Read all about USC&GSS Pioneer's general description, specifications and time line.


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Any groups of links may refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

3. Logbook events have been formatted but not edited. The quality and quantity of transcribed information therefore varies, and may include up to 3 versions of the same data depending on the number of volunteers working on the originals.

LOG BOOK – APRIL 8th 1922 TO JULY 1st 1922

50874e2509d409075501004f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7775_0.jpg)

50874e2509d4090755010051: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7775_1.jpg)

8 April 1922

E. Lester Jone - cover of log

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50874e2509d4090755010055: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7776_1.jpg)

8 April 1922


LOG BOOK Ship Pioneer. H. A. Beran, COMMANDING. From April 8, 1922, to July 1, 1922.

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY E. Lester Jones, Superintendent. LOG BOOK Ship Pioneer. HA Bevan, COMMANDING. From April 8, 1922, to July 1, 1922.

E Lester Jones - Superintendent

H A Beran - Commanding

E. Lester Jones - Superintendent

H. A. Berman - Commendant

Pioneer - "Log Book of"

E Lester Jones - Superintendent, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey

H A Beran - Commanding from April 9 1922 to July 1 1922

50874e2509d4090755010057: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7777_0.jpg)

List of officers attached to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Str Pioneer

Beran H A - H & G Eng, joined April 8th 1922

Okison F~y E - Mate, joined April 8th 1922

Hast Oscar - Chief Engineer, joined April 8th 1922

Peters, J H - H & ~ Engr joined April 20th 1922, detached April 30th 1922

Hemple, H W - Jr H and G Engr joined April 20th 1922

Smook, J. M. - Jr H & G Engr, joined May 5th 1922

Wexler, H A - Deck Officer, joined May 11th 1922, detached June 10, 1922

Adams, K. T. - H & G Eng, Joined June 21st 1922

Bond -

Seran H.A. - List of officers

Orison? Franz E. - List of officers

Hart Oscar - List of officers

Peters, J.H. - List of officers

Hemple, H.W. - List of officers

Smook, J.M. - List of officers

Wexler, H.A. - List of officers

Adams, K.T. - List of officers

50874e2509d4090755010059: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7777_1.jpg)

The Following General instructions regarding Log Books are Issued for the Guidance of Commanding Officers of Coast and Geodetic Survey Vessels

50874e2509d409075501005b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7778_0.jpg)

E Lester Jones - signs instructions for keeping the log book

Symbols to be used in recording the force of the wind and the weather in their proper columns

50874e2509d409075501005d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7778_1.jpg)

General Dimensions Vessel: Length at load water line 180 ft; Extreme breadth of beam at load water line 35 ft 6 in; Draft - Forward 12ft; Aft 13 ft 8.5 in; Displacement 1200 tons


50874e2509d409075501005f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7779_0.jpg)

8 April 1922

navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

No weather observation or record of fuel and water was kept. Vessels (Osprey) Pioneer and (Auk) Discoverer was turned over to the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey April 1922

All repair work on the Discovery & Pioneer having been finished at the close of business April 7th 1922, they were transferred to the Coast & Geodetic Survey, and command of both was assumed by H A Beran, H & G Engineer

The ships are not in commission as no equipment, tools, ~ boats or spare parts have been furnished by the Navy Department. All the enlisted men are being lodged and ~oisted ashore.

H A Beran - H & G Engineer, signs log page

Vessels (Ospray) Pioneer and (Auk) Discoveres was turned over to the U.S. Coast and Geoartic Survey April 1922.

Repair work on the Discovery and Pioneer completed - April 7, 1922

The ships are not in commission as no equipment tools or [ ] books or spare parts were furnished by the Navy. Crew lodged ashore.

50874e2509d4090755010061: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7779_1.jpg)

The following named crew was enlisted for Service 1 year on (Osprey) Pioneer and (Auk) Discoverer.

H B Fenner - Asst to Eng

R M Neilson - Asst to Eng 1st Cl

Thomas Psenglau - Asst to Eng 2nd cl

P E Owinell - Oiler (Discoverer)

Oscar Gaelet - Oiler (Discoverer)

G W Gross - Oiler (Discoverer)

J A Roberts - Oiler (Discoverer)

J D Battos - Oiler

D VessilliO J Cobb - Fireman

All men enlisted passed physical examination at Marine Hospital service certificates signed G W ~etini

J C Curtis - ~. M.

K C Mayo - ~. M.

A O Brady - ~. M.

D M Cupperwell - Seaman

A J Sullivan - Seaman

E W Gaelet - Seaman

Crew members of the Pioneer and Discoverer - List

Crew listed recruited for 1 year's service. 19 names (3 further names crossed out) with roles. Signed by Quartermaster

50874e2509d4090755010063: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7780_0.jpg)

9 April 1922

pier 6 navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

No weather observation. Ships not in commission.

Ships not in commission

Ship not in commission

No weather observation. Ships not in Commission.

50874e2509d4090755010065: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7780_1.jpg)

Sunday quitley observed

Mr F E Okison - came onboard 11am, left 1pm

3 men from ~osee Ironworks N.J. came onboard to examine ship for alteration list at 9am. Left 10.45am

Fra~y E Okison - ~ ~Survey

Men from [ ] Iron Works N.J. came aboard to examine ship to make alterations

Sunday quietly observed.

Mr F. E. O~son - came aboard 11 am left 1 PM

3 men from ~ Ironworks N.J. came onboard to examine ship for alteration(?) ~ at 9am. Left 10.45 am.

50874e2509d4090755010067: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7781_0.jpg)

10 April 1922

pier 6 navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

Ships crew engage in cleaning, scraping and scaling crews head and galley

No weather observations - ships not commissioned

Ships crew engage in cleaning, scraping and scaling crews head and galley

Engine room for(?) in water tanks and miscellaneous painting & Cleaning in Eng.R.

No weather observation. Ships not in Commission.

50874e2509d4090755010069: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7781_1.jpg)

10 April 1922

Quartermaster on watch thru the 24 hours

Cumming E F - enlisted this day for one year as fireman

Doherty J - enlisted this day for one year as fireman

Several ~ came onboard during the day examining for alterations

Cummings E. F. - enlisted for one year this day

No name - [ ] bidders came onboard during the day to examine for alterations

Quartermaster on watch thru the 24 hours.

Cumming E. F. - enlisted this day for one year as fire ~

Doherty J. - enlisted this day for one year as fire ~

Several bidders came onboard during the day examining for alterations.

50874e2509d409075501006b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7782_0.jpg)

11 April 1922

pier 6 navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

No weather observations

50874e2509d409075501006d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7782_1.jpg)

Gerran H.C. - enlisted seaman for one year

Pumped out water tanks on Discoverer, one of air tanks filled by Navy yard force unnoticed

Bidders from several shipyard onboard during the day, looking over and examining for alteration bids.

4 further men enlisted (3 for Discovery, 1 for Pioneer). Builders examining ship to prepare bids for alterations

Quartermaster on watch thru the 24 hours.

Mitchell J.H. seaman - Enlisted for one year (Discoverer)

Murray E.D. seaman - Enlisted for one year (Discoverer)

T.J. Connolly seaman - Enlisted for one year (Discoverer)

Gessen H.C. seaman - Enlisted for one year (Pioneer)

Seaman working in crews head painting and scaling in galley. Seaman working in crews head scaling and painting crews head on (Auk(?)) Discoverer

Engine Room force working in water tanks cleaning and scaling and also Oil tanks. Painting Engine Room Pioneer.

Pumped out water tanks on Discoverer, one of oil tanks filled by Navy Yard force unoticed.

Bidders from several shipyard onboard during the day, looking over and examining for alteration bids.

50874e2509d409075501006f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7783_0.jpg)

12 April 1924

pier 6 navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

No weather observation; No water expended during previous 24 hours

50874e2509d4090755010071: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7783_1.jpg)

E W Gaelet - transferred to enginee room force Pioneer as Fireman from Seaman

Cleaning, making good, bidders on ship

E.W. Yadet (sp?) - Transferred to Engine room force as Fireman

Franz E. Oleson - Mate, signed day's log

EW Gaclet - transferred to engine room force Pioneer as fireman from seaman

50874e2509d4090755010073: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7784_0.jpg)

13 April 1922

pier g navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

J. Doherty - Discharged on account of drunkness, and absent without leave

J Doherty - Fireman, discharged on account of drunkness, and absent without leave.

J. Dohirty, fireman - discharged for drunkenness & absent without leave

J Doherty, Fireman discharged on account of drunkenness and absent without leave

H.A. Seran (?) - Commanding

J. Doherty - Firemand discharged on account of drunkness and absent without leave

F.E. Oleson - signed note regarding J. Doherty's discharge

No weather observation; no water expended in previous 24 hours

H.A. Seran (?) - Commanding

J. Doherty - Firemand discharged on account of drunkness and absent without leave

F.E. Oleson - signed note regarding J. Doherty's discharge

No weather observation; no water expended in previous 24 hours

50874e2509d4090755010075: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7784_1.jpg)

Sent out bids for 12 portable electric lights and 10 rolls rubber tape, bid awarded Empire Electric Comp.

Quartermasters standing 8 hour watches throughout 24 hours

Seamaen engaged in painting & cleaning galley, crews head on Pioneer and Discourses.

Sent out bids for 12 portable electric lights and 10 rolls rubber tape, bid awarded Empire Electric Comp.

Engine room force engage in cleaning oil and water tanks also engine and fire rooms, 3 men of the engine room force on Discourses

50874e2509d4090755010077: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7785_0.jpg)

14 April 1922

pier 6 boston navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

H.A. Seran - Commanding

Water expended during 24 hours, none

50874e2509d4090755010079: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7785_1.jpg)

14 April 1922

Quartermasters standing watches through 24 hours

Crew working in Galleys and crews heads on Pioneer and Discoverer

Engine room force cleaning and painting tanks and Engine room.

50874e2509d409075501007b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7786_0.jpg)

15 April 1922

pier 6 boston navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

H.A. Seran - Commanding

coal: -


50874e2509d409075501007d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7786_1.jpg)

Quarter masters standing 8 hour watches through 24 hours

Crew working in galley & crews head painting on Pioneer, Discoverer

Engine room forces working in painting Engine room & tanks.

Franz E. Okeson - Mate C&G Survey

Working in Galley and Engine room

50874e2509d409075501007f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7787_0.jpg)

16 April 1922

boston navy yard pier g

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

TJ Connolly - Deserted

T G Connolly - seaman deserted, and discharged as deserter

IG Connolly seaman - deserted and discharged as deserter

T.~. Connolly - Deserted and discharged as deserter

X.X. Connolly (seaman) deserted - Discharged

50874e2509d4090755010081: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7787_1.jpg)

8 hour shifts in Galley and Engine room

50874e2509d4090755010083: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7788_0.jpg)

17 April 1922

boston navy yard pier g

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

50874e2509d4090755010085: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7788_1.jpg)

Mid to mid: Sunday Mr Okison made trip onboard found everything OK

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18 April 1922

boston navy yard pier 6

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

50874e2509d4090755010089: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7789_1.jpg)

Crew working on preparing ship to sail for Philadelphia

Returned to Navy Yard 3 air chipping hammers 2 lenghts 3/4" hose 3 1/4" L~ders 6 chisels 6 pairs goggles

Crew working on preparing ship to sail for Philadelphia, enginemen the same

Returned to navy yard 3 air chipping hammers 3 lengths 3/4" hose 3 1/4" ladders 6 chisels 6 plain goggles

Quartermasters standing watches 8 hour shifts. Crew working on preparing ship to sail for Philadelphia Engineroom the same.

Mr O~son - making out requisitions for supplies etc.

Returned to Navy Yard 3 air(?) chipping hammers 3 lenghts(sic)3/4" hose 3 1/4" L~ders. 6 chisels 6 pairs goggles.

50874e2509d409075501008b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7790_0.jpg)

19 April 1922

boston navy yard

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1


50874e2509d409075501008d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7790_1.jpg)

Crew engage in preparing ship for sailing for Phila. PA. Engine room force the same

Quartermasters standing watches 8 hour watches thru 24 hours.

Crew engage in preparingship for sailing to Phila. Pa. Engine Room force the same.

Crew engaged in preparing ship for sailing to Philadelphia, PA

50874e2509d409075501008f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7791_0.jpg)

20 April 1922

us navy yard boston mass

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

Weather overcast to clearing. Temperature around freezzing.

No record kept; wind generally NW to N

50874e2509d4090755010091: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7791_1.jpg)

L P Hallett, Radio Opr; J F Christensen MA 1 Cl; J McKenzie Cook Ships - reported for duty, 1 yr

oil: 19079 gals -

J.H. Peters - Reported for Duty

H.W. H~~per - Reported for Duty

Hallett, L.P. - Radio Opr

Christensen, J.F. - M.A. ICI

McKenzie J. - Cook, Ships

Rackliff, H.J. - Reported for Duty

Steam on after boiler.

J H Peters ~ Engr and H W H~per ~Engr - reporting for duty

Shipments as follows: Hallet, L.P. Radio Opr 1 yr. Christensen, J.F. M.A.~ 1 yr. McKenzie, J. Cook Ships 1 yr.

Rackliff, H.O. ~ragmaster - reported for duty

Tug alongside with oil barge; breastedoff Pioneer. Officers engaged in reciving supplies. Crew cleaning & receiving se~

Recd from John P~y and Son: 50 Standard Ocean Life Preservers 6 ~ buoys 2 f~ oil side lights 2 oil a~ior lights 6 dust fans.

Rcd stores from Navy Yard as for Invoices ~ 134513, 14, 15, 16 and 17 (St~ Invoicing) and Invoices Nos. (expenditure) 24808~2, 815'2 816'2,2475~2, 24756'2, 24748'2, 24747'2, 24749'2, 24750,24753'2.

oil: 19079 gals -

Hauled alongside ~ Discoverer &secured for connecting up steam line.

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21 April 19

boston naval station

Lat 42.4, Long -71.1

No Instruments aboard

No instruments aboard

50874e2509d4090755010095: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7792_1.jpg)

Chook - coloured came aboard to enlist as cook, became sick, apparently with fits, sent to emergency ~.

McKenzie, Jeremiah - Ships cook, discharged this ~

Rec'd from Naval Station 1 - 24 ft motor sailing launch ~ 8171 with full equipment as per invoice No 24863; 1 - 24 foot whaler boat no 8104 with full equipment as per invoice no 23813.5

Crew engaged securing stores & securing gear. Officers engaged in getting equipment aboard & in routine ~en.

Oil barge shoved off. Hauled alongside ~ Discoverer (17275 gal oil for Discoverer)

Chook - - ~ - came aboard to enlist as cook.

McKenzie Jeremiah - Discharges this watch(?):

Shifted berth to end of pier No.1 to pick up small boats.

Recd from Naval Station: 1 - 24 foot motor sailing launch ~ 8171 with full equipment as for invoice no. 24863 1/2; 1 - 24 foot whaleboat no. 8104 with full equipment as for invoice n0. 24813 1/2

Recd ~ supplies from S.S. Purez Ca. $34 33

50874e2509d4090755010097: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7793_0.jpg)

22 April 1922

boston naval station

Lat abeam port, Long -71.1

927pm Cuttyhunk Lt Hs abeam, Gay Head Lt bearing 125

1025pm Picked up Block Id Lt Hs

AW Hemple - Watch Stander 800 PM to 1200 mid.

800pm on course 188 degrees pac

825 pm c/c 249 degrees pac, Bell Buoy #5 abeam. 835 pm Passed tug on port beam with tow headed NE.

900 pm Nishawen (sp?) Lodge (sp?) Bell Buoy abeam. 903pm c/c 248 pac

915 pm c/c 191 pac. 927 pm Cuttyhunk (sp?) Lt Ho abeam, Gay Head Lt bearing 125 degrees. 950 pm Vineyard Sound Lt. abeam port, c/c 228 degrees pac. 1025 pm Picked up Bloc Id Lt kto. bearing 250 pac

Passed tug on port beam with tow headed NE 9.00pm

Both boilers standard speed. Smooth sea; light WSW winds.

50874e2509d4090755010099: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7793_1.jpg)

minots ledge lid

Lat 3.13, Long

6am Started fires ~ boilers, natural draft. 8am Held dock trial. 8am Rec'd from Bristo~ Ice Co 1000 lbs ice. 8.15am Rec'd 25 loaves bread from J E Burns

Tat, Archie, Ships cook; King, James F Sea. ord - Enlisted this day 1 yr

11am Cast off from pier and proceeded out of harbour

2.18pm at Whistling Buoy #4 begin swinging ship for compass correction

5.45pm picked up pilot and proceeded through canal. 7pm dropped pilot

545 Made N entrance to Cape Cod Canal

700pm Proceeded through Buzzards Bay

H. Peter - H?? Engr C&GS

From Noon to 4.00 P.M. (Course 151 degrees) Howland Ledge spindle abeam 1 mile (dist) stb. beam c.c. 125 degrees ~ 12:43 P.M. c.c. 128 degrees; 1:00 pm Minots Lidge (?) L.H. abeam 3.8.; 1:18 PM Can #1 100 yrds. Starboard beam.; 2:18 PM at Whistling Buoy #4 Begin swinging ship for (garbled) correction. ; 3:16 PM Finish swinging ship, whistling buoy 200 yds on stb. beam by 19.1 & 192 degrees; 3.34 PM c/c. 184 degrees; 4.00 PM Garnett Lights bearing 224 degrees, Log 24.7 C. 184 degrees.

From 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm; Both boilers, standard speed course 184; 407 cc to 179 psc (sp?); 455 Bell "12" 75 yds stbd beam cc to 188 pshc.; 545 (garbled) N. entrance to Cape ? canal, picked up pilot and proceeded through canal.; 7:00 dropped pilot and proceed through Buzzards Bay; 7:37 passed buoy Fl. W. Bell close aboard to starboard and cc. to 2:18 p. st co.

J.H Peters - H? Augr ?

JH Purvis (?) - Executive Officer

USS Discoverer - made fast alongside

Tat, Archie; King, James F. - Not present this day

Recd from Boston Ice Co. 1000lbs ice.

8:30 Cast off lines and stood over to pier no. 6

9:00 Made fast alongside USS Discoverer and began taking aboard equipment received aboard the Discoverer from Naval station on Apr. 21. 1922

9:30 Recd misc stores from Arthur ~oir & Co.

9:30 Shipment this day: Tat, Archie Ships Cook 1 yr King, James F. Sea ord 1 yr

11:00 Cast off from pier and proceeded out of harbour steering mid-channel courses(?)' standard speed

12:33PM Howland Ledge spindle abeam 1 mile (dist) stb beam CrC 125°

2.18PM at Whistling Buoy #4 Begin swinging ship for compass corrections.

3.19PM Finish swinging ship, whistling buoy 200 yds on stb. beam.

5.45 ~ ~ entrance to Cape Cod Canal, picked up pilot & proceeded through canal.

7:00 dropped Pilot & proceeded through Buzzards Bay.

9:37 passed buoy F1. W. Bell came aboard to starboard & ~ to 2:180 p. s~ co.

Mid to Noon:

6.00 Started fires both boilers, natural draft

8.00 Held dock trial. 8.00 Rec'd from Boston Ice Co. 1000 lbs ice. 8.15 Rec'd 25 loaves bread from J.E.Burns

8.30 Cast off lines and stood over to pier No. 6. 9.00 Made fast alongside USS Discoverer and began taking aboard equipment received aboard the Discoverer from Naval station on Apr. 21 1922.

9.30 Rec'd mess stores from Arthur Doir ~~. 9.30 Men present this day: Tat, Archie ships cook 1 yr. King, James F., Sea.ord. 1 yr.

10.20 Rec'd 29.5 lbs packing from Boston Marine ~~ Co.

11.00 Cast off from pier and proceeded out of harbor steering midchannel courses; standard speed. H.Peters, H&G Engr ~~

From 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM. (Course 151o) 12:30 PM Howland Ledge spindle abeam 1 mile (dist) Stb. beam C.C. 125o. 12:43 PM C.C. 128o.

1:00 PM Minots Ledge Lt.H. abeam 3.8. 1:08 PM Can#1 100 yds Starboard beam.

2.18 PM at Whistling Buoy #4. Begin swing in ship for compass correction. 3.16 PM Finish swinging ship. Whistling bouy 200 yds on Stb. beam by 19.1 & 192o. 3.34 PM c/c 184o.

4.00 Garnett Lights bearing 224o, Log 24.7 c. 184o. Franz E. Okeson, Mate CGSurvey

From 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm Both boilers standard speed, course 184. 4:09 cc to 179 psc. 4.55 Bell "12" 25 yds stbd beam cc to 188 pchc. 5.45 made N. entrance to Cape Cod canal, ~~~ up pilot & proceeded through canal. 7: dropped Pilot and proceeded through Buzzards Bay. 9:37 passed buoy F!. W.Bell close aboard to starboard & cc to 2:18

J.H.Peters H&G Engr

J.H.Peters Executive Officer

50874e2509d409075501009b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7794_0.jpg)

23 April 1922

from boston mass to philadelphia pa

Lat 40.00, Long -72.92

1020pm McCrie Shoal Rt abeam

1123pm Overfalls Lt Vessel starboard abeam

From Boston Mass. to Philadelphia Pa

H.A.Seran - Cmdg.

Compass error at sunrise: Course 228; Total Error 2 degrees 30' W.; Var. from chart 12 30 W; Dev. by obs. 10 00 W; Dev. by taves 10 30 W; J.H.P.

11:23 PM Overfalls Lt. vessel starboard beam

wind and sea increasing at 12:00 mid.

H.W. Kemple - Js. H.t.Y.E.

Miles run = 201; No. of hours = 24; Av. speed = 8.4 miles

Appox. 2600 tons fuel expended during preceding 24 hours; 16,400 tons fuel remaining on board

Compass error at sunrise.

11:23pm O~erfalls Lt vessel starboard beam

12:00 mid course 349', wind and sea increasing at 12:00 mid.

other: 16400 - Expended 2600 gallons of fuel during preceding 24 hours

50874e2509d409075501009d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7794_1.jpg)

montak lt

Lat abeam, Long -74.18

1225am Block Is Lt abeam

Block Isl Lt 4 pts aft of beam

140am Montauk Lt abeam

536pm Position by RC bearings

857 Five Fathom shoal light vessel starboard beam

Franz E. Okeson - Mate CGSurvey

Passed sailing vesel about 1/2 mile on port beam headed E.; 3.00 pm Weather clear to cloudy. Light breezes W. x N.

Passed steamer bound westward at 3:40 p.m.

857 pm Five Fathom shoal Lt vessel starboard beam

From 12:00 midnight to 4:00 am. Moderate SW wind & clear sea smooth.

*:47am Passed sailing vessel about ½ mile on port beam

12:00noon a/c 224° p~:Weather clear to cloudy. Light breezes WxN

passed steamer bound wwestward at 3:40pm.

5:36 Position by RC Bearings Cape Way 81 Cape H~ 72 Beth~ Beach 55

8:15pm Binnacle light out; 8:20pm Binnacle light going again.

9:18pm Passed steamer, heading east, about 300 meters on starboard beam.

10:15pm a/c to 258° to come around stern of steamer with tr~

50874e2509d409075501009f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7795_0.jpg)

24 April 1922

in route from boston mass to philadelphia

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Capt Beran left for Washington & Boston offices -

The following men left for Boston about 10.30pm to bring USS Discoverer to Philadelphia (follows list of men)

Capt Sesan - Left for Washington & Boston

The following men and officers left for Boston about 10 30 PM to bring USS Dio~~~~ to Philadelphia. J.H. Peters H.&Ge. Fraz E. Obeson, Mate. Oscar Hart, Chief engineer. J. Feener, A to E 1st Cl. J. Prenzlan A to E 3rd Cl. w. Dickersen, Bosen. Mayo, Q.M. Curtis, Q.M. Brady, Q.M. L.P Hallet W.O. A.Fate Ships Cook. J. Christensen M.A. 1st Cl.

Steered various courses from entrance of Delaware Bay & following Channels.

3.00pm Capt Seran left for Washington + Boston offices

The following officers + men left for Boston about 10.30 pm to bring U.S.S. Discoverer to Philadelphia: J.H. Peters, H & YE. Troy E. Obeson, Mate Oscar Hart, Chief Engineer T Feener, A to E 4th cl. T. Prenzlan, A to E 3rd cl.W. Dickensen, Bosen Mayo, Q.M. Curtis, Q.M. Brady, Q.M. L.P. Hallet W. O. A. Tate Ships Cook. J. Christensen M.A. 1st cl.

Miles run = 230

No of hours steaming = 21.75

Av. speed = 10.5

Capt Se~ - 3.00pm left for Washington & Boston offices.

The following officers & men left for Boston about 10:00pm to bring U.S.S. Discoverer to Philadelphia: J.H. Peters, H & GE; ~ E. Okeson(?), Mate; Oscar Hart, Chief Engineer; J. Fresner(?) A to E 1st Cl; J. Preuzlan(?) A to E 3rd Cl; W. Dickensen, Bosun; Mayo, Q.M.; Curtis, Q.M.; Brady, Q.M.; L.P. Hallet, W.O.; A. Tate, Ships Cook; J. Christensen, M.A. 1st Cl.

The following officers and men left for Boston about 10.30pm to bring USS Discoverer to Philadelphia: JH Peters, H and ~; Franz E ~, Mate; Oscar hart, Ehief Engineer; J Freuer, A to E 1st cl; J Prenzlan, A to E 3rd cl; W Dickenson, Bosun; Mayo, QM; Curtis, QM; Brady, QM; LP Hallet WO; A Tate Ships Cook; J Christensen MA 1st cl

50874e2509d40907550100a1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7795_1.jpg)

fourteen bank lt

Lat -1.03, Long -0.6

Inspectors and workmen aboard from shipyard. Started burning off riven heads on after stanchions supporting superstructure deck.

Officers making arrangements to store ship's supplies in Cramps storerooms, arranging for ~ men ashore, and making arrangements to transfer some members of crew to USS Discoverer at Boston

105am Brandywine Shoal Lt abeam dist 0.5'

140am Fourteen Foot Bank lt abeam 0.25'

240am Elbow of Ledge Lt abeam dist 300yd

943am In shipways (Philadelphia)

Jolin Shose - Abeam dist 1/4 mile

Arringing for mooring men ashore.

Mid to 4:00am 12"42 AM. Brown shoal gas & ~ abeam distance 200 yds.

1:05 a.m. Brandywine Shoal Lt. abeam dist. 1/2 mile.

1:40 ? ? Fourteen Salt Bank Lt. abeam " 1/4 1:57 a.m. Gas & Bell # 11 abeam

12:42am Brown shoal gas & bell abeam distance 200yds

8:12am various mid-channel courses up Delaware River to Crampo shipyards at Philadelphia. Captains co~ thruout watch.

9:43am In shipways at Crampo shipyards, Rang off engines.

12:00 noon to 12 mid. Inspectors and workmen aboard from shipyard. Started burning off rivet heads on after stanchions supporting superstructure deck. Officers making arrangements to store ships supplies in Crampo storerooms, arranging for messing men ashore, and making arrangements to transfer some members of crew to U.S.S. Discoverer at Boston.

Weather clear to cloudy; westerly light airs. Steam and electric connection shore lines; sanitary pumps running.

50874e2509d40907550100a3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7796_0.jpg)

25 April 1922

alongside dock crampo shipyard at philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

starting this day @ breakfast 12 men are messed at Mrs Kwan, 1108 Palmer St.

No record kept. Wind gen. NW 3. Temp about 50 deg. Clear to cloudy.

Starting this day @ breakfast 12 men are messed at Mrs Kwan, 1108 Palmer St.

No record kept. Wind generally NW Force 3 Temp about 50 Clear to cloudy

Starting this day @ breakfast 12 men are messed at Mrs. Kwan, 1108 Palmer St.

None; no record kept. Wind generally NW force 3 Temperature about 50 degrees Clear to cloudy.

Starting this day e(?) breakfast 12 men are messed at Mrs Kwan, 1108 Palmer st.

~; no record kept. Wind generally NW force 3 Temperature about 50° Clear to cloudy.

50874e2509d40907550100a5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7796_1.jpg)

8.00am Men turned to, cleaning out forward storerooms on berth deck, removing radio equipment and transporting supplied to storeroom at Cramps shipyard. Used truck from yard to transport ~. 8.00am Yard workmen came aboard. Burning off rivet heads & removing speaking tubes from pilot house to aft towing gear. Knocked off at 12.00 noon.

Yard force and crew turned to at 12.45pm. Continued work of forenoon, and additional force from yard commenced alterations on wardroom and crews mess room. Yard force and crew knocked off at 4.45pm. Seaman on watch thru-out night. Ships laundry sent ashore at 2.00pm.

8:00am Men turned to, cleaning out forward storerooms on berth deck, securing radio equipment and transporting supplies to storeroom at Crampo shipyard. Used truck from yard to transfer stores.

8:00am Yard workmen came aboard. Burning off rivet heads on stanchions supporting after superstructure deck. Removing after-boom. Removing speaking tubes from pilot house to after towing gear. Knocked off at 12:00 noon.

Yard force and crew turned to at 12:45pm. Continued work of forenoon, and additional force from yard commenced alterations on Wardroom and pantry crews mess room. Yard force and crew knocked off at 4:45pm.

Seaman on watch thru-out night.

Ships laundry sent ashore at 2:00 pm

Ship at dock at Cramp's Shipyard -- mostly cleaning/preparing ship

50874e2509d40907550100a7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7797_0.jpg)

26 April 1922

alongside dock cramps shipyard at philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

King, James F - nightwatchman, starting rooming ashore, on account of too much noise aboard to sleep during daytime.

No record kept. Wind gen NW 1. Temp 50 to 75 deg. Clear to cloudy.

~ No record kept. Wind wind generally NW, force 1, Temperature 50 to 75, clear to cloudy

King James F. Night Watchman - Started vomiting ashore, on account of too much noise aboard to sleep during daytime.

50874e2509d40907550100a9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7797_1.jpg)

8.00am Yard force turned to tearing out wardroom; tearing out various speaking tubes, tearing out electrical connections in wheelhouse; taking out fire main on bridge deck; tearing up commanding officers room; taking out fixtures in crew mess room; continuted work on after stanchions, and removing pipes from aft bulkhead; removed searchlight control and stowed it in forward engineers stateroom. Crew removing stores and small boat fixtures to yard store-room; removed steering and standard compasses to storeroom.

*:00am Yard force turned to tearing out wardroom; tearing out various speaking tubes, tearing out electrical connections in wheelhouse, taking out fire main on bridge deck; taering up commanding officers room; taking out fixtures in e~ mess room; continued work on after stanchions and removing pipes from after bulkhead; removed searchlight control and stored it in forward engineers storeroom.

Crew removing stores and small boat fixtures to yard storeroom; removed steering and standard compasses to storeroom. Seaman on watch thru out night

Ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100ab: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7798_0.jpg)

27 April 1922

alongside slipway at crampo shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No record kept. Wind gen NW 3. Temp 40 to 50 deg. Clear to cloudy.

Alongside dock @ Cramps Shipward, Philadelphia Pa.

None; No record kept. Wind generally NW, force 3, Temperature 40 to 50, clear to cloudy.

none; no record kept. Wind generally NW force 3. Temperature 40° to 50°. Clear to cloudy.

None; no record kept. Wind generally NW force 3 Temperature 70 to 50 degrees Clear to cloudy.

50874e2509d40907550100ad: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7798_1.jpg)

8:00 Yard force started work. Continued work on after stanchions supporting superstructure deck; tearing out Commanding officers quarters; burning out bulkhead between wardroom and forward staterooms; taking out plumbing fixtures from officers toilet; tearing out petty officers quarters on berth deck. Knocked off at 4:45pm

Crew clearing up in forward storerooms on berth deck; and miscellaneous work about ship.

Due to open rivet holes on main deck, crews quarters had several inches of water in it. This water seeped thru the rivet holes from the water flushed on the decks to put out drippings from the acetylene torch melting the steel. On this account quarters were obtained at various places ashore for the crew.

At Cramp's shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100af: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7799_0.jpg)

28 April 1922

alongside slipway at crampo shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Rolf Skau - reported aboard this date from Charleston, S.C. Enlisted as carpenter

No record. Wind gen NW 3. Temp 50 to 60 deg. Clear to cloudy.

Roy Skan (enlisted as carpenter) - Reported aboard this date from Charlestown Sc.

None; No record kept. Wind generally NW, force 3, Temperature 50 to 60, clear to cloudy.

Rolf Skau - reported aboard this date (28/04/1922) from Charleston SC. EWnlisted as carpenter.

none; no record kept. Wind generally NW force 3; Temperature 50° to 60°; clear to cloudy.

50874e2509d40907550100b1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7799_1.jpg)

8.00am yard force turned to and continued work on alterations of vessel. Commenced installing refrigerating space. Placing corner plates on after house. Clearing out fixtures in officers toilet and radio room. Burning off connections at toe of wheelhouse; working in petty officers quarters. Off work at 4.45pm. Crew taking miscellaneous stores to storeroom, and cleaning about ship. Seaman on watch.

*;00 Yard force turned to and continued to work on alterations of vessel. Commenced installing refrigerating space. Placing corner plates on after house. Clearing out fixtures in officers toilet and radio room. Burning off connections at toe(?) of wheelhouse; working in petty officers quarters. Knocked off work at 4:45pm

Crew taking miscellaneous stores to storeroom, and cleaning up about ship.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100b3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7800_0.jpg)

29 April 1922

alongside slipway at crampo shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No record. Wind gen SW 2. Temp about 60 deg.

None kept. Wind generally SW, force 2, Temperature about 60.

none kept. Wind generally SW force 2. Temperature about 60°

50874e2509d40907550100b5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7800_1.jpg)

8:00am Yard force turned to; continued work of previous day; disconnected capstan engine on after deck; placed coating of asphaltum on deck in refrigerator compartment. Knocked off at 12:00 noon. Crew on miscellaneous working.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100b7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7801_0.jpg)

30 April 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

J H Peters - detached at 6.00am

No record. Clear to cloudy.

J.H. Peters - Detached at 6:00 am.

None kept. Clear to cloudy

J.H. Peters - detached at 6:00am

none kept. Clear to cloudy.

50874e2509d40907550100b9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7801_1.jpg)

USS Discoverer - docked on opposite side of ~ at 1.17am

Capt Beran, Capt Whitney, J H Peters and F E Okison aboard making examination of work on alterations already done.

USS Discoverer - Docked on opposite side of pier

USS Discorerer - Docked.

1:1U.S.S. Discoverer docked on opposite side of pier at 1:17am. Capt Seran(?), Capt Whitney, J.H. Peters and F.E. Okeson aboard making examination of work on alterations already done.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.


50874e2509d40907550100bb: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7802_0.jpg)

1 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

J A Roberts, oiler; J D Battos, oiler; E F Cummings, Fire - discharged as of this date

chipping hammers (air) rented from Cramps yard starting this day.

No record. Clear to cloudy.

J.A. Roberts (oiler) - Discharged.

J.D. Battos (oiler) - Discharged.

E.F. Cummings (fire) - Discharged.

None kept. Clear to cloudy.

Discharged the following as of this date (01/05/1922): J.A. Roberts, oiler; J.D. Battos, oiler; E.F. Cummings, Fire.

Chipping hammers(air) rented from Crampo yard starting this day. (01/05/1922)

none kept. Clear to cloudy.

50874e2509d40907550100bd: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7802_1.jpg)

Three men fixing up office over garage in shipyard.

8:00 Yard force turned to and continued work on alterations.

8:00 Crew turned to assisting on board U.S.S. Discoverer. Three men fixing up office over garage in shipyard. Q.M. on watch during night. Officers on accounts and inspections work.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100bf: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7803_0.jpg)

2 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Aaron Kelson, Leon Moran, Anthony Doran - Enlisted the following men as seaman

No record. Clear to cloudy.

Aaron Keloon (seaman) - Enlisted as seaman.

Deon Moran (seaman) - Enlisted as seaman.

Anthony Siran (seaman) - Enlisted as seaman.

None kept, clear to cloudy

Enlisted the following men as seaman: Aaron Kelson; Leon Moran; Anthony Doran(?)

none kept. Clear to cloudy.

50874e2509d40907550100c1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7803_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple - left for navy yard to see about loan of air hammers

8:00am Yard force turned to and continued work on alterations. Crew turned to painting masts and smokestack and ships sides.

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off. Q.M. on watch during night. 2:00pm Ms J. Temple left for Navy yard to see about loan of air hammers. 5:00pm returned. Officers on accounts and inspection work.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100c3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7804_0.jpg)

3 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard at philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Frank Fisher - enlisted as Fireman

H F Taylor - Fireman, discharged

oil: 10 gal - of coal oil from Thos C Alsner, Phil.

none kept

Frank Fisher (fireman) - Enlisted.

H.J. Taylor (fireman) - Discharged

None kept.

Frank Fisher - Enlisted as Fireman

H.F. Taylor, Fireman - Discharged

oil: 10gal - rec'd from ~ C. Ul~r, Phil.

50874e2509d40907550100c5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7804_1.jpg)

8:00am Yard force turned to, and continued work on alterations. Crew turned to continuing work of previous day.

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off.

Raining during night.

QM on watch thru out night. Officers on accounts and inspection of alterations.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100c7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7805_0.jpg)

4 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard at philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

James McKenna, Alvaro Cote - enlisted as firemen this date

James F King - rating changed from seaman AB to Fireman 1st Cl this date

none kept

James McKeime (fireman) - Enlisted.

Alross Cote (fireman) - Enlisted.

James F. King (seaman) - Rating change from Seaman to Fireman 1st Cl.

None kept.

Enlisted James McKenna and Alvaro Cote as Firemen this date.

Rating of James F. King changed from Seaman AB to Fireman 1st Cl this date.

50874e2509d40907550100c9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7805_1.jpg)

8:00am Yard force turned to continuing work on alterations. Crew turned to dismantling bunks in quarters of petty officers and messmen.

4:45pm Yard force and men knocked off. Raining during afternoon and night. QM on watch during night.

Ms Hemple - 9:00am Left for Navy Yard on official business; returned at 11:00am.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100cb: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7806_0.jpg)

5 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

J M Smook - Jr H & G.E. reported at 9.00am

William H Rydon - enlisted as chief writer

No observations made

J.M. Smook Jr H~Ge - Reported at 9:00

William H. Rydon - Enlisted as Chief Writer.

No observations made.

J. M. Amook(?) J H~ G.E. - reported at 9:00am

William H. Rydon - Enlisted as Chief Writer.

50874e2509d40907550100cd: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7806_1.jpg)

8:00am Yard force turned to continuing work on alterations. Crew turned to painting about ship.

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off.

Officers on accounts; inspections and general supervision of work. Q.M. on watch thruout night.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100cf: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7807_0.jpg)

6 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Frank Parchen - enlisted as Bos'n

No observations made

Frank Parchen - Enlisted as Bos'n.

No observations made.

Frank Parcher - Enlisted as Bosun.

50874e2509d40907550100d1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7807_1.jpg)

8:00am Yard force and crew turned to, continuing work of yesterday.

12:00 noon Yard force and crew knocked off.

Seaman on watch during afternoon; Q.M. on watch during night.

Officers on accounts; inspections and general supervision of work.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100d3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7808_0.jpg)

7 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made

No observations made.

50874e2509d40907550100d5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7808_1.jpg)

Sunday; day observed.

Sunday; day observed. Seaman on watch during day; Q.M. at night.

At shipyard -- Sunday; "day observed"

50874e2509d40907550100d7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7809_0.jpg)

8 May 1922

alongside slipway cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Automobile hired from ~eifer 4632 Gerard Ave., in use by Mr Hemple from 8.30am to 11.30am and from 1.00pm to 4.30pm

No observations made

No observations made

Automobile hired from Pfeiffer 463E Gerard Ave., in use by Mr Hemple from 8:30am to 11:30am and from 1:00pm to 4:30pm

50874e2509d40907550100d9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7809_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple - to Navy yard on official business from 8.30am to 11.30am and in afternoon from 1.00pm to 4.30pm trying to get a scuttle plate.

8:00am Yard force turned to, and continued alterations. Crew turned to painting about ship.

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off.

Officers on accounts, inspection and general supervision of work. Mr Hemple to Navy Yard on official business from 8:30am to 11:30am; and in afternoon from 1:00pm to 4:00pm trying to get a scuttle plate.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2509d40907550100db: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7810_0.jpg)

9 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Automobile in use from 8.30am to 2.30pm

Automobile in use from 8:30am to 2:30pm.

50874e2609d40907550100dd: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7810_1.jpg)

10.30am Returned air chipping hammers (rented) to Cramps shipyard.

Mr Hemple - at Hog Island Yard (U.S. Shipping Board) inspecting ships equipment from 8.30am to 2.30pm

8:00am Yard force turned to and continuing work on alterations. Crew turned to and continued painting about ship.

10:30am Returned air chipping Rammers (rented) to Crampo shipyard.

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off. Capt Berry U.S. Coast Guard inspected ships in pm. Officers on accounts, inspections and general supervisions work. Mr Hemple at Hog Island Yard (U.S. Shipping Board) inspecting ships equipment from 8:30am to 2:30pm.

Q M on watch at night.

At shipyard -- mostly ship maintenance.

50874e2609d40907550100df: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7811_0.jpg)

10 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Automobile in use from 8.30am to 11.00am

No observations made

No observations made.

Automobile in use from 8:30am to 11:00am

50874e2609d40907550100e1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7811_1.jpg)

8:00am Yard force turned to, and continued work on alterations. Crew turned to and continued painting ship.

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off work.

Officers on accounts, inspections and general supervision work. Mr Hemple at Navy Yard from 8:30am to 11:00am.

Q.M. on watch during night.

50874e2609d40907550100e3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7812_0.jpg)

11 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

H A Wexler - D.O. reported for duty 2.30pm

No observations made, clear to cloudy

H.A. Wexler P.O. - Reported for duty 2:30PM

No observations made. Clear to cloudy.

H. A. Wexler P.O. - reported for duty 2:30pm

Clear to cloudy

50874e2609d40907550100e5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7812_1.jpg)

8:00am Yard force and crew turned to and continued work of previous day.

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off work. estimates for outfitting vessel, Officers on accounts, inspection and general supervision work.

Q.M. on watch during the night.

8:00 to 4:45 pm yard force and crew working on outfitting vessel

50874e2609d40907550100e7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7813_0.jpg)

12 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Hallet, L. P. - Wireless operator 1st cl transferred to USS Ranger. Received $29.00 in cash as pay, and notice of transfer sent to Ranger.

No observations made. Cloudy to clear.

Hallet, L.P. - Wireless operator 1st Cl. - Transferred to USS Ranger

No observations amde. Cloudy to clear.

Hallet, L.P. - Wireless operator 1st Cl - Transferred to USS Rauger. Received $29.00 in cash, as pay, and notice of transfer sent to Rauger.

Cloudy to clear

50874e2609d40907550100e9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7813_1.jpg)

Rec'd from Theo G Ulmer the following: 1 *5 plane, 1 hand saw, 1 brace, 1 driver bit, 1 gimlet bit, 1 csk bit, 1 Gr & Hd brass screws - 2" - 12; 1 1" chisel

8:00am Yard force and crew turned to and continued work of previous day. Rec'd from Theo C. ~ the following:- 1 #5 Plane, 1 Hand Saw, 1 Brace, 1 Driver Bit, 1 Gimlet Bit, 1 C's'k Bit, 1 Gr. ~.H'd Brass screws - 2" - 12, 1 1" Chisel

4:45pm Yard force and crew knocked off work. Officers on accounts, estimates for outfitting vessels, inspection and general supervision work.

Q.M. on watch during night.

8:00 to 4:45 crew works on vessel at yard. List of tools received.

50874e2609d40907550100eb: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7814_0.jpg)

13 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Hazy to clear.

No observations made. Hazy to Clear

Hazy to clear

50874e2609d40907550100ed: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7814_1.jpg)

Moran and Tate - (seaman and cook, resp.) on watch during afternoon; Q.M. on watch during night.

8:00am Yard force and crew turned to and continued work of previous day.

12:00noon, Yard force and crew knocked off work.

Moraw and Date (seaman and cook, resp.) on watch during afternoon, on watch during night.

Officers on accounts, estimates for outfitting vessels, inspection and general supervision work.

8:00 to noon crew works in shipyard.

50874e2609d40907550100ef: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7815_0.jpg)

14 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear to cloudy, Rained afternoon and night.

No observations made. Clear to cloudy, Rained afternoon and night

No observations made. Clear to Cloudy. Rained afternoon and night.

50874e2609d40907550100f1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7815_1.jpg)

Mr Smook - came on board at 11.00am to see if everything was O.K.

Dickinson, W.S. - (seaman) on watch during day

Sunday, day observed.

Mr Smook - came on board at 11:00am to see if everything was O.K.

Dickinson, W.S. (seaman) on watch during day. Q.M. on watch during night.

Mr. Smook came on board at 11:00AM to see if everything was O.K.

50874e2609d40907550100f3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7816_0.jpg)

15 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Gaelet, E.W. - Fireman, sick

No observations made. Raining AM. Cloudy.

Goelet, E.W. Fireman - pick

No observations made. Raining AM cloudy

rainy AM cloudy.

50874e2609d40907550100f5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7816_1.jpg)

Received from Boston Navy Yard - 12 scrapers, all metal - delivered by Parcel Post to Cramps Upper Yard by mistake. Was received by Geo Dare

Received from Philadelphia Navy Yard 86 p'kg's as per invoice Nos 141064, and 141065 consisting of paint, varnish, brushes, etc.

8.00 A.M. Yard force of Cramp Sons turned to and continued alterations & repairs of vessel., crew turned to painting about ship.

Received from Boston Navy Yard - 12 scrapers, all metal - delivered by Parcel Post to Crampo Upper Yard by mistake. Was recieved by Geo. Dare.

Received from Philadelphia Navy Yard 86 p'k'gs as per invoice No's 141064, and 141065 consisting of paint, varnish, brushes, etc.

Officers on accounts, estimates for outfitting bessels, inspection and general supervision work.

S. M. on watch during night.

J.M. Snook, Jr. H&Y Eng - signed log book page

Gramps force repair/altering vessel, crew painted ship. Recieved from Boston Navy Yard- scrapers. List of paint.

50874e2609d40907550100f7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7817_0.jpg)

16 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

J F Christensen - Mess Attendant 1st class rated to seaman AB, as of this date

O. T. Cobb - Fireman 1st cl, rated to oiler, as of this date

No observations made. Cloudy to clear.

J.F. Christensen Mess Attendant 1st Class - Rated to Seaman AM as of this day.

O.T. Cobb, Fireman 1st Cl - Rated to oiler, as this date.

No observations made. Hazy to cloudy

50874e2609d40907550100f9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7817_1.jpg)

Returned to office, 1 box (typewriter) S.B.L. No C-38316

Messrs Hemple and Wexler at Phila Navy Yard from 2.00pm to 4.30pm to get 3 water tight ~ switches as per letter from Director dated May 15, 1922, and to get information relative to stnd link anchor chain.

50874e2609d40907550100fb: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7818_0.jpg)

17 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Cloudy. Rained all night.

No observations made. Cloudy Rained all night

50874e2609d40907550100fd: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7818_1.jpg)

Mr Smook - granted permission to take the afternoon off, commencing 1.30pm, to see a doctor to be treated for a cold.

In dockyard. No obs noted.

50874e2609d40907550100ff: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7819_0.jpg)

18 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Cloudy. Rained all day.

No observations made. Clea,r rained all day.

50874e2609d4090755010101: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7819_1.jpg)

other: 50 gallons - Gasonine, from Gulf Refining Co

coal: 50 gallons - gasoline

other: 50 gallon - Gasoline

50874e2609d4090755010103: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7820_0.jpg)

19 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Cloudy.

No observations made. Cloudy

50874e2609d4090755010105: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7820_1.jpg)

H. A. Wexley interviewed concerns in Phila, for estimates on furniture to be used on Pioneer & Discoverer from 9.00am to 1.30pm

Capt H A Serau - left for New York at 10.00am to inspect steamship Majestic

50874e2609d4090755010107: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7821_0.jpg)

20 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear.

No observations made. Clear

50874e2609d4090755010109: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7821_1.jpg)

22 May 1922


Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Theobold & Reese - (seamen) on watch during the afternoon

Capt Colbert - Chief, Division of Vessels & Equipment visited the vessel in the afternoon, in company with Capt W.E. Parker, Chief, Divison of H & ~

other: 50 Gallon - Gasoline

other: 50 gallon - Gasoline

50874e2609d409075501010b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7822_0.jpg)

21 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made.

