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Fleet Minesweeping Sloop, Flower-class, Acacia-type Ordered 1.15, Acacia, Azalea and Arabis-types built on merchant ship lines, with similar warship-like appearance, Pendant Nos. M.67 (2.15), T.26 (9.15), T.58 (1.18). Launched 26.6.15 Scotts. 1200 tons, 262(oa), 250(pp)x33x11ft. TE 1800ihp, 16.5kts. Armament: 2-12pdr, 2-3pdr AA. Crew: 90. Acacia-types served in Grand Fleet, at Queenstown, and in Mediterranean. Sold 2.7.32 Metal Ind, Charlestown. (British Warships 1914-1919) |
Notes: 1. Latitude/longitude, including for days in port, show representative decimal positions for each day, as calculated by the Old Weather project's analysis program. As such, they differ by varying amounts from the positions recorded, usually at noon, in the log pages. In addition, some latitudes/longitudes have been amended in edited logs for errors in the logs, for errors in identifying locations by the analysis program, or simply for greater accuracy. In all cases, refer to the log-page scans for the positions as originally recorded. Not all log pages contain this information and the ships' positions have therefore often been estimated. 2. Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. Groups of links refer to log book covers and introductory information; some may be blank. Editor’s notes: The task of editing this log has been greatly facilitated by the efforts of the volunteers who maintain websites packed with information on ships and personnel. is of course invaluable, particularly strong on US Navy ships. and have informed me on many vessels at a time when British shipyards provided most of the world’s shipping. has all we need to know about fleet auxiliaries, is invaluable for passenger and cargo steamers and is the place to go for obscure warships of one hundred years ago. is a delight, is the place for potted biographies of senior officers and is the first port of call to find out where those ports are. Finally, where would we be without lighthouses and, and are endlessly informative on this fascinating topic. To those responsible for these wonderful resources, heartfelt thanks and appreciation. All who are fascinated by vessels that no longer leave a wake on the ocean and sailors who have downed their last tot, are greatly in your debt. The entry for each day is a precis of the actual log page, but occasionally a full day’s entry is recorded to convey the flavour of a quiet day in port. Those who wish to know when the libertymen were landed and what the weather was like on a particular day can of course refer to the actual page by clicking on the link above the date. The second line of each day’s entry is the position at noon in decimal format, either taken from the log or the known co-ordinates of a port. When neither of these is available, I have deduced feasible positions from other information with the help of Journey Plotter and these are marked (approx). Other positions in the log are given in degrees and minutes. |
(Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. The Plots can only be approximate. They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland) LOGS FOR JANUARY 1920 (Sheerness and Portsmouth) 4caf880dcadfd3419701e11f: ( 53-47848-001_0.jpg) 4caf880dcadfd3419701e120: ( 53-47848-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover January 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e121: ( 53-47848-002_0.jpg) Blank page. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e122: ( 53-47848-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Cdr BR Brooke. (Although a Commander by rank, he will be known as Captain Brooke by courtesy and to the crew as The Owner) 4caf880dcadfd3419701e123: ( 53-47848-002a_0.jpg) Instrument page. Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler, 6035. Thermometers. Wet J Hicks, 2152. Dry Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea S and A Caldera.
4caf880dcadfd3419701e124: ( 53-47848-002a_1.jpg) 2 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Ship’s company joined. Victualled in submarine depot. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e125: ( 53-47848-003_0.jpg) 3 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Hands drawing stores. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e126: ( 53-47848-003_1.jpg) 4 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 4caf880dcadfd3419701e127: ( 53-47848-004_0.jpg) 5 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Hands drawing stores. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e128: ( 53-47848-004_1.jpg) 6 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Hands drawing stores. Drew chart sets. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e129: ( 53-47848-005_0.jpg) 7 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Company shifted from HMS Wildfire (the shore establishment, housed in the hulk of the old HMS Cornwallis) and victualled on board. Hands drawing stores. In pm: Hands shifted their gear from sub. depot to ship. Confidential books drawn. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e12a: ( 53-47848-005_1.jpg) 8 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Hands drawing stores. Drew chronometers and compasses. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e12b: ( 53-47848-006_0.jpg) 9 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 1.30pm: Flooded dock and proceeded in charge of tug to coal hulk C8. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e12c: ( 53-47848-006_1.jpg) 10 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Coaled ship, received 220 tons. One SPO (Stoker Petty Officer) joined ship. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e12d: ( 53-47848-007_0.jpg) 11 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 One PO (Tel.) left ship. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e12e: ( 53-47848-007_1.jpg) 12 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 8.25am: Proceeded i/c of tug to No 24 buoy. Hands embarking ammunition. Swung ship for adjustment of compasses, adjusted by Lt/Cdr Portman, navigating officer. In pm: Two POs joined ship. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e12f: ( 53-47848-007a_0.jpg) 13 January 1920 Sheerness, at sea for trials and return. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 9.53am: Slipped and proceeded. 10.41am: Worked up for full power trial. 11.28am: A/c to return to harbour. 12.45pm: Secured to No 24 buoy. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e130: ( 53-47848-007a_1.jpg) 14 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 4caf880dcadfd3419701e131: ( 53-47848-008_0.jpg) 15 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Hands employed drawing stores and in their parts of ship. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e132: ( 53-47848-008_1.jpg) 16 January 1920 Sheerness. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 Shifted to No 43 buoy and prepared to leave Sheerness. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e133: ( 53-47848-009_0.jpg) 17 January 1920 Sheerness and at sea. Lat 51.45, Long 0.77 4.04pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4.32pm: Anchored 2.5 cables from Nore LV while waiting for HMS Cricket to join. 5.40pm: Weighed and proceeded (in company with Cricket and the gunboats Cicala, Moth, Mantis and Cockchafer, vide log of Cicala). 8.0pm: Pos. 51 29N, 1 18E. Fog from 10.0pm. 10.54pm: E Goodwin abeam, 0.75 miles, a/c S60W. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e134: ( 53-47848-009_1.jpg) 18 January 1920 At sea. Lat 50.65, Long 0.05 In fog all day. 2.05pm: Folkestone Lt abeam. 8.0am: Pos. 50 39N, 0 20E. 9.28am: Took HMS Cicala in tow (distilling pump breakdown, vide her log). 5.41pm: Owers LV bg N70E, 1 cable. (A cable in the RN is 200 yards) 8.0pm: Pos. 50 42.5N, 0 49W. 8.15pm: Anchored in very thick fog. 9.10pm: Weighed and proceeded. 9.15pm: Anchored. 10.40pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e135: ( 53-47848-010_0.jpg) 19 January 1920 At sea to Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 12.35am: Warrior LV abeam. 1.05am: Anchored Spithead. 10.50am: Weighed and proceeded up harbour. 11.45am: Secured alongside destroyer at Eastern wall of tidal basin. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e136: ( 53-47848-010_1.jpg) 20 January 1920 Portsmouth and at sea. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 3.13pm: Slipped and left basin i/c of tug. 6.49pm: Needles Lt abeam. 8.0pm: Pos. 50 37N, 1 48W. 11.12pm: Portland Bill Lt abeam, 4.5 miles. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e137: ( 53-47848-011_0.jpg) 21 January 1920 At sea to Spithead. Lat 50.2, Long -3.1 3.15am: Berry Head abeam. 4.42am: Start Pt Lt abeam, 4 miles. 5.49am: Eddystone Lt bg N67W. 8.0am: Pos. 50 15N, 4 03W. 8.10am: Left gunboats and a/c S28E. (Magnolia has escorted the gunboats Cockchafer, Cricket, Mantis and Moth round to Devonport and now returns to wait for Cicala, which is waiting to go into dry dock with serious leak problems, vide her log). 3.42pm: Portland Bill abeam 2 miles. 5.57pm: Anvil Pt Lt abeam 1 mile. 7.09pm: Passing through Needles Channel and Solent. 8.55pm: Anchored in Lower Road, Spithead. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e138: ( 53-47848-011_1.jpg) 22 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 7.50am: Weighed and proceeded into harbour and went alongside destroyer at boat jetty. 10.30am: Commenced coaling. 2.50pm: Finished coaling, received 105 tons. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e139: ( 53-47848-012_0.jpg) 23 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 4caf880dcadfd3419701e13a: ( 53-47848-012_1.jpg) 24 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Returned 768lbs of beef, due to cold storage failure. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e13b: ( 53-47848-013_0.jpg) 25 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Sunday routine 4caf880dcadfd3419701e13c: ( 53-47848-013_1.jpg) 26 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Hands employed rigging stays for trysail (tri-sail in log). (The Flower class sloops were prone to roll uncomfortably with wind and sea on the beam and fitted fore and aft sails to counter this.) 4caf880dcadfd3419701e13d: ( 53-47848-014_0.jpg) 27 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 In am: Hands rigging stay-sails and trysail. In pm: Hands employed about sails, cleaning ship and getting in canteen gear. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e13e: ( 53-47848-014_1.jpg) 28 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Hands employed on sails and boats. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e13f: ( 53-47848-015_0.jpg) 29 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Hands employed on sails and boats. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e140: ( 53-47848-015_1.jpg) 30 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Hands scraping paintwork. 4caf880dcadfd3419701e141: ( 53-47848-016_0.jpg) 31 January 1920 Portsmouth. Lat 50.81, Long -1.11 Hands flaking down towing hawser and preparing ship for sea. (To flake down, laying down the heavy rope on the deck in such a way that it will run out without kinking.) 4caf880dcadfd3419701e142: ( 53-47848-016_1.jpg) 4caf880dcadfd3419701e143: ( 53-47848-017_0.jpg) 4caf880dcadfd3419701e144: ( 53-47848-017_1.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e145: ( 53-47848-018_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e146: ( 53-47848-018_1.jpg) Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR FEBRUARY 1920 (Portsmouth, Devonport, Vigo, Gibraltar and Almeria Bay) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e147: ( 53-47849-001_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e148: ( 53-47849-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover February 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e149: ( 53-47849-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e14a: ( 53-47849-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e14b: ( 53-47849-003_0.jpg) Instrument page. Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler, 6035. Thermometers. Wet J Hicks, 2152. Dry Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea S and A Caldera. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e14c: ( 53-47849-003_1.jpg) 1 February 1920 Portsmouth to Portland. Lat 50.55, Long -1.95 8.15am: Slipped and proceeded through Solent and Needles channels (i/c with Cicala). 11.30am: Anvil Pt abeam, 0.5 miles. 12.20pm: St Alban’s Head abeam 1.25 miles. 1.57pm: Passed through North Ship channel. 2.50pm: Anchored, Portland harbour. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e14d: ( 53-47849-004_0.jpg) 2 February 1920 Portland. Lat 50.095, Long -2.75 4caf880ecadfd3419701e14e: ( 53-47849-004_1.jpg) 3 February 1920 Portland to Devonport. Lat 50.2, Long -3.4 8.05am: Weighed and proceeded. 12 noon: Start Lt bg N78W. 2.54pm: Anchored, Devonport. 4.40pm: Weighed and proceeded with pilot to No 5a buoy. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e14f: ( 53-47849-005_0.jpg) 4 February 1920 Devonport. Lat 50.38, Long -4.19 In pm: Hands coal ship, received 30 tons. The flotilla to go out to the China station is now assembled. The light cruiser Colombo will lead, with the sloops Bluebell, Foxglove, Hollyhock and Magnolia and the gunboats Cicala, Cockchafer, Cricket, Mantis and Moth. RFA Ebonol is in attendance for the first part of the journey as the gunboats also burn oil. The gunboats, essentially river craft, are shallow drafted and flat bottomed, with low freeboard and small bunkers, so the plan is that they will be towed most of the way by the larger vessels. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e150: ( 53-47849-005_1.jpg) 5 February 1920 Devonport and at sea towards Vigo. Lat 50.2, Long -4.35 7.05am: Slipped and proceeded down harbour to anchor in the sound. 10.19am: Weighed and proceeded through Western entrance following HMS Colombo. Formed divisions in line ahead disposed to starboard. 12.23pm: Steering gear defective, hauled out of line and stopped. 12.45pm: Regained station 2.5 cables astern of HMS Cockchafer. 8.0pm: Pos. 49 05N, 5 13W. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e151: ( 53-47849-006_0.jpg) 6 February 1920 At sea. Lat 47.05, Long -6.95 8.0am: Pos. 47 39N, 6 31W. 8.0pm: Pos. 45 53N, 7 16W. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e152: ( 53-47849-006_1.jpg) 7 February 1920 At sea. Lat 43.7, Long -8.7 8.0am: Pos. 44 11N, 8 18W. 2.40pm: Islas Sisargas Lt abeam, 12 miles. 4.23pm: C Villano abeam, 5 miles. 6.55pm: HMS’ Foxglove and Cockchafer hauled out of line*. Took station 2.5 cables astern of HMS Mantis. 8.0pm: Pos. 42 46N, 9 24W. * They put into Corcubion Bay, presumably because Cockchafer had some sort of engine trouble and rejoined the next day. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e153: ( 53-47849-007_0.jpg) 8 February 1920 At sea to Vigo. Lat 42.25, Long -8.75 2.05am: Anchored, Vigo. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e154: ( 53-47849-007_1.jpg) 9 February 1920 Vigo. Lat 42.25, Long -8.75 Gun drill. In pm: Landed picket and officer of patrol. Hands to bathe (the sea temperature is 55ºF!). 4caf880ecadfd3419701e155: ( 53-47849-008_0.jpg) 10 February 1920 Vigo. Lat 42.25, Long -8.75 1.20pm: HMS Cicala secured alongside. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e156: ( 53-47849-008_1.jpg) 11 February 1920 Vigo Bay and sea towards Gibraltar. Lat 41.5, Long -9.15 6.26am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.0am: Pos. 42 05N, 8 58W. 8.0pm: Pos. 40 17N, 9 34W. 8.50pm: Steering gear temporarily defective, hauled out of line for ten minutes. 9.42pm: Closed HMS Cicala, resumed station. 11.47pm: Burling I. Lt (Ilhas de Berlengas) 4 points on bow. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e157: ( 53-47849-009_0.jpg) 12 February 1920 At sea. Lat 37.8, Long -9.35 12.59am: Burling I. Lt abeam, 14.5 miles. 5.15am: Sighted HMS Foxglove on starboard bow (Foxglove has been towing Cockchafer and the tow parted on the previous day, so they have had to crack on to rejoin). 5.30am: Cape Roca Lt (Cabo da Roca) abeam, 5.5 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 38 25.5N, 9 32W. 8.50am. Connected hand steering and hauled out of line to repair telemotor gear. 11.45am: Resumed steam steering and regained place in line. 5.0pm: Cape St Vincent abeam, 4.66 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 47.5N, 8 30W. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e158: ( 53-47849-009_1.jpg) 13 February 1920 At sea to Gibraltar. Lat 36.0, Long -5.5 6.55am: C Trafalgar Lt bg S82E. 8.0am: Pos. 36 04N, 6 19W. 10.18am: C Spartel Lt abeam. (The Western extremity of the Mediterranean is marked by a line drawn between C Spartel and C Trafalgar.) 2.0pm: Secured alongside South Mole, Gibraltar. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e159: ( 53-47849-010_0.jpg) 14 February 1920 Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 9.0am: Divisions. Aired night clothing. (Night clothing, the old trousers and sweaters that off duty crew wear in the evenings. Inclined to become sordid if stuffed away in lockers for weeks on end). In pm: Make and mend. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e15a: ( 53-47849-010_1.jpg) 15 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 9.0am: Ship’s company mustered by the ledger. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e15b: ( 53-47849-011_0.jpg) 16 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Coaled ship, received 114 tons. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e15c: ( 53-47849-011_1.jpg) 17 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 4caf880ecadfd3419701e15d: ( 53-47849-012_0.jpg) 18 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 4caf880ecadfd3419701e15e: ( 53-47849-012_1.jpg) 19 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 4caf880ecadfd3419701e15f: ( 53-47849-013_0.jpg) 20 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Hands fitting dressing lines. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e160: ( 53-47849-013_1.jpg) 21 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 4caf880ecadfd3419701e161: ( 53-47849-014_0.jpg) 22 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 Sunday routine. Landed RC, Wesleyan and Baptist parties. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e162: ( 53-47849-014_1.jpg) 23 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 5.0pm: Secured ship with additional 3.5” wire for’d. SSW squalls up to gale f8 in the pm. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e163: ( 53-47849-015_0.jpg) 24 February 1920 Gibraltar. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 4caf880ecadfd3419701e164: ( 53-47849-015_1.jpg) 25 February 1920 Gibraltar and at sea. Lat 36.15, Long -5.37 2.0pm: Rigged boom to assist in extinguishing fire in HMS Cockchafer. 2.57pm: Slipped and proceeded following HMS Hollyhock to form divisions disposed abeam from HMS Cricket. 3.40pm: Stopped engines as vessel passed ahead between Hollyhock and HMS Mantis. 