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Monitor, Erebus-class Ordered 9.15, Pendant No. M.02 (1.18). Launched 19.6.16 Harland & Wolff, Govan. 8000 tons, 405(oa), 380(pp)x88x11ft. TE 6000ihp,12kts. Armament: 2-15in with barbette removed from MARSHALL NEY, 8-4 in. Armour: 6in sides, 5in deck, 13in guns. Crew: 204. Based at Dover 1916-18. Battle Honours (and links to despatches, casualties, awards) Belgian Coast 1916/18, Zeebrugge 23 Apr 1918. Arrived 7.46 Ward, Inverkeithing to BU. (British Warships 1914-1919) Laid 12/10/15, launched 19/6/16, completed 9/16, joined Monitor Squadron at Dover in September 1916. Docked in October 1917 and returned to duty and on the 28th was hit by German distance-controlled explosive boat (DCB) FL.12. Fortunately the 1540lb charge detonated on the bulge, blowing a 50ft hole in it but doing very little damage to the hull. She was back in service by 21 November and remained at Dover until after the Armistice. Tender to Chatham Gunnery School from January 1919 but sent to White Sea in July. While on her way home in October she was diverted to Copenhagen and supported operations in the Gulf of Finland, including the destruction of the German Iron Division at Libau in November 1919. Returned to Chatham on 31 December. Used in firing trials against surrendered German battleship Baden in August 1921 and then paid off into C&M at Chatham. After several years service as drillship refitted in 1939 and saw widespread service in Second World War. Sold in 1946. (Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-21) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes:
Without the Internet this edit would be much the poorer and the following sites have proved invaluable in supplying the hyperlinks used below.
Each day’s entry is a précis of the log page, with routine events usually omitted.
AB: Able Seaman. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) 4f73cc8fa2fc8ea90300129b: ( 4f73cc8fa2fc8ea90300129c: ( Front cover of logbook (copy) for January 1919 4f73cc8fa2fc8ea90300129d: ( Blank. 4f73cc90a2fc8ea90300129e: ( Blank except for signature of Lt/Cdr WSF Macleod, for the Captain [who was at this time Captain JA Moreton]. 4f73cc90a2fc8ea90300129f: ( 2 January 1919 Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 2.00am: Anchor watch [WSW wind, f 6]. 8.45am: Hands employed painting ship. 1.30pm: Discharged one AB to RNB Chatham. 4f73cc90a2fc8ea9030012a0: ( 3 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.00am: HMS Terror proceeded. 1.30pm: Coaling party sent to collier. 2.45pm: Coal alongside in tug Energie*. Coaled ship, 8 tons [this will be culinary coal for the galley stoves]. * Energie, a hired screw tug, 1885, 73 grt. 4f73cc90a2fc8ea9030012a1: ( 4 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 2.00am: Set anchor watch and raised steam [wind SW f 5-6] 1.30pm: Make and mend. 4f73cc91a2fc8ea9030012a2: ( 5 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Sunday routine. 4f73cc91a2fc8ea9030012a3: ( 6 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 11.00am: Discharged one Ship’s Corporal to RNB. 1.00pm: Discharged one AB to Deal Infirmary. 4.00pm: One AB rejoined from hospital. 9.00pm: Raised steam for slow speed [winds SW f 5-6]. 4f73cc91a2fc8ea9030012a4: ( 7 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Hands employed painting. Strong southerly winds all day, f 7 at times. 4f73cc91a2fc8ea9030012a5: ( 8 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 8.30am: RFA Silverol alongside to deliver 475 tons of FFO*. 11.30am: Silverol cast off. 12.30pm: Landed working party. 1.00pm: Discharged one AB to RNB Chatham. 3.30pm: WP returned. *Furnace fuel oil, bringing Erebus up to 758 tons in her bunkers. 4f73cc92a2fc8ea9030012a6: ( 9 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cc92a2fc8ea9030012a7: ( 10 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 Painting etc. 4f73cc92a2fc8ea9030012a8: ( 11 January 1919 Dover Lat 51.12, Long 1.33 11.00am: Tug Energie alongside with 3.5 tons of coal*. 1.00pm: Liberty men returned from leave. *Erebus burns about 0.4 tons (8cwt) a day in the galley stoves. 4f73cc92a2fc8ea9030012a9: ( 12 January 1919 Dover to Sheerness Lat 51.5, Long 1.37 [approx] 9.15am: Slipped and proceeded via Eastern entrance, course 060º. 10.32am: Gull LV abeam. 11.51am: Tongue LV abeam to starboard, 3 cables*. 12.05pm: E Shingles buoy abeam, course as requisite through S Edinburgh channel and Black Deep to Sheerness. 2.20pm: Passed through Sheerness boom. 2.30pm: Secured to No 4 buoy. 3.00pm: Discharged one Ldg Sn to shore. * A cable as a unit of measurement is 200 yards. 4f73cc93a2fc8ea9030012aa: ( 13 January 1919 Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.00am: Fog closed down [remaining thick until lifting at 8.45pm]. 1.30pm: One Private RMLI discharged to barracks. 4f73cc93a2fc8ea9030012ab: ( 14 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Cleaning and painting. 4f73cc93a2fc8ea9030012ac: ( 15 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands preparing to disembark ammunition. 4.35pm: Three ammunition lighters alongside. 4f73cc93a2fc8ea9030012ad: ( 16 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands getting up and disembarking 15” shells and all small gun ammunition. 4.40pm: Finished with ammunition. 4f73cc93a2fc8ea9030012ae: ( 17 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: Hands disembarking 15” cordite and cleaning out magazines etc. 11.30am: Finished with cordite. 4.30pm: Ammunition lighters left. 4f73cc94a2fc8ea9030012af: ( 18 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Discharged 29 ratings, demobilised. In pm: Make and mend. 4f73cc94a2fc8ea9030012b0: ( 19 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73cc94a2fc8ea9030012b1: ( 20 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Discharged 17 ratings, demobilised. 1.00pm: Discharged one CPO to hospital. 3.30pm: Discharged eight ratings, demobilised. 4f73cc94a2fc8ea9030012b2: ( 21 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: Discharged one L/Cpl RMLI to depôt. Two Privates RMLI joined ship. 3.00pm: Discharged one Ord Sn to detention quarters and three ratings to shore, demobilised. 4f73cc95a2fc8ea9030012b3: ( 22 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: Discharged one AB and one Ord Sn, demobilised. 1.30pm: Discharged one Stoker to hospital and one Ldg Sn to shore, demobilised. 4.00pm: Discharged five ratings, demobilised. 4f73cc95a2fc8ea9030012b4: ( 23 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands variously employed. 1.30pm: Demobilised one AB, one Stoker and two Ord Sn. 4f73cc95a2fc8ea9030012b5: ( 24 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: One Ord Sn demobilised. 2.00pm: One AB demobilised. 4f73cc95a2fc8ea9030012b6: ( 25 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Two ABs and one Boy Servant demobilised. 4f73cc96a2fc8ea9030012b7: ( 26 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73cc96a2fc8ea9030012b8: ( 27 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: One PO, three ABs and two Ord Sn demobilised. 10.00am: One Private RMLI discharged to depôt. 4f73cc96a2fc8ea9030012b9: ( 28 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HM Ships Inflexible, Indomitable and Bellerophon entered harbour. 10.00am: Discharged two Privates RMLI to depôt. 1.30pm: One Stoker demobilised. One ERA discharged to barracks. 4f73cc96a2fc8ea9030012ba: ( 29 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 4.30pm: HMS Yarmouth entered harbour. 4f73cc97a2fc8ea9030012bb: ( 30 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: Rigged port derricks and took in 7 tons of coal from lighters. 4f73cc97a2fc8ea9030012bc: ( 31 January 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.30am: HMS Chatham entered harbour and secured to No 3 buoy, 4f73cc97a2fc8ea9030012bd: ( 4f73cc97a2fc8ea9030012be: ( 4f73cc97a2fc8ea9030012bf: ( 4f73cc98a2fc8ea9030012c0: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1919 [Sheerness] 4f73cc98a2fc8ea9030012c1: ( 4f73cc98a2fc8ea9030012c2: ( Front cover of logbook copy for February 1919, signed by Lt/Cdr WSF Macleod. 4f73cc99a2fc8ea9030012c3: ( 4f73cc99a2fc8ea9030012c4: ( Above two pages blank. 4f73cc99a2fc8ea9030012c5: ( Instrument page. Mercurial barometer No 690, 4 ft asl. Air thermometers, mounted on the standard compass platform aft, screened. Dry N & Z [Negretti and Zambra] No 10354 and Wet by Hicks No 1716. Sea thermometer by Hicks No 1713. 4f73cc99a2fc8ea9030012c6: ( 1 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 7.30am: One Ldg Sn demobilised. 9.10am: Coal lighter alongside with two tons of household coal. In pm: Make and mend. 2.00pm: Two Ord Sn demobilised. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Sick list: 0. Weather: Winds N or NE up to f 4 with snow, temperatures 31º to 35º F. 4f73cc99a2fc8ea9030012c7: ( 2 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. Although securely moored in harbour, Erebus burns 5 tons of oil every day, for auxiliary power, to distil water for the boilers and to keep the ship warm; temperatures are in the low 30ºs F. 4f73cc9aa2fc8ea9030012c8: ( 3 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. Demobilised one PO and one Private RMLI discharged to depôt. 