Read all about USS Jamestown's general description, specifications and time line.


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Any groups of links may refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.


JP map overview

(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland)

LOG BOOK – APRIL 13th 1889 TO OCTOBER 12th 1889

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[Above pages blank]

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[Instructions for writing log books]

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[Above pages blank]

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Log book of the US Training Ship Jamestown, 3rd rate, of 12 guns, commanded by Commander BS Lamberton, US Navy, attached [blank] to squadron, commencing April 13th, 1889, at Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia, and ending October 12th, 1889, at Newport, RI.

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List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, commanded by Commander BS Lamberton USN at the time of leaving the anchorage.

BS Lamberton, Commander USN

JN Hemphill, Lieutenant Commander USN

RF Jasper, Lieutenant USN

D Peacock, Lieutenant USN

JG Quimby, Lieutenant USN*

SW Hourigan, Ensign USN

W Rust, Ensign USN

Wm R Dubose, PA Surgeon USN

Thos A Gill, Chaplain USN

NK Gilman, 1st Lieutenant USMC

GW Simpson, Assistant Paymaster USN

TB Watkins, Gunner USN

Jas Burke, Carpenter USN

J Birnie, Sailmaker USN

WL Hill, Boatswain USN

OE Lasher, Lieutenant USN

*[Later (April 15, 1889) entered in the log as an Ensign]

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List of officers who have died, been detached, or transferred on board the USS “Jamestown”, 3rd rate, commanded by Commander BS Lamberton, USN

TB Watkins, Gunner, detached April 13 and placed on sick leave

D Peacock, Lieutenant, May 7, '89, detached and granted sick leave

MK Gilman, 1st Lieutenant USMC, June 2, '89, detached & ordered to USS “New Hampshire”

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Complement of Petty Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Apprentice Seamen, and Marines on board of the USS “Jamestown”

Special Complement as Training Ship

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[Above pages blank]

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Armament of the USTS “Jamestown”

12 VIII-inch smooth bore broadside guns, 6230 to 6510 lbs

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Observations for determining the local deviation of the compass [blank]

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Observations for determining the local deviation of the compass [blank]


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13 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until midnight:

Observations taken from "Constellation" lying astern of this vessel:

[Wind, SW to WSW force 2-3; broken cloud; temperature average 70°F.]

At 10.15am this vessel was put into commission, Commander Lamberton assuming command under orders from the Navy Department

[Signed by the Commander]

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14 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until midnight:

Cloudy but pleasant weather. Light variable winds, generally from E.

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15 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until midnight:

Overcast, rainy and squally; wind from NE to NNE, blowing moderate to very strong squalls.

The following officers reported for duty: D Peacock, Lieutenant USN, J Quimby, SW Hourigan, W Rust, Ensigns USN, W Du Bose, PA Surgeon USN, and NK Gilman, 1st Lieutenant USMC.

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The following men and Apprentices were this day transferred from "Constellation" to “Jamestown”, Navy Yard, Norfolk, April 15th, 1889:

Austin A, Landsman, Behnke E, Seaman, Birminghouse C, Seaman, Brathwaite JH, Landsman, Brown C, Seaman, Clarke W, Landsman, Dirckink J, Landsman, Dreyer C, Ordinary Seaman, Evans WJ, Seaman, Geary M, Landsman, Gering JJ, Landsman, Hall AW, Landsman, Harrison JJ, Seaman, Johnson W, Landsman, Josephson F, Ordinary Seaman, Kroubs E, Seaman, Larsen T, Seaman, Locke F, Seaman, Laughran J, Landsman, Matthaison H, Seaman, McFoy, Seaman, Nelson H, CFC, Nilsen H, Seaman, Nilsson K, Seaman, Olsen O, Seaman, Palmquist F, Landsman, Palmquist JE, Seaman, Radford BF, Seaman, Russell M, Seaman, Scheier C, Landsman, Sjvgran A, Seaman, Smith JN, Landsman, Spicer W, Seaman, Thomas JA, Landsman, Truett AH, Seaman, Wendell O, Seaman, Wilson C, Seaman, Wirsters R, Seaman, William T, Seaman Gr, Gramer A, Seaman Apprentice 1c, Bentley J, Bosun's Mate, Johns BT, Master-at-Arms, Anderson M, Captain of Top, Montgomery J, Quartermaster, Patterson J, Cook's Mate, Dinning W, 1c Fireman, Ferguson G, 1c Fireman, Simonson JJ, Seaman, Mentrinos M, Seaman, Willumsen H, Seaman, Connolly AG, Seaman, Thompson A, Seaman, Johnson W, Seaman, Jensen H, Ordinary Seaman, McCue FO, Ordinary Seaman, Renner J, Ordinary Seaman, Becker C, Landsman, Drew W, Landsman, Coleman H, Landsman, Lewis H, Landsman, Matthews C, Landsman, Watts N, Landsman, Curley J, Landsman, Hisler H, Landsman, Lynch DJ, Landsman, Brown R, Landsman, Sulley TH, Landsman, Spencer R, Landsman, Morrisey N, Landsman, Woodhouse DM, Landsman, Peterson H, Landsman, Braxton R, Landsman, Goodman C, Landsman.

Seaman Apprentices 2nd class: Bowers H, Brown C, CJ Clements A, Grenzer O, Hodgson A, Hickey E, Juhn EA, Koezley EH, Lane EJ, MeKeon M.

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Seaman Apprentices 2nd class: Mann I, Mudd NT, Martin JA, Meylich JF, O'Brien MW, Rotholz A, Sheely MP, Simms HC, Weibel JJ, Bradley LF, Bassett TH, Dahm M, Esterlund CJ, Hug A, Hothersell TD, Lamont AJ, McCarten J, Mahoney JJ, Marshall JJ, Peckham GF.

Apprentices 1st class: Ayres WS, Anderson W, Abraham R, Beall FE, Bruce LE, Barton Belding HP, Brisco J, Benson HG, Babcock FC, Beach GS, Bayne FC, Brooks EF, Crump J, Chapman CD, Carr TA, Collins JJ, Draycott W, Dell WF, Dawkins SJ, Davidson EM, Duffy JJ, Dells CW, Dolan JH, Dodge BE, Deery J, Eiesman H, Estren WS, Farrow WJ, Frates JE, Flannagan J, Francis HE, Flynn J, Fillius WT, Finley WC,

Fithian JR, Graichen O, Gidney CW, Gorman J, Hurley W, Harroirer FL, Howard P, Harden JM, Hozeia Cp, Haneke G, Harrision EE, Higgins WH, How LW, Jolliffe EP, Johannes WH, Johannes WA, Kupper HF Keeffe JR, Kenny TJ, Lansdale PT, Lee W, Lucchini JR, Lowe AE, Lentz WE, Littlefield JF, Murman J, Minor L, Mortimer TC.

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Apprentices 1st class: Miller WC, Mahoney M, Milby JH, McDonough HP, McClintock C, Miller FA, Noble J, O'Donnell TW, O'Connor C, Phillips GW, Passmore CT, Parker RD, Russell JT, Robinson W, Rogers AW, Rowan JF, Ryan W, Shea JF, Stewart J, Springsguth R, Schwartz P, Shannon AC, Salles AF, Smith RW, Seiler I, Stokes WH, Shepherd S, Sayers D, Spencer H, Smith NR, Thompson WB, Weeks HG, Wilkins E, Whiten GN, Winterbottom AS, Watkins AA, Zingg C.

Apprentices 2nd class: Adams HJ, Bond WE, Bechler W, Brown WH, Barr TG, Connell WJ, Childs AA, Ford JG, Farley GW, Gould GW, Hall HH, Hill WH, Hundley FA, Knoble CC, Lingohr WF, McNamara JJ, Marean RG, Metzgen CG, Mooney P, Murphy EB, Miller AW, Marston F, Nowell BE, Simms WF, Smith FA, Smith TH, Tolson HE.

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[Duplicate scans]

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16 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until midnight:

Overcast, rainy and squally; moderate breeze to moderate gale from N and E. Barometer falling.

Change in ratings from April 16th, 1889 [detailed list of changes in rating included].

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17 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with moderate to strong breeze from the N.

4am to 8am:

Received on board for use of ship’s company, 161 lbs fresh bread, 207¼ lbs beef, 207¼ lbs vegetables.*

8am to meridian:

Receiving stores. Lieutenant Commander Hemphill reported for duty.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with moderate breeze from the N.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with moderate to gentle breeze from the N.

*[Note: As these amounts tend to be similar, I will not continue to include them unless there is something out of the ordinary.]

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18 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with light mist. Light airs to gentle breezes from NNE.

8am to meridian:

Engaged in preparing for sea and getting in stores from “Constellation” and the yard.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with light airs from NE.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light airs from SE falling to calm.

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19 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and calm.

8am to meridian:

Engaged in loading stores. GW Simpson, Assistant Paymaster USN, reported for duty.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair pleasant weather. Light airs and breezes from SW. Transferred to barracks Privates W Onslow, G Becker, C Bloche and W Elliott and received from there Privates Frank Hickey, Patrick Houlahan, D Moore, L Ray and N Reynolds.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs to breezes from SW.

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20 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from SW.

8am to meridian:

Received from USRS “Franklin” Landsmen J Delk, C Cassell, J Skinner, F Reid, E Robinson and W Cummings, and also from the barracks Privates Trotman and Bell. Chaplain Thos A Gill USN reported for duty.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm with light airs and breezes from SW and SSW. Sent Peckham (Apprentice) to hospital.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from S. Also lightning to the N.

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21 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant except a light passing shower at 3.00am. Light airs from WSW and calm.

4am to 8am:

Bent sails and crossed topgallants and royal yards. Taking in shot, shell and coal.

8am to meridian:

Hoisted 2nd and 4th cutters and sailing launch, and got dinghy and catamaran inboard. Transferred from “Constellation” one Gatling and one 3” rifle with pearl fittings.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers to clear and pleasant light airs from N and W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, cool and calm.

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22 April 1889

At US Navy Yard, Norfolk, and at sea.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy, with light to gentle breezes from the NW.

4am to 8am:

Sent working party to Fort Norfolk for powder and shell.

8am to meridian:

Making preparations for unmooring ship and receiving tug alongside. Brought General Court Martial prisoner WH Hill on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breezes from N and E. 12.15pm Cast off from dock and stood down the river in tow of “Mayflower”. Gustav Klose [?] (Landsman) was this day declared a deserter. At 3.35pm called “all hands” and mustered crew and officers.

4pm to 6pm:

Standing out towards capes in tow of “Mayflower”. Cape Henry bearing SSE at end of watch, distant 5 miles.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.15pm cast off tug and made sail to royals; hauled down fore topmast staysail and brailed up trysail.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with light airs and breezes from SSE.

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23 April 1889

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 36.85, Long -75.48

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light SE to NE airs to calm. Lost steerage way at 12.45am and gathered it again at 3.45am, close hauled on port tack. Smooth sea; course ENE. Under all plain sail to royals.

At end of watch Cape Henry Light bore WNW, Cape Charles Light NNW, lightship WNW. Numerous vessels’ lights sighted during watch.

4am to 8am:

No change in sail made during watch.*

8am to meridian:

At 9.30am inspected at quarters and had infantry drill.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool and hazy. Light to gentle breezes from ESE. Smooth sea. At 12.20pm tacked ship and stood on course NNE under all plain sail and royals. Numerous sail in sight.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.20pm changed course to NE½N; 4.45pm quarters.

6pm to 8pm:

Course NE½N under all plain sail and royals.

8pm to midnight:

Damp weather; hazy about horizon. Light to gentle breezes from ESE to SE x E. Smooth sea.

*[Note: This is a standard entry for each watch, so I will only enter it if there is a sail change.]

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24 April 1889

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 38.32, Long -74.27

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with gentle S and E breezes. Barometer falling. Moon rose at 2.40am. Course NE½N under all plain sail and royals.

8am to meridian:

At 9.20am set starboard topgallant and starboard fore topmast. At 9.35am inspected at quarters and had battalion infantry drill. Several sail in sight. By order of the Commanding Officer, the following punishments were given:

FC Mortimer (Apprentice 1c) 8 hours’ extra duty with rifle as sentry; B Nowell, 2 days on deck at capstan. The former for losing clothes, the latter for refusing to go on deck when ordered.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with moderate to gentle breezes from SSE. Barometer falling. At 3.30pm changed course to NE½E (p.c.)*

4pm to 8pm:

At 7.15pm took in studding sails [stunsails in log] and unrove studding sail gear. At 7.25pm sighted Barnegat Light [New Jersey] bearing NW¼N.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to cloudy cool weather. Stiff to moderate breeze from S and E. Barometer steady. At 9.00pm changed course to NE¾E. At 9.05pm Barnegat Light bore off port beam. At 11.15pm sighted Highland Light 3 points on port bow. Took in mainsail and spanker. At 11.30pm changed course to N¼E and dropped Barnegat Light. Numerous steamers in sight during watch.

*[Note: I will assume course changes are p.c. (per compass) unless otherwise stated.]

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25 April 1889

At sea and at New York.

Lat 40.668, Long -74.046

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with gentle S and SW breezes falling to very light airs. Smooth sea. 1.00am: Sighted Sandy Hook Light and at 1.30am Scotland Lightship on port bow. Stood in towards Sandy Hook until 3.55am when wind having fallen to near calm, shortened sail and prepared for anchoring. Numerous sail in sight.

4am to 8am:

4.05am: Came to anchor in 4½ fathoms soft bottom. Veered to 15 fathoms at water’s edge on starboard chain. Furled sail.

8am to meridian:

9.00am: Hove up anchor and made sail to royals except mainsail and stood up Swash Channel conned by Navigator. 10.35am: Took in topgallants, royals and foresail. Clewed up topsails and let go starboard anchor at 11.35am. 10.35am: Exchanged numbers with “Brooklyn” [sloop]. Veered to 45 fathoms starboard chain, 4½ fathoms water, soft bottom.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with moderate breezes from SSE. Commanding Officer paid an official visit to the Commanding Officer of USS “Brooklyn”.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, rainy and squally. Gentle to stiff breeze from S and E. Barometer falling.

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26 April 1889

At anchor off Tompkinsville, Staten Island, New York.

Lat 40.646, Long -74.067

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, rainy and squally. Gentle to stiff breeze from S and E. Barometer falling.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Fire quarters. By order of the Commanding Officer H Peterson (Landsman) was given 5 days on bread and water in cell for abusing and interfering with the duties of the Ship’s Corporal.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, rainy and squally. Gentle breezes to fresh squalls blowing at times to a moderate gale from S and E. Navy Yard tug “Catalpa” went alongside USS “Brooklyn” bringing mail.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy with light fog after 10.00pm. Gentle breeze in moderate to fresh puffs.

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27 April 1889

At anchor off Tompkinsville, Staten Island, New York.

Lat 40.646, Long -74.067

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, rainy and squally. Gentle breeze from ENE.

8am to meridian:

By order of the Commanding Officer W Thompson was given 5 days bread and water in cell for insolence to the Officer of the Deck and W Marsaw [?] was put under sentry’s charge awaiting trial by Court Martial for positively refusing to obey an order of his Divisional Officer and of the First Lieutenant.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, rainy and misty. Gentle breezes to fresh squalls blowing from ESE to SE x E.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and misty with light drizzle. Light airs to light breezes from SSE to SW.

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28 April 1889

At anchor off Tompkinsville, Staten Island, New York.

Lat 40.646, Long -74.067

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, light to gentle breezes from SSW to SW.

4am to 8am:

At daylight found the USS “Yorktown” [steam gunboat] at anchor astern, also several men-of-war further up the harbor, but unable to make them out because of mist. At 7.00am the “Yorktown” got underway and stood up, exchanging numbers with this ship. The “Brooklyn” made preparations for getting underway at 7.30am. At 7.20am sighted USS “Atlanta” [cruiser] coming through the Narrows.

8am to meridian:

At 8.40am hove up starboard anchor and got underway under topsails. At 9.25am took Navy Yard tug alongside. At 9.38am let go port anchor in 19 fathoms and veered to 30 fathoms of chain. Cast off tug at 10.00am. Furled sail. Commanding Officer paid an official visit to the Commanding Officer of “Boston”. USS “Brooklyn” came up river in tow of a tug and anchored NNE of this vessel. The following ships are anchored in the following order: “Boston” [cruiser], “Jamestown”, “Brooklyn”, “Juniata” [sloop], “Atlanta”, “Yorktown”, “Essex” [sloop], “Yantic” [gunboat], “Kearsarge” [sloop], “Chicago” [sloop].

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to fair weather. Moderate to stiff breezes from S and W. Barometer rising. Made preparations for dressing ship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, cool weather with light to gentle breezes from S and W.

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29 April 1889

At anchor off Statue of Liberty Island, New York.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cloudy with gentle to moderate breezes from WSW.

4am to 8am:

At 8.00am full dressed ship and fired a salute of 21 guns of 2 lb charges.

8am to meridian:

At 9.30am made out “Despatch” [steamer] heading for Kill van Kull [channel]. As “Despatch” steamed by, the fleet fired a salute of 21 guns and manned the yards.*

Meridian to 4pm:

Generally clear with moderate to fresh breezes from NW to WNW. Made preparations for getting underway. At 3.00pm “Catalpa” came alongside and at 3.50pm got underway for Navy Yard. Towing up North and East Rivers.

4pm to 8pm:

Engaged in securing to Navy Yard dock; alongside Wallabout [Brooklyn].

8pm to midnight:

Generally clear, clouding over at times. Gentle to moderate breeze from NW x W to WNW.

*[Note: “Despatch” was often used as a Presidential yacht, as well as for the Secretary of the Navy and other top government officials. Hence the 21-gun salute fired on this day in honor of President Benjamin Harrison. See hyperlinks.]

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30 April 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard, Long Island.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy with light airs in gentle puffs from WNW.

4am to 8am:

Battalion of Apprentices left the ship for the Centennial Parade.*

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Light W breeze.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.30pm the battalion of Apprentices returned to the ship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light breezes from the W shifting to N.

*[Note: This was the reason for the ships and the President to gather. It was the centennial of the inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the USA. See The Great Naval Parade, Centennial.]


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1 May 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard, Long Island.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool with light to moderate N breeze.

4am to 8am:

At 2.30am [sic] USS “Yantic” left the Yard and steamed down the East River. At 8.00am loosed sail to a bowline.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by marine guard drill on the dock.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to overcast. Light SW breeze. 1.30pm: Furled sail and sent liberty party ashore. Discharged AH Pruitt as term of enlistment expired. Made signals to USRS “Vermont”.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light SW breeze.

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2 May 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard, Long Island.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light N and W breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by inspection and drilled the boys at infantry. Found Apprentices Keefer and Winterbottom absent without leave. Sent working party for stores from “Catalpa”.

USS “Chicago” fired a salute of 11 guns, answered by shore battery. “Chicago” came in and made fast alongside “Miantonomoh”[monitor].

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy and overcast. Light NW to W breeze. Working party putting stores on “Catalpa”. [Full list entered in the log]. Sent liberty party of starboard watch boys ashore.

Transferred to hospital Apprentice CA Brooks and Seaman H Wilson; Apprentice J Keefer returned 18¾ hours over leave.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.30pm USS “Juniata” left the dock and harbor.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant. Light airs in gentle puffs from WNW.

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3 May 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard, Long Island.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breezes from W to WNW.

8am to meridian:

Sent working party for stores.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and threatening. Gentle breezes from WSW to W. 2.00pm: USS “Brooklyn” came alongside the Yard. Received from USRS “Vermont” six Seamen: W Jones, H Gill, Alex Pruett, B Fredericksen, Nils Nielsen and Axel Olsen.

4pm to 8pm:

Sent liberty party on shore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light breezes to airs from NW.

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4 May 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard, Long Island.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from NNW to WNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. S Dawkins, W Draycott, W Ayres, P Winterbottom, B Radford, F Locke, A Connolly and M Greene all absent without leave. Transferred A Clements and W Johannes to the hospital.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear warm weather with light airs from NW and SW. Transferred 40 Apprentices to USS “Chicago” and 80 to USS “Minnesota”, [frigate, training ship] all with bags and hammocks. W Ayres returned on board.

4pm to 8pm:

USS “Essex” came up to the Yard.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from SW and SE.

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51435990a2fc8e0a7b001063: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_035_1.jpg)

5 May 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard, Long Island.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. The following absent without leave: W Draycott, P Winterbottom, B Radford, F Locke, A Connolly, M Greene, J Montgomery, T Monahan, O Olsen, J Dreyer, T Dawkins. Corporal J Douty returned 2 hours over leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes from SSE to NW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs to breezes from NW. T Dawkins returned 77 hours over leave. Also Private Widner 2 hours over time.

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51435990a2fc8e0a7b001067: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_036_1.jpg)

6 May 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard, Long Island.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light airs from SW.

4am to 8am:

B Radford returned 48 hours over time. J Montgomery returned 24 hours over time.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following absent without leave: Hickey, Curley, H Jenson, P Winterbottom, F Locke, A Connolly. By order of the Commanding Officer J Montgomery and C Wilson were put under sentry’s charge until sober. A Connolly returned on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from NNE. Transferred to USS “Minnesota” with bags and hammocks S Dawkins and W Ayres. Discharged from this ship and the Naval Service C Childs and M Monahan by reason of an order from the Bureau of E & R*. A Board of Survey consisting of Surgeon Dufour and Assistant Surgeons Alcott and Harris came on board to survey medical stores.

4pm to 8pm:

Took on board 5,600 gallons of fresh water. By order of the Commanding Officer released from custody J Montgomery and C Wilson. F Locke returned on board.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes from SE to calm. Curley (Landsman) returned on board.

*[Possibly Bureau of Engineering and Repair, a misnomer for Bureau of Construction and Repair.]

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7 May 1889

At Brooklyn Navy Yard and at sea.

Lat 40.7, Long -74.0

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant; calm followed by light NE airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following absent without leave: F Hickey, H Jenson, P Winterbottom, J Laughran. Drilled marine guard on dock.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes from NW and SW. 2.40pm: Left the dock in tow of Navy Yard tug. Standing up the East River through Hell’s Gate conned by pilot. Lieutenant Peacock detached from the ship and granted 3 months’ leave.

4pm to 6pm:

Towing through Hell’s Gate. 4.20pm: Made “fore and aft” sail. 5.00pm: Made plain sail. 5.10pm: “Nina” cast off and returned to Yard. Fort Schuyler abeam. Set up royal yards and royals.

6pm to 8pm:

6.15pm: Passed Execution Rocks abeam; set course NExE¾E. 7.15pm: Sighted Great Captain’s Island Light. Numerous sail in vicinity. At end of watch Great Captain’s Island Light bore NNE (mag) and Execution Rock Light WSW (mag).

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light airs and breezes from SE. At 12.00pm changed course to ENE. At midnight Stamford Harbor Light bore NW?W, Eatons Point Light [Eatons Neck Light] SExE¾E, both mag.

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8 May 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 41.13, Long -72.72

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant; cool with light SW to NW airs and breezes. At 1.40am Eatons Point Light bore abeam SSE and at 2.10am Norwalk Island Light bore abeam NNW. On course NNE throughout watch.

4am to 8am:

5.30am: Sighted Penfield Light; at 6.00am sighted Stratford Shoal Light. At 5.55am changed course to E x N and at 6.45am to E¼N, under plain sail throughout watch. At end of watch Stratford Point Light bore NE½E 4 miles. Numerous sail in sight. N shore of Long Island Sound visible.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following absent without leave: F Hickey, H Jenson, P Winterbottom. 11.45am: Tacked ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with light variable breezes.

4pm to 6pm:

Both shores of Long Island Sound visible. At end of watch Stratford Shoal Light bore W½N.

6pm to 8pm:

7.00pm: Changed course to E x N.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant; cool with moonlight. 9.20pm: Faulkners Island Light bore abeam NW and at 11.00pm Hortons Point Light bore abeam SE. Made out Cornfield Lightship light SE x E½E.

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9 May 1889

At sea and at to Newport, RI.

Lat 41.24, Long -71.68

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light SE to SW airs; smooth sea. Under all sail. 3.15am: Changed course to ENE½E, and at 3.40am to ENE¼E. At 1.15am sighted Race Rock Light ahead. At end of watch Race Rock Light bore ENE½E, Little Gull Light E½N, Plum Island Light ENE and Cornfield Lightship NE¾N.

4am to 8am:

7.15am: Took in mainsail and spanker; standing through the race latter part of watch. At 8.00am Little Gull Lighthouse bore SE x E 1.5 miles. Ship conned by Navigator.

8am to meridian:

Standing through the race into Block Island Sound. 9.30am: Quarters for inspection. The following absent without leave: F Hickey, H Jenson, P Winterbottom and J Laughran. All plain sail. At end of watch Block Island bore E x S, Montauk Point S x E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light SE to SW breezes. Heading up towards Point Judith, steering ENE½E. At end of watch Point Judith Light bore NE x N.

4pm to 6pm:

4.15pm: Changed course to NE?N. Standing in to anchorage; ship conned by Navigator. 4.45pm: Quarters. Same men absent without leave.

6pm to 8pm:

6.20pm: Anchored with port anchor to N of Goat Island, veering to 15 fathoms of chain. Goodman, Brown and Casey left [in] the whaleboat.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant; moonlight and moderate SW breeze. 11.00pm: Goodman, Brown and Casey returned.

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10 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with gentle SW breezes.

8am to meridian:

A Winterbottom, having been absent without leave 18 days, was declared a deserter from this ship and the US Naval Service. Received visit of courtesy from Commander Higginson, Commander Training Station, and an officer from the Torpedo Station.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with light rain and thunder and lightning in NW last hour and light SW breezes. Discharged N Hillier [?] from the Naval Service, his term of enlistment having expired.

8pm to midnight:

Clearing, pleasant; light airs from NE and NW and calm.

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11 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clearing, pleasant; calm and light breeze from NE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with light variable breezes. Discharged J Larson and W Hall, their terms of enlistment having expired. Sent liberty party ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Assistant Paymaster GW Simpson left the ship on four days’ leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, pleasant and calm.

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51435990a2fc8e0a7b00107f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_042_1.jpg)

12 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy; calm.

4am to 8am:

Carpenter J Burke left the ship on a week’s leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Commanding Officer inspected the ship and crew at quarters. The following absent without leave: F Hickey, H Jenson, J Reardon and J Laughran.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with light SSE breezes.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, with thick fog last 2 hours. Light airs from E then calm.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b001083: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_043_1.jpg)

13 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with dense fog. Calm. Placed N McCue in double irons for being drunk and disorderly.

4am to 8am:

Shipped for the cruise as Landsmen C Lesquereaux and D Mouvet.*

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Mustered at quarters. The following absent without leave: F Hickey, H Jenson, J Reardon and J Laughran. J Patterson returned on board 2½ hours over leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with light to gentle ESE breezes. Enlisted for 3 years C Wheeler as Landsman. Received from USS “New Hampshire” [stores ship] with bags and hammocks, 6 Apprentices.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with moderate rain. Moderate ESE breeze to calm. Private Reardon returned on board 37½ hours over leave.

*[Note: “Landsmen” were the lowest level of recruit. See Landsman (rank), Wikipedia]

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14 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with fog and light NE breeze. Fog bell ringing last hour.

4am to 8am:

Liberty party returned. Rated C Lesquereaux to Ward Room Cook and D Mouvet to Ward Room Steward from this date.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Mustered at quarters. The following absent without leave: F Hickey, H Jenson and J Laughran. 10.30am: Hove up port anchor and picked up mooring at 10.35am. Discharged C Becker, his term of enlistment having expired.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and foggy with passing showers and light S and W breezes. Gunner Joseph Swift reported on board.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and foggy with light S and W breezes.

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15 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with fog and drizzling rain and light W airs.

4am to 8am:

Private Hickey was brought on board.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Mustered at quarters. The following absent without leave: H Jensen and J Laughran. Furled sail at 11.48am.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with light NNE to SE breezes. 1.00pm: Swinging to flood tide, fouled “Juniata”. Set sails and cleared the “Juniata” without injury to either ship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with moonlight. Light airs from S and calm.

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16 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant. Calm to light N x E airs. Swinging clear of “Juniata”.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Mustered at quarters. The following absent without leave: J Laughran. H Jensen declared a deserter from today.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to foggy, damp weather. Light airs from SE and SW.

4pm to 8pm:

Pay Clerk G Vernon left on 3 days’ leave.

8pm to midnight:

Foggy and damp weather. Light airs from SW.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b001093: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_047_1.jpg)

17 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Foggy and damp weather. Calm to light airs from SW.

4am to 8am:

PA Surgeon WR Du Bose left the ship on duty. N Wilson and N Monachesi were transferred to the Naval Hospital at Chelsea, Mass.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Mustered at quarters. J Laughran was this day declared a deserter.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clearing, pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from S to SSW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear first hour then thick fog. Light to gentle breeze from SSW to WSW.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b001097: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_048_1.jpg)

18 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Foggy and damp weather. Light breeze from SW to SSW.

8am to meridian:

Sold deserter clothing at auction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Generally clear with light fog to gentle breeze from SW to SSW. Transferred W Spicer to Torpedo Station by order of Department of E&R.

8pm to midnight:

Foggy and very wet. Light to gentle breeze from SW.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b00109b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_049_1.jpg)

19 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Foggy and very wet. Calm then light breeze from SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by Commanding Officer’s inspection. A Gramer (Bugler) absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear at first then light fog. Light breezes to airs from S. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Foggy and wet with light rain from SE.

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20 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and foggy first hour, rainy last two. Light breeze and airs from ESE to SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; A Gramer (Bugler) absent without leave. Infantry drill. Corporal Burke returned from leave. Transferred General Court Martial prisoner (W Neill) to USS “New Hampshire”. A Gramer returned on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Light airs from SE. Received from USS “New Hampshire” a draft of 126 Apprentices. [List is included in the log]. The chief of the Bureau of E&R paid a visit.

4pm to 8pm:

The chief of the Bureau of E&R left the ship. Fired a salute of 11 guns.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Light to moderate S x E breeze.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b0010a7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_052_1.jpg)

21 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Light breeze and airs from SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. 10.15am: Lieutenant Jasper Corrigan and Lieutenant Gilman left the ship to attend court. 10.30am: General Court Martial met aboard “New Hampshire” and adjourned at 11.15am. Lieutenant Quimby left the ship on one week’s leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Foggy with light breezes from SE to ESE.

8pm to midnight:

Foggy with light breezes and airs from SE to SW.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b0010ab: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_053_1.jpg)

22 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clearing, pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from SW to WSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Followed by drills. Confined E Roy (Seaman) for 5 days for disobedience of orders.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to cloudy and pleasant with gentle to moderate SW breezes. Received 150 suits of oilskins.

4pm to 8pm:

Boatswain William Hill reported on board for duty. B Johns (Master-at-Arms) left the ship on leave until 28th inst. Received N McDowell (Apprentice) from “New Hampshire”, (one of the draft of 126).

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light SW airs to calm.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b0010af: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_054_1.jpg)

23 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs to moderate breezes from NNE.

8am to meridian:

Engaged in taking coal from lighter. Received [not entered] tons.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy then clearing. Moderate to stiff NNE breezes.

8pm to midnight:

Clearing and cool. Light airs to moderate breezes from NW.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b0010b3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_055_1.jpg)

24 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light to gentle breezes from NNW x NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am Stationed divisions and exercised at fire quarters. Exercised Apprentices at reefing and making sail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant weather. Gentle to moderate SW breezes. Exercised Apprentices at reefing topsails and shortening sail.

4pm to 8pm:

Received 3 Apprentices with bags and hammocks. Assistant Paymaster GW Simpson left the ship on leave until Monday next.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant weather. Light SW breeze.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b0010b7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_056_1.jpg)

25 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to clear and pleasant weather. Light SW breezes and airs.

8am to meridian:

Sent liberty party of Apprentices and men on shore. Received from USRS “Wabash” at Boston a draft of men, sailmaker Boreham in charge.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant weather. Light airs to breezes from NE and NNE. Liberty party returned except for W Reynolds and C Baldwin.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to pleasant light breezes from N to SW.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b0010bb: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_057_1.jpg)

26 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and rainy. Light S to NE breezes and airs.

4am to 8am:

Apprentices W Reynolds and C Baldwin returned on board 14 hours over time.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and Commanding Officer’s inspection. 10.20am Divine service. Rated N Tyrrell (Seaman) to Captain of Top, J Ingham (Seaman) to Captain of Top, C Sidenham (Seaman) to Captain of After Guard, A Hampson (Seaman) to Cof After Guard and M Pereira (Seaman) to Cox.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Moderate breezes from N and E. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from N and E to calm.

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51435991a2fc8e0a7b0010bf: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_058_1.jpg)

27 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from N and E to calm. Lieutenant J Quimby returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by drills. Found J Nabstead and A Schuman absent without leave; they had both left the ship without permission. 11.05am: Called all hands and furled sail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy. Light to gentle breezes from E. Sent ashore a reward of $20 each for the delivery on board when found of J Nabstead and A Schuman.

4pm to 8pm:

4.30pm: Quarters; served out clean hammocks.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with drizzling rain to gentle breezes from ESE to SSE blowing in fresh squalls last hour.

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28 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy. Light to gentle breezes from SW to W by S.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by inspection and drills. J Nabstead and A Schuman absent without leave. Sail training for Apprentices.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to clear and pleasant; hazy and misty. Gentle to moderate breezes from SSW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle to light breezes from SW to WSW.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010c7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_060_1.jpg)

29 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to fair and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breezes from W to N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by inspection and drills. J Nabstead and A Schuman absent without leave. Sail training for Apprentices and assigning stations.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from SSW. Stowed sheet anchor below.

4pm to 8pm:

Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light breezes and airs from NW and SE to calm.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010cb: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_061_1.jpg)

30 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from SW to calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by inspection and drills. J Nabstead, A Schuman, N Wilson and N Watts absent without leave. Sent rewards ashore for absentees. Taking in wood and water.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear overhead with light fog on horizon. Light to gentle breezes from SSW. Received 2500 gallons fresh water. Enlisted for cruise J Rickets (Landsman).

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and foggy; gentle to stiff SE breeze.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010cf: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_062_1.jpg)

31 May 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear overhead with light fog on horizon. Gentle to stiff breezes in squalls from SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by drills and sail training. J Nabstead, A Schuman, N Wilson, R Winters and N Watts absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair and pleasant. Gentle breezes from SSE. Exercised at yards and masts.

4pm to 8pm:

Received from USS “New Hampshire” Richard Coughlin, Mick Wogan, G[?] Eastburn, Seaman Gunners, with their bags and hammocks. Robert Winters returned on board 12 hours over time.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breezes in moderate to stiff puffs from SSE. Moon set at 9.20pm.


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1 June 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breezes in moderate to stiff puffs from SSE first 3 hours.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and threatening. Gentle to moderate breezes from SE to SSE. In accordance with orders from the Bureau of E&R discharged M Mentrinos, JJ Harrison, O Olsen, and A Syogren (Seamen), and C Vette (Tailor).

4pm to 8pm:

Received from USS “New Hampshire” with bags and hammocks a draft of 15 Apprentices:

C Morris, O Edwards, H Huff, R Hillard, W Cuffy, H Van Etten, W Sulthaus, P Connerton, H Moore, J Gregory, H Bailey, A Hurlbut, R Hodge, W Wansleben, W Edgerton.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with light rain at first. Gentle breezes in moderate to stiff squalls from SSE.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010db: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_065_1.jpg)

2 June 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with rain last part. Gentle breezes in moderate to stiff squalls from ESE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Nabstead, A Schuman, N Nilsson, M Geary, C Schreier and N Watts absent without leave. Rated from Seaman Gunner to Schoolmaster C Coughlin, G Eastburn, M Wogan. Rated B Fredericksen from Seaman to Captain of Forecastle. Rated E McFay from Seaman to Boatswain’s Mate.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain. Light breezes and airs from SW. M Geary and C Schreier returned on board.

4pm to 8pm:

Transferred the following Marines to USS “New Hampshire”: Privates Moore, Hickey, Monahan, Reynolds, Ray, McDonagh and Smith (Drummer and Fifer).

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Light breezes and airs from SW.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010df: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_066_1.jpg)

3 June 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with rain. Gentle breezes and airs from SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Inspections and drilled all divisions at great guns.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy later. Light breezes and airs from SW.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy. Calm.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010e3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_067_1.jpg)

4 June 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with rain and fog. Light airs from SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Inspections and drilled all divisions at great guns and infantry. Commander Higginson came on board. J Nabstead, A Schuman, N Nilsson and N Watts absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to fair and pleasant. Light airs from S to SW. Exercised Apprentices at loosing and making sail.

4pm to 8pm:

“New Hampshire’s” band came on board to play for Apprentices.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SW to WxS. Moonlight.

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5 June 1889

At Newport, RI and at sea.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy but pleasant. Gentle to moderate breezes from SW.

4am to 8am:

After 7.25am making preparations for sea.

8am to meridian:

At 10.08am the station tug “Cohasset” came alongside. 10.15am: Slipped buoy and started out of harbor two ahead and exchanged cheers and goodbye signal with “New Hampshire”. At end of watch bell buoy close aboard. 9.15am: Quarters. J Nabstead, A Schuman, N Nilsson and N Watts absent without leave and declared deserters from this date.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy hazy weather. Gentle to moderate breezes from SW. 1.35pm: Cast off tug and made all plain sail to royals. 2.05pm: Took departure; Brenton’s Reef Lightship bore WNW (mag) 1 mile. Set course SE.

4pm to 6pm:

Passed No Man’s Land at 5.30pm.

6pm to 8pm:

7.30pm: Took a reef in topsails and set in topgallant sail. Course SE.

8pm to midnight:

Clearing and pleasant. Moderate breezes from SW and SSW. SE through watch with single reefed topsail, topgallant, jib, foretop staysail, spanker.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010eb: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_069_1.jpg)

6 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.30, Long -68.83

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breezes from SW. Smooth sea. Moon set at 12.15am. 3.20am: Took reef out of topsail. Steamer passed standing to E.

4am to 8am:

6.50am: Set royals. Passed steamer standing to E.

8am to meridian:

8.00am: Changed course to E x N. Took in mainsail and spanker. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from WSW to W. 12.35pm: Changed course to E. At end of watch under plain sail and royals.

4pm to 6pm:

4.45pm: Quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Moonlight and gentle breezes from WSW to W. Ship under plain sail and topgallant. On course E.

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7 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.50, Long -66.41

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breezes from SW to NW. Smooth sea. Lightning to S first part. Moon set at 1.00am. Steering course E. At end of watch under plain sails to topgallant sails.

4am to 8am:

4.30am: Set royals.

8am to meridian:

10.10am: Inspected at quarters. Passed a ship standing to SW and a bark standing to E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breezes from WNW. 12.07pm: Changed course to SE.

4pm to 6pm:

bark in sight off quarter standing to SE.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Bright moonlight. Gentle W x N breeze. Temperature of water raised 9° during watch.

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51435992a2fc8e0a7b0010f3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_071_1.jpg)

8 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.42, Long -63.50

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breezes from NW. Moonlight. Moon set at 1.25am. Ship under plain sail and royals steering E x S.

4am to 8am:

Sail in sight bearing N and standing to S. 4.30am: Set all studding sails except top jib.

8am to meridian:

Noticed patches of gulf weed. Temperature of water rose from 70° to 73°F. Two sail in sight during watch.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear weather. Moderate breezes from SE. 2.10pm: Took in topgallant and lower studding sails.

4pm to 6pm:

Steering course ESE½ E.

6pm to 8pm:

Steering course ESE½ E under all plain sail and royals except spanker.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear weather; moderate to stiff breeze from S x W. Slightly squally at times. Smooth sea and barometer rising. Temperature of sea rising.

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9 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.43, Long -59.35

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather. Moderate SSW breeze. Passed a steamer standing to NE.

4am to 8am:

4.30am: Set royals and jib. Steamer brigantine rigged passed us to N. Steering course ESE½ E.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and mustered around the capstan. Steamer standing to E in sight off the beam. Set clock ahead 15 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers. Moderate breezes from SW. Sighted a steamer standing to W.

4pm to 6pm:

Mustered at quarters.

6pm to 8pm:

Steering course ESE½ E. 7.10pm: Took in foretop studding sail, royals and fore jib.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with light passing showers. Smooth sea. Steering course ESE½E under all plain sail and topgallant, except spanker.

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10 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.31, Long -56.16

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers. Gentle to moderate SW breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and sail training.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breezes from WSW to NW. Course ESE½E. At end of watch under all plain sail except jib, mainsail and spanker.

4pm to 6pm:

Mustered at quarters at 4.45pm. No change in sail. By order of Commanding Officer confined A Connolly for 5 days in cell.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Moonlight. Light to gentle breezes from W to WSW. Steering course ESE½E.

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11 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.39, Long -53.59

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from W to W x N. Steering course ESE½E. At end of watch under all plain sail except jib, mainsail and spanker.

8am to meridian:

9.20am: Quarters and inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes from W. Course ESE¼E. At end of watch under all plain sail except jib, weather clew of mainsail and spanker. Served out small stores.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with bright moonlight. Gentle W breeze.

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12 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.39, Long -51.25

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy. Light squalls of rain from WNW. Light to gentle breezes from WSW to SW. Steering course ESE¼E. At end of watch under all plain sail and royals except spanker.

4am to 8am:

7.20am: Set spanker. At end of watch under all plain sail and all starboard studding sails.

8am to meridian:

9.20am: Quarters and instruction. No change in sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with moderate breezes from SW. Course ESE¼E. By order of the Commanding Officer, placed E Berry (Landsman) in confinement on bread and water for 5 days for shirking work during a squall.

4pm to 6pm:

Sighted a brigantine standing to S.

6pm to 8pm:

At end of watch under all plain sail.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate breeze from SW. Barometer rising. Bright moonlight.

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51435993a2fc8e0a7b001107: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_076_1.jpg)

13 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 40.22, Long -48.37

Commences and until 4am:

Clear then cloudy. Moderate breeze from W. Steering course ESE¼E. Ship under all plain sail and royals except jib and spanker.

4am to 8am:

Passed a bark on the wind standing to N.

8am to meridian:

9.20am: Quarters and instruction. Connors and F Smith were released from confinement, their terms having expired. Set clock forward 14 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate to gentle breezes from S and W. Course ESE¼E. At 1.20pm exchanged names with American yacht “Gitana”.

6pm to 8pm:

Moon rose at 7.40pm.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Bright moonlight. Gentle breeze from W and smooth sea. Ship under all plain sail and royals except jib and spanker.

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51435993a2fc8e0a7b00110b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_077_1.jpg)

14 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 41.01, Long -45.59

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate to gentle breeze from W. Barometer steady. Bright moonlight. Steering course ESE¼E. Ship under all plain sail and royals except jib and spanker. Passed through a number of tide rips. Heavy one at 2.00am.

4am to 8am:

Passed through a number of tide rips [and adjusted sails a number of times].

8am to meridian:

8.00am: Changed course to E x N. 9.20am: Quarters, instruction and drills. Passed a large brigantine-rigged steamer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate breezes from WSW. Course E x N. At end of watch ship under all plain sail and royals except jib and spanker, and all studding sails except topgallant.

4pm to 6pm:

Exchanged colors with steamer standing to W. Quarters at 5.15pm.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to fair and pleasant. Stiff breeze stiffening from WSW to SW. 8.45pm: Took in all port studding sails and set lee clew of mainsail. Ship rolling deeply at times. Moon rose at 9.00pm.

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15 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 42.79, Long -41.74

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with stiff breeze from WSW to NW. Strong NW squall with thunder and lightning. 1.30am: Took in all studding sails and royals. Moderate sea; ship occasionally rolling deeply. Steering E x N.

4am to 8am:

7.30am: Set royals and studding sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair and pleasant with fresh breezes from NW x N to NNW. 12.08pm: Changed course to E [and adjusted sails a number of times].

4pm to 6pm:

Ship rolling deeply but easily at times. 4.30pm Called “all hands reef topsails”. At end of watch under jib, foretop in staysail and double-reefed topsails.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and squally with fresh breeze from the N. 9.00pm: Took in mainsail.

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16 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 43.70, Long -38.40

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast with rough sea moderating. Moderate to stiff breeze. 3.00am: Set mainsail. At 4.00am under double-reefed topsail.

4am to 8am:

Course E. At 6.00am shook reefs out of topsails, topgallant and spanker.

8am to meridian:

10.30am: Divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light airs and breezes from N and W. 1.30pm: Took in spanker.

4pm to 6pm:

Ship on starboard tack with wind from NW.

6pm to 8pm:

[Made several sail adjustments.] Ship in sight off lee beam standing to NW.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool. Gentle to stiff breeze from N and W. Barometer falling.

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17 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 44.39, Long -35.05

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and squally with fresh breeze from SSW to SW. 12.30am: Took in studding sails. 1.00am: Took in royals and mizzen topgallant sail. [Generally reduced sail.]

4am to 8am:

[Reduced sail and ran before the wind for a short time.]

8am to meridian:

Course E. 9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain and moderate N and E breezes. 12.45pm: Set mainsail, jib, mizzen topgallant, and royals. By order of the Commanding Officer, confined John Ellwood (Landsman) for 5 days on bread and water.

4pm to 6pm:

Took in royals and jib. Mustered at quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and cool with moderate breeze from SE and NE. Close-hauled on port tack until 11.00pm when tacked ship.

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18 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 43.75, Long -32.25

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to overcast and cloudy. Gentle to moderate breeze from N and E. At end of watch close-hauled on port tack under plain sail and topgallant; heading SSE.

4am to 8am:

At 7.30am tacked ship and headed E½N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, drills and inspection. Ship under all plain sail except spanker. Steering N½E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and misty with moderate S to SE breezes. Smooth sea. 3.30pm: Wore then tacked ship for exercise. Sighted sail off starboard quarter.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, fair and pleasant. Stiff breeze from S to SW. Steering E½N. 11.00pm: Mist on starboard quarter; truss band came down from aloft; took in sail on main.

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51435993a2fc8e0a7b00111f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_082_1.jpg)

19 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 45.40, Long -28.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with bright moonlight. Course E½N. Re-bolted main truss band and at 1.30am made sail to royals on main. Ship in sight off lee bow last hour, standing to NE. At end of watch under all plain sail and fore topmast staysail.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with stiff SW to SSW breezes. Passed a bark standing to E.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters at 5.15pm.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, foggy horizon. 9.30pm: Took in spanker. 10.40pm: Took in spanker and flying jib.

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51435993a2fc8e0a7b001123: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_083_1.jpg)

20 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 47.34, Long -24.00

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast, light rain first part, heavy rain second part. Ship under plain sail and studding sails except spanker. At 12.00am sighted bark to N standing to E.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. 10.45am: called “All hands reef topsails”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and squally with stiff breezes. 12.12pm: Changed course to E½S. By order of the Commanding Officer T Salthouse (3rd class Apprentice) was given 3 days’ bread and water at capstan for passing food to prisoner.