4.40pm: HMS Colombo took up station ahead of Cricket and columns opened out to one mile apart. 11.10pm: A/c to close HMS Cicala. (Cicala has a hot bearing in her starboard engine and is proceeding on the port, vide her log) 11.32pm: Cicala following. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e165: ( 53-47849-016_0.jpg) 26 February 1920 At sea. Lat 36.45, Long -3.35 4.45am: Standing by HMS Cicala. 8.0am: Pos. 36 25N, 3 46W. 5.42pm: Roquetas Lt bg N18E. 6.20pm: Cabo de Gata Lt bg S80E. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 45.5N, 2 19W. 8.39pm: Anchored in Almeria Bay. (Cicala now has trouble with her port engine and the winds are increasing, so the flotilla takes shelter.) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e166: ( 53-47849-016_1.jpg) 27 February 1920 Almeria Bay. Lat 36.8, Long -2.4 4caf880ecadfd3419701e167: ( 53-47849-017_0.jpg) 28 February 1920 Almeria Bay and at sea towards Oran. Lat 36.35, Long -1.75 8.20am: Weighed and proceeded, course S20E. 2.20pm: Took on guide of fleet while HMS Colombo dropped astern to remain with HMS Cricket, HMS Hollyhock followed Colombo. 3.15pm: Detached ships rejoined. 4.10pm: Slowed to close HMS Cicala. (All the gunboats are struggling in the heavy weather, NE’ly f6-7 and a steep swell.) 8.35pm: Abuja Pt (Cap de l’Abuja) bg S20E. 11.04pm: Cape Ivi Lt bg S80E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e168: ( 53-47849-017_1.jpg) 29 February 1920 At sea to Oran. Lat 35.9, Long -0.5 3.25am: Speed 5 knots. 3.45am: A/c to port, columns turning outwards to S64W. (The gunboats are in some danger of being rolled over with the swell coming from the NE, so the flotilla begins to tack towards their destination. Small flat bottomed Mediterranean ferries still do this today.) 8.0am: Pos. 36 00N, 0 30W. 8.08am: A/c N79E. 10.0am: A/c S64W. 12.25pm: A/c S30W. 2.05pm: Picked up pilot and entered harbour. Anchored and made fast astern to St Therese Jetty. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e169: ( 53-47849-018_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e16a: ( 53-47849-018_1.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e16b: ( 53-47849-019_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e16c: ( 53-47849-019_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR MARCH 1920 (Oran, Bizerta, Malta, Port Said, Ismailia, Suez and Port Sudan) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e16d: ( 53-47850-001_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e16e: ( 53-47850-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover March 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e16f: ( 53-47850-002_0.jpg) Blank page. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e170: ( 53-47850-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e171: ( 53-47850-003_0.jpg) Instrument page. Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler, 6035. Thermometers. Wet J Hicks, 2152. Dry Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea AC Cossar and Son. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e172: ( 53-47850-003_1.jpg) 1 March 1920 Oran. Lat 35.72, Long -0.65 Hands painting ship (as they do almost every day). In pm: Leave to starboard watch until 10.0pm. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e173: ( 53-47850-004_0.jpg) 2 March 1920 Oran. Lat 35.72, Long -0.65 4caf880ecadfd3419701e174: ( 53-47850-004_1.jpg) 3 March 1920 Oran. Lat 35.72, Long -0.65 Spread quarterdeck awning to fit and then furled. 10.15am: HMS Cicala cast off (to oil from RFA Ebonol, vide her log). 2.30pm: Cicala returned. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e175: ( 53-47850-005_0.jpg) 4 March 1920 Oran and at sea. Lat 35.72, Long -0.65 11.50am: Weighed and proceeded. Water condemned, 18 tons pumped overboard and tank cleaned. 1.02pm: Abuja Pt abeam, 1 mile. In station, speed 9 knots. 8.0pm: Pos. 36 26N, 0 29E. 11.15pm: C Tenez Lt abeam, 4.5 miles. A/c East. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e176: ( 53-47850-005_1.jpg) 5 March 1920 At sea. Lat 37.05, Long 3.85 3.15am: Shershel (now Cherchel) Lt abeam 12 miles. 7.0am: HMS Bluebell proceeded to Algiers (for mail). 8.0am: Pos. 36 56N, 3 03E. 10.40am: Bluebell rejoined. 11.50am: Cape Bengut bg S16E. A quantity of foodstuff condemned and thrown overboard. 2.35pm: Cap Corbelin abeam. 8.0pm: Pos. 37 05N, 5 30E. 9.19pm: Cap Bougaroni bg S78E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e177: ( 53-47850-006_0.jpg) 6 March 1920 At sea to Bizerta. Lat 37.35, Long 9.0 12.37am: Cap Bougaroni Lt abeam, 4 miles. 3.55am: Cap de Fer lt abeam, 6.5 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 37 14N, 8 04E. 11.45am: Cap Serrat bg 61E. 3.0pm: Fratelli Rocks bg S74W. 4.15pm: Formed single line ahead astern of HMS Bluebell. 4.45pm: Picked up pilot and entered harbour. 5.20pm: Secured to Northern side of canal, Bizerta. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e178: ( 53-47850-006_1.jpg) 7 March 1920 Bizerta and at sea. Lat 37.35, Long 9.0 11.40am: Slipped from jetty with HMS Hollyhock and turned in canal. Cast off from Hollyhock and left harbour. Waited for HMS Colombo. 6.0pm: Cap Bon abeam, 6.5 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 37 05N, 11 26E. 11.43pm: Pantelleria I. Lt abeam, 7 miles. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e179: ( 53-47850-007_0.jpg) 8 March 1920 At sea to Malta. Lat 36.35, Long 13.85 7.10am: HMS Colombo turned to close HMS Cricket (minor engine trouble). Flotilla reduced to six knots. 8.0am: Colombo rejoined and took guide of fleet. 8.0am: Pos. 36 30N, 13 22E. 4.45pm: Shackled to No 2 buoy in French Creek, Malta. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e17a: ( 53-47850-007_1.jpg) 9 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 7.40am: Commenced coaling from lighters with native labour. 9.0am: Read warrants Nos 1 and 2. Discharged two stokers to HMS Egmont for cell punishment. (HMS Egmont is the “stone frigate”, the base ship in St Angelo Fort. To conform to the British Naval Discipline Act, the commissioning pendant of the Captain must be flown afloat and until 1945 this was proudly carried by a small brass-funnelled picket boat moored in Kalkara Creek. 11.0am: Finished with coal, received 160 tons. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e17b: ( 53-47850-008_0.jpg) 10 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Drawing and returning stores. (Cicala, Cricket and Moth have all been suffering from serious leaks and are in dry dock, so the crews get an extended run ashore in Valetta.) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e17c: ( 53-47850-008_1.jpg) 11 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf880ecadfd3419701e17d: ( 53-47850-009_0.jpg) 12 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf880ecadfd3419701e17e: ( 53-47850-009_1.jpg) 13 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf880ecadfd3419701e17f: ( 53-47850-010_0.jpg) 14 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Sunday routine. Church parties landed. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e180: ( 53-47850-010_1.jpg) 15 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf880ecadfd3419701e181: ( 53-47850-011_0.jpg) 16 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 4caf880ecadfd3419701e182: ( 53-47850-011_1.jpg) 17 March 1920 Malta. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 Hands stowed after derrick and its gear in whaler and took same to the dockyard. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e183: ( 53-47850-012_0.jpg) 18 March 1920 Malta and at sea towards Port Said. Lat 35.9, Long 14.52 9.05am: Slipped, proceeded to sea and waited for HMS Cicala. 10.15am: HMS Colombo and flotilla proceeded.(Cicala fouled a propeller leaving harbour and a tug towed her back for the dockyard diver to go down and clear it.) 2.35pm: Took Cicala in tow and proceeded. (Cicala is also steaming, this arrangement having been found to be the fastest and most economical way to proceed.) 8.0pm: Pos. 36 45N, 15 28E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e184: ( 53-47850-012_1.jpg) 19 March 1920 At sea. Lat 35.2, Long 18.35 Courses South of East all day. 8.0am: Pos. 35 20N, 17 36E. 8.0pm: Pos. 34 59N, 19 42E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e185: ( 53-47850-013_0.jpg) 20 March 1920 At sea. Lat 34.35, Long 22.65 Courses South of East all day. 8.0am: Pos. 34 32N, 21 54E. 8.0pm: Pos. 34 01N, 23 39E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e186: ( 53-47850-013_1.jpg) 21 March 1920 At sea. Lat 33.3, Long 26.0 8.0am: Pos. 33 35N, 25 18E. 8.0pm: Pos. 32 53N, 27 06E. 8.50am: Sighted HMS Colombo bg S20W and closed. 6.57pm: Joined flotilla and took up station on port quarter of HMS Foxglove. 8.0pm: Pos. 32 53N, 27 06E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e187: ( 53-47850-014_0.jpg) 22 March 1920 At sea. Lat 31.6, Long 29.45 (from Colombo’s log) 8.0am: Pos. 32 04N, 28 58E. 5.40pm: Rosetta Mouth (Rosetta LH aka Ra’Shid) bg S20E, 13 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 31 45N, 30 41E. 10.20pm: Cape Brulos Lt (aka Borolus or Burullus) abeam, 13 miles. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e188: ( 53-47850-014_1.jpg) 23 March 1920 At sea to Port Said. Lat 31.28, Long 32.31 3.35am: Damietta Mouth abeam, 18 miles. 6.38am: Formed single line ahead astern of HMS Cockchafer. 8.0am: Pos. 31 30N, 32 17E. 9.43am: Picked up pilot. Proceeded to canal entrance and up harbour. 11.0am: Anchored and moored to island. Commenced coaling with native labour. Received 158 tons. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e189: ( 53-47850-015_0.jpg) 24 March 1920 Port Said. Lat 31.28, Long 32.31 4.30pm: HMS Cicala secured alongside. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e18a: ( 53-47850-015_1.jpg) 25 March 1920 Port Said to Ismailia. Lat 31.28, Long 32.31 11.30am: Pilot boarded. 12.10pm: Weighed and proceeded to go through Suez Canal. 6.12pm: Anchored, Ismailia. 7.15pm: HMS Cicala secured alongside (Cicala has a condenser inlet leak) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e18b: ( 53-47850-016_0.jpg) 26 March 1920 Ismailia to Suez. Lat 30.23, Long 32.54 (approx) 5.25am: Weighed, took HMS Cicala in tow and picked up pilot. 6.15am: Proceeded. 1.0pm: At Suez end of canal. Slipped tow and secured Cicala alongside and proceeded to HMS Colombo. Cicala secured to Colombo. 1.36pm: Anchored and spread awnings. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e18c: ( 53-47850-016_1.jpg) 27 March 1920 Suez. Lat 29.93, Long 32.54 4caf880ecadfd3419701e18d: ( 53-47850-017_0.jpg) 28 March 1920 Suez and at sea. Lat 29.1, Long 32.75 6.20am: Weighed and proceeded in single line through dredged channel. 6.45am: Newport Rock Lt abeam. Stopped and took HMS Cicala in tow. Speed signalled as revs for 11 knots, gunboats for 8 knots, course 180º. 8.0am: Pos. 29 42N, 32 32E. 11.47am: Zafarana Lt abeam, 4.5 miles. 4.52pm: Ras Gharib abeam 2.5 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 28 00N, 33 32E. 9.42pm: Ashrafi Lt abeam, 2 miles. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e18e: ( 53-47850-017_1.jpg) 29 March 1920 At sea. Lat 26.4, Long 34.75 12.30am: Shadwan I. Lt abeam, 3.25 miles. 5.15am: Tow parted, got in our part of tow. HMS Colombo and squadron passed out of sight. 6.25am: Stopped, hauled in HMS Cicala’s end of tow. 8.0am: Pos. 26 44N, 34 36E. 8.55am: Tow inboard, proceeded. (Presumably after some rapid long-splicing on the quarter deck.) 10.55am: Brothers Lt (aka Akhaween) bg S40E. 12.58pm: Stopped off Brothers North I., took Cicala in tow and proceeded. 4.0pm: Brothers Lt bg N25W, 5 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 25 35N, 35 23E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e18f: ( 53-47850-018_0.jpg) 30 March 1920 At sea. Lat 23.2, Long 36.7 12.55am: Daedalus Rocks Lt abeam, 4.5 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 23 55N, 36 22E. 9.06am: St John’s I. abeam 16.5 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 21 58N, 37 23E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e190: ( 53-47850-018_1.jpg) 31 March 1920 At sea to Port Sudan. Lat 19.61, Long 37.23 2.45am: HMS Colombo and flotilla bg S60E. 8.0am: Pos. 20 05N, 37 37E. 9.20am: Sanganeb Lt bg S35W. Stopped, hauled in tow and proceeded. 11.58am: Entered harbour. 12.28pm: Anchored and secured stern to mooring post. 8.0pm: HMS Cicala secured alongside. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e191: ( 53-47850-019_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e192: ( 53-47850-019_1.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e193: ( 53-47850-020_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e194: ( 53-47850-020_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR APRIL 1920 (Port Sudan, Aden, Sokotra and Bombay) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e195: ( 53-47851-001_0.jpg) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e196: ( 53-47851-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover April 1920, signed Lt RJ Richard, Navigator. Instrument page. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e197: ( 53-47851-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e198: ( 53-47851-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain BR Brooke, 3rd May 1920. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e199: ( 53-47851-003_0.jpg) Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler, 6035. Thermometers. Wet J Hicks, 2152. Dry Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea AC Cossar, 1st to 26th April. TA Reynolds and Co, 26th to 30th April. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e19a: ( 53-47851-003_1.jpg) 1 April 1920 Port Sudan. Lat 19.61, Long 37.23 Drew towing hawser from HMS Hollyhock. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e19b: ( 53-47851-004_0.jpg) 2 April 1920 Port Sudan and at sea. Lat 19.61, Long 37.23 3.51pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.35pm: Took HMS Cicala in tow. 6.25pm: Sanganeb Rock Lt abeam, 8 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 19 34N, 37 41E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e19c: ( 53-47851-004_1.jpg) 3 April 1920 At sea. Lat 18.05, Long 39.75 8.0am: Pos. 18 39N, 39 17E. 8.0pm: Pos. 16 56N, 40 43E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e19d: ( 53-47851-005_0.jpg) 4 April 1920 At sea. Lat 15.7, Long 41.8 1.45am: Reduced speed on account of weather (They are steaming into a f6 and a rough sea all day, often barely maintaining steerage way). 7.10am: HMS’ Colombo and Cricket hauled out of line. (See log of HMS Colombo for the full story of the abandonment of Cricket and her subsequent salvage, a seamanship epic.) 8.0am: Pos. 15 52N, 41 32E. 8.37am: Jebel Teir I. bg S30E. 3.07pm: Jebel Teir abeam, 0.75 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 15 10N, 41 58E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e19e: ( 53-47851-005_1.jpg) 5 April 1920 At sea. Lat 14.45, Long 42.6 Similar weather to yesterday, but making slightly better progress. 8.0am: Pos. 14 40N, 42 25E. 8.0pm: Pos. 13 49N, 42 53E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e19f: ( 53-47851-006_0.jpg) 6 April 1920 At sea. Lat 12.7, Long 43.4 8.0am: Pos. 12 56N, 43 12E. 11.20am: HMS Cicala slipped tow. 11.58am: Took HMS Moth in tow (Moth’s escort, Bluebell has turned back to assist Cricket). 5.45pm: Slipped tow, hauled in and proceeded (the wind has dropped considerably). 8.0pm: Pos. 12 26N, 44 01E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a0: ( 53-47851-006_1.jpg) 7 April 1920 At sea to Aden. Lat 12.83, Long 45.0 3.17am: Anchored and secured to buoy in Aden harbour. 7.15am: Coaled ship, received 245 tons. (The bunkers of these sloops hold about 254 tons, so they were running very low.) 12 noon: HMS Cicala secured alongside. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a1: ( 53-47851-007_0.jpg) 8 April 1920 Aden. Lat 12.83, Long 45.0 Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a2: ( 53-47851-007_1.jpg) 9 April 1920 Aden. Lat 12.83, Long 45.0 Hands employed cleaning ship. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a3: ( 53-47851-008_0.jpg) 10 April 1920 Aden. Lat 12.83, Long 45.0 Aired bedding and provisioned ship for sea. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a4: ( 53-47851-008_1.jpg) 11 April 1920 Aden and at sea. Lat 12.65, Long 45.55 6.12am: Weighed and proceeded down buoyed channel. 6.47am: Took station astern of HMS Cockchafer. (The flotilla is complete except for Colombo, Bluebell and Cricket who have returned to Port Sudan) 8.0am: Pos. 12 43N, 45 04E. 8.0pm: Pos. 12 36N, 46 01E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a5: ( 53-47851-009_0.jpg) 12 April 1920 At sea. Lat 12.5, Long 47.9 8.0am: Pos. 12 30N, 47 31E. 8.0pm: Pos. 12 35N, 48 49E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a6: ( 53-47851-009_1.jpg) 13 April 1920 At sea. Lat 12.65, Long 50.95 8.0am: Pos. 12 38N, 50 22E. 8.0pm: Pos. 12 45N, 52 05E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a7: ( 53-47851-010_0.jpg) 14 April 1920 At sea to Sokotra and at sea towards Bombay. Lat 12.6, Long 53.36 7.34am: Let go port anchor in error, full astern and weighed. 7.50am: Anchored in Ghubbet Shoab (a bay on the West coast of Sokotra). 1.0pm: HMS Cicala secured alongside. 4.33pm: Weighed and proceeded and took Cicala in tow. (Colombo has rejoined, leaving Bluebell in Port Sudan to come on with Cricket when she is ready for sea again) 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a8: ( 53-47851-010_1.jpg) 15 April 1920 At sea. Lat 13.8, Long 55.95 8.0am: Pos. 13 34N, 55 24E. 8.0pm: Pos. 14 12N, 57 03E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1a9: ( 53-47851-011_0.jpg) 16 April 1920 At sea. Lat 15.0, Long 59.45 8.0am: Pos. 14 48N, 58 51E. 8.0pm: Pos. 15 25N, 60 39E. 4caf880ecadfd3419701e1aa: ( 53-47851-011_1.jpg) 17 April 1920 At sea. Lat 16.2, Long 63.0 8.0am: Pos. 16 00N, 62 25E. 8.0pm: Pos. 16 34N, 64 06E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ab: ( 53-47851-012_0.jpg) 18 April 1920 At sea. Lat 17.3, Long 66.45 8.0am: Pos. 17 07N, 65 51E. 8.0pm: Pos. 17 39N, 67 36E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ac: ( 53-47851-012_1.jpg) 19 April 1920 At sea. Lat 18.55, Long 70.2 8.0am: Pos. 18 25N, 69 33E. 5.40pm: Slipped tow, proceeded astern of HMS’ Foxglove and Moth. 8.0pm: Pos. 18 43N, 71 25E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ad: ( 53-47851-013_0.jpg) 20 April 1920 At sea to Bombay. Lat 18.98, Long 72.86 2.30am: Kundari Lt bg S80E. 5.40am: Bombay LV abeam, 1 mile. 6.0am: Entered harbour. 7.0am: Shackled to No 6 buoy, HMS Cicala secured alongside. Dressed ship in honour of HRH the Crown Prince of Roumania (Prince Carol, on a state visit). 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ae: ( 53-47851-013_1.jpg) 21 April 1920 Bombay. Lat 18.98, Long 72.86 Secured HMS Cicala astern and coaled ship, received 210 tons. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1af: ( 53-47851-014_0.jpg) 22 April 1920 Bombay. Lat 18.98, Long 72.86 8.40am: HMS Moth secured alongside, HMS Cicala proceeded to a buoy. