LOG BOOK – SEPTEMBER 24th 1900 TO APRIL 5th 1901
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Log book of the USS "Vicksburg" commencing April 5th 1901 at ~
50874e7409d4090755015f85: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_004_0.jpg)
List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Vicksburg, 3rd rate commanded by ABH Lillie, Commander USN, during the period covered by this log book from September 24th 1900, to April 5th 1901 to April 2nd 1899
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List of officers who have died, been detached or transferred on board of USS Vicksburg during the period covered by this log book from September 24th 1900, to April 5th 1901
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Complement of Petty officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Landsmen, Boys, and Marines on board of the USS Vicksburg at first commissioning September 25th 1900
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Description of Instruments used for Meteorological Observations and their location, &c
50874e7409d4090755015f8d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_006_0.jpg)
Armament of the USS Vicksburg
Boat armament
Small Arms
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tables of deviation of the Standard compass N° 7195 on board of USS Vicksburg
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newport ri
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
50874e7409d4090755015f93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_007_1.jpg)
24 September 1900
50874e7409d4090755015f95: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_008_0.jpg)
newport ri
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
50874e7409d4090755015f97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_008_1.jpg)
25 September 1900
50874e7409d4090755015f99: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_009_0.jpg)
newport ri
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
50874e7409d4090755015f9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_009_1.jpg)
25 September 1900
50874e7409d4090755015f9d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_010_0.jpg)
at newport ri and at sea
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
50874e7409d4090755015f9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_010_1.jpg)
26 September 1900
50874e7409d4090755015fa1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_011_0.jpg)
at sea and at navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fa3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_011_1.jpg)
27 September 1900
steering for minots reef light ship made out on port bearing
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
U.S.R.S. Wabash - At 8:10 exchanged ~~~ ~~ with U.S.R.S.Wabash.
Havana - At 8:30 stopped engines, government tup Havana came aloongside and towed this vessel to dock.
No barometer aboard.
50874e7409d4090755015fa5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_012_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
No instruments on board
No instruments on board
50874e7409d4090755015fa7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_012_1.jpg)
28 September 1900
No barometer aboard.
J Corbett(L~~~) - The following ~~ were reported on board for duty: J Corbett (L~~~)and L A Jost (Yeo 2cl) Transferred from U.S.R.S. Wabash.
L.A.Jost(Yeo 2cl) - The following ~~ were reported on board for duty: J Corbett (L~~~)and L A Jost (Yeo 2cl) Transferred from U.S.R.S. Wabash.
U.S.R.S. Wabash - The following ~~ were reported on board for duty: J Corbett (L~~~)and L A Jost (Yeo 2cl) Transferred from U.S.R.S. Wabash.
50874e7409d4090755015fa9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_013_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
No instruments on board
No instruments on board
50874e7409d4090755015fab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_013_1.jpg)
29 September 1900
CBH. Hayes.(a.1.C.) - CBH.Hayes.(A1.C.) reported on board transferred from U.S.S.New York.
50874e7409d4090755015fad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_014_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
No instruments on board
No instruments on board
50874e7409d4090755015faf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_014_1.jpg)
30 September 1900
No barometer aboard.
H.S. Olsen(G.M.1cl.) - The Following named men went on leave of absence: H.S.Olsen (G.M.1cl.) A.McGreggor(BM2cl) E.K.Jean(G.M.3C) T Gilsinan(C.C.M.) and C.B.Eldridge(a2c)
A.McGreggor(BM2cl) - The Following named men went on leave of absence: H.S.Olsen (G.M.1cl.) A.McGreggor(BM2cl) E.K.Jean(G.M.3C) T Gilsinan(C.C.M.) and C.B.Eldridge(a2c)
E.K.Jean(GM3C) - The Following named men went on leave of absence: H.S.Olsen (G.M.1cl.) A.McGreggor(BM2cl) E.K.Jean(G.M.3C) T Gilsinan(C.C.M.) and C.B.Eldridge(a2c)
T.Gilsinan(C.C.M.) - The Following named men went on leave of absence: H.S.Olsen (G.M.1cl.) A.McGreggor(BM2cl) E.K.Jean(G.M.3C) T Gilsinan(C.C.M.) and C.B.Eldridge(a2c)
C.B.Eldridge(a3c) - The Following named men went on leave of absence: H.S.Olsen (G.M.1cl.) A.McGreggor(BM2cl) E.K.Jean(G.M.3C) T Gilsinan(C.C.M.) and C.B.Eldridge(a2c)
50874e7409d4090755015fb1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_015_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
No instruments on board
No instruments on board
50874e7409d4090755015fb3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_015_1.jpg)
1 October 1900
K.H~~asorg - Asst. Paymaster W.B.Rogers, Asst. Surgeon K.H~~asorg, Naval Cadets W.McEntee, W.F.Bricker and H.K.Cage reported for duty and Naval Cadet H.K.Cage esd detached immediately eith orders to proceed to Key West, Fla for duty aboard the U.S.S. Bancroft.
W.B.Rogers - Asst. Paymaster W.B.Rogers,Asst. Surgeon K H~~asorg,Navel Cadets W.Mcentee, W.F.Bricker and H.K.Cage reported for duty and Naval Cadet H.K.Cagewas detached with orders to proceed immediately to Key West, Fla for duty aboard the U.S.S.Bancroft.
W.F.Bricker - Asst. Paymaster W.B.Rogers, Asst. Surgeon K.H~~asorg, Naval Cadets W. McEntee, W.F.Bricker, and H.K.Cage reported for duty and Naval Cadet H.K.Cage was detached with orders to proceed immediately to Key West, Fla for duty aboard the U.S.S.Bancroft.
H.K.Cage - Asst. Paymaster W.B. Rogers, Asst. Surgeon K.H~~asorg, Naval Cadets W.McEntee, W.F.Bricker, and H.K.Cage reported for duty and Naval Cadet H.K. Cage was detached with orders to proceed immediately to Key West , Fla for duty aboard the U.S.S.Bancroft.
W.McEntee - Asst. Paymaster W.B.Rogers, Asst. Surgeon K.H~~asorg, Naval Cadets W. McEntee, W.F.Bricker and H. K. Cage reported for duty and Naval Cadet H.K. Cage was detached with orders to proceed immediately to Key West, Fla for duty aboard the U.S.S. Bancroft.
U.S.S.Bancroft - Asst.Paymaster W.B.Rogers, Asst. Surgeon K.H~~asorg, Naval Cadets W.McEntee, W.F.Bricker, and H.K.Cage reported for duty and Naval Cadet H.K.Cage was detached with orders to proceed immediately to Key West, Fla for duty aboard the U.S.S.Bancroft.
Havana - At 4:00 tug Havana came alongside to tow this vessel to dry dock.
50874e7409d4090755015fb5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_016_0.jpg)
navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
No instruments on board
No instruments on board
No instruments on board.
No instruments on board.
50874e7409d4090755015fb7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_016_1.jpg)
2 October 1900
Wabash - At 8:05 crew returned from Wabash.
J. Nelson(S.M.M.) - At 10:30 J.Nelson(S.M.M.)and A.W.Siegfried (El.3C.) reported on board.
A.W.Siegfried(El.3C) - At 10:30 J.Nelson(S.M.M.)and A.W.Siegfried (El.3C.) reported on board.
T. Warburton(Ch.Yeo) - At 11:30 mustered crew and found T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D. Gallant(Sea) J.McVey(F2C) absent without leave and A.H.Gale , M.att. overstaying leave from 7:00A.M.
J.McVey(F2C) - At 11:30 mustered crew and found T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D. Gallant(Sea) J.McVey(F2C) absent without leave and A.H.Gale , M.att. overstaying leave from 7:00A.M.
D.Gallant(Sea) - At 11:30 mustered crew and found T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D. Gallant(Sea) J.McVey(F2C) absent without leave and A.H.Gale , M.att. overstaying leave from 7:00A.M.
A.H.Gale, M.att. - At 11:30 mustered crew and found T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D. Gallant(Sea) J.McVey(F2C) absent without leave and A.H.Gale , M.att. overstaying leave from 7:00A.M.
Ship went into dry dock.
J.E.Cartwright(ch.m.a.a.) - J.E. Cartwright(ch.m.a.a.)reported at 7:00.
Commences and until 4 am. Clear and cool. Light breeze from WNW.
4 to 8 am. Cool and pleasant. Gentle breezes from WNW, first part then light breezes from NW.
8:00 to meridian. Fair and pleasant. Light airs from WNW.
12:00 to 4:00 pm. Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from West.
4:00 to 8:00 pm. Cool and overcast. Light airs from West and WNW.
8:00 to midnight. Cool damp and overcast. Light breezes from West and WNW.
50874e7409d4090755015fb9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_017_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
No instruments on board
No instruments on board
50874e7409d4090755015fbb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_017_1.jpg)
3 October 1900
No barometer aboard.
D.Gallant(Sea) - Absent without leave T. Warburton, D. Gallant(Sea) and J.McVey(F.2C.)
T. Warburton(Ch.Yeo) - Absent without leave T. Warburton, D. Gallant(Sea) and J.McVey(F.2C.)
J.McVey(F.2C.) - Absent without leave T. Warburton, D. Gallant(Sea) and J.McVey(F.2C.)
A.H.Gale(M.att) - Overstaying liberty A.H Gale(M.att.).
J.H.Pomfrey(CS.1 - J.H.Pomfrey(CS.1 and M.Powell(Cox) were transferred to Chelsea Hospital, Boston, Mass.
M.Powell(Cox) - J.H.Pomfrey(CS.1 and M.Powell(Cox) were transferred to Chelsea Hospital, Boston, Mass.
C.C. Voglesong(Cox) - C.C.Voglesong(Cox), G.S.Bergantz(GM2C) and H. Spatig(B~~) went on leave of absence.
G.S.Bergantz(GM2C) - C.C.Voglesong(Cox), G.S.Bergantz(GM2C) and H. Spatig(B~~) went on leave of absence.
H Spatig(B~~) - C.C.Voglesong(Cox), G.S.Bergantz(GM2C) and H. Spatig(B~~) went on leave of absence.
W.G. Lynch(A.C.) - W.G.Lynch(A.C.) and H. Siebecke(Yeo.3C. reported from the Wabash.
H.Siebecke(Yeo.3C. - W.G.Lynch(A.C.) and H. Siebecke(Yeo.3C. reported from the Wabash.
Wabash - W.G.Lynch(A.C.) and H. Siebecke(Yeo.3C. reported from the Wabash.
50874e7409d4090755015fbd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_018_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
No instruments on board
No instruments on board
midnight to noon In dry dock No instruments on board
6 PM Moored to Dock
no barometer on board-In Dry Dock
50874e7409d4090755015fbf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_018_1.jpg)
4 October 1900
Lieut. J.H.Glenmore - Lieut.J.H.Glenmore reported for duty as Executive and Navigator at 11:00.
Lieut. J.B. Patton - Lieut.J.B.Patton reported for duty as Watch and Division officer at 11:05.
E.K.Dean(G.M.3Cl.) - E.K.Dean(G.M.3Cl.) reported return from 5 days leave of absence at 11:30.
E.W.Merritt(Sea) - E.W.Merritt(Sea) and A.W.Trockelman(Cox) were transferred to Chelsea Hospital this day.
A.W.Trockelman(Cox) - E.W.Merritt(Sea) and A.W.Trockelman(Cox) were transferred to Chelsea Hospital this day.
C.Nelson(T.M.2Cl) - C.Nelson(T.M.2Cl)reported going on five days leave of absence.
Caisson valves opened at 1:20 to flood dock:men stationed at all sea valves and flood cocks,and all were reported in good condition when ship floated.
T. Warburton(Ch.Yeo) - T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D.Gallant(Sea), J.McVey(F.2C) and A.H.Gale(M.att) absent without leave.
D.Gallant(Sea) - T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D.Gallant(Sea), J.McVey(F.2C) and A.H.Gale(M.att) absent without leave.
J.McVey(F.2C.) - T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D.Gallant(Sea), J.McVey(F.2C) and A.H.Gale(M.att) absent without leave.
A.H.Gale(M.att) - T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), D.Gallant(Sea), J.McVey(F.2C) and A.H.Gale(M.att) absent without leave.
W.H.Hammer(Lds) - Following named men went on leave of absence:W.H.Hammer(Lds), T.E.Grady(a2C.), R.J.Lusek(Sea),C.Nelson(T.M.M. and A.W.Linsons(G.M.3C).
T.E. Grady(a2C.) - Following named men went on leave of absence:W.H.Hammer(Lds), T.E.Grady(a2C.), R.J.Lusek(Sea),C.Nelson(T.M.M. and A.W.Linsons(G.M.3C).
R.J.Lusek(Sea) - Following named men went on leave of absence:W.H.Hammer(Lds), T.E.Grady(a2C.), R.J.Lusek(Sea),C.Nelson(T.M.M. and A.W.Linsons(G.M.3C).
C.Nelson(T.M.M. - Following named men went on leave of absence:W.H.Hammer(Lds), T.E.Grady(a2C.), R.J.Lusek(Sea),C.Nelson(T.M.M. and A.W.Linsons(G.M.3C).
A.W.Linsons(G.M.3C) - Following named men went on leave of absence:W.H.Hammer(Lds), T.E.Grady(a2C.), R.J.Lusek(Sea),C.Nelson(T.M.M. and A.W.Linsons(G.M.3C).
Wabash - Mustered crew and sent them to supper on Wabash at 5:45..
50874e7409d4090755015fc1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_019_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fc3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_019_1.jpg)
5 October 1900
No barometer or thermometer aboard.
Parker,W.L.(F2C) - Parker, W.L.(F2C) returned from leave of absence.
T. Warburton(Ch.Yeo) - Absent without leave,T.Warburton(Ch. Yeo), Gale, A.H.(M.att) Gallant,D.(Sea) McVey, J.(F2C)
Gale,A.H.(M.att) - Absent without leave,T.Warburton(Ch. Yeo), Gale, A.H.(M.att) Gallant,D.(Sea) McVey, J.(F2C)
Gallant,D.(Sea) - Absent without leave,T.Warburton(Ch. Yeo), Gale, A.H.(M.att) Gallant,D.(Sea) McVey, J.(F2C)
McVey, J.(F2C) - Absent without leave,T.Warburton(Ch. Yeo), Gale, A.H.(M.att) Gallant,D.(Sea) McVey, J.(F2C)
B.Gaynor(C.G.M.) - B.Gaynor(C.G.M.) returned from leave of absence at 2 PM.
Ensign F.L.Sheffield, U.S.N. - Ensign F.L.Sheffield, U.S.N., reported for duty in the Engineering Department at 2:00 P.M.
H Spatig(B~~) - H spatig(B~~) returned from leave of absence.
H.Johannesson(Sea) - H.Johannesson(Sea)reported on board transferred from the Wabash.
Wabash - H.Johannesson(Sea)reported on board transferred from the Wabash.
H.P.Harrison,(Hosp Std) - At 8:45 H.P.Harrison,(Hosp Std)reported on board this vessel for duty transferred from Training Station, Newport.
50874e7409d4090755015fc5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_020_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fc7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_020_1.jpg)
6 October 1900
H.P.Harrison,(Hosp Std) - Following named men went on leave of absence: H.P. Harrison(Hosp. Std) and C.H.Hayes(app1C.).
C.H.Hayes(app 1C.) - Following named men went on leave of absence: H.P. Harrison(Hosp. Std) and C.H.Hayes(app1C.).
T. Warburton(Ch.Yeo) - Absent without leave:T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), A.H.Gale(M.att), D. Gallant(Sea),J.McVey(F2C), A.D.Kennedy(Lds).
J.McVey(F2C) - Absent without leave:T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), A.H.Gale(M.att), D. Gallant(Sea),J.McVey(F2C), A.D.Kennedy(Lds).
A.H.Gale(M.att) - Absent without leave:T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), A.H.Gale(M.att), D. Gallant(Sea),J.McVey(F2C), A.D.Kennedy(Lds).
D.Gallant(Sea) - Absent without leave:T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), A.H.Gale(M.att), D. Gallant(Sea),J.McVey(F2C), A.D.Kennedy(Lds).
A.D.Kennedy(Lds) - Absent without leave:T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo), A.H.Gale(M.att), D. Gallant(Sea),J.McVey(F2C), A.D.Kennedy(Lds).
T.Nelson(F1C) - T.Nelson(F1C) was placed in solitary confinement for five days on the Wabash for being under the influence of liquor.
50874e7409d4090755015fc9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_021_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fcb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_021_1.jpg)
7 October 1900
D.Gallant(Sea) - At 9:00D.Gallant was brought to the mast and having no excuse to offer for being absent 8 days without leave, was sentenced to 10 days in confinement in double irons.
U.S.R.S. Wabash - He was confined in accordance withsentence on board the U.S.R.S. Wabash until such time as the crew moves on board this vessel.
A.D.Kennedy(Lands) - Absent without leave:A.D.Kennedy(Lands) T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo) A.H.Gale(Matt)and J.McVey(F2C)
T. Warburton(Ch.Yeo) - Absent without leave:A.D.Kennedy(Lands) T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo) A.H.Gale(Matt)and J.McVey(F2C)
A.H.Gale(M.att) - Absent without leave:A.D.Kennedy(Lands) T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo) A.H.Gale(Matt)and J.McVey(F2C)
J.McVey(F.2C.) - Absent without leave:A.D.Kennedy(Lands) T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo) A.H.Gale(Matt)and J.McVey(F2C)
U.S.S.Amphitrite - The U.S.S.Amphitrite came in the harbor and anchored off the dry dock.
T.Warburton - Chief Yeoman T.Warburton reportedon board and was sent to the Wabash by the Executive Officer to be confined, awaiting the action of the Commanding Officer for being absent from the ship 6 days without leave.
Commences an until 4.00 am. Overcast and cloudy; rainy.
4.00 to 8.00 am. Overcast and cloudy, drizzling rain and fog. Light airs fron NE x N.
8.00 to meridian. Overcast and cloudy. Fog lifting slowly. Light airs fron NE.
U.S.S. Amphiorite - Came in harbor and anchored.
4.00 to 6.00 pm. Overcast and cloudy. Growing warmer. Light fog. Light airs from East.
6.00 to 8.00 pm. Overcast and cloudy. Light fog. Light airs from East.
8.00 to midnight. Overcast and pleasant. Light fog. Light airs from east. Barometer falling slowly.
50874e7409d4090755015fcd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_022_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fcf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_022_1.jpg)
8 October 1900
Received in equipment department
50874e7409d4090755015fd1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_023_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fd3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_023_1.jpg)
8 October 1887
Received in equipment department
50874e7409d4090755015fd5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_024_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fd7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_024_1.jpg)
8 October 1900
Amphitrite - Amphitrite and Osceola got underway at 10:10.
Osceola - Amphitrite and Osceola got underway at 10:10.
A.H.Gale(M.att) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att),J.McVey(F2C) and A.D.Kennedy(Lands))
A.D.Kennedy(Lands) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att),J.McVey(F2C) and A.D.Kennedy(Lands)
J.McVey(F.2C.) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att),J.McVey(F2C) and A.D.Kennedy(Lands)
L.A.Jost, Yeo2.Cl - L.A.Jost,Yeo 2.Cl. transferred to U.S.S. Prairie, New York.
F.L.Pontious, Hos.1.Cl - F.L.Pontious, Hos.1.Cl transferred to U.S.S.Constellation, Newport, R.I.
U.S.S.Prairie - L.A.Jost,Yeo 2.Cl. transferred to U.S.S. Prairie, New York.
U.S.S. Constellation - F.L.Pontious, Hos.1.Cl transferred to U.S.S.Constellation, Newport, R.I.
Amphitrite - got underway at 10:15
Osceola - got underway at 10:15
J. McVey (F.2.C.) - absent without leave:
A H Gale (M.att) - absent without leave:
A.D. Kennedy (Lands) - absent without leave:
"Amphitrite" - At 1:30 Commanding Officer made official call on the "Amphitrite".
L.A. Jost, Yeo 2.Cl - transferred to U.S.S. Prairie, New York.
F.L. Pontious, Hos.1.Cl. - transferred to U.S.S. Constellation, Newport, R.I.
50874e7409d4090755015fd9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_025_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fdb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_025_1.jpg)
9 October 1900
Lt. Comdr G W. Wentz - Lt. Comdr G W. Wentz held a survey on certain Navigator stores.
A.H.Gale(M.att) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att), J McVey(F2C.) A.D.Kennedy(Lands) and J.Boyd (Lands).
J.McVey(F2C) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att),J.McVey(F2C)A.D.Kennedy(Lands) and J.Boyd(Lands).
A.D.Kennedy(Lands) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att),J.McVey(F2C) A.D.Kennedy(Lands)and J. Boyd (Lands).
J.Boyd (Lands) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att),J.McVey(F2C)A.D.Kennedy(Lands) and J.Boyd(Lands).
Nelson J.(S.M.M.) - Nelson J.(S.M.M.) returned from leave of absence.
T.Warburton - At 1:00 specifications of the offense of being absent without leave and intoxicated were delivered to T.Warburton Ch. Yeo.
Lt. Com'dr G.W. Mentz - held a survey on certan Navigator stores
A.H. Gale (M Att) - Absent without leave:
J. McVey (F2C) - Absent without leave:
A.D. Kennedy (Lands) - Absent without leave:
J. Boyd (Lands) - Absent without leave:
Nelson C. (S.M.M.) - returned from leave of absence
T. Warburton ~ Yeo. - At 1:00 specifications of the offense of being absent without leave and intoxicated were delivered to T. Warburton ~ Yeo.
50874e7409d4090755015fdd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_026_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fdf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_026_1.jpg)
10 October 1900
F.Dickman(2M3C.) - F.Dickman(2M3C.) reported from leave at 8:30.
Thomas Warburton - At 10:30 a Summary Court Martial convened in the case of Thomas Warburton, Chief Yeoman U.S. Navy.
Wabash - The crew moved aboard with bags and hammocks from the Wabash after supper.
Navarchos Miaoulis - A Greek Man-of-war, the Navarchos Miaoulis, arrived in port at 4:10 and exchanged national and personal salutes with the Wabash.
A.H.Gale(M.att) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att), J.McVey(F.2C), A.D.Kennedy (Lands) J.Boyd (Lands), J.King(Lands) and J. Robitaille(C.Sea).
J.McVey(F.2C.) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att), J.McVey(F.2C), A.D.Kennedy (Lands) J.Boyd (Lands), J.King(Lands) and J. Robitaille(C.Sea).
A.D.Kennedy(Lands) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att), J.McVey(F.2C), A.D.Kennedy (Lands) J.Boyd (Lands), J.King(Lands) and J. Robitaille(C.Sea).
J.Boyd (Lands) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att), J.McVey(F.2C), A.D.Kennedy (Lands) J.Boyd (Lands), J.King(Lands) and J. Robitaille(C.Sea).
J.King(Lands) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att), J.McVey(F.2C), A.D.Kennedy (Lands) J.Boyd (Lands), J.King(Lands) and J. Robitaille(C.Sea).
J.Robitaille(C.Sea) - Absent without leave: A.H.Gale(M.att), J.McVey(F.2C), A.D.Kennedy (Lands) J.Boyd (Lands), J.King(Lands) and J. Robitaille(C.Sea).
50874e7409d4090755015fe1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_027_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7409d4090755015fe3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_027_1.jpg)
11 October 1900
Received in the pay department
50874e7409d4090755015fe5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_028_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755015fe7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_028_1.jpg)
11 October 1900
J.Robitaille(C.Sea) - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille(C.Sea),J.McVey(F2C),J.Boyd(Lds),J.King(Lds) and A.H.Gale(M.att)
J.McVey(F2C) - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille(C.Sea),J.McVey(F2C),J.Boyd(Lds),J.King(Lds) and A.H.Gale(M.att)
J.Boyd(Lds) - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille(C.Sea),J.McVey(F2C),J.Boyd(Lds),J.King(Lds) and A.H.Gale(M.att)
A.H.Gale(M.att) - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille(C.Sea),J.McVey(F2C),J.Boyd(Lds),J.King(Lds) and A.H.Gale(M.att)
J.King (Lds) - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille(C.Sea),J.McVey(F2C),J.Boyd(Lds),J.King(Lds) and A.H.Gale(M.att)
W.H.Hammer Lands - W.H.Hammer Lands and A.D.Kennedy(Lands) reported return on board at 9:00.
A.D.Kennedy(Lands) - W.H.Hammer Lands and A.D.Kennedy(Lands) reported return on board at 9:00.
T.Nelson(F1C) - T.Nelson(F1C) released from confinement by order of the Commanding Officer of the Wabash.
Wabash - T.Nelson(F1C) released from confinement by order of the Commanding Officer of the Wabash.
T.Warburton(Ch. Yeo) - T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo) and D. Gallant (Sea) removed from confinement on the Wabash to confinement on board this vessel.
D.Gallant(Sea) - T.Warburton(Ch.Yeo) and D. Gallant (Sea) removed from confinement on the Wabash to confinement on board this vessel.
1st Sergt. Sullivan - At 1.50 121 maarines 1st. Sergt Sullivan Corpls.Miller, P., and Falk Privates Brown, J., Brown, T., Carroll, Doram, Denliam, Hurd, Sheridan, Laughlin, Walsh were transferred from the Marine Barracks, Boston Navy Yard, to this ship.
Miller, P. - At 1.50 12 marines 1st Sergt. Sullivan Corpls. Miller,P., and Falk Privates Brown, J., Brown,T., Carroll, Doram,Denliam, Hurd, Sheridan, Laughlin, Walsh were transferred from the Marine Barracks, Boston Navy Yard, to this ship.
Falk - At 1.50 12 marines 1st Sergrt. Sullivan Corpls. Miller,P., and Falk Privates Brown, J.,Brown, T., Carroll, doram, Denliam, Hurd, Sheridan, Laughlin, walsh were transferred from the Marine Barracks, Boston Navy Yard, to this ship.
Brown, J. - At 1.50 12 marines 1st Sergt. Sullivan Corpls. Miller. P., and Falk Privates Brown, J., Brown. T., Carroll, Doram Denliam, Hurd, Sheridan, Laughlin, Walsh were Transferred from the Marine Barracks, Boston Navy Yard, to this ship.
Brown, T. - At 1.50 12 marines 1st. Sergt. Sullivan corpls. Miller, P., and Falk Privates Brown, J., Brown, T., Carroll, doram, Denliam, Hurd, Sheridan, Laughlin Walsh were trans;erred from the Marine Barracks, Boston Navy Yard , to this ship.
Carroll, Doram, Denliam, Hurd, Sheridan, Laughlin,Walsh - At 1.50 12 marines 1st. Sergt. Sullivan Corpls. Miller,P., and Falk Privates Brown, J., Brown, T., Carroll, Doram, Denliam, Hurd, sheridan, Laughlin, Walsh were transferred from the Marine Barracks, Boston Navy Yard, to this ship.
50874e7509d4090755015fe9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_029_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755015feb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_029_1.jpg)
12 October 1900
Received in steam engineering department
Received in equipment department
E.B. Barry, Commander -
50874e7509d4090755015fed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_030_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755015fef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_030_1.jpg)
12 October 1900
J.King(Lands) - J.King (Lands) returned at 7:00.
J.Boyd (Lands) - Absent over leave: J.Boyd(Lands) and J.E. Robitaille (D.Sea).
J.E. Robitaille(D.Sea) - Absent over leave: J.Boyd(Lands) and J.E. Robitaille (D.Sea).
J.McVey(F.2C.) - J.McVey(F.2C.) and A.H.Gale (M.att), having been absent ten days without leave are declared deserters from Oct. 2 by order of the Commanding Officer.
A.H.Gale(M.att) - J.McVey(F.2C.) and A.H.Gale (M.att), having been absent ten days without leave are declared deserters from Oct. 2 by order of the Commanding Officer.
50874e7509d4090755015ff1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_031_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755015ff3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_031_1.jpg)
13 October 1900
J.Boyd (Lands) - Absentees: J.Boyd(Lands, J.E.Robitaille(C.Sea).
J.E. Robitaille(C.Sea) - Absentees: J.Boyd(Lands, J.E.Robitaille(C.Sea).
R.J.Linek - R.J.Linek reported his return from 7 days leave at 11:00, having overstayed leave two days.
D.Furukawa - D.Furukawa, W.R.Steward, transferred from the Wabash reported on board at 1:30.
Wabash - D.Furukawa, W.R.Steward, transferred from the Wabash reported on board at 1:30.
N.E. T Yoshida - N.E.T Yoshida, Cabin Std.transferred from the Constellation, Newport, R.I. reported at 7:00.
Constellation - N.E.T Yoshida, Cabin Std.transferred from the Constellation, Newport, R.I. reported at 7:00.
Vogelsong, C.C. Cox - Vogelsong, C.C. Cox reported return from leave at 8:00.
50874e7509d4090755015ff5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_032_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755015ff7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_032_1.jpg)
14 October 1900
L.Howard(C.Sea) - L.Howard(C.Sea) reported return on board 4 days overtime.
50874e7509d4090755015ff9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_033_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755015ffb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_033_1.jpg)
15 October 1900
Received in steam engineering department
50874e7509d4090755015ffd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_034_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755015fff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_034_1.jpg)
15 October 1900
Received in steam engineering department - continued from preceeding page
50874e7509d4090755016001: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_035_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016003: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_035_1.jpg)
15 October 1900
Received in equipment department
50874e7509d4090755016005: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_036_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016007: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_036_1.jpg)
15 October 1900
T.Nelson(F1C) - T.Nelson(FIC) after obtaining permission from Officer of the deck to go to the Wabash, attempted to leave the navy Ysrd and was arrested by the Corporal of the Guard.
Wabash - T.Nelson(FIC) after obtaining permission from Officer of the deck to go to the Wabash, attempted to leave the navy Ysrd and was arrested by the Corporal of the Guard.
Lieut. Patton - He was brought back on board by the Master at Arms and placed in confinement by the Senior Officer Lieut. Patton, to await the action of the Commanding Officer.
Carpenter, W.C., Sea - Absentees: Carpenter, W.C., Sea; Pfaffer, C. A., Sea;Robitaille, J.,C.Sea; Howe, R.E.,C.Sea and Huger, P.L.,Lands.
Pfaller, C.A., Sea - Absentees:Carpenter, W.C.,Sea; Pfaller, C.A.,Sea;Robitaille,J.,C.Sea; Howe, R.E.,C Sea and Huger, A.L.,Lands.
Robitaille, J.C.,Sea - Absentees: Carpenter, W.C., Sea; Pfaffer, C. A., Sea;Robitaille, J.,C.Sea; Howe, R.E.,C.Sea and Huger, P.L.,Lands.
Howe, R.E.,C.Sea - Absentees: Carpenter, W.C., Sea; Pfaffer, C. A., Sea;Robitaille, J.,C.Sea; Howe, R.E.,C.Sea and Huger, P.L.,Lands.
Huger, A.L., Lands. - Absentees: Carpenter, W.C., Sea; Pfaffer, C. A., Sea;Robitaille, J.,C.Sea; Howe, R.E.,C.Sea and Huger, P.L.,Lands.
Thomas Warburton - At 4:00 Lieut Patton read the specifictions, findings, and sentence of S.C.M. in the case of Thomas Warburton, Chief Yeoman, W.S.Navy for having been absent without leave and intoxicated.
N.W.Junker, A.Lands. - N.W.Junker, A.Lands. and Anderson H.GC1C transferred from U.S.S."Amphitrite", reported at 4:30.
Anderson,H. G.C.1.C. - N.W.Junker, A.Lands. and Anderson H.GC1C transferred from U.S.S."Amphitrite", reported at 4:30.
U.S.S.Amphitrite - N.W.Junker, A.Lands. and Anderson H.GC1C transferred from U.S.S."Amphitrite", reported at 4:30.
King, R.C. M.att. - King,R.C. M.att. and Hatfield, W.E.Cook transferred from U.S.R.S. Wabash, reported at 4:30.
Hatfield, W.E. Cook - King,R.C. M.att. and Hatfield, W.E.Cook transferred from U.S.R.S. Wabash, reported at 4:30.
50874e7509d4090755016009: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_037_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501600b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_037_1.jpg)
16 October 1900
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
Received in equipment department
50874e7509d409075501600d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_038_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501600f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_038_1.jpg)
16 October 1900
W.L.Parker, F.2.C. - Absent without leave: A.McGreggor, B.M.2.C.,W.L.Parker, F.2.C. J.Boyd, Lands.,W.C.Carpenter, Sea, J.Robitaille, C Sea., T.Cassell, C.P., and A.B.Dorsey, Cox
A.McGreggor,B.M.2.C. - Absent without leave: A.McGreggor, B.M.2.C.,W.L.Parker, F.2.C. J.Boyd, Lands.,W.C.Carpenter, Sea, J.Robitaille, C Sea., T.Cassell, C.P., and A.B.Dorsey, Cox
J.Boyd, Lands. - Absent without leave: A.McGreggor, B.M.2.C.,W.L.Parker, F.2.C. J.Boyd, Lands.,W.C.Carpenter, Sea, J.Robitaille, C Sea., T.Cassell, C.P., and A.B.Dorsey, Cox
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - Absent without leave: A.McGreggor, B.M.2.C.,W.L.Parker, F.2.C. J.Boyd, Lands.,W.C.Carpenter, Sea, J.Robitaille, C Sea., T.Cassell, C.P., and A.B.Dorsey, Cox
J.Robitaille, C Sea - Absent without leave: A.McGreggor, B.M.2.C.,W.L.Parker, F.2.C. J.Boyd, Lands.,W.C.Carpenter, Sea, J.Robitaille, C Sea., T.Cassell, C.P., and A.B.Dorsey, Cox
T.Cassell, C.P. - Absent without leave: A.McGreggor, B.M.2.C.,W.L.Parker, F.2.C. J.Boyd, Lands.,W.C.Carpenter, Sea, J.Robitaille, C Sea., T.Cassell, C.P., and A.B.Dorsey, Cox
A.B.Dorsey, Cox. - Absent without leave: A.McGreggor, B.M.2.C.,W.L.Parker, F.2.C. J.Boyd, Lands.,W.C.Carpenter, Sea, J.Robitaille, C Sea., T.Cassell, C.P., and A.B.Dorsey, Cox
Thos. Brown, P.M. - Tos. Brown, P.M. returned 50 hours late.
50874e7509d4090755016011: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_039_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016013: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_039_1.jpg)
17 October 1900
D.Gallant, Sea. - D.Gallant, Sea. released from confinement quarters at 9:30.
J.Boyd, Lands. - Absentees:J.Boyd, Lands.,Robitaille, J C Sea., C. Carpenter, W.C.-Sea., Dorsey, A.B.-Cox., Cassell, T.,-C.P. and Russell, E.-F.1.C.
Robitaille,J C Sea - Absentees:J.Boyd, Lands.,Robitaille, J C Sea., C. Carpenter, W.C.-Sea., Dorsey, A.B.-Cox., Cassell, T.,-C.P. and Russell, E.-F.1.C.
Carpenter, W.C., Sea - Absentees:J.Boyd, Lands.,Robitaille, J C Sea., C. Carpenter, W.C.-Sea., Dorsey, A.B.-Cox., Cassell, T.,-C.P. and Russell, E.-F.1.C.
Cassell, T.-C.P. - Absentees:J.Boyd, Lands.,Robitaille, J C Sea., C. Carpenter, W.C.-Sea., Dorsey, A.B.-Cox., Cassell, T.,-C.P. and Russell, E.-F.1.C.
Dorsey, A.B.-Cox. - Absentees:J.Boyd, Lands.,Robitaille, J C Sea., C. Carpenter, W.C.-Sea., Dorsey, A.B.-Cox., Cassell, T.,-C.P. and Russell, E.-F.1.C.
Russell, E.-F.1.C. - Absentees:J.Boyd, Lands.,Robitaille, J C Sea., C. Carpenter, W.C.-Sea., Dorsey, A.B.-Cox., Cassell, T.,-C.P. and Russell, E.-F.1.C.
Parker, W.L.-F.2.C. - Parker, W.L.-F.2.C. placed under sentry's charge to await action of Commanding Officer for leaving ship without permission.
50874e7509d4090755016015: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_040_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016017: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_040_1.jpg)
18 October 1900
list of punishments
50874e7509d4090755016019: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_041_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501601b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_041_1.jpg)
18 October 1900
Received in the pay department from General storekeepers
T.Cassell, C.P. - T.cassell, C.P. reported return from liberty 3 days overtime.