4f73cc9aa2fc8ea9030012c9: ( 4 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Provisioned ship from lighter. 4f73cc9aa2fc8ea9030012ca: ( 5 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Embarked clothing stores. 4f73cc9aa2fc8ea9030012cb: ( 6 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. One ERA demobilised. 4f73cc9ba2fc8ea9030012cc: ( 7 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cc9ba2fc8ea9030012cd: ( 8 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Week-end leave. 4f73cc9ba2fc8ea9030012ce: ( 9 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.00am: HMS Juno entered harbour. 11.30am: Discharged Lt/Cdr WL Jackson DSO, RN, to RNH. 4f73cc9ba2fc8ea9030012cf: ( 10 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands mustered at sick bay for inspection. 4f73cc9ca2fc8ea9030012d0: ( 11 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.00am: Mr [Blank], Art Eng joined ship. 1.00pm: Discharged one Ord Sn (demobilised) and one Private, butcher. 4f73cc9ca2fc8ea9030012d1: ( 12 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cc9ca2fc8ea9030012d2: ( 13 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands refitting boats’ falls. Received 6 tons of coal from lighter. 4f73cc9ca2fc8ea9030012d3: ( 14 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.30pm: Discharged Surgeon Lt JC Hendrie to HMS Calypso. 4f73cc9da2fc8ea9030012d4: ( 15 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Noon: Weekend leave to watch. 2.00pm: One Ord Sn joined ship. 4f73cc9da2fc8ea9030012d5: ( 16 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73cc9da2fc8ea9030012d6: ( 17 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cc9da2fc8ea9030012d7: ( 18 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.00pm: Eng Lt Taylor left ship. 4f73cc9ea2fc8ea9030012d8: ( 19 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Leave to watch until 8.00pm March 19th. 4f73cc9ea2fc8ea9030012d9: ( 20 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.00pm: Discharged one Private RMLI and one Stoker to depôt. 4f73cc9ea2fc8ea9030012da: ( 21 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: Discharged one SBA and one Armourer’s Crew to depôt. No logs for 22–23 February, 1919 4f73cc9ea2fc8ea9030012db: ( 24 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: Discharged one SSA* to depôt. *Perhaps SBA is intended. 4f73cc9ea2fc8ea9030012dc: ( 25 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.00pm: Demobilised one Officer’s Steward 1C. 4f73cc9fa2fc8ea9030012dd: ( 26 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: Demobilised one Officer’s Steward 2C. 11.00am: Mustered hands at Sick Bay. 1.30pm: Read warrant No 45. 2.00pm: One Painter 1C, three ABs, and one Ord Sn joined ship. 4f73cc9fa2fc8ea9030012de: ( 27 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: Read warrant No 46. Discharged one Private RMLI to detention quarters. 9.15am: One Ord Sn joined ship. 10.00am: Coaled from lighter, 4 tons. 2.00pm: One Chief Shipwright, one Joiner and one AB joined ship. 5.30pm: Paymr Lt/Cdr Campbell RNR joined ship. 4f73cc9fa2fc8ea9030012df: ( 28 February 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 One AB and one Ldg Sn joined ship. Discharged Lt WENH Westall RN to RNH Chatham. 4f73cc9fa2fc8ea9030012e0: ( 4f73cca0a2fc8ea9030012e1: ( 4f73cca0a2fc8ea9030012e2: ( 4f73cca0a2fc8ea9030012e3: ( 4f73cca0a2fc8ea9030012e4: ( Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1919 [Sheerness] 4f73cca1a2fc8ea9030012e5: ( 4f73cca1a2fc8ea9030012e6: ( Front cover of copy logbook for March 1919, signed by Lt/Cdr Macleod. 4f73cca1a2fc8ea9030012e7: ( 4f73cca1a2fc8ea9030012e8: ( Blank, but signed by Lt/Cdr JB Hughes pp the Captain, April 3rd 1919. 4f73cca2a2fc8ea9030012e9: ( Mercurial barometer No 690, 4 ft asl. Air thermometers, mounted on the standard compass platform aft, screened. Dry N & Z [Negretti and Zambra] No 10354 and Wet by Hicks No 1716. Sea thermometer by Hicks No 1713. 4f73cca2a2fc8ea9030012ea: ( 1 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: Demobilised one Chief Stoker. One Ldg Signalman joined ship. Noon: Weekend leave to watch. 4f73cca2a2fc8ea9030012eb: ( 2 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. Lt/Cdr JB Hughes rejoined ship. 4f73cca2a2fc8ea9030012ec: ( 3 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Discharged one Stoker 1C to detention quarters, Chatham. One Private RMLI joined ship. Discharged one Painter 1C to RNH. 4f73cca3a2fc8ea9030012ed: ( 4 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Discharged one Private RMLI to depôt. 4f73cca3a2fc8ea9030012ee: ( 5 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.00am: Acting Surgeon JD Sturdee embarked. 4f73cca3a2fc8ea9030012ef: ( 6 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cca3a2fc8ea9030012f0: ( 7 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: Rigged diving boat for divers to clean main inlets. 10.30am: One Private RMLI joined ship. 1.30pm: Discharged one MAA (demobilised) and discharged one Private RMLI to depôt. 4f73cca4a2fc8ea9030012f1: ( 8 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Noon: Weekend leave to watch. 2.00pm: Discharged Paymr Lt/Cdr ET Chamberlain RNR to hospital. 4f73cca4a2fc8ea9030012f2: ( 9 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73cca4a2fc8ea9030012f3: ( 10 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: Four Acting Gunners and 11 POs joined from gunnery school* for instruction. *The gunnery school, apparently without a trace of irony, was called HMS Wildfire. 4f73cca4a2fc8ea9030012f4: ( 11 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: One CPO demobilised. 10.00am: Class of Seaman Gunners joined for instruction. 2.00pm: One AB joined ship. 4f73cca4a2fc8ea9030012f5: ( 12 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Training classes at drill. 5.00pm: HMS Blanche arrived. 4f73cca5a2fc8ea9030012f6: ( 13 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Training classes at instruction and drill. 4f73cca5a2fc8ea9030012f7: ( 14 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Gunnery classes at drill and then under instruction. 2.30pm: Mr Phillips, Gunner, joined ship. 4f73cca5a2fc8ea9030012f8: ( 15 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Coaled ship, 5 tons. Noon: Week-end leave to watch. 4f73cca5a2fc8ea9030012f9: ( 16 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: Divisions, prayers. 1.30pm: HMS Endymion arrived. 4f73cca6a2fc8ea9030012fa: ( 17 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 1.30am: Four POs joined from gunnery school for instruction. 6.00pm: One CPO, four POs and six ABs joined from gunnery school for instruction. 4f73cca6a2fc8ea9030012fb: ( 18 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Gunnery classes at drill. 4f73cca6a2fc8ea9030012fc: ( 19 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Gunnery classes at drill. 4.30pm: Mr S Baines, Gunner, left ship. 8.00pm: Port watch returned from leave. 4f73cca6a2fc8ea9030012fd: ( 20 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: Discharged one Private RMLI to depôt. 12.30pm: Demobilised two Ldg Sn, two ABs and two Ord Sn. Discharged one Corporal RMLI to depôt. 4f73cca7a2fc8ea9030012fe: ( 21 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 In am: Gunnery classes at drill. 12.30pm: Lts WENH Westall and PJ Connolly left ship. In pm: Gunnery classes at exam. 2.30pm: Discharged one AB and one Ord Sn to RNB Portsmouth. 4f73cca7a2fc8ea9030012ff: ( 22 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Noon: Weekend leave to watch. 4f73cca7a2fc8ea903001300: ( 23 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73cca7a2fc8ea903001301: ( 24 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.00am: Training class (18) arrived from gunnery school. 3.30pm: One Plumber joined ship. 4f73cca8a2fc8ea903001302: ( 25 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Discharged four ratings to RNB Portsmouth and two to RNB Devonport. 9.00am: Training classes at drill. 5.00pm: Discharged one PO, one Ldg Tel, 10 ABs, five Ord Sn, four Boys, one Tel and one Ord Tel to RNB Chatham. 4f73cca8a2fc8ea903001303: ( 26 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: HMS Champion sailed. 9.00am: Training classes at drill. 4.15pm: Read warrant No 47. 4f73cca8a2fc8ea903001304: ( 27 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73cca8a2fc8ea903001305: ( 28 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Store and coal lighters alongside. Embarked stores and coal (6 tons). 10.00am: Two Privates RMLI joined ship. 1.30pm: Marines mustered for medical inspection. 2.30pm: Discharged one Private RMLI to RNH. 6.30pm: Gunnery class discharged to RNB. 4f73cca9a2fc8ea903001306: ( 29 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: One Private RMLI discharged to depôt. Noon: Weekend leave to watch. 4f73cca9a2fc8ea903001307: ( 30 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73cca9a2fc8ea903001308: ( 31 March 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Curlew sailed. 10.30am: Gunnery training class joined from gunnery school. 4f73cca9a2fc8ea903001309: ( 4f73cca9a2fc8ea90300130a: ( 4f73ccaaa2fc8ea90300130b: ( 4f73ccaaa2fc8ea90300130c: ( Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR APRIL 1919 [Sheerness] 4f73ccaaa2fc8ea90300130d: ( 4f73ccaaa2fc8ea90300130e: ( Front cover of logbook copy for April 1919, signed by Lt/Cdr Macleod (NO). 