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Steamer ‘Yukon’
GR Putnam, commanding
From July 9, 1899, to September 19, 1899
[Photo: George Rockwell Putnam]
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LIST OF OFFICERS AND CREW attached to Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘Yukon’
GR Putnam, Assistant, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
ER Frisby, Aid, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
PS Rose, Foreman, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
R McD Moser, Recorder, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
WC Pidge, Recorder, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
Dr HWM Edmonds, Foreman, joined July 9, 1899, detached July 19, 1899
(temporarily attached)
WW Clemens, Engineer, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
Otto Nother, Cook, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
WL Miller, Assistant Engineer, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
CF Goodwin, Hand, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
A Hansen, Hand, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
Aug B Johnson, Hand, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
NJ Welch, Hand, joined July 9, 1899, detached October 3, 1899
F Bursack, Hand, joined July 9, 1899, detached September 16, 1899
Lucas Geluckluk, Native Guide, joined July 9, 1899, detached September 16, 1899
Launch ‘Alpha’ hydrography party
GL Flower, in charge, Assistant
RJ Mansfield, Aid
GA McEldowney, Recorder
O Nilsson, Engineer
Ed Woods, Cook
M Brandt, Hand
William Ringling, Hand
Delta traverse line party
Dr HWM Edmonds, in charge, Foreman
OW Johnson, Cook
Isaac Johnson, Hand
O Fredericks, Hand
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[General instructions regarding log books]
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[Wind and weather: symbols]
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Length at load water line: 67 feet 03 inches
Extreme breadth of beam at load water line: 15 feet 07 inches
Depth of hold: 6 feet 01 inches
Operations in St. Michael Bay and on the Yukon River
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9 July 1899
St Michael Bay to sea
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
3.15pm to 8.00pm:
At 3.15pm got underway and stood out of St Michael Harbor [Bay]
Weather: hazy.
At 3.43pm Whale Island abeam, took departure, patent log registering 00 00 00.
Course NW½ W (magnetic); ship drawing 4 feet 2 inches aft and 4 feet forward; barometer 28.84.
At 4.16pm changed course SWbyW?W, patent log 3¾.
At 5.00pm changed course SSW½W, patent log 10¼.
At 5.30pm changed course S½E, patent log 11; in passage between St Michael and Stewart Islands.
At 5.38pm changed course S½W, patent log 12.
At 6.30pm wind steadily increasing; at 6.55pm lost propeller of patent log, last reading 19¾.
At 7.00pm running into shoal water so altered course and ran by lead-line alone.
At 7.40pm let go starboard anchor in 1 fathom of water; barometer 29.77 at end of watch; wind steadily rising.
Made run under steam alone at rate of 6½ knots per hour.
At 8.00pm, at end of watch at anchor, Point Romanof to Crater Mountain 117°55’, Crater Mountain to Stuart Mountain 74° 30’.
8.00pm to midnight:
At anchor; kept watch; moderate breezes from SxE to SxW; overcast and raining.
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10 July 1899
St Michael Canal towards Point Romanof
Lat 63.4019, Long -162.3996
Midnight to 4.00am:
Steady, moderate breezes from SxW; sky overcast with occasional drizzling rain; sea slightly choppy.
Ship riding easily with 7 feet of water at bow at midnight.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Moderate breezes from SSW, overcast and partly foggy.
At 6.22am got underway and stood in for Canal Point and entrance to St Michael Canal.
At 7.33am anchored about 1 mile up canal in 7 fathoms water, 10 fathoms chain.
At 8.00am both barges and launches alongside.
Number of knots run about 5, under steam alone. Barometer steady.
8.00am to noon:
Moderate breeze from SxW to SW; sky overcast and cloudy.
Launch steamed outside of entrance to St Michael Canal to see if water would permit towing barges to sea. Launch returned 11.15am.
Hove up anchor at 11.26am; steamed further into canal, about 1 cable’s length.
Came to anchor in 4½ fathoms of water. Strong current setting out of canal.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Moderate breezes from SxW to SWxS; sky overcast.
Steamer at anchor at W junctions of N and S branches of St Michael Canal.
Wind diminishing slightly at 4.00pm.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
At 7.17pm got underway and stood down canal.
Arrived at entrance at 7.50pm and our two freight barges in tow.
Gentle to moderate breezes; Weather: cloudy; barometer steady until end of watch – began to fall.
Under steam alone.
8.00pm to midnight:
Moderate breezes from S; two freight barges in tow; steaming about 2½ knots per hour along shore from St Michael Canal towards Point Romanof, with launches on either quarter.
Took sounding throughout watch.
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11 July 1899
Point Romanof towards Apoon Mouth
Lat 62.9518, Long -163.7802
Midnight to 4.00am:
Rain squalls followed by continuous rain, thick, and wind refreshing.
Steaming along coast to 2 miles off Point Romanof and towards Apoon Mouth, Yukon River.
Two barges in tow and steam launches accompanying under their own steam.
Second barge began shipping water in choppy sea off Point Romanof, so stood into land in direction of wind and obtained protection of lee shore.
Followed coast about parallel until end of watch, changing course frequently.
At 1.45am slowed down for half hour to repairs pumps.
At 1.30am Point Romanof was abeam and distance ¾ mile.
4.00am to 6.30am:
Gentle breeze from E; barometer steadily falling; foggy and rain throughout watch.
Under steam alone towing barges.
At 6.30am turned ship over to Captain and pilot; mouth of Pastolik River sighted.
(Eskimo river pilot named West steered steamer into Apoon Mouth.)
8.00am to noon:
Gentle southerly breeze; barometer steadily rising.
Steaming ahead full speed at 8.00am in Apoon Mouth.
Came to anchor at 8.13am and took both freight barges and steam launches alongside.
Got underway at 8.43am with launches and barges in tow.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Light airs and light breezes from SxW shifting to NNW; sky overcast with drizzling rain but breaking away slightly at 4.00pm; barometer steadily rising.
Steamer underway with launches and barges alongside.
Abreast of Konogkelyokamiut [Bill Moores] at 1.43pm and abreast Eskimo wood camp at 2.50pm, Eskimo pilots West and Lucas steering.
6.00pm to 8.00pm:
At anchor abreast of Old Channel.
Barometer steady; light airs to light breezes.
Captain Putnam, Mr Frisby and Mr Pidge left ship for night to observe time ashore.
8.00pm to midnight:
Steady light breezes from SW; cloudy, occasionally light rain.
Captain Putnam came aboard 10.45.
[CalTopo map of Yukon River and Yukon Delta]
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12 July 1899
Apoon Pass to Avogon Pass
Lat 62.7535, Long -164.1173
Midnight to 4.00am:
Light gentle breezes from NW; sky overcast, misty; barometer rising.
Steamer at anchor at head of Apoon Pass.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Weather: overcast; barometer rising steadily.
Got underway at 7.35am, launch and one scow in tow.
8.00am to noon:
Gentle breezes from WxS to WxN. Weather: fair and cloudy.
Under steam alone, barge and launch in tow.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Gentle breeze from WxN to SWxW; sky overcast; barometer rising.
Left Aproka Pass and entered Kwikluak [Pass] at 12.45pm.
Passed through Utakaht channel and stood down Kwikluak.
Abreast Alakanuk at 3.30pm, towing launch alongside and scow astern.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Light breezes and light airs from NW; Weather: cloudy; barometer steady.
Under steam alone. Let go anchor in Nurukomarot Pass at 5.45pm.
Captain Putnam, Mr Frisby and Mr Pidge left ship; no orders.
8.00pm to midnight:
Light airs from NWxW shifting ExS at 10.45pm. Sky nearly clear at 11.30pm.
At anchor in SE end of Avogon Pass [Nurukomarot Pass above] in 2 fathoms water.
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13 July 1899
Avogon Pass to Kwiklokchun and return
Lat 62.69, Long -164.94
Midnight to 4.00am:
Light breezes from E. Sky clear until 1.00 then clouding over; barometer rising slowly.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Weather: overcast, light, stiff breezes from E, wind increasing; barometer falling slowly.
8.00am to noon:
Hove up anchor at 8.40am; underway full speed ahead at 8.50am.
Anchored in entrance of Kwiklokchun at 9.35am.
Got underway at 11.15am. Returned to anchorage of Avogon Pass.
Stiff breezes from SSE; rain came at 10.00am.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Stiff and fresh breezes from ExS; overcast and rainy.
Steamer aground at 12.05pm at entrance of Nurukomarot; placed kedge astern and hauled off at 12.45pm.
Anchored at 12.50pm.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Moderate breezes from southward; overcast and rainy.
Captain Putnam, Dr Edmonds and Mr Pidge left ship in dinghy at 7.20pm; no orders.
8.00pm to midnight:
Stiff breezes from SSE; steady rain; barometer to fall slowly.
Captain Putnam, Dr Edmonds and Mr Pidge came on board at 8.15pm.
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14 July 1899
Nurukomarot Pass towards Scammon Bay
Lat 62.5383, Long -165.1212
Midnight to 4.00am:
Steamer at anchor off Ingrokaklamiut [presumably Ingrakaghamiut, otherwise known as Ingrakaklak].
Moderate breezes from SSW; barometer stationary; rain and mist.
8.00am to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 8.03.
Put patent log over at 9.40am in Kwemeluk Pass, above upper village.
Moderate breezes from SxW to SxE. Cloudy weather and steady barometer.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Anchored at 12.30. Got underway at 1.20pm, standing down Acharon Channel to sea.
Erected hydrographic signals First and Outer; touched bottom several time in sounding out channel.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Light to moderate breezes from SWxS; wind increasing at end of watch; barometer steady.
Running line of sounding. Shaping course by lead line. Under steam.
At 7.10pm sighted Cape Dyer [also known as Cape Romanzof] off port bow.
10pm to midnight:
Moderate breezes from S.
Steaming for Cape Dyer; at 10.09pm changed course to SSE.
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15 July 1899
Towards Scammon Bay and Khun River
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
Midnight to 2.00am:
Weather: same.
Crossed deep water and then very shoal and stood out more at 12.09am, about 1½ miles off Cape Dyer;
Shaped course to eastward into Scammon Bay, steaming parallel with shore.
At 12.55am grounded in Scammon Bay.
2.00am to 4.00am:
Placed kedge downstream, hauled off and anchored in 8 feet of water at 2.15am.
Weather: cloudy with light airs from S to SE, and intermittent squalls, equaling the force of a stiff breeze.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Wind steadily increasing; barometer falling.
At 8.00am tested lead line and found short.
8.00am to noon:
Got underway at 8.20am.
Took sounding for purpose of locating channel to Khun [Kun] River, but found none. Anchored at 9.25am.
Captain Putnam and Dr Edmonds went on shore at 9.45am; Mr Frisby and Mr Pidge went on shore at 10.15am.
Moderate breezes and squalls from SbyE; cloudy, steady barometer.
Noon to 5.00pm:
Captain Putnam and Dr Edmonds returned at 12.20pm; Mr Frisby and Mr Pidge returned at 1.10pm.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 2.25pm. Steamed up Scammon Bay for entrance to Khun River till end of watch.
Entered Khun River and anchored about ½ mile inside of mouth at 4.35pm.
5.00pm to 8.00pm:
Anchored in Kuhn River in 3 1/2 fathoms water. Wind from SW at 6.30pm. Captain Putnam, Mr Frisby and Mr Pidge left ship for shore to make time observations. No orders.
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16 July 1899
Mouth of Khun River
Lat 61.8463, Long -165.5954
Midnight to 4.00am:
Kept anchor watch. Moderate to stiff SW breezes. Wind shifted at 1.15am to light NE breeze. Cloudy weather with rising barometer.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Dr Edmonds and party left ship at 7.15am; Captain Putnam, Mr Frisby and Mr Pidge left ship at 7.45am.
8.00am to noon:
Dr Edmonds and party returned at 9.35am; Captain Putnam and party returned at 11.25am.
Stiff breezes from SWxS to SSW and squally; barometer rising steadily.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Captain Putnam ashore with party 12.45pm.
Weather continues the same as in preceding watch.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Shore party returned at 5.20pm. Captain Putnam came aboard at 5.55pm.
8.00pm to midnight:
Captain Putnam went ashore to take astronomical observations at 9.05pm.
Wind shifted from stiff SSW breeze to gentle breeze from NxW at 9.40pm; hauled to SSE at 11.20pm with falling barometer.
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17 July 1899
Mouth of Khun River
Lat 61.8463, Long -165.5954
Midnight to 4.00am:
Captain Putnam came on board at 3.25am.
Wind increased from moderate to fresh breeze at 2.35am.
Gradually dragged anchor across and upstream, about 1 cable’s length.
Put over port anchor at 3.05am which kept vessel from dragging farther.
Barometer continued to fall rapidly.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Stormy looking weather. Came on to rain at 4.10am. Wind increasing and barometer still falling.
8.00am to noon:
Moderate gale from SSE. Barometer falling; squally and raining.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Wind fell from moderate gale to stiff breeze. Cloudy and squally.
Captain Putnam and party went on shore at 6.15pm.
Barometer falling again.
8.00pm to midnight:
Captain Putnam and party returned aboard at 10.20pm.
Wind increased from stiff to fresh breeze; raining and squally. Barometer still falling.
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18 July 1899
Mouth of Khun River
Lat 61.8463, Long -165.5954
Midnight to 4.00am:
Stiff breeze from SSE hauling to SxE at 2.20am; overcast and raining. Barometer seemed to be steadying at end of watch.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Captain Putnam and party left vessel at 7.30am; Dr Edmonds and party went on shore at 7.35am.
Barometer steady; light rain.
8.00am to noon:
Wind increased to fresh breeze and rain ceased falling at 9.40am. Barometer rising.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Captain Putnam returned to vessel with party at 12.35pm and left again at 2.40pm.
Wind hauled to SSW at 3.15pm.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Captain Putnam and shore party returned on board at 6.25pm; Dr Edmonds and his party returned at 6.45pm.
8.00pm to midnight:
No change in appearance of weather; wind falling off.
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19 July 1899
Mouth of Khun River
Lat 61.8463, Long -165.5954
Midnight to 4.00am:
Light air to gentle breeze from SW and cloudy.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Mr Frisby and whaleboat party left vessel at 7.25am; Captain Putnam and shore party left vessel at 7.40am.
8.00am to noon:
Light breezes from ENE, sky cloudy.
Dr Edmonds and party with outfit left vessel at 12.40pm [?].
Noon to 4.00pm:
Light breezes from NNW with falling barometer and cloudy sky.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Weather continues about same; barometer still falling.
Mr Frisby and whaleboat party returned to vessel at 4.40pm; Captain Putnam and shore party came on board at 6.45pm.
8.00pm to midnight:
Gentle breezes from NNE. Sky overcast; steady barometer.
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20 July 1899
Mouth of Khun River and Scammon Bay
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
4.00am to 8.00am:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.45am, standing downriver for Scammon Bay at full speed ahead.
Stopped at 7.10am; Captain Putnam left with shore party at 7.15am.
Going full speed ahead at 7.17am.
Gentle breeze sprang up from NNE at 7.35am.
8.00am to noon:
Let go anchor in 1 fathom of water at 8.05am.
Mr Frisby went on shore with party to build signal at 8.25am; Mr Frisby and party came on board at 9.45am.
Got underway at 9.50am, standing down bay till 10.35am.
Anchored again and built signal.
Variable winds shifting from NNE to NNW; barometer steady.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Mr Frisby went away with whale boat party at 1.15pm.
Winds continued to back and haul, finally steadying to gentle breeze from SSE at 3.50pm.
Shifted anchorage up bay near signal.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Captain Putnam and shore party came on board at 5.30pm.
Got up anchor at 5.45pm. Stood across channel and picked up Mr Frisby’s whaleboat party at 6.30pm.
Swung around and stood out of bay for mouth of river; anchored abreast of astronomical station at 7.45pm.
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21 July 1899
Mouth of Khun River
Lat 61.8463, Long -165.5954
Midnight to 4.00am:
Moderate breeze from SSE. Sky overcast; light steady rain.
4.00am to 8.00am:
No apparent change in weather; barometer falling slowly.
8.00am to noon:
Weather continued about same. Wind freshened to stiff breeze at 10.30am; barometer falling slowly and steadily.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Steady wind; barometer falling slower. Ceased raining at 3.35pm.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Wind backed ExS at 5.15pm and hauled to ESE at 6.20pm.
Two men of Dr Edmond’s party reported to Captain Putnam on board at 7.00pm.
8.00pm to midnight:
Wind backed to ENE at 10.15pm; came on to rain again at 10.20pm. Barometer still falling.
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22 July 1899
Khun River and Scammon Bay
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
Midnight to 4.00am:
Stiff breeze from ESE. Sky cloudy and light steady rain. Barometer steady.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Moderate breezes from ExS. Dark, stormy-looking weather and rain.
8.00am to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 8.25am; stood downstream.
Stopped at 9.15am. Captain Putnam left vessel with shore party at 9.15am.
Grounded and backed off at 9.20am.
Went ahead half speed and grounded again at 9.30am. Placed kedge off starboard quarter and hauled off into channel at 9.40am.
Stood down Scammon Bay to abreast Bay signal and anchored at 10.20am.
Barometer steady.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Stiff, fresh breeze from ExS to ExW; squally and cloudy with passing showers of rain; barometer started up gently.
Shifted anchorage at 2.30pm, Bay signal bearing ExS, distance ½ mile.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Fresh breeze from ExS to ExN with heavy passing rain squalls.
Captain Putnam and shore party came on board at 5.50pm.
Sharp breaking sea at 7.30pm causing vessel to roll considerably.
8.00pm to midnight:
Weather continues about same, with a large sea running from 9.30pm to midnight.
Let go starboard anchor at 11.45pm; wind increasing; barometer rising slowly.
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23 July 1899
Scammon Bay
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
Midnight to 4.00am:
Fresh breeze from ExS; weather cloudy and squally with passing showers of rain. Sea going down. Barometer rising.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Weather continues about same; wind falling off slightly at 7.30am. Barometer rising faster.
8.00am to noon:
Stiff breeze from SxE. Ceased raining at 11.30am. Barometer steady.
Noon to 4.00pm:
No change in weather. Barometer rising.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Wind falling off to gentle breeze and backed to ExN at 6.00pm. Passing showers of rain at and from 6.00pm to 8.30pm. Barometer steady.
8.00pm to midnight:
Variable winds from ExN to NNW, steadying to gentle breeze from ExN at 11.00pm. Barometer steady.
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24 July 1899
Scammon Bay
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
Midnight to 4.00am:
Wind shifted to gentle breeze from SxE at 1.30am; sky clearing and barometer rising slowly.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Gentle breezes from SxE to NxE.
Captain Putnam left vessel with shore party at 6.30am; Dr Edmonds and shore party left at 6.45am.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 7.15am, standing down for [signal] Point.
Barometer rising.
8.00am to noon:
Wind shifted from moderate breeze from SWxW at 8.15am. Showers of rain from 8.30am to 10.50am.
Anchored abreast of [signal] Point at 8.10am.
Placed tide staff at 9.10am; got underway at 10.40am. Anchored again at 11.20am.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Moderate breeze from SSE to SWxW.
Got underway at 12.30pm; grounded at 3.42pm, [signal] Steel bearing about NE, distance about 300 feet.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Dr Edmonds and shore party came on board at 7.30pm.
8.00pm to midnight:
Captain Putnam came on board at 8.45pm.
Vessel floated off shoal at 9.15pm, [signal] Point bearing SxE, distance about [blank].
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25 July 1899
Scammon Bay
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
Midnight to 4.00am:
Gentle breeze from ExS to ExN. Sky nearly clear from 1.30am to 3.00am. Barometer falling.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Moderate breezes from ExN. Sky nearly clear. Barometer falling rapidly.
Dr Edmonds left vessel with shore party at 6.45am; Captain Putnam went on shore with party at 7.10am.
8.00am to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 9.00am; grounded at 10.38.00am.
Backed off and went ahead at 10.45am.
Wind increased to stiff NE breeze at 10.25am.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Anchored at 12.40pm for dinner. Underway at 1.38pm.
Sky overcast; misty along shore. Barometer rising.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Grounded at 5.53pm. Backed off and went ahead at 5.58pm.
Fresh squall from ExN from 6.00pm to 6.25pm.
Anchored at 6.40pm. Captain Putnam and party came on board at 7.10pm; Dr Edmonds and party came on board at 7.45pm.
Barometer rising steadily.
8.00pm to midnight:
Wind increased to stiff breeze at 8.15pm; commenced raining at 8.30pm.
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26 July 1899
Scammon Bay
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
4.00am to 8.00am:
Captain Putnam left vessel at 7.20am; Dr Edmonds and shore party went away at 7.35am.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 7.28.00am. Grounded at 7.32pm.
8.00pm to midnight:
Backed off at 10.35pm and stood down bay for first bight inside Cape Dyer.
Captain Putnam and Dr Edmonds came on board at 10.45pm.
Anchored at 11.30pm.
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27 July 1899
Scammon Bay
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
8.00am to noon:
Captain Putnam and Dr Edmonds left ship with shore party at 9.15am.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Captain Putnam and Dr Edmonds came on board at 7.15am.
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[Orders for watches, courses and bearings, sounding notes and water specimens]
Specimen of sea water to be taken at end of each watch and number of cork on bottle to be noted in sounding book
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28 July 1899
At sea, Cape Dyer to St Michael
Lat 61.935, Long -165.8333
4.00am to 8.00am:
Mr Frisby left vessel with whaleboat party at 7.35am.
8.00am to noon:
Part of crew taking on wood and water.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Mr Frisby with whaleboat party returned at 12.15pm.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Hove up anchor and got underway, bound for St Michael at 4.58pm.
Course steered as recorded in sounding book.
8.00pm to midnight:
Light breeze from NW; barometer stationary; occasional low mists.
Steamer underway with course N, running sounding line, Cape Dyer to St Michael.
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29 July 1899
At sea, Cape Dyer to St Michael
Lat 62.1163, Long -165.8706
11.00pm [28 July] to 2.00am:
Wind steady from NW. Barometer falling.
Sounding every minute. Course N.
Running under steam alone, average 6 knots per hour.
Course of steamer changed at 2.12am to N22E, log reading 42½.
Course of steamer changed at 3.00am to N43E.
Soundings taken after 2.40am every 2 minutes; after 4.54am soundings every minute.
Course changed at 4.40am to N22E; at 4.47am to N and at 4.54am to N67W on account of shoaling water.
5.00am to 8.00am:
Changed course from N to N43W at 5.15am. Soundings taken every minute.
Changed course from N43W to N22W at 5.24am, log 62.7.
Changed course to N23E at 5.35am, log 63.1.
Took bearing of Kusilvak Mountain; found to bear S40E, and mountain on Cape Dyer bearing S3W.
Changed course to N23E at 5.57am; log 66.7.
8.00am to 11.00am:
Light westerly airs; barometer steady; light fog; sea calm.
Encountered shoal water at beginning of watch and altered course to westward.
Grounded at 8.32 in 4½ feet with falling tide.
11.00am to [5.14pm]:
Hung upon a sand bar.
Calm to light airs from NNW. Barometer falling slowly at end of watch.
At 4.32pm got underway; course S25W; log at 4.37pm was 83.74; see sounding record for course.
Skirting Yukon Delta on way up from Cape Dyer to St Michael.
At 4.32pm stopped in shoal water and skirmished for more water.
At 5.14pm, log 85.65, under full steam.
[5.15pm] to 8.00pm:
Under full speed, steam alone, taking sounding every minute. Courses as recorded in sounding book. Light breeze from NNW. Barometer falling slowly but steadily.
8.00pm to 11.00pm:
Light airs from NNW and N. Barometer falling slightly. Running sounding line. Courses given in sounding record.
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30 July 1899
At sea, Cape Dyer to St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
11.00pm [29 July] to 2.00am:
Sounding along course; for record see sounding book.
Light airs to light breezes from NE. Barometer steadily falling.
Ran 17.9 knots during watch under steam alone; course N75E.
Sunrise at 3.05am:
Course N75E.
Fine morning; clear.
Mountains behind Point Romanof sighted about 2.45am off starboard bow.
5.00am to 8.00am:
Full speed ahead, steam alone.
Gentle breeze from NNE. Clear sky and smooth sea. Barometer steady.
Courses steered as recorded in sounding book.
9.40am to noon:
Slowed down and spoke USC&GS Steamer ‘Patterson’ at 9.50am.
Went ahead full speed at 9.55am. Anchored close in shore abreast of coal pile near St Michael at 10.25am.
Captain Putnam, Mr Frisby and Dr Edmonds left vessel to go on board ‘Patterson’ at 10.35am.
4.00pm to midnight:
Captain Putnam, Dr Edmonds and Mr Frisby returned on board at 4.20pm having been on board ‘Patterson’.
Captain Putnam left vessel to go on board ‘Patterson’ at 5.35pm.
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31 July 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Midnight to noon:
Stiff breeze sprang up at 1.35am.
Finished coaling ship and hauled off to anchor at 2.20am.
Captain Putnam went on shore at 8.30am; Mr Frisby went off to steamer ‘Taku’ at 8.45am.
Commenced raining at 9.00am.
Mr Frisby returned at 9.15am; Captain Faris* came on board at 10.20am; Captain Putnam returned at 11.25am and Captain Faris left at 11.55am.
[*Photo: Robert Lee Faris]
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1 August 1899
St Michael and at sea
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Noon to 5.00pm:
Got up anchor at 12.45pm and steamed over to AC Co [Alaska Commercial Company] and anchored at 12.50pm.
Got underway at 2.00pm and headed towards Egg Island; log read 84.88 and course changed from NNE to S55W at 3.20pm, log 88.4.
At 4.00pm log read 92.4; at 4.15pm log read 93.52. Changed course to S28W. At 4.57pm log read 97.40; course S10W at 5.00pm, log 97.65.
At middle of Stuart [Island], St Michael Pass.
5.00pm to 8.00pm:
Under all sail at 5.15pm. Wind hauled from ESE to S at 6.20pm. Took in all sail at 6.25pm.
Changed course to N20W at 7.15pm; touched bottom at 8.3 log.
Changed course to S60W at 7.21pm; log 8.9.
Changed course S10W at 7.34pm, log 9.86.
Fair weather, moderate breezes from SxE and rising barometer at end of watch.
8.00pm to 11.00pm:
Moderate breezes diminishing to light breezes from SxE; barometer stationary.
Anchored off village of Nokrotmiut [Nokrot] near Point Romanof at 9.40pm.
Captain Putnam and Dr Edmonds went ashore to enquire about dinghy reported to have been washed ashore here.
Returned to ship at 10.30pm; underway 10.40pm.
Abreast Point Romanof at 11.00pm, log reading 21.50 and course SSW.
11.00pm to midnight:
Small, white light abeam at shore at 11.55pm.
Light airs from ESE; course SSW at midnight, running in 1 fathom 3 feet of water.
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2 August 1899
Apoon Pass to Aproka Pass
Lat 63.04, Long -163.31
Midnight to [2.00]am:
At 1.00am leadline read 1 fathom ¾ foot.
At 1.10am took in log, slowed down in 5 feet of water on Pastoliak shoal and called Captain Putnam per order [Call Captain Putnam when at entrance to Aproka Pass].
At 1.17am under full speed again. At 1.20am sighted 3rd buoy marking channel leading to Apoon Pass.
At 1.45am anchored in 1 fathom of water near buoy. Lowered dinghy and painted buoy red, then stood up to 1st buoy, with ship anchored, and painted buoy red.
Then stood down to 2nd buoy which was capsized; righted it and stood down for 4th buoy but found it gone, so continued on to cask buoy marking turn in channel to mouth of river.
At end of watch standing in Apoon Pass.
Barometer rising slowly; wind shifting.
Made run under steam alone; log under-running throughout watch. Current at 1.45am 0.6 knots.
[2.00am] to 5.00am:
On way up Apoon Pass past entrance to Okwega Pass. Light breezes from NNW. Eskimo pilot Lucas steering vessel.
5.00am to 8.00am:
Under steam in Apoon Pass. Light breezes from NNW. Eskimo pilot Lucas steering vessel.
8.00am to 11.00am
Light airs from NE; sky overcast; barometer steady.
Underway, running up Apoon Pass. Anchored at 9.58am off supply station at head of Apoon Pass and took on supplies.
11.00am to [5.00pm]:
Light airs from easterly direction; barometer falling at end of watch.
Anchored off supply station.
At 12.24pm got underway and stood up river, at end of watch near entrance to Apoon Pass. Under steam alone.
At 3.00pm aground in to Aproka Pass, nose on bank. Got underway at 4.50pm with Lucas at helm.
5.00pm to 8.00pm:
Grounded and backed off several times trying to find channel at entrance from Aproka to Kwikluak [Kwiklok in log] Pass.
8.00pm to 11.00pm:
Light and gentle breezes from SE; barometer rising slightly.
At anchor waiting for tide; underway at 9.55pm.
Touched bottom several times trying to cross bar. Aground at end of watch.
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3 August 1899
Kwikluak Pass to Avogon Pass
Lat 62.7261, Long -164.1829
11.00pm [2 August] to 2.00am:
At anchor in Kwikluak Pass.
Barometer slowly rising at end of watch; wind steadily increasing; tide rising until about 1.30am, apparently high tide at that time.
8.00am to 11.00m:
Moderate breezes from SSE to ESE; barometer rising slowly; sky overcast with occasional showers.
At anchor N of bar across Aproka Pass.
11.00am to 2.00pm:
Moderate breezes from easterly direction; barometer rising slowly.
At anchor until 1.00pm inside of bar at mouth of Aproka Pass.
At 1.00pm Mr Rose hove in anchor and stood up Aproka Pass.
At 1.30pm Mr Rose let go anchor in mouth of Aproka Pass and Captain Putnam left ship in dinghy to sound a possible channel across bar into Kwikluak Pass.
3.00pm to midnight:
In Kwikluak Pass, standing downstream at
Stopped near Kogweamiut [possibly Kwikluak]. Captain Putnam, Dr Edmonds and Mr Pidge went on shore at 4.50pm.
Captain Putnam and party returned at 5.20pm.
Underway at 5.25pm.
Rain squalls at 6.00pm. Anchored at entrance of Avogon Pass in 1¼ fathoms of water at 8.00pm.
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4 August 1899
Avogon Pass
Lat 62.5378, Long -164.8421 [at 1.45pm]
Midnight to noon:
Moderate to stiff breezes from ESE with occasional showers of rain.
Got underway at Nelakamiut [Nililak] village at 7.30am.
Anchored abreast of village at 8.15am. Underway again at 9.30am.
Grounded at 10.35am. Hauled off to kedge at 11.15am.
Noon to midnight:
Got underway at 12.30pm. Anchored abreast Narosgagamiut [probably Narosigagaamieut, also known as Nagosakchowik] village at 1.45pm.
Captain and party went on shore at 1.50pm and returned at 2.27pm.
Got underway at 2.32pm. Anchored at 4.25pm.
Captain and party went on shore at 4.30pm and returned at 5.10pm.
Got underway immediately for Avogon Pass and anchored at 5.30pm.
Captain Putnam went on shore with astronomical instrument at 7.15pm.
The log from this time on was kept by Mr PS Rose, to close of season.
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5 August 1899
Avogon Pass to Waklarokamiut
Lat 62.5410, Long -165.0227 [at 5.45pm]
Midnight to noon:
Dr Edmonds and party, with outfit, canoe and dinghy, left vessel at 7.10am.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 7.25am with two Eskimo pilots on board.
Grounded at 8.40am. Hauled off by placing kedge anchor over port quarter at 9.05am.
Captain took party onshore and built signal. Took current observations and found current to be 1 1/5 knots at 9.15am.
Underway at 10.40am. Captain alongside at 10.50am.
Anchored for dinner at 11.15am.
Noon to 8pm:
Captain and boat party went off sounding at 12.35pm and returned at 1.45pm.
Hove anchor and got underway at 1.50pm.
Stopped and erected Pipe signal at 2.15pm and got underway again at 4.05pm.
Small water spout bearing SW, distant about 2 miles, at 4.10pm, and disappeared at 4.15pm.
Anchored for all night abreast Waklarokamiut [Waklarok] village at 5.45pm.
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6 August 1899
Waklarokamiut to Nelakamiut [Nililak]
Lat 62.5892, Long -164.7858 [11.15pm]
Midnight to noon:
Erected tide staff at 7.10am.
Got underway at 7.15am. Anchored at 11.55am for dinner.
Noon to midnight:
Erected pipe signal at 1.10pm and got underway at 1.20pm.
Anchored and built pipe signals at 4.00pm. Underway at 4.10pm.
Hard aground at 7.45pm; hauled off to kedge and got underway at 9.20pm.
Gentle breeze sprang up from SE at 9.35pm.
Anchored abreast of Nelakamiut village at 11.15pm and hauled fires at 11.35pm.
Took soundings up to time of going aground.
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7 August 1899
Lat 62.5892, Long -164.7858
Midnight to noon:
Blew down boiler at 3.20am, preparatory to washing out mud in bottom.
Captain Putnam went on shore at 7.10am.
Filled boiler with water to steaming level at 7.30am and started fires.
Noon to midnight:
Wind backed from light NE breeze to gentle breeze from NNE at 1.30pm.
Captain Putnam returned.
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8 August 1899
In Kwemeluk Pass
Lat 62.4725, Long -164.8211
7.00am to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 7.00am.
Stopped and put tide observer on shore at Waklarok village; underway again at 8.56am.
Anchored at 10.03am. Erected pipe signal (new) at 10.20am.
Heavy rain squall passed from 11.25am to 11.30am.
Noon to midnight:
Underway at
Anchored for all night at 5.40pm. Erected tide staff at 5.50pm.
Ran sounding lines from 7.42pm to
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[Duplicate scan of Remarks page for 8 August; no scan of Remarks page for 9 August is available]
9 August 1899
In Kwemeluk Pass
Lat 62.4725, Long -164.8211
[No information is available for this day; location for previous day has been used]
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10 August 1899
To Nelakamiut
Lat 62.5892, Long -164.7858 [6.20pm]
Midnight to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.40am.
Stopped and took tide staff aboard at 6.45am.
Underway again at 6.50am; came to anchor at 11.00am.
Lowered away whaleboat at 11.20am and took up pipe signal South.
Returned to vessel at 11.40am.
Underway at 12.16pm; anchored at 3.30pm and erected pipe signal Turn. Got underway and stood up channel to abreast Nelakamiut village and anchored at 6.20pm in 1½ fathoms of water.
Ran sounding lines from 7.00am to 5.30pm; courses steered as recorded in sounding book.
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11 August 1899
Nelakamiut to Waklarokamiut
Lat 62.5410, Long -165.0227 [at 5.54pm]
Midnight to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.45am.
Came to anchor at 9.03am and erected [signal] Swell.
Underway at 9.45am; grounded on outside bar at 10.28am.
Placed kedge anchor over port quarter and hauled off into 1¼ fathoms of water and found that after section of 2x8 wooden shoe carried away and was drifting alongside; took same onboard.
Anchored for lunch at 11.42am.
Got underway again. Anchored abreast of Waklarokamiut village for night at 5.54pm.
Ran sounding lines to 5.16pm. Courses steered as recorded in sounding book.
[No logs available for 12 to 19 August 1899]
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20 August 1899
Kwikpak Pass
Lat 63.0814, Long -164.5594
6am to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.04am.
Sounded at 6.27am. Kedged off and got underway at 7.15am, standing down Kwikpak Pass.
Small stern wheel steamer passed at 6.45am bound upstream.
Anchored at coal pile at 10.15am and took 101 sacks of coal on board.
NATandT Co’s steamer ‘Chas Hamilton’* passed, bound downstream at 11.45am.
Noon to midnight:
Rain squall came on from 12.55pm to 1.07pm from ENE.
Steam launch ‘Delta’ hove into sight at 2.25pm.
Steamer ‘Taku’ hove into sight at 3.00pm.
Steamer ‘Taku’ came to anchor at 3.30pm within easy distance of our port quarter.
Captain Faris came on board at 3.36pm, also Mr Flynn. Captain Faris and Mr Flynn left at 5.23pm.
Weighed anchor and got underway at 5.25pm, standing down Kwikpak Pass.
Passed small stern wheel steamer ‘St James’ at 5.51pm.
Rain squall came at 6.55pm to 7.20pm from SW.
Passed steamer ‘Chas Hamilton’ at 8.40pm at anchor.
Came to anchor at 8.45pm for all night.
[*Chas H Hamilton, steam canal boat, 1897, North American Transport and Trading Company]
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[Duplicate scan]
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[Duplicate scan]
21 August 1899
Kwikpak Pass to St Michael
Lat 63.549, Long -162.320
Midnight to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 3.30am.
Passed out Apoon Mouth at 5.45am; put over patent log at 5.48am; steamer ‘Chas Hamilton’ about 1½ miles astern.
Hogback [Hill] bearing S35E, Point Romanof N37E, course N35E under jib and mainsail.
Abreast Point Romanof at 7.17am. Changed course to N18E.
Under whole sail at 7.45am; steamer ‘Chas Hamilton’ still about 1½ miles astern.
Changed course to N37E at 8.45am; steamer ‘Chas Hamilton’ 2½ miles astern.
Steamer ‘Chas Hamilton’ about 3½ miles astern at 10.55am; changed course to N75E.
Ran from Point Romanof to Stephens Pass, true distance 25¼ [miles], by patent log 26.7 [miles], from 7.17am to 10.28am.
Took all sail in and changed course to S45E at 11.55am.
Noon to midnight:
Changed course to SxE at 12.04pm. Came to anchor at 1.50pm.
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22 August 1899
St Michael to Pastol Bay
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Midnight to noon:
Hauled into wind to take coal at 6.00am; Captain Putnam went on shore at 6.30am.
Took about 85 bags of coal on board and hauled off to anchor at 10.10am.
Noon to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 12.53pm and made landing alongside of AC Co’s wharf at 1.02pm.
Cleared wharf and steamed abreast of AE [Alaska Exploration] Co’s and came to anchor at 1.15pm, taking on some stores and getting underway, bound for Yukon River, at 1.50pm.
Put over patent log, reading 54.25 at 2.00pm, abreast of Whale Island; course N27E.
Changed course: at 2.06pm to N54W; at 2.39pm to S63W; at 4.05pm to S31W; at 4.35pm to S15W (in Stephens Pass); at 7.00pm to S5W.
At 8.00 Point Romanof bore S12E; at 9.50pm Point Romanof abeam; changed course to S22W.
Came to anchor at 11.06pm in 1½ fathoms water with 10 fathoms on chain out; log 105.33.
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23 August 1899
Pastol Bay to Aproka Pass
Lat 62.8932, Long -164.1083
Midnight to noon:
Hove anchor and got underway at 4.20am. Put over patent log reading 105.33; course S18W.
Sighted overturned buoy at 5.37am. Took in patent log at 5.40am.
Stopped and made fast ashore abreast of coal pile at 11.20am.
Mr Flynn came aboard at 11.35am.
Took on board 11 tons of coal.
Noon to midnight:
Got underway at 3.02pm. Steamed up Kwikpak into Aproka Pass.
Came to anchor at 7.00pm in S end of Aproka Pass for all night.
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24 August 1899
Aproka Pass to Utakaht Channel
Lat 62.7191, Long -164.3347
Midnight to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 4.10am.
Steamed through channel at entrance to Aproka Pass into Kwikluak and came to anchor at 5.30am in E end of Utakaht Channel.
Mr Flower and Mr Frisby came on board at 5.40am and went ashore again at 5.50am.
Captain Putnam left ship in whaleboat at 7.00am.
Noon to midnight:
Got underway at 3.00pm and steamed down through Utakaht Channel into Kwikluak Pass and anchored abreast of Kwegak [Kwiguk].
Captain Putnam came on board at 7.00pm.
Got underway at 7.03pm; picked up Mr Frisby at 7.10pm.
Steamed up Utakaht Channel and anchored in E end at 8.20pm.
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25 August 1899
Utakaht Channel
Lat 62.7191, Long -164.3347
Midnight to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.45am, down through Utakaht Channel into Kwikluak Pass.
Dropped Mr Frisby in a dinghy at 7.30am.
Captain Putnam left ship in whaleboat at 7.44am.
Steamed down to abreast of first signal below Kwegak and came to anchor at 7.55am in 4 fathoms of water.
Captain Putnam came on board at 10.15am.
Got underway at 10.20am and steamed up through Utakaht Channel.
Noon to midnight:
Came to anchor in E end of Utakaht Channel at 12.15pm.
Took barge alongside at 1.25pm and got underway at 1.30pm, steaming up Kwiklowal Channel [probably Kwikluak Pass].
Passed steam launch at 3.30pm; sighted steamer ‘Taku’ at 3.55pm.
Came to anchor at 3.45pm.
Captain Putnam went ashore in dinghy to build signal at 3.45pm.
Captain Putnam returned at 4.40pm; got underway at 4.43pm.
Stopped again to build signal at
Steamed across stream and went to anchor for all night in 1½ fathoms of water at 5.50pm.
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26 August 1899
Kwikluak Pass
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Hove anchor and got underway at 6.55am with barge and launch in tow.
Dropped barge and launch at 7.30am.
Made fast to bank at 8.00am; built signal and got underway at 8.50am.
Stopped and built signal and got underway at 9.40am.
Stopped and built signal and got underway at 11.05am.
Came to anchor at 11.30am abreast of signal (Knife).
Noon to midnight:
Got underway at 1.35pm and stopped at 2.50pm. Built signal.
Got underway at 4.04pm; steamed up channel and came to anchor at 4.25pm for all night.
Captain went ashore in dinghy to build signal at 4.30pm.
Captain Putnam returned at 5.20pm.
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27 August 1899
Kwikluak Pass
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
[No remarks]
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28 August 1899
Kwikluak and Kwikpak Passes
Lat 63.0775, Long -164.3961
Midnight to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.35am.
Steamed around into Kwikpak Channel and made fast to bank on N side at 7.45am.
Captain Putnam went on shore with party and built signal.
Underway at 8.37am and stopped at 8.15am; built signal.
Underway at 9.45am. Stopped at 10.05am and built signal.
Underway at 11.05am; came to anchor at 11.28am.
Noon to midnight:
Captain went on shore with party to occupy Taku signal at 12.10pm.
Got underway at 1.15pm. Steamed upstream and around into Kwiklowak Channel [presumably another spelling of Kwikluak].
Stopped at 2.57pm. Captain Putnam and party went ashore in whaleboat.
Stood downstream to abreast of signal.
Came to anchor at 3.53pm in 3 fathoms of water.
Steam launch came alongside at 5.30pm with dinghy in tow and Mr Frisby and party on board.
Captain Putnam and whaleboat party came on board at 7.00pm.
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29 August 1899
Kwikluak Channel
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch left ship with Captain Putnam’s and Mr Frisby’s parties in tow at 6.33am.
Noon to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 3.35pm.
Stood downstream to abreast [signal] Maid and came to anchor at 4.20pm in 1½ fathoms of water.
Steam launch returned alongside at 5.37pm.
Captain Putnam and whaleboat came alongside at 5.45pm.
Mr Frisby and party returned at 5.58pm.
Light variable airs from S to WSW and back to SE during day; sky overcast and misty.
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30 August 1899
Kwikluak Channel
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch left ship at 6.24am.
Mr Frisby and party left ship at 6.38am; Captain Putnam and party left in whaleboat at 6.42am.
Wind shifted from E to NE at 7.00am; sky overcast and misty.
Noon to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 3.10pm.
Stood downstream and stopped abreast Aproka Pass at 3.45pm. Spoke Captain Putnam.
Went ahead again at full speed, sounded too, and stood upstream to abreast signal at E end of base line.
Came to anchor at 4.20pm in 2 fathoms of water.
Steam launch came alongside at 5.23pm; Mr Frisby and party came alongside at 5.35pm; Captain Putnam came alongside at 5.37pm.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.20pm, and stood upstream with steam launch in tow.
Came to anchor at 8.25pm for night in 2 fathoms of water.
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31 August 1899
Kwikluak Channel
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch left ship at 6.07am.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.20am.
Steam launch came alongside with barge in tow at 6.33am.
Came to anchor at 8.45am; Mr Frisby and party went on shore to build signals at 8.57am and returned at 9.53am.
Got underway at 9.58.00am; steam launch let go at 10.00am.
Stood across river and stopped at 10.20am. Captain Putnam and party went on shore to build signals.
Got underway at 11.02am.
Noon to midnight:
Stopped at 12.20pm to build signal and got underway at 12.58pm.
Stopped at 1.20pm to build signal and got underway at 1.40pm.
Stopped at 1.54pm to build signal and got underway at 2.30pm.
Stopped at 2.57pm to build signal and got underway at 3.26pm.
Stopped at 3.48pm to build signal and got underway at 4.33pm.
Made fast to bank on E side of river at [signal] Might at 5.29pm and erected signal.
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1 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch left ship at 6.21am.
Mr Frisby and Captain Putnam with dinghy and whaleboat parties left ship at 6.45am.
Discharged about 3 tons of coal from barge into steamer bunkers.
Noon to midnight:
Let go of bank and dropped downstream to pick up shore parties and came to anchor abreast [signal] First at 5.30pm in 2 fathoms of water.
Steam launch came alongside at 5.55pm; Captain Putnam and party came alongside at 6.06pm; Mr Frisby and party came alongside at 6.23pm.
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2 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Small sternwheel steamer ‘Leota’* came alongside at 6.20am and left at 6.38am.
Mr Frisby and dinghy party left ship at 6.40am.
Steam launch towed barge away at 6.43am (barge was left in creek opposite [signal] First).
Captain Putnam and party left at 6.47am.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 11.47am and stood downstream.
Noon to midnight:
Came to anchor at 1.13pm abreast [signal] Taku in 2 fathoms of water.
Captain Putnam and whaleboat party came on board at 1.54pm.
Got underway at 1.56pm, standing downstream; made fast to bank abreast [signal] Green at 2.51pm.
Mr Frisby and party came on board at 3.33pm.
Steam launch came alongside at 3.43pm; got underway at 3.48pm, standing upstream with launch in tow.
Came to anchor at 6.24pm in 1½ fathoms of water.
[*Leota (1898-1920), listed on ExploreNorth, Roster of Yukon/Alaska Sternwheelers]
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3 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Wind shifted from light easterly airs to gentle breezes from ENE at 4.30am and hauled to SE, increasing to moderate breezes at 9.00am.
Sky overcast and cloudy; light rain commenced at 3.00am.
Noon to midnight:
Stopped raining at 9.30pm. Steady moderate SE breezes till midnight. Barometer falling steadily all day.
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4 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Mr Frisby and party left ship at 6.10am.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.12am; steam launch let go at 6.17am.
Came to anchor on NE side of channel at 6.21am.
Captain Putnam and party went on shore to build signal.
Captain returned on board; weighed anchor and at 6.33am stood upstream on NE side of channel.
Ran into bank at 6.53am; built signal and got underway at 7.12am; stood across stream.
Picked up Mr Frisby’s dinghy party; gave them a pull upstream; let them have Mr Pidge and dropped them close inshore on SW channel.
Stood across stream again and ran into bank on NE side at 7.44am; made fast.
Built signal and got underway at 8.11am.
Noon to midnight:
Continued building signals and occupying them until 3.48pm.
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5 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch went away at 6.18.00am.
Captain Putnam and party went ashore to build signal and returned at 7.10am.
Got underway at 7.13am, standing upstream along E shore and building signals at intervals of about 1 mile.
Noon to midnight:
Made fast to bank on SE side of river at 5.30pm for all night.
Steam launch came alongside at 6.15pm.
Moderate to stiff SE breezes and light driving rain all day.
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6 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Wind increased from gentle breeze to stiff breeze with light driving rain at 5.00am.
Steam launch went away at 6.32am.
Cast off from bank and got underway at 6.35am.
Stood downstream until 7.03am; made fast to bank on SW side and built signal.
Getting underway again at 7.40am and stood upstream along NE shore.
Came to anchor at 8.35am; Captain and party went ashore in whaleboat, built signal and returned.
Got away again at 8.57am; continued building signals at intervals of 1 miles until 11.40am at which time stood across to SW shore and came to anchor at 11.54am for lunch.
Noon to midnight:
Built signals on N shore until 5.30pm when stood across stream with launch in tow.
Came to anchor at 5.36pm close inshore in 2½ fathoms of water.
Stiff SE breezes and light, driving rain all day.
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7 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.5784, Long -163.9867
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch went away to build signals at 6.27am.
Picked up signal material from shore and got underway at 6.45am; stood across stream and came to anchor at 7.08am.
Built signal on sand island and got away at 7.30am; stood upstream.
Stopped to let Mr Frisby and party on shore at 8.10am; got underway again, standing upstream.
Came to anchor close inshore on N side of river at 9.20am.
Noon to midnight:
Captain Putnam and party went on shore in whaleboat; climbed up mountain, built and occupied [signal] Finis at 12.08pm.
Got underway at 12.14pm and stood across stream; came to anchor close inshore abreast [signal] Mouth at 12.31pm.
Captain Putnam and party went away in whaleboat to occupy signals for the pm at 1.07pm.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 4.30pm; dropped downstream and came to anchor at 5.38pm.
Captain Putnam came on board at 6.09pm.
Steam launch came alongside at 6.16pm with Mr Frisby and party in tow.
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8 September 1899
Yukon River [Kazhutak]
Lat 62.1152, Long -163.9466
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch left to run sounding lines at 6.25am.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.38am. Stood across to N shore of river and dropped Mr Frisby’s party at 6.46am.
Stood on downstream and sounded to 6.48am; stopped at 6.57am and spoke Mr Frisby; stood downstream again and sounded.
Came to anchor at 7.50am, close in on N shore and just below Kazhutakamiut.
Wind shifted from light ESE airs to moderate NW breeze at 6.30am.
Thick fog bank came over Kazhutak Mountain and closed in over river and flats below at 7.00am.
Fog disappeared at 8.45am.
Captain Putnam and party went ashore at 7.58am and climbed up mountain; built and occupied station [blank] and returned at 12.10pm.
Noon to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 12.18; stood upstream, stopped and spoke Mr Frisby at 12.40.
Stood up farther upstream and crossed over to S shore; dropped Captain Putnam and whaleboat party at 1.40.
Round to and stood downstream again.
Heavy rain squall with hail and thunder passed over from 1.30pm to 1.45pm. Several light showers passed by during pm.
Came to anchor about midstream between signals Top and Work at 2.45pm.
Shifted anchorage five different times for current readings.
Captain Putnam’s whaleboat party came aboard at 6.12pm.
Came to anchor for all night at 6.37pm within easy distance of S shore abreast of [signal] Work.
Steam launch came alongside at 6.40pm with Mr Frisby’s party in tow.
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9 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.1152, Long -163.9466
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch went away to run sounding lines at 7.10am.
Mr Frisby and dinghy party left ship at 7.15am.
Captain Putnam and whaleboat party went away at 7.23am.
Noon to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 4.17pm. Stood across to N side and then downstream.
Came to anchor close in shore on SW side of river at 5.35pm.
Mr Frisby and dinghy party returned on board at 5.48pm.
Steam launch came alongside at 6.20pm.
Sky cleared at 7.00pm. Captain Putnam went on shore with party and set up astronomical instrument and took observations, returning on board at 11.30pm.
Sky overcast with cloud at midnight.
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10 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.1152, Long -163.9466
Midnight to noon:
Wind shifted from light NE airs to gentle breezes from SSE and some rain began to fall at 5.20am. Stopped raining at 9.10am.
Captain Putnam and party went away in whaleboat to measure baseline on sand bar.
Noon to midnight:
Steam launch went away downstream at 3.00pm.
Rain squalls passed from 4.45pm to 4.55pm.
Steam launch returned at 5.37pm with Captain Putnam and party.
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11 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.1152, Long -163.9466
Midnight to noon:
Wind increased from light airs to moderate breezes at 5.30am.
Mr Frisby and dinghy party went away at 6.45am.
Captain Putnam and whaleboat party went on shore at 6.46am.
Steam launch left ship to run sounding lines at 6.48am.
Noon to midnight:
Weighed anchor and got underway at 3.55pm. Stood downstream to abreast of signal Anuk [?].
Rounded to and made fast to bank of river for all night at 5.00pm.
Mr Frisby and party came on board at 6.05pm.
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12 September 1899
Yukon River
Lat 62.1152, Long -163.9466
Midnight to noon:
Steam launch went away to run soundings at 6.35am.
Mr Frisby and party went away in dinghy at 7.44am.
Captain Putnam and party went away in whaleboat at 7.45am.
Cast off from bank at 10.35am. Stood downstream to abreast of signal and made fast ashore at 11.15am.
Mr Frisby and party came on board at 11.25am.
Noon to midnight:
Commenced raining at 12.30pm.
Captain Putnam and whaleboat returned at 2.25pm.
Steam launch came alongside at 3.35pm.
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13 September 1899
Yukon River and Kwikpak Pass
Lat 63.0814, Long -164.5594
Midnight to noon:
Wind shifted from NE to SW at 3.40am.
Steam launch left ship at 6.15am; came back at 9.00am.
Cast off from bank; ran across stream and came to anchor in 1½ fathoms of water at 9.35am.
Noon to midnight:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 12.02pm, bound downriver with steam launch in tow alongside and taking soundings.
Steam launch let go at 1.35pm and stood downstream to pick up barge from slough.
Came to anchor abreast [signal] First at 1.32pm. Captain Putnam went ashore to occupy signal and returned at 2.00pm.
Weighed and got underway at 2.04pm and stood downstream again; continued making soundings.
Entered Kwikpak at 2.20pm.
Overhauled launch with barge and took them in tow alongside at 3.30pm.
Came to anchor at 7.00pm abreast coal pile.
Light rain came on at 7.30pm. Wind freshened from gentle to moderate breeze and came on to rain at 8.30pm.
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14 September 1899
Kwikpak Pass to Apoon Mouth
Lat 63.0389, Long -163.5071
Midnight to noon:
Wind fell from moderate to gentle breezes at 1.50am; barometer started to rise rapidly at 2.30am; ceased raining at 3.45am.
Hauled into bank and took on 2 tons of coal at 6.45am.
Cast off from bank and got underway at 6.58.00am, bound for St Michael with launch and barge in tow alongside.
Sighted steamer ‘Taku’ downriver at 9.45am. Passed ‘Taku’ and spoke Captain Faris at 10.06am.
Came to anchor at 10.15am abreast Kotlik village in 2 fathoms of water.
Dr Edmonds and party came on board with party and outfit at 10.40am.
Hove up anchor and got underway at 11.00am, ‘Taku’ following within easy distance.
Grounded at 11.35am and steamer ‘Taku’ passed to starboard.
Backed off and got into channel and went ahead at ½ speed at 11.40am.
Noon to midnight:
Came to anchor abreast steamer ‘Taku’ at 1.00pm in channel between Pastolik and Pastoliak Rivers.
Captain Faris came on board at 1.30pm and left at 3.57pm.
Captain Putnam went aboard steamer ‘Taku’ at 6.30pm.
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15 September 1899
Apoon Mouth to St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Midnight to noon:
Hove up anchor and got underway at 1.17am, course N80E, half speed, steamer ‘Taku’ following within easy distance over port quarter at 1.20am.
Changed course to N34E at 1.35am, full speed ahead; put over patent log at 1.38am reading 11.75, abreast of light probably in mouth of Pastoliak River.
Dropped barge astern on short tow line at 2.30am and dropped launch astern over starboard quarter on short tow line at 3.45am.
Abreast Point Romanof at 4.22am; changed course to N25E at 4.40am; and to N30E at 5.25am.
Rounded to at 7.00am. Took in patent log reading 28.37, and let go steam launch and barge.
Stood offshore, course N45W; steam launch standing for mouth of St Michael Channel at 7.05am.
Put over patent log at 7.06am; set mainsail and jib at 7.25am.
Changed course to N15E at 7.30am; to N47E at 8.20am; to N65E at 8.47am; to N55E at 8.54am; and to N77E at 9.00am.
Snow and rain squall passed from 9.00am to 9.15am. Set foresail at 9.17am.
Whale Island abreast at 9.40am; changed course to S40E at 9.49am; and to S45W at 10.12am. Log reading 62.80.
Came to anchor at 10.30am close inshore abreast of ways for hauling out vessels.
Captain Putnam and party went ashore at 10.35am and returned on board at 12 noon.
Noon to midnight:
All hands went ashore to make preparations for hauling ships out on ways; returned to ship at 5.35pm.
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16 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
All hands went to work on shore at 6.30am, getting ways ready for hauling out vessels.
Crew came on board for lunch at 11.45am; shifted anchorage a little farther offshore at 12.15pm.
Crew went to work at 12.45pm.
Steady NE breezes all day, increasing from gentle to fresh breezes at 5.00pm. Began snowing at 5.30pm.
Crew came aboard at 5.48pm.
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17 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Steady fresh to stiff breeze from NNE and snow until noon then wind began to fall off and snow stopped falling.
Wind shifted to light airs from SW at 6.30pm; sky overcast, light rain.
Wind increased to moderate breeze with rain at 10.30pm.
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18 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Hove up anchor and steamed into landing at coal pile at 6.30am.
Discharged tools and some stores on shore; steamed offshore and came to anchor at 8.00am.
Crew turned to on shore at 8.30am.
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19 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Hove up anchor and got underway at 6.15am; steamed inshore, let go anchor over port quarter at 6.30am.
Went on ways at 7.00am.
Average consumption of coal per hour was 200 lbs for moderate steaming throughout season.
Approved (signed) GR Putnam, Assistant C&GS Chief of Party.
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20 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
[No Remarks for this and following days]
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21 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
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22 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
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23 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
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24 September 1899
St Michael
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
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[Blank pages and cover]
[No logs from September 25, 1899, to August 21, 1902]
LOG BOOK – FOR AUGUST 22nd 1902 TO AUGUST 30th 1902
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[Cover and blank pages]
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Steamer ‘Yukon’
HS Throckmorton, Watch Officer, commanding
From August 22, 1902 to August 30, 1902
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LIST OF OFFICERS Attached to Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘Yukon’
HS Throckmorton, Watch Officer 2nd Class, detailed August 23, 1902, detached August 30, 1902
AR Hunter, Deck Officer 1st Class, detailed August 23, 1902, detached August 30, 1902
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USC&GS Steamer ‘Patterson’
St Michael, Alaska
August 23, 1902
Mr HS Throckmorton
Watch Officer
USC&G Survey
As soon as the USC&GS Steamer ‘Yukon’ is in readiness, weather permitting, you will please proceed with her to Nunivak Island and await the arrival of the SS ‘Patterson’*, lying on either the south or north side as the weather permits.
For this passage Mr AR Hunter, Deck Officer, WL Rush Jr, Assistant to the Engineer, Aug Beecher, Master-at-arms, two firemen and four seamen are assigned with yourself to man the vessel.
As the Steamer ‘Yukon’ has no record of sea-going qualities, and as you are, as yet, entirely unfamiliar with her, you are enjoined to use the greatest caution in handling and navigating her.
Very respectfully
(signed) JF Pratt
Assistant, USC&G Survey
Chief of Party
[*Referred to in the logs as USS ‘Patterson’; probably the vessel referred to in the last paragraph of the Wikipedia article: USS Patterson. USC&GS Steamer [Carlisle P] ‘Patterson’ was at Seattle during this time.]
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5087502509d4090755037783: ( Yukon/Book 14/IMG_5138_1.jpg) General instructions regarding log books
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Length at load water line: 67 feet 5 inches
Extreme breadth of beam at load water line: 15 feet 7 inches
Depth of hold: 6 feet 1 inch
Draft, forward 3 feet 3 inches, aft 3 feet 6 inches in light trim
Displacement 37 tons
26 tons of coal aboard on leaving St Michael
Draft on leaving St Michael: forward 4 feet 0 inches, aft 6 feet 0 inches
Draft on arriving at Dutch Harbor: forward 3 feet 4 inches, aft 4 feet 6 inches
13 tons of coal still aboard on reaching Dutch Harbor
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22 August 1902
St Michael Bay
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Midnight to 8.00am:
USC&GS Steamer ‘Yukon’ fast to NAT&T Co’s wharf with a temporary harbor watch on board.
At 6.00am turned men to, filled water tanks and prepared to go alongside of USS ‘Patterson’ for coal.
Took 910 gallons water in all.
Weather: overcast and cloudy, with drizzling rain and rough sea.
8.00am to noon:
At 9.10am let go lines from dock; slow ahead.
At 9.12am full speed ahead to go out to USS ‘Patterson’.
At 9.30am alongside and fast to ‘Patterson’; at 9.35am began taking coal.
Weather: rainy, with strong but uncertain wind, shifting from SSW to W; sea rough.
Noon to 4.00pm:
At 2.00pm finished with coal: 26 tons aboard.
Began taking in stores at once. At 2.20pm finished taking in stores.
At 2.25pm let go lines and slow ahead; at 2.26pm full speed ahead back to dock.
At 2.52pm stopped; at 2.55pm fast to NAT&T Co’s dock; men clearing up ships.
Wind strong fro SSW; weather rainy.
Blew down boilers to clean tubes.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Men clearing up vessel until 6.00pm.
At 4.30pm wind hauling to NW in strong squalls with rain.
8.00pm to midnight:
Weather: overcast and cloudy with occasional squalls and rain but generally clearing weather; wind fresh from NW.
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Names of crew:
Aug Beecher, Master-at-arms 1st Class; WL Rush Jr, Aid to Engineer 1st Class; GE Cumming, Fireman 1st Class; HM Jones, Fireman 1st Class; W Weidlich, Seaman; SS Munk, Seaman; C Sorenson, Seaman; J Larsen, Seaman.
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23 August 1902
St Michael Bay to Nunivak Island
Lat 63.46, Long -161.979
Midnight to 4.00am:
Weather: still overcast with passing showers of light rain.
4.00am to 8.00am:
At 6.00am called all hands; at 7.00am turned to, setting up preventer guys on smokestack, reeving off rigging and getting ready for sea generally.
No change in weather.
