Read all about USFCS Albatross's general description, specifications and time line.


1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated.

2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Any groups of links may refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank.

3. Logbook events have been formatted but not edited. The quality and quantity of transcribed information therefore varies, and may include up to 3 versions of the same data depending on the number of volunteers working on the originals.

LOG BOOK – JANUARY 1st 1914 TO JUNE 30th 1914

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Deck Log Book of the USS "Albatross" Month of January 1914

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Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94d268f4b84c38003a8b: (

1 January 1914

522f94d268f4b84c38003a8d: (

alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94d268f4b84c38003a8f: (

2 January 1914

Travel orders

F.E.Best, Coxswain, U. S. Navy - To F.E.Best, Coxswain, U. S. Navy. Subject: Travel Orders. 1. You will proceed this date, via the Mare Island Tug, leaving San Francisco, Calif. at about 4:00 p.m., to the Navy Yard at Mare Island, Calif., reporting upon your arrival to the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. ALBATROSS for duty. 2. Your transfer papers will be forwarded by mail.

522f94d268f4b84c38003a91: (

alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94d268f4b84c38003a93: (

2 February 1914

yardmen working on after Sounding platform & water tanks in ~ hold.

522f94d268f4b84c38003a95: (

alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94d268f4b84c38003a97: (

2 January 1914

Commenced decktrial at 2.39 p.m. & finished at 3.28 p.m.

522f94d268f4b84c38003a99: (

alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94d268f4b84c38003a9b: (

3 January 1914

Received for Bureau of Fisheries 1 sack, 5 packages from the University of Cal.

G.R.De Vries, BM - G.R.De Vries, BM, returned from extended leave.

Yardmen working in laboratory. Fitting blocks to launch davits. Fitting for man ropes on bridge ladder

paymaster brought on board $1000.00

522f94d268f4b84c38003a9d: (

alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94d268f4b84c38003a9f: (

4 January 1914

yardmen working in laboratory.

Lieut. Comdr. H.B.Soule USN. - Lieut. Comdr. H.B.Soule USN. left ship on leave of absence.

Received new cutter from Boatbuilder.

Hopkins - Hopkins & Singo returned from extend leave.

Singo - Hopkins & Singo returned from extend leave.

522f94d268f4b84c38003aa1: (

alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94d268f4b84c38003aa3: (

5 January 1914

oakland creek

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

steamschooner Mary Owen - Unmoored ship at 9.10 a.m & secured alongside of steamschooner Mary Owen to await clearing of fog.

Yardmen working in refrigerator.

tug Fearless - At 10.23 Cast off lines and proceeded in tow of the tug Fearless down Oakland creek. At 11.32 tug Fearless cast off.

Lieut L.B.Porterfield - At 4.40 The Commdng Officer Lieut L.B.Porterfield Made an official call on the Comdnt of the Navy yard. and returned at 4.57

While moving to #2 buoy the link at the end of the M Swivel Carried away.

522f94d268f4b84c38003aa5: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d268f4b84c38003aa7: (

6 January 1914

Lieut L.B.Porterfield - Comdg Officer Lieut L.B.Porterfield made an official call on the Comdnt of Navy Yard at 8.45 & returned at 9:10

Commdg Officer made an official call on the Commandant at the Navy Yard Mare Id.

522f94d268f4b84c38003aa9: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d268f4b84c38003aab: (

7 January 1914

U.S.S.Glacier - At 2.35 The U.S.S.Glacier entered the Navy Yard & moored alongside of dock.

Mr C.P.Ranking - Mr C.P.Ranking reported as General Assistant vice W.L.Schmitt.

W.L.Schmitt - Mr C.P.Ranking reported as General Assistant vice W.L.Schmitt.

522f94d268f4b84c38003aad: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d268f4b84c38003aaf: (

8 January 1914

U.S.S. Denver - Comdg Officer made an official call on the Comdg Officers of the U.S.S. Denver, Iris, Glacier, Jupiter & Cleveland.

U.S.S. Glacier - Comdg Officer made an official call on the Comdg Officers of the U.S.S. Denver, Iris, Glacier, Jupiter & Cleveland.

U.S.S. Cleveland - Comdg Officer made an official call on the Comdg Officers of the U.S.S. Denver, Iris, Glacier, Jupiter & Cleveland.

U.S.S. Glacier - Comdg Officer made an official call on the Comdg Officers of the U.S.S. Denver, Iris, Glacier, Jupiter & Cleveland.

U.S.S. Iris - Comdg Officer made an official call on the Comdg Officers of the U.S.S. Denver, Iris, Glacier, Jupiter & Cleveland.

U.S.S. Jupiter - Comdg Officer made an official call on the Comdg Officers of the U.S.S. Denver, Iris, Glacier, Jupiter & Cleveland.

U.S.S. Cleveland - The Comdg Officer of the U.S.S. Cleveland called officially on the Comdg. Officer of this vessel.

Received from Standard oil comp. 4 cases of Kerosine for Eng. Dept.

522f94d268f4b84c38003ab1: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d268f4b84c38003ab3: (

9 January 1914

U.S.S. Jupiter - At 11.50 Am The Comdng Officer of the U.S.S. Jupiter made an official call and left at noon.

U.S.S. Denver - At 2.10 The Comdg officer of the U.S.S. Denver made an official call and left at 2.20

522f94d268f4b84c38003ab5: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d268f4b84c38003ab7: (

10 January 1914

C.G.Haesloop, Sea - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: C.G.Haesloop, Sea, and P.C.Hardcastle, Sea, each 5 hrs. extra duty for failing to fall in as side boys.

P.C.Hardcastle, Sea - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: C.G.Haesloop, Sea, and P.C.Hardcastle, Sea, each 5 hrs. extra duty for failing to fall in as side boys.

At 9.45 2 workmen from the yard came on board to make A template of the after bridge deck.

U.S.S. Whipple - The U.S.S. Whipple headed down the channel at 3.15 p.m

522f94d268f4b84c38003ab9: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d268f4b84c38003abb: (

11 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003abd: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003abf: (

12 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ac1: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003ac3: (

13 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ac5: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003ac7: (

14 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ac9: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003acb: (

15 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003acd: (

moored to buoy off navy yard mare island vallejo cal

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003acf: (

16 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ad1: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003ad3: (

17 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ad5: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003ad7: (

18 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ad9: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003adb: (

19 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003add: (

moored to buoy off navy yard mare island vallejo cal

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003adf: (

20 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ae1: (

moored to buoy off navy yard mare island vallejo cal

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003ae3: (

21 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003ae5: (

moored to buoy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003ae7: (

22 January 1914

Charles Estill, Fireman - alleged drowning - body not receovered

522f94d368f4b84c38003ae9: (

moored to bouy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003aeb: (

22 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003aed: (

moored to buoy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003aef: (

23 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003af1: (

moored to buoy off navy yard mare island vallejo cal

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003af3: (

24 January 1914

Charles Estill, Fireman - body identified

522f94d368f4b84c38003af5: (

moored to buoy off navy yard mare island vallejo cal

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d368f4b84c38003af7: (

24 January 1914

522f94d368f4b84c38003af9: (

moored to buoy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003afb: (

25 January 1914

522f94d468f4b84c38003afd: (

moored to buoy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003aff: (

26 January 1914

522f94d468f4b84c38003b01: (

moored to buoy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b03: (

26 January 1914

522f94d468f4b84c38003b05: (

moored to bouy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b07: (

27 January 1914

522f94d468f4b84c38003b09: (

moored to buoy off navy yard mare island vallejo cal

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b0b: (

28 January 1914

Chief boatsn. J.Clancy U.S.N - Chief boatsn. J.Clancy U.S.N. left ship on duty to appear before the Medical Exam. board for the yearly Examination by physical test & completed his monthly Physical test.

Instructed crew in various subjects from 1.15 pm. to 2.30 pm.

Chief Mach A.D.Devine U.S.N. - Asst. Paym. J.H.Colhoun U.S.N. and Chief Mach A.D.Devine U.S.N. completed their monthly Physical test.

Received from Perry lumber Comp. Vallejo26 feet ~ Pine boards, white, & 105 feet of Oregon pine.

Asst. Paym. J.H.Colhoun U.S.N. - Asst. Paym. J.H.Colhoun U.S.N. and Chief Mach A.D.Devine U.S.N. completed their monthly Physical test.

522f94d468f4b84c38003b0d: (

moored to buoy off mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b0f: (

29 January 1914

Received from the general Storekeeper, Naval Station, Cavite, P.I. for the Deck Department

Instucted Crew in various Subjects from 1.15 to 2.30.

U.S.S. California - At 2.30 the U.S.S. California left the yard.

U.S.R.C. Bear - The U.S.R.C. Bear undocked.

Received from the General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, California, for Deck Department: Six Union Jacks #7 31 1/2 lbs hand Lead Line (200 fms) 12 water ewers 6 slop jars 6 wash basins with fixtures 3 metal rings for holding ewers.

522f94d468f4b84c38003b11: (

navy yard mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b13: (

30 January 1914

2 men from Navy Yard working on template for Radio house.

Surveying Officer from Navy Yard Mare Id came aboard at 10 a.m to hold a survey on clothing & small stores in Pay Dept.

U.S.S. Lawrence - At 10.25 a.m. the U.S.S. Lawrence Stood out & at 10.30 the U.S.S. Goldborough headed out.

U.S.S. Preble - The U.S.S. Preble moored to buoy at 11.45 a.m.

U.S.S. Goldborough - At 10.25 a.m. the U.S.S. Lawrence Stood out & at 10.30 the U.S.S. Goldborough headed out.

U.S.S. Lawrence - The U.S.S. Lawrence moored alongside of Preble.

Preble - The U.S.S. Lawrence moored alongside of Preble.

Instructed crew in various subjects from 1.15 pm to 2.30 pm.

Received for Eng Dept an Drum of Distillatte.

Tug Active - Tug Active came alongside at 4.05 & took ship alongside of Dock,

Navy Yard tug Unadilla - The Navy Yard tug Unadilla carried away bar for sternlight while going alongside of dock at stern of ship at 6.43 p.m.

522f94d468f4b84c38003b15: (

alongside dock mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b17: (

31 January 1914


522f94d468f4b84c38003b19: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of Juner 1913

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Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of February 1914

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blank page

522f94d468f4b84c38003b29: (

moored to usrc bear navy yard mare island vallejo california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b2b: (

1 February 1914

522f94d468f4b84c38003b2d: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d468f4b84c38003b2f: (

requests ten days leave

received for Deck Department from Foard Bartsow Ship Chandlery Co., San Francisco, Cal.

522f94d468f4b84c38003b31: (

moored to usrc bear navy yard mare island vallejo california

Lat , Long

522f94d568f4b84c38003b33: (

2 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b35: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b37: (

3 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b39: (

moored to usrc bear navy yard mare island vallejo california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b3b: (

4 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b3d: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b3f: (

5 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b41: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b43: (

6 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b45: (

mare island california

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b47: (

7 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b49: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b4b: (

8 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b4d: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b4f: (

9 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b51: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

U.S.R.Cutter Bear - Moored to U.S.R.Cutter Bear art Mare Island. Navy Yard

522f94d568f4b84c38003b53: (

10 February 1914

Lieut Comdr H.B.Soule U.S.N. - Lieut Comdr H.B.Soule U.S.N. returned aboard and then reported to Commandant, Navy Yard, Mare Id. Cal. for a medical survey to determine fitness for further active duty.

Lieut-Commander H.B.Soule, U.S.N. - Lieut-Commander H.B.Soule, U.S.N. returned on board, having been examined by Board of Medical Survey, and then left ship to continue on leave.

Yardmen working on Radio outfit.

522f94d568f4b84c38003b55: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

U.S.R.C.Bear - Moored to U.S.R.C.Bear at. Mare Island. Navy. Yard

522f94d568f4b84c38003b57: (

11 February 1914

transferred fro mthe Pay Department to the General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, California condemned by Survey

Received in the Pay Department fro mthe Genral Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif.

Transferred from The Pay Department to the General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif. 100 lbs. Macaroni.

Transferred from the Pay Department to the General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif. condemned by Survey, Approved May 17, 1912. 1 safe, medium, No. 24624.

Transferred from the Pay Department to the General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif., condemned by Survey, Approved Jan. 31, 1914 18 No. Blacking. 46 No. Brushes, scrub. 7 No. Caps, cloth. 11 3/4 Yds. Cloth, Blue. 3 Yds. Cloth for trousers. 4 Prs. Drawers, light. 4 No. Hats, white. 31 No. Overshirts. 17 No. Shirts, P.O.Flannel. 6 Yds. Serge. 29 Prs. Socks, woolen. 16 No. Undershirts, heavy. 2 No. Brooms, whisk. 12 No. Cap covers, C.P.O. 3 No. Caps, C.P.O., Blue. 3 No. Caps, C.P.O., White. 7 Prs. Drawers, heavy. 5 Yds.Flannel , heavy. 2 No. Jumpers,dungaree. 5 No. Jerseys. 4 Prs. Shoes, high. 158 Prs. Shoes, low. 28 Prs. Trousers, Blue. 8 No. Undershirts,light.

Received in the Pay Department from the General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif. 12 gross Rubber bands. 3 books. #29224 2 books. # 29225 12 books. #2823 24 books. #2841 steno. 36 Circular TW Erasers #1 36 Pencil beveled do #7 4 qts. Ink,Blue-black record 2 pts. Red Ink #10 2 bot. Ink, stamp pad. 3000 shts. Paper, white,punched. 2000 shts. Paper, green,punched. 4 bxs carbon paper #33710 3 bxs do #33711 20 pkgs.blotting paper 1 gross Pencils,hex #3 36 penholders, #29101 2 gross pen points,stub. 2 perforators. 2 T.W.Ribbons,Blk & red 2 shears,bankers 12" 3 lbs. twine,linen, white. 2 waste paper baskets. 1 cash box. 40 box. gem paper clips. 5000 Envelopes, wht. 2694 1000 do do 2695 2000 do do 2701 5 bxs Fasteners,FH #2 5 bxs do # 1 1/2 4 safety ink stands. 72 memo pads, #2732 72 do #2731 500 Paper,note,white. 500 Cards, note,4 x 5 1 ream wrapping paper. 2 reams foolscap paper 36 Pencils,drawing. 3H 6 penracks, spiral. 2 ruling pens. 36 pyramid pins. 2 boxwood rulers 15" 1000 Manila tags. 1 gross thumb tacks,1/2"

522f94d568f4b84c38003b59: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b5b: (

11 February 1914

Whited E.W.. O.Sea - Memo for Officer of Deck: Please credit the following named men with extra duty. Whited E.W.. O.Sea 5 hrs. Greeley J. C.P. 5 hrs. Buddi C. M.att 3c 6 hrs. Respt. R.Bishop M.A.A.1c

Greeley J. C.P. - Memo for Officer of Deck: Please credit the following named men with extra duty. Whited E.W.. O.Sea 5 hrs. Greeley J. C.P. 5 hrs. Buddi C. M.att 3c 6 hrs. Respt. R.Bishop M.A.A.1c

Buddi C. M.att 3c - Memo for Officer of Deck: Please credit the following named men with extra duty. Whited E.W.. O.Sea 5 hrs. Greeley J. C.P. 5 hrs. Buddi C. M.att 3c 6 hrs. Respt. R.Bishop M.A.A.1c

R.Bishop M.A.A.1c - Memo for Officer of Deck: Please credit the following named men with extra duty. Whited E.W.. O.Sea 5 hrs. Greeley J. C.P. 5 hrs. Buddi C. M.att 3c 6 hrs. Respt. R.Bishop M.A.A.1c

522f94d568f4b84c38003b5d: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b5f: (

11 February 1914

Yardmen working on Radio outfit.

A Survey Officer from the Navy Yard came aboard and Surveyed a money bag and a scale, Pay Department.

Yardmen working on Wireless outfit & fitting new maintopmast.

522f94d568f4b84c38003b61: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

U.S.R.C. Bear - Moored to U.S.R.C. Bear Mare Island Navy Yard

522f94d568f4b84c38003b63: (

12 February 1914

Yardmen continued Fitting new main topmast& installing wireless outfit

F.D.Richard, Sea. - F.D.Richard, Sea., went on 5 days leave.

Greely J, (CP) - Whited EW (OS) & Greely J (CP) completed 5 hrs extra duty. Buddi C (M.Att3c) completed 6 hrs extra duty.

Whited EW (OS) - Whited EW (OS) & Greely J (CP) completed 5 hrs extra duty. Buddi C (M.Att3c) completed 6 hrs extra duty.

Buddi C (M.Att3c) - Whited EW (OS) & Greely J (CP) completed 5 hrs extra duty. Buddi C (M.Att3c) completed 6 hrs extra duty.

Yardmen working on radio outfit.

Elmer B.Hill, F1c - Received from the Receiving Ship at Mare Island Elmer B.Hill, F1c, and O.M.Schwetz, F2c.

O.M.Schwetz, F2c - Received from the Receiving Ship at Mare Island Elmer B.Hill, F1c, and O.M.Schwetz, F2c.

Buddi C. Matt3c - Please credit with extra duty Buddi C. Matt3c 5 hrs Respt. R.H.Bishop M.AA.1c

R.H.Bishop M.AA.1c - Please credit with extra duty Buddi C. Matt3c 5 hrs Respt. R.H.Bishop M.AA.1c

522f94d568f4b84c38003b65: (

moored to usrc bear mare island navy yard

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

U.S.R.C. Bear - Moored to U.S.R.C. Bear Mare Island Navy Yard

522f94d568f4b84c38003b67: (

13 February 1914

Yardmen working on Radio outfit.

Received from Genl. Storekeeper, Navy Yd, Mare Id., 2 code and answering pennants and 26 Inter. signals, 3 9-ft pennants and 2 No2 Ens.

Yardtug Active - Unmoored ship at 2.30 p.m. & Yardtug Active towed ship to buoy

Yardmen continued work on main Rigging & wireless outfit

Received stores from Foard & Barstow S.F. for Eng. & Deck Dept. per list.

Inspection board from the Navy Yard tested Radio outfit.

522f94d568f4b84c38003b69: (

moored to buoy 2 off navy yard mare island vallejo cal

Lat 38.1, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b6b: (

14 February 1914


Lat 50.6, Long -127.0

Hardcastle - Transferred Hardcastle to the Receiving ship Navy Yard. Mare Id & P.G.Dollaster. Graig to the U.S.S. Lawrence.

Graig - Transferred Hardcastle to the Receiving ship Navy Yard. Mare Id & P.G.Dollaster. Graig to the U.S.S. Lawrence.

P.G. Dollaster - Transferred Hardcastle to the Receiving ship Navy Yard. Mare Id & P.G.Dollaster. Graig to the U.S.S. Lawrence.

U.S.S. Lawrence - Transferred Hardcastle to the Receiving ship Navy Yard. Mare Id & P.G.Dollaster. Graig to the U.S.S. Lawrence.

Lieut Comdr B.Soule - At 10.45 Am Lieut Comdr B.Soule Commanding returned from extended leave.

At 12.15 The 1st Motor boat left the yard for Sausalito.

at 1.20 unmoored from buoy and proceeded to Sausalito. At 2.12 Stopped the Stbd engine to tighten the screw which holds the inboard end of the forward bridle rod of the Stbd H.P. engine At 2.17 Started stbd engine.

522f94d568f4b84c38003b6d: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d568f4b84c38003b6f: (

15 February 1914

522f94d568f4b84c38003b71: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b73: (

16 February 1914

522f94d668f4b84c38003b75: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b77: (

17 February 1914

522f94d668f4b84c38003b79: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b7b: (

18 February 1914

522f94d668f4b84c38003b7d: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b7f: (

19 February 1914

522f94d668f4b84c38003b81: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b83: (

20 February 1914

522f94d668f4b84c38003b85: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b87: (

21 February 1914

522f94d668f4b84c38003b89: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b8b: (

22 February 1914

522f94d668f4b84c38003b8d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b8f: (

23 February 1914

At 8.00 Dressed ship in honor of Washington's birth day.

Robertson - one absentee Robertson

U.S.S. Marblehead - The U.S.S. Marblehead & U.S.R.C. Unalga fired a national salute of 21 guns.

U.S.R.C. Unalga - The U.S.S. Marblehead & U.S.R.C. Unalga fired a national salute of 21 guns.

Chief Boatn J.Clancy U.S.N. - Chief Boatn J.Clancy U.S.N. completed his monthly Physical test.

Hauled down dressingline at sunset.

522f94d668f4b84c38003b91: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b93: (

24 February 1914

Robertson - Absentee Robertson.

U.S.S. Farragut - The U.S.S. Farragut came to anchor at 9.15 a.m.

522f94d668f4b84c38003b95: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b97: (

25 February 1914

Robertson - Robertson absent

Radio inspector from Mare Id. came aboard to inspect to radio outfit.

522f94d668f4b84c38003b99: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b9b: (

26 February 1914

Received from Standard Oil Co

Received from Marine Elect Co

J.R.Robertson - Absentee J.R.Robertson

Ch Mch A Devine - Ch Mch A Devine Completed monthly physical test.

Lieut L.B.Porterfield - At 2.30 Lieut L.B.Porterfield returned from leave.

U.S.S. Marblehead - In response to A cry of Man overboard from the U.S.S. Marblehead a boat was manned and lowered from this Ship & the Search light was turned on. The man was picked up by the Marblehead's boat.

Recd from Standard Oil Co: 3 case Vaclite Recd from Marine Elect Co: 1 Double pole switch 1 canSoldering paste 2# Wire solder 1 Globe for ceiling fixture

522f94d668f4b84c38003b9d: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003b9f: (

27 February 1914

racoon straits

Lat 69.8, Long 176.2

Robertson - (Robertson) absent

U.S.S. Marblehead - The U.S.S. Marblehead headed in from & steamed through Racoon straits at 11.20 am

U.S.R.C. Unalga - The U.S.R.C. Unalga anchored off our beam at 11.35 am

J.R.Robertson Fr2cl. - J.R.Robertson Fr2cl. returned from liberty 100 hours overtime

Received for deck dept. 6 pieces of lumber: 3 pine, 2 ash & 1 redwood

522f94d668f4b84c38003ba1: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d668f4b84c38003ba3: (

28 February 1914

goat island

Lat 52.1, Long -174.4

J.R.Robertson, F2c - Commanding Officer awarded trial by deck court to J.R.Robertson, F2c, for 100 hrs overtime. Robertson was tried accordingly - Lt. L.B.Porterfield, USN., deck court - and sentenced to lose $ 26.66.

Lt. L.B.Porterfield, USN. - Commanding Officer awarded trial by deck court to J.R.Robertson, F2c, for 100 hrs overtime. Robertson was tried accordingly - Lt. L.B.Porterfield, USN., deck court - and sentenced to lose $ 26.66.

Chief Yeoman C.A.Cook - Chief Yeoman C.A.Cook returned from 14 days leave.

U.S.S. Marblehead - At 1.00 The U.S.S. Marblehead underway & stood over to Goat Island.


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blank page

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Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of March 1914

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blank page

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blank page

522f94d768f4b84c38003bb5: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bb7: (

1 March 1914

Lieut L.B.Porterfield U.S.N. - Lieut L.B.Porterfield U.S.N. & Asst Paymaster J.H.Calhoun U.S.N. completed their monthly Physical test.

Asst Paymaster J.H.Calhoun U.S.N. - Lieut L.B.Porterfield U.S.N. & Asst Paymaster J.H.Calhoun U.S.N. completed their monthly Physical test.

522f94d768f4b84c38003bb9: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bbb: (

2 March 1914

U.S.S. Marblehead - At 8.15 a.m. shifted mooring to U.S.S. Marblehead buoy.

Crew employed fitting Storm Sails.

522f94d768f4b84c38003bbd: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bbf: (

3 March 1914

Continued transferring Stores from shore laboratory to Ship.

Welch Ch.M.M. - Received from Receivingship Mare Isl Cal. Welch Ch.M.M.

Recd for Deck Dept. 2 roller cutains (6) from Bouence Co.

522f94d768f4b84c38003bc1: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bc3: (

4 March 1914

Commdng Off completed monthly physical test.

522f94d768f4b84c38003bc5: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bc7: (

5 March 1914

stations no5352 5355

Lat 22.2, Long 113.9

Asst. Paym. J.H.Calhoun - Asst. Paym. J.H.Calhoun brought aboard $ 1000.00 in cash for Navy Pay.

J.M.Daniel, O.S. - By order of Commanding Officer J.M.Daniel, O.S., was rated Seaman from this after passing examination for the rate.

Send Fireparty ashore to Sausalito at 10.00p.m., same returned to ship at 10.40 p.m.

522f94d768f4b84c38003bc9: (

moored to bouy off sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bcb: (

6 March 1914

stations hy 5358 hy 5365

Lat 22.2, Long -122.3

At 10:17 commenced hydrographic work, occupying stations Hy 5358- Hy 5365 at anchor, for surface and bottom temperatures, water samples and surface hauls.