4f73ccaba2fc8ea90300130f: ( Blank. 4f73ccaba2fc8ea903001310: ( Blank; signature of Lt/Cdr Macleod dated May 5th 1919. 4f73ccaba2fc8ea903001311: ( Mercurial barometer No 690, 4 ft asl. Air thermometers, mounted on the standard compass platform aft, screened. Dry N & Z No 10354 and Wet by Hicks No 1716. Sea thermometer by Hicks No 1713. 4f73ccaba2fc8ea903001312: ( 1 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 9.00am: Divisions, prayers. 9.30am: Hands attending Health Lecture on mess deck. 10.00am: Hands employed as requisite. 10.30am: Embarked six 15” practice shell from lighter. 1.30pm: Paid quarterly settlement. 1.45pm: Hands employed painting and as requisite. 4.00pm: Evening quarters. Sick list: 2. Weather: Light airs, mist in the forenoon, temperatures 34º to 42º F. 4f73ccaca2fc8ea903001313: ( 2 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73ccaca2fc8ea903001314: ( 3 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73ccaca2fc8ea903001315: ( 4 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed painting etc. 6.00pm: Lieutenant Woodward joined ship. 7.00pm: Gunnery classes discharged to gunnery school. 4f73ccaca2fc8ea903001316: ( 5 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 In am: Embarked 15” cordite cases. Noon: Weekend leave to watch. 3.00pm: One AB joined ship. 5.00pm: HMS Euryalus arrived. 4f73ccada2fc8ea903001317: ( 6 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.30pm: HMS Phaeton arrived. 5.00pm: HMS Stalwart arrived. 4f73ccada2fc8ea903001318: ( 7 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands variously employed. 11.00am: One Gunner's Mate (staff) left ship. In pm: Discharged one Ord Sn to RNB and one joined ship. One Shipwright joined ship. 4f73ccada2fc8ea903001319: ( 8 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed sponging out 15” and turret guns etc. 11.00am: One Ord Sn left ship. 1.00pm: HMS Lord Clive sailed. 2.00pm: Lt/Cdr Hughes left ship. 4f73ccada2fc8ea90300131a: ( 9 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands painting main magazine. 11.00am: HMS Sikh arrived. 4f73ccaea2fc8ea90300131b: ( 10 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Lighter X-177 alongside, received 7 tons of culinary coal. 8.30am: One RMLI rating joined ship. 9.00am: HM Ships Starfish and Nereus left. 10.00am: HMS Osiris left. 10.30am: HM Ships Oriole* and Norseman arrived. 1.55pm: Starfish returned. 5.00pm: HMS Humber arrived. * Until August, entered in the log as Oriel, but there has never been an RN ship of that name and Oriole is clearly intended [see later logs], so that is the spelling that I have used throughout. 4f73ccaea2fc8ea90300131c: ( 11 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.30am: One Private RMLI left ship. 1.30pm: One Chief Gunner’s Mate joined ship (staff). 6.30pm: Two Ord Sn joined ship. 4f73ccaea2fc8ea90300131d: ( 12 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: One Canteen Asst left ship. 8.30am: HMS General Wolfe left. 9.30am: One Ord Sn left ship. 10.00am: HM Ships Pigeon and Nizam left. 10.30am: HMS Osiris arrived. 11.30am: HMS Tilbury arrived. 4f73ccaea2fc8ea90300131e: ( 13 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73ccafa2fc8ea90300131f: ( 14 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: HM Ships Nizam and Onslow left. 10.00am: HM Ships Pigeon and Nizam came in. 2.30pm: Two POs joined ship (staff). 4f73ccafa2fc8ea903001320: ( 15 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: Two POs (staff) left ship. 10.00am: HM Ships Norseman and TB 31 came in. 11.00am: HMS Queen arrived. 4f73ccafa2fc8ea903001321: ( 16 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: Waterboat Clinker* came alongside, received 53 tons. 1.30pm: One AB left ship for hospital. 2.00pm: HMS Superb arrived. 2.30pm: HMS Nereus left. 3.00pm: Paymaster Lt/Cdr AB Campbell left ship and Paymaster Lt/Cdr Fothergill joined. * A Minx class water tanker, 1901, 390 grt. 4f73ccafa2fc8ea903001322: ( 17 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.00pm: One Ldg Stoker joined from RNB. 4f73ccafa2fc8ea903001323: ( 18 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.00pm: HMS Venus arrived. 4f73ccb0a2fc8ea903001324: ( 19 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Clean ship. Make and mend in the pm. 4f73ccb0a2fc8ea903001325: ( 20 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Sentinel entered harbour. 4f73ccb0a2fc8ea903001326: ( 21 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.00am: Four POs and 18 ABs joined ship for turret training. 5.30pm: Three Sigs and one Ord Sn joined ship for training. 4f73ccb0a2fc8ea903001327: ( 22 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: HMS Onslow left. 9.00am: Lighter X151 came alongside with stores. 10.30am: One Stoker from HMS Bellerophon came for medical attendance. 4.00pm: HMS P49 entered. 4f73ccb1a2fc8ea903001328: ( 23 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: HM Ships Starfish and Oriole left. 9.00am: Six Seamen, one Sig and one Ldg Stoker left for RNB Chatham. 9.30am: HMS Fox arrived. 10.00am: HMS P49 left. 2.00pm: HM Destroyers Retriever and Starfish arrived. 2.30pm: HMS Oriole arrived. 4.30pm: HMS M27 left. 4f73ccb1a2fc8ea903001329: ( 24 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.00pm: One man from HMS Shannon arrived for medical treatment. 3.00pm: Discharged rating from Shannon to RNB Chatham. 4f73ccb1a2fc8ea90300132a: ( 25 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: HM Ships Retriever and Onslow arrived. 8.00am: Water tank Winkle came alongside, received 46 tons. 9.30am: One PO discharged to Barracks. 10.30am: Lighter X76 came alongside with Paymaster’s Stores. 1.30pm: HMS P49 arrived. 2.00pm: HMS Lydiard left. 4f73ccb1a2fc8ea90300132b: ( 26 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: HMS Nereus sailed. 9.00am: One rating from HMS Shannon onboard for medical treatment. 11.00am: HM Ships P49 and Oriole arrived. 4f73ccb2a2fc8ea90300132c: ( 27 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4.30pm: HMS Fox sailed. 4f73ccb2a2fc8ea90300132d: ( 28 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 2.00am: Set anchor watch [NW gale f 8] 2.00pm: HMS Pegasus arrived. 4f73ccb2a2fc8ea90300132e: ( 29 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73ccb2a2fc8ea90300132f: ( 30 April 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.30am: Lighter alongside with stores. Cleared lighter and stowed stores. 6.00pm: One AB joined from RNB. 4f73ccb3a2fc8ea903001330: ( 4f73ccb3a2fc8ea903001331: ( 4f73ccb3a2fc8ea903001332: ( 4f73ccb3a2fc8ea903001333: ( Above four pages struck through and marked ‘see next book’. 4f73ccb3a2fc8ea903001334: ( 4f73ccb4a2fc8ea903001335: ( 4f73ccb4a2fc8ea903001336: ( Above three pages blank. LOGS FOR MAY 1919 [Sheerness] 4f73ccb4a2fc8ea903001337: ( 4f73ccb5a2fc8ea903001338: ( Cover of Logbook copy for May 1919, signed by Lt/Cdr Macleod. 4f73ccb5a2fc8ea903001339: ( 4f73ccb5a2fc8ea90300133a: ( Blank, except for signature of Lt/Cdr Macleod, dated June 4th 1919. 4f73ccb5a2fc8ea90300133b: ( Instrument page; no changes from April. 4f73ccb5a2fc8ea90300133c: ( 1 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 9.15am: Divisions. Prayers. Hands employed as requisite. 9.30am: Classes aboard from gunnery school. 10.00am: Lighter alongside with 15 practice shells. 4.15pm: Evening quarters. Weather: Westerly winds f 1-3, overcast with some drizzle, temperatures in the mid 50ºs F. 4f73ccb6a2fc8ea90300133d: ( 2 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Oil lighter U119 alongside with oil fuel, received 229 tons. 1.30pm: Tug Glory* alongside with 12 cases of 6 pdr SC. 3.30pm: Coal lighter X177 alongside, received 8 tons. * A hired screw tug, 1903, 50 tons grt. 4f73ccb6a2fc8ea90300133e: ( 3 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Water tank alongside with 45 tons. 10.30am: HMS Nereus arrived. In pm: Make and mend. 4f73ccb6a2fc8ea90300133f: ( 4 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.30am: HMS Osiris arrived. 4.50pm: Both watches employed securing boats for sea. 4f73ccb6a2fc8ea903001340: ( 5 May 1919 Sheerness, at sea for gunnery practice and return. Lat 51.5, Long 0.9 [approx] 9.00am: HMS P49 left. 9.30am: HMS Pigeon [Pidgeon in log] left. 10.20am: Gunnery classes aboard. 10.25am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. 12.03pm: Anchored. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for firing. 1.15pm: Anchored. 1.45pm: Weighed and proceeded for firing. 4.20pm: Firing complete. Returned to harbour and secured to buoy. 6.35pm: HMS Botha arrived. 4f73ccb7a2fc8ea903001341: ( 6 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HMS Skilful left. 10.00am: HMS Pigeon arrived. 10.30am: One Ord Sn left ship. 2.00pm: HMS Skilful returned. 4f73ccb7a2fc8ea903001342: ( 7 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 5.30am: HMS Sir Thomas Picton arrived. 8.00am: HMS Onslow left. 9.30am: HM Ships Stork, Skilful and P49 left. 10.30am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 1.30pm: HMS Skilful returned. 2.30pm: Disembarked 12 cases 6 pdr to tug St Kathleen, empties. 4.25pm: HMS Pegasus arrived. 