4pm to 6pm:

Steering E½S. Furled mainsail.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and squally with fine drizzling rain. Strong to gentle breezes from N. Barometer steady. At 8.45pm set main topsail.

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51435993a2fc8e0a7b001127: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_084_1.jpg)

21 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 47.74, Long -19.95

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally with moderate to very fresh breeze from NE. At close of watch ship under jib, foretop staysail, single-reefed fore and main and close-reefed mizzen topsails, and main trysail; full and by.

4am to 8am:

7.45am Took in topsail, set mainsail.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction and exercises. [Strong winds so increased coverage of reefing].

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and squally with stiff breezes. Barometer steady.

4pm to 6pm:

Steering E½S. 5.15pm: Quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with light drizzle and some fog. Smooth sea. Close-hauled with some reefing.

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22 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 47.33, Long -18.33

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and foggy with drizzling rain with light NE airs. [Close-hauled with some reefing.]

4am to 8am:

6.00am: Passed a bark standing to W.

8am to meridian:

At 8.30am shook out reefs in topsail and made all plain sail with royals and staysail. 12.00pm: Changed course to E¼N.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light passing showers. Ship with bare steerage way and frequent calms. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except spanker) and fore topmast staysail.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm: Quarters. Changed course to E x N at 5.20pm.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to fair and pleasant with light airs from ENE to NNE. On port tack.

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23 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 47.28, Long -17.58

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool. Light NE airs to calm. Lost steerage way for 3½ hours during watch. On course E x N under all plain sail.

4am to 8am:

7.30am: Hauled up mainsail.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Commanding Officer inspected ship. Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Light to gentle breezes from WSW to SW. [Adjusted sail to meet new wind conditions.]

4pm to 6pm:

Under all plain sail.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with passing showers and light breeze from WSW.

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24 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 47.76, Long -15.34

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and raining last part. Light SW to NW breezes. At 3.00am took in mainsail.

4am to 8am:

[Made a number of sail adjustments to meet changing conditions.] Exchanged colors with a Norwegian bark off the beam standing to E. Under all plain sail except spanker and topmast staysail. Smooth sea with NW swell.

8am to meridian:

[Made a number of sail adjustments to meet changing conditions.] 9.30am: Quarters and drills. Long swell from NW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Light airs from N to SE. Heavy SW swell. 2.30pm: Braced yards around to light SE airs. Sighted two square-rigged vessels standing to E.

4pm to 6pm:

Under starboard tack. Several sailing vessels in sight. Heavy swell from NW.

6pm to 8pm:

Smooth sea with very long NW swell. Close-hauled on port tack under all plain sail. Sail in sight off lee bow standing to W, and one standing to NE.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to cloudy and pleasant weather. Gentle to moderate E breeze. Barometer steady.

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25 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 48.56, Long -14.58

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with light baffling airs and breezes from NE. Sighted several sails standing to E. At end of watch under all plain sail and royals.

4am to 8am:

On port tack. Saw a bark heading W.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills. Long swell from NW to W. Smooth sea. Close-hauled on course E x S. Numerous sail in sight heading E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy weather. Light to gentle breezes from NE. Barometer steady. By order of Commanding Officer confined Apprentices Woodward and Robinson for 3 days at the capstan on bread and water and Apprentice Burns for 1 day, bread and water.

4pm to 6pm:

Exchanged colors with a Norwegian bark which made (international code) FDH. Made code FKJ which was not answered.

6pm to 8pm:

On port tack.

8pm to midnight:

Hazy with damp light airs from E x N to NE. Smooth sea. On port tack with all main sail.

*[Note: The ship is now entering the Western Approaches.]

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26 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 48.24, Long -13.55

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and hazy to overcast and hazy with light airs from NE. Barometer falling. Under all plain sail to royals. Sighted bark on starboard bow at daylight.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, muster and drills. 8.30am: Exchanged numbers with English bark “Parsee”, 118 days out from San Francisco bound for Cork. At 12.00pm signaled our latitude and longitude.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and hazy. Light airs from N to NW. Smooth sea. Course E except when hove to. At 12.10pm bark off port bow made signal “thanks” and “come on board”. 12.20pm: Hove to and lowered whaleboat and sent papers on board. The bark “Parsee” was bound from San Francisco to Cork with wheat. 12.45pm: Whaleboat hoisted. At 2.30pm “Parsee” signaled “My lat. by obs. is 48°18’N, long 13°37’W – pleasant passage.” To which we answered “Thanks – pleasant passage”. She answered “Thanks to you” and dipped her colors.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters at 5.15pm.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from NW to WNW. Steering course E x N.

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27 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 48.80, Long -12.09

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light airs from WNW to SW. Smooth sea and on course E x N. Under all plain sail except fore jib, mainsail and spanker. Bark standing to E in sight off weather bow last hour.

4am to 8am:

Overhauling bark bound to E.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, muster and inspection [Minor sail alterations]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from WNW to W.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.00pm Norwegian bark off the beam standing to S made signal saying all was well. Another sail in sight, standing to E. Under all plain sail except fore jib, clew of mainsail and spanker.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and rainy last two hours. Light breeze from WNW.

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28 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 49.20, Long -10.39

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast, with light rain first part with light airs and breezes from SW to S. Sighted several steamers heading E [Increased sail].

4am to 8am:

On course E x N [Reduced sail].

8am to meridian:

Released Apprentice Underwood from confinement. 9.30am: Quarters and instruction. 11.15am: Changed course to ESE½E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Light breeze from NW. The following punishments were awarded by the Commanding Officer: O Weisman, D Woodhouse, C Goodman on morning watch to commence to scrub mess gear at 4.00am, and below at 6.00am: G Snead, first watch on seam, J Edwards, 5 days in solitary confinement on bread and water, J McClure to be called 15 minutes earlier for two days. At 12.05pm changed course to E½S.

6pm to 8pm:

On course E½S through watch. Under all plain sail and port studding sails.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant weather. Light breeze from N and W; barometer steady. [Took in studding sails.

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29 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 49.45, Long -8.22

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light breezes from N to NW. Under plain sail, except royals and spanker.

4am to 8am:

Long NW swell. On course E½S. Ten sail in sight along lee bow, beam and quarter.

8am to meridian:

Smooth sea. Steering E½S. [Made sail adjustments.] Numerous sail in sight.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather. Gentle breeze from N and W. Exchanged colors with bark “Kate C Maguire”* of Argentine Republic. A number of sail in sight. A steamer passed standing to W.

4pm to 6pm:

5.30pm: Changed course to E¼S. 5.15pm: Quarters. Exchanged colors with English ship “Taranaki” and a French steamer.

6pm to 8pm:

On course E½S throughout watch. Under all plain sail and port studding sails.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breeze from WNW. Smooth sea. Course E½S. Numerous sail in sight. Under all plain sail.

*[Note: This ship was damaged in 1886, but there is a further reference to her in The Portland Daily Press. (Portland, Me.) 1862-1921, August 23, 1893, Page 3, Image 3 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress (

This link states that the ship was formerly the American ship “Peru”]

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30 June 1889

At sea en route to Cherbourg.

Lat 49.77, Long -5.29

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy with gentle breezes from WNW. Barometer steady. At 1.40am sighted Bishop Rock Light broad off port beam.

4am to 8am:

Passed several sailing vessels and steamers. At 6.30am set port lower studding sails.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Held divine service. 10.00am: Changed course to E¼N. [Made sail adjustments.] 11.30am: Made out high land – Lizard Point bearing NNE. At end of watch Lizard Point on port beam and several sail in sight.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant weather. Moderate breeze from N and W. Course E¾N with land in sight to W. Numerous sail in sight. At end of watch under all plain sail, fore staysail and all port studding sails.

4pm to 6pm:

5.20pm: Sighted Eddystone Lighthouse bearing NE to N (mag). Exchanged colors with a Norwegian bark. Quarters at 5.15pm. Numerous sail in sight.

6pm to 8pm:

7.00pm: Sighted Start Point Light bearing NE x N. Passed several steamers standing to W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with gentle NW breeze. 8.00pm: Changed course to ESE¾E. Made Start Point Light bearing NE?E. It bore abeam at 9.50pm. At midnight it bore NW¾W.


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1 July 1889

At sea and at Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, pleasant and slightly misty with gentle breezes from NW to NE. Smooth sea. Start Point Light in sight until 1.00am when it was lost, bearing NW¾W. 1.00am: Changed course from ESE¾E to ESE?E.

Passed several sail during watch. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals and fore topmast staysail.

4am to 8am:

5.20am: Sighted land on lee bow. 7.45am: Set course ESE¾E. A number of steamers and sailing vessels in sight.

8am to meridian:

Standing along the French coast and in for Cherbourg, France. Pilot came aboard at 11.00am but was dismissed. Made preparations for going into port. By orders of Commanding Officer the following Apprentices were rated from 2nd class to 1st class, and 3rd class to 2nd class from this date (July 1) [List attached to the log].

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Standing into Cherbourg Harbor in charge of Navigator. At 1.15pm called all hands to bring ship to anchor at 1.58pm. Let go port anchor and hauled to No. 3 buoy. Fired a salute of 21 guns to French flag. Received a visit from the US Consul* and fired a salute of 7 guns, US ensign at the fore. Hoisted quarantine flag.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Hazy.

*[Note: Emil Postel. The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Postal to Pottenger]

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2 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light airs to calm.

4am to 8am:

Painting ship outside.

8am to meridian:

Morrisey N (Landsman) reported time out. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Painting and working on rigging.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle ENE breeze. Commander B Lamberton USN paid an official visit on Prefet de la Marine, Louis Brevet, Amiral de la Porte (Arsenale), Captain Major de la Flotte, Le General de Artillerie. Received a visit from an officer of the French ship “Tonnant”.

4pm to 8pm:

French torpedo flotilla came out from the arsenal. French squadron making preparations for getting underway.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from E x N. French torpedo squadron left the harbor.

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3 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy but pleasant with gentle to moderate breezes from SE to E.

4am to 8am:

French squadron came in from sea and moored as before. Received fresh meat, vegetables and bread.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Commanding Officer visited the Commanding Officers of the French fleet.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with gentle E breeze. Received visits from Commanding Officers of French men-of-war “Vengeur” and “Grenade” and of the Chief of Staff of Prefet de la Marine with the excuses of the Admiral.

4pm to 8pm:

Commander Lamberton and Lieutenant Commander Hemphill left the ship on leave.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy. Gentle E breeze.

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4 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with gentle breezes from E.

4am to 8am:

Boatswain Hill and Carpenter Burke left the ship on leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction followed by sports. Received visits from Commanding Officers of French ships “Tonnant” and “Grenade”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast to clear and pleasant. Light breeze from E to ENE. At 4.00pm French (Inside) Squadron got underway and stood out of NE Pass to meet French (Outside) Squadron. At 1.35pm sham battle commenced, resulting in driving Inside Squadron to take refuge to W of Fort de Chavagnac [Cavagnac in log]. Outside Squadron steaming to W and E across the line of batteries silencing them. Sent liberty party ashore. At noon fired a salute of 21 guns.*

4pm to 8pm:

Outside Squadron hauled offshore for the night; Inside Squadron still inside of Fort de Chavagnac.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant; moonlight. Gentle breeze to light airs from E.

*[NB: This was US Independence Day]

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5 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to overcast with light to gentle breezes from E. At 5.50am Outside Squadron hove in sight off Cherbourg and opened fire on the line of batteries, who responded fully, then having silenced them, stood into the harbor and anchored.

4am to 8am:

Another squadron of 3 ships came on to reinforce the Outside Squadron.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction followed by drills. Lieutenant Lasher, representing the Commanding Officer, called officially on the French Admiral and Commanding Officers. Sent an officer to thank the Admiral on shore for participating in yesterday’s celebrations.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with light airs from ENE. The French fleet left the harbor.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm. At 10.40pm the French fleet steamed past the harbor, and at 11.20pm came in to anchor.

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6 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm.

8am to meridian:

Received an official visit from the Commanding Officer of a French frigate and an officer from another French ship. Ensign Rust returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to clear. Calm weather. Sent liberty party of men and Apprentices ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Liberty party returned.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Moonlight. Light airs from NW and W and calm.

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7 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant; calm to light airs to gentle breezes from SW. USS “Enterprise” [sloop] came in at 3.00am and anchored near breakwater.

4am to 8am:

At daylight “Enterprise” hoisted the quarantine flag at the fore.

8am to meridian:

At 9.05am “Enterprise” anchored inside the breakwater; Commanding Officer made an official visit to her. 9.50am: Quarters. Read to all hands “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy”*. Commanding Officer of “Enterprise” made an official visit to this ship. Chaplain Gill, USN, returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and misty weather. Moderate breeze from NW and SW. Sent liberty party of men and Apprentices ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

French squadron anchored inside the breakwater.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and raining. Gentle breeze to light airs from W.

*[Note: These were the rules relating to service and discipline, amended in 1930. See Articles, Government, United States Navy, 1930 .]

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8 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy, rainy and foggy. Gentle W breeze.

4am to 8am:

Chaplain TA Gill left the ship on leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Stiff breeze from W. Instructed Apprentices in boat sails and gear.

4pm to 8pm:

Made signals to “Enterprise”. Commander Lamberton returned from leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light to gentle WNW breeze. Commander Lamberton left ship on leave. At 10.30pm “Enterprise” got underway and left the harbor.

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9 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with calm to light WNW airs.

4am to 8am:

7.15am: Sent up topgallant masts and yards.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. Received official visit from the Commanding Officer of French ironclad “Suffren”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with light drizzling rain from 2.00 to 3.00pm. Moderate to light SSW breeze.

4pm to 8pm:

Moonlight. At 4.20pm sent down topgallant yards and masts. H Webster returned from liberty drunk and was placed under sentry’s charge until sober.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Moonlight. Light breeze from NNW.

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10 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant. Light to moderate SSW breeze. Released from sentry’s charge H Webster. PW Hourigan, Boatswain Hill and Carpenter Burke returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. By order of Commanding Officer confined T Freund for 2 days at capstan on bread and water.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy and squally weather. Moderate WSW breeze. Barometer rising.

8pm to midnight:

Weather clear to cloudy. Light breeze to light airs from S and W.

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11 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light SW airs.

8am to meridian:

9.00am: Called all hands and loosed sail. Furled same at 11.30am. 9.30am: Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Light SW breezes and airs, shifting to NE. Lowered cutters and boats and exercised with them. 1.00pm: Turned in hammocks.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and rainy last hour. Light S airs.

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12 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and misty last hour. Light S and NW airs and calm. At 3.30am the Portuguese man-of-war “Bartolmeu Dias” came in and anchored.

8am to meridian:

Coal and wood lighter came alongside. Received 3 cords of wood, 10 tons of coal, canvas and thread. At 9.15am furled sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Light airs from NW and calm.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and calm.

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13 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Fair with light W airs and breezes. Sergeant Hanze, USMC, reported on board and delivered Private Wentworth, transferred to this vessel on orders of Colonel Commandant.

8am to meridian:

Chaplain Gill, USN, returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to clear and pleasant. Light breezes from SW to NW. Transferred to Paris for duty at the Exposition*, Private Wohl, USMC. with bag, hammock and papers. Sent him in charge of Sergeant Hanze USMC. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy but pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from WNW to WSW.

*[Note: The “Exposition Universelle” was a major exhibition through the summer of 1889. The Eiffel Tower was its centerpiece. See Exposition Universelle (1889), Wikipedia]

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14 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light SW to W breezes.

4am to 8am:

Commander Lamberton returned. At 8.00am along with other ships in the harbor, dressed ship and fired a salute of 21 guns.*

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and Commanding Officer’s inspection. At noon joined other ships and harbor forts in firing a salute of 21 guns.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with light to gentle breezes from NW. Sent liberty party of men and Apprentices ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Liberty party returned on board.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool with light to gentle breezes from NW to WSW. At sunset joined the French fleet in a salute of 21 guns and hauled down flags.

*[Note: Bastille Day, the centennial of 1789]

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15 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light WSW to W breezes.

4am to 8am:

Liberty party returned.

8am to meridian:

A French naval officer (aide to Admiral) made a call on the Commanding Officer. 9.45am: Quarters; C Lesquereux (Ward Room Cook) absent without leave. By order of Commanding Officer, A J Jackson (Cabin Cook) given 3 days’ bread and water for smuggling liquor on board. Hoisted whaleboat in for repairs.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light passing showers with moderate breezes from W. Sent 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th cutters with sail to exercise.

4pm to 8pm:

Commanding Officer from French ship “Sfax” [cruiser] made an official visit on board.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and squally with passing showers. Light to stiff breezes from NW to S.

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16 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and overcast with passing showers with gentle to moderate SW to W breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Received visit from French Rear-Admiral. Fired salute of 13 guns. By order of the Commanding Officer H Webster was given 5 days’ bread and water at the capstan for insolence to an officer.

Discharged R Paulsen (Armorer) by order of Bureau of E & R at his own request. Disrated P Gill from Gunner to Seaman.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light showers with gentle breezes from W to WSW. French fleet left the harbor. C Lesquereux (Ward Room Cook) returned to the ship.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy. Light breezes from SW to ESE.

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17 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with heavy rain and squalls with gentle to squally W breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection followed by instruction. Received from England Sir Wm Thomson’s [Thompson in log] navigational sounding machine complete.* Rated P Gill from Seaman to Armorer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breezes from NW to NNW. Served out small stores.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes from W and N to calm.

*[Note: See George Belknap and the Thomson Sounding Machine]

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18 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes from NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction. By order of the Commanding Officer released AJ Jackson from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breezes from NW. At 12.30pm the Portuguese corvette “Bartolmeu Dias” got underway and left the harbor.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from SW.

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19 July 1889

At Cherbourg.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant and calm with light breezes from SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs to breezes from NE. Made preparations for sea.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to cloudy. Light airs from NE to calm.

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20 July 1889

At Cherbourg and at sea.

Lat 49.664, Long -1.651

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy and calm with light breezes from SE.

4am to 8am:

Finished getting ready for sea.

8am to meridian:

11.26am: Unmoored and on port tack. Stood out of Cherbourg. At 11.40am passed breakwater and set royals. 11.55am: Main royal sheet parted. Re-set sail. Draft 17’ forward, 17’10” aft.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with thick mist, almost rain first hours. Stiff breezes from SW. 1.00pm: Hauled by the wind, port tack. Furled royals. Passed a number of sail and steamers. Last sight of Cap de la Hague at 3.45pm.

4pm to 6pm:

Close-hauled on port tack through watch. Numerous sail in sight.

6pm to 8pm:

[Made a number of sail adjustments.] Exchanged colors with a Norwegian bark bound E. At 8.00pm took sounding; 30 fathoms, broken shells and gravel.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy; moderate to fresh breeze blowing in squalls, moderating latter part. At 12.00am Portland Bill Light bore NW.

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21 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 50.30, Long -3.70

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with heavy mist, almost rain. Gentle to stiff breeze from SW to WSW. At 1.45am lost Portland Bill Light bearing NE. At 3.10am wore ship to N x W. Several sail and steamers in sight.

4am to 8am:

Close-hauled on port tack. Numerous sail in sight. At 5.30am exchanged colors with a Dutch man-of-war bound up the Channel. 7.30am: Got cast of lead; 33 fathoms, stones. At end of watch under jib, fore topmast staysail single-reefed, double-reefed topsail and spanker.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; sighted land ahead at 10.15am. 11.15am: Tacked ship to SW. Numerous sail and several steamers in sight.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fresh breezes from SW. Fair weather. At 3.00pm lost sight of land. Passed several vessels; exchanged colors with an English yawl-rigged yacht and a Belgian steamer.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.00pm wore ship to N. At 7.15pm called all hands and took in second reef in topsails. Steamer in sight standing to W.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear. Stiff to moderate breeze from WNW. At 9.00pm set mainsail.

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22 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 49.85, Long -3.23

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Gentle breeze from WNW. At daylight sighted land bearing NW½W.

4am to 8am:

Attempted to tack but wore ship to SW. At 8.00am high land on starboard beam bore NW½W.

8am to meridian:

Close-hauled on starboard tack through watch. 9.30am: Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to clear pleasant weather. Light to gentle breeze from SW veering to S. 2.00pm: Attempted to tack, but losing headway before coming to wind, wore to NW.

4pm to 6pm:

Passed several sail. Exchanged colors with French steamer “Tafua”.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.00pm tacked ship to SW. At end of watch under all plain sail and fore topmast staysail.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy; light rain at first, smooth sea. Tacked ship.

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23 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 49.43, Long -3.98

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and squally with passing showers. Light to very fresh breeze from W. Barometer falling. 3.15am: Tacked ship to the SW. Start Point Light in sight during watch. At daylight sighted land bearing about NNE. Several sail in sight. Took in some sails during squalls.

4am to 8am:

5.10am: Took in mainsail and spanker. [Took in more sails in squalls.] Split jib and unbent it for repairs. 8.00am: Cast lead in 44 fathoms, sand and gravel.

8am to meridian:

8.30am: Wore ship to N x W. At 10.00am tacked to SW. [Adjusted sails to squalls.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with pleasant moderate breeze from NW to W blowing in fresh squalls. Close-hauled on starboard tack.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.40pm wore ship to N and set spanker. [Adjusted sails to squalls.]

6pm to 8pm:

7.00pm: Reefed topsails.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and squally with passing rain. Fresh to stiff breeze from WNW.

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24 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 49.69, Long -4.67

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant with stiff breeze from WNW to NNW blowing in squalls. Smooth sea. Close-hauled on port tack. [Adjusted sails during watch.]

4am to 8am:

7.50am: Tacked ship to N x W. Several sail in sight.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails during watch in response to squalls.] Met several vessels beating down the Channel. Cast lead at 10.00am and 11.00am; 44 fathoms each cast. At 12.00pm 43 fathoms, hard sand and shell bottom.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, thick squally weather. Moderate to fresh breeze from W to WSW. At 1.00pm made out Lizard Point. Got depth of 45 fathoms and 41 fathoms at 2.30pm when went about and turned ship to S x W. Re-set sails.

4pm to 6pm:

Close-hauled on starboard tack until 5.05pm when wore ship. Clew of jib carried away. Got cast with Thomson machine at 4.20pm; 47 fathoms at 5.15pm, 46 fathoms at 5.55pm. Several sail in sight.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.45pm sighted Lizard Point Light bearing NW½W. Took soundings during watch. Soundings taken with Thomson machine.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, breaking a little at end of watch. Frequent light showers and stiff breeze with squalls. At 8.10pm wore ship to SW. At 10.00pm ran off to clear a bark standing to SW. Lizard Light bore NW, ship’s head SW.

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25 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 48.68, Long -4.84

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally with light drizzling rain. Lost sight of Lizard Light bearing N.

4am to 8am:

Moderate confused sea. Close-hauled on starboard tack. Several sail in sight. [Adjusted sails during watch in response to squalls.]

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails during watch in response to squalls.] 9.00am: Took sounding, 50 fathoms; at 12.00pm 50 fathoms, sand and gravel. At 12.00pm Ushant Island bore SW¾W. Wore ship at 12.00pm. Pilot boat from Island hailed the ship. A number of sail in sight. By order of the Commanding Officer confined G Sneed (Landsman) for 5 days on bread and water and J Dick (Landsman) at capstan for 3 nights from 8.00pm to 12.00pm.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with fresh breeze in squalls from W. [Adjusted sails.] Kept away from French bark and exchanged colors with her.

6pm to 8pm:

Moderate confused sea. Close-hauled on port tack. At end of watch under single-reefed topsails, foresail, jib and fore topmast staysail.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and squally, clearing in middle of watch. At 8.00pm took cast in 54 fathoms, sand and gravel. At 11.15pm wore ship to S x W. Noticed 3 very bright meteors.

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26 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 48.45, Long -6.34

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with stiff NW breeze blowing in squalls. Hauling to NW and moderating during watch. 2.45am: Shook reefs out of topsails. Came round to W x S course.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails during watch in response to reduction in squalls.] 7.20am: Came round to course WSW.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails during watch in response to squalls.] Moderate confused sea. Course WSW. 9.30am: Fire quarters. Set clock back 7 minutes last hour.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant weather with fresh to moderate breeze from NNW. [Adjusted sails.] Exchanged colors with English steamer bound W. Instructed watch in knotting and splicing. Signaled Norwegian steamer.

4pm to 6pm:

Passed two steamers standing to S and W.

6pm to 8pm:

Steering course SW x W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Wind from WNW to NNW, moderate to fresh. Moderate sea. Steering course SW x W. Under all plain sail (except spanker), staysail and mainsail. White light on starboard bow.

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27 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 45.72, Long -8.81

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast with stiff NNW breeze. Two steamers passed standing to N and E. At daylight sighted a sail on lee bow. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except spanker) with staysail and fore topmast studding sail.

4am to 8am:

Passed several steamers passing to S and W. Exchanged colors with the British steamer “Para” of Liverpool.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails during watch in response to wind.] Exchanged colors with British steamer bound NE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant weather with gentle breeze from NW to NE. [Adjusted sails.] At 3.45pm passed steamer hull down off the lee beam, standing to N.

4pm to 6pm:

Mustered at quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy but pleasant. Light airs to gentle breeze from N to E. [Adjusted sails.]

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28 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 44.22, Long -9.62

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from ESE to NE. Smooth sea. Course SW x W.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather. At noon changed course to SW x S. [Re-set sails.]

4pm to 6pm:

Under all plain sail and port studding sails.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Fresh E x N breeze. At 8.00pm changed course to SSW.

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29 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 41.50, Long -10.25

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with stiff breeze from NE to NNE. 2.00am: Set starboard main topgallant studding sail.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea. At end of watch under all plain sail and port topgallant studding sail.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and calm weather.

4pm to 6pm:

Set flying jib, courses, and spanker. At 5.00pm changed course to SW½W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with bright starlight and gentle breeze from N x W. Noticed a number of falling stars.

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30 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 40.20, Long -10.18

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and heavy dew. Light airs to moderate breeze from NW to NNW.

4am to 8am:

4.20am: Set the studding sails. Course SW½W. [Set full sail.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails throughout but maintained a fullish rig.] By order of the Commanding Officer released G Sneed from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to cloudy pleasant weather. Light breeze from NE to NW. Drilled watch in reefing and furling.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.40pm set all port studding sails and hauled up mainsail.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, cool and damp. Gentle breeze from NE to NW. Course SW½W. Sighted two steamers’ lights off port bow.

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31 July 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 38.55, Long -10.05

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light to gentle breeze from N. First hour passed through tide rips. [Under full sail.] Two steamers passed to S.

4am to 8am:

Passed several sails.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails throughout but maintained a fullish rig.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather. Gentle to moderate breeze from N to NE. Steering course S¼E.

6pm to 8pm:

Smooth sea.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant weather with moderate to stiff breeze from N. Course S¼E.


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1 August 1889

At sea en route to Cadiz.

Lat 36.68, Long -8.20

Commences and until 4am:

Clear cool and damp with gentle to moderate breeze from N. Smooth sea. Course S¼E until 3.20am when changed to SE. Sighted two steamers’ lights. At end of watch under all port studding sails and all plain sail except flying jib and weather clew of mainsail.

4am to 8am:

At 4.35am changed course to ESE?E. At 7.00am sighted high land off port beam. Several sail in sight.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Passed several vessels and exchanged colors with a Russian barkentine.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather. Gentle to light breeze from N to NW. Passed several sails and exchanged colors with English steamer “Empress”. Cleaning ship’s side.

4pm to 6pm:

4.50pm: Changed course to ESE?E. [Reduced sail.] High land in sight off port beam. 4.55pm: Exchanged colors with the English steamer “Rayner” standing to NW.

6pm to 8pm:

Several sail in sight during watch.

8pm to midnight:

Hazy pleasant weather. Gentle breeze hauling from NNW to N. 9.50pm: Sighted Chipiona Light bearing E¼N. [Took in most sails.]

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2 August 1889

At sea and at Cadiz.

Lat 36.567, Long -6.294

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Stiff to moderate breeze from N to NW. At 12.20am made out San Sebastian Lighthouse bearing ESE. Changed course to E¼S. Took in royals and topgallant sails. At 2.00am wore ship to NW and again at 3.15am. At end of watch Chipiona Light bore ENE and San Sebastian Light SE¼E.

4am to 8am:

4.15am: Kept away for anchorage. 7.30am: Let go port anchor in 11 fathoms of water off San Sebastian Lighthouse.

8am to meridian:

9.20am: Hove up port anchor. 10.10am: Shortened sail. 10.20am: Let go port anchor in 5 fathoms of water with 15 fathoms of chain. Fired a salute of 21 guns at 10.30am, Spanish flag at the fore. Fort on shore hoisted US flag and returned salute gun for gun. Received official visits from 3 Spanish and 1 French Naval Officers.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather. Light breeze from N to NW. Received an official visit from the US Consul*. Fired a salute of 7 guns when he left the ship, US ensign to the fore. Painting ship’s sides.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant weather. Light airs from N and E.

*[Note: Darius H Ingraham. See The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Ingerson to Irelan]

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3 August 1889

At Cadiz.

Lat 36.567, Long -6.294

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from N and E.

4am to 8am:

Received on board 1000 gallons fresh water. Exchanged colors with Spanish frigate “Gerona”.

8am to meridian:

Boarded Spanish frigate “Gerona”. Commanding Officer left the ship to pay official visits.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light NNW breeze. Received an official visit from Spanish frigate “Gerona”. Commanding Officer made official visits.

4pm to 8pm:

Spanish frigate passed out of harbor.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light airs from N and W.

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4 August 1889

At Cadiz.

Lat 36.567, Long -6.294

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light airs from SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and muster. Read to all hands “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy”. Held divine service, Chaplain Gill officiating.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light SW to NW airs. At 1.00pm the General Military Governor of Cadiz visited the ship officially. On his leaving fired a salute of 19 guns. Also an officer representing the Captain of the port. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with moonlight. Calm and light airs from NNW.

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5 August 1889

At Cadiz.

Lat 36.567, Long -6.294

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs to gentle breeze from N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light NW breezes. Exercised in boats under sail.

4pm to 8pm:

Quarters and served out clean bags and hammocks.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from NNE.

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6 August 1889

At Cadiz.

Lat 36.567, Long -6.294

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs to gentle breeze from NNW. At 2.30am the Spanish man-of-war “Colon” [“Cristobal Colon”] came in and anchored.

8am to meridian:

9.45am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light NW breezes. Received an official visit from the US Vice-Consul. Fired a salute of 5 guns, US ensign at the fore, when he left the ship. By order of the Commanding Officer, confined N Morrisey (Landsman) for 5 days on bread and water for insubordination.

4pm to 8pm:

Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light NW airs and breezes. Lieutenant Commander JM Hemphill USN returned from leave.

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7 August 1889

At Cadiz and en route to Tangiers.

Lat 36.51, Long -6.34

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from NE to SE.

4am to 8am:

Made preparations for sea.

8am to meridian:

At 10.30am got underway and stood out of the harbor of Cadiz. At 11.45am tacked ship to S and W. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light W to NNW airs and breezes. Beating out of Cadiz Harbor, Navigator conning. At 2.30pm weathered San Sebastian Light. At 3.20pm took departure, San Sebastian Light bearing E½N 2½ miles. Placed Jackson (Cabin Cook) in cell for 5 days for smuggling liquor.

4pm to 6pm:

5.00pm: Land on port hand shut in by mist. At 4.25pm changed course to S¼E. At end of watch under all plain sail except weather clew of mainsail and spanker.

6pm to 8pm:

7.10pm: Took cast of lead in 16 fathoms, sand and gravel.

8pm to midnight:

Clear overhead; very hazy around horizon. Light NE breeze dying away. 8.30pm: Sighted Trafalgar Light bearing SE½E.

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8 August 1889

At sea and at Tangiers.

Lat 35.84, Long -5.82

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Hazy mists and dew. Light airs from ESE and calm. Double reefed topsails in squalls. At end of watch “full and by”* on port tack.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails frequently in squalls.] At daylight sighted Cape Spartel (high land) and at 6.30am lost sight of the Spanish coast. Close-hauled on port tack until 7.30am when wore ship and stood to N, close-hauled on starboard tack. At end of watch [under full sail]. At 8.00am sighted Spanish coast ahead.

8am to meridian:

At 9.10am tacked ship to NE. Mustered at quarters at 9.30am. Cape Trafalgar Light bore NNE½E. At 11.00am tacked ship to N x E. Parrel of mizzen topgallant yard carried away; took in the sail. At end of watch close-hauled on starboard tack on course NE x E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with very fresh E to SE breezes. At 1.00pm wore ship to S. 2.30pm: Hauled in mainsail and stood in for Tangiers. Shortened sail and at 3.20pm came to with port anchor in 7 fathoms of water to 30 fathoms of chain. Sent officer to consulate. Saluted port with salute of 21 guns, which was returned.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light airs from N and W.

*[Note: Close-hauled but with sails filling.]

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9 August 1889

At Tangiers and at Gibraltar.

Lat 35.786, Long -5.787

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and heavy dew. Light airs from S and calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, inspection and studies. Commander B Lamberton and officers made an official visit on the Governor of the province and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Hazy. 1.00pm: Made preparations for getting underway. 1.20pm: Hove in 15 fathoms. 1.40pm: Made sail. 1.50pm: Underway for Gibraltar, Navigator at the conn. Under all plain sail to royals.

4pm to 6pm:

Standing across the Straits to the Bay of Gibraltar under all plain sail, conned by the Navigator.

6pm to 8pm:

6.20pm: Shortened sail and let go port anchor in 5½ fathoms water, sand and shell, to 15 fathoms of chain. 6.55pm: Fired a salute of 21 guns, English ensign at the fore. Returned on shore gun for gun.

Hoisted jib and fired a salute of 17 guns, returned by English flagship gun for gun. Received boarding officer from flagship. Sent an officer to call on US Consul. Commanding Officer paid an official visit to Admiral’s flagship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant weather. Light airs from SSW to calm.

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10 August 1889

At Gibraltar.

Lat 36.134, Long -5.400

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather. Gentle breeze from SE and calm.

8am to meridian:

Received visit from US Consul and from the Commanding Officer of “Dreadnought” [battleship]. Fired a salute of 7 guns for US Consul.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light variable airs. Commanding Officer paid visits ashore and to vessels of the English fleet. Received visits from officers of HMS “Benbow” [battleship] and “Polyphemus” [torpedo boat].

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm to gentle breezes from SW to NW.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b0011fb: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_137_1.jpg)

11 August 1889

At Gibraltar.

Lat 36.134, Long -5.400

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather. Gentle variable breezes and calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, inspection and instruction. Held divine service, Chaplain Gill officiating.

Received official visits from HMS’s “Landrail” [gunboat], “Surprise” [cruiser and dispatch vessel], “Edinburgh” [battleship], “Colossus” [battleship], “Phaeton” [cruiser] and “Temeraire” [battleship].

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light variable airs.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm with gentle breezes from SW and NW.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b0011ff: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_138_1.jpg)

12 August 1889

At Gibraltar.

Lat 36.134, Long -5.400

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather. Moonlight. Gentle variable breezes from WSW and calm.

4am to 8am:

HMS “Dreadnought” left harbor. The rest of the squadron making preparations to leave.

8am to meridian:

At 10.30am attempted to moor ship by warping with kedge anchor aft and veering on riding chain, but breeze sprang up from N and kedge came home. Broke out sheet anchor preparatory to getting it on the bows. At 10.30am the English fleet, HMS’s “Temeraire”, “Benbow”, “Edinburgh”, “Colossus”, “Scout” [cruiser] and “Phaeton” got underway and stood over to Tangiers. Received visit of courtesy from the Commanding Officer of HMS “Landrail”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with warm light to moderate breeze from SW to NW. HMS “Goshawk” [gunboat] exercised in the bay under sail. At 3.45pm the English troopship “Himalaya” from Malta came in and went alongside New Mole. Sent an officer with usual offers of courtesy. At 3.00pm HMS “Dreadnought” came in and anchored.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.30pm when ship swung to flood, saw kedge out in the direction of New Mole. Straightened out port chain and let go starboard anchor, moored ship and put in swivel, 30 fathoms port chain and 15 fathoms on starboard chain. At 4.30pm HMS “Goshawk” came in to anchor.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, pleasant with bright moonlight. Light breeze from NW shifting to fresh breeze from W.

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13 August 1889

At Gibraltar.

Lat 36.134, Long -5.400

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather. Moonlight. Gentle SW breezes falling to light airs.

4am to 8am:

At 5.00am HMS “Dreadnought” left her anchorage and stood out to the E.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Received a visit from an officer from HM Troopship “Himalaya”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate breeze from SW. Boat drill and instruction. Broke an oar in 4th cutter.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant to fair squally weather. Light to gentle SW breeze. At midnight wind shifted suddenly from SW to ENE in squall.

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14 August 1889

At Gibraltar and at sea.

Lat 36.134, Long -5.400

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and squally weather. Gentle to strong breezes from NE. Barometer rising.

4am to 8am:

Received 480 lbs of coal.

8am to meridian:

Secured guns for sea; unmoored ship and took off swivel. Made preparations for sea.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and squally. General direction of wind NE but variable in squalls. At 2.00pm made sail and underway. At 2.20pm let go starboard anchor to prevent drifting on shore with the baffling wind.

At 3.05pm gave towline to dockyard tug and hove up starboard anchor. At 3.25pm cast off tug and stood out of harbor.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.20pm hauled up mainsail and down forward jib. Passed English squadron and exchanged signals with “Temeraire”. At 5.35pm set course N½W.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.15pm took in mizzen topgallant and royals. 7.25pm Changed course to W x N. At 7.30pm Tarifa Light visible off the starboard quarter.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant weather. Fresh to strong wind from the E; barometer steady. At 9.10pm changed course to N½W.

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15 August 1889

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 35.25, Long -8.680

Commences and until 4am:

Clear overhead, hazy horizon. Fresh breezes from E [under full sail].

4am to 8am:

Course W x N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills. Set clock back 13 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather. Fresh breeze from NE.

4pm to 6pm:

Same sail pattern.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with fresh breeze from NW. Moderate sea. Steering course N½W. Moon rose at 10.00pm. At end of watch under topsail, courses, jib and forward staysail.

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16 August 1889

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 34.12, Long -12.75

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy and squally weather. Fresh to strong breezes from N. Barometer falling latter part. At end of watch under topsail, foresail, jib, plus fore topmast staysail.

4am to 8am.

At 4.30am double-reefed topsails. At 11.00am shook reefs out of topsails.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant slightly hazy weather. Fresh to stiff breeze from NNW. Moderate sea. At 12.10pm changed course to W¾N.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.33pm changed course to WNW¾W.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to clear and pleasant. Stiff to moderate N breeze.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b001213: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_143_1.jpg)

17 August 1889

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 33.08, Long -15.92

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant first part, with bright moonlight. Moderate breeze from N to NW. Smooth sea. Steering course WNW¾W. 2.00am: Set royals and jib. Under all plain sail.

4am to 8am.

7.45am: Sighted land ahead.

8am to meridian:

8.45am: Changed course to W. Overhauled port chain. At end of watch Porto Santo bore NW¼W.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy but pleasant. Light airs from N and E. Steering course W x S.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light N x W breeze. Standing along the coast of Madeira for Funchal. At 12.00am changed course to W x N.

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18 August 1889

At sea and at Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, clear to fair but pleasant. Calm to light breezes from E to NE. Steering course W x N. At 1.30am hauled by wind on port tack. At 3.10am tacked to N x E. Funchal bearing N at 3.00am.

4am to 8am.

Tacked ship at 4.45am and stood in for anchorage. [Took in sails]. At end of watch Loo Rock bore NW½N (mag) 3 miles.

8am to meridian:

At 9.30am called all hands to bring ship to anchor. 9.40am: Shortened sail and brought ship to anchor in 17½ fathoms, veered to 45 fathoms of port chain. Sent an officer to call on US Consul.

Received a visit of courtesy from an officer of the German training ship “Ariadne”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light breezes and airs from SW.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light breezes and airs from SW to calm.

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19 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from N to calm. A Portuguese gunboat anchored in the bay at 2.30am.

4am to 8am.

Fired a salute of 21 guns, Portuguese ensign at the fore, which was returned by the battery on shore, gun for gun. Exercised Apprentices.

8am to meridian:

Boarded Portuguese gunboat “Rio Ave”, and received an official visit from her Commanding Officer. Received a visit from the US Consul, and saluted him with 7 guns.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Light to gentle W breezes. Commanding Officer made official visits to civil and military governors, and to Portuguese gunboat. Exercised Apprentices in boats.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Calm to light airs.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b00121f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_146_1.jpg)

20 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm. Bright moonlight.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, inspection and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and overcast. Light to gentle SE to ESE breezes. Portuguese gunboat “Rio Ave” stood out of harbor. Exercised Apprentices in boats.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast; light airs from SW then calm.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b001223: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_147_1.jpg)

21 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with passing showers and heavy wet mist. Calm and light variable airs.

4am to 8am:

English steamers “Mexican” and “Roslin Castle” from E came into port.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. By order of Commanding Officer MJ Morse was given 5 days on bread and water at the capstan.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with light airs from W. At 2.30pm the officer commanding the forces on shore visited the ship. On leaving was given an 11-gun salute which was returned gun for gun by the fort on Loo Rock.

4pm to 8pm:

4.45pm: Quarters and served out clean bags and hammocks.

8pm to midnight:

Clearing; warm followed by light breeze from W.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b001227: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_148_1.jpg)

22 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and warm. Calm and light NW to N airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from SW. Sent liberty party of men and Apprentices ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes and airs from NW.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b00122b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_149_1.jpg)

23 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light variable airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light breeze from SW. Received a visit from the Secretary-General of the province. Exercised at boat sailing.

4pm to 8pm:

Discharged at his own request OLM Mouvet (Ward Room Steward).

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light SW airs shifting suddenly to gentle breeze from ESE.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b00122f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_150_1.jpg)

24 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm. Light NNE airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from WSW to SW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light to gentle breeze from NNW to W.

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51435997a2fc8e0a7b001233: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_151_1.jpg)

25 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light NW airs and breezes.

8am to meridian:

Sent rewards on shore for F Connor and V Flack, absent without leave at 9.00am. The former returned on board 14½ hours over time and the latter was brought on board by the police 2½ hours over time and reward offer was paid. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection. 10.00am: Divine service, Reverend Gill officiating, assisted by the Reverend Mr. Smart from onshore.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm with gentle breeze from WSW. Sent liberty party ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Liberty party returned except F Reed.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light to gentle breeze from E to N. At 8.15pm Ferguson (2nd class Fireman) attempted to swim ashore but was brought on board by police of ship and placed under sentry’s charge to await further action.

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26 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light NNE airs and breezes.

4am to 8am:

Engaged in “logging ship”* Liberty party returned; F Reed 12 hours over time.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills. Cleaning ship’s bottom.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to clear and pleasant weather with gentle breeze from SW to calm. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Calm to light airs from N. Brathwaite (Carpenter and Caulker) returned from liberty with a broken leg.

*[Note: Adjusting the load of a ship to prevent sagging.]

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27 August 1889

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light NW airs.

4am to 8am:

Received 11 tons of anthracite coal.

8am to meridian:

Cleaning ship’s bottom with hog brushes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with gentle breeze from W to ESE. Enlisted for the cruise Manuel Pires and Louis Keen as Landsmen.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather; calm and light airs from the N and W.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b00123f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_154_1.jpg)

28 August 1889

At Funchal and at sea.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light NW airs.

4am to 8am:

Hoisted dinghy. Making preparations for sea.

8am to meridian:

At 11.00am called “all hands up anchor for home”. At 12.00pm got underway and stood out of the harbor of Madeira. Draft forward. 16’10”, aft 17’10”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with gentle breeze from WNW to NW. Smooth sea. Standing away from land close-hauled on starboard tack. At end of watch under all plain sail and fore topmast staysail.

4pm to 6pm:

Set course SW.

6pm to 8pm:

Ship “full and by” on starboard tack. Passed a steamer heading NE.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to cloudy. Gentle breeze from WNW hauling slowly to N and falling light to calm. 10.15pm Steering course SW.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b001243: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_155_1.jpg)

29 August 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 31.63, Long -17.60

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from SE x E to ESE. Smooth sea. Steering SW. At end of watch under all plain sail (except weather clew of mainsail, and spanker) and fore topmast staysail.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

General quarters and exercised target practice. Fired 9 rounds from guns 3, 4, 5 and 6 and 11 from guns 1 and 2. At 10.00am found mercurial barometer broken. Secured at 12.00pm.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breeze from NNE. Picked up target and set course SW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with gentle NE breeze. At 9.00pm hauled up weather clew of mainsail and set port lower staysail. Passed a steamer heading to N.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b001247: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_156_1.jpg)

30 August 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 30.40, Long -19.70

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from NE. Steering SW. At end of watch under all plain sail (except weather clew of mainsail) and fore topmast staysail and all starboard staysails.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails throughout watch.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light breeze from ENE.

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails throughout watch.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breezes from E. Barometer steady. At 9.00pm hauled up the lee clew of the mainsail and set all port studding sails.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b00124b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_157_1.jpg)

31 August 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 29.20, Long -21.58

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with bright starlight. Light breezes from NE. [Under full sail.]

8am to meridian:

G Eastburn reported his term of enlistment expired this day.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from NE. Barometer steady.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from NE. Steering SW. [Adjusted sails during watch.]


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51435998a2fc8e0a7b00124f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_158_1.jpg)

1 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 28.00, Long -23.45

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breezes from ENE. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except weather clew of mainsail) with all studding sails. Noticed a very brilliant meteor.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Quarters and muster. Read to all hands “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy”. Held divine service. Saw a sail during watch.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm with gentle breeze from ENE. Smooth sea. Course WSW½W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to cloudy and pleasant. Gentle breezes in puffs from E. Same sail and course.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b001253: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_159_1.jpg)

2 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 26.45, Long -25.50

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breezes from NE to ENE. Course WSW½W. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except flying jib, mainsail and spanker) with all studding sails.

4am to 8am:

At daybreak sighted a barkentine on port bow, standing to SW.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. At 11.10am took in starboard studding sails and set lee clew of mainsail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with gentle breeze from E.

4pm to 6pm:

Smooth sea. Steering course SW.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Moderate E breeze. Bright starlight.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b001257: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_160_1.jpg)

3 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 24.43, Long -27.75

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate breezes from NE. Course WSW½W. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except flying jib, mainsail and spanker) with all port studding sails.

4am to 8am:

Steering WSW.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with moderate to stiff breeze from NE. Exercised Apprentices at machine guns. 12.05pm: Changed course to W.

