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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2006

HMS ESKIMO (F 75) -  Tribal-class Destroyer
including Convoy Escort Movements

HMS Eskimo (Navy Photos/Mark Teadham, click to enlarge) return to Contents List 

Repeat TRIBAL-Class destroyer ordered from Vickers-Armstrong, Newcastle on 19th June in the 1936 Programme and laid down on 5th August that year .She was launched on 3rd September 1937 as the 1st RN warship to carry the name. After completion of build on 30th December 1938 she was deployed in the Home Fleet with the 6th Destroyer Flotilla. In February 1942 after a successful WARSHIP WEEK National Savings Campaign she was adopted by the civil community of Gateshead, then part of County Durham. For further details of this Class see THE TRIBALS by M Bryce).


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s


NORWAY 1940-41 - NARVIK 1940 - ARCTIC 1942 - MALTA CONVOYS 1942 - NORTH AFRICA1942-43 - SICILY 1943 - NORMANDY 1944  - ENGLISH CHANNEL 1944 - BURMA  1944-45 - EAST INDIES  1945


H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge: On a Field Blue. a reindeer's head caboased White.

 (Placed in a circular frame).



D e t a i l s   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


(for more ship information,  go to Naval History Homepage and type name in Site Search)



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August                 Deployed with 6th Destroyer Flotilla, Hone Fleet.

                             Part of screen for major units during patrol in NW Approaches and North Sea for interception of

                             German warships during passage into the Atlantic for attacks  on shipping after outbreak of war.


September            Home Fleet deployment in continuation.


             26th         Deployed with HM Destroyers SOMALI, MATABELE and MASHONA to escort HM Submarine

                              SPEARFISH during return passage in North Sea.

                              (Note: HMS SPEARFISH had been damaged by depth charge attacks whilst on patrol

                                           off Horns Reef. See FRIEND OR FOE by P Kemp).


October                 Present during visit by HM King George V to Hone Fleet at Scapa Flow.

             14th          Carried out anti-submarine search off  Scapa Flow after the sinking of HM Battleship ROYAL

                              OAK by U47 whilst at anchor.    

             17th         Shot down one aircraft during air attack at Scapa Flow.

             18th          Assisted with beaching of HM Battleship IRON DUKE which had been damaged in the

                              previous air attacks.

                              (Note; HMS IRON DUKE remained at Scapa Flow and was used as a Depot and

                                         Accommodation ship for the rest of WW2.)

             29th          Deployed with Home Fleet during search for German battleship GNEISENAU and  the

                              cruiser KOLN reported on passage into the Atlantic.


November             Nominated for refit and repair of propulsion defects and leaks.

                              (Note: These were a common feature on ships of this Class due to stresses on hull

                                           structure when steaming at high speed in rough weather.

                                           See AFRIDI TO NIZAM by J English.)

                7th         Taken in hand for refit and repair by Smiths Dock at North Shields.

              24th         Repair work to replace turbine blades transferred to JI Thornycroft shipyard at Woolston


December              At North Shields awaiting passage to Southampton


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January                  Passage to Southampton

              15th          Taken in hand for turbine repairs


February                Under repair.



                5th          On completion of post refit trials took passage to rejoin Flotilla at Scapa Flow.

                8th          Deployed with Flotilla for Home Fleet screening and patrol duties.

                               (Note: Flotilla then comprised HM Destroyers SOMALI (Leader), ASHANTI, MATABELE,

                                           MASHONA, BEDOUIN, PUNJABI, ESKIMO and TARTAR.)



                7th          Sailed from Scapa Flow as part of screen for HM Battleships RODNEY and VALIANT,

                               HM Battlecruiser REPULSE, HM Cruisers SHEFFIELD, PENELOPE and French EMIL

                               BERTIN with HM Destroyers CODRINGTON, GRIFFIN, JUPITER, ELECTRA, ESCAPADE,

                               BRAZEN, BEDOUIN, PUNJABI and KIMBERLEY to carry out search for German warships

                               reported by aircraft as on passage in North Sea west of Jutland.