J.Boyd, Lands. - Absentees: J.Boyd, Lands; J.Robitaille, C Sea; A.B. Dorsey Cox; W.C.Carpenter-Sea. and E Russell-F.1.C.
J.Robitaille, C Sea - Absentees: J.Boyd, Lands; J.Robitaille, C Sea; A.B. Dorsey Cox; W.C.Carpenter-Sea. and E Russell-F.1.C.
A.B.Dorsey, Cox. - Absentees: J.Boyd, Lands; J.Robitaille, C Sea; A.B. Dorsey Cox; W.C.Carpenter-Sea. and E Russell-F.1.C.
W.C.Carpenter-Sea - Absentees: J.Boyd, Lands; J.Robitaille, C Sea; A.B. Dorsey Cox; W.C.Carpenter-Sea. and E Russell-F.1.C.
E Russell-F.1.C. - Absentees: J.Boyd, Lands; J.Robitaille, C Sea; A.B. Dorsey Cox; W.C.Carpenter-Sea. and E Russell-F.1.C.
50874e7509d409075501601d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_042_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501601f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_042_1.jpg)
18 October 1900
50874e7509d4090755016021: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_043_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016023: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_043_1.jpg)
19 October 1900
Received in equipment department
50874e7509d4090755016025: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_044_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016027: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_044_1.jpg)
19 October 1900
J.Robitaille, C Sea - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille, C Sea, W.C.Carpenter Sea., A.B.Dorsey, Cox., and E. Russell, F.1.C.
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille, C Sea, W.C.Carpenter Sea., A.B.Dorsey, Cox., and E. Russell, F.1.C.
A.B.Dorsey, Cox. - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille, C Sea, W.C.Carpenter Sea., A.B.Dorsey, Cox., and E. Russell, F.1.C.
E.Russell, F.1.C. - Absent without leave: J.Robitaille, C Sea, W.C.Carpenter Sea., A.B.Dorsey, Cox., and E. Russell, F.1.C.
John Boyd-Lands - John boyd-Lands, having been absent without leave 10 days is declared a deserter from the U.S.S. Vicksbur and the U.S. Naval Service.
E.K.Dean,GM3C - Transferred to Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. E.K.Dean, GM3C and E.F. Beruer, Lands.
E.F. Beruer, Lands - Transferred to Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. E.K.Dean, GM3C and E.F. Beruer, Lands.
50874e7509d4090755016029: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_045_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501602b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_045_1.jpg)
20 October 1900
Received in equipment department
50874e7509d409075501602d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_046_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501602f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_046_1.jpg)
20 October 1900
Jos. Robitaille, C Sea. - Jos. Robitaille, C Sea. having been absent 10 days without leave is declared a deserter from the U.S.S. Vicksburg and the U.S. Naval Service.
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - Absentees: W.C.Carpenter, Sea., A.B. Dorsey, Cox. and E. Russell, F.1.C.
A.B.Dorsey, Cox. - Absentees: W.C.Carpenter, Sea., A.B. Dorsey, Cox. and E. Russell, F.1.C.
E.Russell, F.1.C. - Absentees: W.C.Carpenter, Sea., A.B. Dorsey, Cox. and E. Russell, F.1.C.
50874e7509d4090755016031: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_047_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016033: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_047_1.jpg)
21 October 1900
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - Absent without leave: W.C.Carpenter, Sea, A. B.Dorsey, Cox and E. Russell, F1C.
A.B. Dorsey, Cox - Absent without leave: W.C.Carpenter, Sea, A. B.Dorsey, Cox and E. Russell, F1C.
E.Russell, F1C - Absent without leave: W.C.Carpenter, Sea, A. B.Dorsey, Cox and E. Russell, F1C.
50874e7509d4090755016035: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_048_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016037: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_048_1.jpg)
22 October 1900
A.B.Dorsey - A.B.Dorsey returned on board 172 hours overleave.
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - Absent overleave: W.C.Carpenter, Sea.,and J. King,-W.T.
J. King,-W.T. - Absent overleave: W.C.Carpenter, Sea.,and J. King,-W.T.
50874e7509d4090755016039: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_049_0.jpg)
in dry dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501603b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_049_1.jpg)
23 October 1900
T. Nelson, F1.C. - T.Ne.son, F 1.C. was released from confinement by order of the Commanding Officer, his confinement, 5 days double irons, having expired.
J.King, W.T. - The folowing were brought to the mast and punished by Commanding Officer as follows: J.King, W.T.- 9 hours overtime; reduced to 2nd class; A.B. Dorsey, cox, 6 days and 21 hours overtime; reduced to 4th class.
A.B.Dorsey, Cox. - The following were brought to the mast and punished by Commanding Officer as follows: J.King, w.T.-9 hours overtime; reduced to 2nd class; A.B.Dorsey, Cox, 6 days and 21 hours overtime; reduced to 4th class.
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - Absentees: W.C. Carpenter, Sea.
50874e7509d409075501603d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_050_0.jpg)
in dry dock and alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501603f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_050_1.jpg)
24 October 1900
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - W.C. Carpenter, Sea., was declared a deserter from the Naval Service and this vessel.
T. Gilsinan, C.C.M. - T. Gilsinan. C.C.M. was transferred from this ship to Chelsea Hospital.
Got ship ready for leaving dry dock. Gates of caison were opened at 6:30. Hands stationed at all sea valves and flood cocksand man in after trimiming tank to watch for leaks. Ship floated at 7:25. All sea valves and flood cocks seperated secure. and no leak reported.
50874e7509d4090755016041: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_051_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016043: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_051_1.jpg)
25 October 1900
WB Rogers - Asst. Paymaster W B Rogers returned from leave of absence.
50874e7509d4090755016045: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_052_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016047: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_052_1.jpg)
26 October 1900
W.W.Lewis, A.1.C. - W.W. Lewis, A.1.C. brought to mast at 9:00 for overstaying leave 24 hrs. and reduced by the Commanding Officer from 3rd to 4th class.
U.S.S.Wabash - J.L.Foeman, F.1.C. transferred to U.S.S. Wabash in ccordance with Bureau of Navigations order #238594.
J.L.Foeman. F.1.C. - J.L.Foeman, F.1.C. transferred to U.S.S. Wabash in ccordance with Bureau of Navigations order #238594.
USS Wabash - Transfer of personnel
50874e7509d4090755016049: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_053_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501604b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_053_1.jpg)
27 October 1900
E.G.Farmer. A.2.C. - Punishment awarded:E.G.Farmer, A.2.C. for leaving ship and running around Yard;10 hours extra duty.
50874e7509d409075501604d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_054_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501604f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_054_1.jpg)
28 October 1900
A. McGreggor,BM2C - A.McGreggor, BM2C, returned 23 hours late.
H.L.Cook, Mch.2C. - Absent without leave H.L.Cook, Mch.2C.
W.L. Parker,F2C - By order of the Commanding Officer, W.L.Parker, F2C was released, his term of confinement having expired.
WC.Carpenter, Sea. - WC. Carpenter, Sea., reported return at 1:00, 14 days overleave and was placed by Executive Officer under sentry's charge to await action of Commanding Officer. c
50874e7509d4090755016051: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_055_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016053: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_055_1.jpg)
29 October 1900
H.L.Cook, Mch.2C. - Absent:H.L.Cook,Mch.2.C.
A.McGreggor,B.M.2.C. - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: A.McGreggor, BM2C, 36 hours overleave; reduced to 4th class, M.A. Thornton,Lands, refusing to obey orders;five days confinement on bread and water and he was confined accordingly.
M.A.Thornton, Lands - The Commanding Officer awarded the following punishments: A.McGreggor, BM2C, 36 hours overleave, reduced to 4th class, M.A. Thornton, Lands, refusing to obey orders; five days confinement on bread and water and he was confined accordingly.
W.C.Carpenter, Sea - W.C.Carpenter, Sea. returning 14 days overleave was made a prisoner at large to await further action By the Commanding Officer.
50874e7509d4090755016055: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_056_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016057: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_056_1.jpg)
30 October 1900
H.L.Cook, Mch.2C. - Absentees:H.L.Cook, Mch.2C. and W.L.Parker, F2C.
W.L.Parker, F.2.C. - Absentees:H.L.Cook, Mch.2C. and W.L.Parker, F2C.
Amphitrite - The Amphitrite got underway at 9:25 and went into dry-dock.
W.Wright, C.P. - The following punishments were infliced by the commanding Officer: W. Wright, C.P. for neglect of duty.
50874e7509d4090755016059: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_057_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501605b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_057_1.jpg)
31 October 1900
U.S.R.S.Wabash - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.R.S.Wabash: W.D. Harder, J M Lusby, P. McFaddden, B.S.Waterman, Landsmen, J.Harris, F.2.C. and Jim Scott,Mess. Att.
W.D.Harder - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.R.S.Wabash: W.D. Harder, J M Lusby, P. McFaddden, B.S.Waterman, Landsmen, J.Harris, F.2.C. and Jim Scott,Mess. Att.
J M Lusby - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.R.S.Wabash: W.D. Harder, J M Lusby, P. McFaddden, B.S.Waterman, Landsmen, J.Harris, F.2.C. and Jim Scott,Mess. Att.
B.S.Waterman - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.R.S.Wabash: W.D. Harder, J M Lusby, P. McFaddden, B.S.Waterman, Landsmen, J.Harris, F.2.C. and Jim Scott,Mess. Att.
J. Harris. F.2.C. - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.R.S.Wabash: W.D. Harder, J M Lusby, P. McFaddden, B.S.Waterman, Landsmen, J.Harris, F.2.C. and Jim Scott,Mess. Att.
P. McFadden - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.R.S.Wabash: W.D. Harder, J M Lusby, P. McFaddden, B.S.Waterman, Landsmen, J.Harris, F.2.C. and Jim Scott,Mess. Att.
Jim Scott, Mess.Att. - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.R.S.Wabash: W.D. Harder, J M Lusby, P. McFaddden, B.S.Waterman, Landsmen, J.Harris, F.2.C. and Jim Scott,Mess. Att.
50874e7509d409075501605d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_058_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat Navy Yard, Boston Mass., Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501605f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_058_1.jpg)
1 November 1900
Received in equipment department
50874e7509d4090755016061: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_059_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016063: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_059_1.jpg)
1 November 1900
M.A.Thornton, Lands - M.A.Thornton, Lands, brought to the mast at 9:00 and released from confinement by the Commanding Officer.
W.L.Parker, F.2.C. - Absentees:W.L.Parker, F.2.C.
J. B. Patton, Lieutenant, USN - Signed log entry
M A Thornton, Camdr - brought to the mast at 9:00 and released from confinement by the Commanding Officer.
W. L. Parker, F2C - absentee
Quarters at 9:30, followed by abandon ship, where crews of boats were assigned stations for abandoning ship, and arm and away.
William McEntee, Naval Cadet, USN - Signed log entry
W. L. Parker, F2C - arrested in the City of Boston, brought on board intoxicated and confined under sentry's charge to await action of Commanding Officer.
J. H. Glennon, Lieutenant USN - Signed log page
50874e7509d4090755016065: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_060_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016067: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_060_1.jpg)
2 November 1900
W.L.Parker, F.2.C. - Punishments awarded by the commanding Officer as follows: W.L.Parker,F.2.C. "for" leaving the ship without permission and remaining absent 61 hours.
H.Ducheischel, BM1C. - H.Ducheischel, BM1C, J.E.Larson,Cox and Maher, M.J., GM3C came on board transferred from the U.S.S.New York to this vessel.
J.E.Larson,Cox - H.Ducheischel, BM1C, J.E.Larson,Cox and Maher, M.J., GM3C came on board transferred from the U.S.S.New York to this vessel.
Maher, M.J.,GM3C - H.Ducheischel, BM1C, J.E.Larson,Cox and Maher, M.J., GM3C came on board transferred from the U.S.S.New York to this vessel.
U.S.S.New York - H.Ducheischel, BM1C, J.E.Larson,Cox and Maher, M.J., GM3C came on board transferred from the U.S.S.New York to this vessel.
W.Howard, Mess. Att. - Also H.L.Brown, Mess. Att. and W.Howard, Mess Att. transferred from the U.S.S.Texas to this vessel.
H.L Brown, Mess. Att. - Also H.L.Brown, Mess. Att. and W.Howard, Mess Att. transferred from the U.S.S.Texas to this vessel.
U.S.S.Texas - Also H.L.Brown, Mess. Att. and W.Howard, Mess Att. transferred from the U.S.S.Texas to this vessel.
J.A.Williams, Cox - J.A. Williams, Cox, transferred to this ship from the U.S.S. New York, member of a party under charge of H. Ducheischel, BM.C. left party on the way and did not report on board.
Topeka - Received mail on board for the Topeka and Dixie.
Dixie - Received mail on board for the Topeka and Dixie.
Commences and until 4.00 am. Clear and pleasant. Gentle breeze from SW.
4.00 to 8.00 am. Cloudy and misty. Light breeze to light airs from SW.
8.00 to meridian. Clear and pleasant. Light airs to light breeze from SW. Barometer falling slowly.
Meridian to 4.00 pm. Clear and pleasant. Light to moderate breeze from WNW. Barometer slowly rising.
4.00 to 8.00 pm. Clear and pleasant. Light airs to light breeze from WNW to west. Barometer rising.
8.00 to midnight. Clear and pleasant. Light airs to light breezes from west first three hours; calm last hour. Barometer slowly rising.
50874e7509d4090755016069: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_061_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501606b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_061_1.jpg)
3 November 1900
D.Gallant, Sea. - D.Gallant, Sea. was found to be absent from the ship without permission.
W. F. Bricker - Signed log entry
At 1:00 called all hands to muster and read "Articles for the government of the Navy". Received from dock hydrant 2000 (1800) gallons fresh water in ship's tanks
D. Gallant Sea - was found to be absent from the ship without permission
50874e7509d409075501606d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_062_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501606f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_062_1.jpg)
4 November 1900
D. Gallant, Sea. - D.Gallant, Sea. returned on board after being absent without leave and was placed under sentry's charge to await action of Commanding Officer.
50874e7509d4090755016071: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_063_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016073: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_063_1.jpg)
5 November 1900
L.Howard, C Sea - L.Howard, C Sea, 1 week extra duty.
D. Gallant, Sea. - D.Gallant, Sea., 5 days solitary comfinement on bread and water for leaving the ship without permission and returning at 6 A.M. absent 11 hours.
W.L.Parker, F.2.C. - W.L.Parker, F.2.C. was released from confinement.
50874e7509d4090755016075: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_064_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016077: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_064_1.jpg)
6 November 1900
Received in pay department from General Storekeeper
50874e7509d4090755016079: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_065_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501607b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_065_1.jpg)
6 November 1900
J.Brooks, C.P. - Absent without leave: J.Brooks, C.P.
Lt.Comdr, G. W.Mentz - A Board of Survey, Lt.Comdr, G.W.Mentz, Senior member meet on board to survey Equipment Navigation Stores.
50874e7509d409075501607d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_066_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d409075501607f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_066_1.jpg)
7 November 1900
received following stores in steam engineering department
50874e7509d4090755016081: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_067_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
50874e7509d4090755016083: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_067_1.jpg)
7 November 1900
coal: 18 tons 2090 lbs -
W. Champlin ~ C.M. - reported aboard from the USRS Vermont at 10:00.
P. Woods, O Sea - reported from USS New York at 1.00
J. Herclee - reported from USS New York at 1.00
F. W. Cobb, Mch. 1.cl - transferred to Chelsea Naval Hospital.
J. Brooks, C.P. - Absentees:
H. Johannson, Cox - Absentees:
H. L. Cook, M2C - Absentees:
C. H. Burrill, Ch.Mch - Absentees:
H. L. Cook, M.2.C. - returned at 11:00
50874e7509d4090755016085: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_068_0.jpg)
alongside dock navy yard boston mass
Lat 42.4, Long -71.1
4.15 Left Dock standing down main channel.
50874e7509d4090755016087: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_068_1.jpg)
8 November 1900
W.L.Parker, F.2.C. - At 11:00W.L.Parker left ship without permission.
T. Carney, F.1C. - Absentees: J.Brooks, C.P.; Burrill, CH ChMch; H.Johanessen, Cox., T. Carney, F.1C., J.F. Harris, F2C, w.E.Dugdell, Sea., T.E.Grady, A2C., C.H.Hayes, A1C., Hennessy, PtF., W.L.Parker, F2C and D.Nelson, SMM and J.H.Halliwell, Mch2Cl.
J.F.Harris,F2C, - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
Burrill, CH ChMch - Absentees: J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH ChMch; H. Johannesen, cox., t. Carney, F.1.C., J.f. Harris, F2C, W.E. Dugdell, Sea., T.E. Grady, A2C., C.H.Hayes, A1C., Hennessey, PtF., W.L.Parker, F2C and D.Nelson, SMM and J.H.Halliwell, Mch 2Cl.
H. Johannessen, Cox - Absentees: J. Brooks, C.P.; C.P.Burrill, CH ChMch;H. Johannessen,cox.,T.Carney, F.1.C., J. F. Harris, F2C, W.E.Dugdell, Sea., T.E.Grady, A2C.,C.H.Hayes, A1C.,Hennessy, PtF.,W.L.Parker, F2C and D. Nelson, SMM and J.H.Halliwell, Mch2Cl.
J.Brooks, C.P. - Absentees: J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, C H ChMch; H. Johannesen,Cox.,T.Carney, F.1.C., J.F.Harris, F2C, W.E.Dugdell, Sea.,T.E.Grady, A2C.,C.H.Hayes,A1C.,Hennessy, Pt F.,W.L.Parker, F2C and D.Nelson, SMM and J.H.Halliwell,Mch 2Cl.
W. E. Dugdell, Sea., - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
C.H.Hayes, A1C. - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
Hennessy, PtF - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
T.E.Grady, A2C - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
W.L. Parker,F2C - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
J.H.Halliwell, Mch2Cl - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
B.Nelson, SMM - Absentees:J.Brooks, C.P.;Burrill, CH Ch Mch;H.Johannessen, Cox.,
At 4:20 fired a salute of 13 guns, which was answered by 7 guns from the U.S.S.Wabash.
U.S.S.Wabash - At 4:20 fired a salute of 13 guns, which was answered by 7 guns from the U.S.S. Wabash.
T.Moynihan, Olr. - T.Moynihan,Olr., and T. Nelson, F.1.C. were placed under the sentry's charge to await further action.
T.Nelson, F.1.C. - T.Moynihan,Olr., and T. Nelson, F.1.C. were placed under the sentry's charge to await further action.
50874e7509d4090755016089: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_069_0.jpg)
at anchor off deer island president roads boston mass
Lat 32.2, Long 119.3
50874e7509d409075501608b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_069_1.jpg)
9 November 1900
50874e7509d409075501608d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_070_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 40.42, Long -67.97
50874e7509d409075501608f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_070_1.jpg)
10 November 1900
50874e7509d4090755016091: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_071_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 38.47, Long -64.67
50874e7509d4090755016093: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_071_1.jpg)
11 November 1900
50874e7509d4090755016095: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_072_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 38.42, Long -60.45
50874e7509d4090755016097: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_072_1.jpg)
12 November 1900
50874e7509d4090755016099: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_073_0.jpg)
Lat 37.93, Long -57.58
50874e7509d409075501609b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_073_1.jpg)
13 November 1900
50874e7509d409075501609d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_074_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 36.97, Long -56.33
50874e7509d409075501609f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_074_1.jpg)
14 November 1900
50874e7509d40907550160a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_075_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 35.90, Long -51.05
50874e7509d40907550160a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_075_1.jpg)
15 November 1900
50874e7509d40907550160a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_076_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 35.77, Long -42.35
50874e7509d40907550160a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_076_1.jpg)
16 November 1900
50874e7509d40907550160a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_077_0.jpg)
17 November 1900
Lat 36.02, Long -42.48
j.b patton -
50874e7509d40907550160ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_077_1.jpg)
17 November 1900
J.B Patton -
50874e7509d40907550160ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_078_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 36.35, Long -37.60
50874e7509d40907550160af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_078_1.jpg)
18 November 1900
50874e7509d40907550160b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_079_0.jpg)
Lat 35.88, Long -34.80
50874e7509d40907550160b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_079_1.jpg)
19 November 1900
50874e7509d40907550160b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_080_0.jpg)
Lat 36.65, Long -32.48
50874e7509d40907550160b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_080_1.jpg)
20 November 1900
R.G.Barry, Apprentice 2nd class - R.G.Barry, Apprentice 2nd class to one weeks extra duty for not reporting routine as orderly.
50874e7509d40907550160b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_081_0.jpg)
8 pm
Lat 37.85, Long -27.10
50874e7509d40907550160bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_081_1.jpg)
21 November 1900
At 10:49 sighted land; Pico Island, bearing N.E.1/2 N.(p.c.).
50874e7509d40907550160bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_082_0.jpg)
making passage from boston to gibraltar
Lat 37.05, Long -24.83
50874e7509d40907550160bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_082_1.jpg)
22 November 1900
island of sta maria in sight on starboard beam
Lat -7.6, Long 39.9
E.Wilson, C.P. - By order of the Commanding Officer released E. Wilson, C.P. his ternm of confinement having expired.
At 8.00 signal for this ship was answered from the signal station at Ponta Delgada.
50874e7509d40907550160c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_083_0.jpg)
position at noon
Lat -37.13, Long -20.47
50874e7509d40907550160c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_083_1.jpg)
23 November 1900
W.C. Carpenter, (Sea) - W.C.Carpenter,(Sea.) was sentenced by the Commanding Officer to five days solitary confinement on bread and water for being fourteen days overtime, and was confined according to the sentence.
50874e7509d40907550160c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_084_0.jpg)
position at 8am
Lat 37.00, Long -16.55
50874e7509d40907550160c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_084_1.jpg)
24 November 1900
50874e7509d40907550160c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_085_0.jpg)
position at 8pm
Lat 36.85, Long -11.33
50874e7509d40907550160cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_085_1.jpg)
25 November 1900
at 1005 cape st vincent light reported from the masthead
Lat 49.9, Long -6.5
At 10.05 Cape St Vincent lights reported from the mast-head.Visable from bridge at 10.37, bearing NE 3/4N.
50874e7509d40907550160cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_086_0.jpg)
Lat 36.07, Long -7.22
50874e7509d40907550160cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_086_1.jpg)
26 November 1900
600 sighted cape spartel light bearing se by e 12 e
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
Then various courses were steered standing into Gibralter.
50874e7509d40907550160d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_087_0.jpg)
anchored at gibraltar
Lat , Long
50874e7509d40907550160d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_087_1.jpg)
27 November 1900
HMS Caliope - At 7.35 English Lieutenant from HMS Caliope came on board and requested that we shift our berth to further up the harbour.
At 8.00 fired a salute of 21 guns, English flag at the main, which was returned by a battery on shore.
Vice Admiral Sir Harry Rawson - At 10.30 the British Channel Squadron of nine armoured vessels under command of Vice Admiral Sir Harry Rawson came in and anchored
HMS Majestic, HMS Magnificient, HMS HMS Resolution, Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem and Furious. - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry C Rawson and Captain GC Egerton, HMS Majestic; Rear Admiral AB Jenkins and Captain AJ Horsley, HMS Magnificient, Captains of of the HMS Resolution, Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem and Furious.
H.M.S. Furious - At 7.00 H.M.S.Furious came in and anchored.
H.M.S. Caliope - At 7.35 an English Lieutenant from the H.M.S. Caliope came on board and requested that we shift our berth to farther up the harbor.
Vice Admiral Sir Harry Rawson - At 10.30 the British Channel of nine armored vessels under the command of Vice Admiral Sir Harry Rawson came in and anchored.
Captain E.C.Egerton - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C. Edgerton, H.M.S.Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B. Jenkins, and Captain A.J. Horsley, H.M.S.Magnificent; Captains of the H.M.S.Resolution,Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, And Furious.
H.M.S.Majestic - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C. Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B.Jenkins, and Captain A.J.Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent; Caprains of the H.M.S. Resolution,Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem , and Furious.
Captain A.J.Horsley - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C. Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B.Jenkins, and Captain A.J.Horsley,H.M.s. Magnificent; Captains of the H.M.S. Magnicifient; captains of the H.M.S. Resolution, Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
Rear Admiral A.B. Jenkins - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C. Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral a.B. Jenkins, and captain A.J. Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent;Captains of the H.M.S. Resolution,Prince george, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
H.M.S. Magnificent - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Rear Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C. Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B. Jenkins, and Captain A.J.Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent; Captains of the H.M.s. Resolution,Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem - The Commanding Officer made official calls on vice Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C.Egerton, H.M.s.Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B.Jenkins,and Captain A.J.Horsely, H.M.S. Magnificent;Captains of the H.M.S. Resolution, Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
H.M.S. Resolution - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C.Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B. Jenkins, and Captain A.J.Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent;Captains of the M.M.S. Resolution, Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
Hannibal - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C. Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B. Jenkins, and Captain A.J.Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent;Captains of the H.M.S. Resolution, Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
Mars - The Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry Rawson and Captain e.C.Egerton, H.M.S.Majestic;Rear Admiral A.B. Jenkins, and Captain A.J. Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent;Captains of the H.M.S. Resolution, Prince George, Marse, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
Repulse - the Commanding Officer made official calls on Vice Admiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captaiin e.C.Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral A.B. Jenkins, and Captain A.J.Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent; Captains of the H.M.s. Resolution, Prince Geoprge, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, and Furious.
Prince George - The Commanding Officer made official calls oon Vice Admmiral Sir Harry C. Rawson and Captain E.C.Egerton, H.M.S. Majestic; Rear Admiral a.B. Jenkins, and Captain A.J.Horsley, H.M.S. Magnificent;Captains of the H.M.S. Resolution, Prince George, Mars, Repulse, Hannibal, Jupiter, Pactolus, Diadem, And Furious.
50874e7509d40907550160d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_088_0.jpg)
at anchor gibraltar and underway steaming to naples italy
Lat 36.1, Long -5.3
50874e7509d40907550160d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_088_1.jpg)
28 November 1900
at 600 europa ligh bore westt
Lat 22.6, Long 7.8
W.C.Carpenter,(Sea) - W.C.Carpenter,(Sea) released from confinement by the Commanding Officer.
H.M.S.Caliope - The commanding Officer made official calls on the Commanding Officer of the H.M.S.Caliope and on the Commandant of the Navy Yard
50874e7509d40907550160d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_089_0.jpg)
making passage from gibraltar to naples
Lat 36.82, Long -1.60
50874e7509d40907550160db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_089_1.jpg)
29 November 1900
at 101 sacritif point light bore abeam
Lat 36.9, Long -1.1
50874e7509d40907550160dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_090_0.jpg)
making passage from gibraltar to naples
Lat 38.85, Long 2.48
50874e7509d40907550160df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_090_1.jpg)
30 November 1900
port colon light appeared at 530 bearing nw by w 12 w
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
E.G.Farmer. A.2.C. - Punishments awarded by commanding Officer as follows:T.E.Grady,(Ap.2Cl.)slow in obeying orders, one week extra duty, E.G.Farmer,(Ap.2Cl.) for insolence to C.B.M.. three days solitary confinement on bread and water.
T.E.Grady, A2C - Punishments awarded by commanding Officer as follows:T.E.Grady,(Ap.2Cl)slow in obeying orders, one week extra duty, E.G. Farmer,(Ap.2Cl.) for insolence to C.B.M.. three days solitary confinement on bread and water.
50874e7509d40907550160e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_091_0.jpg)
passage between gibraltar and naples
Lat 40.47, Long 6.18
50874e7509d40907550160e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_091_1.jpg)
1 December 1900
sighted capiara point light at 1020 bearing ese34e
Lat 44.1, Long 15.2
Sighted Capraia Point Light at 10.10pm
At 5.20 man overboard from the head booms; let go botj life buoys, took in all sail, stopped engines, lowered whaleboat, and made every effort to pick up the man but without avail. The search light showed that the man didi not reach the life buoys. After drifting to leeward that ship could not reach them against the gale and they were lost. The lost man proved to be W.S. Wiber(Cox.) The whaleboat was damaged and nearly swamped in hoisting, by the drift and heavy rolling of the shipd. The main topsail was split along the after leech by flapping while endeavoring to bring the ship head to wind.
Man fell overboard and was lost in rough seas. Whale boat damaged in attempted rescue
50874e7509d40907550160e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_092_0.jpg)
making passage from gibraltar to naples
Lat 41.17, Long 10.38
50874e7509d40907550160e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_092_1.jpg)
2 December 1900
at 250 sighted testa light bearing eastpc
Lat 44.1, Long 15.2
Sighted Pertusato Light
sighted Razzoli Light
Testa Light
Cape Testa
Straits of Bonifacio
Lavezzi Light
Guardia point light
Standing through Straits of Bonifacio, Commanding Offier conning.
50874e7509d40907550160e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_093_0.jpg)
making from gibraltar to naples and at anchor naples passage
Lat 40.17, Long 14.03
50874e7509d40907550160eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_093_1.jpg)
3 December 1900
at 100 cuardia pr was abeam 6 miles
Lat 52.6, Long -1.5
Pt Ponza Light
Guardia Pt abeam
Ventotene Island
Pt Nicolò Light
Imperatore Light
Imperatore Light
Carena PT was sighted
Dixie - Exchanged numbers with the Dixie, which came in at 11.20.
50874e7509d40907550160ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_094_0.jpg)
anchored at naples italy
Lat 40.9, Long 14.4
50874e7509d40907550160ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_094_1.jpg)
4 December 1900
The Captain made a return visit to the COmmanding Officer of the Italian Flagship "Colonna"
coal: 150 tons -
Colonna - The Captain made a return visit to the Commanding Officer of the Italian Flag Ship Colonna.
U.S.S. Dixie - The Captain of the U.S.S.Dixie made a call on the Commanding Officer.
50874e7509d40907550160f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_095_0.jpg)
at anchor naples italy
Lat 40.9, Long 14.4
50874e7509d40907550160f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_095_1.jpg)
5 December 1900
Captain Coronato - The Commanding Officer received official visits from the Major General commanding the Italian Army Post at this Plcae, from Captain Coronato, Italian Navy.
B.F.Snyder, (App.2Cl) - B.F. Snyder,(App.2Cl)late hammock, to be called seven times at four bells,L.Howard(C.S.) same.
E.S.Farmer(App.2Cl) - R.G.Berry(App.2Cl) and E.S.Farmer(App2Cl) late in returning to gig, one weeks extra duty.
L.Howard (C.S.) - B.F. Snyder,(App.2Cl)late hammock, to be called seven times at four bells, L.Howard(C.S.) same.
R.G.Berry(App.2Cl) - R.G.Berry(App.2Cl) and E.S.Farmer(App2Cl) late in returning to gig, one weeks extra duty.
Captain Corom - Captain Corom, Italian Navy, representing the Rear Admiral in command of the Royal Arsenal called on the Commanding Officer.
50874e7509d40907550160f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_096_0.jpg)
at anchornaples
Lat 40.9, Long 14.4
50874e7509d40907550160f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_096_1.jpg)
6 December 1900
E.G. Farmer(App.2C) - Punishments were awarded by the commanding Officer as follows: E.G. Farmer(App. 2C) not cleaning gun brightwork, double brightwork for 10 days.
L.Howard (C.S.) - L. Howard, C.S. for smoking in cell 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water.
U.S.S. Dixie - The following men were received on board fransferred from the U.S.S. Dixie to this ship:- J. Vosecky, C.S. L.Knoll, Mch.2Cl.,A.Anderson, F 2Cl. M.Stanford, F.2Cl.
L. Knoll, Mch.2Cl. - The following men were received on board fransferred from the U.S.S. Dixie to this ship:- J. Vosecky, C.S. L.Knoll, Mch.2Cl.,A.Anderson, F 2Cl. M.Stanford, F.2Cl.
J. Vasecky, C.S. - The folowing men were received on board transferred from the U.S.S. Dixie to this ship:- J. Vosecky, C.S. L.Knoll, Mch. 2Cl., A. Anderson, F.2Cl. M. Stanford, F.2Cl.
M.Stanford,F.2Cl. - The following men were received on board fransferred from the U.S.S. Dixie to this ship:- J. Vosecky, C.S. L.Knoll, Mch.2Cl.,A.Anderson, F 2Cl. M.Stanford, F.2Cl.
A.Anderson, F 2Cl. - The following men were received on board fransferred from the U.S.S. Dixie to this ship:- J. Vosecky, C.S. L.Knoll, Mch.2Cl.,A.Anderson, F 2Cl. M.Stanford, F.2Cl.
50874e7509d40907550160f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_097_0.jpg)
moored to breakwater naples
Lat 40.9, Long 14.4
coal: 1 ton - 2150 lbs
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7 December 1900
50874e7509d40907550160fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_098_0.jpg)
moored to breakwater naples
Lat 40.9, Long 14.4
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8 December 1900
A.B.Goodbody, C.Sea - Absentees:A.B.Goodbody. C Sea, R.E.Howe, C Sea and T.Nelson, F.1.C.
R.E.Howe, C Sea - Absentees:A.B.Goodbody. C Sea, R.E.Howe, C Sea and T.Nelson, F.1.C.
T.Nelson, F.1.C. - Absentees:A.B.Goodbody. C Sea, R.E.Howe, C Sea and T.Nelson, F.1.C.
Surgeon G.B.Wilson - A Board of Medical Survey Surgeon G.B.Wilson, senior member met on board to survey P.M.McFadden, Landsman.
P.M.McFadden, Landsman - A Board of Medical Survey Surgeon G.B.Wilson, senior member met on board to survey P.M.McFadden, Landsman.
U.S.S. Dixie - P.M.McFadden, Lds. was transferred to the U.S.S.Dixie.
50874e7509d4090755016101: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_099_0.jpg)
moored to breakwater naples and making passage to port said
Lat 14.28, Long 40.58
50874e7509d4090755016103: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_099_1.jpg)
9 December 1900
Lost sight of capri East end
Sighted C. Palinuto Light House
Palinuro light
Sighted Stromboli Island at 9:00 bearing SbyE1/2E
Stromboli abeam
E.B. Barry - Commander, U.S. Navy
50874e7509d4090755016105: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_100_0.jpg)
Lat 36.88, Long 16.42
50874e7509d4090755016107: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_100_1.jpg)
10 December 1900
Sighted Vaticano light
Sighted Milazzo light
Sighted Peloro light abeam
Entered Messina straits
Pezzo light
Reggio red light
Capo dell'Armi light
Capo Spartivento light
At 3:40 changed course to South and entered Messina Straits, Commanding Officer conning.
A.B.Goodbody, C.S. - Absentees: A.B.goodbody, C.S., R.e.Howe, C.S., C.E.Cross, Hosp.app., and B.L.Waterman, Lds.
C.E.Cross, Hos. app - Absentees: A.B.goodbody, C.S., R.e.Howe, C.S., C.E.Cross, Hos.app., and B.L.Waterman, Lds.
B.L. Waterman, Lds - Absentees: A.B.goodbody, C.S., R.e.Howe, C.S., C.E.Cross, Hos.app., and B.L.Waterman, Lds.
R.E.Howe,C.S. - Absentees: A.B.goodbody, C.S., R.e.Howe, C.S., C.E.Cross, Hosp.app., and B.L.Waterman, Lds.
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Lat 35.72, Long 20.30
50874e7509d409075501610b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_101_1.jpg)
11 December 1900
50874e7509d409075501610d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_102_0.jpg)
making passage from naples to port said
Lat 34.52, Long 23.52
50874e7509d409075501610f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_102_1.jpg)
12 December 1900
T.Nelson, F.1.C. - At 10:00 put T.Nelson, F1C. under sentry charge by order of the Commanding Officer.
A.B.Goodbody, C.Sea - Absentees as follows: A.B.Goodbody, C Sea, RE Howe, C Sea, B.L.Waterman, Lds. and D.E. Cross Hosp.app.
B.L. Waterman, Lds - Absentees as follows: A.B.goodbody, C Sea, RE Howe, C Sea, B.L.Waterman, Lds. and D.E. Cross Hosp.app.
D.E.Cross Hosp.app. - Absentees as follows: A.B.Goodbody, C Sea, RE Howe, C Sea, B.L.Waterman, Lds. and D.E. Cross Hosp.app.
R.E.Howe, C Sea - Absentees as follows: A.B.Goodbody, C Sea, RE Howe, C Sea, B.L.Waterman, Lds. and D.E. Cross Hosp.app.