No observations made.

50874e2609d409075501010d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7822_1.jpg)

Nelson and Swan - (seamen) on watch during the day

50874e2609d409075501010f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7823_0.jpg)

22 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

John McGlynn - seaman ab temporary, enlisted this day

Smith, S.A. - seaman, ab, temporary, enlisted this day

Collins, J - seaman ab temporary, enlisted this day

Pitale, Tony - seaman ab temporary, enlisted this day

No observations made. Clear to cloudy.

John McGlynn seaman ab - Temporary enlisted this day.

S.A. Smith - Temporary enlisted this day

J. Collins - Temporary enlisted this day

Tony Pitale - Temporary enlisted this day

No observations made. Clear to cloudy

50874e2609d4090755010111: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7823_1.jpg)

Mr O. R. Reading with two engineers, a quarter master and Seaman towed the motor sailer of the Pioneer with the Motor Sailer of the Discoverer to the Philadelphia Navy Yard for the installation of an engine. Left at 12.45 and returned at 4.30pm. Covered 16 miles (S).

Ice Machines, consigned to Capt Serau, arrived to-day and were immediately taken over by Cramps.

Ice Machines delivered.


50874e2609d4090755010113: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7824_0.jpg)

23 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Herman M Krebs - seaman A.B. temporary, was enlisted this day

No observations made. Clear.

Herman M. Krebs seaman ab. temporary - Enlisted this day.

No observations made. Clear

50874e2609d4090755010115: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7824_1.jpg)


50874e2609d4090755010117: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7825_0.jpg)

24 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Edgar Hughes - enlisted as seaman a.b. temporary

H C Pinkstow - enlisted as seaman a.b. temporary; deserted after 5 hours work

No observations made. Clear

Edgar Hughes Seaman temporary - Enlisted this day

Hm. C. Pinkston seaman temporary - Enlisted this day

Seaman Pinkston - Deserted after 5hrs work.

No observation made. Clear

50874e2609d4090755010119: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7825_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501011b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7826_0.jpg)

25 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

John Sudstrom - enlisted as seaman a.b. temporary

John Lindstrom - Was this day enlisted as seaman ab temporary

No observations made. Clear

No observation made. Clear.

50874e2609d409075501011d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7826_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple & Mr Hexler went to Philadelphia Navy Yard to ascertain what supplies they had in stock for the Pioneer. Left at 9.30 and returned at 3.30pm.

50874e2609d409075501011f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7827_0.jpg)

26 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010121: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7827_1.jpg)

Received by American Express from Washington One Box - 3 Watertight switches and 3 Revolution Counters 31lbs; One Box - 1 Pattern for Clutch and Sounding Machine 20lbs. Gov't Bill of Lading No C-38482

50874e2609d4090755010123: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7828_0.jpg)

27 May 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Lloyd Gold - enlisted as seaman a.b.

Lloyd Gold - Enlisted as seaman ab.

No observations made. Clear

No observations. Cloudy to clear.

50874e2609d4090755010125: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7828_1.jpg)

Sullivan and Ryan - Seamen on watch during afternoon

50874e2609d4090755010127: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7829_0.jpg)

28 May 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010129: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7829_1.jpg)

Hills & Schaeffer - seamen on watch during day

Mr Hemple - came on board at 9.45am to see if everything was OK

Mr Reading - came on board at 5pm to see if everything was OK

Seamen Hills - on watch during day

Mr Heinfile - came on board at 9.45 am to see if everything was ok

mr Reading - came on board at 5 pm to see if everything was ok

50874e2609d409075501012b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7830_0.jpg)

29 May 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear

50874e2609d409075501012d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7830_1.jpg)

Mr Wexler interviewed commercial firms in Philadelphia with regard to bids on electric fans and furniture, from 9.0am to 2.30pm

Mr Reading interviewed commercial firms in Philadelphia with regard to bids on furniture from 9.00am to 3.00pm

Mr Hemple did same, from 9.00am to 3.00pm

50874e2609d409075501012f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7831_0.jpg)

30 May 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear

No observatios made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010131: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7831_1.jpg)

Decoration Day - day observed

Gerreu and Young - Seamen, on watch during day

50874e2609d4090755010133: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7832_0.jpg)

31 May 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Cupperwall, Gaelet, S~th - discharged at their own request, and paid in full

Cuppewall - Discharged at own request

Goelett - Discharged at own request

Smith - Discharged at own request

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010135: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7832_1.jpg)


50874e2609d4090755010137: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7833_0.jpg)

1 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Rec'd from Navy Yard at Philadelphia Pa the following: 50 yds, Linoleum, heavy. 5 gals, cement, linoleum. 80 gals, paint red-lead. 10 gals, shellac, red-mixed

Received from ~ H Lear 44ft 2x4"x14' yellow pine; 54 ft 2x2"x16 yellow pine; 40 ft 1x3"x16'; 107 ft 1x8x16 yellow pine

No observations Hazy to Rain

No observations. Hazy to rain.

50874e2609d4090755010139: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7833_1.jpg)

Booms and fittings one mainmast turned over the Navy dept this date

50874e2609d409075501013b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7834_0.jpg)

2 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observation made. Rain.

No observations made. Rain.

50874e2609d409075501013d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7834_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501013f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7835_0.jpg)

3 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Archie Tate - cook, was this day discharged by his own request and paid in full as of to-day

J F Christensen - Seaman, sent to Marine Hospital at 10am

Archie Tate, Cook - Discharged at his own request

No observations made Cloudy

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d4090755010141: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7835_1.jpg)

Mr Smook came on board to see if everything was OK and noted absence of Moran.

50874e2609d4090755010143: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7836_0.jpg)

4 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

at Cramps Drydock, Philadelphia Pa.

No observations

No observations

50874e2609d4090755010145: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7836_1.jpg)

Godskall and Gold - seamen on watch during day

50874e2609d4090755010147: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7837_0.jpg)

5 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Andrew Calm - Enlisted Officers Ca~~

John F. Gathright - Enlisted as ships cook.

Frank Borden - Enlisted as Mess Attdnt 1st Cl

Madison Cowry - Enlisted as Mess Attdnt 1st Cl

Victor Boylain (~) - Enlisted as Mess Attdnt 1st Cl

No observations made. Hazy to Rain

No observations made. Hazy to rain.

50874e2609d4090755010149: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7837_1.jpg)

Mr Wexler went down town to get bids on supplied for deck. Mr Hemple went down town to get bids on tables.

50874e2609d409075501014b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7838_0.jpg)

6 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Received from ~ ~ 1 safe, 2 file cabinets.

Purchased from Theo C ~ 75 round head brass machine screws

Received from Navy Yard 50 gal paint, spa~ color; 50 gal paint white enamel; 100 gal paint inside white; 40 gal paint outside white; 20 gal petroleum spirits Invoice No 14606

No observations made. Rain

No observations made. Rain.

50874e2609d409075501014d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7838_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple in company with 4 QM chief engineer and asst engineer took Motor Sailer to Navy Yard for the purpose of inspecting and bringing back the Motor Sailer of the Pioneer and also to get supplies.

50874e2609d409075501014f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7839_0.jpg)

7 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. clear.

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010151: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7839_1.jpg)

Cap Serau & Mr Hemple went to town to interview furniture manufacturer with regard to dining tables - returned 4pm

50874e2609d4090755010153: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7840_0.jpg)

8 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear.

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010155: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7840_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple & Mr Wexler interviewed commercial firms with regard to prices on curtains, chock fittings from 1 - 4.45pm

50874e2609d4090755010157: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7841_0.jpg)

9 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear.

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010159: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7841_1.jpg)

Capt Serau was in Chester on official business in accordance with Directors Orders of June 8 22

Capt Colbert came aboard in company with Mr De Jonge Hull Draughtsman

50874e2609d409075501015b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7842_0.jpg)

10 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

H O Wexler - D.O. detached this day

Dimitri ~raurff (?) - Enlisted as Seaman ab temporary

Paul Samuel - seaman ab.

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d409075501015d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7842_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501015f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7843_0.jpg)

11 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made.

No observations made.

50874e2609d4090755010161: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7843_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010163: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7844_0.jpg)

12 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Rec'd from Elisha Webb & Co. 1 line throwing gun. 3 projectiles. 3 lines. 3 powder charges. 25 primers. 1 line. 12 wads. 1 D.C. motor energy wheel

Rec'd from ~ Werwicke Co 13 chairs (balance of 14 ordered). Rec'd from Shaw Walker Co 3 sectional book cases. Rec'd from Wash. Officer C & G.S. 1 box, ~.B.L. C-38489 marked 110 lbs

No observations made.

No observations made.

50874e2609d4090755010165: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7844_1.jpg)

Pawlowski, Roman - wireless operator, 2nd class, enlisted

Sorensen, Solgaard - seaman ab, temporary duty only, enlisted

Joyal, Jesse F - seaman ab, temporary duty only, enlisted

Conine, Edward - seaman ab, temporary duty only, enlisted

Burke, Wm - seaman ab, temporary duty only, enlisted

50874e2609d4090755010167: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7845_0.jpg)

13 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010169: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7845_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501016b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7846_0.jpg)

14 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Leo Carreras - Wireless operator enlisted for one year

Clayton Seiger - Wireless operator enlisted for one year

John McGlynn, J Collins, Dimitri Ivanoff, - seamen, changed from temporary to permanent status

Paul Samuel - seaman ab declared deserter as of June 10th

Leo Carreras Wireless operator - Enlisted for one year

Clayton Seiger Wireless operator - Enlisted for one year

John McGlynn seaman - Enlisted for one year

J. Collins seaman - Enlisted for one year

Dimitri Ivanoff seaman - Enlisted for one year

No observations made. Cloudy

Paul Samuel, seaman ab. - Declared deserter this day as of June 10th

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d409075501016d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7846_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple and Mr Smook left for Navy Yard on Cramp's truck, Mr Hemple for supplies from surplus material and Mr Smook for clothing and small stores. Returned at 12.30pm with truck load of supplies

Mr Hemple returned to Navy Yard on Cramp's truck for another load of supplies from surplus materials and returned at 4.45pm with supplies

Rec'd from H Daugherty & Co, 1632 Chestnut St. 2 tables, crated, for cabin.

50874e2609d409075501016f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7847_0.jpg)

15 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Howard Johnson - Off steward, enlisted for one year

Thomas H Reed - Off steward, enlisted for one year

R Pawlowski - Wireless opr, 2nd cl. discharged for ineptitude, not recommended for reshipment

Howard Johnston Off Steward - Enlisted for one year.

Thomas H. Read Off Steward - Enlisted for one year.

R. Pawlowski wireless operator. - Discharged for inaptitude. Not recommended for reshipment.

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010171: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7847_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010173: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7848_0.jpg)

16 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

J D Iseuberg - shipped & rated wireless operator 1st cl

Napolean Christ - Shipped and rated to fireman 1st Cl this day.

J. D Iseubeig - Shipped & rated wireless operator 1st Cl

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010175: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7848_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010177: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7849_0.jpg)

17 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Cloudy

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d4090755010179: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7849_1.jpg)

Mr Smook issued rating badges etc to C.P.O's

50874e2609d409075501017b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7850_0.jpg)

18 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Cloudy & rain

No observations made. Cloudy and rain.

50874e2609d409075501017d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7850_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501017f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7851_0.jpg)

19 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Rec'd from John Wanamaker 1 package - mess jackets, cooks caps & aprons

Rec'd from Bernstein Mfg Co 11 - Kapok mattresses

J F Christensen - seaman ab discharged from hospital this day. Total period for which rations ceased 14 1/3 days

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010181: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7851_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010183: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7852_0.jpg)

20 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Rec'd of John Wanamaker & Co 14 napkin rings

at Cramps shipyard, Philadelphia Pa.

No observations made. rain

No observations made. Rain.

50874e2609d4090755010185: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7852_1.jpg)

Mr Smook issued clothing and small stores to members of crew assisted by Mr Hemple.

Capts Parker & Colbert - left the ship and returned to Washington

50874e2609d4090755010187: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7853_0.jpg)

21 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

K J Adams - executive officer reported

Edgar Hughes - seaman, temporary, discharged after dinner

Edgar Hughes seaman temporary - Discharged after dinner.

No observations made. Cloudy

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d4090755010189: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7853_1.jpg)

Rec'd of N Sullenburg & Co 5 table cloths and 2 table pads

Rec'd of U.S. Shipping Board 45 Crew's lockers - used 2 army trucks to haul lockers. in use from 9.30am until after 2pm.

50874e2609d409075501018b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7854_0.jpg)

22 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

John Bond - Jr H & G Eng reported for duty at 12 o'clock noon

J Wells - shipped this day as Ship's cook, 2nd cl

John Bond Jr H&G Eng - Reported for duty at 12:00

No observations made. Cloudy

J.Wells - Shipped this day as ships cook 2nd Cl

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d409075501018d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7854_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501018f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7855_0.jpg)

22 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Copy of page already transcribed

John Bond Jr H&G Eng - reported for duty at 12:00.

No observations made. Cloudy

J. Wells - Shipped this day as ships cook 2nd cl

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d4090755010191: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7855_1.jpg)

Copy of page already transcribed

50874e2609d4090755010193: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7856_0.jpg)

23 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Jesse F Joyal - temporary seaman, discharged this day, own request

Philip W Woodfield - shipped as Oiler

Jesse F. Joyal temporary seaman - Discharged this day at own request

No observations made. Cloudy

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d4090755010195: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7856_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010197: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7857_0.jpg)

24 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Capt. helf mast at 9.00am and declared the following new deserters: Howard Johnson, Off steward as of June 22nd; Thomas H Reed, Off steward as of June 23rd

Capt held mast at 9:00AM and declared the following new deserters: Howard Johnson, Off Steward as of 22 June, Thomas H Reed, Off Steward as of June 23rd.

Howard Johnson, Off Steward as of 22 June, Thomas - Declared a deserter as of June 22rd.

H Reed, Off Steward as of June 23rd. - Declared a deserter as of June 23rd.

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d4090755010199: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7857_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple - went on leave commencing at 1.00pm

50874e2609d409075501019b: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7858_0.jpg)

25 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d409075501019d: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7858_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501019f: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7859_0.jpg)

26 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Andrew J Smith - shipped and rated this day fireman 1st cl.

Rec'd of Simbel Bros 35 wash basins

Andrew J. Smith - Shipped and rated this day Fireman 1st Cl

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d40907550101a1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7859_1.jpg)

Mr Bond to see U.S steamboat inspectors re transfer of linoleum and furniture

50874e2609d40907550101a3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7860_0.jpg)

27 June 1922

at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Benjamin J Edwards - shipped as Off. Stew

Teiger Clayton - W.O. 2d discharged this day

Benjamin J. Edwards - Shipped as Off Stew

Yeiger Clayton WO 2d - Discharged this day

No observations made. Cloudy

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d40907550101a5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7860_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101a7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7861_0.jpg)

28 June 1922

cramps drydock

Lat 50.7, Long -1.2

Discharged this day - no longer necessary for temporary duty - paid in full. Pitale, Tony Sea. AB; Krebs, Hermann, Sea, AB

Tony Pitale Sea ab. - Discharged

Herman M. Krebs - Discharged

50874e2609d40907550101a9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7861_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101ab: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7862_0.jpg)

29 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat -17.7, Long -75.2

50874e2609d40907550101ad: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7862_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101af: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7863_0.jpg)

30 June 1922

at cramps drydock philadelphia pa

Lat 50.7, Long -1.2

Discharged this day at own request and paid in full. Brady, A.O. QM 2 cl; Curtis, J.C. QM 2 cl

Received 100 lbs of ice

A.O. Brady QM 2nd Cl - Discharged

J.C. Curtis QM 2cl - Discharged

No observations made. Clear

No observations. Clear.

50874e2609d40907550101b1: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7863_1.jpg)

Crew paid by Commanding officer

50874e2609d40907550101b3: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7864_0.jpg)

1 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

The following changes in rating were made this date. Nelson Seaman to Q.M. 2 cl; Swendson Temp Sea to Seaman

The following changes in ratings were made this date. Nelson Seaman to QM 2cl, Swendson temp seaman to seaman

No observations made. Squally.

No observations made. Squally.

50874e2609d40907550101b5: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7864_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101b7: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7865_0.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101b9: ( Pioneer/Book 1 - April-July, 1922/IMG_7865_1.jpg)

LOG BOOK – JULY 1st 1922 TO OCTOBER 13th 1922

50874e2609d40907550101bb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7866_0.jpg)

Log book to 13 October 1922 (half of page only, scanned upside down ....)

50874e2609d40907550101bd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7866_1.jpg)

Cover of log book from July 1st

50874e2609d40907550101bf: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7867_0.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101c1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7867_1.jpg)

Opening page of log book from July 1 1922 to October 13 1922. H A Seran & R R Lukens, Commanding. E. Lester Jones Superintendent

50874e2609d40907550101c3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7868_0.jpg)

List of officers

50874e2609d40907550101c5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7868_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101c7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7869_0.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101c9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7869_1.jpg)


50874e2609d40907550101cb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7870_0.jpg)

1 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

The following changes in rating were made this date. Nelson, Haron Seaman to Q.M. 2 cl; Swendson F.H. transferred from Temp Seaman on USS Discoverer to Seaman; Mayo, K.C. QM 2cl to QM 1 cl

Received 200 lbs of ice

No observations made. Squally

No observations made. Squally.

50874e2609d40907550101cd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7870_1.jpg)

This day began standing regular watches on deck and in engine room

50874e2609d40907550101cf: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7871_0.jpg)

2 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Squally

No observations made. Sultry.

50874e2609d40907550101d1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7871_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101d3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7872_0.jpg)

3 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Received from Strawbridge & Clothier 2 sets of settee cushion backs 8 pieces; 2 sets of settee cushions bottoms 6 pieces

No observations made. Partly Cloudy

No observations made. Partly cloudy.

50874e2609d40907550101d5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7872_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101d7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7873_0.jpg)

3 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Copy of page already transcribed

No observations made. partly Cloudy

No observations made. Partly cloudy.

50874e2609d40907550101d9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7873_1.jpg)

Copy of page already transcribed

50874e2609d40907550101db: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7874_0.jpg)

4 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Commission Pennant first set this date

Commission Pennant first set this date.

No observations made. Partly Cloudy

No observations made. Cloudy.

50874e2609d40907550101dd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7874_1.jpg)

Regular Holiday Routine. 8.00am Dressed ship.

50874e2609d40907550101df: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7875_0.jpg)

5 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

No observations made. Cold and Cloudy

No observations made. Cold and cloudy.

50874e2609d40907550101e1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7875_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101e3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7876_0.jpg)

6 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

other: 40 gallons - Kerosene

No observations s made. Partly Cloudy

No observations made. Partly cloudy.

50874e2609d40907550101e5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7876_1.jpg)

Held dock trial with the engines.

50874e2609d40907550101e7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7877_0.jpg)

7 July 1922

alongside at kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Hart - Chief Engineer, in hospital

Feener, H.B. - Asst to E 1 cl in hospital

No observations s made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d40907550101e9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7877_1.jpg)

A serious accident occurred on board. The chief engineer and H.B. Fenner Chief Asst Eng were working in the chill room of the refrigerating plant, running live steam into the water in the scuttle butt inside the chill room in order to boil out this tank. The heat apparently expanded the ammonia in the coils in the tank causing an explosion. The tank was blown up from the dock, all of the connecting piping was blown in parts, the wall of the ice box was blown out at least a foot and the wall of the inner ice box was blown in slightly. Both men were badly hurt, the Chief Engineer was burned in the feet and legs and slightly on the arms, and was cut on the side of the head, and was almost stunned. Fenner was burned on feet and legs and arms. Prentglau, Asst to Eng 1 cl has just stepped out and while jarred was not hurt. Gotshall, Sea. who assisted in dragging the Chief Engineer out inhaled some ammonia. Chief Engineer Hart and Fenner were rushed to Cramp's Hospital where first aid treatment was given and at 3.30pm were removed to the St Agnes Hospital in charge of the Public Health Service. The Chief Engineer had inhaled ammonia and his lungs, eyes and mouth were in danger. The ammonia was blown out and the ice machine stopped. An inspector was on board from 2.30pm to 5.00 pm from the York Mfg Co.

2:00 PM A serious accident occured on board. The chief engineer and H.B. Funn Chief Asst eng were working in the chill room of the refrigerating plant, running live steam into the water in a scuttle-butt inside the chill room in order to boil out this tank. The heat apparently expanding the ammonia in the coils in the tank causing an explosion. The tank was blown up from the deck, all of the connecting pipework was blown in parts, the wall of the ice box was blown out at least a foot and the wall of the inner ice box was blown in slightly. Both men were badly hurt, the chief engineer was burned on the feet and legs and slightly on the arms, and was cut on the side of the head, and was almost stunned. Feener was burned on feet and legs and arms. Prentglan, ass't to eng 1cl has just stepped out and while jarred was not hurt. Gotshall, Sea, who assisted in dragging the chief engineer out inhaled some ammonia.

Serious accident. Two men badly injured in explosion.

50874e2609d40907550101eb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7878_0.jpg)

8 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

R. R. Lukens - H & G Eng reported for duty this a.m.

Chief Engineer Hart, Fenner H.B. Asst to E 1 cl, in hospital

Edward Conine - Seaman

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d40907550101ed: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7878_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101ef: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7879_0.jpg)

9 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Chief Engineer Hart, Fenner H.B. Asst to E 1 cl, Christensen, J. F. Sea. in hospital

No observations made. Clear

No observations made. Clear.

50874e2609d40907550101f1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7879_1.jpg)

Chief Engineer Hart - 10am Received notice by telephone that Chief Engineer Hart had died this morning at St Agnes Hospital. 1pm Lowered ensign and jack to half mast on account of Chief Engineer Hart's death

(Oscar) Hart Chief Engineer - 10 am. Received notice by telephone that Chief Engineer Hart had died this morning at St Agnes Hospital.

1 pm. Lowered ensign and jack to half mast, on account of Chief Engineer Harts death.

Death of Chief Engineer Hart.

50874e2609d40907550101f3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7880_0.jpg)

10 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner H.B. Asst to Eng 1 cl in hospital; Godshall, Monroe, Christensen J.F. Sea, on sick report

Feener, H.B. Asst to Eng 1cl/ in hospital

Godshall, Monroe Clsietensen J.F. Sea. on sick report.

Received from Pfiefer 4 Exide Batteries 2 Edusib Batteries, which had been placed on charge at his electric plant.

Received from the Marine Equipment & Supply Co. 5 Blocks as per receipt.

50874e2609d40907550101f5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7880_1.jpg)

Board of Investigation composed of Peters, H & G Eng, R R Lukens, H & G Eng and Morris, Chief Engineer was in session on board during the morning investigating the causes and results of the accident which occured Friday July 7, 1922.

Two men from Wannamaker's were on board installing curtain rods & placing curtains.

Chief Engineer Hart's clothes and effects were gathered together, packed and one trunk, one suitcase and one package sent to his home. Valuables as follows were found and returned, to be sent over by an officer. Watch #1426100 with chain; Keyring and keys; Ideal Fountain Pen; $11.00 refund from W.R. Mess; $11.87 found in his clothing; One book of stamps.

Board of investigation composed of Peters, H&G Eng., R.R. Lukens, H&G Eng and Morris, Chief Engineer was in session on board during the morning investigating the causes and results of the accident which occured Friday July 7, 1922.

Chief Engineer Harts clothes and effects were gathered together, packed and one trunk, one suitcase and one package sent to his home. Valuables as follows were found and retained, to be sent over by an officer. Watch #1426100 with chain. Keyring and Keys. Ideal fountain pen. $11.00 refund from WR Mess. $11.87 found in his clothing. One book of stamps.

50874e2609d40907550101f7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7881_0.jpg)

11 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Godshall, Monroe, Sea, Collins, James - on sick report

50874e2609d40907550101f9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7881_1.jpg)

50874e2609d40907550101fb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7882_0.jpg)

12 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d40907550101fd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7882_1.jpg)

Mr Bond left to go to Lewes, Delaware to officially represent the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey at the funeral of Oscar Hart

7:30 am. Mr Bond left to go to Lewes, Delaware to officially represent the US Coast and Geodetic survey at the funeral of Oscar hart.

50874e2609d40907550101ff: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7883_0.jpg)

13 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Received from the Washington Office 6 thermometers #255 256 257 258 259 260

50874e2609d4090755010201: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7883_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010203: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7884_0.jpg)

14 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d4090755010205: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7884_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010207: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7885_0.jpg)

15 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d4090755010209: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7885_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501020b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7886_0.jpg)

16 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d409075501020d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7886_1.jpg)

Regular Sunday Holiday routine

50874e2609d409075501020f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7887_0.jpg)

17 July 1922

kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

King, J. F. - Fireman, discharged this date

J.F. King (fireman) - Discharged this day.

50874e2609d4090755010211: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7887_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010213: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7888_0.jpg)

18 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Brossy, Henry J - Fireman, enlisted this day

Bross~ Henry J. Fireman - Enlisted this date.

50874e2609d4090755010215: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7888_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010217: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7889_0.jpg)

19 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Received the following books & publications: U.S. Coast Pilot - Atlantic Coast - Section C; Light List - Atlantic & Gulf Coasts; Buoy List - Delaware Bay & River; Buoy List - Cape Henlopen - Cape Lookout; Tide Tables - Atlantic Coast 1922; Instructions for painting & cementing vessels; Practical Manual of the Compass #36926; H.O.#71 Azimuths of the Sun; Azimuths of Celestial Bodies; List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. 1921; Navy Standard Stock Catalogue; U.S.N. Register of officers

Rec'd 8 eye pads from Ulmer & Co

50874e2609d4090755010219: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7889_1.jpg)

Bids for repairing refrigerating machine opened up at noon. York Mfg Co lowest bidder ($590.00)

50874e2609d409075501021b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7890_0.jpg)

20 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d409075501021d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7890_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501021f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7891_0.jpg)

21 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d4090755010221: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7891_1.jpg)

The Commanding officer came on board accompanied by L.O. Colbert, Lieut-Cmdr, C & G.S. from Washington to inspect the motorsailer davits and the lowerings and hoistings of the motorsailers.

50874e2609d4090755010223: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7892_0.jpg)

22 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d4090755010225: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7892_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010227: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7893_0.jpg)

23 July 1944

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d4090755010229: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7893_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501022b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7894_0.jpg)

24 July 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Received the following publications from the Washington Office:1 copy Sigsber's Deep Sea Sounding #36900; 1 Coast Pilot - Atlantic Coast - Section D; 1 Coast Pilot - Puerto Rico & Virgin Is; 1 Coast Pilot - Pacific Coast; 2 Tide Tables - Pacific Coast 1922; 1 Buoy List - Oregon & Washington; 1 Buoy List - California; Two rolls of charts.

50874e2609d409075501022d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7894_1.jpg)

8.00am Turned to. Singled up lines, moved gangway ashore, rigged tiller aft, tried out steering gear, telegraph and whistles

9.00am R R Lukens, H & G Eng assumed command of this vessel, such command being transferred from H. A. Seran, H & G Eng in accordance to orders from the Director of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey.

9.20am Let go all lines, backed out of slip and maneouvred for position while official photographs of the ship were taken. Then proceeded down the Delaware River and went into slip east of Pier 98. We were requested to move and went into slip west of Pier 98. 11.30am Alongside port side to, engines secured and vessel made fast and lines doubled up.

1.00pm Workmen came on board from the York Mfg Co and started repairs to the Ice machine. In afternoon crew turned to painting bulwarks, making wooden fenders, sandpapering and shellacking deck in cabin.

R.R. Lukins H&G Eng assumed command of this vessel, such command being transferred from H.A. Seran, H&G Eng in accordance to orders from the Director of the US Coast & geodetic Survey..

50874e2609d409075501022f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7895_0.jpg)

25 July 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d4090755010231: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7895_1.jpg)

1.30pm Laundry received from Elite Laundry

50874e2609d4090755010233: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7896_0.jpg)

26 July 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Received from the Washington office 1 roll of charts

50874e2609d4090755010235: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7896_1.jpg)

50874e2609d4090755010237: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7897_0.jpg)

27 July 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Rec'd the following publications: Buoy List, Porto Rico & adj isl. Buoy List Cape Lookout to Hilsboro Inlet; Light List - Pacific Coast

50874e2609d4090755010239: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7897_1.jpg)

50874e2609d409075501023b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7898_0.jpg)

28 July 1922

alongside pier 98 south philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Received from Cramps Yard. One Sounding Machine - C & G.S. #52

Received from Hydrographic office 2 bundles of charts; 1 copy H.O. publication #71; I copy H.O. publication #127

O. S. Reading - Lieutenant, C & G.S. reported for duty

Mr O.S. Reading, Lieutenant, C&GS - Reported for duty

50874e2609d409075501023d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7898_1.jpg)

Mr Reading came aboard and delivered the sounding machine, two rolls of charts and one brass hand rail for motor sailer

Mr Reading - reported aboard for duty

50874e2609d409075501023f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7899_0.jpg)

29 July 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2609d4090755010241: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7899_1.jpg)

Hauled ships to west face of ship on request of Captain Randall, Pier Supt.

50874e2609d4090755010243: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7900_0.jpg)

30 July 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

50874e2709d4090755010245: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7900_1.jpg)

50874e2709d4090755010247: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7901_0.jpg)

31 July 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Asst to Eng (cl1), Christensen, J. F. Sea, in hospital

Parchen, Frank - Boatswain, on sick list

Discharged this date and paid off. Eisenberg, J.F. WO 1 cl; Lowry, M.L., M.Att. 1 cl; Border, Frank, M. Att 1 cl

Received from the Navy Yard: 1 - 16" dinghy #3099; 1 - Awning & bag; 1 set sails & sail bag; 1 - Sail Cover; 1 set Rigging; 1 - Rudder; 1 - Tiller; 3 - Stretchers; 1 - Backboard; 2 - Gratings; 1 - Yoke; 1 - Flagstaff; 1 set Spars; 2 - Stanchions; 1 set Wire Slings

Eisenberg. J.G. WO 1cl - Discharged this date & paid off

50874e2709d4090755010249: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7901_1.jpg)

Mr Hemple came aboard from the Navy Yard and delivered one sixteen foot dinghy and equipment as per list on opposite page.

R. R. Lukens - Signs page as approved


50874e2709d409075501024b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7902_0.jpg)

1 August 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. - Ch A. to E. in hospital

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, on sick list

Christensen, J. F. - Sea, reported for duty from hospital at 8.00am (after breakfast)

Samuel Webster - Enlisted M.A. 2 cl

D Iranoff - rated from Sea to QM 2 cl

Christensen, J.F. Sea - Reported for duty from Hospital.

Samuel Webster MA 2cl - Enlisted and rated to MA 1cl

George Roane MA 2cl - Enlisted and rated to MA 1cl

D. Ivanoff Sea - Rated to QM 2cl.

50874e2709d409075501024d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7902_1.jpg)

Doctor Blackburn came aboard to treat Boatswain (Private call)

50874e2709d409075501024f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7903_0.jpg)

2 August 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. - in hospital

Christensen, J. F. - Sea, ab, discharged at own request and paid in full

Smith, Andrew - Fireman, discharged at own request & paid in full

Christensen J. F. Sea ab - Discharged this day at own request & paid in full.

Andrew Smith - fireman - Discharged this day at own request & paid in full.

50874e2709d4090755010251: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7903_1.jpg)

50874e2709d4090755010253: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7904_0.jpg)

3 August 1922

alongside pier 98 south

Lat , Long

Fenner, H.B. - Ch. Asst Eng - in hospital

Parchen, Frank - Boatswain, on sick list

Ryan, Andrew - Asst to Eng 2 cl on sick list

50874e2709d4090755010255: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7904_1.jpg)

Ambulance called and took Parchen, Frank, Boatswain to St Agnes Hospital

50874e2709d4090755010257: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7905_0.jpg)

4 August 1922

alongside pier 98 s philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E, Parchen, Frank Bosn, in hospital

Ryan, Andrew - AD & 3 c on sick list

other: 100 gal - gasoline, from Texas Co

50874e2709d4090755010259: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7905_1.jpg)

50874e2709d409075501025b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7906_0.jpg)

5 August 1922

alongside pier 98 philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E, Parchen, Frank Bosn, Cobb O.F ABE 3rd in hospital

Cobb, O. T. ADE 3rd - sent to Marine Ward, St Agnes Hospital, after breakfast

Morris - Ch Eng reported aboard at 9.00am for duty as chief engineer

Stout, Irwin - enlisted as W.O. 2cl

oil: 8416 gals - received during proceeding 24 hours

Morris Ch Eng. - Reported aboard at 9:00 am. for duty.

Stout. Irwin - Enlisted as WO 2cl

oil: 8416 gal - Fuel Oil

oil: 8416 gals -

50874e2709d409075501025d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7906_1.jpg)

50874e2709d409075501025f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7907_0.jpg)

6 August 1922

alongside kensington shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E, Parchen, Frank Bosn, Cobb O.F ABE 3rd in hospital

Ryan, Andrew - A to E 2 cl on sick list

50874e2709d4090755010261: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7907_1.jpg)

50874e2709d4090755010263: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7908_0.jpg)

7 August 1922

alongside east wharf at cramps shipyard philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E, Ryan R P, A to E 2 cl, Parchen, Frank Bosn, Cobb O.F ABE 3rd transferred from Hospital after lunch for transfer to ~ Hospital

Ryan, A.P. - A to E 2 cl, discharged

Davidson, Sam - Sea, 2 cl enlisted

Ryan A.P. A to E 2cl - Discharged

Lenm Adolph~ fireman 2cl - Enlisted. Rated Fireman 1cl

Davidson (or Daveson), Sam. Sea 2cl - Enlisted. Rated Seaman 1cl

Lenm Adolph Fireman 2cl - Rated to Fireman 1cl

50874e2709d4090755010265: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7908_1.jpg)

50874e2709d4090755010267: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7909_0.jpg)

8 August 1922

alongside cramps dry dock philadelphia pa

Lat 40.0, Long -75.2

Cobb, O. T. ADE 3c, Parchen, F. Bosn, in hospital

Fenner, H.B. - Ch A to E, on sick list

C. J. Sschairer - enlisted as A to E 3 c, rated A to E 2, discharged at own request & paid in full.

C. J. Schaner abe 3c - Enlisted. Rated abe 2c. Discharged at own request & paid in full.

50874e2709d4090755010269: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7909_1.jpg)

8.15am Commanding Officer aboard with baggage

9.15am.Cast off, underway for Navy Yard, standing down mid-channel, captain ~. 10.25am Tied up, alongside Pier 5, Navy Yard.

50874e2709d409075501026b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7910_0.jpg)

9 August 1922

alongside pier 5 navy yard philadelphia pa

Lat 39.38, Long -75.47

Parchen, Frank, Boatswain; Cobb, O.T. oiler - in hospital

Fenner, H.B. - Ch Asst Eng on sick list

The following changes in ratings were made this date. Goclet. oiler to A to E 2cl. McKenna, Fireman to oiler.

50874e2709d409075501026d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7910_1.jpg)

6.50am Cast off spring lines. 6.52am Slow speed astern. 6.55am Cast off all lines. Clear of dock. 7.00am Turning slowly and blowing tubes. 7.10am Standard speed down Delaware River preceded by the steamer Discoverer, still blowing tubes. Various courses down channel.

K. T. Adams - Lieut, signs log entry

John A Bond - Lieut jg signs log entry

steering coast pilot courses down Delaware River, standard speed, preceded by Steamer Discoverer

O. S. Reading - Lieut, signs log entry

Steamer "Discoverer" - Passed.

6.55 Cast off all lines. Clear of dock.

8.39 turning onto Bellevue Range. 11.27 Buoy 8L abeam.

1.59 Cross Ledge Lt on P bm. 3.25 Brandywine Shoal lt on P bm.

4.35 passed Overfalls LV. 7.27 passed Fenwick I LV 0.4; port bm.

10.59 Winter Quarter Light ship 0.5' on stb beam.

50874e2709d409075501026f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7911_0.jpg)

10 August 1922

enroute philadelphia pa to norfolk va

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Parchen, Frank, Boatswain; Cobb, O.T. oiler - in hospital

Fenner, H.B. - Ch. Asst on sick list

Davison, Sam - Sea. injured his right hand. He was over the side on a stage, a bucket of water on a line was sitting on the stage. Davision was walking from one end of the stage to the other holding on to this line with a round turn around his hand. The bucket of water fell off the stage with about six feet of slack line and brought up on the round turn around his hand.

50874e2709d4090755010271: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7911_1.jpg)

7.41 Entered dredged ship channel and proceeded up same.

Standing up mid channel on various courses. 10.30 Dropped anchor 6 fms water - 15 fm chain. South of Hospital Point Norfolk, Va

L. O. Colbert - Chief of Section of Repairs to Vessels came on board

3.00pm Mr Bond left in motorsailer with Mail orderly and one man to be examined at the Marine Hospital. 3.20pm Weighed anchor and proceeded to dock. 3.45pm Mr Bond returned in motorsailer with Mail orderly.

5.25 passed Cape Charles LV 0.2' on strb beam. 7.12 passed Tail of the Shoe LV 0.3' on strb beam.

10.20 dropped anchor S. of Hospital Point, Norfolk, VA

4.00 made fast to dock near N+W grain elevator dock.

50874e2709d4090755010273: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7912_0.jpg)

11 August 1922

made fast to n w rr wharf slip next to p r bridges norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Fenner, H.B. - Ch A to E transferred to Marine Hospital

Davison, Sam - Sea. treated at Marine Hospital for injured hand. Not on X ray picture of Seamans Davison's right hand was taken at the Marine Hospital showing that the bones of his little finger were broken in two places

Parchen, Frank, Boatswain; Cobb, O.T. oiler - in Phila hospital

50874e2709d4090755010275: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7912_1.jpg)

Clocks set to 75th Meridian Standard Time.

Clocks set to 75th meridian standard time

50874e2709d4090755010277: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7913_0.jpg)

12 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Fenner, H.B. - Ch Asst Eng, in Norfolk Hospital

Parchen, Frank, Boatswain; Cobb, O.T. oiler - in hospital Philadephia

Davison, Sam - Sea on sick list

50874e2709d4090755010279: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7913_1.jpg)

9.20am Mr Readig left in motorsailer with mail orderly. 10.06am Mr Reading in motorsailer with mail orderly, motorsailer not operating well.

Major Smith of the U.S. Quarantine Services came on board preliminary to an investigation of the cause of typhoid fever developed in two patients at Marine Hospital Philadelphia

Crew engaged in washing paint work, bailing water from after hold. Carpenter working in foreward storeroom. One man installing fire extinguishers. Officers engaged in accounts, proposals for bids and general supervision.

Major Smith of the US Quarantine Services came on board preliminary to an investigation of the cause of typhoid fever developed in two patients at Maine Hospital Philadelphia.

50874e2709d409075501027b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7914_0.jpg)

13 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Parchen, Frank, Boatswain; Cobb, O.T. oiler - in Philadephia hospital

Fenner, H.B. - Ch A to E, in Norfolk Marine Hospital

Davison, Sam - Seaman, on sick list

Frank, Bosn - Cobb, O.J., Oiler - In Philadelphia Hospital

Feener, H.B - In Norfolk Marine Hospital

50874e2709d409075501027d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7914_1.jpg)

10:00 AM Liberty granted two thirds of crew

50874e2709d409075501027f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7915_0.jpg)

14 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Parchen, Frank, Boatswain; Cobb, O.T. oiler - in Philadephia hospital

Fenner, H.B. - Ch Asst Eng, in Norfolk Hospital

Davison, Sam - Sea on sick list

Young, Frank G - enlisted as Cabin Steward

Young, Frank G. Cabin Steward - Enlisted this day.

Frank G. Young - Enlisted as Cabin Steward

Received Stores - 5 boxes of stationary from Washington office, 1 reducing valve from Elisha Webb & Co.

U.S.S. Bache - supply transfer

50874e2709d4090755010281: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7915_1.jpg)

4:30 PM Liberty granted to two thirds of the crew.

50874e2709d4090755010283: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7916_0.jpg)

15 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Parchen, Frank, Boatswain; Cobb, O.T. oiler - in Philadephia hospital

Fenner, H.B. - Ch A to E, in Norfolk Marine Hospital

Davison, Sam - Sea on sick list

O. J. Cobb - A card received by Martel Wireless opr, from Miss Alberta Williams, stating that O. J Cobb oiler had died in Philadelphia Marine Hospital at 10.45am Sunday August 13 1922. Office & nearest relation Mrs Sarah Cobb notified by telegraph.

O.J. Cobb oiler - A card received by Martel wireless Opr, from Miss Alberta Williams, stated that O.J. Cobb oiler had died in Philadelphia Marine Hospital at 10:45 AM. Sunday August 13 1922. Office and nearest relative Mrs Sarah Cobb notified by telegraph.

50874e2709d4090755010285: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7916_1.jpg)

1.00pm Mr Bond left ship for Hampton Roads Naval Supply Base in re anchor cables. 4.30pm Mr Bond returned having found two 120 fathom 1 1/4" chain cables in store for this vessel at Naval Supply Base.

Doctor Waller - Conduction of a Typhoid investigation

50874e2709d4090755010287: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7917_0.jpg)

16 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Panchen F - Bos'n, in Marine Hospital, Phila, Pa

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt, W.O. 2c in Marine Hospital Norfolk Va

Davison, Sam - Sea, ab. on sick list

Oscar T Cobb - Official notice received from Marine Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. of death of Oscar T Cobb A to E 3c, on Aug 13, 1922 at 11.45am in that institution

Davison, Sam - on sick list

coal: 400 -

50874e2709d4090755010289: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7917_1.jpg)

Dr Waller U.S.P.H.S. aboard. Obtained blood specimens of all officers and members of the crew except Capt R.R. Lukens, Mr Reading & K.C. Mayo QM 1c. Left ship at 4.10

Robt. Martell - W.O. 2c left ship for Marine Hospital, via ambulance

Doctor Waller - Collection blood specimens and acting sketchy in general.

50874e2709d409075501028b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7918_0.jpg)

17 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt, W.O. 2c in Marine Hospital Norfolk Va

Parchen, Frank - Boatswain in Philadelphia Hospital

Davison, Sam - Sea on sick list

other: 70 gal (in cases) & 30 gal (in bulk) - Kerosene

50874e2709d409075501028d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7918_1.jpg)

10.10am Mr Adams, Mr Bond, Mr Morris and one half of the crew left in motorsailer the Marine Hospital Dispensary for first innoculation of typhoid fever. 11.45am Above party returned.

1.40pm Mr Reading left ship in motorsailer with one half of the crew for the Marine Hospital Dispensary for first innoculation for typhoid fever. All of the officers and crew obtained their first innoculation with the exception of three men, Collins, James, Sea and Gerran, H.C. Sea. who refused and were notified to put in an application for discharge and Nelson, A QM 2cl who is to get his innoculation tomorrow.

Bids for repairs to this vessel - dry docking, painting bottom and installing windlass were received on board and opened at noon this date.

50874e2709d409075501028f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7919_0.jpg)

18 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt, W.O. 2c in Marine Hospital Norfolk Va

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Davison, Sam - Sea, on sick list

Midyett, R. P. - A to E 3 cl

Midyett, R.P. A to E 3cl - Enlisted.

50874e2709d4090755010291: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7919_1.jpg)

2.35pm Doctor Waller USPH Service came aboard and requested that Benj Edwards Off Steward, J Wells Sh Ck 2 cl and Victor Boykin, Mess ~ be relieved from all duty in connection with handling or preparing food pending investigation as typhoid carriers. These men were instructed to this effect. 4.05pm Doctor Waller left ship.

50874e2709d4090755010293: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7920_0.jpg)

19 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Scheidegger, Albert - shipped this day as Fireman 2 c rated F. 1c

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt, W.O. 2c in Marine Hospital Norfolk Va

Davison, Sam - Sea, on sick list

Scheidegger, Albert - Shipped this day as fireman 2c, rated f1c

50874e2709d4090755010295: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7920_1.jpg)

8.40am Drs Smith & Armstron, USPHS aboard to collect date re typhoid innoculations. 9.10am Drs Smith & Armstrong USPHS left ship. 10.25am Dr Armstrong USPHS aboard with specimen cans for samples of crew feces. Cans delivered to each member of crew. 10.40am Dr Armstrong left ship.

50874e2709d4090755010297: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7921_0.jpg)

20 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt, W.O. 2c in Marine Hospital Norfolk Va

Parchen, Frank - Boatswain in Philadelphia Hospital

Davison, Sam - Sea, on sick list

50874e2709d4090755010299: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7921_1.jpg)

10am Drs Smith & Dr Armstrong from U.S. Quarantine Service came aboard to collect specimen cans of crews stools, re typhoid inspection. 10.25am Dr Smith & Dr Armstrong left, having collected specimens from all except one man, Bross, Fireman

50874e2709d409075501029b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7922_0.jpg)

21 August 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt, W.O. 2c in Marine Hospital Norfolk Va

10.40am Sent to hospital at Norfolk: Edwards, Benj. Off. Stwd; Wells, J. Sh Ck 2 cl; Boykin, Victor MAH - observation as typhoid carriers. 3.00pm Davision, Sam Sea, injured hand.

Collins, Jas, Sea - discharged, own request, paid in full to date

oil: 12659.6 gallons - P. Arthur light oil

Collins, Jas. Sea. - Discharged at own request.

oil: 12659.6 gallons - P. Arthur Light oil.

oil: 12659 gals. -

50874e2709d409075501029d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7922_1.jpg)

10.30am Launch from Public Health service came alongside. Left ship at 10.55am with Off Steward Edwards, Sh Ck 2 cl Wells and Mess Att Boykin to take them to hospital for observation as typhoid carriers.

2.15pm Doctor Smith USPHS came aboard and took samples of drinking water from scuttlebutt and galley faucets - he left at 2.55pm

10.30 am Made fast alongside oil barge at Texaco wharf, Berkeley

1.40 pm Made fast to east face of east wharf, Old Dominion Railway Wharf.

50874e2709d409075501029f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7923_0.jpg)

22 August 1922

alongside old dominion marine ry co dock

Lat 15.3, Long -61.4

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In marine hospital, Norfolk Va Fenner H B Ch A to E; Martell, Robt W.O. 2c; Edwards, B. Off Stw; Wells, J S.C. 2 c; Boykin, V M Att 1 c

Newsome, J - shipped as Sea, ord, rated Sea, ab

Mr A H Waganer - Aid reported for duty at 9.00am; innoculated for typhoid this day

Davison, Sam - Sea, in Marine Hospital, Norfolk, Va

Newsome, J. Sea ord - Shipped. rated Sea ab

Mr A.H. Waganer Aid - Reported for duty at 9:00

50874e2709d40907550102a1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7923_1.jpg)

50874e2709d40907550102a3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7924_0.jpg)

23 August 1922

on dry dock of old dominion marine ry co

Lat 15.3, Long -61.4

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In marine hospital, Norfolk Va Fenner H B Ch A to E; Martell, Robt W.O. 2c; Edwards, B. Off Stw; Wells, J S.C. 2 c; Boykin, V M Att 1 c; Davidson, Sam, Sea.

Neilson, Ralph - put on light work; has bronchitis

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In marine hospital, Norfolk Va Fenner H B Ch A to E; Martell, Robt W.O. 2c; Edwards, B. Off Stw; Wells, J S.C. 2 c; Boykin, V M Att 1 c; Davidson, Sam, Sea.

Neilson, Ralph - put on light work; has bronchitis

50874e2709d40907550102a5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7924_1.jpg)

Heaved up on Old Dominim dry dock.

Ship secured on dry dock.

Mr. Reading -

Mr. Reading left ship for bids on emory wheels.

Capt. Colbert -

Capt. Colbert aboard for inspection of repairs.

Capt. Seran -

Mr. Teeney -

Capt. Luhens -

Crew engaged in making wind sail for engine room.

50874e2709d40907550102a7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7925_0.jpg)

24 August 1922

on marine railway old dominion shipyard norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Parchen, Frank - Boatswain in Philadelphia Hospital

In marine hospital, Norfolk Va Fenner H B Ch A to E; Martell, Robt W.O. 2c; Davison, Sam, Sea; Edwards, B. Off Stw; Wells, J S.C. 2 c; Boykin, V M Att 1 c

Neilson, Ralph - on light duty

Gerran, Henry C - Sea was this day discharged & paid in full at own request

Gerran, Henry C. Sea - Was this day discharged & paid in full at own request.