Boatswain J.D.Glick - Boatswain J.D.Glick reported on board for duty Bureau order W 3-1-4 Feb 28/14 Chief Boatswain J.Clancy received Bureau order W-31-4 dated Feb 28/14 detaching him from Albatross to home wait orders

Chief Boatswain J.Clancy - Boatswain J.D.Glick reported on board for duty Bureau order W 3-1-4 Feb 28/14 Chief Boatswain J.Clancy received Bureau order W-31-4 dated Feb 28/14 detaching him from Albatross to home wait orders

522f94d768f4b84c38003bcd: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bcf: (

7 March 1914

Chief Boatswain A.Rettig - In accordance with Bureau's letter of Chief Boatswain A.Rettig was detached from this Vessel and ordered home to await orders.

E.A.Holemeyer (Sea) - by Order of C.O. E.A.Holemeyer E.A.Holemeyer (Sea) was granted (5) days leave of absence.

522f94d768f4b84c38003bd1: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bd3: (

8 March 1914

522f94d768f4b84c38003bd5: (

522f94d768f4b84c38003bd7: (

9 March 1914

Received from the Foard-Barstow ship Chandlery, for the deck department

Received from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Co. for the DECK DEPARTMENT: 1 Stanley mitre box 1 saw set 1 set twist drills 1 panel saw, 20" 1 ratchet brace, nickle plated, 10" sw. 1 claw hammer, medium 1 100-ft steel tape line 2 screwdriver bits 2 countersink bits, 1 wood, 1 metal 1 set gimlet bits 2 2-ft brass bound rules 1 doz galv. shackles 5/8 4 lts reinforced glass 10"x22 1/2" 6 lts reinforced glass 16"x 22 1/2" 2 lts reinforced glass 13"x26 1/2" 15 gal boot topping 200 lbs white lead 100 lbs red lead 200 lbs white zinc 10 lbs spanish whitening 10 lbs putty 3 gal spar varnish 10 gal coal oil 2 pts Le Pages glue 1qr. sandpaper # 2 2 qr. sandpaper # 1 1/2 2 qr. sandpaper # 1 1 qr. emery cloth 0 1 qr. emery cloth 1 10 lbs chalk 8 15-gal oak water casks, G.I.hoops 1 doz chisel handles 1 doz hacksaw blades, 12" 1 doz sail needles # 12 1 doz sail needles # 14 1 doz sail needles # 16 2 sewing palms 10 lbs Indian red, dry 2 qrs sandpaper # 0 2 qrs sandpaper # 00 5 lbs vermillion in vehicle 100 lbs cleaning rags 1 box toilet paper 2 signal halyard blocks 14' 3/8" galv. pipe for motor boat 1 pt. rubber cement 6 hand lantern globes 50 ft. 3/8" sq. gum gasket 6 air port lenses 5/8 x 8 20 ft. Oregon pine 3/4 x12 S4S 50 ft. redwood 3/4 x 12 S4S 20 ft. Oregon pine 2 x 4" 20 ft. white ash 3/4x12 S4S 25 ft. mahogany 5/8 x12 S4S 13 ft. mahogany 7/8 x12 S4S 25 ft. white oak 5/8 x 12 S4S 15 ft. Oregon pine 2 x 12 S4S 30 ft. white pine 3/4 x 12 1 gro safety matches 50 lbs spunyarn 1 set boat lights (running)

522f94d768f4b84c38003bd9: (

522f94d768f4b84c38003bdb: (

9 March 1914

J.L.Welsh C.M.M. - J.L.Welsh C.M.M. returned from (5) days leave of absence.

J.Clancy Ch.Btsn U.S.N. - J.Clancy Ch.Btsn U.S.N. completed his monthly Physical test.

A.C.Holemeyer. (Sea) - A.C.Holemeyer. (Sea) returned from (5) leave of absence.

Revenue Cutter Unalga - The Revenue Cutter Unalga came in and anchored at 8.00 P.M.

522f94d768f4b84c38003bdd: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003bdf: (

10 March 1914

I.Nary - I.Nary granted 5 dys leave

522f94d768f4b84c38003be1: (

moored to bouy sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003be3: (

11 March 1914

522f94d768f4b84c38003be5: (

moored to bouy sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003be7: (

12 March 1914

522f94d768f4b84c38003be9: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d768f4b84c38003beb: (

13 March 1914

522f94d768f4b84c38003bed: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003bef: (

14 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003bf1: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003bf3: (

15 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003bf5: (

moored to bouy sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003bf7: (

16 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003bf9: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003bfb: (

17 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003bfd: (

moored to bouy off sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003bff: (

18 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003c01: (

moored to dock moore scott yard oakland cal

Lat 55.9, Long -4.8

522f94d868f4b84c38003c03: (

19 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003c05: (

moored to dock moore scott yard oakland california

Lat 55.9, Long -4.8

522f94d868f4b84c38003c07: (

20 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003c09: (

moored to dock moore scott iw oakland california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c0b: (

21 March 1914

yardmen working on bottom sampler sounding machine.

G.R.Cale seaman - G.R.Cale seaman granted 7 days leave from this date

Yard workmen engaged in installing Dredging winch ~t.

L.Delwig. (F.1c) - L.Delwig. (F.1c) granted 5 days leave

Manning A. (MM1c) - Manning A. (MM1c) granted 5 days leave.

522f94d868f4b84c38003c0d: (

moored to dock moore scott iworks oakland california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c0f: (

22 March 1914

Yardworkmen engaged in indtalling dredging winch.

Yardmen working Sounding Machine for bottom samples.

522f94d868f4b84c38003c11: (

moored to dock moore scott iw oakland california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c13: (

23 March 1914

Yardmen working on Sounding machine for bottom samples.

R.Beckwith (M.M.1.c.) - R.Beckwith (M.M.1.c.) returned from 30 days leave of absence.

held Bag inspection for Deck force.

Yard workmen engaged in installing Dredging Winch.

522f94d868f4b84c38003c15: (

moored to dock moore scott iron works oakland california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c17: (

24 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003c19: (

moored to ms pier oakland cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c1b: (

25 March 1914

coal for albatross

522f94d868f4b84c38003c1d: (

moored at m s pier oakland cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c1f: (

25 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003c21: (

moored to bouy off sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c23: (

26 March 1914

522f94d868f4b84c38003c25: (

moored to bouy sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c27: (

27 March 1914

coal: 142 tons -

522f94d868f4b84c38003c29: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d868f4b84c38003c2b: (

28 March 1914

522f94d968f4b84c38003c2d: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c2f: (

29 March 1914

522f94d968f4b84c38003c31: (

moored to bouy sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c33: (

30 March 1914

522f94d968f4b84c38003c35: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c37: (

31 March 1914

Request for 5 days leave

522f94d968f4b84c38003c39: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c3b: (

31 March 1914


522f94d968f4b84c38003c3d: (

blank page

522f94d968f4b84c38003c3f: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of April 1914

522f94d968f4b84c38003c41: (

522f94d968f4b84c38003c43: (

522f94d968f4b84c38003c45: (

522f94d968f4b84c38003c47: (

522f94d968f4b84c38003c49: (

522f94d968f4b84c38003c4b: (

522f94d968f4b84c38003c4d: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c4f: (

1 April 1914

raccoon straits

Lat 69.8, Long 176.2

Fong Fung, C.S. - By order of Commanding Officer following change was made in rating: Fong Fung, C.S. to C.C., and fung's Certificate of Qualification as C.C. was renewed for two years.

Jesse B.Vanderford, Cox. - By order of Commanding Officer Jesse B.Vanderford, Cox., was given an accting appt B.M2c - BN Mar 26, 1914.

USS Pittsburgh - at 1.30 the USS Pittsburgh stood in through Raccoon Straits with Target Raft in tow.

522f94d968f4b84c38003c51: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c53: (

2 April 1914

exercised life boat crew.

USR.C. Manning - At 200 USR.C. Manning stood into the harbor and anchored.

522f94d968f4b84c38003c55: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c57: (

3 April 1914

Paymaster brought $1200 on board.

522f94d968f4b84c38003c59: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c5b: (

4 April 1914

Lt Comdr. HB Soule U.S.N. - at 10 AM All hands to quarters. Lt Comdr. HB Soule U.S.N. read telegraphic orders detaching him from command of this Vessel and ordering him to proceed to Naval Hospital Wash.D.C. for treatment. Lt LB Porterfield read telegraphic orders to assume command.

Lt LB Porterfield - at 10 AM All hands to quarters. Lt Comdr. HB Soule U.S.N. read telegraphic orders detaching him from command of this Vessel and ordering him tp proceed to Naval Hospital Wash.D.C. for treatment. Lt LB Porterfield read telegraphic orders to assume command.

Lt Comdr H.B.Soule - at 700 P.M. Lt Comdr H.B.Soule left the ship in compliance with telegraphic orders received from the Navy Department.

522f94d968f4b84c38003c5d: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c5f: (

5 April 1914

Vanderford El.2ndCl. - one absentee Vanderford El.2ndCl.

Vanderford (El.2c) - Vanderford (El.2c) returned (17hs) overleave

Made prep[arations to proceed to Sea.

522f94d968f4b84c38003c61: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c63: (

6 April 1914

san francisco bay

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

522f94d968f4b84c38003c65: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94d968f4b84c38003c67: (

7 April 1914

Carroll R.B - Carroll R.B was transferred to U.S.Naval Hospital Mare Island Cal for treatment

C.C.Vanderford, El.2c - Commanding Officer awarded reduction to 2c conduct class toC.C.Vanderford, El.2c, for 17 hrs. over leave.

Lt(JG) I.F.McClain U.S.N. - Lt(JG) I.F.McClain U.S.N. reported on board for duty in compliance with Dept Telegraphic orders of Apr 1st 1914

522f94d968f4b84c38003c69: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003c6b: (

8 April 1914

Stook Oiler - Stook Oiler absent over leave from 600 p.m

522f94da68f4b84c38003c6d: (

moored to buoy sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003c6f: (

9 April 1914

Paymaster J.H.Calhoun - Paymaster J.H.Calhoun bought on Board $3000 for Navy use and $500 for Bureau of Fisheries use.

Stooks W. (Oil) - Stooks W. (Oil) returned 16hr overleave

522f94da68f4b84c38003c71: (

moored to buoy off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003c73: (

10 April 1914


Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Richards FD. (Sea) - one absentee. Richards FD. (Sea)

Unadilla - At 11.30 Unadilla came alongside with draft of men (see list)

Chief Boatswain John Mahoney U.S.Navy - Chief Boatswain John Mahoney U.S.Navy reported on Board for duty in compliance with Dept telegraphic orders dated Apr 1st 1914.

Passed Asst Surgeon C.W.Smith - Passed Asst Surgeon C.W.Smith reported on board for duty in obeidence to Dept telegraphic orders dated april 3rd 1914.

Walters - Walters returned on board 3 hours overleave.

522f94da68f4b84c38003c75: (

moored to bouy off sausalite california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003c77: (

11 April 1914

L. B. Porterfield - Command of ship

522f94da68f4b84c38003c79: (

moored to buoy at sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003c7b: (

12 April 1914

L. B. Porterfield - Command of ship

522f94da68f4b84c38003c7d: (

at sea

Lat , Long

522f94da68f4b84c38003c7f: (

13 April 1914

mendicinu lt

Lat 30.0, Long -1.5

sounded fog whistle & stationed forecastle lookout during the fog.

522f94da68f4b84c38003c81: (

at sea enroute comox bc

Lat 49.7, Long -124.9

522f94da68f4b84c38003c83: (

14 April 1914

522f94da68f4b84c38003c85: (

at sea en route to comox bc

Lat 49.7, Long -124.9

522f94da68f4b84c38003c87: (

15 April 1914

522f94da68f4b84c38003c89: (

strait of juan de fuca en route to comox bc

Lat 49.7, Long -124.9

522f94da68f4b84c38003c8b: (

16 April 1914

522f94da68f4b84c38003c8d: (

at anchor comox bc

Lat 49.7, Long -124.9

522f94da68f4b84c38003c8f: (

17 April 1914

coal: 208 tons -

522f94da68f4b84c38003c91: (

moored to united collieris dock port augusta bc

Lat 58.0, Long -134.9

522f94da68f4b84c38003c93: (

18 April 1914

522f94da68f4b84c38003c95: (

union bay bc making passage via port townsend to seattle washington

Lat 48.1, Long -122.8

522f94da68f4b84c38003c97: (

19 April 1914

sangster island

Lat 42.2, Long 41.7

F.D.Richards - F.D.Richards was declared a deserter from this Vessel and the U.S.Naval Service from this date

1 box meat, & 1 box bread (abandon ship provisions were discovered to have been lost out of one of the boats which had been anchored off in Union Bay B.C. while the ship was coaling on the 17th & 18th.

522f94da68f4b84c38003c99: (

at anchor port townsend seattle washington

Lat 48.1, Long -122.8

522f94da68f4b84c38003c9b: (

20 April 1914

admiralty inlet

Lat 47.6, Long -122.8

McMullen P.T.M. (Sea) - Received the following named men with Bags and Hammocks from the Receiving Ship at Burneston Wash McMullen P.T.M. (Sea) McKee EA (Sea) Davies CM (oSea)

McKee EA (Sea) - Received the following named men with Bags and Hammocks from the Receiving Ship at Burneston Wash McMullen P.T.M. (Sea) McKee EA (Sea) Davies CM (oSea)

Davies CM (oSea) - Received the following named men with Bags and Hammocks from the Receiving Ship at Burneston Wash McMullen P.T.M. (Sea) McKee EA (Sea) Davies CM (oSea)

522f94da68f4b84c38003c9d: (

seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003c9f: (

21 April 1914

U.S.Naval Tug Sotoyoma - at 9.30 the U.S.Naval Tug Sotoyoma stood through the Harbor flying the Flag of the Asst Sec of Navy at the Main.

tested Hand Steering gear at 10.20 and found same in Excellent Condition.

F.D.Richards, Sea., deserter - At 6:00pm by order of the C.O. the effects of F.D.Richards, Sea., deserter, were sold at public auction and brought $5.75

522f94da68f4b84c38003ca1: (

seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003ca3: (

22 April 1914

hreavy fog hung over the harbor from 4.30 until 7.45 during which time fog bell was kept going.

at 9 o/c turned over the engine for 45 minutes to test out repairs and found that knock and jar in starboard shaft had disappeared.

Received on board a quantity of fishing gear as per list.

522f94da68f4b84c38003ca5: (

seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94da68f4b84c38003ca7: (

23 April 1914

V.T.Bamingham Seaman - By order of Comdg Officer the following change was made in rating V.T.Bamingham Seaman to S.C.4.c.

U.S.S. Pawtucket - at 9.30 U.S.S. Pawtucket stood into the harbor with Assistant Secretary of the Navy on board.

522f94db68f4b84c38003ca9: (

seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94db68f4b84c38003cab: (

24 April 1914

J.R.Robertson, F2c - Commanding Officer awarded 20 hrs. extra duty to J.R.Robertson, F2c, for loafing around decks during working hours.

Received from the Naval ~ ~ Wash 2400 Rounds of Springfield Rifle Ammunition and 2000 Rds Revolver Ammunition.

522f94db68f4b84c38003cad: (

moored to buoy seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94db68f4b84c38003caf: (

25 April 1914


Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

U.S.R.C Corwin - at 4.20 U.S.R.C Corwin stood into the harbor and moored to buoy off Seattle

522f94db68f4b84c38003cb1: (

moored to buoy seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94db68f4b84c38003cb3: (

26 April 1914

neah bay

Lat 48.3, Long -123.5

522f94db68f4b84c38003cb5: (

neah bay washington

Lat 30.6, Long 117.2

522f94db68f4b84c38003cb7: (

27 April 1914

destruction island light

Lat 22.6, Long 59.5

Sent working party ashore to get sand in dory.

A.Elises, Matt3c - C.O. awarded following punishments at the mast: A.Elises, Matt3c, making a mess in WR pantry and refusing to clean up same - 4 hrs. on bridge; W.W.Ellison, ~ dirty mattress cover - scrub at mess; A.Neone, Matt2c, attempting to assault Seaman in charge of hold with a knife - 5 days S.C. on bread and water. Neone was confined accordingly.

W.W.Ellison,~ - C.O. awarded following punishments at the mast: A.Elises, Matt3c, making a mess in WR pantry and refusing to clean up same - 4 hrs. on bridge; W.W.Ellison, ~ dirty mattress cover - scrub at mess; A.Neone, Matt2c, attempting to assault Seaman in charge of hold with a knife - 5 days S.C. on bread and water. Neone was confined accordingly.

A.Neone, Matt2c - C.O. awarded following punishments at the mast: A.Elises, Matt3c, making a mess in WR pantry and refusing to clean up same - 4 hrs. on bridge; W.W.Ellison, ~ dirty mattress cover - scrub at mess; A.Neone, Matt2c, attempting to assault Seaman in charge of hold with a knife - 5 days S.C. on bread and water. Neone was confined accordingly.

Sent mail ashore at 1 o/c.

522f94db68f4b84c38003cb9: (

at sea

Lat , Long

522f94db68f4b84c38003cbb: (

28 April 1914

tillamook rock lt

Lat 24.5, Long 118.1

522f94db68f4b84c38003cbd: (

en route for hiceta ban off newport oregon

Lat 29.9, Long 32.6

522f94db68f4b84c38003cbf: (

29 April 1914

Soundings taken april 29th 1914


522f94db68f4b84c38003cc1: (

en route for hiceta ban off newport oregon

Lat 29.9, Long 32.6

522f94db68f4b84c38003cc3: (

29 April 1914

heceta head light

Lat 56.4, Long -5.5

lost lead and 61 fathoms of sounding wire overboard

522f94db68f4b84c38003cc5: (

at sea

Lat , Long

522f94db68f4b84c38003cc7: (

30 April 1914

Soundings taken April 30th 1914


522f94db68f4b84c38003cc9: (

at sea

Lat , Long

522f94db68f4b84c38003ccb: (

30 April 1914

heceta hd light

Lat 56.4, Long -5.5


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blank page

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Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of May 1914

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blank page

522f94db68f4b84c38003cdd: (

at sea off central oregon coast

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94db68f4b84c38003cdf: (

1 May 1914

heceda head lthouse

Lat , Long

522f94db68f4b84c38003ce1: (

at sea off central oregon coast

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94db68f4b84c38003ce3: (

2 May 1914

Soundings taken May 2nd 1914


522f94db68f4b84c38003ce5: (

at sea off central oregon coast

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94db68f4b84c38003ce7: (

2 May 1914

yaquina head lt house

Lat -4.6, Long -5.5

stopped the ship and lowered two dorys to set fish lines

522f94db68f4b84c38003ce9: (

at sea off central oregon

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94dc68f4b84c38003ceb: (

3 May 1914

Soundings taken May 3rd 1914


522f94dc68f4b84c38003ced: (

at sea off central oregon

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94dc68f4b84c38003cef: (

3 May 1914

cape meares lt

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94dc68f4b84c38003cf1: (

at sea off coast of northern oregon

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

522f94dc68f4b84c38003cf3: (

4 May 1914

Soundings taken May 4, 1914


522f94dc68f4b84c38003cf5: (

at sea off coast of northern oregon

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

522f94dc68f4b84c38003cf7: (

4 May 1914

cape meares lt

Lat , Long

put tow net over side. while hauling net in cable parted losing net and 4thm cable.

V.G.R.DeVries, BM. - V.G.R.DeVries, BM., reported expiration of enlistment and was detained in the service beyond such term.

sch. W.H.Marston - standing toward a 5 masted schooner which displayed a signal. at 1 o/c ranged up alongside and hailed the schooner inquiring what she wanted, found her to be the sch. W.H.Marston of Portland Ore. 58 days from Valparaiso bound for Portland and wished to be reported.

522f94dc68f4b84c38003cf9: (

at sea off coast of northern oregon

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

522f94dc68f4b84c38003cfb: (

5 May 1914

Soundings taken May 5, 1914


522f94dc68f4b84c38003cfd: (

at sea off coast of northern oregon

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

522f94dc68f4b84c38003cff: (

5 May 1914

heceta head light

Lat , Long

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d01: (

at sea off coast of northern oregon

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d03: (

6 May 1914

yakina hd lt

Lat , Long

at 2.50 Port Wheel rope jumped quadrant and broke pair Leader carpenters gang engaged in repairing it.

Lying too repairing steering gear, until 4.55

stop at 5.48 steering gear proving out of order, found to be due to setting up eyebolt connecting chain to quadrant having broken. being repaired at end of the watch.

Lying too while repairs on steering gear are being made. at 6.38 repairs on steering gear completed.

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d05: (

at sea off coast of oregon

Lat 30.0, Long 48.5

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d07: (

7 May 1914

Soundings taken May 7, 1914


522f94dc68f4b84c38003d09: (

at sea off coast of oregon

Lat 30.0, Long 48.5

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d0b: (

7 May 1914

cape lookout

Lat 50.1, Long -127.9

quadrant on rudder head found to be slipping at 3.30, repairing it at end of the watch.

Str Paraiso - Str Paraiso passed at 3.15 bound South.

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d0d: (

at sea off coast of northern oregon

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d0f: (

8 May 1914

Soundings taken May 8, 1914


522f94dc68f4b84c38003d11: (

at sea off coast of northern oregon

Lat 56.2, Long -3.0

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d13: (

8 May 1914

cape mears

Lat , Long

L.Delwig, F1c - L.Delwig, F1c, reported expiration of his enlistment and was detained beyond such expiration.

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d15: (

at sea

Lat , Long

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d17: (

9 May 1914

destruction ild lt

Lat 22.4, Long 114.2

Robertson (F.2cl.) - Robertson (F.2cl.) completed 20 hours extra duty.

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d19: (

port angeles washington

Lat 29.9, Long 32.6

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d1b: (

10 May 1914

bayne sound

Lat 58.0, Long 25.1

Bt'sh Str. "British Columbia" - Bt'sh Str. "British Columbia" bound North.

Lowered motor boat and sent mail ashore.

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d1d: (

at anchor bc

Lat , Long

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d1f: (

11 May 1914

made preparations for going alongside of pier and coaling ship

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d21: (

union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d23: (

12 May 1914

union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d25: (

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d27: (

13 May 1914

coal: 233 tons -

522f94dc68f4b84c38003d29: (

union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d2b: (

14 May 1914

Lt.(jr.) J.F.McClain U.S.N. - A Board of Survey of which Lt.(jr.) J.F.McClain U.S.N., was Senior member, met to survey a lot of provisions lost from boats april 17-18/14.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d2d: (

at anchor union bay bc underway to seattle

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d2f: (

15 May 1914

baynes sound

Lat 49.2, Long -122.8

Hoisted Quarantine flag at the fore truck.

At 5.40 Quarantine Officer came aboard. At 6.00 Pratique granted hauled down Quarantine flag.

put over drift lead.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d31: (

port townsend washington

Lat 48.1, Long -122.8

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d33: (

16 May 1914

seattle wash

Lat 48.1, Long -122.3

Libowitz (Sea) - At 6.40 while unrigging life boat one life belt was lost overboard by Libowitz (Sea)

sent mail orderly ashore.

L.Delwig. (F1C) - G.R.De Fries(B.M) and L.Delwig (F1c) was this day discharged from this vessel and the U.S.Naval Service by expiration of term of enlistment. both furnished travel allowance from Seattle Wash to Sausalito Calif.

G.R.De Fries(B.M) - G.R.De Fries(B.M) and L.Delwig (F1c) was this day discharged from this vessel and the U.S.Naval Service by expiration of term of enlistment. both furnished travel allowance from Seattle Wash to Sausalito Calif.

J.Leuzinger, SC2C. - J.Leuzinger, SC2C. was transferred to the Navy Hospital at the Navy Yard, Puget Sound.

received provisions for general mess as follows 60 lb. butter, 949 lbs. potatoes, 75 lb. bread, 60 doz. eggs.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d35: (

moored to buoy off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d37: (

17 May 1914

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d39: (

moored to buoy off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d3b: (

18 May 1914

Mr E.P.Rankin - Mr E.P.Rankin began civil service examination for Scientific Assistant Bureau of Fisheries at 9.00 a.m. completed examination at 3.00 P.M.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d3d: (

moored to buoy off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d3f: (

19 May 1914

C.DeLong (CYeo) - C.DeLong (CYeo) left ship under orders to proceed to the Rec ship at Puget Sound for Examination for permanent appointment.

