(More detailed plots follow in the text)
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)
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1 January 1899
[Off Navy Yard,] Mare Island, California
Lat 38.094, Long -122.259
Commences and until 4am:
Flood tide.
Cloudy and cool.
Light SE airs.
Barometer falling.
Hoisted gig clear of the water at 12.15am.
4am to 8am:
Wind hauling from South to SSE, increasing in force and blowing in fresh squalls last hour.
Cold and rain.
Received on board in Paymaster's Department: 136¼ pounds fresh beef; 136¼ pounds vegetables; and 109 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain in squalls.
Gentle and moderate South-southeasterly and Easterly breeze.
At 9.00am released J. Gordon, Second-class Fireman, his term of confinement having expired.
By order of the Commanding Officer placed E. Shearer, Second-class Fireman, in solitary confinement in double irons on bread and water for ten days, with a full ration every fifth day, in accordance with a sentence of a Summary Court Martial.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast and cloudy, raining.
Stiff breeze from South to light airs from West.
Barometer rising.
Flood tide.
Swung to ebb at 3.30pm.
At 1 o'clock sent liberty party ashore.
4pm to 8pm:
Riding to Ebb.
Light Easterly and Southeasterly airs.
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
Light airs from East.
Ebb tide.
Swung to flood tide at 10.45pm.
At 10.45pm secured steam launch for the night.
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2 January 1899
[Off Navy Yard,] Mare Island, California
Lat 38.094, Long -122.259
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SE to SSE airs.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Light NW breeze and calm.
Riding to flood until 5.45am, when swung to ebb.
J.J. Sheehan, Landsman, returned on board 24 hours over time, and P.N. Anderson, Coal Passer, ½ hour over time.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 136¼ pounds each of meat and fresh vegetables.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and cool, occasional showers.
Calm to light Southerly airs.
Barometer rising.
Ebb tide.
Swung to flood tide at 12.00pm.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, absentees over time: R. Bolla, Private Marine, G.E. Brownlee, Hospital Apprentice, F. Smith, Shipwright, A. Kelly, Coxswain, W.H. Rynders, Coxswain, and H. Milan, Machinist First-class.
At 10 o'clock H. Milan, Machinist First-class, returned on board 3 hours over time and drunk.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and squally, with occasional rain showers.
Light to moderate breeze from SSW to West.
At 1.00pm shut down dynamo to repair leaky steam pipe, and started it again at 1.20pm.
Transferred H. Antoniez, First-class Fireman, to Naval Hospital.
Started swinging to ebb at 3.40pm.
Started evaporator at 1.20pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and cool, with occasional showers.
Light breeze from SW.
Ebb tide.
Barometer rising.
At 5.30pm hoisted whaleboat, at 6.15pm hoisted gig.
A. Kelly, Coxswain, returned on board 12 hours over time.
8pm to midnight:
Generally cloudy and squally, with occasional showers.
Gentle to moderate Westerly to Southerly breeze.
Swung to flood tide about 10.30pm.
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3 January 1899
[Off Navy Yard,] Mare Island, California
Lat 38.094, Long -122.259
Commences and until 4am:
Light breeze from West.
Fair and cold.
Flood tide.
4am to 8am:
Clear and cold.
Swung to ebb at 6.30 o'clock.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 136¼ pounds each of beef and vegetables; and 109 pounds bread.
At 7.50am two yard workmen in the Construction Department came on board to finish shield.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light West-northwesterly airs.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, absent over time: G.E. Brownlee, Hospital Apprentice, F. Smith, Shipwright, W.H. Rynders, Coxswain, C.S. Cheung, Mess Attendant, and Tony Chan, Mess Attendant.
R. Bolla, Private Marine, declared a deserter from December 24, 1898, having been absent 10 days without leave.
Divisions drilled at battery and 2nd Division at artillery.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: P.M. Anderson, Coal Passer, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class, for ½ hour over time; A. Kelly, Coxswain, 4th [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty, for 12 hours over time and tight; H. Milan, Machinist First-class, 3rd [conduct] class and 1 day's extra duty, for 3 hours over time and drunk.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light to gentle breeze from SW and West.
Fair and cold.
Flood tide.
Exercised at divisional drill at 1.15pm.
Exercised signal class.
Received on board in Engineer's Department: one steam trap.
Sent defective steam trap ashore.
Returned to General Storehouse: four (4) mess chests, in Construction Department.
W.H. Rynders, Coxswain, returned 30 hours over time.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and cool.
At 4.30pm mustered at quarters and drilled divisions at setting up drill.
Absentees same as at morning quarters, with exception of W.H. Rynders, Coxswain.
Swung to ebb about 5.00pm.
Transferred H.E. Raynes, Landsman, to U.S. Receiving Ship U.S.S. "Independence", in accordance with instruction from Bureau of Navigation.
Assistant Engineer J.R. Selfridge detached from duty on board this ship and ordered home.
8pm to midnight:
Calm, clear and cool.
Ebb tide.
[In red, probably because of a sudden jump of 0.31 inches at 5.00am:] Many of the barometer readings of the first half of this day are obviously wrong, [signed] C.S. Sperry.
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4 January 1899
[1898 in log-book]
[Off Navy Yard,] Mare Island, California
Lat 38.094, Long -122.259
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Riding to flood.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and cool.
Fresh provisions received: 133¾ pounds each of beef and vegetables; 107 pounds bread.
Swung to ebb about 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Generally calm.
Fair and pleasant.
Ebb tide.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Absent over time: F. Smith, Shipwright, G.E. Brownlee, Hospital Apprentice, C.S. Cheung, Mess Attendant, and Tony Chan, Mess Attendant.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: W.H. Rynders, Coxswain, 30 hours over time, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and 10 days' extra duty; C.A. Morrisey, Landsman, A. Morris, Landsman, and R. Mason, Landsman, for being late at gun brightwork, 1 day's extra duty.
Change in rating to date from November 17, 1898: A. Hasler, Gunner's Mate First-class to Chief Gunner's Mate.
Called away all boats, armed and equipped, and exercised under oars.
Two painters from yard at work on bow.
At 11.20am called all hand to muster and read the finding and sentence of the Summary Court Martial in the case of Morris Ahearn, Private U.S. Marine Corps.
Charge: leaving ship without permission.
Finding: guilty.
Sentence: solitary confinement on bread and water for ten (10) days, with full ration every fifth day, and to lose one month's pay, amounting to fifteen dollars and sixty cents (15.60).
The proceedings and sentence were approved by the Commanding Officer and the Commandant of the Station.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light WSW airs.
At 1.15pm exercised at arm and away boats, for distant service.
Sent A. Kelly, Coxswain, to the Naval Hospital for treatment.
Riding to flood.
4pm to 8pm:
Calm first half, light breeze to light airs from SW last two hours.
Fair and pleasant.
Tide turned ebb at 7.50pm.
Mustered at quarters at 3.40pm.
Same absentees as at morning quarters.
Exercised at setting up drill.
Stopped distilling at 7.30pm.
Assistant Engineer J.F. Snow, U.S. Navy, was by order of U.S. Navy Department of December 31, 1898, detached from this vessel and ordered home.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs and calm.
Riding to ebb tide.
[In red:] It appears that the drop in barometer [of 0.09 inches] between noon and 1.00pm requires explanation, [signed] C.S. Sperry.
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5 January 1899
[Off Navy Yard,] Mare Island, California
Lat 38.094, Long -122.259
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and cool.
Light Easterly airs.
Barometer steady.
Flood tide.
High water at 12.15am.
4am to 8am:
Light airs from East.
Generally clear and cool.
Received on board in Paymaster's Department: 131¼ pounds beef; 131¼ pounds vegetables; 105 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
At 9.30am went to general quarters, time 5½ minutes.
Absent over time: C.S. Cheung, Mess Attendant, and Tony Chan, Mess Attendant.
At 10.04am secured from drill.
The Navy Yard painters finished gilding the letters of the ship's name.
Sent to the Ordnance Department, Navy Yard, Mare Island: one 37 mm gun, with all accessories and spare parts.
Sent to the magazine at Mare Island: 360 rounds each of common and steel 37 mm ammunition, in 12 chests; and 1000 rounds .45 caliber dummy.
Sold at auction the effects of F. Smith, Shipwright, a deserter, realizing $2.90.
The Commanding Officer made the following change in rating to later effect today: S.G. Boone, Landsman, to Hospital Apprentice.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
Barometer steady.
At 1.15pm sounded drill call and exercised crew at single sticks, artillery and small arms.
Exercised Marines at bayonet drill.
Received on board in Ordnance Department the following stores: 1 1-pounder Hotchkiss gun, number 208; 1 recoil mount, 1-pounder; 1 extractor, 1-pounder; 1 main spring, 1-pounder; 1 sear spring, 1-pounder; 1 firing point; 1 comb, dismounting, coil, 1-pounder; 1 oil can, 1-pounder; 1 cleaning brush, 1-pounder; 1 monkey wrench, 1-pounder; 1 lanyard hook, 1-pounder; 1 sponge brush, 1-pounder; 1 wiping rod; 20 studs for revolver holsters; 20 catches for revolver holsters.
Received on board in Construction Department: 30 gallons alcohol; 15 pounds drop black in oil; 500 pounds shellac.
The acting appointment of J. Maxey, Coxswain, was renewed for 6 months, from January 1, 1899.
The acting appointment of J.B. Shields as Chief Machinist was renewed for 6 months to date from January 1, 1899.
At 1.50pm the ash lighter came alongside on the port side, hoisted and sent ashore 125 buckets of ashes.
Barometer at end of watch read 30.43.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
Riding to flood tide.
At 4.30pm mustered at quarters, absent over time: C.S. Cheung, Mess Attendant, and Tony Chan, Mess Attendant.
Hoisted boats.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from East.
Barometer steady, and at end of watch read 30.44.
At 9.30pm hoisted gig.
At 10.45pm secured steam launch for the night.
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6 January 1899
[Off Navy Yard,] Mare Island, California
Lat 38.094, Long -122.259
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and cool.
Calm to light Easterly airs.
Swung to flood about 3.20am.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Riding to flood.
Liberty party returned.
Received in Department of Supplies and Accounts: 131¼ pounds each of fresh beef and vegetables; and 105 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and cold.
Light airs from ESE.
Barometer steady, falling last hour.
Ebb tide.
At 8.15am sent 5 men in charge of a boatswain's mate to empty the ash lighter sent ashore, yesterday.
At 8.30am ran line to number 3 buoy from the port quarters, for the purpose of holding the ship's head on East so the heeling magnets could be put in place in the standard compass.
The ship swung too far, so had to veer chain to bring her on East.
At 9.30am went to fire quarters and afterwards to collision quarters, secured at 9.58am.
Mustered divisions, absent over time: Tony Chang, and C.S. Cheung, Mess Attendants.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, (1) absent from quarters, reduced 2 [conduct] classes, (2) not writing log properly, reduced 1 [conduct] class.
Tested siren and steam whistle and hand pumps, they are in good working order.
At 9.45am sent two men in steam launch to cast off or cut line at buoy number 3.
As the line was paid out the buoy righted and I. James, Seaman, got on the buoy when the lines fouled in the chocks and the buoy was hauled under water, until the strain parted the line and the man on the buoy was thrown from the buoy, and picked up by the steam launch.
Hove in on starboard chain and secured with 3 fathoms chain out.
The following change in rating was made, to take effect from January 1st, 1899: H.P. Williamson [Willimson in log-book] from Ship's Cook Second-class to Ship's Cook First-class.
Hoisted steam launch clear of water, getting her ready for painting, lowered gig, whaleboat and 2nd cutter.
Barometer at end of watch 30.37.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with frequent light rain.
Light airs to gentle breeze from East.
Transferred Fred Harris, Coal Passer, to Naval Hospital for treatment.
Swung to flood about 3.00pm.
At 1.15pm Executive Navigator, divisional officers and Medical Officer made routine inspection of compartments.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with heavy rain showers.
Light airs from East.
Barometer falling slightly.
Hoisted dinghy and punt.
Omitted evening quarters on account of rain.
Received on board from the U.S. Receiving Ship U.S.S. "Independence", with bags and hammocks and necessary transfer papers: F. Miller, Shipwright; J.J. Nolan, Landsman; and [no initials] Durivage, Landsman.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Independence".
Ship under sailing orders at midnight.
Barometer at end of watch read 30.31.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and rainy.
Light breeze and airs from East.
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7 January 1899
[Off Navy Yard,] Mare Island, California
Lat 37.93, Long -122.46
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs to light breeze from NE and East and calm.
Overcast and cold, with rain first hour.
Tide turned flood at 2.50am.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy.
Light airs from East.
Barometer falling.
Flood tide.
Hoisted in steam launch.
Hoisted 2nd cutter and whaleboat.
Unshackled starboard cable from buoy and made fast with 5-inch ship line.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 131¼ pounds each of beef and vegetables; and 105 pounds bread.
At 5 o'clock started fires under B boiler.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, misty and rainy.
Light breeze to light airs from East.
At 8.15am called all hands unmoor ship, cast off from buoy and stood down harbor and bay on various courses with Commanding Officer at conn to Red Rock.
Sent compass ashore and determined compass errors by reciprocal bearings.
At 8.20am saluted Commandant's broad pennant with eleven guns, and U.S. Receiving Ship U.S.S. "Independence" answered with seven guns.
At time of getting under way draft forward 13 feet 6 inches, draft aft 16 feet 6 inches.
Following men absent over time: C.S. Cheung, Mess Attendant, and Tony Chan, Mess Attendant.
Three men received on January 6th were examined as required by Article 360, Navy Regulations.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light airs to gentle breeze from NNE.
Overcast, with drizzling rain at intervals.
Swinging ship for compass deviations off Red Rock by method of reciprocal bearings until 1.35pm.
Recalled observer from Red Rock, hoisted boat and stood on course SE½S per standard [compass].
At 2.00pm put over patent log, at 2.00pm reading 17.5, and hauled it in at 2.42pm, reading 23.1.
Passed Quarry Point at 2.16pm, and Point Blunt at 2.20pm.
At 2.42pm stood in for anchorage near fort of Folsom Street, San Francisco.
Came to anchor at 3.10pm in 10 fathoms water, veering to 45 fathoms (abaft the controller) on starboard chain.
Bearings at anchorage (per compass): Market Street tower N68°W, right tangent Goat Island N18°E, ship's head NW.
Draft of ship forward 13 feet 1 inch, aft 16 feet 7 inches.
Discharged J.J. Sheehan, Landsman, from this ship and from the Naval Service, with Continuous Service Certificate number 11607, by reason of expiration of enlistment.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy.
Light airs from NW to NW by North.
Swung to ebb about 9.20pm.
8pm to midnight:
Light airs to moderate breeze, veering from WNW to ENE.
Cool and cloudy.
Tide turned ebb at 9.20pm.
Goat Island is also known as Yerba Buena Island.
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8 January 1899
San Francisco, California
Lat 37.79, Long -122.38
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy.
Light variable airs.
Tide turned flood at 2.40am.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, followed by clearing.
Light to gentle Easterly to Northeasterly breeze.
Swung to ebb about 7.40am.
8am to meridian:
Light breeze to light airs from NE and East.
Fair and pleasant.
Strong ebb tide.
Had preliminary inspection at 9.20am and mustered.
Absent over time: C.S. Cheung and Tony Chen, Mess Attendants.
Received on board in Paymaster's Department: 133¾ pounds beef; 133¾ pounds vegetables; and 107 pounds bread.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light South-southeasterly airs.
Visitors on board during watch.
Riding to ebb.
4pm to 8pm:
Light breeze to light airs from West and SSW and calms.
Generally cloudy and cool.
Tide turned flood at 4.35pm.
8pm to midnight:
Light SSW airs and calm.
Clear and pleasant.
Riding to flood until 9.40pm, when turned ebb.
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9 January 1899
San Francisco, California
Lat 37.79, Long -122.38
Commences and until 4am:
Clear to cloudy.
Calm to light variable airs.
Barometer falling.
Ebb tide.
Swung to flood at 3.45am.
Barometer at end of watch 30.17.
4am to 8am:
Light airs to light breeze from ESE and East.
Fair and cool.
Flood tide.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Easterly and Southeasterly breeze.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, absent over time: C.S. Cheung, and Tony Chan, Mess Attendants, F. Wagner, Master-at-Arms Third-class, C.R. Scheflin [Schefflin in log-book], First-class Fireman, J. Shaffer [Schaffer in log-book], Coal Passer, and G. Sheedaker [Scheedaker in log-book], Coal Passer.
Sent working party in 3rd cutter for sand.
By direction of the Commanding Officer, Tony Chan and C.S. Cheung, Mess Attendants, were declared deserters from this ship and from the Naval Service from the 3rd of this month.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 133¾ pounds each of beef and vegetables; and 107 pounds of fresh bread.
Working party returned, received eight bags of sand.
Made preparations for coaling on port side.
Shipped for three years: Ah Lanise, Cabin Cook; Ah Yuen as Mess Attendant.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Light breeze from ESE to SE.
Barometer falling, and at end of watch read 29.90.
Ebb tide.
At 1.30pm sent the relief officer to U.S.S. "Adams", to obtain signal books, he returned at 3.15pm.
Rigged in port boom.
Hoisted punt.
Received in the Department [of] Construction and Repair: 15 gallons smokestack paint.
Received in Equipment (Navigation stores): 1 set charts and sailing directions for Asiatic Station; and returned 1 set of charts and sailing directions for Pacific Station to Hydrographic Office at San Francisco, California.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Fresh ESE and SE breeze.
Riding to flood.
At 5.00pm veered to 60 fathoms on starboard chain.
Sent steam cutter inshore to secure for the night at 4.30pm.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast, squally and rainy.
Fresh to stiff breeze from SSE.
Barometer rising slightly.
Ship riding to wind and tide.
Last hour swung to the ebb.
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10 January 1899
San Francisco, California
Lat 37.79, Long -122.38
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy.
Barometer falling.
Stiff Southeasterly breeze.
Riding to ebb tide.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, raining last hour.
Barometer falling rapidly.
Fresh breeze from SE to ESE.
Ship riding between wind and tide.
Swung to flood at 5.10am.
Choppy sea, with occasional heavy swells.
Steam launch secured at float at foot of Folsom Street.
No boats from ship on account of storm.
8am to meridian:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Wind held steady at SE until 11 o'clock, when it lulled for a short time and then came out SSW strong.
On account of heavy rain and shift of wind the seas did not run so high as in morning watch.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Absent over time: C. Wagner, Master-at-Arms Third-class, and J.H. Shaffer, Coal Passer.
At 10 o'clock sent whaleboat ashore, she returned at 11.30am with mail.
The tug U.S.S. "Unadilla" made fast astern, and the gig was lowered and sent to the tug for stores and men.
Received in the Equipment (Navigation stores) Department the following stores: 2 pounds fuze wire; 6 pounds tape, insulating; 24 sockets, keyless; 12 globes; 4 brushes, lamp chimney; 30 pounds distance line; 150 pounds signal halyard stuff; 5 pounds solder; 10 pounds babbitt metal; 24 zincs; 5 pounds rubber packing; 20 pounds flax packing; 14 pounds camphor; 100 pounds lye; 20 pounds tallow; 20 pounds sal ammoniac; 100 pounds waste.
The following stores were received in the Paymaster's Department: 1500 pounds soap; and 400 pounds tobacco; also 133¾ pounds each of beef and vegetables; and 107 pounds bread.
Hoisted gig.
Barometer falling, at end of watch read 29.35.
The following named men, with bags and hammocks and necessary transfer papers, were received from the U.S. Receiving Ship U.S.S. "Independence": J. Hinchliffe, Seaman; K. Forsborn, Seaman; A. Mathews, Coal Passer; G.E. Cornell, First-class Fireman; and J.B. Amiot, Landsman.
Received from Marine Barracks, with necessary transfer papers: H.W. Heish, Private Marine; and W.H. Nichols, Private Marine.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, cloudy, with rain, clearing last part.
Barometer rising.
Fresh SW by South breezes, to gentle West by South [breeze].
Sent whaleboat in for officer at 2.00pm.
Riding to ebb.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and cold.
Barometer rising.
Gentle breeze from SW to West.
Smooth sea.
Steam launch making regular trips.
8pm to midnight:
Generally cloudy, but pleasant.
Light Westerly to Southerly airs.
Swung to ebb about about 11.55pm.
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11 January 1899
San Francisco, California
Lat 37.79, Long -122.38
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs from South.
Cloudy, with rain at intervals.
Ebb tide.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, raining last hour.
Gentle to stiff breeze from South to ESE.
Barometer falling slightly.
Low water at 5.30am.
The wind and sea rose about 6 o'clock.
Rigged out post [of] lower boom and took liberty men and officers over the boom.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 133¾ pounds each of beef and vegetables; and 107 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Generally cloudy and rainy, followed by clearing.
Stiff breeze to moderate gale from SE to ESE.
Barometer steady.
By order of Commanding Officer released E. Shearer, Second-class Fireman, from confinement, and confined Morris Ahearn, Private Marine, under sentence of Summary Court Martial, for ten days' solitary confinement in double irons on bread and water.
Swung to wind and tide about 10.30am.
Sent steam cutter ashore to lie at landing.
Meridian to 4pm:
Wind hauling from SE to East, and moderating from fresh breeze to light breeze at end of watch.
Generally overcast, with rain at intervals.
Barometer rising.
Sent gig ashore at 1.45pm, gig returned at 3.00pm.
Steam cutter came off at 2.55pm.
Sent liberty party ashore.
The Revenue cutter U.S.R.C. "[Hugh] McCullough" left harbor at 1.00pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, but pleasant.
Moderate to gentle Easterly breeze, shifting to WNW, and then coming out NE and increasing to stiff breeze.
At 4.30pm mustered at quarters, absent over time: J.H. Shaffer, Coal Passer, C. Wagner, Master-at-Arms Third-class, W. Wallace, Quartermaster Third-class, P.A. Petterson, Seaman, and R. Hofman, Coal Passer.
Acting appointment as Coxswain given [to] K. Forsborn, Seaman, from this date.
Swung to flood about seven.
8pm to midnight:
Wind from NW by North to North, decreasing in force from stiff to gentle breeze.
Flood tide.
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12 January 1899
San Francisco, California
Lat 37.79, Long -122.38
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Northerly breezes.
Smooth sea.
At beginning of watch swinging to ebb.
4am to 8am:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly to North-northwesterly airs and breezes.
Barometer rising.
Fresh provisions received: 275 pounds beef; 275 pounds vegetables; and 110 pounds bread.
At 7.45am coal schooner came alongside and started coaling ship.
R. Hofman, Coal Passer, and P.A. Petterson [Peterson in log-book], Seaman, returned from liberty 48 hours over time.
8am to meridian:
Light airs from NNE.
Fair and pleasant.
Tide turned ebb at 11.50am.
Crew engaged coaling ship.
Getting stores on board and securing for sea.
Absent over time: J.H. Shaffer, Coal Passer, W. Wallace, Quartermaster Third-class, and C. Wagner, Master-at-Arms Third-class.
Received on board: five (5) pouches of mail (letters); forty-nine (49) bags of mail (papers); and one (1) box, all addressed to U.S. Military Postal Station number 1, Philippine Islands.
Started fires under boilers B and C at 12.00pm.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Received on board mail as follows: 9 (letter) pouches; 37 (paper) bags, marked U.S. Postal Military Station number 1, Philippine Islands; 1 bag, Manila, Philippine Islands; 7 bags for Honolulu, Hawaii; 2 bags for Military and Naval, Honolulu, Hawaii; and 1 bag mail for U.S.S. "Bennington".
At 3.30pm finished coaling, having received 100 tons 825 pounds Australian coal.
Shoved off schooner, hoisted boats, except steam cutter, and secured them for sea.
Five of the pigeons from Navy Yard escaped.
Received in Paymaster's Department: oil clothes and rubber boots, and issued same to crew, amounting in all to $136.00.
At 3.45pm mustered at quarters, absent without leave: Ah Yuen, Mess Attendant; absent over time: J.H. Shaffer, Coal Passer, and W. Wallace, Quartermaster Third-class.
C. Wagner, Master-at-Arms Third-class, returned on board 80 hours over leave.
4pm to 6pm:
Light airs to light airs from SSW and WSW.
Cloudy and cool.
At 4.55pm called all hands and got under way.
Stood out of harbor, Commanding Officer conning, and made general course to SW for [San Francisco] lightship.
Passed Alcatraz Island at 5.15pm.
W. Wallace, Quartermaster Third-class, returned 57 hours over time.
Draft forward 14 feet 4 inches, aft 16 feet 8 inches.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle West-southwesterly breeze.
At 6.38pm, patent log reading 35.0, set course S53°W (per standard compass) and took departure, San Francisco lightship distant 1 mile, bearing N37°W (per standard compass).
At 7.37pm Point Reyes light bore abeam.
At end of watch ship on course S53°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 47.2.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 100.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle West-southwesterly breeze.
Moderate to occasional heavy seas.
Barometer steady.
Course (per standard compass) S53°W.
Farallon Island [Farralones in log-book] light abeam at 8.13pm.
At 8.30pm the [San Francisco] lightship disappeared, bearing N53°E.
At 9.30pm Point Reyes light disappeared bearing N½°E.
At end of watch the Farallon Island [Farralones in log-book] light disappeared below the horizon bearing NE by East.
Barometer steady, at end of watch read 30.18.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 80.6.
Steam for watch 112 [pounds], revolutions 89.7.
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13 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 36.89, Long -125.54
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and cold, with occasional light rain.
Gentle Southerly breeze.
On compass course S53°W.
Revolutions for watch 92.9, steam pressure 118.5 [pounds].
4am to 8am:
Wind from South by East to SE by South, increasing in force from moderate to fresh breeze.
Overcast, with passing rain showers.
Ship pitching easily to rough sea from Southward.
Tested siren at 8.00am and found it in working order.
Average steam 111 [pounds], revolutions 92.6.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and cloudy, with passing showers.
Fresh to very fresh SE by South breezes.
At 9.00am set fore staysail, main and mizzen and trysail.
Set jib at 10.00am, and took it in at 10.30am.
Set dock clock back 32 minutes.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Steam 122 [pounds], revolutions 89.5.
Ship pitching easily to rough sea from Southward.
Course S53°W (per standard compass).
Patent log reading 78.6 [at end of watch].
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, cloudy and raining.
Fresh breezes from SSW.
Barometer steady.
Course (per standard compass) S53°W.
At 1 o'clock took in all sail.
The Executive and the Medical Officers made the weekly sanitary inspection of holds, storerooms and living spaces, and reported them in good condition.
At 3.30pm the wind shifted to WNW.
The rain ceased and the weather cleared considerably.
Mean revolutions for the watch 87.2, steam 117 [pounds].
Patent log at end of watch [read] 8.1.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy, but pleasant.
Light variable airs.
On course S53°W (per compass).
Steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 88.
6pm to 8pm:
Light airs to light breeze from SW and West by South.
Fair and cool.
Chopping, irregular sea.
Average steam 107 [pounds], revolutions 89.6.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light to gentle WSW breezes.
Choppy sea from Southward.
At end of watch course S53°W (per compass), patent log reading 71.0.
Steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 82.9.
At 8.20pm stopped port engine, started it at 8.25pm.
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14 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 35.61, Long -128.86
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from West to WSW.
Barometer rising.
Moderate to occasional heavy swell from Southward.
Course (per standard compass) S53°W.
Average revolutions for watch 82, average steam 108 [pounds].
Patent log at end of watch [read] 1.1.
Barometer at end of watch 30.18.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and cool.
Light Southerly breezes.
On course S53°W.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 85.
8am to meridian:
Moderate to fresh breeze, veering from South to SW.
Overcast, with drizzling rain, thick around horizon.
Set clock back 13½ minutes between 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Average revolutions 84.3, steam 110 [pounds].
Stopped port engine from 8.15am till 8.47am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast and cloudy.
Stiff Southwesterly and West-southwesterly breezes.
Moderate sea from Southward.
At end of watch on course S53°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 93.7.
Average revolutions 83.6, steam 100 [pounds].
4pm to 6pm:
Overcast and cloudy.
Stiff breeze from South and West.
Barometer rising.
Moderate sea from Westward.
Course (per standard compass) S53°W.
At 4.45pm stopped starboard engine to adjust an oil cup, went ahead on starboard engine at 5 o'clock.
Under [steam in] boilers A, B and C.
Average revolutions for the watch 86.5, average steam for watch 110 [pounds].
Barometer at end of watch 30.24.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 9.3.
The following changes in rating were made to date from January 14th, 1899: O.W. Woodbury, Seaman to Gunner's Mate Third-class; W. Wallace, Quartermaster Third-class to Seaman; C. Wagner, Master-at-Arms Third-class to Seaman.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, tight from leave, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; G.R. Sheedaker, Coal Passer, 4 hours over time, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class; T. Farrell, Gunner's Mate Second-class, 1¾ hours over time, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; J. Feighery [Fieghery in log-book], Landsman, 1¾ hours over time, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; P. O'Connor, Coxswain, tight from leave, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; W.J. Kane, Landsman, 3 hours over time, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class; R. Hofman, Coal Passer, 24 hours over time, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and 2 months additional on same and 4 days' extra duty; P.A. Petterson, Seaman, 24 hours over time, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and 4 days' extra duty; C. Wagner, Master-at-Arms Third-class, 80 hours over time, disrated to Seaman, and 4th [conduct] class; W. Wallace, Quartermaster Third-class, 57 hours over time, disrated to Seaman, and 4th [conduct] class.
6pm to 8pm:
Overcast and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SW to WSW.
On course S53°W (per standard compass).
Steam 110 [pounds].
8pm to midnight:
Moderate breeze from WSW and SW by West.
Cloudy until second hour, then clearing, with bright starlight, clouding again last half hour.
Moderate sea.
Average steam 106 [pounds], revolutions 88.9.
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15 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 34.60, Long -133.04
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate Southwesterly breezes.
Barometer rising.
Smokepipe aflame at intervals during watch.
At 2.30am changed course to S80°W to let flame clear main mast.
Came back to course S53°W at 2.45am.
At end of watch on course S53°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 90.5.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 92.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SW.
Smooth sea.
Barometer rising.
Course (per standard compass) S53°W, under [steam in] boilers A, B and C.
Average revolutions for watch 88, average steam 105 [pounds].
Barometer at end of watch 30.37.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 22.6.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff breeze from SW to SSW.
Extensive and well defined cloud or fog bank on SE horizon.
Long Westerly swell.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship, after which published Articles for the Better Government of the Navy.
Aired bedding.
Set clocks back seventeen minutes.
On course S53°W (per standard compass).
Steam 115 [pounds].
Meridian to 4pm:
Moderate breeze from SW and SW by South.
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate swell from Westward.
By order of Commanding Officer changed course at 1.00pm to S45°W per standard [compass], patent log reading 74.4.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle SW by South breeze.
Smooth sea.
Barometer steady.
At end of watch on course S45°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 5.8.
Revolutions 73.6, steam 110 [pounds].
6pm to 8pm:
Fine weather.
Gentle breeze from SW by South.
Smooth sea.
Barometer rising, at end of watch read 30.45.
Course (per standard compass) S45°W.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 21.0.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions for watch 78.2.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
8pm to midnight:
Clear, followed by cloudy weather.
Gentle to moderate breeze from SW by South to SSW.
On compass course SW.
Steam 120 [pounds].
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16 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 32.98, Long -136.49
Commences and until 4am:
Moderate to gentle breeze from SW by South and SW.
Clear and pleasant, with bright starlight.
Ran on course S56°W from 2.00am until 3.00am to allow flame from smokestack to clear mast.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 85.9.
4am to 8am:
Clear to cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW to light breeze from SW.
Barometer rising.
Smooth sea.
At end of watch on course S45°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 18.2.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.
At 7.55am tested steam whistle and siren, and found them in working order.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, raining last hour of watch.
Gentle breeze from SW to SW by South.
Barometer falling slightly.
Course (per standard compass) S45°W, under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Went to quarters at 9.30am.
Exercised Gun Divisions at great guns, Powder Division and Marines at small arms.
Sounded retreat from drill at 10.15 o'clock.
The gunner's gang under the supervision of the Ordnance and Divisional Officers filled the cylinders of all the guns preparatory to target practice.
Instructed Apprentices, Quartermasters and Coxswains in signals.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 51.0.
Barometer 30.42.
Average steam 115 pounds, average revolutions 85.
S. Brisolese, Landsman, was sent below to work in the fireroom.
Between 11 and 11.30 o'clock set clock back 13 minutes.
Meridian to 4pm:
Generally cloudy, with occasional showers of light rain and mist.
Moderate to gentle SSW breeze.
At 1.30pm went to general quarters, times as follows: 1st Division 12 minutes; 2nd Division 18 minutes; 3rd Division 5 minutes; Engineer's Division 2 minutes; Powder Division 2 minutes.
General quarters, followed by target practice, main and secondary battery, firing 3 rounds from each 6-inch gun, 30 rounds 6-pounder armor piercing, 28 rounds 3-pounder common shell, and 58 rounds 1-pounder armor piercing, Colt's automatic guns also fired, expending 300 rounds.
Mercurial barometer broken by firing.
[From weather observations page:] At 1.45pm switch to aneroid [barometer], mercurial broken at target practice.
At 2.40pm ceased firing and picked up target, and at 3 o'clock steadied ship on course SW (per standard compass) and put over patent log, reading 60.5.
Instructed Apprentices and Coxswains at signals.
J.H. Shaffer, Coal Passer, declared a deserter to date from January 9, 1899, and Ah Yuen, Mess Attendant, to date from January 12, 1899.
At 4.00pm changed course to S47°W per standard compass.
Steam 110 [pounds].
Casing about binnacle of after compass shattered by firing.
Sheepskin sponge and tompion [alternative spelling of tampion, tompkin in log-book] for 6-inch gun lost overboard.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Cloudy, with passing rain showers.
Mustered at quarters at 4.30pm and exercised at setting up drill.
Average steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 88.5.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle South-southwesterly breeze.
Light passing showers.
Tested searchlights and telephotos, found them in good working order.
Instructed signal class in use of telephotos.
At end of watch on course S47°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 7.9.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 83.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional showers.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Barometer steady.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Course (per standard compass) S47°W.
At 10.10pm stopped port engine to secure oil cup, went ahead on port engine at 10.20pm.
Barometer at end of watch 30.35, patent log [reading] 40.7.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 83.
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17 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 31.37, Long -139.81
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and misty, but pleasant.
Moderate SSW to Southerly breeze.
On compass course S47°W.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.6.
4am to 8am:
Light to gentle breeze from South to SW.
Fair and pleasant, cloudy with passing rain squalls, followed by clearing weather.
Moderate swell from Westward.
Average steam 122 [pounds], revolutions 91.5.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional light drizzle.
Gentle SSW and Southwesterly breeze.
At 9.30am inspected crew at quarters and organized landing force.
Exercised signal class.
Served out clothing and small stores.
Set deck clock back 12 minutes.
Barometer steady.
At end of watch course S47°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 40.3.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 93.6.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW to SSW.
Barometer falling.
Under [steam in] boilers A, B and C.
Stopped distilling at 2.30 o'clock.
Course (per standard compass) S47°W.
At 1 o'clock changed course to S48°W, patent log [reading] 48.5.
Drilled landing force from 1.15 to 2 o'clock.
Gave signal class instructions in general signals.
Issued clothing and small stores to Engineer's, Powder and 2nd Divisions.
Auctioned off 2 mattresses, one belonging to a deserter and one other to a man who was discharged.
The former bringing 5 cents and the latter bringing 25 cents.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 76.1.
Barometer 30.26.
Average steam for the watch 116 [pounds].
Average revolutions 92.1.
At 12.05pm sighted smoke of steamer on starboard beam.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear, with cloud banks on horizon.
Light SSW and SW by South breeze.
On course S48°W.
Steam 120 [pounds].
At 4.30pm went to quarters and exercised divisions at setting up drill.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze to light airs from West by South.
Cloudy, partly clearing last hour, moonlight.
Smooth sea.
Exercised signal class at Ardois signals.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 86.5.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SW and SSW.
Bright moonlight.
At end of watch on course S48°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 46.8.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 91.7.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Moon set at 11.57pm.
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18 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 29.43, Long -143.81
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SSE to light breeze from SE by South.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S48°W, under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Started fires under D boiler at 12 o'clock.
Connected up D boiler at 2.20 o'clock.
S. Brisolese, Landsman, came up from the fireroom, he being unable to do the work.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 86.9.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 100.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to gentle breeze from SSE to ESE.
Long swell from Westward.
On course S48°W (per standard compass).
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 105.
8am to meridian:
Gentle to moderate breeze from SE by South.
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate swell from Westward.
At 8.30am set fore and aft sail.
Average heel 4°.
At 9.31am sounded to fire quarters, divisions ready as follows: 1st 9.33am; 2nd 9.33am; 3rd 9.33½am; Powder 9.33am; Engineer's 9.33am; Marine Guard 9.32am.
Sounded call to collision drill at 9.47am, divisions ready as follows: 1st 9.49am; 2nd 9.49am; 3rd 9.48½am; Engineer's 9.48am; Powder 9.49am; Marine Guard 9.48½am; collision mat in place 9.49½am.
Exercised signal class at wigwag signals, and seamen of the watch at heaving the lead.
After collision drill exercised at setting up drill.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 106.
Set clock back 13½ minutes between 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SE by South.
At 1.15pm mustered at quarters with bags, inspected and made list of clothing.
Barometer falling.
Moderate sea.
At end of watch ship on course S48°W (per standard compass), under all fore and aft sail, steam in A, B, C and D boilers, patent log reading 12.0.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 107.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from South.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S48°W, under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers and all fore and aft sail.
Mustered at quarters at 4.30pm.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 32.1.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Southerly breeze.
Under steam and all fore and aft sail until 7.30pm, when took in all sail.
On course S48°W (per standard compass).
Instructed signal class in electric night signals.
8pm to midnight:
Gentle breeze from SSE to SE.
Overcast, moon showing at intervals.
Smooth sea.
Stopped port engine from 8.10pm until 8.15pm.
Average steam 122 [pounds], revolutions 98.
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19 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 27.33, Long -147.87
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast, cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate Southeasterly breeze.
Smooth sea.
At end of watch on course (per standard compass) S48°W, patent log reading 32.3, steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average revolutions 106, steam 120 [pounds].
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to gentle breeze from SE.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Under [steam in] boilers A, B, C and D, course (per standard compass) S48°W.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 72.7
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 102.7.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 8 o'clock.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, clearing at intervals.
Gentle to moderate breeze from SE to SSE.
On course S48°W (per standard compass).
Commanding Officer reduced J. Maxey, Coxswain, to 2nd [conduct] class, for being on sick list fifteen days from alcoholism.
At 9.30am went to general quarters, with following times: 1st Division 6½ minutes; 2nd Division 10 minutes; 3rd Division 6 minutes; Powder Division 3 minutes; Engineer's Division 2 minutes; Marines 4 minutes.
Tested rate of ammunition supply with following results in 3 minutes, forward: 12 6-inch shells and 11 charges; 6 boxes 3-pounder; and 3 boxes 1-pounder; aft: 9 6-inch shells and 8 charges; 5 boxes 6-pounder; and 3 boxes 1-pounder.
At 10.30am set jib, fore topmast staysail, fore and main trysails and spanker.
After quarters instructed signal class in wigwag.
Lost overboard: 1 6-inch tampion.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 101.5.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle breeze from SE.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Exercised at divisional drill from 1.15pm until 2.00pm, and signal class at masthead signals from 2.00pm until 3.00pm.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 107.8.
Sudden rise of 3° [Fahrenheit] in temperature of sea water last hour.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 5.05pm, the wind hauling to Southward, took in all fore and aft sail.
Set all fore and aft sail at 5.40pm.
Gentle breeze from SE and South by East.
At end of watch under all fore and aft sail, steam in A, B, C and D, course S48°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 47.0.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 99.6.
Occasional light drizzle.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear to cloudy, and pleasant.
Barometer steady.
Gentle breeze from South by East.
Course (per standard compass) S48°W, steaming with boilers A, B, C and D, under all fore and aft sail.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 98.1.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 107.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, but pleasant.
Gentle SSE to South by East breeze.
On course S48°W, under steam and sail as in previous watch until 11.00pm, when took in all sail.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 102.
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20 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 25.14, Long -152.14
Commences and until 4am:
Gentle breeze from SSE and SE.
Fair and pleasant.
Moon set at 2.00am.
Smooth sea.
At 2.00am set all fore and aft sail.
Hauled down jib at 3.50am.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 97.9.
4am to 8am:
Gentle Southeasterly breeze.
Clear and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Barometer rising.
Under all fore and aft sail, except jib, course S48°W (per standard compass).
Patent log reading 19.3 [at end of watch].
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 100.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
8am to meridian:
At 8.05am tested siren and steam whistle.
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE.
Barometer falling.
Course (per standard compass) S48°W, under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers, and all fore and aft sail.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am and exercised crew at divisional drills, sounded retreat from drill at 10.15am.
Gave Ordinary Seamen and Landsmen instructions in the lead and log lines.
Between 11 and 11.30 o'clock set clock back 15½ minutes.
Started distilling at 11.40 o'clock.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 61.5.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 97.5.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishment: F.J. Divine, Gunner's Mate Third-class, throwing cleaning cloth overboard, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and very pleasant.
Moderate to stiff East-southeasterly breeze.
On course S48°W until 12.15pm, when changed to S43°W, under steam and sail as in previous watch.
Officers made weekly inspection of compartments.
Drilled signal class at flag signals and exercised Ordinary Seamen and Landsmen of the watch at heaving the lead.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 107.
4pm to 6pm:
Moderate to stiff breeze from SE.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Under steam and sail.
Average heel 4°.
Mustered at quarters at 4.30pm and exercised at setting up drill.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 103.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate Southeasterly breeze.
Smooth sea.
At 7.30pm took in fore trysail.
Instructed signal class.
At end of watch on course S43°W (per standard compass), under all fore and aft sail, except fore staysail, steam in A, B, C and D boilers, patent log reading 45.9.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 104.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SE.
Ship heeled about 4°.
Course (per standard compass) S43°W, under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers.
Set fore trysail at 8.10pm.
Under all fore and aft sail.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 86.3.
Revolutions for the watch 103, average steam 120 [pounds].
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21 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 22.73, Long -155.77
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to gentle breeze from ESE to East by South.
On compass course S43°W, under steam and all fore and aft sail.
Steam 120 [pounds].
4am to 8am:
Moderate breeze from SE.
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate swell.
Hauled down jib at 4.30am.
Under steam, 4 boilers, and fore and aft sail, except jib.
Average heel 4°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 102.3.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy to fair and pleasant.
Moderate East-southeasterly breeze.
Smooth sea.
At 8.00am hoisted jib and tested steam whistle and siren.
By direction of the Commanding Officer released Private M. Ahearn [Ohearn in log-book], his term of confinement having expired.
At 8.30am disconnected boilers A and B.
Set deck clock back 14 minutes.
Crew cleaning ship.
At end of watch course S43°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 0.4, steam in C and D boilers, under all fore and aft sail.
Revolutions 71.0, steam 105 [pounds].
The Commanding Officer renewed the acting appointment as Chief Master-at-Arms of W.H. Crosby for six months, to date from January 21, 1899.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ESE.
Barometer falling.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S43°W.
At 12.15 o'clock changed course to S41°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 2.2.
Under [steam in] boilers C and D, and all fore and aft sail.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 31.6.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 74.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle ESE breeze.
Under steam in boilers C and D, and all fore and aft sail until 5.30pm, when took in jib.
At 4.30pm mustered at quarters.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 71.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle breeze from ESE.
Clear and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Exercised signal class at Ardois signals.
Hauled down head of fore trysail to clear lower signal lamp.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 70.5.
8pm to midnight:
Clear to fair and pleasant.
Gentle East-southeasterly breeze.
Set deck clock 8 minutes ahead.
Temperature in after shell room: maximum 104° Fahrenheit, minimum 102° Fahrenheit.
At end of watch on course S41°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 88.9, steam in C and D boilers, under all fore and aft sail, except jib.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 67.
Smooth sea.
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22 January 1899
On passage from San Francisco, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 21.306, Long -157.867
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle ESE breeze.
Barometer falling.
Course (per standard compass) S41°W, under [steam in] C and D boilers, and all plain sail, except jib.
The moon set at 3.35am.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 16.5.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 68.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle ESE breeze.
Under steam in boilers C and D, and sail as in previous watch until 6.45am, when took in all sail.
At 4.45am made out high land on both bows.
Stood in for entrance to Honolulu harbor on following courses: S41°W until 5.10am, when changed to SSW¼W, patent log [reading] 25.0; at 5.40am South by W¾W, patent log 28.1; at 6.00am SW by W¼W, patent log 30.4; at 6.45am SW by West, patent log 36.1; at 7.15am West by South, patent log 39.5; at 7.50am West, patent log 43.4.
Hoisted international number at 6.45am, and hauled it down at 7.30am, getting no answer.
8am to meridian:
Gentle breeze from ESE.
Fair and warm.
Smooth sea.
Standing into harbor of Honolulu, conned by Commanding Officer until 9.00am, when moored ship's head and stern in 5 fathoms water, veering to 50 fathoms on starboard chain and 35 fathoms on port [chain], running lines to fast on reef.
Ship's head when moored NE12°E (per compass).
Bearings: lighthouse SE by South, quarantine wharf W12°N, ship's head NE by East.
At 8.15am hauled in patent log, reading 47.7.
Draft of ship forward: 11 feet 3 inches, aft 15 feet 6 inches.
Declined a pilot at 8.25am.
At 8.40am Captain Turner, the Honolulu Harbor Master, came on board and pointed out berth.
The Harbor Master left ship at 9.40am.
Delivered to mail agent at Honolulu, Hawaii, two (2) pouches of letters addressed to Military and Naval Station, and seven (7) bags of papers addressed to Honolulu, Hawaii, for which a receipt was given.
Allowed fires to die out under boiler C.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
Gentle to light SE to ESE breeze.
English steamer "Warrimoo" came into harbor and moored to dock.
4pm to 8pm:
Light breeze from NE by North.
Fair and warm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light Easterly airs.
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23 January 1899
Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 21.306, Long -157.867
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Barometer steady.
4am to 8am:
Light airs from NE.
Cloudy and warm.
Received on board in Paymaster's Department: 140 pounds beef; 140 pounds vegetables; and 112 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light SE and Northeasterly airs.
Cleaning ship and boats.
At 10.10am the British mail steamer "Warrimoo" went to sea, exchanged colors with her.
The Commanding Officer paid official calls upon Mr. Sewall, late United States Minister to Hawaii, the United States Consul General to Hawaii, and President Dole of Hawaii.
At 11.00am lighter came alongside with 100 tons of coal.
Made preparations for coaling.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: A.R. Lyon, Apprentice Second-class, turned in his hammock while watch was on deck, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty; J.B. Shields, Chief Machinist, neglect of duty, not turning out at morning watch, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; W.H. Rynders, Coxswain, ineptitude for rating, disrated to Seaman.
The Commanding Officer made the following change in rating, to date from January 23rd: W.H. Rynders, Coxswain to Seaman.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from SE to SE by South.
At 12.15pm the German bark "Claudine" left the harbor in tow of a tug.
At 1.10 o'clock sent L.H. Dyer, Chief Yeoman, ashore to weigh coal.
At 2.30pm the Consul General C. Haywood paid an official visit to the Commanding Officer, and was received with necessary honors.
At 4.00pm the bark "Aldon Bess" left the harbor.
Began coaling ship at 1.30pm from lighter on port side.
A lighter containing 50 tons of coal came alongside at 3.30pm, secured her on port side.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and warm.
Continued coaling until 6.15pm, when knocked off for the night.
The United States Consul General left the ship and was saluted with 9 guns, the United States ensign at the fore.
The British mail steamer "Doric" came in at 5.00 o'clock, boarded her and obtained one bag of mail.
Sent liberty party on shore.
Stopped distilling at 7.20pm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear, calm and pleasant.
Barometer rising.
At 10.30pm secured steam launch for the night.
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24 January 1899
Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 21.306, Long -157.867
Commences and until 4am:
Clear, calm and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Began coaling at 6.15am.
At 6.30am found that C. Wagner, Seaman, and G.H. Sheedaker, Coal Passer, were absent from the ship without permission from proper authority.
The liberty party returned on time, except J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, H.J. Mead, Quartermaster Second-class, and O. Olsen, Ordinary Seaman.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from SSE.
Coaling ship from lighters alongside.
Omitted quarters on account of coaling.
Absentees over time: H.J. Mead, Quartermaster Second-class, C. Olsson, Ordinary Seaman, and J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate.
Absent without leave: C. Wagner, Seaman, and G.R. Sheedaker, Coal Passer.
A reward of $10.00 was offered for the delivery of each of the above named men on board ship.
At 11 o'clock the police authorities of Honolulu delivered on board H.J. Mead, Quartermaster Second-class, C.A. Olsson, Ordinary Seaman, and J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, who were placed under sentry's charge until sober.
A reward of $10.00 having been paid for the delivery of each on board.
Ah Mom, Mess Attendant, was enlisted for 3 years' service.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishment: F.J. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, insolent language to Chief Machinist of the watch, 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water.
Received in Equipment Department: 20 coaling baskets.
Received in the Medical Department: one box of drugs.
Received from the Bureau of Navigation: Continuous Service Certificates of T. Tallaker [previously spelled as Tallaksen], Gunner's Mate Third-class, K. Forsborn, Coxswain, J. Ferber, Gunner's Mate First-class, and G.E. Connell, First-class Fireman.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze to light airs from SSE.
Continued coaling, finished port lighter at 3.00pm, sent it inshore to be loaded, finished starboard lighter at 4.00pm.
The Marine Guard finished small arm target practice.
Divers over the side during watch scraping propeller.
At 2.30pm the S.S. "Doric" sailed for the Orient, exchanged colors with her.
The S.S. "Aztec" came in.
Received the following stores in Engineer's Department: 204 gallons lubricating oil; 2 iron elbows; 4 nipples; 2 tees.
Navigator took aneroid barometer ashore for comparison.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SSE.
Sent lighter from starboard side ashore.
Sent liberty party ashore at 4.30pm.
Striking oil below in Engineer's Department.
J. Nugent, Gunner's Mate First-class, finished scraping propellers, having been below 2 hours, he reports that the red paint on the bottom of the ship is hardly visible through the accumulation of barnacles, which are about ¼ inch long.
The propellers were found in a similar condition and were scraped.
One blade of the port propeller was slightly damaged.
The zinc protector on the starboard shaft is worn from friction from the hub of the screw.
S.S. "Australia" left the harbor at 4.10pm.
At 6.50pm H.J. Mead, Quartermaster Second-class, C.A. Olsson, Ordinary Seaman, and J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, having sobered up, were released from sentry's charge.
At 7.30pm the S.S. "Gastune" [?] entered the harbor.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light South-southeasterly airs.
The S.S. "Aztec" went to sea at 10.30pm.
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25 January 1899
Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 21.306, Long -157.867
Commences and until 4am:
Light breeze from South.
Fair and pleasant, bright moonlight.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant, to overcast cloudy and rainy, heavy rain shower from the Westward about 5 o'clock.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 140 pounds each of beef and vegetables; and 93 pounds of bread.
Received in Steam Engineering: 300 pounds oatmeal.
8am to meridian:
Overcast, followed by clearing.
Light to gentle West to SW breeze.
At 9.00am coal lighter came alongside and started coaling, taking in about 40 tons for the watch.
Taking on fresh water for boilers from shore.
At 10.45am the Special Agent Plenipotentiary of the United States made an official visit to the Commanding Officer.
At the request of the Special Agent dispensed with a salute.
Absent without leave: C. Wagner, Seaman, and G.R. Sheedaker, Coal Passer, for whom rewards of twenty dollars were offered.
Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: H.J. Mead, Coxswain, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty, for 4 hours over time and brought off by police, drunk; C.A. Olsson, Ordinary Seaman, reduced to 4th [conduct] class, one month additional on same and 2 days' extra duty; and J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty, for same offense.
Enlisted for three years general service: J. Dillon, Landsman; Clim San, Mess Attendant; Hing Hong, Mess Attendant; Lem Wai, Mess Attendant.
At 11.00am received 50-ton lighter alongside.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light to stiff breeze, blowing in squalls from North to NW.
Fair and pleasant.
Continued coaling.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hawaii paid an official visit to the ship and declined a salute.
Paraded the Marine Guard in his honor.
Filling boilers with fresh water from shore.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate NNW breeze, shifting to light NE breeze and then calm.
Coaling until 6.30pm, when sent 100-ton lighter ashore, having discharged it.
8pm to midnight:
Calm, fair and pleasant, bright moonlight.
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26 January 1899
Honolulu, Hawaii
Lat 21.306, Long -157.867
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Commenced coaling at 6.00am.
Received fresh provisions: 280 pounds beef; 280 pounds vegetables; 240 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Calm first hour, then light airs to light breeze from North.
Fair and warm.
Continued coaling and watering.
At 10.25am brought 100-ton lighter alongside and sent away steam lighter.
Absent over time: F.A. Cassady, Landsman.
Absent without leave: C. Wagner, Seaman, and G.R. Sheedaker, Coal Passer.
Brought off to ship the aneroid barometer, having compared it with barometer in Surveyor's Office and found the correction of aneroid to be and +0.042 [inches].
Assistant Engineer H.E. Middleton, U.S. Navy, came on board for medical treatment, his left collarbone having been broken by a fall on the deck of the Occidental and Oriental [Steamship Company] S.S. "Coptic", on which steamer he was en route home from the Asiatic Station.
On the recommendation of the Medical Officer of this vessel (Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy, U.S. Navy) Assistant Engineer Middleton was transferred to Queen's Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii, by direction of Commander C.S. Sperry, U.S. Navy, Senior Officer present.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
[Light airs to light breeze from NE.]
Continued coaling.
At 1.00pm started fires in C boiler.
Making preparations for sea.
Received 2 cutters of fresh water for use in steaming.
Received 4 bags mail: 2 for U.S.S. "Bennington"; 1 for Guam; 1 for Manila.
Received in [Department of] Construction and Repair: 2 barrels lime.
4pm to 8pm:
Light airs to light breeze from North by East.
Fair and warm.
Continued coaling ship until 6.00pm, when called all hands unmoor ship, cast off stern lines and ran them to ship on port hand and to wharf to haul ship fair for entering channel.
Weighed port anchor and then starboard; was delayed until 7.30pm clearing port anchor, it having caught under starboard chain.
After 7.30pm standing out of channel, conned by Commanding Officer.
At 7.55pm put over patent log, reading 46.7.
Took departure when abreast entrance buoys, setting course South-West (SW) per standard [compass].
Received on board, in all, four hundred (400) tons of coal, about 80 tons being stowed on deck in bulk.
Draft of ship: forward 14 feet 4 inches, aft 16 feet 11 inches.
Made preparations for sea [sic].
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northerly breeze to [light] airs.
Smooth sea.
At 8.05pm stopped to cat the starboard anchor.
At 8.10pm went ahead full speed on SW course.
At 8.38pm Diamond Head bearing E¾N.
Changed course to West by South, patent log [reading] 49.8.
At 10.10pm Barber's Point light was abeam, distance 3 miles.
Lost sight of same at 11.00pm.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 68.
Course West by South, patent log [reading] 72.0.
Steam in C and D boilers.
Barber's Point is also known as Kalaeloa.
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27 January 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 20.95, Long -159.85
Commences and until 4am:
Clear, bright moonlight.
Smooth sea.
Barometer steady.
Light breeze from North.
Course (per standard compass) West by South, under [steam in] boilers C and D.
Average steam 112 pounds, revolutions 68.
Patent log at the end of watch [read] 99.1.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate NNE breeze.
On course West by South (per standard compass).
At 6.00am set fore staysail, jib, fore and main trysails, and spanker.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 69.5.
8am to meridian:
Moderate breeze from NNE.
Fine weather.
Light swell from West.
At 9.18am, by order of Commanding Officer, changed course to S60°W per standard [compass], patent log reading 36.6.
At 10.30am set fore topmast staysail, and made preparations for setting the other staysails.
C. Wagner, Seaman, G.R. Sheedaker, Coal Passer, and F.A. Cassady [Cassaday in log-book], Landsman, were declared deserters from this ship and from the United States Naval Service, the last named to date from January 26th, 1899, and the others from January 24th, 1899.
Changes in rating: P.A. Petterson, Seaman to Coxswain, to date from January 24th, 1899; W.J. Wirts, Landsman to Coal Passer, to date from January 27th, 1899; J. Hinchcliffe from Seaman to Master-at-Arms Third-class, from January 14th, 1899.
Punishments: H. Milan, Machinist First-class, tight from leave, D. Attridge, Second-class Fireman, P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate, same offense, each reduced one conduct class.
William Wallace, Seaman, and John Ellsworth, Coxswain, were made prisoners at large to await trial by Summary Court Martial, the former for being drunk on board ship, the latter for being tight on duty while in charge of the steam cutter.
Detailed as Captain of the Hold: C. Rankin, Seaman; as Lamplighter: John Dillon, Landsman.
Average revolutions 69, steam 120 [pounds].
Set clock back 23 minutes between 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle East-northeasterly breeze.
At 1.10pm sounded officers' call for regular weekly inspection of living spaces, compartments and mechanical devices for the safety of the ship.
Temperature of: after shell room, maximum 97°F, minimum 96°F; forward magazine, maximum 91°F, minimum 88°F; fixed ammunition, maximum 94°F, minimum 86°F.
Got up and bent and set main and mizzen gaff topsails at 1.00pm.
Sold at auction the following deserters' effects: C. Wagner, Seaman, 90 cents; F.A. Cassady, Landsman, 140 cents; G.R. Sheedaker, Coal Passer, $1.60.
Began striking deck coal below at 3.00pm.
At end of watch ship on course S60°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 88.9, under all sail, steam in C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 72.
Smooth sea.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from ENE.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Under all fore and aft sail, and [steam in] boilers C and D.
Course (per standard compass) S60°W.
At 5.10 o'clock a copy of specifications preferred by Commander C.S. Sperry was delivered to William Wallace, Seaman, and John Ellsworth, Coxswain.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 4.5.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light ENE breeze.
On course S60°W (per standard compass), under all fore and aft sail, and [steam in] C and D boilers.
Moon rose at 6.50pm.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 74.9.
8pm to midnight:
Gentle breeze to light airs from NNE to NNW, with bright moonlight.
Smooth sea.
At 8.25pm took in fore trysail to prevent injury to standard compass.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 72.
Ladrone Islands are also known as Mariana Islands.
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28 January 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 19.78, Long -162.78
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NE and ENE.
At end of watch course S60°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 77.9, under all sail, except fore trysail, steam in C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 74.
Smooth sea.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ENE.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Under all sail, except fore trysail, and [steam in] C and D boilers.
Average steam for the watch 120 [pounds], revolutions 71.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 7.1.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 8 o'clock.
8am to meridian:
Fair and warm.
Light to gentle ENE to Easterly breeze.
Engaged in cleaning ship.
Maximum temperature of after shell room 100° [Fahrenheit] and of forward fixed ammunition room 93°.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 67.
G.W. Strahan [Straham in log-book], Ordinary Seaman, rated Seaman from January 25th, 1899.
Under steam and sail as in previous watch, on course S60°W (per compass).
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle breeze from ESE.
Fair and warm.
Smooth sea.
At 1.05pm a Summary Court Martial, Lieutenant G.R. Clark, U.S. Navy, senior member, convened for the trial of William Wallace, Seaman, accused of being drunk on board ship, and adjourned at 3.30pm until 10.00am Monday, January 30, 1899.
Struck part of deck load of coal below.
Average steam 116 [pounds], revolutions 71.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle East-southeasterly breeze.
At end of watch course S60°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 79.4, under all sail, except fore trysail, steam in C and D boilers.
Smooth sea.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 70.3.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ESE.
Barometer rising.
Course (per standard compass) S60°W, under all sail, except fore trysail, and [steam in] C and D boilers.
Tested searchlights and signal lights.
Average steam 120 pounds, revolutions 71.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 93.8.
The moon rose at 7.25pm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and very pleasant, bright moonlight.
Light to gentle ESE breeze.
On course S60°W (per standard compass), under steam and sail as in previous watch.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 70.
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29 January 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 18.86, Long -165.64
Commences and until 4am:
Light breeze from East.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Smooth sea.
Under steam (two boilers) and fore and aft sail, except fore trysail.
Stopped starboard engine from 2.00am until 2.10am to set up pin on crosshead.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 65.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs and breeze.
Smooth sea.
At end [of watch] ship on course S60°W (per standard compass), under all sail, except fore trysail, steam in C and D boilers, patent log reading 78.0.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 69.
At 8.00am tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from ESE to SE.
Barometer steady.
Under all sail, except fore trysail, under [steam in] C and D boilers.
Course (per standard compass) S60°W.
At 9 o'clock F.J. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, was released from 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water, his term of confinement having expired.
Struck below all coal on starboard side forward.
Between 11 and 11.30 o'clock set clock back 9¾ minutes.
Maximum temperature at 10 o'clock for preceding 24 hours in forward magazine 91° [Fahrenheit], forward fixed ammunition room 91° and after shell room, maximum 102°, minimum 100°.
Average steam for watch 120 [pounds], revolutions 74.8.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 98.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Gentle ESE to SSE breeze.
On course S60°W until 12.15pm, when changed to S74°W (per standard compass).
Under steam and sail as in previous watch until 2.00pm, when set fore trysail.
Steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 75.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from South.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
At 4.20pm took in fore trysail to prevent injury to compass.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 72.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from Southward.
At 6.10pm stopped distilling.
At 7.40pm set fore trysail.
At end [of watch] course S74°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 69.8, under all sail and steam in C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 72.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Gentle breeze from South to SSE.
Barometer falling.
Under all sail and [steam in] C and D boilers.
The moon rose at 8.30pm.
Started blowers at 8.30pm.
Struck coal below.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 78.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 1.2.
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30 January 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 18.43, Long -169.02
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate SSE breeze.
On course S74°W (per standard compass), under all fore and aft sail, and [steam in] C and D boilers.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 77.
4am to 8am:
Wind from SSE, gradually increasing in force and blowing in squalls from SSE.
Fair first part, thick and rainy last hour, double rainbow to Northward and Westward about 7.20am.
Took in jib at 6.20am, and the gaff topsails at 7.20am.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 87.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, light drizzle first hour.
Stiff breeze from SSE to South.
Temperatures: in after shell room, maximum 104°F, minimum 103°F; forward magazine, maximum 90°F, minimum 84°F; fixed ammunition [room] forward, maximum 94°F, minimum 87°F.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishment: Lee Gat, Mess Attendant, refusing to obey steward's orders and using abusive and insulting language to same, five days' solitary confinement on bread and water.
Placed Lee Gat, Mess Attendant, in solitary confinement on bread and water as per punishment awarded.
At 9.00am set all gaff topsails.
At 10.05am a Summary Court Martial met for the trial of John Ellsworth, Coxswain, charged with being under the influence of liquor on board ship.
Set deck clock back 11 minutes.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and had divisional drills.
Sending coal below during watch.
At end [of watch] on course S74°W (per standard compass), under all sail, except jib, steam in C and D boilers, patent log reading 1.3.
Smooth sea.
Steam 128 [pounds], revolutions 82.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy to overcast and rainy.
Stiff breeze from South until 1.20 o'clock, when breeze died out, coming out from NNE again at 2.30pm.
Barometer falling.
Moderate sea from NE.
Took in all sail at 1.20pm.
Under [steam in] C and D boilers.
Drilled crews at divisional drills.
Course S74°W (per standard compass).
Patent log at end of watch [read] 30.3.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 73.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and squally.
Gentle to stiff breeze from NE to NNE.
Barometer steady.
At 4.30pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up drill.
On course S74°W, under [steam in] C and D boilers.
At 5.20pm set fore and main trysails, and spanker and fore staysail.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 72.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle breeze from NNE.
Clearing weather.
Set jib at 6.30pm, and the gaff topsails at 7.40pm.
Exercised signal class.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 73.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, light drizzle at intervals.
Gentle breeze, hauling and veering between North and East.
At 10.00pm took in fore trysail to prevent injury to standard compass.
Moderate swell from NW.
At end [of watch] on course S74°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 86.3.
Under all sail, except fore trysail, steam in C and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 72.
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31 January 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 17.97, Long -172.14
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from NE.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Under all sail, except fore trysail, under [steam in] C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) S74°W.
At 3.30am set fore trysail.
Average steam for the watch 120 [pounds], average revolutions 66.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 13.5.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle NE breeze.
On course S74°W, under [steam in] boilers C and D, and all fore and aft sail.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 68.
8am to meridian:
Gentle to moderate breeze from NE, veering last hour to East by North.
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate swell from Northward and Westward, crossed by a light swell from Northward and Eastward.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am and exercised at divisional drill, afterwards exercised signal class at wigwag signals.
Temperature of after shell room, maximum 104° [Fahrenheit], minimum 102°.
Took in all sail at 11.40am.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 69.
Set clock back 10½ minutes between 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Easterly breeze.
At 12.12pm changed course to S76°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 75.3.
At 1.15pm exercised all divisions at divisional drill.
Instructed signal class.
At 2.25pm started fires in B boiler.
The Commanding Officer renewed the acting appointments of M. Swanson, Boatswain's Mate First-class, and B. Nugent, Gunner's Mate First-class, for six months, to date from January 31st, 1899.
At end [of watch] course S76°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 1.1.
Moderate swell from NW.
Steam in C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 68.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from East to ESE.
Barometer steady.
Under [steam in] C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) S76°W.
Went to quarters at 4.30pm.
Exercised crew at setting up drill.
Ship rolling considerably, extreme roll to port 16°, to starboard 14°.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle SSE breeze.
On course S76°W.
At 6.15pm connected up boiler B.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 75.
8pm to midnight:
Calm first half, light variable airs last two hours.
Clear and pleasant.
Moon rose at 10.05pm.
Ship rolling on swell from Northward and Westward, maximum roll to port 16°, to starboard 11°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 82.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
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1 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 17.63, Long -175.83
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light variable airs.
At end [of watch] on course S76°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 95.0, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Bright moonlight.
Moderate swell from NW.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 77.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light variable airs.
Smooth sea.
Barometer rising.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Struck below all coal on starboard side, and some on port side.
Course (per standard compass) S76°W.
Average steam for watch 120 [pounds], average revolutions 80.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 72.4.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Light SE airs to gentle NE breezes.
At 9.30am went to fire quarters, times as follows: 1st Division 3 minutes; 2nd Division 1 minute; 3rd Division 2½ minutes; Powder Division 1½ minutes; Engineer's Division 1 minute; Marines ½ minute.
Secured and went to collision quarters with following times: 1st Division 2 minutes; 2nd Division 1 minute; 3rd Division 1 minute; Engineer's Division 2 minutes; Powder Division 1 minute; Marines 1 minute.
Shifted steam to hand steering gear in 1 minute 50 seconds, and from hand back to steam in 1 minute.
After quarters instructed signal class in wigwag.
Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: Ah San, Cabin Steward, reduced to 4th [conduct] class, for being on sick list with alcoholism; A.W. Woodbury, Quartermaster Third-class, one day's extra duty, for not cleaning wheel; D. James, Seaman, A.A. Chambers, Seaman, and J.A. Feighery, Landsman, one day's extra duty, for disregarding orders to clean brightwork from the Captain of his part of the ship; [E.] Dargel, First-class Fireman, disrated to Second-class Fireman, for deserting his station and leaving the fireroom without permission and without a relief, to date from February 1st.
Set back clock 10½ minutes.
Tested fireroom blowers.
On course S76°W, under [steam in] boilers B, C and D.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 78.
Maximum temperature of after shell room: 94° [Fahrenheit].
Meridian to 4pm:
Light breeze from ESE to SSE.
Fair and warm.
At 12.20pm disconnected boiler B and allowed fires under that boiler to die out.
Aired bedding.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 69.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SSE and breeze from West.
At 4.30pm mustered at quarters and had physical drill without arms.
On course (per standard compass) S76°W, patent log reading 6.5, steam in C and D boilers.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 73.5.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from West.
Barometer steady.
Under [steam in] C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) S76°W.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 77.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 20.7.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs to breezes from NE to SE.
On course S76°W (per compass), under [steam in] boilers D and C.
Moon rose at 11.00pm.
Hauled in patent log to see it clear at 8.30pm and put it out again.
Steam 118 [pounds], revolutions 64.
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2 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 17.28, Long -178.86
Commences and until 4am:
Light to gentle breeze from SE and SSE.
Fair and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Smooth sea.
Average steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 61.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light SSE breeze and calm.
Smooth sea.
At end [of watch] ship on course S76°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 99.7, steam in C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 65.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 8 o'clock.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Barometer falling.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S76°W, under [steam in] C and D boilers.
Took all the coal below.
At 8.30am set all sail.
General field day.
The Summary Court Martial, Lieutenant G.R. Clark senior member, met at 10 o'clock, and adjourned at 10.35am to await the action of the convening authority.
At 11.15am set clock back 7½ minutes.
Average steam 116 [pounds], revolutions 71.5.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 29.4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light variable, followed by SSW airs.
Passing rain showers first hour.
Engaged in cleaning ship.
On course S76°W (per standard compass), under [steam in] boilers C and D, and all fore and aft sail.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 66.6.
Renewed acting appointment of J. McLeish, Coxswain, for six months, to date from February 1, 1899.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Steam and sail as in preceding watch.
Read the finding of Summary Court Martial in the cases of William Wallace, Seaman, and John Ellsworth, Coxswain.
The former was tried for being drunk on board ship, not having been on liberty, and was acquitted.
The latter was tried for being so much under the influence of intoxicating liquor on board ship as to incapacitate him for the proper performance of duty; findings: specification proved; sentence: solitary confinement on bread and water in single irons for ten (10) days, with full ration every third (3rd) day, and to lose (15) fifteen days' pay, amounting to fifteen (15) dollars.
The sentence was approved, but mitigated to the extent that the confinement shall be without irons.
That part of sentence relating to loss of pay was respectfully referred to the Secretary of the Navy.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 63.8.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle SSW breeze.
At 6.10pm started fires in B boiler.
Started distilling at 7.30pm.
Exercised signal boys at Very's night signals.
Course S76°W (per standard compass), steam in C and D boilers, patent log reading 83.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 65.
Smooth sea.
At 7.30pm took in fore trysail to prevent injury to standard compass.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Smooth sea.
Barometer steady.
Course (per standard compass) S76°W, under [steam in] C and D boilers and all sail, except for trysail.
At 9.30pm connected up B boiler.
At 10.30pm took in main trysail, and set fore trysail.
Crossed 180th meridian of longitude at 9.39 o'clock, patent log reading 93.8.
At 9.30pm took in Negus high speed log.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 90.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 14.7.
Moon rose at 11.55pm.
[No logs for 3 February 1899; ship crossed the date line]
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4 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 16.91, Long 177.82
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and very pleasant.
Light SW breeze.
On course S76°W (per standard compass), under all fore and aft sail, except main trysail, and [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Having crossed the 180th meridian of longitude dropped one day.
Steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 87.
4am to 8am:
Calm, fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Stopped distilling from 6.00am until 7.30am.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 83.
Took in all fore and aft sail at 4.40am.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear, light variable airs.
Cleaning ship.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: H.L. Verge and M. Ahearn, Privates, neglect of duty, late to go on post, two hours' extra duty each; H.W. Heish, Private Marine, neglect of duty, late at relieving post, two hours' extra duty; Lee Loey, Mess Attendant, disregarding orders, 4 hours' extra duty.
At end course S76°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 16.0, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 77.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Barometer steady.
Smooth sea.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) S76°W.
The Executive Officer and the Medical Officer made the weekly sanitary inspection of storerooms, holds and living spaces.
The flood cocks of the magazine were tested and reported in working order.
The temperature of the after shell room was 87° to 96° [Fahrenheit], of the forward fixed ammunition room 85° to 92°.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 77.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and very pleasant.
Light variable airs and breezes.
On course S76°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At 4.30pm set all fore and aft sail, and at 5.30pm took in gaff topsails.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.8.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze to light airs from WNW and West.
Fair and pleasant.
Took in trysails, spanker and head sails at 7.30pm.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 83.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant, hazy around horizon.
Light Westerly airs.
Lee Loey, Mess Attendant, stood four hours' extra duty.
At end [of watch] course S76°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 10.6.
Average revolutions 75.6, average steam 120 [pounds].
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5 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 16.54, Long 174.56
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with occasional showers.
Light to fresh breeze from West to NW.
Smooth sea.
Barometer falling.
Course (per standard compass) S76°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At 1.30am fresh breeze sprung up from NW.
Set all sail, except jib.
Wind shifted to West at 2.30am, took in all sail.
The moon rose at 1.00 o'clock.