                                (Note: This enemy move was part of the planned invasion o Norway. For details of naval

                                            operations during this disastrous campaign see NAVAL OPERATIONS OF THE

                                            CAMPAIGN IN NORWAY (HMSO), NARVIK by D Macintyre, ENGAGE THE

                                            ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by C Barnett, THE DOOMED EXPEDITION by Adams

                                            and CARRIER GLORIOUS by J Winton.)

                8th         Detached with HM Destroyers PUNJABI, BEDOUIN and KIMBERLEY as destroyer screen

                              for HM Battlecruiser REPULSE and HM Cruiser PENELOPE during passage to join HM

                              Battlecruiser RENOWN

                              (Note: HMS RENOWN was covering a minelay off north Norway (Operation WILFRED.

                              During passage searched for survivors from HM Destroyer GLOWWORM which had been sunk

                              in a valiant attack of the German cruiser HIPPER.

                              For details of this and all Norwegian operations see NARVIK by D Macintyre and Naval Staff

                              History (HMSO-2001)

                9th         Deployed for patrol off Vest Fjord with same destroyers to intercept enemy warships known to

                              be on passage to Narvik.

                              (Note: The German destroyers had already arrived).

               11th        Deployed with HMS PENELOPE and HMS KIMBERLEY to investigate reported landings of

                              German troops at Bodo.

                              During passages HMS PENELOPE ran aground and sustained serious damage,

                              Took damaged cruiser in tow to Skelfjord for temporary repair and rejoined other British

                              warships off Narvik.

               13th        Took part in 2nd Battle of NARVIK with HM Battleships WARSPITE and destroyers of Home

                              Fleet (See above references.)

                              Torpedoed German destroyer HERMANN KUNNE which had run aground and been


                              Engaged German destroyer HANS LUDEMANN.

                               Hit by torpedo from German destroyer1 GEORG THIELE and lost part of bow structure.

                               Withdrew from action and towed to Skelfjord by HMS BEDOUIN.

                               Under temporary repair to allow passage to UK for major repair work.



               27th         Passage  from Harstad under tow after repair at Skelfjord, escorted by HM Destroyers

                                AMAZON, VOLUNTEER and HM Sloop FLEETWOOD.



                 4th         Arrived at Barrow for repair.


July                        Under repair

                               (Note  X Mounting replaced by twin 4in mounting to improve AA defence.

                                           Pennant Number for visual signalling purposes changes to G75.


August                    Post repair trials and prepared for operational service.



                 5th          On completion rejoined Flotilla for duty with Home Fleet for screening of major Fleet unit

                                and patrol duties in NW Approaches and North Sea.


October                   Home Fleet deployment in continuation.




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January                   Home Fleet deployment in continuation.





                 1st          Escorted ss PRINCESS EMMA and ss PRINCESS BEATRIX for raid by 3 and 4 Commando

                                on Lofoten Islands with HM Destroyers BEDOUIN and TARTAR of 6th Flotilla.

                                (Task Force REBEL - Operation CLAYMORE - See THE WATERY MAZE by B.


                 4th          During landing of Commando troops intercepted German trawler KREBS off Svolvaer which

                                as boarded

.                               ENIGMA coding machine had been jettisoned but a set of rotors was recovered.

                                See BREAKING THE ENIGMA by D Kahn, ULTRA GOES TO WAR by R Lewin.

                                and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE IN WW2 (HMSO-Ed Hinsley)


April                       Took part in Fleet operation to search for German GNEISENAU and SCHARNHORST in

                                  NW Approaches.



                 5th          Deployed with HM Cruisers EDINBURGH, MANCHESTER, BIRMINGHAM,

                                HM Destroyers NESTOR, SOMALI end BEDOUIN to Intercept and capture the German

                                Weather Ship MUNCHEN.

                                (Note This operation was planned in order to obtain an ENIGMA coding machine.

                                           See above references).

                22nd        Deployed as screen for HM Battleship RODNEY and mv BRITANNIC with HM Destroyers

                                SOMALI, TARTAR and MASHONA.

