jpg)

13 August 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.23, Long 12.72

5.30am: Aired bedding

10.0am: Stokers won inter part of ship whaler race

8.0pm: Held concert on quarterdeck

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd34197015699: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0129_1.jpg)

14 August 1923

Elephant Bay

Lat -13.23, Long 12.72

10.0am: Training classes to instruction, carried out director test, remainder of hands as requisite

1.30pm: Hand reeving deck tackle & testing submersible pump

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701569a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0130_0.jpg)

15 August 1923

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -13.23, Long 12.72

6.0am: Hands hoisting steam cutter, unrigging quarterdeck & furling quarterdeck awning

10.0am: Exercised out sheet anchor, lit fires in two boilers & as necessary for proceeding at 5.0pm

5.15pm: Weighed & pointed ship

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701569b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0130_1.jpg)

16 August 1923

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -15.82, Long 11.42

8.45am: In PVs, point of tow raised by hand

9.0am: Stopped, dropped target

9.17am: Courses as requisite for carrying out two runs of sub-calibre firing

10.50am: Picked up target

10.53pm: Proceeded

4.07pm: A/c as requisite for dropping depth charges

4.11pm: Dropped depth charges

8.15pm: Carried out three runs of night defences with red, white & blue watches

9.15pm: Secured night defences

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701569c: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0131_0.jpg)

17 August 1923

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -19.53, Long 12.02

9.10am: Divisions & prayers

9.20am: Hands to action stations, captain inspected ship at action stations

10.29am: Changed over to LCT steering

10.45am: Changed over to hand wheel

11.15am: Resume fore bridge steering

6.30pm: Preparing for night action

8.25pm: Hands to night action stations, course as requisite for runs

9.0pm: Secure

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701569d: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0131_1.jpg)

18 August 1923

Elephant Bay to Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

8.45am: Sighted land right ahead

10.36am: Stopped, anchored in Walvis Bay

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd3419701569e: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0132_0.jpg)

19 August 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

11.0am: Coal lighter secured alongside

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd3419701569f: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0132_1.jpg)

20 August 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

5.55am: Coal ship

8.0pm: Completed coaling, received 500 tons

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156a0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0133_0.jpg)

21 August 1923

Walvis Bay

Lat -22.90, Long 14.50

9.0am: SS WANGONI arrived [SS WANGONI was a Woermann line steamer launched in 1921]

3.44pm: Weighed, pointed ship

3.50pm: Proceeded

4.04pm: Pelican Point light abeam

Number on sick list: 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156a1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0133_1.jpg)

22 August 1923

Walvis Bay to Luderitz

Lat -26.27, Long 14.73

9.24am: Exercised steering by main engines

9.34am: Exercised fire stations

10.05am: Made smoke screen

10.40am: A/c 166o. Finished steering by main engines

12.50pm: Sighted land right ahead

3.09pm: Anchored at Luderitz

5.35pm: SS WANGONI arrived

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156a2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0134_0.jpg)

23 August 1923


Lat -26.63, Long 15.16

5.30am: Seamen aired bedding

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship

9.15am: Exercised embarkation of deliberate landing party

1.50pm: SS WANGONI left harbour

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156a3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0134_1.jpg)

24 August 1923

Luderitz to Simonstown

Lat -26.63, Long 15.16

9.40am: Exercised action stations

10.0am: Lit fires in four boilers & as requisite for proceeding at 1.0pm

1.33pm: Weighed & proceeded

1.59pm: Thick fog

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd341970156a4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0135_0.jpg)

25 August 1923

Luderitz to Simonstown

Lat -30.08, Long 16.05

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865bcadfd341970156a5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0135_1.jpg)

26 August 1923


Lat -33.64, Long 18.02

7.0am: Lost by accident, one broom, patt 46

6.15pm Cape Point abeam

8.43pm: Anchored in A berth

8.50pm: One RPO, one OSI, one signaller & three boys joined ship

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd341970156a6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0136_0.jpg)

27 August 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.10am: Weighed, embarked KHM, proceeded as requisite into basin