Average steam for the watch 120 [pounds], average revolutions 79.7.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Westerly airs.
On course S76°W (per standard compass).
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 87.
8am to meridian:
Wind from NNW, freshening second hour to a stiff breeze, afterwards moderating.
Fair and pleasant.
Set all sail, except jib, at 9.10am.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am and Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship.
Released Lee Gat, Mess Attendant, his term of confinement having expired.
Temperature of forward fixed ammunition room 90° to 92° [Fahrenheit], after shell room 94° to 103°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 88.
Set clock back between 11.00am and 12.00pm, eleven (11) minutes.
Set jib at 11.00 o'clock.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to Northerly breeze.
At 12.12pm, patent log reading 14.0, changed course to S77°W (per standard compass).
At end [of watch] course S77°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 45.5, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 82.
Under all sail.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from North.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S77°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail.
At 4.30pm wind freshened, so took in jib.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 63.4.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 88.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff breeze from North by East.
On course S77°W (per standard compass), under all fore and aft sail, except jib, and [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 91.
8pm to midnight:
Moderate to stiff breeze from North by East.
Generally cloudy, stars showing at intervals, partly clearing last hour.
Average heel 4°.
Average steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 85.1.
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6 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 16.08, Long 170.88
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from North by East.
Moon rose at 2.10am.
At end [of watch] course S77°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 48.9, under all sail, except jib, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 81.9.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NNE.
Smooth sea.
Barometer rising.
Course (per standard compass) S77°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except jib.
Average steam 118 [pounds], revolutions 86.6.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 82.8.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NNE to NE by North.
Confined J. Ellsworth, Coxswain, in solitary confinement, in accordance with sentence of Summary Court Martial.
Overhauled both bower chains and broke out fore and after holds and sail room.
Hull Board inspected these and chain lockers.
Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: A. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, 2 hours' extra duty, for not striking bell properly; A. Wilkerson, Coxswain, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class, for not seeing brightwork cleaned properly; D. James, Seaman, 4 hours' extra duty, for being in hammock while watch was on deck; J.A. Feighery, Landsman, 2 hours' extra duty, for absence at brightwork, and 2 hours' extra duty, for [being] out of uniform; I.K. Snyder, Ordinary Seaman, 2 hours' extra duty, for [being] out of uniform.
Set clock back 8½ minutes.
On course S77°W (per standard compass), under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all fore and aft sail, except jib.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 79.7.
Temperatures after shell room: maximum 105° [Fahrenheit], minimum 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle breeze from NE by North to NE by East.
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate swell from Northward and Westward.
Gunner's gang overhauling trucks and axles of main battery.
Cleaned and disinfected both chain lockers, broke out and cleaned stream chain locker, and stowed stream chain in bottom of sail room.
Restowed holds, chain lockers and sail room.
Set jib at 1.00pm.
Average 120 [pounds], revolutions 80.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NE by East.
At 5.50pm took in fore trysail to prevent injury to standard compass.
Mustered at quarters at 5.45pm and had setting up.
At end [of watch] on course S78°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 61.9, steam in B, C and D boilers, all sail, except fore trysail.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 81.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ENE.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S78°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except fore try sail.
Average steam for watch 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.6.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light NE by East to ENE breeze.
On course S78°W, under steam and sail as in previous watch.
J.A. Feighery, Landsman, stood 4 hours' extra watch.
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7 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 15.67, Long 167.26
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs from East by North and ENE.
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate swell from Northward and Westward, maximum roll 15° each way.
Moon rose at 3.00am.
I.K. Snyder, Ordinary Seaman, and A. Peterson, Apprentice, stood two hours on look out as extra duty.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.
Took in all sail at 12.25am.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly airs to gentle breeze.
At 7.00am made all sail.
At end [of watch] on course S78°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 73.0, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 81.
Tested steam whistle and siren at 8.00am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze.
Sea smooth.
Under all sail, steam in B, C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) S78°W.
Called all divisions to quarters at 9 o'clock.
Served out, shifted and scrubbed hammocks, scrubbed clothes.
At 9.15am took in jib and staysail.
At 10.30am John Ellsworth, Coxswain, was taken out of confinement to scrub hammock; he was reconfined at 11.30am.
Set clock back twelve (12) minutes.
Temperature of after shell room, maximum 105° [Fahrenheit], minimum 101°, forward magazine, maximum 91°, minimum 89°, forward fixed ammunition room, maximum 92°, minimum 89°.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 6.1.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 80.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Gentle East to East by South breeze.
Engaged in scrubbing hammocks and boat gear.
Cleaned out and restowed [compartments] A-101, A-102, A-8 and A-106.
These compartments inspected by Hull Board.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all fore and aft sail, except jib and fore staysail, on course S78°W until 12.10pm, when changed to S79°W (per standard compass).
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze, hauling from East by South to NE.
Fair and warm.
Mustered at quarters at 5.45pm, and turned in clean hammocks.
Took in fore trysail at 4.15pm, and the other sails at 4.40pm.
Average steam 123 [pounds], revolutions 84.1.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate North-northeasterly breeze.
At 7.00pm set all sail, except jib.
At end [of watch] on course S79°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 69.4, steam in B, C and D boilers, under all sail except jib.
Exercised signal class at electric night signals.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 83.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to light breeze from NNE.
Course (per standard compass) S79°W, under all sail, except jib, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 1.8.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.2.
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8 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 15.30, Long 163.49
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly breeze.
On course S79°W (per standard compass), under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all fore and aft sail, except jib.
Steam 120 pounds, revolutions 82.
4am to 8am:
Light airs from NE.
Fair and warm.
Smooth sea.
Took in fore trysail at 4.30am, and all other sails at 7.10am.
Average steam 122 [pounds], revolutions 84.1.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light East-northeasterly airs and breeze.
Broke out, and the Hull Board inspected, the following compartments: forward magazine and shell room; A-99; paints and oils; Paymaster's stores and hammock nettings; and Navigator's stores.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: R. Mason, Landsman, late at shifting and not scrubbing hammock, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class and two hours' extra duty; S. Brisolese, Landsman, late at shifting and not scrubbing hammock, 30 days' additional 4th [conduct] class and two hours' extra duty; W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, not answering brightwork call and shirking, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class and 2 hours' extra duty.
Set deck clock back 12 minutes 30 seconds.
At end [of watch] ship on course S79°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 0.9, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 84.
Temperature in forward magazine 87° [Fahrenheit] to 90°, in fixed ammunition [room] 89° to 90°, in after shell room 102° to 104°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle breeze from ENE.
Barometer falling.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S79°W.
At 12.15pm changed course to S80°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 3.0.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At turn-to called all divisions to quarters with their hammocks for inspection, after which restowed hammocks.
Cleaning [compartment] A-99.
Set all sail at 3.00 o'clock.
John Ellsworth, Coxswain, was brought on deck for exercise at 2.30pm, he was reconfined at 3.30pm.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 33.2.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle NE breeze.
Restowed forward magazine.
At 5.45pm mustered at quarters.
On course S80°W, under steam in boilers B, C and D, and all fore and aft sail.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.7.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle breeze from NE.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Exercised signal class at night signals.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 80.4.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle North-northeasterly breeze, hauling to East last hour.
W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, stood two hours' extra duty.
At end [of watch] on course S80°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 0.3, steam in B, C and D boilers, under all sail.
Average steam 125 [pounds], average revolutions 84.3.
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9 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 14.93, Long 159.49
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NE by East to ENE.
Under all sail and [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At end of watch course (per standard compass) S80°W.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 82.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to moderate ENE breeze.
Under steam and sail as in previous watch, on compass course S80°W.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 87.9.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Gentle breeze from NE.
Clear and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Broke out forward shell room.
Flooded double bottoms (compartment A-99), and pumped them out.
Crew engaged generally in cleaning paint and woodwork.
The following punishment was awarded: E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, not cleaning ladder, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
Change in rating: J. Gordon, from Second-class Fireman to First-class Fireman, to date from February 9th, 1899.
Temperature of forward fixed ammunition room 89° [Fahrenheit] to 91°, after magazine 89° to 90°, after shell room 101° to 104°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 86.
Set clock back 12½ minutes between 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle to moderate Northeasterly breeze.
Fair and pleasant.
Continued cleaning ship.
Restowed forward shell room.
Exercised for one hour John Ellsworth, Coxswain, undergoing sentence [of] solitary confinement.
At 12.14pm changed course to S81°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 4.0.
At end of watch on course S81°W (per standard compass), under all sail, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 80.8.
Started distilling in tanks at 3.30pm.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ENE.
Smooth sea.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Distilling into ship's tanks.
Under all sail.
Restowing forward shell room.
Went to quarters at 5.45pm, exercised crew at physical drill.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 52.8.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 83.4.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle ENE breeze.
Under steam and sail as in previous watch, on course S81°W (per standard compass).
Secured forward shell room.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 86.8.
Instructed signal class in electric night signals.
8pm to midnight:
Gentle to light breeze from East and ENE.
Clear and pleasant, bright starlight.
Smooth sea.
Hauled up foot of fore trysail at 10.00pm.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 83.3.
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10 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 14.57, Long 155.71
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze, falling to light airs from ENE.
Smooth sea.
Took in all sail at 2.00am.
At end [of watch] on course S81°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 38.3, steam in C, D and B boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 82.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from ENE to NE.
Barometer rising.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) S81°W, under [steam in] boilers B, C and D.
At 7 o'clock set all sail.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.5.
At 8 o'clock tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle breeze from NE by East to NE.
On course S81°W (per standard compass), under steam and sail as in previous watch.
Broke out after magazine and shell room, and Hull Board inspected them.
Commanding Officer awarded P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate, 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water, as a punishment for insubordination.
Steam 117 [pounds], revolutions 83.9.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle breeze from North.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Restowed after shell room and magazine.
Temperature of forward shell room 91° [Fahrenheit] to 92°, fixed ammunition room 92° to 94°, magazine 90° to 94°, after shell room 100° to 103°, magazine 90° to 91°.
Released John Ellsworth, Coxswain, for exercise from 2.30pm until 3.30pm.
Crew engaged in general cleaning work.
The weekly inspection of compartments was made by Lieutenants Thomas, Minett and Clark, Ensigns Standley, Wurtsbaugh and Knox, Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy and Chief Engineer Cleaver.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle North-northeasterly breeze.
At 5.45pm mustered at quarters.
On course S81°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 58.5, steam in B, C and D boilers, under all sail.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 81.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from North.
Smooth sea.
Under all sail, steaming with boilers B, C and D.
Course (per standard compass) S81°W.
Tested searchlights and found them in good condition.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 83.2.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle NE by North breeze.
On compass course S81°W, under all fore and aft sail, and [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.
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11 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 14.03, Long 151.90
Commences and until 4am:
Gentle breeze from NE.
Clear and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Bright starlight.
Under [steam in] boilers B, C and D, and all fore and aft sail.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.
4am to 8am:
Clear to cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze.
Smooth sea.
At end ship on course S81°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 80.9, under all sail, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 85.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NE.
Barometer steady.
Under all sail and [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Distilling into ship's tanks.
Course (per standard compass) S81°W.
Field day.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: J.M. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class, refused to obey orders of boatswain's mate, 3rd [conduct] class and one week's extra duty; D.G.A. Venville, Apprentice Second-class, insubordination, 2nd [conduct] class and 4 hours' extra duty; A. Wilkerson, Coxswain, insubordination, 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water.
The following change in rating was made to date from February 11, 1899: S. Brisolese, Landsman to Seaman.
The temperature of forward magazine 90° [Fahrenheit] to 92°, forward shell room 90° to 90°, forward fixed ammunition room 92° to 94°, after shell room 100° to 104°, after magazine 90° to 90°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 17.2.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate NNE to NE breeze.
On course S81°W (per standard compass) until 12.15pm, when changed to S83°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 19.3.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except jib.
Released J. Ellsworth, Coxswain, for one hour, for exercise, and then reconfined him.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.
4pm to 6pm:
Stiff breeze from NE.
Partly clearing, followed by cloudy weather.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.
6pm to 8pm:
Stiff to fresh Northeasterly breeze.
Rain in squalls last hour.
At end [of watch] on course S83°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 88.8, under all sail, except jib, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 85.9.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from NE.
Barometer rising.
Under all sail, except jib, steaming under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Distilling into forward tanks.
Course (per standard compass) S83°W.
Moderate sea, ship rolling easily, from 15° starboard to 20° to port.
D.G.A. Venville, Apprentice Second-class, stood 4 hours' extra duty on lookout.
Average steam 120 pounds, revolutions 86.
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12 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands
Lat 13.62, Long 147.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with light rain last hour.
Moderate ENE breeze.
On compass course S83°W (per standard compass), under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except the jib.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 86.
6pm to 8pm:
Moderate breeze from ENE.
Partly cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate swell from Northward and Eastward.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 87.
8am to meridian:
Partly cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff East-northeasterly breeze.
At 9.30am the Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew at quarters.
Temperature of magazines and shell rooms: forward magazine 89°F to 82°F; [forward] shell room 91°F to 91°F; [forward] fixed ammunition 91°F to 94°F; after magazine 91°F to 92°F; [after] shell room 101°F to 104°F.
Started distiller in ship's tanks at 11.30am.
Set deck clock back 12½ minutes.
At end [of watch] on course S83°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 36.8, under all sail, except jib, and steam in B, C and D boilers.
Moderate sea from NE.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 86.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with occasional showers.
Stiff breeze from ENE to NE.
Barometer falling.
Moderate sea.
Under all sail, except jib, and [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Course S83°W (per standard compass).
At 12.10pm changed course to West (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 38.0.
At 1 o'clock changed course to N88°W, patent log [reading] 45.8.
At 2.30pm brought J. Ellsworth, Coxswain, on deck for 1 hour's exercise, he was reconfined at 3.30pm.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 73.
Revolutions 86, steam 120 [pounds].
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff NE breeze.
On compass course N88°W, under steam and sail as in previous watch.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 86.
6pm to 8pm:
Stiff to moderate breeze from NE.
Clearing weather.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.4.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Stiff Northeasterly breeze.
At 10.30pm stopped distilling into ship's tanks.
Bright starlight.
Moderate sea from NE.
At end [of watch] on course N88°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 41.7, under all sail, except jib, and steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 83.
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13 February 1899
On passage from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Guam, Ladrone Islands, and at anchor at San Luis d'Apra, Guam
Lat 13.445, Long 144.662
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from NE.
Smooth sea.
Barometer steady.
Course N88°W (per standard compass), under all sail, except jib, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 125 [pounds], average revolutions 84.0.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 77.3.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff NE breeze.
On course N88°W (per standard compass), under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except jib.
At 4.40am slowed engines to just turning over, and went ahead full speed at 5.35am.
At 5.45am made out high land from ½ point on port bow extending to Southward, and at 6.00am made out Rota Island about 2 points abaft starboard beam.
At 6.10am changed course to West by North, patent log reading 93.2.
At 7.00am took in all sail.
At 7.15am changed course to WSW, patent log [reading] 2.0.
At 7.40am changed course to SW½S, patent log [reading] 4.7.
Set clock ahead 5 minutes.
Steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 73.4.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate Northeasterly breeze.
Smooth sea.
Standing in for anchorage in port of San Luis d'Apra [San Louis d'Apra in log-book], Island of Guam.
Found U.S.S. "Bennington" in port.
Made our number, which was answered by U.S.S. "Bennington" making her number.
Made following signals: 3072, 5794, geographic 6801.
At 10.05am came to anchor in 21 fathoms, veering to 60 fathoms on starboard chain.
Bearings (per standard compass): left tangent Apapa Island NE⅝N, fort Santa Cruz SE½S, ship's head NE by North.
Delivered to U.S.S. "Bennington" three bags of mail for her and one for Guam.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Bennington" paid an official visit on board.
Draft forward 12 feet 6 inches, aft 15 feet.
Let fires in C and D boilers die out.
Temperature in magazines and shell rooms, forward: magazine 91°F to 92°F; shell room 91°F to 91°F; fixed ammunition [room] 92°F to 93°F; aft: magazine 90°F to 90°F; shell room 101°F to 103°F.
Steam in B boiler.
At 9.40am hauled in patent log, reading 22.4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cool, cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NE.
Ship riding to wind.
Barometer steady.
Started distilling at 2.30pm.
Lowered 3rd cutter and gig.
Sent 3rd cutter for sand, in charge of chief boatswain's mate.
The Commanding Officer made an official call on board U.S.S. "Bennington".
The wardroom officers paid an official visit on board U.S.S. "Bennington".
Received and made signals as follows: "How many tons of coal do you want?", (signed) Taussig; "Seventy tons", (signed) Sperry; "We can send you coal now if you will send men to receive it", (signed) Taussig [Toussig in log-book]; "We want 6 boxes of soap", (signed) Taussig [Toussig in log-book].
At 3.30pm received and discharged 2 lighters, of three tons each, of coal from U.S.S. "Bennington".
Draft forward 12 feet 6 inches, aft 15 feet.
4pm to 8pm:
Barometer rising.
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from North and East.
Finished coaling from 2nd lighter, load of 3 tons.
Sent lighter and bags back to U.S.S. "Bennington".
Hoisted gig, whaleboat and 3rd cutter.
Mustered at quarters at 5.45pm.
Absentees without leave: D. James, Seaman, and A.R. Lyons, Apprentice Second-class, they having left the cutter without permission while in for sand, they returned on board at 6 o'clock.
Transferred to U.S.S. "Bennington", with bag and hammock and necessary transfer papers: O.B. Wise, Private Marine.
At 7.30pm a visiting party came on board from U.S.S. "Bennington".
The steam launch lost her water and had to be towed back from U.S.S. "Bennington".
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from NE.
Barometer rising.
Secured steam launch for the night at 8.30pm.
Rota Island is also known as Luta.
Apapa Island is also known as Cabras Island.
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14 February 1899
[At anchor] San Luis d'Apra, Guam
Lat 13.445, Long 144.662
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Barometer steady.
Gentle breeze from NE.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NE.
Barometer rising.
At 6.30am sent working party of 12 men in 3rd cutter to load coal from U.S.S. "Bennington".
Received two lighters alongside at 7.30am.
Lowered dinghy.
Working party returned at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff NE breeze.
Coaling from lighters alongside, from U.S.S. "Bennington", total received to end of watch: about twenty five tons.
By authority of Commanding Officer sent 450 pounds saltwater soap to U.S.S. "Bennington".
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff NNE to NE by North breeze.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate NE by East breeze.
Coaling until 5.00pm, total on board from U.S.S. "Bennington": 45 tons.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff NE breeze.
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15 February 1899
At anchor San Luis d'Apra, Guam, and making passage to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 13.445, Long 144.662
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with rain last hour.
Moderate NE to ENE breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional passing showers.
[Gentle to moderate NE breeze.]
At 7.00am sent working party of 12 men to U.S.S. "Bennington".
Received 465 pounds of fresh beef from shore.
Tested whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Moderate breeze from NE and ENE.
Fair and pleasant.
Continued coaling ship from U.S.S. "Bennington".
Exchanged the following wigwag signals with U.S.S. "Bennington": 9.40am, U.S.S. "Bennington" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Have bagged seventy-one tons; will not bag any more before that is delivered"; 10.00am, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington", "Has all the coal bagged been sent alongside?", answer "Yes"; 10.15am, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington", "Bag and send eight tons more coal", signed Sperry.
At 11.00am started fires under boilers C and D.
Made preparations for sea.
Meridian to 4pm:
Moderate breeze from NE by East and ENE.
Fair and pleasant.
Finished coaling ship at 1.15pm, having received on board in all 79 tons.
Returned empty coal bags to U.S.S. "Bennington", and coal lighters to their owner.
Signals: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" at 1.30pm, "I sail about three, when do you go? Shall you go by Straits of [San] Bernardino?", signed Sperry; 1.35pm, U.S.S. "Bennington" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "I sail between three and four. I shall go through Straits of [San] Bernardino", signed Taussig.
At 2.45pm called all hands up anchor, weighed anchor and stood out of harbor, conned by Commanding Officer.
Passed Orote Point at 3.20pm, put over patent log, reading 22.4, and set course N76°W per standard [compass].
At 3.55pm slowed down engines and hauled in patent log ([reading] 26.8), preparatory to swinging ship.
Draft of ship forward 12 feet 10 inches, aft 15 feet 4 inches.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate East-northeasterly breeze.
At 4.05pm stopped port engine.
At 4.15pm went ahead slow, swinging ship for compass deviation, steaming slow until 4.20pm, when went ahead full speed.
On course N76°W (per standard compass).
Put over patent log, reading 26.8.
U.S.S. "Bennington" standing out at 4.20pm.
At 4.45pm took following bearings: Point Orote E⅝S, right tangent of [Guam] Island SE½S, patent log reading 28.0.
At 4.20pm made all sail, except jib.
At 5.45pm mustered crew at quarters and had physical exercise.
At end [of watch] on course N76°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 40.2, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 73.
Moderate sea from NE.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from ENE.
Barometer rising.
Course N76°W (per standard compass), under all sail, except jib, and [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Called up U.S.S. "Bennington" and exercised signal class at searchlight signals.
Sent following message: "What speed are you making?", answer "Eight and eight tenths knots [nots in log-book] with 75 revolutions".
"Commander Sperry sends regards to Doctor and Madame Romero", answer "Doctor and Madame Romero send their best regards in return".
Average steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 82.7.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate ENN to East breeze.
On course N76°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except jib.
Lights of U.S.S. "Bennington" in sight abaft port beam until about 11.30pm.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.
Orote Point is also known as Point Udall.
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16 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.04, Long 141.68
Commences and until 4am:
Gentle breeze from East by North.
Fair first part, followed by cloudy weather.
Under [steam in] boilers B, C and D, and all sail, except the jib.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 77.1.
4am to 8am:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Easterly and East-southeasterly breeze, with occasional passing showers.
At 5.30am took in all sail, making it again at 6.30am, wind hauling to East.
Smooth sea.
Barometer steady.
Stopped distilling at 5.00am.
At 8.00am tested siren and steam whistle.
At end [of watch] ship on course N76°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 57.9, under all sail, except jib, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 86.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, sprinkling rain last hour.
Gentle breeze from ENE.
Barometer steady.
Under all sail, except jib, steam in B, C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) N76°W.
John Ellsworth, Coxswain, was brought to the mast at 9.00am and released from confinement on account of the expiration of his term of 10 days' solitary confinement on bread and water.
A. Wilkerson, Coxswain, was placed in the cell to serve his term of 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water.
The temperature of the forward magazine 89° [Fahrenheit] to 93°, forward shell room 91° to 91°, forward fixed ammunition room 90° to 94°, after shell room 88° to 101°.
At 11.00am breeze hauled aft, took in all sail.
Set clock back 23½ minutes between 11.00 and 11.30 o'clock.
Revolutions 81, average steam 120 [pounds].
General field day.
Meridian to 4pm:
Generally cloudy and rainy, followed by clearing.
Light airs to gentle breeze from ESE to ENE.
On course N76°W until 12.30pm, when changed to N74°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 98.5.
Under steam in B, C and D boilers.
Distilling into ship's tanks until 3.00pm.
Crew engaged in cleaning ship.
At 3.00pm set all try sails and fore staysail.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 69.
4pm to 6pm:
Light variable breeze.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Mustered at quarters at 5.45pm.
Took in all sail at 5.55pm.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 71.6.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly breeze.
Course N74°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 52.0, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 67.5.
Smooth sea.
Exercised signal class at electric night signals.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from WSW.
Barometer rising.
Course N74°W (per standard compass), under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Moon set at 11 o'clock.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 75.
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17 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.85, Long 138.49
Commences and until 4am:
Clear, followed by cloudy weather, warm.
Light East-southeasterly airs.
On course N74°W (per standard compass), under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 82.3.
4am to 8am:
Light breeze to light airs from East and NE.
Generally cloudy, with passing rain showers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 78.
8am to meridian:
Light Easterly airs and Southerly breeze.
At 9.30am inspected crew at quarters and had divisional drill.
Set deck clock back 10½ minutes.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: G.H. Douglas, Coal Passer, coming on deck from fireroom and smearing everything he touched, 1 day's extra duty in post; R. Mason, Landsman, using tub under scuttle butt as a urinal, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and 5 days' extra duty; J.A. Feighery, Landsman, disobedience of Boatswain's Mate's orders and using insulting language to same, 1 month additional on 4th [conduct] class and 10 days' extra duty; H. Milan, Machinist First-class, neglect of duty, not properly preparing bunkers for the reception of coal, reduced to 4th [conduct] class; W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer, washing hands in steep tub, 2 days' extra duty, and for late hammock, 2 days' extra duty; J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, refusing to obey orders of water tender of watch, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class and 10 days' extra duty in post; E. Sullivan, Second-class Fireman, leaving steam cutter without permission after being told not to leave it, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; J.M. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class, shirking, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class and 5 days' extra duty; A.R. Lyon, Apprentice Second-class, and D. James, Seaman, leaving working party without authority, reduced one [conduct] class and 5 days' extra duty; A.A. Chambers, Seaman, missing muster, one extra lookout; J.A. Feighery, Landsman, not stowing hammock at 4.00am, one extra lookout; H. Harris, Landsman, not stowing hammock at 4.00am, 1 extra lookout; L. Mothersbough, Private Marine, using obscene and abusive language to another person, 2 hours' extra duty.
At end [of watch] ship on course N74°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 80.7, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 76.
Smooth sea.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, rain last hour.
Barometer falling.
Light airs from South and West until 3 o'clock, when moderate breeze sprang up from NNE.
Set all sail, except jib.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, course N74°W (per standard compass).
Made the usual weekly inspection of storerooms, compartments, holds, magazines, et cetera.
The Executive Officer with the Medical Officer made the weekly sanitary inspection of storerooms, holds and living spaces, and reported the sanitary condition good.
Tested flood cocks and found them in good condition.
Temperature of after shell room was 93° [Fahrenheit] to 101°, forward magazine 90° to 93°, forward shell room 91° to 91°, forward fixed ammunition room 90° to 94°.
Average steam 115 pounds, revolutions 73.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 10.0.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle NE breeze.
On compass course N74°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except jib.
At 5.45pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up drill.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 83.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle breeze from NE.
Clearing weather, moonlight.
Smooth sea.
Set jib at 7.55pm.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 80.6.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy to fair and pleasant.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze, hauling to East last hour.
At end [of watch] course N74°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 75.3, steam in B, C and D boilers, under all sail.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 77.
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18 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.56, Long 135.32
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle variable breeze.
Barometer steady.
Course N74°W.
At 12.05am took in all sail.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 4.6.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 69.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle East to ENE breeze.
On compass course N74°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At 4.30am set all trysails and fore staysail.
Tested whistle and siren.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 75.5.
8am to meridian:
Gentle to light breeze from East and ESE.
Fair and warm.
Smooth sea.
Set clock back 9½ minutes between 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Temperature of forward magazine 90° [Fahrenheit] to 92°, [forward] shell room 90° to 91°, forward fixed ammunition room 91° to 94°, after shell room 99° to 104°.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 73.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, cloudy and pleasant, with heavy rain.
At 12.30pm made all sail, took it in at 3.00pm, and set it again at 3.30pm.
Breeze coming out fresh from South, falling to light breeze from SE at end [of watch].
Course N74°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 95.4, steam in B, C and D boilers, under all sail, except jib.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 75.7.
Smooth sea.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable breeze.
Under all sail, except jib, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) N74°W.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 75.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 11.7.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle SSW breeze.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except jib.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 78.
8pm to midnight:
Moderate breeze from SSW, with occasional stiff rain squalls.
Set jib at 8.05pm, and took it in at 10.00pm.
Took in gaff topsails at 11.00pm.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 76.4.
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19 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.33, Long 131.87
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with rain in squalls.
Moderate to stiff breeze from SW, hauling to WSW.
At end [of watch] course N74°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 91.5, under all trysail and fore staysail, steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 125 [pounds], average revolutions 81.9.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy to clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from WSW to WNW.
Barometer rising.
At 5.30am took in all trysail and staysail.
Under steam [in] B, C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) N74°W.
At 7.00am stopped dynamo's.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 21.4.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 76.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle NNW to Northerly breeze.
On course N74°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At 9.00am set all sail.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship.
Published Articles for the Government of the Navy.
Aired bedding.
Temperature of forward shell room, minimum 92° [Fahrenheit], maximum 92°, and of after shell room, minimum 99°, max 102°.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 78.2.
Meridian to 4pm:
Moderate breeze from NNE.
Fair and pleasant.
Took in jib at 12.55pm.
Average steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 86.1.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate North-northeasterly breeze.
Course N73°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 8.1, steam in B, C and D boilers, under all sail, except jib.
Average steam 125 [pounds], average revolutions 85.1.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Fresh breezes from NNE.
Barometer rising.
Course (per standard compass) N73°W, under all sail, except jib, and under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At 7.40pm took in gaff topsails.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 26.4.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.9.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast, with passing showers, followed by clearing.
Fresh to moderate breeze from NNE to NE.
On course N73°W (per standard compass), under steam in B, C and D boilers, and all trysails and fore staysail.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 91.4.
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20 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 17.04, Long 127.90
Commences and until 4am:
Moderate breeze from NNE and NE by North.
Under [steam in] boilers B, C and D, and staysail and trysail.
Average steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 88.8.
4am to 8am:
Moderate to stiff breeze from NE.
Fair and pleasant.
At 7.15am set gaff topsails.
Course N73°W (per compass), patent log reading 39.2, under all sail, except jib, and steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 89.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from NE.
Course (per standard compass) N73°W, under all sail, except jib, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
At 9.30am went to quarters, exercised crew at setting up and divisional drills and at arm and away boats.
Overhauled boat boxes.
Temperature of forward magazine 89° [Fahrenheit] to 90°, forward shell room 90° to 91°, forward fixed ammunition room 91° to 93°, after shell room 101° to 102°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 88.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 78.1.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Stiff to moderate Easterly breeze.
Under [steam in] B, C and C boilers, and all sail, except jib, on compass course N69°W.
At 1.15pm called away landing party and drilled same.
Exercised signal class at wigwag.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.5.
4pm to 6pm:
Moderate to gentle breeze from ENE.
Fair and pleasant.
Mustered at quarters at 5.45pm and exercised at setting up drill.
Stopped distilling at 4.10pm.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.1.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle East-northeasterly breeze.
Fair and pleasant.
Course N69°W (per standard compass), under steam in B, C and D boilers, and sail, except jib.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 84.1.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ENE.
Course (per standard compass) N69°W, under all sail, except jib, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers.
Sounded bell to general quarters at 8.56pm.
The divisions reported ready in the following times: Engineer's Division 2 minutes; Marines 3½ minutes; Powder Division; 6 minutes; 3rd Division 7 minutes; 2nd Division 6 minutes; 1st Division 6½ minutes.
The divisions secured as follows: Engineer's Division 3 minutes; Marines 6 minutes; Powder Division 8 minutes; 3rd Division 9 minutes; 2nd Division 7½ minutes; 1st Division 4 minutes 11 seconds.
Average steam for watch 120 [pounds], revolutions 86.3.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 84.7.
Operations off the Philippines Islands
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21 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 18.28, Long 124.32
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from East to ESE.
On compass course N69°W, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, and all sail, except jib.
Steam 125 [pounds], revolutions [left empty].
4am to 8am:
Light breeze from SE.
Partly cloudy.
Took in all sail at 4.35am.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 80.9.
8am to meridian:
Light breeze from SSE and South by West.
Fair and pleasant.
By direction of the Commanding Officer released A. Wilkerson [Wilkenson in log-book], Coxswain, his term of confinement having expired, and placed P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate, in solitary confinement on bread and water for five days, in accordance with punishment awarded.
At 9.31am called clear ship for action, times: 1st Division 1 hour 5 minutes; 2nd Division 1 hour 3 minutes; 3rd Division 59 minutes; Engineer's Division 3 minutes; Powder Division 20 minutes; Marine Guard 31 minutes.
At 10.34am sounded call to general quarters, times: 1st Division 1 minute; 2nd Division ½ minute; 3rd Division 2 minutes; Engineer's Division 1 minute; Powder Division 1 minute; Marine Guard 1 minute.
Secured from general quarters at 10.50am.
Securing from clear ship until 11.30am.
Set deck clock back 12 minutes.
Made all sail at 11.30am.
At end [of watch] course N69°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 90.4, under steam in B, C and D boilers, and all sail.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 83.1.
Temperature in forward fixed ammunition room: 89°F to 92°F, after magazine 90°F to 90°F, after shell room 100°F to 105°F.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear to cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW to WSW.
Under all sail.
At 3.50pm took in jib.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) N69°W.
At 1 o'clock changed course to N76°W, patent log [reading] 8.4.
At 1.15pm sounded call for landing party and equipped force in heavy marching order.
Sounded retreat from drill at 2.30pm.
Drilled signal class.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 26.7.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 89.6.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from NW to NW by North.
At 4.10pm took in all sail.
At 5.30pm set all trysails and fore staysails.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, on course N76°W (per standard compass).
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.3.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Bright moonlight.
Took in all sail at 6.55pm.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 82.9.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
At 8.30pm, patent log reading 69.9, changed course to N80°W (per standard compass).
Made all sail at 8.30pm.
Took in all sail at 11.20pm, wind hauling ahead.
Course N80°W (per standard compass), patent log reading 97.1.
Revolutions 90.
Sighted land on port hand at 11.40, Northwest part of Island of Luzon.
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22 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 18.50, Long 120.35
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Moon set at 3.40am.
Light to gentle breeze from NW by West.
Course at beginning [of watch] N80°W, Palaui Island on port bow.
At 12.09am changed course to N83°W, patent log [reading] 99.1.
Sighted Camiguin Island [Kamaguin Island in log-book] at 12.30am bearing 1 point on starboard bow.
At 1.16 o'clock changed course to S88°W, patent log [reading] 8.8.
At 1.25am changed course to S82°W, patent log [reading] 9.8, Camiguin Island [Kamaguin Island in log-book] Island bearing WNW½W.
At 2.45am, Camiguin Island [Kamaguin Island in log-book] Island bearing North, distant 11 miles, changed course to N81°W, patent log [reading] 22.4.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 33.4.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 88.8.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NW by North to SW by South.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, on compass course N81°W until 7.40am, when changed to West (per compass), patent log [reading] 66.2.
At 8.00am changed course to S75°W (per compass), patent log [reading] 68.5.
At 5.15am made out Fuga Island from abeam to about four points on starboard bow.
At 5.30am made out Luzon Island on port bow.
At 7.55am sighted [Cape] Bojeador lighthouse bearing about SW½W.
Tested steam siren.
At sunrise dressed ship with ensigns at all mastheads and peak.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 89.
8am to meridian:
Gentle breeze from SW by West and SW.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Rounding Northern end of Luzon Island, land in sight on port hand.
At 10.12am changed course to S48°W per standard [compass], patent log reading 87.5.
At 10.28am Cape Bojeador [Bojeader in log-book] lighthouse bore 2 points forward the beam, patent log [reading] 90.1.
At 10.50am same lighthouse was abeam, distant 8 miles.
At noon fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of the day.
Temperature forward fixed ammunition room 89° [Fahrenheit] to 91°, after magazine 90° to 90°; shell room 101° to 104°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 87.7.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear to fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW and WNW.
At 12.06pm, patent log [reading] 4.5, changed course to S18°W (per standard compass), Cape Bojeador [Bojeader in log-book] lighthouse bearing East (magnetic), distant 11 miles.
At 3.00pm made all sail.
The coast of Luzon Island in sight during watch.
At end [of watch] ship on course S18°W (per standard compass), under all sail and steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 89.5.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from WNW.
Skirting Luzon Island coast, course (per standard compass) S18°W, under all sail, steam under B, C and D boilers.
At end of watch Mount Tetas de Santa [Telas de Santa in log-book] bore ESE¼E.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 93.1.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 60.7.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate NW breeze.
On course S18°W (per standard compass), under steam and sail as in previous watch.
At 7.40pm went to fire quarters with times as follows: 1st Division 1 minute; 2nd Division 1 minute; 3rd Division 1½ minutes; 4th Division 1½ minutes; Engineer's Division 45 seconds; Marine Guard 30 seconds.
8pm to midnight:
Moderate to stiff breeze from NW and NNW.
Fair and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 95.
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23 February 1899
On passage from San Luis d'Apra, Guam, and at anchor at Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.85, Long 119.95
Commences and until 4am:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
[Moderate to gentle breezes from NNW and North.]
Sighted land on port bow at 2.15am.
At 2.30am, patent log [reading] 47.0, changed course to South (per standard compass).
At 2.30am took in all sail.
At end [of watch] course South (per standard compass), under steam in B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 130 [pounds], average revolutions 97.
Sighted number of fishing boats inshore.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from North.
Steaming with B, C and D boilers, course South (per standard compass).
At 7.27am changed course to SSE, patent log [reading] 91.7.
At daylight sighted the Hermana Islands [Hermann Islands in log-book] on the port beam.
Lost sight of them at 7.30am, bearing NNE.
Average steam for watch 120 [pounds], revolutions 88.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 97.4.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Fresh to moderate Northerly breeze.
General field day.
At 10.35am set all trysails.
Used forced draft in after fireroom from 9.15 to 10 o'clock.
Under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, on course S10°E (per standard compass) until 9.37am, when changed to S13°E, patent log [reading] 12.4.
At 10.00am changed course to S25°E, patent log [reading] 16.6, at 10.30am changed to S36°E, patent log 21.5, and at 11.00am changed to S48°E, patent log 26.5.
At 12.00pm Capones [Island] lighthouse abeam, distant 5.2 miles.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 98.5.
Temperature of after shell room: 100° [Fahrenheit] to 107°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light airs from NW and West.
Fair and warm.
Smooth sea.
Standing to Southward and Eastward, bound for Manila Bay, land in sight on port hand.
At 1.25pm Point Biniptecan [Point Biniptekan in log-book] was abeam, distant 6 miles.
At 2.00pm West tangent of Subic Bay bore North by E¼E, Luzon Point SE by E¼E.
At 3.10pm changed course to ESE per standard [compass], patent log [reading] 65.8, at 3.30pm to ESE½E, and at 3.50pm to E¾S.
At end of watch Corregidor Island [Corregidar Island in log-book] and La Monja [Island] were in sight a little on port bow.
Started forced draft in after boiler room at 2.15pm.
Unbent gaff topsails and sent them below.
Making preparations for port.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 92.5.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
[Light breeze from NE, hauling to moderate breeze from SE by East.]
At 4.30pm, patent log [reading] 73.8, changed course to NE by E½E.
Started forced draft at 4.30pm.
Stood in through Boca Chica [Boca Chico in log-book] for Manila Bay.
Sighted fleet at anchor.
Average steam 112 [pounds], average revolutions 90.2.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ESE.
Captain conning ship into anchorage at Manila Bay, under [steam in] B, C and D boilers, forced draft.
At 6.30pm shut down forced draft.
At 6.30pm sighted Old Kavite light bearing E½N.
At 6.50pm exchanged numbers with U.S.S. "Charleston" and asked "Where is the Admiral anchored?", answer "At Manila".
At 7 o'clock exchanged numbers with flagship.
Signaled G.S.W. [?] internal 1211, and G.S.W 1323, received signal G.S.W. 115.
Came to anchor at 7.58pm on the starboard quarter of the flagship in 7½ fathoms water.
Pasig River red light bearing (per standard compass) NE⅞N and Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] light South by W½W, ship's head ENE.
In coming to anchor, carried away log line.
Draft aft 15 feet 2 inches, forward 11 feet 2 inches.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle various breezes and airs.
At 8.15pm the Commanding Officer made official visit to the Commander-in-Chief of United States Naval Force on Asiatic Station.
Boca Chica is also known as North Channel.
Old Kavite is also known as Kawit.
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24 February 1899
[At anchor off] Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.57, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs from NNW.
Cloudy, with very light rain at intervals.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from NW.
Barometer steady.
At 6.55am flagship made dress and time signal, international B-06, international M-08.
At 7.30am tested siren and steam whistle.
Received following signals from flagship: telegraphic 6859; general 4383.
Lowered steam launch.
Got her ready for use.
General field day.
8am to meridian:
Generally cloudy and pleasant.
Light NW to North-northwesterly breeze.
At 8.00am fired a salute of 13 guns, which was answered by the United States flagship U.S.S. "Olympia" with 7 guns.
Delivered 93 bags of mail to the Captain of the port.
Boarding officer from Japanese cruiser "Yoshino" paid visit of courtesy to the Commanding Officer.
The Commanding Officer paid official visits to the Commanding Officers of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" and Japanese cruiser "Yoshino".
General field day.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 0, numeral 5; at 10.10am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Make sick report", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 5; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 41, numeral 9.
Meridian to 4pm:
Moderate to stiff breeze from East.
Fair and warm.
Crew engaged scrubbing spars, boats and ship's side.
Received official calls from the Commanding Officers of the English man-of-war H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", and the Japanese man-of war "Yoshino".
Wardroom officers called upon the Commander-in-Chief.
The weekly inspection of compartments was made by the officers of the ship.
Temperature of forward magazine 88° [Fahrenheit] to 92°, fixed ammunition room 94° to 100°, after shell room 94° to 108°, after magazine 88° to 92°.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to gentle Easterly breeze.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 10,000 Mexican dollars.
Signals: at 4.45pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Your signal is understood"; at 6.15pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, "May a visiting party of men visit the flagship tonight?"; at 6.25pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Yes".
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters, followed by fire quarters, with the following times: 1st Division 1½ minutes; 2nd Division 45 seconds; 3rd Division 1 minute; Powder Division 1 minute; Engineer's Division 30 seconds; Marines 1 minute.
8pm to midnight:
Light airs from East.
Partly cloudy, with bright moonlight.
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25 February 1899
At anchor off Manila and Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.57, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm with light Easterly airs.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light ENE to Easterly airs.
Received following fresh provisions: vegetables, 275 pounds; bread, 218 pounds.
8am to meridian:
Light airs from East to NW.
Fair and warm.
The Commanding Officer left the ship to pay an official visit to the General commanding.
The following signals were exchanged: 8.30am (wigwag) U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, "Shall the Yorktown return to this anchorage as soon as coaled?", signed Sperry; 8.50am (wigwag) flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Report when through coaling"; 8.55am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Message"; 8.56am (general signal) flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", 5999; 10.00am (general signal) U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 0, numeral 5; 10.57am (general signal) flagship to fleet, 2240; at noon (general signal) U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 37, numeral 4.
Sent an officer to flagship in obedience to signal 5999.
At end of watch a man-of war was in sight coming into harbor.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
The German cruiser "Kaiserin Augusta" came in, anchored ahead of the flagship, and fired a salute of 21 guns, United States ensign at the main, afterwards a salute of 7 guns, the German ensign at the fore.
At 2.30pm hove in port chain to 30 fathoms and made preparations for getting under way.
Received from U.S.S. "Culgoa": 346 pounds fresh beef.
[Signals:] at 2.00pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" (wigwag), "Prepare to get under way for Cavite, Walker will be on board in half an hour"; 2.15pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, 4562, flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", affirmative; 2.20pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, 4890, flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", affirmative.
Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Concord" came on board for passage to Cavite.
4pm to 8pm:
Moderate to gentle breeze from East.
Fair and pleasant.
At 4.05pm came to anchor off Cavite in 4½ fathoms water, veering to 15 fathoms on port chain.
Bearings from anchorage: Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] lighthouse (per compass) NW by W⅞W, and left tangent arsenal SW, ship's head ESE½E.
Commander Walker joined his ship, U.S.S. "Concord".
Commanding Officer visited U.S.S. "Concord".
At 4.30pm water lighter came alongside.
Received from lighter for use in boilers: 1700 gallons of water.
Making preparations for coaling.
Sent two men with rifles and ammunition, to relieve U.S.S. "Concord" men in charge of libeled steamer "Abbey".
Got up a box of ammunition for each secondary battery gun.
Starboard watch stacked arms and filled belts with ammunition.
Turned searchlight on causeway, bearing about SW by West.
At 7.30pm shifted berth about three ships' lengths to Southward, to bring Navy Yard out of range with causeway.
Bearings: East end arsenal SW½W, Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] lighthouse NNW.
At 6.35pm U.S.S. "Concord" left the harbor.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Easterly breeze.
Continued sea watches as preceding watch.
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26 February 1899
[At anchor off] Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.484, Long 120.924
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle Easterly breeze.
Barometer steady.
4am to 8am:
Gentle to light breeze from ENE and NE.
Fair and warm.
A lighter of coal came alongside at 6.00am, and another at 6.20am, began coaling ship.
Signals: at 6.55am flagship to fleet, uniform and time signal.
Released P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate, from confinement.
Draft aft 15 feet 2 inches, forward 11 feet 2 inches.
8am to meridian:
Light breeze from NE.
Fair and warm.
Coaling ship.
Made routine signals to flagship at 10.00am and at 12.00pm.
The Executive Officer and the Chief Engineer made the monthly inspection required by Paragraph 4, Article 1594, United States Navy Regulations.
Finding the forward shell room at a temperature of 106° [Fahrenheit], started blowers on same.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Stiff East-northeasterly breeze.
Continued coaling, emptying two lighters.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate East by North to Easterly breeze.
Coaling from lighters on both sides until 7.00pm, when finished starboard lighter.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from East by North.
Barometer steady.
Coaling ship from lighters on both sides.
At 6 o'clock had taken on board 91 tons of coal.
Taking stores on board in the Paymaster's Department.
Lost boat flag from steam launch.
8pm to midnight:
Gentle to stiff breeze from ESE and East.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Knocked off coaling for the night at 8.55pm, received on board during the day 116 tons.
Turned searchlight on causeway between 10.00pm and 10.30pm, and 11.30pm and 12.00am.
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27 February 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.484, Long 120.924
Commences and until 4am:
Clear to fair and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff Easterly breeze.
Turned searchlight on causeway from 1.00am to 1.30am, and from 3.00am to 3.30am.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, to clear last hour.
Light variable airs.
Barometer rising.
Began coaling from lighters on both sides at 5.30am.
At 6 o'clock secured a lighter of coal on the starboard side.
At 7 o'clock the flagship made uniform and time signal.
At 7.30am tested siren and steam whistle.
At 7.30am an American steamer entered the harbor of Manila.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 218 pounds bread; 272 pounds vegetables.
8am to meridian:
Clear, followed by cloudy weather.
Light to gentle Northerly breeze.
Coaling from lighters alongside both sides.
The Bureau of Navigation, under date of January 11, 1899, has modified the complement of this ship as follows: 1 Chief Gunner's Mate; 1 Gunner's Mate First-class; 1 Gunner's Mate Second-class; 3 Gunner's Mates Third-class; 1 Chief Electrician; 1 Electrician First-class; 2 Electricians Second-class; 1 Hospital Apprentice First-class; 0 Hospital Apprentices.
Changed enlistment of G.T. Brownridge from one to three years, by authority of Bureau of Navigation, date of January 13th, 1899.
Changed rate of S.G. Boone, Hospital Apprentice, to Hospital Apprentice First-class.
Meridian to 4pm:
Moderate breeze from East and ESE.
Fair and warm.
Continued coaling.
Received in the Paymaster's Department from U.S.S. "Culgoa", for use of crew: 567 pounds mutton; and 168 pounds of beef.
The supply steamer U.S.S. "Zafiro" came in and anchored at 2.45pm.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Continued coaling.
The water boat came alongside at 5.00pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Continued coaling.
Emptied lighters on both side and secured one full lighter and the empty lighters astern.
Turned searchlight on causeway between 7 and 8 o'clock.
At end of watch had taken on board in all about 240 tons [of coal].
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle East to ESE breeze.
Knocked off coaling at 8.30pm, total received 241 tons.
Turned on searchlight from 8.00pm to 8.45pm, and from 11.00pm to 11.30pm.
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28 February 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.484, Long 120.924
Commences and until 4am:
Gentle breeze from East.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Used searchlight between 2.00am and 2.30am, [and] 3.30am and 4.00am.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Used searchlight from 4.40am to 5.15am.
Light variable airs.
Flagship made uniform and time signals.
The Commanding Officer left the ship in the Navy Yard launch for Manila.
Began coaling at 5.40am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from North to NW.
Coaling ship from lighters on both sides.
Received at 9.30am two lighters from Navy Yard, one on each side.
At 10 o'clock made sick and absentee report to flagship.
The Commanding Officer returned from Manila at 10.30 o'clock.
Sent caterers ashore at 8.15am, they returned at 11.30am.
Absent over time: [F.C.] McDowell, Seaman, [J.J.] Everett, Yeoman Third-class, and [F.T.] Winters, First Sergeant.
Sent L.H. Dyer, Chief Yeoman, and [G.W.] Poss, Second-class Fireman, ashore on duty.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to moderate variable breezes.
Received following stores in [Department of] Steam Engineering: 18 corn brooms; 16 tube brushes; 2 gross brass machine screws; 75 pounds ⅛-inch iron plate; 22 pounds tool steel; 200 gallons lubricating oil; 4 brass reducing bushes; 6 brass tees; 220 pounds cotton waste; 6 padlocks.
John Strench, Gunner's Mate Second-class, having been condemned by medical survey, was transferred to United States flagship U.S.S. "Olympia", with bag and hammock and necessary transfer papers.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from ESE and East by South.
Clear and warm.
Finished coaling ship at 4.25pm, having received on board 329 tons 1940 pounds of coal.
U.S.S. "Manila" came in and anchored at 4.30pm.
Draught of ship forward 14 feet 8 inches, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle East-southeasterly breeze.
Making preparations for sea.
Stopped firing B boiler at 8.00pm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from South and East.
Moon rose at 8.15pm.
Securing ship for sea.
Hoisted steam cutter.
Put steaming covers on.
Rigged in gangway ladders and lower booms.
Let fires die out in B boiler.
Run port searchlight until 9.30pm, and from 11.30pm until 12 o'clock.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, Commanding.
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1 March 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands, and making passage to Lingayen Gulf
Lat 14.69, Long 120.21
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly and Northeasterly breeze.
At 2.00am lighted fires under C and D boilers.
Used searchlight from 1.30am to 2.00am, and from 3.00am to 3.30am.
4am to 8am:
Light to gentle breeze from NE to NNW.
Clear and pleasant.
Got under way at 5.30am and stood out of harbor conned by Commanding Officer.
Rounded Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] and put over patent log at 6.17am, reading 8.2, course West.
Changed course at 6.22am to West by South, patent log [reading] 8.0, and at 6.45am to WSW½W, patent log 12.0.
Exchanged salutes with the American ship "Tacoma" and the Spanish steamer "Perfecta" [?], both standing in.
Draft of ship forward 14 feet 8 inches, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.7.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Standing out of Manila Bay.
At 9.00am Haycock abeam, patent log [reading] 30.1, changed course to North by West.
At 9.13am, patent log [reading] 32, changed course to NW by West, at 9.23am, patent log 33.3, changed to NW by W½W, at 10.00am, patent log 38.6, changed to NW½N.
At 11.40am, patent log [reading] 53.1, Grande Island (magnetic) N⅞E, changed to North (per standard compass) and stood in for Subig Bay.
At 11.00am went to general quarters and loaded the guns: 1st Division in 7½ minutes; 2nd Division 6½ minutes; 3rd Division 11 minutes; Engineer's Division 1 minute; Powder Division 2 minutes; Marine Guard 2½ minutes.
Steam in A, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 88.5.
Temperature forward magazine 90° [Fahrenheit] to 95°, forward shell room 88° to 90°, fixed ammunition room 91° to 104°, after shell room 84° to 96°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle variable breeze.
Captain conning ship into Subic Bay.
Passed Grande Island on starboard hand and examined thoroughly all the bays in the gulf.
Crossed over to Port Olongapo, within half a mile of the town, steamed close up to Subic and found small bright schooner at anchor.
Finding everything quiet, stood out of Subic Bay, passing Pequeña [and] Mayanga Islands on port hand.
At 1.00pm took in patent log off Kubi Point, reading 63.4, and put it over at 1.55pm, Pequeña Island bearing East, distant ½ mile.
At 2.55pm changed course to N82°W, patent log [reading] 72.3.
At 4 o'clock changed course to N30°W, Capones Island [Kapone in log-book] lighthouse bearing NNW to Northerly, The Frailes bearing SE.
Went to general quarters at 12.15pm, secured at 2.45pm.
At 3.30pm sighted small schooner standing to the Southward.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 81.3.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 88.6.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to light WNW to NW by North breeze.
Under [steam in] A, C and D boilers, on course N30°W until 4.30pm, when changed to N36°W, patent log reading 85.7.
At 5.00pm, Capones [Island] lighthouse bearing abeam, distant 2 miles, changed course to NNW¼W, patent log [reading] 89.7.
At 5.20pm changed course to N36°W, patent log [reading] 93.2.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 91.7.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle to moderate breeze from NW by West.
Clear and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Standing up coast, on course N36°W per standard [compass].
Had collision drill at 6.11pm, all divisions reported ready in 1 minute 30 seconds.
Exercised starboard searchlight between 7.20pm and 7.30pm.
At 7.30pm sighted a bright white light one point on port bow, apparently close aboard, ported helm 2 points and slowed down.
Turned port searchlight on, but could not make vessel out.
Called with Ardois [system] and signaled name with searchlight without answer.
Vessel turned on searchlight, and was finally made out, evidently a merchant steamer, standing to Southward.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 94.4.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
At 8.35pm, patent log [reading] 20.7, changed course to North by West (per standard compass).
Moon rose at 9.20pm.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 91.2.
Haycock is also known as La Monja Island.
Subig Bay is also known as Subic Bay.
Kubi Point is also known as Cubi Point.
The Frailes are also known as Los Frailes Islands.
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2 March 1899
Making passage from Cavite to Lingayen Gulf, and at anchor Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.09, Long 120.24
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Fresh breeze from NE.
Bright moonlight.
Skirting coast of Luzon Island.
Course (per standard compass) North by West, under [steam in] A, C and D boilers.
At 2.30am changed course to North by East (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 71.6.
Slowed engines to 70 turns at 2.30am.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 81.6.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.4.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle NE breeze.
Under [steam in] A, C and D boilers, on course North by East until 5.00am, when changed to NE by E½E, patent log reading 87.6.
At 6.00am changed to N84°E, patent log [reading] 96.2.
At 6.18am sighted land on starboard beam and changed course to SE½E, patent log [reading] 98.6, at 7.20am changed to E¼S, patent log 7.8, and at 8.00am changed to SE½S, patent log 13.7.
Sounding 14 fathoms.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Gentle to light breeze from SSE and NW.
Clear and warm, hazy over land.
At 9.30am exercised general quarters, divisions ready as follows: 1st 2 minutes; 2nd 2 minutes 30 seconds; 3rd 2 minutes 30 seconds; Powder 1 minute; Engineer's 1 minute 30 seconds; [Marine] Guard 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Afterwards exercised at setting up drill.
Made following changes in course: at 9.00am [to] SE¼S; at 10.10am to SSE¾E, patent log [reading] 32.2.
Got a sounding at 9.00am at 47 fathoms, soft bottom.
At 10.08am sighted U.S.S. "Concord" at anchor near head of [Lingayen] Gulf.
Changed course to head for U.S.S. "Concord".
At 11.05am came to anchor in 9¾ fathoms water, veering to 45 fathoms starboard chain.
Bearings from anchorage: Mount [San] Isidro SW by W⅛W (magnetic), Loja Truend [?] W¼N (magnetic).
Draft of ship forward 14 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
Signals: at 10.40am, exchanged numbers with U.S.S. "Concord"; at 10.50 (general signal) U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", interrogatory 1211; at 11.00am U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", 132; [at] 11.45am U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" (wigwag), "Send mail for Manila and send it at once"; at noon made coal report to U.S.S. "Concord".
Hauled in patent log at 10.55am, reading 38.3.
U.S.S. "Concord" left harbor at 12.00pm.
W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, was placed in confinement for 2 days, on bread and water, as per list of punishments.
Punishments were awarded as per list [below].
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle North-northwesterly breeze.
Hauled in to 45 fathoms inside and made preparations for slipping.
Exercised fireman and Marines at battery.
Heavy banked fires in A, C and D boilers, engines ready for working.
Cleaning ship preparatory to painting.
Steam steering gear ready for use.
H.A. Parry, Seaman, was detailed as Captain of the Hold.
Turned main engines at intervals of one hour to insure readiness.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NNW.
Barometers steady.
Cleaning paintwork inside and out.
Touching up rust spots with red lead.
Hoisted 3rd cutter and catamaran.
Went to quarters at 5.00 o'clock.
Loaded battery and served out small arms and belts filled with ammunition.
Turned main engines over at 4.30pm and at 5.30pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle NW breeze.
After sundown screened all lights.
At 7.15pm got under way and stood for suspicious lights to NE, Commanding Officer at conn.
At 7.25pm went to general quarters, searched for vessel with searchlights, and then stood down for anchorage.
8pm to midnight:
Moderate to gentle breeze from SSE.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight after 10.00pm.
Came to anchor at 8.25pm in 11½ fathoms water, veering to 45 fathoms on starboard chain.
Turned engines at end of each hour.
Screened all lights, and armed the watch.
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[Inserted note]
J.A. Feighery, Landsman, being very dirty at the mast: daily inspection by the Master-at-Arms, until further orders.
W.J. Hoey, Painter, issuing paint without orders, inefficient, and not doing work properly: reduced to 3rd [conduct] class.
H.W. Heish, Private Marine, clothes in lucky bag: 2 hours' extra duty.
O.W. Woodbury, Quartermaster Third-class, not at station at night quarters, could not be found: reduced to 4th [conduct] class.
O.W. Woodbury, Quartermaster Third-class, neglect of duty, leaving station: one month additional on 4th [conduct] class.
M. Morlock [Morelock in log-book], Plumber and Fitter, refusing to obey an order of Chief Carpenter's Mate: 5 days' extra duty.
W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, insubordination: 2 days' [confinement on] bread and water.
H.W. Michels, Private Marine, not clean for morning inspection: inspected daily by Corporal of the Guard, until further orders.
H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, insolence to Chief Boatswain's Mate: reduced to 4th [conduct] class, and 10 days' extra duty.
C. Rankin, Seaman, neglect of duty, allowing fresh water tank to overflow: disrated as Captain of Hold.
J.H. McCreary, Ordinary Seaman, deliberately ignoring petty officer's order: 5 days' extra duty.
F.J. Lamb, Machinist First-class, deliberate disobedience of orders: reduced to 4th [conduct] class.
J. McLeish, Coxswain, gross disrespect to the Medical Officer: 5 days' bread and water.
P. O'Connor, Coxswain, carelessly losing boat flag from steam launch: reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
F.T. Winters, First Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, disregarding orders to return to boat sent for stores: reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
F.C. McDowell, Seaman, disregarding orders to return to boat sent for stores: reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, disregarding order to return to boat sent for stores: reduced to 4th [conduct] class.
M. Swanson, Boatswain's Mate First-class, neglect of duty, not seeing work carried on properly, and asleep under boom cover while all hands were coaling ship: reduced to 4th [conduct] class.
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3 March 1899
At anchor off Lingayen and off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.09, Long 120.24
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Light airs to moderate breeze from SSE.
Turned the main engines at the end of each hour to insure their readiness.
Tested steering engine.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze to light airs from SSW.
Turned main engines at the end of each hour.
Tested steering engine.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light variable airs and breezes.
General field day.
Turned main engines and steam steering gear every hour.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle to moderate breeze from NW.
Fair and warm.
Turned engines every hour.
Got under way at 3.00pm and stood to the Eastward to look for vessels, conned by the Commanding Officer.
Approached within two miles of the beach and then stood to the Northward.
At end of watch a suspicious looking steamer was in sight ahead, close inshore.
The weekly inspection of compartments was made by the officers of the ship.
Temperature of after shell room 96° [Fahrenheit] to 101°, forward magazine 89° to 93°, [forward] shell room 88° to 90°, fixed ammunition [room] (forward) 86° to 91°.
Draft 14 feet 6 inches forward, 16 feet 2 inches aft.
The following punishments were awarded by the Commanding Officer: C. Grasser, Water Tender, gross inattention and neglect of duty, resulting in overflow of forward tank and loss of fresh water, disrated to Oiler; J.T. Wilbur, First-class Fireman, neglect of duty, disrated to Second-class Fireman; C.M. Miles, Ordinary Seaman, dirty in clothes and person at Sunday inspection, daily inspection and reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Standing in for suspicious looking steamer lying in Port St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, the Commanding Officer conning.
Grounded at 4.40pm.
The engines having been stopped at 4.35pm, she was moving slowly and grounded easily, immediately reversed engines, but she failed to move.
Continued efforts to get clear until end [of watch] without effect, tide falling, took soundings all around the vessel as follows: under fore foot 1 5/6 fathoms; abreast bridge, both sides, 2½ fathoms; aft 5 fathoms.
Sent officer in armed boat to board and take possession of steamer lying in Port St. Thomas, which proved to be steamer "San Joaquin".
An attempt had evidently been made to disguise said steamer by thatching with palms.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from NW.
Ship's head North by W½W, aground forward.
At 6.30pm turned on both searchlights, putting port light on the steamer ahead and sweeping shore with starboard light.
Fired port 3-pounder at a moving light on shore.
At 7.30pm tide began running flood, started both engines astern full speed under forced draft.
Sent 2nd cutter, with Lieutenant Minett in charge, to do picket duty near the steamer "San Joaquin".
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light SSW breeze to airs.
Aground, going astern full speed, both engines, under [steam in] A, C and D boilers, with forced draft in all firerooms.
Ship heading N18°W.
At 9.30pm sent armed cutter in charge of officer to guard steamer.
Moon rose at 11.15pm.
Steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 89.1.
St. Thomas is also known as Santo Tomas.
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4 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Gentle breeze to light airs, variable in direction.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Backing engines under forced draft all the watch.
No change in position of ship.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from ENE.
Backing engines under forced draft until 5.30am, when stopped forced draft, at 5.45am stopped engines.
Transferring shell from forward [to] aft, and making preparations for carrying out an anchor on the starboard quarters.
At 7.00am Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh, U.S. Navy, left the ship in charge of a working party to attempt to float and haul out the abandoned steamer "San Joaquin".
At end of watch ship still aground.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from South and West.
Sent out stream anchor in 1st cutter, with wire hawser, and laid it out on starboard quarter, took hawser to capstan and hove around, at same time started both engines astern, ship came off at 9.15am, hove stream anchor up astern and made it fast to 1st cutter, unshackled wire hawser, sent 1st cutter with stream anchor and 5-inch manila hawser to steamer "San Joaquin", in charge of Lieutenant Thomas.
Dropped starboard anchor at 9.30am in 5 fathoms water and veered to 15 fathoms [wire] just forward of capstan.
St. Thomas' Westmost trees (magnetic) NW¼W, conical peak N2°E.
Sent 3rd cutter with crew to assist party in hauling off "San Joaquin".
Transported shells forward and restowed magazine.
Spread quarterdeck awning.
Working party in 3rd cutter, in tow of steam launch, returned at 11.45am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light to gentle NNW and Northwesterly breeze.
High water about 1.30pm.
Allowed fires to die out under C boiler.
Fired five 6-pounder shots at suspicious bodies of men ashore.
At 3.50pm cutting out expedition left the "San Joaquin" and took possession of two boats near the beach.
Signals: "San Joaquin" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Permission requested to cut out boats"; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "San Joaquin", "Yes".
A. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, injured his little finger on duty by having it jammed by a hawser.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from NW.
Fair and pleasant.
Cutting out party returned with two boats from the beach, evidently part of equipment of the "San Joaquin".
At 5.30pm sighted a steamer's smoke bearing West.
Made preparations for getting under way.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from NNE.
Set watch, armed, at dark.
Took bearings of signal light on shore as follows: red light on mountain ENE, white light apparently in answer NE by E¼E, both magnetic.
Hoisted all boats, anchoring captured boats astern.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SW.
Tide made flood at 8.15pm.
Ammunition on deck and one watch standing by the guns.
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5 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from SSE and SE.
Moon rose about 12.10am.
4am to 8am:
Light airs to light breeze from SE.
Partly cloudy and warm.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
At 9.30am hoisted flag of truce at yard arm, hauled it down at 10.30am, no notice being taken on shore.
At 9.30am the Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew at quarters and had general muster.
Started fires in B boiler at 10.00am.
The Commanding Officer made the following changes in rating, to date from March 3rd: C. Grasser, Water Tender to Oiler; J.T. Wilbur, First-class Fireman to Second-class Fireman.
The Commanding Officer renewed the acting appointment of G.W. Poss, Machinist First-class, for six months to date from today.
A working party of armed men in charge of Lieutenant Thomas, U.S. Navy, left the ship for the "San Joaquin" at 11.30am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from NW by North.
High water at 2.15pm.
Working party in charge of Mr. Thomas on board steamer "San Joaquin".
At 1.15pm Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver went on board steamer on duty.
At 2 o'clock the "San Joaquin" was hauled off and she drifted with tide and wind until 3.25pm, when she dropped anchor on our port beam, bearing SW.
At 2.30pm fired 5 shots from starboard 6-pounder at what appeared to be a signal station on shore.
At 1.30pm disconnected C boiler.
At 3.40pm working party returned from steamer "San Joaquin", bringing back one kedge anchor and 5-inch manila hawser, belonging to U.S.S. "Yorktown", and one chart of Lingayen Gulf, belonging to the steamer "San Joaquin".
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from NW by North.
At 4.50pm sent Lieutenant Clark, with armed cutter and whaleboat towed by steam cutter, to cut telegraph line.
When this had been accomplished signaled him "Cut out boat".
The expedition then cut out a boat belonging to the "San Joaquin", and attempted to burn a bridge, when they were fired on from shore.
Went to general quarters at 5.20pm and observing a body of about a hundred men advancing toward landing party, fired three 3-pounder shells at them, and hosted the recall.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze from NW by North and NW.
Partly cloudy and warm.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Signal lights flashed on shore as last night.
Armed watch on deck by the guns.
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6 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from South and East.
Riding to flood tide.
Moon rose at 12.45 o'clock.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from SE and ESE.
8am to meridian:
Light airs from ESE and West.
Fair and warm.
Sent artillery section, Lieutenant G.R. Clark and Ensign D.W. Knox, in charge, to sand spit for exercise in volley firing, and small arm target practice.
Observing about one hundred (100) insurgent troops advancing toward firing party, went to general quarters at 10.20am, and opened fire from starboard main battery and 6-pounder at 2500 to 3100 yards, checking the advance.
Recalled boats.
Sounded retreat at 10.40am.
Lieutenant H. Minett and Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh landed with firing party and took angles for ranges and preliminary survey.
All landing parties returned at 10.50am.
Expended in Ordnance Department: 12 6-inch powder charges; 10 6-inch common shells; 2 6-inch shrapnel; 27 6-pounder armor piercing shells; 4 3-inch common shells; 100 rounds .38 caliber cartridges; and 1000 rounds 6 mm ammunition.
Shock of discharge carried away seven (7) lenses of front glass of starboard searchlight and one globe shade number 2.
Sent working party to steamer "San Joaquin" to hoist boats and overhaul engines.
Crew engaged in painting ship outside and gig and whaleboat, war color.
The Commanding Officer rated D.G.A. Venville, Apprentice Second-class, to Apprentice First-class, from February 17th, and J.W. White, Ordinary Seaman to Seaman, from March 1st.
Working party returned from "San Joaquin" at 11.50am.
Temperature forward magazine 90° [Fahrenheit] to 91°, forward fixed ammunition room 89° to 93°, after shell room 93° to 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
[Light breeze from NW and NNW.]
Continued painting ship.
Exercised both infantry sections of landing force at target practice, small arms and at extended order drill on board.
Sent working force of mechanics to steamer "San Joaquin".
Expended in Ordnance Department: 250 rounds 6 mm ammunition.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NNW.
Painting ship outside, and painting all boats.
Sent steam cutter to steamer "San Joaquin" at 4.30pm to bring off working party, on her return hoisted her preparatory to painting.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SW to gentle Southerly breeze.
Swung to flood at 7.30pm.
Disconnected D boiler at 6.30pm.
Screened all lights.
8pm to midnight:
Light to gentle breeze from SE.
Fair and pleasant, starlight.
Many signal lights visible on shore.
Turned searchlight on sand spit and main land between 11.00pm and 12.00am.
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7 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Armed watch on deck by the guns.
Turned searchlight on sand spit and on beach road at irregular intervals during watch.
Moon rose at 2.20am.
Started fires in C boilers at 12.30am.
4am to 8am:
Cool and pleasant.
Light airs from SE to ESE.
Turned searchlight on sand spit and on beach road at irregular intervals.
Armed watch by the guns.
Hoisted out steam launch and started fires.
Continued painting outside of ship.
Getting up coal in bags for the "San Joaquin".
Rigged cargo boom on port side of main mast.
At 5.30am connected up C boiler.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs to breezes from South to SSE.
Engaged in painting ship war color.
Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: J.A. Morris, Landsman, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class, for absence from general muster and dirty; G.M. Dyke, Ordinary Seaman, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class, for not answering brightwork call; J.B. Amiot, Landsman, same, for same; J.A. Feighery, Landsman, 1 month additional on 4th [conduct] class, for same; W.G. Parkhurst, Chief Boatswain's Mate, reduced to 4th [conduct] class, for striking another person; D. Ford, Ordinary Seaman, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and G.M. Dyke, Ordinary Seaman, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class, for fighting; J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, five days' solitary confinement on bread and water, for disobedience of orders.
Confined Heggarty in compliance with foregoing, by order of the Commanding Officer.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle to light breeze from NW.
Fair and warm.
Barometer fell rapidly, possibly due to gun firing.
At 12.50pm fired 2 6-inch shrapnel, 2 6-inch common shells, and 13 6-pounder armor piercing shells to destroy storehouse on shore from which troops were carrying stores, range 3500 yards.
One shell was seen to strike the house.
Expended in Ordnance Department the above mentioned ammunition.
Apparently as a result of the firing smoke was shown at various places, extending inland to the Eastward and to the Southward and Eastward toward head of gulf.
Continued painting ship.
Sent working party in Engineer's Department to the "San Joaquin".
In firing used starboard 6-pounder and number 3 gun.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Continued painting ship.
Working party returned from steamer "San Joaquin" at 5.00pm.
Hoisted steam cutter.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze to light airs from North by West.
At 6.05pm got under way and shifted anchorage nearer the steamer "San Joaquin", dropping starboard anchor at 6.20pm in 6 fathoms water, veering to 15 fathoms [chain] just inside.
[Bearings of anchorage:] left tangent sand spit NW by W¼W, blue storehouse N⅛E.
Unbent sail and furled awnings.
Painting steam cutter war color.
Exercised searchlight.
Armed watch by the guns.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle East to SE breeze.
Swept shore occasionally with searchlight.
Riding to wind.
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8 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Gentle to light breeze from East.
Clear and pleasant.
Moon rose at 3.05am.
Used searchlight at intervals of about an hour.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
At 6.00am began tarring down.
Continued painting ship.
At daylight sighted two-masted schooner in offing.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Light airs from South and West.
Finished tarring down.
Continued painting ship.
Washed down decks.
At 8.00am lowered whaleboat and sent working party to steamer "San Joaquin", they returned at 11.50am.
At 8.45am called away steam cutter and 2nd cutter, armed and equipped boats and crew, and sent them, in charge of Lieutenant C. Thomas and Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh, to overhaul schooner that was standing into the gulf.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light NW and NNW breeze.
Armed boats returned with schooner in tow.
She proved to be the "Siete Tribulaciones", four days out from Bigan [Vigan?], for Dagupan, with cargo of 49 pigs.
Crew and passengers consisted of about 5 men and 5 workers.
At 2.00pm sent her Captain ashore with letter to the Commanding Officer at St. Thomas.
Threw overboard 150 pounds rice in Paymaster's Department, condemned by Board of Survey.
4pm to 6pm:
Calm first hour, light airs from NNW last hour.
Cloudy and warm.
Working party returned from steamer "San Joaquin".
Continued painting ship.
Hoisted steam cutter.
6pm to 8pm:
Light Northwesterly airs.
Clear and warm.
The Captain of the "Siete Tribulaciones" returned with a letter from the Commanding Officer of St. Thomas station, that he would refer the question to the General commanding province.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from East and South.
Armed watch by the guns and armed sentries with orders to fire on boats approaching without hailing them.
About 10.00 o'clock heard two shots on shore.
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9 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to light breeze from SSE to East.
4am to 8am:
Light breeze from SE.
Clear and pleasant, heavy dew early part.
At 6.20am called away 3rd cutter, armed and equipped, and sent her officer to board a schooner standing into the harbor.
Brought the schooner to off our starboard quarter, she proved to be the "Creda", 3 days out from Bigan [Vigan?], bound for Dagupan, with earthenware, salt and passengers.
Brought on board her Captain and an interpreter.
Sent working party to "San Joaquin".
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE and South.
