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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2006

HMS MYNGS (R 06) -  Z-class Flotilla Leader Including Convoy Escort Movements

HMS Zest, sister-ship (Navy Photos/Mark Teadham, click to enlarge)

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ZAMBESI or Z-Class Fleet Destroyer ordered from Vickers-Armstrong,, Newcastle on 12th February 1942 with the 10th Emergency Flotilla and laid down on 27th May 1942 as Yard No  53 (Job Number J4542). She was launched on 31st May 1943 as the second RN warship to bear this name, introduced for a destroyer in 1914. Following a successful WARSHIP WEEK National Savings campaign in February 1942 she had been adopted by the civil community of Tynemouth, Northumberland. Build was completed as a Flotilla Leader on 23rd June 1944.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s


ZEEBRUGGE 1918 - NORWAY 1944 - ARCTIC  1945


H e r a l d i c   D a t a


Badge: On a Field Red, four naval cutlasses in Saltire Proper,

pommels and hilts Gold.



D e t a i l s   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


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1 9 4 4


June              Contractors trials after delay due to late delivery of fir-control equipment.

                      Commissioned for service as Leader of 2nd Destroyer Flotilla.

      23rd         Build completion and commenced Acceptance Trials.


July                Took passage to Scapa Flow on completion of trials and storing.

                       Deployed at Scapa Flow to work-up for operational service with ships of Home Fleet.


August          Joined Home Fleet at Scapa Flow.

                       Nominated for support of air minelay ops

       8th           Carried out rehearsal in NW Approaches for planned operation off Norway.

      10th          Took part in aircraft minelay off Norwegian coast with HM Fleet Aircraft Carrier

                       IMPLACABLE, HM Escort Carriers TRUMPETER and NABOB covered by HM Cruisers

                       DEVONSHIRE and  KENT screened by HM Destroyers ZAMBESI, VIGILANT,

                       VERULAM, VIRAGO, VOLAGE, SCOURGE, HM Canadian ALGONQUIN

                       and SIOUX of 26th Destroyer  Flotilla

                       (Operation OFFSPRING).

                       (Note: Aircraft laid mines and attacked airfields and shipping.)

      15th          Joined HM Aircraft Carriers INDEFATIGABLE, FORMIDABLE, FURIOUS, HM Escort Aircraft

                        Carriers NABOB and TRUMPETER with other Home Fleet destroyer as destroyer screen during

                        air attacks on German battleship TIRPITZ lying in Altenfjord (Operation GOODWOOD).

      20th          Air operations aborted due to adverse weather conditions

                        (See CONVOY !  by P. Kemp.).

      22nd          Deployed with screen during further air attacks on TIRPITZ.

                        Under submarine and air attacks during which HMS NABOB is hit by torpedo from U354 and sustained

                         major damage.

                         (Note: HMS NABOB was not repaired.)

      24th            Deployed with screen During further series of attacks on TIRPITZ

                         (Note: The attacks were unsuccessful – see CONVOY !.)



      11th           Deployed with HM Destroyers ZAMBESI, MARNE, MUSKETEER, VIGILANT, VERULAM,

                        and Canadian ALGONQUIN as screen for HMS FURIOUS during air minelay and shipping

                        attacks. covered by HM Cruiser DEVONSHIRE

      12th           Carried cut minelay south of Vosko Island. (Operation BEGONIA)

      13th           Returned to Scapa Flow on completion.



       13th           Sailed from Scapa Flow HM Destroyers ZAMBESI, ALGONQUIN, SIOUX, VOLAGE, SCORPION

                         and SERAPIS as screen for HM Cruiser EURYALUS and HM Escort Carrier FENCER deployed

                         as Force 9 to carry out air minelay and shipping strikes  (Operation LYCIDAS).

       14th           Air minelay carried out near Ristos Island and Aarumsund Leads.

       15th           Second air minelay carried out in Ramsosund and shipping attacks in Fro Havet.

       16th           Returned to Scapa Flow with Force 9.


November       Deployed at Scapa Flow.