7.57am: Anchored

8.0am: Secured alongside C wall

10.10am: Mr Payne, Gunner, joined ship

12.20pm: Instructor Lieutenant HA McDonald joined ship, discharged one stoker to hospital, one private, RMLI to HMS LOWESTOFT, hands preparing for coaling

7.10pm: Lieutenant Commander PL Neville joined ship

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd341970156a7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0136_1.jpg)

28 August 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Coal ship

11.0am: Instructor Lieutenant Winwood-Smith left ship for HMS LOWESTOFT

1.0pm: Discharged one stoker to HMS WALLFLOWER & one leading stoker to UK

5.20pm: Finished coaling, received 709 tons

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd341970156a8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0137_0.jpg)

29 August 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.30pm: Exercised send armed cutter to Eastern breakwater

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156a9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0137_1.jpg)

30 August 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & cleaning down aloft

9.48am: Seaman platoons landed for drill

11.0am: Discharged one shipwright to hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156aa: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0138_0.jpg)

31 August 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.15am: Sub Lieutenants JNF Haigh & EF Anderton left ship for UK [Sub Lieutenant, later Commander John Noel Fisher Haigh was born in 1902, later Assistant to Engineer Manager HM Dockyard Rosyth; Sub Lieutenant, later Captain Evelyn Farrance Anderton was born in 1903, later Commanding Officer HMS ALAUNIA & Naval ADC to the queen]

10.30am: Paid monthly advance

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 88

Number on sick list = 2


4caf865bcadfd341970156ab: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0138_1.jpg)

1 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.40am: Divisions with night clothing, aired night clothing

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156ac: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0139_0.jpg)

2 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.35am: Landed Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

10.0am: Landed RC church parties

10.20am: Held divine service

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156ad: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0139_1.jpg)

3 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Landed field gun crew for exercise

10.35am: Lieutenant Mills joined ship

1.0pm: Hands painting down aloft, acting SGs to instruction, RT third class to HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd341970156ae: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0140_0.jpg)

4 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands cleaning ship & as requisite, RT training class to HMS LOWESTOFT, SG training class to instruction

3.10pm: Furled awnings

5.15pm: One seedie returned from detention

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156af: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0140_1.jpg)

5 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.0pm: Shroud plates & connecting bands of mainmast & foremast examined & found to be without defects

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156b0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0141_0.jpg)

6 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.30pm: Exercised starboard watch, out fire engine

4.45pm: Discharged one ordinary seaman to HMS VERBENA

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156b1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0141_1.jpg)

7 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Noon: Discharged one OA to shore

1.0pm: Discharged one Engine Room Artificer to HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd341970156b2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0142_0.jpg)

8 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.40am: Divisions with night clothing, aired night clothing

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd341970156b3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0142_1.jpg)

9 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.40am: Divisions, landed Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

10.10am: Landed RC church party

Noon: Sub Lieutenant PH Welby Everard joined ship

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd341970156b4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0143_0.jpg)

10 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Exercised general drill, let go sheet anchor, weighed by hand

9.50am: Exercised collision stations

3.20pm: One stoker returned from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd341970156b5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0143_1.jpg)

11 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 89, discharged one stoker to detention

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd341970156b6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0144_0.jpg)

12 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.20am: Landed landing party

10.0am: Discharged one corporal of marines to hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd341970156b7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0144_1.jpg)

13 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Noon: Lieutenant Ashby & Mr Fox-Sumner left ship for UK

3.25pm: One stoker returned from hospital

3.30pm: Exercised watch send 3½" wire to Eastern breakwater

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd341970156b8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0145_0.jpg)

14 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Marine guns crew to loader

5.0pm: Lieutenant Mills left ship

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd341970156b9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0145_1.jpg)

15 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.45am: Captain's rounds

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865bcadfd341970156ba: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0146_0.jpg)

16 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.15am: Held divine service

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865bcadfd341970156bb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0146_1.jpg)

17 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: HMSAS SONNEBLOM left basin

9.05am: HMSAS IMMORTELLE left basin

9.15am: Divisions & prayers

9.27am: HMSAS PROTEA left basin

9.35am: Exercised clear ship for action

10.0am: Replace gear, one leading stoker & one AB discharged to hospital

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156bc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0147_0.jpg)