4pm to 6pm:

Steering course W. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair to clear pleasant weather. Moderate to stiff ENE breeze. Barometer steady. At 8.00pm changed course to WNW½W. At 8.20pm set staysails and weather clew of mainsail. At 9.00pm set spanker. At 11.30pm set flying jib.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b00125b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_161_1.jpg)

4 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.70, Long -31.30

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with moderate breezes from NE. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except flying jib and spanker) with all starboard studding sails and mizzen topmast staysails.

4am to 8am:

Steering WNW¾W.

8am to meridian:

Steering course WNW½W. 9.30am: Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails during watch.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant with gentle to moderate to stiff breeze from NE. Barometer steady. Changed course to WNW.

4pm to 6pm:

4.50pm: Set spanker. 5.15pm: Quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant. Moderate breezes from NE x E to ENE. Course WNW. 9.00pm: Set jib. Fired starboard battery blank cartridge.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b00125f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_162_1.jpg)

5 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.70, Long -34.25

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to clear pleasant weather with moderate to light breezes from NE. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except flying jib and spanker) with all starboard studding sails.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea.

8am to meridian:

Steering course WNW. 9.30am: Quarters with inspection and exercises. [Adjusted sails during watch.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle to moderate breeze from NE. Barometer steady. Course WNW.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm: Quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Generally clear, but clouding over at times, with moderate to light breezes from E to ESE. Moonlight.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b001263: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_163_1.jpg)

6 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.55, Long -36.90

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with bright moonlight first part and gentle to light breezes from SE. Smooth sea. Steering course WNW. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except weather clew of mainsail, flying jib and spanker) with all starboard studding sails. Moon set at 2.20am.

8am to meridian:

Steering course WNW. 9.30am: Quarters with inspection and exercises. [Adjusted sails during watch.] John Montgomery (Quartermaster 2nd class) reported expiration of enlistment.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with gentle breeze from ENE to E. Barometer steady. Course WNW. [Adjusted sails during watch.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Gentle E breeze.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b001267: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_164_1.jpg)

7 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.60, Long -39.50

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy but pleasant weather with gentle to light breezes from ENE. Smooth sea. Steering course WNW. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except weather clew of mainsail, flying jib and spanker) with all starboard studding sails.

8am to meridian:

Steering course WNW. 9.30am: Quarters with inspection and exercises. [Adjusted sails during watch.] At 9.00am set weather clew of mainsail and spanker.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate breeze from ENE. At 12.00pm changed course to WNW¼W.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails during watch.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from ESE. [Adjusted sails during watch.]

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b00126b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_165_1.jpg)

8 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.60, Long -41.60

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light showers with gentle to light baffling breezes from NE to SE. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals, flying jib, fore topmast staysail, mainsail and spanker.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails during watch.]

8am to meridian:

Steering course WNW¼W. 9.30am: Quarters with divine service, Chaplain Gill officiating. [Adjusted sails during watch.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather with light to gentle breeze from ESE. At 12.00pm changed course to WNW?W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with bright moonlight. Smooth sea with light breeze from E to ESE. At end of watch under all plain sail (except flying jib, mainsail and spanker) and all port studding sails.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b00126f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_166_1.jpg)

9 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.58, Long -43.18

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with bright moonlight and light breezes from ESE. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except flying jib, mainsail and spanker.)

4am to 8am:

Aired bedding.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. At 11.45am lost steerage and took in port studding sails and mainsail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and warm with light airs from SE and calm. On course to WNW½W. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant. Moonlight. Light breezes to airs from SSE to S. Baffling and unsteady. At 8.30pm set all port studding sails and took in mainsail.

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51435998a2fc8e0a7b001273: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_167_1.jpg)

10 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.64, Long -44.40

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with bright moonlight and light breezes from ESE to SSE. Smooth sea. On course WNW½W. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except weather clew of mainsail), all port studding sails and mizzen staysails.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from SSE and calm. On course to WNW½W. [Adjusted sails.] Barely steerage way after 2.00pm.

4pm to 6pm:

Smooth sea. On course WNW¾W [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light airs and breezes from SSE to S. At 11.30pm set main and mizzen topmast staysails.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b001277: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_168_1.jpg)

11 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.51, Long -45.59

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant weather with light airs and breezes from SE. 1.00am: Set spanker and flying jib. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals and all port studding sails and mizzen staysails. Steering course WNW¾W.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. 12.00pm: Changed course to NW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light SE airs. Moderate swell from N.

4pm to 6pm:

Smooth sea. On course NW. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and warm. Light airs to breezes from E.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b00127b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_169_1.jpg)

12 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.43, Long -46.58

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light airs and breezes from SE to NE. 1.00am: Set spanker and flying jib. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except fore topmast staysail, mainsail and spanker) with all starboard studding sails.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. On course NW. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light SE airs. Instructed Apprentices and adjusted sails. 12.10pm: Changed course to SW.

4pm to 6pm:

Smooth sea. On course SW. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Clouding and pleasant. Light airs from ESE. Smooth sea.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b00127f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_170_1.jpg)

13 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 22.90, Long -47.55

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and warm with light airs and breezes from SE. 1.00am Set spanker and flying jib. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals (except fore topmast staysail, mainsail and spanker) with all port studding sails.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. 10.00am: Long cross swell. Changed course to W. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm with calm to light NE to N airs. Instructed Apprentices and adjusted sails. 12.10pm: Changed course to SW.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.00pm made signal to English steamer bound NE.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with calm to light airs and breezes from NE to NNE. Variable airs and breezes to squalls.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b001283: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_171_1.jpg)

14 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 22.70, Long -48.35

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from N. Smooth sea and bright moonlight. Steering course W under all plain sail and topmast staysails.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails through watch.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but clearing with light variable and N to NW airs and breezes.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails through watch.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light NE to NNE breeze.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b001287: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_172_1.jpg)

15 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 22.34, Long -49.95

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from NNE to N. Smooth sea and bright moonlight. Steering course W under all plain sail to royals, staysails and studding sails.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea. At 8.00am changed course to NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and Commanding Officer’s inspection, followed by divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with heavy rain squalls later with gentle NE breezes. [Adjusted sails.]

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails through watch.] Course NW.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with passing showers. Moderate to stiff breeze from E to ENE. Moon rose at 10.35pm. [Adjusted sails through watch.]

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b00128b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_173_1.jpg)

16 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 22.18, Long -52.84

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with light showers. Under all plain sail to royals, staysails, flying jib, weather clew of mainsail, spanker and starboard studding sails.

4am to 8am:

Steering course NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle to moderate E breezes.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm: Quarters. By order of the Commanding Officer, the following punishments were awarded:

FW Davis and J Mcalley, “Cursing another boy”: 5 days at the capstan on bread and water.

G Hilton, “Using profane language”: 5 days at the capstan on bread and water.

J Clarkinge, “Having another boy’s trousers in his possession”: 5 days at the capstan on bread and water.

G Buckman, “Having another person’s trousers and white hat in his possession”: 10 days in double irons.

A Deleglise, “Shirking work for 24 hours and lying about it”: 5 days on quarterdeck with two-hour drills morning and evening, and to be allowed 15 minutes for meals.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with gentle to light breezes from SE. Smooth sea. Moon rose at 11.10pm.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b00128f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_174_1.jpg)

17 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 22.00, Long -54.68

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with light to gentle E breezes. Under all plain sail to royals, (except flying jib, mainsail and spanker) and all studding sails.

4am to 8am:

Lightning to SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm with light NE breezes.

4pm to 6pm:

Set weather clew of mainsail.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and warm with light to gentle breeze from E to ESE.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b001293: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_175_1.jpg)

18 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 22.50, Long -56.41

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with light SE breezes. Steering NNW½W. Under all plain sail to royals, (except flying jib, weather clew of mainsail and spanker) and all studding sails. Moon rose at 12.05am.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and bedding inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light E breezes.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair. Faint lightning first hour. Gentle E breeze.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b001297: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_176_1.jpg)

19 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.15, Long -58.26

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy but pleasant weather with gentle NE breezes. Steering NNW½W. Under all plain sail to royals, (except spanker) and all studding sails. Moon rose at 1.00am.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea. [Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with light showers with light SSE breezes. [Adjusted sails.]

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with lightning to the NE. Moderate to stiff breeze from SSE to SE. [Adjusted sails to new wind direction and strength].

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b00129b: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_177_1.jpg)

20 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 23.65, Long -60.51

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with moderate SSE breezes. Moon rose at 1.30am. Under all plain sail to royals, (except flying jib and spanker) port studding sails and mizzen staysails.

4am to 8am:

On course NNW½W. [Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

At 8.05am changed course to NW?W. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to overcast and cloudy with gentle to strong SE to SW breezes. [Adjusted sails in squalls.] Ran off to N, then brought back to course. At 3.55pm changed course to NW¼W.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes from SSE to SSW. [Adjusted sails to new wind direction and strength.]

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b00129f: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_178_1.jpg)

21 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 25.40, Long -62.85

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with gentle to stiff SSW breezes. Under all plain sail to royals, port studding sails except lower, and staysails.

4am to 8am:

Sighted a sail standing to NW. [Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Exchanged colors with a US 3-masted schooner. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with stiff breeze from SSW to SW. Changed course to NW¼N.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and squally with light rain spits. Stiff breeze in fresh puffs from NW to SW. Squalls becoming more frequent.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b0012a3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_179_1.jpg)

22 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 28.00, Long -64.85

Commences and until 4am:

Weather unsettled and squally. Strong winds from NNW to SW with heavy rain. Course NW¼N. Under all plain sail to topsails except spanker and fore topmast staysails.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails and reduced sails in squalls.] On port tack. Heading NE.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with light breeze from NNW to NW. “Full and by” on port tack throughout.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, clearing to clear and pleasant. Light airs to breezes from WNW to NNW. “Full and by” on port tack throughout.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b0012a7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_180_1.jpg)

23 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 28.84, Long -65.00

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant with light airs from NNW to NW falling to calm at times. Close-hauled on port tack until 2.40am when wore ship. Without steerage way frequently. Under all plain sail and topmast staysails.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea. Set main topmast staysail. Passed large quantities of gulf weed.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails.] Heading NW½W. Passed much gulf weed.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breeze from E to NNE. “Full and by” on starboard tack throughout. Course NNW½N.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to cloudy. Light airs and gentle breezes from NNE to ENE.

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51435999a2fc8e0a7b0012ab: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_181_1.jpg)

24 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 29.70, Long -66.11

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant with calm and light airs with just steerage way until 2.25am, then very light squalls from NE. Under all plain sail and fore topmast staysail. Course NNW½N.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea. Passed large quantities of gulf weed.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails.] Heading NW½W. Passed much gulf weed.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy and pleasant with gentle breeze from ENE. Instruction.

4pm to 8pm:

6.20pm: Changed course to NNW¾N.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant with light to gentle breeze from NE to NNE. Smooth sea. 9.00pm: Passed a vessel’s green light off the starboard beam.

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012af: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_182_1.jpg)

25 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 30.60, Long -67.02

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy with gentle breeze to light airs from ENE. Under all plain sail to royals and fore topmast staysail.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea. At daylight sighted a barkentine standing to NW. Passed much gulf weed.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with light airs. Steering NNW in smooth sea. [Adjusted sails.] Barkentine in sight off starboard quarter heading N.

8pm to midnight:

Generally fair with light rain spits. Light airs and breezes from ENE to SE. Steering NNW.

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012b3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_183_1.jpg)

26 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 30.60, Long -67.02

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy with gentle breeze to light airs from ENE. Under all plain sail to royals and fore topmast staysail.

4am to 8am:

Smooth sea. At daylight sighted a barkentine standing to NW. Passed much gulf weed.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with light airs. Steering NNW in smooth sea. [Adjusted sails.] Barkentine in sight off starboard quarter heading N.

8pm to midnight:

Generally fair with light rain. [Reduced sail.] Course NNW.

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012b7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_184_1.jpg)

27 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 33.60, Long -69.42

Commences and until 4am:

Clear turning to overcast, threatening weather. Moderate breeze from SSW. Changed course to NW. [Adjusted sails to new wind direction.]

4am to 8am:

A bark in sight ahead standing to NW.

8am to meridian:

Smooth sea. Steering NW. Quarters and instruction. By order of the Commanding Officer, G Sneed (Landsman) was given 10 days in double irons for assaulting another person and inciting others to do the same.

[Adjusted sails.] Barkentine in sight off weather bow standing to NW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant to overcast and cloudy and squally with passing showers. Fresh breeze from SW to NNW. Steering NNW in smooth sea. [Adjusted sails to wind direction.] Sudden wind change to NNW.

4pm to 8pm:

Single-reefed topsails. Double-reefed mizzen sails and furled mainsail. Set main topsail.

8pm to midnight:

Clearing, cool. Stiff breeze from N to NW increasing to moderate gale with squalls. Reefed sails.

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012bb: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_185_1.jpg)

28 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 34.51, Long -68.10

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to fair and squally. Strong to moderate breeze from NW. Barometer rising. On port tack under double-reefed sails and single-reefed foresails.

4am to 8am:

At 6.00am commenced distilling.

8am to meridian:

Shook reefs out of topsails. Set jib, main and spanker. 11.30am: Tacked ship to NW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate breeze from NW. Close-hauled on starboard tack until 3.40pm when tacked. 3.45pm: Set royals and exchanged colors with an English bark standing to NE. She asked for latitude which we signaled but which was not understood.

4pm to 8pm:

At 7.30pm a steamer passed bound NW.

8pm to midnight:

Generally cloudy and clearing at times. [Reduced sails in squalls.]

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012bf: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_186_1.jpg)

29 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 35.50, Long -67.00

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with moderate breeze from N to NNW. Increasing in force. Smooth sea. Close-hauled on port tack. [Adjusted sails to wind.]

4am to 8am:

4.30am Reefed topsails.

8am to meridian:

Held divine service. [Adjusted sails frequently.] At end of watch close-hauled on starboard tack.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair and pleasant with moderate breeze from NE to NNW. “Full and by” on starboard tack.

4pm to 6pm:

Under all plain sail. Smooth sea. At 4.55pm tacked ship and stood on port tack.

8pm to midnight:

Generally fair, clouding over at times. Gentle breeze to light squalls. 10.55pm: Tacked to NW.

5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012c1: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_187_0.jpg)

5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012c3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_187_1.jpg)

30 September 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 36.11, Long -67.82

Commences and until 4am:

Fine and pleasant with moderate NNE breeze. Smooth sea. Close-hauled on starboard tack. Under all plain sail.

4am to 8am:

4.00am: Changed course to NNW. [Adjusted sails through watch.]

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails frequently.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with moderate breeze from E to ESE. Under all plain sail. Steamer in sight heading SE.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with frequent lightning in WNW. Smooth sea and gentle SE breeze. On course WNW.


5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012c5: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_188_0.jpg)

5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012c7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_188_1.jpg)

5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012c9: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_189_0.jpg)

5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012cb: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_189_1.jpg)

1 October 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 37.91, Long -68.80

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and threatening with vivid lightning in NW. Stiff breeze from SW. At 3.50am took in royals as sea water rising. Under plain sail and staysails.

4am to 8am:

Moderate to strong gale. [Reduced sails through watch in response to gale force.] Set storm jib. Ship steering course until 5.40am then “lying to”, head to E.

8am to meridian:

Ship “lying to” under storm sails until 11.00am when set single-reefed foresail. Set course ENE. By order of Commanding Officer M Pereira (Cox) was released, his term of confinement having expired.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with very heavy showers. Stiff breeze to moderate gale from S then SW. Set close-reefed main topsail. Ship riding easily to moderate sea from SW.

4pm to 6pm:

Moderate gale shifted to WSW. Ship “lying to”.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with very heavy showers. Stiff breeze to moderate gale from SW then WSW. At 11.00pm wind shifted to NW but then to WSW. “Lying to” on starboard tack under storm sail. Ship riding to moderate sea.

By order of Commanding Officer, the following Apprentices were rated from October 1st, 1889, as follows:

[there follows a list of 77 Apprentices and their change in rating.]

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012cf: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_190_1.jpg)

2 October 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 38.57, Long -67.00

Commences and until 4am:

Rainy with mist and squalls first half, then moderating. Wind from NNW to WSW. “Lying to” but riding easily in moderating sea.

4am to 8am:

At 5.45am wore ship to course NNW. At 6.00am made sail (except spanker). At 8.00am under all plain sail. Surface water temperature rapidly falling.

8am to meridian:

Under all plain sail. Sea water temperature rising.

Meridian to 4pm:

Generally fair and pleasant. Stiff breeze from WNW. Steering “full and by” on port tack. Sighted a brig and a bark.

4pm to 6pm:

Smooth sea with occasional NW swell. Close-hauled on port tack until 5.00pm when tacked ship. Bark in sight on port bow. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Generally cloudy. Stiff to moderate breeze mainly from NW. Steering “full and by” on starboard tack.

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3 October 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 39.64, Long -67.61

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant with light rain. Gentle breeze from NNW to WNW. Smooth sea with very long N swell. Wore ship to N at 3.00am. At end of watch close-hauled on starboard tack under all plain sail.

4am to 8am:

[Increased sail.]

8am to meridian:

At 8.45am wore ship to NE. 9.30am: Quarters, inspection and drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SW falling to light airs. Smooth sea with lumpy NW swell. Close-hauled on port tack until 3.50pm, after which steered NW under plain sail.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant with moderate breeze from WSW. Steering NW. [Adjusted sails but under almost full sail.]

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012d7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_192_1.jpg)

4 October 1889

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 40.45, Long -69.23

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to fair and squally. Gentle to fresh breeze from WSW. At end of watch under plain sail with single-reefed topsails.

4am to 8am:

Steering “full and by” on port tack. At 7.50am took soundings with Thomson’s machine in 46 fathoms, dark sand, to 44 fathoms, dark gray sand.

8am to meridian:

Close-hauled on port tack. At 11.00am passed an Inman Line steamer heading N. Signaled our number but it was not answered. At 11.50am made the same signal to Spanish steamer bound W which was answered. At 12.00pm took cast of lead in 40 fathoms.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze to airs from WNW. Exchanged colors with an English steamer bound E.

6pm to 8pm:

Barely steerage way. Cast lead in 23 fathoms, fine sand.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and damp and misty first part. Calm to light airs. 10.15pm: Wore ship and stood on starboard tack. [Various soundings, average 30 fathoms, fine gray sand.] Moonlight.

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5 October 1889

At sea and at Newport, RI.

Lat 40.92, Long -70.12

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to overcast, cloudy and foggy, clear later. Gentle to fresh breeze from NW to ENE. [Began to reduce sail on approaching Newport.] Cast lead in 30 to 37 fathoms, sand and shell. Under plain sail to topsails. Sea rising.

4am to 8am:

Passed a steamer standing to N and a pilot boat. At 4.30am changed course to W¼N. At 5.15am hauled by the wind to heading NW¼W. Steering “full and by” on port tack. Cast lead to 27-28 fathoms. [Adjusted sails on approach].

8am to meridian:

Steering “full and by” on starboard tack. At 9.00am cast in 34 fathoms, clay and fine sand. At 10.00am 30 fathoms, green mud and coarse yellow sand. At 11.55am 28.5 fathoms, fine sand.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool. Light breeze to airs from ENE to ESE. Steering course N. At 1.20pm sighted Gay Head bearing NE. Numerous sail in sight. 3.30pm: Cast in 18 fathoms.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm: Quarters. [Took in most sails.] Standing in towards Newport, conned by Navigator.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.10pm sighted Bruton’s Reef. 7.30pm: Beaver’s Tail bore NNW. At end Block Island bore WSW and Bruton’s Reef Lightship bore WNW.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear. Moonlight. Standing in for Newport Harbor, Navigator conning. At 9.40pm called “Bring ship to anchor”. At 10.00pm shortened sail and brought ship to anchor in 3¼ fathoms of port chain, veering to 15 fathoms.

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012df: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_194_1.jpg)

6 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast and misty, with squalls. Gentle SSE breeze. Moonlight.

4am to 8am:

Making preparations for port.

8am to meridian:

10.15am Called “all hands to muster”. Read to all hands “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and threatening. Light SE breeze. Sent liberty party ashore; also visiting party to Coasters Island.*

4pm to 8pm:

Visiting party returned on board.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, raining. Light SSE breeze.

*[Note: Since 1884, home to the US Navy’s Naval War College. See Naval War College, Wikipedia]

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012e3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_195_1.jpg)

7 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, raining. Light SE breeze blowing stiff in squalls.

4am to 8am:

Liberty party returned on board.

8am to meridian:

Quarters at 9.20am. Released G Sneed from confinement. Received fresh meat and vegetables.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Moderate to gentle NNW to NNE breeze. Sent liberty party of Apprentices and men ashore. Discharged 6 [7 listed] men: W Jones, G Eastburn, A Thompson, J Montgomery, C Wilson, N Drew, N Morrisey, their terms of enlistment having expired, and two men, G Sneed and FE Delk, by reason of inefficiency and worthlessness.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy to clear. Moderate to gentle NNW to W breeze.

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012e7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_196_1.jpg)

8 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Moderate W breeze.

4am to 8am:

7.30am: Made signal to “New Hampshire”. Answered. Alex Hamilton (Marine) absent without leave.

8am to meridian:

Sent division to Training Station for target practice. Tug “Triana” went out to S.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Gentle NE breeze. 3rd Division finished target practice.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Gentle to moderate breeze from NW. Assistant Paymaster GW Simpson, Chaplain Gill and Lieutenant RS Jasper left the ship on leave.

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5143599aa2fc8e0a7b0012eb: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_197_1.jpg)

9 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Gentle to moderate breeze from N to WSW.

8am to meridian:

Sent firing party to Island for target practice.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Stiff breeze from W to SW.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast. Gentle W breeze falling light. Moonlight.

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5143599ba2fc8e0a7b0012ef: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_198_1.jpg)

10 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy but pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from WSW. Bright moonlight.

4am to 8am:

Sent in charge of PA Surgeon Du Bose to hospital: W Wansleban, N Buckless (Apprentices 2nd class) and F Williams (Ordinary Seaman).

8am to meridian:

Veered to 25 fathoms on port chain. 9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave J Howard (Private), A Jackson (Ordinary Seaman) and F Murtha (Landsman).

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant. Moderate breeze from NW to WNW. Sent firing party in charge of Gunner Swift to target practice on Coasters Island.

4pm to 8pm:

Firing party returned. Apprentice Reynolds returned 5½ hours over time.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, cool, bright moonlight. Gentle NW breeze.

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5143599ba2fc8e0a7b0012f3: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_199_1.jpg)

11 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, cool, bright moonlight. Gentle WNW breeze. At 2.05am the US tug “Fortune” came in and anchored.

8am to meridian:

Sent 2nd Division for firing practice. The following were absent without leave: J Howard, A Jackson, F Murtha, F Gill (Armorer), O Wessman (Landsman).

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool. Gentle breeze from WSW. Received 2600 gallons fresh water. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and hazy. Light airs from NW to N.

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5143599ba2fc8e0a7b0012f7: ( Jamestown/vol061of067/vol061of067_200_1.jpg)

12 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, cool, with light N breeze.

8am to meridian:

Sent Apprentices to Training Station for amusement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light breeze from NE to SE.

4pm to 8pm:

Carpenter Burke left ship on leave.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with heavy rain. Light to gentle NE breeze. Lightning to N and E.

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[Blank page]

LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 13th 1889 TO APRIL 13th 1890

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[Blank pages]

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[Blank pages and cover]

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List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, commanded by Commander BJ Lamberton, USN, at the time of leave the anchorage [location and date not given]

Lamberton BP, Commander

Hemphill JN, Lieutenant Commander

Marix A, Lieutenant & Navigator

Milton JB, Lieutenant

Lasher OE, Lieutenant

Mayo HT, Lieutenant

Ryan TW, Ensign

Rust A, Ensign

Gill TA, Chaplain

Du Bose WR, PA Surgeon

Simpson GW, Paymaster

Hill WL, Boatswain

Swift Jos, Gunner

Douglass GT, Sailmaker

Burke Jas, Carpenter

Dirckiuck J, Pay Clerk

5143599ba2fc8e0a7b00130b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_004_1.jpg)

List of officers who have died, been detached, or transferred on board the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, commanded by Commander B S Lambert, USN during a cruise on the [blank] Station from October 13th, 1889, to end of cruise April 12th, 1890

Quimby JG, Lieutenant, October 18 /89, detached by order of Bureau

Horrigan PW, Ensign, October 31 /89, detached and placed in waiting orders

Jasper RT, Lieutenant and Navigator, October 24 /89, detached and ordered to Washington

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[blank pages]

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12 VIII-inch smooth bore shell guns

2 20-pound bronze guns, BLR

1 3-inch rifle, BLR

1 Gatling gun, short


Sailing launch

Cutters (4)





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Observations for determining the local deviation of the compass on board of the USS Jamestown 3rd rate

[deviations listed but no place or time given]

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[blank page]

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13 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with heavy rain. Distant thunder and lightning. Fresh squalls from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters for inspection. Following named men absent without leave [not entered].

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and squally. Moderate to fresh NE breeze. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and squally threatening weather. Moderate to fresh NE to NNE breeze.

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5143599ba2fc8e0a7b001323: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_010_1.jpg)

14 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally. Moderate to fresh NE breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters for clothing inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and raining. Moderate to fresh NE to N breeze in squalls. 1.30pm: Let go starboard anchor underfoot and got sheet anchor on port cathead and bent sheet chain. Had bag inspection.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and raining. Moderate to fresh NE to N breeze in squalls to moderate gale.

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5143599ba2fc8e0a7b001327: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_011_1.jpg)

15 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and raining. Moderate to fresh NE to N breeze in squalls to moderate gale. Moderating later.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave J Howard, A Jackson, F Murtha, F Gill, O Wessman, F Higginbotham (Seaman), E Berry (Landsman), N Tyrrell (Captain of Top) and C Maires (Private Marine).

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool. Moderate to fresh NE to N breeze. Discharged J Thomas (Bayman) his term of service having expired. At 3.30pm hove up starboard anchor. 3.30pm: A board of survey convened to survey certain articles in the Ordnance Department. Received on board 33 bags of anthracite coal. Lost one bag overboard. Assistant Paymaster Simpson returned on board. Schoolmaster M Wogan reported at Torpedo Station for examination for Boatswain. Confined T Sully (Landsman) in irons for being under the influence of liquor.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Gentle breeze from NNE to NW. PA Surgeon Du Bose left the ship on duty with Corporal D Doody USMC in charge of B Frederickson (Seaman), transferred to hospital.

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16 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Moderate breeze from NNE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave: J Howard, A Jackson, F Murtha, F Gill, O Wessman, F Higginbotham, E Berry, C Chaffin (Landsman), C Maires, T Forster (Private Marine). N Tyrrell returned.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear. Moderate to fresh NW to NE breeze. F Gill brought on board by police and a reward paid. Sent working party to Torpedo Station to load coals. Placed F Gill under sentry’s charge.

4pm to 8pm:

Coal lighter alongside. Commenced coaling. Transferred Apprentices with bags and hammocks under charge of Lieutenant Lasher. List of 119 Apprentices transferred to “USS Minnesota” October 16, 1889. [List included in log]. Received from “USS New Hampshire” Patrick Thomas Keeneficke and Bartholemew O’Shea, Privates, USMC.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breeze from NE to NNE. Received 20 tons anthracite coal.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001333: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_014_1.jpg)

17 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light breeze from NNE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave: J Howard, A Jackson, F Murtha, O Wessman, F Higginbotham, E Berry, C Chaffin and C Maires. Watering ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle airs and breezes from NW to SW.

H Nelson (Boatswain’s Mate), H Huff, G Buckman, W Edgerton, C Freund (Apprentices 3rd class) were discharged from this ship and the US Naval Service, the first (Nelson) by virtue of expiration, others by order of the Bureau of Navigation.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with light airs from NW.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001337: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_015_1.jpg)

18 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and cool. Light breeze from N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Hauled up port anchor and moored to shore moorings. Lieutenant Lasher reported on board “New Hampshire” for duty on General Court Martial which convened at 10.30am. Absent without leave: J Howard, A Jackson, F Murtha, O Wessman, F Higginbotham, E Berry, C Chaffin, M Forster and C Maires. Released F Locke from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breezes from NW. J Dirckinck (Pay Yeoman), his term of enlistment having expired, Apprentices G Brown and M Johnson by order of the Bureau, and Lieutenant J Quimby USN, detached, left the ship.

4pm to 8pm:

F Murtha returned on board 8 days over leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with light airs from NNW to NNE.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b00133b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_016_1.jpg)

19 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light airs from NW.

4am to 8am:

J Elward (Landsman) absent without leave.

8am to meridian:

10.15am: Court Martial on board “New Hampshire” adjourned. Absent without leave: J Howard, A Jackson, J Elward, O Wessman, F Higginbotham, E Berry, C Chaffin, M Forster and C Maires.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clouding later. Gentle breezes from SSW.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to fair. Light fog on horizon. Gentle to moderate SSW breeze. Ensign A Rust left the ship on leave.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b00133f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_017_1.jpg)

20 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear overhead. Light fog around horizon. Moderate to light breeze from SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Absent without leave: O Wessman, F Higginbotham, E Berry, C Chaffin, M Forster, J Elward and C Maires. By order of the Commanding Officer J Howard and A Jackson were declared deserters from this ship and the Naval Service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate to gentle breezes from SW to SSW.

8pm to midnight:

Clouding over. Light breeze from SW falling calm and coming out in moderate squalls from NNE.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001343: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_018_1.jpg)

21 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and threatening. Moderate to light breeze from SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Absent without leave: F Higginbotham, E Berry, C Chaffin, M Forster, J Elward, J Ingham (Captain of Top) and C Maires. By order of the Commanding Officer O Wessman was declared a deserter from this ship and the Naval Service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with rain squalls. Stiff breezes from NNE in squalls.

4pm to 8pm:

Discharged by order of Bureau R Schier, W Carr, and W Lane, 3rd class Apprentices.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy, clearing later. Gentle to moderate NE breeze.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001347: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_019_1.jpg)

22 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Moderate to light breeze from NE.

4am to 8am:

Private Forster returned to the ship.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Absent without leave: F Higginbotham, E Berry, C Chaffin, C Wheeler (Landsman), J Elward, J Ingham and C Maires.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breezes from NW falling to airs. Sent condemned sails to Coasters Island to be turned into store.

4pm to 8pm:

Received from US Training Station draft of 117 Apprentices as per appended list.*

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool. Light airs from ESE shifting to gentle N breeze.

*[Note: List is absent.]

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b00134b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_020_1.jpg)

23 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cool. Gentle breeze from N including squalls of rain and light snow.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast. Moderate NE to NNE breeze.

4pm to 8pm:

Discharged by order of Bureau 3rd class Apprentices, C Cluskings [?] and S Allen.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light airs and breezes from NE.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b00134f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_021_1.jpg)

24 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clouding over. Light breeze from NE.

8am to meridian:

At 10.00am a Summary Court Martial convened for the trial of H Sully (Landsman); adjourned at 11.20am. The term of enlistment of Ernest Kroubs (Captain of Top) expired this forenoon.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, clearing at intervals. Light NE breeze. Lieutenant Jasper was detached and ordered to ordnance duty at Washington DC. Received new sails [list attached]. Exercised at boat drill.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy, clearing at intervals Light NE breeze.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001353: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_022_1.jpg)

25 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Light NE breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. Absent without leave: C Wheeler and J Elward.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with gentle ENE breeze. Sailing exercises.

4pm to 8pm:

Discharged from this ship and the US Naval Service W Elliott (3rd class Apprentice) and J Lesquereux (Ward Room Cook), the former an order by the Bureau and the latter at his own request. 6.20pm: Read the Summary Court Martial sentence on H Sully: “That he be discharged from this ship and the US Naval Service with a bad conduct discharge.” The sentence was confirmed. F Higginbotham (Seaman) reported on board having been transported from the USS “Wabash” [frigate] in Boston where he reported as a straggler from this ship.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cool. Light ENE to NE breeze.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001357: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_023_1.jpg)

26 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and drizzling. Light NE to NW breeze.

8am to meridian:

Exercised boys over masthead.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light airs from SW. Boys marking clothes.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Light to gentle SE airs.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b00135b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_024_1.jpg)

27 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Gentle SE breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and Commanding Officer’s inspection. Absent without leave: [not entered]. 10.00am: Divine Service, Commander Lamberton officiating.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy, misty and raining with gentle SE breeze rising to squalls later.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and raining with light to gentle breeze from SSE to S.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b00135f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_025_1.jpg)

28 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with gentle to light S breeze.

4am to 8am:

C Wheeler (Landsman) returned on board 167 hours over leave.

8am to meridian:

Absent at quarters: W Towns, J Nickerson, A Brown, W Piper, S Adams (Apprentices), J Elward (Landsman). O Olsen (Cox), E Betincke (Captain of Top), A Connolly (Seaman), J McAnnaney [spellings vary], (Seaman), F Locke (Captain of Top). USS “Portsmouth” [training ship] was sighted and asked permission to anchor which was granted. Sent boarding officer Ensign Hourigan. Captain Schouler of USS “Portsmouth” called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with light to moderate SW breeze. Exercised boys at boats.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with light SW airs.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001363: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_026_1.jpg)

29 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with light SW airs. Smooth sea.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave: F Widmer (Private Marine), J McAnnaney, W Piper, A Brown. By order of the Commanding Officer J Elward (Landsman) was this day declared a deserter from this ship and the US Naval Service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cool with moderate NNE breeze with stiff squalls.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy, rain last part with moderate NNE breeze with stiff squalls. Chaplain Gill returned from leave.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b001367: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_027_1.jpg)

30 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with light rain and moderate N breeze.

4am to 8am:

PA Surgeon Du Bose returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave: J McAnnaney, W Piper, A Brown. Captain Schouler of USS “Portsmouth” called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Partly clear to overcast and cool with moderate NNW breeze. USS “Portsmouth” moored ship.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer a draft of 9 boys was sent in charge of Lieutenant Allan to USS “Minnesota” at New York.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and calm. Smooth sea.

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5143599ca2fc8e0a7b00136b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_028_1.jpg)

31 October 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with light ENE breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave: J McAnnaney, W Piper, A Brown, C Shrier (Blacksmith), R Widmer. By order of the Commanding Officer confined C Goodman for 5 days on bread and water for neglect of duty and impudence. N Piper returned 5 days over leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with calm and light SSW breeze. Discharged J Simenson (CTC), his term of enlistment having expired. Exercised in boats. C Shrier returned on board 1 day over leave.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy and calm. Ensign Hourigan was detached and placed on waiting order. R Widmer returned on board.


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5143599da2fc8e0a7b00136f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_029_1.jpg)

1 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with light SE airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave J McAnnaney, A Brown.

Meridian to 4pm:

Foggy, overcast with drizzling rain and light SE breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and misty. Sea calm.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b001373: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_030_1.jpg)

2 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Calm, overcast, cloudy and misty. Sea calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave J McAnnaney, A Brown, F Murray. Received from USS “New Hampshire” one back chronometer, maker F Cotterell, London. Lieutenant. H Mayo and Sailmaker G Douglas reported on board for duty.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool and light S to SE breeze. Sent Apprentices to Training Station for recreation. Sailmaker J Byrnes was detached and placed on waiting order. Naval Apprentice A Brown returned on board 6 days over time. A Smith and F Burt, Marines, received from Marine Barracks, Boston.

4pm to 8pm:

Commanding Officer placed Apprentices Ladouche and Wood under sentry’s guard for overstaying leave. Transferred H Piper to USS “Minnesota”.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and squally. Gentle breeze from SE to S.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b001377: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_031_1.jpg)

3 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and squally. Moderate to stiff breeze from S and SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and general muster. Read to all hands “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy”. Absent without leave J McAnnaney, J Kenifick (Private Marine), F Murray. At 8.45am USS “Stiletto” [torpedo boat] passed out of the bay.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy with SW breeze. Light airs to calm later.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and clearing. Starlight later. Breeze from NW.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b00137b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_032_1.jpg)

4 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Bright starlight. Gentle breeze from NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and general muster. [Listed a number of absent men]. By order of the Commanding Officer placed Hood and Ledwell (Apprentices) in double irons for 10 days for attempting to desert. Lieutenant Mann reported for duty.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle to moderate NW to N breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with bright moonlight. Gentle airs from NW.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b00137f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_033_1.jpg)

5 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Partly cloudy and cool. Moderate breeze from NNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and served out clean bags and hammocks. [Number of absent men listed]. By order of the Commanding Officer, J McAnnaney was declared a deserter from this ship and the US Naval Service.

A Burninghouse, D Odenoff, T Josephson returned on board 28 hours over time.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with moderate NW breeze. By order of the Commanding Officer placed Tyrrell in double irons for 10 days for being under the influence of liquor while in charge of a boat’s crew of Apprentices. Thomas Murray returned on board 3½ days over time.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with moderate breeze from NE.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b001383: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_034_1.jpg)

6 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with moderate to gentle breeze from W.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absent J Burke (Seaman), V Ferguson (1st class Fireman).

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate to fresh NE breeze in squalls.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with gentle N breeze.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b001387: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_035_1.jpg)

7 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with gentle W to WSW breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction; absent J Burke, V Ferguson. By order of the Commanding Officer placed Salisbury (3rd class Apprentice) in double irons for 10 days for attempting to desert. Instructed Apprentices in lead of running gear.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with moderate to fresh N breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Clear then clouding over with stiff breeze from WSW to W. Transferred to USS “Portsmouth” A Greenwood and A Brown (Apprentices).

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b00138b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_036_1.jpg)

8 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool. Calm and light W airs. Barometer rising.

4am to 8am:

V Ferguson returned on board 71½ hours over time.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises; absent J Burke.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle S airs. Smooth sea. Received supplies from the Bureau.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and drizzle last hour. Gentle SW airs.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b00138f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_037_1.jpg)

9 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy, foggy and rainy. Calm. US tug “Nina” came in to anchor at 2.45am between this ship and USS “Portsmouth”.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises; absent J Burke. Placed Private J Reardon USMC under sentry’s guard for being under the influence of liquor.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, rainy and cloudy with light SE breeze. Sailmaker G Douglas left on 3 days’ leave. Released J Reardon USMC from sentry’s charge. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, rainy and cloudy with light NNE breezes and airs.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b001393: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_038_1.jpg)

10 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with light NE and NNE breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises; absent J Burke, M Pereira (Cox), C Goodman (Schoolmaster) and H Williams (Seaman). Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with wind from NE to N blowing in heavy squalls. M Pereira and H Williams returned to the ship.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to fair. Wind blowing in squalls and dying out.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b001397: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_039_1.jpg)

11 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm.

4am to 8am:

7.30am USS “Portsmouth” got underway in tow of “Nina”. J Burke returned to the ship.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises; absent G Goodman. Sent working party ashore for receiving stores.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light SW breeze falling to calm. Getting aboard stores.

4pm to 8pm:

Finished receiving stores. [Included is a detailed list of stores received.]

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with light showers. Calm. Barometer steady.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b00139b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_040_1.jpg)

12 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with light showers. Calm. Barometer rising.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and sail exercises; absent C Goodman. Robert Garnett (Schoolmaster) reported on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and fair with light SW breeze. Sent 2nd Division for target practice. Exercised boats under oars.

4pm to 8pm:

Transferred A Lansier (Chief Quartermaster) to USRS “Vermont”, New York.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from SE to SSE.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b00139f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_041_1.jpg)

13 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant with light breeze to airs from SSE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. By order of the Commanding Officer N Holman USMC was given extra guard duty for 4 hours each night for one week.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and foggy with light breeze to airs from E to NE. Sent working party to “New Hampshire” to work on jib net.

4pm to 8pm:

Received from USS “New Hampshire” J Thayne (Apprentice).

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy. Light to very fresh breeze from N. Barometer falling then steady.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b0013a3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_042_1.jpg)

14 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and squally with moderate to stiff breeze from NW.

4am to 8am:

Sailmaker Douglas returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Sent 1st Division for target practice with small arms. Summary Court Martial convened at 10.00am. By order of the Commanding Officer the trial of Schoolmaster RP Garnett was adjourned at 11.30am.

Meridian to 4pm:

Partly cloudy with gentle to moderate breeze from WSW. Sent working party to “New Hampshire”. Sent 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions in charge of Schoolmaster to inspect the making of jib netting.

4pm to 8pm:

Ensign J Ryan left the ship on two days’ leave. Received Otto Schroeder and C Rush (3rd class Apprentices) from Training Station.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light airs to stiff breeze from NW.

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5143599da2fc8e0a7b0013a7: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_043_1.jpg)

15 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with moderate to stiff breeze from NW. Squally later.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. C Goodman absent.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with moderate to stiff breeze from NNW. Read sentence of Summary Court Martial re RP Garnett. Sentenced to be dismissed from US Naval Service with a bad conduct discharge. US tug “Fortune” left harbor.

4pm to 8pm:

In accordance with the sentence of the Summary Court Martial discharged RP Garnett (Landsman) with bad conduct discharge.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Gentle to stiff NW breeze.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013ab: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_044_1.jpg)

16 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with squally breeze from N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Sent 3rd Division for small arms training. Working party on “New Hampshire” working on jib net. By order of Commanding Officer confined W Laduke and W Wood (3rd class Apprentices) on 5 days’ bread and water for disposing of clothing without authority.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with light airs and breezes from N to NNE. Discharged W Stenson (Apprentice from the Naval Service by order of the Bureau of Navigation on account of illegal enlistment.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light airs and breeze from NW. Barometer rising.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013af: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_045_1.jpg)

17 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light airs and breezes from NNW. Barometer steady.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear. Fresh to moderate breeze from SW. Rough sea. Lieutenant Milton reported for duty.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light breeze from WSW.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013b3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_046_1.jpg)

18 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light airs from NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters with general quarters exercise and marine guard and gunnery exercises. Expended 887 rounds of ammunition.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs to breezes from NE. Target practice; expended 700 rounds of ammunition.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with light airs from E.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013b7: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_047_1.jpg)

19 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Light airs to breeze from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters with seamanship, gunnery and marine guard exercises. Sent working party to “New Hampshire”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle to fresh breeze from NE to E. Apprentices instructed in seamanship, English and knotting. Sent working party to “New Hampshire”.

8pm to midnight:

Light to gentle breeze from E and SE. Overcast, cloudy and foggy.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013bb: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_048_1.jpg)

20 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Calm. Light airs to breezes from NE. Overcast, cloudy and foggy.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters with exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Gentle breeze from SW.

4pm to 8pm:

Transferred J Salisbury (3rd class Apprentice) to Training Station.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with rain squalls. Wind SSW to WSW.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013bf: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_049_1.jpg)

21 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with rain squalls. Wind SSW to WSW.

4am to 8am:

Large quantity of wreckage floated in with the tide.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters with instruction. By order of Commanding Officer released W Laduke and W Wood from confinement. Sent Marine guard on shore for target practice.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle breeze from SW. Barometer falling.

4pm to 8pm:

Accidentally broke one thermometer.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with rain squalls. Wind moderate to fresh from E to ESE.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013c3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_050_1.jpg)

22 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with rain. Wind SE to WSW in squalls.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters with instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy, clearing later. Moderate to stiff breeze from N. Boys instructed in English, gunnery and signals.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool with light to moderate breeze from WSW.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013c7: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_051_1.jpg)

23 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light breeze from WSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters with instruction. Received anthracite coal aboard.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle to moderate breeze from N to NNW. Sent liberty party and visiting party to Training Station ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Liberty party and visiting party returned. A Henriques (3rd class Apprentice) did not return.

8pm to midnight:

Light to gentle NW breeze. Fair and cool.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013cb: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_052_1.jpg)

24 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with gentle breeze from N and NNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters with inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair. Gentle to stiff breeze from SW to W.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy. Light to moderate breeze from SW to WSW.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013cf: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_053_1.jpg)

25 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light W airs.

4am to 8am:

Made preparations for going out on target practice.

8am to meridian:

At 8.35am tug “Cohasset” came alongside. At 8.40am cast off from buoy and stood up the bay in tow of “Cohasset”. At 9.50am came to at Compass Station with port anchor in 9 fathoms to 20 fathoms chain.

At 10.20am began target practice, target having been sent out 1000 yards.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with drizzling rain and gentle breeze from NNE to NNW. 12.55pm: Finished target practice. Got target on board. 2.18pm: Got underway in tow of “Cohasset”. Stood down to mooring buoy and cast off tug.

4pm to 8pm:

Albert Reed (Seaman) reported on board, having been transferred from USRS “Wabash”.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy then clear. Gentle to fresh breeze from NNW. Barometer rising.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013d3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_054_1.jpg)

26 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, cool and squally with moderate to fresh breeze from NW.

4am to 8am:

Lieutenant Mayo left the ship on 5 days’ leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cold with gentle breeze from NW. Instructed and received supplies [list included].

4pm to 8pm:

Received from “New Hampshire” a draft of 11 boys.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold. Light airs from NE.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013d7: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_055_1.jpg)

27 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Light airs from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Took in 15 tons of coal. Plumbers on board repairing pumps. T Molerrey [?] was sent to the “New Hampshire” as a witness before a Court Martial.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze from ESE, overcast and cloudy. Paid out monthly money to ship’s company.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to stiff breeze from SE. Overcast, cloudy and raining. Disagreeable.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013db: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_056_1.jpg)

28 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Stiff breeze and moderate gale from SE and SSE. Overcast, cloudy and raining. Very disagreeable. Barometer falling.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent A Henriques.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and squally with moderate gale from NW to WNW.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy. Wind WSW blowing in stiff squalls.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013df: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_057_1.jpg)

29 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy. Moderate to gentle breeze from WSW to SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent: A Henriques, A Reid, J Curley, D Lynch, H Edgar, J Cassel and H Mansell. By order of the Commanding Officer, placed M Pereira in solitary confinement for 3 days on bread and water.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair and cool with moderate breeze from WSW. Sent working party to “New Hampshire”. Received stores [list included].

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Moderate N breeze.

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5143599ea2fc8e0a7b0013e3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_058_1.jpg)

30 November 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Gentle to fresh breeze from NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent: A Henriques, A Reid, J Curley, D Lynch, H Edgar and H Mansell. Received from USRS “Vermont” a draft of two men, viz Michael Russell and Alexander Vielstern.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with fresh breeze from NW. Rough sea. Workmen finished work on bilge pump.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with light breeze from NW. Moderate sea.


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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b0013e7: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_059_1.jpg)

1 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Light airs from NW. Smooth sea.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Read to all hands “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy”. Absent A Henriques, A Reid, J Curley, D Lynch, J Reardon. Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light breeze from WSW to WNW. Clear and cold. Sent liberty party ashore. Sent visiting party of Apprentices to Training Station.

4pm to 8pm:

Visiting party and liberty parties returned.