The Captains of the schooners "Siete Tribulaciones" and "Creda" brought on board their papers, which were inspected by the Commanding Officer, when permitted the "Siete Tribulaciones" to sail for Dagupan.
Sent an Officer to overhaul the cargo of the "Creda", who found as noted in preceding watch.
Sent working party to "San Joaquin".
Hauled down ensign on "San Joaquin".
Ensign W.H. Standley landed on spit to obtain angles for partial survey of Port St. Thomas.
Laid out kedge from starboard quarters and hove in until ship headed East (per standard compass).
Continued painting inside.
Meridian to 4pm:
Partially cloudy, pleasant and warm.
Light to gentle breeze from West by South, shifting to WNW and NW.
Barometer falling.
Ensigns Standley and Wurtsbaugh engaged making sounding for sketch of harbor.
A white flag having been hoisted on shore near the earthworks, hoisted flag of truce.
Boat from the "Creda" went to St. Thomas by permission of the Commanding Officer.
Engaged painting ship and boats.
Working party of engineer's force at work on "San Joaquin".
Ebb tide.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NW by North.
At 5.00pm observed men ashore waving flag of truce and sent in armed boat in charge of Lieutenant G.R. Clark under flag of truce to communicate with them.
Surveying party returned.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze from North by West, veering to South last hour.
Generally clear and warm.
Lieutenant Clark returned from shore, where he had been sent expecting to get an answer to letter of Commanding Officer, asking the date and place of capture of steamer "San Joaquin" and disposition made of crew.
He was told by Commanding Officer of insurgents that the answer had not been received.
Hoisted kedge anchor.
Swung to flood between 7.30pm and 8.00pm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from Southward and airs from SE.
At 10.00pm Lieutenant G.R. Clark, U.S. Navy, left the ship in armed boat to patrol the beach and note traffic, if any, along road.
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10 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from South and East.
At 1 o'clock Lieutenant George R. Clark, in charge of picket party, returned to the ship with his party.
He reports activity on the road onshore.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
Sent working party to "San Joaquin" at 6.30am to light fires.
8am to meridian:
Light airs from SW.
Cloudy and warm.
Continued painting ship.
Sent working party to steamer "San Joaquin".
At 10.15am the "San Joaquin", in charge of Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh, got under way and had a trial trip until 11.50am, when she returned to anchorage.
The steamer developed a speed of 8.2 knots, the engines working satisfactorily.
Carried out kedge anchor on port quarters, and swung ship broadside to wind.
The Navigator took observations on different bearings for deviation.
The Commanding Officer renewed the acting appointment of George B. Githens, Yeoman First-class, for six months to date from March 9th, 1899.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from NW by West to NNW.
Continued painting ship.
At 1.30pm commenced coaling the "San Joaquin" from this vessel.
Vessel lying with kedge anchor on port quarter.
Ensigns W.H. Standley and D.W. Wurtsbaugh running lines of soundings.
The officers made the weekly inspection of compartments and mechanical devices for the management and safety of the vessel.
Temperature as follows: after shell room 95° [Fahrenheit] to 102°; forward fixed ammunition room 88° to 99°; forward magazine 89° to 94°; forward shell room 91° to 92°.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light breeze from NNW.
Painting ship.
Coaling steamer "San Joaquin", at end of watch she had taken on board 8 tons 280 pounds.
Hoisted all boats.
Got up buoy for kedge anchor line, had it ready on port quarter to bend on in case the line had to be cut.
Cleared up decks generally.
6pm to 8pm:
Overcast, with light rain last part.
Riding to starboard bower and to kedge over port quarters.
Gentle to light NW breeze.
Screened all lights and posted armed lookouts.
8pm to midnight:
Light breeze from SW and South.
Cloudy and pleasant.
Between 11.00pm and 12.00am sent boat to steamer "San Joaquin" to investigate noise.
Found steam escaping through whistle.
Turned searchlight on schooner "Creda".
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11 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas and Dagupan, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.19, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs from SE.
Overcast and cloudy, with light shower last hour.
Turned searchlight on schooner "Creda" at 12.40am, as she was apparently attempting to show a light in answer to a light on sand spit.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Riding starboard side to wind by starboard anchor and kedge on port quarters.
General field day.
At 7.30am tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light variable airs.
General field day.
Coaling the "San Joaquin" from U.S.S. "Yorktown's" bunkers.
Sent armed boat to schooner "Creda", Lieutenant Clark in charge, with instructions to have all the salt in her hold thrown overboard and give her orders to get under way and proceed to the Northward.
Instructions carried out, and boat returned.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle breeze from West.
Fair and warm.
Continued coaling steamer "San Joaquin".
At 1.00pm sent Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh, U.S. Navy, ashore with a flag of truce in answer to a similar flag displayed on shore.
Received a letter from Commanding Officer of insurgents, saying no answer had been received to letter concerning steamer.
At 2.00pm sighted a man-of-war bearing West standing up the gulf.
At 2.20pm hoisted international signal D.J. ("You are standing into danger"), and fired a blank charge from port after 6-pounder to call attention to signal.
The man-of-war, which proved to be H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", had been standing across sand spit, and immediately changed her course.
Sent boat to communicate, and received mail, and note of thanks from Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus".
Hoisted steam cutter and made preparations for sea.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from West to NNW.
Hoisted 3rd cutter and steam launch, and hoisted dinghy into 1st cutter.
Turned engines and reported them ready at 4.30pm, rigged in both booms, got under way at 4 [sic, 5 o'clock?].
Stood to the Southward, Captain conning ship.
Dismounted 1-pounder from steam cutter and mounted it on forecastle.
Total amount of coal taken on board the "San Joaquin": 20 tons 170 pounds.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate to light Northerly breeze.
On various courses, Commanding Officer at conn, until 6.25pm, when came to with starboard anchor in 9 fathoms, about 300 yards off port quarter of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", with Mount [San] Isidro bearing SW by W¼W and Western church spire SSW¾W.
At 7.00pm turned on searchlight and flashed it in direction of St. Thomas, and turned on "Y" on telephotos as guide to "San Joaquin".
At 7.45pm sighted lights of "San Joaquin" broad on starboard bow.
Posted armed sentries.
8pm to midnight:
Light airs to light breeze from NNW, hauling to SSW.
Clear, with bright starlight, heavy dew.
The "San Joaquin" anchored off our port beam at 8.15pm.
Commanding Officer returned from H.B.M.S. "Narcissus".
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[Inserted note]
8am to meridian:
Temperatures: forward magazine 90° [Fahrenheit] to 92°; forward shell room 91° to 91°; fixed ammunition [room] forward 89° to 98°; after magazine 86° to 92°; after shell room 94° to 102°.
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12 March 1899
At anchor off Dagupan, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.13, Long 120.29
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Heavy dew.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light ESE to SE breeze and airs.
Sent about 2 tons coal to "San Joaquin".
Hoisted out steam cutter.
8am to meridian:
Light airs, veering from SSE to North.
Cloudy and warm.
Finished coaling steamer "San Joaquin", having sent in all 26 tons 1330 pounds to that vessel.
Temperature of forward magazine 91° [Fahrenheit] to 91°, shell room 90° to 90°, fixed ammunition room 89° to 97°, after shell room 87° to 91°, [after] magazine 93° to 103°.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" visited this ship, and afterwards returned with the Navigation Officer to compare charts and get sailing directions for harbor of San Thomas.
The following international signals were exchanged with H.B.M.S. "Narcissus": at 8.00am H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", H.T.W., Q.G.V., L.R.V., Q.H.G., D.M.J.; at 10.45am H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", F.D.V.T., D.W.S.C., Q.C.T., C.J.L.P., D.W.J.I., C.K.F.L., B.P.T.R.; at 11.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", H.L.T., D.T.S.H.
At end of watch H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" was signaling to group of men on shore.
Released J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, from confinement, and confined J. McLeish, Coxswain, for five days' solitary confinement.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from NNW.
At 1 o'clock sent visiting party to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", they returned at 3 o'clock.
The calling committee called upon the officers of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus".
H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" exchanged signals with parties on shore.
The bearing of the signal station on shore was S34°E, ship's head NNW½W.
Rigged out port lower boom.
Hoisted steam cutter and whaleboat.
"San Joaquin" sent boat in answer to signal, and took Ensign Wurtsbaugh and party on board the steamer.
The following named officers and men compose the crew of the U.S. steamer "San Joaquin": Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh; Paymaster's Clerk S.H. Knowles; W.G. Parkhurst, Chief Boatswain's Mate; J. Ellsworth, Coxswain; H.J. Mead, Coxswain; H. Harris, Landsman; G. Carlet, Ordinary Seaman; W.R. Henderson, Ordinary Seaman; W.H. Rynders, Seaman; O.E. Lofstrom, Seaman; J. Lidman, Seaman; S. Brisolese, Ordinary Seaman; G.T. Brownridge, Chief Machinist; F. Cruse, Oiler; B. Christenson, Machinist First-class; E. Stanley, First-class Fireman; E. Sullivan, Second-class Fireman; F. Johnson, Second-class Fireman; R.J. McCormick, Coal Passer; R. Hofman, Coal Passer; J. Smith, First-class Fireman.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and misty.
Gentle to light Northerly breeze.
Flag of truce flying while boat from H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" communicated with shore.
She made following signal: "An Officer or an Englishman I wish to communicate with personally, landing is very difficult, I have a letter or parcel for you, please answer. Have you any Englishmen in this place?".
Shore to boat: "Yes. Admitted hardly prudent to land, disembarking in favor of".
Boat to shore: "Communicate. Are you all well".
Darkness prevented sending rest of signals.
Long swell from Northward.
6pm to 8pm:
Light to moderate breeze from West and South.
Cloudy and warm.
Ship rolling on swell from Northward.
The English boat returned to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and cool.
Gentle breeze from South and East.
Heavy swell.
Ship rolling easily.
At 11.20pm discovered that steamer "San Joaquin" was dragging.
Fired blank charge, turned on searchlights and signaled "You are dragging".
At 11.30pm the steamer got up steam and stood in for us, dropping anchor on our starboard beam at 11.55pm, sent signal "Will return to Port St. Thomas early tomorrow morning".
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13 March 1899
At anchor off Dagupan and St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.267, Long 120.375
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with rain shower about 2.30am.
Gentle to moderate Southerly to Southeasterly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Gentle breeze to light airs from SE.
Cloudy and warm.
Heavy swell from Northward.
The following signals were exchanged: at 6.05am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "San Joaquin" (wigwag), "Get up steam and be ready to follow us to St. Thomas, report when ready"; at 6.20am "San Joaquin" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "All ready"; at 7.15am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "San Joaquin", "Proceed to former anchorage at discretion, do not stop at Rabon, will follow shortly"; at 7.30am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" (international code), P.S.R., R.L.Q., Q.H.N., B.P.T.R., D.W.V.T., K.V.H., Q.H.G., Q.G.H., K.P.T.
The "San Joaquin" got under way at 7.25am, and came to anchor at 7.30am.
The Commanding Officer of "San Joaquin" came on board and reported that a valve stem had been bent.
At end of watch H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" was making a signal to U.S.S. "Yorktown".
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and cool.
Lowered 3rd cutter, sent her to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", broke out 8-inch hawser for towline for steamer "San Joaquin", paid it from port quarter into 3rd cutter, making standing pass fast to mizzen mast.
Got under way at 9.30am, took steamer "San Joaquin" in tow and stood out on a course NE, with Mount [St.] Thomas dead ahead, changed course to NNE, when triple peak bore North, left cocoanut grove NNW, changed to North.
At 11.50am let go anchor in 6½ fathoms water, veered to 30 fathoms [chain].
Bearings: triple peak (magnetic) N50°E, round top N9°40'W, west cocoanut grove N42°40'W.
H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" got under way soon after us and followed in our wake.
She made following signals to U.S.S. "Yorktown": B.S.T., R.V.T., Y.S.R., G.V.T., T.W.K., F.S.Q.H. (will be ready at 9.30am, I will follow you).
Signal to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", "Your request will be complied with" (J.Q.T.F.).
At 11.15am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", T.S.Y., V.W.T., V.Q.H. (I have 12 fathoms); H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", R.S.J. (thanks).
At 11.20am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus", P.S.I., V.W.N., V.Q.H. (I have nine fathoms); H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Thanks" (R.S.J.).
At 11.30am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "San Joaquin", preparatory 236, 236.
At 11.35am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "San Joaquin", 275.
John Smith, Second-class Fireman, was sent on board from the steamer "San Joaquin", for disobedience of orders.
The acting appointment of E.M. Chase, Yeoman Third-class, was renewed for six months from March 15th, 1899.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light NW breeze.
At 1.00pm hoisted out steam cutter.
At 1.00pm Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" landed under flag of truce.
At 1.30pm volley fired from shore, about 1 mile to Southward of landing, and several shots fell within thirty yards of ship.
Immediately went to general quarters and hauled down flag of truce.
Fired 1 3-pounder wide of English boats.
Hoisted flag of truce again at 1.45pm, and made following signal to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus": "Enemy fired rifles at this ship of war while flag of truce was flying. If repeated must open fire, please inform Captain".
Fleet Engineer from H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" came on board and offered assistance in repairs to "San Joaquin".
Secured at 3.20pm.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle to light breeze from NW to NNE.
Hoisted steam cutter.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" visited this ship on his way from shore.
Observed sea breaking on reef as far South as SW by South.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE.
Put in battle ports, secured all lights, armed watch with guns.
At 6.05pm sent following signal to "San Joaquin": "Do not display any lights".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southeasterly airs to breezes.
All lights secured and armed sentries posted.
Mount St. Thomas is also known as Mount Santo Tomas.
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14 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.267, Long 120.375
Commences and until 4am:
Light breeze from SE.
Clearing and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
Boats from H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" out surveying.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and drilled Gun Divisions at small arms.
Engaged in painting ship and in coaling the "San Joaquin", gave her about 3 tons.
Hoisted out steam cutter.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: P.A. Petterson, Coxswain, disrated to Seaman, for laying out tow line in a lubberly and unseamanlike manner; W.J. Hoey, Painter, reduced to 4th [conduct] class, for not preparing paint for painting ship, inefficient; E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class and five days' extra duty, for shirking; J.H. Peterson, Coal Passer, 2 days' extra duty, for [being] very slow in obeying orders; O.W. Woodbury, Quartermaster Third-class, 1 month extra on 4th [conduct] class, for [being] careless in performance of duty, and inattention to signals; A.J. Morris, Landsman, 2 days' extra duty, for [being] dirty at inspection.
Instructed coxswains at signals with flags.
Saw all recoil cylinders filled.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light to moderate breeze from NW.
Cloudy and warm.
Finished coaling the "San Joaquin", having sent 5 tons 555 pounds.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" went ashore with a flag of truce at 1.30pm, and had not returned at end of watch.
4pm to 6pm:
Northwesterly airs.
Cloudy to fair and warm.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" returned to his ship at 5.30pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NW airs to calm.
Screened all lights.
8pm to midnight:
Light airs, veering from SW to North.
Partly cloudy and damp.
Moon set at 9.15pm.
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15 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.267, Long 120.375
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from SE.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SE to Easterly airs.
Flag of truce flying.
At 7.30am English boat landed with flag of truce flying.
English boat picked up and returned cork life preserver lost yesterday.
8am to meridian:
Light variable airs.
Cloudy and warm.
At 9.30am exercised at collision drill, all divisions reported ready in 1 minute 45 seconds, collision mat in place in 4 minutes.
Afterward sounded provision call, and mustered at boats for abandoning ship.
Inspected bags.
After 10.30am scrubbing bags and clothes.
The Commanding Officer paid a visit to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus".
H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" communicated with the shore under a flag of truce.
The following changes in ratings were made: P.A. Petterson, Coxswain to Seaman, from March 14th, 1899; D. James, Seaman to Coxswain, from March 15th; H. Reagan, Seaman to Electrician Second-class, from February 25th; B. Nugent, Gunner's Mate First-class to Chief Electrician, from February 25th; F.F. Skrivan, Gunner's Mate Third-class to Electrician Second-class, from February 25th.
Transferred to the "San Joaquin" for temporary use: 1 fixed carriage; 1 1-pounder (number 47), complete; 1 box 1-pounder ammunition (armor piercing shell); 1 sponge and staff; 1 spare article box; 1 accessory box; 1 shoulder bar; 1 oil can; 1 cleaning brush; 1 screw driver; 1 dismounting pin; 2 extractors; 1 firing point, complete; 1 main spring; 1 sear spring; oil and Vaseline.
At 10.30am H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" signaled to U.S.S. "Yorktown" (international code): P.S.D., D.Q.M.N., G.M.I.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Light variable airs.
Piped up bags.
H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" communicated with shore under a flag of truce.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NNW breeze.
Hoisted in steam cutter.
Flag of truce flying.
Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" went ashore under a flag of truce.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze to light airs from NNW.
Clear and warm.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" visited this ship on his return from shore, and left at 7.55pm.
Screened all lights.
8pm to midnight:
Clearing and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs to calm.
The Commanding Officer went on board H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" at 9.30pm, and returned at 11.30pm.
Secured gig at the boom for the night.
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16 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.267, Long 120.375
Midnight to 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly airs.
4am to 8am:
Light airs from SE and calms.
H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" went under way at 5.45am, and at end of watch was hull down, bearing WNW, standing to the Northward.
Signals: at 6.05am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" (international code), F.C.S.W.; at 6.15am H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", R.S.J., F.C.P.L., B.R.D.
Hoisted out steam cutter.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light breeze from East to East by North.
At 8.15am carried out kedge on starboard quarter and winded ship around.
Lowered whaleboat, got her and steam cutter ready for landing with flag of truce.
Mounted 1-pounder from poop in steam cutter.
Rigged out port lower boom.
Inspected bedding, served out clean hammocks, shifted and scrubbed dirty hammocks.
Sent provisions to steamer "San Joaquin" to last crew 4 days.
Fred Johnson, Second-class Fireman, was this day rated First-class Fireman.
Temperature forward magazine 91° [Fahrenheit] to 93°, forward shell room 90° to 90°, forward fixed ammunition room 94° to 100°, after magazine 86° to 91°, after shell room 94° to 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional passing showers.
Gentle to light NW to NNW breeze.
Tried to bring port battery to bear on town by veering to 45 fathoms, but failing in this, hove in again to 30 fathoms and slacked on kedge.
At 1.30pm hoisted white flag, and steam cutter with whaleboat in tow, both armed, in charge [of] Lieutenant Clark, went in with flags of truce flying, and delivered following communications: from Commanding Officer H.B.M.S. "Narcissus" to the Chief Judge of the district, Senior Don Higgins; from Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Commandant of St. Thomas.
Went to general quarters.
At 2.00pm boats returned, secured and unloaded all guns, and hauled down flag of truce.
Secured all boats for sea, except steam cutter.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from NNW.
Cloudy and pleasant.
Went to quarters at 5.20pm and turned in clean hammocks.
Scraped spars.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Gentle breeze from NNW to NW.
Picked up kedge in steam launch and hoisted it on starboard bow.
Hauled in hawser.
Hoisted steam launch.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and warm.
Calm to light variable airs.
All lights screened.
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17 March 1899
At anchor off St. Thomas, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands, and making passage to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.42, Long 120.17
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs from East to NE.
Cloudy, with drizzling rain at intervals.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant, heavy dew.
[Light airs to light breeze from North and NE.]
Began heaving in at 5.50am.
Got under way at 6 o'clock.
Stood out of harbor, course S7°W, Captain conning ship.
The steamer "San Joaquin" got under way at 5.50am, stood out of harbor.
Anchor came up foul, took some time to clear it.
Sent all ammunition below.
Position at 8.00am: bearings (magnetic) Mount St. Thomas ENE⅝E, Point St. Fernando N¾E, Las Cien Islas o Capulupuluan [Kapulupuluan Islands in log-book] W¾S.
At 7 o'clock steamer "San Joaquin" stopped and signaled "I have to stop for a few minutes", also "Ready to proceed" (214).
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to moderate breeze from NE to NNE.
By order of Commanding Officer released J. McLeish, Coxswain, [from confinement].
On course N28°E, steaming slow to allow "San Joaquin" to overtake us.
At 8.30am made signal "Prepare to be taken in tow".
At 8.45am hauled in patent log, reading 55.2, and paid out hawser astern.
At 9.00am stopped, "San Joaquin" picked up hawser and made fast.
Went ahead again on course N28°E (per compass) at 10.30am.
At 11.30am "San Joaquin" signaled "Parcelling has slipped out, will you slow while I fix it?".
Slowed and went ahead again at signal "All right."
Meridian to 4pm:
Stiff breeze to moderate gale from NNE.
Rough sea.
Steering to Northward and Westward with steamer "San Joaquin" in tow.
Made following changes in course: at 2.00pm to WNW (per standard [compass]), patent log reading 2.7; at 2.30pm to W½N (per standard).
Sounded with sounding machine at 2.00pm, no bottom at 56 fathoms, at 2.30pm no bottom at 66 fathoms.
The officers made weekly inspection of compartments.
The following signals were made to "San Joaquin": at 2.00pm 25 C; at 2.30pm 32 C; at 3.55pm 51 C; at 3.59pm (wigwag) "Make the best of your way".
At 3.57pm, while changing course to Southward, shipped heavy sea over starboard rail, flooding wardroom, cabin and berth deck, at same time parted the tow line in the nip at chock on "San Joaquin", slowed engines, headed up two points, and hauled in tow line and patent log.
Battened down hatches.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 92.5.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Fresh breezes from NNW.
Barometer steady.
Heavy seas from North.
Hauled in patent log at 4 o'clock, reading 89.2, put it over at 4.30pm, reading 89.2.
Changed course as follows: 4.05pm to W½S; at 4.15pm to WNW½W; at 4.19pm to West; at 4.20pm to W½S; at 4.34pm to WSW¾W; at 4.38pm to WSW¼W; at 4.42pm [to] SW by W½W; at 4.43pm [to] WSW¾W; at 5.33pm, patent log [reading] 97, to S70°W; at 5.45pm to S73°W, patent log 98.04; at 6.10pm S76°, patent log 1.2.
Keeping on starboard quarter as nearly as possible of steamer "San Joaquin".
Made following signal to "San Joaquin", "Go easy until wind dies down", received signal "Have slowed to 60 revolutions".
At 5.45pm stopped port engine to adjust oil cup, went ahead at 5.55pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Fresh NNW to Northerly breeze.
On course S79°W, keeping "San Joaquin" about on port beam.
8pm to midnight:
Fresh breeze from North and NNE.
Generally clear.
Moon set about 11.30pm.
Ship rolling deeply at intervals on heavy sea from Northward and Eastward, maximum roll 35° to port.
Average course S76°W, keeping "San Joaquin's" light in sight.
At end of watch this light bore 2 points forward the port beam.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 72.5.
Mount St. Thomas is also known as Mount Santo Tomas.
Point St. Fernando is also known as San Fernando Point.
Las Cien Islas o Capulupuluan are also known as Hundred Islands.
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18 March 1899
Making passage from Lingayen Gulf to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.78, Long 118.65
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
High seas, running from Northward.
Stiff breeze from NNE.
Keeping lights of steamer "San Joaquin" on port bow, course S73°W (per standard [compass]).
Slowed down at 3.45am to allow steamer "San Joaquin" to get into position.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Fresh NNE breeze, with high sea.
"San Joaquin" about abeam distant 1000 yards until 5.45am, when ran down to her and gave orders to steer SE½E.
At 6.00am took position on weather quarter of "San Joaquin" and steadied on SE¾E (per standard compass).
8am to meridian:
Wind moderating to light breeze and veering to NE by East.
Sea going down.
Partly cloudy and warm.
From 8.00am to 9.40am hauled to the Eastward to keep distance from "San Joaquin".
At 9.40am, by Order of Commanding Officer, made course SE by E½E per standard [compass].
"San Joaquin" in sight all of watch on starboard hand.
Made the following signals, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "San Joaquin": at 8.14am C 45; at 9.00am 146; [at] 9.05am 124; [at] 9.30 904; [at] 9.35 (wigwag) "Follow our movements"; [at] 10.30am 905; [at] 10.33 122.
These signals, except the wigwag, were by the boat signal code.
Average steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 75.4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from ENE, shifted to SSE at 12.30pm.
Course SE by E½E (per compass).
At 12.40pm changed course to SE by East (per compass), patent log [reading] 26.3.
Signaled to "San Joaquin" as follows: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "San Joaquin", numeral 168, 703, 320, 408, 51, 547; "San Joaquin" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numeral 17, numeral 7.
At 1.00pm signaled latitude 15°46' [N], longitude 118°39' [E], Capones [Island] light bears SE by East, distant 88 miles.
These by boat signals, and wigwagged to "San Joaquin", "Take a good nap, we will look out", signed Sperry.
At 3.30 o'clock sighted high land on port bow.
Steamer "San Joaquin" signaled "We are going slow, can go faster if you wish", answered, "Make all speed possible", signed Sperry.
Average steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 67.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SSE to SE by East airs.
On course SE by East, with "San Joaquin" on starboard hand.
Land in sight on port bow.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: J. Smith, First-class Fireman, leaving station and going on deck while work was going on, without authority, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class and 3 days' extra duty; F.J. Devine, Gunner's Mate Third-class, smoking in heads, 3 days' extra duty; E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, not relieving messenger watch, and stowing himself away so that he could not be found, 1 extra watch.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 79.3.
6pm to 8pm:
Light airs to light breeze from East.
Partly cloudy and pleasant, moonlight.
During daylight land was in sight on port bow.
"San Joaquin" in sight on starboard hand, steering parallel course.
Average steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 78.8.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from ESE.
High land in sight all along port bow and beam.
Course (per standard compass) SE by East.
At 11.50pm changed course to SE (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 5.7.
At 10 o'clock sighted steamer's light ahead, she rapidly drew aft on the starboard beam, lost light at 10.30pm.
Steamer "San Joaquin" on starboard quarter steaming parallel course.
Revolutions 81.2, average steam 113 [pounds].
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19 March 1899
Making passage from Lingayen Gulf, at anchor off Manila, making passage to Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.57, Long 120.95
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light breeze from SE by East to ESE.
Standing for Manila on following courses (per standard compass): SE until 12.30am, when changed to SSE, patent log [reading] 10.8; at 12.45am to SE by South, patent log 12.1; at 1.15am to SE¼S, patent log 15.7; at 3.10am to SE, patent log 28.3.
At 3.00am sighted Corregidor Island light bearing ESE.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 66.
4am to 8am:
Gentle to stiff breeze from ESE to NNE.
Partly cloudy.
Smooth sea.
At 4.55am changed course to E⅜N (per standard compass), Corregidor [Island] light bearing East (magnetic).
At 5.48am changed course to E⅞N, at 6.00am to ENE½E, at 6.13am to ENE and at 6.30am, with Haycock Rock abeam, set course for Manila, NE by E¼E per standard [compass], "San Joaquin" following our movements.
The British steamer "Esmeralda" passed in at 7.00am.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 79.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and cool.
Light breeze from NNE.
Course NE by E¼E.
Steering for anchorage in Manila Bay.
At 9.30am sighted flagship, made our number and following signals: 2730, "Have captured the vessel now in company"; interrogatory 1211, "Permission to anchor".
Answered: 1334, "Anchor starboard beam of this or vessel indicated".
Paraded [Marine] Guard to H.B.M.S. "Powerful", U.S.S. "Oregon", and to flagship, giving four flourishes and ruffles to the Admiral.
Let go the starboard anchor in 5 fathoms water and veered to 30 fathoms chain at 10 o'clock.
A steam launch from the flagship came alongside for the Commanding Officer, who returned in it to the flagship.
Lowered steam launch, gig and 3rd cutter.
Sent steam cutter to U.S.S. "Baltimore" for draft of men, and 3rd cutter to U.S.S. "Culgoa".
In obedience to signal from flagship "Send over to "Y" at once and get all the fresh meat and ice you want. Send Captain's steward also", sent gig for the Commanding Officer.
Asked permission to bank fires and was granted permission to heavy bank fires.
Received boarding call from H.B.M.S. "Powerful", United States flagship U.S.S. "Olympia", and the French cruiser "Jean Bart".
The Commanding Officer returned on board at 11.55am.
Spread all awnings.
Draft forward 12 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet.
The steamer "San Joaquin" anchored astern, and in obedience to an order from the flagship, got under way and proceeded up the Pasig River, where she was turned over to the Captain of the Port.
Temperature forward magazine 87° [Fahrenheit] to 94°, forward shell room 91° to 98°, forward fixed ammunition room 92° to 101°, after magazine 87° to 94°, after shell room 97° to 103°.
Bearings of anchorage: cathedral NE½N, Ermita ENE¼E (magnetic).
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs to calm.
Sent boarding Officer on visits of courtesy to H.B.M.S. "Powerful" and French cruiser "Jean Bart".
Commanding Officer made official visits to the Commanding Officers of H.B.M.S. "Powerful" and "Jean Bart".
Hove in to 15 fathoms
Received following draft of men from U.S.S. "Baltimore": G. Fields, Coal Passer; W. Hopkins, Coal Passer; W.T. Haynes, Coal Passer; H. Feeney, Landsman; R. King, Landsman, with accounts and necessary papers.
Receiving water from lighter alongside.
Received 672 pounds fresh meat from U.S.S. "Culgoa".
Received following Marine stores: 18 coats, campaign; 18 trousers, campaign; 8 trousers, linen; 20 coats, linen.
4pm to 6pm:
Light airs to light breeze, variable in direction.
Fair and warm.
W. Wallace, Seaman, failed to return with boat.
Made preparations for sea.
Got under way at 5.55pm, and stood out on course WSW⅜W per standard [compass].
Made following signals: at 5.40pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, interrogatory 4890; flagship answered "Affirmative".
Draft of ship forward 12 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
6pm to 8pm:
Standing on course WSW⅜W (per compass) through Boca Chica.
At 8.00pm Caballo [Island, Coballo in log-book] light bearing SSW⅝W (per compass), distant 7 miles.
Steam in A, B and C boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 79.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, moonlight and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Standing through Boca Chica, course WSW⅜W (per compass).
At 8.35pm changed course to SW by West, patent log [reading] 89.3.
At 8.57pm Corregidor [Island] light abeam, changed course to WSW¼W, patent log [reading] 92.2.
At 9.15pm The Haycock abeam, changed course to W¼N, patent log [reading] 95.6.
At 11.15pm changed course to NW by W¾W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 10.6, Corregidor [Island] light bearing E¼S.
At end of watch Corregidor [Island] light bore E⅛S.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 84.
Haycock is also known as La Monja Island.
Boca Chica is also known as North Channel.
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20 March 1899
Making passage from Manila to Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.77, Long 119.39
Commences and until 4am:
Clear, followed by cloudy, with light rain.
Light Easterly airs to gentle NNE breeze.
On course NW by W¾W until 3 o'clock, when changed to NNW (per standard compass), patent log reading 40.6.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 86.
4am to 8am:
Gentle breeze from North.
Cloudy, with drizzling rain until 6.00am.
High land in sight on starboard hand after daylight.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 84.5.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle North and NNE breeze.
At 9.30am inspected at quarters and had divisional drills.
At 9.30am changed course to North (per compass), patent log [reading] 91.2.
By direction of the Commanding Officer the following men were informed that the [Navy] Department had approved the Summary Court Martials of whereby they lose pay: Carl Comstedt, Seaman; John Gordon, Second-class Fireman; and E. Shearer, Second-class Fireman.
The Commanding Officer made following change in rating: R. King, Landsman to Ordinary Seaman, to date from today.
Absent without leave: W. Wallace, Seaman.
At end [of watch] land in sight along starboard hand, course North (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 11, steam in A, B and C boilers.
Average steam 105 [pounds], average revolutions 86.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from North.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers, course (per compass) North.
At 1 o'clock changed course to North by E¾E.
Owing to the exigencies of the service on which the ship is engaged, the Commanding Officer directed that afternoon drill be suspended until further order.
The temperature of forward magazine 88° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 91° to 100°, forward fixed ammunition room 92° to 102°, after magazine 87° to 95°, after shell room 93° to 104°.
The Ordnance Officer reports a revolver missing from the armory.
At 3.30pm changed course to NE¾E (per compass), patent log [reading] 38.3.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 87.2.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Northerly breeze.
On course NE¾E (per standard compass) until 6.00pm, when changed to NNE (per standard compass), patent log reading 57.6.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters.
W. Wallace, Seaman, absent without leave.
At 6.00pm closed watertight doors in one minute.
Under [steam in] boilers A, B and C.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 86.8.
6pm to 8pm:
Moderate to gentle breeze from North.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Disconnected boiler C at 7.45pm.
Several lights, apparently signal lights, appearing at intervals on shore, as far North as ENE.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 86.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle to light North-northeasterly breeze.
At end [of watch] ship on course NNE (per compass), patent log [reading] 94.4, steam in A and B boilers.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 60.1.
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21 March 1899
Making passage from Manila to Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 17.29, Long 120.29
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Under [steam in] A and B boilers, course (per compass) NNE.
At 3.20am changed course to North by West, patent log [reading] 12.0.
At 3.40am changed course to NW by North, patent log [reading] 16.6.
Skirting coast.
Lights and land visible all a long starboard beam and bow.
At 3.30am took sounding, 30 fathoms wire out, no bottom.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from ESE to SSE.
Under [steam in] A and B boilers, on course NW by North (per compass) until 6.00am, when changed to SSE½E (per standard compass).
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 64.5.
8am to meridian:
Light airs to light breeze, variable in direction.
Fair and pleasant.
Standing to Southward along coast, keeping bright lookout for vessels off Point Dile, and at mouth of Abra River.
Made changes in course as follows: at 8.30am to SE; at 8.40am to SE by South; at 8.50am to South, and steered that course to pass within 3 or 4 miles of Candon Point [Kandon Point in log-book].
At 11.30am sighted the smoke of a steamer bearing SW.
At 11.45am changed course to W¾N (per standard compass) to head off steamer standing to the Northward.
At this time Candon Point [Kandon Point in log-book] bore SE by East, distant 4½ miles, patent log reading 63.5.
At end of watch standing [on] same course.
At 9.30am fired a blank charge to bring to a small sloop inshore.
Sloop came alongside.
Overhauled papers and cargo.
The latter consisted of barley and cocoanuts.
Sloop bound from Candon [Kandon in log-book] to Vigan.
Released sloop and proceeded on course.
Went to quarters at 9.30am and exercised at divisional drill.
Absent without leave: W. Wallace, Seaman.
Temperature forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 95°, [forward] shell room 92° to 102°, fixed ammunition [room] 92° to 103°, after magazine 87° to 95°, [after] shell room 93° to 105°.
The acting appointments of the following named men were renewed for 6 months: T.M. Howard, Oiler; H.J. Braman [Braham in log-book], Oiler; A.J. Marchand [Marchaund in log-book], Oiler.
Used forced draft after 11.45am.
Average steam 90 [pounds], revolutions 70.3.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Westerly breeze.
Standing on various courses for steamer, which proved to be the United States transport "Ohio", until 12.30pm.
Exchanged following signals: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "Ohio", Q.H., R.K.I.; "Ohio" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", J.L.V.S.; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to "Ohio", F.C.S.W., R.S.J.
Stood in for small native schooner.
At 1.00pm hailed and brought her to, firing 1 blank and two common 1-pounder cartridges.
Schooner sent boat alongside with her papers, which were examined by the Commanding Officer, who permitted her to proceed.
At 1.40pm made course South by West (per compass) and put over patent log, reading 65.
At 2.27pm, patent log [reading] 70.8, Santa Lucia church abeam, distant 9 miles.
At end [of watch] course South by West (per compass), patent log [reading] 81.0, steam in A and B boilers.
Average steam 85 [pounds], average revolutions 69.4.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Gentle to moderate NW breeze.]
Skirting West coast of Luzon, under [steam in] A and B boilers, course (per compass) South by West.
Went to collision quarters at 6 o'clock, all division reported ready in 1 minute.
At 6 o'clock Point San Fernando bore S26°E.
Average steam 95 [pounds], revolutions 66.6.
6pm to 8pm:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from NE by North.
Under [steam in] boilers A and B, on course South by West (per compass) until 6.20pm, when changed to South by E½E (per compass), patent log [reading] 96.
At 6.45pm changed to S½W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 99.4.
At 7.25pm San Fernando Point abeam and changed course to South (per compass), patent log [reading] 3.1.
Steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 63.9.
8pm to midnight:
Light airs to light breeze from NNE, hauling to SW.
Partly cloudy and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Got a cast with sounding machine at 11.00pm in 31 fathoms, at 11.30pm in 22 fathoms, and at 11.50pm in 16 fathoms.
At 12.00am came to anchor near head of [Lingayen] Gulf, off Sual, in 12 fathoms water, veering to 45 fathoms on starboard chain.
Hauled in patent log at 10.00pm, reading 30.9.
Banked fires.
Draft of ship forward 11 feet 8 inches, aft 15 feet 10 inches.
Average steam 90 [pounds], revolutions 65.5.
Candon Point is also known as Tamurong Point.
22 March 1899
[No scan available]
[At anchor near head of Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands]
Lat 16.17, Long 120.23 [Estimated]
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23 March 1899
At anchor off Dagupan [Dugapan in log-book] and Sual, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.07, Long 120.10
Commences and until 4am:
Light to gentle breeze from SSE and South.
Partly cloudy.
Moon set at 3.00am.
4am to 8am:
Light breeze and airs from SE.
Clear and pleasant.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SSE.
Went to quarters at 9.30am, absentee: W. Wallace, Seaman.
At 9.40am called up anchor, secured starboard anchor, at 9.55am went ahead slow.
Standing into Sual anchorage, Captain conning ship.
At 10.10am stopped both engines in order to get steam for steerageway, went ahead at 10.22am under forced draft.
At 10.25am went to general quarters.
Rigged out 3rd cutter and gig, got steam launch and 2nd cutter ready for lowering.
At 10.55am anchored in 11½ fathoms water and veered to 45 fathoms [chain] just inside.
[Anchorage bearings:] left tangent Portuguese Point bearing W⅜S (magnetic), lookout house SW by W⅞W.
Lowered steam cutter and 2nd cutter and armed and equipped them for cutting out.
Lieutenant Thomas and Lieutenant Clark in charge of steam cutter and 2nd cutter left ship at 11.40am.
Temperatures: forward magazine 88° [Fahrenheit] to 95°; forward shell room 91° to 96°; forward fixed ammunition room 91° to 97°; after magazine 81° to 92°; after shell room 96° to 105°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light SE airs, shifting to light to gentle North by West breeze.
Reconnoitering expedition returned, having examined Port Sual and overhauled three native schooners without finding contraband articles.
Hoisted in all boats.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze to light airs from North by West.
Fair and pleasant.
Banked fires under two boilers at 5.30pm.
Went to quarters at 5.00pm, and exercised at setting up drill.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from NW.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE.
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24 March 1899
At anchor off Sual, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.07, Long 120.10
Midnight to 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to gentle SE breeze.
4am to 8am:
Wind from SSE to ESE, varying from moderate to light breeze.
Cloudy and pleasant.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from ESE to moderate breeze from SE.
At 9.30am inspected at quarters, absent without leave: William Wallace, Seaman.
Exercised all boats under oars and sail.
The Commanding Officer renewed the following acting appointments for six months from today: F. Cruse, Oiler; R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class.
Lowered steam cutter.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE.
The Executive Officer, in company with the Medical Officer, made the weekly sanitary inspection of the hold, storerooms and living spaces, and reported them in good condition.
The flood cocks of the magazines were tested and found in good condition.
Temperature of forward magazine 92° [Fahrenheit] to 94°, forward shell room 91° to 92°, forward fixed ammunition room 92° to 98°, after shell room 100° to 105°.
Cleaned bilges under dynamo room.
Lieutenant Clark, in charge of steam cutter, running lines of soundings to determine good anchorage.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Steam cutter returned, hoisted her in.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze from WNW first hour, calm last hour.
Cloudy and warm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE.
Started fires in C and D boilers at 9.45pm.
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25 March 1899
At anchor off Sual, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.13, Long 120.13 [Estimated]
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE.
At 1.30am disconnected A and B boilers, and connected up C and D [boilers].
4am to 8am:
Gentle to moderate breeze from SE.
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 6.30am Lieutenant C. Thomas, accompanied by Ensign D.W. Knox, left the ship with two armed boat crews (steam cutter and 2nd cutter) to explore the channels on West side of [Lingayen] Gulf as far as Cape Bolinao.
The following named men formed the boats' crews: J. Ellsworth, Coxswain; C. Rankin, Seaman; S. Brisolese, Ordinary Seaman; E.J. Nygard, Gunner's Mate Third-class; P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate; M. Morlock, Plumber and Fitter; S.P. Edwards, Landsman; R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class; F. Johnson, Seaman; O.E. Lofstrom, Seaman; P. O'Connor, Coxswain; G. Carlet, Ordinary Seaman; A.K. Lyons, Apprentice; M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class; E. Sullivan, Second-class Fireman; B.N. Shirley, Coal Passer; F. Farrell, Gunner's Mate Second-class; W.C. Parkhurst, Chief Boatswain's Mate; J.W. Behrendt, Hospital Steward; W. Walton, Chief Quartermaster; J. McLeish, Coxswain; O.B. McDonald, Ordinary Seaman; J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate; L.H. Dyer, Chief Yeoman.
8am to meridian:
Moderate to light breeze from SE by South.
Fair and warm, hazy around shore line.
At 11.15am weighed anchor preparatory to shifting berth.
At 11.20am sighted a steamer bearing North (magnetic) standing West.
Secured anchor, and at 11.30am headed N¾W (per standard compass) in pursuit of steamer.
Started forced draft and put out patent log, reading 31.1.
Steamer made many changes in course, first to the Northward, then to the Eastward, and again to the Northward.
This, together with the dense smoke coming at frequent intervals from her funnel, led to the belief that she was trying to escape.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light airs and breeze from North.
Standing on course N¾W (per standard compass), in chase of steamer sighted in preceding watch.
At 12.10pm started fires in A boiler, and at 12.20pm in B boiler.
At 1.00pm Mount [San] Isidro bore South (magnetic), North point Hundred Islands [100 Islands in log-book] SSW¾W, North end of Santiago Island NW by W¾W.
Changed course to NNW (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 45.0.
At 1.20pm changed to NW¾W (per standard compass).
At 1.30pm to NW¼W (per standard compass), the chase standing the same course.
At 1.30pm hoisted international signal 2H, and fired a blank charge from 6-pounder [gun].
At 2.15pm fired another blank charge.
Gradually overhauling chase, when he hove to, made out Spanish flag.
At 2.20pm shut down blowers, having connected boilers A and B at 2.00pm.
At 2.30pm lowered whaleboat and sent Ensign W.H. Standley, U.S. Navy, to board the steamer, which proved to be "Mundaca", from Hong Kong to Manila.
Owing to suspicious actions and circumstances the Commanding Officer seized her and sent Ensign W.H. Standley, U.S. Navy, as prize master to take her to anchorage.
She had no log-book, was out of course, and attempted to escape, and showed evidence of recent change of name, former name "Lee On 205" having been painted over.
Took following bearings when hove to, ship's head WNW: Santiago Island (North point) SSW½W (per standard [compass]), North tangent Cape Bolinao SW¼S (per compass), South tangent Santiago Island S⅜W (per compass).
At 2.20pm hauled in patent log, [reading] 57.5.
At 3.15pm put ship on course East (per standard [compass]) and put over patent log, reading 57.6.
At 3.40pm changed to South by E¾E, patent log [reading] 60.8.
Took following soundings between 1.15pm and 2.00pm: 17½ fathoms; 18½ fathoms; 17½ fathoms; 30 fathoms.
Steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 78.5.
4pm to 8pm:
Gentle breeze to light airs from South to West.
Fair and warm.
Standing to the Southward for anchorage off Sual, followed by the prize steamer.
At 4.18pm North end Santiago Island bore West by South (magnetic), North end Cabarruyan Island SW½S (magnetic).
At 5.00pm, with Mount [San] Isidro bearing S¼E (magnetic), North end Hundred Islands [100 Islands in log-book] SSW½W, got soundings in 12 fathoms.
At 5.20pm got soundings in 9¾ fathoms, and changed course to SSE¾E.
At 5.45pm changed to South by E¾E (per standard compass), and at 6.00pm to South by East.
At 6.50pm stopped to allow steamer to overhaul us, hauled in patent log, reading 84.4.
At same time Kabalitian Island bore SW by West and Portuguese Point SW½S (magnetic).
Went ahead at 7.15pm on course SSW½W and held that course until 7.45pm, Kabalitian Island was abeam, then changed to West by South.
At 7.10pm exchanged signals with our boats returning from expedition.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 82.3.
8pm to midnight:
Calm, generally clear, bright moonlight.
At 8.07pm came to anchor in 13 fathoms water, veering to 45 fathoms chain starboard anchor.
At 8.17pm the prize steamer came to anchor further inshore.
Sent Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh with a corporal and four privates to steamer to relieve Ensign Standley and boat's crew.
Ensign Standley returned, bringing the Captain of the steamer and one passenger, to interview the Commanding Officer.
Ensign Wurtsbaugh returned to the ship, and the Captain of steamer and passenger returned to steamer.
Lieutenant Thomas returned at 8.30pm with all of the boat expedition force, having explored the channels as far North at Cape Bolinao.
Banked fires under four boilers.
Bearings from anchorage: Port Sual lighthouse (Portuguese Point) WSW (magnetic), right tangent Komas Island North by W½W (magnetic).
Kabalitian Island is also known as Cabalitian Island.
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26 March 1899
At anchor off Sual, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.08, Long 120.14
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle South-southeasterly breeze.
Bright moonlight.
4am to 8am:
Gentle to light breeze from SSE and SE.
Cloudy and warm.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light SE by South airs to calm.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters for inspection.
Commanding Officer inspected ship.
Delivered orders to Ensign W.H. Standley, to take charge and command of steamer "Mundaca" and proceed with her to Manila.
Ensign Standley, with twelve armed men, including four Marines, went on board steamer.
She got under way at 10.39am and steamed out of the gulf.
Following articles were placed on board the "Mundaca": 1 hack chronometer; 1 parallel rulers; 1 set boat flags; 1 set Very's signals; 2 rockets; 1 lead line; 1 chip log; 1 sand glass; 1 nautical almanac; 1 ensign number 5; 8 rifles and belts; 100 rounds ammunition; 1 canteen; 1 revolver.
At 10.30am shut down all auxiliaries to make repairs to auxiliary steam pipe.
Repairs completed at 12.00pm.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light breeze to light airs from NW and NNW.
Cloudy and warm.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle North-northwesterly breeze.
Hoisted whaleboat.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle NNW breeze.
Screened all lights.
8pm to midnight:
Gentle breeze from NNW to NE.
Cloudy, moon showing at intervals.
Heavy swell from Northward.
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27 March 1899
At anchor off Sual, Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.10, Long 120.12
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy, with light rain.
Stiff to gentle SSE breeze.
At 1.00am veered to 65 fathoms [chain] outside.
Heavy swell from Northward.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate SSE to SE breeze.
Long swell from Northward.
At 7.40am Third Division, with Lieutenant Thomas in charge, landed on Kabalitian Island for target practice.
8am to meridian:
Moderate breeze from SE.
Fair and warm.
At 9.35am weighed anchor and stood to Northward and Westward for anchorage nearer Kabalitian Island.
At 10.40am came to anchor in 17 fathoms water, soft muddy bottom, veering to 60 fathoms on starboard chain.
Bearings from anchorage, ship's head SE: lighthouse (Portuguese Point) South by W¼W, [Mount San] Isidro S¼E, East tangent Kabalitian Island North by E¼E, West tangent same island NNW½W, North tangent Portuguese Point WNW¼W.
Sent an officer out to take soundings.
Found deep water close to reef (100 yards distant).
Sounded across entrance to False Sual Bay, getting not less than 14 fathoms from reef to main land.
Banked fires under all boilers.
Overhauled blocks of steam cutter falls.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE.
At 1.00pm sent party of 1st Division, in charge of Ensign D.W. Knox, to Kabalitian Island for target practice, small arms.
At 2.30pm sighted steamer standing in, made out U.S.S. "Baltimore".
She stood in and anchored off Port Sual.
Sent an officer to board her, obtained two bags mail for the ship.
Made following signals: 305; U.S.S. "Baltimore" cornet 122; U.S.S. "Yorktown" cornet 389; U.S.S. "Baltimore" [L in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" 3118; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Baltimore" [L in log-book] 332; U.S.S. "Baltimore" [L in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" 3575; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Baltimore" [L in log-book] numeral 17; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Baltimore" [L in log-book] 5808.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SW airs.
Target practice party returned at 4.30pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze from SW.
Overcast, with heavy rain during greater part of watch.
Hoisted steam cutter.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Baltimore".
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from SE to moderate Southeasterly breeze.
Kabalitian Island is also known as Cabalitian Island.
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28 March 1899
[Cruising in Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands]
Lat 16.25, Long 120.38
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate to fresh breeze from SE by South.
At 2.00am veered to 75 fathoms.
4am to 8am:
Gentle breeze from SW to SE by South.
Fair and pleasant.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE by South and NW.
At 9.50am got under way and stood on course ENE½E (per standard compass).
At 10.00am put over patent log, [reading] 84.0.
At 10.40am changed course to NE by E½E, patent log [reading] 89.9, at 11.00am NNE, patent log [reading] 92.5.
Hauled in patent log at 11.40am, reading 97.3.
From 11.00am to meridian standing in for Port St. Thomas on various courses, stopping at intervals to get up and down cast [coast in log-book].
Took following soundings: 10.55am 21 fathoms; 11.10am 12½ fathoms; 11.40am 11 fathoms.
At 11.30am, triple peak bearing N4°E (magnetic), West tangent main land N9°W (magnetic), truncated cone East by North (magnetic), got 5 fathoms.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 70.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Meridian to 4pm:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle NW breeze.
Standing in St. Thomas on various courses, Commanding Officer at conn, until 12.30pm, when in 7 fathoms of water turned and headed S6°W (per compass).
At 12.55pm stopped in 12½ fathoms and got following bearings: triple peak N5°E, truncated cone E⅝N; and then went ahead on course SW (per compass).
At 1.15pm headed West (per compass), and at 1.50pm changed course to North by West (per compass) and put over patent log, reading 97.4, Portuguese Point bearing WSW (magnetic) and Mount [San] Isidro SW (magnetic).
At 3.45pm sighted San Fernando light bearing about North by E¾E.
At 4.00pm changed course to N½E (per compass), patent log [reading] 13.4.
Commanding Officer disrated W.G. Parkhurst, Chief Boatswain's Mate, to Seaman, for assaulting another person in the Navy.
J. Maxey, Coxswain, rated Boatswain's Mate Second-class to date from January 21, 1899.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 81.2.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from North by West and North.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Mode following changes in course: at 5.00pm to North by West (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 21.0; at 6.00pm to North (per standard compass), patent log reading 28.2.
At 5.31pm San Fernando Point was abeam, distant 2.5 miles.
A careful observation of the anchorage showed no vessels in sight.
At 6.00pm set course for point 5 miles West of Point Dile.
Gave orders to slow to 7 knots.
Average steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 82.
Went to quarters at 5.00pm and exercised at setting up drill.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle Northerly breeze.
Fair and pleasant.
On course North (per standard compass), steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Light visible on hills at intervals.
Moon rose at 7.00pm.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 75.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Gentle to light Northerly breeze.
On course North (per standard compass), under full boiler power.
Steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 75.
St. Thomas is also known as Santo Tomas.
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29 March 1899
Making passage from Lingayen Gulf to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 17.35, Long 120.07
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs from North.
Clear and pleasant, bright moonlight.
Smooth sea.
Standing along coast to Northward, made following changes of course: at 2.45am to N½W (per standard compass); at 3.15am to North; at 3.40am to N7°E.
At 1.00am slowed down to 6 knots.
At 1.00am Point Dile abeam, distant 5 miles.
Average steam 104 [pounds], revolutions 66.4.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Standing on course N7°E until 5.30am, when patent log [read] 4.2, changed to ESE (per standard compass).
At 5.45am to SE, patent log [reading] 5.2, at 6.20 to SW by W½W, patent log 9.2, at 6.40am SSW¼W, patent log 11.6.
Looked into Port Currimao [Port Kurrimao in log-book].
At 7.40am Badoc Island abeam, distant 4 miles.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 73.9.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from South to SSW.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course SSW¼W (per compass).
At 9.30am went to collision quarters with following times: 1st Division and [collision] mat in 2½ minutes; 2nd Division 1½ minutes; 3rd Division 1½ minutes; Powder Division 1½ minutes; Engineer's Division 1 minute; Marines 1 minute.
Secured and had divisional drills as follows: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions infantry; Powder Division main battery; Marines secondary battery.
Temperatures: forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; forward shell room 92°; forward fixed ammunition room 94° to 99°; after magazine 82° to 91°; after shell room 103° to 106°.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: G.B. Schmitt, Landsman, 1 day's extra duty, for stowing himself away while on watch; J.A. Feighery, Landsman, 5 days' extra duty, for same offense; C.M. Miles, Ordinary Seaman, 1 day's extra duty, for clothes in lucky bag; H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class, for lying; Lee Gat, Mess Attendant, 4 hours' lookout, for smoking in head; E. Wise, First-class Fireman, 3 days' extra duty, for playing cards out of hours, and 5 days' extra duty, for playing cards while on watch; W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, 3 days' extra duty, for playing cards out of hours; P.A. Pettersson, Seaman, F. Johnson, Seaman, W.J. Kane, Landsman, W.F. Ziege, Ordinary Seaman, F.J. Devine, Gunner's Mate Third-class, extra two hours' lookout, for late hammocks.
W. Wallace, Seaman, absent without leave.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 98.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light airs to breeze from WSW.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Same course as in preceding watch.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 99.9.
4pm to 6pm:
Light Northwesterly breeze.
Fair and pleasant.
At 4.10pm sighted Cape Bolinao bearing South (magnetic).
Sold articles in lucky [luck in log-book] bag, realizing $3.05.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
At 5.35pm Silaqui Island [Silakui Island in log-book] abeam, distant 12 miles, patent log [reading] 13.4.
At 6.00pm closed watertight doors in 1 minute, and mustered at quarters.
Absent without leave: W. Wallace, Seaman.
Course SSW½W (per standard compass).
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 97.9.
6pm to 8pm [8pm to midnight in log-book]:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NNE breeze.
On course SSW¼W (per compass), under [steam in] four boilers.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 98.5.
8pm to midnight:
Gentle to moderate breeze from East.
Partly cloudy, moonlight.
At 9.00pm changed course to South by E¼E (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 45.3.
High land in sight on port hand.
Average steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 96.8.
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30 March 1899
On passage from Sual to Manila, and at anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.53, Long 120.87 [Estimated]
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate Southeasterly breeze.
At 1.00am passed steamer standing to Northward.
High land along port hand during watch.
At 3.00am, patent log [reading] 99.4, changed course to SSE¾E.
P.A. Petterson, Seaman, and F.J. Devine, Gunner's Mate Third-class, stood two hours' extra lookout, as per punishment awarded.
At end [of watch] course SSE¾E.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 98.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to stiff SE to NE breeze.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course SSE¾E (per compass) until 5.30am, when changed to SE, patent log reading 25.1.
At 6.00am changed to SE½E, patent log [reading] 26.6, at 6.40am changed course to SE by E¼E, patent log 32.5, and at 7.40am changed to SE by East, patent log 41.0.
Steam 104 [pounds], revolutions 98.
8am to meridian:
Gentle to light breeze from East by South to NE.
Fair and pleasant.
Smooth sea.
Made following changes in course, standing in for Boca Chica channel, Manila Bay: at 9.05am to SE by E½E (per standard compass); at 9.15am to East; at 9.40am to NE by E⅜E, patent log reading 60.
At 11.15am St. Nicholas [Shoals] beacon was abeam, distant 3.3 miles.
At 11.50am made distinguishing pennant, answered by flagship at 12.00pm.
At end of watch U.S.S. "Olympia", U.S.S. "Oregon", and U.S.S. "Culgoa" were in sight, at anchor off Manila.
Made preparations for port.
Average steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 99.9.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy with rain.
Standing in for anchorage in Manila Bay.
At 12.30pm fired a salute of 17 guns, which was returned by the flagship.
At 12.40pm came to anchor in 7¼ fathoms water, veering to 30 fathoms on port chain.
The Commanding Officer paid an official visit to the flagship.
The Japanese cruiser sent an officer to make boarding visit, which was returned by an officer from this ship.
Sent boat to U.S.S. "Culgoa".
Bearings at anchor: ship's head SE, lighthouse on pier N19°E, Ermita steeple N44°E.
At 3.20pm got under way and stood for Cavite.
Coming to, port anchor in 5 fathoms, 30 fathoms chain, at 3.55pm.
Bearings at anchor: ship's head SE by East, flagstaff on arsenal SSW¼W, lighthouse Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] W⅜N.
Ensign W.H. Standley and prize crew of steamer "Mundaca" ["Mundoca" in log-book] returned on board with all stores taken from this ship.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 48 pounds mutton.
Let fires under [in in log-book] A, B and C boilers die out.
Signals during watch: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, interrogatory 131, numeral 55, numeral 26; flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", 1307; flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Anchor SW by West from me"; flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", 115; flagship to fleet, 2984; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, interrogatory 4890; flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", affirmative.
Draft of ship forward 11 feet 4 inches, aft 14 feet 10 inches.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Gentle breeze from East.
Sent an officer on duty to U.S.S. "Monterey", to see about coaling ship.
Mustered at quarters at 5 o'clock, absent without leave: W. Wallace, Seaman.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Easterly breeze.
Tested searchlights.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from East.
Boca Chica is also known as North Channel.
St. Nicholas is also known as San Nicholas.
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31 March 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Manila Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.497, Long 120.928
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SE to calm.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy.
Calm to light airs from NNE.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NNE.
Men working on coal-topping, cleaning and painting.
Signals: 8.35am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, interrogatory 4363, flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", affirmative; 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 1, then numeral 10; at meridian numeral 50, then numeral 5.
Absent without leave: W. Wallace, Seaman.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
[Calm to light airs from NE.]
Sent boat to U.S.S. "Celtic" for provisions.
The following officers made the weekly inspection: Lieutenant Chauncey [Chauncy in log-book] Thomas; Lieutenant G.R. Clark; Ensign W.H. Standley; Ensign Daniel W. Wurtsbaugh; and Ensign D.W. Knox.
Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy and Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver and the Executive Officer and Chief Engineer made the regular monthly inspection of compartments and mechanical devices for the safety of the ship.
Temperatures of magazines: forward magazine 82° [Fahrenheit] to 94°; [forward] shell room 91° to 93°; [forward] fixed ammunition room 93° to 100°; after magazine 89° to 90°; [after] shell room 93° to 107°.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
[Light breeze from ENE.]
Laid out kedge on port quarter to swing ship for compass error, weighed kedge at 7.30pm.
Hosted all boats, except steam cutter.
Received following stores in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 541 pounds fresh beef; 1181 pounds vegetables.
Absent without leave: W. Wallace, Seaman.
Assistant Engineer Pope Washington, U.S. Navy, reported for duty on this vessel in accordance with orders from the Commander-in-Chief.
8pm [8am in log-book] to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to stiff breeze from SE by East.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
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1 April 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Manila Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.497, Long 120.928
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE by East to East.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly airs.
Aired bedding.
Tested whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs from NNW.
General field day.
At 9.30am sent working party to Cavite for Paymaster's stores, they returned at 11.50am.
Received 1387 pounds sugar and 2300 pounds flour in Paymaster's Department.
Sent the Chief Quartermaster and the Chief Gunner's Mate with 3rd cutter in tow of steam launch to U.S.S. "Celtic" for stores.
Received in the Navigation and Ordnance Departments stores as per appended list [below].
Piped down bedding at 11 o'clock.
Temperature of forward magazine 82° [Fahrenheit] to 94°, [forward] shell room 91° to 93°, forward fixed ammunition room 93° to 100°, after magazine 87° to 90°, after shell room 93° to 107°.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 108 pounds fresh bread.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, clothes in lucky bag, one day's extra duty; W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer, clothes in lucky bag, one day's extra duty; O.W. Woodbury, Quartermaster Third-class, neglect of duty, not reporting signals, disrated to Seaman.
Transferred to hospital at Cavite, with necessary transfer papers: M.H. Milan, Machinist Second-class; A.A. Chambers, Seaman; C.A. Triplett, Second-class Fireman; and J.J. Ferguson, Landsman.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable breeze.
At 1.00pm tug from Cavite Navy Yard came alongside, took U.S.S. "Yorktown" in tow, and shifted her anchorage close inshore.
Anchored with port anchor in 4½ fathoms water and secured with 15 fathoms shackle just outside.
Triced up 5-inch hawser to dry.
Secured kedge anchor on port quarter and painted it.
Notified M.A. Ahearn, Private U.S. Marine Corps, the Department had approved the sentence of a Summary Court Martial held at Navy Yard Mare Island, California, by which he forfeits one half month's pay, amounting to seven dollars and eighty cents ($7.80).
U.S.S. "Monadnock" fired the 6-pounder guns at intervals during watch.
Bearings from anchorage: arsenal SW¼W (magnetic), Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] lighthouse NW by W¼W (magnetic).
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Hoisted whaleboat, 2nd cutter and gig.
Reeled up both 5-inch hawsers.
Crew went swimming.
Lieutenant Clark took soundings inshore, towards Navy Yard, getting 22 feet of water close in.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Monterey".
8pm to midnight:
Light and gentle breeze from ESE.
Clear and pleasant.
Visiting party returned from U.S.S. "Monterey".
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[Inserted note]
8am to meridian:
Received on board in Ordnance Department: 2 short 6-inch metallic cases for testing primers; 1 set firing attachment for 6-inch sub-caliber practice.
And in Equipment (Navigation stores) Department: 1 Luce's Seamanship; 1 Napoleon [Nepolean in log-book] Bonaparte's 1st Campaign; 1 Handbook Naval Gunnery; 1 Range Table Naval Guns, 1893; 1 Memories of A Rear Admiral; 1 Campaign of Marengo [Merengo in log-book]; 1 The Day's Work (Kipling); 1 Six Months in Sandwich Islands; 1 Islands of the Southern Seas; 1 Joining the Navy; or, Abroad with Uncle Sam; 2 Stanford's Compendium of Geography [and Travel] (Australasia), 2 volumes; 1 Notes on the Year's Naval Progress, 1896; 3 volumes Seal and Salmon Fisheries of Alaska; 1 United States Laws Relating to Navy and Marine Corps; 1 Hawaii, Our New Possessions; 1 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers; 2 Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute, June and September 1898; 1 Notes on Naval Progress, January 1898; 3 Journals of American Society of Naval Engineers; 1 Notes on Naval Progress, April 1898; and 26 boat signals as follows: 2 Hospital; 2 Negative; 2 Company; 2 Danger; 2 Guard; 2 Dispatch; 2 Recall; 2 Affirmative; 2 Quarantine; 2 Annulling; 2 Telegraph; 2 Position; 2 Convoy.
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2 April 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Manila Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate Southeasterly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Easterly breeze.
Cleaning up for Sunday inspection.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 108 pounds bread.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
Flagship made time and uniform signals at 7.00am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from NNE to NNW.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, and Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship.
On account of engineer's force cleaning boilers, general muster omitted.
W. Wallace, Seaman, this day declared a deserter to date from March 19th, 1899.
A Medical Board of Survey, Surgeon Rush, U.S. Navy, senior member, met on board and examined Lieutenant H. Minett and E. Shearer, Second-class Fireman.
Signals: at 10.00am, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 0, numeral 5; at noon, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 5, numeral 14.
Temperatures: forward fixed ammunition room 90° [Fahrenheit] to 93°; after shell room 87° to 96°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from North by West to East.
At 2.00pm hove up anchor and towed closer inshore by Navy Yard tug.
Dropped port anchor with 15 fathoms chain in 4½ fathoms water at 2.15pm.
Bearings from anchorage: arsenal (end of stone wall) SW⅛W (magnetic), Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] lighthouse NW⅜N (magnetic).
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly to Southerly breezes and airs.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 417 pounds beef.
U.S.S. "Monterey" signaled to flagship, "Shall I transfer to Solace men whose time expires by July first?", flagship to U.S.S. "Monterey", negative.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and warm.
Light variable airs.
At 9.30 o'clock secured steam launch for the night.
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3 April 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.487, Long 120.927
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs from SE.
Lowered all boats and anchored them inshore near the wall.
Made all preparations for coaling.
At 6 o'clock two lighters of coal came alongside, began coaling from both sides at 6.15 o'clock.
At 7 o'clock the water boat came alongside.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 108 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Fair and warm.
Light airs from NW and SE.
Continued coaling on both sides, taking in about 45 tons.
Sent working party to Cavite for stores in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts
General Court Martial met on board U.S.S. "Solace" at 9.00am.
Lieutenant Chauncey Thomas, U.S. Navy, went to the flagship for physical examination for promotion.
U.S.S. "Iris" exercised at rifle practice.
Temperature in magazines: forward magazine 90° [Fahrenheit] to 90°; [forward] shell room 91° to 91°; [forward] fixed ammunition room 91° to 95°; after shell room 85° to 93°.
Signals: 10.00am, numeral 0, numeral 4; 11.00am, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Have permission from Admiral to try rifles"; at noon numeral 50, numeral 5.
Meridian to 4pm:
Continued coaling.
Fair and warm.
[Light airs from North by West to light breezes from NE and East.]
Sent working party for stores in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts.
Received in Equipment Department: 2 6-inch manila hawsers.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 400 pounds biscuits; 600 pounds coffee; 50 pairs high shoes; 200 pairs socks, cotton; 50 pairs drawers; 50 pairs undershirts; 425 yards drill; 100 pounds tea; 292 pounds pickles; 700 pounds pork; 300 pounds beef; 193 pounds beans; 100 pounds butter; 480 pounds corned beef; 100 pounds raisins; 52 gallons vinegar; 48 gallons syrup; 700 pounds flour; 860 [pounds] roast beef; 483 pounds mutton; 350 pounds ham; 654 pounds tomatoes; 938 pounds vegetables; 300 pounds apples; 750 pounds soap.
Sent boat to Cavite for officers' mess stores.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and warm.
[Light airs from ENE to light breeze from ESE to calm.]
Stopped coaling for day at 5.30pm, having received 100 tons.
Let men go in swimming.
Sent the two hawsers, one 8-inch and one 6-inch, condemned, to Navy Yard, Cavite.
Delivered to Lieutenant H. Minett orders from Commander-in-Chief, detaching him and ordering him home on recommendation of Medical Board of Survey.
Received on board, with bag and hammock, Frank Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate, from U.S.S. "Monterey".
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light to gentle SE breeze.
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4 April 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.487, Long 120.927
Commences and until 4am:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs to breezes from NE to East.
At 7.00am flagship made following signal to squad: B-06, M-08.
At 7.10am U.S.S. "Helena" anchored about 300 yards to Eastward of this ship.
Started coaling at 5.30am.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Clear and hot.
Light breeze from ESE.
Continued coaling ship from lighters on both sides.
Sent working party ashore to discharge condemned hawsers, turned into Navy Yard storehouse one 8-inch and one 6-inch manila hawser.
Lieutenant J.C. Gillmore reported on board as relief of Lieutenant H. Minett, who was detached and ordered home.
Sent three men in charge of Chief Master-at-Arms to U.S.S. "Celtic" for ice and fresh meat.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and hot.
Sent Paymaster's stores below.
Lieutenant H. Minett left the ship, he being detached and ordered home on three months' sick leave.
Received in Equipment Department: 27 pounds Sapolio.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 503 pounds fresh meat.
Received from U.S.S. "Solace", with bags, hammocks and necessary transfer papers: Arthur Akers, Landsman; Fred Anderson, Landsman; and Charles Butler, Second-class Fireman.
Laid out kedge on port quarter and winded ship.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and warm.
Light breeze from SE.
Coaling ship, took on board at end of watch about 105 tons.
Transferred to U.S.S. "Solace", with bags, hammocks and necessary transfer papers: C.D. Smith, Landsman; E. Sherer, Second-class Fireman; Joe Loy, Wardroom Steward.
Returned 12 shovels to U.S.S. "Solace".
8pm to midnight:
Clear and warm.
Gentle SE and light East-southeasterly breeze.
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5 April 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.487, Long 120.927
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and warm.
Light Southeasterly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Fair and warm.
Continued coaling.
At 5.30am received alongside two lighters of coal.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 108 pounds fresh bread.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
Flagship made time and uniform signals.
The Commanding Officer went to Manila at 6.45am.
8am to meridian:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Light Southeasterly airs.
Coaling from lighters alongside.
Received following draft of men from U.S.S. "Solace": H. Houlihan, First-class Fireman; John Sullivan, First-class Fireman; H.J. Letender, Second-class Fireman; John Dowd, Second-class Fireman; C.A. Hill, Second-class Fireman; Walter Peters, Second-class Fireman; C.P. Bolanger, Second-class Fireman; Frank Dover, Second-class Fireman; F.E. Knowles, Second-class Fireman; Martin Coyle, Landsman; William Coleman, Landsman; J.F. De Quoy, Machinist Second-class; Joseph Bertsche, Plumber and Fitter.
At 10.00am made following signals to flagship: numeral 0, numeral 6, and at noon signaled to flagship numeral 5, numeral 24.0.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs to stiff breeze from East to SE.
U.S.S. "Helena" hoisted signal "Permission to resume station", and flagship answered with affirmative.
U.S.S. "Helena" got under way.
Received 26 tons [sic] from Compañia Maritima [Companie Maritima in log-book], delivered on board from lighter alongside.
Continued coaling.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate to stiff Easterly breeze.
Received on board following stores in Engineer's Department: 15 pounds marline; 200 pounds Portland cement; 210 pounds soda; 38 pounds bar iron, ¼ inch x 1½ inches; 50 pounds bar iron, ½ inch x 2 inches; 208 gallons lard oil.
In Paymaster's Department: 10 boxes canned corned beef; 4 boxes canned tomatoes; 5 barrels flour; 20 boxes canned mutton.
8pm to midnight:
Stiff to moderate breeze from East.
Clear and pleasant.
Finished coaling at 8.30pm, having received on board 361 tons 1988 pounds (including 26 tons 389 pounds of Australian coal to replace the coal given to steamer "San Joaquin").
Draft of ship forward 14 feet, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
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6 April 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.487, Long 120.927
Commences and until 4am:
Light breeze to light airs from SE to ENE.
Clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Light airs from NE and East.
Fair and pleasant.
U.S.S. "Iris" got under way at 6.30am and headed for Manila.
H.B.M.S. "Powerful" passed out at 7.00am.
Water boat came alongside at 7.15am, began taking water into boilers.
Started fires under boiler D at 6.30am.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and gentle breeze from East.
Connected B boiler at 12.00pm.
Cleaning ship.
Received on board in Paymaster's Department: $5000.00 Mexican; $2360.00 United States gold.
Received on board 30 tons fresh water for steaming purposes.
Signals: [at] 9.30am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, telegraphic 7696, numeral 13, 6398, 5468, 3856, 4373, cornet 550, 8332, 6398, 0926, 9395, 3896, 2012, answer 183, 1267, 9556, flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" affirmative; [at] 10.00am numeral 0, numeral 6; at 12.00pm numeral 355, numeral 5.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Easterly breeze.
At 2.00pm half-masted the colors in honor of the occasion of the interment at Arlington of the dead heroes of the war.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 506 pounds fresh beef; and 399 pounds vegetables.
In accordance with Paragraph 5, Article 1570, United States Navy Regulations, Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver, U.S. Navy, and Ensign W.H. Standley, U.S. Navy, were appointed to verify the amount of foreign coin on board, and found as follows: Mexican silver currency, $4028.96.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle ENE and East breeze.
Transferred to U.S.S. "Solace", with bags and hammocks, the following men: E. Dargel, Second-class Fireman; E.R. Fortman, Machinist Second-class; J.B. Frantz, Ordinary Seaman; W.H. Gilbert, Second-class Fireman; J.E. Ingols, Second-class Fireman; D. James, Coxswain; J.H. McCreary, Ordinary Seaman; A. Morris, Landsman; M. Morlock, Plumber and Fitter; N. Peirson, Seaman; C.R. Scheflin, First-class Fireman; I.K. Snyder, Ordinary Seaman; G.W. Strahan, Seaman; E. Sullivan, Second-class Fireman; C.A. Triplett, Second-class Fireman; W.F. Ziege, Ordinary Seaman.
Paid monthly money.
Exercised the searchlights.
Men went swimming.
U.S.S. "Iris" went to sea.
Signals: at 3.30pm flagship to fleet, 2984; [at] 6.45pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, "Permission requested to get stadimeter from Solace. Requisition forwarded this morning", flagship, affirmative.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from ENE.
Visiting party returned from U.S.S. "Solace".