Hoffissan N.V. (Sea) - received the following named men from Puget Sound Navy Yard Wash' Hoffissan N.V. (Sea) Witkowski L.J. (Sea) Shurtz E. (Sea) and Shovey J. (CP)

Witkowski L.J. (Sea) - received the following named men from Puget Sound Navy Yard Wash' Hoffissan N.V. (Sea) Witkowski L.J. (Sea) Shurtz E. (Sea) and Shovey J. (CP)

Schurtz E. (Sea) - received the following named men from Puget Sound Navy Yard Wash' Hoffissan N.V. (Sea) Witkowski L.J. (Sea) Shurtz E. (Sea) and Shovey J. (CP)

Shovey J. (CP) - received the following named men from Puget Sound Navy Yard Wash' Hoffissan N.V. (Sea) Witkowski L.J. (Sea) Shurtz E. (Sea) and Shovey J. (CP)

received 2 pieces of lumber from Stetson & Post lumber Co. for Deck Dept.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d41: (

seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d43: (

20 May 1914

A.Manning, Mach.M. - absentees A.Manning, Mach.M. and J.Wilson W.T.

J.Wilson W.T. - absentees A.Manning, Mach.M. and J.Wilson W.T.

G.R.DeVries, Blsmith. - G.R.DeVries, Blsmith. and L.Delwig, F1c., reenlisted, and DeVries was given act. app. as Blrmaker.

L.Delwig, F1c. - G.R.DeVries, Blsmith. and L.Delwig, F1c., reenlisted, and DeVries was given act. app. as Blrmaker.

Wilson - Wilson returned on board 5 over time from liberty

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d45: (

moored to buoy off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d47: (

21 May 1914

Manning A. MM1stc - absentees Manning A. MM1stc Lanchs S El 1st cl. Shavy J. C.P.

Lanchs S. El 1st cl. - absentees Manning A. MM1stc Lanchs S El 1st cl. Shavy J. C.P.

Shavy J. C.P. - absentees Manning A. MM1stc Lanchs S El 1st cl. Shavy J. C.P.

C.G.Haesloop, Sea. - By order of Commanding Officer the following change was made in rating: C.G.Haesloop, Sea. to Sc4c, dating from the 18th inst.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d49: (

moored to buoy 1 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d4b: (

22 May 1914

Luncks - Absentees Luncks. Manning Clavey. Daniel

Manning - Absentees Luncks. Manning Clavey. Daniel

Clavey - Absentees Luncks. Manning Clavey. Daniel

Daniel - Absentees Luncks. Manning Clavey. Daniel

received 55 lbs of bread in Comm. Dept.

Toberman - Toberman returned from leave 12hrs overtime.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d4d: (

moored to buoy off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d4f: (

23 May 1914

Report of inspection (ship)

H.~ Co bread 170# C.Klyde & Co strawbberries 40# 2 Cases K.Pack Produce Co Cheese 60# H lieshman Co Yeast 5# ~field & Co Soda Crackers 50# 2 1/2 Boxes do ~ 100# do potatoes (Irish 978# do Onions 175# do Cabbage 285# do Bananas 3 Bunches do oranges 175# do apples 90# Frye & Co Pork Sausage 75# do Sh. Clod Rst 206# do Leg of Mutton 50# do Chicken (Dressed) 119# do Eggs 120 Doz do Bacon 180# Barton & Co Hind & ~ 1/4 Beef 3 quarters do Pork Loins 122# Carcters Packing Co Frankfurters 59# do ~ of Veal 68#

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d51: (

moored to buoy off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d53: (

23 May 1914

Report of inspection (ship)

J.Rothschild & Co Ginger Snaps 36 Pkgs do Fig Bars 16 " do Chocolate Cream 36 " PeanutCandy wrapped 510 " do Torpedo Tobacco 2oz 144 cans do Colgate Dental wash 72 Pkgs do " Tooth Pow 24 " do Prodental ToothBrushes 36 do Ivory soaps 500 cakes Canteen Stores

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d55: (

moored to buoy off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d57: (

23 May 1914

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d59: (

moored to buoy 1 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d5b: (

24 May 1914

Daniel - absentees Daniel Lovels Manning Chovy Witkowski. Daniel returned 13 1/2 hrs overtime

Witkowski - absentees Daniel Lovels Manning Chovy Witkowski. Daniel

Lovels - absentees Daniel Lovels Manning Chovy Witkowski. Daniel

Chovy - absentees Daniel Lovels Manning Chovy Witkowski. Daniel

Wikoski Sea - Wikoski Sea returned on board 24 hrs overtime from liberty.

Louch El1stcl - Louch El1stcl returned 88 1/2 hrs overtime from liberty.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d5d: (

moored to buoy 1 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d5f: (

25 May 1914

new dungenes lt

Lat 47.6, Long 32.6

Manning MM1cl. - the following absentees Manning MM1cl. Shary J. C.P. McKee E.A. Sea. Manning A.M MM1cl was brought on board by the Ships Master arms 117:15 over time from liberty, Manning A.M. M.M.1cl was pronounced unfit for duty by medical officer.

Shary J. C.P. - the following absentees Manning MM1cl. Shary J. C.P. McKee E.A. Sea.

McKee E.A. Sea - the following absentees Manning MM1cl. Shary J. C.P. McKee E.A. Sea.

Pay Officer returned on board with $1,000 dollars, from National Bank of Commerce Seattle Wash.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d61: (

port angeles washington

Lat 29.9, Long 32.6

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d63: (

26 May 1914

umatilla rf lt ship

Lat 29.9, Long 47.8

at 11.00 sighted flare from Grays Harbor Lt 3 Points fore of Port beam also a searchlight and bright glow ~ on Port beam.

522f94dd68f4b84c38003d65: (

at sea bound for fishing banks off oregon coast

Lat -45.03, Long -124.12

522f94de68f4b84c38003d67: (

27 May 1914

soundings may 27, 1914


522f94de68f4b84c38003d69: (

at sea bound for fishing banks off oregon coast

Lat 56.4, Long -5.5

522f94de68f4b84c38003d6b: (

27 May 1914

north head lt

Lat 54.2, Long -165.9

J.F.Toberman (Sea) - C.O. awarded the following Punishments at the Mast J.F.Toberman (Sea) 12 hrs overleave 24h watches. L.J.Wilkowski (Sea) 24 hr o.l. J.M.Daniel (Sea) 63 1/2 hs ol. ~Louche (El1c) 88 1/2 hs ol. to be tried by deck court. Witkowski Daniel and Louch were so tried by P.G.Surg C.W.Smith U.S.N.

L.J.Wilkowski (Sea) - C.O. awarded the following Punishments at the Mast J.F.Toberman (Sea) 12 hrs overleave 24h watches. L.J.Wilkowski (Sea) 24 hr o.l. J.M.Daniel (Sea) 63 1/2 hs ol. ~Louche (El1c) 88 1/2 hs ol. to be tried by deck court. Witkowski Daniel and Louch were so tried by P.G.Surg C.W.Smith U.S.N.

J.M.Daniel (Sea) - C.O. awarded the following Punishments at the Mast J.F.Toberman (Sea) 12 hrs overleave 24h watches. L.J.Wilkowski (Sea) 24 hr o.l. J.M.Daniel (Sea) 63 1/2 hs ol. ~Louche (El1c) 88 1/2 hs ol. to be tried by deck court. Witkowski Daniel and Louch were so tried by P.G.Surg C.W.Smith U.S.N.

~ Louche (El1c) - C.O. awarded the following Punishments at the Mast J.F.Toberman (Sea) 12 hrs overleave 24h watches. L.J.Wilkowski (Sea) 24 hr o.l. J.M.Daniel (Sea) 63 1/2 hs ol. ~Louche (El1c) 88 1/2 hs ol. to be tried by deck court. Witkowski Daniel and Louch were so tried by P.G.Surg C.W.Smith U.S.N.

P.G.Surg C.W. Smith U.S.N. - C.O. awarded the following Punishments at the Mast J.F.Toberman (Sea) 12 hrs overleave 24h watches. L.J.Wilkowski (Sea) 24 hr o.l. J.M.Daniel (Sea) 63 1/2 hs ol. ~Louche (El1c) 88 1/2 hs ol. to be tried by deck court. Witkowski Daniel and Louch were so tried by P.G.Surg C.W.Smith U.S.N.

522f94de68f4b84c38003d6d: (

off coast of oregon

Lat 43.93, Long -124.72

522f94de68f4b84c38003d6f: (

28 May 1914

soundings May 28, 1914

522f94de68f4b84c38003d71: (

off coast of oregon

Lat 30.0, Long 48.5

522f94de68f4b84c38003d73: (

28 May 1914

522f94de68f4b84c38003d75: (

at sea off coast of oregon

Lat 44.02, Long -124.83

522f94de68f4b84c38003d77: (

29 May 1914

soundings May 29, 1914

522f94de68f4b84c38003d79: (

at sea off coast of oregon

Lat 30.0, Long 48.5

522f94de68f4b84c38003d7b: (

29 May 1914

522f94de68f4b84c38003d7d: (

at sea off coast of oregon

Lat 30.0, Long 48.5

522f94de68f4b84c38003d7f: (

30 May 1914

522f94de68f4b84c38003d81: (

at sea

Lat , Long

522f94de68f4b84c38003d83: (

31 May 1914

tatoosh light

Lat 22.6, Long 113.9

J.Stavey, CP - J.Stavey, CP, was declared a deserter from the 21st inst.


522f94de68f4b84c38003d85: (

blank page

522f94de68f4b84c38003d87: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of June 1914

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blank page

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522f94de68f4b84c38003d95: (

at sea juan de fuca straits

Lat 48.2, Long -123.6

522f94de68f4b84c38003d97: (

1 June 1914

seattle construction drydock co

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

A.Manning, MM1C - Transferred A.Manning, MM1C to the Naval Hopspital at Puget Sound for medical treatment, H.C.Kellers, H.S. in charge of him enroute.

sent mail orderly ashore at 1.00 mail orderly returned at 2.00 P.M

H.C.Kellers, H.S. - Transferred A.Manning, MM1C to the Naval Hopspital at Puget Sound for medical treatment, H.C.Kellers, H.S. in charge of him enroute.

A man from Seattle Construction & DryDock Co made estimate for new stuffing box for Rudder Post.

522f94de68f4b84c38003d99: (

moored to buoy 1 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94de68f4b84c38003d9b: (

2 June 1914

1 workman from Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co. came aboard to take measurements for Stuffing Box casting on Rudder Post.

L.J.Witkowski, Sea. - Transferred L.J.Witkowski, Sea., and W.W.Ellison, O.S., to the Naval Hospital at Puget Sound for medical treatment.

W.W.Ellison, O.S. - Transferred L.J.Witkowski, Sea., and W.W.Ellison, O.S., to the Naval Hospital at Puget Sound for medical treatment.

N.V.Hoffman, Sea. - N.V.Hoffman, Sea., was granted 28 days leave with orders to report for duty at the Ordnance Class, Washington, D.C., on July 1, 1914, at his own expense.

F.Pickles, MM1c. - F.Pickles, MM1c., and HBM McPhearson, O.S., reported for duty from the Receiving Ship at Puget Sound.

HBM McPhearson, O.S. - F.Pickles, MM1c., and HBM McPhearson, O.S., reported for duty from the Receiving Ship at Puget Sound.

522f94de68f4b84c38003d9d: (

moored to buoy 1 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94de68f4b84c38003d9f: (

3 June 1914

522f94de68f4b84c38003da1: (

moored to buoy 1 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94de68f4b84c38003da3: (

4 June 1914

522f94de68f4b84c38003da5: (

moored to buoy 1 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003da7: (

5 June 1914

522f94df68f4b84c38003da9: (

moored to buoy 3 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003dab: (

6 June 1914

522f94df68f4b84c38003dad: (

moored to buoy 6 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003daf: (

7 June 1914

522f94df68f4b84c38003db1: (

moored to buoy 6 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003db3: (

8 June 1914

received from deck department

522f94df68f4b84c38003db5: (

moored to buoy 6 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003db7: (

8 June 1914

The sister hooks on Gaff topping lift carried away letting Gaff come down breaking Goose-neck. Blacksmith engaged in making new Goose-neck.

Hack Chronometer found to be run down and was restarted.

Rec'd from Genl. Store Keeper, Navy Yard, New York the following school books: 2 copies School arithmetic by Colaw 2 " History of U.S. by Fisher 2 " Kindalls business English 2 " Doscriptive Speller, aiton 2 " Frye's Higher Geography

C.G.Haesloop SC4c - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: C.G.Haesloop SC4c, vomiting on deck returning from liberty - restricted until further orders. J.P.M.McMullen, Sea., 70 1/2 hrs. overtime, to be tried by deck court. McMullen was so tried - P.A. Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN, deck court - and sentenced to lose pay amounting to $14.00.

J.P.M.McMullen, Sea. - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: C.G.Haesloop SC4c, vomiting on deck returning from liberty - restricted until further orders. J.P.M.McMullen, Sea., 70 1/2 hrs. overtime, to be tried by deck court. McMullen was so tried - P.A. Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN, deck court - and sentenced to lose pay amounting to $14.00.

P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: C.G.Haesloop SC4c, vomiting on deck returning from liberty - restricted until further orders. J.P.M.McMullen, Sea., 70 1/2 hrs. overtime, to be tried by deck court. McMullen was so tried - P.A. Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN, deck court - and sentenced to lose pay amounting to $14.00.

C.Horrick - C.Horrick reported for duty from Navy Yard , Bremerton

U.S. Rev. Cutter McCulloch - U.S. Rev. Cutter McCulloch came in and moored to #1 Buoy at 10 a.m.

Delong Ch.Yeo. - Delong Ch.Yeo. received a Permanent app as Ch.Yeo from the Navy Dept to date from june 3, 1914.

Recd for eng Dept 200# waste 200# rags

522f94df68f4b84c38003db9: (

moored to buoy 6 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003dbb: (

9 June 1914

Received in engineering department 9 june 1914

522f94df68f4b84c38003dbd: (

moored to buoy 6 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003dbf: (

10 June 1914

522f94df68f4b84c38003dc1: (

moored to buoy 6 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003dc3: (

11 June 1914

522f94df68f4b84c38003dc5: (

moored to buoy 6 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003dc7: (

12 June 1914

seattle wash

Lat 49.1, Long -123.3

522f94df68f4b84c38003dc9: (

comax bc

Lat 49.7, Long -124.9

522f94df68f4b84c38003dcb: (

13 June 1914

union bay bc

Lat , Long

coal: 176 tons - Comox lump #7

522f94df68f4b84c38003dcd: (

union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94df68f4b84c38003dcf: (

14 June 1914

sent liberty party and base ball team ashore

Clifford (sea) - one (1) absentee Clifford (sea)

522f94df68f4b84c38003dd1: (

union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94df68f4b84c38003dd3: (

15 June 1914

J.Clifford, Sea - J.Clifford, Sea

522f94df68f4b84c38003dd5: (

union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94df68f4b84c38003dd7: (

16 June 1914

discovey passage

Lat 50.9, Long -127.8

Clifford J. Sea - Clifford J. Sea absent over leave.

J.Clifford (Sea) - J.Clifford (Sea) absentee

W.G.taylor (C.P.) - W.G.taylor (C.P.) while taking Potatoes from locker lid of locker fell causing laceration of Scalp of about 2" long. was treated by med. off. by putting in four stitches.

str. Camosun - str. Camosun passed at 3.50 bound South.

str. leity of Seattle - passed str. leity of Seattle bound South at 8.10

522f94df68f4b84c38003dd9: (

enroute from union bay to juneau alaska through inland passage

Lat 52.1, Long -128.1

522f94df68f4b84c38003ddb: (

17 June 1914

greenville channel

Lat 53.7, Long -128.6

st'r Adm. Evans - st'r Adm. Evans passed at 10.25 bound North

522f94df68f4b84c38003ddd: (

cardena bay kennedy island

Lat 54.7, Long 167.7

522f94df68f4b84c38003ddf: (

18 June 1914

arthur passage

Lat 55.4, Long -131.7

str Humboldt - str Humboldt and st sch J.B. Stetson passed both bound South.

st sch J.B. Stetson - str Humboldt and st sch J.B. Stetson passed both bound South.

at 9.38 stopped starboard engine to adjust a nut on feed pump.

fishing str Polaris of Seattle - passed the fishing str Polaris of Seattle bound south

Sent mail orderly ashore with mail.

522f94df68f4b84c38003de1: (

at anchor in steamer bay etolin s alaska

Lat 22.4, Long 114.2

522f94df68f4b84c38003de3: (

19 June 1914

stikina strait

Lat 56.5, Long -132.6

numerous portions of glacier ice

Alaska Navigations Steamer Admiral Evans - Alaska Navigations Steamer Admiral Evans passed to Southard during last hour of watch

steamer Northwestern - the steamer Northwestern came in port at 10 o/c.

522f94df68f4b84c38003de5: (

juneau alaska

Lat -22.3, Long 166.4

522f94e068f4b84c38003de7: (

20 June 1914

str. Northwestern - str. Northwestern left port at 1.15.

Kemp O.A. F.1c. - the C.O. held ~ at 9 o/c and awarded punishment as follows Kemp O.A. F.1c. inattention to duty, Knowingly burning coal that was not tallied, 5 days confinement. Kemp was accordingly confined.

the C.O. left the ship at 9.30 to call on the Governor of Alaska.

Sent liberty party and baseball team ashore.

Received one hundred dollars in Pay Dept for fish commission.

Received 1500 lbs of Irish potatoes for General mess.

Capt returned from calling on the Governor of alaska at, 10.30 pm.

522f94e068f4b84c38003de9: (

juneau alaska

Lat -22.3, Long 166.4

522f94e068f4b84c38003deb: (

21 June 1914

Hill Fir 1stcl - Hill Fir 1stcl: absentee. Hill F1 cl returned 1 1/4 hrs over time.

A.L.Noon, Matt1c - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: A.L.Noon, Matt1c, disobeying orders of WRS- 3 d. on bread and water; A.L.Noon, Matt 1c, insubordination - 3 d. bread and water, 3 days after being released from first confinement; E.B.Hill, F1c, 1 1/4 hrs. overtime - 6 hrs on poop with rifle; J.Wilson, W.T., Disobedience of orders - 2cc extended for 3 months.

E.B. Hill, F1c - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: A.L.Noon, Matt1c, disobeying orders of WRS- 3 d. on bread and water; A.L.Noon, Matt 1c, insubordination - 3 d. bread and water, 3 days after being released from first confinement; E.B.Hill, F1c, 1 1/4 hrs. overtime - 6 hrs on poop with rifle; J.Wilson, W.T., Disobedience of orders - 2cc extended for 3 months.

J.Wilson W.T. - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments: A.L.Noon, Matt1c, disobeying orders of WRS- 3 d. on bread and water; A.L.Noon, Matt 1c, insubordination - 3 d. bread and water, 3 days after being released from first confinement; E.B.Hill, F1c, 1 1/4 hrs. overtime - 6 hrs on poop with rifle; J.Wilson, W.T., Disobedience of orders - 2cc extended for 3 months.

Doctor Smith - Capt and Doctor Smith left the ship at 11.35 to meet Territorial Gov and party.

U.S. Fisheries Steamer Osprey - the U.S. Fisheries Steamer Osprey stood in at 11.45 flying dep Fish Commissioners Flag at Main and went alongside of Dock.

asst ( ?) Burnett - the Capt, Gov, Dep. Fish Commissioner E.L.Jones and his asst ( ?) Burnett with Party came on board at 12.18

Dep Fish Commissioner E.L.Jones - the Capt, Gov, Dep. Fish Commissioner E.L.Jones and his asst ( ?) Burnett with Party came on board at 12.18

Ospray - the Ospray came alongside at 2.00 and shoved off at 6.07 and went alongside of City Dock.

broke Dep Fishery Commissioner Flag at Main and hauled down Commission Pennant at 256.

the Large Motor Boat broke her Rudder Post and shoe was hoisted in at 11.06, the Eng Force engaged in installing new Rudder Post and finished with same at 10.03 P.M.

Nahus (CBM) - Fishing party consisting of Nahus (CBM) Harris (Sea) Stegn (Sea) and Linga (Sea) absent from 4.30 P.M. fishing party returned at 10.30 PM 6 1/2 hrs overtime.

Harris (Sea) - Fishing party consisting of Nahus (CBM) Harris (Sea) Stegn (Sea) and Linga (Sea) absent from 4.30 P.M. fishing party returned at 10.30 PM 6 1/2 hrs overtime.

Stegne (Sea) - Fishing party consisting of Nahus (CBM) Harris (Sea) Stegn (Sea) and Linga (Sea) absent from 4.30 P.M. fishing party returned at 10.30 PM 6 1/2 hrs overtime.

S.S. Almeda - S.S. Almeda stood in and went alongside of Dock at 10.50

522f94e068f4b84c38003ded: (

juneau alaska

Lat -22.3, Long 166.4

522f94e068f4b84c38003def: (

22 June 1914

S.S. Almeda - S.S. Almeda stood out at 5.00 Am and went alongside of Dock near Federal Mine.

S.S. Almeda - S.S. Almeda stood out at 8.33

Sent mail orderly and two men ashore at 5.45

hoisted small motor boat to repair engine.

sent mail ashore at 5.45 by order of C.O.

Kemp - released Kemp from confinement and restored him to duty,and confined nera MAtt. for 3 days

Nera Matt. - released Kemp from confinement and restored him to duty,and confined nera MAtt. for 3 days

522f94e068f4b84c38003df1: (

juneau alaska

Lat -22.3, Long 166.4

522f94e068f4b84c38003df3: (

23 June 1914

gasteneau channel

Lat 58.3, Long -135.8

Baldwin (sea) - absentees, Baldwin (sea)

Baldwin (sea) - Baldwin (sea) returned 2 1/2 hrs. overtime in a shore boat which he cast adrift.

Best F.E.(Cox) - Comdg Officer the following Punishments at the Mast. Best F.E.(Cox) returning from liberty drunk and unfit for duty. to be tried by deck court.Baldwin J.D.(sea) 2hr25min overtime ~hs on Poop with Rifle. Baldwin J.D. (Sea) returned on board in shore Boat then casting same adrift. reduced to Second class. F.E.Best(cox) was so tried by P.A.Surg- C.W.Smith U.S.N. Deck court. and found guilty by Plea.

numerous small icebergs

Baldwin J.D.(sea) - Comdg Officer the following Punishments at the Mast. Best F.E.(Cox) returning from liberty drunk and unfit for duty. to be tried by deck court.Baldwin J.D.(sea) 2hr25min overtime ~hs on Poop with Rifle. Baldwin J.D. (Sea) returned on board in shore Boat then casting same adrift. reduced to Second class. F.E.Best(cox) was so tried by P.A.Surg- C.W.Smith U.S.N. Deck court. and found guilty by Plea.

P.A.Surg- C.W.Smith U.S.N. - Comdg Officer the following Punishments at the Mast. Best F.E.(Cox) returning from liberty drunk and unfit for duty. to be tried by deck court.Baldwin J.D.(sea) 2hr25min overtime ~hs on Poop with Rifle. Baldwin J.D. (Sea) returned on board in shore Boat then casting same adrift. reduced to Second class. F.E.Best(cox) was so tried by P.A.Surg- C.W.Smith U.S.N. Deck court. and found guilty by Plea.

F.E.Best Cox - C.O. approved sentence of deck court held this a.m. in case of F.E.Best Cox - to lose pay amt. to $4.50

Steamer Manposa - Steamer Manposa passed bound South

522f94e068f4b84c38003df5: (

yakutat alaska

Lat 54.1, Long -165.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003df7: (

24 June 1914

yakutat pt

Lat 54.1, Long -165.8

Dep. Fish Commissioner E.L.Jones - Dep. Fish Commissioner E.L.Jones left the ship at 7.45 and returned at 8.05 also left the ship again at 9.10 with ? Burnett and four men with moving picture outfit.

E.M.Axelson - E.M.Axelson came aboard with a Native named Jack Paddy for Medical treatment an was operated on for tumor by P.Asst Surg C.W.Smith assisted by H.C.Kellers (Hos st).

Jack Paddy - E.M.Axelson came aboard with a Native named Jack Paddy for Medical treatment an was operated on for tumor by P.Asst Surg C.W.Smith assisted by H.C.Kellers (Hos st).

H.C.Kellers (Hos st) - E.M.Axelson came aboard with a Native named Jack Paddy for Medical treatment an was operated on for tumor by P.Asst Surg C.W.Smith assisted by H.C.Kellers (Hos st).

J.Clifford (Sea) - J.Clifford (Sea) was declared a deserter from this ship and the U.S. Naval service from june 14, '14.

Deputy Com. E.L.Jones - Deputy Com. E.L.Jones & party returned on board at 2 o/c.

522f94e068f4b84c38003df9: (

at sea bound for cordova a t

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003dfb: (

25 June 1914

Memo for Log Dr Jones is not "Deputy Fish Commissioner" but "Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries"

522f94e068f4b84c38003dfd: (

at sea bound for cordova a t

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003dff: (

25 June 1914

522f94e068f4b84c38003e01: (

at sea bound for cordova a t

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003e03: (

25 June 1914


Lat 60.5, Long -145.9

at 5.45 the valve on stb reversing Eng. Valve stem unscrewed and dropped to bottom of valve chamber causing stb Eng to stop removed and repaired same and started stb Eng at 6.58

D.H.Stuart O.S. - held mast at 10 o/c C.O. awarded 12 hrs on poop with rifle to D.H.Stuart O.S. for malingering.