8pm to midnight:

Light to moderate breeze from WSW. Clear and cold.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b0013eb: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_060_1.jpg)

2 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Gentle to fresh breeze from WSW blowing in squalls.

4am to 8am:

Sent working party to “New Hampshire”.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent: A Siederbohn, A Reid, A Henriques.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair squally weather.

4pm to 8pm:

A Reid returned to the ship.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light to gentle N breeze.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b0013ef: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_061_1.jpg)

3 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with light to gentle NNW breeze.

8am to meridian:

Sent boatswain to fit rigging for this ship on “New Hampshire”. 9.40am: Quarters and instruction. Absent: A Siederbohn, A Henriques. By order of the Commanding Officer placed A Reid in double irons for 10 days for absenting himself from the ship after his leave expired. Lieutenant Mayo returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain and light snow at times. Gentle to moderate breeze from NE. Sent launch and cutter to Training Station and collected stores.

4pm to 8pm:

Receiving stores. [List of stores is included.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy, cold and squally, reducing to light NE breeze. Barometer rising.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b0013f3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_062_1.jpg)

4 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Fair, squally and cold. Overcast with light NE to NW breeze and light snow later.

8am to meridian:

By order of Commanding Officer released M Pereira from confinement. Absent: A Siederbohn.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cold with snow at times. Stiff breeze from NNE. Rough sea.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cold with gentle to light breeze from NE.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b0013f7: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_063_1.jpg)

5 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle to light breeze from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Sent party ashore for a load of sand. Crew fitting rigging.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light to gentle breeze from SSE to SW. Overcast, cloudy and threatening. Instructed Apprentices.

4pm to 8pm:

Served out clean bags and hammocks. At 7.55pm the Commanding Officer returned from leave.

8pm to midnight:

Moderate to stiff breeze from SW and WSW. Squally, overcast and rainy. Barometer falling.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b0013fd: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_065_0.jpg)

5143599fa2fc8e0a7b0013ff: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_065_1.jpg)

6 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to moderate breeze from NW. Overcast, cloudy and squally.

4am to 8am:

Scrubbed hammocks and bags.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Squally breeze from WNW. Cloudy and fair. Instructed Apprentices.

4pm to 8pm:

Turned in bags and hammocks.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light NW breeze.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b001401: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_066_0.jpg)

5143599fa2fc8e0a7b001403: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_066_1.jpg)

7 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle breeze from NNW. Clear.

8am to meridian:

Delivered on board the USS “New Hampshire” for storage the following condemned gear viz: [list included]. 10.20am: Quarters and instruction. By order of the Commanding Officer placed M Pereira (Cox) in confinement for 3 days on bread and water for insolence to Executive Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with moderate to stiff breeze from WSW. Sent visiting party of Apprentices to Island.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with gentle breeze and airs from WSW.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b001407: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_067_1.jpg)

8 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light airs from SW. Squalls later.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and Commanding Officer’s inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with light breeze from S to SE.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and threatening. Light to moderate SE breeze.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b00140b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_068_1.jpg)

9 December 1889

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.480, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, foggy, squally and rainy.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and Commanding Officer’s instruction in gunnery and seamanship. Sent launch for coal and wood.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and foggy with light airs and breezes from WSW and SW and calm. Received stores of coal and wood. Transferred to “New Hampshire” Young (3rd class Apprentice). Commander T Jewell, Commanding Officer of the Torpedo Station, paid an official visit.

4pm to 8pm:

Hoisted aboard the dinghy and catamaran. Made general preparations for sea.

8pm to midnight:

Calm and light airs to breezes from SSE. Foggy.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b00140f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_069_1.jpg)

10 December 1889

At Newport and at sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 41.426, Long -71.389

Commences and until 4am:

Light airs and breezes from NE to NW. Clear and pleasant with moonlight.

8am to meridian:

At 11.10am got underway on topsails. At noon passed Brenton’s Reef Lightship bearing E. Set course SSE?E. Made signal to “New Hampshire”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light airs and breezes from NE to ENE. Set clocks ahead 22 minutes. At end of watch SE Block Island Light ½ point abaft starboard beam.

4pm to 6pm:

Reefed topsail and furled royals.

8pm to midnight:

Light to moderate breeze from SE to SSE. Cloudy and cool. Under plain sail to topgallant over single-reefed topsails, jib and spanker.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b001413: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_070_1.jpg)

11 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 40.80, Long -71.00

Commences and until 4am:

Fair becoming cloudy with gentle breezes from SSE to SE. At 2.45am lost Block Island Light bearing NE. [Adjusted sails.]

4am to 8am:

7.45am: Wore ship. 4.45am: Cast in 92 fathoms. 7.30am: Cast in 91 fathoms, fine white sand.

8am to meridian:

8.45am: Tacked ship and took in topgallant. Wore ship to course SSE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and squally with drizzling rain. Moderate to fresh breeze from SW to W. 1.00pm: Changed course to SE½E.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails in squalls throughout the watch.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear weather with moderate gale in squalls to fresh gale at close. Set storm mizzen. 10.00pm: Took in foresail, took in topsail and hove to on starboard tack under storm staysail and storm mizzen.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b001417: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_071_1.jpg)

12 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 38.80, Long -69.84

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with bright starlight and moderate to fresh gale from NW. Very rough sea. Hove to on starboard tack under storm staysail and storm mizzen.

4am to 8am:

7.05am: Set single-reefed foresail and took in storm mizzen and main staysail. Stood on course SSE. Temperature of seawater rising.

8am to meridian:

Ship rolling very deeply at times. [Adjusted sails throughout the watch in strong wind.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with stiff NW breeze. 2.45pm: Turned reefs out of fore and mainsails.

4pm to 6pm:

4.45pm: Changed course to SE½S. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant weather. Fresh to stiff breeze from NNW. Barometer steady. Temperature of seawater falling. Moon rose at 9.30pm.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b00141b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_072_1.jpg)

13 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 36.72, Long -67.50

Commences and until 4am:

Stiff to moderate breeze from NW to NE to gentle breeze from NNW. Fair and pleasant. Set topgallant.

4am to 8am:

[7.00am: Increased sail to meet lighter winds.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and abandon ship exercise. Set mainsail and forward jib.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant; moderate to stiff breeze from WSW. Moderate sea. Examining boys.

4pm to 6pm:

[Reduced sail in slightly stronger winds.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair with fresh WNW breeze blowing in puffs. [Reduced sail in slightly stronger winds.] 10.40pm: Moon rose. 11.00pm: Changed course to SE.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b00141f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_073_1.jpg)

14 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 34.78, Long -64.24

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant; moderate to stiff breeze from WSW to SW.

4am to 8am:

Long following sea.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sail in changing wind conditions.] Set clocks ahead by 12 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Stiff to light breeze from ENE to ESE. Light rolling sea. [Adjusted sail in changing wind conditions.]

4pm to 6pm:

5.00pm: Quarters. [Reduced sail in slightly stronger winds]

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant. Calm. Barometer steady. Smooth sea.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b001423: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_074_1.jpg)

15 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 33.35, Long -62.20

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy with passing showers and squally stiff breeze from WSW. Moonlight. [Adjusted sail in changing wind conditions.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Commanding Officer inspected at quarters. [Adjusted sail in changing wind conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Generally fair and pleasant with passing squalls. [Adjusted sail in changing wind conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Light airs and breezes from NE. Overcast and cloudy.

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5143599fa2fc8e0a7b001427: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_075_1.jpg)

16 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 32.18, Long -60.50

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and threatening with light NE breeze. Ship under fore and main topsails, single-reefed topsails, foresails and jib.

4am to 8am:

Long swell coming up from NW. At 7.00am made all plain sail except mizzen royals.

8am to meridian:

Long swell from WSW. By order of the Commanding Officer confined D Lynch on bread and water for 3 days.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to fair and warm. At 2.30pm tacked ship to SE. At 3.15pm observed a water-spout on the weather bow with indications of a heavy squall. Passing quantities of gulf weed.

4pm to 6pm

Lightning all around the horizon.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs and breezes from S to SSE. Barometer falling. Lightning frequent around horizon. Heavy bank of clouds passing across western horizon from S to N last half hour.

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b00142b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_076_1.jpg)

17 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 31.59, Long -60.40

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with bright starlight. Moon rose at 1.30am. Light SE airs.

4am to 8am:

Lightning observed to NE. A sail in sight on lee bow.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Under topsails, foresails and jib.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light airs and breezes from ENE. [Increased sail.]

4pm to 6pm

[Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant weather. Light to gentle ENE breezes. Starlight and barometer steady. At 8.30pm set royals and flying jib.

514359a0a2fc8e0a7b00142d: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_077_0.jpg)

514359a0a2fc8e0a7b00142f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_077_1.jpg)

18 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 30.68, Long -58.50

Commences and until 4am:

Light to moderate breeze from NE. Fair and pleasant. Moon rose at 2.10am.

4am to 8am:

Lightning observed to NE. A sail in sight on lee bow.

8am to meridian:

9.00am: Shook reefs out of topsails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather and partly cloudy with gentle to moderate breezes from NE. Moderate sea. At 12.45pm set royals. At 1.30pm sighted an English steamer “Vesta” * in Lat 30°18’N, Long 58°15’W. Hove to and sent a boat across to her with mail.

4pm to 6pm

[Adjusted sails slightly to reduce the coverage.] 5.15pm: Quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light breeze from the NNE to NNW. [Reduced sail coverage.]

*[Note: This ship of the Harrison Line is the most likely vessel, here.]

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001433: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_078_1.jpg)

19 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 29.60, Long -57.20

Commences and until 4am:

Fair with light breeze from NE to NNW. Barometer steady. 1.20am: Rain squalls. 2.10am: Sighted a green light of a steamer standing across our bow.

4am to 8am:

Long swell from E. Made all plain sail.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Released D Lynch from confinement. By order of the Commanding Officer gave JJ Meredith 3 days on bread and water at capstan for impudence and G Smith 3 days on bread and water for uncleanliness and throwing his clothing overboard.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant weather with light airs from NW. Long swell from SE. By order of Commanding Officer gave J Murphy 9 days’ confinement on bread and water at capstan on spar deck for throwing a pair of shoes overboard belonging to another Apprentice.

4pm to 6pm

[Adjusted sails slightly to reduce the coverage.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm greater part of watch. Long swell from ESE.

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001437: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_079_1.jpg)

20 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 29.40, Long -56.90

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with haze around horizon. Calm to light airs from N. Long swell from SE. No steerage way.

4am to 8am:

Long swell from SE. “Scandalized” mizzen topsail and jib.*

8am to meridian:

8.40am: Changed course to SW and at 10.00am changed to SSE. 9.30am: Quarters.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant weather with light airs from NW shifting to NE. Long swell from SE. Sighted from aft a steamer heading N.

4pm to 6pm

[Adjusted sails slightly to respond to winds and course.]

8pm to midnight:

Gentle breeze from NE and clear and pleasant.

*[Note: A way of reducing sail coverage by changing the shape.]

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b00143b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_080_1.jpg)

21 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 27.91, Long -56.15

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with light E breeze. Under plain sail to royals.

4am to 8am:

Long swell from SE.

8am to meridian:

Shook reefs from sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to overcast with passing showers with light to moderate breezes from SE shifting to SSE.

4pm to 6pm

[Adjusted sails slightly to respond to winds and course.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and clearing. Light to moderate breeze from ESE. Long swell from SE.

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b00143f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_081_1.jpg)

22 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 25.70, Long -56.50

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and clearing with passing showers. Fresh to strong ESE breeze. Moderate sea. [2.45am: Reduced sail]

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to respond to winds and course.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. 10.15am: Divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with passing squalls with moderate breezes from ESE.

4pm to 6pm

[Adjusted sails slightly to respond to winds and course.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair to cloudy and squally with passing showers and fresh to strong breezes from NE to ESE. [Adjusted sails to respond to winds and course.]

514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001441: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_082_0.jpg)

514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001443: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_082_1.jpg)

23 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 23.46, Long -56.90

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with passing squalls. Gentle to fresh SE to ESE breeze. 12.10am: “Went off” before fresh squalls.

4am to 8am:

[Reduced sails to respond to squalls.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with heavy ESE squalls with breezes from ESE. Signaled a schooner on lee quarter with our noon position.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with gentle ESE breeze with occasional fresh squalls. [Adjusted sails slightly to respond to winds and course.]

514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001445: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_083_0.jpg)

514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001447: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_083_1.jpg)

24 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 21.64, Long -56.10

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant with passing squalls. Gentle to fresh ESE to E breeze. Ship under single-reefed sails.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. By order of Commanding Officer gave JE Smith 5 days’ solitary confinement on bread and water for disobedience of orders.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with moderate to gentle breezes from ESE.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.30pm came to course ESE. At 5.25pm took in a second reef in topsail.

8pm to midnight:

Pleasant with passing clouds. Stiff breeze from E to NE. Moderate sea.

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b00144b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_084_1.jpg)

25 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 19.61, Long -56.25

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to cloudy with passing showers. Fresh to stiff NE breeze. Ship under double-reefed sails.

4am to 8am:

[Reduced sail in squalls.] At daylight a sail was reported off the starboard quarter.

8am to meridian:

[Reduced sail in squalls,]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with passing squalls. Set mainsail at 3.15pm.

4pm to 6pm:

Rough sea. Took in mainsail.

6pm to 8pm:

7.30pm: Hauled down fore topmast staysail. Bright star and moonlight.

8pm to midnight:

Moderate to fresh breeze from N. Passing showers and squalls. Moon set at 9.00pm.

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b00144f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_085_1.jpg)

26 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 18.01, Long -56.02

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with frequent showers. Fresh to stiff NE to SE breeze. Ship under double-reefed sails.

4am to 8am:

At 6.06am [F] Magnesdal (Captain of After Guard) fell overboard from quarter, dropped buoy. Hove to and picked him up. Lifeboat lowered at 6.09am and returned to ship with man and buoy at 6.20am. Pulled away on course again.

8am to meridian:

[Reduced sail in squalls.] H Paseler and Derby (Apprentices) given 5 days on bread and water by Commanding Officer for shirking punishment and being below when watch was on deck.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and squally with stiff to strong trades from NE to SE. Ran off for a few minutes in a squall.

4pm to 6pm:

Exercised at reefing in squalls.

6pm to 8pm:

8.00pm: Changed course to SW.

8pm to midnight:

Generally fair with rain squalls around the horizon. At 10.17pm ran off before a squall for 10 minutes.

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001453: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_086_1.jpg)

27 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 15.95, Long -57.10

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with frequent squalls from E. Moderate NE breeze and moderate sea.

8am to meridian:

Shook reefs from topsails. Set foresail. Top gallant and mainsail. Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and passing showers with stiff SE breeze.

4pm to 6pm:

Exercised at reefing.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate to stiff breeze from NE to SE. 8.00pm: Changed course to SW¼S.

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514359a0a2fc8e0a7b001457: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_087_1.jpg)

28 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 14.62, Long -60.20

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to moderate SE breeze. Squally. [Adjusted sails in response to squalls.]

8am to meridian:

8.30am: Changed course to SW½W.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and clearing. Moderate trades from E. Moderate sea. 1.50pm: Made out land ahead (Island of Barbados). 2.00pm: Changed course to SW½S and at 2.00pm to SW and at 2.40pm SW¼S.

4pm to 6pm:

4.00pm: Changed course to SW½S and at 5.50pm to S. At end of watch under close-reefed topsails, jib and foremast staysails, standing past N extremity of Barbados. Ship conned by Navigator.*

6pm to 8pm:

At end of watch Needhams Point Light bore about ESE.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and squally. Fresh breeze from E x S blowing in squalls. At 8.30pm Needhams Point Light bore ESE½E. Wore ship to N and set spanker.

*[Note: The ship is being turned to pass to the west of Barbados between Barbados and St Vincent and the Grenadines,]

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29 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 13.11, Long -59.65

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with moderate to fresh E x S breeze. Squally. [Adjusted sails in response to squalls.]

4am to 8am:

Wore ship to SE. Set sails.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and Commanding Officer’s inspection. Held divine service, Chaplain Gill officiating. 11.00am: Hove to. 11.30am: Wore ship to NW and hove to. At noon Pelican Island bore SE about ¾ mile.* Released James and Smith from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate breeze from ENE to NE. Cloudy with light squalls. Hove to with main topsail to the mast and other sails close-reefed.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.00pm wore ship to SE.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.00pm wore ship to N and hove to.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with moderate to stiff ENE breeze. Hove to about NNE.

*[Note: This island no longer exists.]

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b00145f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_089_1.jpg)

30 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad and off Barbados.

Lat 13.11, Long -59.65

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with light to stiff NE breeze. Squally. Moon set at 1.16am. At 2.30am wore ship to NW. Needhams Point Light bore E¼S. At end of watch “full and by”, close-reefed on starboard tack steering NNW.

4am to 8am:

6.15am: Set course SE x E on course for Bridgetown, Barbados, on port tack with close-reefed sails.

8am to meridian:

At 9.16am hove to on port tack and lowered second cutter. Sent her ashore with an officer and mail. At 9.35am wore ship and hove to on starboard tack. At 11.15am stood down to pick up boat.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with moderate breeze from NE. Second cutter returned at 12.30pm. At 2.00pm filled away on port tack. 3.30pm: Tacked ship and set course to N.

4pm to 6pm:

Standing back and forth offshore. 5.40pm: Wore ship to S.

6pm to 8pm:

Bright moon and starlight. At 8.00pm Needhams Point Light bore NE and South Point Light bore ESE.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to moderate breeze from NE; fair and pleasant. At 8.00pm wore ship and hove to. At end of watch Needhams Point Light bore ESE¼E.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b001463: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_090_1.jpg)

31 December 1889

At sea en route to Trinidad and off Barbados.

Lat 13.11, Long -59.65

Commences and until 4am:

Pleasant weather with light to stiff ENE breeze. Hove to on starboard tack.

8am to meridian:

8.37am: Wore ship to windward. By order of Commanding Officer sent boys Kelly and Heffernan to main and mizzen topmast head, and to have bread and water ration, for shirking work.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair and pleasant with stiff breeze from NNE. Barometer falling. Tacked ship and wore ship.

4pm to 6pm:

[Tacked and wore ship a number of times and hove to off Needhams Point.]

6pm to 8pm:

Hove to off Bridgetown.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with moderate to stiff NE breeze. Barometer rose. Expended rockets and Very signals. At 8.00pm wore ship to NW and hove to. Remainder of watch ship drifting to N.


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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b001467: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_091_1.jpg)

1 January 1890

At sea en route to Trinidad and off Barbados.

Lat 13.11, Long -59.65

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with fresh trades from ENE. Hove to on starboard tack.

4am to 8am:

7.00am: Wore ship to E and stood in for South Point. At end of watch close-hauled on starboard tack on course E½S.

8am to meridian:

9.20am: Quarters. Set courses and at end of watch Bridgetown bore NE about 3 miles distant.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with stiff breeze from NE. On port tack and wore ship to N.

4pm to 6pm:

Wore ship to ESE. Several sails in sight.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and cloudy pleasant weather. Light to moderate N breeze. 10.30pm: Hove to on starboard tack.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b00146b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_092_1.jpg)

2 January 1890

At sea en route to Trinidad and off Barbados.

Lat 13.11, Long -59.65

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate breeze from WNW. Cloudy but pleasant. Moon set at 3.15am.

4am to 8am:

Hove to on starboard tack.

8am to meridian:

At 11.50am filled sails and set off on course S. Sighted land bearing NW and NNW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and cloudy, pleasant weather. Set mainsail. St Vincent visible to N and Barbados to NE.

4pm to 6pm:

At end of watch steamer in sight on weather quarter; St Vincent in sight 9 points abaft lee beam.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with rain squalls on horizon. Light airs to moderate breeze from SE. [Adjusted sails.]

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b00146f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_093_1.jpg)

3 January 1890

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 11.90, Long -60.20

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and warm. Light to gentle breeze from NW. Barometer falling. Long swell from NE. Under all plain sail except mainsail and spanker.

4am to 8am:

Long swell from NE. Ship rolling deeply.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; fire and abandon ship exercises. By order of the Commanding Officer, gave the following punishments: (see list). [List not attached.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze to light airs from NNE. Cloudy and sultry. Heavy rain clouds on the horizon. Course SW x W.

4pm to 6pm:

4.30pm: Changed course to SW. Quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers. Light SE breeze, strong in squalls. [Reduced sail in squalls.]

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b001473: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_094_1.jpg)

4 January 1890

At sea en route to Trinidad.

Lat 11.20, Long -61.40

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast. Fresh to moderate breeze from SE. Barometer falling. 12.15am: Brought ship to course WSW. 1.30am: Changed course to SW½S. Under all plain sail except spanker.

4am to 8am:

At 6.45am sighted Tobago Island broad off port quarter. 8.00am: Changed course to SSW½W.

8am to meridian:

9.40am: Tacked ship. Land in sight.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy. Light and variable SW wind. At 3.20pm wind came out from ESE. Set course SSW. At end of watch close-hauled on port tack.

6pm to 8pm:

At 8.00pm hove to and cast lead in 70 fathoms, rocky bottom.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy first half. Light wind from NNE to SSE then SE. At 10.50pm wore ship and brought her close-hauled on starboard tack to heading ENE. Sighted a schooner off port beam.

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5 January 1890

At sea and in Gulf of Paria.

Lat 10.77, Long -61.78

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast. Light airs from SE to NW.

4am to 8am:

[Various course changes ending on S½W.] 6.00am: Got cast in 68 fathoms, rocky. At daybreak sighted land from SE to SW. At end of watch standing in towards land.

8am to meridian:

Heading from Boca Channel. Set topgallant sails, royals and mainsail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy. Standing in to the Gulf of Paria through the Boca Channel towards anchorage at Port of Spain. Under all plain sail to royals and staysails.

4pm to 6pm:

Tacked ship; working to windward for the harbor of Port of Spain. 5.30pm: Called all hands and furled sail and brought ship to port anchor in 9 fathoms to 22 fathoms of chain in Gulf of Paria.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.30pm veered to 22 fathoms of chain at water’s edge.

8pm to midnight:

Light NE breeze to light airs from E. Overcast, cloudy with light drizzling rain.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b00147b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_096_1.jpg)

6 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast with drizzling rain. Light airs from E to NW.

4am to 8am:

Prepared to get underway.

8am to meridian:

10.05am: Got underway and stood in for anchorage.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and warm. Calm and light SE to SW airs. Sent whaleboat on shore with officer to communicate with Consul and surgeon to obtain pratique. At end of watch no steerage way.

4pm to 8pm:

4.35pm: Furled sails. 6.00pm: Brought ship to anchor in 5 fathoms to 15 fathoms of port chain at water’s edge.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and warm with light airs from NE. Barometer steady.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b00147f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_097_1.jpg)

7 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Calm and light airs from ENE. Barometer steady.

4am to 8am:

At 7.30am made all sail.

8am to meridian:

8.35am: Got underway and made for Port of Spain. 10.12am: A heavy squall passed; took in all sail except topsails and foremast staysail and jib. At 10.50am got up to anchorage, furled sail and dropped port anchor in 3¾ fathoms. 10.20am: Fired a national salute of 21 guns with the British flag at the fore. The salute was returned from shore at noon.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle to stiff breeze from ESE blowing in squalls. Engaged in getting the ship in shape in port. Painted ship on the side using dinghy and catamaran. At 12.45pm the US Consul came on board and visited the Commanding Officer. He was given a salute of 9 guns when he left, US flag at the fore. At 2.15pm the US Vice-Consul paid a visit and left at 3.30pm when he was given a salute of 5 guns. At 2.30pm the Commanding Officer left the ship and visited the Governor of Trinidad.*

4pm to 8pm:

About 5.00pm the Commanding Officer returned from paying an official visit to the Governor, where he was received with the Marine Guard of Trinidad. 5.10pm: Let the crew go in swimming.

8pm to midnight:

Calm, cloudy and warm.

*[Note: Moses H Sawyer (Consul), Henry B Lee (Vice-Consul), Sir William Robinson (Governor of Trinidad).]

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b001483: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_098_1.jpg)

8 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Calm, cloudy and warm.

4am to 8am:

Loosed sail and received fresh provisions.

8am to meridian:

10.00am: Quarters. Painting ship. Received a visit from a representative of the Civilian Governor. Released R Brown and V Smith.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather; calm to light breeze from NE.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light airs and breezes from NE to ESE.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b001487: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_099_1.jpg)

9 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light airs from NE and calm.

8am to meridian:

10.00am: Quarters and inspection. By order of the Commanding Officer changed ratings as follows: P Alderoff from Captain of Top to Seaman, F Magnesdal from CAG to Captain of Top, F Ellis from CAG to Seaman.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and warm; rainy at times. Calm and light NE airs. Sent liberty party ashore. Apprentices trained in knotting.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and warm; rainy at times. Calm and light NNE airs. Barometer falling. Placed Apprentices Ritchie, Maloney, Dunneback and Ughetta under sentry’s charge for safe keeping, they being intoxicated.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b00148b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_100_1.jpg)

10 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with early rain and light airs from NNE and NE and calm.

4am to 8am:

Released Apprentices Ritchie, Maloney, Dunneback and Ughetta from sentry’s charge

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and “abandon ship” exercise. By order of Commanding Officer placed Apprentices Ritchie, Maloney, Dunneback and Ughetta under sentry’s charge for safe keeping, for coming aboard drunk.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and sultry rainy at times. Sent boys ashore on liberty.

4pm to 8pm:

All boys returned from liberty at sundown.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and warm. Rain squalls from NE. By order of Commanding Officer placed Radford (Boatswain’s Mate) under sentry’s charge for safe keeping, for being under the influence of liquor.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b00148f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_101_1.jpg)

11 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and warm with passing showers and light airs and breezes from E and NE and calm.

4am to 8am:

Released Radford from sentry’s charge and restored him to duty.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and training on the battery. By order of the Commanding Officer placed the following Apprentices on bread and water for 5 days for coming on board ship drunk: E Lyons, C Kelly, B Johnson, P Rooney, J McWadleigh, D Burns. The following persons were made prisoners-at-large: J Kelly, R Miller, O Lind, G Cole, Rivers and Ruder.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate breeze to light airs from E. Sent boys ashore on liberty at 1.00pm.

4pm to 8pm:

Heavy rain squall from SSW.

8pm to midnight:

Calm with light airs from E. Cloudy and warm.

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514359a1a2fc8e0a7b001493: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_102_1.jpg)

12 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with passing showers and light airs and breezes from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Absent without leave: Austin, Winters, McCue, Hook, Thomas.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light breeze from ENE. Early showers.

4pm to 8pm:

Thomas returned to the ship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear weather; light ENE airs.

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b001497: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_103_1.jpg)

13 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather; light ENE airs to calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am General quarters and “cast loose” sail exercise [followed by detailed results per division].

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather; calm to light breeze from S shifting to NNE. Commanding Officer went ashore and paid official visit to Major General Pierson [possibly “and”] the Colonial Secretary.*

4pm to 8pm:

[Worked on sails.] By order of Commanding Officer, released Oldehoff (Seaman) from confinement.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light NE airs.

*[Note: Most likely Maj. General Sir Charles Pearson, in charge of troops in the West Indies. The Colonial Secretary was Henry Holland, Baron Knutsford.]

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b00149b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_104_1.jpg)

14 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather; calm with some rain.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and warm and clearing. Light airs from S to E. Received 11 tons of coal.

8pm to midnight:

Partly cloudy and warm with light breeze from NE.

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b00149f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_105_1.jpg)

15 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Partly cloudy and warm with light breeze from NE.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and inspection. Worked on sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Some rain squalls. Light airs and breezes from NW to ESE. 1.00pm: Sent liberty party of boys ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Liberty party returned at 6.45pm.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs to breezes from NNE. Clear and pleasant.

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b0014a3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_106_1.jpg)

16 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Calm, clear and pleasant.

4am to 8am:

At 6.16am called all hands and had sail drill.

8am to meridian:

8.20am: Quarters and served out clean bags and hammocks and scrubbed hammocks. F Baudoin (Seaman) reported expiration of enlistment.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate to stiff E x S breeze. Some rain squalls.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and raining. Light E airs and breezes.

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b0014a7: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_107_1.jpg)

17 January 1890

At Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Lat 10.640, Long -61.565

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and raining. Light E airs and breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, “abandon ship” and boat drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and raining. Light airs and breezes from ENE, barometer falling slightly. Shipped A Clark as Landsman for cruise.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer placed J Skinner and T Beckett under sentry’s charge, they being drunk after going ashore on duty.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and raining latter part. Light E airs.

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b0014ab: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_108_1.jpg)

18 January 1890

At Port of Spain and at Pitch Point, Trinidad.

Lat 10.49, Long -61.66

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and raining. Light SE to ENE airs and breezes. Barometer falling.

4am to 8am:

Made preparations for sea.

8am to meridian:

At 9.40am called “all hands up anchor”. Made sail and at 11.30am set course SW. John Gomes (Landsman) was this day declared a deserter by order of the Commanding Officer. Confined J Skinner and T Beckett in the brig for 5 days on bread and water.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers. Light airs and breezes from ESE. At 2.30pm and 2.50pm tacked ship. At end of watch heading for Pitch Point.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.55pm called all hands “bring ship to anchor”.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.21pm came to in 15 fathoms with 90 fathoms of port chain.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light NE breeze.

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b0014af: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_109_1.jpg)

19 January 1890

At Pitch Point, Trinidad.

Lat 10.273, Long -61.618

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light E to N airs and breezes.

8am to meridian:

Commanding Officer inspected ship and crew. Held divine service, Reverend Gill officiating.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate breeze from E to SSE. Barometer falling. Velocity of flood current 11 knots.

4pm to 8pm:

Furled awnings and stowed them away.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant; calm to light airs and breezes from ENE. Barometer rising.

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514359a2a2fc8e0a7b0014b3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_110_1.jpg)

20 January 1890

At Pitch Point, Trinidad.

Lat 10.273, Long -61.618

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light NE airs and breezes. Barometer falling.

4am to 8am:

Made preparations for getting underway. Sent out great gun target and buoys for observation boats.

8am to meridian:

8.21am: Underway making sail and royals. 8.55am: Went to general quarters for target practice. Gun Nos. 1 and 4 firing 6 shells each at target. 11.05am: Brought ship to anchor in 15 fathoms to 90 fathoms of port chain at water’s edge.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with heavy rain with light airs and breezes from NE to E.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Light airs and calm with smooth sea.

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21 January 1890

At Pitch Point, Trinidad.

Lat 10.273, Long -61.618

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and calm first half. Light airs and smooth sea.

4am to 8am:

At 7.15am hove into 15 fathoms at water’s edge. At 8.00 am got underway making sail and royals.

8am to meridian:

Fired guns 2, 3, 5 and 6. After finishing target practice, took in target and boats. Course from SW to N but had no steerage way during watch.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with passing showers. Light baffling breeze from SE to SW. SE squalls later. At 3.17pm came to with port anchor in 9¼ fathoms and mud bottom, veering to 30 fathoms of chain.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather; light E breeze.

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22 January 1890

At Pitch Point, Trinidad.

Lat 10.273, Long -61.618

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather. Light E x N airs.

4am to 8am:

7.35am: Got underway and stood across the Gulf of Paria.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following punishments were award by the Commanding Officer:

J Smith (Private Marine): skylarking at post, refusing to drill, using profane language; placed under surveillance as an idiot; G Smith (Apprentice 2nd class): disrespect to an officer, smoking out of hours and numerous infringements of ship’s regulations; placed on bread and water for 5 days; G Mallory (Apprentice 1st class): carrying lighted cigar on quarterdeck; 4 hours’ lookout on topsail yard; J Murphy (Apprentice 3rd class): cutting a strand of boat’s fall; 4 hours’ lookout on topsail yard; J Phelan: (Apprentice 3rd class) using profane language and disrespect to schoolmaster: 5 days on bread and water at capstan; J Burguine (Apprentice 2nd class): smoking on gun deck out of hours and repeated infringements of ship’s regulations; placed on bread and water for 5 days; E Lyons (Apprentice 2nd class): disobeying order of petty officer and using indecent language; placed on bread and water for 5 days in cell.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with light variable winds. At 2.50pm wore ship to N and at 3.35pm tacked ship to E.

4pm to 6pm:

At 6.00pm tacked ship and stood out to Boca Grande.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.24pm called “all hands to anchor”. Came to anchor in 12½ fathoms veering to 90 fathoms of port chain.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to light breeze from E; clear and pleasant.

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23 January 1890

At Pitch Point, Trinidad and at sea.

Lat 10.710, Long -61.804

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather. Light ENE breeze.

4am to 8am:

6.07am: Up anchor. Put on all plain sail and headed on course N through the Gulf of Paria through the Boca Grande, close-hauled on starboard tack, Commanding Officer and Navigator conning. Underway and on course at 6.45am.

8am to meridian:

Standing out of Dragon’s Mouth. At 10.40am La Jolette bearing WSW. Released J Skinner and T Beckett from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear weather; moderate to stiff breeze from ENE. Barometer falling. 1.00pm Mustered at quarters and Commanding Officer announced changes in rating as per list to take effect from January 1st. [List attached.] Lost sight of Trinidad astern at end of watch.

4pm to 6pm:

Rough sea. 5.15pm Quarters. 5.35pm: Furled royals and took a reef in topsails. Sighted the island of Granada [sic: Grenada] about 3 points on starboard bow.

8pm to midnight:

At 8.05pm a very heavy squall passed over from ENE. Light drizzling rain. Took in sail. Wind moderate from ENE [various course changes]. 10.35pm: Course N. Cast lead; no bottom, 45 fathoms.

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24 January 1890

At sea en route to St Thomas.

Lat 13.12, Long -62.65

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with passing showers. Stiff ENE breeze. Ship under reefed sail.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the wind.]

8am to meridian:

Rough sea. Fire quarters and “abandon ship” drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather; moderate to fresh breeze from ENE. Shook reefs out of topsails.

4pm to 6pm:

[Reduced sail.]

6pm to 8pm:

“Full and by” on starboard tack.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Stiff NE breeze. Passing squalls. 8.40pm: Course N.

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25 January 1890

At sea en route to St Thomas.

Lat 15.60, Long -63.18

Commences and until 4am:

Flying clouds and scud. Moderate to strong NNE breeze. Passing showers and rough sea.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the wind.]

8am to meridian:

Per order of Commanding Officer placed F Derby (Apprentice 3rd class) on bread and water for 2 days for giving cigarettes to a prisoner. F Magnusdal reported his term of enlistment had expired.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with stiff trades from ENE. 12.15pm Changed course to NW½W.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm Quarters. [Reduced sail.]

6pm to 8pm:

Moderate sea; shifting sand overhead.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant; stiff to fresh NE trade wind. Barometer steady. 8.00pm: Changed course to NW. Moon set at 10.35pm.

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26 January 1890

At sea and at St Thomas.

Lat 18.333, Long -64.929

Commences and until 4am:

Fresh to very fresh breeze from E x N; puffy. Clear and pleasant with bright starlight. Under single-reefed topsails.

4am to 8am:

At 5.36am changed course to NNW. At 5.20am sighted Santa Cruz bearing NNW½W. At 6.00am sighted St John Island bearing NW½W. 6.55am: Sighted St Thomas bearing NW¼W.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection and divine service. At 11.35am called all hands to bring ship to anchor. At end of watch standing in to anchorage.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant; light breeze from NE to ESE. At 12.03pm came to anchor in 5¾ fathoms to 21 fathoms of port chain at water’s edge.

8pm to midnight:

Calm and pleasant. Barometer steady.

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27 January 1890

At St Thomas.

Lat 18.333, Long -64.929

Commences and until 4am:

Partially cloudy with light drizzle. Calm with light airs from NE. Barometer steady.

8am to meridian:

By order of the Commanding Officer released the following Apprentices: Smith, Burguine, Phelan, Derby. Fired a national salute of 21 guns with the Spanish flag at the fore. At 10.15am the US Consul came on board to pay an official visit to the Commanding Officer. When he left, fired a salute of 7 guns, US flag at the fore. Engaged in painting outside; hoisted out dinghy and catamaran.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze from ESE to ENE. Clear and pleasant. At 1.25pm the Commanding Officer left the ship to pay an official visit to the Governor of the island.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from NE to ESE. Clear and pleasant.

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28 January 1890

At St Thomas.

Lat 18.333, Long -64.929

Commences and until 4am:

Light airs from E. Barometer steady.

8am to meridian:

[Exercises in sail maintenance.] By order of Commanding Officer, H Sesini reduced from 2nd class to 3rd class Apprentice for disorderly behavior in ranks of drill squad; J Derby (Apprentice 3rd class) 5 days bread and water in solitary confinement; disorderly and insubordinate while a prisoner; F Burguine 10 days in double irons on bread and water for using obscene language to another boy while a prisoner. Apprentices J Kelly, R Miller and J Cole all prisoners-at-large awaiting punishment. T Ellis (CAG) placed under sentry’s charge.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light breeze from NE. Clear and pleasant.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light E airs.

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29 January 1890

At St Thomas.

Lat 18.333, Long -64.929

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light NE airs and breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. By order of the Commanding Officer, placed T Ellis (CAG)in a cell on bread and water for 5 days for disobedience and contempt to an officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze from NE to NNE. Barometer falling. Sent liberty party ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Liberty party returned. [Exercised on sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with very light passing showers with light NNE to ENE airs and breezes.

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30 January 1890

At St Thomas.

Lat 18.333, Long -64.929

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light ENE to E airs. Barometer falling.

4am to 8am:

German mail steamer came in at 6.15am.

8am to meridian:

Exercised in rigging sails. On opening two jars of tar oil received yesterday, they turned out to be linseed oil. Returned them to the contractor.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze from NE to ENE.

4pm to 8pm:

Men and boys tarring and rattling down rigging.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant with light airs from ENE.

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31 January 1890

At St Thomas.

Lat 18.333, Long -64.929

Commences and until 4am:

Pleasant with light ENE to E breezes and passing showers.

4am to 8am:

Placed J Riordan (Private Marine) under sentry’s charge for disobedience of orders and getting drunk on board.

8am to meridian:

Exercised in fire drill and “abandon ship” drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light to moderate breeze from ENE to NE. Cloudy with squalls. Placed A Hall (Equipment Yeoman) under sentry’s charge for being drunk in store room. About 2.15pm French steamer went out.

At 3.30pm called all hands to put out kedge anchor and haul up port anchor to make room for a Russian man-of-war.

4pm to 8pm:

4.07pm: Finished hauling up to our kedge. Let go port anchor in 5 fathoms to 30 fathoms of chain. At 4.20pm the Russian man-of-war “Minin” came in and anchored off our port quarter. Sent an officer to pay a visit of courtesy, which was returned with a visit from an officer from “Minin”. About 4.30pm she fired a salute of 21 guns with the Danish flag at the main. The salute was returned gun-for-gun from ashore. About 5.15pm the “Minin” fired a salute of 7 guns with the Russian flag at the fore.

Hoisted in the catamaran and made preparations for sea.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to moderate breeze from NE to ENE. Cloudy with passing rain squalls. 10.30pm: A French steamer went out.


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1 February 1890

At St Thomas and en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 18.38, Long -65.11

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to fresh breezes from ENE and occasional squalls. At 3.10am discovered the bark “Nereid” [most likely] drifting down on us. At 3.20am called all hands and veered a little on port chain until she cleared us, then hove in on port chain to the water’s edge in 15 fathoms. The bark then lay close to us on the port quarter.

4am to 8am:

Made preparations for getting underway. At 6.50am called “all hands up anchor”. Two steam launches from the Russian man-of-war came alongside to render us assistance. Gave them a line from the starboard bow but the ship failed to pay off to starboard, so let go port anchor to about 10 fathoms of port chain. At 7.30am sent out a kedge in our cutter, towed by the Russian steam launches. At 7.35am hauled up to the kedge.

8am to meridian:

At 8.12am made sail but unable to haul home the kedge so set up a manila towline to loosen 700 lb kedge. [Set various sail patterns to get underway.] At 10.10am took departure, Sail Rock bearing SSW. Set course NW. By order of Commanding Officer placed in confinement for 5 days on bread and water: J Riordan (Boatswain’s Mate) for getting drunk, vomiting on berth deck, and urinating in the mess kettle; A Hall (Equipment Yeoman) for getting drunk on board and having liquor in the storeroom.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and clearing with light to fresh breeze from ENE to NE. With squalls. At 3.10pm set jib. Lost sight of land last hour.

8pm to midnight:

Moderate to very fresh breeze from ENE. Clear and pleasant with moonlight. 10.15pm: Changed course to NW½W. Took a second reef in topsail.

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2 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 20.65, Long -67.51

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with fresh breezes from ENE. Ship under double-reefed fore and topsails, foresail, jib and fore topmast staysail.

8am to meridian:

Rough sea. Quarters and inspection. Released Apprentice J Derby from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with fresh trades from ENE. Barometer falling.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with fresh trades from ENE. Set mainsail.

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3 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 22.80, Long -70.10

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool with fresh breezes from ENE falling to light breezes from ESE.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with fresh trades from ENE. Shook reefs out of topsails. Exercised in reefing of topsails.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to fair and pleasant weather. Stiff to fresh trades from ENE to NE. Bright moonlight. At 8.00pm changed course to NW.

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4 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 25.20, Long -72.92

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate to stiff breezes from ENE. Passing clouds to squalls. [Adjusted sails in squalls.]

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails continuously during squalls and unstable winds.] By order of Commanding Officer B Gramm was given 7 hours’ extra duty for skulking on gun deck during watch on deck.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate to light trades from ENE. By order of Commanding Officer placed N Bennett (Apprentice 2nd class) in double irons for 10 days for disobedience of orders.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with bright moonlight. Gentle breeze from NE to ESE. 8.00pm: Changed course to NW x W.

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5 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 26.42, Long -75.12

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate to gentle breezes from E. Barometer steady. Under all square sail and jib. At 12.30am sighted a two-masted steamer heading to SSW. At 1.30am sighted mast-head light of a steamer heading SW. At 2.50am hauled in patent log and cleared it of weed.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from ENE.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with bright moonlight light airs from ESE. 9.30pm: Smooth sea; set mainsail. Set topsails.

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6 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 27.00, Long -76.09

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breezes to airs from SSW. Bright moonlight. Under all plain sail, royals and staysails.

4am to 8am:

Placed John S Quay (Landsman) under sentry’s charge for resisting the Master-at-Arms.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. Released John S Quay (Landsman) but kept under sentry’s charge awaiting trial by Court Martial. By order of Commanding Officer, the following punishments were awarded [followed by attached list of 9 men and punishments.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from SW. Barometer steady. By order of Commanding Officer released A Hall and J Riordan from confinement. Sighted a schooner on port bow standing to S.

4pm to 6pm:

Exercised at reefing and hoisting.

6pm to 8pm:

Moon rose at 6.07pm.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from SE to ESE. Bright moonlight. [Adjusted the sails to a wind change.] At 8.10pm went to general quarters and fired a blank charge. Expended 6 charges from 8-inch guns, the first gun fired at 2 minutes 20 seconds after the call was sounded.

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7 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 27.80, Long -77.68

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with light breezes to airs from SSE. Under all plain sail, royals (except flying jib), spanker, mainsail and mizzen topsails.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. Released Burguine. At 10.00am a Summary Court Martial convened for the trial of J Quay. It adjourned at 10.40am.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to cloudy pleasant weather with moderate to stiff breeze from SE. Barometer falling.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails in response to squalls.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy; squalls about the horizon. Stiff to fresh breeze from S. Barometer steady.

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8 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 30.50, Long -80.64

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and warm with moderate to stiff breezes from S to SW. Squalls. [Reduced sail in squalls.] Passed a steamer standing to S at 3.00am.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the wind.]

8am to meridian:

Called all hands and reefed sails. Hove to under close-reefed sails for a short time. G Olsen (Quartermaster) reported his term of enlistment had expired.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Wind shifted from N to WSW then NNW. 1.00pm: Made sail and set course NW.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.10pm got sounding in 13½ fathoms. Mustered crew and took in royals and reduced sail.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and squally with moderate to strong breeze from NNW to N.

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9 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 31.83, Long -80.86

Commences and until 4am:

Stiff to fresh breezes from N to NE. Squalls. [Reduced sail in squalls.] At 3.00am wore ship and brought her to the wind. On starboard tack with single-reefed sails.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the wind.] Passed a schooner and a bark standing to E.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to the wind.] Set storm mizzen. 8.40am: Got casts in 10 fathoms. At 9.30am sounding with Thomson machine gave 8¾ fathoms. At 9.45am sighted land from aloft bearing NNW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with mist first part. Light to moderate gale from NNE. Reduced and furled some sails. Set mizzen storm sail. Cast in 14 fathoms at 1.00pm and 15 fathoms at 3.00pm.

4pm to 6pm:

Moderate gale with moderate and phosphorescent sea. Took a close-reef. Cast in 18 to 19 fathoms, gray sand and broken shell.

6pm to 8pm:

Moderate gale with rough sea.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with brisk gale from NNE blowing in squalls. Ship by the wind on port tack, rolling and pitching easily.

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10 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 31.62, Long -80.60

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with a gale from NE. Squalls. Ship with reefed sails and storm mizzen. At 3.00am sighted a sail on port bow. Patch of blue sky at end.

4am to 8am:

Heavy gale with rough sea.

8am to meridian:

Heavy sea. At 8.30am wore ship to NW. Reduced sail and set the fore storm staysail. At 11.30am cast in 90 fathoms, fine sand.

Meridian to 4pm:

Very fresh to moderate breeze from NNE. Overcast with light drizzle and mist. 3.30pm: Got a cast with sounding machine of 34 fathoms, gray sand, broken shell and gravel.

4pm to 6pm:

Cast in 19 to 21 fathoms, gray sand and broken shell.

6pm to 8pm:

Fresh gale with lightning. Got cast in 17 fathoms, gray sand.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with mist and lightning. Fresh gale in squalls from NNE. At 8.00pm wore ship to E, taking in mainsail. Put oil bag over weather bow.*

*[Note: A way of using oil to try to calm the water around the ship.]

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11 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 31.62, Long -80.20

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy, rainy and squally with a moderate gale from NE to E falling to gentle breeze later. At 2.00am wore ship to NW. Took soundings in 19, 17 and 16 fathoms. Course N under reefed sails and storm mizzen.

4am to 8am:

[Average soundings 18 fathoms.] Grey sand with black specks. Passed a schooner standing to S. Placed M Harrold (PMC) under sentry’s charge for being asleep on watch.

8am to meridian:

Wind increasing to fresh gale in squalls. [Reduced sail and double-reefed. Took various soundings, average 16 fathoms.] Passed a three-masted schooner standing SE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with light drizzle and mist. Moderate gale from NE. [Took various soundings, average 10 fathoms.]