Received in Ordnance Department from U.S.S. "Solace": 1 stadimeter.
Secured steam launch for the night at 9 o'clock.
At 8.20pm received the following message from the flagship, "Did you exercise searchlights with flagship?", answered, "Endeavored to do so, may have mistaken ship".
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7 April 1899
At anchor off Cavite and Manila, Philippine Islands, and cruising
Lat 14.55, Long 120.96
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and cool.
Gentle to light breeze from ESE to East by North.
At 12.20am started fires under [in in log-book] A and C boilers.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from East.
At 5 o'clock connected up A, B and C boilers.
Turned to at 5.24am [6.24am in log-book].
Lowered 2nd cutter to pick up kedge.
Secured kedge on port quarter.
Hoisted 2nd cutter.
Reeled up 5-inch line.
Turned engines at 6.20am.
Rigged in both lower booms.
Tested steam steering gear at 5.55 o'clock.
Sent steam cutter ahead, with orders to come alongside when recall was hoisted.
Triced up both gangways.
Called all hands up anchor and got under way at 6.22am and stood out for Manila, Navigator conning ship.
Sighted steamer "Valencia" at 5.20am, entering the bay.
At 6.35am asked permission of flagship to anchor, permission granted.
At 7.08am let go port anchor in 6 fathoms water and veered to 30 fathoms [chain] just inside.
Bearings (magnetic): tangent to Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] S37°W, Pasig lighthouse and breakwater end, in line, N16°E.
Hoisted steam launch recall.
At 6.56am asked and was granted permission to bank fires.
Lowered gig.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
The transport "Valencia" dropped anchor at 7.00 o'clock.
Draft of ship forward 14 feet, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NNW airs.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and drilled divisions at divisional drills.
Sold effects of W. Wallace, deserter, at auction for $4.30.
Signals: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship at 10.00am, numeral 0, numeral 3; at noon numeral 347, numeral 8; flagship to squad at 8.30am, negative 4383.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs to gentle ESE breeze.
At 1.15pm following officers made weekly inspection of compartments as required by United States Navy Regulations: Lieutenants C. Thomas, J.C. Gillmore, G.R. Clark; Ensigns W.H. Standley, D.W. Wurtsbaugh, D.W. Knox; and Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy.
Temperatures: forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 94° to 92°; forward fixed ammunition room 94° to 97°; after shell room 93° to 88°.
Received in Paymaster's Department from U.S.S. "Culgoa": 844 pounds fresh beef; 3360 pounds vegetables.
Signals: at 3.30pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Do you not understand?", "To signal officer, answer all signals whether they apply to you or not, or else distinguishing pennant will be shown below signal, signed Scott."
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 4.30pm pilot came on board from prize steamer "Mundaca" ["Mundoca" in log-book].
At 5.00pm went to fire quarters, all ready in 3 minutes, then exercised at setting up drill.
Hoisted all boats, and at 5.40pm got under way and stood out of harbor on course S60°W (per standard compass).
Draft forward 14 feet, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Signals: at 5.35pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, interrogatory 121, flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", affirmative.
6pm to 8pm:
Gentle breeze from NE.
Fair and pleasant.
Stood on course S60°W (per standard compass) until 6.20pm, when changed to S66°W.
At 6.45pm changed to S69°W.
Put over patent log at 6.10pm, reading 81.5, Corregidor [Island] light in sight about one point on port bow.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 86.1.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Standing out of Manila Bay first hour, Captain conning.
At 9.00pm, patent log [reading] 5.0, Haycock abeam, close aboard.
At 9.10pm set course S15°W (per compass), Haycock distant 1.4 miles.
At 11.00pm sighted Fortune Island bearing S32°E (per compass), Corregidor [Island] light N29°E (per compass), patent log [reading] 20.4.
At 11.30pm, patent log [reading 28.5], changed course to S22°E (per compass), Fortune Island abeam, distant 5 miles.
Slowed engines to 70 turns.
Steam in A, B and C boilers.
Gentle to moderate East-southeasterly breeze.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 81.5.
Haycock is also known as La Monja Island.
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8 April 1899
On passage from Manila to Baler Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 13.27, Long 121.58
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from East to ENE.
Smooth sea.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers, course (per standard compass) S22°E.
At 12.01am sighted Ambil Island on port bow.
At 1.30am sighted steamer's light bearing S54°E (per standard compass).
Ambil Island abeam at 1.20am.
Sighted Cape Santiago at 2 o'clock.
At 2.35am changed course to S76°E (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 45.0.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 52.3.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 60.9.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with passing showers, followed by clearing.
Gentle Easterly breeze.
On course S76°E (per standard compass), under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Made following changes in course: at 4.50am changed to S70°E, patent log [reading] 57.2; at 5.10am changed to S64°E, patent log 59.1; at 6.00am changed to East, patent log 65.2; at 6.55am changed to E¼N, patent log 73.1; and at 7.45am changed to S60°E, patent log 82.1.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Aired bedding.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 80.4.
8am to meridian:
Gentle to light breeze from East by North.
Partly cloudy and pleasant.
Standing on course S60°E (per standard compass) along NE coast of Mindoro Island [Mindora Island in log-book].
Bearings at noon: Point Dumali S9°W (magnetic), Baltasar Island S81°E (magnetic) and North tangent [Maestre de] Campo Island S27°E (magnetic).
Average steam, 100 [pounds], revolutions 85.5.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly airs and breeze.
At 1.00pm sighted smoke of steamer bearing East.
At 1.08pm changed course to East (per compass), patent log [reading] 22.5.
At 1.30pm put on forced draft.
At 2.00pm Melchor Island abeam, distant 4 miles.
At 3.00pm gave up chase and put ship on course S72°E (per compass), patent log [reading] 38.6, Baltasar Island N74°W (per compass), Elephant Island N34°E (per compass), Carlota Island S29°W (per compass).
Shut down forced draft.
Inspected recoil cylinders and found all properly filled.
Heavy rain, with stiff Northeasterly breeze last hour.
Steam in A, B and C boilers.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 85.7.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from NNE.
Barometer rising.
Course (per standard compass) S72°E, under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Sighted 3 small schooners close inshore.
When weather cleared the smoke of the steamer could be seen ahead.
Went to collision quarters at 6 o'clock, from time of alarm to time of retreat was 1 minute.
Average steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 72.7.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 59.2.
6pm to 8pm:
Generally cloudy.
Light NNE airs.
On course S72°E (per standard compass), under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 69.9.
8pm to midnight:
Light to gentle breeze from NE and ENE.
Clear and pleasant, bright starlight.
Passed a steamer standing to the Westward at 9.00pm.
Slowed to 6 knots at 8.30pm.
Average steam 95 [pounds], revolutions 64.3.
Elephant Island is also known as Elefante Island.
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9 April 1899
On passage from Manila to Baler Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 12.55, Long 124.15
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle East-northeasterly breeze.
At 1.00am sighted loom of light from fires near Bugui Point.
At 2.00am sighted steamer's lights bearing East (per compass).
At 3.30am sighted steamer's lights bearing East by North (per compass).
At 3.00am made out the high land on starboard bow.
At 4.00am, patent log [reading] 20.2, Bugui Point S20°E (per compass), changed course to E½S.
Average steam 85 [pounds], average revolutions 62.3.
4am to 8am:
Clear to cloudy, with frequent squalls last hour.
Gentle breeze from NE.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
At 4.10am sighted steamer standing to North and West, passed it on our port hand at 4.30 o'clock.
Course S72°E (per standard compass).
At 5.12 o'clock changed course to NE by E½E (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 28.1.
At 7.15 o'clock changed course to East (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 45.1.
At 5.30am went ahead full speed.
At end of watch patent log read 51.4.
Average steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 83.1.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Generally cloudy and squally, with passing showers.
Light to stiff NE breeze.
Standing through San Bernardino Strait on following compass courses: SE¾E until 10.30am, when changed to SE by E¾E, patent log [reading] 72.3; at 10.45am changed to ESE¾E, patent log 74.2; at 10.50am changed to ENE⅞E, patent log 75.0; at 11.05am changed to NE by East, patent log 77.0; and at 11.35am changed to NE5°E, patent log 81.1.
At noon Capul Island [Kapul Island in log-book] light bore South by W⅞W (magnetic) and right tangent Ticlin Island [Tiplin Island in log-book] bore NW⅛W (magnetic).
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, and Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship.
Temperatures: forward magazine 91° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 92° to 93°; fixed ammunition room 92° to 99°; after magazine 89° to 91°; after shell room 93° to 102°.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 88.7.
Meridian to 4pm:
Stiff to moderate breeze from NE and NE by North.
Fair and pleasant.
Wind and sea moderating.
San Bernardino Islet was abeam at 1.25pm.
At 1.40pm took departure, patent log [reading] 97.7, course N20°E (per standard compass), San Bernardino lighthouse bearing on quarter West by South, distant 2¼ miles.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 80.01.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate to gentle breeze from NE by North.
Land in sight on port hand during watch.
At 6.00pm exercised at closing watertight doors.
Course N20°E (per compass), patent log [reading] 28.3.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 78.07.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from NE by East.
Moderate sea.
Barometer steady reading 30.00 at end of watch.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers, making not more than seven knots, course N20°E (per compass).
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolution 77.7.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 41.8.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate breeze from NE by North.
On course N20°E (per standard compass), under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 76.5.
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10 April 1899
On passage from Manila to Baler Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.92, Long 124.22
Commences and until 4am:
Gentle breeze from NNE.
Generally clear and pleasant, bright starlight.
At 1.06am changed course to North (per standard compass), patent log reading 69.5.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 76.2.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle and moderate North-northeasterly breeze, to gentle Northeasterly breeze.
Barometer rising.
At 6.25am, patent log [reading] 13.1, changed course to WNW⅛W (per compass).
Tested steam whistle and siren at 7.30am.
Average steam 105 [pounds], average revolutions 75.9.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from NE.
Barometer steady.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers, making not more than 7 knots by Captain's orders, course (per standard compass) WNW⅛W.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am, exercised crew at landing party.
After retreat gave signal class ½ hour's instructions in signals.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: C. Rankin, Seaman, and A.E. Ellison, Apprentice First-class, going in swimming without permission, 1 day's extra duty; W.F. Haynes, Coal Passer, going in swimming and not obeying the Officer of the Deck's orders, 2 days' extra duty.
Temperatures of magazines: forward 92° [Fahrenheit] to 94°; forward shell room 93° to 92°; forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 93°; after magazine 90° to 91°; after shell room 100° to 103°.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 70.2.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 49.7.
At 10.30am set clock ahead 7½ minutes.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate NE breeze.
Under [steam in] A, B and C boilers, on course WNW⅛W (per standard compass) until 1.00pm, when changed to NW by W¾W (per standard compass).
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 72.
4pm to 6pm:
Gentle breeze from NE.
Fair and pleasant.
Went to quarters at 5.00pm and exercised at setting up drill.
Exercised at collision drill at 6.00pm.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 71.8.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze.
Course NW by W¾W (per standard compass).
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 71.4.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NE.
Smooth sea.
Course (per standard compass) NW by W¾W, under [steam in] A, B and C boilers.
Slowed down to 6 knots.
Average steam 107 [pounds], revolutions 62.9.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 28.8.
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11 April 1899
On passage from Manila to, and at anchor off Baler Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.80, Long 121.60 [Estimated]
Midnight to 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate Northerly breeze.
On compass course NW by W¾W.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 62.5.
4am to 8am:
Moderate to light breeze from NNE to NE.
Clear and pleasant.
At 5.00am (daylight) sighted land ahead and on both bows.
That on starboard bow proved to be [San] Ildefonso Point.
Began sounding with sounding machine at 7.00am.
After that time taking soundings every ten minutes.
Got bottom at 7.30am in 86 fathoms, and at 7.40am in 75 fathoms.
At 7.40am changed course to WSW (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 73.9, [San] Ildefonso Point bearing NE by East (magnetic), distant about 8 miles.
Sent lookout aloft and kept hand lead going last hour of watch.
Broke out ammunition for secondary battery.
Average steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 59.9.
8am to meridian:
Light variable airs.
Clear and pleasant.
Standing in for an anchorage in Baler Bay.
Steaming slow, then stopping and feeling way in carefully, leads and sounding machine going constantly.
On course WSW (per compass) until 9.40am, then SW (per compass) until 10.40am, then SW by South (per compass) until 11.00am, then various.
Hauled patent log in at 8.20am.
At 10.40am sent Lieutenant Gillmore, U.S. Navy, in whaleboat, armed and equipped, to sound inshore and gather information.
At 11.00am made out white flag waved on shore near mouth of river.
Sent Ensign Standley, U.S. Navy, with flag of truce in 3rd cutter, armed, to open communications.
At 11.40am came to anchor in 9 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms starboard chain.
Sounding during watch at intervals of ten minutes from 8.20am: 66 [fathoms]; 100; 70; 61; 57; 47; 44; 44; 42; 36; 35; 34; 33; 30; 28; 26; 24; 19; 15.
At 10.20am 15 fathoms.
At 10.50am: 17 [fathoms]; 16; 15; 15.
Draft of ship forward 13 feet 10 inches, aft 16 feet 6 inches.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Moderate breeze from East to NE.
Moderate sea.
3rd cutter returned at 12.30pm.
Low water at 12.40pm.
Hoisted 3rd cutter and whaleboat.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle NE breeze, with moderate swell.
At 4.15pm veered to 60 fathoms [chain].
High water about 6.00pm.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up drill.
6pm to 8pm:
Light airs, hauling from NE to West.
Cloudy, with passing rain showers last hour.
Used searchlight at intervals.
8pm [8am in log-book] to midnight:
Cloudy to fair and pleasant.
Gentle NE by East breeze.
Used searchlight at intervals each hour.
San Ildefonso Point is also known as Cape San Ildefonso.
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12 April 1899
At anchor off Baler Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.80, Long 121.60
Midnight to 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly to Northwesterly breezes.
Used searchlights once each hour.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs to light breeze from NW, falling calm last hour.
High water about 7.00am.
Moderate swell from seaward.
At 4.45am sent the 2nd cutter, armed with rifles and Colt's automatic gun, with Lieutenant Gillmore and Ensign Standley in charge, to land the latter for a reconnaissance from the top of the hill and to develop the position of the Spanish troops.
After landing Ensign Standley, the 2nd cutter pulled up the river, sounding en route, and disappeared about 5.50am.
Ensign Standley appeared on the beach at 7.20am, sent in whaleboat to bring him on board.
Heard three rifle shots near the mouth of the river and observed five insurgents on the beach.
List of 2nd cutter crew is appended [below].
8am to meridian:
Light airs to light breeze from NE.
Fair and warm.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am and exercised divisions at rifles.
Sent the 3rd cutter, with armed boat's crew in charge of Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh, to patrol the beach.
Boat returned at 11.30am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle East-northeasterly breeze.
At 1.00pm sent Ensign W.H. Standley in 3rd cutter, armed, to patrol beach, and anchor buoy and find distance of the vessel from reef.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from ENE.
Equipped 1st cutter and whaleboat and 3rd cutter for picket duty.
Lowered 1st cutter at 5.55pm.
Fired 5 shrapnel [shells] from starboard after 6-inch gun at point at mouth of river to clear point of insurgents in case the 2nd cutter's crew attempted to come down the river.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light ENE breeze.
At 7.30pm two armed cutters and one armed whaleboat left the ship, with Lieutenants Thomas and Clark and Ensign Knox in charge, to do picket duty at mouth of river.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from Northward and Eastward.
Three armed boats on picket duty close to beach, under command of Lieutenant Thomas.
Every half hour made signal by Army code with searchlight beam, "Boats wait off beach and bar", as a guide to any of the missing boat's crew who might be endeavoring to escape.
Picket boats were fired on from the beach during night.
No casualties.
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[Inserted note]
List of 2nd cutter crew, missing: W. Walton, Chief Quartermaster; P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate; L.P. Edwards, Landsman; F. Anderson, Landsman; C.A. Morrisey, Landsman; O.B. McDonald, Ordinary Seaman; O.W. Woodbury, Seaman; J. Ellsworth, Coxswain; D.G.A. Venville, Apprentice First-class; S. Brisolese, Ordinary Seaman; W.H. Rynders, Seaman; A. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class; E.J. Nygard, Gunner's Mate Third-class; J. Dillon, Landsman.
4am to 8am watch, [signed] C. Thomas, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy
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13 April 1899
At anchor Baler Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.80, Long 121.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly and Westerly airs and breeze.
Used searchlights at intervals during watch.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SW to calm.
At dawn observed our boats to North of mouth of river standing to Southward across the mouth of the river.
At daylight hoisted general recall.
All picket parties returned to ship.
Secured 1st cutter to port boom, 3rd cutter at starboard boom, and sent relief crew in charge of Assistant Engineer Washington to lie off the beach to the Southward of the mouth of the river, to keep a lookout for any of the missing crew.
Allowed boats' crews to sleep in until 7.30am.
Hoisted whaleboat's recall at 7.55am.
Secured whaleboat astern.
Did not test siren on account of repairs being made.
At 7.45am heard 13 shots and 2 volleys on the beach near the church.
At 8.00 o'clock one shot was heard on the point South of the mouth of the river, and the shot struck the water in line with the whaleboat.
List of 2nd cutter's crew: W. Walton, Chief Quartermaster; J. Ellsworth, Coxswain; P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate; D.G.A. Venville, Apprentice First-class [Second-class in log-book]; L.P. Edwards, Landsman; F. Anderson, Landsman; S. Brisolese [Brisolies in log-book], Ordinary Seaman; C.A. Morrisey, Landsman; W.H. Rynders, Seaman; A. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class; O.B. McDonald, Ordinary Seaman; O.W. Woodbury, Seaman; J. Nygard, Gunner's Mate Third-class; J. Dillon, Landsman.
8am to meridian:
Clear to cloudy and sultry.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Absentees as follows: Lieutenant J.C. Gillmore, U.S. Navy, William Walton, Chief Quartermaster, J. Ellsworth, Coxswain, O.W. Woodbury, Seaman, A. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, C.A. Morrisey, Landsman, E.J. Nygard, Gunner's Mate Third-class, W.H. Rynders, Seaman, [S.] Brisolese, Ordinary Seaman, J. Dillon, Landsman, F. Anderson, Landsman, P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate, L.P. Edwards, Landsman, D.G.A. Venville, Apprentice First-class, and O.B. McDonald, Ordinary Seaman.
At 10.30am sent two boats with flags of truce in attempt to communicate with insurgents without success.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light airs from ENE.
Partly cloudy and hot.
Flag of truce boats returned at 12.15pm, having received no answer from shore.
Stores in the missing boat, in the various departments, as per appended lists [below].
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light East-northeasterly airs.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and had setting up drill.
Absent as follows: Lieutenant J.C. Gillmore, William Walton, Chief Quartermaster, J. Ellsworth, Coxswain, O.W. Woodbury, Seaman, A. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, C.A. Morrisey, Landsman, E.J. Nygard, Gunner's Mate Third-class, W.H. Rynders, Seaman, A. Brisolese, Ordinary Seaman, J. Dillon, Landsman, F. Anderson, Landsman, P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate, L.P. Edwards, Landsman, D.G. Venville, Apprentice First-class, and O.B. McDonald, Ordinary Seaman.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from ENE.
Equipped 3rd cutter with crew of 11 men and 4 Marines and sent her in in charge of Assistant Engineer Washington to do picket duty.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light SW airs.
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[Inserted note]
Meridian to 4pm, April 13th, 1899.
List of articles in Construction and Repair Department in missing boat: 1 boat, 2nd cutter; 1 boat breaker, 5 gallons; 1 boat breaker, 8 gallons; 1 boat bucket; 2 stands, breaker; 2 stanchions, awning; 1 backboard; 4 boat hooks; 1 staff, ensign; 1 staff, pennant; 1 rudder; 1 set spars; 1 set stretchers; 2 tillers; 1 yoke; 1 chest, boat; 1 lock and key; 1 ax; 1 hatchet; 1 saw; 1 hammer; 1 screwdriver; 1 cold chisel; 1 calking iron; 1 tool handle, giant; 1 pair pliers; 1 brace and bits; 1 marline spike; palm needles; nails, screw; tags; lead wire; wicking; spun yarn; twine; 6 fathoms 18-thread manila; fishing leads, lines and hooks; tallow; oil; matches; rags; candles; match-rope; canvas; and medical outfit.
And in Equipment Department: 1 anchor, boat; 2 grapnels, boat; 1 awning, boat; 1 cover, boat; 1 cover, sail; 1 curtains, arm, boat; 1 sails and bag, boat; 1 grapnel line; 1 set lines, trailing; 1 set rigging, boat's; 1 set stoppers; 6 fenders, boat; 1 set mufflers, boat; 1 tarpaulin, boat.
And in Equipment (Navigation stores) Department: 1 lead and line, boat; 1 lead and line, hand; 1 compass, boat; 1 ensign, boat; 1 lantern, hand; 1 lantern, D.D. [?]; 2 flags, wigwag; 1 boat signal book.
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[Inserted note]
In Ordnance Department: 1 Colt's automatic machine gun, number 135; 1 arc mount, automatic machine gun, number 134; 1 tripod, automatic machine gun; 4 boxes ammunition, Colt's machine gun; 4 belts, feed, Colt's machine gun; 1 cover, Colt's machine gun; 15 6-mm rifles; 15 belts, rifle; 1 revolver .38 caliber, direct action; 1000 rounds cartridges, ball, 6 mm, in clips; 100 rounds cartridges, ball, .38 caliber; 14 scabbards, bayonet; 1 cartridge box; 1 holster, revolver; 1000 rounds cartridges, ball, 6 mm, loose; 1 stadimeter.
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14 April 1899
At anchor off Baler Bay and on passage to Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.80, Long 121.60
Commences and until 4am:
Light airs from WSW.
Partly cloudy, starlight.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light West-southwesterly airs and calm.
Picket boat returned at daylight.
Shut down all auxiliaries at 6.00am to repair steam pipe.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy to clear and pleasant.
Light airs from North and East.
Went to quarters at 9.30am.
Absentees as follows: W. Walton, Chief Quartermaster, J. Ellsworth, Coxswain, P. Vaudoit, Sailmaker's Mate, D.G.A. Venville, Apprentice First-class, L.P. Edwards, Landsman, F. Anderson, Landsman, S. Brisolese, Ordinary Seaman, C.A. Morrisey, Landsman, W.H. Rynders, Seaman, A. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, O.B. McDonald, Ordinary Seaman, O.W. Woodbury, Seaman, E.J. Nygard, Gunner's Mate Third-class, and J. Dillon, Landsman.
Equipped 3rd cutter and whaleboat, and sent them in charge of Lieutenant G.R. Clark and Ensign D.W. Knox, with flags of truce hoisted in each boat.
They left the ship at 10.20am and returned at 11.00 o'clock, not having been able to get any sign of recognition from shore.
Went to general quarters at 10.15 o'clock, secured at 11.10am.
Hoisted whaleboat and 3rd cutter.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Light ENE to Easterly airs.
Weekly inspection of compartments made by following officers: Lieutenant Clark; Ensigns Standley, Wurtsbaugh and Knox; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy; Chief Engineer Cleaver.
Flood cocks tested.
Temperatures: forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 94°; forward shell room 91° to 92°; fixed ammunition room 94° to 98°; after magazine 86° to 93°; after shell room 94° to 102°.
Unshotted all guns and secured all boats for sea.
Started auxiliaries.
4pm to 6pm:
Light airs from East.
Fair and warm.
Mustered at quarters at 5.00pm.
Same absentees as at quarters yesterday.
Exercised at setting up drill.
Continued preparations for sea.
Started fires under boiler D at 5.45pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and warm.
Light East-northeasterly airs.
Continued preparations for sea.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with rain squalls last hour.
Barometer steady.
Light breeze from NE.
Fires in A, B, C and D boilers.
Turned engines and steering gear at 9.45pm.
At 10.00 o'clock hove up anchor, got under way at 10.20pm, headed NNE.
At 10.35pm headed NE (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 77.2.
At 11 o'clock changed course to NE by East (per compass), patent log [reading] 81.0.
At 11.30pm changed course to S71°E (per standard [compass]), patent log [reading] 85.2.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 89.6.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 92.
Draft aft 16 feet 4 inches, forward 13 feet 8 inches.
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15 April 1899
On passage from Baler Bay to Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 15.17, Long 123.65
Commences and until 4am:
Generally clear, with occasional passing showers.
Gentle breeze from NE by East.
On course S71°E (per standard compass), under [steam in] four boilers.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 102.
4am to 8am:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle East-northeasterly breeze.
At 7.30am tested siren and steam whistle.
On course S71°E (per compass), [under] steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 103.
8am to meridian:
Generally clear, with passing showers.
Gentle breeze from ENE to East.
Standing on course S71°E.
Set clock ahead ten minutes between eleven and twelve [o'clock].
Temperature of forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 94°, forward shell room 92° to 92°, fixed ammunition room 97° to 93°, after magazine 92° to 95° [85° in log-book], after shell room 95° to 103°.
General field day.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 103.7.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 97.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Gentle breeze from North and East.
Smooth sea.
Under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers, course (per standard compass) S71°E.
At 1 o'clock changed course to SE¾E, patent log [reading] 6.1.
Average steam for watch 120 [pounds], revolutions 104.5.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 34.1.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, followed by clearing.
Gentle East by North breeze.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course SE¾E (per standard compass) until 4.35pm, when changed to ESE¾E (per standard compass), patent log reading 40.0.
At 6.00pm sounded collision signal, and closed watertight doors in 1¼ minutes.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 101.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from East by North.
At 10.12pm changed course to South (per standard [compass]), patent log [reading] 90.1.
At 11.00pm stopped starboard engine to adjust oil cup.
Starting it again at 11.10pm.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 102.4.
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16 April 1899
On passage from Baler Bay to Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 12.43, Long 124.05
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE by East.
Barometer falling.
Under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers, course (per compass) South.
At 2.45am changed course to SW by South, patent log [reading] 32.1.
Average steam 94 [pounds], revolutions 98.1.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 42.7.
4am to 8am:
Generally cloudy and pleasant, with occasional light passing showers.
Light to gentle SE by East to SE breeze.
Under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers, on course SW by South (per standard compass) until 5.45am, when changed to SW¼S (per standard compass), patent log reading 57.6.
At 6.15am made out land on starboard bow and beam.
At 7.45am sighted Vari Island [Biri Island?] bearing SSW.
Steam 95 [pounds], revolutions 95.1.
8am to meridian:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Gentle Southeasterly breeze.
Steaming under boilers A, B, C and D, on course SW¼S (per standard compass) until 8.40am, when changed course to SSW¾S, patent log reading 84.5.
Sighted San Bernardino Island [Bernadino Island in log-book] at 8.35am bearing ½ point on port bow.
At 9.25am changed course to South by West, patent log reading 91.4.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, and Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship.
San Bernardino light abeam at 10.00am.
At 10.14am changed course to SW¾S, patent log reading 99.5.
At 10.40am sighted small steamer off Calayuan Point [Kalakuan Point in log-book], and at 10.45am sighted another steamer off Kinamaligan Island.
At 11.07am changed course to SW½W, Ticlin Island [Ticklin Island in log-book] abeam.
At 11.27am Capul [Cabal in log-book] light abeam.
Temperature forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 95°, forward shell room 91° to 93°, forward fixed ammunition room 95° to 100°, after magazine 87° to 92°, after shell room 98° to 104°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with rain in showers second hour.
Light Northeasterly breeze.
At 12.30pm, patent log [reading] 20.1, [San] Andres Island SE by E½E (per standard compass), distant 3 miles, set course South by E⅞E (per standard [compass]).
At 2.35pm Sibugay Island [Sibugai Island in log-book] abeam, distant 7 miles.
At 4.00pm, patent log [reading] 54.0, Balanguingue Island abeam, distant 3 miles, changed course to S⅜W (per standard [compass].
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 102.1.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with occasional rain squalls.
Gentle breeze NE by North.
Under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers, course S⅜W (per standard compass).
At 5.20pm changed course to W⅛S (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 67.5, headed for Gigantes Islands, which were made out at 7.55pm, bearing one a little on starboard bow and the other dead ahead.
Cockbilled starboard anchor.
Revolutions for watch 98.9, steam 97 [pounds].
Patent log end of watch [read] 91.7.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to gentle breeze from NE by North to ENE.
On course W⅛S (per standard compass) until 9.15pm, when came to in 20 fathoms water, with 75 fathoms on starboard chain.
At 8.45pm hauled in patent log, reading 98.1.
From anchorage South Gigantes Island [bearing] W⅜S (magnetic).
G.E. Connell, Second-class Fireman, forced to leave station in fireroom on account of heat prostration.
Kinamaligan Island is also known as Bani Island.
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17 April 1899
On passage from Baler Bay to, and at anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.98, Long 122.92
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with light passing showers.
Gentle East-northeasterly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from East to SE by East.
Hove in at 5.45am, up anchor at 6.00am.
Went ahead full speed at 6.10am on a course S50°W (per standard compass), put over patent log, reading 98.1.
At 7.20am changed course to SW½S (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 10.6.
At 7.40am changed course to SSW (per compass), patent log [reading] 13.3.
At 8.00 o'clock changed course to South (per compass), patent log [reading] 17.0.
Sighted Baliguian Island bearing S15°W at 7.10am.
Tested steam siren and whistle at 7.30am.
Under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 88.
Draft forward 12 feet 7 inches, aft 16 feet 0 inches.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional light showers.
Light and gentle breeze from SE by East and ENE.
On a course South.
At 8.40am changed course to SW by West, patent log reading 22.7.
At 9.25am changed course to SW¾W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 30.8.
At 10.10am changed course to S64°W (per standard [compass]), patent log [reading] 37.7.
At 11.25am changed course to S26°W (per standard [compass]), patent log [reading] 49.2.
At 11.45am changed course to SSW¾W, patent log [reading] 52.2.
Stopped starboard engine from 10.37am to 11.00am to make repairs.
Slowed both engines [at] 11.25am.
At 10.40am Calabazas [Island] light abeam.
At 9.30am mustered divisions at quarters, Lieutenant Gillmore and 2nd cutter's crew absent.
Drilled all divisions at divisional drills.
Exercised signal class.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, passing showers first hour.
Light Westerly airs.
Standing into Iloilo harbor on various courses, Commanding Officer and pilot conning.
At 3.05pm came to anchor in 14½ fathoms, with 45 fathoms on port chain, about 300 yards from U.S.S. "Charleston".
Bearings from anchorage: Point Bondulan SW by W½W (magnetic), Point Dapdap North by E½E (magnetic).
Draft forward 12 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet.
Signals: at 2.33pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book], cornet 389; at 2.40pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", cornet 146; at 2.45pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book], interrogatory 1211; at 2.55pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", affirmative; at 2.55pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Concord and Iris anchored in 12 fathoms"; at 3.10pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Send boat for fresh beef Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to Indiana at 4pm, signed Whiting"; at 3.35pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Do you wish to send your boat for fresh beef?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book], "Yes".
At 3.30pm U.S.S. "Concord" got under way and left harbor.
At 3.40pm U.S.S. "Petrel" got under way and left harbor.
Steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 88.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and overcast, with heavy rain.
Light airs and breeze from South.
Sent boat to U.S.S. "Indiana" for fresh beef.
Sent Paymaster's Clerk S.H. Knowles to Iloilo to send telegram to Commander-in-Chief.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 471 pounds beef.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Charleston".
Signals: 4.05pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Mark your telegram official business, pay in advance ten cents Mexican per word"; 4.40pm U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "When you come alongside come on our port side".
Light hauled fires in A and B, let C and D [boilers] die out.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
Secured steam launch at 9.30pm.
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18 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
4am to 8am:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Calm to light variable airs.
Rigged in both booms, starboard gangway and davits, took down light box and sounding platform on starboard side.
Took 5-inch hawser aft on poop and one on forecastle.
Rigged out port gangway.
Called up anchor at 6.05am, went along port side of U.S.S. "Iris" at 6.28am.
Secured with bow and stern lines and bow and quarter breasts.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Light airs.
Coaling from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
Received from Bureau of Navigation the Continuous Service Certificates of John Gordon, First-class Fireman, and John Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate.
Temperature of forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 95°, forward shell room 93° to 94°, fixed ammunition room 95° to 100°, after magazine 88° to 92°, after shell room 101° to 104°.
Received on board: 29 tons 1924 pounds of coal.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, with rain, followed by clearing.
Coaling from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
Light variable airs to calm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with occasional passing showers.
Light variable airs to calm.
Coaling until 5.30pm, took in about 80 tons for whole day.
Hoisted gig and 3rd cutter.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy.
Began taking fresh water in tanks at 10.30pm, U.S.S. "Iris" distilling directly to us.
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19 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and calm.
Continued taking fresh water in tanks.
4am to 8am:
Clear to cloudy and pleasant.
U.S.S. "Iris" stopped distilling to us at 5.45am, received about 1200 gallons fresh water.
Began coaling at 5.30am, received during watch 17 tons 148 pounds.
Small gunboat came in at 7.00am, flying Spanish colors.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
[Light airs from North and NE.]
Continued coaling from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
At 10 o'clock made signal numeral eight.
Received during watch 39 tons 162 pounds coal.
At noon made signal numeral 184.
Temperature forward magazine 91° [Fahrenheit] to 92°, forward shell room 92° to 92°, forward fixed ammunition room 94° to 98°, after magazine 86° to 90°, after shell room 99° to 102°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs from East.
Received from U.S.S. "Indiana" in Paymaster's Department: 341 pounds fresh beef.
The following changes in ratings were made, to date from this date: W.R. Henderson, Ordinary Seaman to Seaman; W.E. James, Ordinary Seaman to Seaman; G. Carlet, from Ordinary Seaman to Seaman.
Coaling ship.
H. Harris, Landsman, fell and hurt his leg while coaling ship, injury a contusion, apparently not very severe.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Finished coaling at 5 o'clock.
Draft forward 14 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
At 5.00pm called all hands unmoor ship, cast off lines and backed clear of U.S.S. "Iris" at 5.10pm, dropped port anchor at 5.15pm in 13 fathoms water, veered to 45 fathoms chain inside.
Bearings of anchorage: Point Bondulan SW by W⅝W, Point Gimalik SW⅜W (magnetic).
Soft bottom, 13 fathoms.
Washed down decks.
Hoisted 3rd cutter.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Charleston".
Visiting party from U.S.S. "Charleston" came on board.
Total amount of coal received on board: 175 tons.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with occasional passing showers.
Light NE airs to Calm.
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20 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Crew engaged in cleaning ship.
Signals at 7.00am, U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown": B-06, M-08.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from WSW.
General field day.
Cleaning sides.
At 10.00am made signals numeral seven and numeral zero.
Temperature forward magazine 90° [Fahrenheit] to 92°, forward shell room 90° to 91°, fixed ammunition room 93° to 97°, after magazine 85° to 90°, after shell room 92° to 95°.
At noon made signal numeral 355.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from WSW.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, was engaged in diving two hours during watch, cleaning port propeller.
At 4.00pm signaled to U.S.S. "Charleston" interrogatory 2894, and affirmative.
Touching up outside of boats.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters, absent: Lieutenant J.C. Gillmore, U.S. Navy, and 2nd cutter's crew.
Let crew go in swimming.
At 7.00pm signaled to U.S.S. "Charleston", "Permission to test searchlights", permission granted.
Tested searchlight.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Charleston".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs from SE.
Secured steam launch at 9.00 o'clock.
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21 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy to clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Got steam up in launch.
Coaled and watered steam launch.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, went down in diving suit at 6.00 o'clock, coming up at 7.30am, having been down 1½ hours engaged in cleaning strainer on injection valve.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Calm and light Easterly airs.
Clear and pleasant.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, Lieutenant Gillmore and 2nd cutter's crew absent.
Drilled divisions at small arms.
Cleaning sides.
At 10.20am received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "May we borrow your collision mat for three or four days at 4pm this afternoon?", answered "Yes".
The following punishments were awarded by Commanding Officer: J.M. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class, 4 days' extra duty; J. Smith, First-class Fireman, 7 days' extra duty; W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, 1 day's extra duty; G.B. Schmidt, Landsman, 2 days' extra duty.
At 10.00am made signals numeral zero and numeral 7.
Quarterly Board of Survey condemned and threw overboard 8 pounds ham.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, engaged in diving two hours and a half, in cleaning after injectors and starboard propeller.
At noon made signal numeral 351.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light WSW breeze.
Weekly inspection of compartments made by following officers: Lieutenants Thomas and Clark; Ensigns Standley, Wurtsbaugh and Knox; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy; and Chief Engineer Cleaver.
Tested flood cocks and hand pumps.
Temperatures: after shell room 97° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; fixed ammunition room 94° to 100°; forward magazine 94° to 98°; forward shell room 92° to 93°.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light WSW airs to calm.
At 5.00pm went to fire quarters, all ready in one minute.
Signals: U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Thanks. I would like to have launch tomorrow morning at 6.00 o'clock. I will let you know later about diving"; At 6.10pm, "We will get under way at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, will not use steam cutter, will surf boat do for diving gear?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Must have boat with square stern for diving".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
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22 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from NW.
4am to 8am:
Fair to cloudy and warm.
Light airs from NW and calm.
U.S.S. "Iris" got under way at 7.15am.
Small American steamer came in.
U.S.S. "Charleston" made time and uniform signals.
At 9.30am tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from West and SW.
At 8.15am sent 1st cutter with B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, and diving outfit to U.S.S. "Iris" in tow of steam cutter.
At 10 o'clock sent signals numerals zero and eight.
At 10.30am called to quarters and inspected aired bedding.
General field day.
At 11.45am English gunboat sighted coming into harbor.
At 10.20am made signal to flagship, 2240, flagship answered affirmative.
At noon made signal numeral 347.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, engaged in diving alongside U.S.S. "Iris" for three (3) hours.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from West.
At 12.30pm an English gunboat came in and anchored near the fort.
The steam cutter towed 1st cutter with diving gear back from U.S.S. "Iris".
At 3.30pm asked, and was granted, permission to pipe down scrub and wash clothes.
Hoisted 1st cutter, took diving gear out of her.
Sent mail orderly ashore at 1.30pm.
The following named men did extra duty: J. Smith, Second-class Fireman; G.B. Schmidt, Ordinary Seaman; and J.W. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and warm, occasional flashes of lightning to the Northward.
Light breeze from WSW.
U.S.S. "Iris" got under way and resumed her old anchorage.
She signaled to Senior Officer present (U.S.S. "Charleston"), "Repairs completed".
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Charleston".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly airs to calm.
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23 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, pleasant and calm.
Signals: at 7.00am U.S.S. "Charleston" to squad, B-06, M-08.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from SW.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
Executive Officer read articles of war.
At 10 o'clock made signals numerals zero and eight.
At 10.05am a steamer flying United States flag came into port.
Received from Bureau of Navigation the permanent appointment of W.H. Crosby as Chief Master-at-Arms.
Temperatures of forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 92° to 92°, fixed ammunition room 95° to 99°, after shell room 98° - 92° [sic].
J.M. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class, and J. Smith, First-class Fireman, did extra duty.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" made an official call on the Commanding Officer.
At noon made signal numeral 342.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from North and SW.
Sent liberty party on shore at 1.00pm.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Charleston" at 1.00pm.
U.S.S. "Bennington" came in from Manila at 2.00pm.
Received mail by her.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from SW to calm.
Liberty party returned at 5.00pm.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Bennington".
Let men go in swimming.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and warm.
Secured steam launch at 9.30pm.
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24 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from SE.
Sent 3rd cutter in tow of steam cutter to United States transport U.S.S. "Indiana" for fresh beef.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 278 pounds fresh beef.
H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" got under way at 7 o'clock and shifted anchorage, nearer the mouth of the river.
Hoisted colors, hauling them down when H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" anchored.
Tested steam siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from North.
At 9.20am Commanding Officer left the ship to pay official visits to H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" and U.S.S. "Bennington".
At 9.30am received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "How much will be amount of bill for diver?", answered "Two hours, see Article 1231, Regulations".
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and drilled divisions at divisional drills.
At 11.30am received signal from U.S.S. "Charleston", "Captain Sperry will remain on Charleston for lunch". [Crossed out]
The quarterly board of survey inspected gun deck cofferdams.
At 10.00am made signals zero and eight, at noon made signals numerals 4 and 338.
Temperature of forward magazine 91° [Fahrenheit] to 93°, forward shell room 90° to 91°, fixed ammunition room 93° to 96°, after shell room 90° to 96°.
The following named men did extra duty: J. Smith, First-class Fireman, and J.M. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Light SW airs.
Yoke of gig lost overboard.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1.00pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Liberty party returned at 5.30pm, except W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and exercised at setting up drill.
Calm to light variable airs.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, with rain.
Light airs and breeze from North and calm.
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25 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy to clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs and calm.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
At 5.30am started fires in C boiler.
U.S.S. "Charleston" got under way at 5.45am and stood out to the Southward.
At 6.00am hoisted Senior Officer's pennant at mizzen.
At 7.00am made uniform and time signals.
Tested siren and whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from NE.
Broke out forward magazine and cleaned bilges under forward magazine.
Pumped out compartment A-99.
Painting under forecastle.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, Parkhurst, W.G., Seaman, absent over time.
Drilled divisions at divisional drills.
At 9.45am sent signal to U.S.S. "Iris", "Our regular boat hours are one and four PM".
At 10.00am received signals from U.S.S. "Bennington", numerals 0 and 1, and from U.S.S. "Iris", 0 and 1.
Temperature forward magazine 92° [Fahrenheit] to 93°, forward shell room 92° to 93°, fixed ammunition room 94° to 99°, after shell room 92° to 97°.
At noon received signals from U.S.S. "Bennington", numerals 330 and 3, and from U.S.S. "Iris", 833 and 5.
J. Smith, First-class Fireman, did extra duty.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from WNW to SW.
Cleaned bilges under forward magazine and the Hull Board inspected them, reporting them in good condition.
Restowed forward magazine.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1 o'clock.
Painting under forecastle forward.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SW to calm.
Went to quarters at 5.00pm, absentee: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
Liberty party returned on board at 5.30pm.
Hoisted 3rd cutter.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, with passing showers.
Light SSW to SE airs.
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26 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light variable airs.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Signals at 7.00am: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to squad, B-06, M-08.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs.
At 9.30am sounded call to collision drill, 1st Division ready and collision mat in place in 4 minutes, 2nd Division ready in 4 minutes, 3rd Division ready in 4 minutes, Powder Division ready in 1 minute 30 seconds, Engineer's Division ready in 1 minute, Marines ready in 1 minute.
Mustered at quarters.
At 9.30am U.S.S. "Bennington" got under way and headed out Southern channel.
W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, absent over time.
At 10.00am sighted United States transport ship "Conemaugh" heading in, Southern channel.
U.S.S. "Bennington" turned and followed in wake of "Conemaugh".
At 10.25am received wigwag signal from U.S.S. "Bennington", "Have returned to pick up pilot from Conemaugh".
At 10.25am from U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Are you going to send for mail?", from U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Yes".
At 11.35am from U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "No mail".
At 11.34am U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "We are anchored waiting for pilot".
Sent boarding officer aboard "Conemaugh".
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: G.B. Schmitt, Landsman, 7 days' extra duty; W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class; R. Hoffman, Coal Passer, reduced to 4th [conduct] class, and 10 days' extra duty; E. Ethier, Blacksmith, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class; W.E. James, Seaman, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
Temperature forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 92° to 93°, fixed ammunition room 94° to 100°, after shell room 90° to 94°.
G.B. Schmidt, Landsman, and J. Smith, First-class Fireman, did extra duty.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes to gentle breeze from SW.
Small American steamer came in at 2.00pm.
U.S.S. "Bennington" stood out at 2.00pm.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Finished cleaning forward shell room and restowed it.
Small steamer from Southward came in with quarantine flag at fore.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly airs.
Liberty party returned at 5.00pm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant, heavy showers.
Secured steam launch at 9.30pm for the night.
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27 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from ESE.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and warm.
Calm to light variable airs.
Started fires in steam launch.
Lowered gig.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Calm to light airs from North and West.
Medical assistance given to man from American ship "Susquehanna".
At 9.30am sounded call to general quarters, 1st Division reported ready in 5 minutes, 2nd Division ready in 3 minutes 30 seconds, 3rd Division ready in 3 minutes 30 seconds, Powder Division ready in 1 minute 15 seconds, Engineer's Division ready in 1 minute, Marines ready in 4 minutes.
Absent over time: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
At 10.00am received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "Can you loan me half a dozen scaling hammers?", answered "Yes".
Continued painting under forecastle.
Temperature forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 93° to 93°, forward fixed ammunition room 92° to 93°, after shell room 92° to 96°.
G.B. Smith, Landsman, did extra duty.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Crew engaged in painting.
At 1.00pm sent liberty party ashore.
Loaded 90 6-pounder saluting charges.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters, absent over time: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
Exercised at setting up drill.
Liberty party returned.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain first hour.
Light Southeasterly airs and calm.
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28 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
At 7.00am made time and uniform signals.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SE and NW.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, absent over time.
Exercised divisions at boats under oars.
Painting under forecastle, painting and cleaning inside deck lights.
At noon received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "Coal on hand 920, expended 8 tons".
G.B. Schmidt, Landsman, did extra duty.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
The Executive and Medical Officers made the usual weekly sanitary inspection of holds, storerooms and living spaces.
The divisional officers made the usual weekly inspection of compartments and mechanical devices for the safety of the ship, and reported all in good condition.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1.00pm.
Veered to 60 fathoms on port chain, secured at that.
Lowered gig at 3 o'clock.
Temperatures: forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; forward shell room 95° to 95°; fixed ammunition room 96° to 98°; after shell room 89° to 94°.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, showers first part of watch.
Hoisted gig and 3rd cutter.
Liberty party returned on board, M. Ahearn [O'Hearn in log-book] and J. Burns, Privates Marines, did not return.
At 7.30pm U.S.S. "Bennington" entered the harbor and anchored on our port quarters.
The usual numbers were exchanged, and permission to anchor was requested and granted.
Sent boarding officer on board.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly airs.
Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Bennington" called officially on the Commanding Officer.
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29 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light SE airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SE airs.
Aired bedding.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Signals: at 7.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to squad, B-06, M-08.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from NE and calm.
General field day.
Painting under forecastle.
Absent over time: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, M. Ahearn, Private Marine, and J. Burns, Private Marine.
At 10 o'clock received signals: U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numerals 0 and 5; U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numerals 0 and 1; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", interrogation 5455, answered affirmative; at 10.55am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book], "Send boat"; at noon received signal U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numerals 296 and 0, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", 821 and 2.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, reported neglect of brightwork, 3 days' extra duty and 2nd [conduct] class; W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer, using vulgar and obscene language to machinist on watch, 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water.
Temperatures: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 93° to 94°; fixed ammunition room 94° to 97°; after shell room 88° to 93°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs and breeze from NE, with passing showers last hour.
The United States transport "Pennsylvania" came in, two days from Cebu for Manila.
English steamer "Zweena" came in from Saigon, four days, for Hong Kong.
Sent liberty party on shore at 1.00pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light passing showers first hour.
Liberty party returned at 5.30pm.
Signaled to U.S.S. "Bennington" and U.S.S. "Iris", "Pennsylvania will sail for Manila tonight, time not known".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and warm.
Calm to light breeze from SE.
Secured steam cutter at 9.30pm.
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30 April 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from NW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and calm to light airs from NE.
Made uniform signal at 7.00am.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Coaled and watered steam launch.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from North and calm.
Mustered at quarters.
Absentees as follows: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, M. Ahearn, Private Marine, and J. Burns, Private Marine.
Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
At 10 o'clock received signals from U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numerals 4 and 4, from U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numerals 0 and 2.
At 11.20am U.S.S. "Bennington" got under way.
At 10.40am received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "When you send boat please send my orders and those of Mr. Bissett", signed Veeder.
At 11.50am M. Ahearn and J. Burns, Privates Marine, were brought off to ship by police, and ten dollars reward for each was paid to police for their apprehension.
At noon received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", numerals 817 and 3.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light breeze to airs from West.
Transport "Pennsylvania" left harbor about 12.15pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Light airs to light breeze from West and calm.
Fair and warm.
Two small steamers came in from Southward.
Liberty party returned.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly airs.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
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1 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.61
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from North and West.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NE and calm.
At 7.00am made time and uniform signals.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light Northwesterly airs.
At 9.00am went to quarters and served out clean hammocks.
Scrubbing hammocks.
The American steamer "Salvador" came in.
Absent over time: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
By direction of the Commanding Officer, W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer, was temporarily released from confinement on the recommendation of the Medical Officer.
The following men came on board as stragglers from U.S.S. "Bennington": J.T. Kinzey, Private Marine; T.R. Closechose [?], Private Marine; B. Croft, Private Marine; H.D. Werzel, Private Marine.
Made preparations for getting under way.
At 11.40am called all hands up anchor.
Anchor foul.
At end of watch clearing foul anchor.
At 10.00am U.S.S. "Iris" signaled numeral 0, then numeral 1, at meridian numeral 812, numeral 5.
At 10.20am signaled to U.S.S. "Iris", "Commanding Officer repair on board", 10.30am annulling.
At 10.35am send boat.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light variable airs.
Went ahead at 12.02pm, having cleared anchor.
Slowed down and stopped at 1.05pm, picked up officers from Army tug "Lee Fat".
Went ahead at 1.15pm, steering various courses, Captain and pilot conning ship through Iloilo Straits to the Northward in search of proah with crew of 20 Tagalog [Tegallor in log-book] armed with Mauser rifles.
At 1.45pm [12.45pm in log-book] rounded Siete Pecados Island, course E¾S (per compass).
At 2.00pm course North by E¾E (per compass), Tomonton Point bearing NE¼E.
At 3.20pm came about and made course SSW, Tomonton Point abeam, Calabazas Island [Calabasos in log-book] lighthouse NE⅝N.
Draft forward 14 feet, aft 16 feet.
Piped down scrubbed hammocks at 4 o'clock.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, raining first part of watch.
[Light airs and breeze from SSE to calm.]
Pilot and Navigator conning ship.
At 5.40pm headed for Siete Pecados [Island].
At 6 o'clock went to quarters and turned in clean hammocks.
Absent over time: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
At 6.27pm dropped port anchor in 13 fathoms water, 60 fathoms chain.
Banked fires so as to be ready to get under way in half an hour.
Got out steam launch, rigged out lower booms.
Draft aft 16 feet 1 inch, forward 13 feet 11 inches.
Bearings of anchorage as follows: Point Dapdap North by E½E, Point Bondulan SW by W⅝W, Point Gimalik SW¼S (all magnetic).
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northwesterly airs to calm.
At 8.13pm made signal to U.S.S. "Iris", "Mail leaves this ship at seven in the morning".
Proah is an alternative spelling of proa; a sailing vessel with a single, large outrigger.
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2 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Calm to light Northerly airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SE airs to calms.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
At 7.00am signaled to U.S.S. "Iris" B-06, M-08.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from West and SE.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am, W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, absent over time.
Divisions drilled at infantry.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, wearing dirty and ragged clothes at Sunday inspection, reduced 1 [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty; E. Vasser, Apprentice Second-class, disposing of clothes without permission, reduced 1 [conduct] class and 5 days' extra duty; E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, not at station getting under way, 1 day's extra duty; J. Bertsche, Plumber and Fitter, disrespect to Executive Officer and failure to obey order promptly, 5 days' [confinement on] bread and water; J. Burns, Private Marine, and M. Ahearn, Private Marine, 43 hours over time, brought off by police, lose 3 [conduct] classes and 14 days' extra duty.
J. Bertsche, Plumber and Fitter, confined at 10.45am by order of Commanding Officer.
M. Ahearn, Private Marine, E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, and G.B. Schmidt, Landsman, did extra duty.
Temperature forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 93° to 94°, [fixed] ammunition room 98° to 102°, after magazine 87° to 90°, after shell room 88° to 102°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Gentle breeze from West and WSW.
Fair and pleasant.
Sent liberty party on shore at 1.00pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from WSW and North.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters.
Absent over time: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
F. Johnson, Seaman, and D. Ford, Ordinary Seaman, returned from liberty 1½ hours over time.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and cool.
Calm to light airs from SE.
At 8.30pm W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer, was placed in double irons under sentry's charge for safe keeping, he having attempted to get hold of a bayonet with evident criminal intent (insane, C.S.S. [Charles S. Sperry]).
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3 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from East.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Started fires in steam launch.
Made routine signals.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
At 9.25am sent wigwag signal to U.S.S. "Iris", "Send Doctor for survey".
At 9.30am sounded signal for collision drill, all divisions reported and collision mat in place in 3½ minutes.
Drilled all divisions at divisional drills.
Commanding Officer ordered medical survey on W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer.
Mustered at quarters.
The absentees are as follows: W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain, T. Healy, Ordinary Seaman, H.A. Parry, Seaman, D. Attridge, Second-class Fireman, W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, and T.M. Howard, Oiler.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: D. Ford, Ordinary Seaman, 1½ hours over time, reduced one [conduct] class; F. Johnson, Seaman, 1½ hours over time, reduced one [conduct] class; C. Rankin, Seaman, assaulting another person in the Navy, and using obscene language, three days in solitary confinement on bread and water.
The Commanding Officer remitted the unexercised part of confinement of W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer.
At 10 o'clock U.S.S. "Iris" signaled numeral 0 and numeral 1.
At noon U.S.S. "Iris" signaled numeral 794 and numeral 1.
The following men did extra duty: J. Burns, Private Marine; M. Ahearn, Private Marine; E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class; G.B. Schmidt, Landsman.
Temperatures of forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 94° to 94°, fixed ammunition room 96° to 99°, after shell room 96° to 100°.
A Board of Survey, Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy, U.S. Navy, senior member, held a survey on W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light WSW breeze.
Navigator inspected steering gear.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1.00pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light WSW breeze to calm.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up.
Same absentees as at morning quarters.
Allowed fires to die out under C boiler.
Liberty party returned, except J.T. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, and R.J. McCormick, Coal Passer.
Following men returned on board 24 hours over time, having been delivered to ship's police by Provost Marshal of Iloilo: M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain; T. Healy, Ordinary Seaman; H.A. Parry, Seaman; D. Attridge, Second-class Fireman; T.M. Howard, Oiler; W. Hopkins, Coal Passer.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from North and SW.
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4 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 7.00am made time and uniform signals.
Lighted fires in steam launch.
At 7.30am tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from NW.
Went to general quarters at 9.30am, all divisions reported ready in 5 minutes.
Absentees as follows, over time: J. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, R.J. McCormick, Coal Passer, and W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman.
Temperatures of forward magazine 100° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 94° to 95°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 99°, after shell room 93° to 100°.
Sent following signals to U.S.S. "Iris", "Mail to go by Indiana will leave this ship at 11 o'clock".
The Pilot Anselmo Lochundo [?] left the ship, he having been paid off at the rate of $10.00 Mexican per day for 28 days (since April 7th, 1899).
Broke out cofferdams forward, and the Hull Board examined them and recommended cleaning and painting.
They were cleaned at once.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: T. Healy, Ordinary Seaman, M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain, H.A. Parry, Seaman, W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, T.M. Howard, Oiler, and D. Attridge, Second-class Fireman, 24 hours over time, reduced to 4th [conduct] class and 8 days' extra duty; D. Attridge, Second-class Fireman, using abusive and insulting language to an Army officer on duty, 1 month additional on the 4th [conduct] class.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Light airs from West to WSW.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1 o'clock.
The Army transport U.S.S. "Indiana" got under way and left the harbor at 3.15pm, exchanged colors with her.
Cleaning side and painting cofferdams.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Light airs from NW and NNE.
Liberty party returned on board.
J. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, and R.J. McCormick, Coal Passer, returned on board 24 hours over time.
Lowered gig, hoisted her on port quarter.
Hoisted 3rd cutter at 2nd cutter's davits.
Rigged in starboard davits, gangway out riggers, unshipped strongback for steamer's davits, sent to U.S.S. "Iris", and got cotton fenders and secured it abreast sponson of starboard waist gun.
Got all ready for going alongside of U.S.S. "Iris".
Tested searchlights and found them in good condition.
The following men did one day's extra duty: M. Ahearn, Private Marine; J. Burns, Private Marine; M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain; T. Healey, Ordinary Seaman; H.A. Parry, Seaman; W. Hopkins, Coal Passer; T.M. Howard, Oiler; D. Attridge, Second-class Fireman; and E. Vasser, Apprentice Second-class.
8pm to midnight:
Generally clear and pleasant.
Light NNE to Easterly airs.
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5 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs to calm.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light SE airs.
At 6.45am got under way and went alongside U.S.S. "Iris", port side.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light Westerly airs.
Coaling and taking water from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, declared a deserter from this ship and from the United States Naval Service to date from April 24th, 1899.
Ten o'clock report from U.S.S. "Iris": 0 absentees and 2 sick.
Took on 39 tons coal.
Noon report from U.S.S. "Iris": 36 tons coal expended and 752 tons on hand.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light and gentle Westerly breeze.
Continued coaling and taking on water.
The following officers made regular weekly inspection of compartments, in accordance with Paragraph [5], United States Navy Regulations: Lieutenant Thomas, Lieutenant Clark, Ensign Standley, Ensign Knox, Chief Engineer Cleaver and Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 95°, forward shell room 95° to 94°, fixed ammunition room 106° to 97°, after shell room 100° to 86°.
Tested flood cocks and found them in good working order, excepting after magazine, which works a little stiff.
Took on 30 tons coal.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW to calm.
Finished coaling at 4.30pm, took on 6 tons coal.
At 4.35pm cast off from U.S.S. "Iris" and proceeded under steam to anchorage.
Bearings: Point Bondulan SW by W½W, Point Gimalik SW⅞S, [Point] Dapdap NNE½E.
Anchored in 15¼ fathoms, with 60 fathoms port chain.
Draft forward 14 feet 4 inches, draft aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Cleaned ship.
Transferred fires from boilers C and D to A and B.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and warm.
Heavy showers last hour.
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6 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs from NW.
Heavy showers first part of watch.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from East.
General field day.
Sent 3rd cutter in charge of Ensign Knox to assist Army Signal Corps to repair cable between Iloilo and Negros.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Calm and light North-northeasterly airs.
Cloudy and warm, with passing rain showers [between] 10.00am and 11.00am.
The American steamer "St. Paul" came in at 11.00am.
Ships in midstream swung to ebb at 10.00am.
Sent for working party at 11.30am.
Signals: [10.00am] U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numeral 0, numeral 0; 12.00pm U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", numeral 713, numeral 43.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 95°; forward shell room 94° to 94°; fixed ammunition room 104° to 98°; after shell room 96° to 90°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Calm and light breeze from West by South.
Sent 3rd cutter with working party in charge of Ensign Knox to assist in repairing cable between Iloilo and Negros.
Sent liberty party on shore.
Sold at auction the effects of W.G. Parkhurst, Seaman, declared a deserter, realizing $2.15.
Sold contents of lucky bag for 160 cents.
Boarded steamer "St. Paul", 23 hours from Cebu.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from West and calm.
Working party returned at 5.00pm.
Liberty party returned on board at 5.40pm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
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7 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light North Easterly airs.
At 7 o'clock made uniform signal.
At 7.10am working party, in charge of chief boatswain's mate, left ship in 3rd cutter in tow of Army tug "Lee Fat".
Coaled and watered steam launch.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs from NE through NW to West.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
The Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
J. Bertsche, Plumber and Fitter, was released from 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water and restored to duty, his term of confinement having expired.
C. Rankin, Seaman, was placed in solitary confinement on bread and water for 3 days, for assaulting another person in the Navy and using obscene language.
The acting appointment of H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, was renewed for 6 months, to date from May 7th, 1899.
Temperature of magazines: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 93° to 95°; fixed ammunition room 98° to 106°; after shell room 90° to 96°.
At 11.30am sent mail to "St. Paul", and brought back working party from cable.
Started to swing [to tide] at 9 o'clock, finished at 10 o'clock.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Squally and rainy first part of watch.
Sent working party with chief boatswain's mate to continue work on cable.
The "St. Paul" got under way and left the harbor at 3 o'clock.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Began to swing [to tide] at 3.50pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs to calm.
The local steamer "General Blanco" came in and entered the mouth of the river at 5.45pm.
Liberty party returned at 5.30pm.
Absent without leave: H. Marion, Oiler.
Working party returned at 5.30pm in 3rd cutter, in tow of Army tug "Lee Fat".
Hoisted 3rd cutter and whaleboat.
Secured steam launch for the night at 7.30pm.
Finished swinging at 5.15pm.
The "Susquehanna" started to swing [to tide] at 4.40pm, and finished at 5.00pm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with heavy rain last hour.
Light variable airs and breezes.
Note: Unusually heavy fall in barometer between 12.00pm and 1.00pm [29.85 inches to 29.75 inches].
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8 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs.
At 7.00am signaled to U.S.S. "Iris" B-06, M-08.
U.S.S. "Castine" came into harbor and anchored at 7.30am.
Signals: U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" cornet 140; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] cornet 389; U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 131, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] affirmative.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs.
At 8.20am working party, chief boatswain's mate in charge, in 3rd cutter, left in tow of Army tug "Lee Fat".
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, H. Marion, Oiler, absent over time.
Drilled divisions at divisional drills.
Broke out Navigation [Department] storeroom and Navigator inspected room and stores, and tested 14 and 28-second glasses.
Department [of] Steam Engineering received following stores from U.S.S. "Castine": 16 pounds marline; 12 brass nipples, ⅜-inch; 2 pounds ground glass; 1 pint muriatic acid.
At 11.30am American steamer "Dos Hermanos" and English steamer "Holywood" came into port.
At 10 o'clock U.S.S. "Castine" made signals numeral 0 and numeral 1.
At 9.25 o'clock U.S.S. "Castine" sent signal "Can we take on 100 tons of coal?".
At noon U.S.S. "Castine" made signals numeral 188 and numeral 11, and U.S.S. "Iris" made signals numeral 709 and numeral 3.
Temperatures forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 95° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 106°, after shell room 90° to 96°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from North to NE.
Sent liberty party ashore.
At 1 o'clock sent working party, chief boatswain's mate in charge, in 3rd cutter in tow of Army tug "Lee Fat".
At 2 o'clock U.S.S. "Castine" got under way and went alongside of U.S.S. "Iris", port side.
H. Marion, Oiler, sent aboard by police, 21 hours over time.
Cleaning boot topping.
4pm to 8pm:
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters.
Drilled divisions at setting up drill.
At 5.30pm liberty party returned.
Working party returned in tow of Army tug "Lee Fat" at 6.30pm.
Hoisted gig, 3rd cutter and whaleboat.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and gentle breeze from West.
Light rain squalls [between] 10.00pm and 11.00pm.
Swung to ebb at 11.45pm.
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9 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs and breeze.
Riding to ebb.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from ESE and light breeze from NNE.
Swung to flood from 4.00am to 5.00am.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Made routine time and uniform signals at 7.00am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly airs.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: J.T. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, R.J. McCormick, Coal Passer, 24 hours over time, reduced 3 [conduct] classes, 8 days' extra duty, and lose one day's pay; J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, H.A. Parry, Seaman, clothes in lucky bag, 1 day's extra duty; G.H. Douglass, Coal Passer, out of uniform, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; H. Marion, Oiler, 21 hours over time, sent off by police, drunk and disorderly on shore, reduced 3 [conduct] classes and 1 month extra on 4th [conduct] class and 6 days' extra duty.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at infantry and artillery.
Boarded American steamer "Butuan", which anchored in harbor at 9.45am.
Temperatures: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 94°; forward shell room 93° to 94°; fixed ammunition room 99° to 107°; after shell room 90° to 95°.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 1, U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 7; at 11.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book], "Your steam launch has blown out a tube", U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "May I use Lotus for steam launch?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book], "Yes"; at noon U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 194, numeral 4, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 657, numeral 52.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light NNE to ENE airs.
Received from U.S.S. "Castine" the captured steamer "Lotus".
At 3.30pm U.S.S. "Castine" shoved off from U.S.S. "Iris" and stood for entrance to harbor.
Navigator inspected electrical storerooms and stores.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light ENE breeze.
At 4.30pm U.S.S. "Castine" anchored in channel and made following signals: 307; and negative 4797.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up drill.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from NNE.
Ship started to swing to ebb tide at 11.50 o'clock.
Received following message from U.S.S. "Castine", "Am coming with tide".
At 8.30pm she appeared to be standing out to the Northward.
Secured steam launch at 9 o'clock.
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10 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Finished swinging to ebb tide at 12.25am.
Light breeze from NNW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from NE.
Sent market boat ashore at 5.45am, she returned at 7.30am.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Made routine time and uniform signals.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly breeze and airs.
At 9.30am inspected crew at quarters and had collision drill, times: 1st Division 1½ minutes; 2nd and 3rd [Divisions] 1 minute; Powder [Division] 45 seconds; Engineer's [Division] 30 seconds; Marines 45 seconds.
Then divisional drills.
At 9.00am, by direction of Commanding Officer, released C. Rankin, Seaman, his term of confinement having expired.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: C. Fields, Coal Passer, and A. Lepp, Seaman, tight from leave, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
By order of the Commanding Officer J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, was made a prisoner at large to await trial by General Court Martial.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 1; at meridian numeral 652, numeral 5.
Temperatures: forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; [forward] shell room 95° to 95°; fixed ammunition room 98° to 105°; after shell room 88° to 94°.
The Navigator inspected ordnance storerooms and stores.
Swinging to flood last hour.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
Light Northeasterly breeze.
Sent liberty party on shore at 1.00pm.
By direction of the Commanding Officer made W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, and C. Hofman, Coal Passer, prisoners at large to await trial by General Court Martial, and placed W.T. Haynes, Coal Passer, in solitary confinement on bread and water for 5 days, as punishment awarded for interfering with the execution of the orders of the Commanding Officer.
Broke out, cleaned and restowed booms.
Signals: [at] 2.25pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "How much coal have you for issue?"; [at] 2.55pm U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Four hundred tons at least for issue".
Riding to flood at end [of watch].
4pm to 8pm:
Fair to cloudy and warm, light passing showers.
Light breeze and airs from NE.
By direction of the Commanding Officer placed in single irons under sentry, to await trial: J.J. Heggarty [Heggerty in log-book], Coal Passer; W. Hopkins, Coal Passer; and C. Hofman, Coal Passer.
Let men go swimming.
Liberty party returned at 5.30pm.
Riding to flood at end [of watch].
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breezes from NE.
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11 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to Northeasterly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with frequent showers.
Gentle and moderate breeze from North and NE.
Sent market boat ashore at 6.10am.
At 7.00am made time and uniform signal.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
Started to swing [to tide] at 7.00am, stopped swinging at 7.35am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from North.
Went to general quarters at 9.30am.
Divisions reported ready in the following times: 1st Division 4 minutes; 2nd Division 3 minutes; 3rd Division 3 minutes; Powder Division 2½ minutes; Engineer's Division 1 minute; Marines 3 minutes 15 seconds.
Secured at 10 o'clock.
Absentees over time: F.S. De Cue [De Ceu in log-book], Private Marine, and G.T. Fallon, Private Marine.
W.H. Nichols, Private Marine, returned on board at 8.00am, 15 hours over time.
Temperature of magazine forward 99° [Fahrenheit] to 100°, forward shell room 95° to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 107°, after shell room 88° to 97°.
The tug "Lotus" had trial tugs.
Hauled fires in steam launch and hoisted her.
Extra duty men scraping smokestack.
Tested firing apparatus of all 6-inch S. [?] rapid fire guns.
They are all in satisfactory working order.
Received following signals from U.S.S. "Iris": "Have you noticed the signal on the English steamer"; answer "Yes".
Sent to U.S.S. "Iris", "Send list of stores received for the Bennington from Castine", "Please arrange to supply the Lotus with fresh water for the boilers when required".
Received from U.S.S. "Iris", "When Lotus wants water, please send her on our port side".
Received routine reports as follows: absentees 0; sick 1; coal on hand 650 [tons]; coal expended 3 [tons].
Dropped tug "Lotus" astern and secured her with stern line.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light breeze from NE.
Sent Chief Boatswain's Mate Brown ashore to get buoy.
Sent liberty [party] ashore with whaleboat in tow of "Lotus".
Painting smokestack.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from North by East.
The "Lotus" having failed to return at proper time, sent 3rd cutter in to get liberty party and find out what the trouble was.
The whaleboat and 3rd cutter were towed back to the ship by, and the liberty party returned in, the "Nesan", an Army boat.
F.S. De Cue [De Ceu in log-book], Private Marine, and G.T. Fallon, Private Marine, returned on board 24 hours over time.
The "Lotus" was reported aground up the river.
She had a crew on board with orders to return to the ship when she gets off.
Tested searchlights.
Hoisted all boats.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to moderate breeze from North by East.
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12 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle to light North to NE breeze.
At 1.00am "Lotus" returned from shore and anchored near the ship.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
At 7.00am signaled to U.S.S. "Iris" 735.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy to fair and pleasant.
Light to gentle breeze from NNE.
At 8.30am H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" got under way, but on account of foul anchor did not leave harbor.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at infantry and broadsword.
At 9.30am Commanding Officer left the ship to pay official visit to Brigadier General commanding American forces, district of Iloilo, Philippine Islands.
At 10 o'clock U.S.S. "Iris" made signals numeral 0 and numeral 1.
Cleaning, painting and overhauling machinery of steam launch.
At 9.00am sent tender "Lotus" alongside U.S.S. "Iris" to take on coal.
Sent signal to U.S.S. "Iris", "Will you give Lotus four tons of coal?".
At 11.30am sent signal to U.S.S. "Iris", "Surveys will be held at 1.00pm, Lieutenant Hughes a member".
At noon U.S.S. "Iris" made signals: 625 tons coal on hand, 24 tons expended.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with frequent showers last two hours of watch.
Gentle to moderate Northeasterly breeze.
Commanding Officer returned to ship at 12.55pm.
Lowered 3rd cutter and sent air pump and diving gear in her.
Hoisted gig.
The following officers made regular weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant Thomas; Lieutenant Clark; Ensigns Standley and Wurtsbaugh and Knox; Chief Engineer Cleaver; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy.
At 1.30pm Lieutenant Clark and Ensign Standley went aboard U.S.S. "Iris" as members of Board of Survey.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 104°, forward shell room 95° to 100°, fixed ammunition room 100° to 109°, after shell room 88° to 92°.
Tested magazine flood cocks and found them in good condition.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with showers first hour of watch, to clear and pleasant.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze.
At 4.15pm sent 1st cutter with diving party, in charge of Ensign Wurtsbaugh, alongside H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" to assist in clearing her anchor.
At 5.00pm sounded call to fire quarters, the divisions reported as follows: 1st Division ready in 1 minute 45 seconds; 2nd Division in 1 minute; 3rd Division in 1 minute; Powder Division in 1 minute; Engineer's Division in 45 seconds; Marines in 45 seconds.
1st cutter with diving party returned to ship at 6.30pm.
Hoisted whaleboat and secured 1st cutter at port boom.
Sent signal to U.S.S. "Iris", "If the Pigmy wishes to come alongside you in the morning, assist her with your winches to clear her anchor".
Tender "Lotus" sent inshore to anchor for the night.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy, last hour with rain, fair first part.
H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" under way, standing off and on during night.
The American ship "Brutus" came in at 11.30pm.
Swung to flood at 8.30pm.
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13 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Light airs and breeze from North and NE.
Swung to ebb at 2.00am.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze.
The American steamer "Dos Hermanos" came in.
At 6.00am sent 3rd cutter with divers and diving outfit to H.B.M.S. "Pigmy", in charge of Ensign D.W. Knox.
Tested siren and whistle.
Swung to flood at end of watch.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from NE.
Raining first part of watch.
General field day.
The steamer "Brutus" entered the mouth of the river at 9.01am
Sent mail orderly ashore in "Lotus" at 10.00am, he returned at 11.40am.
Steamer did not bring mail.
At 9.30am the American ship "Susquehanna" got under way, made sail and stood out of the harbor, her signal for a pilot not having been complied with.
Signaled to her "Wish you a pleasant voyage" (F.C. S.W.), exchanged colors with her.
Received the following signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "May we send 20 men in our one o'clock boat?", answered "Not sending any liberty men. Lotus liable to break down any time".
Temperature forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 95° to 97°, fixed ammunition room 98° to 105°, after shell room 89° to 93°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to gentle NNE breeze.
Aired bedding.
Diving party returned from H.B.M.S. "Pigmy", whose Commanding Officer then paid an official call on the Commanding Officer.
At about 3.30pm U.S.S. "Castine" came into the harbor and anchored off this vessel, having three schooners in tow.
Captured steamer "San Bernardino" accompanied her, with a brigantine in tow, and also anchored off this vessel.
Signals: U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", cornet 140; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book], cornet 389; U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", interrogatory 131; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book], affirmative.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, spent five hours under water; diving to clear hawse of H.B.M.S. "Pigmy".