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b0: ( 53-47851-014_1.jpg) 23 April 1920 Bombay. Lat 18.98, Long 72.86 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b1: ( 53-47851-015_0.jpg) 24 April 1920 Bombay. Lat 18.98, Long 72.86 Embarked provisions for HMS Bluebell (Bluebell and Cricket have proceeded directly from Aden to Colombo, the next port of call for the flotilla). 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b2: ( 53-47851-015_1.jpg) 25 April 1920 Bombay and at sea towards Colombo. Lat 18.98, Long 72.86 Muster for medical inspection. 1.10pm: HMS Cicala secured alongside. 3.30pm: HMS Moth slipped. 4.15pm: Slipped and proceeded with Cicala in tow at short stay ( a very short tow rope for control, rather than the more normal several hundred feet used at sea). 5.0pm: Veered out tow rope and proceeded in station. 8.0pm: Pos. 18 30N, 72 41E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b3: ( 53-47851-016_0.jpg) 26 April 1920 At sea. Lat 16.2, Long 73.15 8.0am: Pos. 16 47N, 73 07E. 2.30pm: Vengurla Rocks (aka Burnt I.) abeam, 7 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 15 04N, 73 44E. 9.55pm: Oyster I. abeam, 9 miles. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b4: ( 53-47851-016_1.jpg) 27 April 1920 At sea. Lat 12.6, Long 74.85 8.0am: Pos. 13 11N, 74 32E. 7.25pm: HMS Cicala stopped engines to remedy defect. 8.0pm: Pos. 11 22N, 75 22E. 9.45pm: Cicala restarted engines. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b5: ( 53-47851-017_0.jpg) 28 April 1920 At sea. Lat 8.9, Long 76.45 8.0am: Pos. 9 32N, 76 11E. 8.27am: Aleppi Lt abeam bg N74E, 7.5 miles. 12.19pm: Quilon Lt (aka Tangasseri) bg N75E, 6.25 miles. 6.47pm: Muttom Lt abeam, 8 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 7 57N, 77 22E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b6: ( 53-47851-017_1.jpg) 29 April 1920 At sea to Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 8.0am: Pos. 7 09N, 79 14E. 9.54am: Hauled in tow (during very heavy rain squall). 12.25pm: Picked up pilot. 12.50pm: Anchored and secured to buoy in Colombo harbour. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b7: ( 53-47851-018_0.jpg) 30 April 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 Coaled ship with native labour, received 118 tons. HMS Cicala secured alongside. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b8: ( 53-47851-018_1.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1b9: ( 53-47851-019_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ba: ( 53-47851-019_1.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1bb: ( 53-47851-020_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1bc: ( 53-47851-020_1.jpg) Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR MAY 1920 (Colombo, Penang, Singapore and Saigon) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1bd: ( 53-47852-001_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1be: ( 53-47852-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover May 1920, signed Lt RJ Richard, Navigator. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1bf: ( 53-47852-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c0: ( 53-47852-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Cdr BR Brooke (in command). 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c1: ( 53-47852-003_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler, 6035 (to 9th May) and T Wheeler 3817 from 16th May. Thermometers. Wet J Hicks, 2152. Dry Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea TA Reynolds and Co.. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c2: ( 53-47852-003_1.jpg) 1 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c3: ( 53-47852-004_0.jpg) 2 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 Landed RC and C of E church parties. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c4: ( 53-47852-004_1.jpg) 3 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 Hands employed with parts of ship. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c5: ( 53-47852-005_0.jpg) 4 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 Bo’sun’s store party employed, remainder painting. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c6: ( 53-47852-005_1.jpg) 5 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 Leave to Kandy party (starboard watch) until 10.0pm. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c7: ( 53-47852-006_0.jpg) 6 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c8: ( 53-47852-006_1.jpg) 7 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 Leave to Kandy party (port watch) until 10.0pm. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1c9: ( 53-47852-007_0.jpg) 8 May 1920 Colombo. Lat 6.95, Long 79.85 In pm: Away all boats to take part in pulling regatta. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ca: ( 53-47852-007_1.jpg) 9 May 1920 Colombo and at sea towards Penang. Lat 6.8, Long 79.8 9.21am: Weighed and proceeded. Took HMS Cicala in tow. HMS Foxglove guide of fleet. 3.10pm: Barberyn Lt abeam, 4.5 miles. 6.55pm: Galle Lt bg N57E, a/c 107º. 8.0pm: Pos. 5 56N, 80 18E. 10.0pm: Dondra Head bg North, 4.5 miles. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1cb: ( 53-47852-008_0.jpg) 10 May 1920 At sea. Lat 5.7, Long 82.45 7.30am: HMS Colombo rejoined (having been delayed with a foul propeller in Colombo) and took HMS Moth in tow. 8.0am: Pos. 5 46N, 81 56E. 12 noon: Colombo resumed guide of fleet. 8.0pm: Pos. 5 50N, 83 31E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1cc: ( 53-47852-008_1.jpg) 11 May 1920 At sea. Lat 5.85, Long 85.85 8.0am: Pos. 5 51N, 85 15E. 8.0pm: Pos. 6 02N, 87 04E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1cd: ( 53-47852-009_0.jpg) 12 May 1920 At sea. Lat 6.15, Long 89.5 8.0am: Pos. 6 07.5N, 88 53.5E. 8.0pm: Pos. 6 14N, 90 50E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ce: ( 53-47852-009_1.jpg) 13 May 1920 At sea. Lat 6.1, Long 93.45 8.0am: Pos. 6 07N, 92 46E. 7.20pm: Willemstoren Lt (on the North coast of Pulau Breueh) bg S67E. 8.0pm: Pos. 5 56N, 94 41E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1cf: ( 53-47852-010_0.jpg) 14 May 1920 At sea. Lat 5.7, Long 96.75 8.0am: Pos. 5 42N, 96 17E. 6.45pm: Diamond Pt Lt bg S5W, 17.25 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 5 34N, 97 34E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d0: ( 53-47852-010_1.jpg) 15 May 1920 At sea to Penang. Lat 5.5, Long 100.05 5.45am: Pulo Perak bg N63W. 8.0am: Pos. 5 31N, 99 35E. 11.43am: Slipped tow. 12 noon: HMS Colombo proceeded independently, HMS Foxglove assumed guide of fleet. 2.53pm: Anchored, Penang. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d1: ( 53-47852-011_0.jpg) 16 May 1920 Penang. Lat 5.42, Long 100.35 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d2: ( 53-47852-011_1.jpg) 17 May 1920 Penang. Lat 5.42, Long 100.35 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d3: ( 53-47852-012_0.jpg) 18 May 1920 Penang. Lat 5.42, Long 100.35 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d4: ( 53-47852-012_1.jpg) 19 May 1920 Penang and at sea towards Singapore. Lat 5.05, Long 100.2 7.02am: Weighed and proceeded. 12.50pm: Sighted wreck on port bow. 1.07pm: Anchored. Wreck bg N30W, 2 cables. Sent away whaler with demolition party. Exploded depth charge and dispersed wreck. 3.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 4.45pm: Closed HMS Colombo and disembarked her demolition party. Took station astern of HMS Cockchafer. 8.0pm: Pos. 4 43N, 100 08E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d5: ( 53-47852-013_0.jpg) 20 May 1920 At sea. Lat 2.65, Long 101.3 7.48am: One Fathom Bank Lt bg S53E. 8.0am: Pos. 3 03N, 100 45E. 9.20am: Same abeam, 3 miles. 4.23pm: Cape Rachado Lt bg N36E, 4.25 miles. 7.0pm: St Paul’s Lt (Malacca) abeam, 8 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 1 59N, 102 19E. 11.27pm: Pulo Pisang Lt bg S70E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d6: ( 53-47852-013_1.jpg) 21 May 1920 At sea to Singapore. Lat 1.2, Long 103.75 2.31am: Pulo Pisang abeam, 8 miles. 8.52am: Anchored, Singapore Roads. HMS Cicala secured alongside. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d7: ( 53-47852-014_0.jpg) 22 May 1920 Singapore. Lat 1.26, Long 103.85 8.45am: Weighed and proceeded to Tanjong Pagar and secured to West wharf. Commenced coaling. 9.0pm: Finished coaling, received 271 tons. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d8: ( 53-47852-014_1.jpg) 23 May 1920 Singapore. Lat 1.2, Long 103.75 7.32am: Slipped and proceeded to anchorage. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1d9: ( 53-47852-015_0.jpg) 24 May 1920 Singapore. Lat 1.2, Long 103.75 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1da: ( 53-47852-015_1.jpg) 25 May 1920 Singapore. Lat 1.2, Long 103.75 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1db: ( 53-47852-016_0.jpg) 26 May 1920 Singapore. Lat 1.2, Long 103.75 Dressed ship for HM the Queen's birthday. 5.0pm: Night leave to concert party. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1dc: ( 53-47852-016_1.jpg) 27 May 1920 Singapore and at sea towards Saigon. Lat 1.2, Long 103.75 1.0pm: Assembled guard and saluted HE the Governor (Laurence Guillemard). 3.55pm: HMS Cicala shoved off. 4.05pm: Weighed and proceeded, HMS Colombo guide of fleet. 5.0pm: Took Cicala in tow. 8.0pm: Pos. 1 19N, 104 16.5E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1dd: ( 53-47852-017_0.jpg) 28 May 1920 At sea Lat 3.5, Long 105.05 8.0am: Pos. 2 55N, 104 54E. 8.0pm: Pos. 4 38N, 105 19E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1de: ( 53-47852-017_1.jpg) 29 May 1920 At sea. Lat 6.6, Long 106.1 8.0am: Pos. 6 07N, 105 56E. Boys to seamanship instruction. 8.0pm: Pos. 7 36N, 106 26E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1df: ( 53-47852-018_0.jpg) 30 May 1920 At sea to Cocoanut Bay. Lat 9.65, Long 107.1 4.0am: Pulo Condore Lt bg N45W. 8.0am: Pos. 9 06N, 106 52E. 3.59pm: HMS Cicala slipped tow. 5.18pm: Anchored in Coconut Bay 1.5 cables from HMS Foxglove. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e0: ( 53-47852-018_1.jpg) 31 May 1920 Cocoanut Bar and Saigon. Lat 10.05, Long 106.85 9.40am: Weighed and proceeded with pilot up Saigon River. 1.55pm: Anchored. 2.52pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.35pm: Berthing officer boarded. 3.55pm: Put bow against East bank of river to assist turning. 4.15pm: Anchored and moored alongside HMS Foxglove, port cable to moored lighter and hawser to buoy aft. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e1: ( 53-47852-019_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e2: ( 53-47852-019_1.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e3: ( 53-47852-020_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e4: ( 53-47852-020_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR JUNE 1920 (Saigon and Hong Kong)
4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e5: ( 53-47853-001_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e6: ( 53-47853-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover June 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. Instrument page 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e7: ( 53-47853-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e8: ( 53-47853-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1e9: ( 53-47853-003_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 3817 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. TA Reynolds and Co.. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ea: ( 53-47853-003_1.jpg) 1 June 1920 Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1eb: ( 53-47853-004_0.jpg) 2 June 1920 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ec: ( 53-47853-004_1.jpg) 3 June 1920 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 Dressed ship (the King’s birthday). 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ed: ( 53-47853-005_0.jpg) 4 June 1920 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ee: ( 53-47853-005_1.jpg) 5 June 1920 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ef: ( 53-47853-006_0.jpg) 6 June 1920 Saigon. Lat 10.74, Long 106.76 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f0: ( 53-47853-006_1.jpg) 7 June 1920 Saigon and at sea. Lat 10.35, Long 107.07 6.15am: Weighed and proceeded down river, pilot i/c. 11.20am: Took over from pilot and anchored, St James LH bg S62E. 2.45pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.38pm: Took HMS Cicala in tow. 8.0pm: Pos. 10 17N, 107 44E. 9.41pm: Kega Lt abeam. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f1: ( 53-47853-007_0.jpg) 8 June 1920 At sea. Lat 11.25, Long 109.3 8.0am: Pos. 10 47N, 109 08E. 1.49pm: Cap Padaran bg S68.5W. 8.0pm: Pos. 12 14N, 109 36E. 11.0pm: Cap Varella (now Mui Ke Ga) bg N35W. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f2: ( 53-47853-007_1.jpg) 9 June 1920 At sea. Lat 14.2, Long 110.15 1.06am: Cap Varella abeam, 19 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 13 41N, 109 59E. 8.0pm: Pos. 15 21N, 110 27E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f3: ( 53-47853-008_0.jpg) 10 June 1920 At sea. Lat 17.6, Long 111.25 8.0am: Pos. 17 04N, 110 55E. 8.0pm: Pos. 18 35N, 111 50E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f4: ( 53-47853-008_1.jpg) 11 June 1920 At sea. Lat 20.45, Long 112.9 8.0am: Pos. 19 57N, 112 39E. 8.0pm: Pos. 21 15N, 113 42E. 10.0pm: Gap Rock Lt (Wenwei Zhou) bg N6E. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f5: ( 53-47853-009_0.jpg) 12 June 1920 At sea to Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.42am: Gap Rock abeam 4 cables. 5.0am: HMS Cicala slipped tow. Hauled in tow in very heavy rain (again). 6.0am: Very heavy rain, too thick to proceed, anchored. 7.30am: Weighed, guard boat alongside. 8.35am: Too thick to proceed, anchored again. 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.30am: Secured to No 8 buoy.
4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f6: ( 53-47853-009_1.jpg) 13 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f7: ( 53-47853-010_0.jpg) 14 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Leave to starboard watch until 7.0am on the 16th. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f8: ( 53-47853-010_1.jpg) 15 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1f9: ( 53-47853-011_0.jpg) 16 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1fa: ( 53-47853-011_1.jpg) 17 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Shifted to No 3 buoy. Hands provisioning ship. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1fb: ( 53-47853-012_0.jpg) 18 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1fc: ( 53-47853-012_1.jpg) 19 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 General leave to port watch until 7.0am on the 21st. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1fd: ( 53-47853-013_0.jpg) 20 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1fe: ( 53-47853-013_1.jpg) 21 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.55am: Slipped and secured alongside outside North wall of basin. Ship taken in hand for refit. (Ships come out from England in grey paint, but the China station preferred white hulls and dark funnels.) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e1ff: ( 53-47853-014_0.jpg) 22 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0am: Dressed ship. (Coronation Day) Hands scraping paintwork and stowing towing hawser. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 3. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e200: ( 53-47853-014_1.jpg) 23 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands scraping and red-leading and disembarking ammunition. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e201: ( 53-47853-015_0.jpg) 24 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sent motor boat and second whaler to East Camber. Shifted inside basin. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e202: ( 53-47853-015_1.jpg) 25 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraping and red-leading. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e203: ( 53-47853-016_0.jpg) 26 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraping and red-leading. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e204: ( 53-47853-016_1.jpg) 27 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Mustered by the ledger. Landed church parties. In pm: Hygiene lecture by Surgeon Lt. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e205: ( 53-47853-017_0.jpg) 28 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraping and painting. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e206: ( 53-47853-017_1.jpg) 29 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraping and painting. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e207: ( 53-47853-018_0.jpg) 30 June 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraping and painting. Dismantling after gun. 12 noon: Typhoon signal No 4 hoisted. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e208: ( 53-47853-018_1.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e209: ( 53-47853-019_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e20a: ( 53-47853-019_1.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e20b: ( 53-47853-020_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e20c: ( 53-47853-020_1.jpg) Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR JULY 1920 (Hong Kong) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e20d: ( 53-47854-001_0.jpg) 4caf880fcadfd3419701e20e: ( 53-47854-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover July 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e20f: ( 53-47854-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e210: ( 53-47854-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e211: ( 53-47854-003_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 3817 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e212: ( 53-47854-003_1.jpg) 1 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands employed dismounting guns and scraping ship's side. 1.0pm: USS Helena sailed. First class leave to starboard watch till 6.30 am. Exercised fire stations. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e213: ( 53-47854-004_0.jpg) 2 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraping and painting. 10.15am: Typhoon signal No 4 hauled down. 4caf880fcadfd3419701e214: ( 53-47854-004_1.jpg) 3 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraping and painting. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e215: ( 53-47854-005_0.jpg) 4 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Church parties landed. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e216: ( 53-47854-005_1.jpg) 5 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Refit and draw stores. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e217: ( 53-47854-006_0.jpg) 6 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 In am: Proceeded into dry dock in charge of pilot. Hands employed scrubbing ship's side above water line. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e218: ( 53-47854-006_1.jpg) 7 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands employed scraping and red leading. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e219: ( 53-47854-007_0.jpg) 8 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands employed getting out cable and ranging it in dry dock and employed scraping and painting ship's side. (The anchor chains and anchors are laid out on the floor of the dock for cleaning and survey, very heavy work) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e21a: ( 53-47854-007_1.jpg) 9 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.0am: Portuguese gunboat Patria arrived. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e21b: ( 53-47854-008_0.jpg) 10 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands employed getting in cable (by hand). (No steam available, so they have to use the manual capstan, more very heavy work.) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e21c: ( 53-47854-008_1.jpg) 11 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e21d: ( 53-47854-009_0.jpg) 12 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Embarked tilt test recording party. 12 noon: Left dock i/c of pilot. (We can assume that they then carried out an inclining test) 7.0pm: Portuguese gunboat Patria sailed. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e21e: ( 53-47854-009_1.jpg) 13 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands disembarking Lyddite shell, drawing and returning stores. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e21f: ( 53-47854-010_0.jpg) 14 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e220: ( 53-47854-010_1.jpg) 15 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Shifted from North wall to East wall. After 4” gun lifted by 100 ton crane for examination of roller race etc. In pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. For’d gun lifted for examination and cleaning. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e221: ( 53-47854-011_0.jpg) 16 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e222: ( 53-47854-011_1.jpg) 17 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0am: USS Helena arrived. Condemned and thrown overboard, 28 lbs of biscuit and 40 tins of milk. (Magnolia has been condemning stores, particularly milk, ever since leaving UK.) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e223: ( 53-47854-012_0.jpg) 18 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.55am: Gale warning No 5 hoisted. 5.0pm: Evening Quarters. 12.05pm: Slipped from jetty in charge of tugs and pilot and secured to No 6 (flag) buoy. Heavy rain and squalls at midnight. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e224: ( 53-47854-012_1.jpg) 19 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Low barometric pressure (recorded hourly), heavy rain and squalls all day. Hands employed scraping and cleaning magazines. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e225: ( 53-47854-013_0.jpg) 20 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.20am: Gale warning No 5 hauled down Hands employed scraping and red-leading. Barometer out of action (stuck on 28.9). 10.0am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded in charge of tug and pilot to North wall outside basin. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e226: ( 53-47854-013_1.jpg) 21 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Typhoon warning No 1 hoisted. No 1 signal hauled down, gale warning No 4 hoisted. Slipped from jetty and secured to buoy. 12 noon: Barometer readings restored. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e227: ( 53-47854-014_0.jpg) 22 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.30am: Typhoon signal No 1 hoisted in place of gale warning No 4. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e228: ( 53-47854-014_1.jpg) 23 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.0am: USS Helena left. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e229: ( 53-47854-015_0.jpg) 24 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.20am: Typhoon signal hauled down. 9.15am: Returned to North wall. Refit continues. 4.0pm: Funeral party landed.(Probably for the funeral of Warrant Engineer James Holmes, late of HMS Titania, drowned on the 21st July.) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e22a: ( 53-47854-015_1.jpg) 25 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e22b: ( 53-47854-016_0.jpg) 26 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e22c: ( 53-47854-016_1.jpg) 27 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e22d: ( 53-47854-017_0.jpg) 28 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Painting continues. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e22e: ( 53-47854-017_1.jpg) 29 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e22f: ( 53-47854-018_0.jpg) 30 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.25am: Gale warning No 1 hoisted. 12.20pm: No 1 signal hauled down, gale warning No 4 hoisted. Shifted to No 7 buoy with pilot and tugs. Heavy rain and strong winds in pm. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e230: ( 53-47854-018_1.jpg) 31 July 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Heavy rain and very strong squalls in am, dying away in the evening. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e231: ( 53-47854-019_0.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e232: ( 53-47854-019_1.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e233: ( 53-47854-020_0.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e234: ( 53-47854-020_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1920 (Hong Kong and Swatow) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e235: ( 53-47855-001_0.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e236: ( 53-47855-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover August 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e237: ( 53-47855-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e238: ( 53-47855-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e239: ( 53-47855-003_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. S and A Calderar, Aug 11th to 31st. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e23a: ( 53-47855-003_1.jpg) 1 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.40am: Gale warning hauled down. Sunday routine. 4.0pm: USS Helena arrived. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e23b: ( 53-47855-004_0.jpg) 2 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.55am: Slipped and proceeded to wall with pilot and tugs. Hands drawing and returning stores and embarking provisions. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e23c: ( 53-47855-004_1.jpg) 3 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e23d: ( 53-47855-005_0.jpg) 4 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e23e: ( 53-47855-005_1.jpg) 5 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e23f: ( 53-47855-006_0.jpg) 6 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.45pm: HMS Moorhen arrived. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e240: ( 53-47855-006_1.jpg) 7 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e241: ( 53-47855-007_0.jpg) 8 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e242: ( 53-47855-007_1.jpg) 9 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Lost overboard, W flag, one. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e243: ( 53-47855-008_0.jpg) 10 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Coaled ship, received 230 tons. Draught after coaling, for’d 11’ 6”, aft 12’ 11”. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e244: ( 53-47855-008_1.jpg) 11 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.0pm: Shifted under 100 ton crane. Landed funeral party. (Sick Berth Steward Henry James Sutters, 351434 (Po), late of HMS Tamar.) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e245: ( 53-47855-009_0.jpg) 12 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0pm: Leave to party to attend concert in HMS Tamar. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e246: ( 53-47855-009_1.jpg) 13 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4caf8810cadfd3419701e247: ( 53-47855-010_0.jpg) 14 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 The eternal scraping and painting continues. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e248: ( 53-47855-010_1.jpg) 15 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e249: ( 53-47855-011_0.jpg) 16 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.0pm: Funeral party landed. (Stoker 1c Henry T Sims, K 22447 (Ch), late of HMS Moorhen.) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e24a: ( 53-47855-011_1.jpg) 17 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.30am: HMS Robin arrived (picture). 4caf8810cadfd3419701e24b: ( 53-47855-012_0.jpg) 18 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands ammunitioning ship from lighter. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e24c: ( 53-47855-012_1.jpg) 19 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Dockyard auxiliary engine trial. 10 tins of milk condemned. 2.0pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e24d: ( 53-47855-013_0.jpg) 20 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.15am: USS Upshur arrived. Drew boats from boat house. Carried out basin trials (engine and steering tests while moored). 3.50pm: Slipped from Camber and secured to No 9 buoy. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e24e: ( 53-47855-013_1.jpg) 21 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0am: Tug secured to stern and swung ship for compass adjustment. 9.0am: HMS Carlisle entered harbour, boarded by Officer of Guard from Magnolia. 11.25am: USS Upshur proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e24f: ( 53-47855-014_0.jpg) 22 August 1920 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e250: ( 53-47855-014_1.jpg) 23 August 1920 Hong Kong and at sea for trials Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: USS Helena proceeded out of harbour. 9.25am: Slipped from buoy and proceeded out of harbour to carry out steam trials after completion of refit. 10.15am: Commenced run on measured 5 mile course. 10.56am: Commenced return run. 11.25am: Completed run and returned to harbour through Sulphur channel. 12.05pm: Secured to No 9 buoy. In pm: Embarked stores for HMS Hawkins. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e251: ( 53-47855-015_0.jpg) 24 August 1920 Hong Kong and at sea towards Swatow. Lat 22.25, Long 114.4 8.0am: Ten ratings joined for passage. 9.30am: HMS Robin sailed. 9.40am: Slipped and left through Lye Mun Pass. 5.07pm: Pedro Blanco abeam bg S12E, 6.5 miles. 8.55pm: Chilang Pt abeam bg N12W, 6.5 miles. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e252: ( 53-47855-015_1.jpg) 25 August 1920 At sea to Swatow (Now Shantou) Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 7.0am: Slow, sounded and proceeded half ahead through Sugarloaf channel. 8.05am: Anchored, Swatow. 11.0am: British acting consul visited. Fired salute of 7 guns on his departure. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e253: ( 53-47855-016_0.jpg) 26 August 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 4caf8810cadfd3419701e254: ( 53-47855-016_1.jpg) 27 August 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 12.45pm: HM Submarine L4 proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e255: ( 53-47855-016a_0.jpg) 28 August 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 4caf8810cadfd3419701e256: ( 53-47855-016a_1.jpg) 29 August 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 3.0pm: Leave to Masu (?) bathing party till 10.0pm. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e257: ( 53-47855-017_0.jpg) 30 August 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 Exercised clear for action. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e258: ( 53-47855-017_1.jpg) 31 August 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.35, Long 116.7 3.30pm: Cricket party landed. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e259: ( 53-47855-018_0.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e25a: ( 53-47855-018_1.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e25b: ( 53-47855-019_0.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e25c: ( 53-47855-019_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1920 (Swatow, Ning-po-fu and Wei-hai-wei) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e25d: ( 53-47856-001_0.jpg) 4caf8810cadfd3419701e25e: ( 53-47856-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover September 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e25f: ( 53-47856-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e260: ( 53-47856-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e261: ( 53-47856-003_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. S and A Calderar. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e262: ( 53-47856-003_1.jpg) 1 September 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.34, Long 116.7 8.0am: Japanese destroyers Kiri and Tachibana arrived 5.0pm: Japanese destroyers proceeded out of harbour. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e263: ( 53-47856-004_0.jpg) 2 September 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.34, Long 116.7 5.50am: Weighed and shifted berth. 9.15am: Exercised landing party. 6.0pm: Typhoon warning and threatening appearances. Furled awnings, hoisted all boats and recalled liberty men. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e264: ( 53-47856-004_1.jpg) 3 September 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.34, Long 116.7 7.0am: Spread awnings. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e265: ( 53-47856-005_0.jpg) 4 September 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.34, Long 116.7 4caf8810cadfd3419701e266: ( 53-47856-005_1.jpg) 5 September 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.34, Long 116.7 9.15am: Read Articles of War* and Court Martial returns. * The regulations that governed the conduct of every member of the Royal Navy. They were obliged by Admiralty Instructions to be read to the ship’s company once a month. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e267: ( 53-47856-006_0.jpg) 6 September 1920 Swatow. Lat 23.34, Long 116.7 4caf8810cadfd3419701e268: ( 53-47856-006_1.jpg) 7 September 1920 Swatow and at sea. Lat 23.3, Long 117.29 (approx) 7.05am: HMS Foxglove arrived, OOG boarded same. 7.57am: Weighed and proceeded through Sugarloaf channel. 8.52am: Crossed the bar. 10.15am: High Lamock Is bg S84E. 1.0pm: Brothers Rocks bg N52E. 6.05pm: Chapel I. (now Tungting Tao) abeam, 5 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 24 18N, 118 33E. Dodd I. Lt bg N20W, 3 miles. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e269: ( 53-47856-007_0.jpg) 8 September 1920 At sea. Lat 26.1, Long 120.6 8.0am: Pos. 25 33N, 120 08E. 2.43am: Ockseu Lt (now Wuchiu Yu) abeam bg N33W, 8 miles. 6.37am: Turnabout I. (Kiushan Tao) abeam 7 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 27 10N, 121 20E. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e26a: ( 53-47856-007_1.jpg) 9 September 1920 At sea to Chusan (now Zhoushan). Lat 29.4, Long 122.35 8.0am: Pos. 28 51N, 122 24E. 8.15am: Heishan I. Lt (Heishan chuntao) abeam, 7.5 miles. 9.39am: Passed spar upright in water in 13 fathoms. 2.20pm: Vernon Pt bg N11W. 2.40pm: A/c to pass through Vernon Channel. 5.15pm: Too dark to proceed to Chin Hai, a/c up Blackwoods Channel. 5.55pm: Anchored. 6.05pm: Weighed and proceeded. 6.27pm: Anchored off West coast of Chusan. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e26b: ( 53-47856-008_0.jpg) 10 September 1920 Ning-po-fu (now Ningbo). Lat 29.851, Long 121.545 7.57am: Weighed and proceeded. Courses to clear Sevestris Shoal, Tiger’s Paw and cross bar of River Yong towards Ningpo. 11.58am: Anchored, Ning-po-fu. 11.0pm: Chinese police sloop arrived. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e26c: ( 53-47856-008_1.jpg) 11 September 1920 Ning-po-fu. Lat 29.851, Long 121.545 8.0am: OOG boarded Chinese police patrol sloop. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e26d: ( 53-47856-009_0.jpg) 12 September 1920 Ning-po-fu and at sea towards Wei-hai-wei. Lat 29.89, Long 121.6 (approx) 11.13am: Weighed and proceeded down river. 8.0pm: Pos. 30 50N, 122 13E. 8.22pm: Gutzlaff I. Lt bg S28E, Bonham I. Lt bg S60W. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e26e: ( 53-47856-009_1.jpg) 13 September 1920 At sea. Lat 33.3, Long 122.75 12.26am: Shaweishan I. Lt bg N48W, 16 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 32 39N, 122 39E. Hands sent foreyard down from aloft. 4.0pm: Re-hoisted same. 8.0pm: Pos. 34 41N, 122 42E. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e26f: ( 53-47856-010_0.jpg) 14 September 1920 At sea to Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.15, Long 122.75 8.0am: Pos. 36 32N, 122 47E. 12 noon: NE Promontory Lt bg N2W. 3.44pm: Alceste I.* bg S65E. 5.35pm: Fired salute to C-in-C (at this time VA Alexander Duff). 5.51pm: Anchored, Wei-hai-wei. * Thought to be a promontory until recognised as an island and named by the Captain of HMS Alceste in 1816. Readers may enjoy a fine account of the voyage written by her surgeon, not least because much of it will be recognised by Patrick O’Brien readers as providing material for two of his novels. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e270: ( 53-47856-010_1.jpg) 15 September 1920 Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8810cadfd3419701e271: ( 53-47856-011_0.jpg) 16 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8810cadfd3419701e272: ( 53-47856-011_1.jpg) 17 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8810cadfd3419701e273: ( 53-47856-012_0.jpg) 18 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 12 noon: Fired 15 gun salute for British Commissioner (at this time Sir James Lockhart). 4caf8810cadfd3419701e274: ( 53-47856-012_1.jpg) 19 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 9.25am: Divisions, Admiral's inspection. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e275: ( 53-47856-013_0.jpg) 20 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 5.40am: Weighed and proceeded to iron pier for coaling. 7.0am: HMS Alacrity left with C-in-C's flag. 9.0am: HMS Curlew proceeded to sea. 9.30am: Submarines proceeded. 11.45am: HMS Titania proceeded out of harbour. 4.50pm: Finished coaling, 155 tons. Cast off to anchor. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e276: ( 53-47856-013_1.jpg) 21 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 6.15am: HMS Cairo proceeded out of harbour. 9.30am: HMS Hawkins proceeded out of harbour. 1.0pm: Drilled funeral firing party. 4.45pm: Landed funeral party (for AB John Humphryes, J 25494, late of HMS Hawkins). 6.0pm: Funeral party returned. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e277: ( 53-47856-014_0.jpg) 22 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 6.15am: HMS Colombo proceeded to sea. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e278: ( 53-47856-014_1.jpg) 23 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8810cadfd3419701e279: ( 53-47856-015_0.jpg) 24 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 9.0am: HM Tug St Breock sailed. 