4pm to 6pm:

Gale with rough sea.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with moderate gale from NNE. Heavy squalls. 8.15pm: Sounding gave 15 fathoms with white or gray sand with black specks.

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12 February 1890

At sea en route to Port Royal, South Carolina.

Lat 32.271, Long -80.669

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, misty and cloudy, rainy and squally with a fresh gale from NE to N. Close-hauled on port tack with reefed sails and storm mizzen.

4am to 8am:

At 6.40am wore ship to W. Under reefed sails. Cast in 19 fathoms, gray sand.

8am to meridian:

10.39am: Turned reefs out of topsails and set more sails. Cast in 12 fathoms.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, pleasant and hazy with light to moderate breeze from NE. At 2.30pm gave latitude and longitude to a passing schooner. At 2.30pm sighted low land ahead. At 3.00pm tacked ship. Cast in 6½ to 5½ fathoms. Released J Bennett from confinement.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.15pm a pilot boat was sent from Doboy Sound; pilot came aboard and left again at 4.40pm. Under all sail at the end of watch.

6pm to 8pm:

Bright starlight. 8.00pm: Cast in 11 fathoms. Placed G Cole (Apprentice 3rd class) in solitary confinement for disobedience of orders.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light NE to NNE airs to breezes. Barometer rising slightly.

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13 February 1890

At sea and at Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from NNE. At 2.30am tacked ship to NW and reduced sail. Sounded in 14-15 fathoms. Placed Ruder (Apprentice 3rd class) under sentry’s charge for persistently going below and disobeying order of office of deck.

4am to 8am:

Cast in 14 down to 8 fathoms gray sand, black specks and shells.

8am to meridian:

8.30am: Tacked ship and stood about on port tack. At 11.30am went about and stood close-hauled on starboard tack. Cast in 6 fathoms, gray sand and gravel.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and misty around horizon with light to moderate breeze from NE shifting to E. By order of Commanding Officer confined C Buchanan (Apprentice 3rd class) on quarterdeck in single irons for safe keeping. At 4.50pm sighted Wassaw Island bearing NNW.

4pm to 6pm:

Cast in 7 fathoms. Sighted several sails.

6pm to 8pm:

Starting in towards Martins Industry Lightship. At 6.02pm Tybee Island [?] bore abeam. 6.10pm Martins Industry Lightship sighted ahead. Took in sails.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to overcast with drizzling rain. Moderate to fresh breeze from ESE to SE. At 8.08pm called all hands to bring ship to anchor. 8.36pm: Let go port anchor in 6½ fathoms, hard bottom, veered to 45 fathoms.

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14 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate to very fresh breeze from SE to S. Overcast, cloudy and rainy.

4am to 8am:

At 4.15am the weather cleared; discovered that the ship had dragged. Let go starboard anchor.

8am to meridian:

9.10am: Hove up starboard anchor. 9.45am: Hove up port anchor. 10.25am: Got underway and set sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with moderate to stiff breeze from SW to WSW. Last part working to wind and off Martins Industry Lightship.

4pm to 6pm:

Several sails in sight. Made international signal to a steamer outward bound. At 5.15pm let go port anchor in 8 fathoms, veered to 60 fathoms. Furled sails.

8pm to midnight:

Clear overhead, hazy horizon. Light W breeze.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b001523: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_138_1.jpg)

15 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, cool and pleasant. Moderate to stiff breeze from N to NW. Barometer rising.

8am to meridian:

About 10.50am the 4th cutter, with Ensign Rust in charge, left for Port Royal.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear overhead, hazy horizon, with light breeze from NW.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs to gentle breeze from NNW to NE. Clear and pleasant.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b001527: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_139_1.jpg)

16 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle NNE to NE breeze. Cloudy.

4am to 8am:

Made preparations for getting underway. 6.15am: Underway and standing in to Port Royal. At 7.30am met with 4th cutter returning and took her in tow.

8am to meridian:

At 9.09am came to with starboard anchor in 6½ fathoms veering to 30 fathoms of chain. Lieutenant Lyman from Station called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from ENE.

8pm to midnight:

Pleasant and clouding over last part. Gentle E breeze.

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17 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle E to SE breeze. Cloudy and cool.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Cleaning ship and overhauling battery.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from SSE. 12.45pm: Up anchor. Got underway at 1.00pm and proceeded to Naval Station. Moored ship with 45 fathoms on port chain and 30 fathoms on starboard chain and put on mooring swivel. Put sheet anchor on the bows and shackled the starboard chain to it. Got out dinghy and catamaran.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer, released G Cole from confinement.

8pm to midnight:

Light breeze from S and SSW. Clear and cool.

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18 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Light SE airs. Clear and cool.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Sent down main yard. 10.50am: Called all hands and read out specifications, findings and sentence for J Quay (Landsman). Sentence, to be discharged with bad conduct record. Sent up main yard.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light breeze backing from NNW to SSE. Discharged by reason of expiration of enlistment J Blokus (Seaman), F Boudain [?], G Olsen [Quartermaster], F Magnusdal (Captain of Top), and by sentence of Summary Court Martial, J Quay (Landsman).

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light airs and breezes from S to SW.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b001533: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_142_1.jpg)

19 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Light S airs. Clear and misty.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Unbent and furled sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant and hazy with gentle breeze from SW. Shipped G Olsen as Seaman for 3 years.

4pm to 8pm:

At 5.00pm Revenue Steamer “Morrill” came in and anchored. Commanding Officer of “Morrill” visited the ship. Lifted all VIII-inch guns.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze increasing to stiff from S. Barometer steady.

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20 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle to stiff breeze and squalls from WNW. Barometer steady.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and hazy with light to moderate breeze from WSW. B Brown (Apprentice 3rd class) absent without leave; did not return with the whaleboat while on shore on duty. Liberty party returned. By order of the Commanding Officer Williamson and Wheeler were put under sentry’s charge for being under the influence of liquor.

4pm to 8pm:

Had exercise in setting sails. By order of Commanding Officer released Williamson from confinement, he being sober.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs to breezes from SW. Fair and pleasant.

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21 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy but pleasant. Light to moderate breeze from WNW.

4am to 8am:

Exercised with sails. The Revenue Cutter “Morrill” went out at 6.00am.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Target practice. By order of the Commanding Officer released Wheeler from confinement and placed Harrold and Ruder in solitary confinement on bread and water for 5 days. B Brown (Apprentice 3rd class) absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with gentle breeze from NW. E Flynn and H McCouch (Apprentices) absent without leave. Did not return with the whaleboat while on shore on duty. Target practice and reefing exercise. A board of survey under Lieutenant Milton surveyed articles.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from W to NNW. Clear and cool.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b00153f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_145_1.jpg)

22 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to moderate breeze from NW. Clear and cold.

4am to 8am:

At sunrise dressed ship, rainbow.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with calm and light breeze from S and E. At noon fired national salute. R Davis (Apprentice 3rd class) left the Naval Station without leave and was captured by a boat from this ship and placed under sentry’s charge.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light breeze from S and E.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b001543: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_146_1.jpg)

23 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light SE airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Held divine service. Absent without leave E Flynn, H McCouch, B Brown.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light to moderate breeze from SSW. Sent liberty party to Naval Station.

4pm to 8pm:

Placed Apprentices Bennett, Hyde, Blausten and Borstel under sentry’s charge to await action of Commanding Officer on charge of attempting to destroy property on shore. J Phelan (Apprentice) and McAnneny (Landsman) under sentry’s charge to await action of Commanding Officer on charge of unauthorized use of civilian horses.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with gentle to moderate breezes and squalls from SSW.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b001547: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_147_1.jpg)

24 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant weather with gentle to moderate breezes and squalls from SSW. Barometer steady.

4am to 8am:

Exercises in setting and taking down sails.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and general quarters exercise.

Meridian to 4pm:

Pleasant with moderate to stiff S breeze in squalls. Received 5 tons of hard coal.

4pm to 8pm:

Quarters and served out clean bags and hammocks.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with bright moonlight with calm to light SE airs. J Dunneback, J Kelly, N Laducke (Apprentices 3rd class) absent without leave. They did not return when ashore on duty.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b00154b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_148_1.jpg)

25 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant weather with fresh breezes from S.

8am to meridian:

Engaged in scrubbing boats, bags and hammocks.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate to fresh breeze from SSW. Clear and pleasant. Sent group for small arms training.

4pm to 8pm:

Turned in scrubbed bags and hammocks. 5.10pm: Quarters. J Dunneback, J Kelly, N Laducke, E Flynn, H McCouch and B Brown absent without leave.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle breeze from S and SSW. Clear and pleasant with moonlight.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b00154f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_149_1.jpg)

26 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Calm, clear and pleasant weather.

8am to meridian:

Sent division for target practice. By order of the Commanding Officer, the following punishments were awarded:

J Phelan, R Dehannio (Apprentices 3rd class), 5 days on bread and water for stealing from a house on shore; R Davis, P Blausten, J Borstel, J Bennett, T Hyde, J Phelan, J McAnneny, J Dunnback, J Kelly, N Laducke, 5 days’ bread and water for leaving boat without permission.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from SE.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with light S airs.

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514359a4a2fc8e0a7b001553: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_150_1.jpg)

27 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with light S airs.

8am to meridian:

Sent liberty party ashore. Inspected at quarters. Schoolmasters A Kane and J Corrigan reported expiration of terms of enlistment.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant. Hazy. Light to gentle breeze from SW and S. Discharged from US Naval Service Schoolmasters A Kane and J Corrigan.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant. Hazy. Light to gentle breeze and airs from S to SSE.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b001557: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_151_1.jpg)

28 February 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant. Hazy. Light to gentle breeze and airs from SE.

8am to meridian:

A delegation from Beaufort, SC, called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Hazy. Light breeze from SE.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Passing showers and calm and light airs from SW to NNW.


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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b00155b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_152_1.jpg)

1 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and rainy with strong squalls from NNW.

4am to 8am:

At 4.45am let go starboard sheet anchor under foot.

8am to meridian:

11.30am: Got up, catted and fished starboard sheet anchor.*

Meridian to 4pm:

Light breeze from ESE. Overcast and cloudy. Rain. Sent liberty party ashore at 12.30pm.

8pm to midnight:

Light NNW breeze. Cloudy but clearing.

*[Note: “Catted and fished”: raised the anchor to the cathead and secured it to the ship’s side.]

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2 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to fresh NNW breeze. Fair and cool.

8am to meridian:

Inspected at quarters and held divine service. Absent without leave B Brown, E Flynn, H McCouch and P Kemble (Apprentice 2nd class).

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with snow squalls first part. Moderate NNW breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light to gentle NW breeze.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b001563: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_154_1.jpg)

3 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light N breeze.

8am to meridian:

Sent working party to Naval Station. Brought off kedge anchor and stowed it. Exercised at general quarters. Got up, catted and fished port anchor. Hove to 25 fathoms of starboard chain.

By order of Commanding Officer released J Phelan, R Dehannio, J Dunneback, J Kelly, and N Laducke from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes and airs from SW to SSE.

8pm to midnight:

Clear sky; hazy and calm. Barometer steady. At 8.45pm veered to 45 fathoms starboard chain.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b001567: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_155_1.jpg)

4 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light haze and fog. Light airs from WNW.

4am to 8am:

7.10am: Called all hands and got underway. Stood down the bay.

8am to meridian:

At 9.15am came to in 5¼ fathoms veered to 45 fathoms of port chain at water’s edge. Quarters at 9.45am. Released boy Buchanan (Apprentice 3rd class) and Commanding Officer read to boys the Department’s letter relating to the discharge of boy Buchanan.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and cool with light breezes and airs from NW hauling to SE.

8pm to midnight:

Hazy and cold. Light airs from SE.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b00156b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_156_1.jpg)

5 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Hazy and cold. Light airs from S to SW.

4am to 8am:

At 6.55am brought to port chain and shortened to 15 fathoms at water’s edge.

8am to meridian:

At 8.15am hove up port chain and made sail. At 9.23am let go port anchor in 5½ fathoms, veered to 22 fathoms. At 10.40am sent the Marines and Apprentices for drill on shore.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy, hazy and pleasant with light breezes from SSE. At 2.20pm shifted berth.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to cloudy and hazy with light airs from SE to S. Surgeon Du Bose returned from leave.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b00156f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_157_1.jpg)

6 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and hazy. Overcast. Light to gentle breeze from SW.

8am to meridian:

At 10.15am got underway and stood across the shoal of Paris Island. Then abreast of Paris Island Spit Buoy and about 50 yards outside. Touched lightly on a mud dump, went about and returned to anchorage off Bay Point and anchored at 11.45am on port anchor with 45 fathoms of chain. Furled sail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with gentle NNW breeze to NW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, calm to light NW airs.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b001573: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_158_1.jpg)

7 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast. Stiff NE breeze.

8am to meridian:

At 9.00am got underway under full sail and exercised working the ship in the Sound. At 10.27am came to with port anchor in 6 fathoms with 45 fathoms of chain.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle NE breeze to NNE.

4pm to 8pm:

Liberty party returned except Amery (Landsman) and Irwin (Seaman Apprentice).

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, rainy and squally with fresh to gentle breeze from NNE.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b001577: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_159_1.jpg)

8 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally with rain.

8am to meridian:

At 9.00am got underway, making sail on starboard tack to two reefs in topsail. At 9.50am came to anchor in 6 fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms of port chain.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cold with light to moderate NW breeze. P Kemble and M Irwin returned on board, the former 8 days and the latter 1 day over time.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cold with stiff breeze from the NE.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b00157b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_160_1.jpg)

9 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light to moderate NNE breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by divine service. The following punishments were awarded by the Commanding Officer: P Kemble: 5 days on bread and water for disposing of clothing while on shore;

J Ruder: 5 days on bread and water for disobedience of orders.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate E breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to moderate breeze from ENE. Partially cloudy. Moon rose at 10.00pm.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b00157f: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_161_1.jpg)

10 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light to moderate NE breeze.

8am to meridian:

10.15am: Up anchor and made sail. 11.40am: Let go port anchor veered to 45 fathoms.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with gentle ENE to NE breeze. Boat exercises and quarterly examination.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy to clear. Light to gentle breeze from E to SE.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b001583: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_162_1.jpg)

11 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light SE breezes and airs.

8am to meridian:

Boat exercises and veered starboard anchor to 30 fathoms.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light SSE breeze. At 1.25pm got underway and at 2.10pm came to anchor, veered to 15 fathoms.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light to gentle SE breeze.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b001587: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_163_1.jpg)

12 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with light SE breezes and airs.

8am to meridian:

9.20am: Got underway making sail to royals. At 10.05am came to in 5¼ fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms of port chain. Sent boat to Port Royal for mail and stores.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light SSE to SE breezes. At 3.25pm got underway and stood up Beaufort River.

4pm to 8pm:

At 5.47pm let go port anchor, veered to 90 fathoms of chain and at 6.10pm let go starboard anchor in 3¼ fathoms. Furled sail and moored ship to 45 fathoms with mooring swivel. Boat returned from Port Royal.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light showers at first. Light airs from E to SSE.

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514359a5a2fc8e0a7b00158b: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_164_1.jpg)

13 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant with light S breezes and airs.

8am to meridian:

Quarters at 9.30am. Released J Kember from confinement. The following punishments were awarded by the Commanding Officer: J Phelan: 5 days in single irons on bread and water for disobedience of orders and insolence to the sentry and using filthy, obscene and threatening language; C Lalor (Apprentice 3rd class): 5 days in single irons on bread and water for calling another boy a “son of a bitch”; R Gramm: 5 days in single irons on bread and water for wearing other people’s clothes and lying to the Executive Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm with light SSE breezes.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light SE airs.

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14 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light S airs. Placed R Miller and Bennett under sentry’s charge to await the action of the Commanding Officer.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absent without leave J McAnneney. Received stores. Some packages were lost in transit from the wharf to the ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light to gentle SSE to S breezes.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and misty to overcast; cloudy and squally with drizzling rain. Light airs to stiff breeze from S.

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15 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with light S to N breezes.

8am to meridian:

By order of Commanding Officer released Lalor and confined in single irons J Dunneback, J Kelly, N Laducke for disposing of clothing without permission.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with fresh N to E breezes.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with moderate NW breeze increasing to strong gale.

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16 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with fresh NW gale blowing in squalls.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and Commanding Officer’s inspection. Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool. Moderate to fresh breeze in squalls. Discharged from the US Naval Service A Vielstern (Captain of Top), his term of service having expired.

4pm to 8pm:

Hove up port anchor and dropped it again after veering to 90 fathoms starboard chain; moored with 60 fathoms on starboard chain and 30 fathoms on port chain.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light WSW breeze.

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17 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light to gentle SW breeze.

8am to meridian:

At 10.30am Senators Cameron and Butler of Naval Committee, US Senate, called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SW. Boat exercises.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.10pm, at the departure of Senators Cameron and Butler, fired a salute of 17 guns.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light breeze from SW.

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18 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cold with moderate SW breeze.

4am to 8am:

By order of Commanding Officer released boys Gramm and Phelan from quarterdeck.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, exercises and quarterly inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to cloudy and pleasant. Hazy. Light to gentle breeze from WSW to W. Made preparations for getting underway.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to cloudy; hazy weather.

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19 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and hazy with light SW breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.45am: Landed battalion for drill at Naval Station.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Light to gentle breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm.

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20 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light SW airs.

8am to meridian:

Senators Cameron and Butler came aboard. At 10.20am hove up port anchor and got underway and made sail. At 10.55am moored ship, veered to 45 fathoms on each chain, off Naval Station.

By order of the Commanding Officer released J Dunneback, J Kelly and N Laducke from confinement. Lieutenant Commander J Hemphill and PA Surgeon Du Bose left the ship on one week’s leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and hazy with light to gentle breeze from SE to SSW. Senators Cameron and Butler left the ship.

4am to 8am:

Discharged J Skinner (Landsman) from the Naval Service.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and squally. Gentle to fresh SW breeze.

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21 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light SW airs and breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. By order of the Commanding Officer placed Morning (Apprentice 3rd class) on bread and water for 5 days for disrespect to an officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with moderate breeze from the S. Boat exercises.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light SSE to S breezes.

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22 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle to moderate SW breezes.

8am to meridian:

Cleaning ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and squally with gentle to fresh breeze from the SSW to S.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with light airs to breezes from SE to SW.

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23 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy to clear and pleasant with light breezes to airs from NNW to NW.

8am to meridian:

Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with gentle to light breeze from the NE to NW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light NE airs to calm.

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24 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light NE airs.

8am to meridian:

At 10.00am called all hands and got underway, making sail. At 10.45am came to anchor off red buoy in 4½ fathoms, veering to 45 fathoms of port chain. Furled sail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with moderate to fresh breeze from the ENE to E. Exercised at mizzen and made quarterly inspection.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant with gentle to moderate breeze from ENE.

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25 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant with gentle breeze from E.

8am to meridian:

At 8.57am got underway and at 9.40am came to port anchor in 4½ fathoms, veered to 30 fathoms of chain. At 10.30am called “All hands arm and equip boats for distant service”. Boats launched and timed.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with passing showers and stiff to fresh breeze from the SE.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light airs from the SSE to calm.

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26 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and clearing with light airs from SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, drill and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to clear and hazy with light breeze to airs from the WSW. 12.30pm: Hove up port anchor and got underway. At 12.31pm let go starboard anchor in 5¼ fathoms, veered to 45 fathoms of starboard chain. Came to S of the old anchorage.

4pm to 8pm:

Received 5 tons of anthracite coal. Placed C Lalor and F Hyde (Apprentices) under sentry’s charge on orders of the Commanding Officer for having other person’s clothes in their possession.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to cloudy pleasant weather. Hazy with calm to light airs from SE to SSE.

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27 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to clear pleasant weather with light airs from SSW. At 1.00am picked up Apprentice JR Butler who had fallen overboard.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, inspection and instruction. Discharged A Reid (Seaman), his term of enlistment having expired.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear weather with moderate to fresh breeze from the SE. Veered to 45 fathoms. Sent working party to station for coal.

4pm to 8pm:

Coal lighter grounded on returning to ship on spit. Sent relief party but unable to get her off.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and fresh S breeze in strong puffs.

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28 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear weather with moderate breeze from SW.

4am to 8am:

Sent boat to relieve lighter but without success. Water boat came alongside.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Sent working party to coal lighter. Party returned at 11.00am bringing 1½ tons of coal. Able to do nothing to relieve lighter because of wind and sea. Placed Blausten on bread and water for 5 days for disobedience of orders.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to fair with light rain and light to stiff breeze from WSW. PA Surgeon Du Bose returned from leave.

4pm to 8pm:

Working party sent to relieve coal lighter.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy then clearing first hour. Gentle to strong breeze from W to SW.

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29 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool weather with strong to stiff breeze in squalls from NW.

4am to 8am:

6.00am: Working party sent to relieve coal lighter.

8am to meridian:

Working party engaged in floating coal lighter.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair and pleasant with light breeze from NW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from S and W.

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30 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Calm and light airs from S and W.

4am to 8am:

6.00am: Working party sent to relieve coal lighter.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. By order of Commanding Officer placed T Higginbotham (Seaman) in single irons to await trial by Court Martial for positively refusing to obey orders, and confined A Jackson (Cabin Cook) in single irons for being drunk aboard ship. Held divine service. Absent without leave: Ingham (Seaman), Shaw (Ordinary Seaman) and Cassell (Landsman).

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant and hazy with light breeze from SE to S.

4pm to 8pm:

Ingham and Cassell returned on board.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant and hazy with light breeze from SSW.

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31 March 1890

At Port Royal, South Carolina

Lat 32.367, Long -80.679

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant and hazy with light breeze from S.

4am to 8am:

R Miller and C Lalor, prisoners in single irons, effected their escape at about 5.00am. Sent the Master-at-Arms to arrest them, but no trace of them could be found.

8am to meridian:

10.45am: Hove up anchor, got underway and made sail. At 11.10am let go port anchor in 4¼ fathoms veered to 45 fathoms.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze from SW and S. Fair and pleasant.

8pm to midnight:

Light to gentle S breeze. Cloudy.


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1 April 1890

At Port Royal and en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 32.327, Long -80.655

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and overcast with light airs from S.

8am to meridian:

At 9.25am got underway and made sail to royals and stood down the Beaufort River. At noon abreast the 2nd channel buoy. Made preparations for sea.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and hazy with light breeze from NNW to NNE. At 12.35pm took departure aft of Port Royal channel buoy. Set course ENE. Passed a small steam yacht standing out of Port Royal.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.00pm went about and stood to N. Reefed sails and wore ship to S and E. Rough sea.

8pm to midnight:

Fresh breeze to light gale from NE by E. Furled the mainsail. By order of the Commanding Officer released J Higginbotham as prisoner-at-large. Cast in 15 fathoms, white sand with black specks.

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2 April 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 31.51, Long -79.44

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, squally and misty with moderate gale in squalls from ENE to NE. 1.00am: Cast in 17½ fathoms, fine gray sand, at 3.00am 19 fathoms, gray sand. Ship full and by on port tack under foretop staysails and double-reefed topsails.

4am to 8am:

Sea increasing. Sounded in 21 fathoms and in 38 fathoms at 7.00am, gray and black sand.

8am to meridian:

Rough sea. Quarters and found N Schon (Ordinary Seaman) absent without leave. By order of Commanding Officer released A Jackson and P Blausten from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and overcast with stiff to gentle breeze from ENE.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with moderate to stiff breeze from SE to ESE. Barometer steady.

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3 April 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 32.51, Long -79.00

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and clearing with gentle to stiff breeze from SSE to ESE. Moderate sea. At 12.08am R Winter (Cox) fell overboard, caught stern ladder and climbed on board again. Sounding in 35 to 37 fathoms, gray sand.

4am to 8am:

6.00am: Shook reefs out of topsails.

8am to meridian:

11.55am: Took soundings in 20 fathoms, coarse gray sand and broken shell.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate ESE breeze. Passed several schooners standing to N. By order of Commanding Officer confined J Meredith and R Allen on bread and water in solitary confinement for disobedience of orders of Captain of part of ship.

4pm to 6pm:

Took sounding in 17 fathoms, gray sand and gravel.

6pm to 8pm:

Sounded in 16½ fathoms, fine gray sand.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to overcast and cloudy with moderate SSE breeze. 8.30pm Changed course to NE. 9.45pm: Cast in 15½ fathoms, fine white sand. 10.10pm: Changed course to NE½N, at 10.30pm NE¾N and at midnight to ENE. Frying Pan Light visible to W 2½ miles. Sounded in 9¾ fathoms.

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4 April 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 34.42, Long -76.00

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate to stiff breeze from SSE to SE. Overcast and cloudy. 1.00am: Changed course to ENE½E. Passed two steamers standing to S and W. Lost sight of Frying Pan Shoal Lightship at 1.30am.

At end of watch a 3-masted schooner about 3 points to port but standing in the same direction with us.

4am to 8am:

Exchanged colors with an English steamer standing to N. Passed several schooners.

8am to meridian:

Moderate sea in moderate gale. Reduced sail and at 8.20am changed course to NE¾E. [Adjusted sails to the strong winds.] Passed a steamer standing to SE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to clearing with strong breeze to light gale in squalls from SW. At 3.50pm changed course to N. [Adjusted sails to the winds.]

4pm to 6pm:

At 6.00pm changed course to NW.

6pm to 8pm:

Getting cooler. Threat of lightning all around. At 7.30pm set mainsail.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with lightning and light rain squalls. Fresh WSW to WNW breeze. Reduced and reefed sails. Passed a steamer standing to SW. 9.50pm: Changed course to NNW. Cast in 19½ to 17 fathoms.

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5 April 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.20, Long -74.75

Commences and until 4am:

Light to moderate breeze from NW. Overcast and cloudy with rain. [Under triple-reefed and double-reefed sails. Various soundings averaging 18 fathoms.]

4am to 8am:

[Various soundings averaging 21-25 fathoms.]

8am to meridian:

At 8.45am wore ship to N and W. [Adjusted sails to squalls.] At 9.45am wore ship to E. Wind increasing to gale and set storm jib.

Meridian to 4pm:

Very fresh strong breeze to moderate gale in squalls from N. Reefed sails and set oil bag over bow.

4pm to 6pm:

5.30pm: Main topsail split.

6pm to 8pm:

Bent new topsail and reefed it. Set another oil bag under weather bow.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold. Moderate to heavy gale in squalls. Heavy sea moderating last hour. Took in and furled foresail.

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514359a7a2fc8e0a7b0015eb: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_188_1.jpg)

6 April 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.78, Long -74.13

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, cool and squally. Strong to moderate breeze from N to NNE. Bright moonlight and starlight. 12.15am: Wore ship to N and W. Ship rolling heavily at times. Weather and sea moderating later.

4am to 8am:

Long rolling irregular sea. Making sail and at end of watch under all plain sail. On course NW x W. 7.40am: Changed course to NNW.

8am to meridian:

Held divine service. Released R Allen from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light to gentle breeze from NW to N. At 1.40pm wore ship to N.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.15pm changed course to N½W. Moon rose at 7.55pm.

8pm to midnight:

Moderate to stiff breeze from SSW. Clear and pleasant with bright moonlight. [Adjusted sails to conditions throughout watch.] At 8.30pm a steamer passed us going to S. 11.53pm: Cast lead in 19 fathoms, gray sand with black specks.

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514359a7a2fc8e0a7b0015ef: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_189_1.jpg)

7 April 1890

At sea and at Chesapeake Bay.

Lat 37.02, Long -76.08

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with fresh SSW breeze. At 1.00am sounded in 17½ fathoms, gray sand with black specks. 2.00am: Sounded in 15½ fathoms, same bottom. At 3.00am sighted Cape Charles Light bearing NNW. 3.30am: Cape Charles Light bore NW, 3.55am bore W½N.

4am to 8am:

Tacked ship to SSE at 6.55am and at 7.45am to NNW. Sighted several sails.

8am to meridian:

Working ship into Chesapeake Bay. 9.30am: Quarters. At 11.35am called all hands and at 11.45am came to port anchor in 13 fathoms to 45 fathoms of chain. Hoisted ship’s name at royal fore masthead.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fresh to gentle breeze from WSW. Clear and pleasant and hazy. At 1.30pm the steam pilot came close and spoke to us.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool and clearing later. Gentle to stiff E breeze.

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514359a7a2fc8e0a7b0015f3: ( Jamestown/vol062of067/vol062of067_190_1.jpg)

8 April 1890

At Chesapeake Bay and at Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to moderate breeze from ENE. Clear and cool. Bright moonlight.

8am to meridian:

At 9.10am got underway, making sail and standing in to anchorage off Fortress Monroe. 11.40am: Brought ship to anchor and took in light sails.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light airs and breezes from S and W. Standing in to anchorage off Fortress Monroe. At 12.40pm came to with port anchor in 13½ fathoms to 45 fathoms of water at water’s edge.

Buchanan (Apprentice 2nd class) was this day discharged from the US Naval Service by order of the Bureau. By order of the Commanding Officer, T Higginbotham confined under sentry’s guard, to await trial.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and warm with very strong breeze from S and W.

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9 April 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Hazy and warm. Stiff to very strong breeze from SW.

8am to meridian:

Cleaning ship and painting hull. Sent an officer to make an official call at Fort Monroe.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to cloudy with gentle breezes from SW. Transferred J Bell (Seaman Apprentice), H Wood (Apprentice 3rd class) and R Chambers (Landsman) to Naval Hospital, Norfolk.

4pm to 8pm:

Strong gale for a short time. Let go starboard anchor and sent down light yards. Hove up starboard anchor.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with gentle breeze from S to SSW.

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10 April 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Light to gentle NW breeze.

8am to meridian:

Coast Survey steamer “Blake” passed up to Norfolk, also US tug “Triton”. James Burke (Gunner) discharged on expiration of enlistment.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with frequent rain squalls and gentle breeze from E to SE. Tug “Triton” came in from Norfolk and made fast to Quartermaster wharf.

8pm to midnight:

Fresh breeze from NW with stiff squalls.

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11 April 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with fresh NW breeze.

8am to meridian:

Chaplain Gill left on one week’s leave of absence.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with moderate breeze from N and W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light airs from S and W.

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12 April 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light airs from S and E.

8am to meridian:

Painting inside of ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from SW to ESE. Discharged at own request T Beckett (Landsman). Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs and breezes from S.

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13 April 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze from SW to SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am Inspected at quarters.

Meridian to 4pm:

Hazy and pleasant with light airs from SW. US steamers “Standish” and “Phlox” passed up the Elizabeth River.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with light SW breeze.

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[blank pages]

LOG BOOK – APRIL 14th 1890 TO OCTOBER 12th 1890

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[All above blanks and cover]

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Log book of the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, of 12 guns, commanded by BP Lamberton, Commander, US Navy, attached to training squadron, commencing April 13th, 1890, at Hampton Roads, Virginia, and ending October 12th, 1890, at New York City, New York

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List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, commanded by Commander B P Lambert, USN, during the period covered by this log book from April 13th, 1890, to October 12th, 1890.

Lamberton, BP, Commander

Hemphill JN, Lieutenant Commander

A Rose, Lieutenant

A Marix, Lieutenant

P Garst, Lieutenant

JB Milton, Lieutenant

OE Lasher, Lieutenant

HT Mayo, Lieutenant Junior Grade

TW Ryan, Ensign

A Rust, Ensign

WR DuBose, Passed Assistant Surgeon

TW Gill, Chaplain

GW Simpson, Assistant Paymaster

WL Hill, Boatswain

Jos Swift, Gunner

WL Douglass, Sailmaker

Jas Burke, Carpenter

G Van Mater, Sailmaker

John Dirckiuck, Pay Clerk

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List of officers who have died, been detached, or transferred on board the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, commanded by Commander BS Lambert, USN, during the period covered by this log book from April 13th, 1890, to October 12th, 1890

Hemphill JN, Lieutenant Commander, transferred May 7th 1890 to Naval Hospital Washington, DC

Marix A, Lieutenant and Navigator, detached June 16th 1890, ordered to the USS “Philadelphia”

Gill Thos A, Chaplain, detached June 16th 1890, placed on waiting orders

Douglass WL Sailmaker, detached June 16th 1890, placed on waiting orders

Milton JB Lieutenant, detached September 29th 1890, ordered to the Naval Academy Annapolis

Hemphill JN, Lieutenant Commander, detached August 8th 1890, placed on waiting orders

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Complement of Petty Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Apprentice Seamen, and Marines on board of the USS Jamestown October 12th, 1890 [list included]

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USS Jamestown. Description of Instruments for Meteorological Observations, their location, &c [list included]

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Armament of the USS Jamestown [list included]

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Tables of deviation of the standard compass N° 172 on board the USS Jamestown [table included]

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14 April 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light breezes from SW.

8am to meridian:

Sent party ashore for target practice. 9.30am: Quarters, inspection and instruction. 11.50am: Firing party returned. By order of the Commanding Officer placed G Ferguson (Fireman 1st class) under sentry’s charge for disobedience of orders and intoxication while ashore on duty. Absent without leave F Murtha (Landsman).

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light to moderate breeze from WSW to NW. Sent firing party on shore for target practice. US steamers “Standish” and “Phlox” passed down. Transferred J Roberts (Private Marine) to Marine Barracks, Washington, DC, and J Flaherty (Private Marine) to Marine Barracks, Portsmouth, Virginia.

4pm to 8pm:

P Blausten left boat without permission whilst ashore and failed to return.

8pm to midnight:

Clearing light airs from NW to NNW

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15 April 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with light to gentle breezes from NW increasing to squalls.

4am to 8am:

Commander Lamberton returned from Washington, DC. P Blausten was brought on board by the Master-at-Arms.

8am to meridian:

Sent 2nd Division ashore for target practice. 9.30am: Quarters, and found Trotman (Private Marine) and Murtha absent without leave. By order of the Commanding Officer placed P Blausten on bread and water for 5 days for jumping boat, also G Ferguson in double irons for 10 days for getting drunk on duty.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with stiff to moderate breeze from N and E. Moderate sea.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.15pm called all hands and up anchor. At 4.50pm stood towards Norfolk Navy Yard under sail. At 6.00pm came to port anchor in 6 fathoms of water to 30 fathoms of chain at water’s edge.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with moderate showers. Light to gentle E breeze.

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514359a8a2fc8e0a7b001633: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_010_1.jpg)

16 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with heavy rain with moderate breezes from E.

8am to meridian:

At 9.00am got underway and stood up the Elizabeth River under sail. At 10.00am came to with port anchor under Fort Norfolk, veering to 20 fathoms of chain. Landed powder and shell at magazine. Lieutenant Milton returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with stiff NE breeze. At 12.40pm got underway and at 1.25pm came to with port anchor off Navy Yard Section 8 wharf. At 3.15pm hauled alongside Navy Yard wharf.

4pm to 8pm:

Finished mooring with chains from wharf. By order of the Commanding Officer, released G Ferguson. Received on board Marine Privates Connor and Washington.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with drizzling rain last hour. Gentle NE breeze.

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17 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and rainy with light airs and breezes from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, inspections and drills. By order of Bureau of Navigation discharged W Hyde (Seaman).

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy with gentle to moderate NE to NNE breeze. Sent furlough party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy with light to gentle ENE airs and breezes.

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514359a8a2fc8e0a7b00163b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_012_1.jpg)

18 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and rainy with light airs from N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following men absent without leave: N Flock (Seaman, P O’Shea (Private Marine). Workmen caulking ship. A Board of Survey came on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy, clearing last part with light N airs. Winding and mooring ship to dock on starboard side; head upstream.

4pm to 8pm:

JE Smith (Private Marine) was transferred to Marine Barracks in Yard.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from S and W.

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19 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cold. Stiff breeze in squalls from NNE. At 2.45am ran extra hawser as extra stern fast.

4am to 8am:

Ensign F Ryan left the ship on a week’s leave. Got lines ready for hauling into dry dock.

8am to meridian:

9.20am: Unmoored and commenced hauling into dry dock. 10.15am: In dry dock. Workmen from Department of Construction caulking and docking ship. Received stores [followed by list]. P O’Shea returned on board 25 hours over time.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle to moderate breeze from NNE. Clear and cool. Crew cleaning ship’s bottom. Received on board from Marine Barracks A Hearn (Private Marine).

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from NNE and calm.

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514359a8a2fc8e0a7b001643: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_014_1.jpg)

20 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Light airs and breezes from NNE to NNW. Clear and cool.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Inspected at quarters. By order of the Commanding Officer released P Blausten.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with gentle breeze from NE to NNE.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer placed F Higginbotham in single irons for safe keeping.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Calm and light NNE airs.

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514359a8a2fc8e0a7b001647: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_015_1.jpg)

21 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm.

8am to meridian:

At 8.00am workmen came on board. Caulking and overhauling pumps and boilers.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant light airs from NNE to E. Workmen working on ship. Lieutenant A Marix left the ship on one week’s leave.

4pm to 8pm:

Workmen on board until 5.00pm. By order of the Commanding Officer confined S Dyson (Apprentice 3rd class) on bread and water for 5 days for having uniform not regulation, and persistently lying about it.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from SSW and SW.

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514359a8a2fc8e0a7b00164b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_016_1.jpg)

22 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light haze and light SW airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills. Workmen on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Calm and light airs from WNW to SSE. Transferred Apprentices to the “Baltimore” [cruiser]: Haye, Moran, Borstel, Bennett, Steingartner, Monl, King, Serini, Connor.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from SSW. Clear and pleasant.

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23 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light SSW airs.

8am to meridian:

At 9.00am commenced filling dock. Afloat at 10.20am. At 11.00am commenced hauling out of dock and at 11.35am secured alongside section No.8. Moored to wharf with chains. Inspected at quarters.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with gentle SSW breeze. By order of Bureau of E.&R. discharged J Ingham.

8pm to midnight:

Fair with light to moderate SSW breeze.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001653: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_018_1.jpg)

24 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Fair with light SSW breeze.

8am to meridian:

A Jackson (Cabin Cook) was discharged from the Naval Service. B Johns (Master-at-Arms) was discharged as his enlistment had expired. Received from Marine Barracks, Washinton, DC: J Scholer (Corporal Marine)and from Marine Barracks Annapolis John [illegible]. 9.30am: Quarters; absent without leave J Curley, H Dehannio, R Davis, R Gramm, R Casey, F Orme, N Parsons, N Rush and B Morgan. Navy Yard workmen aboard. Sent condemned material and empty shells into store. Sent on shore an offer of reward for the return of J Curley.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle SSW breeze. Breaking out unwanted material for store. Received new capstan.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer confined N Ludecke on bread and water for 3 days for using obscene language. Received orders for General Court Martial of T Higginbotham.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with light breezes from SW.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001657: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_019_1.jpg)

25 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with light breezes from SW.

8am to meridian:

Engaged in breaking out and clearing hold. Chaplain Gill returned from leave. Naval Apprentices C Rush, F Owens [?], H Parsons, and A [illegible], Sail Maker’s Mate, returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with W to NW light airs and breezes. By order of the Commanding Officer confined J Kelly (Apprentice 3rd class) for 3 days on bread and water for disobeying an order of the Boatswain and assaulting another boy and being out of uniform.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy. Moderate to gentle breezes from SE to NNE.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b00165f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_021_1.jpg)

26 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle breezes from NE to NNE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am Inspected at quarters, absent without leave J Curley, H Dehannio, R Gramm, R Casey. R Clayton (Sergeant Marine) and D Dody (Corporal Marine) were transferred to the Marine Barracks for discharge. L Dyson was released from confinement. Yard workmen aboard.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with E and S light airs. 1.15pm Sent liberty party ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Discharged G Braxten (Seaman Apprentice) from this ship and the Naval Service by order of the Bureau of Navigation at his guardian’s request.

8pm to midnight:

Calm and light S breeze. Cloudy and pleasant.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b00165b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_020_1.jpg)

27 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant with moderate breezes from S.

4am to 8am:

R Coughlin (Private Marine) returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Inspected at quarters. 10.00am: Divine service. Transferred N Ludecke to the hospital. Released him from confinement. Absent without leave J Curley, H Dehannio, R Gramm.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle to stiff breeze from WSW in squalls. Cloudy and warm. Sent liberty party ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Lightning and thunder.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with moderate breeze and light airs from NE. Distant lightning.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001663: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_022_1.jpg)

28 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with fresh breezes from NNW.

8am to meridian:

Released and sent to the Navy Yard for a General Court Martial T Higginbotham. Released J Kelly from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze from NW to NNE. T Higginbotham returned from appearing at the General Court Martial and was placed in single irons for safe keeping.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light NE airs and calm.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001667: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_023_1.jpg)

29 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool and calm.

8am to meridian:

Absent without leave J Curley, H Dehannio, R Casey, R Gramm. Fire exercise. Released T Higginbotham and turned him over to Patrol Officer of General Court Martial; on his return he was placed in single irons for safe keeping.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breezes and airs from NNE. Received stores [followed by detailed list].

4pm to 8pm:

Transferred to hospital H Williams (Seaman) and N Harrold.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light SE airs and breezes.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b00166b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_024_1.jpg)

30 April 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light SSE to SE airs and breezes.

8am to meridian:

Absent without leave: J Curley, H Dehannio, R Casey, R Gramm, J Curley being a straggler from “Vermont” at New York. At 9.45am released T Higginbotham and turned him over to Patrol Officer of General Court Martial; on his return he was placed in single irons for safe keeping.

Took in 11 tons of coal. Lieutenant Marix returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with light to moderate breezes from S. Discharged B Johnson (Apprentice 2nd class) from the Naval Service at the request of his parents. Taking in stores. By order of the Commanding Officer placed C Malory and J Murphy (Apprentices) for 5 days on bread and water for insolence to Corporal of the Guard and leaving the ship without permission.

4pm to 8pm:

At 3.40pm transferred T Higginbotham to the Navy Yard for safe keeping.

8pm to midnight:

Light to gentle S breezes. Clear and pleasant.


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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b00166f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_025_1.jpg)

1 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light SSW airs. Bright moonlight.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Absent without leave H Dehannio, R Casey, R Gramm. Workmen aboard. Received stores [followed by detailed list].

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light to gentle breezes from S and W.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light showers. Light airs to gentle breezes from S.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001673: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_026_1.jpg)

2 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and calm.

8am to meridian:

Workmen aboard overhauling guns.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with gentle breezes from NE.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light E airs.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001677: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_027_1.jpg)

3 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear sky. Light mist and fog. Calm to light ESE airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Absent without leave H Dehannio, R Casey, R Gramm. Ensign Ryan returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to overcast and misty with light breezes from E to SSE. Discharged R Honsey (Apprentice 2nd class) at his father’s request. Transferred J Williams (Apprentice 1st class) to Naval Hospital. Sent liberty party ashore. Navy Yard workmen aboard.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Calm and light airs from ESE.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b00167b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_028_1.jpg)

4 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and hazy. Light breeze from S to calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Commanding Officer caused “Articles of War” to be read. Had general muster. Absent without leave: H Dehannio, R Gramm.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light breezes from SW and passing showers with lightning and thunder.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and squally with showers last part.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b00167f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_029_1.jpg)

5 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy with rain. Gentle breeze from S.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and bag inspection. H Dehannio and R Gramm were this day declared deserters. Released C Maloney from confinement. Navy Yard workmen on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and warm with light breezes from SW. Received stores and equipment [followed by detailed list].

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to stiff breeze from S blowing in squalls. Fair and warm.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001683: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_030_1.jpg)

6 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to stiff breeze from S. Squally. Cloudy.

4am to 8am:

By order of the Commanding Officer placed J O’Connor (Private Marine) under sentry’s charge for attempting to smuggle liquor on board. Discovered one revolver had been taken since the previous evening. Per order of the Commanding Officer placed Jos Wilson (Landsman) under sentry’s charge, having come from liberty drunk.

8am to meridian:

9.30am Inspected at quarters. Absent without leave P Kenefick, F Burt (Privates Marine), and E Gady (Landsman). Private Burt returned to the ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and showery with light airs and breezes from N. Discovered that F Burt had left the ship without leave.

4pm to 8pm:

F Burt returned to the ship and by order of the Commanding Officer was placed under sentry’s charge. Released J Wilson.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with light showers.

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514359a9a2fc8e0a7b001687: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_031_1.jpg)

7 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with light breeze from NE and E.

8am to meridian:

By order of the Commanding Officer confined J O’Connor on bread and water for 5 days for attempting to smuggle liquor on board, and J Burt to 2 weeks’ extra duty for absenting himself without permission. 9.30am: Inspected at quarters. Absent without leave P Kenefick, F Burt and E Gady. Lieutenant Commander J Hemphill, having been condemned by a medical survey, was transferred to the US Naval Hospital at Washington, DC.

Meridian to 4pm:

Generally fair with light airs and breezes from NE. Received equipment stores. The Commandant of the Navy Yard visited the ship. Transferred to the USRS “Franklin” G Ferguson and received from the “Franklin” 1 Fireman and 2 Seamen.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer Jos Wilson was placed under sentry’s charge for being drunk on duty and J Lynch (Landsman for intoxication.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with light to gentle NE to E breeze shifting to NW. Thunder and lightning.

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8 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally with light to moderate breeze from NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absentees H Edgar, J Cassell, C [illegible], P Kenefick and E Gady. At 10.30am Norfolk police brought on board H Edgar and J Cassell for whom a reward of $10 each had been offered by the Commanding Officer; placed them in double irons. Yard workmen on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clearing and cool with light breezes from N.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light SE airs.

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9 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light SE airs.

8am to meridian:

At 8.10am a salute of 21 guns was fired from “Franklin” with the German flag at the fore and at 10.20am a salute of 9 guns was fired from “Franklin” with the German flag at the fore. 9.30am: Quarters and drills; absentees P Kenefick and E Gady.

A board consisting of Commander Wise, Lieutenant Commander Burrell and Lieutenant Quimby met on board for the examination of J Mason (Seaman Apprentice 2nd class) for the “Farragut Medal”.* By order of the Commanding Officer placed H Edgar and J Cassell on bread and water for 5 days for leaving the ship without permission until brought on board by police.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with gentle breezes from W and SW. At 1.00pm sent J Mason to the “Franklin” to continue being examined. Transferred J Higginbotham, General Court Martial prisoner, to the receiving ship “Wabash” at Boston. Received on board from “Franklin” J Webb.

8pm to midnight:

Light to moderate breeze from SSW blowing in puffs.

*[Note: An award for bravery linked to those who served the Union in the Civil War.]

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10 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with moderate SW breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and served out clean bags and hammocks. P Kenefick and E Gady absent.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle to fresh breezes from SW. Discharged M Geary (C&C), his term of enlistment having expired.

8pm to midnight:

Fair with light to fresh breezes from SW.