8.00am to noon:
Mr AR Hunter, Deck Officer; WL Rush Jr, Assistant to Engineer; Aug Beecher, Master-at-arms; two Firemen; and four Seamen were this day assigned, under my command, to man Steamer ‘Yukon’ on her passage to Dutch Harbor; with instructions to proceed as soon as ‘Yukon’ should be in readiness.
Stopping at Nunivak Island and there awaiting USS ‘Patterson’.
During this watch, Mr Hunter and one man repairing whaleboat; rest of men continued work of getting ready for sea.
Names of crew on opposite page [see above].
Weather remains same.
Noon to 4.00pm:
At 1.30pm let go from dock and took vessel out into bay to swing ship for compass error and deviation.
At 1.45pm let go anchor; crew getting whaleboat aboard and securing everything for sea.
At 3.50pm Captain Pratt aboard and swinging ship.
Weather: fine and clear with fresh northerly breeze and moderate sea.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Finished swinging ship and Captain Pratt left ship at 5.50pm.
At 6.30pm weighed anchor to go to dock and fill fresh water tanks. Low tide prevented reaching wharf; so ran out to ‘Patterson’ to get water from her.
At 7.20pm alongside and fast to ‘Patterson’ and water coming on board.
Weather: fine and clear, moderate breeze and sea.
8.00pm to midnight:
At 8.50pm water supply complete; at 8.57pm let go lines and left ‘Patterson’s’ side, ‘Yukon’s’ main-boom topping-lift fouled ‘Patterson’s’ dinghy and both carried away.
Put to sea at once, heading by various courses for Stephens Pass as instructed.
At 10.00pm set watch; port watch going below.
Binnacle, steering compass and running lights burning poorly and frequently going out.
At 11.30pm tug ‘Meteor’ with tow astern passed us in entrance to Stephens Pass.
Weather: fine and clear but night very dark; moderate breeze and sea.
Draft leaving St Michael: forward 4 feet, aft 6 feet.
Average steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
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24 August 1902
St Michael Bay to Nunivak Island
Lat 63.63, Long -164.76
Midnight to 4.00am:
Running and compass light continuing to give trouble, and other vessels being near and waters narrow, deemed it best to wait for daylight.
At 1.00am stopped ship and anchored in 10 feet of water, 8 fathoms chain, on S side of Stuart Island and W of Stephens Pass.
Weather: cloudy, otherwise fine, with light but rising westerly wind and smooth sea.
4.00am to 8.00am:
At 5.30am weighed anchor and resumed voyage; at 5.32am full speed ahead.
At 5.42am streamed log, reading 87.7; set course S42W (sc [sc]). Sounding every 15 minutes and results recorded in sounding book.
Light W wind and sea and fine weather.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 210.
8.00am to noon:
At 8.00am changed course to S80W (sc); at 8.34am advanced clock 26 minutes to LAT.
Weather: cloudy and fine; moderate sea and wind. Sounding regularly and results duly recorded.
At 10.30am changed course to S74W; at 11.30 changed course to S64W.
Strong current setting vessel to westward and northward.
At noon by DR, latitude 63 38N, longitude 164 46W.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 210.
Noon to 4.00pm:
At 12.05pm changed course to S15W (sc) to recover course of soundings, current having set us off our course.
At 1.45pm changed course to S80W (sc) having picked up line of soundings. Pilot house compass W¼N.
Weather: fine but cloudy with moderate westerly wind and sea. Vessel rolling considerable [sic] but taking no water on deck.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
At 6.40pm changed course to S8W (sc) (S¼E by pilot house compass [phc]); 5 fathoms water, fine gray sand, when course was changed. Log 59.
At 7.00pm set fore staysail and mainsail. Sounding regularly.
Weather: cloudy but fine.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
8.00pm to midnight:
At 8.00pm set foresail. Weather: cloudy to clear and fine; moderate breeze and sea.
Sounding at regular intervals. Finding current setting vessel to W.
At 11.00pm changed course to S2W.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
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25 August 1902
St Michael Bay to Nunivak Island
Lat 61.88, Long -166.35
Midnight to 4.00am:
At midnight changed course to S8E (sc), current having set vessel further W than at first supposed.
At 2.00am changed course to S30E (sc); at 2.10am took in all sail.
At 3.30am sighted Mount Sinsilvak bearing SE (sc).
Light variable airs, smooth sea and fine clear weather. Casting lead regularly.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 250.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Sighted Cape Romanof bearing S½E. Struck soundings at 39 feet.
Continued on course until ship in 4 fathoms, then at 6.00am changed course to S4W.
Fine, clear weather, light airs and smooth sea.
Regularly casting lead.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 230.
8.00am to noon:
At 8.00am changed course to S26W (sc). Water shoaling too rapidly.
At 9.22am set course to Cape Mohican, Nunivak Island, S6W (sc), S¼E (phc). Log 60.3.
Ship at noon by observation: latitude 61 53N and longitude 166 21W.
Watch on deck painting whaleboat.
Stopped sounding at 11.45am in 7½ fathoms water, fine gray sand.
Weather: fine and clear with flat, calm and glassy sea.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 210.
Noon to 4.00pm:
At 12.20pm Cape Romanof abeam, distance 8.3 miles.
Took departure from latitude 61 51N and longitude 166 22W.
Weather: fine and clear with light various airs and smooth sea.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Weather: unchanged.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
8.00pm to midnight:
At 9.40pm set fore staysail and mainsail.
Fine, clear weather with gentle breeze and smooth sea.
Land not being sighted as expected and distance having been run, suspected at westerly set from current and at midnight changed course to S19E [pc], log 60.1, SSE¼E (phc).
At close of watch wind increasing and sea getting up; sky clouding over.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 208.
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26 August 1902
St Michael Bay to Nunivak Island
Lat 60.234, Long -167.136
Midnight to 4.00am:
At 1.30am changed course to ESE (sc), E (phc).
Weather: cloudy but fine with rising wind and sea, from ENE.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 225.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Sighted Nunivak Island and changed course to ESE (phc).
Vessel rolling so as to render it unsafe to stand on bridge, so all courses in future are by the pilot house compass.
Set all sail. At 4.45am sighted Cape Mohican and changed course to SE.
Cape Mohican abeam, distance 2 miles at 7.05am.
At 7.15am changed course to ESE and then steered various courses to anchorage opposite Observatory.
Fine weather with fresh ENE wind. Sea smooth on S side of Nunivak Island.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 230.
8.00am to noon:
At 8.00am hauled in log, reading 11.
At 9.30am let go anchor in 4 fathoms of water, rocky bottom, 10 fathoms chain to hawse pipe.
At 10.00am lowered boat and reported to Assistant Fremont Morse*.
At 11.00am returned on board.
Wind having hauled to SE and blowing strong and a big sea blowing up, hoisted boat and prepared to get underway.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 175.
Noon to 4.00pm:
At 2.20pm weighed anchor and slow ahead; at 2.25pm full speed ahead to go to N side of Nunivak Island – weather threatening and anchorage off Observatory offering no protection from southerly weather.
Wind from SE strong and a heavy sea rising. Barometer falling rapidly.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Wind suddenly shifted back to ENE.
USS ‘Patterson’ sighted coming to Observatory anchorage, so put vessel about and headed back to former berth.
Variable winds raised a confused, rough sea on top of a heavy SE swell.
Ship’s engines racing badly so slowed down, ‘Yukon’ making fine weather but going dead slow because of big head sea.
At 7.50pm stopped and let go anchor opposite Observatory, 6 fathoms of water and 20 fathoms chain.
Weather: still threatening and uncertain but sea going down.
8.00pm to midnight:
At 8.20pm lowered boat and boarded USS ‘Patterson’ to report to Assistant in charge, JF Pratt.
At 9.00pm returned to ‘Yukon’, hoisted and secured boat and set watch for night.
Weather: rainy with fresh and squally E wind and moderate SE swell still running.
* A mountain on Nunivak Island is named after Assistant Fremont Morse.
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27 August 1902
Nunivak Island to Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island
Lat 59.5, Long -166.9
Midnight to 4.00am:
Weather: unchanged; strong squally wind from E, with rain and mist.
4.00am to 8.00am:
At 7.00am turned to. Mr Hunter and two men left ship in dinghy to bring fresh water from shore.
At 7.40am started to pick up anchor to shift berth nearer station.
Pawls on windlass carried away when anchor hove short and ship dragging anchor.
Rigged messenger to after capstan and hove away.
Weather: unchanged.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
8.00am to noon:
At 8.40am anchor secured and full speed ahead on engines, heading nearer to station.
At 9.10am stopped ship and anchored in 4½ fathoms water, 15 fathoms chain.
At 9.35am recalled boat and sent her to USS ‘Patterson’ with Assistant to Engineer WL Rush Jr to get bolts to repair windlass and also the reversing lever of engine.
At 11.40am boat returned with Rush. Set to work at once repairing windlass and engine.
No change in weather conditions.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 200.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Sea too rough to bring water from shore so at 1.00pm weighed anchor to go alongside ‘Patterson’ to get water from her.
Windlass broke again.
At 1.45pm anchor was secured and full speed ahead on engines.
At 2.20pm stopped and got a line from ‘Patterson’s’ stern; got a hose from ‘Patterson’ and began taking water at once.
At 2.50pm finished with water; at 2.55pm let go line; helm hard a-starboard and full speed ahead.
At 3.03pm set course S17E (sc), SSE (phc).
At 3.10pm set all sail; found she made large leeway and held her up to SE½S (phc).
At 3.52pm streamed log, reading 15.7.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 200.
4.00pm to 6.00pm:
Weather: overcast, cloudy and misty with passing squalls of rain. Wind still fresh but moderating; heavy swell.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 200.
6.00pm to 8.00pm:
Weather: same but wind dropping out and sea becoming confused with cross swell.
Slowed down and allowed ‘Patterson’ to take lead.
Took in all sail, then went ahead again.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
8.00pm to midnight:
Wind hauled to S, confused sea and vessel laboring.
At 10.00pm slowed down to preserve engines from racing.
Towards close of watch wind hauled SE and became squally. Weather: drizzling rain.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
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28 August 1902
Nunivak Island to Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island
Lat 58.75, Long -166.75
Midnight to 4.00am:
Weather: cloudy with strong head wind and confused sea.
At 3.30am overhauled USS ‘Patterson’ and then slowed down slightly.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 190.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Owing to oscillations of compass due to tossing of vessel, no reliable course could be steered by it, so simply kept ‘Patterson’ in sight and followed her lead during rest of passage.
Engine going dead slow to prevent racing.
Weather: overcast and cloudy with light breeze and lumpy head sea.
Generally clearing conditions in weather and sea.
At 7.00am increased speed ahead.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 200.
8.00am to noon:
Weather: overcast and misty, light SE wind and moderate sea.
No observation obtainable. [Noon lat/long is provided on weather page however.]
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 210.
Noon to 8pm:
Vessel going easily first half of watch but racing some towards end.
No changes in weather.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 190.
4pm to 6pm:
No alterations in weather conditions.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 190.
6.00pm to 8.00pm:
Weather: remains same.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 200.
8.00pm to midnight:
At 9.00pm came up with ‘Patterson’; stopped engines and received 5 gallons of lard oil from her for our engine room.
At 9.15pm full speed ahead and put vessel on course again following ‘Patterson’.
Weather: overcast and cloudy with passing showers of light rain; moderate wind and sea.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 200.
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29 August 1902
Passage from Nunivak Island to Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island
Lat 56.63, Long -166.9
Midnight to 4.00am:
At 2.30am wind hauled E.
Set fore staysail and main sail.
Weather: overcast, cloudy and drizzling; wind light; sea moderate.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 200.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Weather: cloudy and fine; light wind and moderate sea.
Wind hauling to SE towards close of watch; hauled down all sail.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolution 200.
8.00am to noon:
Weather: overcast with passing showers, light variable airs, smooth sea and long SE swell.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 190.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Part cloudy and fine; light variable airs and moderate sea.
At 3.30pm passed schooner ‘Victoria’.
At 3.50 stopped engine to repack cylinder.
Wind hauling to W; set all sail.
At 4.00pm engine full speed ahead.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 230.
4pm to 6pm:
Weather: unchanged.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 230.
8.00pm to midnight:
During this watch masthead light burning poorly and frequently going out, so had to have it thoroughly overhauled and retrimmed.
Weather: overcast with passing showers of drizzling rain, light westerly wind and moderate sea.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 210.
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30 August 1902
Passage from Nunivak Island to Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island
Lat 53.9029, Long -166.5183
Midnight to 4.00am:
Overcast and cloudy but otherwise fine weather. Moderate SW breeze and sea.
Slowing engine at times so as not to pass USS ‘Patterson’.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 180.
4.00am to 8.00am:
Passing showers of mist and smooth sea; no other change in weather.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 180.
8.00am to noon:
At 9.30am sighted Cape Cheerful and then steered various courses in entering Dutch Harbor; hauled in log reading 55.4.
At 11.25am arrived in Dutch Harbor [Iliuliuk Bay]; at 11.40am got a line from ‘Patterson’ and tied up to her stern.
Lowered boat and went aboard ‘Patterson’ to report to Captain Pratt.
Draft entering Dutch Harbor, forward 3 feet 4 inches, aft 4 feet 6 inches.
Steam pressure 150 lbs, revolutions 220.
Noon to 4pm;
At 1.00pm returned to ‘Yukon’; took her out and shackled her to a buoy and then reported and resigned command to Captain Pratt; resuming duty on ‘Patterson’.
Approved JF Pratt
USC&G Survey, Chief of Party
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[Blank pages and cover]
[No logs available from August 31, 1902 to June 4, 1911]
Seldovia and operations in Cook Inlet
LOG BOOK – JUNE 5th 1911 TO JUNE 31st 1911
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[Cover and blank pages]
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LIST OF OFFICERS attached to Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘Yukon’
Captain FH Hardy, Assistant, joined vessel April 26, 1911
IM Dailey, Assistant, joined vessel May 1, 1911
EE Reese, Aid, joined vessel May 1, 1911
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5 June 1911
Kodiak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.7868, Long -152.4104
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Turned to and began launching of steamer ‘Yukon’.
7.00pm: ‘Yukon’ afloat, drawing 2 feet 6 inches forward and 3 feet 10 inches aft.
Steamed to AC Co wharf and took water.
Weather: fair.
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6 June 1911
Lat 57.7868, Long -152.4104
Midnight to midnight:
7.00*: Turned to and hauled cradle up on ways.
Took provisions and filled fresh water tanks.
8.00*: Pennant and ensign hoisted.
Here copied from Quartermaster’s log for June 7.
[*am or pm not specified]
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7 June 1911
Lat 57.7868, Long -152.4104
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Took aboard stores.
9.00am to noon: Bunkered 15 tons of coal; draft after coaling 3 feet 2 inches forward, 4 feet 8 inches aft.
1.40pm: Left for trial trip around Near Island; made 7 knots.
3.00pm: Made fast to AC Co wharf and filled tanks with 300 gallons water.
Weather: fair forenoon; afternoon squally.
Nicholas Parcshine [?], Seaman, discharged, services no longer required.
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8 June 1911
Kodiak to Seldovia
Lat 57.7868, Long -152.4104
Midnight to noon:
Weather: fine.
Turned to at 7.00am. Took aboard stores and hoisted boats.
Ship’s laundry baskets etc received aboard.
Left Kodiak at 11.00am for Seldovia; passed outside Hutchinson Reef and entered Narrow Strait; courses various.
Cloudy, drizzling rain.
Noon to 6pm:
Noon: Changed watch.
12.45pm: Azimuth Point abeam.
1.50pm: Shakmanof Point abeam; course SW¾W.
2.50pm: Ilkognak Rock abeam.
6.00pm: Rocky Reef Point [?] abeam.
Weather: overcast until 2.00pm with rain; later cleared; light breezes from W.
6pm to midnight:
Weather: bright, fleecy clouds, moderate south-westerly breezes.
6.50pm: Malina Point to starboard, estimated distance ½ mile.
7.15pm: Raspberry Cape abeam; set sail.
7.20pm: Changed course to NxE (magnetic)
8.20pm: Changed course to NxE½E.
9.15pm: Paramanof Cape abeam; lit running lights.
10.00pm: Changed course to NxE (heading for Ushagat Island).
10.55pm: Abeam of Black Cape.
11.55pm: Changed course to N¾E.
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9 June 1911
Kodiak to Seldovia
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to 6am:
Slightly cloudy; gentle breezes from SSW.
Midnight: Course N¾E.
2.50am: Lowered sails – wind decreasing.
3.15am: Sun rise, lights taken down.
4.05am: Ushagat Island abeam starboard; changed course N?E (sc).
4.20am: Wind increasing – set sail. Wind shifted to NE.
4.45am: Wind NNE – lowered sail. 4.48am: Put out log reading 37.00.
Black clouds in NE; at 6.00am moderate breezes from NE. Weather: overcast.
6am to 10am:
6.05am: Log line afoul of launch; slowed down and took in log.
6.15am: Full speed.
7.50am: Flat Island abeam, estimated distance 1½ miles.
8.05am: Changed course to NE½E; 8.20am: Changed course to NNE; 9.50am: Changed course to NE.
Weather: overcast with showers of rain and snow.
9.05am to 9.50am: Courses various into Seldovia Bay.
9.50am: Anchored off Greek church [presumably Russian Orthodox] in 7 fathoms, soft bottom, 21 fathoms of chain.
Peninsula to church 120°13’; church to Gray Cliff 57°46’.
10am to noon:
Sent boat ashore for mail; brought aboard two top projections and 10 blank sheets, also boat sheet of work near Kalgin Island.
Two Seamen, MM Egoroff and T Balshoff, enlisted.
Working on launch engines.
Overcast, rainy weather.
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10 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
At anchor in Seldovia Harbor, Alaska.
Rained hard all morning.
Sent ship’s laundry ashore. Bought curtains for wardroom.
Too wet to take on board supplies; usual routine of work.
Rained [pm].
Afternoon given to men.
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11 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Usual ship’s routine.
Rain all day.
Sunday observed.
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12 June 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Weather: rain until late afternoon.
7.20am: Hove up anchor and 7.30am made fast to wharf.
Tube in boiler leaking; cooled boiler for repairs.
Took aboard stores and mess gear, also automatic tide gauge #92; and expressed tide gauge #84 to Washington office.
2.45pm: Left wharf and at 3.00pm anchored off Seldovia.
7.15pm: Left Seldovia Harbor and ran by various courses to Port Graham.
9.20pm: Made fast to wharf. Distance run 14 miles, time 2 hours 5 minutes.
(Course by steering compass into Port Graham; tangents of Passage Island ExS¼S).
Filled fresh water tanks.
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13 June 1911
Port Graham to Tuxedni (Snug) Harbor
Lat 59.7724, Long -152.0255
Midnight to noon:
6.00am: Weather: overcast and threatening, stiff breezes from ENE.
8.55am: Cloudy, decrease in wind, gentle breezes.
Left Port Graham full speed, various courses, out of harbor.
9.27am: Bird Reef abeam port side.
9.30am: Dangerous Cape abeam starboard side; changed course NWxN¼N (sc).
11.30am: Weather: overcast, wind increasing, stormy-looking.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Noon: On course; church on Anchor Point abeam.
12.40pm: Changed course for Snug Harbor (WxN standard).
12.50pm: Hoisted jib.
Weather: overcast, fresh north-easterly breezes and rough sea; took some water over bow.
Strong set to northward.
4.00pm to midnight:
Water washed over deck several times.
Bailed 100 buckets of water out of galley.
4.35pm: Entered Tuxedni (Snug) Harbor.
5.15pm: Anchored in Tuxedni Harbor (near N end of Chisik Island) in 6 fathoms of water with 30 fathoms of chain.
7.00pm: Hove in, changed anchorage to 7.5 fathoms of water with 30 fathoms of chain.
Pumped water out of engine room.
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14 June 1911
Tuxedni Harbor
Lat 60.1296, Long -152.6319
Midnight to noon:
Weather: overcast with slight drizzle and light NW breeze.
Officers at office work and working on launch #42; crew variously employed.
Commenced heaving in at 11.10am; anchor up and underway at 11.30am.
Tried to go around N end of Chisik Island; saw its 14 feet of water, bare sand shoal ahead and turned around.
Anchored in old anchorage off hut in Tuxedni Harbor with starboard anchor and 30 fathoms of cable in 10 fathoms of water, mud bottom.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast and threatening, light NW breezes.
Continued work on launch.
Filled fresh water tanks; put 10 gallons kerosene in launch #42.
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15 June 1911
Tuxedni Harbor to Kalgin Island
Lat 60.4274, Long -152.1702
Midnight to noon:
6.30am: Commenced to heave in.
6.55am: Anchor up and underway; tried to go around N end of Chisik Island.
7.15am: After several casts of 1 fathom turned around; ran out of Snug Harbor and up coast on various courses.
11.35am: Off Harriet Point, course N¾E (sc); changed course to NWxN.
Weather: cloudy with light south-easterly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.55pm: Mr Dailey, Mr Fryckman and party of three men left ship in launch #42 towing dory to build signals.
2.10pm: Mr Reese and party of four men left ship in dory to dress [signal] Glacier Flat.
4.40pm: Mr Reese and party returned; underway to pick up Mr Dailey and party.
6.30pm: Mr Dailey and party returned to ship; underway towing launch #42 and dory at 6.35pm.
8.05pm: Anchored in bight W of NW point of Kalgin Island with starboard anchor and 20 fathoms of cable.
Weather: cloudy with light to stiff south-easterly breeze.
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16 June 1911
Kalgin Island to Kustatan and return
Lat 60.69, Long -151.75
Midnight to noon:
At anchor in bight W of NW point of Kalgin Island.
7.00am: Bilges full of water; bailed out water.
7.25am: Mr Dailey and party of men left in launch #42, dory in tow, to build tide gauge.
Started to heave in anchor.
7.35am: Anchor up. Got underway for mainland. Examined approach to Katnu River [Big River].
11.50am: Anchored S of village Kustatan in 4½ fathoms, rocky bottom, with 10 fathoms of chain.
Mr Reese and party of men left in dory to repair signal Kustatan.
Noon to midnight:
3.30pm: Anchor dragged; started to heave in anchor.
3.40pm: Anchor up.
4.00pm: Mr Reese and party of men returned; underway toward Kalgin Island.
Wind and tide strong – steered 3½ points off course.
5.00pm: Bailed out bilges.
6.35pm: 3 miles NW of Kalgin Island, picked up launch #42 with Mr Dailey and party. Dory anchored in bight off Kalgin Island.
8.50pm: Lay to in bight W of NW point of Kalgin Island. Sent men ashore in dory to get fresh water.
7.00pm to 9.30pm: Bailing out bilges.
9.30pm: Dory returned with 75 gallons of water (in launch); Mr Dailey took launch to anchorage off N end of Kalgin Island.
Took water on board and got underway.
Steam pressure very low.
10.35pm: Came to anchor N of Kalgin Island about 150 meters offshore in 4½ fathoms of water, with 25 fathoms of chain (rocky bottom).
Mr Dailey returned to ship in dory.
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17 June 1911
Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to noon:
At anchor N end of Kalgin Island.
1.00am: Anchor dragged; paid out 5 fathoms of chain. Anchor held.
8.30am: Turned to; washed decks and emptied bilges.
10.25am: Mr Dailey and party with launch #42, dinghy and dory for Kalgin Island for fresh water.
Noon to midnight:
12.50pm: Hove in 5 fathoms of chain.
1.05pm: Mr Dailey and party returned with launch #42. Took on 195 gallons fresh water.
1.30pm: Engine disabled; tube blown out.
2.05pm: Mr Dailey and party with launch #42 and dinghy left for W side of Kalgin Island to look for fresh water.
5.00pm: Mr Dailey and party returned; no fresh water found.
6.50pm: Weighed anchor and launch #42 towed ship about 600 meters to eastward.
7.30pm: Anchored in 6 fathoms of water with 30 fathoms of chain out.
Opened floor in forecastle and inspected ship’s bottom.
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18 June 1911
Kalgin Island to Kasilof and return
Lat 60.3921, Long -151.2982
Midnight to 8pm:
7.00am: Began taking water using dinghy and barrels in dory; took aboard about 200 gallons.
10.30am: Started to heave up anchor and got underway for Kasilof; courses various to counteract strong drift to southward.
1.57pm: Anchored off Kasilof River to wait for tide; 2 fathoms 5 feet of water and 7 fathoms of chain; pumped out bilges.
3.50pm: Hove up anchor and entered Kasilof River.
4.30pm: Anchored in river above cannery in 2 fathoms 5 feet of water, 10 fathoms of chain.
6.20pm: Started to heave up anchor; 6.25pm underway.
6.30pm: Made fast to tug Uhamuk [?].
Received on board 12 plugs (for plugging tubes in boiler) turned on cannery lathe.
7.00pm: Cast off from tug. 7.15pm: Made fast to cannery and took aboard 650 gallons of fresh water.
7.57pm: Cast off from cannery wharf and started for N end of Kalgin Island.
8.00pm to midnight:
Took various courses in running out of Kasilof River.
8.15pm: Red (barrel) buoy abeam, port. Course WxN¼N (stgc).
8.45pm: Changed course WxN (stgc) on account of flood tide; running on range, changed course to W¾N, W¼N, 9.05pm W, W¼S.
9.25pm: Course W½S.
10.00pm: Out of strong tide. Gradually turned to first course.
10.55pm: Two miles N of Kalgin Island.
11.15pm: Came to anchor N of NW point of Kalgin Island in 5½ fathoms of water with 24 fathoms of chain (rocky bottom).
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19 June 1911
Kalgin Island to Katnu [Big] River and return
Lat 60.656, Long -152.045
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Mr Dailey with party of 4 men left in launch (with dory) to build signals and observe.
7.10am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.22am: Anchor up. Got underway for signal E Kalgin.
7.52am: Anchored off NE point of Kalgin Island in 4 fathoms of water, 10 fathoms of chain, rocky bottom.
7.55am: Mr Reese and 4 men left in dory to repair signal E Kalgin.
9.24am: Mr Rees and party returned; started to heave in anchor.
9.32am: Anchor up. Got underway.
10.55am: Stopped off signal Glacier Flat; put Mr Reese and one man on shore to make observations at signal.
11.10am: Dory returned; got underway.
11.25am: Touched bottom (sand) NE of signal Glacier Flat (least sounding 6 fathoms 1 foot).
11.56am: Anchored off Katnu River in 4 fathoms of water, 10 fathoms of chain out (mud).
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Quartermaster and three men left in dinghy to build signal at mouth of Katnu River.
3.00pm: Quartermaster and party returned. Started to heave in anchor.
3.10pm: Anchor up. Got underway for signal Glacier Flat.
4.25pm: Sent dinghy ashore. Mr Reese returned. Got underway.
5.57pm: Anchored N of NE point of Kalgin Island in 5 fathoms of water, 30 fathoms of chain, sand.
Weather: partly cloudy all day.
Observing very difficult and in places impossible on account of haze and refraction.
Increasing winds after noon. Fog and rain at 9.00pm.
20 June 1911
Kalgin Island [probable location; scan missing]
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
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21 June 1911
Kalgin Island to Kenai River and return
Lat 60.5469, Long -151.2460
Midnight to noon:
Weather: partly cloudy with moderate southerly breezes.
6.50am: Commenced to heave in.
7.10am: Mr Dailey with three men in dory to occupy signal N Kalgin, Mr Reese with three men in launch #42 to occupy signal S Kalgin, left ship.
7.17am: Anchor up and underway for Kenai cannery for supplies and oil. Courses various.
9.45am: One of tubes on port side of boiler blew out; enough steam to proceed.
10.05am: Anchored in Kenai River W of cannery in 3 5/6 fathoms of water, mud bottom, with starboard anchor and 8 fathoms of cable.
Received from Kenai cannery 5 gallons of gas engine oil, 30 gallons of coal oil, 2 dozen candles and 2 camp stoves with pipes.
Engineer and Fireman working on boiler. Upon examination two tubes were found leaking.
Noon to midnight:
Light SSW breezes, partly cloudy with haze around horizon.
3.00pm: Boiler fixed; steam; commenced heaving in.
3.10pm: Anchor up and underway for Kalgin Island.
3.15pm: Tube in boiler commenced to leak; anchored.
Engine-room force working on boiler; 5.30pm: leaky tube plugged and boiler filled.
7.00pm: Anchor up and underway.
10.10pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island.
10.10pm: Mr Reese and party and Mr Dailey and party returned to ship.
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22 June 1911
Kalgin Island to Seldovia
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Weather: clear with passing clouds, fog latter part. Light southerly airs.
10.00am: Mr Dailey; Mr Fryckman; Paul Herberger, Quartermaster; Michale Egoroff, Seaman, Nickolas Romanoff, Seaman; Joseph Heitman, Seaman, with camp outfit and provisions for 10 days left ship in launch #42 and two dories to do topography and observe tides.
Instruments taken away by camp party: plan table #49, theodolite 18.3; binoculars #452; boat compass 31661.
10.00am: Anchor up and underway for Seldovia; courses various.
11.00am: Set in foggy. Streamed log, reading 47.2, off SE point of bay on NW shore, Kalgin Island.
Noon: Position, double signal to Mount Redoubt 38°12’, Mount Iliamna 55°06’; changed course SExS½S.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: foggy until about 6.00pm when it cleared in parts of Inlet.
1.05pm: Position, double signal to Redoubt 26°39’, to Iliamna 62°36’.
1.15pm: Changed course SE¼S (stgc). Running in fog.
5.00pm: Changed course SE (sc).
6.40pm: Changed course for Seldovia (land in sight) E¼S.
7.30pm: Entered harbor.
7.52pm: Came to anchor off Seldovia Village in 7? fathoms of water, with 22 fathoms of chain; soft bottom.
Received on board ship’s mail.
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23 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Weather: very hazy all day with thick fog in portion of harbor. Light airs from WNW.
6.20am: SS ‘Admiral Sampson’ arrived at Seldovia wharf.
Crew engaged in scrubbing paint and washing decks.
Received on board ship’s mail.
Noon to midnight:
Brought on board 125 gallons of water in dinghy.
6.45pm: SS ‘Admiral Sampson’ left.
Received on board ship’s laundry; stores for wardroom mess; small supplies for ship.
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24 June 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham and return
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to noon:
7.30am: Mr Reese and two men left in dinghy.
9.00am: Mr Reese and two men returned from wharf with mess stores.
9.35am: Began to heave in anchor.
9.45am: Anchor up. Got underway for Port Graham.
11.05am: Made fast alongside wharf at Port Graham.
11.15am: Began coaling ship.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast and misty, light north-north-westerly airs.
1.20pm: Finished coaling ship; received on board 14 932/2240 tons.
Ship’s draft after coaling: forward 3 feet 8 inches, aft 4 feet 11 inches.
2.00pm: Received on board 710 gallons of fresh water.
2.45pm: Cast off from wharf and got underway for Seldovia.
5.10pm: Made fast alongside barge ‘Rainbow’, Seldovia.
USC&GS ‘McArthur’* came to anchor off wharf at Seldovia.
Wind shifted to E.
[*Referred to in log as USS McArthur.]
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25 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
8.00am to 9.00am: Regular routine of Sunday work.
Rest of day observed [perhaps ‘day of rest observed’!].
10.00am: Mr Sullivan, Chief Engineer of USC&GS ‘McArthur’ came aboard to inspect boiler; left at 11.50am.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast and cloudy, light south-easterly breeze.
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26 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Weather: partly cloudy in morning; rest of day clear and pleasant, light west-south-westerly breeze.
Crew engaged in cleaning out boiler.
Noon to midnight:
Crew engaged in cleaning out boiler.
Received on board stores for both messes.
Mr Reese preparing boat sheet for work W of Kalgin Island.
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27 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Continued work on boiler; bailed water from after bilges.
6.40am: USC&GS ‘McArthur’ left Seldovia.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: clear to partly cloudy with north-north-westerly airs.
Received from Herbert and Co 1 lb of finishing nails.
Received on board 2 dozen boiler tube plugs from Seldovia Salmon Co.
Crew engaged in plugging boiler tubes.
Mr Reese making fair sheet projection for work W of Kalgin Island.
Leak found in after part of ship.
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28 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Continued work on boiler.
Calked and cemented leak around stuffing box; unable to stop leak entirely while ship is afloat.
One man engaged in bailing out bilges all day.
Mr Reese engaged in work on fair sheet and boat sheet.
Weather: calm, overcast with occasional light rain.
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29 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Cemented around tubes in boiler.
Repaired forward toilet.
Received on board from JA Herbert and Co: 5 gallons kerosene oil; 5 2-inch x 4-inch x 16-feet scantlings; 3 2-inch x 12-inch x 16-feet boards; 1 ¾-inch x 12-inch x 16-feet board.
Received from Seldovia Salmon Co 4 sacks of Portland cement.
Constructing sounding platform on bridge.
Officers working on monthly accounts.
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30 June 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Crew engaged in various work about ship.
Weather: partly cloudy and misty until 2.00pm; overcast and light rain pm: light north-westerly airs.
Officers engaged in preparing monthly accounts.
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[Blank pages and cover]
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[Cover, blank pages and printed instructions]
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Length at load water line: 67 feet 5 inches.
Extreme breadth of beam at load water line: 15 feet 7 inches.
Depth of hold: 3 feet 4 inches.
Displacement: 40 to 50 tons.
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1 July 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Crew engaged in various work aboard ship.
4.05pm: USC&GS ‘McArthur’ came to anchor off Seldovia wharf.
4.20pm: P Herberger, Quartermaster; P Weber, Landsman; Joe Heitman, Seaman; M Romanoff, Seaman; and M Egoroff, Seaman, returned to ship from ‘McArthur’.
4.50pm: Mr Dailey and Mr Fryckman returned to ship from ‘McArthur’. Brought with them instruments taken ashore at Kalgin Island.
Above men were picked up at Kalgin Island by ‘McArthur’ on June 30.
Weather: overcast to cloudy with passing showers of rain; calms to light airs.
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2 July 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Usual Sunday routine.
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3 July 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
6.30am [presumed]: Crew turned to; painted and cleaned ship, also bailed out engine-room bilges.
Officers doing office work – computations and accounts.
Received from Herbert and Co: 1 dozen 1-inch x ¼-inch stove bolts.
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4 July 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Holiday observed by officers and crew.
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5 July 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Crew engaged about ship, scrubbing canvas and cleaning; filled boiler about 5pm.
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6 July 1911
Seldovia to Kelgin Island
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
8.00am: USC&GS ‘McArthur’ came into harbor and made fast to wharf.
10.00am: Got underway to go after water.
10.20am: Came to anchor near shore opposite Seldovia Cannery in 2½ fathoms of water with 8 fathoms of chain.
Brought water aboard with dinghy and dory.
Noon to midnight:
12.45pm: Fresh water tank filled.
1.45pm: Started to heave in anchor.
2.00pm: Anchor up; got underway.
2.10pm: Anchored off village of Seldovia, 2½ fathoms of water, rocky, 8 fathoms of chain. Took aboard lumber.
4.15pm: Started to heave in anchor.
4.20pm: Anchor up; underway for Kalgin Island (tide running in); course (sc) NW (1½ points for tide).
5.00pm: Hoisted sails; changed course ¼ to port.
6.20pm: Took in sails.
7.00pm: Anchor Point abeam; changed course to NWxN¾N (stgc).
9.45pm: Changed course NxW¼W (stgc).
10.00pm to midnight: Steered by several courses to SE point of Kelgin Island.
Midnight: Came to anchor off SE point of Kalgin Island, 4? fathoms of water, 25 fathoms of chain, sand.
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7 July 1911
Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to noon:
8.05am: Mr Dailey, Mr Fryckman and four men left ship to return to camp on Kalgin Island; took with them provisions for eight days and following instruments: plane table #49, sextant #158, boat compass #31,661, binoculars #68, alidade #97.
9.20am: Started to heave in anchor.
9.35am: Anchor up; got underway for N Kalgin.
11.05am: Came to anchor near tide staff N of Kalgin Island, 4? fathoms of water, 12 fathoms of chain; sand.
11.10am: Mr Reese and two men went ashore to locate BMs [Bench Marks] near tide gauge.
Noon: Mr Reese returned.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Mr Reese and one man went ashore to finish BMs (made 3 BMs).
1.05pm: Started to heave in.
!.20pm: Got underway for Glacier Flat signal.
2.34pm: Came to anchor off Glacier Flat signal.
2.35pm: Captain Hardy and two men left in dinghy to observe at signal (theodolite 138).
4.38pm: Captain Hardy returned; started to heave in anchor.
4.45pm: Anchor up; got underway for Kalgin Island.
6.05pm: Came to anchor near tide staff N of Kalgin Island, 4 fathoms of water, 21 fathoms of chain; rocky bottom.
Mr Reese returned.
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8 July 1911
Kalgin Island to Kenai River
Lat 60.484, Long -151.788
Midnight to noon:
6.55am: Started to heave anchor.
7.00am: P Weber went ashore to observe tides.
7.13am: Anchor up; underway to working ground off NE point Kalgin Island.
8.00am: Began sounding.
Noon to midnight:
12.14pm: Finished sounding; full speed ahead toward tide gauge.
12.55pm: Lay to off Kalgin Island near tide staff; sent dory ashore.
1.00pm: Tide observer aboard.
1.05pm: Underway for Kenai.
4.00pm: Came to anchor in Kenai River (high water) below cannery, 4½ fathoms of water, 12 fathoms of chain; mud.
Hydrography: soundings 200; positions 46; miles 19.5; angles 92.
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9 July 1911
Kenai River
Lat 60.5469, Long -151.2460
Midnight to midnight:
Regular Sunday routine.
Day observed.
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10 July 1911
Kenai River to Kalgin Island (SE)
Lat 60.5469, Long -151.2460
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in various work about ship.
Boiler tube plugs being made at cannery.
Mr Reese engaged in tabulating tides.
11.30am: Started to heave in anchor.
11.40am: Anchor up; underway for cannery wharf.
11.45am: Made fast to cannery wharf. Received on board 620 gallons of fresh water; 26 boiler tube plugs.
Noon to midnight:
1.20pm: Left wharf; underway for S Kalgin Island.
1.40pm: Passed out of river, course SxW¾W (stgc).
2.08pm: Changed course to SSW (heavy tide and moderate breezes on port bow).
2.35pm: Changed course to SxW½W.
5.50pm: Came to anchor off SE Kalgin Island, 3 fathoms of water, 12 fathoms of chain; sand.
6.50pm: Mr Dailey with topographic party and outfit returned to ship.
7.00pm: Weather: overcast, gloomy, wind and swell increasing.
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11 July 1911
Kalgin Island (SE to N)
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to noon:
Too rough to start for Port Graham; ship rolling at anchor.
1.20am: Started to heave in anchor.
1.35am: Anchor up; picked up launch #42 (‘Dill Pickle’) and took her in tow.
1.50am: Underway for better anchorage N of Kalgin Island.
3.43am: Anchored N of Kalgin Island in 6 fathoms of water, 21 fathoms of chain; sand.
10.15am: Started to heave in anchor.
10.20am: Mr Dailey and one man went ashore to observe at signal E Kalgin.
10.25am: Anchor up; underway.
10.35am: Anchored short distance E of last anchorage, 3 fathoms of water, 23 fathoms of chain; rocky bottom.
10.55am: Captain FH Hardy went ashore to obtain cuts to rocks awash.
Noon to midnight:
12.15pm: Captain Hardy returned to ship.
2.20pm: Mr Dailey returned to ship.
Mr Reese engaged in checking plane table sheet from office and in starting a new one.
Officers engaged in work on inventory and tides.
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12 July 1911
Kalgin Island to Seldovia
Lat 59.5193, Long -151.8049
Midnight to noon:
2.50am: Started to heave in anchor; launch #42 in readiness to tow.
3.20am: Anchor up; underway for Seldovia.
3.54am: E Kalgin signal abeam; changed course SExS¾S (sc), SE¾S (stgc).
5.10am: S end of Kalgin Island abeam.
8.43am: Changed course SE½E (stgc).
9.00am: Running very slow, cleaning boiler, boiler tube leaking.
9.20am: Anchor Point abeam; changed course SE¼E; speed increasing.
10.40am: Seldovia Harbor visible; changed course SE½E (½ point for flood tide).
Noon to midnight:
12.45pm: Came to anchor at Seldovia near village, in 3½ fathoms of water, 10 fathoms of chain; mud.
USC&GS ‘McArthur’ in harbor.
5.55pm: Started to heave in anchor.
6.00pm: Anchor up; towed ship with dory 100 yards astern.
6.06pm: Anchored in 6 fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; mud.
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13 July 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in work on ship.
Work done on boiler.
11.45am: Steamer ‘Admiral Sampson’ arrived.
Received on board mail.
6.00pm: Dory ashore to get fresh water.
Received on board 60 gallons of fresh water.
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14 July 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to noon:
Weather: clear with light southerly breezes.
6.00am: Boatswain and three men in dinghy left ship, returning at 6.35am with 150 gallons of fresh water.
6.50am: Commenced to heave in anchor.
7.00am: Anchor up and underway for Port Graham.
9.13am: Anchored off dock at Port Graham.
10.00am: Commenced work on preparing [launch] ‘Alpha’ for launching. Officers at office work.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: conditions unchanged.
3.00pm: Launched ‘Alpha’.
5.35pm: Commenced to heave in.
5.45pm: Anchor up and underway; made fast alongside dock at Port Graham at 5.55pm.
Filled fresh water tanks. Officers continued work on hand.
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15 July 1911
Port Graham to Seldovia
Lat 59.4466, Long -151.7278
Midnight to noon:
Cloudy, light westerly breeze.
6.30am: Continued filling fresh water tanks.
7.15am: Left dock with launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
7.48am: Off Bird Reef; heavy tide rips ahead – turned around.
8.35am: Made fast to dock at Port Graham.
10.05am: Left dock with launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
10.45am: Set sails.
10.48am: Swung with helm hard aport to avoid rock ahead; hit on port side.
Ship did not answer her helm promptly as jib had just been set and launch pulled on her starboard quarter.
No angles were taken. Not less than ¼ mile off shore and off Cape Dangerous. Rock shown with 1¼ fathoms on new publication of chart 8554.
11.00am: Ship making water fast; bailing out of five places in wardroom and syphon working, water under control. Got storm trysail ready to haul under bottom.
Noon: Off Seldovia. Hauled sail and tent fly under bottom; syphon above taking water out of bilge.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: cloudy with light airs.
Using syphon about every 15 minutes to keep bilges dry.
3.40pm: Hove in anchor and steamed up slough to beach ship.
4.00pm: Made fast alongside piles in slough to beach ship.
When ship fell dry, found leak on port side abaft of wardroom bulkhead; one plank sixth from keel stove in between three ribs and slightly damaged farther aft.
False keel gone from abaft boat davits to shore (20 feet); keel slightly damaged; seventh plank damaged on edge.
Filled broken in plank with wooden wedges and oakum covered with strong canvas coated in red lead.
Jacked sheet lead over canvas.
3.00pm: Boiler put in launch ‘Alpha; Engineer and Mr Fryckman working on her.
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16 July 1911
Seldovia Slough
Lat 59.434, Long -151.713
Midnight to midnight:
When ship came afloat she made no water.
2.30am: At high water hauled ship to another part of beach so as to expose port side for working on leak.
6.00am: Started to repair leak. Put on, with 40 3½-inch brass screws, a 2-inch plank under which was a double layer of signal cloth covered with red lead; caulked with oakum and then cemented.
11.00am: Leak repaired.
7.00pm: Steamer ‘Dora’ arrived at Seldovia; received mail on board.
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17 July 1911
Seldovia Slough to Seldovia
Lat 59.434, Long -151.713
Midnight to noon:
6.30am: Ship in same place.
Dug hole underneath keel and blocked up ship; fastened on 18 feet of new false keel.
Work on launch ‘Alpha’ continued.
Officers working on hydrographic and topographic sheets, tide datum.
Noon to midnight:
4.40pm: Ship afloat; got underway for cannery pier.
4.55pm: Made fast to pier. Took on 150 gallons of fresh water. 5.25pm: Left pier.
5.35pm: Anchored off village of Seldovia; 6 5/6 fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; mud.
Received on board mess stores and ship’s laundry.
Sent ashore ship’s laundry.
Work on launch ‘Alpha’ continued.
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18 July 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham and return; to Snug [Tuxedni] Harbor
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to noon:
5.30am: Two men left in dinghy to haul out launch #42.
7.00am: Three men left in dinghy to haul out launch #42.
Messrs Graham and Fryckman and two men went aboard launch ‘Alpha’ to work on boiler and engine.
8.30am: Launch #42 beached in Slough, Seldovia.
8.55am: Anchor up and underway for Port Graham.
10.50am: Made fast alongside AC Co’s pier at Port Graham.
Received on board 650 gallons of water.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm to 3.00pm: Received on board 12 995/2240 tons of coal, part in sacks on deck.
Draft before coaling: forward 3 feet 2 inches, aft 4 feet 5 inches; after coaling: forward 3 feet 11 inches, aft 5 feet 0 inches.
3.20pm: Left Port Graham for Seldovia.
5.25pm: Met launch ‘Alpha’ and took her in tow NNW of Seldovia.
6.10pm: Anchored in Seldovia Harbor off post office, to wait for favorable tide.
Received on board mail for USC&GS ‘McArthur’.
10.00pm: Started to heave in anchor.
10.15pm: Anchor up; underway for Snug Harbor.
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19 July 1911
Seldovia to Snug Harbor and Harriet Point
Lat 60.1756, Long -152.3350
Midnight to 4.00am:
Course NW½N.
3.00am: Position: Mount Redoubt 16°11’ – Chisik – Mount Iliamna 31°43’; latitude 59°49’N, longitude 152°10’W.
3.15am: Sunrise.
4.00am: On course NW½N.
4.00am to noon:
6.45am: Came to anchor in Snug Harbor in 5 fathoms of water, 12 fathoms of chain; mud.
Received aboard 650 gallons of fresh water.
Delivered mail to USC&GS ‘McArthur’s’ shore party.
11.00am: Started to heave in anchor. 11.15am: Anchor up; underway for Harriet Point.
Noon: N end of Chisik Island on starboard beam.
Noon to midnight:
1.30pm: ‘McArthur’ sighted near Harriet Point.
3.40pm: Mr Dailey, Mr Graham, Mr Fryckman and three men (Haritaki, Nickolas Romanoff and Mike Egoroff) left in launch ‘Alpha’ while ship lay to; took along provisions for 7 days, plane table #49, sextant, boat compass #31661.
Ship got underway towards ‘McArthur’.
4.10pm: Lay to near ‘McArthur’. Captain Hardy went aboard ship. Took with him mail and a man needing doctor’s services.
4.25pm: Returned to pick up launch ‘Alpha’ which had stopped. 4.45pm: Took her in tow.
5.10pm: Fastened ship astern of ‘McArthur’ which was at anchor. Theodolite #183 returned to ‘McArthur’.
8.00pm: Underway for Harriet Point.
9.20pm: Anchored launch ‘Alpha’ N of Harriet Point.
9.30pm: Anchored N of Harriet Point, signal Bill SxE½E, about ½ mile off; in 6 5/6 fathoms of water, 21 fathoms of chain; rocky bottom.
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20 July 1911
Harriet Point to Kalgin Island.
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
6.50am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.20am: Anchor up; underway for N Kalgin Island; launch ‘Alpha’ started for working grounds on W shore of inlet.
9.55am: Lay to off tide staff (N Kalgin Island); two men put ashore at tide staff.
10.00am: Started sounding; lay to for lunch at noon.
12.40pm: Resumed hydrographic work.
3.53pm: Finished sounding on account of fog.
4.50pm: Anchored off tide staff.
6.00pm to 8.00pm: Brought aboard 400 gallons of fresh water in dinghy.
Hydrography: soundings 328; angles 87; positions 42; miles 21.
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21 July 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
6.30am: Three men went ashore in dinghy to get fresh water.
7.40am: Dinghy returned with 200 gallons of water.
9.00am: Mr Reese and two men left in dory to build signals along N shore of Kalgin Island.
Too foggy to see any signals except those built during morning on Kalgin Island.
Noon: Mr Reese returned.
1.00pm: Started to heave in anchor.
1.10pm: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
1.34pm: Began sounding.
4.57pm: Finished sounding.
5.20pm: Anchored off signal Phil, N Kalgin Island.
Hydrography: soundings 283; angles 88; positions 44; miles 14.5.
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22 July 1911
Kalgin Island to Katnu River and return
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
Weather: very foggy in morning. Fog lifted in afternoon except on W shore. Moderate south-easterly breezes in afternoon.
7.12am: Crew engaged in cleaning ship; officers at office work.
2.00pm: Received on board 150 gallons of fresh water.
2.25pm: Started to heave in anchor.
2.40pm: Anchor up. 2.52pm: Started sounding.
3.56pm: Finished sounding; underway for Katnu River.
5.40pm: Took in tow launch ‘Alpha’; underway for Kalgin Island. Ship rolling heavily.
7.07pm: Anchored N of Kalgin Island, 4 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain; sand. Anchored launch ‘Alpha’.
Hydrography: soundings 74; angles 34; positions 17; miles 7.2.
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23 July 1911
Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
Too foggy to do any sounding.
Mr Graham worked on launch ‘Alpha’.
10.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’ coaled from ship.
11.00am to noon: Received on board 200 gallons water.
2.00pm: Put fresh water in launch ‘Alpha’.
From anchorage took cuts to several rocks bare at low tide off NE point of Kalgin Island.
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24 July 1911
Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
6.30am: Started to heave in anchor.
6.45am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
Mr Dailey with same party as before, except for Mr Graham, left on launch ‘Alpha’.
Located several rocks off NE point of Kalgin Island including one distant rock just awash at low water.
9.03am: Commenced sounding.
12.30pm: Anchored for lunch. 1.32pm: Continued sounding.
5.15pm: Finished sounding.
5.30pm: Anchored off tide gauge, N end of Kalgin Island.
Hydrography: soundings 436; angles 232; positions 109; miles 41.6.
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25 July 1911
Kalgin Island to Kustatan River
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
6.30am: Built tide staff about 100 yards outside of lower staff to take readings of LLW [lower low water].
7.50am: Put 8 bags of coal on shore for launch ‘Alpha’.
7.40am: Started to heave in anchor.
8.00am: Underway; took cut to rock lying off NW point of Kalgin Island.
Too foggy to do any more work; signals could not be seen; ran to anchorage.
9.30am: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 2 4/6 fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; sand.
12.40pm: Started to heave in anchor.
12.50pm: Anchor up; got underway for East Foreland to dress signal E Fore.
3.00pm: Wind increasing, stormy appearance in northern sky.
Changed course to Kustatan River.
4.15pm to 4.30pm: Sounded in mouth of Kustatan River to ascertain whether river could be used for anchorage in time of storms from N. Channel not deep enough.
5.00pm: Anchored off village of Kustatan, 6? fathoms of water, 30 fathoms of chain; sand.
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26 July 1911
Kustatan to East Foreland
Lat 60.782, Long -151.422
Midnight to midnight:
Wind changed to offshore; had to leave anchorage.
1.45am: Started to heave in anchor.
2.05am: Anchor up; underway for East Foreland, course NxE¼E (sc).
3.35am: Anchored near fish traps N of East Foreland, 7? fathoms of water; rocky bottom.
9.00am: Mr Reese and three men went ashore to build signal E Fore (3½ miles distant).
2.45pm: Mr Reese and party returned.
4.00pm to 6.00pm: Took on 400 gallons of water with dinghy.
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27 July 1911
East Foreland to Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
7.50am: Started to heave in anchor.
8.13am: Anchor up; chain fouled on anchor. 8.45am: Chain cleared.
9.00am: Stopped alongside tug ‘Jennie’ to deliver annual report for mailing.
9.07am: Underway for working grounds.
Weather: foggy in morning, with occasional rain until about 8.30am. All day hazy atmosphere and clouds on western shore of inlet. Light southerly breezes.
10.30am: Looking for reported rocks; two found but not very shoal.
11.11am: Commenced sounding. 11.36am: Lay to for lunch.
12.20pm: Looking for rock; found one with 1 fathom 4 feet of water over it.
1.20pm: Resumed sounding. 3.28pm: Finished sounding.
3.30pm: Met by launch ‘Alpha’. Mr Graham transferred to launch; supplies given to launch.
4.30pm: Launch left; ship underway for Kalgin Island (foggy).Hydrography: Soundings
5.20pm: Anchored near tide staff off N Kalgin Island, 6 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain; sand.
5.30pm to 7.00pm: Took aboard 325 gallons of water in dinghy.
Hydrography: soundings 145; angles 78; positions 39; miles 14.6.
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28 July 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.15am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds 3 miles distant.
7.46am: Commenced sounding.
9.55am: Mr Reese and two men out in dinghy to locate rocks over which water was breaking but not awash. Found two rocks, one 1 5/6 fathoms and other 3 feet.
10.50am: Mr Reese returned to ship.
Noon: Anchored for lunch. 12.53pm: Resumed sounding.
2.20pm: Raining hard; anchored to await better weather. Finished sounding.
3.20pm: Underway for Kalgin Island.
4.46pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 6 fathoms of water (HHW [higher high water]), 15 fathoms of chain; sand.
5.20pm: Received on board from dinghy 175 gallons of water.
Hydrography: soundings 308; angles 134; positions 65; miles 20.
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29 July 1911
Kalgin Island to Katnu River and return
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am to 10.00am: Cleaned ship.
10.00am to noon: Filled 10 sacks with coal from bunkers and put them ashore near tide staff for launch ‘Alpha’ (#2650).
Officers working on monthly accounts.
1.00pm: Started to heave in anchor.
1.10pm: Anchor up; got underway for Katnu River.
3.30pm: Anchored near Katnu River with kedge anchor, 4 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain; mud.
Captain FH Hardy and three men left in dinghy and entered mouth of river; met by launch ‘Alpha’; took soundings in mouth of river.
4.00pm: Steam launch ‘Alpha’ came alongside. Put onboard her provisions and water. Mr Graham returned to ship.
5.15pm: Launch, in charge of Mr Dailey, returned to river.
5.20pm: Hove in kedge anchor and got underway.
7.04pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 6? fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; sand.
8.00pm to 9.00pm: Brought on board with dinghy 200 gallons of water.
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30 July 1911
Kalgin Island to working grounds and Kustatan
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to midnight:
8.28am: Started to heave in anchor.
8.38am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
Atmosphere clearing on western side of inlet; sky overcast, sea smooth.
8.47am: Commenced sounding.
11.45am: Anchored with kedge. 12.45pm: Resumed sounding.
4.18pm: Finished sounding.
4.30pm: Anchored off village of Kustatan, West Foreland.
5.20pm: Captain Hardy and one man went ashore in dinghy to observe at signal Kustatan.
7.40pm: Captain Hardy returned with party.
Hydrography: soundings 395; angles 219; positions 108; miles 38.
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31 July 1911
Kustatan to Katnu River, to Kalgin Island, and towards Seldovia
Lat 60.656, Long -152.045
Midnight to noon:
Weather: overcast and heavy rain until about 10.00am; later overcast and occasional rain.
Too hazy for sounding. Moderate west-north-westerly breezes in early morning.
10.45am: Started to heave up anchor.
10.57am: Anchor up; underway for Katnu River.
Noon: Anchored off Katnu River with kedge, 4½ fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of line; mud.
12.10pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ came alongside; Mr Dailey in charge.
Computed position of signal River given to Mr Dailey. Mess stores and other supplies given to topographic party. Returned to ship theodolite # [blank].
Received on launch Azimuth (pocket) instrument #223. Gave water and coal to launch.
Noon to 8pm:
1.38pm: Hove up kedge; got underway for N Kalgin Island.
2.48pm: Anchored with kedge near tide staff, 3 fathoms of water, 10 fathoms of line; rocky.
4.00pm: Captain Hardy and Mr Reese went ashore to observe at signal N Kalgin.
2.50pm to 5.00pm: Received on board fresh water. P Weber and S Anderson returned aboard ship from Kalgin Island tide staff.
6.53pm: Captain Hardy and Mr Reese returned to ship.
Hove up anchor; got underway for Seldovia.
7.24pm: E Kalgin abeam, distant about 0.4 miles. Changed course. Course SSE (sc), SExS (stgc).
8.00pm to midnight:
8.00pm: On course SExS (stgc).
10.00pm to 11.05pm: Passed considerable calp [kelp]. No logs.
9.30pm to midnight: Moderate fog.
Midnight: On course SExS (stgc).
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1 August 1911
Kalgin Island to Seldovia
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
1.40am: Changed course SxE (stgc).
Soundings taken as shore could not be seen: 12.30am 16 fathoms; 1.00am 20 fathoms; 1.20am 20 fathoms; 1.45am 22 fathoms; 2.00am 27½ fathoms; 2.30am: 17 fathoms; 3.00am 15 fathoms.
3.35am: Seldovia sighted.
4.25am: Came to anchor in Seldovia Harbor, 7 fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; rocky bottom.
Received mail on board; received ship’s laundry on board; sent ship’s laundry ashore.
Noon to midnight:
Received on board mess stores.
Officers working on month’s accounts.
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2 August 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham and return
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to noon:
7.55am: Started to heave in anchor.
8.05am: Anchor up; underway for Port Graham.
9.55am: Made fast alongside pier of AC Co at Port Graham.
10.20am: Started to coal ship.
Noon to midnight:
2.30pm: Finished coaling; 14 tons in bunkers, 1 ton (in sacks) on deck.
Draft before coaling: forward 3 feet 1 inch, aft 4 feet 3 inches.
Draft after coaling: forward 4 feet 0 inches, aft 5 feet 0 inches.
3.00pm: Filled fresh water tanks and barrels.
3.30pm: Underway for Seldovia.
4.15pm: Lay to outside harbor, off Dangerous Cape.
Captain Hardy, Mr Reese and three men left in dinghy to try to locate a boulder. It could not be found at that stage of tide.
5.45pm: Passed USC&GS ‘McArthur’.
6.10pm: Made fast to barge alongside cannery pier at Seldovia.
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3 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Crew cleaned and painted ship.
Repairs to boiler being made; fire brick put in.
USC&GS ‘McArthur’ in harbor.
Officers working on month’s accounts.
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4 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Crew painting and doing various work on ship.
Repairs being made on boiler.
Officers working on month’s accounts.
Received ship’s laundry on board.
5.55pm: Left cannery wharf.
6.05pm: Anchored off village of Seldovia.
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5 August 1911
Seldovia towards Kalgin Island and return
Lat 59.634, Long -151.878
Midnight to noon:
Light clouds.
Sent ship’s mail ashore.
10.00am: Started to heave in anchor.
10.08am: Anchor up; underway for Kalgin Island.
10.45am: Sails hoisted.
Noon to midnight:
12.20pm: Sails lowered.
1.30pm: Courses various.
2.03pm: Made ship fast astern of USC&GS ‘McArthur’, 7 miles N of Anchor Point.
2.10pm: Captain Hardy went aboard ‘McArthur’; returned at 2.40pm.
2.50pm: Ship underway to search for reported rock ½ mile to N.
2.56pm: Commenced sounding. Constructed drag.
3.30pm: Finished sounding; rock could not be located. Underway for Seldovia.
4.30pm: Anchor Point abeam; changed course SE¾S (sc).
Stormy-looking to starboard; sea quite rough.
8.00pm: Anchored in Seldovia Harbor; ‘McArthur’ in harbor.
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6 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Usual Sunday routine of work.
Received mail from steamer ‘Dora’.
Day observed.
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7 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
5.45am: Started to heave in anchor.
6.00am: Anchor up; underway for cannery wharf.
6.13am: Made fast alongside wharf. Received on board fresh water.
7.05am: Underway for Kalgin Island.
7.40am: Turned back on account of heavy sea; ship rolled hard.
8.12am: Anchored in Seldovia Harbor, 5 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain.
Crew painting ship; officers working on office work.
Noon to midnight:
2.00pm: Paid out 7 fathoms of chain.
Crew painting ship.
Mr Reese working on boat sheet and fair sheet.
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8 August 1911
Seldovia to Katnu River and Kalgin Island
Lat 60.20, Long -151.90
Midnight to noon:
5.30am: Started to heave in anchor.
6.00am: Anchor up; underway for Kalgin Island.
6.20am: Log line out. Out of harbor, changed course NW½N (stgc).
6.50am: Sails hoisted.
7.30am: Homer Point 35° from bow, log 81.7.
7.45am: Sails lowered.
8.35am: Homer Point 70° from bow, log 89.6. Distance run 7.9 miles.
Predicted distance off Anchor Point: 5.53 miles.
8.50am: Position 5.4 miles off Anchor Point, log 91.6.
Changed course N¾W (sc), N¼W (stgc).
10.00am: Took position; changed course N½W (stgc).
11.00am: Took position; changed course N¾W.
Noon: Took position; changed course NxW.
Noon to midnight:
2.50pm: Came to anchor off tide staff (N Kalgin Island) with kedge, 4 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of line; sand. Received on board 300 gallons of water.
4.35pm: Underway for Katnu River.
6.03pm: Anchored off Katnu River with kedge.
6.30pm: Steam launch ‘Alpha’ came alongside.
Mr Dailey and hydrographic party returned to ship. Instruments – sextant, pocket azimuth – returned.
Launch in tow.
6.45pm: Underway for Kalgin Island.
8.30pm: Anchored off N shore of Kalgin Island.
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9 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
7.20am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds.
7.32am: Commenced sounding.
11.30am: Stopped sounding.
11.40am: Anchored with kedge in 3 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of line.
Noon to midnight:
12.40pm: Got underway.
12.51pm: Resumed sounding.
3.08pm: Finished sounding; sea too rough for work.
4.30pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island.
Hydrography: soundings 340; angles 182; miles 33.
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10 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Mr Dailey and party of men left ship to do topographical work.
7.40am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds
8.36am: Commenced sounding.
9.04am: Stopped sounding on account of rough sea.
10.10am: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 2? fathoms of water, 10 fathoms of chain; sand.
10.20am: Mr Reese and three men left in dinghy to check heights of tide staffs.
2.45pm: Started to heave in anchor.
3.00pm: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds.
3.17pm: Commenced sounding.
5.00pm: Finished sounding; heavy sea.