9.15am: Exercised out bower anchor. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e27a: ( 53-47856-015_1.jpg) 25 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8810cadfd3419701e27b: ( 53-47856-016_0.jpg) 26 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e27c: ( 53-47856-016_1.jpg) 27 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.20am: Landed party for rifle range course. 10.35am: HMS Bluebell sailed. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e27d: ( 53-47856-017_0.jpg) 28 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Landed range party. Exercised control parties. 4caf8810cadfd3419701e27e: ( 53-47856-017_1.jpg) 29 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei and at sea for firing practice. Lat 37.6, Long 122.15 8.25am: Weighed and proceeded for sub-calibre firing practice. 9.28am: Dropped target and proceeded for .303 and 1” aiming rifle practice*, control parties and gun crews closed up as required. 11.35am: Picked up target and stopped for dinner. 12.48pm: Further practise as in am, before returning to harbour. 2.02pm: Anchored, Wei-hai-wei. * To save wear and tear on gun barrels and expenditure on full calibre shells, an aiming rifle was inserted into the barrel of the gun to fire a smaller round when practising. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e27f: ( 53-47856-018_0.jpg) 30 September 1920 Wei-hai-wei and at sea for firing practice. Lat 37.6, Long 122.15 (approx) 8.25am: Weighed and proceeded for sub-calibre firing practice. 9.16am: Dropped target and proceeded for .303 and 1” aiming rifle practice*, control parties and gun crews closed up as required. 11.35am: Fired one round from each pom-pom and proceeded to pick up target. 12.32pm: Anchored, Wei-hai-wei. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e280: ( 53-47856-018_1.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e281: ( 53-47856-019_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e282: ( 53-47856-019_1.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e283: ( 53-47856-020_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e284: ( 53-47856-020_1.jpg) Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1920 (Wei-hai-wei) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e285: ( 53-47857-001_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e286: ( 53-47857-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover October 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e287: ( 53-47857-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e288: ( 53-47857-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record, signed by Captain. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e289: ( 53-47857-003_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. S and A Calderar. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e28a: ( 53-47857-003_1.jpg) 1 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.10am: Landed range party. 9.15am: Divisions. Hands employed chipping. In pm: Muster for quarterly settlement. Hands employed as in forenoon. 4.0pm: Quarters. Leave to starboard watch until 9.30pm. 4.35pm: Range party returned and mustered for quarterly settlement. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e28b: ( 53-47857-004_0.jpg) 2 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 In am: Aired night clothing. In pm: Make and mend. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e28c: ( 53-47857-004_1.jpg) 3 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e28d: ( 53-47857-005_0.jpg) 4 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 11.0am: HMS Marazion sailed. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e28e: ( 53-47857-005_1.jpg) 5 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e28f: ( 53-47857-006_0.jpg) 6 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 5.0pm: Surgeon Lt rejoined ship from hospital. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e290: ( 53-47857-006_1.jpg) 7 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e291: ( 53-47857-007_0.jpg) 8 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e292: ( 53-47857-007_1.jpg) 9 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 In am: Drilled and landed funeral firing party (for Stoker 1c Louis C Browne, SS 23159, late of HMS Titania). 4caf8811cadfd3419701e293: ( 53-47857-008_0.jpg) 10 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. RC and NC parties landed, divine service held on board. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e294: ( 53-47857-008_1.jpg) 11 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e295: ( 53-47857-009_0.jpg) 12 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Diving party down to clean propeller. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e296: ( 53-47857-009_1.jpg) 13 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Diving party down to clean propeller. 1.45pm: HMS Foxglove arrived. Boarded by officer of guard. 3.0pm: Store party returning victualling stores to dockyard. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e297: ( 53-47857-010_0.jpg) 14 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e298: ( 53-47857-010_1.jpg) 15 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.0am: HMS Bluebell arrived. Boarded by officer of guard. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e299: ( 53-47857-011_0.jpg) 16 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 10.50am: HMS Bluebell proceeded to sea. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e29a: ( 53-47857-011_1.jpg) 17 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e29b: ( 53-47857-012_0.jpg) 18 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 11.30am: Slipped and proceeded to Iron pier for coaling. 4.25pm: Received 154 tons. Cast off to secure to buoy. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e29c: ( 53-47857-012_1.jpg) 19 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e29d: ( 53-47857-013_0.jpg) 20 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei and at sea for firing practice. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.27am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Carried out aiming rifle practice at towed target. Returned to harbour. 11.58am: Secured to buoy. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e29e: ( 53-47857-013_1.jpg) 21 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei and at sea for firing practice. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.28am: Slipped and proceeded to sea. Carried out service firing at towed target from both 4” guns. 10.02am: Completed 4” practice and carried out pompom firing. 10.40am: Completed practice and returned to harbour. 11.18am: Secured to buoy. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e29f: ( 53-47857-014_0.jpg) 22 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 3.0pm: HMS Titania arrived. 5.30pm: Submarines arrived. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a0: ( 53-47857-014_1.jpg) 23 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.0am: HMS Marazion arrived. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a1: ( 53-47857-015_0.jpg) 24 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. Muster by the ledger at divisions. The entire ship’s company is drawn up on deck and each hand in turn steps up, salutes the Captain and states his rating, qualifications and good conduct badges. The muster roll and ship’s disciplinary record are checked and the man salutes again and returns to his division. The main purpose of this is to allow the Captain to put a name to the face, as even in a small ship there will be some hands that he just never sees normally. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a2: ( 53-47857-015_1.jpg) 25 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a3: ( 53-47857-016_0.jpg) 26 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 First aid lecture to stretcher party. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a4: ( 53-47857-016_1.jpg) 27 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a5: ( 53-47857-017_0.jpg) 28 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 First aid lecture to stretcher party. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a6: ( 53-47857-017_1.jpg) 29 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.0am: Rake party left ship for tug. (The rake party, using a wooden device with pegs very like a rake, observed the fall of shot during target practice and by triangulation were able to mark each shot for accuracy.) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a7: ( 53-47857-018_0.jpg) 30 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a8: ( 53-47857-018_1.jpg) 31 October 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2a9: ( 53-47857-019_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2aa: ( 53-47857-019_1.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2ab: ( 53-47857-020_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2ac: ( 53-47857-020_1.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2ad: ( 53-47857-021_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2ae: ( 53-47857-021_1.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2af: ( 53-47857-022_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b0: ( 53-47857-022_1.jpg) Above eight pages blank. LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1920 (Wei-hai-wei, Chefoo and Wei-hai-wei) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b1: ( 53-47858-001_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b2: ( 53-47858-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover November 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b3: ( 53-47858-002_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b4: ( 53-47858-002_1.jpg) Excess speed record and performance figures, signed by Captain. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b5: ( 53-47858-003_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra. Sea. S and A Calderar. 1st to 12th. Reynolds and Co, 15th to 30th. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b6: ( 53-47858-003_1.jpg) 1 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 5.0am: Officer of guard boarded steamer entering harbour. 3.15pm: HMS Cairo arrived. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b7: ( 53-47858-004_0.jpg) 2 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 11.45am: Read warrant No 4. Coaling. Received 20 tons. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b8: ( 53-47858-004_1.jpg) 3 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 5.30pm: Put second bridle on buoy. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2b9: ( 53-47858-005_0.jpg) 4 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 NW’ly gales f8-9 in am, abating to 4-5 by midnight. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2ba: ( 53-47858-005_1.jpg) 5 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 9.15am: Divisions. Hands double round upper deck (to get the circulation going, it is 41ºF). 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2bb: ( 53-47858-006_0.jpg) 6 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2bc: ( 53-47858-006_1.jpg) 7 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2bd: ( 53-47858-007_0.jpg) 8 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Prepared for coaling 8.20am: Party landed to haul target up on beach. 10.47am: Coaling, received 20 tons. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2be: ( 53-47858-007_1.jpg) 9 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei to Chifu (or Chefoo, now Yantai). Lat 37.6, Long 121.85 8.0am: Slipped and proceeded to sea, Westerly courses.. Strong Northerly winds all day. 3.0pm: East Sand Spit buoy bg NW, 2 cables. 4.08pm. Anchored, Chifu. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2bf: ( 53-47858-008_0.jpg) 10 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c0: ( 53-47858-008_1.jpg) 11 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 11.0am: Sounded Still. Fired one blank round from starboard 3 pdr. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c1: ( 53-47858-009_0.jpg) 12 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 9.0am: Middled to four shackles on each and put on mooring swivel. First aid class to instruction. 1st and 2nd whalers away sailing. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c2: ( 53-47858-009_1.jpg) 13 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c3: ( 53-47858-010_0.jpg) 14 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 Sunday routine. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c4: ( 53-47858-010_1.jpg) 15 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 Exercised out kedge anchor. Away all boat crews. 1st and 2nd whalers manouevred by signal. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c5: ( 53-47858-011_0.jpg) 16 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c6: ( 53-47858-011_1.jpg) 17 November 1920 Chifu. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c7: ( 53-47858-012_0.jpg) 18 November 1920 Chefoo to Wei-hai-wei Lat 37.6, Long 122.0 7.40am: Weighed and proceeded. 1.55pm: Secured to buoy, Wei-hai-wei. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c8: ( 53-47858-012_1.jpg) 19 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Exercised gun crews and control parties. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2c9: ( 53-47858-013_0.jpg) 20 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2ca: ( 53-47858-013_1.jpg) 21 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2cb: ( 53-47858-014_0.jpg) 22 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Exercised out both wire hawsers, away all boats and whalers away sailing. Oiled and reeled up hawsers. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2cc: ( 53-47858-014_1.jpg) 23 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Divers down to clear sea inlets. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2cd: ( 53-47858-015_0.jpg) 24 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Landed provision party. Hands to double round after deck. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2ce: ( 53-47858-015_1.jpg) 25 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Coaled ship, 90 tons. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2cf: ( 53-47858-016_0.jpg) 26 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d0: ( 53-47858-016_1.jpg) 27 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 12 noon: Ship’s company mustered for monthly payment. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d1: ( 53-47858-017_0.jpg) 28 November 1920 Wei-hai-wei and at sea towards Nagasaki. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. 11.58pm: Slipped and proceeded. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d2: ( 53-47858-017_1.jpg) 29 November 1920 At sea. Lat 36.5, Long 123.6 3.17am: NE Promontory Lt abeam, 2 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 36 54N, 123 13E. Exercised fire stations. Gun crews to drill. 4.0pm: Read warrant No 5. 8.0pm: Pos. 35 30N, 124 15E. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d3: ( 53-47858-018_0.jpg) 30 November 1920 At sea. Lat 33.9, Long 125.75 8.0am: Pos. 34 11N, 125 11E. 10.25am: Quelpart I. (now Jeju) bg SE. 4.50pm: Flower I. bg N15E, 0.5 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 33 38N, 126 55E. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d4: ( 53-47858-018_1.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d5: ( 53-47858-019_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d6: ( 53-47858-019_1.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d7: ( 53-47858-020_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d8: ( 53-47858-020_1.jpg) Above five pages blank. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1920 (Nagasaki and Amoy) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2d9: ( 53-47859-001_0.jpg) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2da: ( 53-47859-001_1.jpg) Copy Log, front cover December 1920, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2db: ( 53-47859-003_0.jpg) Blank. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2dc: ( 53-47859-003_1.jpg) Excess speed record and fuel consumption figures, signed by Captain. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2dd: ( 53-47859-003a_0.jpg) Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. Reynolds. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2de: ( 53-47859-003a_1.jpg) 1 December 1920 At sea to Nagasaki. Lat 32.85, Long 129.0 8.0am: Pos. 33 03N, 128 31E. 11.0am: Courses to enter and pass through Takigawara Strait. 5.35pm: Secured to buoy, Nagasaki harbour. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2df: ( 53-47859-004_0.jpg) 2 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 Leave to starboard watch until 8.0am, 8th December. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e0: ( 53-47859-004_1.jpg) 3 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e1: ( 53-47859-005_0.jpg) 4 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 Condemned and thrown overboard, three tins of milk. (Magnolia has thrown tins of milk into every harbour between Devonport and Nagasaki) 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e2: ( 53-47859-005_1.jpg) 5 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 Church parties landed. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e3: ( 53-47859-006_0.jpg) 6 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e4: ( 53-47859-006_1.jpg) 7 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e5: ( 53-47859-007_0.jpg) 8 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 8.0am: Starboard watch returned from leave. Leave to port watch until 8.0am, 14th December. 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e6: ( 53-47859-007_1.jpg) 9 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e7: ( 53-47859-008_0.jpg) 10 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 4caf8811cadfd3419701e2e8: ( 53-47859-008_1.jpg) 11 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2e9: ( 53-47859-008a_0.jpg) 12 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 Sunday routine. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2ea: ( 53-47859-008a_1.jpg) 13 December 1920 Nagasaki. Lat 32.74, Long 129.86 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2eb: ( 53-47859-009_0.jpg) 14 December 1920 Nagasaki and at sea towards Amoy. Lat 32.7, Long 129.7 10.40am: Slipped and proceeded. 8.0pm: Pos. 32 02N, 128 54E. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2ec: ( 53-47859-009_1.jpg) 15 December 1920 At sea. Lat 30.75, Long 127.3 8.0am: Pos. 31 02N, 127 40E. Exercised clear for action. 4.08pm: A/c to investigate strange vessel. 4.18pm: Resumed course S40W. 8.0pm: Pos. 30 10N, 126 30E. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2ed: ( 53-47859-010_0.jpg) 16 December 1920 At sea. Lat 28.7, Long 124.4 8.0am: Pos. 29 14N, 125 06E. Full power trial 8.0 to 10.0 am (achieving 12.4 knots). ¾ power trial, 10.0am to 12 noon. (11 knots) 12 noon: Reduced speed gradually to 85 revs. (7.5 knots) 8.0pm: Pos. 28 03N, 123 30E. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2ee: ( 53-47859-010_1.jpg) 17 December 1920 At sea. Lat 26.9, Long 121.7 8.0am: Pos. 27 12N, 122 13E. Exercised action stations. Gun crews to divisional drill. Exercised ODs and boys at sounding machine, 53 fathoms. 8.0pm: Pos. 26 20N, 121 05E. 10.50pm: Tung Yung Lt abeam, 21 miles. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2ef: ( 53-47859-011_0.jpg) 18 December 1920 At sea. Lat 24.9, Long 119.45 (approx) 3.28am: Turnabout I. Lt bg S48W. 6.20am: Same abeam, 4.5 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 25 13N, 119 52E. 11.15am: Ockseu I. Lt abeam, 2.5 miles. 7.07pm: Dodd I. Lt abeam, 2 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 24 21N, 118 24E. 10.29pm: Anchored off Amoy. Lost by accident, one cherub rotator. (The part of a Walker patent log that spins in the water to register speed on the dial mounted on the taffrail) 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f0: ( 53-47859-011_1.jpg) 19 December 1920 At sea to Amoy (now Xiamen) Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded into inner harbour. 7.20am: Anchored, Amoy harbour. (As is by now traditional, they throw 6 tins of milk into the harbour.) Fired 21 gun salute to Chinese flag. Fired 13 gun salute to Chinese RA. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f1: ( 53-47859-012_0.jpg) 20 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f2: ( 53-47859-012_1.jpg) 21 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f3: ( 53-47859-013_0.jpg) 22 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 9.30am: HMS Colombo arrived and OOG boarded same. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f4: ( 53-47859-013_1.jpg) 23 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f5: ( 53-47859-014_0.jpg) 24 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f6: ( 53-47859-014_1.jpg) 25 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Sunday routine. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f7: ( 53-47859-015_0.jpg) 26 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Sunday routine. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f8: ( 53-47859-015_1.jpg) 27 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Exercised collision and abandon ship stations. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2f9: ( 53-47859-016_0.jpg) 28 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Lewis guns' crews to instruction. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2fa: ( 53-47859-016_1.jpg) 29 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Control parties to drill. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2fb: ( 53-47859-017_0.jpg) 30 December 1920 Amoy. Lat 24.48, Long 118.1 Hands employed rigging observation buoy for survey purposes. Coaled ship with native labour, 80 tons. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2fc: ( 53-47859-017_1.jpg) 31 December 1920 Amoy to Tongyung. Lat 24.05, Long 118.0 7.35am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.0am: Pos. 24 26.5N, 118 02.5E. 10.19am: Chapel I. abeam 6 miles. Condemned thrown overboard, one bottle of pickles. 4.17pm: Anchored, Tongyung harbour. 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2fd: ( 53-47859-018_0.jpg) 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2fe: ( 53-47859-018_1.jpg) 4caf8812cadfd3419701e2ff: ( 53-47859-019_0.jpg) 4caf8812cadfd3419701e300: ( 53-47859-019_1.jpg) Above four pages blank. NO LOGS FOR 1 JANUARY TO 31 MARCH. LOGS FOR APRIL 1921 (Hong Kong) 4f4d12f5a2fc8ee092001153: ( 4f4d12f5a2fc8ee092001154: ( Copy Log, front cover April 1921, signed Lt RJ Richards, Navigator. Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. Reynolds 4f4d12f5a2fc8ee092001155: ( Blank. 4f4d12f6a2fc8ee092001156: ( Excess speed record and fuel consumption figures, signed by Captain. 4f4d12f6a2fc8ee092001157: ( Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. Reynolds 4f4d12f6a2fc8ee092001158: ( 1 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 12.15pm: USS Wilmington arrived. 4f4d12f7a2fc8ee092001159: ( 2 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d12f7a2fc8ee09200115a: ( 3 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 RC party landed, C of E party to service in HMS Tamar. 4f4d12f7a2fc8ee09200115b: ( 4 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d12f8a2fc8ee09200115c: ( 5 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.35am: HMS Hawkins proceeded out of harbour. 4f4d12f8a2fc8ee09200115d: ( 6 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.15am: USS Wilmington left. 4f4d12f9a2fc8ee09200115e: ( 7 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.35pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4f4d12f9a2fc8ee09200115f: ( 8 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.05am: HMS Cairo proceeded out of harbour. 11.50am: Read warrant No 6. 4f4d12faa2fc8ee092001160: ( 9 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d12faa2fc8ee092001161: ( 10 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Landed church parties. 4f4d12fba2fc8ee092001162: ( 11 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Divers down for monthly exercise. 8.45am: HMS Cicala proceeded out of harbour. Hands tending wires and fenders whilst HMS’ Foxglove and Magnolia were shifted as necessary for lifting guns by 100 ton crane. 4f4d12fba2fc8ee092001163: ( 12 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands tending wires as required whilst HMS’ Magnolia and Foxglove were shifted to replace Magnolia's after gun. Hands in dockyard drawing 3.5” wire hawser and diving pump from dockyard. 4.05pm: HMS Curlew sailed. 4f4d12fba2fc8ee092001164: ( 13 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.20pm: HMS Colombo proceeded out of harbour. 5.0pm: Read warrant No 8 and discharged one prisoner to HMS Tamar for cell punishment. 4f4d12fba2fc8ee092001165: ( 14 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Drawing stores, disembarking provisions and shifting vessel outside HMS Foxglove. 4f4d12fca2fc8ee092001166: ( 15 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 In pm: Shifted from jetty with tugs and entered dock. 4f4d12fca2fc8ee092001167: ( 16 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.0am: Commenced pumping out dock. Hands employed scrubbing ship’s bottom and restowing canvas in canvas room. 4f4d12fca2fc8ee092001168: ( 17 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4f4d12fda2fc8ee092001169: ( 18 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 2.0pm: HMS Ambrose sailed. 4f4d12fda2fc8ee09200116a: ( 19 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d12fea2fc8ee09200116b: ( 20 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d12fea2fc8ee09200116c: ( 21 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Condemned seven tins of milk… 4f4d12ffa2fc8ee09200116d: ( 22 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands employed getting up cable to dockhead. 4f4d12ffa2fc8ee09200116e: ( 23 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1300a2fc8ee09200116f: ( 24 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Landed church parties. 4f4d1300a2fc8ee092001170: ( 25 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1300a2fc8ee092001171: ( 26 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 HMS Alacrity (C-in-C’s flag) proceeded out of harbour. 4f4d1301a2fc8ee092001172: ( 27 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1301a2fc8ee092001173: ( 28 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 1.25pm: French cruiser Montcalm arrived. 4f4d1301a2fc8ee092001174: ( 29 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands drawing cable from testing house. 11.0am: HMS Robin arrived. 1.25pm: HMS Hawkins sailed. 4f4d1302a2fc8ee092001175: ( 30 April 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands working about cable. Muster for monthly payment. 4f4d1302a2fc8ee092001176: ( 4f4d1302a2fc8ee092001177: ( 4f4d1303a2fc8ee092001178: ( 4f4d1303a2fc8ee092001179: ( 4f4d1304a2fc8ee09200117a: ( Above five pages blank. The logs now switch to original books, with two months to each book. LOG BOOK – MAY 1ST TO JUNE 30TH 1921 4f4d1304a2fc8ee09200117b: ( 4f4d1304a2fc8ee09200117c: ( Book Cover 4f4d1305a2fc8ee09200117d: ( Blank. 4f4d1305a2fc8ee09200117e: ( Excess speed record and fuel consumption figures, signed by Captain. 4f4d1306a2fc8ee09200117f: ( Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. Reynolds LOGS FOR MAY 1921 (Hong Kong and Wei-hai-wei) 4f4d1306a2fc8ee092001180: ( 1 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4f4d1306a2fc8ee092001181: ( 2 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands employed re-embarking and stowing cable and lowering anchors into dock. 4f4d1307a2fc8ee092001182: ( 3 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands painting out spirit room (an activity strictly supervised). 4f4d1307a2fc8ee092001183: ( 4 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands employed drawing 1.5” wire and reel (300 fms). 4f4d1307a2fc8ee092001184: ( 5 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 First Lieutenant returned to duty from RN Hospital. Tilt test carried out by dockyard. 4.30pm: Finished flooding dock. 4f4d1308a2fc8ee092001185: ( 6 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.15am: Left dock with tugs to No 9 buoy. Commenced coaling. 12.15pm: Finished coaling, 120 tons. Ship proceeded alongside wall, west of dry dock, in charge of tugs. 4f4d1308a2fc8ee092001186: ( 7 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands drawing stores, awnings and boats. 9.05am: HMS Robin sailed. 4f4d1309a2fc8ee092001187: ( 8 May 1921 Hong Kong Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0am: Dressed ship (Accession Day, marking the start of the King’s reign). 4f4d1309a2fc8ee092001188: ( 9 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Hands embarking ammunition and refitting motor-boat falls. 12.25pm: French Montcalm sailed. 4f4d1309a2fc8ee092001189: ( 10 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.0am: Divers down alongside port quarter. 1.30pm: HMS Moorhen arrived. 4f4d130aa2fc8ee09200118a: ( 11 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: Court of Enquiry into loss of 16 Enfield rifles assembled on board. 11.45am: Court rose. Three ratings joined ship for passage. 4f4d130aa2fc8ee09200118b: ( 12 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.50am: USS Rizal arrived. Proceeded to No 8 buoy and swung ship for compasses. 4f4d130aa2fc8ee09200118c: ( 13 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d130ba2fc8ee09200118d: ( 14 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: USS Rizal sailed. 10.25am: HMS Foxglove proceeded out of harbour. 4f4d130ba2fc8ee09200118e: ( 15 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d130ba2fc8ee09200118f: ( 16 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 2.40pm: USS Wilmington arrived. 5.40pm: HMS Bluebell arrived. 4f4d130ca2fc8ee092001190: ( 17 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d130ca2fc8ee092001191: ( 18 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d130ca2fc8ee092001192: ( 19 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d130da2fc8ee092001193: ( 20 May 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Two ratings joined ship for passage for Wei-hai-wei. 4f4d130da2fc8ee092001194: ( 21 May 1921 Hong Kong and at sea. Lat 22.25, Long 114.35 (approx) 11.0am: Slipped and proceeded with lighter in tow through Lye Mun passage. 6.52pm: Pedro Blanco abeam 6 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 22 27.5N, 115 14.5E. 10.42pm: Chilang Rk Lt abeam, 6 miles. 4f4d130da2fc8ee092001195: ( 22 May 1921 At sea. Lat 23.2, Long 117.4 6.0am: Breaker Pt Lt abeam. 8.0am: Pos. 22 56.5N, 116 51E. 11.34am: Lamock High I. Lt abeam. 3.09pm: Brothers High I. abeam. 7.55pm: Chapel I. Lt bg N. 8.0pm: Pos. 23 53N, 118 16E. 4f4d130ea2fc8ee092001196: ( 23 May 1921 At sea. Lat 24.93, Long 119.47 8.0am: Pos. 24 37N, 119 10E. 12 noon: Ockseu Light bg N17W. 5.41pm: Turnabout I. Lt bg West. 8.0pm: Pos. 25 43N, 120 13E. 8.47pm: Tung Kuen Lt abeam, 18 miles. 4f4d130ea2fc8ee092001197: ( 24 May 1921 At sea. Lat 27.38, Long 121.33 1.45am: Tung Yung Lt abeam, 4.5 miles. 8.0am: Pos. 26 58N, 121 04E. 8.0pm: Pos. 28 13N, 122 00E. 10.05pm: Heishan Lt bg N24E. 4f4d130fa2fc8ee092001198: ( 25 May 1921 At sea. Lat 30.2, Long 122.6 8.0am: Pos. 29 40.5N, 122 33.5E. 9.25am: Tongting Lt abeam, 1 mile. 11.25am: A/c to pass through Steep I. (now Xiaogui Shan) passage. 7.0pm: North Saddle Lt bg S1E. 8.0pm: Pos. 31 17N, 122 40E. 9.20pm: Shaweishan Lt bg West. 4f4d130fa2fc8ee092001199: ( 26 May 1921 At sea. Lat 33.5, Long 122.75 8.0am: Pos. 32 56N, 122 44E. 5.20pm: Ran into heavy fog. 8.0pm: Pos. 34 52N, 122 50E. 4f4d130fa2fc8ee09200119a: ( 27 May 1921 At sea to Wei-hai-wei. Lat 36.95, Long 122.85 6.0am: Fog dispersed. 7.15am: SE Promontory bg N30W. 8.0am: Pos. 36 20N, 122 52E. 6.0pm: Slipped tow and passed same to tug Hesper*. 6.30pm: Secured to buoy, Wei-hai-wei harbour. * Water tanker Hesper, Minx class, 1901, 390 tons, sold in 1923. 4f4d1310a2fc8ee09200119b: ( 28 May 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Aired night clothing. In pm: Make and mend. 2.30pm: HMS Cairo arrived. 4f4d1310a2fc8ee09200119c: ( 29 May 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 RC and NC church parties landed. C of E to HMS Colombo for service. 4f4d1310a2fc8ee09200119d: ( 30 May 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 6.40am: Slipped and proceeded alongside Iron pier for coaling. 9.0am: Target party away for light cruiser firing practice. HMS’ Hawkins, Cairo, Curlew, Colombo and Carlisle proceeded out of harbour. 11.25am: Finished coaling, 163 tons and cast off to anchor. 1.0pm to 4.10pm: LCS returned to harbour at intervals. 4f4d1311a2fc8ee09200119e: ( 31 May 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Four hand scrubbers lost overboard by accident. LOGS FOR JUNE 1921 (Wei-hai-wei, Newchwang, Chefoo and WHW) 4f4d1312a2fc8ee09200119f: ( 1 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Muster for monthly payment. In pm: 1st and 2nd whalers away sailing in weekly race. 4f4d1312a2fc8ee0920011a0: ( 2 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei, at sea and return. Lat 37.5, Long 122.25 5.58pm: Weighed and proceeded through Eastern entrance and laid out range Dan buoy. 7.52am: Anchored SSW of buoy. 10.59am: Weighed and proceeded to anchor abreast of mark buoy. 11.55am: Anchored. Hands employed getting in mark buoy and moorings and range buoy and moorings. Picked up torpedo track record party. 1.55pm: Weighed and proceeded to pick up No 1 mark buoy and dan buoy. Returned to harbour through Western entrance. 4.48pm: Slipped whaler abreast of flagship. 4.55pm: Anchored. 4f4d1313a2fc8ee0920011a1: ( 3 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.0am: Dressed ship in honour of HM the King's birthday. 11.50am: Manned ship, fired 21 gun salute and cheered ship. 4f4d1313a2fc8ee0920011a2: ( 4 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei and at sea towards Newchwang. Lat 38.02, Long 121.75 6.58am: Weighed and proceeded to sea. 8.0am: Pos. 37 34N, 122 09.5E. 4.38pm: Liau-ti-shan promontory bg N37W. 6.53pm: A/c due North. 4f4d1313a2fc8ee0920011a3: ( 5 June 1921 At sea to Newchwang (now Yingkou). Lat 40.55, Long 122.0 8.0am: Pos. 40 19N, 121 31E. 10.33am: Sighted Bar LV, fell out sounding party and unrigged boom. 11.25am: Newchwang Bar LV abeam, anchored abreast of pilot vessel. 12.55am: Picked up pilot. Weighed and proceeded into river. 2.50pm: Stopped and swung to flood. Let go starboard anchor snubbed at second shackle. 3.06pm: Weighed and proceeded. 3.11pm: Anchored, tide flooding strongly. 6.35pm: Ship swung to ebb 6.39pm: Weighed and proceeded to shift berth. 6.45pm: Anchored and secured to Jardine & Matheson’s ebb pontoon. 4f4d1314a2fc8ee0920011a4: ( 6 June 1921 Newchwang. Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 4f4d1314a2fc8ee0920011a5: ( 7 June 1921 Newchwang. Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 4f4d1314a2fc8ee0920011a6: ( 8 June 1921 Newchwang. Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 In am: Offical visit by British Consul and Chinese GOC. 4f4d1315a2fc8ee0920011a7: ( 9 June 1921 Newchwang. Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 4f4d1315a2fc8ee0920011a8: ( 10 June 1921 Newchwang. Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 4f4d1315a2fc8ee0920011a9: ( 11 June 1921 Newchwang. Lat 40.71, Long 122.24 4f4d1316a2fc8ee0920011aa: ( 12 June 1921 Newchwang and at sea towards Chefoo Lat 40.08, Long 121.5 5.14am: Slipped from wharf, weighed, turned and proceeded downstream, pilot i/c. 7.41am: Entrance buoy abeam, dropped pilot. 8.0am: Pos. 40 32.5N, 122 01E. 8.07am: Newchwang LV abeam, 0.25 miles. 8.0pm: Pos. 39 02N, 121 05E. 9.20pm: Howki Lt bg S26W. 11.59pm: Liau ti shan Lt N3W. 4f4d1316a2fc8ee0920011ab: ( 13 June 1921 At sea to Chefoo. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 6.11am: Anchored close to HMS Marazion, Chefoo. 7.40am: Marazion left for Wei-hai-wei. In pm: Whalers and skiff away sailing. 4f4d1316a2fc8ee0920011ac: ( 14 June 1921 Chefoo. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 Exercised away all boats, boats making sail and pulling. 10.25am: HM Submarines L2 and L19 left for Wei-hai-wei. Inspected bedding. Lash up and stow. 6.45pm: HM Submarines L3 and L9 arrived. 4f4d1316a2fc8ee0920011ad: ( 15 June 1921 Chefoo. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 Exercised out bower anchor. Hands reeling up and eye-splicing 3.5” wire. In pm: Whalers and skiff away sailing. 4f4d1317a2fc8ee0920011ae: ( 16 June 1921 Chefoo. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 Seamen’s division to small arms drill. In pm: Whalers and skiff away sailing. 4f4d1317a2fc8ee0920011af: ( 17 June 1921 Chefoo. Lat 37.55, Long 121.45 Exercised action stations. Seamen and Stokers muster for kit inspection. In pm: All boats away sailing. 4f4d1317a2fc8ee0920011b0: ( 18 June 1921 Chefoo to Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.55, Long 122.15 7.50am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.0am: Pos. 37 33N, 121 28.5E. 12.36pm: Secured to buoy, Wei-hai-wei. 4f4d1318a2fc8ee0920011b1: ( 19 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 9.0am: HMS Carlisle sailed for Hong Kong. C of E party attended divine service on HMS Curlew RC and NC parties landed. 4f4d1318a2fc8ee0920011b2: ( 20 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Whalers away taking apart in fleet boat exercise. 5.0pm: Read warrant No 9. 4f4d1318a2fc8ee0920011b3: ( 21 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.30am: HMS St Breock left harbour with Patt. VI target. 8.05am: Slipped and proceeded with HMS Foxglove for aiming rifle practice. 10.50am: Completed practice and returned to harbour. 11.38am: Shackled to buoy, Wei-hai-wei. 1.15pm: HMS Marazion returned from exercise. 4f4d1318a2fc8ee0920011b4: ( 22 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.0am: Dressed ship (for Coronation Day) 8.15am: 17 Seamen and 19 Stokers landed for ceremonial route march and parade. 