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11 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light to gentle SW breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection, followed by divine service. P Kenefick and E Gady absent without leave. Released J Cassell from confinement and placed him under doctor’s charge, and gave J Johnson 2 days on bread and water at the capstan for violating regulations.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with gentle breezes from NW to NNE. By order of the Commanding Officer confined J Murphy on bread and water for 3 days for disobedience of orders.

4pm to 8pm:

Mustered at quarters and sent out hammocks and bags for scrubbing.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy with light to gentle NNE breeze.

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12 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain and light airs from NNE and NE. Barometer steady.

4am to 8am:

By order of Commanding Officer released J O’Connor from confinement.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. P Kenefick, J Curley and E Gady absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with light breezes from NNE to calm.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light airs from S and E.

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13 May 1890

At Norfolk Navy Yard and off Fort Norfolk.

Lat 36.815, Long -76.297

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cool with fog later with light airs from SE to SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. P Kenefick, J Curley and E Gady absent without leave. Made preparations for unmooring ship. Transferred Private J O’Connor to Marine Barracks. Received stores [followed by list].

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breezes from S. At 1.00pm unmoored ship and at 2.00pm hove up port anchor, set sail and set course down river. At 2.45pm let go port anchor off Fort Norfolk and sent ashore for ammunition.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.15pm hove up port anchor and stood down the Elizabeth River. At 5.45pm let go port anchor in 11 fathoms to 60 fathoms of chain. At 6.30pm Commander Lamberton and Paymaster Simpson left the ship on leave.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy. Overcast, rainy and squally with lightning first part. Moderate to strong S breeze.

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14 May 1890

At anchor in Elizabeth River, Virginia.

Lat 36.871, Long -76.338

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to fair. Squally with fresh breezes from SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. P Kenefick and E Gady absent without leave. Released H Edgar and J Murphy from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate to gentle breezes from SW to SSW.

8pm to midnight:

Fair with stiff to fresh SSW breeze.

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15 May 1890

At anchor in Elizabeth River, Virginia.

Lat 36.871, Long -76.338

Commences and until 4am:

Clear then overcast with thundery showers and light to gentle breezes from SSW.

4am to 8am:

USS “Fortune” went out.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and gun drills. P Kenefick and E Gady absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light to gentle breezes from WSW to SW. Between 3.00 and 4.00pm USS “Baltimore” passed down the bay towards the sea.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with lightning on the horizon and light airs and breezes from SE and S.

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16 May 1890

At anchor in Elizabeth River, Virginia.

Lat 36.871, Long -76.338

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to clear with light airs and breezes from SW.

4am to 8am:

USS “Fortune” went out.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and fire drills. P Kenefick and E Gady were this day declared to be deserters. By order of the Commanding Officer re-confined J Cassell to serve the remainder of his sentence.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with passing thundery showers and light breezes from SE. At 3.30pm sighted USS “Despatch”. At 4.00pm “Despatch” came to about 4 cables length ahead of the ship. Commanding Officer called on the Commanding Officer of “Despatch”.

4pm to 8pm:

At 6.15pm “Fortune” fired a salute of 7 guns.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with moderate breeze from N to NE.

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17 May 1890

At anchor in Elizabeth River, Virginia.

Lat 36.871, Long -76.338

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and squally from NNE with lightning.

8am to meridian:

Fired a salute of 17 guns as USS “Despatch” passed with Attorney General of the United States* on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear pleasant weather with light airs and breezes from ESE. Discharged S Dyson (Apprentice 3rd class) from the Naval Service by order of the Department

4pm to 8pm:

Assistant Paymaster G Simpson left the ship on leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear pleasant weather with light airs and moderate breezes from SE to S.

*[Note: William Miller. See William H.H. Miller, Wikipedia]

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18 May 1890

At anchor in Elizabeth River, Virginia.

Lat 36.871, Long -76.338

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to foggy with light S airs.

4am to 8am:

Lieutenant JB Milton returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am Inspected at quarters. At 9.30am the USS “Despatch” passed down the river with Attorney General Miller on board. Saluted him with Marine Band paraded on the bridge. Released J Cassell from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate to stiff breezes from E. Clear and pleasant.

8pm to midnight:

Light breeze to light airs from E to SSE Clear and pleasant.

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19 May 1890

At anchor in Elizabeth River and en route to New York.

Lat 37.01, Long -76.10

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light SE breezes.

4am to 8am:

Commander Lamberton returned from leave. Made preparations for sea.

8am to meridian:

At 10.10am got underway and made plain sail to royals.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate to stiff breezes from SE to SSE. Clear and pleasant. Working out of Chesapeake Bay. [Tacking and adjusting sails accordingly.] At 3.30pm sighted Cape Charles Lightship bearing NNE. On course NE.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.20pm took departure, Cape Charles Lightship bearing W distant ½ mile.

8pm to midnight:

Stiff breeze from SE by S. Clear bright starlight. Heavy dew and lightning to N and W. At 9.00pm Assateague Light bore NW¾W, Winter Quarter Light bore NNW. At 10.00pm changed course to NE¼N. Passed several sails.

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20 May 1890

En route to New York [off Long Island, Connecticut]

Lat 40.15, Long -73.87

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with heavy dew and bright starlight. Fresh SSE breezes. Passed a steamer standing to NW. At end of watch under plain sail and topgallant except spanker.

4am to 8am:

At 4.00am changed course to NNE. [Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

At 10.30am changed course to NE

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with stiff breezes from S to SSW. Squally later with fresh N breeze. Sounded in 21 fathoms. At 2.00pm changed course to NNW. [Adjusted sails to squalls.] At 2.20pm sighted the Highlands [Light] bearing NW.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.40pm called all hands to bring ship to anchor. Anchored with starboard anchor in 11 fathoms, veered to 60 fathoms at water’s edge. Bearings: Highlands Light NW, Rockaway Beach Hotel NW¾W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with moderate to fresh breeze from SW in squalls. Ship rolling easily.

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21 May 1890

At sea and at New York.

Lat 40.49, Long -73.95

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light NW breezes. Moderate sea.

4am to 8am:

At 7.45am hove up starboard anchor and made sail to topsails. Course NW towards Sandy Hook.

8am to meridian:

Heading for entrance to Gedney’s Channel and going through Channel with Commanding Officer and Navigator conning. Signaled “bon voyage” to several steamers. At 12.06pm let go port anchor in 6¼ fathoms and veered to 15 fathoms. Ebb tide.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light breezes from SW. At 2.06pm got underway and stood in for New York. Passed through Swash Channel. At 3.30pm passed red buoy on Romer Shoal and stood up for The Narrows. At 4.00pm abreast buoy 14.

4pm to 6pm:

Standing up to New York City. At 5.15pm quarantine tug came alongside and Health Officer communicated with the ship.

6pm to 8pm:

Standing up the North River. At 7.10pm made sail and stood up the river.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs and gentle breeze from ESE. At 8.41pm let go port anchor off 53rd Street, North River, in 11 fathoms of water veered to 30 fathoms of chain.

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22 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with light NE airs.

4am to 8am:

Lieutenant Mayo left the ship on leave.

8am to meridian:

At 10.10am hove up port anchor, found it was foul of a telegraph cable; dropped starboard anchor and cleared port anchor from the cable and catted it. At 11.40am shifted berth to abreast 38th Street, North River. Lost anchor buoy. By order of the Commanding Officer discharged from the Naval Service O Rooney (Apprentice 3rd class) and placed G Smith (Apprentice 3rd class) in solitary confinement on bread and water for 3 days for disobedience of orders.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light to gentle breeze from SE to E. Clear and pleasant. At 1.10pm the Commanding Officer left the ship to pay a visit to the Commanding Officer of the Navy Yard, Brooklyn. Paraded the Marine Guard.

4pm to 8pm:

4.45pm: The Commanding Officer returned from visiting the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Carpenter J Burke left the ship on 1 week’s leave.

8pm to midnight:

Calm and moderate breeze from WNW to NE. At 11.25pm ran a kedge anchor from the stern and hauled the ship to stern to clear mud scours. Veered to 105 fathoms on starboard chain, thus being clear of scours, let go port anchor and veered to 15 fathoms.

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23 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate to light E breeze. Clear and cool. 12.45am: Piped down, leaving port anchor down with 15 fathoms chain, 105 fathoms at the capstan on starboard chain and kedge anchor out astern.

8am to meridian:

Weighed kedge and hove up starboard anchor. Port anchor veered to 30 fathoms.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast. Light airs to breeze from SW. At 1.45pm US tug “Catalpa” came alongside. Got underway and shifted berth to abreast 34th Street. At 2.05pm came to with starboard anchor in 7 fathoms veering to 20 fathoms of chain. Transferred 24 Apprentices to USS “Minnesota” by tug “Catalpa”.

4pm to 8pm:

Sent 41 Apprentices on furlough for 5 days.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast. Light airs to breezes from SSW to SW.

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24 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast. Light airs to breezes from WSW.

8am to meridian:

Boatswain Hill granted leave for 1 week. G Smith discharged from the Naval Service by order of the Bureau.

Meridian to 4pm:

Hazy and warm. Light S breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light SW airs.

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25 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light airs to breezes from SE to SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy to fair. Hazy. Light SE breeze. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and cool. Light SE to SSW airs.

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26 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain. Light airs from SSW to SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Light E to SSE breeze. Discharged C Lind (Apprentice 3rd class) from the Naval Service by order of the Bureau of Navigation.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy with heavy rain. Light SE to S breezes.

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27 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with rain. Light breeze from SE to S.

8am to meridian:

E Washington (Private Marine) absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Light NNE breeze. Received 3 Privates from Marine Barracks, Brooklyn.

4pm to 8pm:

Discharged J Cassell (Landsman) by order of the Bureau of Navigation.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light NW breeze.

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28 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light WNW airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters.

Meridian to 4pm:

Stiff NW breeze. The following absent without leave: J Reardon, E Washington, E Dahlquist. Discharged the following Apprentices 3rd class by order of the Bureau: J Paseler, J Derby, D Ruder, F Burns, C Dean, P Blausten, G Cole.

4pm to 8pm:

At 6.00pm USS “Pensacola” [supply steamer] made her number. The Commanding Officer called on the Commanding Officer of “Pensacola”. At 6.30pm USS “Essex” made her number, answered by “Pensacola”. Lieutenant A Ross reported on board.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light NW breeze.

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29 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light NE to NW breezes.

4am to 8am:

“Pensacola” signaled uniforms for officers and men.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following absent without leave: J Reardon, E Washington, M Spence. The Commanding Officer of “Pensacola” made an official visit. Rear-Admiral DL Braine, Commanding Officer of the Navy Yard, visited the “Pensacola” and the “Pensacola” fired a salute of 13 guns when the Admiral left the ship. A further 8 men absent without leave: E Dalquist, P Blake, T Carem, N Fieldhouse, M Hall, H Mansell, N Taylor, N Davis.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear, pleasant weather with light NE breeze. At 2.50pm took Navy Yard tug alongside. At 3.50pm got underway and at 3.47pm let go starboard anchor off Riverside Park in 11 fathoms, veered to 45 fathoms. Transferred C Merrivale (Private Marine) to the Marine Barracks, Brooklyn.

4pm to 8pm:

Received visits from the Commanding Officers of USS “Yantic” and USS “Essex”.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and hazy to cloudy. Calm.

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30 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to overcast and misty. Light N airs to calm.

4am to 8am:

Received from USRS “Vermont” J Curley (Landsman).

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following absent without leave: J Reardon, M Foster, E Washington, M Greene, E Dalquist, P Blake, T Carem, N Fieldhouse, M Hall, H Mansell, N Taylor, N Davis. M Greene returned on board about 11.00am. J Burke (Carpenter) returned from leave. At 10.15am the Commanding Officer went aboard the flagship and returned about noon.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and pleasant weather with light SE to SW breeze and calm. 1.30pm: Sent a Sergeant and 8 Privates to the “Pensacola” to provide a guard for that ship. They returned at 4.45pm. At 3.05pm the “Pensacola” fired 15 minute guns, followed by this ship, then “Yantic” and “Essex”. At 2.00pm the Commanding Officer, Paymaster and Ensign Ryan went ashore to participate in the ceremonies at the tomb of the late General Grant. They returned at 5.00pm.

4pm to 8pm:

At 5.20pm “Yantic” passed down the river, followed by “Essex” and “Pensacola”. At 5.00pm Rear-Admiral Braine passed up the river in a Navy Yard tug, went around “Pensacola”, then down the river again.

8pm to midnight:

Light SW breeze to airs. Fair and cool.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b0016eb: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_056_1.jpg)

31 May 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light WSW airs to breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. The following absent without leave: J Reardon, E Washington, M Foster, E Dalquist, M Hace, P Blake, N Taylor, N Davis.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear. Light SW to WNW airs to breezes. By order of the Bureau discharged Apprentices R Davis and J Donohue and by expiration of enlistment O Olsen (Cox) and D Lynch (Landsman).

8pm to midnight:

Calm with light airs and breezes from NW.


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1 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Read “Articles of War” to the crew. [Nine men absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm. Moderate N and W breezes.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.50pm got underway and stood down the river. At 6.30pm came to off 48th Street North River in 6¾ fathoms to 30 fathoms starboard chain at water’s edge.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with bright moonlight with light breezes from NW.

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2 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light NW airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction and drills. [18 men absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair and hazy. Gentle to moderate N and W breezes.

4pm to 8pm:

4.30pm: USS “Pensacola” got underway and steamed down the river.

8pm to midnight:

Fair, hazy and pleasant with bright moonlight. Gentle breeze from NNW.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b0016f7: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_059_1.jpg)

3 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with bright moonlight and light N to NE breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction and drills. [18 men absent without leave.] Chaplain Gill returned from leave. J Donovan, F Dunneback and J Reynolds returned on board 24 hours over leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant. Gentle SE breezes. Instructed the Apprentices in English. J Porske (Apprentice 1st class) left the boat while ashore on duty and did not return on board. Transferred A Nelson (Seaman) to the Naval Hospital.

4pm to 8pm:

About 5.30pm Apprentices M Gould, H Linder and C Noble returned on board.

8pm to midnight:

Light ENE airs and breezes and calm. Clear and pleasant. At 11.10pm by order of the Commanding Officer placed Jos Wilson (Landsman) in a cell, for being drunk on board ship, causing a disturbance and resisting the police authorities of the ship.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b0016fb: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_060_1.jpg)

4 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant with light NE airs.

4am to 8am:

At 6.45am N Hermann (Seaman Apprentice) returned on board 36 hours over time.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction and drills. [16 men absent without leave.] By order of the Commanding Officer released J Wilson from sentry’s charge and placed him in solitary confinement on bread and water for 5 days for being drunk on board ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with gentle S breeze. At 2.45pm Navy Yard tug came alongside with stores [followed by list].

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and squally with thunder and lightning. Fresh rain squalls from NW to SSE. Light airs later.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b0016ff: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_061_1.jpg)

5 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with gentle breezes to light airs from NE and N.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction and drills. [12 men absent without leave.] A Connolly [rank illegible] was this day discharged from the Service on account of expiration of enlistment, also R Parsme [?] was discharged by order of the Bureau.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and hot with light WSW breeze. At 4.00pm USS “Essex” came to anchor.

4pm to 8pm:

USS “Portsmouth” came to anchor.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with heavy NE squalls with rain, thunder and lightning.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b001703: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_062_1.jpg)

6 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally with lightning, thunder and heavy rain.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction and drills. [Nine men absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and hazy with gentle NE breeze. J Porske returned on board.

4pm to 8pm:

Lieutenant Mayo returned on board from leave.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and misty with E to ENE airs.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b001707: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_063_1.jpg)

7 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and foggy. Light airs to breezes from NE to calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters followed by instruction and drills. The following absent without leave: Apprentices M Block and J Susslin. The following were declared deserters from the US Naval Service: Apprentices C Blake, M Hall, W Taylor, W Davis, and C Dahlquist (Seaman).

Sergeant O’Brien, USMC, returned on board drunk and dirty, and by order of the Commanding Officer was placed under sentry’s charge.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with moderate to fresh W breeze. C Brown, Ship’s Corporal, was this day honorably discharged from the Service, having completed his term of enlistment.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to fresh breeze from W to NW. Clear and cool.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b00170b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_064_1.jpg)

8 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate to fresh breeze from W. Clear and cool.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Six men absent without leave.] Held divine service. By order of the Commanding Officer released Sergeant O’Brien, USMC.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light NW to W breeze. H Mansell, R Allen and J Dunneback left the boat while on duty and did not return.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light W airs.

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514359aba2fc8e0a7b00170f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_065_1.jpg)

9 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light W airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Eight men absent without leave.] By order of the Commanding Officer, confined J Wilson (Landsman] for 4 days in double irons for disorderly conduct on board ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and warm with gentle W breeze. At 2.15pm Navy Yard tug “Catalpa” came alongside. Sent Gunner and working party for ammunition. At 3.50pm “Triana” came alongside bringing draft of men from USRS “Vermont”. Received 23 seamen, 5 Ordinary Seamen, and 13 Landsmen.

4pm to 8pm:

“Catalpa” returned with working party at 5.30pm. Received ammunition [followed by list]. Transferred to USRS “Vermont” the following men: F Locke, C Behncke, T Josephson, E McFoy, O Wendell, I Flick, F McCue, J Curley, H Peterson, J Wilson, J Feeley, H Edgar and J Dahlin. By order of the Commanding Officer released J Wilson (Landsman) from confinement.

8pm to midnight:

Fine and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from NE to NNW.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b001713: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_066_1.jpg)

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10 June 1890

At New York.

Lat 40.754, Long -73.960

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and warm with light E airs to calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Four men absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Hazy and warm with light SW airs.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.00pm commenced getting ready for sea. At 5.15pm Navy Yard tug “Nina” came alongside and delivered supplies.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool with light airs from SSW.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b00171b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_068_1.jpg)

11 June 1890

At New York and en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 40.88, Long -73.71

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool with light breeze from SW.

4am to 8am:

At 7.30am tug “Nina” came alongside and made fast on the port side. At 7.50am got underway and stood down the river in tow of the tug.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Exchanged numbers with USS “Vermont”. Fired a salute of 13 guns, returned by the Navy Yard with 7 guns. Standing into Long Island Sound.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light to gentle S breeze, hazy and pleasant. At 12.35pm the tug left the ship close to Execution Rocks, where the ship was put on course ENE. Changed course at 1.00pm to ENE½E and at 1.30pm to ENE and at 3.45pm to E. Eaton’s Point Light bore S. Instruction for Landsmen and Seamen.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.30pm Stratford Shoal Lighthouse abeam. Changed course to NE.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light variable airs. Rain and lightning. Sighted white light 2 points off starboard bow.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b00171f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_069_1.jpg)

12 June 1890

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 41.08, Long -72.71

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to fair with light variable breeze to calm. Foggy at times. At 12.45am Faulkner’s Island Light bore WNW and Horton’s Point Light bore SE½E. At end of watch under plain sail to topgallant sails with main and mizzen top staysails.

4am to 8am:

At end of watch standing in for anchorage off Horton’s Point.

8am to meridian:

At 9.00am let go starboard anchor off Long Island Coast veering to 20 fathoms of chain, Horton’s Point Light bearing SW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with light fog around horizon. Stiff NE breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with frequent showers and distant thunder and lightning. Fresh breeze and squalls from ENE. Veered to 45 fathoms of starboard chain.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b001723: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_070_1.jpg)

13 June 1890

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 41.19, Long -72.42

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and misty with moderate to stiff NE breeze.

8am to meridian:

At 9.20am got underway making sail and working through Long Island Sound to E. B Radford (Boatswain’s Mate) reported expiration of his term of enlistment.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cold with gentle breeze from NNE. Working ship through Long Island Sound. At 3.50pm passed through “race” and at 3.55pm set course E x N.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.20pm changed course to E x N [sic].

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and misty with lightning at intervals. Light NNE breeze. At 10.45pm sighted Block Island Light bearing E¼S. At 11.30pm Point Judith Light bore NE¾N and at 11.45pm Latimer’s Reef bore NNW.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b001727: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_071_1.jpg)

14 June 1890

At sea en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 41.36, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and foggy with light NE breeze to calm. At 1.30am tacked ship to E.

8am to meridian:

At 12.00pm hauled ship to NE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light breeze to airs from NE to SE. Overcast and cloudy with occasional rain. All sail set.

4pm to 6pm:

By the wind, starboard tack.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.45pm came to anchor in 7½ fathoms off Green Hill Point.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and foggy with light drizzle. Calm and light airs from E. Smooth sea.

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15 June 1890

At sea and at Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and cool and foggy with light NNE to NE breeze.

4am to 8am:

At 7.55am got underway and made sail.

8am to meridian:

At 10.00am tacked ship to N and W. At 10.45am and 11.30am tacked ship again.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Light breeze to airs from E to SSE. Standing in towards Newport Harbor.

4pm to 8pm:

Standing in to anchorage at Training Station. At 3.00pm came to anchor at Navy Yard and moored ship to same. Lieutenant Percy Garst reported for duty. Sailmaker G van Mater reported for duty.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Calm.

Addition: Changes to rating: B Radford from Seaman to Boatswain’s Mate.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b001733: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_074_1.jpg)

16 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and calm.

4am to 8am:

Lieutenant Mayo left the ship on leave.

8am to meridian:

Received an official visit from the Adjutant of Fort Adams. Received stores [followed by list].

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant weather. Light breeze to airs from SSW to S. By order of the Commanding Officer confined H Mansell for 5 days on bread and water, and F Porske and R Allen for 3 days on bread and water for leaving the boat when on duty ashore and not returning. Lieutenant A Marix USN was detached from this ship and ordered to Philadelphia on duty connected with USS “Philadelphia” [cruiser]. Sailmaker G Douglas was detached and placed on a waiting order. Ensign G Ryan left on a week’s leave. Chaplain Gill was detached.

4pm to 8pm:

Sailmaker G van Mater left the ship on a week’s leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light S airs.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b001737: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_075_1.jpg)

17 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and calm with light airs from W and SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and bag inspection. Sent working party to Training Station for stores. The Commanding Officer left to pay an official visit to the Commanding Officer of Fort Adams. He returned at 11.00am.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate SW breeze. Fair and pleasant. At 2.30pm the Commanding Officer of Fort Adams paid an official visit to the Commanding Officer. The Marine Guard paraded. Apprentices allocated to this ship from the Station came on board to get their stations, and returned.

4pm to 8pm:

Working party returned at 5.45pm.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to moderate SW breeze. Overcast and cloudy.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b00173b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_076_1.jpg)

18 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to moderate SW breeze. Overcast and cloudy.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. By order of Commanding Officer declared Apprentices F Dunneback and C Kelly deserters from this date.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to fair. Light fog and light showers. Gentle SW breeze. J Shannon (Ordinary Seaman) left running boat without permission.

4pm to 9pm:

Official reward of $10 offered for J Shannon.

8pm to midnight:

Clear weather, calm and light WSW breeze.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b00173f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_077_1.jpg)

19 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Clear weather, calm and light N breeze.

8am to meridian:

Sent the 1st and 3rd Divisions for target practice on Coasters Harbor Island, in charge of Lieutenant Milton. By order of the Commanding Officer released J Porske and R Allen from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light breezes from SSW and NNE. Fair and pleasant. At 2.30pm the draft of Apprentices from the Training Station came on board with bags and hammocks, got their stations and returned to the Station for supper. Received stores [followed by list]. Carpenter J Burke left on 4 days’ leave.

4pm to 8pm:

At 5.40pm the draft of Apprentices, 5 1st class, 13 2nd class and 60 3rd class, were received on board.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from NE and calm. Cloudy with occasional rain.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b001743: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_078_1.jpg)

20 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant with light NE breeze and airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Shannon absent without leave. Received from USS “Wabash” John Mattsen.(Landsman). Instructed the new Apprentices on their station on deck and in boats and rigging.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SE to SSE. Served out small stores and clothing.

4pm to 8pm:

Received Privates J Kelly and Michael Riley USMC from Training Station. By order of Bureau of Navigation discharged F Ryan (Seaman Apprentice) and M Gould (Apprentice 1st class).

8pm to midnight:

Clear to fair weather. Light breeze from SW to S.

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514359aca2fc8e0a7b001747: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_079_1.jpg)

21 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light SW breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Shannon absent without leave. Morris Roche was this day enlisted as a Landsman for Blacksmith.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with light rain. Gentle breeze from SW to S. Sent a party of boys to Training Station.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with light rain. Gentle breeze from SSE.

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[Change in rating]

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b00174f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_081_1.jpg)

22 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with rain. Light breeze from ESE to NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Shannon absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle NE breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle NE breeze. Lieutenant Mayo returned from leave.

Addition: M Roche rated to Blacksmith from Landsman.

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b001753: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_082_1.jpg)

23 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast. Light breeze from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. J Shannon absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant. Calm and light airs from W and SSW. Received 8 tons of coal.

4pm to 8pm:

Received from Training Station Apprentices 3rd class N Burns and R O’Hara with bags and hammocks. F Casper (Apprentice 2nd class) was left on shore, having left the boat without permission.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from SW.

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b001757: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_083_1.jpg)

24 June 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Calm and light variable airs.

4am to 8am:

Ensign Ryan returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. F Casper absent without leave. J Shannon was declared a deserter from this date. Drilled boys and Marines.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy and light airs from SSW to SW.

4pm to 8pm:

Received from Training Station 2 boys; J Sullivan and A Smith (Apprentices 3rd class).

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and foggy with light SW breeze.

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b00175b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_084_1.jpg)

25 June 1890

At Newport, RI and at sea.

Lat 41.502, Long -71.325

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with heavy fog and drizzle with light SSW to NNW breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. F Casper absent without leave. Transferred Schoolmaster Richard Coughlan to the Training Station. Received Schoolmasters G Moncrieff and E Eicke. Made preparations for getting underway. Received some carrier pigeons from the Training Station.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and warm with light breezes from SSW to N. At 2.30pm let go moorings and made plain sail to royals. Tug took ship in tow at 2.45pm. Set clock ahead 12 minutes. At end of watch Brenton Reef Light bore SW 1 mile. Received 75 suits of oil skins.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.45pm let go tug and made sail. At 5.05pm took departure; Brenton Reef Lightship bore N7°W. Set course ESE. F Casper declared a deserter from this date.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light to gentle NW and NNW breezes. At 9.40pm Gay Head Light bore abeam. Changed course to SE at 10.00pm and to SSE at 11.30pm.

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26 June 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.42, Long -69.80

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with moderate to gentle NNW breeze. At 3.10am Gay Head Light disappeared bearing N¾W. Ship’s head ESE. Moon set at 12.28am.

4am to 8am:

At 5.30am changed course to SE.

8am to meridian:

Smooth sea. At end of watch under all square sails, all port studding sails, jib and fore and main studding sails. About noon a steamer passed about 2 miles astern of us, bound N. Quarters and instruction. At 9.00am changed course to ESE and at noon to E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light breezes from WSW. Passed 2 steamers bound W. At 1.30pm changed course to E½S.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.10pm reefed topsails.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light passing showers. Calm and light airs from N to W.

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b001767: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_087_1.jpg)

27 June 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.35, Long -68.20

Commences and until 4am:

Light breeze from NW and light airs from W. Fair and pleasant. Moon set 12.50am.

4am to 8am:

[Set sails to meet wind conditions.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and target practice. Sighted 2 steamers standing to E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with moderate to stiff NE breeze. Smooth sea. Exercised boys at sailmaking.

6pm to 8pm:

Under all plain sail except flying jib and spanker with all staysails.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Moonlight, NNE breeze and smooth sea.

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b00176b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_088_1.jpg)

28 June 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.37, Long -64.54

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather. Light to moderate breeze from NNE to NE. Passed a steamer standing to N.

8am to meridian:

Set clock ahead 15 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with moderate to gentle NW breeze. Smooth sea. [Adjusted sails.]

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails to wind conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers. Light variable winds from NW to SW.

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b00176f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_089_1.jpg)

29 June 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.20, Long -62.85

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light passing showers. Lightning to S and E. Wind light and variable from WNW to NE. Under all plain sail to topgallants except spanker.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light passing showers. Light W airs. Smooth sea. [Adjusted sails.]

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails to wind conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Light to moderate NW breeze. Cloudy but pleasant. Lightning to S and E.

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514359ada2fc8e0a7b001773: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_090_1.jpg)

30 June 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.30, Long -60.50

Commences and until 4am:

Light to moderate NW breeze. Cloudy but pleasant. Lightning to S and E. Under all plain sail to topgallants except spanker with port studding sails and main and mizzen topmast staysails.

4am to 8am:

Long swell from ESE. [Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Moderate swell. 9.30am: Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with light NE to SE airs and breezes. At 3.55pm hove to, main topsail to the mast, to speak to a whaling vessel standing to N and W.

4pm to 6pm:

Spoke with the American whaling bark “Falcon”; the master of her came on board. She is bound to New Bedford. We gave the master a mail bag to take back to the US. At 6.00pm went around to the starboard tack and stayed close-hauled to the NE.

6pm to 8pm:

Full and by on port tack.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Rain squalls on the horizon to the S. Moderate to gentle ESE breeze.


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[Change in rating]

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1 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.58, Long -59.87

Commences and until 4am:

Light airs and breezes from ESE to E. Cloudy. Lightning to S and E. At 3.00am wore ship to S and E.

8am to meridian:

About 9.00am the Danish steamer “Heckla” bound E passed close to us; exchanged numbers with her. 9.30am: Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with showers light NW breezes. At 1.30pm wore ship.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercises. Sighted a bark standing to E.

6pm to 8pm:

Smooth sea.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear and pleasant weather. Moderate to stiff breeze from N to NNW. Barometer steady. Bright moon and starlight. A bark on lee bow standing to ENE.

Addition: Changes of rating from July 1st 1890:

A Loviland, Apprentice 2nd class to 1st; N Lykke, Apprentice 1st class to Seaman Apprentice 2nd class; B Lewis, J McGinty, J Ryan and J Williams, Apprentice 1st class to Seaman Apprentice 2nd class; C Buehler, Apprentice 3rd class to 2nd class; J Hogan, Apprentice 2nd class to 1st; J Frayne, Apprentice 1st class to Seaman Apprentice 2nd class.

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2 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.87, Long -56.60

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to moderate breeze from NW. Clear and pleasant. Moonlight. [Adjusted sails.]

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.] At 7.45am foot rope of mizzen topsail parted; shortened sail on mizzen and unbent topsail.

8am to meridian:

Bent new mizzen topsail and made sail on mizzen. At 8.20am changed course to ESE½E. Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate to stiff NW breezes.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails.]

6pm to 8pm:

[Reduced sail during a squall and then re-set sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with occasional showers and light breeze from WSW. Observed a rainbow.

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3 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.03, Long -53.34

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and cloudy with some rain. Gentle to moderate breeze from SSW. Barometer falling. Ship under all plain sail except flying jib, spanker and the topmast staysails. At 3.45am sighted a sail on port bow.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Quarters and drills.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with gentle to stiff SW breezes. At 12.45pm observed a small water spout bearing E.

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails.] Inspected at quarters.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with heavy dew. Light to stiff SW breeze. Long SE swell. Moon rose at 8.45pm.

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4 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.20, Long -50.10

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light passing showers. Gentle breeze and light airs from SSW. Barometer steady. Ship under all plain sail to top gallants with main and mizzen topmast staysails.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Quarters and inspection. At 12.00pm fired national salute.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy, squally and rainy with moderate to fresh SW breezes. At noon fired a salute of 21 guns. [Adjusted sails.]

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails.] Reefed topsails and furled mizzen staysail.

8pm to midnight:

Moderate to fresh SW breezes. Fair and pleasant. Very damp. Moon rose at 9.28pm.

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5 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.33, Long -45.80

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather. Moderate breeze from SSW. Barometer steady. Ship under all plain sail except flying jib and spanker with mainmast topsail.

8am to meridian:

Moderate sea.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to clear pleasant weather with moderate to stiff SW breezes.

4pm to 6pm:

Exercised at reefing sails.

6pm to 8pm:

Smooth sea.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Moderate breeze from SW. Smooth sea.

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6 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 40.78, Long -41.58

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool with heavy dew. Stiff to fresh breeze from SW to SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Read “Articles of War”, after which Commanding Officer held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear weather with SSW breezes. Smooth sea.

6pm to 8pm:

Smooth sea.

8pm to midnight:

Fair. Stiff breeze from SSW.

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7 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 41.20, Long -37.25

Commences and until 4am:

Stiff to fresh breeze from WSW. Bright moonlight.

4am to 8am:

Passed a large empty cask.

8am to meridian:

Exercised at general quarters. Passed a bark heading E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with stiff SW breezes. Moderate sea. At 1.20pm changed course to E. Barometer falling.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with stiff to fresh W breeze. [Reduced sail.]

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8 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 42.20, Long -33.40

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers and moderate to fresh W breeze. Ship under plain sail to topgallants, except mainsail and spanker.

4am to 8am:

Moderate sea. [Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Quarters with inspection and drills. [Adjusted sails.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fresh to stiff NNW to NW breezes. [Adjusted sails to meet changes in the wind.] At 12.05pm changed course to E x N.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and clearing with moderate W breeze. Smooth sea. At 11.30pm made out lights of a vessel standing to NW. Moon rose at 11.45pm.

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9 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 43.20, Long -30.10

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast and cloudy with gentle WNW to W breeze. Ship under plain sail to royals, except flying jib, mainsail and spanker, with studding sails.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Quarters with inspection and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with fresh W breezes. Sighted a ship standing to N and E. [Adjusted sails to meet changes in the wind.]

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and sail adjustment. Moderate sea.

8pm to midnight:

Wind fresh to very fresh from WNW to NW, decreasing in force. Steering full and by on course E½N. [Reduced sail and made a number of small course adjustments.]

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10 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 44.12, Long -27.30

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with drizzling rain and gentle NNE breeze. Ship by the wind on port tack. Under plain sail to royals, except flying jib, mainsail and spanker, with the main studding sail.

4am to 8am:

Sighted two sail standing to E.

8am to meridian:

Quarters with inspection and exercises. At 9.30am a sail was sighted one point on port bow.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to overcast. Calm to light airs from SE to W. [Adjusted sails to meet changes in the wind.] At end of watch two sail in sight.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and reefing exercise.

6pm to 8pm:

Passed a cask adrift. By order of the Commanding Officer confined on bread and water for 5 days Louis Keen (Landsman) for assaulting the Ward Room Steward.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light airs to gentle breezes from W and SSW. [Reduced sail].

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11 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 44.64, Long -25.44

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with drizzling rain and gentle to moderate SW breeze.

4am to 8am:

Sighted two sail.

8am to meridian:

Quarters with inspection and exercises. [Adjusted sails to meet changes in the wind.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and light breezes from W to WSW. At 1.00pm changed course to NE. [Adjusted sails for exercises.]

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercise.

6pm to 8pm:

Smooth sea.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and misty. Gentle to moderate breeze from NW. Barometer falling.

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12 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 45.60, Long -22.65

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and misty with drizzling rain and moderate NW breeze.

8am to meridian:

At 9.20am sighted wreckage on starboard bow. Shortened sail. Made it out to be a portion of the hull of a vessel with channel plates projecting above the water. At 9.45am pulled away and made sail. Quarters with inspection and exercises. [Adjusted sails to re-set.] Sighted a bark standing to W.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and foggy with gentle to moderate breezes from NNW. Sea smooth. Passed several pieces of wreckage.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercises.

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails to meet changes in the wind.]

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and misty. Moderate breeze from SSW. Observed a faint aurora borealis, sea very phosphorescent.

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514359aea2fc8e0a7b0017ab: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_104_1.jpg)

13 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 47.00, Long -18.63

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with fresh SW breeze.

4am to 8am:

Passed several pieces of wreckage. [Adjusted sails several times to meet changes in the wind and squalls.]

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails several times to meet changes in the wind and squalls.] At 11.00am changed course to E x N, set clock forward 15 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with stiff to gentle breezes from NW. At 1.00pm changed course to E¾N.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails to meet changes in the wind.]

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails to meet changes in the wind.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and overcast later. Gentle W breeze with some rain.

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14 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 47.85, Long -16.00

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzle and light to stiff NW to N breeze. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals except flying jib and spanker with all staysails and port studding sails.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.] A sail in sight at NNW at end.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate breezes from NW. Barometer steady.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercise. Long swell from WNW. [Adjusted sails to make repairs.]

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from WNW and NW. Clear and pleasant. Bright starlight.

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15 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 48.60, Long -13.20

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light NW to N breeze. At 4.00am changed course to E. At end of watch under all plain sail to royals except flying jib and spanker with all staysails and port studding sails.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.] Long heavy swell from NW. Sighted a steamer standing to W.

8am to meridian:

Long swell from NW. By order of Commanding Officer released Louis Keen from confinement. Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light breezes from SW and WSW.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercises. Long swell from NW. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light SSW and S airs. Barometer steady. [Adjusted sails.]

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16 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 48.75, Long -12.20

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, hazy and calm with light E airs. Long swell from NW. Wore ship to N.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.] Long heavy swell from NW.

8am to meridian:

Long swell from NW. Quarters and exercises. Went about at 11.50am and “brought her to” close-hauled on port tack, on course ESE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with light to moderate baffling breeze from E to NE. [Adjusted sails.] At end of watch by the wind on port tack.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercise. [Adjusted sails with a single reef.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy, squally weather with stiff to strong breeze from NNE to NE moderating later. Barometer steady. [Adjusted sails by reducing sail in squally wind.] Ship diving into a heavy sea at times.

Addition “List of Punishments July 16th 1890”

Apprentices: N Donovan, J Howard, J Butler, C Hobbs shirking drill; R Adams, loafing in the head and shirking when 'all hands' was called; J Hogan, L Fleishman, C Shambo, T Annable, J Coward, not going on deck when called; C Hobbs, disobeying orders; punishment: 4 hours’ extra duty.

O Felsner, clothes in hammock netting; punishment: with rifle on quarterdeck.

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17 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 48.97, Long -9.28

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool with stiff breeze from NE to NNE.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.] Passed steamer standing to N and E.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. Passed 4 vessels standing to N and E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with strong breeze from N. [Adjusted sails.] Passed several sail standing to W. The following punishments were awarded to the boys on the attached list:


H Powell, dropping clothing on Ward Room table, 2 hours’ extra duty; N Lykke and J Fremstad, not going on deck when watch called, 4 hours’ extra duty; J Fremstad and N Knox, stowing away in hold for 3 hours of watch and not scrubbing clothes, quarter deck during watches (Knox) and 4 hours’ extra duty (both); G Mackay, stowing away in watch on deck, quarter deck during his watches; J Dee, reading at instruction, 2 hours’ extra duty; H Frost, B Palmer, J Johnson, A Smith, C Moran, R Morgan, J Aumiller, J Hamilton, O Felsner, L Fleishmann, A Connor, no knife, 2 hours’ extra duty.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters and exercise. Exchanged colors with a large American ship bound W. [Adjusted sails.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with fresh NW breeze. At 11.00pm changed course to E½N. Passed a steamer standing to W.

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18 July 1890

At sea en route to Plymouth, England.

Lat 49.97, Long -5.05

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with stiff breeze from NW to NNW. Barometer falling. [Adjusted sails.] Sighted numerous sails. Sighted two lights forward off port beam, supposed to be Scilly Lights.

4am to 8am:

At 6.50am changed course to ENE½E. At 8.00am changed course to ENE. [Adjusted sails]

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. [Reduced sail.] 10.25am: Changed course to E½S. Set clock ahead 16 minutes. [Took a number of soundings – average 40 fathoms.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Stiff to fresh breeze from SW and WSW. Overcast, rainy and foggy. [Adjusted sails with reduction]. Laid the ship to. [Soundings every half hour – average 40 fathoms.]

4pm to 6pm:

[Took a number of soundings – average 45 fathoms.]

6pm to 8pm:

[Took a number of soundings – average 42 fathoms.]

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and foggy with light drizzle. [Took a number of soundings – average 42 fathoms.]

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19 July 1890

At sea and at Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.00, Long -4.20

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and misty with drizzle. Stiff to moderate NW to NNW breeze. A bark passed standing to E. Lying to on starboard tack under jib and topmast staysail, close-reefed with main topsails and spanker. [Took a number of soundings – average 43 fathoms]

4am to 8am:

Hove to until 7.00am. At 6.30am commenced making sail and set course NE¾E “full and by”. [Took a number of soundings – average 43 fathoms.]

8am to meridian:

At 8.30am got cast using Thomson machine in 43 fathoms, sand and broken shell. At 8.40am tacked to N and W. At 9.40am wore to N and E. Passed several sails and a steamer standing to E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Generally fair and cloudy with thick mist. Stiff to fresh breeze from NW and WNW. Tacked ship to N at 2.55pm. Sighted several sails and Eddystone Light bearing NNW. At 3.45pm made out land on starboard bow and at 3.50pm made out Rame Point ahead. [Took a number of soundings – average 30 fathoms and reduced sail]

4pm to 6pm:

Standing in to Plymouth Sound.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.50pm let go starboard anchor in 17 fathoms, veered to 45 fathoms of chain. Set clock ahead 6 minutes. Bearings: Rame Head NW¼W, lighthouse on breakwater NNE, ship’s head NW. Ship’s draught 17’10” forward, 16’10” aft.

8pm to midnight:

Light to gentle NE to ENE breeze. Clear but hazy.

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20 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Clear overhead and foggy on the land. Light N breeze.

8am to meridian:

At 9.15am a tugboat with mail came alongside. At 9.30am hove up, giving line to tug “Triumph”. At 10.53am cast off tug and came to in 6½ fathoms with starboard anchor, veering to 20 fathoms of chain at water’s edge. Boarding officers from German ship “Ariadne” [corvette] and British ship “Aurora” [cruiser] called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with stiff breeze from NW. At 1.15pm Lieutenant Sterling called on the Commanding Officer.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and threatening. Light airs from N.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017d3: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_114_1.jpg)

21 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with passing showers. Gentle to light breezes from WNW.

4am to 8am:

At 5.00am lowered all boats and began tarring down standing rigging. At 8.00am fired a national salute of 21 guns, English colors at the fore.

8am to meridian:

The national salute of 21 guns was returned by HMS “Aurora” and by the fort. During the forenoon 5 of HMS training brigs went out. At 10.10am the Commanding Officer left the ship on an official visit to HMS “Aurora” and the German sloop “Ariadne” and returned at 11.05am. At 11.20am the US Consul paid a visit to the ship. He was received by a paraded Marine Guard.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze from N. Cloudy but pleasant. At 12.20pm the US Consul left the ship and was given a salute of 7 guns with the US flag at the fore. At 2.45pm the US Consul came on board. At 2.50pm the Commanding Officer left the ship to pay official visits, accompanied by the US Consul and Ensign Rust.

4pm to 8pm:

At 5.30pm the Commanding Officer returned on board, having paid the following visits: to Admiral Sir W Dowell, Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Hunt Grubbe, Commanding Officer of Dockyard, and General Sir Richard Harrison, Lieutenant. Governor of the city. Served out clean hammocks and bags.

8pm to midnight:

Light N breeze. Fair and pleasant. At 8.45pm hoisted the sailing launch. The standing part of the after fall carried away and the launch fell into the water. The following men fell into the water and were injured: M Anderson, contusion of the head and concussion, J Moriarty, contusion of the thigh, M Murphy, right elbow fractured.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017d7: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_115_1.jpg)

22 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy and threatening. Light breezes and airs from N.

8am to meridian:

Received official visits from the Commanders of the German sloop “Ariadne” and HMS “Aurora”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle to moderate breeze from NNW. HBMSs “Black Prince”, [ironclad] “Hecate” and “Conqueror” [monitors] came out from the dockyard and anchored in the outer harbor. Received an official visit from an aide on behalf of General Sir Richard Harrison, Lieutenant Governor of the city. Also from an officer representing Admiral Dowell and Admiral Hunt Grubbe.

4pm to 8pm:

Turned in hammocks and bags.

8pm to midnight:

Fair with light breeze and airs from NNW.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017db: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_116_1.jpg)

23 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy. Light to moderate breezes from NW.

4am to 8am:

HBMSs “Aurora”, “Conqueror”, “Hecate” and “Black Prince” went out. Several torpedo boats from the dockyard anchored in the outer harbor. A troopship came in from the E.

8am to meridian:

9.45am Quarters and inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant. Gentle breeze from NW. Sent liberty party of men and boys ashore. English men-of-war entering and leaving harbor.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.30pm a Swedish man-of-war entered harbor. Sent an officer to visit her. Swedish man-of-war fired a salute of 21 guns, English flag to the fore, which was returned by the citadel. At 5.15pm Swedish man-of-war fired a salute of 17 guns, English flag to the fore, and dropped fore topsail. Four large English men-of-war came down from the dockyard. Troopship “Himalaya” left harbor.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather; cloudy last hour with gentle NW breeze. Liberty party of Apprentices returned on board. Two English men-of-war left harbor.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017df: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_117_1.jpg)

24 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle breezes from NW and W. Barometer falling.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and drills. British torpedo boats exercising in the harbor. Received 4500 gallons of fresh water.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with moderate breeze from NW. Sent liberty party of starboard watch ashore. At 3.13pm Swedish training ship fired a salute of 13 guns, British flag at the main. The Commanding Officer of the Swedish man-of-war visited this ship.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.26pm the Swedish man-of-war fired a salute of 17 guns, British flag at the fore. English training brigs stood into anchorage.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy. Light airs from NW and W. Calm last hour.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017e3: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_118_1.jpg)

25 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with calm to light NE airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, exercises and inspection. The following absent without leave: R Winter, J Fremstad, J Deegan, A Mallow, J Schrader, F Murtha. At 10.30am the English Admiral visited the Norwegian [sic] training ship.* Immediately afterwards, the Norwegian training ship fired a salute of 13 guns, English flag at the fore. At 10.50am the Commanding Officer left the ship to pay an official visit to the Norwegian training ship, returning at 11.10am.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light SW airs. Overcast, cloudy and misty. Liberty party returned; seven absent without leave. The following men returned 24 hours over time: F Murtha, J Schrader and J Fremstad.

4pm to 8pm:

A Ericksen (Captain of Hold) returned from leave 4 hours over.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle breeze to light airs from W. Overcast, cloudy, misty and foggy.

*[Note: There seems to be some confusion here. There is no entry recording the arrival of a Norwegian ship, so it may be that the Americans have mixed up Swedish and Norwegian vessels. See entries for 28th July where the Swedish vessel is named.]