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light NNE breeze.
The Commanding General at Iloilo paid an official visit on the Commanding Officer.
Fired a salute of eleven guns in his honor.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Castine" called officially on the Commanding Officer.
H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" came to anchor about 1000 yards East of this vessel.
At 7.30pm sent "Lotus" in to Iloilo to remain for the night on account of a leak.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from NNE.
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14 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy to clear and pleasant, occasional showers.
Light breeze from NNE.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from North by East.
Lieutenant Clark left ship at 6 o'clock on duty, to take soundings near old fort.
A buoy with boat anchor was placed in 8 fathoms of water to the Southward of the port.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am, made uniform signal.
8am to meridian:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from North by East.
Ship swinging to flood.
At 9.00am shut down dynamo to repair steam pipe.
Started dynamo at 10.10am.
At 9.30am inspected crew at quarters.
Temperatures: forward magazine 91° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; [forward] shell room 96° to 96°; fixed ammunition room 99° to 106°; after shell room 88° to 92°.
At 10.00 signals: U.S.S. "Castine" numeral 0, numeral 3; U.S.S. "Iris" numeral 0, numeral 1.
At meridian: U.S.S. "Castine" numeral 175, numeral 9; U.S.S. "Iris" numeral 623, numeral 1.
H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" went out to the Northward at 11.00am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NNE.
The barometer failed to show the regular decimal variations.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle to light breeze from NNE.
Made preparations for getting under way.
Got under way and stood over for the mouth of Jaro River at 7.20pm.
Steam in A and B boilers.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 72.
Signals: 6.20pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Commanding Officer repair on board".
Draft forward 13 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Sent on shore from Navigator's supplies, to be used in signaling: 2 white signal lanterns; 2 red signal lanterns; and 6 rockets with staves.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light to gentle breeze from NNE.
At 8.30pm anchored in ten fathoms water, with 60 fathoms port chain, hard bottom.
Bearings as follows: Iloilo light SSW¾W, Siete Pecados Island NE by E¾E [Siete Picado North by E¾E in log-book].
Started swinging to flood at 9.15pm, stopped swinging at 9.45pm.
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15 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.68, Long 122.58 [Estimated]
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and cool.
Gentle breeze from NNE.
Ship began to swing to flood tide at 2.30am, finished swinging at 3.30am.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light NNE breeze.
At about 6 o'clock U.S.S. "Castine" got under way and stood toward her position to cover Army's left flank.
American steamer "Rosario" came in the harbor and anchored.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly breeze.
At 9.30am got under way and stood within hail of U.S.S. "Iris".
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Iris" came on board in answer to signal.
Sent J.V. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, in to take charge of the captured vessels moored SWW in Iloilo River.
At end [of watch] standing near U.S.S. "Castine", the Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Castine" came on board in answer to a signal.
Signals: [at] 9.20am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris" preparatory 121; at 9.55am 533; at 10.45am 197; at 10.50am U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 4866; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] negative; [at] 11.13am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Send gig at 11.50"; at 11.50am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" 533; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Castine" numeral 169, numeral 6; U.S.S. "Iris" numeral 618, numeral 5.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 72.
Draft forward 13 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Temperature in magazines: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 103°; [forward] shell room 96° to 97°; fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 107°; after shell room 97° to 104°.
By direction of Commanding Officer released W.T. Haynes, Coal Passer, his term of confinement having expired.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light North-easterly airs.
Anchored at 12.45pm in 9 fathoms water, with 60 fathoms port chain.
Bearings as follows: fort NE by E⅛E, [Point] Bondulan SE by E½E, Point Cabalic [Kabalik in log-book] South by W⅞W.
At 2.40pm U.S.S. "Iris" got under way.
At 3.15pm Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Castine" came on board.
Sent signal to U.S.S. "Castine", "Send documents of prize vessels in whaleboat".
At 3.30pm Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Castine" left the ship.
At 3.45pm U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] [signaled] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 121, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] affirmative.
At 3.50pm U.S.S. "Castine" got under way.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, raining last hour of watch.
Sent steam launch ashore with mail orderly, she returned at 5.45am bringing crew of "Lotus" on board with their hammocks, and also dinghy.
Hoisted dinghy into 1st cutter.
U.S.S. "Castine" standing out to the Southward.
Mustered at quarters at 5 o'clock, exercised crew at setting up drill.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain and lightning.
Light airs from Northward.
Ship swung to flood [between] 10.00pm to 11.00pm.
Point Cabalic is also known as Point Cabaling.
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[Inserted note]
6pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy.
Light Northerly airs.
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16 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.67, Long 122.55
Commences and until 4am:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze and light airs from NE.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from NE.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from NNE to NE by North.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and drilled divisions at infantry.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly breeze.
At 2.30pm sighted U.S.S. "Princeton" and U.S.S. "Petrel" standing in from the Southward.
Ship swung to ebb between 2.00pm and 3.00pm.
Sent an officer to board U.S.S. "Princeton" and U.S.S. "Petrel".
[Signals:] [at] 3.25pm U.S.S. "Princeton" made cornet 318, U.S.S. "Yorktown" cornet 389; [at] 3.35pm U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 131, answer affirmative, then 2559.
At end [of watch] U.S.S. "Princeton" and U.S.S. "Petrel" standing in for anchorage.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly breeze.
At 4.10pm U.S.S. "Princeton" and U.S.S. "Petrel" anchored off mouth of Iloilo River.
At 5.00pm U.S.S. "Petrel" got under way.
At 5.40pm Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Princeton" paid official visit to Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Yorktown".
Hoisted steam cutter's recall and fired blank 6-pounder charge to draw attention.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with rain last hour.
Light breeze from NE.
Hoisted gig.
Secured steam launch for the night at 6.30pm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, rain first hour.
Light airs to breezes from NNE to North.
Playing searchlights on front of "Tennessee" lines for about 15 minutes each hour.
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17 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.67, Long 122.55
Commences and until 4am:
Light and gentle breeze from NNE.
Ship riding between wind and tide.
Fair and pleasant.
Kept searchlight going at intervals during watch.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly breeze.
Kept searchlight going from 4.30am to 5.00am.
At 7.00am made time and uniform signals.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light breeze from NNE.
Sent mail orderly ashore on duty.
The guard boat from U.S.S. "Princeton" came alongside.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Exercised crew at collision quarters and divisional drills.
Received on board in Paymaster's Department: 482 pounds of fresh beef, from U.S.S. "Indiana".
Sent 1 gallon of oil to "Tennessee" outposts, for use in signal lamps.
Temperature of magazines: forward [magazine] 100° [Fahrenheit] to 104°; forward shell room 96° to 98°; forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 107°; after magazine 90° to 91°; after shell room 90° to 100°.
Tested engine room indicators and overhauled them.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs to breezes from NNE to NE.
At 3.40pm commenced preparations for getting under way.
Picked up buoy planted on May 14th.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant, lightning last half.
Light breezes and airs from NE and light breeze from NNW.
At 4.30pm called all hands up anchor, under way at 4.45pm, stood over for anchorage off Iloilo, coming to anchor at 5.28pm in 13 fathoms water, veering to 60 fathoms port chain.
Bearings at anchor, ship's head North by East: South tangent of fort W⅛N, Point Bondulan SW by W¼W, [Point] Gimalik SW⅞S.
Draft forward 13 feet, aft 16 feet 6 inches.
U.S.S. "Petrel" and U.S.S. "Iris" came up from the right flank and anchored in their old berths.
Signals: [at] 7.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to fleet, "Fresh beef can be obtained from the transport Indiana on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.00am".
Heavy banked fires in A and B boilers.
Received from Bureau [of] Navigation, for L.H. Dyer, Chief Yeoman, one Good Conduct Medal, number 11483, which was delivered to him.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northerly breeze.
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18 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly airs.
At 6.45am English cable boat "Recorder" ["Record" in log-book] came into port.
At 7.00am made time and uniform signals.
Coaled and watered steam launch.
Cleaning side.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and hot.
Light airs from North by East.
Went to general quarters at 9.30am, and the divisions reported ready in the following order and times: 1st Division 2 minutes 35 seconds; 2nd Division 3 minutes; 3rd Division 4 minutes; Powder Division 2 minutes; Engineer's Division 30 seconds; Marines 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Secured at 9.40am.
Tested firing apparatus of 6-inch S. [?] rapid fire guns and found them in good condition.
5 tins (10 pounds) of ham were condemned and thrown overboard by order of the Commanding Officer, inspection marks Cont. [?] Anglo-American Provision Company, Chicago, passed by board of inspection, Navy Yard, New York, July 1898.
At 8.10am U.S.S. "Princeton" asked permission and got under way, going alongside U.S.S. "Iris" for coal.
Painting smokestack.
Temperatures of forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 100°, forward shell room 97° to 96°, fixed ammunition [room] 96° to 104°, after magazine 87° to 90°, after shell room 90° to 96°.
The acting appointments of the following named men were renewed for 6 months, from May 18th, 1899: J. Lysaght, acting appointment as Quartermaster Third-class; A. Hasler, acting appointment as Chief Gunner's Mate; G.T. Brownridge, acting appointment as Chief Machinist; C. Bequette, acting appointment as Coxswain; A. Wilkerson [Wilkenson in log-book], acting appointment as Coxswain.
The following change in rating was made: J. McLeish, from Coxswain to Carpenter's Mate Second-class, to date from February 1st, 1899.
Made this signal to U.S.S. "Petrel", "To Commander Cornwell, will call for you about 10.30, signed Sperry".
The following is the absentee and sick report received: U.S.S. "Princeton" 0, 4; U.S.S. "Petrel" 0, 1; U.S.S. "Iris" 0, 1.
The following is the coal report received: U.S.S. "Princeton" 124, 3; U.S.S. "Petrel" 196, 3; U.S.S. "Iris" 519, 64.
The United States steamer "Romulus" came in from Northward, and the Compañia Maritima steamer "Gloria" came in from the Southward and entered the mouth of the river.
The English cable steamer "Recorder" made repairs on cable.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Sent mail orderly ashore on duty, he returned at 2.30pm.
Painting smokestack.
Hoisted whaleboat.
Sent following signal to U.S.S. "Princeton", "General will defer his visit until return from Bacolod on account of coaling, signed Sperry."
U.S.S. "Petrel" asked "Permission to pipe down scrub and wash clothes", granted permission.
Signaled to U.S.S. "Petrel" 5047, "Follow movements of this or vessel designated".
Received from U.S.S. "Petrel" interrogatory (818), "Permission to pipe down scrubbed hammocks", granted permission.
Signaled to U.S.S. "Petrel", "Carry on ship routine at convenience, signed Sperry".
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and cool, raining last hour.
Light breeze from North.
U.S.S. "Princeton" asked permission to resume anchorage, permission granted.
U.S.S. "Princeton" resumed her anchorage at 6.45pm.
Tested searchlights.
Rigged starting tub to obtain fresh water for boilers.
U.S.S. "Petrel" tested searchlights.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northerly breeze.
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19 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with occasional showers.
Light Northerly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Northerly breeze.
At 7.00am signaled to squadron B-06, M-08.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from North and NE.
At 8.20am Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Princeton" paid official visit to Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Yorktown".
J.T. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, requested discharge on expiration of enlistment.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, drilled divisions at divisional drills.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishment: Lee Loey, Mess Attendant, habitually dirty at quarters, not manning station properly, and disregarding orders about same, 6 days' extra duty and reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
The following signals were made at 10 o'clock: U.S.S. "Princeton" numeral 0 and numeral 2; U.S.S. "Petrel" numeral 0 and numeral 1; U.S.S. "Iris" numeral 0 and numeral 1.
At 10.20am U.S.S. "Iris" made following signal, "I have remaining for issue two hundred and fifty tons of coal".
Painting ventilators.
The following Privates of Marines did extra duty: W.H. Nichols; F.S. De Cue; G.T. Fallon.
At noon the following signals were made: U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 218 and numeral 2; U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 194 and numeral 2; U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 424 and numeral 85.
Paymaster's Department received from United States transport ship U.S.S. "Indiana": 324 pounds fresh beef.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly breeze.
J.T. Wilbur, Second-class Fireman, discharged, expiration of enlistment.
The following officers made regular weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant Thomas; Lieutenant Clark; Ensign Wurtsbaugh; Chief Engineer Cleaver; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy.
At 3.45pm signals, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book]: cornet 305; 533; and preparatory 121. Painted ventilators.
Temperature forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 99°, forward shell room 92° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 100°, after shell room 90° to 98°.
Tested flood cocks and found them in good condition.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breezes and light airs from North and NE.
At 4.10pm Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Petrel" repaired on board in obedience to signal.
At 5.00pm sounded signal for fire quarters, the divisions reported ready as follows: 1st Division in 1 minute 15 seconds; 2nd Division in 1 minute; 3rd Division [in] 1 minute; Powder Division [in] 1 minute 30 seconds; Engineer's Division in 1 minute; Marines in 1 minute.
At 5.10pm wigwag [signal] U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Will you please telegraph to have our mail sent here".
At 5.15pm U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 121, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], affirmative.
At 5.20pm U.S.S. "Petrel" got under way and headed out by Northern channel.
Lowered dinghy.
Hoisted whaleboat, hoisted dinghy to port after falls.
G.B. Smith, Landsman, absent over time.
8pm to midnight:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from North.
Riding to ebb.
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20 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Fair to clear and pleasant
Light Northerly breeze.
Swinging to flood from 3.00am to 4.00am.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from Northward.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, rain last hour.
Light Northerly airs to North-northwesterly breeze.
General field day.
Aired bedding.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 2, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 2; at noon U.S.S. "Princeton" numeral 215, numeral 2, U.S.S. "Iris" numeral 425, numeral 2.
Temperatures: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 93° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 96° to 102°; after shell room 89° to 94°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with frequent showers.
Light variable airs and breezes to calm.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Barometer falling.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with frequent showers.
Light SW airs to calm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
Light breeze from NW.
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21 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from North.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant, light drizzle last part of watch.
Light breeze from North.
Sent market boat ashore at 6 o'clock, she returned at 7.30am.
Made time signal, and tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30 o'clock.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
At 9.30am the Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew at quarters.
Absent over time: G.B. Schmidt, Landsman.
Temperatures in magazines and shell rooms: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; fixed ammunition room 100° to 104°; [forward] shell room 93° to 93°; after shell room 90° to 95°.
Signals: [at] 10.00am U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 2, numeral 2, U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 2; [at] 10.30am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Will come alongside tomorrow morning for one hundred tons of coals, how much Pocahontas coal have you in store?", U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "We have one hundred and fifty tons of Pocahontas coal in store for issue"; [at] 12.00pm U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 423, numeral 2; U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 213, numeral 2.
Barometer falling.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Light to fresh breeze from SSW.
Barometer steady.
U.S.S. "Charleston" came in at 2.30pm, exchanged distinguishing pennants with her.
Sent liberty on shore.
Signals [at] 1.50pm: U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 121, answer affirmative.
U.S.S. "Princeton" shifted her berth.
At 2.25pm signals: U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Send steam cutter for Captain Sperry".
[At] 3.20pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Send steam launch alongside".
[At] 3.40pm U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "We have eight packages of papers for you".
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Fresh breeze [from SSW], falling to moderate breeze during last half.
Sent in for liberty party, with orders for boats to remain if it was too rough to come off, boats did not return.
Signals: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book], "Permission requested to coal from Iris tomorrow, weather permitting".
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle South-southwesterly breezes.
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22 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle to moderate breeze from SSW and SE.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle to moderate and stiff Southeasterly breeze.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Fresh breeze from SE.
Omitted quarters on account of inclemency of the weather.
Sent 3rd cutter to U.S.S. "Charleston" for stores.
Received on board from U.S.S. "Charleston" in Construction Department: 190 pounds shellac; 50 gallons alcohol.
In Steam Engineering Department: 20 pounds blue paint; 1 tinner's shears; 2 calipers; 2 mallets; 3 dozen lead pencils; 1 dozen blank books; 2 writing pads; 42 shovels; 2 pounds ground glass; 3 chest valves; 15 brass padlocks [pet locks in log-book].
Received on board for U.S.S. "Petrel": 17 packages; 2 pounds vermilion; 2 boxes; 3 rulers, 2 feet, 4 inches folded; 12 brushes, paint, flat; 6 brushes, paint, round; 6 brushes, sash tool; 35 pounds tallow, 53 pounds concentrated lye; 5 gallons Japan Drier; 5 gallons turpentine; 112 pounds red lead; 168 pounds white zinc.
Temperature of magazines: forward [magazine] 94° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; forward shell room 92° to 93°; forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 103°; after shell room 90° to 92°.
The steam launch, with whaleboat in tow, returned at 9.45am with liberty men.
Absentees: J. Feighery, Landsman, and J. Sullivan number 2, First-class Fireman.
Absent over time: J. Schmitt, Landsman.
Received from the hospital at Cavite: H. Milan, Machinist First-class, with necessary transfer papers.
Received from U.S.S. "Charleston", with necessary transfer papers: W. Carroll, Gunner's Mate First-class; A.B. Hemers, Gunner's Mate First-class; R. Boettcher, Apprentice First-class; P.F. Peterson, Apprentice First-class.
Received for transfer to U.S.S. "Castine": J.W. Chartman, Apprentice Second-class.
Received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "Have you any mail for us?".
Received from U.S.S. "Charleston", "There is a cablegram ashore for Chauncey [Chauncy in log-book], Thomas".
Hoisted whale boat and 3rd cutter.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Stiff breeze from SE to SSE.
Sent steam cutter ashore at 1 o'clock, she returned at 2.30pm.
J. Feighery [Feigery in log-book], Landsman, H. Harris, Landsman, and J. Sullivan number 2, Second-class Fireman, returned on board.
Sent following signal to Lieutenant Commander Veeder of U.S.S. "Iris": "When will you be ready to come with baggage, will send boat?", answer "Will be ready at any time".
Lieutenant Commander Veeder came on board for quarters, waiting passage to Manila.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Stiff breeze from SSE.
Omitted quarters on account of inclemency of weather.
At 6.30pm hauled fires and secured steam launch for the night.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and rainy.
Gentle to light SSE breezes.
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23 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and rainy.
Light SSW breeze.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and rainy.
Light airs to gentle breeze from SSW.
Signals: U.S.S. "Charleston" to squad, B-06, M-08; U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Please give us an hour's notice before coming alongside".
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and rainy.
Gentle breeze and airs from SSW.
At 9.20am made signal to U.S.S. "Charleston", interrogatory 738, U.S.S. "Charleston" affirmative.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, G.B. Schmitt, Landsman, absent over time.
Divisions exercised at divisional drills.
At 10 o'clock made signals numeral 1 and numeral 7.
Temperature forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 94°, forward shell room 96° to 95°, forward fixed ammunition room 102° to 95°, after shell room 93° to 87°.
At noon made signals numerals 257 and numeral 6.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast and rainy.
Light airs and gentle breezes from SSW and SW.
At 12.50pm U.S.S. "Charleston" made signal to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Commanding Officer repair on board".
Commanding Officer went on board U.S.S. "Charleston" in obedience to signal.
Rigged in starboard gangway and starboard boom.
Getting ready to go alongside U.S.S. "Iris" for coal.
Hoisted 3rd cutter.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW and light airs from SSE.
Finished making preparations for going alongside of U.S.S. "Iris".
At 5.00pm received signal from U.S.S. "Iris", "When will you come alongside to coal?", answered U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Daylight tomorrow morning".
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and drilled divisions at setting up drill.
At 7.30pm U.S.S. "Charleston" made signal to squad, "The following has been received; typhoon raging along Western coast of Mindoro [Mendora in log-book], moving slowly. Navigation from Iloilo to Manila unsafe".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SSE and SE.
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24 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
Lost overboard: upper part of smokepipe of steam cutter.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze and airs from WSW.
Got under way and went alongside U.S.S. "Iris" at 6.05am.
Sent to U.S.S. "Indiana" for fresh beef.
Began coaling at 7.00am.
Draft forward 12 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 8 inches.
Engines in readiness to get under way in five minutes.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW to SW.
Taking coal and water from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
Signals: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] numeral 1, numeral 8; at noon U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Charleston" [R in log-book] numeral 251, numeral 6.
Received 403 pounds fresh beef from U.S.S. "Indiana".
Temperatures: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell room 95° to 96°; after shell room 90° to 96°; fixed ammunition room 97° to 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light West-southwesterly breeze.
Taking coal and fresh water from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
At 2.45pm U.S.S. "Charleston" got under way and stood out of the harbor.
Received from U.S.S. "Charleston", with bag and necessary transfer papers: F. Bresnan, Gunner's Mate First-class.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional showers.
Light SW airs.
At 7.00pm knocked off coaling, having taken on board a total of about 89 tons for the day.
Total water received for the day: 55 tons.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 713 pounds vegetables.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SW.
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25 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from West.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Began coaling at 5.30am.
Started fires in steam launch at 5.15am, but hauled them right away on account of making repairs to safety valve.
Sent market boat at 7.30am, repairs having been completed.
Made time and dress signals at 7.30am.
Tested steam whistle, the siren would not work.
8am to meridian:
Fair and warm.
Calm and light airs and breeze from West.
Finished coaling at 8.30am, having received in all 105 tons.
At 9.45am cast off from U.S.S. "Iris" and stood over for anchorage.
At 10.30am came to port anchor in 14½ fathoms of water, veering to 60 fathoms under water, ship's head SW by W½W, South tangent of fort W½S, lighthouse NW by W¾W.
Temperatures: in forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 95°; [forward] shell room 94° to 95°; fixed ammunition 98° to 103°; after shell room 92° to 98°.
Transferred, with necessary papers, bag and hammock, W.J. Wirts, Coal Passer, to U.S.S. "Iris", for transportation to hospital.
Ensign D.W. Knox left the ship on a week's leave of absence to proceed to Manila for dental work.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Princeton" came on board in obedience to signal.
Absent over time: G.B. Schmitt, Landsman.
Cleaning ship.
Engines in readiness to get under way in one hour.
Riding to ebb tide at end [of watch].
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 4, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 0; [at] 10.30am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Will transfer Wirts to your ship, signed Thomas"; [at] 11.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton" 533; [at] 11.20am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris" preparatory 121, 1pm; [at] 12.00pm U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 279, numeral 78, U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 221, numeral 2.
Draft forward 14 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet 6 inches.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from West.
U.S.S. "Iris" got under way and stood out to the Southward at 1.10pm.
U.S.S. "Princeton" got under way and stood out the Northward at 3.30pm.
Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver, U.S. Navy, suspended from duty by the Commanding Officer, for countermanding the lawful order of the Officer of the Deck.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, drunk from liberty, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class; J. Smith, First-class Fireman, creating a disturbance by shouting to fireroom through ash hoist, 2 days' extra duty and 2nd [conduct] class; J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, talking after taps and disobeying the master-at-arms' order to stop, reduced to 4th [conduct] class; F.L. Beik, Private Marine, using abusive language to Corporal Sinclair, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; F.L. Beik, Private Marine, insolence to 1st Sergeant, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class; W.H. Nichols, Private Marine, to be tried by Summary Court Martial, for being asleep on post as sentry over prisoners.
Signals: [at] 2.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton", "Shall you sail today? If so, what time? Signed Sperry", U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Shall answer as soon as Captain returns on board, signed Bowyer"; [at] 2.40pm U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Will sail in half an hour, will send note"; [at] 3.10pm U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", interrogatory 121, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton" affirmative.
Hauled down Senior Officer's pennant at 4.00pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SW, falling calm last half, light airs first hour.
Tested searchlights.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from Southward.
Riding to flood.
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26 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from Southward.
Swung to ebb first hour.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Ship swinging to flood from 6.00am to 7.00am.
Sent to U.S.S. "Indiana" for fresh beef.
8am to meridian:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from WSW.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, G.B. Schmitt, Landsman, absent over time.
Divisions exercised at divisional drills.
Received in Paymaster's Department from United States transport ship U.S.S. "Indiana": 321 pounds fresh beef.
M. Kieley [Kiely in log-book], Coxswain, confined for safe keeping, being drunk on duty.
The English merchant steamer "Ayr" arrived in port at 9.35am, made regular boarding visit.
Cleaned sides.
The following men did extra duty: E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class; W.H. Nichols, Private Marine; F.S. De Cue, Private Marine; G.T. Fallon, Private Marine; J. Smith, First-class Fireman.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Southwesterly breeze.
The following officers made regular weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant Thomas; Lieutenant Clark; Ensigns Standley and Wurtsbaugh; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy; Assistant Engineer Washington.
The Executive Officer and senior Engineer's Officer on duty made regular monthly inspection of compartments and mechanical devices.
Sent liberty party ashore.
At 12.45pm American steamer "Butuan" came into port.
Temperatures: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 95°; forward shell room 96° to 96°; forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 101°; after shell room 93° to 100°.
Tested flood cocks and found them in good condition.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: L.H. Dyer, Chief Yeoman, disobedience of orders, reduced to 4th [conduct] class; J.H. Peterson, Coal Passer, absent from quarters, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; J. Smith, First-class Fireman, refusing to do duty, prisoner under sentry's charge, in single irons, for safe keeping, to await trial by General Court Martial.
At 3.45pm M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain, being sober and quiet, was released from confinement by direction of Commanding Officer.
Painting whaleboat.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly breezes.
At 5.00pm sounded signal for fire drill, mustered at quarters.
G.B. Schmitt, Landsman, absent over time.
At 5.20pm liberty party returned, H.P. Williamson, [Ship's Cook First-class,] absent over time.
Hoisted 3rd cutter.
At 6.20pm English merchant steamer "Holywood" left port.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
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27 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Clear to cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with heavy shower last hour of watch.
Calm and light airs from WSW.
At 4.30am disconnected boiler C to remake joint.
At 5.30am American steamer "Aeolus" came into port.
At 6.10am United States transport ship "Warren" [came] into port and anchored off mouth of river.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW.
General field day.
Sent relief officer to board the United States transport ship "Warren", from Manila.
Sent mail orderly ashore at 9.30am.
Aired bedding.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain, drunk on duty, attempting to smuggle liquor, assaulting another person in the Navy, resisting arrest, using abusive language to ship's police, await trial by a Summary Court Martial; F.J. Lamb, Machinist First-class, drunk from liberty, 3rd [conduct] class.
Absentee over time: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell room 95° to 95°; forward fixed ammunition [room] 99° to 103°; after shell room 92° to 95°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SW.
Sent liberty party ashore.
United States transport ship "Warren" got under way and stood out of the harbor to Southward.
H.P. Williamson, [Ship's Cook First-class,] returned on board 21 hours over time.
At 1.40pm the specification of offenses preferred by the Commanding Officer were delivered to M. Kieley [Kiely in log-book], Coxswain, and J. Nichols, Private Marine.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW.
Hoisted 3rd cutter.
Liberty party returned at 5.30pm.
Absent over time: W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, and A. Anderson, Coal Passer.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SSW.
Secured steam launch at 7.30pm.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
LOG BOOK – MAY 28th 1899 TO DECEMBER 1st 1899
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Examined J.N.T./OK.
Bureau of Navigation, Received April 17, 1900, Navy Department, 213915 with.
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of the
U.S.S. "Yorktown"
Third Rate,
of six Guns,
Commanded By
Commander C.S. Sperry, U.S. Navy,
Attached to Asiatic Squadron,
Commencing May 28th, 1899,
at Iloilo, Philippine Islands,
and ending December 1st,1899,
at Sulu, Philippines.
Sulu is also known as Jolo.
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List of Officers
Attached to and on board of the U.S.S. "Yorktown", 3rd Rate, commanded by Commander C.S. Sperry, U.S. Navy, during the period covered by this Log-Book, from May 28th, 1898, to December 1st, 1899.
Name |
Rank |
Charles S. Sperry |
Commander |
Chauncey Thomas |
Lieutenant |
George R. Clark |
Lieutenant |
J.C. Gillmore [Crossed out] |
Lieutenant |
William H. Standley |
Ensign |
Daniel W. Wurtsbaugh |
Ensign |
Dudley W. Knox |
Ensign |
Henry T. Cleaver |
Chief Engineer |
Frederick K. Perkins |
Assistant Paymaster |
Robert M. Kennedy |
Passed Assistant Surgeon |
S.H. Knowles |
Paymaster's Clerk |
Pope Washington |
Assistant Engineer |
Bradley A. Fiske |
Lieutenant |
H.E. Yarnell |
Naval Cadet |
Examined and found to be correct, [signed by] George R. Clark, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Navigator
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List of Officers
Who have died, been detached, or transferred, on board the U.S.S. "Yorktown", commanded by Commander C.S. Sperry, U.S. Navy, during the period covered by this Log-Book, from May 28th, 1898, to December 1st, 1899.
Name |
Rank |
Time of Occurrence, and Particulars |
Chauncey Thomas |
Lieutenant |
Detached June 1st, 1899 to report for duty on board U.S.S. "Oregon". Held captive by insurgents since April 12, 1899. |
D.W. Wurtsbaugh |
Ensign |
Transferred to U.S.S. "Albay" August 11th, for command of that vessel. |
Bradley A. Fiske |
Lieutenant |
Reported June 2nd, 1899, as relief of Lieutenant C. Thomas. |
H.E. Yarnell |
Naval Cadet |
Reported August 9th, 1899. Transferred to U.S.S. "Albay" August 11th. |
Examined and found to be correct, [signed by] George R. Clark, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Navigator
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Complement of Petty Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Landsmen, Boys, and Marines on board of the U.S.S. "Yorktown", 3rd Rate, at first commission November 17th, 1898 [1899 in log-book].
Number Allowed |
Rates |
Number On Board |
1 |
Chief Boatswain's Mate |
2 |
Boatswain's Mate First-class |
1 |
Chief Gunner's Mate |
2 |
Gunner's Mates First-class |
1 |
Chief Quartermaster |
6 |
Coxswains |
2 |
Boatswain's Mate Second-class |
1 |
Quartermaster First-class |
1 |
Quartermaster Second-class |
1 |
Quartermaster Third-class |
1 |
Chief Carpenter's Mates |
1 |
Sailmaker's Mates |
3 |
Gunner's Mate Second-class |
4 |
Gunner's Mate Third-class |
1 |
Ship's Cook First-class |
1 |
Carpenter's Mate Third-class |
1 |
Master-at-Arms Third-class |
1 |
Hospital Apprentice |
1 |
Chief Master-at-Arms |
1 |
Hospital Steward |
3 |
Chief Yeoman |
1 |
Yeoman Second-class |
1 |
Yeoman Third-class |
3 |
Machinist First-class |
2 |
Machinist Second-class |
1 |
Shipwright |
1 |
Plumber and Fitter |
1 |
Painter |
2 |
Blacksmith |
1 |
Bugler |
1 |
Coppersmith |
1 |
Cabin Steward |
1 |
Cabin Cook |
1 |
Ward-room Steward |
1 |
Ward-room Cook |
1 |
Steerage Steward |
1 |
Steerage Cook |
16 |
Seamen |
16 |
Ordinary Seamen |
10 |
Landsmen |
7 |
Mess Attendants |
16 |
Apprentices |
3 |
Chief Machinist |
1 |
Boiler Makers |
3 |
Water Tenders |
4 |
Oilers |
8 |
First-class Firemen |
8 |
Second-class Firemen |
15 |
Coal Heavers |
163 |
Total |
Examined and found to be correct, [signed by] George R. Clark, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Navigator
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U.S.S. "Yorktown".
Description of Instruments used for Meteorological Observations, their Location, et cetera.
Instrument |
Maker |
Number |
Location |
Date of Last Comparison |
Compared With |
Error |
Mercurial Barometer |
H.J. Green, Brooklyn |
50 |
Passage from quarterdeck to cabin |
August 14, 1899 |
Observatory, Manila |
Correction = -0.11. Began using August 16 |
304 |
Condemned by survey |
December 23, 1898 |
Mare Island |
+0.057 (broken January 16, 1899) |
Aneroid Barometer |
Josh. T. Large, Williamsburgh, New York |
27590 |
Under poop |
January 26, 1899 |
Government building, Honolulu, Hawaii |
Correction +0.10, until July 5, then after August 14, -0.07 |
Thermometer (Dry Bulb) |
Thermometer (Dry Bulb and Wet Bulb) (Psychrometer) |
H.J. Green, New York |
3949 |
On bridge |
Examined and found to be correct, [signed by] George R. Clark, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Navigator
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Of the U.S.S. "Yorktown", 3rd Rate.
Number of Guns |
Caliber |
Mark |
Description |
Cartridge |
Projectiles |
Carriages |
Remarks |
Powder |
Weight |
Kind |
Weight |
6 |
6-inch |
Converted III |
30 caliber long |
Smokeless |
23 pounds |
Armour piercing and common |
100 pounds |
Central pivot |
Breech Loading Rifle converted to Rapid Fire Gun by substitution of Fletcher breech mechanism |
Number of Guns |
Caliber |
Mark |
Description |
Cartridge |
Projectiles |
Carriages |
Remarks |
Powder |
Weight |
Kind |
Weight |
2 |
2.244 inches |
II |
6-pounder Hotchkiss Rapid Fire .45 caliber, long |
Smokeless |
830 grams |
Armour Piercing |
6 pounds |
Hydraulic recoil mount |
2 |
1.85 inches |
Armstrong |
3-pounder Hotchkiss Rapid Fire |
Cordite |
Steel |
3.3 pounds |
Hydraulic recoil mount |
English manufacture |
Common |
3.3 pounds |
4 |
1.457 inches |
II |
1-pounder Hotchkiss Rapid Fire, heavy |
Black |
4.9 ounces |
Armour Piercing |
1 pound |
Hydraulic recoil mount |
2 |
6 mm |
I |
Colt's automatic machine gun |
Smokeless |
33 grains |
Steel, jacketed |
133 grains |
Arc mount |
Boat armament
1 Cage mount in steam cutter for 1-pounder.
1 Tripod mount in first cutter for Colt's automatic machine gun, 6 mm.
1 Field carriage for 1-pounder.
1 Field carriage for Colt's automatic machine gun.
1 Tripod carriage for Colt's automatic machine gun.
Small arms
100 Rifles 6 mm, Lee, straight pull.
70 Revolvers, direct action, Colt .38 caliber.
2 Rifles, Winchester, .22 caliber, for gallery practice.
2 Firing attachments, .45 caliber, sub-caliber practice for 6-inch rapid fire gun.
Drill cartridges for sub-caliber practice 6, 3, and 1-pounders.
Examined and found to be correct, [signed by] George R. Clark, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Navigator
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Tables of Deviation of the Standard Compass Number 7198 on board the U.S.S. ["Yorktown"].
Date |
January 7, 1899 |
February 26, 1899 |
June 12, 1899 |
July 23, 1899 |
September 14, 1899 |
Place of Observation |
Off Red Rock, California |
Cavite, Philippines |
Iloilo, Philippine Islands |
Hong Kong, China |
Sulu, Sulu Island |
Latitude |
37°56' N |
14°29' N |
10°41' N |
22°17' N |
6°03'11" N |
Longitude |
122°27' W |
120°55' E |
122°41' E |
114°10' E |
120°58'53" E |
Observed Variation |
Reciprocal bearings |
Observation of sun, checked April 20, Iloilo, Philippines |
0° |
0°24' E |
Variation by chart, 1°31' E |
Ship's Head by Compass |
Deviation |
Deviation |
Deviation |
Deviation |
Deviation |
North |
1°40' E |
1°30' E |
1°15' E |
0°38' W |
0°28' W |
North by East |
1°10' E |
2°12' E |
1°30' E |
0°53' W |
0°02' E |
0°50' E |
2°53' E |
1°30' E |
0°53' W |
0°32' E |
NE by North |
0°20' E |
3°30' E |
1°30' E |
0°53' W |
0°32' E |
NE |
0°00' |
3°54' E |
1°30' E |
0°53' W |
0°32' E |
NE by East |
0°50' W |
4°06' E |
1°30' E |
1°08' W |
0°32' E |
1°20' W |
4°10' E |
1°30' E |
1°23' W |
0°32' E |
East by North |
1°50' W |
4°04' E |
1°30' E |
1°38' W |
0°32' E |
East |
2°20' W |
3°54' E |
1°30' E |
1°38' W |
0°47' E |
East by South |
2°30' W |
3°40' E |
1°30' E |
1°53' W |
1°02' E |
2°30' W |
3°18' E |
1°30' E |
2°08' W |
1°02' E |
SE by East |
2°45' W |
2°54' E |
1°30' E |
1°53' W |
1°02' E |
SE |
3°00' W |
2°24' E |
1°30' E |
1°08' W |
0°32' E |
SE by South |
3°00' W |
1°48' E |
1°30' E |
0°38' W |
0°32' E |
2°50' W |
1°18' E |
1°30' E |
0°08' W |
0°32' E |
South by East |
2°45' W |
0°48' E |
1°30' E |
0°07' E |
0°32' E |
South |
2°30' W |
0°18' E |
1°30' E |
0°52' E |
0°32' E |
South by West |
2°10' W |
0°12' W |
1°45' E |
1°22' E |
0°32' E |
1°40' W |
0°48' W |
2°00' E |
1°37' E |
0°32' E |
SW by South |
1°00' W |
1°18' W |
2°00' E |
1°37' E |
0°47' E |
SW |
0°00' |
1°48' W |
2°00' E |
1°37' E |
0°32' E |
SW by West |
0°40' E |
2°06' W |
2°00' E |
1°07' E |
0°32' E |
1°00' E |
2°30' W |
2°00' E |
1°07' E |
0°32' E |
West by South |
1°30' E |
2°36' W |
2°00' E |
1°37' E |
0°32' E |
West |
1°50' E |
2°42' W |
2°00' E |
1°22' E |
0°13' W |
West by North |
2°10' E |
2°42' W |
1°45' E |
1°22' E |
0°28' W |
2°20' E |
2°40' W |
1°30' E |
1°07' E |
0°43' W |
NW by West |
2°30' E |
2°24' W |
1°30' E |
1°07' E |
0°58' W |
NW |
3°00' E |
2°00' W |
1°30' E |
1°07' E |
0°58' W |
NW by North |
2°20' E |
1°18' W |
1°15' E |
0°52' E |
1°13' W |
2°00' E |
0°30' W |
1°15' E |
0°22' E |
0°58' W |
North by West |
1°50' E |
0°34' E |
1°15' E |
0°08' W |
0°43' W |
Examined and found to be correct, [signed by] George R. Clark, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Navigator
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28 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.59
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light breezes from South and West.
Sent market boat at usual time.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light to gentle breeze from WSW and West.
At 9.30am the Commanding Officer inspected the ship and crew at quarters, mustered aft and read Articles for the Government of the Navy.
Absent over time: G.B. Schmitt, Landsman, W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, and P.N. Anderson, Coal Passer.
Temperature in forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, shell room 93° to 94°, fixed ammunition room 104° to 97°, after shell room 92° to 96°.
Riding to flood.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from WSW to West.
Sent liberty party on shore at 1.00pm.
The cable steamer "Recorder" came in at 12.40pm.
Exchanged colors with a German steamer standing in.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from West.
Liberty party returned at 6.00pm.
W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, P.N. Anderson, Coal Passer, returned 24 hours over time.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, with light passing shower first hour.
Calm and light Westerly airs.
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29 May 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands, and at sea, cruising
Lat 11.05, Long 123.10 [Estimated]
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light variable airs and calm.
The Army transport "Morgan City" came in at 1.00am.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
[Light airs and light breeze from NE.]
Hoisted steam cutter.
Made preparations for getting under way at daylight.
Up anchor at 5.40am, went ahead slow at 6.30am, full speed at 6.35am.
Standing to the Northward, the Navigator conning.
Pilot came on board at 4.30am.
Draft forward 14 feet, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Steam in A, B and C boilers.
Average steam 107 [pounds], average revolutions 80.
Pilot's name: Saturnino de la Cruz.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from NE.
Under way, steaming various courses, under 3 boilers.
Went to quarters at 9.30am.
Drilled crew at divisional drills.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class, 21 hours over time, sent off by police, lose 3 [conduct] classes and 6 days' extra duty; P.N. Anderson, Coal Passer, 24 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class; W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, 24 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 1 month additional on same and 8 days' extra duty.
Temperature magazine forward 94° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 95° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition [room] 99° to 104°, after magazine 86° to 90°, after shell room 96° to 102°.
Average revolutions 85.1, average steam 100 [pounds] at end of watch.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly breeze.
At 12.30pm put over patent log, reading 0.1, and made course E¼N.
Stood on course E¼N (per standard [compass]) until 2.30pm, then various, the Navigator conning.
At 3.00pm, patent log reading 17.0, changed course to SE by South (per standard compass).
At 3.30pm slowed to half speed, going ahead again at 3.40pm.
Changed course at 3.40pm to SSE¾E (per standard compass).
At end [of watch] patent log reading 24.2, course SSE¾E (per standard compass).
Average revolutions 82.7, average steam 100 [pounds].
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE.
Standing into Escalante Harbor, mouth of River Danao, Navigator conning ship, courses various.
Took in patent log at 5.20pm.
At 5.30pm dropped starboard anchor in 3½ fathoms water, veered to 30 fathoms [chain].
Lowered whaleboat and the Navigator took soundings around ship.
Hove up anchor, and at 6.18pm went ahead full speed on course East by South (per standard compass), patent log put over, reading 34.6.
At 6.55pm changed course to SSW½W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 39.
Last hour of watch used searchlights and signaled "Yorktown" every ten minutes.
Under [steam in] 3 boilers.
Average steam 99 [pounds], revolutions 81.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 46.0.
8pm to midnight:
Partially cloudy.
Calm, light breeze from SE first hour.
Thunder and lightning to Northward and Westward.
Moon rose at 10.15pm.
At 8.15pm stood in to West shore Tañon Strait seeking an anchorage, but finding too much depth, stood to East at 9.15pm, put over patent log, reading 49.4.
At 10.00pm set course NNE⅜E, patent log [reading] 52.
Standing up Tañon Strait.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 67.2.
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30 May 1899
At sea, cruising
Lat 10.81, Long 123.57
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and rainy.
Light breeze from NW.
Standing up Tañon Strait, course NNE⅜E.
At 1.30am changed course to SSW⅜W, patent log [reading] 66.3.
Under [steam in] 3 boilers, half speed.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 82.4.
4am to 8am:
Light airs from SSW first hour, then calm.
Overcast and rainy first part of watch, partly clearing last hour.
At 4.30am changed course to NNE⅜E (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 86.
At 5.40am changed to West (per standard compass) and went ahead full speed.
At 6.40am sighted a town ahead, and slowed down, taking casts of the lead.
The town proved to be Tuburan, about four (4) miles North of Calatrava, on the East coast of Negros.
Stopped engines and sent an officer, Lieutenant Clark, with armed boat's crew, flying flag of truce, to communicate with the people on shore.
When the boat was about 200 yards from the beach, still flying the flag of truce, a heavy fire was opened upon it by people hidden behind bushes and trees on shore.
The boat immediately pulled clear of the ship's line of fire, and returned to the ship, which opened fire with port battery, first the secondary and then the main, range from 2500 to 1500 yards.
The fire upon the boat kept up until checked by the ship's fire, which began about 7.14am and ended at 8.00am.
Expended in Ordnance Department: 20 6-inch common shells; 3 6-inch shrapnel; 64 6-pounder armor piercing shells; 49 3-pounder common shells; 144 1-pounder armor piercing shells.
Found several miss- and hung-fires in the 3-pounder ammunition, the cause of which was thought to be defective primers.
Battery and other ammunition worked well.
The shock of discharge shattered the dinghy, 20 glass panes (wardroom daylight and pilot house), one aneroid barometer (cabin), 1 ceiling fixture (number 1), 1 steam light globe, 3 16 candle-power lamps.
Lost from dinghy: 2 boat hooks; 1 pennant staff; 6 swivel row-locks; 1 set stretchers; 1 tiller; 1 anchor.
At end of watch getting wreck of dinghy on board and hoisting whaleboat.
Hauled in patent log at 7.00am, reading 0.0.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and hot, cloudy first two hours of watch and light airs to light breeze from North by East last two hours.
At 8.20am Lao Tines, Chinese merchant of Iloilo, came on board as refugee.
Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver was restored to duty by the Commanding Officer.
At 11.00am came to anchor at mouth of Danao River in 6½ fathoms of water, with 30 fathoms port chain.
Bearings as follows: telegraph house West by North, Solitary Peak W⅜S, Ocre Point S¾W.
Draft forward 13 feet 10 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
Engines ready to move at five minutes' notice.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and hot.
Light breeze from North by East.
Carpenter's gang repairing dinghy.
G.B. Schmitt, Landsman, was this day declared a deserter from this ship and the United States Naval Service, to date from May 20th, 1899, his effects were sold at auction and ($2.50) two dollars and fifty cents was realized from the sale.
Realized $0.60 (sixty cents) from an auction sale of unclaimed articles in the lucky bag.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northerly breeze.
At 5.15pm got under way and stood to Southward to investigate a Spanish steamer, which proved to be the transport "General Alava" with troops.
Stood to Southward until 5.55pm, when returned for anchorage.
Draft forward 13 feet 10 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
6pm to 8pm:
At 6.20pm anchored in 8½ fathoms water, with 30 fathoms port chain.
Bearings: Solitary Peak West, Ocre Point South by W¾W, ship's head North.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
Light airs and light breeze from WNW to NW by North.
Solitary Peak is also known as Mount Solitario.
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31 May 1899
At sea, cruising, and at anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 11.00, Long 123.05 [Estimated]
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with heavy rains.
Moderate breeze to light airs from NE by North and NNW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light Southwesterly airs.
At 4.40am the Spanish gunboat "[General] Alava" got under way heading NE.
At 5.30am got under way.
At 6.00am overhauled the steamer "Mayon", a trader from Manila.
Lieutenant Clark made boarding visit.
At 6.10am headed on course NE, patent log reading 13.6.
At 6.26am changed course to NNE.
At 7.00am changed course to N½W (per compass).
Bearings: Solitary Peak WSW¼W, small islet West.
At 7.26am changed course to North by W¾W, Solitary [Peak] in line with islet.
At 7.55am changed course NW¼N, patent log [reading] 26.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from West by North.
Pilot and Navigator conning the ship, courses various, under [steam in] 3 boilers.
At 8.50am stopped both engines on account of shallow water, went ahead at 9.05am.
Went to collision quarters at 9.30am.
Exercised crew at divisional drills.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishment: C.A. Olsen, Ordinary Seaman, tight from liberty and on sick list from alcoholism 2 days, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty.
Temperature of forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 96° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 105°, after magazine 90° to 93°, after shell room 99° to 104°.
Drew shells from port 6-inch guns, to oil guns, then put shells back in guns.
Carpenter's gang working on repairs to dinghy.
Average revolutions 83.4, steam 110 [pounds].
Patent log at end of watch [read] 53.2.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from SSW.
Standing through the Straits of Iloilo, Navigator conning.
At 3.20pm exchanged colors with the American steamer "Rosario", standing to the Westward.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 81.8.
Patent log at end [of watch read] 81.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and light breezes from SW.
Navigator and pilot conning the ship.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 80.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Standing into Iloilo harbor, Navigator conning ship.
At 6.13pm dropped anchor in 13 fathoms and veered to 60 fathoms [chain] just inside.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Princeton" came on board.
U.S.S. "Albay" [U.S.S. "Albai" in log-book] came out of the river and asked, and was granted, permission to anchor at discretion.
The Commanding Officer left the ship on duty.
Sent whaleboat ashore with pilot and Chinese refugee, in charge of Chief Master-at-Arms, to be turned over to Captain of the Port.
Bearings from anchorage, ship's head SW by West: South tangent of fort W⅞S, lighthouse WNW⅛W, Point Bondulan SW¾W.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy to clear and pleasant.
The Commanding Officer returned on board.
Hoisted gig.
Secured whaleboat to port boom.
Hoisted out steam launch and started fires, and hauled them on account of safety valve being out of repair.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
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1 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and sultry.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and sultry.
Sent whaleboat to U.S.S. "Indiana" for fresh beef.
Sent regular market boat at 6.15am.
Made time and uniform signal at 7.30am.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
The United States Army transport "Warren" came in and anchored at 6.30am.
U.S.S. "Albay" shifted her anchorage to our port quarter.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NNE and calm.
By order of the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Chauncey Thomas was detached from this vessel and ordered to U.S.S. "Princeton" for passage to Manila, there to report to the Commander-in-Chief.
At 10.00am a Summary Court Martial met for the trial of W.H. Nichols, Private Marine, and other persons as may be legally brought before it, Lieutenant G.R. Clark senior member.
At 11.30am Summary Court took recess until 1.00pm.
Made the following changes in rating by order of the Commanding Officer, to date from today: W.J. Kane, H. Harris, J. Campbell, W. Coleman and A. Akers, from Landsmen to Ordinary Seamen.
Signals [at] 12.00pm: U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 141, numeral 2; U.S.S. "Albay" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 24, answer 7, numeral [left blank], answer 3.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 102°; [forward] shell room 96° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 104°; after shell room 96° to 101°; [after] magazine 90° to 93°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from North and breeze from NE.
The Army returned six signal lanterns, which had been loaned from this ship.
Signals: [at] 1.00pm U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 513; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton" affirmative; [at] 3.30pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton", "Sail at 5.00am tomorrow, if ready, without further orders, signed Sperry".
The Summary Court Martial met at 1.00pm, and at 3.00pm adjourned to await action of convening authority.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from SE and calm.
Transferred the following men, with bags, hammocks and ditty boxes, for duty to U.S.S. "Albay": M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class; W. Peters, Second-class Fireman; J. Dowd, Second-class Fireman; J.H. White, Seaman; F. Farrell, Gunner's Mate First-class; J.M. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class; W.J. Kane, Ordinary Seaman; B. Amiot, Landsman; Lee Loey, Mess Attendant.
Signals: [at] 4.30pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton", "Your sailing delayed until further orders, probably two days, signed Sperry"; [at] 5.10pm U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Draft from Albay will be ready after supper, signed West"; [at] 5.20pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton", "Send for draft from Albay after supper".
Tested searchlight.
8pm to midnight:
Fair to clear and pleasant.
Ridding to ebb.
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2 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm to light Northeasterly airs.
U.S.S. "Petrel" came in at 1.30am, exchanged call letters with her.
Swinging to flood during watch.
4am to 8am:
Light airs from NE and calm.
Sent boat to U.S.S. "Indiana" for fresh beef.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from NNE and WSW.
At 8.10am U.S.S. "Samar" came into port, and her Commanding Officer reported to the Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Yorktown".
Lieutenant B.A. Fiske reported for duty as relief of Lieutenant C. Thomas.
U.S.S. "Samar" went up Iloilo River to take on coal and water.
Paymaster's Department received from United States transport ship U.S.S. "Indiana": 507 pounds fresh beef.
The following Navigation stores were transferred to U.S.S. "Albay": 1 sextant; 1 hack chronometer; 1 boat signal book; 1 set boat signals; 1 boat box (gig's); 1 Nautical Almanac; 1 wigwag flag; 1 ensign number 5; 1 lead and line; 1 parallel ruler; 1 Very [signal] pistol; 1 dozen red Very's; 1 dozen green Very's; 6 rockets; 1 telescope.
The following stores from Ordnance Department were transferred to U.S.S. "Albay": 12 6 mm rifles; 1 .22 caliber rifle; 1220 rounds 6 mm ammunition; 500 rounds .22 caliber ammunition; 50 rounds .38 caliber ammunition (pistol); 11 6-pounder saluting charges; 1 chest 6-pounder ammunition; 12 rifle belts; 12 bayonet scabbards; 2 rifle racks.
At 8.20am the Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Petrel" paid an official visit to the Commanding Officer.
The Ordnance Department transferred to U.S.S. "Samar": two main springs of Colt's automatic guns.
At 9.00am a board, consisting of Lieutenant J.M. Bowyer, as senior member, Ensign R.H. Leigh, member, and Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh, recorder, convened for the examination of candidates for appointment as gunner: A. Hasler, Chief Gunner's Mate; W. Carroll, Gunner's Mate First-class; F. Bresnan, Gunner's Mate First-class.
At 10.00am the following signals were made: U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0 and numeral 5; U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0 and numeral 1.
J. Sullivan number 2 absent over time.
At 10.05am sent following signals to U.S.S. "Petrel": "Have stores for you; send boat at convenience".
The following men were transferred to U.S.S. "Albay": R. Lyons, Apprentice Second-class; A. Coleman, Ordinary Seaman; C. Grasser, Oiler.
At 11.30am Examining Board took recess until 1.00pm.
At noon the following signals were made: U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 139 and numeral 2; U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 92 and numeral 8.
Delivered ten packages of stores to U.S.S. "Petrel".
Transferred to U.S.S. "Albay": 1 hammock; 2 set clews.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear to cloudy, with passing showers.
Light airs and light breeze from SW by West.
At 12.30pm American merchant steamer "Santander" came into port.
The Examining Board convened at 1.00pm.
Sent liberty party ashore.
The following officers made regular weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant Fiske; Lieutenant Clark; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy; Chief Engineer Cleaver.
At 1.00pm received signal from U.S.S. "Albay": "Would like permission to go up the river for water", answered affirmative.
The Paymaster's Department received on board: 1000 pounds of flour; and 1000 pounds sugar.
At 2.40pm signaled U.S.S. "Petrel": "Send steam launch at convenience".
Temperatures of forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 95° to 94°, fixed ammunition room 100° to 102°, after magazine 90° to 90°, after shell room 96° to 100°.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear to cloudy, with passing showers.
Gentle breeze and light airs from SE.
At 4.20pm U.S.S. "Albay" came out of river and passed out strait to the Northward.
At 5.00pm the Examining Board took recess until 9.00am tomorrow morning.
Hoisted gig.
J. Sullivan number 2, First-class Fireman, returned 24 hours over time.
At 5.00pm exercised at fire quarters.
8pm to midnight:
Clear to cloudy, with passing showers.
Light airs and light breeze from SE and North to calm last hour of watch.
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3 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
At 5.40am American steamer "Salvadora" ["Salvadore" in log-book] arrived in port.
At 6.10am English cable steamer "Recorder" came into port.
Ensign D.W. Knox reported return from leave of absence.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Northerly airs.
General field day.
Allowed fires to die out under B boiler.
The Board for the Examination of candidates for the appointment as gunner met and adjourned.
Commanding Officer awarded J. Sullivan number 2, First-class Fireman, 8 hours' extra duty and reduced him to 4th [conduct] class, for 24 hours over time and tight.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 1; U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 5; at noon U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 90, numeral 2; U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 138, numeral 2. Temperatures: forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; forward shell room 94° to 94°; fixed ammunition 99° to 102°; after magazine 88° to 90°; after shell room 97° to 98°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Generally cloudy and warm.
Light Northerly airs and breezes.
D. Attridge, Second-class Fireman, was this day discharged by reason of expiration of enlistment.
United States transport U.S.S. "Indiana" left the harbor.
Sent liberty party ashore.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light WSW breeze to calm.
U.S.S. "Samar" and United States Army transport "Warren" left the harbor.
Transferred the following men to U.S.S. "Princeton", with bags, hammocks and necessary transfer papers; D.J. King, Boiler Maker; G.W. Poss, Machinist Second-class; H.J. Braman, Oiler; C.M. Miles, Ordinary Seaman; T. Healy, Ordinary Seaman; J. Feighery, Landsman; E. Chase, Yeoman Third-class; G.M. Dyke, Ordinary Seaman; P.M. Anderson, Coal Passer.
Liberty party returned, except M. Ahearn [O'Hearn in log-book], Private Marine.
Signaled to U.S.S. "Princeton": "Get under way tomorrow morning and proceed to Manila".
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
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4 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with occasional light rain.
U.S.S. "Princeton" got under way at daylight, and left the harbor.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from West by South.
The Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew at quarters.
Absent over time: M. Ahearn, Private Marine.
M. Ahearn, Private Marine, returned from liberty at 11.00am, 17 hours over time.
Signals: U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" at 10.00am, numeral 8, numeral 0; at 12.00pm numeral 87, numeral 2.
Riding to ebb.
Temperature of forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 94° to 94°, fixed ammunition room 98° to 101°, after magazine 88° to 90°, after shell room 93° to 97°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle West and West-southwesterly breeze.
Swinging to flood.
Sent liberty party on shore.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly airs and breeze.
The British steamer "Libelle" came in.
Riding to flood.
8pm to midnight:
Fair to clear and pleasant.
U.S.S. "Albay" came in at 11.00pm with prize schooner in tow.
Swinging to ebb.
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5 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from NE.
Riding to ebb.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from West.
Made time and uniform signals.
U.S.S. "Albay" went up the river at daylight.
Riding to flood at end [of watch].
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light Northeasterly airs.
At 8.10am Lieutenant Gill of U.S.S. "Zafiro" came aboard and reported U.S.S. "Zafiro" aground at entrance of harbor.
At 8.40am U.S.S. "Zafiro" reported coming into port.
At 8.50am sent signal to U.S.S. "Petrel", "You will not get under way".
At 9.05am U.S.S. "Zafiro" made signal "Is it possible to get fresh water at once?", answered "No".
Scraping and painting sides of ship.
Did not muster at quarters on account of the crew working over the sides.
Frank Bresnan, Gunner's Mate First-class, was transferred to U.S.S. "Charleston", taking passage on U.S.S. "Zafiro".
Chief Machinist G.T. Brownridge was sent by U.S.S. "Zafiro" to report to U.S.S. "Charleston" for examination for warrant machinist.
The following Engineer's stores were sent to U.S.S. "Albay": ten gallons lubricating oil; 1 bench vice; 1 Stillson wrench.
At 10.30am U.S.S. "Zafiro" got under way and stood out strait to Southward.
Temperature forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 94° to 95°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 102°, after shell room 92° to 96°.
The Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Petrel" made official visit to Commanding Officer.
The following general signals were received: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 10 and numeral 0; at noon U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 85 and numeral 2.
Transferred to U.S.S. "Albay" [U.S.S. "Albai" in log-book]: one azimuth tables; one stay light (white lantern).
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light North-northwesterly airs.
Continued scraping and painting ship's sides.
Fred Johnson, First-class Fireman, discharged at his own request, expiration of enlistment.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from NE.
Did not muster at quarters on account of work on ship's sides.
At 5.10pm U.S.S. "Albay" came out of river and anchored near U.S.S. "Yorktown".
Sent repaired valve stem aboard.
Hoisted gig.
At 6.00pm U.S.S. "Albay" got under way and left port.
Hoisted 3rd cutter.
At 6.30pm the American steamer "Venus" came into port.
At 7.55pm began signaling "Yorktown" with searchlight.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from NE and SE.
At 8.05pm stopped signaling with searchlights.
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6 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from ENE and WNW.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light airs and light breezes from NNE.
At 7.30am made time and uniform signal.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NNE airs.
Crew engaged in scraping and painting ship's side.
Commanding Officer made an official visit to the Commanding General at Iloilo.
Signals: at 8.40am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Commander Cornwell, will you go at 9.30 to call on General?"; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 9, numeral 0; at noon numeral 81, numeral 4.
Temperatures: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 95°; forward shell room 94° to 96°; fixed ammunition room 98° to 103°; after shell room 92° to 96°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm, with occasional passing showers.
Light variable airs to gentle breezes.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1.00pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle WSW breeze to calm.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters and exercised at setting up drill.
J.J. Dolan, Coal Passer, absent over time.
At 6.00pm J.J. Dolan, Coal Passer, returned on board 24 hours over time.
Signals: at 5.40pm U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "We understand mail leaves tomorrow for Manila at 9 o'clock, is it true?"; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Mail closes at Post Office at nine to go by steamer Vyner".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, calm and pleasant, with passing showers last part [of watch].
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7 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and calm, with occasional showers.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NE airs to calm.
At 7.30am made time and uniform signal.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and North by Easterly airs.
Continued touching up ship's side.
The Spanish transport "General Alava" stood out to the Northward
The Compañia Maritima steamer "Rosario" came in.
U.S.S. "Helena" came in, exchanged numbers with her.
U.S.S. "Petrel" boarded her in obedience to signal.
The Commanding Officers of U.S.S. "Helena" and U.S.S. "Petrel" made official calls on board.
The steamer "Vyner" of Sarawak sailed for Manila.
M. Kieley, Coxswain, and W.H. Nichols, Private Marine, were informed as to the findings and sentences of the Summary Court Martial in their cases: thirty days' solitary confinement in single irons on bread and water, with a full ration every 3rd day, to perform extra police duty for one month, and to lose one month's pay amounting to, in case of Kieley $30.00, in case of Nichols $15.60.
In case of Kieley [Kiely in log-book] the above was modified so that he should not perform extra police duties, and in case of Nichols so that he will have full rations every day, and not to perform extra police duties.
W.H. Nichols, Private Marine, was confined in accordance with above sentences.
The Commanding Officer awarded punishments as follows: M. Ahearn, Private Marine, 17 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; F. Miller, Shipwright, fighting, [reduced to] 3rd [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; C. Rankin, Seaman, fighting, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; H. Verge, Private Marine, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; J.J. Dolan, Coal Passer, 24 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty, lose 1 day's pay.
Temperatures in forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, [forward] shell room 95° to 95°, fixed ammunition room 99° to 104°, after shell room 92° to 96°, after magazine 88° to 90°.
Signals: [at] 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 3, numeral 0; [at] 10.10am U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 131, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Helena" affirmative; [at] 10.15am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Please send your steam cutter to board the Helena"; [at] 11.38am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Helena", "Water can not be had here, signed Swinburne [Swinburn in log-book]"; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 79, numeral 2.
Swinging to ebb last half [of watch].
Meridian to 4pm:
Light SSW breeze.
Overcast and cloudy, with heavy rain.
U.S.S. "Helena" got under way and stood out to the Southward at 3.15pm.
Signals: [at] 1.20pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Helena", "How much money can you spare?", U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Two thousand Mexican dollars, will you send for it please?"; [at] 2.45pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Helena", "Will send for money, please excuse return call, signed Sperry"; [at] 3.10pm U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 121, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Helena" affirmative.
The Board of Survey condemned and threw overboard 100 pounds rice.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 2000 Mexican dollars, from U.S.S. "Helena".
Riding to ebb.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from South.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters.
Riding to flood at end [of watch].
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from South.
Riding to flood until last hour, when swung to ebb.
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8 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from NNW.
Riding to ebb.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NNW and calm.
Swung to flood first hour, riding to flood at end [of watch].
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and West-southwesterly airs.
Continued touching up ship's side.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, and A. Mathews, Coal Passer, absent over time.
Divisions mustered at stations for general quarters and for fire quarters.
At 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" made general signals numeral 3 and numeral 1.
At 11.20am sent signal [to] U.S.S. "Petrel": "Bennington leaves Manila Friday with men for Yorktown and Petrel".
At noon U.S.S. "Petrel" made general signals numeral 77, and numeral 2.
Temperature forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 95°, forward shell room 93° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 102°, after shell room 90° to 95°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light West-southwesterly airs.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Continued touching up ship's side.
At 2.00pm English merchant steamer "Tak Sang" ["Tok Sang" in log-book] came into port.
At 3.45pm American mail steamer "Layabas" [?] came into port.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breezes and light airs from WSW.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, and A. Mathews, Coal Passer, absent over time, H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook [First-class], absent without leave.
Hoisted 3rd cutter.
Exercised with searchlight.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light breeze from North.
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9 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with passing shower.
Calm and light Southerly airs.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly airs and calm.
At 7.30am made time and uniform signal.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from WSW to South.
At 9.30am went to general quarters with following times: 1st Division 3 minutes; 2nd Division 3 minutes; 3rd Division 4 minutes; Powder Division 2 minutes; Engineer's Division 2 minutes.
Absent without leave: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: A. Mathews, Coal Passer, F. Johnson, Seaman, H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, and J. Wolf, Bugler.
Tested electric firing attachments of 6-inch guns.
Received in Equipment [Department]: 100 packages toilet paper.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 10,000 silver Mexican dollars.
General Commanding Visayas [Visayanz in log-book] military district called officially on the Commanding Officer.
Fired a salute of eleven guns in his honor.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 3 and numeral 0; at noon U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 75, numeral 2.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to gentle WSW breeze.
Overhauled battery.
Temperatures: forward magazine 92° [Fahrenheit] to 95°; forward shell room 93° to 93°; fixed ammunition room 98° to 101°; after shell room 88° to 91°.
Tested life buoys.
At 3.45pm U.S.S. "Samar" came into port, exchanged numbers with her.
Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Samar" came on board and reported to the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with rain last part [of watch].
Light WSW breeze, shifting to gentle ENE breeze, and then followed by calm last hour.
At 5.30pm went to fire quarters, all ready in 1½ minutes.
Same absentees as at morning quarters.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy, followed by clearing.
Light variable airs to calm.
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10 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs to calm.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs.
At 7.30am made time and uniform signal, general 735.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from East and calm.
U.S.S. "Petrel" shifted berth at 11.00am.
Cleaning ship.
Signals: [at] 8.45am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 159, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] affirmative, U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Our launch was sunk in the river last night, will try to raise her at low water"; [at] 9.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Will be glad to help any way possible in raising your launch"; [at] 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 3, numeral 0; [at] meridian numeral 72, numeral 3.
Absent over time: A. Mathews, Coal Passer, F. Johnson, Seaman, H.J. Meade, Quartermaster First-class, and J.H Wolf, Bugler.
Absent without leave: H. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Swung to flood first part [of watch].
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
The following officers made the inspections required by Section 1594, United States Navy Regulations: Lieutenants B.A. Fiske, G.R. Clark; Ensign, D.W. Wurtsbaugh; Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver; and Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy, U.S. Navy.
Tested flood cocks and valves, and found them in good order.
Temperatures: forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 102°; [forward] shell room 94° to 97°; fixed ammunition [room] 97° to 104°; after shell room 88° to 91°.
The British steamer "Ayr" went out to sea at 4.00pm.
Swung to ebb first hour.
Light airs from NNE and breeze from East.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from NW and calm.
Riding to ebb.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Swung to flood first hour.
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11 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Swinging to ebb first part [of watch].
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Swinging to flood last hour.
Made time and uniform signal at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
H.J. Meade, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, and A. Mathews, Coal Passer, absent over time.
H. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class, absent without leave.
The Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
At 9.15am received the following signal from U.S.S. "Petrel": "Will you allow your regular boat to call for our liberty party and what time is your boat?".
Answered "Yes. 5.45 and 10.00am, 1.00 and 5.00pm".
At 10.00am U.S.S. "Petrel" made general signals: numeral 3 and numeral 0.
At noon U.S.S. "Petrel" made general signal numeral 70 and numeral 1.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, with passing showers.
Light airs and light breezes from WSW to calm last two hours of watch.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
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12 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant, with passing showers last hour of watch.
Calm and light airs from NW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Light North-northeasterly airs.
At 6.30am U.S.S. "Bennington" sighted coming into port.
At 6.35am U.S.S. "Bennington" made general signal interrogatory 131, U.S.S. "Yorktown" answered affirmative.
At 7.00am U.S.S. "Bennington" came to anchor and signaled "We have mail and men for you".
Raised signal yard about ten feet.
At 7.30am made time and uniform signals.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs to calm.
Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Bennington" called officially on the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
Received the following stores from U.S.S. "Bennington" in Construction [Department]: 1 barrel cement; 25 pounds putty; 10 gallons linseed oil.
In Engineer's Department: 25 pounds cement.
And in Paymaster's Department: 32 packages corned beef; 21 packages roast beef; 10 packages sausage; 21 packages mutton; 21 packages ham; 16 packages coffee; 21 packages biscuits; 1 package apples; 35 packages flour; 19 packages sugar; 7 packages butter; 25 packages vegetables; 5 packages rice; 7 packages beans; 19 packages soap.
Absent without leave: H. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: H. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, A. Mathews, Coal Passer, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, and G. Douglas, Coal Passer.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 101°; forward shell room 92° to 94°; fixed ammunition room 97° to 102°; after shell room 87° to 91°.
Signals: at 9.50am U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 5574, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] affirmative; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 4, U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "We have got our steam launch alongside", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Congratulations"; at noon U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 340, numeral 12, U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 69, numeral 2.
U.S.S. "Samar" came out of the river and left the harbor, her Commanding Officer calling on the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SSW to ESE.
Engaged in stowing stores.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1.00pm.
Signals at 3.40pm: U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 5567, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] affirmative.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SSE airs to calm.
Omitted evening quarters on account of stowing stores.
Received from U.S.S. "Bennington", with bags, hammocks and necessary transfer papers, the following men, transferred to this vessel from U.S.S. "Boston": M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class; L. Hellen, Apprentice Second-class; T. Broderick, Apprentice Second-class; James Mangan, Landsman; J. Connelly, Landsman; C. Hansell, Ordinary Seaman; W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman; G. Linquist, Seaman; P. Jensen, First-class Fireman.
W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman, and V. Lewis, Seaman, made prisoners at large to await sentence of Summary Court Martial.
Sent to U.S.S. "Bennington" the following stragglers from that ship: R.F. Kralischeck, Private Marine; J.F. Kinzey, Private Marine; P. Kraft, Private Marine; H.D. Winzel, Private Marine; also J. Chatman, Apprentice, for passage to U.S.S. "Castine".
Liberty party returned, except C. Fields, Coal Passer.
Signals: at 5.45pm U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Was tally of stores correct?"; at 5.50pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book], "Will send for draft at once".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, pleasant and calm.
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[Inserted note]
4pm to 8pm:
Received from U.S.S. "Bennington", transferred from U.S.S. "Boston", the following men, with bags and hammocks: F. Petersen, Seaman; C. Emold, Seaman; O. Olsen, Seaman; P.O. Martin, Ordinary Seaman; W. Kessel, Ordinary Seaman; F. Harsnett, Landsman; A. Hill, Chief Quartermaster; A. Bried, Apprentice Second-class; G. Fuhrman, Apprentice Second-class; F. Casey, Seaman; C.F. Henderson, Apprentice Second-class; R. Whiteneck, Apprentice Second-class; F. Muratel, Boiler Maker; V. Lewis, Seaman; J.J. O'Brien, Machinist Second-class; James White, Chief Yeoman.
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13 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs.
At 7.30am signaled to squadron 735.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
At 9.30am mustered crew at quarters and stationed men at the battery.
Absent without leave: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, A. Mathews, Coal Passer, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, G. Douglas, Coal Passer, and C. Fields, Coal Passer.
The Commanding Officer left the ship to make an official call upon the President of the Peace Commission, and to return the call of Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Bennington".
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 103°; [forward] shell room 93° to 92°; fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 104°.
The "Aeolus" sailed with troops on board.
Signals: [at] 8.10am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book], "The tally of stores is one package short"; [at] 10.00am U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 4, U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 3, numeral 1; [at] 12.00pm U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 374, numeral 5, U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 67, numeral 2.
Swung to flood first hour.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
Calm to gentle breeze from WSW.
U.S.S. "Bennington" got under way and stood to the Northward at 12.50pm.
Sent boat for sand.
Signals: [at] 12.20pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Proceed to Manila as soon as ready for sea, signed Sperry", U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Will be ready to go to sea at six o'clock tonight, signed Cornwell"; [at] 12.45pm U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 121, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] affirmative.
C. Fields, Coal Passer, was brought off by Iloilo police, 21 hours over time, and G. Douglas, Coal Passer, 45 hours over time, paid a reward of $10.00 for each of them.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light variable airs.
Received in Construction Department: 4 bags of slaked lime.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters and had setting up [exercise].
Absent without leave: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, A. Mathews, Coal Passer, and J.H. Wolf, Bugler.
At 6.20pm U.S.S. "Petrel" got under way and stood out.
Signals: [at] 4.45pm U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "To Captain Sperry, will you telegraph to Manila to hold our mail there? Signed Cornwell", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Yes"; [at] 5.45pm U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "You have not sent the memorandum upon the conversation held this afternoon, signed Cornwell"; [at] 6.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "Concluded not worthwhile, signed Sperry"; [at] 6.10pm U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 121, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] affirmative.
Riding to ebb.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Swung to flood first hour.
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14 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from NW.
Swung to ebb last part.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from West.
Riding to ebb.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs and calm.
Painting boot topping.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, and A. Mathews, Coal Passer, absent over time, H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class, absent without leave.
Cleaned and scraped deck lights.
Holystoned gangway ladders.
Mustered divisions at stations for general quarters.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 101°, forward shell room 94° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 105°, after shell room 89° to 91°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: Charles Fields, Coal Passer, 21 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; George Douglas, Coal Passer, 45 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 3 months additional [on] 4th [conduct] class, 8 days' extra duty; H. Reagan, Electrician Second-class, drunk, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; C. Rankin, Seaman, not airing bedding, ½ day's extra duty; E. Vasser, Apprentice Second-class, not airing bedding, ½ day's extra duty; C. Fippins, Private Marine, inattention and neglect of duty, 4 days' extra duty.
Sent liberty party ashore.