18 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.20am: HMS VERBENA left basin, acting gunlayers & acting sight setters training classes to instruction in HMS VERBENA

8.0am: HMS VERBENA proceeded for exercises

9.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER undocked & secured to A wall

3.15pm: HMS VERBENA anchored in Simon's Bay

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865bcadfd341970156bd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0147_1.jpg)

19 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Firing & marking party sent to HMS VERBENA, HMS VERBENA proceeded

9.30am: Marine detachment to drill

11.45am: HMS VERBENA secured alongside B wall

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865bcadfd341970156be: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0148_0.jpg)

20 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Submerged tubes crews to drill, remainder working about boats

2.32pm: Exercised send fire party to flagship

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 90

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd341970156bf: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0148_1.jpg)

21 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

1.0pm: Discharged one shipwright to hospital

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd341970156c0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0149_0.jpg)

22 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.10am: Captain's rounds

11.35am: One engineer artificer returned to hospital

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865bcadfd341970156c1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0149_1.jpg)

23 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed C of E, RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156c2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0150_0.jpg)

24 September 1923

Simonstown & False Bay, exercising

Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

8.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT proceeded out of basin & secured to no 1 mooring, Simon’s Bay

8.50am: Embarked KHM

9.09am Proceeded out of basin, secured to no 4 moorings, hands employed at director test & rigging battle practice target

7.20pm: Gunlayers & SG training classes to HMS WALLFLOWER, HMS LOWESTOFT slipped & proceeded

7.44pm: Slipped from moorings, proceeded as requisite for night torpedo firing & star shell exercise

9.50pm: Fired torpedo at HMS LOWESTOFT

10.36pm: Hoisted in torpedo, course & speed as requisite for returning to Simon’s Bay

Midnight: Anchored in B berth

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865ccadfd341970156c3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0150_1.jpg)

25 September 1923


Lat -34.25, Long 18.24

12.10am: GLs & SG training classes returned from HMS WALLFLOWER

8.30am: Weighed & proceeded in company with HMS LOWESTOFT

8.43am: Parted company with HMS LOWESTOFT, carried out live practice torpedo run of fault finding torpedo

10.0am: Completed torpedo practice, proceeded to carry out sub-calibre firing

11.10am: Completed sub-calibre firing. Rendezvous with HMS LOWESTOFT, carried out training class firing at patt VII target

12.55pm: Recommenced sub-calibre training class firing

2.47pm: Ceased firing, hoisted in patt VII target

3.14pm: Course as requisite for rangetaking exercise

4.0pm: Completed RT exercise

4.10pm: Light cruisers returned in company to Simon’s Bay

5.18pm: Anchored in B berth

7.30pm: Weighed & proceeded as requisite for sub-calibre firing at patt VI target towed by HMS ST DOGMAEL

8.27pm: Opened fire

8.52pm: Ceased firing, returned to Simon’s Bay

9.55pm: Anchored in B berth

10.20pm: HMS LOWESTOFT anchored in A berth

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865ccadfd341970156c4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0151_0.jpg)

26 September 1923

Simonstown & False Bay exercising

Lat -34.24, Long 18.67

7.32am: Weighed & proceeded, sloops in company, single line ahead

8.28am: Course as requisite for torpedo exercise

10.20am: Hoisted in HMS LOWESTOFT's torpedo

10.29am: Proceeded searching for HMS LOWESTOFT's second torpedo

11.30am: Proceeded to firing point

12.25pm: Carried out torpedo attack on HMS LOWESTOFT & sloops

12.28pm: Fired four torpedoes

12.45pm: Followed up torpedoes

1.16pm: Proceeded searching for torpedo

6.12pm: Set course for Simon’s Bay, HMS LOWESTOFT & sloops in company

7.20pm: Anchored in C berth

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156c5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0151_1.jpg)

27 September 1923


Lat -34.27, Long 18.49

8.20am: Cleared ship for action

9.24am: Weighed & proceeded in company with HMS LOWESTOFT

10.35am: Carried out sub-calibre firing at battle practise target

10.35am: Cease fire, proceeded to torpedo firing ground

11.33am: Fired live torpedo at cliff. Torpedo failed to explode

11.52am: Lowered sea boat to search for torpedo

1.10pm: Hoisted in sea boat, proceeded for range taking exercise

1.44pm: Completed range taking exercise

2.11pm: Carried out sub-calibre & 6" reduced charge class firing

2.33pm: Proceeded to Simon’s Bay

3.13pm: Anchored in A berth

4.31pm: Weighed & proceeded into basin

5.12pm: Secured alongside C wall

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156c6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0152_0.jpg)