                24th         Remained with mv BRITANNIC as escort when HMS TARTAR and HMS MASHONA

                                detached to join Home Fleet in search for German battleship BISMARCK after the sinking of

                                HM Battlecruiser HOOD


June                        After arrival of mv BRITANNIC in Halifax returned to Scapa Flow and rejoined Flotilla for

                                Home Fleet duties.


July                         Nominated for refit and took passage to Thames.

                  8th         Taken in hand by Green and Silley Weir at Millwall.

                                (Note: During this refit, the after funnel was shortened and main mast removed to improve

                                            arcs of firing for AA weapons. Radar Type 286M was also fitted. This was an RAF

                                            Air-Surface set modified for naval use with a fixed aerial array which limited is value

                                            on a ship platform. See RADAR AT SEA by D Howse for details of development and

                                            use of radar in the RN.)


August                    Under refit



                 12th        On completion of post refit trials took passage to Scapa Flow to rejoin Flotilla for Home

                                 Fleet deployment.

                 21st         Deployed for screening of Home Fleet major warships, patrol and convoy defence in

                                 NW Approaches.


October                     Home Fleet Flotilla duties in continuation.





                 22nd            Deployed with HM Cruiser ARETHUSA. HM Destroyers ASHANTI, .BEDOUIN,

.                                    SOMALI, HM Escort Destroyers WHEATLAND, LAMERTON, Polish ORP KRAKOWIAK

                                     and Polish ORP KUJAWIAK for support of raid by No 12 Commando on Lofoten Islands.

.                                    (Operation ANKLET).

                                     Searched for shipping off Vestfjord during landings from HM Landing Ships PRINCE

                                     ALBERT and PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. (See THE WATERY MAZE).

                 24th             Detached with HMS SOMALI and HNS ASHANTI for shipping search in Vestfjord.


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January                         Home fleet deployment for screening and patrol duties in continuation.




March                           Deployed with HM Destroyers ASHANTI, BEDOUIN, ECHO, ESCAPADE,

                                      FAULKNOR. FORESIGHT, ICARUS, INGLEFIELD, LEDBURY, MARNE,

                                      MIDDLETON, ONSLOW, PUNJABI, TARTAR and WHEATLAND as screen

                                      for H M Battleships DUKE OF YORK and KING GEORGE V, HM Battlecruiser

                                      RENOWN, HM Aircraft Carrier VICTORIOUS, HM Cruisers BERWICK and KENT

                                      to provide cover for passage of Russian Convoy PQ13 and return Convoy QP9.

                                      (For details of all Russian Convoy operations see CONVOYS TO RUSSIA by R A Ruaeg,

                                      CONVOY I by Peter Kemp, ARCTIC CONVOYS by R Woodman and THE RUSSIAN

                                      CONVOYS by B. Schoefield.

                                      (Note: The strong Home Fleet cover for this convoy was provided to meet threat presented

                                                   presented by the German battleship TIRPITZ known to be baaed in Norway.)

                    9th             Deployed as part of screen for HMS VICTORIOUS during unsuccessful operation to carry

                                      out air attack on  TIRPITZ.

                  11th             Detached with other Home Fleet destroyers to intercept TIRPITZ off Bodo.

                                      No contact was made and battleship arrived at Trondheim without being sighted.

                  31st              Deployed with ships of Flotilla to cover passage of ten Norwegian mercantiles on passage

                                       from Baltic where they .had been in Swedish ports.

                                       (Operation PERFORMANCE - Only two ships were able to reach UK.)



                    3rd              Resumed Home Fleet screening duties with Flotilla

.                  10th             Part of screen for HMS DUKE OF YORK. HMS KING GEORGE V, HMS VICTORIOUS,

                                       HM Cruisers NIGERIA end KENT with HM Destroyers BEDOUIN, BELVOIR,

                                       ESCAPADE, FAULKNOR, LEDBURY, MATCHLESS, MIDDLETON, OFFA, ONSLOW,

                                        SOMALI and WHEATLAND to provide cover for the passage of Russian Convoy PQ14 to

                                        Murmansk and return Convoy QP10.

