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by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2004

HMS BASILISK (H 11) -  B-class Destroyer
including Convoy Escort Movements

HMS Bulldog, sister ship (Navy Photos, click to enlarge)

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B-Class Fleet Destroyer ordered on 4th March 1929 under the 1928 Programme with sister ship HMS BEAGLE from John Brown at Clydebank, Glasgow, The ship was laid down on 19th August 1929 and launched on 6th August 1930 as the 10th RN ship to carry this name. It had been introduced in 1695 and was last used by a destroyer sold in 1921. Build completion was 4th March 1931 at a cost of £220,342 which excluded items supplied by the Admiralty such as guns, ammunition and communications equipment. In September 1939 the ship was deployed as part of the Plymouth Local Flotilla.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s

CAPE PASSARO 1718 - MARTINIQUE 1762 - HAVANA 1762 - BALTIC 1854 - DARDANELLES 1915-16 - NORWAY 1940 - DUNKIRK 1940

H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge: On a Field Red, a Basilisk  Gold


M o t t o

Mil irritarare: 'Do not irritate me'



D e t a i l s   o f   W a r    S e r v i  c e


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September             Took passage from Plymouth to take up War Station and joined 19th Destroyer Flotilla based

                                at Dover for convoy escort and patrol in English Channel and North Sea,

                                (Note: Including routine mercantile traffic many convoys carried troops of the BEF to French ports)


October                  Channel deployment in continuation.



                12th        Deployed with HM Destroyer BLANCHE as escort for HM Cruiser Minelayer ADVENTURE

                                during passage from Humber to Portsmouth.

                13th        Rescued survivors from HMS BLANCHE after both HMS BLANCHE and HMS ADVENTURE

                                detonated magnetic mines.

                                Embarked wounded from HMS ADVENTURE.

                                (Note: HMS BLANCHE was sunk and HMS ADVENTURE sustained major structural damage



                15th        Escorted HM Auxiliary Minelayer PRINCESS VICTORIA with HM Destroyers EXPRESS,

                                ESK and BASILISK (Operation EF)

                                For details of all minelaying operations see Naval Staff History (Mining).


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January                  Channel and North Sea escort and patrol duty in continuation.





                17th        Detached for duty with Home Fleet for convoy escort and support of military operation in

                                Norwegian waters.

                24th        Deployed with HM Destroyers WREN and HESPERUS as escort for HM Battleship RESOLUTION

                                during passage to Narvik.


May                        Home Fleet deployment off Norway in continuation.

                5th          Escorted ss EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA during passage to Tjalander Fjord.

                12th        Deployed with HMS RESOLUTION, HM Cruisers EFFINGHAM, VINDICTIVE, AURORA, HM

                                Destroyers SOMALI, HAVELOCK, FAME, WREN and HM Netlayer PROTECTOR for support

                                of planned landings at Bjervik in preparation for an attack on Narvik.

                13th        On arrival took part in support of landings in Herjangs Fjords.

                                For details see NAVAL OPERATIONS OF THE CAMPAIGN IN NORWAY 1940

                                (HMSO, 2000)

                20th        Detached from Home Fleet duties for support of evacuation of troops from Dunkirk

                                (Operation DYNAMO)

                                Passage to Dover.

                30th        Deployed at Dover

                                For details see BEF TROOPS by J de Winser, NINE DAYS AT DUNKIRK by A Divine and

                                Naval Staff History DYNAMO (HMSO, 2002)

                31st         Carried out two trips to embark troops

                                (Note 338 troops were carried on first trip and 357 on the second.).



                1st           Returned to La Panne to continue evacuation and came under air attacks

                                Sustained major damage and immobilised with many casualties

                                Towing attempt by HM Destroyer WHITEHALL and Belgian Trawler LA JOLIE MASCOTTE

                                failed and ship came under dive-bombing attacks with further damage.

                                Ship sank in position 51.08N 02.35E.

                                131 survivors were rescue by LA JOLIE MASCOTTE.

                                Wreck was destroyed by gunfire from HMS WHITEHALL.






by Don Kindell


no escort information is available


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revised 27/7/11
further editing and formatting is required