4f73ccb7a2fc8ea903001343: ( 8 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: HMS Oriole left. 8.30am: Cleared lower deck. Exercised fire, collision and abandon ship stations. 10.00am: Hands employed painting cabins and the ERAs’ mess. 11.00am: HMS Onslow arrived. 5.30pm: One ERA (C) joined ship. 4f73ccb7a2fc8ea903001344: ( 9 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: One Stoker 1C left for Devonport. 8.00am: HMS Nereus (Nureus in log] left. 10.00am: HMS Oriole arrived 1.30pm: One Ord Sn left (Chatham). 4f73ccb8a2fc8ea903001345: ( 10 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.30am: HMS Lark sailed. 1.30pm: HMS P49 arrived. 2.00pm: HMS Phaeton left. 4f73ccb8a2fc8ea903001346: ( 11 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: HMS Nizam left. 11.00am: HMS Lord Nelson arrived. 5.00pm: HM Ships M.31 and M.33 arrived. 4f73ccb8a2fc8ea903001347: ( 12 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Water tank Winkle alongside, received 45 tons. 9.00am: HMS Pigeon arrived. 10.00am: Seaplane carrier Nairana [Nairama in log] arrived. 10.15am: Hands employed ranging* port cable for survey and as requisite. 11.30am: HMS Nizam arrived. 1.30pm: HM Ships M.31 and M.33 left. * ie, laying the anchor chains out on deck; very heavy work. 4f73ccb8a2fc8ea903001348: ( 13 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: One blacksmith from dockyard onboard to survey cable. 1.00pm: HMS Osiris left. 3.00pm: HMS P49 arrived. 4f73ccb8a2fc8ea903001349: ( 14 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.00am: Hands employed getting down port stump and derrick. 7.00am: One blacksmith from dockyard onboard to survey cable. 9.30am: HM Ships Starfish and P49 left. 12.30pm: HMS Radiant arrived. 1.00pm: Ammunition lighter alongside. Hands employed embarking and stowing ammunition. 3.00pm: Hands employed stowing port cable and securing boats for sea. 3.30pm: One AB joined ship. 5.30pm: HM Monitor Earl of Peterborough arrived. 4f73ccb9a2fc8ea90300134a: ( 15 May 1919 Sheerness, at sea for firing exercise and return Lat 51.5, Long 0.95 [approx] 7.00am: HMS Diamond arrived. 9.35am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. 10.20am: Commenced firing. Noon: Anchored. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded for further firing. 2.40pm: Ceased fire. 4.10pm: Secured to buoy, Sheerness. 5.00pm: HMS P49 arrived. 4f73ccb9a2fc8ea90300134b: ( 16 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: One AB left for Devonport. 8.35am: Italian cruiser Libia arrived. 9.00am: Libia fired 21 gun salute. 9.30am: Tug Glory alongside, discharged 6 pdr sub-calibre empties. Noon: Asst Paymaster Mr Burnett joined ship. 2.30pm: Two dockyard workmen examined motor boat slings. 4.00pm: Libia sailed. 4f73ccb9a2fc8ea90300134c: ( 17 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: HMS Ruby arrived. 11.00am: HMS Picton [presumably Sir Thomas Picton] left. 4f73ccb9a2fc8ea90300134d: ( 18 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: HM Ships M.24 and M26 arrived. 10.30am: HMS Nizam arrived. 4f73ccbaa2fc8ea90300134e: ( 19 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Blacksmith to survey cable. 10.00am: SG2 Class for instruction. 3.00pm: Rifle team landed. 4f73ccbaa2fc8ea90300134f: ( 20 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 3.00pm: Dockyard party (one Ldg Sn and three ABs) landed mooring swivel. 8.00pm: HMS Osiris left. 4f73ccbaa2fc8ea903001350: ( 21 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 12.30pm: HM Ships Onslow and Osiris in. 2.00pm: Osiris sailed. 3.00pm: HMS Lobelia (minesweeper) arrived. 3.30pm: HMS Tara arrived. 4.30pm: HMS P49 arrived. 4f73ccbaa2fc8ea903001351: ( 22 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.00am: HMS Earl of Peterborough left. 8.00am: HMS Nereus [Neureus in log] left. 8.30am: HMS Lobelia left. 9.30am: HMS Nairana [Nirana in log] left. 10.00am: HMS Oriole arrived. 11.00am: HMS Sterling [Stirling in log]. In pm: Hands employed cleaning and painting starboard blister*. Carley floats tested, found correct. 2.00pm: One AB joined. * The blister is a large bulge added to the hull on the beam. It provides extra buoyancy to enable the ship to work close inshore, provides added stability when firing her main armament and also functions as an anti-torpedo measure. In 1917, Erebus was hit by a remote-controlled explosive motor boat, but survived with only damage to the blister. 4f73ccbba2fc8ea903001352: ( 23 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: Flooded starboard bilge 2º. 8.00am: HMS Pigeon left. 9.30am: Hands employed cleaning and painting port blister. as requisite 10.00am: Received 8 tons of coal from lighter. Noon: HMS Orpheus arrived. 8.00pm: Paymr S/Lt Duxford left ship, demobilised. 4f73ccbba2fc8ea903001353: ( 24 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: HMS Pigeon arrived. 4f73ccbba2fc8ea903001354: ( 25 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Oriole left. 9.30am: HMS Norseman arrived. 4f73ccbba2fc8ea903001355: ( 26 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HMS Nizam arrived. 4f73ccbca2fc8ea903001356: ( 27 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: Landed dockyard party, Chief Shipwright and two ABs. 10.30am: S2 and P2 gun crews at drill. 3.00pm: HMS Mantis (river gunboat) arrived. 4f73ccbca2fc8ea903001357: ( 28 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Lobelia left. 9.30am: HMS Skilful left. 10.00am: HMS Onslow arrived. 10.30am: P3 and S3 gun crews to drill. 4f73ccbca2fc8ea903001358: ( 29 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands employed as requisite. 12.30pm: Cricket team landed. 6.00pm: HMS Stork arrived. 4f73ccbca2fc8ea903001359: ( 30 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Pigeon left. 10.00am: HMS Tilbury sailed. 12.30pm: Tilbury returned. 1.30pm: Landed tug-of-war and shooting teams. Note: Admonished Captain Mark C Adamson RMLI for remaining ashore for the night without the permission of the Commanding Officer. 4f73ccbda2fc8ea90300135a: ( 31 May 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: HM Ships Shark, Tilbury and Norseman arrived. 8.00am: Received 27 tons of fresh water. 12.30pm: Tug of war team landed. 2.30pm: HMS Titania arrived. 4.30pm: Shark, Tilbury and Norseman left. 5.00pm: HMS Pigeon arrived. 8.00pm: HMS Nizam sailed. 4f73ccbda2fc8ea90300135b: ( 4f73ccbda2fc8ea90300135c: ( Above two pages blank. LOGS FOR JUNE 1919 [Sheerness] 4f73ccbda2fc8ea90300135d: ( 4f73ccbea2fc8ea90300135e: ( Front cover of logbook copy for June 1919, signed by Lt/Cdr Macleod. 4f73ccbea2fc8ea90300135f: ( Blank. 4f73ccbea2fc8ea903001360: ( Signed by Lt/Cdr Macleod, July 4th. 4f73ccbea2fc8ea903001361: ( Mercurial barometer No 690, 4 ft asl. Air thermometers, mounted on the standard compass platform aft, screened. Dry N & Z No 10354 and Wet by Hicks No 1716. Sea thermometer by Hicks No 1713. 4f73ccbea2fc8ea903001362: ( 1 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.00am: Hands cleaning ship. 9.15am: Divisions. Read prayers. 4.15pm: Evening quarters. Weather: Calm or light Easterly breezes, clear skies, high temperature 64º F at 4.00pm. 4f73ccbfa2fc8ea903001363: ( 2 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: Tug-of-war team proceeded to Chatham. 9.30am: One Ldg Sn and 11 ABs, gunnery class, joined ship. 10.30am: HMS Nizam arrived. 11.00am: Surgeon Lt/Cdr Symons joined ship. 1.00pm: One Stoker joined. 1.30pm: Surgeon Lt/Cdr Grimwade left ship. 3.30pm: HMS P49 arrived. 4f73ccbfa2fc8ea903001364: ( 3 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 4.00am: Two ABs proceeded to Chatham. 6.15am: One candidate for educational exam. 6.30am: HMS Onslow left. 10.00am: HMS P49 left. 10.30am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 2.00pm: One Signalman joined ship, one Stoker left. 4f73ccbfa2fc8ea903001365: ( 4 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: One CPO joined ship for turret instruction. One Signalman left. 10.30am: S3 and P3 4” guns’ crews to drill. In pm: Gunnery class to instruction. Tug-of-war and Shooting teams landed. 6.00pm: Seven Stokers joined ship. 6.30pm: HMS P49 arrived. 4f73ccbfa2fc8ea903001366: ( 5 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Water tanker (Winkle) and oil lighter (C119) alongside. 10.00am: HMS Pigeon arrived. 10.30am: HMS Oriole arrived. 2.00pm: HMS Skilful arrived. 2.30pm: One AB discharged to hospital (Wadman). 9.00pm: One Stoker demobilised. 4f73ccc0a2fc8ea903001367: ( 6 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Norseman left. 11.00am: HMS Nereus in. 11.30am: HMS Stork out. 3.00pm: Rifle and running teams landed. 4f73ccc0a2fc8ea903001368: ( 7 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: Tug Glory alongside for 6 pdr sub calibre empties. 10.00am: Turret classes left (one Ldg Sn and 11 ABs). 10.30am: HMS Norseman arrived. 11.30am: HMS P49 arrived. 1.00pm: Mine sweeping flotilla arrived. 4f73ccc0a2fc8ea903001369: ( 8 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Obdurate left. 10.00am: HMS Nizam arrived. 1.00pm: HMS Lancaster arrived. 12.45pm: HMS Bellerophon fired Admiral’s salute (27 guns)*. * Lancaster [vide her log] is flying a Rear Admiral’s flag, so he is entitled to 13 guns. Lancaster also saluted the C-in-C on her arrival, but the total of 27 remains a mystery. 