6.50pm: Anchored off N shore of Kalgin Island, 5 fathoms of water, 22 fathoms of chain; sand.
Hydrography: soundings 106; angles 60; miles 16.5.
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11 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to midnight:
6.45am: Mr Dailey and party of men left with launch ‘Alpha’ to do topographic work on Kalgin Island.
Started to heave in anchor.
6.57am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds.
7.37am: Started sounding.
5.34pm: Finished sounding.
6.30pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 5 fathoms of water, 2 fathoms of chain; sand.
Mr Dailey and party of men returned to ship.
Hydrography: soundings 751; angles 338; miles 56.4.
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12 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
6.45am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.00am: Mr Dailey and party of men left in launch ‘Alpha’ to do topographical work on Kalgin Island.
7.05am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds.
7.27am: Commenced sounding.
Noon to midnight:
3.49pm: Finished sounding.
5.10pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 6 fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; sand.
5.30pm: Mr Dailey and party of men returned to ship.
Hydrography: soundings 513; angles 358; miles 40.
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13 August 1911
Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to midnight:
Usual Sunday routine of work.
Received on board 300 gallons of fresh water.
Filled tanks of launch.
Put ashore eight sacks of coal for launch.
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14 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
6.45am: Mr Dailey and party of men left in launch ‘Alpha’ to do topographical work on Kalgin Island.
Started to heave in anchor.
7.00am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
7.37am: Started sounding.
Noon to midnight:
3.30pm: Picked up lifebuoy of ‘Vida’.
5.02pm: Finished sounding.
6.20pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island.
6.25pm: Mr Dailey and party of men returned to ship.
7.00pm: Received on board 200 gallons of water.
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15 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Started to heave in anchor.
Mr Dailey and party of men left in launch ‘Alpha’ to do hydrographic work W of Kalgin Island; Joe Heitman, Seaman, observing tides, P Weber on launch.
7.07am: Underway for working grounds.
7.30am: Commenced sounding.
Noon to midnight:
1.05pm: Port wheel rope carried away.
1.40pm: Resumed sounding.
5.24pm: Finished sounding.
6.20pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 6 fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; sand.
Hydrography: soundings ‘Yukon’ 231, ‘Alpha’ 224; angles ‘Yukon’ 197, ‘Alpha’ 126; miles ‘Yukon’ 43, ‘Alpha’ 9.5.
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16 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
6.30am: Received on board 200 gallons of water.
7.30am: Mr Dailey and party of men left in launch ‘Alpha’ to do hydrographic work W of Kalgin Island.
Started to heave in anchor.
7.40am: Underway for working grounds.
8.44am: Commenced sounding.
Noon: Anchored (with kedge) for lunch.
Noon to midnight:
1.05pm: Anchor up.
1.11am Resumed sounding.
2.54pm: Stopped sounding on account of misty atmosphere.
3.30pm: Anchored with kedge to wait for clearer weather.
4.05pm: Anchor up; underway for Kalgin Island.
5.30pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 5 fathoms of water, 18 fathoms of chain; sand.
5.50pm: Mr Dailey and party of men returned to ship.
Hydrography: soundings 399 ‘Yukon’, 547 ‘Alpha’; angles 202 ‘Yukon’, 248 ‘Alpha’; miles 28.5 ‘Yukon’, 20.5 ‘Alpha’.
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17 August 1911
Kalgin Island to Katnu River and return
Lat 60.656, Long -152.045
Midnight to noon:
6.50am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.00am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds.
7.05am: Mr Dailey and party left ship for hydrographic work.
11.27am: Anchored with kedge near Katnu River.
Noon to midnight:
12.20pm: Got underway.
7.10pm: Anchored near tide staff in 5 fathoms 2 feet of water, 20 fathoms of chain; sand.
Took on 275 gallons of fresh water.
Mr Dailey and party returned.
Hydrography: soundings ‘Yukon’ 399, ‘Alpha’ 494; angles ‘Yukon’ 202, ‘Alpha’ 212; miles ‘Yukon’ 39, ‘Alpha’ 16.5.
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18 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
7.00am: Mr Dailey and party left ship for hydrographic work.
8.00am: Took 175 gallons of fresh water.
Started to heave in anchor.
8.05am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Anchored with kedge.
1.40pm: Got underway.
3.32pm: Anchored near tide staff. Took 100 gallons of fresh water.
4.30pm: Mr Dailey and party aboard.
Hydrography: soundings ‘Yukon’ 141, ‘Alpha’ 308; angles ‘Yukon 107, ‘Alpha’ 130; miles ‘Yukon’ 26, ‘Alpha’ 10.
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19 August 1911
Kalgin Island to Harriet Point and Seldovia
Lat 60.418, Long -152.232
Midnight to noon:
7.30am: Started to heave in anchor; anchor up at 7.40am.
8.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’ underway for Harriet Point; picked up anchor and buoy used by launch.
8.10am: Ship underway for Harriet Point.
10.30am: Anchored N of Harriet Point.
11.35am: ‘Alpha’ alongside; Mr Dailey and Quartermaster Herberger, Seamen Egoroff, Heitman, Anderson and Romanoff left ship with 10 days’ supplies and launch ‘Alpha’ to do topographic work. Took plane table outfit complete, sextant #334, theodolite #3183.
Noon to midnight:
12.55pm: Started to heave in.
1.00pm: Underway for Seldovia.
1.18pm: Harriet Point abeam; changed course SExS (sc), SE (stgc).
1.25pm: Sails hoisted.
1.30pm: Put out log, reading 29.8.
3.00pm: Changed course SE½E (stgc).
Mr Reese and Zall, Chief Boatswain’s Mate, ashore at Anchor Point in canoe with four days’ provisions to hunt moose.
10.25pm: Anchored at Seldovia in 7.3 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms chain.
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20 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Sunday observed aboard.
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21 August 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham and return
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
8.57am: Underway for Port Graham.
11.25am: Alongside dock at Port Graham.
11.45am: Coal ship.
Noon to midnight:
2.25pm: Finished coaling; took 16 tons in bunkers and 1 ton on deck.
2.30pm: Took fresh water.
3.54pm: Got underway for Seldovia.
6.15pm: Anchored at Seldovia in 7 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms chain.
Received three lanterns aboard from JW Alley.
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22 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Turned to. Cleaning and painting ship. Boiler repaired – three tubes plugged.
10.30am: Anchor up. Made fast alongside USC&GS ‘McArthur’.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: US Steamboat Inspectors aboard; engine, boiler and hull of ship inspected; ‘McArthur’s’ steam pump being used in testing boiler.
3.25pm: Inspectors left ship in dinghy.
Received on board from Herbert and Co: 10 gallons coal oil, 15 yards signal cloth, 3 yards cheese cloth, 4 packages matches and 12 bars soap.
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23 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in general ship work.
Noon to midnight:
2.10pm: Cast away from USC&GS ‘McArthur’ and got underway for trial trip.
2.55pm: Anchored at Seldovia, off village, in 8.3 fathoms water, 20 fathoms chain.
3.00pm: Took provisions aboard.
7.05pm: Shifted anchorage. Anchored in 5.4 fathoms of water with 20 fathoms chain.
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24 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in ship routine. Cleaned bilges.
Noon to midnight:
12.55pm: SS ‘Admiral Sampson’ arrived.
4.00pm: Took 250 gallons of fresh water.
7.15pm: Paid out 10 fathoms of chain (30 fathoms in water).
8.30pm: SS ‘Admiral Sampson’ sailed.
Received mail packages #18 and #19; 50 lbs butter from Herbert and Co.
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25 August 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Crew engaged in work on ship.
Wind too strong to run for Kalgin Island.
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26 August 1911
Seldovia to Anchor Point and return
Lat 59.942, Long -152.150
Midnight to noon:
7.15am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.42am: Anchor up; underway for Anchor Point.
7.50am: Log out, reading 85.2.
10.15am: Log taken in, reading 101.3.
10.40am: Anchored NW of Anchor Point, 4 5/6 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain.
10.45am: Sent dinghy ashore to bring off hunting party.
11.25am: Dinghy returned with hunting party and meat.
11.30am to 11.50am: Captain Hardy on board USC&GS ‘McArthur’ which was lying near.
Noon to midnight:
1.05pm: Zall, Boatswain, left in dinghy.
2.25pm: Zall returned with dinghy. Started to heave in anchor.
2.30pm: Anchor up; underway for Seldovia.
5.45pm: Anchored off Seldovia, 7 5/6 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain.
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27 August 1911
Seldovia to Harriet Point
Lat 59.56, Long -151.83
Midnight to noon:
7.00am to 8.00am: Crew engaged in cleaning decks.
8.42am: Anchor up; underway for wharf.
8.55am: Made fast alongside cannery wharf. Filled water tanks.
9.50am: Left wharf. Anchored off Seldovia with kedge, 5 fathoms of water, 12 fathoms of line.
10.50am: Underway for Harriet Point; passengers on board, Mrs FH Hardy and Mrs F Graham.
11.04am: Log out, reading 101.3.
11.15am: Seldovia Point abeam; changed course NW½W (sc), NWxN (stgc).
11.45am: Changed course NW (stgc).
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Changed course NWxN½N (stgc).
1.25pm: Anchor Point abeam.
3.38am: Changed course NW (stgc), log 36.1; strong tide.
4.15am: Changed course WNW (stgc).
5.00am: Changed course NxW¾N (stgc).
5.45pm: Various courses to anchorage.
6.47pm: Anchored N of Harriet Point, 6? fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain; sand.
6.55pm: Mr Dailey, Herberger and three other men came aboard from camp.
8.30pm: Mr Dailey, Herberger and three other men left for camp.
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28 August 1911
Harriet Point to Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to noon:
6.30am to 9.00am: Breaking camp and bringing outfit on board.
9.10am: Underway for N end of Kalgin Island.
Mr Dailey and party of men left in launch ‘Alpha’ to do topographic work.
11.26am: Began a line of hydrographic work.
Noon to midnight:
12.05pm: Finished sounding; continued on to Kalgin Island tide gauge.
12.45pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 3? fathoms of water, 10 fathoms of chain; sand.
Took camp outfit ashore. Set up temporary tide staff in place of outer staff which had been carried away. Water too high to set staff at right level.
3.50pm: Started to heave anchor; Joe Heitman ashore to observe tides.
3.56pm: Underway for working grounds.
4.07pm: Commenced sounding.
5.03pm: Finished sounding.
5.18pm: Anchored N of Kalgin Island, 6? fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain; sand.
Received on board 200 gallons of water.
Hydrography: soundings 100; angles 46; miles 11.
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29 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to midnight:
7.20am: Mr Reese and two men left in dinghy to level up tide staff on Kalgin Island, water launch and do other various work.
Joe Heitman ashore to observe tides.
7.30am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.45am: Underway for working grounds.
8.05am: Commenced sounding. Lost Bassnett tube #10,204.
12.47pm: Finished sounding on account of fog.
1.23pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 4? fathoms of water, 12 fathoms of chain; sand.
Put seven sacks of coal on board launch ‘Alpha’.
4.40pm: Mr Reese and two men returned to ship. Started to heave anchor.
4.45pm: Got underway to develop shoal between W Foreland and Kalgin Island. Fog set in thick before shoal was reached.
5.30pm: Underway for Kalgin Island.
6.10pm: Anchored N of Kalgin Island, 6? fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain.
Received on board 200 gallons of water.
Hydrography: soundings 152; angles 131; miles 29.
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30 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
Filled water tanks of launch ‘Alpha’. Joe Heitman ashore to observe tides.
10.20am: Started to heave in anchor.
10.30am: Underway for working grounds.
11.20am: Commenced sounding.
Noon to midnight:
5.01pm: Finished sounding; ran to Kalgin Island.
5.30pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 5 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain, sand.
Hydrography: soundings 232; angles 146; miles 37.
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31 August 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
6.50am: Started to heave in anchor. Mr Dailey and hydrographic party left in launch ‘Alpha’. Joe Heitman ashore to observe tides.
6.58am: Underway for working grounds.
7.42am: High pressure packing blew out; anchored for repairs.
8.15am: Underway for working grounds.
8.47am: Commenced sounding.
Noon to midnight:
4.30pm: Finished sounding; ran to Kalgin Island.
5.38pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island, 5 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain; sand.
6.55pm: Mr Dailey returned with hydrographic party.
Hydrography: soundings ‘Yukon’ 344, ‘Alpha’ 7.11; angles ‘Yukon’ 184, ‘Alpha’ 168; miles ‘Yukon’ 52.5, ‘Alpha’ 16.3.
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1 September 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to midnight:
Mr Fred Graham, Engineer, sick; no work with launch.
7.00am: Started to heave in anchor; Joe Heitman ashore to observe tides.
7.10am: Underway for working grounds.
9.14am: Commenced sounding.
2.05pm: Stopped sounding. Engine broke down. Anchored.
2.38pm: Started to heave in anchor.
2.43pm: Resumed sounding.
4.12pm: Finished sounding; ran to N Kalgin Island.
5.30pm: Anchored off N Kalgin Island, 4? fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain; sand.
Received on board 200 gallons of water.
Hydrography: soundings 320; angles 168; miles 39.4.
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2 September 1911
Kalgin Island, working grounds and Katnu River
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
6.50am: Started to heave in anchor.
6.58am: Underway for working grounds; Mr Dailey and hydrographic party left in launch; Joe Heitman ashore to observe tides.
7.50am: Commenced sounding.
11.36am: Stopped; anchored with kedge for lunch [11.45am].
Noon to midnight:
12.42pm: Underway.
12.50pm: Resumed sounding.
2.29pm: Finished sounding.
2.35pm: Anchored off signal Kus with kedge, 2½ fathoms of water; rocky. Mr Reese and one man ashore to observe the theodolite.
4.20pm: Mr Reese returned.
4.35pm: Underway for Katnu River.
6.35pm: Mr Dailey and hydrographic party returned to ship and launch ‘Alpha’ anchored in Katnu River.
6.40pm: Underway for Kalgin Island.
8.10pm: Anchored off N Kalgin Island, 5 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain; sand.
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3 September 1911
Kalgin Island to Seldovia
Lat 60.0, Long -151.8
Midnight to noon:
Filled fresh water tanks and barrels, 400 gallons.
6.00am: Mr Reese and three men ashore to level up tide gauge which had been hit by driftwood.
6.45am: Returned.
9.50am: Started to heave in anchor.
9.55am: Underway NExE (stgc).
10.10am: Changed course ExN (stgc). 10.20am: Changed course ExS (stgc). 10.30am: Changed course SE½S (sc). 11.15am: Changed course SSE (sc), SExS (stgc).
Noon to midnight:
4.50pm: Lay to; Mr Dailey and P Herbergen, Seaman, ashore at Anchor Point.
4.52pm: Underway.
5.00pm: Anchor Point abeam.
5.08pm: Changed course SExS (sc), SE (stgc); 5.40pm: Changed course SE¼E (stgc); 6.30pm: Changed course SE½E (stgc).
7.25pm: Entered harbor.
7.50pm: Anchored off village of Seldovia, 6? fathoms of water, 21 fathoms of chain; sand.
Received on board mail.
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4 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Received on board mess stores. Crew engaged in cleaning ship.
Afternoon observed as holiday.
Received ship’s laundry on board and sent laundry ashore.
Received from Herbert and Co 10 lbs soap, 2 lbs tacks.
Officers working on accounts.
8.00pm: Dropped port anchor with 12 fathoms of chain paid out; 5 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
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5 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Crew engaged in work on ship.
Officers working on accounts.
6.30pm: Hove in port anchor.
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6 September 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham and return
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to noon:
9.00am: Started to heave in anchor.
9.07am: Underway for Port Graham.
11.46am: Made fast alongside wharf at Port Graham.
Noon to midnight:
12.55pm: Began coaling ship.
3.45pm: Finished coaling ship; received on board 13 tons of coal. Filled fresh water tanks, 450 gallons.
4.25pm: Left wharf; underway for Seldovia.
5.06pm: Put out log, reading 58.0. 5.47pm: Put out log, reading 63.4. 6.28pm: Took in log, reading 68.8.
6.33pm: Anchored in Seldovia harbor in 7 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain.
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7 September 1911
Seldovia to Anchor Point and Kalgin Island
Lat 59.942, Long -152.150
Midnight to midnight:
Received from Herbert and Co 10 gallons kerosene.
7.40am: Hove short.
8.25am: Anchor up; underway for Kalgin Island.
8.40am: Outside harbor changed course NWxN (stgc).
9.33am: Set sails; changed course NW¾N (stgc).
11.00am: Took in sails.
11.10am: Anchored off Anchor Point. Sent dory ashore to bring off Mr Dailey and P Herbergen.
12.01pm: Underway; changed course NxW (stgc).
12.40pm: Set sails.
2.15pm: Changed course NxW½W (stgc).
3.00pm: Changed course NNW.
5.36pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island.
175 gallons of water received on board.
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8 September 1911
Kalgin Island to Katnu River and return
Lat 60.656, Long -152.045
Midnight to noon:
5.45am: Started to heave in anchor.
6.05am: Underway for Katnu River.
7.40am: Anchored S of Katnu River.
7.50am: Anchor up.
8.20am: Anchored off mouth of Katnu River. Mr Dailey and hydrographic party left in dinghy to go to launch ‘Alpha’. Could not row against current in river.
8.35am: Mr Dailey and party of men returned to ship. Ship waiting for fog to clear.
10.30am: Mr Dailey and party of men left for launch ‘Alpha’.
Noon to midnight:
12.50pm: Mr Dailey returned with launch ‘Alpha’. Ran sounding line out of river until compelled to stop on account of fog.
2.00pm: Started to heave in anchor.
2.15pm: Got underway for Kalgin Island.
4.00pm: Anchored off N end of Kalgin Island. Received 75 gallons of fresh water on board.
5.00pm: High sea from N.
5.20pm: Started to heave in anchor. Mike Metroken (Seaman) on shore to observe tides.
5.30pm: Underway for better anchorage.
7.30pm: Anchored in bight on E side of Kalgin Island.
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9 September 1911
Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Turned to.
8.00am: Mr Dailey and three men left ship in dory to build signals.
11.40am: Anchor up. Got underway for N Kalgin Island.
Noon: Picked up Mr Dailey and party.
Noon to midnight:
1.35pm: Anchored off tide staff in 5 fathoms 2 feet, sand, and 15 fathoms chain.
Took 475 gallons fresh water for ship; took 75 gallons fresh water for launch ‘Alpha’.
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10 September 1911
Kalgin Island
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Sunday observed aboard.
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11 September 1911
Kalgin Island and working grounds
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
6.30am: Tide observer, M Metroken, ashore.
6.55am: Started to heave in anchor.
7.00am: Mr Dailey and party left with ‘Alpha’ for hydrographic work.
7.25am: Underway for working grounds.
9.50am: Anchored with kedge.
Noon to midnight:
12.15pm: Got underway.
5.45pm: Anchored near tide staff in 6 fathoms, sand, 22 fathoms of chain.
6.00pm: Mr Dailey and party returned.
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12 September 1911
Kalgin Island toward Ninilchik Point and return
Lat 60.53, Long -151.93
Midnight to noon:
6.15am: Turned to. Sent dinghy ashore for fresh water. Landed camping outfit and 10 days’ supplies for hydrographic party; also 12 sacks of coal for launch ‘Alpha’.
6.30am: Tide observer, M Metroken, ashore.
7.00am: Dinghy returned with 200 gallons of fresh water.
7.30am: ‘Alpha’ with hydrographic party, Mr Dailey in charge, left for working grounds.
8.30am: Mr Reese and four men went ashore to put up tents.
Noon to midnight:
12.25pm: Mr Reese and three men aboard.
1.15pm: Anchor up; underway.
1.58pm: Changed course SE½S (stgc). Course laid to Ninilichik Point.
2.46pm: Changed course to Kalgin Island.
3.38pm: Anchored N or Kalgin Island.
5.30pm: Anchor up and got underway.
6.02pm: Log out; read 0.0. 6.04pm: Changed course SE½S.
6.14pm: Boiler tube broke. Back to Kalgin Island. Set jib and spanker.
6.32pm: Log in; read 3.7.
6.50pm: Anchored off tide staff, 20 fathoms of chain.
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13 September 1911
Kalgin Island to Seldovia
Lat 59.73, Long -152.21
Midnight to noon:
4.25am: Dinghy and dory ashore after [delivering] 275 gallons of fresh water.
5.45am: Began to heave in anchor.
5.55am: Anchor up; ship underway.
6.28am: Patent log 5.0; changed course SExS (stgc), off E Kalgin, distance about ¼ mile.
6.45am: Changed course SExS¼S. 8.17am: Changed course SExS.
11.41am: Anchor Point abeam; changed course SE½E (stgc).
11.56am: Sails hoisted; changed course SE¾E.
Noon to midnight:
1.15pm: Took in sails.
1.30pm: Passed USC&GS ‘McArthur’ bound westward.
2.35pm: Patent log in; read 67.1.
2.50pm: Anchored off Seldovia village, 8.3 fathoms, soft bottom, 20 fathoms of chain.
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14 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Turned to. Crew engaged in various work aboard.
Received from JA Herbert and Co 10 lbs soap.
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15 September 1911
Seldovia to Homer Spit
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
6.30am: Turned to. Took 600 gallons of fresh water; took aboard mess stores; received from JA Herbert and co 10 gallons of kerosene.
11.15am: Anchor up and underway for Kalgin Island.
11.55am: Turned back to Seldovia.
Noon to midnight:
12.25pm: Anchored off village, 6.4 fathoms, sand, 20 fathoms of chain.
2.10pm: Anchor up; underway for Homer.
4.25pm: Anchored off Homer Spit, 10 fathoms, soft bottom, 21 fathoms of chain.
6.00pm: Boatswain with two men left in dinghy for Fritz Creek to get clay.
9.50pm: Boatswain and party returned. Received from USC&GS ‘McArthur’ 21 fire bricks, 10 lbs salt.
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16 September 1911
Homer Spit to Kalgin Island
Lat 59.623, Long -151.498
Midnight to noon:
4.10am: Boatswain and two men left in dinghy for Fritz Creek to get clay for boiler.
8.00am: Boatswain and party returned. Crew working on boiler.
Noon to midnight:
6.05pm: Began to heave in anchor.
6.16pm: Anchor up; ship underway.
6.25pm: Changed course W¾S (stgc). 7.10pm: Changed course WxS (stgc), log out, 67.2 miles. 7.16pm: Changed course WxS¼S.
8.30pm: Patent log 77.0, changed course WNW (stgc).
8.52pm: Patent log 80.8, changed course NWxN for Mount Redoubt.
9.15pm: Patent log 82.4, changed course N¼W (stgc).
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17 September 1911
Homer Spit to Kalgin Island, working grounds, and towards Seldovia
Lat 60.60, Long -151.84
Midnight to noon:
1.00am: Changed course N (stgc).
4.10am: Changed course N½W.
4.46am: Tide setting toward Kalgin Island; changed course N (stgc).
6.40am: Anchored off tide gauge, N Kalgin Island, 5 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain. Camp party aboard.
8.35am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
8.48am: Began sounding with hand lead.
11.13am: Discontinued sounding.
Noon to midnight:
12.10pm: Made ship fast to ‘Alpha’s’ mooring.
12.40pm: All hands ashore after fresh water and camp outfit.
Received 400 gallons of water aboard. Picked up ‘Alpha’s’ mooring.
3.10pm: Underway to pick up launch ‘Alpha’.
4.30pm: Picked up launch ‘Alpha’ and took her in tow.
6.05pm: Picked up Mr Dailey, Herbergen and Weber; underway for Seldovia.
6.15pm: Changed course SExE (stgc).
6.31pm: Harriet Point abeam, 1¼ miles off; changed course SE¾S.
9.25pm: Stopped for sounding.
9.30pm: Changed course SExS (stgc).
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18 September 1911
Kalgin Island to Seldovia
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
12.52am: Sounding 30 fathoms.
1.30am: Sounding 22 fathoms.
1.45am: Sounding 30 fathoms. Changed course SExE½E.
2.50am: Keeping ship headed into sea. Turning engine slowly.
3.35am: Set sails; by the wind ExS.
4.55am: Land sighted ahead.
5.15am: Seldovia sighted; changed course E½S.
6.15am: Entered harbor.
6.30am: Anchored ‘Alpha’.
6.40am: Anchored in 6.3 fathoms, mud, 18 fathoms of chain.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Mr Dailey, Mr Reese and eight men ashore to build ways*.
4.50pm: Mr Dailey, Mr Reese and eight men returned. Office work.
*Timbers on which a ship is built or launched.
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19 September 1911
Seldovia towards Port Graham and return
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
8.45am: Mr Dailey, Mr Reeves and two men left ship; provisions for three days.
8.50am: Started to heave in anchor.
9.08am: Left for Port Graham.
10.05am: Turned back on account of heavy seas and tide rips.
10.45am: Anchored in Seldovia, 7 fathoms, mud, 21 fathoms of chain.
10.50am: All hand ashore to work on ways.
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[Duplicate scan]
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[Duplicate scan]
20 September 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to noon:
9.15am: Anchor up; underway for Port Graham.
Noon to midnight:
12.35pm: Anchored in Port Graham.
1.30pm: Boatswain and all hands ashore to prepare ways to haul up ‘Alpha’.
11.00pm: All hands hauling up ‘Alpha’.
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21 September 1911
Port Graham
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to noon:
1.00am: All hands returned to ship; ‘Alpha’ hauled out.
9.15am: USC&GS ‘McArthur’ came into harbor.
10.50am: ‘McArthur’ left.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Hove anchor.
1.12pm: Alongside dock. Loaded 16 pieces 4 x10 x 30 [inch timber] on deck.
Built raft, 8 x10 [feet] heavy timber.
Took fresh water.
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22 September 1911
Port Graham to Seldovia
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
[Assumed location and journey]
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23 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Rain in morning and again after 8.00pm. Cloudy all day.
Officers and crew ashore building ways.
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24 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Cloudy all day; rain in morning and at night.
Officers and crew working on ways until noon; no work afternoon.
1.30pm: Shifted anchorage.
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25 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Weather: overcast with moderate breezes and squalls of wind and rain from mountains.
Officers and men working on ways.
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26 September 1911
Seldovia to Port Graham and return
Lat 59.35, Long -151.82
Midnight to midnight:
6.30am: Turned to and began work on ways. Weather: fair; light rain.
10.20am: Got underway for Port Graham leaving Messrs Dailey, Reese and Fryckman, Quartermaster and five men to work on ways.
12.30pm: Made fast to wharf at Port Graham and received from AC & Co 10 pieces of timber 4 inches x 10 inches, total [blank] board feet.
2.05pm: Cast off mooring lines and got underway for Seldovia, towing lumber astern.
4.55pm: Let go lumber raft which was towed ashore by dory.
4.58pm: Anchored off Seldovia village.
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27 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Officers and men working on ways.
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28 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Officers and men working on ways.
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29 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Weather: fair.
Officers and men working on ways. Hauled cradle part way down; outer end of ways lifted.
Went ashore at 10.00pm and repaired ways.
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30 September 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Officers and crew engaged in rigging tackle and ballasting stern of ‘Yukon’.
Engineer and Fireman disconnecting piping.
At 5.00pm ‘Yukon’ was hauled on cradle by combined crews of ‘Yukon’ and USC&GS ‘McArthur’.
Weather: cloudy with fresh southerly breeze during forenoon.
Nickolas Romanoff, Seaman, struck by heavy block when chain parted; badly bruised and temporarily disabled.
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1 October 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Officers and crew assisted by crew of USC&GS ‘McArthur’ hauling on ‘Yukon’.
Dead man* carried away; line parted and Captain Hardy knocked down by recoil.
Weather: cloudy with light rain.
[*Probably dead man’s handle, a safety device]
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2 October 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Officers and crew assisted by crew of USC&GS ‘McArthur’ hauling up ‘Yukon’.
Weather: cloudy with gentle southerly breezes.
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3 October 1911
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to midnight:
Officers and crew assisted by crew of USC&GS ‘McArthur’ hauling up ‘Yukon’.
Four Seamen, Joseph Heitman, Stefan Andersson, Mike Metroken and Nickolas Romanoff, discharged and started for Kodiak on SS Bertha.
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[No scans are available for ‘Yukon’ for 4 October 1911 to April 1913.
The following pages, 1 April to 8 April 1913, belong to USRC ‘Explorer’.]
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Operations in Kuskokwim Bay
LOG BOOK – MAY 5th 1913 TO AUGUST 14th 1913
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Steamer ‘Yukon’
FH Hardy, Assistant, commanding
From May 5, 1913 to [August 14, 1913]
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LIST OF OFFICERS attached to Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘Yukon’
FH Hardy, Assistant
Paul Herberger, Mate, joined April 1
EE Smith, Assistant, joined April 3
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5 May 1913
[includes remarks for 23 April to 4 May 1913]
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
23 April 1913 Landed at Seldovia. Commanding Officer and members of wardroom boarded at Seldovia Hotel, crew at Felmores [?] place. In afternoon, removed house from ship and built shed near ship. Fair weather, light night frost.
24 April 1913: Started to clear ways and cradle of sand; rigged up tripod and reefed heavy tackle to lift boiler; brought some supplies from cannery. Weather: fine, light night frost.
25 April 1913: Lifted boiler by means of capstan above deck and blocked and secured it; engine-room force removed old boiler supports; continued to clear ways of sand, cleaned berth deck and wardroom and started painting berth deck and wardroom. Weather: fair, night frost.
26 April 1913: Engine-room force put in boiler supports; cleaned bilges and scraped ironwork in engine-room, painted berth deck and wardroom, took steam winch on board, scraped ship above waterline and patched paint, painted pilothouse, painted boiler with asphalt paint. Fine weather.
27 April 1913: Sunday observed. Fine weather, snowstorm during night.
28 April 1913: Scraped ironwork in boiler-room, painted it with red lead, shoveled sand from ways and underneath cradle. Snow and rain.
29 April 1913: Various work, shoveling sand and scraping ship's bottom. Snow and rain.
30 April 1913: Put boiler into place, took tripod down and stowed gear away, painted new dinghy; crew received pay. Weather: cloudy, snow squalls.
1 May 1913: Painted ship white, cleared tracks of sand, scraped ways, took 6-inch and 8-inch line to cannery dock and prepared for shipping to Goodnews Bay. Weather: fair.
2 May 1913: Crew moved on board; scraped ship's bottom, Carpenter put on deck on boilerhouse; various work in preparing ship for launching [illegible addition]. Weather: fair.
3 May 1913: Commanding Officer and wardroom officers moved on board; marked anchor chains and shackled together, tacked canvas over boilerhouse deck, put smokestack in place.
4 May 1913: Stowed anchor chains on board and took anchors on deck; 20 sacks of coal into bunkers; reefed tackle for hauling ship off and set jackscrews in place; engine-room force putting pipelines in order. Weather: fair.
5 May 1913: 5.00am, started to move ship using four shear tackle and jackscrews; 11.00am, had ship moored about 30 feet; took 30 sacks of coal in bunkers. 12.30pm, hauled ship to water, motorboat ‘Bydarky’ moved ship to cannery dock; lay alongside steamer 'Kayak', took 150 gallons of drinking water in gallery tanks; various work. Draft forward 3 feet 3 inches, aft 3 feet, 9 inches. Weather: fair.
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6 May 1913
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Prepared cradle for hauling back on ways; brought sails and tools on board; various work.
Engineer’s force working on steam-line for anchor winch, filled boiler and started fire under boiler.
Noon to midnight:
Four men in dory left ship to haul cradle on ways.
Filled engine-room tanks and water barrels, 840 gallons; took provisions for forward mess and wardroom mess on board.
4.30pm: Took gear of steam windlass on cannery dock for repairs.
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7 May 1913
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
At cannery dock.
7.00am: Turned to. Packed and marked stores for shipment to Goodnews Bay and various work on board. Officers at office work.
Engine-room force working on anchor winch and getting engine ready.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon.
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8 May 1913
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
7.08am: Commanding Officer left in motorboat ‘Howard I’ to locate rock near Bird Rocks, Port Graham.
7.30am to 10.30am: Made tide observations on tide staff on cannery wharf.
10.50am: Commanding Officer returned.
Packed and marked material and stores to be shipped to Goodnews Bay; scraped masts, gaffs and main boom; oiled and varnished same.
Weather: fine.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon; took repaired parts of windlass on board.
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9 May 1913
Seldovia to Port Graham
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
Prepared ship for sea.
Noon to midnight:
3.55pm: Left cannery dock.
4.10pm: Commenced to swing ship.
5.00pm: Finished swinging ship.
5.05pm: Hoisted dinghy, took both dories in tow; left for Port Graham.
5.08pm: Seldovia Watch Point; 5.22pm: Point Naskowhak, changed course NW½N; 5.50pm: False Cape, changed course SW½S; 6.08pm: Cape Dangerous, changed course S¼W; 6.10pm: Bird Rock, changed course ESE.
6.27pm: Passed Lantern; 6.35pm: Black Buoy.
6.50pm: Fastened to Port Graham cannery dock.
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10 May 1913
Port Graham to Kodiak
Lat 59.439, Long -151.719
Midnight to noon:
7.00am to noon: Crew engaged in painting launch ‘Alpha’ and preparing for launching; bending sails.
Noon to 6.00pm:
Filled water tanks and barrels, ca. 300 gallons of water.
3.30pm: Commenced to take bunker coal. Draft forward 3 feet 6 inches, aft 4 feet 5 inches.
4.40pm: Finished coaling, 5 tons of coal.
Launched ‘Alpha’, moored same and light dory to cannery lighter, both to be shipped to Goodnews Bay.
Hauled ‘Alpha’, cradle and old dory in warp.
Stored 3-inch line and 2 blocks in cannery warehouse, to be shipped to Goodnews Bay.
Washed down decks and stowed everything for sea.
6.00pm to 8.00pm:
6.50pm: Left Port Graham dock, steering various courses to Magnet Rock, on bow, patent log 91.0 at 7.49pm; on beam, patent log 92.5 at 7.55pm, distance off, 1.5 miles.
Changed course to SxE½E (sc).
Weather: fair and calm, sea smooth,
8.00pm to midnight:
On course SxE½E (sc).
8.19pm: Point Adam abeam, log 94.8.
8.53pm: Cape Elizabeth abeam, log 99.9.
9.20pm: Tide setting ship to eastward; changed course to SxE¼E (sc), log 2.8.
10.25pm: Changed course to SxE½E (pilothouse compass).
10.30pm: N end Nord Island abeam, log 12.2.
10.52pm: S point Amatuli Island abeam; changed course to SxE½E (sc).
11.12pm: Changed course to SSE?E (sc), bringing Sugarloaf Island abeam, log 16¾.
11.24pm: Quarter bearing Sugarloaf Island, log 18¾, distance of 12 miles.
Weather: fair, light SW breeze, sea smooth.
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11 May 1913
Port Graham to Kodiak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.7868, Long -152.4104
Midnight to 4.00am:
On course SSE?E (sc); changed course at 2.39am SExE½E (sc); changed course at 3.17am SSE?E (sc).
Weather: fair, light SW breeze turning SE at 4.00am, sea smooth.
4.00am to 8.00am:
4.48am: Changed course S; at 6.35am Marmot Cape abeam, 4 miles distant.
6.40am: Sighted poles of wireless station; changed course SxE, log 79.
7.50am: Took in log, reading 87.2. Various courses.
8.45am: Made fast alongside Kodiak wharf.
9.15am: Hauled ship alongside schooner ‘Hunter’; washed decks down.
Observed Sunday,
Noon to midnight:
Weather: fair.
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12 May 1913
Lat 57.783, Long -152.417
Midnight to midnight:
Landed potatoes, kerosene and salt meat barrels on deck and stored them in fish-house.
Prepared ship for coaling. Draft forward 3 feet 5 inches, aft 4 feet 3 inches.
9.30am: Hauled ship alongside steamer ‘Rupert City’.
10.10am: Commenced coaling ship, Australian coal from ‘Rupert City’.
1.45pm: Bunkers filled, took 8 tons, 1750 lbs; draft forward 4 feet, aft 4 feet 8 inches.
Cleaned ship. Hauled ship back alongside [schooner] ‘Hunter’.
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13 May 1913
Lat 57.783, Long -152.417
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in cleaning and painting.
Weather: overcast, calm.
5.00am: Mr Smith and two Seamen left ship, adjusting plane table.
11.00am: Mr Smith and two Seamen returned.
Engineer’s force worked on anchor winch.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon. Officers at office work.
During day kept 150 lbs pressure on boiler for anchor winch and heaters.
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14 May 1913
Lat 57.783, Long -152.417
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in cleaning and painting; holystoned deck.
Engine-room force working on anchor winch.
Officers at office work.
Weather: overcast.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon.
5.00pm: Hauled ship alongside SS ‘Rupert City’.
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15 May 1913
Lat 57.783, Long -152.417
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in cleaning and painting ship.
Made boom for foresail and put same in place.
Engine-room force working on pipeline for anchor winch.
8.00am: Mr Smith and Chief Writer Miller left ship to adjust theodolite.
Noon: Mr Smith and Chief Writer Miller returned.
Noon to midnight:
Received order from Washington office to proceed for False Pass.
Mr Smith and Chief Writer Miller adjusting instruments.
Preparing ship for sea; crew scraping woodwork.
Weather: overcast, light rain.
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16 May 1913
Lat 57.783, Long -152.417
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in preparing ship for sea; bent foresail, took 10 crates of potatoes on board.
Officers at office work.
Engine-room force overhauling engine.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon.
Dropped starboard anchor and paid out 15 fathoms of chain; tried to heave anchor with steam winch; could only heave in slack of chain; hove anchor by hand.
Kept 150 lbs of steam on boiler for steam heaters.
Weather: overcast, rainy and squally.
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17 May 1913
Lat 57.783, Long -152.417
Midnight to noon:
5.30am: Steamed to cannery wharf, made fast alongside steamers ‘Norman’ and ‘Redondo’.
Filled freshwater tanks and barrels – took 500 gallons of water.
Took 481 feet of signal lumber on board.
11.15am: Steamed back to Commercial Dock; made fast alongside ‘Rupert City’.
Engine-room force changed exhaust line of anchor winch.
Weather: overcast and rainy.
Noon to midnight:
Took 25 sacks (125 lbs each) of coal on deck; lashed and secured everything on deck.
Set starboard anchor on bottom; tried to heave chain over wildcat, which did not have sufficient power to heave anchor.
Used buoy rope over bollard [offensive term used in log]; lashed and secured anchor.
Officers at office work.
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18 May 1913
Kodiak to Uyak
Lat 57.99, Long -153.38
Midnight to 8.00am:
6.07am: Left Kodiak for False Pass, various courses till 6.33am; changed course NxE.
6.56am: Hannin Rock [Round Lumpy Rock] abeam ¾ mile off; changed course W.
7.03am: Millers Cape [Miller Point in log] abeam.
7.27am: Nelson Island abeam.
7.44am: Course Point abeam; changed course W¾N. Various courses through Narrow Strait.
8.00am: Ouzinkie Point [Urinki Point in log] abeam.
8.00am to noon:
On course W¾S (sc).
8.10am: Three Brothers rocks abeam.
8.11am: Changed course to WNW (sc), range on Hog Island.
8.22am: Kizhuyak Point opening past Kekur Point; changed course to SW?W (sc).
8.40am: Streamed log.
9.12am: Ilkognak Rock abeam; changed course to W¼N (pilothouse compass).
9.15am: Bird Point abeam; passed through Whale Passage with flood tide steering ranges.
9.29am: At W end of Whale Passage set course W?S (sc), range on Gori Point.
9.45am: Chernof Point abeam; changed course to W?S (sc).
10.25am: Gori Point abeam; changed course to W¼S (sc).
10.50am: Log 4.3; changed course to SSW (sc).
11.33am: Outlet Cape, outer rocks, 0.5 abeam; changed course to SW¾W.
Distance run during watch 29.5 miles.
Weather: partly cloudy, light W to SW breeze.
Noon to 4.00pm:
On course SW¾W (sc).
12.16pm: Changed course to SW (sc).
12.36pm: Bow, 12.43pm beam: Cape Uganik, log 17.0.
1.20pm: Broken Point beam, log 21.6.
1.25pm: Engine stopped, fin in eccentric broken.
1.30pm: Underway on steam with engine repaired; foresail had been hoisted but was hauled down.
1.56pm: Beam, Miners Point, log 25.1.
1.59pm: Changed course to SxW¾W (sc), log 25.4; bow log 29.1.
2.28pm: Beam, log 31.2.
2.45pm: Cape Ugat; changed course to S?W; bow log 34.8.
3.14pm: Beam, log 37.4.
3.39pm: Changed course to SSE?E (sc) with Cape Kuliuk bearing E?N (sc).
4.00pm: On course SSE?E, log 40.8.
Distance run during watch 29.0 miles by log.
Weather: partly cloudy, SW breeze.
4.00pm to 6.00pm:
5.10pm: Hauled in log. Various courses to cannery wharf at Uyak.
5.23pm: Made fast alongside cannery tugboat 'Shelikof'; filled water tanks and barrels, ca 250 gallons of water.
8.00pm: Bilges dry. One Seaman going night watch.
Weather: fair, moderate wind and sea; spray over forecastle head.
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19 May 1913
Uyak to sea
Lat 57.62, Long -154.44
8.00am to noon:
Received from Northwestern Fisheries Co two tons of coal.
9.50am: Cast off from wharf, picked up dinghy and proceeded out of anchorage.
10.02am: Passed out between Bear Island and Harvester Island; course NxW.
10.12am: Changed course to WSW½W; streamed log, log reading 47.6.
10.20am: Set jib and mainsail.
10.40am: Set foresail.
10.53am: Log 53.1. Rocky Point 2.2 miles abeam; changed course SWxW¼W (sc).
11.37am: Cape Uyak abeam.
11.46am: Changed course to SSW (sc), log 60.4.
Distance run during watch 19.7 miles
Weather: cloudy, light NNW breeze, sea smooth.
Noon to 4.00pm:
On course SSW (sc).
12.54pm: Cape Karluk abeam, distance off 2.7 miles, log 69.9.
2.54pm: Seal Rocks abeam, distance off 7.6 miles, log 86.2.
3.15pm: Hauled in mainsail and jib with wind ahead.
3.45pm: Set mainsail and jib to steady ship, wind on port bow, spray coming over bow; southerly swell.
Distance run during watch 32.0 miles by log.
Weather: cloudy, S breeze and swells.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
On course SSW, log 94.3.
Weather: cloudy, moderate wind and sea, spray over deck.
5.30pm: Set foresail; found rudder stuffing box leaking.
8.00pm to midnight:
On course SSW (sc).
10.00pm: Log 96.1 [presumed; 46.1 in log]; changed course to SxW?W (sc).
All sails set.
Light easterly breeze, moderate sea, sky overcast.
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20 May 1913
Uyak to Anchorage Bay
Lat 56.31, Long -158.39
Midnight to 4am:
1.00am: Sighted Sutwik Island right ahead; changed course SSE.
2.20am: Foggy Cape abeam; changed course, various.
2.30am: Took foresail in. During watch bailed cockpit, about 30 buckets of water. Decided to run to Chignik for shelter.
3.00am: Rocks S of Sutwik Island abeam; log 89.5.
3.30am: W point of Sutwik Island abeam; changed course SxW, log 94.
Weather: overcast, fresh breeze and high sea from NE; water over deck.
4.00am to 8.00am:
On course S?W.
4.25am: Log 2.5, sighted Atkulik Island; changed course to SSW½W.
5.25am: Log 11.5, Atkulik Island 1.3 miles abeam. Rounded Atkulik Island.
5.45am: On course WxS.
6.15am: Log 17.7, Rocky Island 1.3 miles abeam.
7.10am: Castle Cape abeam; changed course to W¼S, holding up on account of leeway.
Weather: moderate, north-easterly breeze, moderate following sea.
8.00am to noon:
Steered along coast in Chignik Bay.
8.58am: Made ship fast alongside cannery wharf at Anchorage Bay; bailed out cockpit and put packing in stuffing box of rudder shaft; cemented around sleeve of rudder shaft.
Noon to midnight:
Cleaned ship and bilges. Filled water tanks; took 300 gallons of water.
One Seaman nightwatchman; 75 lbs of pressure on boiler for steam heaters.
Weather: overcast.
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21 May 1913
Anchorage Bay
Lat 56.31, Long -158.39
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in various work; marking and painting tide staffs, scraping sails and making new hatch covers for cockpit.
8.00am: Mr Smith, Assistant, Chief Writer Miller and one Seaman left ship to make plane table sketch locating wharf and cannery houses.
Tugboat ‘Equator’ came in; reported heavy weather outside.
Noon: Mr Smith and men returned.
Weather: overcast, drizzling rain.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Mr Smith, Chief Writer Miller and two Seamen with plane table left ship in dinghy to locate buildings and wharfs.
Crew engaged in various work; one Seaman on night watch; filled water tanks, 200 gallons.
Weather: overcast and rainy.
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22 May 1913
Anchorage Bay to Humboldt Harbor [Sand Point]
Lat 55.79, Long -159.13
Midnight to 4.00am:
Alongside cannery wharf at Anchorage Bay [Chignik Bay in log].
4.10am: Left dock.
4.30am: Fishtrap abeam ¾ mile off.
4.35am: ExN½N, middle of Naktchamik Island ahead; various courses to Castle Cape.
5.43am: Castle Cape abeam, patent log 38.2, changed course SExS¾S.
5.55pm: Changed course SxW.
6.33am: Chankliut Island SW, 2 miles off abeam, patent log 45.5, changed course S½W.
Weather: overcast, misty, smooth sea.
8.00am to noon:
8.11am Log 58.3, changed course SW½S.
8.47am: Log 63.3, changed course SWxW½W.
9.24am: Log 68.7, changed course to WxS; entered Mitrofania Bay.
10.07am: Log 74.4, outer point of western-most small island in bay abeam; changed course to SxW.
11.00am: Coal Cape [Cold Cape in log] abeam, log 81.9, changed course to WSW.
11.36am: E Shapka Island starboard beam, log 87.0, changed course to S¾S.
Passed midway between Shapka Island and Chiachi Roads.
11.44am: Rounded Chiachi Island, log 88.2, course SW?S.
Weather: overcast, light SSW breeze.
Noon to 4.00pm:
On course SWxS (sc).
12.37pm: N point Paul Island, log 95.8.
12.43pm: Changed course to SSW (sc), log 96.5.
12.45pm: Log 97.0, NW point Paul Island.
1.00pm: Log 98.9, changed course to S; NW point Jacob Island.
1.06pm: Log 99.8, S end Jacob Island.
1.39pm: Log 4.3, distance off 1.3 miles, Leader Island.
1.43pm: Log 4.9, distance off 0.9 miles, Island of Fox Cape.
2.14pm: Log 9.1, changed course to S?E (sc).
3.04pm: Log 15.8, changed course to SW¾S, rounding Kupreanof Point [Cape in log].
4.00pm: On course SW¾S (sc), log 23.7.
Distance run during watch 33.3 miles.
Weather: overcast with rain in passing showers, sea smooth.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
On course SW¾S.
Karpa Island E point abeam, patent log 32.5.
5.45pm: Andronica Island NE point, patent log 38.8.
6.00pm: Changed course SWxW?W, log 41.3.
6.54pm: High Island abeam, 1½ miles off; patent log 48.5; changed course SWxW¾W.
7.15pm: Pirate Cove abeam, patent log 51.8.
7.50pm: Various courses; steamed into Humboldt Harbor; made fast alongside wharf at Sand Point.
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23 May 1913
Sand Point to King Cove
Lat 55.05, Long -161.77
Midnight to 8.00am:
One Seaman on night watch.
5.04am: Left wharf at Sand Point for King Cove.
5.20am: Range Island abeam; streamed log, reading 55.0.
5.35am: Changed course WNW¼W.
5.50am: Set sails – jib, foresail and mainsail.
6.00am: Changed course W½S, Gull Island bow, log 60; 6.06am abeam, 1 mile distant, log 61.88; changed course SW½W.
6.14am: Gull Island abeam, 1.5 miles distant.
Weather: fair, light southerly airs and sea.
8.00am to noon:
On course SW¼S.
8.10am: Changed course to SW¾S.
9.03am: Seal Cape abeam, log 87.6; changed course to SW½W.
10.40am: Log 1.7, outer point Ukolnoi Island abeam, 0.8 miles distant; changed course to SW¾S.
10.50am: Log 3.9, changed course to SSW.
11.41am: Half a mile off a point on Dolgoi Island, changed course to SW½S.
11.53am: Bluff Cape [possibly Dolgoi Cape] 0.4 miles abeam, log 11.9.
11.55am: Changed course to S?E.
All sails were taken in at 9.15am.
Weather: cloudy, light variable airs.
Noon to 6.00pm:
12.26pm to 12.38pm: Various courses through passage.
12.38pm: Inner Iliasik Island abeam, log 18.5; used hand lead going over bar.
12.45pm: Belkofski Church abeam, log 19.5.
12.58pm: Changed course SSW, log 21.2.
2.00pm: Cape Bold abeam ½ mile distant, various courses.
2.35pm: Made fast alongside King Cove cannery wharf.
2.45pm: Left wharf; went into lagoon and made fast to cannery dolphin with port chain and lines.
Dinghy caught between ship and dolphin; broke first three ribs and planks forward of first seal.
6.00pm: Hauled dinghy on shore for repairs.
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24 May 1913
King Cove
Lat 55.067, Long -162.315
Midnight to noon:
Cleaned paintwork.
Noon to midnight:
Cleaning ship.
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25 May 1913
King Cove
Lat 55.067, Long -162.315
Midnight to noon:
Cleaned ship. Observed Sunday.
Weather: rainy and squally.
Noon to midnight:
9.00pm: USC&GS ‘Explorer’ [referred to in these logs as USS ‘Explorer’] came to anchor off cannery. Commanding Officer went aboard ‘Explorer’.
10.30pm: Commanding Officer returned with mail.
Weather: rainy and squally.
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[Small stores list]
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[Duplicate scan]
26 May 1913
King Cove
Lat 55.067, Long -162.315
Midnight to noon:
7.05am: Cast off lines; steamed out of lagoon and made fast alongside USC&GS ‘Explorer’.
Made ship ready for bunkering; draft forward 3 feet 6 inches, aft 4 feet 9 inches.
10.38am: Received 60 sacks of coal (3 tons) from ‘Explorer’, 2 sacks of cement, 12 broom handles, 1 box of gauge glasses, and clothing and small stores as to attached list [below*]:
10.38am: Left ‘Explorer’s’ side; steamed to cannery and made fast to cannery dock.
Started to take coal from cannery coal pile; filled coal in sacks and trucked out to face of dock.
*Department of Commerce and Labor
Small stores received from 'Explorer' 5/26
Sweaters 11, shoes 3, socks wool 64, socks cotton 6, shirts 7, white hats 15, watch caps 7, white trousers 7, white blouse 1, dungaree jumpers 3, dungaree trousers 3, undershirts 9, drawers 11, tobacco 2 lbs.
Noon to midnight:
Filled water tanks from cannery pipeline; took 500 gallons of water.
4.50pm: Finished coaling, bunkers filled; took 69 sacks (3 tons 570 lbs) of coal. Draft forward 3 feet 10 inches, aft 4 feet 11 inches.
4.10pm: ‘Explorer’ left anchorage.
5.00pm: Left dock; steamed into lagoon; strong current set ship broadside on middle ground shoal; motorboat ‘Suk’ assisted to get ship off.
6.30pm: Made fast to dolphin.
Weather: ugly, strong williwaws blowing from various directions.
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27 May 1913
King Cove
Lat 55.067, Long -162.315
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in various work.
Motorboat ‘Empress’ came in; reported strong NW gale outside.
Officers at office work.
Weather: rainy and squally; strong williwaws from northerly direction.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon.
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28 May 1913
King Cove to Morzhovoi Bay
Lat 54.94, Long -162.53
Midnight to 8.00am:
Weather: clear, light airs.
8.00am to noon:
Cast off from dolphin; proceeded to cannery wharf.
8.15am: Made fast alongside SS 'Winber'.
Filled water tanks. Received from Pacific American Fisheries port dinghy which they had repaired. Sent ship’s mail ashore; settled accounts.
10.05am: Cast off line and hoisted dinghy.
10.10am: Full speed ahead out of harbor en route for Isanotski Strait [False Pass].
10.22am: Rounded point on W side of cove half a mile off, course SSW on Cape Pankof.
11.00am: Set jib and mainsail.
11.05am: Streamed log [reading 31.0].
11.10am: Fox Island 0.8 miles abeam, log 31.8.
11.47am: Quarter bearing Thin Point, log 36.7; changed course W¼N, heading inside Amagat Island.
Weather: cloudy, moderate NW breeze.
Noon to 4.00pm:
12.30pm: Reefed mainsail and staysail.
2.55pm: Furled sails, steered various courses along coast.
1.10pm: Passed Amagat NW point bearing SxE, 1 mile distant.
1.20pm: Egg Island abeam.
3.04pm: Passed Sankin Island ½ mile distant on starboard beam.
3.56pm: Whirl Point abeam.
4.00pm to 6.00pm:
4.25pm: Headed for Traders Cove NE½N.
5.15pm: Anchored off Morzhovoi village in 3 fathoms, 2 feet of water, sticky bottom, with 15 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy, moderate north-westerly breeze.
Strong williwaws; port anchor ready to let go.
During night one Seaman on night watch.
Kept 100 lbs of steam pressure on boiler.
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29 May 1913
Traders Cove, Morzhovoi Bay
Lat 54.912, Long -163.314
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Turned to. Mr Smith and three Seamen built tide staff near village. Mr Herberger and two Seamen made four trips in dinghy to fill freshwater tanks.
Found leak in line for galley freshwater tanks (elbow rusted through). Galley tanks ran empty over night.
Took 400 gallons of fresh water from creek N of village.
Weather: overcast, strong williwaws, moderate sea. Ship rolling and pitching; paid out 10 fathoms more of chain.
Noon to midnight:
Mr Smith and three Seamen ashore to cut in bench marks.
Prepared ship for trip across Bering Sea.
Weather: same as forenoon; towards evening rain, williwaws less frequent.
One Seaman on night watch; kept fire under boiler, 50 lbs of pressure.
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30 May 1913
Traders Cove, Morzhovoi Bay
Lat 54.912, Long -163.314
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch.
Locked and secured everything on deck; preparing ship for sea, housed up pilothouse and wardroom windows; making oil sacks.
Weather: overcast, rainy, moderate wind and sea.
Noon to midnight:
Celebrated Decoration Day.
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31 May 1913
Traders Cove, Morzhovoi Bay, to sea and return
Lat 54.912, Long -163.314
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.00am to 10.00am: Took 200 gallons of fresh water.
10.20am: Started to heave anchor.
10.30am: Anchor up; got underway; steamed into Strait. Short choppy sea.
USC&GS ‘Explorer’ not in sight; returned to anchor place in Traders Cove.
11.00am: Anchored in 3 fathoms of water, sticky bottom, 15 fathoms of chain. Cleaned ship.
Weather: clear, moderate wind and sea.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: cloudy, wind increasing.
Motorboat ‘Empress’ came to anchor.
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1 June 1913
Traders Cove and Isanotski Strait [False Pass] to Goodnews Bay
Lat 54.912, Long -163.314
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure.
Took 100 gallons of fresh water.
9.00am to noon: Quartermaster on lookout for USC&GS ‘Explorer’.
Noon to 4.00pm:
12.15pm: Mr Herberger and Quartermaster returned to ship in dinghy. Hoisted dinghy.
12.55pm: Hove anchor and got underway. Passed out of cove and crossed to W side of Strait on WxN course.
Keeping W shore aboard and sounding frequently, proceeded along shore and well into St Catherine’s Bay.
On nearing N entrance, steam launch from ‘Explorer’ rounded spit; launch preceded ‘Yukon’ out through entrance.
2.25pm: Passed about 150 meters off end of West Spit, 1 fathom of water, and then paralleled shore till deeper water was found.
Course to ‘Explorer’ WNW½W, running at slow speed.
3.00pm: Stopped; transferred lumber to ‘Explorer’.
3.25pm: Slow speed ahead, course N½W.
3.35pm: Full speed ahead following ‘Explorer’.
3.43pm: Log 64.8, streamed log. Ship conned by Commanding Officer.
Weather: fair, light NW airs, slight sea swell.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Followed ‘Explorer’.
Weather: fine, wind and sea moderate. Ship falls and pitches heavily at times.
8.00pm to midnight:
Followed ‘Explorer’.
Weather: fine, wind and sea moderate.
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2 June 1913
Isanotski Strait to Goodnews Bay [and at Security Cove]
Lat 57.683, Long -162.583
Midnight to 4.00am:
Following USC&GS ‘Explorer’. Course N to N¼W.
3.00am: Wind shifted to NE. Set jib and mainsail.
Weather: fair, light NNE to NE breeze; sea, light swell.
4.00am to noon:
Following ‘Explorer’. Hailed ‘Explorer’ at 11.40am.
Distance by log run during watch, 33.2 miles.
Weather: fair, light airs, sea smooth.
Noon to 4.00pm:
Following ‘Explorer’. Course N to N¼W.
3.20pm: Sighted Cape Goodnews on starboard bow.
Weather: partly cloudy, light ENE airs, sea smooth.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
Following ‘Explorer’.
5.40pm: Made all sails fast.
Weather: fair, sea smooth.
8.00pm to midnight:
Following ‘Explorer’. Course N to N¼W.
8.30pm: ‘Explorer’ abeam.
8.40pm: Rounded Cape Newhaven following ‘Explorer’.
9.02pm: Seal Rocks abeam, log 99.3; log hauled in, 04.6.
10.03pm: Tied up alongside ‘Explorer’ in Security Cove.
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3 June 1913
Security Cove to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
Alongside USC&GS ‘Explorer’. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
3.30am: Steamer ‘Yukon’ (AC Co) passed by.
5.00am: Cast off; got underway for Goodnews Bay.
5.50am: ‘Explorer’ overhauled.
8.20am: Anchored in Goodnews Bay in 4 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 25 fathoms of chain, sandy bottom.
AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’ at anchor in bay.
Crew at various work; officers at office work.
AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’ discharged lumber for ‘Yukon’ and ‘Explorer’.
Weather: cloudy, rain, moderate tide-rips around ship.
Noon to midnight:
4.00pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside.
4.30pm: Anchored ‘Alpha’ near beach.
1.00pm to 5.00pm: Mr Smith with two Seamen on shore building tide staff.
AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’ discharged provisions and stores on beach.
Weather: same as forenoon.
AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’ carrying coal for USC&GS Steamer ‘Yukon’, Goodnews Bay, 1913]
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4 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One nightwatchman. Kept 100 lbs of pressure in boiler.
7.00am: Turned to. Seamen Thompson and Schenck observing tides.
Mr Herberger, Ship’s Writer and Quartermaster left ship in dinghy to receive cargo from AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’; stored provisions in house built by USC&GS ‘Explorer’s’ Carpenter.
Hauled launch ‘Alpha’ on beach.
Weather: rainy, heavy tide-rips around ‘Yukon’; could not discharge any cargo on account of strong currents and tide-rips.
9.00am: Assistant to Engineer Ohlsen and one Fireman started to work on ‘Alpha’. Two Seamen reading tide; 12 officers and men returned to ship.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Received cargo from AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’ and stored same in house.
Assistant to Engineer and one Fireman working on steam launch.
Put new packing in manifold and cleaned boiler.
Five crew returned on board.
Weather: rainy, heavy tide-rips near anchor place.
5.00pm: AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’ landed more cargo on beach.
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5 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Officers and crew ashore to receive cargo from AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’.
Two men observing tide.
Noon: Officers and crew returned.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Officers and crew ashore; lifted launch ‘Alpha’ above high water line and blocked her up.
Engine-room force put boiler [in] place.
Hauled cargo on shore.
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6 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Turned to. Officers and crew ashore counting coal sacks.
8.30am: Mr Herberger and one Seaman left in dinghy.
9.00am: Finished tide reading; tide observers helped to count coal sacks.
11.00am: Mr Herberger and one Seaman returned in dinghy with 100 gallons of fresh water.
Noon: Officers and crew returned on board.
Weather: foggy and light airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Officers and crew ashore to count coal sacks, build storehouse, 14x14, move lines and other stores into it.
Engine-room force working on ‘Alpha’s’ boiler; put propeller shaft in place and packed stern gland.
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7 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Engineer and Fireman on shore to work on launch.
7.30am: Commenced to heave anchor.
7.55am: Anchor up; steamed alongside AC Co Steamer ‘Yukon’ and made fast alongside.
8.30am: Started to take coal; draft forward 3 feet 4 inches, aft 4 feet 4 inches.
9.30am: Finished with coaling (144 sacks); took 9 tons of coal; draft forward 3 feet 7 inches, aft 4 feet 8 inches.
Mr Herberger, with steam launch 46, gig and dinghy in tow, left ship to get fresh water.
Stored provisions in storehouse; cleaning ship.
Noon to midnight:
Crew engaged in various work. Filled engine-room water tanks.
Engineer and Fireman put engine in ‘Alpha’ and worked one pipeline.
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8 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Weather: clear, high sea; ship rolling and pitching heavily.
Observed Sunday – one man on watch.
10.00am: Commanding Officer left ship in USC&GS ‘Explorer’s’ launch.
11.30am: Commanding Officer returned. Took 20 gallons of fresh water from ‘Explorer’.
One man on watch in engine-room. Kept 50 lbs of pressure.
Noon to midnight:
Ebb tide caused heavy tide-rips; ship rolled heavily, at time taking water over bath rails.
1.00pm: Set mainsail, reefed, to keep ship steady.
One man on watch in engine-room. Kept 50 lbs of pressure.
Weather: clear, high sea.
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9 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Turned to. Worked on launch ‘Alpha’s’ canopy and caulked seams. Commanding Officer with two men left ship in dinghy.
9.00am: Commanding Officer with two men returned.
11.00am: Mr Herberger and one Seaman in motor dinghy and dinghy in tow left ship to get drinking water.