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26 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle breeze from NE. Overcast, cloudy, misty and foggy.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [Ten absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light SW breeze. M Gullion (Landsman) returned on board.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer, placed J Trotman (Private Marine) in solitary confinement on bread and water for 3 days for insubordinate conduct. J Creeden (Seaman Apprentice) left gig while on shore.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and foggy. Gentle SW breeze.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017eb: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_120_1.jpg)

27 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle breeze from WSW. Overcast, cloudy, rainy and foggy.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Followed by divine service, the Commanding Officer officiating. The following absent without leave; [13 absent without leave, listed]. By order of the Commanding Officer, placed M Gullion in solitary confinement on bread and water for 5 days for disrespect to an officer. S Konix was given 4 hours’ extra duty on lookout each day for a week for misappropriating a cap which he found adrift.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy with light SW breeze. H Mansell and C Hobbs left a boat on shore without permission. Placed J Brown (Seaman) under sentry’s charge for attempting to smuggle liquor on board. H Ford (Ordinary Seaman) and J McCormack (Landsman) returned on board 52 hours over time.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and misty with drizzling rain. Gentle to fresh SW breeze in squalls.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017ef: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_121_1.jpg)

28 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle breeze from SW to NW. Cloudy.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. The following men absent without leave [14 listed]. By order of the Commanding Officer, a reward of £2 was offered for the return of any of the men. The Commanding Officer of the German man-of-war called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with light breeze from N to NNW. At 1.12pm began to receive coal from a lighter alongside. Finished coaling at 3.30pm having received 8 tons 56 lbs. At 2.15pm the German man-of-war got underway and stood out of the Sound. At 3.00pm the Swedish man-of-war “Norkkoping” got underway and stood out.

4pm to 8pm:

The police from shore brought on board 9 men for whom a reward had been offered: [list included. By order of the Commanding Officer placed Mansell, Hobbs and Creeden on bread and water for 5 days, for leaving the boat without permission.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light breeze from WNW.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017f3: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_122_1.jpg)

29 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Calm with light airs from NW.

8am to meridian:

The following absent without leave: J Walsh (Apprentice 2nd class), A Brown (Seaman), J Moriarty (Landsman). M Pereira returned on board four days over time. By order of the Commanding Officer, M Pereira was disrated from Coxswain to Seaman, and J Deegan was disrated from Captain of Top to Seaman, both for outstaying liberty. At 9.00am hove up starboard anchor, which had badly fouled and shifted berth further in harbor. At 9.20am came to with port anchor in 5½ fathoms, veered to 22 fathoms at water’s edge. 10.30am Exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light to moderate breeze from WNW. Fair and pleasant. Exercised whaleboat under oars. Released N Trotman from confinement.

4pm to 8pm:

J Moriarty returned on board 28 hours over time, and drunk. Placed him under sentry’s charge.

8pm to midnight:

Light to moderate breeze from WSW. Cloudy but pleasant.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017f7: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_123_1.jpg)

30 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Light to moderate breeze from SW. Cloudy and squally.

4am to 8am:

Released J Moriarty from sentry’s charge.

8am to meridian:

Inspected at quarters. The following absent without leave: J Walsh, A Brown. Exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with light fog with gentle breeze from SW. Lieutenant A Ross and Assistant Paymaster P Simpson left the ship on 4 days’ leave.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with light fog and drizzling rain with light to gentle breeze from WSW.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017fb: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_124_1.jpg)

31 July 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with fog and drizzling rain with light breeze from SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am Inspected at quarters. The following absent without leave: J Walsh, A Brown and F Ryerson (Landsman). Exercises. F Ryerson returned 4 hours over time.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with fog and rain with gentle breeze from WSW. Sent liberty party ashore. A Brown returned on board 145 hours over time.

4am to 8am:

H Hann (Captain of Top) left boat, of which he was in charge, on shore and failed to return.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and foggy with light airs from W and S. Liberty party of Apprentices returned on board.


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514359afa2fc8e0a7b0017ff: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_125_1.jpg)

1 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with fog and drizzling rain with light airs from WSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am Inspected at quarters. The following absent without leave: J Walsh. Abandon ship exercises. About 9.00am sighted “Portsmouth” standing in, in tow of tug. At 9.40am “Portsmouth” fired a salute of 21 guns, British flag at the fore, and 17 guns in honor of the British Admiral. Commanding Captain Schouler called on the Commanding Officer. By order of the Commanding Officer released F Gullion from confinement. H Hann was this day declared a deserter from the US Naval Service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clearing with light breeze from NW. At 1.15pm brought up port chain and let go starboard anchor, running to 23 fathoms of chain.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from N and W.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b001803: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_126_1.jpg)

2 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Foggy and calm.

8am to meridian:

About 10.00am a large English transport came in and transferred some troops from the Dockyard and then went out. The following absent without leave: J Walsh and G Eaton. By order of the Commanding Officer released Mansell, Hobbs and Creeden from confinement. Placed F Gullion in confinement in double irons for 10 days for using menacing language.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light breeze from NNW and N. Fair and pleasant. Sent a liberty party of men and boys ashore.

4am to 8am:

Liberty party returned. F Brooks (Apprentice 3rd class) did not return.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from N. Clear and pleasant. F Brooks returned 2 hours over leave.

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514359afa2fc8e0a7b001807: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_127_1.jpg)

3 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Calm. Clear and pleasant.

4am to 8am:

About 7.00am one of HM monitors came in.

8am to meridian:

Quarters. Read “Articles For the Government of the Navy”. Absent without leave: J Walsh.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Light to moderate breeze from N to W.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light NE airs.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b00180b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_128_1.jpg)

4 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Calm. Fair weather.

4am to 8am:

At 5.30am an English squadron of 8 vessels came in and at 7.15am went up to the Dockyard.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and “abandon ship” exercises and exercises under oars. Absent without leave: J Walsh.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Gentle breeze from N. 1.00pm: Hove up anchor and let go, veered to 30 fathoms. Sent liberty party ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

At 5.15pm English dispatch vessel passed down flying Admiral’s flag. At 5.18pm fired a salute of 17 guns, English flag at the fore. HMS “Galatea” [cruiser] and “Narcissus” [cruiser] entered harbor. Sent an officer to board them with usual offers. Received a visit from an officer of the Dockyard thanking us for the salute.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light NE airs. Liberty party returned.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b00180f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_129_1.jpg)

5 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light N airs and calm.

4am to 8am:

Making and taking sail exercises. At 8.00am fired a salute of 15 guns, English flag at the fore and hoisted jib. French training ship “Bougainville”* entered harbor and was boarded by Ensign Rust who also boarded English ships HMS “Galatea” and “Narcissus”. Several British officers called on the Commanding Officer officially. J Walsh was this day declared a deserter from the US Naval Service.

8am to meridian:

At 8.20am salute returned from the Dockyard.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Gentle breeze from WSW to W. The Commanding Officer of “Narcissus” called on the Commanding Officer.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light airs from N and calm.

*[Note: An “aviso” or dispatch vessel, formerly the “Allier”]

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b001813: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_130_1.jpg)

6 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and calm.

4am to 8am:

At 4.20am English line-of-battle ship HMS “Rodney” came in and anchored in the Sound.

8am to meridian:

At 8.10am HMS “Rodney” fired a salute of 17 guns which was returned by the Dockyard with a salute of 7 guns. 9.30am: Quarters and exercises under sail and oars. At 12.00pm an officer from HMS “Rodney” paid an official visit to the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and hazy. Light airs to breezes from N. Sent out boats for exercise.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool. Light airs to breezes from N.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b001817: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_131_1.jpg)

7 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light airs to breezes from N.

4am to 8am:

Exercised with sails.

8am to meridian:

At 8.45am an English fleet of 10 vessels under the command of Vice-Admiral Tryon came in. At 9.15am saluted the Vice-Admiral with a salute of 15 guns, which was returned gun for gun.

Boarded the following English men-of-war: “Northumberland”, “Anson”, “Invincible”, “Triumph”, [battleships]; “Hotspur” [armored ram]; “Hero”, “Black Prince”, [battleships]; “Shannon” and “Inconstant” [frigates]. Received thanks from officers of the Vice-Admiral and Rear-Admiral.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear, light to fresh breeze from SE. Received official visits from officers of HBMSs “Inflexible” [battleship], “Invincible”, “Black Prince”, “Hotspur” and “Northumberland”. The “Portsmouth” dragged an anchor and fouled an English steamer.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm.

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8 August 1890

At Plymouth, England.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with moderate to fresh breezes from E, blowing in squalls.

4am to 8am:

Two English men-of-war came out of the Dockyard and anchored in the Sound.

8am to meridian:

Fire quarters and boat exercises. Commanding Officer of HMS “Triumph” visited the ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate to fresh breeze from E and ESE. Commanding Officers of “Inconstant”, “Anson”, “Black Prince”, “Invincible” and “Hero” visited the Commanding Officer. The Commanding Officer paid a visit to English men-of-war.

4pm to 8pm:

The Commanding Officer of HMS “Shannon” visited the ship. The Commanding Officer paid a visit to “Inconstant”, “Shannon”, “Hotspur” and “Hero”. Quarters with clean hammocks and bags.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Calm. Several English men-of-war left the harbor.

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9 August 1890

At Plymouth and en route to Funchal, Madeira.

Lat 50.349, Long -4.144

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather. Calm and light SE airs to stiff E breezes. English men-of-war firing guns between 2.00am and 3.00am.

4am to 8am:

Hoisted dinghy and catamaran.

8am to meridian:

At 9.45am Lieutenant Rush from “Portsmouth” called on the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate to fresh breeze from E and S. At 2.14pm up anchor and made sail. At 2.53pm saluted Vice-Admiral Tryon by taking in topgallant sails and courses and breaking British flag at fore royal truck.

Signaled “Portsmouth” and British flagship. At 3.43pm took departure; Eddystone Light bearing SE½S 1 mile. Set course WSW.

6pm to 8pm:

[Shortened sail in squalls.]

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, with occasional flashes of lightning to the S. Light squalls from ESE to SE. Sighted Lizard Light at 8.10pm bearing N¾W. At 8.15pm changed course to WSW½W. Close-hauled at end.

Addition: Rating of C Borstrom and H Emery from Seaman to Captain of Top.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b001827: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_135_1.jpg)

10 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 49.20, Long -6.50

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and foggy, with drizzling rain. Light SSW airs and breezes. Sighted a steamer standing to N and E.

4am to 8am:

At 7.10am set main and mizzen topmast staysails. At 7.30am set mizzen topgallant and royals.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sail set to the wind.] Exchanged colors with Norwegian bark “Boomerang” standing into the Channel. Set clock back 13 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, rainy and squally with stiff to fresh breeze from SW. [Reduced sail in squalls.]

4pm to 6pm:

Exchanged colors with an English steamer standing to E. At 4.20pm wore ship and set course SW [increased sail].

8pm to midnight:

Clear first half. Moderate to stiff breeze from NW. Moderate sea.

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11 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 48.15, Long -6.90

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to cloudy. Light to gentle W to SW breezes. Sighted a steamer standing to W.

4am to 8am:

Shook out reefs. Passed several vessels standing to E.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. Exchanged colors with a steamer standing to N and E.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy. Gentle to light breeze from W and SW. Sighted a steamer standing to W.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters at 5.15pm.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and damp. Lightning. Light airs to breezes from W to WSW. At end of watch ship under fore and main topmast staysails and plain sail to topgallant sails except spanker.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b00182f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_137_1.jpg)

12 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 47.10, Long -6.66

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light fog on horizon. Light to gentle baffling airs and S to W breezes. Wore ship to starboard tack.

4am to 8am:

Sighted 3 steamers standing to N and E.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails to light and variable winds.] Passed several steamers standing to N and E. Released M Gullion from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Gentle to moderate breeze from NE to NNE. 12.30pm: Changed course to WSW and at 1.00pm changed course to WSW¾W. Exchanged colors with a German steamer standing to N and E.

4pm to 6pm:

Quarters at 5.15pm. Two steamers passed us standing to S and W then passed standing to E.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clearing. Moderate to stiff NE breeze. [Reduced sail.] Sighted 6 steamers’ and 1 sailing vessel’s lights during watch.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b001833: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_138_1.jpg)

13 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 45.19, Long -9.40

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to overcast. Moderate to very strong breeze from N and NW. At 1.00am took in and furled royals and flying jib. At 1.40am took in staysails. At 2.40am took in mainsail and topgallant.

4am to 8am:

[Increased sail.] Sighted 2 steamers.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails to wind.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with moderate breeze from NE. Passed a bark standing to S and W. Placed G Hermann (Seaman Apprentice 2nd class) in solitary confinement on bread and water for 5 days for selling clothes.

8pm to midnight:

Fair with passing clouds to cloudy. Stiff to gentle breeze from ENE to NNE. At 8.20pm changed course to WSW¾W.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b001837: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_139_1.jpg)

14 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 43.34, Long -11.50

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy but pleasant. Light to moderate breeze from N and NW.

4am to 8am:

At 7.15am changed course to SW¾W. At 7.20am set starboard lower studding sail and mizzen topgallant sail and royal.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails to wind.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with moderate breeze from NW and N. Smooth sea.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.20pm changed course to SSW. Three sail in sight during watch.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from NNW.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b00183b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_140_1.jpg)

15 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 41.83, Long -11.88

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs and breeze from NNW. Smooth sea.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails to wind.] By order of the Commanding Officer released G Hermann from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze from WNW.

4pm to 6pm:

Passed a cask covered in grass and barnacles, and several schools of fish.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breeze from WNW to NW. Smooth sea.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b00183f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_141_1.jpg)

16 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 40.42, Long -12.14

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from NW. Under all plain sail to royals except for topmast staysail and all starboard studding sails.

4am to 8am:

Set lower studding sail.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to wind.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from NNE to NNW. Long swell from N.

6pm to 8pm:

Heavy swell from N.

8pm to midnight:

Light variable airs and calm. Cloudy but pleasant.

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514359b0a2fc8e0a7b001843: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_142_1.jpg)

17 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 39.70, Long -11.68

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with calm and light airs. At 1.30am chapelled ship* and came by the wind on port tack. Full and by at end of watch.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to wind.] Long swell from N.

8am to meridian:

Held divine service; Commanding Officer officiating.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate breeze from SW.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.30pm ship came to her course SW.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather with passing clouds. Light to stiff breeze from W to NW.

*[Note: Chapelling a ship is the act of turning her round in a light breeze, when she is close-hauled, without bracing the head-yards, so that she will lie the same way that she did before. This is commonly occasioned by the negligence of the steersman, or by a sudden change of the wind.]

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18 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 37.48, Long -11.82

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cloudy at intervals with light to moderate breeze from WNW to SW. Smooth sea.

8am to meridian:

General quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with light showers.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with moderate to light NNW breeze. Bright starlight.

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19 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 35.52, Long -13.20

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breeze from NW. Bright starlight.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails.] Passed a steamer standing to S.

8am to meridian:

Quarters, inspection and exercises. At 11.00am changed course to WSW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle to moderate breeze from NW. Passed several vessels (steamers). The glass at the standard compass was broken by a knife falling from aloft.

4pm to 6pm:

Exchanged colors with the English steamer “Roman”.

8pm to midnight:

Clear gentle breeze hauling from NW to NNE.

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20 August 1890

At sea en route to Funchal.

Lat 33.80, Long -15.12

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breeze from NE. Smooth sea.

4am to 8am

[Adjusted sails.]

8am to meridian:

Quarters, inspection and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate breeze from ENE. At 12.40pm changed course to WSW¾W. Served out clean bags. Instructed Apprentices in English.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.40pm sighted NE end of Porto Santo Island bearing W½S. At 6.45pm took in starboard lower studding sail and at 7.05pm topmast and topgallant studding sails.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with gentle to stiff breeze from NE to ENE. Smooth sea. Moon set at 9.25pm. [Adjusted sails.]

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514359b1a2fc8e0a7b001853: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_146_1.jpg)

21 August 1890

At sea and at Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with moderate breeze from ENE. Smooth sea. At 1.00am Branco Point, Port Santo Island, bore NW. Changed course to W½S. At 1.30am sighted Flora Island ahead. Changed course to SW and at 2.20am changed to WSW½W. Sighted a steamer standing out.

4am to 8am:

Steering for anchorage at Funchal, Madeira. [Took in sails.] At 7.58am furled sails and let go starboard anchor in 23 fathoms, hard bottom, and veered to 30 fathoms of chain.

8am to meridian:

At 8.00am fired national salute, Portuguese flag at the fore. US Consul visited the ship; saluted him with 7 guns.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with gentle breeze from WNW. Russian Vice-Consul visited the ship; saluted him with 5 guns.

8pm to midnight:

Clear; calm and light airs from NE.

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22 August 1890

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Calms and light NE airs.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercised boats under sail. Commanding Officer paid a visit to the Governor on shore.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and warm with light to gentle NE breeze. At 12.40pm HMS “Swiftsure” [ironclad battleship] came in and anchored and fired a salute of 21 guns, Portuguese flag at the fore, which was returned from shore. At 12.45pm fired a salute of 15 guns, English flag at the fore and hoisted the jib. Salute returned gun for gun by “Swiftsure”. Sent an officer to board her. Commanding Officer paid an official visit to “Swiftsure”. Received on board an officer from “Swiftsure” with thanks for civilities. 3.15pm Quarters and turned in clean hammocks and bags.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light NE breezes.

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23 August 1890

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Calm and light NE airs.

4am to 8am:

Three English steamers anchored in harbor.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light NE breeze. At 2.10pm Rear-Admiral Heneage and staff from HMS “Swiftsure” came on board to call on the Commanding Officer.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light NE airs.

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24 August 1890

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Calm and light N&W airs.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and inspection. 10.15am Divine service, with the Reverend Mr James of London officiating. Louis Keen (Landsman) absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light W and W x S breezes. A visiting party from the “Saratoga” [school ship] came on board. We sent a visiting party to the “Saratoga”.

4pm to 8pm:

Visiting party returned from “Saratoga”.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light W airs.

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25 August 1890

At Funchal.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Calm and clear. Moonlight.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and inspection. Absent Louis Keen and Manuel Pina (Landsman). Exercised in boats. Received visits from the Civil and Military Governors of the island. Saluted the Civil Governor with 17 guns, which was returned from shore.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light W breezes and airs.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm with light N & W airs.

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26 August 1890

At Funchal and at sea.

Lat 32.643, Long -16.910

Commences and until 4am:

Calm and clear. Light airs from N and E.

4am to 8am:

Got in dinghy and catamaran and made preparations for sea.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and inspection. Louis Keen and Manuel Pina absent without leave and declared deserters. At 11.05am called “all hands up anchor for home.” At 11.25am manned rigging and cheered ship in return for a cheer from “Saratoga”. Set topgallant sails at 11.45am.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant. Working out of Funchal first hour. Strong wind from ENE. Took in topgallant sails. At 1.15pm took departure, Loo Rock bearing N17°W, Flora Island bore N63°E, ship’s head SW. [Set appropriate sails.] At 1.40pm changed course to WSW½W and at 3.45pm changed it to WSW¾W.

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails for passage.] At 7.38pm changed course to WSW. About 6.30pm Antonio John Bathiste, a native of Madeira, was discovered stowed away. He was scrubbed, his clothing thrown overboard, and he was put in uniform.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, moderate ESE breeze, bright moonlight.

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27 August 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 31.00, Long -18.63

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to fair. Moderate to stiff breeze from ESE hauling to ENE. Ship under plain sail to royals except flying jib and spanker with studding sails and staysails. [Adjusted sails at points.]

4am to 8am:

At 7.00am changed course to WSW¾W.

8am to meridian:

At 8.25am changed course to SW. 9.30am: Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails at points to meet conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate breeze from SE and E to NE. Clear and pleasant. [Adjusted sails at points to meet conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant. Gentle to moderate NE breeze. Smooth sea.

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28 August 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 29.70, Long -20.92

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy and pleasant. Moderate breeze from E. Ship under plain sail to royals except flying jib and spanker with studding sails.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate to stiff breeze from NE. Fair weather.

6pm to 8pm:

Smooth sea. Bright moonlight and starlight.

8pm to midnight:

Stiff to fresh NE to E breeze. Clear to cloudy.

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29 August 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 28.00, Long -23.65

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy. Stiff breeze from NE to SE. Ship under plain sail to royals except flying jib, mainsail, spanker and mizzen topgallant and royal.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. “Abandon ship” exercise. By order of the Commanding Officer placed Apprentices J Dyer, H Sniffin, J O’Connor and J Hennessy in confinement on bread and water for 5 days for selling cloth.

Meridian to 4pm:

Stiff to moderate breeze from E to NE. Clear to cloudy pleasant weather. [3.30pm: Adjusted sails.] 3.46pm: Changed course to WNW½W.

4pm to 6pm:

[5.30pm adjusted sails to the conditions.] Moderate sea; ship rolling heavily at times.

8pm to midnight:

Stiff to moderate to stiff breeze from E to NE. Fair weather. Moderate sea; ship rolling heavily at times.

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30 August 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 26.10, Long -26.42

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy. Stiff breeze from NE. Moderate sea.

4am to 8am:

[6.30am: Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8am to meridian:

Thos Murray (Boatswain’s Mate) reported his term of enlistment as expired. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.] At end of watch the following sail on her; all studding sails except topgallant, fore and main topmast staysails and all plain sail to royals except flying jib, mainsail, spanker and mizzen topgallant and mizzen royal.

Meridian to 4pm:

Stiff to moderate breeze from ENE. Cloudy. Moderate following sea.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and pleasant. Stiff to moderate breeze from ENE to NNE.

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31 August 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 24.20, Long -29.21

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant. Stiff breeze from ENE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

4am to 8am:

Moderate following sea.

8am to meridian:

At 8.30am changed course to W and at 12.00pm to W x N. 9.30am: Inspection and divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate to fresh breeze from ENE to NNE. Following sea.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with passing showers last hour. Stiff NNE breeze with occasional light squalls. [Adjusted sails to squalls.]


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1 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.50, Long -32.35

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with occasional drops of rain. Light wind between NE and NNE.

4am to 8am:

Showers around horizon.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.] At 9.30am exercised general quarters; ready for action in 3 minutes. Set clock back 12 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze from NNE. Clear and pleasant.

8pm to midnight:

Gentle breeze from NE. Clear and pleasant. Smooth sea. At 8.20pm had general quarters exercise and fired one charge from each gun of starboard battery.

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514359b1a2fc8e0a7b001883: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_158_1.jpg)

2 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.15, Long -34.05

Commences and until 4am:

Clear pleasant weather. Gentle breeze to light airs from NE. Under plain sail and studding sails and staysails.

4am to 8am:

Showers around horizon.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.] Aired bedding.

Meridian to 4pm:

Light airs and gentle breeze from NNE. Clear and pleasant.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs from ENE. Clear and pleasant. Moon rose at 9.00pm.

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3 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.08, Long -34.68

Commences and until 4am:

Clear bright moonlight. Light airs from N and E. Under plain sail and studding sails and staysails.

4am to 8am:

Sighted a sail on starboard bow at daylight.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.] By order of the Commanding Officer placed N Trotman in solitary confinement for 5 days on bread and water for disobedience of an order. Also released J Dyer, H Sniffin, J O’Connor and J Hennessy from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy, warm weather. Light airs and gentle breeze from E.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle ENE breeze, smooth sea.

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4 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.05, Long -36.08

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with bright moonlight. Light airs from E to ENE. Smooth sea.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.] J Palmquist (Chief Quartermaster) reported that his term of enlistment had expired. Inspections and drills at quarters. By order of the Commanding Officer placed Apprentices W Heckel, J Rawlinson and J Dee in confinement on bread and water for 5 days for disposing of their clothing.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy, warm weather. Light airs and gentle breeze from E.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from ESE to SE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b00188f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_161_1.jpg)

5 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.02, Long -38.08

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant with light breeze from ENE.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to theconditions.] Exercises and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy, warm weather and gentle breeze from ESE. Smooth sea.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light NNE breeze. At 11.20pm moon rose. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b001893: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_162_1.jpg)

6 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.03, Long -38.98

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with some cloud with light to gentle breeze from ESE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Light airs from E and gentle breeze from ENE. Clear and pleasant.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs and breezes from S and E. Smooth sea. Moon rose at 11.50pm.

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7 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.03, Long -41.35

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light to gentle breeze from SE to SSE. Under all plain sail to royals, except mainsail and spanker. With all studding sails.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8am to meridian:

At 8.00am changed course to WNW¼W. 9.40am: Muster and read “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy”. Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze to light airs from SSE. Clear and warm. At 11.55am changed course to WNW½W.

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Light airs and breezes from ESE Fair and pleasant.

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8 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.07, Long -43.02

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with light breeze from E to SSE. Under all plain sail to royals, except mainsail and spanker. With port studding sails.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze to light airs from SE. Clear and pleasant. Awarded the following punishments:

Caldwell, A: dropping knife from aloft, 8 hours extra duty with rifle; Coward, A: loafing on berth deck, 4 hours’ extra duty with rifle; Maloney, C: late relieving wheel, 4 hours’ extra duty at wheel.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.20pm lowered lifeboat and rescued a parrot from a watery grave.

8pm to midnight:

Light airs and breezes from SE. Clear and pleasant. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b00189f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_165_1.jpg)

9 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 22.98, Long -44.55

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from S and E. Moon rose at 1.40am.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.] By order of the Commanding Officer released W Heckel, J Rawlinson and J Dee from confinement.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. Changed course to WNW½W at 8.10am.

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze from SE to E. Clear. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Light airs and breezes from SE Clear and pleasant.

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b0018a3: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_166_1.jpg)

10 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 22.95, Long -45.85

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from ESE. Moon rose at 2.30am.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. Bag inspection. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Gentle breeze from NE. Clear and pleasant. Smooth sea.

4pm to 8pm:

Tested for man overboard. A board consisting of Lieutenant Garth, Lieutenant Milton and Ensign Ryan tested the reel lifebuoy.

8pm to midnight:

Light breezes from NE to E. Clear and pleasant.

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b0018a7: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_167_1.jpg)

11 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.00, Long -48.20

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from ENE. Smooth sea.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Light airs and breezes from SE to ESE. Clear and pleasant. Heavy rain squall to the S. Some change in the wind to the E. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.] By order of the Commanding Officer Ordinary Seamen J Dorsey and R Ford were given 4 days’ extra duty for duplicity, interchanging clothing at bag inspection, and to W Chisholm (Landsman) 8 hours’ extra duty for not obeying call promptly.

4pm to 8pm:

Lightning to N and W.

8pm to midnight:

Light breezes from S to E increasing to stiff breeze last hour. Lightning in SW. Clear and pleasant. Sea smooth.

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b0018ab: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_168_1.jpg)

12 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.13, Long -50.27

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to fair and pleasant with stiff to light breeze from SE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

4am to 8am:

At daylight sighted a brigantine standing to S.

Meridian to 4pm:

Moderate to gentle breezes from ESE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

By order of the Commanding Officer, assigned the following punishments: W Tyrell and M Pereira reduced a grade for making non-regulation clothing; J Bryant for not coming aft when told, and N Rawlinson for not scrubbing underclothes as ordered in morning watch; J O’Connor for trying to pass off another’s clothing as his own; all 12 hours’ extra duty.

J Watson and H Frost for not washing when word was passed: 4 hours extra duty; C Williams for putting his name on another boy’s clothes, 12 hours extra duty; J Watson, O Felsner and A Smith: for profanity, 8 hours extra duty; N Chisholm: for clothes in pantry locker, 8 hours’ extra duty.

4pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to moderate breezes from ESE. Clear and pleasant. Bright starlight.

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b0018af: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_169_1.jpg)


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13 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.28, Long -53.08

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather with moderate breeze from ESE.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate to gentle breezes from ESE. Assigned punishments. [List included above.]

8pm to midnight:

Gentle to moderate breezes from ESE. Clear and pleasant. Patches of heavy cumulus. Occasional lightning to N and W.

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b0018b7: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_171_1.jpg)

14 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 23.50, Long -55.92

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and warm with moderate breeze from ESE. Moderate swell.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. 10.20am Divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear. Moderate to gentle breezes from ESE. At 12.45pm changed course to WNW. [Adjusted sails to the course change.]

8pm to midnight:

Stiff to gentle breezes from E to ESE. Clear to fair with light passing showers.

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514359b2a2fc8e0a7b0018bb: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_172_1.jpg)


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15 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 24.73, Long -59.03

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and warm with moderate to stiff breeze from E.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions – squalls.] Sighted a bark standing to N and W.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair. Moderate squalls from N and E hauling to stiff breeze from ENE. Passing showers. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.] By order of the Commanding Officer, the following punishments were awarded: [List included above].

4pm to 6pm:

At end of watch, bark in sight bearing W.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Light rain squalls passing astern of us frequently. [Adjusted sails to the conditions – squalls.]

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16 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 26.68, Long -61.73

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate to stiff breeze from ENE. Light rain squalls. [Adjusted sails to the conditions – squalls]

4am to 8am:

Sighted two sails.

8am to meridian:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions – squalls.] Mustered and held examinations. By order of the Commanding Officer placed A Brown (Seaman) in solitary confinement on bread and water for 5 days for disobedience of orders. Set clocks back 9 minutes.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Moderate to gentle breeze from E. Served out clothing. By order of the Commanding Officer, punishments were awarded as follows: J O’Connor: not taking flannel to tailor as ordered, 8 hours’ extra duty; J O’Connor: lying, 12 hours’ extra duty; P Kemble: clothes in lucky bag, 2 hours’ extra duty; C Hobbs: clothes in lucky bag, 2 hours’ extra duty; N Cant: clothes in lucky bag, 2 hours’ extra duty; A Caldwell: clothes in lucky bag, 2 hours’ extra duty; J Burns: clothes in lucky bag, 2 hours’ extra duty;

J Burns: soap and brushes in lucky bag, 2 hours’ extra duty.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and warm. Fair weather. Breeze from E to SE. Lightning first hour to E.

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17 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 28.43, Long -64.03

Commences and until 4am:

Moderate breeze from E. Light rain showers. Clear pleasant weather.

4am to 8am:

At daylight sighted a sail off port quarter, evidently an English man-of-war heading for Bermuda. Also sighted a bark about 3 points forward of port beam, heading N and W.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and instruction. Placed O Felsner in solitary confinement on bread and water for two days for mutilating clothing.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with rain squalls around horizon. Smooth sea. At 12.45pm changed course to NW¾W. [Adjusted sails to the course change]. Sighted steamer smoke on port quarter. By order of the Commanding Officer 10 punishments were awarded [list included].

8pm to midnight:

Light breeze from SSE to ESE. Cloudy but pleasant. Vivid heat lightning all around the horizon, but mostly to the E and SE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

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18 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 29.43, Long -65.38

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy. Lightning to the S and E. Light breeze from E. Ship under plain sail except flying jib, weather clew of mainsail and spanker with starboard studding sails and main topmast staysail.

4am to 8am:

Sighted two sail at daylight. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8am to meridian:

At 8.30am changed course to NNW. 9.30am: Quarters and instruction. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light passing showers. Light breeze from SSW to W. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.] By order of the Commanding Officer, the following punishments were awarded: B Palmer: not laying aft to hold the reel, reel holder for 3 days; H Sniffin: talking at instruction, 2 hours’ extra duty; B Middleton: talking at instruction, 2 hours’ extra duty; G Cassell; inattention at instruction, 2 hours’ extra duty; G Cassell; leaving quarterdeck without permission, 4 hours’ extra duty.

8pm to midnight:

Light breeze from E to ESE. Fair weather. Occasional lightning. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

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19 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 30.72, Long -66.85

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cloudy. Light breeze from ESE to SSE. Smooth sea.

4am to 8am:

Sighted two sail to the W.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Released O Felsner from confinement. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather. Light breeze from SSE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.] By order of the Commanding Officer, the following punishments were awarded: N Shelton: leaving extra duty without permission, 2 hours’ extra duty; J Hogan: inattention to order, 2 hours’ extra duty; J Hurley: inattention to order, 2 hours’ extra duty; L Davis: profanity, 12 hour’s extra duty; G Mallory: want of alacrity in obeying order, and telling ship’s corporal that he could take his own time, 8 hours’ extra duty.

4pm to 6pm:

Sighted a ship on starboard beam standing to N and W. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Light to gentle breeze from SSE to SW. Clear and pleasant. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

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20 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 31.70, Long -68.02

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SSW to SW. Smooth sea. At end of watch a sail in sight about 2 points aft of lee bow heading N and W.

4am to 8am:

The schoolship “Saratoga” passed us. Made international code BRD. “Saratoga” answered with BNK.

8am to meridian:

At 8.30am changed course to NW½N and at 11.35am to NNW. Sighted from aloft sails on port bow, port beam, starboard bow and starboard quarter. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and warm; showers around horizon. Light variable airs and breezes. At 1.30pm changed course to NW½W. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Fair; faint lightning to N. Light airs from S and E.

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21 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 32.13, Long -68.70

Commences and until 4am:

Fair weather. Light airs and breezes from SSE. Occasional lightning to N and W.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8am to meridian:

Released A Brown from confinement. C Birminghouse (Quarter-gunner) reported the term of his enlistment had expired. 9.30am: Quarters followed by divine service. A steamer passed standing to W. At end of watch the “Saratoga” bore about WNW. Two other sail in sight to N. Exchanged colors with an American bark standing to NW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and warm. Light SE airs.

4pm to 6pm:

At 5.30pm changed course to NNW. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from S and E. Sighted several vessel lights on port bow and beam. Moon set at 11.00pm.

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22 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 32.92, Long -69.65

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and warm. Light breeze from SE to SSE. Between 1.00 and 1.30am passed through tide rips. At 2.35am changed course to NW. Three lights in sight on port side. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

4am to 8am:

At daylight sighted “Saratoga” 3 points forward port beam, a bark off port beam, and another bark 2 points abaft port beam, and a full-size ship broad off the port quarter. 7.10am: Changed course to NNW.

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

8am to meridian:

At 11.00am changed course to NW. Held survey of articles in Equipment Department. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with light SSE breeze. At 1.00pm changed course to NW½W and at 2.00pm to WNW. By order of the Commanding Officer, assigned the following punishments: [List included above].

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.12pm changed course to NW.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant. Light breeze from S and SW. At 8.30pm sighted a vessel on port bow heading to the S and E. She was out of sight at the end of the watch. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

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23 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 33.70, Long -71.98

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with lightning to N and W. Light breeze from SE to SSW. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions.] At daylight sighted 3 sail on port quarter and one 2 points on port bow.

8am to meridian:

At 9.15am changed course to NNW. At 11.45am changed course to NW½W and at 12.00pm to NW.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and warm with light SSW breeze. At 1.10pm changed course to NNW. The Commanding Officer assigned nine punishments [list included]. Three sail, a full-rigged ship and two barks in sight.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Frequent lightning between NNW and NE. Light to moderate breeze from WSW. Smooth sea.

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24 September 1890

At sea en route to New York.

Lat 34.90, Long -72.62

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy with moderate to fresh breeze from SSW. Lightning to N and W. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions – squalls.] At 7.20am wore ship to S.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, inspection and examinations. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with fresh NNE breeze. By order of the Commanding Officer, assigned the following punishments: W Laird, A Harmer, S Child, A Howard, E Roberts: ragged and dirty, on deck; A Howard: smoking cigarette, 8 hours of extra duty. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

6pm to 8pm:

Made out green light of vessel 2 points ahead of port beam.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and squally. Moderate to fresh breeze from NE to ENE. [Adjusted sail to give way to a bark to leeward, close-hauled on starboard tack.]

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25 September 1890

At sea en route to New York and at Hampton Roads.

Lat 36.58, Long -75.50

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with rough sea moderating and stiff to fresh breeze from ENE. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to the conditions – squalls] Sighted several sails ahead.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters, inspection and examinations. Changed course at 8.20am to NNW and at 10.00am to NW½N. Sighted several sails ahead. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with stiff ENE to ESE breeze. At 1.30pm land was sighted 1 point off port bow and at 1.45pm sighted Cape Henry Light about 1 point off port bow. [Adjusted sails to the conditions.]

4pm to 6pm:

Mustered at quarters and served out clean bags and hammocks. Standing in for anchorage at Fort Monroe, Virginia.

6pm to 8pm:

Heading for anchorage at Hampton Roads, Virginia, Commanding Officer and Navigator conning ship. At 6.22pm called “all hands bring ship to anchor.” At 6.40pm took in topsails. At 6.42pm let go starboard anchor in 11 fathoms to 45 fathoms of chain. At 6.45pm furled sail. Got out dinghy and catamaran.

8pm to midnight:

Moderate breeze from ESE. Overcast and cloudy.

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26 September 1890

At anchor off Fortress Monroe, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Gentle to fresh SE breeze. Overcast, cloudy with heavy rain.

4am to 8am:

The Commanding Officer left the ship on leave of absence. BP Lamberton Jr, passenger, left the ship.

8am to meridian:

Discharged; expiration of enlistment: J Palmquist (Chief Quartermaster), J Murray (Boatswain’s Mate), and C Birminghouse (Quarter-gunner). Sent an officer to visit the Commandant of the fort.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with stiff SW to W breeze. Commanding Officer visited the Commandant of the fort. Lieutenant Garst and Ensign Rust left the ship on leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light airs from the N.

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27 September 1890

At anchor off Fortress Monroe, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm.

8am to meridian:

Sent 1st Division ashore for target practice. Commanding Officer of Fortress Monroe visited the ship officially.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy with light airs and breezes from SW to S. Quarters and turned in scrubbed hammocks and bags. Sent 3rd Division for target practice.

4pm to 8pm:

Frequent lightning.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy. Gentle to stiff NE to E breeze. Frequent lightning.

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28 September 1890

At anchor off Fortress Monroe, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Raining. Gentle breeze from E to NE and NNE.

8am to meridian:

At 11.30am catted port anchor.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy with light airs and breezes from SW to S.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Moderate gale from N and E.

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29 September 1890

At anchor off Fortress Monroe, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Fresh gale from N and E.

4am to 8am:

About 6.00am let go port anchor underfoot and braced yards.

8am to meridian:

Got sheet anchor on starboard bow, bent sheet chain veered to 30 fathoms on port chain and secured it. Lieutenant JB Milton detached and ordered to Naval Academy.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast; moderate NE gale blowing in squalls.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Moderate gale from N and E.

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30 September 1890

At anchor off Fortress Monroe, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and moderate gale from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Enlisted for cruise John Antonio Batista (Landsman).

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, rainy and squally with moderate to fresh NE breeze. By order of the Commanding Officer, awarded 20 punishments [list included].

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy. Gentle to stiff breeze from NE.


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1 October 1890

At anchor off Fortress Monroe, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally with rain. Gentle to stiff breeze from NE.

4am to 8am:

Commander Lamberton, Lieutenant Garst and Ensign Rust returned from leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy, rainy with moderate to stiff NNE breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with lightning in SE and passing showers.

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2 October 1890

At Fortress Monroe and at Lynnhaven Bay, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with lightning first hour. Moderate breeze from ENE.

4am to 8am:

Hove up starboard anchor at 6.00am.

8am to meridian:

Made preparations for sea. 11.15am: Got underway. 11.55am: Tacked ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with passing showers. Gentle to moderate ENE breeze. Beating out of Hampton Roads until 3.10pm, then stood down the channel for Lynnhaven Bay. Took in sails.

4pm to 6pm:

Standing to anchorage in Lynnhaven Roads. Took in sail and came to anchor in 4½ fathoms, veered to 30 fathoms starboard chain. Bottom mud.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to misty. Gentle breeze to airs from ESE to SE.

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3 October 1890

At Lynnhaven Bay and en route to New York.

Lat 37.20, Long -75.50

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and misty with faint lightning to S and E. Light breeze from SE to NW.

4am to 8am:

Hove up anchor at 6.00am and set sails. At 7.00am made signal to Cape Henry signal station and at 7.00am took departure. Red buoy No. 2 off Cape Henry bore NW ¾ mile. Set course ENE½E.

8am to meridian:

Sea smooth. At 8.45am changed course to NE¾E. 9.30am: Quarters and abandon ship exercise.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy, clearing to W with gentle to moderate NW breeze. At 3.20pm changed course to NNE¾E.

4pm to 6pm:

Passed 3 steamers standing to S and W.

6pm to 8pm:

Passed a steamer standing to S.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast then clearing. Gentle to stiff breeze from NNW to NW. Sea smooth.

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4 October 1890

From Lynn Haven Bay en route to New York.

Lat 39.30, Long -73.80

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, pleasant weather. Moderate to fresh breeze from NW to NNW. At 12.30am a steamer passed to S. At 3.00am took in royals and flying jib. Under plain sail to topgallant sails with main topmast staysails.

4am to 8am:

At 5.00am sighted two white lights on lee beam. At 5.15am got cast of lead in 21 fathoms, sand and gravel. At 5.15am brought the ship by the wind on port tack. Passed several coasters.

8am to meridian:

Sighted numerous sails. 11.30am: Set royals and flying jib.

Meridian to 4pm:

Hazy on horizon, clear overhead. Light to moderate NW breeze. Sea smooth.

6pm to 8pm:

Faint lightning to N and E. Ship full and by on port tack. Came to N at 7.50pm. At 7.40pm sighted Barnegat Light bearing N¼N.

8pm to midnight:

Fair weather. Light haze clouding over last hour. Gentle to moderate breeze from NW to W. Sighted Navesink Lights [twin] at 10.50pm. Sighted lights of two steamers and a pilot boat.

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[Changes in Apprentice ratings]

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[Changes in ratings]

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5 October 1890

At sea and at Rockaway, New York.

Lat 40.15, Long -73.87

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Moderate to fresh breeze from NW. Sea smooth. At 1.30am tacked ship to S and W [reduced sail]. At 3.30am wore ship to N.

4am to 8am:

6.30am: Reduced sail and let go starboard anchor in 8 fathoms, hard bottom, veered to 30 fathoms of chain, off Rockaway, New York.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and general muster. Read “Articles for the Better Government of the Navy” and listed changes in the rating of Apprentices [list included above]. Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with gentle to moderate NNW to NW breeze.

8pm to midnight:

Clear weather. Gentle breeze from NNW to NW.

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6 October 1890

At Rockaway and at New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Fair and pleasant. Light haze to gentle breeze from NNW to ENE.

4am to 8am:

At 4.30am got up chains and at 5.00am got underway standing to SW under all plain sail.

8am to meridian:

At 9.15am tug “Egbert Myers” took ship in tow. At 10.25am fired a salute of 13 guns with jib. Exchanged colors with USTS “Philadelphia” which was returned. At 12.20pm let go starboard anchor off 28th Street.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with drizzling rain and showers. Light breeze from NE to SE. Moored ship off 28th Street, North River, at 12.30pm in 6½ fathoms of water.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, squally and rainy. Stiff ESE breeze.

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7 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, squally and rainy. Moderate ENE breeze blowing in squalls.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and bag inspection.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with rain. Gentle to stiff breeze from E. Discharged by order of Bureau of Navigation JA Graham (Apprentice 3rd class).

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle NE breeze.

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8 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle NNE breeze.

8am to meridian:

Furled sail.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle breeze from N. At 12.00pm tug “Nina” came alongside with stores [followed by detailed list of stores]. By same tug, the following boys were transferred to USS “Minnesota”: R Allen, R Adams, C Buehler, W Barrett, J Butler, M Backes, J Burns, A Brundage, R Brown, C Brown, J Creeden, J Dyer, W Donovan, L Davies, W Fieldhouse, J Fremstad, M Faily, J Frayne, J Hogan, W Heckel, G Hermann, J Heffernan, C Hobbs, C Jaffe, W Jennings, P Kemble, A Loveland, N Lykke, W Linder, W Laird, B Lewis, T McGinty, H Mansell, R Morgan, P Murphy, G Malley, L Mason, W Morgan, C Maloney, E Norcott, T Porske, A Nagelvont, JH Ryan, JJ Ryan, H Rawlinson, C Rush, J Williams, P Moon. Also transferred to US Naval Hospital, Brooklyn: C Chase (Apprentice 3rd class), W Murphy (Landsman), F Burt (Private Marine). Also engaged in scraping and painting ship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold. Light airs from WNW and calm.

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9 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Bright starlight. Light airs from N.

4am to 8am:

Lieutenant H Mayo left ship on a week’s leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters: absent without leave W Letts (Ship’s Corporal), W Martin (Ordinary Seaman) and A Hamilton (Private Marine).

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from NNW. Sent a draft of Apprentices on leave. Replaced gear condemned by survey.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from S to SSW.

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514359b4a2fc8e0a7b00192f: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_201_1.jpg)

10 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs from S to SSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absent without leave: W Letts, W Martin, J McCann (Landsman) and A Hamilton.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Light breeze from S to SW.

4pm to 8pm:

W Letts returned to ship. Lieutenant A Ross left ship on leave.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with heavy showers. Light to moderate breeze from SSW to W.

514359b4a2fc8e0a7b001931: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_202_0.jpg)

514359b4a2fc8e0a7b001933: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_202_1.jpg)

11 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light airs from W to WNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absent without leave: W Martin, J Winter, T Erikson (Seaman), J McCann and A Hamilton. Carpenter J Burke left the ship on a week’s leave. Ensign J Ryan left the ship for Washington, DC, to appear before an examining board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from WNW. Sent liberty party on shore.

8pm to midnight:

Fair, pleasant weather. Light breeze from WNW to NNW.

514359b4a2fc8e0a7b001935: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_203_0.jpg)

514359b4a2fc8e0a7b001937: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_203_1.jpg)

12 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast with light breeze from NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absent without leave: W Martin, J Winter, E Mack (Landsman), R Cook and S Harris (Apprentices 3rd class), F Murtha (Landsman), M Riley (Private Marine), T Erikson, J McCann and A Hamilton. By order of the Commanding Officer, placed S McDermott (Private Marine) under sentry’s charge until sober.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Light breeze from NW. Released S McDermott.

4pm to 8pm:

A Hamilton and M Riley returned to the ship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light breeze from NW.