Nera (M.att1c) - released Nera (M.att1c) from confinement by order of Comdg officer.

Depl. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Depl. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship at 6.53 to view the Orca Cannery.

Depl Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Depl Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones returned to the ship at 7.50

522f94e068f4b84c38003e05: (

moored to dock cordova a t

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003e07: (

26 June 1914

U.S.R.C. McCullough - At 7.30 U.S.R.C. McCullough stood into the harbor and moored alongside of dock.

U.S.L.H.T. Columbine - At 7.35 U.S.L.H.T. Columbine stood into the harbor and moored alongside of dock.

coal: 151.6 long tons - 36.66 tons Wilkinson coal, 38 tons of Gem Franklin coal and 77 tons of Comox coal.

522f94e068f4b84c38003e09: (

moored to dock cordova a t

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003e0b: (

27 June 1914

Chief Boatswain J.Mahoney U.S.N. - Chief Boatswain J.Mahoney U.S.N. reported that he completed his monthly physical test on June 9th.

Ming Wardroom cook - Comd'g Officer held mast and awarded the following punishment to Ming Wardroom cook solitary confinement for 7 days for striking another person in the Navy.

U.S.L.H.T. Columbine - At 3.10 U.S.L.H.T. Columbine shifted berth to South end of Dock at the same time the U.S.R.C. McCullough took Columbines former berth.

U.S.R.C. McCullough - At 3.10 U.S.L.H.T. Columbine shifted berth to South end of Dock at the same time the U.S.R.C. McCullough took Columbines former berth.

S.S.Evans - at 2.00 A.M. the S.S.Evans moored to Dock

Dr E.L.Jones - The Capt and Dr E.L.Jones left the ship at 12.45 and returned at 8.12.

S.S.Evans - S.S.Evans shoved off from Dock and stood out of harbor.

Smithers (F2c) - Smithers (F2c) returned from liberty out of uniform (No Cap)

522f94e068f4b84c38003e0d: (

moored to dock cordova a t

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003e0f: (

28 June 1914

grass is

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

Belayed Sailing orders until further notice

U.S.R.C. McCullough - at 6.00 A.m. the U.S.R.C. McCullough shifted berth to South End of Dock.

V.T.Barmingham, SC4c - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments at the mast: V.T.Barmingham, SC4c, carelessness in preparing food - 12 hrs on poop with rifle; J.H.Smethers, F2c, returning from liberty out of uniform - 12 hrs. on poop with rifle.

J.H.Smethers, F2c - Commanding Officer awarded following punishments at the mast: V.T.Barmingham, SC4c, carelessness in preparing food - 12 hrs on poop with rifle; J.H.Smethers, F2c, returning from liberty out of uniform - 12 hrs. on poop with rifle.

U.S.R.C. McCulloch - the C.O. left the ship at 10.40 to call on the C.O. of U.S.R.C. McCulloch and U.S.L-H.T. Columbine, and returned on board at 11.50 having called on C.O. of McCulloch and the Light House Inspector.

U.S.L-H.T. Columbine - the C.O. left the ship at 10.40 to call on the C.O. of U.S.R.C. McCulloch and U.S.L-H.T. Columbine, and returned on board at 11.50 having called on C.O. of McCulloch and the Light House Inspector.

S.S. Alameda - the S.S. Alameda came in port at 11.45 and moored to the R.R. pier.

Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship for Orca Cannery at 3.57 and returned on board at 6.30.

S.S. Alameda - S.S. Alameda stood out of port at 4.22

U.S.R.C. McCulloch - the C.O. of U.S.R.C. McCulloch called on the C.O. at 8.45 and left the ship at 9.35.

522f94e068f4b84c38003e11: (

at anchor cordova alaska

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003e13: (

29 June 1914

childs glacier

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

U.S.L.H.T. Columbine - at 8.15 U.S.L.H.T. Columbine shifted berth at R.R.pier

M.McClain - at 8.05 M.McClain, Burnett & Johnson left ship for trip to Childs Glacier.

Burnett - at 8.05 M.McClain, Burnett & Johnson left ship for trip to Childs Glacier.

Johnson - at 8.05 M.McClain, Burnett & Johnson left ship for trip to Childs Glacier.

Dep. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones - At 9.15 Dep. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship

Depty Com of Fisheries E L Jones - Depty Com of Fisheries E L Jones returned on board at 1.40 P.m.

522f94e068f4b84c38003e15: (

cordova alaska

Lat 60.5, Long -145.8

522f94e068f4b84c38003e17: (

30 June 1914

cordova harbor

Lat 60.5, Long 117.1

LOG BOOK – JULY 1st 1914 TO DECEMBER 31st 1914

522f94e068f4b84c38003e19: (

522f94e068f4b84c38003e1b: (

522f94e068f4b84c38003e1d: (

522f94e068f4b84c38003e1f: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of July 1914

522f94e068f4b84c38003e21: (

522f94e068f4b84c38003e23: (

522f94e068f4b84c38003e25: (

522f94e168f4b84c38003e27: (

522f94e168f4b84c38003e29: (

522f94e168f4b84c38003e2b: (


522f94e168f4b84c38003e2d: (

latouche latouche island ai

Lat 22.2, Long 113.9

522f94e168f4b84c38003e2f: (

1 July 1914


Lat 60.0, Long -149.4

Defries G Blmkr - At 2.36 Defries G Blmkr discovered and reported a Fire in Sail room, sounded call to fire quarters and located fire in Enginers store room in locker which is secured to bulkhead between Sail room and Enginers store room water started at 2.39. water shut off at 2.40. used Fire Extinguisher- and buckets of water to Extinguish fire. at 3.00 fire reported out to Captain at 3.15 secured from fire quarters. cause of fire not known.

received the mail on board at 9.45

C.G.Haesloop - By order of C.O. rated C.G.Haesloop from SC4c to SC3c.

Lt.(J.G.) J.F.McClain - At 10.30 Board consisting of Lt.(J.G.) J.F.McClain, Ch Bosn J.Mahoney and Ch.Mach. A.D.Devine met to investigate the cause of a fire which occoured in Enginers store room at 2.36 am July 1st.

Ch.Mach. A.D.Devine - At 10.30 Board consisting of Lt.(J.G.) J.F.McClain, Ch Bosn J.Mahoney and Ch.Mach. A.D.Devine met to investigate the cause of a fire which occoured in Enginers store room at 2.36 am July 1st.

Ch Bosn J.Mahoney - At 10.30 Board consisting of Lt.(J.G.) J.F.McClain, Ch Bosn J.Mahoney and Ch.Mach. A.D.Devine met to investigate the cause of a fire which occoured in Enginers store room at 2.36 am July 1st.

Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones - At 10.51 Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship at 11.39 Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones returned on board

522f94e168f4b84c38003e31: (

seward alaska

Lat 60.1, Long -149.4

522f94e168f4b84c38003e33: (

2 July 1914

Ming Ward room cook - By order of Comdg Officer Ming Ward room cook was released from confinement and restored to duty.

Dougerty C. Fir 2nd class - At 9.00 Dougerty C. Fir 2nd class was examined by medical officer and found unfit for duty

Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones - At 8.32 Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship.

Dr E.L.Jones Dep Com of Fisheries - Dr E.L.Jones Dep Com of Fisheries returned

Sent liberty and Base Ball party ashore

Sent Patrol ashore

S.S.Samson - at 11.55 PM S.S.Samson sighted standing into harbor.

Sent mail orderly ashore

Completed inventory of deck Stores and mailed Annual Return of Deck Dept. Stores to the Commissioner, Bureau of Fisheries.

522f94e168f4b84c38003e35: (

at anchor off seward alaska

Lat 60.1, Long -149.4

522f94e168f4b84c38003e37: (

3 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e39: (

at anchor off kodiak and en route unalaska a t

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e168f4b84c38003e3b: (

4 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e3d: (

enroute to unalaska ai

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e168f4b84c38003e3f: (

5 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e41: (

enroute to unalaska ai

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e168f4b84c38003e43: (

6 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e45: (

enroute to unalaska alaska

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e168f4b84c38003e47: (

7 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e49: (

at anchor unalaska ai

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e168f4b84c38003e4b: (

8 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e4d: (

enroute pribilof islands bering sea ai

Lat 55.0, Long -166.3

522f94e168f4b84c38003e4f: (

9 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e51: (

at anchor off st pauls island bering sea ai

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e168f4b84c38003e53: (

10 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e55: (

enroute to unalaska ai

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e168f4b84c38003e57: (

11 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e59: (

at anchor in unalaska bay ai

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e168f4b84c38003e5b: (

12 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e5d: (

at anchor off unalaska unalaska is a t

Lat 53.7, Long -166.7

522f94e168f4b84c38003e5f: (

13 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e61: (

moored alongside f dock unalaska unalaska is ai

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94e168f4b84c38003e63: (

14 July 1914

522f94e168f4b84c38003e65: (

moored alongside f dock unalaska unalaska is ai

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94e268f4b84c38003e67: (

15 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e69: (

moored alongside f dock unalaska unalaska is ai

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94e268f4b84c38003e6b: (

16 July 1914

coal: 120 tons - Wallsend Coal

522f94e268f4b84c38003e6d: (

moored alongside of dock at unalaska unalaska is a t

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e268f4b84c38003e6f: (

17 July 1914

iliuliuk harbor

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

making preparations for getting out kedge anchor to kedge ship away from dock at 6.05 carried out kedge anchor in cutter from star bow of ship at 6.13 dropped kedge anchor off star beam of ship at 6.25 cast off lines from dock and kedged ship to anchorage.

At 8.45 hove up kedge anchor and picked up and old anchor with 30 fms of one inch chain, with fluke of kedge anchor

U.S.R.C. Manning - the U.S.R.C. Manning unmoored from dock and anchored on our stb beam Dist about 250 yds.

S.S. Henrik Isben - S.S. Henrik Isben went alongside dock at 1.27

USRC Unalga - the USRC Unalga went alongside dock at 2.55

S.S.Henrid Isben - the U.S.L.H.T. Columbine went alongside of S.S.Henrid Isben

U.S.L.H.T. Columbine - the U.S.L.H.T. Columbine went alongside of S.S.Henrid Isben

522f94e268f4b84c38003e71: (

at anchor off unalaska a t

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e268f4b84c38003e73: (

18 July 1914

iliuliuk bay

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

Mr E.B.Thompson-Hunt Moving Picture operator - Mr E.B.Thompson-Hunt Moving Picture operator left the ship with effects.

U.S.R.C. Unalaga - Sent mail to U.S.R.C. Unalaga for transportation to Seattle

522f94e268f4b84c38003e75: (

enroute pribilof islands bering sea ai

Lat 55.0, Long -166.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e77: (

19 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e79: (

anchored off st paul island bering sea a t

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e7b: (

20 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e7d: (

at anchor off st pauls island bering sea a t

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e7f: (

21 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e81: (

at anchor off st pauls island bering sea ai

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e83: (

22 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e85: (

at anchor off st pauls island bering sea a t

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e87: (

23 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e89: (

at anchor off st pauls island bering sea ai

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e8b: (

24 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e8d: (

at anchor off st pauls island pribilof islands a t

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e8f: (

25 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e91: (

at anchor off st pauls island pribilof islands a t

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e93: (

25 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e95: (

at anchor off st pauls island pribilof islands ai

Lat 57.1, Long -170.3

522f94e268f4b84c38003e97: (

26 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003e99: (

at anchor off st george island pribilof islands a t

Lat 55.97, Long -168.72

522f94e268f4b84c38003e9b: (

27 July 1914

st geo ild

Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

E.G.Collins (Elec. 1stcl.) - E.G.Collins (Elec. 1stcl.) and P.Katherinekof (Native) were sent ashore to St George.

P.Katherinekof (Native) - E.G.Collins (Elec. 1stcl.) and P.Katherinekof (Native) were sent ashore to St George.

G.Lekanof, native - received on board G.Lekanof and C.Listenkoff, natives, for Seattle, and one bag of mail.

C.Listenkoff, native - received on board G.Lekanof and C.Listenkoff, natives, for Seattle, and one bag of mail.

sent one bag of mail on shore and received one bags of mail.

522f94e268f4b84c38003e9d: (

enroute unalaska ai

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

522f94e268f4b84c38003e9f: (

28 July 1914

iluliuk harbor

Lat 53.9, Long -166.5

stores received

coal: 140 tons - Whitburn (Australian)

Norweigian Steamer Henrik Ibsen - at 5.39 went ahead on both Engines making preparations for alongside of Norweigian Steamer Henrik Ibsen at dock, Iluliuk harbor.

Native Paul Muculief - at 7.50 Natives Paul Muculief and J.Kochutin left the ship.

Native J.Kochutin - at 7.50 Natives Paul Muculief and J.Kochutin left the ship.

Henrik Ibsen - at 8.17 commenced coaling from Henrik Ibsen

sent one bag of coal ashore for Unalaska. received one bag mail from post office for ship

U.S.R.C. McCullough - Comdg Officer left the ship at 10.13 to call on the comdg officer of the U.S.R.C. McCullogh and returned at 11.25 in company with the comdg officer of the U.S.R.C. McCullgh at 1.38 comdg officer of the U.S.R.C. McCullough left the ship

Norweigian Collier Henrik Ibsen - at 5.18 finished coaling having taken 140 tons of Whitburn (Australian) Coal from the Norweigian Collier Henrik Ibsen

coal: 140 tons - Whitburn (Australian)

Asst Pay J.H.Calnain - Asst Pay J.H.Calnain Ch Btn Mahoney Ch Mac A Devine and Btn F.A.Pippa completed monthly Physical test this date.

Ch Btn Mahoney - Asst Pay J.H.Calnain Ch Btn Mahoney Ch Mac A Devine and Btn F.A.Pippa completed monthly Physical test this date.

Ch Mac A Devine - Asst Pay J.H.Calnain Ch Btn Mahoney Ch Mac A Devine and Btn F.A.Pippa completed monthly Physical test this date.

Btn F.A.Pippa - Asst Pay J.H.Calnain Ch Btn Mahoney Ch Mac A Devine and Btn F.A.Pippa completed monthly Physical test this date.

Stores received: 805 lbs. fresh beef, 1000 " potatoes. 300 " onions, 100 " carrots, 150 " cabbage, 1 box apples, 2 " oranges, 18 lbs. baking powder, 100 " crackers, 90 doz. eggs, 100 lbs. butter, 200 " salmon.

522f94e268f4b84c38003ea1: (

moored to collier hanrik ibsen unalaska i alaska

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94e268f4b84c38003ea3: (

29 July 1914

522f94e268f4b84c38003ea5: (

at anchor off akutan

Lat 54.1, Long -165.8

522f94e368f4b84c38003ea7: (

30 July 1914

522f94e368f4b84c38003ea9: (

enroute unimak island ai

Lat 53.7, Long -166.7

522f94e368f4b84c38003eab: (

31 July 1914


522f94e368f4b84c38003ead: (

522f94e368f4b84c38003eaf: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of August 1914

522f94e368f4b84c38003eb1: (

522f94e368f4b84c38003eb3: (

522f94e368f4b84c38003eb5: (

522f94e368f4b84c38003eb7: (

522f94e368f4b84c38003eb9: (

522f94e368f4b84c38003ebb: (

522f94e368f4b84c38003ebd: (

enroute unga island ai

Lat 57.4, Long -152.3

522f94e368f4b84c38003ebf: (

1 August 1914

522f94e368f4b84c38003ec1: (

at anchor off sand point in humbolt harbor

Lat 22.4, Long 114.2

522f94e368f4b84c38003ec3: (

2 August 1914

Fox - One fox was found dead at 6am.

522f94e368f4b84c38003ec5: (

at anchor coal bay unga is a t

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94e368f4b84c38003ec7: (

3 August 1914

Found two Foxes Dead

owing to rough weather impossible to drag for anchor lost Aug 2nd.

Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones and party left the ship at 4.05 and returned at 6.15

522f94e368f4b84c38003ec9: (

at anchor zachary bay unga is a t

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

522f94e368f4b84c38003ecb: (

4 August 1914

cape swedania

Lat 55.3, Long -79.6

Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones and party left the ship for shore at 7.04.

U.S.Coast Survey Ship Patterson - at 3.45 sighted U.S.Coast Survey Ship Patterson on port bow

522f94e368f4b84c38003ecd: (

enroute to chignik bay ai

Lat , Long

522f94e368f4b84c38003ecf: (

5 August 1914

chidnik bay

Lat 43.7, Long 104.0

59e451425e834a0037038557: (1) one fox was found dead at 6.30.

hauled down the flag of the fish commission at 7.15.

Dr E.L.Jones Dep Comm of Fisheries - Dr E.L.Jones Dep Comm of Fisheries left the ship at 10.00 and returned 12.55

Dr Jones - Dr Jones left the ship at 1.55 and returned at 4.56.

in heaving in Stb anchor found about 3 fms 5" Manila hawser foul of anchor threw same over board

522f94e368f4b84c38003ed1: (

enroute uyak kodiak island ai

Lat , Long

522f94e368f4b84c38003ed3: (

6 August 1914

522f94e368f4b84c38003ed5: (

tugak bay kodick alaska ta

Lat 57.8, Long -152.4

522f94e368f4b84c38003ed7: (

7 August 1914

larsen bay kodiak i

Lat 57.8, Long -152.4

Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship at 8.25

one fox found dead in cage at 9.50

Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones returned and left again in motor boat for Larsen Bay Kodiak I.

P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith - P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith left the ship to render medical aid to resident at Uyak.

Beach party left ship

P.Asst Surg CWSmith - P.Asst Surg CWSmith and Hsp Std H.K.Kellers returned at 11.30 having rendered medical assistance to a number of natives

Hsp Std H.K.Kellers - P.Asst Surg CWSmith and Hsp Std H.K.Kellers returned at 11.30 having rendered medical assistance to a number of natives

Dr EL Jones - Dr EL Jones returned at 1.25

Beach party returned at 11.45

One Fox found Dead at 4.00P.M.

Dr ELJones - Dr ELJones left the ship at 3.19

Large Motor Boat returned at 6.40 and ran aground on spit off Harvester rks at 7.33 anchored and put light on her waiting to float her at high tide

Dr Jones - sent small motor boat in for Dr Jones at 8.10

Large Motor Boat floated off spit at 9.28 no damage done)

Dr Jones - Comdg officer left ship in Large motor boat to go in and look for Dr Jones. turned on Search light at 10.35 on account of Fog to assist both Motor Boats in returning. Small motor boat with Dr Jones returned at 12.31 Comdg officer in Large Motor boat returned at 12.35. turned off searchlight at 12.40.

522f94e368f4b84c38003ed9: (

ayok bay kodiak is alaska t

Lat 57.8, Long -152.4

522f94e368f4b84c38003edb: (

8 August 1914

uyak bay

Lat 29.5, Long 35.0

522f94e468f4b84c38003edd: (

at anchor kupieanof straits whale is a t

Lat 66.2, Long -169.8

522f94e468f4b84c38003edf: (

9 August 1914

afognak lake afognak

Lat 57.8, Long -152.4

Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones - at 6.38 Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship to visit Hatchery on Afognak Lake afognak.

Beach party left the ship at 9.30 returned at 12.45.

Sent Afognak mail ashore and received mail for transportation to Seward.

E.L.Jones - D E.L.Jones and party returned at 4.58

at 9.20 sent beach party ashore.

Wepner Sea - while hoisting wherry Wepner Sea dropped lantern overboard while passing it aboard

522f94e468f4b84c38003ee1: (

at anchor off kodiak alaska a t

Lat 58.58, Long -151.00

522f94e468f4b84c38003ee3: (

10 August 1914


Lat 57.8, Long -152.4

Dr EL Jones - Dr EL Jones left the ship a 8.04 and returned at 12.05

Sent Kodiak mail ashore

Comdg Officer left the ship at 9.16 and returned at 11.30

522f94e468f4b84c38003ee5: (

at sesa bound for seward alaska

Lat 59.70, Long -149.50

522f94e468f4b84c38003ee7: (

11 August 1914

the following named articles received aboard ship USS Albatross Seward, Alaska, August 11, 1914

475 lbs. Potatoes (Irish) Carstens Packing Co. 100 " Cabbage " " " 605 " Beef " " " 50 " Frankfurters " " " 102 " Pork Loins " " " 75 " Oranges " " " 90 Doz. Eggs " " "

522f94e468f4b84c38003ee9: (

Lat 59.70, Long -149.50

522f94e468f4b84c38003eeb: (

11 August 1914

Lat 59.70, Long -149.50

position D.R.

anchor bearings

522f94e468f4b84c38003eed: (

Lat 59.70, Long -149.50

522f94e468f4b84c38003eef: (

11 August 1914

resurrection bay

Lat 60.1, Long -149.4

Fox - One fox was found dead in cage and reported to Dept Com. and Fisheries.

Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones - one Fox was found dead in cage and was reported to Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones.

at 3.49 Dep. Com. of Fisheries left the ship and returned on board at 11.20.

the C.O. left the ship at 4.08 and returned at 5.10.

Sent base ball party and liberty parties on shore.

Sent 10 foxes ashore

Best (Cox) - Absentees Best (Cox)

522f94e468f4b84c38003ef1: (

at anchor off seward alaska

Lat 59.55, Long -148.33

522f94e468f4b84c38003ef3: (

12 August 1914

resurrection bay

Lat 60.1, Long -149.4

E.F.Best (Cox.) - E.F.Best (Cox.) returned on board 9 hrs. overleave brought on board by M.A.A.

Dept. Com. of Fisheries left the ship at 8.00 and C.O. left the ship at 9o/c.

Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones - at 1.55 Dept Com of Fisheries E.L.Jones returned on board.

E.F.Best Cox. - Comdg Officer held mast and awarded following punishment. to E.F.Best Cox. 3 days Solitary confinement on bread + water for (neglect of duty)

522f94e468f4b84c38003ef5: (

at sea enroute to juneau alaska

Lat 58.87, Long -144.03

522f94e468f4b84c38003ef7: (

13 August 1914

522f94e468f4b84c38003ef9: (

enroute juneau ai

Lat 58.47, Long -137.67

522f94e468f4b84c38003efb: (

14 August 1914

cross sound alaska

Lat 58.2, Long -136.5

522f94e468f4b84c38003efd: (

en route for juneau alaska a t

Lat -22.3, Long 166.4

522f94e468f4b84c38003eff: (

15 August 1914

stevens passage

Lat -22.3, Long 166.4

sent mail orderly and liberty party on shore

Received for deck Dept. 100 pk. toilet paper, 1 gs. safety matches, 1 1/2 doz pear's soap,

U.S.B.F.S. Osprey - at 11.44 U.S.B.F.S. Osprey came alongside, and shoved off at 3.41.

Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones - Dept. Com. of Fisheries E.L.Jones left the ship at 6 o/c.

E.F.Best (Cox.) - released E.F.Best (Cox.) from confinement and restored him to duty

522f94e468f4b84c38003f01: (

enroute comax bc

Lat 56.30, Long -133.00

522f94e468f4b84c38003f03: (

16 August 1914

clarence strait

Lat 56.1, Long -132.9

522f94e468f4b84c38003f05: (

enroute comax bc

Lat 54.00, Long -129.63

522f94e468f4b84c38003f07: (

17 August 1914

frazer reach

Lat 53.2, Long -128.8

E.F.Best, Cox. - Comdg Officer awarded 12 hrs. on bridge with rifle to E.F.Best, Cox., for 9hrs. over time.

Br. str. Princess Sophia - the Br. str. Princess Sophia, strs. ~ and Adm. Evans passed during the watch all bound to the Northwards.

str. Adm. Evans - the Br. str. Princess Sophia, strs. ~ and Adm. Evans passed during the watch all bound to the Northwards.

522f94e468f4b84c38003f09: (

enroute union bay bc

Lat 50.77, Long -127.43

522f94e468f4b84c38003f0b: (

18 August 1914

lama passage

Lat 50.5, Long -127.9

str. Capilano - str. Capilano passed at 10.10 bound North.

str. Capilano - str. Capilano passed at 10.10 bound North.

522f94e468f4b84c38003f0d: (

en route union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94e468f4b84c38003f0f: (

19 August 1914

cape laizo

Lat 50.0, Long -125.2

Nor. str. Henrick Ibsen - passed the Nor. str. Henrick Ibsen just inside entrance of Bayne Sound bound out.

asst Pay Master Calhoun - asst Pay Master Calhoun went ashore on duty to arrange for coal

sent mail orderly ashore for mail .

Hulk J.C.Potter - moored between the Hulk J.C.Potter

Btn F.A.Pippa - Ch Bts J Mahoney and Btn F.A.Pippa completed monthly physical test.

Ch Bts J Mahoney - Ch Bts J Mahoney and Btn F.A.Pippa completed monthly physical test.