J.H. Glenmore, Lieut. U.S.N. - A summary courtmartial of which J.H. Glenmore, Lieut. U.S.N. is senior member met at 1:10 for the trial of T.Nelson,F1C.
50874e7509d4090755016111: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_103_0.jpg)
making passage from naples to port said
Lat 32.95, Long 27.60
50874e7509d4090755016113: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_103_1.jpg)
13 December 1900
C.E.Cross, Hos. app - By order of the Commanding Officer A. B. Goodbody, C Sea., R.E. Howe, C Sea, B.L.Waterman, Lds., and C.E.Cross, Hos.app. are been declared deserters from the U.S.S. Vicksburg and Naval Service,
A.B.Goodbody, C.Sea - By order of the Commanding Officer A. B. Goodbody, C Sea., R.E. Howe, C Sea, B.L.Waterman, Lds., and C.E.Cross, Hos.app. are been declared deserters from the U.S.S. Vicksburg and Naval Service,
B.L. Waterman, Lds - By order of
R.E.Howe, C Sea - By order
50874e7509d4090755016115: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_104_0.jpg)
making passage from naples to port said and at anchor at port said
Lat 31.58, Long 32.10
50874e7509d4090755016117: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_104_1.jpg)
14 December 1900
Italian Gunboat "Cariddi" -
50874e7509d4090755016119: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_105_0.jpg)
moored to buoy port said egypt
Lat 31.3, Long 32.3
50874e7509d409075501611b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_105_1.jpg)
15 December 1900
50874e7509d409075501611d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_106_0.jpg)
moored to buoy port said egypt and steaming through suez canal
Lat 32.87, Long 32.30
Coal consumed in 24 hours: 4 tons, 1520 lbs. Coal remaining on hand: 224 tons, 1180 lbs.
50874e7509d409075501611f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_106_1.jpg)
16 December 1900
Italian Cruiser "Cariddi" - in sight ahead
Carididi - The Italian cruiser Carididi got underway at 6:30 went South in the Canal.
50874e7509d4090755016121: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_107_0.jpg)
Lat 30.03, Long 32.57
6 tons 380 lbs of water consumer
6 tons 380 lbs of water consumer
50874e7509d4090755016123: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_107_1.jpg)
17 December 1900
50874e7509d4090755016125: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_108_0.jpg)
making passage from port said to aden
Lat 27.05, Long 34.45
error of compass observed at 2 am
50874e7509d4090755016127: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_108_1.jpg)
18 December 1900
50874e7509d4090755016129: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_109_0.jpg)
making passage from port said to aden
Lat 23.95, Long 36.48
- Course made good since preceding noon: S 31 degrees S. Distance made good since preceding noon: 217.2 miles. Distance by log since preceding noon: 246.3 miles
coal: 10T 1800lbs - Coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours.
coal: 196T 2180lbs - Coal remaining on hand at noon.
50874e7509d409075501612b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_109_1.jpg)
19 December 1900
M A Thornton,Lds - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer; M A Thornton, Lds, neglect of duty; two weeks extra duty; J.Walsh, P.M. late relieving man at post; one week's extra duty.
J. Walsh, P.M. - The
50874e7509d409075501612d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_110_0.jpg)
Lat 21.10, Long 38.00
50874e7509d409075501612f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_110_1.jpg)
20 December 1900
50874e7509d4090755016131: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_111_0.jpg)
position at 8am
Lat 17.85, Long 40.07
Course made good since preceding noon: S 31 degrees E. Distance made good since preceding noon: 227 miles. Distance by log since preceding noon: 256.4 miles
Error of compass observed 27'W. Deviation of compass on 424PM: 27' W 2" 58' E
coal: 174T 1660lbs - Coal remaining on hand
coal: 11T 660lbs - Coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours
50874e7509d4090755016133: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_111_1.jpg)
21 December 1900
50874e7509d4090755016135: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_112_0.jpg)
Lat 14.73, Long 42.23
50874e7509d4090755016137: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_112_1.jpg)
22 December 1900
50874e7509d4090755016139: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_113_0.jpg)
making passage from port said to aden
Lat 12.50, Long 44.42
50874e7509d409075501613b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_113_1.jpg)
23 December 1900
L Howard,C Sea - By order of the Commanding Officer released L Howard,C Sea, from confinement his term of confinement having expired.
H.M.S.Conmore - An English lieutenant from the H.M.S. Conmore made an official visit on board.
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50874e7509d409075501613f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_114_1.jpg)
24 December 1990
50874e7509d4090755016141: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_115_0.jpg)
Lat 12.8, Long 45.0
water expended 300 gallons, 900 gallons remaining
coal: 2 tons 1720 lbs. - remaining coal: 252 tons 2220 lbs.
moved to buoy west
50874e7509d4090755016143: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_115_1.jpg)
25 December 1900
partly cloudy and pleasant in morning. breeze from east.
50874e7509d4090755016145: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_116_0.jpg)
ship vicksburg
Lat 12.93, Long 45.78
coal: 3T 580lbs - Coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours
coal: 249T 1640lbs - Coal remaining on hand at noon
Error of compass observed at 2:53 PM
coal: 3 tons 580 lbs. - coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours
50874e7509d4090755016147: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_116_1.jpg)
26 December 1900
___ and until 4am: Fair and warm. Light breeze from ENE
4 to 8am: Cloudy and warm. Passing rains. Light airs from ENE
8am to Meridian: Cloudy with passing showers of rain. Gentle to moderate breezes from NE. Barometer falling.
Meridian to 4PM: Partly cloudy and pleasant. Stiff breeze from east.
4 to 6pm: Clear with moderate breeze from E by N, moderate sea.
6 to 8pm: Cloudy with moderate breeze from E by N. Moonlight Moderate sea Barometer rising.
8PM to Meridian: Clear and pleasant. Moderate breeze from E by N. Barometer rising slowly.
50874e7509d4090755016149: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_117_0.jpg)
Lat 13.52, Long 47.70
50874e7509d409075501614b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_117_1.jpg)
27 December 1900
50874e7509d409075501614d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_118_0.jpg)
Lat 14.25, Long 50.58
50874e7509d409075501614f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_118_1.jpg)
28 December 1900
E.B. Barry - Commander
William McInter - signed log book
50874e7509d4090755016151: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_119_0.jpg)
Lat 15.73, Long 53.73
Ship "Vicieriung" -
50874e7609d4090755016153: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_119_1.jpg)
29 December 1900
William Mcentu -
50874e7609d4090755016155: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_120_0.jpg)
making passage from aden to colombo
Lat 14.85, Long 57.03
50874e7609d4090755016157: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_120_1.jpg)
30 December 1900
50874e7609d4090755016159: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_121_0.jpg)
Lat 13.77, Long 60.52
50874e7609d409075501615b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_121_1.jpg)
31 December 1900
50874e7609d409075501615d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_122_0.jpg)
making passage from aden to colombo
Lat 12.38, Long 63.97
50874e7609d409075501615f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_122_1.jpg)
1 January 1901
W.C.C. Creweling, O Sea - By order of the Commanding Officer the following changes in rates were made: W.C.Creweling, O Sea, and E.J.Pender, O Sea, rated Seaman from Dec 1, 1900;A. Junker, Lds;A.D.Kennedy, Lds and P.L. Nuger, Lds, rated Ordinary Seaman from Dec. 1,1900; J.Vosecky, O.Sea, rated Seaman from Jan.1, 1901; J.T.Harris, F2C, rated Fireman 1st Class from Dec. 1, 1900.
A.Junker, Lds - By order of the Commanding Officer the following changes in rates were made: W.C.Creweling, O Sea, and E.J.Pender,O Sea, rated Seaman from Dec. 1. 1900; A.Junker, Lds;A.D.Kennedy, Lds and P.L.Nuger, Lds, rated Ordinary Seaman from Dec.1, 1900; J.Vosecky, O.Sea, rated Seaman from Jan. 1,1901; J. T. Harris, F2C;rated Fireman 1st Class from Dec.1,1900.
E.J.Pender, O Sea - By order of the Commanding Officer the following changes in rates were made: W.C.Creweling, O Sea, and E.J.Pender, O Sea, rated Seaman from Dec.1,1900;A.Junker, Lds;A.D.Kennedy, Lds and P. L. Nuger Lds, rated Ordinary Seaman from Dec.1, 1900; J.Vosecky, O.Sea, rated Seaman from Jan.1, 1901;J.T. Harris, F2C;rated Fireman 1st Class from Dec.1,1900.
A.D.Kennedy, Lds - By order of the Commanding Officer the following changes in rates were made: W.C.Creweling, O Sea, and E.J.Pender, O Sea, rated Seaman from Dec. 1, 1900; A. Junker, Lds; A.D.Kennedy, Lds and P.L. Nuger, Lds, rated Ordinary Seaman from Dec. 1, 1900; J.Vosecky, O.Sea, rated Seaman from Jan.1,1901, J.T.Harris, F2C, rated Fireman 1st Class from Dec.1,1900.
P.L.Nuger, Lds - By Order of the Commanding Officer the following changes in rates were made: W.C.creweling, O Sea, and E.J. Pender, O Sea, rated Seaman from Dec.1, 1900; A.Junker, Lds: A.D.Kennedy, Lds and P.L.Nuger, Lds, rated Ordinary Seaman from Dec. 1, 1900; J.Vosecky, O.Sea, rated seaman from Jan1,1901; J.T.Harris, F2C. rated Fireman 1st Class from Dec. 1, 1900.
J. Vosecky, O.Sea - By order of the Commanding Officer the following changes in rates were made: W.C.Creweling, O SEa, and E.J.Pender, O Sea, rated Seaman from Dec.1, 1900; A.Junker,Lds; A.d.Kennedy, Lds and P.L.Nuger, Lds, rated Ordinary Seaman from Dec. 1, 1900; J.Vosecky, O. Sea, rated Seaman from Jan.1,1901;J.t.Harris, F2C., rated Fireman 1st Class from Dec.1, 1900.
J.T. Harris, F2C. - By order of the Commanding Officer the following changes in rated were made: W.C.creweling, O Sea, and E.J.Pender, O Sea, rated Seaman from Dec. 1, 1900; A.Junker, Lds; A.d.Kennedy, Lds and P.L. Nuger, Lds, rated Ordinary Seaman from Dec.1, 1900; J.Vosecky, O.Sea, rated Seaman from Jan.1, 1901; J.T.Harris, F2C., rated Fireman 1st Class from Dec. 1, 1900.
B.C. Brill, A2C - By Order of the Commanding Officer, B.C. Brill, A2C was released from confinement.
50874e7609d4090755016161: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_123_0.jpg)
making passage from aden to colombo
Lat 10.93, Long 67.50
50874e7609d4090755016163: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_123_1.jpg)
2 January 1901
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position at noon
Lat 9.62, Long 71.07
50874e7609d4090755016167: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_124_1.jpg)
3 January 1901
50874e7609d4090755016169: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_125_0.jpg)
making passage from aden to colombo
Lat 8.13, Long 74.52
50874e7609d409075501616b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_125_1.jpg)
4 January 1901
50874e7609d409075501616d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_126_0.jpg)
Lat 7.83, Long 77.60
50874e7609d409075501616f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_126_1.jpg)
5 January 1901
50874e7609d4090755016171: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_127_0.jpg)
making passage from aden to colombo and at anchor at colombo
Lat 6.77, Long 79.62
50874e7609d4090755016173: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_127_1.jpg)
6 January 1900
50874e7609d4090755016175: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_128_0.jpg)
moored in harbor of colombo ceylon
Lat 6.9, Long 79.8
50874e7609d4090755016177: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_128_1.jpg)
7 January 1901
50874e7609d4090755016179: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_129_0.jpg)
moored in harbor of colombo ceylon
Lat 6.9, Long 79.8
50874e7609d409075501617b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_129_1.jpg)
8 January 1901
J.S.Scott - Mess Attendant J.S.Scott placed under sentry's charge, fpr striking another person, to await the action of the Commanding Officer.
50874e7609d409075501617d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_130_0.jpg)
moored in the harbor of colombo and making passage to singapore
Lat 6.63, Long 79.80
50874e7609d409075501617f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_130_1.jpg)
9 January 1901
C.E.Goble, A2C - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.E.Goble, A2C, Using profane language, 1 week's extra dury; J.S.Scott, Mess. Att., Striking another person in the Navy, 5 days confinement in double irons; R.E.King, Mess. Att. Inattention to duty, 1 week's extra duty.
J.S.Scott, Mess. Att. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.E.Goble, A2C, Using profane language , 1 week's extra duty; J.S.Scott, Mess. Att., Striking another person in the Navy, 5 days confinement in double irons; R.E.King, Mess. Att. Inattention to duty, 1 week's extra duty.
R.E.King, Mess. Att. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.E.Goble, Using profane language, 1 week's extra duty; J.S.Scott, Mess. Att., Striking another person in the Navy, 5 days confinement in double irons; R.E. King, Mess. Att., Inattention to duty, 1 week's extra duty.
E.B.Brarry - Commander
until 4am. Calm, cloudy and warm. Barometer falling. Started fires under boiler "B" at 12:00 William Mc Enter, Naval Cadet,U.S.N.
4 to 8am. Cloudy and plesant. Light rains to light breeze from SE. Barometer rising. Hoisted steam launch, eased offportstem line and made shipline of starboard stern line in readiness for getting underway. Both boilers connected up and reported ready for getting underway at 7:36. William McEnter,Naval Cadet,U.S.N.
8am to meridian. Partly cloudy, light breeze from SSE to SE. Sea smooth. At 8:15 have up port anchor. At 8:50 have up starboard anchor, east off stern line and stood out to sea. At 9:15 am put over patent log reading ° and at 9:29 took departure from ken Sailor Busy. distant mile E8T4 U(mag) and set course 8 1/3 W. P.L.19 at 11:56 changed course to 8by E 1/2 E P.L.20.5. At 11:20 sighted Barberyn Light House bearing SE 1/2 S. Exchanged colors with an English steamer The Commanding Officer assigned the following p~: C.E.Goble,a2C, using profane language, 1 week's extra duty; J.S.Scott,Mess Att., sticking another person in the Navy, 5 days confinement in double irons, R.E.King, Maks.Att., Inattention to duty, 1 week's extra duty. Confined J.S.Scott.Mess Att. in accordance with p~ assigned L~ for muster at 10:30a.m. J.B. Patton, Lieutenant,U.S.N.
Meridian to 4 pm. Partly cloudy and warm. Light airs to gentle breezes from SE to South. Barometer falling. At 1:46 Barberyn Light House distant 6.1 miles, P.L. 34.9 Sighted four steamers during watch and exchanged colors with two English ones. Average revolutions 79.8 steam pressure 105 lbs. Bricken, Naval Cadet U.S.N.
4 to 6pm Cloudy and pleasant with very light rain the last hour.Barometer rising. Light breeze from South. By order of the Commanding Officer changed course at 4:39 to SE 1/4 E P.L 564 at 5:54 Point de Galle LightHouse bore E8 1/4 N, P.L. 64.3. At 4:10 Barberyn Light House bore north (pc) Luartess at 4:00 followed by physical drill without arms. Average revolutions 74 Steam pressure 81lbs. William McEnter,Naval cadet, U.S.N.
6 to 8pm. Cloudy and warm Light breeze from South to SE. At 6:57 Pt de Galle light bore NS 1/4N P.L. 71.9 when by order of the Commanding Officer changed course to E by S. At 7:15 sighted loom of Fondra Head light bearing East. At 7:30 Pt.de Galle light bore a beam P.L. 76.1 At 7:40 changed course to E 3/4 S. Shifted to hand steering wheel average revolution 77.2 Steam pressure 92 lbs. J.B. Patton, Lieutenant, U.S.N.
8pm to midnight. Overcast + cloudy with rain first two hours Light breezes from SE to East. Barometer rising At 9:00 sighted a steamer 2 point at starboard At 8:30 sighted Fondra Headlight,pt on port bow. At 10:53 light bore steam distant 25 miles P.L 3.9 at 9:00 changed course to E4N P.L. 92.7 Average revolutions 92. Steam pressure 135 lbs. Bricken, Naval cadet, U.S.N
Gleusson, Lieutenant, U.S.N. -
50874e7609d4090755016181: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_131_0.jpg)
ship vicksburg making passage from colombo to singapore
Lat 5.80, Long 82.37
50874e7609d4090755016183: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_131_1.jpg)
10 January 1901
calun sea
Lat 54.0, Long -2.9
C.E.Goble, A2C - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.E.Goble, A.2C. Leaving dirty clothes about the half-deck, 1 week's extra duty. T.E. Grady, A.2.C. clothing in lucky bag, 2 days extra duty.
T.E.Grady, A2C - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.E.Goble, A.2C. Leaving dirty clothes about the half-deck, 1 week's extra duty. T.E.Grady, A.2.C. Clothing in lucky bag, 2 days extra duty.
E B Barry Commander -
The commanding officer assigned the following punishment: C E Goble, a.2c. Leaving dirty clothes about the half deck, 2 weeks extra duty. Te Grady, a2c. Clocking in lucky bag, 2 days extra duty.
50874e7609d4090755016185: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_132_0.jpg)
making passage from colombo to singapore
Lat 5.65, Long 85.92
50874e7609d4090755016187: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_132_1.jpg)
11 January 1901
J.S.Scott, Mess. Att. - By order of the Commanding Officer released from confinement J.S.Scott, Mess. Att.
50874e7609d4090755016189: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_133_0.jpg)
making passage from colombo to singapore
Lat 5.25, Long 88.67
50874e7609d409075501618b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_133_1.jpg)
12 January 1901
50874e7609d409075501618d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_134_0.jpg)
making passage from colombo to singapore
Lat 4.82, Long 90.77
50874e7609d409075501618f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_134_1.jpg)
13 January 1901
50874e7609d4090755016191: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_135_0.jpg)
making passage from colombo to singapore
Lat 5.40, Long 93.98
Water expended during preceding 24 hours: 200 gallons, water distilled: 300, water remaining on hand: 1500 gallons
50874e7609d4090755016193: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_135_1.jpg)
14 January 1901
EB Barry - "Under the command of"
JB Patton - Lieutenant USU
F Bricker - Naval cadet USU
William McEaten - Naval cadet USU
50874e7609d4090755016195: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_136_0.jpg)
making passage from colombo to singapore
Lat 5.50, Long 97.00
50874e7609d4090755016197: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_136_1.jpg)
15 January 1901
E B Barry - "Under the command of"
F Bricker - Naval Cadet USU
William McEntee - Naval cadet, USU
JB Patton - Lieutenant USU
50874e7609d4090755016199: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_137_0.jpg)
8 pm from bearings
Lat 3.92, Long 99.92
50874e7609d409075501619b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_137_1.jpg)
16 January 1901
C.B.Eldridge, A2C. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.B.Eldridge A2C. clothing in lucky bag, one day's extra duty; M.A.thornton, Lds, hanging wet clothes on gun deck, one week's extra duty; H.L.Brown, Mess. Att., clothing in lucky bag, two days extra duty; Geo Harris, Mess. Att., neglect of duty, 4 extra wardroom watches.
M.A. Thornton, Lds. - The Commanding assigned the following punishments: C.B.Eldridge, A2C. clothing in lucky bag, one day's extra duty; M.A. Thornton, Lds, hanging wet clothes on gun deck, one week's extra duty; H.L. Brown, Mess. Att., clothing in lucky bag, two days extra duty; Geo. Harris, Mess Att., neglect of duty 4 days extra wardroom watches.
H.L. Brown, Mess. Att. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.B. Eldridge, A2C. clothing in lucky bag, one day's extra duty; M.A.thornton, Lds, hanging wet clothes on gun deck; H.L.Brown, Mess. Att., clothing in lucky bag two days extra duty; Geo Harris, Mess. Att., neglect of duty 4 extra wardroom watches.
Geo. Harris, Mess. Att. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: C.B. Eldridge, A2C. clothing in lucky bag, one day's extra duty; M.a.thornton, Lds, hanging wet clothes on gun deck, one week's extra duty; H.L.Brown, Mess Att., clothing in lucky bag, two days extra duty; Geo Harris, Mess. Att., neglect of duty 4 extra wardroom watches.
Partly cloudy and pleasant.Sheet lightining to South
50874e7609d409075501619d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_138_0.jpg)
making passage from colombo to singapore
Lat 2.00, Long 102.33
50874e7609d409075501619f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_138_1.jpg)
17 January 1901
T.E.Grady, A2C - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: T.E.Grady A2C, talking in ranks, one day's extra duty; E.G.Farmer, A.2.C. Skylarking in ranks, one day's extra duty; J.Walsh, P.M. Insolence to ist Sergeant and disobedience to orders, 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water.
E.G.Farmer. A.2.C. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: T.E.Grady A2C, Talking in ranks, one day's extra duty; E.G.Farmer, A.2.C. Skylarking in ranks, one day's extra duty; J.Walsh, P.M. Insolence to 1st Sergeant and disobedience to orders, 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water.
J. Walsh, P.M. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: T.E.Grady A2C, Talking in ranks, one day's extra duty; E.G.Farmer, A.2.C.Skylarking in ranks, one day's extra duty; J.Walsh, P.M. Insolence to 1st Sergeant and disobedience to orders, 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water.
50874e7609d40907550161a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_139_0.jpg)
at sea and at anchor at singapore
Lat 1.3, Long 103.9
50874e7609d40907550161a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_139_1.jpg)
18 January 1901
Lieutenant Patton - Lieutenant Patton returned boarding visit of H.M.S. Algerine.
H.M.S. Algerine - Lieutenant Patton returned boarding visit of H.M.S. Algerine.
J.X. Barringer, Sea. - The Commanding Officer made the following changes in rating: J.X. Barringer, Sea. rated MA.3Cl from January 16'1901; P. Hansoen, MA3Cl transferred to rating of Coxswain from January 15'1901; A.W. Simon, G.M.3C. acting appointment revoked for general ineffiency dating from January 15'1900.
P.Hansen, MA3Cl - The Commanding Officer made the following changes in rating: J.X.Barringer, Sea. rated MA3Cl from January 16'1901; P. Hansen, MA3Cl transferred to rating of Coxswain from January 15'1901; A.W.Simon, GM3C. acting appoint revoked for general inefficiency dating from January 15'1900.
A.W.Simon, G.M.3C. - The Commanding Officer made the following changes in rating: J.X.Barringer, Sea. rated MA3Cl from January 16'1901; P.Hansen, MA3Cl transferred to rating of Coxswain from January 15'1901; A.W.Simon, GM3C. acting appoint revoked for general inefficiency dating from January 15'1900.
HMS Algerine - Received a bording visit from an officer of HMS Algerine at 8.15
HMS ALGERINE - Lieutant Patton returned abord after vist of HMS Algerine
50874e7609d40907550161a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_140_0.jpg)
at anchor off singapore
Lat 1.3, Long 103.9
50874e7609d40907550161a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_140_1.jpg)
19 January 1901
M Stanford, F2C - Absentees: J.F.Harris, F1C & M Stanford, F2C.
J.F.Harris,F1C, - Absentees: J.F.Harris, F1C & M Stanford, F2C.
H.B.M.S.Algerine - The Commanding Officer made calls on the Commanding Officer of H.B.M.S. Algerine, the Governor, and the General Commanding.
50874e7609d40907550161a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_141_0.jpg)
at anchor off singapore
Lat 1.3, Long 103.9
50874e7609d40907550161ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_141_1.jpg)
20 January 1901
50874e7609d40907550161ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_142_0.jpg)
at anchor off singapore
Lat 1.3, Long 103.9
50874e7609d40907550161af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_142_1.jpg)
21 January 1901
coal: 190 tons -
M. Mantler,A2.C. - M.Mantler, A2.C. returned 24 hours over time.
M. Mantler,A2.C. - M.Mantler, A2.C. returned 24 hours over time.
50874e7609d40907550161b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_143_0.jpg)
at anchor off singapore
Lat 1.3, Long 103.9
50874e7609d40907550161b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_143_1.jpg)
22 January 1901
Walsh, P.M - By order of the Commanding Officer, released Walsh,P.M his term of confinement having expired.
H.B.M.S.Algerine - The Commanding Officer of the H.B.H.S. Algerine made an official call on board.
50874e7609d40907550161b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_144_0.jpg)
at anchor off singapore
Lat 1.3, Long 103.9
50874e7609d40907550161b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_144_1.jpg)
23 January 1901
At 9:50, anEnglish officer from the Algerine made an official visit on board to inform the Commanding Officer of the death of Queen Victoria.
50874e7609d40907550161b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_145_0.jpg)
at anchor and making passage to manila
Lat 1.28, Long 104.20
50874e7609d40907550161bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_145_1.jpg)
24 January 1901
at 4:05 an officer of HMS Algerine came on board to say that the Algerine was about to fire a Royal salute of 21 guns in honor of the accession of the King.
At 4:30 full masted colors and with British flag at the main fired salute of 21 guns in comapny with HMS Algerine in honor of the accession of the King
At 4:30 full masted colors and with the British flag at the main fired a salute of 21 guns in company with H.M.S. Algerine, in honor of the accession of the King.
50874e7609d40907550161bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_146_0.jpg)
singapore to minila
Lat 1.33, Long 106.52
50874e7609d40907550161bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_146_1.jpg)
25 January 1901
at 1100 sighted bassin island broad off port bow at 1155 was abeam pl666 at 900 sighted victory island on port bow at 1120 victory island was abeam pl601
Lat 32.2, Long 119.3
50874e7609d40907550161c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_147_0.jpg)
making passage from singapore to manila
Lat 2.07, Long 109.35
50874e7609d40907550161c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_147_1.jpg)
26 January 1901
50874e7609d40907550161c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_148_0.jpg)
Lat 3.17, Long 111.77
coal: 164 tons 30 lbs - remaining
50874e7609d40907550161c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_148_1.jpg)
27 January 1901
At 9.30 sighted land along starboard beam
At 1:50 sighted two peaks broad off the starboard bow.
50874e7609d40907550161c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_149_0.jpg)
Lat 4.75, Long 113.55
50874e7609d40907550161cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_149_1.jpg)
28 January 1901
50874e7609d40907550161cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_150_0.jpg)
Lat 6.48, Long 115.03
50874e7609d40907550161cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_150_1.jpg)
29 January 1901
50874e7609d40907550161d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_151_0.jpg)
Lat 8.27, Long 116.62
50874e7609d40907550161d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_151_1.jpg)
30 January 1901
50874e7609d40907550161d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_152_0.jpg)
Lat 10.73, Long 118.23
50874e7609d40907550161d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_152_1.jpg)
31 January 1901
50874e7609d40907550161d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_153_0.jpg)
making passage from singapore to manila
Lat 12.35, Long 119.37
50874e7609d40907550161db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_153_1.jpg)
1 February 1901
50874e7609d40907550161dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_154_0.jpg)
making passsage from singapore to manila and at anchor off kavite
Lat 13.97, Long 120.20
50874e7609d40907550161df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_154_1.jpg)
2 February 1901
U.S.F.S.Newark - At 7:05 signalled to U.S.F.S. Newark as follows:by very lights "Message Call; answered "understand" rocket.
50874e7609d40907550161e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_155_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay of manila pi
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7609d40907550161e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_155_1.jpg)
3 February 1901
Kentucky - At 9:30 the Kentucky was sighted standing in, and at 9:40 she anchored.
U.S.F.S. Newark - Signals to U.S.F.S.Newark: at 10:00Numeral 0; Numeral 3, both acknowledged, at 12:00 Numeral 90; Numeral 6, both acknowledged.
Isle de Cuba - Signals: wigwag from Kentucky at 4:30 "Will you please repeat to Isle de Cuba; they did not ;acknowledged.
The Kentucky - Sighted
USFS Newark - Signalled
50874e7609d40907550161e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_156_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay of manila pi
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7609d40907550161e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_156_1.jpg)
3 February 1901
50874e7609d40907550161e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_157_0.jpg)
at anchor off lfaorte bay of manila pi
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7609d40907550161eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_157_1.jpg)
3 February 1901
50874e7609d40907550161ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_158_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d40907550161ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_158_1.jpg)
4 February 1901
U.S.F.S. Newark - Signalled to U.S.F.S.Newark as follows:
U.S.S.Culgoa - Received from the U.S.S. Culgoa 184lbs fresh mutton for issue.
Kentucky - The Commanding Officers of the Kentucky, Nashville, Princeton, Wilmington, and Glacier made official visits on board.
Nashville - The Commanding Officers of the Kentucky, Nashville, Princeton, Wilmington, and Glacier made official visits on board.
Princeton - The Commanding Officers of the Kentucky, Nashville, Princeton, Wilmington, and Glacier made official visits on board.
Wilmington - The Commanding Officers of the Kentucky, Nashville, Princeton, Wilmington, and Glacier made official visits on board.
Glacier - The Commanding Officers of the Kentucky, Nashville, Princeton, Wilmington, and Glacier made official visits on board.
Isle de Cuba - The Commanding Officer made official calls on the U.S.Ships: Nashville, Isle de Cuba, Manila, Culgoa, Wilmington, and the U.S.Naval Station at Cavite.
Manila - The Commanding Officer made official calls on the U.S.Ships: Nashville, Isle de Cuba, Manila, Culgoa, Wilmington, and the U.S.Naval Station at Cavite.
50874e7609d40907550161f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_159_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d40907550161f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_159_1.jpg)
5 February 1901
Rear Admiral Louis Kempff - Rear Admiral Louis Kempff and staff arrived on board and proceeded with the inspection of the ship.
Commences and until 4 am. Cloudy an pleasant with passing shower at 2.00. Gentle breeze from East to North. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Partly cloudy and pleasant. Light airs from NNE to NE.
8 am to meridian. Cloudy and warm. Light breeze from NE.
Meridian to 4 pm. Cloudy and warm. Passing rains. Light airs and breezes from NE to North.
4 to 8 pm. Cloudy and warm. Light breeze from NE to E x S. Passing rains.
8 pm to midnight. Cloudy and warm. Passing showers. Light breeze to light airs from E x S.
50874e7609d40907550161f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_160_0.jpg)
50874e7609d40907550161f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_160_1.jpg)
6 February 1901
U.S.S.Arethusa - The U.S.S. Arethusa sailed at 7:30.
Rear Admiral Kempff - At 9:30 Rear Admiral Kempff and staff came aboard and continued the inspection of the ship.
U.S.F.S. Newark - Recieved following telegraphic signal from the U.S.F.S. Newark.
50874e7609d40907550161f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_161_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d40907550161fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_161_1.jpg)
7 February 1901
U.S.F.S. Newark - Received from U.S.F.S. Newark, Gen. Lig. 113,answered.
E.S.Farmer,A2C - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: E.S.Farmer, A2C. Clothes in lucky bag, 5 days extra duty.
Lieutenant E.H.Dunn - Lieutenant E.H.Dunn, surveying officer, held survey of Equipment Navigation articles.
U.S.S. Nashville - U.S.S. Nashville got underway and left harbor at 9:30.
P.A.Surgeon, J.C. Rosenbleuth - At 1:20 a Board of Medical Survey, of which P.A. surgeon, J.C. Rosenbleuth was seniormember met on board for a medical survey on D. Furukawa,W.R.Steward, E.Russel, F1Cl. and Thos. Brown, P.M.
E.Russell, F.1.C. - At 1:20 a Board of Medical Survey, of which P.A. surgeon, J.C. Rosenbleuth was seniormember met on board for a medical survey on D. Furukawa,W.R.Steward, E.Russel, F1Cl. and Thos. Brown, P.M.
D.Furukawa, W.R.Steward - At 1:20 a Board of Medical Survey, of which P.A. surgeon, J.C. Rosenbleuth was seniormember met on board for a medical survey on D. Furukawa,W.R.Steward, E.Russel, F1Cl. and Thos. Brown, P.M.
Thos. Brown, P.M. - At 1:20 a Board of Medical Survey, of which P.A. surgeon, J.C. Rosenbleuth was seniormember met on board for a medical survey on D. Furukawa,W.R.Steward, E.Russel, F1Cl. and Thos. Brown, P.M.
U.S.S.Manila - At 2:50 made wig wag signal to U.S.S. Manila "Please send boat for doctor"
50874e7609d40907550161fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_162_0.jpg)
50874e7609d40907550161ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_162_1.jpg)
8 February 1901
U.S.S.Kentucky - The U.S.S. Kentucky got underwaystood out of harbor for target practice.
D.Furukawa, W.R.Steward - Transferred to Naval Hospital, Cavite, D. Furukawa, W.R.Steward.
Thomas Brown, P.M. - Transferred to U.S.S. Glacier, Thomas Brown, P.M.
U.S.S.Glacier - Transferred to U.S.S. Glacier, Thomas Brown, P.M.
50874e7609d4090755016201: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_163_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay of manila pi
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
coal: '' -
50874e7609d4090755016203: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_163_1.jpg)
9 February 1901
U.S.S.Glacier - Received from U.S.S. Glacier the following fresh provisions 170 lbs beef.
U.S.F.S. Newark - Signalled the U.S.F.S. Newark as follows:
T.B.Grady, App.2.C. - At 4:00 transferred T.B. Grady, App.2.C. and Edward Russell, F.1.C. to Cavite Hospital.
Edward Russell, F.1.C. - At 4:00 transferred T.B. Grady, App.2.C. and Edward Russell, F.1.C. to Cavite Hospital.
U.S.S.Calgoa - At 11:00 the U.S.S. Culgoa, after asking permission from the flagship,got underway and stood out the harbor and down Manila Bay.
U.S.S.Kentucky - At 4:00 the U.S.S. Kentucky. after asking permission, got underway and Stood out of harbor and down Manila Bay.
50874e7609d4090755016205: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_164_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016207: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_164_1.jpg)
10 February 1901
USS Yorktown - sighted coming up the bay at 11:20am
50874e7609d4090755016209: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_165_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501620b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_165_1.jpg)
11 February 1901
Received in equipment department
received in construnction and repair department
received in equipemnt navigation department
50874e7609d409075501620d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_166_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
No weather observations until 2 pm
50874e7609d409075501620f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_166_1.jpg)
11 February 1901
Isla de Cuba - The Isla de Cuba got underway and left the harbor at 5:45.
U.S.gunboat General Alava - At 11:30 U.S.gunboat General Alava arrived in port and anchored.
U.S.S.Yorktown - The Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Yorktown made an official call on the Commanding Officer.
Lieut. Patton - Signals: from flagship at 12:40, by wigwag, myers code,"Lieut. Patton is on a board of survey, whichwill be help on Yorktown this afternoon.
50874e7609d4090755016211: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_167_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016213: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_167_1.jpg)
12 February 1901
U.S.S.Basco - At 9:30 the U.S.S. Basco came in and moored alongside dock.
U.S.F.S. Newark - U.S.F.S. Newark made following signal:513.
50874e7609d4090755016215: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_168_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016217: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_168_1.jpg)
13 February 1901
U.S.F.S. Newark - U.S.F.S.Newark made the following Gen.Sigs: at 6:55 735..
U.S.S.Concord - at 7:00 U.S.S. Concord came in and anchored.
U.S.S.Basco - At 11:00 the U.S.S. Basco left the harbor.
U.S.S.Yorktown - U.S.S. Yorktown being inspected.
U.S.S.Manila - At 1:30 U.S.S. Manila made to this vessel by wig wag "ToDr. Chuesong medical survey on board Manila at 10:00 A.M. Thursday morning. Sig. Rosenbleuth."
50874e7609d4090755016219: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_169_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501621b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_169_1.jpg)
14 February 1901
U.S.S.Concord - The Commanding Officer of the U.S.S.Concord made an official call on the Commanding Officer.
50874e7609d409075501621d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_170_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501621f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_170_1.jpg)
15 February 1901
Received in medical department the following stores:
50874e7609d4090755016221: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_171_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
Weather data missing except midnight
50874e7609d4090755016223: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_171_1.jpg)
15 February 1901
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 8:15 U.S.F.S.Newark got underway and stood down Manila Bay for target practice.
U.S.S.Glacier - Aat 1:00 Gen.Sig. 513 from U.S.S.Glacier.
U.S.S. General Alava - The Commanding Officer of the U.S.S.General Alava made an official visit on board.
50874e7609d4090755016225: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_172_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016227: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_172_1.jpg)
16 February 1901
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 6:55 U.S.F.S.Newark made Gen. Sig 735.
U.S.S.Yorktown - At 9:30 the U.S.S. Yorktown made by wig wag to this vessel "To the Surgeon you are on a board of survey onboard C at ten today."