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514359b4a2fc8e0a7b00193b: ( Jamestown/vol063of067/vol063of067_204_1.jpg)

[Blank pages]

LOG BOOK – OCTOBER 13th 1890 TO APRIL 22nd 1891

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[Blank pages]

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Log book of the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, of 12 guns, commanded by Commander BP Lamberton, US Navy, attached to training squadron, commencing October 13th, 1890, at New York, N.Y., and ending April 22nd, 1891, at sea Lat 27 03N, Long 74 55W

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001945: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_003_0.jpg)

List of Officers attached to and on board of the USS Jamestown, 3rd rate, commanded by Commander BS Lamberton, USN, during the period covered by this logbook from October 13th, 1890, to April 22nd, 1891

Lamberton BP, Commander

Rose Albert, Lieutenant

Garst Perry, Lieutenant

Lasher OE, Lieutenant

Nicolson JO, Lieutenant

Mayo HT, Lieutenant (JG)

Ryan TW, Ensign

Rust A, Ensign

Tisdale RD, Ensign

Davis HH, Ensign

Miller ML, Ensign

DU Bose WR, PA Surgeon

Huzal EW, Assistant Surgeon

Simpson GW, Assistant Paymaster

Royce AL, Chaplain

Dirckiuck J, Pay Clerk

Hill WL, Boatswain

Swift Jos, Gunner

Furrier WA, Gunner

Burke Jas, Carpenter

Cassey AW, Carpenter

Van Mater J, Sailmaker

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001947: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_003_1.jpg)

List of officers who have died, been detached, or transferred on board the USS Jamestown, commanded by BP Lamberton, Commander, USN, during the period covered by this log book from October 13th, 1890, to April 22nd, 1891

Rust A, Ensign, detached December 14 1890 to Navy Yard Washington DC

Swift Jos, Gunner, detached October 20 1890 to USS “Vermont”

Huzal EU, Assistant Surgeon, detached November 15 1890 to (temporarily attached to this ship)

Burke Jas, Carpenter, detached December 27 1890 to [blank]

Ryan TW, Ensign, detached March 10 1890, Coast Survey Steamer "Endeavor"

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Complement of Petty Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Seamen, Apprentice Seamen, and Marines on board of the USS Jamestown 3rd rate at first commissioning [list included]

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00194b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_004_1.jpg)

USS Jamestown. Description of Instruments for meteorological Observations, their location, &c [list included]

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Armament of the USS Jamestown [list included]

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Tables of deviation of the standard compass N° 172 on board the USS Jamestown

(# 172 having been condemned was replaced by # 84 from Observations in running into and out of port by [illegible] and ranges, the present standard has the same deviation as the old standard [tables of deviation included]

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514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001953: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_006_1.jpg)

13 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with gentle breeze from W.

4am to 8am:

US tug “Catalpa” went up the river. Discovered that J Dorsey (Ordinary Seaman) had left the ship without permission during the night.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absent without leave: W Martin, J Winter, E Mack, J Dorsey, R Cook, S Harris, F Murtha, and T Erikson.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to overcast. Light airs from NE to ESE. At 12.45pm US revenue cutter “Grant” anchored. Sent liberty party ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

F Murtha returned on board 34 hours over time. J Winter returned on board 51 hours over time and attempted to smuggle liquor on board.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Light airs from ESE.

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514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001957: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_007_1.jpg)

14 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and misty. Light airs from SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters; absent without leave: W Martin, E Mack, J Dorsey, R Cook, S Harris, and T Erikson.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy, rainy and misty. Light airs from ESE to NNW. By order of the Bureau, discharged B Palmer, A Smith and J Aumiller, all Apprentices 3rd class, from the Naval Service.

4pm to 8pm:

Schoolmaster P Kane left the ship on 5 days’ leave. It was discovered that J Winter had left the ship without authority.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, pleasant weather. Light airs and breezes from NW.

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514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00195b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_008_1.jpg)

15 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, pleasant weather. Light airs and breezes from NW to WSW.

4am to 8am:

At 5.15am the “Portsmouth” made a signal.

8am to meridian:

The following men declared deserters from the Service: J Winter, E Mack, J Dorsey. Absent without leave: W Martin, R Cook, S Harris, and T Erikson. Placed C Walske (Landsman) under sentry’s charge for being under the influence of liquor on board.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear, pleasant weather. Moderate to gentle breezes from WNW. Received 15 tons coal. Released C Walske from confinement.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light to gentle breezes from WSW.

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514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00195f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_009_1.jpg)

[List of stores received]

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[List of stores (continued)]

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16 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light breezes from WNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Absent without leave: W Martin, R Cook, S Harris, and T Erikson.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy. Gentle to moderate breezes from S. W Martin returned on board.

4pm to 8pm:

Received stores on board [detailed list above].

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy. Light airs to gentle breezes from SE. Lieutenant H Mayo returned from leave.

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001969: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_012_0.jpg)

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00196b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_012_1.jpg)

17 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and rainy. Gentle to fresh breezes from NE to NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Absent without leave: R Cook, S Harris, and T Erikson. By order of the Commanding Officer H Powell Apprentice 3rd class) was placed in solitary confinement on bread and water for 3 days for interfering with the sentry on post.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair. Brisk WSW gale blowing in squalls and moderating.

4pm to 8pm:

S Harris returned to the ship.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Light breezes from NNW.

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00196d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_013_0.jpg)

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00196f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_013_1.jpg)

18 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Clear. Light NNW breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Absent without leave: R Cook and T Erikson.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light airs and breezes from NNW to SSW. Discharged from the Service by order of the Bureau: Apprentices 3rd class O Felsner, J Johnson and J O’Connor. At 3.15pm Navy Yard tug came alongside bringing Apprentices and stores. Received from USS “Minnesota” 55 Apprentices with bags, hammocks and papers. Received stores. Transferred from Marine Barracks, Brooklyn, Privates M Green, S McDermott and R Widmer.

4pm to 8pm:

A Ross returned from leave and Lieutenant Garst left the ship on leave until 21st.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Calm to light airs from S.

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514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001973: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_014_1.jpg)

19 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and pleasant. Light to gentle ESE breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Absent without leave: R Cook and T Erikson. 10.00am Divine service, Commanding Officer officiating.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy to rainy and squally with thunder and vivid lightning. Light breezes from NW to SW. Sent liberty party ashore of Apprentices and men. W Martin left the running boat without permission.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Light airs and breezes from SW.

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001975: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_015_0.jpg)

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001977: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_015_1.jpg)

20 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Lightning later. Light airs and breezes from NNW.

4am to 8am:

The “Portsmouth” made a signal which was answered.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [19 listed absent without leave]. Released H Powell from confinement. At 9.10am “Portsmouth” made a signal which was answered.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light breezes from NNE. At 3.00pm US tug “Catalpa” came alongside and transferred stores to Navy Yard [list included]. Gunner J Swift detached and ordered to USRS “Vermont”. Gunner W Ferrier reported for duty.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.30pm tug cast off. A Caldwell (Apprentice 3rd class) left boat without permission.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light showers. Gentle to moderate breezes from N.

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001979: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_016_0.jpg)

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00197b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_016_1.jpg)

21 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and drizzling rain. Light to gentle breezes from NNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [15 listed absent without leave] Declared deserters at this date R Cook, W Martin and T Erikson. The “Portsmouth” made a signal which was answered.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with light to gentle breezes from N to NNE. Discharged by order of the Bureau G Seeley (Apprentice 3rd class).

4pm to 8pm:

PA Surgeon E Auzal reported for temporary duty.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light airs from NNW and NW.

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514359b5a2fc8e0a7b00197f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_017_1.jpg)

22 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light to gentle breezes from N.

8am to meridian:

Lieutenant T Ryan returned on board. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [11 listed absent without leave]. Stationed the draft of recruits and instructed them in the lead and use of the rigging. Discharged J Burke (Cabin Cook) at his request.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and hazy to overcast and cloudy with light to gentle breezes from ENE to ESE. At 2.30pm a schooner fouled flying jib boom but was towed off by a tug without doing any damage. Instructed recruits in the lead and use of the rigging.

4pm to 8pm:

6.20pm: Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to cloudy with light breeze to airs from SE to E.

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001981: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_018_0.jpg)

514359b5a2fc8e0a7b001983: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_018_1.jpg)

23 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to overcast with light breeze from SSE to SE.

8am to meridian:

Lieutenant T Ryan returned on board. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [11 listed absent without leave]. Stationed the draft of recruits and instructed them.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with drizzling rain with fresh breezes from E. Navy Yard tug came alongside with stores [followed by list of stores].

4pm to 8pm:

Moderate gale.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy with moderate gale blowing in squalls from NE to ENE.

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b001985: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_019_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b001987: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_019_1.jpg)

24 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and rainy with moderate gale blowing in squalls from ENE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [Eleven listed absent without leave.] Stationed the draft of recruits and instructed them in great guns.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with rain with moderate to fresh breezes from NNE to NE.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and rainy with moderate to fresh breeze blowing in squalls from NE.

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b001989: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_020_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b00198b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_020_1.jpg)

25 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and squally with fresh to gentle N breeze.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [Eleven listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with gentle breezes from NNE.

4pm to 8pm:

Received stores.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with light airs from ENE.

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b00198d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_021_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b00198f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_021_1.jpg)

26 October 1890

At New York City.

Lat 40.664, Long -74.009

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Held divine service. [Twelve listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Light airs from NE to NNE. Stored sheet anchor. Sent liberty party ashore. Apprentices D Sullivan and J Coombs left the running boat without permission while at dock.

4pm to 8pm:

Apprentice J Coombs returned on board.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Calm to gentle breeze from N.

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b001991: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_022_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b001993: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_022_1.jpg)

[List of punishments]

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b001995: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_023_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b001997: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_023_1.jpg)

27 October 1890

At New York City and en route to Newport, RI.

Lat 40.87, Long -73.73

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to cloudy with gentle breeze from NNE to NE.

4am to 8am:

5.20am: Unmoored ship and made preparations for sea. At 5.30am hove up starboard anchor, at 6.30am hove up port anchor and got underway in tow of tug “John E Dalzell”*. Exchanged numbers with USRS “Vermont”. Apprentice D Sullivan returned on board.

8am to meridian:

Towing up East River through Hell’s Gate and up Long Island Sound. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [Twelve listed absent without leave.] At 11.30am exchanged numbers with “Portsmouth”. At 11.40am passed Execution Rock. At 12.00pm made sail on port tack.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with gentle breeze from NNW. At 12.10pm cast off tug and set course ENE. Execution Rock bore S27°W and Larder Point Lighthouse bore S13°W. At 1.05pm changed course to ENE¾E and took departure. Great Captain Light bore NNW 11 miles. At 3.25pm changed course to E½N, Stratford Shoal Light bore S. [Adjusted sails.] By order of the Commanding Officer, awarded punishments [detailed list above].

4pm to 6pm:

Smooth sea. At 5.30pm changed course to NE. At 6.00pm changed course to ENE.

6pm to 8pm:

A number of vessels in sight. [Adjusted sails.] Standing through the race latter part, conned by the Commanding Officer.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and clearing. Fresh breeze from NNW. At 8.15pm changed course to E&N. At 11.25pm to NNE. Rounded Point Judith Light and stood up Narragansett Bay.

*[Note: This tug could not be identified, but the tug “Fred B Dalzell” was active, as was the Dalzell Towing Company at this time.]

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514359b6a2fc8e0a7b00199b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_024_1.jpg)

[Partial scans]

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514359b6a2fc8e0a7b00199f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_025_1.jpg)

28 October 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool with gentle to stiff breeze from NNW to NW. Standing in to Newport Harbor, changing course under direction of Commanding Officer. At 12.35am called “all hands bring ship to anchor”. Took in sails and at 12.55am came to starboard anchor in 3¾ fathoms, veering to 30 fathoms of chain. Muddy bottom. Made general call to “Richmond” [training ship] twice but received no answer. USS “Portsmouth” came in and at 2.20am anchored outside Goat Island.

4am to 8am:

Hoisted out dinghy and catamaran.

8am to meridian:

Ensign Ryan left the ship on leave. Quarters at 9.30am. The same men and Apprentices were absent without leave as on 27th October. The Commanding Officer paid a visit to the Commanding Officer of the N Island Station.

Received 4 privates from the Marine Barracks, Boston: M Joyce, D Jordan, E McCarthy and D McKinnon. Chaplain E Royce and Ensign M Miller reported for duty.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and cloudy with gentle breeze from NW. Transferred A Hamilton to Marine Barracks, Boston. Lieutenant O Nicholson and Ensign A Davis reported for duty. By order of the Bureau discharged Apprentices W Carter, F Brooke and J Wesley from the Naval Service. Enlisted on board for 3 years John Bentley (Boatswain’s Mate), Alan Haiden (Landsman) and Antonio Martin (Landsman).

4pm to 8pm:

Received draft of 72 Naval Apprentices from the Training Station with their bags and hammocks. As per list.* Transferred a draft of 61 Apprentices brought from New York as passengers.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to overcast and cloudy. Light airs to gentle breeze from WNW to SW.

*[Note: The list is not included]

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514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019a3: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_026_1.jpg)

29 October 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from WNW to calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and inspection. [Eleven listed absent without leave.]By order of the Commanding Officer, A Caldwell was declared a deserter from this date.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and rainy with light to gentle breeze from SW to W.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer, the following Apprentices are declared deserters: J Amito, M Cooper, J Dee, H Dannaker, W Fleming. G Kaiser, C Moran, J O’Brien, H Watson and W Farrell.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with light hail showers. Light breeze from E to ESE.

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019a5: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_027_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019a7: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_027_1.jpg)

30 October 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clearing, with heavy squalls at first. Moderate gale from S to WSW. At 12.45am let go port anchor.

8am to meridian:

At 8.50am made signal to flagship. Flagship answered. 9.30am: Quarters and inspection. Absent without leave: M Nielsen (Cox), W Kay (Landsman). M Forster (Private Marine) was this day discharged. The following changes of ratings were made: [6 changes listed].

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with light breeze from WNW. Hove up port anchor at 1.15pm.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy with light passing showers. Light breeze from W to NNW. Boatswain W Hill returned from leave.

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019a9: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_028_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019ab: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_028_1.jpg)

31 October 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commencement until 4am:

Clear and pleasant until last hour, when cloudy with light rain. Light breeze and airs from W.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. [Five listed absent without leave.] Signaled “Richmond”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze from W and WSW. Seeing off new gear [followed by details of sails].

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with light breeze from W and NNW.


514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019ad: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_029_0.jpg)

514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019af: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_029_1.jpg)

1 November 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with bright moonlight and light to gentle breezes from NW to NNW.

8am to meridian:

At 9.20am the Commanding Officer left the ship to make an official call on the Commanding Officer of Fort Adams. 9.30am: Quarters. [9 listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy but pleasant with light breeze from SW. Sent liberty party ashore, and a visiting party of Apprentices to the Training Station

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Moderate to strong breeze from SSW to SW. At 10.20pm let go anchor underfoot.

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514359b6a2fc8e0a7b0019b3: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_030_1.jpg)

2 November 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with reducing moderate to fresh breeze from WSW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Read “Articles of War” and at 9.45am held general muster followed by divine service. The following men absent without leave: M Neilson, C Thomas, N Tyrell and E McLaughlin.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with moderate breeze from WSW to SW.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy. Gentle to moderate breeze from WSW.

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3 November 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain. Moderate to fresh breeze from W.

4am to 8am:

At 4.15am made sail and exercised.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Seven listed absent without leave.] The Commanding Officer of Fort Adams, Captain Hamilton USN paid an official visit to the Commanding Officer.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to cloudy with light to gentle breeze from NW to WSW. At 12.50pm signaled “Richmond”.

4pm to 8pm:

Received 15 tons of coal from Training Station.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light to stiff breeze from NW.

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4 November 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light to stiff breeze from NW to NNW.

4am to 8am:

Exchanged signals with flagship.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Made preparations for getting underway. [Seven listed absent without leave.] HL Carr (Apprentice 3rd class) returned on board. Received 5 Apprentices from Training Station. Received from USRS “Wabash” 3 Seamen and 1 Ordinary Seaman.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and cool with light to moderate breeze from NW to W. Exchanged signals with “Richmond”. Hove in to 15 fathoms, but wind backed to W. At 1.30pm furled sail.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light airs and breeze from WNW.

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5 November 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Bright moonlight. Light airs and breeze from WNW.

4am to 8am:

Exchanged signals with “Richmond”. Brought to starboard chain.

8am to meridian:

9.20am Called all hands and brought up starboard anchor. Set sail and stood out between Gull Rock and Coasters Harbor Island. [Adjusted sails frequently to move position.] 11.08am Let go starboard anchor in 9½ fathoms, soft bottom, veered to 45 fathoms of chain. Furled sail. [Five listed absent without leave.] M Neilson (Cox) was declared a deserter.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and cool with light to moderate breeze from WSW. Exchanged signals with “Richmond”.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Fresh breeze from WSW.

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514359b7a2fc8e0a7b0019c3: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_034_1.jpg)

6 November 1890

At Newport, RI.

Lat 41.496, Long -71.326

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with fresh breeze from WSW.

4am to 8am:

Exchanged signals with “Richmond”.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. Scrubbed clothes. [5 listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear with light breeze from SW. Exchanged signals with “Richmond”.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with heavy dew. Light breeze and airs from SSE.

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[List of punishments]

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7 November 1890

At Newport and en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 41.60, Long -71.35

Commences and until 4am:

Foggy with light breeze from NW.

4am to 8am:

Thick fog. Exchanged signals with “Richmond”.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. Scrubbed clothes. [Five listed absent without leave.] At 10.05am got underway on port tack and stood out of Narragansett Bay. Exchanged signals with “Richmond”.

Meridian to 4pm:

Pleasant hazy weather with light breeze from S. Beating in Block Island Sound. At 3.00pm took departure, Point Judith Light bore W¾S, Bunton Reef Lightship bore NE¾E, ship’s head ESE?E. By order of the Commanding Officer Apprentices D Sullivan and J Coombs were confined for 3 days for leaving the boat without permission. Other punishments were awarded as per list [punishment list included above]. At end of watch ship under all sail.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.40pm tacked ship to W.

6pm to 8pm:

At 6.30pm tacked ship and reduced sail.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from SE. At 10.25pm tacked ship. At end of watch lost sight of Block Island Light. Gay Head Light bore off the port quarter. Two vessels in sight during the watch, one of which was the “Portsmouth”.

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8 November 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 40.54, Long -70.97

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with moderate to stiff breeze from WSW. Bright aurora fading during latter part. “Portsmouth” astern at 4.00am. Under plain sail to topgallants on starboard tack.

4am to 8am:

Steering full and by under all sail to topgallants. At end “Portsmouth” was on port quarter.

8am to meridian:

Steering full and by under all sail to topgallants. At end “Portsmouth” was about 2 miles to leeward.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to clear and pleasant weather with moderate to gentle breeze from WSW to W. At end “Portsmouth” was about 5 miles distant.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm: Evening quarters. [Five listed absent without leave.] [Adjusted sails to conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Clear to cloudy and pleasant. Gentle to moderate breeze from WNW to NE. Last sight of “Portsmouth” at 10.15pm.

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9 November 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 38.73, Long -73.48

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to clearing with moderate to stiff breeze from NE to E. Under plain sail to topgallants with single reefs.

4am to 8am:

At 4.00am shook out reefs.

8am to meridian:

10.00am Held divine service. At 8.13am changed course to SW½W and at 11.30am to WSW. [Adjusted sails to conditions.] By order of the Commanding Officer D Sullivan and J Coombs were released from confinement. FG Annable (Apprentice 3rd class) was declared a deserter.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair weather with moderate to gentle breeze from SW. Full and by on port tack.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm: Evening quarters. [Adjusted sails to conditions.] Full and by on port tack.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.30pm sighted 1st lightship of Five Fathom Bank 3 points on lee bow. Cast lead in 24 fathoms, fine sand with gray and black specks.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and squally latter part. Moderate to fresh breeze from SSW to SW. At 8.40pm tacked ship and took in some sail. Lost NE Point Light at 12.00am. Cast lead in 17 fathoms at 8.50pm.

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10 November 1890

At sea en route to Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 38.62, Long -74.28

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with stiff breeze from SSE. Under plain sail to topgallants with single reefs.

4am to 8am:

[Adjusted sails to conditions.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am Inspected at quarters. Absent without leave C Hambro (Apprentice 3rd class). The following were declared deserters: C Thomas (CFC), W Tyrell (Captain of Top) and E McLaughlin (Landsman). [Adjusted sails to conditions.] Steering by the wind. At 11.20am tacked ship. J Patterson (Cook’s Mate) reported expiration of enlistment.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to clear weather with light breeze from NNW to calm. No steerage way after 1.00pm. [Adjusted sails to conditions.] Sighted 3 sail to E. Awarded punishments [followed by details.]

4pm to 6pm:

[Adjusted sails to conditions.]

6pm to 8pm:

[Adjusted sails to conditions.]

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and clearing. Gentle breeze from E and ESE. At 9.40pm set sails.

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514359b7a2fc8e0a7b0019db: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_040_1.jpg)

11 November 1890

At sea and at Lynnhaven Bay.

Lat 37.50, Long -75.47

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from E to ESE. Under plain sail to topgallants with single-reefed topsails. At 1.50am sighted Winter Quarter Shoal Lightship bearing NNW¾N. At 2.30am sighted Assateague Light. At 4.00am Assateague Light bore N½W.

4am to 8am:

Got soundings at 4.05am in 12½ fathoms, at 7.30am in 15½ fathoms and at 8.00am in 14¾ fathoms. Lost sight of Assateague Light at 5.10am bearing NNW¾W. Loaded No.1 gun with blank charge.

8am to meridian:

Foggy. [Adjusted sails to conditions.] Took soundings that ranged from 13 to 14 fathoms. Course SW. C Shambo was declared a deserter.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and foggy with light breeze from NNW to N. At 3.25pm changed course to WSW¾W and at 3.35pm to SW¾W. At end of watch sighted Cape Charles Lightship, 1 point off starboard bow. While sounding lost overboard a 14-lb lead and a 10-fathom line.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.20pm passed Cape Charles Lightship. At 5.15pm Cape Charles Lightship abeam. Standing in for entrance to Chesapeake Bay.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.30pm came to anchor in 7 fathoms with port anchor, veered to 30 fathoms, in Lynnhaven Bay.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy. Gentle to moderate breeze from N to NE.

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12 November 1890

At Lynnhaven Bay and Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 37.00, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Gentle to moderate breeze from NE. Several vessels came in.

4am to 8am:

At 6.15am hove up anchor and got underway. Standing up to Hampton Roads under plain sail. Navigator at the conn.

8am to meridian:

Standing in for anchorage at Fort Monroe. At 8.50am came to anchor with port anchor in 12 fathoms veering to 45 fathoms. “Portsmouth” anchored at 9.00am. Received a visit from an officer representing the Commanding Officer of the post.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and misty with light NE breeze. John Patterson (Cook’s Mate) was this day discharged from the ship and the Naval Service, his term of enlistment having expired. J Daly (Apprentice 3rd class) discharged by order of the Bureau.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and foggy. Calm and light airs from SSW.

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13 November 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and foggy. Calm and light NW airs.

4am to 8am:

Scrubbed hammocks and bags.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with light NE breeze. Received an official visit from the Commanding Officer of the fort. Discharged by order of the Bureau A Genereux (Apprentice 3rd class).

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy and light airs from ENE. By order of the Commanding Officer confined B Radford in single irons and H Frost without irons under sentry’s charge to await investigation of a charge of scandalous conduct.

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14 November 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy and light airs from ENE to NW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. By order of the Commanding Officer released B Radford (Boatswain’s Mate) from single irons and retained him under sentry’s charge and placed H Frost (Apprentice 3rd class)on gun deck in charge of orderly.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light NE to E breeze. Corporal T Hartigan left ship on 3 days’ leave and then to report to Washington Barracks.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.45pm went to quarters and turned in clean bags and hammocks. PA Surgeon W Du Bose returned from leave.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy and light breeze from ESE.

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15 November 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy and light breeze from E and ENE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and foggy. Calm and light airs from ENE to WSW. PA Surgeon EA Auzal was detached from temporary duty and ordered to return to his station.

4pm to 8pm:

N Neilsen returned on board.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy and light airs from SSW.

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514359b7a2fc8e0a7b0019ef: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_045_1.jpg)

16 November 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and calm with light squalls from SW later.

4am to 8am:

Corporal Warren (USMC) reported for duty.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Apprentices J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave. Held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy. Gentle breeze from ENE.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy and light airs from ESE.

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514359b7a2fc8e0a7b0019f3: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_046_1.jpg)

17 November 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy with light breeze from E and ESE. Sent out kedge anchor and hauled schooner “FD Hamlin” clear of the ship. Got up her anchor and towed her astern.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Scholes, J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave. Issued a $10 reward for their delivery on board. Corporal Scholes returned to the ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Partly clear. Gentle breeze from SW. A Gramer (Bugler) was transferred to the USRS “Franklin” at Norfolk for treatment at the Naval Hospital.

8pm to midnight:

Clear. Wind from the SW increasing in force. Veered to 60 fathoms on port chain.

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514359b7a2fc8e0a7b0019f7: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_047_1.jpg)

18 November 1890

At Hampton Roads, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with fresh to very fresh breeze in squalls from SW to WSW decreasing.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave. Exercises. M Andersen (Captain of Top) was discharged from the Service, his term of enlistment having expired.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light to gentle breeze from WNW to NE.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Light airs from SE to SSW.

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19 November 1890

At Hampton Roads and en route to Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light airs from SE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave. Commander Lamberton and Ensign Rust returned to the ship. At 9.45am got underway, standing down channel towards buoy off Horseshoe. [Adjusted sails to situation.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair. Moderate to strong breeze from WNW. Working ship to entrance to York River. At 3.30pm came to anchor in 6 fathoms veering to 30 fathoms of port chain. Hard sticky bottom.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with very fresh NNW breeze in squalls.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b0019ff: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_049_1.jpg)

20 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and squally. Stiff to moderate squalls from NNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to cloudy and squally. Moderate to strong breeze from NNW to NW. At 2.10pm set sails and got underway on port tack. At 2.30pm set course.

4pm to 8pm:

At 4.05pm came to anchor in 7 fathoms veered to 35 fathoms of port chain. Muddy bottom.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with moderate to fresh NW breeze in squalls.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a03: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_050_1.jpg)

21 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Stiff to moderate breeze from NW.

8am to meridian:

At 9.05am hove up port anchor and got underway and tacked ship under sail. 9.30am: Quarters and instruction. J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool. Light airs to gentle breeze from S to WSW. Standing into mouth of York River and up the river.

4pm to 8pm:

Beating up the river to Yorktown and at 5.50pm came to off Yorktown in 4 fathoms to 15 fathoms of port chain.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with gentle S to SW breeze.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a07: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_051_1.jpg)

22 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light to gentle breeze from SSW and SW.

4am to 8am:

Lowered boats and cutters.

8am to meridian:

Tarred down the rigging. Ensign M Miller left on 1 week’s leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with gentle breeze from N to NW.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool. Calm to light airs from W to SW.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a0b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_052_1.jpg)

23 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Light breeze from SSW.

4am to 8am:

Paymaster J Dirckinck returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and divine service. J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave. English steamer “Canopus” passed down the river.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and cool with light breeze from S to SW.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and cool. Calm to light airs from N to NW. By order of the Commanding Officer placed G Reynold (Private Marine) under sentry’s charge for being drunk and disorderly.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a0f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_053_1.jpg)

24 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Light airs from NNE to calm. Bright moonlight.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Colman and J Dumas absent without leave. By order of the Commanding Officer released private G Reynolds from sentry’s charge. Target practice.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs and breezes from SE to ESE. By order of the Commanding Officer WH Moon (Landsman) was placed under sentry’s charge for being drunk when he returned from target practice. A Henry and D Moran deserted having been sent ashore on duty in a boat.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Commanding Officer placed Private Riley under sentry’s charge for being drunk and disorderly.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy. Calm to light airs from S to SSE. By order of the Commanding Officer placed R Walker (Private Marine) in confinement for 5 days on bread and water for interfering with the police of the ship.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a13: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_054_1.jpg)

25 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to overcast and cloudy. Light breeze from SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. J Colman and J Dumas were declared deserters from this date. A Henry and D Moran absent without leave. The following men were placed in confinement for being drunk on duty and disobedience of orders: W Mack, F Small, F Ryerson, F Murtha and WH Moon. Chaplain Royce was given 5 days’ leave. M Riley was released from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light airs and breezes from SW. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and hazy. Light to stiff breeze from SW to NW. Commander Lamberton left the ship on leave.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a17: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_055_1.jpg)

26 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Hazy pleasant weather. Light airs and breezes from NE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. A Henry and D Moran absent without leave. Exercises and target practice.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light breezes from NW and NNW. Lieutenant O Lasher left the ship on 1 week’s leave.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Navy Department discharged B Radford (Boatswain’s Mate) from the Naval Service.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with light breeze from NE. Received 12¾ tons of coal which was passed by the Board of Inspection.

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514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a1b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_056_1.jpg)

27 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy and cool. Light to gentle breezes from E to NNE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. A Henry and D Moran absent without leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and cool with light to gentle breezes from WNW. Sent liberty party on shore.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Bureau discharged W Smith (Apprentice 3rd class) from the Naval Service.

8pm to midnight:

Cloudy to clear with light to moderate breeze from N to NNW. By order of the Commanding Officer placed M Pereira (Seaman)under sentry’s charge. At 9.45pm received a note from a civilian saying that one of the crew was creating a disturbance on shore and threatening to burn the buildings there. Sent Master-at-Arms on shore and brought off C Iverson (Seaman) and placed him in double irons under sentry’s charge.

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a1d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_057_0.jpg)

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a1f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_057_1.j pg)

28 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Gentle to moderate breezes from NNW.

8am to meridian:

By order of the Commanding Officer placed M Caul (Apprentice 3rd class) under sentry’s charge for having returned drunk from target practice. Sent groups ashore for revolver practice.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with gentle breezes from NNW. W Kay (Landsman) left revolver practice and did not return.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light airs from S to SW.

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a21: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_058_0.jpg)

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a23: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_058_1.jpg)

29 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool. Light breezes and airs from SW.

8am to meridian:

[7 listed absent without leave.]Squad of Marines sent ashore for target practice. The following men returned on board 2 days over time: Apprentices C Gortz, W Portman, R O’Hara.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear to fair with light breezes and airs from SW to SSW. Sent liberty party of men and boys ashore.

4pm to 8pm:

Released R Walker (Private Marine) from sentry’s charge and placed F Small (Seaman) in confinement for 5 days on bread and water for being drunk on duty. J Schauteler (Apprentice 3rd class) failed to return from liberty party. Chaplain Royce and Ensign Miller returned from leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, cool and hazy with light breeze from SW to S.

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a25: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_059_0.jpg)

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a27: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_059_1.jpg)

30 November 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy. Light breezes from SW.

4am to 8am:

Lieutenant Ross returned from leave.

8am to meridian:

[Eight listed absent without leave.] Held divine service, Chaplain Royce officiating. Released W Mack and W Moon from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breezes from NNW to NW. Sent liberty party ashore.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with light breeze from NW.


514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a29: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_060_0.jpg)

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a2b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_060_1.jpg)

1 December 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and pleasant. Light breezes from NW.

8am to meridian:

[Nine listed absent without leave.] By order of the Commanding Officer F Murtha and F Ryerson were confined on bread and water for 5 days and W Mack was confined in double irons for 10 days.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light breezes from S. Sent divisions for target practice.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with light breeze from SW to NW.

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a2d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_061_0.jpg)

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a2f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_061_1.jpg)


514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a37: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_063_1.jpg)

2 December 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to clear and cool. Light airs and breezes from NNE.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Nine listed absent without leave.] Small arms target practice.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and cool with light variable breezes between NE and ESE.

4pm to 8pm:

H Frost (Apprentice 3rd class) was discharged from the Service by order of the Bureau of Navigation.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to cloudy with light to moderate breeze from SE to ESE.

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a31: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_062_0.jpg)


514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a33: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_062_1.jpg)


514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a35: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_063_0.jpg)

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a39: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_064_0.jpg)

514359b8a2fc8e0a7b001a3b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_064_1.jpg)

3 December 1890

At Yorktown, Virginia.

Lat 37.23, Long -76.49

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with stiff to strong breezes from E.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and foggy with gentle breezes between NW and WSW. At 2.15pm got underway under plain sail. Standing out of York River.

4pm to 6pm:

5.15pm Quarters. [Seven listed absent without leave.] At 5.54pm came to anchor.

6pm to 8pm:

Heavy fog.

8pm to midnight:

Foggy with light to gentle breeze from SSW. 11.30pm Wind increased in force.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a3d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_065_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a3f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_065_1.jpg)

4 December 1890

At Yorktown and en route to Chesapeake Bay.

Lat 37.58, Long -76.15

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to clear with moderate to stiff breezes from WNW.

4am to 8am:

6.10am: Called all hands and got underway, making sail to topgallant sails. [Adjusted sails to conditions.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Seven listed absent without leave.] [Adjusted sails to conditions.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool with light breezes from NNW.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.20pm came to anchor in 5½ fathoms, veered to 8 fathoms of port chain.

6pm to 8pm:

Veered to 20 fathoms of chain. By order of the Commanding Officer released F Small from confinement.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light breeze from SE.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a41: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_066_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a43: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_066_1.jpg)

5 December 1890

In Chesapeake Bay.

Lat 37.43, Long -76.20

Commences and until 4am:

Fair to overcast and cloudy with gentle breezes from S.

4am to 8am:

At 6.30am got underway under all plain sail and set course NNE. At 7.30am changed course to N¼E. Lost one 7 lb lead line. [Adjusted sails to conditions.]

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. [Seven listed absent without leave.] By order of the Commanding Officer W Chisholm (Landsman) was confined for 5 days on bread and water for disobedience of orders. Standing up Chesapeake Bay.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and pleasant with gentle breezes from S to SSE. 1.55pm: Changed course to NW?N. At 2.45pm Smith’s Point Light bore abeam. Thew overboard 40 gallons of beans, 2000 lbs of bread and 4 bread bags condemned by Quarterly Board of Survey.

4pm to 6pm:

At 4.00pm changed course to N?W.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.25pm let go port anchor in 8 fathoms veered to 20 fathoms of chain. Muddy bottom. Kedges Straits Light bore SW¼W.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy to fair with light airs and breeze from NNE to NE.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a45: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_067_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a47: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_067_1.jpg)

6 December 1890

In Chesapeake Bay.

Lat 37.55, Long -76.25

Commences and until 4am:

Cool and cloudy with light breezes from NE.

4am to 8am:

At 6.00am got underway under sail. Set course NW.

8am to meridian:

At 9.15am came to with port anchor in 5½ fathoms, veering to 15 fathoms of chain. By order of the Commanding Officer released F Murtha and F Ryerson from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with light airs and breezes from ENE and NW.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and cloudy with drizzling rain and light to moderate breeze from WSW to SW.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a49: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_068_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a4b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_068_1.jpg)

7 December 1890

In Chesapeake Bay.

Lat 37.76, Long -76.31

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with mist and drizzling rain and light to moderate breeze from NNE.

4am to 8am:

Veered to 30 fathoms of chain.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and exercises. Absent without leave: E Schauteler, E Putney and C Mattock (Apprentices 3rd class). The following were declared deserters: J Bond, J Fletcher, W Williams (Apprentices 3rd class) and L Allen (Private Marine). Read Articles of War and held divine service.

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with squalls and some hail from NNE.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and squally with moderate to stiff breeze from ENE.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a4d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_069_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a4f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_069_1.jpg)

8 December 1890

In Chesapeake Bay.

Lat 37.76, Long -76.31

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy with fresh breeze from NNE to NE.

4am to 8am:

Veered to 30 fathoms of chain.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. Absent without leave E Schauteler, E Putney and C Mattock. Ship riding to wind.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast with fog, sleet and light snow. Stiff to strong breeze from NNE.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast and squally with moderate to stiff breeze from NNE to NW later.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a51: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_070_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a5b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_072_1.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a53: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_070_1.jpg)

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514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a57: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_071_1.jpg)


9 December 1890

In Chesapeake Bay.

Lat 37.39, Long -76.19

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and cold with gentle breeze from NW to NNW.

8am to meridian:

At 8.53am loosed sail and got underway. At 11.12am changed course to SE¾E. Buoy on starboard beam. Absent without leave: E Putney and C Mattock. E Schauteler declared a deserter from this date.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cold with gentle to moderate breeze from WSW. At 2.00pm changed course to S.

4pm to 6pm:

Standing down Chesapeake Bay. Under plain sail to topgallants.

6pm to 8pm:

At 7.00pm sighted Wolf Trap Light 3 points on starboard bow.

8pm to midnight:

Clear to cloudy later with squally breeze from WSW. At 8.00pm came to anchor in 10 fathoms of water with 30 fathoms of port chain. Wolf Trap Light bore SW½W.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a59: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_072_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a5d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_073_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a5f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_073_1.jpg)

10 December 1890

In Chesapeake Bay and at Hampton Roads.

Lat 37.39, Long -76.19

Commences and until 4am:

Cloudy to fair and squally with moderate to fresh breeze from WSW.

4am to 8am:

At 7.40am got underway under all plain sail. Course “full and by”.

8am to meridian:

At 8.50am tacked ship to NW. Absent without leave C Mattock. E Putney was declared a deserter from this date. W Chisholm was released from confinement. At 12.00pm Wolf Trap Light bore NW. Standing down Chesapeake Bay.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair to clear with gentle breeze from WSW to SW. At 2.00pm went about to NW. At 3.00pm tacked to S. At end of watch Cape Henry Light bore SE?E.

4pm to 6pm:

Standing around Horseshoe at entrance to the Bay. At 5.35pm tacked ship and stood in for Hampton Roads.

6pm to 8pm:

Standing in to anchorage. 7.25pm: Let go port anchor in 7¼ fathoms, veered to 30 fathoms.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cool with moderate breeze from SW to NW.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a61: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_074_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a63: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_074_1.jpg)

11 December 1890

At Hampton Roads.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with stiff to gentle breeze from WSW.

4am to 8am:

At 7.15am got underway. Working up the channel.

8am to meridian:

Beating into Hampton Roads. At 8.40am came to anchor in [missing] fathoms of water, veering to 45 fathoms of port chain. Released W Mack from confinement.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair and pleasant with light breeze from SW to WSW. Discharged J van Dam (CAG), his term of enlistment having expired.

8pm to midnight:

Fair and pleasant with fresh to gentle breeze from SW.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a65: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_075_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a67: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_075_1.jpg)

12 December 1890

At Hampton Roads.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cool with gentle to moderate breeze from SW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. C Mattock declared a deserter from this date.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear, cool and squally with stiff to strong breeze from NW.

4pm to 8pm:

By order of the Bureau, discharged Apprentices John Hall and Q Hurde. Commander Lamberton left the ship on leave. Lieutenants A Ross and H Mayo left the ship to report to the Naval Examining Board, Washington, DC.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with moderate to gentle breeze from N to NNW.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a69: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_076_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a6b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_076_1.jpg)

13 December 1890

At Hampton Roads.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear with moderate breeze from SW.

8am to meridian:

Scrubbing and cleaning ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Fair with light breeze from WNW.

4pm to 8pm:

D Fleischmann (Seaman Apprentice) was placed under sentry’s charge having returned from liberty drunk.

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light airs to moderate breeze from SSW.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a6d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_077_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a6f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_077_1.jpg)

14 December 1890

At Hampton Roads.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with moderate breeze from SSW.

4am to 8am:

Released D Fleischmann from sentry’s charge.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Nine listed absent without leave.] Held divine service. Ensign R Tisdale reported for duty and Ensign A Rust was detached to report to Navy Yard, Washington.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with moderate breeze from WSW. Apprentices J Sullivan and J Barron returned on board 26 hours over time.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light airs from SW and calm.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a71: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_078_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a73: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_078_1.jpg)

15 December 1890

At Hampton Roads.

Lat 36.994, Long -76.336

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light breeze from W, WNW and NNW.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters and instruction. [7 listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light breeze from NE and NNE. A reward of $5 was offered for the return of these men [6 listed]. Sergeant John O’Brien USMC was granted 2 days’ leave and transferred to the Marine Barracks, Washington.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with moderate to stiff NNE breeze.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a75: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_079_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a77: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_079_1.jpg)

16 December 1890

At Hampton Roads and at Fort Norfolk.

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to overcast and cloudy with moderate to stiff breeze from NE and NW.

8am to meridian:

At 8.45am got underway and stood up channel to Fort Norfolk. At 11.00am came to anchor.

[Six listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and cool. Made preparations for towing up to Navy Yard. Sent an officer to Navy Yard on duty, who returned. Discharged powder to naval magazine.

4pm to 8pm:

Secured chain to 20 fathoms at water’s edge.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with moderate E to ESE breezes.

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a79: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_080_0.jpg)

514359b9a2fc8e0a7b001a7b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_080_1.jpg)

17 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with gentle to moderate E breezes.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Seven listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast and threatening with fresh SSW breeze. At 3.00pm two tugs came alongside; hove up anchor and in tow of tugs, stood up to Yard, and at 3.45pm hauled into dock abreast main shears.

4pm to 8pm:

Moored ship to wharf. Landsmen M McLaughlin and W McGullion returned from liberty 3 days and 10 hours over time. The Captain of the Yard and Commanding Officer of “Portsmouth” paid a visit to this vessel. Sergeant Long USMC reported for duty.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and rainy with light airs from WSW. W Howell returned on board at 9.00pm.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a7d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_081_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a7f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_081_1.jpg)

18 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast with drizzling rain and light WSW airs.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Five listed absent without leave.] Received from the USRS “Franklin” the following men: Seamen J Oldehoff, O Roelick and A Wagner. The Master Joiner, Master Shipwright and Master Plumber came on board to inspect the ship.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clearing with light NW breeze. Surveyed equipment and received stores [followed by itemised list].

8pm to midnight:

Clear with light breeze from NW.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a81: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_082_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a83: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_082_1.jpg)

19 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, cool and pleasant.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. [Five listed absent without leave.] Received stores.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant with light N and NW breezes.

4pm to 8pm:

J Oldehoff (Captain of Top) left the ship without permission. Issued a reward of $20 for his apprehension and return on board.

8pm to midnight:

Clear, cool and pleasant with light airs from N.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a85: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_083_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a87: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_083_1.jpg)

20 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with gentle NE breeze.

4am to 8am:

Apprentices A Henry and D Snow, deserters from this ship, were received on board and placed under sentry’s charge, they having given themselves up on the USRS “Wabash”.

8am to meridian:

[Five listed absent without leave.] C Bastioni (Captain of Top) returned on board 50 hours over liberty. Surveyed equipment.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and calm. Transferred equipment to Ordnance Department

8pm to midnight:

Clear to overcast and cloudy. Calm.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a89: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_084_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a8b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_084_1.jpg)

21 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear to overcast and cloudy. Calm and light NW airs.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and inspection. [Six listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy with light SSW airs.

4pm to 8pm:

A Austin (Lamp Lighter) was this day discharged due to expiration of enlistment.

8pm to midnight:

Fair to overcast and cloudy. Light SW airs.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a8d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_085_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a8f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_085_1.jpg)

22 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast and cloudy. Calm and light WSW airs.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. [Six listed absent without leave.] Served out clothing.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and calm. Commander Lamberton, Gunner Ferrier and Sailmaker van Mater left the ship on leave. By order of the Bureau, discharged N Haepe (Landsman) on account of illegal enlistment.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a91: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_086_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a93: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_086_1.jpg)

23 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear, cool and pleasant and light SW breeze. Bright moonlight.

8am to meridian:

Quarters and exercises. [Six listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light breeze from SW and WSW. W Fargo (Landsman), while working in the hold, was seriously injured by the hatch bar of the main hatch which struck him on the head.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant with light SW breeze.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a95: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_087_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a97: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_087_1.jpg)

24 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light NW airs.

8am to meridian:

Restowing hold. The following declared deserters: (Ordinary Seaman) A Harden, and Apprentices J Hamilton, M Ryan and J Buckley. Transferred W Fargo to Naval Hospital. Absent without leave J Oldehoff and A Herbert. Ensign Miller left the ship on 3 days’ leave.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light E airs. Confined J McCann (Landsman) for being drunk on duty.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant. Calm.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a99: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_088_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a9b: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_088_1.jpg)

25 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold with light NE breezes.

8am to meridian:

Quarters. Absent without leave J Oldehoff and A Herbert. Confined J McCann on bread and water for 5 days.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast, cloudy and snowing. Light NE breezes.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast, cloudy and raining. Light to moderate ENE breezes.

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a9d: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_089_0.jpg)

514359baa2fc8e0a7b001a9f: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_089_1.jpg)

26 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast, cloudy and raining. Stiff ENE breezes.

8am to meridian:

Quarters. [Nineteen listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Cloudy and rainy. Light WNW breezes.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast to clearing. Light NNW breezes. Placed F Farrel (Private Marine) under sentry’s charge until sober.

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514359baa2fc8e0a7b001aa3: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_090_1.jpg)

27 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Overcast. Light NW to SW breezes.

4am to 8am:

Released F Farrel from sentry’s charge.

8am to meridian:

[Nine listed absent without leave.] G Kleen (Ship’s Corporal) brought off by police and reward paid. J Cohen (Apprentice 3rd class) returned and was placed under sentry’s charge until sober.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear, cool and pleasant. Light W to WSW breezes. Received 27 tons of coal.

4pm to 8pm:

Placed Apprentices S Chiles and G Wood under sentry’s charge until sober.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold. Light to moderate NW to W squalls.

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514359baa2fc8e0a7b001aa7: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_091_1.jpg)

28 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Gentle to light W breeze.

4am to 8am:

F Murtha brought on board by non-commissioned officer of Navy Yard guard having been confined overnight in the guard house.

8am to meridian:

Held divine service, Chaplain Royce officiating. [Eight listed absent without leave.]

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and cool. Light NW breezes. C Iverson (Seaman) returned 31½ hours over time.

4pm to 8pm:

EA Yarnell (Apprentice) returned 24 hours over liberty and was placed under sentry’s guard while awaiting investigation for loafing around the Navy Yard.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and calm.

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514359baa2fc8e0a7b001aab: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_092_1.jpg)

29 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Light S airs. Bright moonlight.

8am to meridian:

Got up sheet chain. Coaled ship. Absent without leave: A Herbert (Ordinary Seaman) and Apprentices W Burns and A. Connor. J Oldehoff was declared a deserter from this date.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light SW airs. Crew engaged in work aboard ship.

4pm to 8pm:

Served out clean bags and hammocks. Ensign A Davis returned from leave.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and pleasant and calm.

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514359baa2fc8e0a7b001aaf: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_093_1.jpg)

30 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and cold. Calm.

8am to meridian:

Released J McCann from confinement. J Buckley (Apprentice 3rd class) was brought on board by Master-at-Arms of receiving ship “Dale”. A board of survey of which Chief Engineer H Kline was a member arrived on board to survey articles and stores. Absent without leave W Burns and A Connor. A Herbert was declared a deserter from this date.

Meridian to 4pm:

Clear and pleasant. Light NE airs and breezes. Received supplies.

8pm to midnight:

Clear and cold with light E airs and calm. J Cohen was released from sentry’s charge.

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514359baa2fc8e0a7b001ab3: ( Jamestown/vol064of067/vol064of067_094_1.jpg)

31 December 1890

At Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia

Lat 36.85, Long -76.30

Commences and until 4am:

Clear and calm.

8am to meridian:

9.30am: Quarters. Absent without leave W Burns and A Connor. By order of the Commanding Officer, the following Apprentices were confined for 5 days on bread and water: A Henry and D Moran for leaving the ship without permission; A King for interfering with prisoners; EA Yarnell for selling another boy's coat. Workmen on board and received various stores.

Meridian to 4pm:

Overcast. Light SSE breezes. Sailmaker van Mater returned from leave.

8pm to midnight:

Overcast with drizzling rain with light SE airs and calm.