28 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & striking down torpedoes

8.20am: Diving party left ship

1.30pm: Discharged one officer's steward to hospital

3.30pm: One stoker & one plumber returned from hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156c7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0152_1.jpg)

29 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.10am: Captain's rounds

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156c8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0153_0.jpg)

30 September 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: RC, Wesleyan & Presbyterian church parties left ship

10.10am: Held divine service

Number on sick list = 0


4caf865ccadfd341970156c9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0153_1.jpg)

1 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.10am: Divisions & prayers

9.20am: Exercised “prepare to tow forward”

11.15am: Paid quarterly settlement

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156ca: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0154_0.jpg)

2 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Torpedo salvage party left ship

2.0pm: Discharged one leading seaman to hospital

3.15pm: Salvage party returned

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156cb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0154_1.jpg)

3 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Discharged one VCPO to hospital, discharged one SPO to HMSAS PROTEA, one SPO joined ship from HMSAS PROTEA

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865ccadfd341970156cc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0155_0.jpg)

4 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Exercised seamen landing parties, seamanship training classes to instruction

2.0pm: Hands make and mend clothes

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156cd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0155_1.jpg)

5 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156ce: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0156_0.jpg)

6 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Torpedo salvage party left ship, hands to divisions with night clothing, aired night clothing

11.10am: Captain’s rounds

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrants nos 91 & 92

7.30pm: One leading stoker, one stoker, one officers cook, third class & one officer's steward, third class joined ship from UK

8.50pm: Torpedo salvage party returned

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156cf: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0156_1.jpg)

7 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.30am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

9.55am: Held divine service

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156d0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0157_0.jpg)

8 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing for funeral drill

8.0am: Landed acting S T training class for demolition instruction

9.15am: Landed two platoons for drill, remainder of hands to physical drill

10.40am: Landing parties returned

2.10pm: HMS VERBENA proceeded out of dock & secured to A wall

5.15pm: Read warrant no 93

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156d1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0157_1.jpg)

9 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.30am: Aired bedding

9.30am: Court of enquiry assembled on board [no indication in Naval Casualties list of a naval rating dying of any cause in early October 1923 in Simonstown or on associated ships]

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156d2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0158_0.jpg)

10 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing for sea

9.0am: Divisions & prayers

11.0am: Landed marine detachment for drill

2.50pm: HMS LOWESTOFT unbasined

3.0pm: Embarked K H M

3.07pm: Slipped from C wall

3.53pm: Anchored in B berth

6.0pm: SS CITY OF MELBOURNE arrived

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156d3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0158_1.jpg)

11 October 1923


Lat -34.23, Long 18.67

7.0am: Discharged one rating to UK

7.35am: Weighed & proceeded, sloops in company, course as requisite for target line

9.0am: Course as requisite for HMS LOWESTOFT’s torpedo firing

9.51am: Stopped, picked up torpedoes

11.0am: Proceeded to firing point

11.30am: Course as requisite for torpedo firing, fired six torpedoes

12.15pm: Course as requisite for picking up torpedoes

12.35pm: Stopped, recovered three torpedoes

2.38pm: Stopped, anchored in Simon’s Bay

3.53pm: Weighed & proceeded into basin

4.15pm: Secured alongside C wall

6.10pm: Received three torpedoes from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156d4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0159_0.jpg)

12 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.45am: SS CITY OF MELBOURNE unbasined [SS CITY OF MELBOURNE was a British cargo steamer launched in 1919]

8.30am: HMS LOWESTOFT secured alongside west wall

2.30pm: SCPO rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156d5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0159_1.jpg)

13 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156d6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0160_0.jpg)

14 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian and RC church parties, held divine service

2.0pm: Discharged one engine room artificer to HMSAS SONNEBLOM

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 94

Number on sick list = 0

4caf865ccadfd341970156d7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0160_1.jpg)