Parchem, Frank, Bostaurain in hospital at Philadelphia.

Received 1 length 2" galo. pipe, 3 2x6 Flanges, 1 2" galo. cross, 2 2" Plugs

Gurran, Henry C. Sea was this day discharged & paid in full at own request.

50874e2709d40907550102a9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7925_1.jpg)

8.30am Motorsailer left ship with Mr Adams, Mr Bond, Mr Morris and one half of the crew to go to Marine Hospital for second innoculation. 10.20am Mr Bond, Mr Morris returned in motorsailer with one half of the crew. 10.50am Mr Reading left in motorsailer with the rest of the crew for second inoculation. 12 noon Mr Adams, Mr Reading and crew returned in motorsailer.

1.15pm Mr Reading left in motorsailer to go to Discovery to borrow one theodolite.

Mr Colbert - from Washington office on board all day observing repairs.

Motorsaily left ship with Mr. Adams, Mr. Bond, Mr. Morris and one half of the crew to go to the Marine Hospital for second i~

Mr. Adams -

Mr. Bond -

Mr. Morris -

Mr. Reading -

Mr. Colbert from Washington office on board all day observing repairs.

50874e2709d40907550102ab: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7926_0.jpg)

25 August 1922

on marine railway old dominion shipyard norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In marine hospital, Norfolk Va Fenner H B Ch A to E; Martell, Robt W.O. 2c; Davison, Sam, Sea; Edwards, B. Off Stw; Wells, J S.C. 2 c; Boykin, V M Att 1 c

Neilson, Ralph - A to E 1 cl sent to Norfolk Marine Hospital

Leev, N. Sea ~ - Enlisted this day. Rated Sea ab.

At Norfolk Va

50874e2709d40907550102ad: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7926_1.jpg)

11.10am Started down railway - afloat at 11.40. 11.50am Made fast to Pier alongside railway

Made fast to Pier alongside railway.

Crew employed in painting fore pea~ tank and cleaning and sealing chair lo~er

Carpenter working in radio room.

50874e2709d40907550102af: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7927_0.jpg)

26 August 1922

old dominion marine ry dock

Lat 15.3, Long -61.4

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In Marine Hospital, Norfolk, Va: Martell, Robt W.O 2c; Fenner H.B. Ch A to E; Nielsen, R. A to E 1c; Davision, Sam, Sea

Discharged from Marine Hospital: Edwards, Benj Off Stew; Wells, J S Ck 2c; Boykin V M Att. 1c

50874e2709d40907550102b1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7927_1.jpg)

Edwards, Benj. Officer. Wells J. Sch~. and Boykims, N. Malti returned from Marine Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102b3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7928_0.jpg)

27 August 1922

alongside old dominion marine dry dock

Lat 15.3, Long -61.4

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In marine hospital, Norfolk Va Fenner H B Ch A to E; Martell, Robt W.O. 2c; Nielsen, R. A to E 1c; Davison, Sam, Sea; ;

Parchem, F. Bosn - In Marine Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102b5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7928_1.jpg)

Sunday quietly observed

50874e2709d40907550102b7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7929_0.jpg)

28 August 1922

alongside old dominion marine rr dock

Lat 15.3, Long -61.4

Parchen, Frank - in Marine Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va. Fenner, H.B. Ch. A to E; Martell, Robt, W.O. 2cl; Nielson, R., A to E 1cl; Davison, Sam, Sea.

50874e2709d40907550102b9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7929_1.jpg)

Calur, A - Off Cook, to Marine Dispensary for examination

1.20pm Cast off lines from Old Dominion wharf and proceeded on various courses to Naval Supply Base. 2.27pm Secured in Berth E, Pier 2, Naval Supply Base.

1.20 pm Cast off lines from old dominion wharf and proceeded to Naval Supply Base

2.27 pm Secured in Berth E, Pier 2, Naval Supply Base.

2.27 pm Secured in Berth E, Pier 2, Naval Supply Base

50874e2709d40907550102bb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7930_0.jpg)

29 August 1922

alongside berth e pier 2 hampton roads naval supply base

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

In Norfolk Marine Hospital Fenner H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. ~Oper 2 cl; Neilson, Ralph A to E 1 cl; Davison, Sam Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102bd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7930_1.jpg)

50874e2709d40907550102bf: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7931_0.jpg)

30 August 1922

alongside norfolk western ry dock norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Nielsen, R. A to E 1c - Discharged this day from Marine Hospital and returned to duty

oil: 42024.78 gal -

oil: 42024.78 gal - fuel oil

oil: 42024.78 gal - Fuel oil from Texas Oil

50874e2709d40907550102c1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7931_1.jpg)

3.10pm Made fast to Old Dominion Ry pier - Returned 1 theodolite, 1 tripod, 1 umbrella & 1 tape. Received 1 gangplank.

9.30 am Made fast to Texas Oil Company dock, South Norfolk.

3.10 pm Made Fast to Old Dominion Ry pier

50874e2709d40907550102c3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7932_0.jpg)

31 August 1922

alongside norfolk western ry dock norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Fisher, Frank - fir 1 cl, discharged, own request, paid in full

Lenn, Adolph - fir 1cl, discharged this day, own request, paid in full

Fisher, Frank, (Fir 1cl.) - Discharged, own request, paid in full.

Lemn, Adolph (fir 1cl) - Discharged at own request, paid in full.

oil: 92025 gals. - Discrepency due to wrong tank calibration 7070 gals.

50874e2709d40907550102c5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7932_1.jpg)

8.30am Motorsailer left ship with Mr Adams, Mr Bond, Mr Morris and half of crew for typhoid inoculation at the Marine Hospital

10.45am Motorsailer returned with Mr Adams, Mr Bond, Mr Morris and half of crew and mail orderly

1pm Motorsailer left with Mr Reading, Mr Wagener, and one half of crew for inoculation at Marine Hospital.

~.o5pm Motorsailer returned with Mr Reading, Mr Wagener and one half of crew.


50874e2709d40907550102c7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7933_0.jpg)

1 September 1922

alongside norfolk western ry dock norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

MacLennan, T - fir 2cl, enlisted this day, rated to fir 1 cl

Bradley, Thos - fir 2cl, enlisted this day, rated to fir 1 cl

MacLennan T. (Fir 2cl) - Enlisted, rated to fir 1cl

Bradley, Thos. (fir 2cl) - Enlisted, rated fir 1cl.

50874e2709d40907550102c9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7933_1.jpg)

1 September 1922


Lat 36.8, Long 32.6

Capt Lukens - came aboard

~.15am Motorsailer from Discoverer brought 3 deck chairs

Capt Parker - came aboard

Capt Colbert - came aboard

Capt Seran & Doctor Smith came aboard; Capt Seran & Doctor Smith left ship.

Mr Bond - left ship

Mrs Lukens - came aboard

Mr Bond - came aboard

On course E mag

4.23 pm Buoy 2A abm

5.02 pm Whistling Buoy abm, 5.10 pm buoy #1 abm, 5.33 pm Bell Buoy 15 port abm

6.15 pm Buoy 9a port beam, 6.30 pm Wael hap light 29 mi on beam, 7.16 pm Windmill Pt Lt 4 pts port bow

7.30 pm Rappahanock Spit Lt Buoy abm, 7.39 pm Windmill Pt Lt abm

8.35 pm Tangier I Shoal gas buoy stbd bm, 9.14 pm Smith Pt Lt 45 deg on pt quarter, 10.12 pm Pt Lookout Lt 1.2 km stbd beam, 11.14 pm Piney Pt Lt 1.1 km on stbd beam, 11.35 pm Raggut Pt Lt 0.75 km pt bm

Vessel left Norfolk

50874e2709d40907550102cb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7934_0.jpg)

2 September 1922

en route norfolk to washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102cd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7934_1.jpg)

cedar pt lt abm

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

Messrs Parker & Colbert left the ship. Mail orderly made trip to office returning at 1.30pm

8.41 am Sandy Pt Lt Stb beam, 9.41 am Spar 52 stb beam, 10.44 am Spar 45c port beam, 11.34 am Spar 72 stb beam

12.10 pm made fast to Lighthouse Dock, Washington, DC

50874e2709d40907550102cf: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7935_0.jpg)

3 September 1922

alongside lighthouse dock washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

50874e2709d40907550102d1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7935_1.jpg)

50874e2709d40907550102d3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7936_0.jpg)

4 September 1922

alongside lighthouse dock washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Funer, H.B., Ch A to E - In Norfolk Marine Hospital

Martell, Robt, W.O. 2cl - In Norfolk Marine Hospital

Davison, Sam, Sea - In Norfolk Marine Hospital

Parchem, Frank, Boat. - In Philidelphia Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102d5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7936_1.jpg)

H. C. Denson - 9.45am Captain, came aboard. 1pm left the ship

E Lester Jones - The Director, Col, came aboard. 12.30pm left the ship

Rudy - 2.35pm Captain, came aboard. leaving at 2.50pm

Colbert - 4.10pm Captain, came aboard. leaving at 5.30pm

The afternoon was observed as a holiday being Labor Day.

K.T. Adams, Lieut - posted daily log.

Captain H.C. Denson - came aboard at 9:45 am

Col. E. Lester Jones - The Director, left the ship at 12:00

Captain Colbert - came aboard at 4:10 pm, leaving at 5:30 pm.

7:00 am. Washed down.

Capt. Denson - left the ship at 1:00 pm.

12:30 pm. Granted liberty to two-thirds of crew. The afternoon was observed as a holiday, being Labor Day.

Col. E. Lester Jones - The Director, came aboard at 11:05 am

6:30 am Called all hands.

50874e2709d40907550102d7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7937_0.jpg)

5 September 1922

alongside lighthouse dock washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Filled up with fresh water from dock

R. R. Lukens - Commanding

Frank Parchens, Boat. - in Marine Hospital Philadelphia.

Sam Davison, Seaman - in Marine Hospital Norfolk.

H. B. Fumer - in Marine Hospital Norfolk

Robt. Martell, W.O. 2nd - in Marine Hospital Norfolk.

1:00 pm. Filled up with fresh water from the dock.

Fuel expended during preceeding 24 hours - 500 gals. Fuel remaining on board, 40,980 gals.

50874e2709d40907550102d9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7937_1.jpg)

7am Wet down decks and sprinkled with sand, lye and chloride of lime

Capt F H Hardy - 11am cam aboard, leaving at 1.30pm

8:00 am. Turned to scrubbed decks and bolystoned in place.

7:00 am. Wet down decks & sprinkled with sand, lye, and choloride of lime.

6:30 am. Called all hands.

8:25 am. Mail orderly left the ship, returning at 10:00 am.

Capt. F. H. Hardy - came aboard ship at 11:00 am, leaving at 1:30 pm.

Mr. Adams - went ashore on official business at 1:40 pm, returning at 2:50 pm.

4:30 pm. Granted liberty to two-thirds of the crew.

Crew engaged all morning in scrubbing down deck. In afternoon painted strbf motorsailes, put lumber in after hold, painted skylight, painted deck machinery.

K.T. Adams, Lieut, C. & G. S. - posted daily log.


50874e2709d40907550102db: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7938_0.jpg)

6 September 1922

alongside lighthouse wharf at washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In marine hospital, Norfolk, Va; Fenner, H.B. Ch A to E; Martell, Robt. W.O. 2c; Davison, S. Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Received - shipment of instruments from office

Capt. R. R. Lukens - Commanding

H. B. Feener - in Norlfolk Marine Hospital.

Robt. Martell - in Norfolk Marine Hospital.

Sam Dawson, Seaman - in Norfolk Marine Hospital.

Frank Parchen, Bosn - in Philadelphia Marine Hospital.

9:00 pm. received shipment of instruments from office.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 750 gals. Fuel remaining on board, 40,230 gals.

50874e2709d40907550102dd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7938_1.jpg)

Captain W E Parker - came aboard. He left ship at 3.30pm

11:45 am. Instruments received from office via Dept. of Commerce truck.

7:00 am. Washed down.

8:25 am. Mail orderly made trip to office, returning at 9:30 am.

6:30 am. Called all hands.

1:15 pm. Capt. W. E. Parker came aboard, leaving at 3:30 pm.

Weather clear with light swirly airs.

Crew employed in painting deck machinery, ships rail on port side and in receiving and stowing instruments. Officers on accounts correspondence, station bills, supervision of work crew.

O. S. Reading, Lieut. - posted ship's log.

K. T. Adams, Exec. Officer - examined daily log and found to be complete.

50874e2709d40907550102df: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7939_0.jpg)

7 September 1922

alongside lighthouse dock washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Fenner, H.B. - Ch A to E returned this day from Marine Hospital Norfolk Va having been discharged from that place Sept 6

R. R. Lukens - Commanding.

R. Martel - in Norfolk Marine Hospital.

Sam Davison, Seaman - in Norfolk Marine Hospital.

F Parchens, Bosn - in Marine Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.

H. B. Feener - returned this day from Marine Hospital, Norfolk, VA, having been discharged from that place Sept. 6th.

Fuel expended during the preceding 24 hours, 750 gals. Fuel remaining on board, 39,480 gals.

50874e2709d40907550102e1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7939_1.jpg)

Capt Colbert - 1pm aboard; 4.30pm left ship

7:30 am. Breakfast.

7:00 am. Washed down.

1:00 pm. Capt. Colbert boarded, leaving at 4:30 pm.

Officers engaged in general supervisionabout deck. Crew engaged in painting, cleaning, etc. preparatory to inspection.

John A. Boud, Lieut. JG - posted daily log.

K. T. Adams, Exec Officer - Examined log and found it to be complete.

8:00 am. Turned to.

6:30 am. Called all hands.

8:30 am. Mail orderly left ship, returning at 9:30 am.

50874e2709d40907550102e3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7940_0.jpg)

8 September 1922

alongside lighthouse wharf at washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Martell, Robt, W.O. 2cl - In Norfolk Marine Hospital

Davison, Sam, Sea - In Norfolk Marine Hospital

Parchem, Frank, Bos'n - In Philidelphia Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102e5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7940_1.jpg)

Men stopped work to prepare bunks, etc for inspection; Mr Reading aboard. ~.00 Director, U.S. C & G.S, and official party aboard. ~.45 Secretary of Commerce, H Hoover, and official party aboard. ~25 Secretary of Commerce, H Hoover, and official party left ship. ~.00 Director E Lester Jones, U.S. C & G.S. and official party left ship. ~ Capt Hardy, Capt Lukens and Mr Rogers, Washington Star, left ship.

8:30 Mail orderly left for mail

9:30 Mail orderly returned

Captain Hardy - On board

Captain Colbert - On board

Mr. DeLonge - On board


Received 3 shots from Capt. Seran, Str. Discoverer, via Norfolk & Western Steamship Co.

Mr. Reading - left ship

Caterers arrived with chairs, etc.

Men stopped work to prepare lunch, etc. for inspection; Mr. Reading aboard.

Director, U.S. C. & G. S, and official party aboard.

Secretary of Commerce , H. Hoover, and official party aboard.

Secretary of Commerce , H. Hoover, and official party left ship.

Director, E. Lester Jones, U.S. C. & G. S. and official party left ship.

Capt. Hardy, Capt. Lukens and Mr. Rogers Washington Star, left ship.

Officers on supervision of cleaning, general routine.

Crew engaged in cleaning ship, preparing for inspection.

A. H. Wagener, Ensign - signed log book entry

K.T. Adams - signed log book page

50874e2709d40907550102e7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7941_0.jpg)

9 September 1922

washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Robit Martell - In marine hospital

Sam Davison - In marine hospital

Parcham, Frank - In Marine hospital, Philadelphia

Filled with fresh water from the dock.

50874e2709d40907550102e9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7941_1.jpg)

9.15am Mr Wagener with Neilson, R.M. 1st A to E, Flanagan, J. Ch. Wr, and Newsome, Joe, Sea went to the Marine Hospital for their third inoculation of typhoid vaccine. Bradley, Thos and MacLennan, Thos, Firemen went for their first inoculation.

In the afternoon the office force and their families came on board to inspect the ship.

Mr. Wagenar - To marine hospital for vaccinations

R.M. Neilson - To marine hospital for vaccinations

J. Flanagan - To marine hospital for vaccinations

Joe Newsome - To marine hospital for vaccinations

T. Bradley - To marine hospital for vaccinations

Mac Laman - t

50874e2709d40907550102eb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7942_0.jpg)

10 September 1922

washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Parcham, Frank - In Philidephia hospital

Robit Martell - Norfolk Hospital

Sam Davison - Norfolk Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102ed: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7942_1.jpg)

9.30am Delmo~ Caterer's truck called for punch bowl, chairs etc

Sunday quietly observed. Various visitors shown about the ship during day.

50874e2709d40907550102ef: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7943_0.jpg)

11 September 1922

alongside lighthouse dock washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Mayo, K. C. - Q.M. 1c discharged at own request and paid in full

50874e2709d40907550102f1: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7943_1.jpg)

10am Capt Colbert, Mr De Jouge & Mr Searle photographer aboard. 10.50am Cast off from dock, standing out into mid stream to have photograph of ship taken. Captain co~ing

50874e2709d40907550102f3: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7944_0.jpg)

12 September 1922

washington dc

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Roane, Leland S - enlisted as Sea ord. rated to Q.M. 2c.

50874e2709d40907550102f5: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7944_1.jpg)

10.15am Capt Whitney & Mr DeJonge aboard. 11.10am Capts Parker, Colbert & Mr Gillet, L.H. Service aboard.

12.35pm Messrs W E Parker, P C Whitney, G J Rode, L O Colbert, De Jonge, and visitor from lighthouse service went ashore

12.37pm Cast off lines from Lighthouse Wharf and proceeded down channel to the Potomac

12.37 pm Cast off, proceeded down channel to the Potomac

4.20 pm Maryland Pt Lt on stb beam. 4.58 pm Upper Ceadr Pt Lt on port beam. 5.40 pm Lower Cedar Pt Lt on stb beam. 7.11 pm Blackstone I Lt on port beam. 7.52.30 pm Ragged Pt Lt abeam.

8.15 pm Piney Pt Lt abm, 9.16 pm Pt. Lookout abm, 10.14 pm Smith Pt abm, 11.54 pm Occ W17 abm

50874e2709d40907550102f7: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7945_0.jpg)

13 September 1922

en route from washington dc to norfolk va

Lat 38.9, Long -77.0

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

50874e2709d40907550102f9: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7945_1.jpg)

4.15am Let go port anchor in 30ft 15 fm chain off Naval Operating Base Hampton Roads, Va

7.30am Hove up anchor and proceeded to Pier 2 Naval Operating Base. 7.43am Made fast to west end of Pier 2

12.45pm Cast off lines and proceeded to Grain Elevator N & W Dock. 1.40pm Made fast to S. West face of Norfolk & Western grain elevator wharf

12.57am Wolf Trap Lt 2.5 km, stbd bm 4.15 am Anchored off Naval Operating Base Hampton Roads, VA

7.43 am Made fast to west end of Pier 2

1.40 pm Made fast to SW face of Norfolk and Western Grain Elevator wharf

50874e2709d40907550102fb: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7946_0.jpg)

14 September 1922

alongside n w ry dock norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

In Marine Hospital Norfolk, Va; Martell, R. W.O 2c; Davison, Sam Sea

Accounts of Robt Martell W.O. 2c now in Marine Hospital, Norfolk, Va tranferred to Washington Office

coal: - 24 hours used 400 gallons. fuel remaining on board is 33,180 gallons. the type of fuel used is unknown

50874e2709d40907550102fd: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7946_1.jpg)

50874e2709d40907550102ff: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7947_0.jpg)

15 September 1922

alongside n w rr grain elevator norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Davison, Sam - Sea, in Marine Hospital, Norfolk, Va

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, in Philadelphia Hospital

Stout, Erwin - W.O. 2 cl rated to W.O. 1

Conine, Edward - Sea, discharged this day at own request and paid in full

Sam Davison - In marine hospital, Nofolk, Ya.

Parcham, Frank - In Marine hospital, Philadelphia

Edward Conin - discharged at request

50874e2709d4090755010301: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7947_1.jpg)

10.20am Received 200 specimen bottles

Recieved 200 specimen bottles

50874e2709d4090755010303: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7948_0.jpg)

16 September 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Davison, Sam - Sea, returned to ship from Norfolk Hospital condition improved 8am

Parchen, Frank - Bosn, returned from Philadelphia Hospital 4.30pm condition improved fit for light duty

Whiteharst, Guy - Enlisted this day, sea ord, rated to Sea A.B.

Sam Davison - returned from Norfolk Hospital

Parcham, Frank - returned from Philadelphia Hospital

Guy Whiteharst - Enlisted

50874e2709d4090755010305: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7948_1.jpg)

Crew taking valuable fittings from ice box on superstructure deck, mounting hand sounding machine on main deck aft and washing ships sides preparatory to painting same.

Officers on accounts and correspondence, supervising work of crew, sharpening pivot of steering compass, station billets.

50874e2709d4090755010307: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7949_0.jpg)

17 September 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Skau, Rolf - Carpenter discharged this day, unpaid

Messrs Taylor & Meyer, D.O.'s reported at 9.30am

Rolf Skau - Discharged, unpaid

Messrs. Taylor and Meyer - reported

50874e2709d4090755010309: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7949_1.jpg)

Sunday quietly observed. Capt Hand & Mrs Hand, several other visitors aboard.

50874e2709d409075501030b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7950_0.jpg)

18 September 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Discharged at own request and paid in full: Midyett, R.P. Oiler; Newsome, Joe, Sea a.b.; Nelson, A. QM 2c

Dodshall, M - Sea, rated Carp

Batehan, F. J. - Shipped sea ord rated sea a.b.

J B Hunt - Surg, reported for duty

oil: 39571.14 gal - fuel oil, from Texas Oil Co

R.P. Midyett - Discharged at request

Joe Newsome - Discharged at request

A. Nelson - Discharged at request

50874e2709d409075501030d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7950_1.jpg)

8.00 am cast off from N + W dock, 8.55 am tied up alongside Texas Oil Co dock, 6.30 pm cast off from Texas Oil Co dock, 7.15 pm made fast to N + W dock

50874e2709d409075501030f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7951_0.jpg)

19 September 1922

norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Received this day from office: 1 submarine sentry

Barometer compared at Norfolk Weather Bureau. Reading 0.20 in excess * Adjusted.

Marks, H. D. - Oiler, enlisted this day

H Mesenbing - Sea Ord, rated AB, enlisted this day

Iver Berglund - Sea Ord rated QM 2 cl

S MacLennan, Thos Bradley - deserted (left ship with manifest intention to desert.

Barometer compared at Norfolk Weather Bureau. 0.20 in excess. * Adjusted.

Barometer compared at Norfolk Weather Bureau. Reading 0.20 in excess. Adjusted.

H.D. Marks - Enlisted

H Mesenbing - Enlisted

coal: 39,571 -

S. Mac Lennen - Deserted

Thom Bradley - Deserted

50874e2709d4090755010311: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7951_1.jpg)

50874e2709d4090755010313: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7952_0.jpg)

20 September 1922

alongside nw dock norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

Bannister, W - Enlisted this day, fireman 2 c rated fireman 1c

Canninga, W - Enlisted this day, fireman 2 c rated fireman 1c

Bannister, W - Enlisted this day firemen 2c rated fireman 1c.

Canninega, H. - Enlisted this day firemen 2c rated fireman 1c.

50874e2709d4090755010315: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7952_1.jpg)

7.00 am cast off from main dock. 8.10 am tied up at Naval Supply Base.

6.45 Swigled up lines, tested steering gear etc.

7.00 Mr Bond left ship on official business

7.00 Cast off from N & W dock. Slanting down mid channel to Naval Supply Base.

8.10 Tied up at Naval Supply Base, Pier 2, Berth C.

10.30 Began taking supplies aboard.

12.26 Mr Bond returned.

4.30 Two thirds of crew granted liberty.

Crew engaged in landling supplies, painting foremast, removing ice box on boat deck

Officers working on requistions, invoices & general supervision.

John A. Bond Lieut jg - signed log book page

50874e2709d4090755010317: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7953_0.jpg)

21 September 1922

alongside pier 2 at naval base norfolk va

Lat -43.0, Long 147.8

50874e2709d4090755010319: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7953_1.jpg)

Mr. Bond - Left ship for supplies at Naval Base

50874e2709d409075501031b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7954_0.jpg)

22 September 1922

alongside pier 2 naval operating base hampton roads va

Lat 37.0, Long -76.3

50874e2709d409075501031d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7954_1.jpg)

Officers on correspondence & inventories, computation of log and regulating sheave data, procuring odd items of outfit, swinging ship.

2.45pm Cast off from Pier 2 and proceeded to Hampton Roads to swing ship. Sun much obscured by clouds. Deviations obtained on seven headings. 4.05pm Returned to berth at Pier 2. Filled up all fresh water tanks. Miscellaneous items of outfit received.

7.30pm Cast off from Pier 2 and proceeded to anchorage off Old Pt Comfort. 8.20pm Let go anchor in 9fm 45 fm chain off Old Pt Comfort. Old Pt Comfort Light 55 (~)

7.30 pm Cast off from Pier 2. 8.20 pm Anchor off Old Point Comfort. Old Point Comfort Lr 55 deg, F.R. Lt off Ft Wool 155 deg

Cast off from Pier 2 and proceeded to Rampton Roads to swing ship.

Cast off from Pier 2 and proceeded to anchorage off Old Pt Comfort

50874e2809d409075501031f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7955_0.jpg)

23 September 1922

at anchor off old point comfort hampton roads va

Lat 36.92, Long -74.97

50874e2809d4090755010321: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7955_1.jpg)

4.04am Anchor up - underway at half speed N30E. 4.11am Standard speed.

12.22pm Slow speed shipped heavy sea and slowed to secure some case oil which broke adrift. 1225pm Ahead at 90 revolutions on account of short steep seas breaking on deck at 100 revolutions.

5.53 Cape Henry Lt abm.

50874e2809d4090755010323: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7956_0.jpg)

24 September 1922

at sea enroute norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 36.35, Long -71.30

50874e2809d4090755010325: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7956_1.jpg)

On course 110psc throughout watch Engines at 90 revolutions to avoid shipping seas. Ship rolling heavily at times in beam sea.

Moderate northwesterly breezes. Cross seas. Sky overcast.

10.35am Stopped for Smdg 3A water specimen @ 2.5 & 200 fms

2.25pm Stopped for sounding 4A 2401 fathoms Lt Gy M. 3 water and 1 bottom specimen preserved.

8.25pm Started sounding 5A. 2388 fm Lt br M. 1 bottom & 3 water specimens. 2 temperatures.

12.00 pm set all clocks 14' ahead.

50874e2809d4090755010327: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7957_0.jpg)

25 September 1922

at sea enroute norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 33.68, Long -71.37

50874e2809d4090755010329: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7957_1.jpg)

Sdg 3020 fms. Wire parted at 2950 fms reeling in. No temperatures, water or bottom specimens taken. Lost detaching rod and thermometer.

50874e2809d409075501032b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7958_0.jpg)

26 September 1922

enroute norfolk va to colon panama at sea

Lat 30.47, Long -71.53

50874e2809d409075501032d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7958_1.jpg)

26 September 1922

50874e2809d409075501032f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7959_0.jpg)

27 September 1922

enroute from norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 27.60, Long -71.40

50874e2809d4090755010331: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7959_1.jpg)

9.15am Hauled in log to clear weeds.

Sind'g 15A - Stopped for

50874e2809d4090755010333: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7960_0.jpg)

28 September 1922

enroute norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 25.03, Long -73.05

coal: gals. 2950 -

50874e2809d4090755010335: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7960_1.jpg)

6.15pm Captain took star fix on Venus, Mars, and Altair

50874e2809d4090755010337: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7961_0.jpg)

29 September 1922

enroute from norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 23.12, Long -74.17

coal: gals. 2750 -

50874e2809d4090755010339: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7961_1.jpg)

Engine running slow due to water in oil tank.

7.25 am set clocks back 5 mins

2.10 pm Bird Rk Lt bears 178 deg true. 2.52 pm Bird Rk Lt on port beam. 3.40 pm Bird Rk Lt bears 93 deg true.

4.55 pm Bird I Lt 42.5 deg true. 6.25 pm Hill on Fortune I 54 deg true. 7.40pm Sighted Castle I Lt 153 deg true.

9.05 pm Castle Is Lt bearing 26.5 deg off port bow. 9.50 pm Castle Is Lt abeam.

50874e2809d409075501033b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7962_0.jpg)

30 September 1922

enroute from norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 20.57, Long -73.82

coal: Gals. 2000 -

50874e2809d409075501033d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7962_1.jpg)

6.00 pm Rt. Tan Haiti (Pearl Pt) 138 deg true @ St. Nickolas Noile Lt. 108 deg true


50874e2809d409075501033f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7963_0.jpg)

1 October 1922

enroute from norfolk va to colon panama

Lat , Long

No log books on hand to start new quarter. Requisition on office never filled. R. R. Lukens

No log books on hand to start new quarter. Requisition office never filled.

coal: gals. 2400 -

50874e2809d4090755010341: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7963_1.jpg)

dame marie lt bear 185o true

Lat , Long

4.30 am sighted light on Cape Dame Marie 193 deg true. 5.00 " " 185 deg true. 5.35 am Tang Cape Rose 110 deg true, Tang Cape Irois 117 deg true. 6.17 a. Stopped. L tan Cape Rose 92 deg true, height nearest hill elev 2280 ft, 122 deg true. R tan Cape Irois 160.5 deg true.

8.26am fix, Navassa Lt. 126-50, tan Ft. Saringue 51-30.

50874e2809d4090755010343: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7964_0.jpg)

2 October 1922

enroute norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 20.57, Long -73.82

coal: Gals. 2650 -

50874e2809d4090755010345: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7964_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010347: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7965_0.jpg)

3 October 1922

enroute norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 12.92, Long -76.77

Soundings - 6. Hydrography 173 stat mi. Ships run 164 kn

coal: Gals. 2500 -

50874e2809d4090755010349: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7965_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501034b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7966_0.jpg)

4 October 1922

enroute norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 10.58, Long -78.63

7 Soundings. Hydrography 212 stat. mi. Ship's run 184 kn.

50874e2809d409075501034d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7966_1.jpg)

John A Bond - Lieut jg signs log entry

C F Meyer - Deck Officer signs log entry

A H Wagener - Ensign, signs log entry

O. S. Reading - Lt, signs log entry

K. T. Adams - Executive Officer, signs at foot of log page

7.27 pm Isla Grande light sighted.

KLt. distant 25 mi, just visible at HE = 21 ft

8.47 pm Lt bears 193 deg true. 9.45 pm Lt. bears 183.5 true. 11.23 pm Lt bears 164.5 true.

50874e2809d409075501034f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7967_0.jpg)

5 October 1922

enroute norfolk va to colon panama

Lat 9.83, Long -79.67

Received 2137 cu. ft (10627.5 gal) of fresh water

17 Soundings Statute miles hydrography 120 Ships run 1~4 nautical miles

50874e2809d4090755010351: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7967_1.jpg)

Stanind thru breakfast, Cristobal, Canaz Zone

3.15 Quarantine officer, pilot, & commissary clerk aboard.

3.45pm Tied up alongside Pier 7, Cristobal.

12.17 am Isla Grande Lt bears 154 deg true. 2.30 am Farallon Sucio bears 205 deg true, Isla Grande Lt bears 150 deg true, 3.30 am Isla Grande Lt bears 150 deg true.

4.30 am Farallon Sucio 190 psc, Islo Grand Lt 148 psc. 4.34 am Farallon Sucio 194 psc Islo Grand Lt 152 pc.

8.00 am set clocks ahead 3 min, 75 Mer time. 8.32am Squigo Plage Lt 16 deg 33', Farallon Sucio 17 deg 31', lt bears 177.5 true. 11.16 am Mantilla Pt Pk 29 deg 02', Farr. Sucio I 19 deg 29', Saino Pk 10 deg 38'

3.43 pm Tied up along side pier 7, Cristobal, [Canal Zone].

50874e2809d4090755010353: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7968_0.jpg)

6 October 1922

alongside dock pier 7 cristobal canal zone

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2


50874e2809d4090755010355: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7968_1.jpg)

5.55am Pilot aboard to bring ship thru the canal. 6.04am Cast off lines, underway. 7.08am Entered 1st ~ Gatum Locks; 7.24am Entered 2nd ~ Gatum Locks; 7.38am Entered 3rd ~ Gatum Locks; 7.54am Left 3rd ~ Gatum Locks. 11.40am Made fast to Pedro Miguel dock. 11.51am Entered Pedro Miguel Locks. 12.09pm Left Pedro Miguel Locks. 12.25pm Entered Miraflores Locks. 1.03pm Left Miraflores Locks. 1.25pm Made fast alongside pier #16 @ Balboa.

Crew engaged in splicing lines and cleaning about deck. Officers on watch duties, plotting dead reckoning accounts.

6.04 am Cast off lines underway. 7.08am entered 1st lift Gatun Locks. 7.54am Left 3rd lift Gatun Locks. 11.40am made fast to Perdo Miguel dock.

11.51am Entered Pedro Miguel Locks, 12.09pm Left Pedro Miguel locks. 12.25pm Entered Miraflores Locks, 1.03pm left Miraflores Locks. 1.25 pm made fast alongside pier #16, Balboa.

50874e2809d4090755010357: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7969_0.jpg)

7 October 1922

alongside pier 16 balboa canal zone

Lat 8.9, Long -79.6

Rec'd 48 gage glasses and 1 bag sawdust.

50874e2809d4090755010359: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7969_1.jpg)

11.40am Man from Commissary aboard ship. 12.00 Man from Commissary left ship.

50874e2809d409075501035b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7970_0.jpg)

8 October 1922

alongside pier 16 at balboa canal zone

Lat 8.9, Long -79.6

50874e2809d409075501035d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7970_1.jpg)

6.30am Called all hands. 7.00 Washed Down 8.00 Turned to - made ready for inspection. 10.00 Muster and Inspection. Two Thirds of crew granted liberty. Sunday quietly observed.

Donald W Taylor - Deck Officer signs log entry

50874e2809d409075501035f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7971_0.jpg)

9 October 1922

pier 16 balboa panama canal zone

Lat 8.9, Long -79.9

50874e2809d4090755010361: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7971_1.jpg)

Officers on preliminary plotting of ships voyage from Norfolk or purchase of supplies and routine duties

50874e2809d4090755010363: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7972_0.jpg)

10 October 1922

alongside pier 16 balboa cz

Lat 8.9, Long -79.6

50874e2809d4090755010365: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7972_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010367: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7973_0.jpg)

11 October 1922

alongside pier 16 balboa cz

Lat 8.9, Long -79.6

50874e2809d4090755010369: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7973_1.jpg)

6.30 Called all hands. 7.00 Washed down. 7.30 Breakfast 8.00 Turned to. 10.15 Received Wardroom Mess Supplies. 2pm Started to fill up with tank A 101, A 110 & Gravity Tank. Crew engaged in cleaning ship and usual routine. Officers on reports, charts, supplies etc.

50874e2809d409075501036b: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7974_0.jpg)

12 October 1922

alongside pier 16 balboa cz

Lat 8.9, Long -79.6

Rec'd 5 boxes of piano wire, 3 of which were turned over to the Discoverer.

George Carlson - Shipped as Ordinary Seaman; rated Seaman

50874e2809d409075501036d: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7974_1.jpg)

2.28 Cast off from Coal Dock, Balboa, C.Z. - Standing down midchannel. 2.40 Pilot left ship. 2.44 ~as Buoy #14 abeam. 3.04 ~as Buoy #2 abeam. Water in fore-peak tank reported leaking into forward hold. Turned back and headed for Balboa. 3.15 ~as Buoy 5 abeam. 3.28 ~as Buoy #14 3.50 Maneouvring to go alongside coal dock. 3.57 Made fast to Coal Dock

Fresh water had flooded for-hold bilges and stood six inches above floor boards in forward hold. Nothing was damaged. The water was pumped out and an investigation disclosed the fact that when fresh water was pumped from fore peak tank the valve to the fore hold bilges in the feed water line, though thought to be closed, was still partially open, resulting in the flooding of the bilges and forward hold. This was not discovered until the hold was opened to stow away lines.

50874e2809d409075501036f: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7975_0.jpg)

13 October 1922

at balboa panama cz

Lat 8.9, Long -79.6

Received one strong back from Panama Canal

50874e2809d4090755010371: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7975_1.jpg)

2.58 Cast off from dock. 3.07 Pilot ashore, stopped. 3.08 Standard speed.

Donald W Taylor - Deck Officer signs log entry

Reset log to avoid chipped place in dial.

50874e2809d4090755010373: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7976_0.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010375: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7976_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010377: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7977_0.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010379: ( Pioneer/Book 2 - July-October, 1922/IMG_7977_1.jpg)

LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 14th 1922 TO DECEMBER 31st 1922

50874e2809d409075501037b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7978_0.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501037d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7978_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501037f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7979_0.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010381: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7979_1.jpg)

E Lester Jones - Superintendent

Cover of log book from October 14, 1922 to December 31, 1922

R. R. Lukens - Commanding, from October 14 1922 to December 31 1922

50874e2809d4090755010383: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7980_0.jpg)

List of officers attached to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer Pioneer

50874e2809d4090755010385: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7980_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010387: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7981_0.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010389: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7981_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501038b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7982_0.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501038d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7982_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501038f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7983_0.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010391: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7983_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010393: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7984_0.jpg)

14 October 1922

at sea balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 6.72, Long -79.53

50874e2809d4090755010395: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7984_1.jpg)

14 October 1922

50874e2809d4090755010397: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7985_0.jpg)

15 October 1922

at sea balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 6.52, Long -82.83

Ships run 154 km Hydrography 177 stat mi Soundings 10

50874e2809d4090755010399: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7985_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501039b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7986_0.jpg)

16 October 1922

at sea balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 6.92, Long -84.57

Ships run 178 Naut mi Hydrography 202 Stat mi 5 Soundings

50874e2809d409075501039d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7986_1.jpg)

6.43am Sounding finished - laying to while eng. force renews cover of piston valve of main engine. 6.48am Ahead standard speed

John A Bond Lieut jg - Signed log entry

Donald W. Taylor, Deck Off - Signed log entry

A. H. Wagener, Ensign - Signed log entry

8.00-12.00 PM 11.00 Broke deep sea thermometer in hauling in detaching rod.

K.T. Adams Executive Officer - Signed log page

50874e2809d409075501039f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7987_0.jpg)

17 October 1922

at sea balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 8.62, Long -86.70

Ships run 191 naut. mi. Hydrography 220 stat mi 6 soundings

50874e2809d40907550103a1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7987_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103a3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7988_0.jpg)

18 October 1922

at sea balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 10.28, Long -88.88

Ships run 190 naut mi Hydrography 219 stat mi 7 soundings

50874e2809d40907550103a5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7988_1.jpg)

John A Bond Lieut jg - Signed log entry

Donald W. Taylor, Deck Officer - Signed log entry

A. H. Wagener, Ensign - Signed log entry

K.T. Adams Executive Officer - Signed log page

50874e2809d40907550103a7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7989_0.jpg)

19 October 1922

at sea balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 11.82, Long -92.07

Ships run 207 naut mi Hydrography 238 stat mi 3 soundings

Enroute, Balboa, CZ to San Diego, Cal

Ships men, 207 muster

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours Gals. 3600

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 54,800

50874e2809d40907550103a9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7989_1.jpg)

9.15am Sighted vessel ahead and passed same at 9.40am.

4.00 to 8.00 AM 6:56/6:45 Set clocks to Long. 92 W, back 11 minutes.

8.00-12.00 AM 9.15 Sighted vessel ahead and passed same at 9.40

4.00 to 8.00 PM Continued on course 275 p.s.c. 5.07 Two thirds speed 5.11 Standard speed at 100 rev.p.m. to avoid shipping sea. 8.00 Changed course to 280 p.s.c. Log 90.0 Overcast with heavy westerly rain squalls, short steep sea. Wind shifted from SW to WNW during watch.

O S Reading - Signed log entry

50874e2809d40907550103ab: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7990_0.jpg)

20 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 12.62, Long -95.48

Run 204 N Mi Hyd 235 S Mi 1 Sndg

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours Gals. 2600

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 20365

50874e2809d40907550103ad: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7990_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103af: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7991_0.jpg)

21 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 14.22, Long -98.90

Run 220 N. mi Hyd 253 St. mi 3 sndgs

50874e2809d40907550103b1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7991_1.jpg)

Donald W. Taylor - Deck Officer

50874e2809d40907550103b3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7992_0.jpg)

22 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 15.82, Long -102.37

Run 220 Hyd 253 1 Sndg 2 Water specimens

50874e2809d40907550103b5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7992_1.jpg)

6:56 6:42 Set clocks to longitude 102 deg 21', back 14 minutes.

50874e2809d40907550103b7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7993_0.jpg)

23 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 17.38, Long -105.87

Run 223 N mi; 256 St. mi.; 5 Sndgs

50874e2809d40907550103b9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7993_1.jpg)

4.01pm Fire drill held 4.06pm Abandon ship drill 4.10pm Secure from drill

50874e2809d40907550103bb: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7994_0.jpg)

24 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 19.57, Long -109.23

Run 231 kn; Hyd 263 St. mi.; 4 sndgs

50874e2809d40907550103bd: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7994_1.jpg)

Donald W. Taylor - Deck Officer

50874e2809d40907550103bf: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7995_0.jpg)

25 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 21.97, Long -112.55

Run 253 Naut mi; Hyd 270 st. mi.; 4 sndgs

50874e2809d40907550103c1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7995_1.jpg)

Mid to 4.00 am. 1.28am stopped for sounding, 2.01am standard speed ahead. Sky partly cloudy, light WNWly airs

4.00am to 8.00am. 7.38am stopped for sounding. Light WNWly airs. Clear and cloudy. 7.30/.17am. Set clocks back 13m.

8.00 to 12.00. 8.14 standard speed. Light WNWly airs, clear.

12.00 to 4.00pm. 1.52 pm stopped for sounding. 2.28 standard speed. No breeze. Slightly cloudy.

4.00pm to 8.00pm. 7.51pm stopped for sounding. Weather clear and calm.

8.00 to 12.00pm. 8.29pm standard speed. Calm and clear and cloudy.

50874e2809d40907550103c3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7996_0.jpg)

26 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 24.83, Long -115.07

Ships run 225 N mi; 259 Hyrdrography; 5 Sndgs

Enroute Balboa, C.Z. to San Diego, Cal.

50874e2809d40907550103c5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7996_1.jpg)

alyin rocks sighted bearing 285o true

Lat , Long

2.18 Sighted Alijos Rocks bearing 285 true, Log 01.5

50874e2809d40907550103c7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7997_0.jpg)

27 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 27.60, Long -116.82

Ships run 224 Naut Mi; Hydrography 250 Stat mi; 5 Soundings

Enroute Balboa, C.Z. to San Diego, Cal.

50874e2809d40907550103c9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7997_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103cb: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7998_0.jpg)

28 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 30.65, Long -117.77

Ships run 193 Naut mi; Hydrography 222 stat mi; 6 soundings

50874e2809d40907550103cd: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7998_1.jpg)

Fresh NWxW'ly wind. Short steep sea. Sounding discontinued. Wind and sea too rough.

Mid to 4.00 am. 12.17 standard speed. 2.21 stopped for sounding. 2.55 ahead at standard speed. Partly cloudy, moderate NWly winds

4.00 to 8.00 am. 7.25 / 21.5 set clock back 3.5 minutes. 7.46 stopped for sounding. Stiff NWly breezes.

8.00 to 12.00 am. 11.01 stopped. 11.50 standard speed. Stiff WNWly breezes, clear and cloudy.

12.00 to 4.00 pm. Partly cloudy. From stiff breezes to moderate gale NW x W.

4.00 to 8.00 pm. Fresh NW x Wly wind.

8.00 to 12.00 pm. Stiff NW x Wly breezes changing to moderate breezes, wind and sea moderating toward end of watch, clear and cloudy.

50874e2809d40907550103cf: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7999_0.jpg)

29 October 1922

enroute balboa cz to san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

J B Hunt - Temp Surgeon detached

Ships run 132 Naut mi; 152 Stat mi; no hydrography or sndgs

50874e2809d40907550103d1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_7999_1.jpg)

los coronados sighted about 3 points on stbd bow 1240am

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mail received from Str Discoverer

50874e2809d40907550103d3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8000_0.jpg)

30 October 1922

san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Received 11,000 gal of fresh water water today & yesterday from Municipal Wharf

Recieved 11,000 gal of fresh water today and yesterday from muncipal wharf.

50874e2809d40907550103d5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8000_1.jpg)

630 called all hands. 7:00 washed down. 7:30Breakfest. 8:00. 8:15 mail orderly ashore. 9:00 mail orderly aoard. 1:00 crew granted twenty. Officers engaged in coupiling lila of deep sea soundsweep crew - John a boud j.g. K.T. Adams executive officer

50874e2809d40907550103d7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8001_0.jpg)

31 October 1922

san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Frank G Young - Off Stew. discharged this day: paid in full

Frank Parchen - Bosn, discharged this day, paid in full

W Bannister - F 1cl, discharged this day, paid in full

Ships run 94 naut mi; 108 stat mi

Frank G. Young, Frank Parohen, W. Bannister - Discharged, paid in full

50874e2809d40907550103d9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8001_1.jpg)

6.54am Cast off from Municipal Pier San Diego and proceeded down bay, mid channel courses. 7.26 Stopped engines. Trouble with throttle. 7.30 Let go anchor in mid channel 6 fms water. 7.41 Heved in anchor. 7.45 Anchor away 1/3 ahead. Mid channel courses. Weather clear and calm.

2pm Santiago Peak abeam Log 66.8

4.27pm Finished with engines, alongside dock of San Pedro Lumber Co. 4.32 Cast off 1/3 ahead. 4.45 Finished with engines alongside Kirchoff Lumber Co's dock.


50874e2809d40907550103db: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8002_0.jpg)

1 November 1922

alongside kirchoff lumber dock san pedro cal

Lat 33.7, Long -118.3

Ivanhoff - rated Bos'n

Berglund - rated QM 1st class

Sorenson - rated QM

Harris - enlisted fireman

50874e2809d40907550103dd: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8002_1.jpg)

11.00am Mr Hitchcock of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co aboard for consultation.

50874e2809d40907550103df: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8003_0.jpg)

2 October 1922

alongside kirchoff lumber dock san pedro cal

Lat 33.7, Long -118.3

Total stat mi. run 27.0; Naut 23.4

50874e2809d40907550103e1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8003_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103e3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8004_0.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103e5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8004_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103e7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8005_0.jpg)

3 November 1922

san pedro california

Lat 33.7, Long -118.3

Statistics for B Day; Boat used - Ship; No of miles (statute) 20.0; No. of soundings - 19; No of positions - 19; No of angles - 38

Total stat mi. run 42.0; naut 36.5

50874e2809d40907550103e9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8005_1.jpg)

9.07am Cast off from Kirchoff Lumber Wharf and proceeded out San Pedro Harbor to working grounds in San Pedro channel. 9.58am Commenced hydrography. Sounding along cable line towards Santa Catilina. 3.06pm Completed hydrography. Proceeded to San Pedro. 4.45pm Kirchoff Lumber Co Wharf occupied returned to Naval berth just below Municipal Wharf San Pedro. Made fast at 5.15pm.

Mr Hitchcock of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co furnished with tracing of boat sheet and photostat copy of inshore soundings on SE shore of Catalina Is

50874e2809d40907550103eb: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8006_0.jpg)

4 November 1922

alongside terminal dock san pedro calif

Lat 33.7, Long -118.3

Ships run 108 stat mi. 93.8 Naut "

50874e2809d40907550103ed: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8006_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103ef: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8007_0.jpg)

5 November 1922

alongside municipal pier san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d40907550103f1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8007_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103f3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8008_0.jpg)

6 November 1922

alongside municipal pier san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d40907550103f5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8008_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103f7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8009_0.jpg)

7 November 1922

alongside municipal pier san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Recd 650 gaskets for tube hand hole plates on boilers

Roy Gibson - Enlisted, sea ord

50874e2809d40907550103f9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8009_1.jpg)

Mid to mid: 6.30am Called all hands 7.00am Washed down 8.00am Turned to Crew employed in washing and painting starboard side of ship. Officers employed on accounts, estimates, and computation & plotting of Norfolk San Diego voyage data. Weather fair with light airs. O S Reading Lieut

50874e2809d40907550103fb: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8010_0.jpg)

8 November 1922

alongside municipal pier san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Botts, Ernest J - Shipped and enlisted, rated Matt 1c

Cecelio, Alberto - Shipped and enlisted, rated Matt 1c

Racimo, Jas A - Shipped and enlisted, rated Sea ab

50874e2809d40907550103fd: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8010_1.jpg)

50874e2809d40907550103ff: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8011_0.jpg)

9 November 1922

alongside municipal pier san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Bosey, Bert - Shipped and rated Sea A.B.

