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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2004


HMS GROVE (L 77) - Type II, Hunt-class Escort Destroyer including Convoy Escort Movements

Damaged HMS Eridge, Type II sister-ship (Navy Photos/Mike Pocock, click to enlarge)

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Type II HUNT Class Escort Destroyer ordered from Swan Hunter under 1939 War Emergency Programme with 16 others of this Type on 20th December 1939. She was laid down as Admiralty No J4199 on 28th August 1940 and launched on 29th May 1941 as the 1st RN ship to carry the name of a fox-hunt in Nottinghamshire. Build was completed on 5th February 1942. After a successful WARSHIP WEEK National Savings campaign in March 1942 she was adopted by East Retford, Nottinghamshire.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s


ATLANTIC 1942 - LIBYA 1942 - ARCTIC 1942


H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge: On a Field per fess wavy Red and Blue within a spur

rowel upwards White, an escallop Gold.



D e t a i l s  o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


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1 9 4 2


February                Contractors trails and commissioned for service.

                5th          Build completion and commenced Acceptance Trials

                                Passage to Scapa Flow on completion of trials and storing.

                                Worked-up for operational service at Soaps Flow with ships of Home Fleet


March                    Deployed with Covering Force of Home Fleet ships for Russian Convoy PQ12 and the

                                returning Convoy QP8.

                                For details of all Russian Convoy operations see CONVOYS TO RUSSIAN by R A Ruegg,

                                CONVOY ! by P. Keep, ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by C. Barnett, THE

                                RUSSIAN CONVOYS by B Schoefield and ARCTIC CONVOYS by R Woodman.

                                Nominated for service in Eastern Mediterranean with 22nd Destroyer Flotilla.

                22nd       Joined military convoy W317 in Clyde with HM Cruiser SHROPSHIRE, HM Armed Merchant

                                Cruiser ALCANTARA, HM Destroyers ALDENHAM and LOOKOUT as Ocean Escort during

                                passage to Aden.

                                (Note: HM Aircraft Carrier ILLUSTRIOUS, HM Destroyers INCONSTANT, JAVELIN,

                                KEPPEL, PAKENHAM, BADSWORTH, LEAMINGTON, VOLUNTEER and

                                ROCKINGHAM were also deployed with this convoy.)

                26th        Convey under threat of U-Boat attack by shadowing submarines.

                                Destroyers detached to begin anti-submarine operations.

                27th        Participated in sinking of U587 with HM Destroyers LEAMINGTON, ALDENHAM and

                                VOLUNTEER in position 47.21N, 21.39W during defence of convoy.

                                For details see U-BOATS DESTROYED by P Kemp and HITLER'S U-BOAT WAR by C Blair.


                6th          Detached from WS17 on arrival at Freetown.

                                Took independent passage to Alexandria.


May                        Passage in Indian Ocean and Red Sea.

                18th        Joined Flotilla on arrival at Alexandria.


June                        Deployed with Flotilla for escort of supply convoys to Tobruk garrison.

                                (Note: Ships also carried troops and stores during inward passage and personnel on

                                return trips.)

                12th        Grounded briefly after leaving Tobruk.

                                Port propeller and shaft damaged

                                Return passage speed reduced to 8.5 knots.

                                Struck by two torpedoes fired by U77 in position 32.35N 25.30E off Sollum.

                                Bow and stern structure blown off and ship sank in 14 minutes,

                                79 of ships’ company were rescued by HM Escort Destroyer TETCOTT

                                See HITLER’S U-BOAT WAR.






by Don Kindell


These convoy lists have not been cross-checked with the text above






Date convoy sailed

Joined convoy as escort

Convoy No.

Left convoy

Date convoy arrived








PQ 012





AS 002A





AT 049/M








(Note on Convoys)


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revised 13/8/11
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