                                        (See above references).


May                                Nominated for refit and tool passage to Falmouth.

             9th                      Taken in hand by Silley Cox shipyard.

                                         (Note: Work carried out included fit of Type 285 Fire-control radar for main armament,

                                                     a High Frequency Direction Finding outfit for use in determining source of wireless

                                                     transmissions during anti submarine operations. See SEEK AND STRIKE by W

                                                     Hackmann. 20mm Oerlikon weapons were added to improve Close Range aircraft

                                                     defence. Fit of surface warning radar Type 271 at this refit is to be confirmed.)


June                                Under refit.



               12th                  On completion of post refit trials and calibration of radar prepared for operational service

                                         in Home Fleet with Flotilla.

               21st                   Deployed with Flotilla based at Scapa Flow for Home Fleet duties.


August                            Detached for escort of How Fleet unite deployed in support of relief convoy from UK to

                                         Sicilian Narrows (Operation PEDESTAL).

                      3rd              Joined Convoy WS12S on passage to Gibraltar.

                                          (Note: Home Fleet ships detached were:

                                                      HMS NELSON, HMS RODNEY, HM Cruisers KENYA and NIGERIA with HM

                                                      Destroyers AMAZON, ASHANTI, MALCOLM, PATHFINDER, PENN,

                                                      QUENTIN,  SOMALI, TARTAR, BRAMHAM, DERWENT, LEDBURY.

                                                       WILTON and ZETLAND.)

                      11th             Joined Force X on arrival In the Mediterranean as screen for HM Cruisers CAIRO,

                                          NIGERIA, KENYA and MANCHESTER with HM Destroyers INTREPID, ICARUS,

                                           ITHURIEL, FURY, PATHFINDER, PENN, LEDBURY, BRAMHAM, TARTAR,

                                           SOMALI and ASHANTI.

                      13th              Stood by HMS MANCHESTER with HMS SOMALI after the cruiser had been torpedoed

                                            and scuttled.

                                            These  two ships rescued 141 survivors from HMS MANCHESTER and mercantiles

                                            sunk during transit of PEDESTAL Convoy.

                                            (For full details see PEDESTAL by P. Smith and  MALTA CONVOYS by R Woodman.

                       15th              Returned to Gibraltar with ships of Force X.

                       16th              Deployed with FM Destroyers LAFOREY, LOOKOUT, LIGHTNING ,ANTELOPE,

                                            WISHART, DERWENT, KEPPEL, MALCOLM, BICESTER, SOMALI and

                                            VENOMOUS as escort for HM Cruiser CHARYBDIS and HM Aircraft Carrier

                                             FURIOUS during delivery of SPITFIRE aircraft to Malta.

                                             (Operation BARITONE).

                                             (Note: 29 of the 32 aircraft arrived safely in Malta.)

                       18th               On return from BARITONE released from Mediterranean Station and returned to UK.

                       28th               Rejoined Flotilla at Scapa Flow after call in Clyde.


 September                           Deployed for Hone Fleet duties.

                          9th              Joined Russian Convoy PQ16 with HM Cruiser SCYLLA, HM Destroyers ASHANTI,

                                             FURY, FAULKNOR, IMPULSIVE, INTREPID, MARNE, MARTIN, METEOR,

                                             MILNE, OFFA, ONSLAUGHT, ONSLOW, OPPORTUNE, SOMALI and TARTAR

                                             as Fighting Escort.

                                             (Note: Cover was provided by Hone Fleet major wits (See above references).

                        17th              Detached from PQ18 to join return Convoy QP14 with HMS SCYLLA, HM Escort

                                             Aircraft Carrier AVENGER and destroyers.

                        20th              Stood by HM Destroyer SOMALI which had been badly damaged by a torpedo from


                        21at              Detached from QP14 and escorted HMS SOMALI under during tow by HMS ASHANTI

                                             with HMS INTREPID, HMS OPPORTUNE and HM Trawler LORD MIDDLETON

.                       24th              Returned to Scapa Flow when HMS SOMALI  broke in two after weather deteriorated.