Killion, Rosa~ - Shipped and rated Sea A.B.

50874e2809d4090755010401: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8011_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010403: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8012_0.jpg)

10 November 1922

alongside municipal pier san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Joseph Collins - Shipped, rated Seaman

J A McDonald - Shipped, rated Fireman

Ship run 1.1 Naut. Mi.

50874e2809d4090755010405: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8012_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010407: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8013_0.jpg)

11 November 1922

at anchor berth 20 san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

other: 30 gal - of gasoline from Union Oil Co's tank boat.

Ran 0.9 Naut. Mi. by ship

50874e2809d4090755010409: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8013_1.jpg)

Armistice day - holiday observed. Pioneer ran liberty boat for Pioneer and Discoverer at regular periods thruout day.

50874e2809d409075501040b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8014_0.jpg)

12 November 1922

at anchor berth 9 san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d409075501040d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8014_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501040f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8015_0.jpg)

13 November 1922

at anchor berth 9 san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Coulter, J. C. - Shipped and rated, Ord Seaman

Ward, Wm E - Shipped and rated, Ord Seaman

Platt, Chris - Shipped and rated, Ord Seaman

50874e2809d4090755010411: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8015_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010413: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8016_0.jpg)

14 November 1922

at anchor berth 9 san diego harbor

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Wagener & 3 men engaged in signal building at (Mt) Soledad

Sam Davison - Seaman, discharged this day at own request

50874e2809d4090755010415: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8016_1.jpg)

8.00am Mr Wagener and three men ashore to build signal at La Jolla

50874e2809d4090755010417: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8017_0.jpg)

15 November 1922

at anchor berth 9 san diego harbor calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Wagener & three men engaged in signal building at Mt Soledan (1 day

Received 5 barrels of lubricating oil from the Standard Oil Co. (one barrel was lost overboard in loading in motorsailer) #100576 lost

oil: 8742 barrels - received fuel oil from the Union Oil Co.

Cecelio, Alberto - Discharged this day

Wm E Wood - Seaman, declared a deserter

Total stat. mi run 30; Total Naut mi run 26.2

50874e2809d4090755010419: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8017_1.jpg)

7.00am Turned to. Mr Wagener and three men left to build signal at La Jolla (Sta Soledad)

50874e2809d409075501041b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8018_0.jpg)

16 November 1922

at anchor off la jolla calif

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for A Day. Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 40.0; No of soundings - 58; No of positions - 58; No of angles - 125

Total distance run 43 St. Mi.; 37.4 Naut. Mi.

Mr Bond and Mr Meyer engaged in triangulation 1 day occupied Mt Soledad. Mr Wagener and 4 men engaged in signal building 1 day at Mt Soledad.

Mai, Joe - enlisted as M. Att 2cl

50874e2809d409075501041d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8018_1.jpg)

7.15am Crew turned to and got parties ready to leave. 7.40am Mr Bond and Mr Meyer (for triangulation) and Mr Wagener and four men (signal building) left ship in whaleboat with crew to row boat inshore and back. 8.00am Whaleboat returned and was hoisted to the rail. 8.00am Weighed anchor and proceeded to the working grounds. 8.15am Began sounding.

4.20pm Finished sounding and headed for anchorage. 4.50pm Came to anchor in 15 fms of water, 45 fathoms of chain out on port anchor. 4.45pm Lowered whaleboat, which went in to pick up shore party. 5.15pm Mr Bond, Mr Wagener and Mr Meyer and party returned in whaleboat. 5.30pm Whaleboat was hoisted and secured in the chocks. Crew operating sounding machine and painting house. K. T. Adams, Lieut.

50874e2809d409075501041f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8019_0.jpg)

17 November 1922

at anchor off la jolla calif

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for B Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 21.0; No of soundings - 93; No of positions - 92; No of angles - 184

Total stat mi. run 24; naut mi. 20.8

50874e2809d4090755010421: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8019_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010423: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8020_0.jpg)

18 November 1922

at anchor off la jolla calif

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

No of stat mi run by ship 25.0; Naut mi. 21.8

50874e2809d4090755010425: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8020_1.jpg)

6.30am Called all hands. 7.00am Breakfast 7.30am Turned to. Did not get underway on account of fog. 11.00am Weighed anchor and proceeded to San Diego on various courses weather having cleared slightly but unable to do hydrography. 1.35pm Made fast, port side to, to Sprecklis coal dock.

50874e2809d4090755010427: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8021_0.jpg)

19 November 1922

alongside sprecklis coal wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d4090755010429: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8021_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501042b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8022_0.jpg)

20 November 1922

alongside spreckles wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Howel, Peter - enlisted this day, rated Sea ab

Eastman, C. J - enlisted this day, rated Sea ab

Marks, H. D. - Oiler, discharged at own request and paid in full

Mr Taylor, Mr Reading and one man triangulation at Ocean Beach.

50874e2809d409075501042d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8022_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501042f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8023_0.jpg)

21 November 1922

alongside spreckles wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

W J Owen - Enlisted this day as Fire 2cl

H Canninga - rated to oiler

Statistics for C Day: Boat used - Ship; No of miles (statute) - 17; No of soundings - 74; No of positions - 74; No of angles - 152

Total numbers stat. mi. run 36.5

50874e2809d4090755010431: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8023_1.jpg)

Fenner, H.B. - Ch Asst Eng - left ashore to receive medical attention

Chirst, Napoleon - Fire, left ashore to receive medical attention

50874e2809d4090755010433: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8024_0.jpg)

22 November 1922

anchored off la jolla california

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for A Day: Boat used - Ship; No of miles (statute) - 259; No of soundings - 80; No of positions - 80; No of angles - 36

Statistics for D Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) 14.3; No of soundings - 38; No of positions - 38; No of angles - 77

279.3 St Mi. run by ship

50874e2809d4090755010435: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8024_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010437: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8025_0.jpg)

23 November 1922

at sea of sw california coast

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

For statistics see Nov 22

50874e2809d4090755010439: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8025_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501043b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8026_0.jpg)

24 November 1922

at sea off sw california coast

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for E Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 21.8; No of soundings - 49; No of positions - 49; No of angles - 98

50874e2809d409075501043d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8026_1.jpg)

4.17pm Finished sounding for the day. 4.33pm Came to anchor off La Jolla in 11/2 fath water 45 fath chain on port anchor

50874e2809d409075501043f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8027_0.jpg)

25 November 1922

at sea off scnipps institute la jolla cal

Lat 55.0, Long -1.5

Statistics for F Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles - (statute) 4.2; No of soundings - 18; No of positions - 18; No of angles - 37

50874e2809d4090755010441: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8027_1.jpg)

1.05pm Came to an anchor in San Diego harbor.

50874e2809d4090755010443: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8028_0.jpg)

26 November 1922

anchor san diego harbor and alongside municipal pier san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d4090755010445: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8028_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010447: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8029_0.jpg)

27 November 1922

alongside municipal pier san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Bond & 2 sea. observing at ~ Soledad; Mr Wagener & 2 sea signal building ~ Point; Mr Adams reconnaissance.

Statistics for G Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) 18.6; No of soundings 97; No of positions - 97; No of angles 19.4

Ships run to and from work 25 naut. mi.

50874e2809d4090755010449: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8029_1.jpg)

7.05am Mr Bond & 2 seamen left ship for theodolite directions to hydrographic signal from ~ Soledad & ~ Point. Mr Wagener & 2 seamen left ship to build signal on Pt La Jolla

4.15pm Finished sounding ran to anchorage off Scripp's Institute pier.

50874e2809d409075501044b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8030_0.jpg)

28 November 1922

anchored off scripps institute pier la jolla cove cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for H Day: Boat used - Ship; No of miles (statute) - 27; No of soundings - 124; No of positions - 124; No of angles - 248

Total run of ship 43.3 naut. mi.

Mr Wagener & 2 men signal building triangulation point Ba~. Mr Adams reconnaissance

50874e2809d409075501044d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8030_1.jpg)

5.10pm Made fast to Santa Fe wharf San Diego

50874e2809d409075501044f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8031_0.jpg)

29 November 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Meyer and 2 men triangulation ~

50874e2809d4090755010451: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8031_1.jpg)

8.30am Mr Meyer & 2 men left ship to occupy caseno tower at Ocean Beach to locate same by 3 point computation. Party returned to ship at 3.55pm. Plane table party cancelled on account of rainy weather.

50874e2809d4090755010453: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8032_0.jpg)

30 November 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d4090755010455: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8032_1.jpg)

Mr J A Bond - left to go on annual leave


50874e2809d4090755010457: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8033_0.jpg)

1 December 1922

alongside santa fe dock san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Reading, Mr Taylor and 3 men topography near La Jolla

Received 10,000 gallons fresh water from Santa Fe wharf.

Statistics for J Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 3.6; No of soundings - 10; No of positions - 10; No of angles - 20

Ship's run 32.8 stat. mi

50874e2809d4090755010459: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8033_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501045b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8034_0.jpg)

2 December 1922

at sea off la jolla cal

Lat , Long

Statistics for K Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) 14.1; No of soundings - 77; No of positions - 77; No of angles - 156

Total st. mi ship's run 39.4

Mr Reading & 3 men topography 1/2 day

50874e2809d409075501045d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8034_1.jpg)

Coulter, J. C. - Sea, declared deserter

50874e2809d409075501045f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8035_0.jpg)

3 December 1922

alongside santa fe wharf wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d4090755010461: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8035_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010463: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8036_0.jpg)

4 December 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Fox, S.E. - Enlisted this date as Sea.

Received 4,050 gallons fresh water from Santa Fe wharf

Total motorsailer's run 7.47 st. mi

Messrs Reading, Taylor, Meyer and five men ~ hydrography 1/2 day.

50874e2809d4090755010465: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8036_1.jpg)

1.25pm Messrs Reading, Taylor, Meyer and five men left in motorsailer for practice hydrography. 4.30m Motorsailer and party returned.

50874e2809d4090755010467: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8037_0.jpg)

5 December 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Adams locating houses for hydrographic signals between Ocean Beach and La Jolla

Statistics for L Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 30.0; No of soundings 61; No of positions - 61; No of angles - 122

No of nautical miles run by ship = 55

Eugene A Thompson - Shipped this day, Seaman Ord, rated to Seaman A.B.

Statistics for a day; Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 5.08; No of soundings - 240; No of positions - 62; No of angles - 124

Total day's run launch 19.73 st mi

Mr Reading, Mr Taylor, Mr Meyer and five men launch hyrdrography

50874e2809d4090755010469: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8037_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501046b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8038_0.jpg)

6 December 1922

alongside coal dock near quarantine sta san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Wagener and one man triangulation at triangulation point old

Statistics for M Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 19.7; No of soundings - 97; No of positions - 97; No of angles - 194

Total ship's run 48.0 st. mi.

Statistics for B Day; Boat used - launch; No of miles (statute) 14.13; No of soundings - 744; No of positions - 144; No of angles - 288

Total run (motorsailer) 22.55 st. mi.

Mr Reading, Meyer, Taylor and five men engaged in launch hydrography

50874e2809d409075501046d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8038_1.jpg)

3.21pm Stopt sounding and proceed by various courses to San Diego Harbor. 4.50pm Came to anchor just north of Ballast Pt. 4.5fm water 15 fm chain port anchor 5.10pm Launch party came alongside. 6.30pm Launch and crew left ship to look for Mr Wagener. 7.30pm Mr Wagener and one man returned in motorsailer

50874e2809d409075501046f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8039_0.jpg)

7 December 1922

at anchor just north of ballast pt san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for P Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 26.8; No of soundings - 113; No of positions - 113; No of angles - 225

Total st. mi run by ship 56.9

Messrs Reading, Meyer & Taylor and 5 men launch hydrography

Statistics for C Day: Boat used - launch; No of miles (statute) - 15.68; No of soundings - 863; No of positions - 172; No of angles - 344

Total launch run 24/57 st. mi.

Meyers - launch hydrography

Taylor - launch hydrography

Reading - launch hydrography

50874e2809d4090755010471: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8039_1.jpg)

R. R. Lukens - Commanding Officer left the ship to go on annual leave

7.10 am Messrs Reading, Taylor & Meyer and five men left in motorsailer for launch hydrography in the bay.

8.37 am Began sounding off Ocean Bench

7.10 am Weighed anchor and proceeded out of bay on various courses for working ground.

3.45 pm Discontinued sounding and ran in to the bay on various courses.

5.07 pm Made fast port side anchor along Navy Coal dock

5.10 Mr Reading's party came aboard.

5.30 pm R.R. Lukens, Commanding Officer left the ship to go on annual leave.

K. T. Adams, Lieut - Sign log page

50874e2809d4090755010473: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8040_0.jpg)

8 December 1922

alongside navy coal dock san diego bay calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for Q Day; Boat used - Ship; No of miles (statute) - 29.4; No of soundings - 56; No of positions - 56; No of angles - 112

Total stat. mi. run by ship 56.2

Messrs Reading, Meyer & Taylor and 5 men launch hydrography

Statistics for d day: Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles(statute) - 14.47; No of soundings - 690; No of positions - 173; No of angles - 346

Total stat. mi. run by motorsailer 24.39

50874e2809d4090755010475: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8040_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010477: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8041_0.jpg)

9 December 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

E Stout - W Opr 1 cl sent to U.S. Marine Hospital

R Killian - Sea, discharged this date & paid in full

other: 50 gals - Kerosene

other: Gasoline - 89 Gals

Motorsailer run 3.9 st. mi.

50874e2809d4090755010479: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8041_1.jpg)

50874e2809d409075501047b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8042_0.jpg)

10 December 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2809d409075501047d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8042_1.jpg)

SW storm warnings hoisted

50874e2809d409075501047f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8043_0.jpg)

11 December 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Messrs Reading, Meyer & Taylor and 5 men hydrography

Statistics for C Day; Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 12.13; No of soundings 590; No of positions - 137; No of angles - 274

Total launch run 18.70 st. mi.

Napoleon, Chirst - Fireman went to the Marine Hospital this date at 4.00pm

Juhles, J. C. - Seaman, shipped and rated this day

Received 14,805 gallons fresh water from Santa Fe wharf.

Total miles (stat) run by ship 3.7

50874e2809d4090755010481: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8043_1.jpg)

50874e2809d4090755010483: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8044_0.jpg)

12 December 1922

alongside quarantine dock san diego bay calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Messrs Reading, Meyer, Taylor and five men launch hydrography

Statistics for f Day: Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) 4.37; No of soundings - 152; No of positions - 44; No of angles - 93

Total launch run 11.9 st mi.

50874e2909d4090755010485: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8044_1.jpg)

Weather cloudy in morning with mist and straggling rain showers becoming more frequent and preventing field work in afternoon

50874e2909d4090755010487: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8045_0.jpg)

13 December 1922

san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Motorsailer run 3.8 st. mi

50874e2909d4090755010489: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8045_1.jpg)

10.00am Whaleboat left ship for land with 4 seamen. 11.00am Due to tide going out whaleboat was left high & dry. 11.40am Mr Reading, 3 seamen went in motorsailer to get the 4 seamen aboard. 12.10pm Motorsailer returned with whaleboat crew. 3.55pm Mr Reading, 5 seamen left to get the whaleboat. 4.15pm Motorsailer returned with whaleboat.

50874e2909d409075501048b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8046_0.jpg)

14 December 1922

alongside us quarantine dock san diego bay calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Messrs Reading, Meyer and 3 men triangulation 1/2 day at triangulation point North.

Mr Taylor and 2 men one day leveling and installing tide staff at Santa Fe wharf

Total stat. mi. run by ship 6.0

Motorsailer run 14.8 st. mi

50874e2909d409075501048d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8046_1.jpg)

7.12am Cast off lines from dock. Standard speed to standard oil dock. Motorsailer and whaleboat left to get tools left on beach yesterday. 8.05am Made fast at Standard Oil Deck. 9.45am Motorsailer and whaleboat returned.

50874e2909d409075501048f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8047_0.jpg)

15 December 1922

alongside standard oil dock san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for R Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 19.6; No of soundings - 101; No of positions - 101; No of angles - 202

Total stat. mi. run by ship 48.3

Messrs Reading, Meyer & Taylor & 5 men launch hydrography

Statistics for g day: Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 9.20; No osf soundings - 486; No of positions - 126; No of angles - 252

Total stat. mi. run by motorsailer 21.08

One man observing tides

50874e2909d4090755010491: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8047_1.jpg)

50874e2909d4090755010493: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8048_0.jpg)

16 December 1922

alongside quarantine station dock san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Messrs Reading, Meyer and Taylor and 5 men on launch hydrography

Statistics for h day; Boat used - Motorsailer; No of miles (statute) 7.08; No of soundings - 440; No of positions - 84; No of angles - 168

Total stat mi. run by launch 13.16

One man observing tides

Total stat. mi. run by ship 4.0

50874e2909d4090755010495: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8048_1.jpg)

50874e2909d4090755010497: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8049_0.jpg)

17 December 1922

santa fe wharf san diego california

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Received from the Ma Coffere 1500 ft steel hoisting cable

Received 15,275 gallons fresh water from Santa Fe wharf.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 600 Gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 72577 Gals.

50874e2909d4090755010499: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8049_1.jpg)

50874e2909d409075501049b: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8050_0.jpg)

18 December 1922

alongside santa fe east wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for S Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 12.9; No of soundings - 52; No of positions - 52; No of angles - 104

Total stat. mi. run by ship 41.2

Mr Reading and 2 men occupied triangulation point Balboa Spire

Mr Meyer and 2 men triangulation

Totat st. mi. run by launch 7.9

Mr. Reading and 2 men - occupied a Balboa Spire

Mr. Mayer and 2 men - triangulation

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1050 Gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 71527 Gals.

50874e2909d409075501049d: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8050_1.jpg)

7.50am Cast off from dock and proceeded out of harbor. Ran into thick fog north of U.S. Quarantine Sta. lay to waiting for it to lift then proceeded out of harbor.

Mr. Reading and 2 men - triangulation

Mr. Meyer and 2 men - triangulation

750 am, Cast off from dock and proceeded out of harbor

950, Came to anchor east of bell buoy to away clearing of fog.

Mr. Meyer and 2 men - returned

Mr. Reading and 2 men - returned

50874e2909d409075501049f: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8051_0.jpg)

19 December 1922

alongside us quarantine dock san diego bay calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for T Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 20.0; No of soundings - 71; No of positions - 71; No of angles - 142

Total stat mi run by ship 42.0

Messrs Reading, Meyer and four men topography

Mr. Reading, Meyer and four men - topography

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1850 Gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 69677 Gals.

50874e2909d40907550104a1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8051_1.jpg)

la jolla

Lat , Long

Crew installed hand sounding machine in launch

750 am, Cast off from dock and proceeded out of harbor

Mr. Reading, Meyer and four men - returning in whaleboat

50874e2909d40907550104a3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8052_0.jpg)

20 December 1922

la jolla california

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for U Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 37.5; No of soundings - 42; No of positions - 42; No of angles - 84

Total stat mi run by ship 43.8

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1825 Gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 67852 Gals.

50874e2909d40907550104a5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8052_1.jpg)

Owing to heavy swell coming in, cancelled orders for shore parties.

Two officers engaged in making topographic chart and computations. Crew engaged holystoning deck and washing paint work cleaning motor sailer and scraping accommodation ladder. Carpenter making sounding leads

450 pm, Came to anchor north of Scripp's Institute, in 9 5/6 fm water 30 fm chain on port anchor

50874e2909d40907550104a7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8053_0.jpg)

21 December 1922

at anchor two miles north of scripps institute california

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

Statistics for V Day: Boat used - Ship; Miles run (statutes) - 21.6; No of soundings - 116; No of positions - 116; No of angles - 232

No. stat. mi. total run by ship 33.1

Messrs Reading, Meyer and four men topography south of La Jolla

Mr Wagener and two men signal building rebuilt triangulation point Railroad and triangulation point Shell Mound.

Mr Taylor making topographic sheet 1/2 day.

Missers Reading, Meyer and four men - topography south of La Jolla

Mr Wagener and two mean - signal building. rebuild a Railroad and a Shell Mound

Mr. Taylor - making topographic shut 1/2 day

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1700 Gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 66152 Gals.

50874e2909d40907550104a9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8053_1.jpg)

Missrs Reading, Wagener, Meyer and parties - returned to the ship.

50874e2909d40907550104ab: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8054_0.jpg)

22 December 1922

la jolla california

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Mr Reading and 4 men topography near La Jolla

Statistics for W day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) 20.3; No of soundings; 115; No of positions - 115; No of angles - 230

Total miles run by ship 42.4 st. mi.

Mr. Reading and 4 men - topography near La Jolla

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1575 Gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 64577 Gals.

50874e2909d40907550104ad: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8054_1.jpg)

6.00am Called all hands. 7.10am Lowered whaleboat. Mr Reading and topographic party (4 men) left. 7.27am Weighed anchor. 7.30am Whaleboat returned and was hoisted. 7.38am Standard speed for the working ground. 8.05am Began sounding. 3.58pm Stopt sounding for the day and headed for San Diego. 5.20pm Mr Reading with topographic party returned aboard. 5.27pm Ship secured alongside U.S. Quarantine Dock. K. T. Adams, Lieut.

Mr. Reading and 4 men - returned aboard

Ship secured alongside US Quarantine Dock

50874e2909d40907550104af: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8055_0.jpg)

23 December 1922

point loma california

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Erwin Stout - W. Opr 1 cl. returned from U.S. Public Health Hospital at 10.00am

Total stat. mi. run by ship 3.7

Received supplies from: WP Fuller and Co, CJ Hendry Co., THe McCafferty Co.

Erwin Stout - returned from US Public Health Hospital at 10 AM

Received 16234 gals of fresh water from Santa Fe wharf.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1200 gals

Fuel remaining on board, 63377 gals

50874e2909d40907550104b1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8055_1.jpg)

Ship underway for Santa Fe wharf

Mail orderly, Mr Wagener - went ashore

Mr. Meyers - ashore

Mr Adams - left ship to visit the Discoverer

Mr Meyers, Mr Wagener, Mr Adams - aboard

50874e2909d40907550104b3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8056_0.jpg)

24 December 1922

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 700 gals

Fuel remaining on board, 62677 gals.

50874e2909d40907550104b5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8056_1.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104b7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8057_0.jpg)

25 December 1922

san diego california

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 650 gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 62027 gals

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 650 gals.

Fuel remaining on board, 62027 gals

50874e2909d40907550104b9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8057_1.jpg)

700am Called all hands. 8.00am Washed down. 9.30am 2/3 of crew granted liberty. Holiday observed. Donald W Taylor, Deck Officer.

50874e2909d40907550104bb: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8058_0.jpg)

26 December 1922

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Taylor and 2 men triangulation. Mr Meyer and 2 man triangulation.

Mr. Taylor and 2 men - triangulation

Mr. Meyer and 2 men - triangulation

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 600 gals

Fuel remaining on board, 61427 gals

50874e2909d40907550104bd: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8058_1.jpg)

8.15am Mr Meyer left ship with 2 men to occupy flagpole at Pt Loma Golf clubhouse for location of hydrographic signals by triangulation. 8.15am Mr Taylor and 2 men left ship to occupy San Diego Exposition Highest Tower

2.45pm Mr Meyer and party returned to ship. 4.45pm Mr Taylor & party returned.

Mr. Meyer - left ship with 2 men to occupy flagpole at Pt Loma golf clubhouse for location of hydrographic signals by triangulation

Mr. Taylor and 2 men - left ship to occupy San Diego exposition highest tower

Mr. Meyer, Mr Taylor and party - returned to ship

Weather clear with light variable airs.'

50874e2909d40907550104bf: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8059_0.jpg)

27 December 1922

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Messrs Reading, Taylor and 5 men launch hydrography

Statistics for j day: Boat used - motorsailer; no of miles (statute) - 13.33; No of soundings - 657; No of positions 134; No of angles - 268

Total stat. mi. run by launch 24.72

50874e2909d40907550104c1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8059_1.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104c3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8060_0.jpg)

28 December 1922

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

R. R. Lukens - reported aboard from annual leave

Statistics for X Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 12.3; No of soundings - 33; No of positions - 33; No of angles - 67

Total miles run by ship 32.3

Messrs Reading, Meyer and Taylor and 5 men launch hydrography. 1 man observing tide state.

Statistics for K Day; Boat used - launch; No of miles (statute) 3.32; No of soundings - 171; No of positions - 33; No of angles - 66

Total days run for launch 8.56 st. mi.

50874e2909d40907550104c5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8060_1.jpg)

Captain Seran - arrived on board

10.10am Capt Parker and Capt Lukens left in motorsailer for conference on U.S.S. Cary and Hull regarding new sonic sounding device. 12.00 Motorsailer returned with Captains Parker and Lukens.

1.00pm Cast off lines from dock. Mid channel courses out of San Diego Bay. 2.45pm First sounding. Testing new tubes by comparison with up and down soundings off Point Loma and La Jolla. 4.50pm Last sounding. Proceeded to anchorage off La Jolla.

50874e2909d40907550104c7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8061_0.jpg)

29 December 1922

at anchor off la jolla calif

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for Y Day Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) 18.3; No of soundings - 37; No of positions - 37; No of angles - 74

Totat stat. mi run by the ship 58.1

Peter Howell - Discharged and paid in full this date

Motorsailer run 1.80 stat. mi.

50874e2909d40907550104c9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8061_1.jpg)

Towed new sounding tubes astern to see if they gain or lose water.

2.56pm Stopt sounding and headed for San Diego. 4.47pm Came alongside and made fast to west Santa Fe dock. 5.15pm Captain Parker and Captain Lukens left ship.

50874e2909d40907550104cb: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8062_0.jpg)

30 December 1922

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2909d40907550104cd: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8062_1.jpg)

8.15am Captain Lukens left ship in motorsailer to visit Destroyer Hull in reference to Sozin Sounding Device. 9.00am Captain Lukens returned in motorsailer with Mr Brook and inspected ship with reference to installation of sonic sounder aboard ship. 9.45am Motorsailer took Mr Brook back to Destroyer Hull and returned to ship at 10.00am.

50874e2909d40907550104cf: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8063_0.jpg)

31 December 1922

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2909d40907550104d1: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8063_1.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104d3: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8064_0.jpg)

1 January 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

50874e2909d40907550104d5: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8064_1.jpg)

Holiday observed

50874e2909d40907550104d7: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8065_0.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104d9: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8065_1.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104db: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8066_0.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104dd: ( Pioneer/Book 3 - October-December, 1922/IMG_8066_1.jpg)

LOG BOOK – JANUARY 1st 1923 TO MARCH 31st 1923

50874e2909d40907550104df: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8067_0.jpg)

Cover of log book to March 31 1923

50874e2909d40907550104e1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8067_1.jpg)

Cover of log book from January 1, 1923

50874e2909d40907550104e3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8068_0.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104e5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8068_1.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104e7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8069_0.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104e9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8069_1.jpg)

Department of Commerce United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. E. Lester Jones, Director. Log Book Steamer Pioneer. R. R. Luken, Lieutenant, Commanding. From Jan 1, 1923, to March 31, 1923

50874e2909d40907550104eb: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8070_0.jpg)

List of officers attached to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer Pioneer: Lukens, R. R. Lieutenant, joined July 24, 1922; Adams, K. T. Lieutenant, Joined June 21, 1922; detached February 23, 1923; Reading, O. S. Lieutenant, Joined July 28, 1922; Bond, J. A. Lieutenant (j.g.) Joined June 22, 1922, detached January 22, 1923; Morris, D.E. Chief Engineer, joined August 5, 1922, detached March 20, 1923 (on annual leave, to resign at expiration); Wagener, A.H. Ensign, joined August 22, 1922; Meyer, C.F. Deck Officer, joined September 17, 1922, detached Feb 23, 1923 (to resign at expiration of leave); Taylor, D.W. Deck Officer, joined September 17, 1922; Campbell, H.B. Lieutenant, joined March 1, 1923; Greer, Wm E Chief Engineer, joined March 19, 1923; Woodworth, R.W. Lieutenant (j.g.) joined March 24, 1923

50874e2909d40907550104ed: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8070_1.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104ef: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8071_0.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104f1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8071_1.jpg)


50874e2909d40907550104f3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8072_0.jpg)

1 January 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

J H Brown - Enlisted this date as seaman

50874e2909d40907550104f5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8072_1.jpg)

50874e2909d40907550104f7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8073_0.jpg)

2 January 1923

alongside west santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Bond - returned from annual leave

Statistics for B Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 20; No of soundings - 23; No of positions - 13; No of angles - 26

Total stat. mi run by the ship 66 st. mi

D E Morris - Chief Engineer, left ship on annual leave 8.00am

Mr. Bond - returned from annual leave

D.E. Morris, Chief Engineer - left ship on annual leave 800 AM

J A Bond, Lt j.g. - reported for duty 7:30 AM from annual leave

50874e2909d40907550104f9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8073_1.jpg)

7.45am Delivered starboard motorsailer with one man Whitehurst, Guy as launch engineer to the U.S.S. Discoverer for launch hydrography under their party.

Whitehurst, Guy - 7'45 am Delivered starboard motorsailer with one man Whitehurst, Guy as launch engineer to the USS Discoverer for launch hydrography under ~ party.

USS Discoverer - 7'45 am Delivered starboard motorsailer with one man Whitehurst, Guy as launch engineer to the USS Discoverer for launch hydrography under ~ party.

50874e2909d40907550104fb: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8074_0.jpg)

3 January 1923

drifting at sea se of san clemente i calif

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for C Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 33; No of soundings - 25; No of positions - 21; No of angles - 42

Total stat. mi run by ship 57.1

50874e2909d40907550104fd: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8074_1.jpg)

Mid - mid. 8.48 am Underway, heading NE for the working grounds. 4.00 pm discontinused sounding and ran inshore to anchorage. 5.55pm Came to anchor of La Jolla.

50874e2909d40907550104ff: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8075_0.jpg)

4 January 1923

at anchor of la jolla california

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Mr Wagener and three men signalbuilding at triangulation point Soledad

Mr Taylor reconnaissance recovering old triangulation stations

Total st. mi. run by the ship 43~

50874e2909d4090755010501: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8075_1.jpg)

Mid - mid. 7.45 am underway up the coast. 12.35 pm came to anchor off Scripps Institute Wharf.

50874e2909d4090755010503: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8076_0.jpg)

5 January 1923

at anchor off scripps institute wharf calif

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Statistics for Z Day; Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 18.5; No of soundings - 61; No of positions - 61; No of angles - 122

Ships run 35.3 st mi

50874e2909d4090755010505: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8076_1.jpg)

50874e2909d4090755010507: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8077_0.jpg)

6 January 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

other: 90 gal - gasoline from Union Oil Co of Cal.

Boat used: launch; No of miles (statute) - 4; No of soundings - 183; No of positions - 45; No of angles - 90

Total 9.75 stat mi

Chirst, Napoleon - discharged from hospital at 8.00am

Albert Shudegger - Fic AWOL

50874e2909d4090755010509: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8077_1.jpg)

9.00am Launch left ship with hydrographic party for sounding in vicinity of wharves. Tide observer reading staff at Santa Fe Wharf. 12.05pm Launch returned having taken 90 gallons of gasoline from harbor barge of Union Oil Co enroute.

50874e2909d409075501050b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8078_0.jpg)

7 January 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Albert Shudegger - Fic returned to ship, having been absent without leave for two days. Pay and rations checked for two days. Discharged at own request and paid in full to Jan 5th.

50874e2909d409075501050d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8078_1.jpg)

50874e2909d409075501050f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8079_0.jpg)

8 January 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Total stat. mi run by ship 78.0

Meyer, Eugene - shipped and rated Seaman

Williams, O.G. - Shipped and rated as Fireman

50874e2909d4090755010511: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8079_1.jpg)

50874e2909d4090755010513: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8080_0.jpg)

9 January 1923

enroute san diego calif to san clemente island

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

4 officers & 10 men signal building

Stat. mi. run by ship 15.0

50874e2909d4090755010515: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8080_1.jpg)

12.51am Let go port anchor in 23 fms water, 45 fms chain in Pyramid Cove, San Clemente Island

7.20am The Commanding officer, Messrs Reading, Wagener and Taylor and ten men left ship to recover signals Slope and Rust and establish a camp at triangulation point Rust.

2.25pm Whaleboat hoisted, underway for Seal Harbor. 3.57pm Came to anchor just outside Seal Harbor in 19 fath water 45 fath chain on port anchor

Mid to 4 am. 12.04 approaching San Clemente Island. 12.51 let go port anchor. in Pyramid Cove, San Clemente Island. Light NWly airs. Clear.

4 am to mid. 1.53pm underway. 3.57pm came to anchor just inside Seal Harbor. Light airs and breezes. Clear.

50874e2909d4090755010517: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8081_0.jpg)

10 January 1923

at anchor off sw side of san clemente i off seal harbor

Lat 21.4, Long -158.0

4 officers and 10 men signal building

Total st. mi. run by ship 14.9

50874e2909d4090755010519: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8081_1.jpg)

7.15am The Commanding Officer, Messrs Reading, Wagener, Taylor and ten men left ship to recover signals kedge and Peak, built same and establish a camp ~ at Peak.

Taylor - The Commanding Officer, Messrs Reading, Wagner, Taylor and ten men left ship to recover signals Ledge and Peak, bulit same and establish a camp man on Peak.

Wagner - The Commanding Officer, Messrs Reading, Wagner, Taylor and ten men left ship to recover signals Ledge and Peak, bulit same and establish a camp man on Peak.

Reading - THe Commanding Officer, Messrs Reading, Wagner, Taylor and ten men left ship to recover signals Ledge and Peak, bulit same and establish a camp man on Peak.

50874e2909d409075501051b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8082_0.jpg)

11 February 1923

at anchor off the se end of san clemente i

Lat , Long

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 800

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 45227

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 800

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 45227

50874e2909d409075501051d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8082_1.jpg)

7.30am Turned to. Holystoned decks, main and boat. 10.30am Tested line carrying gun, throwing line toward beach.

Crew painting in officers' alleyway, washing paint work. Officers engaged in office work, two officers smooth plotting. One officer on estimates, one officer on adjustment of deep sea sounding. K. T. Adams

50874e2909d409075501051f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8083_0.jpg)

12 January 1923

at anchor off the se end of san clemente i

Lat , Long

Total stat. mi. run by ship 77.2

Gibson, Roy - Seaman, discharged for ineptitude and paid in full

Hodge, Raymond - Seaman, discharged for ineptitude and paid in full

Thompson, Eugene - Seaman, discharged for ineptitude and paid in full

Total stat. mi. run by ship 77.2 -

Gibson, Roy, Seaman - Dischaged this day for inaptitude and paid in full

Thompson, Eugene, Seaman - Dischaged this day for inaptitude and paid in full

Hodge, Raymond, Seaman - Dischaged this day for inaptitude and paid in full

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 43227

50874e2909d4090755010521: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8083_1.jpg)

santa fe wharf

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

8.45am Alongside East Santa Fe Wharf, San Diego, Calif.

10.00am Discoverer alongside. Transferred ~ concrete anchors and counterweights for survey buoys to Discoverer. Commenced observicng tide staff at Santa Fe Wharf for a 48 hr simultaneous comparison. Officer of the Deck checking time and Tide Staff reading at every high and low water.

Discoverer - Discoverer alongside

Discoverer - Discoverer alongside

50874e2909d4090755010523: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8084_0.jpg)

13 January 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

MacDonald, J. A. - Fireman, discharged this day at own request

Harris, Reginald - Fireman, discharged this day at own request

Phillips, John F - Enlisted as ordinary seaman, rated seaman, A.B.

MacDonald, J. A., Fireman - Dischaged this day at own request

Harris, Regnald, Fireman - Dischaged this day at own request

Phillips, John F. - Shipped and rated this day Phillips, Johm F. enlisted as ordinary seaman, rated seaman, A.B.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 700

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 42527

50874e2909d4090755010525: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8084_1.jpg)

50874e2909d4090755010527: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8085_0.jpg)

14 January 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Ray Smith - Enlisted this date as fireman

Ray Smith - Enlisted this date as fireman

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 400

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 42127

50874e2909d4090755010529: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8085_1.jpg)

10.00am Tide observations at Santa Fe Wharf discontinued 48 hr simultaneous comparison completed.

10:00 A.M. Tide observations at Santa Fe Wharf discontinued

50874e2909d409075501052b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8086_0.jpg)

15 January 1923

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Timothy Dolan - Enlisted this date as Seaman

Total stat. mi. run by ship 77.2

Timothy Dolan - Enlisted this date as Seaman

Total stat. mi. run by ship 77.2

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1500

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 40627

50874e2909d409075501052d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8086_1.jpg)

9.55am Cast off lines from dock and proceeded out of bay, mid channel courses.

50874e2909d409075501052f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8087_0.jpg)

16 January 1923

at anchor off sw coast of san clemente i

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

Mr Bond and 6 men triangulation at Mt Rust

Mr Reading and 6 men triangulation at Mt Peak

Total miles run by ship - 28.6 st. mi.

Napoleon Christ - Fireman; at about 9.15am this day, while handling a heavy anvil with Theo Prenglau Eng 2 cl had the bones of the middle finger of his left hand badly smashed - when laying anvil down after Prenglau had set his end down the anvil slipped catching Christ's finger between the anvil and combing - wound dressed as well as possible with equipment on hand. O.S.R.

Fireman Napoleon Christ had his middle finger crushed by an anvil

Mr. Bond - Mr. Bond and 6 men triangulation at triangulation point Reat.

Mr. Reading - Mr. Bond and 6 men triangulation at triangulation point Peak.

Total miles run by ship 28.6 st. mi.

Napoleon Christ, Fireman - At about 9:15 AM this day Napoleon Christ, Fireman, while handling a heavy anvil with Theo. Prezlau Engl. 2 cl. hat the bones of the middle finger of his left hand badly smashed. When laying ancil down after Prenzlau had set his end down the anvil slipped catching Christ's finger beween the anvil and combing. Wound dressed as well as possible with equipment on board

Theo. Prezlau Engl. 2 cl. - At about 9:15 AM this day Napoleon Christ, Fireman, while handling a heavy anvil with Theo. Prezlau Engl. 2 cl. hat the bones of the middle finger of his left hand badly smashed. When laying ancil down after Prenzlau had set his end down the anvil slipped catching Christ's finger beween the anvil and combing. Wound dressed as well as possible with equipment on board

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1150

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 39477

Mr. Bond - Mr. Bond and 6 men triangulation at [Triangulation Station] Reat.

Mr. Reading - Mr. Bond and 6 men triangulation at [Triangulation Station] Peak.

Total miles run by ship 28.6 st. mi.

Napoleon Christ, Fireman - At about 9:15 AM this day Napoleon Christ, Fireman, while handling a heavy anvil with Theo. Prezlau Engl. 2 cl. hat the bones of the middle finger of his left hand badly smashed. When laying ancil down after Prenzlau had set his end down the anvil slipped catching Christ's finger beween the anvil and combing. Wound dressed as well as possible with equipment on board

Theo. Prezlau Engl. 2 cl. - At about 9:15 AM this day Napoleon Christ, Fireman, while handling a heavy anvil with Theo. Prezlau Engl. 2 cl. hat the bones of the middle finger of his left hand badly smashed. When laying ancil down after Prenzlau had set his end down the anvil slipped catching Christ's finger beween the anvil and combing. Wound dressed as well as possible with equipment on board

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1150

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 39477

50874e2909d4090755010531: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8087_1.jpg)

255 pm came to anchor at pyramid cove

Lat 38.5, Long -28.6

7.15am Whaleboat left with party. Mr Bond and one man, Eastman went camp. Five men went ashore as cargadores

9.27am Lowered whaleboat. Mr Reading and one man, Platt, went into camp at triangulation Peak, five men went ashroe as cargadores.

1.25pm Ship underway for Pyramid Cove. 2.55pm Came to anchor in Pyramid Cove, in 18 fath water with 45 fath chain out on port anchor.

Mr Bond - 7:15 am Whaleboat left whith party. Mr Bond and one man, Eastman, went into camp.

Eastman - 7:15 am Whaleboat left whith party. Mr Bond and one man, Eastman, went into camp.

Mr Reading - 9:27 Lowered whaleboat. Mr Reading and one Man, Platt, went into camp at [Triangulation Station] Peak

Plat - 9:27 Lowered whaleboat. Mr Reading and one Man, Platt, went into camp at triangulation point Peak

Mr Bond - 7:15 am Whaleboat left whith party. Mr Bond and one man, Eastman, went into camp.

Mr Reading - 9:27 Lowered whaleboat. Mr Reading and one Man, Platt, went into camp at [Triangulation Station] Peak

Mr Bond - 7:15 am Whaleboat left whith party. Mr Bond and one man, Eastman, went into camp.

Mr Reading - 9:27 Lowered whaleboat. Mr Reading and one Man, Platt, went into camp at [Triangulation Station] Peak

50874e2909d4090755010533: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8088_0.jpg)

17 January 1923

at anchor off se end san clemente island

Lat , Long

Napoleon Christ - fir. 1cl, sent to Marine Hospital for treatment to smashed 4th finger on left hand.

Messrs Meyer & Taylor, D.O.'s examined 1st U.S. Public Health Service Station for physical examination relative to promotion to ~ids

Mr Bond and one man; Mr Reading and one man - in camp at San Clemente I.

Lyter, H.C. - Fireman, enlisted this day & rated

Sykes, Will - Seaman, enlisted this day

Total ship's run this day 138 stat. mi.

Napoleon Christ, fir. 1. cl. - Napoleon Christ, fir. 1. cl., sent to Marine Hospital for treatment to smashed 4th finger on left hand.

Tylor D.O. - Messrs. Meyer + Tylor, D.O.'S examined at U.S. Public Health Service Station for physical examination relative to promotion to Aids.

Meyer, D.O. - Messrs. Meyer + Tylor, D.O.'S examined at U.S. Public Health Service Station for physical examination relative to promotion to Aids.

Mr. Bond - Mr. Bond and one man in Camp at San Clemente I.

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading and one man in Camp at San Clemente I.

Lyter, H. C., Fireman - Entitled this day & rated

Sykes, Will, Seaman - Entitled this day & rated

Total ships run this day 138 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1150

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 38327

50874e2909d4090755010535: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8088_1.jpg)

sante fe wharf east pier san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Napoleon Christ, fir. 1cl. - 9.15 Napoleon Christ, fir. 1cl. left ship for Marine Hospital.

50874e2909d4090755010537: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8089_0.jpg)

18 January 1923

at sea underway to cortez bank cal

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Mr Reading and one man; Mr Bond and one man - in camp at San Clemente I.

Statistics for A (Cortes) Day: Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) 24.8; No of soundings - 108; No of positions - 35; No of angles - 68

Total stat mi run 87

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading and one man in Camp at San Clemente I.

Mr. Bond - Mr. Bond and one man in Camp at San Clemente I.

STATISTICS FOR A (COrtes) DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (Statute) 24.8 No. of soundings 108 No. of positions 35 No. of angles 68 Total stat miles run 87

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2050

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 36277

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading and one man in Camp at San Clemente I.

Mr. Bond - Mr. Bond and one man in Camp at San Clemente I.

STATISTICS FOR A (Cortes) DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 24.8 No. of soundings 108 No. of positions 35 No. of angles 68 Total stat miles run 87

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2050

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 36277

50874e2909d4090755010539: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8089_1.jpg)

Lat -125.67, Long -33.50

8.00 - 12.00am Drifting near Buoy A while making boatsheet from a tracing passed from the U.S.S. Discoverer. 9.30am went ahead. 9.45am Began sounding

4.43pm Discontinued sounding 5.24pm Came to anchor 1/2 mile south of Buoy E in 17 fath water, 70 fath chain on port anchor. 8.15pm Began showing searchlight toward San Clemente I. 10.00 pm Ceased showing searchlight

Discoverer - 7.55 Stopped nr. Discoverer

U.S.S. Discoverer - making a boatsheed from a tracing passed aboard from U.S.S. Discoverer

50874e2909d409075501053b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8090_0.jpg)

19 January 1923

at anchor on cortez bank south of buoy e

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Mr Reading and one man; Mr Bond and one man - in camp at San Clemente I.

Statistics for B (Cortes) Day: Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) - 17; No of soundings - 89; No of positions - 42; No of angles - 74

Total statute miles run 24.9

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading and one man in Camp on San Clemente I.

Mr. Bond - Mr. Bond and one man in Camp on San Clemente I.

STATISTICS FOR B (Cortes) DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 17 No. of soundings 89 No. of positions 42 No. of angles 74 Total stat miles run 24.9

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1275

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 36002

50874e2909d409075501053d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8090_1.jpg)

Lat -115.50, Long -46.00

9.03am First sounding. 3.36pm Discontinued sounding. Prepared material to fix Buoy E. 3.50pm Lowered port whaleboat. Mr Adams and five men left for Buoy E. 4.42pm Ship came to anchor in 15 fath. 60 fath chain on port anchor. 4.50pm Whaleboat returned and was hoisted and secured in the chocks. 6.50pm Began showing ship's searchlight toward San Clemente I. 10.00pm Ceased showing searchlight.

Mr. Adams - Mr. Adams and five men left Buoy E.

50874e2909d409075501053f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8091_0.jpg)

20 January 1923

at anchor on cortez bank south of buoy e

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Total stat. mi. run by ship 158

Total stat mi. run by ship 158

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1300

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 34702

Total stat mi. run by ship 158

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1300

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 34702

50874e2909d4090755010541: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8091_1.jpg)

mosquito harbour

Lat 22.4, Long 114.2

9.40am Stopped. Lowered whaleboat with party of 5 men to bring down Mr Bond's camp. Mosquito Harbor. 9.58am Whaleboat raised underway. 10.45am whaleboat with party of 4 men to bring down Mr Reading's camp from Triangulation Peak. 11.15am Whaleboat returned

12.40pm Whaleboat sent ashore for Mr Reading & party. 1.25pm Whaleboat returned with Mr Reading & eqiupment. 1.30pm 2/3 speed ahead to pick up Mr Bond & men at Pyramid Cove. 1.45pm Easing oil pump, engine turning over slowly. 2.00pm Pump fixed, ahead standard speed. 3.24pm Stopped, lowered whaleboat at Pyramid Cove to pick up Mr Bond. 3.58pm Whaleboat returned with Mr Bond & party.

Mr. Reading - 1.25 Whaleboat returned with Mr. Reading + equipment.

- 3.58 Whaleboat returned with Mr. Bond + party.

50874e2909d4090755010543: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8092_0.jpg)

21 January 1923

at anchor inside ballast point san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Total stat. mi. run by ship 5

Total stat mi. run by ship 5

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1453

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 33249

50874e2909d4090755010545: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8092_1.jpg)

east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

7.40am Alongside Santa Fe Wharf San Diego, Calif.

50874e2909d4090755010547: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8093_0.jpg)

22 January 1923

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

John A Bond - Lieut, j.g. detached this day with orders to report on Natoma

Busay, Bert - Seaman, discharged this day at own request and paid in full

Total ships run 64 stat. miles

John A. Bont, Lieut. j.g. - Detatched this day with order to report on Natoma

oil: - Rec'd Fuel Oil as per bill attached Union Oil Co. of Cal.

Busey, Bert, Seaman - Dischaged this day at own request and paid in full

Total ships run this day 64 stat. miles

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1250

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 31999

Water remaining on board, 23735

50874e2909d4090755010549: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8093_1.jpg)

50874e2909d409075501054b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8094_0.jpg)

23 January 1923

ewunte san diego calif to cashs bank calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Williams, O.G. - Fireman, A.W.O.L.

Statistics for C (Cortes) Day; Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) - 13.0; No of soundings - 61; No of positions - 60; No of angles - 120

Total stat. miles run by ship 71

Williams, O. G., Fireman - A.W.O.L.

STATISTICS FOR B (Cortes) DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 13.0 No. of soundings 61 No. of positions 60 No. of angles 120 Total stat. miles run by ship 71

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1956

Water expended during preceding 24 hours, 1055 gallons

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 53521

Water remaining on board, 22680 gal

Williams, O. G., Fireman - A.W.O.L.