At 3.00pm the English merchant steamer "Elax" came into port.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs and light breezes from WSW.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters.
Drilled divisions at setting up exercise.
Absent without leave: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: J.H. Wolf, Bugler, H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, and A. Mathews, Coal Passer.
Liberty party returned, except F.E. Knowles, Second-class Fireman, and W. Wise, First-class Fireman.
Continued painting boot topping.
At 7.30pm U.S.S. "Albay" came into port and anchored.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Albay" paid official visit to the Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Yorktown".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with passing showers, to clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs and calm.
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15 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs and calm.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light North-northeasterly airs.
Continued painting boot topping.
At 7.00am U.S.S. "Albay" got under way and proceeded up the river.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
Paymaster's Department received on board: 116¼ pounds fresh beef; and 93 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NNE airs.
At 9.30am went to general quarters with the following times: 1st Division 2 minutes; 2nd Division 2½ minutes; 3rd Division 3 minutes; Powder Division 3 minutes; Engineer's Division 1½ minutes.
Secured and then cast loose again with following times, with ammunition on deck for one battery: 1st Division 1½ minutes; 2nd Division 1½ minutes; 3rd Division 2 minutes; Powder Division 1¾ minutes.
Absent without leave: P.H. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, A. Mathews, Coal Passer, E. Wise, First-class Fireman, and F.E. Knowles, Second-class Fireman.
Tested electric firing attachments for 6-inch guns.
Overhauled battery.
Broke out fore hold.
At noon fired blank 6-pounder as time signal.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 104°; forward shell room 95° to 96°; fixed ammunition room 97° to 105°; after shell room 88° to 91°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs to Northeasterly breeze.
Following acting appointments issued: H.C. Coughlan as Yeoman Third-class; M. Lepp as Coxswain; P.A. Petterson as Sailmaker's Mate; O.E. Lofstrom as Quartermaster Third-class.
At 3.00pm H.B.M.S. "Peacock" arrived in harbor.
Sent boarding officer to her on visit of courtesy.
Overhauling battery and breaking out fore hold
E. Wise, First-class Fireman, and F.E. Knowles, Second-class Fireman, returned on board 20 hours over time.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, followed by setting up drill.
Absent without leave: P.H. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: J.H. Wolf, Bugler, H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, and A. Mathews, Coal Passer.
M. Coyle, Landsman, sent to U.S.S. "Albay" for duty.
Lee Loy, Mess Attendant, serving on U.S.S. "Albay", failed to return to U.S.S. "Albay" from liberty.
Tested searchlights.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from North and NW.
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16 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light NW airs and NNE breezes.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NE airs.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northeasterly airs.
At 9.30am inspected at quarters and had divisional drill.
Absent over time: H.J. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, A. Mathews, Coal Passer, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, and Lee Loy, Mess Attendant.
Tested life buoys and found them in good order.
Continued cleaning fore hold and began restowing.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Peacock" made an official call upon the Commanding Officer.
Ship swinging to flood last hour.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
Light breeze from NW and airs from NE.
The Commanding Officer paid an official call in return upon the Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Peacock".
The following officers reported having made the inspection, required by Article 1594, United States Navy Regulations: Lieutenants B.A. Fiske, George R. Clark; Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh; Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver; and Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy, U.S. Navy.
Temperatures: forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 104°; [forward] shell room 95° to 95°; fixed ammunition room 100° to 104°; after shell room 88° to 91°.
Tested flood cocks and found them in good order.
Swinging to ebb.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from North.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters and had fire quarters, time 2½ minutes.
Tested hand pumps and found them in working order.
Absent over time: H.J. Meade, Quartermaster First-class, A. Mathews, Coal Passer, J.H. Wolf, Bugler, and F. Johnson, Seaman.
U.S.S. "Samar" came in at 6.10pm and the Commanding Officer came on board.
Lee Loy, Mess Attendant, absent over time.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from North.
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17 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze, light airs and breeze from North.
Ship swinging to ebb last hour.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
U.S.S. "Albay" went out at 6.00am.
U.S.S. "Samar" went up the river at 6.20am.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 92 pounds fresh bread; 115 pounds fresh beef; 115 pounds vegetables.
Lighted fires in A and B boilers at 6.00am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
General field day.
Cleaned sides.
At 9.00am American merchant steamers "Butuan" and "Ilocos" came into port.
At 11.00am disconnected boilers C and D, and connected boilers A and B.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 103°, forward shell room 94° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 103°, after shell room 88° to 90°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from WSW, South and East.
The Board of Survey, of which Lieutenant Clark was senior member, condemned, and recommended to be thrown overboard, the following Paymaster's Department stores: 2 pounds flour; and 1 sack flour.
Continued cleaning sides.
J.H. Wolf, Bugler, and A. Mathews, Coal Passer, declared deserters from June 7.
Painted 3rd cutter.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and pleasant.
Light Northwesterly airs and calm.
Hoisted whaleboat.
By direction of the Commanding Officer the condemned stores were thrown overboard.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
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18 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
At 6.30am H.B.M.S. "Peacock" got under way and steamed out of channel to Northward.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Northerly airs.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Absent without leave: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class.
Absent over time: H. Mead, Quartermaster First-class, F. Johnson, Seaman, and A. Lepp, Coxswain.
Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 104°; forward shell room 94° to 94°; fixed ammunition room 97° to 106°; after shell room 87° to 90°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Northerly airs.
Steamer "Rosario" came into port.
Sent liberty men ashore.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NE breeze to calm.
Liberty party returned.
Following men declared deserters to date from June 8th: H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class; H. Mead, Quartermaster First-class; F. Johnson, Seaman.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast, with frequent showers.
Light airs and breezes from NE.
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19 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with passing showers first part [of watch].
Light NE airs to calm.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Easterly airs.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Fresh provisions [received]: 112½ pounds beef; 112½ pounds vegetables; 90 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant to warm.
[Calms and light NNE airs.]
Absent over time: A. Lepp, Coxswain.
Broke out chain lockers and overhauled both bower chains.
Broke out and inspected [compartment] D-12.
The Hull Inspection Board inspected chain lockers and [compartment] D-12.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 101°; [forward] shell room 98° to 95°; fixed ammunition [room] 97° to 103°; after shell room 87° to 91°.
Riding to ebb.
Received from U.S.S. "Samar" one Peter Juhl, Ordinary Seaman, with bag and hammock, suspected of insanity, placed him under sentry's charge for safe keeping.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
Light airs from NE and breeze from SE, calm.
U.S.S. "Samar" went out at 12.20pm.
U.S.S. "Bennington" came in at 1.30pm and stood to the Southward.
Broke out sailroom and inspected it.
Sent diver's gang and gear in tug "Lee Fat" to dive for Depot Quartermaster, Iloilo, at 3.00pm.
Signals: U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 3302; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] affirmative.
Swinging to flood.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle Northeasterly breeze and calm.
Restowed [compartment] D-12.
The diving party returned at 6.00pm, gear kept on the "Lee Fat" until tomorrow.
The Commanding Officer issued an acting appointment as Coxswain to J.H. White, Seaman.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, absent over time: A. Lepp, Coxswain.
Riding to flood.
A Compañia Maritima steamer came in at 7.00pm with mail from Manila.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy.
Swung to ebb.
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20 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs SW and West.
Swinging to flood last hour.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Sent diver's gang on shore at 5.30am.
Swinging last hour to ebb.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Broke out the following storerooms, which were inspected by the Quarterly Board of Survey: compartments A-101; A-102; D-117; and D-2.
Cleaning and painting storerooms.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 103°; forward shell room 93° to 93°; forward fixed ammunition room 97° to 104°; after shell room 88° to 91°.
At 11.00am the diving party, with all gear, returned.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear to cloudy, with heavy rain last hour of watch.
Calm and light Southerly breezes.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: H. James, Seaman, going to sleep in boat while boat keeper, 2 days' extra duty; O. Belanger, First-class Fireman, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; E. Wise, First-class Fireman, 20 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty; F. Knowles, Second-class Fireman, 20 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class and 2 days' extra duty; H. Lidman, Seaman, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; R. Mason, Landsman, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; C. Fallon, Private Marine, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class; A. Bried, Apprentice Second-class, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; F. Casey, Seaman, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; J. Donovan, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; C. Ewold, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class.
Continued work in storerooms.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, worked at diving 2 hours for Army Depot Quartermaster.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with slight passing showers.
Light Westerly airs and calm.
Hoisted whaleboat.
Mustered at quarters and served out clean hammocks.
Absent over time: A. Lepp, Coxswain.
Held auction sale of effects of the following deserters: P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class; H.J. Mead, Quartermaster Second-class; J.H. Wolf, Bugler.
Amount realized from sale: Mead $1.45; Williamson $0.20; Wolf $1.85; lucky bag $1.15.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
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21 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Southeasterly airs and calm.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Scrubbed hammocks.
Tested siren and whistle.
The English merchant steamer "Cleo" left port.
Paymaster's Department received the following stores: 112½ pounds fresh beef; 112½ pounds fresh vegetables; and 90 pounds fresh bread.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Easterly airs.
Absent over time: A. Lepp, Seaman.
Engaged in breaking out and cleaning storerooms.
The following compartments inspected by the Hull Board, and their sluice valves tested: A-4; A-103; A-102; D-3; D-5; D-6; and D-12.
At 11.00am U.S.S. "Albay" came into port and upon obtaining permission from the Commanding Officer went up the river.
Temperatures: forward magazine 99° [Fahrenheit] to 104°; forward shell room 94° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs to WSW breeze.
Engaged in cleaning and restowing storerooms.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, with rain last hour.
Light variable airs to calm.
U.S.S. "Iris" came into port and anchored off this vessel at 5.35pm.
Sent boarding officer on visit of courtesy.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Iris" called officially on the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
Received mail from U.S.S. "Iris" and the following men, deserters from this ship: H.J. Mead, Quartermaster Second-class; H. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class; F. Johnson, Seaman.
By order of the Commanding Officer placed them under sentry's charge, in single irons, to await further action. Signals at 5.10pm: U.S.S. "Iris" cornet 474, U.S.S. "Yorktown" distinguishing pennant; U.S.S. "Iris" interrogatory 131, U.S.S. "Yorktown" affirmative; U.S.S. "Iris" 4957, telegraphic 61, 1333, 1418, 5327, 0984, 9594, 3922.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
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22 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Westerly airs.
U.S.S. "Iris" got under way at 7.50am, and left harbor.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Signals at 7.30am: B-06.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm to light Westerly and Southwesterly airs.
Swung to ebb.
At 9.30am went to general quarters, time 2 minutes.
Exercised at 3-minute supply of ammunition.
Overhauled battery.
Absent over time: A. Lepp, Coxswain.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 99°; [forward] shell room 93° to 94°; fixed ammunition 97° to 101°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from SW.
Received in Navigator's Department from Hydrographic Office, Washington, D.C., the following charts: Hydrographic Office 192, 1300, 1301, 1781, 425, 1571, 1588, 1605, 1662, 1785, 1788, 1454, 1530, with instructions to cancel Hydrographic Office 1047, 692, 881; British Admiralty 2762, 356, plans on British Admiralty 2867, 1490; and to destroy old copies of Hydrographic Office 192, 1300, 1301, 1454, and 1530.
Riding to ebb.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SW and Calm.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, absent over time: A. Lepp, Coxswain.
By direction of the Commanding Officer placed C. Lamb, Machinist First-class, in single irons under sentry's charge for safe keeping, he being tight.
Received from Bureau of Navigation permanent appointments for the following men: F. Cruse, Oiler; J. Ferber, Gunner's Mate First-class; R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class; H. Marion, Oiler; H.J. Mead, Coxswain; A.J. Marchand [Marchaund in log-book], Oiler; G.M. Chase, Yeoman Third-class; H. Braman [Braiman in log-book], Oiler.
Tested searchlights.
8am to meridian:
Fair to overcast and cloudy, with rain last hour.
Calm to light airs and breezes from SW.
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23 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain first part.
Light breeze from SW and calm.
Swung to ebb first part.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 94 pounds fresh bread; 117½ pounds fresh meat; 117½ pounds vegetables.
Swung to flood last hour.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW and West.
At 9.30am divisions exercised at collision drill, the divisions reported ready as follows: 1st Division in 3 minutes; 2nd Division in 2 minutes; 3rd Division in 2 minutes; Powder Division in 1½ minutes; Engineer's Division [in] 1½ minutes; Marines in ½ minute.
The Navigator inspected all steering gear and shifted from steam to hand steering gear and back to steam gear.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: G.A. Carlet, Seaman, tight from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class; S.G. Boone, Hospital Apprentice, tight from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class; E. Vassar, Apprentice Second-class, shirking, 4 days' extra duty; F. Peterson, Seaman, drunk and dirty from liberty, lose 2 [conduct] classes; F. Lamb, Machinist First-class, tight and dirty from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class; J. Burns [Burnes in log-book], Private Marine, tight and dirty from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class.
H. Marion, Oiler, and A.J. Marchand, Oiler, received acting appointments as Water Tenders, E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, received acting appointment as Oiler.
By direction of Commanding Officer C. Lamb, Machinist First-class, being sober, was released from sentry's charge at 8.15am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breezes and light airs from West.
The following officers made regular weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant Fiske; Lieutenant Clark; Ensign Wurtsbaugh; Ensign Knox; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy; Chief Engineer Cleaver.
Tested flood cocks and found them in good condition.
Tested lifebuoys and found them in good working order.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 102°, forward shell room 94° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 103°.
Received from U.S.S. "Albay": 9 chests ammunition, 6-pounder; 99 metallic cases, 6-pounder; 1 chest ammunition, 6-pounder, saluting; 9 metallic cases, 6-pounder, saluting; all chests empty.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs and calm.
At 5.30pm went to fire quarters, A. Lepp, Coxswain, absent over time.
Hoisted gig and whaleboat.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, with rain last hour of watch.
Light breeze and light airs from South.
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24 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Light and gentle Westerly breezes.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with slight passing showers first hour of watch.
Light South-southwesterly breezes and airs.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SSW breeze.
A. Lepp, Seaman, absent over time.
General field day.
Crew engaged in cleaning ship.
G.T. Brownridge, Chief Machinist, reported on board, having returned from examination for warrant machinist on board U.S.S. "Charleston".
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 101°; forward shell room 93° to 95°; fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 103°.
U.S.S. "Samar" came into harbor about 11.00am.
Exchanged numbers with her, and her Commanding Officer called officially on the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
U.S.S. "Samar" went up the river.
At noon fired blank 6-pounder charge as time signal.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SW to gentle SSW breeze.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Issued one United States ensign number 5 to U.S.S. "Samar".
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light SSW breeze.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, A. Lepp, Seaman, absent.
Called all hands abandon ship and stationed crew.
Liberty party returned.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs to calm.
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25 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NW airs to calm.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Received fresh provisions as follows: 117½ pounds beef; 117½ pounds vegetables; 94 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
At 9.30am the Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew at quarters.
Marched crew aft and read Articles for Government of the Navy, and General Order establishing training station at San Francisco, California, on the island of Yerba Buena.
Held general muster of crew, absent over time: A. Lepp, Seaman.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 102°; [forward] shell room 95° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 99° to 103°.
Riding to flood.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from WSW.
U.S.S. "Helena" and U.S.S. "Mariveles" came in, exchanged distinguishing pennants.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Helena" came on board.
Received mail.
Signals: [at] 12.30pm U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 131, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Helena" affirmative; [at] 3.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Mariveles" [AV in log-book], "Berth too far in, shift out astern of Helena", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Helena", "Send steam cutter for Captain".
Swung to ebb first hour.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from North by East.
Riding to ebb.
Commanding Officer paid official visit to U.S.S. "Helena".
8pm to midnight:
Fair, calm and pleasant.
Swung to flood first hour.
By direction of the Commanding Officer placed E. Stanley, Oiler, in double irons under sentry's charge for safe keeping, he being drunk and disorderly from liberty.
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26 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Fair, calm and pleasant.
Swung to ebb first hour.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from Northward.
Made time and uniform signal at 7.30am.
Swinging to flood last hour.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Light Northerly airs.
Broke out after magazine and shell room.
The after magazine and after shell room and their double bottoms were inspected by the Hull Board.
By direction of the Commanding Officer E. Stanley, Oiler, being sober, was released from sentry's charge.
At 8.40am sent signal to U.S.S. "Helena", "Please send copy of your orders to relieve Yorktown".
At 9.00am received signal from U.S.S. "Helena", "Will send copy of orders when launch returns".
At 10.00am U.S.S. "Helena" made general signals numeral 0 and 4.
At noon U.S.S. "Helena" made general signals numeral 205 and numeral 5.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 101°; forward shell room 94° to 94°; forward fixed ammunition room 97° to 104°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light Southwesterly airs.
Sent liberty party ashore.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light Northerly airs.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up drill.
A. Lepp, Seaman, absent over time.
Edward Stanley, Oiler, absent without leave.
Hoisted gig and 3rd cutter.
Liberty party returned.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from North and NNE.
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27 June 1899
At anchor off Iloilo, Philippine Islands, and on passage to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.69, Long 122.60
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
At 7.30am made time and uniform signal.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light WSW airs.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, absent without leave.
Stationed crew for abandon ship.
A. Lepp, Seaman, this day declared a deserter to date from June 6th, 1899, and Lee Loey, Mess Attendant, to date from June 15th, 1899.
The Commanding Officer canceled the acting appointment as Oiler of E. Stanley, First-class Fireman.
By order of the Commanding Officer threw overboard 125 pounds bread, condemned by survey.
Received from U.S.S. "Helena" E. Ozama, Wardroom Steward, for passage to Manila.
United States transport "Sherman" came into harbor and anchored about 11.00am.
Sent boarding officer to her.
U.S.S. "Helena" fired a salute of eleven guns.
At noon fired a blank 6-pounder charge as time signal.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 1, numeral 4; at 11.30am transport "Sherman" international B.V.K.; at noon U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 200, numeral 5.
Temperatures: forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 102°; forward shell room 95° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 104°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to gentle Westerly breeze.
U.S.S. "Samar" came out of the river and left the harbor by the South channel.
Sold the effects of A. Lepp, Seaman, deserter, at auction for $1.40.
Instructed apprentices at signals.
At 2.00pm lighted fires under C and D boilers.
J.V. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, returned from duty in charge of prizes.
U.S.S. "Albay" came out of the river and left the harbor about 3.30pm.
Made preparations for getting under way.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light SSW airs.
Made preparations for getting under way.
Draft forward 12 feet 6 inches, aft 15 feet 6 inches.
At 4.50pm called all hands up anchor.
Anchor came up very foul.
At 5.29pm stood out the South channel, Commanding Officer and Navigator at the conn [con in log-book].
Slow speed to clear anchor.
Anchor not clear at end of watch.
6pm to 8pm:
Light breeze from WSW.
Cloudy, rain squalls to Westward.
Standing out of harbor, conned by Commanding Officer and Navigator.
Going under one bell to clear anchor.
At 7.05pm set course S61°W (per standard compass) for Point Naso, patent log reading 0.9.
Found Guimaras light burning.
Average steam 116 [pounds], average revolutions 46.4.
Went ahead full speed at 8.00pm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear to overcast, with rain last two hours of watch.
Light to gentle breezes from WSW.
Steaming with boilers A, B, C and D.
Full speed ahead with both engines at 8.05pm, on course S61°W.
At 12.00am changed course from S61°W to W½S.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 91.8.
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28 June 1899
Making passage from Iloilo, Philippine Islands, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 11.63, Long 121.79
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast, with frequent stiff squalls, with heavy rain, from WNW to NNE, moderating last hour.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course W½S (per standard compass) until 2.00am [pm in log-book], when changed to North (per standard compass), patent log reading 47.0.
Steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 94.6.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain first part, at end [of watch] clearing.
Moderate breeze from NNW, falling to light airs.
At daylight made land along starboard beam.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
At end [of watch] on course North (per compass), patent log reading 93.1.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 95.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and cloudy, with slight rain first part, clearing at end [of watch].
Light NW and WNW airs.
At 9.05am sighted Batbatan Island bearing N16½°E.
At 9.30am exercised divisions at collision drill and at abandon ship.
Edward Stanley, First-class Fireman, absent without leave.
At 10.10am sighted Maniquin Island bearing N28°W.
At 10.27am Batbatan Island bore NE, patent log reading 11.8.
At 11.00am Batbatan Island bore abeam, patent log reading 16.
At 11.00am changed course to N10°W.
At 12.00pm Maniquin Island bore [left blank], patent log reading 23.8.
Average steam 105 [pounds], average revolutions 94.
Temperature forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 102°, forward shell room 95° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition [room] 99° to 106°, after magazine 88° to 91°, after shell room 95° to 98°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with occasional passing showers, followed by clearing.
Moderate to stiff breeze from WNW to WSW.
Barometer falling slowly.
On course N10°W (per compass), under [steam in] four boilers.
Stopped starboard engine from 2.00pm to 2.25pm for repairs.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 96.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate and light Southwesterly breeze.
Standing on course N10°W (per compass) between Tablas Island [Tablos Island in log-book] and Mindoro Island.
Smooth sea.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and exercised at closing watertight doors.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], average revolutions 97.
Patent log at end [of watch read] 87.4.
Barometer low but rising normally.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, light passing showers between 10.00pm and 11.00pm.
Light airs and light breeze from SW.
Steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
Standing on course N10°W until 11.15pm, when changed course to N49°W.
Average steam 108 [pounds], average revolutions 94.
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29 June 1899
On passage from Iloilo, Philippine Islands, to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.19, Long 120.53
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to breezes from SW to WNW.
On course N49°W (per compass) until 1.30am, when changed to N41°W (per compass), patent log reading 31.0.
At 2.30am ran off ½ a point to starboard for a few minutes to clear schooner.
At 2.40am changed course 3 points to port to clear a steamer with three-masted schooner in tow, then on various courses standing through Verde Island Passage, with Navigator conning.
Steam 100.5 [pounds], revolutions 94.2.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy to fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from WNW and ENE and airs from ENE.
At 5.00am disconnected B boiler and hauled fires to repair leak in check valve joint.
On course West (per standard compass) until 5.15am, when patent log [reading] 61.4, changed course to NW by W⅞W (per compass).
At 6.30am, patent log [reading] 70.9, changed course to NW by W⅜W.
At 7.30am [Cape] Santiago lighthouse abeam, [distant] 3.8 miles.
At end [of watch] steam in A, C and D boilers, patent log [reading] 81.4.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 88.2.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with light passing showers.
Moderate to stiff Southeasterly breeze.
On course NW by W½W, steam in A, C and D boilers.
At 8.05am changed course to N12°W, patent log reading 81.4, heading for Fortune Island.
At 9.30am sounded call to general quarters, division reported ready as follows: 1st Division in 3 minutes; 2nd Division in 4 minutes; 3rd Division in 4 minutes; Powder Division in 4 minutes; Engineer's Division in 1 minute.
Secured at 9.52am.
E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, absent without leave.
Overhauled battery.
At 9.40am changed course to North, patent log reading 2.2.
At 10.45am Fortune Island abeam, distant 2 miles.
At 10.15am started fires in boiler B.
Boiler B connected at 11.40am.
The following punishments were awarded by the Commanding Officer: F. Martin, Ordinary Seaman, not laying aft to falls when word was passed to hook on boat, 2 days' extra duty; C. Rankin, Seaman, not laying aft to boat falls when word was passed to hook on boat, 2 days' extra duty; W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, repeated absence from station as messenger, 1 day's extra duty; G. Fuhrman, Apprentice Second-class, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; F. Muratel, Boiler Maker, returning to ship tight from special duty on shore, [reduced to] 3rd [conduct] class; J.F. De Quoy, Machinist First-class, coming on deck from below with dirty feet and dirtying deck, 2 days' extra duty; R. Mason, Landsman, not laying aft when word was passed to pull on falls, 2 days' extra duty; C. Comstedt, Seaman, drunk from liberty, [reduced to] 3rd [conduct] class; C.F. Anderson, Apprentice Second-class, disrespectful in bearing and manner to an officer of duty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class, 6 days' extra duty.
Temperature forward magazine 98° to 100°, forward shell room 95° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 107°, after magazine 89° to 91°, after shell room 96° to 100°.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 76.8.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with occasional light rain.
Moderate to gentle breeze from South to SE.
On compass course North until 12.15pm, when changed to N44°E (per compass), patent log [reading] 10.0.
At 2.30pm changed to NE¾E, patent log [reading] 28.4, and ran on that course until when stood into Manila harbor on various courses, with Commanding Officer and Navigator conning.
Hauled in patent log, reading 35.4, at 3.20pm.
Lost overboard: one 8-gallon water breaker.
Made preparations for anchoring.
Exchanged distinguishing pennant with the United States flagship U.S.S. "Baltimore".
At 3.50pm came to with starboard anchor, 400 yards off U.S.S. "Baltimore", in six fathoms of water, veering to 30 fathoms [chain].
Draft forward 12 feet 2 inches, aft 15 feet 4 inches.
Boarding officer from H.B.M.S. "Grafton" made official visit of courtesy.
Signals at 3.30pm: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship interrogatory 131; flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" 1453.
Bearings from anchorage: Nabotas N7°E, cathedral NE by E½E (magnetic).
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to breeze from SE by South to ESE.
Commanding Officer called officially on the Commander-in-Chief.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, absent without leave.
Tested searchlights.
Signals: at 4.05pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" 2991; at 5.30pm flagship to squad, "Boat exercise tomorrow annulled".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to moderate breeze from SE by South.
Nabotas is also known as Navotas.
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30 June 1899
At anchor off Manila and Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.53, Long 120.92 [Estimated]
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle SSE breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and overcast, with light rain last part.
Gentle SE breeze.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
At 7.00am flagship signaled to squadron 735.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze and airs from ESE.
The Spanish transport "General Alava" sent a boarding officer on board.
The Commanding Officer made an official call on the Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Grafton" and the Spanish transport "General Alava".
The Commander-in-Chief, accompanied by personal staff, paid an official call on the Commanding Officer.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Grafton" paid an official call upon the Commanding Officer.
At 11.20am got under way and stood for Cavite, the Captain and Navigator conning.
Draft forward 12 feet 2 inches, aft 15 feet 4 inches.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 429 pounds fresh beef.
Absent without leave: E. Stanley, First-class Fireman.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 1, numeral 5; [at] 10.30am interrogatory 121, flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" affirmative; [at] 12.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 83, numeral 9.
E. Ozama, Wardroom Steward, passenger from U.S.S. "Helena", left the ship with baggage.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with light passing showers.
Light airs from SSE and NW by West.
At 12.43pm came to anchor in 4 fathoms, veering to 15 fathoms on starboard chain.
Bearings: end of dock SW, Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] lighthouse NW¼N.
The Commanding Officers of U.S.S. "Monterey" and U.S.S. "Petrel" paid official calls on the Commanding Officer.
Made preparations for coaling.
At 2.15pm coal lighter on each side, began coaling at 2.25pm.
Temperatures: forward magazine 99° [Fahrenheit] to 104°; [forward] shell room 96° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 106°; after magazine 87° to 90°; [after] shell room 97° to 105°.
Tested flood cocks.
The following officers made the inspection, required by Article 1594, United States Navy Regulations: Lieutenants B.A. Fiske, G.R. Clark; Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh; Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver; and Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy, U.S. Navy.
Signals: [at] 2.40pm U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Is Captain Sperry on board?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book], "No, will be back shortly after 3 o'clock"; [at] 3.00pm U.S.S. "Monterey" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "To Commanding Officer, Assistant Engineer Washington is on a Board of Survey, to meet on Petrel at ten am Saturday, signed Eldridge".
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Light breeze from SW.
At 5.00pm, by order of the Commanding Officer, placed the following men, awaiting trial by General Court Martial, in double irons for safe keeping: H.J. Mead, Coxswain; H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class; F. Johnson, Seaman; W. Hopkins, Coal Passer; C. Hofman, Coal Passer; J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer; and J. Smith, First-class Fireman.
Continued coaling until 5.45pm, received about 47 tons coal.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
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1 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from East and SE.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze and airs from SE.
Coal lighters alongside at 6.00am, began coaling.
7 men in Department [of] Construction and Repair came on board from Navy Yard at 7.00am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Continued coaling ship.
At 10.00am Assistant Engineer Pope Washington reported on board U.S.S. "Petrel" as member of a Board of Survey.
Captain D. Williams, U.S. Marine Corps, as Judge Advocate of General Court Martial, read specifications to J. Smith, First-class Fireman, J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, and C. Hoffman, Coal Passer, prisoners awaiting court martial.
At 10.00am made general signal, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 1 and numeral 6.
At 11.40am U.S.S. "Petrel" [Q in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Send boat for officers".
At noon made general signal, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, numeral 78, numeral 5.
Took on board 55 tons of coal.
Temperature forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 103°, forward shell room 95° to 95°, forward fixed ammunition room, 98° to 104°, after shell room 96° to 101°, after magazine 90° to 91°.
Four men from Department [of] Construction and Repair at Navy Yard at work under forecastle.
At 10.20am started fires in boiler C.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Calm and light Westerly airs and breezes.
At 12.55pm flagship made general signal 513 (scrub and wash clothes).
Continued coaling ship.
At 3.00pm U.S. Army transport "Hancock" got under way at Manila, and proceeded to sea.
At 3.30pm U.S.S. "Manila" got under way and proceeded out of harbor.
Took on board 45 tons of coal.
At 1.00pm connected boiler C and allowed fires in boiler A to die out.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant, with light passing showers between 5.30pm and 6.00pm.
Light Westerly breeze.
Continued coaling.
At 5.30pm stopped coaling and washed down deck.
Took on board 20 tons of coal.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 117½ pounds fresh vegetables; and 94 pounds fresh bread.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light Westerly airs.
Chief Master-at-Arms, First Sergeant of Marines and Master-at-Arms Third-class to stand extra watch over court martial prisoners.
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2 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from West by North and East.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW and SSE.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, with passing showers.
Light SSE breeze.
At 9.30am called all hands to muster and held the muster.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 353 pounds fresh beef.
U.S.S. "Bennington" and U.S.S. "Albay" came down from Manila and anchored.
Medical Board of Survey, of which Surgeon I.W. Kite was senior member, met and surveyed G.E. Cornell, First-class Fireman, and P. Juhl, Ordinary Seaman.
Signals: at 9.40am U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "The Albay arrived in port this morning"; at 10.00am numeral 1, numeral 6.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with occasional passing showers.
Light NW by West breeze to light Westerly airs, followed by calm.
At 12.30pm made coal report to flagship as follows: numeral 72; numeral 6.
Hoisted signal at Navy Yard as follows: "Cyclone will pass some distance to the Northward and strong gales between South and West are probable".
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with occasional passing showers.
Light SW airs to calm.
Cyclone signal still showing ashore.
8pm to midnight:
Calm to light breeze from WNW to SW.
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Cyclone signal showing.
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3 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light Westerly breeze.
Cyclone signal showing.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light NNW breeze.
Cyclone signal showing.
At 5.45am received coal lighters on both sides and commenced coaling ship.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 117½ pounds fresh vegetables; and 94 pounds bread.
Signals: at 7.00am flagship to squad general 735.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from Northward.
Continued coaling.
Temperature in forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, [forward] shell room 93° to 93°; fixed ammunition [room] 96° to 100°, after shell room 92° to 95°.
The Commanding Officer issued an acting appointment as Oiler to John Gordon, First-class Fireman, from July 1st, 1899.
At 10.30am a General Court Martial met on U.S.S. "Monadnock" [U.S.S. "Monadock" in log-book].
Sent J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer, and W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, for trial before this Court.
These men returned at 11.55am and were confined in double irons, under sentry's charge, for safe keeping.
At 10.00am delivered to H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class, H.J. Mead, Coxswain, F. Johnson, Seaman, charges and specifications of charges in their respective cases.
Signals: [at] 9.10am flagship to fleet 3783, 4304, telegraphic 9674; [at] 9.25am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Monadnock" [D in log-book], "Judge Advocate, what prisoner and witnesses are required today?", U.S.S. "Monadnock" [D in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Judge Advocate has not arrived"; [at] 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 1, numeral 7, U.S.S. "Monadnock" [D in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "First prisoner is John Heggarty, Coal Passer"; [at] 10.40am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book], "Have you any stores for the Yorktown that you did not deliver at Iloilo?"; [at] 11.00am U.S.S. "Bennington" [K in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "You will have to wait until the Executive Officer comes on board to find out"; [at] 11.00am U.S.S. "Monadnock" [D in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Send W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, at eleven, Ensign Wurtsbaugh and Master-at-Arms, signed Judge Advocate"; [at] 11.05am U.S.S. "Albay" [AY in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" Can I have your cutter to bring men and outfit aboard?"; [at] 11.17am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Albay" [AY in log-book], "I expect Admiral's orders to turn over to Petrel this afternoon, do not do so until you hear from me, signed Sperry"; [at] 12.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 67, numeral 5.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly airs.
Finished coaling at 4.00pm.
At 12.50pm sent W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, to U.S.S. "Monadnock", to appear before General Court Martial, at 2.30pm sent C. Hofman, Coal Passer.
Received on board about 263 tons coal.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief turned U.S.S. "Albay" over to U.S.S. "Petrel", Ensign W.H. Standley, U.S. Navy, and Paymaster's Clerk S.H. Knowles, U.S. Navy, returned to this vessel.
Men and outfit as per appended lists [not included] returned to this vessel from U.S.S. "Albay".
Received in Equipment (Navigation stores) Department: 12 watertight plugs; 2 pounds fuze wire; 50 gallons lubricating oil.
Signals: [at] 12.45pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Albay" [AY in log-book], "Turn over to Petrel as soon as convenient"; [at] 2.55pm flagship to fleet 513.
Draft of ship forward 14 feet 4 inches, aft 16 feet 0 inches.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with rain squalls.
Light airs and breeze from West.
The prisoners W. Hopkins, Coal Passer, and C. Hofman, Coal Passer, were returned on board and placed in double irons, under sentry's charge, for safe keeping.
Chief Carpenter's Mate John Donovan, having been sent on shore on duty and failing to return, sent ship police, and he was brought off drunk and unfit for duty, by order of the Commanding Officer placed him in single irons under sentry's charge to sober.
Cleaned ship.
Made preparations for dressing ship.
Signals [at] 4.25pm: U.S.S. "Monadnock" [D in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Send boat for officers".
8pm to midnight:
[Cloudy and pleasant]
Calm to light airs from SW.
Inspected prisoners at 9.30pm.
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4 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light and gentle breezes from West and SW.
U.S.S. "Oregon" came in at 2.30am.
Inspected prisoners.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW and airs from SE.
Dressed ship at 8.00am in honor of the day.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 107 pounds fresh bread; 133¾ fresh vegetables.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with frequent showers.
Calm and light airs to fresh breeze from West.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, absent without leave.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 234 pounds fresh beef.
At 10.00am made signals numeral 1, numeral 6.
Took on board 65 tons fresh water.
The Paymaster's Department received from U.S.S. "Bennington" the following stores: 3 packages drill (474½ yards); 1 package containing 100 white hats, 20 white badges and 15 blue badges; 2 packages tea (100 pounds).
At noon fired national salute.
At noon made general signals numeral 302, and numeral 4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Light and gentle Westerly breezes.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Bennington".
P. Juhl, Ordinary Seaman, was transferred to U.S.S. "Oregon".
Hoisted gig.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Gentle Southwesterly breeze.
Visiting party to U.S.S. "Bennington" returned.
Hoisted whaleboat.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle and moderate Southwesterly breeze.
Inspected prisoners.
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5 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Gentle Southwesterly breeze and light Westerly breeze.
Inspected prisoners.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Gentle and light breeze from SW and West.
Inspected prisoners.
At 7.00am ten men from Department [of] Construction and Repair at Navy Yard came aboard.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW.
Barometer low, but steady.
At 9 o'clock sent liberty [party] ashore, they having been paid monthly money beforehand.
Went to collision quarters at 9.30am, secured at 10 o'clock.
A General Court Martial met on board U.S.S. "Princeton" at 10 o'clock.
Sent J. Smith, First-class Fireman, in charge of the Chief Master-at-Arms, to appear before the Court.
[Assistant Engineer] Pope Washington and G. Brownridge, Chief Machinist, left the ship on duty as witnesses before the General Court Martial.
Lieutenant George R. Clark left the ship on duty as member of a Board of Survey on U.S.S. "Princeton".
U.S.S. "Bennington" left the harbor at 11 o'clock.
Received on board from U.S.S. "Baltimore", with bag and hammock and necessary transfer papers: H.A. Hansen, Bugler.
Served out monthly money to ship's company.
E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, absent without leave.
Lieutenant G.R. Clark, [Assistant Engineer] P. Washington, G. Brownridge, [Chief Machinist], and J. Smith, Second-class Fireman, in charge of Chief Master-at-Arms, returned on board at 11.50am.
Received following signal from U.S.S. "Princeton": "Send boat for Mr. Washington".
10 workmen from the Cavite Navy Yard at work on board in the Construction and Repair Department.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Moderate to gentle breeze from WSW.
Barometer falling slightly.
Between 2 and 3 o'clock set barometer up 0.15 [inches], it being too low as compared with standard barometer on shore.
Crew engaged in scraping and painting rust spots.
Shifted hammocks of men taken prisoners at Baler.
Received the following stores from the Navy Yard in Construction Department: 250 pounds cement; 30 pounds nails, wire; 5 pounds iron, round, ¼-inch; 14 pounds iron, round, ¾-inch; 24 pounds iron, flat, 1½-inch x ¼-inch; 20 pounds iron, flat, 1¼-inch x ¼-inch; 66 pounds iron, flat, 2½-inch x ½-inch; 10 pounds steel, hexagonal; 200 pounds shellac gum; 40 gallons alcohol; 100 gallons oil, linseed; 150 pounds Venetian red; 150 gallons turpentine; 8 gross sandpaper.
In Equipment Department: 104 yards bag canvas; 78 pounds spun yarn; 2 bags blacksmith's coal.
Received from Hydrographic Office, Washington D.C., the following named charts: Hydrographic Office 27, 348, 1455; index charts D, F, H, K, R, and U, with instructions to destroy old copies; also Hydrographic Office 1591, 1693, and 1791, with instructions to cancel British Admiralty 2738, 1490, and Hydrographic Office 228.
The General Court Martial on U.S.S. "Princeton" adjourned at 3.30pm.
J. Smith, Second-class Fireman, who had been sent before the Court at 1 o'clock, returned on board at 3.30pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Barometer rising slightly.
Hoisted all boats.
Went to quarters at 5.30pm, absentees same as in forenoon watch.
Liberty party returned at 6 o'clock.
The named men did not return: [J.] Amiot [Ameiot in log-book]; M. Milan; P.F. Peterson; and [T.] Broderick.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and cool.
Barometer steady.
Secured steam launch at 9 o'clock.
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6 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and rainy.
Stiff breeze from WSW.
Barometer steady.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and rainy.
Stiff breeze from WSW and West.
Barometer rising.
Sent three men for fresh beef and ice.
Sent market boat at 6 o'clock.
Sent Chief Boatswain's Mate and Carpenter's Mate ashore on duty.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 107 pounds fresh bread; 133¾ pounds fresh vegetables.
At 6.20am U.S.S. "Oregon" got under way and stood over to Cavite, anchoring well out at 7.30 o'clock.
Hoisted our colors, hauling them down when she anchored.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional showers.
Moderate to stiff SW breeze.
Sent liberty party ashore at 9.00am.
At 9.30am went to general quarters with the following times: 1st Division 3½ minutes; 2nd Division 3 minutes; 3rd Division 8 minutes; Powder Division 3 minutes; Engineer's Division 1 minute.
E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, absent without leave.
M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class, T. Broderick, Apprentice Second-class, J.B. Amiot, Landsman, P.F. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, absent over time.
Allowed fires to die out under C boiler.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 347 pounds fresh beef.
General Court Martial met on board U.S.S. "Princeton" at 10.05am.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 1, numeral 4; at noon U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 315, numeral 4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to gentle WSW breeze.
Transferred G.H. Douglass, Coal Passer, to Naval Hospital at Cavite.
Turned in 61 6-inch ammunition boxes, 21 6-pounder ammunition boxes, 4 3-pounder ammunition boxes, 4 1-pounder boxes, 30 shell slings, 61 metallic 6-inch cases, 238 6-pounder cases, 64 3-pounder cases, and 245 1-pounder cases to the Navy Yard at Cavite.
Sent P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class, and H.J. Mead, Quartermaster Second-class, to appear before the General Court Martial on board U.S.S. "Princeton".
On their return reconfined them by order of the Commanding Officer to await further action.
Signals at 2.00pm: flagship to squad general 696, telegraphic 7163, 6510.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to gentle WSW breeze.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters.
E. Stanley, First-class Fireman, this day declared a deserter to date from June 26th, 1899.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Oregon".
Signals at 8.15pm: flagship to squad, "Mail closes for the United States at Post Office at noon tomorrow".
Tested searchlights.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to fresh WSW breeze.
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7 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate SW to WSW breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff to gentle WSW breeze.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Signals at 7.30am: flagship to squad 735.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 100 pounds fresh bread; 130 pounds vegetables.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant, with passing showers last hour of watch.
Gentle West-southwesterly breeze.
At 8.30am sent 2nd cutter with all fittings to Navy Yard.
Sent effects of Lieutenant J.C. Gillmore and men captured by insurgents at Baler to Navy Yard.
The following supplies were received by Equipment Department: 50 pounds signal halyards; 40 yards blue bunting; 40 yards white bunting; 25 yards red muslin; 2 ensigns number 7; 1 United States ensign number 8; 1 narrow pennant; 1 taffrail log line; 4 globes for ceiling fixtures; 100 pounds waste.
At 10.00am made signals numeral 19, and numeral 3.
At 11.00am H. Hansen, Bugler, and T.M. Howard, Oiler, returned from liberty 17 hours over time.
Received whaleboat from Navy Yard.
W.H. Nichols, Private Marine, sentences having expired, was released from confinement by order of Commanding Officer.
M. Kieley, Coxswain, by order of the Commanding Officer, was placed in solitary confinement in single irons, in execution of sentence of Summary Court Martial.
At noon made general signals numeral 311 and numeral 4.
Meridian to 4pm:
At 12.15pm lighter came alongside with following stores in Engineer's Department: 8 pounds brass pipe, ¼-inch; 8 pounds brass pipe, ⅜-inch; 14 pounds brass pipe, ½-inch; 4 brass globe valves, ½-inch; 4 brass globe valves, ¾-inch; 6 unions, ⅜-inch; 252 pounds red lead; 6 paint brushes, large; 6 paint brushes, small; 140 pounds white zinc; 250 gallons lubricating oil; 50 pounds oatmeal; 31 pounds tool steel, octagonal, ⅝-inch; 300 pounds cotton waste; 12 pounds steel, machine, ½-inch; 29 pounds steel, machine, ⅝-inch; 31 pounds steel, machine, ⅞-inch; 54 pounds steel, machine, 1-inch; 44 pounds steel, machine, 1¼-inch; 178 pounds galvanized iron, 1/16-inch; 30 pounds Tobin bronze, ¾-inch; 77 pounds Tobin bronze, 1-1/16-inch; 110 pounds soda.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 500 pounds vegetables; 200 pairs cotton socks; 100 white hats; 134 yards drill; 50 pairs shoes; 10 petty officer's caps.
Received in Construction Department: 1 backboard; 2 boat hooks; 12 oars, 13 feet; 2 oars, steering; 1 row lock, steering; 12 row locks, swivel; 1 rudder; 1 set spars; 1 set stretchers; 2 tillers; 1 brass yoke; 1 grating.
And in Equipment Department: 1 set boat cushions; 1 awning and bag; 1 cover and bag; 1 set sails and bag; 1 tarpaulin; 2 painters; 1 anchor line; 1 set trailing lines; 1 set rigging; 6 fenders, leather; 1 set arm curtains; 1 set boat cushion cover and bag; 2 yoke ropes.
Temperature in forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, [forward] shell room 93° to 94°, fixed ammunition room 96° to 101°, after shell room 93° to 94°.
Tested flood cocks and lifebuoys and found them in good condition.
First Sergeant David Riordan, U.S. Marine Corps, reported on board, with effects, for duty.
Took all stores on board and struck oil below.
At 1.00pm sent H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class, H.J. Mead, Coxswain, and F. Johnson, Seaman, to U.S.S. "Princeton", to appear before General Court Martial in charge of Chief Master-at-Arms W.H. Crosby.
M. Skrivan, Electrician Second-class, returned from liberty 20 hours over time.
Signals: [at] 12.50pm to Commander Leutze, "Can you finish up construction work for us tomorrow?", [at] 1.00pm Navy Yard [N in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "No, but we can get material which will be ready", [at] 3.45pm U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Please send boat, signed West".
W. Haynes, Coal Passer, having been sent on shore on duty, returned on board drunk and disorderly, by direction of the Commanding Officer placed him in double irons under sentry's charge for safe keeping.
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Fresh West-southwesterly breezes.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Fresh West-southwesterly breeze.
H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class, H.J. Mead, Coxswain, and F. Johnson, Seaman, were brought back to the ship and placed in single irons under sentry's charge for safe keeping.
The following men returned 48 hours over time: T. Broderick, Apprentice Second-class; and P.F. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class.
And the following 24 hours over time: F. Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate; M. Connolly, Landsman; H. Feeney, Landsman; R. Mason, Landsman; H. Kimble, Private Marine; H.C. Verge, Private Marine; J. Hinchcliffe [Henchcliffe in log-book], Master-at-Arms Third-class; and [R.B.] Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class.
The accounts of Lieutenant J.C. Gillmore, U.S. Navy, and the accounts and papers of the 14 men captured at Baler, Luzon, April 12th, 1899, were transferred to U.S.S. "Monterey", and their effects were placed in the custody of the General Storekeeper at Navy Yard, Cavite.
8pm to midnight:
Fresh and moderate breeze from West.
Overcast and cloudy, with passing showers.
At 8.00pm placed all prisoners in double irons for safe keeping, in accordance with orders from Commanding Officer.
Inspected prisoners at 10.00pm.
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[Inserted note]
8am to meridian:
The following men were absent over time: M.H. Milan, Machinist Second-class, J. Amiot, Landsman, P.F. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, T. Broderick, Apprentice Second-class, J. McLeish, Boatswain's Mate Second-class, F. Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate, J. Connelly, Landsman, G. Feeney, Landsman, R. Mason, Landsman, T. Howard, Oiler, T. Kimble, Private Marine, H. Verge, Private Marine, J. Hinchcliffe [Henchcliffe in log-book], Master-at-Arms Third-class, H. Hansen, Bugler, F. Skrivan, Electrician Second-class, C. Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, J. Dowd, Second-class Fireman, [J.] Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, and R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class.
Sent working party in charge of Ensign Wurtsbaugh to Navy Yard at 8.30am.
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8 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Fresh to moderate breeze from West.
Inspected prisoners at 2.30am.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Inspected prisoners at 5.30am.
At 7.00am flagship [signaled] to squad 735.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 106 pounds fresh bread; 130 pounds potatoes.
Took hand irons off prisoners in accordance with ship's orders.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Gentle Southwesterly breeze.
General field day.
At 8.15am W. Haynes, Coal Passer, being sober, was released from sentry's charge.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 364 pounds fresh beef.
D. Riordan, First Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, reported on board for duty.
F.T. Winters, First Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, transferred to Marine barracks at Navy Yard.
Six workmen from Department [of] Construction and Repair Navy Yard came aboard at 8.30am.
The following men are absent over time: M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class, James McLeish, Boatswain's Mate Second-class, J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, J. Dowd [C. Down in log-book], Second-class Fireman, Charles Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, and J. Amiot, Landsman.
Temperature forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 93° to 93°, forward fixed ammunition room 97° to 101°, after shell room 90° to 93°.
The following signals were made: at 8.40am Navy Yard [N in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "To Ensign Knox, you are on Board of Survey, will meet on Princeton at 2 this afternoon"; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 6 and numeral 4; at 11.25am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Navy Yard [N in log-book] wigwag "Would like work continued tomorrow if possible"; at 11.50am Navy Yard [N in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Will do our best"; at noon U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 307, and numeral 4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with passing showers last two hours of watch.
Gentle and moderate breeze from WSW.
Received the following signals: at 12.25pm U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "To Lieutenant Fiske, do not come over or send accused until signal is made"; at 1.35pm "Court adjourned until Monday 10am, Judge Advocate, signed West".
Paymaster A. Peterson, U.S. Navy, by order of the Commander-in-Chief, reported on board for the purpose of inspecting the accounts of Paymaster Perkins, and reported to the Commanding Officer that he had made the inspection and found the accounts and cash satisfactory.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, with passing showers last hour.
Moderate and stiff West-southwesterly breeze.
Mustered divisions at quarters.
Exercised divisions at setting up drill.
M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class, J. McLeish, Boatswain's Mate Second-class, J. Dowd, First-class Fireman, J. Amiot, Landsman, C. Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, and J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, absent over time.
J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, J. Dowd, Second-class Fireman, and James McLeish, Boatswain's Mate Second-class, returned from liberty 48 hours over time.
At 7.30pm U.S.S. "Monterey" made general signal to squad: "There will be no boat for beef or ice tomorrow morning".
Veered [anchor] chain to 30 fathoms.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and cloudy.
Moderate and gentle West-southwesterly breeze first two hours, light South-southeasterly breeze last two hours.
Inspected prisoners.
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9 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle and moderate West-southwesterly breeze.
Shut down dynamo between 12.00am and 1.00am to remake leading joint on steam pipe.
Inspected prisoners.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Light airs and light breeze from WSW.
Inspected prisoners.
Fifteen men from Department [of] Construction and Repair Navy Yard came aboard to continue work at 7.00am.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 106 pounds fresh bread; 130 pounds fresh vegetables.
8am to meridian:
Overcast, squally and rainy.
Gentle breeze from SW.
Barometer steady.
Omitted quarters on account of inclemency of the weather.
At 9.20am the specifications of offense preferred by Commander C.S. Sperry were delivered to John Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate.
15 men in Construction and Repair Department from the Navy Yard at work on board.
Absent without leave: M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class, Charles Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, and John Amiot, Landsman.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, squally and rainy.
Gentle to moderate breeze from WSW to West.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, squally and rainy.
Moderate to stiff breeze from NW to West.
Barometer steady.
15 workmen in Construction and Repair Department from shore left ship.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, squally and rainy.
Moderate to stiff breeze from SSW.
Secured steam launch at 8.30 o'clock.
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10 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and squally.
Barometer steady.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, squally and rainy.
Barometer steady.
Moderate variable breezes.
Sent 3 men in beef-boat at 6 o'clock, they returned at 7.30am, it being too rough to get beef.
Sent market boat at 6 o'clock.
Sent one ditty box to carpenter shop in Navy Yard as a sample.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 106 pounds fresh bread; and 130 pounds vegetables.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Overcast, with heavy rain.
Light airs to breeze from SSW to WNW.
Summary Court Martial, of which Lieutenant G.R. Clark was senior member, met and adjourned for the trial of J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate.
General Court Martial met at 10.00am on board U.S.S. "Princeton".
Sent F. Johnson, Seaman, to U.S.S. "Princeton" to appear before the Court.
On his return reconfined him, by order of the Commanding Officer, to await further action.
Board of Survey, of which Lieutenant A. Rust was senior member, met on board.
Fifteen yard workmen in Construction and Repair [Department] on board.
Absent over time: M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class, C. Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, and J. Amiot, Landsman.
Temperatures: forward magazine 93° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell [room] 94° to 95°; fixed ammunition [room] 95° to 99°.
Typhoon signal ashore.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast, with frequent rain.
Light airs to gentle breeze from South to West, stiff Westerly squall last hour.
Typhoon signal ashore.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and rainy.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, followed by setting up drill.
Same absentees as at morning quarters.
C. Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, returned on board 96 hours over time.
Typhoon signal ashore.
8pm to midnight:
Overcast and rainy.
Light airs to gentle breezes from West.
Typhoon signal ashore.
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11 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and rainy.
Light to gentle breeze from SSW to WSW.
High barometer.
Typhoon signal ashore.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and rainy.
Gentle to moderate breeze from WSW to West.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Received 103 pounds bread in Paymaster's Department.
Typhoon signal ashore.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Gentle and light WSW and light Southwesterly breeze.
Started fires in D boiler at 9.30am.
A General Court Martial met on U.S.S. "Princeton" at 10.30am, and adjourned at 11.10am.
Typhoon signal ashore.
Absent over time: H. Milan, Machinist First-class, and B. Amiot, Landsman.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: F. Skrivan, Electrician Second-class, 20 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; A.H. Chambers, Seaman, fighting, reduced to 4th [conduct] class; Hugh Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, fighting, reduced one class; T. Tallacksen [previously spelled as Tallaksen], Gunner's Mate Second-class, drunk from liberty, [reduced to] 3rd [conduct] class; W. Hoey, Painter, drunk and dirty from liberty, [reduced to] 3rd [conduct] class; D. Wandlers, Corporal, tight from liberty, [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; A.C. De Witt, Private Marine, tight from liberty [reduced to] 2nd [conduct] class; V.B. Lewis, Seaman, out of uniform, 1 day's extra duty; T. Broderick, Apprentice Second-class, P.F. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, J. Dowd, Second-class Fireman, J. McLeish, Boatswain's Mate Second-class, J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, 48 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 4 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 10 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay; F. Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate, J. Connelly [Connely in log-book], Landsman, H. Feeney, Landsman, R. Mason, Landsman, F. Kimble, Private Marine, H. Verge, Private Marine, [J.] Hinchcliffe, Master-at-Arms Third-class, and R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class, 24 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty, lose 1 day's pay; T. Howard, Oiler, H. Hansen, Bugler, 17 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; Charles Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, 96 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 12 months additional [on] 4th [conduct] class, 26 days' extra duty, lose 4 days' pay.
Temperatures: forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; [forward] shell room 95° to 95°; fixed ammunition [room] 97° to 101°.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 2, numeral 7; [at] 11.30am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Navy Yard [N in log-book], "Will send seven prisoners ashore at three o'clock today"; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship at 12.00pm numeral 290, numeral 7; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Navy Yard [N in log-book], "We are to carry provisions to Concord, can take them this afternoon as it is not raining".
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast and cloudy.
Light breeze from West and WSW, and gentle breeze from SW.
The flagship U.S.S. "Baltimore" came down from Manila and anchored near U.S.S. "Oregon".
Transferred to the Navy Yard, Cavite, with bags and hammocks, the following General Court Martial prisoners and papers to U.S.S. "Monterey": H.P. Williamson, Ship's Cook First-class; F. Johnson, Seaman; H.J. Mead, Coxswain; W. Hopkins, Coal Passer; C. Hofman, Coal Passer; J.J. Heggarty, Coal Passer; and J. Smith, First-class Fireman.
H. Milan, Machinist First-class, brought off by one of Provost Guard A6H police, over time, paid a reward of $10.00 for his delivery.
Received 207 packages of provisions from Cavite Navy Yard for U.S.S. "Concord".
Typhoon signal flying on shore.
Signals: [at] 12.25pm Navy Yard [N in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Will see at once if we have everything and will let you know"; [at] 1.00pm Navy Yard [N in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Will you take provisions for Concord as per list you sent?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Navy Yard [N in log-book], "Yes".
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW and WSW.
Transferred to Cavite Hospital for treatment: Assistant Paymaster F.K. Perkins, U.S. Navy.
At 5.30pm mustered crew at quarters, absent over time: B. Amiot, Landsman.
Typhoon signal ashore.
8pm to midnight:
[Cloudy and pleasant.]
Gentle to light West-southwesterly breeze.
Typhoon signal on shore.
U.S.S. "Zafiro" went out at 8.00pm.
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12 July 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands, and on passage to Hong Kong, Victoria Island [?, V.I. in log-book]
Lat 14.46, Long 120.70
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from West.
Typhoon signal on shore.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from West and South.
Started fires in A and B boilers at 6.00am.
Hove in to 15 fathoms [chain].
Made preparations for getting under way.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly airs and gentle Southwesterly breeze.
Made preparations for getting under way.
Got under way at 8.07am.
Stopped at 9.15am, and ahead full speed at 9.22am.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, B. Amiot, Landsman, absent over time.
At 10.15am put over patent log, reading 35.4, and headed on course SW by W½W.
The following signals were made: at 8.55am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship interrogatory 121; at 8.55am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" affirmative; at 9.05am Navy Yard [N in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", wigwag, "We have sent one launch to Cavite for Dr. Beede"; at 9.05am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Navy Yard [N in log-book], "Thanks", flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "When and where do you expect to meet him?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, "Sent boat to Cavite for him. Did not come", flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Go by way of Manila with Captain of Port and proceed without him".
Temperature of forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 101°, forward shell room 95° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 103°, after shell room 89° to 94°.
Draft of ship forward 14 feet, aft 16 feet 0 inches.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW.
Barometer falling.
Under [steam in] four boilers, course SW by W½W.
At 1.33pm changed course to W⅛S, patent log [reading] 59.7.
At 2.40pm changed course to NW¾W, patent log [reading] 67.9.
Secured both anchors and battery for sea.
Provisioned and mustered all boats.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 96.4.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 78.0.
At 1.33pm Haycock Island was abeam, distant ¼ mile.
At end of watch Capones Island [Kapones Island in log-book] bore NNW½W (per compass) and Grande Island [Grand Island in log-book] bore N¼W (per compass).
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate SW breeze.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course NW¾W (per standard compass) until 5.14pm, when changed to NW⅞N (per compass), patent log reading 87.3.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 97.5.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate Southwesterly breeze.
At 6.14pm, patent log [reading] 95.2, changed course to North by W¾W (per compass).
At 7.30pm Capones Island [Kapones in log-book] abeam, distant 2.6 miles, patent log [reading] 4.8, changed course to NW by North (per compass).
At 6.30pm exercised at closing watertight doors.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 96.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy to clear.
Barometer steady.
Gentle breeze to light airs from SW to NE, through West.
Under [steam in] four boilers, course NW by North.
At 11.30pm changed course to North by West (per compass), patent log [reading] 35.
At 10 o'clock a steamer overhauled and passed us on starboard hand.
Sighted light on bow quarter at 11 o'clock.
Average steam 117 [pounds], revolutions 96.
Patent log at end of watch 40.8.
Haycock is also known as La Monja Island.
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13 July 1899
On passage from Cavite, Philippine Islands, to Hong Kong, Victoria Island
Lat 16.35, Long 120.16
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, followed by clearing.
Light to gentle SSE breeze.
On course North by West, under [steam in] four boilers.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 94.7.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle South-southeasterly breeze.
At 4.30am, patent log [reading] 75.1, changed course to N⅛E per compass.
At 5.00am, patent log [reading] 78.7, changed course to NE by North (per compass).
At 6.12am, patent log [reading] 88.2, changed course to NE½N (per compass).
Sighted land along starboard hand at daylight.
Made out Cape Bolinao at 5.00am.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 105 [pounds], average revolutions 92.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SSE and SE.
On course NE½N.
At 9.12am changed course to East, patent log reading 10.7.
At 10.00am changed course to SSE¼E, patent log reading 16.0.
At 9.30am divisions called for general quarters, divisions reported ready as follows: 1st in 2½ minutes; 2nd and 3rd in 3 minutes; Powder in 4 minutes.
In a 3-minute drill the following ammunition was supplied: 1st Division 5 6-inch shells, 7 charges powder, 5 boxes 3-pounder, 2 boxes 1-pounder; 2nd Division 5 6-inch shells and 14 cases powder 6-inch; 3rd Division 9 shells 6-inch, 6 cases powder 6-inch, 4 boxes 6-pounder and 5 boxes 1-pounder.
J. Amiot, Landsman, absent over time.
Steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
Average steam pressure 105 [pounds], average number revolutions 94.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with occasional light rain.
Gentle breeze to light airs from South to SE.
Standing into Lingayen Gulf on course SSE¼E (per standard compass) until 12.30pm, when changed to South (per compass), patent log [reading] 35.5.
At 1.20pm stood in toward U.S.S. "Concord", Navigator conning, on various courses.
At 2.00pm hauled in patent log, reading 46.7.
Exchanged distinguishing pennants with U.S.S. "Concord", and at 2.20pm came to anchor in 18 fathoms [water] off her port beam, 30 fathoms on starboard chain.
Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Concord" called officially on the Commanding Officer.
Commenced delivering stores to U.S.S. "Concord".
Signals: at 2.20pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", "We have mail and market provisions for you"; at 3.30pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", "Will get under way as soon as you have taken stores. Please send mail in time".
Steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 93.5.
4pm to 6pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly airs.
Finished delivering stores to U.S.S. "Concord".
Got under way at 5.03pm.
Ahead full speed at 5.10pm.
At 5.25pm on course N¼E (per compass), patent log reading 48.4.
The following signals were made: U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Do you know when Buffalo or Solace sailed?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", "The Solace has sailed the 1st of July, Buffalo will sail late this month"; U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", "We sail at five o'clock"; U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Have you any more stores for us?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", "No".
At 5.15pm exercised at collision drill and mustered crew at station for abandoning ship.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Barometer rising slightly.
Under [steam in] 4 boilers, course N¼E.
At 6.45pm changed course to NW⅜W, patent log [reading] 58.1.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate SSW breeze.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course NNW⅜N (per standard compass) until 9.30pm, when changed to NW¼W (per standard compass), patent log reading 79.1.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 94.5.
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14 July 1899
On passage from Cavite, Philippine Islands, to Hong Kong, Victoria Island
Lat 18.18, Long 118.58
Commences and until 4am:
Fair to cloudy and pleasant.
Light South-southwesterly breeze.
Course NW¼W (per compass), steam in A, B, C, and D boilers.
Average steam 112 [pounds], average revolutions 91.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with occasional squalls.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Barometer rising.
Under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers, course NW¼W.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 94.1.
Charles Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, left the fireroom at 7 o'clock, stating that he was too ill to do the work.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SSW and South.
On course NW¼W, steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters. J.B. Amiot, Landsman, absent over time.
Crew exercised at divisional drills.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 94.3.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with passing showers.
Moderate to stiff breeze from SW.
At 12.40pm on course NW¼W (per compass), patent log reading 93.8, changed course to NW½W (per compass).
At 12.50pm disconnected C boiler to repair leak in check valve joint.
At 1.30pm the following officers made the inspections required by Article 1594, United States Navy Regulations: Lieutenants B.A. Fiske, George R. Clark; Ensigns W.H. Standley, D.W. Knox; Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy; and Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver, U.S. Navy.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, [forward] shell room 95° to 96°, fixed ammunition [room] 104° to 106°, after magazine 90° to 92°, [after] shell room 102° to 105°.
Tested flood cocks and found them in working condition.
Steam in A, B and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 94.3.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy, with rain.
Moderate Southerly breeze.
Steam in boilers A, B and D.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 94.
On course NW½W (per standard compass).
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate Southerly breeze.
On course NW½W (per standard compass), under [steam in] boilers A, B and D.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 77.6.
Lighted fires under boiler C at 7.55pm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy to fair and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from Southward.
At 8.30pm exchanged numbers with U.S.S. "Bennington", bound for Lingayen and Manila.
At 9.20pm connected boiler C.
At end of watch course NW½W (per compass), steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 98.
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15 July 1899
On passage from Cavite, Philippine Islands, to Hong Kong, Victoria Island
Lat 20.15, Long 116.25
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Long swell.
Moderate breeze from South.
Ship rolling considerably, but easily.
Course NW½W.
Barometer falling.
Under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 92.9.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate Southerly breeze.
On course NW½W (per standard compass).
Aired bedding.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 92.3.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate Southerly breeze.
General field day.
On course NW½W (per standard compass), steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
Set clock back twelve minutes between 11 and 12 o'clock.
The following men have been rated: J. Nolan, Landsman to Coal Passer; M.J. Ferguson, Landsman to Ordinary Seaman; F. Durivage, Landsman to Ordinary Seaman; M. Coyle, Landsman to Ordinary Seaman; F. Harsnett, Landsman to Ordinary Seaman; W. Kessel, Ordinary Seaman to Seaman.
J.B. Amiot, Landsman, declared a deserter from July 5th, 1899.
R. Mason, Landsman, detailed as lamplighter.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 100°, forward shell room 95° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 101° to 105°, after magazine 91° to 93°, after shell [room] 102° to 106°.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 91.6.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Barometer falling.
Gentle breeze from South.
Course NW½W.
At 12.30pm changed course to NW, patent log [reading] 63.5.
Summary Court Martial convened at 1.50 o'clock, Lieutenant George R. Clark as senior member.
It adjourned to await the action of the convening authority at 2.40pm.
Average steam 108 [pounds], revolutions 91.8.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate Southerly breeze.
On course NW.
Steam in boiler A, B, C and D.
Exercised crew at collision drill at 5.00pm.
Mustered crew at stations for abandoning ship.
Average steam 105 [pounds], average revolutions 90.1.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from Southward.
Course NW (per compass), steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 90.8.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant, heavy rain squalls last part of watch.
Moderate breeze from South.
Barometer rising.
Course NW, under [steam in] A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 93 [pounds], revolution 96.4.
Took soundings as follows: 9 o'clock 80 fathoms, sand and mud; 10 o'clock 65 fathoms; at 11 o'clock 60 fathoms; and at 12 o'clock 56 fathoms.
Ship rolling considerably, but easily.
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16 July 1899
On passage from Cavite, Philippine Islands, to and at Hong Kong, Victoria Island
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with occasional passing showers.
Gentle breeze from SE to SSW.
On course (per standard compass) NW, under [steam in] four boilers.
Got sounding hourly as follows: 56 [fathoms]; 49; 44; 43.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 93.1.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light and gentle breeze from SSW.
At 5.00am and 6.00am took soundings: 33 fathoms
At 6.00am sighted Lema Islands.
At 6.35am, patent log [reading] 99.00, changed course to NW¼N per compass.
At 7.00am, patent log [reading] 1.7, changed to NNW¾W per compass.
At end [of watch] standing for Waglan [Island] light.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 103 [pounds], average revolutions 91.9.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from SSW and SE.
Standing up Tathong Channel to anchorage at Hong Kong until 10.15am, when made fast to buoy number 5, man-of-war anchorage.
At 10.00am Captain Rogers, His British Majesty's Navy, came on board and conned to buoy number 5.
Received official call from an officer of H.B.M.S. "Tamar".
The following men have been rated: J.J. Nolan, Coal Passer to Second-class Fireman; H.J. Letender, Second-class Fireman to First-class Fireman; H.J. Peterson, Coal Passer to Second-class Fireman; O.P. Belanger, Second-class Fireman to First-class Fireman; F. Martin, Ordinary Seaman to Seaman.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 100°, forward shell room 95° to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 101° to 100°, after shell room 100° to 104°, after magazine 91° to 93°.
Draft of ship forward 12 feet 10 inches, aft 15 feet 10 inches.
Hauled in patent log at 9.20am, reading 18.0.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
Light breeze and light airs from South and SSE.
Disconnected boilers A and B at 1.20pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and light breeze from SSE.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Lema Islands are also known as Dangan Liedao.
Waglan Island is also known as Wang Lang Island.
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17 July 1899
At anchor off Hong Kong, Victoria Island
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Tarred down the rigging.
Sent off ashes.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Clear and hot.
Calm to light airs from NW.
Barometer falling.
The Commanding Officer made official calls upon the United States Consul, General of Victoria and the English Commodore.
The following named men enlisted this day: Ah Son, Wardroom Steward; Ah Sin, Mess Attendant; T.A. Setterberg, Coal Passer; Ah Shon, Landsman.
The following named men have been rated to date from July 1st: T. Hellen; T. Broderick; A. Bried; and R. Whitenack; all from Apprentice Second-class to Apprentice First-class.
Received in Department of Supplies and Accounts: 123¾ pounds fresh meat; 123¾ pounds fresh vegetables; 99 pounds fresh bread.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and hot.
Light breeze from NW.
Slipped cable from buoy at 1.15 o'clock.
Lowered 1st whaleboat, gig, and 3rd cutter, and had steam cutter tow them over to Kowloon dock.
Stood over to Kowloon dry dock and at 2 o'clock put out bow and quarters breasts to buoy.
Ran line from port bow to dock and stern line to buoy.
Started ship fair, but secured her here because there was not sufficient water over the keel blocks.
At 3.30pm moved ship further into dock and cast off stern line to buoy.
Banked fires in two boilers.
Spread all awnings.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and hot.
Calm to light breeze from NW.
Banked fires in two boilers.
Waiting for high water.
Mustered at quarters at 5.45pm.
Allowed crew to go swimming.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Banked fires in two boilers.
Water rising.
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18 July 1899
At anchor off Hong Kong, Victoria Island
Lat 22.304, Long 114.194
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from NW.
At 1 o'clock the Dock Master came on board and the ship was moored into dry dock.
Began pumping dock out at 2.30 o'clock, put gangway over port side.
The Chinese workmen cleaning the ship as the water was pumped out.
The side and bottom was coated with a layer of barnacle and shell from ½ to 1½ inches long.
Very little grass and very little evidence of corrosion was observed.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Allowed liberty men to leave ship on 48 hours' liberty.
Sent mail orderly to [left blank] for mail.
Workmen still pumping out dock and scraping side.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 123¾ pounds fresh beef; 123¾ pounds fresh bread; and 99 pounds fresh vegetables.
8am to meridian:
Clear and hot.
Light Westerly breeze.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; forward shell room 94° to 96°; fixed ammunition room 100° to 105°; after shell room 88° to 94°.
Yard workmen scraping bottom.
Hull Board made inspection of outside of hull.
The Commanding Officer [of] H.B.M.S. "Grafton" called officially on the Commanding Officer.
The Commanding Officer [of] H.B.M.S. "Tamar", also representing the Commandant of the Royal Navy Yard, called officially on the Commanding Officer.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and hot.
Gentle Westerly breeze.
Yard workmen engaged in painting bottom and hull above water line.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light Westerly airs.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters.
Closed all outboard valves.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs.
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[Inserted note]
Meridian to 4pm:
The following named men were enlisted this day: Ah Son, Mess Attendant; Cheng On, Wardroom Steward (for U.S.S. "Monterey").
By order of Commanding Officer the following change in rating was made: Chin San, Mess Attendant to Steerage Steward.
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19 July 1899
In dry dock at Kowloon, China
Lat 22.304, Long 114.194
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs to calm.
Received in Supplies and Accounts Department: 123¾ pounds fresh beef; 123¾ pounds fresh vegetables; 99 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Fair and hot.
Light Westerly airs.
The dockyard force continued painting inside and out.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Sent Hospital Steward to English Hospital to get W.E. James, Seaman.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 101°; [forward] shell room 95° to 97°; fixed ammunition [room] 101° to 106°; after shell room 92° to 93°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and hot.
Light airs from West.
Continued painting.
Enlisted for four years' general service as Steerage Cook: Ah Chen.
The following men discharged at own request: Ah Lee, Wardroom Cook; Lee Gat, Mess Attendant; and Ham Dee, Mess Attendant.
Received in Construction Department: 100 pounds Rahtjens' [Rathjen's in log-book] number 3 paint; and in Ordnance and Equipment [Department] (Navigation [stores]) as per list appended [below].
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and hot.
Light airs from West.
Continued painting and making preparations for flooding dock.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy with rain.
Light breeze from SW by South, calm and light Westerly airs.
Began to flood dock at 11.30pm.
Started fires in C boilers at 12.00am.
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[Inserted note]
Meridian to 4pm:
Received from Blackhead and Company, by open purchase, the following stores in Ordnance Department: 6 dozen machine thread; 6 scrubbing brushes; 1 pound flax twine; 5 sail palms; 6 paint brushes; 1 pound cotton twine; 1 dozen sail needles; 2 pounds beeswax.
In Equipment Department (Navigation stores): 1 blow lamp; 3 dozen sand paper; 2 dozen tacks; 2 dozen emery cloth; 4 dozen pencils; 6 files.
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20 July 1899
In dry dock at Kowloon, China, and moored to buoy off Hong Kong
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Afloat at 1.30am.
John Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, was found to be drunk on board ship and unfit to perform his duty.
4am to 8am:
Fair and warm.
Calm and light Westerly airs.
Connected boiler C at 6.00am.
Made preparations for hauling out of dock.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 123¾ pounds each of beef and vegetables; and 99 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Light Northwesterly airs.
At 8.30am backed out of Kowloon dry dock and steamed over to man-of-war anchorage, Hong Kong, where moored to buoy number 5 at 9.30am.
At 10.00am mustered at quarters.
The following men were absent over time: J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class; J. Dolan, Coal Passer; J. Sullivan, Second-class Fireman; H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class; C. Comstedt [Comstadt in log-book], Seaman; P. O'Connor, Coxswain; W.H. Lysaght, Quartermaster Third-class; and M. Ahearn [Aherns in log-book], Private Marine.
Draft of ship 12 feet 8 inches forward, 15 feet 8 inches aft.
