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November Contractors trials.
19th Build completed and transferred to RN and commissioned for service as HMS THANE.
December After trials and shakedown this ship was retained for use as an Accommodation ship.
(Note : This was found necessary because of difficulties in providing personnel from
UK Manning Depots for ships being built in USA.
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January Deployment as an Accommodation ship in continuation.
April Accommodation deployment terminated.
15th Took passage to Esquimalt for modifications to suit Royal Navy use.
Taken in hand by HM Canadian Dockyard, Esquimalt
(Note : Work was put out to contract and carried out by a commercial engineering
organisation which had limited experience in ship work and standards
May Under modification
June Carried some sea trials and preparation for ocean passage.
8th Sailed from Vancouver for Norfolk Va via Panama.
July Arrived at Norfolk Navy Yard.
Nominated for service in Western Approaches Command as a Ferry Carrier.
Under repair.
August Embarked US aircraft for delivery to South Africa.
14th Sailed for South Africa,
2nd Disembarked aircraft in South Africa.
15th Took return passage to Norfolk.
3rd Deployed at Norfolk
5th Took passage to Clyde.
17th Arrived in Clyde.
November Deployment as Ferry carrier in continuation.
Embarked aircraft for delivery to Port Said.
6th Sailed from Clyde as part of outward Convoy KMF36
15th Called at Gibraltar
20th Disembarked aircraft at Port Said.
30th Sailed from Port Said for return passage to UK.
1st Sailed from Gibraltar for Clyde
16th Took passage to Norfolk Va
28th Sailed from Norfolk with CORSAIR aircraft for transport to UK.
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14th Disembarked aircraft at Belfast.
15th During passage from Belfast hit by torpedo fired from U482 in Clyde
Position 55-10N 05.30W.
Sustained major damage with 10 casualties. (Casualty List -
note on casualties)
Taken in tow to Greenock.
February On survey declared to be a constructive total loss.
Paid off and laid up at Faslane after de-storing and removal of any British equipment.
March Under Care and Maintenance at Faslane.
to (Note : Pennant Number R316 had been allocated for use when deployed to conform
August with US Navy identity for this type of warship if ship were to be deployed with
British Pacific Fleet.)