STATISTICS FOR B (Cortes) DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 13.0 No. of soundings 61 No. of positions 60 No. of angles 120 Total stat. miles run by ship 71

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1956

Water expended during preceding 24 hours, 1055 gallons

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 53521

Water remaining on board, 22680 gal

50874e2909d409075501054d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8094_1.jpg)

Lat -112.58, Long -59.83

6.46am Picked up Buoy A Cortez Bank, Ahead 2/3 speed various courses along line of buoys on Bank.

9.13am Mr Reading and six men left in whaleboat to repair and put a top on Buoy E. 10.22am Mr Reading and men returned in whaleboat. Towed whaleboat astern. Went ahead 2/3 speed course 270o toward Buoy F. 10.50am Stopt near buoy F. 11.00am Mr Reading and six men left in whaleboat to repair and put a top on Buoy F. 12.38pm Mr Reading and men returned in whaleboat. Hoisted whaleboat and secured same in the chocks.

5.05pm Came to anchor near Buoy E DEF 112 35 59 50 in 16.5 fath water 60 fm chain port anchor

Mr. Reading - 11.00 am Mr. Reading and six men left in whaleboat to repair and put a tiop on Buoy F.

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading and men returned in whaleboat.

50874e2909d409075501054f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8095_0.jpg)

24 January 1923

at anchor off buoy e cortez bank calif

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Statistics for D (Cortes) Day; Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) - 24.5; No of soundings - 61; No of positions - 61; No of angles - 122

Total stat. mi. run 37.0

STATISTICS FOR D (Cortes) DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 24.5 No. of soundings 61 No. of positions 61 No. of angles 122 Total stat. miles run 37.0

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1800

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 2905

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 51721

Water remaining on board, 19775 gal

50874e2909d4090755010551: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8095_1.jpg)

Ship rolling and pitching during the night.

50874e2909d4090755010553: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8096_0.jpg)

25 January 1923

at anchor near bouy e cortez bank

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Total stat. miles run about 12

Total stat miles run about 12

Fuel expended during the preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1600

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 3100

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 50121

Water remaining on board, 16675

50874e2909d4090755010555: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8096_1.jpg)

8.55am Anchor up and secured. 1/3 speed ahead. When arrived at Buoy F it was discovered that Buoy I had drifted out of position. This vessel steamed ahead slow speed heading into the seas and waiting for the replacement of the buoy by the U.S.S. Discoverer. 12.00 noon Wind and sea increasing. 2.00pm Headed around with the wind 2/3 speed ahead. Impossible to sound. 4.07pm Came to anchor 150m south of Buoy A, in 11 1/3 fath water, 60 fath of chain port anchor.

50874e2909d4090755010557: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8097_0.jpg)

26 January 1923

at anchor near bouy a cortez bank calif

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Total run 51 stat. mi.

Total run 51 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1000

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1680

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 49121

Water remaining on board, 14995

Total run 51 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1000

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1680

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 49121

Water remaining on board, 14995

Total run 51 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1000

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1680

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 49121

Water remaining on board, 14995

Total run 51 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1000

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1680

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 49121

Water remaining on board, 14995

Total run 51 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1000

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1680

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 49121

Water remaining on board, 14995

50874e2909d4090755010559: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8097_1.jpg)

5.00pm Weather continued unfavourably for work. Decided to run to San Diego for additional signal material.

Discoverer - Sighted ahead

50874e2909d409075501055b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8098_0.jpg)

27 January 1923

at sea underway to san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

H Canninga - Oiler, discharged this day at own request and paid in full

Williams, O.G. - Fireman, returned to duty, absent from ship 3 days, without leave, pay & rations checked

Total run by ship 64 stat. mi.

H. Canninga - H. Canninga ~iler dischaged this day at own reqeust + paid in full

Williams, O. G., Fireman - Williams, O. G. Fireman returned to duty, absent from ship 3 days without leave, pay + rations checked

Total run by ship 64 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 400

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 48721

50874e2909d409075501055d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8098_1.jpg)

san diego bay

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Discoverer - 5.43am stopped to receive message from her

7.14am Tied up alongside E Santa Fe Wharf

Discoverer - 5.43 Stopped to receive message from Discoverer.

50874e2909d409075501055f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8099_0.jpg)

28 January 1923

alongside east pier santa fe dock san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Hansen, F.T. - shipped and rated as seaman

Hansen, F. T. - Hansen F. T. Shipped and rated as seaman A. B.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 400

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 48321

50874e2909d4090755010561: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8099_1.jpg)

50874e2909d4090755010563: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8100_0.jpg)

29 January 1923

east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Messrs Reading, Meyer and Taylor on launch hydrography

One man observing tides

K. T. Adams - Lieut, left ship on annual leave

D. E. Morris - Chief Engineer, returned from annual leave

Statistics for M Day: Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 16.27; No of soundings - 513; No of positions - 137; No of angles - 274

Total run for day 18.9 st. mi.

Howard, Ray - Seaman, discharged this day at own request and paid in full

Smith, Ray - Fireman, discharged at own request & paid in full

A. M. English & J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer on board for transportation to that vessel.

Meyer - Messrs. Reading, Meyer and Taylor on launch hydrography.

Reading - Messrs. Reading, Meyer and Taylor on launch hydrography.

Taylor - Messrs. Reading, Meyer and Taylor on launch hydrography.

One man observing tides

K. T. Adams, Lieut. - K. T. Adams, Lieut. left ship on annual leave

D. E. Morris, Chief Engineer - D. E. Morris, Chief Engineer returned from annual leave

STATISTICS FOR m DAY Boat used Motorsailer No. of miles (statute) 16.27 No. of soundings 513 No. of positions 137 No. of angles 274 Total run for day 18.9 st. mi.

Howard, Ray, Seaman - Discharged this day at own request and paid in full:

Simith, Ray, Fireman - Discharged this day at own request and paid in full:

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 800

A. M. English - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer on board for transportation to that vessel.

J. L. Sudman - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer on board for transportation to that vessel.

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 47528

Meyer - Messrs. Reading, Meyer and Taylor on launch hydrography.

Reading - Messrs. Reading, Meyer and Taylor on launch hydrography.

Taylor - Messrs. Reading, Meyer and Taylor on launch hydrography.

One man observing tides

K. T. Adams, Lieut. - K. T. Adams, Lieut. left ship on annual leave

D. E. Morris, Chief Engineer - D. E. Morris, Chief Engineer returned from annual leave

STATISTICS FOR m DAY Boat used Motorsailer No. of miles (statute) 16.27 No. of soundings 513 No. of positions 137 No. of angles 274 Total run for day 18.9 st. mi.

Howard, Ray, Seaman - Discharged this day at own request and paid in full:

Simith, Ray, Fireman - Discharged this day at own request and paid in full:

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 800

A. M. English - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer on board for transportation to that vessel.

J. L. Sudman - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer on board for transportation to that vessel.

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 47528

50874e2909d4090755010565: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8100_1.jpg)

6.00pm Cast off from E. Santa Fe Wharf and proceeded out San Diego Bay on mid channel courses.

Meyer - 7.40 Motorsailer left with Mssrs. Readinf, Meyer, Taylor and five man for hydrography in San Diego Bay.

Taylor - 7.40 Motorsailer left with Mssrs. Readinf, Meyer, Taylor and five man for hydrography in San Diego Bay.

Reading - 7.40 Motorsailer left with Mssrs. Readinf, Meyer, Taylor and five man for hydrography in San Diego Bay.

One man observing tide staff at Santa Fe Wharf.

50874e2909d4090755010567: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8101_0.jpg)

30 January 1923

at sea underway to working grounds

Lat 32.10, Long -118.33

Statistics for D Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 60.0; No of soundings - 28; No of positions - sumner lines 4; No of angles --

Total stat. mi. run by ship 140.7

Roberts, Noah - Enlisted and rated this day seaman

STATISTICS FOR D DAY off shore D.R. Boat used Ship No. of miles (statute) 60.0 No. of soundings 28 No. of positions sumner Lines 4 No. of angles - Total stat. mi. run by ship 140.7

Roberts Noah Seaman - Enlisted and rated this day Robert Noah Seaman

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2500

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 675

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 45021

Water remaining on board, D 3575

50874e2909d4090755010569: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8101_1.jpg)

50874e2909d409075501056b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8102_0.jpg)

31 January 1923

at swa about 30 mi se of cortes bank off s california

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Statistics for E Day: (Cortes) Boat used - Ship; No of miles (statute) - 7.5; No of soundings - 21; No of positions - 21; No of angles - 42

Total stat. miles run 49

A. M. English & J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discover's launch.

STATISTICS FOR E DAY Cortes Boat used Ship No. of miles (statute) 7.5 No. of soundings 21 No. of positions 21 No. of angles 42 Total stat. miles run 49

A. M. English - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

J. L. Sudman - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

Discoverer - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2300

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 400

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 42721

Water remaining on board, D 3175 Gal.

STATISTICS FOR E DAY Cortes Boat used Ship No. of miles (statute) 7.5 No. of soundings 21 No. of positions 21 No. of angles 42 Total stat. miles run 49

A. M. English - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

J. L. Sudman - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

Discoverer - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2300

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 400

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 42721

Water remaining on board, D 3175 Gal.

STATISTICS FOR E DAY Cortes Boat used Ship No. of miles (statute) 7.5 No. of soundings 21 No. of positions 21 No. of angles 42 Total stat. miles run 49

A. M. English - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

J. L. Sudman - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

Discoverer - A. M. English + J. L. Sudman members of crew of Discoverer put aboard Discoverers launch.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2300

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 400

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 42721

Water remaining on board, D 3175 Gal.

50874e2909d409075501056d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8102_1.jpg)

Discoverer - Discover's launch alongside to receive wire, signal clock and survey buoy

Discoverer - Discoverer's launch alongside to receive wire, signal clock and survey buoy.


50874e2909d409075501056f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8103_0.jpg)

1 February 1923

at anchor near buoy e cortes bank

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Lyter, H.C. - Fireman, rated to oiler this day

Statistics for F Day (Cortes) Day: Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) - 2.9; No of soundings - 11; No of positions - 11; No of angles - 22

Total stat. miles run about 10. Naut miles 9

Lyter, H. C., Fireman - Lyter, H. C., Fireman rated to oiler this day

STATISTICS FOR F (Cortes) DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 2.9 No. of soundings 11 No. of positions 11 No. of angles 22 Total stat. miles run about 10 Naut miles 9

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1200

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 520 gal.

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 41521

Water remaining on board, 2655 gal

50874e2909d4090755010571: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8103_1.jpg)

8.20pm Underway slow speed towards Buoy G waiting for rain squalls to pass. 10.30am Squalls clearing. Commenced sounding. 1150am Stopped sounding raining. Ship laying to by Buoy G waiting for rain squall to pass. 3.10pm Rain showing no signs of stopping. Ran back to to shoal at Buoy E. 3.30pm Let go. Stbd anchor in 14 fm 60 fm chain - off Buoy E.

50874e2909d4090755010573: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8104_0.jpg)

2 February 1923

at anchor near bouy e cortez bank

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Total run by ship 125 stat. mi. 109 naut. mi.

Total run by ship 125 stat. mi. 109 naut. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 2200

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 315 gal.

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 39321

Water remaining on board, gal 2340

50874e2909d4090755010575: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8104_1.jpg)

4.00am Heavy N Ely wind with ship lurching heavily at her anchor steam ordered. 4.40am Underway 2/3 speed on course N60E psc. ship making little headway

7.05pm Started taking hourly plankton and surface water specimens for Schripps Institute

6.08pm Finished with engine, tied up alongside East Santa Fe Wharf.

50874e2909d4090755010577: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8105_0.jpg)

4 February 1923

alongside east pier santa fe docks san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Henson, F. S. - Seaman, left ship with manifest intention to desert this day.

Neilson, R. M. - rated from A to E, 1 cl to Chief A to E.

Jolet Oscar - rated from A to E 2 cl to A to E 1 cl

Woodfield P W - rated from oiler to A to E 2 cl

Henson F. S. Seaman - Henson F. S. Seaman left ship with manifest intention to desert this day

Neikon, R. M. - Rated this day Neikon, R. M. from A to E. 1 cl to Chief A to E

Golet, Oscar - Rated this day Golet, Oscar, from A to E. 2 cl to A to E 1 cl.

Woodfield P. W. - Rated this day Woodfield P. W. from oiler to S. to E. 2 cl.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 600

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 37921

Water remaining on board, Tanks full

50874e2909d4090755010579: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8105_1.jpg)

50874e2909d409075501057b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8106_0.jpg)

5 February 1923

east santa fe pier san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

The following members of the crew absent without leave this day. Ivanoff Dimitri, Bosn. Stout, Erwin, Wire. Offr 1 cl. Dolan, Timothy, Seaman

Moxley, Joe - Enlisted this day and rated Seaman

Statistics for E Day - W of Point Loma: Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) 19.3; No of soundings - 16; No of positions - 16; No of angles - 31

Total stat. mi run 72

Dolan, Timothy - Seaman, absent with manifest intention to desert declared deserter

Hoopes R. M. - R. M. W Oper 2cl stn Discoverer aboard for temporary duty

Ivanoff, Dimitri, Bosn - The following members of the crew absent without leave this day

Stout, Erwin, Wae. Ofr 1 cl. - The following members of the crew absent without leave this day

Dolan, Timothy, Seaman - The following members of the crew absent without leave this day

Moxley, Joe, Seaman - Enlisted this day & rated Moxley, Joe, Seaman.

No. 3. W of Point Loma STATISTICS FOR E DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 19.3 No. of soundings 16 No. of positions 16 No. of angles 31 Total stat. miles run 72

Dolan, Timothy, Seaman - Dolan, Timothy, Seaman, Absent with manifest intention to desert declared deserter

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 600

Hookes, R. M., W. Opr 2 cl - Hookes, R. M., W. Opr 2 cl Str Discoverer aboard for temporaty duty

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 36721

Water remaining on board, D 3850 gal.

Ivanoff, Dimitri, Bosn - The following members of the crew absent without leave this day

Stout, Erwin, Wae. Ofr 1 cl. - The following members of the crew absent without leave this day

Dolan, Timothy, Seaman - The following members of the crew absent without leave this day

Moxley, Joe, Seaman - Enlisted this day & rated Moxley, Joe, Seaman.

No. 3. W of Point Loma STATISTICS FOR E DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 19.3 No. of soundings 16 No. of positions 16 No. of angles 31 Total stat. miles run 72

Dolan, Timothy, Seaman - Dolan, Timothy, Seaman, Absent with manifest intention to desert declared deserter

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 600

Hookes, R. M., W. Opr 2 cl - Hookes, R. M., W. Opr 2 cl Str Discoverer aboard for temporaty duty

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 36721

Water remaining on board, D 3850 gal.

50874e2909d409075501057d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8106_1.jpg)

Hookes, R.M. - W. Oper. 2 cl Str Discoverer aboard to take temporary duty as Stout, Erwin W. Oper. 1 cl was A.W.O.L.

Dolan, Timothy - 7.35 Dolan, Timothy declared deserter as he left ship with evident intention of deserting.

Hookes, R. M., W. Oper. 2 cl. - 7.40 Hookes, R. M. W. Oper. 2 cl., Str Discoverer aboard to take temporary duty as Stoud, Erwin W. Oper. 1 cl. was A.W.O.L.

50874e2909d409075501057f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8107_0.jpg)

6 February 1923

at anchor in se bay san clemente i cal

Lat 55.0, Long -1.5

Statistics for G (Cortes) Day; Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) - 13; No of soundings - 55; No of positions - 55; No of angles - 110

Total statute miles run by ship 83

No. 3. STATISTICS FOR G Cortes DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 13 No. of soundings 55 No. of positions 55 No. of angles 110 Total statute miles run by ship 83.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1125

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, D 510 gal

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 36896

Water remaining on board, D 3340 gal

No. 3. STATISTICS FOR G Cortes DAY Boat used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 13 No. of soundings 55 No. of positions 55 No. of angles 110 Total statute miles run by ship 83.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1125

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, D 510 gal

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 36896

Water remaining on board, D 3340 gal

50874e2909d4090755010581: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8107_1.jpg)

Discoverer - Spoke to Discoverer

Mr Meyer - 9:18 AM Stbd motorsailer left ship with Mr Meyer & 2 men and at 9:28 Post motorsailer left with Mr Wagener and 3 men to assist launch from Discoverer

10:29 AM Began hydrography off Buoys G and H' -- Buoy I' missing

4:00 P.M. Lowered whaleboat to replace counterweight on Bouy C.

50874e2909d4090755010583: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8108_0.jpg)

7 February 1923

at anchor near buoy b cortes bank s calif

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Statistics for H (Cortes) Day. Boat used - Pioneer; No of miles (statute) - 14.5; No of soundings - 44; No of positions - 43; No of angles - 86

Total run during day 44 naut. mi.

50874e2909d4090755010585: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8108_1.jpg)

8.00am Lowered motorsailers from ships rail Mr Meyer and 2 men in stbd motor sailer and Mr Wagener and 4 men in port motorsailer let ship to assist party from USS Discoverer in wiredragging operations on Bank.

10.20am Placed temporary Buoy I" ~ degrees from position of Buoy I. Buoy made with wooden barrel 2 x 4 framing and moored to 8 sounding sh~t with 80 fm 2 3/4 ~ line - no wire available. Buoy located by cuts from Buoy G and positions obtained from F, G and H'

John McGlynn - Bosn/ch caught middle finger of right hand in block while clearing same preparatory to hoisint port motorsailer. Flesh of finger was badly torn with possible injury to bone. Finger dressed with material from medicine locker.

Mr Meyer - Mr Meyer and 2 men in stbd motor sailer and Mr Wagener and 4 men in port motorsailer left ship to assist party from USS Discoverer in ~ operations on Bark.

Mr Wagener - Mr Meyer and 2 men in stbd motor sailer and Mr Wagener and 4 men in port motorsailer left ship to assist party from USS Discoverer in ~ operations on Bark.

USS Discoverer - Mr Meyer and 2 men in stbd motor sailer and Mr Wagener and 4 men in port motorsailer left ship to assist party from USS Discoverer in ~ operations on Bark.

10:20 AM. Placed temporary bouy I'' meters degrees from position of Bouy I Buoy made with wooden ba~ framing and moored to 8 sounding shut with 80 fm 2 3/4 in. line. No wire available. Buoy located by cut from Buoy G and positions obtained from F, G, and H'

John McGlynn, Bosn 1 cl. - John McGlynn, Bosn 1 cl. caught middle finger of right hand in block while clearing same preparatory to hoisting port motorsailer. Flesh of finger was badly torn with possible injury to bone. Finger dressed with material from medicine locker.

50874e2909d4090755010587: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8109_0.jpg)

8 February 1923

at anchor near buoy b cortes bank s calif

Lat 32.5, Long -119.2

Statistics for J. Cortes Day: Boat used - ship; No of miles (statute) - 22; No of soundings - 42; No of positions - 32; No of angles - 48

Total nautical miles run 108

STATISTICS FOR J. Cortes DAY Boat used Ship No. of miles (statute) 22 No. of soundings 42 No. of positions 32 No. of angles 48 Total nautical miles run 108

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1175 Gals.

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 34021

50874e2909d4090755010589: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8109_1.jpg)

Discoverer - Waiting for communication with Discoverer

3:00 P.M. Underway for Buoy H' Ran alongside buoy and made fast to same with a 3" circum. line. While trying to hoist buoy aboard by means of a snathc block on the forward anchor davit leading the line to the anchor windlass the davit started to bend.

50874e2909d409075501058b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8110_0.jpg)

9 February 1923

at sea underway to san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

McGlynn, John - Bos'n Mate is to receive day treatment at U.S. Public Health Hospital. Received the above until finger healed. O.S.R.

Statistics for P Day: Boat used - launch; No of miles (statute) - 11.6; No of soundings - 443; No of positions - 111; No of angles - 222

Total run by launch 13 naut.

Total dist. run by ship 32 naut.

Smith, R. W. - shipped as Sea Ord. & rated to Sea A.B. this day

McGlynn, John, Bosn Mate - is to receive day treatment at US Public Health Hospital

Smith, RW - shipped at Sea Ord and rated to Sea AB this day

McGlyn, John, Bosn Mate - McGlyn, John, Bosn Mate is to receive day treatment at U.S. Public Health Hospital. Received the above until finger healed. O.S.R.

STATISTICS FOR P DAY Boat used Launch No. of miles (statute) 11.6 No. of soundings 443 No. of positions 111 No. of angles 222 Total run by launch 13 naut. Total dist run by ship 32 naut.

Smith, R. W. - Smith, R. W. shipped as Sea. Ord. & rated to Sea A. B. this day.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1900

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 32121

McGlyn, John, Bosn Mate - McGlyn, John, Bosn Mate is to receive day treatment at U.S. Public Health Hospital. Received the above until finger healed. O.S.R.

STATISTICS FOR P DAY Boat used Launch No. of miles (statute) 11.6 No. of soundings 443 No. of positions 111 No. of angles 222 Total run by launch 13 naut. Total dist run by ship 32 naut.

Smith, R. W. - Smith, R. W. shipped as Sea. Ord. & rated to Sea A. B. this day.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 1900

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 32121

50874e2909d409075501058d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8110_1.jpg)

8.00am Hydrographic party, Mr Reading in charge, Messrs Meyer & Taylor, Q.M. 1cl & 4 men, left ship in motorsailer.

8.50am Lines secured alongside Santa Fe (East Pier) Wharf.

Ivanoff - bos's reported aboard

Stout - WO reported aboard.

Meyer - 8.00 Hydrographic party, Mr. Reading in charge, Messrs. Meyer & Taylor, A.M. 101 & 4 men left ship on motorsailer.

Mr. Reading - 8.00 Hydrographic party, Mr. Reading in charge, Messrs. Meyer & Taylor, A.M. 101 & 4 men left ship on motorsailer.

Taylor - 8.00 Hydrographic party, Mr. Reading in charge, Messrs. Meyer & Taylor, A.M. 101 & 4 men left ship on motorsailer.

John McGlyn, Bosn Mate 1st - John McGlyn, Bosn Mate 1st sent to U.S.O.H. hospital for ~ the third finger

50874e2909d409075501058f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8111_0.jpg)

10 February 1923

alongside santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for g day: Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 6.5; No of soundings - 347; No of positions - 79; No of angles - 161

Total run 11.5 naut. mi.

Hoopes R. M. - W Oper 2 cl returned to Str Discoverer

Gathwright, J - discharged on own request & paid in full.

Ivanhoff, D - Bos'n returned to ship pay & ration deducted Feb 5 - 9 (incl)

Stout, Erwin - W Opr returned to ship pay & rations deducted Feb 5 - 9 (incl.)

STATISTICS FOR g DAY Boat used Motorsailer No. of miles (statute) 6.5 No. of soundings 347 No. of positions 79 No. of angles 161 Total run 11 1/2 naut. mi.

Lumber rec'd aboard from Western Lumber Co.

Hoopes, R. M. W. Oper. 2 cl. - Hoopes, R. M. W. Oper. 2 cl. returned to Str. Discoverer

Str. Discoverer - Hoopes, R. M. W. Oper. 2 cl. returned to Str. Discoverer

Gathwright, G. - Gathwright, G. discharged on own request & paid in full.

Ivanhoff, D. Bwn - Ivanhoff, D. Bwn returned to ship pay & rations deducted Feb. 5-9 (incl)

Stout, Erwin W Opr. - Stout, Erwin W Opr. returned to ship pay & rations deducted Feb. 5-9 (incl)

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 700

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 31421

50874e2909d4090755010591: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8111_1.jpg)

Taylor - (.00 Launch left ship with Mssrs. Reading Meyer and Taylor for hydrography

Meyer - (.00 Launch left ship with Mssrs. Reading Meyer and Taylor for hydrography

Reading - (.00 Launch left ship with Mssrs. Reading Meyer and Taylor for hydrography

9.00 Lumber required from Western Lumber Co.

11.50 Launch returned to ship

50874e2909d4090755010593: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8112_0.jpg)

11 February 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Wells, J - Sh. Ch 2 cl rated to Sh. Ch 1cl this day

McKey, Frank - enlisted as Sh Ch 2cl.

Wells, G. Sh. Ck 2 cl - Wells, G. Sh. Ck 2 cl rated to Sh Ck. 1 cl this day.

McKey Frank - McKey Frank enlisted as Sh Ck 2 cl.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 600

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 30821

50874e2909d4090755010595: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8112_1.jpg)

50874e2909d4090755010597: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8113_0.jpg)

12 February 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Shoreline (topography) 4.3 stat. mi.

Launch run for this day 11.5 kn

Phillips, John F - Sea. A.B. discharged own request & paid in full on this date

Carl F Meyer - Deck Officer commission as Aid effective this date

Received supplies from C. O. Hendry Company as per attached bill

other: 20 gals. - Received 20 gals. Kerosene from Union Oil Co.

Shoreline (Topography) 4.3 stat. mi.

Launch run for this day 11 1/2 kn

Phillips, John F. Sea. A.B. - Phillips, John F. Sea. A.B. discharged own request & paid in full on this day.

Carl J Meyer, Deck Officer - Carl J Meyer, Deck Officer Commission as Aid effective this date.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 550

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 30271

50874e2a09d4090755010599: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8113_1.jpg)

8.00am Mr Reading & Taylor, & 5 seamen left in launch for plane table work.

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading & Taylor, & 5 seamen left in launch for plane table work.

Taylor - Mr. Reading & Taylor, & 5 seamen left in launch for plane table work.

Capt. Lukens - 8.45 Capt. Lukens aboard

Mr. Wagener - 9.00 Mr. Wagener left ship for bids on Manila Rope & Washing Powder

Mr. Wagener - 10.45 Mr. Wagener returned to ship.

50874e2a09d409075501059b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8114_0.jpg)

13 February 1923

alongside east santa fe pier san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Mr Reading, Mr Meyer & 6 men launch hydrography.

Statistics for r day: Boat used - launch; No of miles (statute) 9.8; No of soundings - 497; No of positions - 103; No of angles - 209

Total run for launch 15.5 naut. mi.

McKey, Frank - Sh Ch 2cl left ship with manifest intention to desert

Mr Meyer - Mr Reading, Mr Meyer & 6 men launch hydrography.

Mr Reading - Mr Reading, Mr Meyer & 6 men launch hydrography.

Np. 3. Launch STATISTICS FOR r DAY Cortes Boat used Launch No. of miles (statute) 9.8 No. of soundings 497 No. of positions 103 No. of angles 209 Total run for launch 15 1/2 naut. mi.

McKey Frank Sh Ck 2 cl - McKey Frank Sh Ck 2 cl left ship with manifest intention to desert

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 525

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 29746

50874e2a09d409075501059d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8114_1.jpg)

Stout, E - Wireless Operator left for treatment in hospital

1.35pm Launch party left ship. Delay caused by broken pump on engine of motorsailer.

Mr Reading - Launch left with Mr Reading, Mr Meyer and six men for hydrography in bay.

Mr Meyer - Launch left with Mr Reading, Mr Meyer and six men for hydrography in bay.

Stout. E. Windlass Operator - Stout. E. Windlass Operator left treatment in hospital.

11.40 Launch party returned

1.35 Launch party left ship. Delay caused by broken pumo on engine of motorsailer.

4.25 Launch returned.

50874e2a09d409075501059f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8115_0.jpg)

14 February 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

Statistics for ~ Day; Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 10.0; No of soundings - 512; No of positions - 143; No of angles - 286

Total run 17 naut mi

Botts, M - 1 cl rated to Sh. Ch. 2cl. this day

STATISTICS FOR S DAY Boat used Motorsailer No. of miles (statute) 10.0 No. of soundings 512 No. of positions 143 No. of angles 286 Total run 17 naut mi

Botts, M AH. 1 cl. - Botts, M AH. 1 cl. rated to Sh. Ck. 2 cl. this day

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 475

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 29271

50874e2a09d40907550105a1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8115_1.jpg)

8.00am Mr Taylor with two men and plane table outfit left ship to take train to Del Mar to meet Captain Lukens.

Mr. Taylor - 8.00 Mr. Taylor with two men and plane table outfit left ship to take train to Del Mai to meet Captain Lukens.

Captain Lukens - 8.00 Mr. Taylor with two men and plane table outfit left ship to take train to Del Mai to meet Captain Lukens.

Meyer - 8.00 Launch left ship with Messrs Reading and Meyer and 5 men for launch hydrography in San Diego Bay.

Reading - 8.00 Launch left ship with Messrs Reading and Meyer and 5 men for launch hydrography in San Diego Bay.

Mr. Taylor - 2.50 Mr. Taylor and party aboard

4.30 Launch returned to ship

50874e2a09d40907550105a3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8116_0.jpg)

15 February 1923

alongside santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for t day: Boat used - Motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 8; No of soundings - 536; No of positions - 133; No of angles - 275

Total run 18 kn

Bolden, William - shipped & rated MAA this day

Roane, George - Off. Stew. discharged on request & paid in full on this day

STATISTICS FOR t DAY Cortes Boat used Motorsailer No. of miles (statute) 8 No. of soundings 536 No. of positions 133 No. of angles 275 Total run 18 kn.

Bolden, William - Bolden, William shiüüed & rated MAH 1 cl this day.

Roane, Gerorge, Off. Stew. - Roane, Gerorge, Off. Stew. discharged on request & paid in full on this day

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 400

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 28871

50874e2a09d40907550105a5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8116_1.jpg)

Reading - 8.04 AM Mssers Reading and Meyer left ship in motorsailer with 5 men to continue hydrography in San Diego Bay.

Meyer - 8.04 AM Mssers Reading and Meyer left ship in motorsailer with 5 men to continue hydrography in San Diego Bay.

50874e2a09d40907550105a7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8117_0.jpg)

16 February 1923

at east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Statistics for U Day; Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) 6.5; No of soundings - 295; No of positions - 92; No of angles - 222

Total miles (naut) 19.5

Gonzales, H - shipped as Off. St. this day

Meyer, Eugene - Sea A.B. discharged own request & paid in full

50874e2a09d40907550105a9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8117_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105ab: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8118_0.jpg)

17 February 1923

at east santa fe wharf san diego calif

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Total run of launch 4.5 kn. Miles shore line (topo) 1.3 stat. mi.

R. R. Lukens - Comdg left on annual leave

R.R. Lukens Comdg - 8 00 A.M. R.R. Lukens Comdg left on annual leave

coal: 27671 -

50874e2a09d40907550105ad: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8118_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105af: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8119_0.jpg)

18 February 1923

alongside e santa fe wharf

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

Cordes, ~ - shipped as Sea. Ord. & rated to Sea A.B. this day

Bonabra, Manano - reported aboard this day from Str Nenomah rated as Wireless Opr 2 cl.

coal: 27321 -

50874e2a09d40907550105b1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8119_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105b3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8120_0.jpg)

19 February 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf san diego cal

Lat 32.7, Long -117.2

Captain Lukens - returned from annual leave at 1.15pm

Christ Napoleon - Fireman returned aboard for transfer to San Francisco Hospital.

Statistics for V Day; Boat used - Motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 7.0; No of soundings - 406; No of positions - 115; No of angles - 237

Run to & from work 17 kn. Total run 23 kn. Topo 0.3 stat mi. Leveling 1.6 stat mi

coal: 26421 -

50874e2a09d40907550105b5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8120_1.jpg)

4.20 Received 1 box grease, lubricating graphite & 1 bbl. chinawa~ from Naval Supply base which was shipped from May Island. Navy Yesd.

50874e2a09d40907550105b7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8121_0.jpg)

20 February 1923

alongside east santa fe wharf

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

Ship's run 116 naut. mi.

Statistics for W Day; Boat used - motorsailer; No of miles (statute) - 1.6; No of soundings - 102; No of positions - 28; No of angles - 59

Total run of launch 4.5 kn

coal: 25321 -

50874e2a09d40907550105b9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8121_1.jpg)

Noon to 4.00pm Steaming along at various speeds, locating outer limit of kelp beds off La Jolla, fog gradually increasing, log hauled in. 1.00pm Fog shut in. 1.07pm Streamed log. 1.09pm Stopped to locate whistle heard near. 1.10 Standard speed log 88.9, course 296 thru watch. Fog, light airs, low ground swell.

50874e2a09d40907550105bb: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8122_0.jpg)

21 February 1923

enroute san diego calif to san francisco calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Ships run 221 naut. miles

Williams, O.G. - rated from fireman to oiler this date

Kellam B.G. - Kellam B.G. rated from fireman to oiler this date.

coal: 22771 -

50874e2a09d40907550105bd: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8122_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105bf: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8123_0.jpg)

22 February 1923

enroute san diego calif to san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Ships run 128 nautical miles

coal: 19621 -

50874e2a09d40907550105c1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8123_1.jpg)

Mid to 4.00am Continued on course 310 p.s.c. 1.30am Pt Sur light (white flash observed every 30 seconds by chronometer) bearing 52 p.s.c. Light appears to be 10 to 15 miles off. Shows ship about 10 miles ahead of log. Light nearly abeam at 1.35. Changed course to 330 p.s.c. P. log 05.8

Noon to mid Various courses up Bay and into China Basin. 12.40pm Aground in soft mud at about center of China Basin - backed off and went alongside Associated Terminal Pier #46 making fast at 1.00pm. 2.35pm Cast off Pier 46 and proceeded around island and spar buoy to berth alongside Main Iron works Wharf. Steamed thru soft mud sounding of 9 feet to reach wharf 4 fathoms alongside wharf iron works. 3.02pm Made fast to Main Wharf.

50874e2a09d40907550105c3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8124_0.jpg)

23 February 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Napoleon Christ - fireman, transferred to hospital

Carl F Meyer - Ensign, this day on annual leave to resign at end of leave.

Napolean Chirot - Transferred to hospital Napolean Chirot fireman

Carl. F. Meyer - Carl. F. Meyer, Ensign, left this day on annual leave, to resign at end of leave.

coal: 19271 -

50874e2a09d40907550105c5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8124_1.jpg)

Liberty granted to 2/3 of crew. Day observed as holiday as ship was at sea in morning of Feb. 22 and work was carried out in afternoon after made fast to dock.

9 00 Liberty granted to 2/3 of crew. Day observed as holiday as ship was at sea in morning of Feb. 22 and work was carried on in afternoon after made fa~t to dock.

50874e2a09d40907550105c7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8125_0.jpg)

24 February 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Shipped by American Express C.O.D. to Schrips Inst 3 boxes water specimens.

K. T. Adams - Lieut, detached at 2.00pm

K T Adams - K T Adams Lieut. detached at 2:00 P.M.

coal: 18821 -

50874e2a09d40907550105c9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8125_1.jpg)

11.45am American Express wagon called for three boxes of water samples sent to Schripps Institute - C.O.D.

50874e2a09d40907550105cb: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8126_0.jpg)

25 February 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

coal: 18396 -

50874e2a09d40907550105cd: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8126_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105cf: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8127_0.jpg)

26 February 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

oil: 17796 -

50874e2a09d40907550105d1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8127_1.jpg)

Mid to Mid 6.30am Called all hands. 7.00am Washed down. 7.30am Breakfast 8.00am Turned to. Officers on final records of Norfolk to San Diego voyage. Crew cleaning after hold and spotting paint work. 4.30pm Two thirds of crew granted liberty. Donald W. Taylor, D.O.

50874e2a09d40907550105d3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8128_0.jpg)

27 February 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Received from C J Hendry~ 10 gal outside white; 10 gal ashpaltum; 10 gal orange shellac; 5 gal spar varnish

Received from C J Hendry: 72 sq ft Asbestos 3/8"; 200 fire clay; 200 fire brick; 2 trowels

oil: 17046 -

50874e2a09d40907550105d5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8128_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105d7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8129_0.jpg)

28 February 1923

alongside main iron works china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Ivanoff, Dimitri - Bos'n discharged at own request & paid in full

McGlynn, John - Bosn' mate discharged own request & paid in full

Eastman, C. J - Sea. A.B. discharged own request & paid in full

Sykes - Sea A.B. discharged own request & paid in full

Record consumption Measured tanks according to graphs Shortage 9896 gal

oil: 16646 - Record comsumption

50874e2a09d40907550105d9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8129_1.jpg)


50874e2a09d40907550105db: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8130_0.jpg)

1 March 1923

alongside main iron works wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

H B Campbell - H & G Eng Executive Officer reported to ship this day

Donald W Taylor - Deck Officer, commission as aid affective this date

Schellman, Wm - Bosn, shipped and rated this day

Sykes, Will - Fireman, shipped and rated this day

Lund, Carl - Seaman, shipped and rated this day

Messenburg - Q.M. 2nd to Bosn (2)

Carlson - Seaman to Q.U. 2nd

Chris Platt - Seaman, discharged this day, own request

oil: 502.64 gal - fuel oil from Shell Co. of Calif.

H.B. Campbell - Reported to sky this day H.B. Campbell, H&G Eng. Executive officer

oil: 502.64 gal. -

50874e2a09d40907550105dd: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8130_1.jpg)

Representative of ship repairing companies aboard during day inspecting ship in regard to bids for repairs

50874e2a09d40907550105df: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8131_0.jpg)

2 March 1923

alongside china basin wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Munns, W. J. - Fireman, discharged at own request & paid in full this date

50874e2a09d40907550105e1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8131_1.jpg)

2.30pm Representatives of shipyard aboard to inspect ship in regard to repair.

Mid to mid. Weather overcast and drizzling with light Sly airs.

50874e2a09d40907550105e3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8132_0.jpg)

3 March 1923

alongside china basin wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Jones, H. J. - Fireman 1cl, shipped and rated this day

Morris, D.E. - Chief Engineer to U.S. Marine Hospital at 3.30pm

Gold, Loyd O - Writer 1cl to US Marine Hospital at 3.30pm

50874e2a09d40907550105e5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8132_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear and cloudy, calm to moderate N'ly breeze.

50874e2a09d40907550105e7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8133_0.jpg)

4 March 1923

alongside china basin wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

50874e2a09d40907550105e9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8133_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105eb: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8134_0.jpg)

5 March 1923

alongside china basin wharf san francisco

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

50874e2a09d40907550105ed: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8134_1.jpg)

Mail orderly made regular to Field Station but found same closed until 11.30pm on account of Mr Dickens funeral. A second trip was made at 11.30am.

Mid to mid. Weather fair with light variable airs.

50874e2a09d40907550105ef: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8135_0.jpg)

6 March 1923

alongside wharf china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Morris, D.E. - Chief Engineer returned from Marine Hospital at 12.16pm

Michael Le~ - shipped & rated AB

50874e2a09d40907550105f1: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8135_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather: Overcast, clear and cloudy, calm, various light airs and breezes.

50874e2a09d40907550105f3: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8136_0.jpg)

7 March 1923

alongside china basin wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

50874e2a09d40907550105f5: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8136_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550105f7: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8137_0.jpg)

8 March 1923

alongside china basin wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

other: 43 gal - gasoline purchased from Associated Oil Co

Ships run 4.5kn

50874e2a09d40907550105f9: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8137_1.jpg)

8.45am Mr Reading and 3 men left ship in launch to sound out channel alongside wharf. Returned at 9.20am. Channel found about 75 feet wide with 6 to 7 feet on shoal outside of it. 9.25am Mr Wagener and 3 men left ship in launch to Pier 19 to obtain paints from Navy yard. 10.20am Cast off from Wharf and proceeded slowly out channel alongside vessels made fast to wharf. 10.30am Set speed on course to Oakland. Proceeded up channel to Moores Shipyard. 11.27am Made fast to Wharf at Moore's shipyard. 11.30am Launch alongside. Paint not at Pier 19 but to be delivered to Moores.

Mid to mid. Weather partly cloudy with light variable airs.

50874e2a09d40907550105fb: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8138_0.jpg)

9 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

50874e2a09d40907550105fd: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8138_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear and cloudy; various light or Wly airs and breezes.

50874e2a09d40907550105ff: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8139_0.jpg)

10 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores wharf oakland cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

50874e2a09d4090755010601: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8139_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear and cloudy, variable light airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010603: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8140_0.jpg)

12 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores wharf oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Cordes, Ed~ T - Sea A.B. discharged this day own request & paid in full

Lee, Micheal - Sea A.B. discharged this day own request & paid in full

50874e2a09d4090755010605: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8140_1.jpg)

Carpenters in Officer staterooms, & yard workingmen on other repair items on board ship.

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear and cloudy, various light airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010607: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8141_0.jpg)

13 March 1923

alongside wharf moores shipyard oakland california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Bonaobia, Marigano - W.O. 2nd Cl discharged this day expiration of enlistment

50874e2a09d4090755010609: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8141_1.jpg)

7.20am Moore shipyard tug alongside to take ship on drydock. 7.25am Cast off lines from shipyard wharf underway for drydock. 7.50am Made fast outside of drydock. 7.55am Port Motorsailer lowered. 8.15am Started up on ways. 9.20am Secured on ways.

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear and cloudy; various light airs and breezes.

50874e2a09d409075501060b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8142_0.jpg)

14 March 1923

hauled out on moore drydock oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Received instruments from O W Swanson USS Natoma as per receipt in instrument file correspondence.

50874e2a09d409075501060d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8142_1.jpg)

8.00am Turned to scraping & painting in after hold. Red leading on counter while on ways. Drydock force finished anti corrosive painting and put on one coat of anti fouling on ships bottom. Finished welding & caulking pitted rivets and plate near stern finished rope guard on stern tube & ~ plating. 8.10am Mail orderly left ship in launch for mail at San Francisco office and instruments from Natoma. 10.35am Started down railway. 11.05am Afloat hauled out to dolphins and made fast. 11.55am Launch returned with mail and instruments from Natoma. 2.40pm Shipyard force hauled ship in to wharf alongsdie Railway.

Five rivets welded in after 2 plates under keel not perfectly tight. Considerable corrosion on these two plates, will probably need attention at next docking.

Mid to mid. Weather fair with gentle Nly breezes.

50874e2a09d409075501060f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8143_0.jpg)

15 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores wharf oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

McKenna, J. E. - Oiler, discharged this day at own request and paid in full

Botts, Ernest J - Sh. Ch. 2 cl, discharged this day, own request, paid in full.

Robins, William J - shipped & rated Sea A.B. this day

50874e2a09d4090755010611: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8143_1.jpg)

Yard men on officers' stateroom & cabin, on engine room repairs & on piping to pilot-house for revolution counter.

Mid to mid. Weather clear and cloudy, calm and various light airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010613: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8144_0.jpg)

16 March 1923

alongside wharf moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

White, Sylvester - Shipped and rated this day, Ship's Cook

50874e2a09d4090755010615: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8144_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d4090755010617: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8145_0.jpg)

17 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores wharf oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Christ, Napoleon - Fireman, discharged this date at own request

50874e2a09d4090755010619: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8145_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather fair with light variable airs.

50874e2a09d409075501061b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8146_0.jpg)

18 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

50874e2a09d409075501061d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8146_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d409075501061f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8147_0.jpg)

19 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Greer Wm E - Chief Engineer, reported aboard this date

Young, E. P. - Fireman, shipped and rated this date

50874e2a09d4090755010621: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8147_1.jpg)

Yard force commenced installing new coal range. Crew commenced eating ashore at noon. Yard force also employed in ~ling staterooms and cabin, on f~ing port on ships bulwarks revolution/counter and engineers repairs.

Mid to mid. Weather fair with light variable airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010623: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8148_0.jpg)

20 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Morris, D.E. - Detached from this ship this date to go on annual leave with resignation to take place at expiration of leave

50874e2a09d4090755010625: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8148_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear and cloudy, various light airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010627: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8149_0.jpg)

21 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

24 ft sailing launch No 8610 received from O. W. Swainson Str Natoma. Launch leaking and engine out of repair.

Mai, Joe - Mess Att 1st Cl discharged this date - own request

Roberts, Noah - Sea A.B. discharged this date - own request

Lund, Hans - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this date

Johnson, Jas - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this date

50874e2a09d4090755010629: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8149_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d409075501062b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8150_0.jpg)

22 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Brown, J. H. - Seaman AB discharged this date at own request

50874e2a09d409075501062d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8150_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear and cloudy, various light airs.

50874e2a09d409075501062f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8151_0.jpg)

23 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

other: Gas - 50 gal, in drum

other: kerosene - 10 gal from Union Oil Co.

50874e2a09d4090755010631: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8151_1.jpg)

The installation of the new coal burning range being completed by the yard force a trial firing was made. The stove worked well except for the draft which was very poor and had to be assisted with compressed air. It was thought this was due to the lack of any draught up the ships stack both boilers being blown down.

The serving of meals to the crew aboard ship was resumed at noon this day. Subsistence at restaurant on shore ended after breakfast.

Mid to mid. Weather fair with light variable airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010633: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8152_0.jpg)

24 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Williams, O.G. - Oiler, discharged this date at own request

Woodworth, R. W. - Lieut (j.g) attached to ship this date

50874e2a09d4090755010635: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8152_1.jpg)

Mr Woodworth - on board, transferred from Str Discoverer to Str Pioneer

Mid to mid. Weather: Clear, calm and light airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010637: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8153_0.jpg)

25 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

50874e2a09d4090755010639: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8153_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather foggy in morning clearing towards afternoon, light variable airs.

50874e2a09d409075501063b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8154_0.jpg)

26 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Mr Taylor - returned from annual at 12M to day

Royce, Wm - Seaman, discharged this day at own request

50874e2a09d409075501063d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8154_1.jpg)

Crew brought starboard anchor chain aboard and cleaned up deck

50874e2a09d409075501063f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8155_0.jpg)

27 March 1923

alongside wharf at moores shipyard oakland calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Neff, Floyd - Oiler, shipped and rated this date

Carney, N - Fireman, shipped and rated this date

Parmental, Frank - Fireman, shipped and rated this date

Gold, Lloyd O - Ships writer returned to ship from hospital at 3.00pm

Ships run 4.5 n. mi.

50874e2a09d4090755010641: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8155_1.jpg)

2.32pm Photographer aboard to take pictures of sounding apparatus. 3.05pm Cast off lines from wharf at Moore's Shipyard. 3.18pm Standard speed out of the channel. 3.35pm Stopped, took picture of sounding machine. 3.50pm Standard speed to San Francisco, Cal. 4.25pm Made fast alongside of San Francisco wharf at Main Iron Works. 4.25pm Photographer left ship.

3.05 cast off line from wharf at Moore's Shipyard. 3.18 standard speed out of the channel. 3.35 stopped. 3.50 standard speed to San Francisco, Cal. 4.25 made fast alongside of San Francisco wharf at Main Iron Works. Weather: Clear, calm and light airs.

50874e2a09d4090755010643: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8156_0.jpg)

28 March 1923

alongside main iron works wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Benjaminson, Simon K. - W.O. 2cl shipped and rated this date

Norton, J. M. - Seaman AB shipped and rated this date

Molloy, Wm E - Seaman AB shipped and rated this date

50874e2a09d4090755010645: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8156_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d4090755010647: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8157_0.jpg)

29 March 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

oil: 1382.64 - barrels fuel oil from Shell Oil Co

50874e2a09d4090755010649: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8157_1.jpg)

1.20pm Mr Taylor & 4 men left ship on motorsailer to make trip to pier 19 to obtain supplies forwarded to that place from Mare Navy Yard

Mid to mid. Weather partly cloudy with light variable breezes.

50874e2a09d409075501064b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8158_0.jpg)

30 March 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

50874e2a09d409075501064d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8158_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d409075501064f: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8159_0.jpg)

31 March 1923

alongside wharf main iron wks china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Received 3 hrs work from radio man on wireless

Edwards, Benj - W.R. Stew. discharged this date paid in full

50874e2a09d4090755010651: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8159_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather: Unsettled, light Sly airs and breezes.

50874e2a09d4090755010653: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8160_0.jpg)

1 April 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Page scored through

50874e2a09d4090755010655: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8160_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Cloudy and drizzle at times, occasional light showers thruout day.