522f94e468f4b84c38003f11: (

moored to coal dock union bay bc

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94e468f4b84c38003f13: (

20 August 1914

coal: 173 tons -

522f94e468f4b84c38003f15: (

enroute for seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e468f4b84c38003f17: (

21 August 1914

522f94e468f4b84c38003f19: (

moored to bouy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e468f4b84c38003f1b: (

22 August 1914

Sent ashore form the scientific department

I.H.Dunlap - Sent ashore from the Scientific Department: 13 Cases 3 Kegs 2 Burlaps) (Via Freight) Cases Nos. 1-12, both inclusive Kegs 13-15, " ) Burlaps 16-17, ") Bu. Fisheries, Washington, 4 cases) 1 burlap) Via Wells, Fargo & Co Express to Washington, D.C. Case No.1, I.H.Dunlap, Fox skins, Washington, B of F. " " 2, " Bear " " " " 3, " Bear & Lynx " " " 4, " Puppy seal & salted seal Case No.1 Dr. E.L. Jones, B. of F., Washington. 5 cases, 1 burlap,) Via freight to Washington. Case No.1, Dr. E. Lester Jones, B. of F., Washington. Burlap No.2, " " Case No. 3, " " " " 4, " " " " 5, " " " " 6, " " 1 case ( Via Freight, value $ 1,200 to Mr Ahearn, St.Louis, Mo.) 1 " (Via " to W.H.Burnet, Madison, N.J.) 2 burlaps 1 box) HOLD. To Dr. Jones, Fisheries Agency, Seattle. 1 case (Via Express, value $2,500, to R.Hastings, New York.) 1 " (Via Freight) to C.H.Jones, East Orange, N.J. 1 keg (Via " ) to National Museum, Washington, D.C. 2 cases( Via Freight) Case No. 1, Fred Sauter New York, " " 2, " " " " (Reindeer & Birds from Pribilofs; Furs & Birds)

Dr E. Lester Jones - Sent ashore from the Scientific Department: 13 Cases 3 Kegs 2 Burlaps) (Via Freight) Cases Nos. 1-12, both inclusive Kegs 13-15, " ) Burlaps 16-17, ") Bu. Fisheries, Washington, 4 cases) 1 burlap) Via Wells, Fargo & Co Express to Washington, D.C. Case No.1, I.H.Dunlap, Fox skins, Washington, B of F. " " 2, " Bear " " " " 3, " Bear & Lynx " " " 4, " Puppy seal & salted seal Case No.1 Dr. E.L. Jones, B. of F., Washington. 5 cases, 1 burlap,) Via freight to Washington. Case No.1, Dr. E. Lester Jones, B. of F., Washington. Burlap No.2, " " Case No. 3, " " " " 4, " " " " 5, " " " " 6, " " 1 case ( Via Freight, value $ 1,200 to Mr Ahearn, St.Louis, Mo.) 1 " (Via " to W.H.Burnet, Madison, N.J.) 2 burlaps 1 box) HOLD. To Dr. Jones, Fisheries Agency, Seattle. 1 case (Via Express, value $2,500, to R.Hastings, New York.) 1 " (Via Freight) to C.H.Jones, East Orange, N.J. 1 keg (Via " ) to National Museum, Washington, D.C. 2 cases( Via Freight) Case No. 1, Fred Sauter New York, " " 2, " " " " (Reindeer & Birds from Pribilofs; Furs & Birds)

Mr Ahearn - Sent ashore from the Scientific Department: 13 Cases 3 Kegs 2 Burlaps) (Via Freight) Cases Nos. 1-12, both inclusive Kegs 13-15, " ) Burlaps 16-17, ") Bu. Fisheries, Washington, 4 cases) 1 burlap) Via Wells, Fargo & Co Express to Washington, D.C. Case No.1, I.H.Dunlap, Fox skins, Washington, B of F. " " 2, " Bear " " " " 3, " Bear & Lynx " " " 4, " Puppy seal & salted seal Case No.1 Dr. E.L. Jones, B. of F., Washington. 5 cases, 1 burlap,) Via freight to Washington. Case No.1, Dr. E. Lester Jones, B. of F., Washington. Burlap No.2, " " Case No. 3, " " " " 4, " " " " 5, " " " " 6, " " 1 case ( Via Freight, value $ 1,200 to Mr Ahearn, St.Louis, Mo.) 1 " (Via " to W.H.Burnet, Madison, N.J.) 2 burlaps 1 box) HOLD. To Dr. Jones, Fisheries Agency, Seattle. 1 case (Via Express, value $2,500, to R.Hastings, New York.) 1 " (Via Freight) to C.H.Jones, East Orange, N.J. 1 keg (Via " ) to National Museum, Washington, D.C. 2 cases( Via Freight) Case No. 1, Fred Sauter New York, " " 2, " " " " (Reindeer & Birds from Pribilofs; Furs & Birds)

W.H.Burnet - Sent ashore from the Scientific Department: 13 Cases 3 Kegs 2 Burlaps) (Via Freight) Cases Nos. 1-12, both inclusive Kegs 13-15, " ) Burlaps 16-17, ") Bu. Fisheries, Washington, 4 cases) 1 burlap) Via Wells, Fargo & Co Express to Washington, D.C. Case No.1, I.H.Dunlap, Fox skins, Washington, B of F. " " 2, " Bear " " " " 3, " Bear & Lynx " " " 4, " Puppy seal & salted seal Case No.1 Dr. E.L. Jones, B. of F., Washington. 5 cases, 1 burlap,) Via freight to Washington. Case No.1, Dr. E. Lester Jones, B. of F., Washington. Burlap No.2, " " Case No. 3, " " " " 4, " " " " 5, " " " " 6, " " 1 case ( Via Freight, value $ 1,200 to Mr Ahearn, St.Louis, Mo.) 1 " (Via " to W.H.Burnet, Madison, N.J.) 2 burlaps 1 box) HOLD. To Dr. Jones, Fisheries Agency, Seattle. 1 case (Via Express, value $2,500, to R.Hastings, New York.) 1 " (Via Freight) to C.H.Jones, East Orange, N.J. 1 keg (Via " ) to National Museum, Washington, D.C. 2 cases( Via Freight) Case No. 1, Fred Sauter New York, " " 2, " " " " (Reindeer & Birds from Pribilofs; Furs & Birds)

C.H.Jones - Sent ashore from the Scientific Department: 13 Cases 3 Kegs 2 Burlaps) (Via Freight) Cases Nos. 1-12, both inclusive Kegs 13-15, " ) Burlaps 16-17, ") Bu. Fisheries, Washington, 4 cases) 1 burlap) Via Wells, Fargo & Co Express to Washington, D.C. Case No.1, I.H.Dunlap, Fox skins, Washington, B of F. " " 2, " Bear " " " " 3, " Bear & Lynx " " " 4, " Puppy seal & salted seal Case No.1 Dr. E.L. Jones, B. of F., Washington. 5 cases, 1 burlap,) Via freight to Washington. Case No.1, Dr. E. Lester Jones, B. of F., Washington. Burlap No.2, " " Case No. 3, " " " " 4, " " " " 5, " " " " 6, " " 1 case ( Via Freight, value $ 1,200 to Mr Ahearn, St.Louis, Mo.) 1 " (Via " to W.H.Burnet, Madison, N.J.) 2 burlaps 1 box) HOLD. To Dr. Jones, Fisheries Agency, Seattle. 1 case (Via Express, value $2,500, to R.Hastings, New York.) 1 " (Via Freight) to C.H.Jones, East Orange, N.J. 1 keg (Via " ) to National Museum, Washington, D.C. 2 cases( Via Freight) Case No. 1, Fred Sauter New York, " " 2, " " " " (Reindeer & Birds from Pribilofs; Furs & Birds)

Fred Sauter - Sent ashore from the Scientific Department: 13 Cases 3 Kegs 2 Burlaps) (Via Freight) Cases Nos. 1-12, both inclusive Kegs 13-15, " ) Burlaps 16-17, ") Bu. Fisheries, Washington, 4 cases) 1 burlap) Via Wells, Fargo & Co Express to Washington, D.C. Case No.1, I.H.Dunlap, Fox skins, Washington, B of F. " " 2, " Bear " " " " 3, " Bear & Lynx " " " 4, " Puppy seal & salted seal Case No.1 Dr. E.L. Jones, B. of F., Washington. 5 cases, 1 burlap,) Via freight to Washington. Case No.1, Dr. E. Lester Jones, B. of F., Washington. Burlap No.2, " " Case No. 3, " " " " 4, " " " " 5, " " " " 6, " " 1 case ( Via Freight, value $ 1,200 to Mr Ahearn, St.Louis, Mo.) 1 " (Via " to W.H.Burnet, Madison, N.J.) 2 burlaps 1 box) HOLD. To Dr. Jones, Fisheries Agency, Seattle. 1 case (Via Express, value $2,500, to R.Hastings, New York.) 1 " (Via Freight) to C.H.Jones, East Orange, N.J. 1 keg (Via " ) to National Museum, Washington, D.C. 2 cases( Via Freight) Case No. 1, Fred Sauter New York, " " 2, " " " " (Reindeer & Birds from Pribilofs; Furs & Birds)

522f94e568f4b84c38003f1d: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f1f: (

22 August 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f21: (

moored to bouy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f23: (

23 August 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f25: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f27: (

24 August 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f29: (

moored to bouy 2 off seattle wash

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f2b: (

25 August 1914

Received for Scientific Department from Pacific Net & Twine Co., Seattle, Wn

522f94e568f4b84c38003f2d: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f2f: (

25 August 1914

Received on board from Waldo Schmitt, Naturalist, Bureau of Fisheries, for Scientific Department:

522f94e568f4b84c38003f31: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f33: (

25 August 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f35: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f37: (

26 August 1914

Stores received for deck department

received for the general mess

522f94e568f4b84c38003f39: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f3b: (

26 August 1914

Stores received for deck department

received by eng department from Pacific net & twine Co., August 26, 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f3d: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f3f: (

26 August 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f41: (

moored to buoy 2 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e568f4b84c38003f43: (

27 August 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f45: (

enroute fishing

Lat 46.70, Long -124.97

522f94e568f4b84c38003f47: (

28 August 1914

Commandign Officer awarded following punishments at the mast

522f94e568f4b84c38003f49: (

Lat 46.70, Long -124.97

522f94e568f4b84c38003f4b: (

28 August 1914

522f94e568f4b84c38003f4d: (

Lat 43.53, Long -124.27

JPM McMullen, Sea - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Linga, Sea J.R.Robertson, F.2c F.E.Best, Cox

W.Linga, Sea - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Linga, Sea J.R.Robertson, F.2c F.E.Best, Cox

J.R.Robertson, F2c - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Linga, Sea J.R.Robertson, F.2c F.E.Best, Cox

F.E.Best, Cox - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Linga, Sea J.R.Robertson, F.2c F.E.Best, Cox

522f94e568f4b84c38003f4f: (

29 August 1914

Soundings taken August 29, 1914


522f94e568f4b84c38003f51: (

Lat 43.53, Long -124.27

522f94e568f4b84c38003f53: (

29 August 1914

cape arago lt house

Lat -17.7, Long -149.3

str. Adeline Smith - the str. Adeline Smith came out of Coos Bay at 5 o/c and passed us at 5.10 bound S.

Motor life saving boat from life saving station at Coos bay came alongside at 6.50

522f94e568f4b84c38003f55: (

Lat 43.10, Long -124.58

JPM McMullen, Sea - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson, F2c F.E.Best, Cox

W.Lingo, Sea - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson, F2c F.E.Best, Cox

J.R.Robertson, F2c - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson, F2c F.E.Best, Cox

F.E.Best, Cox - Absentees JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson, F2c F.E.Best, Cox

522f94e568f4b84c38003f57: (

30 August 1914

Soundings taken August 30, 1914


522f94e568f4b84c38003f59: (

Lat 43.10, Long -124.58

522f94e568f4b84c38003f5b: (

30 August 1914

coos bay harbor

Lat 43.1, Long -149.3

Steamer Whittier - Steamer Whittier passed to port into Coos Bay

522f94e568f4b84c38003f5d: (

Lat 43.82, Long -124.27

JPM McMullen, Sea - Absentees: JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson , F2c F.E.Best, Cox

W.Lingo, Sea - Absentees: JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson , F2c F.E.Best, Cox

J.R.Robertson, F2c - Absentees: JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson , F2c F.E.Best, Cox

F.E.Best, Cox - Absentees: JPM McMullen, Sea W.Lingo, Sea J.R.Robertson , F2c F.E.Best, Cox

522f94e668f4b84c38003f5f: (

31 August 1914

Soundings taken August 31, 1914


522f94e668f4b84c38003f61: (

Lat 43.82, Long -124.27

522f94e668f4b84c38003f63: (

31 August 1914

haceta head lt

Lat , Long

put releiving tackles on tiller while steering gear is being repaired.


522f94e668f4b84c38003f65: (

blank page

522f94e668f4b84c38003f67: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of September 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f69: (

blank page

522f94e668f4b84c38003f6b: (

522f94e668f4b84c38003f6d: (

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522f94e668f4b84c38003f71: (

522f94e668f4b84c38003f73: (

blank page

522f94e668f4b84c38003f75: (

on fishing grounds off oregon coast

Lat 44.10, Long -124.78

522f94e668f4b84c38003f77: (

1 September 1914

Soundings taken September 1, 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f79: (

Lat 44.10, Long -124.78

522f94e668f4b84c38003f7b: (

1 September 1914

Ship stores surveyed

522f94e668f4b84c38003f7d: (

Lat 44.10, Long -124.78

522f94e668f4b84c38003f7f: (

1 September 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f81: (

on fishing grounds off coast of oregon

Lat 44.33, Long -124.37

522f94e668f4b84c38003f83: (

2 September 1914

Soundings taken September 2, 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f85: (

Lat 44.33, Long -124.37

522f94e668f4b84c38003f87: (

2 September 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f89: (

on fishing grounds off coast of oregon

Lat 45.03, Long -124.12

522f94e668f4b84c38003f8b: (

3 September 1914

Soundings taken September 3, 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f8d: (

Lat 45.03, Long -124.12

522f94e668f4b84c38003f8f: (

3 September 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f91: (

522f94e668f4b84c38003f93: (

3 September 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f95: (

on fishing banks off oregon coast

Lat 45.83, Long -124.12

522f94e668f4b84c38003f97: (

4 September 1914

Soundings taken September 4, 1914

522f94e668f4b84c38003f99: (

Lat 45.83, Long -124.12

522f94e668f4b84c38003f9b: (

4 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003f9d: (

on fishing banks off oregon coast

Lat 46.95, Long -124.53

522f94e768f4b84c38003f9f: (

5 September 1914

Soundings taken September 5, 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fa1: (

Lat 46.95, Long -124.53

522f94e768f4b84c38003fa3: (

5 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fa5: (

enroute comax bc

Lat 48.55, Long -123.18

522f94e768f4b84c38003fa7: (

6 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fa9: (

en route comox

Lat 49.7, Long -124.9

522f94e768f4b84c38003fab: (

7 September 1914

union bay bc

Lat 49.3, Long -123.8

Asst Paymaster JH Calhoun - Asst Paymaster JH Calhoun went ashore on duty to arrange for coal. and returned at 7.30.

received 4 bags of mail from Union Bay Post Office

522f94e768f4b84c38003fad: (

moored alongside of dock at union bay b c

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94e768f4b84c38003faf: (

8 September 1914

yellow is lt

Lat 49.2, Long -123.8

coal: 182 tons - Comex

coal: 182 tons - Comox Lump

522f94e768f4b84c38003fb1: (

enroute to seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e768f4b84c38003fb3: (

9 September 1914

puget sound

Lat 56.2, Long -123.8

all hands to quarters at 9.00 and published G.O.110.

Mr Driscoll - Mr Driscoll and four fishermen left the ship having completed contract with Bu of Fisheries

Sent mail orderly ashore.

522f94e768f4b84c38003fb5: (

moored to buoy 5 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e768f4b84c38003fb7: (

10 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fb9: (

moored to buoy 5 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94e768f4b84c38003fbb: (

11 September 1914

point no point

Lat 22.6, Long 103.4

got underway in accordance with telegraphic instructions received from Burea of Fisheries Wash D.C.

str Ad Shlei - passed str Ad Shlei at 6.30 and Str Congress at 7.08

Str Congress - passed str Ad Shlei at 6.30 and Str Congress at 7.08

522f94e768f4b84c38003fbd: (

enroute from seattle to san francisco cal

Lat 47.63, Long -124.70

522f94e768f4b84c38003fbf: (

12 September 1914

tillamook rock light

Lat 48.3, Long -123.5

Norwegian Str. Thor - Norwegian Str. Thor passed bound North.

522f94e768f4b84c38003fc1: (

enroute from seattle wash to san francisco cal

Lat 44.13, Long -124.28

522f94e768f4b84c38003fc3: (

13 September 1914

cape arago lt house

Lat 44.1, Long 15.2

522f94e768f4b84c38003fc5: (

enroute from seattle wash to san francisco cal

Lat 40.55, Long -124.57

522f94e768f4b84c38003fc7: (

14 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fc9: (

enroute from seattle wash to san francisco cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

522f94e768f4b84c38003fcb: (

15 September 1914

yellow bluff

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

sent mail orderly ashore for mail.

522f94e768f4b84c38003fcd: (

522f94e768f4b84c38003fcf: (

16 September 1914

Hemer Sea. - three absentees Hemer Sea. McPherson O.S. and Eveley CP At 9.00 Hemer Sea and McPherson O.S. returned on board 1 hour and 15 overtime

McPherson O.S. - three absentees Hemer Sea. McPherson O.S. and Eveley CP At 9.00 Hemer Sea and McPherson O.S. returned on board 1 hour and 15 overtime

Eveley CP - three absentees Hemer Sea. McPherson O.S. and Eveley CP At 9.00 Hemer Sea and McPherson O.S. returned on board 1 hour and 15 overtime

Hemer (Sea) - Searched the ship at 10.10 and found Hemer (Sea) absent without proper authority. Hemer (Sea) returned to ship in a shore boat.

J.F.Toberman Seaman - By order of Commanding Officer the following changes in rating were made after an examination as required by G.O.63: J.F.Toberman, E.Shartz, J.M. Daniel, Seamen to QM3c; C.V.Sprigg, Sea. to Cox., P.K.Bledloe, OS. to Sea.

J.M.Daniel, seaman - By order of Commanding Officer the following changes in rating were made after an examination as required by G.O.63: J.F.Toberman, E.Shartz, J.M. Daniel, Seamen to QM3c; C.V.Sprigg, Sea. to Cox., P.K.Bledloe, O.S. to Sea.

E.Shartz, seaman - By order of Commanding Officer the following changes in rating were made after an examination as required by G.O.63: J.F.Toberman, E.Shartz, J.M. Daniel, Seamen to QM3c; C.V.Sprigg, Sea. to Cox., P.K.Bledloe, OS. to Sea.

C.V.Sprigg, Sea - By order of Commanding Officer the following changes in rating were made after an examination as required by G.O.63: J.F.Toberman, E.Shartz, J.M. Daniel, Seamen to QM3c; C.V.Sprigg, Sea. to Cox., P.K.Bledloe, OS. to Sea.

P.K.Bledloe, OS - By order of Commanding Officer the following changes in rating were made after an examination as required by G.O.63: J.F.Toberman, E.Shartz, J.M. Daniel, Seamen to QM3c; C.V.Sprigg, Sea. to Cox., P.K.Bledloe, OS. to Sea.

522f94e768f4b84c38003fd1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e768f4b84c38003fd3: (

17 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fd5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e768f4b84c38003fd7: (

18 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fd9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e768f4b84c38003fdb: (

19 September 1914

522f94e768f4b84c38003fdd: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38003fdf: (

20 September 1914

522f94e868f4b84c38003fe1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38003fe3: (

21 September 1914

sausalito cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

W.F.Stooks, Oil. - at 9.20 the C.O. investigated reports and awarded punishments as follows viz: W.F.Stooks, Oil., 20 hrs. over time, 2nd class extended 3 mo; S.Loucks, 3hrs. overtime and returning unfit for duty - to be tried by D.C

S.Loucks - at 9.20 the C.O. investigated reports and awarded punishments as follows viz: W.F.Stooks, Oil., 20 hrs. over time, 2nd class extended 3 mo; S.Loucks, 3hrs. overtime and returning unfit for duty - to be tried by D.C

Defris G.R. BM - at 1.00 Defris G.R. BM left the ship on 27 days leave and Bammingham VT Ships Cook 4 Class left the ship on 30 days leave.

Bammingham VT Ships Cook 4 class - at 1.00 Defris G.R. BM left the ship on 27 days leave and Bammingham VT Ships Cook 4 Class left the ship on 30 days leave.

522f94e868f4b84c38003fe5: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Albatross -

coal: 2000 - Expended

coal: 121281 - on hand

other: 768 - Recieved

other: 442 - Water Expended

coal: 1185 - Water on hand

522f94e868f4b84c38003fe7: (

22 September 1914

Greely C.P. - absentees Greely C.P. Holemeyer Sea.

Boatswain J.D.Glick USN - Boatswain J.D.Glick USN completed monthly Physical test on Sept 21st 1914

Holemeyer Sea - absentees Greely C.P. Holemeyer Sea.

Lieut (jg) J.F.McClain - A Summary Court Martial Board of which Lieut (jg) J.F.McClain was Senior Member met at 10.02 for the trial of Fred Hemer (Sea) and adjourned at 10.23

Fred Hemer (Sea) - A Summary Court Martial Board of which Lieut (jg) J.F.McClain was Senior Member met at 10.02 for the trial of Fred Hemer (Sea) and adjourned at 10.23

Dahme ? (CPM) - Dahme ? (CPM) ~ transferred to the Rec'ship at Puget Sound Navy Yard Bremerton Wash and granted ten days leave of absence enroute.

PA Asst Surg CW Smith - PA Asst Surg CW Smith left the ship on leave of Absence for one month.

Ch Btn J.Mahoney - Ch Btn J.Mahoney completed monthly Physical test.

Holemeyer ? (Sea) - Holemeyer ? (Sea) returned from liberty 38 hrs overtime

completely monthly physical test

522f94e868f4b84c38003fe9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

coal: 119.156 - on hand

Distilled water 480; Recieved 484; Expended 399; Water on hand 1750

522f94e868f4b84c38003feb: (

23 September 1914

USA IMeCulloch came in and anchored at 5:13, off our starboard. Quarter recieved provisions for mess as per lift. Seal returned 5 days leave our times. Inspected ship at 10.

522f94e868f4b84c38003fed: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38003fef: (

24 September 1914

received for deck department from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Co.

Received for Deck Department from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Co: 1 bale oakum 50 lbs marine glue 1 horsing iron 1 1/2 doz asst'd paint brushes 1/2 2 steel wire brushes 6 deck scrubs & handles 6 corn brooms 6 squilgee rubbers 1 doz sapolio 1 " lye 3 " Pears soap 6 deck buckets 1 gro safety matches 100 lbs white lead 200 " white zinc 5 " vermillion 25 " chrome green 150 " saltwater soap 1 pce mild steel 25 lbs shellac 7 pcs asst'd lumber 30 sq ft sheet lead 1/16" 20 " ditto 1/8" 20 lbs galv steel wire nails 4 " brass escutcheon pins 15 " O.H. copper tacks 15 pr. brass butts, small 1 doz brasp hasps 2 lbs caulking cotton (boat) 1 " glazer's points 1 doz door buttons 6 cupboard bolts 1 doz drawer pulls 8 " lag screws, asst'd. 12 charges for 3 gal Gold Seal fire extinguishers ---- 2 cases rifles 6 " ammunition

522f94e868f4b84c38003ff1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38003ff3: (

24 September 1914

Greely (C.P.) - absentees Greely (C.P.)

Fred. Hemer Sea. - At 9.20 published the findings of the summary court-martial in the case of Fred. Hemer Sea. for absense without leave as follows: guilty by plea; to lose pay amounting to $17.67

U.S.S. Maryland - U.S.S. Maryland came in to the Bay at 6.30 and anchored off the city.

Greely C.P. - absentee Greely C.P.

522f94e868f4b84c38003ff5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38003ff7: (

25 September 1914

522f94e868f4b84c38003ff9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38003ffb: (

26 September 1914

522f94e868f4b84c38003ffd: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38003fff: (

27 September 1914

522f94e868f4b84c38004001: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c38004003: (

28 September 1914

U.S.R.C. McCullough - at 9.40 U.S.R.C. McCullough got underway and stood out of the harbor.

Robertson C.P. - at 9.55 specification for trial by summary court martial was delivered to Robertson C.P. by Boatswain J.D.Glick U.S.N.

Boatswain J.D.Glick U.S.N. - at 9.55 specification for trial by summary court martial was delivered to Robertson C.P. by Boatswain J.D.Glick U.S.N.