Weather: rainy, moderate sea.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm to 5.00pm: Crew ashore to pile up coal sacks.
5.00pm: Mr Herberger and one Seaman returned with 80 gallons of water.
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10 June 1913
Goodnews Bay and working grounds
Lat 59.340, Long -162.085
Midnight to noon:
Usual morning routine.
7.30am: Hove anchor. Mr Herberger and four men left ship in dory, taking lunches, to work on launch.
Ship proceeded to USC&GS ‘Explorer’ and made fast alongside, port side to.
Filled all tanks and water barrels with water from ‘Explorer’s’ tanks.
8.30am: Captain Patton came aboard to make reconnaissance during day. Cast off from ‘Explorer’ and proceeded out of harbor.
9.10am: Began sounding on various courses; courses, positions, soundings etc being entered in record book.
Weather: clear and fair; light NW breeze, sea smooth.
Noon to midnight:
Noon: Ceased sounding ½ mile WNW of Carter Spit. Ran in behind spit and anchored at 12.15pm, near launch ‘Moravian’ in 2 fathoms of water, sand bottom, with 8 fathoms [chain] on starboard anchor.
12.45pm: Lowered dinghy. Captain Hardy and Captain Patton left ship to speak to pilot on ‘Moravian’. They returned to ship at 1.15pm.
Hove anchor and got underway, first reconnoitering in bay, then beginning a sounding line.
5.15pm: Stopped sounding half a mile off [signal] Head. Anchored in 2 fathoms of water, sand bottom.
Lowered dinghy. Captain Hardy and Captain Patton left ship to visit [signal] Head. They returned at 6.20pm. Hove anchor and resumed sounding work.
7.50pm: Ended day’s work. Ran into Goodnews Bay.
9.00pm: Lowered dinghy and sent one man ashore to bring off working party.
Party returned to ship at 9.19pm:
Hoisted dinghy and proceeded out of harbor following shore of South Spit.
[Number of soundings 695; number of positions 117; number of miles, statute, 50.4.]
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11 June 1913
Anchorage south of Goodnews Bay to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
9.00am: USC&GS ‘Explorer’ anchor up; got underway for Goodnews Bay.
9.25am: Commenced heaving anchor.
9.33am: Anchor up; steamed to Goodnews Bay, sounding frequently.
10.12am: Came to anchor in Goodnews Bay in 3 fathoms of water, sticky bottom, 25 fathoms of chain.
10.20am: Mr Herberger and three men went ashore to work on steam launch.
Officers at office work.
Weather: foggy, light airs.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon; various work.
Weather: foggy.
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12 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One Seaman on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Mr Herberger with five men left in dinghy to get steam launch in order.
Fixing skeleton of canopy; caulking seams; Fireman working on pipeline.
Noon: Mr Herberger and party of men returned.
Officers at office work; Commanding Officer in motor dinghy got 80 gallons of water from USC&GS ‘Explorer’.
Mr Lukins and five Seamen from ‘Explorer’ brought lumber for one 40-foot signal on board.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm to 5.00pm: Mr Herberger and five men worked on steam launch.
Launched steam launch and towed her alongside ‘Yukon’.
Got up steam and found port mud drum of boiler leaking; pulled fire; fastened steam launch for night.
Commanding Officer in motor dinghy got 80 gallons of water from ‘Explorer’.
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5087502809d4090755037b6f: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5393_1.jpg)
13 June 1913
Goodnews Bay and Carter Spit
Lat 59.222, Long -162.132
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Lifted boiler of launch ‘Alpha’ to repack mud drums.
9.10am: Commenced heaving anchor.
9.25am: Anchor up; got underway for Carter Spit; sounded frequently; launch ‘Alpha’ in tow; crew engaged in various work.
Assistant to Engineer and one Fireman working on boiler of ‘Alpha’.
Weather: foggy and calm.
Noon to midnight:
Noon: Stopped to haul ‘Alpha’ alongside to take Assistant to Engineer and Fireman on board and relief Wheelsman.
1.05pm: Came to anchor at Carter Spit in 5 fathoms of water, sticky bottom, starboard anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
1.25pm: Mr Herberger and one man left in motor dinghy to find fresh water; ran about two miles up in creek SSE from Carter Spit.
Mr Smith and five men landed lumber for signal on Long Island (Carter Spit).
4.30pm: Mr Herberger and one man left in motor dinghy.
5.10pm: Mr Smith and party of men left.
Weather: foggy and calm.
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5087502809d4090755037b73: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5394_1.jpg)
14 June 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.317, Long -161.993
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Mr Smith and five men left ship in dinghy to build 40-foot signal.
Assistant to Engineer and one Fireman working on steam launch; connected launch boiler with ship’s boiler; had 200 lbs of steam pressure on boiler – proved to be light.
11.15am: Towed launch about 500 feet ahead of ship and moored her with 200-lbs kedge.
11.40pm: Mr Smith and party returned.
Weather: foggy and calm, towards noon misty.
Noon to midnight:
12.20pm: Commenced to heave anchor.
12.35pm: Anchor up; got underway.
12.53pm: Commenced sounding.
1.18pm: Broke off line; signal shut in by fog. Returned to anchor place.
1.46pm: Anchored near steam launch at Carter Spit in 4.5 fathoms of water, muddy bottom, 20 fathoms of chain.
Mr Smith and five men left ship in dinghy to build signal.
Mr Herberger, Boatswain, Assistant to Engineer and one Fireman left ship in dinghy for steam launch; put boiler in place and set up smokestack; Engine-room force working on pipeline.
Weather: foggy, moderate wind.
[Number of soundings 50; number of positions 9; number of miles, statute, 2¾.]
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15 June 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.317, Long -161.993
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.30am: Washed down decks.
Observed Sunday.
Weather: cloudy, moderate wind.
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16 June 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
5.00am: Mr Herberger and one Seaman left ship in motor dinghy.
7.00am: Mr Herberger and Seaman returned with 120 gallons of fresh water.
Hoisted dinghy.
7.15am: Commenced to heave anchor.
7.31am: Anchor up; got underway.
7.48am: Commenced sounding.
9.18am: Signals shut in by mist; ran in near ‘Alpha’; Mr Herberger and two men left ship in dinghy to drop second anchor and shut off ‘Alpha’.
10.45am: Ship anchored outside of spit in 2 fathoms of water, sandy bottom, starboard bower anchor, 20 feet of chain. Had port anchor ready.
11.00am: Mr Herberger and two men in dinghy returned.
Weather: squally, high sea.
Noon to midnight:
Crew engaged in various work.
1.00pm: Mr Herberger and three men left in dinghy to sound around ship; had to return immediately – dinghy was in danger of getting swamped by high sea.
6.00pm: Commenced heaving anchor.
6.10pm: Anchor up; got underway; sounded frequently.
6.30pm: Came to anchor in 15 feet of water, sandy bottom, starboard bower anchor, 25 feet of chain.
Weather: rainy, stormy wind and high sea; ship rolling heavily.
[Number of soundings 177; number of positions 32; number of miles 10¾.]
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17 June 1913
Carter Spit and Carter Creek
Lat 59.287, Long -161.950
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.00am: Commenced to heave anchor.
6.15am: Anchor up; got underway; rounded spit to ‘Alpha’s’ anchor place; lifted anchor of launch and took her in tow; steamed into creek SSE of Carter Spit and beached ship.
Blew boiler down; opened mud drums and cleaned same; took 500 gallons of fresh water, filled boilers of ‘Alpha’ and big tank.
Engine-room force working on ‘Alpha’; got steam pressure on boiler; crew engaged in various work.
Officers at office work.
Noon to midnight:
Filled boiler with fresh water, cleaned bilges and various work; got steam up.
Weather: rainy.
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18 June 1913
Carter Creek and W of Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.55am: Placed kedge anchor to heave ship off.
7.10am: Commenced heaving, hawsers parted; engine ahead; launch ‘Alpha’ assisting on port bow.
7.30am: Ship got underway; took launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
8.10am: Stopped engine; Mr Herberger in dinghy (motor), other dinghy in tow, left ship.
9.20am: Mr Herberger returned with both dinghies and 200 gallons of water; left ship in motor dinghy and returned to creek to pick up kedge anchor.
10.00am: Returned with anchor; Mr Herberger in motor dinghy and one man left ship.
11.00am: Came to anchor W of Carter Spit (Long Island, N Point) in 3 fathoms of water, sand, starboard anchor, and 20 fathoms of chain; anchored launch ‘Alpha’ about 200 feet towards beach.
Engine-room force working on ‘Alpha’, pipelines and pumps.
Noon to midnight:
12.45pm: Mr Herberger and one man returned in dinghy with 120 gallons of fresh water.
1.00pm: Signal building party, Mr Smith, Chief Writer Miller and five men left ship in dinghy to work on 40-foot signal.
1.20pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ dragged 65 lbs anchor and shot; lifted anchor and moored ‘Alpha’ with 200 lb kedge in 2 fathoms of water (low water).
3.50pm: Commenced to heave anchor.
4.00pm: Anchor up; got underway; sounded continuously.
4.15pm: Anchored with starboard bower anchor in 11 fathoms of water, hard sand, 20 fathoms of chain.
5.30pm: Mr Smith and party of men returned from signal building.
Engineer and one Fireman working in steam launch.
Weather: ugly, fresh breeze, choppy sea, ship rolling.
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5087502809d4090755037b87: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5399_1.jpg)
19 June 1913
Around Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.10am: Mr Herberger, Chief Writer Miller and two men on shore to work on signal.
Engineer and one Fireman to work in launch; dinghy returned and hoisted.
7.20am: Commenced to heave anchor.
7.25am: Anchor up; got underway; steamed to mouth of creek.
8.05am: Anchored with 50 lbs boat anchor.
Mr Herberger with three men in both dinghies left ship.
8.40am: Shackle of anchor broke; got underway.
9.00am: Anchored with starboard bower anchor, 10 feet of water, 5 fathoms of chain.
9.40am: Mr Herberger and men returned with boatload of water; filled drinking water and engine-room tanks, 250 gallons of water; hoisted dinghies.
10.18am: Started to heave anchor.
10.30am: Anchor up; got underway.
10.57am: Anchored near steam launch in 20 fathoms of water with starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
11.30am: Two men with dinghy ashore to pick up signal-building party.
Noon: Engineer and Fireman returned from steam launch.
Noon to midnight:
1.10pm: Mr Smith and party left in dinghy to build signal.
Boatswain and two men, Engineer and one Fireman in dinghy to steam launch.
6.00pm: Signal-building party returned.
Weather: overcast, at time misty or drizzling; strong wind and moderate sea.
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20 June 1913
W of Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Mr Smith, Assistant, Miller, Chief Writer, and four men left ship in dinghy to finish signal.
10.00am: Engineer and one Fireman to steam launch to get up steam.
11.00am: Mr Herberger and three men left ship in dinghy to beach launch ‘Alpha’.
11.30am: Beached ‘Alpha’ to repair condenser.
Noon: Mr Herberger, Assistant to Engineer Ohlsen and four men returned from ‘Alpha’.
Weather: overcast, at time rain, stiff breeze and choppy sea.
Noon to midnight:
12.10pm: Mr Smith and party of men returned.
1.15pm: Ohlsen, Assistant to Engineer, one Fireman and three Seamen left in dinghy to work on launch.
5.00pm: Assistant to Engineer and men returned in dinghy.
Weather: same as in forenoon.
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21 June 1913
W of Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Crew cleaning ship.
8.20am: Mr Herberger with one Fireman and two Seamen left ship in dinghy to haul launch ‘Alpha’ off beach.
9.45am: Hauled ‘Alpha’ off beach and anchored her in 3 fathoms of water, 1 kedge 200 lbs, 25 fathoms of 4-inch line, 1 boat anchor 65 lbs and 4 lbs of shot, 20 fathoms of 3½-inch line.
11.15am: Mr Herberger and party of men returned.
Officers at office work.
Weather: overcast, squally, stormy wind, choppy sea; at times ship rolling heavily.
Noon to midnight:
Kept anchor watch.
Weather: same as forenoon.
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5087502809d4090755037b93: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5402_1.jpg)
22 June 1913
W of Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Washed down decks. Sunday observed.
Weather: overcast, moderate wind and sea.
Noon to midnight:
3.20pm: Sighted USC&GS ‘Explorer’.
3.32pm: Commenced heaving anchor.
3.37pm: Anchor up; got underway.
4.20pm: Stopped; ‘Explorer’ came alongside. Mr Patton, Commanding Officer of ‘Explorer’, came on board. Took launch in tow and got underway.
4.40pm: Stopped near ‘Explorer’; Commanding Officer and Mr Patton left ship in ‘Explorer’s’ launch.
5.15pm: Commanding Officer returned in ‘Explorer’s’ launch; received 5 gallons of gasoline, about 20 fathoms of 4-inch rope and 3 pieces of scantling. Ran back to anchor place.
6.07pm: Came to anchor near launch with starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain, 10 fathoms of water, sandy bottom.
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5087502809d4090755037b97: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5403_1.jpg)
23 June 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Turned to. Boatswain and four men lifted 200 lb kedge anchor of steam launch.
7.12am: Mr Herberger, Mate, Ohlsen, Engineer, and three men left in dinghy; motor and barrel for launch ‘Alpha’.
7.20am: Commenced heaving anchor.
7.53am: Anchor up; got underway; commenced sounding.
9.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’ underway; steamed to creek and anchored there; filled water tanks of ‘Alpha’ and 100 gallons in barrels.
11.13am: Stopped sounding.
11.30am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; filled fresh water tanks from ‘Alpha’.
Noon to midnight:
1.50pm: Dinghy with 150 gallons of fresh water alongside; took 600 gallons of fresh water.
2.10pm: Got underway for working grounds, launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
2.50pm: Anchored launch E of Carter Spit signal with 200 lb kedge. Ship proceeded for working grounds; commenced sounding.
10.03pm: End of day’s work; ran for anchor place, 1 mile.
11.29pm: Anchored near steam launch with starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain in 4 fathoms of water.
[Number of soundings 1392; number of positions 247; number of miles 95.5.]
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5087502809d4090755037b9b: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5404_1.jpg)
24 June 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.55am: Commenced heaving anchor.
7.03am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds ? of a mile.
7.23am: Commenced sounding.
Weather: overcast, misty, calm, sea smooth.
Noon to midnight:
10.57pm: End of day’s work; ran for anchor place, 2 miles.
11.19pm: Anchored E of Carter Spit in 3 fathoms, starboard anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
[Number of soundings 870; number of positions 279; number of miles 124.]
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5087502809d4090755037b9f: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5405_1.jpg)
25 June 1913
Carter Spit to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.317, Long -161.993
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
10.20am: Mr Herberger, Mate, Ohlsen, Assistant to Engineer, and two men left in dinghy for launch ‘Alpha’; ran to creek, anchored launch in 3 feet of water.
11.00am: Commenced heaving anchor.
11.05am: Anchor up; got underway.
11.50am: Came to anchor in 6 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, with 5 fathoms of chain.
Filled tanks of ‘Alpha’.
Weather: overcast, misty, calm.
Noon to midnight:
Took 500 gallons of fresh water: three dinghy-loads from creek.
1.30pm: ‘Alpha’ made fast alongside.
3.00pm: Commenced heaving anchor.
3.05pm: Anchor up; got underway for Goodnews Bay, launch ‘Alpha; in tow. Foggy, sounding frequently.
8.35pm: Anchored in Goodnews Bay in 8 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain. Anchored ‘Alpha’ 100 yards from ship.
Weather: foggy, calm.
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5087502809d4090755037ba3: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5406_1.jpg)
26 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Crew engaged in various work; cleaned and painted steam launch and dinghy. Officers at office work.
Noon to midnight:
Commenced heaving anchor.
1.05pm: Got underway.
1.45pm: Beached ship near entrance of lagoon.
5.00pm to 8.00pm: Worked on rudder shoe. Wedged it up and served rudder post with wire.
Weather: overcast, light airs, smooth sea.
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5087502809d4090755037ba7: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5407_1.jpg)
27 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
3.00am: Hauled ship off beach at rising tide.
5.15am: Anchored near steam launch ‘Alpha’, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
8.00am: Mr Herberger, Mate, Boatswain and four men left ship in dory to load coal in lighter.
8.55am: Mr Smith, Assistant, T Miller, Chief Writer, left ship in motor dinghy with 4-inch theodolite to observe NE Base signal.
11.00am: Anchor up; got underway.
11.15am: Mr Smith, Assistant, T Miller, Mr Herberger and party returned on board.
11.25am: Anchored in 14 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor; ran line ashore to coal lighter; hove in on line and paid 20 fathoms of chain out.
Weather: fair, light airs.
Noon to midnight:
Towed coal lighter off beach, fastened her alongside ship.
12.45pm: Anchor up; steamed into inner bay to get lighter out of tide-rips. Lighter took considerable water over.
1.10pm: Anchored near steam launch in 12 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain; draft forward 3 feet 3 inches, aft 4 feet 1 inch.
2.10pm: Took 100 sacks of coal on board. Anchor up, towed lighter towards beach, took 124 sacks of coal on board.
4.10pm: Finished coaling, bunkers filled; 15 tons; draft of ship forward 3 feet 10 inches, aft 4 feet 11 inches. Moored lighter on beach.
4.45pm: Anchor up; steamed towards inner bay.
4.55pm: Anchored near steam launch in 14 fathoms of water with starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain. Washed down decks.
Weather: fair.
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5087502809d4090755037bab: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5408_1.jpg)
28 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.15am: Boatswain and three Seamen in dinghy ashore; took six sacks of coal to launch ‘Alpha’.
7.00am: Commanding Officer, Mr Smith, Assistant, Miller, Chief Writer, Ohlsen, Assistant to Engineer, Quartermaster, one Fireman and two Seamen left ship in steam launch ‘Alpha’ to do hydrographic work.
Cleaned ship.
Weather: cloudy, light airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Started to heave anchor.
1.05pm: Anchor up; steamed to mouth of creek on N shore of bay.
1.40pm: Took fresh water from creek, 4 boatloads, 500 gallons.
4.10pm: Commenced to heave anchor.
4.15pm: Anchor up; got underway.
4.40pm: Anchored in 14 feet of water, near ‘Alpha’s’ mooring, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
Weather: cloudy, occasional rain showers.
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29 June 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Washed down decks.
1.00am: USC&GS ‘Explorer’ returned from Nushagak.
Observed Sunday.
Received packages numbers 5, 6, 7 mail from ‘Explorer’.
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5087502809d4090755037bb3: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5410_1.jpg)
30 June 1913
Goodnews Bay to Carter Spit
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Turned to. Took provisions and stores on board.
10.00am: Mr Herberger, Mate, and four men in ‘Alpha’ to NE Base signal; brought 4 2x12 14-foot and 4 3x4 14-foot [timber] for tide gauge. Returned 11.30am.
Noon to midnight:
2.25pm: Started to heave anchor.
2.28pm: Anchor up; got underway, launch ‘Alpha’ and dory in tow; steamed along coast to Carter Spit.
5.35pm: Anchored inside Carter Spit in 4½ fathoms, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain. Anchored launch ‘Alpha’ with 200 lb kedge 200 feet behind ship.
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5087502809d4090755037bb7: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5411_1.jpg)
1 July 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds
Lat 59.317, Long -161.993
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.35am: Mr Smith, Assistant, Miller, Chief Writer, and three men left ship in dinghy to build tide gauge box on beach; rest of crew engaged in various work.
8.00am to 11.20am: Assistant to Engineer Ohlsen and one Fireman working in launch.
11.40am: Mr Smith and party of men returned.
Weather: cloudy and foggy, towards noon clearing up.
Noon to midnight:
12.27pm: Commenced heaving anchor.
12.32pm: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
12.49pm: Commenced sounding; ran line out and S 13½ miles; signal very indistinct.
2.15pm: Signals all shut; ran from anchorage 12½ miles distant.
4.00pm: Came to anchor in 4 fathoms, port anchor, and 23 fathoms of chain.
Weather: cloudy and misty.
[Number of soundings 171; number of positions 33; number of miles 13.5.]
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5087502809d4090755037bbb: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5412_1.jpg)
2 July 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.30am: Started to heave in anchor.
6.35am: Anchor up; steamed to mouth of creek.
7.07am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; anchored ship with 65 lb anchor. Filled all water tanks and barrels; took 400 gallons on water.
8.45am: Launch ‘Alpha’ steamed back to her mooring at Carter Spit.
9.15am: Ship got underway.
9.45am: Took ‘Alpha’s’ crew on board; started sounding.
Weather: cloudy and hazy, light airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.20pm: End of day’s work; all objects shut in by rain. Ran for anchorage 8½ miles distant.
2.27pm: Anchored in 4 fathoms, port anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
2.40pm: Mr Smith, Assistant, T Miller, Chief Writer, and three men left in dinghy to work on tide gauge.
Weather: ugly, heavy rain squalls.
7.15pm: Anchor up; took ‘Alpha’ in tow; steamed around spit and anchored W of spit in 10 feet of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain at 7.45pm.
[Number of soundings 426, number of positions 83; number of miles 33.]
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5087502809d4090755037bbf: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5413_1.jpg)
3 July 1913
Carter Spit to working grounds and Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
9.30am: Launch ‘Alpha’ with two men left for Goodnews Bay.
Cleaned and painted ship.
Weather: cloudy, light airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Commenced to heave in anchor.
1.05pm: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
1.34pm: Commenced sounding. [Blank] end of day’s work; signals shut in by mist. Ran for Goodnews Bay.
4.55pm: Came to anchor at Goodnews Bay in 9 feet of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain. Launch ‘Alpha’ at anchor, ‘Alpha’s’ crew returned on board.
Weather: cloudy and misty.
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5087502809d4090755037bc3: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5414_1.jpg)
4 July 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.00am: Dressed ship. Observed day [Independence Day].
Noon to midnight:
Ship rolling and pitching hard, taking water over bow.
Weather: hazy, stiff breeze, moderate sea and tide-rips.
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5087502809d4090755037bc7: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5415_1.jpg)
5 July 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.111, Long -161.595
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Commenced heaving anchor.
7.15am: Anchor up; got underway; steamed to mouth of creek.
7.50am: Anchored with port anchor, 10 fathoms of chain in 2 fathoms of water. Filled fresh water tanks, about 300 gallons of water.
8.50am: Launch ‘Alpha’ came alongside.
9.50am: ‘Alpha’ ran to mouth of creek at foot of Baluka Hill [Beluga Hill] to fill fresh water tanks.
9.52am: Started to heave in anchor.
10.00am: Anchor up and ahead.
10.25am: Anchored with port anchor in 4 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain.
Crew engaged in various work.
Choppy sea and tide-rips, stiff breeze, clear weather.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: ‘Alpha’ returned; made fast.
4.00pm: ‘Alpha’ steamed to her mooring buoy.
5.00pm: Launch crew returned on board.
Stiff breeze, choppy sea and tide-rips.
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6 July 1913
Goodnews Bay [near Baluka/Beluga Hill]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.30am: Washed down decks.
9.00am: Started to heave in anchor.
9.05am: Anchor up; got underway. Steamed towards Baluka Hill, sounding frequently.
10.05am: Anchored near Baluka Hill in 20 feet of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Observed Sunday.
Weather: clear, stiff breeze.
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7 July 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch. Kept 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Mr Smith, Assistant, T Miller, Chief Writer, and four Seamen left in dory with theodolite 183 to occupy Baluka.
7.40am: Anchor up.
8.00am: Anchored near creek in 9 feet of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain; filled all tanks and barrels with fresh water, about 200 gallons.
8.35am: Mr Smith, Assistant, and party of men returned.
8.50am: Anchor up; got underway.
9.40am: Anchored near beach of storehouse, in 7½ fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain. Took provisions and signal lumber on board.
11.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside.
11.10am: ‘Alpha’ left with dory in tow, Mr Smith, Assistant, in charge, two Seamen and one Fireman, to dress and occupy signal Head.
11.40am: Mr Joachims, Assistant, and four men of USC&GS ‘Explorer’ with camping outfit on board.
11.50am: Started to heave in anchor.
Noon to midnight:
12.10pm: Anchor up; got underway, ‘Explorer’s’ dinghy in tow.
Steered various courses along coast to Carter Spit, sounding frequently; weather foggy.
3.35pm: Anchored inside Carter Spit in 4½ fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain. Landed Mr Joachims and party, camping outfit and signal lumber.
5.30pm: ‘Alpha’, Mr Smith and party of men returned; anchored ‘Alpha’ with 200 lb kedge.
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8 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.40am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside.
8.35am: Mr Smith, Assistant, TC Miller, Chief Writer, and four men left ship in ‘Alpha’ to build signal on Tooth and occupy same.
10.45am: ‘Alpha’ returned. 11.00am: Mr Herberger, Quartermaster, and launch crew left in ‘Alpha’ to build signal Smith.
Weather: hazy.
Noon to midnight:
5.20pm: ‘Alpha’, Mr Herberger and party of men returned.
10.30pm: ‘Alpha’ left for Indian River in charge of Mr Herberger.
Weather: hazy; at time foggy.
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9 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
1.20am: Steam launch ‘Alpha’ returned from Indian River; Mr Smith and party of men returned from building signal on Tooth.
9.00am: Turned to. Commanding Officer, Quartermaster and two Seamen left ship to measure baseline on Carter Spit.
Filled drink-water tanks from ‘Alpha’s’ tanks; filled ‘Alpha’s’ tanks.
10.00am: ‘Alpha’ left ship in charge of Mr Herberger to take fresh water in Indian River.
Noon: Commanding Officer and party of men returned.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Commanding Officer and party of men left ship in dinghy.
3.00pm: ‘Alpha’ returned, dory in tow; took 150 gallons of fresh water on board.
4.00pm: Commanding Officer and party of men returned.
Weather: foggy.
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10 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.30am: Mr Smith, Assistant, Miller, Chief Writer, Boatswain, Quartermaster and five Seamen left ship to place tide gauge.
8.45am: Mr Smith and party of men returned.
9.45am: Commanding Officer, Miller, Chief Writer, and one Seaman left ship with 7” theodolite to occupy Carter.
11.55am: Commanding Officer and party of men returned.
Various work; weather hazy, heavy clouds concealed mountains and signals.
Noon to midnight:
Various work; weather overcast, hazy, rain.
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11 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.35am: Mr Smith, Assistant, and four men left in dory to work on tide gauge.
8.35am: Mr Smith and party of men returned.
8.45am: Seamen Horan and Schenck started to read tide. Crew engaged in various work.
Weather: misty, overcast; mountains and signals hidden in clouds.
Noon to midnight:
1.55pm: Launch ‘Alpha’, Mr Herberger, Mate, in charge, left for Indian River to get fresh water.
5.00pm: Launch returned; took 400 gallons of fresh water.
Weather: overcast and misty; all signals shut in.
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12 July 1913
Carter Spit to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Started to take in Mr Joachims’ camp gear on board.
7.40am: Steam launch ‘Alpha’ left in charge of Mr Joachims, Assistant, ‘Explorer’.
Put camp gear and provisions for two tide observers for eight days on shore.
Seamen Horan and Schenck put in camp to observe tide comparatively with Goodnews Bay tide station.
10.50am: Commenced heaving anchor.
10.55am: Anchor up; got underway for Goodnews Bay.
Weather: overcast and misty; signals shut in.
Noon to midnight:
2.22pm: Made fast alongside ‘Explorer’; put Mr Joachims’ camp gear on board ‘Explorer’.
Took 250 gallons of fresh water in engine-room tank.
Weather: overcast and misty.
9.00pm: Anchored ship in 1.5 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain, at slack water, low.
Launch ‘Alpha’ returned; anchored with 200 lb kedge.
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13 July 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Observed Sunday.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast, at times rain.
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14 July 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
9.00am: Mr Smith, Assistant, TC Miller, Chief Writer, Quartermaster and three men left in steam launch ‘Alpha’ [with] 7” theodolite to occupy Baluka.
Weather: overcast.
Noon to midnight:
Overcast, at times rain.
5.40pm: Mr Smith and party of men returned in ‘Alpha’; launch made fast to mooring buoy.
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15 July 1913
Goodnews Bay to working grounds and Carter Spit
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.55am: Started to heave anchor.
7.02am: Anchor up; got underway to working grounds.
8.20am: Commenced sounding.
Weather: clear, moderate wind and sea.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: clear.
10.45pm: End of day’s work.
10.17pm: Anchored near Carter Spit in 4 fathoms, port anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
[Number of soundings 1099; number of positions 282; number miles 110.]
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16 July 1913
Carter Spit to Indian River and Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.10am: Found both tide observers, Horan and Schenck, Seamen, asleep on duty; missed tide readings since midnight.
7.15am: Start to heave in anchor.
7.20am: Anchor up; got away for Indian River.
Anchored at 8.15am in 9 feet of water, port anchor, 5 fathoms of chain. Took 150 gallons of drinking water.
9.00am: Started to heave in anchor.
9.07am: Anchor up; underway for Carter Spit.
9.25am to 9.45am: Stopped at Carter Spit; took Seaman Horan (tide observer) on board. Left for Goodnews Bay.
10.15am: Set all sails.
11.30am: Took all sails in.
Seamen Schenck and Horan disrated to (Landsmen) Ordinary Seamen, at $35 per month.
Noon to midnight:
1.03pm: Anchored at Goodnews Bay off tide staffs, in 2½ fathoms of water, port anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
1.20pm: Mr Herberger, Miller, Chief Writer, Boatswain and four men ashore.
Loaded lighter with coal.
3.00pm: Got steam up in launch ‘Alpha’; towed lighter alongside. Draft of ship forward 3’3”, aft 4’2”.
5.30pm: Finished with coaling, 184 sacks, 10 tons. Draft of ship forward 3’9”, aft 4’10”.
Towed lighter to mooring place; fastened ‘Alpha’ to her mooring buoy.
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17 July 1913
Goodnews Bay to Baluka Creek and return
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.55am: Started to heave in.
7.50am: Anchor up; got underway.
8.32am: Anchored near Baluka Creek; cleaned fresh water tanks and filled all tanks – took 400 gallons of water.
10.29am: Anchor up.
11.05am: Anchored off tide staffs in 3 fathoms, port anchor, 20 fathoms of chain [Goodnews Bay].
Weather: cloudy and misty; mountain tops shut in.
Noon to midnight:
Took signal lumber and provisions on board. Filled bunkers of ‘Alpha’ (10 sacks).
Weather: cloudy and misty.
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18 July 1913
Goodnews Bay to signal Head and Carter Spit
Lat 59.07, Long -161.93
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
5.30am: Started to heave anchor.
5.35am: Got underway; took launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
7.50am: Anchored at signal Head, in 23 feet of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain (flood tide).
Commanding Officer, Mr Smith, Assistant, TC Miller, Chief Writer, and three Seamen, with theodolite, left in dinghy.
8.15am: Took signal lumber on shore.
Weather: clear, high westerly swell.
Noon to midnight:
12.10pm: Commanding Officer and party of men returned on board for lunch. Mr Smith observed during lunch hour.
12.50pm: Commanding Officer and signal-building party left ship in dinghy.
1.15pm: Mr Smith returned on board.
2.25pm: ‘Alpha’, Mr Smith, Assistant, in charge, left for Carter Spit.
2.30pm: Anchor up; ship got underway. Started sounding.
2.34pm: 1 mile WSW of signal Head.
5.26pm: End of day’s work; signals shut in by clouds and mist. Ran for anchorage 13 miles distant.
6.55pm: Anchored at Carter Spit in 21 feet of water (flood tide), port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Weather: cloudy, long westerly swell.
[Number of soundings 446; number of positions 53; number of miles 20.]
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19 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.15am: Mr Smith, Assistant, left ship in dinghy to occupy signal Carter.
9.25am: Launch ‘Alpha’, Mr Herberger, Mate, in charge, left for Indian River to take fresh water.
10.55am: Mr Smith returned.
Weather: cloudy and foggy; signals shut in.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: ‘Alpha’ returned; took 100 gallons of fresh water on board.
1.15pm: ‘Alpha’, Commanding Officer in charge, Mr Herberger, Mate, TC Miller, Chief Writer, Quartermaster and three men left ship to do hydrography.
4.20pm: Hydrographic party returned, unable to work on account of fog.
Weather: overcast and foggy.
6.30pm: Commanding Officer and Mr Smith, Assistant, left ship to occupy signal Carter.
8.15pm: Commanding Officer and Mr Smith returned.
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20 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Washed down deck. Observed day.
Weather: foggy, later in forenoon cloudy.
Noon to midnight:
5.10pm: Commanding Officer on shore to occupy signal Carter.
7.32pm: Commanding Officer returned.
Weather: cloudy.
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21 July 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds, Kuskokwim Bay
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
4.55am: Started to heave anchor.
5.05pm: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds, distance 2 miles.
Started line 1.7 miles W of Carter Spit at 5.32am.
Weather: clear, light airs.
Noon to midnight:
9.04pm: End of day’s work.
9.07pm: Anchored near Carter Spit in 4 fathoms of water, port anchor, 20 fathoms of chain (flood tide).
Weather: clear; at times mountain tops shut in by clouds.
[Number of soundings 1716; number of positions 289; number of miles 12.3.]
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22 July 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds, Kuskokwim Bay
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
4.45am: Mr Smith, Assistant, TC Miller, Chief Writer, Boatswain, Quartermaster and four men ashore to work on tide gauge.
6.30am: Mr Smith and party returned.
10.30am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; filled drink-water tanks from ‘Alpha’s’ tanks.
11.00am: Mr Smith and Boatswain left ship in dory to work on tide gauge.
11.20am: ‘Alpha’, Mr Herberger in charge, steamed to Indian River to fill water tanks.
Weather: overcast, misty; mountain tops partly shut out by clouds.
Noon to midnight:
Noon: Quartermaster and one Seaman on shore to work on tide gauge.
2.00pm: Launch, dinghy in tow, returned with 120 gallons of fresh water.
2.30pm: Anchor up; lifted launch mooring; steamed around point.
Anchored off tide staff in 2 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain (ebb tide); anchored steam launch near ship.
5.20pm: Mr Smith and Quartermaster returned.
Weather: overcast, raining
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23 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Crew engaged in various work; officers at office work.
Cleaned all bilges.
Weather: cloudy, strong wind.
Noon to midnight
Crew at various work; officers at office work.
Weather: cloudy, strong wind, rain.
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24 July 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Various work on deck; officers at office work.
Weather: overcast, squally and rainy; mountain tops shut in by clouds.
Noon to midnight:
1.40pm: USC&GS ‘Explorer’ anchored about 2 miles off.
2.10pm: ‘Explorer’s’ cutter alongside.
2.15pm: Commanding Officer left ship in cutter to go to Nushagak in ‘Explorer’. Mr EE Smith, Assistant, took charge of ship during absence of Commanding Officer.
7.00pm: Mr Smith and Miller, Chief Writer, left ship in dinghy to work on tide gauge.
7.50pm: Mr Smith and Miller, Chief Writer, returned.
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25 July 1913
Carter Spit, working grounds, Kuskokwim Bay, to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.07, Long -161.93
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.50am: Took up launch mooring; took launch in tow.
7.05am: Commenced heaving anchor.
7.12am: Anchor up; got underway.
9.08am: Anchored off signal Head, 14 feet of water (flood tide), port anchor, 14 fathoms of chain.
9.16am: Mr Smith, Assistant, Miller and four men left ship in dinghy with instrument, tools and signal lumber, to build signal and occupy it.
Weather: cloudy, high swell from SW.
Noon to midnight:
12.10pm: Men of signal-building party returned for lunch.
1.00pm: Two men left ship in dinghy to work on signal.
1.30pm: Tide started to run out; sent launch to Goodnews Bay under own steam.
3.20pm: Mr Smith and party of men returned.
3.42pm: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
4.16pm: Commenced sounding; developed shoal off signal Head.
9.12pm: End of day’s work; steamed to Goodnews Bay.
11.04pm: Anchored in Goodnews Bay, 3 fathoms of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
11.35pm: Launch crew returned on board.
Weather: clear, moderate sea, SW swell.
[Number of soundings 644; positions 112; miles 35.]
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26 July 1913
Goodnews Bay to Creek and return
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
5.00am: Turned to. Took provisions on board; filled bunkers of launch, eight sacks. Cleaned ship.
Weather: cloudy, at times rain.
Noon to midnight:
12.08pm: Anchor up and got underway for Creek [probably Baluka/Beluga].
12.37pm: Anchored off mouth of Creek in 8 feet of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Lowered both dinghies to take fresh water; filled all tanks and water barrels; took 900 gallons of water.
3.50pm: Anchor up; got underway.
4.25pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms of water off tide staffs, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain (ebb tide)
Weather: cloudy, at times drizzling rain.
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27 July 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.00am: Cleaned decks.
9.55am: Paid out 5 fathoms of chain.
Stormy wind, high sea; ship rolling heavily.
Noon to midnight:
Sea running high; ship rolling and pitching heavily.
4.10pm: Set close-reefed mainsail to steady ship; paid out 5 fathoms of chain (25 in all).
Stormy wind, overcast, rain squalls.
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28 July 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Started to heave anchor.
7.06am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
7.35am: All signals shut in by mist and rain; turned back to Goodnews Bay.
8.25am: Anchored off tide staffs in Goodnews Bay in 3½ fathoms of water (ebb tide), port anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
8.30am: Launch crew left ship in dinghy to work in launch.
11.50am: Tide changed (flood). Launch crew returned on board.
Officers at office work; crew engaged in various work.
Weather: overcast, drizzling rain, signals shut in, high tide rips around ship.
Noon to midnight:
Crew at various work; officers at office work.
4.30pm: USC&GS ‘Explorer’ returned from Nushagak; dinghy left for ‘Explorer’.
4.50pm: Commanding Officer returned from Nushagak; received mail from ‘Explorer’.
Tide turned at 9.30pm:
Weather: same as forenoon.
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29 July 1913
Goodnews Bay and working grounds
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
4.35am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds.
7.00am: Started with sounding.
Weather: cloudy, high swell, ship rolling heavily.
Noon to midnight:
Hydrography; weather same as forenoon; signals partly shut in.
6.47pm: Anchored off Carter signal in 3½ fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of chain, port anchor, ebb tide.
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30 July 1913
Carter Spit to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.35am: Mr Smith, Assistant, Miller, Chief Writer, and one Seaman to rim level for bench mark and work on automatic tide gauge.
Crew cleaning ship; officers at office work.
11.40am: Anchor up; underway for Goodnews Bay.
Noon: Stopped near tide gauge; hoisted dinghy.
Noon to midnight:
Various courses along coast.
3.53pm: Anchored in Goodnews Bay in [?] feet of water near launch ‘Alpha’.
Hauled ‘Alpha’ alongside; filled galley tanks from ‘Alpha’s’ tanks.
4.10pm: Mr Herberger, Mate, left with both dinghies and four Seamen to get provisions, which were brought from Nushagak by steamer ‘Explorer’.
Landed provisions and put them in storehouse: 10 crates of potatoes, 1 case of rice, 1 case of eggs, one crate of onions.
4.50pm: Changed anchorage to 5 fathoms of water.
5.15pm: Dinghy returned.
Weather: overcast, drizzling rain.
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31 July 1913
Goodnews Bay, Baluka Creek and return
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Commenced to heave anchor.
7.03am: Anchor up; got underway for Baluka Creek.
7.45am: Anchored off Baluka Creek in 2 fathoms of water, port anchor, 5 fathoms of chain (ebb tide).
Both dinghies away to get fresh water; filled all water tanks and barrels; took ca. 400 gallons of water.
9.20am: Anchor up; got underway.
9.52am: Anchored off tide staffs in 3½ fathoms of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain (ebb tide).
10.00am: Commanding Officer left for ‘Explorer’; got ship ready for coaling.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Mr Herberger, Mate, Boatswain, Quartermaster and four Seamen left ship in dinghy to load lighter with coal; got steam up in launch ‘Alpha’.
3.00pm: Towed lighter alongside.
3.50pm: Finished with coaling; all bunkers filled up; took 200 sacks of coal on board.
Draft before coaling: forward 3 feet 2 inches; aft 4 feet 8 inches.
Draft after coaling: forward 3 feet 9 inches; aft 5 feet.
Towed lighter toward her mooring place and anchored her; fastened [?] launch ‘Alpha’ to her mooring.
Cleaned ship.
Weather: overcast, at times high tide-rips around ship.
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1 August 1913
Goodnews Bay and working grounds
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.30am: Started to heave anchor.
6.37am: Anchor up; picked up mooring of launch ‘Alpha’ and took her in tow.
6.55am: Got underway for working grounds; commenced sounding off signal Head.
10.10am: Anchored launch outside Carter Spit; continued sounding.
Weather: clear, sea smooth.
Noon to midnight:
9.30pm: Took launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
10.00pm: Anchored launch near Carter [Spit], E side.
10.05pm: Anchored with port anchor in 2½ fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain.
Sea smooth; weather cloudy, at times signals shut in by mist.
[Number of soundings 1159; number of positions 250; number of miles 91.8.]
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2 August 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
4.30am: Commanding Officer left ship in dinghy to wind clocks of tide gauge.
5.00am: Commenced to heave anchor.
5.10am: Anchor up; got underway.
5.50am: Commanding Officer returned on board.
6.02am: Commenced sounding 3½ miles NW of Carter Spit.
Weather: cloudy; moderate sea; at time signals shut in by mist.
Noon to midnight:
Hydrography. Weather: cloudy, moderate sea.
6.11pm: Ship touched bottom lightly.
6.13pm: End of day’s work.
6.18pm: Anchored near Carter Spit signal in 3 fathoms of water, port anchor, and 15 fathoms of chain.
[Number of soundings 1010; number of positions 246; number of miles 91.3.]
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5087502809d4090755037c3b: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5444_1.jpg)
3 August 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
11.20am: Took 120 gallons of fresh water into galley tanks.
Washed down decks. Observed Sunday.
Weather: clear, light airs.
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5087502809d4090755037c3f: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5445_1.jpg)
4 August 1913
Carter Spit, Indian River and working grounds
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.10am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; filled tanks with fresh water from engine tanks of ship.
7.16am: ‘Alpha’, Commanding Officer in charge, Mr EE Smith, Assistant, one Fireman and two Seamen left for Kwinakut [possibly Quinhagak].
7.19am: Started to heave anchor.
7.21am: Anchor up; picked up ‘Alpha’s’ mooring; ran for Indian River.
8.03am: Anchored in mouth of Indian River with 200 lbs kedge.
Filled all tanks and water barrel with fresh water. Took ca. 600 gallons of water.
10.09am: Anchor up; got underway.
10.17am: Started sounding.
11.49am: Anchored for lunch.
Weather: fair; smooth sea.
Noon to midnight:
12.50pm: Anchor up; got underway. Continued sounding.
4.52pm: Ship touched bottom very lightly, on soft mud bank.
5.51pm: End of day’s work; ran for anchorage.
7.10pm: Anchored off Carter signal in 23 feet of water (flood tide), port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Weather: clear, smooth sea.
[Number of soundings 647; number of positions 122; number of miles 47.]
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5 August 1913
Carter Spit to Kwinakut and return
Lat 59.75, Long -161.96
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch.
1.45am: Launch ‘Alpha’, Commanding Officer and party returned.
6.05am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
6.10am: Anchored ‘Alpha’.
6.19am: Commenced sounding.
9.50am: Stopped off Kwinakut. Commanding Officer, Mr Smith, one Seaman, with theodolite, left in motor dinghy to locate Kwinakut Church.
10.25am: Anchored in 3½ fathoms of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain, flood tide; 12.10pm tide changes.
Noon to midnight:
12.51pm: Commenced heaving anchor.
12.52pm: Anchor up; ran towards Kwinakut Church.
1.10pm: Picked up dinghy; Commanding Officer and party returned on board.
Commenced sounding; ran towards Carter.
5.02pm: End of day’s work.
5.30pm: Touched ground off Carter Spit in fathoms.
5.49pm: Ship afloat; anchored in 23 feet of water, port anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
[Number of soundings 948; number of positions 142; number of miles 68.4.]
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6 August 1913
Carter Spit to working grounds and Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’, Mr EE Smith, Assistant, in charge, TC Miller, Chief Writer, and three men left ship for hydrographic work; developing shoal 10 miles W of Carter.
7.10am: Anchor up; got underway for working grounds 6¾ miles distant.
8.00am: Commenced sounding.
9.05am: Stopped sounding; all signals shut in by rain and mist.
11.10am: Stopped to pick up Chief Writer and one man from launch ‘Alpha’, which proceeded to Goodnews Bay.
11.40am: Stopped off tide gauge to land provisions for tide observer.
Noon to midnight:
Noon: Picked up ‘Alpha’s’ mooring; got underway for Goodnews Bay.
2.55pm: Dropped anchor for ‘Alpha’ near tide gauge at Goodnews Bay.
3.00pm: Anchored off tide staff in 23 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain, ebb tide.
3.03pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside. Commanding Officer left in launch for ‘Explorer’.
3.15pm: Fastened ‘Alpha’ to mooring. Weather: cloudy.
[Number of soundings 102; number of positions 22; number of miles 9.]
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5087502809d4090755037c4b: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5448_1.jpg)
7 August 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs pressure on boiler.
12.40am: Commanding Officer returned.
7.30am: Launch crew left for launch to get steam up; filled ‘Alpha’s’ bunkers (6 sacks).
7.55am: Commanding Officer left ship to go to Mumtrak [Hill] in launch ‘Alpha’.
8.10am: Ship’s anchor up.
8.48am: Anchored off Baluka Creek in 7 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 5 fathoms of chain, flood tide; filled all water tanks and barrels, took ca. 500 gallons of water. Cleaned galley tanks.
10.55am: Anchor up; got underway.
11.42am: Anchored near beach in 7 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain. ‘Explorer’s’ whaleboat alongside. Boatswain, Quartermaster and three men ashore loaded whaleboat with coal.
Noon to midnight:
1.20pm: Finished with coaling; unable to load any more on account of sea and ebb tide. Took 78 sacks in all. Anchor up; ran to anchorage.
1.32pm: Anchored in 9 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain, ebb tide.
1.50pm: Commanding Officer returned from Mumtrak in launch; fastened ‘Alpha’ to mooring.
Weather: cloudy, at times rain.
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5087502809d4090755037c4f: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5449_1.jpg)
8 August 1913
Goodnews Bay and Baluka Creek
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs pressure on boiler.
7.04am: Started to heave anchor.
7.06am: Anchor up.
7.15am: Made fast alongside ‘Explorer’; pumped 800 gallons of fresh water into ‘Explorer’s’ tanks.
8.00am: Commenced to take bunker coal from beach in ‘Explorer’s’ whaleboat.
9.45am: Bunkers filled and one ton on deck; took 100 sacks of coal; draft of ship before 3 feet 10 inches, after 4 feet 10 inches.
10.35am: Cast off lines; went underway for Baluka Creek, ‘Explorer’s’ whaleboat in tow. Two Seamen of ‘Explorer’ on board to take fresh water in whaleboat.
11.13am: Anchored off Baluka Creek in 7 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 4 fathoms of chain, flood tide.
Commenced to take fresh water with both dinghies.
Noon to midnight:
2.00pm: All tanks and barrels filled with fresh water.
2.10pm: Anchor up; got underway, ‘Explorer’s’ whaleboat filled with fresh water in tow.
Ran down to North East Point.
3.00pm: ‘Explorer’s’ launch took whaleboat in tow.
3.10pm: Anchored off tide staff in 3 fathoms of water, ebb tide, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
Weather: cloudy and misty. Signals shut in. Cleaned ship.
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5087502809d4090755037c53: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5450_1.jpg)
9 August 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs pressure on boiler.
Cleaned ship.
Weather: overcast and misty. Mountains shut in by cloud and rain.
Noon to midnight:
Noon: Launch ‘Alpha’ and crew, Captain Hardy in charge, and Mr Herberger, left for Mumtrak to look over beach and facilities to haul ship up.
3.40pm: Launch, Commanding Officer and party returned; fastened her to mooring.
Weather: cloudy, drizzling rain.
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5087502809d4090755037c57: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5451_1.jpg)
10 August 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Observed day.
Weather: cloudy, mountain tops shut in by clouds.
Noon to midnight:
Overcast at times; drizzling rain.
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5087502809d4090755037c5b: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5452_1.jpg)
11 August 1913
Goodnews Bay to Carter Spit
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Cleaned bilges, took provisions and signal lumber on board.
9.30am: Commanding Officer of ‘Explorer’ [Mr Patton] on board.
11.25am: Mr Patton left ship.
Weather: overcast, misty.
Noon to midnight:
2.36pm: Started to heave in anchor.
2.39pm: Anchor up; got underway for Carter Spit.
7.23pm: Anchored near Carter Spit in 4 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Weather: overcast, signals shut in by clouds.
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5087502809d4090755037c5f: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5453_1.jpg)
12 August 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.00am: Anchor up; got underway for Jack Smith signal.
6.40am: Mr EE Smith, Assistant, TC Miller, Chief Writer, and two Seamen with plane table left ship in dinghy. Ship steamed to a point 5 sea miles N.
Landed signal lumber 7.38am to 7.55am: 7 3x4x18, 6 2x4x17, 3 1x12x14.
Returned to Carter Spit.
9.10am: Anchored off Carter Spit signal, 5 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of chain.
Filled deck-load (19 sacks of coal) into bunker. Cleaned ship.
9.15am: Commanding Officer left ship with two Seamen to work on tide gauges.
Noon: Commanding Officer returned on board.
Weather: overcast, mountain tops shut in.
Noon to midnight:
3.15pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ with Mr Lukins and Joachims and party of men arrived from Goodnews Bay; made fast alongside.
5.00pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ left to pick up Mr Smith and party.
7.35pm: Launch ‘Alpha’, Mr Smith and plane table party returned on board.
Anchored launch 200 feet ahead of ship.
Weather: overcast.
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5087502809d4090755037c63: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5454_1.jpg)
13 August 1913
Carter Spit to sea and return
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
4.00am: Mr Lukins, Joachims and Fireman Shaffer left ship.
5.00am: Launch got underway.
5.30am: Anchor up; ahead.
6.57am: Stopped; Mr Smith and plane table party left ship in dinghy.
7.21am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; transferred camp gear of plane table party into launch.
7.40am: Landed signal lumber – 8 3x4x18, 16 2x4x16, 8 1x12x14.
8.00am: Picked up dinghy and ran for Carter Spit.
8.00am to 9.00am: Commenced sounding.
9.41am: Stopped sounding. Signals partly shut in by clouds.
9.50am: Anchored off Carter Spit in 5 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Weather: overcast, sea smooth.
Noon to midnight:
Crew, various work. Officers, office work.
Weather: same as forenoon; signals shut in by clouds.
[Number of soundings 233; number of positions 32; number of miles 14.]
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14 August 1913
Carter Spit to Indian River and return
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
6.31am: Anchor up; got underway for Indian River.
6.52am: Anchored in mouth of Indian River; dinghy with barrels away to get fresh water.
9.12am: Anchor up; stood offshore, waited for dinghy.
9.40am: Dinghy alongside; filled drinking water tanks, took 300 gallons of fresh water. Hoisted dinghy; got underway.
10.07am: Anchored off Carter Spit in 5 fathoms, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Weather: overcast, rain.
Noon to midnight:
Crew engaged in various work. Rain.
6.55pm: Started to heave anchor.
6.58pm: Anchor up. Changed anchorage on account of easterly, freshening wind.
Rounded point; anchored W of Carter Spit at 7.08pm in 2½ fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
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15 August 1913
W of Carter Spit
Lat 59.293, Long -162.063
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Crew cleaning ship; officers at office work.
Weather: overcast, rain.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm to 4.00pm: Built box for automatic tide gauge and put same in place.
Low hanging clouds shut in all signals.
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5087502809d4090755037c6f: ( Yukon/Book 18/IMG_5457_1.jpg)
16 August 1913
Carter Spit to Indian River and return
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Started to heave anchor.
7.02am: Anchor up; underway for Indian River.
7.28am: Anchored in mouth of river in 7 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, and 5 fathoms of chain.
Took fresh water, 300 gallons.
10.12am: Anchor up; stood out in deeper water.
Stopped engine, waited for dinghy.
10.30am: Dinghy alongside; got underway for Carter Spit.
11.00am: Anchored E of Carter Spit in 5 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain. Washed down decks.
Signals shut in by clouds.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: same as forenoon.
7.15pm: Mr Smith and plane table party returned in launch ‘Alpha’. Anchored ‘Alpha’ near ship.
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17 August 1913
Carter Spit to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.058, Long -161.812
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.58am: Started to heave anchor.
8.00am: Anchor up; underway for Goodnews Bay.
11.39am: Anchored in entrance to Goodnews Bay, off wreck, 6½ fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 25 fathoms of chain.
Weather: overcast, mountain tops shut in by clouds.
Noon to midnight:
2.45pm: Anchor up; steamed into inner bay, anchored in 16 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
Weather: same as forenoon.
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[Blank pages]
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[Cover and blank pages]
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Steamer ‘Yukon’
FH Hardy, Assistant, commanding
From August 18 1913 to [17 September 1913]
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FH Hardy, Assistant
Paul Herberger, Assistant, joined April 1
EE Smith, Assistant, joined April 3
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[General instructions regarding log books]
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18 August 1913
Goodnews Bay and Baluka Creek
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.29am: Started to heave anchor.
7.32am: Anchor up.
7.43am: Made fast alongside ‘Explorer’; started to pump fresh water into ‘Explorer’s’ tanks.
8.30am: Tanks empty, 400 gallons pumped over. Got underway for Baluka Creek.
9.08am: Anchored near Baluka Creek in 10 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 5 fathoms of chain.
11.00am: All tanks filled; took ca. 1000 gallons of fresh water on board.
11.06am: Anchor up; ran back to NE Spit.
11.44am: Anchored off tide staffs in 3 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Weather: rainy, all signals shut in.
Noon to midnight:
1.10pm: Commanding Officer of ‘Explorer’ [Mr Patton] on board.
4.45pm: Mr Patton left ship.
1.00pm to 5.00pm: Crew ashore to count lumber for ways.
Weather: rainy.
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5087502709d4090755037a2b: ( Yukon/Book 17/IMG_5312_1.jpg)
19 August 1913
Goodnews Bay and Baluka Creek
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.28am: Started to heave anchor.
7.32am: Anchor up and underway.
7.41am: Made fast alongside ‘Explorer’; pumped 880 gallons of water over to ‘Explorer’.
8.45am: Cast off lines; got underway for Baluka Creek.
9.20am: Anchored off Baluka Creek; commenced to take fresh water. Mr EE Smith, Assistant, and TC Miller, Chief Writer, ashore to check telemeter for plane table.
10.15am: EE Smith and TC Miller returned.
11.05am: All tanks and barrels filled; ran back to NE Spit.
11.30am: ‘Explorer’ left for Nushagak.
11.43am: Anchored off tide staff in 3 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain (ebb tide).
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Mr P Herberger, Mate, TC Miller, Chief Writer, Boatswain, Quartermaster and four Seamen left ship in dinghy to prepare beach for ways.
5.10pm: Mr Herberger and men returned.
Weather: overcast.
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20 August 1913
Goodnews Bay, Jacksmith Bay and Carter Spit
Lat 59.4, Long -162.0
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
4.58am: Started to heave anchor.
5.00am: Anchor up; underway for Jacksmith [Jack Smith in log] Bay.
8.20am: Started sounding.
10.21am: Stopped; lowered dinghy, landed provisions for Mr Lukins, Assistant, ‘Explorer’, at Jacksmith Bay camp.
11.35am: Under way for Carter Spit; hydrography.
Signals very indistinct on account of rain.
Noon to midnight:
1.23pm: Anchored off Carter Spit in 3 fathoms, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of water.
1.30pm: Hauled launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; filled bunkers, 10 sacks of coal, 150 gallons of fresh water into ‘Alpha’s’ tanks.
6.00pm: Lowered launch back to mooring.
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5087502709d4090755037a33: ( Yukon/Book 17/IMG_5314_1.jpg)
21 August 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.45am: Mr P Herberger, Mate, Boatswain and four men on shore to cut blocks for ways.
11.20am: Mr P Herberger, Mate, Boatswain and four men returned.
Noon to midnight:
12.15pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside.
12.20pm: ‘Alpha’, Mr EE Smith in charge, left ship to occupy Jacksmith triangulation station.
4.53pm: Mr Smith and party returned. Fastened ‘Alpha’ to mooring.
Number of soundings 838; number of positions 155; number of miles 63
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5087502709d4090755037a37: ( Yukon/Book 17/IMG_5315_1.jpg)
22 August 1913
Carter Spit to working grounds and return
Lat 59.33, Long -162.09
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.25am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside.
7.32am: ‘Alpha’, Mr EE Smith in charge, with plane table party and camp gear left for Jacksmith Bay.
7.56am: Started to heave anchor.
7.57am: Anchor up; [underway].
8.05am: Picked up tide observer, hoisted dory; got underway for working grounds.
8.44am: Started sounding.
Weather: clear, moderate sea.
Noon to midnight:
12.03pm: Anchored for lunch, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
12.45pm: Anchor up; started sounding.
5.26pm: End of day’s work.
5.47pm: Anchored inside Carter Spit in 20 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 15 fathoms of chain (ebb tide); launch crew came on board.
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5087502709d4090755037a3b: ( Yukon/Book 17/IMG_5316_1.jpg)
23 August 1913
Carter Spit and working grounds
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
8.30am: Anchor up; underway for working grounds.
8.55am: Started sounding.
10.07am: End of day’s work.
Fresh northerly breeze, short choppy sea, ship rolling heavily at times, taking water on deck.
10.27am: Anchored inside Carter Spit in 20 feet of water, 15 fathoms of chain (flood tide).
Noon to midnight:
Noon: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; emptied ‘Alpha’s’ tanks into ship’s tanks.
12.21pm: ‘Alpha’ left with dinghy in tow to get fresh water from Indian River.
2.40pm: ‘Alpha’ returned; water in river too low to go in.
Weather: cloudy, stiff breeze.
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24 August 1913
Carter Spit
Lat 59.323, Long -161.982
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Tide turned 2.10am; ship rolling heavily; washed down decks.
Observed Sunday.
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25 August 1913
Carter Spit to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.38, Long -162.23
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
9.11am Started to heave anchor.
9.13am: Anchor up; underway for Kwinakamut.
9.20am: Picked up dory.
11.45am: Wind and sea increasing; decided to run to Goodnews Bay to get provisions and water.
High choppy sea.
Noon to midnight:
Noon: Set all sails.
2.35pm: Passed signal Prom, took in all sails.
3.40pm: Passing North Entrance bar, 7 feet of water.
4.20pm: Anchored off tide staff in 10 feet of water, 20 fathoms of chain, starboard bower anchor.
High sea and tide-rips; not safe to send boat on shore.
Secured and lashed everything on deck.
When flood started to run, high wind caused high tide-rips; ship rolling terribly, taking water over rails.
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26 August 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 100 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Wind caused high tide-rip; ship rolling terribly, taking water over rails.
Crew engaged in cleaning ship.
High sea, no communication with shore.
Noon to midnight:
Dinghy on shore to get provisions, Mr Herberger and three men.
2.10pm: Dinghy returned with provisions. Hoisted dinghy.
Weather and sea as forenoon.
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27 August 1913
Goodnews Bay to Baluka Creek and return
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
2.04am: Started to heave anchor.
2.06am: Anchor up for Baluka Creek.
2.48am: Anchored off Baluka Creek in 9 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 5 fathoms of chain.
Both boats away to get fresh water; filled all water tanks and barrels too, ca. 900 gallons of water.
4.45am: Anchor up; steamed back to NE Point.
5.25am: Anchored off tide-staffs in 23 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
High sea and tide-rips.
Noon to midnight:
Cleaned ship.
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28 August 1913
Goodnews Bay to Kuskokwim River and Apokak Village
Lat 60.38, Long -162.378
Midnight to noon:
Midnight: Started to heave anchor.
12.10am: Got underway for Kwinakamut [Quinhagak]*.
7.24am: Anchored off Kwinakamut in 11 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 5 fathoms of chain.
8.15am: Pilot for Kuskokwim River, Irvan Pelluska, came on board.
8.30am: Mr Smith and plane table party returned on board.
8.49am: Anchor up; got underway for Kuskokwim River; commenced sounding, reconnaissance work.
10.43am: Anchored in 6 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain, to wait for low water.
Noon to midnight:
12.25pm: Anchor up; underway, continued sounding.
Steamed up Kuskokwim River.
5.20pm: Anchored off Apokak village in 5½ fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain, flood tide.
6.00pm: Mr Herberger and two men on shore to put tide staff near mouth of Apokak.
Landed two men with camp gear to take tide during night. Took current observation.
*[Quinhagak is also known as Quinhagamut.
According to Alaska Guide Co, Apokak is a native name for the village “obtained in December 1878 by EW Nelson, US Signal Service, and listed in the 1880 census as “Apokagamute”, i.e. “Apokak people”, with 94 people. The 1890 census listed it as “Ahpokagamiut” with 210 people. US Coast and Geodetic Survey reported in 1949 that ‘the village has been abandoned for many years. Two dilapidated cabins remain’.”]
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29 August 1913
Apokak to Warehouse Channel and Warehouse Creek
Lat 59.906, Long -162.119
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Took current observations.
9.15am: Took camp gear of tide observers on board; tide observers returned on board.
9.30am: Started to heave anchor.
9.32am: Anchor up; got underway. Steamed downstream, sounding, reconnaissance work.
11.32am: Stopped sounding. Anchored in 5 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of cable, in Warehouse Channel to wait till mudflats showed above water.
Warehouse Bluff ENE¼E.
Noon to midnight:
1.56pm: Started to heave anchor.
1.59pm: Anchor up; underway. Steamed up Warehouse Creek, sounding.
3.07pm: Anchored in Warehouse Creek in 17 feet of water, starboard anchor, 15 fathoms of chain.
Used port bower 400 lbs as stern anchor to hold ship in middle of stream.
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30 August 1913
Warehouse Creek to Kwinakamut River, Carter Spit and Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.52, Long -162.05
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
5.00am: Started to take in stern anchor; put it in place.