                                             (Note: Rescued 50 survivors from HMS SOMALI..)


 October                               Flotilla duties with Home Fleet in continuation.

                                             Nominated for escort duties during planned allied landings in North Africa

                                             (Operation TORCH   - For details see Naval Staff History  and BRITISH INVASION

                                             FLEETS by J de Winser.)                          


November                            Took passage to Gibraltar for service with Force H during landings.

                          5th              Arrived at Gibraltar and prepared for support duties in covering force

                          8th              Deployed with covering force during assault.

                         20th             Nominated for service in 6th Destroyer Flotilla with HM Destroyer TARTAR in Force

                                             Q based at Bone for interception of enemy supply convoys to North Africa.



                           1st              Assisted HM Cruiser MANXMAN after torpedo damage whilst on passage to Malta from

                                              Algiers (See Naval Staff History (Mining).

                            2nd            Escorted HMS MANXMAN during tow to Oran by HM Destroyer PATHFINDER

                                               Joined Force Q on arrival..

                          13th             Deployed with HM Cruiser ARGONAUT and ships of Force Q for interception of

                                              supply convoy

                          14th             Under air and submarine attacks whilst on return passage from Bizerta-Maritimo

                                              Channel during which HMS ARGONAUT was hit by torpedo fired by Italian submarine

                                              MOCENIGO and badly damaged.

                                              Escorted stricken cruiser TO Algiers with HM Destroyer QUALITY


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January                                 Force Q deployment in continuation

                                              Sustained damage to electrical wiring and fittings after fire in forward Boiler Room.

                          13th             Taken in hand for repair at Mers-el-Kebir by staff from HM Cruiser VINDICTIVE,

                                              in use as Depot and Repair ship.


February                                Under repair.

                            7th              Resumed service with Force Q.


March                                     Screening duties with cruisers of Force Q.

to                                            Carried interception patrol and convoy escort off coasts of Algeria and Tunisia in

April                                        continuation.


May                                       Took part in blockade of Cape Don area to prevent escape of Axis forces from N. Africa

                                               after defeat of enemy in Tunisia.

                                               (Operation RETRIBUTION - For details see ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE

                                               CLOSELY,  THE BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN by D Macintyre and

                                               Naval Staff History.)


June                                        Deployed in central Mediterranean.

                          20th              Escorted HM Cruiser AURORA taking HM King, George VI for visit to Malta with

                                               HMS LOOKOUT, HMS NUBIAN and HMS JERVIS.

                                               Nominated for support of planned allied landings in Sicily (Operation HUSKY)

.                                              (For details sea ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY, Naval Staff History

                                               and BRITISH INVASION FLEETS  by J de Winser.)

July                                         Prepared for service in Support Force East.

                            8th              Passage to ACID Beach as part of escort for Convoy MWF36.

                           10th              Provided naval gunfire support during landings and supplemented defence of ships off


                                                Assisted in rescue of survivors from Hospital Ship TALAMBA which was bombed by a

                                                German aircraft and set on fire, sinking later.

                                                (Note: This snip was floodlit and clearly identified).

                           11th              Attempted to force entry into Marsala with HM Destroyer EXMOOR and Greek

                                                destroyer KANARIS but prevented by return fire from shore.

                           12th              Embarked Rear Admiral T Troubridge for passage to Augusta.

                                                (Note: Rear Admiral Troubridge was Naval Commander for ACID Sector.)

                                                Under air attack and hit aft by bomb which started fire in fuel tanks and caused structural

                                                damage with some flooding.

                                                19 personnel were killed with 22 injured.

                                                Casualties transferred to Hospital Ship and Admiral was transferred to HM Cruiser


                                                 Ship taken in tow to Malta by HMS TARTAR .

                            13th              Taken in hand for temporary repair to allow passage to IK.


August                                     Under repair.

                            24th              Took passage to UK.



                              9th              Taken in hand for repair in Humber commercial shipyard.


October                                    Under repair.