Lt.(j.g.) J.F.McClain - A Summary Court Martial convened of which Lt.(j.g.) J.F.McClain was senior member met at 10.33 for the trial of J.R.Robertson (CP) and adjourned at 11.39 to await orders from convening authority.

J.R.Robertson (CP) - A Summary Court Martial convened of which Lt.(j.g.) J.F.McClain was senior member met at 10.33 for the trial of J.R.Robertson (CP) and adjourned at 11.39 to await orders from convening authority.

522f94e868f4b84c38004005: (

522f94e868f4b84c38004007: (

29 September 1914

J.R.Robertson (F2c) - Published the Findings and Sentence in the case of J.R.Robertson (F2c) Absent overleave 15 days. to lose pay amounting to one hundred and nineteen dollars and ninety seven cents (119.97). approved by Comdg officer Robertson F2c was released from prisoner at large and restored to duty

522f94e868f4b84c38004009: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e868f4b84c3800400b: (

30 September 1914

Received one drum of distalit from Ford Barstow 'San Franciso cal


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blank page

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Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of October 1914

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blank page

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blank page

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at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c3800401f: (

1 October 1914


Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

Pay officer received $10.69 for Payment of Crew

U.S.T.B. Destroyer tuxton - the U.S.T.B. Destroyer tuxton stood in and anchored off Sausalito at 7.30

522f94e968f4b84c38004021: (

at anchor off sausalito

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c38004023: (

2 October 1914

memorandum for the Officer of the deck. The following stores fro the General Mess were received from the General Storekeeper, Mare Island, Calif. via Water Boat (for Marblehead) this date:

The following stores for the General mess were received from the General storekeeper, Mare Island, Calif., via Water Boat, (for Marblehead) this date:- 4 cases Milk, evaporated. 2 kegs Pickles. 5 sacks Rice. 10 sacks Sugar. 1/2 bbl. Sirup, 1/2 bbl. Vinegar. The following articles included in the same requisition werenot received:- 300 lbs. Bacon, tinned. 400 lbs. Ha,, smoked. and all clothing and small stores on requisition.

522f94e968f4b84c38004025: (

anchored off sausalito

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c38004027: (

2 October 1914

Asst Paymaster Calhoun - Asst Paymaster Calhoun left this ship on one (1) months leave.

Navy water Barge No (16) - Rec stores from Mare Is Navy Yard via Navy water Barge No (16)

U.S.T.B. Destroyer tuxton - the U.S.T.B. Destroyer tuxton stood out of Harbor at 8am

Smyth (OS) - Smyth (OS) absentee

D.H.Stuart, O.S. - D.H.Stuart, O.S. returned onbd one hr over time.

U.S.S. South Dakato - the U.S.S. South Dakato came in port at 12.27, proceeded to Calif City, with a barge in tow alongside, left the barge thereand proceeded to anchorage off S.F.

D.H.Stuart, O.S. - D.H.Stuart, O.S., was rated Sea.

522f94e968f4b84c38004029: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c3800402b: (

3 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c3800402d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c3800402f: (

4 October 1914

U.S.S. Glacier - The U.S.S. Glacier stood into harbor at 4.30

522f94e968f4b84c38004031: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c38004033: (

5 October 1914

Doughtery (F.2c) - Doughtery (F.2c) absentee.

Johnson W.J. C.M.M. - Johnson W.J. C.M.M. returned from 10 days leave.

U.S.S. So. Dakato - the U.S.S. So. Dakato proceeded from anchorage off S.F. toward Mare Islandat 11 a.m.

O.Dougherty (F.2cl.) - O.Dougherty (F.2cl.) returned on board 14 hrs. overleave clean and tight.

522f94e968f4b84c38004035: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

other: 946 - water on hand

522f94e968f4b84c38004037: (

6 October 1914

Received following Deck Department stores from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Company:

522f94e968f4b84c38004039: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c3800403b: (

6 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c3800403d: (

522f94e968f4b84c3800403f: (

7 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c38004041: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c38004043: (

8 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c38004045: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c38004047: (

9 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c38004049: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c3800404b: (

10 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c3800404d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c3800404f: (

11 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c38004051: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c38004053: (

12 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c38004055: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94e968f4b84c38004057: (

13 October 1914

522f94e968f4b84c38004059: (

522f94ea68f4b84c3800405b: (

522f94ea68f4b84c3800405d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c3800405f: (

15 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c38004061: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004063: (

16 October 1914

inspection report

522f94ea68f4b84c38004065: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004067: (

16 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c38004069: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c3800406b: (

17 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c3800406d: (

at anchor off sausalito

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c3800406f: (

18 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c38004071: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004073: (

19 October 1914

De Freis - De Freis returned from 29 days leave of absence

522f94ea68f4b84c38004075: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004077: (

20 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c38004079: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c3800407b: (

21 October 1914

Ordnance stores shipped from USS Albatross, Sausalito, California, to the General Storekeeper, Mare Island, Cal:

Ordnance Stores shipped from U.S.S.ALBATROSS, Sausalito, California, to the General Stoorekeeper, Mare Island, Cal: Box No. 1. 10 K.J. Rifles 10 Slings for same. Box No. 2. 5 K.J. Rifles 5 Slings for same 12 K.J.Bayonets 12 Scabbards for same 19 Extractors 6 m/m 32 Extractor springs with pins 6 m/m. Box No. 3. Empty.

522f94ea68f4b84c3800407d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c3800407f: (

21 October 1914

U.S.R.C. McCulloch - U.S.R.C. McCulloch got underway at 9.50 standing over toward San Francisco.

ordnance stores shipped to General Store Keeper Navy Yard Mare Island Cal via North Western Pacific Railroad

Elises A Matt1st cl - Elises A Matt1st clleft the ship on 5 days leave

sent a section of the anchor windlass and port Main Engine ~ shaft to the united Engineering Works at Alamedacal. for repairs

Lang B.J. El1st cl - Lang B.J. El1st clreturned from 10 days leave

522f94ea68f4b84c38004081: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004083: (

22 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c38004085: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004087: (

23 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c38004089: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c3800408b: (

24 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c3800408d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c3800408f: (

25 October 1914

522f94ea68f4b84c38004091: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004093: (

26 October 1914

Villameuva Matt.1.c - Bishop M.A.A.1.c left the ship in charge of Villameuva Matt.1.c to appear before a Police Court at San Francisco Calif to answer to a charge of carrying concealed weapons.

Bishop M.A.A.1.c - Bishop M.A.A.1.c left the ship in charge of Villameuva Matt.1.c to appear before a Police Court at San Francisco Calif to answer to a charge of carrying concealed weapons.

crew received instructions as per G.O#63

Ems C.C.M - Ems C.C.M returned on board from 15 days leave of absence.

W.T.Hoshman, CMM - W.T.Hoshman, CMM, was transferred to the USS Colorado at his own expence (Bu Nav. letter No. N6S of Sep 22,14)

USS Colorado - W.T.Hoshman, CMM, was transferred to the USS Colorado at his own expence (Bu Nav. letter No. N6S of Sep 22,14)

Bishop M.A.A.1cl. - Bishop M.A.A.1cl. returned on board with Villanuva M.a.att. from S.F. Police Court and by order of C.O. Villanuva was restored to duty.

Villanuva M.a.att. - Bishop M.A.A.1cl. returned on board with Villanuva M.a.att. from S.F. Police Court and by order of C.O. Villanuva was restored to duty.

522f94ea68f4b84c38004095: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ea68f4b84c38004097: (

27 October 1914

R.Villanuva Matt. - at 9.30 the C.O. investigated reports at the mast. viz: R.Villanuva Matt., lying to officer of deck - awarded 1 mo. restrictions; absent over leave from 7.45a, Oct 23, 1914, until 5.45pm, Oct. 23, 1914, awarded trial by deck court.

P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN - R.Villanueva, Matt1c, was tried by deck-court - P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN - and sentenced to lose pay amtg. to $9.30 approved by Commanding Officer.

R.Villanueva, Matt1c - R.Villanueva, Matt1c, was tried by deck-court - P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN - and sentenced to lose pay amtg. to $9.30 approved by Commanding Officer.

H.Lewis Oiler - H.Lewis Oiler returned from 10 days leave.

F.L.Anderson (Sea) - Received the following men from the U.S. Receiving Ship at San Francisco Cal F.L.Anderson (Sea) R.E.Coover (O.S) J.S.Heckman (O.S.) F.Meyess (O.S) and J.D.Thomson (CP)

F.Meyess (O.S) - Received the following men from the U.S. Receiving Ship at San Francisco Cal F.L.Anderson (Sea) R.E.Coover (O.S) J.S.Heckman (O.S.) F.Meyess (O.S) and J.D.Thomson (CP)

J.S.Heckman (O.S.) - Received the following men from the U.S. Receiving Ship at San Francisco Cal F.L.Anderson (Sea) R.E.Coover (O.S) J.S.Heckman (O.S.) F.Meyess (O.S) and J.D.Thomson (CP)

J.D.Thomson (CP) - Received the following men from the U.S. Receiving Ship at San Francisco Cal F.L.Anderson (Sea) R.E.Coover (O.S) J.S.Heckman (O.S.) F.Meyess (O.S) and J.D.Thomson (CP)

R.E.Coover (O.S) - Received the following men from the U.S. Receiving Ship at San Francisco Cal F.L.Anderson (Sea) R.E.Coover (O.S) J.S.Heckman (O.S.) F.Meyess (O.S) and J.D.Thomson (CP)

522f94ea68f4b84c38004099: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c3800409b: (

28 October 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c3800409d: (

522f94eb68f4b84c3800409f: (

29 October 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040a1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040a3: (

30 October 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040a5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040a7: (

31 October 1914


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blank page

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Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of November 1914

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blank page

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blank page

522f94eb68f4b84c380040b9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040bb: (

1 November 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040bd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040bf: (

2 November 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040c1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040c3: (

3 November 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040c5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040c7: (

4 November 1914

Holmeyer, (Sea.) - at 10.31 while whale boat was being lowered the forward fall got away from the man lowering it, causing boat to fall bow in the water, stern holding fast, Holmeyer, (Sea.), fell with the boat but sustained no injury. in righting the boat the after tripper fitting carried away and were repaired by the carpenters mate.

C.H.QM instructed the QMs in signals for 1 hr.

Ch. Bs'n J.Mahoney U.S.N. - at 10 P.M a Board of Survey, Ch. Bs'n J.Mahoney U.S.N. Senior member, held a survey on articles in Scientific Dept. of this vessel.

522f94eb68f4b84c380040c9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040cb: (

5 November 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040cd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040cf: (

6 November 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040d1: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040d3: (

7 November 1914

522f94eb68f4b84c380040d5: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040d7: (

8 November 1914

Harris (Sea) - Harris (Sea) returned on board from 30 days leave.

522f94eb68f4b84c380040d9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94eb68f4b84c380040db: (

9 November 1914

QM's had 1 hr. signal drill from 9 to 10.

Frank P. Rice, Sea. - Frank P. Rice, Sea., was reenlisted and granted 22 days leave of absence.

Instructed Quartermasters in signal drill

U.S.S. Lawerence - at 10.15 the U.S.S. Lawerence got underway and stood out of the harbor.

522f94eb68f4b84c380040dd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040df: (

10 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c380040e1: (

at anchor off sausalito california usn

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040e3: (

11 November 1914

received for deck department

received for engineers department

received for General Mess

522f94ec68f4b84c380040e5: (

at anchor off sausalito california usn

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040e7: (

11 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c380040e9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040eb: (

12 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c380040ed: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040ef: (

13 November 1914

J.Wilson W.T. - J.Wilson W.T. returned on board 3 hours overtime and tight ~ liberty.

522f94ec68f4b84c380040f1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040f3: (

14 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c380040f5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040f7: (

15 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c380040f9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040fb: (

16 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c380040fd: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c380040ff: (

17 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c38004101: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c38004103: (

18 November 1914

racoon straits

Lat 69.8, Long 176.2

U.S.S. Maryland - at 7.30 the U.S.S. Maryland stood into the harbor and passed through Racoon Straits.

U.S.S. New Orleans - at 5.35 U.S.S. New Orleans stood in the Bay and proceeded toward Mare Island.

522f94ec68f4b84c38004105: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c38004107: (

19 November 1914

golden gate

Lat 12.8, Long 45.0

U.S.W.C. McCulloch - 9.35 U.S.W.C. McCulloch got underway.

Boatswain F.A.Pippo, USN - Boatswain F.A.Pippo, USN, absent over leave from 9:00am.

P.Narey (SC1c) - P.Narey (SC1c) returned from 25 days leave on time.

USRC Mcculloch - USRC Mcculloch anchored at 11.05am

U.S.S. San Diego - U.S.S. San Diego underway at 3.25pm and stood out Golden Gate.

USS Hopkins - USS Hopkins underway at 3.35pm and anchored at 5.01pm.

522f94ec68f4b84c38004109: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c3800410b: (

20 November 1914


Lat 69.8, Long -122.3

U.S.S. Hopkins - U.S.S. Hopkins underway at 7.16am and anchored at 9.25am.

the Pay Officer brought on board $1061.00 Navy funds and issued money to the crew at 12.30 P.M.

U.S.S. Hull - 2.50 U.S.S. Hull underway stood through Raccon Straits and returned to anchorage at 4.45.

Waldo L Schmitt Naturalist - Waldo L Schmitt Naturalist left the ship on leave until Nov. 28 to report for duty at the Fish Com. Wash. D.C.

522f94ec68f4b84c3800410d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c3800410f: (

21 November 1914

Walker (O.S.) - at 9.30 C.O. investigated reports at the mast, Walker (O.S.) striking another person on board ship warned.

Recd 25# of Marine Glue from F.B.Co

522f94ec68f4b84c38004111: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c38004113: (

22 November 1914

richardsons bay

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

Btr. steamer City of Sydney - at 2.30 the Btr. steamer City of Sydney anchored in Richardson's Bay.

522f94ec68f4b84c38004115: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c38004117: (

23 November 1914

522f94ec68f4b84c38004119: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ec68f4b84c3800411b: (

24 November 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c3800411d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ed68f4b84c3800411f: (

25 November 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c38004121: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ed68f4b84c38004123: (

26 November 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c38004125: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ed68f4b84c38004127: (

27 November 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c38004129: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ed68f4b84c3800412b: (

28 November 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c3800412d: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ed68f4b84c3800412f: (

29 November 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c38004131: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ed68f4b84c38004133: (

30 November 1914


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blank page

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Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of December 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c38004139: (

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blank page

522f94ed68f4b84c38004145: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ed68f4b84c38004147: (

1 December 1914

J.P.Emms, CCM - J.P.Emms, CCM, left ship on 14 days leave.

Ltn (j.g.) J.F.McClain, USN - Board of Survey - Ltn (j.g.) J.F.McClain, USN, senior member - surveyed 149 items of deck dep. articles.

522f94ed68f4b84c38004149: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ed68f4b84c3800414b: (

2 December 1914

Walters. Sea. - Walters. Sea. returned from 45 days leave.

522f94ed68f4b84c3800414d: (

along of dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ed68f4b84c3800414f: (

3 December 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c38004151: (

on marine railway united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ed68f4b84c38004153: (

4 December 1914

522f94ed68f4b84c38004155: (

alongside dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004157: (

5 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004159: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800415b: (

6 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c3800415d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800415f: (

7 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004161: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004163: (

8 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004165: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004167: (

9 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004169: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800416b: (

10 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c3800416d: (

moored to dock at alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800416f: (

11 December 1914

R.Beckwith, MM.1c - R.Beckwith, MM.1c, left ship on 20 days leave, and C.A.Cook, C.Y., left ship on 3 days leave.

C.A.Cook, C.Y. - R.Beckwith, MM.1c, left ship on 20 days leave, and C.A.Cook, C.Y., left ship on 3 days leave.

Recd for Genl. Mess 1032 lbs potatoes, 200 lbs onions, 100 lbs carrots 100 lbs turnips.

522f94ee68f4b84c38004171: (

moored to dock at alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004173: (

12 December 1914

S.S.Saginaw - S.S.Saginaw moored to our port side at 8:25.

Received for Deck Dept. 150 lbs. Red lead, 5gals. Raw oil, 5 gal turps, 5 gal dam~ varnish.

F.Pickles (M.M1c.) - F.Pickles (M.M1c.) returned from 3 days leave.

522f94ee68f4b84c38004175: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004177: (

13 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004179: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800417b: (

14 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c3800417d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800417f: (

15 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004181: (

moored at alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004183: (

16 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004185: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004187: (

17 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004189: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800418b: (

18 December 1914

Heckman (O.S.) - Heckman (O.S.) left the ship on 5 days leave.

522f94ee68f4b84c3800418d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c3800418f: (

19 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004191: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ee68f4b84c38004193: (

20 December 1914

522f94ee68f4b84c38004195: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c38004197: (

21 December 1914

522f94ef68f4b84c38004199: (

united eng works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c3800419b: (

22 December 1914

Ch. Mach. A.D.Devine U.S.N. - Ch. Mach. A.D.Devine U.S.N. left the ship at 1 P.M. to take his monthly physical test, and returned at 6.P.M. having completed the same.

De Vries - De Vries left the ship on 13 days leave.

J.P.Emms, CCM - J.P.Emms, CCM, left ship on 5 days leave.

522f94ef68f4b84c3800419d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c3800419f: (

23 December 1914

J.S.Heckman, O.S. - J.S.Heckman, O.S., was granted 3 days extension of leave until noon Dec.26th.

S.Lourks, E1c (R) - S.Lourks, E1c (R), absentee after 11:45a.

522f94ef68f4b84c380041a1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041a3: (

24 December 1914

S.Loviks, E1c (R) - S.Loviks, E1c (R), returned on board at 12:30, 12 3/4 hrs. over time.

Lt. (Jr.G) J.F.McClain USN. - Lt. (Jr.G) J.F.McClain USN. reported having taken his physical test for the month of Dec.

V.Arnkil, Ch Yeo - V.Arnkil, Ch Yeo, C.A.Cook, Ch Yeo., E.L.Sleeth, H.S., left ship on 4 days leave.

C.A.Cook, Ch Yeo. - V.Arnkil, Ch Yeo, C.A.Cook, Ch Yeo., E.L.Sleeth, H.S., left ship on 4 days leave.

E.L.Sleeth, H.S. - V.Arnkil, Ch Yeo, C.A.Cook, Ch Yeo., E.L.Sleeth, H.S., left ship on 4 days leave.

522f94ef68f4b84c380041a5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041a7: (

25 December 1914

522f94ef68f4b84c380041a9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041ab: (

26 December 1914

522f94ef68f4b84c380041ad: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041af: (

27 December 1914

522f94ef68f4b84c380041b1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041b3: (

28 December 1914

522f94ef68f4b84c380041b5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041b7: (

29 December 1914

522f94ef68f4b84c380041b9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041bb: (

30 December 1914

522f94ef68f4b84c380041bd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94ef68f4b84c380041bf: (

31 December 1914

LOG BOOK – JANUARY 1st 1915 TO JUNE 30th 1915

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blank page

522f94ef68f4b84c380041c7: (

Deck Log Book of the USS "Albatross" Month of January 1915

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blank page

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blank page


522f94f068f4b84c380041d5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041d7: (

1 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c380041d9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041db: (

2 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c380041dd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041df: (

3 January 1915

Chagin (sea) - Chagin (sea) returned from 30 days leave.

522f94f068f4b84c380041e1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041e3: (

4 January 1915

Heckman O.S. - absentee Heckman O.S.

De Vries - De Vries returned from 13 days leave

Asst Paymaster brought $2.000 on board for Navy Pay.

Ch.Mach. A.D.Devine - Ch.Mach. A.D.Devine returned from twelve days leave

522f94f068f4b84c380041e5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041e7: (

5 January 1915

stores received from GSK Mare Island

522f94f068f4b84c380041e9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041eb: (

5 January 1915

Pro Rec by Com Dept Jan 5, 1914

522f94f068f4b84c380041ed: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041ef: (

5 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c380041f1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041f3: (

6 January 1915

Pro Rec by Com Dept Jan 6, 1915

522f94f068f4b84c380041f5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041f7: (

6 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c380041f9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041fb: (

7 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c380041fd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c380041ff: (

8 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c38004201: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c38004203: (

9 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c38004205: (

alameda cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c38004207: (

10 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c38004209: (

alameda cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c3800420b: (

11 January 1915

Clothing and small stores received from General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif

Launch America - Rec from Gen Storekeeper Mare Is via Launch America Paymaster Stores as per list

V.T.Barmingham, SC4c - Commanding Officer awarded 2 weeks restriction to V.T.Barmingham, SC4c for disobedience of orders.

R.Villaneuva (M.att.1cl.) - at 12.50 delivered R.Villaneuva (M.att.1cl.). to the civil authorities he being charged with passing bogus checks.

Rogers (W.T.) - at 12 o/c midnight, Rogers (W.T.) was found on watch under the influence of intoxicating liquor and unfit for duty and McPherson (oiler) upon being called to relieve Rogers was also found to be under the influence of liquor and unfit for duty, both men were examined by the medical officer who pronounced them under the influence of intox. liquor.

McPherson (oiler) - at 12 o/c midnight, Rogers (W.T.) was found on watch under the influence of intoxicating liquor and unfit for duty and McPherson (oiler) upon being called to relieve Rogers was also found to be under the influence of liquor and unfit for duty, both men were examined by the medical officer who pronounced them under the influence of intox. liquor.

Clothing and Small Stores received from General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif. 92 3/4 yds. Cloth, blue, 100 prs. Drawers, light, 100 no. Mattress covers, 100 no. Neckerchiefs, 50 no. Overshirts, 200 no. Shirts, P.O. flannel, 50 prs. Shoes, high, 600 prs. Socks, cotton, 200 no. Towels, 25 prs. Trousers, blue cloth, 500 no. Undershirts, cotton, 120 no. Jacknives, 1 no. Mattress. 110 no. Hats, white, 600 no. Handkerchiefs.

522f94f068f4b84c3800420d: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c3800420f: (

11 January 1915

522f94f068f4b84c38004211: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f068f4b84c38004213: (

12 January 1915

Harris (sea) - at 12.15 the ship was searched for absentees and the following men found absent from the ship without leave viz: Harris (sea). Delvig (F.1cl). Dougherty (F.1c.) Barmingham S.C.(4cl.) at 2.30 Delvig returned on board, Harris and Dougherty returned at 3.05 and Bamingham was found on main deck at 5.15.

Barmingham S.C.(4cl.) - at 12.15 the ship was searched for absentees and the following men found absent from the ship without leave viz: Harris (sea). Delvig (F.1cl). Dougherty (F.1c.) Barmingham S.C.(4cl.) at 2.30 Delvig returned on board, Harris and Dougherty returned at 3.05 and Bamingham was found on main deck at 5.15.

Doughtery (F.1c.) - at 12.15 the ship was searched for absentees and the following men found absent from the ship without leave viz: Harris (sea). Delvig (F.1cl). Dougherty (F.1c.) Barmingham S.C.(4cl.) at 2.30 Delvig returned on board, Harris and Dougherty returned at 3.05 and Bamingham was found on main deck at 5.15.

Delvig (F.1cl) - at 12.15 the ship was searched for absentees and the following men found absent from the ship without leave viz: Harris (sea). Delvig (F.1cl). Dougherty (F.1c.) Barmingham S.C.(4cl.) at 2.30 Delvig returned on board, Harris and Dougherty returned at 3.05 and Bamingham was found on main deck at 5.15.

D.Rodgers, W.T. - Commanding Officer investigated reports at the mast and awarded trials by Summary courts-martial to D.Rodgers, W.T., asleep on watch and drunk on duty, and W.P.McPherson, Oil., under influence of intoxicating liquor on board ship and thereby unfit for duty; by deck court to A.C.Harris, Sea., V.T.Barmingham, SC4c, C.Dougherty, F2c, L. Delwig F1c for absenting themselves from their stations and duty without leave from proper authority.

W/.P.McPherson, Oil. - Commanding Officer investigated reports at the mast and awarded trials by Summary courts-martial to D.Rodgers, W.T., asleep on watch and drunk on duty, and W.P.McPherson, Oil., under influence of intoxicating liquor on board ship and thereby unfit for duty; by deck court to A.C.Harris, Sea., V.T.Barmingham, SC4c, C.Dougherty, F2c, L. Delwig F1c for absenting themselves from their stations and duty without leave from proper authority.

A.C.Harris, Sea. - Commanding Officer investigated reports at the mast and awarded trials by Summary courts-martial to D.Rodgers, W.T., asleep on watch and drunk on duty, and W.P.McPherson, Oil., under influence of intoxicating liquor on board ship and thereby unfit for duty; by deck court to A.C.Harris, Sea., V.T.Barmingham, SC4c, C.Dougherty, F2c, L. Delwig F1c for absenting themselves from their stations and duty without leave from proper authority.