5.35am: Took dory on deck; started to heave anchor.
5.40am: Anchor up. Got underway.
8.00am: Commenced sounding.
8.37am: Anchored off Kwinakamut in 9 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 5 fathoms of chain.
8.40am: Commanding Officer, Mr EE Smith, P Herberger, Mate, Pilot and three men left in dinghy.
9.52am: Commanding Officer and party returned on board; started to heave anchor.
9.54am: Anchor up; underway for Carter Spit.
Noon to midnight:
1.34pm: Anchored off Carter Spit.
1.40pm: Mr Lukins, Assistant, of ‘Explorer’, came on board.
Tide observer returned on board – reported automatic tide gauge carried away on 26th during NNW storm. Took tide observer’s camp gear onboard, also lumber for ways.
4.54pm: Started to heave anchor.
4.57pm: Anchor up; underway for Goodnews Bay, ‘Explorer’s’ gig in tow.
Fireman Shafter remained with steam launch.
8.30pm: Anchored in Goodnews Bay in 15 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
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31 August 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
Washed down decks; observed Sunday.
11.20am: Steamer ‘Explorer’ returned from Nushagak. Sent dinghy to ‘Explorer’ for mail.
11.30am: Dinghy returned; received mail packages numbers 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.
Noon to midnight:
Landed lumber near ways.
3.00pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; made fast to her mooring buoy.
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1 September 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.04am: Started to heave anchor.
7.05am: Mr Herberger and six men left in dinghy; started fire under launch boiler.
7.06am: Anchor up.
7.22am: Stopped near Baluka Creek in 10 fathoms of water; filled all tanks and barrels with fresh water.
9.38am: Tanks full; anchor up, cutter and whaleboat filled with water in tow.
10.27am: Made fast alongside ‘Explorer’; pumped water out of tanks into ‘Explorer’s’ tanks, 900 gallons.
11.30am: Cast off lines.
11.44am: Anchored in 3 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
11.55am: Mr Herberger and men returned in launch.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Launch left, Commanding Officer and Chief Writer, alongside ‘Explorer’, picked up Carpenter. Landed near Lagoon; towed timber from NE Point to Lagoon.
5.20pm: Returned on board.
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2 September 1913
Goodnews Bay and Baluka Creek
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Cutter and whaleboat of ‘Explorer’ alongside; Mr Herberger and four men left ship to work on ways.
7.04am: Started to heave anchor.
7.06am: Anchor up; underway for Baluka Creek, cutter and whaleboat in tow.
7.48am: Anchored near Baluka Creek; started to take fresh water.
9.45am: All tanks and barrels filled.
9.50am: Anchor up; steamed back to ‘Explorer’, cutter and whaleboat in tow.
10.44am: Made fast alongside ‘Explorer’; pumped fresh water over into ‘Explorer’s’ tanks: 900 gallons.
Noon to midnight:
12.15pm: Dinghy ashore; picked up Mr Herberger and men.
Anchored in 3 fathoms of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain; high tide-rips.
1.30pm: Mr Herberger and five men ashore to move storehouse down to beach.
4.30pm: Commanding Officer left ship in dinghy.
4.40pm: Mr Herberger and party returned.
5.10pm: Commanding Officer returned.
During ebb tide tide-rips were so high that it was dangerous for small boats to communicate with shore.
Dinghy could not return to ship till flood tide was running in for one hour.
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3 September 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.10am: Commanding Officer and Chief Writer left ship, also two men to fasten line to float and shack.
8.29am: Started to heave anchor.
8.31am: Anchor up; steamed towards beach.
8.37am: Anchored off shack; dinghy brought towline on board.
8.45am: Anchor up; towed shack into inner bay. Heavy sea and tide-rips broke shack up, towed platform to lagoon; landed same and 6-inch line.
10.40am: Anchored near spit on lagoon in 9 feet of water.
11.51am: Commanding Officer and men came on board. Anchor up; steamed to anchor place near launch, anchored in 15 feet of water, 20 fathoms of chain [12.10pm].
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Fireman left for launch ‘Alpha’ to get steam up.
2.00pm: ‘Alpha’ alongside; left with Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger, Mate and crew to work on ways.
5.10pm: Launch returned with Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and crew; made ‘Alpha’ fast to her mooring.
Carpenter of ‘Explorer’ and six men worked on ways.
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4 September 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’ alongside; left with Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and crew to work on ways and raft lumber.
Carpenter and six men of ‘Explorer’ working on ways, pulling ties in place.
‘Alpha’ towing rafts of lumber from NE Point to Lagoon.
11.50am: Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and crew returned on board in ‘Alpha’; took six sacks of coal on board.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and crew left ship in ‘Alpha’ to work on ways and build storehouse.
5.10pm: Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and crew returned in ‘Alpha’; made ‘Alpha’ fast to mooring.
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5 September 1913
Goodnews Bay [NE Point and Baluka Creek]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.10am: Launch alongside; left with Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and seven men to work on ways.
Carpenter and six men of ‘Explorer’ on shore to work on ways.
8.20am: Whaleboat of ‘Explorer’ with four men alongside.
9.02am: Started to heave anchor.
9.03am: Anchor up; underway for Baluka Creek, whaleboat in tow,
9.47am: Anchored off Baluka Creek in 6 feet of water; started to take fresh water in boats.
Noon to midnight:
12.25pm: All tanks and barrels filled – 900 gallons.
12.26pm: Started to heave anchor.
12.28pm: Anchor up; underway for NE Point, whaleboat filled with freshwater in tow.
1.15pm: Cast off whaleboat near ‘Explorer’.
1.23pm: Anchored in 17 feet of water, starboard bower anchor, 20 fathoms of chain.
5.05pm: Commanding Officer and Mr Herberger returned in launch; made launch fast to her mooring buoy.
Mr Smith at office work.
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6 September 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and crew and Carpenter and three men of ‘Explorer’ on shore to work on ways; towed 4 22-foot piles from ‘Explorer’ to ways.
Launch returned.
Noon to midnight:
Mr Smith at office work.
6.00pm: Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and crew returned on board.
High sea and tide-rips.
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7 September 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
Weather: fair; light to stiff northerly breezes.
Day quietly observed.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: fair; stiff to light northerly breezes.
Day passed quietly.
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8 September 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
7.00am: Launch with dinghy in tow left ship with Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger, Mr Miller, Boatswain, Quartermaster, five Seamen and one Fireman.
Commanding Officer and Mr Miller working on ways.
Others loaded a ton and a half of coal (30 sacks) into dinghy and launch and brought same off to ship at 8.50am.
After unloading same they returned ashore, three men to assist ‘Explorer’ to coal and others to work on ways; 10 sacks of coal in launch.
9.15am: Launch left ship to take Mr Smith to ‘Explorer’, returning with him at 10.05am. Launch fast astern.
Dinghy with three men returned to ship at 11.50am.
Office work in progress.
Weather: fair; light to moderate northerly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
12.45pm: Launch with crew and three men left ship, both dinghies in tow.
1.50pm: Launch called at ship for grease, leaving immediately.
3.10pm: Launch returned to ship; made fast astern
4.20pm: Launch left ship, returning with all hands and both dinghies at 5.35pm.
Engineers chipping bunkers; office work in progress.
Weather: fair; moderate northerly breezes.
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9 September 1913
Goodnews Bay and at sea
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch.
7.05am: Launch and dinghy with Commanding Officer, Messrs Herberger and Miller, Boatswain, Quartermaster, launch crew and four Seamen left ship to work on ways.
8.00am: Launch and dinghy returned to ship and made fast astern.
11.00am: Captain Patton came alongside in launch, borrowed dinghy and left.
12.15pm: Captain Patton came alongside in launch and returned dinghy.
Office work in progress.
Weather: fair; light NE breeze to calm.
Noon to 8.00pm:
2.00pm: ‘Explorer’s’ launch towing dinghy and scow with 100 sacks of coal came alongside, Boatswain with six men in charge. Launch left immediately.
Trimmed coal and washed down with aid of ‘Explorer’s’ crew.
3.10pm: ‘Explorer’s’ launch came alongside with Commanding Officer and working party.
3.15pm: Towed launch ‘Alpha’ to mooring with dinghy.
3.20pm: Launch #46 left ship with scow in tow.
No further work required of men in afternoon.
8.15pm: Launch #46 came alongside with Captain Patton, Messrs Lukens and Hunter.
They came to do sounding from ‘Yukon’ as arranged. Captain Hardy and Mr Herberger left for ‘Explorer’ in launch.
Weather: fair; calm to moderate north-westerly breeze.
8.00pm to midnight:
8.20pm: Anchor up and underway. Mr Lukens on watch, Captain Patton at conn, heading out of bay on various courses.
9.25pm: Log 05.9, set W¾N, sounding across shoals.
Fine and clear; light northerly breeze.
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10 September 1913
Kuskokwim Bay
Lat 59.28, Long -162.20
RS Patton, Assistant, Commanding (temporarily)
Midnight to noon:
Mr Hunter on watch midnight to 4.00am; various offshore courses.
1.30am: Water shoaling rapidly.
1.50am: Anchored 18 miles NW [signal] Head on edge of shoal; in 6½ fathoms water with 28 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
5.05am: Hove anchor and got underway on true N course.
6.12am: Began sounding; continued sounding throughout day, courses and positions being entered in sounding record.
Weather: fair; light north-westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Continued sounding till 6.00pm, then laid a course for Goodnews Bay, ExS, range [signal] Red Mountain.
Mr Lukens on watch 6.00pm to 8.00pm; Mr Smith on watch 8.00pm to midnight.
9.50pm: Baluka half point forward of beam; changed course NE½E.
10.15pm: Headed up for entrance of bay.
As we approached ‘Explorer’, a boat came out for Captain Patton; he left at once.
Proceeded to usual anchorage.
10.42pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms, 1 foot, with 20 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
Weather: fair; clear and bright; light north-westerly breeze.
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11 September 1913
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
One man on night watch.
7.30am: Captain Hardy and Mr Herberger returned to ship in Launch 46, dinghy with working party from ‘Explorer’ in tow.
Launch left for ‘Explorer’ with Messrs Lukens and Hunter.
7.40am: Captain Hardy, Messrs Herberger and Miller left with party from ‘Explorer’ to continue work at ways.
Shifted port anchor and chain to stern.
8.30am: Launch 46 called at ship to leave sacks.
Sacked two tons of coal (42 sacks) and placed it on stern. Put barrels on stern and filled them with salt water.
Draft forward 3 feet, aft 4.9 feet.
Weather: fair and fine; light northerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Dinghy left ship with Mr Ohlsen, Boatswain, one Fireman and five Seamen to work at the ways.
1.50pm: Launch 46 came alongside and took dinghy and six barrels to get water.
4.30pm: Dinghy, Mr Miller and men returned to ship.
5.25pm: Captain Hardy, Messrs Herberger and Ohlsen returned to ship.
5.30pm: Launch 46 came alongside with water, six barrels full in dinghy and cutter full. She returned to ‘Explorer’ leaving cutter.
Emptied barrels into galley tanks, cutter into engine-room tanks.
6.30pm: Launch took cutter away.
Weather: bright and clear; light WxN airs to calm.
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12 September 1913
Goodnews Bay [lagoon]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
One man on night watch; 50 lbs of pressure on boiler.
4.30am: Anchor up; picked up ‘Alpha’s’ mooring, steamed to lagoon.
Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and four men ashore; tried to haul ship on cradle; water not high enough.
Anchored ship in lagoon at 7.00am in 8 feet of water with 200-lb kedge.
6.00am: Five men of ‘Explorer’s’ crew to help.
8.00am: Men of launch 46 alongside ‘Explorer’, moved coal and anchor chains midships.
At half tide ship was laying on ground. Moved sandsacks on cradle; placed 400-lb bower anchor off end of cradle.
Weather: fair, light northerly airs.
Noon to midnight:
Crew engaged in various work.
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13 September 1913
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
4.30am: Moved coal and anchor chains to stern; filled water barrels. Draft forward 3 feet 6 inches, aft 4 feet 10 inches.
5.30am: Hauled ship on ways.
6.00am: Started to heave cradle up; five men of ‘Explorer’s’ crew assisted, used 6-inch line direct to windlass on shore, 3-inch tackle on anchor winch of ‘Yukon’.
9.00am: ‘Explorer’s’ crew helped to haul up ship.
Fresh northerly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Hauled cradle to head of ways and secured her. Unreefed tackles.
5.00pm: ‘Explorer’s’ crew returned on board.
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14 September 1913
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Observed Sunday.
NE wind, rain.
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15 September 1913
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to midnight:
Turned to at 7.00am; blocked ship up; finished shack for material and stores; transferred stores from NE Point, Mr Lukins and crew of ‘Explorer’ with launch and whaleboat.
Mr Hennesy, Chief Engineer of ‘Explorer’, with four men removed rudder and took stern shaft out. Dismantled windlass.
Carpenter and three men of ‘Explorer’ started to build roof over ship.
NW breeze.
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16 September 1913
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to midnight:
Finished roof over ship; Carpenter and six men of ‘Explorer’ helped.
Mr Lukins and four men in launch 46, whaleboat and gig brought rest of stores from NE Point.
Mr Hennesy, Chief Engineer of ‘Explorer’, and two Firemen overhauled launch engine; took stern shaft and parts of windlass on board ‘Explorer’.
Fresh NW breezes.
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17 September 1913
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to midnight:
9.30am: Launch 46, gig and whaleboat in tow, took officers and crew with bedding and personal effects on board ‘Explorer’.
Approved, FH Hardy, Assistant C&GS, commanding Steamer Yukon.
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[No logs available from 18 September 1913 to 4 June 1914]
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No Engineer’s log book was kept
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Steamer ‘Yukon’
RR Lukens, Assistant, commanding
[From June 5, 1914 to September 17, 1914]
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LIST OF OFFICERS attached to Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer Yukon
RR Lukens, Assistant, Commanding, joined June 12, 1914
EE Smith, Assistant, Executive Officer, joined June 12, 1914
WD Sutcliffe, Aid, joined June 12, 1914
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[Instructions for log books]
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Length at load water line, 67 feet 5 inches
Extreme breadth of beam at load water line, 15 feet 7 inches
Depth of hold, 6 feet 1 inch
Normal draft forward, 3 feet 7 inches, aft 5 feet 0 inches
Displacement 40 tons
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5 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
‘Patterson’ [USC&GSS Carlile P. Patterson] arrived in Goodnews Bay early this morning with Captain Lukens; EE Smith, Assistant; Sutcliffe, Aid; Bardt Ohlsen, Assistant to Engineer; and Townsend, Chief Writer, coal, machinery, supplies and mess stores for ‘Yukon’.
As soon after breakfast as a boat could be procured, the party proceeded to ‘Yukon’.
[Schooner] ‘Bender Brothers’ arrived in Goodnews Bay June 1 with A Anderson, Boatswain, two Firemen, six Seamen, one Cook and one Mess Attendant; provisions for the party for a short time, their bedding, paint and such supplies as would be immediately needed.
Under direction of the Boatswain they began cleaning and painting ship outside and laying ways.
This work was in progress when we arrived.
Quartermaster FA Paul, who has been ship keeper during the past winter, had painted the frames with red lead, painted the wardroom and cleaned the tanks.
During the day continued painting ship outside.
Received three cutter-loads of machinery and supplies from ‘Patterson’.
Laying ways.
One Assistant Engineer and one Fireman from complement of ‘Patterson’ assisting Mr Ohlsen in engine-room.
Weather: overcast, misty and rainy.
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6 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
In the forenoon received ashore from ‘Patterson’ 10 tons of coal in 150 sacks, purchased for ‘Yukon’ by Captain Lukens.
Coal was loaded in cutter by ‘Patterson’s’ crew and discharged by crew of ‘Yukon’.
Continued laying ways at low tide.
Cleaned ship below water line.
Sent two men in dinghy for a load of water.
Checking supplies and stores.
Two men from ‘Patterson’s’ engine-room force assisting Mr Ohlsen.
Weather: overcast, misty and rainy.
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7 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: overcast, misty and rainy.
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8 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Painted ship below water line.
Laying ways at low tide.
Engine-room force connecting up winch, piping, toilets, engine, assisted by two men from ‘Patterson’.
Crew of ‘Patterson’ sacking coal and putting it on beach.
Weather: overcast, misty and rainy.
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9 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Crew of ‘Patterson’ finished sacking 238 sacks of coal, 16 tons, and piled it on beach for ‘Yukon’.
Received from ‘Patterson’ 40 lbs Arctic cup grease.
Preparing tackle for launching.
Engineer’s force working in engine-room. Two men from ‘Patterson’ began work shipping skeg and rudder.
Greased ways with cup grease as tide came in. No other grease available.
Weather: overcast, rainy.
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10 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Engineer’s force finished with skeg and rudder at 9.30am.
Began heaving on windlass and jacks.
Tide was nearly high at this time and was receding before ship reached high water mark.
Afternoon, continued to work ship down with jacks and tackle, grease having all washed off.
By evening, cradle was within 20 feet of end of ways.
Weather: overcast.
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11 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [ways]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Cutter and six men from ‘Patterson’ came to help launch ship.
Sent out bower anchor and 6-inch line astern of ship. Planted kedge anchor behind deadman [anchor].
E breeze had covered ways and cradle with sand.
With tackle, cradle was hauled out a few feet but stuck in sand and could not be got off by heaving on anchor lines. ‘Patterson’s’ men heaving on capstan.
When tide began to fall, sent ‘Patterson’s’ men with cutter and dinghy to get water.
At low tide dug out sand from cradle, rigged tackle from foot of ways to head of cradle, placed blocks for jacks.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Stiff E breeze.
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12 June 1914
Entrance to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.02, Long -161.87
At high tide at 10.50am hove ship off ways with jacks, capstan on anchor lines and by backing engine.
Hove in bower anchor. Hoisted dinghy. Proceeded to point of spit and picked up three sacks of coal.
Passed out of bay, over bar to ‘Patterson’ lying at anchor. Made fast alongside at 1.30pm.
Received on board from ‘Patterson’s’ bunkers 7½ tons of coal and from her tanks 200 gallons of fresh water.
Received part of mess stores, officers’ bedding and baggage.
5.45pm: Cast off from ‘Patterson’ and five minutes later anchored nearby in 3½ fathoms of water with 10 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Night passed quietly. Lights and lookout attended by night watchman AJ Anderson.
Cloudy, stiff north-easterly breeze.
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13 June 1914
Goodnews Bay [Baluka, ways and South Spit]
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
7.30am: Up anchor. Ran alongside ‘Patterson’ but found it too rough to make fast.
Proceeded to Baluka anchorage for water, anchoring in 1½ fathoms water with 10 fathoms chain on starboard anchor at 9.35am.
Williwaw blowing hard.
Obtained one load of water but it was deemed imprudent to try for more.
10.40am: Up anchor; ran behind point of hook off ways and anchored at 11.25am.
Party went ashore with 6-inch line and stowed it in warehouse.
2.40pm: Up anchor; ran in lee of South Spit off old wreck.
Spent afternoon cleaning ship and stowing supplies.
Weather: cloudy; fresh ExN breeze.
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14 June 1914
Entrance to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.02, Long -161.87
Midnight to noon:
8.00am: Up anchor; ran out to ‘Patterson’ and made fast at 9.10am.
Began taking aboard coal and supplies.
Weather: cloudy, light NE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Received from ‘Patterson’ 8 tons 1875 lbs coal and 300 gallons water, and all supplies which she brought for ‘Yukon’.
4.30pm: Cast off from ‘Patterson’. Ran into Goodnews Bay and at 5.40pm anchored in 2 fathoms, 3 feet water with 15 fathoms chain on starboard [anchor].
‘Patterson’ left at 8.00pm.
Weather: overcast, rain late in evening. Light NE breeze.
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15 June 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
7.20am: Mr Smith, Mr Townsend, Boatswain and five men left ship in dinghy to haul up cradle, work in warehouse and bring off stores.
Noon: Up anchor. Ran around hook and at 12.15pm anchored off storehouse.
Weather: cloudy, rainy. Stiff NE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
12.20pm: Dinghy and working party returned to ship for lunch.
1.30pm: Sent in stores to warehouse.
3.40pm: Up anchor; returned to anchorage off tide gauge.
4.00pm: Anchored in 16 feet water with 15 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
Spent rest of afternoon cleaning up ship.
Weather: overcast. Stiff E breeze to calm.
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16 June 1914
Goodnews Bay and Jacksmith Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Mr Smith, Mr Townsend, Boatswain and five men left ship in dory for storehouse.
After placing launch ‘Alpha’ on ways ready for launching party, returned at 9.50am.
10.00am: Up anchor; ran to Baluka anchorage and anchored at 10.50am in 8 feet of water.
Began filling tanks with water.
Weather: overcast, occasional showers. Light north-westerly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
2.50pm: Finished watering, having filled all tanks, barrels and buckets.
3.35pm: Lay to off storehouse while boat made a trip ashore.
Hoisted boat at 4.00pm, passed out of bay and proceeded northward approximately following five-fathom curve, positions being frequently observed and plotted on sheet.
10.30pm: Anchored in lower end of Blind Channel [?] abreast of Jacksmith Bay in 5 fathoms water with 20 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
Night passed quietly; lights and lookout attended.
Weather: cloudy, calm, to stiff variable breezes.
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[Duplicate scans for 17 June; Remarks page partially obscured]
[CalTopo map of area around Eek Channel and Apokak]
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17 June 1914
Off Quinhagak to Apokak Creek
Lat 59.95, Long -162.33
Midnight to noon:
Night passed quietly.
7.07am: Up anchor and underway, following channel northward to its head, sounding and recording positions and soundings in record book.
11.50am: Anchored for lunch at cross-over to Warehouse Channel in 23 feet of water with 10 fathoms of starboard cable.
Weather: fair to cloudy. Good seeing weather. Light variable breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.50pm: Anchor up. Crossed into Warehouse Channel; followed shore to Apokak* running sounding line meanwhile, which was regularly entered in sounding record.
6.30pm: Anchored 200 meters off mouth of Apokak Creek in 6½ fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of starboard cable.
Weather: cloudy. Light NWxN breezes.
Number of soundings 676; number of angles 71; number of statute miles 36½
[*Apokak appears as Apigak and other variant spellings in these logs.]
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18 June 1914
Off Apokak, Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.13, Long -162.21
Midnight to noon:
8.00am: Captain Lukins and Mr Townsend left ship to take time sight ashore.
9.00am: Captain Lukins and Mr Townsend returned. Sent in tent and established camp for tide observer on S bank of creek.
11.00am: Put up tide staff at mouth of creek.
Weather: fair, calm.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Sent in H Parker, Seaman, to observe tide. He took provisions for two weeks and two breakers of water.
1.20pm: Up anchor and underway, proceeding down river following Eek Channel [Eke in log].
Seeing apparently clear water beyond in a parallel channel, ship turned back, rounded a shoal into what proved to be West Channel.
Began sounding at 1.45pm and continued to 8.40pm when work overlapped surveyed ground; positions and soundings being entered in sounding record.
Then laid courses for Goodnews Bay.
Weather: fair, moderate to light westerly breezes.
Number of soundings 635; number of angles 84; number of statute miles 43
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19 June 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
3.00am: Anchored at usual place in Goodnews Bay.
Gave men forenoon to wash clothes.
Weather: fair to cloudy. Gentle E airs to calm.
Noon to midnight:
12.35pm: Mr Smith and Boatswain, with four Seamen, left ship for ways.
Rove tackle for hauling out launch.
Cleaned clinker dinghy and skiff. Painted skiff and painted dinghy inside. Returned to ship at 6.30pm.
Officers engaged in office work aboard.
Weather: cloudy; light westerly breeze.
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20 June 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
Night passed quietly.
6.45am: Messrs Smith, Sutcliffe, Ohlsen and Townsend, Boatswain, four men and one Fireman left ship for ways, tide ebbing.
Hauled launch out to end of ways too late to float and tide was receding too rapidly.
Finished painting boats. Returned to ship at noon.
Weather: cloudy and hazy. Calm to light WNW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.25pm: Messrs Smith, Sutcliffe and Townsend, with Boatswain, Shafter and four Seamen left ship to work at storehouse.
Rove tackle for hauling cradle, lashed down cradle to prevent floating, took up kedge anchor, and put launch anchor out astern of launch.
Bent pipe for canopy frame and brought some provisions aboard, returning to ship at 4.30pm.
Weather: cloudy to foggy. Light SW breeze.
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21 June 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
3.00am: Messrs Smith, Townsend and Ohlsen, Boatswain and one Fireman left ship in dinghy to take launch off ways.
Launch was anchored half way between ship and shore at 5.15am, high tide, in 3½ fathoms. Party returned aboard at 5.30am.
10.00am: Dory with two men came alongside, reporting that schooner ‘Harold Blekum’ with coal and lumber for ‘Yukon’ was anchored off Red Mountain. Dory left at 11.00am.
Weather: foggy, cloudy. Light SW airs to calm.
Noon to midnight:
1.06pm: Up anchor and underway.
Passed out of bay following South Spit to schooner ‘Harold Blekum’.
2.15pm: Made fast to ‘Harold Blekum’ (alongside).
3.40pm: Cast off from side of ‘Harold Blekum’ and took her in tow.
5.35pm: Cast off tow line of ‘Harold Blekum’. She anchored at once 500 yards NW of end of North Spit, Goodnews Bay.
5.40pm: ‘Yukon’ anchored in usual place, 17 feet water, 15 fathoms cable.
Weather: cloudy. Light NW airs.
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22 June 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
5.30am: Up anchor and underway to get water.
6.30am: Anchored at Baluka anchorage in 2 fathoms water, 5 fathoms cable. Sent in skiff and dinghy for water.
8.25am: All tanks filled. Skiff partly filled. Up anchor and underway, towing skiff.
9.25am: Picked up launch ‘Alpha’; filled her tanks half full with water from skiff. Towed launch around hook and beached her for repairs to condenser and boiler, abreast the storehouse.
Employed remainder of forenoon transferring supplies and stores from storehouse to ship; ship anchored near storehouse.
Weather: cloudy; light N to SE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.30pm: Mr Smith, Mr Townsend and Mr Sutcliffe left ship with Boatswain and four men, Mr Ohlsen and one Fireman to work at ways and storehouse.
Hauled cradle to position at head of ways.
Lifted launch boiler, calked and packed same and replaced it.
Carried off supplies to ship.
5.20pm: ‘Yukon’ weighed anchor and proceeded to schooner ‘Harold Blekum’. Made fast alongside and transferred deck-load of supplies to her.
5.50pm: Cast off and returned to usual anchorage.
5.55pm: Anchored at usual place, 2 fathoms, 4 feet water, 15 fathoms cable.
6.20pm: Working party returned to ship.
11.30pm: Gasoline schooner ‘Bender Brothers’ anchored in bay.
Weather: light SE breeze. Cloudy.
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23 June 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.02, Long -161.87
Midnight to noon:
3.30am: Mr Smith and AJ Anderson left ship to haul launch off beach. They returned at 4.30am.
7.10am: Mr Townsend and four Seamen left ship in skiff for warehouse to bring off stores to ship for transfer to ‘Harold Blekum’.
7.30am: Up anchor; proceeded to schooner ‘Bender Brothers’ and made fast alongside at 7.40am.
Ten minutes later, cast off; ran around hook and anchored off warehouse. Received on board from warehouse rest of mess stores.
9.25am: Up anchor and proceeded to ‘Harold Blekum’; made fast alongside at 9.40am and transferred deck load to her.
10.30am: Steam launch came alongside and made fast.
11.00am: ‘Yukon’ took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow and passed out of bay en route to Apokak, abreast of Eek Island.
Launch, with Messrs Townsend and Smith, one Fireman and three Seamen, skiff in tow, took a boatload of lumber from South Spit, then passing out of bay, delivered lumber to ‘Harold Blekum’.
Launch party returned to ship and launch was towed astern of ‘Harold Blekum’.
Weather: cloudy, drizzling rain. Light SE to SW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
‘Harold Blekum’ in tow, proceeded out to West Channel on range Baluka Hill on Pyramid Mountain.
Then headed up channel.
5.15pm: High pressure piston packing blew out. Cast off tow line. ‘Harold Blekum’ continued under sail.
5.35pm: Took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow again. Proceeded on course.
6.05pm: Again stopped to fix engine. Ahead again at 6.30pm:
9.40pm: In West Channel abreast of Jacksmith Bay, cast off tow line; anchored in 7 fathoms water, 25 fathoms cable on starboard anchor.
All is well during night. ‘Harold Blekum’ anchored 300 yards away.
Weather: cloudy; light SW to E airs.
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24 June 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim Bay
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
2.30am: Anchor up. Took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow, proceeding up West Channel.
5.30am: Steam launch underway, sounding ahead of ship.
6.00am: Anchored in 15 feet water.
8.40am: Underway, towing ‘Harold Blekum’.
9.45am: Anchored to await flood tide in 7 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms cable.
Weather: cloudy, rainy. All signals obscured. Light variable breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.30pm: Began current observations, results being entered in proper record book.
6.50pm: Up anchor; took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow. Proceeded northward following West Channel, launch sounding ahead of ship.
10.10pm: Cast off tow line and anchored in 6½ fathoms water, 25 fathoms cable, Warehouse Bluff bearing NExE½E (sc).
Steam launch made fast astern for night.
Weather: overcast, misty, rainy. Light westerly breezes.
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25 June 1914
Mouth of Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.11, Long -162.40
Midnight to noon:
4.40am: Steam launch got underway with Mr Smith, two Seamen and one Fireman.
4.50am: ‘Yukon’ weighed anchor, took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow and proceeded up West Channel, steam launch sounding ahead.
6.20am: Launch returned to ship; made fast and was towed alongside.
8.00am: Bearings on Kinak indicated that cross-over to Apokak had been passed. Cast off tow line.
‘Harold Blekum’ anchored. Steam launch cast off and sounded along last side of channel as far up as Eek Island.
‘Yukon’ sounded down to cross-over, across to Beacon Point and return. Flood tide.
10.30am: ‘Yukon’ made fast alongside ‘Harold Blekum’.
10.45am: Launch made fast alongside ‘Yukon’.
Noon to midnight:
2.30pm: Ebb tide. Towed ‘Harold Blekum’ into cross-over.
4.00pm: Let go tow line; ‘Harold Blekum’ anchored about head of Eek Channel. ‘Yukon’ made fast alongside.
7.20pm: Took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow.
9.35pm: In 3 fathoms with bar between ship and channel, cast off tow line. ‘Harold Blekum’ anchored 300 yards away; Beacon Point bearing ExN½N.
Weather: cloudy; light SW breeze.
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26 June 1914
Mouth of Apokak Slough
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
8.05am: Up anchor and underway, towing ‘Harold Blekum’; Mr Smith and two men in power skiff sounding ahead of ship, launch towed astern ‘Harold Blekum’.
9.50am: Cast off tow line abreast of Apokak. ‘Harold Blekum’ anchored and ‘Yukon’ made fast alongside. Flood tide. Took from ‘Harold Blekum’ 140 sacks coal.
Sounded in mouth of creek [presumably Apokak Slough]. Brought tide observer aboard; corrected his clock. Record was found in good order.
Planted 125-lb anchor behind deadman [anchor] on S bank of creek and 175-lb kedge [anchor] (belonging to ‘Harold Blekum’) on N side, preparatory to taking ‘Harold Blekum’ into creek.
Mr Sutcliffe established and ran levels to a temporary bench mark for tide gauge.
Weather: partly cloudy. Light northerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.05pm: Dropped launch astern and anchored her. ‘Harold Blekum’ weighed anchor.
Towing alongside, ‘Yukon’ placed ‘Harold Blekum’ in mouth of creek. Lines were run from each bow of ‘Harold Blekum’ to anchors previously placed but current set her sideways on S bank in mouth of creek.
As tide was then falling, she could not be drawn further into creek.
2.00pm: ‘Yukon’ anchored 200 yards off mouth of creek in 6½ fathoms water.
Crew employed rest of afternoon laying foundation and sills for storehouse.
Weather: cloudy, rain about noon. Light NE breeze.
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27 June 1914
Mouth of Apokak Slough
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Crew of ‘Harold Blekum’ built a small, temporary pier and began discharging at 6.30am. Lumber received and checked as per invoice.
7.10am: Officers and crew left ship in skiff to work on storehouse. They returned to ship at noon.
Weather: clear, partly cloudy. Light to moderate north-easterly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.10pm: Working party, same as forenoon, left ship to continue work or storehouse.
One man left aboard to clean up ship.
5.20pm: Party returned to ship.
Weather: cloudy. Moderate NE breeze.
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28 June 1914
Mouth of Apokak Slough
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: cloudy. Light north-easterly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: cloudy. Moderate SW breeze to calm.
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29 June 1914
Mouth of Apokak Slough
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and four men left ship to work on storehouse.
About 11.00am ‘Harold Blekum’ finished discharging her cargo for ‘Yukon’.
Mess stores, hardware and general stores were place in unfinished storehouse.
Office work in progress abroad.
Weather: cloudy; passing showers. Light to moderate NE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
12.10pm: Working party returned to ship.
2.00pm: Up anchor. Towed ‘Harold Blekum’ out to anchorage off mouth of creek.
2.40pm: Boatswain and four men left ship to complete storehouse. They returned aboard at 5.00pm.
Office work in progress aboard ship.
Weather: cloudy. Light SSW to SE breeze.
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30 June 1914
Mouth of Apokak Slough and Eek Channel
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.20am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and four men left ship to work at storehouse.
A 30-foot signal was built near storehouse. Party returned to ship at noon.
Office work in progress aboard.
Gave tide observer Hamilton watch #161 and one pair binoculars.
Arrangements were made to employ HJ Porter as tide observer beginning July 1 with pay of $52.00 per mensem [with no sustenance]. Left provisions for two men for [blank].
Weather: cloudy; first part of watch, light SE airs; latter part of watch, light north-westerly airs.
Noon to midnight:
2.50pm: Up anchor; took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow, proceeding down Eek Channel.
5.00pm: ‘Harold Blekum’ aground half way between S end of Eek Island and Beacon Point. Cast off tow line and at 5.10pm anchored half a mile SE of ‘Harold Blekum’ in 6 fathoms water with 20 fathoms cable on starboard anchor, launch fast astern.
Weather: cloudy. Light WNW breeze.
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1 July 1914
Eek Channel, Apokak and Beacon Point
Lat 60.13, Long -162.21
2.40am: Up anchor and underway. Took tow line of ‘Harold Blekum’ and attempted to tow her off but failed.
4.00am: Anchored half a mile SE of ‘Harold Blekum’ in 5 fathoms water with 15 fathoms chain.
8.20am: Up anchor, launch in tow; proceeded to Apokak, anchoring launch off Beacon Point.
10.20am: Anchored off Apokak. Found that tide staff had broken away but had been secured by tide observers. Lowered skiff and working party of Messrs Sutcliffe, Townsend and Smith, Boatswain and four men left ship.
Tide staff was replaced and levels run to bench mark.
Brought aboard lumber for 30-foot signal on Beacon Point. Dressed signal near storehouse.
Party returned on board at noon.
Weather: cloudy; light north-westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
3.00pm: Up anchor. Proceeded to Beacon Point.
3.30pm: Anchored and sent lumber ashore.
4.30pm: Up anchor. Took launch in tow and ran out Eek Channel.
5.15pm: Half a mile SE of ‘Harold Blekum’ anchored in 4 feet water with 20 fathoms cable.
Weather: cloudy; moderate north-westerly breezes.
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2 July 1914
Eek Channel
Lat 60.10, Long -162.25
Midnight to noon:
2.30am: Underway. Anchored launch ‘Alpha’ in Channel. Proceeded to ‘Harold Blekum’ and took her tow line, towing on bridle.
3.25am: Bridle line fouled in propellor. Set fore and mainsails and returned to Channel.
5.05am: Anchored in 3½ fathoms with 20 fathoms on starboard cable.
No duties required of crew from 6.00am to noon.
Weather: cloudy; moderate north-westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Bent fore staysail. Crew overhauling rigging and scraping brightwork.
3.45pm: Up anchor and underway.
4.05pm: Made fast alongside ‘Harold Blekum’ to give them port bower anchor of ‘Yukon’. This was placed ahead of ‘Harold Blekum’ to haul ship out.
4.50pm: Cast off lines and returned to anchorage half a mile away, anchoring in 7 fathoms water with 20 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy; moderate to light south-westerly breezes.
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3 July 1914
Eek Channel
Lat 60.10, Long -162.25
Midnight to noon:
3.30am: Up anchor and away. Proceeded to ‘Harold Blekum’; made fast alongside and at 4.30am towed her free of shoal.
5.00am: Cast off tow line and anchored in 4 fathoms water with 20 fathoms cable.
Crew employed at various routine duties on deck.
Filled barrels, engine-room tank and launch tanks from water over side.
Weather: cloudy and foggy; first part light WNW breeze, latter part gentle SE airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.10pm: Up anchor. Took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow and proceeded through cross-over S of Eek Island to West Channel, launch sounding ahead.
3.10pm: Cast off tow line and anchored with 20 fathoms cable, starboard anchor, in 7 fathoms water.
6.30pm: Hove anchor; took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow and proceeded down Channel.
8.35pm: ‘Harold Blekum’ aground. Cast off tow line.
9.10pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms water with 15 fathoms cable. Launch sounding in vicinity till 9.30pm when she returned to ship and was made fast astern.
With rising tide, ‘Harold Blekum’ drifted back into deeper water.
Weather: cloudy; light SE to SW breeze.
Number of soundings 28; number of angles 5, number of statute miles 3½
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4 July 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
7.15am: Launch left ship to search for Channel, returning at 8.20am.
9.00am: Hove anchor; took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow, proceeding down Channel, party in launch sounding ahead of ship.
Moderate head breeze.
10.50am: Making slow progress and ‘Harold Blekum’ steering with difficulty.
Anchored in 5 fathoms water with 15 fathoms cable on starboard anchor. Made launch fast astern.
Weather: cloudy, misty, drizzling rain; light to moderate SE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
6.35pm: Hove anchor. Took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow and proceeded down Channel. Light to moderate head wind. Launch sounding ahead.
8.30pm: Cast off tow line and anchored in 5 fathoms water with 20 fathoms cable. Launch returned to ship and was made fast astern.
Weather: thick, overcast, rain. Moderate SE breeze.
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5 July 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night.
Wind increasing in forenoon. Doubled launch mooring, put out drift lead.
8.30am: Set mainsail to steady ship. Wind against current making short, chopping sea.
Weather: misty, rain. Moderate to fresh SE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Ship swinging to flood tide; took in mainsail.
Fresh to strong SE to E breezes; overcast, misty, rain.
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6 July 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
2.30am: Ship rolling, rails under. Set mainsail.
4.00am: Anchor dragged. Got up steam; veered out 10 fathoms more cable, dropped port anchor with 30 fathoms cable. Took in mainsail and steamed into wind. Engine racing as vessel pitched.
‘Harold Blekum’ dragged about a mile and a half across flats to a position NW of ‘Yukon’, but showed no signal of distress or need.
Using oil for benefit of launch.
9.00am: Weather moderating; stopped engine and set mainsail.
Weather: Fresh to strong ENE to ESE winds; overcast, rain.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Took in mainsail.
7.30pm: Launch underway; proceeded to ‘Harold Blekum’ to ascertain her condition. Found her in slough with anchor on bar over which she dragged but afloat at that stage of tide.
Returned to ship with information.
Steam on ship to heave up anchors and go to assistance of ‘Harold Blekum’ but difficulty was met in breaking out anchors.
Launch left with sounding party and sounded over bar at various places.
Ship delayed on account of anchors and not able to cross bar to ‘Harold Blekum’ at this stage of tide. ‘Harold Blekum’ just touching forward as tide receded, launch took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow at 11.30pm.
‘Harold Blekum’ slipped anchor, made it fast to a hawser and was towed into 4 fathoms water.
Weather: cloudy, thick, rain. Moderate to stiff south-easterly breeze.
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7 July 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
2.00am: Boatswain and Kellogg left ship in dory to look for launch.
2.50am: Launch returned with dory in tow, having been delayed by low tide on bar, there being insufficient water for crossing.
5.30am: Began heaving anchors.
6.00am: Anchors up. Launch in tow. Ran over to ‘Harold Blekum’ and at 6.30am anchored astern of her in 6 fathoms water.
7.15am: Launch left ship to sound over bar to channel. Ship up anchor, took hawser from ‘Harold Blekum’ (anchor line), ran up line to cable, buoyed cable and cut off hawser.
Least depth at high tide on bar, 2 fathoms, 5 feet.
8.15am: Took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow; proceeded across flat and at 9.30am cast off and anchored in 5 fathoms water with 25 fathoms on starboard anchor.
10.15am: Launch returned to ship and was secured astern.
Weather: overcast, misty, drizzling. Moderate to stiff south-easterly breeze.
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8 July 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night.
‘Yukon’ lying at anchor, rolling heavily at times and shipping water over rails.
Weather: overcast, rain. Stiff to fresh SE to SSW wind with choppy sea.
Noon to midnight:
Same as forenoon. Choppy sea and ship rolling heavily at times.
Overcast and misty. Stiff SW to SSE breezes.
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9 July 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night.
‘Yukon’ lying at anchor, rolling heavily in choppy sea.
Weather: overcast, rain. Stiff to fresh E to SE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: moderating in middle of afternoon.
Steam on launch.
4.30pm: Launch left ship with Mr Smith, three men and two barrels for ‘Harold Blekum’.
Launch returned at 5.30pm with water from ‘Harold Blekum’.
Weather: overcast, misty, drizzling. Stiff to light SE to ESE breeze.
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10 July 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River, to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night. Cloudy overhead but clear underneath.
8.15am: Launch with Mr Smith and three men left ship to visit ‘Harold Blekum’ and to sound in vicinity.
10.00am: Launch returned with two barrels of water from tanks of ‘Harold Blekum’. Made launch fast astern.
11.10am: Hove anchor and got underway. Launch left ship with Mr Smith and three men.
Ship took ‘Harold Blekum’ in tow and proceeded down channel plotting her way on hydrographic sheet of positions and soundings being entered in sounding record.
Launch party sounding ahead of ship.
Weather: overcast and foggy in morning. Cloudy in forenoon. Light NExE to ESE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Recalled launch and made same fast alongside till 3.00pm, then sent her with Fireman and one Seaman to make fast astern of ‘Harold Blekum’.
‘Harold Blekum’ set foresail and fore staysail.
4.20pm: Recalled launch. Captain Lukens left ship in launch to visit ‘Harold Blekum’.
4.55pm: Cast off tow line and ‘Harold Blekum’ proceeded on her way under sail; position Baluka [Hill] 31°55’ – Cone [Mountain] – Last [?] 20°32’. Picked up launch; made her fast astern and proceeded to Goodnews Bay.
10.55pm: Anchored off wreck, South Spit, Goodnews Bay, 6 fathoms water and 30 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy and drizzling; moderate E breeze to calm.
Number of soundings 108; number of angles 18; number of statute miles 12¼
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11 July 1914
South Spit, Baluka and North Spit, Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night.
8.10am: Hove anchor. Proceeded to Baluka anchorage for water, launch in tow.
9.22am: Anchored off mouth of stream; boats and men left ship to get water.
Boating off water rest of forenoon.
Weather: overcast and drizzling. Light N to ENE airs.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Finished taking water having filled all tanks and barrels on board and three launch tanks.
Hove anchor and returned to usual anchorage off North Spit. Launch in tow.
1.22pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms water with 15 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
2.30pm: Launch with Mr Smith, Boatswain, Shafter and three men left ship, skiff in tow, for warehouse to get rope. Launch took eight sacks of coal from beach, then proceeded to South Spit and took from rack 16 pieces 3x4x16; filled eight sacks with sand and gravel and returned to ship at 5.30pm.
Passed sand and lumber aboard and secured launch astern.
Weather: overcast and misty. Light SExE airs.
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12 July 1914
Goodnews Bay to West Channel
Lat 59.106, Long -161.769
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night.
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: cloudy overhead, clear underneath. Light SE to NE airs.
Noon to midnight:
2.45pm: Steam on launch. Mr Smith, Boatswain, Fireman and three Seamen left ship to pick up launch mooring.
3.00pm: Launch returned. Transferred anchor to ship and secured launch astern.
4.45pm: Hove anchor and got underway. Passed out of bay through South Channel, rounded shoal and set course NW. Flood tide.
7.10pm: Baluka [Hill] in range Pyramid Peak [?], changed course to WxN.
9.25pm: Sounded over bar, minimum depth 3 fathoms, 4 feet.
9.35pm: Changed course to NxW ½ W, sounding 10 fathoms
10.05pm: Changed course to NNW, sounding 10 fathoms.
10.30pm: Changed course to NxW ½ W.
10.50pm: Half speed; changed course to NWxW.
11.10pm: Anchored in 7½ fathoms water with 30 fathoms chain on starboard anchor at entrance to West Channel.
Weather: cloudy. Light westerly breezes.
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13 July 1914
West Channel to Apokak
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
7.05am: Hove anchor and got underway, launch in tow.
Weather: cloudy. Light westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.15pm: Anchored in 6½ fathoms of water in West Channel, village bearing WxN.
6.20pm: Anchor up and underway.
8.40pm: Came to anchor off Apokak in 6½ fathoms of water with 25 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
Tide observer reported that tide staff and coaling pier had been carried away by storm on July 5.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate south-westerly breezes.
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14 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night.
7.00am: Working party of Messrs Sutcliffe, Townsend and Smith, Boatswain and four Seamen, left ship in dinghy for shore.
Put tripod under [signal] Apokak.
A new tide staff was set up in creek and two reference marks established; replaced wharf.
Weather: cloudy. Light SSW to SW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
12.15pm: Party returned to ship.
1.15pm: Working party same as morning left ship. Two anchors for holding ship at wharf were planted. Finished wharf and continued work on signal.
3.15pm: Party recalled to ship. Anchored launch astern.
3.30pm: Hove anchor; proceeded to wharf at coal pile in mouth of creek and made fast. Began coaling.
4.30pm: Finished coaling, having received on board 140 sacks. Sent ashore 12 pieces 3x4x16 received at Goodnews Bay and eight sacks of sand and gravel.
Receding tide left ship aground while coaling. Put out shores on outer side of ship.
At low tide underbody was examined and found in good condition.
Today it was found that water in galley tanks (under wardroom) had escaped through some unlocated leak.
Weather: overcast. Moderate to light south-westerly breezes.
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15 July 1914
Apokak to Beacon Point
Lat 60.08, Long -162.24
Midnight to noon:
4.20am: Let go lines holding ship to wharf.
4.28am: Came to anchor in channel in 6½ fathoms of water.
6.55am: Anchor up and underway.
7.20am: Anchored off Beacon Point.
7.45am: Working party consisting of Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and four men, left ship in dory to build signal on point.
11.30am: Working party returned.
Weather: overcast, light rain in early morning. Light SSW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Same working party as in morning left ship. A 30-foot signal and tripod built.
4.00pm: Party returned to ship.
9.25pm: Schooner ‘Bender Brothers’ passed, going up river.
Weather: cloudy. Light WSW to NNW airs.
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16 July 1914
Beacon Point to Apokak
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Plane table party of Messrs Sutcliffe and Smith and two Seamen left ship in dinghy with Evinrude motor. Began running shoreline northward from Beacon Point.
7.05am: Hove anchor; ran to Apokak and anchored off mouth of creek. Sent in boat with three men to dig up anchors and bring off lumber.
9.30am: Commanding Officer and three men left ship in dory to put up signal on mudflat opposite Apokak.
10.20am: Party returned.
Weather: cloudy. Light NNE airs, hauling to WSW just before noon.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Captain Lukens, Mr Townsend and two men left ship in steam launch, skiff in tow, for Eek Island to look for base site.
Boatswain and Quartermaster scraping brightwork, painting windlass and funnel.
4.00pm: Launch and party returned. Eek Island not suitable for base line.
4.35pm: Topographic party returned to ship. Hoisted boats. Moored launch ‘Alpha’ astern of ship.
Weather: cloudy. Light westerly breeze.
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17 July 1914
Between Apokak and Beacon Point
Lat 60.11, Long -162.23
Midnight to noon:
Topographic party consisting of Messrs Townsend and Sutcliffe and two Seamen left ship in dinghy with Evinrude motor. Continued running shoreline northward from Apokak.
8.08am: Anchor up and underway.
8.27am: Anchored in 5 fathoms of water halfway between Apokak and Beacon Point.
8.50am: Captain Lukens and Mr Smith left ship in dory to look for site for base line.
10.15am: Captain Lukens and Mr Smith returned to ship, having located a suitable site for base line.
Weather: cloudy. Gentle WSW to W breezes, changing to moderate SSW breeze just before noon.
Noon to midnight:
12.15pm: Captain Lukens, Mr Smith, Boatswain and two men left ship in dory to stake out base line.
4.00pm: Captain Lukens and party returned to ship.
4.18pm: Anchor up and underway.
4.50pm: Anchored off Volante [wreck] in 13 feet of water, 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
5.15pm: Plane table party returned to ship.
6.18pm: Hove anchor and got underway.
6.55pm: Came to anchor halfway between Apokak and Beacon Point in 5 fathoms of water, 20 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy. Stiff SW to SSW breeze.
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18 July 1914
Between Apokak and Beacon Point
Lat 60.11, Long -162.23
Midnight to noon:
7.10am: Messrs Townsend and Smith with Boatswain and three men left ship in skiff to finish staking base line. They returned aboard at 11.20am.
Weather: raining. Stiff to fresh south-easterly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.55pm: Hove up anchor and proceeded to Apokak.
1.15pm: Anchored off mouth of creek at Apokak in 5½ fathoms water with 15 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
Weather: overcast, drizzling. Fresh south-westerly breeze.
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19 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: overcast, light rain. Stiff SSW to SW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast, misty. Stiff to moderate SWxW breeze.
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20 July 1914
Apokak and West Base
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.05am: Messrs Smith, Sutcliffe and Townsend with Boatswain and four men left ship in skiff to complete signal and station, Apokak.
9.00am: Party returned.
9.20am: Hove anchor; ran down to base line and at 9.45am anchored off West Base in 5½ fathoms water.
10.15am: Commanding Officer, Messrs Smith, Sutcliffe and Townsend, Boatswain and four men, left ship in skiff. Party proceeded up slough (tide being high) toward East Base; and beginning at East Base made measurement of base line, Mr Sutcliffe and one man engaged in running levels.
[4.45pm: Received mail by launch ‘Moravian’ from Quinhagak.]
5.40pm: Party returned to beach and were taken aboard in dinghy, skiff having been left in slough, dry at low tide.
[7.05pm: [Seaman] Berglund went in camp to observe tide. Parker came aboard.]
Weather: cloudy. Light airs to calm.
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21 July 1914
Between Apokak and Beacon Point
Lat 60.11, Long -162.23
Midnight to noon:
7.10am: Captain Lukens, Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and four men, left ship to measure base line.
Weather: cloudy. Light NNE to NW airs and breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.05pm: Captain Lukens and party returned to ship having measured base line.
1.24pm: Anchor up and underway.
2.08pm: Commenced running a sounding line down Eek Channel. Continued sounding until 9.27pm.
9.30pm: Came to anchor in 6 fathoms of water with 20 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor, in Eek Channel. Position: Cone [Mountain] 39°44’ – Thumb – Left 36°57’.
Weather: cloudy.
Number of soundings 619; number of angles 105; number of statute miles 69¾
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22 July 1914
Eek Channel to Apokak
Lat 60.10, Long -162.25
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night. Drift lead out. Lights and lookout attended.
Foggy in morning; unable to see shore.
7.00am: Hove anchor and got underway, proceeding up Channel, sounding on way.
Later fog cleared and Warehouse Bluff was sighted.
10.45am: Anchored off West Base in 5½ fathoms water with 15 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
10.50am: Lowered dinghy. Mr Smith and two men left ship in dinghy to put up station mark and signal at West Base.
Weather: foggy, misty to cloudy. Light north-westerly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.40pm: Mr Smith and party returned.
Hove anchor and got underway.
[2.00pm: Mail carrier came alongside and left sack of mail.]
Landed Mr Townsend and one man half way to Apokak to build signals.
Landed Mr Smith a mile N of Apokak to put brace pole signal and on his return took him a mile further on to build another signal (Clif and Sut).
Then returned to [signal] Tow; picked up Mr Townsend and man.
4.05pm: Anchored off Apokak in 6 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy. Light SW to NW breezes.
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23 July 1914
Apokak and West Base
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.15am: Launch ‘Alpha’ came alongside.
7.40am: Messrs Townsend and Ratcliffe, Fireman and two Seamen, left in launch, dory in tow, to put up [signal] River and [signal] Eek.
7.49am: Hove anchor and got underway.
8.15am: Came to anchor off [signal] West Base.
8.25am: Mr Smith and two Seamen left ship in dinghy to observe angles at [signal] East Base.
Weather: cloudy. Gentle NNW to W breezes.
Noon to midnight:
2.10pm: Mr Smith left ship in dinghy to observe angles at [signal] West Base. Dinghy returned.
2.55pm: Captain Lukens and three men left ship in dinghy to put [signal] Flat [?].
4.15pm: Captain Lukens and party returned to ship.
4.35pm: Launch ‘Alpha’ returned to ship and was secured astern.
6.30pm: Mr Smith returned. Hoisted dory and dinghy.
Weather: cloudy. Light NWxW breezes.
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24 July 1914
West Base, near Apokak
Lat 60.08, Long -162.28
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night.
7.05am: Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend, Fireman and two Seamen left ship in launch, dory in tow, to put up [signal] Vol.
Mr Smith and two Seamen left ship in dinghy taking theodolite to observe angles at [signal] Beacon. They returned at 12.40pm.
Weather: cloudy, raining before noon. Light variable airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.27pm: Hove anchor and got underway, proceeding toward Apokak.
1.50pm: Anchored off Apokak. Launch ‘Alpha’ and party returned. Moored launch.
2.30pm: Mr Smith and one man left ship in dinghy to observe angles at [signal] Apokak. Hoisted dory.
2.45pm: Hove anchor and got underway. Began sounding between Eek River and Beacon Point; positions and soundings being entered in record book.
Rain set in, obscuring signals.
4.25pm: Anchored at usual place off Apokak Creek.
4.55pm: Dinghy returned with observing party. Observation prevented by misty weather and rain. Hoisted dinghy.
Mail carrier passed up river taking our mail with him.
Weather: misty, rain. Light easterly breezes.
Number of soundings 127; number of angles 19; number of statute miles 7
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25 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
7.05am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and four Seamen left ship in dinghy. Jacked up floor of storehouse and put beam under it.
9.30pm: Mr Smith and party returned to ship.
Weather: overcast, rainy and foggy. Light to stiff ExS to SSE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast, misty, rainy and foggy. Stiff SSE breeze.
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26 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: overcast, misty, rainy. Stiff to moderate SSE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Sunday passed quietly.
Weather: overcast, misty, rainy. Light SSE breeze.
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27 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.15am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and four men left in dinghy to make some concrete station marks.
9.00am: Mr Smith and party returned to ship.
10.35am: Anchor dragged. Hove anchor and got underway.
10.45am: Anchored again in 6½ fathoms of water with 20 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
Weather: overcast, rain; foggy and misty. Stiff to fresh SSE to SSW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast, misty. Fresh SSW breeze, shifting to stiff W breeze at 2.30pm.
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28 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept.
Weather unfit for field work.
7.00am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and four men left ship to prepare box for automatic tide gauge.
11.00am: Party returned aboard.
Office work in progress aboard ship.
Weather: overcast, misty rainy. Stiff to moderate westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Field work prohibited by weather.
Crew employed on deck. Office work in progress.
Weather: overcast, misty, rainy. Moderate westerly breeze.
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29 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
4.00am: Schooner ‘Bender Brothers’ passed, going down river bound for Seattle.
7.20am: Messrs Smith and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and four men, left ship in dinghy to put up automatic tide gauge.
Weather: overcast, rainy and misty. Moderate to stiff W to NWxW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
12.20pm: Mr Smith and party returned to ship.
1.30pm: Same working party as in morning left ship to continue work on automatic tide gauge.
3.50pm: Captain Lukens left ship to take time sight ashore.
6.00pm: Captain Lukens, Mr Smith and party returned to ship.
7.30pm: Captain Lukens and Mr Smith left ship to work on tide gauge. Returned at 8.40pm and dinghy was hoisted.
Weather: cloudy. Stiff to moderate NW breezes.
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30 July 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to midnight:
All is well during night. Usual night watch kept.
Weather: thick and misty in early morning.
8.55am: Captain and Executive Officer left ship in dinghy to examine tide gauge. They returned at 9.30am.
10.20am: Steam on launch ‘Alpha’; ‘Alpha’ came alongside.
11.10am: Launch left ship with Captain Lukens and four men to look for fresh water; Mr Smith and one man to make angle observations at [signal] Vol and [signal] Eek, dinghy in tow.
Dinghy and observing party were left at [signal] Vol. Launch proceeded to Eek River but was unable to ascend high enough to get clean water.
Having finished at [signal] Vol, observing party rowed to [signal] Eek where launch picked them up.
Launch and parties returned to ship at 6.50pm.
Captain Lukens visited tide gauge and found it stopped.
Weather: forenoon, misty and foggy; afternoon, cloudy. Moderate NW breeze.
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31 July 1914
Apokak and sounding
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
7.20am: Anchor up and underway, launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
7.30am: Moored ‘Alpha’ in usual place off Apokak Creek.
8.08am: Commenced sounding until 8.58am when mountains became obscured by clouds.
9.10am: Anchored in 4½ fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor to wait until clouds lifted.
11.00am: Hove anchor and got underway. Commenced sounding at 11.05am.
Weather: cloudy. Moderate NW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
At 12.02pm steering rope broke.
12.20pm: Anchored to repair steering gear.
1.00pm: Anchor up and underway. Started sounding line.
Continued sounding until 7.30pm when mountains became hidden by mist.
7.31pm: Came to anchor in 6½ fathoms of water with 25 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor in Eek Channel.
Weather: cloudy. Stiff WNW breezes.
Number of soundings 815; number of angles 123; number of statute miles 59¾
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1 August 1914
Eek Channel and Apokak Creek
Lat 60.10, Long -162.25
Midnight to noon:
Making current observations through night. Drift lead out. All is well.
Signals all obscured by cloudy weather.
Crew employed at work on deck during morning. Current observations continued.
Office work in progress.
Weather: misty and cloudy. Moderate to light westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Signals still obscured. Hove anchor and proceeded up channel to Apokak.
4.00pm: Anchored at usual place off Apokak Creek. Lowered dinghy.
Captain Lukens and Mr Smith left ship to examine tide gauge. It was stopped.
Started tide gauge again and returned to ship at 4.30pm.
Weather: cloudy. Light southerly breezes.
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2 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: cloudy. Light easterly airs and breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast, rainy. Light to gentle easterly breeze, shifting to NNE at 11.30pm.
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3 August 1914
Apokak and Beacon Point
Lat 60.08, Long -162.24
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. All is well during night.
7.00am: Hove anchor; took launch ‘Alpha’ in tow, proceeded to Beacon Point.
7.45am: Anchored off Beacon Point in 7 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
7.50am: Launch left with Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend, Fireman and two Seamen to build signals on shore S of Beacon Point. Mr Smith and two men with plane table left ship in dinghy to run shore line S from Beacon Point.
Current observations made on ship.
Weather: cloudy. Light NNE airs.
Noon to midnight:
7.30pm: Both parties returned aboard in dinghy. Skiff was left on mud flat, being caught by falling tide.
Launch broke down and was left anchored in 5 fathoms of water.
Weather: cloudy. Calm to gentle N airs.
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4 August 1914
Beacon Point and sounding
Lat 60.08, Long -162.24
Midnight to noon:
4.30am: Anchor up and underway down Beacon Point channel.
6.30am: Picked up launch ‘Alpha’ and came back to Kuskokwak Creek.
6.55am: Anchored in 6 fathoms of water off Kuskokwak Creek.
7.15am: Signal building party, consisting of Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and four men, left ship in dinghy. Picked up dory and built [signal] Kwak; returned to ship at 9.45am.
9.48am: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
10.30am: Mr Smith and three men left in dinghy; put up signal Any and returned to ship at 11.00am.
11.05am: Began running a sounding line up Beacon Point channel. Ceased sounding at 11.45am and anchored ‘Alpha’ off Beacon Point.
11.50am: Came to anchor off Beacon Point in 5 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy. Light to gentle NW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.50pm: Hove anchor and got underway. Commenced running sounding line down Eek Channel.
At 2.39pm went aground in 5 feet of water. Put out kedge anchor and floated again at 4.50pm.
5.00pm: Continued sounding line. Ceased sounding at 8.05pm and took ‘Alpha’ in tow.
8.30pm: Came to anchor off Apokak in 6 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy. Gentle NW breezes.
A: Number of soundings 395; number of angles 67; number of statute miles 32¼
B: Number of soundings 229; number of angles 39; number of statute miles 8
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5 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. All is well during night.
7.15am: Mr Smith with Boatswain and four men left ship to plant ‘deadmen’ and place mooring lines.
8.05am: Men returned aboard. Hove anchor; ran in to coaling pier and made fast.
8.20am: Began coaling ship.
9.10am: Finished coaling having received on board 138 sacks.
Brought aboard lumber for tower signal.
9.35am: Cast off line and ran out to anchorage, anchoring with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Chief Engineer, after examining launch, found it necessary to beach her to reach seat of trouble in condenser pipes.
11.45am: Beached launch in mouth of creek and placed four sacks coal in her.
Weather: rainy and overcast. Moderate NW to SW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.30pm: Mr Ohlsen and Shafter left ship to repair launch; Mr Smith and Parker left ship to observe angles at [signal] Apokak.
Ship hove anchor and got underway. Began sounding in Eek Channel, positions and angles being entered in proper record book.
5.15pm: Ship anchored at usual place off Apokak. Working parties returned aboard.
Evening tide did not rise enough to float launch.