4f4d1319a2fc8ee0920011b5: ( 23 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.30am: HMS St Breock left harbour with Patt. VI target. 8.0am: Slipped and proceeded with HMS Foxglove for aiming rifle practice. 10.40am: Completed practice and returned to harbour. 11.38am: Shackled to buoy, Wei-hai-wei. 11.35am: Foxglove and St Breock returned. In pm: Whalers away for sailing race. 4f4d1319a2fc8ee0920011b6: ( 24 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Full caibre practice at BP target 7.40am: HMS Foxglove left. 7.47am: Slipped and proceeded for full calibre practice at BP target towed by RFA Francol. 8.0am: Pos. 37 29N, 122 12E. Made two runs firing 47 4” projectiles. One misfire thrown overboard. Returned to harbour. 11.39am: Secured to buoy. 12.20pm: Foxglove returned. 1.05pm: HM Submarines L9 and L19 returned after practice. 1.20pm: Submarines L2 and L8 returned. 4f4d1319a2fc8ee0920011b7: ( 25 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4f4d131aa2fc8ee0920011b8: ( 26 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. C of E party to HMS Cairo. 4f4d131aa2fc8ee0920011b9: ( 27 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.45am: Landed Lewis gun crews for range instruction. 4f4d131aa2fc8ee0920011ba: ( 28 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.45am: Landed Lewis gun crews for range instruction. 9.20am: RFA Kharki and submarines proceeded out of harbour. 10.45am: Kharki returned. 12.30pm: Submarines returned. 4f4d131ba2fc8ee0920011bb: ( 29 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.45am: Landed Lewis gun crews for range instruction. Whalers away sailing in weekly race. 4f4d131ba2fc8ee0920011bc: ( 30 June 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.0am: Landed Lewis gun crews for range instruction. HMS’ Hawkins, Cairo and Curlew slipped and proceeded out of harbour. 8.45am: Slipped and proceeded to leave harbour by Western entrance, keeping station 3 cables astern of HMS Foxglove. 10.13am: Stopped, exercise completed. 11.53am: Secured to buoy. 1.30pm: Muster for quarterly settlement. 4f4d131ca2fc8ee0920011bd: ( 4f4d131ca2fc8ee0920011be: ( 4f4d131ca2fc8ee0920011bf: ( 4f4d131da2fc8ee0920011c0: ( Above four pages blank. LOG BOOK – JULY 1ST 1921 TO AUGUST 31ST 1921 4f4d131da2fc8ee0920011c1: ( 4f4d131da2fc8ee0920011c2: ( Front cover July/August 1921. 4f4d131ea2fc8ee0920011c3: ( Blank page. 4f4d131ea2fc8ee0920011c4: ( Excess speed record and fuel consumption figures, signed by Captain. 4f4d131fa2fc8ee0920011c5: ( Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. Reynolds LOGS FOR JULY 1921 (Wei-hai-wei, Woosung and Shanghai) 4f4d131fa2fc8ee0920011c6: ( 1 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei, at sea and return. Lat 37.61, Long 122.25 7.42am: Slipped and proceeded with Patt. VI target in tow, to tow target for submarines, Captain’s firing. 8.0am: Pos. 37 30.5N, 122 39.25E. 8.15am: Veered target to 400 yds. Made several runs, elevation, flash and record parties employed. 11.40am: Completed exercise, hove target short and returned to harbour. 1.13pm: Secured to No 3 buoy. 4f4d131fa2fc8ee0920011c7: ( 2 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4f4d1320a2fc8ee0920011c8: ( 3 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.0am: HM Submarine L1 arrived. RC and NC parties landed, C of Es to HMS Cairo. 4f4d1320a2fc8ee0920011c9: ( 4 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4f4d1320a2fc8ee0920011ca: ( 5 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.25am: HM Subs L1 and L2 proceeded out of harbour. 9.07am: HMS Marazion proceeded out of harbour. 12.25 to 1.45pm: Marazion and submarines returned. 4f4d1321a2fc8ee0920011cb: ( 6 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Coaling (180 tons) and drawing stores. Draught before; for’d 9’ 11”, aft 12’ 8.5”. After; 11’ 4”, 13’ 5”. 3.30pm: Slipped from Iron pier and secured to No 2 buoy.. 4f4d1321a2fc8ee0920011cc: ( 7 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 8.50am: HMS’ Hawkins, Curlew and Cairo proceeded. 9.50am: HM Submarines (L2, L3 and L19 vide log of Marazion) left. 10.15am: HMS Marazion proceeded out of harbour. In pm: Light cruisers, Marazion and submarines returned to harbour. 4.0pm: HMS Foxglove left. 4f4d1322a2fc8ee0920011cd: ( 8 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4.0pm: Target party left ship to rig BP target.. 4f4d1322a2fc8ee0920011ce: ( 9 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 6.40am: Target party of one WO and 120 (!?) hands left ship for BP target. 8.30am: HMS’ Hawkins, Curlew and Cairo proceeded. 8.40am: Slipped and proceeded to lead target line into position to commence and carry out exercise at 10.0 am. 10.03am: Torpedo track record parties closed up. 10.20am: Light cruisers fired torpedoes at target line. 10.48am: Run finished, a/c 16 pts to starboard to return to harbour by Western entrance. 12.15pm: Shackled to No 1 buoy, target party returned. 4f4d1322a2fc8ee0920011cf: ( 10 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine, C of E party to HMS Curlew. 4f4d1323a2fc8ee0920011d0: ( 11 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 7.45am: Sports working party (one PO and eight hands) landed. 8.45am: Sports competition party and messenger landed. Returned target sails to dockyard. Leave to port watch until 11.30pm for concert. 4f4d1323a2fc8ee0920011d1: ( 12 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Leave to starboard watch until 11.30pm for entertainment. 4f4d1323a2fc8ee0920011d2: ( 13 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 6.15am: HMS Cairo proceeded. 9.05am: HM Submarine L1 proceeded. 4.0pm: L1 returned. 4f4d1324a2fc8ee0920011d3: ( 14 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 9.0am: Submarines (L2, L3, L9 and L33, vide log of HMS Ambrose) proceeded out of harbour for exercises. Non-swimmers landed for swimming test. 2.0pm: Submarines returned to harbour with HMS Marazion. 4f4d1324a2fc8ee0920011d4: ( 15 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 In am: Submarines (L1, L2 and L19, vide log of HMS Ambrose) proceeded out of harbour and returned. 4f4d1325a2fc8ee0920011d5: ( 16 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 4f4d1325a2fc8ee0920011d6: ( 17 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Sunday routine. RCs and NCs landed, C of Es to HMS Cairo. 4f4d1325a2fc8ee0920011d7: ( 18 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei. Lat 37.48, Long 122.18 Provision party drawing stores. 4f4d1325a2fc8ee0920011d8: ( 19 July 1921 Wei-hai-wei and at sea. Lat 37.46, Long 122.59 9.27am: Slipped and proceeded. 12.10pm: A/c to pass inside Alceste Rock and enter Malan (?) Cove. 12.35pm: Anchored. Set up 2.5” wire as back stay to mainmast. 4f4d1326a2fc8ee0920011d9: ( 20 July 1921 Malan Cove and at sea. Lat 36.68, Long 122.65 4.15am: Weighed and proceeded, course S6W. 8.0am: Pos. 37 08N, 122 41E. Pompom practice, fired live 2 pdr ammunition. 8.0pm: Pos. 35 43N, 122 41E. 4f4d1326a2fc8ee0920011da: ( 21 July 1921 At sea. Lat 33.7, Long 122.55 8.0am: Pos. 34 14N, 122 33E. Quartermasters, Signalmen and Boatswain's Mates to instruction in fireworks (flares, rockets etc). Ordinary Seamen to instruction in Kelvin Mk IV sounding machine. 8.0pm: Pos. 32 49N, 122 26E. 4f4d1326a2fc8ee0920011db: ( 22 July 1921 At sea to Woosung (now Wusung). Lat 31.48, Long 121.71 8.0am: Pos. 31 25N, 122 20E. Shaweishan Lt bg N84W. 8.20am: Entering Yangtze Kiang and proceeding towards Woosung via North Channel. 11.22am: Drinkwater Pt LV abeam. 1.48pm: Anchored, Woosung. Coaled from lighter, 120 tons. 4f4d1327a2fc8ee0920011dc: ( 23 July 1921 Woosung to Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 8.27am: Weighed and proceeded up Whangpoo River 11.33am: Anchored in mid stream abreast of police station and watering wharf. 4f4d1327a2fc8ee0920011dd: ( 24 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 Condemned and thrown overboard, six tins of milk. Church parties landed in am. Funeral party landed in pm. 4f4d1327a2fc8ee0920011de: ( 25 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 4f4d1328a2fc8ee0920011df: ( 26 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 4f4d1328a2fc8ee0920011e0: ( 27 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 5.50am: Shifted berth to American buoy. 8.10am: Japanese Akashi entered harbour. 4f4d1329a2fc8ee0920011e1: ( 28 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 3.15pm: Japanese Akashi proceeded out of harbour. 3.35pm: Chinese gunboat entered harbour. 4f4d1329a2fc8ee0920011e2: ( 29 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 4f4d1329a2fc8ee0920011e3: ( 30 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 Lost overboard by accident, three windscoops for scuttles. 4f4d132aa2fc8ee0920011e4: ( 31 July 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 Sunday routine. LOGS FOR AUGUST 1921 (Shanghai, Hankow, Kuchi, Chenglin and Yochau) 4f4d132aa2fc8ee0920011e5: ( 1 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 9.15am: Divisions. Hands employed turning whaler’s falls and working about side screens. (A regular piece of preventive maintenance, turning the falls used to hoist and lower boats end for end, to even out wear where they pass through the blocks. The side screens are needed to keep the sun off the hull as far as possible, temperatures are often in the 90s F.) Condemned and thrown overboard, five tins of condensed milk. In pm: Muster for monthly payment. 5.0pm: Evening quarters. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f4d132aa2fc8ee0920011e6: ( 2 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 12.55pm: HMS Woodcock arrived. 4f4d132ba2fc8ee0920011e7: ( 3 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 10.30am: HMS Mantis proceeded. 10.35am: Slipped and proceeded to No 2 British naval buoy. HMS Woodcock made fast to port side. 4f4d132ba2fc8ee0920011e8: ( 4 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 3.0pm: French cruiser Destrées sailed. 4f4d132ba2fc8ee0920011e9: ( 5 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 Found unfit for food, eight tins condensed milk. 4f4d132ca2fc8ee0920011ea: ( 6 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 4f4d132ca2fc8ee0920011eb: ( 7 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 Sunday routine. 4f4d132ca2fc8ee0920011ec: ( 8 August 1921 Shanghai. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 Discharged one Stoker to Victoria Nursing Home. 4f4d132da2fc8ee0920011ed: ( 9 August 1921 Shanghai to Woosung. Lat 31.24, Long 121.495 4.45am: HMS Bee proceeded to sea. 9.0am: Lt TR Beatty joined ship (to replace Lt RJ Richards. Both signed the log). Completed with coal from lighters alongside, 70 tons. 2.15pm: HMS Woodcock shoved off from alongside. 4.30pm: Lt Richards left ship for passage home. 4.54pm: Slipped and proceeded down to Woosung. 7.0pm: Anchored, Woosung. Unusually, Magnolia’s navigating officer records a noon position while in the Yangtze. Occasionally these show the ship to be on dry land and in those instances I have made a slight adjustment to the Lat and/or Long as recorded. 4f4d132da2fc8ee0920011ee: ( 10 August 1921 Woosung and up Yangtze for Hankow. Lat 32.03, Long 120.57 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded up Yangtze. 6.57am: Actaeon buoy abeam. 9.30am: Vine Pt abeam. 3.38pm: Kiangyin LV abeam. 7.08pm: Anchored off Kujing (?) Pt. 4f4d132da2fc8ee0920011ef: ( 11 August 1921 Yangtze. Lat 32.18, Long 118.88 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.20am: Passed through Silver I. channel. 2.20pm: Nanking (now Nanjing) custom house abeam. 7.15pm: Anchored, Wade I. 4f4d132da2fc8ee0920011f0: ( 12 August 1921 Yangtze. Lat 31.08, Long 117.76 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.40am: Shansi Pt abeam. 12 noon: Entered Two Fathom Creek. 2.30pm: Tatung Pagoda abeam. 5.40pm: Rock Temple abeam. 7.0pm: Anchored, 1 cable from North bank of river off Jocelyn I. 4f4d132ea2fc8ee0920011f1: ( 13 August 1921 Yangtze. Lat 29.86, Long 116.40 5.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 6.0am: Anking Pagoda abeam 11.50am: Little Orphan Rock abeam 3.55pm: Anchored, Kiukiang. 4f4d132ea2fc8ee0920011f2: ( 14 August 1921 Yangtze. Lat 29.98, Long 115.38 5.45am: Weighed and proceeded. 9.0am: Wusueh abeam. 2.45pm: Cocks Hd abeam. 4.20pm: Yangki Boulder abeam. 6.30pm: Anchored, North of Squeeze I. LV. 4f4d132ea2fc8ee0920011f3: ( 15 August 1921 Yangtze to Hankow (now Hankou, part of Wuhan) Lat 30.57, Long 114.3. 4.55am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.0am: Porpoise Bluff abeam. 8.20am: Yanglo Beacon abeam. 10.30am: Moored off Hankow. 4f4d132fa2fc8ee0920011f4: ( 16 August 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3. 5.05am: HMS Bee sailed up river. 4.0pm: HMS Scarab arrived. 5.45pm: Bee returned. 4f4d132fa2fc8ee0920011f5: ( 17 August 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3. 5.45am: HIJMS Uji proceeded up river. 4f4d132fa2fc8ee0920011f6: ( 18 August 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3. 2.10pm: HIJMS Uji arrived. 4f4d1330a2fc8ee0920011f7: ( 19 August 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3. 2.0pm: USS Abarenda arrived. 4f4d1330a2fc8ee0920011f8: ( 20 August 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3. 1.15pm: USS Albany sailed. 4f4d1330a2fc8ee0920011f9: ( 21 August 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3. Coaled ship with native labour from lighters. 4.35pm: Japanese gunboat arrived. 5.35pm: One rating from HMS Bee joined for passage to HMS Mantis. Discharged one rating sick to HMS Cairo. 4f4d1331a2fc8ee0920011fa: ( 22 August 1921 Hankow to Kuchi. Lat 30.19, Long 113.91 5.50am: Weighed and proceeded for Yo Chow (Yochau), Chinese pilot on board. 9.45am: Passed about 20 junks with Northern soldiers resting at village. 11.50am: Reduced to slow speed to speak to HMS Widgeon. 3.0pm: Sighted and closed HMS’ Gnat and Woodlark. 3.25pm: Anchored about 1 cable from North bank of river oposite Kuchi. 4f4d1331a2fc8ee0920011fb: ( 23 August 1921 Kuchi (possibly now Dashazhen) Lat 29.99, Long 113.88 (approx) 6.05pm: HMS Scarab arrived from down river. 4f4d1332a2fc8ee0920011fc: ( 24 August 1921 Kuchi to Chenglin (now Yueyang) Lat 29.64, Long 113.31 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded for Cheng Lin. HMS’ Gnat and Woodlark and two steamers in company. 6.10am: Chinese on South bank West of Kuchi opened fire on us with rifles. Fire returned with 4” lyddite and shrapnel, pompom and Lewis guns. 6.30am: Ceased firing. 10.0am: Sing Ti abeam. Passed four Chinese gunboats. 12 noon: Yellow Bluff abeam. 12.45pm: Chinese fired two rifle shots in our direction from South bank East of Red Cliffs (Ling Hiang). 2.35pm: Anchored off Chenglin. Foul berth. Shifted berth closer inshore. 6.45pm: HMS Scarab arrived from Kuchi. Ship was hit three times: 1. on port side abreast Capt's cabin. 2. Carley raft abaft aft funnel. 3. Cover to ER grating on boat deck. 4f4d1332a2fc8ee0920011fd: ( 25 August 1921 Chenglin. Lat 29.44, Long 113.14 5.40am: HMS Gnat proceeded down river. 11.30am: Japanese gunboat Uji arrived from down river. 4f4d1333a2fc8ee0920011fe: ( 26 August 1921 Chenglin. Lat 29.44, Long 113.14 8.45am: HMS Mantis proceeded down river. 6.0pm: Shifted berth owing to weather. 6.45pm: HMS Scarab proceeded to Yo Chau. 4f4d1333a2fc8ee0920011ff: ( 27 August 1921 Chenglin. Lat 29.44, Long 113.14 7.0am: HMS Woodlark proceeded up Yangtze. 9.55am: HMS Scarab arrived from Yo Chau. 10.50am: Scarab proceeded down Yangtze with convoy. 1.50pm: HMS Mantis arrived from down river. 2.05pm: Japanese gunboat Uji arrived from down river. 4f4d1333a2fc8ee092001200: ( 28 August 1921 Chenglin. Lat 29.44, Long 113.14 8.0am: HMS Mantis left for Changsha. 12 noon: Gun fire heard down river. 1.0pm: Six Chinese gunboats and one transport passed up river. Wu Pei Fu (General) in command. 1.30pm: Gunboats commenced bombarding Yo Chau. 3.20pm: HMS Woodlark returned from Yo Chau. 4.10pm: Two Chinese gunboats passed down river. 5.0pm: HMS Scarab arrived with convoy from Kuchi. 4f4d1334a2fc8ee092001201: ( 29 August 1921 Chenglin to Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 5.0am: Chinese gunboat passed down river. 7.30am: HMS Woodlark left for Shasye (now Shashi). 8.0am: HMS Scarab left for Ichang (now Yichang). 9.0am: Weighed and proceeded for Yo-Chau. 10.10am: Anchored. Yo Chau (or Yochau is on the Xianjiang River, a major tributary of the Yangtze. While here, up and down river refers to the Xianjiang). Yo Chan in possession of Wu Pei Fu. Rifle shots occasionally heard from railway embankment. Chinese Fleet lay at anchor off Yo Chau and at 1.0pm shifted berth closer to shore. 4f4d1334a2fc8ee092001202: ( 30 August 1921 Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 6.20am: Japanese gunboat Uji passed up river. 1.30pm: Chinese Admiral returned Captain's call. 4.40pm: USS Quiros arrived from down river. Sent OOG to Quiros. 4f4d1334a2fc8ee092001203: ( 31 August 1921 Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 6.0am: USS Quiros proceeded up river. 9.0pm: One rating rejoined ship and one rating joined ship. 4f4d1335a2fc8ee092001204: ( 4f4d1335a2fc8ee092001205: ( 4f4d1336a2fc8ee092001206: ( Above three pages blank. LOG BOOK – SEPTEMBER 1ST 1921 TO OCTOBER 30TH 1921 4f4d1336a2fc8ee092001207: ( 4f4d1336a2fc8ee092001208: ( Cover of log, September/October 1921 4f4d1337a2fc8ee092001209: ( Blank. 4f4d1337a2fc8ee09200120a: ( Excess speed record and fuel consumption figures, signed by Captain. 4f4d1338a2fc8ee09200120b: ( Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. Reynolds LOGS FOR SEPTEMBER 1921 (Yochau and Hankow) 4f4d1338a2fc8ee09200120c: ( 1 September 1921 Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 6.20am: HMS Gnat passed up river. 1.15pm: Paid monthly money. 2.40pm: HMS Mantis came down river. 3.55pm: Generals Wu Pei Fu and Chao Heng Ti (Zhao Hengti) came on board for peace conference. 5.50pm: USS Villalobos arrived. 6.55pm: Peace conference ended. 8.50pm: Villalobos proceeded. 4f4d1338a2fc8ee09200120d: ( 2 September 1921 Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 5.55am: HMS Mantis proceeded up river (taking General Chao Heng Ti and his staff back to Changsha). 9.0am: Shifted berth. 4f4d1339a2fc8ee09200120e: ( 3 September 1921 Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 One Stoker discharged to depot. 4f4d133aa2fc8ee09200120f: ( 4 September 1921 Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 Hands mustered by the ledger. One Stoker rejoined ship from hospital. 4f4d133aa2fc8ee092001210: ( 5 September 1921 Yo Chau. Lat 29.35, Long 113.08 Exercised boats’ crews. 4f4d133ba2fc8ee092001211: ( 6 September 1921 Yo Chau to Hankow. Lat 30.07, Long 114.04 (approx) 5.40am: Weighed and proceeded for Hankow. 7.10am: Yellow Bluff abeam. 10.0am: Kuchi abeam. 11.45am: Passed HMS Cricket going up river. 3.10pm: Fired a salute of 15 guns to Japanese Vice Admiral. 3.20pm: Anchored at Hankow . AB Webley rejoined ship. 4f4d133ba2fc8ee092001212: ( 7 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 2.30pm: HMS Gnat arrived. 4f4d133ca2fc8ee092001213: ( 8 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 6.05am: HMS Bee proceeded down river. Refitted whalers’ masts. Unfit for food, six tins of milk. 4f4d133ca2fc8ee092001214: ( 9 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Exercised action stations. 