U.S. Collier Justin - At 8:30 the U.S.Collier Justin came in and anchored.
General Alava - The Commanding Officer made an official visit to the Commanding Officer of the General Alava.
50874e7609d4090755016229: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_173_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501622b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_173_1.jpg)
17 February 1901
U.S.S.Yorktown - At 7:30 the U.S.S.Yorktown got underway and stood out of the harbor.
Clear and pleasant Light airs to light breezes from NE to North
William McEuter, Naval Cadet, NSN - Signature
Clear and pleasant Calm first hour then light airs from NNW
USS Yorktown - At 7:30 the USS Yorktown got underway and stood out of harbor
Fair weather Light airs and breezes from NW Barometer steady
J B Patton, Lieutenant, NSN - Signature
Fair weather Light airs from NWbyW shifting to moderate breeze from ESE Barometer steady
Fair weather Moderate breeze from ESE Barometer steady
Clear and warm Gentle breeze from ESE to SEbyE Barometer rising
J H Glennon, Lieutenant NSN - Signature of Navigator
50874e7609d409075501622d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_174_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501622f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_174_1.jpg)
18 February 1901
Received in the steam engineering equipment
List of items received.
50874e7609d4090755016231: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_175_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016233: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_175_1.jpg)
18 February 1901
U.S.F.S. Newark - Signals to U.S.F.S.Newark:
U.S.S.Concord - At 4:30 U.s.S.Concord got underway and stood down Manila Bay.
50874e7609d4090755016235: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_176_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016237: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_176_1.jpg)
19 February 1901
U.S.S.Mindoro - At 12:30 sighted U.S.S. Mindoro standing towards the harbor.
U.S.S.Basco - At 2:15 sighted U.S.S.Basco standing towards the harbor.
50874e7609d4090755016239: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_177_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501623b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_177_1.jpg)
20 February 1901
U.S.S. Albany - At 4:00 U.S.S.Albany arrived in port and anchored.
50874e7609d409075501623d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_178_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501623f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_178_1.jpg)
21 February 1901
U.S.S. Albany - At 11:15 the Commanding Officer made an official visit to the U.S.S. Albany.
U.S.F.S. Newark - Signals to U.S.F.S.Newark: at 10:00, Num4, Num 2;at 12:00, Num 169, Num 2.
Glacier - At 2:05, wig wag from Glacier "Please repeat whole message."
USS Albany - The Commanding Officer made an official visit to the USS Albany
USFS Newark - Exchange of signals.
50874e7609d4090755016241: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_179_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016243: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_179_1.jpg)
22 February 1901
In honor of the anniversary of Washington's Birthday and orders from the Flagship, full dressed ship st 8:00
At 12:00 fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of the anniversary of Washington's Birthday and orders from the Flagship
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 7:00, U.S.F.S Newark made Gen. Sig.735.
At 12:00 fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of the Anniversary of Washington's Birthday and orders from the flagship.
USFS Newark - 7.00 USFS Newark made Gun Sig
50874e7609d4090755016245: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_180_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d4090755016247: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_180_1.jpg)
23 February 1901
U.S.S.Manila - U.S.S.Manila got underway and left the harbor at 8:30.
Glacier - E.A.Jackson, App2.C. was transferred to this ship from the "Glacier".
50874e7609d4090755016249: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_181_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501624b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_181_1.jpg)
24 February 1901
U.S.S. Villalobos - At daylight found U.S.S. Villalobos in harbor, anchored near flagship.
U.S.F.S. Newark - Signals to U.S.F.S.Newark:-at 10:00 Num 0, Num 3; at 12:00, Num 163, Num 2.
U.S.S.Manila - At 7:30 U.S.S. Manila came in and anchored.
USFS Newark -
USS Manila - USS Manila came in and anchored
50874e7609d409075501624d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_182_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7609d409075501624f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_182_1.jpg)
25 February 1901
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 7:00 U.S.F.S. Neward made following Gen.Sig. 684, 700 & 718.
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 7:00 U.S.F.S. Neward made following Gen.Sig. 684, 700 & 718.
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 7:00 U.S.F.S. Neward made following Gen.Sig. 684, 700 & 718.
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 7:00 U.S.F.S. Neward made following Gen.Sig. 684, 700 & 718.
50874e7609d4090755016251: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_183_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d4090755016253: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_183_1.jpg)
26 February 1901
U.S.S.Buffalo - The U.S.S. Buffalo came in and anchored at 6:05.
USS Buffalo - The USS Buffalo came in and anchored at 6:05
50874e7709d4090755016255: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_184_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d4090755016257: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_184_1.jpg)
27 February 1901
USFS Brooklyn - The USFS Brooklyn carrying the flag of Commander in chief Rear Admiral AC Reiily came in and anchored at 3:15
USS Buffalo - fired salute
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - The U.S.F.S.Brooklyn carrying flag of Commander-in-Chief, Rear Admiral C C Remey came in and anchored at 3:15
U.S.S.Buffalo - At 11:00 the Commanding Officr made an official visit to the U.S.F.S.Brooklyn and the U.S.S. Buffalo.
At 7:40 General Ardois signal from U.S.F.S. Brooklyn, "Army and Navy Assembly invite allofficers of the fleet to a ball at the Provost Marshal's Building, Manila at 8:30 P.M. Thursday, February 28."
50874e7709d4090755016259: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_185_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
C. O. failed to sing 2/28/01
50874e7709d409075501625b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_185_1.jpg)
28 February 1901
USFS Brooklyn - USFS Brooklyn made Gun sig.
USS Buffalo - visiting party to USS Buffalo
50874e7709d409075501625d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_186_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d409075501625f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_186_1.jpg)
28 February 1901
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - At 6:55 U.S.F.S. Brooklyn made Gen.Sig 735.
U.S.S.Panay - At 7:40 U.S.S. Panay stood in and anchored.
U.S.S.Buffalo - Visiting party returned from U.S.S.Buffalo at 8:30 and hoisted 1st cutter.
50874e7709d4090755016261: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_187_0.jpg)
50874e7709d4090755016263: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_187_1.jpg)
1 March 1901
U.S.Transport Lawton - The U.S.Transport "Lawton" arrived at Manila.
Albay - The gunboat Albay came in and anchored.
50874e7709d4090755016265: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_188_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d4090755016267: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_188_1.jpg)
2 March 1901
USS Albany - USS Albany got underway
USFS Newark - USFS Newark got underway
USFS Brooklyn - USFS Brooklyn made the following signals..
U.S.S.Albany - At 8:20 U.S.S.Albany got underway and stood down Manila Bay.
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - At 9:45 the Commanding Officer made an official visit on board the U.S.F.S.Brooklyn.
U.S.F.S. Newark - At 12:15 U.S.F.S.Newark got underway and stood down Manila Bay.
U.S.S.Buffalo - The following Landsmen were transferred from the U.S.S. Buffalo to this vessel: J.F.Ames, J.t.Alexander, W.W. Beedle,R.W.E Brosseau, J.F.Brownhead and John Babel.
50874e7709d4090755016269: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_189_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d409075501626b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_189_1.jpg)
3 March 1901
USFS Brooklyn - USFS Brooklyn made following Gen Sig.
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - At 7:00 U.S.F.S. Brooklyn made following Gen.Sig.696,718,684.
U.S.S.Buffalo - At 1:30 sent a visiting [arty of 13, in 1st cutter, to the U.S.F.S.Brooklyn and a viaiting party of 13, in 2nd cutter to U.S.S. Buffalo.
50874e7709d409075501626d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_190_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite manila bay pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d409075501626f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_190_1.jpg)
4 March 1901
USFS Brooklyn - USFS Brooklyn made following general Signal:-
Lieutenant A.T.Long - Lieutenant A.T. Long, U.S.N. reported on board for duty.
Brigadier General F.Funston, U.S.Volunteers - Received a visit from Brigadier General F.Funston, U.S.Volunteers.
50874e7709d4090755016271: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_191_0.jpg)
50874e7709d4090755016273: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_191_1.jpg)
5 March 1901
tondo light nbye 08epc cathedral tower ne12epc ships head ene12cp
Lat 12.8, Long 45.0
USFS Brooklyn - Signals to USFS Brooklyn
U.S.S. General Alava - At 8:30 U.S.S.General Alava got underway and stood down to Manila.
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - Signals to U.S.F.S. Brooklyn: at 10:00, Num 2 Num 4; at 12:00, Num 232. Num 2.
At 4:40 got up port anchor and at 4:45 let go starboard anchor because main ~~~~ refused to work, got this up at 4:50 and stood down to Manila.
50874e7709d4090755016275: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_192_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila manila bay
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d4090755016277: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_192_1.jpg)
6 March 1901
List of Officers
Frederick Punston, Brigadier General, USV, Burton J.Mitchell, Ist Lieut.40th.Inf.ADC; WC Brown, Major 42nd Infantry. HC Hodges,Captain 22nd Infantry, RT Hazzard, Captain 11th Cavalry, OPM Hazzard, Ist Lieut.11th Cavalary, HW Newton, Captain 34th Infantry. WE McPherson, AA Surgeon, Lazaro Segovia, Spaniard - Typed list inserted into logbook with 4 handwriten entries,
50874e7709d4090755016279: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_193_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila manila bay
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d409075501627b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_193_1.jpg)
6 March 1901
4a Companea
50874e7709d409075501627d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_194_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila manila bay
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
4a Companea (continued from preceeding page)
50874e7709d409075501627f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_194_1.jpg)
6 March 1901
4a Companea (continued from preceeding page)
50874e7709d4090755016281: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_195_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila manila bay
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7709d4090755016283: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_195_1.jpg)
6 March 1901
sighted castle light bearing swbyw at 1020 ataballs light was abeam distant 125 miles
Lat 29.5, Long 35.0
An Austrain man-of-war sounded Langley, exchanged a national salute of 21 guns and personal salute of 13 guns with the USFS "Brooklyn", and then stood over an anchored off Manila
USFS Brooklyn - fired salute.
Brigadier General Funston, U. S. V. - At 9:10 Brigadier Ganeral Funston. U.S.V. made an official visit to the Commanding Officer
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - At 9:00 an Austrian Man-of-war rounded Langley, exchanged a national salute of 21 guns and perswonal salute of 13 guns with the U.S.F.S. Brooklyn, and then stood over and anchored off Manila.
50874e7709d4090755016285: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_196_0.jpg)
making course among islands
Lat 13.35, Long 121.53
50874e7709d4090755016287: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_196_1.jpg)
7 March 1901
50874e7709d4090755016289: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_197_0.jpg)
making passage among islands
Lat 12.55, Long 121.40
50874e7709d409075501628b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_197_1.jpg)
8 March 1901
passing showers
50874e7709d409075501628d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_198_0.jpg)
Lat 14.12, Long 123.45
50874e7709d409075501628f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_198_1.jpg)
9 March 1901
48am kataduanes island in sight to port at 525 sighted horadaba rock 35 points on port bow at 115pm matandumaten island nne distant 62 miles at 340pm makulabo island was abeam distant 12 miles
Lat , Long
50874e7709d4090755016291: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_199_0.jpg)
at anchor off antimonan and making passage to and at anchor at binangonan anchorage ma bay
Lat 14.02, Long 121.90
50874e7709d4090755016293: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_199_1.jpg)
10 March 1901
50874e7709d4090755016295: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_200_0.jpg)
polillo harbor
Lat 14.83, Long 121.98
50874e7709d4090755016297: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_200_1.jpg)
11 March 1901
pollilo harbor
Lat 22.4, Long 114.2
50874e7709d4090755016299: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_201_0.jpg)
Lat 14.98, Long 121.80
50874e7709d409075501629b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_201_1.jpg)
12 March 1901
50874e7709d409075501629d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_202_0.jpg)
making passage from polillo to anchor in kaiagirau bay
Lat 15.50, Long 121.88
50874e7709d409075501629f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_202_1.jpg)
13 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_203_0.jpg)
anchorarage in balir bay
Lat 15.62, Long 121.58
50874e7709d40907550162a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_203_1.jpg)
14 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_204_0.jpg)
at anchor baler bay luzon pi
Lat 50.6, Long -126.9
50874e7709d40907550162a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_204_1.jpg)
15 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_205_0.jpg)
at anchor baler bay luzon philippines islands
Lat 50.6, Long -126.9
50874e7709d40907550162ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_205_1.jpg)
16 March 1901
Santander - At 9:10 the American steamer"Santander" came in and anchored.
50874e7709d40907550162ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_206_0.jpg)
at anchor baler bay luzon pi
Lat 50.6, Long -126.9
50874e7709d40907550162af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_206_1.jpg)
17 March 1901
At 2.45pm Commanding Officer placed a headboard over the grave of the four men of Lieutenant Gillmore's party who were killed and buried at this palce onb the Western bank of the Baler River about 1 1/2 miles from its mouth
At 2:45 the Commanding Officer placed a head board over the graves of the four men of Lieutenant Gillmore's party who were killed and buried at this place on the Western bank of the Baler River about 1 1/2 miles from its mouth.
50874e7709d40907550162b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_207_0.jpg)
at anchor baler bay and making passage to and at anchor in kasiguran bay
Lat 15.25, Long 121.87
50874e7709d40907550162b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_207_1.jpg)
18 March 1901
started fire under boiler
William Mc Eutu, Naval Cadet - Reporting
50874e7709d40907550162b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_208_0.jpg)
at anchor in kasiguran bay
Lat 16.23, Long 122.15
50874e7709d40907550162b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_208_1.jpg)
19 March 1901
A flag of truce was hoisted by the natives at 8:00. Hoisted a flag of truce at the fore in acknowledgement. The Commanding Officer with the gig's crew armed, went ashore to seek information of the army party landed in this bay on the morning of March 14th.
A flag of truce was hoisted on shore by the natives at 8:00[am]. Hoisted a flag of truce at the fore in acknowledgement. The Commanding Officer, with the gig's crew armed, went ashore to seek information of the Army party landed in this bay on the morning of March 14th.
50874e7709d40907550162b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_209_0.jpg)
at anchor kasiguran bay luzon pi
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
50874e7709d40907550162bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_209_1.jpg)
20 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_210_0.jpg)
at anchor kasiguran bay luzon pi
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
50874e7709d40907550162bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_210_1.jpg)
21 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_211_0.jpg)
at anchor kasiguran bay luzon pi
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
50874e7709d40907550162c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_211_1.jpg)
22 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_212_0.jpg)
at anchor kasiguran bay luzon pi
Lat 35.7, Long -0.6
50874e7709d40907550162c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_212_1.jpg)
23 March 1901
E B Barry Commander - of ship
Cleaning ship. Loosed sail at 7 a.m.
JB Patton Lieutenant U.S.N. - authored entry
Furled sail at 3:00
Quarters at 5:00 followed by physical drill. Tested ardors lights and search light and found them in good order.
50874e7709d40907550162c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_213_0.jpg)
at anchor in kasiguran bay luzon pi and making passage to palanan bay
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
CCoal consumed during preceding 24 hours 3 tons 420 lbs.; remaining at noon 139 tons 1980 lbs
50874e7709d40907550162cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_213_1.jpg)
24 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_214_0.jpg)
making passage and laying off palanan bay and making passage to manila
Lat 17.32, Long 122.52
50874e7709d40907550162cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_214_1.jpg)
25 March 1901
At 1:45 made out white wigwag flag on shore, by which were made the following signals:"We have him" and Send boats for all" Sent following wigwag messages in answer""Bully" and "Well done." ".
The total force embarked consisted of: Brigadier General f. Funston, U.S.V., Captain R.T.Haggard, 11th Cavalry, Captain H.W.Maston, 34th Infantry, Lieut. B.F.Mitchell, 40th Infantry, Lieut. W.P.M. Hazzard, 11th Cavalry, ~~~ with the company of 83 Marabebe soldiers who were landed at Kaseguran on March 14th, also the following prisoners: General Emilio Agueraldo and two officers of his staff, Colonel Simon Villa, wounded, Surgeon Ganeral Santiago Barcelona and also Benjamin Ligero, an insurgent muscian, badly wounded.
50874e7709d40907550162d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_215_0.jpg)
making passage from palanan bay to manila
Lat 18.73, Long 121.25
50874e7709d40907550162d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_215_1.jpg)
26 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_216_0.jpg)
making passage from palanan bay to manila
Lat 15.82, Long 119.70
50874e7709d40907550162d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_216_1.jpg)
27 March 1901
50874e7709d40907550162d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_217_0.jpg)
making pasage from palanan bay to and at anchor off manila
Lat 14.60, Long 120.87
50874e7709d40907550162db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_217_1.jpg)
28 March 1901
At 6:15 the steam launch went ashore in charge of the Executive Officer to the Governor general's {a;ace, with Brigadier General Funston, U.S.V., LIeut. Mitchell, U.S.V. and prisoner Emilio Aguinaldo who was turned over to the Governor General.
Brooklyn - Arrived near flagship Brooklyn at 2:15 and stopped till 2:45, while the Commanding Officer made a visit to the Commander-in-Chief.
Matsushima - Japanese crusiers Matsushima and Itskushima in port.
Itskushima - Japanese crusiers Matsushima and Itskushima in port.
50874e7709d40907550162dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_218_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7709d40907550162df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_218_1.jpg)
29 March 1901
I.J.S.Itsukushima - At 9:40 an officer was sent to the I.J.S.Itsukushimato return the boarding call made on this vessel yesterday.
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - Made the following routine signals to the U.S.F.S. Brooklyn at 10:00.
Prisoner Benjamin Ligera, chief musician in Aguinaldo's camp was landed and turned over to the Army hospital.
50874e7709d40907550162e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_219_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
Vicksburg -
50874e7709d40907550162e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_219_1.jpg)
30 March 1901
Lat , Long
coal: -
50874e7709d40907550162e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_220_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
Vicksburg -
coal: 3 tons -
50874e7709d40907550162e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_220_1.jpg)
31 March 1901
BBarry -
Vicksburg -
50874e7709d40907550162e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_221_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7709d40907550162eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_221_1.jpg)
1 April 1901
50874e7709d40907550162ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_222_0.jpg)
at anchor manila making passage to and at anchor off cavite
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7709d40907550162ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_222_1.jpg)
2 April 1901
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - Signals at 8:35 to U.S.F.S.Brooklyn.
50874e7709d40907550162f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_223_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay pi
Lat -17.7, Long 168.3
Coal consumed during preceding 24 hours 2 tons, 1920 lbs. Coal remaining on hand at noon 182 tons, 740 lbs.
50874e7709d40907550162f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_223_1.jpg)
3 April 1901
Commences and until 4 am. Clear and cool. Calm to light breezes from SE. Barometer steady.
U.S.S. Panay - left the harbor and stood down Manila Bay.
8 am to meridian. Cloudy and warm. Light airs from NNW to north. Light shower at 9.00.
Meridian to 4 pm. Partly cloudy and warm. Gentle breeze from East. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Partly cloudy and warm. Gentle breeze from East to ESE.
8 pm to midnight. Partly cloudy and pleasant. Light breeze to light airs from ESE to East. Barometer steady.
50874e7709d40907550162f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_224_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d40907550162f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_224_1.jpg)
4 April 1901
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - At 6:55 the U.S.F.S.Brooklyn made Gen. Sig. 718, 684,& 780.
U.s. Navy Collier Brutus - U.S.Navy Collier Brutus came in the harbor and anchored at 6:30
U.S.S. Nashville - from U.S.S. Nashville at 10:30, wig wag "To Mr. Sheffield, you are on board of survey on board Vicksburg"
U.S.S.Buffalo - At 3:58, U.S.S. Buffalo got underway and stood down Manila Bay.
U.S.S. Celtic - At 12:30 U.S.S. Celtic came in and anchored.
50874e7709d40907550162f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_225_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d40907550162fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol007of023_jpg_clean/vol007of23_225_1.jpg)
5 April 1901
LOG BOOK – APRIL 6th 1901 TO OCTOBER 16th 1901
50874e7709d40907550162fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_001_0.jpg)
50874e7709d40907550162ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_001_1.jpg)
50874e7709d4090755016301: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_002_0.jpg)
50874e7709d4090755016303: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_002_1.jpg)
50874e7709d4090755016305: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_003_0.jpg)
50874e7709d4090755016307: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_003_1.jpg)
Log book of the USS "Vicksburg" commencing April 6th 1901 at Cavite P.I., ending October 16th, 1901 at Cavite P.I.
50874e7709d4090755016309: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_004_0.jpg)
6 April 1901
List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Vicksburg, 3rd rate commanded by ABH Lillie, Commander USN, during the period covered by this log book from April 6th 1901, to October 16th 1901
50874e7709d409075501630b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_004_1.jpg)
6 April 1901
List of officers who have died, been detached or transferred on board of USS Vicksburg commanded by E B Barry, Captain, USRM during the priod covered by this book from April 6th, 1901 to October 16th, 1901
50874e7709d409075501630d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_005_0.jpg)
Complement of Petty officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Landsmen, Boys, and Marines on board USS Vicksburg
50874e7709d409075501630f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_005_1.jpg)
USS Vicksburg Description of Instruments used for Meteorological Observations and their location, &c
50874e7709d4090755016311: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_006_0.jpg)
Armament of the USS Vicksburg
Boat armament
Small Arms
50874e7709d4090755016313: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_006_1.jpg)
Table sof Deviation of the Standard Compass N° 7195 on board of the USS Vicksburg
50874e7709d4090755016315: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_007_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d4090755016317: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_007_1.jpg)
6 April 1901
U.S.S.Petrel - to U.S.S.Petrel(wig-wag), at 11:00, "Please send boat for officers"
collier "Brutus" - At 2:00 the collier"Brutus" shifted her anchorage.
50874e7709d4090755016319: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_008_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d409075501631b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_008_1.jpg)
7 April 1901
Zafiro - At 2:00 the Zafiro went to sea.
50874e7709d409075501631d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_009_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite bay pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d409075501631f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_009_1.jpg)
8 April 1901
50874e7709d4090755016321: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_010_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d4090755016323: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_010_1.jpg)
9 April 1901
U.S.F.S Kentucky - At 6:45 sighted the U.S.F.S.Kentucky entering the harbor.
U.S.F.S.Brooklyn - At 6:55 the U.S.F.S.Brooklyn made general signals 684, 718 & 700.
50874e7709d4090755016325: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_011_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat -0.02, Long 0.02
50874e7709d4090755016327: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_011_1.jpg)
10 April 1901
50874e7709d4090755016329: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_012_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
coal: 159 tons 660 lbs - 2 tons 1020 lbs consumed
50874e7709d409075501632b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_012_1.jpg)
11 April 1901
50874e7709d409075501632d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_013_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d409075501632f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_013_1.jpg)
12 April 1901
Kentucky - Wigwag "McEntee ordered to Kentucky.
U.S.S. Castine - At 2:00, U.S.S. Castine was floated off the marine railway at Sangley Point, and at 2:25 anchored off Cavite.
U.S.S. Basco - At 2:30, U.S.S. Basco came in and proceeded to the Naval Yard.
U.S.S. Manila - At 5:40, wig wag from U.S.S. Manila: "To Commd'g Officer,when do you sail; we have an officer to go to your ship, Sig. Norton"
50874e7709d4090755016331: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_014_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d4090755016333: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_014_1.jpg)
13 April 1901
U.S.S. Wilmington - At 6:00, U.S.S. Wilmington got underway and assisted by tugs stood over to Langley Point, where she was hauled up on the marine railway.
Naval Cadet W. N. Jeffers - Naval Cadet W. N. Jeffers was detached from the U.S.S. Manilla and reported on board for duty in this vessel.
gunboat Basco - The gunboat Basco left the harbor.
J. F. Bromhead, Lds. - Auctioned off the effects of C W. Johnson, Lds and J. F. Bromhead, Lds., deserters
C W. Johnson, Lds - Auctioned off the effects of C W. Johnson, Lds and J. F. Bromhead, Lds., deserters
Patrick Cunningham, Seaman - Patrick Cunningham, Seaman, was transferred to this ship from the U.S.S. Manilla.
50874e7709d4090755016335: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_015_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d4090755016337: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_015_1.jpg)
14 April 1901
USS Petrel - At 11:00 the Commanding Officer made official visit on board
M. J. Malier, G.M.3C - At 11:00 transferred to the USS Manila
USS Manila - At 11:00 transferred M. J. Mailer, G.M.3.C.
E. Lambert, Boilermaker - Absentees:
Naval Cadet, Wm McEntee, - detached from this ship April 12th, reposted on board the USFS Kentucky for duty
50874e7709d4090755016339: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_016_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d409075501633b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_016_1.jpg)
15 April 1901
E.A. Jacobson. App.I.C. - rated Gunner's Mate 3rd Class, dating from April 15, 1901
W.E. Hatfield, W.R. Cook - rated Wardroom Steward, dating from April 14, 1901.
R.C. King, Mess Att. - rating changed to Landsman, dating from April 14, 1901.
E.J. Larson, Cox. - Coxswain's pay as Coxswain of steam launch to take effect from April 1o., 1901.
Aha Shing - enlisted as Wardroom Cook..from today for four years.
Ahaghyen Ring - enlisted as Mess Attendant. from today for four years.
50874e7709d409075501633d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_017_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat -17.7, Long 168.3
50874e7709d409075501633f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_017_1.jpg)
Received in steam engineering department
received in construnction department
Received in pay department
50874e7709d4090755016341: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_018_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7709d4090755016343: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_018_1.jpg)
12 April 1901
coal: 35 tons - At 9:30 finished loading
H. Lambert, Boilermaker - returned 42 hrs over time
Capt Bessett, USMC - Received 6 boxes for
Received 2 boxes for Medical Officer.
G.B. Gates, but. Sea. - Received from USFS Kentucky for transfer to the USS Villalobos
USFS Kentucky - Received G.B. Gates, but.Sea, for transfer to USS Villalobos
USS Villalobos - Received G.B. Gates, but. Sea., from USFS Kentucky for transfer to USS Villalobos
Flagship Nashville - Signalled with this vessel for exercise, using Adrois
50874e7709d4090755016345: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_019_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi and making passage to zamboanga pi
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7709d4090755016347: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_019_1.jpg)
16 April 1901
P. Haneir, Cox - by order of the commanding officer released from confinement
W. Wright, C.P. - by order of the commanding officer released from confinement
I. Gallant - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment:~ clothing in lucky bag, 4 hrs extra duty
W. Howard, MAH - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: not obeying orders of Officer of the deck and insolent, 3 days solitary confinement on bread and water. Confined in accordance.
W.H. Hanner, Lds - Commanding Office assigned the following punishment: Leaving paint pot on deck, 4 hours extra duty
E. Lambert, Boilermaker - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: 42 hours over time, 4th Class 3 mo's
E. Wilson, C.P. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: not obeying orders, 10 days double irons. Confined in accordance
L. Howard, ~Sea - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: Smoking out of hours, 4 hours extra duty
Patrick Cunningham, Sea - Transferred to the USS Manila
USS Manila - transferred Patrick Cunningham, Sea to USS Manila
C.T.E. Ollsen, Sea - Transferred from the Manila to the Vicksburg
USS Manila - C.T.E. Ollsen, Sea., transferred from the Manila to the Vicksburg.
Albany - Received 4 sacks of mail for
Princeton - Received 4 sacks of mail for
Glade Cuba - Received 4 sacks of mail for
I~ - from flagship "Do not take mail for I~ or Cuba. Take mail for the Zafiro only"
Cuba - from flagship "Do not take mail for I~ or Cuba. Take mail for the Zafiro only"
Zafario - from flagship "Do not take mail for I~ or Cuba. Take mail for the Zafiro only"
USFS Kentucky - whale boat approaching USFS Kentucky observed a cutter, distant about 500 yards , directly in the course of this vessel.
50874e7709d4090755016349: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_020_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi and making passage to zamboanga pi
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7709d409075501634b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_020_1.jpg)
16 April 1901
U.S.S.Manila - Patrick cunningham, Sea was transferred to the U.S.S. Manila and C.T.E.Ollsen, Sea. was transferred from the Manila to the Vicksburg.
Albany - Recieved 4 sacks of mail for the Albany, Princeton, Isla de Cuba, and Iris.
Isla de Cuba - Recieved 4 sacks of mail for the Albany, Princeton, Isla de Cuba, and Iris.
Princeton - Recieved 4 sacks of mail for the Albany, Princeton, Isla de Cuba, and Iris.
Iris - Recieved 4 sacks of mail for the Albany, Princeton, Isla de Cuba, and Iris.
Zafiro - At 3:45 from flagship "Do not take mail for Iloslo or Cabu. Take mail for Zafiro only"
Cabu - At 3:45 from flagship "Do not take mail for Iloslo or Cabu. Take mail for Zafiro only"
Iloslo - At 3:45 from flagship "Do not take mail for Iloslo or Cabu. Take mail for Zafiro only"
U.S.F.S Kentucky - Hoisted whale boat when approaching U.S.F.S. Kentuckyobserved a cutter, distant about 500 yds. with spars up, sculs furled, and no oars out, directly in the course of this vessel.
50874e7709d409075501634d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_021_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi and making passage to zamboanga pi
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7709d409075501634f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_021_1.jpg)
Callas - At 6:55 the "Callao" was towed alongside "Petrel"
Petrel - At 6:55 the "Callao" was towed alongside "Petrel"
50874e7709d4090755016351: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_022_0.jpg)
making passage from cavite to zamboanga pi
Lat 12.67, Long 121.67
50874e7709d4090755016353: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_022_1.jpg)
17 April 1901
At 5:00 passed U.S. Army Transport going toward Manila.
50874e7709d4090755016355: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_023_0.jpg)
making passage from cavite to zamboanga
Lat 9.45, Long 121.82
Error of compass ovserved at 8 a.m. Ship's head S1/2E. 0 45 E
50874e7709d4090755016357: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_023_1.jpg)
18 April 1901
0419 am steaming east along coast of panay island phlippines
Lat 51.8, Long -115.2
Steaming along coast of Panay Island.
Land in sight on port bow.
Mindoros in sight on port bow.
50874e7709d4090755016359: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_024_0.jpg)
making passage from cavite to and at anchor off zamboanga
Lat 6.90, Long 1220.07
50874e7709d409075501635b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_024_1.jpg)
19 April 1901
Made preparations for entering port. At 7:00 hoisted the colors.
At 9:52 let go port anchor in Zamboanga harbor
Captain Schofield, USA Collector of Port and Lieut. Kobbe, USA, aide to the Commanding Force ashore, called officially on Commanding Officer of this ship. The Commanding Officer of this ship called officially on the officer commanding the US Troops ashore.
USA Hospital Ship "Releif" - in harbor.
Captain Schofield, USA Collector of Port - called officially on the commanding officer of this ship.
Lieut. Kobbe, USA aide to the General Commanding Force - called officially on the Commanding Officer of this ship.
chartered transport "Lenox" - with three companies of the 31st US Infantry on board, came in and anchored.
At 4:25 the chartered transport "Lenox", under British colors, with three companies of the 31st US Infantry on board, came in and anchored. Later transport drifted anchorage and began to unload troops.
50874e7709d409075501635d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_025_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d409075501635f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_025_1.jpg)
20 April 1901
Steamer "Eolus" of Manila - Sent an officer to make a boarding visit
USS Isla de Cuba - Arrived and anchored at 9:20
Isla de Cuba - Commanding Officer made official calls
US Army Hospital Ship "Relief" - Commanding Officer made official visit
Isla de Cuba - hoisted distinguishing pennant
Vicksburg - At 8:20 hoisted her distinguishing pennant
Col. J.S. Pettit, 31st Infantry, District Commander - The Commanding Officer made an official call
Isla de Cuba - Signaled at 1:00
U.S.S. Isla de Cuba - The U.S.S. Isla de Cuba reeived and anchored at 4:20.
Eolus - Commanding Officer to make a boarding visit to the Steamer "Eolus" of Manila.
U.S.Army Hospital Ship "Relief" - the Commanding Officer made offical calls on the Isla de Cuba and the U.S.Army Hospital Ship "Relief"
50874e7709d4090755016361: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_026_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d4090755016363: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_026_1.jpg)
21 April 1901
Isla de Cuba - Commanding Officer made an official visit on board
Col. Pettit, 31st USA Infantry - made official visit on board
The American steamer for Eug~cio came in and anchored.
Isla de Cuba - At 1:20 wig-wag "The Lenox will sail for Manila direct, at four today, she will take mail that is sent to her."
Isla de Cuba - Received in Pay Department $21,000 Mexican currency. Received in Equipment Dep't 100 lbs. Paint (white zinc), 10 lbs paint (chrome green), 10 gal. Turpentine, 10 gal. Linseed oil.
Received in Pay Department from Isla de Cuba $21,000 Mexican currency. Received in Equipment Dep't from Isla de Cuba, 100 lbs. Paint (white zinc), 10 lbs. Paint (chrome green), 10 gal. Turpentine, 10 gal. Linseed oil. Rec'd in Ord. Dep't: 3 sponges, bristle; 5 gal oil, sperm; 4# Lye, Conch, 20# Waste, 3 She~~ 8# Beeswax; 4# Impression wax; Rec'd in Equip. Nav. Dept. 1000 ft logline
USS Panay - At 5:00 came n and anchored
Army Transport Lennox - At 5:30 got underway and stood out to westward.
Army Hospital ship Relief - At same time shifted anchorage to westward.
Panay - Commanding Officer made official visit on board.
50874e7709d4090755016365: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_027_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d4090755016367: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_027_1.jpg)
22 April 1901
USS Isla de Cuba - At 5:45 got underway and stood out to Eastward.
USA Hospital Ship Relief - At 7:30 got underway and stood out to Westward.
W. Wright, CO.P. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: Handling another person's ditty box without permission, 5 days solitary confinement on B&W;
J. Gerk, Lds - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: Refusing to obey orders of P.O, 5 days double irons;
H. Gallant, Sea - Unnecessarily noisy at General Quarters, 2 hrs extra duty;
HB. Eldridge, A.2.C. - Wearing hat turned down, 8 hrs extra duty
A.I. Fre~~ier, A.2.C. - Wearing hat turned down, 16 hrs extra duty.
W. Wright, CO.P. - confined in accordance with above punishments.
J. Gerk, Lds. - confined in accordance with above punishments.
USS Panay - At 3:20 got underway.
Steamer "Don Gracioso" - At 11.45 left the harbor
U.S.S.Isla de Cuba - At 5:45 U.S.S. Isla de Cuba got underway and stood out to Eastward.
U.S.A.Hospital Ship Relief - At 7:30 U.S.A.Hospital Ship Relief got underway and stood out to Westward.
U.S.S.Panay - At 3:20 U.S.S. Panay got underway.
"Don Gracioso" - At 11:45 the steamer "Don Gracioso" left the harbor.
50874e7709d4090755016369: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_028_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d409075501636b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_028_1.jpg)
23 April 1901
Steamer "Good Luck" - The steamer arrived and anchored.
US Gunboat "Panay" - At 12:30 arrived and anchored.
Ass't Surgeon, D.B. Kerr, USN - reported on board for duty to the Commanding Officer, and to continue additional duties with Marine detachment at Port Isabela.
Gunboat Panay - sailed for Cebu at 3:05
G B Gates, ~S - sent to the Panay with effects and papers for transfer to the Villalobo
Panay - GB Gates, ~S, was sent to the Panay with effects and papers for transfer to the Villalobo
Villalobos - GB Gates, ~S, was sent to the Panay, with effects and papers for transfer to the Villalobos
50874e7709d409075501636d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_029_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d409075501636f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_029_1.jpg)
24 April 1901
E. Wilson, C.P. - At 9:00 by order of the Commanding Officer released E. Wilson, C.P.
American Steamer "Good Luck" - At 8:45 got underway and stood out to westward.
50874e7709d4090755016371: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_030_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d4090755016373: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_030_1.jpg)
25 April 1901
British Steamer "Teresa" - At 10:45, came in and anchored.
W. Howard, M.att. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
J.S. Scott, M. att. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
G. Harris, M. Att - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
T. Yoshida, Cab. Std. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
USA Transport "Pennsylvania" - At 2:45, came in a anchored, close ahead, fouling our berth.
USS Calamiares - At 2:20 came in and anchored. At 3:00 got underway heading over for Puerto Isabela.
British Steamer "Teresa" - At 10:45, came in and anchored.
W. Howard, M.att. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
J.S. Scott, M. att. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
G. Harris, M. Att - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
T. Yoshida, Cab. Std. - Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments:Habitually late to quarters, to report to the Office of the deck at first call to quarters for one week.