       12th          Part of destroyer screen with HM Destroyers VERULAM, ZAMBESI and ALGONQUIN (RCN)

                         as Force 2.for HM Cruiser KENT during attack on German convoy KS357 off ListerfJord.

                         (Operation COUNTERBLAST).

                         (Note: Post war assessment of losses included two mercantiles, CORNOSAILLES and

                                         GRIEF, Minesweepers M416 and M427.)


December         Home Fleet deployment with Flotilla in continuation



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        1st            Joined escort for Russian Convoy JW63 with HM Cruiser DIADEM and HM

                         Destroyers SAVAGE, SCOURGE,  SERAPIS,  ZAMBESI,  ZEBRA,

                         HM Canadian Destroyers SIOUX, ALGONQUIN and the Norwegian destroyer


        8th            Arrived at Kola Inlet without any enemy interference.

      11th            Joined escort for returning Convoy RA63 with same ships.

      21st            Arrived at Loch Ewe after stormy passage which obliged ships to take shelter

                         in Faeroes and prevented any detection by  enemy ships or  aircraft.



       10th          Joined Force l as screen for HM Cruisers NORFOLK and DIDO with HM Destroyers

                         ZAMBESI and SAVAGE to provide cover for Force 2 during shipping attacks off Bud

                         and air minelay in Skatestromnen.

                         (Operation SELENIUM - No Shipping sighted).

       21st            Joined Force 4 as screen for HM Cruiser DIDO and HM Escort Carriers PREMIER

                         and PUNCHER to provide cover for Minesweeping operations by Force 3 NE of

                         Orkneys and an air minelay in Karm Sound with HM Destroyers  ZAMBESI and


                         (Operations SHRED and GROUNDSHEET)

        25th           Joined escort for return convoy RA64 with HM Destroyers CAVALIER and ZAMBESI.

        27th          Detached from RA64 escort


March              Rejoined Home Fleet on completion.

        12th          Joined Russian Convoy JW65 with HMS CAMPANIA. HM Destroyers ONSLAUGHT,

                         OPPORTUNE, ORWELL, SCORPION and ZAMBESI as Ocean Escort.

                         (Note: Close escort included HM Destroyer MYNGS, SIOUX (RCN), Norwegian STORD,

                                     HM Sloop LAPWING and seven Corvettes from Western Approaches Command.

                                     HM Escort Carrier TRUMPETER screened by HM Destroyers SAVAGE and SCOURGE

                                     joined JW65 later.)

        20th          Under U-Boat attacks during which HMS LAPWING and a mercantile were sunk.

                          Detached on arrival at Kola Inlet.

        23rd          Sailed from Kola Inlet as part of escort for returning convoy RA65 with HMS TRUMPETER,

                          HMS CAMPANIA and Fleet destroyers of JW63 escort.

        30th           Detached from RA65 and Rejoined Home Fleet.


April                  Home Fleet Flotilla deployment in continuation.

 to                       Transferred to 4th Destroyer Flotilla



June                    Deployed with 4th Flotilla in support of reoccupation operations and Fleet duties.

to                        Attended VE celebrations at Woolwich, London with HM Destroyers ZEST and ZEALOUS.



P o s t   W a r   S e r v i c e


HMS MYNGS remained in commission after VJ Day and was transferred to the 3rd Escort Flotilla at Portland in August 1948. The next year this Flotilla was renamed 2nd Training Flotilla used for training duties based at Portland. In September 1954 she was reduced to Reserve status pending conversion into Type 15 Anti- submarine Frigate. As this selection was never implemented she was placed on the Sales List and in 1955 sold to Egypt. The ship was refitted by J S White at Cowes before transfer. Renamed EL QAHER this destroyer sailed for Egypt on 28 August 1956. She returned to Cowes for refit  between May 1963 and July 1964 and returned to service. On the16 May 1970 during hostilities with Israel she was sunk by enemy air attack.






by Don Kindell


These convoy lists have not been cross-checked with the text above






Date convoy sailed

Joined convoy as escort

Convoy No.

Left convoy

Date convoy arrived








JW 063





RA 063





RA 064





JW 065





RA 065








(Note on Convoys)


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revised 11/8/11
further editing and formatting is required