50874e2a09d4090755010657: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8161_0.jpg)

50874e2a09d4090755010659: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8161_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d409075501065b: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8162_0.jpg)

50874e2a09d409075501065d: ( Pioneer/Book 4 - January-March, 1923/IMG_8162_1.jpg)

LOG BOOK – APRIL 1st 1923 TO JUNE 30th 1923

50874e2a09d409075501065f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8163_0.jpg)

Cover of log book to June 30 1923

R. R. Lukens - Commanding - on log book cover

50874e2a09d4090755010661: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8163_1.jpg)

Cover of log book from Apr 1 (1923)

50874e2a09d4090755010663: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8164_0.jpg)

50874e2a09d4090755010665: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8164_1.jpg)

Department of Commerce United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. E. Lester Jones, Director. Log Book Str Pioneer. R. R. Lukens, Commanding. From Apr 1, 1923, to June 30, 1923

50874e2a09d4090755010667: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8165_0.jpg)

List of officers attached to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer Pioneer: Lukens, R.R. Lieut. July 24, 1922; Campbell, H.B. Lieut, Mar 1 1923; Reading, O.S. Lieut, July 28, 1922; Woodworth, R.W. Lieutenant jg, Mar 24 1923; Wagner, A.H. Ensign, Aug 22, 1922, detached April 10 1923; Byms, R.W. Ensign, Apr 1, 1923; Taylor, D.W. Ensign, Sept 17, 1923; Greer, W.E. Ch. Engr, Mar 19, 1923; Nevius, F. P. Surgeon, Apr 1, 1923; Wilder, L.C. Lieut, Apr 11 1923; Tyler, H.W. D.O. Apr 11 1923; Hoskinson, A.J. Ensign Apr 11 1923

50874e2a09d4090755010669: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8165_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d409075501066b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8166_0.jpg)

50874e2a09d409075501066d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8166_1.jpg)

General Dimensions Vessel: Length at load water line 180 ft; Extreme breadth of beam at load water line 35 ft 0 in; Depth of hold 25 ft 0 in forward; 18 ft 0 in amidships; Tonnage, registered 723 gross; Draft - Forward 12ft; Aft 13 ft 8.5 in; Midship section 566 sq ft; Displacement 1000 tons


50874e2a09d409075501066f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8167_0.jpg)

1 April 1923

alongside main iron works wharf san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

R. W. Byrns - Ensign reported aboard for duty

F. P. Nevius - Surg, started official duties, this date

J. A. Bond - Lieut, came aboard for passage to Seattle

Benjaminson - W Opr 2 c own request discharge ~

Koschilik, Harvey - Enlist rated Sea. AB.

Calum, A - rated off Steward vacancy in complement

Sims, Fred - Enlisted as officers cook to fill vacancy

Bethway, Clark - enlisted for launch Wildcat, rated writer

Branyan, James - enlisted for launch Wildcat, rated Sea AB

Murphy, J. P. - enlisted for launch Wildcat, rated QM 2c

50874e2a09d4090755010671: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8167_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d4090755010673: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8168_0.jpg)

2 April 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Malloy, Wm C - Sea rated QM 2c

Benjaminson, S. K. - For Wildcat, transferred from Pioneer and rated A to E 2c

50874e2a09d4090755010675: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8168_1.jpg)

7.00am Called all hand 8.00am Washed down 9.00am Mail orderly & 1 seaman made trip to San Francisco Field Station. He returned at 11.05 with mail and hand sounding machine No 16. 9.35am Mr Taylor & 2 men left ship in motorsailer for trip to Pier 19. 10.50am Mr Taylor & party returned with supplies from Mare Navy Yard via Pier 19. 3.50pm Mess stores received on board. 5.00pm 2/3 of crew granted liberty. Crew employed in stowing supplies & stores and in rigging new steering cable. Officers on accounts & correspondence, receiving & storing supplies plotting soundings on smooth sheets and reducing ~. Weather overcast and rainy with gently Ely breezes. O. S. Reading Lieut. Page signed by A B Campbell

Mid to mid. Weather overcast and rainy with gentle Sly breezes.

50874e2a09d4090755010677: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8169_0.jpg)

3 April 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Young, E. P. - Fireman 1st cl, absent from ship with apparent intention to desert - declared deserter

50874e2a09d4090755010679: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8169_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Lt southerly air and breezes. Clear and cloudy with lt rain in evening. Storm reported offshore.

50874e2a09d409075501067b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8170_0.jpg)

4 April 1923

alongside main iron works dock san francisco calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

Neilson, R. M. - A to E 1 cl discharged this date at own request

Joelet, O. - A to E 1st cl discharged this date at own request

Lynch, George - Fireman, shipped and rated this date

Patterson, Wm - Mess Att. 1st cl shipped for Wildcat and rated

50874e2a09d409075501067d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8170_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Weather bad: practically continuous rain with SE wind. Unfavorable for sailing - storm offshore.

50874e2a09d409075501067f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8171_0.jpg)

5 April 1923

alongside main iron works wharf china basin san francisco calif

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

McKee, E. J. - Fireman 1st shipped and rated this date

Prenglau, Theodor - rated from A to E 2nd to A to E 1st

Lyter, H.C. - rated from oiler to A to E 2 cl

Courtney, George - rated from fireman to oiler

50874e2a09d4090755010681: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8171_1.jpg)

pt reyes light on stbd bow

Lat , Long

1.00pm Cast off lines from Main Iron Wh Dock, San Francisco Cal. 1.15pm Swinging ship while underway in San Francisco Bay for azimuth readings. 2.00pm Completed swinging ship underway up channel.

Mid to 4.00 pm. 1.00 underway in San Francisco Bay. 2.00 underway up channel. 3.03 Whistle Buoy stud bm, 265 deg psc. 3.47 c/c whistle 10.R stbd beam, 271 deg psc. Cloudy, low fog banks of Bonita Light gentle S and SSW'ly breezes.

4.00 to 8.00 pm. 5.17 Pt Reyes Lt on stbd bow. 5.30 Pt. Reyes Lt 2.1 knots on stbd beam. Cloudy, low ground beam sea, light southerly breezes.

8.00 pm - mid. 10.25 sighted Anna Lt. 10.40 Pt. Cumas Lt 4 pts on bow. 11.50 Pt. Cumas abeam. Dist 11.7.

50874e2a09d4090755010683: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8172_0.jpg)

6 April 1923

at sea underway from san francisco cal to seattle

Lat 40.88, Long -124.33

Ships run noon noon 214 naut. miles

50874e2a09d4090755010685: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8172_1.jpg)

trinidad head lt abm

Lat 10.7, Long -61.5

Mid to 4.00 am. 2.35 Pt. Cabrillo Lt abm appeared 12' away. Clear and clought, Light SSWly breezes.

4.00 to 8.00 am. 5.33 Punta Gorda bears 8 deg true. 7.34 Punta Gorda Lt 45 deg stbd bow. 8.00 Sugar Loaf Pk 350 deg psc, Punta Gorda Lt 70 deg psc. Cloudy with showers, SW breeze.

8.00 to 12 noon. 8.20 Blunto Reef Light Vessel sighted, 1.5 pts of stbd bow. 9.15 light vessel close abeam to the stb. 10.25 Table Bluff Lt 45 deg off stb bow. 10.55 Table Bluff Lt 90 deg off beam.

12.00 to 4.00 pm. 12.36 bow bearing on Trinidad Head Lt. 12.53 Trinidad Head Lt abm. 2.14 Redding Rk abm. Clear and Cloudy, light SW and SSWly breezes.

4.00 to 8.00 pm. 4.41 NW Seal Rock L.H. 4 pts on stbd bow. 5.06 NW Seal Rock L.H. 4.3 knots on stbd bow. Weather from cloudy to light rain. Light SSW breezes.

8.00 to 12 midnight. 8.55 Cape Blanco Lt sighted 3 pts off stbd bow. 9.15 Cape Blanco Lt 45 deg off stbd bow. 9.45 Oxford Reef Lt and Cape Blanco Lt in line. 10.25 Cape Blanco Lt 90 deg off beam. Oxford Reef Lt 117 deg off beam. Occasional showers.

50874e2a09d4090755010687: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8173_0.jpg)

7 April 1923

at sea underway from san francisco cal to seattle wash

Lat 45.30, Long -124.27

Distance run noon - noon 257 naut. mi

Prenglau, Theodor - A to E 1st cl discharged this date expiration of enlistment

Smith, R. W. - Seaman AB discharged for insubordination

Prenzlau, Theodor AtoE 1st cl - Discharged this date - expiration of enlistment

Smith, RW, Seaman AB - Discharged for insubordination

50874e2a09d4090755010689: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8173_1.jpg)

columbia river light vessel bears 84o psc

Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

50874e2a09d409075501068b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8174_0.jpg)

8 April 1923

at sea underway from san francisco calif to seattle wash

Lat 48.18, Long -122.78

Bond, John A - Lieut (j.g.) left ship this date (aboard for transportation from San Francisco to Seattle)

Distance noon - noon 278 naut. mi.

Prenglau, Theodor - Shipped and rated this date A to E 1st

50874e2a09d409075501068d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8174_1.jpg)

stacy street wharf seattle

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Sheringham Pt Light 4pts on port beam

New Dungeness Lt 45o off bow

4.30pm Made fast port side to South side Stacy sheet wharf Seattle

50874e2a09d409075501068f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8175_0.jpg)

9 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Distance run noon-noon 39 naut. miles

Barricklow, Clay - A to E Chief, shipped and rated this date

Woodfield P W - A to E 2nd discharged this date at own request

Fernandez, M - Fireman, discharged this date at own request

Coti, A - Fireman, discharged this date at own request

Schellman, Wm - Bos'n discharged this date at own request

Godshall, Monroe - Carpenter, sent to hospital at 3pm

50874e2a09d4090755010691: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8175_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d4090755010693: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8176_0.jpg)

10 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Received from Coast Survey Storehouse: 52 mattress covers; 8 mattresses; 4 napkins; 26 blankets; 42 pillow slips; 22 sheets; 12 face towels

Shipped by COD Am Ry Express to Scripps Institute La Jolla I box plankton specimens in bottles

Wagener, A. H. - Ensign, detached from ship this date

Borchers, Lawrence - A to E 2cl shipped and rated this date

McZuyin, Robert - Seaman AB shipped and rated this date

Berglund, Iver - rated Bos'n

Swenson, F. H. - rated QM 1st cl

50874e2a09d4090755010695: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8176_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d4090755010697: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8177_0.jpg)

11 April 1923

alongside stacy st wharf seattle wm

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Murphy, J. P. - QM 1st shipped and rated this day for Wildcat

Racimo, Joe A - seaman, discharged this day own request

L. C. Wilder - Lieut (j.g) reported for duty this day

A J. Hoskinson - Ensign, reported for duty this day

H W Tyler - Deck Officer, reported for duty this day

Murphy, J. P. - QM 1st shipped and rated this day for Wildcat

Racimo, Joe A - seaman, discharged this day own request

L. C. Wilder - Lieut (j.g) reported for duty this day

A J. Hoskinson - Ensign, reported for duty this day

H W Tyler - Deck Officer, reported for duty this day

50874e2a09d4090755010699: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8177_1.jpg)

U.S.S Discoverer - Tied up alongside USS Discoverer to land steam launch on her after deck

USS Discover - 9.25 Tied up alongside USS Discover to land steam launch on her after deck.

50874e2a09d409075501069b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8178_0.jpg)

12 April 1923

alongside stacy st wharf seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Louis Mann - shipped as fireman 2 cl, rated Fireman 1cl

Philip Turpin - shipped as seaman ord, rated Seaman AB

Glenn Winsor - shipped as seaman ord, rated seaman AB

50874e2a09d409075501069d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8178_1.jpg)

11.40pm Laundry sent to Model Electric Laundry Co.

50874e2a09d409075501069f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8179_0.jpg)

13 April 1923

alongside stacy st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Strom, A - Fireman 1st shipped and rated this date

Linden, A - Fireman 1cl, shipped and rated this day

Christiansen, S. W. - Fireman 1cl, rated this date to Seaman AB

Sykes, Will - Fireman 1st cl, discharged this date at own request

50874e2a09d40907550106a1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8179_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550106a3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8180_0.jpg)

14 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

~uhls, J - Seaman, discharged this date

Winsor, Glenn - Seaman, discharged this day at own request

Hines, H. R. - Fireman 1st cl, shipped and rated this date

50874e2a09d40907550106a5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8180_1.jpg)

8.00am Turned to, washed down decks. 9.25am Mail dispatched. 9.50am Rec'd bread from Western Bakeries Corp. 10.30am Rec'd ship's laundry from Model Elec. Laundry. Officers engaged in work on field records and the purchase of supplies. Crew at routine duties about ship. Liberty granted to one watch for afternoon & evening. Weather - clear - calm to light NW airs. L. C. Wilder, Lieut

50874e2a09d40907550106a7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8181_0.jpg)

15 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Flanagan, J. H. - Chief Writer, discharged, expiration of enlistment

Lund, Carl - Seaman A.B. A.W.O.L.

50874e2a09d40907550106a9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8181_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550106ab: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8182_0.jpg)

16 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

coal: 25 tons - from Pacific Coast Coal Co.

McKee, E. J. - Fireman 1st Class discharged at own request

Flanagan, J. H. - Writer, Chief, shipped and rated this date

Tuechsen, Peter - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Johnson J. E. - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day for Wildcat

50874e2a09d40907550106ad: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8182_1.jpg)

Campbell, H. B. - Signs log page

50874e2a09d40907550106af: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8183_0.jpg)

17 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Niff, Floyd - Oiler, discharged this date at own request

Lund, Carl - Seaman A.B. reported aboard at 8am being A.W.O.L since April 15th. Checked 2 days pay & rations

Godshail, Monroe - Carpenter, account transferred to Seattle Field Station, in Hospital (U.S.P.H) Port T~

50874e2a09d40907550106b1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8183_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550106b3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8184_0.jpg)

18 April 1923

stacy street dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Radio transmitter tuned by Radio Corporation of America. 3.5 hours at 1.50 per hour

Hanson, Werner - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Jacobsen, Bertram - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Christopherson Axel A - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Hallberg, Carl - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Courter, Frank - Oiler, shipped and rated this day

Jung, Arthur - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Tromp, Paul - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Benjaminson, Simon K - Carpenter, transferred to Pioneer and rated

Behrendt, Gilbert - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day for Wildcat

50874e2a09d40907550106b5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8184_1.jpg)

coal: about 12 tons -

50874e2a09d40907550106b7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8185_0.jpg)

19 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Morley, Joe - Seaman A.B. rated to fireman

50874e2a09d40907550106b9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8185_1.jpg)

coal: - stowed rest of coal on deck

50874e2a09d40907550106bb: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8186_0.jpg)

20 April 1923

stacy street wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Nelson, C - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day

Fjeldal, A - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day for Wildcat

Jahna, Ed - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day for Wildcat

Maupin, Ira - Seaman A.B. shipped and rated this day for Wildcat

50874e2a09d40907550106bd: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8186_1.jpg)

6.00pm Anchor up & underway

10.05pm Various courses to anchorage at 10.25 off Pt Townsend

50874e2a09d40907550106bf: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8187_0.jpg)

21 April 1923

at sea underway from port twonsend wash to ketchikan alaska

Lat 48.27, Long -122.92

50874e2a09d40907550106c1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8187_1.jpg)

145am lime kilt pt lt abm

Lat , Long

50874e2a09d40907550106c3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8188_0.jpg)

22 April 1923

at sea underway from port townsend wash to ketchikan alaska

Lat 50.48, Long -126.13

50874e2a09d40907550106c5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8188_1.jpg)

729am cape mudge lh on stbd beam

Lat 50.0, Long -125.2

50874e2a09d40907550106c7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8189_0.jpg)

23 April 1923

underway from port twonsend wash to ketchikan alaska

Lat 51.87, Long -127.93

Distance noon to noon 134 km. Hours steamed 11.2 std 2.0 reduced

50874e2a09d40907550106c9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8189_1.jpg)

safety cove at anchor

Lat 51.5, Long -127.9

Waiting for fog to life. 5.36 Fog commencing to lift underway out of Safety Cove. 6.00 Fog shalling in heavily in Fitzhugh Sound, returned to Safety Cove let go anchor again at 6.10 18 fm 45 fm chain

9.30 Up anchor and underway out of Safety Cove

12.53 Pointer Is Lt abm cc to 273o

3.37 Ivory Is Lt abm 2/3 mi

6.03 Separation Point Lt 300 metres port beam cc 305

Mid channel up Tolmie channel favoring north shore to avoid Tolmie Rock at North end then mid channel up J~h~ Reach to Swanson Bay. 7.57 Let go stbd anchor in Swanson Bay 18.5 fm

50874e2a09d40907550106cb: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8190_0.jpg)

24 April 1923

underway from port twonsend wash to ketchikan alaska

Lat 53.95, Long -130.20

Ships run to noon 174 km. Ships run from noon 101 km.

50874e2a09d40907550106cd: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8190_1.jpg)

holliday is lt port beam

Lat 55.4, Long -130.2

50874e2a09d40907550106cf: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8191_0.jpg)

25 April 1923

at anchor off ketchikan aaa

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

50874e2a09d40907550106d1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8191_1.jpg)

san juan fish co dock

Lat , Long

8.04 Ex Officer, Ch engineer and 6 men left in motor sailer for boathouse to make preparations for launching boats. 10.40 Motor sailer returned to ship.

Tied up at San Juan Fish Co. Dock

50874e2a09d40907550106d3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8192_0.jpg)

26 April 1923

alongside dock ketchikan alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

50874e2a09d40907550106d5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8192_1.jpg)

Mr Campbell - Chief Engineer, left ship in motor sailer with six men

Cosmos - made fast alongside

Wildcat I & II - Officers preparing launches for launching

50874e2a09d40907550106d7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8193_0.jpg)

27 April 1923

alongside uss surveyor off wharf at ketchikan alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

USS Surveyor - Pioneer moored alongside

USS Surveyor -

50874e2a09d40907550106d9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8193_1.jpg)

Mr Campbell - and crew of launch Wildcat left ship in motor sailer to put launch 117 in water and rig lines for hauling Wildcat on way. 11.10am Motor sailer returned with Launch 117 in tow. Made 117 fast alongside and returned for Wildcat Party at 11.20

Mr Hoskinson - with Wildcat Party left ship in motor sailer

Mr Reading - with Wildcat Party left ship in motor sailer

Mr Tyler - with Wildcat Party left ship in motor sailer

50874e2a09d40907550106db: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8194_0.jpg)

28 April 1923

alongside uss surveyor at coal dock at ketchikan alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

USS Surveyor - alongside

USS Surveyor -

Milanio MP - Shipped for "Wildcat" and rated Milanio MP Mess Att 1st cl

50874e2a09d40907550106dd: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8194_1.jpg)

Mr Woodworth - Motor sailer left ship for boat house with Mr Campbell, Mr Woodworth and Wildcat crew aboard

Left Surveyor's side and anchored in 25 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain 360 m N69E of North end of Pinnock Island at 1.30

Capt Lukens - left on motor sailor for Surveyor

Wildcat - Mr. Campbell, Mr. Woodworth and Wildcat crew abaord

50874e2a09d40907550106df: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8195_0.jpg)

29 April 1923

alongside uss surveyor at northland dock ketchikan alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

50874e2a09d40907550106e1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8195_1.jpg)

USS Surveyor - 10.02 Underway to middle of Narrows, still tied alongside USS Surveyor. 10.21 Finished with engines, tied alongside Surveyor at anchor

50874e2a09d40907550106e3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8196_0.jpg)

30 April 1923

alongside of surveyor at anchor ketchikan alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

50874e2a09d40907550106e5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8196_1.jpg)


50874e2a09d40907550106e7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8197_0.jpg)

1 May 1923

at anchor ketchikan alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

50874e2a09d40907550106e9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8197_1.jpg)

3.20 M.S. left for boat house, Matoma launch in tow.

50874e2a09d40907550106eb: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8198_0.jpg)

2 May 1923

at anchor ketchikan hbr

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

50874e2a09d40907550106ed: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8198_1.jpg)

other: 30 gal - gasoline

8.00 AM. Motor Sailor shoved off with work party for boat house - towing hatma motor-sailor.

50874e2a09d40907550106ef: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8199_0.jpg)

3 May 1923

at anchor ketchikan harbour alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

50874e2a09d40907550106f1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8199_1.jpg)

50874e2a09d40907550106f3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8200_0.jpg)

4 May 1923

at anchor off ketchikan alaska

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

Lundin A; Strom, A; Lynch, Geo; Lund, Earl; Jacobson, Bertrand; Christopherson, AA; - Lundin A, Fire 1 cl; Strom, A, Fire 1 cl; Lynch Geo, Fire 1 cl; Lund, Carl, Seaman AB; Jacobson, Bertrand, Seaman AB; Christopherson, AA, Seaman AB left ship with evident intention to desert. Declared deserters this date

Fjeldal, A - Fjeldal A, Sea AB transferred from Wildcat to Pioneer on this date

50874e2a09d40907550106f5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8200_1.jpg)

anchor up and underway north thru tongass narrows steering midchannel courses

Lat 38.5, Long -28.6

50874e2a09d40907550106f7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8201_0.jpg)

5 May 1923

at anchor in dewey anchorage etolin i alaska

Lat 38.5, Long -28.6

50874e2a09d40907550106f9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8201_1.jpg)

540 standing in to anchorage west of pt colpoys 615 let go stbd anchor

Lat 30.5, Long 117.1

1.05 Anchor up, underway at 2/3 speed out of Dewey Anchorage, towing Wildcat

Weather: clear, light w'ly airs

Weather bright & clear with light Westerly breezes

50874e2a09d40907550106fb: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8202_0.jpg)

6 May 1923

at anchor near pt colpoys alaska

Lat 56.07, Long -133.88

50874e2a09d40907550106fd: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8202_1.jpg)

Weather bright, light breezes with some haze

Weather: clear, light NW'ly airs

Weather clear, sea smooth, light NWly airs

50874e2b09d40907550106ff: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8203_0.jpg)

7 May 1923

underway between ketchikan alaska and hoonah alaska

Lat 58.20, Long -135.43

50874e2b09d4090755010701: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8203_1.jpg)

Weather clear, sea smooth, light breeze from NW

Weather: overcast; light W'ly airs

Overcast with showers and misty, smooth sea, calm to variable light airs

Weather overcat to fog light W'ly airs

Slightly foggy and overcast, light SW'ly airs, slight swell

50874e2b09d4090755010703: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8204_0.jpg)

8 May 1923

underway between hoonah alaska and latouche alaska

Lat 59.55, Long -140.83

Courtney George - Courtney George ~ on sick list indefinately articular rheumatism

50874e2b09d4090755010705: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8204_1.jpg)

Cloudy, light airs, low swell

Weather: overcast, light airs

Partly cloudy, light airs

Bright & clear, light airs, low swell

Weather: clear; light W'ly airs, low swell

Weather clear, low swell, light WNWly airs and breezes

50874e2b09d4090755010707: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8205_0.jpg)

9 May 1923

underway between hoonah alaska and latouche alaska

Lat 60.32, Long -147.57

50874e2b09d4090755010709: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8205_1.jpg)

Clear witha few light fogs. Stiff breeze from W & NW

Weather: clear, light NW'ly airs

Sea smooth, clear sky light airs

Weather: clear, light W'ly airs

Clear, smooth sea, light airs

50874e2b09d409075501070b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8206_0.jpg)

10 May 1923

sunny cove resurrection bay alaska

Lat 22.6, Long 113.9

50874e2b09d409075501070d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8206_1.jpg)

Launch Wildcat left for Seward to obtain men.

Wildcat returned to ship. No men available at Seward.

Weather - o'cast & rain. Wind Calm to NW-1

Overcast with rain, smooth sea, varying light airs

50874e2b09d409075501070f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8207_0.jpg)

11 May 1923

at anchor sunny cove aaa

Lat 22.6, Long 59.5

50874e2b09d4090755010711: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8207_1.jpg)

Weather Rain wind calm - S-1

Overcast with rain, smooth sea, calm

50874e2b09d4090755010713: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8208_0.jpg)

12 May 1923

at anchor sunny cove aaa

Lat 59.18, Long -150.33

50874e2b09d4090755010715: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8208_1.jpg)

Weather: Overcast; light W'ly airs light swell

Weather overcast to cloudy. Mod swell. Light E'ly airs

Cloudy with light easterly breeze

Weather: overcast, light SE'l airs light swell

Overcast with drizzle, light airs, slight swell

50874e2b09d4090755010717: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8209_0.jpg)

13 May 1923

underway between sunny cove resurrection bay uyak alaska

Lat Underway between Sinny Cove, Resurrection Bay & Uyak Alaska, Long -149.4

Run to Noon 114 kn.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 2059 Gals.

Fresh Water Eng. Log Allo 980 gals. Gravity 160 Total 1140 gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours 2000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 50355

Water remaining on board, 5750

Run to Noon 114 kn.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 2059 Gals.

Fresh Water Eng. Log Allo 980 gals. Gravity 160 Total 1140 gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours 2000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 50355

Water remaining on board, 5750

50874e2b09d4090755010719: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8209_1.jpg)

bearings izhut cape 331 true peril cape 20 true

Lat 12.7, Long 43.4

50874e2b09d409075501071b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8210_0.jpg)

14 May 1923

at anchor 12 mi sw wooded i alaska

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d409075501071d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8210_1.jpg)

12.00 mid to 4.00 am. Weather - overcast, rainy, heavy wind from East.

4.00 am to Mid. Weather: overcast, rain, moderate breeze to light airs

50874e2b09d409075501071f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8211_0.jpg)

15 May 1923

at anchor wooded is

Lat 57.8, Long -152.4

50874e2b09d4090755010721: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8211_1.jpg)

USC & GSS Discoverer - Made fast alongside port side of

Mid to 8.00 am. 4.57 anchor up standing out of anchorage. 5.03 Courses to Whale Passage. 6.06 Alhognak Pt port beam, entering Whale Passage. 6.25 West end of Whale Is. abm. 7.48 Outlet cape abm. Weather partly cloudy, light Ely airs.

8.00 to 12.00 am. 8.34 Cape Uganik abeam 1.4 km. 9.52 Cape Ugat abeam. 10.28 Cape Kulink abeam 3.3 km. 11.59 Buoy no 2 Uyak, abeam. Partly cloudy, light to gentle NEly breezes.

Noon to midnight. 12.25 made fast alongside port side of USCGSS Discover at anchor off Uyak. 2.45 pm. Cast off from Discover and proceeded to Cannery Wharf. 7.40 cast off from Cannery Wharf and proceeded to anchorage behind spit. Weather partly cloudy with light SEly breezes.

50874e2b09d4090755010723: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8212_0.jpg)

16 May 1923

at anchor off uyak aaa

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d4090755010725: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8212_1.jpg)

Mid to mid Weather overcast with rain and mist in morning. Weather cloudy and rainy during the day with moderate NEly winds shifting to southerly and clearing somewhat at night.

50874e2b09d4090755010727: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8213_0.jpg)

17 May 1923

at anchor off uyak aaa

Lat 57.47, Long -154.70

50874e2b09d4090755010729: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8213_1.jpg)

917 rocky pt 2 miles on port beam

Lat 29.9, Long 32.6

7.40 Tested wheel, whistle ad telegtaph

50874e2b09d409075501072b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8214_0.jpg)

18 May 1923

underway between uyak alaska kings cove alaska

Lat 55.37, Long -160.25

Run Noon-Noon 227 n. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 2850 Gals

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 43405

Water remaining on board, 3675

50874e2b09d409075501072d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8214_1.jpg)

kings cove

Lat 65.6, Long -168.8

9.20 Dropped anchor in Kings Cove

50874e2b09d409075501072f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8215_0.jpg)

19 May 1923

at anchor in kings cove alaska

Lat 55.02, Long -162.43

Run to Noon 91 kn.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 2000 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1000 gal

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 41405

Water remaining on board, 3300

50874e2b09d4090755010731: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8215_1.jpg)

cannery wharf of p e harris co in false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -162.3

Captain Lukens - 8.40 Wildcat with Captain Lukens aboard left ship for Cannrey dock

10.20 Wildcat alongside

10.50 Tested wheel, whistle and telegraph

Mr Campbell - 4.05 Commanding officer Mr Campbell & chief Engir left in Launch Wildcat to visit cannery of P. E. Harris in False Pass to ~ about going alongside for frech water & supplies shipped us from Seattle. Party returned at 6:55 P.M.

7:26 Made fast to cannery wharf of P. E. Harris & Co in False Pass.

50874e2b09d4090755010733: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8216_0.jpg)

20 May 1923

alongside harris dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Run to Noon 45 n. mi

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1200 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours 1200 gal

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 40205

Water remaining on board, 14300

50874e2b09d4090755010735: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8216_1.jpg)

Sunday quietly observed

50874e2b09d4090755010737: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8217_0.jpg)

21 May 1923

alongside harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 600 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200 gallons

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 39605

Water remaining on board, 13100

50874e2b09d4090755010739: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8217_1.jpg)

Mid to Mid: The Wildcat engaged Mr Campbells attention for the day. Mr Reading overhauled and adjusted instruments. Mr Woodworth made boat sheet projection. Mr Wilder, Mr Tyler & 3 men installed auto tide gage. Mr Hoskinson & several men checked & stacked lumber. My Byrns & 3 men put in 4 bench marks. Mr Taylor issued clothing & s.s. & worked on accounts. Crew made general preparations for beginning of field work.

Mr. Campbell - The Wildcat engaged Mr. Campbells attention for the day

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading overhauled and adjusted instruments

Mr. Woodworth - Mr. Woodworth made boat sheet projection

Mr. Wildes - Mr. Wildes, Mr Tyler & 3 men installed auto tide gage

Mr Tyler - Mr. Wildes, Mr Tyler & 3 men installed auto tide gage

Mr. Hoskinson - Mr. Hoskinson & several men checked & stacked lumber

Mr. Byrns - Mr. Byrns & 3 men put in 4 bench marks

Mr. Taylor - Mr. Taylor issued clothing r.s.s. & worked on accounts

Crew made general preparations for beginnig of field work.

50874e2b09d409075501073b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8218_0.jpg)

22 May 1923

harris dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

4 hydrographic signals built

4 hydrographic signals built

motorsailer run 27 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 700 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 2000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 35905

Water remaining on board, 11100

4 hydrographic signals built

motorsailer run 27 stat. mi.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 700 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 2000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 35905

Water remaining on board, 11100

50874e2b09d409075501073d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8218_1.jpg)

Mr. Campbell - Mr. Campbell and Wildcat Crew hauling out Wildcat.

Mr. Reading - Mr. Reading and 2 men on reconnoissance in lagoon N shore.

Mr. Woodworth - Mr. Woodworth making projections

Mr Tyler - Mr. Wilder and Mr Tyler installing automatic tide guage

Mr. Wilder - Mr. Wilder and Mr Tyler installing automatic tide guage

Mr. Hoskinson - Mr. Hoskinson building signals N. of Harris Canney

Mr. Byrns - Mr. Byrns leveling between bench marks and tide staff.

Mr. Taylor - Mr. Taylor working on small st~ records.

Crew on the several parties and working genial preperation for field work.

9:00 M.S. returns to ship, towed in bay Canney Launch.

Note: Wildcat was hauled out by Harris Co. on their ways.

50874e2b09d409075501073f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8219_0.jpg)

23 May 1923

alongside harris co dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

McLafren, Rott. Sea. - McLafren, Rott. Sea. Transferred to Wildcat.

Maupin, Ira, Fir. 1c. - Maupin, Ira, Fir. 1c. transfered to Wildcat.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 517 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 2000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 38388

Water remaining on board, 9100

50874e2b09d4090755010741: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8219_1.jpg)

8:00 Crew turned to at routine work about deck

Mr. Campbell - Repair to "Wildcat" on ways

Mr. Reading - Office work.

Mr. Woodworth - Work on projection

Mr. Taylor - Cluth~ & 2 m. at~

8:00 Crew turned to at routine work about deck

Mr. Campbell - Repair to "Wildcat" on ways

Mr. Reading - Office work.

Mr. Woodworth - Work on projection

Mr. Taylor - Cluth~ & 2 m. at~

50874e2b09d4090755010743: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8220_0.jpg)

24 May 1923

alongside harris co dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Built this day. 1 triangulation signal. 9 Hydrographic signals.

Built this day 1 triangulation signal 9 Hydrographic signals

motorsailer run 9 stat. mi.

Wells, J. Sh. C. 1c. - Wells, J. Sh. C. 1c. disrated to Sea.

Murphy, J. P. QM 1c - Murphy, J. P. QM 1c Cox'n on Wildcat Transferred to Pioneer & rated W. Opr. 2c.

Johnson, John E. Sh. C. 1c. - Johnson, John E. Sh. C. 1c. (Wildcat) transferred to Wildcat rated sh. C. 1c.

McQueen, Robt. - Wildcat: McQueen, Robt. rated QM 1c.

Mauphin, Ira. - Wildcat: Mauphin, Ira. Rated Sh. C. 1c.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 512 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 37876

Water remaining on board, 7900

50874e2b09d4090755010745: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8220_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d4090755010747: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8221_0.jpg)

25 May 1923

alongside harris cannery wharf false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Triangulation signal "False Pass" built

Instruments taken by Camp Party. Mr Wilder in charge. Scale #177; Dividers #309 & 482; Hypsograph #37; Court Protractor #447; Tape #935; Watch #139; Sextant #337; Theodolite #229; P.T. Alidad # 177 ~ #163

50874e2b09d4090755010749: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8221_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d409075501074b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8222_0.jpg)

26 May 1923

alongside harris cannery wharf false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d409075501074d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8222_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d409075501074f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8223_0.jpg)

27 May 1923

alongside harris cannery wharf false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

oil: 693.8 Bbl - fuel oil

50874e2b09d4090755010751: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8223_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d4090755010753: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8224_0.jpg)

28 May 1923

at anchor off false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010755: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8224_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d4090755010757: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8225_0.jpg)

29 May 1923

alongside cannery wharf false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010759: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8225_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d409075501075b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8226_0.jpg)

30 May 1923

at anchor 12 mile west of ikatan pt alaska

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d409075501075d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8226_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d409075501075f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8227_0.jpg)

31 May 1923

anchor 15 mile south of kenmore hd morzhovoi bay

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d4090755010761: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8227_1.jpg)


50874e2b09d4090755010763: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8228_0.jpg)

1 June 1923

anchor north of ikatan pt unimak i

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

E. M. Brennson - employed as tide observer at Lake Pass for auto gauge

50874e2b09d4090755010765: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8228_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d4090755010767: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8229_0.jpg)

2 June 1923

alongside pe harris cos dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010769: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8229_1.jpg)

Weather foggy & misty - unfavourable for field of work. Today taken as holiday in place of May 30, 1923 on which we worked all day.

Mid to Mid Weather foggy & misty - unfavorable for field work. Today taken as holiday in place of May 30, 1923 on which we worked all day.

Robert W. Byrns, Ensign - Signed log entry

H. B. Campbell - Signed log page

50874e2b09d409075501076b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8230_0.jpg)

3 June 1923

alongside false pass cannary wharf

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d409075501076d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8230_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d409075501076f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8231_0.jpg)

4 June 1923

alongside harris co dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010771: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8231_1.jpg)

8:00 turned too, taking lumber aboard.

8:25 Cast off from Harris dock; 8:40 Whirl Pt abeam various courses through the Straits.

8:47 Kabuck Pt abeam; 9:00 thick weather, standing in anchorage off Palisade Cliffs. 9:05 Anchored Stb'd anchor 13 fm water 75 fm chain soft bottom.

Mr. Campbell - working on davits for hoisting small boats and general routine duties.

Mr. Woodworth and 2 men - building automatic high guage box

Mr. Hoskinson - checking registering shieves for sounding machine

Mr. Byrns - working on ships records and office work.

Albert J. Hoskinson - Signed log entry

50874e2b09d4090755010773: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8232_0.jpg)

5 June 1923

anchor under palisade bluffs ikatan bay aaa

Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

50874e2b09d4090755010775: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8232_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d4090755010777: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8233_0.jpg)

6 June 1923

at anchor off palisade bluffs ikatan bay alaska

Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

50874e2b09d4090755010779: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8233_1.jpg)

7.55 a.m. Anchor up and underway, standard speed.

8.34 Course 54 degrees, weather too thick to sound, running to Kings Cove

8.24 to 11.30" Doing practice sounding and trying out new sounding tubes. Various courses.

12.20 P.M. Red buoy 2/3 mile abeam c/c 29 degrees.

1.25" Coming into Kings Cove.

Mr. Campbell, Mr. Hoskinson & 6 men - went ashore to install auto tide gage.

Mr. Woodworth, Mr. Byrns & 1 man - went ashore to put in tide staff and do leveling.

50874e2b09d409075501077b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8234_0.jpg)

7 June 1923

at anchor king cove aaa

Lat 55.1, Long -162.3

Run Noon-Noon: 23

J. A. Tresse - J. A. Tresse employed as tide observer at King Cove for auto tide guage

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 650 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 38007

Water remaining on board, 9940

50874e2b09d409075501077d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8234_1.jpg)

8:00 am. anchor up running in toward dock to drop party.

Mr. Campbell - and 4 men building Tide house

Mr. Woodworth - and 1 man running levels.

8:15 Standing out of harbor various courses, running out to do hydrography.

9:09 Weather too bad for sounding. Anchored off Fox I. in 14 fm. 45 fm chain.

Capt. Lukens, Mr. Hoskinson - and 3 men go ashore to recover and build signal Fox.

50874e2b09d409075501077f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8235_0.jpg)

8 June 1923

at anchor kings cove sw alaska

Lat 55.1, Long -162.3

50874e2b09d4090755010781: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8235_1.jpg)

7:58 Anchor up, standing out of harbor on various courses.

9:30 Started sounding ~ just east of Umga Island. Continued tube sounding between 20 and 50 fathoms.

7:00 Finished sounding.

7:13 Anchor in 15 fms water, 60 fm chain; off shore west of Kenmore Head.

50874e2b09d4090755010783: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8236_0.jpg)

9 June 1923

at anchor west of kenmore head

Lat -4.6, Long 55.5

50874e2b09d4090755010785: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8236_1.jpg)

tied up at harris dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

8.00 A.M. Anchor up & underway (key to shacklepin gone. Layto to replace same) RR.L.

8.30 " Started sounding

Continued tube soundings throughout day north east of Ikatan Pen.

4.30 P.M. Finished sounding and headed for False Pass, Alaska

6.17 " Tied up at Harris Dock, False Pass

Robert W. Byrns, Ensign - Signed log entry

50874e2b09d4090755010787: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8237_0.jpg)

10 June 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Run Noon-Noon: 37.0 mi. naut.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1200 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 54207

Water remaining on board, 13550

50874e2b09d4090755010789: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8237_1.jpg)

Sunday observed in the usual manner.

50874e2b09d409075501078b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8238_0.jpg)

11 June 1923

alongside dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Run non to noon 0 mi

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, Gals. 400

Fresh Water Total water aboard 3870 gals

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1000

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 53807

Water remaining on board, 12550

50874e2b09d409075501078d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8238_1.jpg)

alongside dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

weather unfavorable

Officers engaged field work and office work.

Crew at routine work aboard ship

Mr Reading - Launch "Wildcat" autfitted 2.50 Wildcat shored off for working grounds. Mr. Reading Woodworth Taylor abd.

Mr. Taylor - Launch "Wildcat" autfitted 2.50 Wildcat shored off for working grounds. Mr. Reading Woodworth Taylor abd.

Mr. Woodworth - Launch "Wildcat" autfitted 2.50 Wildcat shored off for working grounds. Mr. Reading Woodworth Taylor abd.

3.48 Cast off lines 1/3 ahead.

Mr. Campbell - Mr. Campbell ashore to inspect tide gauge.

Chappy to smooth sea.

weather unfavorable

Officers engaged field work and office work.

Crew at routine work aboard ship

Mr Reading - Launch "Wildcat" autfitted 2.50 Wildcat shored off for working grounds. Mr. Reading Woodworth Taylor abd.

Mr. Taylor - Launch "Wildcat" autfitted 2.50 Wildcat shored off for working grounds. Mr. Reading Woodworth Taylor abd.

Mr. Woodworth - Launch "Wildcat" autfitted 2.50 Wildcat shored off for working grounds. Mr. Reading Woodworth Taylor abd.

3.48 Cast off lines 1/3 ahead.

Mr. Campbell - Mr. Campbell ashore to inspect tide gauge.

Chappy to smooth sea.

50874e2b09d409075501078f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8239_0.jpg)

12 June 1923

at anchor king cove aaa

Lat 55.1, Long -162.3

Run noon to noon 49 miles (naut)

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1600 Gals.

Fresh Water Used last 24 hrs. 485 gals. Total aboard 3385 gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200

Fuel remaining on board, Gals. 52207

Water remaining on board, 11350

50874e2b09d4090755010791: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8239_1.jpg)

Capt Lukens & Mr Green - go ashore in dory.

Mr. Green - returns with mail.

Mr. Campbell and 4 men - go ashore to pick up provisions and inspect tide guage.

9:20 M.S. returns with provisions and 3 new seamen, provisions taken abr'd.

10:30 Capt. & Mrs. Lukens return in m.s. Mr Campbell, crew treturn and rest of provisions taken ab'd.

11:30 Anchor up, standing out of King Cove.

Amagot I - ab'm, dist. 2.1 miles

3:40 mid channel courses through Ivanotski Straits

4:25 Tied up at P.E. Harris dock.

50874e2b09d4090755010793: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8240_0.jpg)

13 June 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010795: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8240_1.jpg)

The weather prevented any field work whatever. The ship remained at the Harris Dock at False Pass during the day. The officers on board were engaged in office work during the day such as: inking typographical sheet, making computations, checking computations & records etc.

Mid To Mid The weather prevented any field work whatsoever. The ship remained at the P.E. Harris Dock at False Pass during the day.

The officers on board were engaged in office work during the day such as: making typographic sheet, making computations, checking computations & records, etc.

50874e2b09d4090755010797: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8241_0.jpg)

14 June 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010799: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8241_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d409075501079b: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8242_0.jpg)

15 June 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d409075501079d: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8242_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d409075501079f: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8243_0.jpg)

16 June 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d40907550107a1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8243_1.jpg)

C.G.C. Mojave - arrived with Admiral Chase onboard

Ship anchored in stream to permit C.G.C. Mojave to tie up to dock for convenience of Admiral Chase and staff who were onboard. The Mojave arrived at 5.45.

Admiral Chase - arrived on board C.G.C. Mojave

Ship anchored in stream to permit CGC "Mohave" to tie up to dock for the convenience of Admiral Chase and staff who were onboard. The Mojave arrived at 5:45

50874e2b09d40907550107a3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8244_0.jpg)

17 June 1923

at anchor off false pass alaska

Lat 30.0, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d40907550107a5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8244_1.jpg)

Captain Howe U.S.N. - came aboard having been caught out in storm in a small boat

Captain Howe U.S.N. and Mr Stoles of the USS Mohave came aboard having been caught out in storm in a small boat.

Mr Stoles - of USS Mohave, came aboard having been caught out in storm in a small boat

Mr. Stoles -

Wildcat -

50874e2b09d40907550107a7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8245_0.jpg)

18 June 1923

at anchor off false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

C.G.C. Mojave - left False Pass about 6.30am

50874e2b09d40907550107a9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8245_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107ab: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8246_0.jpg)

19 June 1923

at anchor off ikatan head s w alaska

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d40907550107ad: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8246_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107af: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8247_0.jpg)

20 June 1923

on working grounds

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d40907550107b1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8247_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107b3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8248_0.jpg)

21 June 1923

at anchor 13 miles north of umnak i

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

50874e2b09d40907550107b5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8248_1.jpg)

kenmare head dropped anchor 2 miles sw of

Lat -4.6, Long 55.5

Mid to mid. 9.45 am anchor up and underway. 8.40 pm Dropped anchor 2 miles SW of Kenmore Head. Weather: overcast and clear with light breeze and low swell.

50874e2b09d40907550107b7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8249_0.jpg)

22 June 1923

at anchor off kenmore head

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d40907550107b9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8249_1.jpg)

Mid - mid. 7.00 am. Anchor up, underway. 8.11 ship underway for Obatan Point. 9.51 ship underway. 3.45 pm ran for Obatan Point. 6.20 pm underway. 7.10pm dropt anchor near Kenmore Head. Weather partly cloudy, wind SW - 1.

50874e2b09d40907550107bb: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8250_0.jpg)

23 June 1923

at anchor off kenmore head

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d40907550107bd: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8250_1.jpg)

Fireman Moxley - refused duty at blowing tubes, was called to the mast and fined two days pay

50874e2b09d40907550107bf: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8251_0.jpg)

24 June 1923


Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

lukens Comidy -

other: 5940 gallons - of water

50874e2b09d40907550107c1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8251_1.jpg)

24 June 2923



50874e2b09d40907550107c3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8252_0.jpg)

25 June 1923

alongside harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d40907550107c5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8252_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107c7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8253_0.jpg)

26 June 1923

harris co dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d40907550107c9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8253_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107cb: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8254_0.jpg)

27 June 1923

at anchor off unimak i alaska

Lat , Long

50874e2b09d40907550107cd: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8254_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107cf: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8255_0.jpg)

28 June 1923

harris dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Taking plankton hauls every 2 hours for Scripps Institute

50874e2b09d40907550107d1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8255_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107d3: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8256_0.jpg)

29 June 1923

underway false pass to dutch i harbor alaska

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

Taking plankton hauls every 2 hours to Dutch Harbor

H Messenburg - B. 1c, drunk and disorderly, ashore at Unalaska brought to hsip by Coast Guard Commandant, confined aboard in irons.

50874e2b09d40907550107d5: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8256_1.jpg)

U.S.S. Beaver - taking oil

50874e2b09d40907550107d7: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8257_0.jpg)

30 June 1923

alongside oil dock dutch harbor alaska

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

50874e2b09d40907550107d9: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8257_1.jpg)

alongside dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d40907550107db: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8258_0.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107dd: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8258_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107df: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8259_0.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107e1: ( Pioneer/Book 5 - April-June, 1923/IMG_8259_1.jpg)

LOG BOOK – JULY 1st 1923 TO SEPTEMBER 30th 1923

50874e2b09d40907550107e3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8260_0.jpg)

Half of cover of log book (upside down)

50874e2b09d40907550107e5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8260_1.jpg)

Other half of cover of log book (upside down)

50874e2b09d40907550107e7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8261_0.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107e9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8261_1.jpg)

Title page of Log Book for Str Pioneer, R.R. Lukens, Lieut, Commanding. From July 1 1923 to Sept 30 1923

50874e2b09d40907550107eb: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8262_0.jpg)

List of officers

50874e2b09d40907550107ed: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8262_1.jpg)

General Instructions ... issued for the guideance of commanding officers of Coast and Geodetic Survey Vessels.

50874e2b09d40907550107ef: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8263_0.jpg)

Continuation of instructions; and weather codes

50874e2b09d40907550107f1: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8263_1.jpg)

General Dimensions. Vessel. Length at load water line 180 ft 0 in; Extreme beam at load water line 35 ft 0 in; Depth of hold 25 ft 0 in forward, 18 ft 0 in amidships; Tonnage, registered 723 gross; Draft: Forward 12 ft 0 in; Aft 13 ft 8.5 in; Midship section 566 sq ft; Displacement 1000 tons.


50874e2b09d40907550107f3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8264_0.jpg)

1 July 1923

alongside harris cannery dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d40907550107f5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8264_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107f7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8265_0.jpg)

2 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass aaa

Lat -55.68, Long -162.78

50874e2b09d40907550107f9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8265_1.jpg)

50874e2b09d40907550107fb: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8266_0.jpg)

3 July 1923

at anchor kings cove alaska

Lat -54.70, Long -162.87

50874e2b09d40907550107fd: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8266_1.jpg)

Sounding done for comparing two types of sounding tube values, (Fischer & Rude). No positions available. Sounding made using both types of values on each cast. Soundings recorded.

Sounding done for comparing two types of sounding tube valves (Fisher & Rude). No positions available. Sounding made using both types of valves on each cast. Soundings recorded. HBR.

50874e2b09d40907550107ff: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8267_0.jpg)

4 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass asa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010801: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8267_1.jpg)

Holliday observed

Mid-Mid Holliday observed

Dressed ship at 8:00 A.M. Made colors at 8:00 PM

50874e2b09d4090755010803: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8268_0.jpg)

5 July 1923

false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010805: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8268_1.jpg)

6:32 A. M. Cast off from dock, headed for working grounds. 7:15 " " Dropped anchor off Kabuch Pt. in 9 fms with 60 fms. chain. Rising breeze ExN with rain. 11:32 " Heavy swell in addition to wind & rain. Unfavorable for fieldwork. Anchor up and underway running back to False Pass. 12:30 P. M. Alongside Harris Dock, False Pass.

Mr. Hoskinson - Mr. Hoskinson worked on King Cove tide roll during the day, Mr. Byrns on progress sketch.

Mr. Byrns - Mr. Hoskinson worked on King Cove tide roll during the day, Mr. Byrns on progress sketch.

50874e2b09d4090755010807: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8269_0.jpg)

6 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010809: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8269_1.jpg)

coal: Thirty sacks - put aboard Wildcat for no 117 & ~ of use

Mr. Hoskinson - Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Byrns working on ships records.