Weather: cloudy and rainy. Light, variable airs to calm.
Number of soundings 309; number of angles 55; number of statute miles 11
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6 August 1914
Apokak and Beacon Point
Lat 60.08, Long -162.24
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
7.25am: Launch ‘Alpha’ came alongside.
7.40am: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow. Began running sounding line down Apokak Channel.
8.30am: Mr Smith, Fireman and three Seamen left in launch to build signal on S end of Eek Island.
11.45am: Ceased sounding and anchored off Beacon Point.
Weather: cloudy. Calm.
Noon to midnight:
1.25pm: Hove anchor and got underway. Commenced sounding.
3.00pm: Mr Smith and signal building party returned, having built [signal] S Eek. Took ‘Alpha’ in tow.
4.35pm: Ceased sounding.
5.25pm: Anchored in West Channel in 3 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy, overcast and misty. Gentle SxE breezes.
Number of soundings 984; number of angles 164; number of statute miles 39
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7 August 1914
West Channel, Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.67, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept.
7.45am: Loaded skiff with lumber. Messrs Smith, Sutcliffe and Townsend, Boatswain, Quartermaster, Shafter and four Seamen, left ship in launch, dinghy and skiff in tow.
Lumber and tools were landed at village. Party began work on tower signal and observing tripod ([signal] Pope).
Launch, with Quartermaster and Shafter, towed boats back to ship.
Weather: foggy to cloudy. Light north-easterly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Work of morning continued. Horizontal angles observed at [signal] Pope.
3.30pm: Captain Lukens, Quartermaster and Shafter left ship in launch, skiff in tow. Anchored launch off signal to wait till completion of work.
Having completed signal and observations, party returned to ship at 6.35pm.
7.35pm: Hove anchor and returned by usual channels to Apokak. Launch towed astern.
8.50pm: Anchored at usual place off Apokak in 6 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Weather: cloudy. Moderate to light easterly breezes.
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8 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
7.05am: Messrs Smith and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and four men left ship in dory. Strengthened observing tripod at [signal] Apokak. Tried to observe angles but prevented by rain.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Light NE to ESE airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Captain Lukens, Messrs Townsend and Sutcliffe, Fireman and three Seamen left in launch to do hydrography. Ran sounding line along Eek Island and across channel W of island.
1.10pm: Mr Smith and one man left in dory to observe angles at [signal] Apokak.
4.30pm: Hydrographic party returned to ship.
4.35pm: Mr Smith returned.
Weather: overcast. Light ENE to WxN breezes and airs.
Number of soundings 397; number of angles 69; number of statute miles –
Hydrography 13; reconnaissance 3½.
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9 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Calm.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast, misty, cloudy. Light to gentle SSW breezes.
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10 August 1914
Apokak and Eek Channel
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
Preparations being made for sending out camping parties.
Weather: overcast. Light to gentle south-westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
2.00pm: Anchor up and underway with launch in tow.
2.30pm: Stopped off Beacon Point; launch with old dinghy shoved off with Mr Smith in charge, with one party of two men with provisions and camping equipment to observe ride in Warehouse Creek; Mr Smith with two men and Fireman with provisions to proceed to Quinak to observe tides and do triangulations.
JH Porter, Hand, left at Apokak to observe tides and tend the automatic gauge.
‘Yukon’ proceeded down Eek Channel sounding en route.
7.15pm: Anchored in 11½ fathoms due W (true) of [signal] SE Twin (19 miles) and began current observations.
Weather: overcast with light south-westerly breeze.
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11 August 1914
Eek Channel to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Current observations continued throughout night.
5.15am: Anchor up and underway towards Goodnews Bay. Positions verified by sounding.
9.45am: Anchored in Goodnews Bay off North Spit.
10.30am: Commanding Officer, Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend, Boatswain and one man left in small boats with material to be put in warehouse.
11.35am: Party returned.
Weather: cloudy, hazy with fog banks. Light SSW air.
Meridian to midnight;
1.30pm: Captain Lukens, Messrs Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and one man left in dory and dinghy to get water. Party returned at 4.45pm with barrels filled with water.
5.00pm: Captain Lukens, Mr Townsend, Boatswain and one man left in dory to put up tide staff. Returned at 5.40pm.
7.00pm: Captain Lukens, Messrs Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and one man left to put up another tide staff and fix a shelter for tide observers.
Nightwatchman Anderson read tides during night, Quartermaster acting as nightwatchman on board ship.
Weather: overcast, misty. Light to gentle WSW to WxN breezes.
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12 August 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Tide observations continued; Seaman Berglund reading tides during day.
7.30am: Captain Lukens, Messrs Townsend and Sutcliffe and Boatswain left ship in dory. Inventory made of stores in warehouse.
Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend ran levels from tide staff to bench mark established in 1913.
11.00am: Party returned to ship.
Weather: overcast. Light W breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Office work in progress on board ship.
Weather: overcast, foggy, light rain. Light W breeze.
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13 August 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
Tide observations continued. Office work in progress.
Weather: overcast, rainy, foggy. Light W to WSW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Messrs Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and one man left ship in dory and dinghy to get fresh water. Returned at 4.30pm.
Captain Lukens read tides while Seaman Berglund helped get water.
Weather: overcast, rainy, foggy. Gentle WSW breezes.
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14 August 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
Tide observations continued. Office work in progress on board ship.
Weather: overcast, rainy, misty. Gentle SSW to ESE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Office work in progress.
7.00pm: Discontinued tide observations; brought tide staffs aboard and hoisted dory and dinghy.
Weather: overcast, rainy, foggy. Gentle ESE to SSE breezes.
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15 August 1914
Goodnews Bay and Eek Channel
Lat 59.51, Long -162.22
Midnight to noon:
8.10am: Anchor up and underway out of Goodnews Bay en route for Apokak.
9.00am: Set course NW per stgc and streamed log, reading 44.9. Entrance to Goodnews Bay abeam.
Positions verified by frequent soundings.
11.00am: Changed course to NWxW.
Noon: Sighted shoal ahead. Changed course NNW.
Weather: thick with rain and mist.
Noon to midnight:
Continued on northerly courses, feeling way up Eek Channel.
4.00pm: Came to anchor in 5 fathoms about WxN (true) from Quinak [probably Quinhagak].
Current observations started.
Weather: calm but thick with rain and mist.
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16 August 1914
Eek Channel and Apokak
Lat 59.84, Long -162.31
Midnight to noon:
Current observations continued through night and morning.
Weather: overcast and drizzly with light WNW airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Anchor up and underway up Eek Channel; sounding continuously.
4.57pm: Came to anchor off Apokak with 15 fathoms of chain on starboard anchor.
Launch party returned aboard having arrived off Apokak this morning.
Weather: overcast and misty with light WNW breezes.
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17 August 1914
Apokak and Beacon Point
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.15am: Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and five men left ship in dory to work at storehouse, taking inventory, making station marks, etc.
11.00am: Party returned to ship.
Weather: overcast, rainy and cloudy. Gentle to stiff north-westerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.02pm: Hove anchor and got underway.
1.23pm: Came to anchor off Beacon Point.
1.30pm: Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and five men left in dory. Put station mark at [signal] Beacon, built a new range signal on Beacon Point and a signal between Range and Any. Returned to ship at 3.40pm.
10.43pm: Captain Lukens left in dinghy to assist in signal building. Returned at 3.50pm.
4.05pm: Anchor up and underway. Began sounding line at 4.14pm and continued sounding until 5.35pm.
5.50pm: Came to anchor off Apokak with 20 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
8.10pm: Captain Lukens, Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe left ship in dinghy to make azimuth observations. Returned at 11.30pm.
Weather: cloudy, clearing in evening. Stiff to moderate north-westerly breezes.
Number of soundings 222; number of angles 44; number of statute miles 9
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18 August 1914
Apokak and Eek Channel
Lat 59.81, Long -162.49
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. All is well during night.
7.00am: Mr Smith left ship in dinghy to adjust gauge. He returned at 7.35am.
7.40am: Hove anchor and got underway, proceeding down Eek Channel.
8.30am: Began sounding and continued hydrography till noon. Soundings and positions entered in proper record books.
Weather: fine and clear. Light NW airs.
Noon to midnight:
12.07pm: Anchored on line in 4½ fathoms water, 10 fathoms chain on starboard anchor. Church bearing ExN.
1.00pm: Up anchor and underway; continued hydrography.
7.48pm: Unable to continue work on account of darkness.
Anchored on line in Eek Channel W of [signal] Church in 5 fathoms water and 20 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
Made current observations through night.
Weather: afternoon, bright and clear; evening cloudy. Light NNE airs.
Number of soundings 1098; number of angles 151; number of statute miles 89
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19 August 1914
Eek Channel
Lat 59.81, Long -162.49
Midnight to noon:
Current observations made during night.
7.13am: Anchor up and underway. Began sounding line and continued sounding until 12.10pm.
Weather: cloudy to clear blue sky. Light NNE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Anchor up and underway. Began sounding line.
7.59pm: Sounding line ended.
8.40pm: Anchored in 5 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor in Eek Channel W of Warehouse Creek.
Weather: clear blue sky; cloudy. Light to gentle SW to WNW breezes.
Number of soundings 1163; number of angles 171; number of statute miles 83¾
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20 August 1914
Eek Channel, Apokak and West Channel
Lat 59.89, Long -162.47
Midnight to noon:
Usual watch kept.
5.00am: Underway, proceeding up Eek Channel.
6.03am: Weather: thick. Anchored in Channel in 4½ fathoms water.
7.30am: Hove anchor and proceeded by usual channel to Apokak.
8.15am: Anchored at Apokak off mouth of creek.
Lowered dinghy and dory. Tide observer reported wire broken on tide gauge. Commanding and Executive Officers left ship to readjust tide gauge.
Boatswain and crew brought on board 70 sacks of coal in three boatloads.
9.00am: Finished coaling.
10.30am: Hove anchor and proceeded down Eek Channel to West Channel cross-over, thence through cross-over to West Channel.
Weather: early morning, cloudy and foggy; forenoon, bright and clear. Light variable airs.
Noon to midnight:
12.05pm: Anchored in West Channel near cross-over in 4½ fathoms water.
1.10pm: Hove anchor and got underway. Began sounding down West Channel entering positions and sounding in proper record.
Continued sounding till 7.48pm when darkness prevented further work.
7.50pm: Anchored in West Channel SE from Kokomiut [possibly Popokamiut] in 4½ fathoms water, 15 fathoms chain on starboard anchor.
Usual night watch kept.
Weather: bright and clear. Gentle NNE airs.
Number of soundings 850; number of angles 100; number of statute miles 53
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21 August 1914
West Channel and Apokak
Lat 59.89, Long -162.47
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
7.00am: Anchor up and underway. Commenced sounding.
8.02am: Ceased sounding; signals hidden by clouds.
8.18am: Anchored in 14 feet of water.
8.40am: Signal-building party, consisting of Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe and five men, left ship in dory and dinghy. Built a signal on W shore.
11.45am: Changed anchorage to 28 feet of water.
Weather: cloudy. Light to gentle SE airs and breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.55pm: Anchor up and underway.
1.10pm: Picked up signal-building party.
1.15pm: Came to anchor in 5 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
5.00pm: Hove anchor and got underway.
7.12pm: Anchored off Apokak.
Weather: cloudy. Gentle S breezes to light SE breezes.
Number of soundings 127; number of angles 13; number of statute miles 7½
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22 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. All is well during night.
7.25am: Launch came alongside.
7.42am: Commanding Officer with Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend and four men, and Mr Smith with two men, left ship in launch, dinghy in tow. The first party left to do hydrography, the second to observe angles.
Weather prevented observation of angles. A station mark and observing stand were placed at [signal] Eek.
Weather: overcast, rainy, misty. Light to moderate E to SE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
3.45pm: Working parties returned to ship. Made launch fast to mooring buoy.
Weather too thick for continuation of hydrography.
Weather: rainy, misty and thick. Moderate S to SSE breeze.
Number of soundings 525; number of angles 97; number of statute miles 16
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23 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. All well during night.
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: overcast, rainy, misty. Gentle to light SE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Weather: overcast, rainy, misty. Light to gentle WSW to SW airs and breeze.
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24 August 1914
Apokak and EekChannel
Lat 59.66, Long -162.5
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night. Usual night watch kept.
7.00am: Lowered dinghy and dory. Dory with Boatswain and men left ship to get lumber for signal.
7.45am: Commanding and Executive Officers left ship to adjust tide gauge and put on new marigram roll.
8.10am: Boats returned. Hoisted both boats.
8.20am: Hove anchor and got underway. Following Eek Channel, passed head of Eek Island and at 10.15am anchored on W side of river, a quarter of a mile off fish camp.
Lowered both boats and at 10.50am Messrs Smith, Sutcliffe and Townsend, Boatswain and five men left ship in dinghy, dory loaded with lumber in tow. Began erecting [signal] Moses.
Noon: Working party returned aboard for lunch.
Weather: overcast, misty, rainy. Light to moderate SW to SE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Working party same as forenoon left ship to complete tower signal and observing tripod.
6.00pm: Party returned to ship. Hoisted dinghy and skiff. Observing prohibited by thick weather.
Weather: overcast, misty and rainy. Stiff to light S to SSW breeze. Tide running at about 4 knots on ebb.
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25 August 1914
West Channel to Bethel
Lat 60.30, Long -162.49
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
8.49am: Hove anchor and got underway, proceeding up Kuskokwim River towards Bethel.
Soundings and changes of course were recorded and a sketch of river made.
Joseph Moreland, a native, piloted ship up river.
Weather: overcast, misty, showers. Light to gentle SW to SSE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
5.32pm: Came to anchor off Bethel in 14 feet of water.
Later hove anchor and made fast alongside wharf at Bethel. Put up tide staff and began tide observations.
Weather: overcast, showers. Light SSW to N airs.
West Point to Bethel:
Number of soundings 893; number of nautical miles 62.6 by log.
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26 August 1914
[log page not dated]
Lat 60.787, Long -161.739
Midnight to noon:
Nightwatchman made tide observations during night.
Crew engaged cleaning ship and boats, scraping and painting ship outside. Tide observations continued.
Ex-meridian altitude on sun at noon.
Weather: cloudy. Light northerly airs.
Noon midnight:
Work of morning continued.
Weather: cloudy. Light westerly airs.
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27 August 1914
Bethel to Apokak
Lat 60.30, Long -162.49
Midnight to noon:
Tide observations continued during night.
8.15am: Cast off lines and got underway down river. Soundings and changes of course were recorded and a sketch of river made. Joseph Moreland piloted ship.
Weather: rainy in early morning, cloudy later. Light to moderate SSW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
3.40pm: Arrived off West Point. Took in log and stopped to set pilot ashore.
5.00pm: Stopped at ‘Volante’ [wreck] and received mail sack.
5.25pm: Came to anchor off Apokak with 15 fathoms of cable on starboard anchor.
Weather: overcast, misty, showers. Gentle SSW to WSW breezes.
Bethel to West Point:
Number of soundings 619; number of nautical miles 49.9 by log.
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28 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch. All is well during night.
7.10am: Brought steam launch alongside.
7.35am: Launch left ship with hydrographic party of Captain Lukens, Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend and four men, and triangulation party of Messrs Smith and two men. Dinghy in tow.
Sounding party worked in Eek and Kuskokwim Channels.
Triangulation party occupied [signal] N Eek and [signal] Vol.
Weather: cloudy, rain frequently. Light to fresh WSW to SW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Work of morning continued.
Launch picked up observing party and returned to ship with both parties at 5.00pm.
Moored launch and hoisted dinghy.
Weather: cloudy, frequent rain squalls. Fresh SW breeze.
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29 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept.
4.30am: Anchor up and underway to get launch which was dragging anchor.
4.50am: Took launch in tow; returned to anchorage off Apokak and moored launch.
7.15am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and five men left ship in dory to move coal further back from shore. Party returned at 11.40am.
Office work on board ship.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Stiff to fresh SSE to ESE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.35pm: Mr Smith and same party as in morning left in dory. Work of morning continued. Party returned at 4.25pm.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Fresh to stiff ESE breezes.
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30 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept.
Sunday quietly observed.
Weather: cloudy, misty, rainy. Wind stiff ESE moderating and hauling to light north-westerly airs.
Noon to midnight:
Sunday passed quietly.
Weather: cloudy, misty. Moderate WSW to Sw breeze.
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31 August 1914
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
7.22am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and five men left ship in dory to move coal. Party returned at 11.30am.
Office work in progress on board ship.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Moderate to fresh SW to SxW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Office work on board ship.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Stiff to fresh SxW breezes.
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1 September 1914
Lat 60.12, Long -162.40 [noon location is unclear]
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept.
4.00am: Ship dragged anchor. Fouled launch and dragged her along too.
Cleared launch and let go port anchor. Got steam; hoisted both anchors, moved out into mid-channel and anchored about a mile N of Apokak.
Field work not possible on account of weather.
Weather: overcast, rainy, misty. Fresh to strong SSW to SSE wind.
Noon to midnight:
Inclement weather continues.
3.30pm: Mr Smith and five men left ship in skiff, replaced azimuth mark and returned aboard. Hoisted skiff.
6.30pm: Hove up anchor; moved up channel and anchored in lee of shoal in 3½ fathoms water, 20 fathoms chain on port anchor.
Weather: overcast and misty. Fresh to strong SSW to SSE breezes.
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2 September 1914
Apokak to ‘Volante’ and return
Lat 60.245, Long -162.422
[Wrecked schooner ‘Volante’, abreast the upper end of Eek Island]
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept; all well during night.
7.10am: Anchor up and underway. Took launch ‘Alpha’ in tow at 7.45am.
7.58am: Came to anchor off Apokak.
8.15am: Boatswain and five men began coaling ship using both dory and dinghy.
9.10am: Anchor up and underway, launch and dory in tow.
9.55am: Came to anchor one mile N of ‘Volante’ in 5½ fathoms of water.
10.05am: Messrs Smith, Townsend and Sutcliffe, Boatswain and five men left in launch, dory in tow, to build signal.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Fresh to light SSE to SE breezes.
Noon to meridian:
12.15pm: Signal-building party returned.
1.20pm: Same signal-building party as in morning left in launch.
6.15pm: Party returned to ship, having built [signal] John.
6.58pm: Anchor up and underway, launch in tow.
7.35pm: Came to anchor in usual place off Apokak.
Weather: overcast, rainy. Light to gentle airs and breezes, SSE to NW.
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3 September 1914
Apokak to Beacon Point and return
Lat 60.08, Long -162.24
Midnight to noon:
All is well during watch. Usual night watch kept.
7.15am: Lowered skiff. Boat went ashore with two men to bring off old tents.
7.45am: Boat returned and was hoisted.
9.20pm: Hove anchor and got underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
9.50am: Anchored off Beacon Point in 6 fathoms of water, 15 fathoms of cable on port anchor.
10.10am: Lowered dory. Mr Smith and five men left ship in dory to observe angles at [signal] Beacon.
Boat with three men returned immediately.
Weather: overcast, occasional rain squalls. Fresh to moderate NW to W breezes.
Noon to midnight:
3.30pm: Boat left ship for shore, returning immediately with triangulation party. Hoisted boat.
4.10pm: Hove anchor and got underway, proceeding to Apokak, launch in tow.
5.00pm: Anchored at usual place off Apokak Creek.
7.40pm: Commanding Officer, Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend left ship to observe azimuth at [signal] Apokak.
Midnight: Astronomical party returned to ship. Hoisted dinghy.
Weather: cloudy to clear. Light SWS breeze.
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4 September 1914
Apokak to Beacon Point and Eek Channel
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
7.18am: Mr Smith, Fireman and three men left in launch to observe angles at [signal] John. Returned at 10.20am.
Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend ran levels from tide staff to bench marks. Boatswain and two men coaled ship.
Weather: overcast. Gentle to light WNW to SW breezes and airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.09pm: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
1.34pm: Came to anchor off Beacon Point.
1.40pm: Mr Smith and three men left in dinghy to observe angles at [signal] Beacon. Returned at 3.00pm.
3.06pm: Hove anchor and got underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
3.27pm: Began sounding line. Ceased sounding at 3.40pm.
6.04pm: Came to anchor in Eek Channel in 4 fathoms of water, with 15 fathoms of cable on port anchor.
Church at Quinhagak bore E½S, 10 miles distant. Position of ship: Sharp 38°04’ – Church – Mid 18°40’.
7.30pm: Began taking current observations.
Weather: cloudy, passing showers of rain. Light SW to WNW airs and breezes.
Number of soundings 28; number of angles 7; number of statute miles 1½
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5 September 1914
Eek Channel
Lat 59.81, Long -162.49
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night. Usual night watch kept.
6.35am: Mr Smith, one Fireman and two Seamen left ship for Quinhagak, dinghy in tow, to get fresh meat.
11.30am: Launch and party returned. Made launch fast astern.
Weather: cloudy. Signals not visible. Light WNW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.10pm: Moored launch, hove anchor and got underway. Weather clearing; began sounding in Eek Channel.
4.45pm: Ceased sounding. Picked up ‘Alpha’ and proceeded up Eek Channel.
7.20pm: Anchored in northern part of Eek Channel, S of Eek Island, in 5½ fathoms water, 20 fathoms chain on port anchor.
Weather: cloudy. Calm to light NNE airs.
Number of soundings 561; number of angle 72; number of statute miles 36½
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6 September 1914
Eek Channel to West Channel and Apokak
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. All well during night.
7.07am: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
7.13am: Began running a sounding line.
8.30am: Mr Smith and two men left in dinghy to observe angles at [signal] Pope. Party returned at 11.00am.
Hydrography continued until 12.11pm.
Weather: cloudy. Light ENE to NE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.22pm: Came to anchor in West Channel off West Point in 6 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of cable on port anchor.
12.45pm: Mr Smith and two men left ship in dinghy to observe angles at [signal] Moses. Party returned at 2.50pm.
2.58pm: Anchor up and underway.
3.15pm: Commenced doing hydrography and continued until 4.06pm.
4.27pm: Came to anchor in usual place off Apokak.
Weather: overcast, rainy late in evening. Light NW to SW airs, calm in afternoon.
Number of soundings 358; number of angles 58; number of statute miles 25
Number of soundings 71; number of angles 14; number of statute miles 11½
Number of soundings 144; number of angles 20; number of statute miles 4½
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7 September 1914
Apokak to Eek Channel
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept. All is well during night.
7.10am: Launch ‘Alpha’ with Commanding Officer, Messrs Sutcliffe and Townsend, and three men left ship to sound in Kuskokwak Channel and observe angles at [signal] Quack.
Mr Smith, Boatswain and three men left ship in skiff; took up automatic tide gauge and brought off lumber, mess supplies and all articles required at Goodnews Bay.
A low fence for ice protection was placed about the coal pile.
Took up tide staff. Tide observer JG Porter came aboard with working party at noon.
Weather: cloudy; calm to light variable airs.
Noon to midnight:
12.25pm: Launch and party returned to ship. Secured launch astern.
1.30pm: Skiff with Mr Smith, Boatswain and five men went ashore; took down tide observer’s camp, placed tide gauge box on coal pile, posted signal notices on coal and house, put everything in order, nailed up house and returned aboard at 3.00pm. Hoisted skiff.
3.20pm: Hove anchor and got underway. Proceeded down Eek Channel.
7.35pm: Near lower end of Eek Channel anchored in 6½ fathoms water with 20 fathoms cable on port anchor.
All is well.
Weather: cloudy. Light southerly airs to calm.
Number of soundings 314; number of angles 48; number of statute miles 10
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8 September 1914
Eek Channel to Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.02, Long -161.87
Midnight to noon:
All well during night.
5.05am: Anchor up and underway for Goodnews Bay.
Weather: overcast, rainy in early morning. Light to gentle N to WNW breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.13pm: Came to anchor in Goodnews Bay, South Spit, in 4½ fathoms of water with 10 fathoms of cable on port anchor.
12.15pm: Boatswain and crew left in dory to get lumber on South Spit. Returned at 1.35pm.
4.22pm: Anchor up and underway.
4.50pm: Anchored off North Spit in 7½ fathoms of water with 25 fathoms of cable on port anchor.
Weather: overcast, cloudy. Moderate to fresh NW breeze.
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9 September 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.063, Long -161.886
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night. Usual watch kept.
7.00am: Lowered skiff. Commanding Officer, Boatswain and six men left ship to work on ways.
Ways were cleaned and cleared of sand, tackle overhauled and preparations made for hauling out ship.
11.55am: Working party returned to ship.
Weather: cloudy. Fresh NW breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.30pm: Mr Smith, Boatswain and six men left ship to continue work of morning. They returned aboard at 5.50pm. Hoisted boat.
Weather: cloudy to clear. Fresh to light NW to NNW breeze.
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10 September 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.077, Long -161.86
Midnight to noon:
Usual night watch kept.
7.20am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and six men left in dory to move coal.
9.15am: Mr Smith and four men returned. Boatswain and two men working at storehouse.
9.25am: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
9.35am: Anchored inside of North Spit in 13 feet of water with 15 fathoms of cable on port anchor.
Office work in progress onboard ship.
Weather: Clear blue sky in early morning, overcast later. Light to stiff NNE to ExN breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Office work onboard ship.
Mr Smith, Boatswain and crew engaged in work on ways and getting lumber off North Spit.
Returned to former anchorage off North Spit.
Weather: overcast, rain and sleet at night. Gentle to stiff ENE breezes.
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11 September 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.063, Long -161.886
Midnight to noon:
All is well during night. Usual watch kept.
7.25am: Mr Smith, Boatswain and five men left ship in dory to continue preparations for hauling out ship. Shifted coal on North Spit from high water mark.
10.15am: Party returned to ship. Got steam on launch.
11.20am: Hove anchor; proceeded to point off ways and at 11.30am anchored in 11 feet of water. Lowered boats and loaded them with lumber.
11.45am: Launch came alongside.
Weather: overcast and misty. Fresh to gentle ExN to NE breezes.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Launch with Commanding Officer and Executive Officers, Boatswain and six men left ship. Skiff and dinghy in tow. Took ashore all lumber, spare anchors, mess supplies and all articles of any weight that were displaceable to lighten ship.
3.00pm: After anchoring launch near ways, party, except Boatswain and two men, returned to ship. Hove anchor and got underway after hoisting boats.
3.15pm: Anchored 400 yards off North Spit in 3 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of chain on port bow.
6.00pm: Lowered dinghy and dory. Messrs Smith, Sutcliffe and Townsend, Boatswain, Quartermaster and seven men left ship to haul out launch ‘Alpha’.
Weather: overcast and misty. Light SxW to SE breezes.
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12 September 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.063, Long -161.886
Midnight to noon:
12.55am: Working party returned after hauling out launch.
All is well during night. Usual watch kept.
9.15am: Commanding and Executive Officers, Boatswain and six men left ship in skiff and dinghy to work at ways. Shifted launch from ways and blocked it up.
Weather: overcast and misty. Light SSW to SSE airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.35pm: Working party returned to ship.
2.45pm: Executive Officer, Boatswain and six men left ship to continue work at ways. Quartermaster and Seaman Anderson moved anchor chain and barrels aft to put stern down.
7.45pm: Party returned to ship.
11.00pm: Dinghy with five men left ship to place lanterns and tend lines.
11.15pm: Hove anchor. Carried anchor aft, placed strap through hawse pipes and proceeded to ways.
On approaching ways, lines to anchors and deadmen were brought off in boats, one for each bow and one for each quarter, and an anchor was dropped astern.
Ship was placed over cradle in line with center of ways and hauled on cradle with tackle to bow.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate to stiff south-westerly breezes.
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13 September 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.063, Long -161.886
Midnight to midnight:
Midnight: After ship was secure on ways, luff tackle was taken to capstan and cradle hove up.
As soon as vessel was high enough, blocking was placed to hold her upright.
4.30am: Tide receding. Vessel dry and well blocked up but not above high water mark. All hands turned in.
10.00am: Turned to. Broke strap twice in efforts to start cradle.
1.30pm: Stopped for lunch.
2.30pm: Resumed work. Placed jacks and started vessel. Hauled ship to point where stern was level with high water mark, then ceased work for day at 5.30pm.
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14 September 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.063, Long -161.886
Midnight to midnight:
Steamer ‘Patterson’ anchored outside of bar at entrance to bay early in morning.
8.00am: Turned to. Began hauling ship.
During forenoon, Captain Miller and two men came to ship bringing mail and a box – containing a large shackle, some bolts and spikes – which was lost in transit last spring.
Noon: Stopped for lunch.
1.00pm: Resumed work. Ship coming steadily though slowly.
6.00pm: Cradle in place at head of ways. Made cradle secure and ceased work.
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15 September 1914
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.063, Long -161.886
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am. Turned to. Took up deadmen back of ways and capstan, brought up anchors, stowed all lines, tackle, blocks etc, unbent sails and took down running rigging, blocked up ship securely.
Stowed all rigging, gear and tools in storehouse, stowed away clocks and instruments. Engineer laying up machinery.
Party went aboard Steamer ‘Patterson’ in afternoon of September 17, leaving A Anderson, Chief Boatswain’s Mate, as ship-keeper for winter.
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[Blank pages]
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[Coal account, June to September, 1914]
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[No logs available from 16 September 1914 to 22 June 1915]
LOG BOOK – JUNE 23rd 1915 TO AUGUST 17th 1915
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Steamer ‘Yukon’
RR Lukens, Assistant, Coast and Geodetic Survey, commanding
From June 23, 1915 to [June 22, 1915]
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Attached to Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘Yukon’
RR Lukens, Assistant, joined vessel at Goodnews Bay, Alaska, June 23 1915; detached December 31 1915
HA Cotton, Assistant, joined vessel at Goodnews Bay, Alaska, June 23 1915; detached October 30 1915
Jack Senior, Aid, joined vessel at Goodnews Bay, Alaska, June 23 1915; detached October 30 1915
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23 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Steamer ‘Alliance’ with party of RR Lukens on board entered Goodnews Bay at HHW [higher high water] about 3.00am and anchored about 2 miles from ‘Yukon’.
At 6.00am Captain Lukens, Mr Cotton and Seamen returned to steamer ‘Alliance’ after having left the day before to survey and inspect ‘Yukon’. Everything they found in good shape.
Day was spent in transferring equipment and supplies from steamer ‘Alliance’ to shore and on board ‘Yukon’.
Weather: raining all day. Moderate to southerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Crew and officers engaged in transferring equipment and supplies to shore and on board ‘Yukon’.
Galley force engaged aboard ship.
Weather: rain to cloudy. Moderate southerly wind.
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24 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Officers and crew engaged in laying ways; putting Evinrude in commission and general work; engine work in progress.
Wardroom and forward messes purchased one reindeer.
Steamer ‘Alliance’ left its anchorage place bound for Bethel.
Mr Cotton, under instructions from Commanding Officer, left on steamer ‘Alliance’.
Weather: moderate. South-westerly breezes, generally cloudy.
Noon to midnight:
Officers and crew engaged in laying ways.
Some stores transferred to ‘Yukon’.
Supply of fresh water brought from across bay.
Engine work in progress.
Weather: cloudy and misty. Moderate south-westerly breezes.
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25 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Officers and crew engaged in laying of ways and general preparatory work. Engine work in progress. Weather: generally cloudy and misty. Light SSE winds
Noon to midnight:
Officers and crew continued work of laying ways. Engine work continued.
Additional stores brought down.
Weather: generally cloudy. Light south-easterly breezes.
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26 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged at painting ship’s bottom and work preparatory to launching.
Officers engaged at work relative to launching of ship.
A line of levels run from Goodnews Bay across spit to Kuskokwim Bay to get relative height of tides.
Engine work in progress.
Weather: fine and clear. Light south-easterly winds.
Noon to midnight:
Morning work continued.
Launching of ship commenced.
Weather: clear to heavy rain. Light SxE winds.
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27 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Since the high tides for this month fall on June 27 and 28, it was deemed necessary to work on this day, so as to facilitate launching of boat.
Work of pushing ship down the ways continued. Engine work in progress.
Weather: clear. Light north-easterly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Morning work continued. Anchor winch taken on board. Ship ready for floating.
Weather: generally cloudy. Light north-easterly winds.
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28 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
At 7.30am ship was floated easily.
A supply of fresh water taken aboard from small boats. Engine work in progress.
Weather: generally cloudy. Light north-easterly winds
Noon to midnight:
Old boiler removed from launch. General work on ways and cradle. Some stationery and stores taken aboard.
Weather: cloudy with rain. Light north-easterly winds.
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29 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.063, Long -161.886
Midnight to noon:
6.15am: Ship left Goodnews Bay for Baluka Hill.
Supply of fresh water taken aboard.
Anchored off spit N of Goodnews Bay entrance and took more stores aboard.
Weather: generally cloudy. ENE wind (force 4-5).
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Anchored in Goodnews Bay.
Crew engaged ashore hauling up cradle, painting bottom of launch ‘Alpha’ etc.
Officers engaged on general work.
Anchor winch installed and ready for use.
Weather: generally cloudy. ExN wind (force 5).
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30 June 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Ship got underway.
7.20am: Anchored off spit on N entrance of Goodnews Bay.
All hands engaged at picking up stores.
Weather: generally cloudy. Moderate ENE winds.
Noon to midnight:
Morning work continued.
Work of launching launch ‘Alpha’ in progress.
Weather: cloudy. Light various airs.
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1 July 1915
Goodnews Bay
Lat 59.08, Long -161.83
Midnight to noon:
Took 54 sacks coal on board; 3 1342/2240 tons.
8.30am: Anchor up and underway.
8.45am: Anchored in lagoon inside bay.
New boiler hoisted into launch ‘Alpha’. ‘Alpha’ launched and floated; anchored in lagoon.
More ship stores taken aboard.
Weather: cloudy and heavy rain. Light north-easterly winds.
Noon to midnight:
12.45pm: Anchored off North Spit.
Morning work continued.
Weather: generally cloudy. Light NW to SSW airs.
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2 July 1915
Goodnews Bay and Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.25, Long -162.10 [Carter Spit]
Midnight to noon:
Early morning spent in getting lumber aboard and preparing for sailing.
10.50am: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
Weather: generally cloudy. Light various airs.
Noon to midnight:
1.50pm: Came to anchor off Carter Spit, Tooth Mountain bearing NExE¾E (by compass).
Tripod signal (30 feet high) built as an aid to navigation.
7.20pm: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ and dory in tow.
8.00pm: Ship swung for compass deviation.
11.00pm: Anchored for night in 4½ fathoms water (Lat 59°32’30”, Long 162°13’ approximately).
Distance run: 46 miles (nautical).
Weather: cloudy and rain. Light NW and WNW winds.
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3 July 1915
Kuskokwim River to Apokak
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
6.15am: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ and dory in tow.
11.45am: Made fast alongside SS ‘Ruby’, a short distance of Apokak, to deliver mail.
Weather: generally cloudy. Light W to SW winds.
Noon to midnight:
1.45pm: Got underway.
2.33pm: Came to anchor at Apokak.
Some mess stores and ship supplies taken ashore in small boats and deposited in warehouse here.
Distance run: 38 miles.
Weather: rain and cloudy. Moderate to north-westerly winds.
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5087502b09d4090755037f6f: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5649_1.jpg)
4 July 1915
Apokak and Kuskokwim Bay
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Morning observed quietly.
Weather: cloudy and overcast. Light NW winds.
Noon to midnight:
1.35pm: Moored launch ‘Alpha’ off Apokak.
1.55pm: Anchor up and underway.
Sighted SS ‘Alliance’ in West Channel off West Point.
4.27pm: Made fast alongside SS ‘Alliance’ off Popokamute [Popokamiut].
Distance run: 16 miles (nautical).
Weather: generally cloudy. Light various winds.
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5 July 1915
Apokak and Eek Channel
Lat 59.79, Long -162.33
Midnight to noon:
Dressed ship at 8.00am.
9.15am: Let go and underway. Convoyed SS ‘Alliance’ to Eek Channel entrance.
10.45am: Anchored in eastern Eek Channel.
Weather: cloudy. Moderate NW winds.
Noon to midnight:
1.35pm: Anchor up and underway.
2.50pm: Came to anchor off Apokak.
Rest of day observed quietly.
Distance run: 11 miles (nautical).
Weather: heavy rain and cloudy. Moderate NW winds.
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6 July 1915
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in coaling ship: 124 sacks, 8 tons, coal taken on board.
Officers generally engaged.
Weather: misty. Fresh NW winds.
Noon to midnight:
Crew and Engineer’s force engaged in installing boilers in launch.
Tide staff put up at Apokak.
Weather: cloudy. Fresh NW winds.
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7 July 1915
Apokak and West Point
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
7.20am: Anchor up and underway.
Anchored at small black buoy N of Eek Island in 21 feet of water. Position: ‘Volante’ 96°05’ – John – N Eek 104°05’.
9.05am: Anchor up and underway.
9.45am: Anchored off NW point of Eek Island. Tripod signal built.
Weather: cloudy and rain. Fresh NW and WxN winds.
Noon to midnight:
12.20pm: Anchored off West Point. Tripod signal built.
2.35pm: Anchor up and underway.
3.00pm: Tripod signal built.
5.52pm: Came to anchor at Apokak.
Distance run: 20 miles (nautical).
Weather: drizzling rain. Light SW and southerly winds.
[Four tripod signals built: [signal] Fish, [signal] West, [signal] Point, [signal] Rain.] [Only three tripod signals are mentioned above.]
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5087502b09d4090755037f7f: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5653_1.jpg)
8 July 1915
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged in taking on lumber, helping Engineer in his boiler repairs of launch ‘Alpha’ etc.
Officers engaged on office work and generally.
Weather: drizzly rain. Light W and south-westerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
Morning work continued.
Captain Lukens occupied [signal] Apokak for triangulation.
Office work in progress.
Weather: overcast. Moderate south-westerly winds.
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9 July 1915
Apokak and W shore Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.11, Long -162.45
Midnight to noon:
Tide observing party, two men, put in camp at Apokak to observe tide staff.
Anchor up and underway.
Three hydrographic signals built on W shore.
Weather: drizzling rain. Moderate S and south-westerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
Two hydrographic signals built.
Tide staff set up at ‘Kokokamute’ Slough [entrance at 60 07N, 162 27W], little S of Popokamute. [Popokamute and Kokokamute seem to be different versions of the same name.]
Tide observing party, two men, put in camp to observe tide staff.
7.40pm: Anchor up and underway. Anchored off Kokokamute.
Distance run: 16 nautical miles.
Weather: drizzly and cloudy. Moderate to stiff south-westerly breezes.
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[Duplicated scans for 10 July]
10 July 1915
Kuskokwim River and Eek Island
Lat 60.06, Long -162.46
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Anchor up and underway.
7.50am: Anchored off NW point of Eek Island.
Captain, Mr Senior and Writer did triangulation work. Crew engaged about ship.
A line of soundings run from NW point of Eek Island to Popokamute.
Noon to midnight:
Triangulation: [signal] Pope occupied.
A line of soundings run from Pope to NW Eek Island.
Anchored off [signal] Fish.
Distance run: 18 nautical miles.
Weather: generally overcast. Moderate south-westerly winds.
Number of soundings 367; number of positions 64; number of miles (statute) 21; number of hours 3.7
Triangulation: [signal] Fish and [signal] Pope occupied
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5087502b09d4090755037f8f: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5657_1.jpg)
11 July 1915
Kuskokwim River, off Eek Island
Lat 60.17, Long -162.40
Midnight to noon:
At anchor off NW part of Eek Island.
Day observed quietly.
Weather: generally overcast. Light SW and SSW winds.
Noon to midnight:
Day observed quietly.
Captain occupied [signal] Fish.
Weather: slightly cloudy. Moderate south-westerly winds.
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12 July 1915
West Channel and Apokak
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
7.05am: Up anchor and underway.
Sounding in West Channel.
Weather: slightly cloudy. Light W to SW winds.
Noon to midnight:
Sounding in West Channel.
4.30pm: Stopped sounding.
5.11pm: Came to anchor off Apokak and picked up tide observing party.
Distance covered: 42 miles (nautical).
Weather: slightly cloudy. Light various airs.
Number of miles (statute) 39.5; number of positions 193; number of soundings 947; number of hours 8.1
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5087502b09d4090755037f97: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5659_1.jpg)
13 July 1915
Kuskokwim River, West Channel
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Anchor up and underway.
Sounding in West Channel.
Weather: misty to clearing. Light various winds.
Noon to midnight:
Sounding in West Channel.
One hydrographic signal built.
Tide-observing party at Kokokamute picked up.
Anchored off Kokokamute.
Number of miles (statute) 32.0; number of positions 162; numbers of soundings 656; number of hours 6.8
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14 July 1915
Kuskokwim River, West Channel
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Anchor up and underway.
Landed tide observer at Kokokamute Slough.
Sounding in West Channel. Hydrography signal built on W shore ([signal] Gil [?]).
Weather: cloudy. Light various airs.
Noon to midnight:
Sounding in West Channel.
Anchored off Kokokamute.
Weather: overcast and drizzling. Moderate westerly to light southerly winds.
Number of miles (statute) 28.2; number of positions 140; number of soundings 654; number of hours 5.3
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5087502b09d4090755037f9f: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5661_1.jpg)
15 July 1915
Kuskokwim River to Apokak
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.10am: Anchor up and underway for Apokak.
9.00am: Came to anchor off Apokak. Coaled ship: 113 sacks taken on board.
Office work in progress.
Engineer’s force at work installing boiler in launch ‘Alpha’.
Weather: drizzling and overcast. Light SSW winds.
Noon to midnight:
Morning work continued.
Weather: generally overcast. Light SSW winds.
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5087502b09d4090755037fa3: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5662_1.jpg)
16 July 1915
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
Crew engaged about ship.
Engineer’s force working on launch ‘Alpha’.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate S to SSE winds.
Noon to midnight:
Morning work continued.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate SW and SWxW winds.
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17 July 1915
Kuskokwim River, West Point to Bethel
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
7.30am: Anchor up and underway.
9.35am to 10.40am: Two hydrographic signals built on W shore, N of West Point (signals Lo and And [?]).
11.17am: Anchored in 10 feet of water to wait for pilot.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate south-easterly winds.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Took pilot Captain John on board.
1.20pm: Left West Point for Bethel.
5.40pm: Met power launch ‘Robin’; Mr Cotton, who was returning from Bethel, came on board. Continued for Bethel.
8.07pm: Made fast alongside wharf at Bethel. Patent log read 85.75.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate south-easterly winds.
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18 July 1915
Bethel to Fowler’s Slough
Lat 60.787, Long -161.739
Noon to midnight:
Lying alongside Kuskokwim Commerical [KC] Co’s dock at Bethel.
Tides being read on gauge placed on S side of dock.
Officers engaged upon accounts, to be mailed before leaving Bethel.
Day observed quietly as Sunday.
Weather: overcast and misty. Light south-easterly breeze and calm.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm to 1.30pm: Mr Senior connected tide staff with bench marks (1914) about KC Co’s store.
Day observed quietly as Sunday.
5.00pm: Accounts finished and mailed.
6.03pm: Cast off from KC Co’s dock, hoisted dinghy and skiff and got underway for Eek Island.
6.10pm: Streamed [patent] log reading 85.8.
9.00pm: Came to anchor just S of Fowler’s Slough [Lake Sacajawea] on E side of Kuskokwim River; log reading 7.8. [Miles run 22.]
Night watchman to make current observations every half hour while at anchor.
Weather: overcast and occasional drizzle. Light south-easterly airs.
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19 July 1915
Fowler’s Slough to Apokak
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
6.00am: Anchor up and underway; log reading 7.8.
8.45am: Took in log, reading 33.5.
Stopped to put up a signal.
10.48am: Stopped off West Point and landed pilot.
10.55am: Steamed towards Apokak.
Weather: overcast and misty. Stiff southerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
12.22pm: Came to anchor off Apokak.
Engineer’s force working on launch ‘Alpha’.
Crew engaged about ship.
Office work in progress.
Weather: heavy rain and overcast. Stiff SxE to SxW breezes.
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5087502b09d4090755037fb3: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5666_1.jpg)
20 July 1915
Apokak and West Channel
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
At anchor off Apokak.
7.00am: Anchor up and underway.
7.10am: Took launch ‘Alpha’ in tow; launch’s mooring taken aboard.
8.45am: Moored launch ‘Alpha’ just E of station Fish off NW shore of Eek Island.
9.47am: Stopped to land observer at tide camp.
9.55am: Underway; continued sounding.
11.50am: Anchored for lunch in 3½ fathoms (Koko 10°28’ – Pope – Gill 40°19’).
Weather: overcast and choppy sea. Southerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
12.55pm: Anchor up; continued sounding.
5.55pm: Stopped sounding for the day.
6.10pm: Boat brought tide observer aboard.
6.25pm: Came to anchor in 4½ fathoms (Rain 39°34’ – Cold – Koko 114°48’). [Miles run 46, nautical.]
Weather: overcast to clearing at evening. Southerly winds.
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5087502b09d4090755037fb7: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5667_1.jpg)
21 July 1915
West Channel and Eek Island
Lat 60.186, Long -162.446
Midnight to noon:
At anchor off tide camp in West Channel.
7.00am: Anchor up and underway.
7.10am: Stopped to land observer at tide camp.
7.13am: Again underway.
7.23am: Commenced sounding.
Noon: Ceased sounding; came to anchor in 5 fathoms (Cold 53°17’ – Koko – Pope 56°28’).
Weather: overcast with light southerly wind.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Anchor up and continued sounding.
2.00pm: Stopped just E of station Fish; Engineer and Fireman left ship to work on launch ‘Alpha’.
2.15pm: Continued sounding.
3.00pm: Stopped sounding and came to anchor just N of station Fish.
3.20pm: Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and two men left ship in skiff; Mr Cotton to occupy station Fish for horizontal angles and Mr Senior to occupy the station for magnetic declination.
5.52pm: Skiff returned with party.
6.05pm: Anchor up and underway.
6.18pm: Stopped. Engineer and Fireman returned from launch ‘Alpha’.
6.20pm: Again underway.
7.15pm: Stopped to pick up tide observer.
7.20pm: Again underway.
8.20pm: Came to anchor in 2½ fathoms, ½ mile E of station Fish off N shore of Eek Island.
Hydrography: 32 statute miles
Triangulation: 1 station occupied (Fish)
Magnetics: 1 station occupied for declination (Fish)
Nautical miles run: 40.0.
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22 July 1915
Eek Island and West Channel
Lat 60.21, Long -162.35
Midnight to noon:
At anchor, ½ mile E of station Fish off N shore of Eek Island.
7.30am: Dinghy left ship with Engineer and Fireman to work on launch ‘Alpha’.
11.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’ made fast alongside.
Weather: overcast and misty with strong southerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Commanding Officer, Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and three men left ship in skiff. Party to land on Eek Island and compare base wire with a standard 50 m Irwin tape.
2.25pm: Party returned in skiff.
Crew engaged at general work aboard ship and launch ‘Alpha’.
Weather: overcast and rainy with strong southerly winds.
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5087502b09d4090755037fbf: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5669_1.jpg)
23 July 1915
Eek Island
Lat 60.21, Long -162.35
Midnight to noon:
At anchor ½ mile E of station Fish off N shore of Eek Island.
Office work in progress.
Crew engaged in overhauling launch ‘Alpha’.
Weather: overcast with mist and rain. Stiff southerly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Work of morning continued.
Weather: continues overcast with mist and rain. Stiff southerly breeze.
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5087502b09d4090755037fc3: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5670_1.jpg)
24 July 1915
Eek Island and Kuskokwak Channel
Lat 59.99, Long -162.22
Midnight to noon:
6.00am: Anchor up and underway. Launch ‘Alpha’ left under its own steam.
7.15am: Anchored off Apokak.
7.35am: ‘Alpha’ made fast alongside ship.
Took lumber and three sacks of coal aboard.
8.15am: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
9.35am: Anchored in Kuskokwak Channel off [signal] Kwak.
10.00am: Launch left with signal-building party, dory skiff in tow.
Tripod signal set up about 2? miles S of [signal] Kwak.
Weather: overcast and cloudy. Stiff SxE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.35pm: ‘Alpha’ returned. Executive Officer and signal-building party returned.
2.35pm: Anchor up and underway, ‘Alpha’ in tow.
3.00pm: Anchored in Kuskokwak Channel, 2½ nautical miles SxW of [signal] Kwak.
Crew engaged about ship.
Officers’ work in progress.
Weather: generally overcast. Stiff to moderate SxE breezes.
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5087502b09d4090755037fc7: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5671_1.jpg)
25 July 1915
Kuskokwak Channel and Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.88, Long -162.25 [Kuskokwak Channel]
Midnight to noon:
7.05am: Anchor up and underway.
7.15am: Dropped anchor; lowered skiff.
7.50am: Skiff and dinghy in tow returned.
Anchor up and underway, launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
9.00am: Came to anchor off [signal] W Base.
Morning observed quietly.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate southerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
Day observed.
Weather: generally overcast. Light SW and SSW winds.
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5087502b09d4090755037fcb: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5672_1.jpg)
26 July 1915
Kuskokwim Bay
Lat 59.59, Long -162.19 [Warehouse Channel]
Midnight to noon:
At anchor off [signal] W Base.
Current observations taken during the night.
7.15am: Anchored off Apokak.
7.30am: Commanding Officer and Executive Officer left in ‘Alpha’.
Commenced coaling ship; 86 sacks taken on board.
10.00am: Anchor up and underway.
11.00am: Anchored off [signal] Any in Warehouse Channel. [Signal] Any built up; Kwak 84°01’ – Stuck – Any 22°58’.
Weather: overcast and misty. Light south-westerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
12.50pm: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Mr Senior, and six men left in skiff for base line work.
Base line measured up and back from [signal] Kwak to [signal] Mud, distance of 3 miles (distance measured 6 miles).
8.30pm: Party returned to ship.
8.35pm: Anchor up and underway.
9.13pm: Anchored Warehouse Bluff SExE¼E, distance 7 miles.
Weather: overcast and cloudy. Moderate SW and SSW winds.
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27 July 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Bluff and Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.93, Long -162.19
Midnight to noon:
6.20am: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Mr Senior and eight men left in launch ‘Alpha’ for triangulation and base line work; skiff and dory with instruments and lumber in tow.
Tower signal built on Warehouse Bluff.
Launch with small boats in tow left for Warehouse Creek, with two men.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate south-westerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
Tripod signal built about 2½ miles S of Warehouse Bluff.
[Signal] Warehouse occupied for triangulation.
Party returned to Warehouse Creek and camped for night.
Weather: generally cloudy. Moderate south-westerly winds.
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5087502b09d4090755037fd3: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5674_1.jpg)
28 July 1915
Kuskokwim River [Kuskokwak Channel]
Lat 59.993, Long -162.223
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in Kuskokwak Channel.
7.00am: Base line party left Warehouse Creek in launch, one boat in tow for [signal] Mud.
Party was landed and launch with skiff in tow returned to Warehouse Creek with two men.
Base line measurement carried from [signal] Mud to southward.
Weather: cloudy. Stiff SE breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Base line carried 2¾ statute miles from [signal] Mud.
At 3.00pm a slough was encountered, which party was unable to cross without a boat. After reconnoitering and trying to get into communication with launch party on other side of slough (in Warehouse Creek) without success, party finally started back for ‘Yukon’.
At 8.30pm land party was sighted from ship and dinghy sent out. Due to the heavy sea, there was some difficulty in reaching ship.
9.30pm: Dinghy reached ship with party.
Launch ‘Alpha’ with one Fireman and two men still at Warehouse Creek.
Weather: cloudy. Stiff SSW to SSE breeze.
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29 July 1915
Kuskokwim River [Kuskokwak Channel and Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
At anchor in Kuskokwak Channel, 2 miles off [signal] Mud.
7.30am: Anchor up and underway for Warehouse Creek.
8.00am: Anchored in 5 feet water, awaiting more water on flats.
8.45am: Launch ‘Alpha’ came alongside with skiff and dory in tow. Anchor up and underway with launch and boats in tow.
10.00am: Anchored about ½ mile inside Warehouse Creek in 3½ fathoms water.
Weather: overcast and misty. Southerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
1.05pm: Traverse party left ship: Commanding Officer, Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and five men.
1.30pm: Quartermaster and one man left ship in dory, to have dory awaiting traverse party at creek, 2 miles distant.
7.00pm: Traverse party and dory crew returned; dory anchored in slough 2 miles to northward of Warehouse Creek.
Weather: overcast with heavy rain during latter part of afternoon. Southerly winds.
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5087502b09d4090755037fdb: ( Yukon/Book 20/IMG_5676_1.jpg)
30 July 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in Warehouse Creek.
8.30am: Mr Senior with two men left to do some traverse work: take deflection angles on section Warehouse Creek northward.
Crew engaged about ship. Office work in progress.
Weather: overcast and misty. Moderate various winds.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Mr Senior and party returned.
1.05pm: Mr Cotton and five men left for triangulation work: to carry precise traverse across Warehouse Creek.
4.35pm: Mr Cotton and party returned.
Office work in progress.
Weather: generally overcast. Light SW winds.
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31 July 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
[Precise traverse: rerun line from Warehouse Creek northward as far as edge of mud flat.]
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in Warehouse Creek.
7.10am: Commanding Officer, Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and five men left for precise traverse work.
9.10am: Party returned; 1 mile re-run.
Crew engaged about ship. Office work in progress.
Weather: overcast and drizzling rain. Light various breezes.
Noon to midnight:
Crew engaged about ship. Officer work in progress.
Weather: overcast and drizzling rain. Moderate various winds.
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1 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
Day observed quietly.
Weather: slightly overcast, light various winds.
Ship at anchor in Warehouse Creek.
Noon to midnight:
Day observed quietly.
Captain and Executive Officer took some photographs.
Weather: slightly cloudy, light various winds.
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2 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
[Precise traverse from Warehouse Creek southward to [signal] Walk. Line run in both directions; approximately 8000 meters one way.]
Midnight to noon:
7.05am: Traverse party left ship: Commanding Officer, Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and five men.
Boatswain engaged at general work about ship.
Weather: clear but overcast; northerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
Work of morning continued.
7.30am: Buoyed kedge anchor.
7.50am: Traverse party returned.
Weather: clear but overcast; westerly winds.
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3 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
At anchor ½ mile inside mouth of Warehouse Creek.
Officers engaged upon computation of traverse.
Crew at general ship work.
9.20am: Launch ‘Alpha’ left with skiff in tow to bring fresh water from up Warehouse Creek.
11.30am: ‘Alpha’ returned with supply of fresh water.
Noon to midnight:
Work of morning continued.
Weather: overcast and rainy.
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4 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in Warehouse Creek.
Office work in progress.
Crew engaged about ship.
10.00am: Launch ‘Alpha’ left with skiff in tow to get supply of fresh water from up Warehouse Creek.
Weather: overcast and drizzling rain.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: ‘Alpha’ returned with supply of water.
1.15pm: ‘Alpha’ with skiff in tow left for another supply of fresh water.
3.45pm: ‘Alpha’ returned with supply of fresh water.
Morning work continued.
Weather: cloudy; light WSW and WxS winds.
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5 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
[Precise traverse: line run from [signal] Walk (2½ miles S of Warehouse Bluff) to a point [within] 3½ nautical miles of Quinhagak, approximately 5½ nautical miles. Approximately 10200 meters.
One driftwood signal built: [signal] Early.
[Stations [signal] Walk and [signal] Early occupied for horizontal angles.]
Midnight to noon:
3.05am: Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Mr Senior, Chief Writer and seven men left in launch ‘Alpha’, skiff in tow, for Quinhagak to continue traverse work.
5.00am: Traverse party was landed 2½ miles S of Warehouse Bluff at [signal] Walk; launch ‘Alpha’ with one Fireman and two men continuing to Quinhagak.
Traverse run from [signal] Walk southward to large slough 3 miles N of Quinhagak.
One driftwood signal built: [signal] Early.
Launch reached Quinhagak about 6.45am.
Weather: cloudy and overcast; light various winds.
Noon to midnight:
Traverse line run to within 3½ miles (nautical) of Quinhagak.
Party walked to Quinhagak where launch ‘Alpha’ was at anchor; approximately 5½ nautical miles of base line measured.
Traverse party reached Quinhagak about 8.00pm.
Weather: overcast to drizzling rain; moderate SSW to light SSE winds.
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6 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in Warehouse Creek.
Traverse line run from Quinhagak, connecting with work of August 5, 1915. Launch ‘Alpha’ at anchor at Quinhagak.
[Two men and Fireman left with launch while at anchor at Quinhagak. Traverse party: Commanding Officer, Mr Cotton, Mr Senior, Chief Writer and four men.]
Weather: misty and overcast; light various winds.
Noon to midnight:
Traverse line run from Quinhagak continued; 3? nautical miles. Party in camp, launch ‘Alpha’ at anchor at Quinhagak.
Weather: generally cloudy and misty; moderate westerly winds.
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7 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in Warehouse Creek.
Commanding Officer and party at Quinhagak.
4.00am: Executive Officer with two men left in launch ‘Alpha’ to rebuild [signal] See, 7½ miles S of Quinhagak.
9.00am: ‘Alpha’ party returned. [Signal] Church occupied for triangulation.
Weather: clear with light northerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
12.30pm: Commanding Officer, Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and four men left camp; Commanding Officer to occupy [signals] Island and Quin for triangulation connecting southern end of traverse with [signal] Church; Mr Senior to occupy [signal] Island for magnetic declination.
5.30pm: Above parties returned to camp.
Weather: clear to overcast and clear; light northerly winds.
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8 August 1915
Kuskokwim River [Warehouse Creek]
Lat 59.936, Long -162.078
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in Warehouse Creek.
Traverse party in camp at Quinhagak.
5.00am: Traverse party broke camp and left Quinhagak in launch ‘Alpha’ to return to ship.
9.50am: ‘Alpha’ with party came alongside ‘Yukon’.
Day observed quietly.
Weather: clear with stiff northerly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
Day observed quietly as Sunday.
Weather: clear with stiff northerly breeze.
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9 August 1915
Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.06, Long -162.28
Midnight to noon:
At anchor in Warehouse Creek.
7.30am: Anchor up and underway, launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
8.30am: Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and seven men left in ‘Alpha’, skiff in tow. Ship came to anchor about 1 mile off [signal] Mud; ‘Alpha’ continued and anchored in Kuskokwak Creek.
8.55am: Ship shifted anchorage ½ mile to westward.
Weather: clear with light northerly breezes.
Noon to midnight:
4.35pm: Mr Cotton and party came alongside in ‘Alpha’.
Boatswain engaged painting ship during day.
Weather: clear with light northerly breeze.
Distance run: 6 nautical miles.
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10 August 1915
Kuskokwim River to Apokak and Eek Channel
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Anchor up and underway, launch ‘Alpha’ in tow.
8.12am: Came to anchor off Apokak.
Commenced coaling ship: 99 sacks of coal taken on board ‘Yukon’; five sacks of coal put on board ‘Alpha’.
Office work in progress.
Weather: overcast and rain; light north-westerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
12.45pm: Put tide observer ashore at Apokak. Moored ‘Alpha’.
1.00pm: Anchor up and underway for hydrographic work. Sounding done in northern Eek Channel hindered by rainy squalls.
4.25pm: Anchored in Eek Channel.
6.22pm: Anchor up and underway for Apokak.
7.35pm: Came to anchor off Apokak.
Weather: moderate north-westerly winds; overcast and rain.
Distance run: 24 nautical miles
Hydrography: 1½ miles (statute)
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11 August 1915
Lat 60.138, Long -162.198
Midnight to noon:
At anchor off Apokak.
7.09am: Anchor up and underway.
9.15am: Stopped off tide camp at Kokokamute. Mr Cotton, Mr Senior, Chief Writer and three men left in skiff to set bench marks at tide camp and bring camp equipment aboard.
9.22am: Ship anchored off tide camp in 6½ fathoms.
10.48am: Anchor up and underway.
10.55am: Stopped to pick up Mr Cotton and party in skiff. Again underway.
12.36am: Came to anchor off Apokak.
Weather: cloudy to overcast and misty; light westerly winds.
Noon to midnight:
Office work in progress. Crew at general ship and survey work.
4.00pm: Mr Cotton, Mr Senior, Chief Engineer and Chief Writer with five men left ship in launch ‘Alpha’ with skiff and dory in tow to set tide staff and bench marks and establish tide camp in Kuskokwak Creek.
9.00pm: Mr Cotton and party returned in ‘Alpha’.
Weather: misty to drizzling rain; light westerly winds.
Distance run: 22 nautical miles
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12 August 1915
Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.83, Long -162.38
Midnight to noon:
7.00am: Ship at anchor at Apokak. Two men put on shore at Apokak to observe tides.
7.07am: Anchor up and underway for hydrographic work.
7.50am: Sounding in northern part of Eek Channel.
Weather: moderate NWly winds; generally cloudy.
Noon: Anchored for lunch.
Noon to midnight:
Sounding in northern part of Eek Channel.
2.48pm: Anchored to cut in [signal] Tent.
4.50pm: Stopped sounding; anchored in Eek Channel off [signal] Mud, bearing (4 nautical miles) N x E. Weather: Stiff NW and NNWly breeze; cloudy.
Distance run: 35 nautical miles
Hydrography: 31 statute miles
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13 August 1915
Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.10, Long -162.23 [Beacon Point]
Midnight to noon:
Ship at anchor in north Eek Channel.
7.09am: Anchor up and underway for hydrographic work; commenced sounding.
9.30am: Stopped sounding.
10.00am: Anchored off Beacon Point; Executive officer, Mr Senior and Chief Writer left in skiff to occupy [signal] Beacon for triangulation.
Weather: stiff NW breeze; overcast and misty.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Anchor up and underway.
1.35pm: Came to anchor in Kuskokwak Channel off [signal] Kwak.
Executive Officer, Mr Senior, Chief Writer and two men left in skiff to rebuild tide staff in Kuskokwak Creek and set a station mark at [signal] Kwak.
8.20pm: Executive Officer and party returned.
Weather: moderate NW to westerly winds; overcast and misty.