15 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing boats for racing

8.45am: HMSAS SONNEBLOM & HMSAS IMMORTELLE proceeded out of basin

9.0am: Commenced fleet regatta

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156d8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0161_0.jpg)

16 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

3.10pm: One corporal Marines rejoined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156d9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0161_1.jpg)

17 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.15am: Pipe down, continued fleet regatta

2.0pm: Presentation of regatta prizes on board HMS LOWESTOFT, discharged one stoker to hospital

4.14pm: Slipped from C wall

4.47pm: Anchored in A berth

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156da: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0162_0.jpg)

18 October 1923

Simonstown to Cape Town

Lat -33.904, Long 18.424

12.59am: Weighed & proceeded

7.05am: Stopped, embarked pilot

7.09am: Course as requisite for entering Cape Town docks

7.35am: Secured to no 2 jetty

8.15am: Coal ship, native labour

9.30am: Landed landing party

7.15pm: Finished coaling, received 824.3 tons

8.0pm: Received 245 tons oil fuel

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156db: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0162_1.jpg)

19 October 1923

Cape Town to Simonstown

Lat -34.41, Long 18.48

7.0am: Slipped from no 2 jetty

7.20am: Disembarked pilot, proceeded

10.15am: Sighted HMS LOWESTOFT, carried out control exercises with HMS LOWESTOFT, zig-zagging as requisite

1.46pm: Stopped, embarked K H N, proceeded into basin

2.22pm: Anchored, secured alongside west wall

2.45pm: Hoisted C in C’s flag

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156dc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0163_0.jpg)

20 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.40am: Divisions with night clothing, aired night clotting

11.10am: Captain’s rounds

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156dd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0163_1.jpg)

21 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.10am: Held divine service

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156de: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0164_0.jpg)

22 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing for funeral drill, SS SEATTLE arrived [possibly the American cargo steamer SS SEATTLE SPIRIT, launched in 1919]

8.15am: SS SEATTLE berthed alongside C wall

8.30am: Discharged one OS, second class to hospital

9.35am: Exercised, prepare to tow aft & send 3½” wire to HMS VERBENA

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156df: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0164_1.jpg)

23 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.40am: Diving party left ship

10.20am: Diving boat returned, examined under water fittings

1.0pm: Diving party carried on with under water fittings

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156e0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0165_0.jpg)

24 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.20am: Diving party examining under water fittings

9.0am: Hands employed special painting party & as requisite, marine detachment to drill

3.30pm: Tested magazine flooding

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156e1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0165_1.jpg)

25 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.16am: Landed field guns crews

9.0am: Landed landing party for platoon drill, special painting party

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156e2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0166_0.jpg)

26 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.30am: Aired bedding

7.50am: Discharged one stoker to UK

8.15am: Landed field guns crew

9.35am: Exercised action stations

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156e3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0166_1.jpg)

27 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.15am: SS SEATTLE unbasined

8.40am: Divisions with night clothing, aired night clothing

11.0am: Landed field guns crews

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156e4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0167_0.jpg)

28 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Divisions, landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.10am: Held divine service

4.30am: Discharged one Telegrapher & one AB to HMS VERBENA

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156e5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0167_1.jpg)

29 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Field guns crew left ship

9.10am: HMS VERBENA proceeded out of basin

9.30am: Exercised emergency landing party

11.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER proceeded out of basing & proceeded to sea, HMS VERBENA in company

4.16pm: HMS LOWESTOFT hoisted flag of C in C

4.45pm: HMS LOWESTOFT entered basin & proceeded into dock

Number on sick list = 0

4caf865ccadfd341970156e6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0168_0.jpg)

30 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Hands painting ship & striking down provisions

3.20pm: Discharged six seedies to HMS FLORA

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156e7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0168_1.jpg)

31 October 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

12.20pm: 17 seedies joined ship

Number on sick list = 6


4caf865ccadfd341970156e8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0169_0.jpg)

1 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.20am: Paid monthly advance to ship’s company

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156e9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0169_1.jpg)

2 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Hands cleaning ship & rigging diving boat