Took on board 6 tons water for washing purposes.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Light airs and light breezes from NW and SSW.
Department [of] Steam Engineering received on board stores as per list appended [below].
A boarding officer from H.B.M.S. "Plover" came on board with message for the Commanding Officer that the Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Plover" would call tomorrow.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant, with passing showers last hour of watch.
Light airs to gentle breeze from SSW and South.
Sent liberty party ashore.
The unexpired portion of the sentence of M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain, was remitted by the Commanding Officer, and he was released from confinement.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to stiff breeze from SW by South and SW.
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[Inserted note]
Meridian to 4pm:
Received the following stores in [Department of] Steam Engineering: 25 feet brass chain; 6 dozen brass bolts and nuts; 36 set screws; 8 pounds iron washer, ⅝-inch; 24 tube brushes, 2-inch; 1 cask fire clay; 2 bars octagon tool steel, ⅜-inch; 1 bar octagon tool steel, ⅞-inch by 1⅛-inch; 100 feet flat iron, 1-inch by 1¼-inch; 1 piece boiler sheet steel, 3/16-inch; 1 piece Tobin bronze, 3-inch; 21½ pounds asbestos sheet, ⅛-inch; 1 quart black ink; 1 pair dividers; 1 water gauge glass cutter; 1 Birmingham wire gauge; 50 feet rubber steam hose, ¼-inch; 61 feet rubber hose, ¾-inch; 10 gallons asphaltum varnish; 40 pounds putz pomade; 20 gallons linseed oil; 1 length copper tubing, ⅛-inch inside; 6 brass elbows, ¼-inch; 18 brass nipples; 18 brass reducers; 6 common oil cups; 36 gauge glasses, ¾-inch by 18-inch; 50 thumb tacks.
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21 July 1899
Moored to buoy off Hong Kong, China
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Moderate and stiff Southwesterly breezes.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with slight passing showers.
Stiff and light breezes from West and South.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 123¾ pounds fresh beef; 123¾ pounds fresh vegetables; 99 pounds fresh bread.
Took on board 5 tons coal.
Workmen from Kowloon dockyard came on board at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and rainy, with gentle breeze from South to West.
Barometer steady.
At 9.00am o'clock H.M.S "Pigmy" got under way and left the harbor.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am, absentees as follows, absent overt time: J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, J. Sullivan, Second-class Fireman, J. Dolan, Coal Passer, P. O'Connor, Coxswain, H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, J. Lysaght, Quartermaster Third-class, O. Comstedt, Seaman, and A. Ahearn [Ahearns in log-book], Private Marine.
The wardroom officers made calls upon the wardroom officers and Captains of H.M.S. "Grafton" and H.M.S. "Plover".
Received an official visit from the aide of the Governor General of Hong Kong.
Workmen from Kowloon dock painting ship in cabin and wardroom.
Received in the Department of Steam Engineering: 5 pounds copper rivets; 12 hand lamp burners; 129 pounds boiler sheet steel, ⅜-inch.
In Navigation Department: 80 yards red bunting; 25 pounds lead line stuff; 25 yards muslin; 3 packages white tape; 3 packages red tape; 12 packages needles; 2 pounds cotton twine; 60 sounding tubes; 1 rotator, Bliss log.
Received from F. Blackhead and Company the following stores in Equipment Department: 50 yards number 2 cotton canvas; 50 yards ravens duck; 53½ yards cotton duck, 8 ounces; 51 yards cotton duck, 10 ounces; 30 pounds bolt rope, 1¾-inch; 2 bags charcoal; 2 gross paper fasteners; 20 gross heavy typewriter paper; 10 gross light typewriter paper; 12 black lead pencils, number 2; 12 black lead pencils, number 3; 36 memorandum pads, 8 inches x 10 inches; 60 memorandum pads, 5 inches x 8 inches; 4 oil copying papers; 1 copying bowl and brush; 3 mucilage stands; 1 type brush; 2 steel scrapers; 3 press copy books; 200 sheets Japanese tissue paper; 6 rubber erasers.
Received in Department of Construction and Repair the following stores: 10 pounds iron nuts, ¼-inch; 6 camel hair lettering brushes; 1 camel hair flat duster; 1 piece linoleum, 8 feet x 4 feet; 50 feet steel wire rope, 2-inch, for Jacob's ladder; 40 feet rubber gaskets, square, ⅜-inch; 280 pounds lampblack in oil (10 kegs); 50 tins drop black enamel; 224 pounds brown metallic (oxide), 8 kegs; 2 brass nipples, 2-inch; 12 brass pad locks; 72 sheets emery cloth; 4 brass Y for boats; 6 brass row locks; 6 sheets brass, light, 16 ounces; 5 gallons asphaltum varnish; 1 gross brass flat screws, 1-inch x 8-inch; 1 gross brass flat screws, ⅞-inch x 7-inches; 1 gross brass flat screws, 1¼-inch x 12-inches; 1 gross brass flat screws, 1½-inch x 14-inch; 1 gross brass flat screws, ⅞-inch x 8-inch; 1 gross brass flat screws, 1¾-inch x 14-inch; 1 gross brass flat screws, ⅞-inch x 9-inch; 1 gross brass flat screws, 2-inch x 14-inch; 1 gross brass flat screws, 2½-inch x 24-inch; 6 galvanized shackles; 2 brass sockets, 1-inch; 2 brass sockets, 1¼-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, ½-inch x 4-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 1-inch x 10-inch; gross brass round head screws, ¾-inch x 6-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, ⅝-inch x 5-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 1¼-inch x 10-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 1-inch x 8-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, ⅞-inch x 7-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 1¼-inch x 12-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 1½-inch x 14-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, ⅞-inch x 7-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 1¾-inch x 14-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, ⅞-inch x 9-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 2-inch x 14-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 2½-inch x 24-inch; 1 gross brass round head screws, 3-inch x 24-inch; 1 gross brass flat head screws, ½-inch x 4-inch; 1 gross brass flat head screws, 1-inch x 10-inch; 1 gross brass flat head screws, ¾-inch x 6-inch; 1 gross brass flat head screws, ⅝-inch x 5-inch; 1 gross brass flat head screws, 1¼-inch x 10-inch.
Hoisted ashes and sent them ashore in ash lighter.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and rainy.
Calm to gentle breeze from South by West.
Barometer falling.
C.A. Olsson, Ship's Cook, returned on board tight and was placed in single irons to sober.
H.M.S "Pigmy" entered the harbor and picked up old buoy.
The Commanding Officer of H.M.S. "Plover" made an official call upon the Commanding Officer.
The painters from Kowloon dock left the ship at 4.50pm.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and rainy.
Barometer rising.
Mustered at quarters at 5.30pm, same absentees as in forenoon watch.
Hoisted whaleboat.
At 4.30pm let fires die out in C boiler on account of blowing out a gasket, and connected up boiler D.
Stopped dynamos.
Started them at 7.00 o'clock.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from West.
Barometer steady.
At 8.30pm secured steam launch for the night, secured gig at 11.30pm.
C.A. Olsson, Ship's Cook, having become sober, was taken out of single irons.
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22 July 1899
Moored to buoy off Hong Kong, China
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to moderate breeze from South and West.
Barometer steady.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Barometer rising.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 123¾ pounds fresh beef; 123¾ pounds fresh vegetables; 99 pounds bread.
Water boat came alongside at 6.30am, took 39 tons water.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Light breeze to light airs from West.
M. Ahearn, Private Marine, 50 hours over time, was brought on board by the police and ten dollars reward [was] paid.
The Commanding Officer called officially on the Commanding Officers of His British Majesty's Ships "Pigmy" and "Plover".
Yard workmen on board painting inside of hull.
Following officers made weekly inspections of compartments: Lieutenant Clark; Ensigns Standley and Knox.
Taking fresh water from lighter alongside.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 103°; after magazine [left blank]; forward shell room 96° to 99°; after shell room 94° to 97°; fixed ammunition room 98° to 103°.
J. Lysaght, Quartermaster Third-class, returned on board 53 hours over time.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs to SW gentle breeze.
Taking fresh water from lighter.
Yard workmen on board painting.
Received in Construction and Repair Department: 121 feet Oregon pine planks; 6 sheets Muntz metal.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW to South.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters.
Absent over time: J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, S.G. Boone, Hospital Apprentice, J. Sullivan number 2, First-class Fireman, J. Dolan, Second-class Fireman, P. O'Connor, Coxswain, H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, and C. Comstedt [Comstadt in log-book], Seaman.
Took 83 tons fresh water in all.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light to moderate, variable breezes.
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23 July 1899
Moored to buoy off Hong Kong, China
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to breezes from NW to SW.
Received in [Department of] Supplies and Accounts: 123¾ pounds beef; 123¾ pounds vegetables; 99 pounds bread.
J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, returned on board 72 hours over time.
Liberty party returned.
8am to meridian:
Fair and warm.
Light breeze from WSW and West.
At 9.30am the Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew at quarters.
Absent without leave as follows: J.J. Dolan, Second-class Fireman, J. Sullivan, First-class Fireman, P. O'Connor, Coxswain, H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, C. Comstedt, Seaman, S.G. Boone, Hospital Apprentice, T. Broderick, Apprentice Second-class, J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class, W. Hoey, Painter, J. Hinchcliffe [Henchcliffe in log-book], Master-at-Arms Third-class, F. Muratel, Boiler Maker, V.B. Lewis, Seaman, and W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
Force from Hong Kong and Whampoa [Wampoa in log-book] dockyards painting on board.
The Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. "Pigmy" paid an official call on board.
M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain, returned on board two hours over time.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; [forward] shell room 94° to 94°; fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to light breeze from SW.
Light passing showers first hour.
Sent liberty party on shore.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and warm.
Light breeze from SW.
At 8.00pm P. O'Connor, Coxswain, was brought off by police, 85 hours over time, and a reward of ten dollars United States gold paid for him.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from SW.
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24 July 1899
At anchor off Hong Kong, Victoria Island
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 123¾ pounds each of fresh meat and vegetables; and 99 pounds bread.
Sent boat for liberty party at 6.45am.
W. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, and R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class, returned 24 hours over time, and M. Swanson, Boatswain's Mate First-class, F. Farrell, Gunner's Mate First-class, and J. Carroll, Gunner's Mate First-class, one hour over time.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs and breezes from West by North and SW.
Scraped topmasts, boat spars and oars.
The following men returned to the ship: W. Humphrey [Humphries in log-book], Seaman, 34 hours over time; J. Hinchcliffe, Master-at-Arms Third-class, 26 hours over time; J. Dolan, Coal Passer, 98 hours over time.
The following men are absent over time: H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, J. Sullivan, First-class Fireman, C. Comstedt, Seaman, T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, W. Hoey, Painter, F. Muratel, Boiler Maker, V.B. Lewis, Seaman, W. Humphrey [Humphries in log-book], Ordinary Seaman, M. Loughlin [Laughlin in log-book], Apprentice First-class, W. Childs, Apprentice Second-class, M.J. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class, W. Haynes, Coal Passer, and B. Nugent, Chief Electrician.
At 11.40am Major Morris, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, commanding Welsh Fusiliers Army post at Hong Kong, made official visit to Commanding Officer.
At 11.45am United States Consul General Wildman made official call on the Commanding Officer.
Received in Steam Engineering Department: 5 feet spiral springs.
Temperature forward magazine 100° [Fahrenheit] to 104°, forward shell room 96° to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 101° to 105°.
Ah Chu, Steerage Cook, was rated Wardroom Cook.
John Jones enlisted as Ordinary Seaman to date from July 22, for four (4) years.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle and moderate breeze from SSW and SW.
The Equipment Department received on board the following stores: 6 check washers; 6 pump cups; 2 round thimbles; 4 pair clip holders [?]; 12 packages insect powder; 3 rubber syringes; 6 leather chest washers.
At 1.10pm fired a salute of 9 guns for United States Consul General Wildman.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle and light Southwesterly breeze.
The following men returned: M. Loughlin [Laughlin in log-book], Apprentice First-class, 12 hours over time; V.B. Lewis, Seaman, 36 hours over time; T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, 36 hours over time; W. Hoey, Painter, 36 hours over time; M.J. Ryan, [Apprentice Second-class], 10½ hours over time; W. Childs, Apprentice Second-class, 10½ hours over time.
The following men were brought off by ship's police, their fines being paid as follows: W. Haynes, Coal Passer, $5.00 Mexican; T. Muratel, Boiler Maker, $3.50 Mexican; J. Sullivan, Second-class Fireman, $31.00 Mexican, C. Comstedt, Seaman, $3.50 Mexican; H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, $22.00 Mexican.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle Southwesterly breeze.
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25 July 1899
At anchor off Hong Kong, China
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW and West.
4am to 8am:
Clear and warm.
Light airs from SW.
Three coal lighters from Bradley and Company came alongside.
Made preparations for coaling.
Tested siren and whistle.
Liberty party returned.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Light airs from NW.
Barometer falling slightly.
Began coaling ship from 3 lighters (one on starboard and two on port side).
At 8.30am received 2 5-gallon cans of Japan Drier for U.S.S. "Concord".
The following named men were reported absent from the ship at 9.30am, they having left the ship during the night without permission: M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class, T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, and W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
At end of watch had received on board 147 tons of coal.
Temperature of forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 94° to 96°, fixed ammunition room 98° to 100°.
Draft before coaling forward 12 feet 7 inches, aft 15 feet 8 inches.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, was absent without leave.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Continued coaling.
Light airs from SW.
Barometer falling.
Finished coaling at 3.50pm.
Washed down decks.
Took on board 208 tons coal.
Draft forward 14 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, came on board at 3.30pm, 32 hours over time.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: H. Hansen, Bugler, using obscene language, 1 month additional on 4th [conduct] class; H. Milan, Machinist First-class, 16 hours over time, dirty and brought off by police, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 23 months additional [on] 4th [conduct] class, lose 6 days' pay, 12 days' extra duty; H.J. Letender, First-class Fireman, tight from liberty, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, 72 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 10 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 18 days' extra duty, lose three days' pay; J. Lysaght, Quartermaster Third-class, 53 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 5 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 12 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay; M. Ahearn, Private Marine, 50 hours over time, brought off by police, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 8 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 12 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay; C.A. Olsen, Ship's Cook, came aboard ship [tight] from liberty, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, 24 hours over time, 3 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty, lose 1 day's pay; R.B. Sinclair, Carpenter's Mate Third-class, 24 hours over time, 3 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty, lose 1 day's pay; M. Kieley [Keiley in log-book], Coxswain, reduced to 4th [conduct] class (had been in confinement); J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, drunk from liberty, 2 months additional [on] 4th [conduct] class; T. Farrell, Gunner's Mate Second-class, 1 hour over time, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; M. Swanson, Boatswain's Mate First-class, and W. Carroll, Gunner's Mate First-class, 1 hour over time, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; Paul O'Connor, Coxswain, 85 hours over time, brought off by police, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 10 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 22 days' extra duty, lose 4 days' pay. M.J. Ryan, Apprentice Second-class, 10½ hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; W.J. Hoey, Painter, 36 hours over time, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 4 months additional [on] 4th [conduct] class, 4 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay; V.B. Lewis, Seaman, 36 hours over time, 5 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 4 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
Barometer rising.
Washing down decks.
Went to quarters at 6 o'clock, absentees without permission: M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class, T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, and W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
Hoisted gig.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SW.
Barometer rising.
Secured steam launch at 10.30pm.
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26 July 1899
At anchor off Hong Kong, China
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant, light showers.
Barometer steady.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
General field day.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 123¾ pounds beef; 123¾ pounds vegetables; 99 pounds bread.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SW airs.
Lighted fires under boiler B.
General field day.
Received in [Department of] Steam Engineering: 2 rockers for fire pump; two limb arms for ash hoist.
By order of Commanding Officer confined V.B. Lewis, Seaman, in double irons on bread and water, with full ration every fifth day, in accordance with Summary Court Martial sentence.
Enlisted to serve four years: Ah Quoi, Mess Attendant.
Navy Yard workmen on board.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell [room] 93° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 102°.
Barometer high.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SW breeze.
Yard workmen on board, from Kowloon Dock Company.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SW breeze to calm.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, absent without leave: M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class, T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, and W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
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27 July 1899
At anchor off Hong Kong, China
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with passing showers last hour.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Calm to light NNW airs.
8am to meridian:
Fair and warm.
The French cruiser "Jean Bart" came in and fired a salute of 21 guns, and a salute of 11 guns, with the English ensign at the fore, which salutes were returned gun for gun by the shore battery and the receiving ship respectively.
Sent an officer to pay boarding visit to the "Jean Bart", which visit was returned.
The Commanding Officer paid an official call upon the Commanding Officer of the "Jean Bart", which call was returned by the Commanding Officer of the "Jean Bart".
At 9.30am went to quarters, exercised at 3 minutes supply of ammunition.
Secured at 10.00am and overhauled the battery.
Absent without leave: T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class, and W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
Absent over time: J. De Quoy, Machinist Second-class, and J.J. O'Brien, Machinist Second-class, who returned aboard 4½ hours over time at 10.00am.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; [forward] shell room 93° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 97° to 101°.
Received in Equipment Department (Navigation stores): one stopwatch; 6 dry cells; and 2 dozen lamp globes.
The Commanding Officer and Officer of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers paid official call on board.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and warm.
Light airs and breeze from Southward.
Enlisted for four years' general service as steerage cook: Ah Fat.
The French cruiser "Jean Bart" fired a salute of 7 guns for the French Consul.
Overhauled and fitted all hatch tarpaulins.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm, light breeze from Southward.
At 5.30pm mustered at quarters, absent over time: T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, and W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class, returned on board at 5.30pm, drunk, having left the ship without permission on the 25th of this month.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Tested searchlights.
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28 July 1899
At anchor off Hong Kong, China
Lat 22.286, Long 114.168
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NW and calm.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from NW.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 123¾ pounds each of fresh meat and vegetables; and 99 pounds of fresh bread.
A.E. Jones, Coal Passer, left steam cutter without permission while on duty, and failed to return.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Gentle breeze from WSW.
Served out clothing and small stores to ship's company.
Omitted quarters.
H.M.S "Pigmy" came in and made fast to buoy number 4.
Received in Paymaster's Department: $6200.09 Mexican dollars.
Temperatures of magazines: forward 92° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; forward shell room 95° to 97°; fixed ammunition room 99° to 103°.
Absentees without permission: T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman, and A.E. Jones, Ordinary Seaman.
J. Sullivan number 1, [First-class Fireman], absent over leave.
At 12 o'clock T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman, and J. Sullivan number 1, [First-class Fireman], returned on board.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle, variable breeze.
Barometer falling.
[From weather observations page:] Sudden change in reading [of temperature] due to irregular exposure to sun through hole in awning.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW.
Barometer steady.
Omitted fire quarters and muster on account of stores being received on board.
Absentee without leave: A.E. Jones, Coal Passer,
Hoisted whaleboat and gig, and rigged in quarter boats.
8pm to midnight:
Cool and pleasant.
Calm to gentle breeze from South.
Secured steam launch at 8.30pm.
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29 July 1899
[At] Hong Kong, China, and on passage to Luzon Island
Lat 21.85, Long 114.67
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Barometer steady.
Started fires in A and B boilers at 12.40am.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Barometer rising.
Hauled fires in A boiler on account of the drain valve being left open.
Hoisted steam launch.
Unshackled chain from buoy, rigged in both gangways and lower booms, put on steaming covers, shackled starboard chain to anchor, called all hands up anchor at 6.25am.
The engines having been turned and reported ready, and steering gear tested, slipped from buoy at 6.30am and left the harbor, Captain conning ship.
Secured both anchors for sea.
At end of watch Navigator conning ship through Liyumen Pass [Lyumen Pass in log-book] to sea.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 60.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to gentle breeze from South.
General field day.
At 8.05am set course S44°E (per standard compass), Waglan [Island] light abeam, distant one mile, took departure, put over patent log, reading 20.8.
At 8.20am lighted fires under A boiler, and connected it at 10.40am.
At 11.27am exercised at man overboard, and picked up buoy in five minutes.
At 11.45am went ahead again on course S44°E (per standard compass).
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 76.7.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly breeze.
At 1.20pm delivered to John Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, and J. Hinchcliffe, Master-at-Arms Third-class, specification of offenses preferred by Commander C.S. Sperry, U.S. Navy.
The following officers made the inspection required by Article 1594, United States Navy Regulations: Lieutenant Commander B.A. Fiske; Lieutenant George R. Clark; Ensigns W.H. Standley and D.W. Knox; Passed Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy; and Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver, U.S. Navy.
Tested flood cocks and found them in working order.
Recharged and shipped port life buoy.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; [forward] shell room 94° to 100°; fixed ammunition [room] 96° to 99°; after shell room 92° to 99°.
At 2.45pm hauled in patent log, [reading] 72.5, put it over at 3.20pm.
Exercised at picking up buoy from 2.45pm until 3.20pm, when stood on course S44°E (per compass), under steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
Average steam 108 [pounds], average revolutions 84.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SSW.
Barometer steady.
Went to collision quarters at 5 o'clock, and afterwards called all hands abandon ship.
Average revolutions for watch 89.3, average steam 108 pounds.
Patent log at end of watch [read] 96.1.
Chip log gave 9.2 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light SSW breeze.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course S44°E (per standard compass).
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 90.7.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light and gentle breeze from SSW and South.
Course S44°E (per standard compass), under steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 88.
Liyumen Pass is also known as Lei Yue Mun.
Waglan Island is also known as Wang Lang Island.
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[Inserted note]
4pm to 6pm:
The following men received their punishment: John Ferber, Gunner's Mate First-class, tight from liberty, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; H. Addie, Gunner's Mate Third-class, J.J. Dolan, Second-class Fireman, C. Comstedt, Seaman, J. Sullivan number 2, [First-class Fireman], F.E. Muratel, Boiler Maker, and W. Haynes, Coal Passer, confined on shore as drunk and disorderly, restricted to ship for 3 months; T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, 36 hours over time, 9 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 4 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay; O.E. Lofstrom, Quartermaster Third-class, having pennant at half-mast, 1 day's extra duty; B. Nugent, Chief Electrician, 36 hours over time and drunk from liberty, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 3 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 4 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay; J.J. O'Brien, Machinist Second-class, 4½ hours over time, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class, 1 day's extra duty; E. Ethier, Blacksmith, tight from liberty, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; A. Bried, Apprentice First-class, sitting down and reading on signal watch, 4 days' extra duty; M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class, 2 days' extra duty; W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman, 34 hours over time, 5 months additional on 4th [conduct] class, 4 days' extra duty, lose 2 days' pay; J. Sullivan number 1, First-class Fireman, 6 hours over time, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class.
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30 July 1899
On passage from Hong Kong, China, to Luzon Island
Lat 19.77, Long 118.15
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW to South.
Barometer steady.
Under [steam in] four boilers, course S44°E.
At 2.10 o'clock changed course to SSE¼E (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 71.6.
Average steam 111 [pounds], average revolutions 91.4.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle Southerly breeze.
Under [steam in] boilers A, B, C and D, on course ESE¼E (per standard compass).
Steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 94.8.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from Southward.
At 9.30am the Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew at quarters.
Read the Articles for the Government of the Navy.
Read the proceedings and sentences of the Summary Court Martial in the following cases: John Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, drunk while on shore on duty, failing to return, or to perform the duty, sentenced to discharge from the Service with bad conduct discharge, which was approved by the convening authority and by the Senior Officer present; W.T. Haynes, Coal Passer, drunk while on shore on duty, sentenced to solitary confinement in single irons, on bread and water, for 30 days, with a full ration every 3rd day, to perform extra police duty for one month, and to lose one month's pay, amounting to $22.00, approved by the convening authority and Senior Officer present, extra police duties remitted, and that involving loss of pay respectfully referred to the Secretary of the Navy.
Set deck clock ahead 14 minutes.
Course ESE¼E (per standard compass), steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 108 [pounds], average revolutions 94.4.
Absentee without leave: A.E. Jones, Coal Passer.
Temperatures: forward magazine 76° [Fahrenheit] to 76°; [forward] shell room 98° to 100°; fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 104°; after shell room 93° to 101°; [after] magazine 89° to 91°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW.
Barometer falling.
Smooth sea.
Under [steam in] 4 boilers, course ESE¼E.
At 12.30pm changed course to ESE⅛E, patent log [reading] 70.3.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 91.3.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and very pleasant.
Light SW breeze and airs.
[Steaming] under full boiler power, on course ESE⅛E (per standard compass).
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 90.3.
6pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from SW.
Course ESE⅛E (per standard compass), steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 105 [pounds], average revolutions 95.6.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Southerly breeze.
Barometer rising.
Course (per standard compass) ESE⅛E, under [steam in] four boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 90.3.
The moon rose at 11.55 o'clock.
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31 July 1899
At sea, from Hong Kong, China, to Luzon Island
Lat 18.90, Long 121.73
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly breeze.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course ESE⅛E (per standard compass).
At 1.15am hauled fires in C boiler in order to make repairs to check valve.
At 3.00am made out high land broad on starboard bow, and an island about two points on port bow.
At 3.30am started fires in boiler C.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 82.1.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light breeze from Southward.
At 4.45am made out Fuga Island bearing E½S (per standard compass).
At 5.00am connected C boiler.
At 7.00am hauled in patent log, [reading] 38.7, and stood in for Musa Bay, the Commanding Officer and Navigator conning.
Found nothing in Musa Bay.
At end of watch standing out of Musa Bay.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 80.6.
Got up ammunition for, and cast loose secondary battery at 7.00am.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from South.
Barometer falling.
At 8.15am set course East by North, put over patent log, reading 38.8.
Under [steam in] four boilers.
At 10.50am took in patent log, reading 61.7.
Courses various, Navigator conning ship into Port San Pio [Quinto].
At 11 o'clock left Port San Pio [Quinto].
At 11.50am set clock ahead 8 minutes to Manila time.
Put over patent log, reading 61.7.
Summary Court Martial, Lieutenant Clark as senior member, convened on board at 9.30am, and adjourned at 10.50 o'clock.
Refilled and examined all recoil cylinders.
Temperature of magazines: forward 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell room 99° to 100°; forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 100°; after magazine 90° to 90°; after shell room 97° to 100°.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 78.3.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly to gentle NNW breeze.
On course South by W½W (per standard compass) until 2.55pm, when hauled in patent log, reading 86.5, and rounded to parallel to the coastline on various Westerly courses and slowed down.
Observed Filipino flag flying ashore at town of Aparri, and a 2-masted, single smokestack steamer in the river with no color flying.
Hoisted international signal "What is your name?", to which no attention paid, fired blank 6-pounder charge and afterwards followed it by two 6-pounder shells aimed clear of the steamer at reasonable intervals.
The steamer then hoisted American colors, whereupon the ship was headed out on course NNW for twenty minutes.
Remainder of watch spent in exercising in picking up buoys, ship maneuvered by Officer of Deck.
Lost overboard 1 14-pound lead.
Steam 107 [pounds], revolutions 78.8.
4pm to 6pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate breeze from NNW.
Ensign D.W. Knox, U.S. Navy, exercised at picking up buoy until 4.30pm, when Font Island [bearing] North by E¾E and Cape Engaño ENE½E, put over patent log, [reading] 84.5, and went ahead full speed on course NW by W¼W (per standard compass).
At 5.00pm exercised at closing watertight doors and mustered boats crew for abandon ship.
At end [of watch] course NW by W¼W (per standard compass), steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 112 [pounds], average revolutions 77.0.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from NW.
Course NW by W¼W, under [steam in] four boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 86.1.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from NW to WSW.
[Steaming] under full boiler power, on course NW by W¼W (per standard compass) until 8.45pm, when changed to West (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 20.5.
At 11.10pm changed to SW by W½W (per compass), patent log [reading] 38.5.
Steam 90 [pounds], revolutions 74.5.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
Font Island is also known as Pamoctan Island.
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1 August 1899
On passage from Hong Kong, China, to Luzon Island
Lat 17.08, Long 120.22
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from WSW and gentle breeze from SW.
At 1.48am, patent log [reading] 60.5, changed course to South by W¼W per standard compass.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 90.9.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW to South by West.
Barometer steady.
Course South by W¼W.
At 5.30am changed course to South per compass, patent log [reading] 94.4.
Under [steam in] four boilers.
At end of watch Point Dile bore SSE, distant 5 miles.
Average steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 84.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and very pleasant.
Light breeze and airs from South by West.
[Steaming] under full boiler power, on course South (per standard compass).
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and then stationed crew for landing party.
Summary Court Martial, Lieutenant G.R. Clark senior member, met and adjourned for the trial of J. Hinchliffe, Master-at-Arms Third-class.
Absent over time: A.E. Jones, Coal Passer.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: J. Dowd, Second-class Fireman, drunk from liberty, 2 days' extra duty; J. De Quoy, Machinist Second-class, 4½ hours over time, reduced to 3rd [conduct] class, 1 day's extra duty; M.H. Milan, Machinist First-class, inattention to duty as engineer of steam launch, 1 month extra on 4th [conduct] class; A. Herness, Gunner's Mate First-class, neglect of duty, not cleaning battery properly, reduced 1 [conduct] class; W. Coleman, Ordinary Seaman, J.J. Nolan, Coal Passer, and T. Harsnett, Ordinary Seaman, sleeping in sickbay, reduced 1 [conduct] class; A. Wilkerson, Coxswain, as Gun Captain not seeing brightwork cleaned for Sunday inspection, reduced to 2nd [conduct] class; H. Boyd, Coal Passer, alcoholism and 6 days on sick list, 6 days' extra duty; J. Ferber, Gunner's Mate First-class, alcoholism and 5 days on sick list, 5 days' extra duty; J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, alcoholism, 4 days on sick list, 4 days' extra duty.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 98° to 88°; fixed ammunition room 97° to 100°; after shell [room] 96° to 101°; after magazine 90° to 92°.
Steam 98 [pounds], revolutions 86.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW by South.
Steam in boilers A, B, C and D, on course South (per standard compass).
Monthly board audited crew's mess account.
Ran on course SW by West from 2.54pm to 3.09pm to avoid shoal to Northward of San Fernando [Point].
Resumed course South at 3.09pm.
At 3.19pm San Fernando light abeam, distance 3 miles.
At 3.30pm changed course to S⅜W.
Average steam 102 [pounds], revolutions 80.5.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW by South.
Course S⅜W until 5.30pm, when began steering various courses, under [steam in] four boilers.
At 5.30pm sighted gunboat U.S.S. "Pampanga" and exchanged numbers.
Average steam 107 [pounds], revolutions 82.0.
Took lashings off both anchors.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze to airs from SW by South.
[Steaming] under full boiler power.
Standing into Lingayen Gulf on various courses, Navigator conning, until 7.10pm, when came to with 45 fathoms on starboard chain in 16 fathoms water.
Bearings from anchorage: Portuguese Point light SW⅞S, West tangent Kabalitian Island NW⅞W.
Draft forward 15 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 72.1.
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from SW by South.
Kabalitian Island is also known as Cabalitian Island.
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2 August 1899
At anchor near Sual and on passage to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.54, Long 119.80
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant, light rain.
Banked fires in four boilers.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with occasional rain.
Light airs to gentle breeze from NNW.
At 6.00am got under way and headed out of Lingayen Gulf, Navigator conning.
Draft forward 13 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
At 6.30am set course N¼E (per standard compass) and put over patent log, reading 6.1.
At 7.45am changed course to NNW⅛W (per compass), patent log reading 15.5.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 85.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Gentle breeze from WNW and West.
Steam in all boilers, on course NNW⅛W.
At 8.20am changed course to NNW½W, patent log reading 20.6.
At 9.30am exercised crew at collision quarters.
Mustered at quarters, absent without leave: A.E. Jones, Coal Passer.
At 10.00am changed course to West, patent log reading 33.6.
At 11.15am changed course to SW⅜S, patent log reading 44.5.
Temperature of forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 100°, forward shell room 96° to 99°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 100°, after magazine 92° to 93°, after shell room 96° to 102°.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 83.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, leaving station without being properly relieved, 1 extra watch; P. O'Connor, Coxswain, neglect of duty, not seeing lookout relieved, 1 month additional [on] 4th [conduct] class; J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, neglect of duty, not seeing orders carried out to relieve lookout, 1 month's additional on 4th [conduct] class; P.F. Peterson, Apprentice Second-class, not going to station when up anchor was called, 1 day's extra duty.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and squally, with occasional showers.
Gentle breeze from West.
Course SW⅜W.
At 1.35pm changed course to South, patent log [reading] 66.
Under [steam in] four boilers.
Secured both anchors for sea.
Average steam 116 [pounds], revolutions 99.
Finished serving out monthly money.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy, with rain.
Moderate Westerly breeze to light East-southeasterly breeze.
Steam in all boilers, on course South.
At 4.15pm changed course to South by E½E, patent log reading 66.
Average steam 107 [pounds], revolutions 98.
6pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Light breeze from ESE.
Course South by E½E (per standard compass), steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 103.4.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and squally to clear and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW for first 3 hours, [light breeze from North last hour].
Course South by E½E.
At 10.50pm changed course to SE by East, patent log [reading] 60.8.
Under [steam in] four boilers.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 97.2.
At 11.54pm sighted Corregidor [Island] light bearing ESE¼E per compass, distant about 28 miles.
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3 August 1899
On passage from Hong Kong, China, to and at anchor off Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze to airs from NNE to West.
On course SE by East until 12.50am, when changed to SE½E (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 77.4.
At 1.40am changed to East (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 86.0, and stood in for Northern entrance to Manila Bay.
At 2.25am Haycock abeam, changed course to NE by E½E (per standard compass), patent log reading 94.1.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 98.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from Northward.
Standing in for anchorage off Manila, the Navigator conning.
Hauled in patent log at 4.40am, reading 16.2.
Came to anchor at 5.05am in 7 fathoms of water, veering to 30 fathoms of starboard chain.
Draft forward 13 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
Bearings at anchor: Pasig River light NE, Ermita East (magnetic).
Exchanged call letters with the flagship.
Flagship [signaled] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Anchor off Manila until you have pratique".
The Health Officer came on board at 7.00am, and granted pratique.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light Northwesterly airs.
Got under way at 8.45am and proceeded to anchorage off Cavite.
At 9.45am anchored off Cavite in 4 fathoms water, veering to 30 fathoms starboard chain.
Bearings as follows: end of arsenal dock SW by W⅛W, Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book] lighthouse NW½W.
The Commanding Officer made official call on the Commander-in-Chief.
At 10.20am coal lighters came alongside, made preparations for coaling.
Took on board in Engineer's Department: 16 tons fresh water.
Lieutenant Commander B.A. Fiske and Lieutenant Commander H.T. Cleaver received commissions as Lieutenant Commander.
The following men received permanent appointments: John Lysaght, Chief Quartermaster, to date from April 20, 1899, for efficiency and conspicuous act of valor at Baler, Luzon, April 12, 1899; Karl Forsborn, Coxswain, to date from April 19, 1899.
Christopher Emold, Seaman, received Continuous Service Certificate number 13812.
The following signals were made: At 8.20am U.S.S. "Zafiro" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Have you any more stores for us?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Zafiro", "Yes, have a few for Paymaster Rodgers"; at 8.45am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship interrogatory 121; at 9.15am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general interrogatory 814, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship affirmative; at 9.20am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general preparatory 516; at 9.25am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general preparatory 132; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 1 and numeral 7; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 225 and numeral 21.
Draft forward 13 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from SW and WSW.
Cheng On, Wardroom Steward, transferred to U.S.S. "Monterey", with bag.
F. Dover, Second-class Fireman, and F.W. Kimble, Private Marine, were transferred to Naval Hospital, Cavite, with bags and hammocks.
The Executive Officer read the proceeding and finding of the Court Martial in the cases of John Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, and Joseph Hinchliffe, Master-at-Arms Third-class.
The following signals were made: at 12.20pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Zafiro", "When do you sail for Hong Kong?", U.S.S. "Zafiro" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "At 8.00 tomorrow morning"; at 8.45am [sic] U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Navy Yard [N in log-book], "To Executive Officer, as soon as you can spare a steamer send her over to report to Captain Sperry for his use about one hour, Leutze".
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light and gentle West-southwesterly breeze.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters, A.E. Jones, Coal Passer, absent without leave.
Called all hands to muster and Executive Officer delivered Good Conduct Badge to A. Hasler, Chief Gunner's Mate, and delivered permanent appointment to John Lysaght, Chief Quartermaster.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light and gentle West-southwesterly breeze.
At 8.10pm, flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", signal "Zafiro to board Leyte tomorrow morning for mail for Hong Kong"; at 8.15pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" annulling; at 9.10pm flagship to squad "Commencing next issue fresh beef will be taken from the Culgoa".
Haycock is also known as La Monja Island.
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4 August 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light and gentle Northerly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze and light airs from SW.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 99 pounds fresh bread.
Tested siren and whistle.
Taking on water.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Gentle to moderate breeze from SW.
Went to quarters at 9.30am.
Exercised boats crews under oars and sails.
U.S.S. "Zafiro" got under way at 8.45am and left the harbor.
Sent boat with mail to U.S.S. "Glacier" at 11.00 o'clock.
Received from U.S.S. "Glacier" in the Equipment Department (Navigation stores): one (1) mercurial barometer from Navy Yard, New York.
Ralph B. Sinclair, who enlisted at Mare Island, California, for one year, was discharged this day on account of expiration of enlistment, he having waived all claim to transportation at public expense and all consular aid.
Lee Gat, Mess Attendant, was declared a deserter from July 19th, 1899.
Temperature of magazines: forward [magazine] 97° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; forward shell room 97° to 99°; fixed ammunition room 99° to 102°; after magazine 89° to 91°; after shell room 98° to 102°.
The following signals were exchanged: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Zafiro", "When do you sail?", answer "Almost at once"; flagship to fleet 4553, 2771, 673, 511, 6, "Glacier going to sail for Hong Kong noon, mail closes 11.30am".
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and cool.
Stiff breeze from West.
Barometer following usual course, falling.
The Executive and Medical Officers made the usual weekly sanitary inspection of storerooms and living spaces.
The Navigator and divisional officers made the weekly inspection of compartments.
Flood cocks were tested and found in good condition.
U.S.S. "Glacier" got under way and left the harbor.
The gunboat U.S.S. "Paragua" came in and anchored.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Stiff breeze from WSW.
Barometer steady.
Went to fire quarters at 5 o'clock, divisions reported ready as follows: 1st Division 2 minutes; 2nd Division ½ minute; 3rd Division 1 minute; Powder [Division] 1 minute; Engineer's [Division] ½ minute.
Exchanged signals as follows: "What is the best time to send for meat?", answer "At 6am on odd days of the month".
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
Variable winds from WSW.
The Commanding Officer went on board the flagship in obedience to message from flagship, he returned at 9.30pm.
A boat was sent to Cavite Navy Yard with the mail orderly with telegram.
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5 August 1899
At anchor off Cavite, and on passage to Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.41, Long 120.60
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and rainy.
Barometer steady.
Gentle breeze from WSW.
Started fires in D boiler at 2 o'clock.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, raining last hour of watch.
[Gentle breeze from WSW.]
General field day.
Rigged in quarter boat davits, lower booms, turned engines and tested wheel and steam whistle.
Sent boat to U.S.S. "Culgoa" for beef.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 433 pounds fresh beef.
Sent boat with mail to U.S.S. "Monterey".
Sent following signal to flagship: interrogatory "Permission to get under way at 8am", answer affirmative.
Rigged in both gangways.
Called all hands up anchor at 7.45 o'clock.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate and fresh Southwesterly breeze.
Got under way at 8.00am.
Steaming out of Manila Bay, Navigator conning the ship.
Draft forward 13 feet, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
At 9.07am set course SW by W⅝W, lighthouse bearing SE by East, distance 3¾ miles, patent log reading 16.2.
General field day.
A.E. Jones, Coal Passer, absent without leave.
At 11.30am changed course to WSW⅛W, patent log reading 30.4.
At 11.50am changed course [to] WSW¾S.
Temperature forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 99°, forward shell room 98° to 100°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 102°, after shell room 96° to 103°.
Steam in boilers A, B and D.
Connected boiler C at 11.20am.
By order of Commanding Officer V.B. Lewis, [Seaman,] was released from confinement.
By order of Commanding Officer W. Humphrey [Humphries in log-book], Seaman, was placed in solitary confinement in double irons on bread and water, full rations every fifth day, for ten days, for being drunk on board ship.
Steam 98 [pounds], revolutions 66.3.
Meridian to 4pm:
Overcast and cloudy.
Stiff to fresh WSW breeze.
Standing out North entrance to Manila Bay on various course, Navigator conning, until 12.50pm, when, with Haycock abeam, set course W⅜S (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 39.5.
At 2.00pm changed course to N49°W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 47.0.
Secured everything for sea, putting extra tackles on boat davits.
Steam 98 [pounds], revolutions 87.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Fresh West-southwesterly breeze.
Steam in boilers A, B, C and D, on course N49°W.
At 5.00pm changed course to N30°W (Los Frailes [Islands] abeam, distant 4 miles).
Steam 100 [pounds] revolutions 91.3.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from WSW.
Course N30°W (per standard compass).
At 6.15pm Capones Island [Kapones in log-book] lighthouse abeam, distant 3.7 miles.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 100 [pounds], average revolutions 90.3.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
Stiff breeze from WSW.
Course N30°W.
At 9.40pm changed course to North by W⅛W, patent log [reading] 14.
Steam in 4 boilers.
Average steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 89.5.
Haycock is also known as La Monja Island.
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6 August 1899
On passage from Cavite to Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.62, Long 120.25
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with occasional showers.
Fresh breeze from WSW.
Under [steam in] four boilers, on course North by W⅛W (per standard compass) until 2.00am, when changed to North (per compass), patent log [reading] 54.0.
At 3.20am changed to North by East (per compass), patent log [reading] 68.6.
Rolling heavily.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 90.8.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff and fresh breeze from South.
At 4.30am, patent log [reading] 71.5, changed course to NE (per standard [compass]).
At 5.50am, patent log [reading] 88.4, changed to East per standard [compass].
At 6.47am, patent log [reading] 96.5, changed to E¾S per standard [compass].
Sighted land on starboard hand at daylight.
Thick along horizon.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 95 [pounds], average revolutions 83.5.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Light to moderate breeze from SSE and South.
Steam in boilers A, B, C and D, on course E¾S.
Standing into San Fernando harbor, Navigator conning the ship.
At 9.45am dropped anchor off San Fernando.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Callao" made official visit to the Commanding Officer.
Anchored in 14 fathoms water, veering to 30 fathoms port chain.
Bearings: lighthouse WSW¼W, end of wharf SW¼S [looks like one of these bearings is off].
Got under way at 11.45am, heading out of harbor, Navigator conning ship.
At 11.55am set course S¾W, patent log reading 15.7, Lighthouse Point bearing E¾S.
Draft forward 13 feet 9 inches, aft 15 feet 10 inches.
Temperature of forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 99°, forward shell room 98° to 100°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 103°, after shell room 99° to 104°.
Average steam 107 [pounds], revolutions 53.2.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and rainy, at times very thick.
[Light to gentle breeze from South.]
Heading in for anchorage at Sual, course S¾W.
At 1.30pm changed course to South by West, patent log [reading] 30.9.
Sighted U.S.S. "Concord" at anchor and exchanged numbers.
Came to anchor at 3.20pm in 17 fathoms of water, veered to 45 fathoms on port chain.
Portuguese Point bearing SSW½W, white house at mouth of river South by E½E.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Concord" came alongside.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 90.3.
4pm to 6pm:
Overcast and cloudy, with passing showers.
Light breeze from South and SE.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with occasional rain.
Light breeze and airs from SE.
8pm to midnight:
Light Southeasterly airs.
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
The Commanding Officer returned from U.S.S. "Concord" at 8.45pm.
Hoisted gig.
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7 August 1899
At anchor off Sual, on passage to San Fernando and Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 16.62, Long 120.30 [Estimated]
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from SE.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with occasional rain.
Moderate to fresh SE breeze.
At 6.14am set course N¼E and put over patent log, reading 46.6.
U.S.S. "Concord" got under way and followed this vessel in squadron.
Signals at 5.50am to U.S.S. "Concord": general 121.
Steam 124 [pounds], revolutions 79.6.
Draft forward 12 feet 8 inches, aft 15 feet 10 inches.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff to light Southeasterly breeze.
Steaming out of Lingayen Gulf, Navigator conning ship, U.S.S. "Concord" following in squadron.
Steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
Sounded call to general quarters at 9.20am.
Entered San Fernando harbor and started firing at San Fernando at 9.46am.
Stopped firing at 10.08am.
Started firing at 10.10am.
Stopped at 10.17am.
Started firing at 10.30am.
Stopped firing at 10.46am.
Anchored at 10.55am in 14 fathoms water, veering to 30 fathoms port chain.
The following ammunition was fired: 75 6-inch charges; 63 6-inch common shells; 12 6-inch shrapnel; 66 6-pounder armor piercing shells; ~5 3-pounder common shells; 299 1-pounder armor piercing shells; 400 rounds 6 mm Colt's gun ammunition.
U.S.S. "Concord", U.S.S. "Callao" and U.S.S. "Pampanga" engaged in bombarding San Fernando.
The following signals were made: at 10.40am U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "They are firing volleys at us between wharf and steamer"; at 11.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to squad, "Anchor in succession"; at 11.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord" general 3533, correction 152; at 11.10am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to squad, "Anchor at discretion"; at 11.15am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", "Send mail aboard for Manila at 1.30pm"; at 11.30am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord", "Secure"; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 273 and numeral 8.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 98° to 98°; forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 102°; after shell room 94° to 103°.
Steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 72.7.
Released from confinement during bombardment: H. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate sea.
Light to stiff breeze from South and SSW.
At 1.15pm got under way and stood out of San Fernando.
At 1.50pm San Fernando lighthouse [bore] ESE¼E per standard compass, distant 2 miles.
Set course West per standard compass and put over patent log, [reading] ~3.9.
Sent all ammunition below, except 1 box for each gun of secondary battery in ready ammunition room.
At 3.50pm, patent log [reading] 94, changed course to SW½S (per standard compass).
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], average revolutions 114.5.
Draft forward 12 feet 7 inches, aft 15 feet 9 inches.
Reconfined in double irons: H. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff South-southwesterly breeze.
On course SW½S, steam in boilers A, B, C and D.
At 5.00pm sounded call to collision quarters.
Mustered crew at stations for abandoning ship.
A.E. Jones, Coal Passer, declared a deserter from July 28th, 1899.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast and cloudy.
Stiff breeze from SSW.
Barometer steady.
Course SW½S.
At 7.14pm changed course to South, patent log [reading] 25.
Under [steam in] four boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 101.5.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and cool.
Stiff to moderate breeze from SSW to South.
Under [steam in] four boilers, course South (per standard compass) until 8.45pm, when changed to South by E¼E (per standard compass), patent log reading 39.0.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 105.5.
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[Inserted note]
8am to meridian:
Before the squadron opened fire a shot was fired from a field piece on shore, the shot falling short.
This was followed by one or two others, and by musketry from trenches near the beach.
Before the end of the bombardment the shore fire had ceased.
A French flag flying from the home on Eastern side of harbor was respected, no shots being fired in that direction.
After fire had ceased two companies of troops were seen to march from that locality.
The battery and ammunition in general worked satisfactorily.
Three miss-fires occurred with 3-pounder ammunition, and the port 6-inch gun of 1st Division failed to return to battery twice, but afterwards acted well.
The shrapnel charge burst before the time set by the fuze.
The firing was at ranges varying from 1300 to 2300 yards.
The port battery only was used.
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8 August 1899
On passage from Lingayen Gulf to Manila, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Moderate and gentle breeze from SE by South.
Overcast and cloudy, with occasional light showers.
On course South by E¼E until 12.45am, when patent log reading 80.0, changed to SSE¼E.
Steam in A, B, C and D boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], average revolutions 105.4.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE by South.
Course South by E½E.
At 4.01am changed course to SE, patent log [reading] 22.7.
At 6.32am changed course to SE by E¼E, patent log [reading] 37.
At 7.50am changed course to ESE½E, patent log [reading] 49.9.
Under [steam in] four boilers.
At end of watch Corregidor [Island] lighthouse bore E¼S, distant 5 miles.
Average steam 104 [pounds], revolutions 96.1.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light North-northeasterly airs.
On course NE by E½E, steam in four boilers.
Standing into Manila Bay, Navigator conning ship.
At 11.00am anchored off Cavite in 4 fathoms water, veering to 30 fathoms starboard chain.
Bearings as follows: end of Navy Yard dock SW¾W, lighthouse NW¾W (magnetic).
Draft forward 12 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet.
The Commanding Officer made official call on Commander-in-Chief.
The following signals were made: at 10.00am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general 132, anchor at discretion; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 136 and numeral 27.
Temperature forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 97° to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 102°, after shell room 96° to 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Light NNW airs.
Allowed fires to die out under A, B and C boilers.
Sold effects of A.E. Jones, Coal Passer, deserter, and realized $0.65 by the sale.
Received in [Department of] Steam Engineering: 4 check valves; 8 check stop valves; 12 valve seals; 8 pump cylinders; 1 box wrench.
Signals: at 12.10pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" 114, telegraphic 237, numeral 2; at 1.05pm flagship to squad 515, 6 numeral, P6088 (Geog.).
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light NNW airs, to WSW breeze.
Received from U.S.S. "Solace" in Construction [Department]: 1 28-foot cutter and outfit, complete.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters, followed by setting up drill.
Transferred to Navy Yard, Cavite: 75 6-inch ammunition boxes; 75 6-inch metallic cases; 6 6-pounder boxes; 66 6-pounder metallic cases; 4 3-pounder ammunition boxes; 64 3-pounder metallic cases; 5 1-pounder boxes; 285 1-pounder metallic cases; 23 shell slings.
Signals at 5.25pm: U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Princeton", "How soon will you leave?"; U.S.S. "Princeton" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "We will leave as soon after 6.00 o'clock as possible".
U.S.S. "Princeton" got under way at 6.15pm and left harbor.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW to SSW.
Armed forecastle sentry.
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9 August 1899
At anchor off Navy Yard, Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light WSW airs, to calm.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light NW airs.
General field day.
Received from U.S.S. "Culgoa" in Paymaster's Department: 357 pounds fresh beef.
Received 98 pounds fresh bread.
At 7.30am flagship signaled squadron general 735.
8am to meridian:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NW and calm.
At 10.00am a board of survey, Lieutenant A. Hartrath, U.S. Navy, senior member, met on board to survey the 4½-inch main drain of this vessel.
Received in Equipment Department (Navigation supplies) the following charts: Hydrographic Office charts (consecutive) 801 to 837 inclusive; Hydrographic Office charts numbers 121, 122, 903, 119, 826a, 937, 1001, 1305, 1308, 1445, with instructions to destroy old copies; Hydrographic Office charts 1589, to cancel British Admiralty [charts] 42 and 2736; Hydrographic Office [chart] 1784, to cancel plan on Hydrographic Office [chart] 658, and alter consecutive number of 658 to 1361a; Hydrographic Office [charts] 1996, Coast and Geodetic Survey 337, 272, 369a, 376, 380.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship numeral 0, numeral 11; at 11.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Monadnock" [D in log-book], "To Commanding Officer, Ensign Morton is required at Yorktown for survey".
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 99°; [forward] shell room 95° to 95°; fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 104°; after shell room 93° to 98°.
U.S.S. "Petrel" stood out at 11.00am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from SW.
Naval Cadet H.E. Yarnell, U.S. Navy, reported for duty in accordance with orders from the Commander-in-Chief.
J.H. Feeney, Private U.S. Marine Corps, transferred from Marine Barracks Cavite to this ship for duty, with effects.
U.S.S. "Solace" shifted berth at 2.30pm.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts stores as follows: 100 gallons beans; 300 pounds salt beef; 600 pounds pork; 500 pounds coffee; 88 pounds tea; 1950 pounds soap; 700 pounds potatoes; 400 pounds onions.
Signals: [at] 1.40pm flagship to fleet 4553, telegraphic 9869, 5528, 231, 8901, general 2771.
4pm to 8pm:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from WSW.
Sent visiting party to U.S.S. "Culgoa" and U.S.S. "Solace".
8pm to midnight:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from WSW.
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10 August 1899
At anchor off Navy Yard, Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs and breeze from NW.
4am to 8am:
Fair and pleasant.
Light airs from NW and NNW.
U.S.S. "Solace" went alongside the collier at 6.00am.
Received in Department [of] Supplies and Accounts: 98 pounds fresh bread.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Light Northwesterly airs.
At 9.30am sounded call to general quarters, the divisions reported ready as follows: 1st Division 2 minutes; 2nd Division 3 minutes; 3rd Division 3 minutes; Powder Division in 3 minutes; Engineer's Division in 1 minute.
Received in Ordnance Department: 1 Colt's gun cover.
Temperature of forward magazine 94° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 95° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 100°; after shell room 91° to 94°.
The following signals were made: at 9.05am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general negative 1274; at 9.25am flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general 4570; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 0 and numeral 12; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 127 and numeral 6.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and warm.
Light airs and light breeze from West and SW.
The following stores were received in the Paymaster's Department: 200 pounds coffee; 264 pounds roast beef; 72 pounds butter; 342 pounds pickles; 482 pounds sausages; 1410 pounds sugar; 620 pounds vegetables; 100 abdominal bands; 50 suits white underclothes; 25 pairs shoes; 100 neckerchiefs; 144 dozen bone buttons.
Returned to Navy Yard the 28-foot cutter and outfit received from U.S.S. "Solace".
The following signals were made: at 12.55pm flagship to fleet general 513; at 2.20pm flagship to fleet general negative 4553, telegraphic 9869, telegraphic 5228, telegraphic 231, general 2771; at 2.30pm flagship to fleet general 4553, telegraphic 9869, telegraphic 645, telegraphic 8220, telegraphic 1, telegraphic 9676.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with rain.
Light airs and gentle breeze from South and SSE to light airs from NW.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs and calm.
Tested searchlights.
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11 August 1899
At anchor off Navy Yard, Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from NW.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 391 pounds fresh beef; and 99 pounds fresh bread.
Tested siren and whistle.
At 7.00am sighted U.S.S. "Petrel" and U.S.S. "Helena" heading into Cavite.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light airs from NNE.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Exercised crew at arm and away boats.
In obedience to signal sent boat to flagship for mail.
Chief Engineer H.T. Cleaver went ashore on duty, taking Chief Yeoman L.H. Dyer and Machinists Second-class, W. Howard and H. Milan, they returned at 11.50am.
Sent following signal to U.S.S. "Petrel": "Am willing to receive Albay at once, Admiral said yesterday not until next week".
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and rainy.
The Medical Officer in company with the Executive Officer made the usual weekly sanitary inspection of ship. The division officers made an inspection of compartments assigned to their divisions.
Temperature of magazine forward 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 94° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 97° to 101°, after shell room 92° to 92°.
Tested flood cocks and lifebuoys, and found them in good condition.
The following named men were transferred to U.S.S. "Albay": J.J. Lysaght, Chief Quartermaster; W. Carroll, Gunner's Mate First-class; C. Sutton, Seaman; F. Peterson, Seaman; C. Rankin, Seaman; J. Jones, Ordinary Seaman; G. Fuhrman, Apprentice Second-class; S. Hellen, Apprentice First-class; Ah Fat, Steerage Cook.
Engineer's Division: J. De Quoy, Machinist First-class; B. Christiansen, Machinist First-class; W. Peters, Second-class Fireman; J. Dowd, Second-class Fireman.
Three signal flags from the Navigation stores were sent to U.S.S. "Albay".
U.S.S. "Petrel" got under way and left the harbor at 3 o'clock.
The [U.S. Army] transport "Hooker" left the harbor.
Received in Paymaster's Department: $13,000 (dollars) (Mexican).
Ensign D.W. Wurtsbaugh left the ship with orders to command U.S.S. "Albay", with Naval Cadet H.E. Yarnell for general duty.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and rainy.
Received in Engineer's Department: 2½ pounds copper rivets; 30 shovels; 72 pounds rainbow packing 1/16-inch; 50 feet steam hose; 150 gallons vacuum oil; 3 brass check valves, ¾-inch; 6 brass elbows, ¾-inch; 50 grommets; 12 hack saw blades; 2 sets steam launch grate bars.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and rainy.
Secured steam launch at 9.30pm.
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12 August 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and cool.
Light airs from South and SW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
The U.S. Army transport "Sheridan" left the harbor at 5 o'clock.
U.S.S. "Concord" came in, communicated with the flagship, and then left the harbor at 6 o'clock.
At 6 o'clock the flagship U.S.S. "Baltimore" got under way and left the harbor, making signal: "This vessel will proceed to Corregidor to render assistance to transport aground".
General field day.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 87 pounds fresh bread.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light NW airs.
General field day.
Received in Equipment [Department]: 150 fathoms 3½-inch manila rope.
Sent following articles to U.S.S. "Albay": 1 dozen 6 mm rifles and 2 boxes; 1 Winchester rifle, caliber .22; 4 revolvers; 4 boarder's belts, holsters and cartridge boxes; 500 rounds .22 caliber ammunition; 1 boat box, complete; 1 sextant; 1 long glass; 1 number 5 ensign; 1 7-pound lead and line; 1 set boat signals; 1 Very [signal] pistol; 1 number 4 and 1 number 5 pennant; 1 signal lantern; 2 hand lanterns.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; forward shell 94° to 95°; fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 102°; after shell [room] 90° to 91°.
Signals at 11.45am: Navy Yard [N in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 427, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to Navy Yard [N in log-book] affirmative.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light ENE airs to WSW breezes.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: J. McLeish, Boatswain's Mate Second-class, one day's extra duty, for scrubbing clothes out of hours, and 1 week's extra duty, for using vulgar language to the Corporal of the Guard when in discharge of his duties; C. Henderson, Apprentice First-class, three days' solitary confinement on bread and water and reduced to 4th [conduct] class, for losing boathook through carelessness, disrespectful to Coxswain of boat, and inattention to duty.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with rain last hour.
Light to gentle WSW breeze.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters.
U.S.S. "Concord" came into the harbor and anchored about 6.40pm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with rain at intervals.
Light airs to breezes from WSW to SW.
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13 August 1899
At anchor off the Navy Yard, Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light variable airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SSE airs.
High barometer.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 385 pounds beef.
Quarterly Board for Inspection of Paymaster's stores rejected 87 pounds fresh bread.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Calm and light Northwesterly airs.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
The Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
Had general muster.
Michael Houlihan, First-class Fireman, received Good Conduct Medal.
At 10.00am made signal number of absentees, allowed signal to remain hoisted ten minutes, and not being answered by U.S.S. "Oregon", hauled down and received the ten o'clock report of other ships in harbor.
Temperature of forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 96° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 103°.
At 9.45am U.S.S. "Albay" made signal interrogatory 121, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Albay" affirmative.
At 10.00am U.S.S. "Albay" got under way and headed for Manila.
At 10.00am U.S.S. "Iris" came in and anchored off Cavite.
Received ten o'clock and noon reports of fleet [see inserted note below].
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light and gentle breeze from WNW and West.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle and light West-southwesterly breeze.
At 7.30pm sighted a man-of-war coming into harbor.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light breeze and light airs from South and WSW.
At 8.15pm the following signals were made: U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" interrogatory 131, answered U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Concord" affirmative.
At 8.30pm U.S.S. "Concord" came to anchor off Cavite.
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[Inserted note]
8am to meridian:
At 10.00am received following signals from fleet: U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 2, numeral 6; U.S.S. "Monterey" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 3, numeral 5; U.S.S. "Monadnock" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 5; U.S.S. "Solace" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 8; U.S.S. "Culgoa" numeral 2, numeral 2; U.S.S. "Nero" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 7; U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 0, numeral 1.
At noon: U.S.S. "Helena" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 75 and numeral 5; U.S.S. "Monterey" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 98, numeral 5; U.S.S. "Monadnock" numeral 86, numeral 8; U.S.S. "Culgoa" numeral 954, numeral 4; U.S.S. "Solace" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 521, numeral 8; U.S.S. "Nero" numeral 2084, numeral 2; U.S.S. "Iris" numeral 730, numeral 71.
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14 August 1899
At anchor off Navy Yard, Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from SW to light breeze from NNW.
4am to 8am:
Clear to cloudy, with slight passing showers.
Light breeze from South and NW and calm.
At 5.40am two coal lighters from Navy Yard came alongside.
Made preparations for coaling, and began coaling ship at 6.15am.
At 7.30am tested siren and whistle.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 87 pounds fresh bread.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
Light showers last hour of watch.
Coaling ship from lighters on each side.
Omitted quarters.
At 8.15 o'clock Chief Yeoman G.B. Githens went ashore on duty, returning at 8.45am.
At 9 o'clock Lieutenant G.R. Clark and Chief Yeoman G.B. Githens left the ship on duty.
Chief Yeoman G.B. Githens returned at 9.15 o'clock.
At 8.45 o'clock sent following signal to U.S.S. "Concord", "When do you return to flagship?".
At 9.45 o'clock Chief Yeoman G.B. Githens left the ship on duty, returning at 10.15 o'clock.
Received the usual 10 o'clock reports from fleet at Cavite.
Temperatures of magazines: forward 96° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; forward shell room 93° to 94°; forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 100°.
At end of watch had taken on board 30 tons of coal.
Received the noon reports from the fleet.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from WSW.
Coaling ship from lighters on both sides.
The Hospital Steward left the ship at 2 o'clock on duty.
Emptied starboard lighter at 2.15pm, and began coaling from a full lighter of 25 tons, which came alongside at 2 o'clock.
Emptied port lighter at 3.00 o'clock, and another lighter of 44 tons came alongside.
At 3.00pm transferred M. Ahearn, Private Marine, to the Hospital at Cavite, with bag, hammock and necessary transfer papers.
At 3.30pm sighted United States flagship U.S.S. "Baltimore" returning from Corregidor Island, she dropped anchor.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from North.
Coaling ship from lighters on both sides.
Finished starboard lighter at 5.45pm.
Stopped coaling at 6 o'clock, having taken on board about 90 tons of coal.
The lighters were towed ashore for the night by the tug "Rapido".
The Hospital Steward and Lieutenant Clark returned on board at 6.20 o'clock.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from North.
Secured steam launch at 10 o'clock for the night.
Received the following signals from the flagship: "You will receive from Monterey 1 Master-at-Arms Third-class and 6 Coal Passers, from the Monadnock [Monadnoc in log-book] 4 Landsmen, from the Solace, 8 Apprentices, 1 Shipwright and 1 Machinist Second-class. The order to transfer has been given. The vacancies in your complement has [sic] been filled as far as possible".
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15 August 1899
At anchor off Navy Yard, Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to gentle breeze from NW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from NNE.
Began coaling at 6 o'clock from lighters on both sides.
Sent to U.S.S. "Culgoa" for fresh beef at 5.50am.
Sent stewards ashore on Cavite landing at 6.00 o'clock, they returned at 7.30am.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 332 pounds fresh beef; and 86 pounds fresh bread.
At 6 o'clock the United States flagship U.S.S. "Baltimore" got under way and shifted anchorage.
Gunboat number 16 came out from the Navy Yard and anchored near U.S.S. "Monterey".
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northwesterly airs to calm.
Coaling from lighters on both sides.
Ensign W.H. Standley reported on board U.S.S. "Culgoa" for temporary duty, in addition to present duty, in obedience to Commander-in-Chief's order.
English man-of-war H.M.S. "Endymion" came down from Manila and anchored off flagship, fired a salute of 13 guns, with American flag at fore, which was answered by the flagship with 13 guns, with English flag at fore.
By order of Commanding Officer released W. Humphrey, Seaman, from confinement.
J. Lysaght, Chief Quartermaster, returned from U.S.S. "Albay", and F.J. Durivage, Ordinary Seaman, was sent to U.S.S. "Albay" in his place.
Following men transferred to this vessel from U.S.S. "Monterey", with bags, hammocks and necessary transfer papers: R. Townsend, Master-at-Arms Third-class; J. Murphy, Coal Passer; J. Noonann, Coal Passer; H.J. Rodgers, Coal Passer; E. Robertson, Coal Passer; J. Ward, Coal Passer; C.C. Cams, Coal Passer.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 99°; forward shell 96° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 99° to 102°.
Signals: at 10.00am numeral 0, numeral 11; at noon numeral 120, numeral 3.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from NW to West.
Received in Equipment [Department] (Navigation stores): 2 narrow pennants, number 4; 35 gallons lard oil; 12 stands for 1/12 horsepower desk fans; 24 steam light globes; 50 gallons vacuum oil; 5 carbon brushes for ¼ horsepower motor.
Transferred from U.S.S. "Solace" with bags, hammocks and necessary transfer papers: J. Gill, Shipwright; T.P. Gallagher, Machinist Second-class; I.F. Martelli, Apprentice Second-class; C.H. Allan, Apprentice Second-class; F.A. Child, Apprentice Second-class; E.A. Child, Apprentice Second-class; C.H. Campbell, Apprentice Second-class; I.J. Tucker, Apprentice Second-class; F. Vetter, Apprentice Second-class; W.P. Toomey, Apprentice Second-class.
Finished coaling at 3.45pm, total amount about 220 tons.
Draft forward 14 feet, aft 16 feet 6 inches.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light WSW airs.
Following men transferred from this vessel, to U.S.S. "Monterey": J. Lysaght, Chief Quartermaster; to U.S.S. "Monadnock", J. White, Chief Yeoman; to U.S.S. "Solace", J. Donovan, Chief Carpenter's Mate, and J. Hinchliffe, Master-at-Arms Third-class.
U.S.S. "Nero" got under way about 6.15pm and left harbor.
Following men rated this day: C.A. Hill, Second-class Fireman to First-class Fireman; R.J. McCormick, Coal Passer to Second-class Fireman; G.E. Cornell, First-class Fireman to Ordinary Seaman, by authority from Bureau of Navigation.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with occasional rain.
Gentle WSW breeze to calm.
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16 August 1899
At anchor off Cavite, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.49, Long 120.93
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly airs.
Began using mercurial barometer at 1.00am, correction of barometer: -0.11 [inches].
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light variable airs.
U.S.S. "Helena" got under way and was hauled up on ways at Sangley Point [Sanglei Point in log-book].
Received in Paymaster's Department: 101 pounds fresh bread.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Signal at 7.30am, flagship to squad, 735.
8am to meridian:
Clear and warm.
Light Northerly airs.
The Commanding Officer made official visits to Commanding Officers of H.B.M.S. "Endymion" and U.S.S. "Monadnock".
At 9.30am exercised divisions at collision drill and mustered at quarters.
Received from U.S.S. "Monadnock" the following men, with bags and hammocks: Joseph Henry England, Landsman, and William Carl Allen, Landsman.
Cleaned sides.
Sent to U.S.S. "Albay": 1 6-pounder ammunition chest, blank; and 11 saluting charges 6-pounder.
Temperature forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 94° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 101°.
The following signals were made: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 0, numeral 12; at 11.20am U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown". "Mr. Knox on board of survey to meet on Y [Yorktown] at 7.00pm today"; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship general numeral 335 and numeral 4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light and gentle breeze from SW and WSW.
Turned in to General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Cavite: 1 revolving office chair; and 1 reclining easy chair, Equipment Department.
Received from Navy Yard the following articles: 1 4-inch boat compass, number 14372; 1 5-pound lead; 1 7-pound lead; 1 lantern, hand, boat; 1 lantern, hand, D.D. [?]; 1 United States ensign number 8; 25 steel coaling buckets; 1 boat anchor, 2 boat grapnels.
Received in Construction Department: 1 putty pump; 1 padlock and key; 1 set awls and tools; 1 axe; 1 brace; 6 bolts; 1 cold chisel; 1 hammer; 1 hatchet; 1 saw; 1 screwdriver; 1 cutting nippers.
Received in Steam Engineering Department: 6 iron elbows, 2-inch; 300 pounds slate iron, 3/16-inch.
A Medical Board of Survey, of which Surgeon C.J. Decker was senior member, met on board at 1.30pm in the case of Frank Martin, Seaman.
The following signals were made: at 12.05pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship, "The papers in the case of Cornell, First-class Fireman, sent to flagship and not returned, orders for transfer to Solace are required"; at 12.30pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Is Cornell on board the Yorktown", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to flagship "Yes"; at 3.00pm flagship to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "You will not receive any more men from the Monadnock, one has been condemned by Medical Survey and the other stays on board the Monadnock".
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW and SW.
Transferred from U.S.S. "Concord" to U.S.S. "Yorktown": W.H. Normand, Yeoman Third-class, with bag and hammock.
Transferred to U.S.S. "Solace", with bags and hammocks: Frank Martin, Seaman, and G.E. Cornell, Ordinary Seaman.
A Board of Survey, of which Passed Assistant Paymaster Seibles was senior member, met on board at 7.30pm to survey Paymaster's stores, and condemned 500 pounds flour.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with rain first hour of watch.
Light breeze and light airs from SW and NE.
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17 August 1899
At anchor off Cavite and on passage to Caldera Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 14.46, Long 120.80
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy.
Light airs to gentle breeze from North.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle and light breeze from North and NW.
Tested siren and whistle.
Signal at 7.30am, flagship to squad, general 735.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 390 pounds fresh bread.
At 7.50am sighted U.S.S. "Petrel" headed into Cavite.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from North and West.
Sent Chief Yeoman G.B. Githens ashore on duty at 8.45am, he returned at 10 o'clock.
Received in Construction Department: 6 regulation ditty boxes.
Received on board for U.S.S. "Charleston": two bags of mail; for U.S.S. "Castine": two bags; and for U.S.S. "Manila": two bags.
Omitted quarters, making preparations for getting under way.
Rigged in quarter boats, gangways, booms, and at 10.30am hoisted steam launch.
At 10 o'clock U.S.S. "Concord" got under way and left the harbor.
The Commanding Officer [of] H.B.M.S. "Endymion" made an official call on the Commanding Officer.
U.S.S. "Petrel" came in and anchored in her old berth at 8.30 o'clock.
At 10.45am called all hands up anchor, tried engines and tested steam steering gear and whistle.
At 10.35am [sic] began heaving in.
At 10.50am asked permission to get under way at 10.55am.
At 11 o'clock got under way and stood out, U.S.S. "Albay" followed us.
At 11.30 o'clock stopped both engines to repair steam steering gear.
Went ahead at 11.35am, steering by the engines.
Connected up with hand gear at 11.55am.
Navigator conning ship out of Manila Bay.
Took in patent log at 11.30am.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 93.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light West-southwesterly breeze.
Steam in all boilers, steering by hand wheel.
At 12.15pm set course SW½S, beacon abeam.
At 1.15pm put over patent log, reading 82.8, Los Frailes [Islands] abeam.
At 1.35pm changed course to SSW.
At 1.55pm changed course to South by West.
At 2.27pm changed course to South.
At 2.30pm shifted from hand steering gear to steam steering gear.
At 2.45pm Fortune Island abeam, distant 2¼ miles, patent log reading 98.5.
At 3.30pm changed course to South by East, patent log reading 6.7.
Thrown overboard in Paymaster's Department: 500 pounds flour, condemned by survey.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 108.2.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light WSW breeze.
[Steaming] under full boiler power, on course South by East (per compass) until 5.00pm, when changed to SE by E⅜E (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 21.5.
At 5.35pm changed to ESE (per compass), patent log [reading] 27.8, and at 6.00pm changed to East by South (per compass), patent log 21.7.
At 5.00pm sounded signal for closing watertight doors and afterwards stationed crew at abandon ship.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 104.2.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and rainy first part of watch.
[Light breeze from North.]
At 6.45pm sighted steamer's light ahead steaming for us.
Changed course and made our number, she proved to be U.S.S. gunboat "Mindoro".
Slowed down to communicate with her.
Steering various courses through Verde Island Passage [Veedi Passage in log-book].
At 7 o'clock put her on course SE by E½E, patent log [reading] 41.8.
[Steaming] under four boilers.
Average steam 112 [pounds], revolutions 90.4.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs from NE to SSW.
On course SE by E½E, [steaming] under full boiler power.
At 8.40pm changed course to SE½E.
At 9.45pm changed course to SE.
At 10.10pm changed course to SSE⅜E.
At 10.30pm changed course to S7°E, patent log reading 75.2, tangent of Dumali Point SSW¼W.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 104.7.
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18 August 1899
On passage from Cavite, Philippine Islands, to Caldera Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 10.75, Long 121.83
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to moderate breeze from SSW to WSW.
[Steaming] under four boilers, on course S7°E (per standard compass).
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 101.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and rainy.
Gentle breeze from WSW.
Course S7°E, [steaming] under four boilers.
At 6.30am changed course to South by E⅛E, patent log [reading] 54.8, Point Pucio abeam, distant 6½ miles.
At end of watch Batbatan Island [Botabatan Island in log-book] bore East, distant about 8 miles.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 97.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
Moderate to fresh Southwesterly breeze.