4f73ccc0a2fc8ea90300136a: ( 9 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Onslow left. 9.00am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 9.30am: HMS P49 left. 10.00am: Tug of War and shooting teams landed. 3.00pm: HMS P49 returned. 4f73ccc1a2fc8ea90300136b: ( 10 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Oriole left. 10.30am: Gunnery class (warrant officers and POs) arrived. 9.30am: HMS P49 left. 11.00am: HMS Onslow arrived 3.00pm: One motor boat arrived from dockyard. 4f73ccc1a2fc8ea90300136c: ( 11 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: Water tank Urgent* alongside, received 43 tons. 7.30am: HMS Nereus left. 10.00am: HMS P49 out. 10.30am: HMS Oriole arrived. 2.00pm: Ten Stokers 2C joined ship. 3.30pm: P49 returned. * A Despatch class water tanker, 1910, 425 grt. 4f73ccc1a2fc8ea90300136d: ( 12 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Nereus arrived. 8.30am: One Drummer joined ship from RMB Chatham. 8.45am: HMS Oriole arrived. 9.00am: HMS Norseman left. 1.00pm: Tug of War team landed. 2.30pm: One Marine Bugler (Chawner) discharged. 9.00pm: Set anchor watch, cleared away starboard anchor and raised steam in second boiler. Motor boat laying in camber owing to stress of weather [winds SW f 4]. 4f73ccc1a2fc8ea90300136e: ( 13 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Rifle team landed. 1.00pm: Tug-of-war team landed. 2.30pm: One Ldg Seaman joined ship. 3.30pm: Resumed normal conditions in engine room. 6.00pm: One Stoker PO joined ship. 8.00pm: Tug-of-war and rifle teams returned. 4f73ccc2a2fc8ea90300136f: ( 14 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: HMS P49 left. 9.30am: Seven WOs, one CPO, three POs and one Ldg Sn (gunnery class) left for RN barracks. 3.00pm: P49 returned. 9.00pm: One AB joined from HMS Pontefract [Pontefrat in log] for hospital. 4f73ccc2a2fc8ea903001370: ( 15 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HMS Onslow left. 10.30am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 4f73ccc2a2fc8ea903001371: ( 16 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HMS P49 left. 10.30am: HMS Oriole arrived. 7.00pm: P49 returned. 7.30pm: HMS Hecla arrived. 4f73ccc2a2fc8ea903001372: ( 17 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: HMS Nereus left. 10.00am: HMS P49 left. 11.00am: HMS Oriole arrived. 11.30am: HMS Astraea [Astrea in log] arrived. 1.00pm: Discharged one AB from sick bay to HMS Gatwick. 8.00pm: HMS Princess Margaret arrived. 4f73ccc3a2fc8ea903001373: ( 18 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Divers (one Chief Carpenter’s Mate and one Ldg Sn) to Sub depôt for monthly dip. 8.15am: HMS Skilful left. 8.30am: Landed dockyard party (Gunner’s Yeoman and two hands). Two dockyard men aboard for turret work. 9.30am: P3 and S3 guns’ crews to drill. 10.00am: Coal lighter (OC114) alongside. 11.30am: Diving and dockyard parties returned. 11.45am: Skilful returned. 2.30pm: Discharged one PO to RNB Chatham. 9.00pm: HMS Princess Margaret sailed. 4f73ccc3a2fc8ea903001374: ( 19 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Water tanker Urgent alongside, received 45 tons. 10.00am: HM Ships P49 and Nizam left. 10.15am: S1 and P1 4” guns’ crews to drill. 10.25am: Engineer Rear Admiral aboard for quarterly inspection of machinery, left at 10.50am. 10.40am: HMS Norseman in. 1.00pm: Landed tug-of-war and cricket teams. 6.00pm: HMS Stork and P49 in. 4f73ccc3a2fc8ea903001375: ( 20 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: Turret, magazine and shell room crews to drill. 9.30am: HMS Lancaster secured alongside HMS Shannon. 10.30am: HMS Nizam came in. 3.00pm: HMS P49 out. 4f73ccc3a2fc8ea903001376: ( 21 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: One Private RMLI joined ship. 10.00am: HMS Onslow left. 11.00am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 4f73ccc4a2fc8ea903001377: ( 22 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: HMS Oriole left. 12.30pm: HMS Onslow arrived. 4f73ccc4a2fc8ea903001378: ( 23 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Dressed ship, masthead flags [for Coronation Day]*. 10.00am: HMS Nereus left. 10.30am: One PO from RNB Chatham joined for instruction. * Coronation Day was 22nd June, but that fell on a Sunday, when the Navy does not dress ship, so it is marked today. 4f73ccc4a2fc8ea903001379: ( 24 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: One Corporal discharged to RM Barracks. 11.00am: HM Ships Nereus and Retriever arrived. 4f73ccc4a2fc8ea90300137a: ( 25 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Nereus left. 9.00am: Motor boat left for HMS Bellerophon and hoisted for painting. 10.30am: HM Ships Skilful and Nizam left. 11.00am: HMS Norseman arrived. 2.00pm: HMS Skilful returned. 4f73ccc5a2fc8ea90300137b: ( 26 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.30am: Water tank Asp* alongside. 10.00am: HM Ships Obdurate and Stork left. 10.30am: HMS Nizam arrived. 5.00pm: HMS Stork arrived. *Asp class, 1890, 330 grt. 4f73ccc5a2fc8ea90300137c: ( 27 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: One Stoker demobilised. 9.30am: One PO left ship. 11.00am: HMS Onslow left. 11.30am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 4f73ccc5a2fc8ea90300137d: ( 28 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Gunner’s Yeoman and one hand landed for stores. 8.30am: HMS Obdurate left. 11.00am: HMS Onslow arrived. 12.30pm: Demobilised one Officer’s Steward 2C. 1.30pm: One Ord Sn detained on HMS Superb for medical treatment. 4.15pm: Cleared lower deck for Peace Salute*. Spliced Main Brace. * Following the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. 4f73ccc5a2fc8ea90300137e: ( ) 29 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Sunday routine. 4f73ccc5a2fc8ea90300137f: ( 30 June 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: One rating returned from HMS Superb. 10.00am: HMS Norseman left. In pm: Landed tug-of-war and rifle teams. 4f73ccc6a2fc8ea903001380: ( 4f73ccc6a2fc8ea903001381: ( 4f73ccc6a2fc8ea903001382: ( 4f73ccc6a2fc8ea903001383: ( 4f73ccc7a2fc8ea903001384: ( 4f73ccc7a2fc8ea903001385: ( Above six pages blank. LOGS FOR JULY 1919 [Sheerness and Chatham] 4f73ccc7a2fc8ea903001387: ( 4f73ccc8a2fc8ea903001388: ( Front cover of logbook copy for July 1919, signed by WSJ Macleod, Navigating Officer. 4f73ccc7a2fc8ea903001386: ( Signature of Lt/Cdr WSJ Macleod, for Captain, dated August 5th 1919. 4f73ccc8a2fc8ea903001389: ( Mercurial barometer No 690, 4 ft asl. Air thermometers, mounted on the standard compass platform aft, screened. Dry N & Z No 10354 and Wet by Hicks No 1716. Sea thermometer by Hicks No 1713. 4f73ccc8a2fc8ea90300138a: ( 1 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 A typical day in harbour. 6.00am: Hands clean ship. 7.30am: One Ldg Sn and four ABs landed to bring off mooring swivel. 7.45am: Water boat RFA Urgent alongside. 8.45am: Stokers 2C under instruction to physical drill. Hands employed painting and as requisite. 9.00am: Discharged one Private RMLI to RM Barracks. 10.00am: Water boat cleared (46 tons). 11.00am: Dockyard party returned. 12.30pm: Landed tug-of-war team. 1.30pm: Hands employed as requisite. 2.00pm: HMS Norseman left. 3.00pm: Rifle team landed. 3.30pm: Tug-of-war team returned. 4.15pm: Evening quarters. Sick list: 1. Weather: Light Westerly breezes, overcast, with drizzle in the forenoon, temperatures in the 50ºs F. 4f73ccc8a2fc8ea90300138b: ( 2 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: HM Ships Obdurate, Skilful and Stork left. 10.00am: HMS Nizam arrived. 2.00pm: HMS Stork returned. 4f73ccc9a2fc8ea90300138c: ( 3 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HMS Onslow left. 10.30am: HMS Obdurate arrived. In pm: Tug-of-war, rifle and cricket teams landed. 4f73ccc9a2fc8ea90300138d: ( 4 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: HMS Oriole left. 10.30am: HMS Onslow arrived. 1.00pm: One Ldg Sn discharged to Onslow and one Ldg Sn joined from same. 2.00pm: HMS Mantis arrived. 5.00pm: HMS Sepoy arrived. 4f73ccc9a2fc8ea90300138e: ( 5 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Onslow left. 9.30am: HMS Nereus left. 10.00am: HMS Oriole arrived. 4f73ccc9a2fc8ea90300138f: ( 6 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Mantis sailed. 9.30am: HMS Norseman sailed. 10.30am: HMS Nereus arrived. 4f73cccaa2fc8ea903001390: ( 7 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: HMS Nereus left. 9.00am: HMS Onslow left. 9.30am: One Chief and three Armourers joined ship. 1.45pm: One diver working on underwater fittings. 2.00pm: Stokers’ instruction class and one SPO left ship. 7.30pm: HM Ships Walpole, Wessex, Verulam, Violet, Valentine and Vimiera arrived. 9.00pm: HMS Norseman arrived. 4f73cccaa2fc8ea903001391: ( 8 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HM Ships Skilful and Nizam sailed. 11.00am: HMS Norseman sailed. 1.00pm: One AB joined ship and one Ldg Sn left. 4f73cccaa2fc8ea903001392: ( 9 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HM Ships Moresby and Obdurate left. 10.00am: HMS Nizam arrived. 10.30am. Discharged one Ldg Cook’s Mate, one Cooper and one Ord Sn to hospital for examination. 1.00pm: HMS Raider and Moresby in. 2.30pm: Marine escort with Private RMLI from HMS Bellerophon for medical inspection onboard. 