Mr. Byrns - Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Byrns working on ships records.

Wildcat returned to False Pass at A. M.. 9:30 A.M. #117 was brought alongside ship by Wildcat. Mech force working in No. 117, canopy, side curtains, steering gear and Sounding machine & davit. Thirty sacks of coal put aboard Wildcat for No. 117 and general use.

50874e2b09d409075501080b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8270_0.jpg)

7 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d409075501080d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8270_1.jpg)

Work on Launch 117 completed. Launch is ready for sounding.

Mr. Wilder - 10:40 A. M. Mr. Wilder and camping party came alongside in moter sailer.

MR. Wilder - 1:00 P. M. Mr. Wilder & party return to camp for equipment.

Mr. Wilder - 2:30 " Mr. Wilder " returned to ship.

2:50 " Launch 117 taken on trial trip by Chief Eng. & 3 men.

6:08 " Launch 117 returned to ship.

Mr. Hoskinson & Mr. Byrns worked on field records. Engineering force worked on launch 117.

MR. Reading - Officers on Wildcat: Mr Reading & Mr. Woodworth worked on triangulation records. Mr. Taylor made out quarterly report & held and issue of clothing and small stores.

Mr. Woodworth - Officers on Wildcat: Mr Reading & Mr. Woodworth worked on triangulation records. Mr. Taylor made out quarterly report & held and issue of clothing and small stores.

MR Taylor - Officers on Wildcat: Mr Reading & Mr. Woodworth worked on triangulation records. Mr. Taylor made out quarterly report & held and issue of clothing and small stores.

Work on Launch 117 completed. Launch is ready for sounding

50874e2b09d409075501080f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8271_0.jpg)

8 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2b09d4090755010811: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8271_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010813: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8272_0.jpg)

9 July 1923

at false pass aaa

Lat -54.63, Long -162.77

coal: 60296 - fuel remaining (tons)

50874e2c09d4090755010815: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8272_1.jpg)

Launch 117 turned over to party on Wildcat O.S. Reading H~GE in charge for hyrdrography in Morzhovoi Bay.

50874e2c09d4090755010817: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8273_0.jpg)

10 July 1923

on the working grounds off cape pankof

Lat -54.68, Long -162.88

50874e2c09d4090755010819: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8273_1.jpg)

6:23 A. M. Anchor up and underway. 6:32 " Started sounding. Continued sounding thruout the day. 7:00 P. M. Finished sounding and headed for East Anchor Cove. 7:55 " Dropped anchor in East Anchor Cove - 15 fms. water 45 fms chain. Engineering force working on sounding Machine. Weather, overcast with light airs. Handle control of sounding machine rheostat not working well during day. Getting worse in P.M. and shaft of rheostat binding and not turning. Found to be rusted in casing & repaired in evening by engineer Force. H. B. Campbell

50874e2c09d409075501081b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8274_0.jpg)

11 July 1923

at anchor east anchor cove ikatan pen alaska

Lat 54.83, Long -162.90

50874e2c09d409075501081d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8274_1.jpg)

6:23 Anchor up and underway for working grounds; 8:00 A. M. started sounding; continued sounding throughout the day, 9:00 Stopped sounding and headed into Marzhovoi Bay; 9:40 dropped anchor, 11 fms. water, 60 fms chain; 10:10 Launch #117 came alongside. Mr. Q. S. Reading and Mr. D. W. Taylor abr'd. 10:50 Launch # 117 left with Mr. Reading, Dinghy left with ship. 11:15 Mr. Taylor left ship in Dinghy. Weather: Overcast - cloudy, light N'ly airs. Albert J. Hoskinson

Mr. Q. S. Reading - 10:10 Launch #117 came alongside. Mr. Q. S. Reading and Mr. D. W. Taylor abr'd.

Mr. D. W. Taylor - 10:10 Launch #117 came alongside. Mr. Q. S. Reading and Mr. D. W. Taylor abr'd.

50874e2c09d409075501081f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8275_0.jpg)

12 July 1923

at anchor morzhovoi bay

Lat 54.92, Long -162.77

50874e2c09d4090755010821: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8275_1.jpg)

Capt Clavis - broken his wrist

received wireless message from Supt of cannery at False Pass requesting medical aid at once for Capt Clavis who had broken his wrist.

anchored off False Pass Cannery in 16 fms watch. 60 fms of chain. As soon as ship brought up to anchor launch came alongside with injured man who came aboard

6:25 A.M. Anchor up & underway out of Morzhovoi Bay. 6:58 " Started sounding. 7:52 " Stopped " due to rain. 8:00 Underway around S. end Amagat I. 9:20 " Anchored 3/4 mi. off beach about 3 1/2 mi. E of Egg I. Mr. Hoskinson & 6 men ashore in whaleboat to build signal. 12:15 P.M. Party returned, boat hoisted. 1:00 P.M. Anchor up & underway for Kings Cove. 1:57 " N. buoy abeam. 2:23 " Fox I. light abeam. 2:50 " Entering Kings Cove 3:04 " Dropped anchor in Kings Cove 15 fms. water & 60 fms of chain. 3:25 Motor. S left for dock - Captain & other officers aboard. 4:00 " " returned 4:25 - 6:20 P.M. Mortor sailer made two trips to dock for stores which arrived on Katherine D.

At 6:30 returned mail sacks to S. S. Catherine D. motor sailor returned to ship and picked up at 7:00. 7:00 received wirless message from Supt. of canning at False Pass requesting medical aid at once for Capt. Davis who had broken his wrist. Started heaving in anchor at once and at 710 anchor was hove up and ship was underway Full speed for False Pass. 711 Stacked fuel.Ran various courses out of Kings Cove and at 748 Fox Id Lt was abm. dist. 3/4 miles, on course 207 psc. Abeam port & 225o at 804. 810 red buoy abm abeam port 233 PSC. 907 Amagat Id abm dist. 1.7 mi. Ran various courses into Isanotshi Strait and at 1100 anchored off False Pass Cannery in 16 fms water, 60 fms of chain. As soon as ship brought up an anchor, Launch came alongside with injured man, who came aboard Pioneer. Capt. Lukens and Chief Eng'r Greer left ship for cannery wharf on this launch at 1130. Weather clearing with northerly breezes 3 to 4.

SS Catherine D. - At 6:30 returned mail sacks to S. S. Catherine D.

Capt. Davis - 7:00 received wirless message from Supt. of canning at False Pass requesting medical aid at once for Capt. Davis who had broken his wrist.

Capt. Lukens - Capt. Lukens and Chief Eng'r Greer left ship for cannery wharf on this launch at 1130.

Chief Engineer Greer - Capt. Lukens and Chief Eng'r Greer left ship for cannery wharf on this launch at 1130.

50874e2c09d4090755010823: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8276_0.jpg)

13 July 1923

at anchor off harris dock palse pass aaa

Lat 54.58, Long -162.88

E Stout - WO Opr 1c docked one day's pay and rations

E. Stout, (Wr. Ofr. 1c.) - E. Stout, Wr. Ofr. 1C. docked one days pay and rations.

50874e2c09d4090755010825: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8276_1.jpg)

E Stout - WO Opr 1c not on board when ship got under way. He returned to ship in evening after coming alongside the dock, had gone ashore in launch at 11.30 previous night, without permisson. Docked one day's pay and rations.

8:14 Anchor up underway for working grounds. Various courses through the pass; 8:30 Whirl Pt. abm; 8:57 Sankin Is abm; per c 78o. 9:33 Started sounding. 3:37 Stopped sounding, thick weather, underway for False Pass; 4:30 abm Ikatan Pt. per c 260o 4:47 Sankin Is. abm 260o; 5:00 entering Isanotski Strait, various courses through the Pass. 5:29 Alongside Harris Dock. Weather: Overcast - Rain, Light N.W. Breeze - Stiff E breeze. Albert J. Hoskinson cmd

Note: 1210 A.M. cannery launch returned to Pioneer and waited while Capt. Davis received medical attention. 130 Capt. Davis returned to launch and launch left ship. 8:08 Commanding Officer and Mr. Greer chief engineer, were brought to ship in skiff which cast off immediately. E. Stout, Wr. Opr. 1C not on board when ship got under way. He returned to ship in evening after coming alongside the dock, had gone ashore in launch at 1130, previous night, without permission. Docked one days pay and rations. H. B. Campbell.

E. Stout Wr. Opr. 1C - E. Stout, Wr. Opr. 1C not on board when ship got under way. He returned to ship in evening after coming alongside the dock, had gone ashore in launch at 1130, previous night, without permission. Docked one days pay and rations.

50874e2c09d4090755010827: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8277_0.jpg)

14 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d4090755010829: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8277_1.jpg)

Weather unfavorable for field work. Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Byrns worked on ship's sounding records. 10:00 A.M. Mr. Wilder and camping party returned to ship. 11:00 " Captain inspects ship. 2:50 P.M. Wildcat ties up at dock, towing 117. Wheel off of 117 and clutch out of order on Wildcat. 10:15 " Mr. Wilder & party left for camp. Weather: Heavy wind and rain. Robert W. Byrns

50874e2c09d409075501082b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8278_0.jpg)

15 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d409075501082d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8278_1.jpg)

Sunday observed in the usual manner. Engineer force working on clutch of Launch Wildcat. Weather Overcast - rain; Gentle - Fresh S. E. Breezes. Albert J. Hoskinson

50874e2c09d409075501082f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8279_0.jpg)

16 July 1923

alongside harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d4090755010831: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8279_1.jpg)

Weather unfavorable for field work. 5:00 A.M. Engineering force finished working on the clutch of the Wildcat. 8:00 " 117 hoisted in stbd. davits to work on propeller. 9:20 " Mr Wilder & camping party returned to ship. Officers engaged in office work during the day. Mr. Byrns transferred to Wildcat, Mr. Taylor to the Pioneer. Weather: Clear with stiff breeze.

Mr. Byrns - Mr. Byrns transferred to Wildcat, Mr. Taylor to the Pioneer.

Mr. D. W. Taylor - Mr. Byrns transferred to Wildcat, Mr. Taylor to the Pioneer.

Two dories hoisted on deck and repairs made to both. Repairs to guard of No. 117, where broken. Gear gotten out for Wildcat and camp party, one weeks provisions given to each party. L. O. Gold, Wr. 1C transferred from Wildcat to Pioneer and C. Bethway, Writer 1C. transferred from Pioneer to Wildcat. H. B. Campbell

L. O. Gold (Wr. 1C) - L. O. Gold, Wr. 1C transferred from Wildcat to Pioneer and C. Bethway, Writer 1C. transferred from Pioneer to Wildcat.

C. Bethway (Writer 1C) - L. O. Gold, Wr. 1C transferred from Wildcat to Pioneer and C. Bethway, Writer 1C. transferred from Pioneer to Wildcat.

50874e2c09d4090755010833: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8280_0.jpg)

17 July 1923

alongside dock at false pass sw alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

H. Lund, sea. - discharged on this date by reason of his own request. Not recommended for re-enlistment. HBC.

50874e2c09d4090755010835: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8280_1.jpg)

8:00 crew turned to. Painted bottoms of two dories on deck and put on dory in the water for Motor sailor party. cleared lashings and stagings away from launch No. 117 and at 8:15 lowered launch 117 into water and secured her astern of ship.

8:20 Lauch Wildcat came alongside. One dory transferred to deck of Wildcat.

8:25 Wildcat's lines cast off and Wildcat proceeded to Morozhovi Bay with Launch No. 117 in tow.

8:27 Motor sailor left dock, stopped at ship for dory, and proceeded to camp, dory in tow.

8:42 Cast off from dock and got under weigh for working grounds. Steered various courses through Strait.

8:54 Whirl Point abm.

S. S. Catherine D. - mentioned in log on 17/7/1923.

9:20 stopped off Thatan Cannery and lay to. Put starboard whaleboat in water and set H. Lund, Sea. ashore, (disc. own request) to catch S. S. Catherine D. L. Gold, wr 1c took ships mail ashore and note to Cannery Script.

50874e2c09d4090755010837: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8281_0.jpg)

18 July 1923

at anchor e anchor cove on working grounds

Lat , Long

50874e2c09d4090755010839: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8281_1.jpg)

Received wireless from Supt of Ikatan Cannery, requesting medical aid for a child that was apparently dying. Headed for Ikatan at once, standard speed.

9.58 Shore boat came alongside for medical officer. 10.04 Shore boat left ship with medical officer. 10.54 Shore boat returned to ship and medical officer came aboard. 11.07 Shore boat left ship.

Weather in A.M. unfavorable, overcast sky with thin scattered fog and low clouds obscuring signals and peaks. 622 started heaving in, 628 anchor up and underway, steering various courses. Headed for Unga Id. 822 A.M. started sounding 2 miles north of Unga Id., Low visibility. Continued sounding throughout rest of day in locality between Unga and Amagat Islands. 8 06 stopped sounding in entrance to Morozhovi Bay and headed for ancorage behind Amagat Id. 815 Received wireless from Supt. of Ikatan Cannery, requesting medical aid for a child that was apparently dying. Headed for Ikatan at once, standard speed. 828 set course 221o PHC. 938 to 954 steered various courses, running in to anchorage off Ikatan Cannery. 954 Let go anchor about 200 meters off Ikatan Cannery dock in 20 fms water 50 fms chain on starboard anchor 9:58 Shore boat came alongside for medical officer. 1004 Shore boat left ship with medical officer 1054 Shore boat returned to ship and medical officer came aboard. 1107 Shore boat left ship. Weather - Overcast and misty with scattered light fog coming in from seaward. Light Southerly Breezes H. B. Campell ~ G Engineer

50874e2c09d409075501083b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8282_0.jpg)

19 July 1923

at anchor off ikaton cannery and on working grounds

Lat 43.5, Long 7.0

50874e2c09d409075501083d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8282_1.jpg)

8.06 Arnagat Id on port beam distant 1 1/2 mi, fog clearing in places inshore

8:11stoppped engine, ship drifted until 11:00, waiting for fog to clear away.

12:20 Anchored off point just west of Thin Pt. Cove in 7 fms water, hard bottom, 15 Fms chain on starboard anchor.

12:30 Whale boat left ship with trangulation signal building party, A.J. Hoskinson, Aid and D.W. Taylor, aid, with 5 men, to buildone traingulation signal.

50874e2c09d409075501083f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8283_0.jpg)

20 July 1923

on working grounds off morzhovi bay

Lat 30.0, Long 112.4

50874e2c09d4090755010841: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8283_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Overcast, light southerly airs, fog bank offshore and coming into shore at various times throughout the day. 6.23 underway. 6.38 started sounding in locality of August Id. 9.28 anchored off beach about 0.5 miles east of August Id. 2.57 hove up anchor, Continued sounding until 6.51. 7.05 headed for anchorage behind August Id. 7.46 anchored about 0.75 miles east of August Id.

50874e2c09d4090755010843: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8284_0.jpg)

21 July 1923

on working grounds off morzhovi bay off false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

On working grounds, off Mrzhovi Bay and off False Pass

50874e2c09d4090755010845: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8284_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Overcast sky, lt. variable breezes, fog bank offshore. 6.20 underway to a position about 2.5 mi S x W from August Id. 9.35 underway. 10.45 headed for False Pass. 1.02 tied up alongside dock at False Pass.

50874e2c09d4090755010847: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8285_0.jpg)

22 July 1923

alongside dock false pass sw alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d4090755010849: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8285_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d409075501084b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8286_0.jpg)

23 July 1923

on working grounds locality cape pankhoff sw alaska

Lat 54.7, Long -163.1

Rec'd from SS Epplour, shipped from SS Starr 2 trays Edison Storage Batteries Old Wildcat batteries condition OK

50874e2c09d409075501084d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8286_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Sky overcast, moderate northerly breezes, weather apparently unfavorable for field work in morning. 10.17 cast off from dock and got underway for working grounds in the locaclity of Cape Pankhoff. At 6.05 ran to East Anchor Cove and at 7.15 at 7.15 anchored. Sky overcast, moderate northerly breeze.

50874e2c09d409075501084f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8287_0.jpg)

23 July 1923


Lat , Long

50874e2c09d4090755010851: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8287_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010853: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8288_0.jpg)

24 July 1923

on working grounds locality of cape pankhoff sw alaska

Lat 54.7, Long -163.1

F Sims - Off. Cook, while lifting sack of coal from deck to take to galley, slipped and fell, strained in left groin and taken off duty by medical officer. Later examination of F Sims Off. Cook, shows condition to be 'left inguinal hernia invading the scrotum.'

50874e2c09d4090755010855: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8288_1.jpg)

Mid to mid. Overcast sky, clearing in locality of Cape Pankhoff and Sanak Id; Squally along main shore, moderate NW breeze. 6.30 anchor up and underway. Throughout day in locality between Cape Pankhoff and Sanak Id. 7.05 ran to East Anchor Cove. 7.25 anchored. Weather clearing in localities of Morzhovi Bay and False Pass.

50874e2c09d4090755010857: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8289_0.jpg)

25 July 1923

on working grounds e auchos cove and locality of amagat id

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

F Sims - Off Cook off duty

F. Sims, Off. Cook - F. Sims, Off. Cook off duty

50874e2c09d4090755010859: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8289_1.jpg)

R. W. Woodworth H&G E - 9:01 R. W. Woodworth, jr H&G E. and 8 men left ship in whaleboat to do topography just west of triangulation point Kelp. Mr. Woodworth and party of 3 men were landed on beach and at 953 whaleboat and crew returned to ship. Hoisted whaleboat to rail.

425 Lowered whaleboat, sent crew of five men ashore to pick up topographic party, returned with party at 512 and whale boat hoisted to rail.

50874e2c09d409075501085b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8290_0.jpg)

26 July 1923

on working grounds between cold morzhovi bays

Lat 30.0, Long 112.4

F Sims - off Cook off duty, hernia

F. Sims, Off. Cook - F. Sims, Off. Cook off duty, hernia

50874e2c09d409075501085d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8290_1.jpg)

930 A. J. Hoskinson, Aid and D. W. Taylor, Aid, with 7 men left ship in motor sailor whale boat in tow, to build triangulation signal on Thin Pt. Party returned to ship at 1210. 12:30 hoisted motor sailor & whaleboat to rail.

150 Anchored 1 mi. off triangulation Reef in 19 fms water, 45 fms. chain on Stbd anchor. Lowered whaleboat and at 1:54 Commanding Officer, R. W. Woodworth Jr. H & G E, and 6 men left ship to rebuild triangulation Reef. Party returned to ship at 3:30. Hoisted wale boat to rail, hove up anchor and got underway at 3:45. Headed for Morzhovi Bay on conn 260 P~C.

O. S. Reading H & GE - 800 Launch 117 came alongside ship with party from Launch Wildcat. O. S. Reading H & GE reported to Commanding Officer. Party furnished with provisions, signal cloth, and 1 courts Protractor. 905 Party from Wildcat left ship on Launch 117.

50874e2c09d409075501085f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8291_0.jpg)

27 July 1923

on working grounds locality of morzhovi bay s w alaska

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

A Fieldal - Fir. off duty jaundice & stomach trouble

N. Carney (Oiler) - N. Carney, Oiler discharged this day, paid in full. Own request.

A. Fjeldal, Fir - A. fjeldal, Fir. off duty Jaundice. & stomach trouble.

F. Sims, Off. Cook - F. Sims, Off. Cook off duty, hernia

50874e2c09d4090755010861: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8291_1.jpg)

U.S. L.H. Cedar - received radio from Commanding Officer, lying of Ikatan, requesting medical assistance. Got under way at once.

Cedar - Made fast alongside Cedar off Ikatan. Injured man from Cedar was aboard and received medical attention. Commanding Officer of Cedar called on Captain Lukens.

USLHT Cedar - 1116 Received from Commanding Officer of the U. S. L. H. Cedar, lying off Ikatan, requesting medical assistance. Got underway at once. Steered various courses out of Mozhovi Bay. 1203 Egg Id bearing east true set course 207o PSC. 245 made fast alongside "Cedar" off Ikatan. Injured man from Cedar was aboard and received medical attention. Commanding Officer fo Cedar called on Captain Lukens. 356 cast off lines from Cedar and weather continuing unfavorable for field work, ran into False Pass. Steered various courses through Strait and at 425 tied up to cannery wharf. 610 'Cedar' came alongside and made fast to the Pioneer.

50874e2c09d4090755010863: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8292_0.jpg)

28 July 1923

alonside dock false pass s w alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

A. Fjeldal, Fir - A. Fjeldal, Fir. off duty apparently acute appendicitis

F. Sims, Off. Cook - F. Sims, Off. Cook off duty, hernia

50874e2c09d4090755010865: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8292_1.jpg)

U.S. L.H. Cedar - cast off lines and got under way

Capt Ledbetter - of Cedar, came aboard with boat crew of 7 men, had been caught in tide rips at South end of straits and were unable to get to their ship. 1.30 Cedar came into pass and anchored off dock, Capt Ledbetter and boat crew left ship and returned to Cedar

Capt. Ledbetter (USLHT Cedar) - 100 Capt. Ledbetter of Cedar, came aboard with boat crew of 7 men, had been caught in tide rip at South end of Strait and were unable to get to their ship. 130 Cedar came into pass and anchored off dock, Capt. Ledbetter and boat crew left ship and returned to Cedar.

Mr. Reading - Wildcat arrived in port at with party aboard. Mr. Reading reported to Commanding Officer.

50874e2c09d4090755010867: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8293_0.jpg)

29 July 1923

alongise dock false pass sw alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

A Fieldal - Fir. moved ashore to emergency hospital in ~ provided for purpose by Supt of Cannery acute appendicitis

A. Fjeldal, Fir - A. Fjeldal, Fir. moved ashore to emergency hospital in shack provided for purpose by Supt. of Cannery. acute Appendicitis

F. Sims, Off. Cook - F. Sims, Off. Cook off duty, hernia

50874e2c09d4090755010869: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8293_1.jpg)

SS Starr - arrived in False Pass E.bound at 8.55 left at 10.40

SS Starr - S. S. Starr arrived in False Pss E. Bound at 855 left at 1040.

815 Received mail from Launch Oregonian, brought to Ikata by P. A. F. ~ Redwood.

50874e2c09d409075501086b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8294_0.jpg)

30 July 1923

on working grounds locality of false pass s w alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

F Sims - Off. Cook, ashore to emergeny hospital, hernia

F. Sims, Off. Cook - F. Sims, Off. Cook, ashore to emergency hospital, hernia

R. D. McClaren (Sea) - From Wildcat to Pioneer - R. D. McClaren Sea, J. M. Norton, Sea, H. Koschnick, Sea.

J. M. Norton (Sea) - From Wildcat to Pioneer - R. D. McClaren Sea, J. M. Norton, Sea, H. Koschnick, Sea.

H. Kaschnick (Sea) - From Wildcat to Pioneer - R. D. McClaren Sea, J. M. Norton, Sea, H. Koschnick, Sea.

L. O. Gold (Wr. 1C) - From Pioneer to Wildcat - L. O. Gold, Wr. 1C. R. E. Williams Sea. E. Jalma Sea.

R. E. Williams (Sea) - From Pioneer to Wildcat - L. O. Gold, Wr. 1C. R. E. Williams Sea. E. Jalma Sea.

E. Jalma (Sea) - From Pioneer to Wildcat - L. O. Gold, Wr. 1C. R. E. Williams Sea. E. Jalma Sea.

50874e2c09d409075501086d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8294_1.jpg)

815 Wildcat tied up to dock at took stores. Weather remained unfavorable for field work throughout day.

50874e2c09d409075501086f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8295_0.jpg)

31 July 1923

on working grounds locality of false pass s w alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Party in emergency hospital in False Pass. F. B Nevius, Surg.; J. P Murphy W. Op 2nd cl; A Fjeldal, Fir.; F Sims, Off Cook; S Webster, M. Attd 1c

F. P. Nevius, Surg. - Party in Emergency Hospital in False Pass. F. P. Nevius, Surg. J. B. Murphy, Wrr. 2c., A. Fjeldal, Fir., F. Sims, Off. Cook, S. Webster, M. Attd. 1c.

J. P. Murphy (Wrr. Off. 2c) - Party in Emergency Hospital in False Pass. F. P. Nevius, Surg. J. B. Murphy, Wrr. 2c., A. Fjeldal, Fir., F. Sims, Off. Cook, S. Webster, M. Attd. 1c.

A. Fjeldal, Fir - Party in Emergency Hospital in False Pass. F. P. Nevius, Surg. J. B. Murphy, Wrr. 2c., A. Fjeldal, Fir., F. Sims, Off. Cook, S. Webster, M. Attd. 1c.

F. Sims, Off. Cook - Party in Emergency Hospital in False Pass. F. P. Nevius, Surg. J. B. Murphy, Wrr. 2c., A. Fjeldal, Fir., F. Sims, Off. Cook, S. Webster, M. Attd. 1c.

Samuel Webster (M. Att. 1st Cl.) - Party in Emergency Hospital in False Pass. F. P. Nevius, Surg. J. B. Murphy, Wrr. 2c., A. Fjeldal, Fir., F. Sims, Off. Cook, S. Webster, M. Attd. 1c.

Samuel Webster (M. Att. 1st Cl.) - Discharged - Expiration of enlistment. Webster, Samuel, M. Att 1st Cl.

50874e2c09d4090755010871: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8295_1.jpg)

530 Launch Wildcat and party left False Pass for Morzhovi Bay.

909 started sounding South of Ikatan Pt. continued sounding during day in locality of Cape Pankhoff.

118 Lowered starboard whale boat, A. J. Hoskinson Aid and 7 men left ship to build signals on Eastern side of Cape Pankhoff. 510 days sounding Finished, stopped ship and picked up signal building party. Hoisted whale boat to rail. Ran into E. Anchor cove.

A. J. Hoskinson - 118 Lowered starboard whale boat, A. J. Hoskinson Aid and 7 men left ship to build signals on Eastern side of Cape Pankhoff. 510 days sounding Finished, stopped ship and picked up signal building party. Hoisted whale boat to rail. Ran into E. Anchor cove.


50874e2c09d4090755010873: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8296_0.jpg)

1 August 1923

on working grounds locality of amagat id s w alaska

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

Samuel Webster (M. Att. 1st Cl.) - Shipped and Rated this date Webster, Samuel. M. Att. 1st Cl.

50874e2c09d4090755010875: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8296_1.jpg)

741 started sounding about 3 mi. Sw of Amga Id. ran shoot line and then ran to a position about 3 mi. SE of Amagat Id and continued sounding.

840 stopped sounding. 847 anchored 5 1/4 mi E. of Amagat Id., 1 mi offshore, 14 fms water 45 fms chain on starboard anchor.

50874e2c09d4090755010877: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8297_0.jpg)

2 August 1923

on working grounds locality of kings cove sw alaska

Lat 55.1, Long -162.3

50874e2c09d4090755010879: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8297_1.jpg)

648 began sounding. 704 Lt rain obscured signals, anchored until 755, got up anchor & resumed sounding. 1017 mist curtain and unable to see signals, tried to continue sounding several times until 1148 when came to anchor on sounding line to wait for weather to clear. 1227 to 1234 heaving up anchor, at 1234 continued sounding, signals shut out again at 347, stopped sounding; weather appeared to be getting worse and at 415 got underway for King's Cove on course 315 PSC.

Steered various courses into King's Cove and at 556 dropped anchor near cannery dock 18 1/2 fms water, 60 fms chain on starboard anchor. 625 Starboard whale boat left ship - Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and Chief Engineer with 12 men - Inspected tide gauge, got ~~ No. 2 from observer, and Chief Engineer inspeced machinery of Launch Alpha. 855 Entire ashore party returned to ship with whale boat, hoist whale boat to rail.

50874e2c09d409075501087b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8298_0.jpg)

3 August 1923

on working grounds locality of kings cove sw alaska

Lat 55.1, Long -162.3

50874e2c09d409075501087d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8298_1.jpg)

6:30 Anchor up and underway, steered various courses out of King's Cove and headed for Thin Point. 7:43 Anchored about one mile east of Thin Point in 7 fms of water. Lowered starboard whale boat and at 8:02 A. J. Hoskinson Aid & D. W. Taylor, Aid, with 8 men left ship to recover and occupy triangulation station on Thin Pt. 8:57 whale boat returned to ship with 5 men. Hoisted whaleboat and hove up anchor and at 8:45 got underway for Fox Id.

9:27 Anchored just East of Fox Id in 11 fms water. Lowered whale boat and at 9:37 Captain Lukens, L. C. Wilder, Jr. HGE and four men left ship to occupy triangulation station on Fox Id. 12:04 This party returned to the ship. Hoisted whaleboat, hove up anchor and at 12:10 got underway, heading for Thin Pt. 12:53 anchored in 8 fms, East of Thin Pt. 1:07 sent whale boat ahsore to pick up party, 1:55 whale boat returned to ship with A. J. Hoskinson & party.

At 3:10 stopped off Reef Id, L. C. Wilder and four men left ship in whale boat to occupy triangulation point Reef. 3:15 continued on way to working grounds. 3:30 started sounding about 2 miles west of Reef Id, using hand lead with machine. 5:28 stopped to pick up whalboat and party, hoisted boat to rail and resumed sounding. 8:08 stopped sounding and anchored about two miles East of triangulation point Chil in 11 5/6 fms water with 45 fms chain on starboard anchor.

Ensign at half mast.

50874e2c09d409075501087f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8299_0.jpg)

4 August 1923

on working grounds locality of false pass sw alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Run noon to noon: 58 m. naut.

Stout, Erwin W. Op. 1st Cl. - Discharged expiration of enlistment Stout, Erwin W. Op. 1st Cl.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1439 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200

Fuel remaining on board, 31701 Gals.

Water remaining on board, 7900

Run noon to noon: 58 m. naut.

Stout, Erwin W. Op. 1st Cl. - Discharged expiration of enlistment Stout, Erwin W. Op. 1st Cl.

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1439 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200

Fuel remaining on board, 31701 Gals.

Water remaining on board, 7900

50874e2c09d4090755010881: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8299_1.jpg)

Launch Wildcat returned to False Pass from Morzhovi Bay A.S. Reading ~8G.E. in charge reported to Commanding Officer. Work aboard ship discontinued at noon. Paid off crew at 1.00

6:225 Anchor up and underway. Unfavorable weather for field work in locality of anchorage.

7:05 ~ to 235 Pk, heading for western limit of hydrography, running through fog. Fog extended to Thatan village unable to work.

F. P. Nevins surg. - reported to Commanding Officer.

Work aboard ship discontinued at noon. Paid off crew at 1:00. Overcast and rainy, Gentle SEly breezes. Ensign at half mast.

50874e2c09d4090755010883: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8300_0.jpg)

5 August 1923

alongside harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Party from emergency hospital returned to ship. F.P. Nevius, Surg; A. Fjeldal, Fir.; F. Sims, Off. Cook; J P Murphy W.Ofr 2c; S Webster, M. Att'd 1c

Fjeldal, A - recovered sufficiently to be assigned to light duty on deck.

F. P. Nevins, Surg - Party from Emergency hospital returned to ship.

A. Fieldol, Fir. - Party from Emergency hospital returned to ship.

T. Sims, ~ Cook - Party from Emergency hospital returned to ship.

J. P. Murphy, W. Opr, 2c - Party from Emergency hospital returned to ship.

S. Webster, M. Att'd 1c - Party from Emergency hospital returned to ship.

A. Fieldol - recovered sufficiently to be assigned to light duty on deck.

Stout, Erwin W. Op. 1st Cl. - Shipped and rated this date

50874e2c09d4090755010885: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8300_1.jpg)

Day quietly observed

Donald W. Taylor Aid - Signed log entry

50874e2c09d4090755010887: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8301_0.jpg)

6 August 1923

alongside harris dock false pass ana

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d4090755010889: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8301_1.jpg)

10:23 Stopped near Pankoff Breaker, lowered stb'd whale boat Mr Wilder and 6 men, in the boat, sounding for least depth on breaker.

10:37 Began sounding with ship.

12:14 Picked up whale boat with Mr Wilder and Party.

1:25 Sounding boom badly bent by lead sticking in bottom. Boom replaced but shieve bound, sounding with machine discontinued

3:10 Headed for shoal spot 7 1/2 miles E (mag) from Cape Pankoff

4:00 Leg go Port anchor on shoal 9.5 fm, 30 fm chain. Lowered stb'd whale boat, Mr Campbell, Mr. Hoskinson, and 6 men in boat sounding for least depth on shoal.

3:45 Sounding with hand lead.

5:16 Whale boat returned having found least depth of 3.1 fms.

50874e2c09d409075501088b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8302_0.jpg)

7 August 1923

at anchor on working grounds off panlsof head

Lat , Long

50874e2c09d409075501088d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8302_1.jpg)

6:30 Anchor up and underway. ~ 285 psc. overcast and rain signals hidden.

7:34 Dropped anchor in E. Anchor Cove in 10 fms water 45 fms chain heavy fog. Weather unfavorable for field work. Foggy - overcast and rain.

Officers engaged in reduction of soundings and making smooth projection. Crew cleaning and chipping rust about ship.

L. C. Weder - Signed log entry

50874e2c09d409075501088f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8303_0.jpg)

8 August 1923

at anchor in east anchor cove ikatan peninsula

Lat -18.1, Long 178.4

50874e2c09d4090755010891: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8303_1.jpg)

6:28 Hove up anchor, underway 1/3 speed. 6:45 Dropt anchor near Pankoff Breaker in 12 fm. water, veering to 30 fm. chain. 6:50 Whaleboat, Com'dg. Officer in charge with Mr. Wilder and 4 men left ship to sound out Pankoff Breaker. 7:40 Whaleboat party returned, boat hoisted to rail and secured. 7:46 Anchor up and underway at 1/3 speed. 7:50 Course made 123o psc., st'd. speed. 8:15 Reduced speed and started sounding line. 5:45 Stopped sounding; standard speed. 6:27 Dropt anchor just east of Amagat Island, 14 fm. of water, veering 45 fms. chain. Secured for night. One officer engaged on smooth sheet of ship's hydrography.

50874e2c09d4090755010893: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8304_0.jpg)

9 August 1923

at on working grounds east of amagat island aaa

Lat 51.8, Long -176.6

50874e2c09d4090755010895: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8304_1.jpg)

Received radiography from director ordering Aug. 10 to be observed as day of mourning.

A.M. Overcast sky with mist and fog, variable light breezes, low ground swell. 6:28 Anchor up and underway for Morzhovoi Bay. Started sounding in Morzhovoi Bay Sheet B. Continued sounding threwout the day. P. M. 7:00 Received radiogram from Director ordering Aug. 10 to be observed as day of mourning. 7:15 Stopped sounding. Ran to NE corner of Bay to speak with Launch "Wildcat". 7:40 Underway for Fake Pass. 8:05 Engines stopped for 8 minutes at request of engine room. 8:40 Rounding Kenmore Head. 8:50 Course 190 psc. 8:55 c/c 195 9:23 c/c 202. 9:35 c/c 207. 9:45 c/c 212 p.s.c. 10:00 Sankin Id abeam. 10:21 Anchored in 10 fm. 45 fm chain 300 yds of Kabuch Point Fish Trap. Foggy. Rain Squalls, Wind SW force 3, sea smooth.

50874e2c09d4090755010897: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8305_0.jpg)

10 August 1923

at anchor off kabuch pt

Lat , Long

50874e2c09d4090755010899: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8305_1.jpg)

Day observed as day of mourning by the directors request.

Mid - 8:00 A.M. clear to cloudy light variable airs; 7:28 Started heaving in; 7:35 underway for False Pass, various courses through the Pass. 8:20 Made fast to Harris dock. Day observed as day of Mourning by The Directors request. 12:35 Wildcat tied up to dock ahead of ship. Weather: clear- overcast light E'ly to light N.W.'ly Airs.

50874e2c09d409075501089b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8306_0.jpg)

11 August 1923

alongside harris wharf false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Benglund - Bosn called before mast as a result of disorderly conduct late Friday night while ashore at False Pass.

Benjaminson - Carpenter called before mast as a result of disorderly conduct late Friday night while ashore at False Pass.

Berglun (Sosn) - Berglund, Bosn and Benjaminson Carpenter called before mast as a result of disorderly conduct late Firday night while ashore at False Pass.

Benjaminson (Carpenter) - Berglund, Bosn and Benjaminson Carpenter called before mast as a result of disorderly conduct late Firday night while ashore at False Pass.

50874e2c09d409075501089d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8306_1.jpg)

6:15 Warming up engines. Weather unfavorable ship remained at dock. Officers engaged in plotting smooth sheet, work on ship's records, boat sheet and topo sheet. Launch Wild Cat alongside cleaning fresh water tanks, taking supplies and fuel. Crew taking lumber aboard and overhauling motorsailor - preparing same for sounding. Fud-ness rec'd 2 sides beef from ranch at Sannak Id. Afternoon observed - no work. Weather O'cast mist to rain wind NW 1-5. Choppy sea.

50874e2c09d409075501089f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8307_0.jpg)

12 August 1923

alongside cannery wharf false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d40907550108a1: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8307_1.jpg)

Day observed. Weather mid-mid Bright and clear - wind NW 6-4.

50874e2c09d40907550108a3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8308_0.jpg)

13 August 1923

alongside harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d40907550108a5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8308_1.jpg)

A.M. 6:25 Tested Wheel, Telegraph and whistle. 6:30 Cast off from dock. underway South thru Straits. 6:36 Std. Speed 6:45 Whistle Point abeam. 7:03 Headed for Ikatan. 7:17 Let go anchor 20 fm water 48 fms chain. Off Ikatan Cannery. 9:25 Anchor up. Ran alongside Cannery Dock. Stores received aboard. Mail received aboard. 11:10 Cast off from Cannery Dock. 11:50 Mr. Wilder and 2 men left in whaleboat for triangulation on Ikatan Point. Whaleboat returned and hoisted. 12:45 Started sounding. 4:45 Stopped sounding. Ran to Ikatan Point to pick up Mr. Wilder and party. 5:20 Party aboard & underway for Egg Id. 6:48 Anchored in 12 fms water 45 fms chain off Egg Id. Clear sky, slightly hazy, light NW breezes, smooth sea.

50874e2c09d40907550108a7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8309_0.jpg)

14 August 1923

at anchor off egg i sw alaska

Lat , Long

50874e2c09d40907550108a9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8309_1.jpg)

Mid - 4:00 A.M. Overcast - cloudy light NE to Moderate S.E. Airs. 6:28 Anchor up underway into Morzhovoi Bay, Overcast hazy signals obscured; 7:46 Anchored off Boiler Pt. 18 fm. water 75 fm. chain in the water, wind too heavy for sounding. Officers working on records and plotting. 11:50 Launch #117 Alongside with Mr. Reading & Mr. Byrns received mail and supplies from ship; 12:40 cast off from ship. 12:43 anchor up underway; 12:50 started sounding; 1:34 stopped sounding. Wind too strong. 1:48 Anchored 16 fm water 55 fm. chain. 4:00 Anchor up, started sounding at 4:30 stopped at 5:28 5:35 Dropped anchor 16 fm. water, 45 fm. chain, 7:30 let go 15 fm. more chain, secured for the night. Weather; cloudy - overcast, Moderate SE to fresh W'ly breeze.

50874e2c09d40907550108ab: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8310_0.jpg)

14 August 1923

at anchor off egg i s w alaska

Lat , Long

50874e2c09d40907550108ad: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8310_1.jpg)

Mid - 4:00 A.M. Overcast - cloudy light NE to Moderate S.E. Airs. 6:28 Anchor up underway into Morzhovoi Bay, Overcast hazy signals obscured; 7:46 Anchored off Boiler Pt. 18 fm. water 75 fm. chain in the water, wind too heavy for sounding. Officers working on records and plotting. 11:50 Launch #117 Alongside with Mr. Reading & Mr. Byrns received mail and supplies from ship; 12:40 cast off from ship. 12:43 anchor up underway; 12:50 started sounding; 1:34 stopped sounding. Wind too strong. 1:48 Anchored 16 fm water 55 fm. chain. 4:00 Anchor up, started sounding at 4:30 stopped at 5:28 5:35 Dropped anchor 16 fm. water, 45 fm. chain, 7:30 let go 15 fm. more chain, secured for the night. Weather; cloudy - overcast, Moderate SE to fresh W'ly breeze.

50874e2c09d40907550108af: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8311_0.jpg)

15 August 1923

at anchor at entrance to morzhovoi bay

Lat 38.5, Long -28.6

50874e2c09d40907550108b1: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8311_1.jpg)

6:45 Heaving anchor - weather unfavorable O'cast & rain wind W-5 6:37 Anchor up underway. 7:04 Dropped anchor in bay N. of Kenmore Head 13 fms. water 60 fms. chain. Mr. Woodworth sketching contours on topo sheet from ship. 9:40 Anchor up underway. 10:05 Dropped anchor in 19 fms. water 1/2 mi. N of triangulation Spit. Mr. Woodworth sketching contours. 12:44 Anchor up underway. Var. courses. out of Morzhovoi Bay for working grounds - weather unfavorable for hydrography. 1:25 Dropped anchor off Kenmore Head 16 fms. water 45 fms. chain. Mr. Woodworth sketching contours. Crew engaged in scraping barnacles from water line on ship; checking ships stores and cleaning about ship. Officers engages in sketching contours on topo sheet, and office work on tide rolls and reduction of coundings. Weather - O'cast and rain - Wind W-NW 7-4. Choppy sea.

50874e2c09d40907550108b3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8312_0.jpg)

16 August 1923

at anchor south of kenmore head morzhovoi bay aaa

Lat , Long

50874e2c09d40907550108b5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8312_1.jpg)

6:28 Anchor up and underway to start sounding line inside Bay. 6:55 Commenced sounding. 8:00 Stopped ". standard speed while heading for upper bay. 8:40 "; lowered st'bd whaleboat; Mr. Wilder and 3 men landed for topography. 9:10 Whaleboat alongside and hoisted to rail. 9:13 Ship underway towards lower bay. 9:25 Lowered st'bd motor-sailer and dory; Mr. Campbell in charge with Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Taylor with 4 men for launch hydrography. Mr. Woodworth and one man for topographic sketching. 9:34 Ship underway. 9:45 Commenced sounding. 11:54 Anchored in 8 fm. water, veering 15 fm. chain. 12:05 Motor sailer party aboard for dinner. 12:11 launch #117, Mr. Readinig in charge, alongside. 12:16 " " cast off. 1:04 Motor sailer and party left ship for hydrography. 1:05 Anchor up and uderway. 1:10 Commenced sounding. 5:15 Finished ". 5:20 Anchored off signal "Green" , 10 fm water veering 70 fm chain. 6:30 Motor sailer and dory alongside - hoisted to rail. Mr. Tayler and three men from Wildcat taken aboard for topographic work in lagoons. 6:40 Ship underway for Boiler Point. 7:15 Anchored off Boiler Pt. kn 16 fm. water, veering 50 fm. chain. Weather - Clear to overcast and rainy - Choppy sea.

50874e2c09d40907550108b7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8313_0.jpg)

17 August 1923

at anchor at working grounds off boiler point morzhovoi bay

Lat 54.0, Long -166.6

50874e2c09d40907550108b9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8313_1.jpg)

5:00 A.M. Let out more chain - 105 fms. in water. Fresh offshore breeze, overcast and misty. Wind continued all day too strong for sounding. 8:00 A.M. turned to. Crew on work at hand and painting Mess Hall. Officers on records and office work. 3:35 P.M. Commanding Officer ashore in dory 5:50 Commdg. Officer aboard. Late in P.M. wind decreased to gentle breeze, overcast with mist and drizzle.

50874e2c09d40907550108bb: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8314_0.jpg)

18 August 1923

at anchor off boiler point morzhovoi bay aaa

Lat 54.0, Long -166.6

50874e2c09d40907550108bd: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8314_1.jpg)

Mid - 8:00 A.M. Cloudy to overcast; Fresh S.E. breeze. 7:13 Anchor up underway for Kenmore Head, clear overhead but stiff S.E. Wind, East Side of bay in fog and mist, Weather unfit for hydrography. 8:10 underway for Bird I. Launch Wildcat not at Kenmore Hd. 8:43 Sighted Launch Wildcat, west of West Cape; standing in to anchorage near Launch. 8:49 Let go Port anchor, 15.5 fm. water. 45 fm. chain,, 1/2 mile W.N.W. of West Cape. 9:00 Launch Wildcat came alongside and was given water, coal and 1 week's mess supplies. 11:30 Anchor up underway for False Pass 208o P.S.C., streamed the log. Log reading 66.5. 12:58 Ikatan Hd. abm. dist. 2 mi. 1:04 Sankin Id. Abm. c/c 250. 1:36 Whirl Pt abm, Hauled in the log. various courses through the Pass. 1:58 Alongside Harris Dock False Pass. Aaa. Weather: Cloudy - Overcast; Fresh S.E. breeze & moderate to fresh breeze.

50874e2c09d40907550108bf: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8315_0.jpg)

19 August 1923

alongside pe harris cannery dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d40907550108c1: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8315_1.jpg)

1:20 set clocks to 1:05 or back 15 minutes.

4:28 clocks set back 15 min.

8:20 clocks set back 15 min.

50874e2c09d40907550108c3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8316_0.jpg)

20 August 1923

at anchor outside dutch harbor alaska

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

F. P. Nevius - Surg, ashore preparing for surgical work on children of the Jessie Tee Orphanage, assisted by J. P. Murphy Wr Offr 2c

F. P. Nevius Surg. - F. P. Nevius, Surg. ashore preparing for surgical work on children of the Jessie Lu Orphanage, assisted ~ J. P. Murphy Wr. Ofr. 2c.

J. P. Murphy (Wr. Ofr. 2C.) - F. P. Nevius, Surg. ashore preparing for surgical work on children of the Jessie Lu Orphanage, assisted ~ J. P. Murphy Wr. Ofr. 2c.

50874e2c09d40907550108c5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8316_1.jpg)

8:20 Alongside Dutch Harbor dock. There informed that no oil could be obtained until late afternoon. Standing into Unalaska.

SS Starr - 3:53 Stopd, lay to waiting for S. S. Starr to clear from oil dock.

5:45 Started taking on oil.

Continued filling oil tanks thruout night. Officers engaged on smooth-sheet and records.

50874e2c09d40907550108c7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8317_0.jpg)

21 August 1923

alongside dock dutch harbor

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

oil: 49,854 gals -

oil: 49,854 gals. -

50874e2c09d40907550108c9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8317_1.jpg)

4:45 Finished taking on oil. 6:30 Cast off from oil dock, Dutch Harbor - underway to Unalaska stearing various courses. 7:15 Tied up at dock, Unalaska. 2:15 Cast off and moored alongside Str. Algonquin at dock Unalaska using steam winches to make room for Str. Mohave. Officers engaged in plotting smooth sheet and working on records. Ship's draft for'd 14' 3" aft 12' 3" Weather - sky overcast - calm -sea smooth.

Str. Algonquin - 4:45 Finished taking on oil. 6:30 Cast off from oil dock, Dutch Harbor - underway to Unalaska stearing various courses. 7:15 Tied up at dock, Unalaska. 2:15 Cast off and moored alongside Str. Algonquin at dock Unalaska using steam winches to make room for Str. Mohave. Officers engaged in plotting smooth sheet and working on records. Ship's draft for'd 14' 3" aft 12' 3" Weather - sky overcast - calm -sea smooth.

Str. Mohave - 4:45 Finished taking on oil. 6:30 Cast off from oil dock, Dutch Harbor - underway to Unalaska stearing various courses. 7:15 Tied up at dock, Unalaska. 2:15 Cast off and moored alongside Str. Algonquin at dock Unalaska using steam winches to make room for Str. Mohave. Officers engaged in plotting smooth sheet and working on records. Ship's draft for'd 14' 3" aft 12' 3" Weather - sky overcast - calm -sea smooth.

50874e2c09d40907550108cb: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8318_0.jpg)

22 August 1923

alongside u s s algonquin unalaska aaa

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

F. P. Nevius - Surg, & J. C. Murphy WO Opr 2c left in Dutch Harbor to continue nursing of ~

F. P. Nevius Surg. - F. P. Nevius, Surg. & J. P. Murphy Wr. Ofr. 2C left in Dutch Harbor to continue necessary operations.

J. P. Murphy (Wr. Ofr. 2C.) - F. P. Nevius, Surg. & J. P. Murphy Wr. Ofr. 2C left in Dutch Harbor to continue necessary operations.

50874e2c09d40907550108cd: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8318_1.jpg)

8:00 Turned to - Officers on smooth sheets and office work - Crew on work at hand. Weather o'cast - mist wind calm to NNE. 1.