8.45am: HMS LOWESTOFT undocked & proceeded alongside West wall

9.48am: Exercised action stations, commenced diving

10.20am: Discharged one stoker to hospital

Number on sick list = 6

4caf865ccadfd341970156ea: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0170_0.jpg)

3 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.10am: Captain’s rounds

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865ccadfd341970156eb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0170_1.jpg)

4 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.20am: Held divine service

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156ec: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0171_0.jpg)

5 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands preparing for funeral drill & painting

9.30am: Exercised out sheet anchor

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156ed: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0171_1.jpg)

6 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.20am: Aired bedding

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156ee: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0172_0.jpg)

7 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

6.30am: Aired engine room department’s bedding

3.20pm: Starboard watch exercise fire stations

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156ef: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0172_1.jpg)

8 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Divisions & prayers, exercised field gun & maxim guns crews

2.30pm: Lost overboard by accident, one blanket, white

3.30pm: Tested submersible pump

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156f0: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0173_0.jpg)

9 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Exercised action stations

3.30pm: One AB rejoined ship from hospital

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156f1: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0173_1.jpg)

10 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 95

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156f2: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0174_0.jpg)

11 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.25am: Held divine service

10.0am: Landed field guns crew & guard of honour for Armistice day ceremony, landed RC church parties

11.0am: Observed two minutes’ silence for Armistice

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156f3: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0174_1.jpg)

12 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.0am: Fired court martial gun

10.0am: Court martial assembled on board, discharged one stoker to RN hospital

12.45pm: Court martial finished

3.0pm: HM Ships WALLFLOWER & VERBENA arrived & anchored in Simon’s Bay

4.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 96, discharged one stoker to detention quarters

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156f4: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0175_0.jpg)

13 November 1923


Lat -34.18, Long 18.44

6.0am: Hands cleaning ship & preparing for sea

7.25am: Slipped from C wall, proceeded into Simon’s Bay

8.11am: Secured to no 1 moorings

9.0am: HMS LOWESTOFT shifted berth to C wall

10.0am: SS HYDASPES secured alongside west wall [SS HYDASPES was a steamer owned by Houston Line, launched in 1899 as the SS MANCHESTER PORT]

10.45am: HMS VERBENA proceeded into basin & secured to B wall

3.0pm: One telegraphist rejoined ship from HMS VERBENA, discharged one stoker to hospital

3.30pm: One OS second class rejoined ship from hospital

6.20pm: SS HYDASPES proceeded to sea

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156f5: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0175_1.jpg)

14 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

7.58am: Slipped & proceeded into basin

8.20am: Anchored & secured alongside west wall

9.20am: HMS VERBENA shifted berth to A wall

9.45am: Nine midshipmen joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT

10.0am: HMS WALLFLOWER secured alongside B wall

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865ccadfd341970156f6: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0176_0.jpg)

15 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Lewis guns crews landed for drill

10.15am: Discharged one AB to hospital

3.20pm: Exercised "send armed cutter to flagship". Lost overboard one rifle

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865ccadfd341970156f7: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0176_1.jpg)

16 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.30am: Training classes to instruction, remainder of hands provisioning ship

10.15am: Divers recovered one rifle

2.20pm: Fired 21 gun salute on departure of HRH Princess Arthur of Connaught

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd341970156f8: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0177_0.jpg)

17 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.40am: Hands to divisions with night clothing, aired night clothing

4.25pm: One court martial offender received on board from HMSAS IMMORTELLE

5.30pm: Three seamen ratings & two signaller ratings lent to AH, discharged one signaller & one telegrapher to HMS VERBENA

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd341970156f9: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0177_1.jpg)

18 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.20am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.0am: Fired royal salute on departure of HRH Prince Arthur of Connaught

10.10am: Held divine service

1.20pm: Two ABs returned from AH

4.30pm: One OC first class & one OC third class discharged to HMS LOWESTOFT, one OS first class, two OS second class & one OS third class joined ship from HMS LOWESTOFT

6.0pm: Discharged four midshipmen to HMS LOWESTOFT

Number on sick list = 1

4caf865ccadfd341970156fa: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0178_0.jpg)

19 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.45am: Sentries for Admiralty Roads left ship for Simonstown