4f73cccaa2fc8ea903001393: ( 10 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: Sent one PO, one Ldg Sn, one AB, one Ord Sn, one Sgt RM and one ERA to HMS Indomitable for medical examination. 11.30am: HMS Obdurate arrived. Noon: Indomitable party returned. 4f73cccaa2fc8ea903001394: ( 11 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: HMS Obdurate arrived. 9.30am: HMS Manners left. 10.00am: HMS Norseman left. 10.30am: HMS Oriole and Manners in. 11.00am: Lighter X151 alongside (returned empties). 1.30pm: Three ERAs left ship (instructional class). 6.00pm: One Stoker joined ship. 4f73cccba2fc8ea903001395: ( 12 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Tug-of-war team landed for Olympia. 9.00am: HMS Oriole in, HMS Nereus out. 10.30am: One Private RMLI joined ship, PO Hart, Armourer, demobilised. 4f73cccba2fc8ea903001396: ( 13 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: HMS Hearty arrived. 5.00pm: HMS Onslow in. 4f73cccba2fc8ea903001397: ( 14 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: HMS Hearty left. 8.00am: Lighter O119 alongside [with 225 tons of FFO]. 8.30am: HM Ships Moth and Nereus left. 10.00am: HMS Leonidas left. 10.30am: One Corporal RMLI left. 11.30am: RFA Nimble alongside. 12.30pm: Gunnery class (eight ABs) joined ship. 1.00pm: HMS Superb left. 2.00pm: One Stoker rating left for HMS Bellerophon. 3.00pm: HMS Osiris left. 3.30pm: HMS Phaeton in. 4f73cccba2fc8ea903001398: ( 15 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: HMS Dragon arrived. 7.00am: HMS Obdurate left. 8.00am: HMS Milne left. 9.30am: HMS Phaeton left. 1.00pm: Dragon sailed. 1.30pm: One Officer’s Steward 1c joined ship. 2.00pm: HM TB 31 arrived. 3.00pm: One Ord Sn left. 8.00pm: HMS Myosotis arrived. 4f73cccca2fc8ea903001399: ( 16 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Norseman and HMS Pompeila [?] left. 10.00am: HM Ships Hornet and Obdurate arrived. 12.30pm: HMS Newcastle arrived. 4.30pm: HMS Sterling left. 4f73cccca2fc8ea90300139a: ( 17 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Osiris out. 9.00am: Water boat and coal lighter OC 114 alongside. Received 30 tons of water and 8 tons of coal. 11.00am: HMS Norseman in. 11.30am: HMS Liberty left. 7.30pm: HM TBs 31 and 7 arrived. 4f73cccca2fc8ea90300139b: ( 18 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: HMS Nepean [Napean in log] left. 12.30pm: HM TB 35 left. 1.00pm: Nepean returned. 1.30pm: HMS Skilful left. 2.00pm: Gunnery class (eight ABs) returned to RNB. 5.00pm: Skilful returned. 4f73cccca2fc8ea90300139c: ( 19 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 10.00am: HMS Nereus arrived. 5.00pm: HMS Myosotis left. 4f73cccda2fc8ea90300139d: ( 20 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 11.00am: HMS Enchantress, admiralty yacht, arrived. 10.30pm: HMS Oriole arrived. 4f73cccda2fc8ea90300139e: ( 21 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: HM TB 25 arrived. 9.00am: HMS Obdurate left. 10.00am: HMS Leonidas arrived. 4f73cccda2fc8ea90300139f: ( 22 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.00am: One Private RMLI joined ship. 11.00am: HMS Norseman left. 1.00pm: HMS Enchantress sailed. 1.30pm: HMS Hindustan arrived. 2.00pm: HMS Windsor arrived. 5.30pm: Enchantress returned. 4f73cccda2fc8ea9030013a0: ( 23 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: HM Ships Enchantress and Obdurate sailed. 8.00am: Water tank Asp [Ash in log] alongside. 10.00am: HMS Royal Oak arrived. 10.30am: HMS Osiris left. 11.30am: HM TB 7 arrived. 3.00pm: Lt JG Buchanan RN joined ship. 6.00pm: HM Ships Mackay, Verdun and Norseman came in. 6.30pm: HM S/ms K3, K8 and K22 came in. 4f73cccda2fc8ea9030013a1: ( 24 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 6.30am: HM S/ms K3, K8 and K22 went out. 8.00am: HMS Norseman out. 9.30am: HMS Octavia out. 10.00am: HMS Nereus out. 11.30am: HMS Osiris out. 12.30pm: Octavia returned. 3.00pm: Lt/Cdr WSF Macleod [Mcleod in log] left for Navigation School, Portsmouth. 8.00pm: HMS Hearty arrived. 4f73cccea2fc8ea9030013a2: ( 25 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 Hands variously employed at drills and exercises. 4.30pm: HMS Tactician arrived. 6.00pm: One Chief Stoker joined ship. 4f73cccea2fc8ea9030013a3: ( 26 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 9.30am: HMS Nizam out. 10.30am: HMS Oriole in. 4f73cccea2fc8ea9030013a4: ( 27 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.30am: HMS Obdurate sailed. 4f73cccea2fc8ea9030013a5: ( 28 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 7.00am: Water boat alongside with 44 tons of water. 10.30am: HMS Norseman left and HMS Oberon arrived. 12.30pm: One Ordnance Artificer joined. 3.00pm: HMS P34 arrived. 4f73cccfa2fc8ea9030013a6: ( 29 July 1919 Sheerness Lat 51.44, Long 0.74 8.00am: Victualling lighter 128 alongside. 1.30pm: HMS Paladin left. 2.00pm: HMS Hawkins arrived. 7.00pm: Paladin returned. 4f73cccfa2fc8ea9030013a7: ( 30 July 1919 Sheerness and Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 6.30am: Hands rigging port ammunition derrick and taking off bridle. 8.00am: Ship left for Chatham under pilot and with tugs. 10.00am: Secured to No 9 dock wall. 1.00pm: One ERA with working party on board. 5.00pm: One MAA joined and six Stokers left. 6.00pm: Four POs and three Ldg Sn joined. 4f73cccfa2fc8ea9030013a8: ( 31 July 1919 Chatham Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 7.00am: Ammunitioning ship. In am: WP of 47 Seamen on board. One Sgt and 13 Privates RMLI joined. X64 alongside with provisions and stores. One Chief Shipwright, one Ldg Cook’s Mate and one Cook’s Mate left ship. Lt Welsby and S/Lts Brown and Black joined ship. 10.30am: WP returned to barracks. Cordite lighter alongside. In pm: Two Shipwrights, one Writer, one Cooper and two Stokers joined ship. Hands taking in stores and ammunition assisted by working party. 4f73cccfa2fc8ea9030013a9: ( 4f73ccd0a2fc8ea9030013aa: ( Above two pages blank. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1919 [Chatham, Lerwick, Tromso, Murmansk, Kem, Onega and Archangelsk] 4f73ccd0a2fc8ea9030013ab: ( 4f73ccd0a2fc8ea9030013ac: ( Front cover of logbook copy for August 1919, signed by LT/Cdr Macleod. 4f73ccd0a2fc8ea9030013ad: ( Blank. 4f73ccd1a2fc8ea9030013ae: ( Signature of Captain JA Moreton, September 5th, 1919. 4f73ccd1a2fc8ea9030013af: ( Mercurial barometer No 690, 4 ft asl. Air thermometers, mounted on the standard compass platform aft, screened. Dry N & Z No 10354 and Wet by Hicks No 1716. Sea thermometer by Hicks No 1713. 4f73ccd1a2fc8ea9030013b0: ( 1 August 1919 Chatham and at sea Lat 51.41, Long 0.55 5.00am: Hands ammunitioning ship from lighter alongside In am: One Canteen Asst left, one ERA joined ship. One Ldg Tel, five Sigs, one Ldg Sn, one AB and three Tels joined ship. Noon: Mr McPherson left ship. In pm: WP from RNB onboard. Joined ship, one Electrician, one AB and one Captain’s Cook. Lt/Cdr Macleod rejoined. Left ship, one Surgeon Lt, one Cpl RMLI, one CPO, four POs, one Ordnance Artificer, one Sig, one AB, one Ldg Sn, one Mechanician and one Chief Shipwright. 4.00pm: One Captain’s Cook and one Writer left. 4.30pm: Received 10 tons of coal. 5.00pm: Slipped jetty and secured to No 4 buoy Sheerness (5.46pm). 5.30pm: Hands stowing stores and securing for sea. Oil lighter O119 and an ammunition lighter alongside. 8.45pm: Ammunition lighter cleared. 9.00pm: Lt/Cdr Buchanan left ship. 10.30pm: Unshackled and rove slip rope. Oiler cleared (347 tons received). 11.00pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Passed Garrison Pt. 4f73ccd1a2fc8ea9030013b1: ( 2 August 1919 At sea Lat 52.87, Long 1.61 In am: Various buoys and lights named in log as they pass down the swept channels in the Thames estuary and up the East coast. 12.51pm: A/c 310º. Haisboro LV abeam to starboard. In pm: Courses West of North up the coast of England, various buoys and lights named, proceeding at 9-10 knots. 11.39pm: Flamboro Hd bg 176.5º. 4f73ccd2a2fc8ea9030013b2: ( 3 August 1919 At sea Lat 55.72, Long -1.57 In am: NW’ly courses, 9-10 knots through the North Sea. 11.40am. Longstone Lt abeam to port, a/c 354º. 1.03pm: St Abb's Head bg 274º, Longstone bg 182.5º. 8.55pm: Girdleness Lt abeam, 9 miles. 4f73ccd2a2fc8ea9030013b3: ( 4 August 1919 At sea to Lerwick Lat 59.49, Long -2.1 4.45am: Small fire in wardroom extinguished. 6.04am: A/c 0º. 8.13am: Copinsay abeam to port. 5.30pm: Anchored in Lerwick harbour. 5.50pm: One Officer’s Steward 2C left ship. One Private RMLI discharged to hospital. 6.10pm: Diver down to clear submerged engine room valves. 6.45pm: Oiler alongside (315 tons FFO) and drifter alongside with provisions. 10.55pm: Tested searchlights. 4f73ccd2a2fc8ea9030013b4: ( 5 August 1919 Lerwick and at sea Lat 60.16, Long -1.15 In am: Water tank alongside. Hands securing for sea. Exercised fire and collision stations. Gun crews at drill. 12.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 1.25pm: Off Noss Head, shaped course 078º. 4f73ccd2a2fc8ea9030013b5: ( 6 August 1919 At sea Lat 60.8, Long 4.6 [approx] In am: Course 078º until 9.22am. 9.22am: Hard a starboard, a/c 237º [misty and raining]. 9.28am: A/c 170º. 10.23am: Sighted lighthouse bg 19º. 10.30am: A/c 0º. 10.45am: A/c 58º. 10.53am: Hellius [now Hellisoy] abeam to port. 11.08am: Stopped, picked up pilot. 