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January                                    Under repair.

to                                              Nominated for service with 10th Destroyer Flotilla based at Plymouth.



March                                       Carried out post repair  trials.

                                                  Passage to Plymouth to Join Flotilla.

                                                  Joined HM Destroyers JAVELIN, Polish PIORUN and Polish BLYSKAWICA in

                                                  20th Division of Flotilla.

                                                  (Note: 19th Division of Flotilla comprised H M Destroyers TARTAR, ASHANTI,

                                                              HAIDA  (RCN) and HURON (RCN).


April                                         Deployed with Flotilla for patrol and convoy defence In SW Approaches.

                                                 Nominated for support of planned allied landings In Normandy

                                                 (Operation NEPTUNE -  For details of naval activities before and during landings

                                                 see OPERATION NEPTUNE by K Edwards, LANDINGS IN NORMANDY,

                                                 June 1944 HMSO) and D-DAY SHIPS by J de Winser.


May                                          Flotilla deployment at Plymouth In continuation.



                              6th               Deployed with destroyers of 19th and 20th Divisions for patrol In SW Approaches

                                                   to prevent enemy surface or submarine attack on cross Channel assault convoys.

                              9th                Intercepted German flotilla NW of Isle de Bas after report by aircraft.

                                                   Took part in engagement with destroyers ZH1 (Ex Dutch TJERK HIDDES),

                                                   Z32 (NARVIK-Class), Z24 (NARVIK-Class) and T24 (ELBING-Class).

                                                   Sank ZH1 by torpedo after surface gun engagement.

                                                   (Note: Z32 was damaged by HMCS HAIDA and HMCS HURON and ran ashore.

                                                                Z24 and T2M were damaged but managed escaped to Brest.

                                                   140 Germans were rescued by the RN snips and 29 other reached Ile de Bas.

                                                   HMS TARTAR was damaged by shore gunfire).

                             24th               Participated in sinking of U971 in position 49.01N 05.35W with HMCS HAIDA

.                                                  (Note: Submarine attacked first by LIBERATOR aircraft of Czech Squadron and was

                                                               forced to surface by ship depth charge attacks.

                                                               Submarine then abandoned and scuttled. 52 of her crew were rescued.)

                                                               See U-0BOATS DESTROYED by P Kemp

                              27th              Intercepted and sank German minesweeper and patrol vessel south of Jersey.

                                                   Sustained damage from 3in shell.


July                                            Deployed for interception patrol with WS JAVELIN and HMCS HURON

.                               2nd             Involved in collision with HMS JAVELIN on return passage and badly


                                                   Ship disabled and taken in to Plymouth by HMCS HURON.

                               13th             Passage to Liverpool for repair.

                               14th             Taken In hand for repair in Birkenhead.


August                                        Under repair

to                                                 Nominated for service in Eastern Fleet with Flotilla.



November                                   On completion of post repair trials took passage to rejoin Flotilla at Plymouth


December                                    Deployed at Plymouth with Flotilla and prepared for foreign service.


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January                                         Nominated for escort duty during passage to Indian Ocean.

                                                      Passage to Clyde from Plymouth.

                                11th               Part of escort for four Escort Aircraft Carriers during passage to Trincomalee

.                                                     Exercised in Mediterranean for operation in Eastern Fleet.

February                                        Passage in Red Sea and Indian Ocean.

                                  7th                Joined Eastern Fleet on arrival at Trincomalee.

                                16th                Deployed with HM Destroyer ROEBUCK, HM Indian Sloop CAUVERY and

                                                       HM Indian Sloop JUMNA to provide naval gunfire support during landings at

                                                       Letpan, Burma.

                                                       (Operation TURRET - For details of operations by Eastern Fleet off Burma see

                                                       THE FORGOTTEN FLEET by J. Winton, OPERATION PACIFIC by E Cray and

                                                       WAR WITH JAPAN (HMSO).


March                                             Eastern Fleet deployment with Flotilla in continuation.

                                 27th                Bombarded Pagoda Point, Burma with HMS ROEBUCK.