11.15am: Hosted flag of C in C

11.45am: HMS LOWESTOFT left basing & sailed for England. one stoker joined ship from UK

Noon: Warrant Officer King, Warrant engineer joined ship from UK

1.0pm: Discharged one signaller rating to RN hospital

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156fb: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0178_1.jpg)

20 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

8.0am: Fired court martial gun

10.0am: Held court martial on board

12.40pm: Court martial finished

2.20pm: Sentries for Admiralty Roads returned

4.30pm: Court martial prisoner discharged to detention quarters

9.25pm: Exercised Simonstown patrol

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156fc: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0179_0.jpg)

21 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

10.0am: Landed marine landing party

3.30pm: Exercised flooding magazines

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156fd: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0179_1.jpg)

22 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.25am: Exercised "deliberate landing party"

Number on sick list = 5

4caf865ccadfd341970156fe: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0180_0.jpg)

23 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.15am: Funeral party left ship [Naval-History Casualties reports the death of George William, Krooman of HMS FLORA on the 21st of November 1923. Cause of death, illness]

9.30am: One AB left ship for UK

10.0am: Warrant Officer Chester, warrant engineer left ship for UK

Noon: Funeral party returned

12.30pm: Funeral party left ship [no reason given]

3.40pm: Funeral party returned

Number on sick list = 3

4caf865ccadfd341970156ff: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0180_1.jpg)

24 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

11.10am: Captain's rounds

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd34197015700: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0181_0.jpg)

25 November 1923


Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

9.50am: Landed Wesleyan, Presbyterian & RC church parties

10.15am: Held divine service

4.30pm: One leading seaman lent to Admiral's house

5.0pm: Evening quarters, read warrant no 97

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd34197015701: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0181_1.jpg)

26 November 1923

Simonstown to Saldanha Bay

Lat -34.19, Long 18.44

2.0pm: Discharged one AB to HMS VERBENA, one leading stoker, one stoker & one signaller to HMS WALLFLOWER

3.30pm: Slipped from jetty & proceeded out of basin

3.50pm: Anchored in A berth

7.0pm: Transferred SB62 to HMS WALLFLOWER

7.40pm: Sunset, hauled down flag of C in C. HMS WALLFLOWER hoisted flag of C in C

7.57pm: Weighed & proceeded

Number on sick list = 0

4caf865ccadfd34197015702: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0182_0.jpg)

27 November 1923

Simonstown to Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

3.04am: Robben Island light abeam, 13 miles

3.40am: Starboard PV broke surface

6.58am: Stopped, hoisted in port PV

9.0am: Dropped both lifebuoys, stopped, lowered both seaboats

9.50am: Anchored

9.0pm: Rounds correct, exercised HA guns & searchlight crews

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd34197015703: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0182_1.jpg)

28 November 1923

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

6.30am: Unmoored ship, anchored

9.0am: Landed RM rifle team

9.25am: Exercised "point ship", laid out bower anchor

12.45pm: Landed seaman rifle team. Seamanship training class & boys to boat sailing

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd34197015704: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0183_0.jpg)

29 November 1923

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

9.15am: Exercised all boats crews at sailing manoeuvres

1.0pm: Midshipman's sailing race

Number on sick list = 4

4caf865ccadfd34197015705: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0183_1.jpg)

30 November 1923

Saldanha Bay

Lat -33.02, Long 17.96

8.0am: Landed rifle team

10.0am: Exercised all boats under sail, officers sailing race

13.10pm: Exercised all boats under sail, coxswain's sailing race

8.40pm: Exercised night action searchlights crews

9.50pm: Exercised night boats crew

Number on sick list = 2

4caf865ccadfd34197015706: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0184_0.jpg)

Blank sheet

4caf865ccadfd34197015707: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0184_1.jpg)

Blank sheet

4caf865dcadfd34197015708: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0185_0.jpg)

Inside of blue cover

4caf865dcadfd34197015709: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0185_1.jpg)

Inside of blue cover

4caf865dcadfd3419701570a: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0186_0.jpg)

Half of outer blue cover

4caf865dcadfd3419701570b: ( 53-76205/ADM 53-76205-0186_1.jpg)

Half of outer blue cover