[Steaming] under full boiler power, on course South by E⅛E.
At 8.10am changed course to South, Batbatan Island abeam, distant 4½ miles, patent log reading 70.2.
Served out clothing and small stores.
At 12.00pm Dalipe Point abeam, patent log reading 8.1.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 101.8.
By direction of the Commanding Officer F.C. Henderson, Apprentice Second-class, was released from confinement.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with passing rain squalls.
Gentle to fresh SW breeze.
[Steaming] under four boilers, on course South (per standard compass).
At 1.55pm Southern tangent Nogas Island abeam, distant 6 miles.
At 2.45pm spoke English barque "Osergas" [?], heading about WNW.
Following officers made weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant-Commander Fiske and Lieutenant Clark; Surgeon R.M. Kennedy; Ensigns Standley and Knox.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell [room] 95° to 95°; after shell [room] 96° to 104°; fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 103°.
Flood cocks tested and found them in good condition.
Following men rated to date from August 15th: R.J. McCormick, Coal Passer to Second-class Fireman; C.A. Hill, Second-class Fireman to First-class Fireman.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 100.8.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and squally.
Stiff breeze from SW.
Occasional rain showers.
Course South (per compass), [steaming] under four boilers.
At 4.30pm put over patent log (Negus) on port side, reading 0.0.
Comparing the two logs.
Omitted evening quarters and closing watertight doors.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 97.5.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, with passing rain squalls.
Stiff SW breeze.
On course South (per compass).
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 97.3.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff Southwesterly breeze.
Steam in all four boilers, on course South (per standard compass).
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 105.
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19 August 1899
On passage from Cavite, Philippine Islands, to Caldera Bay, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.95, Long 121.97
[From weather observations page:] Correction to be applied to patent log = +10%.
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, squally and rainy.
Fresh breeze from SW.
Course South (per compass), [steaming] under four boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 107.8.
Sea moderated considerably during watch.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and squally, with rain.
Moderate to fresh SW breeze.
On course South (per standard compass) until 6.00am, when changed to South by E¼E (per compass), patent log reading 84.7.
At 7.45am changed to South by East (per compass), patent log [reading] 3.0.
At 6.20am sighted high land three points forward of port beam, and at seven [o'clock] made out land on port side from two points on bow to broad on quarter.
At 7.45am bow and beam bearing of prominent point showed ship three miles off shore.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 104.6.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with light rain.
Light breeze and light airs from SW and NW.
Steam in all boilers, on course South by East (per standard compass).
At 8.15am changed course to SSE.
Heading into Basilan Strait, Navigator conning ship.
At 8.40am sighted U.S.S. "Castine" at anchor in Caldera Bay.
At 9.15am came to anchor in Caldera Bay.
Bearings as follows: Caldera Point West, South Point ESE, West tangent Santa Cruz SE¼E.
Took in patent log at 8.13am, reading 13.7.
The Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Castine" made official visit to Commanding Officer.
Anchored in 8 fathoms water, 45 fathoms starboard chain.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 98° to 98°, forward fixed ammunition [room] 98° to 104°, after magazine 89° to 97°, after shell room 97° to 103°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from NW.
Lowered 1st whaleboat and sent her to U.S.S. "Castine", with Lieutenant G.R. Clark on duty.
Lieutenant G.R. Clark returned to ship at 3.30 o'clock.
Hoisted whaleboat and gig.
W.T. Haynes, Coal Passer, was placed in solitary confinement in single irons on bread and water, with a full ration every 3rd day, in accordance with sentence of a Summary Court Martial.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Received on board as passengers from U.S.S. "Castine": one Chinese Mess Attendant L. Fong; and Chief Quartermaster Peter Deickmann.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy with rain.
Calm to light breeze from NW.
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20 August 1899
At anchor in Caldera Bay and on passage to Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.12, Long 121.07
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and cool.
Light Westerly airs to calm.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to gentle breeze from SSW.
At 4.30am Lieutenant Commander H. Morrell, Lieutenant A.H. Roberson and Lieutenant R.B. Higgins came on board from U.S.S. "Castine" as passengers.
At 4.45am called up anchor and tested steering gear and whistle, turned engines, began heaving in.
Got under way at 5.00am, started out of Caldera Bay.
At 5.10am set course SW (per compass), put over patent log, port, reading 13.7, and Negus [log] (starboard), reading 89.3.
At 6.30am changed course to SSW¾W per compass, patent log [reading] 24.5.
At 7 o'clock changed course to S¼W (per compass), patent log [reading] 24.5.
Under [steam in] four boilers.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 95.1.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Light South-southwesterly breeze.
Steam in all boilers, on course S¼W.
At 8.30am changed course to SW¾W, patent log reading 45.0.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
The Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
The Executive Officer read the Articles of War.
At 11.00am changed course to WSW¾W, patent log reading 71.7.
At 11.40am changed course to W¾W, patent log reading 74.0.
Temperature forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 98° to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 104°, after magazine 91° to 93°, after shell room 99° to 104°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Standing into Sulu harbor on various courses, Navigator conning.
At 1.00pm hauled in patent log, reading 80.3.
Exchanged numbers with U.S.S. "Charleston" at anchor in harbor, and signaled interrogatory 131, U.S.S. "Charleston" answered with affirmative.
At 1.15pm came to anchor in 13 fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms on starboard chain.
Bearings from anchorage: Pougut Point [Pugut Point in log-book, probably now known as Bata-Bata Point] SW by W⅝W, South tangent Marungas Island [Morongas Island in log-book] NW½W, blockhouse SSE¼ E.
Lieutenant Commander H. Morrell, Lieutenants A.H. Robertson and R.B. Higgins and Chief Quartermaster P. Deickmann left the ship and went on board U.S.S. "Charleston" for transportation to Manila.
In obedience to signal, transferred J. Sullivan, First-class Fireman, with effects and necessary transfer papers, to U.S.S. "Charleston" for passage to U.S.S. "Monterey".
Passenger L. Fong left the ship.
Sent mail to U.S.S. "Charleston", and to army ashore.
Allowed fires to die out under boiler A, C and D.
Draft forward 13 feet 2 inches, aft 16 feet 0 inches.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from South.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from South.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light Easterly airs.
Sulu is also known as Jolo.
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21 August 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light variable airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy, with passing showers first hour.
At 6.00am U.S.S. "Charleston" got under way and left the harbor.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, with passing showers.
Light airs and light breeze from SSW.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Overhauled battery.
Brigadier General Bates and staff made official call on the Commanding Officer.
Fired salute of eleven guns in honor of [Brigadier] General Bates.
Temperature of forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 97° to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 104°, after magazine 92° to 92°, after shell room 97° to 102°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breezes from South.
The United States S.S. "Churruca" got under way at 12.10pm and left the harbor, having on board Brigadier General Bates, U.S. Army, and staff.
Overhauling battery.
James Gill, Shipwright, was given acting appointment as Carpenter's Mate Third-class to date from August 16th, 1899.
Side cleaners painting rust spots outside.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze to light airs from South.
Went to evening quarters at 5 o'clock.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from South.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly airs and calm.
Unusual fall [0.09 inches] in barometer noted between 12.00pm and 1.00pm.
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22 August 1899
At anchor off Sulu and on passage to Balabac
Lat 6.35, Long 120.25
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light SSE airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from East.
Turned engines, tested steam steering gear and steam whistle.
At 5.40am hoisted gig, rigged in gangways and lower booms.
Began heaving [anchor] in at 5.35am.
Anchor came up foul at 5.50 o'clock.
Went ahead slow while clearing anchor.
At 6.10am put over patent logs, (port) reading 91.0, and starboard side (Negus), reading 100.
Set course W¼S.
At 6.50 o'clock both anchors secured for sea, went ahead full speed.
Under [steam in] three boilers.
Draft of ship forward 13 feet 0 inches, aft 15 feet 6 inches.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
At 7.50am changed course to NW by W½W, patent log [reading] 3.7.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 82.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light North-northwesterly breeze and light airs from SE.
Steam in 3 boilers, on course NW by W½W.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Mustered crew at stations for landing party.
At 10.15am West tangent of Pangutarang Island abeam.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell room 98° to 99°; forward fixed ammunition room 97° to 101°; after magazine 91° to 91°; after shell room 94° to 99°.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.4.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SW breeze.
On compass course NW by W½W (per compass), under [steam in] 3 boilers.
By order of Commanding Officer placed W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, in single irons, for going forward while on messenger watch without permission.
Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, 4 days' single irons, for going forward while on messenger watch without permission, and confinement in single irons for six days, for leaving station and duty before being regularly relieved; H. Boyd, Coal Passer, reduced one [conduct] class and 3 days' extra duty, for shirking; R.J. McCormick, Second-class Fireman, same for same; J. Burns, Private Marine, 5 days' confinement in double irons on bread and water, for not obeying the Master-at-Arm's orders and disorderly conduct.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 81.4.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SW.
Course NW by W½W, under [steam in] 3 boilers.
At 4.20pm took in patent log, reading (port) 74.8, (starboard, Negus) 89.2.
From 4.20pm until 5.00pm going through the figure of eight drill with ship.
At 5.20pm put ship on course and went ahead full speed on both engines.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 72.6.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Gentle breeze from SW and light airs from WSW.]
On course NW by W½W (per standard compass).
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 76.6.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Light West-southwesterly airs.
On course NW by W½W, steam in 3 boilers.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 83.1.
Pangutarang Island is also known as Pangutaran Island.
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23 August 1899
On passage from Sulu, Philippine Islands, to Balabac, Calandorang Bay [Kalandorang Bay in log-book]
Lat 7.78, Long 117.23
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to light breezes from WNW.
Under [steam in] three boilers, course NW by W½W.
At 12.05am sighted Kagayan Sulu Island two points forward of port beam.
At 12.45am sighted Keenapusan Island [Kinapusan Island in log-book] broad off port bow.
Took soundings at 12.45am, 100 fathoms wire, no bottom.
At 1.45 o'clock changed course to West, patent log [reading] 45.8, Keenapusan Island [Kinapusan Island in log-book] abeam, distant 6½ miles.
At 2.45am changed course to NW by W½W, patent log [reading] 54.8.
Took soundings at 3 o'clock, 100 fathoms wire out, no bottom.
Average steam 125 [pounds], revolutions 83.4.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Under [steam in] three boilers, on course NW by W½W.
At 4.30am took soundings and got bottom at 48 fathoms.
Later sounded with hand lead, but failed to develop 13 fathoms patch shown on chart.
Set clock back ten minutes.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 84.4.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Westerly breeze.
Steam in three boilers, on course NW by W½W.
At 9.30am sounded call to collision quarters.
Stopped the engines [from] 9.30am to 9.37am, ahead full both engines [at] 9.38am.
Hauled in patent log at 9.25am.
Put over patent log at 9.40am.
Put collision mat in place.
At 9.40am changed course WNW½W.
At 9.50am [10.50am in log-book] changed course to West.
At 10.20am changed course to W½S.
At 10.55am changed course to SW by W¾W.
At 10.25am sighted, and at 10.55am passed the English merchant steamer "Tripoli" of Liverpool.
Temperature of forward magazine 95° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 98° to 99°, fixed ammunition room 98° to 102°, after shell room 97° to 102°, after magazine 97° to 98°.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 83.2.
At noon Comiran Island [Komiran Island in log-book] was in line with East tangent of Lumbucan Island [Lumbukan Island in log-book].
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
Gentle breeze from West by South.
Course SW by W⅜W.
At 12.10pm changed course to WNW⅞W, patent log [reading] 30.5.
At 1.10pm changed course to W⅛N, patent log [reading] 38.
At 1.45pm changed course to West by South.
Took in patent log, reading 41.7.
At 1.45pm called all hands to bring ship to anchor.
Stood in for entrance of Clarendon Bay.
Finding nothing there, stood out of Clarendon Bay, set course NE by E¼E.
Put over patent log, reading 41.7.
At 2.25pm changed course to NE, patent log [reading] 45.5.
At 2.40pm changed course to North, patent log [reading] 47.7.
Piped down at 2.55pm [1.55pm in log-book] o'clock.
At 3.06pm changed course to North by W¼W, patent log [reading] 51.6.
At 3.15pm began steaming various courses into Calandorang Bay [Kalandorang Bay in log-book].
At 3.57pm let go starboard anchor in 13 fathoms water, 30 fathom shackle outside, soft mud bottom.
Bearings of anchorage: lighthouse SE by E⅜E, fort SW⅜S.
At 3.30pm took in patent log, reading 54.6.
Gave order to bank fires at 4 o'clock.
Average steam 106.2 [pounds], revolutions 71.2.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light breeze from West by South.]
Lieutenant Fiske and Ensign Standley went in with armed whaleboat to reconnoiter the town of Balabac [Balaback in log-book], returned and reported the place deserted.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from WNW.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light West-northwesterly airs.
Kagayan Sulu Island is also known as Mapun Island.
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24 August 1899
At anchor off Balabac and on passage to, and at Clarendon Bay
Lat 7.81, Long 117.03
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light WNW airs to gentle Westerly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from West.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate breeze from West and SW.
Got under way at 9.00am.
Set course SE by E½E until 9.30am, when Nasubata Island bore NE¼E, then changed course to S½E.
Put over patent log at 9.15am, reading 54.6.
At 9.30am mustered divisions at quarters.
Exercised divisions at battery drill.
At 10.00am changed course to SW½W, North point of Dalawan Bay abeam.
At 10.30am changed course to SW½W.
Heading into Clarendon Bay, Navigator conning ship.
At 11.15am came to anchor off Clarendon Bay in 13 fathoms water, veering to 30 fathoms starboard chain.
Bearings from anchorage as follows: West point WSW¾W, East point NNW, rock off West point N¾W.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 96°; forward shell room 98° to 98°; forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 100°; after magazine 92° to 94°; after shell room 98° to 100°.
The following signals were made at 10.30am, lighthouse to U.S.S. "Yorktown": "There are 5 men and an officer here from the Manila"; "The Manila has gone to Port Royalist, Palawan Island"; "At 11.00 Mr. Bisset [Bissett in log-book] has left to go aboard your ship".
At 11.30am sent 3rd cutter in to pick up Ensign Bisset [Bissett in log-book], who was on his way to the ship in a canoe.
Ensign Bisset [Bissett in log-book] made an official call on Commanding Officer.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light breeze to light airs from SW.]
Lieutenant Fiske, Lieutenant Clark, Ensign Washington and Paymaster's Clerk Knowles went ashore to take store money and mail to lighthouse, leaving them in charge of Ensign E.L. Bisset, U.S. Navy, attached to U.S.S. "Manila".
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from WSW.
The 3rd cutter with Lieutenant Commander Fiske (in charge), Lieutenant Clark, Ensign P. Washington, and Paymaster's Clerk S. Knowles returned from shore after having visited the lighthouse.
At 5.55pm veered to 45 fathoms chain and secured with 45 fathoms shackle at the hawse pipe.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle WSW breeze.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
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25 August 1899
At anchor off Clarendon Bay
Lat 7.81, Long 117.03
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze to light airs from SW.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy pleasant.
Low water about 6.00am, when sounding over the stern gave 11 fathoms
Commanding Officer and Ensign Standley landed with armed boat's crew.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southeasterly airs.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Exercised divisions at arm and away.
Inspected and overhauled boat boxes.
Sent 1st whaleboat with Marine crew out for exercise.
The Commanding Officer and Ensign Standley with boat's crew returned from shore.
Rigged out lower booms.
The following acting appointments have been received for six months: F.F. Skrivan (Continuous Service Certificate 7479), Electrician Second-class; B. Nugent (Continuous Service Certificate 7479 13111), Chief Electrician; H. Reagan, Electrician Second-class.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and sultry.
Exercised Marine crew at boat drill.
The following officers made weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant Commander Fiske; Lieutenant Commander H.T. Cleaver; Lieutenant Clark; Assistant Surgeon R.M. Kennedy; Ensigns W.H. Standley, D.W. Knox; and reported everything in good condition.
Tested flood cocks and lifebuoys, and found them in good condition.
Temperature of forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 99°, forward shell room 95° to 95°, fixed ammunition room 98° to 100°, after magazine 89° to 91°, after shell room 94° to 100°.
Sent steward ashore in whaleboat with 25 pounds sugar for the men in the lighthouse.
The following punishments were awarded: C. Field, Coal Passer, shirking, 2 days' extra duty, to lose 1 [conduct] class; J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, careless in writing log, two days' extra duty; M. Coyle, W.C. Toomey and C. Campbell, not manning boat when called away, 2 days' extra duty; J. Bertsche, Plumber and Fitter, not coming to an officer when sent for, 6 days' extra duty; F.E. Muratel, Boiler Maker, negligence in supervision of cleaning of main boilers and making incorrect report, ordered to be put on enlistment record.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy, warm and calm.
At 5.00pm went to fire quarters, divisions reported ready in following times: 1st Division 3 minutes; 2nd Division 1 minute; 3rd Division 2 minutes; Powder Division 2½ minutes; Engineer's Division 1 minute.
Turned over to Ensign Bisset, for use at lighthouse: 21 yards target muslin.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and sultry.
Hoisted whaleboat, rigged booms and quarters boats and secured them for sea.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and warm.
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26 August 1899
At anchor off Clarendon Bay and on passage to Port Masingluk, Mindanao
Lat 7.65, Long 118.04
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, calm and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light breeze from SE.
Began heaving in at 4.30am.
Tested steam steering gear, steam whistle and tested lifebuoys.
Turned engines at 4.45am.
Secured anchor at 5 o'clock, went ahead full speed.
Put over patent log, reading 68.4.
Set course ESE¾E.
At 6.20am changed course to NE by E⅜E, patent log [reading] 79.0.
At 5.30am sighted small English steamer standing to South and West, hoisted and exchanged colors with her.
Hauled down color at 6.30 o'clock.
At 7.00 o'clock changed course to East, patent log [reading] 85.2.
At 7.35am changed course to ESE per compass, patent log [reading] 89.2.
Under [steam in] three boilers.
Average steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 80.
Draft forward 12 feet 11 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SE and SSE.
General field day.
On course ESE⅜E.
At 9.35am changed course to East by South, patent log reading 6.8.
Steam in three boilers.
By order of the Commanding Officer W. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, was released from confinement.
Temperature of forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 99°, forward shell room 96° to 98°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 102°, after magazine 91° to 92°, after shell room 94° to 101°.
Set clock ahead 6 minutes between 11.00am and 12.00pm.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 86.2.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Under [steam in] three boilers, on compass course East by South.
At 2.00pm sighted Manuc Manucan Island [Manuk Manukan in log-book] bearing NNE½E and Bancauan [Island] bearing NE½N, and observed discolored water a little on port bow.
Ran off course to ESE, and when abreast discolored water slowed and got bottom at 65 fathoms.
At 2.15pm went ahead full speed on course East by South (per standard compass).
At 2.25pm picked up Kagayan Sulu from the masthead, bearing about S½E.
Steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.4.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE by South.
Course East by South, nothing to the Southward, under [steam in] three boilers.
Went to quarters at 5 o'clock.
Closed watertight doors and mustered crew at stations for abandoning ship.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 85.5.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Under [steam in] three boilers, on compass course East by South.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 94.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SE by South.
Steaming under three boilers, on course E⅞S.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 89.5.
Port Masingluk is also known as Masinloc Anchorage.
Kagayan Sulu Island is also known as Mapun Island.
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27 August 1899
On passage from Clarendon Bay to Masingluk
Lat 6.96, Long 121.69
Commences and until 4am:
Pleasant weather.
Course E⅞S, under [steam in] three boilers.
Average steam 114 [pounds], revolutions 86.4.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle to light breeze from SE by South.
Under [steam in] three boilers, on course E⅞S.
At 7.55am sighted Hare's Ears about 1 point on starboard bow.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 93.9.
8am to meridian:
Clear and pleasant.
Gentle and light breeze from SE by South and East.
On course E⅞S, steaming under three boilers.
At 7.30am mustered at quarters.
The Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
At 9.30am changed course to E½N.
At 10.00am changed course to East by North, patent log reading 29.1.
At 11.45am changed course to E½S, patent log reading 92.1, West tangent Teinga Island bearing SW.
Temperature of forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 96° to 98°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 100°, after magazine 92° to 92°, after shell room 96° to 100°.
Average revolutions 88.7, steam 113.7 [pounds].
Set clock ahead 10 minutes between 10.00am and 11.00am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Pleasant weather.
Course E½S, under [steam in] three boilers.
At 1.10 o'clock changed course to East by North, patent log [reading] 53.8, heading for Caldera Bay.
Hoisted colors at 1.05 o'clock.
At 1.25 o'clock changed course ESE, patent log [reading] 57.1.
Took lashings off both anchors.
Took in patent log, reading 61.5, at 2 o'clock.
Sighted U.S.S. "Castine" standing out of Masingluk Straits at 2.30pm.
Made signal 471, which was answered by 5740.
Stopped both engines, and U.S.S. "Castine" made signal interrogatory 180, U.S.S. "Yorktown" answered affirmative.
Communicated and found U.S.S. "Castine" was bound for Samboanga to deliver a letter under a flag of truce, then to return to Masingluk Anchorage.
Stood in and anchored off Masingluk at 3.55 o'clock in 6 fathoms water, veered to 30 fathoms on starboard chain.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 87.6.
Bearings of anchorage: South tangent Pangapuyan Island [Panhapyan Island in log-book] SSE¼E, East tangent Tictauan Island [Tiktauan in log-book] S¼W.
Draft 16 feet 1 inch forward, 12 feet 5 inches [aft].
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
U.S.S. "Castine" came into the harbor about 4.30pm and anchored.
Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Castine" called officially on the Commanding Officer.
6pm to 8pm:
Pleasant weather.
Light airs from NNW.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light Northerly airs.
Hare's Ears are also known as Sangboy Islands.
Samboanga is also known as Zamboanga.
Tictauan Island is also known as Tictabon Island.
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28 August 1899
At anchor off Masingluk [Masinglok in log-book]
Lat 6.93, Long 122.17
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, calm and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Pleasant weather.
Light airs from WNW.
Rigged out both booms, quarter boats and port gangway.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from East and NE.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at infantry drill, exercised Marines at boat drill in 1st and 2nd whaleboats.
At 10.00am U.S.S. "Castine" made signal numeral 1 and numeral 2.
By order of Commanding Officer W.J. Roberts, Apprentice Second-class, was confined in single irons.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 98°; forward shell room 95° to 98°; forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 103°; after magazine 92° to 93°; after shell room 99° to 101°.
At 12.00pm signal U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" numeral 30, numeral 8.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy pleasant.
Native chiefs representing Datu [Datto in log-book] Mandi in command of Moro forces in vicinity called on the Commanding Officer.
Exercised First Division at main battery sub-caliber practice.
At 2.30pm insurgents hoisted flag of truce and U.S.S. "Castine" sent in a boat under truce flag to communicate.
Called secondary battery crews to quarters.
Signals: at 2.30pm to U.S.S. "Castine", "Do you see flag of truce on insurgent house and do you wish to communicate?"; U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "I see flag, will probably communicate".
4pm to 6pm:
Pleasant weather.
Hoisted 1st and 2nd whaleboats.
Picked up sub-caliber target.
Boat from shore flying flag of truce visited U.S.S. "Castine".
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light Northerly airs.
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29 August 1899
At anchor off Masingluk [Masinglok in log-book]
Lat 6.93, Long 122.17
Commences and until 4am:
Pleasant weather.
Light airs from North.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
U.S.S. "Albay" came into harbor and anchored about 4.30am, exchanged numbers with her.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light airs from South and SE by East.
At 8.10am sighted U.S.S. "Iris", headed into harbor.
Exchanged numbers with U.S.S. "Iris".
U.S.S. "Iris" anchored at 8.20am.
Made regular boarding trip.
Received stores and men and one box medical stores and bag of mail for U.S.S. "Manila".
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Iris" made official call on the Commanding Officer.
At 8.55am U.S.S. "Castine" got under way and went alongside U.S.S. "Iris".
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Exercised divisions at infantry.
Exercised Marines at boats under oars.
Lieutenant Commander Fiske received a bronze medal commemorating the battle of Manila Bay.
Addy Hasler (Continuous Service Certificate 8815) received an acting appointment as Gunner to date from July 14th, 1899.
William Carroll (Continuous Service Certificate 11332) received an acting appointment as Gunner to date from July 19th, 1899.
Received in Ordnance Department from U.S.S. "Iris": 1 stadimeter, number 92; 10 extractors, 6 mm; 30 extractor gauges with pins; 4 firing points (3-pounder Hotchkiss).
Received in Equipment Department, Navigation stores: 1 volume Brassey's Naval Annual, 1899; 1 supplement number 2 to Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea Volume II; 1 volume China Sea Directory Volume II (with instructions to destroy old copy).
Temperature forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 94° to 94°, forward fixed [ammunition] room 98° to 101°, after magazine 89° to 92°, after shell room 92° to 96°.
Received the following library books: 1. Journal of American Society of Naval Engineers Volume XI; 2. Proceedings by the United States Naval Institute, 3 volumes (numbers 87, 88 and 89); 3. Transactions of American Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, number 6, 1898; 4. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy; 5. Seamanship (Luce); 6. Seal and Salmon Fisheries and General Resources of Alaska, Volume 4; 7. Philippine Islands and their People (Worcester).
At 11.40am Datu Mandi [Dato Mandi in log-book] came aboard from canoe, flying an American flag, and called on the Commanding Officer.
The following signals were made: at 8.05am U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Will you coal first?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] "Can't tell yet"; at 8.10am U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general 474, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris" distinguishing pennant; [at] 8.10am U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Permission to anchor", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris" affirmative; at 8.10am U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Have mail for fleet"; at 9.00am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book], "Go on starboard side Iris forward as soon as ready and fill with coal"; at 9.50am U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Iris", "Yorktown will come alongside you at daylight tomorrow"; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 1, numeral 2, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 6, numeral 2; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 38, numeral 5, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 1811, numeral 12.
Meridian to 4pm:
Pleasant weather.
Light airs from SE by East.
Exercised Powder Division at sub-caliber practice.
Received the following charts in Navigation Department: Hydrographic Office numbers 60, 123, 127, 1604, 1648; Coast and Geodetic Survey numbers 126, 369, and 8050, with instructions to destroy old copies; also Hydrographic Office numbers 1530a and 1594, the latter canceling British Admiralty 830.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Made preparations for coaling ship, lowering all boats on starboard side.
At 5.10pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up.
6pm to 8pm:
Pleasant weather.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light Northerly airs.
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30 August 1899
At anchor off Masingluk [Masinglok in log-book]
Lat 6.93, Long 122.17
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Northerly airs.
4am to 8am:
Pleasant weather.
Rigged in both booms.
Took in strongback of steam launch davits.
Called up anchor at 5.45am, began heaving in.
Turned engines, tested steam steering gear and steam whistle.
At 5.45am anchor came up foul, at 5.55am went ahead slow with engines, went alongside U.S.S. "Iris" at 6.30am.
Began coaling at 7.00am.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Rigged out port boom and secured steam launch and 3rd cutter to it.
Draft forward 11 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 1 inch.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from North and SSE.
Coaling from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
Acting Gunner A. Hasler and Acting Gunner Carroll, by order of the Commander-in-Chief, were detached from duty on board this ship and ordered to take passage on U.S.S. "Iris" to Manila and Iloilo, respectively.
The following signals were made: at 9.00am U.S.S. "Albay" [AI in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Shall we send boat for boilermaker?", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Albay" [AI in log-book], "Yes"; at 10.00am U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 1, and numeral 0, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 0, and numeral 4; at 12.00pm U.S.S. "Castine" [O in log-book] to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 78, and numeral 5, U.S.S. "Iris" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general numeral 1763 and numeral 117.
Temperature of forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 99°, forward shell room 94° to 96°, forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 101°, after magazine 84° to 92°, after shell room 92° to 97°.
Took on board 55 tons 448/2240 tons coal.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
[Light airs from East and ESE.]
Taking coal and water from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside.
British merchant steamer "Taranac" [?] came into port and brought papers on board.
Commanding Officer granted him permission to sell stores to vessels, but not to communicate with shore.
U.S.S. "Albay" shifted berth.
4pm to 6pm:
Pleasant weather.
[Light airs from ESE to calm.]
Coaling ship from U.S.S. "Iris".
Transferred to U.S.S. "Albay": O. Olsen, Seaman; E.A. Childs, E. Vassar and J. Ryan, Apprentices.
At end of watch had taken on board 133 tons 1470 pounds of coal.
Knocked of coaling at 5.50pm.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
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31 August 1899
At anchor off Masingluk [Masinglok in log-book], and on passage to Sulu, Sulu Island
Lat 6.77, Long 121.93
Commences and until 4am:
[Cloudy and pleasant.]
Alongside U.S.S. "Iris".
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Northerly airs.
Coaling from U.S.S. "Iris" alongside from 5.30am.
At 8.00am knocked off coaling, total taken: 168½ tons.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from North and South.
At 8.30am cast off from U.S.S. "Iris".
Cleared and secured starboard anchor.
Hoisted steam launch, gig and 3rd cutter.
Secured all boats for sea.
At 9.25am got under way and headed out of Basilan Strait, Navigator conning the ship.
General field day.
At 10.00am set course South by W½W.
At 10.00am put over patent logs, reading: Bliss 61.6; and Negus 25.7.
At 10.20am changed course to WSW.
At 10.50am changed course to W¾S.
At 11.00am changed course to W½S.
Steaming under three boilers.
Temperature forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell room 93° to 95°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 100°, after shell room 90° to 92°.
Draft forward 14 feet 0 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from South to SW.
Continued field day.
Under [steam in] three boilers, course SW by W½W.
At 1.05pm changed course to SW¼W, patent log [reading] 89.1.
At 1.20pm changed course to SSW¾W, [patent log reading] 91.1.
At 1.40pm changed course to S½W, patent log [reading] 93.4.
At 2.40pm changed course to SW by W¼W, patent log [reading] 2.4.
At 3.40pm Baluk Island was abeam, distant 6 miles.
Average steam 120 [pounds], revolutions 84.5.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light airs from SW to West.]
Under [steam in] three boilers, on course SW by W¼W (per compass) until 5.15pm, when changed to WSW (per compass), patent log reading 26.2.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and then sounded signal for closing watertight doors, which evolution was followed by mustering boats' crews for abandon ship.
Steam 114 [pounds], revolutions 94.1.
6pm to 8pm:
Pleasant weather.
Light airs from West.
Course WSW, under [steam in] 3 boilers.
At 6.50pm changed course to WSW¼W, patent log [reading] 40.6.
Got both anchors ready for letting go at 6.50pm.
Took in patent logs at 7.20pm, reading: port 22.2; starboard 45.2.
Steering various courses into Sulu harbor.
At 7.32pm let go starboard anchor in 10 fathoms water, veered to 45 fathoms outside.
Hard bottom.
Draft forward 13 feet 7 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
Bearings of anchorage: end of pier S½E, Tulian Island WSW.
8pm to midnight:
Clear, pleasant weather.
Light airs from SSW to calm.
Approved: [signed] C.S. Sperry, Commander, U.S. Navy, Commanding.
Sulu is also known as Jolo.
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1 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Pleasant weather.
4am to 8am:
Pleasant weather.
Calm to light airs from SE.
The Compañia Maritima steamer "Nuestra Senora del Carmen" came in and anchored.
At 6.30am the German steamer "Sulu" got under way and left the harbor to the Westward.
Hoisted colors, hauling them down at 7 o'clock.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Rigged out quarter boats and 1st cutter and lower booms.
Hoisted out dinghy and secured her at port boom.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light airs from West.]
At 9.45am mustered at quarters and exercised boats' crews under oars and sails.
Colonel commanding at Sulu called on the Commanding Officer, which call was returned.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with occasional rain squalls.
[Light to moderate breeze from West first hour, light airs from West second hour, calm third hour, and light airs from NNE last hour of watch.]
The monthly accounts of mess caterers were audited.
Following officers made weekly inspection compartments: Lieutenants Fiske and Clark; Ensigns Standley, Knox and Washington.
Temperatures: forward magazine 100° [Fahrenheit] to 102°; forward shell [room] 100° to 102°; fixed ammunition [room] 101° to 101°; afters shell [room] 90° to 105°.
Sent liberty party ashore.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up drill.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
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2 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Clear, calm and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
[Calm and light airs from SSE.]
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light Westerly airs.
General field day.
At noon, when ship was tailing inshore, took soundings over the stern and found depth of water 6¼ fathoms.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell [room] 97° to 96°; fixed ammunition [room] 101° to 101°, after shell [room] 92° to 88°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs and calm.
Sent liberty party ashore.
At 2.30pm sent mail aboard the steamer "[Nuestra Senora del] Carmen".
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant, with passing showers first hour of watch.
Light airs from NNE and calm.
Liberty party, with the exception of J.F. Noonann, Coal Passer, returned.
Mustered at quarters.
Hoisted all boats.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from WSW to calm.
At 9.30pm the charted steamer "El Cano", with Brigadier General Bates aboard, came into port and anchored outside of this ship.
Used starboard searchlight for two minutes.
A boat from "El Cano" came alongside with mail for this ship and U.S.S. "Manila".
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3 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southeasterly airs.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 172 pounds fresh beef.
Tested siren and whistle.
At 6.30am the steamer "El Cano" got under way and moved in close to landing.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30 o'clock, the Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
Published fleet circular number 11, of August 28, 1899.
Held general muster.
Absent over time: J.F. Noonann [Noonan in log-book], Coal Passer.
Temperature forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell [room] 98° to 96°, fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 101°, after shell 91° to 90°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from West.
Sent liberty party on shore.
4pm to 8pm:
Clear and pleasant.
J.F. Noonann [Noonan in log-book], Coal Passer, returned on board at 5.15 o'clock, 24 hours over time.
Hoisted all boats.
8pm to midnight:
Pleasant weather.
Light airs from ESE.
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4 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Clear, pleasant weather.
The steamer "El Cano" got under way and left the harbor at 1.15 o'clock.
4am to 8am:
Pleasant weather.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 130 pounds fresh bread.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Crew engaged in scraping and red-leading ship's side.
Temperatures: forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell [room] 97° to 96°; after shell [room] 88° to 92°; fixed ammunition [room] 96° to 97°.
Fired blank 6-pounder at noon, time signal.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Engaged in red-leading ship's side.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Drilled 1st Division at sub-caliber and small arm target practice.
Served specification on M. Loughlin [Laughlin in log-book], Apprentice First-class, for leaving ship without permission and returning on board intoxicated, and on T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, and W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman, for leaving ship without permission at Hong Kong, China.
Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: J.J. Everett, Yeoman Third-class, spitting on deck in starboard gangway, 2 days' extra duty; F. Miller, Shipwright, coming aft on quarter deck in the afternoon without hat or jumper, 1 day's extra duty; J. Connolly, Landsman, having dirty clothes on and not polishing shoes for Sunday inspection, 2 days' extra duty; J. Lidman, Seaman, C.A. Olson, Ship's Cook First-class, F. Chase, Oiler, F. Lamb, Machinist First-class, C. Fields, Coal Passer, J. Gordon, Oiler, and T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, tight from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class; C.F. Noonann, Coal Passer, 24 hours over time, lose 3 [conduct] classes, 2 days' extra duty, lose 1 day's pay.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 400 pounds potatoes; and 180 pounds fresh bread.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Liberty party returned.
By order of Commanding Officer placed H. Boyd, Coal Passer, in single irons to sober.
At 5.40pm mustered at quarters.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SSW airs.
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5 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant, with occasional showers.
Calm to light SSW airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
By order Commanding Officer released [from single irons] H. Boyd, Coal Passer.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 123 pounds fresh beef.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from SSW.
Painted spots on sides of ship.
Mustered at quarters.
Exercised artillery section at target practice with Colt automatic gun.
Brigadier General Bates made official visit to the Commanding Officer.
Exercised Marines at boats under oars.
Temperature forward magazine 97° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 92° to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 102°, after magazine 86° to 89°.
Fired blank 6-pounder charge at noon.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze and light airs from South.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Getting 3rd cutter and 2nd whaleboat ready for painting.
Exercised 3rd Division at sub-caliber target practice.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly airs.
Mustered at quarters and turned in clean hammocks.
Liberty party returned.
C. Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, F.E. Knowles, Second-class Fireman, F.H. Setterberg, Coal Passer, returned one hour over time.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
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6 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Tested siren and whistle.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 155 pounds fresh beef.
Shut down dynamo at 6.00am to overhaul steam valve.
8am to meridian:
Pleasant weather.
Light airs from NNW through North to NNE.
Omitted quarters on account of painting ship.
Colonel Goodale and staff paid an official visit on the Commanding Officer.
A Summary Court Martial, Lieutenant G.R. Clark senior member, met on board at 10 o'clock, and took a recess at 12 o'clock.
Temperature of magazine forward 97° [Fahrenheit] to 98°, forward shell room 91° to 93°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 101°, after magazine 86° to 98°.
Fired noon gun.
Meridian to 4pm:
Pleasant weather, with shower last part of watch.
Continued painting ship until it began to rain.
The Summary Court Martial met, pursuant to recess at 12 o'clock, at 1 o'clock and adjourned at 1.10 o'clock to await the action of the convening authority.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1 o'clock.
The Jack of the Dust went ashore on duty, he returned at 1.30 o'clock.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 100 pounds fresh bread.
At 9.30am [sic] shut off flushing system on account of repair being made to dynamo.
4pm to 8pm:
Pleasant weather.
Mustered at quarters at 5.30pm.
The liberty party returned at 5.20pm.
Absent over time: J.A. Pearson, Blacksmith, who returned at 7.30 o'clock, 2½ hours over time.
The United States transport "Churruca" came in and anchored at 6.30 o'clock, sent officer to board her.
At 6.35 o'clock sent gig to pick up a soldier who was calling for help between ship and shore, he had attempted to swim to the ship, sent him ashore.
Allowed crew to take gig and whaleboat out for exercise.
Hoisted all boats at 7.00pm.
Sent mail orderly on shore with description and reward for J.A. Pearson, Blacksmith.
The orderly returned at 7.30pm.
Started dynamo at 5 o'clock.
8pm to midnight:
Pleasant weather.
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7 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Pleasant weather.
4am to 8am:
Pleasant weather.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 170 pounds fresh beef.
8am to meridian:
Fair and warm.
At 9.30am went to general quarters, with following times: 1st Division 2 minutes; 2nd Division 2½ minutes; 3rd Division 3 minutes; Powder Division 2½ minutes; Engineer's Division ½ minute.
Continued painting ship.
Lighted fires under A boiler, and allowed them to die out under B.
Temperature forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 96°, forward shell room 94° to 92°, fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 98°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light airs from North.
Fair and warm.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Continued painting ship.
The Commanding Officer and several officers of the ship accompanied [Brigadier] General Bates and Army officers to an entertainment given by a Datu [Dato in log-book] (Joakanine [Joakanin in log-book]) on shore, in which 1500 natives took part.
4pm to 8pm:
Calm, clear and warm.
Mustered at quarters at 5.00pm.
Liberty party returned.
8pm to midnight:
Calm, clear and pleasant.
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8 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm and light SW airs.
4am to 8am:
Clear and pleasant.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Westerly airs.
Exercised divisions at equipping boats for distant service.
Mustered at quarters.
Sent Marine Guard ashore for drill.
Temperature of forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 98° to 100°, forward shell room 97° to 98°, after shell room 86° to 87°, after fixed ammunition room 83° to 84°, after magazine 84° to 84°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from West by South.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 700 pounds potatoes; 100 pounds onions; 200 pounds fresh bread.
The following officers made regular weekly inspection of compartments: Lieutenant Commander Fiske; Lieutenant Clark; Lieutenant Commander Cleaver; Ensigns Standley, Knox, Washington; Passed Assistant Surgeon Kennedy.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from West by South.
Liberty party returned.
Exercised crew at fire quarters.
8pm to midnight:
At 7.45pm U.S.S. "Albay" came in harbor and anchored.
The following signals were made: U.S.S. "Albay" to U.S.S. "Yorktown", "Permission to anchor", U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Albay", "Granted".
At 8.30pm Brigadier General T.C. Bates, U.S. Army, Captain S.E. Smiley, U.S. Army, and 1st Lieutenant H.M. Reeves, U.S. Army, came aboard to take passage to Siasi [Siassi in log-book].
At 8.30pm the pilot, Tulawe, came aboard.
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9 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands, and on passage to Siasi [Siassi in log-book]
Lat 5.55, Long 120.81
Commences and until 4am:
Calm, cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 5.30am heaved in to 20 fathoms.
Rigged in both booms.
At 5.55am got under way and headed out of harbor, Navigator and pilot conning ship.
Course W¾N, patent log [reading] 45.
At 6.18am changed course to SW½W.
At 6.55am Tulian Island abeam, patent log reading 51.5.
At 6.55am changed course to SW by South.
Tested steam siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from WSW.
Pilot conning ship, courses various.
Hauled in patent log at 10.17am, reading 79.3.
At 10.35am came to with starboard anchor in Siasi [Siassi in log-book] harbor, 12½ fathoms water, 45 fathoms chain outside.
Bearings of anchorage: North blockhouse of fort SE by E¼E, native village (West tangent) South by E¾E.
Draft forward 13 feet, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
At 10.30am sent pilot to steamer "Churruca" to take her alongside the dock, which she did at 11 o'clock, and troops were landed at once.
Brigadier General Bates and staff and the Commanding Officer left the ship to attend the ceremony of hoisting the flag on shore.
A salute of 11 guns was fired upon Brigadier Bates' departure.
The flag was hoisted on shore and a national salute of 21 guns was fired from this vessel at 11.50am.
Temperature of forward shell room 93° [Fahrenheit] to 94°, forward fixed ammunition room 100° to 102°, forward magazine 97° to 98°, after shell room 86° to 89°.
Ship began to swing at 11.45am.
J. Mangan rated from Landsman to Ordinary Seaman to date from August 17th, 1899.
Allowed fires to die out in A and C boilers.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with showers last part of watch.
Light airs from WSW.
Brigadier General Bates and staff and the Commanding Officer returned at 12.40pm.
At 2 o'clock Datu Puyo [Dato Puyo in log-book] from Siasi [Siassi in log-book] came on board to pay his respects to the General, he left the ship at 4 o'clock, after having been shown all over the ship.
4pm to 8pm:
Calm, squally weather.
Ship swung at 5.30 o'clock.
Mustered at evening quarters and exercised crew at setting up drill.
Hoisted all boats.
8pm to midnight:
Pleasant weather.
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10 September 1899
At anchor off Siasi [Siassi in log-book] and on passage to Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 5.65, Long 120.77
Lat 43.1, Long -0.6
Commences and until 4am:
Pleasant weather.
4am to 8am:
Pleasant weather.
At 5.45am the U.S. Army transport "Churruca" left the Siasi [Siassi in log-book] wharf, and went out of the harbor to the Northward.
Tested siren and steam whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 8.00am lighted fires under boilers A and C.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters and Commanding Officer, accompanied by Brigadier General Bates, U.S. Army, inspected crew and ship.
At 10.30am hove in to 30 fathoms, and at 11.00am got under way and stood out of Siasi [Siassi in log-book] harbor, Navigator conning.
At 11.25am put over patent log, reading 79.3, and set course NNW¼W (per standard compass).
At noon changed course to N¾E (per compass), patent log reading 88.0.
Draft forward 13 feet, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 95°; fixed ammunition [room] 101° to 102°; forward shell [room] 98° to 99°; after shell [room] 92° to 94°.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 84.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Under [steam in] three boilers, on course N¾E (per compass) until 12.20pm, when changed to NNE (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 88.0.
At 2.00pm changed to NNE½E (per compass), patent log [reading] 4.6.
At 2.15pm changed to NE½E (per compass), patent log [reading] 5.1.
At 2.45pm changed to NE (per compass), patent log [reading] 98.1.
At 2.55pm changed to NE⅞E (per compass), patent log [reading] 10.7.
Hauled in patent log at 3.08pm, reading 11.9, and stood in for anchorage on various courses, Navigator conning.
At 3.55pm anchored in Sulu harbor in 14 fathoms [water], with 45 fathoms on starboard chain.
Bearings: end of dock South by E¼E, North blockhouse SE by South, Tulian Island WSW.
[Brigadier] General Bates went ashore.
Steam 116 [pounds], revolutions 92.
Draft forward 12 feet 11 inches, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy, calm and pleasant.
[Brigadier] General Bates returned on board.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to light Southerly airs.
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11 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands, and on passage to Tawi-Tawi
Lat 5.47, Long 120.15
Commences and until 4am:
Clear, cool and calm.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 4.30am hove short, and at 5.00am got under way and stood out of Sulu harbor, Navigator conning.
At 6.00am took departure, Tulian Island abeam, distant one mile, and set course SW⅜W (per standard compass), patent log [reading] 11.9.
Draft forward 12 feet 11 inches, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
Steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 87.7.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and light breeze from SSW and West.
Steam in three boilers, on course SW⅜W.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Exercised divisions at infantry and artillery.
At 10.30am changed course to SW by W⅜W, patent log reading 57.1.
Broke out storerooms and got ready for inspection.
At 11.48am changed course to SW¾W, patent log reading 67.8, South tangent Kuadbasang [Island] abeam, distant 2 miles.
Temperature after shell room 92° [Fahrenheit] to 94°, forward magazine 96° to 98°, forward fixed ammunition room 101° to 102°, forward shell room 98° to 99°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light breeze and light airs from SSW.]
Under [steam in] three boilers, course SW¾W.
At 1.25pm changed course to SW⅛W, patent log [reading] 81.2.
At 2.25pm changed course to SW½S, patent log [reading] 93.8.
At 3.08pm changed course to SSW¾W, patent log [reading] 96.
At 4 o'clock changed course to South, patent log [reading] 3.6.
Broke out Paymaster's storerooms, compartments numbers 114, 115C and 3.10D and after magazine, and after having been inspected by the Quarterly Hull Board, were red-leaded and restowed.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light airs from SSW.]
Standing into Bongao anchorage on various courses, pilot at the conn.
At 4.30pm hauled in patent log, reading 5.5.
At 4.57pm came to anchor, with 45 fathoms on starboard chain, in 10 fathoms water.
Bearings from anchorage: West tangent Simonor Island S⅜E, Martinez Point SW⅜S, Matos Point E¼N.
Draft forward 12 feet 8 inches, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
Steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 70.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and warm.
8pm to midnight:
Clear, calm and pleasant.
Kuadbasang Island is also known as Kang Tipayan Diki Island.
Simonor Island is also known as Simunul Island.
Martinez Point is probably Simandangit Point.
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[Inserted note]
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: L. Tucker, Apprentice Second-class, not manning boat when called away, 2 days' extra duty; W.C. Allen, Landsman, drunk from liberty, lose 2 [conduct] classes; F.H. Setterberg, Coal Passer, 1 hour over time, lose 1 [conduct] class; J. Gill, Carpenter's Mate Third-class, tight from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class; J. Feeney, Private Marine, not falling in when Marine Guard was called, lose 1 [conduct] class; J.A. Pearson, Blacksmith, 3 hours over time, lose 2 [conduct] classes; D. Riordan, First Sergeant, giving man permission to get beer when sent ashore for drill, warned and fact noted on enlistment record; A. Bried, [Apprentice First-class], out of uniform, 1 day's extra duty; F.E. Muratel, [Boiler Maker], inefficiency [inafficiency in log-book] in performance of his duty and making false reports, 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water; C. Henderson, Apprentice Second-class, out of uniform, 1 day's extra duty; F.E. Muratel, [Boiler Maker], not obeying Chief Machinist's orders, 5 days' solitary confinement on bread and water; J. Connolly, Landsman, out of uniform, 1 day's extra duty.
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12 September 1899
At anchor off Tawi-Tawi, Bongao Anchorage
Lat 5.03, Long 119.78
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light Northwesterly airs.
Tested siren and whistle.
At 6.30am the "Churruca" began landing troops.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and rainy.
Light airs from WNW.
At 9.30am [Brigadier] General Bates and staff left the ship to attend ceremony of hoisting flag on shore, he was saluted with 11 guns.
At 10.15am the United States flag was hoisted on shore, and a national salute of 21 guns was fired.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Exercised crew in equipping for heavy marching order.
Sent Chief Quartermaster and Chief Boatswain's Mate ashore on duty at 8.15am.
Broke out wardroom storeroom, and after having been inspected by the Hull Board, it was scraped, red-leaded and restowed.
[Brigadier] General Bates and staff returned on board at 11.30am.
Temperature forward magazine 99° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell 98° to 96°, [fixed] ammunition room 101° to 99°, after shell 98° to 94°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, with occasional rain.
[Light airs from SSW and WSW.]
Crew engaged in red-leading compartments for inspection of Quarterly Board.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light West-southwesterly airs.
The proceedings, findings and sentences of a Summary Court Martial was [sic] published in the following cases: M. Loughlin, Apprentice First-class, leaving the ship without permission, sentenced to 15 days' solitary confinement in single irons and to lose one month's pay, amounting to $21.00; T. Broderick, Apprentice First-class, leaving ship without permission, sentenced to 15 days' solitary confinement in single irons and to lose one month's pay, amounting to $21.00; W. Humphrey, Ordinary Seaman, leaving ship without permission, sentenced to 15 days' solitary confinement in single irons and to lose one month's pay, amounting to $19.00.
The sentence in each case was approved.
The parts referring to loss of pay being respectfully referred to the Secretary of the Navy.
6pm to 8pm:
Clear pleasant weather.
Hoisted steam launch.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light WNW airs.
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13 September 1899
At anchor off Tawi-Tawi, and on passage to Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 5.52, Long 120.20
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast and cloudy, with rain.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light airs from ENE.
Hove in to 20 fathoms [chain] at 5 o'clock.
Hoisted whaleboat.
Triced up gangways and rigged in lower booms.
Turned engines.
Tested steam steering gear and steam whistle.
At 5.15am called up anchor.
At 5.20am went ahead with both engines, courses various, pilot conning the ship.
At end of watch steering course NNE½E.
The transport "Churruca" got under way and followed us out, passing us at 6 o'clock.
Under [steam in] 3 boilers.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30 o'clock.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 9.30am went to collision quarters, with the following times: 1st Division 2½ minutes; 2nd Division 2 minutes; 3rd Division 2½ minutes; Powder [Division] 1½ minutes; Marines 1 minute; Engineer's [Division] 1½ minutes.
Under [steam in] three boilers, on course NE¾N (per compass) until 8.25am, when changed to NE⅜N (per compass), patent log [reading] 29.7.
At 9.00am changed to NE¾E (per compass), patent log reading 34.5, at 10.05am changed to NE¼E (per compass), patent log reading 43.9, and at 11.20am changed to ENE⅞E (per compass), patent log reading 55.2.
Temperatures: forward magazine 99° [Fahrenheit] to 100°; forward shell room 98° to 99°; after magazine 94° to 96°; after shell 94° to 96°; fixed ammunition room 100° to 102°.
Steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 93.9.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and light breeze from WNW.
On course ENE⅞E, steam on three boilers.
At 3.20pm headed into Siasi [Siassi in log-book] anchorage, Navigator and pilot conning ship.
At 3.37pm came to anchor in 7 fathoms water, veering to 30 fathoms starboard chain.
At 3.40pm [Brigadier] General Bates and staff left the ship to make official visit to Captain Seay, commanding post.
Steam 106 [pounds], revolutions 84.1.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs from NW.
Called all hands up anchor and began heaving in on starboard chain at 4.45pm.
Brigadier General Bates and staff returned from Siasi [Siassi in log-book].
Hoisted 3rd cutter and triced up starboard gangway.
Secured starboard anchor on billboard.
Went ahead on course NNW½W and put over patent log at 5.07pm, reading 89.1.
At 5.30pm changed course to N¼W, patent log [reading] 92.7.
At 6 o'clock changed course to NNE⅛E, patent log [reading] 90.6.
Went to collision quarters at 5.05pm.
Mustered crew at boats.
Draft of ship forward 12 feet 6 inches, aft 16 feet 2 inches.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light breeze from NW.]
On course NNE⅛E (per compass) until 6.30pm, when changed to North (per compass), patent log reading 3.5.
Under [steam in] three boilers.
Steam 107 [pounds], revolutions 87.1.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy with passing showers.
Calm and light WNW airs.
On course North, steam in three boilers.
Heading into Sulu harbor, Navigator and pilot conning.
At 9.35pm came to anchor in 10½ fathoms water, with 45 fathoms starboard chain, West tangent Tulian Island WSW, red light S½E, North blockhouse SSE¾E.
At 9.13pm hauled in patent log, reading 20.6.
Steam 105 [pounds], revolutions 84.7.
Draft forward 12 feet 3 inches, aft 16 feet 4 inches.
Sulu is also known as Jolo.
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14 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, with rain.
Light airs from South and calm.
4am to 8am:
Overcast and cloudy, with light rain.
Light Southeasterly airs and light airs from SSW.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Overcast and cloudy.
Light airs to light breeze from North by West.
Drizzling rain.
Sounded general quarters at 9.30am, the divisions reported [ready] in the following order and times: 1st Division 5 minutes; 2nd Division 5½ minutes; 3rd Division 5 minutes; Powder Division 5 minutes.
Brigadier General J.C. Bates and staff, U.S. Army, left the ship at 10.00 o'clock.
Fired a salute of 11 guns.
Secured from general quarters at 10 o'clock.
Broke out after magazine and it was inspected by the Hull Board.
Temperature of forward magazine 100° [Fahrenheit] to 102°, forward shell room 100° to 102°, after shell room 98° to 105°, fixed ammunition room 101° to 101°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Light breeze from West.
Sent liberty party on shore.
Breaking out forward compartments and chain lockers.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 100 pounds fresh bread.
4pm to 8pm:
Overcast, squally and rainy.
[Light to moderate breeze from West.]
Heavy seas running.
Mustered at quarters at 5 o'clock, absentee without leave F. Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate.
Sent mail to transport "Churruca" at 6.30pm.
The English steamer "Sabine" dragged ashore, but put out kedge and hauled off.
Hoisted all boats.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, rainy and squally.
[Light breeze from West.]
Heavy seas running.
Tested searchlights and Ardois signal lights, and found them in good condition.
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15 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Overcast, cloudy and rainy.
Light airs from West.
4am to 8am:
Overcast, drizzling rain.
Light Southerly airs.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 160 pounds fresh beef.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, absent over time: F. Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate.
Exercised at equipping boats for arm and away for distant service.
Fired noon gun.
Broke out fixed ammunition room forward and Quarterly Board inspected it.
United States transport "Churruca", with [Brigadier] General Bates and staff on board, left for the North at 9.20am.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
F. Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate, returned on board 20 hours over time.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 100 pounds bread
Crew engaged in red-leading compartments.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Temperatures: forward magazine 96° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; fixed ammunition [room] 99° to 100°; forward shell [room] 97° to 98°.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Liberty party returned.
Went to fire quarters at 5.00pm, with following times: 1st Division 2 minutes; 2nd Division 1½ minutes; 3rd Division 3 minutes; Engineer's [Division] ½ minute; Powder Division 1½ minutes.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light SSW airs to calm.
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16 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly to Southwesterly airs.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and light breeze from SSW.
General field day.
At 11.10am Ensign E.T. Bisset [Bissett in log-book], Paymaster's Clerk Dane and crew of two men came alongside in dinghy of U.S.S. "Manila".
Ensign E.T. Bisset [Bissett in log-book] made official visit to Commanding Officer.
At 11.35am started fires in boiler B.
Took provisions and gear from, and hoisted the dinghy of U.S.S. "Manila".
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light South-southwesterly breeze.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: H. Boyd, Coal Passer, tight from liberty, lose one [conduct] class; F. Knowles, First-class Fireman, 1 hour over time and tight, lose 2 [conduct] classes; C. Hansell, Ordinary Seaman, 1 hour over time and tight, lose 2 [conduct] classes; J.H. Peterson, Second-class Fireman, in gangway during supper hour without jumper or shoes, 1 day's extra duty.
At 2.00pm sighted U.S.S. "Manila" heading into harbor.
At 3.00pm U.S.S. "Manila" came to anchor.
The Commanding Officer of U.S.S. "Manila" made official call on the Commanding Officer.
The Commanding Officer of the Army post at Sulu called on the Commanding Officer.
Returned to U.S.S. "Manila" her dinghy, with crew and outfit.
Delivered to U.S.S. "Manila": one box medical stores; and three bags of mail.
Received on board for Cape Melville lighthouse: ten boxes of kerosene oil; and 1 package lamp wicks.
The following signals were made: at 2.25pm U.S.S. "Manila" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" distinguishing pennant, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Manila" distinguishing pennant; at 2.30pm U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Manila" general 2291 (your boat is safe.), U.S.S. "Manila" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" international R.S.J. (thanks); at 2.35pm U.S.S. "Manila" to U.S.S. "Yorktown" general 131, U.S.S. "Yorktown" to U.S.S. "Manila" affirmative.
Allowed fires to die out in boiler B.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 200 pounds fresh bread.
Temperature forward magazine 99° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward shell [room] 96° to 95°, fixed ammunition [room] 101° to 99°, after shell [room] 94° to 93°.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and light breeze from South and calm.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm to light Northwesterly breeze and Southerly airs.
The American steamer "Butuan" came into port and anchored inshore of U.S.S. "Manila".
Made regular boarding trip and received two bags of mail.
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17 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs and light breeze from South.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light and gentle Southerly breeze.
Tested siren and whistle.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to gentle breezes.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew.
Published Articles of War.
The following men received permanent appointments: Charles Bequette, Coxswain; G.T. Brownridge, Chief Machinist.
Received in Equipment [Department] (Navigation stores): one copy of Journal of the Society of Naval Engineers Volume XI number 2.
Loaned 2nd whaleboat to U.S.S. "Manila".
Temperature forward magazine 99° [Fahrenheit] to 101°, forward fixed ammunition [room] 100° to 102°, forward shell room 99° to 100°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy, pleasant weather.
[Gentle breeze from SSW.]
Heavy swell running.
Sent liberty party ashore.
4pm to 8pm:
Pleasant weather.
[Gentle to light breeze from SSW.]
At 5.10pm half-masted colors with post on shore.
Mastheaded them again at 5.20pm.
Absentees over time: F.K. Harsnett, Ordinary Seaman, and C. Emold, Seaman.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, pleasant weather.
[Light breeze from SSW.]
Heavy swell.
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18 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy, pleasant weather.
[Moderate breeze from SSW first hour, calm second hour, and light breeze from SSW remainder of watch.]
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
At 6.30am U.S.S. "Castine" was sighted standing in, exchanged numbers with her.
She asked and was granted permission to anchor.
Sent boarding boat with mail as soon as she had anchored.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
Set clock back 4 minutes.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 150 pounds fresh bread.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and warm.
[Gentle to moderate breeze from SW.]
At 9.30am mustered at quarters, absent over time: C. Emold, Seaman, and F.K. Harsnett, Ordinary Seaman.
By order of Commanding Officer released W.J. Haynes, Coal Passer, from confinement, and placed J. Burns, Private Marine, in solitary confinement, for not obeying orders of Master-at-Arms and disorderly conduct.
Commanding Officer [of] U.S.S. "Castine" called officially on the Commanding Officer.
Signals: at 10.00am U.S.S. "Castine" numeral 0, numeral 2, U.S.S. "Manila" numeral 1, numeral 2; at noon U.S.S. "Castine" numeral 156, numeral 14, U.S.S. "Manila" numeral 110, numeral 1.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 99°; forward shell [room] 98° to 99°; fixed ammunition [room] 101° to 102°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and warm.
[Light breezes from SW and South.]
Sent liberty party ashore.
Overhauled both bower chains and cleaned chain lockers.
Received 100 pounds fresh bread in Paymaster's Department.
C. Emold, Seaman, and F.K. Harsnett, Ordinary Seaman, returned on board from U.S.S. "Albay", 20 hours over time.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light breeze and light airs from South.]
U.S.S. "Manila" returned whaleboat loaned her.
U.S.S. "Castine" got under way at 5.30pm and left harbor.
At 5.00pm mustered at quarters and exercised divisions at setting up.
Liberty party returned.
W.S. Sinclair (Corporal in charge), G.T. Fallon, Private Marine, G. Braeske, Private Marine, A.C. De Witt, Private Marine, F.S. De Cue, Private Marine, and F.S. Standinger [Stadenger in log-book], Private Marine, left the ship for passage to Cape Melville lighthouse, Balabac, in U.S.S. "Manila".
They were supplied with two months' rations, 2000 rounds 6 mm ammunition and 500 rounds .38 caliber revolver ammunition, medical outfit, night and day signal outfit, one long glass, one pair binoculars and heavy marching order equipment, 6 revolvers and belts, and six 6 mm rifles, 2 deck lanterns.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly to South-southwesterly airs.
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19 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Calm and light variable airs, to gentle Southerly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Moderate and gentle breezes from South.]
U.S.S. "Manila" got under way at 6.00am and left the harbor.
Tested steam whistle and siren.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 232 pounds fresh beef.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Moderate to light Southerly breeze.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Exercised divisions at stations for landing force and at infantry and artillery.
At 9.45am the American merchant steamer "Butuan" left port.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: C.H. Allen, Apprentice Second-class, on forecastle in afternoon without jumper, 1 day's extra duty; L.A. Mothersbough, Private Marine, permitting men on forecastle in afternoon without jumper, 1 day's extra duty; F. Brown, Chief Boatswain's Mate, 30 hours over time, lose 3 [conduct] classes, 2 days' extra duty; J. Lidman, Seaman, not having shoes or socks on at evening quarters, 1 day's extra duty; F. Beik, Private Marine, late in relieving post, 1 day's extra duty; A. Chambers, Seaman, very slow in manning gig, 1 day's extra duty; E. Wise, First-class Fireman, spilling water on berth deck and not obeying Master-at-Arms' orders to dry it up, 2 days' extra duty; C. Emold, Seaman, 20 hours over time, lose 2 [conduct] classes, 2 days' extra duty; F. Harsnett, Ordinary Seaman, 20 hours over time, lose 2 [conduct] classes, 2 days' extra duty; F. Harsnett, Ordinary Seaman, not having shoes or socks on at evening quarters, inattention to drill, 2 days' extra duty; F.A. Childs, Apprentice Second-class, tight from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class; C.A. Olsen, Ship's Cook First-class, tight from liberty, lose 1 [conduct] class.
Fired blank 6-pounder charge at noon.
Temperature of forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 99°, forward fixed ammunition room 101° to 100°, forward shell room 99° to 98°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle breeze from SSW.
Sent liberty party ashore.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 400 pounds potatoes; and 80 pounds fresh bread.
Received in Equipment Department: 100 packages toilet paper.
Navigator took sights on shore for chronometer error.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SSW and SSE.
F. Peterson, Seaman, was transferred from U.S.S. "Albay" to this ship, and by order of the Commanding Officer was placed in double irons to await the action of a General Court Martial.
Liberty party returned, D. Wandlers, Corporal, and J.A. Murphy, Coal Passer, absent over time.
Mustered at quarters.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly airs.
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20 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly breeze.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southerly breeze.
Tested siren and whistle.
The American merchant steamer "[Nuestra Senora del] Carmen" got under way and headed to Southward at 6.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy, pleasant weather.
Gentle breeze from South.
Mustered at quarters at 9.30am.
Sounded call to collision quarters at 9.35am, secured at 9.50am.
Inspected bags.
Served out clothing and small stores.
J. Bergstrom, Boatswain's Mate First-class, was transferred to U.S.S. "Albay", with bag and hammock.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: K. Forsborn, Coxswain, allowing members of boat's crew to leave boat, [reduced to] 4th [conduct] class; F. Harsnett, Ordinary Seaman, leaving boat without permission, lose 1 [conduct] class; W. Kane, Ordinary Seaman, leaving boat without permission, lose 1 [conduct] class; M. Coyle, Ordinary Seaman, leaving boat without permission, lose 1 [conduct] class; M. Coyle, Ordinary Seaman, drunk on duty as member of boat's crew, Summary Court Martial; C. Henderson, Apprentice Second-class, and F.A. Child, Apprentice Second-class, smoking out of hours, extra duty on quarterdeck for 4 days, from 5.00pm to 9.00pm.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; fixed ammunition room 101° to 100°; forward shell room 99° to 98°.
Transferred to U.S.S. "Albay": one chronometer (hack); and charts numbers 2576, 948, 1243 and 967.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Southerly breeze.
Sent liberty party ashore at 1.15pm.
Received in the Paymaster's Department: 40 pounds fresh bread.
Corporal D. Wandlers [Wanlers in log-book] and J.A. Murphy, Coal Passer, returned on board 22 hours over time.
Made following signals to U.S.S. "Albay": "Commanding Officer repair on board".
Sent to U.S.S. "Albay": 100 pounds white lard; and 5 gallons of oil; 20 pounds yellow ochre in oil; 15 pounds vermilion red in oil; 1½ gallons Rahtjens' [Rotjens in log-book] boot-topping; 25 pounds red lead; 2 gallons turpentine; 3 gallons boiled oil; ½ gallon Japan Drier.
4pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light airs to light breeze from South.
Mustered at quarters at 5 o'clock.
Liberty party returned at 5.20pm.
Hoisted dinghy into 1st cutter.
Hoisted all boats.
At 7.55pm Colonel Goodale and Major Sweet came on board.
Rigged in both booms.
8pm to midnight:
Clear and pleasant.
Calm to gentle breeze from South.
The Compañia Maritima Steamer "[Nuestra Senora] del Carmen" came in and anchored off our port bow.
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21 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands, and on passage to Maimbung [Mainbun in log-book], Sulu Island
Lat 5.92, Long 121.02
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from South.
Started fires in B and D boilers at 3.30am.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from NNW to SW.
Sent mail to steamer "[Nuestra Senora] del Carmen" at 5.30 o'clock.
At 6.30am began heaving in.
Tested steam steering gear, whistle and turned engines at 6.45am.
At 6.50am Captain Nichols, Captain Hagadorn, U.S. Army, and an interpreter came on board.
Secured anchor on bows.
Went ahead full speed at 7 o'clock, courses various, Navigator conning ship.
U.S.S. "Albay" got under way and left the harbor at 5 o'clock.
Draft of ship forward 12 feet 1 inch, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
Under [steam in] three boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 81.9.
F. Peterson, Seaman, was made a prisoner at large, the irons being taken off.
At end of watch Tulian Island bore N½E, distant 1 mile.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Gentle breeze from SW.]
Rounding Sulu Island on following compass courses: SW by South until 8.17am, when changed to South, patent log [reading]; at 8.38am changed to SE, patent log reading 33.4; at 9.15am changed to E¾S, patent log 39.4; at 9.50am changed to E¼N, patent log 44.7; at 10.01am changed to ENE, patent log 45.5; at 10.10am changed to NE by East, patent log 47.2.
At 10.25am hauled in patent log, reading 44.3, and stood into Eastern entrance to Maimbung [Mainbun in log-book] harbor on various courses, Navigator conning.
At 10.50am came to with 30 fathoms on starboard chain, in 9¾ fathoms water.
Bearings from anchorage: North bank W⅜S, Maimbung [Maiban in log-book] bank South by W½W.
Draft forward 12 feet 1 inch, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
Went to general quarters at 9.30am, with the following times: 1st Division 3 minutes; 2nd Division 3½ minutes; 3rd Division 4 minutes; Powder Division 3½ minutes.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 97°; forward shell [room] 99° to 98°; fixed ammunition [room] 101° to 100°.
Issued one number 8 ensign to U.S.S. "Albay".
Colonel Goodale, U.S. Army, and staff and Commanding Officer went ashore to call on the Sultan of Sulu, and the Sultana.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light Southwesterly breeze.
At 1.40pm U.S.S. "Albay" got under way and left port.
Colonel Goodale, U.S. Army, and staff and Commanding Officer returned from visit to the Sultan of Sulu, and the Sultana.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Light breeze from SW.]
Called all hands up anchor at 4 o'clock.
Secured starboard anchor on bow.
Stood out of harbor, courses various, under [steam in] 3 boilers.
Average steam 115 [pounds], revolutions 90.1.
Went to collision quarters at 5 o'clock, and afterwards mustered crew at boats for abandon ship.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Gentle airs from from SW to South.]
Rounding Sulu Island on various courses, Navigator conning.
At 7.30pm hauled in patent log, reading 77.0.
At 7.43pm anchored in 10¼ fathoms [water], with 45 fathoms on starboard chain, in Sulu harbor.
Draft forward 11 feet 11 inches, aft 16 feet 3 inches.
Bearings from anchorage: Tulian Island WSW, round tower S½E.
Colonel Goodale and staff left the ship.
8pm to midnight:
Light Southerly airs and calm.
Cloudy and pleasant.
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22 September 1899
At anchor off Sulu, Philippine Islands, and on passage to Sandakan [Sandaken in log-book], Borneo
Lat 6.06, Long 121.00
Commences and until 4am:
Clear and pleasant.
Light airs to light breeze from South.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Gentle breeze from SE.]
Tested steam whistle and siren.
English steamer "Clive" came into port and anchored.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Gentle Southerly breeze to fresh Southwesterly breeze.
At 9.30am mustered at quarters.
Exercised divisions at arm and equip boats for distant service.
Received in Paymaster's Department: 205 pounds fresh beef.
Sent punt ashore for sand.
Made regular boarding visit to the English steamer "Clive".
Started fires in boilers A and B at 11.00am.
Fired blank 6-pounder charge at noon.
Temperatures: forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 97°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 98°, forward shell room 97° to 96°.
Broke out and began cleaning forward magazine.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Stiff breeze from SW.
At 1 o'clock hoisted gig and 2nd whaleboat.
Rigged in boat davits and both lower booms.
Called up anchor at 1.45pm.
Turned engines.
Tested whistle and steering gear.
Began heaving in.
Went ahead slow at 1.55pm.
At 2 o'clock put over patent logs, reading: port 58; starboard 77.0.
Went ahead full speed both engines.
Standing out of Jolo harbor.
Secured and provisioned all boats for sea.
Standing various courses until 3.45pm, when set course NW by W¾W, patent log [reading] 89.8.
Average steam 90 [pounds], revolutions 77.8.
Draft of ship aft 16 feet 3 inches, forward 11 feet 11 inches.
The Executive and Medical Officers, the Navigator and divisional officers made the weekly inspection of compartments, holds and living spaces.
4pm to 6pm:
Cloudy, misty and pleasant.
[Gentle breeze from SW.]
On course NW by W¾W (per standard compass), under [steam in] three boilers, heading up for Pangutaran passage.
Encountered about 3½ knot adverse current in general direction of the passage.
At 5.00pm went to fire quarters.
Steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 80.1.
6pm to 8pm:
Cloudy and misty, pleasant.
Moderate breeze from SW.
Course NW by W¾W, under [steam in] three boilers.
Average steam 110 [pounds], revolutions 83.1.
8pm to midnight:
Cloudy, with heavy rain first hour of watch.
Fresh to moderate breeze from WSW and West.
At 8.00pm changed course to W½S (per standard compass).
Steam in 3 boilers.
Rigged in port gangway ladder.
Average steam 100 [pounds], revolutions 81.5.
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23 September 1899
On passage from Sulu, Philippine Islands, to Sandakan [Sandaken in log-book], Borneo
Lat 5.93, Long 118.22
Commences and until 4am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Gentle WSW breeze first three hours, moderate SW breeze last hour.]
Short swell from NW.
On course W½S (per standard compass), under [steam in] three boilers.
Steam 89 [pounds], revolutions 77.
4am to 8am:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW.
Smooth sea.
Under [steam in] three boilers, course W½S.
Tested siren and steam whistle at 7.30am.
8am to meridian:
Cloudy and pleasant.
Light breeze from SW and WSW.
On course W½S, steam in 3 boilers.
At 9.55am changed course to WSW½W, patent log reading 25.3.
At 11.15am changed course to SW, patent log [reading] 36.2.
At 11.40am changed course to SW⅜S.
By order of the Commanding Officer J. Burns, Private Marine, was released from confinement.
By order of the Commanding Officer F.E. Muratel, Boiler Maker, was placed in solitary confinement on bread and water.
The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: A. Bried, Apprentice First-class, inattention at quarters, 1 day's extra duty; J.A. Murphy, Coal Passer, 22 hours over time, lose 3 [conduct] classes, 2 days' extra duty; D. Wandlers, Corporal, 22 hours over time, lose 3 [conduct] classes, 2 days' extra duty; W.C. Allen, Landsman, on forecastle in middle of day without jumper, 1 day's extra duty; C. Grasser, Oiler, not going on deck to man falls when so ordered by Master-at-Arms, 2 days' extra duty.
Temperature forward magazine 98° [Fahrenheit] to 95°, forward fixed ammunition room 99° to 98°, forward shell room 97° to 96°, after shell room 98° to 96°, after magazine 92° to 92°.
Meridian to 4pm:
Cloudy and pleasant.
[Gentle breezes from S