USA Transport "Pennsylvania" - At 2:45, came in a anchored, close ahead, fouling our berth.
USS Calamiares - At 2:20 came in and anchored. At 3:00 got underway heading over for Puerto Isabela.
50874e7709d4090755016375: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_031_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d4090755016377: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_031_1.jpg)
26 April 1901
steamer Asolus - At 7:30, got underway and man~served about the harbor, anchoring in original position at 7:55.
G. W. Edwards. A.2C. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: Using abusive language to the Corporal of the guard, three days solitary confinement on bread and water,
J. King, Lds. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: Striking another person in the Navy, Five days double irons.
E.G. Farmer, A.2C. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: Inattention and indifference to duties, 8 days extra signal watches.
J. Gerk, Lds - By order of the Commanding Officer released from confinement
W. Wright, C.P. - By order of the Commanding Officer released from confinement
Steamer "Rosario" - At 9:30, arrived from Jolo and Manila
Army tug "Detroit" - Arrived
Asolus - At 7:30, the steamer Asolus got underway and ~~~~~~~ about the harbor anchoring in original position.
Rosario - The steamer "Rosario" arrived from Jolo and Manila.
Detroit - Army tug "Detroit" arrived.
50874e7709d4090755016379: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_032_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d409075501637b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_032_1.jpg)
27 April 1901
USS Lamar - At 9:00, came in and anchored. The Commanding Officer of the Lamar made and official visit on board.
USS Calamiares - At 11:20, came in and anchored. At 11:30, the Commanding Officer made an official visit.
Army Hospital Ship "Relief" - At 2:00, came in and anchored.
Aolus - At 12:50, left the harbor.
W. W. Beedle - At 8:50, returned 2 hours over time.
U.S.S. Samar - At 9:00 U.S.S.Samar came in and anchored.
U.S.S. Calamianes - At 11:20 U.S.S.Calamianes came in and anchored.
Aeolus - At 12:50 the Aeolus left the harbor.
U.S.Army Hospital Ship "Relief" - At 2:00 the Army Hospital ship "Relief" came in and anchored.
50874e7709d409075501637d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_033_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d409075501637f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_033_1.jpg)
28 April 1901
Army Transport "Pennsylvania" - At 6:15, left the harbor.
USS Calamianes - At 2:00, left for Pollok. Transferred the following stores to the USS Calamianes: 6 cases for Captain Bissett, USMC and 2 cases to Medical Office at Pollok.
U~S~ del Rosrio - At 3:15 the steamer left.
Captain Bissett, USMC - At 3:15, transferred the following stores to the USS Calamianes: 6 cases for Captain Bissett, USMC
British steamer "Tsinan" - At 4:45, passed by, heading to the Southward.
50874e7709d4090755016381: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_034_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d4090755016383: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_034_1.jpg)
29 April 1901
Received in equipment department
50874e7709d4090755016385: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_035_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d4090755016387: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_035_1.jpg)
29 April 1901
G.W. Edwards, A.2C. - By order of the Commanding Officer, released his term of confinement having expired.
Army tug "Detroit" - At 9:00, sailed to the Eastward.
Lamar - At 11:45, from Lamar "Stores for Isa Bela not expected till late this afternoon. Would like to delay sailing till daylight tomorrow." Answered "Yes, certainly."
USS Wanshaw - At 12:30, arrived and anchored. Received stores from
The Waushan - sailed at 4:30.
German steamer Prins. Alexander - Came in and anchored. Sent officer to make boarding visit
Army tug Kansas City - arrived
50874e7709d4090755016389: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_036_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7709d409075501638b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_036_1.jpg)
30 April 1901
J. King, Lands. - At 9:30, by order of the Commanding Officer released
W.W. Beedle, Lds. - Punishment assigned by Commanding Officer: 2 1/4 hrs overtime, 3rd class;
~.B. Eldridge, A.2C. - Punishments assigned by Commanding Officer:Skylarking at drill, 8 hours extra duty;
J. Scott, M.att. - Punishment assigned by the Commanding Officer: Clothing in lucky bag, extra night watches.
USS Lamar - came in and anchored. At 2:45 Commanding Officer of the Lamar made and official visit on board,
Dutch steamer Prius Alexander - At 5:30, left the harbor
steamer "Good Luck" - At 9:30, came in and anchored.
U.S.S.Samar - At 2:30 the U.S.S.Samar came in and anchored.
Prices. Alexander - At 5:30 the Prices. Alexander left the harbor.
Good Luck - At 9:30, steamer Good Luck came in and anchored.
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at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d409075501638f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_037_1.jpg)
1 May 1901
C.W. King, E.2C - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishment: 6 hrs. overtime, 3rd Class.
Steamer "Good Luck" - At 3:55, left the harbor.
50874e7809d4090755016391: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_038_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d4090755016393: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_038_1.jpg)
2 May 1901
steamer "Chaugsha" - At 7:00, passed through heading to the N'd.
G.W. Edwards, A2C - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: absent from station, 5 days messenger watch on quarter deck:
Changsha - At 7:00 the steamer"Changsha" of London passed through heading to the N'd.
Samar - Signals:from the "Samar", at noon, Num 25, Num 0.5.
50874e7809d4090755016395: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_039_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d4090755016397: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_039_1.jpg)
3 May 1901
R.W.E. Brosseau, Lands - Absentees: Punishments assigned by Commanding Officer.
~.W. Simon, Sea - Punishment assigned by Commanding Officer: slow in obeying order of P.O., 8 hours extra duty;
W. Howard, M.Att. - Punishments assigned by Commanding Officer: Sleeping on wardroom transom, remain on quarter deck till 7:00 a.m for one week.
USS Calamianes - At 9:30, came in and anchored. At 9:50, the Commanding Officer of Calamianes made an official visit on board.
Navigator's Division had target practice with 22 caliber rifle.
R.W.E. Edwards, Lands - Absentee.
U.S.S.Calamanes - At 9:30 the U.S.S.Calamanes came in and anchored.
50874e7809d4090755016399: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_040_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d409075501639b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_040_1.jpg)
4 May 1901
USS Yorktown - At 9:30, came in and anchored. The Commanding Officer of this vessel called upon the Commanding Officer of the Yorktown.
Yorktown - hoisted the Senior Officer's pennant at 9:40.
Yorktown - The Commanding Officer of the Yorktown called on the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
Colonel Pettit, UNV - At 4:45, called on board this vessel.
R.W.E. Brosseau, Lds. - Absentee: quarters and physical drill.
Brigadier General Kobbe, USA - At 5:25, called on board.
R.W.E. Brosseau, Lds. - At 6:50, returned on board, 49 hours overtime.
E B Barry - Commander
Until 4 am. Cloudy Light airs to light breeze from North to SW. Barometer falling
4 to 8 a.m. Cloudy, light airs from SE and WSW. Barometer rising
8 a.m. to Meridian: Cloudy and pleasant, with light airs to light breezes from WSW. Barometer falling
Yorktown - The commanding officer of the Yorktown called upon the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
Meridian to 4 p.m. Cloudy and pleasant, witth light to gentle breeze from WSW to West. Barometer falling. The commanding officer of the Yorktown called upon the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
4 to 8 p.m. Cloudy and pleasant with gentle to light breezes from West to WSW. Barometer rising.
8 p.m. to Midnight. Cloudy and pleasant with light airs from NE. Barometer steady.
A. F. Long - Navigator
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at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d409075501639f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_041_1.jpg)
5 May 1901
Army transport Aeolus - arrived at 10:00.
W. J. ~orau, P.O.M. - By order of the Commanding Officer, released from sentry's charge
Commences and until 4 am. Cloudy and pleasant, light airs from NNE. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Clear and pleasant, with light airs from NNE. Barometer rising.
8 am to meridian. Clear and warm. Light breeze from SE to SW. Barometer falling.
Meridian to 4 pm. Partly cloudy. Light to gentle breeze from SW to west. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Partly cloudy. Gentle breeze from West. Barometer rising.
8 pm to midnight Clear. Light airs and breezes from NE. Barometer steady.
50874e7809d40907550163a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_042_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi and making passage to and at anchor off isabela basilan
Lat 6.80, Long 122.07
50874e7809d40907550163a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_042_1.jpg)
6 May 1901
Transport Aeolus - sailed at 3:15
USS Yorktown - sailed at 7:00.
W.E.J. Doran, R.M. - following punishments were assigned by Commanding Officer: returning drunk from liberty, 4th class;
R.W.E. Brossean, Lds. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: 50 hours overtime, 4th class, 5 months;
J.M. Lusby, Lds. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments; disobedience of orders, 5 days double irons;
C.E. Goble, A.2C. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: Insolence to P.O., one day solitary confinement on bread and water.
USS Calamianes - At 8:30, got underway
USS Lamar - At 9:35, got underway.
set course S.E. at 11:30
At 3:00, anchored off Isabela, Basilan
NEJ - punished for maurauding, returned drunk from liberty, 4th class
RWE Brousseau - 50 hours overtime, 4th class 3 months
JM Lusby - disobedience of orders, 5 days double irons
Cpl Goble, A2C - Insolence to PO, one day solitary confinement on bread and water.
USS Calamaunes - got underway
USS Samar - got underway
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making passage to and anchor at pollok pi
Lat 7.35, Long 124.20
50874e7809d40907550163a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_043_1.jpg)
8 May 1901
B.H. Brill, A2C - Punishment assigned by Commanding Officer: Slow in obeying orders, one day solitary confinement on bread and water, and Brill was confined accordingly.
USS Calamiares - At 1:10, came in and moored to buoy; at 3:00 she went alongside the wharf.
Commences and until 4 am. Cloudy and pleasant, with light breeze from SE to East. Bright moonlight. At 3.20 sighted Bongo Island, bearing NE x E.
4 to 8 am. Clear and pleasant. Gentle breeze from ENE. Barometer rising. Standing in for Pollok anchorage. At 6.30 Bongo Island was abeam. At end of watch Manigo Bato Pt bore ESE.
8 am to meridian. Clear and warm. Calm to gentle breezes from ENE to NW. Barometer falling. Standing in for Pollok anchorage. At 8.52 let go port anchor. Bearings from anchorage: End go pier NW x W 1/4 W, Light, west side Ligut Bay, N 1/2 W, East side Ligut Bay, NNE 7/8 E.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and warm. Light breeze from West. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Clear and warm. Light airs to light breezes from West. Barometer falling.
8 pm to midnight. Partly cloudy. Light airs to light breezes from West to to ESE. Barometer steady.
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at anchor off pollock pi
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7809d40907550163ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_044_1.jpg)
9 May 1901
American steamer Aeolus - came in and anchored off Parang Panang
Army lauch Detroit - came in and went alongside the wharf at Parang Panang, leaving later
T. Nelson, F1C - Absentee from quarters and physical drill.
Z. O'Niell, A2C - The Commanding Officers assigned follow punishment: Slow in obeying orders. 8 hrs extra duty.
Lieut. A.T. Long - ~ bloard of survey for articles in Ordnance Department mett on the USS Calamiares.
Naval Cadet W. N. Jeffers - ~ bloard of survey for articles in Ordnance Department mett on the USS Calamiares.
Lieut. J. B. Patton - ~ bloard of survey for articles in Ordnance Department mett on the USS Calamiares.
T. Nelson, F1.C. - At 10:30, returned on board 15 1/2 hrs overtime.
Army launch Detroit - returned to Parang Parang.
Steamer Aeolus - At 5:40, left Parang Parang, and stood out to sea.
Launch Detroit - came over to Pollok.
the Detroit - At 6:30, left for ~ottabato.
launch Detroit - At 8:50, came in and anchored.
E B Barry - Commander US Navy
Z. O'Neill, A2C - slow in obeying orders, 8 hrs extra duty.
T. Nelson, F.C. - returned on board15 1/2 hrs overtime
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at anchor off pollok pi
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7809d40907550163af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_045_1.jpg)
10 May 1901
gunboat Calaimares - went aground while attempting to haul into dry dock.
Cm'dr E. B. Barry - and part of officers went ~ corta bats on launch "Detroit".
Sent steam launch and sailing launch to Parang Parang for fresh water.
L. Mansen, Blksmith - By order of the Commanding Officer placed under sentry's charge for safe keeping.
EB Barry - Commander US Navy
GUN BOAT CALAIMAINES - went aground while attempting drydock.
L. Mansen blacksmith - placed under sentry charge for safe keeping.
50874e7809d40907550163b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_046_0.jpg)
at anchor off pollock pi
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7809d40907550163b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_046_1.jpg)
11 May 1901
L. Mansen, Blksmith - By orders of the Commanding Officer release.
J. M. Lusby, Lds. - By order of the Commanding Officer, released.
USS Yorktown - arrived and anchored at 10:10.
Gunboat Calamiares - was floated at high water.
Yorktown - Commanding Officer made a call on the Yorktown
Yorktown - The Commanding Officer of the Yorktown made a call on board.
Cm'dr E. B. Barry - and officers returned from Cottabota.
50874e7809d40907550163b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_047_0.jpg)
at anchor off pollok pi
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7809d40907550163b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_047_1.jpg)
12 May 1901
Calamianes - At 4:30, got underway, but in doing so her bow grounded.
At 4:30, Calamianes got underway, but in doing so her bow grounded. Sent cutter to her assistance, but it was not needed. She planted an anchor off her port bow, and warped herself off, and stood out of the bay.
J. Walsh, P.M. - At 8:00, returned 1 hr overtime.
Peter Hassen, Cox - At 9:00, returned 2 hrs overtime.
50874e7809d40907550163b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_048_0.jpg)
at anchor off pollok pi
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7809d40907550163bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_048_1.jpg)
13 May 1901
launch Detroit - At 8:30, came ~i, leaving again at 9:15.
H.L. Brown, M.Att. - Returning from liberty unfit for duty: drunk, 4th Class,
H. C. Hill, C.P. - slow and sullen in obeying orders, 2 days double irons, Confined in accordance.
Geo. Rhode, Lds - Returning drunk from liberty, 2nd Class, and habitual neglect in cleaning gun brightwork, Report to Officer of Deck for two weeks to clean gun brightwork;
B.~. Snyder, A.2.C - Not obeying orders of P.O., one week extra sweeper.
Yorktown - Hauled down S.O. Pennant at 8:10
Detroit - At 5:25, came in.
Yorktown - hoisted S.O. Pennant.
Detroit - At 8:30 the launch Detroit came in, leaving again at 9:15.
Yorktown - Yorktown hauled down S.D.Pennant at 8:10.
50874e7809d40907550163bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_049_0.jpg)
at anchor off pollok pi
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7809d40907550163bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_049_1.jpg)
14 May 1901
Navigator's division had target practice on shore with rifles and revolvers.
T. Nelson, F.1.C. - was assigned 10 days confinement in double irons, for being 15 hours overtime and being disorderly on shore. He was confined accordingly.
A. C. Schroveder, Yeo.2.Cl. - Absentee:
A. C. Schroeder, Yeo.2.Cl. - Absentee
Powder division had target practice with small arms on shore.
Commences and until 4 am. Cloudy with lightning around the horizon. Light airs from NE. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Clear and pleasant with light airs from East. Barometer steady.
8 am to meridian. Clear and warm. Light airs from West to NW. Barometer falling.
Meridian to 4 pm. loudy and warm. Light breeze from SW to West. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Cloudy and warm. Passing rains. Light breeze from West to NW. Barometer rising.
8 pm to midnight. Cloudy and warm. Lightning and thunder. Light airs from NW.
50874e7809d40907550163c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_050_0.jpg)
at anchor off pollok pi
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7809d40907550163c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_050_1.jpg)
15 May 1901
Sent 1st and 2nd divisions ashore for small arms target practice.
A. C. Schroeder, Yeo.2.Cl - absentee
Sent Chief Gunners Mate, with steam and sailing launch with diving apparatus, to dive for a lost boat anchor.
H. C. Hill,CP - released from confinement
P. Hansen, Cox - placed under sentry's charge for safekeeping
Engineers and remaining men of the 1st and 2nd divisions went ashore for small arms target practice.
A. C. Schroeder, Y.2.C. - was brought on board by the shore authorities and by order of the Cm'dg Officer, was placed under sentry's charge to await action.
Yorktown - At 4:30 got underway and stood out.
Yorktown - Signal(wig-wag) from Yorktown at 2:25 "Please send gig for your Commanding Officer"
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at anchor n pollok harbor pi
Lat 22.4, Long 114.3
50874e7809d40907550163c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_051_1.jpg)
16 May 1901
Commanding Officer, with party of officers went to call on Sato Prang, and Rio Grande above Cotta Bato.
50874e7809d40907550163c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_052_0.jpg)
at anchor in pollok harbor pi
Lat 22.4, Long 114.3
50874e7809d40907550163cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_052_1.jpg)
17 May 1901
W. J. Looney, Ch. Yeo - The term of his ~~ expired, on duty at Isabela.
The steam launch with the Commanding Officer and other officers returned from Cottabato.
gunboat Calaimares - arrived at 11:00
P. Hansen, Cox - drunk on duty ashore, 5 days double irons. By order of the Commanding Officer was confined in double irons.
A.C. Schroeder, Y.2.C. - 42 hrs over leave, ~ mos 4th Class; was released from sentry's charge,
Calaimares - sailed at 12:30
Lieut. Holcomb, USN - By order of the Commanding Officer, $2000 Mexican dollars was transferred to Lieut. Holcomb for Government work on shore.
50874e7809d40907550163cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_053_0.jpg)
at anchor in pollok harbor making passage to and at anchor of malabang and making passage to zamboanga pi
Lat 7.55, Long 124.02
50874e7809d40907550163cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_053_1.jpg)
18 May 1901
point fletcher bearing one point on starboard bow pl819
Lat 36.9, Long 7.8
Hoisted in steam launch and made prepartions for getting underway.
At 8:30, hove up port anchor and got underway for Malabang.
At 11:24, let go port anchor off Malabang,
USS Calamiares - in harbor
American steamer Aeolus - in harbor
At 1:25 a partial eclipse of the sun by the moon commenced.
Major McMahon, USV - at 11:15, made official visit on board
Capt. C. B. Hagradom - At 11:15, made an official visit on board,
At 1:45, Commanding Officer of the Army force ~~ made and official visit on board and at 3:00 the Commanding Officer returned the call.
the Aeolus - At 4:30, left the harbor.
At 7:00, hove up port anchor and stood out.
50874e7809d40907550163d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_054_0.jpg)
making passage from malabang to and at anchor off zamboanga
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7809d40907550163d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_054_1.jpg)
19 May 1901
basilan and several smaller islands 2 points on port bow
Lat 64.6, Long -172.6
At 10:38 let go port anchor in Zamboanga Harbor.
USS Panay - Commanding Officer called on this vessel.
U.S.S.Panay - The Commanding Officer of the U.S.S.Panay called on the Commanding Officer of this vessel.
50874e7809d40907550163d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_055_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d40907550163d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_055_1.jpg)
20 May 1901
steamer "Good Luck" - At 3:00, came in and anchored.
W. Wright, C.P. - Absentees:
~ Gallant, Sea. - Absentees:
Calamianes - came in and anchored at 9:30.
steamer ~~Engracia - arrived and anchored at 8:30.
F. J. Karvasek, AS. - Received from USS Panay
G. Harris, M.Att - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: not standing his watch, 4 extra watches;
R.W.E. Brossian, Lds. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: Habitually late to quarters; refusing to turn in bag to S.M. Mate; not scrubbing hammock, 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water; confined accordingly.
J.F. Alexander, Lds. - Disobedience of orders of P.O., 5 days double irons; confined accordingly.
Geo. Harris, M.Att. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments; Clothing in lucky bag, 4 hrs. extra duty;
A. Anderson, F2C - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: 4 hrs overtime, 3rd conduct class.
J. Corbett, Swright. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: 3 hours overtime, 2nd conduct class;
W.E. ~~mham, P.M. - The Commanding Office assigned the following punishments: 3 1/2 hours overtime, 2nd conduct class.
Calamianes - The Commanding Officer inspected
USS Culgoa - At 5:50, arrived and anchored.
EB Barry - Commander US Navy
Good Luck - steamer anchored at 3:00
The Calamaines - anchored at 12:30
Engracia - steamer anchored at 8:00
G. Harris - punished, not standing his watch, 4 extra watches
RWE Brosseau - punished, habitually late to quarters, refusing to turn in bag to SM mate, not scrubbing hammock, 5 days solitary confinement for bread and water
JF Alexander - punished for disobedience of orders, 5 days double irons
George Harris - punished, clothing in lucky bag, 4 hrs extra duty
A Anderson - 4 hrs overtime, 3rd conduct class.
J. Corbert - 3 hrs overtime, 2nd conduct class.
RWE Brousseau and JT Alexander - were confined accordingly.
Had exercise attaining signals, target practice with gallery rifle.
USS Culgra - arrived and anchored.
50874e7809d40907550163d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_056_0.jpg)
Lat 6.70, Long 121.97
50874e7809d40907550163db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_056_1.jpg)
21 May 1901
USS Culgoa - At 8:05, the Commanding Officer made and official visit on board.
At 8:46 hove up port anchor and got underway for Port Isabela.
At 11:15, moored to the coal dock at port Isabela.
Lieut. H.C. Clifford, Commanding Officer of Marines - made an official visit on board.
Peter Hanseu, Cox - By order of the Commanding Officer, released from confinement.
T. Nelson, F1C. - By order of the Commanding Officer, released from confinement.
D. Gal~sus, Sea. - At 8:00, returned from liberty 37 hours overtime.
W. Wright, C.P. - At 8:00, returned from liberty 37 hours overtime.
USS Calamianes - At 12.05, came in and moored to buoy.
P. Woods, A.S. - At 3:00, by order of the Commanding Officer, confine for 5 days in double irons for gross profanity.
Calamianes - At 3:00, Commanding officer made an official visit on board.
EB Barry - Commander, US Navy
At 8:46 up anchor, underway to Port Israel.
H C Clifford - Commanding Officer of the Marines mad an official visit.
Released Peter Hassell and T Nelson from confinement.
P Woods - confined 5 days in double irons for gross profanity.
Overcast and rainy.
50874e7809d40907550163dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_057_0.jpg)
moored to coal dock port isabela pi
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
50874e7809d40907550163df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_057_1.jpg)
22 May 1901
At 6:20, started coaling ship.
At 11:50, stopped coaling temporarily, having taken on 98 tons.
coal: 120 tons -
Continued coaling until 2:30, when stopped, having taken on 120 tons coal.
50874e7809d40907550163e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_058_0.jpg)
moored to coal dock isabela pi making passage to and at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7809d40907550163e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_058_1.jpg)
23 May 1901
At 9:25, got underway, and stood out through western channel.
At noon, Santa Cruz Island bore West. Standing in for Zamboanga anchorage.
At 12:23, anchored with port anchor
Steamer Rosario - sailed at 2:30.
Gunboat Calamianes - arrived at 5:00.
Calamianes - sailed at 11:00.
Rosario - Steamer Rosario sailed at 2:30.
Calamanes - The Gunboat Calamanes arrived at 5:00.
50874e7809d40907550163e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_059_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d40907550163e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_059_1.jpg)
24 May 1901
R.W.E. Brosseau, Lds. - by order of the Commanding Officer, released
J.T. Alexander,Lds. - by order of the Commanding Officer, released
D. Gallant, Sea. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: 37 hrs overtime, 4th Class 3 mos.
W. Howard, M.Att. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: ~3 1/4 hrs overtime, 4th Class 3 mos.
F. Hickman, 2M3C - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: Inattention to duty, ~~3rd Class,
Geo Harris, M.Att - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: noisy on half deck and shirking watch, 3 days solitary confinement on bread and water. confined accordingly.
A.W. Simon, Sea. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: Indifference ~n obeying orders and insolence to P.O., 3 days double irons. confined accordingly.
American steamer Viscaya - At 1:30, came in and anchored.
American steamer Nuesta Senora del Camen - At 3:30, came in and anchored,
The Aeolus - went alongside The Viscaya.
50874e7809d40907550163e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_060_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d40907550163eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_060_1.jpg)
25 May 1901
steamer Nuestra Senora del Carmen - At 4:30, left the harbor.
USS Zafiro - At 4:40, came in and anchored. At 5:00, Commanding Officer called on board.
USS Zafiro - At 8:45, got underway.
EB Barry - Commander US Navy
clear, light air,light breeze.
Received in Pay Dept. 80 lbs fresh bread.
Cloudy and pleasant.
USS Zafiro - Entered harbor.
Received onboard from Zafiro, 22 cases ham, 14 cases coffee.
50874e7809d40907550163ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_061_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d40907550163ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_061_1.jpg)
26 May 1901
A.W. Simon, Sea. - released from confinement.
P. Woods, ASea. - released from confinement.
Gunboat Lamar - At 3:30, came n and anchored.
EB Barry - Commander US Navy
Clear, pleasant, and calm.
Rec'd in Pay Dept. 80 lbs fresh bread.
A Sincon, Sea - Released from confinement.
P Woods, Sea - Released from confinement.
Commanding Officer inspected the crew at quarters.
Cloudy, lightening.
50874e7809d40907550163f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_062_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi and making passage to port princes palawan pi
Lat 29.9, Long -4.3
50874e7809d40907550163f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_062_1.jpg)
27 May 1901
Geo. Rhode Harris, M.Att. - released from confinement.
Geo. Rhode, Lds. - Punishment assigned by Commanding Officer: 2 1/2 hours overtime, 2nd Class extended one week.
American steamer "Kansas City" - At 1:00, came in and anchored.
American steamer Nuestra Senora del Carmen - At 1:45, came in and anchored.
USS Lamar - At 2:15, proceeded to Isabela.
Brigadier General W. A. Kobbe, USA - At 5:15, came on board to take passage to Palawan
Capt. Kobbe, 28th USI - At 5:15, came on board to take passage to Palawan
Capt. Cloman, 23rd USI - At 5:15, came on board to take passage to Palawan
Made preparation to get underway. At 6:06, hove up port anchor and got underway. Aeolus in company.
Aeolus - about 2 1/2 miles astern throughout watch.
50874e7809d40907550163f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_063_0.jpg)
making passage to puerta princessa
Lat 8.55, Long 120.48
50874e7809d40907550163f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_063_1.jpg)
28 May 1901
transport Aeolus - Steaming on course, transport Aeolus n company.
Aeolus - about 3 miles astern.
Aeolus - about 2 1/2 miles astern throughout the watch.
Aeolus - about 3 miles astern.
USS Lamar - ship sighted in previous watch
Aeolus - about ~ miles astern.
Lamar - about ~ miles astern.
50874e7809d40907550163f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_064_0.jpg)
port princesa
Lat 9.73, Long 118.72
50874e7809d40907550163fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_064_1.jpg)
27 May 1901
At 3:10, gasket in manhole of Boiler "B" blew out. Hauled fires in that boiler, and sent following wig-wag message to Lamar and Aeolus, "Will be compelled to slow down for several hours".
Aeolus - At end of watch, 1 1/2 miles off port quarter.
Aeolus - At end of watch, about 1 1/2 miles off port quarter.
Lamar - At end of watch, 1/2 mile off starboard quarter.
At 4:30, sighted Palawan Island ahead. Clearing ship for action. Aeolus and Lamar about one mile astern. At 7:30 headed in toward Princesa harbor.
Standing in for Port Royalist, followed by gunboat Lamar and transport Aeolus. At 8:13 went to General Quarters. At 9:29 came to anchor off the town in 11 3/4 fms, with 30 fms on the port chain. Bearings: wharf, SE1/4E; distant 500 yds. Draft, forward 13'4" aft 13". Ran out a kedge anchor on starboard quarter, to bring broadside to bear on the town. Several insurgent flags hoisted on shore. At 10:30, sent an armed boat ashore with Major Brown and Lt Cm'dr J. H. Glennon, who conferred with the principal citizens of the town and demanded the unconditional surrender of the town. At 11:30, a white flag was hoisted on shore. At 12:00, the army force, consisting of Major Brown and Co. A., 20th US Inf. 102 men and a company from the Vicksburg were landed in the ship's boats, and Brigadier General Kotte with Commander E.B. Barry, landed and the town was taken possession of, no resistance being offered.
Major Brown - At 10:30, sent and armed boat ashore with Major Brown and Cm'dr J.H. Glennon
Cm'dr J.H. Glennon - At 10:30, sent and armed boat ashore with Major Brown and Cm'dr J.H. Glennon
Brigadier-General Kotte - landed and the town was taken possession of.
Commander E. B. Barry - landed and the town was taken possession of.
At 12:10, the insurgent flag was hauled down from over the Govenor's house and the US Flag hoisted over the Tribunal. Secured from General Quarters. The Aeolus went alongside the wharf.
50874e7809d40907550163fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_065_0.jpg)
at anchor in princesa habor pi
Lat 64.4, Long -173.2
50874e7809d40907550163ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_065_1.jpg)
30 May 1901
Whaleboat went up river to west of town for purpose of exploration.
At 1:oo, steam launch towed cutter from Aeolus to mouth of river, where steam launch grounded, but cutter proceeded up the river. At 3:00, whaleboat returned.
Decoration Day holiday.
At 7:45, steam launch returned towing Aeolus cutter. At 5:00 swimming.
50874e7809d4090755016401: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_066_0.jpg)
at anchor in princesa harbor palawan pi
Lat 10.52, Long 120.03
50874e7809d4090755016403: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_066_1.jpg)
31 May 1901
At 7:00, swimming.
W. Howard, M.Att. - The Commanding Officer assigned the following punishments: Smoking in pantry after hours, 3 days solitary confinement on B&W.
At 5:45, steam and sailing launches returned. Transferred to US forces ashore 450 gallons water. Took on board 800 gallons water. Hoisted boats and made preparations for getting underway.
USS Lamar - At 6:25, got underway and left harbor.
Aeolus - At 11:40, began to heave up anchor.
Made final preparations for getting underway. At 11:55, called all hands up anchor.
50874e7809d4090755016405: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_067_0.jpg)
steaming along coast of palawan pi
Lat 10.52, Long 120.03
50874e7809d4090755016407: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_067_1.jpg)
1 June 1901
transport Aeolus - At 12:05, got underway and stood out of harbor, followed by transport Aeolus.
At 12:05, got underway and stood out of harbor, followed by transport Aeolus.
Aeolus - 12 to 16 miles astern throughout watch.
Aeolus - At 3:30. took position two miles on starboard beam.
Aeolus - At end of watch, on starboard beam distance 2 miles.
Aeolus - 4 miles off starboard beam throughout watch.
Aeolus - Signal, at 10:30, "Follow astern during the night." "Full speed at 4 a.m.".
50874e7809d4090755016409: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_068_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor in port kulion harbor
Lat 11.88, Long 120.00
50874e7809d409075501640b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_068_1.jpg)
2 June 1901
Aeolus - 1/2 mile astern at end of watch.
Aeolus - from 1/2 to 5 miles astern during watch.
Aeolus - anchored at 10:20
Major Brown - landed, with a section of 18 soldiers and Lieut. Long, USN, with section of men from the Vicksburg.
Lieut. Long, USN - landed Major Brown, with a section of 18 soldiers, with a section of men from the Vicksburg.
Standing in for Port Kulion on course WNW 1/ 2W. White flags flying at the fort and at the ~~. At 9:15, hoisted a white flag at the fore truck. At 9:43, came to anchor in 13 fms: 30 fms on the starboard chain. Bearings, Fort West, distant 400 yds. draft forward 13.3. The Aeolus anchored at 10:20. Sent armed boats to Aeolus, and landed Major Brown with a section of 18 soldiers, and Lieut Long, USN with a section of men from the Vicksburg. The town was taken possession of without resistance and the US Flag was hoisted at the Municipal building at 11:15. Secondary guns crews went to quarters at 10:30, secured at 11:50. Signaled to the Aeolus at 10:10, "Come to anchor as soon as possible."
Sent liberty party on shore.
Lamar - arrived and anchored at 5:10.
50874e7809d409075501640d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_069_0.jpg)
at anchor in port kulion harbor pi
Lat 22.4, Long 114.3
50874e7809d409075501640f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_069_1.jpg)
3 June 1901
Lamar - sailed at 6:15 to the Northward, taking six soldiers from the garrison.
E.G. Farmer, A.2.C. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: indifference and inattention to duties, 24 hours extra duty and 2nd conduct class:
M. Mantler, A.2.C. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: Slow and insolent in releiving man on port, and threatening another person in the Navy with a table knife, 5 days solitary confinement on bread and water; and he was confined accordingly.
W. Howard, M.Att - Released
At 3:00 made preparation to get underway.
USS Lamar - At 3:50, sighted coming in Western channel.
Lamar - At 4:20, anchored.
Aeolus - At 6:15, got underway and left the harbor.
U.S.S.Samar - At 3:50, U.S.S. Samar sighted coming in Western channel.
Aeolus - At 4:00 wig-wag to Aeolus,"General Kobbe would like to see Major Brown on board"
50874e7809d4090755016411: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_070_0.jpg)
at anchor in port kulion harbor and making passage to baquit nuevo
Lat 22.4, Long 114.3
50874e7809d4090755016413: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_070_1.jpg)
4 June 1901
At 3:35 called all hands up anchor. At 3:35 stood out followed by USS Lamar.
USS Lamar - At 3:35 stood out followed by USS Lamar.
Standing out of Port Kulion.
Lamar - At 7:00, lost sight of the Lamar.
Commences and until 4 am. Cloudy and rainy. Calm to gentle breeze from NW. Barometer steady.
4 to 8 am. Cloudy and rainy. Light airs from NW. Barometer steady.
8 am to meridian. Cloudy but pleasant with light airs to light breezes from SE to SW. Barometer rising.
U.S.S. Samar - Followed by.
4 to 6 pm. Cloudy and rainy. Gentle breeze from SW. Barometer falling. Standing out of Port Kulian. At 6.00 Malaposo Island bearing WSW 7/8 W, Pt. Kalis N x E 5/8 E.
6 to 8 pm. Cloudy and rainy. Gentle breezes from SW. Barometer rising. At 7.00, lost sight of the Samar.
8 pm to midnight. Overcast and rainy during first part of watch, cloudy during last half with light breezes from SW to South. Barometer rising.
50874e7809d4090755016415: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_071_0.jpg)
baquit nueve
Lat 11.18, Long 119.37
50874e7809d4090755016417: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_071_1.jpg)
5 June 1901
gunboat Lamar - At 1:30, sighted, to the Southward.
At 4:20 went ahead full speed. Following the Lamar about 1/2 mile astearn of her. Standing in to Baquit Nuavo, various courses being steered. At 7:2-, discovered white flag on shore. At 7:30, wigwagged to Lamar, "Go in and investigate white flag". At 7:55 Commanding Officer of Lamar came on board with Presidente of Baquit Nuavo and interpreter.
At 9:45, anchored in Talindal harbor. The Presidente of Talindal came out to the USS Lamar in a boat flying a white flag and was brought to this vessel. At 9:45, came to anchor. At 11:15 the Lamar left the harbor. At 1120, shifted anchorage.
At 1:00 a landing party of 35 men from this ship and 5 from the Lamar, went ashore in charge of Lt. Com'dr Glennon, with Lt. Patton and Ass't Surgeon Chuesong, to attempt to breach the other coast of Palawan.
At 5:30, the landing party returned , having failed to find a trail ~~ for a force so equipped.
50874e7809d4090755016419: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_072_0.jpg)
Lat 11.35, Long 119.57
Hicksburg 3rd rate -
50874e7809d409075501641b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_072_1.jpg)
6 June 1901
Made preparations for getting underway. At 5:30 spread fires.
At 5:37, got underway and stood to the Northward.
gunboat Lamar - At noon sighted gunboat
At 3:00, sent whaleboat ashore to investigate a small native boat, flying a white flag, which was hauled up on the beach of a small island SW of Maitaiguit, nothing suspicious was found so the boat was allowed to proceed.
Lamar - At end of watch hove to South of Maitaiguit awaiting Lamar.
Lamar - At 5:00, the Lamar anchored and sent a boat ashore.
At 7:15 ran ashore on uncharted shoal. P.L.10.2. Bearings: North tangent S. Passage Island ESE1/2E, Igsrano Island SWbyW1/2W. Shipshead E5/8S. Sent out stern line to Lamar.
Aground. Backed hard on engines while Lamar hauled on stern line, but this did not move her. Lowered steam and sailing launches, and sent back bower cables aft on the half deck. At 11:20, backed off. Then hauled in stern line and hoisted boats. At 11:30, by permission, Lamar proceeded to Cuyo. At 11:45, went ahead slow working around reef, leaving it on starboard hand.