                                 28th                Deployed with HMS ROEBUCK and Motor Launches to carry cut a diversionary

                                                        raid on Gwa, Lower Burma.


April                                                Flotilla deployment in continuation.

                                                         Prepared for support of landings at Rangoon (Operation DRACULA).

                                  27th                DRACULA assault force set out from Akyab and Kyaukpuku.

                                                         (Note: Ship name not included in references.)


May                                                  During this period the Eastern Fleet carried out Operation DUKEDOM to attack

                                                          and destroy Japanese shipping; evacuation troops from Buroa and the Andamans.

                                  19th                Eastern Fleet units sailed from Trincomalee.

                                                          (Note: This ship is not recorded with HMS TARTAR and HMS NUBIAN in

                                                                      Force 61.

                                                                      Destroyers of the 26th Flotilla also part of Force 61 carried out a brilliant

                                                                       night action against the Japanese cruiser HAGURO and sank her in a

                                                                       torpedo attack. The deployment of HMS ESKIMO in DUKEDOM is thus

                                                                       obscure. See above references.)



                                    5th                 Deployed with HM Destroyers TARTAR, NUBIAN, PALADIN and PENN  to

                                                          carry out an anti-shipping sweep between Nicobars and Sabang as Force 65.

                                                          (Operation IRREGULAR - See above references).

                                    7th                 HMS PALADIN detached to evacuate SOE party from Natu Islands off Sumatra.

                                   12th                Following report from HM Submarine TRIDENT intercepted KUROSHIYO

                                                           MARU No 2 and an escorting Submarine Chaser  (57) off Nirthern Sumatra.

                                                           Carried out torpedo attack on KUROSHIO which sank the ship.

                                                           (Note: HMS NUBIAN sank the Submarine Chaser by gunfire.

                                                                        Japanese survivors were unwilling to be picked up.)

                                                           Force 65 came under retaliatory air attacks.

                                   15th                 Returned to Trincomalee at end of patrol.



                                     2nd                Deployed with HMS ROEBUCK and HMS VIGILANT as screen for HM Escort

                                                           Aircraft Carriers AMEER and EMPEROR in Force 61 to provide cover for 6th

                                                           Minesweeping Flotilla during clearance of mines in approaches toi Malacca


                                                           (Operation COLLIE - also intended to attract Japanese aircraft bombardment off

                                                           Cape Nicobar. See above references.)

                                     7th                 Took part in bombardment of Nancowry with ships of Force 61

                                    13th                Returned to Trincomalee with Force 61.

                                                           Nominated for refit in Durban.

                                     31st                Took passage for Durban.



                                     10th                Arrived at Durban and taken in hand for refit.


P o s t   W a r   N o t e s


HMS ESKIMO completed refit in October and took passage to return to UK on 4th November 1945. She  arrived at Sheerness on 8th December and Paid-off at  Chatham. After reduction to Reserve status in February 1946 she went to Queenborough in the Medway for use as an Accommodation Ship for crews of minesweepers being placed in Reserve. The ship went to lay-up at Harwich in November 47 and  was used for Ship Target Trials in the Clyde area in 1948. On completion of these trials she was placed on the Disposal List and sold to West of Scotland Shipbreakers at Troon where she arrived on 27th June 1949. HMS ESKIMO was the last of the four TRIBAL Class destroyers that survived WW2. On 20th March 1961 this Name was again used when given to a TRIBAL Class Frigate when launched by J S White at Cowes, IoW. The Frigate remained in service till 1981 when she too was placed on the Disposal List.







by Don Kindell


This convoy list has not been cross-checked with the text above 






Date convoy sailed

Joined convoy as escort

Convoy No.

Left convoy

Date convoy arrived








ON 003/1





HN 003





ON 004/1





HN 004





TC 001





TC 002





ON 007/1





ON 023/1





HN 023B





PQ 012





PQ 013





QP 009





PQ 014





QP 010





PQ 018





QP 014





KMF 005A





MKF 005





KMF 010B





MKF 022








(Note on Convoys)


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