4:00 Cast off lines from Algonquin (Coast Guard ship) running various courses out of Dutch Harbor; 4:50 streamed the log. reading 41.0 5:13 Abm. Priest Rk. Lt c/c 16o; 6:45 Abm Lava Pt. c/c 48o continued on same course to 8:00.

11:40 sighted Scotch Cap light ahead.

50874e2c09d40907550108cf: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8319_0.jpg)

23 August 1923

underway from unalaska to working grounds

Lat 41.1, Long 37.3

50874e2c09d40907550108d1: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8319_1.jpg)

12:30 Set clocks ahead 30 minutes to 1:00.

4:30 Set clocks ahead 30 min.

9:38 Unga Id. abm 1.5 mi c/c 28o. 10:20 Started sounding N.E. of Umga Island. Continued sounding throughout watch. Weather: sky overcast; gentle northwesterly breezes; sea smooth.

Continued sounding. 8:25 Dropped anchor 3 miles north (mag) Sig. Umga in 22 fms. with 60 fms. chain. Weather: sky overcast; gentle northerly breezes; sea smooth.

50874e2c09d40907550108d3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8320_0.jpg)

24 August 1923

at anchor on working grounds s w alaska

Lat , Long

Newkirk G.G. (Fire 2c) - Shipped fol. men Newkirk qq fire 2c Rated Fire 1c Bruche V. J. " " Rated Fire 1c.

Bruche V. J. (Fire 2c) - Shipped fol. men Newkirk qq fire 2c Rated Fire 1c Bruche V. J. " " Rated Fire 1c.

Tresse J. A. (Tide Observer) - J. A. Tresse Tide obs at King Cove serv. discontinued (going south) Paid in full

gould Robt (Tide Observer) - Rob't Gould employed as tide observer at King Cove.

50874e2c09d40907550108d5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8320_1.jpg)

6:00 Started heaving in. 6:04 Underway. 6:32 Started sounding. 10:40 Stopt sounding acc't of rain. Wind, NW 3-4 overcast & rain - signals obscured. Ran for Cold Bay sounding way in. 12:36 Dropt anchor in entrance to Cold Bay 10 fms water 30 fms. chain. 1:00 Wildcat came alongside taking stores and supplies. Jehlne, seaman placed on "Wildcat". 2:18 Anchor up underway for King Cove. 2/3 speed cse 130o weather unfavorable for hydrography.

Jehlne (seaman) - Jehlne, seaman placed on "'Wildcat"

3:20 Dropt anchor off King Cove 45 fms. chain. 3:35 motor sailor left ship for dock. C. O. Mr. Campbell and Chief Eng and seaman aboard. 4:55 M. S. returned with stores for ships messes and 2 fireman, to be signed on. 5:22 M. S. left ship for dock - mail dispatched. Retd at 5:48.

6:19 Anchor up underway various courses out of King Cove. 6:35 on cse 207o. 7:30 Abm. Thin Pt c/c 243o. 8:35 Let go anchor 1 mi NE of Amagat I. 16 fms. water 60 fms. Chain. Crew engaged in sounding, taking aboard stores, cleaning and chipping about ship. Officers engaged in hydrography, work on smooth sheet and on projection. Weather O'cast - Rain - wind NW-WNW 1-4. Smooth sea.

50874e2c09d40907550108d7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8321_0.jpg)

25 August 1923

at anchor 1 mile ne of amagat i

Lat 24.5, Long 118.1

50874e2c09d40907550108d9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8321_1.jpg)

coal: 10 sacks -

6:00 Sounding watch called. Too foggy for hydrography. 8:00 Anchor up and underway on course 160o p.s.c., 1/3 spped thru fog. 8:20 Amagat I. 1/2 mile on st'bd beam, standard speed. Running various courses to stat line. 9:45 Commenced sounding.

4:00 Finished sounding. Running various courses into False Pass. 5:20 Encountered heavy fog in Pass. Sounding whistle of ship to signal the Cannery to use their whistle to guide us in. 5:47 Picked up dock. 5:55 Made fast alongside. 6:00 Crew engaged in loading 10 sacks of coal. Secure for night. One officer engaged in plotting smooth sheet thru day.

50874e2c09d40907550108db: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8322_0.jpg)

26 August 1923

alongside pe harris co dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Christensen S. N. (Fire. 1C0 - S. N. Christensen, Fir. 1C. discharged, (deficiency of mental balance, viscous habits) [intimidated firemen] paid in full.

50874e2c09d40907550108dd: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8322_1.jpg)

Day observed. Remained alongside dock throughout day. Weather: Heavy fog clearing in afternoon; gentle northerly breezes; sea smooth.

50874e2c09d40907550108df: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8323_0.jpg)

27 August 1923

alongside p e harris cannery dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Geo Carlson - Fir 2c not on board at sailing hour came alongside in launch after ship had gotten underway. Docked 2 days pay.

Carlson Geo (Qm. 2C) - Geo. Carlson Qm. 2C. not on board at sailing hour, came alongside in launch after ship had gotten underway. docked 2 days pay.

Newkirk V. J. - Newkirk, V. J. rated Oiler

50874e2c09d40907550108e1: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8323_1.jpg)

Overcast with fog, light ENE'ly breezes, sea smooth. 5:55 Tested whistle, wheel and telegraph. 6:10 Cast off from dock - steering various courses. 6:20 Let go anchor 12 fm. 45 fm. chain in mid channel N of Cannery Dock. Heavy fog. 7:00 Started heaving in. 7:05 Anchor away - underway stearing various courses out of False Pass. 8:15 Started sounding. 10:40 Stopped sounding. Let go Port anchor 30 fms. chain. 11:58 Started heaving in. 12:03 Underway and continued sounding. 6:16 Finished sounding - underway to False Pass course 216 p.s.c. 6:44 Sankin I. abeam c/c various courses to Cannery dock. 7:45 Tied up alongside Cannery Dock. False Pass. Overcast with light airs, smooth sea.

50874e2c09d40907550108e3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8324_0.jpg)

28 August 1923

alongside p e harris dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

F Sims - Off Cook ashore at False Pass, on light duty

F. Sims (Off. Cook) - F. Sims; Off. Cook ashore at False Pass. On light duty.

E. M. Brennan (Tide Observer) - E. M. Brennan Tide observer at False Pass discharged.

50874e2c09d40907550108e5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8324_1.jpg)

5:54 Let go lines - headed south thru Pass for working grounds var. csces. 5:59 Std speed ahd. 6:17 Kabuch Pt. abm. c/c 130o. 6:40 Sankin I. abm c/c 55o. 7:55 Standing in toward Amagat I to drop triangulation party. 8:03 Stopt. 8:15 Triangulation parties in charge of Mr. Wilder & Hoskinson with 4 men shoved off in M.S. to occ triangulation point Amagat & triangulation point Kalp. 8:25 a.m. started sounding. 5:30 P.M. Triangulation parties retd to ship. 6:35 P.M. Finished sounding. 7:02 Dropt anchor 1/2 mi NE Amagat I. 15 fms. water 45 fms. chain. Officers engaged in triangulation, hydrography and work on smooth sheets. Crew sounding and general work about ship. Weather O'cast to fog. Wind NW-2 smooth sea.

50874e2c09d40907550108e7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8325_0.jpg)

29 August 1923

anchored 12 mi ne of amagat i

Lat 24.5, Long 118.1

M. C. Lukens (Tide Observer) - M. C. Lukens employed as tide observer at False Pass

50874e2c09d40907550108e9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8325_1.jpg)

6:00 Anchor up and underway, putting into Morzhovoi Bay. 6:41 Commenced sounding off Kenmore Head. 8:20 Dropped motor-sailer and dinghy, Mr. Wilder and 3 men for Triangulation. Resumed sounding line. 5:42 Triangulation party alongside, motor-sailer and dinghy hoisted & secured at rail. 7:34 Anchored at end of line near Umga I. - 24 fms. water 75 fms. chain. One officer engaged in plotting smooth sheets.

50874e2c09d40907550108eb: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8326_0.jpg)

30 August 1923

at anchor near umga i s w alaska

Lat 35.7, Long -0.6

50874e2c09d40907550108ed: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8326_1.jpg)

Mr Reading, in charge Wildcat, brought request from Rev of Belkofski that if possible the Pioneer bring medical officer to attend to a man seriously wounded at Kings Cove, then at Belkofski; also that the Marshall at Umga be notified by wireless of a prisoner held for shooting. Ship ran to False Pass to take Mr Nevius aboard.

Overcast, mist, light SW'ly breezes. 5:55 Tested wheel, telegraph and whistle. 5:56 Started heaving in. 6:03 Anchor away, underway to pick up sounding line. 6:10 commenced sounding. 11:22 Motorsailer with whaleboat in tow, with Messrs. Wilder and Woodworth and 4 men, left ship. Mr. Wilder to occupy triangulation point Umga, Mr. Woodworth as sound for least depth on shoal. Sounding resumed. 4:01 Picked up dinghy with Mr. Wilder and 1 man, Motorsailer with Mr. Woodworth and 3 men. Hoisted and continued sounding. 4:45 "Wildcat" came alongside - took on provisions and 3 drums gasoline. Mr. Byrns transfered from Wildcat to Pioneer. Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Tayler transfered from Pioneer to Wildcat. 5:33 Wildcat cast off. Ship underway to False Pass. 8:07 Made fast to Cannery Dock. False Pass 10:15 Medical officer came aboard with medical outfit. Partly cloudy, variable airs, smooth sea.

Mr. Byrns - Mr. Byrns transfered from Wildcat to Pioneer. Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Tayler transfered from Pioneer to Wildcat.

Mr. Hoskinson - Mr. Byrns transfered from Wildcat to Pioneer. Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Tayler transfered from Pioneer to Wildcat.

Mr. Taylor - Mr. Byrns transfered from Wildcat to Pioneer. Mr. Hoskinson and Mr. Tayler transfered from Pioneer to Wildcat.

Dr. Nevius - Mr. Reading, in charge of Wildcat, brought request from Rev. of Belkofski that if possible the Pioneer bring medical officer to attend to a man seriously wounded at Kings Cove, then at Belkofski, also that the Marshall at Umga be notified by wireless of a prisoner held for shooting. Ship ran to False Pass to take Dr. Nevius aboard.

J. P. Murphy (Wr. Ofr. 2C.) - J. R. Murphy Wr. Ofr. 2C returned to ship with medical officer.

50874e2c09d40907550108ef: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8327_0.jpg)

31 August 1923

alongside harris cannery dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d40907550108f1: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8327_1.jpg)

St'bd whalebaot, Com'dg officer, medical officer, 6 men ashore. Medical officer examined corpse of native who died from effect of bullet wound at 1.40 this morning. Children of village examined for ailments.

6:03 Cast off and underway. Ship's medical officer aboard. 6:56 Sankin Island abeam; course set 56o psc. 8:30 Amagat " " ; 2 1/4 mile. c/c 50o psc. 9:30 Thin Pt. red buoy 1/2 mile on port hand. c/c 35o. psc. 10:10 Laying to off Fox Island; dropped port motor-sailer and dinghy; Mr. Wilder, Mr. Burns and two seamen leaving for triangulation. 10:18 underway to st'd speed. c/c 40. psc. Running various courses between Deer I. and mainland. 11:50 Standing in to Belkofski village; 2/3 speed. 12:10 Anchored 3/4 off " "; 12 fm. water, 40 fm. chain. 12:15 St'bd whaleboat, Com'dg. Officer, medical officer, 6 men ashore. Medical officer examined corpse of native who died from effect of bullet wound at 1:40 this morning. Children of village examined for ailments. 3:30 Whaleboat and party alongside, boat hoisted to chocks. 3:50 Anchor up and underway for Cold Bay. Running various courses between Deer I. & mainland. 5:15 Sighted motor-sailer party at entrance of Cold Bay. 5:26 Stopt, hoisted " and dinghy to rail. 5:33 Standing in to Cold Bay - standard speed. 6:05 Sounding way in at reduced speeds. 7:43 Rounding SW point of Lenard Harbor. Running various courses to head of Harbor. 8:38 Anchored 1 mile from head of Lenard Harbor, 12 fm. of water, 75 fm. chain.

Launch Wildcat came alongside with launch 117 in tow. Mr. Reading reported to Commanding Officer. Launch 117 hoisted in Port motor sailor davits and inspected for leaks. Stern repaired and some caulking done on hull. Engineers working on engine of Wildcat.


50874e2c09d40907550108f3: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8328_0.jpg)

1 September 1923

at anchor lenard hbr cold bay s w alaska

Lat , Long

50874e2c09d40907550108f5: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8328_1.jpg)

At anchor Lenard Hbr., Cold Bay. Repairs being made to Launch Wildcat and Launch 117 during night. 8:24 Launch Wildcat, launch 117 in tow shoved off - 8:47 Anchor up under way. Various courses out of bay - cloudy & rain wind NW-5. 9:25 Using hand lead sounding way out. 9:55 On cse 145o. 10:20 c/c 170o. 10:34 c/c 195o. 10:51 Red buoy off Thin Pt. 3/4 mi abeam. c/c 208o. Rising wind heavy sea. Wind about force 8 - NW. 11:37 c/c 246. Preparations made to commence sounding - weather too severe. 1:15 c/c 246o. 1:50 Various courses into False Pass. 2:25 Tied up alongside Harris Wharf. False Pass. Took aboard drums of oil and coal from dock. Crew engaged in routine work about ship ~ out fitting launch Wildcat. Officers engaged in work on smooth sheets and sounding records. Weather - O'cast and rain to cloudy wind W to S 5-1 heavy westerly sea.

50874e2c09d40907550108f7: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8329_0.jpg)

2 September 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d40907550108f9: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8329_1.jpg)

Sunday observed. Weather overcast to bright with light northwesterly breezes.

50874e2c09d40907550108fb: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8330_0.jpg)

3 September 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d40907550108fd: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8330_1.jpg)

Labor Day observed. Ship tied up at dock. False Pass. Aaa. 9:25 Capt. Lukens, Mr. Wilder & 2 men left ship to observe triangulation. 4:48 P.M. Motor Sailor with triangulation party ret'd. Weather - clear to rain in P.M. Wind NW to SE 4-3.

50874e2c09d40907550108ff: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8331_0.jpg)

4 September 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d4090755010901: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8331_1.jpg)

Weather unfavorable for field work. Ship remained at Harris Dock during the day. Officers working on records, smooth sheets and triangulation computations and data. Weather: Steadily rising N.W. wind during the day reaching its greatest force, about 9, between 8 and 10 P.M. Continuous rain throut the day. Choppy sea with considerable swell.

50874e2c09d4090755010903: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8332_0.jpg)

5 September 1923

alongside pe harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Carl Hallberg - Fir. off duty indigestion

Call Hallberg (Fire) - Carl Hallberg, Fire. off duty. Indigestion

50874e2c09d4090755010905: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8332_1.jpg)

S. E. Boucher - A to E 2c came down with appendicitis - an operation deemed necessary. Dr Levins, M. Woodworth, Murphy W.O 2c and Sims Off. Cook left ashore as False Pass - Boucher placed ashore under care of Dr Levins.

L. E. Borcher (A to E 2C.) - L. E. Borcher, A to E 2C came down with appendicitus - an operation deemed necessary. Dr. Nevius, M. Woodworth, Murphy W. O. 2C and Sims Off. cook left ashore as False Pass - Borcher placed ashore under care of Dr. Nevius.

Dr. Nevius - L. E. Borcher, A to E 2C came down with appendicitus - an operation deemed necessary. Dr. Nevius, M. Woodworth, Murphy W. O. 2C and Sims Off. cook left ashore as False Pass - Borcher placed ashore under care of Dr. Nevius.

Mr. Woodworth - L. E. Borcher, A to E 2C came down with appendicitus - an operation deemed necessary. Dr. Nevius, M. Woodworth, Murphy W. O. 2C and Sims Off. cook left ashore as False Pass - Borcher placed ashore under care of Dr. Nevius.

J. P. Murphy (Wr. Ofr. 2C.) - L. E. Borcher, A to E 2C came down with appendicitus - an operation deemed necessary. Dr. Nevius, M. Woodworth, Murphy W. O. 2C and Sims Off. cook left ashore as False Pass - Borcher placed ashore under care of Dr. Nevius.

F. Sims (Off. Cook) - L. E. Borcher, A to E 2C came down with appendicitus - an operation deemed necessary. Dr. Nevius, M. Woodworth, Murphy W. O. 2C and Sims Off. cook left ashore as False Pass - Borcher placed ashore under care of Dr. Nevius.

Miss Fuller, Nurse - 9:46 Cast off lines - various courses south thru pass bound for Unga, Aaa. for Miss Fuller, nurse, who had left False Pass Monday bound for Unga aboard launch "Morganza"

8:45 Stopped engines - appeared to be breaker ahd. Helm hard left. 8:47 Started sounding. 8;55 Continued on cse 2/3 speed.

10:04 Dropped anchor in 21 fms. 80 fms. chain off C. Aliaksin. Crew engaged in general duties about ship. Officer engaged in standing watches and office work. Weather - O'cast & rain wind WNW-W 5-6. Choppy sea.

Apparent Breaker referred to above assumed to be whales as soundings in locality gave no indication shoal water.

50874e2c09d4090755010907: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8333_0.jpg)

6 September 1923

at anchor off cape aliaksin s w alaska

Lat 56.9, Long -154.3

Carl Hallberg - Fir. off duty indigestion

Miss Fuller - Nurse, aboard to assist Medical Officer in operation on Bouchers, A to E

Carl Hallberg (fire) - Carl Hallberg, Fire. off duty. Indigestion

Miss Fuller, Nurse - Miss Fuller, Nurse, aboard to assist Medical Officer in operation on Borchers, A to E 2C

L. E. Borcher (A to E 2C.) - Miss Fuller, Nurse, aboard to assist Medical Officer in operation on Borchers, A to E 2C

50874e2c09d4090755010909: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8333_1.jpg)

Hailed gas boat Alasco inquiring for launch Morganza.

Stopped off Sand Point and inquired about launch Morganza

Dropped anchor in Squaw Harbor in 15 fms .... Mr Campbell & 2 men go ashore in dinghy to inquire for launch Morganza. Mr Campbell & men returned to ship. No word of Morganza. Bought some fresh milk.

Tied at King Cove Dock. Launch Morganza at the dock. Miss Fuller the nurse came aboard. Stores for the Wildcat put ashore.

5:00 Anchor up and underway. 5:35 Set course 68o. 6:03 Gull I. abeam 1 mi. c/c 97o. 6:13 Hailed gas boat "Alaser" inquiring for Launch "Morganza." 6:45 Various courses thru Popof Strait. 7:00 Stopped off Sand Point and inquired about Launch "Morganza." 7:18 Std. speed. 7:38 Little Egg I. abeam 1/4 mi. c/c 138o. 7:56 Various courses into Squaw Harbor. 8:37 Dropped anchor in Squaw Harbor in 15 fms. water, 30 fms. chain. 8:13 Mr. Capbell & 2 men go ashore in dinghy to enquire for Launch "Morganza". 8:25 Mr. Campbell & men returned to ship. No word of "Morganza". Bought some fresh milk.

10:55 Started sounding. Acheredin Pt., Unga I. to Dolgoi I. 4:30 Finished sounding. Underway for Kings Cove. 6:50 Tied up at King Cove Dock. Launch "Morganza" at the dock. MIss Guller the nuse, came aboard. Stores for the Wildcat put ashore. 7:18 Cast off from dock. Underway for False Pass.

11:34 Dropped anchor off Kabuch Pt. in 11 fms. 30 fms chain.

50874e2c09d409075501090b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8334_0.jpg)

7 September 1923

at anchor off kabuch pt sw alaska

Lat , Long

Carl Hallberg - Fir. off duty indigestion

Miss Fuller - (Nurse) left ship

Carl Hallberg (fire) - Carl Hallberg, Fire. off duty. Indigestion

Miss Fuller, Nurse - Miss Fuller (Nurse) left ship

50874e2c09d409075501090d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8334_1.jpg)

Tied up alongside Cannery Dock, False Pass. Miss Fuller, nurse, left ship to assist Medical Officer. L. E. Borchers, assistant engineer 2nd class, being operated upon for appendicitis by Dr Nevins, medical officer, assisted by Miss Fuller.

R W Woodworth - F & JGE, returned to ship from hospital

Overcast with mist and light rain, light airs, smooth sea. 5:34 Anchor up and underway for False Pass. - various courses thru Pass. 6:15 Tied up alongside Cannery Dock, False Pass. Miss Fuller, nurse, left ship to assist Medical Officer. L. E. Borchers, assistant engineer 2nd Class, being operated upon for appendicitus by Dr. Nevius, medical officer, assisted by Miss Fuller. 8:26 Mr. Wilder and 2 men left ship in motorsailer towing dinghy to occupy traingulation station at Otter Cove, triangulation point E. Base. 1:25 Triangulation party returned in motorsailer. motorsailer hoisted. 4:07 Cast off lines from Cannery Dock. Ship underway steering various courses thru Pass. 4:50 course p.s.c. 40o. 5:40 c/c 25o steering compass. 6:00 c/c 18o steering compass. 6:28 Dropped anchor in Morzhovoi Bay, 1/2 mile N of triangulation point W. Cape, 19 fms. water. Light E'ly breezes, overcast, smooth sea

L. E. Borcherw (A to E 2C.) - 6:15 Tied up alongside Cannery Dock, False Pass. Miss Fuller, nurse, left ship to assist Medical Officer. L. E. Borchers, assistant engineer 2nd Class, being operated upon for appendicitus by Dr. Nevius, medical officer, assisted by Miss Fuller.

Miss Fuller, Nurse - 6:15 Tied up alongside Cannery Dock, False Pass. Miss Fuller, nurse, left ship to assist Medical Officer. L. E. Borchers, assistant engineer 2nd Class, being operated upon for appendicitus by Dr. Nevius, medical officer, assisted by Miss Fuller.

Dr. Nevius (medical officer) - 6:15 Tied up alongside Cannery Dock, False Pass. Miss Fuller, nurse, left ship to assist Medical Officer. L. E. Borchers, assistant engineer 2nd Class, being operated upon for appendicitus by Dr. Nevius, medical officer, assisted by Miss Fuller.

R. W. Woodworth (Jr. H & GE) - R. W. Woodworth Jr H & GE, returned to ship from hospital.

50874e2c09d409075501090f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8335_0.jpg)

8 September 1923

anchored 1 mi north of west cape morzhovoi bay aaa

Lat 63.1, Long -168.9

Carl Hallberg - Fir. off duty indigestion

Run noon to noon: 50.0 mi. naut.

Run by motor sailor

Carl Hallberg - Carl Hallberg. fin. off duty indigestion.

Fresh Water Total aboard 3380 gals.

Sheet B STATISTICS FOR D DAY Boad used Pioneer No. of miles (statute) 23.0 No. of soundings 188 No. of positions 64 No of angles 128

STATISTICS FOR b DAY Boat used Motor sailer No. of miles (statute) 8.8 No. of soundings 228 No. of positions 61 No. of angles 122

Fuel expended during preceding 24 hours, 1289 Gals.

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours, 1200

Fuel remaining on board, 18687 Gals.

Water remaining on board, 9900

Gasoline on board 750

50874e2c09d4090755010911: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8335_1.jpg)

A. M. 6:43 Anchor up & underway for the head of Morzhovoi Bay. 8:09 Mr. Campbell, Mr. Wilder, Mr. Byrns & 3 men leave in m.s. on hydrography. 8:22 Started sounding with hand lead. 10:30 Stopped sounding. Mr. Taylor & 1 man go ashore in whaleboat on topography. 11:00 Whaleboat returned to ship. 11:25 Started tube sounding. P.M. 2:30 Stopped to pick up hydrographic party. Hoisted m.s. 2:38 Continued sounding. 3:30 Stopped sounding. Lowered m.s. & whaleboat. Sent party in charge of Mr. Campbell in shore to pick up topographic party. 3:39 Dropped anchor in 7 fms. with 30 fms. chain. 5:33 Anchor up & underway. 5:50 M. S. & whaleboat returned to ship with topo. party. 6:00 Both boats hoisted. Underway for False Pass. Strong S. Ely wind, rainy and squally. 9:02 Tied up at P. E. Harris Dock, False Pass, Alaska. Weather: Overcast with rising S.E. breeze and rain squalls in the p.m.

50874e2c09d4090755010913: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8336_0.jpg)

9 September 1923

alongside dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Carl Hallberg - Fire - returned to duty

Carl Hallberg (fire) - Carl Hallberg, Fire. - returned to duty.

50874e2c09d4090755010915: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8336_1.jpg)

Surgeon operated upon native girl during afternoon removing tonsils.

Day observed. Engine room, crew overhauling L. P. Cylinder on main engine. Surgeon operated upon native girl during afternoon removing tonsils. Weather - O'cast - Rain Wind SE 4-1

50874e2c09d4090755010917: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8337_0.jpg)

10 September 1923

alongside harris wharf false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

coal: 10 sacks -

50874e2c09d4090755010919: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8337_1.jpg)

Weather unfavorable for field work thruout day; ship remained at wharf. Crew engaged on routine ship's duties. Officers working on computations, records & smooth sheets.

50874e2c09d409075501091b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8338_0.jpg)

11 September 1923

alongside harris cannery dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

L. S. Roane (Q. M. 2cl) - Discharged at expiration of enlistment

50874e2c09d409075501091d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8338_1.jpg)

Continued rain thruout day with stiff SE breezes. Barometer falling gradually to 29.19

50874e2c09d409075501091f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8339_0.jpg)

12 September 1923

alongside p e harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

L. S. Roane (Q. M. 2cl) - Reshipped

50874e2c09d4090755010921: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8339_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010923: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8340_0.jpg)

13 September 1923

alongside p e harris dock false pass ass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Courter (Oiler) - Transferred to Launch Wildcat

McQueen (Sea) - transfered from "Wildcat" to ship acct ~~liness

50874e2c09d4090755010925: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8340_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010927: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8341_0.jpg)

14 September 1923

at anchor 1 mile ne of thin pt black buoy

Lat , Long

Robert Gould (Tide observer) - Discharged this date Gould, Robert, Tide observer. Services no longer needed.

50874e2c09d4090755010929: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8341_1.jpg)

Fire discovered in cabin. Wood shavings beneath bunk ignited from pantry below where mess attendants were burning out cock-roaches.

1:48 Fire discovered in cabin. Wood shiavings beneath bunk ignited ~ pantry below, where mess attendants were burning out cockroaches.

50874e2c09d409075501092b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8342_0.jpg)

15 September 1923

at anchor on working grounds 5 mi w of thin point alaska

Lat 55.0, Long -162.6

50874e2c09d409075501092d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8342_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d409075501092f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8343_0.jpg)

16 September 1923

alongside p e harris dock false pass alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2c09d4090755010931: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8343_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010933: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8344_0.jpg)

17 September 1923

alongside harris dock false pass aaa

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

coal: 10 sx -

50874e2c09d4090755010935: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8344_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010937: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8345_0.jpg)

18 September 1923

at anchor off thin point s w alaska

Lat 55.0, Long -162.6

coal: 9 sacks - transferred to Wildcat

50874e2c09d4090755010939: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8345_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d409075501093b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8346_0.jpg)

19 September 1923

at anchor in leonard harbor cold bay s w alaska

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

50874e2c09d409075501093d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8346_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d409075501093f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8347_0.jpg)

20 September 1923

at anchor lenard harbor cold by alaska

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

50874e2c09d4090755010941: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8347_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010943: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8348_0.jpg)

21 September 1923

at anchor inside thin pt cold bay alaska

Lat 55.0, Long -1.5

50874e2c09d4090755010945: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8348_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010947: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8349_0.jpg)

22 September 1923

cold bay enroute to dutch harbor sw alaska

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

coal: 25 sacks -

50874e2c09d4090755010949: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8349_1.jpg)

Mr Woodworth & Mr Taylor given permission to stop over at King's Cove & Cold Bay for hunting while ships runs to Dutch Harbor. Left ship at 2.30

Santa Anna - Str, of Alaska, steaming Co 1.5 mi to stbd

50874e2c09d409075501094b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8350_0.jpg)

23 September 1923

enroute king cove to dutch harbor

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

50874e2c09d409075501094d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8350_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d409075501094f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8351_0.jpg)

24 September 1923

at anchor unalaska aaa

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

50874e2c09d4090755010951: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8351_1.jpg)

Bear - Motor sailor broke down and towed back to ship at 5.30 by cutter from US Coast Guard Bear

50874e2c09d4090755010953: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8352_0.jpg)

25 September 1923

sw alaska

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

50874e2c09d4090755010955: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8352_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d4090755010957: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8353_0.jpg)

26 September 1923

at anchor n of kenmore head morzhovoi bay

Lat 35.7, Long -0.6

50874e2c09d4090755010959: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8353_1.jpg)

50874e2c09d409075501095b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8354_0.jpg)

27 September 1923

at anchor on working grounds

Lat , Long

50874e2d09d409075501095d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8354_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d409075501095f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8355_0.jpg)

28 September 1923

at anchor lenard hbr

Lat , Long

50874e2d09d4090755010961: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8355_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010963: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8356_0.jpg)

29 September 1923

at anchor in kings cove sw alaska

Lat 55.1, Long -162.3

50874e2d09d4090755010965: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8356_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010967: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8357_0.jpg)

30 September 1923

alongside harris dock false pass

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2d09d4090755010969: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8357_1.jpg)

Launch Wildcat hauled out on the False Pass boat ways and made secure for the winter. Launch 117 and one dory hauled out on the beach near False Pass boat ways and made ready for winter.

50874e2d09d409075501096b: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8358_0.jpg)

50874e2d09d409075501096d: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8358_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d409075501096f: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8359_0.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010971: ( Pioneer/Book 6 - July-September, 1923/IMG_8359_1.jpg)

LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 1st 1923 TO DECEMBER 31st 1923

50874e2d09d4090755010973: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8360_0.jpg)

Half of cover of log book (upside down)

50874e2d09d4090755010975: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8360_1.jpg)

Other half of cover of log book (upside down) for October to December 1923

50874e2d09d4090755010977: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8361_0.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010979: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8361_1.jpg)

Title page of Log Book for Str Pioneer, R.R. Lukens, Lieut, Commanding. From Oct 1 1923 to Dec 31 1923

50874e2d09d409075501097b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8362_0.jpg)

List of officers

50874e2d09d409075501097d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8362_1.jpg)

General Instructions ... issued for the guideance of commanding officers of Coast and Geodetic Survey Vessels.

50874e2d09d409075501097f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8363_0.jpg)

Continuation of instructions; and weather codes

50874e2d09d4090755010981: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8363_1.jpg)

General Dimension. Vessel. Length at load water line 180 ft 0 in; extreme beam at load water line 35 ft 6 in; depth of hold 25 ft 0 in forward; 18 ft 0 in amidships; tonnage registered 723 tons; draft forward 12 ft 0 in; aft 13 ft 8.5 in; midship section 566 sq ft; displacement 1000 tons


50874e2d09d4090755010983: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8364_0.jpg)

1 October 1923

false pass sw alaska

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

Wm Stoddert - Fish Com came aboard for passage to Seattle

L E Bouchers - A to E 2c returned to ship from hospital

Left in storage in P.E. Harris to warehouse on dock at False Pass. 1 dinghy (ships, 16 ft); 1 dory; 1 skiff, (Wildcat's 16 ft); 1 Cookstone/old Wildcat stove, badly broken)

50874e2d09d4090755010985: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8364_1.jpg)

Turned to at 8.00 and continued work of laying up launches for the winter, and preparing ship for sea.

F Nevius - Surg, returned to ship

L E Borchers - A to E 2c returned to ship

J Murphy - W ofr 2c returned to ship

F Sims - Off Cook returned to ship

Personnel & equipment for temporary hospital returned to ship. F Nevius, Surg. L.E. Borchers A to E 2c; J Murphy W Ofr 2c; F Sims, Off Cook

50874e2d09d4090755010987: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8365_0.jpg)

2 October 1923

at anchor n side of ikatan bay 500 yds off fish trap

Lat 55.02, Long -162.03

50874e2d09d4090755010989: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8365_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d409075501098b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8366_0.jpg)

3 October 1923

enroute false pass to seattle

Lat 55.17, Long -155.80

50874e2d09d409075501098d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8366_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d409075501098f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8367_0.jpg)

4 October 1923

enroute false pass to seattle

Lat 54.42, Long -149.72

50874e2d09d4090755010991: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8367_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010993: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8368_0.jpg)

5 October 1923

enroute false pass to seattle

Lat 53.45, Long -144.50

50874e2d09d4090755010995: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8368_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010997: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8369_0.jpg)

6 October 1923

enroute false pass to seattle

Lat 53.40, Long -138.83

50874e2d09d4090755010999: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8369_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d409075501099b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8370_0.jpg)

7 October 1923

enroute false pass alaska to seattle wn

Lat 51.03, Long -133.55

50874e2d09d409075501099d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8370_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d409075501099f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8371_0.jpg)

8 October 1923

enroute false pass to seattle wn

Lat 49.38, Long -128.67

50874e2d09d40907550109a1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8371_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109a3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8372_0.jpg)

9 October 1923

enroute fake pass alaska to seattle wn

Lat 54.8, Long -163.4

50874e2d09d40907550109a5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8372_1.jpg)

Quarantine launch Cascade passed near ship with message requesting that ship fumigate at Seattle.

50874e2d09d40907550109a7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8373_0.jpg)

10 October 1923

alongside str discoverer at bell st dock seattle

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Hanson, Werner - Fir absent without leave - docked pay and rations for Oct 10

50874e2d09d40907550109a9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8373_1.jpg)

other: Gas - returned 250 gals gas to S.O. Co at Pt Wells. Credited Wildcat with 40 gals returned on hand 50 gals gas

50874e2d09d40907550109ab: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8374_0.jpg)

11 October 1923

alongside wharf 8 seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109ad: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8374_1.jpg)

Capt Dericksen - accompanied by Capt Lukens came aboard to make an inspection of the ship.

50874e2d09d40907550109af: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8375_0.jpg)

12 October 1923

alongside pier 8 seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109b1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8375_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109b3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8376_0.jpg)

13 October 1923

alongside pier 8 seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109b5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8376_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109b7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8377_0.jpg)

14 October 1923

alongside pier 8 seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109b9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8377_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109bb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8378_0.jpg)

15 October 1923

alongside pier 8 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109bd: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8378_1.jpg)

7.50 Public Health officials aboard to prepare ship for fumigation. 8.45 All officers and men ashore ship in hands of P.H. officials. 8.45am to 2.12pm Ship being fumigated. 1.30pm Chief Engineer and engine room watch allowed aboard. 2.12 P.H. Officials turned ship back to O.D. Crew allowed aboard. Ship completely aired except for after hold. 2.20 Public Health Officials ashore. Crew turne to on work at hand - straightening up etc. Fumigated with cyanide and sulphuric acid. Inspection of ship after fumigation showed a few live cockroaches in oscillator compartment and CPO mess room.

50874e2d09d40907550109bf: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8379_0.jpg)

16 October 1923


Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109c1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8379_1.jpg)

Discovere - Tied up alongside of Str Discoverer at Conn.St Dock

Crew engaged cleaning ship after fumigation.

50874e2d09d40907550109c3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8380_0.jpg)

17 October 1923

alongside str discoverer connecticut st dock

Lat 51.1, Long 1.3

L. C. Wilder ~H.~G.E. - acting as supply officer.

50874e2d09d40907550109c5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8380_1.jpg)

bids for repairs to vessel opened at 202 Buck Bldg

50874e2d09d40907550109c7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8381_0.jpg)

18 October 1923

alongside str discoverer at connecticut st dock seattle

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109c9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8381_1.jpg)

Ship's laundry sent ashore to Model Elec Laundry.

coal: 50 sx or 2 tons - from A~ & Scott

Contract for repairs to Pioneer awarded to Todd Dry Dock, Co

50874e2d09d40907550109cb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8382_0.jpg)

19 October 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109cd: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8382_1.jpg)

Commanding officer notified that Navy Yard at Bremerton would be unable to supply bottom paint for Pioneer. Proposals for furnishing this paint gotten out and delivered to commercial firms.

50874e2d09d40907550109cf: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8383_0.jpg)

20 October 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109d1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8383_1.jpg)

SS Discoverer - came alongside and tied up.

50874e2d09d40907550109d3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8384_0.jpg)

21 October 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109d5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8384_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109d7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8385_0.jpg)

22 October 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109d9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8385_1.jpg)

Cast off bower and underway. In working out between the dock & the Str Discoverer the after davit-guide of the st'bd whaleboat was fouled by the Discoverer, bending it badly.

50874e2d09d40907550109db: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8386_0.jpg)

23 October 1923

alongside till shipyard dock west seattle

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109dd: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8386_1.jpg)

1.30 Started hauling ship around dock to floating dry dock. Men standing by to handle lines for dock crew. 3.30 Pioneer on blocks in dock and dock pumped out. Ship inspected by Commanding Officer and other officers. Paint on hull found in good condition but convered by an extremely heavy growth of barnacles especially aft of the mid ship section. Growth as much as two inches thick, aft.

50874e2d09d40907550109df: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8387_0.jpg)

24 October 1923

on dry dock at todds shipyard seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109e1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8387_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109e3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8388_0.jpg)

25 October 1923

on dry dock todds shipyards

Lat , Long

50874e2d09d40907550109e5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8388_1.jpg)

Str Discoverer - alongside at Connecticut St dock

1.00pm Started flooding dock. 1.45pm Ship afloat. 2.10 underway for Connecticut St dock. 2.35 Alongside Str Discoverer at Connecticut St dock.

50874e2d09d40907550109e7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8389_0.jpg)

26 October 1923

alongside str discoverer at connecticut st dock

Lat 51.1, Long 1.3

O. S. Reading - Lieut, on leave

F Sims - Off Cook, sent to hospital at Port Townsend for operation for hernia.

50874e2d09d40907550109e9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8389_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109eb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8390_0.jpg)

27 October 1923


Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109ed: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8390_1.jpg)

Dressed ship in observance of Navy Day.

50874e2d09d40907550109ef: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8391_0.jpg)

28 October 1923

alongside connecticut st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109f1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8391_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109f3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8392_0.jpg)

29 October 1923

alongside uss discoverer at connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

McQueen, Robt - Sea, to Public Health Hospital at Port Townsend for medical attention

50874e2d09d40907550109f5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8392_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109f7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8393_0.jpg)

30 October 1923

alongside str discoverer at conneticut st dock

Lat 51.1, Long 1.3

50874e2d09d40907550109f9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8393_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d40907550109fb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8394_0.jpg)

31 October 1923

alongside connecticut st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d40907550109fd: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8394_1.jpg)


50874e2d09d40907550109ff: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8395_0.jpg)

1 November 1923

alongside connecticut st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

L. C. Wilder - Lieut. J. G. on annual leave

50874e2d09d4090755010a01: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8395_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a03: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8396_0.jpg)

2 November 1923

alongside str discovered conn st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a05: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8396_1.jpg)

Surveyor - Steamer, tied up to dock ahead of Str Discoverer

50874e2d09d4090755010a07: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8397_0.jpg)

3 November 1923

alongside str discoverer at conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Byrns, R.W. - Ensign, on annual leave

50874e2d09d4090755010a09: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8397_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a0b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8398_0.jpg)

4 November 1923

alongside str discoverer at conneticut st dock

Lat 51.1, Long 1.3

R. R. Lukens - Comdg left on annual leave 10.30am this day

50874e2d09d4090755010a0d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8398_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a0f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8399_0.jpg)

5 November 1923

alongside connecticut st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

R. R. Lukens - Lieut, on annual leave

50874e2d09d4090755010a11: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8399_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a13: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8400_0.jpg)

6 November 1923

alongside str discovered conn st dock seattle washn

Lat Seattle, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a15: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8400_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a17: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8401_0.jpg)

7 November 1923


Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a19: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8401_1.jpg)

7.15 Crew turned to making ship ready for fumigation. 7.30 Fumigation officers arrived and started preparations. 7.50 Chronometers moved to wireless room - chronometers wound.

8.00 All officers and crew ashore Public Health officials in charge of ship. 8.00am to 4.00pm Ship being fumigated. 4.00 Officers and men aboard. Public Health officials left ship.

50874e2d09d4090755010a1b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8402_0.jpg)

8 November 1923

alongside str discoverer connecticut dock

Lat 51.1, Long 1.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a1d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8402_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a1f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8403_0.jpg)

9 November 1923


Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Victor Boykin - M.A. 1 Cl A.O.L. 1 day; fined one day's pay & rations.

50874e2d09d4090755010a21: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8403_1.jpg)

Str Discoverer - cast off from alongside underway for Hoffman Shipyard

coal: 25 sacks - from A~ & Scott

50874e2d09d4090755010a23: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8404_0.jpg)

10 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a25: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8404_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a27: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8405_0.jpg)

11 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a29: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8405_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a2b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8406_0.jpg)

12 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

R. R. Lukens - Lieut, Commandg Officer on annual leave beginning this date

50874e2d09d4090755010a2d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8406_1.jpg)

State holiday on account of Armistice Day

50874e2d09d4090755010a2f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8407_0.jpg)

13 November 1923

alongside connecticut st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Parts of another sheet pasted on right hand side of page.

50874e2d09d4090755010a31: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8407_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a33: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8408_0.jpg)

14 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Attached to page - delivery note from Marine Supply Co.

50874e2d09d4090755010a35: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8408_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a37: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8409_0.jpg)

14 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Duplicate of previous page with additional weather information

50874e2d09d4090755010a39: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8409_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a3b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8410_0.jpg)

15 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a3d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8410_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a3f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8411_0.jpg)

16 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Recd from M Sellar & Co Galley & mess gear.

50874e2d09d4090755010a41: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8411_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a43: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8412_0.jpg)

17 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Wells, J. W. - Ship's cook 1 cl, to Hospital (City Emergency Hosp) injured by automobile in city.

F. P. Nevius - Med. Officer on annual leave.

50874e2d09d4090755010a45: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8412_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a47: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8413_0.jpg)

18 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a49: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8413_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a4b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8414_0.jpg)

19 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

McQueen, Robt - Sea, returned to ship from Public Health Hospital before breakfast.

50874e2d09d4090755010a4d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8414_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a4f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8415_0.jpg)

20 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Wells, J - Sea. returned to ship from Emergency Hospital after dinner.

50874e2d09d4090755010a51: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8415_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a53: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8416_0.jpg)

21 November 1923

alongside connecticut st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Victor Boykin - M. Att'd overstayed liberty - less than 24 hrs. docked 2 days pay

50874e2d09d4090755010a55: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8416_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a57: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8417_0.jpg)

22 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Wm Bolden - absent in excess of liberty less than 24 docked 2 days pay

50874e2d09d4090755010a59: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8417_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a5b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8418_0.jpg)

23 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Well, J - Sea. to Public Health Hospital in Port Townsend after supper account of possibly infected condition of scalp.

50874e2d09d4090755010a5d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8418_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a5f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8419_0.jpg)

24 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a61: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8419_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a63: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8420_0.jpg)

24 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a65: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8420_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a67: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8421_0.jpg)

25 November 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a69: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8421_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a6b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8422_0.jpg)

26 November 1923

alongside connecticut st wharf seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a6d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8422_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a6f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8423_0.jpg)

27 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a71: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8423_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a73: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8424_0.jpg)

28 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2d09d4090755010a75: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8424_1.jpg)

50874e2d09d4090755010a77: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8425_0.jpg)

29 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Sims, F - Off. Cook, returned to ship from Public Health Hospital, before breakfast

50874e2e09d4090755010a79: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8425_1.jpg)

Thanksgiving Day observed

50874e2e09d4090755010a7b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8426_0.jpg)

30 November 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010a7d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8426_1.jpg)

coal: 45 sacks - from Arm and Scott

coal: 45 sacks coal -


50874e2e09d4090755010a7f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8427_0.jpg)

1 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010a81: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8427_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010a83: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8428_0.jpg)

2 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010a85: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8428_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010a87: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8429_0.jpg)

3 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010a89: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8429_1.jpg)

10.40 Mail orderly ashore.

11.05 " " abroad.

1.30 " " ashore.

2.20 " " aboard.

50874e2e09d4090755010a8b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8430_0.jpg)

4 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010a8d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8430_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010a8f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8431_0.jpg)

5 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

J. Wells - Returned from hospital this day

50874e2e09d4090755010a91: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8431_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010a93: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8432_0.jpg)

6 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

F. P. Nevius - Surgeon returned from annual leave in A.M.

50874e2e09d4090755010a95: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8432_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010a97: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8433_0.jpg)

7 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Nevius, F.P. - medical officer, on sick leave begining this date

50874e2e09d4090755010a99: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8433_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010a9b: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8434_0.jpg)

8 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010a9d: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8434_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010a9f: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8435_0.jpg)

9 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

R. R. Lukens - Lieut. returned to duty from annual leave at 2.00pm this day

50874e2e09d4090755010aa1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8435_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010aa3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8436_0.jpg)

10 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

L. C. Wilder - Jr W & G.E. retd this day from leave of absence

50874e2e09d4090755010aa5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8436_1.jpg)

R. B. Derickson - Inspector Seattle field station came ab'd. Left at 3.55pm

50874e2e09d4090755010aa7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8437_0.jpg)

11 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010aa9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8437_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010aab: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8438_0.jpg)

12 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010aad: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8438_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010aaf: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8439_0.jpg)

13 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010ab1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8439_1.jpg)

Capt. Lukens - left ship

50874e2e09d4090755010ab3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8440_0.jpg)

14 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Byrns, R.W. - Aid this day returned to ship from annual leave

Boucher, V.J. - shipped and rated as fireman 1d

Byrns, R.W - this day returned to ship from annual leave

50874e2e09d4090755010ab5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8440_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010ab7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8441_0.jpg)

15 December 1923

seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Boucher, V. J - FM 1 cl granted leave without pay, rations and pay stop before breakfast.

50874e2e09d4090755010ab9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8441_1.jpg)

Crew paid off. 2/3 crew granted liberty.

50874e2e09d4090755010abb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8442_0.jpg)

16 December 1923

seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010abd: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8442_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010abf: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8443_0.jpg)

17 December 1923

seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

H. B. Campbell - Lieut this day, left ship on leave of absence.

Mr Taylor D.W. - left on annual leave

Woodworth, R. W. - Lieut j.g.on annual leave beginning this date

H.B. Campbell, Lieut - this day, left the ship on leave of absence

Mr. Taylor, D.W. - left on annual leave

J.H. Flanagan Ch. W. - discharged at own request & paid in full

Woodworth, R.W., Lieut j.g. - On annual leave begining this date

50874e2e09d4090755010ac1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8443_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010ac3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8444_0.jpg)

18 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010ac5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8444_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010ac7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8445_0.jpg)

19 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010ac9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8445_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010acb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8446_0.jpg)

20 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010acd: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8446_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010acf: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8447_0.jpg)

21 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Frank Courter - oiler sent to Marine Hospital at Pt Townsend this date at 1.00pm (after lunch).

50874e2e09d4090755010ad1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8447_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010ad3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8448_0.jpg)

22 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Hoskinson, Albert J. - Lieut jpg on annual leave beginning this date

50874e2e09d4090755010ad5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8448_1.jpg)

Capt Derrickson - left to inspect the Discoverer

Muster: inspection of men and ship by Capt. Derrickson, Inspector Seattle Field Station.

50874e2e09d4090755010ad7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8449_0.jpg)

23 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

Nevius, F.P. - Surgeon (T) returned to ship this date from sick leave

50874e2e09d4090755010ad9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8449_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010adb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8450_0.jpg)

24 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010add: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8450_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010adf: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8451_0.jpg)

25 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010ae1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8451_1.jpg)

3.20 Telephone call from Capt Lukens ordering more lines put out. 4.00 Lines doubled and all secure.

50874e2e09d4090755010ae3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8452_0.jpg)

26 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010ae5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8452_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010ae7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8453_0.jpg)

27 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wn

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010ae9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8453_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010aeb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8454_0.jpg)

28 December 1923

alongside conn st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010aed: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8454_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010aef: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8455_0.jpg)

29 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010af1: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8455_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010af3: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8456_0.jpg)

30 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010af5: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8456_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010af7: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8457_0.jpg)

31 December 1923

alongside connecticut st dock seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

50874e2e09d4090755010af9: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8457_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010afb: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8458_0.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010afd: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8458_1.jpg)

Use another volume.

50874e2e09d4090755010aff: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8459_0.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010b01: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8459_1.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010b03: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8460_0.jpg)

50874e2e09d4090755010b05: ( Pioneer/Book 7 - October-December,1923/IMG_8460_1.jpg)