4f4d133ca2fc8ee092001215: ( 10 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 5.30am: USS Villalobos sailed. 4f4d133da2fc8ee092001216: ( 11 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Sunday routine. 4f4d133da2fc8ee092001217: ( 12 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Sighted both anchors. (The muddy bottom of the Yangtze is notoriously poor holding ground and sighting the anchors means that their position is carefully checked, possibly by small buoys attahed to them when they were dropped.) 4f4d133ea2fc8ee092001218: ( 13 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d133ea2fc8ee092001219: ( 14 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d133fa2fc8ee09200121a: ( 15 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Sighted both anchors. 4f4d133fa2fc8ee09200121b: ( 16 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Completed with 150 tons of coal from lighters. 4f4d1340a2fc8ee09200121c: ( 17 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 7.0am: HMS Curlew proceeded down river. 4.15pm: Curlew came up river. 4f4d1341a2fc8ee09200121d: ( 18 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 10.0pm: USS Elcano came down river. 4f4d1341a2fc8ee09200121e: ( 19 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 One Stoker rejoined from hospital. 4f4d1342a2fc8ee09200121f: ( 20 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 11.0am: Chinese gunboat arrived. 3.15pm: Japanese gunboat arrived. 4f4d1342a2fc8ee092001220: ( 21 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d1342a2fc8ee092001221: ( 22 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 11.40am: USS Palos arrived in port. 4f4d1343a2fc8ee092001222: ( 23 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 1.30pm: Two Japanese gunboats arrived. 4f4d1343a2fc8ee092001223: ( 24 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d1344a2fc8ee092001224: ( 25 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d1344a2fc8ee092001225: ( 26 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 12.15pm: HMS Woodcock arrived from down river. 4f4d1345a2fc8ee092001226: ( 27 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 1.55pm: HMS Cricket arrived from Chenglin. 4f4d1345a2fc8ee092001227: ( 28 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 10.30am: HMS Bee arrived. 4f4d1346a2fc8ee092001228: ( 29 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Aired bedding. Exercised small arm drill. 4f4d1346a2fc8ee092001229: ( 30 September 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 LOGS FOR OCTOBER 1921 (Hankow) 4f4d1346a2fc8ee09200122a: ( 1 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 6.0am: HMS Cricket proceeded down river. 1.40pm: HMS Woodlark arrived from up river. Read warrant No 10. 6.10pm: USS Alden arrived flying flag of RA Joseph Strauss. 4f4d1348a2fc8ee09200122b: ( 2 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 One SPO discharged to hospital. 4f4d1348a2fc8ee09200122c: ( 3 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 6.15am: HMS’ Bee, Curlew and Gnat proceeded down river. 9.20am: Inspected kit bags. 11.50am: Two absentees from Bee and Curlew joined ship. 4f4d1349a2fc8ee09200122d: ( 4 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d1349a2fc8ee09200122e: ( 5 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 5.0pm: Lt CJ West RN left ship for passage to England. 4f4d134aa2fc8ee09200122f: ( 6 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 3.20am: Landed fire party for fire in Chinese city. 4.20am: Fire party retuned. 8.05am: Japanese gunboat proceeded up river. 1.0pm: USS General Alava arrived. 4.0pm: HMS Widgeon arrived. 5.0pm: Read warrant No 11. 4f4d134aa2fc8ee092001230: ( 7 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 5.30am: USS Alden proceeded down river. One rating joined ship from hospital, 4f4d134aa2fc8ee092001231: ( 8 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 One rating joined from HMS Mantis. 7.55am: HMS Widgeon proceeded up river. 11.30am: Lt GAB Hawkins RN joined ship. 1.25pm: Japanese gunboat arrived. 4.25pm: USS Elcano proceeded up river. 4f4d134ba2fc8ee092001232: ( 9 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 8.40am: Chinese gunboat proceeded up river. Discharged one rating to HMS Gnat. 4f4d134ba2fc8ee092001233: ( 10 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 8.0am: Dressed ship. (National Day of the Republic of China, also known as Double Ten Day.) Discharged one rating to hospital. Completed with 120 tons of coal. 11.0pm: Italian Sebastiano Caboto arrived. 4f4d134ca2fc8ee092001234: ( 11 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Discharged one rating to hospital. 4f4d134ca2fc8ee092001235: ( 12 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 12.15pm: French gunboat Craonne (Picture) arrived. 12.20pm: USS General Alava proceeded down river. Fired salute of 13 guns for US RA. One rating joined ship from HMS Mantis. 4f4d134ca2fc8ee092001236: ( 13 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d134da2fc8ee092001237: ( 14 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 6.30am: Weighed and proceeded alongside Laestrygon hulk (Butterfield & Swires). 4f4d134da2fc8ee092001238: ( 15 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 11.15am: Japanese Akashi proceeded down river. 4.45pm: USS Villalobos arrived. 4f4d134ea2fc8ee092001239: ( 16 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4.35pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Gnat. 4f4d134ea2fc8ee09200123a: ( 17 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d134ea2fc8ee09200123b: ( 18 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 9.30am: Landed party for route march. 9.40am: HMS’ Woodlark and Mantis arrived and Woodlark secured alongside. Discharged ammunition to Mantis for Hong Kong. Discharged three ratings to Mantis. 4f4d134fa2fc8ee09200123c: ( 19 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d134fa2fc8ee09200123d: ( 20 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 9.30am: HMS Woodlark shoved off. 4f4d1350a2fc8ee09200123e: ( 21 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Discharged one rating to HMS Mantis. 4f4d1350a2fc8ee09200123f: ( 22 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 6.10am: Chinese gunboat passed down river. 9.40am: HIJMS Fushimi proceeded up river. Fired Noon gun. 1.10pm: HMS Mantis proceeded down river. 4f4d1350a2fc8ee092001240: ( 23 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 6.0am: Chinese gunboat passed down river. 9.0am: HMS Woodlark proceeded up river. 1.0pm: Woodlark returned. 4f4d1351a2fc8ee092001241: ( 24 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d1351a2fc8ee092001242: ( 25 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d1352a2fc8ee092001243: ( 26 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 6.0am: HMS Woodlark proceeded down river. 4f4d1352a2fc8ee092001244: ( 27 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 9.30am: Party landed for route march. One rating rejoined from hospital, one rating joined from HMS Woodlark and one rating discharged to HMS Widgeon. 4f4d1353a2fc8ee092001245: ( 28 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Completed with 85 tons of coal from lighters. 4f4d1353a2fc8ee092001246: ( 29 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 4f4d1353a2fc8ee092001247: ( 30 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 7.0am: Chinese destroyer came down river. 4f4d1354a2fc8ee092001248: ( 31 October 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 8.0am: Dressed ship for the Japanese Emperor's birthday. 12 noon: Fired 21 gun salute to Japan. 12.10pm: Chinese cruiser arrived. 3.0pm: HMS Scarab arrived from Ichang. 4f4d1354a2fc8ee092001249: ( 4f4d1354a2fc8ee09200124a: ( 4f4d1355a2fc8ee09200124b: ( 4f4d1355a2fc8ee09200124c: ( 4f4d1355a2fc8ee09200124d: ( 4f4d1356a2fc8ee09200124e: ( Above six pages blank. LOG BOOK – NOVEMBER 1ST 1921 TO DECEMBER 31ST 1921 4f4d1356a2fc8ee09200124f: ( 4f4d1357a2fc8ee092001250: ( Front cover November/December1921. 4f4d1357a2fc8ee092001251: ( Blank page. 4f4d1358a2fc8ee092001252: ( Excess speed record and fuel consumption figures, signed by Captain. 4f4d1358a2fc8ee092001253: ( Instrument page Aneroid Barometer, T Wheeler 6199 Thermometers. Wet. J Hicks, 2152. Dry. Negretti and Zambra 10602. Sea. Reynolds LOGS FOR NOVEMBER 1921 (Hankow and Hong Kong) 4f4d1358a2fc8ee092001254: ( 1 November 1921 Hankow. Lat 30.57, Long 114.3 Hands employed transporting ammunition from HMS Scarab. 9.25am: Chinese troopship passed up river. 10.05am: US gunboat passed up river. 10.20am: Japanese gunboat passed up river. 12.40am: One PO rejoined from hospital. 4.40pm: Japanese gunboat passed down river. Discharged two ratings to HMS Widgeon and one rating to HMS Woodcock. 4f4d1359a2fc8ee092001255: ( 2 November 1921 Hankow to Kiukiang. Lat 30.21, Long 115.16 (approx) 6.0am: Cast off from B and S pontoon and proceeded for Hong Kong. 9.25am: Willis I. cut off abeam. 12 noon: Kitau abeam. 4.40pm: Anchored off Kiukiang. 4f4d1359a2fc8ee092001256: ( 3 November 1921 Kiukiang to Two Fathom Channel. Lat 30.45, Long 116.95 6.0am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.15am: NE crossing abeam to port, 0.5 miles. 12.35pm: Anking Pagoda abeam. 2.04pm: Taitzecki Rock Temple abeam. 4.25pm: Tatung Pagoda abeam. 4.55pm: Anchored in Two Fathom Channel. 4f4d1359a2fc8ee092001257: ( 4 November 1921 Two Fathom Channel to Kiang Yin LV. Lat 32.14, Long 118.8 Rigged backstay to mainmast. 5.30am: Weighed and proceeded. 8.15am: Passed HMS Gnat lying off Wuhu. 10.47am: Passed HMS Alacrity at anchor (at Heasanshan, vide log of Alacrity). 11.15am: Passed HMS Cricket proceeding up river. 11.40am: Nanking Custom House abeam. 6.30pm: Closed HMS Bluebell at anchor. 6.45pm: Anchored, Kiang Yin LV bg S65W 0.5 miles. 4f4d135aa2fc8ee092001258: ( 5 November 1921 Kiang Yin LV and at sea towards Hong Kong. Lat 31.45, Long 121.5 (approx) 4.0am: HMS Bluebell sailed up river. 5.20am: Weighed and proceeded. 7.45am: Pitman King LV abeam to port 0.5 miles. 1.05pm: Came to port anchor off Woosung and dropped pilot. 1.30pm: Weighed and proceeded. 5.15pm: Tungsha LV abeam. 6.16pm: Fairway Bell buoy bg NNW, 1 mile. 9.0pm: Steep I. Lt bg S16E. 4f4d135aa2fc8ee092001259: ( 6 November 1921 At sea. Lat 28.20, Long 121.85 7.35am: Heishan Lt abeam, 4.6 miles. 4.40pm: Piki Shan abeam, 11 miles. 10.50pm: Tung Yung Lt bg S38W. 4f4d135aa2fc8ee09200125a: ( 7 November 1921 At sea. Lat 24.93, Long 119.52 5.33am: Turnabout bg S44W. 12.18pm: Ockseu Lt abeam to starboard, 4 miles. 8.30pm: Chapel I. Lt abeam, 12.5 miles. 4f4d135aa2fc8ee09200125b: ( 8 November 1921 At sea to Hong Kong. Lat 22.63, Long 116.0 7.25am: Lost by accident, patent log due to junk crossing close astern. Lost due to heavy weather, one potato locker. 1.25pm: Chilang Pt bg N64W. 4.59pm: Pedro Blanco abeam to port, 5.1 miles. 9.20pm: Passing through Lye Mun Pass. 10.30pm: Secured to No 9 buoy off Hong Kong naval dockyard. 4f4d135ba2fc8ee09200125c: ( 9 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.15am: Discharged two ratings to HMS Tamar. Completed with coal from lighters, 50 tons. 5.15pm: Two Japanese destroyers arrived (Ume and Kaede, vide log of Foxglove). 4f4d135ba2fc8ee09200125d: ( 10 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.35am: HMS Cairo sailed. Discharged two ratings to hospital. 5.45pm: Cairo returned. One rating joined ship. 4f4d135ca2fc8ee09200125e: ( 11 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.0am: Landed church party for armistice service. 10.55am: Two Japanese destroyers sailed (see 9th Nov.). 11.0am: Observed two minutes silence. 4.30pm: Discharged one rating to HMS Tamar. 4f4d135ca2fc8ee09200125f: ( 12 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0am: HMS Moth sailed. 4f4d135da2fc8ee092001260: ( 13 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4f4d135da2fc8ee092001261: ( 14 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Refitted motor boat and whaler’s falls. 4f4d135da2fc8ee092001262: ( 15 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.45am: HM Submarines L1, L19, L20 and L33 arrived. 10.0am: Carried out medical inspection. 10.15am: Discharged one rating to hospital. Lost overboard, one marlin spike. 4.30pm: Two Japanese destroyers arrived. 4f4d135ea2fc8ee092001263: ( 16 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.30am: USS Pampanga (Pambanga in log) arrived. 4f4d135ea2fc8ee092001264: ( 17 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.45am: HMS Robin sailed. 12 noon: French sloop Altair arrived. 4f4d135ea2fc8ee092001265: ( 18 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.35am: HMS Foxglove secured alongside. 2.40pm: Foxglove shoved off. 4f4d135fa2fc8ee092001266: ( 19 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 5.30pm: HMS Hawkins arrived. 4f4d135fa2fc8ee092001267: ( 20 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0am: Two Japanese destroyers sailed. 4f4d135fa2fc8ee092001268: ( 21 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.20am: HMS Merlin sailed. 8.20am: HMS Foxglove sailed. 4f4d1360a2fc8ee092001269: ( 22 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.05am: French sloop Altair sailed. Hands employed scraping cable lockers. 4f4d1360a2fc8ee09200126a: ( 23 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.0am: Disembarked ammunition. 10.05am: HMS Robin arrived. 1.0pm: Paid casual payment due to reinstatement of concession $. 4f4d1360a2fc8ee09200126b: ( 24 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Docked in dry dock. Magazine and shell room keys (12 in No.) returned to police in dockyard. 4.0pm: Landed funeral party (for Ldg Stoker William Norman, 308772, late of HMS Titania, died after illness). 4f4d1360a2fc8ee09200126c: ( 25 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Lowered anchors into dock and ranged cable for survey. Landed ammunition party. 4f4d1361a2fc8ee09200126d: ( 26 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1361a2fc8ee09200126e: ( 27 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4f4d1362a2fc8ee09200126f: ( 28 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Discharged two ratings to RNH. Restowed cable. 4.10pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4f4d1362a2fc8ee092001270: ( 29 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Undocked and berthed alongside West wall. 4f4d1362a2fc8ee092001271: ( 30 November 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 6.55am: HMS Carlisle arrived. Two parties of men from HMS Tamar working on board. Shifted berth under 100 ton crane. LOGS FOR DECEMBER 1921 (Hong Kong to pay off and recommission) 4f4d1362a2fc8ee092001272: ( 1 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.0am: Dressed ship for Queen Alexandra's birthday. 9.30am: HMS Alacrity arrived. Two ratings joined ship. Leave to port watch, 1.30pm to 7.0am. Leave to first part of starboard watch, 1.30pm to 10.0pm. 4.30pm: Exercised fire drill. 5.45pm: Undressed ship. 9.0pm: Rounds correct. 4f4d1363a2fc8ee092001273: ( 2 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraped cable lockers. 4f4d1363a2fc8ee092001274: ( 3 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Landed party for C-in-C’s inspection at Happy Valley. (The Governor of HK, at this time Sir Reginald Stubbs, was ex-officio C-in-C British Forces overseas HK and that is probably who is intended here, rather than the naval C-in-C.) 4f4d1364a2fc8ee092001275: ( 4 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4f4d1364a2fc8ee092001276: ( 5 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.05pm: HMS’ Cairo and Curlew left. 4f4d1365a2fc8ee092001277: ( 6 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.25am: HMS Cairo arrived. 9.35am: HMS Titania sailed. 4f4d1365a2fc8ee092001278: ( 7 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 10.40am: HMS Merlin arrived. 4f4d1365a2fc8ee092001279: ( 8 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1365a2fc8ee09200127a: ( 9 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1366a2fc8ee09200127b: ( 10 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1366a2fc8ee09200127c: ( 11 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Sunday routine. 4f4d1367a2fc8ee09200127d: ( 12 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Scraped and red-leaded provision rooms. 4f4d1367a2fc8ee09200127e: ( 13 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1367a2fc8ee09200127f: ( 14 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 7.45am: Two divers sent to HMS Foxglove for monthly dip. 4f4d1367a2fc8ee092001280: ( 15 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.15am: HMS Marazion arrived. 2.30pm: One rating rejoined from hospital. 3.0pm: HMS Tarantula arrived. 4f4d1368a2fc8ee092001281: ( 16 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.03am: HMS Tarantula sailed. 9.30am: HMS Bluebell arrived. 1.0pm: HMS Titania arrived. 4f4d1368a2fc8ee092001282: ( 17 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1368a2fc8ee092001283: ( 18 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Landed church parties. 4f4d1369a2fc8ee092001284: ( 20 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4.45pm: HMS Moorhen secured alongside. 4f4d1369a2fc8ee092001285: ( 19 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d1369a2fc8ee092001286: ( 21 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 8.30am: Discharged ratings to SS Bellerophon*, for passage home. 5.45pm: HMS Bluebell left. * Bellerophon, the second of three Blue Funnel Line ships of this name, 1906, 8.954 tons, scrapped in 1948. 4f4d136aa2fc8ee092001287: ( 22 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.10am: HMS Robin arrived. 4f4d136aa2fc8ee092001288: ( 23 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 11.30am: HMS Hollyhock arrived. 4f4d136aa2fc8ee092001289: ( 24 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d136aa2fc8ee09200128a: ( 25 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d136ba2fc8ee09200128b: ( 26 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Paid money on paying off. Read character and ability awards. Ship paid off and recommissioned. 4f4d136ba2fc8ee09200128c: ( 27 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 Discharged old ship's company to HMS Tamar, retaining C and M party of 11 ratings. 4f4d136ca2fc8ee09200128d: ( 28 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.15am: Working party from Tamar arrived on board. 4f4d136ca2fc8ee09200128e: ( 29 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 9.15am: Working party from Tamar arrived on board. Surg. Lt Carter, Mr M Roberts, Commissioned Engineer, Mr J Beese Gunner and new crew joined ship from SS Cyclops. 4f4d136ca2fc8ee09200128f: ( 30 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d136da2fc8ee092001290: ( 31 December 1921 Hong Kong. Lat 22.3, Long 114.2 4f4d136da2fc8ee092001291: ( 4f4d136da2fc8ee092001292: ( 4f4d136ea2fc8ee092001293: ( 4f4d136ea2fc8ee092001294: ( 4f4d136ea2fc8ee092001295: ( 4f4d136fa2fc8ee092001296: ( Above six pages blank. |
Revised 15/02/2020 |