Distance run: 20 nautical miles
Hydrography: 13.5 statute miles
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14 August 1915
Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.18, Long -162.43 [West Point]
Midnight to noon:
At anchor off mouth of Kuskokwak Creek.
7.30am: Anchor up and underway.
8.25am: Came to anchor off Apokak; signal lumber brought aboard.
10.05am: Anchor up and away.
11.30am: Came to anchor off West Point off [signal] Moses in 7½ fathoms.
Weather: overcast and clear; light NWly breeze.
Noon to midnight:
1.00pm: Commanding Officer, Mr Cotton, Mr Senior and two men left in skiff; plane table party to run shoreline in neighborhood of [signal] Moses.
2.50pm: Above party returned.
3.00pm: Anchor up and underway.
3.30pm: Came to anchor off north shore of Eek Island just E of [signal] Fish.
6.15pm: Mr Cotton, Mr Senior, Chief Writer and two men left in skiff: tide gauge to be erected and bench marks leveled.
7.15pm: Mr Cotton and two men returned.
8.00pm: Mr Senior and Chief Writer returned.
Weather: clear and cloudy; northerly winds.
Distance run: 22 nautical miles
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15 August 1915
Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.21, Long -162.35 [Eek Island]
Midnight to noon:
At anchor off N shore of Eek Island just E of [signal] Fish.
Time sight for chronometer correction taken in morning.
Day observed quietly as Sunday.
Weather: clear with light northerly wind.
Noon to midnight:
1.45pm: Hoisted skiff.
1.53pm: Anchor up and underway.
2.51pm: Came to anchor off Apokak. Tide observers at station taken aboard
3.35pm: Anchor up and underway.
4.09pm to 4.53pm: Ran sounding line.
7.00pm: Came to anchor in Eek Channel, Quinhagak Church bearing NNE ½ E (magnetic), distant 13 miles.
Weather: clear with light northerly airs.
Distance run: 36 nautical miles
Hydrography: 7½ statute miles
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16 August 1915
Kuskokwim River
Lat 59.6, Long -162.0 [Eek Channel]
Midnight to noon:
At anchor in Eek Channel. Anchorage Low 35°35’ – N Yoke – Round 25°00’.
6.00am: Anchor up and underway.
6.15am: Commenced sounding; ran line down Eek Channel to U [?] 60 33 and diagonal lines N in Warehouse Channel to U [?] 60 46, diagonal lines southward over same area and another line northward in Eek Channel.
7.44am: Came to anchor temporarily; fog closing in. Anchorage SE Twin 39°09’ – Thumb – Mid 19°38’.
10.00am: Anchor up and underway. Continued sounding.
Weather: clear and near calm.
Noon to midnight:
Sounding of morning continued.
5.52pm: Stopped sounding.
7.45pm: Came to anchor in 4½ fathoms in Eek Channel. Anchorage Cot 40°57’ – Thumb – Left 40°52’.
Weather: clear and near calm.
Distance run: 77 nautical miles
Hydrography: 76 statute miles
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17 August 1915
Kuskokwim River
Lat 60.04, Long -162.34 [Eek Channel]
Midnight to noon:
At anchor in Eek Channel. Anchorage Cot 40°57’ – Thumb – Left 40°52’.
Current observations taken during evening.
9.21am: Anchor up and underway, bound northward.
Weather: cloudy and foggy followed by clearing. Light northerly winds.
10.33am to 12.44pm: Sounding. Ship hydrography.
Noon to midnight:
12.44pm: Came to anchor off [signal] Mud in 6 fathoms. Anchorage Ware 34°45’ – Mud – Kwak 102°10’.
1.20pm: Underway.
1.35pm: Anchored off [signal] Kwak.
1.45pm: Mr Cotton and party left to bring tide observing party aboard from Kuskokwak Creek.
3.10pm: Anchor up and underway.
3.25pm: Dinghy and dory came alongside with above parties.
4.35pm: Came to anchor off [signal] W Base in 4½ fathoms.
Weather: cloudy to mostly clear. Light westerly airs.
[No logs available from August 18, 1915, to July 19, 1917]
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Steamer ‘Yukon’, AJ Ela Commanding, at King Cove, Alaska, July to October 1917
Medical Report
Medical attention was rendered to the following parties by Dr Park A Morse, Osteopathic Physician, during the months July to October 1917
July 19, Unga Island, Miss Kommerdal, dysentery; Mr [blank], persecuting paranoia; recommended that he be sent to asylum at Portland, Oregon
[The following at King Cove]
July 26, 28, August 3, 5, 7, Mrs Finch, grippe with digestive disturbances
July 31, Miss Smith, blood poisoning
July 31, Baby Uttecht, body eruption
August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Mrs Mike R Uttecht, grippe and tonsillitis
August 10, Chinese foreman at PAF Cannery, acute indigestion
September 12, Mr Robert Bear, bronchitis
September 16, 17, Matvay Kathutin, blood poisoning in right hand
September 18, 19, 22, 30, Mr Paul Hanson, headache and throat trouble
October 1 to 21 [inclusive], Mrs Paul Hanson, blood poisoning in right hand
October 8 to 20 [inclusive], Mr Robert Gould Jr, injured back, abdominal pain
October 15 to 21 [inclusive], Mrs Jackson, nervous indigestion
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LOG BOOK Steamer Yukon
AJ Ela, commanding
From July 20, 1917 to October 21, 1917
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attached to Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer Yukon
AJ Ela, Junior Hydrographic and Geodetic Engineer
Paul Herberger, Mate
LO Stewart, Duty Officer
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[Instructions regarding log books[
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[Unfilled pages]
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The instructions of the Superintendent issued under date of April 12, 1917, to AJ Ela, Assistant, Coast & Geodetic Survey, Chief of Party, were to proceed from Washington, DC, to Seattle, Washington, and King Cove, Alaska, organize and outfit a party for steamer ‘YUKON’, laid up at King Cove, and take up work in the vicinity of King Cove and Morzhovoi Bay. Estimates for repairs to ‘YUKON’ and for party expenses were prepared and submitted April 19.
On April 21 Mr Paul Herberger, Mate, Coast & Geodetic Survey, who had been assigned to the party and had for the most part prepared the estimates for the work contemplated, left Washington, DC, for Seattle, arrived at the latter place April 25, and at once began the preliminary work of purchasing outfit and supplies.
Under date of April 27 the estimates for repairs to ‘YUKON’ were approved and an allotment of $1882.99 was made to the Chief of Party. Under date of May 26 the estimates for party expenses were approved and an allotment of $1350.00 was made to the Chief of Party. The approved copy of the latter estimate was received by the Chief of Party June 2.
On June 3 AJ Ela, Assistant, Coast & Geodetic Survey, Chief of Party, left Washington, DC, for Seattle, arriving June 9.
Arrangements were made for transportation of the entire party and supplies on the first steamer to go to King Cove, which was the Pacific American Fisheries’ SS ‘FIRWOOD’, scheduled to sail from South Bellingham, Washington, about July 5. Outfit and supplies were purchased and forwarded to South Bellingham, and most of the bills were paid by July 5.
Paul Schneider, Carpenter's Mate on steamer ‘SURVEYOR’, was detailed to ‘YUKON’s’ party, and reported to the Chief of Party June 15. He was rated Boatswain 1st Class at $80.00 per month June 11, at which time he left steamer ‘SURVEYOR’ at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, en route for Seattle.
Mr LO Stewart, Deck Officer, Coast & Geodetic Survey, left Washington, DC, June 28 for Seattle, and reported to the Chief of Party at that place on July 2.
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The shipping of a crew for ‘YUKON’ was begun at Seattle on July 2 and the following men were obtained who eventually went to King Cove.
July 2:
Charles A Bayerling, Seaman, rated to Quartermaster 1st class at $58.00 per month
Floyd Oles, Fireman 2nd class, rated to Fireman 1st class at $55.00 per month
WC Smith, Seaman, rated to Fireman 1st class at $55.00 per month
James Caldwell, Mess Attendant 2nd class, rated to Mess Attendant 1st class at $40.00 per month
CS Cowan, Seaman, rated to Ship’s Cook at $60.00 per month
July 8:
Paul Schneider was reshipped for the fourth consecutive enlistment and rated from Boatswain 2nd class to Boatswain 1st class at $61.00 per month including $1.00 per month continued-service pay
July 10:
Park A Morse, Landsman, rated Writer at $65.00 per month
Edward M Finnegan, Seaman, at $48.00 per month
Claude E Smith, Seaman, at $48.00 per month
Owing to the abnormal conditions affecting the shipping industries all attempts to obtain a qualified marine engineer for ‘YUKON’ were unsuccessful and the party was forced to sail from Seattle without one.
SS ‘FIRWOOD’, on which reservation had been made for transportation of the party, was delayed at South Bellingham beyond the anticipated time of sailing, but came to Seattle July 10 for the party, the outfit and supplies having been previously taken aboard at South Bellingham.
‘FIRWOOD’ sailed from Seattle at 6.00pm July 10; entered at the custom house as Ketchikan, Alaska, at 6.00pm July 13; stopped 2 hours at Pacific American Fisheries cannery at Excursion Inlet July 15; stopped 11 hours at Pacific American Fisheries saltery at Squaw Harbor, Unga Island, July 19; and arrived at King Cove at 1.00pm July 20, having had fine weather throughout most of the passage from Seattle.
[signed] AJ Ela
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20 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Party for steamer ‘Yukon’, with outfit and supplies, arrived at King Cove, Alaska, from Seattle, Washington, via Pacific American Fisheries’ [PAF] SS ‘Firwood’ at 1.00 pm. Afternoon spent in receiving, checking and storing supplies from ‘Firwood’ in PAF warehouse, in erecting tents, and in putting a vacant cabin belonging to PAF in condition for use for mess purposes.
Weather: foggy with light southerly breezes.
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21 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Put tents in shape, checked provisions and outfit.
Weather: cloudy and foggy with light southerly breezes.
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22 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Light earthquake shock about 9.00pm.
Weather: rainy with light southerly breezes.
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23 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Transferred provisions from dock to house next to cook house. Built shelves and unpacked provisions. Transferred stationery and instruments from ship to storehouse. Put up shelves and fixed cookhouse. Pitched tent for stores. Took roof off launch ‘Alpha’.
Quartermaster CA Bayerling received osteopathic treatment from Ship’s Writer Park A Morse for light spasm of the bladder.
Weather: partly cloudy with light to fresh northerly breezes.
“Park A. Morse graduated in June, 1911, from the American School of Osteopathy...”]
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24 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Transferring stores from dock to warehouse. Clearing out ship, taking inventory.
Hoisting boiler from launch. Unpacking hardware and tools. Clearing out launch.
Steamer ‘Windber’ anchored off cannery dock for about two hours in the forenoon.
Earthquake shock of about 4.5 seconds’ duration at 5.20pm.
Weather: partly clear with light northerly breezes.
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5087502b09d409075503805f: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4479_1.jpg)
25 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Jacked up launch 2 feet, blocked it up properly, scraped outside, took off rotten planks on port side.
Took out bunk boards, lining and flooring of berth deck of steamer ‘Yukon’.
Finished storing outfit.
Steamer ‘Firwood’ PAF anchored off cannery dock at 6.30am.
Earthquake shock of 2 seconds’ duration occurred at 12.35pm.
Weather: cloudy and rainy with fresh north-westerly winds.
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26 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Removed lining from chain locker, bailed out 50 gallons water from same. Removed coal from bunkers; and tore out their lining. Scraped outside of launch, put two planks in port side of launch. Removed forward bulkhead of launch, also settees and lining of the same. Removed middle water tank. Found after bulkhead badly rusted through. Cut rivets getting bulkhead ready to be removed.
Weather: cloudy and drizzling rain with light southerly rain.
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27 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Cut forward bulkhead for launch to replace old one. Employed blacksmith of cannery for 1½ hours and machinist of cannery for 2 hours in drilling holes in bulkhead plate. Commenced to chip cement from bilges under berth deck. Removed bunker lining in engineer’s storeroom; cleaned out bunkers. Cut out wing parts of after bulkhead of launch. These parts are badly rusted and must be replaced by new steel plates. Removed one outside plank from port side of launch. Commenced to chip rust from launch bunkers.
Earthquake of 30 seconds’ duration at 3.15pm.
Weather: overcast, heavy drizzling rain, southerly breezes.
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28 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Cannery blacksmith help, ½ hour.
Continued removing cement from bulkhead bilges and fore peak. Scaled bulkheads and bunkers of launch ‘Alpha’. Cut steel plates to replace after bulkhead of launch. Replaced one plank in port side of bottom of launch. Commenced to remove plugs in port side of hull of steamer ‘Yukon’.
Two light earthquakes.
Weather: fair with fresh northerly breezes.
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29 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day observed quietly.
Weather: fair, fresh northerly breezes.
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30 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Received mail package number 4 from SS ‘Redwood’ PAF; received at 10.00pm mail packages number 1 and number 2 from SS ‘Santa Ana’. Renewed plank in starboard side of launch ‘Alpha’. Chipped and sealed iron frame work and bulkheads in berth deck. Removed some nuts from fastenings. Moved tool tent and ship’s gear and coal on account of impending moving of ship and launch on skidways. Made well for automatic tide gauge and put it in place underneath cannery pier. Earthquake of short duration.
Steamer ‘Redwood’ PAF docked at cannery pier. Steamer ‘Santa Ana’ docked at cannery dock at 9.30pm.
Weather: clear to cloudy, fresh northerly breezes at times; mist and drizzling rain.
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31 July 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men continued chipping and sealing ironwork and removing nuts from fastenings of berth decks. Mr Herberger and two men built house for automatic tide gauge. Steamer ‘Yukon’ was moved by PAF employees to permit of driving piles on skidways. Renewed plank in starboard side of launch ‘Alpha’. Paid crew. At 8.30pm started automatic tide gauge. Earthquake at 8.30pm.
Weather: fair, light airs from various directions.
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5087502b09d409075503807b: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4486_1.jpg)
1 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men chipped and scaled rust from bulkhead and framework of steamer ‘Yukon’, also chipped and scaled launch ‘Alpha’. Mr Stewart chipped and scaled rust from bulkhead. Moved launch ‘Alpha’ 60 feet eastward on skidways to make room for pile driver. Marked and painted tide staffs. Commenced to calk launch ‘Alpha’. PAF ‘Norwood’ from Port Moller docked at 6.30am and left for S at 10.00am.
Weather: clear, light northerly airs. Barometer 7.00am 30.25; 8.00pm 30.09.
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2 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and two men placed tide staff on automatic tide gauge during forenoon. Mr Stewart and four men transferred all dressed lumber from pier to carpenter’s shop. During afternoon chipped and scaled framework and bulkhead in berth decks. Boatswain and one man calked launch ‘Alpha’ and replaced after bulkhead in launch. Worked on monthly reports. Earthquake at 8.30pm of 30 seconds’ duration.
Weather: drizzling rain with fresh northerly breeze. Barometer 7.00am 29.92; 8.00pm 29.96.
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3 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Ship’s Carpenter worked on after bulkhead and put in forward bulkhead of launch ‘Alpha’. Mr Stewart and three men chipped and scaled rust from bilges and berth decks of steamer ‘Yukon’. One man calked seams of launch ‘Alpha’. Worked on accounts.
Weather: overcast, mist and drizzling rain, moderate to fresh southerly breezes.
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5087502b09d4090755038087: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4489_1.jpg)
4 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped and sealed framework of berth deck. One man calked launch ‘Alpha’. Finished riveting bulkheads and replaced same in launch ‘Alpha’; put in coal bunker linings. Cemented bilges in launch.
Weather: rainy, moderate southerly gales.
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5 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: cloudy, passing showers of rain, moderate southerly breezes.
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5087502b09d409075503808f: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4491_1.jpg)
6 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped and scaled rust from framework of berth deck. One man paid seams of launch with putty. Commanding Officer and Boatswain put lining into launch ‘Alpha’. Cemented bilges of launch. Cleaned and tested water tanks of launch. In afternoon, Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and one man moved launch eastward 20 feet.
Weather: partly cloudy, at times light drizzling rain; light southerly breezes
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5087502b09d4090755038093: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4492_1.jpg)
7 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped and scaled framework in berth deck. Commanding Officer and Boatswain worked in launch. Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and two men put skids under launch ‘Alpha’ to move it backward to make room for steamer ‘Yukon’. During afternoon, Boatswain Schneider replaced lining in ‘Alpha’. Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and two men moved ‘Alpha’ 30 feet southward off skidways to make room for PAF boats.
Weather: cloudy, drizzling rain, light southerly breezes
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8 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped and scaled rust from framework of berth deck. Boatswain put lining and flooring in launch ‘Alpha’. Commanding Officer, Mr Herberger and Chief Writer did various work about ship and launch. PAF boat ‘Breaker’ from Port Moller was put on ways.
Weather: cloudy, drizzling rain at times; light southerly breezes
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5087502b09d409075503809b: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4494_1.jpg)
9 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men removed plugs from planking on starboard side of steamer ‘Yukon’. Moved ‘Yukon’ 100 feet to her winter quarters. Put water tanks and flooring into launch ‘Alpha’. Steamer ‘Redwood’ PAF docked at cannery docks at 10.00am; departed at 12.30pm southbound.
Weather: clear, light southerly breeze
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10 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men scaled and chipped rust and cement in chain locker and berth deck. Boatswain finished lining lockers of launch ‘Alpha’. Moved ‘Alpha’ 20 feet southward to make place for hauling out pile driver. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer placed three bench marks. Chief Writer attended in sickness one of PAF’s employees.
Weather: cloudy, at times drizzling rain; light northerly breezes.
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11 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped cement from bunkers and fore peak. Removed plank fastenings from ‘Yukon’. Finished painting and lining launch ‘Alpha’.
Weather: overcast, at times drizzling rain, light northerly breezes.
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12 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: cloudy, squally, fresh northerly breezes.
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5087502b09d40907550380ab: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4498_1.jpg)
13 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Received from PAF 1255 lbs coal; also 300 lbs at previous times. Mr Stewart and five men chipped cement and scaled iron framework in bunkers. Scaled framework and bulkheads in fore peak. Boatswain worked in launch, started to remove planks from ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer unpacked stores and overhauled ship’s equipment.
Weather: heavy rain, overcast during latter part of afternoon, light northerly breezes.
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14 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Commanding Officer and Mr Stewart ran line of levels from tide staff to bench marks. Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and one man cleaned and replaced boiler in launch ‘Alpha’. Three men removed planks from side of ‘Yukon’; chipped cement. Boatswain removed planking from side of ‘Yukon’.
Weather: partly cloudy, light southerly breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550380b3: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4500_1.jpg)
15 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men scaled rust in fore peak and bunkers; put fastenings in port side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain replaced plank in port side of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer adjusted tide gauge; also various other work about ship and launch. Commanding Officer AJ Ela went to Thin Point, Morzhovoi Bay and Ikatau Bay on reconnaissance aboard the PAF cannery tender ‘Empress’.
Weather: cold, heavy rain; pm, a drizzling rain, light southerly breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550380b7: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4501_1.jpg)
16 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men scaled rust in fore peak and bunkers; also put fastenings in port side of steamer ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and one man put fastenings in planks on port side of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and two men removed tools and pump from ‘Yukon’ to carpenter’s shop; painted portion of interior of launch ‘Alpha’. Commanding Officer returned from reconnaissance of Thin Point, Morzhovoi Bay and Ikatau Bay.
Weather: overcast, drizzling rain in the afternoon, with light southerly breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550380bb: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4502_1.jpg)
17 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped rust in bunkers and fore peak; put fastenings in port side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain worked on planking and other portions of boat. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer painted interior of launch ‘Alpha’ and did various other work about ship.
Weather: am, heavy rain and various breezes; pm, overcast with moderate northerly gale.
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5087502c09d40907550380bf: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4503_1.jpg)
18 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped rust in bunkers and fore peak; put fastenings in starboard side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and one man removed floors, lining and fixtures in wardroom of steamer ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger. Chief Writer put engine in launch; removed bolts from condenser pipe of ‘Yukon’.
Weather: partly cloudy, showers, moderate northerly gale.
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5087502c09d40907550380c3: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4504_1.jpg)
19 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: very squally, strong northerly gale.
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5087502c09d40907550380c7: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4505_1.jpg)
20 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men chipped rust in bunkers; put fastenings in starboard side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper removed linings and furniture from wardroom and cabin of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and caterers of forward mess took inventory of mess stores due to leaving of cook. Chief Writer painted interior of launch. Chauncy Cowan, Cook, was discharged and paid in full with exception of allotment to be paid from office.
Weather: partly cloudy; light northerly breeze.
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5087502c09d40907550380cb: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4506_1.jpg)
21 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men chipped rust in bunkers; put fastenings in starboard side of ‘Yukon’; with Chief Writer removed condenser pipe. Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and one man removed water tanks, disconnected pipes and did various work about ship. Boatswain and helper removed lining from wardroom and cabin; jacked up stern, put shores under her because of listing due to dolphin coming loose and moving ship where PAF employees placed pile drivers on skid ways. James Caldwell rated Ship’s Cook 1st class at $60 per month due to vacancy in complement.
Weather: clear, light, northerly breeze.
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22 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped rust in bunkers; put fastenings in starboard side of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer shipped rust from stringers and bulkhead of wardroom; also various other work about boat. Boatswain and helper reefed ship seams, and calked.
Weather: clear, brisk northerly breeze.
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5087502c09d40907550380d3: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4508_1.jpg)
23 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped rust in fore peak; removed plugs from port side of ‘Yukon’, put fastenings in starboard side of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer painted launch and did various work about boat. Boatswain and helper calked seams in forward part of ‘Yukon’.
Weather: partly cloudy, sunshine at times, light southerly breeze; evening and night, heavy rain accompanying moderate southerly gale.
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5087502c09d40907550380d7: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4509_1.jpg)
24 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped cement and sealed rust from framework of fore peak and port side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper calked seams; Mr Herberger and Chief Writer did various work about boat. One employee of PAF worked all day on outboard condenser pipe of ‘Yukon’.
Weather: heavy driving rain, moderate southerly gale.
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5087502c09d40907550380db: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4510_1.jpg)
25 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped rust in fore peak and put fastenings in port side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper reefed seams and calked in forward part of steamer. Commanding Officer and one man from PAF brazed outboard condenser pipe of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer did various work about boat. Steamer ‘Santa Ana’ docked at PAF cannery dock at 6.00am and departed southbound at 7.00am.
Weather: partly cloudy, some drizzling rain, varied breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550380df: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4511_1.jpg)
26 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: overcast and misty; light southerly airs during forenoon, light northerly breezes during afternoon.
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5087502c09d40907550380e3: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4512_1.jpg)
27 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped rust in fore peak and wardroom of steamer ‘Yukon’; put fastenings in port side. Boatswain and helper dismantled pilot house of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer removed old lag screws from angle irons (keel plates), drilled former holes to 9/16” and set larger lag screws into same. Employed one man of PAF one half day on outboard condenser pipe of ‘Yukon’.
Weather: overcast, drizzling rain during forenoon, cloudy with fresh northerly breezes during afternoon.
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5087502c09d40907550380e7: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4513_1.jpg)
28 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped rust in fore peak, put fastenings in port side of ‘Yukon’, removed plugs from starboard side of forecastle and fore peak. Boatswain and helper removed pilot house from ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer put new lag screws in keel plates, tightened up nuts on port side of forecastle. Employed one man of PAF one day on outboard condenser pipe of ‘Yukon’.
Weather: partly cloudy, occasional showers, light northerly breeze.
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5087502c09d40907550380eb: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4514_1.jpg)
29 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and three men chipped rust in fore peak and put fastenings in starboard side of forecastle of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper reefed and calked seams in fore part of vessel. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer removed smokestack from ‘Yukon’; also various other work about boat. PAF boat ‘Windber’ westbound docked at PAF cannery dock at 4.10pm. Received from ‘Windber’ package of mail number 5.
James Caldwell’s service as Ship’s Cook terminated to make vacancy for new cook.
Weather: partly cloudy, occasional showers; light southerly breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550380ef: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4515_1.jpg)
30 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped rust in fore peak and wardroom, put fastenings in starboard side of fore peak. Boatswain did various work about ship. Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and one man drew shaft and started to remove rudder. Thomas Devine enlisted for three months, rating Ship’s Cook 2nd class, due to vacancy in complement; rating changed to Ship’s Cook 1st class at $60 per month. James Caldwell rated Mess Attendant 1st class at $40 per month.
Weather: overcast, drizzling rain during afternoon, with southerly breezes.
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[Duplicate scan]
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[Duplicate scan]
31 August 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped rust in wardroom, painted fore peak. Mr Herberger made up mess accounts and supervised work about ship. Boatswain and helper removed rudder, started framework for house over ‘Yukon’. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer worked on accounts.
Weather: cloudy, drizzling rain, moderate southerly breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550380fb: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4518_1.jpg)
1 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and five men chipped cement and scaled rust in wardroom of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger, chief Writer and Boatswain did various work about ship.
Weather: cloudy, drizzling rain, light southerly breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550380ff: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4519_1.jpg)
2 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: cloudy, fresh southerly breezes.
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[Duplicate scan]
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[Duplicate scan]
3 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Kept legal holiday, Labor Day.
Weather: cloudy, misty, occasional showers, fresh southerly breezes.
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5087502c09d409075503810b: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4522_1.jpg)
4 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped cement and scaled rust in wardroom, checked nuts on fastening bolts, and painted ironwork second coat in forecastle. Boatswain and helper put portion of roof over steamer ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer did various work about ship. One man put plugs in port side of ‘Yukon’. Oscar Balamoutoff enlisted as Hand.
Weather: clear, fresh northerly breeze.
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5 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped rust in wardroom. Boatswain and helper continued putting roof over ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger put second coat of paint on forecastle. One man put plugs in starboard side of forecastle. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer spent day getting sand for cementing of ship.
Weather: cloudy, light southerly breezes.
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6 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and six men chipped rust in wardroom and engine room and put new bolts in condenser. Boatswain and helper renewed deck plans under pilot house. Mr Herberger did various work about ship.
Weather: misty driving rain, strong southerly wind.
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7 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and six men chipped cement and sealed rust in wardroom; also put in fastenings in starboard side of bunkers. Boatswain and helper renewed deck planks under pilot house. Mr Herberger did various work about ship. PAF steamer ‘Windber’, southbound, docked at 2.15 pm.
Weather: cloudy, rainy toward evening, fresh southerly breezes.
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8 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and five men chipped cement and sealed rust in wardroom; painted bulkhead. Mr Herberger and one man removed lumber from PAF dock to steamer ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper renewed planks under pilot house. PAF steamer ‘Windber’ left King Cove, bound for Seattle and Bellingham, at 5.00am.
Weather: clear, occasional showers, light northerly breezes.
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9 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: clear, occasional showers, light to fresh northerly breezes.
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10 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men chipped cement and scaled rust in wardroom. Boatswain and helper continued putting roof over steamer ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger did various work about boat. Commanding Officer and one man starting putting cement in forecastle. Mail steamer ‘Santa Ana’ arrived from the east at 5.45 pm. Chief Engineer for ‘Yukon’, James F Gilbert, arrived on ‘Santa Ana’ to assume duties of his position. Mr Stewart, Boatswain, and one man got provisions from ‘Santa Ana’ as follows: two crates potatoes, one crate oranges, one hundred lbs sugar and two hundred lbs flour. Received from ‘Santa Ana’ mail packages numbers 3 and 6. ‘Santa Ana’ left westbound at 6.45 pm.
Weather: partly cloudy in am; fresh northerly breezes; occasional showers to driving rain and strong northerly wind in pm.
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[Duplicate scans]
11 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men took down tents; painted portion of framework of wardroom and removed plugs from starboard side of wardroom. Engineer and one man completed cementing of forecastle. Boatswain and one man cleaned PAF cabin for mess purposes. Mr Herberger and two men put sockets on launch ‘Alpha’ and various other work about boat. Esiah Galashoff shipped as Seaman. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer worked upon accounts during afternoon. Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped bulkhead in coal bunkers. Jacked up boiler to remove ash pan.
Weather: partly cloudy, clear at times, with occasional showers, light northerly breezes.
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5087502c09d409075503812f: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4531_1.jpg)
12 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and one man painted wardroom and removed plugs from port and starboard side of ‘Yukon’ (wardroom). Mr Herberger and two men put roof on ‘Yukon’. Assistant to Engineer worked with two men in engine room. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Vaccile Verskin shipped as Seaman.
Assistant to Engineer and two men removed ash pan from boiler, removed concrete from under boiler, chipped and scaled ship framing, disconnected safety valves.
Weather, clear with light airs during day, toward evening rain with variable breezes.
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13 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Commanding Officer and Mr Stewart removed old bolts from port and starboard side of ‘Yukon’ and replaced them with new fastenings. One man finished first coat on framework of wardroom. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and one man worked on roofing over ‘Yukon’. Mr Stewart and two men transferred coal from cannery to cook house. Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped out concrete in bilges under boilers and engine; disconnected and removed filter box so as to get at ship’s framing.
Weather: clear and cool, rain during latter part of afternoon, fresh northerly breezes.
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14 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Commanding Officer and Chief Writer worked on accounts. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Mr Stewart and two men put in fastenings in starboard side of wardroom. Mr Herberger, and one man worked on roofing over steamer ‘Yukon’.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped out concrete, scaled ship’s framing and boiler foundation under boiler. Scaled bulkhead in coal bunkers, removed old ship fastenings under engine, dressed and tempered six rock drills and cold chisels [chizzels in log] for engine room use.
Weather: strong and northerly wind and rain during am, clear with moderate northerly gale during pm.
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[Duplicate scan]
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[Duplicate scan]
15 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men removed fastenings from port and starboard sides of engine room of Yukon. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger put in lag screws in forepeak, also various other work about ship. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer replaced beams for flooring in forecastle.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped and scaled engine bed, took off top of fidley, disconnected piping from boiler, took off boiler top casing. Disconnected and removed boiler feed water heater from boiler, chipped bulkhead in coal bunkers.
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5087502c09d4090755038143: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4536_1.jpg)
16 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: partly cloudy, light southerly wind.
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17 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and four men removed plugs from port and starboard side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house.
During afternoon Mr Herberger, Mr Steward, Chief Writer and five men jacked up ship to make room for working on fastenings in wardroom, also removal of keep plate.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped bulkhead in port coal bunkers, finished removing feed water heating coil from boiler, cut and threaded holding down belts for wheelhouse, and put together new heating coil for boiler.
Weather: clear light airs to light southerly breezes during afternoon.
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18 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men put in fastenings in starboard side of ‘Yukon’. Oscar [Balamoutoff, hand] and two men were preparing false keel during forenoon; two helpers sifted sand for cementing during afternoon. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer spent forenoon getting sand and gravel for cementing purposes.
Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Mr Herberger and Chief Writer scaled rust from rudder and shafting, also various other work about ship.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped cement from bilges in cross-ships bunkers, chipped bulkhead in cross-ships bunkers, put together new feed heater for boiler, cut and threaded bolts for pilot house fastenings, heated and dressed drift pins for ship’s use.
Weather: clear, cool, with light northerly breezes.
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5087502c09d409075503814f: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4539_1.jpg)
19 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart put fastenings on starboard side and commenced on port side of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and three men chipped rust from shafting, removed keel blocks, put bilge blocks under ship and put false keel on ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house.
Assistant to Engineer and two men put together new heating coil for boiler, cut and threaded bolts, chipped coal bunkers, cut and threaded pipe for new heating coil.
Weather: clear, light southerly breezes.
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20 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Stewart and two men put in fastenings in port side of wardroom of ‘Yukon’. Mr Herberger and three men finished putting false keel on ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Chief Writer worked on accounts.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped coal bunkers, cut and threaded pipe for boiler heating coil, made new iron strap for holding shoe to shaft log.
Weather: driving rain, fresh south-easterly gale to fresh northerly gale in afternoon.
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21 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger, Mr Stewart and three men removed ash pan entirely and jacked up engine. Chief Writer chipped rust from rudder and painted same. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Commanding Officer and three men worked putting flooring in forecastle.
Assistant to Engineer and three men jacked up boiler for removal of ash pan as above noted; with one man cut and threaded and fitted pipe for heating coil.
Weather: squally, violent williwaws.
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22 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger, Mr Stewart and five men bored holes, put in lag screws and fastenings in wardroom, chipped cement from bilges in engine room of ‘Yukon’. Commanding Officer, Chief Writer and one man chipped rust from shafting and put portion of flooring in forecastle. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house.
Assistant to Engineer and one man took out and renewed bilge suction in forecastle bilges, renewed pipe and nipples through bulkhead, put in union in forward of bulkhead so strainer could be removed for cleaning or renewing when needed.
Weather: partly cloudy, moderate to strong southerly winds during afternoon and evening with rain.
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23 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed
Distant and frequent earthquake rumblings from 1.00am to 7.00am with violent quake at 5.35pm lasting 45 seconds.
CA Bayerling, Quartermaster 1st Class, was this day discharged from ‘Yukon’ and from Coast Guard and Geodetic Survey Service and paid in full: discharged by reason of his service being no longer required, and first class transportation being furnished him to Seward, Alaska, claims for transportation to Seattle being waived. Floyd Oles, Fireman 1st Class, was this day paid in full to date and furnished first class transportation to Seward, and second class transportation from Seward to Seattle, on account of being ordered to report for military duty. He is to be discharged upon date of arrival at Seattle, and paid in full to that date.
Weather: overcast, occasional rain, light to fresh southerly winds.
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24 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Received shipment of groceries from National Grocery Company and vegetables from Smith & Bloxom.
Mr Herberger, Chief Writer and one man tightened up nuts, cleaned dirt from and painted portion of framework second coating in wardroom. Commanding Officer and one man continued working on flooring in forecastle. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house.
Mail steamer ‘Santa Ana’ docked at PAF docks at 10.45am. Left eastbound at 11.45am.
Assistant to Engineer, Mr Stewart and three men finished bilge suction to forecastle, removed thrust bearing block from engine, chipped out cement from bilges, chipped and scraped beams in engine room bilges, disconnected and took out bilge suction pipes in engine room.
Pronounced earthquake shock felt at 10.30pm.
Weather, overcast, occasional drizzling rain, light southerly breeze
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25 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Commanding Officer and one man finished flooring in forecastle. Mr Herberger, Mr Stewart and one man tightened nuts, cleaned remainder of framework of wardroom, put plugs in port and starboard sides of wardroom and portion of forecastle. Boatswain and one man worked on pilot house during forenoon; during afternoon worked on calking. Chief Writer finished painting wardroom.
Distinct earthquake shock felt in early morning.
Assistant to Engineer and four men chipped and scraped bulkhead around the boiler and ship’s framing under boiler. Swept and cleaned out bilges, took out pipeline for bilge suction from engine-room to wardroom, took off boiler blow-off pipes for renewing.
Weather: clear, light to fresh southerly breezes with heavy showers in the evening
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26 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Distinct earthquake shock felt in early morning. Very pronounced earthquake shock at 9.25pm for one minute’s duration.
Commanding Officer and Mr Stewart ran line of levels between bench marks numbers 1 and 3. Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart put in plugs on port and starboard sides of ‘Yukon’. Two men worked putting fastenings under engine-room. Boatswain and two men calked boat seams. Chief Writer scaled rust from shafting, painted shafting and rudder.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped ship's framing in engine-room and under boiler; chipped bulkhead in coal bunkers, swept and cleaned bilges; took out pipelines in engine-room to fresh water pumps and tanks.
Weather: clear, occasional showers with light to fresh northerly breezes.
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27 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Distinct earthquake shocks at 12.28am and at 5.25am.
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart removed outer planking over shear-streak. Boatswain and two men calked seams. Two men put fastenings in ship under engine-room. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer worked putting bulkhead in forecastle.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped and scraped bulkhead in coal bunkers around boiler; painted inside of lower part of bulkhead around boiler and ship’s framing under boiler with red lead; chipped and painted boiler cradle.
Weather: partly clear, occasional rain with fresh northerly breezes.
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28 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart finished chipping and painting shear-streak on port side of ‘Yukon’; made form for canopy over launch ‘Alpha’, also put plugs in ‘Yukon’. One man calked seams of ‘Yukon’. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer finished galley bulkhead in forecastle.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped starboard coal bunker, tightened nuts to ship’s fastenings in engine-room and coal bunkers, painted web-framing under boiler and in engine-room with red lead.
Weather, clear, light northerly breezes.
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29 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked on framework for canopy over launch ‘Alpha’. Two men chipped cement and scaled rust from framework in cockpit of ‘Yukon’. One man worked calking seams. Boatswain and helper did carpentry work in wardroom. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer did carpentry work on bunks in forecastle; Chief Writer put two coats of oil over new woodwork in forecastle.
Assistant to Engineer and two men chipped and painted with red lead bulkhead in coal bunkers around boiler, cleaned out bilges, assorted and cleaned pipes for water tanks and boiler feed lines.
Weather, clear, light northerly breezes.
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30 September 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Oscar Balamoutoff was discharged as Hand.
Weather, clear, light northerly breezes.
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1 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Oscar Balamoutoff shipped as Seaman and was rated Quartermaster 1st Class. James Caldwell, Mess Attendant 1st Class, rated to Seaman.
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked fixing canopy over launch ‘Alpha’. Commanding Officer and four men commenced putting cement into wardroom. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Chief Writer worked painting in forecastle.
Assistant to Engineer and one man painted web-framing under boiler and engine-room with second coating of red lead paint, made and put in new lead sleeve in condenser block connecting through to hull of ship, flanged over outside and inside of ship’s bottom.
Weather: clear, light to fresh northerly breezes.
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2 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked fixing canopy over launch. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Commanding Officer and four men continued putting cement into wardroom, forepeak and in engine-room bilges. Chief Writer finished painting forecastle.
Assistant to Engineer and one man put on connection for condenser fastening to ship’s bottom with new lead sleeve through block and hull, flanged over outside and inside. Made up and put in pipeline for bilge suctions, put block in place and bolted up boiler settings; cemented bilges in cross-ships bunkers and under boiler.
Weather, clear with fresh northerly breezes.
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3 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked canopy frame over launch Alpha. Commanding Officer and four men finished concreting under boiler; four men during afternoon were preparing new keel plate. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer worked on accounts during afternoon.
Pronounced earthquake shocks at 11.07am, 12.20pm and 3.45pm and lesser ones during evening.
Assistant to Engineer and one man cut and threaded new ?-inch brass bolts for condenser fastenings, made new gaskets, and began putting on outboard condenser.
Weather: partly cloudy, occasional rain, fresh southerly breezes.
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4 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked on canopy framework for launch ‘Alpha’. Commanding Officer, Boatswain and one man packed instruments for shipment. One man cement-painted framework of wardroom. Three men replaced plank on port side of ‘Yukon’, jacked up boat and finished adjusting false keel. Chief Writer gave second coat of paint to forepeak and arranged anchor chains for painting.
Assistant to Engineer and one man put back in place and fastened outboard condenser, cut, threaded and put on new connection to water tanks.
Weather: partly cloudy, fresh southerly breezes, rain during evening.
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5087502c09d409075503818f: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4555_1.jpg)
5 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart began taking inventory. Two men chipped rust in cockpit, one man put in lag screws in engine-room, one man reefed and calked seams, Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house and Commanding Officer and Chief Writer worked on accounts.
Assistant to Engineer and one man connected up bilge suction pipeline from engine-room into wardroom, connected up pipelines for water tanks, connected with new fittings pipeline for blow-off pipes to boiler, put back in place cradles under boiler for boiler settings, painted bulkheads and web-framing under boiler with cement, chipped and painted with red lead bottom of ash pan.
Weather: cloudy, drizzling rain, fresh north-easterly breezes.
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6 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked putting roof over launch ‘Alpha’. Two men cemented seams of boat; two men chipped rust from framework in cockpit; Boatswain and one man worked on pilot house; Chief Writer scaled rust from smokestack of launch ‘Alpha’.
Assistant to Engineer and one man put in bilge suction in wardroom, cut and threaded fastenings for water tanks in wardroom, connected pipe through bulkhead, connected boiler blow-off pipe with new fitting in port coal bunker. Examined main steam pipe for boiler to engine, put on second coat of cement paint under boiler.
Weather: misty, drizzling, rain, fresh southerly breezes.
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7 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Very pronounced earthquake shock at 6.20 am.
Weather: partly cloudy, light southerly breezes; driving rain from south during evening.
Assistant to Engineer and one man tested water tanks, put together and tested out boiler feed water feeding coil.
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8 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart sewed canvas. Two men scaled rust and painted in cockpit. Boatswain and helper put on guard for outboard condenser pipe. Two men connected screws. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer painted anchor chains.
Assistant to engineer and one man jacked up boiler, putting ash pan back in place, made and put in two new steel bolts in bottom manifold in boiler for holding lugs for grate bars strong back, put back in place and bolted down block for thrust bearing, chipped and scaled boiler manifolds for painting.
Weather: squally, light southerly breezes during day, driving rain, strong south-easterly gale during evening.
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5087502c09d409075503819f: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4559_1.jpg)
9 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart sewed canvas. Chief Writer finished painting anchor chains. Boatswain and helper finished guard for outboard condenser and worked on pilot house. Two men moved tool tent equipment into forecastle of Yukon, also various other work about boat. Two men put in lag screws and cemented [?] seams.
Weather: squally, driving rain, stiff south-easterly breezes.
Assistant to Engineer and one man put back in place propeller shafting, put in place thrust bearing to engine, connecting shaft coupling. Scaled boiler casing, put back in place and bolted down main shaft bearings in wardroom.
Weather, squally, driving rain, stiff south-easterly breezes.
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5087502c09d40907550381a3: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4560_1.jpg)
10 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked on canopy over launch ‘Alpha’, two men put in lag screws in bunkers of engine room and connected seams.
Boatswain worked on pilot house.
Esiah Galashoff was on sick list.
Chief Writer scaled rust from davits, also painted smokestack of launch ‘Alpha’ with red lead.
Weather: clear, stiff south-westerly breezes.
Assistant to engineer and one man removed fastenings under air pump, cleared out red-leaded web framing under engine, connected up shafting in wardroom, put on new joints and bolted-up stern stuffing box for main shaft, cleaned and red-leaded shaft and shaft bearing in wardroom, used forge 40 minutes making drift pieces.
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5087502c09d40907550381a7: ( Yukon/Book 22/IMG_4561_1.jpg)
11 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Esiah Galashoff was on sick list.
Vacille Verskin was on sick list.
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart sewed canvas for canopy over launch ‘Alpha’.
Chief Writer scaled rust from ship's davits.
Weather: driving rain with stiff gale varying from north-east at sunrise to south-east, west and north-west at evening.
Assistant to Engineer and four men soldered small holes in water tanks, painted web framing under engine second coat red lead paint; painted top part of boiler casing with red lead, retightened sections of boiler feed water heater and testing out the same.
Weather, driving rain with stiff gale varying from north-east at sunrise to south east, west and north-west at evening.
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12 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked on canopy. Two men took out bolts under stringers in coal bunkers, also plugs on starboard side. Two men worked cementing seams on starboard side, also in removing lag screws from cockpit. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Chief Writer chipped and scaled davits and rudder pieces, also painted same with red lead.
Weather: cloudy at times, with occasional showers, light northerly breezes.
Assistant to Engineer and one man put in and bolted-up angle iron across water tanks of wardroom pipe fitting. Disconnected water and removed for putting in ship’s fastenings; lowered boiler back in place and cemented ash pan.
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13 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart finished and adjusted canopy covering for launch ‘Alpha’ and painted the same. Boatswain and helper worked on pilot house. Four men draped anchor chains on roof over steamer ‘Yukon’, removed plugs from port and starboard sides of engine room and cockpit, put in lag screws in cockpit. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer painted anchors with coal tar, scaled rudder pieces, scaled and painted stanchion sockets, removed lumber from PAF cannery storehouse to carpenter’s shop.
Weather clear, light southerly breezes.
Assistant to Engineer and one man put back in place and connected up small water tanks under floor in wardroom.
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14 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Day quietly observed.
Weather: clear, light airs to light southerly breezes.
Assistant to Engineer and two men fitted pipes in coal bunkers, retightened three sections of feed water heater for boiler and tested out with water pressure.
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15 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked sewing canvas. Chief Writer gave second coat of paint to launch smokestack, ship’s davits, sockets and rudder fixtures. Boatswain and helper worked in wardroom. Four men put in lag screws, worked on roof over boat, and various other work about boat.
Earthquake shock at 4.30am.
Weather: driving rain, stiff south-easterly breezes.
Assistant to Engineer and one man cleaned boiler and painted same with oil, put in unit pipe in top of water tank, chipped and scaled bulkhead in port bunkers back of water tank.
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16 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger and Mr Stewart worked on canvas for canopy. Chief Writer worked painting dory. Boatswain and helper worked in wardroom. Four men worked on roofing over ‘Yukon’, removed plugs and dismounted various structures about boat.
Esiah Galahoff was this day discharged from the steamer ‘Yukon’ and the Coast and Geodetic Survey and paid in full, services no longer required.
Weather, clear, occasional showers, light southerly breeze.
Assistant to Engineer and one man cleaned boiler, connecting line pumps with hot nail, putting bilge suctions in engine-room, connected up tank lines to galley. Cleaned, greased, and wrapped engine. Connected up air pump with hot still painted bulkhead wick and head.
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17 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herburger and Mr Stewart worked on canvas sewing. Chief Writer painted dory. Boatswain and helper worked in wardroom. Four men worked putting in lag screws, removing plugs, tightening roofing over ‘Yukon’, also putting in port hole glasses and various other work Three men put in fastenings during afternoon.
Mail steamer ‘Dora’ arrived at dock at 10.20am and left westbound at 10.50am. Received mail packages numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17,18 & 19 on steamer Dora.
Vacille Verskin was this day discharged from the steamer ‘Yukon’ and the Coast and Geodetic Survey and paid in full; services no longer required.
Weather: clear, light south-westerly breeze.
Assistant to Engineer and one man cleaned boiler, connected up hard part of condenser, put back in place filter box, red leaded bulkheads in port coal bunkers back of water tank, put on propeller.
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18 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger worked on canvas canopy for launch ‘Alpha’. Mr Stewart and two men put in fastenings on port side of coal bunker. Commanding Officer and Chief Writer worked rethreading fastways and wrapping bolts. Boatswain and helper worked in wardroom. Stopped tide gauge.
Weather: clear, light airs to light, northerly breezes.
Assistant to Engineer made drift pins in the blacksmith shop for ship’s use. Cleaned and put back in order machine shop in cannery. Brought down to ship and put back new heating coil in boiler.
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19 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr HJ Niehr was employed as hand.
Mr Herberger worked on canvas for launch and other work. Commanding Officer, Mr Stewart and three men put in fastenings and tightened the same in port and starboard coal bunkers and cockpit. One man rethreaded and wound bolts, also put in plugs in port side of ‘Yukon’. Boatswain and helper worked in wardroom.
Weather: clear, light northerly airs.
Assistant to Engineer and one man cleaned boiler, put back in boiler new feed water, heating coil, packed away pipe fittings and tools, took pistons and valves out of launch engine, greased and wrapped launch engine.
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20 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Mr Herberger finished housing launch ‘Alpha’, put boats under cover, moved anchors, davits etc to ship, inventoried etc. Boatswain and one man worked in wardroom and did various other work. One man rethreaded and wrapped bolts. Commanding Officer, Mr Stewart and three men finished putting in fastenings in coal bunkers and cockpit; also cemented framework in bunkers and cockpit. HJ Nhier, Hand, discharged this day. Mr Herberger stored various things for the winter.
Weather, occasional showers, partly cloudy, light airs to light northerly breezes.
Assistant to Engineer and one man painted inside of boiler fire box with oil, red-leaded ash pan and boiler legs, took inventory and put away tools and spare parts, put back in place boiler coils and painted same with red lead, brought feed pump from carpenter shop and put same back in place.
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21 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Officers and crew spent day finishing taking inventory, packing of baggage and freight preparatory to leaving on steamship ‘Dora’ for Seward, Alaska.
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22 October 1917
King Cove
Lat 55.054, Long -162.318
Alaska Steamship Company's boat ‘Dora’, eastbound, docked at Pacific American Cannery docks at 2.30am.
First class passage was secured for five men, Captain AJ Ela, Mate Paul Herberger, Duty Officer L Stewart, Assistant to Engineer James L Gilbert, and Chief Writer PA Morse, from King Cove, Alaska, to Seattle, Washington, via Seward, Alaska. Also first class passage for Fireman William C Smith and Seamen Edward Finnegan, Claude E Smith and James Caldwell to Seward, Alaska, supplemented by second class passage for Seward, Alaska, to Seattle, Washington. First class passage was secured for Ship’s Cook Thomas Devine from King Cove, Alaska, to Unga, Alaska.
Freight was shipped consisting of boxes 1-13, excepting 8. Baggage shipped to Seattle consisted of 1 laundry bag, 1 roll of blankets (34 in number) and one box of stationery.
Steamer ‘Dora’ departed eastbound at 3.45am with favorable wind.
Amount of coal received during season from Pacific American Fisheries and expended by party at King Cove, Alaska, registered 7500 lbs plus 500 lbs left for use of Boatswain Paul Schneider during month of November 1917. Boatswain Paul Schneider and Quartermaster Balamoutoff were left to continue repair work on steamer Yukon.
Weather: rainy.
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[Blank pages]
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Report of coal used during season 1917
Crew of steamer Yukon: 800 lbs
Officers of steamer Yukon: 650 lbs
Coal for cook-house, previous times: 300 lbs
August 13: 1255 lbs
August 25: 1182 lbs
September 13: 1116 lbs
October: 1920 lbs
Amount left for Schneider: 727 lbs
Total [approx]: 8000 lbs
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[No logs available from October 24, 1917 to May 11, 1923]
Operations off Kodiak Island and in Portage Bay and Wide Bay
LOG BOOK – MAY 12TH 1923 TO MAY 17TH 1923
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Shipping Articles for United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Vessels [not transcribed]
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[Crew of ‘Yukon’, 1923, enlisted for 1 year:]
12 April, Seaman, Lynn, Neil
13 April, Seaman, Raskey, Edward I
13 April, Seaman, Evensen, Norman
13 April, Seaman, Blackiston, WT
13 April, Seaman, O’Brien, Roy
17 April, Fireman, Leon, Chas
17 April, Fireman, Wallace, WH
18 April, Assistant to Engineer, Edwards, LD
18 April, Quartermaster 1st Class, Walden, BL
18 April, Boatswain 1st Class, Wallace, WH
19 April, Seaman, Morrison, William
20 April, Chief Writer, Moffat, John
20 April, Ship’s Cook 1st Class, Linse, Clarence F
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[Shipping articles continued]
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[Duplicate scan]
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[Shipping articles continued]
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[Duplicate scans]
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[Crew of ‘Yukon’, 1923, enlisted for 1 year:]
4 April, Seaman, Klein, Fred
8 April, Seaman, Stuckey, AW
9 April, Seaman, Jones, EP
9 April, Seaman, English, Robert H
9 April, Seaman, Brand, Harry C
9 April, Assistant to Engineer, Crouch, JM
9 April, Fireman 1st Class, Mason, Tom
9 April, Fireman 1st Class, Schubert, William
9 April, Quartermaster 2nd Class, Darow, Harry
10 April, Chief Writer*, Moffat, John
12 April, Seaman, Arthur, Norman
12 April, Cook, Schneider, T
12 April, Mess Attendant, Schneider, RH
3 July, Assistant to Engineer, Bishop, Sam
[*Joined 20 April in preceding list]
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[Blank log pages]
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LOG BOOK – MAY 18TH 1923 TO AUGUST 30TH 1923
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[Blank pages]
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Steamer ‘Yukon’
[Lieutenant HW Hemple] commanding
From May 18, 1923, to August 30, 1923
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Hemple HW, in charge, Lieutenant, joined May 18, 1923
Joekel FE, Lieutenant (Junior Grade), joined May 28, 1923
White PH, Ensign, joined May 28, 1923
[Photograph of Lieutenant Fred E Joekel]
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[Instructions regarding logbooks]
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[Wind and weather symbols]
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[General dimensions]
[‘Yukon’] was placed in commission by the party on the steamer ‘Discoverer’ in May 1923 and was operated in connection with that party during the remainder of the fiscal year...
"... a much-needed detailed survey of Portage Bay at the southern end of the Shelikof Straits has been completed, and a detailed survey of Kachemak Bay, situated on the east side of the Cook Inlet, and probably the finest large harbor in Alaska, has been practically completed."
Annual Report of the Director, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1923
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18 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
Steamer ‘Yukon’ alongside USC&GS ‘Discoverer’ midnight to 7.45am. At that time she was hauled out to anchorage by the motor sailer of ‘Discoverer’. Anchored in 17.5 fathoms, veering to 60 fathoms anchor chain.
The following men are aboard: HW Hemple, Lieutenant C&GS, in charge; Edwards L, Assistant to Engineer, in charge of engine-room; Moffat J, Chief Writer; Carmer H, Boatswain 1st Class; Walden BL, Quartermaster 1st Class; Leon C and Wallace WH, Firemen 1st Class; Blackiston WJ, Coppo F, Hoag NW, Morrison WW, O'Brien R and Williams M, Seamen; Linse C, Ship's Cook; Givens J, Mess Attendant.
Crew engaged during day in outfitting, painting and preparing ship for season's work.
Visited tide gauge at Uyak Cannery Wharf at 8.00am and 4.00pm. Also bailed out launch 47 twice, anchored about 300 meters inshore.
Weather: clear to cloudy, with light rain in evening; SE winds.
[‘Discoverer’: United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship, 1922 to 1941]
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19 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am: Crew turned to and continued work of previous day.
8.15am: Lit off boilers, testing same.
Weather: clear to cloudy; fresh northerly breezes; light rain squalls around noon and at night.
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20 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday; day observed; regular Sunday routine. Swept down decks, visited tide gauge, and bailed out launch 37 twice.
Weather: clear to cloudy; fresh NWly breezes.
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21 May 1923
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Midnight to midnight:
Crew turned to and continued work of preparing Yukon for season’s work. Painting, laying canvas on deck, making deck chocks for water tanks etc.
11.00am: USC&GS ‘Discoverer’ entered Uyak Harbor and anchored 200 meters to southward.
12.30pm: ‘Yukon’ in leeway and came alongside port side of ‘Discoverer’.
Crew eating aboard ‘Discoverer’ until she left port.
Weather: clear to cloudy; north-west breezes.
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[Weather page, not filled]
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[Wardroom supplies received; below]
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[Material taken aboard; below]
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22 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Wardroom supplies received May 22, ‘Yukon’:
1 lima beans; 1 succotash; 1 green peas; 1 sugar corn; 1 beet; 1 pineapple; 2 peaches; 1/2 lb coconut; 2lbs prunes; 2 lbs raisins; 6 grapefruit; 20 lbs beef; 1 lb lamb; 2 chickens; 3 lbs butter; 2 dozen apples; 2 cans apples; 2 cans tomatoes; 3 dozen eggs; 2 can asparagus tips.
Material taken aboard ‘Yukon’, May 22, 1923, from USC&GS ‘Discoverer’:
1½ rolls 42-inch canvas; 1 dozen lamp chimneys; 1 dozen flashlight batteries, single cell; 10 packs sea foam; 12 tins Dutch cleanser; 10 gallons oxide white paint; 1 gallon alm [?] paint; 6 deck scrubbers; 10 gallons kerosene; 6 b [?] mag cement; 10 b [?] war colored paint.
Instruments: typewriter, Mr Garner’s; protractor; 2 clocks; barometer number; sextant.
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am: Crew continued work of previous day preparing ‘Yukon’ for season’s work.
Breakfast and lunch for crew aboard USC&GS ‘Discoverer’.
2.00pm: Cast off from ‘Discoverer’ and underway for Uyak Cannery Dock to obtain fresh water.
2.50pm: Cast off from dock and underway to anchorage in harbor.
3.00pm: Anchored in 16 fathoms, veering to 60 fathoms anchor chain, mud bottom.
Anchor fix: left tangent Harvester Island 16°42’ – right tangent Bear Island – cannery wharf 121°30’.
Crew continued work remainder of day.
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23 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
Crew turned to, painting about ship and laying canvas on deck. Tide gauge visited and launch 47 bailed out. Crew knocked off at 5.00pm.
Weather: clear to cloudy in forenoon; cloudy and rain squalls in afternoon.
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24 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
Crew turned to and continued work of previous day. Knocked off at 5.00pm. Visited tide gauge and bailed out launch 47. Let fires die down at 5.00pm.
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25 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
Crew turned to and continued work of previous day. 5.00pm: Crew knocked off. Visited tide gauge and bailed out launch 47.
Lost anvil; in lifting it from dinghy it slipped and fell overboard in 17 fathoms of water [taken from weather page].
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26 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am: Crew turned to and continued work of previous day. Knocked off at noon.
8.30pm: ‘Discoverer’ entered harbour and went alongside cannery dock.
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27 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday. Regular holiday routine.
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Wardroom supplies for Yukon [not transcribed]
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Supplies put upon Yukon to date [not transcribed; total $275.86]
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Instruments received from USC&GS ‘Discoverer’, May 28, 1923
1 tape, 30 meters; 1 compass; 1 pair binoculars; 2 sextants; 1 protractor; 1 theodolite; 1 tripod for theodolite; 3 leads; 1 alidade; 1 plane table; 2 telemeter rods; 1 sheave, K; 1 hypograph; 1 pair dividers, 1 scale ¼ meter; 1 ruling pen; 1 pen, drop bow; 1 shade PT; 1 can wire, stranded; 6 mirrors, index; 6 bench marks; 6 reference marks; 1 chart tube; 1 beam compass; 6 sounding tubes; 1 spring balance; 1 opisometer; 1 straight edge; 1 level and tripod; 1 rod.
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28 May 1923
Uyak Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.56, Long -153.89
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Up anchor and underway toward USC&GS ‘Discoverer’. Took stern line of ‘Discoverer’ and made fast to [offensive term omitted] on anchor winch. Towed by ‘Discoverer’ to Rarsens Bay [probably Larsen Bay], Kodiak Island.
8.15am: Cast off from ‘Discoverer’ and proceeded under own power to coal dock of Alaska Packing Co [Alaska Packing Association].
8.45am: Proceeded to take on coal.
11.30am: All coal aboard; washed down decks.
3.30pm: Cast off from dock and underway for Uyak Harbor.
4.45pm: Picked up anchor of launch 47 and hauled launch 47 astern.
5.05pm: Dropped anchor in 17 fathoms, veering to 60 fathoms anchor chain. Launch 47 astern.
5.45pm: ‘Discoverer’ dropped anchor just ahead of ‘Yukon’ and dropped back and picked up our bow line. Hauled up anchor and came alongside ‘Discoverer’ and took aboard supplies.
8.00pm: FE Joekel (Lieutenant jg) and PH White (Ensign) reported aboard.
9.00pm: Dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’ and anchored in 17 fathoms, veering to 50 fathoms anchor chain. All secure. ‘Discoverer’ proceeded out of harbor bound for shore party in Kachemak Bay.
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29 May 1923
Uyak Bay to Cape Karluk
Lat 57.576, Long -154.457
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Crew turned to and made all secure about decks.
8.20am: Up anchor and underway, full speed, various courses out of northern entrance of Uyak Harbor.
8.35am: Changed course SxW; 10.00am: Changed course SWxW.
11.45am: Anchored off Karluk River in 16 fathoms, veering to 60 fathoms anchor chain.
2.00pm: Mr White went ashore with two men in dinghy to investigate prospect of running into river to anchor; returned at 2.50pm having secured advice to anchor in shelter of Cape Karluk.
3.15pm: Up anchor and underway, proceeding to anchorage. Dropped anchor too near mooring buoy and heaved in again.
4.20pm: Anchored in 5 fathoms, veering to 25 fathoms anchor chain [at Tanglefoot Bay].
Remained at anchor remainder of day.
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30 May 1923
Tanglefoot Bay to Karluk River
Lat 57.569, Long -154.444
Midnight to meridian:
Lying at anchor in Tanglefoot Bay, Karluk Anchorage, Kodiak Island.
10.35am: Up anchor and underway, proceeding for Karluk River to obtain fresh water.
11.15am: Ran aground just beyond first wharf in Karluk River; sounding 30 feet; immediately floated off and got lines ashore and remained in mid-stream.
Meridian to midnight:
12.20pm: Underway again upstream and tied up alongside barge at Alaska Packing Co wharf. Took soundings in bilges every 15 minutes. Not making water. Crew painting smokestack, placing naval sounding machines in position, placing canvas on life preserver rack and general work about ship.
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31 May 1923
Karluk River to Portage Bay
Lat 57.569, Long -154.444
Midnight to noon:
8.00am: Started taking on water; filled all tanks. Routine work crew. Officers engaged in making hydrographic sheet.
Noon to 4.00pm:
1.23pm: Cast off from dock and proceeded out of river on flood tide, Mr Weeks of the Alaska Packing Co piloting the vessel.
1.30pm: Left mouth of Karluk River.
3.00pm: Stopped to disconnect pump to [?] so as to increase steam.
3.05pm: Underway making about 6 knots.
4.00pm to 8.00pm:
On course WSW. 4.10pm: Changed course SWxW. 4.40pm: Changed course SWxW¼W.
6.40pm: Cape Aklek abeam
7.30pm: Cape Una [Unalishagvak] abeam. On course SWxW¼W when relieved. Took sextant fixes every half hour.
8.00pm to midnight:
8.00pm: Headed toward lagoon [Kanatak Lagoon] on western end of Portage Bay.
9.00pm: Anchored in 8 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain, at entrance to lagoon.
9.05pm: Lowered dinghy; Mr White, two men and Quartermaster left to sound out channel into lagoon.
9.40pm: Mr White and party returned; reported 5 feet in lagoon just beyond entrance.
9.45pm: Up anchor and proceeded to anchorage just inside entrance to lagoon; 4 fathoms, hard bottom, veering to 20 fathoms anchor chain. Remained at anchorage rest of night.