50874e7809d409075501641d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_073_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off cuyo pi
Lat 10.85, Long 121.00
50874e7809d409075501641f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_073_1.jpg)
7 June 1901
At 10:20, ahead half speed, standing in for anchorage off Cuyo.
Panay - in harbor
Lamar - in harbor
Aeolus - in harbor
Panay - came alongside and received 5 tons coal.
B.F. Snyder, A.2.C. - Transferred to the USS Panay.
USS Panay - Transferred B.F. Snyder, A.2.C. to the USS Panay.
General Kobbe - At 4:20, and the Commanding Officer made an official visit ashore.
General Kobbe - At 4:05, the Presidente of Cuyo made a call on General Kobbe.
Aeolus - At 9:00, left the harbor
J.S. Alexander, Lds - At 8:30, by order of the Commanding Officer confined in double irons to await investigation of report for refusing duty.
Aeolus - Panay, Samar and Aeolus in harbor
Panay - Panay, Samar and Aeolus in harbor
Samar - Panay, Samar and Aeolus in harbor
50874e7809d4090755016421: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_074_0.jpg)
at anchor at cuyo making passage to and at anchor off iloilo
Lat 10.42, Long 121.72
50874e7809d4090755016423: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_074_1.jpg)
8 June 1901
Lat 28.2, Long -115.2
E B Barry - Commander US Navy
USS Paraguay - left harbor 4:15
USS Samarinderio - following ship
J T Alexander - Released from confinement and restored to duty.
SE Gable - gross insolence to Pf and continued profanity, 5 days solitary confinement on B & LO
EG Farrier - Disobedience of orders of Pd, 5 days confinement in double irons.
50874e7809d4090755016425: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_075_0.jpg)
at anchor off iloilo pi
Lat 10.70, Long 122.45
50874e7809d4090755016427: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_075_1.jpg)
9 June 1901
The Lamar - came alongside for coal
The Zafiro - sailed at 9:00
50874e7809d4090755016429: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_076_0.jpg)
at anchor off iloilo pi and making passage to zamboango pi
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7809d409075501642b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_076_1.jpg)
10 June 1901
J.T. Alexander, Lds. - placed in single irons to await investigation of offense of disobedience of orders.
A.J. Frenier, A.2.C. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: Skylarking on quarter deck, 4 hours extra duty; Shirking, 8 hours extra duty;
W.W. Lewis, A.1.C. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: Skylaring on the quarter deck, 4 hours extra duty;
J. Brown, P.M. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer:10 hours overtime, 2d Class;
W.H. Hanner, Lds. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: Insolence to P.O., 5 days double irons;
J.T. Alexander, Lds. - The following punishments were assigned by the Commanding Officer: Disobedience of orders of Officer of the Deck, 10 days double irons.
Brigadier General Kobbe, USA - At 9:30, made an official visit to the USS Albany. Upon his departure from that vessel a salute of 11 guns was fired.
USS Lamar - At 11:00, went up Iloilo river.
USS Lamar - left the harbor
USS Vicksburg - at 5:08, hove up port anchor, got underway and stood out.
50874e7809d409075501642d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_077_0.jpg)
making passage from iloilo to zamboanga pi
Lat 8.68, Long 122.08
50874e7809d409075501642f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_077_1.jpg)
11 June 1901
coast of mindanao
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
EB Barry - Commander US Navy
Cloudy. Moderate breeze.
Cloudy and rainy greater part of watch.
C F Freyes - Punishment, impudence to MA, 12 hours extra duty.
RR Hurd - 17 hours over leave
At 5:30 went to quarters, followed by collision drill.
50874e7809d4090755016431: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_078_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7809d4090755016433: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_078_1.jpg)
12 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016435: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_079_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d4090755016437: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_079_1.jpg)
13 June 1901
Commences and until 4 am. Clear. Light airs from North to NE. Barometer falling.
English steamer "Labaum" - came in and anchored.
8 am to meridian. Clear and pleasant, with light to moderate breezes from West to WSW. Barometer variable.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and pleasant, with moderate to light variable breezes. Barometer falling.
Steamer Labaum - left the harbor.
8 pm to midnight. Clear and pleasant, with light airs from SW. Barometer rising.
50874e7809d4090755016439: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_080_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga and making passage to balabac pi
Lat 7.05, Long 121.35
50874e7809d409075501643b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_080_1.jpg)
14 June 1901
Commences and until 4 am. Cloudy but pleasant with light airs from South. Barometer steady.
4 to 8 pm. Cloudy but pleasant, with light airs from North to Calm. At 6.43 got underway. At 7.30 N. tang Mindanao N x E; S. tang Mindanao SE x E 3/4 E.
8 am to meridian. Cloudy with gentle breeze from S x W. Barometer steady. At noon, south tangent Sangboi islands bore SE 3/4 S, distant 17 miles.
Meridian to 4 pm. Cloudy with gentle breeze from S x W to SW x S. Barometer falling. At end of watch Mindanao in sight on starboard quarter.
4 to 6 pm. Cloudy with light breezes from SSW. Barometer steady.
6 to 8 pm. Cloudy. Light breeze from SW. Barometer rising. Lightning in the SW.
8 pm to midnight. Cloudy with light breezes from SW to NW. Barometer rising.
50874e7809d409075501643d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_081_0.jpg)
making passage to balabac and at anchor in clarendon bay batabak id
Lat 7.88, Long 118.17
50874e7809d409075501643f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_081_1.jpg)
15 June 1901
8:00 a.m. to Meridian. Cloudy and squally. Waterspouts in squall off port quarter.
50874e7809d4090755016441: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_082_0.jpg)
anchored off clarendon bay balabac pi
Lat 7.82, Long 117.03
50874e7809d4090755016443: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_082_1.jpg)
16 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016445: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_083_0.jpg)
at anchor in clarendon bay balabac and making passage to princessa
Lat 8.17, Long 117.67
50874e7809d4090755016447: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_083_1.jpg)
17 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016449: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_084_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor in princessa harbor
Lat 9.72, Long 118.72
Making passage to an at anchor in Princessa Harbor
50874e7809d409075501644b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_084_1.jpg)
18 June 1901
~ and until 4 A.M. ~ Light breezes from NW. Barometer falling. Steaming on course N by E01.2E0. Revolutions ~. ~ pressure. ~. ~. ~, naval Cadet U.S.N4 to 8 A.M. ~ and warm. Light airs from NW. At day light ~ ~ to Princessa harbor in sight our port ~. Signted Aeolus inshore standing in to Princessa. At 4:45 slowed to 50 revolutions and at ~ changed course to N by ~ ~ ~. At 5:30 went ~ fullspeed. Standing into Pt. Princessa, the commanding officer ~ ~ ~ fro port. Revolutions 72.5 ~ pressure. ~. ~. ~ ~ U.S.N8 A.M to Meridian. Cloudy with light variable airs to ~ ~. At 8:30 let go the porr anchor in 10 0/7 ~ of water in ~ ~ Harbor. Bearings from anchorage: Pt. Buckle. ~ ~ ~. Ships head north. Ships draught forward12'5", aft 11'7". ~ sailing launch in ~ of ~ ~ for fresh water. On ~ of quarterly ~ of ~, ~ and ~ overboard: 8 lbs ~ ~; 6 lbs ~ ~; 2 lbs Roast Beef canned. A difer went down to examine the ships bottom. . Captain ~, U.S.A. called on the commanding officer of this vessel. William ~ ~ naval Cadet U.S.A. Meridian to 4 PM. Cloudy with heavy rain during first part of watch, and light breezes from SE to calm. Barameter falling. ~ ~ trimmed. Examination of ships ~ ~ Sailing launch returned at 2:15. Took in 1500. gallons fresh water. Sent sailing launch for more water. William N ~ Naval ~ ~ 4 to 8 P.M. Cloudy with light rairs from East. Barometer rising. At 5:00 went to quarters and served out clean hammocks. At 6:30 the Aeolus left the harbor from ~. William ~ ~ Naval Cadet U.S.N. 8 P.M. to midnight: cloudy with light variable airs. Barometer steady. At 10:05 the sailing launch returned. Took in 900 gallons of fresh water. William ~ ~ Naval Cadet U.S.N.
50874e7809d409075501644d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_085_0.jpg)
at anchor in princessa harbor pi
Lat 64.4, Long 7.2
50874e7809d409075501644f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_085_1.jpg)
19 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016451: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_086_0.jpg)
at anchor in princessa harbor and making passage to zamboanga
Lat 9.28, Long 119.45
50874e7809d4090755016453: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_086_1.jpg)
20 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016455: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_087_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 7.10, Long 121.55
50874e7809d4090755016457: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_087_1.jpg)
21 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016459: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_088_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7809d409075501645b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_088_1.jpg)
22 June 1901
50874e7809d409075501645d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_089_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7809d409075501645f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_089_1.jpg)
23 June 1901
USA Transport Liscum - came in and anchored
USA Transport Scunner - came in and anchored
USS Samar - exchanged pennants
Samar - exchange of signals
Kansas City - came in and anchored
USA Transport Scunner - official visit
USA Transport Scunner - left the harbor
Samar - anchored
50874e7809d4090755016461: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_090_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga making passage to and moored to dock at isabela
Lat 6.70, Long 121.97
50874e7809d4090755016463: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_090_1.jpg)
24 June 1901
District Commander, Capt. W.C. Neville, U.S.M.C. - called on the Commanding Officer.
coal: 48 tons - and 4,000 gallons fresh water
50874e7809d4090755016465: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_091_0.jpg)
moored to coal dock port isabela basilan island
Lat 52.6, Long -128.5
50874e7809d4090755016467: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_091_1.jpg)
25 June 1901
Ass't Surgeon, Karl Ch~~org - By order of the Commanding Officer, assigned to special temporary duty in connection with the Marine garrison at Isabela, Basilan Island.
Ass't Surgeon C.B. Kerr, U.S.N. - By order of the Commanding Officer, reported on board for duty.
coal: 180 tons -
50874e7809d4090755016469: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_092_0.jpg)
moored to coal dock port isabela basilian island
Lat 54.2, Long -165.5
50874e7809d409075501646b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_092_1.jpg)
26 June 1901
E B Barry - Commander US Navy
Cloudy, light airs.
Cloudy with light airs from West.
50874e7809d409075501646d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_093_0.jpg)
moored to coal dock at isabela and making passage to and at anchor off zamboanga
Lat 29.9, Long 32.6
50874e7809d409075501646f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_093_1.jpg)
27 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016471: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_094_0.jpg)
22 March 1865
at anchor off zamboanga and making passage to cuyo cuyo isds
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7809d4090755016473: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_094_1.jpg)
28 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016475: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_095_0.jpg)
making passage to cuyo pi
Lat 9.13, Long 121.72
50874e7809d4090755016477: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_095_1.jpg)
29 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016479: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_096_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off cuyo and making passage to cavite
Lat 10.98, Long 120.92
50874e7809d409075501647b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_096_1.jpg)
30 June 1901
50874e7809d409075501647d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_097_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off cavite
Lat 13.78, Long 120.63
50874e7809d409075501647f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_097_1.jpg)
1 July 1901
At 7:20, sighted a wreck of large steamer near Pt. Pantokomi & at 7:30 changed course to N1/4E(pc) and headed for wreck, which proved to be a large two masted steamer sunk on the shoal off Pt. Pantokomi. Finding it dismantled and abandoned, changed course to NW1/2W(p.c) at 7:53.
Kentucky -
50874e7809d4090755016481: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_098_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat 14.00, Long 120.92
50874e7809d4090755016483: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_098_1.jpg)
2 July 1901
Kentucky - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
General Alava - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
Albany - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
Zafiro - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
Culgoa - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
Nashville - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
Piscatagua - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
Manila - The following U.S. men-of-war in the harbor:
Lieut. J.B. Patton, USN - detached from duty on this vessel by order of the Commander-in-Chief.
Ass't Surg. R.K. McClanahan - reported for duty as relief of Ass't Surg D.B. Kerr
Ass't Surg. D.B. Kerr - ordered to Culgoa
Lieut. J.E. Palmer, USN - reported for duty on this vessel.
Geo. Harris, Mess Attendants - Transferred to USS Abbany
J.S. Scott, Mess Attendant - Transferred to USS Abbany
Long Yen Ping, Mess Attendant - Received from USS Albany
Lok Sang, Mess Attendant - Received from USS Albany
Albany - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
Kentucky - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
Nashville - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
Piscataqua - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
Manila - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
General Alava - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
Zafiro - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
Culgoa - The following U.S.men-of war in the harbor: Kentucky, Albany,Culgoa, Nashville, Manila, General Alava, Zafiro, Piscataqua and two small gunboats.
50874e7809d4090755016485: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_099_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite making passage to and at anchor manila
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7809d4090755016487: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_099_1.jpg)
3 July 1901
U.S.S.Albany - At 8:10, U.S.S.Albany and U.S.S.Nashville left the harbor.
U.S.S.Nashville - At 8:10, U.S.S.Albany and U.S.S.Nashville left the harbor.
U.S.S.Manila - U.S.S. Manila got underway and stood over to Manila.
50874e7809d4090755016489: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_100_0.jpg)
at anchor off manila making passage to and at anchor off cavite
Lat 14.6, Long 121.0
50874e7809d409075501648b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_100_1.jpg)
4 July 1901
Lieut. A.T. Long - left the ship on duty to attend the inaugaration of the Civil Governor in Manila.
Naval Cadet W.F. Bricker - left the ship on duty to attend the inaugaration of the Civil Governor in Manila.
Dressed the ship at 8:00. Independence Day.
At 9:00 fired a salute of 17 guns in honor of the Civil Governor of the Philippines.
50874e7809d409075501648d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_101_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d409075501648f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_101_1.jpg)
5 July 1901
At 9:40, the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and Navigator left ship officially to attend a Board of Investigation at the Navy Yard, Cavite to investigate the grounding of this vessel off Maitiaquit Palawan.
50874e7809d4090755016491: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_102_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d4090755016493: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_102_1.jpg)
6 June 1901
50874e7809d4090755016495: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_103_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d4090755016497: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_103_1.jpg)
7 June 1891
50874e7809d4090755016499: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_104_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d409075501649b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_104_1.jpg)
8 July 1901
Ordsnance departmen
Equipment Department
50874e7809d409075501649d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_105_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d409075501649f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_105_1.jpg)
C & R Department
50874e7809d40907550164a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_106_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d40907550164a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_106_1.jpg)
50874e7809d40907550164a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_107_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d40907550164a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_107_1.jpg)
9 July 1901
Lost overboard 2 rounds 4" ammunition (cast steel shell).
50874e7809d40907550164a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_108_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7809d40907550164ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_108_1.jpg)
10 July 1901
Naval Cadet G.B. Landenberger, USN - reported for duty.
Naval Cadet W.N. Jeffers, USN - detached from this ship and ordered to USS Kentucky.
50874e7809d40907550164ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_109_0.jpg)
at anchor of carite and moored between wharves catacas shipyard
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874e7809d40907550164af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_109_1.jpg)
11 July 1901
50874e7809d40907550164b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_110_0.jpg)
on the ways at canacao ship yard
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874e7809d40907550164b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_110_1.jpg)
12 July 1901
At 6:10, hauled ship in cradle of marine railway and commenced hauling her out. Lowered all boats. At end of watch still hauling out.
A Board to examine ship's bottom. Cap't Hanford, senior member, met and examined bottom. Workmen from Navy Yard working on bottom.
C. McCoy,~iler, - fell and injured himself, and sent dinghy to Culgoa for medical assistance.
WF Bricker - and until 4 am Clear. Light airs from SW to Barometer
WF Bricker - 4 to 8 am Cloudy. Light airs to breezes from East to SW. Barometer rising at 6:10, hauled slip in cradle of marine railway and commenced hauling her out. Lowered all boats. At end of watch still hauling out. received in pay dept 74 lbs fresh bread from Post Bakery. At 7:00 flagship signaled 735.
GB Landenberger - am to meridian. Generally overcast and threatening with lightning and rain better part of watch. Light breezes from SW to SSE. Barometer steady rising .. hauling ship on ways at Cuaucao slip. A board to examine ships bottom, Capt Hansford, senior member ~ and examined bottom. Workman from Navy yard working on bottom. Absentees: A Junker Sea; JM Lusby, Lds; Kennedy, Sea; CG Ollsen, Sea; G Rhode,Lds; R W Ep Brosseau, Lds; F Krakorvegi, A Ardercon,F2C. Signals as flows: at 10:00, X toG Nim 8, Min 4. at 12:00 ~ to G, Nim 147 Min 2. Coupled info fire hose with plug in yard. USS Glacier ~ in and anchored.
G B Landenberger Naval Cadet USN - Meridian to 4 pm OVercast and rainy. Light breezes to light airs from SSE to SSW. Barometer fluctuating. yard workman working on ships bottom.
G B Landenberger Naval Cadet USN - 4 pm to 8PM OVercast and drizzling. Light airs from SSE Barometer slowly dropping. At 5:00 mustered at quarters. C McCoy, fell and injured himself. ~ and sent to ~ for medical assistance. Yard workman working on bottom.
G B Langenberger - 8 pm to Midnight Overcast and threatening with lightning thunder and showers. Light airs to light breezes from South. Barometer steady. Rhode, Lds., returned on board at 9:15. 38 hours overtime. Yard workman working on bottom.
50874e7809d40907550164b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_111_0.jpg)
on the ways at cauacao ship yard
Lat 21.5, Long 48.5
50874e7809d40907550164b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_111_1.jpg)
13 July 1901
50874e7809d40907550164b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_112_0.jpg)
in the ways at canacao ship yard
Lat 34.9, Long 37.3
50874e7809d40907550164bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_112_1.jpg)
14 July 1901
A. Junker,bSea - absentee
G.El. Ellsen, Sea - absentee
A.H.Kennedy,bSea - absentee
F. Krakowszgi, Bugler - absentee
A. Anderson,Fzc - absentee
R.W.L. Brosseau, Lds - absentee
H. Huckgeischel,BMIC - released
USS Don Juan de Austria - the commanding officer made an official visit to it
50874e7809d40907550164bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_113_0.jpg)
on the ways at cauacao ship yard
Lat 30.0, Long 48.5
50874e7809d40907550164bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_113_1.jpg)
15 July 1901
Alfonse Junker, Sea -
A.~. Kennedy, Sea. - By order of the Commanding Officer, having been absent from the ship for ten days without leave, were declared deserters from the USS Vicksburg and the US Naval Service to date from July 5, 1901.
USS Glacier - received from USS Glacier 220 lbz fresh beef
Alfonse Junker, bSea and A.H.Kenndy, bSea - having been absent from the ship for ten days without leave, were declared deserters
G.El.Ellsen,Sea - absentee
A. Anderson, Fzc - absentee
R.W.El.Bross~~n,Lds - absentee
F. Krakowzgi, Bugler - absentee
El. Kelly,SCIC - punishment: 51 hrs overtime
G. Rhode, Lds - punishment:38 hrs overtime
Mansen, Blksmith - punishment: 10 hrs overtime
M. Lusby, Lds - 9 days overtime
Enseign Sheffield - on board of survey to meet on Austria
Carpenter Kelley - member of a board of survey to meet on the Glacier
Enseign Tarraut - member of board of survey to meet on board of the Glacier
Enseign Smith - held survey on sea ladder on board this ship and condemned ladder
50874e7909d40907550164c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_114_0.jpg)
in the ways at canacao and at anchor off cavite pi
Lat 44.9, Long 37.3
50874e7909d40907550164c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_114_1.jpg)
16 July 1901
Went off the ways at Caucacao Yard at 6:25 and was taken in tow by Navy Yard tug and towed to anchorage.
C.G.E. Ollsen, Seaman, US Navy - By order of the Commanding Officer, having been absent from the ship for ten days without leave, was this day declared a deserter from the USS Vicksburg and the US Naval Service, to date from July 6, 1901.
General Alava - General Alava left anchorage and was towed to slip
U.S.F.S Kentucky - Lt. A.T.Long, U.S.N. left the ship officially to report to the Admiral for duty on a Board of Inspection on board U.S.F.S. Kentucky.
50874e7909d40907550164c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_115_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_115_1.jpg)
17 July 1901
Received in the equipment department
50874e7909d40907550164c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_116_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_116_1.jpg)
17 July 1901
50874e7909d40907550164cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_117_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
coal: 1 ton -
50874e7909d40907550164cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_117_1.jpg)
18 July 1901
Received from General Storekeeper, Naval Station, Cavite, P.I.
Received from USS Culgon with necessary transfer papers
E. B. Barry - Command
K. J. Long - Navigator
50874e7909d40907550164d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_118_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_118_1.jpg)
18 July 1901
50874e7909d40907550164d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_119_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_119_1.jpg)
19 July 1901
Received from G.S.H., Navy Yard, cavite, P.I. in G & R Department
Received from G.S.H., Navy Yard, cavite, P.I. in G & R Department
50874e7909d40907550164d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_120_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_120_1.jpg)
19 July 1901
50874e7909d40907550164dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_121_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_121_1.jpg)
20 July 1901
U.S.S.Glacier - Recieved in Pay Dept. the following fresh provisions: from U.S.S.Glacier 261 lbs. fresh beef; from Post Bakery 89 lbs. fresh bread.
U.S.S. Solace - The Commanding Officer of the U.S.S.Solace made an official visit on board.
U.S.S.Manila - The following men were transferred to this ship from the U.S.S. Manila, J.M.Krall, A1.C. and J.P.Millican, A.1.C.(Bugler)
50874e7909d40907550164e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_122_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat -17.7, Long 168.3
50874e7909d40907550164e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_122_1.jpg)
21 July 1901
At 9:00, Typhoon signal No 1 hoisted from Signal Station Cavite, P.I.
At 1:35, Signal Station at Cavite hauled down typhoon signal No 1, and hoisted No 2.
Frank Krakowigi, Bugler - By order of the Commanding Officer, having been absent from the ship for ten days, leaving ship without permission, are declared deserters from the USS Vicksburg and the US Naval Service, to date from July 11, 1901.
R.W.E Brosseau, Landsman - By order of the Commanding Officer, having been absent from the ship for ten days, leaving ship without permission, are declared deserters from the USS Vicksburg and the US Naval Service, to date from July 11, 1901.
Typhoon signal No 2 hoisted at signal station Cavite
At 9:00 Typhoon Signal No 1 hoisted from Signal Station
Typhoon Signal No 2 hoisted at signal station Carite
50874e7909d40907550164e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_123_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d40907550164e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_123_1.jpg)
22 July 1901
coal: 20 tons -
Typhoon signal No 2, hauled down from signal tower at Cavite at 6:57.
coal: 66 tons -
Lt. J. E. Palmer, USN - Condemmed by Medical Survey, was detached from this ship and ordered to take passage on the USS Solace.
Ensign L.A. Cotten, USN - reported on board for duty from USS Manila.
Charles Williams, Painter - Transferred, condemned by Medical Survey to USS Culgoa.
Typhoon signal No 2 hoisted at Carite Signal tower
USS General Alava - The USS General Alava came offt he ways and anchored off Carite
50874e7909d40907550164e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_124_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_124_1.jpg)
23 July 1901
U.S.S.Culgoa - At 6:15, U.S.S. Culgoa got underway and stood out into Manila Bay.
U.S.S.Glacier - Received in Pay Dept from U.S.S.Glacier, 268 lbs. fresh beef
50874e7909d40907550164ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_125_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7909d40907550164ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_125_1.jpg)
24 July 1901
50874e7909d40907550164f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_126_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite making passage to malabrigo light
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7909d40907550164f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_126_1.jpg)
25 July 1901
50874e7909d40907550164f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_127_0.jpg)
making passage to and laying off malabugo light and making passage to cuyo
Lat 13.15, Long 121.58
50874e7909d40907550164f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_127_1.jpg)
26 July 1901
50874e7909d40907550164f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_128_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off cuyo and making passage to balabac
Lat 10.85, Long 121.00
50874e7909d40907550164fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_128_1.jpg)
27 July 1901
50874e7909d40907550164fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_129_0.jpg)
making passage from cuyo to balabac
Lat 8.83, Long 118.80
50874e7909d40907550164ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_129_1.jpg)
28 July 1901
Land in sight from starboard.
50874e7909d4090755016501: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_130_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor in clarendon bay and making passage to
Lat 7.82, Long 117.03
50874e7909d4090755016503: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_130_1.jpg)
29 July 1901
50874e7909d4090755016505: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_131_0.jpg)
making passage from balabac to isabela pi
Lat 7.30, Long 119.70
50874e7909d4090755016507: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_131_1.jpg)
30 July 1901
50874e7909d4090755016509: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_132_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off isabela making passage to and at anchor off zamboanga
Lat 6.70, Long 121.97
50874e7909d409075501650b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_132_1.jpg)
31 July 1901
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
USS Pircatagua - anchored in Port Isabela
USS Frolic - anchored in Port Isabela
R.K. McChanahan, USN, Asst Surg. - relieved Asst Surg. Ahmsorg in charge of Naval hospital at Port Isabela
50874e7909d409075501650d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_133_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7909d409075501650f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_133_1.jpg)
1 August 1901
the Lamar - At 11:30, dragged her anchor and grounded, but worked herself off by taking out an anchor off her port bow and heaving in on cable.
Brigadier General W.A.Kobbe, USA - made an official visit on board
USS Piscatagua - the commanding officer made an official visit to it
USS Frolic - the Commanding Officer made an official visit to it
50874e7909d4090755016511: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_134_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016513: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_134_1.jpg)
2 August 1901
Burnside - U.S.Army Telegraph steamer"Burnside" came in at 10:30, and anchored.
U.S.S. Frolic - U.S.S.Frolic got up anchor and left harbor.
50874e7909d4090755016515: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_135_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016517: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_135_1.jpg)
3 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016519: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_136_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501651b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_136_1.jpg)
4 August 1901
50874e7909d409075501651d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_137_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501651f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_137_1.jpg)
5 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016521: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_138_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016523: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_138_1.jpg)
6 August 1901
U.S.S.Samar - Received on board from the U.S.Army Hospital at Zamboanga the following nmed men attached to the U.S.S.Samar; R.Tyler, Mch. 2Cl. and T.Wright, E.M.3C.
50874e7909d4090755016525: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_139_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016527: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_139_1.jpg)
7 August 1901
"Detroit" - Army launch "Detroit" came in and anchored.
U.S.S. Pan - At 3:55, U.S.S.Panay came in and anchored;
50874e7909d4090755016529: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_140_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501652b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_140_1.jpg)
8 August 1901
50874e7909d409075501652d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_141_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501652f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_141_1.jpg)
9 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016531: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_142_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016533: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_142_1.jpg)
10 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016535: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_143_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016537: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_143_1.jpg)
11 August 1901
R.J. Dennis, ASea. - left ship's boat without permission at landing.
50874e7909d4090755016539: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_144_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501653b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_144_1.jpg)
12 August 1901
50874e7909d409075501653d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_145_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501653f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_145_1.jpg)
13 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016541: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_146_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016543: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_146_1.jpg)
14 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016545: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_147_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016547: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_147_1.jpg)
15 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016549: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_148_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501654b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_148_1.jpg)
16 August 1901
50874e7909d409075501654d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_149_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501654f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_149_1.jpg)
17 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016551: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_150_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016553: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_150_1.jpg)
18 August 1901
Steamer Belgika - left the harbor at 3:05
Steamer Isabel - came in and anchored
Steamer Asolus - came in and anchored
50874e7909d4090755016555: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_151_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga and making passage to pollok pi
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7909d4090755016557: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_151_1.jpg)
19 August 1901
Passed numerous floating logs and roots.
50874e7909d4090755016559: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_152_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off pollok pi
Lat 7.35, Long 124.20
50874e7909d409075501655b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_152_1.jpg)
20 August 1901
50874e7909d409075501655d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_153_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollok pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d409075501655f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_153_1.jpg)
21 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016561: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_154_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollok pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d4090755016563: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_154_1.jpg)
22 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016565: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_155_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollok pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d4090755016567: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_155_1.jpg)
23 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016569: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_156_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollok pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d409075501656b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_156_1.jpg)
24 August 1901
50874e7909d409075501656d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_157_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollok pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d409075501656f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_157_1.jpg)
25 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016571: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_158_0.jpg)
at anchor in pollok harbor pi
Lat 22.4, Long 114.3
50874e7909d4090755016573: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_158_1.jpg)
26 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016575: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_159_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollok pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d4090755016577: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_159_1.jpg)
27 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016579: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_160_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollock pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7909d409075501657b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_160_1.jpg)
28 August 1901
50874e7909d409075501657d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_161_0.jpg)
at anchor at pollock pi making passage to and at anchor off malabang and making passage to zamboanga
Lat 59.9, Long 10.8
50874e7909d409075501657f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_161_1.jpg)
29 August 1901
At 2:52, ship struck lightly on uncharted coral reef, but ship's motion was not arrested. Helm was put hard astarboard and engines slowed, but soundings showed immediately 10 fathoms. Two fathoms reported as least water at the time the ship touched.
50874e7909d4090755016581: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_162_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off zamboanga
Lat 6.92, Long 122.23
50874e7909d4090755016583: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_162_1.jpg)
30 August 1901
Commences and until 4 am. Cloudy and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from SW. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Light breezes from SW. Barometer steady. At 5.30 sighted Basilan Id.
8 am to meridian. Fair and pleasant. with light airs to light breezes from SW and South. Barometer variable.
Meridian to 4 pm. Fair and pleasant. Gentle breeze from W x S. Barometer falling. 3.00 anchor off Zamboanga. Bearings at anchor, south tangent of fort NE x E 1/2 E, Zamboanga Light House NNW 7/8 W.
4 to 8 pm. Fair and pleasant. Light airs to gentle breezes from W x S, WSW and W x N. Barometer rising.
8 pm to midnght. Fair and pleasant. Light airs to light breezes from W x N. Barometer steady.
50874e7909d4090755016585: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_163_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7909d4090755016587: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_163_1.jpg)
31 August 1901
50874e7909d4090755016589: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_164_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501658b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_164_1.jpg)
1 September 1901
50874e7909d409075501658d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_165_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d409075501658f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_165_1.jpg)
2 September 1901
50874e7909d4090755016591: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_166_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d4090755016593: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_166_1.jpg)
3 September 1901
N.P. Mangan, A.Sea. - In obedience to an order from the Acting-Secretary of the Navy, N.P. Mangan, A.Sea. was confined for five days in single irons for gross carelessness in not attaching a line to a box of rifles at abandon ship drill about March 6th last aboard the USS Oregon, whereby the box was dropped overboard.
At 8:50, while hoisting the whaleboat, the afterblock became detached (cause unknown) when the boat was about 3 feet from the davits heads. Let go forward fall, so that the boat landed almost on an even keel, but the coxswain went overboard. Let go cork life buoy, but the coxswain got hold of stern ladder and thus got on board. Life buoy and rudder were missing. At once sent a boat to search for them, but without success. Then hoisted the boat.
SS Theresa - came in and anchored
N.P. Mangan (O Sea) - in obedience to an order from the acting secretary of the Navy, was confined for five days in single irons, for gross carelessness in not attaching a line to a box of rifles, at abandon ship drill about march 6th last aboard the USS Oregon, whereby the box was dropped overboard
50874e7909d4090755016595: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_167_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga making passage to and morred to coal wharf at isabela
Lat -17.5, Long -149.8
50874e7909d4090755016597: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_167_1.jpg)
4 September 1901
50874e7909d4090755016599: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_168_0.jpg)
moored to coal dock isabela pi
Lat 6.70, Long 121.97
50874e7909d409075501659b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_168_1.jpg)
5 September 1901
coal: 159 tons - 49 natives being employed
50874e7909d409075501659d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_169_0.jpg)
moored to coal dock isabela making passage to and at anchor off zamboanga
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7909d409075501659f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_169_1.jpg)
6 September 1901
50874e7909d40907550165a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_170_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d40907550165a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_170_1.jpg)
7 September 1901
Brigadier General Davis, USA, Commanding Department of Mindanao and Jolo - At 10:00, made an official call on Commanding Officer. At 10:00, fired a salute of eleven guns for Brigadier General Davis.
50874e7909d40907550165a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_171_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d40907550165a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_171_1.jpg)
8 September 1901
At 7:00, made out USS General Alava, standing in flying the flag of the Commander-in-Chief, US Naval Force on Asiatic Station. Anchored at 7:55.
50874e7909d40907550165a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_172_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga making passage to and at anchor at puerto isabela making passage to and at anchor of zamboanga pi
Lat 6.70, Long 121.97
50874e7909d40907550165ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_172_1.jpg)
9 September 1901
50874e7909d40907550165ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_173_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 6.90, Long 122.07
50874e7909d40907550165af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_173_1.jpg)
10 September 1901
50874e7909d40907550165b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_174_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d40907550165b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_174_1.jpg)
11 September 1901
50874e7909d40907550165b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_175_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d40907550165b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_175_1.jpg)
12 September 1901
50874e7909d40907550165b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_176_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d40907550165bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_176_1.jpg)
13 September 1901
50874e7909d40907550165bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_177_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d40907550165bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_177_1.jpg)
14 September 1901
50874e7909d40907550165c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_178_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7909d40907550165c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_178_1.jpg)
15 September 1901
Signals: 7:45, W.D. X to NW, President died two fifteen a.m. fourteenth, half mast colors and jack sunrise tomorrow, fire half hour guns.
50874e7909d40907550165c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_179_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7a09d40907550165c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_179_1.jpg)
16 September 1901
Having received official notification of he death of the President of the United States, hoisted colors and jack at sunrise and half masted them; began firing half hourly guns to be continued until sunset.
50874e7a09d40907550165c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_180_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7a09d40907550165cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_180_1.jpg)
17 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_181_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga and making passage to cuyo pi
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7a09d40907550165cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_181_1.jpg)
18 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_182_0.jpg)
making passage from zamboanga to cuyo pi
Lat 9.02, Long -121.85
50874e7a09d40907550165d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_182_1.jpg)
19 September 1901
Commencing at 12:00 fired 21 minute guns in obedience to telegraphic instructionsreceived from the Senior Squadron , on occasion of the interment of the late President William McKinley.
50874e7a09d40907550165d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_183_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off cuyo and making passage to cavite pi
Lat 11.02, Long 120.90
50874e7a09d40907550165d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_183_1.jpg)
20 September 1901
Lost new 14 lb. lead and 7 fathoms of line going into Cuyo. Line apparently cut on coral.
50874e7a09d40907550165d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_184_0.jpg)
making passage to and at anchor off cavite pi
Lat 13.90, Long 120.48
50874e7a09d40907550165db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_184_1.jpg)
21 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_185_0.jpg)
at anchor oat cavite pi
Lat 14.48, Long 120.92
50874e7a09d40907550165df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_185_1.jpg)
22 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_186_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550165e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_186_1.jpg)
23 September 1901
Captain H. L. Draper, USMC - Halfmasted colors at 10:15 in honor of the arrival of the body of Captain H. L. Draper, USMC in Manila.
50874e7a09d40907550165e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_187_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550165e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_187_1.jpg)
24 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_188_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550165eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_188_1.jpg)
25 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_189_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550165ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_189_1.jpg)
26 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_190_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7a09d40907550165f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_190_1.jpg)
27 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_191_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550165f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_191_1.jpg)
28 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_192_0.jpg)
at anchor off zamboanga pi
Lat 56.4, Long -5.5
50874e7a09d40907550165fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_192_1.jpg)
29 September 1901
50874e7a09d40907550165fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_193_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550165ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_193_1.jpg)
30 September 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016601: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_194_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016603: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_194_1.jpg)
1 October 1901
U.S.S.Celtic - Received in Dept. of S&A, from J.C.Farrah, 90 lbs soft bread, from U.S.S.Celtic 282 lbs. fresh beef.
U.S.S. Manila - Received in Equipment Departmend 5500 gal. water for steaming purposes and 60 gal. of drinking water from U.S.S.Wompatuck and 60 gal. drinking water fromo U.S.S. Manila.
U.S.S. Wompatuck - Received in Equipment Departmend 5500 gal. water for steaming purposes and 60 gal. of drinking water from U.S.S.Wompatuck and 60 gal. drinking water fromo U.S.S. Manila.
U.S.S. Don Juan de Austria - U.S.S. Don Juan de Austria got underway and left the harbor at 9:00.