Delwig F1c - Commanding Officer investigated reports at the mast and awarded trials by Summary courts-martial to D.Rodgers, W.T., asleep on watch and drunk on duty, and W.P.McPherson, Oil., under influence of intoxicating liquor on board ship and thereby unfit for duty; by deck court to A.C.Harris, Sea., V.T.Barmingham, SC4c, C.Dougherty, F2c, L. Delwig F1c for absenting themselves from their stations and duty without leave from proper authority.

V.T.Barmingham, SC4c -

C.Dougherty. F2c - Commanding Officer investigated reports at the mast and awarded trials by Summary courts-martial to D.Rodgers, W.T., asleep on watch and drunk on duty, and W.P.McPherson, Oil., under influence of intoxicating liquor on board ship and thereby unfit for duty; by deck court to A.C.Harris, Sea., V.T.Barmingham, SC4c, C.Dougherty, F2c, L. Delwig F1c for absenting themselves from their stations and duty without leave from proper authority.

Louckes S(E1c) - Published the findings on Sentence of Summary Court Martial in the cases of Louckes S(E1c) Robertson J.R.(F2c) both held to await action of Navy Dept

Robertson J.R.(F2c) - Published the findings on Sentence of Summary Court Martial in the cases of Louckes S(E1c) Robertson J.R.(F2c) both held to await action of Navy Dept

St Sch. Avalon - St Sch. Avalon tied up to Port side at 3.00 P.M. in order to make berth floating C~

522f94f068f4b84c38004215: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004217: (

13 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004219: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800421b: (

14 January 1915

A.C.Harris, Sea. - Published the findings and sentences in the deck court cases of yesterday as follows: A.C.Harris, Sea., C.Dougherty, F2c, and L.Delwiz, F1c, leaving ship without permission - resp. guilty by plea, - loss of pay $ 21.21, $ 22.00, $ 22.75; V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, leaving ship without permission - guilty by plea - ten days sol. conf. on b & w; fr. every 3 day. V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, was confined accordingly

C.Dougherty, F2c - Published the findings and sentences in the deck court cases of yesterday as follows: A.C.Harris, Sea., C.Dougherty, F2c, and L.Delwiz, F1c, leaving ship without permission - resp. guilty by plea, - loss of pay $ 21.21, $ 22.00, $ 22.75; V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, leaving ship without permission - guilty by plea - ten days sol. conf. on b & w; fr. every 3 day. V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, was confined accordingly

L.Delwiz, F1c - Published the findings and sentences in the deck court cases of yesterday as follows: A.C.Harris, Sea., C.Dougherty, F2c, and L.Delwiz, F1c, leaving ship without permission - resp. guilty by plea, - loss of pay $ 21.21, $ 22.00, $ 22.75; V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, leaving ship without permission - guilty by plea - ten days sol. conf. on b & w; fr. every 3 day. V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, was confined accordingly

V.T.Bamingham SC4c - Published the findings and sentences in the deck court cases of yesterday as follows: A.C.Harris, Sea., C.Dougherty, F2c, and L.Delwiz, F1c, leaving ship without permission - resp. guilty by plea, - loss of pay $ 21.21, $ 22.00, $ 22.75; V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, leaving ship without permission - guilty by plea - ten days sol. conf. on b & w; fr. every 3 day. V.T.Bamingham, SC4c, was confined accordingly

McPherson (oil) - at 3.00 P.m delivered specifications of Summary Court Martial in the cases of McPherson (oil) and Dwight Rodgers(WT)

Dwight Rodgers(WT) - at 3.00 P.m delivered specifications of Summary Court Martial in the cases of McPherson (oil) and Dwight Rodgers(WT)

522f94f168f4b84c3800421d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800421f: (

15 January 1915

Btsn F.A.Piffo - in accordance with telegraphic instructions of Sec of Navy the limits of Btsn F.A.Piffo's arrest were extended for one day to permit him consult counsel it Mare Id. Boatswain Piffo accordingly left the ship at 9.15

Rogers (W.T.) - at 10.10 a.m. a S.C.M. Lt.(Jr.G.) J.F.McClain U.S.N. Senior member met and tried Rogers (W.T.) and McPherson (oiler) and adjourned at 10.32 to await orders from convening authority.

Lt.(Jr.G.) J.F.McClain U.S.N. - at 10.10 a.m. a S.C.M. Lt.(Jr.G.) J.F.McClain U.S.N. Senior member met and tried Rogers (W.T.) and McPherson (oiler) and adjourned at 10.32 to await orders from convening authority.

McPherson (oiler) - at 10.10 a.m. a S.C.M. Lt.(Jr.G.) J.F.McClain U.S.N. Senior member met and tried Rogers (W.T.) and McPherson (oiler) and adjourned at 10.32 to await orders from convening authority.

Bsn F.A.Pippo U.S.N. - Bsn F.A.Pippo U.S.N. returned on board at 7 P.M. from a visit to his counsel at Mare Ild yard.

522f94f168f4b84c38004221: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004223: (

16 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004225: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004227: (

17 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004229: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800422b: (

18 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c3800422d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800422f: (

19 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004231: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004233: (

20 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004235: (

united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004237: (

21 January 1915

Pro Rec by Com Dept Jan 21 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004239: (

along of dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800423b: (

21 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c3800423d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800423f: (

22 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004241: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004243: (

23 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004245: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004247: (

24 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004249: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800424b: (

25 January 1915

E.R.White, C.P. - Commanding Officer investigated reports at the mast and awarded trial by deck to E.R.White, C.P. for leaving his station and duty without leave from proper authority. E.R.White, C.P., was so tried P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN, deck court.

P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN - Commanding Officer investigated reports at the mast and awarded trial by deck to E.R.White, C.P. for leaving his station and duty without leave from proper authority. E.R.White, C.P., was so tried P.A.Surgeon C.W.Smith, USN, deck court.

Lt. L.B.Porterfield U.S.N. - the C.O., Lt. L.B.Porterfield U.S.N. was examined by the Medical officer preparatory to taking physical test for month of January.

G.M.Stone QM.2cl. - G.M.Stone QM.2cl. left ship on 11 days leave.

522f94f168f4b84c3800424d: (

moored to dock alameda california u e works

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c3800424f: (

26 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004251: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004253: (

27 January 1915

522f94f168f4b84c38004255: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f168f4b84c38004257: (

28 January 1915

received for deck department from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Co., San Francisco, California

Received for Deck Department from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Co., San Francisco, California: 100 lbs red lead 100 " white lead 100 " white zinc 5 gal turpentine 2 " Jap. drier 1 box wax candles 1 doz corn brooms 1/2 " deck scrubs 1 " saw files 1 " Pears soap 12 " safety matches.

522f94f268f4b84c38004259: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c3800425b: (

28 January 1915

after breakfast crew at work cleaning paintwork and overhauling and cleaning revolvers and cutlasses.

Lt(J.G.) J.F.McClain - Lt(J.G.) J.F.McClain P.A.Surg. C.W.Smith and asst Pay C.H.Colwuin completed monthly Physical Test

P.A.Surg. C.W.Smith - Lt(J.G.) J.F.McClain P.A.Surg. C.W.Smith and asst Pay C.H.Colwuin completed monthly Physical Test

asst Pay C.H.Colwuin - Lt(J.G.) J.F.McClain P.A.Surg. C.W.Smith and asst Pay C.H.Colwuin completed monthly Physical Test

522f94f268f4b84c3800425d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c3800425f: (

29 January 1915

A.C.Harris, Seaman - A.C.Harris, Seaman, extended his enlistment for one year, from February 9,1915 until February 9, 1916.

received stores for Gen. Mess as per list and athletic gear as per list

522f94f268f4b84c38004261: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c38004263: (

30 January 1915

522f94f268f4b84c38004265: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c38004267: (

31 January 1915


522f94f268f4b84c38004269: (

blank page

522f94f268f4b84c3800426b: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of February 1915

522f94f268f4b84c3800426d: (

522f94f268f4b84c3800426f: (

522f94f268f4b84c38004271: (

522f94f268f4b84c38004273: (

522f94f268f4b84c38004275: (

522f94f268f4b84c38004277: (

522f94f268f4b84c38004279: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c3800427b: (

1 February 1915

522f94f268f4b84c3800427d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c3800427f: (

2 February 1915

522f94f268f4b84c38004281: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c38004283: (

3 February 1915

522f94f268f4b84c38004285: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c38004287: (

4 February 1915

522f94f268f4b84c38004289: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c3800428b: (

5 February 1915

Stuart (Sea) - Stuart (Sea) Holmeyer (Sea) left the ship on 3 days.

Stone (QM2c) - Stone (QM2c) returned from 11 days leave

Holmeyer (Sea) - Stuart (Sea) Holmeyer (Sea) left the ship on 3 days.

Paymaster brought on board $1500 for Pay Navy.

522f94f268f4b84c3800428d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c3800428f: (

6 February 1915

Welsh (CMM) - Welsh (CMM) returned from 7 days leave

522f94f268f4b84c38004291: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f268f4b84c38004293: (

7 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c38004295: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c38004297: (

8 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c38004299: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c3800429b: (

9 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c3800429d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c3800429f: (

10 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042a1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042a3: (

11 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042a5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042a7: (

12 February 1915

working party of 4 men left the ship for Safo Grounds

no school on account of it being a holiday (Lincoln's Birthday,)

working party from Exposition returned on board at 5.30

522f94f368f4b84c380042a9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042ab: (

13 February 1915

Sent 4 men to work at Exposition.

working party of 4 men returned from Expo Grounds

522f94f368f4b84c380042ad: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042af: (

14 February 1915

Sleeth (Hos. steward) - Morris (C.Q.M.) and Sleeth (Hos. steward) left the ship under orders to proceed to San Pedro on duty for the Fishery Bureau.

Morris (C.Q.M.) - Morris (C.Q.M.) and Sleeth (Hos. steward) left the ship under orders to proceed to San Pedro on duty for the Fishery Bureau.

Bsn J.D.Glick U.S.N. - Bsn J.D.Glick U.S.N. reported completion of his physical test for the month of February.

522f94f368f4b84c380042b1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042b3: (

15 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042b5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042b7: (

16 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042b9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042bb: (

17 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042bd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042bf: (

18 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042c1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042c3: (

19 February 1915

sent working party of 3 men to Expo. Grounds after breakfast.

Paymaster brought $ 2000 on board for Navy Pay.

working Party from Expo grounds returned at 6.00 P.M.

Morris WN (CQM) - Morris WN (CQM) returned from San Pedro having finished duty in connection with Bu of Fisheries.

Jung Fong (CC) - the following named men left the ship on leave Jung Fong (CC) 28 days. Nera A (Matt1c) 10 days: Knudsen A (Oil) 15 days. Holmeyer AC (Sea) 10 days Bledsoe P.R. (Sea) 5 days.

Holmeyer AC (Sea) - the following named men left the ship on leave Jung Fong (CC) 28 days. Nera A (Matt1c) 10 days: Knudsen A (Oil) 15 days. Holmeyer AC (Sea) 10 days Bledsoe P.R. (Sea) 5 days.

Nera A (Matt1c) - the following named men left the ship on leave Jung Fong (CC) 28 days. Nera A (Matt1c) 10 days: Knudsen A (Oil) 15 days. Holmeyer AC (Sea) 10 days Bledsoe P.R. (Sea) 5 days.

Knudsen A (Oil) - the following named men left the ship on leave Jung Fong (CC) 28 days. Nera A (Matt1c) 10 days: Knudsen A (Oil) 15 days. Holmeyer AC (Sea) 10 days Bledsoe P.R. (Sea) 5 days.

Bledsoe P.R. (Sea) - the following named men left the ship on leave Jung Fong (CC) 28 days. Nera A (Matt1c) 10 days: Knudsen A (Oil) 15 days. Holmeyer AC (Sea) 10 days Bledsoe P.R. (Sea) 5 days.

522f94f368f4b84c380042c5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042c7: (

20 February 1915

Sleeth E.S. (Hos Std) - Sleeth E.S. (Hos Std) returned from San Pedro having finished duty in connection with Bu of Fisheries.

Cook CA(CYeo) - Cook CA(CYeo) left the ship on 3 days leave

Beckwith M.M. - Beckwith M.M. left the ship on 3 days leave

522f94f368f4b84c380042c9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042cb: (

21 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042cd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042cf: (

22 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042d1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f368f4b84c380042d3: (

23 February 1915

522f94f368f4b84c380042d5: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c380042d7: (

24 February 1915

522f94f468f4b84c380042d9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c380042db: (

25 February 1915

coal: 100 tons - Sehan (Australian) coal

522f94f468f4b84c380042dd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c380042df: (

26 February 1915

522f94f468f4b84c380042e1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c380042e3: (

27 February 1915

522f94f468f4b84c380042e5: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c380042e7: (

28 February 1915


522f94f468f4b84c380042e9: (

blank page

522f94f468f4b84c380042eb: (

Deck Log Book of the USS "Albatross" Month of March 1915

522f94f468f4b84c380042ed: (

blank page

522f94f468f4b84c380042ef: (

522f94f468f4b84c380042f1: (

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522f94f468f4b84c380042f7: (

blank page

522f94f468f4b84c380042f9: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c380042fb: (

1 March 1915

Holmeyer (sea) - Holmeyer (sea) returned from days leave.

Signal drill from 9-10

Nera. (MAtt1c) - Nera. (MAtt1c) returned from 10 days leave Anderson (Sea) returned from 5 days leave

Anderson (Sea) - Nera. (MAtt1c) returned from 10 days leave Anderson (Sea) returned from 5 days leave

522f94f468f4b84c380042fd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c380042ff: (

2 March 1915

Schutz (F1c.) - delivered G.C. medal dated Dec. 20 1913 to Schutz (F1c.)

522f94f468f4b84c38004301: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c38004303: (

3 March 1915

522f94f468f4b84c38004305: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c38004307: (

4 March 1915

522f94f468f4b84c38004309: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c3800430b: (

5 March 1915

received for deck department from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Company:

522f94f468f4b84c3800430d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f468f4b84c3800430f: (

6 March 1915

522f94f468f4b84c38004311: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004313: (

7 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004315: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004317: (

8 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004319: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c3800431b: (

9 March 1915

Anderson (sea) - Anderson (sea) absent without leave.

Quartermastic Rec Signal drill from 9-10.

Boyer C.P (Elec 3C)(R) - Boyer C.P (Elec 3C)(R) reported on board from Navy Yard Mare Island for duty.

522f94f568f4b84c3800431d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c3800431f: (

10 March 1915

Anderson (Sea) - Anderson (Sea) absentee.

Lt.(J.G.) J.F.McClain U.S.N. - Lt.(J.G.) J.F.McClain U.S.N. completed physical test for month of March.

522f94f568f4b84c38004321: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004323: (

11 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004325: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004327: (

12 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004329: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c3800432b: (

13 March 1915

Anderson (sea) - Anderson (sea) absent without leave.

Beckwith (MM1c) - Beckwith (MM1c) left the ship on 10 days love.

522f94f568f4b84c3800432d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c3800432f: (

14 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004331: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004333: (

15 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004335: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004337: (

16 March 1915

5a11e0c4bf2db0002f08176b: (Lt.Jr.G.) J.F. McClain U.S.N. - A S.C.M (Lt.Jr.G.) J.F. McClain U.S.N. Senior member met at 10.14 for the trial of Anderson (sea.) and adjourned at 10.26 to await action of convening authority.

Anderson (sea.) - A S.C.M (Lt.Jr.G.) J.F. McClain U.S.N. Senior member met at 10.14 for the trial of Anderson (sea.) and adjourned at 10.26 to await action of convening authority.

Schutz (F.1cl.) - Schutz (F.1cl.) was transferred to the Rec. ship at S.F. in obedience to orders from Navy Dept.

G.R.Glawl (sea) - Received Geo.T.Taylor (sea) G.R.Glawl (sea) and M.C.Robinson (F.1cl) from the Rec. ship at S.F.

Geo.T.Taylor (sea) - Received Geo.T.Taylor (sea) G.R.Glawl (sea) and M.C.Robinson (F.1cl) from the Rec. ship at S.F.

M.C.Robinson (F.1cl) - Received Geo.T.Taylor (sea) G.R.Glawl (sea) and M.C.Robinson (F.1cl) from the Rec. ship at S.F.

Anderson (sea) - at 9.15 Anderson (sea) a prisoner at large was found absent from the ship, a thorough search was madethroughout the ship, and about the buildings on the dock without finding him.

522f94f568f4b84c38004339: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c3800433b: (

17 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c3800433d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c3800433f: (

17 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004341: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004343: (

18 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004345: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c38004347: (

19 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c38004349: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f568f4b84c3800434b: (

20 March 1915

522f94f568f4b84c3800434d: (

522f94f568f4b84c3800434f: (

522f94f668f4b84c38004351: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c38004353: (

22 March 1915

Emms (C.C.M.) - Emms (C.C.M.) left the ship on 4 days leave, Myers (O.S.) on 7 days leave and Elises (M.att.) on 3 days leave.

Myers (O.S.) - Emms (C.C.M.) left the ship on 4 days leave, Myers (O.S.) on 7 days leave and Elises (M.att.) on 3 days leave.

Elises (M.att.) - Emms (C.C.M.) left the ship on 4 days leave, Myers (O.S.) on 7 days leave and Elises (M.att.) on 3 days leave.

Cook (C.Yeo) - Cook (C.Yeo) returned on board from 4 days extension of leave.

Lt. L.B.Porterfield U.S.N. - the C.O. Lt. L.B.Porterfield U.S.N. completed his physical test for month of March.

522f94f668f4b84c38004355: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c38004357: (

23 March 1915

Beckwith. MM1st cl. - at 10.00 Beckwith. MM1st cl. returned on board from 10 days leave.

522f94f668f4b84c38004359: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c3800435b: (

24 March 1915

522f94f668f4b84c3800435d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c3800435f: (

25 March 1915

received from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Company for deck department:

Elisas (A) (Matt1c) - Elisas (A) (Matt1c) returned from 3 days leave

Wilson E. (F1c) - Wilson E. (F1c) absentee.

D.Rogers (F.1c.) - D.Rogers (F.1c.) was discharged with a bad conduct discharge by sentence of S.C.M. approved by Navy Dept.

V.Arnkil, Ch.Yeo. Navy Mail Clerk - Pay Officer audited the accounts of V.Arnkil, Ch.Yeo. Navy Mail Clerk.

Received from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Co. for DECK DEPARTMENT: 7 salad plates 6 dinner plates 9 soup plates 17 bread and butter plates 10 fruit plates 2 salad dishes 12 tea cups and saucers 2 sauce boats 6 Champagne glasses 12 liqueur glasses 1 fruit bowl 1 celey dish 12 water glasses 12 coffee spoons 12 nut picks 1 percolator

522f94f668f4b84c38004361: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c38004363: (

25 March 1915

522f94f668f4b84c38004365: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c38004367: (

26 March 1915

522f94f668f4b84c38004369: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c3800436b: (

27 March 1915

Wilson (F1C) - Wilson (F1C) absent over leave.

Morris ? (CQM) - Morris ? (CQM) returned on board with 4 Star Bliss Pat Log and rotaters they having been overhauled by ? Co of #6 Calif St San Francisco Calif

522f94f668f4b84c3800436d: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c3800436f: (

28 March 1915

Wilson 2 (F1c) - Wilson 2 (F1c) Absentee

522f94f668f4b84c38004371: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c38004373: (

29 March 1915

Wilson (F.1cl) - Wilson (F.1cl) absentee over leave.

Meyers F. (OS) - At 10.00 Meyers F. (OS) returned from 7 days leave.

at 10.08 a fire was discovered in the United Engineering works store house on the dock near bow of ship. Crew assisted yard Employees in Extinguishing the fire. fire extinguished at 10.30.

Liberwitz (Hosp opp) - Liberwitz (Hosp opp) left the ship on 4 days leave.

Tom.Bo (Mess att 1st cl) - Tom.Bo (Mess att 1st cl) from the Receiving Ship at San Francisco Cal.

522f94f668f4b84c38004375: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c38004377: (

30 March 1915

522f94f668f4b84c38004379: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f94f668f4b84c3800437b: (

31 March 1915

[Logs for April 1915 not included]


522f94f668f4b84c3800437d: (

blank page

522f94f668f4b84c3800437f: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of May 1915

522f94f668f4b84c38004381: (

blank page

522f94f668f4b84c38004383: (

extract from the regualtions for the government of the Navy of the United States, 1913, relative to log books

522f94f668f4b84c38004385: (

Directions for keeping the ship's log

522f94f668f4b84c38004387: (

522f94f668f4b84c38004389: (

522f94f668f4b84c3800438b: (

blank page

522f94f668f4b84c3800438d: (

at anchor off sausalito cal

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f668f4b84c3800438f: (

1 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c38004391: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c38004393: (

2 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c38004395: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c38004397: (

3 May 1915

Emms C.C.M - Emms C.C.M returned on board from 6 days leave.

522f94f768f4b84c38004399: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c3800439b: (

4 May 1915

Pay dir. J.S.Jewell U.S.N. - Pay dir. J.S.Jewell U.S.N. General Inspector of the Pay Corps came on board at 9.15 to inspect the accounts and Pay Dept. of this vessel.

Yacht Cyprus - Yacht Cyprus left anchoragew and U.S.S.McCullough shifted to her berth.

U.S.S.McCullough - Yacht Cyprus left anchoragew and U.S.S.McCullough shifted to her berth.

Pay director J.S.Jewell - Pay director J.S.Jewell left ship at 2.30 P.M. having finished inspection of pay accounts.

522f94f768f4b84c3800439d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c3800439f: (

5 May 1915

V.Arnkil, Ch.Yeo., Navy Mail Clerk - Pay Officer Audited post office accts of V.Arnkil, Ch.Yeo., Navy Mail Clerk.

522f94f768f4b84c380043a1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043a3: (

6 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043a5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043a7: (

8 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043a9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043ab: (

8 May 1915

received from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Company, San Francisco, California, for deck department:

522f94f768f4b84c380043ad: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043af: (

8 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043b1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043b3: (

9 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043b5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043b7: (

522f94f768f4b84c380043b9: (

522f94f768f4b84c380043bb: (

10 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043bd: (

522f94f768f4b84c380043bf: (

10 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043c1: (

522f94f768f4b84c380043c3: (

10 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043c5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043c7: (

11 May 1915

522f94f768f4b84c380043c9: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043cb: (

12 May 1915

Changed hammocks and scrubbed dirty hammocks

522f94f768f4b84c380043cd: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f768f4b84c380043cf: (

13 May 1915

U.S.T.B. Farragutt - U.S.T.B. Farragutt anchored of city at 3:10

Sent cutter for Gasoline.

W.D.Blake Ch.Yeo - W.D.Blake Ch.Yeo reported on board as the relief of C.A.Cook Ch.Yeo.

C.A.Cook Ch.Yeo - W.D.Blake Ch.Yeo reported on board as the relief of C.A.Cook Ch.Yeo.

522f94f868f4b84c380043d1: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043d3: (

14 May 1915

Ch mach G.A.Callvin - Ch mach G.A.Callvin completed monthly physical test

Rec from Foard Barstow & Co of San Francisco one hand pump for Deck Dept an 6 Dust Brushes for Eng Dept.

tug Amodilla - Sent Launch to Pier #5 San Francisco to put Surveyed Paymasters Stores on board tug Amodilla. Launch returned at 2.40

522f94f868f4b84c380043d5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043d7: (

15 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c380043d9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043db: (

16 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c380043dd: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043df: (

17 May 1915

Hoflett L.C. / sea - Hoflett L.C. / sea returned on board. one hour over leave.

Wilson J.A. (WT) - Wilson J.A. (WT) renlisted under continuance Service and left the ship on three days leave.

522f94f868f4b84c380043e1: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043e3: (

18 May 1915

received for General mess the following provisions; 30 doz. eggs, 45 lb. pork chops. 12 lbs bologna.

522f94f868f4b84c380043e5: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043e7: (

19 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c380043e9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043eb: (

20 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c380043ed: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043ef: (

21 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c380043f1: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043f3: (

22 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c380043f5: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043f7: (

23 May 1915

Received for General Mess 32 lbs fresh bread from John Rothschuld

522f94f868f4b84c380043f9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043fb: (

24 May 1915

Hoflet (Sea) - Hoflet (Sea) absentee.

Rec 23lbs bread from Jno Rothchild & Co

522f94f868f4b84c380043fd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c380043ff: (

25 May 1915

Hoflet (sea.) - Hoflet (sea.) absent over leave.

Asst Paymaster J.H.Colhoun, USN - Asst Paymaster J.H.Colhoun, USN received ad interim commission as asst. Paymaster with rank of Lieut. (j.g.) from March 7, 1915. dated May 5/1915

Roman Villanuova, MAtt1cl - Roman Villanuova, MAtt1cl, was discharged as undesirable from this vessel and the U.S. Naval Service, dating from Apl. 30, 1915 (BN letter EM N62-HS, of May 18, 1915).

"President" - "President" came alongside and delivered the following; 4 bags vegetable. 360 lbs, 1 box ~ (6)

Received for General mess from Conry & Son 12 lbs bologna, 45 lbs veal chops.