11.24am: Course 332º. [Erebus continues up the coast at 8.5 knots and several lighthouses are named in the log, but generally the 1919 names don’t correspond with those of today, a problem that persists until they leave Norwegian waters. Some of these lights no longer exist, so I have omitted them in this edit, but they are clearly written in the logs for those keen readers who wish to delve further.] 4.10pm: Anchored off Areldon I. [now Aralden I.] in 12 fathoms. 11.59pm: Weighed and proceeded, courses and speeds as requisite. 4f73ccd3a2fc8ea9030013b6: ( 7 August 1919 At sea and on the Norwegian coast Lat 62.4, Long 5.5 [approx] 3.02am: Stabben Lt abeam. 5.34am: Rounded into Vaags Fjord. 6.21am: Hoodenes Lt [now Hendanes Lt] abeam, course 296º. 7.22am: Kraakinoes Lt [now Krakenes Lt] abeam. 4.51pm: Flatflesa Lt abeam to starboard. 7.10pm: Kvitholmen Lt abeam. 4f73ccd3a2fc8ea9030013b7: ( 8 August 1919 At sea and on the Norwegian coast Lat 64.7, Long 10.9 [approx] 1.31am: Terningen Lt abeam to port, a/c 065º. 12.57pm: A/c 043º, Grimma Lt [now Grinna] abeam to port. 1.50pm: Naerosunde Lt abeam to port, reduced to 120 revs. 4.50pm: Anchored in 18 fathoms. 10.20pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4f73ccd3a2fc8ea9030013b8: ( 9 August 1919 At sea and on the Norwegian coast Lat 67.1, Long 13.2 [approx] [The waypoints are particularly difficult to follow today, but Erebus is keeping well in with the coast, often passing through fjords to take the shortest and calmest route North.] 12.55pm: Anchored. 2.50pm: Weighed and proceeded, course 031º. 7.28pm: Bjolnoy Lt abeam to port. 11.44pm: Flatoy Lt abeam to starboard. 4f73ccd3a2fc8ea9030013b9: ( 10 August 1919 At sea to Tromso Lat 69.0, Long 17.2 [approx] 4.27am: Lodingen Lt abeam to port. 5.50pm: Anchored off Tromso. Water boat alongside, 45 tons. 4f73ccd3a2fc8ea9030013ba: ( 11 August 1919 Tromso and at sea Lat 69.64, Long 18.95 5.45am: RFA Celerol alongside (with 311 tons FFO). 11.10am: Collier SS Polzeath alongside, 4 tons of coal. 12.15pm: Weighed and proceeded. 1.28pm: Vaagnoes Lt abeam to starboard. 4f73ccd4a2fc8ea9030013bb: ( 12 August 1919 At sea Lat 71.1, Long 26.7 [approx] 9.35am: Anchored in Honningsvag harbour. Disembarked two pilots. 9.45am: Proceeded to sea. 11.50am: Svaerholt bg 163º (13,500 yds). 1.37pm: 100 revs (engines racing badly). 2.30pm: Average direction of ship’s head between 3º and 4º off 50º. 4.30pm: Average direction of ship’s head 344.8º. 8.36pm: Land sighted bg 150º. Mean direction of ship’s head between 10.10pm and midnight, 39º. The variations in the ship’s heading and engine speeds are presumably due to ice. 4f73ccd4a2fc8ea9030013bc: ( 13 August 1919 At sea to Murmansk Lat 70.06, Long 32.51 DR 5.10am: Sounding every 15 minutes. 3.15pm: Land sighted bg 249º. 6.35pm: Entered Kola Inlet. 9.56pm: Anchored off Murmansk. Discharged one Ldg Sn to hospital. 4f73ccd4a2fc8ea9030013bd: ( 14 August 1919 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 Hands employed as requisite. Drilled guns’ crews. 3.15pm: RFA Belgol secured alongside. Received 160 tons oil fuel. 4f73ccd4a2fc8ea9030013be: ( 15 August 1919 Murmansk Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 Hands pumping out steering compartment. Drilled turret crews. 1.30pm: Dental party to HMS Glory. 4f73ccd5a2fc8ea9030013bf: ( 16 August 1919 Murmansk and at sea Lat 69.0, Long 33.03 In am: Took in provisions and water. 12.45pm: Landed football party and libertymen. 3.20pm: Libertymen returned. Prepared for sea. 4.02pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.16pm: Veliki Pt abeam, course 56º. 6.56pm: Course 44º out of Kola Inlet. 8.30pm: Course 102º. 11.11pm: Teriberski Lt abeam to starboard. 4f73ccd5a2fc8ea9030013c0: ( 17 August 1919 At sea Lat 68.34, Long 39.42 12.50am: Gavriloski Lt abeam, 3 miles. 5.51am: Kharlov I. Lt abeam to starboard, 3 miles. 10.06am: Chelni Pt Lt abeam, 4 miles. 11.50am: A/c to close HMS London Belle. 1.13pm: Syvatoy Nos Lt abeam. 6.57pm: Gorodetzki Lt abeam to starboard. 9.36pm: Cape Orlov bg 173º. 4f73ccd5a2fc8ea9030013c1: ( 18 August 1919 At sea Lat 66.01, Long 38.96 12.24am: Three Is Lt abeam, course 180º. 5.22am: Sashovitz Lt abeam, a/c 230º. 10.22pm: Solovetzki Lt bg 204º. 11.50pm: Sauba Lt bg 326º. 4f73ccd5a2fc8ea9030013c2: ( 19 August 1919 At sea to Kem Port [Popov] Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 12.26am: Khenegolska Lt abeam to starboard. 3.41am: Stopped to pick up pilot. 4.45am: Courses through Rombaki Channel. 6.50am: Secured alongside quay at Popov [Kem Port]. Landed pilot. 9.05am: Armed guard searched HMS Myosotis. 10.15am: One prisoner from Myosotis taken onboard and placed under sentry’s charge. 12.35pm: Two prisoners from Myosotis arrived onboard. 8.15pm: Three prisoners under sentry's charge released and returned to Myosotis. 4f73ccd6a2fc8ea9030013c3: ( 20 August 1919 Kem Port [Popov] Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 9.15am: WP landed to football ground. 10.05am: HMS Haldon arrived with General Rawlinson. 11.35am: Three prisoners from HM Tug Gopher* arrived onboard. * A hired rescue tug, 1910, 198 grt. 4f73ccd6a2fc8ea9030013c4: ( 21 August 1919 Kem Port [Popov] Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 Landed football ground party. Guns’ crews at drill and Morris tube practice. 2.40pm: Starboard watch mustered for inoculation. 4f73ccd6a2fc8ea9030013c5: ( 22 August 1919 Kem Port [Popov] Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 9.45am: Three prisoners from HM Tug Gopher discharged to HMS Haldon. 4f73ccd6a2fc8ea9030013c6: ( 23 August 1919 Kem Port [Popov] Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 8.10pm: Leave to starboard watch to attend concert in HMS Nairana. 4f73ccd7a2fc8ea9030013c7: ( 24 August 1919 Kem Port [Popov] Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 10.20am: Church party from HMS Nairana onboard. 4.20pm: Nairana cast off to anchor in stream. 4f73ccd7a2fc8ea9030013c8: ( 25 August 1919 Kem Port [Popov] Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 7.25am: HMS Ladas, with Admiral Green, arrived and secured alongside jetty. 4f73ccd7a2fc8ea9030013c9: ( 26 August 1919 Kem Port and at sea Lat 64.99, Long 34.8 9.30am: Divisions. Admiral’s inspection. 3.50pm: Slipped and proceeded to sea, courses round Rombaki Is. 4.52pm: Dropped pilot and proceeded. 5.34pm: Formed single line ahead in order Ladas, Erebus, Nairana. Course 108º. 9.51pm: A/c 143º. 4f73ccd7a2fc8ea9030013ca: ( 27 August 1919 At sea to Onega Roads Lat 63.94, Long 37.98 12.40am: Purluda Lt bg 132º. 2.27am: Same bg 114º. 3.27am: Same abeam to starboard. 3.55am: HMS M23 joined division. 5.50am: Anchored in Onega Roads. 10.40am: HMS Ladas weighed and proceeded. 4f73ccd8a2fc8ea9030013cb: ( 28 August 1919 Onega Roads Lat 63.94, Long 37.98 12.01am: 4” gun crews and searchlight crews closed up*. 3.00am: Gun and searchlight crews fell out. 10.30am: Weighed and proceeded to anchor in firing position. 12.10pm: Opened fire with 15” guns and bombarded Onega. 2.00pm: Opened fire on beach with 4” guns. 3.20pm: Ceased fire, weighed and returned to anchor in former position. 8.40pm: Darkened ship. 9.10pm: S3 and P3 4” gun crews closed up. * ie; mustered at their station awaiting orders. 4f73ccd8a2fc8ea9030013cc: ( 29 August 1919 Onega Roads Lat 63.94, Long 37.98 3.00am: Gun crews fell out. 9.35am: Weighed and proceeded to moor head and stern in firing position. 11.50am: Opened fire with 15” guns. 12.20pm: Ceased fire, secured. 3.20pm: Reconnaissance party left for Fii I. 5.50pm: Party returned. 7.30pm: Action stations. 8.20pm: Bombarded Onega with 15” guns. 8.30pm: Ceased fire, secured. 8.45pm: Two 4” guns’ crews closed up. 4f73ccd8a2fc8ea9030013cd: ( 30 August 1919 Onega and at sea Lat 65.1, Long 36.5 [approx] 1.40am: Weighed and proceeded to sea in company with HM Ships Nairana and Syringa, course 319º, 140 revs (9 knots). 3.51am: Purluda Lt abeam to port, one mile. 4.28am: Nairana parted company. 4.50am: Syringa parted company. 11.45am: Anchored in 41 fathoms, veered to 8.5 shackles*. 4.04pm: Weighed and proceeded, course 045º. 5.27pm: Zhizhquisk Lt [now Zhizhgin] abeam, 4 miles. 6.00pm: A/c 100º. 6.04pm: Zhizhgin Lt abeam to starboard. 8.20pm: Read warrant No 48. 10.48pm: Port engine stopped, ½ ahead starboard. * A shackle of cable was then 12.5 fathoms, 75 feet. 4f73ccd8a2fc8ea9030013ce: ( 31 August 1919 At sea to Arkhangelsk Lat 64.55, Long 40.48 4.20am: Picked up pilot. 5.10am: Crossed bar. 9.10am: Secured to RFA War Pathan at Archangelsk. Took in 360 tons FFO. 12.30pm: Cast off from oiler to anchor, with cathedral bg 254º, 1,130 yds. 5.35pm: HMS Haldon sailed. 4f73ccd8a2fc8ea9030013cf: ( 4f73ccd9a2fc8ea9030013d0: ( 4f73ccd9a2fc8ea9030013d1: ( 4f73ccd9a2fc8ea9030013d2: ( Above four pages blank. No logs for September–October 1919
LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1919 [Primorsk, Reval and Libau] 4f73ccdaa2fc8ea9030013d3: ( 4f73ccdaa2fc8ea9030013d4: ( Front cover of logbook copy for November 1919, signed by Lt/Cdr Macleod, NO. 4f73ccdaa2fc8ea9030013d5: ( 4f73ccdaa2fc8ea9030013d6: ( 4f73ccdaa2fc8ea9030013d7: ( Mercurial barometer No 690, 4 ft asl. Air thermometers, mounted on the standard compass platform aft, screened. Dry N & Z No 10354 and Wet by Hicks No 1716. Sea thermometer by Hicks No 1713. 4f73ccdba2fc8ea9030013d8: ( 1 November 1919 Biorko Sound [in Primorsk harbour] Lat 60.36, Long 28.61 6.30am: Hands clean ship. 8.15am: HMS Vesper entered harbour. 8.20am: Hands employed painting and as requisite. 12.45pm: Muster for monthly payment. 1.00pm: Landed libertymen. 1.15pm: Watch painting ship. 4,00pm: Quarters. 7.00pm: Darkened ship. Sick list: 5. Weather: Breezes East or NE up to f 3, overcast, temperatures 26º to 28º F. 4f73ccdba2fc8ea9030013d9: ( 2 November 1919 Biorko Sound Lat 60.36, Long 28.61 Sunday routine. 4f73ccdba2fc8ea9030013da: ( 3 November 1919 Biorko Sound Lat 60.36, Long 28.61 Hands employed as requisite. 4f73ccdba2fc8ea9030013db: ( 4 November 1919 Biorko Sound Lat 60.36, Long 28.61 Hands variously employed. Rigged stump derrick and received two tons of coal. 4f73ccdca2fc8ea9030013dc: ( 5 November 1919 Biorko and at sea Lat 60.36, Long 28.61 7.00am: One NCO and three Privates landed for aerodrome guard. 10.45am: RFA Francol alongside to discharge 275 tons FFO. Noon: RM guard returned. 12.30pm: Weighed and proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour. 1.00pm: Passed through gate. 1.55pm: Course 262º into X channel, various Westerly courses. 8.24pm: Hogland Lt (South) abeam to starboard. 9.25pm: Rodshel Lt abeam to port. 10.42pm: Stensteu Lt abeam to port. 4f73ccdca2fc8ea9030013dd: ( 6 November 1919 At sea to Reval [now Tallinn] and at sea Lat 59.46, Long 24.77 Westerly courses, various lighthouses noted in log. 4.07am: A/c onto Reval leading lights. 5.20am: Anchored in Reval Roads. 11.50am: HMS Galatea arrived. 8.25pm: Weighed and proceeded to sea, Westerly courses. 10.30pm: Passed SS Vola. 4f73ccdca2fc8ea9030013de: ( 7 November 1919 At sea Lat 58.2, Long 21.7 [approx] Courses SW’ly along the Northern coast of Estonia, then South until… 10.30am: Spoke RFA War Pathan and German SS Taygeta. 11.00am: Filsand Lt bg 77.5º. In pm: Southerly courses along the West coast of Latvia until… 11.05pm: A/c onto Libau leading lights. 11.35pm: Anchored head and stern in Libau [now Liepaja] harbour. 4f73ccdca2fc8ea9030013df: ( 8 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 2.35am: Weighed both anchors, turned and proceeded out of harbour through middle entrance. 3.15am: Anchored outside breakwater. 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour to anchor in No 7 berth. 7.45am: Ammunition ship SS Querida secured alongside. Embarked 15” ammunition. 2.25pm: RFA Mixol alongside, took in 300 tons FFO. 6.20pm: Weighed and proceeded out of harbour to anchor. 7.45pm: Turret’s crew closed up. 8.10pm: Full main armament crews closed up. 8.25pm: Starboard watch crews fell out. 4f73ccdda2fc8ea9030013e0: ( 9 November 1919 At sea and at Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Main Armament crews of starboard watch closed up. 7.15am: Weighed and proceeded into Libau harbour to moor head and stern. 8.15am: HMS Winchester left harbour. 10.50am: Turret crew closed up. 11.00am: Opened fire, 8 rounds of 15” HE (half charge). 11.25am: Ceased fire. 4.30pm: Turret crews closed up. Fired three rounds of HE. 9.30pm: Turret crews at cruising stations. 4f73ccdda2fc8ea9030013e1: ( 10 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Watch turret and control parties closed up. 7.00am: Turret secured. 8.30am: SS Gloucester Coast WP left ship. 10.40am: Coal lighter secured alongside, received 8.5 tons. 1.45pm: Provision party left… 3.15pm: … and returned. 5.40pm: Landed six Lewis guns. 6.08pm: Working party returned. 4f73ccdda2fc8ea9030013e2: ( 11 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: 15” bombarding crews at cruising stations. 4.00am: Turret secured. 8.15am: SS Gloucester Coast WP left ship. 3.33pm: Turrets crews closed up. 3.45pm: Opened fire with 15” HE. Fired seven rounds. 5.15pm: HMS Wessex entered harbour, discharged two ratings to same. One Chief Yeoman, one Ldg Sig and three Sigs joined ship. 6.20pm: Mr Harvey, Ordnance Inspector, joined ship. 7.35pm: HMS Vortigern entered harbour. 9.15pm: Tug Hamburg secured alongside. Embarked 0.5 million rounds of .303 ammunition and 21 boxes of pom-pom ammunition. 4f73ccdda2fc8ea9030013e3: ( 12 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Turret crews at cruising stations. 1.30am: HMS Whitley entered harbour. 2.45am: HMS Dauntless opened fire. 6.30am: Turret crews secured. 11.45am: Opened fire with 15”, fired 11 rounds. 2.30pm: Landed 4 Lewis guns and 5,000 rounds .303 ammunition. 10.40pm: HMS Velox left harbour. 4f73ccdda2fc8ea9030013e4: ( 13 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Turrets crew at cruising stations. 6.30am: Turrets crew secured. 10.10am: Colonel Grove arrived to give a lecture to the ship's company. 1.20pm: Landed two 12-pdr guns, mountings and ammunition by tug Hamburg. 5.32pm: Fired six rounds 15”. 7.50pm: Fired 11 rounds of 15” HE. 9.45pm: Watch bombarding crews closed up. 4f73ccdea2fc8ea9030013e5: ( 14 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Bombarding parties of watch closed up. 5.50am: Opened fire with 15”. 9.10am: Opened fire with 4”. 9.55am: Weighed stern anchor. Tug Hamburg towed stern into position. Let go stern anchor. Re-opened fire with starboard battery 4”. 11.15am: Tug Hamburg secured alongside. Disembarked 100,000 rounds of .303 ammunition. Tug cast off. 1.40pm: Ceased fire. Rounds fired; 101 of 15” and 432 of 4”. 10.15pm: HMS Galatea entered harbour. 4f73ccdea2fc8ea9030013e6: ( 15 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Gun watch closed up. 9.45am: SS Orangeleaf entered harbour. 11.45am: Store party left for Orangeleaf. 12.50pm: Fired two rounds of 4” common. 4f73ccdea2fc8ea9030013e7: ( 16 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Keeping gun watch. 8.15am: Ammunition ship SS Querida secured alongside. Commenced ammunitioning. 2.20pm: HMS Whitley entered harbour. 5.00pm: RFA Mixol secured alongside, commenced oiling. 7.00pm: Finished oiling (100 tons). Mixol cast off. 7.45pm: Querida cast off. 10.00pm: 4” gun watch closed up. 4f73ccdea2fc8ea9030013e8: ( 17 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 7.30am: WP for SS Querida left. 10.30am: Landed one pom-pom gun. 12.35pm: HM Ships Verdun and Valkyrie left harbour. 4f73ccdfa2fc8ea9030013e9: ( 18 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 10.40am: HMS Vortigern sailed. 1.00pm: WP to SS Gloucester Coast. 1.45pm: Vortigern returned. 3.15pm: HMS Walker arrived. 4f73ccdfa2fc8ea9030013ea: ( 19 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 4.10am: HMS Vortigern left harbour. 7.30am: Gloucester Coast working party left ship. 7.45am: One AB left ship for RNB Chatham. 4f73ccdfa2fc8ea9030013eb: ( 20 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 7.30am: Gloucester Coast working party left ship. 11.20am: HMS Vivien entered harbour. 3.50pm: French destroyer [Francis Garnier, vide log of HMS Dauntless] entered harbour. 4f73ccdfa2fc8ea9030013ec: ( 21 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 7.50am: Gloucester Coast working party left ship. 8.15am: HMS Whitley left harbour. 9.15am: Coal lighter secured alongside, received 8 tons. 4f73cce0a2fc8ea9030013ed: ( 22 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 In am: Hands employed as requisite. In pm: Hands make and mend. 5.35pm: HMS Dauntless left harbour. 6.35pm: HMS Versatile entered harbour. 4f73cce0a2fc8ea9030013ee: ( 23 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.25pm: HMS Larkspur entered harbour. 1.30pm: HMS Dunedin entered harbour. 4f73cce0a2fc8ea9030013ef: ( 24 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 Hands employed as requisite. 10.00pm: Set anchor watch and let go starboard anchor [SW squalls f 6-8, increasing to WSW 9-10 by midnight]. 4f73cce0a2fc8ea9030013f0: ( 25 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Keeping anchor watch. Starboard accommodation platform washed overboard [WSW f 6-8]. 8.45am: Weighed starboard and shortened in port to 5 shackles. 9.45am: Away both cutters to assist towing French tug from beach. 11.50am: HMS Winchester came in. 10.15pm: Winchester left. 4f73cce1a2fc8ea9030013f1: ( 26 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 8.30am: HMS Wryneck came in. 11.20am: SS Whinhill secured alongside with stores. 2.30pm: Disembarked 2,750 rounds of pom-pom ammunition to tug Holm [?] 3.30pm: HMS Dragon came in. 5.15pm: HMS Caledon came in. 8.30pm: One PO and one Stoker left ship. 10.15am: HMS Vanessa sailed. 4f73cce1a2fc8ea9030013f2: ( 27 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.10pm: HMS Whitley entered harbour. 12.50pm: Landed libertymen. 9.00pm: Veered to six shackles on port, set anchor watch [South f 6-7, increasing to SW f 7-8 by midnight]. 4f73cce1a2fc8ea9030013f3: ( 28 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 12.01am: Keeping anchor watch [SSW f 7-8 at 4.00am, gradually dying down during the day] 3.30am: HMS Wryneck sailed. 8.15am: HMS Whitley sailed. 4f73cce1a2fc8ea9030013f4: ( 29 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 In am: Cleaning ship. In pm: Make and mend. 4f73cce1a2fc8ea9030013f5: ( 30 November 1919 Libau Lat 56.52, Long 20.95 2.30pm: One AB (sick) onboard from HMS Valorous. 3.00pm: HMS Whitley arrived. 4f73cce2a2fc8ea9030013f6: ( 4f73cce2a2fc8ea9030013f7: ( 4f73cce2a2fc8ea9030013f8: ( 4f73cce2a2fc8ea9030013f9: ( 4f73cce3a2fc8ea9030013fa: ( Above five pages blank. |
Revised 29/01/2020 |