50874e7a09d4090755016605: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_195_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016607: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_195_1.jpg)
2 October 1901
At 3:30, Typhoon signal No 2 was hoisted at Navy Yard.
Flagship made following signal to fleet, "prepare for bad weather. get up steam at discretion. At dark Typhoon signal No 5 hoisted at Navy Yard (white, red and white lanterns).
50874e7a09d4090755016609: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_196_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501660b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_196_1.jpg)
3 October 1901
50874e7a09d409075501660d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_197_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501660f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_197_1.jpg)
4 October 1901
Received in the equipment department
received in construnction department
50874e7a09d4090755016611: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_198_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016613: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_198_1.jpg)
4 October 1891
Typhoon signal No 5 hauled down from Signal Station Navy Yard, Cavite, at 8:33.
50874e7a09d4090755016615: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_199_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016617: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_199_1.jpg)
5 October 1901
Received in the steam engineering Department
Received in the equipment (Nav) department
50874e7a09d4090755016619: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_200_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501661b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_200_1.jpg)
5 October 1901
Gig was run into while returning from shore by Luzon's gig and had gunnel broken in.
50874e7a09d409075501661d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_201_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501661f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_201_1.jpg)
6 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016621: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_202_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016623: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_202_1.jpg)
7 October 1901
received in the construnction department
50874e7a09d4090755016625: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_203_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016627: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_203_1.jpg)
7 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016629: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_204_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501662b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_204_1.jpg)
8 October 1901
50874e7a09d409075501662d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_205_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501662f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_205_1.jpg)
9 October 1901
received in the construnction department
50874e7a09d4090755016631: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_206_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016633: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_206_1.jpg)
9 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016635: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_207_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016637: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_207_1.jpg)
10 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016639: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_208_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501663b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_208_1.jpg)
11 October 1901
50874e7a09d409075501663d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_209_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501663f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_209_1.jpg)
12 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016641: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_210_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016643: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_210_1.jpg)
13 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016645: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_211_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016647: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_211_1.jpg)
14 October 1901
At 12:30, typhoon signal No. 2 hoisted at Navy yard.
Made preparations for letting go the starboard anchor ~~eering chain, and hoisted all boats except launch.
At 4:30 sent 23 Yard workmen ashore. Made signal R, Int 513. Rigged in lower booms.
At 7:15, began to drag. Let go starboard anchor securing at 15 fms. Braced yards up by starboard braces. Came to abreast of the General Alava. ~~ merchant steamer went around inside Sangley Point. At 7:00 typhoon signal ~05 at Navy Yard.
At 11:00, made following signal to R, Commandant wished signal made that small steamer had dragged broadside alongside wreck of Ulloa near Sangley Coal dock, Wompa~ick sends this over and says will go over at daylight unless otherwise ordered; R to X, "Send ~ompatrick at daylight. Assist steamer.
50874e7a09d4090755016649: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_212_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501664b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_212_1.jpg)
15 October 1901
At 5:30, the Wompatuck went to assistance of stranded steamer. Hove up starboard anchor.
At 8:45, hove up port anchor and was towed by steam launch to position of former anchorage and let go starboard anchor n 3 fathoms of water and veered to 20 fathoms.
50874e7a09d409075501664d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_213_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501664f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol008of023_jpg_clean/vol008of023_213_1.jpg)
16 October 1901
LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 17th 1901 TO APRIL 28th 1902
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50874e7a09d409075501665b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_003_1.jpg)
Log book of the USS "Vicksburg" commencing October 17th 1901 at Cavite P.I., ending April 28th, 1902 at Nagasaki, Japan
50874e7a09d409075501665d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_004_0.jpg)
List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Vicksburg, 3rd rate commanded by E B Barry, Commander USN, during the period covered by this log book from October 17th 1901
EB Barry - Commander USN
JH Glineson - Lt Commander USN
AT Long - Lieutenant USN
HV Butler - Lieutenant (JG) USN
FL Sheffield - Ensign USN
Karl Chuesorg - Asst Surgeon USN
GS Jackson - Asst Paymaster USN
WF Bricker - Naval Cadet USN
GB Landenberger - Naval Cadet USN
50874e7a09d409075501665f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_004_1.jpg)
List of officers who have died, been detached or transferred on board of USS during the period covered by this log book
Blank page
50874e7a09d4090755016661: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_005_0.jpg)
Complement of Petty officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Landsmen, Boys, and Marines on board USS Vicksburg 3rd rate at first commissioning September 25th 1900
50874e7a09d4090755016663: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_005_1.jpg)
Description of Instruments used for Meteorological Observations and their location, &c
Mercurial Barometer/HJ Green/3707/Cabin/Oct 19 '01/Manila Observatory/.0828
Aneroid Barometer/Holosteric/Mark ~/Pilot House
Aneroid Barometer/Holosteric/Mark ~/Half Deck
Thermometer (dry bulb)/HJ Green/2788/Bridge
Thermometer (wet bulb)/ HJ Green/2813/bridge
50874e7a09d4090755016665: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_006_0.jpg)
Armament of the USS
50874e7a09d4090755016667: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_006_1.jpg)
Table sof Deviation of the Standard Compass N° 7195 on board of the USS Vicksburg
USS Vicksburg official tonnage, etc
50874e7a09d4090755016669: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_007_0.jpg)
50874e7a09d409075501666b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_007_1.jpg)
tables of deviation of the Standard compass N° 7195 on board of USS Vicksburg
50874e7a09d409075501666d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_008_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501666f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_008_1.jpg)
17 October 1901
Lost overboard at drill from No.1, 4" gun trigger spring box.
50874e7a09d4090755016671: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_009_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016673: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_009_1.jpg)
18 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016675: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_010_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d4090755016677: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_010_1.jpg)
19 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016679: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_011_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501667b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_011_1.jpg)
20 October 1901
John King (CP) - was this day declared a deserter from this ship and the US Naval Service to date from the ~ with having been absent from the ship without leave for 10 days.
50874e7a09d409075501667d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_012_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d409075501667f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_012_1.jpg)
21 October 1901
coal: 90 tons -
50874e7a09d4090755016681: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_013_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi and making passage to katabalonga pi
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7a09d4090755016683: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_013_1.jpg)
22 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016685: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_014_0.jpg)
making passage to katbalogan pi
Lat 13.00, Long 122.37
50874e7a09d4090755016687: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_014_1.jpg)
23 October 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016689: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_015_0.jpg)
Lat 11.72, Long 124.68
50874e7a09d409075501668b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_015_1.jpg)
24 October 1901
50874e7a09d409075501668d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_016_0.jpg)
Lat 11.08, Long 125.20
50874e7a09d409075501668f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_016_1.jpg)
25 October 1901
Sent ship's boats to assist in landing marines and stores from Zafiro and in bringing off Army detachment from ashore. At 3:00, fired with main battery guns at some insurgents intrenchments in the hills to the NW. Expended 16-4" cartridges (C.I.S).
50874e7a09d4090755016691: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_017_0.jpg)
balangiga pi
Lat 11.12, Long 125.40
50874e7a09d4090755016693: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_017_1.jpg)
26 October 1901
Signals:(ww) 10:40, Marines to X, "Sent one company to reconnoitre entrenched hills that you were firing at last evening.
2:40 (ww), Marines to X "ThHe expedition of this morning has returned."
Mustered at quarters at 5 o'clock. After which fired guns of starboard main battery at different locations along coast. Expended in Ordinance Dept. 4 cartridges 4" ~- 9 and 4-4" Shrapnel.
Played searchlight around ship from 8:35 to 9:05.
50874e7a09d4090755016695: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_018_0.jpg)
balangiga pi
Lat -8.7, Long 115.2
50874e7a09d4090755016697: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_018_1.jpg)
27 October 1901
Sent reconnoitring expedition of 1st cutter and whale boat in charge of Lt. Butler around West Pt. to destroy any fishing boats found there. Lowered steam launch.
Mustered at quarters at 9:30, the Commanding Officer inspected crew and ship. Sent steam launch, with Colts automatic in tow to join reconnortring party. Inspected magazines.
At 1:00, boat expedition returned having captured 3 barottas and burned 11 shacks. Turned boats over to Marines ashore. Also sent 2 boxes ~ocp to Marines.
The Captain landed in gig to Eastward of the ship and captured ~ native boats.
50874e7a09d4090755016699: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_019_0.jpg)
balangiga pi
Lat -8.7, Long 115.2
50874e7a09d409075501669b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_019_1.jpg)
28 October 1901
At 6:30, received following signal from shore: "Am sending one company to North-East. Their objective being the lagoon where fish traps are located. Please notify your party. Sig. Porter." At 7:20, Lt. Commander J.H. Glennon, US Navy, left the ship in charge of an armed expedition to the Eastward consisting of the steam launch, second cutter and whale boat. Ass't Paymaster V.S. Jackson and Naval Cadet G.B. Landenberger being of the party.
At 3:00, boat expedition returned having captured 5 barottas and burned about 20 houses.
50874e7a09d409075501669d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_020_0.jpg)
balangiga pi
Lat 11.08, Long 125.52
50874e7a09d409075501669f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_020_1.jpg)
29 October 1901
At 6:00, one company of marines came on board from Camp Rodgers. At 6:15, got up starboard anchor, got underway and stood down the coast, Commanding Officer conning ship.
At 8:40, sent marine detachment of about 80 marines under command of Major Waller, USMC, ashore in ship's boats consisting of 1st cutter with Colt's Automatic, sailing launch, 2nd cutter, whaleboat and steam launch. Naval Cadet Bricker in charge of boats.
Steam launch with sailing launch and 2nd cutter returned to ship at 12:10 and after mounting 1-pdr in steam launch and proving ammunition for crews and Colt's Automatic, they we again sent ashore and stood over to Gigosi Pt.
At 4:50, sent Lieut. (J.G.)H.G. Butler, ashore with gig and dinghy to burn town on beach, they returned at 6:30, after burning town. Marine expedition returned at 6:30. Expended in Ordinance Department: ~-6 pdr. Common Shell; 11-1 Pdr. A.P. Shell; 750 rounds Colt's Aut. Gun 6 m/m; 900 round 6 m/m rifle ammunition.
Landed Marine detachment at Camp Rodgers.
50874e7a09d40907550166a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_021_0.jpg)
Lat 11.12, Long 125.28
50874e7a09d40907550166a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_021_1.jpg)
30 October 1901
Lowered 1st and 2nd cutters at 5:45 and brought off marine detachment of about 40 men from Camp Rodgers. Got underway at 6:40 and stood over towards Labnan river, steering various courses. Commanding Officer conning.
Landed Marine company under command of Major ~W. T. Waller, USMC, in armed boats in tow of steam launch. Naval Cadet, G. B. Landenberger in charge of boats. Expedition destroyed the town. They were fired on by riflemen in landing and the steam launch shelled woods with ~ne pounder.
Expedition returned to ship at 2:40. Hoisted boasts and at ~:00 got underway for Balangiga.
Landed Marines. Expended in Ordinance Department 23-1 Pdr. A.P. Shell and 750 round small ammunition.
50874e7a09d40907550166a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_022_0.jpg)
vasey pi
Lat 11.27, Long 125.05
50874e7a09d40907550166a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_022_1.jpg)
31 October 1901
50874e7a09d40907550166a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_023_0.jpg)
at anchor off basey amking passage to and at anchor off takloban making passage to and at anchor off basey
Lat 56.4, Long 117.1
50874e7a09d40907550166ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_023_1.jpg)
1 November 1901
Lost one oil cup for dark deck lantern overboard in bringing ship to anchor.
50874e7a09d40907550166ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_024_0.jpg)
Lat 11.20, Long 125.13
50874e7a09d40907550166af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_024_1.jpg)
2 November 1901
At 8:30 got underway and stood down for Nipanipa steering various course, the Captain conning. At 10:03, touched bottom, the engines having been stopped and the helm put hard astarboard before touching. Backed the engines full speed and at 10:08 floated off shoal. Sounded the well and found it dry.
Armed steam launch, first cutter and whale boat with 1-Pdr gun, 6 m/m Colts and rifles and sent them in charge of Naval Cadet W. F. Bricker, USN, to assist a force of Marines who were operating near the beach.
Boats working along the beach to Eastward. At 1:00, found 3" water in forward trumming tank, bailed out same and could find no leak in bottom. Compartment remained dry afterwards.
At 7:45, boats returned to shop. Also Marine cutter, 3 bancas and 58 Marines in command of Major L.W.T. Waller, USMC. Ship's boats joined main column about 4 miles to Northward of Nipanipa and then worked along shore with column towards that town, shelling small unknown town before reaching Nipanipa. Also shelled Nipanipa as natives were seen there. The column did not reach Nipanipa. Boats there returned and embarked Marines about one mile North of Nipanipa. At small town North of Nipanipa landed 12 men from boats to assist marines. Men landed were in Khaki uniform. Marines and Officers were quartered aboard for the night.
Placed 3 native prisoners under sentry's charge. Expended in Ordinance Dep't 6-1Pdr. A.P. shell and 500 rounds 6 m/m ammunition
50874e7a09d40907550166b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_025_0.jpg)
at anchor off nipanipa makingpassage to and at anchor lipatamaking passageto and at anchor off vasey
Lat 11.10, Long 125.20
50874e7a09d40907550166b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_025_1.jpg)
3 November 1901
U.S.S.Arayat - At 3:35, U.S.S.Arayat came in and her Commanding Officer came on board to communicate with Commanding Officer.
50874e7a09d40907550166b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_026_0.jpg)
vasey pi
Lat 11.27, Long 125.05
50874e7a09d40907550166b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_026_1.jpg)
4 November 1901
50874e7a09d40907550166b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_027_0.jpg)
vasey pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550166bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_027_1.jpg)
5 November 1901
Small arms fire on shore to Southward of Vasey. Major L.W.T. Waller called on the Captain.
50874e7a09d40907550166bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_028_0.jpg)
vasey pi
Lat , Long
50874e7a09d40907550166bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_028_1.jpg)
6 November 1901
At 5:15, boat expedition under command of Lt-Comdr. J.H. Glennon, USN, left the ship in steam launch, 1st cutter and whale boat to cooperate with the Marines in Vasey river.
At 3:30, boats of expedition were sighted and at 3:40, float for 3-inch field piece capsized. Sent 2nd cutter to aid in taking off the men. At 4:15, boats returned. The ship's boats had met the marine cutter and float at the mouth of the river. There being too little water for the steam launch, the other boats towed the float up the river. About three miles up the river the boast met about fifty marines in bancos. The whole expedition then proceeded, and about six miles up, at a sharp bend of the river, was fired upon by a number of bamboo guns and rifles: two marines in a banco being killed. One banco landed at once and captured a bamboo gun, the fire meanwhile being returned from the boats.
Got float alongside, capsized it and got up 3-inch gun, which was attached to it. One wheel of gun was gone, also ammunition.
Expedition then proceeded about a mile further up stream, landed and had dinner, being fired upon while at dinner. After dinner expedition proceeded down stream firing into either bank, which fire was returned at intervals from the banks by rifles and bamboo guns. The steam launch, which got over the bar at the mouth of the river at high water met the boats and took all in tow. The Expedition returning as above stated when float capsized both dead men's bodies were lost, but later one was recovered. Expended 6000 rounds 6 m/m, 500, rounds 38 Cal. S.P. and 25 rounds ~Pdr. ammunition.
50874e7a09d40907550166c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_029_0.jpg)
at anchor off vasey making passage to and at anchor off tacloban
Lat 30.5, Long 117.1
50874e7a09d40907550166c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_029_1.jpg)
7 November 1901
At 6:30, sent 3-inch gun and float ashore and turned them over to the Marines.
Typhoon signal No 3 hoisted at signal station.
Signal hauled down at 8 o'clock.
50874e7a09d40907550166c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_030_0.jpg)
Lat 11.75, Long 124.77
50874e7a09d40907550166c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_030_1.jpg)
8 November 1901
Brig. General J.M. Smith, USA - Took on board at Tacloban for passage
1st Lieut. G.H. Shields, USA 12th Inf AIC - Took on board at Tacloban for passage
Major R.E. Gerty, 11th Inf. USA - Took on board at Tacloban for passage
M. Leverance, civilian - Took on board at Tacloban for passage
Fired both 1-pdrs at small boats adrift and abandoned. Expended in Ordinance Dept. 10 rounds ~pdr A.P. shell. Stopped ship at 8:20, lowered dinghey and brought abandoned boat to gangway and destroyed same.
50874e7a09d40907550166c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_031_0.jpg)
Lat 12.47, Long 124.77
50874e7a09d40907550166cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_031_1.jpg)
9 November 1901
Lost overboard on 14 lb. lead, the line parting.
Sent whaleboat, with Army officers in it, ashore to hunt for town of Katarwan; at 6:30, whaleboat returned the town not having been found.
50874e7a09d40907550166cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_032_0.jpg)
at anchor off katamuan making passage to and at anchor off laguan samar pi
Lat 12.67, Long 124.75
50874e7a09d40907550166cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_032_1.jpg)
10 November 1901
Commences and until 4 am. Fair. Calm. Barometer steady.
4 to 8 am. Fair. Light airs from East. Barometer rising.
8 am to meridian. Partly cloudy and rain. Light airs, light and gentle breezes from NNE to NE x E. Barometer falling. Got up anchor at 10.51 and stood out from anchorage off Kataruan. At 11.25 bearings: N.T. Kajeagan ENE 1/8 E, N.T. Visit WNW 1/4 W.
Meridian to 4 pm. Cloudy and pleasant. Gentle to light breezes from NE x N to NE x E. Barometer falling slowly. Standing into anchorage at 2 o'clock. 2.28 let go starboard anchor. Bearings N.T. Kahogogan N 5/8, N.T. Kajavagan W 5/8 N.
4 to 8 pm. Cloudy and pleasant. Light breezes to light airs from ENE. Barometer rising.
8 pm to midnight. Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs from SE to SSE. Calm last two hours. Barometer variable.
50874e7a09d40907550166d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_033_0.jpg)
Lat 12.53, Long 125.35
50874e7a09d40907550166d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_033_1.jpg)
11 November 1901
Received from the Army 6 m/m Colt's Automatic gun No.1 for repairs and exchanged for ~~, Guns No.4
50874e7a09d40907550166d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_034_0.jpg)
bulan pi
Lat 12.75, Long 125.05
50874e7a09d40907550166d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_034_1.jpg)
12 November 1901
50874e7a09d40907550166d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_035_0.jpg)
Lat 12.67, Long 123.87
50874e7a09d40907550166db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_035_1.jpg)
13 November 1901
Received in the pay department from USS Iris
50874e7a09d40907550166dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_036_0.jpg)
Lat 12.67, Long 123.87
50874e7a09d40907550166df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_036_1.jpg)
13 November 1901
coal: 104 tons -
50874e7a09d40907550166e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_037_0.jpg)
bulan luzon
Lat 13.38, Long 121.42
50874e7a09d40907550166e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_037_1.jpg)
14 November 1901
50874e7a09d40907550166e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_038_0.jpg)
making passage to new chawang china
Lat 15.98, Long 119.55
50874e7a09d40907550166e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_038_1.jpg)
15 November 1901
50874e7a09d40907550166e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_039_0.jpg)
making passage to new chawang china
Lat 17.65, Long 119.57
50874e7a09d40907550166eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_039_1.jpg)
16 November 1901
Heavy sea on starboard bow, ship pitching heavily.
Heavy sea on starboard bow, ship pitching heavily.
Jib and fore topmast staysail torn by wind. Secured stays.
Furled and stowed away forward awnings. ~~ ridge rope and unshipped stanchions. Bent fore storm staysail and main trysail. At end on course.
Ship rolling deeply to heavy sea on starboard bow.
Heavy sea. Rolling and pitching heavily. Barometer falling. On course NW by N. Set main trysail and bent and set storm mizzen. Furled and stowed away after awnings.
Ship rolling heavily.
Heavy sea. Ship rolling and pitching heavily.
Heavy sea. Rolling and pitching heavily.
50874e7a09d40907550166ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_040_0.jpg)
making passage to new chawang china
Lat 19.63, Long 117.90
50874e7a09d40907550166ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_040_1.jpg)
17 November 1901
Heavy sea. Barometer variable. Ship rolling easily.
Moderatly rough sea from NE. Ship rolling easily
Rough sea. Rolling and pitching moderately. Barometer steady.
At 9:45, took in storm mizzen and set spanker. Spanker bolt rope having carried away, at 11:15, took in spanker and set storm mizzen.
Pitching and rolling moderately.
Rough sea on Stb'd bow, ship rolling and pitching moderately.
Ship rolling and pitching heavily.
50874e7a09d40907550166f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_041_0.jpg)
making passage to new chawang china
Lat 22.37, Long 117.00
50874e7a09d40907550166f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_041_1.jpg)
18 November 1901
Rough sea on starboard bow.
Pitching and rolling moderately.
Passed about 21 Chinese junks.
Passed English steamer on port hand. Numerous junks in sight.
Moderate sea. Ship almost steady.
50874e7a09d40907550166f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_042_0.jpg)
Lat 24.33, Long 119.03
50874e7a09d40907550166f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_042_1.jpg)
19 November 1901
50874e7a09d40907550166f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_043_0.jpg)
at anchor in leeolu bay and making pasage to new chawang china
Lat 24.47, Long 118.62
50874e7a09d40907550166fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_043_1.jpg)
20 November 1901
50874e7a09d40907550166fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_044_0.jpg)
making passage to new chawang china
Lat 25.70, Long 119.63
50874e7a09d40907550166ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_044_1.jpg)
21 November 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016701: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_045_0.jpg)
making passage to new chwang china
Lat 27.95, Long 121.53
50874e7a09d4090755016703: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_045_1.jpg)
22 November 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016705: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_046_0.jpg)
making passage to new chwang china
Lat 30.78, Long 122.60
50874e7a09d4090755016707: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_046_1.jpg)
23 November 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016709: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_047_0.jpg)
making passage to new chwang china
Lat 33.67, Long 122.65
50874e7a09d409075501670b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_047_1.jpg)
24 November 1901
50874e7a09d409075501670d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_048_0.jpg)
making passage to new chwang china
Lat 36.42, Long 122.57
50874e7a09d409075501670f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_048_1.jpg)
25 November 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016711: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_049_0.jpg)
making passage to new chwang china
Lat 39.55, Long 121.17
50874e7a09d4090755016713: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_049_1.jpg)
26 November 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016715: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_050_0.jpg)
new chwang lightship
Lat 40.55, Long 122.05
50874e7a09d4090755016717: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_050_1.jpg)
27 November 1901
Stripper for starboard wildcat bent and jammed chain n heaving in. Took it off.
Sighted pilot boat and hoisted The Jack. Rigged out No. 3-6 Pdr. and fired two blank charges to attract pilot's attention, then rigged gun in. He then came within hail and said he would take us in tomorrow morning.
50874e7a09d4090755016719: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_051_0.jpg)
newchang china
Lat 1.4, Long 104.0
50874e7a09d409075501671b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_051_1.jpg)
28 November 1901
At 6:00, piolt came aboard. At 6:35, hove up starboard anchor and got underway, pilot conning ship, standing into river, Pompey following about a half mile astern. Thin ice forming on the river at the entrance.
High steady barometer. Steaming up river the pilot and captain conning. At 9:34, anchored off the customs wharf, in 7 fms of water, 30 fms chain on starboard anchor.
US Collier Pompey - anchored off dock.
At 2:00, got underway and went alongside the Pompey and discharged sails and stores into her to lighten ship. Boarding Officer from Russian gunboat came on board. Corbett, J. ~wght, fell overboard while taking ship's draft and was immediately rescued.
Continued discharging stores.
At 8:30, cast off from Pompey and moored ship astern of her to bank.
50874e7a09d409075501671d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_052_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchuang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7a09d409075501671f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_052_1.jpg)
29 November 1901
Made preparations for going in dock. Lowered all boats and sent them to Pompey. At 6:30, started to work ship to dock, the Captain conning. The tide being nearly high. At 7:00, bow line and stern ~ carried away. Bow swung across Pompey's stern breaking her wooden stanchions and bending rail. Carried away dolphin striker. At 7:10 anchored off dock with port anchor. At 7:45, got underway and sent lines on shore to dock ship. Officers with working party from H.B.M.S Algerine handling lines on shore.
Working into dock. Officers and working party from H.B.M.S. Algerine handling lines on shore. At 8:45 in dock and at 9:00 secured. From 9:45 to end of watch all hands working unbending rail and getting stores on board from Pompey which were put on her yesterday to lighten ship. The Commanding Officer called officially on H.B.M.S. Algerine.
50874e7a09d4090755016721: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_053_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchuang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7a09d4090755016723: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_053_1.jpg)
30 November 1901
Received in pay department
50874e7a09d4090755016725: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_054_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchuang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7a09d4090755016727: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_054_1.jpg)
30 November 1901
50874e7a09d4090755016729: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_055_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newehuang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7a09d409075501672b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_055_1.jpg)
1 December 1901
U.S. Collier Pompey - U.s. Collier Pompey hauled out into mid stream.
H.B.M.S. Algerine - Officers from H.B.M.S.Algerine called on wardroom.
50874e7b09d409075501672d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_056_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501672f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_056_1.jpg)
2 December 1901
Commences and until 4 am. Clear with misty horizon. Light airs from NE. Barometer steady.
to 8 am. Clear and cool. Light airs to breezes from NE to N x W. Barometer falling slowly.
am to meridian. Clear. Light to gentle breezes from North. Barometer falling.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear. Light to moderate breezes from North to N x E. Barometer rising.
to 8 pm. Clear. Light airs from N x E. Barometer rising.
pm to midnight. Clear. Light airs from NNE. Barometer steady.
50874e7b09d4090755016731: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_057_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016733: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_057_1.jpg)
3 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016735: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_058_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016737: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_058_1.jpg)
4 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016739: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_059_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchioang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501673b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_059_1.jpg)
5 December 1901
Commences and until 4 am. Clear and pleasant. Light airs from South. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Clear and pleasant, with hazy horizon. Light airs to gentle breezes from South to S x W. Barometer falling.
8 am to meridian. Clear and pleasant. Light airs to breezes from S x W. Barometer rising.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and pleasant. Light to moderate breezes from WSW. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Clear. Various light airs to breezes. Barometer rising.
8 pm to midnight. Clear. Light airs to light breezes from North. Barometer rising.
50874e7b09d409075501673d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_060_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501673f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_060_1.jpg)
6 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016741: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_061_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016743: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_061_1.jpg)
7 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016745: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_062_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016747: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_062_1.jpg)
8 December 1901
At 3:00 dam to dock began leaking in four places. Ran lines ashore from each quarter and port bow.
At 5:30, Chinamen arrived and made temporary repairs to dam and stopped most of the leaking.
Chinamen repairing the dam and working on the roof of the ship.
50874e7b09d4090755016749: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_063_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501674b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_063_1.jpg)
9 December 1901
At 3:30, dam of dock began to leak.
At high tide about 12 feet of water in river end of dock. Water running out ~ falling tide.
Water running out of dock during watch. Workmen repairing breach in caisson.
Workmen finished working on dock.
50874e7b09d409075501674d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_064_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501674f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_064_1.jpg)
10 December 1901
Dock being flooded through breaches in caisson.
Water coming in and going out of dock with tide.
Covered boats with matting. Chinamen repairing dam; also continued work on roof.
Finished covering boats. Chinamen at work on dam and mat roof; also building heads on dock.
50874e7b09d4090755016751: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_065_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016753: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_065_1.jpg)
11 December 1901
Dam leaking in two places.
50874e7b09d4090755016755: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_066_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newehuang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016757: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_066_1.jpg)
12 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016759: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_067_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501675b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_067_1.jpg)
13 December 1901
Water coming over top of dam, port end of dam broken down, dock filled and ship floated. Trimmed ship by shifting weights.
Tide fell and ship settled in mud at 9:00. Chinamen at work repairing dam.
50874e7b09d409075501675d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_068_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501675f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_068_1.jpg)
14 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016761: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_069_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016763: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_069_1.jpg)
15 December 1901
Pumping water out of the dock with handy-billy
Pumping water out of dock with handy-billy.
50874e7b09d4090755016765: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_070_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016767: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_070_1.jpg)
16 December 1901
Chinamen pumping out dock and working on heads.
Chinamen at work on lock heads
50874e7b09d4090755016769: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_071_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501676b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_071_1.jpg)
17 December 1901
Chinese working, pumping out the dock and covering the underwater body of the ship with millet stalk.
50874e7b09d409075501676d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_072_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501676f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_072_1.jpg)
18 December 1901
Natives pumping water out of the dock with handy-billy, also placing shores against ship's side.
Boarding Officer from Russian gunboat Bobr called and asked Commanding Officer to dress ship tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, in honor of Emperor's fete day. Sent Lt. Butler to Russian gunboat Bobr, saying we would dress ship tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
Workmen placing small shores around ship preparatory to covering underbody of ship with millet stalks.
50874e7b09d4090755016771: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_073_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016773: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_073_1.jpg)
19 December 1901
Dressed ship at 8 o'clock, with Russian ensign at main and ensigns at trucks and peak, jack forward, in honor of Russian fete day. Russian gunboat Bobr and HMS Algerine, dressed ship 8 o'clock.
50874e7b09d4090755016775: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_074_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016777: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_074_1.jpg)
20 December 1901
Officer from the Bobr called to thank the Com'd'g Officer for having dressed ship yesterday.
50874e7b09d4090755016779: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_075_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501677b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_075_1.jpg)
21 December 1901
Scrubbed down decks with hot water. Workmen covering lower part of ship with millet.
Put filled fire buckets on half-deck
50874e7b09d409075501677d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_076_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501677f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_076_1.jpg)
22 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016781: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_077_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016783: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_077_1.jpg)
23 December 1901
Chinese putting doors at both gangways.
50874e7b09d4090755016785: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_078_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016787: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_078_1.jpg)
24 December 1901
Put branches of evergreen at mastheads, crosstrees, yardarms, and end of bowsprit
50874e7b09d4090755016789: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_079_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501678b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_079_1.jpg)
25 December 1901
50874e7b09d409075501678d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_080_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501678f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_080_1.jpg)
26 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016791: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_081_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016793: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_081_1.jpg)
27 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016795: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_082_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016797: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_082_1.jpg)
28 December 1901
50874e7b09d4090755016799: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_083_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501679b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_083_1.jpg)
29 December 1901
50874e7b09d409075501679d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_084_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501679f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_084_1.jpg)
30 December 1901
50874e7b09d40907550167a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_085_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_085_1.jpg)
31 December 1901
50874e7b09d40907550167a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_086_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_086_1.jpg)
1 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_087_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_087_1.jpg)
2 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_088_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_088_1.jpg)
3 January 1901
50874e7b09d40907550167b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_089_0.jpg)
in mud dock at nanchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_089_1.jpg)
4 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_090_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_090_1.jpg)
5 January 1902
Commences and until 4 am. Clear and cold. Light airs from NE to ESE. Barometer unsteady.
4 to 8 am. Clear and cold. Light airs from ESE. Barometer unsteady.
8 am to meridian. Clear and cold with light haze on horizon. Light airs from ESE first hour them calm. Barometer falling slowly.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear and misty. Light airs from ESE. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Partly cloudy, misty last two hours. Light airs from ESE. Barometer unsteady.
8 pm to midnight. Partly cloudy. Light airs from ESE and SE. Barometer falling slowly.
50874e7b09d40907550167b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_091_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_091_1.jpg)
6 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_092_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_092_1.jpg)
7 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_093_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_093_1.jpg)
8 January 1902
Workment brought to wooden doors to use for openings in end of roof.
50874e7b09d40907550167c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_094_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_094_1.jpg)
9 January 1902
Broke out fore hold to investigate a slight leak. Discovered two planks, between frames 31 and 33, about 6' from keel on starboard side, slightly broken in.
At work on dock near ship.
50874e7b09d40907550167c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_095_0.jpg)
Lat , Long
50874e7b09d40907550167cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_095_1.jpg)
10 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_096_0.jpg)
in dock at neuchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_096_1.jpg)
11 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_097_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_097_1.jpg)
12 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_098_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_098_1.jpg)
13 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_099_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_099_1.jpg)
14 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_100_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_100_1.jpg)
15 January 1902
Wardroom officers called officially on the General Commanding the Russian troops in Newchwang.
50874e7b09d40907550167e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_101_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_101_1.jpg)
16 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_102_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_102_1.jpg)
17 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_103_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_103_1.jpg)
18 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_104_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_104_1.jpg)
19 January 1902
A salute of 40 guns was fired by Russian Artillery on the b~~d Newchwang, it being a Russian religious fete day.
50874e7b09d40907550167f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_105_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_105_1.jpg)
20 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_106_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_106_1.jpg)
21 January 1902
50874e7b09d40907550167f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_107_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d40907550167fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_107_1.jpg)
22 January 1902
At 9:12, coolies started coaling ship from coal pile.
coal: 50 tons -
50874e7b09d40907550167fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_108_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
At Peak
50874e7b09d40907550167ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_108_1.jpg)
23 January 1902
The Commanding Officer called officially on Lt.Colonel Dessius, Russian Army.
50874e7b09d4090755016801: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_109_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
At Peak
50874e7b09d4090755016803: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_109_1.jpg)
24 January 1902
50874e7b09d4090755016805: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_110_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
At Peak
50874e7b09d4090755016807: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_110_1.jpg)
25 January 1902
50874e7b09d4090755016809: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_111_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501680b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_111_1.jpg)
26 January 1902
50874e7b09d409075501680d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_112_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501680f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_112_1.jpg)
27 January 1902
50874e7b09d4090755016811: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_113_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchioang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016813: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_113_1.jpg)
28 January 1902
Commences and until 4 am. Clear and cool. Moderate breeze from South. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Clear and cool. Gentle to moderate breeze from South to SSW. Barometer falling.
8 am to meridian. Partly cloudy. Gentle to stiff breeze from SW. Barometer falling.
Meridian to 4 pm. Partly cloudy. Light airs to breezes from SW. Barometer rising.
4 to 8 pm. Clear. Calm to gentle breezes from East. Barometer rising.
8 pm to midnight. Clear. Gentle breezes from NE. Barometer rising.
50874e7b09d4090755016815: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_114_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016817: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_114_1.jpg)
29 January 1902
50874e7b09d4090755016819: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_115_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501681b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_115_1.jpg)
30 January 1902
50874e7b09d409075501681d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_116_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501681f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_116_1.jpg)
31 January 1902
50874e7b09d4090755016821: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_117_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016823: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_117_1.jpg)
1 February 1902
50874e7b09d4090755016825: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_118_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d4090755016827: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_118_1.jpg)
2 February 1902
50874e7b09d4090755016829: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_119_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7b09d409075501682b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_119_1.jpg)
3 February 1902
50874e7c09d409075501682d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_120_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501682f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_120_1.jpg)
4 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016831: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_121_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016833: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_121_1.jpg)
5 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016835: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_122_0.jpg)
in the mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016837: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_122_1.jpg)
6 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016839: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_123_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501683b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_123_1.jpg)
7 February 1902
50874e7c09d409075501683d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_124_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501683f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_124_1.jpg)
8 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016841: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_125_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016843: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_125_1.jpg)
9 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016845: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_126_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016847: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_126_1.jpg)
10 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016849: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_127_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501684b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_127_1.jpg)
11 February 1902
50874e7c09d409075501684d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_128_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501684f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_128_1.jpg)
12 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016851: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_129_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016853: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_129_1.jpg)
12 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016855: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_130_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016857: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_130_1.jpg)
14 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016859: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_131_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501685b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_131_1.jpg)
15 February 1902
Commences and until 4 am. Clear and cool. Light airs from South. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Clear and pleasant. Light airs from South to SE. Barometer steady.
8 am to meridian. Clear. Light airs from SE to SSW. Barometer falling.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear. Calm to light airs from W x S to SSW. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Clear. Light airs from SW to South. Barometer falling.
8 pm to midnight. Clear. Light airs from SW to NW. Barometer rising.
50874e7c09d409075501685d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_132_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501685f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_132_1.jpg)
16 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016861: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_133_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016863: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_133_1.jpg)
17 February 1902
Commanding Officer of Russian gunboat Bobr called on the Captain.
50874e7c09d4090755016865: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_134_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016867: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_134_1.jpg)
18 February 1902
Coolies started coaling ship.
Gunner's gang working on 6 pdr. magazine
coal: 50 500/2240 tons -
At 7:15, sent a Fire Party of 20 men from the 1st Division, Naval Cadet W.F. Bricker in charge, to a large fire in Newchwang.