522f94f868f4b84c38004401: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c38004403: (

26 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c38004405: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c38004407: (

27 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c38004409: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f868f4b84c3800440b: (

28 May 1915

522f94f868f4b84c3800440d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c3800440f: (

522f94f968f4b84c38004411: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c38004413: (

30 May 1915

522f94f968f4b84c38004415: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c38004417: (

31 May 1915


522f94f968f4b84c38004419: (

blank page

522f94f968f4b84c3800441b: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of June 1915

522f94f968f4b84c3800441d: (

blank page

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522f94f968f4b84c38004427: (

blank page

522f94f968f4b84c38004429: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c3800442b: (

1 June 1915

received 120 lbs potatoes from Scatina & Co.

Ray Beckwith (M.M.1c.) - Ray Beckwith (M.M.1c.) returned on board from 3 days leave.

"President" - Stores received par "President" from 4 were Ma~ 9 Sacks potatoes 2 pkgs fruit and vegetables 1 pkg ~. 1 box bolts.

Received for General mess 40 lb Veal from Conroy & Son

Instructed crew in heaving the lead.

Received from Sherry Co. 30 lbs fresh butter.

522f94f968f4b84c3800442d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c3800442f: (

2 June 1915

Received for General Mess, 30 lbs bread

"President" - Rec from Cuatat & Peters via "President", 1 sack Potatoes

Made preparations for Coaling ship Lowered all Boats on Port Side and anchored same near beach. Sounded swimming Call at 3.00.

522f94f968f4b84c38004431: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c38004433: (

3 June 1915

coal: 100 tons -

522f94f968f4b84c38004435: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c38004437: (

4 June 1915

522f94f968f4b84c38004439: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c3800443b: (

5 June 1915

Paymaster brought on Board for navy Pay $1500

V.Arnkil, C.Y. Navy Mail Clerk. - Pay officer audited accounts of V.Arnkil, C.Y. Navy Mail Clerk.

"President" - Received from "President" 3 boxes berries, 1 sack Carrots, 1 Case berries.

J.W.Wiblin Soldier from Fort Baker - Sent Motor boat to rescue two men in capsized sail boat, took men:- J.W.Wiblin. F.R.Barker Soldiers from Fort Baker, to Sausalito, Marblehead's boat towed their boat ashore.

Marblehead - Sent Motor boat to rescue two men in capsized sail boat, took men:- J.W.Wiblin. F.R.Barker Soldiers from Fort Baker, to Sausalito, Marblehead's boat towed their boat ashore.

F.R.Barker Soldier from Fort Baker - Sent Motor boat to rescue two men in capsized sail boat, took men:- J.W.Wiblin. F.R.Barker Soldiers from Fort Baker, to Sausalito, Marblehead's boat towed their boat ashore.

522f94f968f4b84c3800443d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c3800443f: (

6 June 1915

522f94f968f4b84c38004441: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c38004443: (

7 June 1915

522f94f968f4b84c38004445: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c38004447: (

8 June 1915

522f94f968f4b84c38004449: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94f968f4b84c3800444b: (

9 June 1915

522f94f968f4b84c3800444d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800444f: (

10 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004451: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004453: (

11 June 1915

received from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Company, San Francisco, California, the following stores for deck department:

522f94fa68f4b84c38004455: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004457: (

12 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004459: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800445b: (

13 June 1915

Rec 29 lbs bread from Jnr Rothchuld for Gen Mess

522f94fa68f4b84c3800445d: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800445f: (

14 June 1915

Received for General Mess from John Rothschuld & Co. 27lbs. fresh bread.

H.Walters, Sea. - H.Walters, Sea., was d ischarged by purchase, B.N. letter EM-N62S, June 7, 1915.

522f94fa68f4b84c38004461: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004463: (

15 June 1915

Stores received in engineering department from Foard Barton, June 15, 1915

Received for DECK DEPARTMENT from Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Company, San Francisco, California: 150 lbs saltwater soap, 12 lts glass 30 x 30 1 compass saw, Disston, 12" blade.

STORES RECEIVED IN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FROM FOARD BARSTOW. JUNE 15,1915. 50 lbs Laundried rags 30 " Vanda sheet packing 1/16" 1 each Mach taps 7/64-48, 3/32-56 and 5/64-60. 1 " Morse twist drills, 5/8" shank. 15/32", 5/32", & 7/16" 1 set Dies for Morse model B stocks 3/4", 10 thread 1 " " " " 3/8", 16 thread 1 qui ea Emery cloth #00 , #1, & 1/2 1 " " Crocus cloth 00 1 gal Castor oil 2 boxes Comet waterproof hyd packing 3/4" 100 lbs Saltwater soap 1 leng Each brass pipe 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 1/2", 1/4" & 1/8" 2 " Brass pipe 1/4" 2 " Round brass 1/4", 5/16" and 3/8" 1 " " " 1/2" 1 " " " 5/8" 10 feet " " 7/8" 10 " " " 1" 4 doz Starr hacksaw blades 12" 75 Edison Mazda lamps, 40 watts, 110 volts 6 Nipples, brass 1" close 2 doz " " 3/4" assd 6 Files, hand smooth 10", safe edge

522f94fa68f4b84c38004465: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004467: (

15 June 1915

Rec from Rothchild Co 29 lbs Bread

Received for General Mess from Conroy and Sons 12 lbs lunch meat, 60 lbs Corned beef.

"President" - "President" Came alongside and delivered 17 Packages for Engineers and deck. list appended

A.C.Harris Sea - A.C.Harris Sea returned from 5 days leave

522f94fa68f4b84c38004469: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800446b: (

16 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c3800446d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800446f: (

17 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004471: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004473: (

18 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004475: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004477: (

19 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004479: (

at anchor sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800447b: (

20 June 1915

Adj Gen A.E. Forbes of the State of Calif. - Ship half masted colours in recognition of his death.

522f94fa68f4b84c3800447d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800447f: (

21 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004481: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004483: (

22 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004485: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c38004487: (

23 June 1915

522f94fa68f4b84c38004489: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fa68f4b84c3800448b: (

24 June 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c3800448d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c3800448f: (

25 June 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c38004491: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c38004493: (

26 June 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c38004495: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c38004497: (

27 June 1915

Received stores for Gen. Mess 100lbs potatoes.

522f94fb68f4b84c38004499: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c3800449b: (

28 June 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c3800449d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c3800449f: (

29 June 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c380044a1: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c380044a3: (

30 June 1915

Lt J.J. Harrigan - Reported on board.

LOG BOOK – JULY 1st 1915 TO DECEMBER 31st 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c380044a5: (

522f94fb68f4b84c380044a7: (

522f94fb68f4b84c380044a9: (

blank page

522f94fb68f4b84c380044ab: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of July 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c380044ad: (

blank page

522f94fb68f4b84c380044af: (

522f94fb68f4b84c380044b1: (

522f94fb68f4b84c380044b3: (

522f94fb68f4b84c380044b5: (

522f94fb68f4b84c380044b7: (


522f94fb68f4b84c380044b9: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c380044bb: (

1 July 1915

Lt J.J. Harrigan - Relieved Lt L.B. Porterfield of command of the vessel.

Chief Boatswain J.Mahoney U.S.N. - Chief Boatswain J.Mahoney U.S.N. orders modified, granted 15 day leave with permission to proceed East at own expense.

Lieut Commdr. J.J.Harrigan - Lieut Commdr. J.J.Harrigan reported on board and took over the Command of this vessel relieving Lieut. L.B.Porterfield, The Commanding officer Paid an official visit to the Senior officer Present Rear Admiral Pond on board the U.S.S. South Dakota.

Lieut. LB.Porterfield - Lieut Commdr. J.J.Harrigan reported on board and took over the Command of this vessel relieving Lieut. L.B.Porterfield, The Commanding officer Paid an official visit to the Senior officer Present Rear Admiral Pond on board the U.S.S. South Dakota.

Rear Admiral Pond - Lieut Commdr. J.J.Harrigan reported on board and took over the Command of this vessel relieving Lieut. L.B.Porterfield, The Commanding officer Paid an official visit to the Senior officer Present Rear Admiral Pond on board the U.S.S. South Dakota.

USS Marblehead - USS Marblehead left moorings.

U.S.S. South Dakota - Lieut Commdr. J.J.Harrigan reported on board and took over the Command of this vessel relieving Lieut. L.B.Porterfield, The Commanding officer Paid an official visit to the Senior officer Present Rear Admiral Pond on board the U.S.S. South Dakota.

Received for General mess from John Rothschuld & Co 3 lbs fresh bread, from Convey & Sons. 2lbs p. Sausage, 20# Frankfurters, from Lozulere co. 2 1/2 doz bunches G.onions. 40 lb. Strawberries. from Scatma Co 100 lbs potatoes.

coal: 75.6 tons - from Western fuel Co

522f94fb68f4b84c380044bd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c380044bf: (

2 July 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c380044c1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c380044c3: (

3 July 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c380044c5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c380044c7: (

4 July 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c380044c9: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fb68f4b84c380044cb: (

5 July 1915

522f94fb68f4b84c380044cd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fc68f4b84c380044cf: (

6 July 1915

point arenes lt

Lat 37.8, Long 41.7

U.S.L.H.T. Madrona - Sent large motor boat to the U.S.L.H.T. Madrona at 5.30 to get Submarine Sentry. Motor Boat returned with with Sentry at 8.10

Daniels (Q.M.1.C) - Daniels (Q.M.1.C) returned from 3 days leave.

Torpedo flotilla anchored off of Sausalito Cal 10.00 AM.

522f94fc68f4b84c380044d1: (

at sea off coast of california

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

522f94fc68f4b84c380044d3: (

7 July 1915

blunts reef light ship

Lat 56.6, Long -2.9

522f94fc68f4b84c380044d5: (

at sea off california coast

Lat -8.7, Long 115.2

522f94fc68f4b84c380044d7: (

8 July 1915

yaquina hd light

Lat 64.4, Long -172.2

St. Nothern Pacific - St. Nothern Pacific Passed on Port hand bound South

522f94fc68f4b84c380044d9: (

at sea off oregon coast

Lat 30.0, Long 48.5

522f94fc68f4b84c380044db: (

9 July 1915

meares light

Lat 22.2, Long 113.9

522f94fc68f4b84c380044dd: (

at sea bound for union bay bc

Lat 30.0, Long 48.5

522f94fc68f4b84c380044df: (

10 July 1915

port angeles

Lat 40.7, Long 120.4

S.S.Govenor - At 6.55 passed S.S.Govenor bound South.

522f94fc68f4b84c380044e1: (

at anchor off port angeles making passage to union bay bc

Lat 29.9, Long 32.6

522f94fc68f4b84c380044e3: (

12 July 1915

union bay coal dock

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

522f94fc68f4b84c380044e5: (

moored at dock union bay bc

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94fc68f4b84c380044e7: (

12 July 1915

coal: 186 tons -

522f94fc68f4b84c380044e9: (

moored to dock at union bay bc

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94fc68f4b84c380044eb: (

13 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c380044ed: (

union bay bc

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94fc68f4b84c380044ef: (

14 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c380044f1: (

at anchor off port townsend california

Lat 48.1, Long -122.8

522f94fc68f4b84c380044f3: (

15 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c380044f5: (

moored to buoy 3 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94fc68f4b84c380044f7: (

16 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c380044f9: (

moored to buoy 3 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94fc68f4b84c380044fb: (

17 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c380044fd: (

moored to buoy 3 seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94fc68f4b84c380044ff: (

18 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c38004501: (

moored to buoy 3 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94fc68f4b84c38004503: (

19 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c38004505: (

steaming down the coast of washington

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94fc68f4b84c38004507: (

20 July 1915

522f94fc68f4b84c38004509: (

taking soundings off coast of washington

Lat 30.5, Long 117.1

522f94fc68f4b84c3800450b: (

21 July 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c3800450d: (

tying to off destruction is st washington

Lat 22.4, Long 117.2

522f94fd68f4b84c3800450f: (

22 July 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c38004511: (

at sea bound for guys harbor wash

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

522f94fd68f4b84c38004513: (

23 July 1915

greys harbor

Lat 43.1, Long 16.7

522f94fd68f4b84c38004515: (

layint o off greys harbor washington

Lat 30.6, Long 117.2

522f94fd68f4b84c38004517: (

24 July 1915

grays harbor light

Lat 35.9, Long 14.5

at 9.45 lowered two dories with fishermen and gear and ~ set.

522f94fd68f4b84c38004519: (

layint off grays harbor washington

Lat 35.9, Long 14.5

522f94fd68f4b84c3800451b: (

25 July 1915

greys harbor light

Lat 29.9, Long 14.5

522f94fd68f4b84c3800451d: (

at anchor off entrance to grays harbor washington

Lat 35.9, Long 14.5

522f94fd68f4b84c3800451f: (

26 July 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c38004521: (

laying off destruction is light washington

Lat 30.6, Long 117.2

522f94fd68f4b84c38004523: (

27 July 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c38004525: (

steaming up the strait of juan de fuca

Lat 22.6, Long 59.5

522f94fd68f4b84c38004527: (

28 July 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c38004529: (

at anchor off union bay bc

Lat , Long

522f94fd68f4b84c3800452b: (

29 July 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c3800452d: (

moored to coal dock union bay bc

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94fd68f4b84c3800452f: (

30 July 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c38004531: (

moored to dock union bay bc

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94fd68f4b84c38004533: (

31 July 1915


522f94fd68f4b84c38004535: (

moored to dock union bay bc

Lat -17.5, Long -149.8

522f94fd68f4b84c38004537: (

1 August 1915


522f94fd68f4b84c38004539: (

blank page

522f94fd68f4b84c3800453b: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of September 1915

522f94fd68f4b84c3800453d: (

blank page

522f94fd68f4b84c3800453f: (

522f94fd68f4b84c38004541: (

522f94fd68f4b84c38004543: (

522f94fd68f4b84c38004545: (

522f94fd68f4b84c38004547: (

blank page

522f94fd68f4b84c38004549: (

moored to buoy 6 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94fd68f4b84c3800454b: (

1 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c3800454d: (

moored to buoy 6 off seattle washington

Lat 47.6, Long -122.3

522f94fe68f4b84c3800454f: (

2 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004551: (

making passage from seattle to fishing grounds off coast of

Lat -47.53, Long -124.75

522f94fe68f4b84c38004553: (

3 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004555: (

grays harbor washington

Lat 46.58, Long -124.65

522f94fe68f4b84c38004557: (

4 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004559: (

at sea bound for columbia river light vessel

Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

522f94fe68f4b84c3800455b: (

5 September 1915

columbia river light ship

Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

522f94fe68f4b84c3800455d: (

working off columbia river bar oregon

Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

522f94fe68f4b84c3800455f: (

6 September 1915

tillamook rk light

Lat 24.5, Long 118.1

5a210c6d3a8cc5003504ef5a: ( "Labor day")

Holliday, no school.

522f94fe68f4b84c38004561: (

working off columbia river bar oregon

Lat 6.9, Long 79.8

522f94fe68f4b84c38004563: (

7 September 1915

tillamook light

Lat 24.5, Long 118.1

522f94fe68f4b84c38004565: (

laying to off cape mears lighthouse oregon

Lat 22.4, Long 114.2

522f94fe68f4b84c38004567: (

8 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004569: (

working off the oregon coast

Lat 15.5, Long 73.9

522f94fe68f4b84c3800456b: (

9 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c3800456d: (

at sea enroute to san francisco california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

522f94fe68f4b84c3800456f: (

10 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004571: (

at sea en route to san francisco california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.4

522f94fe68f4b84c38004573: (

11 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004575: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fe68f4b84c38004577: (

12 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004579: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fe68f4b84c3800457b: (

13 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c3800457d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fe68f4b84c3800457f: (

14 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004581: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fe68f4b84c38004583: (

15 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004585: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fe68f4b84c38004587: (

16 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c38004589: (

sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94fe68f4b84c3800458b: (

17 September 1915

522f94fe68f4b84c3800458d: (

laying at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c3800458f: (

18 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c38004591: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c38004593: (

19 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c38004595: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c38004597: (

20 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c38004599: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c3800459b: (

21 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c3800459d: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c3800459f: (

22 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045a1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045a3: (

23 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045a5: (

anchored off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045a7: (

24 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045a9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045ab: (

25 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045ad: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045af: (

26 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045b1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045b3: (

27 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045b5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045b7: (

28 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045b9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045bb: (

29 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045bd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f94ff68f4b84c380045bf: (

30 September 1915

522f94ff68f4b84c380045c1: (

blank page

522f94ff68f4b84c380045c3: (

30 September 1915


522f94ff68f4b84c380045c5: (

blank page

522f94ff68f4b84c380045c7: (

522f94ff68f4b84c380045c9: (

blank page

522f94ff68f4b84c380045cb: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of October 1915

522f950068f4b84c380045cd: (

blank page

522f950068f4b84c380045cf: (

522f950068f4b84c380045d1: (

522f950068f4b84c380045d3: (

522f950068f4b84c380045d5: (

522f950068f4b84c380045d7: (

blank page

522f950068f4b84c380045d9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045db: (

1 October 1915

Dougherty F2c - Dougherty F2c returned 1 3/4 hours over leave. La Rue absent.

La Rue - Dougherty F2c returned 1 3/4 hours over leave. La Rue absent.

W.D.Blaker, Yeoman 1st class - Reenlisted W.D.Blaker, Yeoman 1st class, and by order of Commanding Officer issued him an acting appointment as Chief Yeoman.

Pickles (FMM1c) - transferred Pickles (FMM1c) to Collier Justin for transportation to the U.S.S. San Diego in accordance with Bu Nav letter 2.6.S. dated sept. 21/15

Collier Justin - transferred Pickles (FMM1c) to Collier Justin for transportation to the U.S.S. San Diego in accordance with Bu Nav letter 2.6.S. dated sept. 21/15

U.S.S. San Diego - transferred Pickles (FMM1c) to Collier Justin for transportation to the U.S.S. San Diego in accordance with Bu Nav letter 2.6.S. dated sept. 21/15

Rec for gen mess 25" Pork Sausage 40" Sh Cld Roast 25" Hamburger 30 lbs Butter 1 Bx Apples 20" Celery.

522f950068f4b84c380045dd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045df: (

2 October 1915

Larue (F2c) - Larue (F2c) absentee.

Rec 30" fresh Bread for Gen Mess

La Rue J.L.H.G. (F2c) - La Rue J.L.H.G. (F2c) was declared a deserter from this vessel and the U.S.Naval service from Sept.22.1915.

Received stores in Gen. Mess 45 lbs Mutton 12 lbs Bologna

522f950068f4b84c380045e1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045e3: (

3 October 1915

Received stores in Gen Mess 40 lbs Bread.

USS Marblehead - USS Marblehead ~ Iroquois, Colliers ~ ~ Conveyed 4 Submarines left port at 9:30. am. USS Colorado Towing USS Prenseton left port at 10.50.

Iroquois - USS Marblehead ~ Iroquois, Colliers ~ ~ Conveyed 4 Submarines left port at 9:30. am. USS Colorado Towing USS Prenseton left port at 10.50.

USS Prenseton - USS Marblehead ~ Iroquois, Colliers ~ ~ Conveyed 4 Submarines left port at 9:30. am. USS Colorado Towing USS Prenseton left port at 10.50.

USS Colorado - USS Marblehead ~ Iroquois, Colliers ~ ~ Conveyed 4 Submarines left port at 9:30. am. USS Colorado Towing USS Prenseton left port at 10.50.

Rec in Pay Dept from J.Rothchuld & Co 40 lbs fresh bread from Lozuole & Co 2lb Caulieflower.

522f950068f4b84c380045e5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045e7: (

4 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c380045e9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045eb: (

5 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c380045ed: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045ef: (

6 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c380045f1: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045f3: (

7 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c380045f5: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045f7: (

8 October 1915

Received for deck department from the General Storekeeper, Navy Yard, Mare Island

522f950068f4b84c380045f9: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045fb: (

8 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c380045fd: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c380045ff: (

9 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c38004601: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c38004603: (

10 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c38004605: (

at anchor off sausalito california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.3

522f950068f4b84c38004607: (

11 October 1915

522f950068f4b84c38004609: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950068f4b84c3800460b: (

12 October 1915

Boyd (F1C) - Boyd (F1C) absentee.

Rec for Gen Mess 30" Bread

W.P.Mc Pherson, Oil. - W.P.Mc Pherson, Oil., left ship on 10 days leave.

USCG Unalga - At 9:30 USCG Unalga got underway and stood out.

Recived for General Mess 1 box oranges, 1 case eggs, 65 lbs beef, 570 lbs potatoes.

H.J.Boyd, F1c - H.J.Boyd, F1c, returned 14 hrs. over time

522f950068f4b84c3800460d: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800460f: (

13 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004611: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004613: (

14 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004615: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004617: (

15 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004619: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800461b: (

16 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c3800461d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800461f: (

17 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004621: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004623: (

18 October 1915

Ch Mach A Debmic - Ch Mach A Debmic left the ship on 10 days leave.

522f950168f4b84c38004625: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004627: (

19 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004629: (

moored to pier united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800462b: (

20 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c3800462d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800462f: (

21 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004631: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004633: (

22 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004635: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004637: (

23 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004639: (

moored to pier united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800463b: (

24 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c3800463d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800463f: (

25 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004641: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004643: (

26 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004645: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c38004647: (

27 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c38004649: (

moored to pier united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950168f4b84c3800464b: (

28 October 1915

522f950168f4b84c3800464d: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c3800464f: (

29 October 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004651: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c38004653: (

30 October 1915

Received the following stores on board: Pay Department

deck department

Engeneering department

522f950268f4b84c38004655: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c38004657: (

30 October 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004659: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c3800465b: (

31 October 1915

McPherson Sea. - McPherson Sea. returned aboard 1 hour and 55 minutes over leave

Ch Mach C.H.Divine U.S.N. - Ch Mach C.H.Divine U.S.N. and Boats. Glick returned from leave.

Boats. Glick - Ch Mach C.H.Divine U.S.N. and Boats. Glick returned from leave.

[Logs for November 1915 not included]


522f950268f4b84c3800465d: (

blank page

522f950268f4b84c3800465f: (

Deck Log Book USS "Albatross" Month of December 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004661: (

blank page

522f950268f4b84c38004663: (

extract from the regualtions for the government of the Navy of the United States, 1913, relative to log books

522f950268f4b84c38004665: (

Directions for keeping the ship's log

522f950268f4b84c38004667: (

522f950268f4b84c38004669: (

522f950268f4b84c3800466b: (

blank page

522f950268f4b84c3800466d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c3800466f: (

1 December 1915

Blaker (C Yeo) - Blaker (C Yeo) returned from 30 days leave

N.D.Blaker (ChY) - N.D.Blaker (ChY) returned from 30 days leave

522f950268f4b84c38004671: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c38004673: (

2 December 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004675: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c38004677: (

3 December 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004679: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c3800467b: (

4 December 1915

Stuart D.A., (Sea) - Stuart D.A., (Sea) granted 3 days leave

522f950268f4b84c3800467d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c3800467f: (

5 December 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004681: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c38004683: (

6 December 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004685: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c38004687: (

7 December 1915

522f950268f4b84c38004689: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950268f4b84c3800468b: (

8 December 1915

522f950268f4b84c3800468d: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c3800468f: (

9 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c38004691: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c38004693: (

10 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c38004695: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c38004697: (

11 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c38004699: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c3800469b: (

12 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c3800469d: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c3800469f: (

13 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046a1: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046a3: (

14 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046a5: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046a7: (

15 December 1915

Received from the Supply Officer, Navy Yard, Mare Isladn, Cal, for Deck Department

for Pay Department

522f950368f4b84c380046a9: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046ab: (

16 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046ad: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046af: (

17 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046b1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046b3: (

18 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046b5: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046b7: (

19 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046b9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046bb: (

20 December 1915

Rec'd by accounting officer $2000 mony.

US.S. Mary land - Rec from the US.S. Mary land with bag & Hammock and necessary transfer papers Consol (F2C)

Consol (F2c) - Rec from the US.S. Mary land with bag & Hammock and necessary transfer papers Consol (F2C)

522f950368f4b84c380046bd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046bf: (

21 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046c1: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046c3: (

22 December 1915

522f950368f4b84c380046c5: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950368f4b84c380046c7: (

23 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046c9: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950468f4b84c380046cb: (

24 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046cd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950468f4b84c380046cf: (

25 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046d1: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950468f4b84c380046d3: (

26 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046d5: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950468f4b84c380046d7: (

27 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046d9: (

moored to dock united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950468f4b84c380046db: (

28 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046dd: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950468f4b84c380046df: (

29 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046e1: (

moored to dock at united engineering works alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2

522f950468f4b84c380046e3: (

30 December 1915

522f950468f4b84c380046e5: (

moored to dock alameda california

Lat 37.8, Long -122.2


522f950468f4b84c380046e7: (

31 December 1915