[CalTopo map of Portage Bay and Kanatak Lagoon]
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1 June 1923
Portage Bay to Jute Bay
Lat 57.545, Long -155.834
Midnight to midnight:
8.10am: Mr Hemple and Mr White out in dinghy to sound out lagoon for anchorage. Returned to ship at 8.50am, unable to get far inside on account of extreme low tide and swift current.
8.55am: Underway; headed across Portage Bay for entrance to Jute Bay to build signal ‘Island’.
10.05am: Anchored off Eastern Island [probably one of the Jute Islands] in 7 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms chain. Mr Joekel and four men ashore to build signal.
10.25am: Up anchor and underway to explore inner Jute Bay for anchorages. Sounding continuously during run in and out. Found good anchorage with 2 fathoms at lower low water. Returned and anchored off Eastern Island as before at 11.25am.
Noon: Mr Joekel and party returned for lunch. Shoved off again at 1.00pm.
3.15: Mr Joekel and party returned, having completed signal.
3.25: Up anchor and underway to anchorage in Jute Bay. Anchored in 4 fathoms, 30 fathoms of chain out. All secure at 3.50pm.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 61 miles
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2 June 1923
Jute Bay to Kanatak and lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
7.00am: Up anchor and underway across Portage Bay.
8.10am: Anchored off W shore in 10 fathoms, 30 fathoms of chain.
8.15am: Mr White and three men ashore in dinghy to whitewash rock for signal.
9.05am: Up anchor and underway, picked up dinghy and proceeded into Portage Bay.
9.35am: Anchored off Kanatak in 3 fathoms, 25 fathoms of chain. Waiting for weather to clear up to send topographic party up [signal] Kelp.
1.00pm: Liberty party ashore.
2.30pm: Sent 62 lbs beef (forequarter) ashore to Madsen Merchandise Co, to be returned later as needed.
4.45pm: Up anchor and underway for anchorage in lagoon.
5.30pm: Anchored about midway in lagoon in 8 fathoms, mud bottom, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 11 miles
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3 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday; day observed.
Engine-room force repairing gaskets etc about condenser tube where it leads through hull.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 5 miles
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4 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
Lying at anchor throughout day.
8.40am: Mr White and three men left ship in dinghy to boat fresh water aboard; continued throughout day, filling all tanks.
1.00pm: Mr Joekel and five men ashore to establish tide staff; returned at 3.10pm on account of high tide. Engineers working on condenser tube.
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5 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
8.50am: Mr Joekel, Mr White and three men left in dinghy to continue work on tide staff.
12.25pm: Above party returned for lunch. 1.20pm: Above party shoved off again.
3.40pm: Above party returned; dinghy hoisted.
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6 June 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak and return, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.20am: Up anchor and underway, proceeding across Portage Bay.
9.05am: Anchored on N side of bay in 14 fathoms. Mr White ashore in dinghy to whitewash rock for signal.
10.05am: Up and underway, picked up dinghy, and proceeded toward Kanatak.
10.40am: Anchored off Kanatak in 3 fathoms, 20 fathoms of chain.
10.45am: Mr Joekel and Mr White ashore with mail and for supplies, returning at 12.15pm.
4.05pm: Up anchor and underway, headed for lagoon.
4.55pm: Anchored in center of lagoon in 8 fathoms, 30 fathoms of chain. Crew took on water from 5.30pm to 8.00pm.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 5 miles
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7 June 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak and return, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.15am: Up anchor, underway proceeding out of lagoon.
9.00am: Anchored off Kanatak. Mr Hemple, Mr White and three men ashore on topography, locating signals, occupying station ‘Kelp’.
12.10pm: Topographic party returned.
12.55pm: Up anchor, underway, headed for lagoon.
1.35pm: Anchored in entrance to lagoon in 4 fathoms, 25 fathoms of chain.
2.50pm: Topographic party (same) ashore occupying station ‘Lagoon’.
7.25pm: Mr Hemple and party returned.
7.30pm: Underway, proceeding into lagoon.
7.45pm: Anchored in 8 fathoms, 30 fathoms of chain, in southern corner of lagoon.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 10 miles
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8 June 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak and return, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.10am: Sent Seaman ashore as tidal observer.
8.20am: Up anchor, underway proceeding to working grounds.
9.05am: Mr Joekel and three men ashore on topography.
9.30am: On soundings with hand lead.
11.30am: Finished sounding; anchored off Kanatak in 4 fathoms, 20 fathoms chain.
12.40pm: Mr Joekel and party returned for lunch.
1.15pm: Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and three men ashore on topography.
5.15pm: Above party aboard.
5.40pm: Up anchor and underway for lagoon.
6.40pm: Anchored in lagoon, W side of Portage Bay in 7½ fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain. Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 15 miles
Topography: 1½ miles
Number of miles (statute) 6.3; number of soundings 144; number of positions 40; number of angles 80
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9 June 1923
Lagoon and working grounds, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
7.45am: Tide observer ashore.
8.00am: Up anchor and underway for working grounds.
8.45am: Stopped. Mr Joekel and three men ashore on topography.
8.55am: Started hand-lead sounding with ship.
11.27am: Stopped sounding; ran to pick up topographic party.
Noon: Topographic party aboard; ran to lagoon.
1.00pm: Anchored in lagoon, W side of Portage Bay in 7 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain. Tide observer came aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 22 miles
Number of miles (statute) 10.3; number of soundings 224; number of positions 66; number of angles 132
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10 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
Regular holiday routine.
1.05pm: Mr Hemple and Mr White ashore to check elevation of tide staff from bench mark. Returned at 2.25pm.
7.00pm: Crew took on one boat-load of water.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 5 miles
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11 June 1923
Lagoon and working grounds, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
7.55am: Crew started boating water aboard [finished 8.25am].
8.30am: Up anchor and underway; put observer ashore; proceeded to working grounds.
9.19am: Started line of sounding; mist growing thicker; wind and sea increasing.
9.45am: Stopped sounding; anchored in 3½ fathoms, 20 fathoms chain.
9.50am: Mr Joekel and four men ashore after supplies in dinghy.
10.40am: Mr Joekel and party returned with beef (60 lbs) and milk (½ case).
10.50am: Up anchor and underway for lagoon.
11.45am: Anchored in lagoon S side in 7 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain. Tide observer aboard.
12.55pm: Mr White and two men ashore to level in bench marks connecting with tide staff.
4.05pm: Above party aboard.
1.00 to 4.20pm: Crew engaged taking on water until stopped by heavy rain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 11 miles
Number of miles (statute) 0.9; number of soundings 15; number of positions 6; number of angles 12
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12 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Supplies put aboard ‘Yukon’, June 12, 1923, forward mess: 18 lbs corned beef; 2 tins baking powder; 12 lbs beets; 12 lbs string beans; 3 lbs peas; 20 lbs coffee; 1 can syrup; 1 sack potatoes; 12 tins spinach; 15 lbs onions; bacon 24 lbs; meat, 60 lbs beef, 30 lbs veal.
Midnight to midnight:
9.05am: Up anchor and underway; put tide observer ashore and proceeded to working grounds.
9.10am: Mr Joekel and three men put ashore for topography.
Started sounding with hand lead and machine.
11.55pm: Stopped sounding.
12.15pm: Anchored off Kanatak.
12.30pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard for lunch.
1.25pm: Mr Joekel and party ashore.
1.30pm: Underway for working grounds; started sounding.
3.06pm: USC&GS ‘Discoverer’ entered bay; stopped sounding; spoke ‘Discoverer’ and proceeded to Portage Bay Lagoon to pick up tide observer.
3.40pm: Picked up tide observer and returned; tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
7.55pm: Cast off lines; underway and anchored at 8.10pm off Kanatak in 3½ fathoms, 20 fathoms chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 12 miles
Topography: 1.2 miles
Number of miles (statute) 8.4; number of soundings 116; number of positions 64; number of angles 128
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5087502d09d409075503829f: ( Yukon/Book 24/IMG_4623_1.jpg) [Wardroom supplies, June 13; not transcribed]
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13 June 1923
Kanatak to lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Instruments received from USC&GS ‘Discoverer’ aboard ‘Yukon’, June 13, 1923: 1 pair dividers number H 493; 1 pair field glasses number 2330; 1 hydro, clock number 836.
Supplies: 12 tins lye; 2 gallons red shellac; 1 gallon spar varnish; 30 gallons kerosene.
Midnight to midnight:
6.50am: Up anchor and underway.
7.05am: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
8.00am: Started taking on coal and supplies.
9.40am: Finished taking on coal and supplies; cast off lines and drifted astern, dropping anchor in 7 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms anchor chain.
10.45am: Mr Joekel and three men ashore in dinghy on topography.
10.55am: Up anchor and underway for lagoon, W side of Portage Bay.
11.50am: Anchored in lagoon.
12.30pm: Put tide observer ashore.
1.20pm: Up anchor and underway, proceeding out of lagoon.
1.46pm: Started sounding with machine and hand lead.
4.30pm: Stopped sounding; headed inshore to pick up topographic party.
5.05pm: Mr Joekel and topographic party aboard; headed for lagoon.
5.35pm: Anchored in lagoon in 7 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain.
5.45pm: Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 18 miles
Topography: 1½ miles
Number of miles (statute) 6.9; number of soundings 78; number of positions 53; number of angles 106
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14 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.15am: Tide observer ashore.
8.20am: Up anchor and underway, proceeding near waterfall to take on water.
8.35am: Anchored on S side of lagoon.
11.05am: Finished taking on water; relieved tide observer.
12.30pm: Mr Joekel and topographic party of three men ashore.
12.40pm: Up anchor and underway out of lagoon.
1.04pm: Sea too rough. Hard left and re-entered lagoon.
1.15pm: Anchored in lagoon in 8 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms chain, mud bottom.
5.45pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 13 miles
Topography: 1.3 miles
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15 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.25am: Tide observer ashore.
11.30am: Relieved tide observer.
12.55pm: Mr Joekel and three men ashore on typography. Mr White and two men ashore on signal building.
4.30pm: Mr Joekel and party returned.
4.45pm: Mr White and party returned. All small boats hoisted.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 2 miles
Topography: 0.8 miles
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16 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
7.35am Tide observer ashore, starting continuous observations.
8.15am: Mr Joekel, Mr White ashore on topography with two men.
12.25pm: Above party returned for lunch.
1.30pm: Above party ashore again.
6.45pm: Above party aboard. Continued tidal observations during night.
Topography: 3.1 miles
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17 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
Continuous tide observations during the day and night.
5.20pm: Mr Hemple ashore to inspect tidal work.
6.10pm: Mr Hemple aboard.
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18 June 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak and return
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
Continued tide observations until 5.45am.
8.10am: Up anchor and proceeded up lagoon to anchorage off waterfall. Anchored in 6 fathoms, mud bottom, veering to 30 fathoms chain. Proceeded to take on fresh water.
8.40am: Mr Joekel, Mr White and one man ashore on topography.
11.15pm: Finished taking on water. Tanks all filled.
12.55pm: Up anchor and underway. Picked up Mr Joekel and party at entrance to lagoon; hoisted small boat. Proceeded toward Kanatak.
2.10pm: Anchored off Kanatak in 4 fathoms, veering to 20 fathoms chain, hard bottom.
4.30pm: Up anchor and underway for lagoon.
5.20pm: Anchored in lagoon off tide staff in 8 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms chain.
6.00pm: Tide observer aboard.
Topography: 1.2 miles
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19 June 1923
Lagoon and Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
6.55am: Tide observer ashore.
7.25am: Up anchor and underway.
7.40am: Anchored in lee of island at entrance to lagoon.
8.10am: Mr Joekel, Mr White and three men ashore to build and locate [signal] Ile [?].
9.50am: Mr White returned to ship. Mr Joekel and three men resumed topography on mainland.
9.55am: Underway to pick up sounding line.
10.41am: Started sounding using hand lead and sounding machine.
12.17pm: Stopped sounding; ran inshore to anchor.
12.30pm: Anchored for lunch.
1.15pm: Up anchor and underway to pick up sounding line.
1.31pm: Started sounding.
4.46pm: Stopped sounding; headed up coast to pick up topographic party.
5.15pm: Mr Joekel and topographic party aboard; headed toward lagoon.
5.55pm: Resumed sounding in entrance to lagoon.
6.10pm: Stopped sounding; headed for anchorage.
6.15pm Anchored off tide staff in 8 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain, mud bottom. Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 19 miles
Topography: 2.4 miles
Number of miles (statute) 14.5; number of soundings 208; number of positions 109; number of angles 218
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20 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
6.55am: Tide observer ashore.
7.30am: Up anchor and underway; proceeded towards [signal] Cape.
8.30am: Mr Joekel and three men ashore on topographic work.
8.50am: Underway and proceeded toward sounding line off [signal] Kan.
9.30am: Engineer in charge reported gasket blown out in main steam line and necessity of anchoring at once to repair same. Proceeded inshore and anchored in 9 fathoms, hard bottom, veering to 45 fathoms chain.
10.55am: Joint in steam line repaired; underway to pick up sounding line.
11.08am: Started sounding using hand lead and sounding machine.
12.13pm: Packing in main steam line again blew out; stopped sounding and headed for anchorage just inside entrance to lagoon behind island.
1.50pm: Joint repaired; up anchor and underway to pick up sounding line.
2.03am: Commenced sounding.
3.20pm: Stopped sounding on account of increasing SE wind and sea. Headed toward Kanatak to pick up topographic party.
3.50pm: Anchored off Kanatak in 4 fathoms, veering to 20 fathoms chain, hard bottom.
4.45pm: Lowered dinghy and sent man ashore to pick up topographic party.
5.10pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard.
5.15pm: Up anchor and underway, proceeding for lagoon.
5.55pm: Picked up line of sounding in entrance to lagoon.
6.18pm: Line ended; proceeded to anchorage near waterfall.
6.25pm: Anchored; all secure.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 27 miles
Number of miles (statute) 8.0; number of soundings 124; number of positions 60; number of angles 120
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21 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am: Crew started taking on water with dinghy.
8.30am: Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and three men ashore for triangulation and topography, occupying [signal] Lagoon.
Engine-room force repairing tubes in boiler.
11.40am: Tide observer ashore for low water.
12.25pm: Mr Hemple and party returned.
1.55pm: Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and three men ashore to continue observations.
5.25pm: Mr Hemple and party returned.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 13 miles
Completed triangulation observations at [signal] Lagoon
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22 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay, to Cape Una and return
Lat 57.54, Long -155.72
Midnight to midnight:
7.05am: Tide observer ashore.
7.25am: Up anchor and underway.
8.20am: Mr Hemple and two men ashore to climb [signal] Igvak for triangulation.
8.30am: Underway, proceeding across Portage Bay.
9.55am: Mr White and two men ashore to climb and rebuild signal ‘Island’.
12.05pm: Mr Joekel and men returned.
12.10pm: Up anchor and underway.
12.35pm: Anchored off Cape Una; dinghy ashore for Mr White and party.
12.45pm: Mr White and party returned.
1.00pm: Underway, proceeding across Portage Bay.
2.30pm: Anchored in 9 fathoms off SW shore; Mr Joekel and four men ashore to build topographic signal and locate it.
4.20pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard.
4.35pm: Up anchor and proceeded across bay to anchorage in bay just beyond [signal] Cape.
5.10pm: Anchored inside Cape Kanatak in 6 fathoms, veering to 25 fathoms anchor chain. Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel ashore to observe triangulation at [signal] Cape.
8.50pm: Above party aboard; up anchor and proceeded to anchorage in lagoon.
9.50pm: Anchored in lagoon, 7.5 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms chain, mud bottom.
10.00pm: Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 15 miles
Completed observations at [signals] Igvak and Cape
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23 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay, to Jute Bay and return
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
Engine-room force fixing grate bars in morning.
8.20am: Mr Hemple, Mr White and two men ashore to [signal] Lagoon to observe triangulation.
10.10am: Mr Joekel and two men ashore on topography.
11.50am: Mr Hemple and triangulation party aboard.
12.10pm: Mr Joekel and topographic party aboard.
12.20pm: Up anchor and underway across bay.
2.00pm: Mr White and two men ashore off Cape Una to observe triangulation at [signal] Una. Ship proceeded to anchorage behind island in Jute Bay.
2.30pm: Anchored in 8.3 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain, hard bottom.
6.30pm: Up anchor and underway across Jute Bay to pick up Mr White and party.
7.15pm: Mr White and party aboard; headed to lagoon.
8.50pm: Anchored in lagoon off waterfall in 7.3 fathoms, mud bottom, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 20 miles
Completed observations at [signals] Lagoon and Una
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24 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Sunday; day observed.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 16 miles
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25 June 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak, Portage Bay, and return
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
8.10am: Crew started taking on water from waterfall.
1.20pm: Tide observer ashore.
1.45pm: Up anchor and underway, proceeding for Kanatak.
2.35pm: Anchored in 3 fathoms, veering to 25 fathoms of chain.
2.45pm: Mr Hemple and four men ashore for supplies for forward mess.
3.55pm: Mr Hemple and party returned.
4.08pm: Up anchor and underway, proceeding to [signal] Kan.
4.45pm: Mr Joekel and three men ashore to whitewash [signal] Kan and locate it by sextant.
5.15pm: Mr Joekel and party returned. Underway on line of soundings.
7.20pm: Stopped sounding; proceeded into lagoon.
7.50pm: Anchored in lagoon in 7½ fathoms, 30 fathoms chain. Tide observer aboard.
Number of miles (statute) 4.6; number of soundings 57; number of positions 35; number of angles 70
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26 June 1923
Lagoon and Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
7.45am: Tide observer ashore.
8.05am: Up anchor and underway; started sounding in lagoon.
8.50am: Stopped sounding; headed out of lagoon.
9.40am: Mr Joekel and three men ashore on topographic work at [signal] Lee; headed for working grounds.
10.00am: On soundings.
1.15pm: Stopped sounding; proceeded in back of island to anchor.
1.25pm: Anchored for lunch.
2.30pm: Up anchor and underway; began sounding immediately.
3.15pm: Stopped sounding; proceeded to Igvak to pick up Mr Joekel and party.
4.25pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard; proceeded for anchorage in lagoon.
5.15pm: Anchored off waterfall in 6 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain. Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 30 miles
Topography: 24 miles
Number of miles (statute) 13.7; number of soundings 183; number of positions 92; number of angles 184
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27 June 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
8.10am: Crew began taking on water.
11.05am: Finished taking on water.
Raining and blowing from NE all day; too bad for field work.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 14 miles
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[Forward mess supplies; below]
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[Duplicate scan]
28 June 1923
Lagoon to Jute Bay
Lat 57.54, Long -155.88
Forward mess supplies received June 26, 1923:
12 cans pumpkin; 2 sacks potatoes; 2 cases eggs; 50 lbs coffee; 5 lbs cocoa; 8 lbs baking powder; 1 quart vanilla extract; 1 gallon Wesson oil; 12 packs yeast; 2 boxes hops; 50 lbs pancake flour; 250 lbs white flour; 1 case corn; 2 cases string beans; 1 box evaporated apples; 1 case pork and beans; 1 case peaches; 1 case tomatoes; 1 case catsup; 2 cases milk; 2 gallons syrup; 100 lbs sugar; 25 lbs beans; 35 lbs rice; 1 box prunes; 2 dozen oranges; 3 lbs tea; 12 cans clams; ½ cheese; 1 lb pepper; ½ sack salt; 4 hams; 1 leg pork; 6 sides bacon; 2 legs lamb; 3 loins pork; 1 case chicken; 64 lbs butter; 1 hind quarter beef; 3 lbs sausages; 2 boxes raisins; 15 lbs pens [?].
3 bolts signal cloth; 1 can cement; 10 gallons lime; 12 rolls toilet paper; 12 tins D cleanser, 40 2x4s, 20 1x4s; 1 case kerosene jacks; 2 dinghy oars; matches.
Midnight to midnight:
10.10am: Mr Hemple and Mr White ashore with two men; USC&GCS ‘Discoverer’ anchored off lagoon.
10.25am: Party returned; up anchor and underway proceeding to Jute Bay.
12.25pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’, taking aboard coal and supplies.
3.25pm: Coal and supplies aboard.
3.40pm: Cast off lines.
3.45pm: Anchored in lee of reef in Jute Bay in 4 fathoms, 25 fathoms chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 9 miles
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29 June 1923
Jute Bay to lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.15am: Up anchor and underway.
9.10am: Mr Joekel and three men of topographic party put ashore at Cape Kanatak.
9.30am: Proceeded across Portage Bay to put ashore tide observer.
10.10am: Put tide observer ashore and proceeded to working grounds.
10.35am: On soundings.
12.10pm: Ended line of soundings; underway around [signal] Cape into bight to pick up topographic party.
12.20pm: Anchored in lee of Cape Kanatak for lunch.
12.55pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard for lunch.
1.50pm: Mr Joekel and party ashore.
2.00pm: Up anchor and underway.
2.15pm: On sounding.
4.05pm: Stopped sounding; underway, headed for Cape Kanatak.
5.05pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard; proceeded for anchorage.
6.20pm: Anchored in lagoon, abreast of waterfall in 7 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain. Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 17 miles
Topography: 2.5 miles
Number of miles (statute) 10.1; number of soundings 99; number of positions 58; number of angles 116
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30 June 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak, Portage Bay, and return
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.10am: Crew began taking on water.
12.30pm: Tide observer ashore.
12.55pm: Up anchor and proceeded to Kanatak; ran line of soundings out of lagoon.
1.55pm: Mr Joekel and two men ashore for topography.
2.20pm: Headed for sounding line.
2.38pm: On soundings, developing shoals in Portage Bay.
4.20pm: Finished sounding; ran in to pick up topographic party.
5.00pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard.
5.25pm: Liberty party ashore.
5.50pm: Up anchor; underway headed for lagoon.
6.44pm: Anchored in lagoon in 7 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain.
6.50pm: Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 19 miles
Number of miles (statute) 5.0 [possibly 4.0]; number of soundings 101; number of positions 45; number of angles 90
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1 July 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday; day observed.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 18 miles
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2 July 1923
Lagoon, Kanatak and Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
6.45am: Up anchor and proceeded out of lagoon.
7.15am: Anchored outside in 5 fathoms, 25 fathoms chain.
9.00am: Up anchor, proceeding to working grounds.
9.30am: Mr Joekel and party of two men ashore for topography off [signal] Rock.
10.00am: On soundings.
12.55pm: Anchored for lunch off [signal] Lee.
1.45pm: Underway on soundings.
3.55pm: Stopped sounding; headed for Kanatak.
4.35pm: Anchored off Kanatak; Mr Hemple ashore to town in skiff.
5.00pm: Mr Joekel and party returned.
5.25pm: Mr Hemple returned.
5.35pm: Underway, proceeding to lagoon.
6.25pm: Anchored in lagoon in 7 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 14 miles
Topography: 2 miles
Number of miles (statute) 11.0; number of soundings 94; number of positions 61; number of angles 122
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3 July 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay, to Cape Igvak and return
Lat 57.43, Long -156.01
Midnight to midnight:
6.50am: Tide observer ashore.
7.05am: Up anchor and underway, headed for Cape Igvak.
7.55am: Anchored off [signal] Ig in 10 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain. Mr Joekel and three men ashore for topography. Two men ashore to whitewash [signal] Ig.
8.45am: Dinghy returned and hoisted.
8.55am: Up anchor and underway for working grounds.
9.15am: On soundings.
12.50pm: Anchored for lunch.
1.45pm: Underway on soundings.
3.35pm: Finished sounding; underway, headed for Cape Igvak.
4.40pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard at [signal] Ig; headed for lagoon.
5.20pm: Anchored in lagoon in 7 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain.
5.50pm: Tide observer aboard.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 31 miles
Topography: 2 miles
Number of miles (statute) 16.1; number of soundings 146; number of positions 84; number of angles 168
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4 July 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak, Portage Bay
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am: Up anchor and out of lagoon; various courses to anchorage off Kanatak.
8.45am: Anchored off Kanatak in 4 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain, hard bottom.
Crew granted liberty; Independence Day observed.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 21 miles
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5 July 1923
Kanatak to lagoon, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
8.55am: Up anchor and underway for anchorage in lagoon.
9.45am: Anchored in lagoon, W side of Portage Bay, in 6 fathoms veering to 30 fathoms chain, mud bottom.
10.05am: Crew started taking on water.
11.00pm: Finished taking on water.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 5 miles
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6 July 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay, to Wide Bay, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.41, Long -156.21
9.00am: Up anchor and underway, headed for Wide Bay.
11.05am: Anchored in Wide Bay, 8 fathoms of water, 40 fathoms of chain, behind East Channel Island.
1.00pm: Mr White and three men ashore to build signal on [signal] East Channel Island.
3.45pm: Mr White and party returned.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 15 miles
[CalTopo map of Wide Bay]
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7 July 1923
East Channel Island to Hartman Island and Lee Cabin, Wide Bay, and return
Lat 57.37, Long -156.31
Midnight to midnight:
8.15am: Up anchor and underway, proceeding SW along Wide Bay, inside ring of islands.
9.10am: Anchored behind Hartman Island in 11 fathoms, 40 fathoms chain.
9.15am: Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and two men ashore to reconnoiter for signal location on Hartman Island.
9.35am: Above party returned.
9.50am: Mr Joekel and four men ashore to build signal on highest point of Terrace Island.
12.45pm: Mr Joekel and party returned.
12.55pm: Up anchor and underway; reconnoitering to find source of water supply.
1.55pm: Anchored off Lee Cabin in 3 fathoms, 25 fathoms chain. Mr Hemple and Mr White ashore to investigate water supply.
4.15pm: Party returned.
8.35pm: Wind increasing; anchor dragging; up anchor and underway across bay.
9.25pm: Anchored behind East Channel Island in 8 fathoms, 45 fathoms chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 4 miles
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8 July 1923
East Channel Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.41, Long -156.21
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday observed.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 8 miles
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9 July 1923
East Channel Island to western end of Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
8.15am: Up anchor and underway for waterfall S of Mount Shannon, Wide Bay. Sounding and proceeding under slow speed.
9.15am: Anchored about 1 mile off waterfall in 11 fathoms, 35 fathoms anchor chain, mud bottom.
9.23am: Lowered dinghy and Mr White with five men shoved off to get water at falls.
10.40am: Dinghy, under power of Evinrude motor, returned with load of water. Mr White reported inadvisability of obtaining water at falls, due to long haul.
10.50am: Dinghy hoisted and underway to western end of bay investigating further for water supply.
12.05pm: Anchored off small stream S of peninsula on western end of Wide Bay; 5 fathoms, soft sand bottom, veering to 25 fathoms chain.
12.30pm: Dinghy lowered. Mr Joekel and six men ashore to obtain water.
4.00pm: Finished taking on water; all tanks full. Remained at same anchorage throughout night.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 9 miles
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10 July 1923
Western end to Titcliff Island, waterfall, and southern end of Wide Bay
Lat 57.36, Long -156.40
Midnight to midnight:
8.10am: Up anchor and underway; sounding part of the way and proceeding under slow power.
8.45am: Anchored off Titcliff Island in 10 fathoms, soft sand bottom, veering to 30 fathoms chain.
8.50am: Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and two men ashore in dinghy on reconnaissance.
9.10am: Mr Hemple and two men returned.
9.15am: Dinghy and four men ashore with signal-building material.
9.25am: Dinghy and one man returned. Dinghy made fast astern. Proceeded across bay.
10.05am: Anchored off stream W of waterfall (about 1½ miles) in 8 fathoms, soft sand bottom, veering to 30 fathoms chain.
10.15am: Mr White and four men ashore to build signal.
1.00pm: Above party returned; up anchor, headed across Wide Bay.
1.45pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard; proceeding toward southern end of bay.
2.45pm: Anchored in southern end in 3 fathoms, 20 fathoms chain.
2.55pm: Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and four men ashore to build signal.
5.55pm: Above party returned; underway headed to anchorage.
6.20pm: Anchored off small stream in 7 fathoms, 35 fathoms chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 6 miles
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11 July 1923
Southern end, Coal Point and East Channel Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.43, Long -156.22
8.00am: Up anchor and underway headed for N end of bay.
9.30am: Anchored off Coal Point in 5 fathoms, 25 fathoms chain.
9.45am: Mr Hemple and four men ashore to build signal [signal] Ridge.
1.12pm: Mr Hemple and party aboard.
1.20pm: Up anchor; underway headed for Mt Shannon.
1.50pm: Anchored in 4 fathoms, 25 fathoms chain.
2.05pm: Mr Hemple and six men ashore to build and occupy [signal] Shannon.
6.05pm: Above party returned; underway, headed for anchorage.
6.50pm: Anchored behind East Channel Island in 8 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain, soft bottom.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 18 miles
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12 July 1923
East Channel Island to southern end, Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
8.15am: Up anchor and underway towards southern end of bay.
9.45am: Anchored off waterfall in 6 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain.
9.55am: Crew started taking on water.
4.55pm: Crew finished taking on water.
5.30pm: Let out anchor chain to 45 fathoms as anchor was dragging.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 16 miles
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13 July 1923
Southern end to Terrace Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.36, Long -156.40
Midnight to midnight:
7.30am: Up anchor and underway; heading for Terrace Island.
8.40am: Anchored between Terrace and Hartmann Islands in 9 fathoms, mud bottom, 35 fathoms chain.
8.50am: Mr Joekel and two men ashore on Terrace Island for triangulation observations.
10.30am: Above party returned; too windy for triangulation.
10.45am: Up anchor and underway.
11.25am: Anchored off [signal] Creek in 8 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms chain, soft sand bottom.
12.20pm: Mr White and two men ashore to observer triangulation at [signal] Creek.
5.35pm: Above party returned. Up anchor and underway.
6.23pm: Anchored NW of Terrace Island in 11 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms chain, soft sand bottom.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 10 miles
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14 July 1923
Terrace Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.30
Midnight to midnight:
Lying at anchor behind Terrace Island. Foggy and raining. Unfit for field work.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 6 miles
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15 July 1923
Terrace Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.30
Midnight to midnight:
Usual Sunday routine.
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16 July 1923
Terrace Island to waterfall on southern side, Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
5.50am: Up anchor and underway; headed for waterfall at S end of bay.
9.50am: Anchored off waterfall in 7 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain.
10.00am: Crew began taking on water.
6.30pm: Crew finished taking on water; all tanks full.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 7 miles
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17 July 1923
Waterfall to Shannon and Creek signals, Wide Bay
Lat 57.388, Long -156.357
Midnight to midnight:
7.40am: Up anchor and underway.
8.35am: Anchored off [signal] Shannon in 6 fathoms, 30 fathoms anchor chain, soft sand bottom. Mr Hemple, Mr White and three men to occupy [signal] Shannon.
12.30pm: Above party returned.
12.40pm: Up anchor and underway.
1.10pm: Anchored off [signal] Creek in 8 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain, soft sand bottom. Mr White and two men ashore to occupy [signal] Creek.
5.00pm: Above party returned.
Remained at anchor throughout night.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 6 miles
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18 July 1923
Creek signal, Wide Bay
Lat 57.36, Long -156.40
Midnight to midnight:
Lying at anchor off [signal] Creek awaiting subsidence of high winds and seas.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 3 miles
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19 July 1923
Creek signal to Titcliff Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.33, Long -156.35
Midnight to midnight:
7.25am: Up anchor and underway, proceeding across bay.
7.55am: Anchored off Titcliff Island in 10 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain.
8.12am: Mr Hemple and Mr Joekel ashore at [signal] Titcliff for triangulation.
10.50am: Party returned; wind too high for triangulation.
Remained at anchorage awaiting abatement of wind and sea.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 4 miles
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5087502e09d4090755038343: ( Yukon/Book 24/IMG_4664_1.jpg) [Wardroom supplies, below]
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5087502e09d4090755038347: ( Yukon/Book 24/IMG_4665_1.jpg) [Forward mess supplies, below]
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20 July 1923
Titcliff Island to Coal Point, Wide Bay
Lat 57.33, Long -156.35
Wardroom supplies for ‘Yukon’, July 20 1923:
6 cans each peaches, pineapples, cherries, spinach, beets; 12 cans corn; 6 cans green peas; 12 cans string beans; 2 sacks flour; 10 lbs prunes; 10 lbs tapioca; 10 lbs raisins; 3 boxes puffed rice; 3 boxes corn flakes; 2 packs cream of wheat; 6 tins lima beans; 6 tins asparagus tips; 6 tins apples; 5 lbs split peas; 5 lbs lima beans; 1 case eggs; 50 lbs sugar; 10 lbs apricots; 12 lemons; 2 cans syrup Log Cabin; 3 bottles catsup; 3 lbs coffee; 3 lbs cocoa; 3 boxes corn starch; 3 cans baking powder; 6 cans tomatoes; 6 cans jam; 6 boxes crackers; 6 boxes hops; 1 case milk; 5 lbs green beans; 1 lb tea Liptons; 10 lbs macaroni; 6 boxes jello; 6 boxes gelatine; 2 bottles dressing; 2 lbs salt; ½ dozen shrimps; ½ dozen olives; ½ dozen soups; 1 can silver polish; 20 lbs onions; 1 sack potatoes; 5 lbs cabbage; 2 hams; 2 sides bacon; 2 legs lamb; 2 loins pork; 10 lbs butter.
Stores put aboard ‘Yukon’, July 20 1923, forward mess:
100 lbs flour; 1 case corn flakes; 10 cans beef; 50 lbs sugar; 1 case tomatoes; 1 case peaches; 1 case milk; 1 case clams; 12 packages yeast; 25 lbs navy beans; 25 lbs kidney beans; 10 lbs tea; 1 case prunes; 1 case eggs; 1 case chicken; 5 pork loins; 2 pork legs; 6 hams; 1 leg lamb; 2 sacks spuds.
Instruments: 1 thread and tripod.
Midnight to midnight:
At anchor off Titcliff Island awaiting subsidence of wind.
1.10pm: Up anchor and underway, heading for USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’ off Coal Point, Wide Bay.
2.15pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’, port side to; began taking on coal and supplies.
4.55pm: Coal and supplies aboard.
7.40pm: Cast off lines from ‘Discoverer’; towing motor sailing launch.
8.05pm: Anchored off [signal] Ridge in 8 fathoms, soft sand bottom, veering to 45 fathoms anchor chain.
Took aboard 352 sacks of coal, 17+ tons
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21 July 1923
[Signal] Ridge, Wide Bay
Lat 57.426, Long -156.239
Midnight to midnight:
Lying at anchor, throughout day awaiting abatement of wind and sea. Motor-sailer tied up astern.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 8 miles
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22 July 1923
[Signal] Ridge to Terrace Island, Titcliff Island, and southern end of Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.30
Midnight to midnight:
9.00am: Up anchor and underway, towing motor sailer.
9.12am: Anchored motor-sailer about ½ mile off beach in 7.3 fathoms, soft sand bottom, about 75 fathoms anchor chain out. Headed ‘Yukon’ toward Terrace Island.
9.45am: Anchored off Terrace Island in 9 fathoms, soft sand bottom, veering to 45 fathoms of anchor chain. Mr Joekel, Mr White and two men ashore to observe at [signal] Terrace.
1.25pm: Above party returned.
2.15pm: Up anchor and underway.
3.00pm: Anchored off Titcliff Island in 8 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms, mud bottom. Mr Joekel and two men ashore for triangulation observations at [signal] Titcliff.
5.15pm: Above party returned.
5.35pm: Up anchor and underway.
6.20pm: Anchored off waterfall, southern end of Wide Bay, in 7 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms anchor chain, soft sand bottom.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 5 miles
Completed observations at [signals] Terrace and Titcliff
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23 July 1923
Southern end of Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
Lying at anchor off waterfall at southern end of Wide Bay, Shelikof Strait, SW Alaska.
8.00am: Crew ashore to take on water, an occupation requiring practically all day.
4.20pm: All tanks full.
4.25pm: Up anchor and underway.
6.40pm: Anchored in northern end of Wide Bay opposite Mount Becharof, 5 fathoms, 45 fathoms of chain.
Officers engaged in computations and records.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 70 miles
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24 July 1923
Off Mount Becharof, Wide Bay
Lat 57.45, Long -155.8
Midnight to midnight:
Lying at anchor all day. Clouds obscured [signal] Becharof, and wind and sea high.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 12 miles
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25 July 1923
Off Mount Becharof to Coal Point, Wide Bay
Lat 57.43, Long -156.22
Midnight to midnight:
8.30am: Mr Joekel and six men ashore to build signal [signal] Becharof and observe the station.
9.20 am: Up anchor and underway, headed for [signal] Ridge.
10.25am: Anchored at [signal] Ridge in 4 fathoms of water, 25 fathoms of chain.
3.30pm: Above party returned.
3.40pm: Up anchor and underway, headed across bay.
4.00pm: Mr White and one man ashore to observe [signal] East Channel.
4.15pm: Headed for [signal] Becharof to pick up Mr Joekel and party.
5.15pm: Anchored in 3½ fathoms, 25 fathoms of chain.
7.20pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard; up anchor and underway.
8.05pm: Anchored off East Channel in 10 fathoms, 30 fathoms of chain.
8.35pm: Mr White and party aboard; up anchor and underway.
9.00pm: Anchored off Coal Point in 9½ fathoms, 45 fathoms of chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 4 miles
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26 July 1923
Off Coal Point to East Channel Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.43, Long -156.22
Midnight to midnight:
Officers working on triangulation records. Crew putting guard rail on port side of ship.
3.55pm: Up anchor and underway, headed for East Channel Island.
4.15pm: Anchored off East Channel Island in 9? fathoms, 45 fathoms of chain. Mr White and two men ashore to observe [signal] East Island.
6.35pm: Above party returned.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 11 miles
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27 July 1923
East Channel Island to southern end, Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
8.20am: Up anchor and underway, headed toward south end of bay.
9.47am: Anchored off waterfall in 3½ fathoms of water, 25 fathoms of chain.
9.50am: Crew started taking on water.
5.15pm: Crew finished taking on water.
6.05pm: Up anchor and underway; ran about 200 yards and anchored in 9? fathom, 45 fathoms of chain, soft mud bottom.
Officers working on triangulation records.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 11 miles
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28 July 1923
Southern end of Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
8.30am: Mr White and three men ashore to put in triangulation marks at [signal] End.
1.10pm: Above party returned.
Officers working on triangulation records.
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29 July 1923
Southern end to [signal] Ridge, Wide Bay
Lat 57.426, Long -156.239
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday; day observed.
9.40am: Up anchor and underway, headed up bay toward anchorage of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’.
11.00am: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’, anchored off [signal] Ridge.
9.30pm: Cast off lines and dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’; anchored in 11 fathoms, mud bottom, 45 fathoms anchor chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 8 miles
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30 July 1923
[Signal] Ridge, Wide Bay, to Portage Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
8.05am: Up anchor and underway.
8.25am: Anchored off Lee Cabin, Wide Bay, in 3 fathoms, sand bottom, veering to 25 fathoms of anchor chain.
8.45am: Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and four men ashore to build tide staff, establish bench marks, and level same. Mr White and three men ashore on topography.
1.05pm: Above parties returned.
1.55pm: Anchored off [signal] Ridge in 5? fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms of chain, sand bottom. Mr White and three men ashore on topography.
5.05pm: Above party returned.
5.15pm: Up anchor and underway.
5.30pm: Anchored astern of ‘Discoverer’ in 11 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms of chain, mud bottom. Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and Mr White reported aboard ‘Discoverer’.
6.45pm: Mr Hemple and Mr Joekel returned aboard; brought a small amount of meat and canned goods.
7.00pm: Up anchor and underway for Portage Bay.
9.05pm: Anchored behind island at entrance to lagoon, Portage Bay, in 5 fathoms, sand bottom, veering to 30 fathoms of chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 1½ miles
Topography: 1.8 miles
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31 July 1923
Lagoon entrance to waterfall, Portage Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
5.30am: Up anchor and underway up lagoon.
5.50am: Anchored in lagoon, Portage Bay, off waterfall in 6½ fathoms, mud bottom, 30 fathoms of chain.
6.30am: Tide observer ashore.
7.00am: Commenced continuous tide observations.
8.00am: Crew commenced taking on water.
10.30am: Finished taking on water.
Weather: foggy and raining; unfit for field work.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 16 miles
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1 August 1923
Lagoon to Kanatak, Portage Bay, and return
Lat 57.522, Long -156.058
Midnight to midnight:
6.35am: Tide observer ashore to relieve night observer.
7.15am: Up anchor and underway out of lagoon.
7.35am: Anchored in lee of island at entrance to lagoon in 7? fathoms, sand bottom, 30 fathoms of chain.
8.00am: Up anchor and underway.
8.35am: Anchored off Kanatak in 2.2 fathoms, sand bottom, 20 fathoms of chain.
8.42am: Mr Joekel and three men ashore to rebuild [signal] Kanatak.
9.30am: Mr Hemple and three men left ship to locate least depth on shoal off nun buoy.
10.10am: Mr Hemple and party returned.
2.45pm: Mr Joekel and party returned; Mr GC Martin of US Geological Survey aboard with party.
2.55pm: Up anchor and underway for lagoon.
3.40pm: Anchored in lagoon off waterfall in 7 fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms of chain, mud bottom.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 16 miles
Topography: 3.7 miles
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2 August 1923
Lagoon, Portage Bay, and Wide Bay
Lat 57.567, Long -156.025
Midnight to midnight:
6.30am: Tide observer ashore to relieve night watch.
8.00am: Commenced taking on water from waterfall; engineers repairing condenser tubes.
9.00am: Mr Hemple and one man ashore to level tide staff.
10.00am: Above party returned.
11.20am: Finished taking on water.
12.55pm: Tide observer aboard.
1.30pm: Up anchor and underway.
2.15pm: Anchored off Kanatak in 4 fathoms, 20 fathoms of anchor chain. Mr Martin and three men ashore in dinghy.
3.05pm: Above party returned.
3.20pm: Up anchor and underway.
5.00pm: Main feed line valve blew out; forced to stop; anchored in 18.3 fathoms off Cape Igvak, veering to 60 fathoms of anchor chain. Anchor fix: Cape Igvak 79°07’ – Hump – right tangent of island S of Hump 28°09’.
7.25pm: Main feed line repaired; anchor up and underway.
7.55pm: Main feed line again burst; anchored between [signal] Hump and island just N of East Channel Island, 13 fathoms, soft sand, veering to 45 fathoms of anchor chain. USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’ in sight; showed distress signals.
8.50pm: Mr Joekel and three men started off for ‘Discoverer’ to obtain help.
10.20pm: Main feed line again repaired; up anchor and underway.
11.00pm: Anchored astern of ‘Discoverer’ in 11 fathoms, mud bottom, 45 fathoms of chain. Mr Hemple cast off in skiff to make report to Commanding Officer of ‘Discoverer’. Mr Joekel and party returned.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 16 miles
Topography: 2.4 miles
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3 August 1923
Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
8.30am: Motor-sailers of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’ alongside. Mr Joekel and two men ashore with party of Mr Garner to assist in base-line measurement. Mr White and three men ashore in other motor-sailer for topography.
8.40am: Up anchor and underway.
8.45am: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
5.20pm: Mr Joekel and two men returned.
7.30pm: Mr White and three men returned.
9.15pm: Cast off lines and dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’, anchoring in 11 fathoms, mud bottom, veering to 45 fathoms of chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 21 miles
Topography: 3.3 miles
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4 August 1923
Off Lee Cabin, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
8.05am: Up anchor and underway.
8.25am: Mr White and three men ashore on topography; underway to pick up sounding line.
8.35am: Started sounding line.
12.10pm: Stopped sounding; ran for anchorage.
12.15pm: Anchored for lunch.
1.17pm: Up anchor and underway.
1.40pm: On sounding line.
3.00pm: Stopped sounding; ran to pick up Mr White.
3.25pm: Mr White and party aboard.
3.45pm: Tied up alongside USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’.
9.00pm: Dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’ with line from bow.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 15 miles
Topography: 1.7 miles
Number of miles (statute) 16.1, number of soundings 179; number of positions 89; number of angles 178
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5 August 1923
Astern of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
8.55am: Pulled up alongside ‘Discoverer’
1.10pm: Dropped astern and tied up to ‘Discoverer’.
Day observed. Engineers repairing ash pan and anchor winch.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 10 miles
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6 August 1923
Astern of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
8.10am: Pulled up and tied up alongside of ‘Discoverer’ and started taking on water.
12.45pm: Mr Hemple and one man ashore to assist in rebuilding tide staff.
5.15pm: Above party returned.
9.10pm: Dropped back and tied up astern of ‘Discoverer’.
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7 August 1923
Astern of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
Weather unfit for field work. Officers working on sheets and records.
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8 August 1923
Astern of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
Weather unfit for field work. Officers on field records and making topographic charts.
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9 August 1923
Astern of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
Weather unfit for field work. Rain and fog. Officers engaged on records etc.
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10 August 1923
Astern of USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
Ensign White returned to ‘Discoverer’.
Continued bad weather. Officer engaged on records etc.
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11 August 1923
East Channel Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.413, Long -156.203
Midnight to midnight:
7.40am: Pulled up alongside ‘Discoverer’ and began coaling.
9.45am: Coal and supplies aboard.
10.05am Cast off from ‘Discoverer’.
11.00am: Mr Bond and three men ashore for topography.
11.50am: Anchored behind East Channel Island for noon, 10.5 fathoms swinging to 45 fathoms of chain.
12.30pm: Up anchor and underway.
12.50pm: Started sounding.
4.17pm: Stopped sounding.
5.45pm: Anchored off [signal] Creek, 8 fathoms, mud bottom, swinging to 45 fathoms of chain.
5.50pm: Boat ashore for Mr Bond and party.
6.20pm: Mr Bond and party aboard.
8.45pm: Mr Nitherbee, Mr Downey and party aboard to exchange supplies.
9.30pm: Above party left.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 10 miles
Topography: 7 miles
Number of miles 12.3; number of soundings 111; number of positions 58; number of angles 116
Mr Bond aboard from USC&GSS ‘Discoverer’.
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[Two duplicate scans of weather page, one duplicate scan of Remarks page]
12 August 1923
Off [signal] Creek, Wide Bay
Lat 57.40, Long -156.29
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday, day observed.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 15 miles
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13 August 1923
Waterfall, Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46 [Preston Creek]
8.15am: Mr Bond and three men ashore on topography.
8.40am: Up anchor and underway.
9.00am: Anchored off waterfall in 6 fathoms, running to 30 fathoms of chain, sand bottom.
9.15am: Mr Joekel and two men ashore to build signals. Began taking on water with remainder of crew.
12.25pm: Mr Joekel and party returned.
3.15pm: Finished taking water; wind and sea too rough to continue.
6.15pm: Mr Bond and party returned.
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14 August 1923
Waterfall to [signal] Creek and southern end, Wide Bay
Lat 57.40, Long -156.29
Midnight to midnight:
8.10am: Mr Bond and three men ashore on topography.
8.20am: Up anchor and underway.
9.10am: On sounding line.
10.20am: Stopped sounding on account of increasing wind and sea, and condenser trouble; headed for anchorage off [signal] Creek.
10.50am: Anchored off [signal] Creek in 7 fathoms, veering to 35 fathoms anchor of chain, soft sand bottom.
3.45pm: Up anchor and underway to pick up topographic party.
4.50pm: Anchored off peninsula in southern end of Wide Bay in 7.3 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms, soft mud bottom.
5.25pm: Mr Bond and topographic party aboard.
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15 August 1923
Southern end to Lee Cabin, Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.48
Midnight to midnight:
Weather unfit for field work.
4.30pm: Up anchor and underway
6.10pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’; anchored off Lee Cabin, Wide Bay
[Mr Bond and Mr Joekel returned to ‘Discoverer’.]
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16 August 1923
Lee Cabin to Uyak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.41, Long -155.84
Midnight to midnight:
9.25am: Dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’.
9.40am: ‘Discoverer’ underway towing ‘Yukon’, bound for Uyak, Kodiak Island.
11.30pm: Pulled up alongside starboard side of ‘Discoverer’, anchored off cannery at Uyak, Kodiak Island, SW Alaska.
[Mr Downey aboard at 9.20am. Mr Downey returned to ‘Discoverer’ at 11.20pm.]
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17 August 1923
Uyak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.652, Long -154.016
Midnight to midnight:
Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’ all day.
8.05am: Mr Hemple, Boatswain and five men left in ‘Discoverer’s’ motor-sailer to prepare ways for ‘Yukon’.
11.50am: Above party returned.
1.00pm: Above party left.
4.45pm: Party returned.
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18 August 1923
Uyak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.652, Long -154.016
Midnight to midnight:
Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
9.30am: Mr Hemple, Boatswain and five men left to lower ways.
11.55am: Above party returned.
2.45pm: Cast off from ‘Discoverer’ and towed by motor-sailer toward ways.
3.45pm: Began entering ways.
8.30pm: All secure on ways.
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19 August 1923
Uyak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.652, Long -154.016
Midnight to midnight:
Sunday morning observed; engineers plugging condenser pipe.
2.05pm: Began preparations for launching ‘Yukon’.
6.00pm: Engineer reported another leak in condenser.
7.50pm: Motor-sailer towed ‘Yukon’ to ‘Discoverer’; tied up alongside.
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20 August 1923
Uyak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.652, Long -154.016
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am: Mr Hemple, Boatswain and five men left to prepare ways of North Western Fisheries Co ship ‘Katina’ to take on ‘Yukon’.
6.05pm: Motor-sailer took ‘Yukon’ in tow.
6.25pm: Began going on ways.
8.10pm: All secured on ways.
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21 August 1923
Uyak, Kodiak Island
Lat 57.652, Long -154.016
Midnight to midnight:
8.00am: Engineers commenced repairing condenser. Deck department started red-leading and taking aboard 30 fathoms of anchor chain used on Coast Survey ways.
7.45pm: Lowered ways.
8.10pm: Engines astern; backed out of ways.
8.12pm: Clear of ways; full speed ahead.
8.20pm: Tied up alongside dock at Uyak; began taking water.
8.35pm: All tanks full; cast off lines; full speed ahead.
8.45pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
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22 August 1923
Uyak, Kodiak Island, to Wide Bay
Lat 57.52, Long -155.71
Midnight to 8.00am:
5.00am: All boats hoisted.
5.30am: Underway; various courses around Harvester Island.
6.00am: Course W (magnetic); Bear Island abeam, distance 1 mile.
6.30am: Changed course WSW (magnetic).
6.45am: Rocky Point abeam.
6.57am: Changed course SWxW (magnetic).
7.35am: Cape Uyak abeam.
8.00am: On course SWxW (magnetic); ‘Discoverer’ acting as convoy.
8.00am to noon:
On course SWxW. 8.20am: Cape Karluk abeam; changed course SW¾W.
9.20am: Changed course SW; on this course for remainder of watch, ‘Discoverer’ acting as convoy.
Noon to 4.00pm:
On course SWxW. 1.30pm: Cape Unashaligvak abeam.
1.45pm: Changed course SW½W.
3.00pm: Cape Igvak abeam; changed course SwxW½W.
3.45pm: Entering Wide Bay.
4.27pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’ in Wide Bay.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 43 miles
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23 August 1923
Wide Bay
Lat 57.45, Long -156.16
Midnight to midnight:
8.10am: Cast off from ‘Discoverer’ and underway.
9.15am: Mr White and three men ashore at Big Creek, N end of Wide Bay, on topography in dinghy.
9.45am: Dinghy returned; hoisted; underway for working grounds.
10.25am: Started sounding.
10.55am: Discontinued sounding on account of rain and fog; headed for anchorage of [signal] Big.
11.05am: Anchored at northern end of Wide Bay in 5 fathoms, hard sand bottom, with 30 fathoms of chain out.
12.25pm: Up anchor and underway.
12.30pm: Resumed sounding.
4.05pm: Discontinued sounding; headed for entrance of lagoon, northern end of Wide Bay to pick up topographic party.
5.15pm: Mr White and party returned; underway for ‘Discoverer’.
6.10pm: Tied up astern of ‘Discoverer’, anchored off Lee Cabin, Wide Bay.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 48.5 miles
Topography 2.9 miles
Number of miles, statute, 16.8; number of soundings 285; number of positions 88; number of angles 176
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24 August 1923
Wide Bay
Lat 57.45, Long -156.16
Midnight to midnight:
8.15am: Cast off lines and underway.
9.45am: Mr White and three men ashore in dinghy on topography.
10.00am: Dinghy returned and hoisted; underway for sounding line.
10.15am: Started sounding.
Noon: Discontinued sounding; headed for anchorage for lunch.
12.30pm: Anchored in 5 fathoms, hard sand bottom, 30 fathoms of anchor chain; off [signal] Big, N end of Wide Bay.
1.55pm: Up anchor and continued sounding.
3.35pm: Discontinued sounding; ran to pick up Mr White and party.
3.55pm: Sent dinghy ashore to pick up topography party.
4.25pm: Mr White and topographic party aboard; headed for ‘Discoverer’.
5.20pm: Tied up astern of ‘Discoverer’, anchored off Lee Cabin, Wide Bay.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 37 miles
Topography: 2.3 miles
Number of miles, statute, 13.5; number of soundings 283; number of positions 83; number of angles 166
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25 August 1923
Wide Bay
Lat 57.40, Long -156.30
Midnight to midnight:
7.05am: Pulled up and tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’; commenced taking on water and coal while boiler repairs were being made.
9.35am: Cast off lines and underway.
9.45am: Mr White and three men ashore on topography with dinghy; headed for working grounds.
10.00am: Started sounding.
11.35am: Anchored at end of line for lunch; 7 fathoms, soft sand bottom, veering to 30 fathoms chain.
12.30pm: Up anchor and continued sounding.
2.45pm: Stopped sounding.
3.30pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’; took on coal and supplies.
3.40pm: Mr White and party returned in ‘Discoverer’s’ motor-sailer.
4.15pm: Finished coaling; all supplies aboard.
6.15pm: Dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’ and anchored in 8 fathoms, 45 fathoms chain. ‘Discoverer’ headed out of bay for Kodiak.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 25.5 miles
Topography: 3.3 miles
Number of miles, statute, 10.3; number of soundings 123; number of positions 85; number of angles 170
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26 August 1923
Lee Cabin to Titcliff Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.40, Long -156.30
Midnight to midnight:
At anchor in Wide Bay, Shelikof Straits, 8 fathoms swinging to 45 fathoms chain. Sunday observed.
7.20pm: Up anchor to seek better anchorage for night in face of increasing wind and sea.
8.15pm: Anchored behind Titcliff Island in 9 fathoms, 4 feet water, swinging to 50 fathoms chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 8 miles
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27 August 1923
Titcliff Island to working grounds, Wide Bay
Lat 57.34, Long -156.34
Midnight to midnight:
7.50am: Started heaving in anchor; at 8.00am anchor up and underway.
8.50am: Tide observer ashore; dinghy returned and hoisted; underway.
10.15am: Started sounding.
11.45am: Stopped sounding; headed for anchorage.
11.55am: Anchored in lee of Hump Island [possibly Slaughter Island aka Large Island] for lunch.
12.50pm: Mr White and two men ashore in skiff for topography on Hump Island.
1.00pm: Underway to resume sounding.
1.15pm: Started sounding.
2.55pm: Stopped sounding on account of increased wind and sea; headed for Hump Island to pick up topographic party.
3.15pm: Lowered dinghy and sent it in to pick up topographic party.
3.25pm: Dinghy returned with party. Mr White reported skiff having gone adrift and floated out to sea. Headed in general direction of floating skiff searching for same. Unable to locate. Headed through main channel of Wide Bay.
4.55pm: Picked up tide observer and headed toward anchorage.
5.15pm: Anchored off Coal Point, Wide Bay, in 7½ fathoms, 45 fathoms chain, sand bottom.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 19 miles
Number of miles, statute, 14.6; number of soundings 128; number of positions 67; number of angles 134
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28 August 1923
Lee Cabin and sounding, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
Engine-room force repairing feed line pipe.
11.10am: Underway.
11.30am: Recovered dinghy and sent tide observer ashore.
11.40am: Dinghy returned and hoisted; underway.
12.09pm: Started sounding.
12.26pm: Stopped sounding; headed toward [signal] Hump to put Mr White ashore.
12.50pm: Lowered dinghy; sent Mr White and 3 men ashore on topography.
1.05pm: Dinghy returned and hoisted; headed out to sea to pick up outer end of line, taking cuts underway to locate [signal] Vak. Rain and clouds set in; headed in to start sounding on inshore lines.
1.55pm: Started sounding.
4.20pm: Stopped sounding; headed toward [signal] Hump.
4.25pm: Picked up Mr White and topographic party.
4.30pm: Underway for anchorage.
5.45pm: Sent in dinghy for tide observer.
5.50pm: Anchored off Lee Cabin, Wide Bay, Shelikof Strait, SW Alaska, in 7.3 fathoms, soft bottom, 30 fathoms chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 20 miles
Topography: 1.2 miles
Number of miles, statute, 8.0; number of soundings 114; number of positions 64; number of angles 129
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29 August 1923
Lee Cabin and sounding, Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
7.55am: Sent tide observer ashore.
8.05am: Underway for working grounds.
9.20am: Mr White and three men ashore on topography; underway to pick up sounding line.
9.50am: Commenced sounding.
Noon: Discontinued sounding; anchored for lunch.
1.00pm: Underway; continued sounding.
3.35pm: Stopped sounding; headed for lagoon to pick up topographic party.
4.10pm: Sent dinghy in for shore party.
4.20pm: Dinghy returned with topographic party; underway for Lee Cabin to pick up tide observer.
4.35pm: Dinghy sent in for tide observer.
4.50pm: Tide observer aboard; hoisted dinghy; underway for anchorage.
6.20pm: Anchored off Titcliff Island in 11.3 fathoms, mud bottom, 45 fathoms anchor chain.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 33 miles
Topography: 3.9 miles
Number of miles, statute, 18.3; number of soundings 143; number of positions 103; number of angles 206
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30 August 1923
Titcliff Island and waterfall, Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
8.35am: Up anchor and underway.
9.25am: Anchored off waterfall in southern end of Wide Bay in 3½ fathoms, hard bottom, veering to 20 fathoms chain. Lowered dinghy and commenced taking water.
2.10pm: Sighted ‘Discoverer’ entering harbor.
2.50pm: Underway.
3.45pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’. Took aboard stores for forward mess.
9.35pm: Dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’ for the night.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 26 miles
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Steamer ‘Yukon’
Lieutenant HW Hemple, commanding
From August 31, 1923 to [September 18, 1923]
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LIST OF OFFICERS attached to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘Yukon’
Hemple HW, Lieutenant, in charge, joined May 18, 1923
Joekel FE, Lieutenant (Junior Grade), joined May 28, 1923
White PH, Ensign, joined May 28, 1923
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31 August 1923
Wide Bay
Lat 57.31, Long -156.46
Midnight to midnight:
7.10am: Pulled up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’ throughout the day.
Mr Hemple, Mr Joekel and Mr White with Writer and one Seaman on base-line measurement.
Remainder of crew cleaning up and painting about ship.
9.30pm: Dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 5 miles
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1 September 1923
Wide Bay, sounding
Lat 57.39, Long -156.22
Midnight to midnight:
7.05am: Pulled up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
8.10am: Cast off and underway for working grounds.
8.40am: Commenced sounding; two Officers, Writer and all of crew.
11.30am: Anchored for lunch in 9.3 fathoms, 35 fathoms chain, hard sand bottom, in Western Channel, entrance to Wide Bay.
12.30pm: Anchor up and underway on sounding line.
3.20pm: Discontinued sounding on account of rain and mist.
3.50pm: Tied up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
9.20pm: Dropped astern of ‘Discoverer’.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 13 miles
Number of miles, statute, 17.1; number of soundings 204; number of positions 99; number of angles 198
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2 September 1923
Wide Bay
Lat 57.39, Long -156.22
Midnight to midnight:
8.30am: Hauled up alongside ‘Discoverer’.
3.50pm: Dropped astern ‘Discoverer’.
Sunday; day observed.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 15 miles
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3 September 1923
Wide Bay, sounding and off Mount Shannon
Lat 57.39, Long -156.22
7.55am: Cast off lines from ‘Discoverer’ and underway.
8.30am: Mr Joekel and two men ashore on triangulation.
9.10am: Commenced sounding.
Noon: Discontinued sounding and anchored for lunch.
1.10pm: Up anchor and started sounding.
4.30pm: Stopped sounding; sent dinghy ashore to pick up triangulation party.
4.50pm: Mr Joekel and party aboard; underway for anchorage.
5.30pm: Anchored in 10 fathoms, soft sand bottom, 45 fathoms chain, off [signal] Shannon, Wide Bay.
6.35pm: ‘Discoverer’ anchored about ½ mile to SW.
6.50pm: Mr Hemple and Mr Joekel left for ‘Discoverer’.
9.15pm: Mr Hemple and Mr Joekel returned.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 15 miles
Number of miles, statute, 20.0; number of soundings 215; number of positions 112; number of angles 224
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4 September 1923
Off Mount Shannon, Wide Bay
Lat 57.38, Long -156.33
Midnight to midnight:
7.43am: Up anchor and underway.
7.55am: Tied up astern of ‘Discoverer’.
1.30pm: Wind and sea increasing; took stern line of ‘Discoverer’ and made fast to bow. Doubled lines on motor-sailer tied astern.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 16 miles
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5 September 1923
Titcliff Island, Wide Bay
Lat 57.33, Long -156.35
Midnight to midnight:
8.20am: Cast off from ‘Discoverer’ and proceeded to a sheltered anchorage behind Titcliff Island.
9.20am: Anchored in lee of Titcliff Island, 9.3 fathoms, 45 fathoms chain, mud bottom.
9.40am: ‘Discoverer’ anchored about 300 meters astern.
10.00am: Alongside ‘Discoverer’ for water and supplies.
1.15pm: Mr Hemple and two men ashore in motor-sailer on triangulation.
6.30pm: Mr Hemple and party returned.
8.25pm: Cast off from ‘Discoverer’ and ran in near nearer Titcliff Island.
8.35pm: Anchored for night; 9.3 fathoms, 45 fathoms chain, mud bottom.
Ship’s run noon to noon: 4 miles
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