At 9:30, Fire Party returned the fire being well under control, a large bean mill having been burned.
50874e7c09d4090755016869: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_135_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501686b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_135_1.jpg)
19 February 1902
50874e7c09d409075501686d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_136_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501686f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_136_1.jpg)
20 February 1902
Sent an officer to notify foreign ships that we would dress ship on the 22d and request them to do same.
50874e7c09d4090755016871: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_137_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016873: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_137_1.jpg)
21 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016875: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_138_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016877: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_138_1.jpg)
22 February 1902
At 8:00, dressed ship with mast head flags in honor of the anniversary of the birth of George Washington.
At 8:00 o'clock, dressed ship with ensigns at each truck and peak and jack forward. HMS Algerine and HMS Bobr also dressed ship with flags at masthead. US Ensign at the main.
Hauled down all ensigns and jack at sunset.
50874e7c09d4090755016879: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_139_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501687b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_139_1.jpg)
23 February 1902
Sent an officer to the Foreign men-of-war to thank them for dressing ship yesterday.
50874e7c09d409075501687d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_140_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501687f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_140_1.jpg)
23 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016881: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_141_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016883: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_141_1.jpg)
25 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016885: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_142_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016887: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_142_1.jpg)
26 February 1902
Two Russian Army Officers called on the Captain and officers.
50874e7c09d4090755016889: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_143_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501688b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_143_1.jpg)
27 February 1902
50874e7c09d409075501688d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_144_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501688f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_144_1.jpg)
28 February 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016891: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_145_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016893: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_145_1.jpg)
1 March 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016895: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_146_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016897: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_146_1.jpg)
2 March 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016899: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_147_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501689b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_147_1.jpg)
3 March 1902
50874e7c09d409075501689d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_148_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501689f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_148_1.jpg)
4 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_149_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_149_1.jpg)
5 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_150_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_150_1.jpg)
6 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_151_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_151_1.jpg)
7 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_152_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_152_1.jpg)
8 March 1902
Ice on river broke up abreast the ship.
50874e7c09d40907550168b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_153_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_153_1.jpg)
9 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_154_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_154_1.jpg)
10 March 1902
Ice in river astern of ship breaking up.
Broke out sail room. Began work on refitting ship, reeving of gear, etc.
Refitting ship. Restowed sail room. Working in double bottom compartments aft under paymaster's store rooms. Working on second cutter.
50874e7c09d40907550168b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_155_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_155_1.jpg)
11 March 1902
Beginning and until 4 am. Clear. Light breezes from SSE to S x E. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 am. Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from S x E. Barometer falling.
8 am to meridian. Clear and pleasant. Gentle to fresh breeze from SSE. Barometer falling slowly.
Meridian to 4 pm. Clear with misty horizon. Fresh breeze from SSW. Barometer falling.
4 to 8 pm. Clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from SSW. Barometer steady.
8 pm to midnight. Clear and pleasant. Light airs to gnelte breezes from SSW, hauling to NNW. Barometer rising.
50874e7c09d40907550168bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_156_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_156_1.jpg)
12 March 1902
Working on boats, reiving new gear and pumping out dock with handy billy.
Pumping out dock as before.
Pumping out dock until 5:00.
50874e7c09d40907550168c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_157_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_157_1.jpg)
13 March 1902
At 6:10, continued pumping out dock.
Refitting ship. Overhauling hold and Paymasters after storeroom.
Pumping out dock. Working on boats.
Refitting ship. Pumping out dock.
Naval Cadet G.B. Landenberger made an official call on Commanding Officers of HIMS Bobr and HMS Algerine and informed them that colors would be half-masted on the ship from sunrise to sunset in memory of the death of Rear Admiral Kimberly USN.
Refitting ship and pumping out dock until sundown.
50874e7c09d40907550168c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_158_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_158_1.jpg)
14 March 1902
H.M.S. Algerine - Halfmasted colors and Jack at sunrise, H.M.S. Algerine and H.l.M.S.Bolr halfmasted colors in company with us.
H.I.M.S.Bolr - Halfmasted colors and Jack at sunrise, H.M.S. Algerine and H.l.M.S.Bolr halfmasted colors in company with us.
50874e7c09d40907550168c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_159_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_159_1.jpg)
15 March 1902
Working on boats, gear, side, bottom and pumping out dock.
50874e7c09d40907550168cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_160_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_160_1.jpg)
16 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_161_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_161_1.jpg)
17 March 1902
At work on side, rigging, masts, boats, pumping dock, etc. Ass't Paymaster V.S. Jackson, US Navy, returned on board with $4827.94 US Gold in Mexican Silver.
50874e7c09d40907550168d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_162_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_162_1.jpg)
18 March 1902
coal: 25 163/2240 tons -
50874e7c09d40907550168d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_163_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_163_1.jpg)
19 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_164_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_164_1.jpg)
20 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_165_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_165_1.jpg)
21 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_166_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_166_1.jpg)
22 March 1902
Rebuilt outside of dam, which had washed away.
50874e7c09d40907550168e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_167_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_167_1.jpg)
23 March 1902
Chinese workmen began digging out dock abreast of ship.
50874e7c09d40907550168ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_168_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_168_1.jpg)
24 March 1902
At 6:00, continued pumping out dock, work on side, and scraping spars. Sent up topsail yard.
Continued work on rigging masts, side, boats and pumping dock.
50874e7c09d40907550168f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_169_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_169_1.jpg)
25 March 1902
Continued work on side, boats, spars, pumping and cleaning dock. Chinese digging holes for bollards.
Fidded fore topgallant mast and mizzen topmast. Continued work on side, boats, spars, pumping and cleaning dock.
Continued work as before, also working on lower booms.
Continued pumping dock until sundown.
50874e7c09d40907550168f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_170_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_170_1.jpg)
26 March 1902
50874e7c09d40907550168f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_171_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_171_1.jpg)
27 March 1902
Two Japanese and one English steamer entered harbor. HBMS Algergine made attempt to get out of her dock from 7:15 to 8 o'clock. Sent everybody available to lend assistance. Pumping out dock.
HMS Algerine stuck on dock sill and failed to get out on this tide. At work on side, spars, rigging, boats and pumping out dock.
Four Chinese workmen digging in dock.
Steamer Fook Sang came up and anchored astern of the Algerine and ran a hawser to her to assist in undocking.
At 7:10 sent all available hands to handle lines for the Algerine. The Fook Sang hove in on hawser and pulled the Algerine out of dock. HMS Algerine anchored in river abreast of her dock.
50874e7c09d40907550168fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_172_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d40907550168ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_172_1.jpg)
28 March 1902
Working on boat,s painting spars and spots on side, pumping dock, and replacing copper on bottom under the starboard bow.
Chinese digging mud from bilge keels.
Working as before and repairing dam.
HMS Algerine shifted anchorage further downstream.
Continued pumping dock until sunset.
Bobr attempted to get out of dock but failed.
50874e7c09d4090755016901: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_173_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016903: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_173_1.jpg)
29 March 1902
Pumping out dock. Working on bottom forward starboard side.
Leiut. H.V. Butler, US Navy made an official call on the Russian gunboat Bobr and offered the Commanding Officer the assistance of the men and officers of this ship when the Bobr goes out of dock. Two Norwegian and one Japanese steamers entered the harbor.
Workmen working on digging out propeller.
Pumping out dock until 1:40. Sent liberty party ashore.
International signals from HMS Algerine, "We leave port at daylight tomorrow"; Vicksburg to Algerine "Hope you have a pleasant voyage"; Vicksburt to Algerine, "Hope to see you again"; Algerine to Vicksburg, "Thank you, the sooner the better."
HMS Algerine moved from coaling dock and anchored in stream.
50874e7c09d4090755016905: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_174_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016907: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_174_1.jpg)
30 March 1902
HMS Algerine left harbor at 6:00, signaling good-bye to the Vicksburg when she left. English steamer entered harbor.
Squared yards and straightened up decks for Sunday inspection. Native workmen working on dock.
50874e7c09d4090755016909: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_175_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501690b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_175_1.jpg)
31 March 1902
Pumping out dock, cleaning boats. Chinese workmen started work on posts.
Working cleaning boats, snaking down backstays, tarring down, pumping dock, painting spots on ship's side. Chinese digging out propeller and placing bollards.
Working as before, until 4:50.
50874e7c09d409075501690d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_176_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501690f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_176_1.jpg)
1 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016911: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_177_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016913: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_177_1.jpg)
2 April 1902
Started painting and pumping out dock, but discontinued on account of rain.
Extremely violent squall of nearly hurricane force during last hour of watch.
Repairing dam.
Finished repairing dam.
50874e7c09d4090755016915: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_178_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016917: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_178_1.jpg)
3 April 1902
Carrying on general work about ship. Shipped lower booms. Working on boats. Pumped out dock. About 40 Chinamen working on dock astern of ship, digging it out.
50874e7c09d4090755016919: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_179_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501691b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_179_1.jpg)
4 April 1902
50874e7c09d409075501691d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_180_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501691f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_180_1.jpg)
5 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016921: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_181_0.jpg)
Lat , Long
50874e7c09d4090755016923: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_181_1.jpg)
6 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016925: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_182_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016927: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_182_1.jpg)
7 April 1902
Pumping out dock. About 30 Chinamen working on dock from 6:30 to end of watch. Broke out job, spanker, foresail, and for topsail from sailroom and made them ready for binding. Sent up forsail.
Finished bending foresail, fore topsail, jib and spanker. At work on side. Chinese workmen digging out dock.
Painted ship. Chinese digging out dock.
50874e7c09d4090755016929: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_183_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501692b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_183_1.jpg)
8 April 1902
Received in equipment department
received in construnction department
received in Medical department
50874e7c09d409075501692d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_184_0.jpg)
in mud dock at newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501692f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_184_1.jpg)
8 April 1902
38 Chinese removing dam. Working on boat gear, painting waterways and cradle of steam launch.
Halfmasted colors while funeral of a Russian Army officer passed up the river.
Chinese working on dam. At 5:10 dam carried away and ship floated. At 5:45 high water 16'00", at 6:25 slack water, tide having fallen 13". Hoisted gig, whale boat and dinghy.
Chinese working on dock and pulling posts from dam with tackle rigged from spanker boom.
50874e7c09d4090755016931: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_185_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016933: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_185_1.jpg)
9 April 1902
Chinese working as before until 2:10.
Ship floating at high water. Hoisted both cutters and sailing launch.
Native workmen working on dock, digging out about ship.
At 6:00 tried to get out of dock by hauling on two hawsers, led from bank at stern of ship, through bow chocks, but ship stuck when it moved astern about 20 feet. Hauled ship ahead with headline and repeated performance several times, ship moving a little further aft each time, the last distance being about 35 feet, the tide having fallen considerably by this time, further attempt was abandoned. Carried away 7" line on Stbd. side
50874e7c09d4090755016935: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_186_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016937: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_186_1.jpg)
10 April 1902
Painting boats. Chinese workmen digging out dock.
Made preparation to get out of dock. Russian gunboat Otvajoing came in and anchored astern of the Bobr. Sent boarding Officer to her. At 6:00, called all hands undock ship and worked ship forward and aft in dock to try to get out, got half out and stuck. Banked fires. Hauled all lines tight and shifted all movable weights amid ships. The Bobr tried to get out of dock with the assistance of the Otvajing but stuck on sill of dock.
50874e7c09d4090755016939: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_187_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501693b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_187_1.jpg)
11 April 1902
Made preparation to get out of dock, but tide did not serve so banked fires.
A boarding Officer and the Commanding Officer of the Russian gunboat Otvajni~ called on board.
At 11:15, Chinese started digging out bilge keels.
Making preparations to get out of dock. At 6:40, began working out, at 7:10 out of dock and at 7:20, let go port anchor in 7 fathoms of water off dock and veered to 30 fathoms. Launched steam launch and in so doing she turned on her side, half filled with water and injured slightly false keel and keel condenser; towed her off to ship with whale boat.
At 7:45, the Bobr assisted by the Otvajnig got out of dock and at 8:10 she anchored abreast her dock.
50874e7c09d409075501693d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_188_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d409075501693f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_188_1.jpg)
12 April 1902
coal: 74 tons -
the Otvajnig - At 7:50, shifted anchorage to one near Custom's wharf.
Up-anchor at 9:17 and went alongside bank opposite coal pile. Port bower anchor off port bow, 40 fathoms chain out. Two hedge anchors were placed off port quarter but in testing them they were brought home, so they were hoisted and the ship dropped down and out in the stream and let go starboard anchor with wire hawser attached and then went alongside bank again wire hawser leading from port quarter, this held her securely. Ship held to bank by two bow and two quarter lines. Made preparations for coaling at once, planks being laid from the bank across two junks to the ship.
The Bobr - shifted anchorage to one hear the Customs's wharf.
coal: 55 tons -
coal: 19 840/2240 tons -
50874e7c09d4090755016941: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_189_0.jpg)
newchwang china
Lat 21.5, Long 109.1
50874e7c09d4090755016943: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_189_1.jpg)
13 April 1902
Russian gunboat Bobr - left harbor at 6:15.
coal: 15 1/2 tons -
coal: 55 tons -
50874e7c09d4090755016945: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_190_0.jpg)
at anchor at newchwang china and making passage to nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d4090755016947: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_190_1.jpg)
14 April 1902
The Russian General's aide, the Russian Band, and many residents of Newchwang came alongside in a tug to say good-bye.
50874e7c09d4090755016949: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_191_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 38.67, Long 121.17
50874e7c09d409075501694b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_191_1.jpg)
15 April 1902
50874e7c09d409075501694d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_192_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 36.08, Long 123.52
50874e7c09d409075501694f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_192_1.jpg)
16 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016951: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_193_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 33.53, Long 125.58
50874e7c09d4090755016953: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_193_1.jpg)
17 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016955: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_194_0.jpg)
making passge to nagasaki japan
Lat 32.55, Long 128.95
50874e7c09d4090755016957: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_194_1.jpg)
17 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016959: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_195_0.jpg)
nagasaki harbor
Lat 32.73, Long 129.85
50874e7c09d409075501695b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_195_1.jpg)
19 April 1902
50874e7c09d409075501695d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_196_0.jpg)
at anchor in nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d409075501695f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_196_1.jpg)
20 April 1902
Commences and until 4 am. Clear and calm. Barometer steady.
4 to 8 am. Clear, misty and calm. Barometer rising.
8 am to meridian. Clear to pleasant. Calm to light airs from WSW. Barometer unsteady.
Meridian to 4 pm. Partly cloudy and pleasant. Light breezes to light airs from SW. Barometer falling slowly.
4 to 8 pm. Partly cloudy. Light breezes to light airs from SW first hour, calm rest of watch. Barometer falling slowly.
8 pm to midnight. Partly cloudy 1st half, clear rest of watch. Light airs from NW first two hours. Calm rest of watch. Barometer falling slowly.
50874e7c09d4090755016961: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_197_0.jpg)
at anchor at nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
coal: 175 - tons
50874e7c09d4090755016963: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_197_1.jpg)
21 April 1902
Saturn - At 7:30 got up anchor and went alongside port side of collier Saturn.
U.S.F.S New York - Transferred to U.S.F.S. New York, Krall, J.M.(Cox) with bag , hammock, and papers.
50874e7c09d4090755016965: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_198_0.jpg)
at anchor in nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d4090755016967: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_198_1.jpg)
22 April 1902
City of Pekin - City of Pekin came in and moored.
U.S.F.S New York - The Commanding Officers of the U.S.F.S.New York and New Orleans visited this ship.
New Orleans - The Commanding Officers of the U.S.F.S.New York and New Orleans visited this ship.
"Bugeaud" - The wardroom offcers of this ship called on the French Cruiser "Bugeaud" and the U.S.S. "New Orleans".
"Justin" - The U.S.Navy Collier "Justin" left the harbor at 3:55.
"King Albert" - The City of Peking left the harbor at 4:45 and the "King Albert" at 5:15.
50874e7c09d4090755016969: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_199_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d409075501696b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_199_1.jpg)
23 April 1902
50874e7c09d409075501696d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_200_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d409075501696f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_200_1.jpg)
24 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016971: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_201_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d4090755016973: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_201_1.jpg)
25 April 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016975: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_202_0.jpg)
at anchor in nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d4090755016977: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_202_1.jpg)
26 April 1902
Commences and until 4 am. Overcast, cloudy and raining. Barometer falling. Light airs to breezes from NE.
4 to 8 am. Overcast, cloudy and raining. Barometer rising.
8 am to meridian. Partly overcast. Light breezes from SW. Barometer steady.
Meridian to 4 pm. Fair first hour, overcast with light rain at intervals. Calm to light variable airs.
4 to 8 pm. Overcast and cloudy. Light airs to breezes from NE.
8 pm to midnight. Fair weather. Light to gentle breezes from NNE.
50874e7c09d4090755016979: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_203_0.jpg)
at anchor at nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d409075501697b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_203_1.jpg)
27 April 1902
U.S.S.New Orleans - Sent church party to the U.S.S.New Orleans.
50874e7c09d409075501697d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_204_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7c09d409075501697f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol009of023_jpg_clean/vol009of023_204_1.jpg)
28 April 1902
British steamer "Empress of India" - came in and anchored in outer harbor with quarantine flag hoisted.
LOG BOOK – APRIL 29th 1902 TO NOVEMBER 8th 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016981: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_001_0.jpg)
50874e7c09d4090755016983: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_001_1.jpg)
50874e7c09d4090755016985: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_002_0.jpg)
50874e7c09d4090755016987: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_002_1.jpg)
50874e7c09d4090755016989: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_003_0.jpg)
50874e7c09d409075501698b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_003_1.jpg)
Log book of the USS "Vicksburg" commencing April 29th 1902 at Nagasaki, Japan, ending November 8th, 1902 at Chefoo, China
50874e7c09d409075501698d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_004_0.jpg)
List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Vicksburg, 3rd rate commanded by E B Barry, Commander USN, during the period covered by this log book from April 29th 1902, to November 8th, 1902
EB Barry - Commander
JH Glenion - Lieut-Commander
AT Long - Lieutenant
HV Butler - Lieutenant (JG)
FL Sheffield - Ensign
Karl Chuesong - Asst Surgeon
US Jackson - Asst Paymaster
WF Bricker - Naval Cadet
GB Landenberger - Naval Cadet
Stewart Rhodes - Asst Paymaster
EA Anderson - Lieutenant
Guy WC Castle - Naval Cadet
Leroy Brooks - Naval Cadet
HA Klyce - Midshipman
FH Maka - Commander
50874e7c09d409075501698f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_004_1.jpg)
List of officers who have died, been detached or transferred on board of USS Vicksburg during the period covered by this log book from April 29th 1902, to November 8th, 1902
VS Jackson Asst Paymaster - detached April 1 1902 by Commander-in-Chief orders No 5118Pt of Mar 17 1902 and No 7398Pt of April 20 1902 with order to report USS Glacer for duty
Stewart Rhodes Asst Paymaster - reported for duty April 29 1902 in obedience to Commander-in-Chief orders No 7398Pt of Mar 17 1902 detached June 5 1902 by Commander-in-Chief order 813SPF of May 6 1902 and ordered to the USS General Alowa
EA Anderson Lieutenant - reported for duty June 5, 1902 in obedience to Commander-in-Chief orders 814-SPF of May 1 1902
GB Landenberger Naval Cadet - Detached June 12 1902 by Junior Squadron Commander's under #139-P of June 12, 1902 with order to report to USS General Alava for transportation to USS Hillalobos
Guy WC Castle Naval Cadet - reported for duty July 30 1902 in obedience to Senior Squadron ~ and order 174-S of July 30 1902
Leroy Brooks Naval Cadet - reported for duty August 14 1902 in obedience to Commander-in-Chief order No 1190SPF of August 2 1902
FL Sheffield Ensign USN - detached August 15 1902 by Commander-in-Chief order No 1041SPF ~ orders to report on USS Buffalo
HS Klyce Midshipman - reported for duty Sept 1 1902 by order of Commander in Chief no 1465-SPF of September 1 1902
Leroy Brooks Naval Cadet - detached Sept 1 1902 by Commander-in-Chief orders No 1464SPF of Sept 1 1902 and to report on Kentucky
AT Long Lieutenant - detached Sept 15 1902 by orders of Navy Department per Commander-in-Chief order no 1463HUR of Sept 1 1902 and to proceed to Washington DC and report to Navy Department
DH Mahan Commander - reported Sept 27, 1902 in obedience to Commander-in-Chief order of Aug 27, 1902
DH Mahan Commander - Detached Oct 3 1902 in obedience to orders of Senior Officer Present of Oct 2 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016991: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_005_0.jpg)
Complement of Petty officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Landsmen, Boys, and Marines on board USS Vicksburg 3rd rate at first commitioning September 25, 1902
50874e7c09d4090755016993: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_005_1.jpg)
USS Vicksburg Description of Instruments used for Meteorological Observations and their location, &c
USS Vicksburg official tonnage, etc
mercurial barometer: HJ Green: 3707: Cabin: Oct 19'01: Manila Observatory: .0828
aneroid barometer: Holosteria:: Pilot House: ": ": .14 Aneroid barometer: ": ": half deck: ": "
thermometer (dry bulb): HJ Green: 2788: bridge
thermometer (wet bulb): HJ Green: 2813: bridge
50874e7d09d4090755016995: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_006_0.jpg)
Armament of the USS Vicksburg 3rd rate
Boat armament
Small Arms
50874e7d09d4090755016997: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_006_1.jpg)
Table sof Deviation of the Standard Compass N° on board of the USS Vicksburg
50874e7d09d4090755016999: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_007_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7d09d409075501699b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_007_1.jpg)
29 April 1902
At 5:20, hove up port anchor and let go starboard, veering to 25 fms.
50874e7d09d409075501699d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_008_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7d09d409075501699f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_008_1.jpg)
30 April 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169a1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_009_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7d09d40907550169a3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_009_1.jpg)
1 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169a5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_010_0.jpg)
at anchor in nagasaki japan
Lat 32.8, Long 129.9
50874e7d09d40907550169a7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_010_1.jpg)
2 May 1902
Gaelic - Steamer Gaelic entered harbor.
H.M.S. Phoenix - H.M.S.Phoenix came in and anchored.
50874e7d09d40907550169a9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_011_0.jpg)
nagasaki japan
Lat 32.55, Long 128.97
50874e7d09d40907550169ab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_011_1.jpg)
3 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169ad: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_012_0.jpg)
Lat 31.58, Long 125.00
50874e7d09d40907550169af: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_012_1.jpg)
4 May 1902
Bridge steering gear came unkeyed at 3 o'clock. Shifted helmsman to wheel in chart house.
50874e7d09d40907550169b1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_013_0.jpg)
shanghai china
Lat 31.25, Long 121.48
50874e7d09d40907550169b3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_013_1.jpg)
5 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169b5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_014_0.jpg)
at anchor in
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d40907550169b7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_014_1.jpg)
6 May 1902
Crossed top gallant yard, and at 8:00, fulled dressed ship, Russian flag at the main in honor of the Empress birthday.
50874e7d09d40907550169b9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_015_0.jpg)
shanghai china
Lat 31.2, Long 121.5
50874e7d09d40907550169bb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_015_1.jpg)
7 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169bd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_016_0.jpg)
at anchor in shanghai china
Lat 31.2, Long 121.5
50874e7d09d40907550169bf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_016_1.jpg)
8 May 1902
Kobe Maru - Mail steamer Kobe Maru entered harbor.
H.B.M.S. Mutine - The Captain called on the Commanding Officer of the H.B.M.S.Mutine.
H.B.M.S ESK - H.B.M.S.ESK left the harbor, paraded guard when she passed.
Tosa Maru - Japanase steamer Tosa Maru came in flying U.S.Mail flag.
Charuka - American ship Charuka of Manila was towed in, with a collision mat over her port side.
50874e7d09d40907550169c1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_017_0.jpg)
shanghai china
Lat 31.2, Long 121.5
50874e7d09d40907550169c3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_017_1.jpg)
9 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169c5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_018_0.jpg)
shanghai china
Lat 31.2, Long 121.5
50874e7d09d40907550169c7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_018_1.jpg)
10 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169c9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_019_0.jpg)
passage from shanghi china to hong kong
Lat 28.97, Long 122.45
50874e7d09d40907550169cb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_019_1.jpg)
11 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169cd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_020_0.jpg)
passage from shanghai china to hong kong
Lat 26.38, Long 120.55
50874e7d09d40907550169cf: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_020_1.jpg)
12 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169d1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_021_0.jpg)
making passage from shanghai china to hong kong
Lat 23.88, Long 118.15
50874e7d09d40907550169d3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_021_1.jpg)
13 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169d5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_022_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.42, Long 115.03
50874e7d09d40907550169d7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_022_1.jpg)
14 May 1902
passed many junks and one steamer
The Doctor engaged in vaccinating the crew and officers.
Standing over to anchorage off Quarantine station with the quarantine flag at the fore.
Health Officers called on board.
50874e7d09d40907550169d9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_023_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.27, Long 114.15
50874e7d09d40907550169db: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_023_1.jpg)
15 May 1902
Health Officer called on board.
Webber, F.H. (Pro~)GCM prisoner - Sent to Kennedy Town Hospital on shore, with bag and hammock.
At 6:00, hauled down quarantine flag and called all hands up anchor. At 6:05 got underway and steamed toward man-of-war anchorage.
50874e7d09d40907550169dd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_024_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.1
50874e7d09d40907550169df: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_024_1.jpg)
16 May 1902
H.M.B.S.Temar - The Commanding Officer called upon H.B.M.S.Temar & the U.S.Consul General.
Tiger - Boarding officer from German gunboat Tiger called on board.
Hart - English torpedo boat Hart left the harbor.
Hunter - Two English gunboats, the Hunter and the Esk came in.
Esk - Two English gunboats, the Hunter and the Esk came in.
U.S.S. Monaduock - At 2:30 the U.S.S. Monaduock came in and anchored.
U.S.S.Isla de Cuba - the Commanding Officer called on the U.S.S.Isla de Cuba and U.S.S. Monaduock.
50874e7d09d40907550169e1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_025_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169e3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_025_1.jpg)
17 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169e5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_026_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169e7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_026_1.jpg)
18 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169e9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_027_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169eb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_027_1.jpg)
19 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169ed: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_028_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169ef: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_028_1.jpg)
20 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169f1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_029_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169f3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_029_1.jpg)
21 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169f5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_030_0.jpg)
hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169f7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_030_1.jpg)
22 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_031_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169fb: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_031_1.jpg)
23 May 1902
50874e7d09d40907550169fd: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_032_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d40907550169ff: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_032_1.jpg)
24 May 1902
hong kong
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d4090755016a01: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_033_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d4090755016a03: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_033_1.jpg)
25 May 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a05: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_034_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d4090755016a07: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_034_1.jpg)
26 May 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a09: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_035_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d4090755016a0b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_035_1.jpg)
27 May 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a0d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_036_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong china
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d4090755016a0f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_036_1.jpg)
28 May 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a11: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_037_0.jpg)
at anchor in hong kong making passage to cavite pi
Lat 22.3, Long 114.2
50874e7d09d4090755016a13: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_037_1.jpg)
29 May 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a15: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_038_0.jpg)
Lat 20.28, Long 116.45
50874e7d09d4090755016a17: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_038_1.jpg)
30 May 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a19: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_039_0.jpg)
Lat 17.88, Long 118.40
from 5.04 to 5.20 [pm] returning to pick up Christine
50874e7d09d4090755016a1b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_039_1.jpg)
31 May 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a1d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_040_0.jpg)
manila bay
Lat 14.80, Long 120.00
50874e7d09d4090755016a1f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_040_1.jpg)
1 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a21: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_041_0.jpg)
Lat 14.47, Long 120.90
50874e7d09d4090755016a23: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_041_1.jpg)
2 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a25: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_042_0.jpg)
at anchor in manila bay and making passage to and at anchor in cavite pi
Lat 14.5, Long 120.8
50874e7d09d4090755016a27: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_042_1.jpg)
2 June 1902
U.S.S.Rainbow - Exchanged distinguishing pennants with the U.S.S.Rainbow, flagship of Junior Squadron Commander.
Christine - Turned launch Christine over to Flaship and Commanding Officer of Christine and crew reported on board.
50874e7d09d4090755016a29: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_043_0.jpg)
at anchor in cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a2b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_043_1.jpg)
3 June 1902
U.S.S. Monaduock - Transferred to the general Storekeeper the following articles belonging to the U.S.S. Monaduock: 1 liner, brass, 1 "Y"brass, 1 stuffing box, iron, 1 plug valve, brass, 2 pipes, brass with iron flange.
U.S.S.Rainbow - The commanding Officers of the U.S.S.Rainbow and U.S.S.Biscalaqua called on the Captain.
U.S.S. Biscalaqua - The Commanding Officers of the U.S.S.Rainbow and the U.S.S. Biscalaqua called on the Captain.
50874e7d09d4090755016a2d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_044_0.jpg)
cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a2f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_044_1.jpg)
4 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a31: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_045_0.jpg)
cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a33: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_045_1.jpg)
5 June 1902
Lt.Comdr J.H. Glennon - was this day detached as executive officer of this ship and ordered as Commanding Officer of the USS General Alava.
Lieut. E.A. Anderson - reported for duty on board this vessel as the relief of Lt. Comdr J.H. Glennon, Executive Officer.
50874e7d09d4090755016a35: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_046_0.jpg)
cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a37: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_046_1.jpg)
6 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a39: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_047_0.jpg)
cavite pi
Lat 38.5, Long -28.6
50874e7d09d4090755016a3b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_047_1.jpg)
7 June 1902
coal: 30 640/2240 tons -
50874e7d09d4090755016a3d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_048_0.jpg)
cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a3f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_048_1.jpg)
8 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a41: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_049_0.jpg)
at anchor off cavite pi and off canacao
Lat 44.9, Long 37.3
50874e7d09d4090755016a43: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_049_1.jpg)
9 June 1902
gunboat Manileno - At 5:45, came alongside port side and commenced to transfer ammunition to her. Hoisted powder flag at fore.
Discharged remainder of ammunition into lighter. Inspected magazines and found them in good condition.
At 1:30 sent powder lighter and anchored her at Canacoa, off railway. Made preparations for getting underway. Hauled down powder flag having hoisted one on lighter.
At 4:10, anchored off Marine Railway at Canacoa in 3 fms water, 12 fms chain on port anchor. Moored all boats to bouy on starboard beam. Sent one man to sleep on powder lighter and one in steam launch.
50874e7d09d4090755016a45: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_050_0.jpg)
canacoa pi
Lat 15.5, Long 73.9
50874e7d09d4090755016a47: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_050_1.jpg)
10 June 1902
At 10:05, hove up port anchor and hauled into slip preparatory to going up on marine railway.
At 1:40, hauled ship onto carraige of marine railway and from then until end of watch being hauled out.
Signals from R: at 3:20, wig-wag. "Flags will be halfmasted tomorrow from sunrise and thirteen minute guns will be fired from flagship at noon in memory of Rear Admiral Sampson."
At 6:00, ship was hauled out and secured. 40 Navy Yard workmen on board until 5:00. New tail shaft was landed on dock astern of ship.
50874e7d09d4090755016a49: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_051_0.jpg)
on marine railway at canacoa pi
Lat 44.9, Long 73.9
50874e7d09d4090755016a4b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_051_1.jpg)
11 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a4d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_052_0.jpg)
canacoa pi
Lat 44.9, Long 37.3
50874e7d09d4090755016a4f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_052_1.jpg)
12 June 1902
Naval Cadet G B Landenberger, US Navy - was detached from this ship and ordered to the General Alava for passage to the Villalobos.
50874e7d09d4090755016a51: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_053_0.jpg)
on marine railway at canacoa pi
Lat 44.9, Long 37.3
50874e7d09d4090755016a53: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_053_1.jpg)
13 June 1902
W.W: Beedle, ordinary seaman - punished for dropping a cigarette on berth deck, not to smoke for one month & under supervision during smoking hours
50874e7d09d4090755016a55: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_054_0.jpg)
on marine railway at canacoa pi
Lat 15.5, Long 73.9
50874e7d09d4090755016a57: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_054_1.jpg)
14 June 1902
Barcello - The Barcello will leave Captain of Port's landing at half after eleven for Cavite tonight;
50874e7d09d4090755016a59: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_055_0.jpg)
on marine railway at canacao pi
Lat 44.9, Long 37.3
50874e7d09d4090755016a5b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_055_1.jpg)
15 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a5d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_056_0.jpg)
on marine railway at canacao pi
Lat 44.9, Long 37.3
50874e7d09d4090755016a5f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_056_1.jpg)
16 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a61: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_057_0.jpg)
on marine railway at canacao pi
Lat 44.9, Long 37.3
50874e7d09d4090755016a63: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_057_1.jpg)
17 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a65: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_058_0.jpg)
on marine railway at canacoa pi
Lat 55.0, Long 73.9
50874e7d09d4090755016a67: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_058_1.jpg)
18 June 1902
U.S.S.Celtic - U.S.S.Celtic came in and anchored.
50874e7d09d4090755016a69: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_059_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a6b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_059_1.jpg)
19 June 1902
Docking report
50874e7d09d4090755016a6d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_060_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a6f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_060_1.jpg)
19 June 1902
itinerary of ship
50874e7d09d4090755016a71: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_061_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a73: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_061_1.jpg)
19 June 1902
U.S.S.General Alava - U.S.S. General Alava came in.
Balanga - At 7:25 came off ways and tug Balanga took ship in tow.
Manileno - At 4:15 finished taking ammunition and tug towed Manileno to her former anchorage.
50874e7d09d4090755016a75: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_062_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a77: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_062_1.jpg)
20 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a79: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_063_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a7b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_063_1.jpg)
21 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a7d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_064_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a7f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_064_1.jpg)
22 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a81: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_065_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a83: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_065_1.jpg)
23 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a85: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_066_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a87: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_066_1.jpg)
24 June 1902
received in the construnction department from General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Cavite, P.I.
Received in equipment department
50874e7d09d4090755016a89: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_067_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a8b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_067_1.jpg)
24 June 1902
received in Store Engineering department
50874e7d09d4090755016a8d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_068_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a8f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_068_1.jpg)
Received in the ordnance department
50874e7d09d4090755016a91: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_069_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a93: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_069_1.jpg)
24 June 1902
50874e7d09d4090755016a95: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_070_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7d09d4090755016a97: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_070_1.jpg)
25 June 1902
King sick, coronation postponed. Orders to dress ship toorrow cancelled
Signals to R at 12:40 (wig wag) "Permission to send ball team ashore this afternoon to play marines on parade ground (Sig) Barry"; from R at 12:50 (wig wag) "Yes"
at 1at 1:40, (wig wag) "Full dress ship tomorrow from eight o'clock till sunset English flag at main, and saluting vessels fire a salute of twenty-one guns at noon, five second intervals between guns".
Signals from R repeated by AT at 8:05 (Ardois) "King sick. Coronation postponed. Orders to dress ship tomorrow cancelled.:
50874e7e09d4090755016a99: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_071_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7e09d4090755016a9b: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_071_1.jpg)
26 June 1902
THe Commandign Officer of the USS Yorktown called on the captain.
U.S.S.Isla de Luzon - the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Isla de Luzon called on the Captain.
U.S.S. Yorktown - The Commanding Officer of the U.S.S.Yorktown called on the Captain.
50874e7e09d4090755016a9d: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_072_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7e09d4090755016a9f: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_072_1.jpg)
27 June 1902
50874e7e09d4090755016aa1: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_073_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7e09d4090755016aa3: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_073_1.jpg)
28 June 1902
50874e7e09d4090755016aa5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_074_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7e09d4090755016aa7: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_074_1.jpg)
29 June 1902
U.S.S. Paragua - Commanding Officer of U.S.S. Paragua called on board.
U.S.S. Yorktown - Commanding Officer called on the U.S.S. Yorktown and U.S.S. Isla de Luzon.
U.S.S.Isla de Luzon - Commanding Officer called on the U.S.S. Yorktown and U.S.S. Isla de Luzon.
U.S.S. Solace - The U.S.S.Solace came in and anchored.
50874e7e09d4090755016aa9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_075_0.jpg)
at anchor off navy yard cavite pi
Lat , Long
50874e7e09d4090755016aab: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ow3/final/USS Vicksburg/vol010of023_jpg_clean/vol010of023_075_1.jpg)
30 June 1902